June 26, 2016 The Beatitudes
June 26, 2016 The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes June 26, 2016 SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2016 ~ 8:30AM JESUS’ WAY Prelude Karen Johnson, organ Responsive Reading of the Psalms Blessed Are You . . . All Praise to God Who Reigns Above (Hymn 296) Time of Prayer Pastor Colleen Nelson Welcome and Announcements Gideon Presentation Christ Is Risen Beautiful One Giving Our Offerings Offertory He Is Our King Scripture Readings: Isaiah 66:1-2; Matthew 6:25-34 Sermon Eric Morgan Pastor Mark Hovestol JESUS’ WAY: BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT WHOM DO YOU DEPEND ON? Lord, I Need You Blessing Postlude Following worship there are people who are willing to pray with you for any needs or concerns you may have; meet in the north Sanctuary hallway. WORSHIP ~ JESUS’ WAY June 26: The Poor in Spirit July 3: Those Who Mourn July 10: The Meek July 17: Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness July 24: The Merciful July 31: The Pure in Heart August 7: The Peacemakers August 14: Those Persecuted for Their Faith August 21: Those Who Are Personally Attacked THIS WEEK AT RC: June 26 - July 3 26(Sn)8:15am 8:30am 9:45am 10am 27(M)9:30am 28(T) 9am 29(W)6:00pm 6:30pm 3(Sn)8:15am 8:30am 9:45am 10am Prayer Time (The Gallery) Blended Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) Prayer Time (The Gallery) The Canvas Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) Women’s Bible Study (The Gallery) Women’s Bible Study (Pam Visser’s home) RC Youth and Family Ministry Summer Life Group Adult Bible Study & Prayer (Sanctuary) Prayer Time (The Gallery) Blended Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) Prayer Time (The Gallery) The Canvas Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) Summer Worship Schedule 8:30am Blended 10:00am The Canvas Introducing our Administrative Assistant/Communication Specialist We are pleased to welcome Ashley Stevens to the RC Staff as our new Administrative Assistant/Communication Specialist. Ashley, being a recent Bethel graduate, started the position this past week. RC has decided to add the Communication Specialist position as one of the roles the Administrative Assistant will oversee. LIFE@RC Women’s Summer Bible Studies Monday, June 13th at 9:30 am, a seven-week study using the workbook “Open Your Bible” from shereadstruth.com. Whether you are a seasoned Bible reader or struggle to keep up with studying Scripture, Open Your Bible will leave you with a greater appreciation for the Word of God, a deeper understanding of its authority, and a stronger desire to know the Bible inside and out. The study will be led by Pastor Colleen and Lisa Olson (from Catalyst Covenant Church). There will be childcare available (donation). Sing and Study A Bible Study will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 10am. Pastor Mark Hovestol will be leading a study of Matthew. (Rm 23) Summer Adult Bible Study & Prayer (every other week) All adults are invited to attend Wednesday evenings here at church, 6:30pm, as we study the Sermon on the Mount (alongside the sermon series) led by Pastor Mark and Eric Morgan. (kids and youth ministry will also be meeting every other week). Summer Calendars for Children & Youth There are exciting things planned for kids of all ages this summer. The calendars have been mailed; if you did not receive yours, please contact Heidi or Luke. Extra calendars are on the Life@RC board. Summer Theater We are excited for another Summer Theater production from the Narnia series! This year it will be “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”. The performance is scheduled for August 13th and 14th. Tryouts have been held; if you are interested in being involved with this production, contact Eric or Afarin, [email protected]. Feed My Starving Children Our Summer Impact Night is coming up on July 13th at 6-7:30pm. Feed My Starving Children has asked for our help to fill their packing sessions in Coon Rapids. We welcome anyone in our church 5 years old and up to register online with the ‘join a group’ code #911441 or add your name to the sign-up sheet in the lobby. Feel free to contact Colleen, Heidi, or Luke with any questions. Little Jammers Gathering Little Jammers, a time for our families with young babies and preschoolers, will be meeting at Lewis Park Splash pad this Sunday evening, 3-5pm. It is located at 900 North Marion Street, St. Paul. See you there. Church Directories RC’s Church Directories are available for pick-up in The Gallery from 9:30-10:00am and 11:00-11:15am. Each family may pick up ONE directory if their photo is in Directory. If you do not have a photo in the Directory, or you would like an additional Directory, cost $5. Sarah Cross Baby Shower All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower Brunch for Sarah Cross, daughter of Liz & Irv Cross, on Saturday, July 9th at 11:00am in Fellowship Hall. Sarah is registered at Amazon and Target. Wedding Shower All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Tom and Karen Johnson’s son, Jack, and his fiancée, Mary Beth Horstman. It will be at Fae Holin’s, 4194 Hemlock Lane, Vadnais Heights, 7 pm, July 14. They are registered at Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and Crate & Barrel. If you have any questions contact Fae at 651-483-6046 or Wendy McDonald at 651636-5937. Choir Accompanist A Choir Accompanist position is available: - contact Jenny Currie to audition, 651.636.9524, [email protected] - weekly rehearsals with the choir ~ September through mid-June - accompany choir 3 weeks per month in worship - this is a paid position - weekly stipend Stats for June 19: Weekly budgeted offering (June): $20,021; Actual $13,576.60 Pastor Mark Hovestol - Lead Pastor Pastor Colleen Nelson - Associate Pastor Austin Kaufmann - Administrator Heidi Swanson - Dir. of Children’s Ministries Luke Korthuis - Youth Director Jenny Currie - Choir Director Eric Morgan - Care Ministry Coordinator ROSEVILLE COVENANT CHURCH 2865 N Hamline Avenue, Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 633-5526 www.rosevillecovenant.org
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