Cheese Culture Catalogue
Cheese Culture Catalogue
Cheese Culture Catalogue DVS® Product Range 2014 DVS® Benefits • • • • • ield Plus™ Y Risk Minus™ Growth Multiply™ Process Convenience Chr. Hansen Expertise & Competencies Imagine a world of opportunities just waiting to be grasped To all of those who are fearful that Chr. Hansen DVS® cheese cultures mean standardization, banality and leveling-down, this catalogue should bring some comfort. Chr. Hansen has the broadest, most extensive culture range in the dairy world and combines tradition, innovation, loyalty and change imagine where we could go together. A winning culture for all types Since the 1970’s – when Chr. Hansen invented highly concentrated and standardized cheese cultures as for example the Direct Vat Set (DVS®) – we have focused on reliability and quality at the forefront of market trends. Chr. Hansen provides today’s dairy industry with a full pallet of Cultures & Enzymes solutions. This is delivered together with application know-how, service and inspiration. Do you know how many cheeses there are? We do not know – but there are probably several thousands. In order to simplify the navigation in this complex cheese world, we have classified our culture series and defined eight groups of cheese “families” as well as more specialized cultures. Together, these segments form the backbone of this catalogue. Innovative DVS® Chr. Hansen Unlimited cheeses Cheese Manufacturer Consumer Value-creating innovation and local support Today, our most valuable commodity is know-how within application and process control. We have more than 20 application centers around the world providing you with the opportunity to carry out trials with new and existing Chr. Hansen products, in a production environment similar to your facilities at home. For further information, please contact your local sales representative or visit us at Table of Content DVS® & EASY-SET® Benefits Page 1 Cultures for all Cheese Segments Page 2 Cultures for Special Purposes Page 3 Types of Microorganisms in Cheese Cultures Page 4 The Magic of Cultures Page 6 Distinguishing Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria Page 9 Information on Direct Vat Set/DVS® Page 10 Cheddar Cheese Cultures Page 11 Continental Cheese Cultures Page 14 Cottage Cheese Cultures Page 19 Pasta Filata Cheese Cultures Page 22 Soft Cheese Cultures Page 25 Propionic Cheese Cultures Page 30 Grana Cheese Cultures Page 34 White Brined Cheese Cultures Page 37 Ripening Cultures Page 40 Protective Cultures Page 48 Kosher For Passover Page 50 Our Product Range & How to use it Page 51 DVS® & EASY-SET® Benefits Yield PlusTM Your booster to get more value – you can focus on optimizing yield without worrying about the consistency of your cheese quality Capture high-value niche opportunities or extracting the value from whey No added investments in infrastructure required Risk MinusTM Your insurance policy to secure consistent delivery Phage management and backup solutions – Robustness to Phages Expand internationally or maybe consolidate plants – minimizing risk Growth MultiplyTM Your kick-starter to innovation and new business opportunities e.g. products and processes Proven capabilities and innovative methods focusing on customer needs Full pallet of culture solutions and ability to customize Process convenience Easy to use: No preparation Easy to transport Flexibility in production planning (and cycle) Chr Hansen Expertise & Competencies Global network and active knowledge sharing Global supply and presence Value creating innovation -1- 1 Cultures for all Cheese Segments To simplify the process of identifying the best Chr. Hansen culture series to the cheese type being produced, this brochure is divided into eight main segments of “cheese families”. The table below provides an overview of the different DVS® culture series that are available. Cheese Segment Cheese types Chr. Hansen DVS® Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Colby, Territorials, American Cheddar and other types with no eyes and strong acidification. DVS® R DVS® RST DVS® RSF Semi-hard cheese types with small to medium size holes like: Gouda, Edam, Danbo, Samsø, Havarti, Saint Paulin, Raclette, Manchego, Prato etc. DVS® Flora Danica DVS® CH-N DVS® DCC EASY-SET® FLORA™ DVS® R Mozzarella, Pizza Cheese, Provolone and Kashkaval. DVS® STI DVS® TCC Cottage Cheese types Fresco® DVS® CC DVS® R Emmental, Gruyére, Maasdam DVS® CH-N DVS® DCC DVS® STEM DVS® PS DVS® LH Camembert, Brie, Gorgonzola, Crezenza, Argentine Port Salut DVS® CH-N/FLORA DVS® Mild O DVS® SDMB DVS® ST-B/SSC DVS® CZ DVS® BA Grana, Parmasan, Sbrinz, Pecorino DVS® Grana DVS® MLC DVS® TCC Feta and