Item 25
Item 25
Agenda Item #: VC-1116342130292-A Page 1 of 2 June 2, 2005 [ ] Ordinance Item 25 AGENDA ITEM [ ] Resolution [ ] Budget Resolution [ X ] Other Department: Growth and Resource Management File Number: VC-1116342130292-A Division: Administrative Services Subject: ECHO Grant 04-19, Bethune-Cookman College Performing Arts Center, reallocation of grant fund Account Number(s): ECHO Grants In Aid 160-200-1004-8000 for $500,000.00 Total Item Budget: $500,000.00 Staff Contact(s): Margaret Hodge Phone: 386-740-5210 ext. 2009 Summary/Highlights: On March 18, 2004, County Council awarded a grant in the amount of $500,000 to the Bethune-Cookman College Performing Arts Center (PAC). The grant and cash match funds were to be used to purchase equipment for the Center in order to enhance the public experience during performances. On May 11, 2005, the County received a letter dated May 9, 2005 from the Director of the Performing Arts Center (Attachment/15 pages). The letter includes attachments that demonstrate that all of the originally awarded items remain in the project scope except the “Outdoor Sign“. The grantee explained during an ECHO Advisory Committee meeting May 11, 2005, that the outdoor sign only added to the “glut of signs“ in the area and that their existing electronic marquis sign was highly visible. Further the Director Recommended Motion: Approve the reallocation of the grant funds to include purchase of the Enhanced Speaker System. Grant Award 04-19 remains $500,000.00 Montye Beamer Director Growth and Resource OMB Legal Betty Holness County Manager's Office Management Approved as to Budget Requirements Council Action: [] [] [] [] Approved as to Form and Legality Approved Agenda Item For: June 2, 2005 Modification: Approved as Recommended Approved With Modifications Disapproved Continued Date: 5/25/2005 Agenda Item #: VC-1116342130292-A Page 2 of 2 Summary/Highlights Continued: explained that after more intensive consultation with vendors regarding the other items of the project, a more appropriate design of the gallery and video systems resulted in a reduction in the funds required for the art gallery system and an increase in the funds required for the video/monitor system. The actual bids resulted in $149,020.14 of grant funds and $16,480.65 of match funds available for reallocation. The Performing Arts Center Director requests in the letter that the additional grant funds be used to purchase an enhanced speaker/sound system. The Center currently leases this type of equipment for performances as needed. The total cost for the system is $170,960.00 (ECHO $149,020.14 and $21,939.86 cash match) ECHO policy published in the 2005 ECHO Guide, page 13, Changes in Project Scope or Venue, states: “County staff may approve changes that do not change the intent of the grant agreement or scope of the project. The County Council must approve major changes, which change the intended use or central design of a facility, after review and recommendation by County staff or by the ECHO Advisory Committee, whichever is required“. On May 11, 2005, County staff brought the grantee's request to the ECHO Advisory Committee for review and recommendation. The Committee voted unanimously to approve the use of the grant for the additional items and to forward their recommendation to the County Council for final approval. Further,while the ECHO Advisory Committee expressed appreciation for the grantee's prudent actions, they clearly affirmed that they expect precise budgets in ECHO applications and that their decision to recommend reallocation of the funds rather than make the funds available for upcoming grant cycles should not be seen as standard policy. 