TeSCoM: An innovator in pressure control for over forty years! Custom Assemblies, Manifolds & Systems Tescomservesallindustrialmarkets.Distributorsupport centers are located in major cities worldwide, providing application assistance and quality Tescom product. Tescom is an experienced provider of high quality manifolds, custom assemblies and systems for control of pressure and flow. We can simplify your existing system or create a new one to meet your needs. Hastelloy® is a registered trademark of Haynes International. ©TescomCorporation,2010;AllRightsReserved. Tescom is a business unit of emerson Process management Regulator Technologies, Inc. TrademarksarepropertyofdivisionsofEmersonProcessManagement. High pressure valve manifold used to calibrate transducers Tescom provides: Valves The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their useorapplicability.Allsalesaregovernedbyourtermsandconditions,whichareavailable on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice. •Theknow-howandexperiencetointegratecomponents manufacturedbyandothers.Getone-on-oneengineering support to find the best solution! •Anextremelylargeselectionofexistingvalves,regulatorsand flow components: pressure ranges from vacuum to 30,000 PsIG. •Awidearrayofdomeandair-loadedregulatorscombinedwith electronic pressure controllers to automate pressure routines and data acquisition. •Integratedelectronicsandcustomsoftware. We are your worldwide partner in precision pressure control. Made-to-spec valve & regulator hydraulic control panel Panel used in a fueling application includes valves, regulators & integrated electronics North America europe Asia Pacific Middle east & Africa USA T +1 800 447 1250 +1 763 241 3238 F +1 763 241 3224 [email protected] Germany T +49(0)38823/31-287 F +49(0)38823/31-140 United Kingdom T +44 1698 424 254 F +44 1698 459 299 China T +86 21 2892 9499 F +86 21 2892 9001 United Arab emirates T +971 4 811 8443 F +971 4 886 5465 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Worldwide technical support and distribution. Represented by: Premium quality, high cycle life. Aircraft charging cart manifold panel incorporates VA cartridge style valves with lever actuation FormNo.1970Rev.12/108MPrintedinU.S.A. TeSCoM standard valves are only a starting point... our high cycle life valves will keep your system running! operating Pressure Tescommakesanextensivelineofhighlyreliablevalves,setting newstandardsinthenumberofon-offcyclesachieved. Product Series/Features • Weneverusecastings.Ourentirevalvelineisprecision machinedfrombarstock. •Normallyopenornormallyclosed •Veryhighcyclelife •Balancedmainvalve-reducesrequired actuationpressure(30-60PSIG) •NormallyclosedVAcertifiedO2 compatible byWendellHull&Assoc.,Inc. (017 modification) •Toggleactuatoroptional •Compactpackage Flow Capacity (maximum) The possibilities are endless! Body Material Product Series/Features VA & VG Series: Air operated oN/oFF Valves VA ON/OFF Valve • Extrafeatureslikeabalancedmainvalveandseat-saving metalstopsmakeTescom valves extremely durable in the most demanding applications. • OurVAvalvewasnamed“BreakthroughProductofthe Year” by a leading trade publication. • Inanindependentapplicationtest,oneofourstandard valves achieved over 250,000 cycles: 128 times the life of thebig-namebrandusedoriginally(detailsonfile). 6,000 PsIG 10,000 PsIG 15,000 PsIG 20,000 PsIG VA:Cv = .75 VG:Cv = 2.0 VG ON/OFF Valve (solenoid option shown) VJ Bi-directional Valve Standard, modification or custom – we’ll find the solution! 