White brined cheeses DVS® SafeIT DVS® FRC DVS® Mild O DVS® R -2- 2 Cultures for Special Purposes In addition to the eight cheese “families”, the culture cheese range also contains culture types – Ripening, Protective cultures, Kosher For Passover and Butter - which are used widely across many of the cheese segments for unique flavor development, extended shelf life etc. Culture types Cheese types Chr. Hansen culture series Various cheese types when special flavor development during the ripening time is desired. Also certain mold and rind ripened cheese types. Flavor development: DVS® CR DVS® PS DVS® LH DVS® EMFOUR DVS® CR-Full Flavor Molds, Yeast, and Brevibacterium: SWING® SALSA, PC, PR/PRG, GEO, LAF, BL/BC Various cheese types when special shelf life properties are desired. DVS® FreshQ® DVS® BioSafe™ Various cheese types when the Kosher For Passover certification is required. KFP™ All Chr. Hansen cheese cultures are Kosher certified. These cultures also covers the special period of Kosher for Passover Various butter and spread types both traditional and continuous processed -3- 3 DVS® D-series Types of Microorganisms in Cheese Cultures Culture Type Name Characteristics Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Mesophilic Homofermentative Flavor contribution Leuconostoc sp. Mesophilic Heterofermentative Gas production Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis Mesophilic Homofermentative Flavor contribution Gas production from citrate Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis Leuconstoc sp. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis Mesophilic Heterofermentative Flavor contribution Gas production Streptococcus thermophilus Thermophilic Homofermentative Lactobacillus helveticus Thermophilic Homofermentative Flavor contribution Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Thermophilic Homofermentative Flavor contribution Lactobacillus paracasei Mesophilic Fac. Heterofermentative Flavor contribution Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis Thermophilic Homofermentative Flavor contribution Lactobacillus rhamnosus Thermophilic Fac. Heterofermentative Flavor contribution Lactobacillus curvatus Mesophilic Fac. Heterofermentative Flavor contribution O L D LD ST LbH LbB LbP LbL Lb rh Lb cu -4- 4 Culture Type Name Characteristics Lactobacillus plantarum Mesophilic Fac. Heterofermentative Flavor contribution Lactobacillus johnsonii Thermophilic Homofermentative Flavor contribution Pediococcus acidilactici Thermophilic Homofermentative Flavor contribution Penicillium candidum Surface yeast Flavor contribution White to grayish color tones Penicillium roqueforti Core yeast Flavor contribution Green to bluish color tones Geotrichum candidum Surface yeast Flavor contribution Yeast Surface yeast Flavor contribution pH neutralizing and/or fermenting properties Staphylococcus xylosus Flavor contribution Brevibacterium Smearing bacteria Flavor contribution Surface coating Orange color tones Propionibacterium Thermophilic Heterofermentative High gas production Lb pl Lb jo P ac PC PR GEO LAF SALSA BL PAB -5- 5 The Magic of Cultures The Magic of Cultures Definitions of Culture Performance Rating The cultures in this catalogue are classified by their performance and functionality for: Acidification Definitions of robustness, Culture Performance Rating speed, Phage Contribution to flavor, and when relevant also Gas production. The scale is a 5The cultures in this catalogue are classified their performance and series functionality level scale from low/slow to high/fast. As anbyexample the below DCC is ratedfor: for Acidification acidification speed, Phage robustness, Contribution to flavor, and when relevant also Gas production. The is a 5speed (very fast), phage robustness (very robust), flavor (a real flavor maker) and also gasscale producing level to high/fast. As anwith example below DCC series is rated for acidification (givingscale manyfrom eyeslow/slow in the cheese) - all indicated black the boxes for score. For example: speed (very fast), phage robustness (very robust), flavor (a real flavor maker) and also gas producing (giving many eyes in the cheese) - all indicated with black boxes for score. For example: DVS® DCC Low High DVS® DCC Acidification speed: Low High Phage robustness: Acidification speed: Contribution to flavor: Phage robustness: Gas production: Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Design of cultures Chr. Hansen’s sophisticated design technologies secure optimization of cultures, ensuring superior Design of cultures performance, phage robustness and quality of the final cheese. This catalogue highlights how we have Chr. Hansen’s design technologies secure optimization ofbenefits. cultures,Asensuring superior constructed oursophisticated cultures to maximize cheese manufacturer and consumer illustrated in this performance, phage robustness and quality of the final cheese. This catalogue highlights how we catalogue, individual strains of bacteria are compounded together into high value cultures, allowinghave the constructed maximize cheese manufacturer manufacturerour to cultures produce to almost unlimited types of cheese. and consumer benefits. As illustrated in this catalogue, individual strains of bacteria are compounded together into high value cultures, allowing the manufacturer to produce almost unlimited types of cheese. 