La Salle Academy


La Salle Academy
La Salle Academy
More Than A Mission - A Miracle Every Day
2012 - 2013 Annual Report
President’s Letter
Page 2
Chairman’s Letter
Page 3
Principal’s Letter
Page 4
Financial Summary
Page 5
Our Gracious Donors
Page 6
Memorials and Tributes
Page 15
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
President’s Letter
La Salle Academy is full of pride as we celebrate our tenth anniversary. We are proud of
our success, not only this past year, but this past decade. Eighty seven students have
graduated from La Salle Academy and we have an 82% graduation rate from high school. At
least 15 students are pursuing college studies, three are in the military, and the others are either
working or pursuing employment. Our present students continue to show great progress in
their academic achievements as demonstrated through their standardized test scores, and in
their social, emotional, moral and spiritual lives. This has been a great year for La Salle Academy. We are
proud of our students and our graduates.
La Salle Academy remains faithful to our mission, to serve the “poorest of the poor” whose parents and
guardians desire, but cannot afford a Catholic education. Our average family income is under $20,000 and
97% of those families qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. Our unique model offers an
extended day and extended year, yet our tuition is only $250 a year.
In September 2003, we opened a small school with a big mission – a mission to transform hearts, minds
and lives. And all we knew was that we couldn’t fail. It was not an option. The children we welcomed could
not afford us to fail. For many of those students, La Salle Academy was the first place to offer refuge from
the violence, poverty and drugs that had colored their childhoods.
I am full of appreciation to our Board of Trustees and Benefactors who have laid the groundwork for our
long-term sustainability throughout the past ten years. Your proceeds help us continue our mission and give
our students the educational opportunity to break free from the cycle of generational poverty. Thank you
for your investment in our students and in our school. La Salle Academy has done so much good for so
many children who might have been left behind. La Salle Academy is truly more than a mission, it is a miracle
With prayerful appreciation,
Sister Jeanne McGowan, SSJ
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Chairman’s Letter
Dear Friends:
On behalf of our Board of Trustees, I offer you all our deepest gratitude for your generous
support of La Salle Academy during our 2012 - 2013 fiscal year. Your generosity enables us
to continue our efforts to provide a faith-based Catholic education to our students facing the
inner city struggles of poverty, addiction, job loss and low graduation rates. Your generosity
enables us to provide our students with the tools to have a fighting chance to overcome these
obstacles and become productive and successful participants in whatever path they follow.
Since 2003, La Salle Academy stands out as a remarkable school and a remarkable community. Our school
has been a trailblazer in the transformation of Catholic education. Best practices in education, finance and
development drive the mostly lay independent Board of Trustees. In our first ten years, we have cultivated
the support of invested donors who have given more than 9,000 gifts and who continue to help us reach
our operating budget each year. Each year, our Board of Trustees and donors, like you, provide an amazing
education to children who, without your generosity, would be lost in a broken public school system.
Most importantly, at the heart of our community lays the belief that a quality, faith-based education can
break the cycle of poverty.
And, La Salle Academy students have the improved test scores and a strong graduation rate to prove that
your donation makes a direct and lasting impact. Your donations are helping us show that a Lasallian
educational model working in concert with the dedicated Sisters of St. Joseph community will produce
educational results. La Salle Academy succeeds because of your loyal generosity of time, talent and
treasure. Thank you for believing in our work, in our community and in our students.
Please come visit our unique school to see how your involvement makes a lasting impact, one student at a
With warm thanks to each of you,
Jim Lynch
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Principal’s Letter
Dear Friends and Supporters:
I look back on the 2012-2013 school year with great pride. Our students have not only grown
academically, but in faith and confidence as well. Our Enrichment Center is thriving – students
have access to a state of the art science lab and curriculum, as well as a creative space to
participate in art class. La Salle Academy students continue to carry the Five Goals while
participating in the Character Education and Peer Mediation programs, which directly reflect
their actions. Through our new Reading and Math series, professional development and
rigorous computer programs, we are able to achieve our Middle States goals of increasing
Terra Nova NCE scores well within the allotted timeline. This past year we have celebrated the success of
the first decade of La Salle Academy. We are proud of all accomplishment, both big and small, from
Graduations, academic honors, sacraments, sports play offs, behavior goals, enrichment clubs to name a
few. I am continuously in awe of how much of an impact each friend, donor and supporter of La Salle
Academy has on our students.
As the Principal of La Salle Academy, I enthusiastically point out that this past year again saw strong
increases in our students’ standardized test scores. You will see on this page the incredible academic gains
our students made as seen through these scores. I sum up our year in great memories, in students who
are proud, in stronger academics, and in the faith and gratitude that you will continue to support our school
and our mission.
Teresa Diamond, Principal
On average, La Salle Academy students show drastic improvement
in their Terra Nova Standardized Test scores between the time they
enter our school in third grade and the time when they graduate.
We have seen this consistency with each class. Our educational
philosophy helps students do better in every subject each year.
