CBCC Achieves Imaging Efficiencies with PowerServer


CBCC Achieves Imaging Efficiencies with PowerServer
Case Study
CBCC Achieves Imaging Efficiencies with
PowerServer PACS
“Outsmarting Cancer” is the mission of the Comprehensive Blood & Cancer Center (CBCC), situated in Bakersfield,
California and currently largest freestanding cancer center on the West Coast, at 70,000 square feet. In fulfilling this mission,
CBCC each month performs an average of 1,000 CT scans, 275 PET scans, 280 MRIs, 80 nuclear medicine studies, 40
ultrasound procedures and 10 to 20 mammograms.
Client SnapShot
Comprehensive Blood & Cancer Center
Bakersfield, California
Challenges: Lack of control over PACS, workflow
Results: Elimination of wait for images, improved
workflow, increased flexibility
Such an extensive breadth and depth of radiology services
is best handled using an onsite PACS--ideally, one with a full
radiology workflow engine, thereby posing fewer technical
obstacles than separate systems while simultaneously
supporting a more efficient workflow. Until recently,
however, CBCC employed a third-party imaging provider
to store captured images. The end-result: considerable
challenges, including delays in routing studies to the
appropriate recipients in a timely fashion and, on many
occasions, excessive wait-times to rectify errors that
required correction before reading tasks and reports could
be completed.
their imaging solution of choice. The third-party provider
already had the technology in place; the familiarity of
CBCC’s staff and radiologists with the system, coupled with
its user-friendliness, meant that there would be a seamless
transition to an in-house model with no additional training
Complete Control, Increased Efficiencies
“We realized that migrating the outside company’s server to
ours and deploying our own PACS system would eliminate
these headaches, give us the control necessary to better serve
our patients and create a much more efficient environment,”
says Brian Bertolaccini, R.T., (R), CT, ARRT, the facility’s
imaging manager and lead PACS administrator.
The implementation of PowerServer PACS has indeed
given CBCC complete control over the imaging process,
with images available to radiologists and other physicians
when they need them. Because the solution is Web-based,
users can reach the server and read from anywhere on any
PC with an Internet connection. Accessing the system is
simple and requires logging into a secure Internet site to
launch the program. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption
guarantees protection of all information exchange between
PCs and the server
Bertolaccini and his colleagues also knew immediately
that RamSoft’s PowerServer PACS ranked unequivocally as
As for workflow efficiencies, marked improvements have
been achieved. For radiologists, change stems partially
from PowerServer PACS’ Web-based architecture, which
Notably, the system facilitates the diagnostic process by
allows all information to be stored in a centralized database
allowing radiologists to set protocols in accordance with
and ensures that users are presented with the same
their preferences. For example, practitioners can opt for
familiar layout and settings no matter where they log in.
images to appear on one side of the screen versus the
Images can be pre-cached to and temporarily stored on the
other, or specify four ports rather than six.. Color mapping
workstation (providing that it is on and connected to the
preferences may now be utilized as part of the viewing
Internet), eliminating the wait for images to download or
stream in as in the past. DICOM routing and pre-fetching
Additionally, an inverted magnifying glass feature –
modules pull in prior studies from all DICOM archives and
especially useful for clarifying mammographic and other
prevent them from appearing on users’ worklists before
images on the fly – permits the grayscale values
they are ready. Full PET/CT
of a given image to be reversed, with white areas
fusion capabilities permit PET
appearing in black and black areas appearing in
and CT studies to be fused
white, if users so desire. Mouse button defaults
and viewed simultaneously
are fully customizable, enabling radiologists to
features enables them to
on one workstation, a feature
set the mouse to their preferred behaviors and
focus on leveraging their
CBCC’s physicians especially
to mimic other image viewers. Dynamic zoom
like for the convenience it
expertise to provide a caliber
can be achieved by moving the scroll wheel or
of image interpretation
clicking on the scroll wheel, then moving the
that fully supports CBCC’s
On the reports side,
mouse—whichever option is more comfortable
commitment to high-level
monitoring and management
for a given user. All in all, affirms Bertolaccini,
patient care.
have become easier, with
the flexibility afforded to practitioners by these
little or no margin for
features enables them to focus on leveraging
mistakes. The worklist-related
their expertise to provide a caliber of image
capabilities of the solution
interpretation that fully supports CBCC’s
are such that Executive
commitment to high-level patient care. This
Administrative Assistant Millie
would not be entirely possible were radiologists
Francisco-McGuire, who also
compelled to adapt to a more rigid PACS
oversees CBCC’s group of
about five transcriptionists, can
Future Benefits
easily identify “who is doing
what, which studies require
Bertolaccini anticipates that CBCC will reap
transcription, what needs to
additional gains from the PowerServer PACS
be read and what needs to
in the future, not only because of its featuresigned.”
richness, but because of the ongoing support it
receives from RamSoft. “This is a true partnership,
Moreover, in rare instances
rather than a hands-off relationship that ended
where a report contains
with installation,” he concludes. “If we do have
a clerical error (such as a
a problem, we aren’t kept waiting while a
mistake in a patient’s name) or
technician goes back to a reference book, and we
access to images is somehow
are told why what went wrong, went wrong as
impeded, Bertolaccini,
well as what to do next time. I am pleased with
Francisco-McGuire or another
the support staff; rapid answers to questions;
staff member can rectify the
and quick implementation of solutions to any
problem within a few minutes.
issues we may encounter. There should be substantial longThis further bolsters efficiencies and is a sharp contrast to
term financial savings in not paying for storage. Overall, we
the previous scenarios, in which addressing even simple
are very happy with this product.”
glitches often took upwards of an hour or more.
Maximum Flexibility
CBCC also continues to derive significant benefits from
the adaptability of PowerServer PACS to users’ needs.
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