3 SPECIAL GROUPS; PROTECTIVE - RIPENING – KOSHER FOR PASSOVER 3 SPECIAL GROUPS; PROTECTIVE - RIPENING – KOSHER FOR PASSOVER 8 CHEESE GROUPS OF DEDICATED DVS® CULTURE SOLUTIONS 8 CHEESE GROUPS OF DEDICATED DVS® CULTURE SOLUTIONS APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY - STRAINS & CULTURE COMPOUNDING – FOOD SAFETY APPLICATION TECHNOLOGY - STRAINS & CULTURE COMPOUNDING – FOOD SAFETY -6- 6 -6- Mesophilic aromatic cultures LD cultures are the classical aromatic starters containing all four species of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria: Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (O) Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (O) Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (L) Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis (D) LD cultures are mixtures of the culture components O, L, and D in various ratios. The term LD culture indicates the presence of the two aroma-forming bacteria, Leuconostoc and L. diacetylactis, which are characterized by their ability to produce aroma and gas by converting the citrate in milk into the flavor compound diacetyl and CO2. LD cultures are widely used in the production of soft cheeses like traditional Camembert and in continental cheeses with round eyes e.g. Gouda cheese. When producing the continental cheese types, one of the quality features is the right holes or "eye" formation. The size and the number of eyes in the cheese are some of the most difficult things to control. To a certain degree this eye formation is dependent on the rate of citrate fermentation in the cheese (measured as mg of citrate fermented after 24 hours). The composition between acid producing strains and aroma-forming strains as well as the ratio between L. cremoris and L. diacetylactis, can be related to the rate of metabolism of citrate. However, many non-culture related factors are also involved e.g. production process, temperature, salt content, etc. The best known Chr. Hansen mesophilic aromatic cultures are the CH-N, Flora Danica, DCC and EASY-SET® FLORA series. L cultures and D cultures, which only consist of either Leuconostoc or L. diacetylactis as the aroma-forming bacteria, are only used in cheese production to a limited extent. This is due to the traditional use of LD cultures in continental cheese production. Recent developments with Chr. Hansen has created a new Edam EASY-SET® FLORA C100 and C900 range which is a L culture blend of both L and O components, ideal for Edam manufacturing and other cheese types when a cheese with small eyes and traditional cheese flavour is desired. Mesophilic homofermentative cultures – O culture O cultures only consist of the acid-producing strains, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis/cremoris. This type of culture is mainly used in Cheddar, Cottage Cheese, White Brined Cheese (Feta) and other cheese types in which a gas formation in the product is undesirable. The best known Chr. Hansen mesophilic homofermentative cultures are the R, FRC, and Mild O series. To improve the acidification activity of the O-type cultures for Cheddar and other fast cheese productions, a very fast series of cultures have been developed by blending mesophilic homofermentative cultures with S. thermophilus. During a typical Cheddar production the O culture will initiate the acidification during renneting at 30-32°C (86-90°F). However, due to the thermophilic nature of the S. thermophilus culture, this culture will take over the acidification during the scalding step at 37-40°C (98-104°F), and continue on the belt during the cheddaring process allowing the manufacturer to reach target pH quickly. Thermophilic cultures – ST culture - are mainly used in cheese in which either a scalding temperature 40-54°C (104-130°F) is used e.g. in hard cheese like Emmenthaler, Gruyere and Grana, or a high scalding temperature during cheese make is used, e.g. 37°C (98°F), as in the soft cheese types like Cresenza and stabilised Brie