Gethsemane Lutheran Church Gethsemane Lutheran Church The
Gethsemane Lutheran Church Gethsemane Lutheran Church The
April 2015 Volume 48, Issue 4 The Leaf – a monthly publication of GLC Gethsemane Lutheran Church The Leaf 35 East Stanton Stanton Avenue ♦ Columbus OH 43214 ♦ 614614-885885-4319 Pastor Rev. June A. Wilkins [email protected] Music Ministries Dr. Timothy E. Guenther [email protected] Learning & Family Ministries Terri Siebert [email protected] Mission Developer Rev. Ipyana Mwakabonga [email protected] Child Care Center Center Brenda Weilbacher [email protected] Parish Secretary Diane Gutgesell [email protected] MIC Student Mary Ann Siefke [email protected] Custodian Brian McLean In this Issue From the Pastor─P. 2 Alleluia Fund─P. 3 Classes for All Ages─P. 4 B.R.E.A.D.─P. 4 Benefit Concert─P. 7 Small Groups─P. 8 Play & Learn─P. 9 Council Highlights─P. 12 Agape Meal – 6:30PM Thursday, April 2 Good Friday Worship – 7:00PM Friday, April 3 Easter Vigil Worship – 7:00PM Saturday, April 4 Easter Worship – 9:30AM Sunday, April 5 (Breakfast at 8:00AM) FROM THE PASTOR The theme for the Easter Season is EASTER PEOPLE. In this season, we will celebrate the joy that the resurrection has given us and the people that we have become because of it. Although we face adversity, trials, hardships, poverty, and grief, we know that God is always with us. So we can still pray and sing and worship God with the joy of the risen Christ! Knowing that Christ has risen from the dead, helps us to know that there is always life after tragedy, resurrection is possible – either here or eternally with God. Because Christ is risen, we are EASTER PEOPLE too! Easter People Theme for Season Rev. June Wilkins About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. – Acts 16:25 In chapter 16 in Acts, Paul and his traveling companion Silas are arrested for causing trouble with their message about Jesus. They are stripped, beaten with rods, and shackled in a prison cell. Then it says, that at about midnight, “they were praying and singing hymns to God.” They’re in a terrible predicament, they were beaten and shackled because of the gospel and yet they still praise and pray to God. And they seem downright cheerful doing it. The reason they can do this, is because Paul and Silas, and the rest of the people we meet in Acts, are EASTER PEOPLE. They face adversity, knowing and believing in Christ’s Resurrection and all that means for them: They know that the impossible can happen, that God has not abandoned them, that even if death should come it will have no hold over them. 2 ALLELUIA FUND “Alleluia Fund” Yard Sign ♦ Baptismal Font Chancel Furniture ♦ Chancel Candles Spring is coming! Our congregation needs to celebrate! Let's make an alleluia statement! How do we do that? There are several spring fix ups that our Worship Ministry Team and Outreach Ministry Team have put into play that will enhance our Gethsemane community. They are amazing, and you can watch them appear as our warmer months appear. So your "Alleluia" opportunity is this . . . Join with other Gethsemane friends and be a part of the "Alleluia Fund"! Yes, that is what we are calling it. This is what the "Alleluia Fund" will create: 1. YARD SIGN – $5,000 Gethsemane is putting in a new yard sign. The current one is 30 years old. 2. BAPTISMAL FONT – $4,000 Gethsemane is designing a new baptismal font. Our current one might spring a leak any day, any time. 3. CHANCEL FURNITURE – $1,900 Gethsemane's chancel furniture is refinished and once again as beautiful as new. 4. CHANCEL CANDLES – $900 Gethsemane has replaced all the chancel candles and equipment with new and permanent oil fueled flames. We invite you to be a part of this fun spring renewal celebration. YOU can decide what spring renewal contribution you would like to make to the "Alleluia Fund"; write your check with the memo line "Alleluia Fund" to Gethsemane and place it in the collection plate. Special "Alleluia Fund" envelopes are on the Sign-Up Desk for you to use. This is the best part of spring spruce-ups . . . let others do the work, and you support the end results with your generous gifts of love and thanksgiving. Thank