March 2016 - Christ Church Barnstaple


March 2016 - Christ Church Barnstaple
March 2016
Mon 7th
Thur 10th
Mon 14th
Thur 17th
Tues 22nd
Thur 24th
Mon 28th
Thur 31st
Ladies Fellowship
- speakers Paul & Rachael Jones
Bible Study
Women’s World Day of Prayer at Pilton Church
Rev Don Macalister
After Rejoice! The Persecuted Church Prayer Group meets in room 4
Elders’ meeting
Ladies Fellowship
- speaker Emma, Families in Grief
Bible Study
Men’s Breakfast
- speaker Peter Lemon
Barnstaple Choral Society running a workshop on Vocal Techniques
Tom Harding
Café Church - Rev Don Macalister
Circuit service at Newport - Exeter Male Voice Praise
Friendship Group
- Barry Webb, Fire & Rescue Service
Ladies Fellowship
- speaker Mr David Simmonds
Bible Study - not meeting this evening
Christian Scientists are hosting a talk on William Tyndale in
Christ Church Barnstaple. All will be welcome
see page 13
Last day for items for the April Messenger
Concert for RNLI at Christ Church Barnstaple
ND Choral Soc. Concert at the Parish Church, Great Torrington.
Rev Don Macalister & Sunday Club - all age worship
Church Meeting preceded by a bring & share lunch
Rev Marilyn Tricker
Military Wives Choir - concert in aid of NDADA
see page 14
Yeo Valley School - Experience Easter
Ladies Fellowship - Maundy Thursday Communion, Rev Don Macalister
Bible Study - not meeting this evening
GOOD FRIDAY Service followed by walk of witness
see page 9
Church decorated for Easter - usual groups to do window sills.
EASTER DAY - Remember to bring flowers to decorate the cross
Easter Breakfast - please sign up for this when the sheet is available in
the vestibule
Rev Don Macalister
Rev Robert Hurley
Friendship Group - not meeting this evening
Holiday Club has been cancelled
Ladies Fellowship - no meeting
Bible Study
Dates for your Diary on page 4
Minister’s Message
Dear friends
I wonder if you have ever seen the film “Chocolat”. It is a film about
a little French village in 1959 that is governed by "tranquilité". In
this town, you knew what was expected of you and where your place
was. If you happened to forget, someone would remind you. They
trusted in the wisdom of ages past, including tradition, family, and
In the film the Mayor, Comte de Reynaud, is the self-appointed
guardian of the town. He pretty well writes the preacher’s sermons,
or at least “corrects” them until they are acceptable to him. He also
guides the townspeople in their moral decisions, and overall, tries to
maintain the status quo at all costs.
Into the town sweeps a vibrant, young woman named Vianne who is
anything but traditional. She does nothing by the book. She doesn’t
go to church, is a single mother, and has the cheek to open a
chocolaterie in the middle of Lent. The main theme of the film is the
way in which she, her chocolaterie and her grace unexpectedly
transform the town and its people. A wounded woman finds the
courage to escape her abusive husband. A grandmother renews a
broken relationship with her family members. Even the Comte de
Reynaud, after an intense Easter Saturday conversion experience, is
described as "strangely released".
With all our religious observations during Lent perhaps it is
important too to be reminded that Jesus spoke out and acted
against empty religious practice but came to set us free. Free from
mindless obedience, free to live our lives in relationship with the one
who gave his life and rose again to show his love is stronger even
than death.
Grace and peace
Prayers for March
6th Gracious God, help us to journey through Lent as prodigal children back to
our loving father – acknowledging our broken pride and our ragged poverty,
leaving behind our shame and desperation, knowing that we come
undeservingly and empty-handed, but rejoicing that we are on our way home
again, so forgiven and loved that we can love even ourselves. Amen.
13th Gracious God, as Mary anointed your feet with perfume, as she glimpsed
the precious nature of your calling, so may we – who know your feet will soon
walk the dreadful road to Calvary – anoint them: with penitence at our part in
your suffering, with thankfulness as we glimpse the extravagance of your love
– love that braved even the cross for us. Amen.
