July 31, 2016 - St. Patrick Parish
July 31, 2016 - St. Patrick Parish
St. Patrick Parish Downtown Crane Road 400 Cedar Street St. Charles, IL 6N491 Crane Road St. Charles, IL 60174 60175 Since 1851 Parish Office: 630-338-8000 Office Hours: Monday — Friday 8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Mailing Address: 6N487 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 M ASS S CHEDULE SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Downtown Crane Road Downtown Downtown Crane Road Downtown Crane Road Downtown Crane Road Downtown Downtown Mass in Spanish Weekdays: MONDAY—FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Crane Road Downtown Confession/Reconciliation SATURDAY 9:00—9:45 a.m. 3:00—3:45 p.m. Downtown Crane Road TUESDAY 6:00—7:00 p.m. Crane Road Call the Parish Office to: • Schedule a Baptism • • Schedule a Wedding • Please call at least six months before your wedding • Register as a New Parishioner • To let us know if you wish to • Discontinue Weekly Envelopes • due to giving through GiveCentral. Parish Web site: www.stpatrickparish.org “TheMissionofSt.PatrickParishistoencourage, formandinspireintentionaldisciplesofJesusChrist.” Page 2 Sunday, July 31, 2016 DearFriendsinChrist, ImportantParishGoalsfortheNewMinistryYear OurParishCouncilhasspentagreatdealoftimere lectingonourparishmission statement(seebulletincover)atourrecentmeetings.We’vedevelopedanumberof goalsthatwillguideourministrylifeduringthecomingyear.We’vereceivedsome veryhelpfulparishionerinputoverthepastyearwhichhashelpedustofocusona numberofareas. Hereare ivegoalswe’vediscernedforthecomingyear: 1. Tosharethejoy,mercy,andloveofChristandtowelcomeeveryonetotheCatholicfaith. 2. Toofferinspiringandparticipatoryworshipandliturgy. 3. Toprovideongoingfaithformationandeducation. 4. Toconnectwithandofferalifelonghometoouryouthandyoungadults. 5. TohumblyserveotherswithaChristlikeheart. Ourstaffwillbedevelopingpastoralstrategiesinlightofthesegoalsinordertoenhanceourparishlife. Agreatdealcouldbesaidabouteachofthegoals,soI’llfocusonthe irstoneinthiscolumn.Itisvery importantthatawelcomingspiritisfoundinourparish.Sincewearealargeparish,wecouldalways improve.OurpriestsseektoputthisoneintopracticebywelcomingthecommunitybeforeeveryweekendMass.ThispastyearwestartedaWelcomeMinistrythatmeetswithnewlyregisteredparishioners intoordertowelcomethemtoourparishandtoprovidethemwithinformationonourparishcommunity. Oursecretariesareonthefrontlinessoweworkwiththemtore lectaChristlikehospitalityandwarmth. Tobewelcomingistheresponsibilityofthewholeparish.Weshouldbegraciousandfriendlyaspeople comeintoourpewandmakeiteasyforthemto indaseat.Ascowlcanreallyturnanewcomeroff,buta warmsmilecanhelpsomeonefeelathome. WearegoingtobestartinganewministrythisFall.Wearegoingtoimplementa“GreeterMinistry.”It’s importantthatthepriestsarepresenttogreetthepeople.We’dliketoenhancethatbyinvolvingparishionersinthisgreeterministry.It’snotmeanttobecomplicatedortimeintensive.Someofyouhavethe giftofhospitality.Wehopemanyofyouwillsignupforthisnewministry.Itwon’tinvolveagreatdealof timeonyourpart,butitcanhavearealimpact.Greetingpeoplewithasmileanda“goodmorning”while holdingthedooropenforsomeonecommunicatesaChristlikehospitality.Youmayhaveexperiencedthis atotherparishesorchurches.It’sacoldworldoutthere,soanywaywecanwarmitupisapositiveinmy book!Youmayhavesomesuggestionsandideasconnectedtothisgoal,sofeelfreetosendthemmyway. IncomingweeksI’llbesharingsomethoughtsontheothergoals. Ihopeeveryoneishavingagoodsummer.Thesummermonthsalwaysseemto lyby.IsawFr.Browning theotherdayandhewantedmetopassalonghisthankstoallofyoufortwogreatyearstogetherat St.Pat’s.MaytheLord’sblessingsbewithyouandourwholeparishcommunity. InChrist, Msgr.Steve Memorial Mass for Deceased Children On Wednesday, August 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the Crane Road Church Please join us as we remember the lives of children who have gone before us in death. If you have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, prematurity, illness, accident or any other way, we welcome you, your family and friends who have supported you to gather with us to remember these special children with this Memorial Mass. Fr. Deitz will be the presider. This Mass is for anyone who has lost a child recently or in the past. Your family is welcome to join us for light refreshments after Mass. Sunday, July 31, 2016 Page 3 AreYouInterestedinBecomingCatholic? Have you ever thought about joining the Catholic Church? Are you