5/25/2005 c~ -un no longerbelievethat it is necessaryto proceedwith this portion of the grant. Thereis a glut of signagealong our area 640Dr. MaryMdeod BethuneBlvd. DaytonaBeach,FL. 32114-3099 Dicect Line: 386-481-2700 Fax 386-481-2701 . glut and not provide any commensurate benefit to patrons. that to add only would signage proposed we Center, Arts Performing Cookman Bethune reading: 6- by 12-foot its with place in is it that Now completed. street large the proposal, the preparing were we When - $0) to video major three had have We sufficient. nearly not was equipment required the of cost estimated the that recognize now we to $201,058) the and ofUS92 top been yet contracting ($36,400 on sign not ($48,000 consistent, remained Project large had Sign electrical and Video and 3 Outside 2. sign marquis floor. third the on alcoves balcony east and west the on each feet linear 90 and landings, linear 100 area, lobby entrance the of feet linear 458 cover will gallery the indicate, 2A fabric- use to decided we Also, themselves. lights track the of cost the and contracting electrical of cost the over-estimated also We art. display to places appropriate not were example, for stairwells, that concluded we area, this in experts with analysis design extensive more through going After lobby. the in wall every on art envisioned we proposal, our submitted first we When - $86,890) to ($344,300 Gallery Art 1 screen foot projects: proposed the of each to tied are explanations following The 1). Attachment (see budget original the from changes the explain to written is letter This 32714 FL DeLand, Avenue, Indiana W. 123 200 Room Management, Resource & Growth usia Vol of County Hodge Schnebly Margaret Mrs. 2005 9, May Division of Hwnanities ECHOProgram Coordinator Re: Budget revision request for grant # 04-19 Dear Mrs. Hodge: covered plywood panel to hang and display (for increased flexibility in display), which proved to be far less expensive than a wire-based hanging system. As Attachment 2 and feet on the secondfloor front hallway that overlooks the lobby and on two 30-foot - While the basicscopeof this project has companies present separatedesigns and have greatly enhancedthe capabilities and longterm utility of the video system. Attachment 3 is the one of the video proposals, and Attachments 4 and 5 are maps of the proposed project. to original the occasions under many on slightly it in used came have shell we The November, last in installed was it Since budget. 4. Acoustic Shell ($175,000 to $169,433) - COLLEGE ,~~~~~-(OOKMAN Division of Hwnanities the great delight of both performers and patrons. following the for funds remaining the use to like would we explains, budget attached the As match. The proposedadjustmentsin the original applicationbudgetstatedaboveanddemonstratedin Attachment1, resultedin $149,020.14of unassignedECHOgrant funds anda balanceof $16,480.65in unassignedmatchfunds. I haveincludeda revisedbudgetsectionat the bottom of Attachment1, which detailsour proposeduseof all unassignedfunds. I alsohaveattached documentationsupportingthe proposedexpenditure(Attachment6). You will notethat the cost is $170,960,so the additionalfunds(approximately$5,459.21)will be borneby the collegeas project: 1 Enhance sound system ($21,939.86 ECHO)- While adequatefor match/$149,420.14 equalization equipment. The return on investment would be met within three years of presenting major events. Thankyou in advancefor consideringour revisedbudgetandproposaJ Sincerely, ~ ~ Rob Rothman Bethune McLeod Mary Director Performing Arts Center c~ un - Ii) 640Dr. Mary Md..eodBethuneBlvd. . DaytonaBeach,FL. 32114-3099 Direct Line: 386-481-2700 . Fax 386-481-2701 and The event each major systems. amplifiers speakers, sound for 6,000 to more include supplemental $3,000 renting spend would 6) in to had example) have for we Attachment (See Dance, the deficiency, of this Lord of enhancements King, proposed (BB Because speaking engagements, the hall's sound system is inadequate for major productions. CO) "": a.. "2 4' u m ~ '0 ~ C 't: cu .c (.) '; 4' ATTACHMENT2A LINEAR 3D-foot landings 2nd Floor Center Lobby Balcony Alcoves 32 100 45 124 124 2 120 Lobby corners Lobby center floor 2 1 2 90 lobby 2 lower 62 62 60 90 2 Right lobby 1 Left lower Egr QI.Y FLOOR TOTAL ABgA LOBBY 64 100 90 712 linear feet Attachment 5021STEPPA VENUE JACKSONVILLE,FL 32216 PHONE: 9~737.3511 - EM:: 9~737-8553 Tallahassee & Gainesville Locations: Offices Additional ~ Communications Jacksonville: Sound 3 STATE CERTIFIED ALARM CONTRACTORS: FLORIDA # EFOOO1256/GEORGIA # L VU405400 Website: E-mail:[IJ March 21, 2005 BL MEDIA DISTRIBUTION& CONTROLSYSTEM BETHUNECOOKMANFINE ARTS CENTER To Whom It May Concern: the for media provide will originated system locally and proposed CATV The of Center. control Arts and Fine display, your for cabling). 