20th Forgive us, Lord, when we have been silent and not praised you, when we
have been distracted and not welcomed you, when we have been complacent
and not acknowledged your presence in our lives and in our world, when we
have felt defeated and not trusted you, when we have not laid our cloaks at
your feet but have laid them at the feet of others. Forgive us, Lord, and bless
us with your humility, your courage and with the fellowship of others. I ask this
in your name. Amen.
27th Lord, sometimes we meet people in the street, but can’t remember where
we know them from, and we are too embarrassed to ask. It is only afterwards
that light suddenly dawns. Thank you, Lord, that you didn’t let Mary continue
believing you were the gardener. One word – ‘Mary!’ – was all it took. Thank
you, Lord, for the times when we too hear you call our name. Amen.
Dates for your Diary
Saturday 9th. Church Away-Day at Westward Ho! Some details on page 5, more to follow.
Saturday 9th at 7.30pm Quiz evening. A lovely end to the away day or a fun evening out if
you couldn’t make it to Westward Ho!
Sunday 10th. Church Friends Service - hear more about our pastoral system.
Friday 15th 6 for 6.30pm Curry Night
see page 9
Saturday 16th. ‘Open the Book’ training day.
Sunday 17th at 6.30am Circuit Dedication Service for Easter Offering envelopes at Christ
Church Barnstaple - tea at 5.00pm followed by service
Saturday 23rd Church Spring Fair
Tuesday 26th 5.30pm -7.30pm Rainbows, Brownies & Guides coffee evening
Friday 29th Barnstaple Concert Band Concert
Thursday 2nd Holiday Club
Sunday 3rd at 3.00pm. Performance of Verdi’s Requiem - Barnstaple Choral Society in
the Pannier Market.
2nd/3rd/4th Holiday Club
Weekend of 1st/2nd (Church Anniversary). Rev Kevin Watson will be here for the
weekend. Details to follow.
Christ Church Barnstaple
Exploring Worship Together
Saturday, 9th April, 10.00am to 4.00pm
at Westward Ho! Baptist Church
Coffee and Lunch will be provided
We look forward to an enjoyable day together exploring different
aspects of worship in a variety of ways.
There will be the opportunity too for
a walk by the sea after lunch,
weather permitting.
More details and a booking form,
including suggested contribution
towards expenses, will be available
in due course.
The Men's Breakfasts are still popular and last Saturday Jonathan Richards spoke to
us. His message to us was that at the start of Lent, even at other times, we should
look in a mirror and consider self examination, self discipline and self denial.
It was a very challenging experience for the fourteen men present.
Next month our speaker is Peter Lemon but there will not be a
breakfast in April because of our Church Away Day that starts in
Westward Ho! at 10 am.
Thanks, Mike Smith
Public Access Defibrillator.
The British Heart Foundation have granted Christ Church
a Zoll AED-plus defibrillator with outdoor storage cabinet.
Once it is installed I will organise information sessions
about the defibrillator and also Call Push Rescue training
in CPR.
Maureen Thomas.
2017 will see the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and Rev John
Robinson will be leading an Ecumenical Celebration Tour to Germany,
29 May - 2nd June 2017 and he invites you to accompany him.
In 1517 Martin Luther from Germany, who was to become a towering figure
in European history, set off a series of events that would transform the
Christian Church, which became known as the Reformation. So, in 2017,
we recognise that all our churches and denominations grew out of those
Our journey will take us through those places in Central Germany, formerly
part of East Germany associated with Luther, including some folksy towns
and beautiful old architecture. An opportunity to remember and give
thanks for all that renewed the Church then AND renews the Church now.
We shall fly from Bristol to Berlin and return during the school half term
holiday. Further details, brochure and booking form available from John
(Telephone 01271 813783)
North Devon Choral Society
Saturday 19th March at 7.30 pm in the Parish Church, Great Torrington.
Haydn 'Nelson Mass'
Cherubini 'Requiem Mass in C'
Tickets £12 (Children and Students Free)
available from Ian Allen or at the door.
