Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan
Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan
Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry $13,000 walnut log 100 Grand Rapids Market 100-Market Specials 1319 Building 16th century furniture 17th century furniture (art) 17th century maple day bed (art) 1893 Chicago World's Fair 18th century American furniture 18th century arm chair (art) 18th century card table, const. 18th century card table, design 18th century china closet, const. 18th century china closet, design 18th century console (art) 18th century furniture 18th century highboy, construction 18th century highboy, design 18th century Italian furniture(art) 18th century Italian settee (art) 18th century memo desk, const. 18th century memo desk, design 18th century sideboard table (art) 18th century table reproductions 18th century table, construction 18th century table, design 1911 furniture market conditions 1911 furniture market conditions 1911 Grand Rapids furniture strike 1913 lumber grading rules 1926 income tax law 1929 census of manufactures 1929 furniture industry census Title That $13,000 log Make plans for centenary market Make plans for centenary market Brochure shows 1319 adjunct 16th century furniture in the Salting...(art) 17th century furniture styles from Hamilton.. American furniture of the 17th and ... Karpen's prize suite still in use Southern charm typified in Federal American Some of the early French and American ... Card or tea table of unusual construction Card or tea table of unusual construction 18th century china closet 18th century china closet Some of the early French and American ... 18th century furniture and its cabinetwoods An early eighteenth century highboy An early eighteenth century highboy Some of the eighteenth century Italian ... Italian settee 18th century painted and ... Eighteenth century memo desk Eighteenth century memo desk American designs of Heppelwhite influence... New priced-right line of authentic ... Adapting 18th century table to modern use Adapting 18th century table to modern use Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market A shorter factory work day Lumber press protests vigorously Important changes in the 1926 income ... Census of manufactures Furniture dollar volume slipping Page 1 Date 09-01 11-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 04-01 02-15 04-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 Year Page 1919 1927 1927 1922 1911 1945 1925 1925 1942 1927 1924 1924 1934 1934 1927 1940 1933 1933 1923 1935 1934 1934 1925 1949 1924 1924 1911 1911 1912 1914 1926 1931 1931 Column 164 53 53 85 501 27 22 24 25 39 8 8 22 22 39 11 19 19 253 17 34 34 22 8 155 155 40 88 297 308 54 50 34 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry 1929 stock market crash 1929 stock market crash 1930 furniture forecasts 1930 furniture sales reports 1930 furniture sales reports 1930 wholesale furniture outlook 1931 furniture industry forecast 1933 furniture industry outlook 1933, hopes for 1935 Leipzig (Germany) Spring Fair 1937 furniture profits 1939 furniture manufacturers ... 1945 Plastics Catalog 30-hour work week 54-hour weorking week 666 Lake Shore Drive (Chicago) A Guide to the Study of Woodworking A Manual for Hand Woodworking A.F. Burch Co. Aberdeen (WA) Furniture Mfg. Co. Abernathy Furniture(Kansas City,Mo) Abernathy Furniture(Leavenworth,KS) Abernathy Furniture(Leavenworth,KS) Title Business valley not likely to be deep Outlook for 1930 on par with 1929 Furniture business better -Seasonal gain January sales record of 109 stores Outlook for 1930 on par with 1929 Our salvation in the making Furniture industry still sees red The winning adventure of 1-9-3-3Stable prices, high attendance best signs ... 1937 profits Analyzing the 1939 census of furniture ... Today's books Short week claimed impractical The shorter day 666 becomes entrance to mart Book reviews Book reviews Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers What the manufacturers are doing Written in the semi-editorial vein Abernathy Furniture Co. builds fine plant Kiln cut short Abrasive Co. (Philadelphia) Abrasive wheels Abrasives Abrasives Abrasives, standardization of Abrasives, use in furniture making Academy of Science (Paris, France) Acaroid resin Ace Foolstool Co. (New York City) Simonds buys Abrasive Company, Philadelphia Randon talks on abrasive wheels Garnet, an important abrasive What to look for in abrasive papers and ... Abrasives are standardized Stories of the related industries Rocking chair is most hygienic Shellac substitutes from resin As the news story goes Page 2 Date 12-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 02-15 03-15 04-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 SPR 06-01 05-01 06-01 05-15 05-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 Year Page Column 1929 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1931 1934 1933 1935 1938 1941 1945 1934 1912 1925 1926 1926 1913 1912 1913 1925 1936 39 49 50 51 51 49 33 8 7 24 5 6 46 10 49 145 48 48 101 308 392 260 10 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1927 1914 1913 1939 1925 1918 1920 1922 1931 67 233 261 12 68 75 209 66 43 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Ace Juvenile Corp. (Chicago) Acetate rayon Acme Chair Co. (Reading, MI) Acme Chair Co. (Reading, MI) Acme Chair Co. (Reading, MI) Acme Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Acme Furniture...(New York City) Acme Manufacturing..(S. Bend, IN) Acme Reed Co. (New York City) Acme White Lead Co (Detroit) Acme White Lead Co. (Detroit) Acquistions and mergers Active Furniture ..(Jamestown, NY) Adam breakfast wagon, construction Adam breakfast wagon, design Adam dwarf bookcase, construction Adam dwarf bookcase, design Adam floor lamp, construction Adam floor lamp, design Adam furniture Adam furniture style Adam library case, construction of Adam library case, design of Adam music cabinet, construction Adam music cabinet, design Adam styles Adam, Robert & James Adam-Hepplewhite settee (art) Adams & Elting Co. Adams & Elting Co. (Indianapolis) Adams & Westlake Adams Furniture..(Charlotte, NC) Adams Furniture..(Charlotte, NC) Title Getting personal Synthetic fabrics As the news story goes What the manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Furniture pick-ups What some manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing That case ofalleged graft in Detroit Varnish graft expose in Detroit Strata of industry becomes clearer Jamestown meetings Adam breakfast wagon Adam breakfast wagon Making an Adam dwarf bookcase Making an Adam dwarf bookcase Two floor lamp designs Two floor lamp designs Examples of furniture of Robert & ...(art) The furniture of Robert and James Adam Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making The period styles in furniture The furniture of Robert and James Adam Number eleven of new series of drawings ... The Ad-El-Ite Death of Frank P. Wilson Recollections of an onlooker As the news story goes As the news story goes Page 3 Date 01-01 06-01 06-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 09-01 10-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 Year Page 1946 1946 1931 1913 1934 1928 1920 1913 1920 1912 1912 1929 1927 1921 1921 1916 1916 1921 1921 1924 1924 1916 1916 1916 1916 1913 1924 1924 1911 1913 1911 1931 1932 Column 46 38 64 473 27 68 168 473 200 293 167 56 83 342 342 17 17 96 96 72 71 112 112 38 38 71 71 117 590 624 174 44 34 3 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Adams, Ernest (Hoboken, NJ) Adams, Frederick A. Adawagam Furniture..(Allegan, MI) Additon, Forrest (Flowery Branch,GA Aden as source of goat skin leather Aden as source of Moca goatskin Adhesive Products Co. (Seattle) Adhesives Adhesives Adhex Adjustable bookrest, construction Adjustable bookrest, design Adjustable Clamp Co. (Chicago) Adjustable Clamp Co. (Chicago) Adler Furniture Co. (Louisville,KY) Adler Veneer..(Long Island City,NY) Adler Veneer..(Long Island City,NY) Adler, Edmund S. (New York City) Advance Furniture...(Columbus, OH) Advance Machine Co. (Toledo, OH) Advance Machinery Co. (Toledo) Advance Machinery Co. (Toledo, OH) Advance Machinery Co. (Toledo, OH) Advance Machinery Co. (Toledo, OH) Advance Machinery Co. (Toledo, OH) Advance Specialty Co. (Grand Rapids Advance-Wetmore glue heaters Advertising Clubs of the World Advertising in furniture industry Advertising slides Aeolian American Corp.(Rochester,NY Aeolian-Vocalion Phonograph Co.(GR) Aerial Bed Co. (Chicago) Title Recent deaths Book reviews Hollis Baker adds Adawagam company Leaders in the industry Written in a semi-editorial vein Editorial notes What's new Silicate of soda as an adhesive Recent developments in adhesives New type of belt is put on market How to make an adjustable bookrest How to make an adjustable bookrest New steel-bar clamp is placed on market From concert singer to head of business As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups What manufacturers are doing Mr. Adler and Far Eastern needs Affairs of the industry Will publish a book on glue New ball bearing friction drive shaper Building an extensive addition Building an addition In new offices A catalogue of glue heaters Loose pulley oiler is put on market A catalogue of glue heaters Vigilance body adopts G.R. standards The manufacturer's advertising Ad slides for furniture makers Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers Page 4 Date 12-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 09-01 12-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 02-01 09-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 02-01 Year Page 1933 1924 1923 1945 1913 1913 1944 1918 1946 1924 1926 1926 1928 1929 1931 1930 1913 1917 1932 1913 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1923 1911 1924 1911 1915 1932 1919 1913 Column 31 162 64 38 230 278 47 268 16 72 41 41 47 70 69 78 308 167 44 415 364 255 420 420 85 54 85 136 292 89 26 217 101 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Aero wood Aeron system of finishing Aetna Insurance Co. Aetna Plywood & Veneer (Chicago) Aetna Plywood & Veneer..(Chicago) Aetna Plywood and Veneer..(Chicago) Aetna Plywood and Veneer..(Chicago) Affiliated Furniture Sales..(NYC) Africa as source of okume wood African fiber African fiber African fiber African fiber African fiber African fiber African fiber African fiber African fiber African mahogany African mahogany African mahogany African mahogany African mahogany African mohair African walnut (or Tigerwood) African walnut as cabinet wood African wat-wood Afternoon tea cabinet Afternoon tea novelties Ahdawagam ...(Grand Rapids, Wis.) Ahdawagam Furniture Co. (GR) Ahdawagam Furniture..(G. Rapids,WI) Ahdawagam Furniture..(G. Rapids,WI) Title Aero for the allies Applying finish with a sprayer A work on woodworking machines What's new What's new What's new What's new Affairs of the industry Okume wood Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Victory for Philippine woods Rare woods at high prices Cabinet woods - chiefly mahogany Characteristics of mahogany Distinguishing features of mahogany African mohair is reduced by drought Furniture oddities What do you know abut fine cabinet woods? Ebony and some of its imitations Designs for holiday novelties (art) Afternoon tea novelties (art) Efficiency in factory production What some manufacturers are doing The Ahdawagam Furniture Co. Ahdawagam Furniture Co. quits Page 5 Date 07-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 12-01 10-01 06-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 12-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 05-01 01-01 06-01 06-15 07-01 10-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 06-01 12-01 08-01 Year Page 1943 1914 1911 1946 1945 1944 1949 1932 1913 1917 1915 1913 1913 1912 1917 1916 1912 1917 1931 1914 1913 1922 1936 1927 1938 1932 1914 1911 1911 1915 1914 18A 1913 1918 Column 8 150 528 47 48 31 62 28 515 145 310 523 301 249 44 287 199 285 69 132 285 201 14 47 40 36 183 558 500 214 631 58 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Ahlstrand, Charles (Jamestown, NY) Ahnapee Veneer and.. (Algoma, WI) Ailanthus or Paradise tree Air line seating and equipment Air shipment of furniture Air transportation Air travel seating comfort Airbrush Aircraft Bedding...(Chamblee, GA) Aircraft industry Aircraft Mechanics..(Colo. Springs) Airfoam cushions Airfoam for furniture Airfoam upholstering Airplane manufacture Airplane manufacture Airplane production Airplane production Airplane production in Grand Rapids Airplane production, World War I Airplane propellers Airplanes and airplane industry Airplanes and airplane industry Airplanes and airplane industry Airplanes and airplane manufacture Ajax Electric Hammer Corp. (NYC) Alabama anti-strike law Alabama furniture industry Alabama furniture industry Alabama lumber industry Aladdin Co. (Wilmington, NC) Alaska Refrigerator..(Muskegon,MI) Albone Title Recent deaths What manufacturers are doing Trying to find uses for ailanthus Henry Dreyfuss, noted designer, shows ... Grand Rapids ships by air How furniture industry uses wings Seating comfort in the air Hints on methods of using airbrush Veteran opens furniture plant in Chamblee, .. Aircraft makers design their own chairs ... Tubular steel furniture Airfoam cushions Making airfoam for furniture (art) Airfoam upholstering combines durability ... As to airplane building Laminated wood and airplanes Crying need of skilled mechanics From furniture to airplanes Furniture firms to continue postwar aircraft The progress of aeroplane production First gum propeller Traveling through air probable The assembling of airplane ribs Airplane making to carry on Making the airplane propeller Furniture pick-ups Editorial notes Observed by Mr. White in his travels Alabama prepares for a growing furniture ... Alabama prepares for a growing furniture ... As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups Albone, a new wood bleach Page 6 Date 09-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 10-01 08-01 10-01 07-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 05-01 Year Page 1932 1916 1913 1944 1946 1929 1934 1925 1946 1930 1946 1945 1942 1944 1917 1917 1917 1918 1944 1917 1920 1918 1918 1918 1919 1930 1919 1912 1945 1945 1931 1930 1918 Column 31 139 464 17 8 51 10 226 41 52 30 17 25 31 205 204 260 172 6 179 46 247 253 251 155 75 228 93 16 16 44 68 237 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alden, John Aldworth, Edward J. (Grand Rapids) Alessandrini, Guido (Grand Rapids) Alessandrini, Guido (Grand Rapids) Alexander Bros. (Philadelphia) Alfons Bach Coordinated Groups Alfons Bach kitchen furniture(art) Algarrobin Algerian demand for U.S. office ... Algoren, Lionel C. (Chicago) Algoren, Lionel C. (Chicago) All veneer furniture All wire springs for metal bedding Allegan (MI) Casket Co. Allegan (MI) Casket Co. Allegan (MI) Furniture Shops Allegan (MI) Furniture Shops Allegan (MI) Furnmiture Shops Allen Furniture Co. (Beverly, MA) Allen, Henry (Statesvillle, NC) Allen, Nellie Dregge(Grand Rapids) Alliance Furniture..(Jamestown, NY) Alliance Furniture..(Jamestown,NY) Alliance Furniture..(Jamestown,NY) Alliance Furniture..(Jamestown,NY) Title Glycerin to be made from alcohol waste Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Prohibition in war time Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Speak for yourself, John Recent deaths in furniture trade Chinese influence on 18th century Twenty-three years of top-flight designing... New type of belt is put on market Getting personal Unusual color combination used by Alfons ... New Argentine dye material Office furniture opportunities Algoren the designer Algoren predicts no radical change in ... All veneer furniture - a new construction ... All wire springs and metal beds Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry New Allegan furniture factory Hollis Baker adds Adawagam company Merger of plants anounced by Baker As the news story goes Getting personal Recent deaths in the furniture trade Affairs of the industry Jamestown meetings What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Page 7 Date 08-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 01-01 02-01 11-15 11-15 12-01 06-15 03-01 12-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 08-01 05-01 Year Page 1927 1924 1924 1917 1912 1917 1911 1916 1929 1920 1938 1938 1924 1938 1946 1918 1914 1943 1943 1946 1911 1930 1934 1923 1923 1927 1931 1943 1925 1934 1927 1913 1934 Column 61 148 248 6 410 45 585 315 41 102 20 21 72 26 25 271 178 16 16 55 36 78 26 166 64 84 50 31 70 35 83 417 34 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Allied Furniture Co. (NYC) Allied Furniture..(Jamestown, NY) Alloy-spray finishing of furniture All-steel welded furniture All-wood fighter plane All-wood training planes Alma & Myrtle Desk..(High Point,NC) Alma Furniture Co. (High Point, NC) Almco Galleries (Chicago) Alms, Fred W. (St. Bernard, OH) Alonzi Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Aloxite griding wheels Aluminum chairs Aluminum chairs Aluminum Co. of America Aluminum dinette sets Aluminum furniture Aluminum furniture Aluminum home furniture Aluminum office furniture Aluminum oxide, uses of Aluminum saw guard Aluminum uses for furniture Alward, V.L. (Chicago) Alward, V.L. (Chicago) Always Best Chair..(Charlotte, NC) Ambrose, Robert (Grand Rapids) Amercan walnut America at Home American Artisan Press (Chicago) American Bedding Co. (Jamestown,NY) American Bedding Co. (Superior, WI) American beeches Title Getting personal Affairs of the industry Alloy-spray finishing of furniture California firm produces all-steel welded ... All-wood fighter plane successful Moulded plywood technique Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Furniture pick-ups Recent deaths in the furniture trade Affairs of the industry Stories of the related industries Pennsylvania diners use aluminum chairs Chairs of aluminum on a quantity production.. Chairs of aluminum on a quantity production.. Reynolds' aluminum dinette set Chairs of aluminum on a quantity production.. Aluminum rates high Joseph Palma presents designs for homes ... Joseph Palma presents designs for homes ... Stories of the related industries An aluminum saw guard See demand for aluminum V.L. Alward heads mart association Alward resigns Mart post, Whiting head Affairs of the industry Recent deaths in furniture trade Say there is plenty of walnut America at Home Cornice Work Manual What manufacturers are doing Bought a mattress factory Beech and the birches and maples Page 8 Date 08-01 03-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 01-15 04-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 11-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 11-01 Year Page 1946 1933 1949 1946 1945 1944 1934 1914 1928 1924 1937 1918 1925 1929 1929 1946 1929 1949 1944 1944 1918 1912 1946 1924 1933 1935 1928 1915 1949 1912 1913 1917 1913 Column 46 28 30 53 36 24 33 253 73 72 38 160 156 60 60 34 60 16 24 24 160 51 10 98 17 25 60 123 28 256 308 257 569 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American birch American birches American black walnut American black walnut American black walnut American black walnut American black walnut American black walnut American black walnut, interest in American Blower Co. (Detroit) American Buyers Directory Title Proper place of American birch Beech and the birches and maples Louisville firm ships $6000 car of walnut Walnut turnings Written in the semi-editorial vein Berkey & Gay on walnut The redivivus of American walnut Walnut supply is vanishing Black walnut revival A factory that helps employees buy homes Carpet and upholstery industries directory American cabinet making (history) American Carpet and Upholstery... American Catalin Corp. (NYC) American Chair Co. (Gardner, MA) American Chair Co. (New York City) American Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) American Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) American Chippendales American clockmaking American clockmaking, history of American Colonial furniture American Colonial furniture American colonial home American colonial home (art) American Column and ... vs. USA American Committee for Devastated.. American Cyanamid Co. (NYC) American Decalcomania..(Chicago) American Decalcomania...(Chicago) American designers in England American Designer's Institute The cabinet background of Abraham Lincoln,... Carpet and upholstery industries directory Affairs of the industry New chair concern for Gardner What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing The American Chippendales The romance of American clockmaking The romance of American clockmaking American colonial with Georgian influence Regional characteristics of American ... American colonial home presented to France Exterior and interior views of the house... Supreme Court decision is vital American furniture making in France Furniture pick-ups Decorating leather What's new Written in the semi-editorial vein Design copying Page 9 Date 05-01 11-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 03-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 09-01 03-01 09-01 03-01 12-01 01-01 08-15 08-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 10-01 07-01 01-01 02-15 Year Page Column 1916 1913 1930 1914 1915 1916 1914 1918 1914 1919 1914 201 569 108 237 28 121 296 100 81 302 270 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1930 1914 1934 1921 1917 1917 1916 1929 1929 1930 1938 1949 1925 1925 1920 1923 1930 1946 1946 1914 1940 47 270 33 54 127 137 139 41 46 49 17 59 267 266 246 89 77 40 47 28 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Dining ..(Martinville, VA) American Distributing Corp. American Door Co. (Hoquiam, WA) American easy chair (art) American elms and Dutch elm disease American Exposition Palace (Chicago American Expositions Fair American Federal furniture style American Fiber Corp. (Gardner, MA) American Fiber Reed..(Lexington,KY) American Fixture & ...(St. Louis) American furniture American furniture American Furniture ...(Chicago) American Furniture Co. (Denver) American Furniture Corp. (LA) American furniture design American furniture design American furniture design American furniture design American furniture designers American furniture designs American furniture designs/styles American Furniture Mart American Furniture Mart American Furniture Mart American Furniture Mart American Furniture Mart American Furniture Mart American Furniture Mart American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) Title Martinville, Va., to have big plant Furniture plants are getting together to ... Eight firms in plywood merger Number twenty-three of a series of drawings.. American elms menaced by foreign blight Trade products will be shown Boardwalk to have great exposition Southern charm typified in Federal American Fiber corporation organized In financial trouble What manufacturers are doing Promoting American Art Regional characteristics of American ... Chicago concern expands What the manufacturers are doing Getting personal What about this Art Moderne? New era in native furniture design dawns American furniture of Heppelwhite influence Is American furniture design ridiculous? The furniture of Duncan Phyfe Golden era for designers May offer prize as spur for American designs Many notables at Furniture Mart opening Financing of Mart is now complete Mart board votes down November market Chicago's new sxposition building Ground broken for Furmiture Mart Calendar of important furniture events Work on the American Furniture...(art) New record set for opening day of Mart Work on mart tower nearing completion New 34-story tower of Mart completed Page 10 Date 03-01 11-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 07-01 02-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 10-01 01-15 07-01 11-01 07-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 02-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 Year Page 1923 1945 1930 1923 1934 1923 1923 1942 1920 1912 1915 1924 1949 1920 1917 1938 1928 1924 1925 1944 1924 1925 1925 1924 1924 1934 1922 1923 1934 1923 1926 1927 1927 Column 127 32 78 65 31 63 127 25 19 102 278 119 56 116 170 32 54 203 21 14 271 18 59 70 27 27 110 64 26 224 48 64 84 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) Title Mart building reaches top Mart bureau compiles statistics Plan new national furniture association Style show will be held by the retail stores To found(sic) furniture scholarships Work on addition to Mart is progressing Landstrom line in Furniture Mart Furniture Mart had successful year What will be shown in June Break ground for mart addition The public furniture exhibition 666 becomes entrance to mart A glimpse behind curtain of mart Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups Big July market plans by American Furniture.. Important dates to remember Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Discuss style shows at joint conference Exhibition building near Chicago Mart sold Fine business at American Furniture Mart Furniture Club nearing completion Furniture Mart to expand Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Page 11 Date 04-01 08-01 03-01 01-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 Year Page 1924 1928 1927 1930 1928 1926 1932 1927 1931 1926 1932 1925 1925 1932 1932 1932 1931 1931 1932 1931 1930 1932 1924 1932 1932 1931 1927 1929 1925 1924 1925 1929 1929 Column 158 100 56 104 65 69 44 86 43 80 34 145 215 29 29 40 68 69 36 54 70 22 263 40 42 26 65 79 66 246 45 78 77 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) Title Furniture pick-ups Berkey & Gay to show in Chicago V.L. Alward heads mart association Furniture for the futureat American ... Furniture leaders gather at Chicago markets Getting personal Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Coming events Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Featured room groups from the American ... Dealers praise factory men at the American... Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Important dates Important dates Coming events Coming events Coming events Important dates Woods and finishes gain new importance Winter markets Jan. 7 to 19 Page 12 Date 12-01 01-01 08-01 12-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 12-15 04-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 12-15 12-01 11-15 11-15 11-01 10-15 10-01 06-01 12-01 09-15 09-15 12-15 11-01 08-01 10-01 Year Page 1928 1930 1924 1944 1942 1949 1949 1944 1944 1949 1938 1946 1943 1944 1949 1946 1942 1944 1939 1941 1939 1938 1941 1938 1941 1944 1949 1939 1940 1940 1949 1949 1945 Column 73 66 98 18 25 60 63 29 29 63 19 47 31 32 63 47 16 28 18 26 18 31 24 28 28 48 63 17 23 18 63 41 8 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) Title Winter market plans announced for January Summer market important Photo tour of recent Chicago market News of the manufacturers More wood springs Lawrence Whiting, president, American ... Kroehler dedicates new mural at American ... January markets to be held in Chicago Important events Coming events Important dates Coming events Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Affairs of the industry Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Page 13 Date 07-01 05-01 08-01 07-15 12-01 12-01 08-01 09-01 12-01 03-15 12-01 09-15 06-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 Year Page 1943 1943 1941 1937 1942 1949 1946 1945 1942 1941 1943 1938 1946 1946 1943 1949 1946 1945 1944 1942 1949 1943 1949 1944 1943 1945 1933 1942 1934 1933 1935 1934 1933 Column 24 13 14 33 21 14 32 8 24 22 29 28 63 63 31 63 63 47 48 3 63 29 63 32 31 47 29 28 34 28 25 34 28 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) Title Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Another Chicago market page Alward resigns Mart post, Whiting head Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Furniture mart to be built Exhibitors' list for Mart given Work is speeded on new mart Affairs of the industry Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Page 14 Date 02-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 12-01 06-01 10-01 07-01 07-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 08-01 03-01 FALL 03-15 08-15 08-15 08-15 08-01 07-15 07-01 06-15 05-15 05-15 04-15 04-15 Year Page 1935 1933 1933 1941 1933 1934 1933 1935 1935 1935 1934 1934 1933 1933 1934 1934 1936 1922 1922 1923 1936 1940 1940 1939 1938 1941 1939 1941 1940 1940 1938 1940 1939 Column 28 43 42 17 17 33 30 26 18 19 30 33 27 26 35 31 16 175 62 112 40 19 15 17 31 26 18 31 15 4 30 19 15 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart (Chicago) American Furniture Mart..(Chicago) American Furniture Mart..(Chicago) American Furniture Mart..(Chicago) American Furniture Mart...(Chicago) American Furniture Novelty(Chicago) American furniture of ...(art) American furniture of Sheraton... American furniture showing..(art) American Furniture Style Show American furniture styles American Furniture(Lawrenceburg,IN) American Furniture(Martinsville, VA American Furniture(Martinsville,MD) American furniture, Chippendale ... American Furniture..(Asheville, NC) American Furniture..(Asheville, NC) Title Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Chicago market Jan. 4-13 Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Chicago market views Chicago mart ready for market anytime Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Mart reorganization plan confirmed Markets not affected by Mart reorganization.. Final decree in Furniture Mart reorganization Bonds redeemed Getting personal American furniture of Chippendale influence American furniture of Sheraton influence American furniture of Sheraton influence ... Style show will be held by the retail stores The furniture of Duncan Phyfe What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What other manufacturers are doing American furniture of Chippendale style What manufacturers are doing Little news notes Page 15 Date 06-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 10-10 04-15 12-01 09-01 06-15 09-01 02-15 02-15 02-15 03-15 11-01 08-01 04-01 09-01 10-01 12-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 12-01 05-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 11-01 04-01 Year Page 1933 1941 1944 1933 1935 1935 1933 1938 1935 1941 1940 1945 1938 1939 1941 1938 1934 1935 1935 1935 1944 1945 1925 1925 1925 1930 1924 1912 1917 1920 1925 1915 1914 Column 32 28 7 25 19 17 30 31 18 24 12 9 27 20 21 32 30 20 25 20 6 42 72 123 124 104 271 253 137 117 71 247 200 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Furniture..(Asheville,NC) American Furniture..(Batesville, IN American Furniture..(Batesville,IN) American Furniture..(Batesville,IN) American Furniture..(Paterson, NJ) American Furniture..(Stevens Pt.,WI American Furniture...(Asheville,NC) American Furnuiture Mart (Chicago) American Gobelin Tapestry American Gum Lumber Association American Hardwood Manufacturers... American hardwoods American hardwoods American hardwoods American highboy (art) American Home and City Beautiful... American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American Homes Bureau American industrial art exhibition American industry and plywood Title What manufacturers are doing What's new What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal A sample of Southern enterprise Trade products will be shown American Gobelin tapestry Two hardwood associatiobns merge Open price plan illegal Push American hardwoods Cycles of demand in American hardwoods Beech and the birches and maples Number sixteen of a series of drawings of ... Boardwalk to have great exposition Adolph Karpen again heads Homes Bureau May offer prize as spur for American designs Adolph Karpen elected Homes Bureau head Expositions must be educational Millions to read message of Homes Bureau Past and future of American Homes Bureau Publicity plan of American Homes Bureau Mile of furniture at Detroit show American Homes Bureau Bureau's newspaper supplement attracts American Homes Bureau re-organizes Bureau publicity begins with bang Robt. W. Irwin lauds Homes publicity work Grand Rapids pledges $20,000 American Homes Bureau is functioning Display shows status of furniture design What plywood is doing for American industry Page 16 Date 08-01 02-15 06-01 10-10 06-15 01-01 09-01 08-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 09-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 05-01 11-01 08-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 12-01 Year Page 1913 1938 1916 1933 1938 1949 1912 1923 1946 1918 1922 1931 1914 1913 1923 1923 1924 1925 1923 1922 1922 1923 1922 1923 1923 1923 1922 1922 1923 1922 1921 1927 1943 Column 417 36 308 31 26 61 458 63 32 80 20 51 14 569 17 127 204 59 3 215 243 84 95 163 66 197 208 211 73 239 209 53 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Institute of Architects American Institute of Decorators American Institute of the City of.. American Legion American mahogany American manual training schools American Manufacturing Co. (GR) American maple table, c1700 (art) American maples American Merchandise Mart (Chicago) American Merchandise Mart (Chicago) American Merchandise Mart (Chicago) American Merchandise Mart (Chicago) American Metal Bed Co. (Newark, NJ) American Metal Bed Co. (Newark, NJ) American Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) American Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) American Mirror & ..(Cleveland, OH) American Modern furniture American Modern furniture design American National Exposition American National Expositions Inc. American No. 34 inside molder American Oak Manufacturers ... American Panel & ..(Montgomery, Al) American Parlor ..(Sheboygan, WI) American Piano Co. (New York City) American plate glass American plate glass market American Ply Wood..(New London, WI) American Plywood..(New London, WI) American quartered oak American quartered oak furniture Title Furniture displays will show progress of art Adaptability of contemporary piece wins ... Inventions exhibit will be held Foch enjoys chairs made in America Cabinet woods - chiefly mahogany Manual training designs again Bought a factory building Maple table Beech and the birches and maples Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates As the news story goes Affairs of the industry New Grand Rapids factory What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing American Modern in Stockholm Pioneering in American modern Opportunity for furniture trade Exposition in South America American No. 34 inside molder Two hardwood associatiobns merge R.C. Clark Veneer Co. buys Alabama firm What some manufacturers are doing The American Piano Company, New York, ... Foreign and American plate glass Foreign and American plate glass A new veneer and panel plant New plywood concern Written in the semi-editorial vein Defend American quartered oak Page 17 Date 06-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 11-01 04-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 12-01 10-01 06-01 09-01 10-15 06-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 12-01 10-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 08-01 10-01 06-01 05-01 Year Page 1924 1949 1924 1928 1913 1912 1915 1934 1913 1949 1949 1949 1949 1931 1932 1915 1915 1914 18A 1946 1938 1920 1920 1913 1918 1928 1920 1928 1911 1911 1919 1919 1913 1916 Column 266 56 49 45 285 138 229 35 569 63 63 63 63 53 28 305 195 59 16 294 284 104 80 102 200 104 80 81 105 193 280 216 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American quartered oak furniture American Rail Chair ...(Findlay,OH) American Rattan & ...(Brooklyn, NY) American Red Cross American Resistor Corp. (Milwaukee) American Sash and ...(Kansas City) American Seating Co. (Buffalo, NY) American Seating Co. (Chicago) American Seating Co. (GR) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) American Seating Co.(Grand Rapids) American Seating Co.(Grand Rapids) American Seating Co.(Grand Rapids) American Seating Co.(Grand Rapids) American secretary (art) American Show Case..(Muskegon, MI) American Spring & ...(New Orleans) American Steel Furniture(Camden,NJ) American upholstery fabrics American valuation plan American Vegetable Hair..(Chicago) Title American quartered oak What the manufacturers are doing The Singapore rattan market The Berkey & Gay Red Cross girls Carborundum Co. buys Resistor plants Midwest Furniture Co. now owns its plant What manufacturers are doing Superior Seating Co. sold Profits up Manitowoc plant moved to Grand Rapids Christmas story as glorified by art of ... As the news story goes Affairs of the industry American Seating Co. to build American Seating statement Cash for ideas American Seating ...six years at war work... American Seating's principal executives Getting personal Product testing at American Seating Seating company enlarges plant American Seating Co.'s church furniture ... H.M. Taliaferro, president American Seating Blow pipe system at new plant saves power American Seating's new addition Factory libraries Number ten of new series of drawings of ... As the news story goes What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing American and Spanish popular in coverings American valuation plan What manufacturers are doing Page 18 Date 05-01 07-01 09-01 05-01 10-01 06-01 12-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 08-01 08-01 05-15 09-01 09-01 12-01 03-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 08-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 12-01 10-01 06-01 Year Page 1916 1912 1915 1917 1927 1924 1915 1919 1949 1927 1928 1931 1932 1926 1914 1946 1945 1945 1938 1946 1922 1945 1929 1927 1918 1921 1924 1931 1914 1916 1925 1921 1916 Column 225 359 121 237 62 299 301 257 6 58 37 45 31 104 141 16 20 23 30 48 131 24 71 60 284 218 67 67 162 85 257 161 308 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry American Victory Homes American Wall Bed Co. (Chicago) American Wall Bed Co. (Chicago) American walnut American walnut American walnut American walnut American walnut American Walnut Association American walnut exports American walnut furniture American Walnut Manufacturers ... American Walnut Manufacturers ... American walnut, bleaching of American walnut, finishing of American walnut, finishing of American walnut, rise in popularity American Windsor chairs Title Freda Diamond - industrial designer - ... What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Some popular finishes for American walnut The outlook for walnut abroad Is American walnut coming back? The outlook for furniture woods Walnut may be lost to furniture Walnut booklet in demand Furniture pick-ups All American furniture in a native American.. Design contest winners will have market ... Design contest sponsored by walnut ... Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Walnut furniture Windsor chairs are easily reproduced American Windsor chairs American Wood ...(Rochester, NY) American Wood ...(Rochester, NY) American Wood Carving Co. (Chicago) American Wood Working(Rochester,NY) American Wood Working(Rochester,NY) American Wood Working(Rochester,NY) American Woodworking.(Rochester,NY) American Woodworking.(Rochester,NY) American Woodworking..(Rochester,NY America's Little House (NYC) Americn Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) AMI Associates (New York City) Ammonia gas in finishing room Bamboo turnings on American Windsor chairs... A handsome book American No. 34 inside molder Affairs of the industry A twelve-inch two-drum outside sander Comvbination power and hand feet jointer A handy edition catalog Machine companies consolidate forces American Students' precision saw Book reviews Better homes movement provides stimulus ... What manufacturers are doing What's new Problems of the finishing room Page 19 Date 09-01 02-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 03-01 08-01 03-01 10-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 03-01 Year Page Column 1942 1915 1915 1932 1917 1914 1946 1918 1915 1929 1942 1933 1933 1915 1916 1916 1916 1941 14 98 146 28 3 64 40 143 243 74 7 21 20 72 120 166 217 23 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1934 1913 1913 1934 1911 1911 1913 1925 1913 1924 1934 1919 1949 1912 23 104 104 33 254 193 306 60 579 62 7 217 63 136 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Ammonia in fuming oak process Amodec Corp. (New York City) Amodec line Amos Lumber & ...(Edinsburg, IN) Amos-Thompson Corp. (Edinsburg, IN) Amrican Furniture Mart..(Chicago) Amsden, C.E. (Grand Rapids) Amyl acetate (banana liquid) Anchor Furniture...(Jamestown, NY) Anchor Plastics Co. (New York City) Ancient Chinese furniture Ancient Chinese furniture (art) Ancient Egyptian artisans Ancient Egyptian furniture styles Anderson (IN) Mattress Co. Anderson (IN) Mattress Co. Anderson (IN) Mattress Co. Title Process of funimg oak described Affairs of the industry Same standards of proportion apply to ... Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture Mart holds annual election Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Banana liquid What manufacturers are doing What's new Ancient Chinese furniture provides ideas ... Ancient Chinese furniture provides ideas ... Egyptian artisans knew of veneering Influences that bring new styles into being What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Anderson Furniture..(Sioux City,IA) Anderson, Alfred (Rockford, IL) Anderson, C.B. Sr. (Dallas) Anderson, Carl (Los Anderson) Anderson, Carl (Los Angeles) Anderson, Charles (Jamestown, NY) Anderson, F.S. (Richmond, IN) Anderson, Frank O. (Jamestown, NY) Anderson, J.M. (Minneapolis) Anderson, J.M. (Minneapolis) Anderson, O.A. (Grand Rapids) Andiroba as mahogany substitute Andiroba in manufacture of plywood Andrews' dry kiln door Andrews, A.H. Co. (Chicago) Anderson Furniture Factory and store expands Alfred Anderson (obit) Recent deaths in the furniture trade Ross Bellah and Carl Anderson Anderson and Bellah's end tables, cabinets... Recent deaths Recent deaths Frank O. Anderson sells plant Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Past, present and future of furniture New equipment Mahogany substitute Mahogany substitute Andrews' rolling canvas dry kiln door A booklet on lumber drying Page 20 Date 02-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 12-01 03-01 09-01 10-01 05-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 09-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 09-01 11-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1911 1935 1935 1929 1929 1929 1923 1919 1915 1946 1946 1946 1923 1923 1914 1916 1914 18A 59 26 15 79 79 102 62 174 278 64 14 14 55 220 162 308 1 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1930 1924 1922 1942 1942 1929 1933 1925 1924 1923 1929 1943 1943 1911 1914 108 149 62 19 19 92 44 150 66 62 90 15 15 256 76 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Andrews, A.H. Co. (Chicago) Andrews, William H. (Buffalo) Angelique Angelus Furniture Co. (LA) Angora goat Angora goats Angora, Turkey Aniline colors Aniline colors Aniline colors Aniline colors Aniline colors in furniture Aniline dyes Anilines Animal glue Animal glue Animal glues Ann Arbor (MI) Railroad Co. Annual Exhibition of American ... Annual Furniture Style Exhibition Annual International Design ... Annual rings in timber Anoka (MN) Fiber Furniture Co. Antique art Antique cabinet models (art) Antique corner cabinet, const. Antique corner cabinet, design Antique donations to White House Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Title Andrews' rolling canvas dry kiln door Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Tropical wood research for the furniture ... Building from nothing to over $4,000,000 ... The Angora goat and production of mohair Breeding to improve quality of mohair ... The Angora goat and production of mohair Aniline colors and coloring extracts Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Chemistry as related to furniture Aniline dyes increase in Turkey Why information about anilines is important The uses and abuses of animal glue Animal glue in the furniture field Modern liquid hide glues Excessive rates for mixed cars Display shows status of furniture design Pageant of furniture Adaptability of contemporary piece wins ... The structure of common woods Fiber concern has rapid growth Antique art resurrected Pages for a designer's scrap book How to make an antique corner cabinet How to make an antique corner cabinet White House antiques Speak for yourself, John Antique furniture admitted duty free Fallacy of glorifying antique furniture One of oldest chairs in United States Phyfe table a family heirloom Page 21 Date 05-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 03-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 07-01 01-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 12-01 02-01 07-01 09-01 Year Page 1911 1923 1949 1929 1924 1928 1924 1915 1919 1922 1919 1911 1912 1928 1926 1945 1944 1913 1927 1929 1949 1913 1921 1945 1930 1927 1927 1925 1929 1926 1928 1924 1931 Column 256 64 52 42 127 44 127 117 112 49 321 462 365 58 67 28 12 329 53 67 56 132 260 11 68 46 46 69 41 84 55 33 32 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture Antique furniture finishing Antique furniture finishings Antique furniture models Antique furniture trade Antique furniture, finishing of Antique mahogany Antique reproductions Antiques Antiques Antiques Antiques, attraction for Antiques, faking of Antiques, imports of Antwerp (Belgium)castle oak dresser Title Breakfast table style of Sheraton ... Knee hole desk English 18th century (walnut) Highest quality standards expressed in ... Furniture treasures of the past become ... Duncan Phyfe dining table American early ... Duncan Phyfe dining table Buttefly table American about 1700 (maple) Paneled chest American about 1700 ... An eighteenth century closet A provincial chair with distinction Austria to sell rare furniture Chair notes on English Windsors Maple table American 1700-1710 Pembroke table style of Heppelwhite Regional characteristics of American ... Regional characteristics of American ... Spurious Savery and Gillingham labels now ... Opposite demands on furniture industry New England bookcase has appeal Old Master finishes Antiquing finishes --craftsman vs. ... The antique models in furniture Sweden stops export of antique furniture Finishing antique furniture Producing real antique mahogany Old Master finishes White House antiques The lure of the antiques Skill of design and artistry in cameo The antique industry Antiques turned out to order abroad Imports of antiques limited Little known treasures of the Old World Page 22 Date 11-15 03-15 05-01 FALL 01-15 02-15 05-15 03-15 02-01 01-01 01-01 10-01 04-15 01-15 08-01 09-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 03-15 05-15 11-01 08-01 06-01 07-01 03-15 02-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 Year Page 1937 1937 1949 1936 1937 1938 1937 1938 1935 1935 1923 1949 1938 1938 1949 1949 1934 1923 1934 1940 1940 1912 1927 1922 1917 1940 1925 1931 1934 1925 1929 1931 1929 Column 19 23 53 21 22 19 23 17 18 16 33 38 21 23 59 56 12 6 16 8 11 538 60 228 24 8 69 48 16 120 75 79 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Anway, Irving T. (Grand Rapids) Apartment furniture Apartment furniture Apartment furniture Apartment furniture Apartment furniture Apartment furniture Apartments and furniture industry Appalachain hardwood industry Appalachian area furniture industry Appalachian Exposition Appalachian furniture industry Appalachian Furniture(Bluefield,WV) Applegate, Edward R. (Grand Rapids) Appointments, transfers, etc. Appointments, transfers, etc. Apprentice training programs Apprentices and apprenticeships Apprentices and apprenticeships Apprentices and apprenticeships Apprentices and apprenticeships Apprentices and apprenticeships Apprenticeship system Apprenticeships Apprenticeships Arab Bedouins Aralac fiber as upholstery filler Arbilt Furniture Co. (Milwaukee) Arbuck, Inc. (New York City) Arcadia (MI) Furniture Co. Arcadia (MI) Furniture Co. Arcadia (MI) Mirror Co. Archery tackle, construction Title Recent deaths Mass furniture markets for 1930 The market for apartment furniture Apartment building ands furniture Three pieces of furniture turn one room ... Multi-purpose furniture has unlimited ... Paul Bry presents furniture designed ... Apartment dwelling and furniture industry Hardwood men consider curtailment Affairs of the industry An exhibit of woods All American furniture in a native American.. Chiefly about the manufacturers Recent deaths in furniture trade New positions New positions Apprentices to learn phases of furniture ... The apprentice in the furniture industry Apprenticeship ossibilities in furniture ... Practical training of apprentices Our schools and the apprentice Practical training of apprentices How England trains craftsmen and designers My experience in learning cabinet making Recruits for the cabinewt trades Folding chairs are wanted by Arabians Aralac, casein fiber from milk, makes ... Affairs of the industry Growth of manufacturers' group responsible... What the manufacturers are doing Arcadia plant being rebuilt What the manufacturers are doing The making of archery tackle Page 23 Date 05-01 04-01 12-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 06-01 03-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 10-01 11-01 04-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 Year Page 1933 1930 1932 1913 1944 1942 1949 1929 1931 1934 1911 1942 1912 1920 1935 1935 1949 1924 1928 1916 1912 1917 1925 1924 1913 1923 1942 1934 1949 1917 1917 1917 1929 Column 28 40 22 514 30 8 24 54 62 32 391 7 196 89 30 29 22 110 45 102 270 59 53 23 376 166 19 28 13 192 21 192 59 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Archery tackle, construction Archery tackle, design Archery tackle, design Architectural Book ...(NYC) Architectural League of New York Architecture Arco Co. (Cleveland) Argentina furniture imports Argentina furniture industry Argentina furniture industry Argentina, furniture exports to Argentine casein Argentine furniture imports Argentine furniture imports Argentine furniture imports Argentine furniture industry Argentine furniture industry Argentine furniture industry Argentine imports of U.S. furniture Argentine lumber industry Argentinian furniture industry Argentinian imports of U.S. ... Ariel Cabinet Co. (Peru, IN) Ariel Wood Bed Co. (Goshen, IN) Arkansas Soft Pine Bureau Arm chair, Dante type (art) Arm chair, Menel, 18th cent. (art) Armchair (art) Armentrout Veneer Co. (Elkin, NC) Armstrong Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Armstrong, Francis(S. Lake City) Armures Army A-30 medium bomber Title More about making archery tackle The making of archery tackle More about making archery tackle Books and catalogs Furniture displays will show progress of art Postwar architecture and furniture Arco Company builds large West Coast plant Argentina market and furniture Argentina market and furniture Office furniture for Argentina The export trade in furniture Argentine casein rates best Grand Rapids largest export shipment Furniture headquarters in Buenos Ayres Imports of furniture Furniture conditions in Argentina Furniture in Argentine republic Furniture industry of Argentine American furniture in Argentina A business concern of Argentina Furniture industry in Argentina Selling United States furniture in Argentina Affairs of the industry What some manufacturers are doing To extend market for soft pine Furniture of the Italian Renaissance from ... Some of the early French and American ... Examples of furniture of Duncan ...(art) What's new As the news story goes Karpen's prize suite still in use Fabrics for furniture coverings Bombers take wood Page 24 Date 03-01 01-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 12-01 07-01 06-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 09-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 12-01 10-01 07-01 01-01 06-01 05-01 Year Page 1929 1929 1929 1929 1924 1945 1930 1918 1918 1919 1911 1929 1916 1915 1918 1915 1916 1919 1911 1915 1924 1925 1932 1914 18A 1928 1925 1927 1924 1942 1931 1925 1911 1943 Column 47 59 47 93 266 10 57 204 204 126 538 110 231 245 144 275 1 271 443 224 248 133 28 64 72 39 272 28 46 24 302 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Army landing and assault craft Army office furniture Arnold, John L. Arnwine, John B. (Belding, MI) Aron, Joseph (New York City) Arons, A.H. (New York City) Aronson, Joseph Arsenic content of shellac Art Alliance of America Art Alliance of America Art Alliance of America Art Alliance of America Art Alliance of America (NYC) Art Bedstead Co. (Chicago) Art Center School (Los Angeles) Art exhibitions Art exhibitions Art exhibits Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Art fiber furniture weaving Title Plywood and steam-bent oak used in ... Wood and glue join forces and then join ... The Tyden lock patents affirmed Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Getting personal Affairs of the industry Current books to read and keep for reference Shellac importers adopt limit of arsenic These are the different pieces of ... Prize winning designs shown in Grand Rapids Two designers share $2500 prize To show prize winning designs in many cities Karpens offer $5000 in prizes for designs Recollections of an onlooker Modern cast in iron Designs of past and present in exhibition Pembroke table serves two purposes Art exhibition held at Cheney Brothers The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture Art Furniture Co. (Macon, GA) The Art Furniture Company, Macon, Ga., was .. Page 25 Date 07-01 08-04 10-01 01-01 06-15 11-01 03-15 04-01 10-01 12-01 04-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 12-01 10-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 Year Page Column 1944 1942 1911 1927 1938 1932 1940 1929 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1911 1933 1926 1926 1927 1922 1922 1923 1923 1922 1922 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1923 1922 23 9 527 108 26 42 19 77 49 64 48 42 45 174 15 46 44 42 104 196 58 14 144 251 151 30 169 128 25 227 206 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1928 104 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Art glass, manufacture of Art Institute of Chicago Art Institute of Chicago Art Institute of Chicago Art Institute of Chicago Art Institute of Chicago Art Lamp Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Art Metal ...(Jamestown, NY) Art Moderne Art Moderne Art Moderne Art Moderne Art Moderne Art Moderne Art Moderne Art moderne Art Moderne Art moderne furniture finishes Art Moderne pieces (art) Art moderne style Art Nouveau chest, Louvre (art) Art Nouveau fabrics Art Novelty Co. (Goshen, IN) Art relief process Art treasures of the Czar Art Wood Carving..(Morristown, TN) Artcraft Furniture ...(Atlanta) Artcraft Furniture Co. (Chicago) Artglo Mfg. Co. (Montclair, NJ) Arthur Hill Trade ..(Saginaw, MI) Artifical varnish, preparation of Artificial bending of wood Artificial ebony Title Use of leaded glass in furniture Outline of course in furniture design Designers of the future America to have an industrial art school Drexel offers dealers institutional promotion Campaign for industrial art school starts What manufacturers are doing Resignations from Art Metal Co. Is Art Moderne a blessing? After modernism, what? Art Moderne not going so well The real significance of Art Moderne in ... Commercial possibilities of Art Moderne What about this Art Moderne? Style is the slogan for January markets The trend of modern design in furniture Modernism dead? Not so you can notice it Art moderne finishes These are some of the representative pieces.. Art moderne style is felt in linens Pages for a designer's scrap book Fabrics rich in texture and color the ... What manufacturers are doing Art relief process in furniture decoration Art treasures of the Czar which were ... Furniture pick-ups Special order policy feature of new ... Artcraft shows line of metal summer furniture What some manufacturers are doing The Arthur Hill trade school Artificial varnishes The artificial bending of wood Artificial ebony from oak wood Page 26 Date 05-01 02-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 11-01 09-01 10-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 09-01 12-01 06-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 12-01 12-01 Year Page 1911 1924 1923 1923 1943 1923 1916 1915 1928 1929 1928 1928 1928 1928 1929 1928 1929 1928 1928 1926 1930 1929 1919 1925 1928 1929 1949 1935 1920 1918 1911 1916 1912 Column 198 54 114 53 25 222 139 189 51 49 50 42 35 52 62 52 50 54 62 47 72 41 217 216 44 80 10 31 338 64 366 242 581 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Artificial ebony from oak wood Artificial leather Artificial lighting Artificial resin as wood adhesive Artificial veneers Artificial wood Artificial wood Art-in-Trades Club (New York City) Art-in-Trades Club (New York City) Art-in-Trades Club of New York ... Art-in-Trades Exhibit (NYC) Artisan Mill Work Co. (Marshall,IL) Artistic designs Artistic exhibits Artistic veneers Art-Lay Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Artloom Corp. (Philadelphia) Arts amd Crafts Arts and Crafts chamber suite Arts and Crafts desk, design of Arts and crafts desk, design of Arts and Crafts desk, making of Arts and crafts desk, making of Arts and crafts movement Arts and crafts movement Arts and crafts suite (art) Arts-in-Trades Club (New York City) Arts-in-Trades Club (New York City) Arts-in-Trades Club (NYC) Asbestos, mining and manufacture of Ash Asheboro (NC) Veneer Co. Associated Factories Inc. (Chicago) Title Artificial ebony from oak wood The making of artificial leather Illumination as efficiency factor Artificial resin as wood adhesive still ... Australian artificial veneers Artificial wood Artificial wood made in France Art exhibition held at Cheney Brothers Pembroke table serves two purposes Art-in-Trades Club holds second exhibition Scenes from the third annual ...(art) What manufacturers are doing The inspiration of artistic designs Interest in wood carving is increasing How nature produces artistic veneers News of the manufacturers As the news story goes Arts and Crafts chamber suite Arts and Crafts chamber suite Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Styles of the future Expression in furniture An Arts and Crafts suite ... (art) Affairs of the industry Designs of past and present in exhibition Arts-in-Trades exhibit Stories of the related industries The structure of common woods As the news story goes Getting personal Page 27 Date 01-01 04-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 07-15 04-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 08-04 Year Page 1913 1918 1917 1935 1921 1914 1914 1927 1926 1923 1924 1915 1922 1924 1922 1937 1931 1913 1913 1914 1913 1914 1913 1913 1913 1913 1932 1926 1925 1919 1913 1931 1942 Column 43 173 160 15 193 23 315 42 44 193 202 98 105 3 51 33 62 66 66 98 434 98 434 278 334 64 32 46 288 164 164 68 26 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Associated Factories Inc.(Chicago) Associated Furniture (Chicago) Associated Mercantile.(Minneapolis) Association of Advertising Clubs Assyrian furniture styles Astoria Mahogany Co. Inc. (NYC) Astoria Veneer Mills ...(NYC) Atals Corp. (New York City) Athens (GA) Furniture Co. Athens chair (art) Athertn-Craig Co. (Louisville, KY) Atkin Furniture Co. (Knoxville, TN) Atkin Mfg. Co. (Knoxville, TN) Atkinson, Bill (Manlius, NY) Atlantic City, N.J. Atlantic Furniture..(Norfolk, VA) Atlantic Lumber Co. (Knoxville,TN) Atlantic Woodworking...(W. Point,VA Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Atlas Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY) Atlas Furniture Co. (Rockford, IL) Atlas Powder Co. (Stamford, CT) Auburn (IN) Furniture Mfg. Co. Audubon Carpet Mfg. Co. (Camden,NJ) Auglaize Furniture..(New Bremen,OH) Aulsbrook & Jones ...(Sturgis, MI) Aulsbrook & Jones..(Sturgis, MI) Austell (GA) Cabinet Co. Austell (GA) Furniture Co. Title Getting personal New furniture paper A new business publication Protecting goodwill of furniture industry Influences that bring new styles into being Astoria Mahogany Company incorporates Astoria Mahogany Company incorporates Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Some of the furniture on exibit at ... Atherton-Craig Co. succeeds Prestonia Affairs of the industry Marble tops are tops again Good defense housing furniture already of ... Boardwalk to have great exposition Getting personal Lumber kiln dried at mill advocated Woodworking company organized Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry Jamestown meetings Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing What's new Furniture pick-ups Incorporation matters Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing As the news story goes Two Austell companies vote to consolidate Two Austell companies vote to consolidate Page 28 Date 02-15 10-01 09-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 10-01 06-01 03-01 07-15 11-01 09-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 04-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 09-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 Year Page 1938 1920 1913 1923 1923 1919 1919 1932 1932 1924 1926 1935 1943 1942 1923 1938 1934 1928 1930 1932 1927 1934 1933 1933 1915 1942 1929 1922 1934 1912 1931 1927 1927 Column 27 185 422 217 220 131 131 38 35 120 48 26 12 12 127 30 20 71 73 42 83 34 42 28 247 29 78 142 34 308 67 38 38 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Austell (GA) Furniture Co. Austin Co. (Cleveland) Title New furniture company is formed Austin Co. secures some big contracts Auston Co. (Chicago) Australia, U.S. trade with Australian blackwood Australian cabinet woods Australian furniture industry Australian furniture industry Australian furniture woods Australian ornamental wood Austrian baroque period Austrian bent wood imports to U.S. Austrian chest (art) Austrian furniture industry Austrian furniture industry Austrian furniture industry Austrian furniture wages Austrian walnut commode Austrian woodworking industry Auto production techniques Automatic carving machines Automatic glue jointer Automatic shapers Automatic smokers Automatic varnish drying Automobiles and furniture industry Auto-Nailer Co. (Atlanta) Avro-Anson V. bomber Ayers, Walter (Ft. Smith, Ark.) Ayous Ayres, Wilbur (St. Louis) B.L. Marble Chair Co. (Bedford, OH) Austin Company moves Chicago headquarters Suggestion to American manufacturers More about fine woods from far-away places A table of Australian cabinet woods Editorial notes Unionism among the Chinese More about furniture woods from Australia Ornamental wood in Australia Little known treasures of the Old World Written in the semi-editorial vein Austrian chest of drawers which is ... Austria to sell rare furniture The Austrian furniture industry Furniture industry of Austria Report on furniture wages Little known treasures of Old World The Austrian woodworking industry What can auto production teach the ... The recollections of an onlooker The automatic glue jointer Automatic shaper turns out uniform product... Lowering fuel costs with automatic stokers Adopts Wenborne-Karpen system Automobiles and furniture Auto nailer speeds furniture production Moulded plywood technique Leaders in the industry What do you know about fine cabinet woods? Recent deaths in furniture trade What's new Page 29 Date 02-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 11-01 07-01 07-01 04-01 09-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 06-15 03-01 08-01 03-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 Year Page Column 1924 1924 68 56 3 3 1924 1915 1932 1914 1916 1911 1932 1918 1928 1913 1927 1923 1921 1921 1921 1931 1921 1931 1911 1914 1934 1939 1912 1922 1946 1944 1943 1932 1928 1949 263 115 34 23 218 515 33 281 48 608 52 33 321 216 25 28 214 24 236 63 26 9 146 60 48 24 28 51 108 63 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry B-26 medium bomber Babbitt metal Baby carriages Baby carriages Babylonian furniture styles Bach, Alfons Bach, Alfons (Chicago) Backyard furniture Bacon-Macmillan ...(Stockton, AL) Bader, J.R. (Fremont, NE) Badger Cabinet Co. (Plymouth, WI) Badger Furniture Co. (Sheboygan,WI) Badger Lumber & ..(Oshkosh, WI) Baerman, Walter Bagby Furniture Co. (Baltimore) Bagby Furniture Co. (Baltimore) Bagby Furniture Co. (Baltimore) Bagby Furniture Co. (Baltimore, MD) Bagby, W. Hugh & Co. (Baltimore) Bagby, Wm. Hugh (Baltimore) Bahamas Bahamian imports of U.S. furniture Bahamian rum trade Bahamian sponge industry Bailey & Griffin (New York City) Bailey Co. (Cleveland) Bailey Table Co. (Jamestown, NY) Bailey, Roger (Jamestown, NY) Baillot, Leopold Bailot, Leo (Grand Rapids) Bakelite Bakelite Corp. Bakelite Corp. (New York City) Title Bombers take wood Worth knowing of Babbitt metal Announce figures on baby carriages A quick trip through Hedstom's folding ... Influences that bring new styles into being Unusual color combination used by Alfons ... Design copying Backyard furniture carries on What's new Parlor Furniture and Mattress Co. sold Plymouth, Wis., plant burned New furniture firm at Sheboygan Efficient selling results in bigger plant New construction conserves critical materials As the news story goes As the news story goes Chiefly about the manufacturers Little news notes As the news story goes Leaders in the industry Sponge catches iln Nassau hit by rum trade Bahamas are good customers of U.S. Sponge catches iln Nassau hit by rum trade Sponge catches iln Nassau hit by rum trade As the news story goes Must be made in Grand Rapids What the manufacturers are doing Wins valuable prize Leopold Baillot Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Enter Bakelite into the field of wood ... What's new What's new Page 30 Date 05-01 03-01 04-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 02-15 07-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 08-04 05-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 09-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 09-15 Year Page 1943 1911 1923 1946 1923 1946 1940 1943 1949 1923 1922 1924 1927 1942 1931 1931 1912 1914 1931 1946 1923 1925 1923 1923 1932 1919 1914 1922 1918 1923 1931 1949 1937 Column 26 132 181 36 220 25 4 10 63 282 17 66 54 7 63 70 196 200 70 54 110 184 110 110 38 5 272 141 31 103 36 62 33 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Baker & Co. (Allegan, MI) Baker & Co. (Allegan, MI) Baker Furniture ...(Allegan, MI) Baker Furniture ...(Grand Rapids) Baker Furniture ...(Holland, MI) Baker Furniture Co. (Allegan, MI) Baker Furniture Co. (Allegan, MI) Baker Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Baker Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Baker Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Baker Furniture Co. (Holland, MI) Baker Furniture Co. (Holland, MI) Baker Furniture Inc. (Grand Rapids) Baker Furniture...(Allegan, MI) Baker Furniture...(Allegan, MI) Baker Furniture...(Allegan, MI) Baker Museum (Grand Rapids) Baker, Henry D. (Kalamazoo, MI) Baker, Hollis (Allegan, MI Baker, Hollis (Allegan, MI) Baker, Hollis (Grand Rapids) Baker, Hollis S. (Allegan, MI) Baker, Hollis S. (Grand Rapids) Baker, Hollis S. (Grand Rapids) Baker, O.D. (Boston) Baker, Siebe (Allegan, MI) Balance Agriculture with Industry Balance Agriculture With Industry Balance of trade Balbach, Gustav (Grand Rapids) Balbach, William A. (Grand Rapids) Baldwin Plywood..(Gillett, WI) Baldwin Shipping Co. (Chicago) Title Merger of plants anounced by Baker What the manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Medals for Paris exposition Baker's museum for furniture research Other dealer helps Tie-up advertising Boring machine handles over 200 patterns Pre-packed furniture New furniture museum Affairs of the industry As the news story goes As the news story goes Baker's museum for furniture research Completes table top in 12 years Merger of plants anounced by Baker Hollis Baker adds Adawagam company As the news story goes New Allegan furniture factory Baker's museum for furniture research New furniture museum Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in the furniture trade Mississippi beckons to furniture ... Furniture manufacturing in Mississippi Our trade balance Wood carvers exhibit of national interest William A. Balbach Affairs of the industry Chicago shared in big order Page 31 Date 01-01 07-01 11-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 07-01 01-01 07-15 04-01 08-01 11-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 04-01 12-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 12-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 12-01 Year Page 1927 1915 1933 1931 1933 1932 1932 1942 1940 1941 1949 1945 1941 1932 1931 1931 1942 1916 1927 1923 1931 1923 1942 1941 1927 1925 1946 1949 1914 1923 1918 1935 1916 Column 84 51 30 26 30 28 40 7 5 16 20 12 17 41 68 59 7 235 84 64 59 166 7 17 108 70 52 26 295 104 79 18 254 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Balk Ball bearing frinction drive shaper Ball bearings Ball bearings Ball Furniture..(Hanover, Ontario) Ball, Edward C. (Grand Rapids) Ball-bearing drawer slides Ballenberg, Adolph (New York) Ballenberg, Adolph A. (GR) Balsa Balsa Balsa as furniture wood Title Timber, its growth and defects New ball bearing friction drive shaper Lubricants for ball bearings The advantage of ball bearings What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Ball-bearing drawer slide Recent deaths in furniture trade Written in the semi-editorial vein Balsa a war wood Balsa is a good wood for furniture packing New supply of balsa Balsa as furniture wood Modern methods aid Ecuador in producing balsa Balsa Ecuador Lumber..(NYC) Balsa wood Balsa Wood Co. (New York City) Balsam Baltimore (MD) furniture industry Baltimore Coaster Co. Baltimore furniture industry Baltimore Furniture Manufacturing.. Bamboo Bamboo as furniture material Bamboo culture Bamboo furniture Bamboo turnings on Windsor chairs Bamboo-growing industry in U.S. Banak (Central America) Band rip-saw Band saw filing machine Date 03-01 07-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 12-01 Year Page Column 1911 1911 1913 1916 1915 1932 1914 1918 1918 1943 1922 1943 104 364 21 20 98 52 46 97 62 7 29 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 10-01 1943 26 1 Modern methods aid Ecuador in producing balsa Results of comparative tests on balsa wood Results of comparative tests on balsa wood Hardwoods out of Canadian lab Baltimore manufacturers Coaster company formed They use cherry in Baltimore Recent deaths Uses of bamboo New bamboo from the South Bamboo grove to be started A new idea in Philippine Modern 10-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 11-01 11-01 08-01 04-01 03-15 1943 1927 1927 1945 1914 1920 1911 1911 1912 1945 1921 1940 26 104 104 8 97 117 3 581 535 6 244 14 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 Bamboo turnings on American Windsor chairs... Editorial notes Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Modern woodworking machines Only saw filing and setting machine 10-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 06-01 1934 1921 1949 1913 1911 23 126 42 92 308 1 2 1 1 1 Page 32 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Band sawing Band sawing Band saws Band saws Band saws Band saws Band scroll sawing Band-saw rubbers, deterioration of Bandsawing Band-saws Banister back chair Banister back chair, construction Banister back chair, design Banjo clock Banking and furniture industry Banking and the furniture industry Bankruptcies Bankruptcies Bankruptcies, corporate Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Banner Chair Co. (Huntington, WV) Banner Mattress Co. (Madison, WI) Bannister back chair (art) Banta & Bender ...(Evansville, IN) Banta Furniture Co. (Goshen, IN) Banta Table Co. (Goshen, IN) Banta, Harvey F. Banta, John F. Co. (Muncie, IN) Barber Leather Co. (North Adams,MA) Barber, Addison A. (Grand Rapids) Barber, Joel (New York City) Title Use of templates in band sawing How modern developments have revolutionized.. A new band saw catalog How to braze broken band saws An experience with band saws Rules that safeguard sawyers The art of band scroll sawing The department of shop notes Templets as used in bandsawing Hints about the small band-saws Number four of a series of drawings ... Making a banister back chair Making a banister back chair The romance of American clockmaking A banker looks at the furniture industry A banker looks at the furniture industry Closed out Investigation into fraudulent bankruptcies Corporate reorganization under federal law The W.K. Cowan & Co. embarrassment Gustav Stickley involved What some manufacturers are doing Little news notes South facade of the new American wing ... What the manufacturers are doing Banta Company reorganizes Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers The John F. Banta Company, Muncie, Ind., ... As the news story goes Recent deaths in the trade Joel Barber resumes work on tension chair Page 33 Date 04-01 04-01 08-01 10-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 12-01 11-01 03-15 12-01 08-01 07-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 Year Page 1929 1946 1912 1912 1912 1911 1915 1912 1928 1912 1922 1930 1930 1929 1935 1937 1912 1923 1934 1915 1915 1914 18A 1914 1924 1915 1917 1913 1913 1928 1931 1915 1944 Column 65 1 32 414 484 69 514 163 221 57 264 73 63 63 47 11 22 617 55 10 222 147 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 200 256 51 192 101 101 106 63 139 15 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Barber, Joel (New York City) Barcalo Mfg. Co. (Buffalo) Barcola Mfg. Co. (Buffalo) Bare Bros. (San Francisco) Bare, Sol (San Francisco) Bargain Furniure..(High Point,NC) Barge shipments of furniture Barker Brothers (Los Angeles) Barker Brothers (Los Angeles) Barker Brothers (Los Angeles) Barker Brothers (Los Angeles) Barker Brothers (Los Angeles) Barker Brothers (Los Angeles) Barker, John & Co. (London) Barker, Obediah T. (Los Angeles) Barker, W.A. (Los Angeles) Barlow & Kent Furniture.(Urbana,OH) Barnard, Harry A. (Minneapolis) Barnard, Thomas G. (Minneapolis) Barnard-Cope Co. (Minneapolis) Barnes Mfg. Co. (High Point, NC) Barnes, E.T. (Hollywood, CA) Barnhart, Franklin (Grand Rapids) Barnhart, William (Grand Rapids) Barnhill, R.G. (Abingdon, VA) Baroque arm chair (art) Baroque carving on table (art) Baroque pieces (art) Bartelmas, Louis (New York City) Barthmaier, Herbert (HIgh Point,NC) Bartlett & Snow Co. (Cleveland) Barton Cabinet Shops (Grand Rapids) Barton Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Title Joel Barber - architect Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Recent deaths As the news story goes Barge shipments of furniture Modern woodworking machinery is used to ... Peculiar style demands of California ... What about this Art Moderne? Largest syndicate being reorganized Recent deaths Novelty beddings Old furniture at the exhibition of... Recent deaths Death of W.A. Barker What manufacturers are doing Prominent furniture men die Recent deaths in furniture trade What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Franklin Barnhard dies in Grand Rapids William Barnhart re-elected Hotel man enters furniture field Pages for a designer's scrap book The school of Chippendale Promotional exhibit by Chicago furniture ... Recent deaths in the furniture trade Furniture pick-ups What's new Affairs of the industry Getting personal Page 34 Date 04-01 07-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 03-01 07-01 01-01 09-01 02-15 08-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 11-01 03-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 02-01 10-01 10-01 09-15 08-01 09-01 Year Page 1944 1933 1934 1912 1912 1932 1921 1929 1930 1928 1928 1912 1939 1911 1912 1922 1915 1931 1917 1912 1920 1932 1924 1916 1945 1930 1941 1942 1922 1928 1937 1934 1949 Column 15 26 34 416 416 34 215 44 42 54 69 465 19 380 465 250 278 84 36 574 168 47 295 40 10 68 22 8 60 68 33 26 61 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bartos, Harold (New York City) Baruch-Hancock report on surplus... Barwa Associates (Chicago) Baseball Basic-Witz Furniture..(Staunton,VA) Basket willows Basketry Bassett (VA) Furniture Co. Bassett (VA) Furniture Co. Bassett (VA) Furniture Co. Bassett (VA) Furniture Industries Bassett (VA) Furniture Industries Bassett (VA) Furniture Industries Bassett (VA) Furniture Industries.. Bassett (VA) Furniture Industries.. Bassett (VA) Industries Bassett (VA) Industries Bassett (VA) Industries Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. C.(Bassett,VA Bast, Herbert (Sheboygan, WI) Batavia (NY) Clamp Co. Bateman, Floyd (Chicago) Bates & Covey (Oklahoma City) Batesville (IN) Cabinet Co. Batesville (IN) Cabinet Co. Bather, C.S. (Rockford, IL) Batic Shop (Grand Rapids) Batik dyeing Batten Bauknight Furniture..(Atlanta, GA) Bault, John (Bloomington, IN) Bauman, Ludwig & Co. (NYC) Baumritter, T. Co. Title Bartos' creations demonstrate flexibility ... Surplus property questions and answers New product result of 3 years of ... Factory baseball teams Lively business at Basic-Witz dining room... To grow willows in Michigan A pioneer basket maker - his shop Affairs of the industry Furniture plant damaged by fire Bassett expansion plans approved As the news story goes Profits up Free publicity As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Recent deaths in furniture trade Books and catalogs A clamp catalogue Leaders in the industry Getting personal What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry The new Federation secretary Batic company expands Batik dyeing process Timber, its growth and defects What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Complaints bring trade terms to front The restocrat Page 35 Date 12-01 02-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 01-01 10-01 12-01 04-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 06-15 01-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 06-01 02-01 11-01 04-01 02-01 06-01 08-01 10-10 10-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 08-01 04-01 10-01 11-01 Year Page 1949 1945 1949 1920 1949 1917 1914 1932 1930 1930 1931 1949 1939 1931 1931 1932 1934 1933 1930 1928 1911 1942 1946 1913 1933 1917 1920 1918 1911 1914 1933 1925 1946 Column 35 11 59 127 17 19 174 42 84 108 62 6 4 68 69 35 32 31 73 104 193 21 61 417 31 176 169 270 104 110 29 170 18 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bay De Noquet Co. (Nahma, MI) Bay State Upholstery Co. (Boston) Bay View Furniture Co. (Holland,MI) Bay View Furniture...(Holland, MI) Bayne, James (Grand Rapids) BB Chemical Co. (Cambridge, MA) Beacon Table Mfg..(Bridgeport, CT) Beal, Giles L. (Gastonia, NC) Beals Furniture..(Portland, ME) Bear Brothers (Madison, IN) Beardsley, H.W. (Lomax, IL) Beau-Brummel dressing table (art) Beauvais products Bechtold Bros. ...(Grand Rapids) Becker Folding Table..(Pittsburgh) Becker, Louis (New York City) Beckwith Machine Co. (Ravenna, OH) Beckwith Veneer Co. (Grand Rapids) Bed cushions industry Bed room rocker, design of Bed room suites furniture Bed sizes, standards for Bed springs Bed with ormolu mounts (art) Bed with slat ends, construction Bed with slat ends, design Bed with tester rails (art) Bedding Bedding and upholsterers' supplies Bedding and upholstery supplies Bedding and upholstery supplies Bedding and upholstery supplies Bedding and upholstery supplies Title Furniture pick-ups As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Additional deaths What's new As the news story goes Getting personal As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing Plan an industrial university Number forty one of a new series of ... Use of tapestry in upholstering Modern love seats What the manufacturers are doing The above is the Oldest Inhabitant Club ... New electric glue heaters What other manufacturers are doing Master bedding makers set-up A chapter on chair making A new line of decorated furniture Bed sizes Making a market for a bed spring Examples of Empire Style Furniture, from ... Two attractive wood designs Two attractive wood designs Number nine of new series of drawings ... New ideas now on the market Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 36 Date 02-01 12-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 03-01 10-01 04-01 03-01 08-15 10-01 07-01 09-01 02-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 12-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 08-15 08-01 04-01 06-01 03-01 07-01 Year Page 1930 1931 1913 1932 1924 1949 1931 1944 1931 1917 1912 1927 1911 1940 1914 1924 1931 1920 1929 1913 1921 1927 1916 1925 1922 1922 1924 1939 1917 1917 1912 1917 1917 Column 69 44 581 41 296 63 48 45 54 137 489 49 125 11 214 64 40 117 68 140 323 51 154 272 111 111 17 16 84 194 302 145 42 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bedding and upholstery supplies Bedding and upholstery supplies Bedding and upholstery supplies Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material market Bedding ensemble Bedding labels Bedding makers' material Bedding makers' materials National mattress shows model bedding display Toward standardized labels Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Bedding manufacture, developments Bedding manufacturers' material Bedding manufacturers' materials Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Modern developments in bedding manufacture Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 37 Date 05-01 12-01 09-01 Year Page Column 1917 1912 1917 250 621 129 2 2 2 05-01 04-15 07-01 06-01 1946 1940 1911 1911 32 19 360 307 2 1 1 1 04-15 09-01 08-01 05-01 07-01 09-01 02-01 08-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 06-01 12-01 05-01 04-01 12-01 06-01 01-01 03-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 03-01 1939 1911 1911 1915 1915 1915 1916 1913 1915 1913 1917 1915 1913 1916 1913 1913 1915 1915 1916 1916 1915 1913 1915 1913 18 473 418 273 47 154 96 412 252 98 44 211 301 287 247 198 310 327 46 149 102 357 203 144 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding supplies Bedding suppliesw Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 38 Date 02-01 04-01 12-01 12-01 09-01 11-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 09-01 04-01 10-01 09-01 02-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 12-01 05-01 Year Page 1917 1914 1913 1914 1916 1913 1914 1914 1913 1912 1914 1912 1917 1916 1916 1914 1914 1915 1914 1914 1913 1916 1916 1914 1915 1916 1914 1916 1915 1912 1917 1917 1914 Column 90 209 636 322 143 577 106 268 522 567 213 516 303 95 46 107 48 161 330 55 470 198 189 161 102 235 158 313 52 462 181 284 269 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bedding, merchandising of Beddings and beddings foundations Bedette Co. (Racine, WI) Bedroom furniture Bedroom furniture Bedroom suites Bedroom suites Bedroom suites Beds Bedside cabinet, construction Bedside cabinet, design Bedsteads, construction of Bedsteads, types of Beech Beech Beech Aircraft Corp. (Wichita, KS) Beech airplane Beech for drawer bottoms Beech furniture Beecher Falls (VT) Mfg. Corp. Beetles Behr, Herman & Co. (New York City) Behr-Manning Corp. (Troy, NY) Beinig Bros. (New York City) Beiriger, C.H. (Grand Rapids) Bel Geddes, Norman (Chicago) Bel Geddes, Norman (Chicago) Bel Geddes, Norman (Chicago) Belcher, Bob (Los Angeles) Belcher, Bob (Los Angeles) Belding-Hall Co. (Belding, MI) Belding-Hall Co. (Belding, MI) Belding-Hall Co. (Belding, MI) Title How Simmons helps retail stores sell ... Foundation most important to this bedding ... What some manufacturers are doing Bedroom furniture styles preferred by ... Mengel talks about bedrooms Precisionized construction is the term ... Union National adds unique bedroom suite ... Case goods sales boom, suites going strong The metal bed or the wood bed A bedside cabinet: its construction A bedside cabinet: its construction Study of practical cabinet-making Study of practical cabinet-making The structure of common woods First-hand glimpse at birch, beech and maple Plaskon plus plywood Wood takes to the skies again Beech for drawer bottoms War furniture designs may influence future... Affairs of the industry Preventing damage by beetles to furniture Fiftieth anniversary celebrated What's new New paint and varnish concern Leaders in the industry Norman Bel Geddes uses only noncritical ... Designer --author--theatrical producer Norman Bel Geddes sees new materials in ... Bob Belcher executes all his designs in ... A designer who draws no designs Belding-Hall Co. adding to plant What manufacturers are doing An all-individual motor plant Page 39 Date 06-15 02-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 FALL 06-01 09-01 07-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 Year Page 1939 1942 1919 1945 1946 1949 1946 1949 1912 1919 1919 1911 1911 1913 1923 1943 1943 1911 1943 1936 1926 1922 1946 1921 1945 1943 1943 1943 1942 1942 1926 1915 1917 Column 14 22 159 24 14 47 26 6 480 176 176 201 201 164 167 19 31 378 23 40 53 117 48 214 42 16 15 15 14 14 57 195 156 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Belgian furniture wages Belgian Provincial chairs (art) Bell Aircraft Corp. Bell Machine Co. (Oshkosh, WI) Bell Machine Co. (Oshkosh, WI) Bell Machine Co. .(Oshkosh, WI) Bell, Louis Bellah, Ross (Los Angeles) Bellah, Ross (Los Angeles) Belleville tapestry Be-lo Approval Co. of ...(Chicago) Beloit (WI) schools Beloit (WI) schools Belt sander Belt sanders Belt sanders Belt sanding m,achinery Belt-driven machinery Belt-driven machinery Belting Belting Belts Belts and belting Belvedere Mfg. Co. (Los Angeles) Belz Upholstered ..(Memphis, TN) Belz, Philip (Memphis, TN) Bemis Bro. Bag Co. (St. Louis) Bemis-Riddell Fiber..(Sheboygan,WI) Bench with porcelain panels (art) Bender Frame Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Bender, Chas. H. Bending wood for furniture Bendix Mfg. Co. (New York City) Title Report on furniture wages A designer's scrapbook All-wood fighter plane successful Books and catalogs Air operated machine New machine announced by Bell Company Preservation of slivered mirrors Anderson and Bellah's end tables, cabinets... Ross Bellah and Carl Anderson Fabrics for furniture coverings New furniture merchandising idea launched Industrial education in Wisconsin Industrial education in Wisconsin The sand belt and its applications Getting results from belt sander When the belt sander is paying Development in belt sanders Factors to consider in selection of drives Comparison of costs, belt and motor drives Proper transmission of power by belting How to join the ends of belting Classes of belts that can be made endless The purchase and care of belts Interesting innovations Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Burlap in furniture manufacturing New plant of Bemis-Riddell Fiber Co. Pages for a designer's scrap book What the manufacturers are doing Reorganization of Phoenix Furniture Co. Wood bending and strength of flexure What's new Page 40 Date 07-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 11-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 08-01 07-15 07-15 02-01 12-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 Year Page 1921 1930 1945 1927 1928 1928 1913 1942 1942 1911 1925 1913 1913 1912 1914 1918 1914 1924 1924 1923 1922 1923 1916 1949 1937 1937 1949 1919 1931 1914 1912 1921 1949 Column 25 68 36 63 66 104 272 19 19 301 220 348 134 246 121 169 47 226 229 130 13 118 281 18 30 30 63 319 63 162 351 345 60 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Benesch-Federman Co. (Cleveland) Benjamin, Alfred (Kansas City) Title Must be made in Grand Rapids Alfred Benjamin (obit) Bennett lounge chair (art) Bennett Seating Co. (Louisville,KY) Bennett, A.L. (Grand Rapids) Benson Furniture..(Sioux City, IA) Benson Furniture..(Sioux City, IA) Benson, Bennie (Jamestown, NY) Bent wood in furniture Bent, Roderic L. (Gardner, MA) Bentley, Garth (Chicago) Benton Harbor (MI) schools Bentwood chairs Bentwood chairs Bentwood chairs Bentwood furniture Benzine as varnish solvent Contemporary styles being shown by leading... What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in the trade Furniture pick-ups Benson Furniture Company lets contract ... Group of three buy Herrick Co. Bending solid woods with minimum breakage Leaders in the industry Leaders in the industry Much expense saved to taxpayers Briefs on chair costs filed As the news story goes Bentwood chairs No bentwood in American markets Nature of varnish solvents Benzol Benzole as solvents Benzole substitutes Berea (KY) College Berea College (Berea, KY) Berge, Otto (Hyde Park, NY) Berger Mfg. Co. (New York City) Berger, Charles (Grand Rapids) Bergere Bergren, Alex (Jamestown, NY) Berkey & Gay ..(Grand Rapids) Berkey & Gay ... GR) Berkey & Gay ...(Grand Rapids) Berkey & Gay Co. (Grand Rapids) More good news for the consumer of dyestuffs Changing finishing stain shades Changing finishing stain shades Furniture goes to college Berea College students learn art of ... Getting personal Furniture pick-ups Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Wing chair was always seat of refuge from ... Some recent deaths What the future offers hand carvers Berkey & Gay to show in Chicago B. and G. buyers weekly stock report Berkey & Gay Co. offer bond issue Page 41 Date 07-01 09-01 Year Page Column 1919 1923 5 134 2 3 06-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 01-15 08-15 10-01 03-01 10-01 08-01 05-01 02-01 08-01 1943 1914 1918 1930 1930 1922 1940 1938 1942 1916 1927 1931 1925 1917 1923 29 52 70 77 48 60 13 20 23 125 102 51 220 85 84 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 08-01 06-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 10-15 04-01 03-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 1917 1911 1911 1943 1932 1938 1929 1923 1935 1927 1926 1930 1926 1924 76 273 273 10 39 28 78 105 10 106 46 66 57 241 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Berkey & Gay Co. (Grand Rapids) Berkey & Gay Co. (Grand Rapids) Berkey & Gay Co. (Grand Rapids) Berkey & Gay div., Simmons ... Berkey & Gay div., Simmons..(GR) Berkey & Gay division,Simmons Corp. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Title Berkey and Gay units under one company To vote on merger of Berkey and Gay units Shots of interesting machine operations ... Five of Wallace family formulating plans; ... Furniture pick-ups B.&G. personnel changes Romance of the furniture caster Berkey & Gay on walnut Another chapter of strike history A common ownership for two Grand Rapids ... A useful sales help Selling furniture in the 1929 way S.M. Kinney to manage sales of Berkey & Gay Order on veneer issued New era of oak in furniture begins to dawn Manufacturers dolling up rooms now Day of big things Lachlan McLachlan leaves B. & G. Co. The Berkey & Gay receivership As the news story goes Berkey & Gay Co. had prosperous year Berkey & Gay have school Consolidation movement receives big impetus Malcolm Mowat new B.& G. president As the news story goes The reasonable course for Berkey & Gay This oak dining-room suite signalized ... Wallaces buy estate to entertain buyers What leaders think about Simmons expansion What will be the effect of the Simmons ... Simmons sued by Berkey & Gay Simmons Co. buys Berkey & Gay Berkey & Gay men insured Page 42 Date 06-01 05-01 10-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 07-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 04-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 06-01 Year Page 1926 1926 1941 1930 1930 1930 1911 1916 1911 1911 1911 1929 1927 1928 1927 1929 1928 1924 1932 1931 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1931 1927 1926 1929 1929 1932 1929 1917 Column 77 69 27 80 76 106 344 121 297 516 310 66 59 73 54 52 51 27 41 61 66 47 39 67 59 63 55 69 48 44 39 42 298 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Title In favor of one line a year Furniture headquarters in Buenos Ayres Berkey & Gay executives advanced The obituary record Economically sound Written in the semi-editorial vein The Berkey & Gay announcement No early season The Berkey & Gay Red Cross girls George G. Whitworth new president Affairs of the industry Berkey & Gay Recovery Corp. puts finishing... Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Berkey & Gay settlement in compromise ... Auction of B. & G. equipment draws interest.. Berkey & Gay start operations Berkey & Gay to be offered at auction on ... Cash bid for Berkey & Gay entirety is ... First proposal for re-establishing Berkey ... Getting personal Getting personal Name and reputation of Berkey & Gay will ... Profits Receive petitions for order for sale of ... Simmons answers million dollar lawsuit White-collar shift gives Berkey & Gay a lift Berkey & Gay set to re-open Furniture companies merge Berkey & Gay receivers awarded Simmons ... Berkey & Gay contract let Berkey & Gay's Red Cross auxiliary Furniture and military service Group insurance popular Page 43 Date 02-01 11-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 04-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 12-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 08-15 11-15 06-01 01-15 03-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 06-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 Year Page 1914 1915 1915 1914 1914 1912 1914 1915 1917 1920 1935 1935 1923 1934 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1938 1937 1935 1938 1935 1933 1944 1935 1923 1934 1919 1918 1917 1917 Column 81 245 187 44 25 334 24 114 237 344 17 25 105 29 19 21 25 15 9 30 31 12 4 27 39 26 9 292 26 334 83 212 137 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture...(GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture...(GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture...(GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture...(GR) Berkey & Gay Furniture...(GR) Berkey & Gay plan Berkey & Gay Recovery Corp. (GR) Berkey & Gay Recovery Corp. (GR) Berkey & Gay Recovery Corp. (GR) Berkey & Gay Style Book Berkey * Gay Furniture Co. (GR) Berkey, Charles H. (Grand Rapids) Berkey, Julius Berkey, Julius Berkey, William Berkey, Wm. H. Co. (Grand Rapids) Berkey's $50 dealer catalog Berkline Corp. (Morristown, TN) Berlin (Germany) furniture exhibit Berlin Machine Works (Beloit, WI) Berlin Machine Works (Beloit, WI) Berlin Machine Works (Beloit, WI) Berlin Machine Works (Beloit, WI) Berlin Machine Works (Beloit, WI) Berlin Machine Works (Beloit,WI) Berlin Quality Berlin sander for short stock Berman Mfg. Co. (Erie, PA) Berman, B.D. Bermudan imports of U.S. furniture Bernard, J. Co. (New York City) Title Berkey & Gay board of cooperation Written in the semi-editorial vein A move that is only logical Berkey & Gay bondholders plan for action Short cuts and economies developed by ... Berkey & Gay increases capital The Christmas card of Berkey & Gay Berkey & Gay board of cooperation Receive petitions for order for sale of ... Cash bid for Berkey & Gay entirety is ... Berkey & Gay Recovery Corp. puts finishing... Selling furniture in the 1929 way Furniture pick-ups Some recent deaths in the furniture trade The recollections of an onlooker A common ownership for two Grand Rapids ... Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Medals for Paris exposition A useful sales help Getting personal Berlin furniture exhibitions Berlin Machine Works changes its name Latest method in double cutting stock Sanding short stock in factories A new band saw catalog The Berlin wood-working magazine A continuous glue jointer The Berlin wood-working magazine Sanding short stock in factories What manufacturers are doing Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Bermuda buys largely from United States Good demand for marquetry Page 44 Date 02-01 11-01 01-01 12-01 07-15 09-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 03-01 07-01 06-01 09-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 08-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 03-01 10-01 09-01 Year Page 1920 1919 1930 1931 1937 1919 1919 1920 1935 1935 1935 1929 1929 1923 1911 1911 1923 1932 1911 1949 1932 1916 1913 1912 1912 1912 1913 1912 1912 1916 1923 1925 1914 Column 70 229 61 64 4 153 45 70 27 15 25 66 106 60 236 516 105 40 310 61 29 141 103 147 414 466 580 466 147 308 105 186 157 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bernhaim, B. & Sons (Philadelphia) Bernhardt Furniture..(Lenoir, NC) Bernstein, Louis (New York City) Bertsch, Christian (Grand Rapids) Bessemer process Bessemer process Bethlehem (PA) Furniture Co. Bethlehem (PA) Furniture Co. Better American Homes Week Better Bedrooms Week Better Business Bureaus Better Business Bureaus Better Business Bureaus Better Homes & Gardens magazine Better Homes contests Better Homes Movement Better mechandising of furniture Bettie Furniture ...(Zeeland, MI) Betty Furniture Shops (Zeeland, MI) Bevalacqua, S. (New York City Bevalacqua, S. (New York City) Bevelacqua, Aurelio (Grand Rapids) Bevelacqua, Aurelio (Grand Rapids) Bevelacqua, Aurelio (Grand Rapids) Bevelacqua, Salvatore (Scarsdale,NY Bevelacqua, Salvatore (Scarsdale,NY Beveling in plate glass manufacture Biederman Co. (Spencerville, OH) Biedermeier arm chair Biedermeier dressing table (art) Biedermeier furniture Bielecky Bros. (Woodside, LI, NY) Biennial Census of Manufacturers Title What some manufacturers are doing Getting personal They're organizing to tell the furniture ... Recent deaths in the furniture trade Stories of the related industries Stories of the related industries Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Mile of furniture at Detroit show Better Bedroom Week Protecting goodwill of furniture industry Trade terms on furniture New trade terms adopted Home improvement to promote activity Home improvement to promote activity Better Homes Movement The consumer is queen As the news story goes As the news story goes Architect and designer S. Bevelacqua considers furniture of tomorrow Among the designers As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Biographical notes on the design team Helen Park and Salvatore Belacqua ... Making of plate glass and mirrors What manufacturers are doing Little known treasures of Old World Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... Wherefor Directoire-Biedermeier Affairs of the industry Comparisons, figures from biennial census Page 45 Date 06-01 01-01 09-15 10-01 12-01 09-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 09-15 05-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 03-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 08-04 08-04 02-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 11-01 Year Page 1914 18A 1949 1939 1926 1918 1918 1932 1931 1923 1938 1923 1922 1922 1933 1933 1922 1930 1932 1931 1943 1943 1932 1931 1935 1942 1942 1912 1915 1931 1931 1931 1932 1934 Column 61 10 112 254 127 44 48 163 4 217 7 182 26 26 110 38 37 45 16 16 33 42 26 12 12 74 98 50 77 45 43 20 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Biernacki, Frank (St. Joseph, MO) Big G Furniture Works (NYC) Bill of lading legislation Billow-Lupfer Co. (Columbus, OH) Bills of lading and invoices Bills of lading safeguards Bilt-Rite Mfg. Co. (Atlanta) Bilt-Rite Table Co. (New York City) Biltwell Furniture..(Philadelphia) Biltwell upholstered furniture Bing & Nathan (Buffalo) Bingham Furniture Shops (GR) Binghamton (NY) Chair Co. Binghamton (NY) Lounge Co. Binghamton (NY) Upholstered ... Binks Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Binks Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Binks Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Binks Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Binks Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Binks Spray Equipment Co. (Chicago) Biollett, Leopold (Grand Rapids) Birch Birch Birch Birch Birch as furniture wood Birch as furniture wood Birch as furniture wood Birch as imitation of mahogany Birch as imitation walnut Birch dimension stock, drying of Birch furniture Title Recent deaths Three more dealers named in complaints To push bill of lading legislation What the manufacturers are doing Legal documents in export trade Congress passes Pomerene bill Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry Getting personal How famous Biltwell upholstered line is ... As the news story goes As the news story goes L.D. Eldredge heads big chair company What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing New Binks spray guns Furniture pick-ups What's new Affairs of the industry What's new Agitator unit prevents defects in finishes Interest in wood carving is increasing World uses of birch Many uses for birch are recorded Birch for interior finish First-hand glimpse at birch, beech and maple Written in the semi-editorial vein Remarks on birch for furniture The opening for birch Mahogany logic Finishes for imitation walnut Drying birch dimension stock for chairs War furniture designs may influence future... Page 46 Date 07-01 06-01 11-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 03-01 08-01 03-15 05-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 07-01 06-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 01-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 03-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 12-01 02-01 05-01 03-01 10-01 05-01 Year Page 1929 1925 1915 1914 1911 1916 1930 1932 1938 1949 1931 1931 1924 1912 1917 1931 1929 1949 1935 1949 1928 1924 1916 1915 1914 1923 1911 1915 1914 1911 1915 1924 1943 Column 92 279 244 214 613 137 76 30 32 36 42 43 254 359 308 65 73 62 21 60 67 5 202 120 76 167 452 263 81 202 129 181 23 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Birch stains Birch wood Birch woods Birch woods Birch woods Birch woods, varieties of Birch, sanding of Bird cage, design Bird shelter and feedery, const. Bird shelter and feedery, design Birds Eye Veneer Co. (Escanaba, MI) Birds Eye Veneer Co. (Escanaba, MI) Birds Eye Veneer..(Escanaba, MI) Bird's-eye maple as cabinet wood Bird's-eye maple furniture Birds-eye maple furniture Birmingham (AL) Furniture and ... Bishop Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Bishop Furniture(N.Kansas City,MO) Bishop, D.W. (North Kansas City,MO) Bishop-Babcock- ...