10,000 PsIG 6.000 PsIG •Ourwiderangeofstandardmodelsallowalmostlimitless modification-materials,porting,actuation,seals,etc. cv = .75 Brassor 316 ssT 10,000 PsIG 30-1100globe:Cv = .28 30-1100angle:Cv = .49 30-1300globe:Cv = 1.57 30-1300angle:Cv = 2.30 30-1200globe:Cv = 8.0 30-1200angle:Cv = 10.0 30-1400globe:Cv = 20.0 CC Metering Valve 300 ssT •SeveralTescom valves can be used at very wide ranges – someat0-20,000psi. FL7000 Flow Limit Valve 6,000 PsIG 10,000 PsIG cv = .49 (angle) cv = .28 (globe) Brassor 316 ssT •Precisecontrolatverylowflows •Forliquidorgasapplications •20+turnsfromshutofftofullopen •Non-rotatingstemreducesseat wear Full vacuum to 10,000 PsIG cv = .00005 cv = .00125 316 ssT •Designedtostopflowautomatically whenflowexceedsapre-setlimit •Protectsdownstreampersonnel& equipment from exposure to hazardous media •Fieldresetable 100-1,000PSIG 300-2,500PSIG 600-5,000PSIG 0-7scfm 0-13scfm 2.5-26scfm 316 ssT cv = .28 Brassor 316 ssT VK Series: Block and Bleed •Allowsconstructionorrepairalonga pressurized line •Allowsresidualdownstreampressure to bleed to zero •Lowoperatingtorque •Highcyclelife VA Valve Toggle Actuated 10,000 PsIG 6,000 PsIG Cartridge Valves •BesidesStainlessSteel,wecanmakeanyvalveinbrass, monel, Hastelloy® or other material. •Actuationmethodsavailableinclude:multi-turn,solenoid, air, lever and electronic controller. •Versatilebi-directionalflow •Highpressure,lowflowvalve •Built-inmetallicstop •DesignedtobeO2 compatible FL7000 Series: Flow Limit Valve •Tescomwilldowhatittakestofindafitforyour application. •Wetruly thrive on custom solutions. No order is too small! Body Material CC Series: Metering Valves 30 Series: Shutoff Valves •GlobeoranglePattern •Built-inmetallicstoppreventsover-torquing- reduces seat wear •30-1100Series:availablewithmetering capability (long stem optional) •Bi-directionalflow(allmodels) Flow Capacity VJ Series: Low Flow/Bi-directional Brassor 316 ssT 3-Way Valve Manifold • Normally open or normally closed • SamedesignfeaturesasVASeries(above) • Airoperated • Solenoidactuationoptional:12VDC, 24VDCor120AC operating Pressure (maximum) VK Block and Bleed 3-Way Valve Manifold 30 Series Shutoff Valves •Externallythreadedanddesignedtobeeasilyinstalledinamanifoldblock •Reducespipingandeliminatesconnections •Reducesspacerequirementsandmakesservicingeasier •Canbefurnishedinawidevarietyofvalvestyles •Contactfactoryforapplicationassistance For oem users, private labelling is available. •Askusaboutadrop-inreplacementforyourexistingvalve. 30 Series Cartridge Valve Don’t see what you need? Call our application engineers at 800-447-1250. We may already have the exact modification you’re looking for... or we’ll create one to suit your needs! VA Series Cartridge Valve VA Cartridge Valve (toggle style) in typical manifold TeSCoM standard valves are only a starting point... our high cycle life valves will keep your system running! operating Pressure Tescommakesanextensivelineofhighlyreliablevalves,setting newstandardsinthenumberofon-offcyclesachieved. Product Series/Features • Weneverusecastings.Ourentirevalvelineisprecision machinedfrombarstock. •Normallyopenornormallyclosed •Veryhighcyclelife •Balancedmainvalve-reducesrequired actuationpressure(30-60PSIG) •NormallyclosedVAcertifiedO2 compatible byWendellHull&Assoc.,Inc. (017 modification) •Toggleactuatoroptional •Compactpackage Flow Capacity (maximum) The possibilities are endless! Body Material Product Series/Features VA & VG Series: Air operated oN/oFF Valves VA ON/OFF Valve • Extrafeatureslikeabalancedmainvalveandseat-saving metalstopsmakeTescom valves extremely durable in the most demanding applications. • OurVAvalvewasnamed“BreakthroughProductofthe Year” by a leading trade publication. • Inanindependentapplicationtest,oneofourstandard valves achieved over 250,000 cycles: 128 times the life of thebig-namebrandusedoriginally(detailsonfile). 6,000 PsIG 10,000 PsIG 15,000 PsIG 20,000 PsIG VA:Cv = .75 VG:Cv = 2.0 VG ON/OFF Valve (solenoid option shown) VJ Bi-directional Valve Standard, modification or custom – we’ll find the solution! 