We had one of our meetings last Saturday, Feb.13. The meeting was in
Chelmsford where four people attended and the others did it on Skype in
Barnstaple, Tiverton, Ashford in Kent, Doncaster and Carand, Romania.
A fire alarm has been installed in every property (300+) in Carand. The
Christmas parties for the Church and the young people of Carand were a great
success. The school in Carand needs lockers and wall boards. At the moment
the children have individual desks but have to keep outdoor coats on the back of
their seats and their backpacks under the desks. We aim to do this for the
whole school this year. The supplier for these two items requires the payment
first. In the church we are committed to supplying a heater and floor covering
a.s.a.p. in the school room, as temperatures may soon be minus 20°C.
Nicu, Dr. Adriana's husband is a doctor in Sebis (10 km. from Carand) needs a
chemotherapy machine that will cost around 4000Euros. This will stop people
having to be taken to Arad (90km).
It was also decided that our website is in need of an update.
Our next meeting is our AGM in May when we see our full accounts for the year
and a draft of the annual letter from our chairman that goes to the Charity
Our Adopt-a-Friend scheme continues with 37 individuals, couples and families
being supported monthly.
Mike and Steve (Tiverton) and one of Steve's daughters are going out to Carand
on April 2nd. for one week. It may well be Mike's last trip.
Our thanks to all of you who support us in any way but please pray for us in this
work to which God has called us. Thank you!
Mike and Judith Smith.
Concert to raise funds for our Church Project - NDADA
Military Wives Choir
Tuesday 22nd March
7:00pm at Christ Church Barnstaple
This concert has been a long time in planning so we are really
pleased to welcome the choir who are so generously giving up their
time to help NDADA. It has been a privilege to have two of the
original choir members, and their families, as part of the life of
Christ Church before moving on from Chivenor.
Young Families Work
Holiday Club during half-term was awesome! We had 20 children aged
between 5 and 11 years, 6 teenagers who did a great job of being Young
Leaders and 15 adult helpers. The theme was ‘The Good Samaritan’ and we
had the pleasure of participating in a drama workshop
with Rob Pudner from Okehampton. There was much fun
and laughter as Rob took us through drama games,
theme-based activities and discussion. The children
relayed stories of when they had shown ‘random acts of
kindness’ proving they could be like the ‘Good
Samaritan’ in the bible.
Café Church in February also followed the ‘Good Samaritan’
theme. Due to Shrove Tuesday being recent, Nicola, Sarah and
Maisie made pancakes and the church smelt wonderful! The
children from Sunday Club had made a delicious trifle and a ‘pin
the tail on the donkey’ game ready for Café Church.
One of the most memorable assemblies that our ‘Open the
Book’ team performed recently was the story of Palm
Sunday. We borrowed the donkey costume (previously
used on the Nativity Trail) for Oscar (age 7) to wear as he
led ‘Jesus’ around the school hall with crowd-scene sound
effects. The music from ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ heralded
the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem.
X-Site for 7-11 year olds was held at Trinity Church at the end of January.
Several of our Sunday Club children went along for a
fun-filled Saturday afternoon experiencing teaching,
live music, games and activities based on ‘David and
Goliath’. Our Goliath giant from Christ Church
featured again! One of the favourite parts of X-Site
was the group activity entitled ‘dress your Young
Leader as a Super Hero’ which had to be completed
within just 5 minutes’. There were around 60 children at this event.
I am looking forward to a course in Torquay entitled ‘How to make disciples
from disciples’ and later this month (on March 24 th) we have sixty-five
children from Yeo Valley School coming to Christ Church for ‘Experience
Easter’. All of the Barnstaple schools will have the opportunity to go to their
nearest church for this event enabled by ‘Barnstaple Churches Together’.
Love and prayers,
Friday 15th April, 6 for 6-30pm 'Curry Night' in aid
of Kitchen Refurbishment fund. Please ensure you book your
place with Elaine, tel 01271 377629 if you wish to partake.
Thank you.
CTiB, and other news.
Churches Together in Barnstaple are once again organising a walk of
witness on Good Friday the 25th March. The witness in the High Street
will be silent.
We at Christ Church will, on our way to the High Street, be
distributing free hot cross buns, wrapped in napkins which
are printed with the history of the 'hot cross bun'.