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Financial Summary
La Salle Academy is deeply grateful to our Board of Trustees and to our Benefactors who
have made this past year (2012-2013) a very successful fundraising year. Our Board
Members’ and our Benefactors’ generosity are key factors in our success. La Salle Academy
spent $1,282,000 for operations in the 2012-13 fiscal year.
Gifts And Grants By Source Of Funds
During fiscal year 2012-13, La Salle Academy received $ 1,430,000 in unrestricted gifts in support
of operations and $ 332,000 in restricted gifts for Endowment and capital projects.
Board and Board Related
LSA Families, Faculty, Staff
Religious Congregations
Other Non Profits
Transfers from United Way, etc.
Friends of La Salle Academy
$ 1,762,000
Operating Expenses By Program
La Salle Academy spent $ 1,282,000 for operations in the 2012-13 fiscal year.
Academic Program
Graduate Support
La Salle Academy Endowment Fund
As of June 30, 2013, the La Salle Academy Endowment Fund was valued at $1,785,000.
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
La Salle Academy takes special care to educate the whole student, to reinforce our Five Goals whenever
possible, and to instill our students a genuine gratitude. We take this very seriously and we thank you.
Thank you, Board of Trustees, Benefactors and Donors! Thank you for your gift between July 1, 2012
and June 30, 2013. We are humbled by your generosity.
Mission Sustainers
Gifts above $25,000
James and Sue Anderson/Anderson Construction
BLOCS (Business Leaders Organized for Catholic Schools)
Bridge Educational Foundation
John and Mary Lou Chappell
James & Mary Jo Danella/Danella Construction Corp
Double H Manufacturing Corporation
The Connelly Foundation
Global Packaging, Inc.
HREF Investor, LP / James J. Maguire
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Carol and Michael Kempski
Dale and Amy Lintner
Dale Corporation
Kathleen and Jim Lynch
Eileen and Tony Maginnis
Patricia McCloskey
Tom & Jill Nerney/United States Liability Insurance Group
New York Life Insurance Company
Frank and Anne Palopoli
Sisters Of Saint Joseph
The Estate of Anne Castellan
Robert and Mary Gene Woods
Partners in Mission
Gifts from $10,000 to $24,999
A Front Row Seat to Learning
Judith and Robert Carnevale
Bruce and Carolyn Cumby
Hamilton Family Foundation
Highway Materials, Inc./Donna & David Bartynski
Italian American Spirit, Inc.
JB Investments Mgmt, LLS / Brian and Barbara Riley
The Lubert Family Foundation
Timothy P. and Aurora Hughes / Hughes Family Scholarship Fund
MRA, Inc - Susan and Peter Altringer
Mary Ann and Michael O'Donnell
William O'Neill, Jr. / International Raw Materials
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation
Patricia Kind Family Foundation
Penn Liberty Bank / Brian Zwaan
Penn Treaty Special Services District
Joseph Ragg and M. Cathlene Driscoll
Russell H. And Lana H. Crawford Charitable Trust
John T. Schmitt
Frances C. and Joseph Stimmler
Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern NJ
J. Michael and Elaine Whitaker
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
San Miguel Circle
Gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Christian Brothers
Michael and Marilyn Cuneo
Driscoll Consruction Company, Inc.
Dennis and Audrey Durkin
Carole M. Filtz
First Priority Bank
The Fretz Corporation
Friends of La Salle Academy
Haefele, Flanagan & Co., P.C.
Joe Hand Promotions
La Salle University-Sigma Phi Lambda
Legacy Advisors
Mellon Certified Restoration / Jim Mellon
New York Life Foundation
Kathleen Ott
Frank Pancoast
Drs. Carol Melvin Pate and John Melvin
Patriarch Family Foundation
Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company
The Schiel Family Foundation
Seed the Dream Foundation
Spiezle Group, Inc.
BSI Electrical Contractors
Monica and Tom Teesdale
Alicia & Fran Van Kirk
Mary Ann and Bill Walter
Waste Management
Medaille Circle
Gifts from $1,000 to $4,999
AAA Mid - Atlantic
ABC Fulfillmemt, LLC
Peter and Susan Altringer
Joseph Banecker
Bank of America Foundation
Norman Baseman
David and Marybeth Bean
Anne Marie and Jay Borneman
Joanne Boylan
Robert Bray
Bray Family Foundation, LTD
James Castellan
Christian Brothers, the District of North America
Church of the Assumption
The Danny Craige Foundation
Anthony and Karen Del Vescavo
Mary Anne Devine
Teresa Diamond
Charles Diskin, MD
Caroline and Joseph Donahue
Brian Driscoll
The Driscoll Family
Crown Holdings, Inc.
Engle-Hambright-Davies, Inc.