You! Congregation Council 3 LEARN kids sing, listen to our director share what child care at Gethsemane is all about, tour the Play & Learn classrooms, eat some goodies see the P&L art show around the church, help the Center to pay for the soon to come new outdoor play equipment by giving a thank offering for the "saints" over the years who have made these 35 + years (several years getting ready to open!) possible. We will continue the Saints adult education class on April 26. LIFETIME LEARNING HOUR Christian Education about life, for life, and for a lifetime SUNDAYS at 10:45 AM IN THE MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Saints of the Church April 12 & 26, May 3, 10, 17 What is a saint? Have you known any? Are you a saint? How does a person get to be a saint? Is it different in the Roman Catholic Church (St. Hugh, St. Hilary, St. Hatebrand, St. Hilda, St. Mary, St. Peter) than in a Lutheran Church (St. Matthew, St. Luke, St. John, St. Paul)? Why is there no St. Noah or St. Abraham - or maybe there is?! Do other religions talk about saints? Join us for five Sundays (or whenever you can make it) to meet saints alive and dead, to understand why we have churches named for saints, and to get answers to at least some of your questions. meets in the Education wing at 10:45am NOTE! April 19 is a Celebration of Play & Learn Christian Child Care's 35th Anniversary year during church and during Education Hour! Hear our child care 4 B.R.E.A.D. JUSTICE MINISTRY Thousands gather at the Celeste Center to call for commitments from community leaders. In April, our Justice Ministry will prepare for the Nehemiah Action on Monday, May 4. The B.R.E.A.D. Assembly will be on Monday, April 13, where we will hear issue updates, hear the results of research on crime and violence and hear what will be requested from our public officials on May 4. And, report how many people we anticipate will come to the Action from our congregation. Our Justice Ministry Network has been informed of what’s been happening in B.R.E.A.D. and they will be calling members later this month to remind everyone about the Action. Our Justice Network is: Elaine Haines Wendy Luedke David Norman Darlene Norman Joanne Leussing Peter Lund Brian McLean Paula Sauer Beth Swallow Nancy Feole Scott Prigan Carol Prigan Imma Lyatuu James Laspisa. If you have any questions about our Justice Ministry, B.R.E.A.D., or any of the upcoming events, these are the people to ask! B.R.E.A.D ASSEMBLY Monday, April 13th, 7:00PM Congregation Tifereth Israel 1354 East Broad St. NEHEMIAH ACTION Monday, May 4th, 6:15PM Celeste Center 717 E 17th Ave. CELEBRATION – Monday, June 22nd, 7:00PM Location: TBA 5 “CHASE AWAY WINTER” WINTER” POTLUCK Going through the line. After lots of great food – lots of dishes to wash. Thanks Ian! Finding a place to sit. Playing in the sand and water. Keegan, Sam, and Evelyn chasing away the winter with summer play. 6 BENEFIT CONCERT Synchronicity Trio Bruce Posey, 'cello Dick Reuning, violin Sharon Walton, piano with guest artist Denise Spires, clarinet Sunday, April 19, 2015 4:00 pm at 4784 North High Street “Reflections…Ripples from the Past” Classic favorites and sparkling gems from the 20th Century Pachelbel, Handel, Clementi, Piazzolla, Gershwin favorites and Rick Sowash’s “Anecdotes and Reflections: A Portrait of America” Freewill Donation to benefit Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center With Food Pantries located at CRC, 14 W Lakeview and Gethsemane Lutheran Church, 35 E Stanton Please write CHECKS to CRC Partial Matching Funds from Thrivent Financial West Franklin County Chapter 7 CONNECT Small Group Ministries First Reflections Monday Bible Study Paula Sauer Every Monday at 8:00am at La Chatelaine-Worthington Second Saturday of the month at 8:00am at TeeJaye’s [email protected] Brown Bag Bible Bunch Dick Lyndes [email protected] Connections: Faith at Work Judy Reuning Every Wednesday at 12:00pm in the church library Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8-3:00pm. First Friday of the month at 7:00am at Bob Evans on Olentangy River Road Last Saturday of the month from 9-12:00pm in Trinity Hall [email protected] Book Group Sharon Walton [email protected] Barbara Ford [email protected] Men’s Breakfast Bob Davis [email protected] Thrivent Builds Bill Darlage [email protected] LWR Quilts Terri Siebert [email protected] Prayer Shawls [email protected] OR Call the Church Office Fourth Monday of the month Last Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm in the church library. at 7:30pm in the church library. 