Exciting News!!!! - Raritan Public Library
Exciting News!!!! - Raritan Public Library
Ra rita n Public Li b r a r y S eptem ber/ October 2014 E d ition Regu la r H ou r s Mon da y Tu esda y Wednesda y Th u r sda y F r ida y Sa t u r da y 10 10 10 10 10 10 am am am am am am to 8 to 6 to 8 to 8 to 5 to 3 pm pm pm pm pm pm Exciting News!!!! At a Raritan Borough Council Meeting this past May, the Borough Council passed a motion to approve the Library’s expansion project. Plans are under way for a 600 square foot addition to the rear of the building….a community room/John Basilone Museum area. You are welcome to stop by the Library to see drawings by the architectural firm: Arcari and Iovino. Li b r a r y Boa r d of T r u st ees Ron Rispoli, P r esiden t – Br u ce Door ly, Vice P r esiden t – Ra ch el Za ck, Secr et a r y – Sh a r on F or t e– Lin da H a r wood – An n Ma r ie Mea d, Su per int en den t Alt er n a t e – J o-An n Lipt a k, Ma yor – Ma r y J . P a ese, Dir ect or B oard of T ru stees m eetin g h eld on th e t h i r d T h u rsd ay of each m on th at 7:00 p.m . at th e L ibrary. B oard m eetin g m in u tes are available to th e pu blic by requ est. 54 Ea s t S o m e rs e t S tre e t - Ra rita n , N e w J e rs e y 08869 (908)725~0413 w w w .ra rita n libra ry .o rg Adult Programs Registration is Required - Call the Library or Sign Up for Programs at the Circulation Desk Movie- Blast to the Past: (1960’s Sitcoms) Thursday, September 11th @6:30pm Raritan Public Library will be showing three original; uncut sitcoms from the 60’s: an episode of Gilligan’s Island with Alan Hale Jr. and Bob Denver, one of Bewitched, starring Elizabeth Montgomery and one of Get Smart with Don Adams and Barbara Feldon. See what made these programs extremely popular over 40 years ago! Enjoy some “retro snacks”. Running time: 90 minutes. John Basilone Annual Parade September 21, 2014 Raritan Public Library will be open on Sunday, September 21st from 10:00am until 1:00pm to honor Sgt John Basilone and all members of the armed forces. The public can visit the John Basilone Museum and watch short clips on raritan’s hometown hero. The 33rd Annual Parade will follow at 1:00pm. FDR: An Arsenal for Democracy Thursday, September 25 @ 6:30pm Actor/Director Neil Hartley from the American Historical Theatre will perform an exciting first person interpretation on Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s third term in office. The date is December 29, 1940. FDR is preparing to deliver his famous “Arsenal of Democracy” speech. Learn what President Roosevelt was thinking, and listen to his plea for the support of our Allies. Experience firsthand the history that shaped our nation. Following the presentation, there will be time for questions and comments for one of the most influential presidents for all time. Reserve a seat for this entertaining and educational program. Somerset County’s Weekend Journey Through the Past Saturday, October 11th: 10am-5pm and Sunday, October 12th :12pm-4pm Raritan Public Library is once again participating in Somerset County’s Weekend Journey Through the Past. Come explore our historic site: the General John Frelinghuysen Home and visit the John Basilone Museum room. Adult Programs Registration is Required - Call the Library or Sign Up for Programs at the Circulation Desk Fall Family Fun Scarecrow Making Day Saturday, October 18th from 12pm to 2pm Get into the spirit of the season and join us at the Raritan Public Library to make a scarecrow for your front porch! Family fun for all! Limit one scarecrow per family. Registration is required. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY A “Friends of the Library” group has recently formed and is seeking new members. Anyone interested in supporting their local library should contact the Director at (908) 725-0413 for more information. Meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Adult: ~ Hot Lead, Cold Iron by Ari Marmell ~ The Unexpected Waltz by Kim Wright ~ My Two Italies by Joseph Luzzi ~ Border War by Lou Dobbs and James O. Born ~ Secrets of the Lighthouse by Santa Montefiore ~History of the Rain by Niall Williams Juvenile: ~ Hot Dog! Eleanor Roosevelt Throws a Picnic by Leslie Kimmelman and Victor Juhasz ~ Deer Dancer by Mary Lyn Ray ~Runaway Tomato by Kim Cooley Reeder ~Matzo Frogs by Sally Rosenthal Teens/YA: ~ Free to Fall by Lauren Miller ~ My Best Friend, Maybe by Caela Carter ~ The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith ~Lucky Us by Amy Bloom DVDs: ~ The Monuments Men ~ Heaven Is For Real ~ Miss Fisher’s Murder Mystery ~Rio 2 ~The Railway Man 1-on-1 Computer, Resume and E-Book Classes The library offers 1 on 1 classes for those who need help learning the basics of computers, writing a resume, filling out an online application, or setting up your e-reader for e-books. Scheduling is flexible and you can come back for as many classes as you need. The best part is... this is all free. The Raritan Public Library knows that technology keeps evolving and it can be hard for some people to keep up or even get started with how advanced things have become. We will help you learn how to attach photos to e-mails, explain to you the basics of MS Word, help you write a good resume, and more. Brendan is patient and willing to walk you through this step by step at your own pace. Call the Library or stop by to set up a class today and don't be shy.
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Paige, and Sergeant John Basilone after receiving their Congressional Medals of Honor at
Camp Balcombe, in Australia, May 21, 1943, for their heroism at Guadalcanal.