10,000 PsIG 6.000 PsIG •Ourwiderangeofstandardmodelsallowalmostlimitless modification-materials,porting,actuation,seals,etc. cv = .75 Brassor 316 ssT 10,000 PsIG 30-1100globe:Cv = .28 30-1100angle:Cv = .49 30-1300globe:Cv = 1.57 30-1300angle:Cv = 2.30 30-1200globe:Cv = 8.0 30-1200angle:Cv = 10.0 30-1400globe:Cv = 20.0 CC Metering Valve 300 ssT •SeveralTescom valves can be used at very wide ranges – someat0-20,000psi. FL7000 Flow Limit Valve 6,000 PsIG 10,000 PsIG cv = .49 (angle) cv = .28 (globe) Brassor 316 ssT •Precisecontrolatverylowflows •Forliquidorgasapplications •20+turnsfromshutofftofullopen •Non-rotatingstemreducesseat wear Full vacuum to 10,000 PsIG cv = .00005 cv = .00125 316 ssT •Designedtostopflowautomatically whenflowexceedsapre-setlimit •Protectsdownstreampersonnel& equipment from exposure to hazardous media •Fieldresetable 100-1,000PSIG 300-2,500PSIG 600-5,000PSIG 0-7scfm 0-13scfm 2.5-26scfm 316 ssT cv = .28 Brassor 316 ssT VK Series: Block and Bleed •Allowsconstructionorrepairalonga pressurized line •Allowsresidualdownstreampressure to bleed to zero •Lowoperatingtorque •Highcyclelife VA Valve Toggle Actuated 10,000 PsIG 6,000 PsIG Cartridge Valves •BesidesStainlessSteel,wecanmakeanyvalveinbrass, monel, Hastelloy® or other material. •Actuationmethodsavailableinclude:multi-turn,solenoid, air, lever and electronic controller. •Versatilebi-directionalflow •Highpressure,lowflowvalve •Built-inmetallicstop •DesignedtobeO2 compatible FL7000 Series: Flow Limit Valve •Tescomwilldowhatittakestofindafitforyour application. •Wetruly thrive on custom solutions. No order is too small! Body Material CC Series: Metering Valves 30 Series: Shutoff Valves •GlobeoranglePattern •Built-inmetallicstoppreventsover-torquing- reduces seat wear •30-1100Series:availablewithmetering capability (long stem optional) •Bi-directionalflow(allmodels) Flow Capacity VJ Series: Low Flow/Bi-directional Brassor 316 ssT 3-Way Valve Manifold • Normally open or normally closed • SamedesignfeaturesasVASeries(above) • Airoperated • Solenoidactuationoptional:12VDC, 24VDCor120AC operating Pressure (maximum) VK Block and Bleed 3-Way Valve Manifold 30 Series Shutoff Valves •Externallythreadedanddesignedtobeeasilyinstalledinamanifoldblock •Reducespipingandeliminatesconnections •Reducesspacerequirementsandmakesservicingeasier •Canbefurnishedinawidevarietyofvalvestyles •Contactfactoryforapplicationassistance For oem users, private labelling is available. •Askusaboutadrop-inreplacementforyourexistingvalve. 30 Series Cartridge Valve Don’t see what you need? Call our application engineers at 800-447-1250. We may already have the exact modification you’re looking for... or we’ll create one to suit your needs! VA Series Cartridge Valve VA Cartridge Valve (toggle style) in typical manifold TeSCoM standard valves are only a starting point... our high cycle life valves will keep your system running! operating Pressure Tescommakesanextensivelineofhighlyreliablevalves,setting newstandardsinthenumberofon-offcyclesachieved. Product Series/Features • Weneverusecastings.Ourentirevalvelineisprecision machinedfrombarstock. •Normallyopenornormallyclosed •Veryhighcyclelife •Balancedmainvalve-reducesrequired actuationpressure(30-60PSIG) •NormallyclosedVAcertifiedO2 compatible byWendellHull&Assoc.,Inc. (017 modification) •Toggleactuatoroptional •Compactpackage Flow Capacity (maximum) The possibilities are endless! Body Material Product Series/Features VA & VG Series: Air operated oN/oFF Valves VA ON/OFF Valve • Extrafeatureslikeabalancedmainvalveandseat-saving metalstopsmakeTescom valves extremely durable in the most demanding applications. • OurVAvalvewasnamed“BreakthroughProductofthe Year” by a leading trade publication. • Inanindependentapplicationtest,oneofourstandard valves achieved over 250,000 cycles: 128 times the life of thebig-namebrandusedoriginally(detailsonfile). 