8 PLAY & LEARN Play & Learn 35 Year Celebration This month we celebrate 35 impressive years of service to families in the Columbus community. Children are loved, taught, and guided as they come into the care of teachers inside our Gethsemane Lutheran Church building and facilities. It is here where children can feel the love of Jesus. They learn about God and find a comfortable environment to learn about and enjoy their place in the world God has created. There are several events coming up this month that are exciting for all of us: • • • • • Tuesday, April 2nd - Easter Egg Hunt We would appreciate anyone who would like to donate unfilled plastic eggs to use for the hunt. Week of April 13th-17th - Week of the Young Child Celebration Thursday, April 16th - Spring Concert (6:30 p.m.) This concert is always such fun. Come if you can! Sunday, April 19th - Play & Learn Sunday (9:30 a.m.) Currently enrolled families and alumni are invited to Sunday morning worship to celebrate Play & Learn's 35th Anniversary. Classrooms will be open during the usual education time slot. Friday, April 24th - Fundraising Dinner (5:00 - 7:00 p.m.) Please support this delicious evening. The money raised will be put toward the new climber for the toddler play area. The Play & Learn Committee would very much like for you to consider sharing our joy over these past 35 years. Not only joy over the past but looking towards the improvements constantly on the agenda moving forward. The climber for the preschool play area will cost a lot. $27,000 installed! Yes, believe it or not, this is what a safe, well built, and exciting climber will cost us. The Fundraising Dinner will help. Yes, we do have some funds waiting in the wings, but that money is our back up. Would you please help us buy this beautiful climber for the children? Here are some donation options that would move us towards our goal, and they are based on the number 35. Imagine that! You could “buy” one of the slides for $3,500. You could “help buy” one of the roofs for $350. You could “help buy” one of the activity panels for $35, $3.50, or even $0.35. You decide what amount, if any, you would like to give to help us reach our goal. No gift is too small. We will appreciate and utilize every penny donated! Checks can be made out to Play & Learn and put in the collection plate on Sundays. Thank you for your support, work, prayers, and love over these past 35 years. We eagerly strive to love and teach children into the next 35 years. Play & Learn Committee 9 10 PEOPLE NEWS Our Prayers and Concern Are With . . . April Birthdays 3 Emilie Hagerdorn 6 James Laspisa Evelyn Lyatuu 9 Rachel Murphy 12 Heidi Hiller Erin Tober 16 Ralph Portzline 22 Kathy Montgomery 25 Barb Driver Jenn Bogan Darlene Norman 28 Jessica Lagergren “Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18 Members with ongoing concerns: Donna Baer … Bob and Sibylle Custis … Anita Gardner … Tiffany Hagerdorn … Elaine Haines … Dick and Sue Jones … Phyllis Nelson … Howard and Bonnie Spring. Family and friends with concerns: Mike Dhume (friend of Bob and Jan Davis) … Annabelle Duty (friend of Lee Ann Perin) … Mike Frashier (son-in-law of Don and Beryl Cumberland) … Wayne Gardner (father of Sara and Emily and grandfather of Maya) … John Hart (brother-in-law of Bonnie Reilly) … Jim Sims (neighbor of Gary Rader) … Kenneth (brother of Kathleen Vergamini). Homebound: Mary Bardach … Beryl Cumberland … Dotty Edwards (LaurelsWorthington) … Carolyn Fergus (Wesley Glen) … Ken and Alice Gerken (Mayfair Village) … Becky Oldaker (Bennington Glen) … Ralph Portzline (Chapel Grove Inn) … Joanne Vollrath … Phyllis Wei … Reva Woodruff (Sterling House). Congratulation to Jeff and Kate Siebert on the birth of their daughter Adeline 11 Mae Siebert, born March 