types, or in the Pasta filata types like Mozzeralla and Pizza cheese. For Emmenthaler and Gruyere types of cheeses, S. thermophilus and L. helveticus are normally used. L. helveticus is able to ferment the galactose which is secreted by the S. thermophilus, and processes a high proteolytic activity, giving the required proteolysis and desired flavor. -7- 7 In production of Pasta filata types of cheese as well as different US style pizza cheeses, S. thermophilus is used as the main culture - sometimes in a blend with either L. bulgaricus or L. helveticus to obtain the right characteristics of the cheese. For production of Pasta Filata it is important to have a very fast acidifying and phage resistant culture. Examples of Chr. Hansen cultures for this application are STI, TCC, and TCC-20. Propionic acid bacteria may not be classified as real lactic acid bacteria, but they are used in the production of certain cheeses (Emmenthaler, Swiss, Maasdam, etc.), in which large eyes and sweet nutty flavors are desirable. Examples of Chr. Hansen cultures for this application are the PS series. Flavor Control™ cultures are regarded as a "package" of bacteria added as adjunct cultures, containing the right enzymes to modify the ripening process incl. foil ripening/rindless cheese. During ripening the additional bacteria added will lyses, releasing the intracellular enzymes into the cheese matrix and in this way modify the ripening process. Examples of Chr. Hansen cultures are CR-200, CR-300, and CR Full Flavor series. SWING® cultures are a range of aerobic cultures which can be divided into four main categories: Mold, Yeast, Brevibacterium and others. Due to the aerobic nature of the SWING® cultures, they mainly grow on the surface of cheese. The SWING® Mold cultures are mainly used in the production of white mold cheeses like Brie, Camembert and blue mold cheeses like Gorgonzola. The two most important types of mold are the white mold Penicillium candidum and the blue mold Penicillium roqueforti. SWING® Yeast is often used to stimulate the growth of other microorganisms as Brevibacterium on the cheese surface, due to their ability to increase pH by fermenting lactic acid. SWING® Brevibacterium (or the so-called "smear cultures") are traditionally smeared on the surface of cheese just after brining. Brevibacterium are very salt tolerant and have a strong proteolytic activity. During growth on the cheese surface, Brevibacterium linens creates a characteristic orange color and smear layer. Due to the high protein degradation on the cheese surface, flavor compounds penetrate into the centre of the cheese and give the characteristic ripened flavor of smear cheeses. We are pleased to present this overview of our cultures where innovation and responsiveness to market go hand in hand. -8- 8 Distinguishing Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria Schematic illustration Organism Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris O Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis D Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis biovar diacetylactis L Leuconostoc sp. LbH LbB LbL Lactobacillus helveticus Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Lactis Cocci Cocci Cocci Cocci Rod Rod Rod L L L L D DL D D 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 < 0.5 2.0 1.8 1.8 - - - + + - - - 10°C (50°F) - + + + + - - - 40°C (104°F) + - + + - + + + 45°C (113°F) + - - - - + + + Glucose + + + + + + + + Galactose - + + + + + - +/- Lactose + + + + + + + + Isomer of Lactate % Lactic Acid Produced in Milk Metabolism of Citrate (Flavor) Growth at Streptococcs thermophilus O Cocci Shape Fermentation of ST -9- 9 Information on Direct Vat Set/DVS® Information on Direct Vat Set/DVS® Information on Direct Vat Set/DVS® DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DVS® is a highly concentrated and standardized DVS® isora freeze-dried highly concentrated and standardized frozen dairy culture, used for DESCRIPTION frozen ora freeze-dried dairy culture, usedneed for direct of milk. DVS® cultures DVS® isinoculation highly concentrated and standardized direct inoculation of milk. DVS® cultures no activation or other treatment prior toneed use. frozen or freeze-dried dairy culture, used for no activation or other treatment prior toneed use. direct inoculation of milk. DVS® cultures APPEARANCE no activation or other treatment prior to use. APPEARANCE Frozen DVS® cultures are water-soluble Frozen DVS® cultures are water-soluble pellets, approximately 5 mm in diameter, APPEARANCE pellets, approximately 5 mm incolor. diameter, with anDVS® off-white to brownish The Frozen cultures are water-soluble with anhave off-white to