Mary and Robert Falese
Alona and Martin Fayer
Daniela and John Fayer
Joseph Fayer
John and Maureen Fenningham
Lawrence Fluehr
Foundation Structures, Inc. / The Driscoll Family
Fund For The Materially Poor (SSJ)
Helen Marie Gallagher
Larry Gosewisch
Paula and Thomas Grace
Edward and Pamela Grady III
The Hagan Foundation
Mary Lou Hanna
Samuel Herb
Donna and Robert Higgins
Ann Marie Horner
Dr. Eugene and Patricia Hughes
Rev. John Lyons
Francine and John Kent
Sam King
La Salle College High School
La Salle College High School Christian Brothers
Community Fund
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Medaille Circle (continued)
Gifts from $1,000 to $4,999
La Salle University
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laskow
Edward and Linda Loughlin
Pat and Joe Malott
Richard and Janet McBride
Marianne and William McGinn
McGowan Investors
Anita and William McMahon
William and M. Sandra McMahon
McMahon Agency
Medco Health
Merck Partnership for Giving
Carol L. and Frank Messaros
Patricia and Robert Mills
Denise and Michael Moran
Donna Morgan-Raieta
Keith and Sue Ellen Morris
O'Donnell Family Foundation
Cynthia A. and Patrick O'Hara
Francis and Mary O'Neill
Mariann and Gerald Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Paramito
John Paul
Barbara and Tom Piper
Matthew and Patricia A. Rankel
Reilly, Janiczek, McDevitt P.C.
John and Maureen R. Rilling
Arthur and Irene Rodgers
Arthur and Lisa Schiel
Rev. Herbert Sperger
St. Rose of Lima, CYO
Daniel C. & Thirza J. Tanney Foundation
Director's Grant Program of The Barra Foundation
The Jim and Kay Gately Charitable Fund
The Haverford Trust Company
United Way of Delaware
Erin and Greg Vizza
Carmen Walker
Patrick Welde
Wells Fargo Foundation
Daniel and Kathleen Whelan
Thomas Whitaker
William and Jeanne Whitmore
Carol and Harry Wolfington
WWS Physical Therapy, Inc
YBH Audi Golf Outing
Saint John Baptiste de La Salle
Gifts from $500 to $999
Tim and Peggy Abell
Ann and Mark Baiada
Dr. Richard and Mary Behler
Joan and Robert Bergan
BNY Mellon
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Carabello
Anne Louise B. Carroll
Big Guy Foundation, Inc.
Chit Chat Charity
Emily and Matthew Clifton
John Convey
Kim and Rich Devine
Bob and Patricia Doman
Rachel Dondero
Christine and James Fien
Kathleen and Thomas Fitzpatrick
Joan Flanigan
Eileen Flynn
Drs. Lisa Galante and Thomas Deberardinis
Tina Wahl Glanzmann and Jim Glanzmann
John and Lynn Holt
Peter Irish
Pat and Ken Kempf
Beth Luce
Andrew and Krista Lynch
TJ and Amy Lynch
Sid and Mary Jane Mac Leod, Jr.
William Maguire
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Saint John Baptiste de La Salle (continued)
Gifts from $500 to $999
Kathy and Rob Marschall
Cathy Matchett
Carol and Gregory McLaren
Members Give
MicroSoft Matching Gifts Program
Denise and Robert Miller
Michael Morris
Donald and Marie Mulholland
Deanna and Thomas Muth
Katherine and Timothy O'Donovan
O'Grady Family Foundation
Thomas Palmer
J Gregory Pirmann
Mary and Frank Pitkewicz
Mr. and Mrs. William Pugh V
Thomas F Quigley
Susan Reid
George Rigterink, Esq
Madeliene and Fred Rullo
Bernard and Elizabeth Schaffer
Edward Solvibile
Michael and Patricia Sperger
Marie Stolfi
Vincent and Angela Tague, Jr.
Christopher Tatreau
United Way Of Chester County
United Way of the Greater Triangle
AJ and Leslie Vassallo
Frank Wellock
Gus and Theresa Welsh
Wolfington Foundation
Saint Joseph Circle
Gifts from $250 to $499
Howard and Maureen Barrett
Mary and William Battle, M.D.
Patrick and Sharon Beacham
Robert Bolger, Jr.
Joanne Bradley
James Broderick
Chestnut Hill Dental
Dan and Elena Cipolla
Brother Carl Clayton, FSC
Frank and Jovita Corace
Michael and Helen Cornely
Jerry and Stephanie Cosgrove
Marion Costello
Gene Crawford,CPA
Tom and Fran Cross
John and Patricia Cunningham
Nancy and Paul Cushing
Accounting Department, Dale Corporation
Martha De Berardinis
A. Louis Denton, Esq.
John Dockray
Daniel Dorsey
Donna and Joseph Ferrier
Friends of Susan Altringer
Dan and Nancy Gallagher
Jack and Kim Gallagher
Maryann and Michael Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. John Gorman
Cecilia and Monroe Gottsegen
Gerard and Mary Griesser
Anne Harkins
Theresa Hartnett
Noel Hodgson
Patricia and Robert Hughes
Eileen and John Johnson
Christine Kempski
Heritage Coach Co.
Nancy & Thomas Lavin
Eileen and Steve Matchett
Joseph and Mary Kate Mc Cauley
Edward McKenna
Mr. Joseph McLaughlin, Jr.
George V Mitchell, Jr.
Anne Mohan
James and Patricia Morris
Serena N Morrissey
Thomas Mullaney, Jr., P.C.