unbaptized but feel a call from God to draw closer to Him and the Church? Were you raised in a Protestant tradition but now feel drawn toward Catholicism? Are you a baptized Catholic who has never Is your spouse or fiancé Catholic and perhaps you would like to share in his or her faith? If so, we’d invite you to consider entering into the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of This process helps participants enter into full communion Adults) which with the Church at Easter. Through weekly meetings you will learn about the Catholic faith with many others who will be on a similar journey. If you would like more information on RCIA, please contact Pam at 630-365-2289 or e-mail: [email protected]. New 8 Week Fall Bible Study! “Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John” Led by Msgr. Steve Knox and Fr. Kyle Manno Begins Tuesday, September 13 Tuesday Mornings: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. At Downtown, Fr. Carse Center Tuesday Evenings: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. At Crane Road in Dempsey Hall Following Christ takes more than simply believing in him or doing what he asks of us. Jesus wants you to be more than a believer—He wants you to be his disciple and friend. “Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John” is a guide to a personal encounter with Christ. Participants of “Follow Me” will receive a workbook and will meet every week to view an engaging video presentation followed by a time of lively group discussion and fellowship. The eight 30 minute videos, presented by Dr. Edward Sri, will guide you through the Gospel of John. Dr. Sri will explain how Christ’s encounters with his disciples, the Samaritan woman, the man born blind, and others, are examples of how he lovingly and persistently calls each of us to a life changing relationship with him. Msgr. Knox and Fr. Manno will elaborate on Dr. Sri’s teaching, and lead the discussion and question and answer time. The cost to participate in the study will be $20 to help pay for materials. You can sign up & pay with GiveCentral from our website: www.stpatrickparish.org then click on the home page “Follow Me” graphic or you may fill out the form below and return it with your payment to the parish office. For more information contact Fr. Manno at [email protected] or call 630-338-8002. 8 Week Fall Bible Study! “Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John” Please sign me up for the bible study starting on September 13. ____ On Tuesday: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., Downtown Or ___ On Tuesday: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., Crane Road Name(s) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________________ Zip ____________________ Home or Cell Phone ________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________ Please drop this in an envelope in the Sunday offering basket with your $20 payment or bring in or mail to the parish office at 6N487 Crane Road. Page 4 Sunday, July 31, 2016 St. Patrick Middle School Confirmation Prep I and II Confirma on is the Sacrament in which one is enriched by the Holy Spirit. It strengthens us to be witnesses to Christ by word and by deed and to spread and defend the faith. Registra on is now being accepted for the 6th Grade EDGE Program. This exci ng program combines religious educa on with youth ministry. EDGE provides fun and interac ve ac vi es along with Catholic teaching. Students meet twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm. We will have four Ministry Nights throughout the year where students will learn about the faith in a fun and interac ve manner. Students will not want to miss this unique opportunity to learn about the faith! Classes begin September 21. To download the Registra on form Please visit www.stpatrickparish.org/educa onand-youth/religious-educa on 6-9/. For more informa on you can contact confirma [email protected]. Registra on for the Confirma on program is currently being accepted. During the 2016-2017 year, our parish will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirma on in 8th grade. We will con nue with a two year prepara on program beginning in 7th grade. th Confirma on Prep I (7 grade) meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm or Sunday nights from 6:00-7:45 pm at St. Patrick School. th th Confirma on Prep II (8 and 9 grade) meets Sunday nights from 6:00-7:45 pm at St. Patrick School. We are very excited about