peptone-like brownish The pellets a slight odor. pellets, approximately 5 mm incolor. diameter, pellets aDVS® slight peptone-like odor. Freeze-dried arecolor. waterwith anhave off-white tocultures brownish The Freeze-dried cultures watersoluble granules, 2-8 mm inare diameter, pellets have aDVS® slight peptone-like odor.with soluble granules, 2-8 mm diameter, with an off-white to slightly redinor brown color. Freeze-dried DVS® cultures are wateran off-white to slightly redin ordiameter, brown color. soluble granules, 2-8 mm with The granules have a slight peptone-like odor. The granulesto have a slight odor. an off-white slightly redpeptone-like or brown color. TECHNICAL The granulesDATA have a slight peptone-like odor. TECHNICAL DATA Chr. Hansen's DVS® cultures rely only on Chr. Hansen's DVS® internationally cultures rely only on lactic acid bacteria, approved TECHNICAL DATA lactic acid bacteria, approved for dairy industry. Our cultures areon all of Chr.the Hansen's DVS® internationally cultures rely only for theacid dairy industry. Our cultures arethe all of natural origin and are produced using lactic bacteria, internationally approved natural originindustry. andtechnology. are produced using latest for theproduction dairy Our cultures arethe all of latest naturalproduction origin andtechnology. are produced using the PURITY latest production technology. PURITY Chr. Hansen's DVS® cultures comply with IDF Chr. Hansen's DVS®Dairy cultures comply with 149 (International Federation) / ISOIDF PURITY 149 Federation) / ISOIDF 27205:2010 regarding maximum Chr. (International Hansen'sstandards, DVS®Dairy cultures comply with 27205:2010 standards, maximum contaminant content. 149 (International Dairy regarding Federation) / ISO contaminant content. regarding maximum 27205:2010 standards, Freezecontaminant content.Frozen DVS® Frozen DVS® Frozen Non lactic DVS® acid bacteria < 500 Non lactic cfu/g acid < 500 Non bacteria lactic Yeasts and molds cfu/g <1 cfu/g acid bacteria 500 Yeasts and molds <cfu/g 1 cfu/g Enterobacteriaceae 1 cfu/g cfu/g Yeasts and molds << 1 Coagulase-positive Enterobacteriaceae < 1 cfu/g staphylococci Coagulase-positive Enterobacteriaceae < 1 cfu/g staphylococci Coagulase-positive <absent 1 cfu/g Salmonella spp.* in staphylococcispp.* 25g Salmonella absent in < 1 cfu/g 25g in Listeria Salmonella spp.* absent monocytogenes* 25g Listeria absent in monocytogenes* 25g Listeria absent in * analyzed on a regular basis monocytogenes* 25g * analyzed on a regular basis dried FreezeDVS® dried FreezeDVS® dried <DVS® 500 cfu/g < 500 < 10 cfu/g 500cfu/g <cfu/g 10 cfu/g 10 cfu/g << 10 cfu/g < 10 cfu/g < 10 cfu/g <absent 10 cfu/g in 25g absent in < 10 cfu/g 25g in absent absent in 25g 25g absent in 25g STABILITY *STORAGE analyzed onAND a regular basis Frozen DVS® cultures should be stored at -45°C STORAGE AND STABILITY Frozen cultures shouldDVS® be stored at -45°C -49°F) DVS® or below. If frozen cultures are (STORAGE AND STABILITY -49°F) DVS® or below. If frozen cultures are (Frozen stored correctly, the shelf DVS® life at least 12 cultures should be is stored at -45°C stored shelf DVS® life is cultures at least 12 months. or below. the If frozen are (-49°F) correctly, months. stored correctly, the shelf life is at least 12 Freeze-dried DVS® cultures should be stored months. Freeze-dried cultures should be stored at -18°C (0°F)DVS® or below. If freeze-dried at -18°Care (0°F) or below. If freeze-dried cultures stored correctly, the shelf life is Freeze-dried DVS® cultures should be stored cultures are stored correctly, the shelf life is at least months. At +5°C (41°F) the shelf -18°C24 (0°F) or below. If freeze-dried at least At +5°C (41°F) the shelf life is at 24 least 6 weeks. cultures aremonths. stored correctly, the shelf life is life is at 24 least 6 weeks. at least months. At +5°C (41°F) the shelf life is at least 6 weeks. PACKAGING PACKAGING Frozen DVS® cultures, as a standard, come in Frozen asplastic a standard, come in 10 x 500DVS® unit cultures, disposable bags coPACKAGING 10 x 500DVS® disposable plastic bags copacked inunit a cardboard box. For shipping, the Frozen cultures, as a standard, come in packed inunit apacked cardboard box. For shipping, boxes are in a special plastic 10 x 500 disposable plastic bags foam co- the boxes are in acertain special plastic foam box with ice. For products, other packed indry apacked cardboard box. For shipping, the box with ice.than For other packaging sizes 10 x 500products, units are boxes aredry packed in acertain special plastic foam packaging sizes 10 x 500products, units areother available. box with dry ice.than For certain available. packaging sizes than 10 x 500 