6 below, outlined facility. Category as (via the throughout distribution SYSTEM, We appreciate this opportunity to submit the following proposal for a MEDIA DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENTLIST I. IN-HOUSE VIDEO ORIGINA TION The proposed system will utilize one (1) Sony 2/3" 3-CCD DVCAM, providing 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ration selection, for an in-house program source. The camera's output will be availableat all proposeddisplaydevises. (1) 3-CCDDVCAM Sony model DSR-570WS equipped with the following: 20:1 Zoom Lens Fujinon model A20x8.6 lOX modellA-60 with CA-4XlR 10-foot Power 5.6"TFT Color Monitor VariZoom model VZ- TFT-CB BRM 60 Watt AC PowerSupply Cable Tripodwith Video Head Bogen Imaging model 515 Tripod with 516 Pro Video Head Wall Plate Extron AAP series equipped with three (3) BNC Y-R, Y-B, Y input Cabling.connectors& miscellaneoushardwarerequiredfor systeminstallation. ~ (Lot) bulkhead connectors for $29,772.00 PRICE: TOTAL One (1) 20-footcomponentvideobreak-outcable will be provided. Attachment Page 3 2 II. LCD PROJECTION& DISPLAY SYSTEM within protective enclosures for both noise dampening and security. projectors mounted be lumen will ANSI projectors 10,000 The Eiki (2) two screens. utilize will projection system motorized projection Draper proposed associated and a The The LCD projection and display system outlined below provides a choice of there projection options: a. two (2) proscenium wall side mounted display screens and associated balcony projectors; b. one (1) centrally mounted proscenium wall display and associated balcony projector; c. one (1) stage rear projection screen and associated projector. Both the projectors and motorized screen will be remotely controlled via the proposed Crestron color touch- model LC-XT3 equipped with the following: - Eiki 6.22-8. T Zoom Lens TP RGBHV/RS-232 Rcvr. Eiki modetAH-21091 ExtronmodelMTP R 15HDRS Projector Custom Protector MOTORIZEDSCREEN manufactured Trans. Extron model DA2 - Amplifier x 144"W) installation system for hardware miscellaneous & connectors 10S"H Extran model DVS204 required Distribution RGBHV/RS-232 TP RGBHV Area: ~ (Lot) (Viewing Extran model MTP T 15HD RS Projector Image Scaler Cabling, '1) enclosure Draper model 101179 Tab-tensioned "PREMIER- Screen with M1300 (matt white) Surface and l VC-llllow-voltage Control Interface (2) projector RBGHV (2) PROJECTOR (2) control. MULTIMEDIA screen Eiki (1) one 10,000 $70,095.00 PRICE: utilize motorizedprojectionscreens. The will ~roposed . system b projection TOTAL Both of the proposedprojectorswi/Idisplaythe same image. ANSI , . and projector and both noise dampening and security. i controlled color touch- screencontrol. (1) MULTIMEDIA ~-XT3equipped with the following 6.22-8.7- Zoom Lens TP RGBHV/RS-232Rcvr. AH-21 091 R 15HDRS Projector Protector J projector (1) .PREMIER- enclosure 101179Tab-tensioned with M1300(matt white) 10S"H x (1) ;-232 Trans Extronmodel MTP T 15HDRS 144"W) Attachment 3 Page 3 r ~ (1) (Lot) Add; and ~ctor lumen ANSI 10,000 Eiki (1) SCREEN"'{)S"'-$4;eO~ one PER system utilize pr~posed projection c. will ~/TIONAL , rear projection motorized screen. Both . via the proposed Crestron color touch-screen be (1) - Eiki model LC-XT3 will with the following Zoom PROJECTOR screen Extran model RSSEa(withcable 15HD 232 Rcvr. TPI skew 1.) MOTORIZED I C "ELECTRISCREEN" - Area: 21-ft H x 28-ft W Tab- Stewart (Approx. with Low-voltage Control Interface. 1} Projector Image Scaler model (Lot) Cabling 150., RS 15HD T MTP model Trans. RGBHV/RS-232 :11 TP surface will be "Filmscreen DVS204 required for system installation. 