the upcoming year! To download the Registra on form Please visit www.stpatrickparish.org/educa on-and-youth/ religious-educa on 6-9/. For more informa on you can contact confirma [email protected]. St.PatrickReligiousEducation Classes Begin: Sunday 9/18, Tuesday 9/20 & Wednesday 9/21/2016. Find out more by calling our office. FORMS ARE ON LINE: at www.stpatrickparish.org. Click on Educa on and Youth/Religious Educa on PK-5 then click on & print the Registra on Forms. Any ques ons please Contact Gail Brown at 630.338.8162 or [email protected] or Deacon Jerry Ryndak, Director at 630-338-8164 or [email protected]. CLASS FEES: Yearly fee is $150 per child, two children $225 three or more $275 per family. Children’s fees are waived for full- me staff (catechists, assistants, secretaries, hall monitors & staff babysi ers) IMPORTANT! Please register your own children ASAP to assure them of your preferred day and me. Weekly classes for grades K (Kindergarten) – Grade 5 meet in the school building on Crane Road. Pick either Tuesday 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. (Weekly) K - 5th or Wednesday 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. or 6:30 to 7:45p.m. Weekly classes for P3 & P4 – meet at 9:45 to 10:45 am in the Crane Road Church. “Embracing Your Family with Jesus” for Grades 2nd- 5th, Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. EYFWJ program Meets in the school two mes a month. At least one parent a ends with student. NOTE: If you a end the Wednesday 6:30 p.m. EYFWJ, we will be providing child care for children younger than 1st grade. Home study for Grades 3rd- 5th – Home study is not offered for grades 1 or 2. Return the completed form, with your check payable to St. Patrick R.E.O.; MAIL TO ATTENTION: GAIL BROWN, 6N487 Crane Rd., St. Charles, IL 60175. Any ques ons call the office Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon or stop by. Sunday, July 31, 2016 Page 5 Next weekend is the Parish Events: August 1st—August 7th Monday, August 1 9:00 a.m.— Lt. of the World Small Group (DT- Conf) 7:00 p.m.—Women’s Auxiliary K of C (DT-Conf) will be collecting non-perishable food donations & paper products — ONLY — before All Masses. on August 20 & 21 The St. Vincent de Paul Truck will be in our parking lots during that weekend. Please have all your donations bagged or boxed. No hangers please. Donation bags will be provided for you to take the weekend prior, on August 13 & 14. Any other plastic bags will be acceptable as well. We will Accept Clothing, shoes, linens and books in good or bad condition. Unusable clothing, shoes, linens and books generate income for the needy because they are sold for rags or in bulk. Small housewares: toasters, blenders, mixers, etc. ONLY FLAT SCREEN TVs. Your donations go to the StVdeP Thrift Shops where much of your donations are given away free to needy families in the community. If you have any large items, bicycles or furniture. Please call and schedule a pick up at your home at 630-231-4658. Tuesday, August 2 1:00 p.m.— Senior Chair Exercise (DT) 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.—Confessions (CR) 7:00 p.m.—Service Planning Meeting (CR) 7:30 p.m.—Marian Prayer Group (DTC) Wednesday, August 3 Thursday, August 4 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.—Hispanic Mass & Confession (DT) 6:30 p.m.— Cantor Rehearsal (CR) 7:00 p.m.—Boy Scouts (CR) Friday, August 5 7:30 a.m.—Coffee Klatch (CR) 2:00 p.m.— AA (DT) 7:00 p.m.— AA (DT school) Saturday, August 6 9:00 a.m.—First Saturday Devotions (DT) 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.—Confessions (DT) 10:00 a.m.—New Parishioner Welcome Meeting (CR) 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.—Confessions (CR) Sunday, August 7 9:45 & 11:45 a.m.—Children’s Liturgy of Word (CR) 4:30 p.m.—Hispanic Confessions & Mass (DT) 5:00 p.m.