Catherine and Robert Needle
Joseph and Lynne Oakes
Overbrook Golf Club
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Saint Joseph Circle (continued)
Gifts from $250 to $499
John and Lori Nicoletti Peruto
Jim Pfizenmayer
Anna Marie and Anthony Ritona
Mary Ann and Chic Roselle
Dennis Rubisch
Richard and Ellen Ryan
Bethann and Richard Scanlan
R. L. Stephenson, Inc.
Ileana and Joseph Shott
John Smithson
Frances and James Tanney, Jr.
Robert and Terri Teti
Raymond Thomas
Joseph and Donna Tierney
William Touey
United Way of Camden County
Susan Vinchiarello
Glenn and Patricia Walker, Sr
Waste Gas Fabricating Co., Inc.
Rosemarie Wirth
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle
Gifts to the amount of $249
Lisa Agnew
Courtney and Daniel Algeo
Danielle Alston
Barbara and Edward Ambacher
America's Charities
American Express Foundation
Christian Aument
Back to Basics Soil Consulting
Joshua Baer, Esquire
Brian and Katie Baillie
Geoffrey Baillie
Barbara and John Ball
Barbara B's Jewels
Donna and David Bartynski
Barbara A. Basile
Becker School Supplies
Carolyn and Mark Berenato
Bergen County United Way
Edward and Dottie Berry
Helen Blier
Cynthia and Joseph Bodalski
Caroline and William Bole
Jack and Nancy Borneman
Scott Bova
Kathleen Brabson, SSJ
Patricia Brabson
Wendy Bracaglia
Anne and Peter Bracchi, Jr.
Joanne Bradley
Patricia Bradley
Gail and John Brinkmann
Jean Brook
Anne and Thomas Brophy
Waverly Brown and Bonita Nixon
John Bullock
Colleen and Dan Burns
Dolores and Francis Burns
Irene Stolfi Burns
Dr. James Burns Jr.
Katherine Butler
Joan and William Cahill
Ellen Callahan
Lawrence Capuzzi
John Caramanico
James Carr
Cristina Carrasco and Yancey Garcia
Barbara Carroll
Patricia Carson
Mary Ann Casciato
Susan Castellan
Anthony and Mary Ann Catanzaro
Anthony and Judith Cekada
Jane and Joseph Cero
Eugene and Mary Cichanowsky
Marie Cini
James and Marie Clark
Bridget and Kenny Clark
Frank and Shirley Clary
Sara Clements
Constance Clery
Margaret Clinton
Nancy and Raymond Colaianni
Colleen and Paul Colistra
Denise Connor
Edward and Jeanne Cooke
Joseph and Lisa Corcoran
Donald Cosenza
Keith Craley
Barbara Crawford
John and Marilyn Cullen
Marlene and Michael Cullen
Annabelle and James Curran
Elizabeth Ann Curtin
Ellen and William Cusick
Ann Cusumano
Gilbert and Teri D'Alonzo
Jane and Steve Dalton
Arleen and Michael Daly
Sister Wanda Davidson, SSJ
Stephen DeAngelo
Anita Deasey
John DeGirolamo, Jr
Jean Delferro
Beth and Joe Dembeck
Nevis and Peter DePaul
Raymond Derbyshire
John and Maureen Devlin
Lawrence DiPaul
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle (continued)
Gifts to the amount of $249
Maura and Dan Diehl
Dominick and Patricia DiJulia
Stanley Dillon
Michael Dimenna
Brother William DiPasquale, FSC
Anthony and Rosemarie Distefano
John Dolceamore
Madeleine Donaghey
Patricia Donaghey
Noreen and William Donoghue
Dennis M. Donohue
Joan and Terrence Donohue
Chris and William Doring
Barbara and Joseph Downey
Alice and Michael Doyle
Calvin and Sandra Drayer
James and Diana Driscoll
Anita and George Dudzek
Mary Anne & Frank Duffy
Saint Francis Inn
Charles and Rita Dunleavy, Jr.
Carolyn and Gregory Dunn
Stan Duzy
Eileen and Philip Dwyer
Joseph Echelmeier
Kathlyn Egan
Timothy Erb, Jr.
Alicia Farley
Douglas and Kathleen A. Farrell
Jean Faustman, SSJ
Michael Fedoruk
John and Kathleen Finnegan
Gregory Fitzsimmons
Daniel and Julie Flaherty
Mary Ann Flanigan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flannery
Patricia and Robert Fleming
Susan Foley
Joy and Michael Fox
Joseph Fox
Charles Friel
John and Kathleen Galdo
Suan Gallagher
Michael and Amy Gallagher
Shawn Gallagher
Helen and Richard Galli
Stephen Gardner
James and Rosemary Garrity
Brother Brendan Garwood
Beatrice and David Gathman
Kathleen Gaval
James and Katherine Geiger
Mark A. Gibbons and Jessica A.
