sunday, march 13, 2016
sunday, march 13, 2016
SEVEN ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: WHAT BRINGS FULFILLMENT? March 13, 2016 SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016 ~ 8:30AM Prelude Karen Johnson, organ I, the Lord of Sea and Sky (Hymn 685) Welcome Eric Morgan The Earth Is Yours Good, Good Father Loved By You Prayer of Thanks Luke Korthuis Announcements and Offering Offertory O Jesus, I Have Promised (Hymn 610) Scripture Reading: John 13:1-5, 13-17 Sermon Pastor Colleen Nelson Bill Strait LENT: SEVEN ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS WHAT BRINGS FULFILLMENT? Pastor Mark Hovestol The Stand The Power of Your Name Blessing Postlude Karen Johnson Following worship there are people who are willing to pray with you for any needs or concerns you may have; meet in the north Sanctuary hallway. WORSHIP ~ LENT: SEVEN ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS FEBRUARY 14: WHY PRAY? FEBRUARY 21: WHO IS JESUS? FEBRUARY 28: WHAT MATTERS MOST? MARCH 6: AM I ACCEPTED? MARCH 13: WHAT BRINGS FULFILLMENT? MARCH 20: WHAT ABOUT SUFFERING MARCH 27: IS THERE HOPE? (Easter Sunday) THIS WEEK AT RC: March 13-20 13(Sn)8:15am 8:30am Prayer Time (The Gallery) Blended Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) 9:45am Kids’ WonderWorld & Discovery Zone Youth: Middle School (Rm. 8); Sr. High (Rm. 26) Adults: How to Study the Old Testament (Rm. 23) Reflection for the Reluctant (Fellowship Hall) 10:45am Prayer Time (The Gallery) 11am The Canvas Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) 14(M)6pm Community Bible Study 15(T)7pm Women’s Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 16(W)5:30-6:15 Community Meal (gym) 6:15pm Youth (6-12 gr.) meet at Young Life Center 6:30pm Kids (age 3-5th gr.) WonderWorld & Discovery Zone 6:30pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Adults: The Gathering (RCcafé) Sticky Faith Family Training Hard Sayings of Jesus 17(TH)7pm Worship Team Rehearsal 7pm Baby Shower (RCcafé) 18(F)6am Men’s Workshop (Fellowship Hall) 19(S)10am Confirmation Retreat 20(Sn)8:15am Prayer Time (The Gallery) 8:30am Blended Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) 9:45am Kids’ WonderWorld & Discovery Zone Youth: Middle School (Rm. 8); Sr. High (Rm. 26) Adults: How to Study the Old Testament (Rm. 23) Reflection for the Reluctant (Fellowship Hall) 10:45am Prayer Time (The Gallery) 11am The Canvas Worship (nursery care for birth-age 3) KidJam (4yrs.-3rd grade, dismissed from Worship) LIFE@RC March is Food Shelf Month RC is partnering with Keystone Community Services to provide groceries/personal care items for people in need. Grocery bags for your donations are available in the lobby; a list of suggested items is included with each bag. RC’s goal is 100 bags! All donations will be matched by Second Harvest. Thank you for your generosity. Calling All Orchestra Players! We would love for you to help lead worship at both services Easter Sunday, March 27. Most of the practice will be on your own, but we’ll get together to run through songs with Brian on Saturday, March 26. Charts are available upon request. SING ALLELUIA! We invite all who love to sing to swell the ranks of our Easter Choir this March 27th. You are invited to two prior rehearsals, Wednesdays, March 16 & 23, 6:30-8pm. Please let a choir member or the director, Jenny Currie (651.636.9524) know if you will join us so we can prepare music for you. Easter Memorials If you would like to remember/honor a loved one by giving a donation toward flowers for Easter Sunday, you may do so by filling out a memorial form available on the LIFE@RC board in the lobby; place in the offering, mail to the church office, text “giverc” to 77977, or website online giving, select restricted receipt fund - flowers, before March 20. The flowers donated through Easter Memorials will continue to beautify our sanctuary after Easter; therefore no flowers will be available for pick up after the Easter services. Thank you for your contributions for creating a beautiful worship space. Kids’ Ministry Event for Easter Sunday We will be having the “Walk with Jesus” event again this year during the Sunday School hour, open to everyone; donations of flameless candles, Naan bread, grape juice, plastic eggs and wrapped candy needed. We are also looking for people to help during the event as well as set-up/clean-up. A sign up sheet, and basket for donations is at the nursery counter. Questions: Heidi, 651.633.5526 x113, or [email protected] Thriving in Babylon We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives, It’s time for us to more than just survive; We were made to thrive. (Lyrics by Mark Hall.) After Easter we are diving into a new series, “Thriving in Babylon.” What makes you tick? When are you truly thriving? For me (Brian), music and biking bring me to life. I’d like to invite you into curating a display in The Gallery beginning April 3, showcasing things that make you come to life: artwork, photography, woodworking, quilting, knitting, pottery, travel . . . whatever the case may be, bring something that represents you by March 31 for our display through May. Questions? Talk to Brian. Upcoming Events for Youth * Confirmation Retreat ~ March 19, 10am-3pm at RC * Middle School SERVE Day ~ April 9, 9am-4pm (meet at RC) * MOVE for Senior High ~ April 15-16 @ Minnehaha Academy ($30. - sign up with Luke) Sundays for Adults How to Study the Old Testament ~ led by Pastor Mark (Rm. 23) Reflection for the Reluctant - Personal Spiritual Practices Come and experience a variety of spiritual practices as we reflect on and respond to several of Jesus’ invitations found in Scripture. Led by Katie Isaza & Pastor Colleen (Fel. Hall) Wednesdays for Adults (6:30-7:45): Sticky Faith Family Training (Great for families with kids of ALL ages!) Hard Sayings of Jesus Guy Stromquist will lead us through some hard sayings of Jesus. Bring your questions (and your Bible) and we’ll dive in. (The Gallery) Opportunity for Women * Triennial XV is July 28-31, 2016 in Kansas City, MO. Info is available on the WM board. North Park Fund Every student is at the heart of our mission. Giving to the North Park Fund means that you help every one of our students every day, both at North Park University and Seminary. Go to to read about how you can make a difference! BABY SHOWER Come join us for a baby shower and share in the fun, as Jen & Jeff Bauer (daughter of Greg & Cindy Fuller) prepare for the upcoming birth of their baby. Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 17, 7pm in the RCcafé. They are registered at Target & Bye Bye Baby. Let us know if you can join us: 218.556.2202. July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Budget Income $533,333 Expenses $538,007 Net $ (4,674) Actual $551,108 $521,527 $ 29,581 Annual $800,000 $800,000 $ - Stats for March 6: Weekly budgeted offering (March): $14,139; Actual $18,524.29 Pastor Mark Hovestol - Lead Pastor Pastor Colleen Nelson - Associate Pastor Austin Kaufmann - Administrator Heidi Swanson - Dir. of Children’s Ministries Luke Korthuis - Youth Director Brian Daniel - Worship Pastor Jenny Currie - Choir Director Eric Morgan - Care Ministry Coordinator ROSEVILLE COVENANT CHURCH 2865 N Hamline Avenue, Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 633-5526
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