units are Freeze-dried DVS® cultures are supplied in available. Freeze-dried DVS® are supplied alufoil pouches andcultures are available in the in alufoil pouches andcultures are available in the in following standard sizes: Freeze-dried DVS® are supplied following standard alufoil pouches andsizes: are available in the 50 unit pouch - 10 pouches following standard sizes: per box 50 200unit unitpouch pouch- -10 25pouches pouchesper perbox box 200 unitpouch pouch- -10 25 pouchesper perbox box 500unit 20pouches 50 500 200 unit pouch - 20 25 pouches per box SHIPMENT TERMS 500 unit pouch - 20 pouches per box SHIPMENT TERMS For frozen DVS® cultures, the total shipment For DVS® cultures, shipment timefrozen from Chr. Hansen to the total customer SHIPMENT TERMS time from Hansen to theFreeze-dried customer should notChr. exceed 72 hours. For frozen DVS® cultures, total shipment should notChr. exceed 72 DVS®from cultures may behours. transported at room time Hansen to theFreeze-dried customer DVS® cultures may be transported at room temperature for up72 tohours. ten days, without the should not exceed Freeze-dried temperature upbe to transported ten days, without the qualitycultures of thefor cultures being affected. DVS® may at room quality of thefor cultures affected. temperature up to being ten days, without the APPLICATION quality of the cultures being affected. APPLICATION DVS® for regular cheese milk DVS® for regular milk with the APPLICATION The cheese milk ischeese inoculated The cheese milk ischeese inoculated withThe thecheese DVS® forinregular culture the cheese vatmilk or tank. culture in require the cheese vatminutes or tank. cheese milkcheese may ofThe preThe milk is20-40 inoculated with the milk may require 20-40 preripening applying rennet. However, culture inbefore the cheese vatminutes or tank.of The cheese ripening before rennet. of However, normal cheese-making and time milk may requireapplying 20-40procedures minutes prenormal cheese-making procedures and time limits can be obtained by adding However, appropriate ripening before applying rennet. limits can beCaCl obtained by addingmilk. appropriate amounts of normal cheese-making procedures and time cheese 2 to the amounts limits canof beCaCl obtained bycheese addingmilk. appropriate 2 to the amounts of CaCl DVS® for UF concentrated milk milk. 2 to the cheese DVS® UF concentrated Frozenfor DVS® cultures allowmilk fermentation of Frozen DVS® cultures fermentation UF concentrated milk,allow without dilution of of DVS® for UF concentrated milk UF concentrated milk,allow without dilution of of the concentrate. Frozen DVS® cultures fermentation the concentrate. milk, without dilution of UF concentrated DOSAGE the concentrate. DOSAGE Recommended standard inoculation rates Recommended inoculation rates are given below.standard However, specific usage DOSAGE are given below. However, specific usage Recommended inoculation rates rates should be standard determined experimentally rates should be determined experimentally are given below. However, specific usage prior to any new application. prior any new application.experimentally rates to should be determined Application prior to any newFrozen application. Freeze-dried Application Application Cheese Cheese Cheese DVS® Frozen DVS® Frozen units 50-150 DVS® per 1000 L 50-150 units per 1000 L 50-150 units per 1000 L - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 DVS® Freeze-dried DVS® Freeze-dried 50-150 units DVS® per 1000 L 50-150 units per 1000 L 50-150 units per 1000 L GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Chr. Hansen's dairy cultures are produced in Chr. Hansen's dairy are produced in conformity, with thecultures regulations of the local GUARANTEE conformity, with thecultures regulations of the local health authorities. Chr. Hansen's dairy are produced in health authorities. conformity, with the regulations of the local TECHNICAL SERVICE health authorities. TECHNICAL Chr. HansenSERVICE has internationally dispersed Chr. HansenSERVICE has internationally development centers, as well asdispersed application TECHNICAL development centers, as well asdispersed application centers in allhas major dairy markets. For Chr. Hansen internationally centers all major dairy markets. For specific in application advice andassupport, development centers, as well application specific application andHansen support, please contact youradvice local markets. Chr. centers in all major dairy For please contact your local Chr. Hansen representative or visit us at www. chrspecific application advice and support, representative or visit us at www. please contact your local Chr. Hansen or visit us at www. chrrepresentative