1/1. LOBBY PROGRAM& CATV DISPLAY SYSTEM The lobbydisplaysystemwill consistof seven {5} wall mounted42- LCD displays. The displayswill be equippedto utilizeeither NTCScompositevideo or RBGHVvideo sources. The plasma displays will be remotely controllable via a color touch-screen control - preset event scheduling will be available. (5) 42- LCD DISPLAY L G Commercialmodel L4200Aequippedwith the following: Attachment Page 4 Wall Mount model P RO-2155 (Flat Wall Mount) or Chief Bracket Extronmodel MTP R 15HDA - Research TP RGBHVTransmitter MTPT 15HDA with MPT DAB1-tn x 8-0ut 8-PortTP RF & ControlHub Lynx model 040-0090 installation system $52,137.00 hardware PRICE: TOTAL miscellaneous & connectors Cabling, for Extran model DVS204 :1) Projector Image Scaler (Lot) Amplifier Distribution required ~1) mode11CC2-VDC lynx model 040-0074 - Interface Control & Contemporary Extron (1) RF TP RS232Control InterfacewI Tuner - model Receiver RGBHV TP PWS-2155 (Pivot Wall Mount) IV. CRT PROGRAM& CATV DISPLAYSYSTEM the with equipped Zenith model H27E46DT TV 278 (7) COLOR The CRT display system will consist of seven (7) wall mounted 27" Color TVs. The TVs wiif be remotely controllable - preset event scheduling will be available. following: Contemporary Lynx model Wall Bretford model TVW27T -BK Control Mount Bracket $15,758.00 PRICE: TOTAL (Lot) Cabling,connectors& miscellaneoushardwarerequiredfor system installation. STAGEMANAGER'SDISPLAY SYSTEM RU-15LA70C model Commercial L (1) 158COLOR LCD TV G The display will consist of one (1) 158 LCD 1V equipped installation system for required $1,882.00 hardware PRICE: TOTAL miscellaneous Interface Lynx model040-0074 & Control & RF connectors Cabling. CAT-8 with the following: (Lot) v. Research 040-0074 Lynx model 040-0090 8-PortTP RF & Control Hub (1) modellCC 1-ZS2 Interface TP RF & ControlInterface MSmartCardM VI. AUDIO & VISUAL DISTRIBUTION/CONTROL SYSTEM The audio & visual distribution/control system will be located within a Middle Atlantic model DWR-35-22 wall mounted rack - blank panels, cable management, AC power distribution, 3 Attachment Page 3 5 and miscellaneoushardwarewill be providedas required. Equipmentprovidedwill consistof RT C2NET-2 with Controller SX1120 AV2 Crestron :1) SYSTEM CONTROLLER model AC POWER CONDITIONER model (1) following: SurgeX the NetworkInterface& C2COM-2Dual RS-232 ExpansionCard (1) Plasma& CRT Controller Contemporary (1) DVD PLAYER Marantz model PMD930 (RS-232 control) (1} D-VHS JVC model HM-DH40000U (1) AUDIO RRECORDER/PLAYER Extron model CrossPoint 300 84HVA V-R. V-B. V VIDEO PROCESSOR - Kramermodel FC-4040 Blonder-Tongue AM-40-550B equipped with OPT -2 (BNCVideo Input) & OPT-9 (6000. Audio MODULATOR ,1) &VIDEOSWITCHER AV ~1) Research model ICE-HE (supplied with one copy of uiCCommander Control & Scheduling Software" for Windows) - FilTER :1) CHANNEL ELIMINATION Input) Blonder-Tongue modelCEF and one (1) ContemporaryResearchmodel NF (74.7 MHz Notch - AMPLIFIER COMBINER Blonder-Tongue modelOC-8d BROADBAND (1) PASSIVE CATV (1) Filter) Blonder-Tongue BIDA 100A-30 $21,550.00 PRICE: TOTAL (Lot) Cabling,connectors& miscellaneoushardwarerequiredfor system installation VII. WIRELESS TOUCHSCREEN CONTROLLER A 10.5"WiFi TabletTouchpanelwill be providedfor systemcontrol- controlfunctionscan be availableto authorizednetworkconnectedPCs. Equipmentprovidedwill consistof the following: (1) 10.48lCD TOUCHPANEl Crestron model TPMC-10 with TPMC-10-DS Omni-directional Wall Mounted ANT24-O800 D-Link model DWL-2100AP POINT ACCESS b :1) 802.11 with Docking Station Antenna & $4,219.00 PRICE: TOTAL ANT24-CB06NAntennaExtensionCable VII/. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING & OWNER INSTRUCTION Attachment 3 Page 6 Sound Jacksonville by provided be will programming system Initial & Communications. Inc. Programming cost does include the cost for one (1) modification of the system's initial $5,645.00 PRICE: TOTAL program,within 30-daysof systemacceptanceby Owner. Two (2) on-site instructionperiods of four (4) hourseach are includedfor instructionof Owner'spersonnel. PRICINGINCLUDES: Supplyand installationof all JSC suppliedequipmentand associatedcabling. 