6,000 PsIG 10,000 PsIG 15,000 PsIG 20,000 PsIG VA:Cv = .75 VG:Cv = 2.0 VG ON/OFF Valve (solenoid option shown) VJ Bi-directional Valve Standard, modification or custom – we’ll find the solution! 10,000 PsIG 6.000 PsIG •Ourwiderangeofstandardmodelsallowalmostlimitless modification-materials,porting,actuation,seals,etc. cv = .75 Brassor 316 ssT 10,000 PsIG 30-1100globe:Cv = .28 30-1100angle:Cv = .49 30-1300globe:Cv = 1.57 30-1300angle:Cv = 2.30 30-1200globe:Cv = 8.0 30-1200angle:Cv = 10.0 30-1400globe:Cv = 20.0 CC Metering Valve 300 ssT •SeveralTescom valves can be used at very wide ranges – someat0-20,000psi. FL7000 Flow Limit Valve 6,000 PsIG 10,000 PsIG cv = .49 (angle) cv = .28 (globe) Brassor 316 ssT •Precisecontrolatverylowflows •Forliquidorgasapplications •20+turnsfromshutofftofullopen •Non-rotatingstemreducesseat wear Full vacuum to 10,000 PsIG cv = .00005 cv = .00125 316 ssT •Designedtostopflowautomatically whenflowexceedsapre-setlimit •Protectsdownstreampersonnel& equipment from exposure to hazardous media •Fieldresetable 100-1,000PSIG 300-2,500PSIG 600-5,000PSIG 0-7scfm 0-13scfm 2.5-26scfm 316 ssT cv = .28 Brassor 316 ssT VK Series: Block and Bleed •Allowsconstructionorrepairalonga pressurized line •Allowsresidualdownstreampressure to bleed to zero •Lowoperatingtorque •Highcyclelife VA Valve Toggle Actuated 10,000 PsIG 6,000 PsIG Cartridge Valves •BesidesStainlessSteel,wecanmakeanyvalveinbrass, monel, Hastelloy® or other material. •Actuationmethodsavailableinclude:multi-turn,solenoid, air, lever and electronic controller. •Versatilebi-directionalflow •Highpressure,lowflowvalve •Built-inmetallicstop •DesignedtobeO2 compatible FL7000 Series: Flow Limit Valve •Tescomwilldowhatittakestofindafitforyour application. •Wetruly thrive on custom solutions. No order is too small! Body Material CC Series: Metering Valves 30 Series: Shutoff Valves •GlobeoranglePattern •Built-inmetallicstoppreventsover-torquing- reduces seat wear •30-1100Series:availablewithmetering capability (long stem optional) •Bi-directionalflow(allmodels) Flow Capacity VJ Series: Low Flow/Bi-directional Brassor 316 ssT 3-Way Valve Manifold • Normally open or normally closed • SamedesignfeaturesasVASeries(above) • Airoperated • Solenoidactuationoptional:12VDC, 24VDCor120AC operating Pressure (maximum) VK Block and Bleed 3-Way Valve Manifold 30 Series Shutoff Valves •Externallythreadedanddesignedtobeeasilyinstalledinamanifoldblock •Reducespipingandeliminatesconnections •Reducesspacerequirementsandmakesservicingeasier •Canbefurnishedinawidevarietyofvalvestyles •Contactfactoryforapplicationassistance For oem users, private labelling is available. •Askusaboutadrop-inreplacementforyourexistingvalve. 30 Series Cartridge Valve Don’t see what you need? Call our application engineers at 800-447-1250. We may already have the exact modification you’re looking for... or we’ll create one to suit your needs! VA Series Cartridge Valve VA Cartridge Valve (toggle style) in typical manifold TeSCoM: An innovator in pressure control for over forty years! Custom Assemblies, Manifolds & Systems Tescomservesallindustrialmarkets.Distributorsupport centers are located in major cities worldwide, providing application assistance and quality Tescom product. Tescom is an experienced provider of high quality manifolds, custom assemblies and systems for control of pressure and flow. We can simplify your existing system or create a new one to meet your needs. Hastelloy® is a registered trademark of Haynes International. ©TescomCorporation,2010;AllRightsReserved. Tescom is a business unit of emerson Process management Regulator Technologies, Inc. TrademarksarepropertyofdivisionsofEmersonProcessManagement. High pressure valve manifold used to calibrate transducers Tescom provides: Valves