(Indianapolis) Bison Table Co. (Buffalo, NY) Bissel, Charles H. (Newark,NJ) Bissell Carpet ...(Grand Rapids) Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co. (GR) Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co. (GR) Bissell Carpet Sweeper..(GR) Bissell Carpet Sweeper...(GR) Bivens Furniture...(Hillsboro, NC) Bjorncrantz, Carl G. (Grand Rapids) Bjorncrantz, Carl G. (Grand Rapids) Black & Decker Mfg... (Towson, MD) Black & Yates Inc. (New York City) Title Staining birch and maple to match mahogany Birch a high grade cabinet wood Birch finding buyers Birch comes into its own The romance and reality of birch The birches are furniture woods Sanding of birch and hardwoods Construction of bird cage is interesting How to make pretty rustic bird shelters How to make pretty rustic bird shelters Birds Eye Veneer Co. has big exhibit Birds Eye holds novel exhibit at fair C.J. Byrns is elected Birds Eye president Bird's-eye maple as a cabinet wood Has greatest output of bird's-eye maple Birds-eye maple looks good in new dress Peck and Hills expand Bishop abandons retailing Man who believes in the ninth hour Man who believes in the ninth hour Just about people News of the trade Recent deaths Bissell Company had a good year Bissells barred from United Kingdom Editorial notes As the news story goes Bissell had a great year Affairs of the industry Carl G. Bjorncrantz is designer and ... Pioneering in American modern Black & Decker brings out electric hand saw Trade notes Page 47 Date 04-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 09-01 12-01 05-01 03-01 03-01 12-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 07-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 03-01 03-01 10-15 10-15 06-01 05-01 Year Page 1925 1915 1914 1918 1918 1913 1915 1923 1924 1924 1928 1928 1929 1914 1917 1926 1928 1918 1932 1932 1913 1914 1912 1924 1916 1915 1931 1917 1933 1938 1938 1929 1928 Column 172 219 132 46 114 462 262 207 105 105 76 91 71 61 197 57 106 30 54 54 248 265 362 60 316 281 67 133 28 16 16 92 59 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Black Bros. Machinery..(Mendota,IL) Black Diamond Saw ...(Natick, MA) Black walnut Black walnut Black walnut Black walnut Black walnut Black walnut Black walnut Black walnut furniture Black walnut furniture revival Black walnut logs as furniture ... Black walnut lumber Black walnut trees Black walnut, market for in Europe Black walnut, U.S. sources of Black walnut, uses in World War I Black, Chas. W. Black, Milton W. (Peru, IN) Blackburn, Hugh (Cincinnati) Blackhawk Furniture...(Rockford,IL) Blackmore Bedding Co. (Chicago) Blackstock, Thomas (Sheboygan, WI) Blackstock, Thomas M. Blaine, John E. (Cincinnati) Blaisdell Machinery..(Bradford, PA) Blake, Ernest G. Blanchard Mfg. Co..(Cleveland, OH) Blanchard-Hamilton..(Shelbyville,IN Blanding Mfg. Co. (Lake View, MI) Bleaching processes for woods Blecher, Martin H. (Buffalo) Bleier, Chas. & Co. (Chicago) Title A catalogue of woodworking machinery Only saw filing and setting machine What do you know about walnut? Walnut veneers in demand Romance and reality of walnut A black walnut revival The structure of common woods Walnut booklet in demand Walnut free for furniture Good demand for black walnut logs The West and black walnut Rare black walnut logs Boy Scouts to help find black walnut Good returns in planting black walnut trees Written in the semi-editorial vein Where black walnut comes from Boy Scouts to help find black walnut A common ownership for two Grand Rapids ... Other deaths Death of Hugh Blackburn Air promotion What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Written in the semi-editorial vein Recent deaths Catalogs, pamphlets and other literature Book reviews What manufacturers are doing As the news story goes What some manufacturers are doing Bleaching hardwood emphasizes beauty of ... Recent deaths in furniture trade What the manufacturers are doing Page 48 Date 10-01 06-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 06-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 06-01 07-01 01-01 07-01 Year Page 1911 1911 1930 1914 1916 1914 1913 1915 1919 1927 1914 1943 1918 1923 1913 1914 1918 1911 1913 1918 1946 1917 1913 1911 1935 1915 1925 1915 1932 1914 18A 1946 1918 1912 Column 533 308 63 38 48 134 164 243 7 45 175 12 308 219 177 295 308 516 243 305 12 309 191 66 27 276 66 278 35 21 41 359 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bliss, Merlin (Jamestown, NY) Block front chest on chest, const. Block front chest on chest, design Block front desk, construction Block front desk, construction Block front desk, design Block front desk, design Blockfront furniture Block-front secretary, c1750 (art) Blodel-Donovan ...(Bellingham, WA) Blodgett, John W. (Grand Rapids) Blood albumin as furniture glue Bloomington (IN) city council Bloomington, Ind. Blower systems Blue Grass Cooperage(Louisville,KY) Blue Ridge Hickory..(High Point,NC) Bluestone Mattress..(Graham, VA) Bobb-Furniture Co. (Kalamazoo, MI) Bockstege Furniture.(Evansville,IN) Bockstege Furniture..(Evansville,IN Bockstege, Fred Sr. (Evansville,IN) Boeing Airplane Co. (Seattle) Bogalusa (LA) Furniture Co. Bogenschutz, Nicholas (Northeast,PA Bohnert, Joseph F. (Cincinnati) Boice-Crane Co. (Toledo, OH) Boiler corrosion Boiler rooms Boiler rooms Boland, William (Grand Rapids) Bombay Reed Furniture(Philadelphia) Bombayreed Willow..(Wilmington,DE) Title Recent deaths Block front chest on chest Block front chest on chest How to make a block front desk - II How to make a block jfront desk How to make a block front desk - II How to make a block jfront desk Regional characteristics of American ... Block-front secretary American 1750-1775 ... Attempt to cut log duty fails The problem of reforestation in America Blood albumin and the woodworking industry No vampire wears overalls The center of population (U.S., 1911) A modern blower system is a necessity in a .. What's new Affairs of the industry Among the manufacturers Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Furniture pick-ups Recent deaths Whether in making furniture or air liners ... What ten years have done for the furniture... Recent deaths Recent deaths What's new Preventing boiler corrosion The boiler and engine room Hazards of the furniture factory Recent deaths What some manufacturers are doing Million dollar concern chartered Page 49 Date 10-10 02-01 02-01 08-15 05-15 08-15 05-15 08-01 07-01 11-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 07-15 08-01 10-10 02-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 07-01 08-01 09-01 04-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 Year Page 1933 1931 1931 1938 1938 1938 1938 1949 1934 1923 1924 1933 1918 1911 1938 1945 1933 1919 1935 1912 1929 1912 1929 1929 1934 1932 1943 1911 1913 1911 1920 1920 1922 Column 32 47 47 27 27 27 27 59 16 64 77 16 192 498 11 46 31 90 17 195 73 195 62 42 35 41 31 432 170 86 288 338 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bond, V.C. and Sons (London, UK) Bone glue Bonner, Sydney N. (Chicago) Bonus system Book ends Book ends, construction Book ends, design Book of Projects Book rack, construction Book rack, construction of Book rack, design Book rack, design of Book Review Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Title A novel chair Competition on bone glue development Recent deaths in the furniture trade Inaugurates bonus system Points to remember in making book-ends Points to remember in making book-ends Points to remember in making book-ends Klise Book of Projects an excellent idea New interpretation in a familiar project Simple designs for beginners New interpretation in a familiar project Simple designs for beginners Book reviews Book reviews Book review Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Page 50 Date 04-01 05-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 04-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 12-01 12-01 03-01 Year Page 1921 1933 1925 1919 1923 1923 1923 1929 1935 1912 1935 1912 1924 1926 1924 1928 1924 1925 1926 1928 1924 1926 1928 1924 1925 1925 1924 1927 1929 1924 1926 1927 1925 Column 224 24 65 235 60 60 60 91 21 326 21 326 66 104 62 104 91 71 108 104 129 48 83 9 66 14 62 62 85 162 43 102 118 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book reviews Book stand and side table, const. Book stand and side table, design Book trough, construction of Book trough, design of Book/magazine stand, construction Book/magazine stand, design Bookcase m,ade of black bean wood Bookcase, construction Bookcase, construction of Bookcase, construction of Bookcase, design Bookcase, design of Bookcase, design of Bookcases Booklets Booklets Booklets Booklets Booklets Booklets Bookrack, design Bookrest, construction Bookrest, design Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Title Book reviews Review of books for the trade Book reviews Book reviews Book stand and side table Book stand and side table Some simple designs for beginners Some simple designs for beginners Designing-making book and magazine stand Designing-making book and magazine stand Examples of the English artist- ... (art) Small bookcase affords good tool practice Some lessons in furniture making A very simple bookcase Small bookcase affords good tool practice Some lessons in furniture making A very simple bookcase Flood of books insures bookcase demand Interesting new booklets Interesting new booklets Interesting new booklets Interesting new booklets Interesting new booklets Interesting new booklets Shop projects in cabinet making How to make bookrest for reading stand How to make bookrest for reading stand New books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Page 51 Date 06-01 03-01 12-01 10-01 02-01 02-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 05-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 07-01 Year Page 1914 1917 1923 1923 1932 1932 1912 1912 1925 1925 1913 1927 1913 1913 1927 1913 1913 1926 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1920 1925 1925 1927 1929 1928 1925 1928 1929 Column 332 138 66 183 27 27 477 477 109 109 317 44 488 387 44 488 387 49 64 64 64 63 64 62 259 7 7 40 81 106 66 104 109 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and publications Bookstand/magazine rack, const. Bookstand/magazine rack, design Bool reviews Booth, John (Indianapolis) Borax styles Borden Cabinet Co. (Louisville, KY) Borgeld, Herman (Grand Rapids) Borneo as source of cane Boscobel (WI) Table Mfg. Co. Bosse (Africa, west coast) Title Books and catalogs New books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs New books and catalogs Books and catalogs New books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs New books and catalogs New books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs Books and catalogs New books and catalogs New books Projects suitable for hand or machine work Projects suitable for hand or machine work Book reviews Recent deaths Borax styles fading fast What manufacturers are doing Interest in wood carving is increasing Cane What manufacturers are doing Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Page 52 Date 10-01 08-01 11-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 07-01 01-01 03-01 10-01 01-01 03-01 10-01 04-01 Year Page 1931 1926 1927 1927 1925 1928 1928 1929 1927 1931 1930 1927 1926 1929 1929 1930 1926 1929 1928 1930 1929 1926 1923 1927 1927 1923 1931 1931 1919 1924 1915 1919 1949 Column 73 47 58 102 68 108 72 93 55 68 88 63 108 79 106 91 61 77 66 93 91 43 58 38 38 42 77 47 217 5 129 217 42 3 2 3 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Bosse, Benjamin (Evansville, IN) Bosse, Benjamin (Evansville, IN) Bosse, Gilbert H. (Evansville, IN) Bosse, Henry F. (Evansville, IN) Boston Chamber of Commerce Boston furnituire exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston Furniture Exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Title Paragraphs about the people Recent deaths in the trade Leaders in the industry Henry F. Bosse (obit) Business men to tour Europe Important dates Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Boston market successful As the news story goes The Boston market Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Boston show results Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Coming events Important dates Convention dates to remember Important dates Important dates Important dates Coming events Important dates Coming events Important dates Important dates Coming events Important dates Important dates Coming events Page 53 Date 07-01 04-01 12-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 11-01 02-01 10-01 11-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 01-15 06-01 12-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 02-15 07-01 02-15 04-01 03-01 06-15 02-01 01-01 12-15 Year Page 1913 1922 1944 1933 1911 1946 1931 1931 1932 1931 1930 1935 1933 1933 1949 1935 1935 1934 1940 1949 1922 1946 1949 1946 1941 1946 1938 1946 1944 1939 1946 1949 1939 Column 360 56 40 26 171 63 45 49 39 45 75 19 25 42 6 21 25 33 19 63 248 63 63 47 21 47 27 47 29 24 47 63 18 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture exposition Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture expositions Boston furniture industry, decline Boston Furniture Market Boston Furniture Mart Boston Museum of Art Boston Museum of Fine Art Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston Trade School Boston Trade School Boston Trade School Boston Upholstered..(Buffalo) Title Coming events Coming events Coming events Important dates Coming events Important dates Calendar of important furniture events Boston market situation being ironed out Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Editorial notes Educational meetings being held by Boston ... As the news story goes Number thirty-five of a new series of ... Louis XVI bedstead 18th century (beech- ... A measured drawing of a William and Mary ... McIntire Rooms reflect early American ... American woods at the beginning of the ... 17th century American room from West Boxford Georgian furniture Italian settee 18th century painted and ... Knee hole desk English 18th century (walnut) McIntire dining room set The school of Chippendale Training in shops versus training in schools Trade school cabinet making course Cherry smoking stand Affairs of the industry Page 54 Date 11-15 08-15 08-15 02-01 02-15 07-01 12-01 05-01 08-15 06-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 10-01 07-01 11-01 04-01 12-01 05-01 10-01 04-01 03-15 09-01 07-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 Year Page Column 1939 1940 1939 1949 1940 1949 1931 1932 1938 1935 1933 1935 1934 1935 1911 1930 1931 1926 1935 1929 1933 1943 18 15 17 63 18 63 26 22 31 26 43 21 40 27 507 108 45 51 6 55 11 23 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1941 1942 1935 1937 1942 1941 1924 1921 1921 1933 15 15 17 23 27 22 261 223 231 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Boston Willow ...(Cambridge, MA) Botsford, Harry Bott, C.M. Furniture..(Buffalo, NY) Boudoir secretary, construction Boudoir secretary, design Boule, Andre Charles (France) Boulle, Andre Charles Boutell Bros. (Minneapolis) Bowen, William A. (Grand Rapids) Bowen, William A. (Grand Rapids) Bowersox, J.W. (St. Petersburg) Box or I-Ma-Da furniture Boy Scouts of America Boycott of German goods (post-war) Boyd, Thomas M. (Grand Rapids) Boyer-Campbell Co. (Detroit) Brace Upholstery Co. (Grand Rapids) Bradford (PA) Furniture Co. Bradford (PA) Furniture Co. Bradford fasts Bradford Furniture..(Nashville, TN) Bradford Wholesale..(Nashville, TN) Bradford Wholesale..(Nashville,TN) Bradley Heights, Ill. Bradley Luber Co. (Warren, AR) Bradley, John W. (Wichita Falls,TX) Bradshaw, W.G. (High Point, NC) Brady Machinery..(Traverse City,MI) Bramson, Joseph H. (New York City) Brand names Brandbenburger, L.E. (Indianapolis) Branded furniture Branded Furniture Association Title What the manufacturers are doing Broadcasting trade talk What the manufacturers are doing Building a boudoir secretary makes for ... Building a boudoir secretary makes for ... Ancient and modern marquetry in furniture Marquetry and its development Editorial notes Luce and Furniture Shops consolidate forces Recent deaths in the furniture trade Leaders in the industry Box furniture development Boy Scouts to help find black walnut Coercion by boycott Recent deaths What's new As the news story goes What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing The recollections of an on-looker As the news story goes As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing Six thousand dollar solar house built Bradley steps forward again Deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in furniture trade New disc planer and jointer on market Leaders in the industry Brand names more important now Standardization in design grows in importance Branded furniture association holds first ... Branded furniture association holds first ... Page 55 Date 05-01 01-01 10-01 03-01 03-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 09-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 Year Page 1918 1924 1913 1931 1931 1923 1917 1913 1925 1927 1942 1916 1918 1918 1932 1943 1931 1914 1914 17A 1911 1931 1931 1913 1945 1932 1929 1916 1925 1944 1945 1941 1949 1949 Column 254 25 526 54 54 103 274 81 262 108 23 206 308 106 32 32 45 214 414 62 45 252 9 21 91 40 145 42 12 19 16 16 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Brandenburger, L.E. (Indianapolis) Brandenburger, R.E. (Indianapolis) Brandenburger, R.E. (Indianapolis) Brandt, Paul A. Co. (Fort Worth) Brandts Furniture ...(Celina, OH) Brandwein, H.G. (Chicago) Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Title R.E. Brandenburger - specialist in ... R.E. Brandenburger has built his own designs What Modern has done for the furniture ... Market talk Furniture pick-ups Leaders in the industry Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 56 Date 10-01 07-15 07-15 10-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 10-01 09-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 08-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 Year Page 1941 1938 1938 1949 1930 1942 1917 1914 1917 1915 1915 1912 1916 1916 1915 1914 1916 1912 1916 1914 1917 1914 1916 1914 1915 1916 1917 1915 1917 1916 1916 1914 1915 Column 19 17 16 12 79 27 250 212 144 251 210 251 45 148 272 48 188 463 94 267 301 105 45 208 101 142 90 154 83 286 264 321 51 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass and copper Brass and copper Brass and copper Brass bed industry Brass bed industry and price fixing Brass beds Brass beds Brass beds Brass metal beds, construction of Brass metal beds, design of Brass tubing Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material market Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Some brass bed price figures Steel price fixing and furniture Being done by metal bed makers Phases of the furniture market The manufacture of brass beds Being done by metal bed makers Being done by metal bed makers Phases of the furniture market Page 57 Date 12-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 06-01 03-01 08-01 11-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 09-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 04-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 10-01 Year Page 1915 1913 1914 1915 1914 1917 1915 1915 1916 1916 1915 1914 1916 1917 1917 1915 1916 1917 1919 1917 1917 1919 1913 1913 1913 1914 1918 1911 1912 1911 1911 1911 1912 Column 308 196 329 326 53 43 101 202 197 313 160 105 234 194 42 46 95 129 220 181 284 167 634 409 468 274 26 238 198 37 182 182 517 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Brass tubing Brass tubing Brass tubings Brassing Braun Veneer Co. (Jamestown, NY) Braun, Francis F. (Cincinnati) Braun, Francis F. (Cincinnati) Brazil (IN) Furniture Co. Brazil as source of sucupira Brazil furniture industry Brazil goat skins export to U.S. Brazilian cabinet woods Brazilian fiber industry Brazilian furniture imports Brazilian furniture industry Brazilian furniture industry Brazilian furniture woods Brazilian furniture woods Brazilian furnmiture industry Brazilian metal bed industry Brazilian mistrust of U.S. Brazilian rosewoods Brazilian rosewoods exports to U.S. Brazilian tariffs on furniture Brazing of band saws Breakfast table Sheraton style(art) Breakfast table, construction Breakfast table, design Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Dip brassing without electric current Affairs of the industry Francis Braun's new wood desk line selling... The designer's background Among the manufacturers Sucupira Furniture making in Brazil Editorial notes Some Brazilian cabinet woods Brazilians seeking fiber market in U.S. Brazilian tariff cuts imports The furniture conditions in Brazil Some Brazilian cabinet woods More Brazilian woods will be available, ... Brazilian woods now available from the ... Brazilian tariff cuts imports Editorial notes Exporters must trust So. Americans Editorial notes Editorial notes Brazilian tariff cuts imports How to braze broken band saws Breakfast table style of Sheraton ... Good practice in making breakfast table Good practice in making breakfast table Breakfront from Blueprint ...(art) Breece Mfg. Co. (Portsmouth, OH) Breece Mfg. Co. (Portsmouth,OH) Brenham (TX) Furniture Co. Contemporary styles being shown by leading... Breece table tops in schools Catalogs, pamphlets and other literature What the manufacturers are doing Page 58 Date 03-01 06-01 07-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 07-15 03-01 12-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 11-01 05-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 12-01 12-01 03-01 10-01 11-15 01-01 01-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 Year Page Column 1914 1913 1912 1911 1933 1942 1942 1919 1940 1919 1916 1919 1916 1925 1915 1919 1946 1933 1925 1914 1917 1913 1913 1925 1912 1937 1927 1927 157 299 354 104 28 20 20 90 5 115 265 220 173 136 212 220 47 33 136 188 130 607 607 136 484 19 46 46 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1943 1916 1915 1914 29 261 277 162 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Brentall Living..(Birmingham, AL) Brentnall Furniture..(Birmingham,AL Brentwood furniture Breuer Electric Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Brevolite Lacquer...(N. Chicago,IL) Brewer, Charles (Herkimer, NY) Brewer, Joseph H. (Grand Rapids) Brewer, Joseph H. (Grand Rapids) Briar wood pipes Bribery Bribery Bribery Bric-a-brac cabinets Brickert, William H. (Indianapolis) Brickhauer, G.W. (Plymouth, WI) Brickwede Bros. Co. (Marietta, OH) Brickwede, F.M. (Marietta, OH) Bridge lamp, construction Bridge lamp, design Bridgeport (CT) Brass Co. Bridgeport (CT) Chair Co. Bridgeport (CT) Wood Finishing Co. Brienz, Switzerland Brigham, Louise Brisbane, Arthur (Barstow, CA) Bristol Co. (New York City) Bristol Co. (Waterbury, CT) Bristol Co. of Canada Ltd.(Toronto) British airplane production British Board of Trade British embargo of U.S.-made goods British Empire Exhibition British furniture design Title As the news story goes Getting personal New process for Brentwood furniture New type industrial vacuum cleaner Furniture pick-ups Recent deaths Furniture firm is reorganized Brewer now controls Morton Hotel stock Briar wood pipes Varnish graft expose in Detroit On gifts and commission to buyers That case ofalleged graft in Detroit New designs for bric-a-brac cabinets William H. Brickert dies in Indianapolis G.W. Brickhauer heads Crocker Chair Co. Marietta Mantel Co. changes name Leaders in the industry Making bridge lamp on wood turning lathe Making bridge lamp on wood turning lathe Teaching economics to factory workers As the news story goes Duponts purchase part of Bridgeport plant The expert wood carvers of Brienz Box furniture development Brisbane buys giant Karpen chair Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry British furniture makers and airplanes England's trade after the war Business conditions Increased trade follows Wembley exhibition British modern movement gains impetus Page 59 Date 10-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 02-01 10-01 05-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 12-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 08-01 08-01 12-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 07-15 01-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 Year Page 1931 1946 1916 1930 1930 1934 1928 1927 1916 1912 1912 1912 1911 1923 1924 1923 1942 1925 1925 1923 1931 1917 1915 1916 1926 1937 1934 1934 1918 1916 1919 1925 1934 Column 54 46 4 77 72 35 65 68 194 167 244 293 550 66 249 257 23 55 55 70 48 266 179 206 69 30 39 39 60 272 93 116 20 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry British furniture designs British furniture exports to U.S. British furniture industry British furniture industry British furniture industry British furniture industry British furniture industry British furniture industry in WW II British Guiana, source of mora British Honduras mahogany industry British Industries Fair (London) British metal bed industry British Mosquito bomber British post-World War I planning British technical education British upholstery fabrics British West Indies British West Indies Title Wide range in British designs Imported furniture Furniture industry in British Isles British furniture industry review British furniture makers and airplanes Wide range in British designs Britain's plans for good years to be British designed utility furniture The mora Mahogany industry of British Honduras Furniture exhibits at British fair Editorial notes Wood takes wing England's trade after the war How Britain trains craftsmen British fabrics bright but dignified Where our sponges come from Primavera --the blonde beauty of cabinet ... Brittany commode ...(art) Broadbent Table Co. (Baltimore,MD) Broadcasting trade talk (column) Brocades Brocades Brockton (NY) Furniture Co. Brockway, Clark A. (Ft. Plains, NY) Brocton (NY) Furniture Co. Brocton (NY) Furniture Co. Brocton Furniture Co. (Fredonia,NY) Brolin, W.A. Bronstein, Samuel (St. Paul, MN) Bronx Furniture Co. (NYC) Bronze powders Contemporary styles being shown by leading... What the manufacturers are doing Broadcasting trade talk Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets As the news story goes Deaths among the manufacturers As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Little news notes The crating of cabinet furniture Recent deaths Getting personal American bronze powders Page 60 Date 12-01 03-01 05-01 11-01 02-01 12-01 05-01 07-01 03-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 07-01 03-15 06-01 03-01 01-01 02-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 07-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 03-01 Year Page Column 1933 1926 1924 1918 1918 1933 1945 1943 1914 1915 1923 1913 1943 1916 1928 1949 1913 1940 32 53 250 198 60 32 30 19 130 1 270 28 10 272 70 30 328 7 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1943 1914 1924 1912 1912 1932 1915 1931 1933 1914 1911 1934 1946 1921 29 163 25 98 408 36 46 48 26 200 184 35 46 163 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute Brooks Parlor Furniture(St. Louis) Brooks Parlor...(Minneapolis) Brooks, Charles Jr. (Gardner, MA) Brotherhood movement Brothers Bedding.(Fountain City,TN) Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Brower Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Brower, John H. (Newburgh, NY) Brower, John Mershon (Grand Rapids) Brown & Simonds Co. (Boston) Brown birdseyes maple Brown Brothers Co. (Gardner, MA) Brown Land and ...(Rhinelander, WI) Brown Lumber Co. (Manistique, MI) Brown Saltman Co. (Southgate, CA) Brown textured woods Brown, Arthur C. (Grand Rapids) Brown, Charles S. (St. Louis) Brown, Geo. C. & Co. (Proctor, TN) Brown, J.R. (Juneau, WI) Brown, Nelson (Syracuse, NY) Brown, Sidney (Los Angeles) Brown, W.P. & Sons..(Louisville,KY) Brown-Everts Lumber..(Memphis, TN) Browning, George W. Brown-Irion Co. (Frankfort, KY) Title Ancient Chinese furniture provides ideas ... Brooklyn Museum's exhibit covers centuries... Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Leaders in the industry Syndicalism and the brotherhood Getting personal Our business is always good As the news story goes Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Medals for Paris exposition Articles are filed Defense orders Artistic jacknife furniture Meet the president of the Furniture ... An improvement in table tops and locks Brown birdseye maple is attractive As the news story goes Will operate in the South Furniture pick-ups Getting personal A brown wood era Recent deaths Recent deaths Red cedar furniture Personal Today's books $30,000 to $1,000,000 since 1929 by ... The Browns increase their holdings Will operate in the South Death of George W. Browning As the news story goes Page 61 Date 04-01 10-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 10-01 08-01 10-15 04-01 12-01 09-01 07-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 04-15 01-01 08-01 10-01 06-01 02-01 05-15 05-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 05-01 07-01 Year Page 1946 1943 1930 1933 1935 1942 1914 1938 1931 1931 1931 1932 1920 1942 1917 1938 1911 1922 1931 1919 1930 1938 1914 1932 1932 1913 1913 1945 1931 1916 1919 1911 1931 Column 14 29 75 40 27 23 74 28 49 42 26 40 40 5 53 32 43 51 53 269 69 30 270 45 52 359 580 14 31 256 269 249 45 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Brown-Saltman (Los Angeles) Brown-Saltman Co. (Los Angeles) Brown-Saltman Upholstery ..(LA) Broyhill Furniture...(Lenoir, NC) Broyhill, J.E. (Lenoir, NC) Bruce Pub. Co. (Milwaukee) Bruce Pub. Co. (Milwaukee) Bruce Pub. Co. (Milwaukee) Bruder, Cornelius (Grand Rapids) Brumby, Thomas M. Sr. (Marietta,GA) Brush making Brushless varnishing Brussels (Belgium) Museum of ... Brussels carved chest (art) Brussels, Belgium Bry, Paul Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New York City) Bry, Paul (New YTork City) Bryer, Charles (Grand Rapids) Bubinga Bubinga Buccaneer treasure chest (const.) Buccaneer treasure chest (design) Buck, E.R. Co. (Clinton, MA) Buckbee, John Sr. (Minneapolis) Title Many manufacturers are plugging a variety ... $30,000 to $1,000,000 since 1929 by ... How a western factory solved its tack and... Here's what conveyors have done for these ... Leaders in the industry Books and catalogs Book reviews Book reviews Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in the furniture trade The technique of brush making Furniture flotsam Little known treasures of the Old World Pages for a designer's scrap book Cith ahll furniture in Brussels Paul Bry presents furniture designed ... Bry works in many mediums Paul Bry is a pioneer of modern Paul Bry's one room does the work of three Space saving ideas Swing table and supperette designed by ... Paul Bry expresses his space-saving ideas ... Modern furniture as a setting for Old Masters A modern dining room in American walnu Paul Bry designs for small fry New furniture for compact entertaining Recent deaths in furniture trade What do you know about fine cabinet woods? Combing far flung shores for furniture ... A buccaneer treasure chest A buccaneer treasure chest Affairs of the industry Recent deaths in furniture trade Page 62 Date 03-01 10-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 10-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 08-01 01-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 Year Page 1949 1931 1933 1946 1944 1928 1924 1924 1927 1925 1912 1917 1928 1930 1919 1949 1943 1941 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1941 1944 1943 1916 1932 1930 1931 1931 1932 1921 Column 43 31 19 20 22 106 162 66 108 70 376 109 48 72 292 24 14 21 27 26 17 14 19 21 17 16 91 50 60 36 36 28 95 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Buckeye Machine Co. (Lima, OH) Buelke, E.A. (Juneau, WI) Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina market Buffalo (NY) Davenport Bed Co. Buffalo (NY) Forge Co. Buffalo (NY) Grand Upholstering Co. Buffalo (NY) Lounge Co. Buffalo (NY) Lounge Co. Buffalo Forge Co. Buffalo furniture industry Buffalo furniture industry Buffalo furniture strikes Buffalo Lounge Co. Buffalo Sanitary Bedding Co. Buffeln, Hubbert & ...(Tacoma, WA) Buffet, construction Buffet, design Build-in furniture Building boom Building construction survey, 1923 Building modernization Built-in furniture Built-in furniture parts Built-in storage components Built-in storage components Bulgarian prints Bullard, Charles A. Bullock, Frank (Beverly Hills, CA) Bungalow furniture Bungalow furniture Bunting, J.R. Bedding.(Philadelphia Title Furniture pick-ups Personal Exposition in South America Opportunity for furniture trade The export trade in furniture What some of the manufacturers are doing The Spiro steam engine What the manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing New books and catalogs Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry How Tacoma manufacturer insures quality Attractive design for buffer Attractive design for buffer Built-in furniture for 48,900 homes Building boom inevitable Survey of building construction for 1923 Building modernization will provide ... What designers say about built-in Built-in furniture parts to bridge gap ... New and novel ideas for storage pieces Built-in furniture parts to bridge gap ... Phases of the furniture markets What some manufacturers are doing Additional deaths Rattan and sea-grass furniture Fabrics for furniture coverings Recent deaths Page 63 Date 10-01 11-01 12-01 06-01 11-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 03-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 09-15 02-01 01-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 Year Page 1929 1913 1920 1920 1911 1919 1912 1915 1914 18A 1914 1927 1932 1933 1934 1934 1932 1927 1921 1921 1946 1937 1923 1946 1946 1949 1949 1949 1913 1911 1926 1914 1911 1912 Column 80 580 284 294 538 203 201 51 272 40 38 29 34 35 31 54 195 195 8 6 100 15 8 24 25 24 198 31 124 174 300 416 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Buodoir furniture Burch, A.F. Co. (Grand Rapids) Bureau du Roi Bureau du Roi (art) Bureau of Census Bureau of Commercial Economics Bureau of Foreign and Domestic ... Bureau of Statistics Bureau of the Census Burkhardt Co. (Detroit) Burkhardt, Charles E.(Grand Rapids) Burkhardt, Richard F. (Dayton,OH) Burkhardt, Richard P. (Daton,OH) Burkhart Mfg. Co. (St. Louis) Burkhart, F. Mfg. Co. (St. Louis) Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Title Original designs for boudoir furniture (art) New catalog a beauty Story of plywood and romance of veneer Reproduction of Bureau du Roi Billion dollar industry Free factory movie exhibitions The government daily The illogic of government index figures Census of manufacturers Process reproduces hand tooled leather Recent deaths Recent deaths Death of Richard P. Burkhardt News of the manufacturers Burkhart Co. acquires new Eastern factory Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 64 Date 11-01 02-01 09-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 11-01 12-01 07-15 06-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 05-01 03-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 11-01 09-01 Year Page 1911 1920 1924 1926 1924 1919 1915 1921 1924 1926 1934 1912 1912 1937 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1916 1913 1916 1915 1916 1914 1917 1915 1915 1912 1916 1913 1914 Column 556 117 58 48 68 243 126 110 31 41 35 569 623 33 106 82 80 82 80 82 263 144 287 52 189 56 145 273 310 408 95 577 161 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Title Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture review Page 65 Date 07-01 07-01 06-01 11-01 08-01 09-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 03-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 09-01 10-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 05-01 Year Page 1916 1914 1912 1911 1917 1911 1912 1916 1914 1912 1916 1917 1912 1913 1912 1916 1914 1915 1914 1913 1914 1916 1915 1915 1914 1911 1913 1914 1911 1915 1912 1917 1912 Column 46 48 302 584 84 473 49 46 107 199 198 90 516 198 354 235 322 161 106 357 269 143 204 252 213 525 412 268 640 211 621 42 249 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap Burlap anmd burlapping Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets New kinks in upholstery industry Burlap in furniture manufacturing Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Burlap subsitutes Creating upholstered furniture Page 66 Date 03-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 05-01 09-01 04-01 06-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 10-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 Year Page 1914 1914 1913 1916 1914 1913 1913 1913 1917 1913 1915 1916 1915 1912 1912 1915 1913 1913 1917 1917 1916 1917 1912 1917 1922 1917 1917 1922 1949 1918 1917 1942 1911 Column 158 330 522 149 209 98 248 470 194 301 154 96 102 462 145 327 636 48 250 44 313 303 567 284 42 181 229 244 63 99 129 5 106 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Burlaps Burled wood lowboy (art) Burletson, W.I. (Ionia, MI) Burlingame, George (Live Oak, CA) Burlington, IA, furniture industry Burls for veneers Burma, prime source of teak Burman, Burney (Grand Rapids) Burmaster, Everett (Irving, NY) Burmese teak wood Burnett, Tom B. & Co. (Dallas, TX) Burnett-Klapper Co. (Atlanta) Burns & Bassick ..(Bridgeport, CT) Burow, N.E. (New York City) Burritt, Henry W. (Grand ERapids) Burrows Bros. &..(Picture Rocks,PA) Burrows Bros. (Picutre Rocks, PA) Burrows Brothers..(Picture Rock,PA) Burrows, S.H. (Picture Rocks, PA) Burt Brothers ...(Philadelphia) Burt, Harold R. (Philadelphia) Burton Upholstery ..(High Point,NC) Burton, O.M. (Chicago) Bush & Lane Piano Co. (Holland, MI) Bush, S.M. (Cotton Plant, AR) Business condition Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Title Phases of the furniture market South facade of the new American wing ... Recent deaths in the furniture trade Somewhat personal Furniture making in Burlington, Ia. Circassian burls from Russia Teak of commerce Interest in wood carving is increasing Rare black walnut logs Trade on teak wood What manufacturers are doing Two big companies in South combine Feltoid casters Leaders in the industry Former Ford official heads refrigerator co. Recent deaths What the manufacturers are doing As the news story goes Recent deaths What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in furniture trade Affairs of the industry Burton to build plants As the news story goes S.M. Bush realizes vision of early days Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Page 67 Date 08-01 12-01 07-01 12-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 03-01 11-01 01-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 10-10 07-01 11-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 Year Page 1911 1924 1924 1915 1923 1913 1913 1924 1943 1914 1917 1925 1912 1945 1926 1912 1914 1931 1912 1916 1920 1933 1916 1931 1923 1924 1927 1926 1925 1927 1926 1925 1928 Column 418 256 68 303 286 433 349 5 12 221 137 276 135 42 79 152 272 69 152 308 88 31 16 45 56 101 33 35 101 33 35 51 33 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Title Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions today Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions today Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Date 10-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 Page 68 Year Page 1926 1926 1925 1924 1928 1927 1924 1927 1925 1927 1924 1928 1926 1925 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1928 1926 1924 1925 1925 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1924 1925 1926 1927 Column 35 35 1 1 33 33 51 33 151 33 201 33 35 201 251 251 33 33 35 33 33 151 101 253 1 43 33 33 33 49 51 35 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Title Date 02-01 11-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 08-01 04-01 11-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 04-01 Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Page 69 Year Page 1928 1927 1924 1928 1924 1928 1927 1926 1929 1924 1926 1927 1926 1925 1924 1928 1927 1925 1920 1923 1921 1919 1918 1922 1923 1923 1920 1923 1923 1923 1920 1922 1919 Column 33 33 101 33 251 33 33 35 35 201 35 33 35 153 151 33 35 203 55 145 249 93 95 51 101 199 3 247 1 99 291 241 141 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Title Date 02-01 01-01 10-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 10-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 11-01 08-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 10-01 05-01 07-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business condiitions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Page 70 Year Page 1923 1919 1918 1921 1919 1918 1922 1920 1919 1920 1923 1919 1922 1921 1921 1919 1922 1921 1921 1920 1921 1920 1921 1922 1920 1922 1923 1918 1923 1921 1920 1921 1923 Column 51 3 141 159 261 189 1 3 51 163 51 115 93 55 207 63 125 245 303 177 183 125 121 143 235 1 243 239 195 59 111 109 149 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business Conditions Weekly Business conditons Business correspondence Business depressions Business failures Business failures Business recovery Business surveys Buss Machine Works (Holland, MI) Buss Machine Works (Holland, MI) Butler Bros. (Oklahoma City) Butler family (Montgomery, AL) Butler Mfg. Co. (Syracuse, NY) Butler Specialty Co. (Chicago) Butler Specialty Co. (Chicago) Butterbaugh, Wayne E. Butterfield, Roger W.(Grand Rapids) Butterfly table (art) Title Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions Business conditions] Business conditions Business conditions Business conditionsd Furniture men refute story of price decline Business conditions Success in business correspondence Psychological or cycle-ological Why Waring & Gillow failed The fight on fraudulent failures The price of recovery Hardwood men to survey industry Open an office in Chicago What's new Getting personal Made by hand Fires in furniture factories Two furniture factories speed their work ... Modern is the word for Butler Specialty ... Books and catalogs Recent deaths in furniture trade Number eighteen of a series of drawings ... Page 71 Date 11-01 07-01 08-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 11-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 08-01 03-01 Year Page 1920 1919 1922 1920 1922 1919 1919 1919 1921 1921 1919 1920 1922 1922 1922 1932 1923 1913 1915 1912 1915 1933 1931 1911 1943 1949 1949 1921 1943 1942 1925 1920 1923 Column 221 3 45 271 173 283 225 171 1 1 209 65 225 189 83 20 2 262 166 468 296 7 86 590 32 61 30 206 27 8 66 88 117 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Butterfly table (art) Butterworth & Lowe (Grand Rapids) Buy-a-Cotton-Mattress campaign Buzz planer as glue jointer Byrns, C.J. (Escanaba, MI) Byrns, Charles (Escanaba, MI) Byzantine style C.S. Paine Furniture Co. (GR) Cabinet clasp Cabinet finishing Cabinet for phonograph, const. Cabinet for phonograph, design Cabinet furniture Cabinet furniture woods Cabinet furniture, crating of Cabinet in burr elm and ebony Cabinet in burr elm and ebony Cabinet Makers Guild..(Otsego, MI) Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Title Buttefly table American about 1700 (maple) Butterworth and Lowe sold to Oliver Written in the semi-editorial vein The buzz-planer as glue jointer C.J. Byrns is elected Birds Eye president Recent deaths Importance of Spanish history upon design Paine Co. in receiver's hands The recollections of an on-looker How they test cabinet finishes in the RCA ... Making cabinet for phonograph and wireless Making cabinet for phonograph and wireless The crating of cabinet furniture Cabinet woods - chiefly mahogany The crating of cabinet furniture Examples of the English artist- ...(art) Examples of the English artist- ...(art) Receiver appointed for Otsego concern Attention to color effects is important Cabinet making by orphan craftsmen of East Duncan Phyfe, the great Importance of a knowledge of rod making Suggestions on selecting and buying veneer Study of practical cabinet making Study of practical cabinet making Study of practical cabinet making Study of practical cabinet making Simple exercises in cabinet making Study of practical cabinet making To make a desk stationery stand Construction of a toilet glass Study of practical cabinet making Study of practical cabinet-making Page 72 Date 05-15 10-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 08-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 07-15 06-01 06-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 07-01 12-01 08-01 12-01 04-01 06-01 05-01 Year Page 1937 1928 1914 1920 1929 1932 1923 1917 1911 1938 1923 1923 1911 1913 1911 1913 1913 1926 1927 1927 1929 1924 1924 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1911 1913 1913 1911 1911 Column 23 88 246 123 71 38 156 193 414 14 258 258 184 284 184 424 424 83 40 58 47 213 53 14 50 97 328 588 374 625 173 266 200 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making Cabinet making, English Cabinet making, history of Cabinet Making, Principles of ... Cabinet mounts Cabinet mounts Cabinet mounts Cabinet of drawers in walnut and... Cabinet room Cabinet Shops (Grand Rapids) Cabinet Shops (Grand Rapids) Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Title Study of practical cabinet making Hand dovetailing for students Cabinet making is a sensitive art Stirring interest of boys in cabinet making Cabinet-making is an art Making curved corners for bow-foot beds Trade school cabinet making Turning lathe used as boring machines Cabinet making students in London Study of practical cabinet making Book on practical cabinet making The furniture and cabinet mounts The furniture and cabinet mounts The furniture and cabinet mounts Examples of the English artist- - ...(art) Appliances for the cabinet room Calles buys G.R. furniture Order on veneer issued What do you know about the fine cabinet ... What do you know about walnut? What do you know about fine cabinet woods? Mahogany one of finest of the cabinet woods Louisville firm ships $6000 car of walnut Combing far flung shores for furniture ... What do you know abut fine cabinet woods? New product reproduces high grade woods How to exploit oak Birch a high grade cabinet wood Quartered oak characteristics Romance and reality of red gum Bird's-eye maple as a cabinet wood Figured gum, the cabient wood de luxe They use cherry in Baltimore Page 73 Date 04-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 10-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 10-01 01-01 08-01 11-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 02-01 01-01 11-01 05-01 09-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 Year Page 1911 1918 1923 1923 1946 1922 1920 1918 1914 1911 1913 1915 1915 1915 1913 1911 1928 1928 1932 1930 1932 1932 1930 1930 1932 1928 1917 1915 1917 1917 1914 1914 1911 Column 150 72 282 12 13 47 142 113 202 14 189 67 163 118 510 9 104 73 49 63 49 49 108 58 35 61 11 219 234 98 61 270 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods Cabinet woods and veneers Cabinet woods and veneers Cabinet woods, 18th century Cabinet woods, Australian Cabinet woods, properties of Cabinet, Adam style (art) Cabinet, design Cabinetsafe trade name Cabirange Co. (Belleville, IL) Cable Piano Co. (Chicago) Cache River Bottoms (Arkansas) Cactus cabinet making (art) Cactus cabinets Cadillac (MI) Chair Co. Calantas trees Title Spanish cedar not mahogany The olive wood of commerce The cabinet woods of Australia Phases of the furniture markets Quartered gum Cabinet woods from across the Pacific Phases of the furniture markets Unrecognized cabinet woods Proper place of American birch First-hand glimpse at birch, beech and maple Cabinet woods and their finishes Some Brazilian cabinet woods Concerning crabwood from South America Primavera --the blonde beauty of cabinet ... Use of red gum as cabinet wood Deepening natural tones in wood Figure and color of cabinet wood Asleep at the switch Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets 18th century furniture and its cabinetwoods The cabinet woods of Australia A primer on furniture woods Number four of a series of drawings of ... Shop projects in cabinet making Editorial notes What manufacturers are doing Expert cabinet finishing is major item ... Manufacture of red gum lumber Herb Wood - cactus cabinet maker Herb Wood - cactus cabinet maker The girl a success in the factory Something about one of the mahoganies ... Page 74 Date 08-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 11-01 03-15 05-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 02-15 01-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 07-01 Year Page 1913 1914 1915 1913 1911 1912 1913 1913 1916 1923 1949 1919 1934 1940 1919 1919 1919 1922 1912 1913 1940 1915 1913 1924 1920 1914 1917 1946 1911 1945 1945 1918 1913 Column 415 232 1 244 469 25 298 564 201 167 40 220 16 7 218 303 217 62 618 635 11 1 221 65 259 83 137 36 406 14 14 212 327 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Caldemeyer, D.H. (Evansville, IN) Calder, George W. Caldwell, Elizabeth (GR native) Caldwell, John (Jamestown, NY) Caldwell-Vernon Co. (Jamestown,NY) Calhoun Photo ...(Grand Rapids) Calhoun Photo Materials Co. (GR) Calhoun Photo Materials Co. (GR) Calhoun Plywood Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Calif-Asia Inc. (Portland) California Arts & ..(Palo Alto, CA) California Divan Co. (Los Angeles) California Divan Co. (Los Angeles) California forest fires California Furniture Co. (LA) California furniture industry California furniture industry California furniture industry California furniture style California Palace of the ... (SF) California redwoods Calles, Elias (Mexican president) Callingham, Bernard Cambridge (OH) Furniture Co. Cambridge (OH) Furniture Co. Cambridge (OH) Furniture Mfg. Co. Camden (AR) Furniture Co. Camden (AR) Furniture Co. Camden (AR) Furniture Co. Camden (Ark.) Furniture Co. Camenisch, Edward T. (Chicago) Cameron, T. Carlisle (GR) Cameron, T. Carlyle Title Leaders in the industry Recent deaths Just about people John Caldwell (obit) What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Factory photographic equipment Factory photographic equipment Commercial Co. purchases plywood co. As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing More furniture for armed forces 3-room furniture package shipped in one ... Light burning in California forests P.E. Kroehler buys more factories Modern woodworking machinery is used to ... Panel plant needed on coast Manufacturing distribution Peculiar style demands of California ... Chairs from a queen's workshop The great redwoods of California Calles buys G.R. furniture The impress of English designers What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry New factory prospers in southern Arkansas Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry A cedar chest under the bed New designer for Imperial The impress of English designers Page 75 Date 12-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 06-01 11-01 05-01 11-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 05-15 03-01 12-01 12-01 08-01 02-01 05-01 11-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 07-15 FALL 12-01 02-01 02-01 Year Page 1942 1932 1913 1926 1915 1914 1912 1912 1923 1931 1913 1946 1946 1920 1924 1929 1922 1937 1930 1923 1917 1928 1911 1913 1913 1917 1932 1927 1937 1936 1921 1917 1911 Column 25 32 304 110 51 162 306 467 196 64 581 10 20 232 68 44 221 3 42 279 256 104 61 252 581 137 28 53 30 40 264 87 61 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cameron, T.Carlise (Allentown,PA) Cameron, Thomas C. (Grand Rapids) Cameron, Thomas C. (Grand Rapids) Camp Fire Girls Camp Roosevelt (La Porte, IN) Campau Square Building Co. (GR) Campau, Francis (Grand Rapids) Campau, Francis (Grand Rapids) Campau, Francis C. (Grand Rapids) Campau, Francis D. (Grand Rapids) Campbell Bill Campbell Bill Title Paragraphs about the people Recent deaths T. Carlyle Cameron 235,000 young women study G.R. furniture How Camp Roosevelt builds boys Editorial notes Wants veneered furniture in right light To protect name Grand Rapids Medals for Paris exposition Stolen design brings complaint to board To compel the manufacturer to label goods Trade-marking grows in favor Campbell, Charles F. (Grand Rapids) Campbell, G.W. Campbell, Ralph O. (Chicago) New rooms for Grand Rapids furniture museum Death of W.G. Campbell Leaders in the industry Campbell, S.J. Co. (Chicago) Campbellsburg (IN) Furniture Co. Campbellsburg (IN) Furniture Co. Campbell-Smith-Ritchie (Lebanon,IN) Camphor wood as novelty Canada-U.S. reciprocity treary Canada-U.S. tariff rates Canada-U.S. trade Canada-U.S. trade Canadian customs regulations Canadian furniture designs Canadian furniture exports Canadian furniture exports Canadian furniture expositions Canadian furniture imports Canadian furniture imports Landstrom and Campbell lines in Grand Rapids What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Death of W.G. Campbell Editorial notes Editorial mention and comment Editorial notes Editorial notes The dominion's furniture exports To shippers into Canada Native designs, why not? Editorial notes The dominion's furniture exports Editorial notes Paragraphs about manufacturers Imports of furniture into Canada Page 76 Date 07-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 08-01 Year Page Column 1913 1932 1917 1931 1923 1915 1926 1916 1932 1926 1912 1912 360 43 65 55 187 76 41 305 40 41 386 387 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 07-01 05-01 11-01 1946 1913 1942 10 243 23 3 2 1 11-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 09-01 08-01 1931 1917 1917 1913 1913 1911 1911 1920 1918 1921 1915 1916 1918 1914 1912 1916 52 308 170 243 28 223 167 238 21 31 186 27 21 83 470 89 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Canadian furniture imports Canadian furniture imports from US Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture industry Canadian furniture manufacturers Canadian furniture taxes Canadian furniture trade Canadian hardwoods Canadian hardwoods Canadian imports of U.S. furniture Canadian lumber imports Canadian lumber imports Canadian lumber industry Canadian Reciprocity Treaty Canadian tariff Canadian tariff on U.S. furniture Canadian tariffs Title Furniture industry of Canada Canada's imports of furniture Canadian furniture industry How Canadian manufacturers plan to help ... Canadians win standardization Written in the semi-editorial vein Editorial mention and comment Editorial notes Canada's import furniture trade Editorial notes Native designs, why not? Canadian furniture on easy street Canadian sales good Canadian market Canada's production approaching normal Furniture industry of Canada $243 million furniture market is revealed ... The dominion's furniture exports Canada's imports of furniture A national campaign in Canada How Canadian manufacturers plan to help ... Editorial notes Editorial notes Canada's supply of hardwoods Hardwoods in Canada Canadian trade Export trade in lumber and wood products Canadian lumber trade Canada's decreasing lumber cut Want a lower tariff on furniture New Canadian tariff benefits U.S. furniture.. Canadian market Written in the semi-editorial vein Page 77 Date 08-01 08-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 05-01 03-15 06-01 08-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 05-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 09-01 04-01 01-01 04-01 12-01 03-15 01-01 Year Page 1921 1920 1928 1929 1917 1916 1911 1917 1915 1912 1915 1916 1949 1939 1949 1921 1945 1918 1920 1920 1929 1917 1916 1916 1911 1946 1912 1921 1917 1911 1935 1939 1913 Column 70 79 51 62 72 29 223 175 218 497 186 217 6 4 14 70 37 21 79 58 62 73 227 54 615 12 453 218 19 160 17 4 27 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Canadian turpentine Canadian-U.S. trade Canastota Couch Co. (Newark, NY) Candelilla wax Candian furniture imports Candlestick holder, design Cane Cane exports Cane furniture Cane seat, design Cane seat, weaving Caned arm chair (art) Caned panels Caned side chair (art) Canes Caning Caning by hand Cann, George W. (Andover, MA) Cannon Valley ...(Waterville, MN) Canton (OH) Cabinet and ... Cape Cod bedroom Capital Chair Co. (Rockford, IL) Capital City Chair Co. (Atlanta) Capital City Chair Co. (Atlanta) Capital Furniture..(Noblesville,IN) Capital Seat and Novelty Co.(NYC) Capital-labor relations Capomo (Central America) Cappel Furniture Co. (Dayton, OH) Capper bill Caravan transport plane Caravan transport plane Carbide tipped tools Title Canadian turpentine standards Canadian trade What the manufacturers are doing Candelilla wax for furniture Imports of furniture Project having mortise and tenon joints Cane Editorial notes Cane furniture in England How to weave cane seat with simple tools How to weave cane seat with simple tools Furniture of Charles lI and William ... The growing use of caned panels Louis XV furniture designs from the ... The growing use of caned panels Caning by hand not a lost process Caning by hand not a lost process Recent deaths in furniture trade What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Cape Cod bedroom What manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups What manufacturers are doing Fibre chair seats Relation of capital and labor Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Cappel Co. will expand business Forest conservation legislation Wooden caravan Many advantages in new wood transport Care of carbide tipped tools Page 78 Date 08-01 11-01 10-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 09-01 12-01 10-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 05-01 07-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 Year Page 1912 1946 1913 1934 1918 1927 1915 1913 1921 1925 1925 1925 1912 1925 1912 1914 1914 1916 1915 1915 1946 1914 1928 1929 1919 1911 1912 1949 1926 1920 1943 1943 1949 Column 365 12 526 30 144 40 129 334 347 12 12 224 173 172 174 194 194 90 146 301 8 110 68 75 251 366 260 42 91 13 6 29 56 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Carborundum Carborundum Carborundum Carborundum Co. (Grand Rapids) Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY) Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY) Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY) Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY) Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls,NY) Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls,NY) Carborundum Co. (Niagara Falls,NY) Carbundum Co. (Niagara Falls, NY) Card table, history Card tables Cardinal Cabinet Co. (Wabash, IN) Cardinal Cabinet Co. (Wabash, IN) Cardinal Cabinet Co. (Wabash, IN) Cardinal Cabinet Co. (Wabash, IN) Cardinal Cabinet..(Vincennes, IN) Cardington (OH) Cabinet Co. Carey Chair Co. (Keene, NH) Carey Chair Mfg. Co. (Keene, NH) Carloading departments Carlson Co. (Rockford, IL) Carlson, Al Mfg. Co. (Rockford,IL) Carlton McLendon...(Montgomery,AL) Carlton, Louis (Gardner, MA) Carman Manufacturing..(Portland,OR) Carnegie Tech (Pittsburgh) Carolina Furniture..(Stoneville,NC) Carolina Veneer Co. (High Point,NC) Carolina Woodshop..(Charleston,SC) Carpet and upholstery wools Title Carborundum is now used as a detector Stories of the related industries Stories of the related industries Carborundum Company moves Furniture pick-ups Carborundum at the Exposition What manufacturers are doing Carborundum again on the air Furniture pick-ups Carborundum Co. buys Resistor plants Now represented in Grand Rapids Should interest the Smiths Elegant card table is returning Elegant card table is returning What manufacturers are doing The death of J.H. Stiggleman Increased its capital and factories What the manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Getting personal What manufacturers are doing Grand Rapids' carloading plan Co-receivers named for Carlson firm Rockford furniture companies merge $250,000 worth of victorian furniture ... Recent deaths What manufacturers are doing Carnegie Tech to teach woodworking Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Among the manufacturers Phases of the furniture markets Page 79 Date 04-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 09-01 11-01 12-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 Year Page 1925 1918 1918 1912 1929 1915 1919 1936 1929 1927 1911 1911 1931 1931 1914 1911 1914 1913 1920 1916 1945 1913 1916 1929 1929 1949 1912 1913 1926 1933 1931 1918 1914 Column 165 75 220 202 79 89 251 14 76 62 308 193 18 18 52 415 177 473 338 85 44 581 255 90 112 14 362 308 46 31 63 295 48 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Carpet woods Carpet wool Carpet wool Carpet wool Carpet wool Carpet wool Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 80 Date 02-01 07-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 09-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 03-01 10-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 12-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 11-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 01-01 Year Page 1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1917 1915 1916 1916 1916 1916 1917 1914 1916 1914 1916 1917 1916 1917 1914 1917 1914 1915 1916 1912 1914 1914 1915 1916 1914 1917 1917 1917 Column 107 46 326 152 102 229 203 188 148 96 313 250 106 45 160 46 91 95 144 212 42 268 251 142 620 321 268 309 234 208 84 302 44 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet wools Carpet work Carpets Carpets Carpets Carrara velour Carrier Chair..(Elizabethton, TN) Carrier Corp. (Newark, NJ) Carrier Corp. (Syracuse, NY) Carroll (NY) Furniture Co. Carroll Furniture..(Freesburg, NY) Carrollton (KY) Furniture Co. Carrollton (KY) Furniture Mfg. Co. Carson Pirie Scott & Co. (Chicago) Carter & Co. (Phoenix, NY) Carter Brothers..(Chattanooga,TN) Carter Co. (New Britain, CT) Carter Products Co. (Grand Rapids) Carter Products Co. (Grand Rapids) Carter, R.L. Co. (Syracuse,NY) Cartier-Holland Lumber..(Ludington) Carved chest with lock (art) Carved hat rack rail Carved oaken chest (art) Carved Swedish corner cabinet Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Removing paint from carpet work Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Fabrics for furniture coverings Late news notes What's new What's new What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing A furniture man involved What manufacturers are doing Carson Pirie Scott to make big purchase New shaper made for schools and factories What some manufacturers are doing CR-5 combination table router and shaper New precision bearing guide wheel What's new New eletric veneer trimming machine The Cartier-Holland Lumber Co. 17th century American room from West Boxford Students' work at the L.C.C.Arts...(art) Art treasures of the Czar which were ... Little known treasures of Old World Page 81 Date 04-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 09-15 03-01 12-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 08-01 12-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1916 1915 1917 1916 1916 1915 1917 1917 1911 1913 1915 1915 1911 1914 1937 1943 1915 1916 1912 1914 1924 1926 1920 1931 1932 1946 1925 1914 197 210 194 263 287 272 284 129 95 300 160 102 302 51 33 31 301 85 357 110 38 82 200 64 38 48 48 159 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 1941 1911 1928 1930 15 382 44 50 3 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Carver armchair (art) Carvings Casavan Carrara Marble...(NYC) Cascophen RS-216 Case clock, construction of Case clock, design of Case for alarm clock, design Case goods Case goods Case goods Case goods Case goods (art) Case goods industry Case goods makers Case goods manufacturers Case goods manufacturers Case goods manufacturing industry Case goods, demand for Case tubing Case, John D. (Grand Rapids) Casein Casein Casein Casein Casein Co. of America (NYC) Casein Co. of America (NYC) Casein fiber from milk Casein glue Casein glue Casein glue Casein glue Casein glue Title 17th century American room from West Boxford Composition carvings What's new New development in glue for furniture .. Advanced manual training designs Advanced manual training designs Case for alarm clock Case goods sales boom, suites going strong Demandj for case goods rapidly increasing Demand at High Point for case goods Case goods sales are moving ahead Wide range of finishes and designs in new... Case goods manufacturers to meet Case goods makers expect good business To fight indictments to the last ditch Case goods manufacturers confer Active April expected Market talk Being done by metal bed makers War brings back a veteran Patent improves casein Argentine casein rates best Interesting new casein glue developments Forest Service analysis of casein What's new What's new Aralac, casein fiber from milk, makes ... Use of casein glue in making of furniture Improved casein glue containing copper Casein glue for veneering When to machine casein glue joints Chemical reaction affects casein glue Page 82 Date 05-01 12-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 09-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 07-01 12-01 03-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 03-01 08-01 02-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 Year Page 1941 1916 1949 1944 1912 1912 1923 1949 1922 1949 1949 1949 1912 1923 1925 1912 1949 1949 1911 1917 1932 1929 1932 1919 1943 1946 1942 1925 1922 1933 1921 1921 Column 15 257 63 29 266 266 260 6 214 6 17 40 563 171 12 613 6 10 183 31 53 110 54 214 31 63 19 65 50 23 274 358 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Casein glue Casein glue Casein glues Casein sealer Casein, duties on Casein, tariff on Casein, tariff on Casein, tariff on Caseins uses in WW II Casper-Tinkey ...(South Bend, IN) Cassaday, Joshua C. (Alliance, OH) Cassava starch as veneer glue Casson, Robert (Boston) Cast iron furniture designs (art) Casters Castings Casualties, World War I Caswell-Runyan Co. (Huntington, IN) Catalogs Catalogs Catalogs and other publications Catalogs and publications Catalogs and trade publications Catalogs and trade publications Catalogs/publications Catalogue copyright Cativo (Central America) Cattails (weed) as source of typha Cauls Cavin, W.A. (Sturgis, MI) Cedar chest, construction Cedar chest, construction Cedar chest, construction Title Uses for casein increased since '37 The merits of casein glue Interesting new casein glue developments Casein sealer boon to finishers Commission unwilling to change casein duty Agree on a 5-1/2-cent rate for casein tariff Casein tariff boost is 120 per cent Why tariff on casein? War time gluing with casein and resin As the news story goes Recent deaths in furniture trade Status of vegetable glue litigation Recent deaths Modern cast in iron Casters are back Stories of the related industries Floyd Merton Gramps fied with honors Workers pay tribute to employers in booklet A Morton catalog New catalogs Catalogs, pamphlets and other literature Directory of carpet and upholstery goods New Holcomb catalog Catalogs for South America New books Legal effect of catalogue copyright Here is a quick check list of foreign ... 100,000 pounds of weed fluff per month ... Notes on the building of plywoods Royal Easy Cahir Co. under new management Making a cedar chest is of real practical ... Project teaches dovetailing and carving Project that promotes neatness and accuracy Page 83 Date 08-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 12-01 12-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 09-01 12-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 03-01 06-01 03-01 12-01 09-01 Year Page 1945 1922 1932 1929 1926 1930 1930 1929 1943 1931 1916 1922 1932 1933 1949 1919 1917 1923 1914 1934 1915 1917 1916 1916 1922 1912 1949 1944 1922 1925 1932 1926 1925 Column 6 52 54 47 108 77 109 85 24 46 40 52 42 15 12 204 271 264 211 26 276 105 274 8 58 216 42 22 49 283 55 40 110 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cedar chest, construction Cedar chest, construction of Cedar chest, design Cedar chest, design Cedar chest, design Cedar chest, design Cedar chest, design of Cedar chests Cedar chests Cedar chests Cedar chests Cedar chests Title The cedar chest is good school project Simple exercises in cabinet making Project that promotes neatness and accuracy Making a cedar chest is of real practical ... Project teaches dovetailing and carving The cedar chest is good school project Simple exercises in cabinet making Modern cedar chests have decorative value Investigating protection by cedar 60 postwar chest models designed by ... Cedar industry reports research progress Jewel boxes bring sales Cedar chests Cedar furniture Cedar Industry (name of org.) Cedar lined chest, design Cedar timber Cedars of Lebanon Cederland, Gus (Grand Rapids) Cedro Granadino Cedro macho Celluloid treatment in veneering Celluloid Zapon ...(New York City) Celluloid Zapon Co. (NYC) Cellulose Cement household furniture Cement-coated nails Center table in oak Central America as bamboo source Central American cedar furniture Central American hardwoods Central American mahogany Consumer survey shapes policy for lane chests Central American cedar furniture Cedar industry reports research progress Walnut-cedar lined chest Cedar industry reports research progress Cedars of Lebanon almost extinct Interest in wood carving is increasing Tropical wood research for the furniture ... Cedro Macho now available The application of thin veneers Two Zapon companies have combined Book reviews Sawdust ornaments Cement furniture Cement-coated nails Examples of the English artist - ...(art) New bamboo from the South Central American cedar furniture Valuable hardwoods of Central America Victory for Philippine woods Page 84 Date 10-01 12-01 09-01 03-01 12-01 10-01 12-01 12-01 04-01 05-01 08-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 01-01 08-01 08-01 02-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 11-01 03-01 08-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 08-01 Year Page Column 1922 1912 1925 1932 1926 1922 1912 1925 1928 1945 1949 1946 153 588 110 55 40 153 588 253 61 20 23 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1949 1915 1949 1935 1949 1921 1924 1949 1946 1911 1925 1924 1911 1911 1946 1913 1945 1915 1922 1931 12 227 23 12 23 133 5 52 6 57 99 66 17 579 10 374 6 227 33 69 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Central American mahogany Central Bureau of Extension ... Central Chair Co. (Indianapolis) Central Chair Co. (Indianapolis) Central Chair Co. (Philadelphia) Central Engraving Co. (GR) Central Freight Association Central Furniture Co. (Ft. Wayne) Central Furniture Co. (Los Angeles) Central Furniture Co. (Rockford,IL) Central Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Central Metal Bed Co. (Brooklyn,NY) Central Paint Co. (Jackson, MI) Centralized furniture markets Centralized management Century Furniture Associates Century Furniture Co. (GR) Century Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids Century Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids Century Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Century Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Century Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Century of Progress Exposition Century of Progress Exposition Century-Cypress furniture Ceramic industry Cerex Certus cold glue Certus Cold Glue Co. (Minneapolis) Cescinsky, Herbert Cessna Aircraft Co. Ceylon ebony Ceylonese kapok industry Title Mahogany from Western Africa Extension dining table manufacturers To build a new plant What the manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Engraving company changes name Furniture interests win C.F.A. suit What manufacturers are doing As the news story goes Some recent dry kiln developments Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Varnish concern adds another unit Centralized furniture markets Furniture plants are getting together to ... Hugh Murrill merges two store groups Manufacturers dolling up rooms now Order on veneer issued Century Company will build addition This beautiful suite, designed after the ... Furniture headquarters in Buenos Ayres Century stock increased Is this the beginning of a new era in ... Design contest winners will have market ... New outdoor furniture designed for year ... Glass - newly important as a material for ... New plastics holds strength and shape New glue creates a sensation New glue creates a sensation British view of Amerian furniture industry New cargo plane Laurel and satinwood and other Indian woods Kapok in Ceylon Page 85 Date 12-01 11-01 12-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 10-01 08-01 04-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 03-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 04-01 11-01 12-01 08-01 11-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 11-01 01-01 Year Page 1912 1911 1911 1912 1933 1917 1924 1915 1931 1915 1932 1913 1923 1946 1945 1930 1929 1928 1922 1927 1915 1920 1933 1933 1943 1942 1944 1917 1917 1925 1943 1932 1915 Column 578 588 637 308 27 213 161 98 61 104 43 361 58 12 32 108 52 73 52 34 245 42 19 21 20 6 28 116 116 20 7 35 17 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chaffee, Guy W. (Grand Rapids) Chain stores Chain stores Chain stores Chain stores Chain stores in furniture field Chair assembling contests Chair design Chair fabrics Chair for phone stand, art Chair for phone stand, const. Chair in English walnut Chair industry Chair industry Chair jobbers Chair made by growing trees (art) Chair made of laminated veneers Chair made of wood from shipwrecks Chair making Chair manufacturing industry Chair manufacturing industry Chair manufacturing industry Chair of lyre back design (art) Chair production Chair rungs Chair with turned tapering ...(art) Chair, design of Chairs Chairs Chairs Chairs Chairs Title Recent deaths How Sears, Roebuck is expanding Charting the chain store's future Chain and syndicate list Chain stores The chain store in furniture field Demonstrating furniture Seating comfort a neglected factor in ... Striking chair fabrics conform to modern ... How to make suitable chair for phone stand How to make suitable chair for phone stand Examples of the English artist- - ...(art) Chair men advance prices again Reorganization among chair makers Chair jobbers organize national ass'n Grower's own story of how he grew chair New Stan Wood chair made of laminated veneers Odd chair made from wood of shipwrecks A chapter on chair making Chair manufacturers organize Demad for chairs is very healthy Outlook optimistic to chair manufacturers Louis XVI furniture designs from ... Soft drying increases chair production The making of chair rungs American furniture of Sheraton influence ... Drawing and detailing a chair Facts about rush seating The evolution of the chair Egyptians were remarkable chair makers Influence of migration on furniture design Mass chair assembly comes to south Texas Page 86 Date 08-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 05-01 03-01 03-01 08-01 07-01 11-01 06-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 Year Page Column 1913 1928 1930 1928 1928 1930 1925 1933 1949 1924 1924 1913 1916 1912 1917 1927 414 60 44 60 50 54 219 18 31 210 210 509 135 563 125 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1946 1927 1913 1914 1922 1922 1925 1944 1916 1925 1913 1928 1914 1923 1922 1946 42 61 140 160 67 24 222 16 203 124 346 55 69 150 14 10 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chairs Chairs and lounge chairs (art) Chairs and their history Chairs for airplanes Chairs from Czar collection (art) Chairs, Inc. (New York City) Challis, John (Michigan) Chamber chair, design of Chamber dressing table (art) Chamber furniture Chamber furniture designs Chamber furniture, c1887 Chamber suite Chamber suite, construction of Chamber suite, design of Chamber suite, design of Chamber suite,, construction of Chamber suites Chamberlain Furniture..(Casper,WY) Chambers Mfg. Co. (Shelbyville, IN) Chambersburg (PA) Furniture Co. Chamois Chamois skin Champion Mfg. Co. (Portland) Chandler Industries (Buffalo) Character Furniture..(Medina, NY) Charak Furniture Co. (Boston) Charak Mfg. Co. (New York City) Charcoal for polishing furniture Charles Chemical Co. (Grand Rapids) Charles I walnut armchair (art) Charles II chair (1660-1685) (art) Charles II furniture style Title Chair notes on English Windsors Presented in co-operation with The ... The chair - its origin and development ... Aircraft makers design their own chairs ... Art treasures of the Czar which were ... Affairs of the industry Concerto in plastics A chapter on chair making Chamber dressing table Being done by metal bed makers Simple Chamber furniture The recollections of an on-looker The making of a chamber suite Arts and Crafts chamber suite The making of a chamber suite Arts and Crafts chamber suite The making of a chamber suite Arts and Crafts chamber suite What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Getting personal Imitation for chamois Imitation for chamois Portland expands furniture colony Unique manufacturing set-up produces ... Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Polishing furniture with charcoal The Charles Chemical Co. Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... An exceptionally well preserved Charles ... Furniture of Charles II and William and Mary Page 87 Date 10-01 12-01 07-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 07-01 12-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 11-01 06-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 Year Page 1949 1945 1932 1930 1928 1934 1944 1913 1931 1911 1913 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1919 1915 1946 1918 1918 1922 1946 1932 1931 1932 1916 1917 1931 1933 1925 Column 38 18 19 52 44 34 33 140 37 182 238 42 30 67 32 67 32 67 217 146 61 36 36 283 51 43 45 42 280 166 75 16 223 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Charles II inlaid cabinet (art) Charles II side chair (art) Charles Mfg. Co. (Minneapolis) Charles Scribner's Sons (NYC) Charles Scribner's Sons (NYC) Charlotte (MI) Chair Co. Charlotte (MI) Chair Co. Charlotte (MI) Chair Co. Charlotte (MI) Furniture Co. Charlotte (MI) Furniture Co. Charlotte (NC) Furniture Co. Chase, W.H. Furniture Co. (GR) Chase, W.H. Furniture Co. (GR) Chase, W.H. Furniture Co. (GR) Chatfield, C.B. (Grand Rapids) Chats on Period Styles in Furniture Chattanooga (TN) Furniture Co. Chattanooga (TN) Furniture Co. Chattanooga (TN) furniture industry Chattanooga (TN) furniture industry Chautauqua Chair Co. (Jamestown,NY) Chautauqua Chair Co. (Jamestown,NY) Chautauqua Plywood ...(Celeron, NY) Checkerboard table, construction Checkerboard table, design Chemical dyes Chemical Pub. Inc. (New York City) Chemical re-agents Chemical seasoning of wood Chemical seasoning of woods Chemical transformation of wood Chemically tinted woods Chemistry and furniture making Title Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... Number twnty-two of a series of drawings ... Affairs of the industry New books Today's books What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Charlotte Chair Co. to build Prichett-Powers Comany with Charlotte In new hands and with a close connection ... John Widdicomb, Charlotte furnishing hotel What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing C.B. Chatfield Book reviews Italian duo-tone desk shown in oak What's new Editorial notes A permanent Chattanooga exhibit What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Making a checkerboard table with birch trim Making a checkerboard table with birch trim Why information about anilines is important Today's books What scientific research is accomplishing Chemical seasoning of wood Plasticizing wood Chemicals in wood Chemically tinted woods Chemistry as related to furniture making Page 88 Date 04-01 07-01 03-01 04-01 07-15 06-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 12-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 11-01 12-01 08-01 02-01 05-01 10-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 FALL 02-15 05-01 03-01 06-01 Year Page 1931 1923 1935 1928 1939 1916 1912 1920 1928 1919 1931 1915 1916 1915 1916 1924 1923 1942 1914 1914 1915 1915 1934 1932 1932 1928 1945 1911 1936 1941 1943 1946 1911 Column 75 15 27 66 6 309 574 169 76 300 51 146 139 247 251 62 57 23 190 46 146 195 31 36 36 58 14 628 25 14 12 12 286 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chemistry, role in furniture making Chemistry, role of in furniture Cheney Brothers (New York City) Cheney, Forest (Chicago) Cherokee (IA) Mfg. Co. Cherry Cherry and maple furniture (art) Cherry as furniture wood Cherry as shop wood Cherry furniture Cherry Rivet Co. (Los Angeles) Cherry Rivet Co. (Los Angeles) Cherry Rivet Co. (Los Angeles) Cherry Rivet Co. (Los Angeles) Cherry smoking stand, design Cherry, use of for cabinet work Cherry, use of for millwork Cheshire Chair Corp. (Keene, NH) Cheshire Chair Corp. (Keene, NH) Chess & Wymond Co. (Louisville,KY) Chess & Wymond Co., Inc. Chess table with 71,000 pieces Chest of drawers Chest of drawers (art) Chest of drawers (art) Chest of drawers (art) Chest of drawers, c1800-1825 Chest of drawers, construction Chest of drawers, design Chest on chest (art) Chesterfield Cabinet..(San Jose,CA) Chesterfield frame, construction Title Chemistry as related to furniture The chemist and manufacturer Art exhibition held at Cheney Brothers Recent deaths in the furniture trade What manufacturers are doing The structure of common woods Concentrating on cherry and maple They use cherry in Baltimore Cherry - the old shop wood Concentrating on cherry and maple What's new What's new What's new What's new Cherry smoking stand Cherry - the old shop wood Cherry - the old shop wood What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Big lumber merger in Louisville, Ky. Big lumber merger in Louisville, Ky. Uses 51,000 pieces of wood in table English craftsmen furniture shown at ...(art) American designs of Heppelwhite influence... Number twenty-one of a series of drawings ... 17th century American room from West Boxford Number twenty-six of new series of ... Making an attractive chest of drawers Making an attractive chest of drawers American furniture of Chippendale influence The Chesterfield Cabinet Company, San ... Study of practical cabinet making Page 89 Date 09-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 12-01 03-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 07-01 Year Page Column 1911 1911 1927 1926 1916 1913 1949 1911 1911 1949 1944 1943 1945 1944 1921 1911 1911 1913 1911 1924 1924 1927 1914 1925 1923 462 279 42 122 308 164 16 3 517 16 31 31 47 31 231 517 517 581 21 46 46 71 12 22 261 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1941 1925 1930 1930 1925 1928 1911 15 270 53 53 72 108 329 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chesterfield Furniture Co. (NYC) Chesterfield Inc. Chesterobe Mfg. ..(Nashville, TN) Chestnut Chestnut blight Chestnut blight Chestnutt, James T. (New York City) Chests Cheval dresser, design of Cheval dresser, manufacture of Chicagi furniture expositions Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Chicago Art Institute Chicago Curled Hair Co. Chicago Curled Hair Co. Chicago exposition district Chicago furnituire expositions Chicago furnituire expositions Chicago Furniture Co. Chicago furniture ewxpositions Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Title What some manufacturers are doing New partnership in Boston What manufacturers are doing The structure of common woods Editorial notes Chestnut blighted timber not ruined Recent deaths in the furniture trade Market talk Study of practical cabinet making Study of practical cabinet making New building for Chicago market Furniture commodity rates Marquetry exhibit at Chicago Art Institute Chicago Curled Hair Company plans campaign What manufacturers are doing Chicago buildings in midst of big things Many notables at Furniture Mart opening Furniture packing exhibits among best ... Of interest to manufacturers Important dates Calendar of important furniture events Important dates to remember Furniture pick-ups Fine business at American Furniture Mart Calendar of important furniture events Chicago market dates advanced Business valley not likely to be deep Calendar of important furniture events Convention dates to remember Business is good at midwinter markets Affairs of the industry Coming events All set for the coming expositions Page 90 Date 06-01 10-10 05-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 12-01 12-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 12-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 11-01 06-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 01-01 02-01 03-15 05-01 Year Page 1920 1933 1915 1913 1916 1916 1923 1949 1911 1911 1922 1913 1924 1929 1916 1911 1924 1946 1922 1944 1932 1924 1929 1925 1932 1924 1929 1935 1922 1923 1934 1938 1921 Column 337 32 280 164 227 243 62 12 614 614 56 225 271 77 194 643 70 32 258 48 40 263 77 66 42 274 39 18 248 37 31 32 269 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture exposition Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Title Chicago market gives gratifying outlook Affairs of the industry Convention dates to remember Convention dates to remember Convention dates to remember Exhibitors' list for Mart given Calendar of important furniture events New record set for opening day of Mart What will be shown in June Market calendar Market calendar Market calendar Market date change up again Mart building reaches top New 34-story tower of Mart completed Price cuts few; is market trend to Chicago? Seek permanency of market dates Financing of Mart is now complete What is coming in market dates now? Two-market issue is on trial Two markets - then what? Style trends as seen in the markets Mart bureau compiles statistics Manufacturers are ready for January show Dates for next shows Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Big July market plans by American Furniture.. Berkey & Gay to show in Chicago Attendance at Chicago to break records Affairs of the industry Page 91 Date 07-01 10-01 11-01 04-01 10-01 08-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 01-01 07-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 08-01 01-01 07-01 12-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 07-01 11-01 Year Page 1922 1935 1922 1923 1922 1922 1934 1926 1931 1929 1930 1930 1928 1924 1927 1930 1931 1924 1929 1928 1928 1930 1928 1929 1925 1931 1931 1931 1931 1932 1930 1925 1932 Column 26 17 193 176 147 62 34 48 43 37 107 63 45 158 84 35 35 27 35 37 52 61 100 79 27 26 45 49 47 22 66 27 40 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Title Affairs of the industry June market, Grand Rapids and Chicago Coming events Coming events Affairs of the industry Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Among the manufacturers glimpsed at the ... Calendar of important furniture events Another Chicago market page Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Business booked at the July markets stacks... Buying conservative at intermediate markets Calendar of important furniture events Chicago market views Coming events Coming events Coming events Affairs of the industry Coming events Page 92 Date 08-01 02-01 07-15 08-01 07-01 05-15 04-15 06-15 05-15 07-01 06-01 11-01 10-10 10-01 01-01 09-01 08-01 03-15 03-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 06-15 04-15 04-01 04-01 12-01 03-15 Year Page 1932 1931 1939 1941 1934 1940 1940 1940 1938 1941 1934 1934 1933 1935 1933 1934 1935 1941 1946 1933 1941 1933 1934 1933 1935 1935 1935 1940 1938 1942 1941 1933 1940 Column 29 49 18 26 30 4 19 15 30 31 33 30 30 17 42 26 19 22 17 28 17 32 34 28 6 26 26 12 31 28 28 30 19 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Title Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Chicago market shows manufacturers ready ... Chicago market celebrates silver anniversary Chicago market July 8-20 Chicago market Jan. 4-13 Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Coming events Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Top-flight furniture men meet in Chicago Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important events Important dates Important dates Furniture men at Merchandise Mart and ... Important dates Important dates Page 93 Date 02-15 01-01 02-15 04-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 11-01 02-01 04-15 02-15 11-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 10-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 10-01 04-01 08-01 01-01 02-01 Year Page 1941 1936 1938 1935 1933 1949 1949 1946 1944 1935 1939 1939 1943 1949 1943 1949 1942 1944 1945 1944 1949 1943 1946 1949 1943 1945 1949 1942 1946 1946 1944 1949 1944 Column 21 16 27 25 43 39 27 8 7 28 15 20 31 63 29 63 3 48 47 15 63 31 63 63 29 47 63 24 63 47 16 63 29 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions CHicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Title Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Markets not affected by Mart reorganization.. Important dates Coming events January markets to be held in Chicago Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Dealers praise factory men at the American... Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Price is biggest market news Page 94 Date 02-01 02-01 03-01 08-01 03-01 07-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 03-01 10-15 09-01 12-15 12-15 12-15 12-01 11-15 08-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 09-15 09-15 09-15 09-01 08-15 08-15 11-15 01-01 Year Page 1946 1949 1944 1944 1949 1949 1949 1943 1944 1949 1946 1949 1935 1946 1938 1945 1940 1939 1938 1941 1939 1933 1941 1944 1941 1940 1939 1938 1941 1940 1939 1938 1949 Column 47 63 29 32 63 63 63 31 32 63 63 63 25 47 28 8 18 18 19 26 18 25 24 28 28 23 17 28 24 15 17 31 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Title Coming events Mart board votes down November market Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture expositions Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry More space needed for summer furniture show New ideas and post-war planning --- trends .. Pattern peak predicted Personalities at the Chicago market Conversation pieces from the Chicago ... Picture tour of the Chicago markets Markets a surprise Sane optimism prevails at the summer ... Solving today's problems Affairs of the industry Summer market important Winter market plans announced for January Winter markets Jan. 7 to 19 Factory executives cooperate with retailers.. Photo tour of recent Chicago market Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Furniture leaders gather at Chicago markets Affairs of the industry Work is speeded on new mart Brochure shows 1319 adjunct Ground broken for Furmiture Mart Furniture mart to be built Chicago's progress Trade products will be shown Expositions and salesmanship Many notables at Furniture Mart opening Industry in Chicago had humble origin Furniture production Recollections of an on-looker Page 95 Date 08-15 09-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 02-15 07-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 10-01 02-01 08-01 07-01 04-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 08-01 02-01 05-01 03-01 08-01 07-01 08-01 12-01 03-01 10-01 Year Page Column 1938 1934 31 27 1 1 1949 1944 1949 1946 1942 1946 1938 1935 1943 1936 1943 1943 1945 1944 1941 1933 1934 1942 1933 1923 1922 1923 1922 1922 1923 1922 1924 1925 1928 1911 6 13 36 40 10 16 5 7 6 16 13 24 8 18 14 25 33 25 26 112 85 64 175 96 63 17 70 275 51 489 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture industry Chicago furniture market Chicago Furniture Mfg. Co. Chicago furniture sales Chicago furniture stores Chicago Home Show Chicago House Furnishing Exhibit Chicago Institute of Design Chicago lumber market Chicago lumber report Chicago Mill & Lumber Corp. Chicago Mirror & Glass Co. Chicago Office Desk Co. Chicago Reedware Mfg. Co. Chicago School of Design Chicago School of Design Chicago School of Design Chicago School of Design Chicago schools Chicago Tool & Engineering Co. Title Editorial notes A debt of gratitude to Chicago Ground broken for Furmiture Mart Furniture mart to be built Survey started in Chicago Designers of the future Work is speeded on new mart Lines carried by furniture stores Chicafgo manufacturers push research Chicago furniture plants plan jobs for ... Chicago group organizes pool for handling ... Chicago shoots with cash Furniture trade exhibit hit of Chicago ... Retailers enthusiastic about second Made- ... Written in the semi-editorial vein Manufacturers lease factory building Market talk Lines carried by furniture stores Furniture trade exhibit hit of Chicago ... House furnishers to meet in Chicago Getting personal Furniture pick-ups Phases of the furniture market New company organized in Chicago American beauty mirrors What manufacturers are doing Big reedware factory Wooden bed springs Leading students at the Chicago School Getting personal Chicago School of Design producing ... How Camp Roosevelt builds boys Air gun hammer Page 96 Date 01-01 02-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 09-01 03-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 08-04 10-01 06-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 06-01 03-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 12-01 10-01 07-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 06-01 Year Page 1917 1922 1923 1922 1921 1923 1923 1923 1946 1945 1942 1941 1942 1942 1912 1922 1949 1923 1942 1928 1944 1929 1912 1928 1912 1914 1920 1942 1942 1944 1942 1923 1930 Column 27 62 64 175 186 114 112 47 6 6 6 14 18 12 128 243 6 47 18 63 45 75 197 76 520 53 83 5 21 45 20 187 77 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chicago upholstered furniture ... Chicago Upholstered Furniture Co. Chicago upholsterers' strike, 1919 Chicago Upholsterers Union Chicago Veneer Co. Chicago Veneer Works Chicago Wood Finishing Co. Chicago Wood Specialty Co. Chicago Workshops, Inc. Chicago World's Fair Chicago World's Fair Chicago World's Fair Chicago World's Fair Chicago World's Fair Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ... Chicago-GR furniture market rivalry Chicago-GR furniture market rivalry Chickasaw Wood ...(Memphis, TN) Chicle (Mexico/Central America) Chifforobe, construction Chifforobe, design Chijole tree wood Child Craft Guild (Ludington, MI) Child labor Children's rockers Children's room Children's room, construction of Children's room, design of Chile furniture industry China cabinet China cabinet China cabinet in walnut China cabinet, construction of Title Chicago volume better What manufacturers are doing A debt of gratitude to Chicago Affairs of the industry Eight firms in plywood merger Installing dry kilns Consolidation of wood-finishing houses New Chicago concern Modern movement not radical World's Fair furniture designers discuss ... What modern means in Sweden Is this the beginning of a new era in ... Furniture at the fair Skill of design and artistry in cameo Commission rules on furniture rate Written in the semi-editorial vein A discussion of market rivalry Starts new case goods factory in Memphis Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Making the chifforobe of bachelor suite Making the chifforobe of bachelor suite Mexican iron wood Getting personal Government and child and prison labor Profitable sideline Details of a children's room Details of a children's room Details of a children's room The furniture conditions in Chile China cabinet shows Georgian influence Study of practical cabinet making Examples of craftsmanship at the ...(art) Some lessons in furniture making Page 97 Date 05-01 07-01 02-01 10-10 03-01 10-01 03-01 01-01 04-01 09-01 10-10 05-01 07-01 08-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 06-15 08-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 06-01 Year Page 1949 1914 1922 1933 1930 1912 1913 1920 1935 1933 1933 1933 1933 1934 1911 1912 1912 1928 1949 1926 1926 1912 1938 1918 1946 1913 1913 1913 1915 1926 1911 1914 1913 Column 8 52 62 30 78 520 150 62 10 16 15 19 11 16 539 128 121 102 42 49 49 365 26 55 16 543 543 543 169 37 15 202 268 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry China cabinet, design China cabinet, design of China cabinets China closet in oak, inlaid China closet, construction of China closet, design of China wood oil China wood oil China wood oil China-U.S. trade relations Chinese art Chinese art in furniture decoration Chinese blackwood furniture Chinese Chippendale Chinese Chippendale chair (art) Chinese Chippendale furniture Chinese Chippendale sofas Chinese Chippendale table (art) Chinese control of Aust. fur. ind. Chinese decorations Chinese feather exports Chinese furniture Chinese furniture design Chinese furniture industry Chinese lac tree Chinese lacquer Chinese lacquer Chinese lacquer Chinese lacquer Chinese lacquerware industry Chinese Love Story suite Chinese modern furniture motifs Chinese Modern living room (art) Title Using modern methods in furniture design Some lessons in furniture making Market talk Examples of the English artist- ... (art) Clina closets and tea wagons Clina closets and tea wagons Quality in varnish and price Linseed oil and its competitors Manufacturers' material markets Getting ready for world trade Chinese art in furniture design Using Chinese art in furniture decoration Chinese blackwood furniture A study of fret cut work of the Chippendale.. Modern love seats Affairs of the industry Upholstery goes Chinese The school of Chippendale Unionism among the Chinese Union-National revives decorations ... Why we get feathers from China Chinese furniture is worthy of study Chinese influence on 18th century Chinese blackwood furniture Chinese lac tree is very useful Secrets of lacquer work Making Chinese lacquer work Properties of Oriental lacquers Chinese lacquer is being developed Chinese lac tree is very useful Union National adds unique bedroom suite ... Market talk Prevue furniture ensembles co-ordinate ... Page 98 Date 02-01 06-01 11-01 07-01 06-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 12-01 06-01 07-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 08-15 01-01 11-01 07-01 10-01 07-01 12-01 03-01 11-15 08-01 04-01 03-01 10-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 09-01 11-01 06-01 Year Page 1928 1913 1949 1913 1913 1913 1924 1917 1918 1916 1917 1926 1912 1932 1940 1933 1949 1941 1911 1949 1917 1924 1938 1912 1923 1929 1912 1913 1923 1923 1946 1949 1942 Column 52 268 11 317 270 270 116 212 283 268 4 47 369 31 11 40 28 22 515 42 254 108 20 369 177 45 492 215 254 177 26 11 15 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chinese motif in furniture design Chinoiserie bedroom Chinoiserie bedroom suite Chinoiserie decorations Chintz Chipman, George & ..(Baltimore, MD) Chippendale arm chair (art) Chippendale bookcase, design of Chippendale bookcase, making of Chippendale card table, design Chippendale chair Chippendale chair (art) Chippendale chairs Chippendale commode Chippendale console table and ... Chippendale dining room Chippendale fire screen (art) Chippendale fire screen, const. Chippendale fire screen, design Chippendale furniture Chippendale furniture Chippendale furniture Chippendale furniture Chippendale furniture ...(art) Chippendale Furniture Designs Chippendale furniture drawings Chippendale furniture style Chippendale furniture style Chippendale occasional chair (art) Chippendale red velvet chair (art) Chippendale side chair (art) Chippendale sideboard, design of Chippendale style Title Upholstery goes Chinese Designer Cedric E. Millspaugh and ... Union National adds unique bedroom suite ... Union-National revives decorations ... Art moderne style is felt in linens What the manufacturers are doing South facade of the new American wing ... A bookcase of Chippendale motif A bookcase of Chippendale motif Study of practical cabinet making Old furniture at the exhibition of...(art) Number ten of a series of drawings of ... Suit over Chippendale chairs Little known treasures of Old World Furniture designs (art) A Chippendale dining room shown ...(art) Number seventeen of a series of drawings ... Chippendale fire screen project Chippendale fire screen project Chippendale furniture Was Chippendale born at Otley? A drop-leaf table by Chippendale The school of Chippendale Examples of the furniture of Chippendale .... Today's books Original Chippendale drawings American furniture of Chippendale style Heppelwhite ranks with Chippendale Decorative nails around the outside ... Unusual use of nails with red velvet ... Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... An inlaid Chippendale sideboard The American Chippendales Page 99 Date 11-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 05-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 03-01 08-01 09-01 05-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 02-01 12-01 03-15 03-15 04-01 03-01 03-01 Year Page 1949 1946 1946 1949 1926 1913 1924 1915 1915 1911 1911 1922 1920 1932 1913 1912 1923 1933 1933 1924 1913 1912 1941 1924 1949 1921 1925 1924 1939 1939 1931 1916 1929 Column 28 27 26 42 47 473 256 90 90 435 380 236 150 20 461 236 65 20 20 21 188 382 22 22 55 264 71 263 18 18 76 108 40 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Chippendale style Chippendale style card table (art) Chippendale style chair (art) Chippendale style clock (art) Chippendale style fire screen (Art) Chippendale style sofa (art) Chippendale styles Chippendale table, construction of Chippendale table, design of Chippendale wing chair Chippendale, Thomas Chippendale's (Chicago) Chisels Christmas story in wood carvings Christy Products Co. (Buffalo) Chrome leather, manufacture of Chrysler & Koppin (Detroit) Church altars, freight rates on Church furniture Cincinnati furniture exposition Cincinnati furniture exposition Cincinnati furniture industry Cincinnati furniture industry Cincinnati reed furniture industry Cincinnati Steel Furniture Co. Cincinnati Steel Furniture Co. Circassian burls Circassian veneers Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Title A short review of period styles Number thirty of new series of drawings ... Number thirty-five of a new series of ... By Philadelphia cabinetmakers Fire screen style of Chippendale Number thirty-seven of a new series of ... Characteristics of Chippendale's style A drop-leaf table by Chippendale A drop-leaf table by Chippendale How Chippendale got its wings Was Chippendale born at Otley? Growing demand for upholstered beds and ... Selecting the chisel Christmas story as glorified by art of ... Furniture pick-ups Editorial notes What manufacturers are doing Commission rules on furniture rate American Seating Co.'s church furniture ... Cincinnati to hold furniture show Cincinnati wants furniture mart Cincinnati to hold furniture show Cincinnati wants furniture mart Disabled soldiers make good furniture What some manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Circassian burls from Russia Circassian walnut and red gum What do you know about walnut? Quartered gum Rare woods at high prices A brown wood era Circassian hard to get Page 100 Date 06-01 05-01 10-01 06-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 11-01 12-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 12-01 08-01 01-01 08-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 02-01 09-01 07-01 05-01 09-01 03-01 05-01 02-01 Year Page 1920 1926 1926 1935 1933 1926 1922 1912 1912 1945 1913 1949 1921 1928 1930 1913 1917 1911 1945 1924 1924 1924 1924 1921 1915 1915 1913 1913 1930 1911 1914 1914 1917 Column 297 51 51 8 21 49 194 382 382 8 188 34 240 37 76 499 137 539 24 58 68 58 68 11 54 99 433 332 64 469 133 270 72 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut Circassian walnut shortage Circassian walnut veneer Circassian walnut, original home of Circassian walnut, range of Circular card table construction Circular saw Circular saw accessory rack, const. Circular saw accessory rack, design Citizens Alliance City and Guilds of London ... City and Guilds of London Institute City and Guilds of London Institute City and Guilds of London Institute City Guilds of London Institute Civilian furniture Clamp Nail Co. (Chicago) Clamps Clark Veneer Co. (Chicago) Clark Veneer Co. (Chicago) Clark, Ivan H. (Lyons, MI) Clark, John (Grand Rapids) Clark, R.C. Veneer Co. (Chicago) Clark, R.C. Veneer Co. (Chicago) Clark, Walter Veneer Co. (GR) Clark-Segrist Furniture..(Buffalo) Classic columns, construction of Classic orders of architecture Title Circassian walnut and gum Red gum and circassian walnut The supply of Circassian walnut Two comparatively new woods Circassian walnut and red gum Circassian walnut again A time to disregard cost figures Written in the semi-editorial vein Red gum and circassian walnut Red gum and circassian walnut Study of practical cabinet making The long-suffering circular saw How to make circular saw accessory rack How to make circular saw accessory rack Status of the furniture strike Fine craftsmanship in work of London guilds How Britain trains craftsmen How technical education is aided in England The manual and technical school Cabinet making students in London Sheboygan Chair supplies dealers Clamp Nail patent is granted A clamp catalogue Eight firms in plywood merger Furniture pick-ups Vote of confidence Additional deaths R.C. Clark Veneer Co. buys Alabama firm R.C. Clark Veneer Co. expands A modern veneer warehouse What the manufacturers are doing Study of practical cabinet-making Study of practical cabinet-making Page 101 Date 11-01 01-01 04-01 05-01 07-01 02-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 Year Page 1916 1914 1913 1911 1913 1921 1914 1915 1914 1914 1911 1919 1927 1927 1911 1926 1928 1927 1912 1914 1943 1928 1911 1930 1929 1949 1926 1928 1927 1916 1918 1912 1912 Column 217 17 167 243 332 62 219 240 17 17 153 94 46 46 212 59 70 58 474 202 24 73 193 78 106 6 124 102 104 191 81 111 111 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Classic-Modern furniture design Clausen, A.B. (New York City) Clausen, Alfred B. (Evanston, IL) Clemetsen Co. (Chicago) Clemetsen, A. Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Cleveland (OH) Desk Co. Cleveland (OH) Foundation Cleveland (OH) Technical High ... Cleveland (OH) Varnish Co. Cleveland (TN) Chair Co. Cleveland (TN) Chair Co. Cleveland Fibre Furniture Co. Cleveland Furniture Co. Click, A. Graham (Elkin, NC) Clingman, George F. (Indianapolis) Clingman, George F. Jr. (GR) Clingman, George F. Jr. (GR) Clingman, George Jr. (Grand Rapids) Clipper Belt Lacer Co. (GR) Clockmaking Clocks and clockmaking Closed shop Closed shop Closed shop Clover Mfg. Co. (Norwalk, CT) Coal and coal mining Coal by-products Coal conservation Coal tar dyes Coal tar dyes Coated upholstery fabrics Coats Manufacturing..(Wellsville,NY Cochett, Lucretia Eddy Title World's Fair furniture designers discuss ... Credit Clearing House in furniture field Recent deaths Chicago manufacturer modernizes kilns What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing An industrial survey Vocational schools of Cleveland New varnish company organized What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing New fibre firm in Cleveland started Affairs of the industry Recent deaths One of the finest figures in the industry ... Somewhat personal Geo. F. Clingman, Jr. What the manufacturers are doing Addition for Clipper Belt Lacer Co. The romance of American clockmaking The romance of American clockmaking The closed shop passing out Open vs. closed shop Why Seattle is a strikeless city What's new Stories of the related industries Discussion of by-products of coal Garfield coal order beneficial Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Coated upholstery fabrics on popular ... What some manufacturers are doing Today's books Page 102 Date 09-01 10-01 09-01 05-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 07-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 02-01 01-01 12-01 08-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 07-01 11-15 06-01 07-15 Year Page 1933 1931 1932 1931 1913 1915 1915 1914 1913 1916 1915 1923 1934 1932 1933 1916 1917 1918 1917 1929 1930 1918 1921 1921 1946 1919 1918 1918 1922 1918 1940 1914 18A 1939 Column 16 57 31 69 473 195 212 231 363 139 278 231 33 43 39 42 255 81 188 46 49 259 61 22 64 282 132 93 52 47 12 6 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cochran Showcase & ..(Charlotte,NC) Cochrane Furniture..(Lincolnton,NC) Cockshutt Moulded..(Brantford, Ont. Coco-bolo Code of ethics Code of fair competition Code of trade practices Coe Mfg. Co. (Painesville, OH) Coffin, Merril (Jamestown, NY) Cohen, Louis & Sons, Inc. (NYC) Cohoes, Charles E. (Rockford, IL) Colby, Alfred H. (Boston) Cole Steel Equipment Co. (NYC) Cole, B.T. (Evansville, IN) Colfax (IN) Furniture Co. Colie & Son (Buffalo, NY) Colie, George W. (Buffalo, NY) Colladay Machine..(Philadelphia) Collapsible card tables Collapsible go-cart, demand for Collday Machine Works(Philadelphia) Collector of Customs, New York College dormitory bedrooms College furniture curriculum Collins & Aikman Corp. (NYC) Collins, Kenneth (New York City) Colombia Colombian furniture industry Colombian imports of U.S. ... Colombian mahogany Colombian mahogany Colonial American furniture Colonial cabinet, construction Title What manufacturers are doing What's new Moulded plywood technique Coco-bolo wood for furniture Code of ethics is adopted by upholsterers Leaders in furniture industry attempt ... Approve rules of trade practice New departure in re-drying veneer Union National adds unique bedroom suite ... Getting personal Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths New commercial pieces Evansville foremen find association helpful Getting personal The obituary record The obituary record New gum roll moulder built by Colladay Elegant card table is returning Editorial notes New all motor driven tenoner put on market Spanish cedar not mahogany New ideas for college dorm bedrooms Furniture curriculum What's new Affairs of the industry Comino crespo Modern furniture in Colombia Selling U.S. furniture in Central America Mahogany that is not mahogany Real and fake mahogany Color a popular form of decoration on ... Making a colonial cabinet Page 103 Date 05-01 10-01 05-01 04-01 05-01 10-10 02-01 06-01 09-01 01-15 06-01 06-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 04-01 07-01 Year Page 1915 1942 1944 1920 1924 1933 1932 1926 1946 1938 1920 1932 1949 1923 1942 1913 1913 1929 1931 1913 1927 1913 1949 1945 1949 1932 1917 1918 1925 1911 1911 1935 1920 Column 278 28 24 209 220 9 21 106 26 32 320 41 23 264 27 49 49 90 18 279 68 415 10 6 64 43 174 276 81 465 433 16 40 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Colonial cabinet, design Colonial cedar chest, construction Colonial cedar chest, design Colonial Chair Co. (Chicago) Colonial China buffet Colonial cupboard Colonial design Colonial desk in mahogany Colonial desk, construction Colonial desk, construction Colonial desk, design Colonial desk, design Colonial dresser in mahogany Colonial furniture Colonial furniture Colonial furniture Colonial furniture Colonial furniture Colonial furniture Colonial furniture Colonial furniture Colonial Furniture Co. (GR) Colonial Furniture Co.(Zeeland, MI) Colonial furniture designers Colonial furniture exhibits Colonial furniture industry Colonial furniture reproductions Colonial Furniture.(E.Palestine,OH) Colonial Kfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI) Colonial knitting stand, const. Colonial knitting stand, design Colonial ladies writing desk Title Making a colonial cabinet Colonial cedar chest as project Colonial cedar chest as project What manufacturers are doing Furniture designs (art) Colonial cupboard meets demand for change A new design Pasadena school furniture products (art) Colonial desk in polychrome described A charming colonial desk design Colonial desk in polychrome described A charming colonial desk design Pasadena school furniture products (art) Some constructive thoughts about design The American Chippendales The period styles in furniture Phyfe's competitors able craftsmen 17th century American room from West Boxford American woods at the beginning of the ... By Philadelphia cabinetmakers Michael Hallward's colonial and garden ... Among the manufacturers Written in the semi-editorial vein Phyfe's competitors able craftsmen McIntire dining room set Speak for yourself, John Affairs of the industry Furniture factory resumes operations Tie-up advertising Pedestal type of colonial knitting stand Pedestal type of colonial knitting stand How to make charming ladies writing desk Page 104 Date 07-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 05-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 07-01 09-01 01-01 05-15 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 Year Page Column 1920 1928 1928 1915 1913 1925 1921 1914 1922 1920 1922 1920 1914 1928 1929 1913 1935 40 48 48 247 461 153 202 246 249 301 249 301 246 42 40 71 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1941 1943 1935 1942 1918 1915 1935 1942 1929 1937 1930 1941 1922 1922 1925 15 23 8 19 295 30 8 27 42 37 108 16 156 156 103 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Colonial ladies writing desk (art) Colonial Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Colonial Mfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI) Colonial Mfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI) Colonial Mfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI) Colonial Mfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI) Colonial Mfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI) Colonial Mfg. Co. (Zeeland, MI) Colonial mirror, construction Colonial mirror, design Colonial pedestal, construction Colonial pedestal, design Colonial piano bench, design of Colonial plantation homes Colonial reading stand, const. Colonial reading stand, design Colonial Reed Chair..(Wakefield,MA) Colonial secretary (art) Colonial secretary, construction Colonial secretary, design Colonial serving table in mahogany Colonial table in mahogany Colonial table, construction of Colonial table, design of Colonial taboret, construction Colonial taboret, design Colonial Toile de Jouy Colony,L.J. Chair..(Munsonville,NH) Color effects in cabinet making Color harmonies and patterns Color on furniture Color pigments Color schemes Title Colonial desk which is described on ... Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Will assemble clocks at Zeeland factory What the manufacturers are doing Written in the semi-editorial vein Written in the semi-editorial vein What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Colonial mirror makes good school project Colonial mirror makes good school project Well designed colonial pedestal for schools Well designed colonial pedestal for schools Some lessons in furniture making Joint program Colonial reading-stand is in high favor Colonial reading-stand is in high favor As the news story goes This beautiful Colonial secretary is ... Making a colonial secretary Making a colonial secretary Pasadena school furniture products (art) Pasadena school furniture products (art) Lessons in furniture making Lessons in furniture making Colonial taboret provides handwork practice Colonial taboret provides handwork practice The Colonial Toile de Jouy used in ...(art) Chair industry is revived Attention to color effects is important Color has important part in furniture sales Color clinic advances use of color on ... Value of standards in decorative colors Designing finishes and color schemes Page 105 Date 09-01 09-01 07-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 09-01 03-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 05-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 04-01 08-01 11-01 09-01 Year Page 1925 1931 1927 1916 1916 1918 1919 1919 1923 1923 1923 1923 1914 1941 1924 1924 1931 1925 1929 1929 1914 1914 1915 1915 1927 1927 1929 1920 1927 1924 1934 1924 1926 Column 102 26 45 85 28 56 251 159 113 113 202 202 144 16 255 255 44 102 67 67 246 246 248 248 45 45 54 235 40 164 14 220 41 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Color uniformity for woods Color, influence of on design Color, use as furniture trade mark Colorado Fiber Furniture..(Denver) Coloring extracts Coloring of living trees and logs Coloring of living trees and logs Colors in oil Colors in oil Colors in oil Columbia (SC) Chaior Co. Columbia Cabinet ..(Bloomsburg,PA) Columbia Furniture Co. (Canton, OH) Columbia Mattress..(South Bend, IN) Columbia Sander No. 2 Columbian Hardware Co. (Cleveland) Columbus Chair Co. (Tabor, NC) Combination costumer, construction Combination costumer, design Combination power-hand feed jointer Combination seat bookcase Combined sideboard/bed, const. Combined sideboard/bed, design Come-Packt Furniture..(Ann Arbor,MI Come-Packt Furniture..(Ann Arbor,MI Comino crespo Commerce Reports Commercial Associates Inc.(Chicago) Commercial blood albumin Commercial bribert Commercial bribery Commercial bribery Commercial bribery Title Problems of the finishing room Study of color is important in furniture Use of color as a furniture trade mark Of interest to manufacturers Aniline colors and coloring extracts Dresden shows new furniture Exhibit furniture made of vaccinated wood Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing A handsome book All steel clamp put on market Furniture pick-ups Combination customer that is easy to make Combination customer that is easy to make Comvbination power and hand feet jointer Designs for holiday novelties (art) How to make combined sideboard and bed How to make combined sideboard and bed Editorial notes What manufacturers are doing Comino crespo The government daily Largest syndicate being reorganized Blood albumin and the woodworking industry Experiences in remedying graft Commercial bribery alleged Commission hints at bribery Trade bribery to be crime Page 106 Date 01-01 12-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 11-01 09-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 10-01 07-01 04-01 09-01 01-01 12-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 Year Page 1911 1923 1923 1922 1915 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1914 1917 1913 1916 1913 1924 1930 1923 1923 1911 1911 1927 1927 1916 1914 1917 1915 1928 1933 1921 1924 1925 1918 Column 8 249 90 258 117 202 201 298 48 196 162 192 581 139 104 170 70 153 153 192 558 60 60 170 52 174 126 69 16 88 170 80 271 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Commercial bribery Commercial Club (Menderson, KY) Commercial failures Commercial Furniture Co. (Chicago) Commercial Furniture Co. (Chicago) Commercial hairs Commercial woods, structure of Commissioner of Internal Revenue Committee on Recent Economic ... Commode of the Italian school (art) Commodity prices Commodity rates on furniture Commodity rates on furniture Common woods, structure of Common woods, structure of Commonwealth Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Company elections Company logos Company of Master ...(Oneida, NY) Company of Master Craftsmen..(NYC) Competition for Low-Cost Furniture Compressed air Compressed air for metal working Compressed air use in furniture ... Compressed tenon Comstock, Cheney ..(Ivoryton, CT) Conant Lumber Co. (Camden, NY) Conant, F.H. Co. (Camden, NJ) Condon Co. (Tacoma, WA) Congress and U.S. dyestuff industry Conkling, Frank A. Co. (Memphis,TN) Connecticut chest (art) Connecticut slant top desk (art) Title Stamping out commercial bribery What manufacturers are doing Commercial failures Commercial Co. purchases plywood co. Firms united to engage in export trade The Angora goat and production of mohair Structure of commercial woods Compensation of officers Economic changes and the furniture industry Pages for a designer's scrap book Sweeping wave of price cutting Furniture interests win C.F.A. suit Commodity rates on furniture endangered The structure of common woods The structure of common woods Marketers of prison products are jobbers Some company elections Wood office furniture institute sports ... Returning vets learn upholstering The Company of Master Craftsmen present ... Low-cost furniture awards Compressed air in woodworking machinery The use of compressed air Compressed air is versatile aid in furniture. The compressed tenon Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry What's new Editorial notes Builds town for employes Number twelve of a series of drawings ... A Connecticut slant top desk Page 107 Date 07-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 05-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 03-01 12-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 03-01 11-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 11-01 03-01 09-01 11-01 Year Page 1918 1913 1921 1923 1919 1924 1913 1921 1929 1930 1920 1924 1923 1913 1913 1927 1915 1946 1946 1945 1949 1933 1914 1945 1945 1933 1919 1932 1944 1919 1924 1922 1934 Column 22 581 4 196 41 127 219 176 39 72 300 161 162 164 132 66 251 45 18 16 6 21 276 15 17 27 217 41 32 227 116 109 15 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Connecticut Spring Bed..(Waterbury) Conner Furniture Co. (Nashville,TN) Conner Furniture..(New Albany, IN) Connersville (IN) Furniture Co. Connersville (IN) Furniture Co. Connifer, N.Y. Connor Lumber and ...(Laona, WI) Connor, Christopher (Indianapolis) Conover (NC) Furniture Co. Conover (NC) Mattress & ... Conrades Mfg. Co. (St. Louis) Conrey, David L. (Shelbyville, IN) Conrey-Birely Table(Shelbyville,IN) Conrey-Davis Mfg. (Shelbybille, IN) Conservation Conservation Conservation Conservation Console and mirror (art) Console cabinets Console radio cabinet (design) Console radio cabinet(construction) Console sets Console sideboard Console table and mirror, const. Console table and mirror, design Console table, construction Console table, construction Console table, design Console table, design Console table, design Consolidated Chair..(Greeneville,TN Consolidated Freight Classification Title What the manufacturers are doing New furniture factory Incorporation matters Hawkins completes big box contract What manufacturers are doing Heywood-Wakefield buys a community Hardwood pioneers manufacture furniture ... Some recent deaths in the furniture trade As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Recent deaths in furniture trade The death of Harry H. Whitcomb Conrey-Davis Co. in receivers hands Conservation by manufacturers Sligh submits proposed wood bed Conserving coal and other fuel The conservation in furniture Console and Mirror by Oakley V. Weeks. ... Suitable cabinet and mirror for large room Good cabinet for the lonely radio set Good cabinet for the lonely radio set Mirror plays important part in console sets Georgian period is rich in furniture ideas Console table and mirror project Console table and mirror project Console table is easy to make Good project for high school students Console table is easy to make Good project for high school students Console table has decorative value Late news notes The new freight classification Page 108 Date 02-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 Year Page 1911 1922 1922 1918 1919 1949 1943 1924 1931 1931 1931 1916 1912 1924 1918 1918 1918 1918 1925 1926 1928 1928 1925 1926 1934 1934 1929 1924 1929 1924 1934 1914 1920 Column 21 58 142 132 217 12 12 66 66 63 50 90 135 287 66 71 290 134 256 37 48 48 203 45 30 30 67 109 67 109 18 51 28 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Consolidated Furniture Co. (GR) Consolidated Furniture Corp. Consolidated Industries(Rockford,IL Consolidated Industries(Rockford,IL Consolidated Marqueterie Co. (NYC) Consolidations Construction activity Construction activity Construction activity Construction activity Construction activity Construction activity Construction activity Consular documents in export trade Consular reports Consular reports Consumer complaints on furniture Consumer complaints on furniture Consumer education Consumer movement Consumer style preferences Container Corp. of America(Chicago) Contempora (New York City) Contemporary American Design ... Title To vote on merger of Berkey and Gay units Furniture companies merge Furniture pick-ups Rockford companies in merger As the news story goes Eight firms in plywood merger July building was biggest on record Biggest September building on record Building activity grows in October Building record good during July Furniture record is good in September Good building record made in June Increased building during August Legal documents in export trade Consular report requests The government daily To eliminate consumer complaints on furniture A yardstick to measure furniture quality More phases of under-education Informative labeling and the consumer ... Style trends and furniture finishes Container Corporation buys Gair plant Contempora sponsoring an exposition Modernity that is easy to live with Date 05-01 06-01 03-01 10-01 12-01 03-01 09-01 11-01 12-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 12-01 07-01 09-01 10-15 10-15 04-01 05-01 03-01 10-01 07-01 05-01 Contemporary American Industrial... Contemporary design Contemporary furniture Modern courts mass markets in Metropolitan .. L. Moholy-Nagy reaffirms the function of ... Pioneering in American modern Contemporary furniture Contemporary furniture Contemporary furniture Contemporary furniture Robsjohn-Gibbings combines visual serenity... The sketch book Robsjohn-Gibbings denouces period furniture Edith Chatterton Thomas designs modern ... Page 109 Year Page Column 1926 1923 1929 1928 1931 1930 1925 1925 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 1911 1913 1915 1938 1938 1912 1941 1930 1928 1929 1929 69 292 106 69 43 78 126 62 254 149 246 60 182 613 352 126 15 14 188 5 44 88 90 43 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 11-01 10-01 10-15 1934 1943 1938 18 16 16 1 1 1 02-01 04-15 06-01 06-01 1949 1939 1944 1949 35 16 24 25 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Contemporary furniture design Contemporary furniture design Contemporary oak furniture Contemporayr furniture Contempra Furniture.. (Chicago) Contempra, Inc. (Grand Rapids) Continental Furniture(H. Point, NC) Continental Furniture(High Point,NC Continental Television (Newark, NJ) Continuous feed glue jointer Continuous-feed glue jointers Contracts Control devices Converta Sofa Co. (Detroit) Convertible furniture Convertible Go-Cart..(Peoria, IL) Convertible screen table Conveyers and conveyor systems Conveyor line production Conveyor system for upholstering Conveyor systems Conveyorized furniture finishing Conveyors and conveyor systems Convict labor Cook & Chick Co. (Chicago) Cook and Co. (?) Cook, S.A. & Co. (Medina, NY) Cook, S.A. & Co. (Medina, NY) Cook, S.A. (Medina, NY) Cook, S.A. and Co. (Medina, NY) Cooke-Roberts Corp. (Orange, MA) Cookinet Cabinet Co.(Birmingham,AL) Coombes, R.J. (Calcutta, India) Title After eclecticism what? Wherefor Directoire-Biedermeier Oak is robust and distinctive in decoration Modern movement not radical Getting personal Getting personal Continental Furniture Co. opens remodeled ... Another furniture market As the news story goes A continuous feed glue jointer Continuous feed glue jointers Designers seek uniform contracts Automatic controls in lumber dry kilns Coffee Convertible furniture What the manufacturers are doing Afternoon tea novelties (art) The trend is toward conveyors Conveyor line production steps up finishing.. Conveyor system for upholstering Conveyors $ave Dollar$ Conveyorized furniture finishing Here's what conveyors have done for these ... The convict labor question What's new Makers of upholstered furniture for fifty ... Recent deaths Modern wood chair frames conform to all ... Recent deaths This factory always keeps consumers in mind Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing To build Little Grand Rapids Page 110 Date 02-01 06-01 05-15 04-01 07-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 04-01 04-15 08-15 06-01 07-01 05-01 03-01 10-01 07-01 04-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 FALL 07-01 02-01 Year Page 1930 1931 1938 1935 1949 1949 1946 1917 1931 1911 1912 1933 1924 1949 1943 1912 1911 1946 1940 1939 1946 1949 1946 1916 1946 1945 1912 1949 1912 1926 1936 1915 1918 Column 41 45 14 10 61 61 12 23 45 532 267 19 226 10 20 626 500 24 8 7 24 47 18 125 64 36 195 28 195 65 40 50 74 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cooper Cooper and brass Cooperative advertising Co-operative advertising Co-operative advertising Co-operative bonus awards Co-operative Buyers ...(Pittsburgh) Co-operative store idea Cooper-Williams Inc. (Boston) Copal varnish, manufacture of Copenhagen modern office expo Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Cooperative advertising Value of co-operative advertising Co-operative advertising Commendable factory bonus scheme New buyers syndicate formed in Pittsburgh Cooperative mercantile schemes As the news story goes Stories of the related industries Editorial notes Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 111 Date 08-01 10-01 02-01 09-01 07-15 12-01 02-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 03-01 12-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 07-01 06-01 07-01 02-01 04-01 10-01 05-01 03-01 09-01 08-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 Year Page 1914 1913 1946 1912 1940 1917 1927 1919 1931 1918 1913 1914 1917 1915 1914 1917 1915 1912 1914 1916 1913 1917 1915 1913 1914 1916 1915 1916 1915 1912 1915 1914 1917 Column 105 521 16 455 5 254 59 134 49 18 335 105 250 326 321 144 308 620 212 142 354 301 46 96 208 188 272 148 154 409 101 267 43 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Title Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 112 Date 05-01 11-01 04-01 01-01 11-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 11-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 01-01 08-01 02-01 12-01 02-01 03-01 08-01 09-01 04-01 02-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 Year Page 1912 1915 1915 1913 1914 1917 1914 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1914 1913 1913 1916 1915 1915 1915 1917 1917 1916 1916 1913 1915 1914 1917 1918 1919 1917 1918 1917 1918 Column 251 251 210 47 267 42 48 234 45 45 264 197 53 245 575 313 202 160 51 83 90 286 95 144 101 161 194 99 167 181 192 284 46 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Copper Coppes Bros. & Zook (Nappanee, IN) Copula fiber seats Title Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Late news notes Copula fiber seats Copyright labels Copyright laws Copyright safeguards Copyrights Copyrights and copyright labels Corbin Folding Chair..(S.Bend, IN) Cordesman-Rechtin band resaw Cordesman-Rechtin Co. (Cincinnati) Cordiawood (Cetran/South America) Cordova Leather Co. (New York City) Cordovan leather Core stock Core stock for venners Core stock, sanding of Corestock Corestock or wet veneer Corestock or wet veneer Corinthian architecture Cork substitute Corlear Products Co. (NYC) Mahogany association issues copyright labels Open new fight on style piracy Isolating the distinctive furniture picture Get behind the Vestal bill Isolating the distinctive furniture picture What the manufacturers are doing Cordesman-Rechtin band resaw Cordesman-Rechtin band resaw Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Leather for the upholsterer Leather for the upholsterer Use Western woods for core stock Preparing core stock for veneers Sanding core stock Woods for core and crossbanding Problems of the veneer room Problems of the veneer room Study of practical cabinet-making New source of cork Trefz buys control of Corlear company Page 113 Date 12-01 01-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 02-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 10-01 12-01 12-01 04-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 10-01 07-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 03-01 10-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1919 1920 1919 1917 1919 1920 1919 1920 1918 1917 1914 1912 332 61 278 228 220 121 111 173 147 129 51 51 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1936 1933 1923 1931 1923 1917 1911 1911 1949 1911 1912 1920 1912 1915 1930 1911 1911 1912 1942 1927 13 20 134 50 134 170 645 645 42 310 431 67 480 41 101 485 440 111 5 63 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cornelius, Philip (Grand Rapids) Cornelius, Philip T. (Grand Rapids) Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) Cornell, Lynn (Jamestown, NY) Cornell, Robert (Jamestown, NY) Corner cabinet, construction of Corner cabinet, design of Corner chair with open back Corner fitments, construction of Cornice Work Manual Coronation fabrics Corporate assets Corporate reorganization Corporate taxes Corporation tax Correctly trimmed furniture Correspondence courses Correspondence schools Corry (PA) Chair Co. Corry (PA) Fiber Furniture Co. Corry (PA) Fibre Co. Corry (PA) Metal Furniture Co. Cosgrove Co. (Owosso, MI) Cosgrove's Handbook of Woodworking. Cosmopolitan Spring ...(Chicago) Cost Accountants Year Book Cost accounting Cost accounting Cost accounting Cost accounting Cost finding Cost of living Cost of living indexes Title Michigan executives set to open upholstered.. Leaders in the industry Antique art resurrected Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths Study of practical cabinet-making Study of practical cabinet-making Examples of the English artist - ...(art) Study of practical cabinet making Cornice Work Manual The trend in upholstery fabrics Is secret reserve camouflaging? Corporate reorganization under federal law Income and excess profits taxes Southerners want lower corporation tax Examples of correctly trimmed furniture(art) Home-study lumber course Correspondence vs. night schools Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Corry Fibre Company adds toys to line What manufacturers are doing Cosgrove Co. moves main office Cosgrove Co. moves main office Affairs of the industry New books and catalogs The utility in cost accounting Manufacturers' cost accounting A cost system for a chair factory The vital need of the furniture industry Cost finding in furniture factories Expenditure of families for furniture What is the industry to do about it? Page 114 Date 11-01 12-01 11-01 07-01 09-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 07-01 12-01 07-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 FALL 06-01 11-01 05-01 12-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 10-01 03-01 Year Page 1946 1945 1945 1924 1932 1912 1912 1913 1911 1912 1911 1918 1934 1917 1927 1913 1924 1920 1936 1917 1922 1913 1923 1923 1934 1921 1917 1916 1911 1921 1921 1924 1924 Column 55 38 11 68 31 214 214 374 328 256 602 159 10 246 40 465 64 206 40 308 231 252 282 282 33 118 219 239 318 208 262 174 130 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cost system for chair factories Cost system for chair manufacturing Cost systems Cost systems Cost systems Cost systems for small plants Costa Rica as source of cedro macho Cots Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Title A cost system for a chair factory The necessity of a cost system A cost system for veneer panels War influences on cost methods Why a cost system in the furniture factory? A simple, speedy cost system for the ... Cedro Macho now available Millions of cots for Uncle Sam Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Page 115 Date 07-01 06-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 03-15 08-01 08-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 10-01 11-01 05-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 06-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 10-01 01-01 10-01 05-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 10-01 09-01 07-01 Year Page 1911 1911 1911 1918 1933 1941 1946 1918 1916 1914 1916 1912 1912 1916 1912 1914 1914 1917 1914 1914 1914 1911 1914 1915 1915 1913 1917 1916 1917 1912 1916 1914 1916 Column 318 289 259 34 15 5 6 72 197 158 148 515 566 264 619 329 106 302 208 47 268 523 54 202 272 96 144 45 42 248 188 159 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 116 Date 11-01 07-01 08-01 02-01 12-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 08-01 12-01 10-01 02-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 02-01 07-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 11-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 12-01 05-01 08-01 Year Page 1913 1913 1914 1915 1914 1915 1917 1915 1912 1915 1913 1917 1916 1915 1912 1915 1916 1912 1916 1915 1917 1916 1912 1915 1914 1913 1915 1913 1913 1913 1913 1917 1917 Column 575 355 106 102 321 160 194 152 407 308 521 90 94 210 198 46 95 353 313 251 43 142 144 326 268 299 102 468 48 141 632 250 83 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton Cotton as upholstery fabric Cotton crops Cotton fabric as leather substitute Cotton fabrics Cotton goods Cotton goods Cotton goods Cotton linter Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Little realized properties of cotton Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Cotton proves its versatility in attractive.. Phases of the furniture market The making of artificial leather Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 117 Date 09-01 12-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 05-01 11-01 04-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 11-01 08-01 Year Page 1912 1916 1919 1917 1918 1918 1919 1918 1917 1918 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1919 1920 1918 1919 1942 1911 1918 1911 1913 1915 1914 1914 1914 1912 1917 1917 1912 1917 Column 461 287 89 129 137 91 138 147 181 99 284 229 186 253 236 202 108 283 59 20 471 173 417 246 52 212 56 209 354 303 44 567 84 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Editorial notes Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 118 Date 04-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 05-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 12-01 06-01 01-01 09-01 12-01 02-01 08-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 07-01 09-01 05-01 Year Page 1916 1917 1913 1917 1915 1916 1912 1912 1915 1915 1914 1916 1915 1917 1912 1912 1915 1917 1916 1916 1913 1912 1913 1913 1916 1916 1916 1911 1911 1915 1916 1916 1914 Column 198 250 145 42 273 235 99 49 211 162 106 189 134 195 302 516 103 145 287 313 48 462 636 99 95 46 149 584 639 310 46 143 269 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters Cotton linters use for mattresses Cotton mattress industry Cotton mills and fabrics Cotton prints Cotton tapestries Cotton upholstery fabrics Cotton upholstery fabrics Cotton upholstery goods Cottonwood veneer panels Couch with square leg (art) Couches Couches, slat construction of Couches, steel construction of Country Chippendale cabinet, design Country homes Courbaril Court decisions on lawsuiots Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Title Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Written in the semi-editorial vein Written in the semi-editorial vein Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets New cotton upholstery fabrics Better sales appeal in new cottons Phases of the furniture market Veneer panels classed as wood manufactures American furniture of Chippendale influence The construction of couches The construction of couches The construction of couches Example of Country Chippendale Reasons for trend to early American design Tropical wood research for the furniture ... The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it A primer on furniture woods The law of it The law of it Page 119 Date 02-01 11-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 11-15 01-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 01-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 11-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 Year Page 1916 1917 1917 1917 1917 1914 1914 1911 1913 1913 1941 1939 1912 1926 1925 1914 1914 1914 1918 1925 1949 1913 1912 1915 1913 1915 1915 1917 1912 1914 1913 1916 1913 Column 96 229 284 182 129 246 246 472 198 356 19 17 47 102 72 19 19 19 80 10 53 293 215 185 33 33 23 55 527 21 221 67 69 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court decisions on lawsuits Court rulings in furniture cases Courtenay, Erskine (Louisville, KY) Covel-Hanchett Co. (Big Rapids, MI) Covington (GA) Mattress Co. Covode, John A. (Grand Rapids) Cowan, W.K. & Co. (CHicago) Cowan, W.K. & Co. (Chicago) Cowan, W.K. Co. (Chicago) Cowdrey, George E. (Cincinnati) Cowing, Leonard C. (Jamestown, NY) Title The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it What high courts rule in furniture cases at.. Leaders in the industry Trip hammer circular saw set What some manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in furniture trade The W.K. Cowan & Co. embarrassment Written in a semi-editorial vein What manufacturers are doing Leaders in the industry Some recent deaths Page 120 Date 07-01 07-01 07-01 12-01 08-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 07-01 08-01 02-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 12-01 06-01 08-01 06-01 12-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 Year Page 1916 1914 1913 1913 1914 1917 1912 1916 1912 1912 1913 1914 1915 1914 1913 1912 1912 1914 1913 1914 1913 1916 1912 1928 1946 1931 1920 1918 1915 1913 1917 1946 1927 Column 19 15 326 596 101 17 429 159 507 326 376 71 124 287 163 375 586 205 495 255 441 67 272 60 54 47 338 266 222 231 137 54 106 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cox Mfg. Co. (Hickory, NC) Cox Mfg. Co. (Hickory, NC) Cox, Charles H. (Grand Rapids) Cox, George B. (Cincinnati) Cox, George B. (Cincinnati, OH) Cox, W. R. (Linwood, KY) Coxwell chair, construction Coxwell chair, design Coye Furniture..(Stevens Point, WI) Coye Furniture..(Stevens Point, WI) Coye Furniture..(Stevens Point, WI) Coye Furniture...(Stevens Point,WI) Coye, W.H. Coye, W.H. (Grand Rapids) Crabwood Craddock Furniture..(Evansville,IN) Craftex Furniture...(Detroit) Craftex Mills Inc. (Philadelphia) Craftline Furniture..(Macon, GA) Craftmaster Inc. of Wash. (Seattle) Craftmaster of Oregon (Portland) Craftmaster of Spokane Craftsman furniture Craftsman, Inc. Craftsmanship in production Craftsmanship standards Craig Furniture..(Martinsville,VA) Craig, George (Grand Rapids) Crain's Market Data Book and ... Craley, N.Neiman (Red Lion, PA) Crane & McMahon (?) Crane & McMahon..(St. Mary's, OH) Crane bracket table, construction Title Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Recent deaths in the furniture trade Geo. B. Cox owner of Midland Chair Co. Paragraphs about the people Recent deaths in furniture trade Making an upholstered Coxwell chair Making an upholstered Coxwell chair Women in the furniture factories Women in woodworking trade Joerns Bros. Co. take over Coye factory What manufacturers are doing What happened to furniture prices Recent deaths in furniture trade Concerning crabwood from South America Hitting the jackpot Getting personal What's new Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Written in the semi-editorial vein Gustav Stickley involved Still room for craftsmanship Has purity of stule declined Southern firm reorganized Wood carvers exhibit of national interest New books and catalogs Leaders in the industry Crane & McMahon Co. produce million GI ... From artillery wheels to furniture Crane bracket table a useful piece Page 121 Date 12-01 02-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 11-01 02-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 09-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 01-01 01-01 Year Page 1932 1933 1928 1915 1913 1929 1930 1930 1917 1917 1917 1917 1921 1929 1934 1949 1946 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1917 1915 1930 1911 1928 1923 1921 1946 1945 1931 1935 Column 43 43 110 98 360 76 61 61 236 77 209 308 164 106 16 6 62 64 61 59 59 59 28 147 51 96 58 105 118 40 26 44 19 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Crane bracket table, design Crane Furniture...(Evansville, IN) Crane, Ross Crane, Ross (Chicago) Cranford Furniture..(Asheboro, NC) Cranford Furniture..(Asheboro, NC) Cranford Furniture..(Asheboro, NC) Crater & Holt (Grand Rapids) Crating Crating for chairs Crating of furniture Crating of furniture Crawford Austin Mfg. (Waco, TX) Crawford Furniture...(Jamestown,NY) Crawford, Clyne (Jamestown, NY) Crawford, Edward (Grand Rapids) Crawfordsville (IN) Furniture & ... Crawfordsville (IN) Furniture Co. Cream City Bedding ..(Milwaukee,WI) Creative Arts Press, Peoria, IL. Creative Design in Furniture Credit agencies Credit bureaus Credit Clearing House (NYC) Credit collection and reporting Credit reporting Credit/collection agencies Credits and loans Creque, John P. (Grand Rapids) Crescent Bedding Co. (NYC) Crescent Furniture Co. (Warren, PA) Crescent Furniture..(Evansville,IN) Crescent Panel Co. (Louisville,KY) Title Crane bracket table a useful piece What some manufacturers are doing Ross Crane contributes a remarkable book Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry Furniture designs (art) Creating upholstered furniture Correct crating for chairs Rules for the packing of tables Better crating of furniture As the news story goes Two furniture factories speed their work ... Leaders in the industry Recent deaths What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Today's books Today's books Credit Clearing House in furniture field Credit bureau gets under way Credit Clearing House in furniture field New credit body is formed The Lyon-Red Book consolidation The Lyon-Red Book consolidation Help bring the dollars out Recent deaths What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What's new Page 122 Date 01-01 06-01 08-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 12-01 09-01 03-01 10-01 01-01 05-01 12-01 08-01 11-01 02-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 07-15 07-15 10-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 12-01 10-01 Year Page 1935 1914 18A 1929 1936 1931 1930 1933 1913 1911 1929 1911 1921 1931 1943 1943 1931 1915 1913 1913 1938 1938 1931 1932 1931 1924 1917 1917 1932 1912 1913 1916 1912 1944 Column 19 89 16 43 76 31 461 108 55 29 275 43 27 28 91 301 526 473 5 5 57 56 57 186 134 134 34 362 252 194 626 47 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cretonnes Cretonnes for bungalow furniture Crex Carpet Co. (Minneapolis) Crex Carpet Co. (Minneapolis) Crex Carpet Co. (St. Paul, MN) Crex Carpet Co. (St. Paul, MN) Cribbage board, construction Cribbage board, design Cribs and play pens Criqui Furniture Co. (Mansfield,OH) Crissey, Jay (Jamestown, NY) Criswell Co. (Grand Rapids) Criswell Furniture Co. (GR) Criswell Furniture..(Grand Rapids) Criswell, William H. (Grand Rapids) Criswell-Keppler Co.(Grand Rapids) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker Chair Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Crocker, Watson D. (Pasadena, CA) Cromwellian type arm chair (art) Cron-Kills Co. (Shawnee, OH) Croquet and croquetsets Cross veneers Crossbanding Cross-banding Cross-cut sawing Title Phases of the furniture markets Fabrics for furniture coverings What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Crex industries combined Paragraphs about manufacturers How to make a cribbage board How to make a cribbage board Lumber mills become crib manufacturers What manufacturers are doing Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Paragraphs about manufacturers What manufacturers are doing Criswell Company sells interests Recent deaths in furniture trade Paragraphs about manufacturers G.W. Brickhauer heads Crocker Chair Co. Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups Personal mention What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Pioneer chair maker dies in California Number two of a series of drawings ... Cron-Kills company builds new addition How croquet balls are made Problems of the veneer room Woods for core and crossbanding Problems of the veneer room To obtain smooth cross-cut sawing Page 123 Date 04-01 06-01 05-01 07-01 05-01 09-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 01-01 09-01 11-01 06-01 09-01 12-01 03-01 07-01 09-01 12-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 01-01 05-01 04-01 Year Page 1913 1911 1913 1914 1915 1912 1924 1924 1944 1916 1924 1912 1916 1922 1916 1912 1924 1932 1932 1931 1930 1912 1914 1915 1917 1924 1922 1927 1917 1911 1930 1911 1912 Column 197 300 252 53 247 469 166 166 25 194 68 469 309 58 40 469 249 30 28 45 77 359 162 301 309 200 5 41 166 118 101 204 164 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Croswell Furniture Co. (GR) Crotch mahogany veneer Crouse, Jacob (Winston-Salem, NC) Crowell, James A. (Providence, RI) Crowell, Thomas Y. Co. (NYC) Crowley, P.F. (Grand Rapids) Crown Chair Co. (Evansville, IN) Crown Chair Co. (Evansville, IN) Crown Chair Co. (High Point, NC) Crown Chair Co.(High Point, NC) Crown Furniture Co. (Preston, Ont.) Crown Publishers (NYC) Crown Upholstering..(Los Angeles) Crozier Machine..(Hawthorne, CA) Crucible steel, manufacture of Crude oil and crude oil refining Cruse Mfg. Co. (Terre Haute, IN) Crutcher, Allan T. (Tacoma, WA) Cuban furniture imports from U.S. Cuban furniture imports from U.S. Cuban furniture industry Cuban furniture industry Cuban imports of U.S. furniture Cuban sugar export to U.S. Cuban timber despoilation Cuckfield ship model cases Cumberland Gap (TN) Mfg. Co. Cumming, Rose (New York City) Cummings, Chas. E. (Dorchester, MA) Cummings, Phil (Big Rapids, MI) Cummins railroad bill Cummins Veneer Co. (High Point, NC) Cummins, Sen. (no first name), IA Title Chiefly about the manufacturers Problems of the veneer room Recent deaths in furniture trade Somewhat personal A new book furniture men should own Crowley field secretary of K.C. Chair company builds modern plant Crown Chair Company increases stock As the news story goes As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing Current books to read and keep for reference Many manufacturers are plugging a variety ... What's new Stories of the related industries Stories of the related industries As the news story goes The men behind the program American furniture in Cuba Cuba now a prospective market Furniture making in Cuba Furniture opportunities offered in Cuba Selling U.S. furniture in Cuban and Mexico Increased sales of American goods Timber despoilation in Cuba The Cuckfield ship model cases Getting personal Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Leaders in the industry The Cummins railroad bill As the news story goes Anti-bribery bill introduced Page 124 Date 04-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 03-01 10-01 02-01 08-01 04-01 03-01 05-01 03-15 03-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 10-01 07-15 10-01 05-01 02-01 Year Page 1912 1911 1929 1916 1931 1918 1920 1921 1931 1931 1915 1940 1949 1945 1919 1919 1931 1946 1919 1919 1913 1923 1925 1924 1914 1924 1946 1933 1911 1938 1919 1931 1924 Column 196 118 106 189 72 162 116 87 62 70 278 19 42 47 30 20 69 28 83 39 531 31 32 65 91 30 61 41 517 18 172 63 75 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Cunningham Mfg. Co. (St. Paul, MN) Cupboard in fumed oak Cupboard, 15th century oak (art) Cuprammonium rayon Curing of glue joints Curio and china cabinets Curio table Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair Curled hair as upholstery filler Curled hair as upholstery material Curled hair for upholstery Curran, James F. (Framingham, MA) Current English furniture Current English furniture Curtis, Chas. C. Curtis, Frederick M. (Jamestown,NY) Curtis-Hammer, Inc. (Milwaukee) Curtiss-Wright Co. Curtiss-Wrigt Co. Curve Plywood Co. (Portland) Curved front dressing table, const. Title Company plans string of upholstered plants Examples of the English artist - ...(art) Number six of a new series of drawings of ... Synthetic fabrics High frequency electrical heating reduces ... New ideas for curio & china cabinets (art) Students' work at the L.C.C.Arts...(art) Use of curled hair as an upholstery filler Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets On upholstery fillers Curled hair Curled hair has not advanced Recent deaths in the furniture trade Current English furniture shown at ...(art) Current English furniture shown at ...(art) New officers for the Showcase Co. Recent deaths in the trade Furniture pick-ups Wooden caravan Many advantages in new wood transport Plywood takes to water Curved front dressing table Page 125 Date 02-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 03-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 12-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 10-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 04-01 03-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 09-01 Year Page 1928 1913 1924 1946 1944 1911 1911 1924 1913 1913 1913 1914 1912 1914 1913 1912 1913 1913 1917 1917 1919 1946 1917 1922 1911 1911 1912 1915 1930 1943 1943 1943 1931 Column 102 375 167 38 26 499 382 6 522 301 636 49 49 269 357 516 98 577 229 285 37 33 55 66 235 234 410 204 76 6 29 6 38 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Curved front dressing table, design Curved furniture Curved plywood Cushman, Henry (N. Bennington, VT) Custom & Modern ...(Gardner, MA) Custom built plywood Custom housew practices Customer, construction Customer, design Cutler Desk Co. (Buffalno, NY) Cutler-Hammer Inc. (Milwaukee) Cutler-Hammer Inc. (Milwaukee) Cutler-Hammer Inc. (St. Louis) Cuyahoga Spring Bed..(Cleveland) C-W Plywood Co. (Chicago) Cyclone damage Cylinder desk (art) Cypress as furniture wood Cypress as furniture wood Cypress furniture Cypress moss Cypress wood Cypress wood Cypress woods Czech bentwood chair imports Czechoslovakian furniture industry Czechoslovakian wood carvings (art) D. & D. Mfg. Co. (St. Louis) D.Van Nostrand Co. (New York City) Dahlgren Cabinet Shop (Houston) Daisy folding spring bed Dakalite (trade name) Dallas furniture expositions Title Curved front dressing table An age-old technique still challenges ... Advances in flexible bag molding Henry T. Cushman passes away Getting personal Manufacture of custom built plywood Legal documents in export trade Good training in construction of customer Good training in construction of customer What the manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups What the manufacturers are doing What's new Estey Manufacturing Co. destroyed Louis XVI furniture designs from ... Written in the semi-editorial vein Woods - some ordinary, others not Salterini cypress furniture Recent developments in moss refining Cypress wood demands great care in finishing Why not cypress for kitchen cabinets Cypress of our Southern states Furniture imports Furniture making in Czecho-Slovakia Little known carviings of Czechoslovakia Getting personal Book reviews Furniture pick-ups The recollections of an onlooker New material interests finishing world Coming events Page 126 Date 09-01 02-01 10-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 12-01 03-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 12-01 01-01 08-01 09-01 07-01 02-15 05-01 12-01 02-01 03-01 07-15 Year Page 1931 1944 1943 1922 1949 1934 1911 1924 1924 1915 1929 1930 1929 1914 1945 1911 1925 1915 1914 1944 1921 1927 1911 1918 1924 1921 1932 1938 1925 1929 1911 1926 1939 Column 38 9 25 231 60 17 612 11 11 50 106 79 78 162 48 586 222 283 70 18 334 68 617 36 69 142 23 28 66 78 75 59 18 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Dallas furniture industry Dallas furniture industryt Dallas Wholesale Furniture Mart Dallastown (PA) Furniture Co. Dallastown (PA) Furniture Co. Dalrymple, C.M. (Menomibnee, MI) Daltex Furniture Co. (Dallas) Daly, Grover J. (Chicago) Damasks Damasks Damasks Dam-Saur Upholstering...(Chicago) Dana, Charles (Marietta, OH) Dane, Maxwell (New York City) Daniel Marot suite (art) Daniels, H.M. (Gulfport, MS) Danish Empire inlaid chair Danner sectional/revolving bookcase Danner Veneer ... (Mobile, AL) Danziger, Gus (Shelbyville, IN) Danziger, S.H. Inc. (Muncie, IN) D'Arcy Spring Co. (Kalamazoo, MI) Darling, J.W. Lumber..(Cincinnati) Darlington (SC) Veneer Co. Darnell-Love Lumber..(Leland, MS) Daschner Table Co. (Worcester, MA) Dauber-Bell dowel driver and gluer Dauber-Bell Machine..(Oshkosh, WI) Davenport Davenport end table, construction Davenport end table, design Davenport, construction of Davenport, design of Title Opportunity in Dallas Open Dallas warehouse Addition to Dallas mart is planned What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths As the news story goes Sectional furniture designed by Grover ... Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in furniture trade Affairs of the industry This beautiful suite, designed after the ... What the manufacturers are doing Little known treasures of Old World Trumbull company selling bookcases What's new Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Nachman patent is upheld by court New department in lumber service Resin adhesives in furniture manufacturing Consolidation of lumber interests Affairs of the industry The Dauber-Bell dowel driver and gluer The Dauber-Bell dowel driver and gluer How name davenport was given to sofas Davenport end table is a useful project Davenport end table is a useful project Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Page 127 Date 09-01 06-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 11-01 06-01 11-01 06-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 12-01 09-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 01-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 Year Page 1928 1921 1925 1915 1915 1934 1931 1946 1912 1913 1911 1916 1916 1932 1927 1912 1929 1922 1949 1933 1933 1924 1920 1946 1922 1932 1912 1912 1927 1926 1926 1913 1913 Column 75 311 145 247 195 35 49 10 566 300 583 308 133 42 34 626 58 223 63 43 42 9 234 35 60 41 52 52 60 47 47 192 192 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Davenports David Wolcott Kendall Memorial.. Davidson ...(Chicago) Davidson ...(Chicago) Davidson, A.L. (Athens, MI) Davidson, Charles (Grand Rapids) Davidson, Charles (Grand Rapids) Davies, Thomas Inc. (New York City) Davies-Putnam Co. (Grand Rapids) Davies-Putnam Furniture Co. Davis & Jennings (Niles, MI) Davis Chair Co. (St. Paul, MN) Davis Furniture Co. (Marysville,OH) Davis Furniture Co. (Uniontown, PA) Davis Furniture Corp.(Jamestown,NY) Davis, Bernard L. (Jackson, MI) Davis, Charles L. Davis, Deering (Minneapolis) Davis, Geo. A. Davis, George A. (Grand Rapids) Davis, Horwich & Steinmann(Chicago) Davis, Samuel L. (High Point, NC) Davis, W. Lipscomb (Nashville,TN) Davis, Walter C. (Jamestown, NY) Davis, Waters C. (Jamestown, NY) Davis-Birely Table.(Shelbyville,IN) Davis-Birely Table..(Shelbyville,IN Davis-Birely Table..(Shelbyville,IN Dawes plan on German production Day, David H. (Glen Haven, MI) Day, James B. & Co. (Chicago) Day, James B. & Co. (Chicago) Day, James B. & Co. (Chicago) Title Strength of Nachman springs shown by tests G.R. art school opens its spring term Special installation of modern machinery ... Expertly styled, expertly made, furniture ... Somewhat personal Interest in wood carving is increasing Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Waters C. Davis heads two furniture plans Leaders in the industry The passing of Charles L. Davis Good defense housing furniture already of ... Written in a semi-editorial vein Recent deaths Recollections of an onlooker Recent deaths Leaders in the industry Himebaugh Bros. factory sold Waters C. Davis heads two furniture plans Davis-Birely Company reorganized Davis-Birely workers are given insurance The passing of Charles L. Davis Foreign competition Recent deaths in the furniture trade Franche is merged with James B. Day Furniture pick-ups James B. Day & Co. acquire new plant Page 128 Date 11-01 03-01 10-01 10-01 12-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 11-01 03-01 10-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 02-01 10-01 Year Page 1924 1931 1949 1949 1915 1924 1923 1933 1912 1913 1931 1916 1913 1917 1924 1945 1911 1942 1911 1935 1911 1931 1946 1927 1924 1911 1925 1911 1925 1928 1929 1930 1926 Column 72 91 18 16 303 5 105 41 308 101 49 139 581 137 200 38 186 12 22 27 174 41 40 85 200 589 50 186 19 110 86 69 57 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Day, James B. & Co. (Chicago) Day, James B. & Co. (Chicago) Day, James B. & Co. (Chicago) Day, James B. Co. (Chicago) Day, Robon (London, England) Daylight saving bill Dayton (OH) flood Dayton (OH) floods Dayton, D. Draper (Minneapolis) De Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Robert(NYC) De Havilland Mosquito combat plane De Korne & Lindhout (Grand Rapids) De Saint-Rene, Jean M. (France) De Sakhnoffsky, Alexis (NYC) De Sakhonoffsky, Alexis (NYC) Deal Dean Bros. (Indianapolis) Deane, J.B. (Grand Rapids) Dearborn Co. (Chicago) Dearborn Co. (Chicago) Dearborn Furniture Co. (Chicago) DeBoer Mfg. Co. (Syracuse, NY) Title Placing many dry kilns Building a new factory James B. Day & Co. expands James B. Day & Co. buys Thurstons Design winner put into production Probable effect of daylight bill Patterson of Dayton Editorial notes D. Draper Dayton dies in Minneapolis New era in native furniture design dawns Wood and plastics -- new uses opening our ... Wood carvers exhibit of national interest A new textile fiber Alexis De Sakhnoffsky has a strong flair ... Alexis De Sakhnoffsky has a strong flair ... Timber, its growth and defects The Dean duplex steam pump Leaders in the industry Efficient selling results in bigger plant What manufacturers are doing Modern movement not radical What's new Date 10-01 05-01 09-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 08-15 08-15 03-01 05-01 09-01 04-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 DeBurgh System New type conveyor boosts production, cuts ... DeBurgh, A.R. (Redondo Beach, CA) Decalcomania Decalcomania transfer Decalcomania transfer process Decals Decals for leather decoration Decker, William (Montgomery, PA) Decorated furniture New type conveyor boosts production, cuts ... The tariff on decalcomania Art relief process in furniture decoration Decorating enamelled furniture Decals rival hand painting Decorating leather Some recent deaths in the furniture trade The tariff on decalcomania Page 129 Year Page Column 1913 1913 1919 1919 1949 1918 1913 1913 1923 1924 1943 1923 1916 1939 1939 1911 1917 1944 1927 1914 1935 1949 525 251 165 132 28 161 243 279 78 203 8 105 23 10 10 104 235 42 54 52 10 63 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 01-01 1949 24 1 01-01 01-01 05-01 03-01 08-01 10-01 06-01 01-01 1949 1921 1925 1916 1943 1946 1924 1921 24 2 216 138 14 40 68 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Decorated furniture Decorated furniture Decorative art exhibits Decorative art, history Decorative colors Decorative designs Decorative furniture Decorative furniture Decorative furniture Decorative nails in furniture Decorative styles Decorators' Supply Co. (Chicago) Decoy duck, construction Decoy duck, design Deeco, Inc. (Los Angeles) Defebaugh, Edgar (Louisville, KY) Defense housing Defense Housing Interior Design ... Defense orders DeHollander, Cornelius (GR) Deinzer, John J. (Detroit) Deitz, Robert (Cincinnati) DeKorne & Lindhout (Grand Rapids) DeKorne & Lindhout (Grand Rapids) DeKorne, Boudewyn (Grand Rapids) Delaware (OH) Chair Co. Delgado Central Trades(New Orleans) Delgado Central Trades(New Orleans) Delta Mfg. Co. (Milwaukee) Delta Mfg. Co. (Milwaukee) Delta Mfg. Co. (Milwaukee) Deltex Grass Rug...(Oshkosh, WI) Deltex Spring Bed Co. (Dallas, TX) Title Painted furniture The vogue of decorated furniture Arts-in-Trades exhibit Picture writing; decorative art Value of standards in decorative colors Decorative designs in upholstered furniture Laying of gold leaf in decorative furniture Telephone in home should be in cabinet Oak oak table offers decorative possibilities The trend is to decorative nails Designing finishes and color schemes Carvings for furniture Compact decoy duck Compact decoy duck Getting personal Additional deaths Good defense housing furniture already of ... Good defense housing furniture already of ... Defense orders Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths Copy made of Bureau du Roi What the future offers hand carvers Recent deaths As the news story goes Teach trade English by means of this journal The oval photograph is an excellent ... What's new What's new What's new What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Page 130 Date 12-01 03-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 07-01 03-15 09-01 07-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 09-01 05-01 03-01 10-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 03-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 Year Page 1921 1921 1925 1919 1924 1926 1924 1925 1925 1939 1926 1916 1929 1929 1946 1924 1942 1942 1942 1928 1916 1911 1926 1926 1929 1931 1924 1924 1943 1946 1943 1914 1915 Column 287 162 288 236 220 46 275 205 3 18 41 42 71 71 46 296 12 12 5 108 40 477 48 43 94 46 103 102 31 47 31 52 146 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Delus, Otto P. (Indianapolis) Demar, Henry (Grand Rapids) De-Mau-Mer Inc. (Buffalo) Dembinsky, Abe Inc. (Grand Rapids) Dembinsky, Abe Inc. (Grand Rapids) Dembinsky, Abe Inc. (Grand Rapids) Demerara mahogany (crabwood) Demobilization Demurrage charges Demurrage charges Demurrage rates Demurrage rates Demurrage rates Denatured alcohol Denatured alcohol Denatured alcohol Dennett, Fred A. (Sheboygan, WI) Dennis, W.E. (Grand Rapids) Dennison Mfg. Co. (Boston, MA) Dent Furniture Corp. (NYC) Dent Furniture Corp. (Syracuse, NY) Dent Furniture Corp. (Syracuse, NY) Dent Furniture Corp. (Syracuse, NY) Denton-Chappell..(Lake Odessa, MI) Department stores Depreciation funds Depreciation of inventory Depres Dowel Mfg.. (Grand Rapids) Depression DePrez system of ammonia gas supply Derby Desk Co. (Boston) Derieux Mfg. Co. (Knoxville, TN) Des Moines (IA) Sawmill Co. Title Furniture maker is also Lodge official Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Of interest to manufacturers Auction of B. & G. equipment draws interest.. Name and reputation of Berkey & Gay will ... Cash bid for Berkey & Gay entirety is ... Concerning crabwood from South America Hope to reform demobilization methods Higher demurrage rates in effect Plan higher scale of demurrage charges Shippers approve higher demurrage rates Trap cars come under average agreement Defective notice under demurrage rates Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Protest denatured alcohol restriction Recent deaths in furniture trade Wins a big suit The Dennison industrial partnership Announces formation of Dent Furniture ... Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing The department stores in furniture trade Creating a depreciation fund The question of depreciation Dowel plant will build new factory Let's carry out President's idea for 1930 Problems of the finishing room A tiger's head in veneer As the news story goes New lumber company is formed in merger Page 131 Date 09-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 11-01 03-01 04-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 04-01 02-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 07-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 Year Page 1924 1923 1922 1935 1935 1935 1934 1919 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1912 1913 1922 1920 1917 1915 1930 1932 1933 1933 1913 1931 1917 1916 1923 1930 1912 1912 1931 1928 Column 126 105 258 19 12 15 16 95 191 214 215 105 103 355 199 66 319 67 40 92 31 26 42 308 32 126 202 192 35 136 43 63 106 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Design Design competitions Design competitions Design copyright registration Design patents Design patents Design piracy Design piracy Design piracy Design piracy Design piracy Design piracy Design piracy Design piracy Title Design enters into every worker's task Adaptability of contemporary piece wins ... Good defense housing furniture already of ... As the news story goes Design patent program to ride on ... The value of design patents under the NRA Design piracy Has design patent any value? Design piracy is a horrid word Design copying Future for furniture artistry visioned by ... Affairs of the industry The value of design patents under the NRA Reiterate advantages of outlawing design ... Design piracy Design Piracy Tribunal Design schools Designers' code of ethics Designs Designs Designs Designs Designs Designs Designs Designs, evolution of Desk or hutch cabinet, design Desk stationery stand, design of Desk stationery stand, making of Deskey, Donald (New York City) Detroit furniture industry Detrot Better Homes Exposition Design piracy plan approved by administration Future for furniture artistry visioned by ... Shades of Sloane Affairs of the industry Simple designs for beginners Simple designs for the beginner Simple designs for the beginner Some simple designs for beginners Some simple designs for beginners Simple designs for the beginner A chapter on chair making The inspiration of artistic designs Using modern methods in furniture design To make a desk stationery stand To make a desk stationery stand Affairs of the industry Furniture joins the fight Detroit exposition is a great success Page 132 Date 08-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 Year Page Column 02-15 07-01 08-01 11-01 10-10 1922 1949 1942 1931 1935 1934 1914 1934 1936 1940 1934 1933 1934 1933 56 56 12 62 12 13 240 17 8 4 22 25 13 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 06-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 11-01 09-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 1934 1934 1935 1933 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1922 1928 1913 1913 1934 1942 1924 26 22 18 25 326 587 544 449 477 385 140 105 52 625 625 34 7 189 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 SPR Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Deutser, B. Furniture.(Beaumont,TX) DeVilbiss Co. (Toledo, OH) DeVilbiss Co. (Toledo, OH) DeVilbiss Co. (Toledo, OH) DeVilbiss Mfg. Co. (Toledo, OH) DeVilbiss Mfg. Co. (Toledo, OH) DeVilbiss Mfg. Co. (Toledo, OH) DeVliss Co. (Toledo, OH) DeWalt Products Cor. (Lancaster,PA) Dewey, Glen E. (Chicago) DeWitt-Seitz Co. (Minneapolis) Dexter, C.S. (Grand Rapids) Dexter, Clarence S. (Grand Rapids) Diamond Bros. (Hightstown, NJ) Diamond Bros. (Trenton, NJ) Diamond Furniture..(Statesville,NC) Diamond Parlor ...(New Haven, CT) Diamond Steel Truck Co. (GR) Diamond, Freda (New York City) Diamond, Freda (New York City) Diamond, Freda (New York City) Diamond, Freda (New York City) Diamond, Freda (New York City) Diamond, Freda (New York City) Dickerson, Bert (Three Rivers, MI) Dickson Wood Carving.(High Point,NC Dickson, C.H. Co. (Porland, ME) Dictionary of English Furniture Die square stuff Diebel Furniture...(Stratford,Ont.) Diehl Machine Works (Wabash, IN) Diehl Machine Works (Wabash, IN) Diehl Machine Works (Wabash, IN) Title Paragraphs about manufacturers New heads equip old guns for synthetic ... What's new What's new DeVilbiss Co. opens Chicago office New plant unit of DeVilbiss Co. New Aeron system catalog Books and catalogs What's new New building for Chicago market Bought a mattress factory C.S. Dexter on designs and associations Leaders in the industry Getting personal Getting personal A new Southern factory Affairs of the industry Taken over a Grand Rapids factory Freda Diamond - industrial designer - ... Oak and maple furniture designed by Freda ... Freda Diamond designs new Eisen Bros. ... Getting personal Noted stylist and home furnishing consultant Getting personal Personal paragraphs about people Furniture pick-ups What some manufacturers are doing New books Timber, its growth and defects What the manufacturers are doing Diehl brings out new cutter grinder New books and catalogs Automatic fluting machine Page 133 Date 09-01 04-01 02-15 09-01 02-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 12-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 09-01 07-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 08-01 09-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 10-01 01-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 Year Page 1912 1932 1941 1941 1925 1923 1918 1929 1944 1922 1917 1923 1941 1949 1949 1919 1932 1913 1942 1945 1946 1945 1945 1945 1916 1928 1915 1928 1911 1915 1932 1929 1930 Column 469 55 25 30 69 234 101 93 31 56 257 211 23 60 61 31 43 471 14 24 8 44 25 44 92 68 54 66 104 50 55 77 76 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Diehl Novelth ...(Glenbeulah, WI) Diekman, Charles F. (Evansville,IN) Dielectric heating Dietz, J.F. & Co. (Cincinnati) Dillenbach, Frank (Grand Rapids) Dillingham Mfg. (Sheboygan, WI) Dimension lumber industry Dimension lumber industry Dimension Mfg. Co. (Black Mt., NC) Dimension stock Dimension stock Dimension stock Dimension stock Dimension stock Dimension stock Dimension stock industry Dimension veneers Dingley tariff law Dining room chair, details Dining room furniture Dining room furniture Dining room furniture Dining room furniture, Stuart lines Dining table in oak Dining table made of English oak Dining table, construction Dining table, design Dip brassing Directional modern furniture Directoire furniture Disability Disabled men in furniture factories Disabled soldiers Title What manufacturers are doing Some recent deaths in the furniture trade High frequency dielectric heating slashes ... What manufacturers are doing Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Affairs of the industry Dimension lumber industry making progress Dimension stock and the furniture maker Books and catalogs Drying birch dimension stock for chairs The purchase of dimension stock Dimension stock affords economies for ... Dimension stock important factor in ... The problem of standardization Dimension stock again Michigan studies dimension expansion The purchase of dimension stock Tanners organized for removal of duty A rod-making demonstration of a dining ... Lively business at Basic-Witz dining room... The selection of sideboards is important An Adam buffet in proper setting Original design for dining room ...(art) Examples of the English artist- - ...(art) Examples of the English artist- ... (art) Sideboard and dining table design Sideboard and dining table design Dip brassing without electric current Directional modern expresses new design Wherefor Directoire-Biedermeier When indemnity for disability Disabled men in furniture factories To place disabled soldiers at work Page 134 Date 06-01 11-01 10-01 12-01 03-01 01-15 12-01 01-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 12-01 04-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 09-15 05-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 07-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 Year Page 1916 1923 1946 1915 1923 1937 1927 1928 1928 1924 1912 1933 1935 1921 1921 1946 1912 1912 1938 1949 1922 1918 1911 1913 1913 1919 1919 1911 1949 1931 1918 1918 1918 Column 308 64 20 301 105 38 68 102 108 181 278 25 11 314 248 10 279 501 10 17 100 202 557 509 316 178 178 104 24 45 155 269 58 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Disabled veterans Disabled veterans Diskin Art (New York City) Display cabinet, eveolution of Display china closet, construction Display china closet, design Distress merchandise Divine Bros. Co. (Utica, NY) Divine Brothers Co. (Utica, NY) Dixie Advertisers (High Point,NC) Dixie Chrome Products Inc. (Dallas) Dixie Cotton Felt ...(Chicago) Dixie Cotton Felt Mattress(Chicago) Dixie Furniture Co. (Lexington,KY) Dixie Table and ...(Atlanta, GA) D-Noc Co. (Cleveland) Doall Co. (Des Plaines, IL) Dobbs, Joseph (HIgh Point, NC) Documentary movies Dodd, Mead & Co. (New York City) Dodd, Mead & Co. (New York) Dodds, Alexander (Grand Rapids) Dodds, Alexander (Grand Rapids) Dodge Bros. (Detroit) Doehler Furniture Co. (NYC) Title Re-educating disabled soldiers Disabled soldiers make good furniture Market talk Evolution of the display cabinet Designing a display china closet Designing a display china closet The bugbear of distress merchandise What's new Canvas cushion makes strong caster tire Affairs of the industry Getting personal What some manufacturers are doing Burton to build plants Furniture pick-ups What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry High speed saw band operation requires ... Recent deaths Rockford furniture is shown in movies The Walnut Collector Books and catalogs Alexander Dopdds (obit) The recollections of an on-looker Posselius bros. sell to Dodge As the news story goes Doehler Metal Furniture Co. (NYC) Doehler Metal Furniture...(NYC) Doehler Metal Furniture...(NYC) Doernbecher Co. (San Francisco) Doernbecher Mfg. Co. (Portland) Doernbecher Mfg. Co. (Portland) Doernbecher Mfg. Co. (Portland, OR) Doehler Metal Furniture goes on 1200 US ships What's new Getting personal Price increase As the news story goes Better Bedroom Week What manufacturers are doing Page 135 Date 01-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 01-01 07-01 03-01 08-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 12-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 02-15 01-15 10-01 04-01 09-15 02-01 Year Page Column 1919 1921 1949 1915 1918 1918 1930 1944 1928 1934 1949 1911 1916 1929 1915 1932 1949 1933 1925 1928 1929 1925 1912 1919 1931 16 11 6 267 16 16 52 32 67 33 57 31 16 106 98 44 62 30 259 61 79 244 42 143 64 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1945 1941 1938 1932 1931 1938 1915 28 25 32 44 62 4 98 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Doernbecher, Frank (Portland, OR) Doernbecker Mfg. Co. (Portland, OR) Dolan, V.J. and Co. (Chicago) Dolphin, Harvey M. (Grand Rapids) Domestic economy instruction Dominican imports of U.S. furniture Donahue, John T. (Cleveland, OH) Doric architecture Double cut-off saws Double Duty Chair..(Cleveland, OH) Double end tenoner Double end tenoner Double spindle shaper Double-dresser Double-end tenon machines Dougherty, Lawrence (Philadelphia) Douglas fir as furniture wood Douglas fir in plywood industry Douglas fir plywood Douglas fir plywood Douglas fir plywood for boats Douglas fir tree bark Douglas Furniture Corp. (Chicago) Title Recent deaths in furniture trade Building an addition What's new Recent deaths in the furniture trade Teaching furniture to the young U.S. furniture has market in San Domingo New varnish company organized Study of practical cabinet-making Latest method in double cutting stock News of the trade Double end tenoner is versatile machine Present double-end tenoner fills bill ... A splendid tool Market talk A new double-end tenoner Recent deaths Editorial notes New types and grades are becoming ... Harbord(sic) product has many new features .. Douglas fir plywood - how it is made Douglas fir plywood makes boats sturdier ... New source of cork Getting personal Douglas, Stephen A. Dovetailing Dow Chemical Co. Dow Chemical Co. (Bay City, MI) Dow Co. (Louisville, KY) Dowel pin Dowelinng Dowling, Michael J. (Olivia, MN) Doyle, W.F. (Menominee, MI) The cabinet background of Abraham Lincoln,... Hand dovetailing nearly lost art Post-war plastics for furniture coverings Magnesium furniture for kiddies Sales are boosted by motor truck race Now considering the dowel pin Now considering the dowel pin Maimed, but able to do things Affairs of the industry Page 136 Date 03-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 04-01 03-01 09-01 03-01 11-01 07-01 12-01 12-01 01-01 05-01 Year Page Column 1921 1914 1946 1924 1912 1925 1913 1912 1913 1914 1926 1934 1911 1949 1911 1930 1917 1949 1935 1946 1944 1942 1949 151 49 48 74 393 131 363 111 103 265 49 8 420 10 43 84 175 34 21 49 9 5 59 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1930 1916 1943 1946 1923 1915 1915 1919 1932 47 100 11 10 36 274 274 19 44 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Drake Lock-Nut Co. (San Francisco) Drake, Charles (Rochester, NY) Drake, George (San Francisco) Draper, Dorothy Draughtsmanship Drawer bottoms Drawer bottoms Drawing Drawing Drawing room cabinet work Dregge, Charles (Grand Rapids) Dregge, Martin (Grand Rapids) Dregge, Martin C. (Grand Rapids) Dregge, Martin J. (Grand Rapids) Dregge, Martin J. (Grand Rapids) Dregge, Martin J. (Grand Rapids) Title George F. Drake now owns entire company Recent deaths George F. Drake now owns entire company This hotel furniture is of adaptable design Study of practical cabinet making For quality drawer bottoms Drawer bottoms Lesson in ornamental drawing The art of perspective drawing New designs for drawing room cabinet ...(art) Furniture manufacturers buy lumber company Furniture manufacturers buy lumber company Luce control changes $5,000,000 Luce Company of Grand Rapids ... Luce and Furniture Shops consolidate forces Luce buys Michigan Chair Date 01-01 12-01 01-01 04-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 Dregge, Martin J. (Grand Rapids) Dregge, Martin J. (Grand Rapids) Dregge, Martin J. (Grand Rapids) Dresden(Germany) furniture industry Dresher Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Dressel, Andrew C. (New Orleans) Dresser of figured gum (art) Dressing table, construction of Dressing table, design of Dregge, Hoult purchase Simons Syracuse plant Getting personal Luce reopens - Dregge at head Dresden shows new furniture Getting personal Recent deaths in furniture trade A dresser of figured gum ...(art) The making of a dressing table The making of a dressing table Drexel (NC) Furniture Co. Drexel (NC) Furniture Co. Drexel (NC) Furniture Co. Drexel (NC) Furniture Co. Drexel (NC) Furniture Co. Drexel Furniture Co. (Asheville,NC) How Drexel conducts promotional campaigns ... Affairs of the industry Getting personal Drexel offers dealers institutional promotion Modern furniture for veterans designed ... Profits up Page 137 Year Page Column 1925 1932 1925 1942 1911 1924 1911 1920 1920 1912 1922 1922 1920 1930 1925 1926 46 44 46 22 50 12 111 120 26 118 258 258 169 73 262 80 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 05-01 08-15 12-01 05-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 1933 1938 1935 1923 1949 1917 1916 FRO 1914 1914 27 30 20 202 60 86 238 238 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 02-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 10-01 05-01 1949 1934 1949 1943 1946 1949 54 34 61 25 56 6 1 3 1 1 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Drexel Furniture Co. (Chicago ?) Drexel Furniture Co. (Marion, NC) Drexel Furniture..(Asheville, NC) Drexel Furniture..(Kingstree, SC) Drexel Furniture... (Morganton, NC) Drexel Furniture...(Asheville, NC) Dreyfuss, Henry (New York City) Driers Drinking on the job Drinkle, A.T. (Port Washington, WI) Driver, C.H. & Kerr Co. (Racine,WI) Drobinski, F. (Long Island City,NY) Drop leaf table, c1750 (art) Drueke, Irene (Grand Rapids) Drueke, William F. & Co. (GR) Drum and belt sanding Dry colors Dry colors Dry colors Dry colors Dry colors Dry colors Dry kiln Dry kiln Dry kiln Dry kiln Dry kiln Dry kiln Dry kiln equipment Dry kiln maintenance and repair Dry kilning of lumber Dry kilns Dry kilns Title Basic form and flexibility keynote Drexel ... As the news story goes Gluing classes at Drexel Factory near completion Drexel system speeds conversion Drexel launches promotion Henry Dreyfuss, noted designer, shows ... Manufacturers' material markets The rumble of the water wagon Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Development in belt sanders Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Number twenty-three of new series of ... As the news story goes Complaint against G.R. firm dismissed Drum and belt sanding Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Information on lumber drying The weather and the dry kiln Dry kiln building The best lumber dry kiln The construction of a dry kiln Centralized kiln control Modernizing the dry kiln equipment Dry kiln maintenance and repair The proper dry kilning of lumber Woods for core and crossbanding Testing humidity in dry kilns Page 138 Date 07-01 07-01 04-01 09-01 10-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 08-01 06-01 01-01 03-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 01-15 01-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 Year Page 1946 1931 1949 1932 1943 1949 1944 1923 1913 1923 1914 1923 1925 1931 1928 1921 1923 1923 1923 1922 1923 1923 1916 1915 1911 1916 1911 1935 1937 1922 1917 1930 1917 Column 23 45 12 41 19 10 17 298 371 60 47 62 117 43 89 339 299 196 143 42 98 45 16 17 13 24 578 15 14 10 203 101 196 1 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Dry kilns Dry kilns Dry kilns Dry kilns Dry kilns as cause of fires Dry lumber Dry staining Dryers Du Pont Co. (Wilmington, DE) Du Pont de Nemours Co. (Del.) Du Pont patents Title Dry kilns and their operation The construction of dry kilns Humidity control of dry kilns The principal types of dry kilns Dry kilns responsible for many fires Dry lumber - the answer to speed in war ... Dry staining Manufacturers' metal markets Du Pont Company distributes bonuses Duponts purchase part of Bridgeport plant Holds Du Pont patents invalid Dual-purpose bedding Dual-use tables Duane Chair Co. (Dalton, GA) Dubuque (IA) Mattress Co. Dubuque (IA) Mfg. Co. Dulaney, Luther T. (Oklahoma City) Dun & Bradstreet insolvency reports Dunbar Furniture..(Berne, IN) Dunbar Furniture...(Berne, IN) Dunbar Furniture...(Berne, IN) Dunbar living room line (art) Dunbar, L.L. (Linn Grove, IN) Duncan Phye drop-leaf table (art) Duncan Phyfe 8-legged sofa Duncan Phyfe card table (art) Duncan Phyfe chair (art) Duncan Phyfe dining table (art) Duncan Phyfe dining table (art) Duncan Phyfe dining table (art) Duncan Phyfe dressing table (art) Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table(art) Dual-purpose bedding zooming to new highs ... Richard J. Neutra solves a problem and ... What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Leaders in the industry Affairs of the industry Dunbar offers complete living room line Supplementing wood with metal in ... Tie-up advertising Dunbar offers complete living room line New cushion machine Duncan Phyfe drop-leaf table now in the ... This eight legged sofa has caning ...(art) Duncan Phyfe card table Number fifteen of new series of drawings ... Number two of a series of drawings of ... Duncan Phyfe dining table American early ... Duncan Phyfe dining table A dressing table from the Phyfe family ... A drop leaf table by Duncan Phyfe. The ... Page 139 Date 02-01 05-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 07-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 08-01 03-01 11-01 04-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 01-01 12-01 01-15 02-15 05-01 05-01 Year Page Column 1914 1917 1920 1920 1911 1942 1923 1923 1923 1917 1933 77 208 18 236 278 10 149 48 170 266 45 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 1949 1942 1916 1914 1917 1945 1933 1946 1949 1941 1946 1923 1949 1929 1931 1925 1923 1937 1938 1929 1929 34 16 139 110 137 38 27 34 19 16 34 123 55 47 33 17 260 22 19 50 52 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Duncan Phyfe drop-leaf table (art) Duncan Phyfe fireside sofa Duncan Phyfe furniture (art) Duncan Phyfe high post bed Duncan Phyfe high post bed (art) Duncan Phyfe lyre back chair (art) Duncan Phyfe lyre-back chair Duncan Phyfe showroom Duncan Phyfe sideboard (art) Duncan Phyfe sofa (art) Duncan Phyfe table Duncan Phyfe tool chest Duncan Phyfe wash stand (art) Duncna Phyfe furniture Dundee Co. (Warsaw, IN) Dundee Furniture...(Warsaw, IN) Dundee Mfg. Co. (Warsaw, IN) Dunhall Furniture Co. (Hewlett, NY) Dunks, Charles H. (Detroit) Dunn, John A. Chair..(St. Paul, MN) Dunn, John A. Co (Gardner, MA) Dunn, John A. Co. (Gardner, MA) Dunn, John A. Co. (Gardner, MA) Dunn, John A. Co. (Gardner, MA) Dunn, John A. Corp. (Ashland, MA) Duo tone finishes DuPont Co. (Wilmington, DE) Dupont, E.I. de..(Wilmington, DEL.) Durable Door Co. (Hoquiam, WA) Durand Steel Locker Co.(Aurora, IL) Durham (NC) Furniture Co. Durham Mfg. Co. (Muncie, IN) Durham Mfg. Co. (Muncie, IN) Title Number eight of a series of drawings of ... One of a pair of fireside sofas by ...(art) Examples of furniture of Duncan ...(art) A high post bed by Duncan ...(art) A high post bed by Duncan Phyfe. The ... Duncan Phyfe lyre back chair The famous lyre-back chair, Phyfe in...(art) Duncan Phyfe's showroom ...(art) Duncan Phyfe's own sideboard and ... This Phyfe sofa, which has never ... Phyfe table a family heirloom Looking down into Duncan Phyfe's own..(art) A wash stand by Duncan Phyfe. This ... Ford's Duncan Phyfe furniture is a ... Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Getting personal The recollections of an onlooker What some manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Dunn to carry on as usual; receiver named What manufacturers are doing John A. Dunn Company expands As the news story goes Essential things to know in wood finishing New postwar wood What's new Eight firms in plywood merger Durand Locker and Lyon Combine Getting personal Affairs of the industry Durham Manufacturing Co. (Muncie, Ind.) ... Page 140 Date 05-01 04-01 12-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 04-01 05-01 10-01 12-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 12-01 09-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 09-15 03-01 10-01 02-01 01-01 07-01 Year Page 1922 1929 1924 1929 1929 1932 1929 1929 1929 1929 1931 1929 1929 1934 1932 1932 1933 1946 1911 1914 18A 1913 1930 1915 1920 1931 1923 1944 1937 1930 1928 1946 1933 1944 Column 185 48 272 46 52 29 48 46 50 51 32 46 50 6 42 42 27 45 75 526 109 301 133 46 64 8 33 78 86 45 42 11 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Durham Mfg. Corp. (Muncie, IN) Dutch cabinet in oak with ebony Dutch East Indies Dutch elm disease Dutch elm disease Dutch school of furniture styles Dutch type of fiddle back ...(art) Dutch type tea table (art) Dutch Wood-Craft Shops Dutch Woodcraft Shops (Zeeland,MI) Dutton, E.P. Co. (New York City) Dwart bookcase, construction Dwart bookcase, design Dye strength standards Dyer, George B. (Grand Rapids) Dyes Dyes Title Growth of manufacturers' group responsible... Little known treasures of Old World Growth and harvesting of kapok New funds start fight on Dutch elm disease American elms menaced by foreign blight The period styles in furniture American furniture of the 17th and ... American furniture of the 17th and ... Name of Zeeland plant is changed As the news story goes Book reviews Dwarf bookcase meets real need in home Dwarf bookcase meets real need in home The dye industry of today Recent deaths Phases of the furniture markets New Argentine dye material Date 11-01 12-01 04-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 12-01 10-01 12-01 Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs Dyestuffs, tariff on Dyestuffs, U.S. import of E.M.F. auto factory (Detroit) E.S. Metal Furniture Co. (NYC) Eaerly American bedroom (art) Eagle Furniture Co. (New York City) Eagle Tanning Works (Chicago) Eagle-Ottawa Leather..(Grand Haven) Eagle-Wabash Co. (Chicago) Eames, Charles Eames, Charles Eames, Charles (Zeeland, MI) More good news for the consumer of dyestuffs Phases of the furniture market Dyes and the tariff Dyes and the tariff Editorial notes Varnish graft expose in Detroit File articles of incorporation Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... What the manufacturers are doing Ottawa Leather Co. in consolidation More homes being built for workers New plant bought by Eagle-Wabash Co. Shock mounts used in new chairs mode for ... Charles Eames designs several innovations Price dip 08-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 07-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 Page 141 Year Page Column 1949 1928 1922 1934 1934 1913 1925 1925 1927 1931 1926 1924 1924 1923 1933 1914 1918 13 50 58 16 31 71 22 22 68 67 104 57 57 182 31 214 271 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1917 1914 1916 1916 1916 1912 1921 1931 1916 1915 1922 1924 1946 1946 1949 76 269 25 25 27 167 85 76 85 50 135 100 30 31 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Early American furniture Early American furniture Title Duncan Phyfe, the great The furniture of William Savery Early American furniture Early American furniture Early American furniture (art) Early American furniture design Early American furniture design Early American furniture designers Early American furniture designers Early American Furniture Makers Early American furniture styles Early Georgian table East Gray (IN) Automatic Desk Co. East Gray (IN) Automatic Desk Co. East India as source of cane East Indian satinwood East Indian teak Eastern Reed and ...(Worcester, MA) Eastern Wood ...(Hackensack, NJ) Eastern Wood Products(Oakville, CT) Eastman, Edward (Burlington, IA) Easton (MD) Furniture Co. Eastrn American Chair Co. (NYC) Eaton Chair Co. (Chicago) Eaton Chair Co. (Monticello, IN) Eberle, J. Frederick (Philadelphia) Ebert Furniture Co. (Red Lion, PA) Ebony and ebony imitations Ebony forests, Texas Eckman Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY) Eckman Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY) Eclecticism in furniture design Bamboo turnings on American Windsor chairs... McIntire Rooms reflect early American ... American furniture of the 17th and ... Phyfe table a family heirloom Reasons for trend to early American design The furniture of William Savery Spurious Savery and Gillingham labels now ... A new book furniture men should own Early American furniture Early Georgian is motif for new designs What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Cane Laurel and satinwood and other Indian woods Teak of commerce New reed company Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Edward P. Eastman (obit) Men strike in Maryland What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing As the news story goes Recent deaths What the manufacturers are doing Ebony and some of its imitations The ebony and mesquite forests What the manufacturers are doing Chiefly about the manufacturers After eclecticism what? Page 142 Date 04-01 06-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 07-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 03-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 04-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1929 1925 47 273 1 1 1934 1933 1925 1931 1925 1925 1934 1931 1925 1926 1915 1915 1915 1932 1913 1920 1932 1933 1925 1920 1915 1913 1931 1931 1916 1914 1913 1913 1912 1930 23 11 22 32 10 273 12 72 21 46 278 195 129 36 349 299 32 25 70 173 98 252 60 71 288 183 169 473 196 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Economic recovery Economic slumps Economy Drawing Table..(Adrian, MI) Economy Furniture..(Evansville,IN) Economy Furniture..(Schenectady,NY) Title How furniture makers can cooperate with ... How furniture makers can cooperate with ... What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing As the news story goes Ecuador as source of balsa wood Ecuador imports of U.S. furniture Ecuadorean kapok industry Edelmuth Co. (Cleveland) Edge Act Edgerton & Co. (Indianapolis) Edison Institute Museum (Dearborn) Edison workshop (New Village, NJ) Edison, Thomas Edison, Thomas A. Education Educational training camps Edwards Furniture Co. (Portland) Edwards, E.W. & Son Co. (Buffalo) Edwards, Ralph Edwards, Richard E. (Peru, IN) Efficiency engineering Efficiency engineers Efficiency in furniture industry Egyptian chairs Egyptian furniture styles Ehemann, George C. ...(Memphis,TN) Eichelsdoerfer, C.T. (Grand Rapids) Eight-hour-working day Eisen Beros. (New York City) Eisen Bros. (Hoboken, NJ) Eject-O-File Co. (High Point, NC) Modern methods aid Ecuador in producing balsa Selling U.S. furniture in Central America The production of kapok Neatest trick in space-saving furniture To finance foreign trade What manufacturers are doing Ford's Duncan Phyfe furniture is a ... Cement furniture Cement furniture Edison buys New London plant The influence of education How Camp Roosevelt builds boys Inner-Ease company develops fast-selling ... Affairs of the industry New books A new manager for the Peru Chair Co. Why not seize an opportunity Written in the semi-editorial vein Scientific management applicable Egyptians were remarkable chair makers Egyptian influences on present day furniture Ehemann company buys big tract C.T. Eichelsdoerfer, furniture designer, dies Eight hour day in Grand Rapids Freda Diamond designs new Eisen Bros. ... Oak and maple furniture designed by Freda ... The Eject-O-File Company Page 143 Date 02-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 03-01 Year Page Column 1930 1930 1917 1915 1931 36 36 309 278 55 1 1 1 1 1 1943 1925 1916 1942 1921 1916 1934 1911 1911 1917 1912 1923 1943 1933 1928 1915 1912 1913 1911 1923 1923 1922 1924 1919 1946 1945 1919 26 81 289 19 62 194 6 579 579 11 321 187 21 42 66 229 604 391 482 150 147 276 256 144 8 24 122 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Ekstrom, Carlson Co. (Rockford, IL) Ekstrom, Carlson..(Rockford, IL) Ekstrom, Carlson...(Rockford, IL) Eldredge, Loren D. (Rochester, NY) Electric Corp. Electric lamp, construction Electric lamp, design Electric motor drives Electric moulders Electric power for factories Electric power in furniture plans Electric power in furniture plans Electric refrigeration Electric refrigeration system Electric table lamp, const. Electric table lamp, design Electrical arc welding Electrical Research ...(CHicago) Electrically equipped furniture Electrically equipped furniture Electricity in handling of glue Electric-run woodworking tools Electronic heat in juke box making Electronics and wood fabricating Electronics in furniture industry Electroplating Electroplating processes Elite Furniture ..(Jamestown, NY) Elite Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Elite Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY) Elite Furniture Co.(Jamestown, NY) Elizabethan bench (art) Elizabethan period furniture Title Ekstrom-Carlson line of cutters Oscillating edge sander High speed router L.D. Eldredge heads big chair company Former Ford official heads refrigerator co. Electric lamp easy to make Electric lamp easy to make Electricity helps woodworkers Electric moulders lead the field The factory tenement plant The power in three great plants Electric power and transmission Bright future for refrigerators Electric refrigerator for White House Projects in cabinet making and turning Projects in cabinet making and turning Arc welding makes in easier to assemble ... Trade notes Electrically equipped furniture Electrically equipped furniture Electricity in the handling of glue Progress in woodworking tools Electronic heat used to fabricate juke boxes Electronics speeds wood fabricating Furniture maker's laboratory experiments ... The resilvering of mirrors Alloy-spray finishing of furniture Elite of Jamestown to have new factory Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Pages for a designer's scrap book The period styles in furniture Page 144 Date 07-01 03-01 02-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 06-01 09-15 05-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 03-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 10-01 01-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 Year Page 1931 1931 1933 1924 1926 1929 1929 1917 1929 1911 1917 1917 1926 1926 1922 1922 1937 1928 1917 1922 1911 1919 1946 1945 1945 1914 1949 1915 1932 1913 1912 1931 1913 Column 38 65 44 254 79 47 47 147 67 47 152 154 50 40 249 249 8 59 157 48 256 101 26 32 27 199 30 275 43 308 308 62 70 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Elizabethan sideboard (art) Elizabethan style Elk & Dixie ...(Lexington, NC) Elk Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Elk Furniture Co. (Lexington, NC) Elk-Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Elkin (NC) Furniture Co. Elkin (NC) Furniture Co. Elkin (NC) Table Co. Elkstrom, Carlson, ...(Rockford,IL) Ellis, Harry P. (Cleveland) Ellis, P.M. Upholstery ...(GR) Ellison Furniture..(High Point, NC) Elm Elm Mfg. Co. (Buffalo) Elston, F.S. (Grand Rapids) Elwell, George (Minneapolis) Elwell, James (Minneapolis) Embargo Embargoes Embargoes Embargoes Emblem Mfg. (Port Washington, WI) Emerson Chair & ...(Derry, NH) Emerson Dry Kiln Co. (NYC) Emery wheels Emmerich, Chas. & Co. (Chicago) Empire Brass Bedstead Co. (Buffalo) Empire Case Co. (Jamestown, NY) Empire Case Goods Co. (Jamestown,NY Empire Case Goods..(Jamestown, NY) Empire Case Goods..(Jamestown, NY) Empire Case Goods..(Jamestown, NY) Title Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... The Elizabethan style of furniture As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Hedrick to rebuild Elk Furniture Co. Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry New shaper and router Some recent deaths in the furniture trade The P.M. Ellis Upholstery Company, Grand ... Sale of High Point furniture plant The structure of common woods Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths Embargo to be placed on shippers An embargo on shellac Reed men facing jtrouble Rattans and reeds on restricted list Getting personal Furniture pick-ups Emerson Dry Kiln Co. issues new catalog Knives - their care in griding What some manufacturers are doing Recollections of an onlooker Perma-Lock sample kits score, says Empire ... Affairs of the industry Frank O. Anderson sells plant Jamestown meetings Affairs of the industry Page 145 Date 04-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 04-01 10-10 01-01 09-01 08-01 09-01 02-15 02-01 01-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 Year Page 1931 1921 1931 1932 1923 1933 1931 1933 1933 1930 1923 1928 1924 1913 1933 1913 1926 1933 1918 1918 1918 1918 1938 1930 1913 1911 1911 1911 1949 1933 1925 1927 1935 Column 75 80 69 43 300 28 49 31 31 80 64 83 60 164 26 361 108 31 45 133 70 130 28 68 45 411 31 174 10 26 150 83 28 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Empire Case Goods...(Jamestown,NY) Empire Chair Co. (Johnson City, TN) Empire Chair Co. (Johnson Cuty,TN) Empire Colonial lamp, construction Empire Colonial lamp, design Empire Colonial piano bench,design Empire Couch Co. (Medina, NY) Empire furniture Empire furniture Empire Furniture ... (Clinton, MA) Empire Furniture Mfg. (Seattle) Empire Furniture..(Gallipolis, OH) Empire Furniture..(Huntington, WV) Empire Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Empire Mattress Co. (Chicago) Empire Mfg. Co. (Rockford, IL) Empire Mfg. Co. (Rockford, IL) Empire Seating Co. (Rochester, NY) Empire sewing cabinet, construction Empire sewing cabinet, design Empire Style furniture (art) Empire Style of furniture Empire Veneer Co. (Chicago) Employe confidence Employee bonuses Employee bonuses Employee bonuses Employee group insurance Employee group insurance Employee health benefits Employee health benefits Employee insurance Employee insurance Title Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Two floor lamp designs Two floor lamp designs Some lessons in furniture making What manufacturers are doing Little known treasures of Old World A work on Empire furniture Getting personal Liability for injury to cabinet-maker What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Son succeeds father as head of company Commission issues more charges Lundberg acquires Empire Company What manufacturers are doing An Empire sewing cabinet An Empire sewing cabinet Examples of Empire Style Furniture, from ... Furniture of the Empire Style Establish branch at Jamestown Winning confidence of employes Du Pont Company distributes bonuses Mrs. Turnbull gives bonus to employes Distributes bonus to her employes Hagerstown Lounge Co. insures employes Linoln Furniture Co. insures employes Physical examination of employees Conservation of employes' health Imperial employees increase insurance Protects employes with group insurance Page 146 Date 07-01 07-01 03-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 01-01 11-01 08-01 02-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 12-01 08-01 07-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 Year Page 1934 1931 1932 1921 1921 1915 1913 1931 1911 1949 1912 1913 1919 1930 1924 1928 1922 1915 1930 1930 1925 1925 1920 1912 1923 1923 1923 1924 1926 1916 1916 1925 1924 Column 31 45 41 96 96 188 308 53 373 60 16 581 95 70 20 59 252 280 62 62 272 271 69 315 170 57 170 206 108 20 101 211 28 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Employee insurance Employee insurance Employee life insurance Employee profit sharing Employee profit sharing Employee profit sharing Employee profit sharing Employee profit sharing plan Employee profit-sharing Employee promotions Employee safety Employee safety Employee safety safeguards Employee sick benefit plans Employee testing Employee training programs Employee welfare Employee welfare Employee welfare Employee welfare Employee welfare Employer-employee relations Employes compensation laws Employment and payroll conditiond Employment and payroll conditions Employment in furniture factories Emplye group insurance Emrich Furniture...