2 Three (3) bound copies of system operation and maintenance drawings. manuals with as-built shop and/or cost 3. Proposed equipment is warranted against defects in equipment of labor for a period of one (1) year followingthe date of Owneracceptance(does not includethe replacement of projector bulbs). PRICINGDOESNOT INCLUDE: 1 The supplyand installationof 120V power. 2. Supply and installation of standard electrical boxes, conduit/wireway, AC 3 4. 5. and associated items. Fire-wall penetrations/sleeves and sealing. Structural modifications, painting and patching. Performance bond (can be provided for an additional cost). Following your review of this proposal, please do not hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions. Respectfully. BY: ACCEPTED Dennis Hunter Sales Representative TERMS: Quotation is based on acceptance within 90 days of the above date. Monthly biHings rendered based on work in contrad any to deny documents. right and the contr8ds AlA reserves Inc. standard with Coovnunications. compliance & full in Sound be not it Jacksonvile ahouki payment. quotation total this of from recei~ result until may whid1 above place on the 25th of the month. Jacksonville Soundshall havethe right to stopwork for nonpaymentwithinterms upon 10 days writtennotification.JacksonvilleSoundshallhave title to and the rightto possessionof the equipment as outlined MONTH. PAYMENT FOR COMPLETED WORK DURING THE MONTH WILL BE DUE ON THE 10TH OF THE FOLLOWING Touchscreen Instruction System Display Owner Distribution/Control Manager's & Wireless Visual & Audio Stage Programming Wireless System Display CATV & Program CRT System Display CATV & Program Lobby System Display & Projection LCD AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Attachment Page 7 In-House Video Origination System Controller $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 29,772 70,095 52,137 15,758 1,882 21,550 4,219 5,645 201,058 3 ~ Attachment 4 C Star I IIII OutsideStairs To 2nd, Floor Dressing Dock BanquetRoom , . , , , , , , , ~ .. ~ . . , Rm. Boiler ~. Elevato~ ,, . East Entrance . . . . . . . .. . .. . , , ,. WestEntrance' . . . . . . f '. .. Screen . , . . ... ... . PresidentWing Main Seating Camera Balcony Level Balcony Levet. .. . J. Balcony Seating Lobby Screen -..' .."." " c "c Lobby Screen " ~ Lobby Main Entrance PRELIMINARY DRAFT Level Stystem Orchestra & Distribution Lobby Main Media --- East ~ . . . . ~ DRAFT PRELIMINARY - IN TV CAMERA LOCATIONS HOUSE Outside Stairs To 2nd, Floor r 5 Rooms Dressing 2 # #1 -.- ale Attachment TV's !torus em I villi Star Office & TV Security Dock PresidentWing TV -4- Rm. '-Green ~ Q~--- . . . . . . . . . . . . West EntranC6 . TV .. . TV . . . . . Admin. .. .. .. .. .. Main Seating . ..~ast . .. '- . -- Balcony Seating -- Lobby . , . EQUIPMENT .... Main Entrance ..... . . . . President's Entrance . . . . . . . . . . . ---- Elevato~ Office . . . . . . . I . . Office East 6 ACHMENT TT A ... .. .. PRODUCTION SERVICE GROUP INC. 821 ANTIGUA ROAD JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32216 904-448-5990 * 904-710-4070 904-727--)882Fax QUOTE CENTER ARTS PERFORMING BETHUNE PURCHASE QUOTE EVENT: FOR MARY CUSTOMER: MCLEOD ROBROTHMAN A'rI'ENTION: !ill: !!EM 6 12 2 64 64 4 4 12 2 2 EY X LINE SUBS XLC EV LINE ARRAY CABINETS FLYGRrns STRAPS HINGES IS" SPACERACKS PANEIB EY P3(XX)RL 9340EQ 9344EQ PER ITEM RATE 2400.00 2750.00 2~.00 CARD OVER 2" X WIX 15" AMP WEDGES MONnOR 6 X 24 X-ARRAY 3400.00 3400.00 22500.00 1650.00 1350.00 TOTAL COST PURCHASE AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: Production Service Group: Ken P. KJeinecke, Owner Signature: Date: Purchaser/Client: Signature of Responsible Party: THANK YOU COST $14400.00 $33(XX).00 $ 3200.00 $ 41flJ.00 $11200.00 S 2600.00 $ 2400.00 $31200.00 $ 6800.00 $ 6800.00 $22500.00 $16500.00 $16200.00 1~.00 65.00 175.00 650.00 ~.oo Mll>ASSIENAMONllORCONSOLE 10 12 TOTAL Production Senice Group will supply the follo,,'in2 items. If any additional requirements are neededor if you have any questionspleasecall Ken Kleinecke. Date: $170960.00