—Knights of Columbus (CR) (DT)—Downtown Church ; (CR)—Crane Road Campus AÖʽʦã®Ý 101: “EøÖ½®Ä®Ä¦ OçÙ Cã«Ê½® F®ã« W®ã«Êçã R®Ý®Ä¦ YÊçÙ VÊ®” A two part series led by Deacon Bobby Gonnella Tuesday, August 9th and 16th 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. - Downtown or 7:00 to 8:15 p.m. - Crane Road Have you ever wished you could explain Catholic teachings in a beƩer way when being challenged? Here are some common challenges that can come our way: Why do you worship Mary and the Saints? Why do you obey the Pope? Are your beliefs found in the Bible? Why do you confess your sins to a priest, why not go straight to God? Why do you believe bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ? Are you saved? Come and join Deacon Bobby Gonnella for a two part series on apologeƟcs. Get answers to popular objecƟons to the Catholic faith and learn how to defend your faith beƩer. For more informaƟon please Page 6 Sunday, July 31, 2016 Weekly Mass Intentions This week our Downtown Church Tabernacle Candle burns: In Memory Of: Patricia & Deacon John Kulpin Monday, August 1 7:00 a.m. Valery Shulick Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. Richard Larsen Downtown Church And our Crane Road Church Tabernacle Candle burns: In Memory Of: Fred Frackowiak Tuesday, August 2 7:00 a.m. Harry Jorgensen Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. Veronica Regole Downtown Church May this light which reminds us of Jesus’ presence in the Tabernacle welcome them into His eternal presence. Confession/Reconciliation Wednesday, August 3 7:00 a.m. William Boedecker Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. William Braun Downtown Church Saturday 9:00—9:45 a.m. Downtown Church 3:00—3:45 p.m. Crane Road Church Tuesday Evening 6:00—7:00 p.m. Crane Road Church Thursday, August 4 7:00 a.m. Special Intention for Jennifer Shoaf Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. John & Frances Orlos Downtown Church 6:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish Downtown Church Friday, August 5 7:00 a.m. Special Intention for William Flood Crane Road Church 8:30 a.m. Clayton Janney Downtown Church Saturday, August 6 ~ Celebrants ~ 8:30 a.m. Joe Leppert Walter & Josephine Szuck Downtown Church Timothy Quinlan DT — Msgr. Knox 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 7 CR — Fr. Deitz Rosary Devotion occurs the First Saturday of each month... Join us Saturday, August 6 at the Downtown Church, when devotional prayers are recited following the 8:30 a.m. Mass and during confessions. Join us at the Crane Road Church at 3:30 p.m. when prayers begin promptly. ~ Celebrants ~ Marian Prayer Group Tuesday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. in Downtown Church ♥ To Jesus through Mary ♥ Join us! 7:30 a.m. People of St. Patrick DT — Msgr. Knox 8:00 a.m. Nancy Brunton CR — Fr. Manno 9:00 a.m. Bernice Rakunas DT — Msgr. Knox 9:45 a.m. Carol Chovanec CR — Fr. Manno 10:30 a.m. Sadie & Andrew Lester DT — Fr. Deitz 11:30 a.m. Mary McCarthy CR — Fr. Manno 12:00 p.m. Richard Morgan DT — Fr. Deitz 5:00 p.m. DT — Fr. Loaiza Priest Celebrants for Weekend Masses are listed above. Not Driving, Had Surgery, Homebound? If you cannot attend Mass because you are homebound for any reason, we would be happy to bring Holy Communion to you at home. To schedule Eucharistic Minister visits, call Betty at 630-443-0161 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Sunday, July 31, 2016 Page 7 ~ Our Weekly Offering ~ 2016 Diocesan Appeal Stewardship Follow-Up If you haven’t had a chance to make a pledge to our Annual Diocesan Stewardship Appeal, please watch St. Patrick’s Marriage Enrichment Team Invites YOU to Wine and Cheese Tasting! Don't miss Fr. Kyle Manno's reflection on “I am the Vine You are the Branches!” ~ John 15:5 Join us for a romantic evening with your spouse at our annual event at Frutto della Vite Vineyard and home of parishioners Troy and Kathleen Billings! Main course will be served. $20 per couple. Please bring Your favorite bottle of Wine AND cheese or desert to share! Please R.S.V.P. by calling 847-841-1154 or e-mailing [email protected] Directions will be given at that time. Sunday, July 24: $47,406.25 for the envelope the diocese will be mailing out. All proceeds go to support our diocesan ministries like seminarian education, our permanent diaconate program and lay ministry formation programs, Catholic Charities, and many more. You can donate online at www.rockforddiocese.org/donate. Many thanks to those who have already made a pledge! Our Parish Service Day Wednesday, August 17th 9:00 am - Noon The St. Patrick Service Commi ee is looking for volunteers to sort and pack food at the Northern Illinois Food Bank, 273 Dearborn Court, Geneva. This is a fun, hands-on opportunity! Bring your family and friends (age 8 and older). Contact Teri Hoscheit to Sign Up: [email protected] or 630-212-9929 Sorry no babysitting will be provided. ~ SAVE the DATE ~ The Fox Valley Catholic Bible Study for Women — Fall Study — Book of Revelation — At St. Patrick on Crane Rd, Thursday mornings. Star ng September 22 through November 10 Look for addi onal details in August. Any ques ons, please contact Barb Parker at 630-377-3632. Page 8 Sunday, July 31, 2016 . . . OurThoughtsfromSteubenvilleSummerYouthConference. . . “Come HolySpirit” ~MikeZak, 16thYear “Seeingthekidsfallinlove… notwithanidea… butwitha realperson—JesusChrist— wasincredible!”