(Indianapolis) Emrich, John H. (Indianapolis) Emrich, John Henry (Indianapolis) Enamel as furniture finish Enamel as furniture finish Enamel finishes Title Free insurance for the employees Tennessee firm insures employees The Raab welfare scheme A broad plan for profit sharing Heywood & Wakefield distribute $100,000 Woodard's big profit sharing-plan Profit-sharing plan of Stearns & Foster Co. Unique profit sharing plan We're putting our employees in business ... Promotion plans for furniture factories Protecting health of employes Industrial dust and its effect on workers Protection of workers vital to production Suggested sick benefit plan The value of trade tests to employers Thomasville Chair increases production ... Nature and scope of industrial medical ... Safety devices in the machine room Unique welfare association Savings bank is efficient welfare agency A factory that helps employees buy homes Betwixt employer and employe Employes compensation laws The month's barometer of the furniture ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... Conditions among furniture men Davis-Birely workers are given insurance What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Recent deaths in furniture trade Enamel as a furniture finish Enamel as a furniture finish Essential things to know in wood finishing Page 147 Date 06-01 11-01 02-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 11-15 04-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 02-01 06-01 04-01 07-01 01-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 08-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 10-01 09-01 Year Page 1919 1946 1917 1915 1916 1916 1923 1917 1937 1923 1915 1923 1923 1920 1922 1943 1924 1921 1921 1923 1919 1912 1912 1929 1929 1911 1925 1914 1932 1916 1917 1917 1923 Column 269 8 49 75 254 229 106 65 11 164 58 281 233 67 97 24 28 220 162 53 302 171 328 69 77 157 50 110 44 307 210 171 112 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Enamel finishing Enamel use for furniture Enameling Enamelled furniture Endless bed sander Endless bed sander Ends Engel, Walter M. (New York City) Engelwood-Dowel Co. Engine lubrication Engine rooms Englander Co. (New York City) Englander Co. (New York City) Englander Spreing Bed Co. (NYC) Englander Spring Bed Co. (NYC) Englander Spring Bed Co. (NYC) Englander Spring Bed Co. (NYC) Englander Spring Bed..(Brooklyn, NY Englander Spring Bed..(Brooklyn,NY) Engleton-Boyd ..(Michigan City, IN) English apprentice schools English arts and crafts movement English arts and crafts movement English arts and crafts movement English arts and crafts movement English arts and crafts movement English cabinet makers English cabinet making industry English cabinet work English Chippendale sofa (art) English demand for U.S. desks English designers, migration to US English empire secretaire bookcase Title How to do enamel finishing The use of enamels for furniture How to meet the demand for lighter finishes Decorating enamelled furniture Modern woodworking machines A new endless bed sander Timber, its growth and defects Leaders in the industry What's new Principles of correct lubrication The boiler and engine room What's new Getting personal Englander and Herz bed companies merge Affairs of the industry Englander to increase advertising program Chain of assembly plants planned Englander's move Brroklyn factory Has a schedule like a railroad Folding card table contract Manual training designs again Expression in furniture Modern English furniture, I Modern English furniture, IV Modern English furniture, II Modern English furniture, III Looking for a job and walking Fine craftsmanship in work of London guilds Cabinet work made in English ...(art) Modern love seats Office furniture opportunities Written in the semi-editorial vein Fine old furniture examples (art) Page 148 Date 04-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 02-01 12-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 08-15 04-01 10-01 06-01 Year Page 1914 1914 1924 1916 1913 1916 1911 1946 1942 1920 1913 1945 1945 1928 1932 1945 1923 1918 1917 1916 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1912 1926 1912 1940 1914 1912 1911 Column 197 239 134 138 91 183 104 40 30 20 170 48 43 60 43 22 222 115 38 57 138 334 314 508 373 423 84 59 68 11 178 499 268 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry English employment conditions English factory employes English furniture English furniture English furniture English furniture advertising in US English furniture design English furniture design English furniture designers English furniture designers English furniture designs (art) English furniture imports English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry Title Conditions of employment in England The English factory employe Leaves from notebook of furniture student Wherefor Directoire-Biedermeier Oak is robust and distinctive in decoration Editorial notes The Geffrye museum England and furniture industry The impress of English designers Styles of the future The fashion trend in English furniture Mahogany for export Skilled craftsmen needed in mass production The fashion trend in English furniture Modern English furniture, III Wages of English cabinet-maker Modern English furniture, IV Written in the semi-editorial vein Modern English furniture, II Modern English furniture, I The English factory employe Shoreditch, London, furniture hub English craftsman furniture England and furniture industry British exports of furniture After four years of the war Written in the semi-editorial vein Some notes on English labor saving tests England and furniture industry England's boom Metal-faced plywood Less furniture making in England Written in the semi-editorial vein Page 149 Date 07-01 11-01 12-01 06-01 05-15 01-01 03-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 08-01 07-01 11-01 04-01 07-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 02-01 05-15 09-15 06-01 06-01 Year Page 1912 1911 1924 1931 1938 1914 1919 1919 1911 1913 1926 1912 1926 1926 1913 1912 1913 1914 1913 1913 1911 1914 1914 1919 1920 1918 1918 1923 1919 1937 1937 1918 1919 Column 314 568 266 45 14 27 102 27 61 278 55 529 62 54 423 14 508 28 373 314 568 201 13 27 188 102 8 107 68 3 5 281 267 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry English furniture industry and WWI English furniture prices English furniture style English furniture styles English furniture styles English furniture styles English furniture trade English furniture wages English furniture, demand for English industrial education English industrial education English influence on U.S. designers English inlay English metal bed industry English metal bed industry English metal bed industry English metal beds industry English metal bedstead exports English oak English pottery English Regency furniture English show cabinet, c.1690 (art) English technical education English technical schools English trade unionism English walnut English Windosr chairs Title Mass production furniture Conditions in England Cane furniture in England Trade conditions in England Editorial notes Personalities in English trade English manufacturers' models British selling prices Modern English furniture, II Modern English furniture, I Modern English furniture, IV Modern English furniture, III Written in the semi-editorial vein Report on furniture wages English all the go How England trains craftsmen and designers The manual and technical school The impress of English designers English inlay and marqueterie Written in the semi-editorial vein Editorial notes Editorial notes Editorial notes Metal bedsteads for the Orient Rare woods at high prices Editorial notes What about English Regency? Show cabinet on stand, English, about ... How technical education is aided in England Technical school craftsmanship Trade unionism of another sort What do you know about walnut? Chair notes on English Windsors Page 150 Date 10-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 09-15 08-01 07-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 12-01 03-01 09-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 01-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 Year Page 1920 1921 1921 1921 1922 1919 1914 1940 1913 1913 1913 1913 1911 1921 1913 1925 1912 1911 1915 1913 1912 1912 1913 1913 1914 1916 1935 1924 1927 1912 1911 1930 1949 Column 186 236 347 313 61 17 276 4 373 314 508 423 563 26 60 53 474 61 213 280 337 600 129 459 132 264 15 30 58 538 566 66 38 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Engraving industry Enlistments, World War I Enlistments, World War I Enlistments, World War I Enlistments, World War I Enlistments, World War I Enlistments, World War I Enlistments, World War I Enlistments, World War I Ennis, E.E. (Chicago) Ensemble selling Ensign, Raymond P. (Chicago) Enterprise Furniture...(Reading,PA) Enterprise Metal Bed Co. (NYC) Epidos General Secretariat (Paris) Epidos international association Erskine-Danforth Corp. (NYC) Erwin-Lambeth...(Thomasville, NC) Erzgebirge clubs Essentials of Upholstery Essex Hotel (New York City) Essex Institute (Salem, MA) Essex Institute (Salem, MA) Estey Manufacturing Co. (Owosso,MI) Estey Manufacturing Co. (Owosso,MI) Estey Manufacturing Co. (Owosso,MI) Estey Mfg. Co. (Owosso) Estey Mfg. Co. (Owosso, MI) Estey Organ Co. (Brattleboro, VT) Etching of metals Ethel Chair Co. (Lenoir, NC) Ethics in furniture design Eucalyptus as furniture wood Title Sawdust ornaments Some furniture men in the service Ypsi's big showing More furniture men enlisting Furniture additions to army Furniture boys still enlisting Simmons' great roll of honor Many furniture boys in the army Furniture and military service Paragraphs about the people Low unit price and sales acting as ... Outline of course in furniture design Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Competition on bone glue development Competition on bone glue development Affairs of the industry 11 steps in the making of special order ... German carvers establish schools Books and catalogs John Widdicomb, Charlotte furnishing hotel Number thirty-nine of a new series of ... Number thirty-six of series of furniture ... Written in the semi-editorial vein Estey Manufacturing Co. destroyed The new plant of the Estey Mfg. Written in the semi-editorial vein Purchases control of Estey Company What ten years have done for the furniture... Etching and finishing stainless steel What manufacturers are doing A designer's code of ethics The cultivation of eucalyptus Page 151 Date 01-01 12-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 02-01 11-01 03-01 11-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 06-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 02-01 11-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 08-01 02-01 06-01 Year Page 1911 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1917 1918 1917 1913 1930 1924 1932 1932 1933 1933 1932 1949 1923 1928 1931 1927 1926 1912 1911 1912 1912 1921 1929 1935 1915 1917 1911 Column 17 269 213 42 163 92 213 136 212 360 44 54 30 30 24 24 28 14 176 104 51 49 51 29 586 509 500 90 40 14 98 71 290 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Eucalyptus as furniture wood Eureka steel locks Europan furniture design Europe, furniture exports to European forests European furbniture designs European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture design European furniture designs European furniture designs European furniture designs European furniture designs European furniture designs European furniture designs European furniture exports to U.S. European furniture imports to U.S. European furniture imports to U.S. European furniture manufacturing European plate glass syndicate European tables (art) European Upholstery Co. (GR) Title Eucalyptus as furniture wood The Eureka steel lock Little known treasures of Old World The export trade in furniture Forests in Europe Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of the Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Correctness of design everything Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little-known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Little known treasures of Old World Furniture imports show steady growth with ... Can America export more wooden furniture? Written in the semi-editorial vein Correctness of design everything Foreign and American plate glass Pages for a designer's scrap book Evolution chair is latest in designs Page 152 Date 05-01 12-01 10-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 07-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 08-01 05-01 12-01 02-01 04-01 09-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 09-01 Year Page 1911 1913 1929 1911 1912 1931 1932 1929 1929 1931 1931 1932 1931 1932 1932 1931 1929 1931 1931 1912 1929 1930 1931 1930 1930 1929 1928 1929 1913 1912 1911 1930 1925 Column 219 621 58 538 220 50 22 52 58 30 38 20 28 32 22 53 58 50 50 70 52 48 34 56 50 58 57 39 608 70 80 66 126 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry European willow Evans Products Co. (Grand Haven, MI Evans Products Co. (Grand Haven,MI) Evans, David K. (Grand Rapids) Evans, David L. (Grand Rapids) Evansville (IN) furniture briefs Evansville (IN) Furniture Co. Evansville (IN) furniture expo Evansville (IN) furniture expo Evansville (IN) furniture expo Evansville (IN) furniture expo Evansville (IN) furniture expo Evansville (IN) furniture expo Evansville (IN) furniture expos Evansville (IN) furniture expos Evansville (IN) furniture firms Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) furniture industry Evansville (IN) Metal Bed Co. Evansville (IN) Metal Bed Co. Title European willow supply cut off Getting personal Getting personal David K. Evans They stand out Evansville news What manufacturers are doing Business fair at Evansville market Demonstrating furniture Important dates to remember Plans completed for Evansville market Dates to remember Evansville draws 150 buyers Evansville opens doors to market visitors May revive summer outings at Evansville Proposed cancellation of rate protested Evansville adopts standards of practice Evansville factories enjoy better business Furniture pick-ups Improvement noted in Evansville plants Indiana news Manufacturers of Evansville meet As the news story goes Evansville prosperity Editorial notes Eight great factories now thirteen Evansville factories to be improved Editorial notes New furniture factory for Evansville Affairs of the industry Business conditions Paragraphs about the manufacturers What other manufacturers are doing Page 153 Date 06-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 SPR 05-01 08-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 09-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 Year Page 1915 1949 1946 1917 1936 1927 1913 1924 1925 1924 1924 1922 1921 1925 1926 1923 1924 1926 1929 1926 1927 1924 1931 1915 1917 1921 1920 1920 1919 1935 1921 1913 1920 Column 321 60 46 289 25 64 417 197 219 100 99 106 123 197 69 228 27 63 106 77 40 114 61 26 119 81 34 238 139 26 245 101 117 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Evansville (IN) trade briefs Evansville (IN) trade news Evansville (IN) Veneer Co. Evansville (IN) Veneer Co. Evansville (NY) furniture industry Everett (WA) Bed Mfg. Co. Everett, James C. (Grand Rapids) Eversten, Kenneth (Chicago) Evolution chair Ewing, Ernest L. (Grand Rapids) Ewing, Ernest L. (Grand Rapids) Excel Cabinet Co. (Falconer, NY) Excel Mfg. Co. (Rockford, IL) Excel Mfg. Co. (Rockford, IL) Excell Furniture...(Shelbybille,IN) Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Excelsior Chair Co. (Grand Rapids) Excelsior Mfg. ..(Jacksonville, FL) Excelsior Pulley Co. (Cuba, NY) Excelsior, U.S. production of Excessive profits Exchange Furniture..(Evansville,IN) Executive Furniture..(Okla. City) Title Evansville news Evansville news Fire in Evansville veneer plant Changes in Evansville Veneer Evansville to boost its own furniture What manufacturers are doing Somewhat personal Leading students at the Chicago School] Evolution chair is latest in designs Recent deaths in furniture trade Fights proposed rate increases Excel sales were up in 1934 Rockford furniture companies merge Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing Phases of the furniture markets Excelsior from waste Trying to find uses for ailanthus Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Editorial notes What the manufacturers are doing Wood or metal pulleys Excelsior making some industry Retailers deny exorbitant profit What some manufacturers are doing Getting personal Page 154 Date 03-01 04-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 09-01 03-01 04-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 07-01 10-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 Year Page 1926 1926 1916 1915 1927 1919 1916 1942 1925 1928 1925 1935 1929 1932 1916 1912 1916 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1912 1912 1917 1917 1917 1913 1917 1913 1922 1919 1949 Column 83 87 98 147 63 251 42 21 126 108 96 31 112 30 190 567 69 464 145 199 516 577 463 302 229 130 7 525 12 207 9 95 61 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Executive training programs Exhaust steam for heating Exhaust systems for machinery Exhibition of British ...(London) Exhibition of Household ... Exhibition of Industrial Art Exhibitors Building (Grand Rapids) Exhibitors Building Corp. (GR) Exhibits Exotic furniture woods Exotic furniture woods Export trade Exporters' Gazeteer of Foreign... Exposition of art and industry Exposition of Inventions Exposition of Modern Decorative... Express freight rates Extended Fine Arts Bldg. (GR) Extension table industry Extension table industry Extension table slides Extension table, construction of Extension table, design of Extension tables Extreme styles in furniture Extreme styles in furniture E-Z Rest Mfg. Co. (Winchester, IN) Ezyroll Mattress..(Clarksville, TX) Fabric designs Fabricated products Fabrics Fabrics for upholstering Fabrics in furniture covering Title Training furniture factory executives Heating factories with exhaust steam Exhaust systems for woodworking machines British modern movement gains impetus American colonial home presented to France Industrial art at Metropolitan Museum Grand Rapids plans 1946 expansion Grand Rapids plans 1946 expansion Wood carvers exhibit of national interest More about fine woods from far-away places Story of the Oregon myrtle wood Legal documents in export trade Books, catalogs, etc. Contempora sponsoring an exposition Inventions exhibit will be held Furniture industry to send representatives Higher express rates effective Furniture Capitol to be ready July 1928 Extension table makers to meet Extension table manufacturers Extension table slides Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Extension table makers confer Examples of extreme styles in vogue...(art) The extreme styles in furniture Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Fabrics are half the game of selling High frequency makes postwar prospects ... Coverings show profusion of new designs Fabrics for the upholsterers Leather versus fabrics Page 155 Date 06-01 01-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 01-01 09-01 09-01 03-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 05-01 09-01 02-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 12-01 01-01 09-01 Year Page 1946 1911 1921 1934 1925 1924 1945 1945 1923 1932 1923 1911 1920 1929 1924 1925 1915 1927 1912 1912 1946 1913 1913 1912 1912 1912 1932 1917 1929 1945 1926 1913 1911 Column 46 31 212 21 267 5 10 10 105 33 269 612 108 90 49 211 113 106 518 562 20 235 235 299 132 133 28 308 51 15 39 42 467 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Face veneer Face veneer Face veneers Face veneers Factoring in furniture industry Factoring in furniture plants Factory accidents Factory appraisals Factory band saw Factory baseball teams Factory cleaning Factory cost accounting Factory cost accounting Factory dining and rest rooms Factory filing room Factory financing Factory fires Factory foremen Factory foremen Factory foremen Factory foremen Factory health concerns Factory health concerns Factory heating Factory inspections Factory insurance Factory labor problems Factory libraries Factory lighting Factory lighting Factory lighting Factory machinery Factory machinery Title Problems of the veneer room Problems of the veneer room Suggestions on selecting and buying veneer The outlook for furniture woods Factoring in furniture industry Many furniture plants are now thining of ... Accidents in furniture factories How best to appraise the plant The life of the factory band saw Factory baseball teams Cleaning of factories by steam Factory cost accounting details Summaries of expense and cost The factory dininjg and rest room The factory filing room Successful factory financing No! Not next! Let's stop factory fires Training program for the factoru foreman New training program for factory foremen Training program for the factory foreman Training programs for the factory foremen Another attack on the spray gun Problem of proper ventilation in factories Heating factories with exhaust steam Material and product inspection Concerning factory insurance The factory labor issue in Grand Rapids Factory libraries What good factory lighting means Charges against poor lighting Illumination as efficiency factor Machinery for the chair factory Classes of belts that can be made endless Page 156 Date 03-01 05-01 08-01 06-01 02-01 02-15 09-01 12-01 02-01 09-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 09-01 10-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 09-01 Year Page 1911 1911 1924 1946 1949 1941 1912 1916 1916 1920 1911 1911 1911 1911 1922 1918 1925 1924 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1911 1912 1918 1911 1921 1917 1917 1917 1917 1923 Column 118 204 54 40 45 11 422 246 52 127 105 144 143 70 140 158 131 27 122 178 77 67 184 31 421 162 162 218 158 159 160 66 118 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Factory management Title Modern factory management Date 07-01 Factory modernization Factory modernization Factory modernization Factory modernization Factory modernization Factory modernization Factory overtime Factory overtime Factory photographic equipment Factory safety devices Factory sanitation Factory sanitation Factory scientific management Factory shop notes Factory shutdowns Factory storage tanks Factory tenement plant Factory training for salesmen Factory training programs Factory trucks Factory welfare Factory welfare system Factory-to-You Furniture (Phila.) Fad for French walnut furniture Fagan & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fain, Walter C. (Norfolk, VA) Faingold, Joseph (Grand Rapids) Fairchild Aircraft Corp. Fairchild trainer planes Fairhaven line of upholstered ... Falcon Mfg. Co. (Big Rapids, MI) Durvey proves absolute need for modernization 1334 furniture men can't be wrong Modernization as important today as ever Modernizing factory methods Modernizing the sanding room Modernizing the dry kiln equipment The overtime evil A long or short day for labor? Factory photographic equipment Safety devices in the machine room Improved factory cuspidor The sanitary drinking fountain Scientific management in factory The department of shop notes Hardwood men consider curtailment Wayne shortage system economical The factory tenement plant Factory training for salesmen Training programs for the factory foremen Part modern factory truck plays Welfare work in small factories Where workmen do welfare work Dealer guilty of false advertising Englishmen to exploit Watch for new machinery line Fain charters new manufacturing corp. Recent deaths in the furniture trade Growing importance of wood in aircraft Growing importance of wood in aircraft Unique manufacturing set-up produces ... What manufacturers are doing Page 157 10-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 01-15 01-15 04-01 01-01 09-01 11-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 02-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 Year Page Column 1912 320 1 1932 1932 1932 1912 1940 1937 1918 1918 1912 1921 1918 1918 1917 1913 1931 1917 1911 1912 1923 1912 1917 1917 1926 1926 1932 1930 1924 1943 1943 1946 1915 28 28 25 1 14 14 168 22 467 220 121 223 10 210 62 65 47 488 77 358 142 144 46 49 52 90 72 12 12 51 146 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fall Salon Falls City Mantel..(Louisville,KY) False advertising Famous Carvers Corp. (Chicago) Famous Corner Furniture..(Chicago) Fancher Furniture..(Salamanca, NY) Fancy scallop design of nails(art) Fancy veneer overlays Fancy veneers Fancy veneers Fancy veneers, drying of Fantus Factory Locating...(Chicago) Faribault (MN) Furniture Co Faribault (MN) Furniture Co. Farm and Home Co. (Dayton, OH) Farm furniture Farm furniture Farm house furnishings Farm publications Farm women Farmers' office furniture Farr Fixture Co. (Seattle) Farrar, Frederick A. (Chicago) Farris, Frank (Centralia, WA) Fashion and furniture Fashion Clinic In Home Furnishings Fashion Flow Corp. (Portland) Fashion Furniture Mfg. Co. (LA) Faultless Caster..(Evansville, IN) Faux Satine Fay & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Title Interesting and unique designs shown in Paris What the manufacturers are doing Dealer guilty of false advertising Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Affairs of the industry A fancy scallop design on nails plus a ... How to make and lay fancy veneer overlays Working fancy veneers Fancy veneer borders Successful drying of fancy veneers Furniture pick-ups Trade notes Ruled against the Furniture Co. As the news story goes Farm and furniture folk plan co-operation Farm women eye furniture Survey furniture on farms Farm and furniture folk plan co-operation Farm women eye furniture A specialized line of furniture Getting personal F.A. Farrar starts his own business 6000 pieces of wood for one table Fashion and furniture Can fashion be reduced to science? Getting personal Specially fashioned for video viewing New type of chair glide New wood shown at market takes well Affairs of the industry Fay & Egan anniversary What's new Page 158 Date 11-01 03-01 04-01 12-01 03-01 06-01 03-15 05-01 01-15 01-15 02-01 04-01 06-01 11-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 02-15 06-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 02-01 07-15 Year Page 1923 1914 1926 1932 1931 1933 1939 1925 1940 1940 1930 1929 1914 1912 1931 1925 1946 1926 1925 1946 1918 1946 1922 1929 1917 1930 1938 1949 1932 1927 1932 1930 1938 Column 201 162 46 43 69 32 18 61 12 12 99 78 327 563 45 160 6 45 160 6 62 60 228 49 97 50 27 47 41 41 31 104 36 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fay, J.A. & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay, J.A. & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay, J.A. & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay, J.A. & Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay, J.A. & Eggan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay, J.A. and Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay, J.A. and Egan Co. (Cincinnati) Fay,J.A. & Egan Co. (Atlanta) Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Title The Lightning line New Fay-Egan catalog An aluminum saw guard A continuous feed glue jointer A new dovetailer A new double-end tenoner A splendid tool New sales headquarters Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 159 Date 11-01 08-01 01-01 10-01 07-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 12-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 08-01 12-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 06-01 07-01 12-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 Year Page 1911 1912 1912 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1915 1911 1917 1912 1917 1913 1916 1915 1913 1917 1915 1913 1917 1916 1915 1917 1912 1916 1915 1917 1914 1913 1914 1915 1915 Column 590 413 51 532 365 43 420 193 47 639 145 199 44 412 144 103 522 195 211 199 84 287 162 90 145 235 327 43 322 357 268 273 204 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers Feathers for furniture Federal American furniture style Federal anti-bribery bill Federal anti-bribery bill Federal Arbitration Act Federal Board of Vocational ... Federal control of railroads Federal control of railroads Federal Furniture ...(Hoboken, NJ) Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Why we get feathers from China Federal flavored furniture Anti-bribery bill Anti-bribery bill introduced New federal arbitration act Need of more factory schools Government ownership on trial Federal control of railroads What some manufacturers are doing Page 160 Date 05-01 04-01 09-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 09-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 12-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 08-01 05-01 02-01 10-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 12-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 09-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 Year Page 1914 1916 1914 1916 1912 1916 1911 1914 1911 1912 1912 1916 1914 1916 1916 1917 1913 1914 1914 1916 1911 1917 1917 1917 1917 1942 1924 1924 1925 1923 1918 1918 1920 Column 269 198 161 46 567 263 473 107 525 516 621 149 330 314 95 251 98 213 49 96 418 285 182 229 254 12 118 75 119 118 44 4 337 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Federal Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Federal Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Federal Furniture..(New York City) Federal Furniture..(Pittsburgh) Federal Furniture..(Portland, ME) Federal income tax Federal income tax Federal Metal Bed...(Hoboken, NJ) Federal office furniture Federal relief for furniture ... Federal Reserve Act Federal reserve banks Federal Social Security Act Federal Surplus Commodities Corp. Federal Surplus War Property Federal taxes Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Title New factory for Grand Rapids Gothic design for furniture factory Affairs of the industry What some manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Relation of costs and federal income tax Income tax is due next month What the manufacturers are doing Uncle Sam's new office equipment Uncle Sam vs. furniture industry heads ... To finance foreign trade The new federal reserve banks Employment insurance in force January 1 Cotton relief mattresses War surplus materials High taxes is the sore spot Philippines join case Plate glass under investigation Philippine woods battle still is on Trade Commission active Rockford asks rehearing on terms Seating industry adopts trade practice rules Status of trade associations Suits involve resale prices Three more dealers named in complaints Trade commission to consider trade terms Trade terms sought in trade conference Unfair furniture merchandising Victory for Philippine woods Walnut means walnut now Wants veneered furniture in right light What is mahogany Court upholds Commission Page 161 Date 06-01 12-01 05-01 10-01 10-01 07-01 02-01 11-01 09-01 08-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 04-15 06-01 12-01 09-01 01-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 Year Page 1922 1922 1932 1920 1920 1924 1920 1914 1915 1934 1921 1915 1935 1940 1945 1932 1928 1924 1929 1924 1926 1930 1929 1924 1925 1924 1927 1924 1931 1929 1926 1926 1928 Column 231 283 42 200 200 20 95 272 105 6 62 226 7 19 11 22 88 39 60 170 106 41 84 29 279 62 64 18 69 104 41 54 72 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Title Philippine mahogany Trade terms all muddled up Dealer guilty of false advertising Charge misuse of term Grand Rapids Commission to submit terms to industry Amicable settlement made in varnish case Commission hints at bribery Commission ends hearing on terms Commission issues complaint Commission dismisses case against store Commission bans term Philippine mahogany Complaint against G.R. firm dismissed Code for the industry Commission will hold number of hearings Begin hearing on description of furniture Bed company ordered to stop unfair acts As the news story goes Argue use of term Philippine mahogany Commission issues more charges Approve rules of trade practice Unfair competition charged in complaint Order on veneer issued Commercial bribery alleged Government dictation Opposition to federal trade terms grows No more wicker More stupidity displayed More stupidity Misused term Grand Rapids in advertising Marketers of prison products are jobbers Manufacturers object to new trade terms Lumber firm appeals commission's order Looks as if office boy wrote decision Page 162 Date 10-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 10-01 09-01 02-01 08-01 10-01 06-01 07-01 06-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 09-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 09-01 Year Page 1927 1927 1926 1924 1926 1929 1925 1927 1924 1927 1926 1928 1932 1927 1927 1925 1931 1926 1928 1932 1925 1928 1924 1924 1926 1927 1928 1926 1927 1927 1926 1926 1926 Column 70 51 46 29 62 96 80 107 126 38 104 89 37 36 102 146 44 106 59 21 97 73 170 299 106 50 52 52 104 66 44 50 58 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal wage and hour law Federated Association of ... Federation of Furniture ... Federation of Furniture and ... Federation of Furniture Makers Fees, James J. (Rochester, NY) Feingold, I.T. (Chicago) Felt cotton in beddings Feltoid casters Title Issue order against Northwest Chair Co. Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Complaints bring trade terms to front A victory for Philippine mahogany Furniture firms appeal veneer decision Form rules for woven furniture Federal Trade Commission Act Factory to You store is found unfair Conference in capital on mohair plush Hearings for furniture men are delayed Extending export inquiries The trade commission bill Mebane Bed Company cited The industry has nothing to fear Trade Commission begins investigation FTC defines felt and staple cotton What is a trust? Commission frowns on trade associations Trade bribery to be crime Trade associations in the furniture industry Report made on furniture investigation The illogic of government index figures Publicity harms furniture industry Federal trade report Wages and hours Central organization launched The new Federation secretary Federation of furniture makers The Federation of Furniture Makers Recent deaths Leaders in the industry FTC defines felt and staple cotton Feltoid casters Page 163 Date 08-01 02-01 10-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 12-01 11-01 08-01 06-01 01-01 03-01 01-15 11-01 08-01 12-01 05-01 02-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 09-15 05-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 01-15 03-01 Year Page 1927 1927 1925 1931 1929 1927 1924 1927 1929 1928 1915 1914 1920 1922 1922 1940 1919 1921 1918 1922 1923 1921 1922 1923 1940 1914 1917 1915 1914 1931 1942 1940 1912 Column 60 106 170 36 90 68 219 73 93 62 245 82 337 20 84 19 227 58 271 183 70 110 58 66 4 260 176 257 331 71 25 19 135 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fenn, C.F. (Tell City, IN) Fennell, D. D. (Chicago) Fenske Bros. (Chicago) Fenton, Davis & Boyle (GR) Ferar, Montgomery (Detroit) Ferar, Montgomery (Detroit) Ferbert-Schorndorfer..(Cleveland) Ferdinand, Frank (Roxbury, MA) Ferguson Bros. Mfg. (New York City) Ferguson Bros. Mfg. ..(Hoboken, NJ) Ferguson Bros. Mfg. ..(Hoboken,NJ) Ferguson Bros. Mfg. Co. (NYC) Ferguson Lumber Co. (Louisville,KY) Ferguson, Fred E. (Indianapolis) Fern stand, construction Fern stand, design Fernery, construction Fernery, design Ferrara Furniture...(Oneida, NY) Festival of Empire Crystal (London) Fiber cord for furniture Fiber for furniture Fiber furniture Fiber furniture Fiber Furniture Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Fiber furniture industry Fiber furniture weaving Fiber furniture weaving Fiber furniture weaving Fiber furniture weaving Fiber furniture, crating of Fiber Grand Co. (Grand Rapids) Fiber seats Title Leaders in the industry Fennell buys interest in Pullman Couch Golden anniversary L.D. Eldredge heads big chair company Sundberg and Ferar foretell mass-production.. Sundberg-Ferar industrial designers Varnish company is building new plant Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Affairs of the industry As the news story goes News of the trade As the news story goes Louisville firm ships $6000 car of walnut Recent deaths in the furniture trade An attractive fern stand An attractive fern stand Attractive fernery to grace home in winter Attractive fernery to grace home in winter What manufacturers are doing The London Curio Club exhibits at ... (art) Making furniture from wood pulp Fibre furniture now 24 years old Machine woven fiber furniture New Wisconsin fibre(sic) furniture business What manufacturers are doing Fibre furniture now 24 years old The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture Weaving a simple plant stand Fibre furniture weaving Prpblems in crating reed and fibre furniture Copula fiber seats Copula fiber seats Page 164 Date 02-01 05-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 12-01 12-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 08-01 09-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 Year Page 1943 1924 1942 1924 1943 1943 1926 1923 1932 1931 1914 1931 1930 1928 1921 1921 1923 1923 1915 1911 1918 1918 1919 1918 1914 1918 1922 1922 1922 1921 1924 1912 1912 Column 28 229 12 254 16 16 75 64 42 45 265 43 108 106 94 94 255 255 278 381 74 79 182 70 162 79 68 24 145 186 154 51 51 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fibercraft Chair Co. (Frankfort,KY) Fiberglas yardage Fibers Fibers Fibers Fibers Fibers Fibre as a trade term Fibre Grand Co. (Grand Rapids) Fibre reed as a trade term Fibre(sic) chair seats Fibro Catalog Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (Cincinnati) Ficks Reed Co. (New York City) Ficks Reed Cp. (Cincinnati) Ficks, Robert Jr. (Cincinnati) Ficks-Reed Co. (Cincinnatgi) Fiege Desk Co. (Saginaw, MI) Field Museum of Natural..(Chicago) Field, Loronzo(sic) (Grand Rapids) Figure in woodwork Figured gum Figured gum furniture Figured gum veneers and panels Figured mahogany Figured wood Title What the manufacturers are doing Fiberglas mixtures to be substantial for fall Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Trade terms sought in trade conference Fibre Grand branches out Form rules for woven furniture Fibre chair seats New books and catalogs As the news story goes As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing Future of woven extruded plastics looks ... Old Cincinnati firm reorganized What's new in upholstered furniture Getting personal New outdoor furniture designed for year ... Affairs of the industry Production up one third Leaders in the industry Anderson and Bellah's end tables, cabinets... What manufacturers are doing Field Museum to make wood collection Recent deaths The cause of figure in wood A brown wood era Asleep at the switch Figured gum, the cabient wood de luxe Cabinet woods - chiefly mahogany Plain and figured woods discussed Page 165 Date 09-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 10-15 07-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 09-01 11-01 02-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 Year Page 1917 1949 1917 1916 1916 1915 1917 1927 1919 1927 1911 1921 1931 1931 1915 1940 1923 1949 1949 1943 1933 1949 1949 1942 1915 1927 1912 1916 1914 1922 1914 1913 1927 Column 127 31 84 190 46 103 42 64 279 68 366 118 50 64 278 7 33 33 61 20 40 8 52 19 280 102 569 57 270 62 270 284 45 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Figured wood Fiji Islands as lumber exporters Filing cabinets, exports of Filling material Films as teaching devices Finch Furniture Co. (High Point,NC) Finch, Brown (Thomasville, NC) Finch, Thomas (Thomasville, NC) Fine Arts Building (GR) Fine Arts Building (Grand Rapids) Fine Arts Furniture Co. (GR) Fine Built Furniture..(Syracuse,NY) Finisahing room supplies Finished furniture, defects in Finished room material Finisher Finishes and finishing Finishes and finishing Finishes, repair and changes Finishes, standardization of Finishinbg room supplies Finishing froom supplies Finishing material Finishing material Finishing material Finishing material Finishing material Finishing materials Finishing materials Finishing materials Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Title The selection of woods Written in the semi-editorial vein Wooden filing cabinets preferred Phases of the furniture market Using films to teach artisans Affairs of the industry Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in furniture trade Gustave Hendricks discovers Grand Rapids Fine Arts Building ready for opening New company headed by veteran As the news story goes Manufacturers' material markets Do not lay blame to the varnish Phases of the furniture market Problems of the finisher Priorities advance finishing technology Hot lacquer is here to stay A successful box for fuming oak Standardization of finishes Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Page 166 Date 11-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 05-01 09-01 02-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 02-15 08-01 07-01 12-01 12-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 08-01 12-01 01-01 02-01 12-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 Year Page 1911 1912 1916 1911 1928 1932 1925 1929 1926 1925 1926 1931 1917 1912 1912 1920 1942 1941 1911 1911 1916 1917 1911 1911 1911 1911 1919 1919 1919 1918 1912 1915 1914 Column 553 27 19 253 39 40 66 76 55 263 82 43 43 18 49 259 6 12 390 326 288 285 307 474 361 419 332 47 89 283 436 232 240 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Title Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room The finishing room graft Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Do not lay blame to the varnish Department of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Page 167 Date 08-01 02-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 01-01 05-01 12-01 02-01 07-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 09-01 03-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 02-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 05-01 Year Page 1913 1915 1911 1915 1916 1913 1914 1912 1912 1916 1913 1916 1915 1915 1912 1914 1914 1913 1914 1916 1916 1917 1917 1913 1916 1911 1912 1916 1914 1913 1913 1914 1915 Column 396 66 20 140 288 234 184 18 222 252 84 35 22 22 510 310 90 549 34 64 118 114 20 618 172 6 402 223 92 452 340 148 234 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Title Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Department of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Page 168 Date 03-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 11-01 04-01 01-01 10-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 10-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 09-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 10-01 02-01 08-01 03-01 08-01 12-01 Year Page 1916 1915 1915 1915 1912 1912 1916 1913 1917 1914 1914 1916 1914 1914 1913 1915 1915 1918 1917 1919 1921 1920 1919 1919 1919 1921 1921 1919 1921 1919 1921 1920 1921 Column 120 72 126 194 554 185 22 506 68 36 234 70 118 195 44 190 266 48 156 129 212 205 32 140 242 276 86 194 90 96 152 86 282 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room Finishing room and lumber Finishing room equipment Finishing room graft Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room material Title Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Problems of the finisher Lumber and the finishing room Equipment for the finishing room Dealing with the finisher's graft Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Page 169 Date 02-01 05-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 12-01 02-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 12-01 11-01 02-01 Year Page 1919 1918 1921 1919 1920 1920 1921 1921 1920 1920 1919 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1920 1920 1921 1919 1920 1920 1919 1919 1915 1913 1912 1914 1912 1911 1911 1912 Column 77 235 184 170 38 34 33 232 250 136 316 84 177 217 269 300 63 296 97 135 38 308 198 298 267 47 264 216 213 252 641 585 99 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room material Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room materials Finishing room matrerials Finishing room problems Finishing room problems Finishing room problems Finishing room problems Finishing room problems Finishing room problems Finishing room problems Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Title Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Phases of the furniture market Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing roo, Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Problems of the finishing room Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 170 Date 06-01 03-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 05-01 08-01 06-01 07-01 03-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 11-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 Year Page 1912 1912 1914 1919 1920 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1918 1918 1919 1918 1920 1920 1919 1920 1912 1913 1911 1912 1912 1911 1912 1912 1926 1927 1928 1924 1925 1926 Column 303 146 269 167 61 220 257 111 321 59 138 137 186 203 236 173 121 280 231 200 266 626 30 82 324 136 348 75 82 78 146 144 74 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies FInishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 171 Date 09-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 02-01 03-01 Year Page 1927 1924 1925 1926 1927 1924 1925 1925 1932 1927 1928 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1929 1927 1926 1925 1927 1924 1930 1928 1927 1926 1925 1930 1930 1926 1928 1924 Column 82 195 194 75 82 245 93 241 31 79 87 84 82 82 77 294 295 88 81 77 246 83 199 84 79 82 75 144 82 84 78 82 148 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 172 Date 02-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 07-01 02-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 Year Page 1926 1925 1924 1930 1929 1928 1926 1925 1924 1924 1927 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1931 1929 1928 1927 1925 1924 1928 1927 1926 1929 1924 1929 1928 1926 1913 1915 Column 77 94 97 82 82 81 86 43 45 95 83 84 78 81 76 43 45 70 91 82 80 290 294 83 82 75 84 248 89 83 74 523 103 1 3 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 173 Date 12-01 02-01 09-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 12-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 09-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 10-01 Year Page 1912 1913 1912 1914 1915 1917 1916 1917 1915 1915 1913 1917 1913 1915 1911 1915 1916 1916 1914 1916 1916 1913 1915 1916 1912 1915 1913 1917 1916 1912 1913 1914 1916 Column 622 99 464 49 48 91 96 195 211 152 636 302 49 273 527 104 149 314 56 95 198 470 309 46 355 253 199 84 263 567 301 107 189 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Finishing materials Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 174 Date 09-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 11-01 12-01 03-01 08-01 03-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 10-01 11-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 03-01 01-01 12-01 03-01 06-01 05-01 07-01 09-01 04-01 06-01 12-01 09-01 06-01 Year Page 1916 1914 1913 1917 1917 1916 1914 1914 1913 1913 1914 1915 1915 1915 1912 1915 1913 1913 1914 1914 1917 1916 1920 1918 1921 1921 1921 1922 1921 1920 1921 1923 1922 Column 143 209 248 45 251 235 322 158 412 145 161 161 327 53 410 204 577 357 107 268 144 46 319 147 357 301 53 141 243 343 304 145 266 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 175 Date 11-01 01-01 02-01 11-01 05-01 12-01 09-01 02-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 10-01 01-01 10-01 07-01 12-01 10-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 06-01 Year Page 1922 1922 1921 1923 1920 1923 1917 1918 1923 1920 1918 1922 1923 1922 1922 1923 1921 1917 1922 1923 1918 1917 1921 1920 1923 1922 1921 1918 1922 1920 1922 1923 1923 Column 238 49 116 241 287 289 130 99 45 269 307 220 97 42 188 98 180 229 124 195 192 181 58 219 48 289 204 252 91 51 52 143 298 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing room supplies Finishing rooms Finishing roonm supplies Finishing rrom supplies Finishing stain shades Finishing walnut Finishong room Finke Furniture Co. (Evansville,IN) Finkel Outdoor Products Inc. (NYC) Finnish birchwood furniture Finnish furniture industry Finsven Inc. (Finland) Fir plywood construction Fire extinguishing Fire insurance premiums Fire losses Fire proofing Fire screen (art) Fire screen, construction Fire screen, design Fireplace screen, construction Fireplace screen, design Fireproof furniture Fire-proof furniture Fire-proof veneered work Fires Fires Fires Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Problems of the finishing room Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Changing finishing stain shades What do you know about walnut? Problems of the finisher What the manufacturers are doing Growth of manufacturers' group responsible... Finns use new flat-pack for furniture ... Imported natural birch wood and plastic ... Imported natural birch wood and plastic ... Douglas fir plywood - how it is made Hazards of the furniture factory Reducing fire insurance premiums Imperial Co.'s big fire loss Hazards of the furniture factory Furniture of the period of Louis XIV from ... Fire screen a good project Fire screen a good project Making fireplace screen is splendid exercise Making fireplace screen is splendid exercise New construction in metal furniture Fire-proof veneered work Fire-proof veneered work Rockford Desk Company burned The Terminal Warehouse burned G-Cart factory in ruins Page 176 Date 04-01 05-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 03-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 Year Page 1922 1923 1918 1921 1920 1923 1916 1912 1914 1911 1930 1921 1916 1949 1946 1949 1949 1946 1911 1912 1916 1911 1925 1928 1928 1926 1926 1934 1911 1911 1912 1912 1917 Column 172 246 91 158 159 191 166 518 330 272 66 334 85 13 28 49 49 49 34 71 255 34 124 59 59 43 43 23 57 57 55 56 17 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fires and fire losses Fires in furniture factories Fireside seat and fuel box Fireside seat and slipper box Title Valley City Chair factory burns Fires in furniture factories Designs for holiday novelties (art) Designs for holiday novelties (art) First National Home Furnishings... Fischer Chair Co. (Tell City, IN) Fischer Spring Bed Co. Fischer Wood Carving..(Tacoma, WA) Fischer, H.F. (Juneau, WI) Fish leather Fish, E.B. (Huntingburg, IN) Fitments for fixed furniture Fitzgerald, J.R. (Harlingen, TX) Fixed and uniform pricing Fixed pricing Flamm, Alexander (Bridgeport, CT) Modern designs, modern coverings, modern ... Recent deaths Design saves critical materials Getting personal Personal Tanning of fish leather Recent deaths in the furniture trade Study of practical cabinet making Mass chair assembly comes to south Texas Fixed and uniform prices A plea for fixed prices on goods Alexander Flamm an industrial as well ... Modern pieces designed for modern convenience Afternoon tea novelties (art) Written in the semi-editorial vein Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Today's books Number six in a seriejs of furniture ... Number twenty of new series of drawings ... Recent deaths What some manufacturers are doing Flamm, Alexander (Bridgeport, CT) Flap table with detachable trays Flat top type office desks Flax Flax Flax products Flax products Flax seed Flax tow Flax webbing Fleck, H. Donald (New York City) Flemish 17th century chair (art) Flemish table, 17th century (art) Flesh, Joel W. (Piqua, OH) Fletcher Furniture(Winston-Salem,NC Page 177 Date 06-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 Year Page Column 1916 1921 1911 1911 307 206 558 558 2 2 2 1 11-01 04-01 02-01 09-01 11-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 08-01 1949 1913 1943 1946 1913 1920 1924 1912 1946 1912 1912 1941 52 191 13 61 580 200 72 12 10 280 312 23 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 08-01 10-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 03-01 1941 1911 1913 1912 1913 1912 1913 1914 1913 1912 1945 1922 1925 1931 1920 23 500 26 302 412 567 48 107 247 516 14 107 269 91 168 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fletcher Mfg. Co.(W. Nashville, TN) Flexible bag molding Flexible Co. (Chicago) Flexible unit sectional furniture Flexrock Co. (Philadelphia) Flexure Flexure Flexwood Co. (Chicago) Flitch Float of timber Flo-Line modern furniture Floor coverings Floor lamp, construction Floor lamp, design Floor oil cloth Floral fabric designs Florence Cabinet Co. (Chicago) Florence music cabinet Florence Table and..(Memphis, TN) Florentine Craftsmen Inc. (NYC) Florentine Strozzi chair (art) Florentine walnut chest (art) Florida as testing source for ... Florida turpentine operators Flottorp Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Flottorp Co. (Grand Rapids) Flottorp Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Flower pot stand, design Fluffed (cellular) latex cushions Fluorescent lamps Flynn, Barney (Grand Rapids) Flynn, Barney (Grand Rapids) Flywheels Title What manufacturers are doing Advances in flexible bag molding What manufacturers are doing Flexible units at exposition What's new The artificial bending of wood Wood bending and strength of flexure Affairs of the industry Timber, its growth and defects Timber, its growth and defects War work comes first but Lloyd also ... Phases of the furniture markets Floor lamp and manual training Floor lamp and manual training Production of linoleum increased Floral fabric designs dominate in new ... The Florence music cabinet The Florence music cabinet Florence is improving New metal furniture Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... Furniture of the Italian Renaissance from ... Mahogany in Florida The turpentine situation Making the airplane propeller Flottorp Co. to have factory The progress of aeroplane production Small project for beginner Making use of fluffed latex in furniture ... Lighting conference Flynn buys interest lin Luce Shops Getting personal Cast-iron flywheels and pulleys Page 178 Date 08-01 10-01 08-01 02-01 01-15 12-01 06-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 09-01 12-01 12-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 10-01 07-01 12-15 01-15 10-01 08-15 02-01 Year Page 1913 1943 1915 1943 1938 1916 1921 1932 1911 1911 1943 1913 1918 1918 1916 1949 1911 1911 1917 1949 1931 1925 1943 1911 1919 1920 1917 1928 1939 1941 1926 1938 1915 Column 417 25 98 6 38 242 345 30 104 104 23 247 294 294 37 30 637 637 88 51 74 72 7 625 154 61 179 47 15 4 81 30 71 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Foam rubber Main entry Title Foam rubber stretches design possibilities Foam rubber in furniture Foam rubber upholstery Foamed latex Fobafimi Foch, Marshal Ferdinand Fogg, Charles E. Co. (Boston) Fogle Furniture..(Winston-Salem,NC) Foldable Swing Co. (Clinton, IN) Fold-Easy House Mfg. Co.(Elmira, NY Fold-Easy House Mfg. Co.(Elmira,NY) Folding bed Folding bed industry, ups and downs Folding beds Folding book rack, construction Folding book rack, design Folding chairs Folding Furniture..(Stevens Pt., WI Folding table, Sheraton style (art) Fold-up furniture Fond du Lac (WI) Church Furniture.. Fond Du Lac (WI) Church Furniture.. Fond du Lac (WI) Furfniture ... Fond du Lac (WI)_ Furnishing Co. Foot stool (design) Foote, E.H. (Grand Rapids) Foote, Elijah H. (Grand Rapids) Foote, Elijah H. (Grand Rapids) Foote, F. Stuart (Grand Rapids) Foote, F. Stuart (Grand Rapids) Foote, F. Stuart (Grand Rapids) Foote, F. Stuart (Grand Rapids) Newest type of foam rubber construction used Foam rubber upholstery favored in new ... Airfoam cushions News of the manufacturers Foch enjoys chairs made in America What some manufacturers are doing Company to make fibre furniture What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing The rise and fall of the folding bed Written in the semi-editorial vein Written in a semi-editorial vein Project teaches accuracy Project teaches accuracy Folding chairs are wanted by Arabians What some of the manufacturers are doing Number three of a series of drawings of ... Fold-up dinette for GI homes What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Commission rules on furniture rate The foot stool Seventy Foote estate $212,500 Recent deaths in furniture trade To advertise Grand Rapids Imperial Company has anniversary Affairs of the industry Leaders in the furniture field Page 179 Date 09-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 07-15 02-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 06-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 10-01 09-01 01-01 01-01 07-15 05-01 Year Page Column 1949 28 1 1949 1946 1945 1937 1928 1920 1922 1915 1916 1915 1911 1914 1911 1924 1924 1923 1919 1924 1946 1914 1916 1911 1911 1935 1915 1920 1920 1924 1923 1937 1945 34 24 17 33 45 200 58 51 309 301 8 137 24 162 162 166 203 17 46 214 308 477 539 14 133 200 134 37 10 30 42 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Foote, F. Stuart (Grand Rapids) Foote, Mrs. Elijah H.(Grand Rapids) Foote-Reynolds Co. (Grand Rapids) Foote-Reynolds Co. (Grand Rapids) Foran, Thomas F. (New London, CT) Forbes Varnish Co. (Cleveland) Forbes Varnish Co. (Cleveland) Forbes, W.C. (Westwood Park, MA) Forced air dry kiln Ford & Johnson ..(Michigan City,IN) Ford & Johnson Co. (Chicago) Ford & Johnson Co. (Chicago) Ford & Johnson Co. (Chicago) Ford assembly plant idea Ford Motor Co. Ford Motor Co. Ford, Dale V. (Grand Rapids) Ford, Henry Ford, James H. (Grand Rapids) Ford-Johnson Co. Ford-Johnson Co. (Oakland, CA) Fordney tariff bill Fore.Sight line of furniture Foreign artisans Foreign expositions (U.S. goods) Foreign furniture exports Foreign furniture exports to U.S. Foreign furniture woods Foreign inquiries on U.S. furniture Foreign plate glass Foreign trade Foreign trade Foreign trade Title Leaders in the industry Recent deaths in furniture trade Chas. J. Kindel buys Foote-Reynolds Co. Order on veneer issued Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Varnish graft expose in Detroit That case ofalleged graft in Detroit Written in the semi-editorial vein Our forced air kiln saves us plenty of money Making furniture from wood pulp Sale of assets of the Ford & Johnson Co. Indict A.D. Martin and others Closed out Following up the Ford idea in woodworking Ford will build big upholstery mill Brazilian woods now available from the ... Winner of first Waters award Ford's Duncan Phyfe furniture is a ... James H. Ford (obit) A prison chair investigation What the manufacturers are doing Will not affect the furniture industry Helen Park and Salvatore Belacqua ... Report favorable to importing artisans Exposition in South America Council acts on menace of foreign furniture Foreign furniture imports are increasing Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Inquiries about furniture Foreign and American plate glass New markets should be opened Turn to foreign trade For those after foreign trade Page 180 Date 09-15 04-01 10-01 11-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 07-15 08-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 09-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 07-01 07-01 08-04 08-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 01-01 12-01 11-01 Year Page 1940 1920 1924 1928 1923 1912 1912 1912 1940 1918 1913 1913 1912 1925 1926 1933 1949 1934 1928 1913 1912 1921 1942 1923 1920 1924 1927 1949 1912 1911 1913 1912 1915 Column 11 201 200 73 62 167 293 498 9 74 52 53 617 60 71 33 6 6 68 573 359 3 12 98 284 285 52 42 252 80 24 597 225 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Foreign trade Foreign trade Foreign trade column/commentary Foreign trade column/commentary Foreign trade column/commentary Foreign trade column/commentary Foreign trade column/commentary Foreign trade column/commentary Foreign trade competition Foreign trade council Foreign Trade Counsel & ...(NYC) Foreign Trade Financing Corp. Foreign trade information Foreign trade inquiries Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreman finishers, troubles of Foremen, training of Foremen's councils Forest City Furnitur..(Rockford,MI) Forest conservation Forest conservation Forest conservation Forest conservation Forest denudation Forest fires Forest Products Exposition(Chicago) Forest Products Exposition(Chicago) Forest Products Expositions (NYC) Title When you seek export trade Commercial organizlations Foreign trade Foreign trade Foreign trade Foreign trade Foreign trade Foreign trade Foreign competition Organization of a foreign trade council Furniture pick-ups To finance foreign trade Consular report requests Correspondence Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Foreign trade opportunities Problems of the finishing room Training of foremen in furniture industry Councils aid in solving problems The recollections of an on-looker The problem of reforestation in America Forest conservation legislation Dimension stock again We must change our forest policy Cutover lands along the Little Manistee River Government aids in forest fire prevention The Forest Products Exposition The Forest Products Exposition Editorial notes Page 181 Date 10-01 09-01 11-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 08-01 09-01 01-01 07-01 03-01 02-01 07-01 12-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 05-01 03-01 01-01 02-01 Year Page 1914 1912 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1925 1914 1930 1921 1913 1924 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1911 1923 1920 1912 1924 1920 1921 1921 1924 1912 1914 1914 1914 Column 204 468 230 18 328 270 76 128 19 3 76 62 352 290 150 351 45 246 101 293 7 6 11 43 77 13 248 249 69 237 140 35 83 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Forest products industry Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab (madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison, WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison,WI) Forest Products Lab. (Madison,WI) Forest Products Research Society Forest Products Research Society Forestry Act of 1924 Forestry conservation Forestry conservation Forestry conservation Forestry conservation Forestry conservation Forestry research Form-fitting chairs Formica as laminated plastic Formica Co. (Cincinnati) Formica Co. (Cincinnati) Title The industry takes stock at the third ... Home-study lumber course Short courses at U.S. laboratory Record class in kiln drying New age of wood - science finds ways to ... Work at laboratory interests many firms To give course in wood gluing Wood finishing research New glue is invented at U.S. laboratory Largest class completes course in gluing Woodworking research Can help the furniture industry To study protection of wood Distinguishing features of mahogany Chemical reaction affects casein glue Editorial notes The furniture men endorse course Statement regarding the Forest Products ... Activities of Forest Products Laboratory First gum propeller The industry takes stock at the third ... Forest Research Products Society doubles ... New forestry law creates new forests Cutover lands along the Little Manistee River The cook and wood conservation To consider wood utilization Influence of Porter B. Yates on conservation Good returns in planting black walnut trees University of Georgia forestry research ... The restocrat Decorative plastics What's new What's new Page 182 Date 04-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 01-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 02-01 01-01 07-01 04-01 02-01 07-01 04-01 09-01 10-01 05-01 11-01 05-01 11-01 06-01 03-01 11-01 Year Page 1949 1924 1924 1922 1945 1922 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1919 1922 1936 1921 1919 1919 1922 1921 1920 1949 1949 1924 1924 1924 1924 1923 1923 1946 1946 1945 1949 1949 Column 13 64 56 54 25 58 60 78 58 55 17 22 247 14 358 265 182 63 24 46 13 28 48 69 111 199 223 219 12 18 18 62 63 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Formica Co. (Cincinnati) Fort Worth furniture exposition Fortunes in '49 Foscue, Henry A. (High Point, NC) Fossil gums Foster Bros. Mfg. Co. (Utica, NY) Foster Bros. Mfg. Co. (Utica,NY) Foster Chair Co. (Huntington, WV) Foster, Merriam & Co. (Meriden,CT) Foster, Oscar S. (Utica, NY) Foster, Seth C. (Cincinnati, OH) Foth, Helmuth A. (Hollywood, CA) Foth, Max (Aspers, PA) Four poster bed, construction of Four poster bed, design of Four-post bed, construction Four-post bed, design Four-poster bed Four-poster bed, construction Four-poster bed, design Four-poster bedstead Fowler, Carl E. (Grand Rapids Fowler, Carl E. (Grand Rapids) Fox & Mason Furniture..(Corunna,MI) Fox & Mason Furniture..(Corunna,MI) Fox automatic spring socket Fox Mfg. Co. (Atlanta) Fox Mfg. Co. (Atlanta) Fox, Alfred (Atlanta) Fox, George (Grand Rapids) Fox, W.R. Foxboro (MA) Co. Foy Lumber & ...(Mt. Airy, NC) Title What's new Calendar of important furniture events Fortunes in '49 theme of western summer ... Leaders in the industry Just how varnish is made What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Established a western depot Recent deaths Recent deaths A wood carver and designer has some ... Recent deaths Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making How to make the four-post bed of suite How to make the four-post bed of suite Romance of the popular four-poster bed Two attractive wood designs Two attractive wood designs Romance of the popular four-poster bed Leaders in the industry Leaders in the furniture field What manufacturers are doing Paragraphs about the manufacturers Romance of the furniture caster Factory and 18 stores in $5,000,000 merger Two big companies in South combine Recent deaths Interest in wood carving is increasing Romance of the furniture caster What's new Furniture pick-ups Page 183 Date 12-01 01-01 06-01 03-01 12-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 05-01 10-01 08-01 06-15 10-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 12-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 05-01 11-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 12-01 09-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 Year Page 1949 1936 1949 1942 1912 1919 1916 1914 1913 1931 1914 1940 1931 1915 1915 1925 1925 1927 1922 1922 1927 1949 1945 1913 1913 1911 1927 1925 1932 1924 1911 1942 1930 Column 62 16 10 22 581 251 85 109 251 57 108 11 57 40 40 255 255 55 111 111 55 52 42 581 101 344 63 276 31 5 345 23 72 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fraley, Lamey Co. (Chicago) Franche & Co. (Chicago) Francis, Chas. E. Co.(Rushville,IN) Franciscan Furniture(Albuquerque,NM Frank, David (New York City) Frankfort (KY) Chair Co. Franklin (IN) Coil Hoop Co. Franklin (IN) Desk Co. Franklin (IN) Desk Co. Franklin (IN) Mfg. Co. Franklin Furniture..(Columbiana,OH) Franklin Furniture..(Minneapolis) Franklin Glue Co. (Columbus, OH) Franklin Glue Co. (Columbus, OH) Franklin, Benjamin Frankson Furniture...(NYC) Fransic hydraulic veneer press Franz, Charles (Rockford, IL) Fraternal Order of Eagles Fraud Fraud and fraud indictments Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent advertising Fraudulent bankruptcies Fraudulent bankruptcy filings Title What manufacturers are doing Franche is merged with James B. Day Francis hydraulic veneer press edquipment Getting personal Recent deaths What manufacturers are doing Changes firm name As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing As the news story goes As the news story goes The Franklin Furniture Company, ... What's new What's new Inventor of rocker unsung Getting personal Francis hydraulic veneer press edquipment Recent deaths in the furniture trade Furniture maker is also Lodge official Furniture dealer is convicted of fraud Indict A.D. Martin and others Three more dealers named in complaints Trade Commission active Misused term Grand Rapids in advertising Law against fake advertising upheld Commission issues complaint Commission dismisses case against store Charge misuse of term Grand Rapids Unfair furniture merchandising Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Condemns fradulent advertising Investigation into fraudulent bankruptcies N.Y. Exchange issues warning Page 184 Date 05-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 10-10 05-01 12-01 03-01 11-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 02-15 06-01 03-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 06-01 10-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 02-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 Year Page 1913 1929 1911 1946 1933 1915 1915 1931 1913 1931 1931 1928 1945 1943 1935 1938 1911 1925 1924 1926 1913 1925 1924 1927 1925 1924 1927 1924 1924 1927 1915 1923 1924 Column 252 86 310 58 32 278 277 69 581 67 64 104 47 32 19 27 309 65 126 106 53 279 170 104 264 126 38 29 18 106 316 55 64 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fraudulent business failures Fraudulent merchandising Fred Keisker & Son (Louisville,KY) Frederick, Charles W. (Melrose, MA) Free coffee to employees Free movies for factory workers Freedgood, Martin Freedgood, Martin Freehand drawing Free-leafing dining table (art) Free-leafing dining tables Freeman, Maxwell (Newark, NJ) Freese & Hamline (Chicago) Freeze on furniture materials Freight containers Freight forwarding French & Heald ...(Milford, NH) French & Heald Co. (Milford, NH) French African colonies French cabinet desk French chair (art) French furniture French furniture design French furniture design French furniture design French furniture designs French furniture designs French furniture designs French furniture imports French furniture industry French furniture infustry French furniture styles French furniture trends Title The fight on fraudulent failures Issue order against Northwest Chair Co. Furniture pick-ups Recent deaths in furniture trade Coffee Free factory movie exhibitions Beautiful lines and common sense go into ... Martin Freedgood, furniture designer and ... Ability to sketch is a valuable asset Free-leafing dining table Free-leafing dining tables Trio convicted in fraud furniture case Recollections of an on-looker New construction conserves critical materials New development in shipping upholstered ... High Point planning freight forwarding ... New Hampshire firm is 75 years old An up-to-date Eastern factory Plywood manufacturers demand and use ... Charming adaptation of French cabinet desk By Philadelphia cabinetmakers Tulip veneers in French furniture New French motif which is being attempted... New star rises in French design What about this Art Moderne? Adapting new French style to U.S. furniture French furniture Interesting and unique designs shown in Paris American furniture for France French show great skill in use of veneers American furniture making in France Commercial possibilities of Art Moderne Review of French furniture trends Page 185 Date 06-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 11-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 08-04 07-01 02-01 03-01 07-01 06-15 01-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 03-15 11-01 09-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 01-01 Year Page 1915 1927 1929 1920 1949 1919 1949 1949 1922 1931 1932 1926 1911 1942 1928 1927 1931 1913 1939 1926 1935 1911 1927 1929 1928 1927 1937 1923 1912 1926 1923 1928 1928 Column 296 60 76 201 10 243 28 27 106 41 32 67 489 7 37 38 72 350 20 45 8 291 35 69 54 41 6 201 468 42 89 35 61 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry French furniture wages French imports of U.S. furniture French Indo-China French lumber industry French methods of seasoning timber French polish French polish finish French polish, composition of French poudreuse (art) French process of wood coloring French provincial bed cupboard(art) French Quarter (New Orleans) French Renaissance table (art) French Tonquin (Indochina) French upholstered furniture (art) French upholstery industry French upholstry designs/styles French walnut French walnut French walnut furniture, use of ... French wartime furniture industry French willows French, W.A. & Co. (Minneapolis) French, Wm. A. & Co.(Minneapolis) French, Wm. A. Co. (Minneapolis) Frets Freudenthal, Joseph (Chicago) Friant, Thomas (Grand Rapids) Friedenberg, Ira (Detroit) Friedman, E.J. (Los Angeles) Frieze Frijolillo Frischman & Son (Boonton, NJ) Title Report on furniture wages France a market for American products Indo-China a source of much fine wood Effect of war on French forests French methods of seasoning timber Durability of French polishing French polish finish being revived Durability of French polishing Little known treasures of Old World Exhibit furniture made of vaccinated wood Little known treasures of the old world Furniture making in New Orleans Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... The inlayers of Hanoi Some of the upholstered furniture shown ... Line effects popular in French upholstery Line effects popular in French upholstery French walnut from standpoint of finisher What do you know about walnut? Complaints bring trade terms to front Free French furniture presented in ... Turning their experiments to account Are manufacturers only What manufacturers are doing Paragraphs about manufacturers How to use frets in decorative schemes Recent deaths in the trade Recent deaths in the furniture trade Somewhat personal Leaders in the industry Frieze and velvet featured in new, complete.. Tropical wood research for the furniture ... Affairs of the industry Page 186 Date 07-01 01-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 10-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 05-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 03-01 09-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 04-01 07-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 Year Page 1921 1921 1933 1919 1913 1911 1934 1911 1932 1923 1927 1920 1931 1913 1923 1923 1923 1924 1930 1925 1945 1913 1914 1917 1912 1925 1915 1927 1916 1946 1949 1949 1933 Column 26 52 25 110 13 486 20 486 22 201 49 13 74 289 180 181 181 6 66 170 41 347 49 137 470 53 42 108 189 40 33 54 31 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fritz, Philip (Grand Rapids) Frniture expositions Frost Veneer & ...(Sheboygan, WI) Frost, Charles W. Frost, George E. (Sheboygan, WI) Frost, M.C. Co. (Cobleskill, NY) Frost's Veneer ...(Sheboygan, WI) Fry, Francis Fry-Fulton Lumber Co. (St. Louis) Ft. Madison (IA) Chair Co. Ft. Smith (AR) Folding Bed ... Fuller & Smith (Cleveland) Fuller, Leonard (Los Angeles) Fuller, Leonard (Los Angeles) Fuller, P.H. Co. (New York City) Fuller, Philo C. (Grand Rapids) Fullerton, Margaret Fulton Furniture..(Shandaken, NY) Fulton Manufacturing.(Bay City, MI) Fulton Manufacturing..(Bay City,MI) Fumed oak Fumed oak Fumed oak Fumed oak Fumed oak shades Fumed oak, uniforming of Fuming Fuming box Fuming box Fuming box Fuming box Fuming box, construction of Fuming box, design of Title Recent deaths in the furniture trade There are others to come Affairs of the industry Books and catalogs Recent deaths What some manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Francis Fry New company to be formed in St. Louis What manufacturers are doing Improvements in drying equipment Fuller & Smith incorporate Leonard Fuller is a nature-loving designer Tropical modern with touch of Chippendale Of interest to manufacturers Written in the semi-editorial vein Books and catalogs Little news notes What some manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Written in the semi-editorial vein Problems of the finishing room Process of funimg oak described Matching-up fumed oak described Matching-up fumed oak described Problems of the finishing room Fuming enhances the beauty of woods A successful box for fuming oak Problems of the finishing room The Rockford type of fuming box Process of funimg oak described The construction of a fuming box The construction of a fuming box Page 187 Date 07-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 07-01 05-01 05-15 05-15 06-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 Year Page 1927 1918 1935 1928 1912 1920 1912 1918 1929 1915 1914 1917 1940 1940 1922 1917 1928 1914 1915 1915 1912 1911 1911 1911 1911 1914 1929 1911 1911 1913 1911 1915 1915 Column 110 305 27 106 152 200 152 23 79 98 54 237 12 12 258 228 106 200 54 280 336 7 59 120 121 195 65 386 7 186 59 88 88 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Fuming box, Rockford type Fuming oak Fuming oak process Fuming oak process Fuming process Functional furniture Functional furniture Functional furniture Functional furniture Functional furniture Functional furniture Functional furniture Functional furniture, popularity of Functional lighting Functional lighting in furniture Functional lighting in furniture Functional modernism Fundamentalism in furniture Funed oak, production Funing of furniture Furmiture expositions Furnished rooms (art) Furnishing style shows Furnitire manufacturers briefs Furnitiure decoration Furnitiure designs Furnitiure executives briefs Furnitiure freight rates Furnitue freight rates Furnituire dealers Furnituire expositions Furnituire freight rates Title The Rockford type of fuming box A successful box for fuming oak Matching-up fumed oak described Process of funimg oak described Essential things to know in wood finishing Space saving ideas Functional designers creates his own idea ... Chicago School of Design producing ... Functional furniture that is a work of art Modern pieces designed for modern convenience Paul Bry's one room does the work of three A new idea in Philippine Modern Wartime furniture Funcrional lighting in furniture offers ... Functional lighting arrives Functional lighting in wing chair Let's quit worshipping the past Possibilities in fundamental furniture A successful box for fuming oak Fuming oak furniture in school Coming events These photographs show some of the ... Home Styling Contest a big event What the manufacturers are doing Art relief process in furniture decoration Some lessons in furniture making Somwhat personal Packing a factor in freight rates Reclassification of furniture rates Dealers want new designs but buy on price Calendar of important furniture events Veneer shippers win rail rate suit Page 188 Date 04-01 08-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 01-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 03-15 04-01 10-10 07-01 11-01 08-15 12-01 08-01 11-01 12-15 11-01 01-01 11-01 05-01 05-01 11-01 07-01 11-01 04-01 10-10 10-01 Year Page Column 1913 1911 1911 1911 1923 1943 1945 1942 1946 186 386 120 59 13 26 37 20 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1941 1943 1940 1943 1933 1934 1933 1938 1935 1911 1916 1938 1926 1931 1911 1925 1913 1916 1914 1922 1927 1933 1922 23 27 14 9 16 8 20 17 10 386 195 19 47 47 591 216 235 237 2 207 42 30 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furnituire trade inquiries Furnituire trade inquiries Furniture - Its Selection and Use Furniture acquisitions/purchases Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising Furniture advertising via movies Furniture advertising via movies Title Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered 500,000 in first run of furniture book Recent purchases by Metropolitan Museum Commission bans term Philippine mahogany Big increase in furniture ads Advertising U.S. furniture in foreign lands Describing furniture How should furniture be advertised ... Furniture at edge of new era Jamestown advertises market by movie play Notes in manufacturers' advertising Will spend $5,000,000 in oak-gum campaign Federal Trade Commission Act Evansville to boost its own furniture Furniture and better advertising Advertised furniture Showmanship in market displays Protecting goodwill of furniture industry Use of standard terms Furniture news Advertising ideas that make better ... Other dealer helps Furniture publicity Market selling is nine-tenths showmanship ... Publicity bureau organizes Nelson-Matter used first photographs The truth in furniture advertising Success with trade journals Furniture advertisements that sell Furniture advertising Movies in the furniture industry Selling furniture to movie millions Page 189 Date 07-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 04-01 12-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 08-01 06-15 05-01 06-01 09-01 09-01 07-15 02-01 01-15 05-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 03-01 SPR Year Page 1917 1917 1931 1924 1927 1924 1924 1924 1928 1931 1926 1929 1927 1924 1927 1912 1913 1938 1923 1923 1923 1943 1940 1921 1941 1921 1921 1922 1918 1922 1923 1918 1936 Column 27 178 74 180 82 163 287 268 35 42 69 64 86 219 63 504 404 9 217 262 115 28 5 92 8 254 195 54 308 126 214 125 6 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture antiques Furniture antiques Furniture antiques Furniture antiques Furniture as non-essential(war) Furniture Associates, Inc. Furniture associations Furniture at World Fair (art) Furniture buyers Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Title The lure of the antiques Swiss wooden chests are rare antiques Color a popular form of decoration on ... A Connecticut slant top desk What the furniture makers face Hugh Murrill merges two store groups Association activities Furniture at the fair About the buyers About the buyers About the buyers Among the buyers Among the buyers What the buyers are doing Paragraphs about the buyers About the buyers What the buyers are doing What some of the buyers are doing About the buyers What the buyers are doing What the buyers are doing What the buyers are doing About the buyers Changes in buyers Among the buyers What the buyers are doing What the buyers are doing What the buyers are doing Just about the buyers About the buyers What the buyers are doing About the buyers Something about the buyers Page 190 Date 01-01 01-01 04-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 05-01 07-01 04-01 05-01 08-01 04-01 12-01 03-01 07-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 09-01 11-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 01-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 12-01 Year Page 1931 1945 1935 1934 1917 1930 1928 1933 1911 1913 1912 1912 1911 1912 1912 1913 1911 1913 1913 1912 1911 1912 1913 1915 1911 1912 1911 1912 1913 1915 1912 1911 1912 Column 48 37 16 14 263 108 46 11 187 249 397 196 635 152 357 55 357 99 457 574 302 522 145 45 589 54 533 459 361 157 253 253 624 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers briefs Furniture buyers' syndicate Furniture buying trends Furniture capital investments Furniture Capital Shops (GR) Furniture Capitol Furniture Capitol (art) Furniture Capitol Exhibition Bldg. Furniture Capitol of America (GR) Furniture carload shipments Furniture carving Furniture Caster Assn. (GR) Furniture casters Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs Furniture catalogs/publications Furniture catalogues Furniture cattalogs Furniture census Furniture census of 1927 Furniture centers Furniture City Wood Finishing..(GR) Furniture classic drawings Furniture Club of America Title Just about the buyers Among the buyers About the buyers Just about the buyers New buyers syndicate formed in Pittsburgh Buying trend of furniture dealers today Furniture industry employs 160,000 Change of name is announced Gustave Hendricks discovers Grand Rapids Furniture Capitol of the Furniture Capital... New Hendricks building to be 34 stories Furniture Capitol to be ready July 1928 Grand Rapids' carloading plan Color a popular form of decoration on ... Romance of the furniture caster Romance of the furniture caster Selling furniture in the 1929 way A kitchen cabinet bracket A handy edition catalog Catalogs for foreign trade Emerson Dry Kiln Co. issues new catalog Lignine wood products New catalog a beauty New Aeron system catalog Books and catalogs The catalogue and the sale New Fay-Egan catalog Government census of furniture production What 1927 census reveals Possible new furniture centers New wood finishing house in Grand Rapids A measured drawing of a William and Mary ... New furniture club Page 191 Date 06-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 02-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 12-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 01-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 08-01 02-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 04-01 Year Page 1914 1912 1913 1912 1927 1924 1923 1923 1926 1926 1926 1927 1916 1935 1911 1911 1929 1915 1913 1914 1913 1912 1920 1918 1922 1912 1912 1933 1928 1912 1925 1929 1923 Column 332 93 199 304 59 281 16 158 57 55 40 106 255 16 345 344 66 212 306 38 45 466 117 101 60 36 413 12 53 496 133 55 163 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture Club of America (Chicago) Furniture Club of America (Chicago) Furniture Club of St. Louis Furniture Code Administration Furniture Code Authority Furniture Code Authority Furniture code of business ethics Furniture code of ethics Furniture collections Furniture collections Furniture collections Furniture collections Furniture combination Furniture Commercial Agency Furniture commodity rates Furniture Congress (Chicago) Furniture construction Furniture consumer survey Furniture co-operative stores Furniture Corp. of... (Portland) Furniture coverings Furniture coverings Furniture coverings Furniture coverings Furniture coverings Furniture coverings Furniture coverings Furniture coverings (art) Furniture Craft Development Program Furniture Craft-masters of Grand .. Furniture crates Furniture cut-throat competition Furniture damage claims Title Employment service is enlarged Furniture Club nearing completion Oppose four markets Future for furniture artistry visioned by ... Code administration cost apportionment ... Affairs of the industry Code for the industry Putting the code of ethics to work New era in native furniture design dawns Chinese furniture is worthy of study Great American furniture library Ford's Duncan Phyfe furniture is a ... Furniture standards The Lyon-Red Book consolidation Furniture commodity rates Furniture Congress date changed Advantages of plywood in furniture ... Furniture is bought, not sold, survey shows Cooperative mercantile schemes As the news story goes Coverings show profusion of new designs Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Coverings for complete suites, sofas, ... New coverings feature geometrics Post-war plastics for furniture coverings Coverings for complete suites, sofas, ... Apprentices to learn phases of furniture ... For an aid, pension and loan fund Results of tests on furniture crates Law of the jungle invades the furniture ... National Furniture Traffic Conference ... Page 192 Date 03-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 05-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 04-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 11-01 06-01 01-01 02-01 08-01 03-01 Year Page 1932 1924 1927 1934 1934 1934 1932 1924 1924 1924 1928 1934 1924 1917 1913 1928 1946 1925 1919 1931 1926 1912 1911 1911 1949 1949 1943 1949 1949 1912 1923 1932 1944 Column 28 246 51 22 8 33 37 268 203 108 40 6 73 134 225 47 31 157 134 66 39 200 472 252 33 36 11 33 22 40 80 15 12 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture damage claims Furniture damage claims Furniture dealers Furniture decorating Furniture decorating Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration Furniture decoration and inlays Furniture decoration and inlays Furniture decoration and inlays Furniture decorations Furniture decorations Furniture decorations Furniture decorations Furniture decorations Furniture definitions Furniture deliveries Furniture delivery trucks Furniture delivery trucks Furniture design Furniture design Title Furniture claims mount Furniture damage claims Buying trend of furniture dealers today Pyrography recalls artistry of early ... Lost art revived in Grand Rapids Value of standards in decorative colors Using Chinese art in furniture decoration To make marquetry panels and inlaid lines Plastic decoration growing Lead as a versatile decorative medium Decorating a secretary to show its value How to decorate commercial furniture Decorating enamelled furniture Meaning of furniture decoration Hand painting to keep up with today's ... Ancient and modern marquetry in furniture Decals rival hand painting Color a popular form of decoration on ... What's proper in furniture decoration and ... Marquetry a study in fine detail Marquetry an early form of decoration Modern appliance of marquetry presents ... Secrets of lacquer work How to use frets in decorative schemes Decorative designs in upholstered furniture Art of inlay is undergoing revival The possibility of Venetian decoration They don't mean anything Part modern factory truck plays Delivery trucks Shipping by truck to nearly points saves ... Modern methods of furniture manufacturing Radio table with character brightens home Page 193 Date 02-01 09-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 01-15 09-01 08-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 08-01 03-01 12-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 Year Page 1944 1923 1924 1933 1920 1924 1926 1925 1928 1925 1927 1925 1916 1920 1941 1923 1943 1935 1933 1935 1934 1935 1929 1925 1926 1926 1926 1921 1912 1946 1946 1928 1926 Column 28 113 281 13 193 220 47 15 45 209 61 205 138 134 11 103 14 16 16 13 10 10 45 53 46 41 39 257 358 12 14 40 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Main entry Title Problems of design in mass production Pages for a designer's scrap book Outline of course in furniture design On the road to better designs in industry New star rises in French design New French motif which is being attempted... Modernism dead? Not so you can notice it Windsor chair is good study for craftsman Manufacturers dolling up rooms now Little known treasures of the old world Little known treasures of the old world Little known treasures of the old world Sideboard has undergone but few changes Little known treasures of the Old World The real significance of Art Moderne in ... Little known treasures of the Old World Which way is up for design in industry? What is good design in furniture? Date 11-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 07-01 12-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 11-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 08-01 08-01 12-01 06-01 Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design What has happened to furniture design today? What about this Art Moderne? After eclecticism what? Try this William and Mary telephone stand The trend of modern design in furniture Sideboards which depart from usual type The modern trend in furniture design The American Chippendales Suitable cabinet and mirror for large room Study textiles at art museum Spruce radio loudspeaker of unusual merit Some constructive thoughts about design Using modern methods in furniture design Anticipating the trend of design in ... 09-01 07-01 02-01 04-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 02-01 08-01 10-01 01-01 02-01 04-01 Page 194 Year Page Column 1927 1931 1924 1928 1929 1927 1929 1924 1929 1927 1927 1928 1924 1928 1928 1928 1932 1930 59 62 54 66 69 35 50 273 55 48 48 48 104 48 42 48 18 43 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1932 1928 1930 1924 1928 1924 1932 1929 1926 1927 1924 1928 1928 1932 20 52 41 159 52 205 22 40 37 62 157 42 52 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Title Duncan Phyfe, the great Duncan Phyfe, the great Design of Austrian chest meets modern uses Design is as vital as color Construction of Queen Anne phonograph Dwarf bookcase meets real need in home Card or tea table of unusual construction Commercial possibilities of Art Moderne Artistic piano cases make home beautiful Art Moderne not going so well After modernism, what? Adapting new French style to U.S. furniture Adapting 18th century table to modern use A study of fret cut work of the Chippendale.. Little known treasures of the Old World How to make an attractive tilt-top table Elements of beautiful furniture ornaments Little known treasures of the Old World Little known treasures of the Old World Little known treasures of the Old World Little known treasures of old world Little known treasures of Old World Better taste in design seen at May markets How to make radio cabinet of latest type Little known treasures of the Old World Furniture that everybody wants Furniture design as seen by an architect Furniture design as seen by an architect Free-leafing dining table Fabrics rich in texture and color the ... Evolution chair is latest in designs Little known treasures of Old World Examples of historic furniture Page 195 Date 05-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 08-01 07-01 03-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 03-01 05-01 09-01 10-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 12-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 11-01 05-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 Year Page 1929 1929 1927 1930 1924 1924 1924 1928 1926 1928 1929 1927 1924 1932 1928 1925 1924 1929 1929 1929 1927 1928 1930 1924 1928 1928 1927 1927 1931 1929 1925 1928 1915 Column 51 47 53 54 115 57 8 35 37 50 49 41 155 31 50 105 153 51 51 51 53 50 35 12 48 46 63 36 41 41 126 50 142 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Title Buffet done in walnut and burls An inlaid Chippendale sideboard Pertinent suggestions in design A sideboard, or buffet, Jacobean Lessons in furniture making Chinese art in furniture design Some lessons in furniture making The furniture and cabinet mounts Some lessons in furniture making A Sheraton table reproduction Lesson in furniture making The making of a dressing table Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making A designer's code of ethics Some lessons in furniture making The furniture and cabinet mounts The furniture and cabinet mounts Some lessons in furniture making Making a Sheraton writing table Lessons in furniture making Lessons in furniture making A comfortable mission rocker Written in the semi-editorial vein Some lessons in furniture making Letter application to furniture Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Making an Adam dwarf bookcase Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making A Harlequin table by Shearer Some lessons in furniture making Page 196 Date 03-01 03-01 02-01 08-01 03-01 07-01 09-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 08-01 05-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 12-01 09-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 Year Page 1916 1916 1917 1916 1915 1917 1915 1915 1916 1914 1914 1914 1916 1914 1917 1915 1915 1915 1916 1915 1915 1915 1916 1915 1916 1911 1915 1914 1916 1914 1916 1916 1916 Column 110 108 57 60 130 4 138 163 136 175 150 238 112 144 71 70 118 67 238 70 184 248 36 192 276 438 40 98 17 100 162 220 302 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Title Some lessons in furniture making A music stand Some lessons in furniture making A bookcase of Chippendale motif An octagonal hinged leaf table Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making A charming colonial desk design Designing a display china closet Two floor lamp designs An attractive fern stand Ancient and modern marquetry in furniture Shop projects in cabinet making America to have an industrial art school How to build a comfortable porch swing An unique 18th century sideboard Designers of the future Colonial desk in polychrome described A reading matter stand design Sewing cabinet made in veneered bentwood Edith Chatterton Thomas designs modern ... Chicago School of Design producing ... Chinese influence on 18th century Color a popular form of decoration on ... Deft union of Queen Anne themes Design and structure Designer Cedric E. Millspaugh and ... Designer Henry P. Glass Designs for war-time production Preview of postwar furnitire Duncan Phyfe dining table Page 197 Date 02-01 05-01 03-01 08-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 07-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 02-01 09-01 12-01 04-01 09-01 06-01 01-01 11-15 04-01 01-15 07-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 02-15 Year Page 1916 1917 1917 1915 1915 1916 1915 1916 1914 1920 1918 1921 1921 1923 1920 1923 1923 1918 1923 1922 1920 1923 1949 1942 1938 1935 1940 1945 1946 1943 1942 1945 1938 Column 66 223 102 90 5 204 188 38 198 301 16 96 94 103 259 53 58 90 114 249 220 106 25 20 20 16 10 22 27 16 17 35 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Title British modern movement gains impetus Ernest Swarts interprets old furniture ... Exotic woods and colored lacquer distinguish. Foam rubber upholstery favored in new ... Francis Braun's new wood desk line selling... Freda Diamond - industrial designer - ... Freda Diamond designs new Eisen Bros. ... From Egyptian to modern - furniture designs.. Functional designers creates his own idea ... Functional furniture that is a work of art Directional modern expresses new design Algoren predicts no radical change in ... Pembroke table style of Heppelwhite Paneled chest American about 1700 ... Paul Bry presents furniture designed ... Paul Bry expresses his space-saving ideas ... Paul Bry designs for small fry 60 postwar chest models designed by ... A fabric designer looks at the furniture ... A modern dining room in American walnu A provincial chair with distinction Carl Koch designs both house and office ... A small Norwegian peasant cupboard Brooks Stevens emphasizes modern Allen Strauss multi-decor upholstered ... American Seating Co.'s church furniture ... American colonial with Georgian influence An eighteenth century closet Ancient Chinese furniture provides ideas ... Anderson and Bellah's end tables, cabinets... Bob Belcher executes all his designs in ... Bradford Miller's rattan furniture is ... Grabe's new line of ultra-modern ... Page 198 Date 03-01 02-01 04-01 02-01 03-01 09-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 10-01 07-01 01-15 03-15 08-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 02-15 07-01 01-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 11-01 12-01 08-15 02-01 04-01 04-01 10-01 12-01 07-01 Year Page 1934 1945 1946 1946 1942 1942 1946 1945 1945 1946 1949 1943 1938 1938 1949 1943 1944 1945 1938 1941 1935 1942 1935 1941 1949 1945 1938 1935 1946 1942 1942 1941 1949 Column 20 24 20 24 20 14 8 22 37 23 24 16 23 17 24 14 17 20 22 21 16 18 17 21 38 24 18 18 14 19 14 19 38 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Title A simplified Victorian in maple Most interesting time for designers, says ... Furniture for ultra-moderns Martin Freedgood, furniture designer and ... McIntire Rooms reflect early American ... Michael Hallward's colonial and garden ... Date 01-15 12-01 01-01 05-01 04-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1941 1942 1944 1949 1933 1942 12 15 16 27 11 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 11-01 01-01 05-01 11-01 01-15 10-01 1934 1946 1946 1945 1938 1934 18 24 25 14 24 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Modern courts mass markets in Metropolitan .. Modern furniture designed to satisfy the ... Modern furniture in Oriental tradition ... Modern furniture of tomorrow Modern is coming of age Mahogany armchair from Vienna Modern pieces designed for modern convenience Madame Majeska introduces startling ... New England bookcase has appeal New furniture for compact entertaining 08-01 12-01 11-01 03-01 1941 1944 1934 1943 23 24 16 16 1 1 1 1 Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Newest type of foam rubber construction used Nichols & Palma, Chicago industrial ... Norman Bel Geddes sees new materials in ... Norwegian cupboard affords inspiration ... Now comes module furniture which permits ... Oak and maple furniture designed by Freda ... Office furniture should reflect occupant's... Modern movement not radical James J. Hardie's defense theme 12-01 05-01 09-01 04-01 10-01 07-01 11-01 04-01 11-01 1949 1944 1943 1934 1946 1945 1945 1935 1941 34 16 15 19 23 24 25 10 19 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Pullman-Standard Car Mfg. Co. pioneers new .. Harvery Probber's new upholstered ... Helen Park and Salvatore Belacqua ... Henry Dreyfuss, noted designer, shows ... Here is the furniture the noted architect ... 