CULTURE PERFORMANCE IN THIS CULTURE PERFORMANCE IN THIS CATALOGUE All the cheese culture series, well as CATALOGUE CULTURE PERFORMANCE IN as THIS All the cheese culture as from individual cultures, areseries, rated as onwell a scale CATALOGUE 1 5 forcheese Acidification individual cultures, arespeed, rated Phage onwell a scale All- the culture series, as as from 1 - 5 for Acidification Phage robustness, Contribution to flavor, and from individual cultures, arespeed, rated on a scale when relevant also forspeed, Gastoproduction. robustness, Contribution flavor, 1 - 5 for Acidification Phage and 1 is when relevant alsoThe forrating Gastoproduction. low and 5 is Contribution high. of a culture robustness, flavor, and 1 is series is based on the low and 5 is high. rating ofperformance a culture1 is when relevant alsoThe foraverage Gas production. series is based oncultures the average of individual in the This lowthe and 5 is high. The rating ofperformance aseries. culture means that theon score the individual of the is individual cultures in the series. This series based the of average performance cultures willthe sometimes slightly from means that score of vary the individual of the individual cultures in the series. This cultures will sometimes vary slightly the rating ofthe thescore series. culturefrom series means that ofSome the individual the rating of sometimes the series. Some culture series in this catalogue are described underfrom several cultures will vary slightly in catalogue are described under different cheese segments. The ratingseveral can be thethis rating of the series. Some culture series for the same seriesThe since theseveral different cheese segments. rating can be in this catalogue are described under different for the same series since the typical culture application may vary from cheese segments. The rating can be segment to typical culture application may varythe from different forsegment. the same series since segment to segment. typical culture application may vary from Example the DCC series from the segment of to how segment. Example of how the DCC series from the continental segment is rated: continental segment is rated: Example of how the DCC series from the Low High continental segment is rated: Acidification speed: Low High Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Low High Contribution to flavor: Phage robustness: Acidification speed: Gas production: Contribution to flavor: Phage robustness: Gas production: Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Cheddar Cheese Cultures Introduction to Cheddar Cheese Cultures The figure below provides an overview of the different culture series that belong to the Cheddar cheese “family”. The cultures vary significantly from each other as far as flavor contribution to the cheese and acidification speed. Generally, the cultures that are located in the far right of the figure will have high flavor contribution due to the presence of Lactobacillus strains. Acidification Speed Fast Medium DVS® RST DVS® RSF DVS® R Slow O O O ST ST LbH Culture Composition Acidification Speed Fast DVS® RST Medium DVS® R DVS® RSF Slow Traditional type cheddar flavor Irish type cheddar “Sweet and nutty” Flavor Profile - 11 - 11 Storage: -18°C/0°F Continental Cheese Cultures Cheddar Cheese Cultures Flora Danica/CH-N DVS® R DVS® RSTmajor Theseofseries consist of several traditional cultures that are allsolutions. multiple The defined blends of mesophilic strains. The cultures are One the reasons behinddifferent the success of Chr. LD Hansen is the R series R series includes a full range of cultures for various This series is a traditional homofermentative blend mesophilic O culture strains and ahomofermentative thermophilic The cultures in this series are citrate fermenting heterofermentative will formofeyes of various sizes the finished cheese. Thestrain. many different in the blend cheese productions to fit the demands and of the modern cheese producer. Thisin mesophilic culture rangestrains contains O strains known for their excellent robustness and fast acidification speed. This culture works best whenthrough the its cheese process includes scalding ensure particularly extra good protection against bacteriophage. This series - and FlorabyDanica - ismakers known for exceptional flavor” that it for fastphage acidification and phage resistance which isespecially acknowledge cheese many years“full and geographies. temperatures atfinished 37°C03 (99°F) or which typically willwhereas result in 07 a for faster cheese make time and also a more phage robust performance providesthe to Rthe continental cheese, whereas CH-N-19 is known a very phage robust Lastly, this