Gene and Loretta Giello
Mrs. Martie Gillin
Maureen and Stanley Glowacki
Joe and Mary Goldbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goldkamp
Edward and Aida Gonzalez
Bridget Grady
Gerard and Janie Grady
Janice and Gary Graf
Charles Graham
Leslie Green
Tucker Gresh
Helga and Richard Griffith
Jaclyn Hall
Lynne Halligan
Patricia Halligan
Father Edward Hallinan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanna
Antonia Chion and Joe Harkins
Mary and Thomas Harper
Richard and Rosemary Hartman
Christine Hartmann
Eileen and Joseph Hartnett, Jr.
William Harvey
Dorothy Haydanek
Marijean and Mark Hemmert
Dr. Gregory and Doris Henry
Wendy and William Hess
Harry and M. Elizabeth Hession
Joan and John Houlihan
Edward and Margaret A. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes
Charles Hummel
Huntington Valley Bank
Charles and Judith Hurchalla
John and Marguerite Igoe
Patricia Irvine
Richard Jackson
Nona Jones
Matthew Joram
Jill Jordan
Joan Judge
Dominic and Margaret Juliano
Christopher Jungers
Meg Kane
Eugene and Robin Karr
Albert and Kimberly Kellenbenz
Dolores and Robert Keller
Megan and Sean Kelly
Joseph Kempski
Marie Christine and Michael Kempski
Deborah Kenderdine
Debra and Michael Kennedy
Barbara and Paul Kern
Joseph Kessler
Margaret Mary Kiely
Martin and Mary Jean King
Jeanne and Theodore Klaus
Robert Knight
Joseph Koehler
Edward Kohlhepp
Christine Konopelski, SSJ
Al Kraus
James and Sharon Krimm
Thomas Krimm
Norman Kropp
Maryann Lachman
Christopher and Juli Lange
Christopher and Melanie Lange
Amelia and Robert Lawlor
PauL Le
Caroline Lee
Jacques and Linn Lemmel
Jeffrey Lesovitz
Carol and John Livingood
Dolores Livingstone
Leo Lynch
Mark Lynch
Paul and Regina Lynch
Donald Lynn
Karen and Marty Lyons
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle (continued)
Gifts to the amount of $249
Ruth and Dan MacMullan
Herb Magee
Theresa Maginn
Lynne and Stephen Mahle
Joe and Pat Mahoney
Barbara Makas
Martin Malvey
Julia and Philip Martelli
Harriett Mathews
Kathleen Mc Carron
Mark and Suzanne Mc Innes
Geri Mc Tear
Michael McCabe
Kathleen McCarron
Susan and Thomas McCartney
Michael and Michele McCloskey
Kevin and Sharon McDermott
Patricia and William McDonough, Sr.
Francis McGill
Francis and Colleen McGowan
Joan McIlvaine
James McKenna
Lorraine and William McKenna
Mary McKenna
William and Rachel McKernan
Robert McMackin
Rosemary and Vincent McNichol
Medtronic Foundation Matching
Gifts To Education
Christopher Merdon
Robert Milligan
Edward Molloy
Isabel and Kevin Monenee
Pat & Frank Moran
Joseph Morelli
Charles and Rosalie Morgan
George Moroney
Paul Morrissey
MSJA Art Club
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mullen
Charles and Mary Mungan
Joan Munkanta
Adela and Robert Murphy
Diane Murphy
Bridget Nassib
Enos and Kathlene Ney
Anthony and Barbara Nichols
Joe and Bernadette Nolan
Denise and Michael Nuccio
Fred and Pearl Nudy
Robert and Stephanie O'Brien
Thomas and Suzanne O'Connor
Eleanor and William O'Kane
Lawrence and Margaret O'Malley
Christine and Thomas Ostrander
Dorothy and Jacob Owens
Regina H. Pakradooni
Ted Palatucci
Judith and Robert Palestini
Leo and Rosemary Pall
Maria and Mario Palumbi
Parents of Graduates
Dr. Mae Pasquariello
Patricia Peterson
Francis and Miriam A. Pfluger
John Phelan
M. Celine Phillips
Rev. Christopher Picollo
John W. Piree
Linda and Raymond Pitek
PJ Schneiders and Company, LLP
Christopher Poli
Margaret and Richard Pomfret
Louise Pongracz
Janie and Richard Prendergast
Jane Pupis
Quest Diagnostics
Jose and Lisa Ramos
Christina and Michael Razzi
Joan Regan
Bill Regli
Robert and Ellen Reynolds
William Rhoads
Reverend Philip Ricci
Ray and Kathy Ricci
Tanya and Brian Richam-Odoi
Robert and Susan Riley
John and Barbara Rilling
Elizabeth Rittenhouse
Jon Robbins
Linda and Sidney Roby
Marcelino and Pearl Rodriguez
Rosaina Rodriguez
Dorothy Ruane
Judith and Steven Russell
Leslie and Patrick Ryan
S & S Remodeling Contractors, Inc.