09-01 03-01 08-04 07-01 11-01 1945 1949 1942 1944 1946 16 54 12 17 34 1 1 1 1 1 Page 199 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Title How about Modern ? How to make and use the furniture rod Individualized creation is need for modern... Is Modern on the way out? Maple table American 1700-1710 Is this the beginning of a new era in ... Furniture treasures of the past become ... Joel Barber resumes work on tension chair John Keal designs range from low cost ... Joseph Palma presents designs for homes ... L. Moholy-Nagy reaffirms the function of ... Lannuier, French cabinet maker, chief ... Law of reaction explains interest in ... Leo Jiranek's summer furniture in native ... Let's quit worshipping the past Looking into the future in furniture design Is the designer the forgotten man in the ... Unique tea cart design Attractive furniture designs Pedestal type of colonial knitting stand Sideboard and dining table design How to make an attractive spinet desk Design for a revolving book rack Floor lamp and manual training Veneer legs and desk construction A compact typewriter cabiner Combination piece - unique design A trough book stand Hexagonal lamp made without lathe A handy shaving stand Example of Country Chippendale Making a colonial cabinet Colonial knitting stand Page 200 Date 02-01 02-15 01-01 11-15 04-15 05-01 FALL 04-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 08-15 01-01 09-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 10-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 Year Page 1935 1938 1949 1937 1938 1933 1936 1944 1949 1944 1943 1933 1935 1942 1938 1933 1933 1921 1921 1922 1919 1922 1920 1918 1918 1922 1920 1921 1923 1921 1918 1920 1921 Column 17 20 40 23 21 19 21 15 24 24 16 13 17 14 17 22 18 236 44 156 178 199 104 294 28 10 80 282 156 226 80 40 290 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Title Parts of furniture design as trade-marks Projects in cabinet making and turning An Adam buffet in proper setting Influence of migration on furniture design Paul Bry's one room does the work of three A Louis XVI novelty stand Possibilities in fundamental furniture Study of color is important in furniture Combination customer that is easy to make Importance of Spanish history upon design Attractive cabilnet to encase radio apparatus Two attractive wood designs Porch swing design Suggested design for a sideboard The cedar chest is good school project Screen of attractive design Telephone stand and stool design How to make inlaid davenport table A polychrome sewing cabinet Projects in cabinet making and wood turning Attractive fernery to grace home in winter A rocking chair of simple design Electric table lamps Manual training school article Postwar architecture and furniture Tea wagon of simple construction Adam breakfast wagon Attractive design for buffer A new line of decorated furniture The Queen Anne style exemplified Standardization in design grows in importance Walnut credenza from Geneva suggests ... Making curved corners for bow-foot beds Page 201 Date 02-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 01-01 Year Page 1923 1922 1918 1922 1943 1918 1935 1923 1923 1923 1923 1922 1921 1919 1922 1921 1921 1922 1921 1922 1923 1920 1921 1917 1945 1921 1921 1921 1921 1917 1941 1934 1922 Column 78 248 202 14 27 211 10 249 153 156 159 111 38 290 153 101 102 104 138 18 255 208 143 110 10 166 342 195 323 160 19 27 47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Main entry Title Unique simplicity and utility keynote ... Union-National adapts traditional designs ... Union National adds unique bedroom suite ... The sketch book The how of the round corner router The future on exhibition William and Mary console design Streamline modern designed by Leo Jiranek... Wartime styles to influence post-war trends Space saving ideas Sheraton's many callings gave him little ... Sectional furniture designed by Grover ... Same standards of proportion apply to ... S. Bevelacqua considers furniture of tomorrow Robsjohn-Gibbings denouces period furniture Date 09-01 01-01 09-01 04-15 05-15 12-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design Robsjohn-Gibbings combines visual serenity... Robert Gruen, New York industrial and ... Richard J. Neutra solves a problem and ... Sundberg and Ferar foretell mass-production.. Wonderful to look at designs in modern Combination writing and toilet table Unusual color combination used by Alfons ... Making a Sheraton parlor chair What Modern has done for the furniture ... A polychrome sewing bench Pioneering in American modern A bedside cabinet: its construction Practicability and restraint mark winning ... Wing chair was always seat of refuge from ... William Pahlmann designs for today's living.. Wife won fame for Hepplewhite What's proper in furniture decoration and ... 02-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 04-01 02-01 03-01 05-01 07-15 10-01 10-15 04-01 06-01 08-01 03-01 01-01 11-01 Page 202 Year Page Column 1949 1946 1946 1939 1937 1943 1920 1945 1943 1943 1935 1946 1935 1943 1944 22 33 26 16 10 14 328 28 7 26 16 10 15 16 24 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1949 1945 1942 1943 1946 1922 1946 1918 1938 1921 1938 1919 1933 1935 1949 1935 1933 35 25 16 16 22 64 25 228 16 187 16 176 23 10 27 8 16 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture design Furniture design Furniture design (art) Furniture design and Furniture design and designers Furniture design and designers Furniture design and plastics Furniture design collections Furniture design collections Furniture design collections Furniture design collections Furniture design competition Furniture design competition Furniture design competition Furniture design contests Furniture design contests Furniture design contests Furniture design exhibits Furniture design piracy Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Title What the industry needs is good designs ... What about English Regency? Many manufacturers are plugging a variety ... Phyfe's contemporaries Designers enact code to prevent piracy World's Fair furniture designers discuss ... New plastics developments and furniture ... Pages for a designer's scrap book Pages for a designer's scrap book Pages for a designer's scrap book Pages from a designer's scrap book These are the different pieces of ... To show prize winning designs in many cities Two designers share $2500 prize Design contest sponsored by walnut ... Design winner put into production Low-cost furniture awards Designers' exhibition to be held Jan. 15 Attempt to pirate furniture design foiled From Chippendale to modern in two pages Lachlan McLachlan leaves B. & G. Co. Oakley V. Weeks opens own studio Phyfe's contemporaries Tom S. Handley dies suddenly at home T. Carlyle Cameron Arthur Kirkpatrick Joel Barber - architect William Millington Designer Cedric E. Millspaugh and ... Sectional furniture designed by Grover ... Simple lines develop wood grains Sundberg-Ferar industrial designers Tabloid on Carl Koch, designer Page 203 Date 09-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 10-01 06-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 11-01 07-01 Year Page 1941 1935 1949 1929 1933 1933 1945 1930 1930 1930 1930 1927 1927 1927 1933 1949 1949 1923 1926 1932 1924 1925 1929 1927 1917 1918 1944 1918 1946 1946 1949 1943 1942 Column 6 15 42 48 16 16 22 68 66 68 66 49 42 48 20 28 6 24 58 22 27 50 48 48 65 129 15 177 27 10 25 16 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Title The designer himself The designer's background Twenty-three years of top-flight designing... Unique simplicity and utility keynote ... Directional modern expresses new design Designing runs in Jiranek family W.L. Kimerly - pioneer of Grand Rapids ... Designers seek uniform contracts Allen Strauss multi-decor upholstered ... William Pahlmann designs for today's living.. Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Robsjohn-Gibbings combines visual serenity... Designer --painter--photographer--author ... Leonard Fuller is a nature-loving designer Designer --author--theatrical producer Decorator and designer Charles T. Wittman inherits his love of ... Charles Eames designs several innovations Carl G. Bjorncrantz is designer and ... Bry works in many mediums Brought up in artistic tradition Brooks Stevens emphasizes modern Biographical notes on the design team Frank C. Lee has a varied background Bartos' creations demonstrate flexibility ... Walter P. Margules one of America's most ... Neutra is architect-designer Frank Rugg designs his own houses, too Freda Diamond - industrial designer - ... Freda Diamond designs new Eisen Bros. ... Gordon Obrig introduces packaged furniture... Grabe's new line of ultra-modern ... Grand Rapids designer promotes new ideas Page 204 Date 11-01 03-01 11-15 09-01 10-01 05-01 04-15 09-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 05-15 09-01 12-01 08-15 06-01 10-15 01-01 02-01 09-01 08-04 08-15 12-01 11-01 11-01 01-15 09-01 08-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 Year Page Column 1941 1942 1938 1949 1949 1942 1939 1933 1949 1949 19 20 21 22 24 14 16 19 39 27 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1949 1943 1940 1943 1944 1940 1946 1938 1943 1942 1941 1942 1938 1949 1945 1942 1941 1942 1946 1946 1949 1945 35 16 12 15 25 10 31 16 14 19 21 12 18 35 24 16 13 14 8 25 38 22 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Title Harvery Probber's new upholstered ... Henry P. Glass discusses present and ... Here is the furniture the noted architect ... Individualized creation is need for modern... Ernest Swarts interprets old furniture ... Joseph Palma presents designs for homes ... Martin Freedgood, furniture designer and ... Ross Bellah and Carl Anderson R.E. Brandenburger - specialist in ... Architect and designer Edith Chatterton Thomas designs modern ... Robert Gruen, New York industrial and ... Risom is versatile designer Renzo R. Rutili is designer and salesman Mexican influence in materials and design R.E. Brandenburger has built his own designs Morris Sanders creates units for modern ... Paul Bry presents furniture designed ... Paul Bry is a pioneer of modern Otto R. Gantner - versatile and adaptable Noted stylist and home furnishing consultant Noted designer favors modern Robsjohn-Gibbings denouces period furniture Ralph Haman - train designer extraordinary Harry J. New Alexis De Sakhnoffsky has a strong flair ... A designer who draws no designs Arthur E. Teal Alexander Flamm an industrial as well ... About the designer He designers furniture Algoren the designer Geo. F. Clingman, Jr. Page 205 Date 03-01 08-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 10-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 01-15 12-01 07-15 10-01 08-01 07-01 05-15 07-01 07-01 06-01 09-01 11-01 08-15 10-01 10-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 12-01 Year Page 1949 1943 1946 1949 1945 1944 1949 1942 1941 1943 1949 1945 1942 1940 1941 1938 1946 1949 1941 1938 1945 1946 1944 1945 1917 1939 1942 1917 1941 1942 1919 1943 1917 Column 54 16 34 41 24 24 27 19 19 16 25 25 15 10 19 17 24 24 21 14 25 23 24 17 209 10 14 149 23 17 313 16 255 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designers Furniture designing Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Title Francis Fry New designer at Luce Furniture Co. William A. Balbach Designer at work in Metropolitan Museum Essentials of furniture designing Well designed sewing cabinets sell quickly Prize designs Spanish chair brightens average living room The fashion trend in English furniture Pembroke table serves two purposes Pages for a designer's scrap book May offer prize as spur for American designs Many legends attached to Windsor chairs Making designs that sell Little known treasures of the Old World Karpens offer $5000 in prizes for designs Georgian period is rich in furniture ideas Furniture displays will show progress of art Charming Spanish love seat for living room A designer's scrapbook What will be shown in June Early Georgian is motif for new designs American furniture of Sheraton influence Charming adaptation of French cabinet desk Charming chest for an early American setting China cabinet shows Georgian influence Dealers want new designs but buy on price Designs of past and present in exhibition Display shows status of furniture design America leads the world in furniture ... Clina closets and tea wagons Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Page 206 Date 01-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 01-01 06-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 02-01 12-01 08-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 03-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 10-01 Year Page 1918 1919 1918 1923 1921 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 1930 1925 1926 1924 1927 1927 1926 1924 1926 1930 1931 1926 1925 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1927 1932 1913 1913 1913 Column 23 241 79 207 224 35 51 41 54 44 72 59 44 69 52 45 45 266 43 68 43 46 123 45 37 37 42 46 53 31 270 434 488 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs Furniture designs (art) Title Some lessons in furniture making The antique models in furniture How to make lawn furniture Drawing and detailing a chair To make a desk stationery stand A dwarf revolving bookcase Simple lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making A very simple bookcase Some lessons in furniture making A new idea in Philippine Modern Original Chippendale drawings Swedish designs suggest post-war ideas Tropical modern with touch of Chippendale War furniture designs may influence future... Designs from the museum The new designs produced by Stickley How to tell period styles by the feet New designs are necessary From Queen Anne to contemporary Norman Bel Geddes uses only noncritical ... A wood carver and designer has some ... Egyptian influence on designs Basic form and flexibility keynote Drexel ... C.S. Dexter on designs and associations New construction conserves critical materials Leipzig spring furniture fair forecasts ... New hotel furniture designs Oriental motifs distinguish Tapp's latest ... Classicism of Louis XVI still smart in ... Production is increasing in these designs Shock mounts used in new chairs mode for ... Striking new features in modern design Page 207 Date 01-01 11-01 07-01 07-01 12-01 06-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 06-01 03-15 05-01 09-01 05-15 05-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 02-01 08-15 09-01 06-15 03-01 07-01 05-01 08-04 05-01 09-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 Year Page 1914 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1940 1921 1944 1940 1943 1922 1921 1922 1921 1940 1943 1940 1923 1946 1923 1942 1934 1945 1946 1933 1946 1946 1949 Column 36 538 344 346 625 273 616 402 387 268 14 264 23 12 23 21 6 156 60 10 16 11 119 23 211 7 28 31 47 22 19 30 56 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture designs (art) Furniture designs for movies Design and structure Facts Title Date 07-01 FALL Furniture designs/displays (art) Furniture designs/displays (art) Furniture dimension Furniture dimension stock Furniture Dimension..(Stedman,NC) Furniture displays Furniture displays Furniture displays Furniture displays Furniture displays and designs(art) Furniture displays and samples Furniture distribution Furniture distribution Furniture distribution problems Furniture distribution problems Furniture distribution/marketing Furniture drawers Furniture education Furniture employee wages Furniture employment Furniture employment and production Furniture employment statistics Furniture ensembles Furniture exchange Furniture Exchange of Los Angeles Furniture executive briefs Furniture executive briefs Furniture executive briefs Furniture executives - news, etc. Furniture executives briefs What they're showing at the Merchandise Mart Good numbers at the markets Furniture dimension ---how it is ... Furniture panels; dimension stock Affairs of the industry Furniture displays will show progress of art Proper display of furniture Market selling is nine-tenths showmanship ... Urge better display of furniture at markets Furniture with a future at the winter markets Outstanding offerings presented by Bay ... Wholesale distribution in marketing industry Furniture distribution by wholesalers aids .. Need of research Suggest style shows instead of Feb.-Aug. ... Rapid expansion in furniture distribution Material for furniture drawers 235,000 young women study G.R. furniture Industrial Board makes wage report 1948 output reaches all-time record Production and employment Comparisons, figures from biennial census Featured room groups from the American ... Furniture exchange Los Angeles has new furniture building Just about people Paragraphs about the people Somewhat personal Personal Somewhat personal Page 208 03-01 03-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 06-01 04-01 01-15 04-01 01-01 04-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 12-01 03-01 06-01 10-01 07-01 01-01 03-15 11-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1945 1936 22 7 1 3 1946 1946 1946 1916 1933 1924 1923 1941 1923 1946 1945 1923 1945 1927 1927 1949 1916 1931 1924 1949 1937 1934 1942 1933 1928 1911 1912 1911 1911 1915 43 33 28 198 31 266 160 8 162 43 37 116 22 50 52 12 286 55 38 14 5 20 16 33 39 244 624 237 175 205 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Title Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Paragraphs about people Personal Personal Somewhat personal Just about people Somewhat personal Principally about people Personal Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Paragraphs about the people Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Paragraphs about the people Somewhat personal Just about people Somewhat personal Principally about people Somewhat personal Paragraphs about the people Somewhat personal Personal Somewhat personal Just about people Just about people Personal mention Paragraphs about the people Somewhat personal Somewhat personal A few paragraphs about people Page 209 Date 04-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 05-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 09-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 07-01 09-01 11-01 03-01 07-01 05-01 07-01 11-01 03-01 04-01 08-01 Year Page 1914 1914 1913 1913 1913 1915 1912 1914 1914 1913 1913 1913 1914 1913 1915 1915 1912 1915 1913 1914 1914 1914 1913 1914 1913 1913 1912 1913 1912 1912 1914 1912 1912 Column 205 209 525 201 99 43 253 334 99 240 615 308 99 53 155 269 465 37 417 253 33 323 360 153 580 148 356 248 359 569 161 195 411 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture executives briefs Furniture exhibition buildings Furniture exhibition dates Title Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Paragraphs about the people Personal paragraphs about people Somewhat personal Paragraphs about furniture men Just about people Just about people Just about people Just about people in the trade Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Personal paragraphs about people Somewhat personal Things personal Somwehat personal Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Somehwat personal Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Just about men Just about people Somewhat personal Somewhat personal Principally about people Personal paragraphs Somewhat personal Two more exposition buildings An innovation in seasons Page 210 Date 06-01 11-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 06-01 08-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 01-01 Year Page 1915 1914 1917 1912 1916 1916 1915 1911 1911 1911 1911 1916 1916 1916 1916 1915 1911 1916 1917 1911 1915 1917 1912 1912 1911 1911 1911 1918 1918 1918 1917 1911 1911 Column 328 258 303 519 254 305 97 586 643 356 534 189 42 185 92 303 311 85 37 477 197 135 152 103 191 307 422 71 77 305 166 90 21 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture Exhibition...(Chicago) Furniture exhibitions Furniture exhibitions Furniture exhibitions Furniture exhibitions Furniture exhibitions Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits Furniture exhibits (art) Furniture exhibits (art) Furniture exhibits (art) Furniture exhibits at NYC World's.. Furniture exhibits in NY World's.. Furniture expenditures Furniture expenditures Furniture expenditures, 1918-1919 Furniture export taxes Furniture export trade Title Exhibition building near Chicago Mart sold Some of the new Swedish pieces of ... Pageant of furniture Promote Grand Rapids as a market Advocates one exhibition a year The exhibition as an education Industrial art exhibition in New York City Marquetry exhibit at Chicago Art Institute Examples of the furniture of Chippendale .... Display shows status of furniture design Chinese furniture is worthy of study Birds Eye Veneer Co. has big exhibit Art exhibition held at Cheney Brothers The Cuckfield ship model cases Metropolitan Museum stages New York ... Georgian furniture Furniture trade exhibit hit of Chicago ... Art museum exhibits masterpieces of Phyfe American woods at the beginning of the ... Art-in-Trades Club holds second exhibition Furniture exhibits at British fair Some of the eighteenth century Italian ... Brooklyn Museum's exhibit covers centuries... Some of the furniture exhibits at the ... Some of the pieces of marquetry at the ... South facade of the new American wing ... Furniture at the Fair World's Fair plans What workers spend for furniture Average furniture expenditure Expenditure of families for furniture Tax on exporting furniture The export trade in furniture Page 211 Date 01-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 07-01 01-01 03-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 12-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 01-01 06-01 12-01 09-15 04-15 11-01 03-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 Year Page 1929 1927 1929 1911 1913 1912 1924 1924 1924 1927 1924 1928 1927 1924 1934 1942 1942 1922 1943 1923 1923 1923 1943 1927 1924 1924 1939 1940 1922 1920 1924 1917 1911 Column 79 34 67 363 559 232 121 271 22 53 108 76 42 30 20 15 18 191 23 193 270 253 29 52 270 256 6 3 228 142 174 14 537 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture exports Furniture exports to Argentina Furniture exports to Argentina Furniture exports to England Furniture exports to Europe Furniture exports to Latin America Furniture exports to New Zealand Furniture exports to Puerto Rico Furniture exports to South Africa Furniture exports to South America Furniture exports, Far East Furniture exports, uncertainties of Furniture exposiitons Furniture exposiitons, dates Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title Export furniture The export trade in furniture Chicago shared in big order Written in a semi-editorial vein The export trade in furniture The export trade in furniture Editorial notes Puerto Rican market Editorial notes Editorial notes Written in a semi-editorial vein The export trade in furniture Grand Rapids market attracts high crowd ... Exhibitions vital factor in furniture selling Market date change up again Seek permanency of market dates Getting market buyers Golden era for designers Ideas are chief assets of furniture markets Important dates to remember Important dates to remember June market, Grand Rapids and Chicago Looks like the tide is turning Manufacturers are ready for January show Market calendar Merchandising furniture Need shown for year round market Favor one market in 1932 Public furniture shows Price cuts few; is market trend to Chicago? Striking finishes shown at winter markets Style is the slogan for January markets Style trends as seen in the markets Page 212 Date 07-15 11-01 12-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 02-01 07-15 11-01 01-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 06-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 Year Page 1939 1911 1916 1911 1911 1911 1912 1937 1916 1914 1911 1911 1946 1931 1928 1931 1926 1925 1926 1924 1924 1931 1932 1929 1930 1924 1924 1931 1926 1930 1928 1929 1930 Column 4 538 254 164 538 537 80 8 218 26 164 539 10 23 45 35 51 18 37 263 100 49 22 79 63 19 249 44 52 35 56 62 61 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title The new viewpoint Too many markets, dealers say Two markets - then what? Two markets a year? Two-market issue is on trial What is coming in market dates now? What will be shown in June Whither the trade winds blow Oppose four markets Calendar of important furniture events Retailers favlr two markets Better taste in design seen at May markets Calendar of important furniture events Exhibitions vital factor in furniture selling Calendar of important furniture events Market calendar Calendar of important furniture events Charging admission to furn. shows Demonstrating furniture Discuss style shows at joint conference Dixie furniture makers favor two markets Eastern buyer favors mideason markets Calendar of important furniture events The exhibition of a fixture The one exposition a year proposition Reasons for one line a year The New York furniture exposition The exhibition as an educator Semi-annual furniture expositions Written in the semi-editorial vein The one exposition proposition Two expositions a year to continue In favor of one line a year Page 213 Date 08-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 11-01 07-01 05-01 08-01 12-01 11-01 06-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 10-01 01-01 12-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 08-01 02-01 05-01 02-01 Year Page 1928 1926 1928 1928 1928 1929 1931 1932 1927 1932 1930 1930 1931 1931 1932 1930 1931 1925 1925 1927 1926 1926 1931 1912 1914 1914 1916 1914 1915 1915 1915 1915 1914 Column 50 57 52 35 37 35 43 9 51 42 111 35 47 23 40 107 26 168 219 65 39 71 49 177 236 254 98 24 236 78 90 252 81 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title Important dates Important dates Coming events Business conditions Important dates Important dates Convention dates to remember Opportunity for furniture trade Important dates Urge better display of furniture at markets Important dates Important dates Board will settle the question Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates The next exposition An April-May exhibition probable Important dates Business is good at midwinter markets Important dates Important dates January market Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Page 214 Date 05-01 02-01 09-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 11-01 11-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 Year Page 1943 1946 1941 1921 1949 1944 1923 1920 1946 1923 1949 1943 1918 1949 1943 1944 1946 1949 1943 1944 1946 1918 1918 1949 1923 1946 1945 1943 1943 1946 1949 1942 1944 Column 31 47 24 207 63 29 176 294 47 162 63 31 184 63 31 32 47 63 31 48 63 190 228 63 36 47 47 6 29 63 63 3 48 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Jamestown dates Jamestown fall show set Jamestown market is testing ground Coming events Important dates Affairs of the industry Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Southern furniture market set for July 1946 Coming events Coming events Coming events Important dates Coming events January market will be of unusual interest Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Page 215 Date 10-01 10-01 08-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 04-15 10-01 02-01 05-15 05-15 05-15 06-15 12-01 07-15 08-01 08-15 08-01 08-15 12-01 09-15 09-15 10-01 10-15 11-01 11-15 Year Page 1945 1946 1946 1943 1944 1946 1949 1943 1945 1949 1949 1949 1933 1940 1949 1935 1938 1939 1940 1940 1945 1939 1941 1938 1949 1940 1942 1938 1940 1941 1938 1941 1938 Column 47 63 47 31 32 63 63 29 47 63 6 10 17 19 63 28 30 21 4 15 10 18 26 31 63 15 19 28 23 28 28 24 31 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title Coming events Coming events Important dates Coming events Western summer market Jamestown spring market attracts leading ... Seen at the New York Furniture Exchange Seen at the markets Important dates Southern dates set Coming events Winter markets Jan. 7 to 19 Winter market plans announced for January San Francisco Western fall market July 24-29 Why not a year-round market? Public furniture shows Western spring market Western markets Vital questions answered at mid-winter market Two definite trends at N.Y. market The place of exhibitions in the furniture... Summer market important Summer exposition called off Style trends of the furniture markets Style survey Winter market in Grand Rapids Mid-winter furniture market January markets expected to break records January markets to be held in Chicago Let's be realistic about the market Lighter wood finishes, higher styled ... Los Angeles market dates Los Angeles spring mart scheduled for ... Page 216 Date 11-15 12-01 07-01 08-15 04-01 06-01 03-15 12-15 02-01 08-01 09-15 10-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 04-15 12-01 03-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 05-01 06-01 02-15 03-15 12-01 11-01 12-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 04-01 11-01 Year Page 1939 1941 1949 1939 1949 1946 1941 1940 1944 1949 1939 1945 1943 1944 1933 1938 1943 1942 1944 1949 1934 1943 1945 1938 1937 1943 1945 1941 1945 1946 1949 1949 1945 Column 18 26 63 17 6 13 18 7 29 6 17 8 24 6 10 6 8 5 14 6 6 13 6 5 5 21 8 6 8 41 48 6 10 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title Market demand Markets a surprise Sane optimism prevails at the summer ... Mid-season shows gain in importance Coming events N.Y. winter market New numbers introduced at the markets New styles and new trends at Western mart Newness - keynote of 1950 Grand Rapids market Next market dates No summer market at High Point Pattern peak predicted Picture tour of the Chicago markets Post-market thoughts Markts are vital to the furniture industry Grand Rapids dates Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Grand Rapids outlook is brighter Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Grand Rapids market sets new records Calendar of important furniture events Furniture packing exhibits among best ... Calendar of important furniture events Grand Rapids ready for market buyers Calendar of important furniture events Good numbers at the markets Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Getting personal Page 217 Date 07-15 02-15 07-01 11-01 06-15 09-01 09-01 07-01 12-01 08-04 05-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 06-15 Year Page Column 1939 1938 1935 1935 1939 1949 1942 1946 6 5 7 17 24 6 24 27 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1949 1942 1946 1949 1946 1946 1943 1944 1933 1934 1946 1935 1936 1933 1946 1935 1946 1934 1949 1935 1946 1933 1941 1938 11 5 8 36 16 56 23 6 42 40 8 21 16 43 41 28 32 34 48 25 33 28 31 26 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Important dates Convention dates to remember Important dates 4 markets a year? 1946 earliest date for High Point show Affairs of the industry Among the factory executives glimpsed ... At the markets Attendance sets record at furniture markets Big summer market for Los Angeles Buying conservative at intermediate markets Expositions must be educational Grand Rapids plans 1946 expansion Important dates Boston market Sept. 16 to 21 Boston show results Business booked at the July markets stacks... Convention dates to remember Home furnishings executives at the markets High Point market sets new attendance record Business up Furniture with a future at the winter markets Important dates Coming events Expositions and salesmanship Factory executives cooperate with retailers.. Exhibitors accept orders for 1945 at ... Chicago market shows manufacturers ready ... Page 218 Date 04-15 06-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 12-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 05-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 08-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 09-15 01-01 01-01 12-15 07-01 02-01 09-01 06-01 Year Page 1939 1933 1934 1935 1933 1945 1922 1949 1949 1945 1935 1946 1941 1946 1946 1935 1922 1945 1944 1946 1949 1935 1922 1942 1949 1938 1946 1946 1939 1922 1944 1944 1949 Column 15 32 33 26 28 8 248 63 12 8 28 6 16 19 10 26 215 10 31 6 6 6 193 25 8 4 43 47 18 17 18 34 39 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Title Calendar of important furniture events Essentiality of furniture markers Calendar of important furniture events Determined sales activity Retailers fight open show rooms Important dates Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Furniture markets necessary Furniture leaders busy at the market Dates to remember Coming events All set for the coming expositions Factory men at the recent great furniture... What the markets demonstrated Furniture markets --great success Furniture markets like furniture men must ... Calendar of important furniture events Convention dates to remember Calendar of important furniture events Furniture ideas for post-war homes Candids of executives at the San ... Four markets a year Calendar of important furniture events Chicago market July 8-20 Page 219 Date 08-01 11-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 01-15 01-15 02-15 02-15 02-15 03-15 03-15 04-01 04-01 12-15 04-01 05-01 09-01 01-15 05-01 03-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 09-01 07-15 08-01 06-01 Year Page 1933 1944 1934 1949 1922 1946 1939 1941 1939 1940 1941 1940 1941 1941 1942 1940 1943 1942 1922 1940 1921 1946 1921 1944 1943 1935 1922 1935 1944 1946 1939 1935 1946 Column 25 4 34 8 24 47 23 24 20 18 21 19 22 28 28 18 7 12 106 19 269 18 247 16 4 18 147 17 21 12 6 19 8 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositions Furniture expositons Furniture expostions Furniture exppsotions Furniture fabrics Furniture fabrics Furniture fabrics Furniture factories Furniture factory accidents Furniture factory accidents Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Title Fortunes in '49 theme of western summer ... Chicago market celebrates silver anniversary Fall plans Calendar of important furniture events Important events Western market dates July 12 to 17 designated Western Fall ... Fabrics rich in texture and color the ... Design is as vital as color New fabrics mean new sales Furniture factories in n eed of many machines Furniture accident rate is low 22% drop in accidents Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Page 220 Date 06-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 12-01 05-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 Year Page 1949 1949 1949 1934 1942 1943 1943 1929 1930 1949 1932 1916 1949 1930 1931 1932 1929 1930 1931 1929 1930 1929 1930 1931 1929 1931 1929 1931 1929 1931 1931 1931 1929 Column 10 27 8 30 24 12 4 41 54 47 19 124 8 74 56 21 72 68 56 66 70 70 74 58 71 40 65 55 66 42 47 58 63 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory briefs Furniture factory construction Furniture factory depreciation Furniture factory developments Furniture factory expenses Furniture factory fires Furniture factory fires Furniture factory fires Furniture factory hazards Furniture factory hazards Furniture factory machinery Furniture factory machinery Furniture factory millwrighting Title Out in the furniture factory Pages for a designer's scrap book The factory forum Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Out in the factory Shop notes Hazards of the furniture factory Depreciation in furniture plant Some developments in modern factories Summaries of expense and cost Plymouth, Wis., plant burned Fires in furniture factories spread rapidly.. Fires in furniture factories Hazards of the furniture factory Hazards of the furniture factory Modern factory machinery Present double-end tenoner fills bill ... Furniture factory millwrighting Page 221 Date 01-01 05-01 07-01 03-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 SUM 02-01 03-01 08-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 08-01 12-01 Year Page 1930 1930 1931 1929 1931 1932 1929 1931 1931 1931 1932 1929 1929 1932 1931 1933 1935 1935 1934 1934 1936 1911 1917 1922 1911 1922 1935 1922 1911 1911 1914 1934 1914 Column 69 73 47 72 46 27 72 46 49 60 36 72 75 27 61 30 24 21 26 27 6 86 128 52 143 17 7 52 86 34 230 8 286 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture factory modernization Furniture factory modernization Furniture factory modernization Furniture factory modernization Furniture factory modernization Furniture factory modernization Furniture factory photo department Furniture factory problems Furniture factory problems Furniture factory safety Furniture factory sanitation Furniture factory shipments Furniture factory showrooms Furniture factory wages Furniture failures Furniture failures, 1929-1932 Furniture failures, May 1935 Furniture finish standardization Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes Furniture finishes and finishing Furniture finishes and finishing Furniture finishes and finishing Furniture finishes and finishing Title A modern blower system is a necessity in a .. Plant modernizing pays The industry needs new machinery The modern jointer is another necessity ... Wage hour law makes plant modernizing a ... When is new machinery a sound investment? Photographic dept. of factory Problems of the veneer room Humidity control is the 1939 new challenge... A work on woodworking machines Factory sanitation and efficiency Building as an index to furniture sales Universal Furniture Mart opens in Detroit Furniture factory wages Casualties Record of furniture failures May failures Standardizing furniture finishes Striking finishes shown at winter markets Style trends and furniture finishes The need of a more durable finish Durability of French polishing Things pertaining to finish What's new in finishes for furniture Brown birdseye maple is attractive Enamel as a furniture finish Origin of the title Sequoyah Enamel as a furniture finish Customers will demand the best finishes Will the stains revolutionize the ... Soft drying increases chair production Antiquing finishes --craftsman vs. ... New developments of the year in furniture ... Page 222 Date 07-15 04-15 04-15 02-15 05-15 10-15 10-01 04-01 06-15 10-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 06-01 06-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 05-15 01-15 Year Page 1938 1938 1938 1940 1939 1938 1920 1911 1939 1911 1911 1930 1929 1914 1932 1932 1935 1916 1928 1930 1911 1911 1911 1949 1922 1917 1917 1917 1946 1929 1944 1940 1940 Column 11 7 6 16 6 6 171 154 8 528 230 67 104 281 25 16 26 193 56 44 384 486 508 20 51 171 174 210 26 60 16 11 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture finishes and finishing Furniture finishes and finishing Furniture finishes and finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing Furniture finishing room Furniture finishing room equipment Furniture for agricultural areas Furniture for bachelors Furniture for building ... Furniture for Today and Tomorrow Furniture forecasts Furniture Forwarding..(Sheboygan,WI Furniture Foundation Inc. Furniture frame factory Furniture frame factory Furniture freigh rate changes Furniture freigh rate changes Furniture freight Title Glycerine contributes to better furniture ... Fine finishing of fine furniture Furniture manufacturers adopt the new ... Spray booth practice and trends show big ... How to decorate commercial furniture How synthetic resins give tougher and ... Applying finish with a sprayer Developments in the use of wood lacquer Which will it be... varnish or lacquer ... Methods in rubbing and polishing How to finish and refinish walnut French polish finish being revived The finishing of steel furniture There's a growing demand for colored ... 1937 customers demand better finishes The relation of glue to finishing Infra-red rays dry finish in 3 hours Mahogany ... the beauty in wood should ... The finishing of steel furniture System for the finishing room System for the finishing room A specialized line of furniture How to make furniture for bachelor rooms Building modernization will provide ... Books and catalogs Furniture trends for 1944 Forwarding Company is incorporated Furniture professorship Factory cost accounting details Summaries of expense and cost Changes in furniture rates Changes in furniture rates Furniture damage claims Page 223 Date 08-01 04-01 11-15 09-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 09-15 04-01 08-01 06-01 SUM 08-01 07-15 06-01 09-01 07-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 Year Page 1944 1943 1939 1932 1925 1932 1914 1922 1938 1922 1922 1934 1936 1941 1937 1918 1945 1945 1935 1911 1911 1918 1925 1946 1929 1944 1923 1949 1911 1911 1914 1914 1923 Column 11 15 10 16 205 26 150 5 15 142 68 20 22 10 24 266 20 30 19 216 216 62 207 15 93 25 10 8 144 143 318 156 113 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture freight Furniture freight claims Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate changes Furniture freight rate tax Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Title Fall freight Freight claim adjustments Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in rates on furniture Changes in furniture rates Freight rate war tax in effect High Point protests freight rates Freight rate order suspended Freight rates and tariff vital issues Freight rates suspended Furniture industry unites in R.R. suit Furniture interests win C.F.A. suit Freight rate inquiry near end Furniture rates suspensions Furniture freight rates revised again Increase in rates suspended Industry ponders rail rate boost Last hearing is held on freight rates Lower freight rates imperative Page 224 Date 06-01 01-01 10-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 08-01 12-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 02-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 04-01 06-01 Year Page 1923 1924 1915 1915 1915 1915 1916 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1915 1915 1915 1915 1916 1915 1914 1917 1928 1932 1928 1929 1924 1924 1929 1932 1931 1932 1931 1929 1928 Column 263 19 192 36 150 264 142 240 43 96 260 38 144 94 300 202 192 322 256 221 87 54 33 60 233 161 92 41 47 13 43 110 35 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Title New freight rates in effect Prices of furniture and freight rates are ... Rail route adjustments keep traffic men busy Rate fixing on basis of 1927 facts Rate inquiry on furniture ordered by I.C.C. South protests proposed rate increases South vs. Pennsylvania rates Furniture pick-ups Freight claim adjustments Fights proposed rate increases Fight or chaos is issue in rate case Delay higher freight rates Arrange for traffic hearilng Affairs of the industry Furniture interests fight new rate proposals Freight rate hearings near end The five per cent rate ruling Classification the basis of rates Excessive rates for mixed cars Increased rates on chairs denied Rates to the Coast advanced Wichita furniture shippers lose case Changes in furniture rates Furniture commodity rates Higher rates to the Pacific coast Orders revision on fixture ratings Advance rates on fiber furniture Wichita attacks Southwestern rates Freight rate increases Increase in rates on furniture Commodity rates on furniture endangered New furniture rate lower Commission rules on freight rates Page 225 Date 11-01 10-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 12-01 05-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 05-01 07-01 11-01 09-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 Year Page 1932 1931 1932 1931 1926 1924 1932 1930 1924 1925 1927 1928 1926 1932 1925 1928 1914 1914 1913 1915 1916 1917 1914 1913 1915 1916 1916 1917 1920 1917 1923 1921 1922 Column 43 26 23 65 80 280 23 69 19 96 35 70 60 31 213 69 316 256 329 233 117 277 215 225 38 65 64 92 56 266 162 206 60 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates Furniture freight rates changes Furniture freight transportation Furniture freilght rates Furniture from wood pulp Furniture grading Furniture Guild of California Furniture Guild of California Furniture handling Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Title Freight rate on furniture cut Great daving in furniture rates New freight rates in effect Transportation and its importance to the ... Useful decision to shippers Affairs of the industry Furniture claims mount High freight rates limit the manufacturers'.. National Furniture Traffic Conference ... Reduced railroad fares Proposed cancellation of rate protested Changes in rates to Pacific coast Changes in rates on furniture Motor trucks an efficiency tool Freight traffic entitled to changes Making furniture from wood pulp Grades in furniture Design winner put into production Guild marketing time Some improvements in handling methods Furniture styles distinguished by turnings Manufacturers dolling up rooms now Little known treasures of the Old World Wherefor Directoire-Biedermeier Little known treasures of the Old World Little known treasures of the Old World Interest in wood carving is increasing How name davenport was given to sofas Many legends attached to Windsor chairs Georgian period is rich in furniture ideas The furniture of William Savery Furniture of the style of Queen Anne Furniture of the style of Heppelwhite Page 226 Date 01-01 01-01 07-01 12-01 06-01 03-15 02-01 11-15 03-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 08-01 07-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 12-01 09-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 Year Page 1922 1918 1918 1944 1922 1937 1944 1940 1944 1933 1923 1922 1916 1913 1917 1918 1921 1949 1949 1927 1924 1929 1928 1931 1928 1928 1924 1927 1926 1926 1925 1924 1924 Column 13 5 45 27 251 38 28 9 12 41 228 54 88 362 100 74 3 28 10 55 34 55 48 45 50 48 3 60 44 45 273 221 121 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Title Furniture of the reign of Louis XV Furniture of the reign of Louis XIV Heppelwhite ranks with Chippendale Speak for yourself, John American furniture of Sheraton influence Furniture of the reign of Louios XVI Phyfe's contemporaries Romance of old hickory Romance of the popular four-poster bed The possibility of Venetian decoration Some constructive thoughts about design Origin of Gothic style in furniture The American Chippendales The chair - its origin and development ... The furniture of Duncan Phyfe The furniture of Robert and James Adam The modern trend in furniture design The romance of American clockmaking Sideboard has undergone but few changes American furniture of Heppelwhite influence Beautiful colonial secretary for the home Furniture of the Italian Renaissance American furniture of Chippendale style As the nation goes - so goes furniture Chair making plain and fancy Chair making plain and fancy Commercial possibilities of Art Moderne Duncan Phyfe, the great Duncan Phyfe, the great Early American furniture Examples of Shearer and Sheraton furniture Facts about rush seating Design of Austrian chest meets modern uses Page 227 Date 10-01 09-01 12-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 07-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 12-01 08-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 08-01 02-01 12-01 08-01 09-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 10-01 07-01 03-01 Year Page 1925 1925 1924 1929 1925 1925 1929 1929 1927 1926 1928 1924 1929 1932 1924 1924 1932 1929 1924 1925 1925 1925 1925 1929 1929 1929 1928 1929 1929 1925 1924 1928 1927 Column 171 121 263 41 123 221 48 43 55 39 42 110 40 19 271 71 22 46 104 21 103 71 71 68 48 45 35 47 51 21 171 55 53 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Title Furniture of Charles II and William and Mary Furniture of the Empire Style Examples of Lucraft furniture The furniture and cabinet mounts The recollections of an onlooker Evolution of the display cabinet Was Chippendale born at Otley? The evolution of the chair The pull and trimming situation Evolution of school furniture The furniture and cabinet mounts The period styles in furniture Some early types of paneling Marquetry and its development English inlay and marqueterie Beautiful Jacobean panelled room Influences that bring new styles into being The Elizabethan style of furniture Highboy is a useful article to reproduce Styles and period styles Study of color is important in furniture The Queen Anne style exemplified Interesting furniture history Importance of Spanish history upon design Ancient and modern marquetry in furniture What's proper in furniture decoration and ... Louis XVI period style is a fruitful study Period styles form an interesting study Music chair after Duncan Phyfe How to make and use the furniture rod The Windsor chair ... product of American ... Sheraton's many callings gave him little ... Phyfe's competitors able craftsmen Page 228 Date 05-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 03-01 12-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 07-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 06-01 12-01 02-15 07-01 03-01 07-01 Year Page 1925 1925 1911 1915 1911 1915 1913 1914 1916 1913 1915 1913 1916 1917 1915 1922 1923 1921 1922 1920 1923 1917 1920 1923 1923 1933 1923 1923 1917 1938 1945 1935 1935 Column 223 271 179 163 91 267 188 69 190 450 118 70 68 274 213 8 220 80 198 266 249 160 174 156 103 16 205 284 258 20 19 16 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture history Furniture historyt Furniture Ideas for Postwar Homes Furniture Ideas for Postwar Homes Furniture idustry probes Furniture imports Furniture in the movies Furniture indexes Furniture indistry barometer Furniture industry Furniture industry Title Egyptians were remarkable chair makers Oak is robust and distinctive in decoration Marquetry an early form of decoration Marquetry a study in fine detail Looking into the future in furniture design Law of reaction explains interest in ... The best sellers in furniture upholstery ... Inventor of rocker unsung Egyptian influences on present day furniture How about Modern ? How Chippendale got its wings Furniture treasures of the past become ... Furniture of the Italian Renaissance From Egyptian to modern - furniture designs.. Deft union of Queen Anne themes Chair notes on English Windsors 300 years of wood desks A short review of period styles Lannuier, French cabinet maker, chief ... The drift or spread of a period style What about English Regency? Influence of migration on furniture design Wife won fame for Hepplewhite History of spinet desk and how to make one Furniture ideas for post-war homes Prize entries To fight indictments to the last ditch Imports of furniture Furniture in the movies Furniture index numbers worthless How's business? An authoritative ... Wanted - 2,000,000 radio cabinets Hand made and machine made furniture Page 229 Date 04-01 05-15 11-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 09-15 01-01 04-01 02-01 08-01 FALL 07-01 10-01 01-15 10-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 Year Page 1923 1938 1934 1935 1933 1935 1938 1935 1923 1935 1945 1936 1935 1945 1940 1949 1946 1920 1933 1933 1935 1922 1935 1925 1944 1944 1925 1918 1922 1924 1935 1929 1925 Column 150 14 10 13 22 17 25 19 147 17 8 21 13 22 10 38 32 296 13 21 15 14 8 155 21 24 12 144 54 18 24 39 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry Furniture industry Furniture industry Furniture industry Furniture industry Furniture industry Furniture industry 10-year review Furniture industry 10-year review Furniture industry advertising Furniture industry and air... Furniture industry and aircraft ... Furniture industry and defense ... Furniture industry and depression Furniture industry and labor Furniture industry and minimum wage Furniture industry and New Deal Furniture industry and NRA Furniture industry and tariff Furniture industry and World War I Furniture industry and World War II Furniture industry and World War II Furniture industry and WWII Furniture industry and WWII Furniture industry and WWII Furniture industry and WWII Furniture industry and WWII Furniture industry and WWII Furniture industry associations Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Title Industry needs help of trade schools Productiveness of furniture manufacturing ... Some ideals of the furniture industry Past, present and future of furniture Furniture industry is on a sound basis Better business noted by national council Ten years of furniture progress Ten years of progress have brought down ... Advertising which does not pay How furniture industry uses wings Aircraft National defense creates new employee ... Withered - the furniture industry Labort and the furniture industry Hours and wage code signed trade practice ... Can we afford to participate? Styling and sales promotion basis of new ... The question of a new tariff What the furniture makers face Cooperate on war orders Furniture makers face great period of ... Pooling experience helps in meeting war ... Jamestown furniture manufacturers to ... Chicago group organizes pool for handling ... Irwin craftsmanship in war products and ... How the furniture industry is fitting ... Furniture joins the fight The federation of associations How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... The business barometer of the furniture ... How's business? An authoritative ... Page 230 Date 08-01 09-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 10-01 11-15 11-15 10-01 06-01 03-01 11-15 06-01 10-01 09-01 12-01 09-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 02-01 08-04 11-01 08-04 07-01 09-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 09-01 01-01 08-01 Year Page 1928 1927 1923 1923 1922 1922 1939 1939 1911 1929 1943 1940 1933 1919 1933 1933 1933 1919 1917 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1945 1942 1942 1914 1932 1931 1931 1930 1931 Column 102 34 115 62 149 168 8 7 512 51 7 7 12 203 8 14 9 237 263 9 4 4 8 6 14 13 7 100 42 49 49 76 54 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Title How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... The business barometer The business barometer The business barometer The business barometer of the furniture ... How's business? An authoritative ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... The business barometer How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... Page 231 Date 10-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 02-01 08-01 11-01 12-01 09-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 11-01 06-01 06-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 10-10 Year Page 1931 1931 1932 1931 1932 1930 1929 1929 1929 1932 1929 1931 1932 1929 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1935 1933 1934 1935 1933 1935 1934 1934 1933 1933 1935 1935 1933 Column 60 49 17 49 17 72 78 108 76 13 80 64 39 79 24 29 29 51 32 21 21 25 29 18 19 13 24 21 27 27 12 13 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometer Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry barometers Furniture industry briefs Title How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... How's business? An authoritative ... How's business? An authoritative ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... The month's barometer of the furniture ... How's business? An authoritative ... Furniture pick-ups Page 232 Date 10-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 03-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 07-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 06-01 12-01 05-01 01-01 06-01 Year Page 1935 1934 1935 1933 1934 1935 1934 1934 1935 1933 1933 1933 1936 1935 1933 1934 1934 1934 1935 1933 1934 1934 1929 1931 1932 1929 1929 1929 1929 1928 1929 1933 1929 Column 14 21 14 27 23 15 20 24 13 18 35 33 15 20 25 17 17 15 15 25 25 31 78 80 19 68 76 76 74 68 70 14 76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Furniture industry briefs Mar. 1913 Furniture industry catalogues Furniture industry census Furniture industry census of 1925 Furniture industry code of ethics Furniture industry costs Furniture industry credits Furniture industry developments Furniture industry directories Furniture industry employment Furniture industry employment Furniture industry expansion Furniture industry forceasts Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Title Correspondence Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups What some manufacturers are doing Trade notes What men in the trade are doing Current happenings in the trade What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Editorial notes What the manufacturers are doing Phases of the furniture markets A catalogue of woodworking machinery Census of manufacturers Furniture mortality Code of ethics Knowing cost a necessary adjunct The dealer needs a new credit deal - now Bank analyzes furniture industry Carpet and upholstery industries directory Furniture industry employs 160,000 Employment and pay rolls Furniture pace greatest in history The furniture industry prospects for 1935 Sales increase on a rising market Building a better furniture industry Furniture volume up, outlook brighter 1946 may see new production record 1939 prospects are bright,, says Frank ... Furniture in '40 Furniture figures Furniture employment up Page 233 Date 07-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 01-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 03-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 09-15 10-01 01-01 01-01 03-15 08-01 06-01 01-15 01-15 04-15 09-01 Year Page 1929 1929 1928 1928 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1913 1911 1921 1927 1924 1911 1933 1928 1914 1923 1937 1946 1935 1930 1940 1946 1946 1939 1940 1940 1946 Column 80 72 73 68 31 194 133 356 21 194 166 141 141 533 340 53 69 1 7 63 270 16 6 14 6 44 3 8 8 4 4 3 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecast Furniture industry forecasts Furniture industry forecasts Furniture industry forecasts Furniture industry fraud Furniture industry fraud Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Title Business accelerating Frank E. Seidman sees enourmous furniture ... Business will be good in 1949 How's business Charting the achievements of 1939 and the ... A look into the future Charting 1940 business Furniture faces forty Road to recovery What will Mrs. America buy this year? Leaders say industry in strong condition Let's look at 1941 Looking ahead for 1939 How's furniture doing? What about 1945? How's the furniture business? What 1936 may hold The pulse of business How's the furniture business? A banker looks at the furniture industry The furniture business The boom catches up Looking ahead in '40 Looks like the tide is turning What's ahead for the industry? An outlook for greater furniture industry The graft in varnish Varnish graft The silver lining The Seng Company displays military items Two furniture factories speed their work ... Sheboygan Chair supplies dealers Furniture industry adding new lines of ... Page 234 Date 11-15 01-01 01-01 10-15 01-15 11-15 01-15 02-15 10-15 02-15 12-01 12-15 01-15 10-15 03-01 02-15 01-01 05-15 01-15 03-15 08-15 12-15 01-15 06-01 06-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 Year Page 1940 1945 1949 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1938 1939 1941 1940 1939 1938 1945 1938 1936 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1940 1932 1930 1923 1917 1917 1943 1944 1943 1943 1943 Column 6 21 18 4 5 6 4 5 4 8 7 4 3 4 40 5 6 4 4 22 4 4 4 22 73 213 48 77 4 20 27 24 20 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WW II Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Title Mengel's furniture has gone to war Plaskon plus plywood Improved adhesives adapt wood to new uses How Heywood converted Furniture pool makes planes $22,000,000 war contracts Furniture industry fulfilling war orders Aero for the allies Efficient war methods a boon to furniture... Drexel system speeds conversion Combination facilities of Norquist factory... Backlog of $50,000,00 war orders for ... Serving a wartime market North Carolina furniture industry in active.. Furniture now and after victory War products made in Kroehler factories W&J Sloane give their best for cargo ... War chests of plywood War work retains furniture personnel Wartime furniture industry flourishes What about 1945? Union-National and the war Hedstrom Union Company ready to resume ... From bunks to rockets Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry in WWII Furniture industry inquiries Furniture industry inquiries Furniture industry outlook Doehler Metal Furniture goes on 1200 US ships Crane & McMahon Co. produce million GI ... Building plywood jettison tanks American Seating ...six years at war work... What conversion is teaching Correspondence Correspondence What next for the furniture industry? Page 235 Date 05-01 10-01 09-01 02-01 07-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 09-01 10-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 02-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 01-01 08-01 09-01 05-01 Year Page Column 1944 1943 1944 1944 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1944 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 14 19 10 13 6 4 10 8 4 19 16 12 4 8 20 10 10 8 22 18 40 18 14 12 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1945 1945 1945 1945 1943 1928 1928 1930 28 26 16 20 13 66 74 38 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry outlook Furniture industry patents Furniture industry probes Furniture industry probes Furniture industry probes Furniture industry probes Furniture industry probes Furniture industry probes Furniture industry problems Furniture industry profits (1936) Furniture industry publications Furniture industry publications Furniture industry publications Furniture industry publications Furniture industry publications Furniture industry publications Furniture industry publications Furniture industry publications Furniture industry recovery Furniture industry recovery Title Long-term outlook for household furniture Patents in the furniture industry Seventy furniture makers to resist charges The industry has nothing to fear Report made on furniture investigation Publicity harms furniture industry Trade associations in the furniture industry Federal trade report National Council considers pressing problems 1936 profit figures Books, catalogs, etc. Books, catalogs, etc. New books and catalogues New books and catalogs Books, catalogs, etc. Books, catalogs, etc. New books New books Where do we go from here? A definite program Furniture industry recovery Furniture industry recovery plans Furniture industry refview Furniture industry rehabilitation Furniture industry research Furniture industry revew July 1927 Furniture industry review Furniture industry review Furniture industry review Furniture industry review Furniture industry review Furniture industry review Apr. 1914 How manufacturers can speed business recovery Furniture code enforcement plan now in ... Manufacturers material markets Industry sets up Reconstruction Council Chicafgo manufacturers push research Manufacturers' material markets Material markets Manufacturers' material markets The bloomin' furniture industry Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 236 Date 11-01 11-01 08-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 07-15 11-01 12-01 07-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 09-01 08-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1946 1915 1925 1922 1923 1922 1922 1923 1924 1937 1920 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1923 1923 1933 1934 40 205 65 20 70 58 183 66 253 8 270 320 54 118 302 244 54 60 5 7 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1933 1934 1920 1932 1946 1927 1932 1932 1935 1919 1919 1914 6 6 118 17 6 72 31 42 6 166 110 207 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review Apr. 1916 Furniture industry review Apr. 1918 Furniture industry review Apr.1913 Furniture industry review Apr.1915 Furniture industry review Apr.1916 Furniture industry review Apr.1917 Furniture industry review Apr.1919 Furniture industry review Apr.1920 Furniture industry review Apr.1922 Furniture industry review Apr.1923 Furniture industry review Apr.1924 Furniture industry review Apr.1926 Furniture industry review Apr.1927 Furniture industry review Apr.1928 Furniture industry review Apr.1929 Furniture industry review Apr.1930 Furniture industry review Apr.1931 Furniture industry review Apr.1932 Furniture industry review Apr.1933 Furniture industry review Aug. 1913 Furniture industry review Aug. 1917 Furniture industry review Aug. 1922 Furniture industry review Aug. 1923 Furniture industry review Aug. 1928 Furniture industry review Aug. 1931 Furniture industry review Aug. 1933 Furniture industry review Aug.1914 Furniture industry review Aug.1915 Furniture industry review Aug.1916 Furniture industry review Aug.1918 Furniture industry review Aug.1920 Furniture industry review Aug.1921 Furniture industry review Aug.1924 Title Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 237 Date 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 Year Page 1916 1918 1913 1915 1921 1917 1919 1920 1922 1923 1924 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1913 1917 1922 1923 1928 1931 1933 1914 1915 1916 1918 1920 1921 1925 Column 195 191 194 208 238 193 202 228 166 190 192 74 72 72 86 80 66 45 26 408 82 86 94 70 60 23 104 99 92 90 104 104 90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review Aug.1924 Furniture industry review Aug.1926 Furniture industry review Aug.1927 Furniture industry review Aug.1929 Furniture industry review Aug.1932 Furniture industry review Dec. 1914 Furniture industry review Dec. 1915 Furniture industry review Dec. 1916 Furniture industry review Dec. 1919 Furniture industry review Dec. 1921 Furniture industry review Dec. 1923 Furniture industry review Dec. 1928 Furniture industry review Dec. 1929 Furniture industry review Dec. 1931 Furniture industry review Dec.1913 Furniture industry review Dec.1917 Furniture industry review Dec.1918 Furniture industry review Dec.1920 Furniture industry review Dec.1922 Furniture industry review Dec.1924 Furniture industry review Dec.1925 Furniture industry review Dec.1926 Furniture industry review Dec.1927 Furniture industry review Dec.1933 Furniture industry review Feb. 1913 Furniture industry review Feb. 1914 Furniture industry review Feb. 1916 Furniture industry review Feb. 1916 Furniture industry review Feb. 1918 Furniture industry review Feb. 1918 Furniture industry review Feb. 1922 Furniture industry review Feb. 1923 Furniture industry review Feb. 1924 Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 238 Date 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 Year Page 1924 1926 1927 1929 1932 1914 1915 1916 1919 1921 1923 1928 1929 1931 1913 1917 1918 1920 1922 1924 1925 1926 1927 1933 1913 1914 1916 1917 1919 1918 1922 1923 1924 Column 90 70 73 80 37 319 306 284 331 298 284 78 83 52 632 283 282 316 284 292 290 72 72 22 95 104 93 89 88 98 46 94 92 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review Feb. 1926 Furniture industry review Feb. 1930 Furniture industry review Feb. 1931 Furniture industry review Feb. 1932 Furniture industry review Feb.1915 Furniture industry review Feb.1921 Furniture industry review Feb.1925 Furniture industry review Feb.1927 Furniture industry review Feb.1928 Furniture industry review Feb.1929 Furniture industry review Ja. 1917 Furniture industry review Jan. 1913 Furniture industry review Jan. 1914 Furniture industry review Jan. 1914 Furniture industry review Jan. 1916 Furniture industry review Jan. 1920 Furniture industry review Jan. 1922 Furniture industry review Jan. 1930 Furniture industry review Jan. 1931 Furniture industry review Jan. 1932 Furniture industry review Jan. 1933 Furniture industry review Jan. 1934 Furniture industry review Jan.1918 Furniture industry review Jan.1919 Furniture industry review Jan.1921 Furniture industry review Jan.1923 Furniture industry review Jan.1924 Furniture industry review Jan.1925 Furniture industry review Jan.1926 Furniture industry review Jan.1927 Furniture industry review Jan.1928 Furniture industry review Jan.1929 Furniture industry review July 1913 Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets The material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 239 Date 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 Year Page 1926 1930 1931 1933 1915 1921 1925 1927 1928 1929 1917 1913 1914 1915 1916 1920 1922 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1918 1919 1921 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1913 Column 72 82 70 37 100 112 90 74 72 80 41 46 52 50 43 58 44 80 70 38 38 37 47 46 54 42 40 40 80 72 72 80 353 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review July 1914 Furniture industry review July 1915 Furniture industry review July 1916 Furniture industry review July 1917 Furniture industry review July 1919 Furniture industry review July 1920 Furniture industry review July 1921 Furniture industry review July 1922 Furniture industry review July 1923 Furniture industry review July 1924 Furniture industry review July 1925 Furniture industry review July 1926 Furniture industry review July 1929 Furniture industry review July 1931 Furniture industry review July 1932 Furniture industry review July 1933 Furniture industry review July1918 Furniture industry review July1928 Furniture industry review June 1911 Furniture industry review June 1913 Furniture industry review June 1914 Furniture industry review June 1915 Furniture industry review June 1916 Furniture industry review June 1917 Furniture industry review June 1918 Furniture industry review June 1919 Furniture industry review June 1920 Furniture industry review June 1921 Furniture industry review June 1922 Furniture industry review June 1923 Furniture industry review June 1924 Furniture industry review June 1925 Furniture industry review June 1926 Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets The material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 240 Date 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 Year Page 1914 1915 1916 1917 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1929 1931 1932 1933 1918 1928 1931 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 Column 46 44 43 41 58 48 48 38 44 42 38 72 81 52 33 28 46 74 68 298 328 324 311 300 306 320 340 352 262 294 288 286 70 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review June 1927 Furniture industry review June 1930 Furniture industry review June 1933 Furniture industry review June1928 Furniture industry review June1929 Furniture industry review Mar. 1913 Furniture industry review Mar. 1914 Furniture industry review Mar. 1917 Furniture industry review Mar. 1920 Furniture industry review Mar. 1928 Furniture industry review Mar. 1930 Furniture industry review Mar. 1932 Furniture industry review Mar.1219 Furniture industry review Mar.1915 Furniture industry review Mar.1916 Furniture industry review Mar.1918 Furniture industry review Mar.1921 Furniture industry review Mar.1922 Furniture industry review Mar.1924 Furniture industry review Mar.1925 Furniture industry review Mar.1926 Furniture industry review Mar.1927 Furniture industry review Mar.1929 Furniture industry review Mar.1931 Furniture industry review Mar.1933 Furniture industry review May 1913 Furniture industry review May 1914 Furniture industry review May 1915 Furniture industry review May 1916 Furniture industry review May 1917 Furniture industry review May 1918 Furniture industry review May 1919 Furniture industry review May 1920 Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Page 241 Date 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 Year Page 1927 1930 1933 1928 1929 1923 1914 1917 1920 1928 1930 1932 1919 1915 1916 1918 1921 1922 1924 1925 1926 1927 1929 1931 1933 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 Column 72 82 18 72 86 138 155 142 170 72 82 44 137 158 146 146 176 120 143 140 72 76 80 74 24 244 266 270 262 248 252 256 284 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review May 1921 Furniture industry review May 1922 Furniture industry review May 1923 Furniture industry review May 1924 Furniture industry review May 1925 Furniture industry review May 1927 Furniture industry review May 1928 Furniture industry review May 1929 Furniture industry review May 1930 Furniture industry review May 1931 Furniture industry review May 1932 Furniture industry review May 1933 Furniture industry review Nov. 1912 Furniture industry review Nov. 1913 Furniture industry review Nov. 1915 Furniture industry review Nov. 1916 Furniture industry review Nov. 1917 Furniture industry review Nov. 1918 Furniture industry review Nov. 1919 Furniture industry review Nov. 1920 Furniture industry review Nov. 1922 Furniture industry review Nov. 1923 Furniture industry review Nov. 1928 Furniture industry review Nov. 1933 Furniture industry review Nov.1914 Furniture industry review Nov.1924 Furniture industry review Nov.1925 Furniture industry review Nov.1926 Furniture industry review Nov.1927 Furniture industry review Nov.1929 Furniture industry review Nov.1931 Furniture industry review Oct. 1912 Furniture industry review Oct. 1913 Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Material markets The material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 242 Date 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 Year Page 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1912 1913 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1922 1923 1928 1933 1914 1924 1925 1926 1927 1929 1931 1922 1913 Column 296 216 243 243 242 72 74 76 82 66 46 24 564 574 248 232 228 235 278 266 235 236 78 26 266 240 238 72 72 86 50 184 519 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review Oct. 1916 Furniture industry review Oct. 1920 Furniture industry review Oct. 1927 Furniture industry review Oct. 1932 Furniture industry review Oct. 1933 Furniture industry review Oct.1912 Furniture industry review Oct.1914 Furniture industry review Oct.1915 Furniture industry review Oct.1916 Furniture industry review Oct.1917 Furniture industry review Oct.1918 Furniture industry review Oct.1919 Furniture industry review Oct.1921 Furniture industry review Oct.1924 Furniture industry review Oct.1925 Furniture industry review Oct.1926 Furniture industry review Oct.1928 Furniture industry review Oct.1929 Furniture industry review Oct.1931 Furniture industry review Sep.1915 Furniture industry review Sept.1914 Furniture industry review Sept.1914 Furniture industry review Sept.1917 Furniture industry review Sept.1918 Furniture industry review Sept.1920 Furniture industry review Sept.1922 Furniture industry review Sept.1923 Furniture industry review Sept.1924 Furniture industry review Sept.1925 Furniture industry review Sept.1926 Furniture industry review Sept.1926 Furniture industry review Sept.1927 Furniture industry review Sept.1928 Title Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets The material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 243 Date 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-10 10-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 Year Page 1916 1920 1927 1932 1933 1923 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1921 1924 1925 1926 1928 1929 1931 1915 1914 1921 1917 1918 1920 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1926 1927 1928 Column 186 216 72 31 26 186 210 198 140 180 185 219 198 190 190 72 76 86 58 148 158 152 128 136 156 136 142 142 140 70 72 72 78 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture industry review Sept.1929 Furniture industry review Sept.1931 Furniture industry review Sept.1932 Furniture industry review Sept.1933 Furniture industry standards Furniture industry standards Furniture industry strikes Furniture industry survey Furniture industry surveys Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets The material markets Importance of work of Bureau of Standards Furniture industry to operate under Code ... Against the inconsistent union Questionnaire discloses prosperous outlook Trade committee to analyze furniture evils Furniture industry wages Furniture industry wages Furniture industry wages Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry wants Furniture industry working hours Furniture industry, 10-year review Furniture Inlaying Furniture inventions Furniture invoices Furniture labeling Furniture labor turnover Furniture leather Wages in the furniture manufacturing industry Wages and hours of labor in the furniture ... Furniture has lowest hour rate Things being searche for They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known They make their wants known Wages and hours of labor in the furniture ... Progress in the furniture industry Books and catalogs The recollections of an on-looker Trade names Informative labeling Labor turnover Phases of the furniture market Page 244 Date 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 12-01 10-01 12-01 01-01 01-15 01-01 11-01 05-01 09-01 06-01 11-01 08-01 07-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 03-01 01-01 07-15 12-01 08-01 05-01 06-15 01-15 03-01 Year Page Column 1929 1931 1932 1933 1924 1933 1911 1924 1924 80 50 30 19 53 6 502 253 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1939 1933 1933 1914 1912 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1911 1912 1911 1912 1933 1939 1928 1911 1924 1940 1938 1911 8 19 8 264 470 311 587 413 362 103 55 242 307 647 151 19 8 106 414 225 5 5 137 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture libraries Furniture lumber Furniture machinery Furniture machinery modernization Furniture machinery operations Furniture machinery operations Furniture machinery operations Furniture made of colored wood Furniture made of colored wood Furniture made of colored..(art) Furniture making, courses in Furniture manufactuers' briefs Furniture manufactuers' briefs Furniture manufactuers' briefs Furniture manufactuers' briefs Furniture Manufacturer and ...(GR) Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan Furniture Manufacturers ... Furniture Manufacturers ... Furniture Manufacturers Assn. of GR Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Title Giant furniture library grows Great item of furniture lumber Automatic shaper turns out uniform product... What ten years have done for the furniture... The department of shop notes The department of shop notes The department of shop notes Exhibit furniture made of vaccinated wood Dresden shows new furniture Some of the furniture exhibited in ... Furniture making unit courses Affairs of the industry Getting personal Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry J. Newton Nind passes away Teach trade English by means of this journal Changes in ownership The evolution in three decades Not altogether new, but progressing Grand Rapids associations consolidated Name Grand Rapids protected by court One of oldest chairs in United States Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups News of the trade Furniture pick-ups Page 245 Date 07-01 06-01 01-01 09-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 11-01 08-01 09-15 03-01 04-01 03-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 Year Page 1929 1915 1934 1929 1911 1911 1911 1923 1923 1923 1913 1933 1937 1934 1934 1921 1924 1913 1911 1911 1911 1922 1924 1930 1930 1929 1931 1929 1929 1928 1929 1926 1929 Column 60 286 26 40 600 550 492 201 202 200 539 25 30 33 32 129 103 388 12 20 641 32 33 74 68 106 59 76 76 72 74 118 80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Title Trade news notes Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry As the news story goes As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing News of the trade What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Little news notes What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Page 246 Date 07-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 09-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 10-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 04-01 06-01 Year Page 1926 1929 1930 1930 1930 1930 1929 1932 1931 1931 1932 1932 1931 1915 1915 1916 1914 1911 1912 1912 1913 1913 1917 1911 1915 1914 1915 1916 1911 1914 1911 1916 1914 18A Column 112 78 72 76 76 78 78 26 67 67 38 29 69 247 301 288 265 648 253 574 581 525 137 362 50 214 98 190 258 200 535 194 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Title Among the manufacturers What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Paragraphs about manufacturers What the manufacturers are doing Chiefly concerning manufacturers What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Paragraphs about the manufacturers Paragraphs about manufacturers Chiefly concerning manufacturers What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Chiefly about the manufacturers What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Page 247 Date 01-01 11-01 03-01 11-01 07-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 03-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 06-01 01-01 Year Page 1912 1914 1914 1912 1912 1912 1917 1915 1912 1916 1913 1912 1912 1914 1912 1913 1911 1916 1912 1913 1911 1913 1915 1916 1917 1914 1915 1913 1913 1913 1911 1912 1916 Column 56 272 162 572 359 150 192 146 104 139 101 469 54 52 519 473 312 85 196 308 516 361 195 308 308 162 278 150 417 252 421 308 48 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Title What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Getting personal What some manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Among the manufacturers What some manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Of interest to manufacturers What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Manufacturers' notes What some manufacturers are doing What some of the manufacturers are doing Among the manufacturers What some manufacturers are doing Among the manufacturers Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Just about manufacturers What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Page 248 Date 12-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 03-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 08-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 FALL 08-01 10-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 Year Page 1912 1914 1914 1944 1919 1920 1917 1919 1918 1919 1919 1920 1922 1920 1919 1917 1918 1918 1920 1919 1918 1919 1918 1933 1936 1918 1919 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1931 Column 626 109 110 45 159 337 170 251 254 90 95 168 258 116 138 127 81 59 200 203 72 167 295 27 40 92 217 31 40 40 33 34 64 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Title Affairs of the industry As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Getting personal Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Date 06-01 08-01 05-01 09-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 07-15 06-15 07-01 09-01 07-01 07-01 10-10 11-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 09-15 09-15 01-01 09-01 09-01 Page 249 Year Page 1932 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1932 1931 1932 1949 1935 1938 1938 1949 1934 1944 1945 1933 1933 1943 1942 1946 1942 1942 1941 1940 1938 1945 1949 1946 Column 27 48 61 43 53 43 42 40 41 41 44 40 59 17 30 26 61 26 27 44 30 29 31 27 45 26 26 28 23 28 45 61 58 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Title Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Getting personal Date 08-04 09-01 08-01 08-15 09-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 05-01 03-15 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 SUM 02-15 Page 250 Year Page 1942 1943 1943 1938 1935 1934 1949 1946 1945 1934 1944 1945 1946 1946 1938 1949 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1943 1949 1944 1945 1944 1943 1934 1935 1944 1942 1936 1938 Column 26 29 27 30 20 28 60 44 42 27 31 44 43 45 32 59 44 44 29 28 27 31 61 29 47 29 27 26 18 29 27 39 27 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Title Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Date 05-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 05-15 05-01 02-01 04-01 01-15 11-01 05-01 05-01 04-15 04-01 12-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 07-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 02-01 01-15 Page 251 Year Page 1944 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1938 1949 1943 1942 1938 1935 1943 1942 1938 1949 1933 1946 1945 1942 1945 1933 1935 1933 1934 1936 1935 1933 1949 1946 1934 1935 1937 Column 27 61 43 45 31 28 30 62 29 28 32 17 31 18 31 59 30 43 45 27 44 39 19 25 39 16 25 27 61 44 33 27 38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Title Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Getting personal Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Getting personal Affairs of the industry Getting personal Getting personal News of the manufacturers Date 07-15 06-01 07-01 05-15 02-01 09-01 11-01 03-01 01-01 05-01 03-15 01-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-15 12-01 11-01 10-15 12-01 10-01 12-01 11-15 12-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 07-15 Page 252 Year Page 1937 1933 1934 1937 1934 1933 1944 1935 1935 1935 1937 1933 1934 1935 1933 1945 1945 1946 1943 1949 1938 1942 1941 1938 1943 1949 1944 1937 1949 1935 1944 1945 1937 Column 30 31 30 37 31 28 45 27 21 26 38 39 33 25 26 42 42 59 29 56 30 24 28 28 29 57 44 31 58 19 44 44 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture manufacturers' briefs Furniture Manufacturers Mart (NYC) Furniture manufacturers' wants Furniture manufacturers' wants Furniture Manufacturers..(GR) Furniture Manufacturers..(GR) Furniture manufacturing Furniture manufacturing centers,US Furniture Manufacturing Code Furniture manufacturing code Furniture manufacturing code Furniture Manufacturing Code Furniture Manufacturing Code Furniture Manufacturing Code Furniture Manufacturing Code Furniture Manufacturing Code Furniture manufacturing costs Furniture manufacturing statistics Furniture manufacturing trends Furniture manufacturng outlook Furniture manufcturers briefs Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Title Getting personal Leipzig fair dates announed Affairs of the industry They make their wants known They make their wants known Excessive rates for mixed cars Answer is field by Chicago store Modern methods of furniture manufacturing Furniture manufacturing centers Haake urges fair play and warns against ... Industry takes attitude that code has ... Code administration cost apportionment ... Code Authority of furniture industry ... Compliance committees named for furniture... Cost protection for furniture industry Furniture code enforcement plan now in ... Furniture industry to operate under Code ... Relation of costs and federal income tax Comparisons, figures from biennial census Furniture manufacturing trends How's business? What the manufacturers are doing Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Market conditions Page 253 Date 10-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 09-01 01-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 03-01 07-01 12-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 05-01 04-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 Year Page 1946 1934 1932 1911 1911 1913 1922 1928 1912 1934 1935 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1933 1924 1934 1945 1930 1911 1917 1917 1918 1918 1917 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 Column 60 29 41 531 191 329 124 40 94 22 13 8 16 17 8 6 6 20 20 14 37 477 89 47 197 152 233 257 57 3 3 51 105 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture market conditions Furniture market conditions Furniture market review Furniture market review April 1912 Furniture market review Dec. 1911 Furniture market review Jan. 1912 Furniture market review July 1912 Furniture market review June 1911 Furniture market review March 1912 Furniture market review May 1912 Furniture market review Nov. 1911 Furniture market review Oct. 1911 Furniture market review Sept.1912 Furniture market rivalries Furniture market trends Furniture market trends Furniture market, April 1911 review Furniture market, May 1911 review Furniture marketing Furniture markets review Aug. 1911 Furniture markets review Aug. 1912 Furniture markets review Feb. 1912 Furniture markets review July 1911 Furniture markets review June 1912 Furniture markets review Oct. 1912 Furniture markets review Sept.1911 Furniture markets, Canadian report Furniture markets, Chicago report Furniture markets, Louisville rep. Furniture Mart (Chicago) Furniture mass production Furniture mastepiece drawings Furniture masteprice drawings Title Market conditions Market conditions Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets A discussion of market rivalry Market trends What customers want Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Wholesale distribution in marketing industry Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Open vs. Closed showroom question ... Mass chair assembly comes to south Texas Number thirty-one of new series of ... Number thirty-five of a new series of ... Page 254 Date 10-01 11-01 03-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 07-01 06-01 03-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 09-01 03-01 04-15 08-15 04-01 05-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 02-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 10-01 Year Page 1917 1917 1911 1912 1911 1912 1912 1911 1912 1912 1911 1911 1912 1912 1940 1940 1911 1911 1923 1911 1912 1912 1911 1912 1912 1911 1915 1915 1915 1929 1946 1926 1926 Column 135 185 136 197 638 46 352 304 143 248 582 523 460 121 3 4 188 250 116 416 406 96 358 300 514 471 249 248 250 35 10 49 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture masteriece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Title Number twenty-nine of new series of ... Number twenty-two of new series of ... Number sixteen of new series of drawings ... Number ten of new series of drawings of ... Number thirteen of new series of drawings ... Number thirty of new series of drawings ... Number thirty-eight of furniture ... Number thirty-four of new series of ... Number thirty-nine of a new series of ... Number thirty-seven of a new series of ... Number thirty-six of series of furniture ... Number thirty-two of a new series of ... Number twenty-four of new series of ... Number twenty-three of new series of ... Number twenty-six of new series of ... Number twenty-seven of new series of ... Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Number twenty-one of new series of drawings.. Number three of a series of drawings of ... Number twelve of new series of drawings ... Number four of a series of drawings of ... Number twenty of new series of drawings ... Number six of a new series of drawings of ... Number twenty-eight of new series of ... Number twenty-five of new series of ... Number thirty-three of a new series of ... Number fifteen of new series of drawings ... Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Number seventeen of new series of drawings... Number eight of a series of drawings ... Number eleven of new series of drawings ... Number nine of new series of drawings ... Number five of a new series of drawings ... Page 255 Date 04-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 07-01 10-01 09-01 12-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1926 1925 1925 1924 1924 1926 1927 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 1925 1925 1925 1926 51 67 67 67 217 51 49 51 49 49 51 54 167 117 270 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 07-01 01-01 10-01 02-01 06-01 04-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 01-01 1925 1924 1924 1924 1925 1924 1926 1925 1926 1925 17 17 167 65 269 167 51 217 49 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 03-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 1925 1924 1924 1924 1924 119 267 117 17 117 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture masterpiece drawings Furniture material substitutes Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising Furniture merchandising contests Furniture merchandising plans Furniture Merchants..(Chicago) Furniture mounts Furniture mounts Furniture mounts Furniture moving by railroad Furniture museums Furniture museums Furniture museums Furniture museums Furniture Mutual Insurance Co. (GR) Title Number forty of new series of ... Number forty one of a new series of ... Number forty-four of a new series of ... Number forty-three of a new series of ... Number forty-two of a new series of ... Number fourteen of new series of drawings ... Number seven of a new series of drawings ... Number eighteen of new series of drawings... New series starts Number two of a series of drawings of ... Number one of a new series of drawings ... Supplementing wood with metal in ... B. and G. buyers weekly stock report New furniture merchandising idea launched Manufacturers dolling up rooms now Selling points of popular period styles Showers to finance dealers Furniture at edge of new era Chain stores Market selling is nine-tenths showmanship ... Limited editions Retailers enthusiastic about second Made- ... The triple guarantee Brochure shows 1319 adjunct The furniture and cabinet mounts The furniture and cabinet mounts The furniture and cabinet mounts Careful packing gains customer good will ... A furniture museum for Grand Rapids Baker's museum for furniture research Grand Rapids museum promotes quality ... New furniture museum Will carry their own liability insurance Page 256 Date 03-01 04-01 09-01 07-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 04-01 01-15 12-15 11-01 04-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 Year Page 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1924 1924 1925 1923 1923 1923 1949 1926 1925 1929 1927 1928 1931 1928 1941 1938 1942 1922 1922 1915 1915 1915 1946 1926 1942 1942 1941 1912 Column 51 49 52 49 49 267 217 169 211 260 209 19 57 220 52 41 37 42 50 8 3 12 135 85 67 118 163 28 110 7 7 17 453 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture on farms Furniture opnion polls Furniture orders Furniture ornaments Furniture overlays Furniture overproduction Furniture overproduction Furniture packaging Title Survey furniture on farms Will furniture be traditional or modern? March marches ahead Elements of beautiful furniture ornaments How to make and lay fancy veneer overlays The bugbear of distress merchandise Low unit price and sales acting as ... National Furniture Traffic Conference does... Furniture packaging Furniture packaging Furniture packaging Furniture packing Furniture packing Furniture packing and packaging Furniture packing costs Furniture packing problems Furniture packingf Furniture panels Furniture patents Furniture period styles Furniture period styles Furniture period styles Furniture period styles Furniture period styles Furniture period styles Furniture period styles Furniture pests Furniture plant engineering Furniture plant engineering Furniture plants, mortality of Furniture polishes and stains Furniture polishing Manufacturer creates merchandising package... 3-room furniture package shipped in one ... Finns use new flat-pack for furniture ... Careful packing gains customer good will ... Revolutiobnizing furniture packing The proper packing of furniture Furniture claims mount Thoughts on furniture packing problems Profitable packing of furniture Furniture panels; dimension stock Recent patents on furniture Modern way to the period styles The period styles in furniture Ancient and modern marquetry in furniture Styles and period styles The Louis Fifteenth Period Style A short review of period styles English manufacturer on period styles How cotton batting prevents moth damage Engineering in furniture plants Engineering in furniture plants Furniture mortality Furniture polishes and stains Polishing furniture with charcoal Page 257 Date 08-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 09-01 05-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 01-01 03-01 09-01 06-01 Year Page Column 1926 1943 1932 1924 1925 1930 1930 1944 45 22 39 153 61 52 44 28 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1934 1946 1946 1946 1918 1922 1944 1946 1919 1916 1919 1915 1913 1923 1920 1920 1920 1919 1928 1920 1921 1927 1929 1916 32 20 28 28 234 177 28 36 278 198 263 260 70 103 266 22 296 33 33 292 33 53 58 280 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture prepacking Furniture prepacking Furniture prepacking Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices Furniture prices and quality Furniture prints Furniture priority delivery Furniture production Furniture production Furniture production costs Furniture production costs Furniture production in colleges Furniture production, reduction in Furniture products standardization Furniture professorship Furniture profits Furniture promotions Furniture propaganda Furniture publications Furniture publications Furniture Publicity Bureau Furniture pulls and trimmings Title Why your dealers prefer prepacking and ... Unit loading insures safe, low cost of ... In prepacking - use only tested quality ... Furniture men refute story of price decline Homicide or suicide Law of the jungle invades the furniture ... Furniture price advances Halt in price declines indicated at Jamestown Higher prices for furniture What happened to furniture prices Factors in furniture prices Furniture prices going up Furniture prices Affairs of the industry Don't mortgage the future Is the cost of quality a bugaboo? Furniture prints find broader protection Dealer acceptance of priority plan Furniture production increases 11.8 per cent Portable tools speed up modern furniture ... The production of furniture Ten years of progress have brought down ... Furniture goes to college Curtailment of production Standardization is desirable Furniture professorship Who gets the profit on furniture? Drexel offers dealers institutional promotion Status of the Hawke case New books New books Publicity bureau organizes The pull and trimming situation Page 258 Date 07-15 07-15 07-15 05-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 06-01 10-01 10-01 12-01 11-15 01-15 11-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 01-01 12-01 06-15 12-01 11-15 08-01 05-01 10-01 01-01 09-01 08-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 Year Page 1939 1939 1939 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1912 1921 1922 1939 1937 1933 1933 1911 1923 1944 1926 1940 1911 1939 1943 1911 1912 1949 1916 1943 1921 1923 1922 1921 1916 Column 10 13 11 20 7 15 24 26 495 164 244 6 4 30 5 288 271 12 52 6 635 7 10 220 482 9 106 25 110 60 58 254 190 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture purchases Furniture quality norms Furniture reproductions Furniture reproductions Furniture reproductions Furniture reproductions Furniture reproductions Furniture reproductions Furniture research Furniture research Furniture retail deliveries Furniture retail sales outlook Furniture retail sales peaks Furniture retail sales slumps Furniture retail trade Furniture retailers briefs Furniture rod, design and const. Furniture sales Furniture sales Furniture sales Furniture sales Furniture sales Furniture sales Title Furniture forms 4% of commodities sold A yardstick to measure furniture quality Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Copy made of Bureau du Roi Use of tapestry in upholstering Highest quality standards expressed in ... Reproductions of fine furniture Windsor chairs are easily reproduced Why not research in furniture? Baker's museum for furniture research Motor trucks for furniture factories Peaks and slumps in retail sales of ... Peaks and slumps in retail sales of ... Peaks and slumps in retail sales of ... How manufacturers can promote retail trade What some of the retailers are doing How to make and use the furniture rod Selling to a changed America All signs point to better selling Color has important part in furniture sales Furniture dollar volume slipping Low unit price and sales acting as ... Check of retail sentiment indicates ... Date 07-01 10-15 09-01 05-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 11-01 01-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 10-01 02-15 05-01 09-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 Furniture sales engineering Furniture sales frauds Furniture sales trends Furniture sales, volume of Furniture selling workshop Furniture shipment Furniture shipments Furniture shipments Furniture shipments Manufacturer creates merchandising package... Factory to You store is found unfair Market demand Building as an index to furniture sales Furniture selling workshop Rules for the packing of tables Shipments double in 5 years, profits slump New development in shipping upholstered ... Carload shipments show increase 01-01 02-01 07-15 04-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 09-01 Page 259 Year Page Column 1924 1938 1931 1926 1911 1949 1936 1941 1931 1942 1916 1930 1930 1930 1927 1915 1938 1931 1931 1924 1931 1930 1934 36 14 26 48 124 53 11 23 33 7 281 40 40 40 36 193 20 33 17 164 34 44 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1934 1927 1939 1930 1949 1911 1926 1928 1926 32 73 6 67 6 28 37 37 39 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture shipments Furniture shipments Furniture shipments Furniture shipments Furniture shipments Furniture shipments by air Furniture shop briefs Furniture shop news Furniture shop notes Furniture shop notes Furniture shop notes Furniture shop notes Furniture shop notes Furniture shop notes briefs Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Furniture Shops Co. (Grand Rapids) Furniture Specialty Co. (Seattle) Furniture stains Furniture stains Furniture standardization Furniture standardization Furniture standards Furniture standarization Furniture statistics, 1899-1939 Furniture statstics Furniture stockkeeping Furniture store purchases Furniture strikes Furniture strikes Furniture strikes Furniture strikes Furniture studies Title Big volume, low prices bring small profits Barge shipments of furniture Unit loading insures safe, low cost of ... 