~Fr.Manno 3rdTimeAttendee “Focusonme, notthestorm; thestormislife, ourchallenges, frustrations,etc!” ~MarkPowell, Parent&2ndTimeAttendee “SpirituallyRevitalizing!” ~JuliRasmussen, 1stTimeAttendee “AlifechangingweekendwherethegraceofGod movedpeopleinwaysI'veneverexperiencedbefore. Everyonetherewasovercomebysuchjoyandpeace,taking themawayfromallthestress&hardshipsoftheirdailylife.” ~Evalena,1stTimeAttendee “Itwasincrediblyencouraging formetoseethefaithofsomany youngpeopleinoneplace.” ~DeaconBobby,3rdTimeAttendee “AMAZING!” “FatherManno ~Mrs.Cornille, &DeaconBob Parent&1st "Threedaysoflaugh-ING,bonding, &gettingfrisbeesstuckintrees" ROCK!” TimeAttendee ~Krystal,2ndTimeAttendee “Itwas beyondwords.” ~Nicholas, 1stTimeAttendee “Absorbing God’slove” ~Delaynie, 1stTime Attendee To see more Event photos & videos go to Facebook: St. Pat’s “Rocked by God” Youth Ministry Sunday, July 31, 2016 Page 9 Ever wondered who the high school teens were the Counselors at Camp WOW and Retreat Leaders at the Rocked by God Retreats? They are members of St. Patrick Peer Ministry Leadership Team. If you are going to be in high school and think this might be for you, or if you just want to get connected to your Faith while in High School, then consider joining us at one or more of the following events. These events are open to all High School teens and their friends. Come find out what High School Youth Ministry has to offer you during the year. A day spent at the Batavia Quarry, Mooseheart House of God and a special trip to the ZAK Household. Sign Up online by August 2nd. Progressive Dinner: Thursday, August 11th: High School teens can join us as we eat our way through and visit a number of homes of the current Peer Ministers. F O R U M in the CATECOMBS • Downtown… Bring a Friend & enter thru the breezeway R e s u m e s on Thursday, AUGUST 18th: From 7:00 to 9:00 pm Mr. Zak will be kicking off the night with an Open Evening of Questions & Discussions with Fr. Manno & Deacon Bobby Guess which one likes and which one likes For those who are Interested in Peer Ministry Complete Information and Application Mike Zak — Director of Youth Ministry is online at www.stpatrickparish.org Office Phone: 630-338-8050 Go to: Youth Ministry/High School: [email protected] Application Deadline is Thursday, August 18th. Page 10 Sunday, July 31, 2016 Weareaccepting applicationsforthe comingschoolyear! Oursmallclasssizes,updatedcurriculum,and modernfacilityhavemuchtoofferallK-8th gradestudents.Weofferstudentsandtheir familiesaplaceinwhichchildrengrowintheir Catholicfaithandembracetheexperience ofbecomingdisciplesofJesusChrist. Wewelcometheopportunitytoshowyouour schoolandtellyoumoreaboutourprograms. WeareOpenMondaythroughFridayduring AugustFrom8:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Please contacttheschoolof iceat:630-338-8100. Please join us for the 27th Annual International Living Rosary (IRL) held at St. Mary Catholic Church in DeKalb, IL (302 Fisk Ave.) on Sunday, August 7 at 1:30 p.m. You are invited to “be a bead” and recite the first half of the “Hail Mary” in English or another language. Women, men and children are all welcome to “be a bead.” Organizers are looking for living beads. We need 53! If you would like to participate, please contact Sandi Schmidt, 815-762-8375 or Cathy Vendemia, 815-765-3384, [email protected] . We need your name, phone number and language choice. If you would like to attend and not be responsible for a prayer, we welcome you also. The Rosary will be followed by light refreshments. PK2 (M/W) (T/TH) or (F) from 9:00 to 11:30 am PK3 (M/W/F) or (T/TH) from 8:45 to 11:45 am PK4 (M-TH) or (M-F) from 8:45 to 11:45 am — Our Before and A er School Program — for PK3 & PK4 students: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Interested parents should contact contact us at 630-338-8200 or [email protected] The office will be open beginning August 15th Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Retrouvaille: A Lifeline for Marriages The word Retrouvaille (re-tro-vi with a long i.) is a French word meaning rediscovery. This program helps couples heal and renew their marriages and offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program. Upcoming weekends: August 5 – 7 in Rockford September 9 – 11 in Darien December 2 – 4 in Lincolnshire For more information Contact: 708-802-1830 or go to www.HelpOurMarriage.com Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Does talking about it only make it worse? Some couples come during the initial signs of a marriage problem and others are in a state of despair. The Retrouvaille Program consists of a weekend experience combined with a series of 6 post-weekend sessions. The tools learned here will help put your marriage in order again. The main emphasis of the program is on communication between husband and wife and will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other as well as examine your lives together in a new, positive way. Sunday, July 31, 2016 Page 11 A Charismatic Mass followed by Prayer for Healing will be held on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Katharine Drexel Church 85055 Dugan Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554 Mass will be celebrated by Father Bob Jones, Pastor of St. Katharine Drexel Church, and Father Chris Kuhn, Pastor of St. Mary Church, Elgin, and Associate Spiritual Director of Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services in the Diocese of Rockford. Private prayer will be available immediately following Mass. For more information contact Ed O’Connell at 630-404-4168. S G W A M CelebratedbyBishopDavidJ.Malloy Sunday,August21stat2:30pmatSt.MaryParishinHuntley,IL CouplesCelebratingtheirSpecialMilestoneWeddingAnniversariesof 25,50,55,60,65and70ormoreyearsofmarriagein2016areinvitedtoa specialMassintheirhonor.Acakeandpunchreceptionwillimmediatelyfollow. TheLife&FamilyEvangelizationOf icewelcomesyourRegistrationbyAugust5th byphone:815-399-4300oronlineatwww.rockforddiocese.org/anniversary. Pleasecalltheof iceafterAugust5thtocheckavailability. Commemorative certificates to mark this special occasion will be available for those who pre-register for this event. FoxValley PregnancyCenter InvitesYoutoOur CelebrationBanquet "DesignsofMercy"on Thursday,September8,2016 from6:00to9:00p.m. attheQCenterinSt.Charles. FeaturingKeynoteSpeakerKristanHawkins, PresidentofStudentsforLifeofAmerica. Dinneriscomplimentary. Detailsandonlineregistrationmaybefound atwww.CelebrationBanquet2016.Eventbrite.com Allproceedsbene ittheCenter'spro-lifemission tohelpwomenandcouplesfacingunexpected pregnancyinourcommunity. Questions?Call847.697.0200 2016 DEACON INFORMATION DAYS • September 17 • October 15 • December 3 From 10:00 am to 12:30 pm Held in the Diocesan Administration Building 555 Coleman Center Drive, Rockford, 61108 These Meetings are open to men between the ages of 35 and 55 who may be interested in serving the Church as a Permanent Deacon. Attendance at one of the above meetings is mandatory for application to the Diocesan Permanent Diaconate Formation Program. Married men must attend with their wives. During these meetings an overview of the formation program and the application process will be presented. Please speak with your pastor about your interest before planning on attending. For more information, please call the Office of the Permanent Diaconate at 815-399-4300. Remember the Prayer Circle when you or someone you know needs prayers. Contact Laura Kennedy at 630-587-5707 or [email protected] Page 12 Sunday, July 31, 2016 Please Keep All of Our Military Personnel and Families in Your Prayers: *currently or soon to be deployed +wounded warrior Lt Col Mark C. Andres SrA Brian J. Bagrowski PFC Kevin D. Bagrowski* Cpl Brian Bianco LCpl Trevor Brennan LTC Nicholas Bugajski* 1LT Jessica Clay* FN John Cody Captain Patrick Dorsch PFC Riley Gorczynski AE1 Dustin Hale Cpl Tyler Heisey + BM2 Patrick Hogan PFC Zac T. Kwasniewski SPC Dominick Lullo A1C Joe Lullo PFC John P. Little BU3 Ian Masters Sgt Timothy Morgan Sgt John M. Patton Sgt Andrew Perry Capt Jillian Rigert CPO Gary Ronzheimer 1st Lt Andrew Slade Amn Erin Nicole Sholfer 2LT Colin M. Snook A1C Anna Swanson* SRA Ryan Swanson* 1stLt. Peter Tate* Sea Jessica M. Tobolski Captain Christine Zoerlein To include a parishioner or family member who is currently serving our country, has a change in rank or status, or needs help or support, contact Carla Weeks, 630-513-5776, or [email protected]. Attention Veterans! The Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital Veterans Mobile Medical Unit is coming to the St. Charles Veterans Center