Edwin and Margaret Saeger
Ave and William Salmon
Mr. Christopher Salogub
Kathleen Sandman
Richard Savarese
Jerome Scarpello
Celeste Schaefer
Elizabeth Schiel
Sister Anna Louise Schuck, SSJ
L Scott Schultz
Frank J. Scullin
Donna and Tom Scully
Harry and Sona Selverian
John and Renee Sexton
Sarah Shalitta
Patricia Sharkey
Donald and Eleanor Shaw
Elizabeth Sher
Edmund and Elizabeth Sherrill
Joseph Sherry
Ann and Ed Shott
Suzanne Simon
Raymond and Regina Simpkins
James and Patricia Sinnott
Sisters of Saint Joseph-Holy Trinity
Sisters of Saint Joseph Petra House
Sisters of Saint Joseph, Bethlehem
Village Community
Adrianne Slattery
Eileen and Joseph Slawek
Victoria Smuk
Linda and L.James Snyder
Herbert and Maria Sperger
Charles and Deborah Sproule lll
Patrick and Wendy Stanton
Paul Stavish
Frank and Lynn Steiner
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
The 2nd and Jefferson Circle (continued)
Gifts to the amount of $249
Andrew Stephenson
Eugene and Mary Ellen Sullivan
Kathy Sumner
Jason and Rosalind Sutch
John and Mary Swanick
Bonnie and John Sweeder
Thais Hunter
AJ and Megan Thomson
Tom Thomson
James and Kathleen Thornton
Margaret Thrash
Jacqueline and John Toner
James Trainor
Janice and Joseph Troncelliti
Francis Truax
Barbara Tuben
United Way of Southeast Delaware
Joan and Timothy Urbanski
Victoria Vann-White
Bruce Vassallo
Andrew and Irene Vecchione
Kenneth and Lucinda Veit
Eliezer Velez
Meg and Robert Verrelle
Kelly Vesey
Kate and Ted Volz
Mary Kathryn Wahl
Nicholas Walker
Isabel Wambach
Jean and Ross Weaver
Deborah and Eric Weiss
Alan and Beverly Weyland
James and Polly Whelan
Albert and Carole Wick
Frank Wick
Freida and John Williams
Andrew Willis
Jane Wilson
Kimberley Wilson
D. Scott Wisman
Kay and William Wood
Megan and Robert Woods
William Woolard
Edward Zale
Thomas Zaleski, Esq.
Rose and Walter Zamorski
John and Stephany Ziegler
Sponsors of Students
The cost to educate a student at La Salle Academy exceeds $10,000 per school year. This amount includes
the cost of our Academic program, our Extended Day program, our Extended Year program and the costs
for our special teachers and field trips. Every student at La Salle Academy receives almost full financial aid.
Tuition accounts for less than 1% of our income.
Students can be sponsored at a Full Year ($10,000), a Half Year ($5,000) or a Quarter Year ($2,500). Please
consider joining the people below who generously support our Sponsor a Student Program:
Judith and Robert Carnevale
John and Mary Lou Chappell
Alona and Martin Fayer
Daniela and John Fayer
Joseph Fayer
John J. and April Gallagher
James and Kathleen Lynch
The Lubert Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia C. McCloskey
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation
Frank and Anne Palopoli
Frances C. and Joseph Stimmler
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Pennsylvania EITC Donors
The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit provide
significant donations to La Salle Academy. We are grateful for those companies that support LSA students’
tuition and scholarship programs through these critical state programs. With gratitude, La Salle Academy
recognizes the companies below who participated in EITC during the 2012-2013 fiscal year:
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Anderson
Bridge Educational Foundation
Dale Corporation
Danella Construction Corporation
Double H Manufacturing Company
Driscoll Construction Company, Inc.
First Priority Bank
Foundation Structures, Inc.
Fretz Corporation
Haverford Trust Company
JB Investments Mgmt, LLS
Joe Hand Promotions
Legacy Advisors
Movers Specialty Services, Inc.
New York Life Insurance Company
PNC Bank
Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.
Waste Management
La Salle Academy also recognizes the companies below who participated in the new OSTC during
the 2012-2013 fiscal year:
ABC Fulfillment, LLC
Dale Corporation
Double H Manufacturing Corporation
Highway Materials, Inc.
HREF Investor, LP
Mellon Certified Restoration
MRA, Inc
Penn Liberty Bank
Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company
Please contact Megan G. Thomson (215-739-5804) to learn more about how your business can participate in the EITC and the
OSTC Programs.
Transforming Our Building
Transforming our Building, Strengthening our Program, Building our Future
La Salle Academy makes a difference by making up the deficiencies in our youngest students’ academic
preparation and ensuring that progress continues. The La Salle Academy model demands space not just
for our students, but also for our graduates, our Graduate Support Program staff, our social worker, our
mentors and volunteers and the many programs of our Extended Day and Extended Year. LSA uses our
Extended Day and Extended Year model to provide enrichment and additional programming. Our students
spend 45 days in school. LSA’s Extended Day and Extended Year provides our students with a safe,
engaging, and resourceful environment in which to grow and mature.
In 2011-2012, La Salle Academy transformed the building next door into the LSA Academic Enrichment
Center. Those gifts continue to support the La Salle Academy Extended Day and Extended Year program.