3-room furniture package shipped in one ... Wire strapping furnitre at Heywood-... G.R. Chair Co. ships by airplane The department of shop notes The department of shop notes The department of shop notes The department of shop notes The department of shop notes The department of shop notes The department of shop notes The department of shop notes As the news story goes Luce and Furniture Shops consolidate forces Bought a factory building Furniture pick-ups Will the stains revolutionize the ... The technique of staining cane, willow, reed The standardization of furniture Report soon on standardization Furniture standards Canadians win standardization Summary of the furniture industry, 1899-1939 Manufacturing distribution Knowing cost a necessary adjunct Hand-to-mouth Strikes and the outlook Affairs of the industry Kroehler strike settlement - and current ... No decision in Sheboygan situation Furniture policies and programs studied at .. Page 260 Date 12-01 04-01 07-15 11-01 07-15 09-01 11-01 08-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 07-01 01-01 12-01 08-01 12-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 FALL 12-01 10-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 05-15 02-01 08-15 05-01 11-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 Year Page 1927 1921 1939 1946 1939 1926 1912 1912 1914 1912 1913 1913 1913 1912 1931 1925 1915 1930 1929 1936 1912 1916 1924 1917 1942 1937 1911 1938 1911 1933 1934 1934 1949 Column 35 215 13 20 12 80 536 394 126 434 75 342 11 610 49 262 229 77 60 17 602 171 73 72 5 3 45 4 221 29 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture Studios Inc. (GR) Furniture Studios Inc. (GR) Furniture style Furniture style changes Furniture style revivals Furniture style revivals Furniture style revivals Furniture style shows Furniture style trends Furniture style trends Furniture style trends Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Title Order on veneer issued Lost art revived in Grand Rapids Style is a selling force Are furniture styles changing? New French motif which is being attempted... Federal flavored furniture Southern charm typified in Federal American Why not a furniture show? Style trends as seen in the markets Style trends and furniture finishes Style trends of the furniture markets Furniture of the reign of Louios XVI Furniture of the reign of Louis XIV Furniture of the reign of Louis XV Furniture of the style of Heppelwhite Furniture of the style of Queen Anne Furniture styles distinguished by turnings Furniture waves her wand - except in ... Heppelwhite ranks with Chippendale Modern woodworking machinery is used to ... Romance of old hickory What will be shown in June Furniture of the Empire Style Wherefor Directoire-Biedermeier The furniture of William Savery American furniture of Sheraton influence The furniture of Robert and James Adam The furniture of Duncan Phyfe Origin of Gothic style in furniture Borax styles fading fast Adapting new French style to U.S. furniture American furniture of Chippendale style Furniture of Charles II and William and Mary Page 261 Date 11-01 04-01 11-01 05-01 07-01 04-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 02-15 11-01 09-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 08-01 09-01 05-01 12-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 08-01 12-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 Year Page 1928 1920 1945 1914 1927 1942 1942 1932 1930 1930 1938 1925 1925 1925 1924 1924 1924 1928 1924 1929 1929 1931 1925 1931 1925 1925 1924 1924 1924 1931 1927 1925 1925 Column 73 193 26 229 35 12 25 24 61 44 5 221 121 171 121 221 34 44 263 44 43 43 271 45 273 123 71 271 110 47 41 71 223 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Main entry Title Chippendale furniture Design is sales keynote Duncan Phyfe, the great Duncan Phyfe, the great Early American furniture Examples of Shearer and Sheraton furniture Furniture at edge of new era American furniture of Heppelwhite influence Styles of the future Characteristics of Chippendale's style Louis Quinze furniture styles The Company of Master Craftsmen present ... The Windsor chair ... product of American ... The furniture industry lacks excitement - ... Wartime styles to influence post-war trends Egyptian influences on present day furniture Furniture - Louis XVI style Influences that bring new styles into being The Elizabethan style of furniture Styles and period styles Do not treat Modern as a style - Wright A short review of period styles Wife won fame for Hepplewhite 17th century furniture styles from Hamilton.. Beautiful Jacobean panelled room Deft union of Queen Anne themes Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Furniture styles Contemporary styles being shown by leading... Music chair after Duncan Phyfe Classicism of Louis XVI still smart in ... Chair notes on English Windsors Bedroom furniture styles preferred by ... Study of color is important in furniture Page 262 Date 07-01 01-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 04-01 02-01 05-01 08-01 05-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 07-01 01-15 06-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 06-01 12-01 Year Page Column 1924 1930 1929 1929 1925 1924 1931 1925 1913 1922 1944 1945 1945 1934 1943 1923 1945 1923 1921 1920 1934 1920 1935 1945 1922 1940 21 45 47 51 21 171 42 21 277 194 41 16 18 20 7 147 31 220 80 266 21 296 8 27 8 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1943 1917 1933 1949 1945 1923 29 258 22 38 24 249 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture styles Furniture styles (art) Furniture styles (art) Furniture styles (art) Furniture styles (art) Furniture styles forecasting Furniture styles shows Furniture substitute materials Furniture suppliers briefs Furniture supplies briefs Furniture supply briefs Furniture surveys Furniture surveys Furniture surveys Furniture surveys Furniture syndicates Furniture tariff rates Furniture tariffs Furniture tastes Furniture Temple Furniture Temple Furniture Temple Furniture Temple (Grand Rapids) Furniture Temple (Grand Rapids) Furniture terms Furniture tidbits Furniture trade and department ... Furniture trade exchabnges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Title A new idea in Philippine Modern New numbers from the markets New commercial pieces Interesting innovations Comfort and high style from some of our ... Can fashion be reduced to science? Style show will be held by the retail stores Furniture substitute materials Among the supply manufacturers Among the supply manufacturers Among the supply manufacturers English Room favorite in Grand Rapids survey $243 million furniture market is revealed ... Bedroom furniture styles preferred by ... Furniture factory survey covers upholstery... Largest syndicate being reorganized Tariff rates on furniture and lumber Want a lower tariff on furniture Furniture that everybody wants New exhibition building for Grand Rapids A new building for Grand Rapids Two more exposition buildings Furniture Temple to be greatly enlarged Furniture Temple to be enlarged Furniture terms suggested Furniture oddities The department stores in furniture trade Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Page 263 Date 03-15 03-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 06-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 01-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 11-01 06-15 11-01 03-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 Year Page 1940 1949 1949 1949 1949 1930 1930 1941 1911 1911 1911 1945 1945 1945 1945 1928 1922 1911 1928 1929 1911 1911 1927 1922 1921 1938 1931 1926 1932 1927 1926 1925 1924 Column 14 58 23 18 30 50 104 7 308 364 420 10 37 24 26 69 64 160 46 38 17 90 64 254 55 40 32 106 42 108 110 64 138 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Title Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Page 264 Date 08-01 08-01 08-01 06-01 08-01 06-01 08-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 11-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 06-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 Year Page 1932 1931 1929 1927 1927 1928 1924 1932 1931 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1928 1929 1924 1931 1926 1927 1926 1927 1928 1931 1932 1926 1925 1924 1932 1931 1931 1928 Column 44 74 110 108 108 106 58 43 64 108 108 108 110 64 66 106 114 70 80 108 108 108 106 108 65 45 110 70 74 44 65 71 106 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Title Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Page 265 Date 09-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 Year Page 1931 1926 1925 1932 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1932 1929 1924 1927 1925 1924 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1928 1925 1929 1932 1931 1930 1928 1926 1925 1924 1929 Column 63 112 68 45 112 106 108 110 70 62 40 110 72 112 64 66 57 90 108 108 106 110 108 70 106 56 90 106 108 120 68 70 114 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Title Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Page 266 Date 06-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 03-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 10-01 05-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 Year Page 1925 1926 1929 1927 1929 1924 1932 1930 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1932 1924 1930 1931 1931 1932 1931 1925 1930 1926 1927 1928 1929 1933 1933 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 Column 64 106 108 106 108 64 59 110 108 108 106 64 64 58 64 110 90 82 56 90 68 108 106 110 108 112 36 31 64 56 60 62 68 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture trade exchanges Furniture Trade Extension Bureau Furniture Trade Extension Bureau(GR Furniture Trade Extension..(GR) Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Title Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange Furniture exchange for buyers and their wants Furniture exchange Setting up ideals for the industry New deal for the manufacturer Many manufacturers tie in with Guild Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Page 267 Date 01-01 12-01 05-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 12-01 07-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 12-01 Year Page 1933 1923 1933 1923 1933 1933 1923 1934 1923 1933 1930 1930 1931 1929 1927 1926 1925 1924 1927 1926 1925 1924 1926 1927 1925 1924 1924 1928 1928 1926 1925 1929 1929 Column 45 62 29 62 45 30 62 45 60 29 50 40 65 79 70 68 138 140 70 68 88 88 70 70 36 40 188 74 70 70 138 84 81 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Title Date 12-01 12-01 11-01 12-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 06-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 06-01 04-01 Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Page 268 Year Page 1927 1925 1929 1926 1927 1925 1925 1924 1929 1928 1927 1926 1928 1924 1926 1924 1929 1928 1927 1929 1925 1928 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1927 1925 1926 1926 1924 Column 70 288 84 70 70 188 236 238 82 72 70 70 74 88 70 140 78 72 72 78 86 70 78 70 70 78 38 38 74 284 70 68 190 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Title Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Date 06-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 11-01 03-01 10-01 04-01 08-01 01-01 11-01 11-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 Page 269 Year Page 1924 1929 1928 1927 1926 1924 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1927 1914 1916 1913 1912 1915 1915 1913 1914 1913 1916 1913 1913 1915 1915 1916 1917 1916 1913 1915 1914 1915 Column 286 74 70 70 70 240 84 70 70 72 240 70 303 127 448 511 284 198 503 248 130 175 180 394 31 236 224 78 269 338 84 302 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Title Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered sk and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Date 02-01 01-01 05-01 03-01 11-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 02-01 08-01 12-01 06-01 02-01 08-01 11-01 08-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 04-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 03-01 Page 270 Year Page 1917 1914 1914 1916 1912 1914 1914 1917 1916 1914 1916 1914 1912 1916 1914 1916 1913 1915 1917 1913 1917 1913 1912 1916 1913 1916 1916 1913 1915 1914 1915 1915 1915 Column 76 30 242 128 552 26 192 122 231 138 72 86 612 266 86 79 556 81 285 82 230 232 438 180 29 31 30 612 129 142 310 244 139 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Title Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Date 01-01 06-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 12-01 05-01 10-01 02-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 11-01 07-01 04-01 10-01 06-01 03-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 07-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 08-01 04-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 09-01 Page 271 Year Page 1917 1913 1915 1923 1917 1920 1919 1918 1923 1921 1918 1922 1918 1918 1923 1922 1918 1923 1920 1923 1919 1921 1921 1921 1918 1917 1923 1918 1920 1918 1921 1922 1920 30 282 183 86 272 310 246 1801 92 243 38 79 217 43 188 180 302 136 43 138 316 292 49 43 128 216 184 92 223 142 192 114 151 Column 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Title Correspondence Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Aske and ye shall be answered Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Aske and ye shall be answred Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Page 272 Date 01-01 05-01 06-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 03-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 02-01 09-01 12-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 09-01 07-01 Year Page 1923 1923 1920 1918 1922 1918 1918 1923 1922 1921 1920 1920 1922 1919 1918 1923 1920 1919 1921 1919 1919 1920 1919 1921 1919 1923 1919 1922 1921 1920 1920 1917 1922 Column 38 240 334 238 35 272 184 288 230 146 261 211 280 82 94 40 99 133 99 198 40 278 42 106 149 280 206 210 349 164 112 120 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquiries Furniture trade inquirires Furniture trade journalism Furniture trade marks Furniture trade names Furniture trade names Furniture trade organizations Furniture trade publications Furniture trade review Dec. 1912 Furniture trade review Sept. 1913 Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Title Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Correspondence Ask and ye shall be answered Ask and ye shall be answered The evolution in three decades Use of color as a furniture trade mark Describing furniture Furniture standards Central organization launched Making trade papers pay a profit Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Wants veneered furniture in right light No more wicker Opposition to federal trade terms grows Why term Philippine mahogany is proper Order on veneer issued What is mahogany Philippine mahogany Rockford asks rehearing on terms Trade terms all muddled up Vigilance body adopts G.R. standards More stupidity Page 273 Date 04-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 12-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 08-01 06-01 08-01 05-01 07-01 12-01 09-01 05-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 02-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 Year Page 1921 1921 1919 1919 1917 1921 1922 1922 1922 1922 1919 1923 1920 1914 1911 1923 1924 1924 1914 1911 1912 1913 1926 1927 1926 1926 1928 1926 1927 1926 1927 1924 1926 Column 232 289 106 272 167 169 159 132 82 254 325 228 52 194 12 90 268 73 260 323 618 466 41 50 106 66 73 54 70 106 51 136 52 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture trade terms Furniture transporation Furniture transportation/deliveries Furniture trimmings Furniture upholstery Furniture Upholstery and ..(NYC) Furniture upholstery fabrics Furniture upholstry fabrics Furniture varnishes Furniture wages Furniture wages and wage scales Furniture wages/payrolls Furniture waxes Furniture weaving Furniture wods Furniture wood Title Commission will hold number of hearings Trade terms sought in trade conference Lumber firm appeals commission's order Looks as if office boy wrote decision Form rules for woven furniture Court upholds Commission Commission to submit terms to industry Commission ends hearing on terms Commission bans term Philippine mahogany Commission bans term Philippine mahogany Begin hearing on description of furniture Argue use of term Philippine mahogany Facts regarding furniture trade terms Manufacturers object to new trade terms Furniture trade terms Trade terms on furniture Furniture terms again considered New trade terms adopted Trailers cut transportation costs Motor trucks at the factory What influences the character of furniture... Design is as vital as color New credit body is formed Best sellers in furniture upholstery fabrics The best sellers in furniture upholstery ... Furniture varnishes Report on furniture wages Furniture manufacturing trends 1948 output reaches all-time record Candelilla wax for furniture How to weave cane seat with simple tools Need of research on tropical woods Ornamental wood in Australia Page 274 Date 07-01 03-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 06-01 07-01 10-01 04-01 10-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 11-01 09-01 02-01 10-01 11-15 09-15 09-01 07-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 Year Page 1927 1927 1926 1926 1927 1928 1926 1927 1927 1926 1927 1926 1924 1926 1921 1922 1923 1922 1921 1917 1913 1930 1924 1938 1938 1949 1921 1945 1949 1934 1925 1927 1918 Column 36 64 50 58 68 72 62 107 82 104 102 106 165 44 161 7 217 182 6 203 464 54 186 28 25 50 25 14 14 30 12 54 281 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture wood finishes Furniture wood finishes Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Title The latest oak finish Producing real antique mahogany Red alder is basis of Northwest furniture Woods of Philippine Islands and their uses Wood from tropics offers many possibilities Will spend $5,000,000 in oak-gum campaign What is mahogany Walnut is leading wood for radios Walnut for furniture down through the years Victory for Philippine woods To extend market for soft pine Staining birch and maple to match mahogany Southern red gum grows in popularity Push American hardwoods Laurel and satinwood and other Indian woods Back with a bang! That's the story of oak Birds-eye maple looks good in new dress Day coming when pine will be fashionable French walnut from standpoint of finisher Philippine mahogany offers advantages Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods How to identify genuine walnut and mahogany Mahogany finish that should be standard More about furniture woods from Australia New era of oak in furniture begins to dawn Oak may lead to American furniture style Our need for knowledge of tropical timber Renewed interest is shown in sturdy oak Good demand for black walnut logs The U.S. furniture industry Red gum and circassian walnut Proper place of American birch Woods - some ordinary, others not Page 275 Date 07-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 12-01 04-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 12-01 05-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1917 1917 1925 1925 1927 1927 1926 1927 1931 1931 1928 1925 1927 1931 1932 1931 1926 1927 1924 1926 25 24 114 111 52 86 54 64 39 69 64 172 102 51 33 57 57 43 6 62 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1924 1925 1932 1927 1927 1928 1926 1927 1916 1914 1916 1914 51 25 33 54 42 52 48 45 157 17 201 70 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Title Why not cypress for kitchen cabinets Furniture materials of future The cultivation of eucalyptus Is American walnut coming back? Romance and reality of the oak The birches are furniture woods Gum the coming furniture wood Two comparatively new woods A little known wood Culture of willows for furniture The teak woods of India Comino crespo Siberian hardwoods on the Coast Romance and reality of red gum Philippine woods for furniture Romance and reality of walnut A primer on furniture woods A chapter on the different oaks Change in furniture woods Flying on the wings of spruce Walnut Walnut stocks fair Sweetgum leads woods Sweet pecan Balsa a war wood The outlook for mahogany in 1940 Cedro Macho now available 1,600,000 feet of lumber annually Check of retail sentiment indicates ... The romance and reality of birch The future of walnut Concerning crabwood from South America Experiments in Florida swamplands yield ... Page 276 Date 12-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 07-01 04-01 10-01 09-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 07-01 12-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 08-04 01-15 02-01 01-15 08-01 08-01 11-01 03-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 Year Page 1911 1911 1911 1914 1917 1913 1917 1911 1911 1911 1914 1917 1916 1917 1914 1916 1913 1913 1942 1918 1946 1946 1942 1938 1943 1940 1946 1918 1934 1918 1918 1934 1945 Column 617 427 290 64 93 462 9 243 291 552 20 174 158 98 16 48 220 324 5 205 18 10 5 6 7 8 6 73 22 114 98 16 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Title Fine wood interiors for fine furniture Brazilian woods now available from the ... Balsa is a good wood for furniture packing Brown birdseye maple is attractive Description of the common maples Characteristics of mahogany Myrtle wood for furniture The promise of pregwood How about the growth of willows? Tropical wood research for the furniture ... Use Western woods for core stock Walnut free for furniture Valuable hardwoods of Central America There'll be more Southern hardwood for ... The outlook for furniture woods Walnut may be lost to furniture The Louisiana sweet pecan - the stubborn ... Hardwoods out of Canadian lab Are we due for a shift in woods? Less hardwoods for furniture in 1945 A chapter of commercial oaks Teak is a valuable timber Birch comes into its own Imported natural birch wood and plastic ... Improved woods and plastics for furniture Cypress of our Southern states The romance and reality of maple Phoebe porphyria Indo-China a source of much fine wood Plywood manufacturers demand and use ... New wood for post-war industry Indiana manufacturer sets up lab to test ... New supply of balsa Page 277 Date 01-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 10-01 05-01 08-01 05-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 01-01 01-01 10-01 06-01 10-01 09-15 09-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 06-15 12-01 04-01 12-01 Year Page 1933 1933 1922 1922 1919 1922 1920 1944 1918 1949 1920 1919 1922 1946 1946 1918 1938 1945 1918 1945 1919 1920 1918 1949 1945 1918 1919 1943 1933 1939 1944 1945 1943 Column 33 33 29 51 180 201 90 10 191 50 67 7 33 30 40 143 12 8 37 6 216 258 46 49 37 36 227 10 25 20 14 22 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Main entry Title Coco-bolo wood for furniture Mahogany in Florida The pine of our Southern states New postwar wood Mahogany may be future favorite Mahogany still obtainable More Brazilian woods will be available, ... Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods Furniture woods and substitutes Furniture woods in WW II Furniture woods post-war forecasts Furniture woods, bleaching of Furniture woods, designation of Furniture woods, drying of Furniture woods, gluing of Furniture woods, selection of Furniture woods, substitution of Furniture woods, wartime uses of Furniture woodworking departments Furniture workers' wages Furniture workers, annual income Furniture workers, foreign born Furniture workers, nationality of Modern methods aid Ecuador in producing balsa Mahogany substitute Sucupira Soft woods can be made hard Walnut prices will be high New woods for furniture Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Rare black walnut logs Primavera --the blonde beauty of cabinet ... How about mahogany? History may repeat Many woods plentifu; There will be wood for furniture Bleaching hardwood emphasizes beauty of ... Commission issues more charges Gluing and drying furniture wood by high- ... Gluing and drying furniture wood by high- ... The selection of woods The selection of woods Change in furniture woods Beauty and quality linked with speed Furniture workers' wages Conditions among furniture men Conditions among furniture men Conditions among furniture men Page 278 Date 04-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 08-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 07-15 06-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 03-15 07-01 07-01 04-01 09-01 07-01 07-01 11-15 11-15 11-01 11-01 12-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1920 1943 1919 1944 1945 1943 1946 209 7 280 8 6 6 47 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1943 1943 1940 1944 1919 1920 1949 1943 1940 1941 1916 1943 1944 1946 1928 1940 1940 1911 1911 1942 1931 1918 1911 1911 1911 26 15 5 8 142 144 42 12 7 5 11 6 16 21 59 11 11 553 553 5 36 260 157 157 157 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Furniture workers, weekly wage Furniture, transportation of Futorian Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Futorian Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Futterer, Chas. (St. Louis, MO) G.R. furniture manufacturers G.R. furniture workers' benefits Gadsby, William & Sons (Portland) Gair, Robert Co. (Chicago) Galax (VA) Furniture Mfg. Co. Gall Furniture Mfg. (Oakland) Gallalit (Danish) Galler Bros. (Chicago) Gallmeyer & Livingston (GR) Gallmeyer & Livingston (GR) Gallmeyer & Livingston Co. (GR) Gallmeyer & Livingston Co. (GR) Gallmeyer & Livingston Co. (GR) Gallmeyer & Livingston Co. (GR) Gallmeyer and Livingston ...(GR) Gallmeyer and Livingston Co. (GR) Gallmeyer and Livingston...(GR) Gallo Original Iron Works (NYC) Gamble Bros. Inc. (Louisville, KY) Gamble Brothers (Louisville, KY) Gamble Brothers (Lousville, KY) Gamble, Gordon R. (Grand Rapids) Gamble, Gordon R. (Grand Rapids) Gamble, T.H. (Louisville, KY) Gang dovetailer Gans Brothers Co. (New York City) Gantner, Otto (Jamestown, NY) Garden furniture Title Conditions among furniture men The transportation of furniture What's new in upholstered furniture Getting personal Somwehat personal Begin fight for higher tariff For an aid, pension and loan fund What manufacturers are doing Container Corporation buys Gair plant What some of the manufacturers are doing Getting personal New varnish substitute What manufacturers are doing Motor on saw bench is operated from lamp New speed lathe placed on market New combiation saw and jointer is made New mortiser is put on the market Union swing saw offers many advantages Machine companies form consolidation New portable universal saw put on market New jointer has many convenient features New boring machine is put on the market Growth of manufacturers' group responsible... What's new Affairs of the industry Improved adhesives adapt wood to new uses Leaders in the industry Leaders in the industry Recent deaths A new dovetailer Affairs of the industry Otto R. Gantner - versatile and adaptable About porch or garden furniture Page 279 Date 04-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 03-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 03-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 02-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 03-01 05-15 06-01 Year Page 1911 1914 1949 1949 1916 1928 1912 1916 1928 1919 1946 1918 1914 17A 1927 1928 1927 1925 1928 1923 1926 1927 1927 1949 1946 1933 1944 1942 1945 1933 1911 1933 1938 1915 Column 157 4 33 60 85 46 40 139 88 203 60 271 40 102 106 62 89 135 108 68 104 13 47 26 10 27 38 31 365 27 14 283 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Garden furniture Gardener, George Dale Gardner (MA) furniture factories Gardner (MA) furniture industry Gardner (MA) furniture industry Gardner (MA) furniture industry Gardner (MA) furniture industry Gardner, A.C. (Joliet, IL) Garfield coal conservation order Garnet Garnet paper Garnet paper Garnet paper, manufacture of Garnet sand paper Garratt, Charles and Anna (GR) Garratt, Charles F. (Grand Rapids) Garratt, Thomas F. (Grand Rapids) Garrett, Festus F. (Grand Rapids) Garton, J. C. (New York City) Garvey, Percival (Grand Rapids) Gaskets Gasoline as varnish solvent Gasoline industrial locomotives Gaspar Upholstering..(Oklahoma City Gastonia (NC) Upholstering Co. Gate-leg table of cherry (art) Gateleg table, construction Gateleg table, design Gauger, John A. & Co. (Chicago) Gay Nineties motif for chairs Gay, George W. Gay, William H. (Grand Rapids) Gebrecht Furniture..(Norwood, OH) Title Michael Hallward's colonial and garden ... Just about men How they're using the recessed head screw ... Gardner planning market Gardner to have own mart building Gardner-at-home day Editorial notes Relax radio chair Garfield coal order beneficial Garnet, an important abrasive What governs in use of garnet paper The manufacture of garnet paper Stories of the related industries Garnet, an important abrasive Injunction Held up chair company sale Recent deaths Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Recent deaths in the furniture trade Some practical gasket hints Nature of varnish solvents Gas engine replacing horse saves money Getting personal Getting personal American furniture of the 17th and ... An easy way to make a gateleg table An easy way to make a gateleg table Eight firms in plywood merger Affairs of the industry A common ownership for two Grand Rapids ... Recent deaths in furniture trade What manufacturers are doing Page 280 Date 02-01 04-01 05-15 11-01 06-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 06-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 01-01 09-15 09-15 03-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 08-01 Year Page 1942 1911 1938 1925 1924 1926 1920 1930 1918 1913 1911 1916 1918 1913 1926 1935 1922 1932 1932 1927 1923 1923 1933 1946 1944 1925 1937 1937 1930 1934 1911 1920 1914 Column 19 191 22 66 274 68 179 109 93 261 577 111 221 261 71 28 66 41 42 108 276 84 19 45 45 22 27 27 78 34 516 318 110 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Geffrye Museum (London, Eng.) Geier, Oscar A. (New York City) Geimer, Frank P. (Leominster, MA) Gem Crib and Cradle..(Gardner, MA) Gem Parlor Furniture..(Milwaukee) General Aircrafts Corp. General Bedding ...(Springfield,MA) General Electric Co. General Electric..(Schenectady, NY) General Furniture..(N.Manchester,IN General Motors Co. (Pontiac, MI) Geneva (Switzerland) Museum of ... Genge, Fred C. (Grand Rapids) Gents, Frank (Wellsville, NY) Genuine furniture Genuine Marble Products...(NYC) Geometrics Title The Geffrye museum Books and catalogs Leaders in the industry Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing Industry with a future Furniture pick-ups More plastics soon What's new Affairs of the industry Book review Walnut credenza from Geneva suggests ... Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths Furniture standards As the news story goes New coverings feature geometrics George Koch Sons (Evansville, IN) Georgia furniture industry Georgia furniture industry Georgia Furniture...(Waynesboro,GA) Georgian furniture exhibits (art) Georgian interior scheme Georgian period Georgian side chair (art) Georgian styling German chemical industry German demand for U.S. office ... German foreign trade German furniture exports German furniture exports German furniture industry New type conveyor boosts production, cuts ... New furniture plants open in Georgia Market talk New furniture plants open in Georgia Georgian furniture A Georgian interior scheme shown ...(art) The period styles in furniture Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... Market talk Advance ideas for the making of varnishes Office furniture opportunities Foreign competition German exports of furniture exceed 1913 German furniture export business Berlin furniture exhibitions Page 281 Date 03-01 10-01 10-01 03-15 07-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 09-15 12-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 05-01 02-01 04-01 10-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 Year Page Column 1919 1928 1946 1937 1912 1943 1930 1946 1937 1933 1924 1934 1924 1930 1924 1932 1949 102 72 54 39 359 4 78 10 33 31 62 27 72 84 73 37 36 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 1949 1945 1949 1945 1942 1912 1913 1931 1949 1924 1914 1925 1924 1923 1932 24 41 10 41 15 235 71 77 10 32 179 19 10 126 29 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry German furniture industry German furniture industry German furniture industry German furniture industry German furniture wages German industrial education German mahogany armchair, c1780 German Mfg. Co. (Seattle) German mirror plates German plywood exports German rococo chair (art) German submarine warfare German submarine warfare German trade organizations German upholstery German varnish industry German vocational schools German woodcarving industry German-U.S. furniture trade Germany as prime source of willows Gesso method of decorating Gettysburg (PA) Furniture Co. Gevurtz Bros. (Portland) Geyler Furniture...(Hillsbor, OH) Giant Furniture Co. (Greensboro,NC) Giant Furniture...(High Point, NC) Giant Furniture...(High Point, NC) Giant Karpen chair Giant Karpen chair (art) Gibson, Grank S. (Greenville, MI) Gilberd, Frederick (San Francisco) Gilbert, Leo W. (Wichita, KS) Gilette, King C. Title Leipzig spring furniture fair forecasts ... German exports of furniture exceed 1913 German furniture export business Mammoth sales corporation organized by ... Report on furniture wages Apprenticeship and industrial training Little known treasures of the Old World What the manufacturers are doing German mirror plate in Canada Tariff needed on plywood Pages for a designer's scrap book Editorial notes What about a depleted shipping? German commercial organizations Types of modern German upholstery (art) Varnishes in Germany Our schools and the apprentice German carvers establish schools German-American trade vanishing Willows for furniture making Lost art revived in Grand Rapids Functional furniture featured Portland, Ore., firm, changes hands Little news notes As the news story goes Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Brisbane buys giant Karpen chair Giant Karpen chair purchased by noted editor Additional deaths Furniture shop to be build Personal paragraphs about people Just about people Page 282 Date 05-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 07-01 07-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 05-01 03-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 Year Page 1934 1924 1923 1922 1921 1913 1928 1917 1915 1921 1930 1917 1917 1914 1912 1914 1912 1923 1935 1913 1920 1943 1930 1914 1932 1932 1915 1926 1926 1926 1921 1916 1913 Column 28 10 126 182 25 319 48 192 189 63 68 119 111 283 41 282 270 176 12 253 193 6 87 200 33 42 278 69 69 124 54 92 304 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Gillcraft Furniture..(Los Angeles) Gillespie Co. (Los Angeles) Gillespie Furniture Co. (LA) Gillespie Furniture Co. (LA) Gillespie Furniture Co. (LA) Gillespie Furniture Co. (LA) Gillespie Furniture..(Los Angeles) Gillespie Mfg. Co. (Los Angeles) Gillett Manufacturing..(Clio, MI) Gillingam, James Gilmour, J. Garrison Gilpin, George Henry (Tacoma, WA) Gimbel Bros. (New York City) Gimbel Bros. (New York City) Gimbel's (Philadelphia) Gimp use in upholstering Girard, Alexander H. Girard's (Huntington, WV) Girdler Corp. (Louisville, KY) Girdler Corp. (Louisville, KY) Girdler Corp. (Louisville, KY) Girdler Corp. (Louisville, KY) Gladstone Mattress Co. (Muncie, IN) Glanton Veneer Co. (Whiteville, NC) Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Title New type of interior - holds 100 records Affairs of the industry Victory for Philippine woods Furniture pick-ups As the news story goes A victory for Philippine mahogany Building plywood jettison tanks Furniture pick-ups News of the trade Spurious Savery and Gillingham labels now ... Linderman Machine Co. office, New York Recent deaths Affairs of the industry The Terminal Warehouse burned Modern gets a modern presentation! Applying gimp to upholstered furniture Here is the furniture the noted architect ... Furniture pick-ups High frequency electrical heating reduces ... What's new What's new What's new What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Making of plate glass and mirrors Phases of the furniture markets Page 283 Date 06-01 01-15 08-01 04-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 10-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 03-15 11-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 06-01 08-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 01-01 Year Page 1949 1937 1931 1930 1931 1931 1945 1930 1914 1934 1911 1928 1932 1912 1942 1938 1946 1930 1944 1944 1944 1943 1914 1934 1917 1911 1917 1916 1915 1916 1915 1912 1916 Column 59 38 69 73 44 36 16 78 265 12 366 87 42 56 7 22 34 78 26 31 47 31 52 26 42 527 45 264 274 97 162 74 47 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass Glass and glassware Glass and Glazing Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plate Glass and mirror plates Glass and mirror plates Glass and mirror plates Glass and mirrors Glass furniture Glass furniture Glass furniture (art) Glass market Glass nad mirror plate Glass plates Glass plates Glass shortage Glass use in furniture Glass, Henry P. (Chicago) Glass, Henry P. (Chicago) Glass, use of in build-in furniture Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets New books and catalogs Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Beautiful designs Glass - newly important as a material for ... Beautiful designs Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Shortage of glass Glass - newly important as a material for ... Henry P. Glass discusses present and ... Designer Henry P. Glass Use of leaded glass in furniture Page 284 Date 08-01 12-01 09-01 02-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 05-01 Year Page 1914 1915 1913 1918 1920 1920 1918 1927 1912 1916 1916 1917 1916 1916 1917 1917 1916 1911 1911 1914 1912 1945 1942 1945 1916 1913 1911 1911 1920 1942 1943 1943 1911 Column 108 310 470 99 231 173 307 40 303 144 198 195 314 96 251 302 47 307 191 269 100 23 6 23 149 197 41 90 327 6 16 16 198 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Glengarry (MI) Upholstering Co. Glengarry Upholstering..(Sherman,MI Glens Falls (NY) Mfg. Co. Glidden Co. (Cleveland) Glidden Co. (Cleveland) Glidden Co. (Cleveland) Glidden Co. (Cleveland, OH) Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland) Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland) Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland) Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland) Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland, OH) Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland,OH) Glidden Varnish Co. (Cleveland,OH) Glidden, F.H. (Cleveland) Glidden, Joseph F. (Cleveland) Globe Furniture Co. (High Point,NC) Globe Parlor ...(High Point, NC) Globe-Bosse-World..(Evansville, IN) Globe-Bosse-World..(Evansville, IN) Globe-Bosse-World..(Evansville, IN) Globe-Bosse-World..(Evansville,IN) Globe-Bosse-World...(Evansville,IN) Globe-Wernicke Co. Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati) Title What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Books and catalogs What's new New Glidden company formed The Gliddens expanding Half a century in the varnish business Addition to Glidden plant New Glidden company formed Purchased the Glidden Varnish Co. Quality of products a factor Importance of varnish filteration A successful year Half a century in the varnish business Chinese lacquer is being developed Furniture factory survey covers upholstery... Frame-short cuts Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Globe-Bosse-World firm repairs fire damage Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Streamline routine reduces costs Affairs of the industry Francis Braun's new wood desk line selling... The finishing of steel furniture Other deaths Editorial notes Efficiency and sanitation helps Firms united to engage in export trade Page 285 Date 12-01 02-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 01-01 12-01 02-01 08-01 01-01 08-01 12-01 06-01 SPR 11-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 10-01 03-01 SUM 05-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 Year Page 1915 1916 1930 1925 1946 1918 1919 1912 1916 1918 1917 1914 1915 1914 1912 1923 1945 1936 1935 1935 1917 1929 1934 1934 1934 1943 1934 1942 1936 1913 1914 1921 1919 Column 301 85 77 66 47 54 255 412 42 54 251 108 91 47 412 254 26 10 18 27 308 79 34 26 27 8 27 20 22 243 83 200 41 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Globe-Wernicke Co. (Cincinnati, OH) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Norwood, OH) Globe-Wernicke Co. (Norwood, OH) Gloeckler, Charles S. (Chicago) Glotfelter, C.W. (Waterville, MN) Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Title What the manufacturers are doing Intensive sales efforts brought results Modern drying of wood finishes American beauty mirrors Somewhat personal Common abuses in the use of glue Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Features of the glue proposition Common abuses in the use of glue Common abuses in the use of glue Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture markets The lack of attention to glue Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Production and testing of glue Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Common abuses in the use of glue Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Common abuses in the use of glue Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 286 Date 07-01 05-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 09-01 12-01 03-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 09-01 03-01 11-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 11-01 04-01 06-01 12-01 10-01 04-01 12-01 05-01 Year Page 1915 1922 1922 1912 1916 1911 1914 1915 1915 1913 1911 1911 1911 1916 1917 1912 1914 1911 1915 1914 1916 1912 1914 1912 1913 1916 1913 1911 1916 1916 1911 1912 1913 Column 52 174 60 520 189 208 269 211 274 470 598 110 84 143 45 252 49 511 327 162 150 568 331 146 64 236 199 265 288 189 169 622 248 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue and electricity Glue and glue uses Glue and gluing Glue and its uses Glue joint cutters Glue jointer Glue jointers Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets New glue is invented at U.S. laboratory Glue must be used despite price Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets The relation of glue to finishing Comments on the use of glue Electricity in the handling of glue Reservations on the use of glue Notesd on gluing and veneering Observations on the use of glue Solid vs. sectional glue joint cutters A continuous glue jointer The buzz-planer as glue jointer Glue jointing Glue joints Glue pots Glue room Glue room Glue room equipment Glue room, cooling of Glue temperature Glue use for U.S. war effort Glue use in furniture making Glue, handling of Glue, preparation of Glue, preparing of Glue-jointing problems solved by new machines The strength of glue joints New ideas in glue pots Some discussion on the glue room The glue room and its problems Glue room equipment Cooling the glue room Glue temperature Wood and glue join forces and then join ... Common abuses in the use of glue Best methods in handling glue Observations on the use of glue Modern methods in preparing glue Page 287 Date 01-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 07-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 09-01 10-15 08-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 08-04 01-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 Year Page Column 1913 1917 1915 1915 1914 1914 1923 1918 1919 1919 1918 1923 1911 1912 1923 1912 1911 1913 1920 49 91 48 104 269 107 58 270 167 112 266 58 256 115 60 60 364 580 123 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1939 1911 1918 1916 1915 1921 1914 1915 1942 1911 1918 1912 1915 12 420 267 167 88 52 220 271 9 4 264 60 223 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Glue, shearing strength of Glued joints Glued stock, sanding of Glue-gum on trimming saws Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Title Testing shearing strength of glue Conditions affecting making of glued joints Sanding glued stock Glue-gum on trimming saws Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Recent developments in venetable glue Moisture-resistant animal glues A new adhesive for furniture--cold-setting... Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 288 Date 08-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 02-01 03-01 03-15 10-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 09-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 Year Page 1919 1924 1912 1912 1927 1926 1927 1926 1928 1924 1926 1929 1932 1946 1941 1924 1924 1928 1928 1926 1927 1928 1927 1924 1925 1926 1926 1927 1924 1930 1928 1927 1926 Column 100 203 209 213 79 76 83 78 88 296 78 86 39 20 14 196 245 84 85 79 83 83 83 149 144 76 86 82 200 84 80 84 76 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Interesting new casein glue developments Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 289 Date 11-01 07-01 09-01 08-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 08-01 02-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 12-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 Year Page 1927 1926 1924 1928 1927 1932 1926 1924 1925 1928 1924 1929 1927 1926 1928 1924 1927 1929 1914 1915 1917 1916 1916 1917 1916 1912 1916 1917 1915 1916 1917 1915 1916 Column 81 77 146 79 82 54 76 95 95 80 97 92 81 76 84 45 84 86 323 53 195 199 46 302 264 303 47 251 103 96 144 253 95 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Finishing materials Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Forest Service analysis of casein Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets A treatise about vegetable glue Stainless vegetable glue can be made Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets New glue creates a sensation Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 290 Date 10-01 06-01 12-01 07-01 09-01 08-01 05-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 12-01 01-01 11-01 03-01 05-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 12-01 11-01 Year Page 1915 1916 1915 1917 1922 1920 1918 1919 1920 1921 1917 1921 1920 1918 1922 1920 1923 1922 1921 1920 1917 1921 1918 1920 1922 1917 1919 1921 1920 1920 1918 1922 1920 Column 204 314 310 43 141 107 253 214 231 302 285 204 160 292 51 320 45 238 181 287 116 358 99 219 172 130 203 116 121 173 147 289 270 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues Glues and adhesives Glues and adhesives Glues and adhesives Glues and adhesives Glues and adhesives Glues uses in WW II Glues, purchase of Glues, uses in WW II Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Finishing materials Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets How new improvements in liquid hide glue ... Improved adhesives adapt wood to new uses Modern liquid hide glues New development in glue for furniture .. Animal glue in the furniture field Glues build for war Service should be sold with glue War time gluing with casein and resin Page 291 Date 07-01 07-01 09-01 04-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 01-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 12-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 06-01 04-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 04-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 05-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 Year Page 1922 1919 1921 1918 1917 1922 1920 1921 1922 1917 1919 1922 1919 1919 1923 1919 1922 1919 1923 1921 1923 1920 1922 1921 1920 1946 1944 1944 1944 1945 1943 1922 1943 Column 43 59 158 192 181 91 51 58 141 230 220 124 332 257 99 280 188 321 196 53 143 343 220 304 61 16 10 12 29 28 12 47 24 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Gluing Glutted furniture markets Glycerin Glycerine use lin furniture ... Goat skin leather Gobelin works Go-Cart Co. (Chicago) Goddard desks Goebel, W. H. (Evansville, IN) Goehler, Homer (Portland) Gohlke, Louis (Grand Rapids) Gold leaf Gold Medal Camp ...(Racine, WI) Gold Medal Camp ...(Racine, WI) Gold mirror plates Gold mirrors Goldberg, M. (Philadelphia) Golden Gate Exposition Golden oak finish Golden Rule...(Hattiesburg, MS) Golding Bros. Co. (New York City) Goldsboro (NC) Furniture Co. Goldsboro (NC) Furniture Co. Goldsmith, Joseph M. (Chicago) Golubuff, Constant (Waterbury, CT) Goncalo alves Goncalo Alves (Mexico/South America Good will of furniture industry Good, cheap furnitur Good, Grover C. (Grand Rapids) Goodall Fabrics (New York City) Good-bye, Mr. Chippendale Goodman, A.S. Title Largest class completes course in gluing The bugbear of distress merchandise Glycerin to be made from alcohol waste Glycerine contributes to better furniture ... Written in a semi-editorial vein Use of tapestry in upholstering What the manufacturers are doing The American Chippendales Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Deaths Laying of gold leaf in decorative furniture What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Decorative value of gold mirrors Decorative value of gold mirrors Dealer guilty of false advertising In San Francisco The turning point in oak finishes As the news story goes What's new As the news story goes As the news story goes Recent deaths Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Tropical wood research for the furniture ... Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Protecting goodwill of furniture industry Good cheap furniture a requisite A furniture museum for Grand Rapids What's new Today's books Mr. A.S. Goodman in business again Page 292 Date 06-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 05-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 04-01 12-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 12-15 11-01 02-01 01-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 08-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 07-01 03-01 03-01 Year Page 1923 1930 1927 1944 1913 1911 1912 1929 1935 1932 1924 1924 1915 1914 1916 1916 1926 1938 1911 1931 1949 1931 1931 1931 1923 1949 1949 1923 1915 1926 1949 1944 1911 Column 55 52 61 11 230 125 626 40 26 42 197 275 247 272 145 145 46 3 576 69 64 45 66 57 62 51 43 217 264 110 63 29 133 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Goodrich, B.F. Co. Goodrich, Eugene C.(Grand Rapids) Goods labeling Goodwill, Fletcher (Jamestown, NY) Goodyear Tire and ...(Akron, OH) Gookin, James (Lowell, MA) Gordon & Chapman (Chicago) Gordon & Hagadorn Corp.(Honeoye,NY) Gordon, Harry (Chicago) Gorham coffee table (art) Gorham, A.E. (Mt. Pleasant, MI) Gorman, Edward J. (Kingston, NY) Gorrell, A.D. (Chicago) Gosgrove Technical..(Milwaukee) Gothic carved walnut chest (art) Gothic carving Gothic furniture style Gothic lamp stand, construction Gothic lamp stand, design Gothic style Gould, Herbert B. (Jamestown, NY) Government control of factories Government interference Government operation of railroads Government ownership of railroads Government ownership of railways Government price controls GR furniture employee benefits GR furniture employee pension plan Grabe, Klaus (New York City) Grade marking of lumber Graft in finishing rooms Graham Durable Furniture..(Oakland) Title New synthetic makes pastel furniture more... Recent deaths in furniture trade To compel the manufacturer to label goods Himebaugh Bros. factory sold Airfoam upholstering combines durability ... Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths New case goods factory is started Recent deaths Some of the furniture on exibit at ... Recent deaths Recent deaths Plan new national furniture association Cosgrove Co. moves main office Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... Some examples of Gothic carving (art) Origin of Gothic style in furniture How to make a Gothic lamp stand How to make a Gothic lamp stand Importance of Spanish history upon design Recent deaths in furniture trade Government control of factories Government dictation Editorial notes Fall freight Written in the semi-editorial vein Price control - or no ? Furniture Employers' Benefit Association Furniture Employers' Benefit Association Grabe's new line of ultra-modern ... Grade marking of lumber encouraged The finishing room graft California firm produces all-steel welded ... Page 293 Date 10-01 12-01 08-01 01-01 07-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 03-01 08-01 12-01 03-01 12-01 04-01 07-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 09-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 06-01 12-01 10-01 03-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 01-01 11-01 Year Page 1946 1924 1912 1927 1944 1924 1913 1922 1913 1924 1931 1931 1927 1923 1931 1911 1924 1931 1931 1923 1917 1918 1924 1920 1923 1918 1934 1912 1912 1949 1922 1911 1946 Column 16 76 386 85 31 68 191 81 191 120 65 63 56 282 74 334 110 39 39 156 125 226 299 7 263 244 5 135 135 38 64 20 53 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Graham Mfg. Co. (Franklin, IN) Graham, Charles (Grand Rapids) Graham, Charles T. (Grand Rapids) Graham, Denny (Chicago) Graining in imitation of mahogany Gramps, Floyd (Minneapolis) Grand Central Palace (NYC) Title Changes firm name From Chippendale to modern in two pages They stand out Recent deaths in furniture trade Graining in imitation of mahogany Floyd Merton Gramps fied with honors America at Home Grand Central Palace (NYC) Grand Central Palace (NYC) Grand Haven (MI) furniture industry Grand Ledge (MI) Chair Co. Grand Ledge (MI) Chair Co. Grand Ledge (MI) Chair Co. Grand Ledge (MI) Chair Co. Grand Ledge (MI) Chair Co. Grand Ledge (MI) Rush Seat Mfg. Grand Palais (France) Grand Parlor Frame Co. (NYC) Grand Rapid furniture industry Grand Rapids Grand Rapids (WI) Hand Screw Co. Grand Rapids Advertisers Club Grand Rapids Airplane Co. Grand Rapids Airplane Co. Grand Rapids Airplane Co. Grand Rapids Airplane Co. Grand Rapids Art Association Grand Rapids Assn. of Commerce Grand Rapids Associated Stores Inc. Grand Rapids Association of ... Grand Rapids Association of ... Grand Rapids Association of ... Modern designs, modern coverings, modern ... New York Exchange not affected Prosperity looms at Grand Haven Affairs of the industry Getting personal News of the trade Mrs. Turnbull gives bonus to employes Distributes bonus to her employes Pyramids to the present Interesting and unique designs shown in Paris What some manufacturers are doing Here's what they're showing at Grand Rapids Sizing up a city Grand Rapids, Michigan, loses a good man Written in the semi-editorial vein Hoult in charge of airplane work here Airplane making to carry on Compliments Grand Rapids Airplane Co. The faith-sped victory Art museum plans furniture exhibit Industry ponders rail rate boost As the news story goes Let there be a reorganization Promote Grand Rapids as a market Grand Rapids market promotion Page 294 Date 12-01 11-01 Year Page Column 08-01 06-01 12-01 02-01 1915 1932 1936 1928 1913 1917 1949 277 22 25 60 275 271 28 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 11-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 09-15 05-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 03-01 12-01 12-01 06-01 01-01 07-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 1949 1918 1922 1934 1938 1914 1923 1923 1931 1923 1920 1946 1917 1913 1914 1918 1918 1918 1919 1923 1931 1931 1914 1911 1911 53 81 62 33 28 265 57 170 39 201 337 25 139 471 300 140 251 284 306 60 43 42 24 363 516 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 SPR Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids Aviation Co. Grand Rapids Bedding Co. Grand Rapids Bedding Co. Grand Rapids Bedding Co. Grand Rapids Bedding Co. Grand Rapids Blowpipe and Dust ... Grand Rapids Board of Education Grand Rapids Board of Trade Grand Rapids Brass and Iron ... Grand Rapids Brass Co. Grand Rapids Brass Co. Grand Rapids Brass Co. Grand Rapids cabinet makers Grand Rapids Case Works Grand Rapids Central High Schoo Title Aviation field for Grand Rapids G.R. Bedding gets big contract What the manufacturers are doing Changes its name Grand rapids Bedding increases stock A new finishing cabinet Written in a semi-editorial vein Great daving in furniture rates Recollections of an onlooker A wood carver left his bench 53 years ago ... What the manufacturers are doing Catalogs, pamphlets and other literature Grand Rapids losing cabinetmakers Edgar R. Somes Co. reorganized School of art and industry Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids city manager plan Grand Rapids Civic Auditorium Grand Rapids Civic Auditorium Grand Rapids designers New type conveyor boosts production, cuts ... Sligh buys Grand rapids Chair Getting personal Comfort and high style from some of our ... Order on veneer issued G.R. Chair Co. ships by airplane Shots of interesting machine operations ... Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers Seventy Written in the semi-editorial vein What manufacturers are doing Artistic booklet by Chair Co. Factory extensions in Grand Rapids Written in the semi-editorial vein Furniture selling workshop The industry takes stock at the third ... Grand Rapids designers will show work in ... Page 295 Date 09-01 07-01 04-01 12-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 10-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 02-15 04-01 11-01 09-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 Year Page Column 1918 1917 1917 1913 1920 1916 1911 1918 1911 1935 1916 1915 1918 1922 1916 132 17 192 629 116 144 22 5 174 6 85 276 293 14 236 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1949 1945 1938 1949 1928 1926 1941 1913 1915 1911 1914 1923 1919 1917 1949 1949 1935 24 10 27 30 73 80 27 101 133 224 110 32 43 228 6 13 19 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids Designers' Association Grand Rapids economic conditions Grand Rapids factory wages Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture Co. Grand Rapids' foreign population Grand Rapids Fume and Vapor ... Grand Rapids furniture Grand Rapids furniture Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids Furniture ...(NYC) Grand Rapids furniture advertising Grand Rapids Furniture Association Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. (NYC) Grand Rapids Furniture Co.(Chicago) Grand Rapids furniture design Grand Rapids furniture designers Grand Rapids furniture designers Grand Rapids furniture designers Grand Rapids Furniture Designers... Grand Rapids furniture exhibitions Grand Rapids furniture exhibitions Title Grand Rapids designers will show work in ... Grand Rapids' prosperity Wages doubled in three years Order on veneer issued Americanizing the Grand Rapids foreigner The Grand Rapids fume and vapor ejector Grand Rapids furniture for Paris exposition Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Training furniture factory executives The Grand Rapids Exhibitors Association Exhibitors association annual Proposed advance in freight rates Furniture guild rooms dedicated Must be made in Grand Rapids Grand Rapids pledges $20,000 Three more dealers named in complaints Promotion of G.R. markets assigned to two ... Status of the furniture strike Order on veneer issued What the manufacturers are doing Written in the semi-editorial vein What the manufacturers are doing The recollections of an on-looker Furniture and military service Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Commission dismisses case against store Modern love seats Grand Rapids coordinates design of living, .. Designers are organizing Leopold Baillot Discuss plans for furniture designing Let there be a reorganization The exhibition as an educator Page 296 Date 06-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 06-01 05-01 09-01 06-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 12-01 07-01 06-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 02-01 07-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 02-01 08-15 10-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 Year Page 1935 1921 1919 1928 1917 1918 1931 1931 1946 1912 1913 1912 1916 1919 1922 1925 1931 1911 1928 1911 1912 1916 1912 1917 1927 1927 1940 1944 1917 1918 1922 1914 1914 Column 19 260 291 73 186 301 48 26 46 416 363 452 260 5 239 279 61 213 73 21 334 190 42 212 106 38 11 36 75 31 281 24 24 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture exports Grand Rapids furniture exports Grand Rapids furniture exports Grand Rapids furniture exports Grand Rapids furniture exports Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Title Calles buys G.R. furniture Grand Rapids largest export shipment Furniture headquarters in Buenos Ayres An order from Cuba To build Little Grand Rapids Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Grand Rapids market attracts high crowd ... Grand Rapids market dinner an outstanding... Grand Rapids outlook is brighter Important dates Important dates January market will be of unusual interest Affairs of the industry Market calendar Calendar of important furniture events More exhibit space for Grand Rapids Price cuts few; is market trend to Chicago? Important dates to remember Important dates to remember Grand Rapids selects show date Furniture pick-ups Buying at Grand Rapids market was healthy Business valley not likely to be deep Birds Eye Veneer Co. has big exhibit Convention dates to remember All set for the coming expositions Furniture salesmen market hosts Page 297 Date 08-01 11-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 12-01 06-01 01-01 10-10 10-01 02-01 08-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 05-01 02-01 Year Page 1928 1916 1915 1920 1918 1935 1934 1934 1936 1934 1934 1935 1946 1942 1946 1949 1945 1942 1935 1929 1933 1924 1930 1924 1924 1924 1929 1925 1929 1928 1922 1921 1918 Column 104 231 245 337 75 28 31 33 16 34 26 18 10 16 8 63 47 19 25 37 30 187 35 100 263 99 78 70 39 76 248 269 69 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids furniture exposition Grand Rapids Furniture Exposition.. Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Title Business conditions Dates to remember The next exposition There are others to come Looks like a near-record market Convention dates to remember Business is good at midwinter markets Business conditions July season to be four weeks The coming exposition season Convention dates to remember Grand Rapids show as usual January exhibition is on 235,000 young women study G.R. furniture Calendar of important furniture events Buyers and sellers snapped at a recent ... Buying conservative at intermediate markets Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Business booked at the July markets stacks... Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Page 298 Date 01-01 09-01 11-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 05-01 10-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 04-01 08-04 05-01 01-01 02-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 08-01 06-01 10-01 09-01 08-01 07-15 Year Page 1920 1922 1918 1918 1918 1922 1923 1921 1921 1919 1922 1919 1919 1931 1933 1942 1935 1933 1933 1935 1934 1935 1933 1933 1934 1933 1931 1933 1933 1935 1935 1933 1937 Column 3 106 190 305 36 193 36 1 81 211 147 277 32 55 28 25 26 42 43 6 34 25 28 30 33 27 49 25 32 18 21 26 30 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Title Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Bright forecast for G.R. market As the news story goes As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Affairs of the industry Important dates Grand Rapids sets date for summer show Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Haake urges fair play and warns against ... Calendar of important furniture events Important dates Markets a surprise Winter market in Grand Rapids Vital questions answered at mid-winter market Summer exposition called off Sane optimism prevails at the summer ... Notables at the Grand Rapids Exposition ... Page 299 Date 07-01 01-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 12-01 11-01 08-01 01-01 02-15 07-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 11-01 04-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 05-01 02-15 12-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 08-01 Year Page 1933 1936 1932 1931 1932 1932 1932 1932 1931 1939 1934 1946 1943 1949 1949 1946 1944 1949 1943 1943 1943 1946 1949 1946 1934 1935 1944 1938 1943 1944 1945 1935 1941 Column 25 17 22 42 35 42 40 30 47 20 30 47 6 63 63 63 48 63 31 31 31 47 63 47 22 17 32 5 21 14 6 7 18 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Title Important dates Mid-winter furniture market Grand Rapids ready for market buyers January market Important events Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Newness - keynote of 1950 Grand Rapids market Coming events Grand Rapids(sic) Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Exhibitors accept orders for 1945 at ... Grand Rapids plans 1946 expansion Grand Rapids market sets new records Grand Rapids designers will show work in ... Grand Rapids dates Future market dates at Grand Rapids Page 300 Date 10-01 11-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 05-15 10-01 09-01 08-15 08-01 06-15 09-15 05-15 10-01 04-15 04-15 04-15 04-01 03-15 06-01 05-15 09-01 09-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1942 1945 1949 1943 1942 1949 1943 1949 1946 3 8 48 6 24 63 29 63 63 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1949 1938 1942 1941 1939 1941 1940 1940 1939 1941 1940 1939 1938 1941 1940 1935 1940 1944 1945 1946 1935 1944 1946 11 30 5 24 17 26 15 23 21 28 19 15 31 28 19 26 4 34 10 41 19 6 8 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Title Coming events Flexible units at exposition Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Furniture ideas for post-war homes Interesting the public Two-market issue is on trial Two markets - then what? To help dealer sell furniture Style trends as seen in the markets Seek permanency of market dates Promotion of G.R. markets assigned to two ... Plans being made for market celebration New exhibition building for Grand Rapids Market date change up again Market calendar Market calendar Manufacturers are ready for January show What is coming in market dates now? June market, Grand Rapids and Chicago Calendar of important furniture events Gustave Hendricks discovers Grand Rapids Grand Rapids to stage field day and rodeo Grand Rapids market is inspiration to buyers G.R. winter market from Jan. 4 to 23 G.R. unofficial showing Nov. 9-16 G.R. summer market is June 25 to July 14 G.R. market dates are announced Page 301 Date 09-15 02-01 11-01 12-15 12-15 12-01 11-15 11-01 10-15 01-01 02-01 11-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 07-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 08-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 12-01 02-01 06-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 03-01 08-01 Year Page 1939 1943 1934 1939 1938 1941 1938 1941 1938 1944 1928 1928 1928 1928 1930 1931 1931 1927 1929 1928 1930 1930 1929 1929 1931 1931 1926 1926 1926 1925 1932 1928 1927 Column 17 6 30 18 19 26 31 24 28 21 50 37 52 46 61 35 61 108 38 45 63 107 79 35 49 26 55 83 52 99 31 56 37 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Title Fine Arts Building ready for opening Fascinating designs at Grand Rapids market Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositions Grand Rapids furniture expositrion Grand Rapids furniture factories Grand Rapids furniture factories Grand Rapids furniture factories Grand Rapids furniture factories Grand Rapids Furniture Guild Grand Rapids Furniture Guild Grand Rapids furniture history Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Landstrom and Campbell lines in Grand Rapids Calendar of important furniture events January market feature It is a good market Seasonable showroom disclosures More exhibition buildings in Grand Rapids Written in a semi-editorial vein Convention dates to remember Number of buyers reaches 2,507 mark Grand Rapids market days are chosen Market dates are fixed Expositions and salesmanship January and July exhibitions A short but complete season Exposition building for Grand rapids Important dates The local furniture factories Grand Rapids larger furniture plants The evolution in three decades Grand Rapids furniture factories Affairs of the industry FALL Dealer acceptance of priority plan When the industry was young Make plans for centenary market Foreman training in furniture factories Furniture firms appeal veneer decision Furniture interests fight new rate proposals Page 302 Date 12-01 07-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 12-01 08-01 07-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 01-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 11-01 Year Page Column 1925 1925 1932 1935 1932 263 26 42 19 40 3 1 2 2 2 1931 1931 1915 1917 1912 1917 1913 1923 1922 1922 1921 1922 1918 1919 1922 1945 1915 1916 1911 1920 1936 1944 1921 1927 1925 1929 1925 52 45 176 25 340 52 336 176 28 28 54 17 284 65 14 47 298 126 12 100 40 12 139 53 229 90 213 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Title Furniture production Grand Rapids adopts standards Grand Rapids protersts proposed tax increase Great American furniture library How safety is practiced in furniture plants Copy made of Bureau du Roi Many manufacturers tie in with Guild More stupidity displayed New exhibition building for Grand Rapids Payrolls break record To advertise Grand Rapids Trade terms all muddled up Gustave Hendricks discovers Grand Rapids Efficient war methods a boon to furniture... Windfall for Grand Rapids New ideas in furniture for home and office Grand Rapids promotion Grand Rapids coordinates design of living, .. Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids Industries plan now for post-war Grand Rapids - the quality market Englishmen to exploit Furniture firms to continue postwar aircraft Describing furniture Cooperate on war orders A good move $22,000,000 war contracts Attempt to pirate furniture design foiled Charge misuse of term Grand Rapids Commission ends hearing on terms Industry with a future Furniture pool makes planes That reminds me Page 303 Date 03-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 11-01 05-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 04-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 08-01 05-01 10-01 11-01 04-15 11-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 Year Page Column 1928 1924 1926 1928 1927 1926 1931 1928 1929 1924 1924 1927 1926 1943 1943 1946 1946 1944 51 249 58 40 62 48 65 52 38 107 37 51 55 4 7 24 12 36 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1943 1939 1926 1944 1924 1942 1941 1943 1926 1924 1927 1943 1943 1935 6 6 49 6 268 9 5 4 58 29 107 4 6 23 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Title To grow willows in Michigan Editorial notes Want a lower tariff on furniture Protest against new tariff provisions Status of the furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture statistics Written in the semi-editorial vein Grand Rapids market promotion Written in the semi-editorial vein Grand Rapids associations consolidated Let there be a reorganization Written in the semi-editorial vein Furniture manufacturing centers The factory labor issue in Grand Rapids Two expositions a year to continue Grand Rapids' carloading plan Will carry their own liability insurance Editorial notes Factory improvements in Grand Rapids Editorial notes Promote Grand Rapids as a market The local furniture factories For an aid, pension and loan fund Written in the semi-editorial vein Growth of Grand Rapids industry New Hotel Morton formally opened Written in the semi-editorial vein Lost art revived in Grand Rapids Factory additions in Grand Rapids Grand Rapids furniture factories Grand Rapids losing cabinetmakers Editorial notes School for hand carvers Page 304 Date 01-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 09-01 02-01 06-01 11-01 07-01 12-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 06-01 04-01 12-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 10-01 Year Page 1917 1917 1911 1913 1911 1911 1914 1911 1915 1911 1914 1913 1912 1911 1915 1916 1912 1917 1914 1916 1911 1915 1912 1918 1920 1923 1919 1920 1919 1920 1918 1918 1919 Column 19 227 160 304 211 187 84 516 190 641 24 391 94 162 252 255 453 73 331 218 363 298 40 62 15 233 266 193 299 100 293 261 205 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture industry Grand Rapids furniture inustry Grand Rapids Furniture Makers' ... Grand Rapids Furniture Makers' ... Grand Rapids Furniture Makers Guild Grand Rapids Furniture Makers Guild Grand Rapids furniture manufactuers Grand Rapids Furniture Market Grand Rapids furniture market Grand Rapids furniture market Grand Rapids furniture market Grand Rapids furniture market Grand Rapids furniture market Grand Rapids Furniture Museum Grand Rapids Furniture Museum Grand Rapids Furniture Museum Grand Rapids Furniture Museum Title Workers receive over $14,000,000 Trade school for Grand Rapids Written in the semi-editorial vein English manufacturer on period styles Report favorable to importing artisans Furniture companies merge Factories employ more hands G.R. school for upholsterers Schravesande lets $10,000,000 contracts The furniture industry and the war Work is steady at Grand Rapids Wage increases in Grand Rapids Grand Rapids ships by air Guild galleries to open within six months Grand Rapids coordinates design of living, .. As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Vigilance body adopts G.R. standards Winner of first Waters award Written in the semi-editorial vein Results of the season in Grand Rapids Big buying has begun The January market The summer market opening date Introducing the Grand Rapids Furniture ... Grand Rapids museum promotes quality ... A good move Museum for furniture arts and crafts Grand Rapids Furniture Museum Grand Rapids furniture prices Grand Rapids Furniture Record Grand Rapids Furniture Record New rooms for Grand Rapids furniture museum Editorial notes To teach retail selling Furniture Record to conduct sales school Page 305 Date 03-01 10-01 11-01 01-01 08-01 06-01 12-01 09-01 03-01 10-01 08-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 02-01 06-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 08-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 03-15 03-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 Year Page Column 1923 1919 1919 1919 1923 1923 1919 1919 1918 1918 1922 1920 1946 1945 1944 1932 1935 1924 1949 1912 1912 1919 1918 1918 1938 1942 1941 1944 62 174 229 33 98 292 315 155 135 142 60 223 8 9 36 35 25 136 6 128 410 212 58 269 18 7 5 9 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1946 1921 1925 1924 10 249 45 301 3 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids Furniture Record Grand Rapids Furniture Record Grand Rapids Furniture Record Grand Rapids Furniture Record Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Record Co. Grand Rapids Furniture Sales..(NYC) Grand Rapids furniture shipments Grand Rapids furniture shipments Grand Rapids furniture shippers Grand Rapids Furniture Shops Grand Rapids furniture standards Grand Rapids furniture statistics Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strike Grand Rapids furniture strikew Grand Rapids Furniture Temple Co. Grand Rapids furniture trade Grand Rapids furniture wages Grand Rapids Furniture(H.Springs,AK Grand Rapids Furniture..(Chicago) Grand Rapids Furniture..(Chicago) Grand Rapids Furniture...(NYC) Grand Rapids furniturte exhibits Grand Rapids Grinding Machine Co. Grand Rapids hand carving industry Grand Rapids hotels Title Furniture is bought, not sold, survey shows Retail furniture school is highly successful Making trade papers pay a profit New publications Changes in ownership Three more dealers named in complaints Carload shipments of furniture since 1920 Grand Rapids furniture via canal Great daving in furniture rates Increases capital 600 per cent Vigilance body adopts G.R. standards Grand Rapids furniture statistics Another chapter of strike history Furniture workers' strike ended Advises men to return to work Written in the semi-editorial vein Review of the strike situation Status of the furniture strike The furniture strike Shorter day for the furniture worker Strikes and the outlook Grand Rapids strike no hardship Two more exposition buildings The evolution in three decades Workers receive over $14,000,000 Editorial notes Unfair competition charged in complaint Answer is field by Chicago store Commission issues complaint Written in the semi-editorial vein Machine companies form consolidation What the future offers hand carvers Written in the semi-editorial vein Page 306 Date 04-01 02-01 07-01 06-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 05-01 09-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 Year Page 1925 1925 1911 1913 1913 1925 1922 1921 1918 1921 1924 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1923 1912 1925 1922 1924 1917 1923 1926 1912 Column 157 81 323 307 388 279 184 158 5 320 136 187 297 424 214 453 352 211 282 623 221 232 90 12 62 336 97 124 126 28 135 43 29 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids Housing Corp. Grand Rapids industial growth Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Title Furniture men in housing project Editorial notes Bedroom furniture styles preferred by ... Prize entries Furniture ideas for post-war homes Furniture pool makes planes English Room favorite in Grand Rapids survey What conversion is teaching Windfall for Grand Rapids The future on exhibition Date 09-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 12-01 Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids Industries Inc. Grand Rapids industry Grand Rapids Lounge Co. Grand Rapids Lounge Co. Grand Rapids manual high school Grand Rapids manufacturers briefs Grand Rapids Market Association Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men IN WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids Industries plan now for post-war Industry with a future Cooperate on war orders Growth of Grand Rapids industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Written in a semi-editorial vein Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers Written in the semi-editorial vein Clyde makes supreme sacrifice C.S. Paine to go to France Robert S. Woodbridge goes to France What the manufacturers are doing Death of John Stellema Principally about people Furniture boys still enlisting Morgenstern badly wounded Caring for Uncle sam's saws Furniture additions to army A Dutchman in kilts Sergt. Mulzer still in France Capt. Miller goes to Washington 11-01 08-01 05-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 08-01 02-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 Page 307 Year Page Column 1919 1920 1945 1944 1944 1943 1945 1943 1943 1943 122 114 24 24 21 6 10 13 7 14 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1943 1943 1942 1920 1935 1934 1911 1913 1915 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1919 1918 1918 1918 1919 1918 6 4 9 15 27 39 22 101 230 264 45 297 81 234 77 92 89 216 163 65 81 40 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids men in WWI service Grand Rapids Metal Craft Corp. Grand Rapids Metal Products Co. Grand Rapids name Grand Rapids Office Chair Co. Grand Rapids Office Chair Co. Grand Rapids Phonograph Co. Grand Rapids Plan Grand Rapids Public Library Grand Rapids Public Library Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. Grand Rapids Sales Co. (NYC) Grand Rapids Sales Co. (NYC) Grand Rapids schookls Grand Rapids School of Hand Carving Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Title Sligh's friends have faith in him More furniture men enlisting Many furniture boys in the army Crowley field secretary of K.C. Maj. Chas. R. Sligh to be transferred Affairs of the industry New supply firm in Grand Rapids Name Grand Rapids protected by court G.R. Office Chair Co. starts manufacturing Office chairs will be manufactured Issue their own catalog $22,000,000 war contracts Giant furniture library grows Great American furniture library Former Ford official heads refrigerator co. Merger will increase refrigerator output Refrigerator merger may be consummated Editorial notes What the manufacturers are doing Group insurance popular Cooperative mercantile schemes What some manufacturers are doing Misused term Grand Rapids in advertising Law against fake advertising upheld Furniture making unit courses School board to operate G.R. Carving School Foreman training in furniture factories Industrial art school for Grand Rapids Editorial notes Cost system for industrial schools Woodworking in public schools School for upholsterers G.R. school for upholsterers Page 308 Date 01-01 01-01 03-01 10-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 07-01 10-01 07-01 08-01 06-01 07-01 06-01 08-01 03-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 07-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 09-01 Year Page 1918 1918 1918 1918 1918 1932 1921 1922 1919 1919 1919 1943 1929 1928 1926 1926 1925 1917 1916 1917 1919 1919 1927 1925 1913 1924 1925 1916 1917 1912 1915 1919 1919 Column 41 42 136 162 20 31 185 32 181 22 85 4 60 40 79 48 263 175 190 137 135 168 104 264 539 63 229 235 7 446 269 76 155 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids schools Grand Rapids Show Case Co. Grand Rapids Show Case Co. Grand Rapids Show Case Co. Grand Rapids Show Case Co. Grand Rapids Show Case Co. Grand Rapids Show Case Co. Grand Rapids Show Case Co. Grand Rapids Showcase Co. Grand Rapids Showcase Co. Grand Rapids Sprinkler Co. Grand Rapids steel furniture trade Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corp. Grand Rapids Store Equipment Corp. Grand Rapids Styles Institute Grand Rapids summer furniture expo Grand Rapids trade mark Grand Rapids trade mark Grand Rapids trade mark Grand Rapids trade name Grand Rapids Upholstering Co. Grand Rapids Upholstering Co. Grand Rapids Upholstery Co. Grand Rapids Upholstery Co. Grand Rapids Upholstery.(Buffalo,NY Grand Rapids Vapor Kiln Grand Rapids Vapor Kiln Co. Grand Rapids Varnish Co. Grand Rapids Varnish Co. Grand Rapids Varnish Co. Grand Rapids Varnish Co. Title School for hand carvers Jackson gets promotion Trade school for Grand Rapids G.R. Show Case Co. buys another plant Show case companies merge Complaint against G.R. firm dismissed What manufacturers are doing Samuel D. Young returns from Europe Factory libraries Boost capital stock New officers for the Showcase Co. Warehouse of G.R. Showcase Co. burns New sprinkler company Editorial notes Show case companies merge As the news story goes Grand Rapids designers will show work in ... Editorial mention and comment Written in the semi-editorial vein The grand Rapids trade-mark Unmasking the fake Grand Rapids dealer Answer is field by Chicago store Establish a war fund Furniture companies merge Berkey and Gay units under one company To vote on merger of Berkey and Gay units To protect name Grand Rapids Books and catalogs Plants to be improved with G.R. Vapor Kilns Grand Rapids Varnish Co. develops new filler Amicable settlement made in varnish case A twenty-year sequel to a finishing ... A new varnish for the furniture industry Page 309 Date 10-01 11-01 10-01 08-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 11-01 09-01 02-01 01-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 08-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 Year Page 1919 1917 1919 1925 1927 1928 1915 1920 1921 1921 1912 1923 1916 1913 1927 1931 1935 1911 1914 1914 1919 1922 1918 1923 1926 1926 1916 1925 1930 1929 1929 1935 1916 Column 205 227 174 98 104 89 98 10 218 58 410 58 231 444 104 67 19 222 300 25 90 124 11 292 77 69 305 66 49 83 96 8 48 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids Varnish Co. Grand Rapids Varnish Co. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnish Corp. Grand Rapids Varnsih Co. Grand Rapids Veneer Co. Grand Rapids Veneer Co. Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Veneer Works Grand Rapids Vocational School Grand Rapids Vocational School Title Choosing the proper varnish Grand Rapids Varnish annual Varnish company loses desist order plea What's new What's new Patching cement is added to G.R. line Grand Rapids Varnish personnel changes What's new Varnish concern adds another unit Varnish corporation to increase capacity Grand Rapids Varnish Co. expands What manufacturers are doing Is appreciated at home Humidity in lumber drying kilns Placing many dry kilns Grand Rapids Veneer Works Wins Installing many new plants Selling many dry kilns Some recent dry kiln developments Progress of Grand Rapids Veneer Works Boost capital stock School board to operate G.R. Carving School Foremen attend vocational school Grand Rapids Vocational School Grand Rapids wage increases Grand Rapids wood carvers Grand Rapids wood carvers Grand Rapids Wood Carving Co. Grand Rapids wood carvings (art) Grand Rapids wood carvwers Grand Rapids Wood Finishing Co. Grand Rapids Wood Finishing Co. Work of students in Grand Rapids Vocational.. Wage increases in Grand Rapids Interest in wood carving is increasing The wood carvers of Grand Rapids ...(art) What the manufacturers are doing Some of the work of the Grand Rapids ... Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Wood finishing concerns merge Finishing company holds conference Page 310 Date 02-01 01-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 03-01 12-01 05-01 06-01 09-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 01-01 08-01 09-01 01-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 01-01 12-01 06-01 01-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1918 1918 1929 1942 1945 1928 1931 1944 1923 1922 1919 1916 1916 1916 1913 1915 1913 1913 1915 1911 1921 1924 1923 81 21 89 31 47 80 90 32 58 256 229 309 138 136 524 321 306 55 104 476 58 63 66 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 1923 1920 1924 1923 1912 1924 1923 1922 1923 158 223 3 244 308 2 103 131 60 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grand Rapids, hotel problem in Grand Rapids, immigration to Grand Rapids, use of Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapids, use of term Grand Rapoids Blow Pipe & Dust ... Grand Rapuids furniture exposition Grandfather clock Grandfather's clocks, construction Grandfather's clocks, design of Granovsky, Albert A. (NYC) Grau Curtis Co. (Minneapolis) Gravely Novelty..(Martinsburg, VA) Graves, Edwin E. (Chicago) Gray Furnitire Co. (Adrian, MI) Gray, Dudley (Los Angeles) Grays Harbor Chair ...(Aberdeen,WA) Grays Harbor Chair..(Hoquiam, WA) Grays Harbor Chair...(Aberdeen, WA) Grays Harbor Chair...(Hoquiam, WA) Great Depression Great Depression Great Depression Great Depression Great Depression Title Written in the semi-editorial vein Furniture manufacturing centers Unfair furniture merchandising Trade terms all muddled up Trade Commission active Three more dealers named in complaints Law against fake advertising upheld Commission issues complaint Unfair competition charged in complaint Charge misuse of term Grand Rapids Misused term Grand Rapids in advertising Commission dismisses case against store Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Anticipated future needs Business conditions] How to make the popular grandfather clock Study of practical cabinet making Study of practical cabinet making Leaders in the industry Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry A debt of gratitude to Chicago What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Furniture pick-ups Wood and glue join forces and then join ... Furniture pick-ups As the news story goes $525,000 furniture plant recommended as ... The claws of the Blue Eagle! The price of recovery You may not like the style, but The winning adventure of 1-9-3-3- Page 311 Date 01-01 02-01 07-01 04-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 09-01 02-01 07-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 05-01 02-01 08-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 02-01 04-01 02-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 08-04 02-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 07-01 01-01 Year Page 1912 1912 1924 1927 1924 1925 1925 1924 1925 1924 1927 1927 1927 1928 1920 1925 1911 1911 1945 1930 1932 1922 1916 1932 1930 1942 1930 1931 1934 1933 1933 1933 1933 Column 29 94 18 51 170 279 264 126 97 29 104 38 106 102 65 53 555 555 42 69 42 62 308 44 77 9 70 46 8 5 7 5 7 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Great Depression Great Depression Great Depression Great Northern Chair Co. (Chicago) Greeman Bros. (Batesville, IN) Green Furniture..(Chattanooga, TN) Green River Chair Co. (Calhoun, KY) Green River Chair..(Livermore, KY) Green, Fred W. (Ionia, MI) Green, Jack (Parkersburg, WV) Greenberger, Jacques F. (NYC) Greenberger, Norman J. (NYC) Greeneville (TN) Chair Co. Greenfield Village (Dearborn, MI) Greenlee Bros. & Co. (Rockford, IL) Greenlee Bros. & Co. (Rockford, IL) Greenlee Bros. (Rockford, IL) Greenlund, Arthur J. (Jamestown,NY) Greenpoint Metallic Bed..(Atlanta) Greenpoint Moulding...(NYC) Greenville (TN) Chair Factory Greenwood, Arthur (LOndon) Greenwood, Levi H. (Boston) Greenwood, Richard N. (Gardner, MA) Greilick, Clarence (Traverse City) Griffith, Howard T. (Indianapolis) Grigsby-Grunow Co. (Chicago) Title Roosevelt's temple Selling to a changed America How furniture makers can cooperate with ... Getting personal What the manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Fred W. Green visits the Orient Jack Green Three more dealers named in complaints Three more dealers named in complaints What manufacturers are doing Ford's Duncan Phyfe furniture is a ... Redesigning the Greenlee 545 double-end ... The Greenlee double cabinet planer What's new Recent deaths in furniture trade Two Atlanta bed companies to merge Fires in furniture factories Little news notes British designed utility furniture Recent deaths Leaders in the industry Recent deaths in furniture trade Undell works sold to veteran officers As the news story goes Grigsby-Grunow Co. (Chicago) Grigsby-Grunow Co. (Chicago) Grinding of knives Grindstones and scythestones Griswold, W.E.S. Jr. (NYC) Grigsby-Grunow Company purchases plant site Grigsby-Grunow production of 4150 sets a ... Cool, correct grinding of planer knives Stories of the related industries Leaders in the industry Page 312 Date 11-01 05-01 02-01 03-01 12-01 08-01 02-01 09-01 03-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 11-01 10-01 05-15 05-15 07-01 11-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 04-15 09-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1933 1931 1930 1949 1912 1919 1916 1916 1920 1917 1925 1925 1913 1934 1939 1939 1946 1917 1920 1921 1914 1943 1930 1939 1929 1928 1931 7 33 36 59 626 95 85 139 141 113 279 279 581 6 16 15 48 222 116 206 200 19 93 10 76 69 60 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1930 1929 1916 1919 1946 77 42 153 234 40 3 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Grnad Rapids furniture strike Groat Furniture Co. (Philadelphia) Grobisher, W.C. (Sturgis, MI) Grosfeld House (Chicago) Grosfeld, Albert Inc. (NYC) Grosfeld, Albert Inc. (NYC) Gross, Carl Co. (Milwaukee, WI) Grossman, A.N. (Chicago) Grossman, Alexander (Chicago) Grossman, Benjamin W. (Rhoe Island) Grossman, Michael (Sheboygan, WI) Grosvenor patent Group insurance Group insurance Group life insurance Grove Hall Furniture..(Boston) Grove, Clarence B. (Holland, MI) Gruen, Robert (New York City) Guadeloupe Guatemala as source of balsa wood Guatemalan furniture industry Guatemalan imports of U.S. ... Guatemalan mahogany Guernaux, Rene (East Grand Rapids) Guess, George Guest, M.A. Co. (Big Rapids, MI) Guild labeled merchandise Guild Marketing plan Guild Receipt and Priority Program Gullicksen, Ole (Chicago) Gum Gum and circassian walnut Gum as furniture wood Title Written in the semi-editorial vein Chiefly about the manufacturers Recent deaths in furniture trade Promotional exhibit by Chicago furniture ... As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups What manufacturers are doing A.N. Grossman heads new glue company Drop plans for new glue company Name Grand Rapids protected by court A banker goes into the furniture business Wenborne-Karpen wins suit Group insurance popular Group insurance in furniture factories Employees insurance hels personnel relations Incorporation matters Recent deaths in the furniture trade Robert Gruen, New York industrial and ... Guadeloupe ignorant of U.S. furniture New supply of balsa Editorial notes Selling U.S. furniture to Southern republics Bids for cutting mahogany received Rene Guernaux Origin of the title Sequoyah Affairs of the industry New deal for the manufacturer Guild marketing time Dealer acceptance of priority plan Leaders in the industry What should be the place of gum Written in the semi-editorial vein Gum the coming furniture wood Page 313 Date 05-01 04-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 07-01 07-15 06-01 10-01 11-01 10-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 12-01 10-01 07-01 05-01 10-01 10-01 12-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 Year Page 1911 1912 1919 1942 1931 1929 1915 1924 1924 1922 1937 1921 1917 1922 1941 1922 1926 1945 1925 1943 1916 1925 1921 1916 1917 1932 1930 1949 1944 1943 1912 1914 1917 Column 226 196 156 8 43 79 98 64 166 32 11 320 137 203 10 142 112 25 132 6 170 32 283 185 174 43 40 10 12 28 72 29 9 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Gum as imitation walnut Gum lumber Gum lumber Gum lumber Gum lumber Gum lumber industry Gum lumber manufacture Gum shellac Gum veneer business Gum woods Gum woods, popularity in Europe Gum, drying and finishing of Gum, Eugene P. (Oklahoma) Gums, varieties of Gumwood Gumwood industry Gumwood Service Bureau Gum-Wood Service Bureau Gunderson Bros. (Portland) Gunlock Chair Co. (Wayland, NY) Gunlocke Chair Co. (Wayland, NY) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Gunwood, educational campaign for Gurney Refrigerator.(Fond du Lac,WI Guse, August D. (Milwaukee) Title Finishes for imitation walnut Kiln drying - particularly gum Is there another substitute wood coming Red gum as furniture wood Production of gum lumber Gumwood publicity arranged at meeting Editorial notes Gum shellac and its substitutes Quartered gum Source of supply and use of gum Source of supply and use of gum Gum, how to dry and fisnish it A table of historic woods result of ... Distinguishing the gums Will spend $5,000,000 in oak-gum campaign Educational campaign for gum Educational campaign for gum Gumwood publicity arranged at meeting Douglas fir plywood makes boats sturdier ... Here's what conveyors have done for these ... Trade notes Affairs of the industry Shots of interesting machine operations ... Order on veneer issued Furniture pick-ups What manufacturers are doing Gunn Furniture Co. to enlarge plant Gunn Company to increase capital Gunn gets patent Gunn Co. secures new patent rights Educational campaign for gum Group insurance popular Recent deaths in the furniture trade Page 314 Date 03-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 12-01 12-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 08-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 04-01 Year Page 1915 1915 1911 1911 1920 1924 1912 1911 1911 1913 1913 1913 1933 1913 1927 1924 1924 1924 1944 1946 1928 1934 1941 1928 1929 1917 1923 1923 1921 1923 1924 1917 1925 Column 129 231 393 392 248 77 601 459 469 594 594 155 17 222 86 74 74 77 9 18 59 26 27 73 78 137 280 75 283 200 74 137 70 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Guthrie (OK) Seating Co. Guttman, Harris H. Willett Inc. (Louisville, KY) H.& H. Furniture..(Evansville, IN) Haag, George E. (Cincinnati) Haake, A.P. Haase, Charles L. (Milwaukee) Haase, Ralph D. (Memphis, TN) Haberkorn, C.H. (Detroit) Habitant Shops (Bay City, MI) Hackett, G.L. Co. (Massillon, OH) Hackney Chair..(Lexington, NC) Hackney Mfg. Co. (Lexington, NC) Hadden, Joseph B. (Holland,MI) Haddorp Piano Co. (Rockford,IL) Hafner Furniture Co. (Chicago) Hagaman, Lauren (Louisville, KY) Hagedon, William L. (Indianapolis) Hagerstown (MD) Lounge Co. Hagerstown (MD) Table Works Hagerstown (MD) Table Works Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Title What the manufacturers are doing Other deaths Concentrating on cherry and maple Paragraphs about the manufacturers Recent deaths in the furniture trade Haake urges fair play and warns against ... Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths in the trade Outstanding offerings presented by Bay ... What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Paragraphs about the people Rockford companies in merger What manufacturers are doing Leaders in the industry Recent deaths Hagerstown Lounge Co. insures employes As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 315 Date 07-01 06-01 12-01 02-01 12-01 01-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 07-01 10-01 10-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 01-01 03-15 02-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 08-01 09-01 Year Page 1912 1911 1949 1913 1922 1934 1916 1921 1915 1945 1914 1932 1934 1913 1928 1915 1949 1913 1924 1932 1937 1912 1914 1914 1917 1915 1915 1915 1914 1912 1916 1913 1916 Column 359 303 16 101 54 22 133 145 320 37 110 43 33 360 69 195 58 568 206 34 39 99 209 268 84 273 327 252 55 145 46 412 144 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair and excelsior Hair and feathers Haire, C.L. Haiti furniture industry Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets My experience in learning cabinet making Furniture making in Haiti Page 316 Date 07-01 10-01 08-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 12-01 03-01 10-01 12-01 12-01 09-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 02-01 05-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 03-01 07-01 01-01 Year Page 1915 1911 1914 1916 1915 1913 1912 1917 1915 1916 1914 1914 1912 1915 1916 1917 1912 1913 1916 1916 1916 1913 1916 1917 1916 1915 1917 1914 1917 1911 1913 1924 1920 Column 47 525 107 149 162 198 621 145 203 287 322 161 567 310 46 43 302 247 314 95 96 48 263 44 198 103 251 213 182 473 144 23 34 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Haitian imports of U.S. furniture Hake, Paul M. (Mattoon, IL) Hale & Kilburn Co. (Philadelphia) Half lap joint, construction Half lap joint, design Half-shift system of production Hall & Brown Wood ... (St. Louis) Hall & Brown Woodworking(St. Louis) Hall & Lyon Furniture..(Waverly,NY) Hall Refrigerator..(Greenville, MI) Hall, Arthur (Leominster, MA) Hall, Frank L. (Kansas City) Hall, John A. (Shelbyville, IN) Hall, Miller Hall, R. Howard (Belding, M I) Hallagan, Simon E. (Newark, NJ) Hallin, Adolph E. (Jamestown, NY) Hallinger, Ben (South Superior, WI) Halloran, Fred E. (Indianapolis) Hallward, Michael (Boston) Hallward, Michael (Marblehead, MA) Hallward, Michael (Marblehead, MA) Halpin, Thomas P. (Chicago) Halstead, Christ(sic) Halving of angles in cabinet making Haman, Ralph (Chicago) Hamburg (Germany) Museum of Art Hamilton Mfg. (Two Rivers, WI) Hamilton Mfg. Co. (Los Angeles) Hamilton Mfg. Co. (Two Rivers, WI) Hamilton Palace (Scotland) Hamilton, Walter C. (Grand Rapids) Hammond Instrument Co. (Chicago) Title American furniture in Haiti Leaders in the industry What manufacturers are doing Small project in line of half lap joint Small project in line of half lap joint Kittinger speeds production with half-shift Hall & Brown variety saw New Hall & Brown shaper Trade notes New refrigerato co. formed at Greenville Recent deaths Death of Frank L. Hall Recent deaths Recollections of an onlooker Recent deaths in furniture trade Leaders in the industry Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Taking a big machine to market What designers say about built-in Michael Hallward's colonial and garden ... Brought up in artistic tradition Somewhat personal Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Study of practical cabinet making Ralph Haman - train designer extraordinary Little known treasures of the Old World What's new Affairs of the industry Getting personal 17th century furniture styles from Hamilton.. Recent deaths A quick trip through a modern furniture ... Page 317 Date 02-01 11-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 06-01 10-01 10-10 06-01 06-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 01-01 04-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 06-15 04-01 03-01 10-15 Year Page 1925 1949 1916 1926 1926 1943 1930 1931 1914 1927 1933 1929 1931 1911 1928 1945 1932 1934 1922 1946 1942 1942 1915 1923 1911 1945 1929 1941 1932 1938 1945 1929 1938 Column 84 58 308 45 45 15 87 74 327 102 31 115 81 174 104 38 44 39 146 8 19 19 43 105 97 17 51 24 43 26 27 79 10 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hammond Instrument Co. (Chicago) Hammond-Moir Co. (St. Paul, MN) Hampden Specialty..(Easthampton,MA) Hampden Specialty..(Easthampton,MA) Hampton Furniture Co. (NYC) Hancock (MI) Chair Co. Title What's new What manufacturers are doing Aluminum rates high Upholstery dresses up metal pieces Getting personal What manufacturers are doing Hand carved mahogany table (art) Hand carvin on polished furniture Hand carving Hand carving industry Hand carvings Hand dovetailing Hand dovetailing Hand lathe as sander Hand made furniture Hand made mortises Hand painted furniture decorations Hand painting of furniture Hand saw filing machines Hand saws, making of Hand stenciling on chairs Hand tooled leather Hand-carved Victorian furniture Hand-decorated furniture Handicapped as furniture workers Handicrafts Handley, T.S. (Grand Rapids) Handley, Tom Satterthwaite (GR) Handy locker system Handy Refrigerator..(Ft. Worth,TX) Handy, Thos. Hanes Chair & ..