4. Proud grandparents are Jim and Terri Siebert. Our love and compassion to the family of Rachel Kehrberg (aunt of Diane Gutgesell) who passed away March 2. Would you like to add a name to the Sunday prayers? Contact church secretary, Diane, at 8854319 or [email protected] before 10:00 am on Thursday to have the name printed in the bulletin. After that time, you will have the opportunity in worship to name those silently or aloud during the prayers. You may also have the name sent out to the congregation via our E-Prayers (email). COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Congregation Council OFFICERS: President Mark Hagerdorn Highlights of Council Meeting – March 12, 2015 A copy of the Council minutes and Financial Report is posted in Atrium Way. PLEASE READ BUT LEAVE POSTED. Take home copies (minus attachments) are available at the Sign-Up Desk in the narthex. PASTOR’S REPORT [email protected] Vice-President Paula Sauer [email protected] Secretary Bonnie Reilly [email protected] Treasurer Chris Bullwinkle Lent is drawing to a close with Holy Week approaching. An Agape meal will be served Maundy Thursday followed by Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter morning services. PRESIDENT’S REPORT The letter regarding “The Use of the Means of Grace” has been sent and acknowledged. TREASURER’S REPORT [email protected] MEMBERS: Contributions for February were lower than budgeted. Total expenses were also higher than expected for February. These items negatively impacted our net income year to date. Lower than expected contributions should remain a focus within church leadership and for the congregation as a whole. Jackson Lyimo [email protected] Michael Murphy [email protected] Judy Kulikowski OLD BUSINESS • • [email protected] Char Jessie [email protected] Gary Rader A monthly financial snapshot was presented and approved for placement in the weekly bulletins. Multiple special funding requests in a short period of time prompted discussion on the need for coordination and/or approval by council. Agreed that giving opportunities should be presented as a package. (see below in NEW BUSINESS) NEW BUSINESS [email protected] • . • Sanctuary refurbishments completed. The Worship Committee received a donation to cover part of the cost but would like to cover the balance outside their budget. MOTION: (M. Murphy, G. Rader) to pay the remaining balance of $2,009.20 from the Remembrance Fund. Carried. Outreach Committee has finalized details for new signage. They have budgeted funds to pay for approximately half of the cost of materials and installation. MOTION: (J. Kulikowski, M. Murphy) to 12 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Purpose Statement The people of Gethsemane Lutheran Church Sing God’s good news Share God’s unconditional welcome Care for each other Serve those in need • • • Guiding Principles • The life, words, and actions of Jesus Christ are the inspiration for all we do and are. • We recognize the uniqueness of each individual. We welcome and value everyone. • use up to $3,000 of the Remembrance Fund for the balance of the sign and its installation. Carried. Knowing that a new baptismal font is also planned for, council approved the solicitation of donations to cover it and the Remembrance Funds used for refurbishment and signage. A new budget needs to be prepared for presentation and approval at the May 31 Congregation Meeting. Paula Sauer was given direction to communicate with staff and committees the need to keep their budget requests in line with this year’s actual spending. Budget requests are needed by April 13. Pastor June has been advised that the INS case of Imma Lyatuu has been dismissed. The Bond money contributed by the congregation is expected to be returned to the church. Discussion of what to do with those funds was tabled for the April meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS • We reach out to each other, our neighbors, and creation with our hearts and minds as well as with our labor, generosity, and works of justice. NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 9, 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. CONGREGATION MEETING MAY 31, 2015 FOLLOWING WORSHIP. Submitted by Bonnie Reilly • We create a supportive environment to nurture growth and learning. We find Christ in the study of God’s Word and through sharing questions, doubts, a diversity of opinions, and new ideas. • As a faithful Christian community, we are led by the Holy Spirit to live and worship together, respect differences, communicate openly, and seek consensus. Vision Statement To empower a servant community that overflows with God's grace, justice, and welcome. 