Thank you to:
Dennis and Audrey Durkin
Jim and Kathleen Lynch
Eileen and Tony Maginnis
Thomas and Jill Nerney
Frank and Anne Palopoli
John Melvin and Carol Melvin Pate
Ed Solvibile
J. Michael and Elaine Whitaker
➤ Page 15
La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Memorials and Tributes
Gifts In Honor Of:
Friends of Susan Altringer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. John and Maureen
Mr. and Mrs. John M Cunningham
Ms. Dorothy Haydanek
Joe Hand Promotions
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A Razzi
Dale Corp. Accounting Dept.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Higgins
Ms. Deborah L Kenderdine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Verrelle
Ms. Susan M Castellan
Mr. and Mrs. James W Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Verrelle
Joe Hand Promotions
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cipolla
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Mr. Larry Gosewisch
Adler Murphy McQuillen LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Danial MacMullan
Joe Hand Promotions
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kelly
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Mr. and Mrs. Fred F Nudy
Ms. Helen M Blier
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Miss Madeleine E Donaghey
Mrs. Margaret M Thrash
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Ms. Susan A Vinchiarello
Ms. Anita C Deasey
Mr. Scott Bova
Mr. Charles O'Donnell
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory B Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques R Lemmel
Mr. and Mrs. William J O'Kane
Ms. Celeste Schaefer
Mrs. Mary Ann Casciato
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M Cekada, Jr.
Gene Crawford, CPA
Mr. Stan B Duzy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S Griffith
Mr. Charles B Hummel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J Pomfret
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Simpkins
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W Wick
Mr. Frank M Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J Zamorski, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J Whitaker
Mrs. Alicia Van Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F O'Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D Walker, Sr
Mr. Nicholas A Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund K Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cipolla
Mrs. Pamela Grady
Jean Faustman, SSJ
Ms. Jane S Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John Ziegler
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Memorials and Tributes (continued)
Gifts In Memory Of:
Mr. and Mrs. John H Ball
Mrs. Anne Louise B. Carroll
Ms. Patricia A. S. Carson
Ms. Barbara T Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Drayer
Mr. Tucker C Gresh
Huntingdon Vally Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R Kern
Mrs. Caroline T Lee
Ms. Harriett C Mathews
Ms. Patricia L Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wood
Ms. Kathy Sumner
Thomas Zaleski, Esq.
Ms. Ellen M Callahan
Ms. Joan C McIlvaine
Mr. and Mrs. John M Cunningham
Mrs. Jeanne Kemmerer
Ms. Anne Pirmann
Mr. J Gregory Pirmann
Mr. Fred Pirmann
Joe Hand Promotions
Mr. and Mrs. John M Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J Piper
Mrs. Susan J Reid
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gallagher
Rev. Herbert J. Sperger
Mrs. Noel R Hodgson
Mr. and Mrs. John J Galdo
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G Owens
Ms. Patricia C McCloskey
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Matching Gifts Program
The following companies and organizations have generously matched donor gifts to La Salle Academy:
AON Foundation
American Express Foundation
BNY Mellon
Cephalon Inc
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Medco Health
Medtronic Foundation Matching Gifts
Merck Partnership for Giving
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
New York Life Foundation
Novartis US Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
PNC Foundation
Tyco Matching Gifts Program
Vanguard Group
Wells Fargo Foundation
Organizations and Corporations
The following companies and institutions have contributed their time and effort to our students and to the
educational mission of La Salle Academy:
Ancillae Assumpta Academy
Art Well
Chestnut Hill College
Crane Arts Center
Dancing with the Students
Danella Construction Companies
De La Salle Vocational
Delaware Tubing Company
Eagle Dental Van
Firstrust Bank
Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms, Inc.
