Media Profile
Media Profile
Media Profile Traffic is the world largest business portal in Bahasa Indonesia, member of Bisnis Indonesia Group of Media; a trusted business navigator from Indonesia As online news media, aimed to provide business news and information for the businessman, executives, traders, investors, consultants, academics and the whole community. is the right choice for advertisers who want to enhance the corporate image and brand campaign through online media. Last year, visitors are 13.166.812 with 7.880.480 absolute unique visitors (UV) and 32.411.096 page views (PV). Today, this data is increasing rapidly. The number of people who visited is 47.610.544 with 31.375.046 UV and 106.070.619 PV per October 2014. The time on site increased as well, almost 3 minutes and 2.23 pages/visit. Top 10 channels in, are: 1. News 2. Market 3. Industry 4. Financial 5. Bisnis English 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Property Sport Automotive Management Gadget visitors come from worldwide with some of the top countries such as Indonesia, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, India, UK, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, India, Germany, Netherlands, China, Thailand, Canada France, Philippines, UAE, Brunei, Qatar, Italy, Norway, etc. Source: Google Analytics @bisniscom – PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 1 Visitor Profile Gender : 78.95% Male & 21.05% Female Age : 93.75% are in the category of productive age (25-50 years old) Education : 89.47% University graduates Occupation : 25% Professional 15% Senior Manager 15% Associate Professional and Technical 10% Middle Manager 10% Executive / Other White Collar 5% Director, CEO, COO, CFO, Large Company Owner 5% Full time student 5% Skilled Trade 5% Administrative and secretarial 5% Other Socio Economic Class (SEC) SEC A1 14.28% SEC A2 42.86% SEC B1 21.43% Others 21.43% Purchase Decision – Grocery & Consumables: 35.29% Main decision maker 52.95% Joint decision maker 11.76% Someone else Industry : visitors work in Advertising, Arts & Media 40%, Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 10%, Mining 10%, Manufacturing 10%, Information Technology & Telecommunication 10%, Financial and Insurance Services 10%, Professional, and Scientific & Technical Services 10% Source: Effective Measure PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 2 Advertising Term & Condition Bank Account Ad Booking 1. Ad booking must be completed with Insertion Order (IO) that signed by advertiser/advertising agency. First come first served applied. Ad booking without IO will not be considered. 2. Advertiser/advertising agency needs to confirm by phone to ensure the IO has been received properly by 3. The IO must be received by at least 4 (four) working days before the ad broadcasted. 4. Cancellation of advertising should be made not later than 4 working days before the ad broadcasted by sending cancellation order. Cancellation that passed the deadline will be charged a cancellation fee 100% of ad rates. Account Name: PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Bank: Bank Mandiri Branch: Wisma Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia Currency: USD Account Number: 121.00.0608.324.4 Swift Code: BMRIIDJA (for USD only) Rate and payment 1. Advertising rates in USD and not yet include VAT (Value Added Tax) 10% 2. Payment must be settled before the ad broadcasted and receipt must be sent with IO. 3. Payment can be made directly to the cashier of or transfer to one of our bank accounts (see the side box) Ad Materials 1. Ad Materials must be following PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia the technical standards that apply in Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia 3 Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 2. If ad materials received in raw Technical specifications 1. 2. 3. 4. Format GIF, JPEG, or Flash version 6 Minimum resolution 72 dpi (standart) Max size 60kb Image/photo/logo use photoshop JPEG format (web) high quality (60) 5. When using materials other than animated GIF (eg javascript shockwave/flash, etc.) then the material must be received by not later than 4 days before the broadcasting day 6. Looping material have maximum four versions 7. Platform used (PC or Mac) must be stated and the URL address that will be used to link these ads must be attached 8. Materials with flash format must include the source file (. FLA) and the font type or related font must be in the shape form in the flash. 9. Material with Flash movie format (. SWF) must have embed script on its link 10. minimum video requirements: - Format: AVI, MPG, FLV (high quality) - Resolution: 320:240 (on square> 1:1) - Sound: 64kbps - FPS: 25fps Ad Material 1. Ad Material must be following the technical standards that applied in 2. If ad material received in raw condition / not ready to be displayed, the process of ad creation will be done by Raw material should be received by 4 days before the broadcasting day. During the approval process, if there is a creative revision, the revised maximum 3 times. 3. The Ad Final Artwork must be received by 2 days before the broadcasting day. 4. has the right to refuse advertising material that contained pornography or other things that violate the regulations or laws applicable. 