On Easter Sunday morning you will be very welcome to join the
Communion Service beside the memorial at the top of Codden Hill at
6:30 AM!
As many of you are aware we became Church Partners with Open Doors
in February this year.
Open Doors is a charity which has for more than 60 years worked with
churches and communities all over the world, including some of the most
dangerous places in the world.
Never in history have there been as many crisis situations as there is
today. We need to reach out and walk alongside the many thousands of
our Christian brothers and sisters affected by extreme persecution in
Africa, the Middle East, the Gulf, India and North Korea. These are places
where followers of Jesus must hide their faith, and where following Jesus
means facing abuse, beatings, imprisonment, discrimination and even
In the words of the founder of Open Doors, Brother Andrew, “The work of
the church is not survival. She exists to fulfil the Great Commission. Her
work is making disciples of all nations.”
The next prayer group for the persecuted church is at 8:00pm on Sunday
6th March in room 4, after Rejoice!
Please join us and play your part in supporting our persecuted Christian
brothers and sisters.
Thank you. - Shirley Baxter
A fun evening out or a lovely way to round off the church’s
Away Day? Whichever it is you’re guaranteed a good time.
Jack’s high tech scoring topped only by Jim’s questions which are always easy if you know the answer!
(And a bit difficult if you don’t!)
William Tyndale
‘A Ploughman’s Talk’ by Rev David Ireson
Thursday March 17th 7.30pm
Christ Church, Barnstaple
The fact that we have the Bible in English owes much to William Tyndale,
sometimes called the Father of the English Bible.
Much of the King James version comes
from Tyndale, yet he himself was
burned at the stake for his work on
Oct. 6th, 1536!
A free, non-denominational talk,
sponsored by the Christian Science
Society, Barnstaple.
(NB. Change of speaker due to unforeseen
Women’s World Day of Prayer 2016
This year’s service has been prepared by Christian Women of Cuba. For
many years, under communist rule, the Christians were persecuted, but in
2013 laws were passed to protect the right of people to worship freely.
Now, two thirds of Cubans belong to Christian Churches.
The service is translated into over 60 languages and 1000 dialects. What a
fellowship of joy, faith and love.
The service is on Friday 4th March 2016 at St Mary’s Church, Pilton,
commencing at 2:00pm.
The theme is ‘Receive Children, Receive Me’.
The speaker is Rev Marion Sanders. Please come to
support the Christian Women of Cuba; men, Women and
children welcome. Refreshments will be served after the
Dot Jones
Message From the Events Committee
Please start looking out good quality items for sale.
Tuesday coffee rota
Joy, Andy & Ronnie
Vera, George & Ena
Tony, Celia & Lorna
Sylvia, Pam & Gordon
Wendy, Anne & Gill
Pam, Derek & Sylvia
Joy, Andy & Ronnie
Vera, George & Ena
Tony, Celia & Lorna
Our family matters
Christ Church Family News
We send our good wishes to Rev Robert & Amanda Hurley for better health
very soon.
We also remember Christopher, Betty West’s son, and hope to hear of
some better news. Also Richard, Rosemary’s son, we’re wishing him better
news too. Please keep them all in your prayers. Ivy Kift and Heather
Andrew have been ill for several weeks and we miss them at our Ladies
Fellowship and Sunday worship.
We also send our good wishes to Chris Bright, Jenny Newman, Harold Ford,
Bett Smith, Andrew Smith, Andrew Wilsdon, James Smith, Eve Elliot, Betty
Shaw, Joyce Gammon, Kathleen Huxtable, Tony & Janet Andrew, John &
Pat Holland, Alec & Sylvia Hopper, Millie Rhymer, Arthur & Jean Bennett
and Heather Reed.
It is good to have Mary Bale back with us each Sunday, also Jim Brewer
when his health permits.
We wish all of our Christ Church friends better health during the coming
month and they can be assured that they are in our thoughts and prayers
and Christ Church sends them much love.