Healthy Newsworks
La Salle College High School
La Salle University
Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish
Merion Mercy Academy
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, Doylestown
Philadelphia Police Department – 26th District
Police Department Christmas Party
Ronald McDonald House
St. Alphonsus’ Confirmation Class
St. Gabriel Hall
St. Joseph Athletic Department
St. Patrick Parish, Malvern
St. Rose of Lima, CYO, North Wales
Sigma Phi Lambda, La Salle University
Speak Up
Temple University
United States Liability Insurance Group
Villanova University
Villanova University Campus Ministry
West Catholic High School
Wissahickon Environmental Center
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La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
Volunteers in Service to La Salle Academy
La Salle Academy was blessed with many volunteers who helped our students in so many ways from working
in Development, to teaching Ballroom Dancing, to running 5Ks, running blood drives and organizing
Sincere thanks to:
Susan Altringer
Pat and Bob Hughes
Adrianne Slattery
Norman Baseman
Meg Kane
Debbie Sproul
Diane Biborosch
Patricia Kelly
JeriBeth Subers
Patricia Brabson
Sarah Kerr
Alicia Van Kirk
Peter Bloust
Julie Lange
Katie Volz
Bernadette Cellucci
Nancy Lavin
Kristina Wahl Glanzmann
Ellen Cericola
La Salle University
Mary Ann Walter
Kathi Clarke
Kathleen G. Lynch
Polly Whelan
Bruce Cumby
Norma Jean Loughran
Rose Weinstein
Patricia Cunningham
Patty Malott
Mary Gene Woods
Ann and Jim Curvan
Peggy McKeon
Kathleen Dickey
Maryann Meves
Maura Diehl
Denise Miller
Chris Doring
Bro. Gerard Molyneaux
Diana Driscoll
Betty Moran
Kim Driscoll
Denise Moran
Peggy Driscoll
Deanna Muth
M. Cathlene Driscoll
Mary Ann O’Donnell
Mary Anne Duffy
Anne Palopoli
Audrey Durkin
Partners in Outreach
The Friends of La Salle Academy
Pauline the Magician
Martie Gillin
Amy Renninger
Mark Grady
Barbara Riley
Pam Grady
Mary Ann Roselle
Lisa Henrich
John Schmitt
Debbie Hobbs
Susan Shea
Lynn Holt
Sigma Phi Lambda Charities
Friends in Education
The following individuals have contributed their time and effort to our students and to the educational
mission of La Salle Academy:
Christian Aument
Ann Marie Borneman
Amanda Brady
Gregory Branch
Brian Carroll
Cathleen Cross
Fran Cross
Ann Curvan
Rosemary D’Rourke
Lou DeAngelo
Myra Diaz
Rosalie DiIulio
Ellen DiPaul
Sarah DiSantis
Mary Anne Duffy
Christopher Jungers
Pam Grady
Janice Graf
Rosario Marino
Bridget Massit
Stephen McNichol
Maureen Meachan
Sr. Cathy Nerney
Charles O’Donnell
Pat and Cynthia O’Hara
William and Deborah O’Hara
Mae Pasquariello
Barbara and Brian Riley
Irene Rodgers
Joseph Selfridge
Eliot Shorr-Parks
Rev. Herbert Sperger
Rev. Stephen Thorne
Elaine Whitaker
➤ Page 19
La Salle Academy Annual Report 2012-2013
While this annual report thanks
benefactors for donations made in
the school year 2012-2013, we
cannot ignore our recent LSA Tenth
Anniversary Gala. On September
14th, we celebrated a decade of
success, a decade of teaching in the
Lasallian model and a decade of
service from committed Board,
faculty, staff and volunteers. The
Gala’s large turnout, associated
generous donations, and the high
energy level at the Gala celebrated
our history, our school and our
mission. It celebrated our students
and graduates. Thank you to all who
continue our miracle. Thank you for
confirming that La Salle Academy is
more than a mission - it is a miracle
every day.
Permit 146
Southeastern, PA
1434 North Second Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122
We’re on the web!
Our United Way Number is 15142
Thank You! Danke! Merci! Gracias!
Thank you to our La Salle Academy Board of Trustees, our benefactors, our donors and you! Your donation helps us grow. Your
donations helps us offer an Extended Day, an Extended Year, field trips, a state of the art Science Program, a strong Fine Arts program,
Enrichment programs, Sports and athletics and our unique Graduate Support Program. The La Salle Academy family is most grateful!
Board of Trustees
Mr. Timothy Abell
Mrs. Susan Altringer
Mrs. Donna Bartynski
Bro. Carl Clayton, FSC
Mr. Bruce Cumby
Mr. James Danella
Ms. Teresa Diamond
Mr. Dan Diehl
Mrs. Maura Diehl
M. Cathlene Driscoll, Esq.
Mr. Dennis Durkin
John C. Fenningham, Esq.
Mr. James Hasson
Mrs. Geraldine Henwood
Eugene P. Hughes, Jr. MD
Ms. Meg Kane
Mr. Dale Lintner, Jr.
Mr. James Lynch
Mrs. Kathleen G. Lynch
Mrs. Eileen Maginnis
Sr. Jeanne McGowan, SSJ
Mr. Frank C. Palopoli
Carol Melvin Pate, EDD
Mr. Brian Riley
Mr. John Rilling
Sr. Catherine Robinson, SSJ
Mr. Art Schiel
Mr. John Schmitt
Angela Stout, DMD
Mrs. Alicia Van Kirk
Mrs. Kristina L. Wahl Glanzmann
J. Michael Whitaker, MD
Board Emeritus
Bro. Kevin Dalmasse, FSC
John Behan, Esq.
Mr. Joseph F. Conners
Mr. John Costello
Mr. John J. DiIulio, Jr.
Mr. James Fitzsimmons
Ms. Joan “Popo” Flanigan
Mr. Kevin Funchion
Mr. Daniel J. Gallagher
Mr. Joe Houldin
Mr. Greg Melinson
Mr. Thomas Nerney
Mrs. Jill Nerney
Mrs. Mary Ann O'Donnell
Sister Judy Oliver, SSJ
Mrs. Donna Palmieri
Mr. Joseph J. Ragg, Jr.
Mr. Raymond Ricci
Sr. Anna Louise Schuck, SSJ
Mr. Edward Solvibile
Rev. Herbert J. Sperger
Ms. Maria Tucker
Ms. Meg Urbanski
Mr. Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr.
Daniel Whelan, Esq.