2014 DesignContest-rev0324.indd
2014 DesignContest-rev0324.indd
The 29th Annual The 28th Annual Enter your works of art for the Annual Festival. Enter works artselected for the Annual Festival. Youryour entry couldofbe as the official Your entry could be selected official California Avocado Festival Posteras&the T-Shirt Design California Avocado Festival Prizes include $500 and one week stay in beachside condo Poster & T-Shirt Design Important “Avo-Facts” to include... Important “Avo-Facts” to include... • 29th Annual California Avocado Festival • 28th Annual California Avocado Festival • Carpinteria, CA • October 2nd 3rd & 4th, 2015 • Carpinteria, CA • October 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2014 • Must Include Avocados • Avocados Contest Deadline - Monday, June 15, 2015 Contest Deadline - Friday, June 15, 2014 Rules & Specifications Rules & Specifications Valentine’s Day Dinn All artwork submittedsubmitted must be original art.be original art. All artwork must ∞ Starters ∞ The Winner of this design contest grant The California Avocado Festival exclusive rights to the design submitted but retain rights to All artwork artwork becomes the exclusive property of the California Avocado Festival Inc. All submitted be original art. The display and use the work for themust designer’s own promotion. winning designer(s) also agrees to allow his-her name and likeness to Lobster Bisque Avocados should into the design. Wedge Salad be made public in any andbe all incorporated festival promotional material or as Avocado the winningFestival designer Inc. All artwork becomes theThe exclusive property ofadvertisements, the California The 28th Annual Iceberg Lettuce, Crumbled Bacon, Cherry Toma 28th Annual Avocados should be incorporated into the design. Verbiage must read: 28th Annual California Avocado Festival Avocados should be incorporated into the design. Oysters Rockafell Verbiage must read: 29th Annual California Avocado Festival, Carpinteria, CA Local Hope Ranch Oysters, Spinach, Ba Verbiage must must include: Carpinteria, CA Verbiage read: 28th Annual California Avocado Festival Enter your works art for theCondo Annualstay. Festival. If contest winner is under 21, they must parental chaperone forof Beachside Enter your works of be artaccompanied for the Annualby Festival. ∞ Mains ∞ Verbiage must include the dates: October 3rd, andentry 5th,could 2014. Verbiage must include theYour dates: October 2nd, 3rd and 4th,official 2015.4th Your be selected as the official Verbiage must include: Carpinteria, CA entry could be selected as the Portobello Mushroom Verbiage must include theinclude Festival website: avofest.com Verbiage must the Festival website: avofest.com California Avocado Festival Goat cheese, Basil Pesto, Roasted California Avocado Festival Verbiage must include the dates: October 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014. Shallots, Balsamic Glaze, Gorgon Computer generated design can be submitted in spot color (PMS) or 4-color process. Poster & T-Shirt Design Poster & T-Shirt Design Computer generated design can be submitted in spot color (PMS) or 4-color process. Verbiage must include the Festivalonwebsite: Computer generated designs must be submitted disk with aavofest.com color hard copy. Please label disk and hard copy with contact informaImportant “Avo-Facts” to include... Important “Avo-Facts” include... Fresh Fish, Mussels, Clams, and Lobster, Computer generated designs must submitted on disk with a color hard copy. Please label tion:Computer name, address, phone number, email address. Artwork submitted via email will notor be4-color accepted. generated design can betobe submitted in spot color (PMS) process. • 28th Annual California Avocado • 28th Annual California Avocado Festival Approxdisk size of poster is 12” x 18”. Submitted artwork not computer generated must not be larger than 12”Festival x 18” for scanning purposes. Chicken…Not Cordo and hard copy with contact information: name, address, phone number, email address. Computer generated designs must be submitted on disk with a color hard copy. Please label Breaded Pan Seared Chicken Breast, Cheddar • Carpinteria, CA • October 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2014 More than one design •may be submitted. Carpinteria, • October 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2014 Prosciutto, Asparagus, Gorgonz Approx size of poster isCA 12" x 18". Submitted artwork not computer generated must not be larger and hard copy with contact information: name, address, phone number, email address. Pleasedisk include name, date, email contact and how you learned of the contest on back of submission. • Avocados • Avocados Braised Short Rib than 12” x 18” for scanning The designers ofsize artwork submitted to this contest guarantee that they arenot the computer authors of 100% of all layouts and images submitted Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans Approx of poster is 12" xpurposes. 