(Mocksville, NC) Work of students in Grand Rapids Vocational.. Preserving the feeling of carving Hand carving is character building study What the future offers hand carvers Composition carvings Hand dovetailing nearly lost art Hand dovetailing for students The hand lathe as sander Hand made and machine made furniture Methods for making hand made mortises Decals rival hand painting Hand painting to keep up with today's ... Hand saw filing machines Stories of the related industries Antique art resurrected Process reproduces hand tooled leather Made by hand Hand painting to keep up with today's ... Help from the handicapped Berea College students learn art of ... King Tut coffee table, designed by T.S. ... Tom S. Handley dies suddenly at home Some developments in modern factories What manufacturers are doing The impress of English designers What the manufacturers are doing Page 318 Date 01-15 12-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 05-01 04-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 12-01 09-01 02-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 08-01 01-15 10-01 02-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 01-15 02-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 08-01 06-01 02-01 11-01 Year Page Column 1938 1915 1949 1949 1946 1915 38 301 16 15 45 278 1 1 2 2 2 2 1923 1911 1923 1926 1916 1916 1918 1917 1925 1928 1943 1941 1914 1919 1945 1926 1949 1941 1944 1932 1923 1927 1922 1917 1911 1914 158 47 11 42 257 100 72 169 3 43 14 11 200 61 11 41 30 11 12 39 56 48 52 308 61 272 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hanes Chair Co. (Mocksville, NC) Haney, Elijah (Grand Rapids) Haney, George M. (Grand Rapids) Hanging wall china cupboard, const. Hanging wall china cupboard, design Hanging wall cupboard Hanging wall cupboard, builing of Hanging wall cupboard, design of Hang-Weller Co. (Morristown, TN) Hanker, Albert C. Inc. (Chicago) Hannahs Mfg. Co. (Kenosha, WI) Hannahs, Fred (Kenosha, WI) Hanoi furniture industry Hanpeter, Edward F. (St. Louis) Hansen, H. Frederick (Grand Rapids) Hanson Clock Mfg...(Rockford, IL) Hanson Motor Co. (Atlanta) Hanson, Louis (Chicago) Happiness Harbach, Louis (Des Moines, IA) Harbor Plywood Corp. (Hoquiam, WA) Harbor Plywood...(Aberdeen, WA) Harbor Plywood...(Grays Harbor,WA) Hard Mfg. Co. (Bridbeburg, Ontario) Hard Mfg. Co. (Buffalo, NY) Harden Co. (McConnellsville, NY) Hardening of furniture woods Hardening of furniture woods Hardie, James (Grand Rapids) Hardie, James J. (Los Angeles) Hardie, James J. (Los Angeles) Harding, Warren G. Hardware lumber Title Getting personal Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Making a hanging wall china cupboard Making a hanging wall china cupboard Hanging wall cupboard (art) Advanced manual training designs Advanced manual training designs What other manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Recent deaths The inlayers of Hanoi Recent deaths in the trade Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Incentive labor pay plan aids prodiction Automobile company to make furniture Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Rockford furniture is shown in movies Recent deaths in furniture trade Harbord(sic) product has many new features .. Eight firms in plywood merger Eight firms in plywood merger What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Furniture company buys lumber concern Soft woods can be made hard New postwar wood New designer at Luce Furniture Co. James J. Hardie's defense theme The designer himself Tariff rates on furniture and lumber Manufacturers' material markets Page 319 Date 09-15 03-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 12-01 09-01 01-01 06-01 07-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 07-01 12-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 05-01 Year Page 1937 1923 1927 1930 1930 1912 1912 1912 1920 1915 1919 1932 1913 1915 1923 1949 1925 1923 1925 1916 1935 1930 1930 1914 1914 1926 1944 1944 1919 1941 1941 1922 1919 Column 30 62 108 55 55 325 324 324 117 301 167 42 289 42 66 22 133 64 259 133 21 78 78 162 162 66 8 8 241 19 19 64 256 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hardware Supply Co. (Grand Rapids) Hardwood and veneers Hardwood and veneers Hardwood and veneers Hardwood conservation Hardwood grading rules Hardwood grading rules Hardwood industry Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Title The Hardware Supply Consolidation Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Dimension stock economy New hardwood grading rules approved Changes in grading rules Hardwood men to survey industry Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 320 Date 05-01 05-01 10-01 11-01 01-01 10-01 06-01 03-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 08-01 12-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 08-01 Year Page 1915 1914 1911 1911 1922 1931 1921 1931 1925 1924 1924 1928 1927 1926 1926 1924 1930 1929 1926 1924 1925 1926 1928 1926 1925 1926 1924 1925 1925 1929 1927 1927 1928 Column 277 266 526 584 22 71 338 86 38 192 90 74 72 72 70 42 82 86 72 143 140 80 72 72 238 72 292 90 290 80 72 72 70 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Hardwood lumber to be promoted Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Page 321 Date 10-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 09-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 06-01 02-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 01-01 Year Page 1925 1924 1927 1926 1925 1924 1924 1927 1928 1926 1928 1924 1925 1924 1927 1929 1929 1928 1929 1924 1926 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1926 1925 1924 1929 1925 1926 1927 Column 190 190 72 70 140 142 240 72 72 74 72 243 242 40 76 84 80 74 76 288 70 74 73 72 72 72 72 93 92 80 40 72 72 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Title Material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 322 Date 08-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 08-01 03-01 07-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 11-01 07-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 01-01 09-01 05-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 Year Page 1932 1928 1916 1916 1916 1916 1920 1919 1922 1922 1921 1918 1921 1922 1921 1923 1921 1922 1919 1920 1923 1918 1922 1920 1922 1921 1919 1923 1920 1923 1922 1920 1923 Column 37 72 141 312 262 93 170 58 262 46 238 191 152 136 112 94 296 216 219 228 190 235 38 316 184 198 166 42 156 243 44 118 138 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Hardwood lumber Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Page 323 Date 08-01 12-01 06-01 08-01 02-01 06-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 09-01 07-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 12-01 05-01 11-01 07-01 01-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 Year Page 1920 1923 1923 1919 1919 1921 1923 1918 1921 1918 1923 1923 1921 1921 1919 1918 1922 1920 1922 1920 1923 1920 1920 1921 1922 1922 1921 1923 1920 1922 1920 1919 1919 Column 104 284 294 110 88 352 142 98 176 136 44 186 104 298 202 185 120 266 284 284 236 48 58 48 86 166 54 94 340 235 216 278 331 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hardwood lumber case Hardwood lumber dealers Hardwood lumber grading Hardwood lumber grading Hardwood lumber grading Hardwood lumber grading Hardwood lumber grading rules Hardwood lumber grading rules Hardwood lumber grading rules Hardwood lumber grading standards Hardwood lumber grading standards Hardwood lumber grading standards Hardwood lumber grading standards Hardwood lumber grading standards Hardwood lumber imports Hardwood lumber industry Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Title Supreme Court decision is vital Written in the semi-editorial vein Wood using industry opposes Proposal C The uniform grading project Grading rules are discussed Council insists on changes in lumber rules Proposal C is defeated Hardwood men to fight substitutes Hardwood association changes part of rules Proposal C again to fore Proposal C not approved by Sec'y Hoover Lumbermen asked to drop Proposal C Proposal C is defeated by twelve votes Proposal C Written in the semi-editorial vein Hardwood men adopt sales code Material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Hardwood lumber market Page 324 Date 11-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 12-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 03-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 12-01 06-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 12-01 02-01 11-01 Year Page 1920 1914 1927 1918 1922 1923 1928 1928 1923 1928 1928 1928 1927 1927 1912 1922 1932 1929 1928 1929 1932 1928 1931 1933 1931 1931 1932 1930 1932 1931 1929 1930 1932 Column 246 300 39 6 283 249 46 71 28 65 63 45 54 50 27 56 46 86 78 86 31 76 58 38 50 52 31 82 30 50 83 82 29 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber market Hardwood lumber markets Hardwood lumber markets Hardwood lumber rules/standards Hardwood lumber seasoning Hardwood lumber, Chicago report Hardwood Manufacturers Institute Hardwood Manufacturers Institute Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute Hardwood market Hardwood Mills Lumber...(Chicago) Hardwood panels, drying of Title Hardwood lumber market Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets The material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market The material markets The material markets Changes suggested in hardwood rules Evolution in lumber seasoning Phases of the furniture markets Institute suspends statistics Institute starts engineering work Institute wants ruling on trade statistics Manufacturers' material markets Mr. Holden moves to Chicago The drying of hardwood panels Page 325 Date 12-01 04-01 01-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 08-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 07-01 03-01 01-01 09-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 09-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 Year Page 1932 1930 1930 1932 1931 1932 1928 1931 1932 1931 1932 1931 1929 1929 1931 1932 1931 1931 1929 1930 1931 1917 1933 1933 1924 1912 1916 1924 1922 1924 1927 1915 1920 Column 29 80 80 33 68 38 78 70 42 74 44 60 80 86 66 45 52 66 81 82 70 128 37 26 300 191 263 74 142 297 72 201 249 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hardwood plywood Hardwood Record Hardwood sales code Hardwood sales code Hardwood standarization Hardwood trees Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods Hardwoods as substitute for leather Hardwoods for wartime uses Hardwoods in furniture industry Hardwoods inspection Hardwoods, bleaching of Hardwoods, Canadian import of Hardwoods, sanding of Title Date Innovation in office desks uses more plywoods New Orleans should be a furniture center Facts about the sales code Hardwood men adopt sales code Institute starts engineering work The mora Hardwood for the furniture industry Hardwood lumber increase Less hardwoods for furniture in 1945 Postwar demand for hardwood lumbber Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Getting at the supply of oak Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Oak is still king Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Canada's supply of hardwoods The decadence of quartered oak Hardwood to the rescue Hardwood for the furniture industry Hardwoods used in furniture industry Universal hardwoods inspection Bleaching hardwood emphasizes beauty of ... Hardwoods in Canada Sanding of birch and hardwoods Page 326 04-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 11-01 09-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 12-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 07-01 12-01 12-01 Year Page 1946 1912 1922 1922 1922 1914 1944 1945 1945 1945 1914 1913 1911 1914 1914 1915 1915 1912 1914 1915 1916 1913 1914 1916 1912 1943 1944 1921 1912 1946 1911 1915 Column 12 493 60 56 142 130 24 8 6 7 210 410 640 266 159 270 208 176 53 50 23 97 320 54 330 10 24 74 155 21 615 262 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Harlequin table, construction of Harlequin table, design of Harlow Pub. Co. (Oklahoma City) Harlstad, C. (Grand Rapids) Harman Timber Co. (Los Angeles) Harmon, F.S & Co. (Tacoma, WA) Harmon, F.S. Mfg. Co. (Tacoma, WA) Harper Furniture Co. (Lenoir, NC) Harper, Charles J. (Grand Rapids) Harper's (New York City) Harper's (New York City) Harpsichord Harpsichords made of plastics Harris Brown Table..(Greenwood,MS) Harris, W.L. Harris, W.L. (Minneapolis) Harris-Brown Table Co. (Denver) Harris-Brown Table..(Greenwood, MS) Harris-Brown Table..(Greenwood,MS) Harrison, N.F. (Grand Rapids) Hart, Earle Woodworking ..(Chicago) Hart, Joseph Samuel (Grand Rapids) Hart, N.W. Co. (St. Petersburg) Hartley, James (Jamestown, NY) Hartman Corp. (Chicago) Hartman's (Chicago) Hartman's (Chicago) Hartness, James (Springfield, VT) Harvard Grad. School of Business... Harvard Mfg. Co. (Cleveland) Harvard Mfg. Co. (Cleveland) Harvest Furniture...(Louisville,KY) Title A Harlequin table by Shearer A Harlequin table by Shearer Book reviews Interest in wood carving is increasing The cultivation of eucalyptus What manufacturers are doing Harmon of Tacoma expansion and modernization As the news story goes Charles J. Harper (obit) Today's books Today's books Concerto in plastics Concerto in plastics What the manufacturers are doing Written in the semi-editorial vein Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Paragraphs about manufacturers What manufacturers are doing Harris-Brown Table Co., very busy Wood carvers exhibit of national interest What's new Recent deaths in furniture trade Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Hartman earnings show decline for 6 months Affairs of the industry Furniture pick-ups The human factor in works management Furniture policies and programs studied at .. What's new What's new Getting personal Page 327 Date 05-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 11-01 05-15 08-15 12-01 12-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 07-15 04-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 04-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1916 1916 1926 1924 1911 1913 220 220 48 5 290 308 1 1 3 1 2 1 1946 1931 1926 1938 1938 1944 1944 1914 1912 1923 1912 1915 1916 1923 1938 1916 1933 1931 1928 1933 1929 1912 1949 1949 1949 1949 28 63 56 4 4 33 33 272 392 66 469 195 179 105 36 185 28 53 73 29 78 467 8 63 64 60 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Harvey Chair Co. (Rome, GA) Harvey, George (Oak Park, IL) Haskelite Co. (Grand Rapids) Haskelite Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Haskelite Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Haskelite Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Haskell Mfg. Co. (Ludington, MI) Hasse, O.A. (Cleveland) Hasselbarth-Whiton Co. (Utica,NY) Hastings (MI) Cabinet Co. Hastings (MI) Table Co. Hastings (MI) Table Co. Hatch, Orval C. (Union City, PA) Hathaway, Burt A. (Grand Rapids) Hathaway, Burt A. (Owosso, MI) Hathaway, George (Cincinnati) Hauenstein, Arthur (Buffalo) Hausske, August Hawaii as source of cabinet woods Hawaiian mahogany Hawaiian wicker furniture industry Hawaiian wickerware industry Hawes Manufacturing..(Tonawanda,PA) Hawke, George (Cincinnati) Hawkins, E.V. (Connellsville, IN) Hawkins, Lewis E. (Grand Rapids) Hawley State ...(Bloomsburg, PA) Hawthorne Furniture..(Los Angeles) Hawthorne Furniture..(Los Angeles) Hay & Co. (Woodstock, Ont., Canada) Hay Mfg. Co. (Peoria, IL) Hayden Brothers (Omaha, NE) Hayes-Ionia Co. (Ionia, MI) Title What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in the furniture trade Veneer applied on steel offers ... New developments in moulding plywood What's new Large Haskelite panels Laminated wood and airplanes Purchased the Glidden Varnish Co. What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Leaders in the industry Purchases control of Estey Company Recent deaths in the furniture trade Uses 51,000 pieces of wood in table Recent deaths Recent deaths in furniture trade Cabinet woods from across the Pacific Cabinet woods from across the Pacific Hawaiian wicker furniture opportunity New wickerware industry in Hawaii A machine for applying wood finishes Status of the Hawke case Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths The law of it Increases capital What some manufacturers are doing From logs to veneers and panels - how it is.. What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Nelson Matter leased their new plant Page 328 Date 12-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 11-01 12-01 11-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 08-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 05-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 08-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 Year Page 1915 1928 1935 1925 1942 1919 1917 1917 1915 1916 1932 1932 1941 1921 1926 1927 1933 1916 1912 1912 1916 1916 1912 1921 1926 1926 1911 1920 1920 1933 1916 1912 1917 Column 301 110 13 67 30 29 204 251 247 194 41 42 21 90 122 71 28 40 25 25 71 223 415 110 108 108 597 214 200 14 308 308 135 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hayward, Samuel Hayworth, Charles (High Point,NC) Hazel Healy & Son (London) Hearn, James & Son (New York City) Heat stains on wood Heat use to accelerate gluing Heath, William B. (Ionia, MI) Hedrick, J.T, (Lexington, NC) Hedstrom Union Co. Hedstrom Union...(Fitchburg, MA) Heeb, William (Connersville, IN) Hegel, John (New Haven, CT) Heilman & Co. (Williamsport, PA) Heilman, A.H. & Co.(Williamsport,PA Heilman, Abram H. Heilman, John H. (Williamsport, PA) Heinacker Furniture..(Ferdinand,IN) Heine Furniture Co. (Toledo, OH) Heinzelman, George J. (Grand Rapids Hekman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Hekman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Hekman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Hekman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Hekman Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Hekman, Henry (Grand Rapids) Hellam (PA) Furniture Co. Heller & Hoffman (St. Louis) Heller, Michael (St. Louis) Heller, Robert (New York City) Helmers Mfg. Co. (Kansas City) Helmers, Henry (Kansas City) Hemlock Title Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths in the furniture trade The structure of common woods Old furniture at the exhibition of... Affairs of the industry To take the heat stains out of wood Stored heat gluing Ramsey-Alton plant purchased Hedrick to rebuild Elk Furniture Co. A quick trip through Hedstom's folding ... Hedstrom Union Company ready to resume ... Recent deaths Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Furniture pick-ups Recent deaths Recent deaths Recent deaths Huntington Co. buys another factory What the manufacturers are doing Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Getting personal Plant expansion New type catalogue issued Order on veneer issued Change of name is announced Leaders in the industry Getting personal Recent deaths Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Fire damages Helmers plant Recent deaths Hardwoods out of Canadian lab Page 329 Date 05-01 05-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 03-01 01-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 10-01 07-15 07-01 02-01 02-01 SUM 06-01 03-01 09-01 Year Page 1922 1928 1913 1911 1932 1911 1946 1915 1923 1946 1945 1931 1923 1930 1911 1911 1921 1928 1916 1924 1949 1949 1949 1928 1923 1938 1946 1912 1912 1936 1922 1934 1945 Column 60 110 164 380 43 13 22 136 300 36 14 41 62 75 517 517 214 69 85 66 61 8 10 73 158 18 46 103 103 39 60 35 8 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hendricks Commercial Register Hendricks, G.A. (Grand Rapids) Hendricks, G.A. (Grand Rapids) Hendricks, Gustave (Grand Rapids) Henning Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Henning Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Henning-Larson Glue ...(Chicago) Henredon Furniture..(Morganton, NC) Henry Heyer & Son (Milwaukee) Henry, Byron S. (Des Moines, IA) Henshaw, Robert (Cincinnati) Heppelwhite chair style (art) Heppelwhite furniture style Heppelwhite side board (art) Heppelwhite style Heppelwhite style Heppelwhite style chair (art) Heppelwhite style sideboard Heppelwhite style sideboard (art) Heppelwhite, George Hepplewhite card table (art) Hepplewhite dressing table (art) Hepplewhite side table (art) Hepplewhite style Hepplewhite style chair (art) Hepplewhite style furniture (art) Hepplewhite tambour desk (art) Hepplewhite walnut armchair (art) Hepplewhite, George Hepplewhite, Mrs. George Herbold, Frederick H. (Chicago) Hercules Corp. (Evansville, IN) Hercules Corp. (Evansville, IN) Title New books and catalogs Furniture Capitol to be ready July 1928 New Hendricks building to be 34 stories Gustave Hendricks discovers Grand Rapids Furniture pick-ups Non-staining glue developed by Henning Affairs of the industry Henredon Furniture expands As the news story goes Byron S. Henry buys furniture factory Recent deaths South facade of the new American wing ... Heppelwhite ranks with Chippendale Number thirty-three of a new series of ... American furniture of Heppelwhite influence A short review of period styles Measured dralwing of a Hepplewhite chair ... Little known treasures of the Old World One of the Little Known Treasures of ... Heppelwhite ranks with Chippendale Number one of a series of drawings ... Number seven of a series of drawings of ... Number three of a series of drawings ... Furniture of the style of Heppelwhite Number thirteen of a series of drawings ... Examples of the furniture of Heppelwhite ... Number twelve of new series of drawings ... Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... Wife won fame for Hepplewhite Wife won fame for Hepplewhite Recent deaths in the furniture trade Merger discloses new industry Furniture added to Hercules plant Page 330 Date 02-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 12-01 03-01 09-01 12-01 12-01 08-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 04-01 02-01 09-01 10-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 11-01 09-01 Year Page 1921 1927 1926 1926 1929 1931 1934 1946 1931 1926 1928 1924 1924 1926 1925 1920 1926 1927 1927 1924 1922 1922 1922 1924 1922 1924 1924 1931 1935 1935 1925 1925 1922 Column 118 106 40 55 76 51 30 53 45 48 91 256 263 49 21 298 59 52 53 263 4 141 59 121 159 122 167 77 8 8 66 245 127 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hercules Powder Co.(Wilmington, DE) Herman Miller ... (Holland, MI) Herman Miller ...(Zeeland, MI) Herman Miller ...(Zeeland, MI) Herman Miller ...(Zeeland, MI) Herman Miller all-in-one chest(art) Herman Miller Furniture(Zeeland,MI) Herrmann Furniture Co. (NYC) Herr, Edwin M. (New York City) Herrick Mfg. Co. (Falconer, NY) Herrick Mfg. Co. (Jamestown, NY) Herrick, Chester W. (Jamestown,NY) Herrick,C.W. Mfg. (Jamestown, NY) Herrman Furniture Co. (NYC) Herrman Furniture Co. (NYC) Herrmann Furniture Co. (NYC) Herron Iron Bedstead.(Chattanooga) Herstein, Justus C. (Grand Rapids) Herter Looms Inc. (New York City) Herz Bed Co. (Chicago) Herz Bed Co. (Chicago) Herzog Art Furniture..(Saginaw, MI) Herzog Art Furniture..(Saginaw, MI) Herzog Art Furniture..(Saginaw,MI) Herzog Art Furniture..(Saginaw,MI) Herzog Art Furniture..(Saginaw,MI) Herzog Art Furniture...(Saginaw,MI) Herzog Furniture Co. (Saginaw, MI) Hessler Chair Co. (New York City) Hessling, Bruno Co. (New York City) Hessling, Egon Hettich, Albert T. & Co. (NYC) Hewitt Mfg. Co. (Charlotte, NC) Title High solids lacquer for furniture Built-in furniture parts to bridge gap ... Price dip Getting personal Today's books Conversation pieces from the Chicago ... New and novel ideas for storage pieces Value of attractive offices for executives Recent deaths Kling buys assets of Herrick Mfg. Co. Group of three buy Herrick Co. Group of three buy Herrick Co. What the manufacturers are doing The above is the Oldest Inhabitant Club ... Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Affairs of the industry Will advertise beds in big way Englander and Herz bed companies merge Herzog to pay bonuses Herzog and Sonora companies merge Editorial notes What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Paragraphs about the manufacturers The Herzog Furniture Company, Saginaw, ... What some manufacturers are doing A work on Empire furniture A work on Empire furniture Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Page 331 Date 03-01 02-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 12-01 06-01 03-01 10-01 09-01 01-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 09-01 10-10 Year Page 1945 1949 1949 1949 1949 1942 1949 1924 1933 1927 1922 1922 1912 1924 1933 1932 1917 1923 1932 1924 1928 1916 1919 1917 1913 1912 1913 1928 1919 1911 1911 1932 1933 Column 18 24 8 60 55 10 25 256 43 62 60 60 359 64 31 28 137 66 26 37 60 255 285 226 308 574 101 104 95 373 373 26 30 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hewitt Rubber Cor. (Buffalo) Hexagonal lamp, construction Hexagonal lamp, design Heyboer, John C. (Grand Rapids) Heyda, Joseph (Grand Rapids) Heyward-Wakefield..(Gardner, MA) Heywood Bros. & ..(Wakefield, MA) Heywood Bros. & ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood Bros. & ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood Bros. & ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood Bros. & ...(Wakefield, MA) Heywood Bros. & ...(Wakefield, MA) Heywood Bros. & Wakefield.(Chicago) Heywood Brothers ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Gardner...(Wakefield, MA) Heywood-Wakefield (Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield (Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield ...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield Co. (Boston) Heywood-Wakefield Co. (Boston) Heywood-Wakefield Co. (Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield Co. (Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield..(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield..(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield..(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield..(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Title What's new Hexagonal lamp made without lathe Hexagonal lamp made without lathe Recent deaths in the furniture trade Wood carvers exhibit of national interest As the news story goes Will close one of their factories Heywood & Wakefield distribute $100,000 What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing The Heywood & Wakefield strike ended The Singapore rattan market What the manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Streamline modern designed by Leo Jiranek... Men and machines at work at HeywoodWakefield Modern wood chair frames conform to all ... Sanding -shapes, blends and moulds furniture Affairs of the industry Heywood-Wakefield buys a community Plastics are forging ahead As the news story goes Heywood-Wakefield Company celebrates birthday Here's how to make the furniture business ... Getting personal Conveyor line production steps up finishing.. Let's make a picture tour of Heywood- ... Wire strapping furnitre at Heywood-... Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry How Heywood converted Page 332 Date 03-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 03-01 12-01 07-01 12-01 11-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 09-01 07-01 06-01 Year Page Column 1945 1923 1923 1927 1923 1931 1914 1916 1913 1919 1914 1915 1913 1912 1945 48 156 156 110 105 44 31 254 581 95 331 121 473 362 28 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 10-01 10-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 09-01 11-01 1944 1949 1949 1933 1949 1941 1931 36 29 14 26 12 9 45 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 03-01 01-15 12-01 04-15 04-15 07-15 04-01 1926 1939 1942 1940 1940 1939 1932 1936 1944 40 5 24 8 6 12 41 40 13 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 FALL 02-01 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Title Leo Jiranek's summer furniture in native ... Real efficiency in Heywood's mill room Upholstering is serious business in ... Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Heywood-Wakefield...(Gardner, MA) Hibriten Furniture...(Lenoir, NC) Hickory Hickory (NC) Chair Co. Hickory (NC) Chair Co. Hickory (NC) Chair Co. Hickory (NC) Chair Mfg. Co. Hickory (NC) Furniture Co. Hickory (NC) Furniture Co. Hickory Chair Mfg. Co. (Cincinnati) Hickory Springs (NC) Mfg. Co. Hide glue High chairs High frequency electrical heating High Point (NC) Bedding and Chair.. High Point (NC) Chamber of Commerce High Point (NC) furnitue expos High Point (NC) Furniture Co. High Point (NC) furniture exchange High Point (NC) furniture exchange High Point (NC) furniture expios High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo Wooden springs have reached the production... Baby carriage promotion $1500 scholarship Heywood-Wakefield postwar plans Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Export trade in lumber and wood products As the news story goes Getting personal Joint program As the news story goes As the news story goes News of the trade Getting personal What's new Hide glue and how it is made and graded High chair makers plan campaign High frequency electrical heating reduces ... To enlarge High Point Bedding & Chair Co. High Point protests freight rates Important dates As the news story goes Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Important dates Coming events Important dates to remember Important dates to remember Editorial notes Page 333 Date 05-01 06-01 05-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 09-01 04-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 09-01 09-01 05-01 05-15 06-01 02-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 Year Page Column 1942 1946 1946 14 36 16 1 1 1 1942 1949 1946 1945 1932 1931 1912 1931 1949 1941 1932 1931 1926 1944 1949 1935 1949 1944 1923 1928 1949 1931 1940 1935 1946 1942 1924 1924 1913 19 6 9 20 30 45 453 62 59 16 33 62 118 29 64 24 6 26 259 87 63 63 4 26 47 28 100 263 444 1 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expo High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos Title Convention dates to remember Dates fixed for High Point show Dates to remember Convention dates to remember Convention dates to remember High Point exposition opens High Point exposition ends Dates set for High Point exposition Convention dates to remember Coming events Coming events Important dates Important dates Important dates High Point market sets new attendance record Getting personal Coming events Coming events Important dates Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Determined sales activity Important dates Southern furniture market set for July 1946 Southern dates set Recent mid-summer market marked 20th ... No summer market at High Point Lighter wood finishes, higher styled ... Important dates Page 334 Date 04-01 08-01 09-01 10-01 12-01 07-01 08-01 02-01 11-01 03-15 12-15 02-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 09-15 08-15 12-15 04-01 12-15 12-01 11-15 11-01 09-15 01-15 08-01 10-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 05-01 09-01 12-01 Year Page 1923 1921 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1921 1922 1941 1939 1949 1949 1946 1949 1937 1939 1940 1946 1938 1941 1939 1941 1940 1940 1949 1949 1945 1949 1941 1946 1949 1949 Column 176 102 106 147 248 43 67 96 193 22 18 63 63 47 8 30 17 18 47 19 26 18 24 23 19 8 63 10 6 16 8 48 63 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos Title Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Coming events Important dates Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Bought higher quality Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Page 335 Date 03-01 11-01 03-01 10-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 07-15 12-01 01-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 09-15 01-01 06-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 01-01 02-15 06-15 05-15 05-15 04-15 04-15 04-15 Year Page 1946 1949 1949 1945 1949 1949 1949 1949 1939 1945 1933 1933 1935 1934 1933 1933 1939 1934 1934 1942 1933 1935 1933 1933 1934 1935 1941 1940 1939 1938 1940 1939 1938 Column 47 63 63 47 63 63 63 63 18 47 42 28 25 34 28 43 17 40 33 5 30 21 26 28 31 21 21 15 21 30 19 15 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture expos High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry Title Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events 1946 earliest date for High Point show Coming events Manufacturers are ready for January show Coming events Plan new building for High Point show New record is made at High Point show Market calendar Market calendar Style trends as seen in the markets High Point already preparing winter show Color dominates at Southern market Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Market calendar High Point still growing Postwar jobs at High Point Woodworking for war The High Point area The future of Southern furniture What's new Page 336 Date 05-01 06-15 06-01 12-01 11-01 10-10 10-01 08-01 09-01 04-01 01-01 07-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 01-01 02-01 12-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 01-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 01-01 11-01 01-01 01-01 11-15 09-01 03-01 Year Page 1934 1939 1933 1935 1934 1933 1935 1933 1945 1941 1929 1941 1925 1927 1930 1929 1930 1926 1926 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1931 1932 1930 1946 1945 1943 1938 1945 1945 Column 34 24 32 18 30 30 17 25 8 28 79 31 166 57 63 37 61 84 44 26 45 47 44 44 43 33 107 8 6 10 7 35 48 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture industry High Point (NC) furniture strike High Point (NC) Kitchen Cabinet ... High Point (NC) Warehouse & ... High Point, NC, furniture market High solid lacquers High solid lacquers High speed planers High-back chairs (art) High-back living room chair (art) Highboy Highboy (art) Highboy made of mahogany (art) High-frequency current in drying High-frequency current in gluing Hill Clutch Machine ..(Cleveland) Hill Veneer Co. (High Point, NC) Hill Veneer Co. (High Point,NC) Hill, C.V. & Co. (Trenton, NJ) Hill, Frederick E. (Grand Rapids) Hillenbrand, George (Batesville, IN Title Getting personal Demand at High Point for case goods Southern Furniture Market is nucleus of ... High Point planning freight forwarding ... High Point to have furniture institute High Point exposition opens New sales plan A Southern exposition building Furniture market of the South High Point exposition ends Editorial notes A little journey to High Point Furniture industry in North Carolina Editorial notes What manufacturers are doing High Point Warehouse starts operations Editorial notes Hot lacquers - what they are and how to use.. The properties, the uses, the results of ... High speed planers Pages for a designer's scrap book Pages for a designer's scrap book Highboy is a useful article to reproduce Highboy American 1725-1750 (mahogany) ... Examples of furniture designed by William ... Gluing and drying furniture wood by high- ... Gluing and drying furniture wood by high- ... Books and catalogs As the news story goes The law of it What manufacturers are doing Frederick E. Hill George M. Hillenbrand (obio) Page 337 Date 12-01 05-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 11-01 04-01 08-01 02-01 05-01 09-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 04-01 11-01 06-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 11-01 SPR 06-01 11-15 11-15 06-01 02-01 12-01 09-01 12-01 07-01 Year Page 1942 1949 1944 1927 1927 1922 1921 1919 1919 1922 1919 1922 1923 1919 1915 1927 1913 1949 1949 1912 1930 1930 1922 1936 1925 1940 1940 1925 1931 1911 1915 1916 1935 Column 24 6 41 38 86 43 64 258 187 67 56 195 128 174 146 84 178 42 52 170 68 68 198 19 274 11 11 68 69 597 146 251 20 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hills, Clarence (Grand Rapids) Hills, Clarence R. (Grand Rapids) Hills, Clarence R. (Leavenworth,KS) Hills, Fred D. (Cleveland) Hills, Walter J. (Chicago) Hillyer, Deutsch, ...(Oakdale, LA) Himebaugh Bros. (Jamestown, NY) Himebaugh Bros. (Jamestown, NY) Himebaugh, George M. (Jamestown,NY) Himebaugh, Joseph (Jamestown, NY) Himmel, M.L. Son Co. (Baltimore) Hinde & Dauch Paper..(Sandusky, OH) Hing Kong rattan industry Hirsheimer, E.S. (Lenoir, NC) Historic furniture Historic furniture Historic furniture Historic furniture Historic furniture exhibits Historical James River Plantations Hix Furniture Co. (Ft. Plain, NY) Hjorth, Herman Hoagland, David M. (Rockford, IL) Hobart, Alice (Traverse City) Hodge, William (Poughkeepsie, NY) Hodgson, Robert Hodnett-Chism ...(Danville, VA) Hoevel, Felix Hoffeld, Henry (Cincinnati) Hoffman Brothers...(Ft. Wayne, IN) Hoffman Upholsted..(Syracuse, NY) Hoffman Upholstered..(Syracuse, NY) Hoffman, George F. (Philadelphia) Title Written in the semi-editorial vein Returns to designing Somewhat personal Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths Lumber co. installs battery of dry kilns Himebaugh Bros. factory sold What the manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths in furniture trade G.R. Show Case Co. buys another plant Furniture pick-ups The rattan industry in Hong Kong Leaders in the industry Examples of historic furniture Examples of historic furniture Examples of historic furniture A Harlequin table by Shearer Out of the past Joint program Of interest to manufacturers Book reviews Recent deaths in the furniture trade Wedding bells for veteran editor Recent deaths in the furniture trade Has purity of stule declined What the manufacturers are doing Other deaths Recent deaths Hoffman Brothers Company expands Getting personal Getting personal Paragraphs about furniture men Page 338 Date 08-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 08-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 12-01 05-01 08-01 02-01 10-01 11-01 07-01 09-01 11-01 05-01 11-01 05-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 03-01 08-01 Year Page 1913 1917 1915 1921 1913 1924 1927 1914 1916 1922 1925 1930 1916 1943 1914 1915 1915 1916 1941 1941 1922 1924 1928 1925 1925 1911 1917 1911 1931 1918 1943 1942 1915 Column 392 105 43 145 414 129 85 214 275 60 98 70 145 28 30 142 222 220 20 16 258 66 110 113 70 96 127 303 63 88 27 27 97 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hofmobiliendepot (Vienna, Austria) Hogland, Alander(sic) (Rockford,IL) Holcomb, A.L. & Co. (Grand Rapids) Holcomb, A.L. Co. (Grand Rapids) Holden, Henry S. Holden, Henry S. Co. (Grand Rapids) Holiday novelties Holland (MI) Chair Co. Holland (MI) Furnitue Co. Holland (MI) Furniture Co. Holland (MI) furniture industry Holland, MI, willows industry Hollister, Clay Hollister, Clay H. (Grand Rapids) Hollow Metal ...(Jamestown, NY) Hollow tiles, use in dry kilns Holly Ridge Lumber..(Louisville,KY) Hollywood bedroom ensemble (art) Holman, Mrs. A.V. (Chicago) Holmes Disappearing Bed..(Chicago) Home and garden magazines Home and Industrial Arts Exhibit Home and interior decoration Home beautification programs Home Bedding Co. (Hammond, IN) Home Fashions Time Home furnishings Home furnishings Home furnishings Home furnishings Home furnishings Home furnishings Home Furnishings Campaign Title Austria to sell rare furniture Recent deaths in the furniture trade New Holcomb catalog A.L. Holcomb company incorporates Mr. Holden moves to Chicago Mr. Holden moves to Chicago Designs for holiday novelties (art) Holland Chair Co. increases capital Written in the semi-editorial vein What the manufacturers are doing Written in the semi-editorial vein Culture of willows for furniture Written in the semi-editorial vein A banker looks at the furniture industry Furniture pick-ups The construction of a dry kiln Big lumber merger in Louisville, Ky. Designs for wartime living combine ... From concert singer to head of business What manufacturers are doing Bedroom furniture styles preferred by ... Is this the beginning of a new era in ... More distinctive and beautiful furniture 235,000 young women study G.R. furniture What manufacturers are doing Home Fashions Time in September Now comes module furniture which permits ... Home Fashions Time in September Serving a wartime market Style trends and furniture finishes Art moderne style is felt in linens Reasons for trend to early American design Home Furnishings Campaign progresses Page 339 Date 01-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 11-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 09-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 04-01 03-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 Year Page 1923 1925 1916 1918 1915 1915 1911 1922 1917 1916 1913 1911 1912 1935 1928 1911 1924 1943 1929 1917 1945 1933 1921 1931 1915 1949 1946 1949 1943 1930 1926 1925 1928 Column 33 65 274 141 201 201 558 77 28 85 282 553 392 11 72 578 46 29 70 137 24 19 308 55 280 8 23 8 4 44 47 10 63 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Home furnishings exhibits Home Furnishings Guild of America Home Furnishings Guild of America Home furnishings industry Home furnishings merchandise Title ...into the future As the news story goes Home Furnishings Guild is announced Market talk Special goods for style show Home furnishings shows Home furniture Home Furniture Co. (Waco, TX) Home Furniture Co. (York, PA) Home Helpers Mfg. Co. (NYC) Home Makers Guild Home Makers Guild Home Makers Guild Home Makers Guild (Grand Rapids) Home of Tomorrow Home Styling contest Home Styling Contest Homer, Louis Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Hompe, A.W. Hompe, A.W. (Grand Rapids) Honduras mahogany Honduras mahogany Honduras variety of mahogany Hong Kong cane imports Hong Kong furniture industry Hong Kong furniture industry Hong Kong furniture markets Hong Kong furniture trade Hong Kong rattan furniture industry Hong Kong-Manila Trading(Cleveland) Honolulu furniture industry Hoogerhyde, C. (Grand Rapids) Modern designs, modern coverings, modern ... More distinctive and beautiful furniture Among the manufacturers Introduce profit sharing What manufacturers are doing Setting up ideals for the industry How guild will renew confidence in furniture New deal for the manufacturer Many manufacturers tie in with Guild Will furniture be traditional or modern? Winners in home styling contest Home Styling Contest a big event What the manufacturers are doing Reorganization of Phoenix Furniture Co. Wins a big suit Mahogany from Western Africa The virtues of Honduras mahogany New true mahogany tree found in Peru Editorial notes Chinese blackwood furniture Rattan and sea-grass furniture Written in a semi-editorial vein Hong Kong furniture trade Decreased export of rattan furniture Written in the semi-editorial vein Honolulu production in full swing Interest in wood carving is increasing Page 340 Date 11-01 02-01 01-01 12-01 04-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 11-01 08-01 01-01 10-01 07-01 02-01 12-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 01-01 12-01 05-01 01-01 Year Page Column 1941 1932 1932 1949 1930 21 36 52 6 84 1 2 2 3 1 1949 1921 1919 1914 1916 1930 1930 1930 1931 1943 1931 1931 1912 1912 1917 1912 1911 1928 1913 1912 1914 1911 1920 1920 1913 1946 1924 52 308 90 76 194 50 42 40 65 22 56 47 519 351 67 578 437 108 334 369 174 165 6 40 610 8 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hooper, Rodney Hoosier line of self-feed rip saws Hoosier Panel and..(New Albany,IN) Hoover Brothers..(Thomasville, NC) Hoover Chair Co. (Lexington, NC) Hoover Chair Co. (Lexington, NC) Hoover Chair Co. (Lexington, NC) Hoover Committee on Unemployment Hoover, Geoerge M. (Lexington, NC) Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Horn furniture Horn, John C. (Chicago) Horne, Joseph Co. (Pittsbvurgh) Horrocks' Desk Co. (Herkimer, NY) Horrocks, William (Herkimer, NY) Horse wagon deliveries Hospital beds Hospital furniture Hot Blast Feather Co.(Grand Rapids) Hot Blast Feather Co.(Grand Rapids) Hot lacquer Hot lacquer as furniture finish Hot press resin bonds Hot pressing of plywood Hotel furniture Title Today's books A new member in the Hoosier family What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Getting personal Affairs of the industry Economic changes and the furniture industry Recent deaths How furniture makers can cooperate with ... Let's carry out President's idea for 1930 Status of trade associations Furniture business better -Economic changes and the furniture industry Proposal C not approved by Sec'y Hoover Open price associations A real friend of the business man Restraint of trade acts Horn furniture Recent deaths in furniture trade Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Recent deaths The motor wagon as an economy Hospital bed for home use Hospital market Changes its name Recent deaths New developments of the year in furniture ... Hot lacquer is here to stay Producing moisture-proof furniture with ... Recent developments in the hot pressing ... Mass furniture markets for 1930 Page 341 Date 06-15 12-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 12-01 12-01 06-01 12-01 08-01 08-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 11-01 01-15 02-15 08-15 01-15 04-01 Year Page 1940 1914 1917 1919 1933 1949 1933 1929 1931 1930 1930 1929 1930 1929 1928 1921 1921 1922 1911 1916 1932 1912 1912 1912 1949 1946 1913 1912 1940 1941 1939 1938 1930 Column 4 325 308 251 28 57 31 39 81 36 35 84 50 39 63 305 57 259 637 307 42 416 416 294 52 9 629 569 7 12 12 15 40 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hotel furniture Hotel furniture Hotel furniture Hotel furniture (art) Hotel Manger (New York City) Houghton & Co. (Philadelphia) Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids) Title U.S. hotels to spend 24 million for furniture This hotel furniture is of adaptable design New hotel furniture designs New hotel furniture designs Luce Shops furnish big new hotel Books and catalogs Luce buys Michigan Chair Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids) Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids) Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids) Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids) Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids) Hoult, J. Hampton (Grand Rapids) Hoult, John Hoult, John (Grand Rapids) House furnishing industry, probe of House furnishings forecast, 1930 House of Lindberg (Rockford, IL) House of Today House organs Household color blending Household furnishing industry Household furniture Household furniture Household Furniture Code Household Furniture Institute ... Household Furniture..(Okla. City) Household wood furniture Howard Furniture..(Jamestown, NY) Howard, C.B. Co. (Emporium, PA) Howell Co. (Geneva, IL) Howry, J.W. Dregge, Hoult purchase Simons Syracuse plant As the news story goes Hoult in charge of airplane work here Luce control changes Furniture manufacturers buy lumber company J.Hampton Hoult to head Morton House Standard packing of case goods Recent deaths in the trade Trade Commission begins investigation What is outlook for 1930? Getting personal Introducing the Grand Rapids Furniture ... The Lightning line Color blending Report made on furniture investigation Long-term outlook for household furniture Noticeable shifts in the production of ... Uniform cost formula effectuated Pageant of furniture What manufacturers are doing The dimout for household wood furniture ... Furniture pick-ups What the manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry The recollections of an onlooker Page 342 Date 03-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 11-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 03-01 06-01 07-01 02-01 06-01 03-01 01-01 01-15 03-15 11-01 07-01 02-01 11-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 07-01 10-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1945 1942 1945 1945 1926 1929 1926 11 22 31 31 110 106 80 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1933 1931 1918 1920 1922 1923 1911 1915 1922 1930 1938 1938 1911 1946 1923 1946 1933 1934 1929 1914 1942 1928 1915 1934 1911 27 61 140 169 258 42 76 320 84 36 32 18 590 8 70 40 15 15 67 110 21 68 51 27 75 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hoy, Raymond & Co. (Huntington,WV) Hub Chair Co. (Bridgeport, CT Hub Furniture Co. (New York City) Hubbard Eldredge & ..(Rochester,NY) Hubbard, Eldredge &..(Rochester,NY) Hubbard, Eldredge &..(Rochester,NY) Hubbard, Eldredge..(Rochester, NY) Hubbard, Eldredge..(Rochester,NY) Hubbard, William (Rochester, NY) Hubbard,G.G. (Blytheville, AR) Hubert, William J. (Los Angeles) Hububalli Huddleston Marsh Mahogany...(NYC) Hudson Valley (NY) furniture design Huebotter Furniture..(Davenport,IA) Huey, Melvin G. (South Bend, IN) Huffman, Frank C. (Morganton, NC) Hughes, John (Clarksville, AR) Hughesville (PA) Furniture Co. Hughesville (PA) Furniture Co. Hull, Roy F. (Chicago) Hultquist, Clarence (Jamestown, NY) Hultquist, Earl O. (Jamestown, NY) Hultquist, Earle (Jamestown, NY) Human face in piece of wood Humboldt Furniture Co. (Chicago) Humidity control Humidity control of dry kilns Humidity in dry kilns Humidity in lumber drying Hummer, Geo. P. Hummer, George P. Hummer, George P. (Grand Rapids) Title What other manufacturers are doing As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups As the news story goes L.D. Eldredge heads big chair company Hubbard, Eldredge & Miller liquidation ... Recivers to run furniture firm L.D. Eldredge heads big chair company Recent deaths Somwehat personal Leaders in the industry Tropical wood research for the furniture ... Astoria Mahogany Company incorporates Metropolitan Museum stages New York ... Furniture pick-ups The obituary record Recent deaths Personal paragraphs about people Affairs of the industry Furniture pick-ups A debt of gratitude to Chicago Recent deaths Leaders in the industry Leaders in the industry Unusual freak of nature in wood What manufacturers are doing Humidity control is the 1939 new challenge... Humidity control of dry kilns Testing humidity in dry kilns Humidity in lumber drying kilns Just about people Two more exposition buildings Written in the semi-editorial vein Page 343 Date 02-01 08-01 05-01 02-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 12-01 02-01 08-01 02-15 08-01 09-01 04-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 02-01 02-01 10-10 10-01 07-01 05-01 09-01 06-15 01-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 02-01 12-01 Year Page 1920 1931 1930 1932 1924 1931 1930 1924 1932 1916 1941 1949 1919 1934 1929 1915 1935 1916 1933 1930 1922 1933 1942 1945 1924 1914 1939 1920 1917 1916 1912 1911 1918 Column 117 48 77 38 254 55 84 254 52 85 20 54 131 20 77 275 28 92 30 69 62 32 23 42 233 162 8 18 196 136 356 90 244 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hummer, George P. (Holland, MI) Hummer, George P. (Holland, MI) Hun-Buse mfg. Co. (Newaygo, MI) Hundred of deals Hundredth Furniture Market Hundredth Furniture Market ... Hungerford Lumber...(Memphis, TN) Hungerford mahogany group (art) Hungerford, S.R. Co. (Memphis, TN) Hungerford, S.R. Co. (Memphis, TN) Hungtington (WV) Chair Corp. Hunt, DeWitt Hunt, M.A. Co. (Cincinnati, OH) Hunt, Walter (Philadelphia) Hunt-Buse Mfg. Co. (Newaygo, MI) Hunter, George (New York City) Huntingburg (IN) Furniture Co. Huntingburg (IN) Furniture Co. Huntington (IN) Furniture Co. Huntington (IN) Furniture Co. Huntington (WV) Chair Co. Huntington (WV) Chair Corp. Huntington (WV) Furniture Co. Huntington (WV) Furniture Co. Huntington (WV) Furniture Co. Huntley Furniture(Winston-Salem,NC) Huntley Furniture.(Winston-Salem,NC Huntley, B.F. (Winston-Salem, NC) Huntley, B.F. (Winston-Salem, NC) Huntley, Frederick E. (Grand Rapids Hurawood (South America) Hurley, John David (Chicago) Hurt, F.J. Title The power in three great plants Recent deaths in furniture trade Henry Rowe Company buys new plant Timber, its growth and defects Great American furniture library Interesting the public Getting personal These pieces are typical of the Hungerford... These pieces are typical of the Hungerford... Efficiency is the key to production Getting personal Book reviews News of the trade Recent deaths What some manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in the furniture trade Furniture maker's laboratory experiments ... Company gives its workers a feast Furniture pick-ups Huntington Co. buys another factory What manufacturers are doing Pioneering action Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Simmons buys Huntley in expansion move Recent deaths in the furniture trade Buys big tract of timber in South Recent deaths in the furniture trade Here is a quick check list of foreign ... Recent deaths Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Page 344 Date 04-01 12-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 05-01 03-01 06-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 08-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 03-01 Year Page 1917 1920 1915 1911 1928 1928 1946 1949 1949 1949 1949 1926 1914 1933 1914 18A 1927 1945 1923 1929 1928 1913 1949 1933 1932 1932 1935 1929 1925 1923 1921 1949 1929 1923 Column 151 308 87 104 40 50 45 18 18 14 60 48 265 29 108 27 151 73 69 417 6 26 41 29 19 69 70 238 284 43 95 105 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Hurt, Frank J. (Grand Rapids) Huskey Mfg. Co. (Philadelphia) Huss Bros. Mfg. Co. (Cincinnati) Huss Furniture..(Hamilton, OH) Huss, Charles W. (Cincinnati) Hutcheson Bedding..(Augusta, GA) Hutchin Furniture...(St. Louis, MO) Hutchinson Associates (Chicago) Hutchinson Mfg. ..(Norristown, PA) Huthsteiner, Eugene (Tell City, IN) Hutton Co. (Ypsilanti, MI) Hyde-Murphy Co. (Ridgway, PA) Hydraulic Press Mfg..(Columbus,OH) Hygrometers for kiln drying process Hygrostat Hy-Lan Furniture..(Hickory,NC) Hyslip Furniture..(Wellsville, NY) Iceless Refrigerator (Vancouver,WA) Ideal Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Ideal Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Ideal Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY) Ideal furniture factory Ideal Home Exhibition (London) Ideal Home Exhibition, London Ideal house dining room Ideal Phonograph Co. (Rockford,IL) Ideal Steel Co. (Chicago) Illinois Cabinet Co. (Rockford, IL) Illinois Central Railroad Illinois Central Railway Illinois Central Railway Co. Illinois furniture industry Illinois Refrigerator(Morrison,IL) Title Some recent deaths in the furniture trade New numbers from the markets What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in the furniture trade What manufacturers are doing Little news notes Getting personal A versatile wood-working machine Recent deaths in the furniture trade As the news story goes Books and catalogs New press for plywoods is driven by motor Fundamentals of kiln drying Improved hygrtostat Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing Iceless Refrigerator expands What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What is ideal furniture factory? The exhibition as an education English craftsman furniture Dining room of the ideal house (art) Rockford phonograph concern dissolves Fold-up dinette for GI homes As the news story goes Travel ease by railroad Editorial notes Chicago buildings in midst of big things Manufacturing distribution What the manufacturers are doing Page 345 Date 06-01 03-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 11-01 04-01 07-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 12-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 05-01 01-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 12-01 05-15 09-01 Year Page 1923 1949 1915 1915 1924 1915 1914 1949 1922 1924 1931 1929 1927 1914 1946 1933 1916 1921 1912 1913 1913 1918 1912 1914 1912 1922 1946 1932 1935 1913 1911 1937 1913 Column 60 58 195 247 74 247 200 61 56 60 45 91 104 62 10 30 288 244 519 526 361 122 232 13 233 3 46 35 13 278 643 3 473 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Illinois Spring & Wire..(Chicago) Illoinis furniture industry Imitation furniture Imitation mahogany Imitation mahogany Imitation walnut Immigration Immigration Immigration Imperial Furniture...(Grand Rapids) Imperial Cabinet Co. (Los Angeles) Imperial Cabinet Co. (Los Angeles) Imperial Desk Co. (Evansville, IN) Imperial Furniture Co. Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture Co. (GR) Imperial Furniture..(Grand Rapids) Imperial Furniture..(Grand Rapids) Imperial Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Imperial Metal Products Co. (GR) Imperial Rattan..(Stratford, Ont.) Imperial Table Co. (New York City) Title What the manufacturers are doing New York leads in production of furniture Furniture standards Cabinet woods - chiefly mahogany Graining in imitation of mahogany Finishes for imitation walnut Selective immigration Report favorable to importing artisans The immigration problem Affairs of the industry Free-leafing dining tables Free-leafing dining table What manufacturers are doing Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Advertising for tomorrow Order on veneer issued Imperial employees increase insurance New designer for Imperial What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Editorial notes Imperial Co.'s big fire loss Furniture headquarters in Buenos Ayres Imperial Company has anniversary To build factory office building Imperial opens its new office building Medals for Paris exposition Improvements for Grand Rapids factories What manufacturers are doing New high speed lather put on market We sell maple furniture on 24 hour delivery Furniture pick-ups Page 346 Date 10-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 08-01 04-01 07-15 01-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 09-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 02-01 09-01 12-01 08-01 05-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 08-01 08-15 06-01 Year Page 1913 1925 1924 1913 1913 1915 1925 1923 1921 1937 1932 1931 1917 1913 1931 1943 1928 1925 1917 1916 1916 1916 1916 1915 1923 1922 1923 1932 1919 1916 1925 1938 1930 Column 525 166 73 285 275 129 120 98 186 30 32 41 308 101 26 15 73 211 87 139 288 75 255 245 10 43 14 40 233 194 98 10 78 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Import duties on hides Imported bentwood chairs Imported dyestuffs Imported furniture Imported furniture, tariff on Imported Japanese textiles Imported plate glass Imported upholstery fabrics Imprted furniture woods Incentive labor pay plan Incentive pay Income tax Income tax Income tax Income tax Income tax law Income taxes Incorporations Independence for the Philippines Independent Pneumatic..(Chicago) Independent Pneumatic...(Chicago) Independent Power Co. (Linden, MI) India as source of teak India as supplier of sandal wood India teak wood Indian Creek Table..(Nashua, NH) Indian furniture industry Indian furniture woods Indian imports of metal beds Indian jute industry Indian laurel Indian laurel Indian River Mfg. (Philadelphia) Title Tanners organized for removal of duty Want tariff raised on chairs Licenses for foreign dyestuffs Imported furniture Tariff bill increases furniture rate Japanese fabric prices take a dip Seek lower tariff on imported plate glass Here's the latest information on imported ... Rare woods at high prices Incentive labor pay plan aids prodiction Incentive pay to increase production Compensation of officers Afterthoughts on the income tax Some high lights on the income tax Most important tax decision To contest the income tax Uncle Sam's share of your 1922 profits Incorporation matters Shall we surrender rich Philippine timber... Furniture pick-ups Machine saves time in tightening clamps Just about people The teak woods of India The supply of sandal wood Trade on teak wood Chiefly about the manufacturers Furniture manufacture in India Laurel and satinwood and other Indian woods Sales opportunity for metal beds in India Importance of jute market to manufacturers Figured veneers from Orient meet modern ... Laurel and satinwood and other Indian woods What some manufacturers are doing Page 347 Date 10-01 07-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 11-01 06-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 04-01 06-01 01-01 02-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 12-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 10-01 11-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 04-01 10-01 02-01 11-01 06-01 Year Page 1912 1927 1918 1926 1929 1949 1927 1946 1914 1949 1943 1921 1921 1921 1921 1914 1923 1922 1931 1929 1927 1912 1914 1913 1914 1912 1920 1932 1916 1923 1931 1932 1920 Column 501 59 36 53 69 31 61 26 132 22 24 176 203 321 18 97 25 142 57 78 104 356 20 475 221 196 248 33 187 151 59 34 337 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Indian River Table..(Philadelphia) Indian rosewood Indian Splint Inc. (Rochester, NY) Indian teak industry Indian teak industry Indiana Chair Co. (Jasper, IN) Indiana Desk Co. (Dubois, IN) Indiana furniture industry Indiana furniture industry Indiana furniture industry Indiana furniture industry Indiana Furniture.(Connersville,IN) Indiana Furniture..(Shelbyville,IN) Indiana hardwoods Indiana Quartered Oak Co. Indiana workmen's compensation law Indianapolis bed lounge industry Indianapolis Board of Education Indianapolis Chair & Furniture Co. Indianapolis Chair Mfg. Co. Indianapolis Chair...(Aurora, IN) Indianapolis Furniture Exhibition.. Indianapolis furniture industry Indo-China rosewood Indoor radio loop, construction Indoor radio loop, design Induatrial education projects Industrial accidents Industrial accidents Industrial accidents Industrial accidents Industrial accidents Industrial accidents legislation Title What the manufacturers are doing Laurel and satinwood and other Indian woods What some manufacturers are doing Properties and uses of teak Teak is a valuable timber Furniture pick-ups What's new Manufacturing distribution The recollections of an on-looker Indiana advances in furniture Written in the semi-editorial vein Recent deaths New furniture co. in Shelbyville, Ind. A state's inexhaustible hardwoods Philippines join case Indiana workmen's compensation law The recollections of an on-looker Written in a semi-editorial vein What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Indianapolis gets a furniture mart Indianapolis gets a furniture mart Indo-China a source of much fine wood How to make an efficient indoor radio loop How to make an efficient indoor radio loop Good project for high school students Liability for injury to cabinet-maker Accidents in furniture factories Workmen's compensation commission Industrial diseases - compensation Causes of accidents in woodworking plants Workmen's compensation commission Page 348 Date 02-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 01-01 05-15 11-01 10-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 Year Page 1916 1932 1915 1916 1920 1929 1942 1937 1911 1916 1916 1912 1925 1912 1928 1915 1911 1911 1912 1916 1914 1924 1924 1933 1924 1924 1924 1912 1912 1911 1919 1921 1911 Column 85 35 54 6 258 79 31 3 580 178 266 56 13 263 88 225 581 22 308 308 162 154 154 27 207 207 109 16 366 408 52 60 408 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial Art Exhibition Title Industrial art exhibition in New York City Industrial art exhibits Industrial art school in Chicago Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial arts projects Industrial band Industrial Dallas, Inc. Industrial dust Industrial economics Industrial educartion projects Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Modern courts mass markets in Metropolitan .. Campaign for industrial art school starts Getting the maximum out of wood turning Small project in line of half lap joint Simple project to interest boy in the grades Simple butt joint for beginner How to weave cane seat with simple tools How to make sectional display refrigerator How students can utilize the scrap wood Colonial cedar chest as project Construction of attractive spinet desk Compact decoy duck Colonial reading-stand is in high favor Book ends as a project Designing-making book and magazine stand Colonial taboret provides handwork practice G.R. furniture workers organizing band Opportunity in Dallas Industrial dust and its effect on workers The human factor in works management An early eighteenth century highboy Jamestown high school to train technicians Unity theory and practice in woodworking School board to operate G.R. Carving School School for foremen finishers is needed Steps in the machining of parts for furniture Survey of vocational schools needed Teach trade English by means of this journal Theory and practice in woodworking Theory-practice combined in woodworking Training in shops versus training in schools Page 349 Date 03-01 11-01 11-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 09-01 01-01 07-01 12-01 11-01 07-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 12-01 01-01 08-01 02-01 04-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 12-01 06-01 Year Page Column 1924 121 1 1934 1923 1925 1926 1925 1929 1925 1925 1924 1928 1929 1929 1924 1929 1925 1927 1927 1928 1923 1912 1933 1945 1925 1924 1927 1932 1929 1924 1924 1924 1924 18 222 6 45 264 64 12 8 265 48 67 71 255 65 109 45 110 75 281 467 19 12 27 63 38 58 56 103 111 259 261 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Title Two well-dressed rustic bird houses Uniting theory and practice in woodworking Using projector to teach industrial arts Klise Book of Projects an excellent idea Outline of course in furniture design Uniting theory and practice in woodworking How to safeguard machinery in school shops Care required in constructing piano bench Examinations are great incentives to progress Foreman training in furniture factories Good training in construction of customer How to make a cribbage board How to make suitable chair for phone stand Berea College students learn art of ... Industry needs help of trade schools Need for industrial education Machine expert discusses school training Machinery vs. hand tool skill in ... Manual training at schools of North Platte Manual training teachers back at work, ... How to make pretty rustic bird shelters Woodworking for home students Fuming oak furniture in school Furniture making in the schools Industrial education in Wisconsin Recruits for the cabinewt trades Woodworking for home students Woodworking in public schools Woodworking for home students The need of industrial education A manufacturer raises a question Industrial schools of Pasadena Industrial education in Wisconsin Page 350 Date 02-01 11-01 12-01 09-01 02-01 10-01 08-01 02-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 05-01 12-01 08-01 01-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 03-01 08-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 05-01 12-01 Year Page 1924 1924 1927 1929 1924 1924 1927 1924 1925 1925 1924 1924 1924 1932 1928 1924 1928 1928 1925 1928 1924 1917 1916 1914 1913 1913 1917 1915 1917 1911 1912 1914 1912 Column 57 209 43 91 54 163 45 56 108 229 11 166 210 39 102 13 58 62 68 59 105 68 195 80 134 376 32 269 60 1 481 247 591 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Title Industrial education in Wisconsin Cost system for industrial schools Furniture making unit courses Trade schools in the Philippines Woodworking for home students Woodworking for home students Woodworking for home students Woodworking for home students Woodworking for home students Woodworking for home students Trade schools and state control Woodcraft in Reading, Pa., schools Industrial education in Wisconsin Woodworking for home students Much expense saved to taxpayers Apprenticeship and industrial training Woodworking for home students School-built furniture at Frisco The influence of education A leader in industrial education Industrial art school for Grand Rapids Training for industrial foremen School for upholsterers The weaving of art fibre furniture Traditional versus scientific methods South's greatest trade school in New Orleans Combined table and book trough Stirring interest of boys in cabinet making Variety a feature in woodworking classes The weaving of art fibre furniture G.R. school for upholsterers Making cabinet for phonograph and wireless Machine practice in schools is important Page 351 Date 05-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 12-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 07-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 03-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 03-01 Year Page 1913 1912 1913 1913 1917 1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 1916 1916 1913 1917 1916 1913 1917 1915 1912 1917 1916 1919 1919 1922 1922 1923 1923 1923 1923 1922 1919 1923 1923 Column 242 446 539 536 216 207 149 248 290 6 278 158 348 185 125 319 106 220 321 74 235 78 76 104 118 275 125 12 151 30 155 258 108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Title Making a modern talking machine Jackson gets promotion The weaving of art fibre furniture Campaign for industrial art school starts The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture Use of jigs in manual training Woodworking for home students Fibre furniture weaving Trade school cabinet making Need of more factory schools Floor lamp and manual training The Smith-Hughes Law --- its value The work of schools noted Weaving a simple plant stand Essential things to know in wood finishing Trade school cabinet making Trade school for Grand Rapids School for hand carvers The weaving of art fibre furniture Value of the part-time school Training our soldier mechanics Case for alarm clock The weaving of art fibre furniture Use of woods in manual training schools Construction of bird cage is interesting Beginners can make pedestal Vocational education - industry Training trade school teachers Industrial schools are needed The weaving of art fibre furniture The weaving of art fibre furniture Colonial mirror makes good school project Page 352 Date 09-01 11-01 04-01 11-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 04-01 11-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 11-01 09-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 Year Page 1918 1917 1922 1923 1923 1923 1920 1917 1921 1920 1923 1918 1918 1923 1922 1923 1920 1919 1919 1923 1920 1920 1923 1922 1923 1923 1923 1920 1920 1922 1922 1923 1923 Column 118 227 144 222 169 25 324 161 186 142 118 294 164 206 145 112 142 174 205 128 214 254 260 68 231 207 208 43 256 108 206 227 113 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Title Upholstery as a vocational subject State Trade School, Meriden, Conn. Well designed colonial pedestal for schools Schools and part-time schools Making rustic plant-stand trains the eye Modern equipment in shop and school Polychrome for schools School courses in plywoods Written in the semi-editorial vein Teaching economics to factory workers Mantel clock makes good project The weaving of art fibre furniture Vocational education must be supported Essential things to know in wood finishing Cherry smoking stand How to build a phonograph Making resources more valuable The weaving of art fibre furniture Trade school cabinet making course Schools should encourage creative energy America to have an industrial art school Fine project for seventh grade The weaving of art fibre furniture The Arthur Hill trade school The weaving of art fibre furniture Schools offer a fertile field Educational woodworking views Hand dovetailing for students Making the course worth while A trough book stand The weaving of art fibre furniture Woodworking for home students Manual training in high schools Page 353 Date 08-01 08-01 11-01 07-01 12-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 10-01 08-01 11-01 02-01 12-01 08-01 04-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 04-01 02-01 08-01 03-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 01-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 06-01 Year Page 1921 1920 1923 1921 1923 1922 1923 1923 1917 1923 1922 1923 1922 1923 1921 1921 1921 1922 1921 1923 1923 1923 1922 1918 1922 1923 1918 1918 1921 1921 1923 1917 1920 Column 93 96 202 37 252 16 50 60 140 70 198 58 262 64 231 284 225 196 222 56 53 114 151 64 251 54 67 72 230 282 14 112 326 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education Industrial education in Cleveland Industrial education in England Industrial education in Germany Industrial education in Wisconsin Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Title Schools need wood finishing courses The construction of a writing desk stool The weaving of art fibre furniture The cedar chest is good school project Teach wood finishing in school Manual training school article Vocational schools of Cleveland Cabinet making students in London Hand workers in German schools Need for industrial education Tulip and aster chest project Maple table project Martha Washington sewing table New interpretation in a familiar project Spinet desk has lasting charm The foot stool The student desk This lowboy proves beauty of Gothic ... 18th century china closet Walnut-cedar lined chest With the charm of the Renaissance Ladder back side chair project The student's desk Chippendale fire screen project Humble foot stool a welcome piece A combined radio-reading table An easy way to make a gateleg table Bedroom chair made from a barrel Console table and mirror project Console table has decorative value Crane bracket table a useful piece Eighteenth century memo desk Page 354 Date 09-01 01-01 01-01 10-01 08-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 09-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 11-01 10-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 12-01 05-01 09-01 09-15 10-01 03-01 10-01 01-01 01-01 Year Page 1922 1923 1922 1922 1923 1917 1914 1914 1915 1924 1934 1934 1935 1935 1934 1935 1935 1935 1934 1935 1935 1934 1934 1933 1935 1934 1937 1934 1934 1934 1935 1934 Column 130 9 24 153 74 110 231 202 55 13 28 34 18 21 24 14 14 23 22 12 23 20 20 20 23 20 27 19 30 18 19 34 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Title Date How to build William and Mary chest on stand How to make a block front desk - II How to make a block jfront desk An occasional table of character Making a hanging wall china cupboard Pedestal is an excellent project for student More about making archery tackle Methods for making hand made mortises Martha Washington sewing cabinet project Making the chifforobe of bachelor suite Making a sideboard table Making ink stand is good project for grades Small project for beginner Making hall clocks in school Making fireplace screen is splendid exercise Making bridge lamp on wood turning lathe Making attractive radio cabinet Making an outboard speedster Plant stand of pleasing design Making a colonial secretary Small bookcase affords good tool practice Making a chickadee house Making an attractive chest of drawers To make cabinet loudspeaker for radio To construct pedestal writing desk The making of archery tackle Teaching curved work with stool Slant top secretary interestinf project Small projects of interest to boys Portable folding bookcase is useful article Simple design for a piano bench in oak Projects suitable for hand or machine work Page 355 01-15 08-15 05-15 11-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 11-01 01-01 04-01 08-01 07-01 02-01 11-01 02-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 11-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 10-01 04-01 01-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 11-01 05-01 Year Page 1937 1938 1938 1934 1930 1924 1929 1928 1932 1926 1930 1926 1928 1930 1926 1925 1931 1929 1929 1929 1927 1932 1930 1925 1928 1929 1926 1932 1928 1925 1924 1927 Column 23 27 27 21 55 264 47 43 37 49 43 46 47 60 43 55 52 46 45 67 44 59 53 158 56 59 41 56 59 155 214 38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Title Project that promotes neatness and accuracy Project teaches dovetailing and carving Project teaches accuracy Project having mortise and tenon joints Step-ladder stool for intermediate classes Davenport end table is a useful project How to make a Gothic lamp stand How to construct a machinist's tool box Good practice in making breakfast table Good cabinet for the lonely radio set Fire screen a good project Encourage students to work out designs How to make a Queen Anne writing table Easily constructed marking machine Curved front dressing table Console table is easy to make Making a checkerboard table with birch trim Building a boudoir secretary makes for ... Book stand and side table Block front chest on chest An Empire sewing cabinet Electric lamp easy to make How to make typewriter table Making a cedar chest is of real practical ... Making a banister back chair Making a Tudor side table Inlaid project makes interesting problems A buccaneer treasure chest How to make your typewriter set pretty How to make an adjustable bookrest Making an upholstered Coxwell chair How to make the four-post bed of suite How to make radio cabinet of latest type Page 356 Date 09-01 12-01 10-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 12-01 10-01 09-01 02-01 12-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 03-01 03-01 01-01 10-01 12-01 03-01 04-01 06-01 12-01 08-01 Year Page 1925 1926 1924 1927 1926 1926 1931 1926 1927 1928 1928 1924 1926 1929 1931 1929 1932 1931 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1932 1930 1931 1926 1931 1928 1926 1930 1925 1924 Column 110 40 162 40 49 47 39 47 46 47 59 107 43 60 38 67 36 54 27 47 62 47 48 55 63 86 46 36 42 41 61 255 59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education projects Industrial education survey Industrial education, Munich Industrial efficiency Industrial efficiency Industrial efficiency Industrial engineering Industrial exhibitions Industrial expositions Industrial fatigue Industrial fatigue Industrial Furniture..(Augusta,GA) Industrial harmony Industrial health Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Title How to make furniture for bachelor rooms How to make combined sideboard and bed How to make circular saw accessory rack How to make bookrest for reading stand How to make an efficient indoor radio loop How to make an antique corner cabinet Building radio cabinet with flexible interior An industrial survey Continuation schools of Munich Federal aid to promote efficiency Efficiency depends on material How the war increased efficiency What the industrial engineer can do for ... Springfield takes the lead Boardwalk to have great exposition Effect of industrial fatigue on production The problem of industrial fatigue What manufacturers are doing Councils aid in solving problems Sanitary rules to promote industrial health The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it Page 357 Date 11-01 03-01 11-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 11-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 09-15 04-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 01-01 07-01 Year Page 1925 1927 1927 1925 1924 1927 1925 1915 1914 1917 1917 1917 1940 1917 1923 1923 1921 1913 1920 1923 1914 1912 1916 1914 1912 1913 1912 1915 1914 1913 1912 1915 1914 Column 207 60 46 7 207 46 63 212 231 18 16 11 7 174 127 124 20 252 11 80 71 375 67 101 272 495 215 185 255 376 527 33 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lawsuits Industrial lay offs Industrial medical service Industrial Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Industrial mishaps Industrial pension systems Industrial readjustment Industrial relations Industrial research Industrial research Industrial research Industrial safety Industrial schools Title The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it The law of it A primer on furniture woods The law of it Laying off - industrial problem Nature and scope of industrial medical ... What's new Industrial mishaps show an increase Pension movement needs revision The industrial readjustment A sound wage policy calls for job ... Need of research To extend market for soft pine Provlems for research in lacquer and varnish How provisions for safety save ... Our schools and the apprentice Page 358 Date 07-01 12-01 01-01 09-01 08-01 10-01 04-01 10-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 07-01 08-01 01-01 05-15 12-01 01-01 12-01 09-01 06-01 Year Page 1912 1913 1913 1912 1916 1912 1913 1914 1914 1913 1915 1913 1912 1917 1914 1913 1916 1916 1915 1913 1917 1919 1924 1949 1924 1933 1919 1940 1927 1928 1927 1932 1912 Column 326 596 33 429 67 507 163 205 287 69 23 293 586 17 21 441 159 19 124 221 55 80 28 64 50 15 20 9 50 64 60 18 270 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Industrial strikes Industrial traffic management Industrial training Industrial University Industry code of ethics Industry publications Industry publications Industry publications Industry-related diseases Inflation Informative labeling Informative labeling in furniture Infra-red rays use in furniture... Ingraham Co. (Hartford, CT) Injunctions Ink stand, construction Ink stand, design Ink stand, design and construction Inlaid and veneered highboy (art) Inlaid chest of drawers ... Inlaid davenport table, const. Inlaid davenport table, design Inlaid dining room furniture Inlaid lines Inlaid mahogany card table Inlaid marquetry Inlaid rosewood piano Inlaid sideboard, construction Inlaid sideboard, design Inlaid table Inland Bed Co. (Chicago) Inland Jacobean furniture Inlay Title To prevent industrial strikes Industrial traffic management Industrial training in Pueblo, Col. Plan an industrial university Upholsterers to proclaim code of ethics The Berlin wood-working magazine Books, catalogs, etc. Books, catalogs, etc. Industrial diseases - compensation Roosevelt's temple Informative labeling and the consumer ... Informative labeling Infra-red rays dry finish in 3 hours Affairs of the industry To protect name Grand Rapids Making ink stand is good project for grades Making ink stand is good project for grades Simple project to interest boy in the grades South facade of the new American wing ... English furniture design ...(art) How to make inlaid davenport table How to make inlaid davenport table New designs for inlaid dining room..(art) To make marquetry panels and inlaid lines Inlaid mahogany card table (art) Veneers with inlaid marquetry supplied ... Examples of craftsmanship at the ...(art) Pertinent suggestions in design Pertinent suggestions in design Students' work at the L.C.C.Arts...(art) Affairs of the industry Inland Jacobean furnitiure for ...(art) Art of inlay is undergoing revival Page 359 Date 11-01 07-01 09-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 07-01 11-01 05-01 06-15 09-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 08-01 06-01 12-01 12-01 09-01 09-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 10-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 Year Page 1919 1918 1916 1912 1924 1912 1920 1920 1919 1933 1941 1940 1945 1933 1916 1926 1926 1925 1924 1914 1922 1922 1911 1925 1911 1949 1914 1917 1917 1911 1933 1912 1926 Column 248 12 104 489 223 466 160 220 52 7 5 5 20 42 305 46 46 264 256 279 104 104 270 15 203 56 202 57 57 382 27 379 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Inlay Inlay for face ornamentation Inlay work and marquetry Inlay work in furniture Inman Co. (Louisville, KY) Inman Co. (Louisville, KY) Inman Furniture Co. (Louisville,KY) Inman Furniture Co. (Louisville,KY) Inman Furniture Co.(Louisville, KY) Inman Furniture...(Louisville, KY) Inman Veneer and ..(Louisville, KY) Inner-Ease Ponderosa pine box ... Innes Wholesale ..(Wichita, KS) Innis, Pearce & Co. (Rushville, IN) Installment furniture houses Installment furniture industry Instalment financing for dealers Instalment sales Instalment trade Institute of Store Decoration Insular Lumber Co. (Manila) Insurance costs Interior decorating Interior decoration Interior decoration Interior decoration Interior decoration and decorators Title The making of pictorial inlay The touch of inlay Decorative treatment for veneer Simplicity in inlay work Affairs of the industry Inman Co. to erect new furniture factory Editorial notes New color for walnut What some manufacturers are doing High frequency dielectric heating slashes ... New veneer concern Inner-Ease company develops fast-selling ... Innes retires Furniture pick-ups Manufacturers neglect one field Manufacturers neglect one field Day of big things Education needed to control instalment sales Merchandising survey on instalment trade Affairs of the industry Philippine woods battle still is on Hazards of the furniture factory The trend of modern design in furniture Contempora sponsoring an exposition Manufacturers dolling up rooms now Proper finishing of panelled interiors Decorators of country organize Interior decoration and design Interior Decoration of the 18th... Interior finishing Interior trimmings International Colonial ...(Paris) Decorative demands are exemplied in apartment Books and catalogs Birch for interior finish Study of practical cabinet making Medals for Paris exposition Page 360 Date 03-01 02-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 07-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 10-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 09-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 02-01 07-01 Year Page Column 1913 1912 1913 1912 1932 1923 1917 1922 1920 1946 1917 1943 1931 1929 1916 1916 1928 1926 1926 1932 1929 1911 1928 1929 1929 1924 1931 105 91 484 429 29 60 119 110 168 20 211 21 84 79 16 16 51 37 39 30 60 34 52 90 52 10 32 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1932 1928 1914 1912 1932 19 72 76 64 40 1 3 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry International Colonial and..(Paris) International Colonial and..(Paris) International Exposition of ... International expositions International expositions International expositions International expositions International furniture exhibitions International furniture exhibitions International furniture exhibits International furniture expositions International furniture expositions International furniture expositions International Furniture.(St. Louis) International Furniture..(Chicago) International Furniture..(St.Louis) International gold medal awards International Lamp and ...(Chicago) International Trade Fair (NYC) International trade fairs International trade fairs Internationbal copyrights Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Title Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Grand Rapids furniture for Paris exposition Some chairs shown at International ... Is this the beginning of a new era in ... Furniture industry to send representatives Increased trade follows Wembley exhibition The furniture exhibit at Panama Berlin furniture exhibitions Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Leipzig spring furniture fair forecasts ... Medals for Paris exposition Simplified modern marks French show Grand Rapids furniture for Paris exposition Affairs of the industry Webbing construction Kant-sag Affairs of the industry Medals for Paris exposition Vitanola plant sold for $475,000 Affairs of the industry Leipzig fair dates announed Stable prices, high attendance best signs ... Design patent program to ride on ... Wartime furniture industry flourishes Furniture interests fight new rate proposals South vs. Pennsylvania rates Rate inquiry on furniture ordered by I.C.C. Prices of furniture and freight rates are ... New freight rates in effect Last hearing is held on freight rates Industry ponders rail rate boost Increase in rates suspended High Point protests freight rates Furniture rates suspensions Page 361 Date 09-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 03-01 05-01 06-01 09-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 04-01 10-01 06-01 07-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 05-01 08-01 01-01 11-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 04-01 07-01 08-01 09-01 07-01 Year Page 1931 1931 1925 1933 1925 1925 1914 1932 1931 1934 1932 1932 1931 1935 1941 1934 1932 1923 1935 1934 1935 1935 1945 1925 1932 1926 1931 1932 1929 1931 1932 1928 1932 Column 26 49 157 19 211 116 228 29 26 28 40 14 49 26 14 34 40 172 21 29 24 12 18 213 23 80 26 43 110 43 13 87 41 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Title Value of furniture in 1923 was $776,494,839 Furniture interests win C.F.A. suit Carload movement shows increase Furniture pick-ups Furniture industry unites in R.R. suit Arrange for traffic hearilng Commission bans term Philippine mahogany Delay higher freight rates Fight or chaos is issue in rate case Fights proposed rate increases Freight rate hearings near end Freight rate inquiry near end Freight rate order suspended Freight rates suspended Furniture freight rates revised again The Pacific Coast rate hearing Ruled against the Furniture Co. Commission rules on furniture rate Minimum rate question before Congress The five per cent rate ruling The five per cent advance in rates Trap cars come under average agreement Advance in rates to the coast postponed Grand Rapids trap car case held open The Coast freight rate Orders revision on fixture ratings What constitutes terminal misrouting Higher demurrage rates in effect Carriers lose in trap car case Editorial notes Defective notice under demurrage rates Veneer men will ask more time Furniture commodity rates Page 362 Date 01-01 10-01 11-01 09-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 10-01 06-01 02-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 08-01 03-01 09-01 03-01 12-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 08-01 01-01 03-01 09-01 05-01 Year Page 1925 1924 1927 1928 1924 1926 1927 1928 1927 1925 1928 1929 1932 1929 1931 1912 1912 1911 1916 1914 1914 1917 1912 1917 1912 1916 1917 1916 1915 1913 1917 1915 1913 Column 20 161 66 72 233 60 82 70 35 96 69 92 54 60 47 557 563 539 141 316 92 105 441 139 622 65 139 191 92 28 103 136 225 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Interstate Furniture ... Interstate transportation rates Intoxication in furniture factories Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Title Higher rates to the Pacific coast Freight traffic entitled to changes Wichita furniture shippers lose case Commission kills spotting charge Proposed advance in freight rates Increased rates on chairs denied Rating on sectional bookcases upheld Higher express rates effective Rates to the Coast advanced Plan higher scale of demurrage charges The new freight classification Reclassification of furniture rates Veneer shippers win rail rate suit Commission rules on freight rates New furniture rate lower Lower hardwood rates asked Great daving in furniture rates Uniform freight rates Freight rate increases Increase in rates on furniture Editorial notes Minimum rate question before Congress No booze fighters are wanted Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Page 363 Date 07-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 09-01 09-01 11-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 05-01 10-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 02-01 03-01 02-01 12-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 08-01 06-01 09-01 Year Page 1915 1917 1917 1915 1912 1915 1914 1915 1916 1916 1920 1922 1922 1922 1921 1921 1918 1919 1920 1917 1912 1916 1913 1925 1926 1925 1926 1924 1925 1924 1925 1924 1925 Column 38 100 277 93 452 233 94 113 117 214 28 207 55 60 206 127 5 220 56 266 80 141 61 279 61 278 59 25 30 81 75 277 129 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions Inventions exposition Inventors and inventions Inventory Title Some recent inventions by furniture makers Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions of furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions by furniture makers Some recent inventions in furniture making Invents clever device for kiln operators Recent inventions in furniture making Recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions by furniture makers Some recent inventions by furniture makers Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions by furniture makers Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making Some recent inventions in furniture making New cushion machine Some recent inventions in furniture making A cedar chest under the bed Inventions exhibit will be held Marshall Lloyd lies down to work The question of depreciation Page 364 Date 09-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 05-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 12-01 01-01 01-01 04-01 05-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 12-01 09-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 Year Page 1926 1924 1926 1924 1924 1924 1926 1925 1925 1925 1928 1925 1925 1927 1926 1924 1925 1924 1924 1926 1926 1926 1926 1924 1926 1924 1923 1923 1923 1921 1924 1920 1916 Column 112 173 106 233 276 130 61 229 179 231 106 76 129 110 108 20 30 171 231 65 65 74 61 123 61 69 261 123 216 264 49 16 202 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Inventory systems Ionic architecture Iowa lumber industry Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Title Accurate and perpetual inventory systems Study of practical cabinet-making Wood industries - Iowa, Minnesota Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture review Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 365 Date 01-01 03-01 08-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 12-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 09-01 05-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 12-01 03-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 05-01 07-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 12-01 Year Page 1923 1912 1914 1913 1917 1914 1916 1912 1913 1916 1913 1915 1917 1916 1917 1915 1916 1916 1917 1915 1915 1916 1914 1914 1912 1915 1915 1913 1917 1917 1916 1915 1914 Column 22 111 89 144 41 105 45 620 245 312 47 154 250 45 90 325 142 94 43 308 159 264 267 211 251 46 101 197 194 143 234 101 321 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 366 Date 05-01 04-01 03-01 06-01 08-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 02-01 12-01 06-01 10-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 12-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 08-01 03-01 10-01 12-01 09-01 11-01 10-01 02-01 06-01 12-01 11-01 02-01 Year Page 1915 1914 1916 1914 1913 1913 1917 1916 1916 1916 1917 1916 1915 1914 1915 1921 1919 1920 1919 1921 1921 1921 1919 1920 1918 1917 1917 1919 1920 1918 1917 1919 1919 Column 271 208 148 329 409 354 83 197 95 286 301 188 250 267 51 304 332 159 47 204 158 108 137 219 283 128 228 220 121 306 284 278 89 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron Iron and steel Iron and steel Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Page 367 Date 12-01 03-01 01-01 11-01 04-01 04-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 10-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 04-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 08-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 11-01 07-01 09-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 Year Page 1920 1918 1920 1920 1918 1921 1920 1920 1921 1918 1918 1919 1921 1921 1917 1918 1919 1920 1920 1921 1919 1919 1918 1921 1918 1919 1918 1920 1921 1920 1919 1911 1912 Column 320 147 58 269 192 243 51 173 301 46 185 321 181 117 181 99 202 107 287 57 111 167 90 357 235 59 137 231 52 340 256 418 568 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Iron and steel Iron and steel Iron and steel Iron and steel Iron and steel Iron and steel Iron and steel industry Iron and steel industry Iron and steel, Chicago report Iron and steel, Pittsburgh report Iron and steel, Pittsburgh report Iron and steel, Pittsburgh report Iron and steel, Pittsburgh report Iron and steel, Pittsburgh report Iron beds exports to Syria Iron metal beds, construction of Iron metal beds, design of Iron, Pittsburgh report Irving & Casson (Boston, MA) Irving, Charles R. (Cambridge, MA) Irwin Seating Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Mrs. Elizabeth (Grand Rapids Irwin, R.W. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, R.W. Furniture..(GR) Irwin, Robert (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Irwin, Robert W. Irwin, Robert W. Irwin, Robert W. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. (Grand Rapids) Title Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Stories of the related industries Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Editorial notes Being done by metal bed makers Being done by metal bed makers Phases of the furniture market What manufacturers are doing Charles R. Irving (obit) Affairs of the industry Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Wins a big suit Medals for Paris exposition Short week claimed impractical Industrial art school for Grand Rapids A shorter factory work day Reorganization of Phoenix Furniture Co. Leaders in the industry Introducing the Grand Rapids Furniture ... Hear tariff plea of furniture men Furniture pick-ups Begin fight for higher tariff Page 368 Date 04-01 04-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 09-01 02-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 09-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 11-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 12-01 03-15 02-01 08-01 11-01 Year Page 1911 1912 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1918 1911 1911 1912 1911 1912 1912 1913 1911 1911 1911 1914 1925 1932 1927 1917 1932 1934 1916 1912 1912 1942 1938 1929 1929 1928 Column 189 200 360 251 305 473 88 126 526 525 568 585 48 100 445 182 182 640 52 244 41 108 67 40 10 235 297 351 25 18 86 76 46 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Irwin, Robert W. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Irwin, Robert W. Co.(Grand Rapids) Irwin-Pedersen Arms Co. (GR) Irwon, R.W. Irwon, Robert W. (Grand Rapids) Irwon, Robert W. Co. (Grand Rapids) Isaac Delgado Central..(New Orleans Isenberg Bros Co. (Bloomington,DE) Ishpeming (MI) High School Issacs, J.L. (Milwaukee) Issaquena (MS) Lumber Co. Italian armchair, 16th cent. (art) Italian carved chair (art) Italian chest, 15th century (art) Italian duo-tone furniture Italian formal chair (art) Italian metal beds industry Italian Renaissance furniture Italian Renaissance furniture Italian table, 16th century (art) Italian walnut Italian walnut credenza ...(art) Title Robt. W. Irwin lauds Homes publicity work Affairs of the industry Irwin craftsmanship in war products and ... Irwin patent suit As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Englishmen to exploit Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Order on veneer issued Affairs of the industry The Robert W. Irwin Co. What the future offers hand carvers Takes over Macey Company plant Shorter day for the furniture worker Central organization launched Co-ordinated expansion South's greatest trade school in New Orleans What the manufacturers are doing Practical school work in a Michigan town Recent deaths in the furniture trade Southern mill reorganizes Number twenty-nine of new series of ... Pages for a designer's scrap book Number twenty-eight of new series of ... Italian duo-tone desk shown in oak Pages for a designer's scrap book Editorial notes Furniture of the Italian Renaissance Furniture of the Italian Renaissance Number twenty-five of new series of ... What do you know about walnut? Italian walnut credenza of Florence, a ... Page 369 Date 08-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 08-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 03-01 02-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 08-01 11-01 05-01 09-01 Year Page 1923 1933 1945 1933 1931 1931 1931 1926 1931 1928 1932 1920 1926 1942 1911 1914 1941 1923 1913 1913 1927 1915 1926 1930 1926 1923 1930 1913 1935 1925 1925 1930 1924 Column 73 42 14 40 49 43 44 49 26 73 42 116 46 19 623 260 16 275 526 422 110 196 51 68 51 57 68 128 13 71 217 66 58 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Italian XVI century chair (art) Jack & Gill Co. (Statesville, NC) Jacknife furniture Jackson (MS) Mfg. Co. Jackson, W.S. (Grand Rapids) Jacksonville(TN) furniture industry Jacobean cabinet Jacobean dresser in oak (art) Jacobean interior Jacobean panelled rooms Jacobean side board (art) Jacobean style joint stool (art) Jacobson, Peter &..(New Albany,KY) Jacoby, William L. (Chicago) Jaeger Furniture Co. (Los Angeles) Jaeger, August H. (Grand Rapids) Jamaican hardwoods Jamaican imports of U.S. furniture James & Lamson ..(Springfield, VT) James Furniture Co. (Aurora, IN) James Furniture Co. (Houston) James I buffet, carved oak James T. Ryan Furniture ... Jamestown (NY) Aeronautical Corp. Jamestown (NY) Cabinet Co. Jamestown (NY) Case Goods Co. Jamestown (NY) Case Goods Co. Jamestown (NY) Chair Co. Jamestown (NY) Chair Co. Jamestown (NY) fall exposition Jamestown (NY) Fancy Furniture Co. Jamestown (NY) Furniture ... Title Number fifteen of a series of drawings ... Getting personal Artistic jacknife furniture As the news story goes Jackson gets promotion Good market for furniture Old furniture at the exhibition of...(art) Oak dresser which is described by ... A Jacobean interior shown at the ...(art) Beautiful Jacobean panelled room Number eight of a series of drawings ... 17th century American room from West Boxford What the manufacturers are doing Recent deaths As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups Importing Jamaican hardwoods Selling U.S. furniture in Jamaica and ... The human factor in works management What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing English furniture design ...