The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their useorapplicability.Allsalesaregovernedbyourtermsandconditions,whichareavailable on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice. •Theknow-howandexperiencetointegratecomponents manufacturedbyandothers.Getone-on-oneengineering support to find the best solution! •Anextremelylargeselectionofexistingvalves,regulatorsand flow components: pressure ranges from vacuum to 30,000 PsIG. •Awidearrayofdomeandair-loadedregulatorscombinedwith electronic pressure controllers to automate pressure routines and data acquisition. •Integratedelectronicsandcustomsoftware. We are your worldwide partner in precision pressure control. Made-to-spec valve & regulator hydraulic control panel Panel used in a fueling application includes valves, regulators & integrated electronics North America europe Asia Pacific Middle east & Africa USA T +1 800 447 1250 +1 763 241 3238 F +1 763 241 3224 [email protected] Germany T +49(0)38823/31-287 F +49(0)38823/31-140 United Kingdom T +44 1698 424 254 F +44 1698 459 299 China T +86 21 2892 9499 F +86 21 2892 9001 United Arab emirates T +971 4 811 8443 F +971 4 886 5465 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Worldwide technical support and distribution. Represented by: Premium quality, high cycle life. Aircraft charging cart manifold panel incorporates VA cartridge style valves with lever actuation FormNo.1970Rev.12/108MPrintedinU.S.A. TeSCoM: An innovator in pressure control for over forty years! Custom Assemblies, Manifolds & Systems Tescomservesallindustrialmarkets.Distributorsupport centers are located in major cities worldwide, providing application assistance and quality Tescom product. Tescom is an experienced provider of high quality manifolds, custom assemblies and systems for control of pressure and flow. We can simplify your existing system or create a new one to meet your needs. Hastelloy® is a registered trademark of Haynes International. ©TescomCorporation,2010;AllRightsReserved. Tescom is a business unit of emerson Process management Regulator Technologies, Inc. TrademarksarepropertyofdivisionsofEmersonProcessManagement. High pressure valve manifold used to calibrate transducers Tescom provides: Valves The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only, and while effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their useorapplicability.Allsalesaregovernedbyourtermsandconditions,whichareavailable on request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice. •Theknow-howandexperiencetointegratecomponents manufacturedbyandothers.Getone-on-oneengineering support to find the best solution! •Anextremelylargeselectionofexistingvalves,regulatorsand flow components: pressure ranges from vacuum to 30,000 PsIG. •Awidearrayofdomeandair-loadedregulatorscombinedwith electronic pressure controllers to automate pressure routines and data acquisition. •Integratedelectronicsandcustomsoftware. We are your worldwide partner in precision pressure control. Made-to-spec valve & regulator hydraulic control panel Panel used in a fueling application includes valves, regulators & integrated electronics North America europe Asia Pacific Middle east & Africa USA T +1 800 447 1250 +1 763 241 3238 F +1 763 241 3224 [email protected] Germany T +49(0)38823/31-287 F +49(0)38823/31-140 United Kingdom T +44 1698 424 254 F +44 1698 459 299 China T +86 21 2892 9499 F +86 21 2892 9001 United Arab emirates T +971 4 811 8443 F +971 4 886 5465 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Worldwide technical support and distribution. Represented by: Premium quality, high cycle life. Aircraft charging cart manifold panel incorporates VA cartridge style valves with lever actuation FormNo.1970Rev.12/108MPrintedinU.S.A.
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