18". Submitted artwork generated must not be larger Contest Deadline Friday, June 15, 2014 Contest Deadline June 15, 2014 and/or personally own all rights to all work submitted. More than one design may be- Friday, submitted. ∞ Desserts ∞ than x 18” for scanning Designers of 12” all artwork submitted to this purposes. contest, other than the selected design, retain all rights to the artwork submitted however Rules & Specifications Rules & Specifications Raspberry Ricotta M Please include name, date, contact and how you learned of the contest on back of submission. More than one design may be submitted. All artwork submitted must be original art. grant the California Festival to display and publish the artwork as associated with the festival. All artworkAvocado submitted must be original license art. All artwork becomes the exclusive property of the California Avocado Festival Inc. Toasted Marshmallow Crè All artwork becomes the exclusive property of the California Avocado Festival Inc. should be incorporated into the design. Please include date, contact and how you learned of California the contest on back submission. Avocados should be incorporated into the design. Winner will awarded $500.00 at/Avocados Event Kick-Off Party / Local Media Coverage / of Design Winner will receivename, Recognition atbe Event Kick-Off Party Local Media Coverage / Complimentary Festival Retail Items / Verbiage must read: 28th Annual Avocado Festival Verbiage must read: 28th Annual California Avocado Festival Verbiage must include: Carpinteria, CA Verbiage must include: Carpinteria, CA Verbiage must include the dates: October 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014. Verbiage must include the dates: October 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2014. Verbiage must include the Festival website: avofest.com Verbiage must include the Festival website: avofest.com Computer generated design can be submitted in spot color (PMS) or 4-color process. Computer generated design can be submitted in spot color (PMS) or 4-color process. Computer generated designs must be submitted on disk with a color hard copy. Please label Computer generated designs must be submitted on disk with a color hard copy. Please label disk and hard copy with contact information: name, address, phone number, email address. disk and hard copy with contact information: name, address, phone number, email address. size poster is 12" x 18". Submitted artwork not computer generated must not be larger Approx size of poster is 12" x 18". Submitted artwork not computer generatedApprox must not beoflarger than 12” x 18” for scanning purposes. than 12” x 18” for scanning purposes. More than one design may be submitted. More than one design may be submitted. Please include name, date, contact and how you learned of the contest on back of submission. Please include name, date, contact and how you learned of the contest on back of submission. Festival Design Invitation Retail Items InvitationCeremonies to Opening&Ceremonies President’s Party / to/Opening President’s & Party Winner will receive Recognition at Event Kick-Off Party / Local Media Coverage / Complimentary Festival Design Retail Items / One Week Stay at Beachside Condo in Carpinteria (blackout dates apply) /$2,000 Value! Invitation to OpeningAvocado Ceremonies & President’s Party Mail to: The California Festival Design Contest Dinner certificate to Corktree Cellars PO Box 146,Avocado Carpinteria, CA 93014 Mail to: The California Festival Design Contest Submit in person to: The California Avocado Festival, 4299 Ave., Suite 101, Carpinteria PO Box 146, Carpinteria, CACarpinteria 93014 For questions regarding the contest contact The California Avocado Festival at 101, 805-684-0038 Winner will receive at Event Kick-Off Party / Local Media Suite Coverage / Complimentary Festival Design Retail Items / Submit in person to:Party The California Avocado Festival, 4299 Carpinteria Ave., Carpinteria Winner will receive Recognition at Event Kick-Off / Local Media Coverage / Complimentary Festival Design Retail Recognition Items / Invitation to Opening Ceremonies & President’s Party Invitation to Opening Ceremonies & President’s Party info@aThe vofest.com For questions regarding the contestor contact California Avocado Festival at 805-684-0038 Mail to: The California Avocado Festival Design Contest Mail to: The California Avocado Festival Design Contest PO Box 146, Carpinteria, CA 93014 PO Box 146, Carpinteria, CA 93014 Submit in person to: The California Avocado Festival, 4299 Carpinteria Ave., Suite 101, Carpinteria Submit in person to: The California Avocado Festival, 4299 Carpinteria Ave., Suite 101, Carpinteria For questions regarding the contest contact The California Avocado Festival at 805-684-0038 For questions regarding the contest contact The California Avocado Festival at 805-684-0038 or info@a vofest.com or info@a vofest.com Complete Info Specsvofest.com Online @ avofest.com or &info@a Complete Info & Specs Online @ avofest.com Complete Info & Specs Online @ avofest.com Complete Info & Specs Online @ avofest.com Flourless Chocolate $42 per person • By reservat