5. is not responsible for any losses that may arise due to inaccessibility of advertising because of the damage that occurs in the system at advertiser's installation site. PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 4 Ad Rate & Inventory 2014 Rate in USD and not yet include VAT 10% TIME BASED PRICING AP HP All Pages Home Page ALL PAGE (AP) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All Page Top Ad Full Banner 1 Med. Rectangle 1 Mini Banner 1 Mini Banner 2 Med. Rectangle 3 Bottom Leaderboard Bottom Frame Size 1000 x 50 468 x 60 300 x 250 300 x 50 300 x 50 300 x 250 728 x 90 1000 x 50 Weekly 2,450 2,300 3,300 2,450 2,450 1,800 1,150 2,600 Monthly 7,300 6,800 9,900 7,300 7,300 5,200 3,450 7,800 Size 300 x 50 300 x 50 468 x 60 468 x 60 468 x 60 468 x 60 300 x 250 Weekly 1,750 1,750 1,050 1,100 1,000 900 750 Monthly 5,200 5,200 3,100 3,350 2,900 2,700 2,200 HOME PAGE (HP) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Home Page Mini Banner 3 Mini Banner 4 Full Banner 2 Full Banner 3 Full Banner 4 Full Banner 5 Med. Rectangle 2a PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 5 Home Page (Menu Section/Navigation Bar) Section Page – News Index Section – Article Page Full Banner Menu 468 x 60 pixel Section Categories: 1. Quick News + Market + Financial 2. Industry + Property + Automotive 3. Gadget + Sport + Showbiz SECTION PAGE (SP) No 1 2 3 4 5 Ad Type Size Weekly Monthly Full Banner Section 1 468 x 60 1,200 3,650 (Menu + Article Page) Full Banner Section 2 or 3 468 x 60 1,050 3,150 (Menu + Article Page) Full Banner All Sections 468 x 60 2,900 8,600 (Menu + Article Page) Rectangle 2b 300 x 250 1,600 4,700 (News Index + Article Page) Skyscraper 160 x 600 1,750 5,200 (News Index + Article Page) AP SP ArP All Pages SectionPage Article Page PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 6 ARTICLE PAGE (ArP) No 1 Banner Size Weekly Monthly Rectangle 2c ArP 300 x 250 1,400 4,200 (Article Page) No Ad Text Link Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 Top Article Top Article Top Article Bottom Article Bottom Article Bottom Article Section 1 Section 2 or 3 All Sections Section 1 Section 2 or 3 All Sections Max Character 75 75 75 100 100 100 Weekly 1,000 850 2,400 800 700 2000 EXCLUSIVE SITE* No Ad Type URL 6 Month A Year 1 Sub Domain [brand] 59,900 79,900 2 Sub Channel[Brand] 44,900 59,900 Exclusive site is an exclusive page that uses the brand name as URL. This page contains text, images, social media links and other menus as a site. Advertiser able to upload unlimited content such as press release, photo, banner ad, etc during the period of contract. Exclusive site makes your brand communication more effective and efficient. *The rate does not include banner or link gateway PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 7 INFO (HOME PAGE) See term & condition below* No Advertising Editorial (Advertorial) Gateway 1 Home - Headline Headline Front Page 2 (Widget) Latest News Latest News 3 (Widget) Categorized News Most Popular, Top News, Trending News, or Editor's Choice 4 5 (All Widget) Categorized News (Widget) Market Issuer No. 2 + 3 Issuer 6 (Widget) Market Categorized Bursa & Index, Stock & Securities, Bonds, Commodities, Comments, or Stock Market Agenda 7 (All Widget) Market No. 5 + 6 8 Side Bar Box (Widget) Side Bar Box 9 Corporate Insight Corporate Insight 10 Thematic Top Navigation Bar Landing Page (Article) Any Channel Any Channel Rate/week 3,000 2,000 Any Channel 1,200 Any Channel Related Channel 4,000 2,000 Related Channel 1,200 Related Channel Related Channel Corporate Insight Thematic Site 4,000 1,000 500/publish By Request PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 8 INFO *Term & Condition 1. INFO is advertising editorial (advertorial) contains text max 3.000 characters and 2 photos 2. The text and photos that received by ready to be published. reserves the right to change the text to optimize keyword so that article will be better in search engine (SEO) 3. If the writing is done by, it will be charged an additional cost of USD 200 / article. Therefore, order and payment must be received by no later than 10 working days prior to the date of broadcast. Please be informed time to interview with the informant. This cost is not including operational cost if the interview is done outside of the city. INFO (INSIDE PAGE) No Advertising Editorial (Advertorial) Gateway 11 Inside Page 1 Headline (Channel) 12 Inside Page 2 Index (Channel) Landing Page (Article) Related Channel Related Channel Rate/week 800 500 PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 9 PERFORMANCE AD No 1 2 Ad Position All Pages Home Page/Section Size Standard banner Standard banner CPM USD 9 USD 4 EXTENDED FEATURE No 1 2 Feature Video Ad Rich Media Ad* Note Spec Max 15 second 3 4 5 Email Direct Marketing Bizz Twit (min 10 Twit) Facebook Fanpage Database Bisnis @Bisniscom per 1.000 email per twit/follower per post/like fanpage Weekly 1,100 - Monthly 3,200 5,200 100 0,001 0,001 *Exclude Banner Gateway No Rich Media Ad Gateway Monthly 1 Engagement Bottom Frame 12,100 2 Sidekick Rectangle 1 13,250 3 Slider Bottom Frame 12,600 PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 10 Mobile Ad HOME No 1 2 3 Banner Top Middle Bottom Size 320 x 50 320 x 50 320 x 50 Weekly 850 750 600 Monthly 2,500 2,200 1,800 Traffic In 2013, 4.244.585 people are visited ( mobile site) with 2.367.061 absolute unique visitors and 8.197.823 page views. DETAIL No 1 2 3 Banner Top Middle Bottom Size 320 x 50 320 x 50 320 x 50 Weekly 2,500 2,200 1,800 Monthly 7,500 6,600 5,400 Source: Google Analytic PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 11 ePaper Ad Insert (Page) 1 2 3 4 5 ePaper Ad Med. Rectangle 1 Med. Rectangle 2 ePaper Cover Insert (Page) Special Edition Size 300 x 250 300 x 250 One Page One Page Weekly 1,500 1,500 Monthly 4,500 4,500 500/publish 300/publish By Request PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 12 @bisniscom – PT. Navigator Informasi Sibermedia Wisma Bisnis Indonesia 5th fl, Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No.12A Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 57901023 ext.535/536/533, email: [email protected] 13
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