13 SERVING THIS MONTH – APRIL 2015 April 5 9:30 AM April 12 9:30 AM April 19 9:30 AM April 26 9:30 AM May 3 9:30 AM Assisting Minister Don Huiner Don Huiner Don Huiner Don Huiner Don Huiner Projectionist Mark Geary Jim Sauer Mike Siddall Brian McLean Kate Lutz Sound Monitor Eric Walton Mark Geary Jim Sauer Mike Siddall Eric Walton Joe Reilly Mike Siddall Gary Rader Lisa Whitesell Rosa Prigan Dick Lyndes Hank Langknecht Shirla Langknecht Dave Reutter Hugh Geary Joyce Geary Mark Geary Judy Reuning Joe Reilly Tim Mayer Andrea Mayer Mike Siddall Mark Hagerdorn Jim Sauer Paula Sauer Dave Whitesell Bob Hagerdorn Eric Walton Howard Feole Readers Scott Conlon Bob Abdou Bill Darlage Paul Siebert Ushers Click on the link to sign up and serve in the nursery. Nursery Communion Bread Joyce Geary Worship Team Carole Wilkins Brian Lutz Joyce Geary Communion Care Diane Langner Diane Langner Paula Sauer Paula Sauer Jane Sieberth Counters Jeff Luedke Wendy Luedke Joanne Leussing Hugh Geary Imma Lyatuu Dave Reutter Brian McLean Joyce Davis HOLY WEEK Maundy Thursday Agape Meal April 2 6:30 PM Good Friday Worship April 3 7:00 PM Don Huiner Assisting Minister Sound Monitor Ushers Easter Vigil Worship April 4 7:00 PM Mark Geary Jim Sauer Mike Siddall Bob Hagerdorn Howard Feole Jim Siebert Brian McLean Gottfried Maeffert Manfred Maeffert Diane Langner Rick Langner Jeff Luedke Wendy Luedke 14 APRIL 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Easter Breakfast Sunday, April 5, 8:00 AM served by our youth. 5 8:00 AM Easter Breakfast 6 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 9:30 AM Easter Worship 8:00 PM A.A. & Al Anon 4:00 PM Swahili Worship 12 9:30 AM Worship 10:45 AM Education Hour 4:00 PM Swahili Choir NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 19 8:30 am Health Ministry 9:30 AM Worship 10:45 AM Education Hour 4:00 PM Swahili Worship 26 9:30 AM Worship 10:45 AM Education Hour/New Member Class 3:30 PM Swahili Choir Wednesday 1 NO Bible Study 6:00-8:00 PM Food Pantry Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 6:30 PM Maundy Thursday Agape Meal 7:00 PM Good Friday Worship 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Worship 7 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 12:45 PM P&L Chapel 8 12:00 PM Bible Study 6:00-8:00 PM Food Pantry 9 10:00 AM LSS Food Pantry NO Handbells 7:00 PM Council 7:15 PM Vocal Choir 10 7:00 AM Connections 5:15 AM Faith Mission 11 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast 11-1:00 PM Food Pantry 13 8:00 AM Reflections 7:00 PM B.R.E.A.D. Rally 8:00 PM A.A. & Al Anon 14 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 12:45 PM P&L Chapel 6:00 PM P&L Staff Mtg. 15 12:00 PM Bible Study 6:00-8:00 PM Food Pantry 7:30 PM Swahili Mtg. 16 6:30 PM P&L Spring Concert NO Handbells NO Vocal Choir 17 18 11-1:00 PM Food Pantry 20 8:00 AM Reflections 6:00 PM Day Care 8:00 PM A.A. & Al Anon 21 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 12:45 PM P&L Chapel 7:15 PM Adult Ed Ministry Team 22 12:00 PM Bible Study 6:00-8:00 PM Food Pantry 23 6:00 PM Handbells 7:15 PM Vocal Choir 24 25 8-2:00 PM Blood Drive 9-12:00 PM Quilting 11-1:00 PM Food Pantry 27 8:00 AM Reflections 7:30 PM Prayer Shawl 8:00 PM A.A. & Al Anon 28 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 12:45 PM P&L Chapel 5:30 PM Contemporary 7:00 PM Worship Ministry Team 29 12:00 PM Bible Study 6:00-8:00 PM Food Pantry 7:30 PM Book Group 30 6:00 PM Handbells 7:15 PM Vocal Choir 15 BLOOD DRIVE Sign up for the Red Cross Blood Drive on April 25 from 8-2pm. Chicken sandwiches will be served after your donation! You will be very happy for having helped someone with your giving. 16