on Tuesday, August 9 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, 311 N. 2nd Street, St. Charles, 60174 [The 2nd Tuesday of Every Month.] For more information contact Pam Kostecki, LCSW at 708-202-8387, ext. 73063 or email at [email protected]. Pray for the Sick Dennis Ahrens Micki Baran Sam Basile Trina Beauchamp Rich Bergeson Juan Bocardo Karen Booth Helen Boring Kim Bosch Cliff Bottigliero Joe Bronec Patricia Brown Judy Buczkowske Alicia Burks Bob Burr Frances Butzen Larry Calhan Patrick Collins Rick Danley Gus Enzenbacher Gil Ferreira Joyce Foley Bob Forster John Frawley Maureen Frawley Rosina Garro Joseph Gehrman Bonifacio Gonzales Cole Gregory Glenn Hammer Ty Hawkinson Susan Hill Barbara Hoffman John Hollis David Hoving Sam Ingurgio Notz Johnson Michael Kayser George Kleinschmidt Rick Komar Tim Korzen Jarrod Kovanda Cliff Kruse Lucille Kvanduch Stan LeMaire Noah Joseph Lindsay Jeremy Lloyd Betty Losselyong Margaret Lykens Pat Lynn Kyle Mandrik Brendan Maus John McNinny Verna McFadden Grace Mrugacz Kevin Murphy Kaitlin Neal Paula Neybert Frank Papa Alejandro Perez Anthony Placek, Jr. Ronald Polzin Danielle Price Mackenzie Price Paul Price Patricia Reding Paul Regelbrugge Norie Rooney Andrea Rutherford Donald Sarau Sophia Schumann Jeffrey Schwartz Geraldine Serio Sharon Sheldon Helen Siercks Craig Skowron Stacy Skowron Gabriel Socha Gwendolyn Socha Vern Steffen Geralyn Sychowski Yukoh Takahashi Natalie Tang Michael Taormina Dean Tobolski Sue VanBosch Marge VanBorsch Jerry Volenec Pam Walczynski Carolyn Ward Ken Ward Joan Weistroffer Kenneth Weistroffer Christine Wiedemann Ann Jean Wilson Jeannette Wilson Bob Wimmers Madeline Wojciechowski If you or your loved ones no longer need our prayers, please let us know. Call the Parish Office: 630-338-8000 Jane Morrow CRANE ROAD CHURCH DOWNTOWN CHURCH Every Tuesday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Benediction at 8:45 p.m. Every Wednesday for 24 hours 9:00 a.m. Wednesday to 8:15 a.m. Thursday, Benediction at 8:15 a.m. Sunday, July 31, 2016 Page 13 FindingFaith&SpiritualNourishment 24/7On Facebook &Twitter AgroupofCatholic ilmmakers fromthenon-pro it,VoxDei Productions,arelookingforhelp tomakeashort ilmaboutthe poweroftheRosary. Theyplantoreleasethe ilm, titled“EyesofMercy”nextyear tocoincidewiththe100th anniversaryoftheapparitionsatFatima. EyesofMercywilltakeaudiencesinsidethesoul ofamanstrugglingfromacrisisoffaith,andshow whathappenswithinhissoulwhensomeone praystheRosaryforhim.Itwillgiveusavisualto howGod'sgracecomestousthroughMary. Thisprojectwillonlybefundedifthepledged goalisreachedbyThurs,August4,2016by2:00 pm,CDT.Evenifyouonlydonate$1,itwillgoa longwayinbringingOurLadytothebigscreen, isappreciatedandTax-deductible. CheckouttheirKickstarterpagetodiscover howyoucanbecomeapartofthisproject. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/voxdei/ eyes-of-mercy.Formoreinformation,please visit:www.voxdeiproductions.org Becausetheyarereleasingthe ilmforFREE online,andduetotheCatholicnatureofthe content,theywillnotbebackedbyaHollywood productioncompany.Theyneedtheprayers &helpofordinaryCatholicslikeus. Take a look at the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in the Narthex for the CD listed below WelcometoMayslakeMinistriesonFacebook– ahubforconversationsaboutfaith,spiritual topicsandaplacetobein"communion" withpeoplefromallwalksoflife. Weinviteyoutobecomeapartof ourFacebookcommunity. We are a non profit Catholic/Christian Todate, organization where ordinary gifted wehave people are doing the extraordinary extended work of God in person and online. ourreach farbeyondtheboundariesofIllinoisacrossthe globe.Weofferfourdailysoulsnackson Facebooktonourishyourhungryspirit.Weare creatingdigitaldisciplesandthatisexciting. Whetheryouarealifelongbeliever,aveteran, a irstresponder,acaregiver,amedical professional,abusinessperson,oryouare simplyseekingspiritualdirectionorpastoral counselingorlifecoaching,MayslakeMinistries isheretonourishyoursoul,sevendaysaweek, nightorday. Contact us at: 718OgdenAve.,DownersGrove,IL60515 630-852-9000•www.mayslakeministries.org CATHOLIC TEACHING ON MARRIAGE AND ANNULMENTS Are annulments just a Catholic version of divorce? Nothing could be further from the truth. The differences are profound, and much of the confusion springs from a misunderstanding about marriage itself. Bishop Perry explains the key principles of the Sacrament of Marriage and applies them to divorce and annulments. This presentation