Vestry Steward
Serving Communion
Evening 3rd Sunday
Morning 1st & 4th Sunday
Preparing Communion
Diana & Michael
Andy Morley
Kathy Jeacock
Ian Allen
Anthea Coates
Ian Allen
Ronnie Wilson
David Wilson
Tricia Kent
Reg Symons
Gordon & Pam
Nicola Wilkins
Pam Topham
Joy Morley
Gill Greenland
Eff Poole
Jack Neville
Shirley Baxter
Vera Yeo
Gordon & Pam
Gordon Pearce
Elaine Stevens
Eileen Brewer
27th March
Easter Sunday
Sylvia Jones
Gill Greenland
David Wilson
20th March
13th March
6th March
Vestry Steward
Serving Communion
Evening 3rd Sunday
Morning 1st Sunday
Preparing Communion
Andy Morley
Kathy Jeacock
Jack Neville
Elaine Stevens
Vera Yeo
Elaine Stevens
Mike Smith
Celia Huxtable
Kathy Jeacock
Rosemary Cole
Jack Neville
Eff Poole
Ian Allen
Anthea Coates
Ronnie Wilson
David Wilson
Shirley Baxter
Sylvia Jones
Pauline Dawson
Pauline Dawson
Gordon & Pam
Pauline Dawson
Muriel Symons
Diana Snell
Sally Blackmore
24th April
17th April
10th April
3rd April
Weekly Meetings
10.00am - 12.00 noon
2.30pm - 4.30pm
7.00pm - 9.00pm
Short Mat Bowling … contact Mary Biederman tel 373416
morning session
afternoon session
evening session
Friendship group
(2nd & 4th Mondays of each month)
contact Wendy Wilkins tel 377154
9.30am - 12.00 noon
2.00pm - 4.00pm
New time… 5.30pm
5.30pm - 7.00pm
7.00pm - 8.30pm
Coffee morning
Prayer meeting … (except the last Tuesday of each month)
Holy Communion …
(last Tuesday of each month)
Disabled bowling … contact Mary Biederman tel 373416
Rainbows …
contact Nicola Wilkins tel 377154
Brownies …
contact Nicola Wilkins tel 377154
Guides ...
contact Eff Poole tel 373543
1.30pm - 3.00pm
Parents & Toddlers
Ladies Fellowship …
contact Sylvia Jones tel 346607
Bible Study… contact Rev Jonathan Richards tel 329288
Friday 10.00am - 12.00 noon Hobnob coffee morning
All at Christ Church Barnstaple are committed to the
following Safeguarding Principles:
 the care and nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children,
young people and adults.
 the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults.
 the establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving
environment where there is informed vigilance as to the dangers of abuse.
(Methodist Church Safeguarding Handbook 2010)
Sunday Offertory for January 2016
An increasing number of people are donating money direct to the Church account by
standing order. Currently this offertory is £ per month. Not forgetting, of course, that
if you are a tax payer, you can gift aid your offering however it is given.
So far £118.05 has been donated towards the cost of printing the church magazine.
The cost of each copy is approx. 45p so all contributions towards this cost are
gratefully received - thank you.
Christ Church, Barnstaple (Methodist/United Reformed)
seeks to be an ecumenical, town centre church, bearing
witness to the evangelical and social justice traditions of
the Christian faith in its expression of the love of Christ
for people of all ages. One church, one faith, one Lord.
If you are visiting Christ Church today we extend a warm welcome.
Please take a Messenger home with our good wishes.
Christ Church Minister
Rev Don Macalister
8 Kestrel Way,
Barnstaple EX32 8QN
tel. 01271 345313
[email protected]
Young families worker
Jo Grant
[email protected]
tel 07450 582414
Ian Allen
Shirley Baxter
Anthea Coates
Gill Greenland
Kathy Jeacock (treas)
Sylvia Jones
Jack Neville
Eff Poole
Elaine Stevens (sec)
Ronnie Wilson
Vera Yeo
Telephone Directory (01271)
Church Secretary
Church Treasurer
Room Bookings
Circuit Administrators
as per the Church Directory
David Wilson
[email protected]
Kathy Jeacock
[email protected]
Circuit website
Email contact to site
[email protected]