(art) Furniture professorship Jamestown furniture manufacturers to ... What the manufacturers are doing Jamestown Case Goods Co. will continue Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Written in the semi-editorial vein What manufacturers are doing Jamestown organizes car loading co. Page 370 Date 12-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 11-01 12-01 08-01 01-01 05-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 03-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 08-01 06-01 12-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 Year Page Column 1922 1943 1917 1931 1917 1918 1911 1927 1912 1922 1924 257 31 53 46 227 284 380 43 234 8 267 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1941 1914 1930 1931 1930 1912 1925 1912 1915 1917 1914 1949 1942 1916 1927 1932 1932 1932 1915 1913 1922 15 163 111 44 74 506 183 467 98 308 280 8 8 190 65 43 43 39 230 417 223 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Jamestown (NY) Furniture Co. Jamestown (NY) Furniture Co. Jamestown (NY) Furniture Co. Jamestown (NY) furniture exchange Jamestown (NY) furniture expos Jamestown (NY) furniture expos Jamestown (NY) furniture expos Jamestown (NY) furniture expos Jamestown (NY) furniture expos Jamestown (NY) furniture exposiiton Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Title Convertible furniture Affairs of the industry Editorial notes Mid-season shows gain in importance Coming events Affairs of the industry Halt in price declines indicated at Jamestown Two-market issue is on trial Written in the semi-editorial vein Fall plans Important dates Important dates Coming events Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Coming events Important dates Harvest buying on record Important dates Important dates Coming events Important dates Important dates Important dates Jamestown barometer indicates fair weather Jamestown dates Jamestown fall show set Jamestown market is testing ground Jamestown spring market attracts leading ... Skill out-general scarcities Page 371 Date 05-01 04-01 03-01 11-01 04-15 06-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 10-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 05-01 10-15 09-01 12-01 06-01 07-01 09-15 09-01 01-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 Year Page 1943 1933 1915 1935 1940 1934 1932 1928 1915 1949 1946 1949 1941 1949 1946 1944 1946 1949 1938 1949 1942 1949 1949 1940 1946 1946 1946 1934 1949 1949 1933 1946 1942 Column 20 28 134 17 19 34 26 37 128 8 47 63 28 63 47 29 47 63 28 63 5 63 63 23 63 47 63 28 6 10 17 13 19 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Title Important dates Affairs of the industry Important dates Affairs of the industry Coming events Affairs of the industry Buying conservative at intermediate markets Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Coming events Coming events Calendar of important furniture events Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Jamestown changes market dates Important dates to remember Important dates to remember Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events Calendar of important furniture events As the news story goes Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Jamestown market very successful Jamestown had 267 buyers Editorial notes The Jamestown exposition Jamestown market opens May 7 Page 372 Date 08-01 FALL 02-01 06-01 05-15 12-01 05-01 02-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 04-15 10-01 03-15 04-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 01-01 08-01 06-01 11-01 10-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 12-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 Year Page 1949 1936 1949 1933 1939 1933 1935 1935 1933 1935 1933 1934 1939 1935 1941 1941 1934 1933 1932 1924 1924 1924 1932 1932 1931 1931 1932 1931 1915 1916 1916 1914 1917 Column 63 40 63 32 21 30 26 28 28 25 28 34 15 17 22 28 34 31 40 66 100 263 42 40 49 42 42 65 295 279 125 275 133 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Jamestown (NY) furniture exposition Title Jamestown show Oct. 30 to Nov. 11 Jamestown show unprecedented success There are others to come Taking a big machine to market Jamestown organizes car loading co. Dates to remember Booklet issued by Jamestown association Jamestown show opens May 3 Jamestown exposition opens The next exposition Jamestown plans rounding up Bringing a big machine to market What the markets demonstrated Jamesstown votes no to exhibits Book gives views of Jamestown mart Convention dates to remember King Tut bedroom suite exhibited at ... Another building proposition in Jamestown No January exhibition in Jamestown Jamestown to have new building Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Upholstered pieces being shown at Jamestown Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Emphasis on middle market Jamestown booming Jamestown furniture manufacturers to ... Open house Affairs of the industry Jamestown furniture promises quality and ... Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Page 373 Date 09-01 06-01 06-01 04-01 11-01 09-01 05-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 07-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 05-01 04-01 11-01 06-15 01-01 03-01 01-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1922 1918 1918 1922 1922 1922 1923 1920 1920 1918 1921 1922 1921 1918 1922 1923 1923 1919 1919 1921 101 293 305 146 223 106 206 169 227 190 20 252 247 151 158 176 238 304 39 277 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 1946 1933 1933 1934 1949 1942 1942 1940 1933 1944 1934 1933 38 28 28 31 6 5 8 5 41 14 40 42 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture industry Jamestown (NY) furniture prices Jamestown (NY) Hotel Jamestown (NY) hotel Jamestown (NY) industry briefs Jamestown (NY) Loung Co. Jamestown (NY) Lounge Co. Jamestown (NY) Lounge Co. Jamestown (NY) Lounge Co. Jamestown (NY) Lounge Co. Jamestown (NY) Lounge Co. Jamestown (NY) Lounge Co. Jamestown (NY) Mantel Co. Jamestown (NY) Mantel Co. Title Affairs of the industry Jamestown advertises market by movie play Furniture production Jamestown holds style show Factory training course in Jamestown Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Jamestown furniture manufacturers meet Editorial notes Written in the semi-editorial vein Jamestown Lounge reorganized Plan for new Jamestown hotel Another building proposition in Jamestown Editorial notes The early market at Jamestown Jamestown and employment question Book gives views of Jamestown mart Jamestown organizes car loading co. Jamestown did it Jamestown furniture city for 99 years Editorial notes Hotel Jamestown has brilliant opening Plan for new Jamestown hotel Jamestown meetings Jamestown to have new building Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry In favor of one line a year The Jamestown strike Advocates one exhibition a year Jamestown Lounge reorganized Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing Page 374 Date 12-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 07-01 09-01 11-01 05-01 10-01 09-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 03-01 10-01 11-01 06-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 07-01 02-01 11-01 11-01 03-01 10-01 10-01 Year Page 1932 1926 1928 1929 1927 1932 1932 1916 1913 1915 1918 1923 1919 1919 1919 1919 1922 1922 1920 1922 1921 1925 1923 1927 1921 1933 1934 1914 1911 1913 1918 1934 1916 Column 42 69 51 68 36 27 42 253 499 128 130 16 304 56 167 132 158 223 292 230 249 49 16 83 277 26 31 81 587 559 130 27 190 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Jamestown (NY) Mantel Co. Jamestown (NY) Metal Desk Co. Jamestown (NY) Metal Desk Co. Jamestown (NY) Metal Desk Co. Jamestown (NY) Panel & Veneering... Jamestown (NY) Panel Co. Jamestown (NY) Panel Co. Jamestown (NY) Period Furniture Co. Jamestown (NY) Period Furniture Co. Jamestown (NY) Sterling Co. Jamestown (NY) Sterling Co. Title Editorial notes Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry First field course in gluing held What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Emphasis on middle market Jamestown company will build factory Jamestown (NY) Table Co. Jamestown (NY) Veneer and Plywood.. Jamestown (NY) Wood Finishing Co. Jamestown (PA) Veneer & Panel Co. Jamestown (VA) Wood Finishing Co. Jamestown, NY Jamestown, NY, furnuiture industry Jamestown, NY, upholsterers strike Jamestown-Royal Upholstery (NY) Jamestwn (NY) furniture expositions Jamme, L.E. (New York City) Janesville (WI) Products Co. Japanese artists at Stickley Co. Japanese business penetration Japanese dyestuff imports from U.S. Japanese furniture imports from U.S Japanese furniture wages Japanese hardwoods Japanese imports of U.S. glue Japanese lacquer Japanese lumber, competition from Jamestown Table Company steps up production Affairs of the industry New patriotic finish introduced What the manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Jamestown high school to train technicians Against the inconsistent union The Jamestown strike How Jamestown-Royal builds its quality ... Jamestown exhibition to open Nov. 8 Recent deaths As the news story goes The new designs produced by Stickley Invasion of the United States Increase American dyestuffs in Japan Demand for American furniture Report on furniture wages Written in the semi-editorial vein Creating a market for American glue Properties of Oriental lacquers Written in the semi-editorial vein Page 375 Date 04-01 04-01 05-01 09-01 05-01 03-01 05-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 07-15 12-01 10-01 11-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 02-01 07-01 12-01 03-01 01-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 05-01 01-01 Year Page Column 1917 1934 1934 1933 1912 1933 1927 1916 1915 1949 1924 175 34 34 29 253 28 65 309 99 6 9 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 1946 1934 1918 1913 1937 1945 1911 1911 1949 1915 1933 1931 1921 1915 1919 1920 1921 1912 1916 1913 1912 14 34 281 150 30 12 502 587 18 187 29 67 6 279 131 29 25 28 207 215 28 2 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Japanese oak, competition from Japanese office furniture imports Japanese toy industry Japanese umbrellas Japanese white oak Jaro Furniture...(Memphis, TN) Jarrah (Australian furniture wood) Jaspe Jasper (IN) Manufacturing Co. Jasper (IN) Seating Co. Jasper (IN) Seating Co. Jasper (IN) Wood Products Co. Jasper (IN) Wood Products Co. Jefferson (WI) Wood Products Co. Jeffery Furniture..(Westfield,NY) Jeffrey Furniture..(West Aurora,NY) Jeffrey, Harry R. (Emporia, KS) Jenkins ...(Sheboygan Falls, WI) Jenkins Machine Co. (Sheboygan, WI) Jersey Field ...(Salamanca, NY) Jesse French & Sons Jewel Refrigerator Co. (NYC) Jewelry tax (Grand Rapids?) Jewett Radio and ...(Allegan, MI) Jiffy Mfg. Co. (Hillside, NJ) Jigs Jiranek, Leo Jiranek, Leo (New York City) Jiranek, Leo (New York City) Jiranek, Otto A. Jiranek, Otto A. (Grand Rapids) Joachim, Ed. B. (Harrisburg, PA) Joan Fabrics Corp. (New York City) Title Editorial notes The Japanese market for office furniture The toy industry in Japan Japanese umbrella making Editorial notes Getting personal History may repeat Fabrics for furniture coverings What manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups High frequency makes postwar prospects ... Company to make kitchen cabinets Getting personal What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Book reviews New equipment for manufacturers Machine companies unite N.Y. offices Affairs of the industry Pianos for a lifetime What the manufacturers are doing Furniture exempted from jewelry tax Merger of plants anounced by Baker What's new Use of jigs in manual training Streamline modern designed by Leo Jiranek... Designing runs in Jiranek family Leo Jiranek's summer furniture in native ... Otto A. Jiranek Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in the furniture trade What's new Page 376 Date 04-01 06-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 08-01 09-01 04-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 08-01 01-01 03-01 06-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 Year Page 1911 1921 1920 1913 1912 1946 1916 1911 1915 1929 1929 1945 1924 1946 1913 1916 1925 1929 1923 1933 1949 1916 1924 1927 1949 1920 1945 1942 1942 1917 1926 1924 1949 Column 167 328 157 45 282 62 11 302 146 79 75 15 129 46 473 194 118 73 105 41 14 85 58 84 62 324 28 14 14 215 108 68 63 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Job classifications Job evaluation plans Jobbers Jobbers Joerns Bros. ..(Stevens Point, WI) Joerns Bros. Mfg. (Sheboygan, WI) Joerns Brothers..(Sheboygan, WI) Joerns, Otto B. (Sheboygan, WI) John B.P. Furniture ..(Portland) John Dunn Corp. (Gardner, MA) John Furniture Co. (Portland) John Furniture Corp. (Oakland) Title A sound wage policy calls for job ... A sound wage policy calls for job ... Marketers of prison products are jobbers The jobber in the furniture trade What manufacturers are doing Joerns Bros. Co. take over Coye factory What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths in the furniture trade Getting personal Modern wood chair frames conform to all ... As the news story goes As the news story goes John Furniture Corp. (Portland) John Wanamaker Co. (New York City) John Widdicomb ..(Grand Rapids) John Widdicomb Co. (Grand Rapids) John, B.P. Co. (Portland) John, B.P. Furniture...(Portland) Johns, B.P. Co. (Portland) Johnson Chair Co. (Chicago) Johnson Furniture Co. Johnson Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids Johnson Furniture Co. (Warren, PA) Johnson Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Johnson Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Johnson Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Johnson Furniture Co.(Grand Rapids) Johnson Furniture..(Grand Rapids) Johnson Furniture..(Grand Rapids) Johnson, A.P. Johnson, A.P. (Grand Rapids) Johnson, A.P. Co. (Grand Rapids) Manufacturer creates merchandising package... The Terminal Warehouse burned Affairs of the industry Apprentices to learn phases of furniture ... Price increase Standardizing furniture parts Getting personal Saving money on lumber handling Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers Grand Rapids Veneer Works Wins Recent deaths Order on veneer issued What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Johnson Furniture Company increase stock Criswell Company sells interests Books and catalogs Promotion of G.R. markets assigned to two ... Books and catalogs Page 377 Date 05-15 05-15 12-01 08-01 08-01 05-01 03-01 10-01 09-15 10-01 04-01 06-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 06-01 10-01 02-15 02-15 09-15 02-01 06-01 06-01 11-01 12-01 07-01 11-01 06-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 06-01 Year Page Column 1940 1940 1927 1914 1915 1917 1917 1917 1938 1949 1931 1931 9 9 66 78 98 209 137 177 28 28 61 66 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1934 1912 1932 1949 1932 1938 1938 1937 1913 1915 1913 1928 1912 1913 1912 1919 1922 1928 1931 1928 32 56 42 22 44 7 27 12 101 321 307 73 626 361 574 319 58 66 61 66 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Johnson, Andrew (Grand Rapids) Johnson, Andrew C. (Rockford, IL) Johnson, Carl G. (Grand Rapids) Johnson, Carroll A. (Grand Rapids) Johnson, James P. (Warren, PA) Johnson, Jonas (Jamestown, NY) Johnson, Lionel H. (Grand Rapids) Johnson, N. Oscar (Jamestown,NY) Johnson, P.S. (Grand Rapids) Johnson, Raymond E. (Warren, PA) Johnson, Sidney P. Johnson, Stanley (St. Paul, MN) Johnson-Handley-Johnson Co. (GR) Johnson-Handley-Johnson Co. (GR) Johnson-Randall Fiber ...(Chicago) Johnson-Randall..(Traverse City,MI) Johnston Furniture..(Union City,IN) Johnston, William (Lawrenceburg,IN) Johnstone Glass..(Hartford City,IN) Joining room laxity Joint trade-mark idea Jointers Jointers Jones & Hopkins Mfg..(Nashville,TN) Jones Hardwood Co. (San Francisco) Jones safety guards Jones, Merle Grant (Beatrice, NE) Jones, C. Oscar (Jamestown, NY) Jones, Charles (Grand Rapids) Jones, Cyrus Emory (Jamestown, NY) Jones, Emery (Sturgis, MI) Jones, L.B. Co. (Evansville, IN) Jones, Richard C. (Louisville, KY) Title Recent deaths Recent deaths Leaders in the industry Recent deaths Recent deaths Recent deaths Brilliant young manufacturer dies N. Oscar Johnson (obit) Promotion of G.R. markets assigned to two ... Leaders in the industry Cornice Work Manual Affairs of the industry King Tut living room table brought out by ... King Tut coffee table, designed by T.S. ... Furniture pick-ups As the news story goes Rxpanding Recent deaths Ornamental glass for furniture Problems of the finishing room Joint trade marks advocated The modern jointer is another necessity ... How jointer is made with notes on its care What the manufacturers are doing Lumber firm appeals commission's order The Jones safety guards Leaders in the industry Recent deaths Recent deaths Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Recent deaths in the furniture trade Page 378 Date 06-01 11-01 04-01 11-01 06-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 02-15 04-01 07-01 10-01 11-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 11-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 Year Page 1932 1911 1942 1933 1913 1933 1928 1925 1931 1944 1912 1934 1923 1923 1930 1931 1932 1933 1911 1911 1921 1940 1924 1915 1926 1913 1944 1932 1933 1922 1934 1932 1927 Column 41 581 27 32 307 29 40 9 61 24 256 39 147 56 75 67 13 29 310 6 248 16 173 52 50 579 41 44 28 62 35 31 110 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Jones, Wilbur L. (Madison, WI) Jones, Wiley (Atlanta, GA) Jones, William H. (Grand Rapids) Jordan Industries (Colfax, IN) Jordan Parlor ... (Reading, PA) Jordan, D.L. (Roanoke, VA) Jordan, H.S. Jordan, Winfield (Wakefield, MA) Jorgenson, C.E. ...(Chicago) Jose, Victor R. (Indianapolis) Josse & Tarshis (Seattle) Josselyn, C. Edwin (Roxbury, MA) Joy Industries (Chicago) Joyce, Adrian D. (Cleveland) Joyce, H.L. & Co. (Binghamton, NY) Judd, J.H. Juke boxes Junior Marion ..(Philadelphia) Junior Red Cross Jute Jute Jute Jute as webbing source Jute fiber Jute substitute Juvenile colonial chairs Juvenile furniture Juvenile furniture Juvenile furniture Juvenile furniture Juvenile furniture Juvenile furniture Juvenile furniture, postwar plans Title W.L. Jones opens glue laboratory Wiley Jones (obit) William H. Jones (obit) Getting personal As the news story goes Leaders in the industry Sixty-one years in the chair business Recent deaths The Jorgenson business in new hands Invents clever device for kiln operators Affairs of the industry To show prize winning designs in many cities Affairs of the industry Purchased the Glidden Varnish Co. What the manufacturers are doing Study of practical cabinet making Electronic heat used to fabricate juke boxes Furniture pick-ups Junior artisans in America Substitute for jute A substitute for jute Importance of jute market to manufacturers New webbing replaces jute Webbing upholstered furniture Substitute for jute Juvenile chairs go fast in Texas A quick trip through Hedstom's folding ... Toy clubs formed on West Coast Postwar architecture and furniture Juveline lines sales stimulated Magnesium furniture for kiddies A little journey to Luxfibre Postwar planning in juvenile furniture Page 379 Date 11-01 05-01 02-01 08-04 03-01 01-01 02-01 12-01 07-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 10-01 03-01 03-15 12-01 02-01 11-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 09-01 Year Page 1924 1934 1927 1942 1931 1946 1913 1932 1915 1928 1934 1927 1934 1917 1915 1911 1946 1930 1920 1942 1916 1923 1943 1937 1942 1945 1946 1945 1945 1949 1946 1918 1944 Column 216 35 63 26 69 40 94 44 7 106 26 42 33 251 52 328 26 76 204 5 23 151 15 24 5 9 36 10 10 6 10 76 33 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry K. and V. Products Co. (Seattle) Kade Fixture and ..(Plymouth, WI) Kade Show Case & ...(Plymouth, WI) Kade, Charles F. & ...(Plymouth,WI) Kade, Chas. F. (Plymouth, WI) Kade, Chas. F. (Plymouth, WI) Kade, Chas. F. (Sheboygan, WI) Kade,C.F. Co. (Port Washington, WI) Kaehler Furniture..(New Albany,IN) Kagan, Vladimir (New York City) Kahler Furniture..(New Albany, IN) Kahn, Herbert M. (Appleton, WI) Kaiser, George F. Kaiser, Jacob Mfg. Co. (St. Louis) Kallenberg, F.W. (New Orleans) Kamman & Co. (Rochester, NY) Kamman Furniture (Gardner, MA) Kamman Furniture...(Philadelphia) Kamman, Lewis (Brighton, NY) Kane Furniture & ...(Gardner, MA) Kane-Kraft furniture Kanitz, Louis (Muskegon, MI) Kann, Henry (Chicago) Kansas City Exposition Building Kansas City furniture exposition Kansas City furniture exposition Kansas City furniture market Kansas City Furniture Mfg. Co. Kansas City(MO) furniture industry Kant-sag construction for webbing Kaplan Furniture Co. (Boston) Kaplan Furniture Co. (Cambridge,MA) Kaplan Furniture Co. (Cambridge,MA) Title Getting personal Written in the semi-editorial vein Will establish a new fixture business Will establish a new fixture business Kade's dream of a model plant Written in the semi-editorial vein Confessions of a woodworker Kade goes into phonograph making What manufacturers are doing Individualized creation is need for modern... What manufacturers are doing Leaders in the industry Recent deaths Recent deaths Paragraphs about furniture men Affairs of the industry Getting personal Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Gardner to have own mart building New outdoor furniture designed for year ... Just about people Leading students at the Chicago School Kansas City's permanent exhibit Important dates Important dates Furniture pick-ups New company in upholstery field Kansas City's permanent exhibit Webbing construction Kant-sag Suit over Chippendale chairs Furniture pick-ups Magic rise of Kaplan Page 380 Date 10-01 04-01 07-01 07-01 06-01 04-01 03-01 08-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 01-01 01-01 SUM 01-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 04-01 10-01 03-01 05-01 07-01 Year Page 1946 1916 1913 1913 1917 1916 1913 1919 1917 1949 1917 1944 1911 1911 1915 1935 1942 1936 1932 1924 1943 1913 1942 1915 1949 1949 1930 1923 1915 1941 1920 1929 1928 Column 60 178 359 359 271 178 110 87 308 41 308 28 517 517 97 21 27 39 42 274 20 249 21 206 63 63 77 229 206 14 150 73 60 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kaplan, Charles (Boston) Kaplan, Isaac (Cambridge, MA) Kaplan, Isaac (Cambridge, MA) Kapoc Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Title Recent deaths Leaders in the industry Magic rise of Kaplan Kapoc: a product with a future United States is largest user of kapok Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Cultivation of kapok in the Philippines Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets How one mattress material grows Page 381 Date 05-01 04-15 07-01 09-01 10-01 09-01 06-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 04-01 02-01 08-01 05-01 12-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 06-01 03-01 10-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 01-01 01-01 11-01 07-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 Year Page 1933 1940 1928 1922 1927 1912 1916 1914 1914 1914 1917 1916 1916 1916 1911 1911 1916 1915 1914 1916 1912 1911 1912 1914 1914 1916 1917 1914 1916 1912 1913 1916 1911 Column 28 13 60 64 57 462 314 161 56 213 195 96 95 263 639 584 287 103 330 149 516 191 145 49 45 46 44 268 46 302 357 198 34 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok Kapok as textile fiber Kapok as upholstery filler Kapok from Ceylon Kapok substitute Kapok, shortage of Kapok, U.S. imports of Karel, John D. (Grand Rapids) Karmire, Charles (Shelbyville, IN) Karotkin Furniture Co.(San Antonio) Karpen & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen and Bro. (Long Island City) Karpen Brothers (Chicago) Karpen Corp. (Chicago) Karpen exhibit at 1893 World's Fair Karpen S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, Adolph (Chicago) Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Kapok in Ceylon The production of kapok Phases of the furniture market Kapok from the Philippines Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Use of kapok in the United States Growth and harvesting of kapok Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market A new textile fiber On upholstery fillers Editorial notes Substitute for kapok Editorial notes Editorial notes Injunction Held up chair company sale Recent deaths in furniture trade Interesting old suite prize of yesterday Getting personal Two designers share $2500 prize The largest chair in the world Medals for Paris exposition Karpen plans new plants in stratetic ... Karpen's prize suite still in use Written in the semi-editorial vein Adolph Karpen dies Page 382 Date 02-01 03-01 01-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 06-01 02-01 12-01 08-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 09-01 07-01 01-01 11-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 03-01 09-01 12-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 07-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 01-01 Year Page 1917 1917 1915 1916 1915 1914 1917 1912 1912 1914 1917 1917 1918 1922 1917 1917 1916 1919 1914 1942 1918 1914 1926 1929 1932 1946 1927 1923 1932 1946 1925 1917 1936 Column 90 145 17 289 211 174 303 99 622 107 251 285 144 58 229 130 23 37 245 5 261 245 71 76 13 46 48 119 40 10 24 120 17 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Karpen, Adolph (Chicago) Karpen, Adolph (Chicago) Karpen, Adolph (Chicago) Karpen, Adolph (chicago) Karpen, Adolph (Chicago) Karpen, Adolph (Chicago) Karpen, Isaac (Chicago) Karpen, Leo (Chicago) Karpen, Leo (Chicago) Karpen, Leo S. Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. & Bros. (New York) Karpen, S. &..(Long Island City,NY Karpen, S. (Chicago) Karpen, S. and Bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. and bros. (Chicago) Karpen, S. Bros & Co. (Chicago) Title Adolph Karpen again heads Homes Bureau May offer prize as spur for American designs Prize designs Campaign for industrial art school starts An outlook for greater furniture industry Adolph Karpen elected Homes Bureau head To the memory of Isaac Karpen Leaders in the industry Leaders in the industry What some manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Co-operative advertising Getting personal To show prize winning designs in many cities Employes create fund honoring Karpen Karpen Bros. purchase plant in California Prize winning designs shown in Grand Rapids S. Karpen & Brothers are erecting a ... S. Karpen and bros. to build on West Coast What the manufacturers are doing Written in the senmi-editorial vein Advertised furniture Free insurance for the employees New plant of S. Karpen and Brothers S. Karpen & Bros. again expands Karpen factory welfare system What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing New plant of S. Karpen and Brothers Employes create fund honoring Karpen Karpen's prize suite still in use These are the different pieces of ... Karpens offer $5000 in prizes for designs Page 383 Date 11-01 02-01 01-01 11-01 11-01 07-01 02-01 03-01 08-15 01-01 01-01 07-15 04-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 12-01 02-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 08-01 06-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 Year Page 1924 1925 1927 1923 1923 1923 1919 1944 1940 1911 1933 1940 1949 1927 1928 1927 1927 1928 1928 1917 1916 1913 1919 1921 1919 1917 1919 1911 1921 1928 1925 1927 1927 Column 204 59 51 222 213 3 86 24 10 31 41 5 60 42 102 57 64 104 82 192 229 404 269 251 266 143 217 31 251 102 24 49 45 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Karpen, William (Chicago) Karpen. S. & Bros. (Chicago) Karper Bros. (Chicago) Kas & Co. (Keyport, NJ) Kasser, Fred (Tell City, IN) Kauri forests, New Zealand Kauri gum Kauri gum industry Kauri pine gum Kawneer Mfg. Co. (Niles, MI) Kay Mfg. Co. (New York City) Kay Mfg. Corp. (New York City) Kayser, C.R. & Co. (Los Angeles) Keal, John (Seattle) Keal, John (Seattle) Kean, J.S. (Tacoma, WA) Kean, J.S. Furniture..(Tacoma, WA) Keech, W.H. Co. (Pittsburgh) Keech, W.H. Furniture (Pittsburgh) Keech, Wm. H. Keeler Brass Co. (Grand Rapids) Keeler Building (Grand Rapids) Keeler Exhibition Bldg. (GR) Keeler, I. H. Keeler, M.S. Keeler, Minor S. (Grand Rapids) Keenan, Julian A. (Landsdowne, PA) Keene (NC) Chair Co. Keene (NH) Furniture Mfg. Co. Keene, Henry B. Keeney, William (Evansville, IN) Keisker, Charles H. (Louisville,KY) Keith Furniture..(Manchester, CT) Title Recent deaths in the trade Councils aid in solving problems Karpen Brothers big sale Affairs of the industry Recent deaths One source of varnish gums Kauri gum is mined Kauri gum industry in India One source of varnish gums What manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry As the news story goes John Keal designs range from low cost ... Simple lines develop wood grains Just about people Just about people Written in the semi-editorial vein Other deaths Other deaths Unique profit sharing plan The Keeler Building to be enlarged New furniture museum Two more exposition buildings Two more exposition buildings Another hotel for Grand Rapids Recent deaths As the news story goes Getting personal Other deaths Recent deaths Furniture pick-ups Of interest to manufacturers Page 384 Date 07-01 07-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 05-01 09-01 01-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 04-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 07-15 06-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 Year Page 1915 1920 1917 1935 1931 1914 1916 1921 1914 1916 1929 1934 1931 1949 1949 1913 1913 1912 1911 1911 1917 1913 1941 1911 1911 1922 1921 1931 1938 1911 1921 1929 1922 Column 42 11 141 26 59 213 115 51 213 308 106 34 61 24 25 248 248 500 303 303 65 101 17 90 90 50 58 69 31 303 214 76 258 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Keller, L.W. (Naperville, IL) Kelley Furniture Co. (Danby, VT) Kellogg Lumber Co. (Louisville, KY) Kelly Chaor Co. (Hancock, MI) Kelly Furniture Co. (Sheridan, MI) Kelly Lumber & Mill Co. (Chicago) Kelly, Charles J. (Grand Rapids) Kelly, Darnum B. (Cadillac, MI) Kelly, J.A. & Bros. (Clinton, IA) Kelobra (Mexico/South America) Kelsey, Clark B. Keltner Mfg. Co. (Delaware, OH) Kelton-Aurand Mfg. ..(Bay City, MI) Kelvinator Corp. (Detroit) Kelvinator Corp. (Detroit) Kemp Kemp, John Kendal, Dave Kendall, David W. Kendallville Furniture...(Peru,IN) Kendrick's Directory of the ... Kennedy, William J. (Grand Rapids) Kent Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Kent Mfg. Co. (Americus, GA) Kent Scientific Museum (GR) Kent Works (Grand Rapids) Kent, Atwater Mfg..(Philadelphia) Kent-Coffey Mfg. (Lenoir, NC) Kent-Coffey Mfg. Co. (Lenoir, NC) kent-Coffey Mfg. Co. (Lenoir, NC) Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Kenosha, WI) Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Kenosha, WI) Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Waukesha, WI) Title Leaders in the industry What some manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in furniture trade What manufacturers are doing Here is a quick check list of foreign ... 500,000 in first run of furniture book As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing Merger will increase refrigerator output Refrigerator merger may be consummated Breeding to improve quality of mohair ... Trio of veterans start new company Written in the semi-editorial vein Correctness of design everything Changed its name Carpet and upholstery industries directory Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Furniture exhibit wanted in museum The Kent Works in new hands Wanted - 2,000,000 radio cabinets Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Cooperative mercantile schemes A little journey to Luxfibre What the manufacturers are doing Page 385 Date 12-01 06-01 01-01 11-01 06-01 05-01 12-01 12-01 10-01 04-01 05-01 08-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 10-01 05-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 12-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 04-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 12-01 Year Page 1945 1920 1933 1914 1917 1929 1927 1915 1919 1949 1931 1931 1915 1926 1925 1928 1923 1917 1912 1911 1914 1923 1912 1934 1922 1914 1929 1934 1933 1931 1919 1918 1916 Column 38 337 41 272 308 72 108 297 217 43 74 50 247 48 263 44 27 28 70 513 270 62 362 34 261 46 39 34 28 66 134 76 288 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Waukesha, WI) Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Waukesha, WI) Kenyon, R.L. Co. (Waukesha, WI) Kenyon, R.L. Mfg. Co. (Mexico, NY) Ker Woodturning Ltd. (Toronto, Ont. Kesler, Jacob L. (Chicago) Ketcham & Rothschild (Chicago) Kevekordes, Leo (Evansville, IN) Kewaunee (WI) Mfg. Co. Kewaunne Mfg. Co. (Adrian, MI) Key City Furniture..(Dubuque, IA) Keyer, C. Co. (Cincinnati) Keystone Table Co. (Mt. Wolf, PA) Keystone Table Co. (Mt. Wolf, PA) Kidder tilting table variety saw Kidder, R.E. (Worcester, MA) Kidney-shaped tables, construction Kiel (WI) Furniture Co. Kiel (WI) Furniture Co. Kiel (WI) Furniture Co. Kiel (WI) Table Co. Kiel Furniture Co. (Milwaukee) Kiel Furniture Co. (Milwaukee) Kiel Furniture Co. (Milwaukee) Kiel Furniture Co. (Milwaukee, WI) Kiel Table Co. (Milwaukee) Kiesecker, J. Philip (NYC) Kiln Kiln Kiln dried dimension stock Kiln dried lumber and humidity Kiln drying Kiln drying Title What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Exhibition building near Chicago Mart sold Recollections of an on-looker Deaths in the furniture trade The Kewaunee Manufacturing Company, ... Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing The Kidder tilting table variety show The Kidder tilting table variety show Study of practical cabinet making Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Changes in the Kiel Furniture Co. Affairs of the industry New construction in metal furniture The science of lumber drying About the management of kilns What about this dimension stock? The effect of humidity on kiln dried lumber Our forced air kiln saves us plenty of money Kiln drying - particularly gum Page 386 Date 06-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 01-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 03-01 06-01 02-01 05-01 03-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 02-01 05-15 07-15 05-01 Year Page 1917 1916 1917 1916 1917 1929 1911 1929 1928 1932 1917 1915 1916 1916 1911 1911 1911 1935 1932 1932 1935 1933 1932 1931 1918 1933 1934 1916 1916 1929 1938 1940 1915 Column 309 139 137 308 127 79 489 91 60 41 137 98 139 308 254 254 150 27 41 28 20 26 30 67 223 26 23 6 8 54 13 9 231 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying Kiln drying of lumber Kiln-dried lumber Kilstark Bed Co. (Nashville, TN) Kimball & Chappell Co. (Chicago) Kimball & Chappell Co. (Chicago) Kimball, Charles Kimball, W.W. Co. (Chicago) Kimberly-Clark Corp. (Neenah, WI) Kimberly-Clark Corp. (Neenah, WI) Kimberly-Wing Co. (Vicksburg, MS) Kimerly, W.L. (Grand Rapids) Kimerly, W.L. (Grand Rapids) Kimerly, W.L. (Grand Rapids) Kimerly, W.L. (Grand Rapids) Kimg Tutankhamen's tomb (Egypt) Kindel Bed Co. (Grand Rapids) Title Rapid kiln drying A pracical talk on kiln drying Kiln drying - particularly gum Fundamentals of kiln drying Process of drying thick green oak Suggestions regarding remodeling of kilns Practical kiln drying Record class in kiln drying Practical kiln drying Practical kiln drying Practical kiln drying What is good kiln drying? Practical kiln drying Practical kiln drying Practical kiln drying Practical kiln drying Why lumber is steamed in kiln drying Drying lumber scientifically Streamline kiln-drying What the manufacturers are doing Being done by metal bed makers Recollections of an onlooker Recollections of an onlooker What ten years have done for the furniture... What's new What's new What manufacturers are doing From Egyptian to modern - furniture designs.. Grand Rapids designer promotes new ideas The sketch book W.L. Kimerly - pioneer of Grand Rapids ... Egyptian influence on designs Grand Rapids trap car case held open Page 387 Date 05-01 01-01 07-01 02-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 09-01 11-01 05-01 01-01 12-01 06-01 10-01 08-01 11-01 12-01 10-01 11-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 09-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 10-01 10-01 04-15 04-15 03-01 03-01 Year Page 1917 1916 1915 1914 1919 1922 1921 1922 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1913 1941 1914 1911 1911 1911 1929 1946 1949 1915 1945 1945 1939 1939 1923 1917 Column 209 1 8 62 173 100 12 54 124 218 261 10 274 324 178 72 240 598 20 272 238 174 174 42 47 63 278 22 22 16 16 119 139 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kindel Bed Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel Co. Kindel Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel Furniture ...(Grand Rapids) Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindel, C.M. (Grand Rapids) Kindel, Charles J. Kindel, Charles J. (Grand Rapids) Kindel, Charles J. (Grand Rapids) Kindel, Charles M. (Grand Rapids) Kindel, George J. (Colorado) Kindlel Bed Co. (Grand Rapids) Kindt-Collins Co. (Cleveland) King & Sands Co. (Peru, IN) King Reclining Swing..(Memphis, TN) King Tut bedroom suite (art) King Tut coffee table (art) King Tut lamp (art) King Tut living room table (art) King Tutankhamen's tomb King Tutankhamen's tomb (Egypt) King Tut's tomb King Tut's treasures King Tut's treasures King Tut's treasures King Tut's treasures King, D.W. Co. (Buffalo, NY) King-Glibson Co. (Chicago) Title The power in three great plants Among the Grand Rapids manufacturers Building its new factory Medals for Paris exposition Highest quality standards expressed in ... The Kindel method of producing and selling... New ideas in furniture for home and office Production of best pieces result of best ... As the news story goes Grand Rapids contributes Mt. Vernon replica.. Leaders in the industry Chiefly about the manufacturers Leaders in the industry Chas. J. Kindel buys Foote-Reynolds Co. Getting personal Somewhat personal Chiefly about the manufacturers What's new New promotion idea - 4-year scholarships What manufacturers are doing King Tut bedroom suite exhibited at ... King Tut coffee table, designed by T.S. ... King Tut lamp King Tut living room table brought out by ... Egyptian influences on present day furniture Egyptians were remarkable chair makers Egyptian artisans knew of veneering Egyptian influences on present day furniture Egyptians were remarkable chair makers Egyptian influence on designs Egyptian artisans knew of veneering What manufacturers are doing Gumwood publicity arranged at meeting Page 388 Date 04-01 02-01 08-01 07-01 05-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 04-01 09-01 02-01 04-01 09-01 10-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 07-01 08-01 09-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 09-01 08-01 Year Page 1917 1913 1912 1932 1949 1944 1946 1949 1931 1931 1942 1912 1944 1924 1942 1913 1912 1945 1946 1914 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 1916 1924 Column 152 101 416 40 53 16 24 52 59 26 21 196 42 200 27 148 196 47 12 162 238 56 300 147 147 150 55 147 150 119 55 139 77 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry King-Haase Furniture...(Memphis,TN) Kingman Sample Furniture Co. (GR) Kings Langley walnut tree Kingsley Furniture Co. (Chicago) Kinney, S.M. (Grand Rapids) Kinnison, Paul F. (Cleveland) Kirkham-Mattison...(Ovid, MI) Kirkman, J. Ed. (High Point, NC) Kirkman, T.V. (Lexington, NC) Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick (GR) Kirkpatrick, Arthur (Grand Rapids) Kirkpatrick, Arthur (Grand Rapids) Kirkpatrick, J.C. (Escanaba, MI) Kirkpatrick, Russell (Grand Rapids) Kirsch Co. (Sturgis, MI) Kirsch Mfg. Co. (Sturgis, MI) Kirsch Mfg. Co. (Sturgis, MI) Kirsch, Charles (Sturgis, MI) Kirsch, Charles W. (Sturgis, MI) Kitchen cabinet Kitchen cabinet Kitchen equipment Kitchen furniture Kitchen table tops Kitlar, J.H. (Tacoma, WA) Kittinger Co. (Buffalo) Kittinger Co. (Buffalo) Kittinger Co. (Buffalo) Kittinger Co. (Buffalo) Kittinger Co. (Buffalo) Kittinger Co. (New York City) Kittinger Furniture Co. (Buffalo) Kittinger Furniture Co.(Bufalo,NY) Title Two Memphis concerns merged As the news story goes Famous walnut now in Chicago Furniture pick-ups S.M. Kinney to manage sales of Berkey & Gay Lanken-Vivian Co. enters furniture field What manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Unique manufacturing set-up produces ... That reminds me Arthur Kirkpatrick Recent deaths in the furniture trade Springless construction becomes a market ... Furniture pick-ups How big idea made little factory grow Editorial notes Recent deaths How big idea made little factory grow Why not cypress for kitchen cabinets Written in the semi-editorial vein Styling kitchen equipment may be furniture... Unusual color combination used by Alfons ... Marble tops are tops again The men behind the program Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Trade terms on furniture Turning their experiments to account Page 389 Date 06-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 02-01 06-01 02-01 04-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 03-01 01-01 02-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 11-01 08-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 07-01 12-01 10-01 01-01 11-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 Year Page 1922 1932 1932 1929 1927 1925 1914 1933 1934 1946 1935 1918 1923 1943 1929 1923 1920 1933 1923 1911 1913 1944 1946 1943 1946 1934 1931 1932 1932 1932 1931 1922 1913 Column 60 35 36 79 59 294 109 29 32 51 23 129 62 17 77 71 7 32 71 617 27 12 25 12 28 31 43 38 34 41 69 7 347 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kittinger Furniture... Buffalo Kittinger Furniture...(Buffalo, NY) Kittinger Furniture...(Buffalo,NY) Kittinger Shops (N. Tonawanda, NY) Kivetti, Jerome S. (Kansas City) Kjellstrom, Clifford (Rockford, IL) Kjellstrom, Eskil (Rockford, IL) Kjellstrom, Oscar (Rockford, IL) Klages, Henry C. (Philadelphia) Klamer Factories Inc. (Chicago) Klamer Furniture..(Evansville, IN) Klamer Furniture..(Evansville, IN) Klamer Furniture..(Evansville, IN) Klamer, Mrs. Marie (Evansville, IN) Klamer, O.A. (Cincinnati) Klamer, O.A. (Evansville, IN) Klamer, O.A. Furniture.(Cincinnati) Klamer, Oscar A. (Evansville, IN) Klamer,C.A. Furniture.(Evansville) Klamer-Goebel ...(Evansville, IN) Klanke Furniture Co. (Piqua, OH) Klanke Furniture Co. (Piqua, OH) Kleaver, William K. (Grand Rapids) Kleise Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Klemp, H.W. (Leavenworth, KS) Klenke, William J, (Newark, NJ) Klerner Furniture..(New Albany, IN) Klerner Furniture...(New Albany,IN) Kline, Daniel E. (Louisville, KY) Kline, Eppenheimer..(Reading, PA) Kline, Lewis T. Co. (Alpena, MI) Kling, John A. (Mayville, NY) Kling, John A. (Mayville, NY) Title Kittinger speeds production with half-shift What manufacturers are doing Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry Midwest plant turns out smartly styled ... Three generations at work Three generations at work Three generations at work Recent deaths in furniture trade Klamer factories add new unit Affairs of the industry Four Klamer factories consolidate Furniture pick-ups Recent deaths in the furniture trade Consolidated and to be enlarged Four Klamer factories consolidate Consolidated and to be enlarged Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Furniture and military service King Tut lamp Recent deaths in the furniture trade Books and catalogs Little news notes Concentrating on cherry and maple Recent deaths Affairs of the industry Catalogs, pamphlets and other literature Recent deaths Kling buys assets of Herrick Mfg. Co. Page 390 Date 08-01 11-01 10-01 09-01 10-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 01-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 12-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 10-01 11-01 06-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 04-01 07-01 Year Page 1943 1912 1929 1935 1946 1924 1924 1924 1918 1926 1934 1926 1929 1924 1916 1926 1916 1935 1916 1918 1913 1916 1917 1923 1925 1931 1914 1949 1929 1932 1915 1934 1927 Column 15 574 81 20 57 154 154 154 41 62 33 50 79 74 183 50 183 26 139 254 581 190 212 300 74 73 200 16 92 42 276 35 62 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Klingman, Albert (Grand Rapids) Klingman, Brower & Limbert (GR) Klingman, Phil J. (Grand Rapids) Klise Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Klise Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Klise Mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Klise mfg. Co. (Grand Rapids) Klode Furniture Co. (Milwaukee) Klok, John (Grand Rapids) Knapp, Phillip (Belleville, IL_) Knapp, Shepard & Co. (NYC) Knaus Mfg. Co. (Oneida, NY) Knee hole desk (art) Knife grinding Knife jointing Knight Mfg. Co. (Canton, OH) Knight, E. Vernon Knight, E.V. (New Albany, IN) Knight, Fred (Gardner, MA) Knight, Fred F. Knights of Columbus Knives, care and grinding of Knives, care of Knives, griding of Knock-down chair Knock-down furniture Knoleworth line of walnut furniture Knoll Associates (New York City) Knott & Carmichael ...(Atlanta) Knott & Carmichael ...(Atlanta, GA) Knotty Pine furniture by ...(art) Knox & Toombs (Hoquiam, WA) Knox Furniture ..(High Point, NC) Title Recent deaths in furniture trade Death of Phil J. Klingman Death of Phil J. Klingman Furniture pick-ups Interest in wood carving is increasing Klise Book of Projects an excellent idea Klise workers form mutual aid society Affairs of the industry Importance of good rods Recent deaths Complaints bring trade terms to front What manufacturers are doing Knee hole desk English 18th century (walnut) On knife grinding and jointing On knife grinding and jointing As the news story goes Veneer and plywood book now ready Making an art as old as mankind as new ... Leaders in the industry Now with Sun Varnish Co. Crowley field secretary of K.C. The care and grinding of knives The care of planers and knives Knives - their care in griding New type of knock-down chair Export furniture Berkey & Gay on walnut New commercial pieces As the news story goes What manufacturers are doing Outstanding offerings presented by Bay ... Eight firms in plywood merger As the news story goes Page 391 Date 07-01 12-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 12-01 05-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 07-01 03-15 10-01 10-01 06-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 10-01 08-01 10-01 07-15 03-01 04-01 08-01 06-01 04-01 03-01 04-01 Year Page 1917 1913 1913 1929 1924 1929 1926 1932 1928 1912 1925 1913 1937 1915 1915 1931 1927 1932 1946 1911 1918 1914 1911 1911 1949 1939 1916 1949 1931 1917 1945 1930 1931 Column 36 621 621 79 5 91 100 44 57 416 170 361 23 175 175 64 102 26 50 133 162 124 494 411 52 4 121 23 49 308 37 78 62 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Knox Furniture Co. (High Point, NC) Knox Furniture Co. (High Point,NC) Title As the news story goes As the news story goes Date 01-01 01-01 Knox Furniture Co. (High Point,NC) Knox Furniture..(High Point, NC) Knox Furniture...(High Point, NC) Knox Upholstery Co. (High Point,NC) Knox Furniture Company completes big merger As the news story goes As the news story goes Affairs of the industry Knox Upholstery Co. (High Point,NC) Knox Upholstery Co. (High Point,NC) Knox-Hutchins ...(Paoli, IN) Knox-Hutchins Furniture..(Paoli,IN) Knox-Hutchins Furniture..(Paoli,IN) Knoxville (TN) Table & Chair Co. Knoxville (TN) Table & Chair Co. Knoxville (TN) Table and Chair Co. Knoxville, Tenn. Koch, Carl (Belmont, MA) Koch, Carl (Belmont, MA) Koch, George Sons...(Evansville,IN) Kochheiser, Harlan (Springfield,OH) Koehler, Arthur Koehler, Arthur S. Koehn, Fred Sr. (Sheboygan, WI) Koenig Furniture Co. (St. Louis) Kokomo (IN) Spring Co. Kolster International radio model Kolster Radio (Newark, NJ) Kolster Radio Corp. (Newark, NJ) Komfy spring cushion Kompas & Stoll Co. (Niles, MI) Kones Furniture Co. (Erie, PA) Ko-Rec Posture .. (High Point, NC) Knox Furniture Company completes big merger Furniture pick-ups What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing As the news story goes As the news story goes Knoxville Table Plant expanding An exhibit of woods Carl Koch designs both house and office ... Tabloid on Carl Koch, designer Manufacturer of wrought iron furniture ... Leaders in the industry Home-study lumber course Book reviews Recent deaths in the furniture trade Other deaths What the manufacturers are doing As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes Komfy spring cushion Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Page 392 Year Page Column 1932 1931 34 68 1 1 01-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 1929 1931 1931 1933 107 71 69 43 3 1 3 1 01-01 08-01 09-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 07-01 07-01 11-01 07-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 10-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 06-01 12-01 10-01 1929 1929 1917 1917 1916 1931 1931 1922 1911 1942 1942 1949 1946 1924 1924 1927 1911 1915 1931 1931 1931 1915 1929 1933 1931 107 77 127 137 139 68 69 26 391 18 18 20 40 64 162 110 303 50 53 53 48 305 77 30 54 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Koroseal Koroseal covered furniture Kosse, Max (Cincinnati) Kosse, Shoe & ...(Cincinnati) Kostuba, Charles J. (St. Louis,MO) Krabbe, H.J. (St. Louis) Kraetzer system of lumber seasoning Kraetzer-Cured Lumber(Moorhead,MS) Kramer Corp. (Indianapolis) Kramer Manufacturing.(Indianapolis) Kramer Mfg. Co. (Indianapolis) Kramer, Andrew (Indianapolis) Kratz, Christ (Evansville, IN) Kratz, Christian (Evansville, IN) Kraus & Alter (Eureka, KS) Kreimer, Charles H. (Cincinnati) Kreke, Henry G. (Grand Rapids) Krenkle Furniture..(Mackinaw, IL) Kreuger Mfg. Co. (Atlanta) Kriemer & Bro. Co. (Cincinnati) Kriemer, Henry C. (Cincinnati) Krigel Manufacturing.(Grand Rapids) Kritzer Inc. (New York City) Kritzer, Abraham (New York City) Kritzer, Arthur (New York City) Kritzer, Augusta (New York City) Kritzer, Clara (New York City) Kroehler Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler davenport suites Kroehler Furniture..(Naperville, IL Kroehler mfg. Co. (Chicago) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Title Put-a-way furniture is weather resistant New synthetic makes pastel furniture more... Max Kosse succumbs after operation New lumber company is formed in merger Recent deaths in furniture trade Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Scientific seasoning of lumber Scientific lumber production As the news story goes Recent deaths As the news story goes Recent deaths Recent deaths Christian Kratz (obit) What manufacturers are doing Charles H. Kreimer dies in Cincinnati Another exhibition building What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Recent deaths Paragraphs about manufacturers Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Dealers required to stop using G.R. term Kroehler push-back chairs for UN Council ... Affairs of the industry Getting personal Kroehler has new plan for January market Valentine-Seaver merges with Kroehler Co. Two new Kroehler plants Page 393 Date 06-01 10-01 07-01 07-01 07-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 08-01 12-01 09-01 05-01 02-01 02-01 09-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 05-01 06-01 08-15 01-01 07-01 03-01 Year Page 1945 1946 1922 1928 1916 1924 1914 1914 1931 1912 1931 1912 1926 1926 1914 1923 1913 1914 1932 1912 1912 1912 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1946 1932 1938 1930 1927 1930 Column 40 16 27 106 41 66 66 321 43 362 43 362 108 110 110 74 615 162 45 103 103 469 106 106 106 106 106 22 28 30 84 39 79 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler Mfg. Co. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler push-back chairs Kroehler, D.L. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler, P. E. (Chicago) Kroehler, P.E. (Chicago) Kroehler, P.E. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler, Peter (Naperville, IL) Kroehler, Peter E. (Naperville, IL) Kroehler, Peter E. (Naperville, IL) Kroll-Pion Inc. (New York City) Kroos, Robert (Sheboygan, WI) Krubsack, John Krubsack, John (Embarrass, WI) Kuchins Furniture ...(St. Louis) Kuehne Mfg. (Mattoon, IL) Kuehne Mfg. Co. (Flora, IL) Title Kroehler acquires Luce Shops $5,000,000 Luce Company of Grand Rapids ... What manufacturers are doing Of interest to manufacturers Getting personal Kroehler service awards War products made in Kroehler factories Profits up Forty years of Kroehler Precisionized construction is the term ... Kroehler strike settlement - and current ... Kroehler dedicates new mural at American ... How the old skating rink has grown! He was determined to make his way Getting personal Coverings for complete suites, sofas, ... Getting personal P.E. Kroehler buys more factories Kroehler push-back chairs for UN Council ... Leaders in the industry Urge better display of furniture at markets $5,000,000 Luce Company of Grand Rapids ... P.E. Kroehler buys more factories He was determined to make his way Forty years of Kroehler Leaders in the industry Affairs of the industry Ball-bearing drawer slide Grower's own story of how he grew chair Unique chair made by Mother Nature Kuchins will have Grand Rapids plant What's new Affairs of the industry Page 394 Date 02-01 01-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 01-01 09-01 05-01 03-01 11-01 05-01 08-01 12-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 01-01 11-01 12-01 03-01 05-15 10-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 09-01 01-01 Year Page 1930 1930 1915 1922 1946 1949 1943 1949 1933 1949 1934 1946 1942 1942 1945 1949 1949 1924 1946 1944 1923 1930 1924 1942 1933 1938 1932 1914 1927 1916 1923 1941 1933 Column 58 73 280 258 45 6 10 6 9 47 8 32 11 7 42 33 56 68 22 24 162 73 68 7 9 16 38 46 65 287 5 30 42 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Kuehne Mfg. Co. (Flora, IL) Kuehne Mfg. Co. (Mattoon, IL) Kuehne Mfg. Co. (Mattoon, IL) Kugel, Bert (Grand Rapids) Kugler, Cal (Logansport, IN) Kuipers, John (Grand Ledge, MI) Kukui oil Kumler, John M. Co. (Chicago) Kunkle Bros. (Mackinaw, IL) Kunkle, H.R. (Evansville, IN) Kunstgewerbe Museum (Cologne, Ger.) Kunstholz (artificial wood) Kurkjian, A.S. Kurtz Brass Bed Co. (Corry, PA) Kurtz Brothers (Bethlehem, PA) Kurtz Furniture & ...(Cleveland) Kurtzmann, C. & Co. (Buffalo, NY) Kurtzmann, Louis (Buffalo, NY) Kusterer, Carl C. (Grand Rapids) L.C.C. Arts & Crafts...(London) La France Industries (Dallas) La France Industries (NYC) La France Industries(New York City) Labeling for leather upholstered... Labor and furniture industry Labor disputes Labor saving tests Labor turnovers Labor turnovers Labor unions Labor unions and strikes Labor vote in 1916 U.S. election Labor-mamagement relations Title As the news story goes What's new Affairs of the industry Recent deaths Getting personal Pyramids to the present Phases of the furniture markets New books and catalogs What manufacturers are doing Evansville foremen find association helpful Little known treasures of the Old World Sawdust ornaments Open a branch in Saint Louis The obituary record Kurtz Brothers to rebuild immediately What manufacturers are doing Adopts Wenborne-Karpen system Recent deaths Recent deaths Students' work at the L.C.C.Arts...(art) What's new New coverings feature geometrics What's new Leather labeling Labort and the furniture industry A remedy for all labor disputes Some notes on English labor saving tests Training of foremen in furniture industry The cost of labor turnover The present menace to business Strikes and the outlook Exit the labor vote Councils aid in solving problems Page 395 Date 01-01 11-01 07-01 12-01 10-15 01-01 04-01 02-01 08-01 06-01 02-01 01-01 04-01 01-01 12-01 06-01 03-01 11-01 05-01 08-01 07-01 09-01 01-01 07-15 10-01 06-01 09-01 01-01 01-01 09-01 05-01 03-01 07-01 Year Page 1931 1949 1932 1932 1938 1931 1913 1929 1914 1923 1928 1911 1911 1913 1922 1916 1912 1933 1932 1911 1946 1949 1949 1938 1919 1916 1923 1923 1923 1911 1911 1917 1920 Column 68 62 31 44 28 39 199 77 110 264 48 17 193 49 252 309 146 32 45 382 48 36 62 4 203 276 107 6 27 466 221 101 11 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Labor-management relations Labor-management relations LaBour, George A. Lace string Lackawanna Leather(Hackettstown,NJ) Lackawanna Leather(Hackettstown,NJ) Lackawanna Leather(Hackettstown,NJ) Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer Lacquer and art of lacquer work Lacquer and lacquer enamel Lacquer and lacquer products Lacquer for furniture decoration Lacquer materials Lacquer materials Lacquer sealers Lacquer use in furniture finishing Lacquer veneer finished furniture Lacquer ware Lacquer, spraying of Lacquer, use of Lacquered furniture Lacquers Title Berkey & Gay board of cooperation Democracy in White Furn. Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan, loses a good man The passing of the lace string Roll and quilted leather have consumer appeal Mission leathers Catalogs, pamphlets and other literature Alcohol-proof lacquer for bar fixtures High solids lacquer for furniture Hot lacquers - what they are and how to use.. A scientific study of materials used in ... Lacquer institute formed to help industry Pearl Lacquer and essence Provlems for research in lacquer and varnish Making Chinese lacquer work Permanent facts about use of wood lacquer Ingredients of real lacquer Lacquer - the latest wood finish The lure of the lacquer Furniture oddities Application of lacquer and lacquer enamel New alcohol-proof lacquer on market Secrets of lacquer work Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets A scientific study of materials used in ... Which will it be... varnish or lacquer ... Lacquer veneer finished furniture Chinese lac tree is very useful Spray coating and its hazards and safeguards Some don'ts in the use of lacquer Lacquer furniture Potato lacquer Page 396 Date 02-01 11-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 05-01 08-01 03-01 11-01 07-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 06-15 06-01 12-01 03-01 01-01 10-01 07-01 09-15 06-01 04-01 10-01 05-01 10-01 09-01 Year Page 1920 1919 1913 1914 1944 1911 1915 1933 1945 1949 1931 1929 1932 1927 1912 1923 1923 1922 1920 1938 1922 1931 1929 1926 1925 1931 1938 1944 1923 1928 1911 1912 1945 Column 70 264 471 181 14 481 276 18 18 42 25 97 25 60 492 227 72 197 17 40 229 38 45 86 196 25 15 17 177 38 227 495 12 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Lacquers Ladder back arm chair (art) Ladder back side chair, const. Ladder back side chair, design Lafayette Chair..(Cold Brook, NY) LaFrance Industries (Philadelphia) Lageman, William (Cincinnati) Lake, Sidney (Buffalo) Lakeside Craft ...(Sheboygan, WI) Lamb & Co. (Nashville) Lamb & Co. (Nashville, TN) Lamb & Co. (Nashville, TN) Lambert, J.G. (High Point, NC) Lambeth, C. J. (Roaring River, NC) Lambeth, John Sr. (Thomasville, NC) Lamb-Fish Lumber ..(Charleston,MS) Laminated plastics Laminated veneers Laminated wood Laminated wood for furniture Laminating processes Lamination and laminated work Lammert Furniture Co. (St. Louis) Lammert, Martin Sr. (St. Louis) Lamp shades, construction Lamp stand and shade, design of Lamp stand and shade, making of Landers Bros. (Toledo, OH) Landers Bros. (Toledo, OH) Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Title The production of lacquers American furniture of Chippendale influence Ladder back side chair project Ladder back side chair project Furniture pick-ups What's new Recent deaths in furniture trade Recent deaths To resume manufacture of cedar chests Lamb & Company, Nashville, Tenn., ... As the news story goes Furniture factories to incorporate Recent deaths in the furniture trade Southern Chair properties sold Recent deaths A train loaded with red gum lumber Decorative plastics New Stan Wood chair made of laminated veneers Glues build for war Wood bending with urea is important ... New process for laminating posts - cut ... Extremes of lamination The obituary record The obituary record Making of lamp shades described Simple lessons in furniture making Simple lessons in furniture making What manufacturers are doing Government contract on webbing Best seller Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Page 397 Date 12-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 11-01 12-01 02-01 10-01 02-01 02-01 06-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 05-01 06-01 09-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 03-01 01-01 01-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 07-01 06-01 01-15 02-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1912 1925 1934 1934 1929 1945 1915 1933 1922 1928 1931 1922 1925 1935 1934 1914 1945 605 72 20 20 80 46 297 44 171 108 69 251 70 30 27 271 18 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1946 1943 1942 1949 1912 1913 1913 1917 1913 1913 1913 1918 1938 1934 1931 42 22 10 18 122 49 49 249 616 616 361 293 4 33 68 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Furniture pick-ups Title Date 03-01 Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford, IL) Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford,IL) Landstrom Furniture..(Rockford,IL) Landstrom Furniture...(Rockford,IL) Landwehr, A. L. (Holland, MI) Lane Co. (Altavista, GA) Landstrom and Campbell lines in Grand Rapids Landstrom line in Furniture Mart Rockford companies in merger Landstrom's veneers are hot press bonded ... Limbert Company is sold to Holland men Getting personal Lane Co. (Altavista, VA) Lane Co. (Altavista, VA) Year Page Column 1929 106 3 11-01 10-01 10-01 04-15 10-01 11-15 1931 1932 1928 1938 1922 1937 52 44 69 14 183 31 3 1 1 1 1 2 09-01 05-01 1949 1946 10 20 1 1 Lane Co. (Altavista, VA) Furniture company-sponsored window display... Here's what conveyors have done for these ... New process for molding resin-bonded plywoods 09-01 1944 36 1 Lane Co. (Altavista, VA) Lane Furniture Co. (Allegan, MI) Lane Furniture Co. (Alta Vista, VA) Lane, E.H. (Altavista, VA) Lane, Edward H. (Alta Vista, VA) Lane, Frank B. (Grand Rapids) Lane, Joseph H. (Chattanooga, TN) Lang, Alois (Grand Rapids) Lang, Alois (Grand Rapids) Lang, Alois (Grand Rapids) Lang, Anton (Grand Rapids) Lang, George & Sons (New York City) Lang, Jacob (Grand Rapids) Langslow, Stratton (Rochester, NY) Langworthy, Mrs. Genevieve (NYC) Lanken-Vivian Co. (Cleveland) Lannuier, Charles Honore LaPorte (IN) Folding Bed ... Larson, Gus (Grand Rapids) L'Atelier Pomone (Paris, France) Consumer survey shapes policy for lane chests What some manufacturers are doing Getting personal Leaders in the industry Leaders in the industry Recent deaths Leaders in the industry Alois Lang served apprenticeship in old- ... American Seating Co.'s church furniture ... Interest in wood carving is increasing Christmas story as glorified by art of ... Affairs of the industry Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Some recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths in the furniture trade Lanken-Vivian Co. enters furniture field Lannuier, French cabinet maker, chief ... What manufacturers are doing Interest in wood carving is increasing New star rises in French design 05-01 08-01 02-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 02-01 12-01 12-01 01-01 12-01 07-01 03-01 01-01 02-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 01-01 04-01 1949 1919 1943 1946 1949 1934 1943 1945 1945 1924 1928 1932 1923 1927 1928 1925 1933 1916 1924 1929 12 95 29 40 58 35 28 25 24 5 38 32 103 108 108 294 13 139 5 69 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 Page 398 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Latex Latex for upholstery Latex use in upholstering Lathe designs Lathes Latin America, furniture exports to Latin American export situation Latin American furniture imports Latin American machine tools Lattimer, Clyde (London, England) Laucks, I.F. Inc. (Seattle) Laucks, I.F. Inc. (Seattle) Laucks, I.F. Inc. (Seattle) Laucks, I.F. Inc. (Seattle) Laun Furniture Co. (Kiel, WI) Laun Furniture Co. (Kiel, WI) Laurel blanco Lausberg, Frank (Louisville, KY) Lauter, Eldena (Indianapolis) Lauter, Eldena (Indianapolis) Lauter, H. Furniture.(Indianapolis) Lauter, H. Furniture..(Indianapolis Lauzon, C.A. Furniture Co. (GR) Lawn furniture, construction of Lawn furniture, design of Lawrence & Hunter (Los Angeles) Lawrence and Hunter (Los Angeles) Lawrenceville (VA) Furniture Co. Title Latex makes progress What about latex? Tufting latex for Victorian upholstering New development in lathe Motor driven lathes The export trade in furniture Latin American export situation optimistic Advertising U.S. furniture in foreign lands Machine tools in Latin America Design winner put into production Glues build for war What's new Library cart assembled with glue What's new Affairs of the industry Getting personal Tropical wood research for the furniture ... Recent deaths in the furniture trade Miss Lauter - manufacturer Woman a successful manufacturer Miss Lauter - manufacturer Woman a successful manufacturer What the manufacturers are doing How to make lawn furniture How to make lawn furniture Traditional furniture of Lucite Los Angeles firm makes furniture of lucite As the news story goes Lawson sofa (art) Lawsuits Lawsuits, court decisions on Lawsuits, court decisions on Contemporary styles being shown by leading... Must be made in Grand Rapids The law of it The law of it Page 399 Date 12-15 05-15 12-15 04-01 09-01 11-01 02-01 12-01 08-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 03-01 07-01 05-01 08-01 09-01 08-01 04-01 08-01 04-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 01-01 05-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 05-01 Year Page Column 1939 1940 1940 1929 1923 1911 1922 1924 1913 1949 1943 1944 1944 1944 1935 1943 1949 1925 1915 1921 1915 1921 1916 1913 1913 1946 1946 1931 18 15 10 74 105 537 76 288 372 28 13 31 18 31 19 31 52 66 75 219 75 219 288 344 344 8 12 63 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 1943 1919 1912 1912 29 5 165 215 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Lawsuits, court decisions on Lawsuits, court decisions on Lawsuits, court decisions on Lawton Bros. (Gouverneur, NY) Laycock, T.B. Mfg. (Indianapolis) Laycock, T.B. Mfg.. (Indianapolis) Laycock, Wm. H. (Indianapolis) La-Z-Boy chair Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead and zinc Lead as a decorative medium Lead poisoning Leaded glass, use in furniture Leaded glass, use in furniture Leader Mfg. Corp. (La Porte, IN) Leafwork League of Nations Leahy, Jeremiah F. (Pawtucket, RI) Leath & Co. (Elgin, IL) Leath & Co. (Elgin, IL) Leatheer Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Title The law of it The law of it The law of it What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Recent deaths Furniture pick-ups Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Lead as a versatile decorative medium Control of poison harards in industry Use of leaded glass in furniture Use of leaded glass in furniture Affairs of the industry Elements of beautiful furniture ornaments The League of Nations Some recent deaths in the furniture trade A. Leath and Co. offer bond issue As the news story goes Phases of the furniture markets Some pertinet facts concerning leather Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Written in the semi-editorial vein Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 400 Date 08-01 07-01 06-01 02-01 06-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 04-01 02-01 11-01 08-01 11-01 07-01 12-01 05-01 01-01 10-01 03-01 07-01 07-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 11-01 01-01 09-01 08-01 02-01 10-01 Year Page 1912 1912 1912 1915 1912 1912 1912 1930 1923 1920 1920 1923 1920 1919 1923 1925 1923 1915 1911 1933 1924 1919 1923 1928 1931 1913 1924 1914 1916 1913 1912 1913 1913 Column 375 326 272 98 308 195 195 68 143 61 173 196 121 278 97 209 32 255 198 41 154 95 64 56 68 247 132 269 46 470 390 97 522 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Title Phases of the furniture markets Leather for the upholsterer Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Sources of leather Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Stories of the related industries The preparation of fine leathers Page 401 Date 12-01 08-01 12-01 11-01 01-01 06-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 03-01 09-01 02-01 06-01 10-01 05-01 10-01 05-01 05-01 07-01 12-01 04-01 02-01 01-01 08-01 04-01 09-01 07-01 11-01 03-01 11-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 Year Page 1915 1912 1912 1913 1914 1913 1914 1913 1915 1916 1914 1915 1914 1915 1914 1912 1911 1911 1913 1913 1913 1915 1915 1915 1916 1915 1914 1912 1913 1915 1914 1917 1922 Column 310 363 621 577 55 300 106 412 47 150 161 79 330 204 270 516 252 252 357 633 198 102 52 104 198 154 48 567 142 252 158 199 47 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Leather and leather substitutes Leather and leather substitutes Leather as upholstery material Leather belting Leather belting specifications Leather belts Leather covered chair (art) Leather coverings Leather coverings Leather escutcheons for furniture Leather for Mission furniture Leather for the upholsterer Leather for upholstering Leather for upholstering Leather for upholstering Leather for upholstering Leather for upholstering Title Phases of the furniture market The day of the substitute Roll and quilted leather have consumer appeal Determining the quality of leather belting Definitions of leather belting announced Grain side of belts is preferable Leather covered chair American 1623-1675 ... Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Leather escutcheons for furniture Mission leathers Leather for the upholsterer Leather for the upholsterer Leather for the upholsterer Leather for the upholsterer After leather, what? Leather for the upholsterer Date 04-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 12-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 09-01 06-01 10-01 12-01 01-01 11-01 09-01 03-01 02-01 Leather furniture Leather furniture Leather hides, marking of Leather imitations Leather in furniture covering Leather in upholstering Leather in upholstering Leather reproduction Leather shortage Leather shortage in WW II Leather substitutes Leather substitutes Leather substitutes Leather substitutes Leather upholstered chair (art) Traveling leather furniture show draws crowds Increasing life of leather furniture Practical and economical way to mark hides Genuine leather imitations Leather versus fabrics Use of leather in upholstering The first upholsterer Process reproduces hand tooled leather Reducing the leather shortage Hardwood to the rescue Phases of the furniture market Substituting for leather Why leather substitutes The making of artificial leather The unusual scallop border of nails on ... 07-01 01-01 05-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 06-01 03-01 01-01 08-01 05-01 12-01 07-01 04-01 03-15 Page 402 Year Page Column 1911 1918 1944 1925 1922 1922 1935 1912 1912 1911 1911 1912 1913 1912 1912 1913 1913 190 122 14 175 278 73 11 353 462 278 481 593 40 534 430 124 93 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1941 1921 1923 1915 1911 1912 1918 1926 1920 1943 1911 1916 1918 1918 1939 19 8 213 16 467 478 293 41 7 10 253 250 15 173 18 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Leather upholstered furniture Leather upholstered furniture Leather upholstery Leather use in upholstering Leather, boarding of Leather, decline of in upholstering Leather, doctoring of Leather, grades of Leather, history of Leathers Leathers Lederer Furniture Co. (Cleveland) Lederer, F.J. Co. (Buffalo) Ledya, Harold (Grand Rapids) Lee Chair Co. (Oneida, NY) Lee Furniture Mfg. ..(Memphis, TN) Lee Mfg. Co. (Canastota, NY) Lee Table Corp. (Lynchburg, VA) Lee, Arthur H. & Sons (NYC) Lee, Franck C. (Rockford, IL) Lee, Frank (Grand Rapids) Lee, Frank C. (New York City) Lee, Frank C. (New York City) Legal documents in export trade Leggett & Platt..(Louisville, KY) Leggett & Platt..(Waukegon, IL) Lehigh Furniture Co. (NYC) Lehigh Furniture...(Allentown, PA) Lehman Co. of ...(Cannelton, IN) Lehman Co. of ...(Cannelton, IN) Lehman Co. of America (Cannelton,IN Leipzig (Germany) Spring Sample... Leipzig (Germany) Trade Fair Title Leather labeling Upholstering furniture with leather Leather upholstery To discourage use of leather Leather for the upholsterer The trend in upholstery fabrics Doctoring leather Leather upholstery Stories of the related industries Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market What manufacturers are doing The successful presto brush More furniture men enlisting Lee Chair plant sold What the manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Furniture pick-ups Here's the latest information on imported ... Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry American colonial with Georgian influence Frank C. Lee has a varied background Legal documents in export trade What manufacturers are doing What some manufacturers are doing Comfort and high style from some of our ... Affairs of the industry Lehman Co. celebrates fiftieth anniversary Marketing policies that keep our factory ... As the news story goes Leipzig spring furniture fair forecasts ... Leipzig fair dates announed Page 403 Date 07-15 07-15 03-01 12-01 09-01 12-01 09-01 03-01 11-01 08-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 01-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 06-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 08-15 08-15 12-01 08-01 01-01 04-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 02-01 05-01 11-01 Year Page 1938 1938 1949 1913 1912 1911 1915 1949 1917 1912 1912 1916 1913 1918 1919 1917 1932 1930 1946 1934 1935 1938 1938 1911 1913 1915 1949 1934 1926 1931 1932 1934 1934 Column 4 25 26 605 430 603 117 26 199 408 302 309 306 42 57 170 43 78 26 33 28 17 18 612 417 54 30 34 57 36 37 28 29 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Leisure furniture Leitch plan of industrial democracy Leland (MS) Stave and Lumber Co. Lengquist, Robert (Rockford, IL) Lenmar Mfg. Co. (Saginaw, MI) Lenoir (NC) Chair Co. Lenoir (NC) Chair Co. Lenoir (NC) Furniture Co. Lenoir (NC) Furniture Co. Lenoir (NC) furniture industry Lenoir (NC) furniture industry Lenoir (NC) Veneer Co. Lenox Shops (Canastota, NY) Lenox Shops Inc. (Canastota, NY) Lenox Upholstery Co. (Buffalo) Lentz Table Co. (Nashville, MI) Leonard Co. (New York City) Leonard Refrigerator Co. (GR) Leonard Refrigerator Co. (GR) Leonard Refrigerator Co. (GR) Leonard Refrigerator Co. (GR) Leonard Refrigerator Co. (GR) Leonard Refrigerator Co. (GR) Leonard, Charles H. (Grand Rapids) Leonard, Frank E. (Grand Rapids) Leonard, H.R. Leonard, H.R. Furniture..(Detroit) Leonard, R.H. Co. (Detroit) Leopold Desk Co. (Burlington, IA) Lerner, N.B. (Chicago) Lesher, Whitman & Co. (NYC) Let's Get Married Lettering for furniture Title Leisure furniture Democracy in White Furn. Co. Consolidation of lumber interests Getting personal Saginaw company expands Freda Diamond - industrial designer - ... As the news story goes Affairs of the industry As the news story goes As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups Affairs of the industry When real efficiency stepped in Announces formation of Dent Furniture ... Affairs of the industry What some manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Former Ford official heads refrigerator co. Furniture pick-ups Furniture pick-ups Leonard Refrigerator to enlarge plant New Leonard models show progress in ... Pioneer refrigerator manufacturer dies Recent deaths in the furniture trade Recent deaths Recent deaths What manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Leading students at the Chicago School Furniture pick-ups Jamestown advertises market by movie play Letter application to furniture Page 404 Date 01-01 11-01 03-01 12-01 12-01 09-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 10-01 12-01 12-01 07-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 08-01 02-01 08-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 04-01 05-01 01-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 01-01 12-01 08-01 09-01 Year Page 1946 1919 1922 1945 1919 1942 1931 1932 1931 1931 1929 1932 1918 1930 1934 1919 1932 1934 1926 1930 1929 1926 1927 1927 1925 1912 1912 1914 1919 1942 1929 1926 1911 Column 16 264 60 42 315 14 63 42 63 54 78 42 19 92 34 159 30 32 79 74 73 77 64 38 66 56 56 110 138 21 78 69 438 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Level Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Level Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Level Furniture Co. (Jamestown, NY) Level Furniture Co. (Jamestown,NY) Level Furniture Co.(Jamestown,NY) Levenson & Zenitz (Baltimore) Leventon, David (New York City) Levin & Schlang (New York City) Levin Bros. (Minneapolis) Levin Bros. Inc. (Minneapolis) Levin Brothers Inc. (Minneapolis) Levin Brothers..(Minneapolis) Levin, Jacob H. (Minneapolis) Lewis & Stagg ...(Birmingham, AL) Lewis Feather Bed..(Nashville,TN) Lewis, Joseph E. & Co. (Baltimore) Lewis, Mark (New York City) Lewisburg (PA) Chair and Furniture. Lewisburg (PA) Chair Co. Lewisburg (PA) Chair Co. Lewisburg (PA) Chair Co. Lewisburg Chair...(Bridgeport, CT) Lexington (NC) Upholstery Co. Lexington (SC) Chair Co. Lexington Furniture..(NYC) Ley, Frank T. (Grand Rapids) Liability insurance Libert, Chas. P. Co. (Grand Rapids) Liberty (NC) Veneer Co. Liberty Loan campaigns Liberty Loans Liberty Loans Library carts Title Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Furniture pick-ups What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Furniture dealer is convicted of fraud What some manufacturers are doing Minneapolis factory burns Affairs of the industry The new Levin building As the news story goes Recent deaths What some manufacturers are doing Bed company ordered to stop unfair acts New metal furniture Glimpses of skilled furniture men at work What's new in upholstered furniture Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry As the news story goes Finest quality native timber goesd into ... What the manufacturers are doing What manufacturers are doing Affairs of the industry Accident prevention Will carry their own liability insurance Written in the semi-editorial vein As the news story goes The claws of the Blue Eagle! Ypsilanti Reed first over the top Editorial notes Library cart assembled with glue Page 405 Date 04-01 01-01 12-01 03-01 08-01 05-01 08-01 10-01 02-01 03-01 11-01 03-01 02-01 06-01 03-01 01-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 02-01 06-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 11-01 09-01 01-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 08-01 04-01 Year Page 1932 1932 1929 1919 1918 1913 1926 1920 1917 1932 1917 1931 1932 1914 18A 1925 1949 1925 1949 1933 1932 1932 1949 1915 1917 1932 1913 1912 1915 1931 1933 1918 1918 1944 Column 43 34 79 138 81 252 106 200 92 41 202 71 52 146 51 83 33 27 44 38 50 51 137 28 579 453 30 46 5 165 55 18 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Library case Library furniture Library table, construction of Library table, design of Lieberman, Arthur A. (Grand Rapids) Lieberman, Henry L. (Chicago) Liedblad, Carl (Jamestown, NY) Lifeboats made of plywood Lightfoot Studio (Pasadena, CA) Lightfoot Studios (Pasadena, CA) Lightfoot Studios (Pasadena, CA) Lightfoot, Kart (Pasadena, CA) Lignin plastic Lignine (wood) carvings Lignine (wood) carvings Lignine wood carvings Lignine wood carvings Lignotite Co. (Chicago) Lima (OH) Mattress Co. Lima (OH) Mattress Co. Limberg, Andrew (Grand Rapids) Limbert Furniture Co. (Laurel, MS) Limbert, C.P. Co. (Holland, MI) Limbert, Charles Co. (Holland, MI) Limbert, Charles P. (Grand Rapids) Limbert, Charles P. (Holland, MI) Limbert, Charles P. Co. (GR) Limbert, Charles P. Co. (Holland) Limbert, Charles P. Co.(Holland,MI) Lincoln (IL) Mattress Co. Lincoln Furniture Co. (Bristol,VA) Lincoln Furniture..(Bristol, VA) Lincoln Furniture..(Philadelphia) Title English craftsmen furniture shown at ...(art) Beautiful colonial secretary for the home Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Leaders in the industry Getting personal Recent deaths Douglas fir plywood makes boats sturdier ... Slip-off upholstery New metal furniture What's new in upholstered furniture Slip-off upholstery Plastic plywood Lignine (wood) carvings for 1914 Lignine (wood) carvings Lignine wood products A wonderful product What's new What the manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Interest in wood carving is increasing As the news story goes Manufacturers' notes Affairs of the industry C.P. Limbert dies in Grnd Rapids C.P. Limbert retires as furniture ... Boost capital stock Limbert Company is sold to Holland men What some manufacturers are doing What the manufacturers are doing Lincoln Furniture Co. expands Linoln Furniture Co. insures employes Affairs of the industry Page 406 Date 07-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 02-01 01-01 03-01 02-01 03-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 01-01 12-01 02-01 01-01 05-01 08-01 10-01 07-01 12-01 01-01 10-01 09-01 04-01 04-01 02-01 05-01 Year Page 1914 1925 1913 1913 1949 1949 1934 1944 1949 1949 1949 1949 1944 1913 1911 1912 1912 1944 1916 1911 1924 1931 1918 1935 1923 1922 1921 1922 1919 1917 1930 1926 1932 Column 12 103 192 192 58 59 27 9 53 51 33 53 18 524 477 466 101 31 288 21 5 63 59 18 38 254 58 183 159 192 87 108 42 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Lincoln Furniture..(Philadelphia) Lincoln Industries (Marion, VA) Lincoln, Abner L. (Philadelphia Title Announces formation of Dent Furniture ... Getting personal Recent deaths Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Sr. (Marion, VA) Lincoln, W.L. Co. (Marion, VA) Lincoln, William H. (Columbus, IN) Lincolnton (NC) Novelty Co. Lind Mfg. Co. (Williamsport, PA) Lind, Robert C. (Rockford, IL) Lindauer, A.C. Linder,C.S. Interior..(Grand Rapids Linderman automatic device Linderman automatic glue jointer Linderman Machine Co. (Muskegon) Linderman Machine Co. (Muskegon) Linderman Machine Co.(Muskegon, MI) Linen Link spring fabrics for spring beds Linoleum Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil The cabinet background of Abraham Lincoln,... Recent deaths As the news story goes Recent deaths Getting personal Affairs of the industry Recent deaths New glue is invented at U.S. laboratory Add another plant A Linderman automatic device The Linderman at Rockford The strength of glue joints Linderman Machine Co. office, New York An improvement in making furniture Art moderne style is felt in linens Woven wire versus link fabric Production of linoleum increased Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 407 Date 05-01 10-01 05-01 03-01 03-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 06-01 04-01 09-01 06-01 05-01 10-01 08-01 07-01 08-01 05-01 01-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 09-01 11-01 08-01 08-01 08-01 07-01 Year Page Column 1930 1949 1920 92 57 288 3 1 2 1930 1929 1931 1935 1949 1932 1935 1923 1919 1914 1911 1911 1911 1914 1926 1911 1916 1928 1926 1925 1924 1929 1926 1924 1925 1926 1925 1924 1929 47 79 44 27 62 29 27 58 319 271 533 420 366 109 47 38 37 79 75 196 195 90 75 146 242 75 93 96 86 1 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Quality in varnish and price Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 408 Date 09-01 11-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 12-01 01-01 09-01 10-01 02-01 01-01 01-01 01-01 05-01 02-01 07-01 02-01 02-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 Year Page 1925 1924 1928 1926 1927 1928 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1927 1924 1927 1925 1924 1925 1926 1925 1924 1927 1926 1927 1930 1925 1926 1927 1926 1927 1928 1924 1927 Column 144 245 80 77 82 88 296 296 78 83 84 86 80 116 83 94 45 44 86 247 97 84 77 83 84 144 76 84 79 82 85 248 84 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil LInseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Linseed oil and its competitors Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture market Page 409 Date 05-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 06-01 07-01 07-01 04-01 01-01 09-01 02-01 06-01 06-01 11-01 11-01 09-01 05-01 11-01 09-01 07-01 06-01 01-01 05-01 09-01 01-01 09-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 09-01 08-01 10-01 02-01 Year Page 1928 1925 1927 1928 1929 1925 1926 1924 1928 1915 1915 1911 1913 1912 1913 1911 1916 1915 1912 1917 1915 1913 1917 1916 1912 1913 1916 1912 1916 1914 1913 1912 1912 Column 84 290 82 83 92 43 77 199 83 152 103 307 301 567 577 474 263 253 464 43 327 49 212 143 49 470 46 146 314 161 412 518 99 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Testing linseed oil Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Page 410 Date 08-01 01-01 07-01 05-01 06-01 03-01 05-01 04-01 06-01 12-01 03-01 10-01 03-01 11-01 11-01 01-01 02-01 12-01 03-01 04-01 07-01 06-01 10-01 08-01 12-01 07-01 07-01 08-01 04-01 12-01 11-01 04-01 05-01 Year Page 1915 1915 1913 1914 1912 1917 1917 1913 1914 1916 1915 1915 1916 1911 1916 1917 1916 1911 1913 1915 1912 1917 1916 1911 1914 1914 1915 1912 1916 1913 1912 1914 1915 Column 104 53 357 268 303 144 251 199 330 288 161 204 149 585 235 45 96 641 145 211 355 302 189 419 322 49 48 410 198 636 543 209 273 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Title Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Things worth knowing about linseed oil Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Page 411 Date 02-01 01-01 04-01 10-01 12-01 02-01 02-01 09-01 01-01 08-01 10-01 05-01 12-01 10-01 03-01 08-01 08-01 05-01 04-01 02-01 04-01 12-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 10-01 06-01 06-01 12-01 03-01 01-01 Year Page 1914 1914 1917 1913 1915 1917 1913 1911 1916 1914 1914 1913 1912 1911 1914 1917 1916 1923 1920 1919 1918 1921 1922 1923 1920 1920 1918 1919 1923 1920 1918 1922 1920 Column 107 56 195 523 309 91 99 461 46 107 213 248 622 527 158 84 95 247 231 89 192 304 172 46 121 173 147 220 299 343 283 124 61 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Finishing materials Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' metal markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material market Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Page 412 Date 07-01 01-01 05-01 12-01 05-01 09-01 05-01 06-01 01-01 11-01 09-01 07-01 12-01 05-01 10-01 07-01 03-01 07-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 04-01 11-01 11-01 08-01 06-01 08-01 09-01 08-01 01-01 09-01 03-01 12-01 Year Page 1918 1919 1918 1922 1922 1919 1920 1918 1922 1919 1922 1922 1919 1919 1922 1923 1923 1919 1919 1923 1918 1919 1922 1918 1919 1919 1922 1918 1918 1921 1917 1921 1917 Column 47 47 252 289 220 167 287 307 49 280 141 43 332 257 188 49 143 59 138 99 186 203 238 236 111 321 91 138 91 58 130 180 285 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil Linseed oil and turpentine Linseed oil supply Linseed oil, manufacture of Linseed oil, uses of Linseed oils Linseed oils Linseed oils Linseed oils Linseed oils Linseed soil Linters Linton, John S. (Otsego, MI) Liquid hide glue Liquid wood Litchison, Charles (Syracuse, NY) Title Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture market Editorial notes Things worth knowing about linseed oil Things worth knowing about linseed oil Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Phases of the furniture market Manufacturers' material markets Phases of the furniture markets Recent deaths in furniture trade How new improvements in liquid hide glue ... Sawdust ornaments Recent deaths Page 413 Date 11-01 09-01 06-01 02-01 07-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 11-01 08-01 10-01 10-01 07-01 12-01 11-01 04-01 09-01 05-01 04-01 02-01 09-01 09-01 02-01 03-01 06-01 07-01 04-01 07-01 02-01 05-01 04-01 01-01 02-01 Year Page 1923 1923 1921 1921 1920 1923 1920 1917 1920 1920 1921 1923 1921 1920 1917 1921 1921 1921 1911 1912 1911 1911 1928 1924 1924 1911 1912 1924 1917 1916 1946 1911 1933 Column 241 146 357 117 51 97 220 181 270 107 206 192 53 320 229 243 158 302 191 80 461 461 83 148 294 361 200 45 90 242 16 17 43 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Lithographic print industry Little Manistee River (Michigan) Little Rock (AR) Furniture Mfg. ... Little, Harry Co. (Huntington, WV) Liverpool (Eng.) mahogany report Living room furniture Living room furniture Llloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Manufacturing..(Menominee,MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd Mfg. Co. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd, Marshall (Menominee, MI) Lloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI) Lloyd, Marshall B. (Menominee, MI) Load of timber Loadmaster cargo plane Loans to furniture industry Lockhart-Hodge Co. (Buffalo, NY) Loeblin & Dietzel (Cleveland) Log Title The tariff on decalcomania Cutover lands along the Little Manistee River Additions to plant in Arkansas What manufacturers are doing Phases of the furniture markets An attractive cabinet console for the home Beautiful colonial secretary for the home Baby carriage king sails for Europe The making of seamless tubing 36 lounge tables shipped by air Employees insurance hels personnel relations Lloyd's war exhibit Showmanship in market displays War work comes first but Lloyd also ... Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry What manufacturers are doing Cooperative mercantile schemes Unique welfare association Machine woven fiber furniture The growth of the Lloyd Company Marshall Lloyd lies down to work Manufacturers will wealth to public Recent deaths in the furniture trade The making of seamless tubing Lloyd sells Canadian rightsd Lloyd refuses a fortune Timber, its growth and defects New cargo plane RFC loans available to industry The Jones safety guards As the news story goes Timber, its growth and defects Page 414 Date 01-01 04-01 11-01 07-01 03-01 06-01 03-01 02-01 10-01 06-01 10-01 01-01 06-15 04-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 09-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 07-01 09-01 09-01 10-01 03-01 08-01 03-01 09-01 11-01 11-01 06-01 03-01 Year Page 1921 1924 1919 1914 1914 1925 1925 1926 1913 1949 1941 1944 1938 1943 1932 1932 1915 1919 1921 1919 1919 1920 1927 1927 1913 1920 1919 1911 1943 1934 1913 1931 1911 Column 2 69 269 52 155 255 103 68 516 14 10 6 9 23 41 44 280 134 162 182 154 16 110 110 516 160 109 104 7 8 579 64 104 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Logan Furniture..(Gallipolis, OH) Logansport (IN) Bedding Mfg. Co. Logging and logging industry Logging and native hardwoods Lomax (IL) Town Council Lombards (Italy) Lomita (WI) Furniture Mfg. Co. London Ancient Art Exhibition London cabinets (art) London Curio Club London furniture industry London Home Arts & Industries .... London Ideal Home Exhibition Lone Star Bed Mfg. Co. (Dallas) Long Furniture Co. (Chillicothe,OH) Long, Charles F. (High Point, NC) Long, Robert A. (Kansas City) Long, W.H. Co. (Chicago) Loomis, Clyde Arthur (Grand Rapids) Loose veneer Lord Carnarvon Lord Carnarvon Lorenze Mfg. Co. (Chicago) Los Angeles County furniture .... Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Title As the news story goes Getting personal Stories of the related industries Phases of the furniture markets Plan an industrial university Origin of the word lumber What some manufacturers are doing Old furniture at the London ancient ...(art) These are some of the examples of the ... The London Curio Club exhibits at ... (art) Examples of Lucraft furniture Students' work at the Home Arts & ...(art) The Ideal Home Exhibition New metal bed company in Dallas, Texas What the manufacturers are doing Recent deaths Recent deaths What's new Clyde makes supreme sacrifice Problems of the veneer room Egyptian influence on designs Egyptians were remarkable chair makers What manufacturers are doing Market talk Coming events Important dates Getting personal Coming events Coming events Coming events Important dates Coming events Important dates Page 415 Date 02-01 10-15 07-01 03-01 10-01 04-01 09-01 04-01 02-01 08-01 04-01 06-01 06-01 12-01 03-01 12-01 04-01 03-01 12-01 10-01 03-01 04-01 04-01 12-01 06-15 01-01 11-15 12-15 12-15 12-01 04-01 07-01 10-01 Year Page 1932 1938 1918 1914 1912 1911 1919 1912 1926 1911 1911 1912 1912 1919 1914 1931 1934 1942 1918 1911 1923 1923 1916 1949 1940 1946 1937 1940 1939 1941 1946 1941 1945 Column 37 28 16 156 489 169 167 182 58 381 179 268 292 321 162 63 35 31 264 485 119 150 194 10 15 47 31 18 18 26 47 31 47 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture exposition Los Angeles furniture expositions Los Angeles furniture expositions Los Angeles furniture expositions Los Angeles furniture expositions Los Angeles furniture expositions Los Angeles furniture industry Title Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Los Angeles market dates Southern California market Upholstered pieces holds spotlight at ... Western markets Important dates Coming events Important dates Big summer market for Los Angeles Affairs of the industry Calendar of important furniture events Important dates Los Angeles market week is successful Market calendar Trade news notes Coming events Affairs of the industry Coming events Coming events Market calendar Affairs of the industry Page 416 Date 05-15 04-15 04-01 01-15 11-15 04-01 05-01 06-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 12-01 12-01 04-01 05-01 09-01 03-01 07-01 01-15 06-01 07-01 12-01 12-01 10-01 10-01 01-01 07-01 04-15 08-01 05-15 06-15 01-01 03-15 Year Page 1939 1940 1941 1941 1939 1949 1949 1949 1945 1946 1949 1945 1949 1949 1946 1946 1942 1946 1940 1946 1946 1935 1935 1949 1925 1929 1926 1939 1935 1940 1939 1930 1937 Column 21 19 28 24 18 63 63 63 47 63 63 47 63 6 10 43 5 47 19 63 10 18 18 63 189 37 112 15 19 4 24 107 38 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles furniture industry Los Angeles Furniture Market Los Angeles Furniture Market Week Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Furniture Mart Los Angeles Mart Title West Coast furniture Woodworking plants pool war efforts $30,000 to $1,000,000 since 1929 by ... As the news story goes Buying only fair at Los Angeles market Los Angeles has new furniture building Panel plant needed on coast Los Angeles is some town Market talk Buying only fair at Los Angeles market Important dates Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Coming events Big summer market for Los Angeles Co-operative mart Los Angeles spring mart scheduled for ... West Coast furniture Furniture Week New L.A. furniture mart building Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Important dates Southern California market Coming events Page 417 Date 07-15 04-01 10-01 03-01 09-01 01-01 05-01 08-01 10-01 09-01 01-01 01-15 04-01 04-15 05-15 06-15 11-15 07-01 01-15 11-01 07-15 09-15 03-01 12-01 11-01 11-01 10-01 06-01 05-01 04-01 04-01 05-01 05-15 Year Page 1938 1943 1931 1931 1924 1928 1922 1921 1949 1924 1946 1940 1941 1940 1940 1940 1939 1946 1937 1945 1938 1938 1949 1945 1946 1945 1945 1949 1949 1949 1946 1946 1939 Column 4 20 31 69 106 39 221 57 12 106 47 19 28 19 4 15 18 10 4 10 4 4 8 47 63 47 47 63 63 63 47 10 21 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Los Angeles Mart Los Angeles Mart Los Angeles Mart Lost Treasure of Windsor Loudspeaker for radio, construction Loudspeaker for radio, design Louis XIV arm chair (art) Louis XIV arm chair (art) Louis XIV furniture style Louis XIV period styles Louis XV arm chair (art) Title Coming events Coming events Coming events Story of plywood and romance of veneer To make cabinet loudspeaker for radio To make cabinet loudspeaker for radio Furniture of the period of Louis XIV from ... Number fourteen of a series of drawings ... Furniture of the reign of Louis XIV Ancient and modern marquetry in furniture Louis XV arm chair French 1723-74 ... Louis XV arm chair (art) Louis XV chaise lounge (art) Louis XV desk (Bureau du Roi) Louis XV desk, construction of Louis XV desk, design of Louis XV fire screen (art) Louis XV furniture designs (art) Louis XV furniture style Louis XV furniture styles Louis XV furniture styles (art) Louis XV period styles Louis XV style table Louis XV table (art) Louis XV walnut bench (art) Louis XV walnut chaise lounge(art) Louis XVI armchair Louis XVI armchair (art) Louis XVI bedstead (art) Louis XVI bench (art) Louis XVI easy chair (art) Louis XVI furniture Number seventeen of new series of drawings... Number one of a new series of drawings ... Copy made of Bureau du Roi Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Some of the early French and American ... Louis XV furniture designs from the ... Furniture of the reign of Louis XV Louis Quinze furniture styles Louis Quinze furniture styles The Louis Fifteenth Period Style Louis XV furniture designs from the ... Number twenty of a series of drawings of ... Pages for a designer's scrap book Walnut: in fine furniture ever since the ... Little Known Treasures of the Old World Measured drawing of Louis XVI chair in ... Louis XVI bedstead 18th century (beech- ... Pages for a designer's scrap book Little known treasures of Old World Furniture - Louis XVI style Page 418 Date 06-15 07-01 12-15 09-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 11-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 03-01 11-01 05-01 09-01 09-01 04-01 10-01 10-01 09-01 09-01 01-01 10-01 05-01 03-01 04-01 05-01 05-01 07-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 Year Page Column 1939 1941 1939 1924 1925 1925 1925 1922 1925 1923 1936 24 31 18 56 158 158 124 205 121 103 10 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1925 1923 1926 1913 1913 1927 1925 1925 1944 1944 1920 1925 1923 1931 1931 1927 1927 1935 1931 1932 1945 119 209 48 434 434 39 172 171 41 41 22 172 216 63 75 53 52 6 63 22 31 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Louis XVI furniture (art) Louis XVI furniture designs (art) Louis XVI furniture style Louis XVI furniture style Louis XVI furniture style Louis XVI novelty stand, const. Louis XVI novelty stand, design Louis XVI period style Louis XVI secretariat in rosewood Louis XVI style Louis XVI style inlaid commode(art) Louis XVI table, construction of Louis XVI table, design of Louise Bergere in walnut Louise Brigham furniture Louisiana bayous as source of moss Louisiana moss (Southern moss) Louisiana pecan as furniture wood Louisiana pecan chairs Louisiana timber industry Louisville (KY) Box and Crate Co. Louisville (KY) furniture industry Louisville (KY) furniture industry Louisville (KY) Industrial ... Louisville (KY) lumber industry Louisville (KY) Pillow Co. Louisville (KY) Varnish Co. Louisville (KY) Veneer Mills Louisville (KY) Veneer Mills Louisville (KY) Veneer Mills Louisville, Ky. Louvre Museum (Paris) Louvre Museum, Paris Title Furniture - Louis XVI style Louis XVI furniture designs from ... Classicism of Louis XVI still smart in ... Furniture of the reign of Louios XVI Louis XVI cyclinder desk in museum A Louis XVI novelty stand A Louis XVI novelty stand Louis XVI period style is a fruitful study Little known treasures of Old World New French motif which is being attempted... Pages for a designer's scrap book Some lessons in furniture making Some lessons in furniture making Little known treasures of Old World Box furniture development Moss gathering for pin money How Louisiana moss is gathered and prepared The Louisiana sweet pecan - the stubborn ... The Louisiana sweet pecan - the stubborn ... Louisiana timber lands Evansville man purchases box factory Editorial notes Louisville as a furniture city Editorial notes Editorial notes What manufacturers are doing Enlarge their plant A dresser of figured gum ...(art) Figured gum, the cabient wood de luxe Quartered gum Possible new furniture centers Copy made of Bureau du Roi Little known treasures of Old World Page 419 Date 02-01 11-01 01-01 11-01 07-01 11-01 11-01 11-01 05-01 07-01 06-01 09-01 09-01 12-01 05-01 08-01 05-01 09-15 09-15 04-01 08-01 03-01 04-01 03-01 08-01 05-01 05-01 02-01 05-01 09-01 10-01 05-01 12-01 Year Page 1945 1925 1933 1925 1919 1918 1918 1923 1930 1927 1930 1915 1915 1931 1916 1920 1925 1938 1938 1920 1921 1917 1918 1917 1913 1915 1917 1916 FRO 1914 1911 1912 1926 1931 Column 31 222 22 221 28 211 211 205 48 35 72 138 138 34 206 98 217 12 12 212 79 119 155 119 390 280 235 270 469 496 48 34 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Louvre Museum, Paris Lovea wood (African walnut) Loveman, A.M. (Atlanta) Low cost housing Low grade lumber Lowboy (art) Lowboy, construction Lowboy, design Low-cost furniture Low-cost furniture Lowell (MI) Cutter Co. Lowman, David H. Lowry, O.W. (Zeeland, MI) Loxit Molding Co. (Chicago) Lubelfield, S. Lubricants Lubricants, testing of Lubricating oils Lubrication Lucas Machine Co. (Jamestown, NY) Lucas, George H. (Columbus, OH) Lucas, John & Co. (Philadelphia) Luce Furniture Co. Luce Furniture Co. Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Title Story of plywood and romance of veneer Combing far flung shores for furniture ... Furniture pick-ups Good defense housing furniture already of ... Utilizing low grade lumber in furniture Examples of furniture designed by William ... This lowboy proves beauty of Gothic ... This lowboy proves beauty of Gothic ... Research in resin impregnated fiber for ... Wartime wood and metal developments promise.. Ypsilanti Reed in Lowell Recent deaths Leaders in the industry What's new Wood carvers exhibit of national interest Lubricants for ball bearings Methods of testing lubricants Lubricating oils and lubrication Lubricating oils and lubrication A Moore Carving Machine victory Recent deaths Furniture pick-ups Mr. A.S. Goodman in business again Standard packing of case goods Affairs of the industry Affairs of the industry Irwin patent suit Luce reopens - Dregge at head Would put Luce plant into production As the news story goes Order on veneer issued Luce buys Michigan Chair Page 420 Date 09-01 06-01 10-01 06-01 11-01 06-01 02-01 02-01 10-01 06-01 07-01 10-01 02-01 07-01 03-01 01-01 03-01 05-01 05-01 11-01 02-01 03-01 03-01 02-01 02-01 11-01 02-01 12-01 05-01 12-01 11-01 04-01 Year Page Column 1924 1930 1928 1942 1924 1925 1935 1935 1949 58 59 68 12 215 274 23 23 25 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1946 1920 1911 1945 1946 1923 1913 1913 1912 1912 1912 1934 1930 1911 1911 1934 1935 1933 1935 1935 1931 1928 1926 48 46 517 42 47 105 21 116 210 210 571 35 76 133 76 35 17 40 20 26 42 73 80 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 Furniture Manufacturer and Artisan (for access to articles see microfilm) Main entry Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Corp. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Corp. (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Luce Furniture Shops (Grand Rapids) Luce, Gregory (Grand Rapids) Luce, Howard (Detroit) Luce-Redmond Chair..(Big Rapids,MI) Luce-Redmond Co. (Big Rapids, MI) Lucite Lucite acrylic resin Lucite dining room suite Title Luce and Furniture Shops consolidate forces As the news story goes As the news story goes As the news story goes $5,000,000 Luce Company of Grand Rapids ... As the news story goes Profit sharing at the Luce Furniture Co. Personal Furniture headquarters in Buenos Ayres The Luce Furniture Co. officers What manufacturers are doing Luce to make chairs An order from Cuba A new design Luce Furniture Co.'s new building The Luce profit-sharing plan Luce control changes Affairs of