answers the most commonly asked questions on this topic. Listener Comments “A passionate, biblical, informative explanation of the Church's teachings on marriage and annulments; a great educational ~ Rennie - Spokane, WA resource.” Add This to Your September Calendar! All Men interested in joining a Bible Study are welcome on Thursday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. starting September 1, 2016. The purpose of this study is to better know our faith, our church, and our Lord. We will begin the study of Salvation History with the Agape Online Bible Study, at no cost. If interested contact Frank at 630-584-0000. PARISH STAFF AND CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office: 6N487 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: 630-338-8000, Fax: 630-338-8008 Pastor Rev. Monsignor Stephen J. Knox [email protected] Parochial Vicars Rev. Andrew Deitz [email protected] Rev. Kyle Manno [email protected] Permanent Deacons: William Johnson [email protected] William Gartland Parish Secretary Parish Secretary Financial Secretary Music Ministry Director Youth Ministry Director Bulletin Editor, HIAL & Youth Ministry Assistant Judy Lynch 630-338-8000 [email protected] Jenny Hansen 630-338-8013 [email protected] Patricia Grueff 630-338-8020 [email protected] Cyndee Zbylut 630-338-8031 [email protected] Mike Zak 630-338-8051 [email protected] Julianne Rasmussen 630-338-8050 [email protected] St. Patrick School: 787 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: 630-338-8100, Fax: 630-338-8108 Principal Jodi Falotico [email protected] Vice Principal Mary Carol Mignin [email protected] Secretary Debbie Scurte [email protected] Secretary Mary Ellen Theriault [email protected] Secretary Julie Moss [email protected] Preschool/Extended Care: 118 N. 5th Street, St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 630-338-8200, Fax: 630-338-8208 Director Veronica Day [email protected] Secretary Amy Blood [email protected] Secretary Theresa Mastrangeli [email protected] Religious Education: 787 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL 60175 Phone: 630-338-8160, Fax: 630-338-8168 Director, Grades P3—5 Deacon Jerry Ryndak 630-338-8164 [email protected] Director, J.R. High/H.S. 630-338-8165 Confirmation Secretary, Grades P3—5 Gail Brown 630-338-8162 [email protected] Secretary, J.R. High/H.S. Christine Dorrance 630-338-8166 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry: 408 Cedar Street, St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 630-338-8290, Fax: 630-338-8298 Parochial Vicar Rev. Jorge Loaiza 630-338-8291 [email protected] Sr. Esperanza Reyes 630-338-8293 Secretary Maria Perez 630-338-8290 [email protected] Maintenance Director Sal Calderon 630-220-4950 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society 630-338-8270 Convent: School Sisters of St. Francis 630-338-8240 Mid-Valley Low Vision Group: Weareaneducationaldiscussiongroup formedtohelpmembersdealwiththe challengesoflowvisionorblindness. We meet at the St. Charles Library at 1:00 p.m. on August 10th (thesecondWednesdayofeachmonth) Formoreinformationcontact:DavePeterson [email protected] Lazarus House has Openings For Overnight Shifts on Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 10pm – 7am in the Emergency Shelter in the main building. The pay starts at $11 per hour and there is always an opportunity to gather more hours. There is also a need for Substitutes who would be called as needed to substitute for vacations and sick time of regularly schedule staff and this is needed on all shifts. Call for more information. If you or someone you know are interested, please contact Ashley Johnson-Highe at [email protected] or by calling 630-587-2144, extension 123. www.lazarushouseonline.com The Catholic Tour: Our "SPECIAL" 7 Day Pilgrimage to Fatima Portugal will be offered from the 3 Airline Gateways of Newark NJ, New York JFK, and Boston MASS. The Price of $1599.00 is the all inclusive price which includes airfare, 4 Star hotel, 2 meals per day, Tour Guide, deluxe bus and more. Price is the same from all three airports and we can assist you in securing air from your home city to one of the 3 gateways listed above. We will also be flying from Miami International but the pilgrimage will be one day longer and the all inclusive price will be $1699.00. The travel dates from Newark, JFK and Boston will be November 14 to 20, 2016 and the travel dates from Miami will be November 14 to 21, 2016.