culture series ithas Within series, and 04higher, are the mostthen phage robust, and 08 are known for performance. good savory flavor formation. Lastly, is compared to alltomesophilic blends. itbetween is recommended to use this optimum performance at scalding 35-38°C (95-100 °F). series in a culture rotation system. recommended use this series in temperatures aAdditionally, culture rotation system. Composition Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LDO O ST Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form freeze-dried various packaging sizes.sizes. frozen and freeze-dried packaging sizes. This series is available in various both frozen and form in all standard packaging Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F Continental Cheese Cultures DVS® Flora Danica/CH-N - 12 DVS® RST consist of several different traditional LD cultures that are all multiple defined blends of mesophilic strains. The cultures are These series This series is a traditional homofermentative blend mesophilic O culture strains and a thermophilic cultures in this series are citrate fermenting heterofermentative and will formofeyes of various sizes in the finished cheese. Thestrain. many The different strains in the blend known for their excellent phage robustness and fast This acidification speed. This culture works best when for the its cheese process“full includes ensure extra good protection against bacteriophage. series - and especially Flora Danica - is known exceptional flavor”scalding that it temperatures atfinished 37°C (99°F) or higher,cheese, which then typically will result in a for faster cheese make time performance. and also a more phage robust performance provides to the continental whereas CH-N-19 is known a very phage robust Lastly, this culture series has compared to all mesophilic blends.temperatures Additionally, itbetween is recommended to use this optimum performance at scalding 35-38°C (95-100 °F). series in a culture rotation system. Composition Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LDO ST Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in various frozen and freeze-dried packaging sizes. both frozen and freeze-dried form in various packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 15 12 - 12 Cheddar Cheese Cultures DVS® RSF This series is based on homofermentative cultures consisting of mesophilic O culture strains, a thermophilic strain and a Lactobacillus helveticus strain. The cultures in this series are known for their excellent phage robustness and fast acidification speed. Due to the presence of the Lactobacillus helveticus strain, the culture will add sweet and nutty flavor notes to the ripened cheese. For a more intense note of the sweet and nutty flavors, the RSF-621 culture is recommended due to the higher ratio of Lactobacillus helveticus strains than the other cultures in this series. Moreover, the RSF cultures work best when the cheese process includes scalding temperatures at 37°C (99°F) or higher, which then typically will result in a faster cheese make time and also a more phage robust performance compared to all mesophilic blends. Also it is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O ST LbH Contribution to flavor: Product Form This series is available in both frozen and freeze-dried form in various packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 13 - 13 Continental Cheese Cultures Introduction to Continental Cheese Cultures The continental cheeses are typified by semi-hard yellow cheeses as the Gouda and Edam types traditionally made in the Netherlands, but now produced worldwide for considerable international trade. Most important parameters are overall consistency of the finished cheese (acidification, flavor and texture), more control for the cheese maker and convenient to use. Culture types covers traditional DVS® LD cultures, but also blended cultures like DVS® DCC-type and the latest innovation of EASY-SET® FLORA™ C-series. A wide range of SWING® cultures for smear coat (Brevibacterium linens) and DVS® adjunct cultures for ripening or propionic cheeses can be used as a supplement and innovative cheeses or efficient ripening. The figure below provides an overview of the outstanding range of DVS® and EASY-SET® FLORA™ culture series that belong to the Continental cheese “family”. Acidification Speed Fast DVS® DCC Medium Slow EASY-SET® FLORA™ C100 DVS® R serie DVS® CH-N/ Flora Danica LD EASY-SET® FLORA™ C900 EASY-SET® FLORA™ C1000 EASY-SET® FLORA™ C500 O O LD LD ST O O L L LbH D LbP O Culture Composition DVS® Flora Danica, CH-N, DCC. EASY-SET® FLORA™ C500 & C1000 High Flavor intensity Medium EASY-SET® FLORA™ C100 Low DVS® R serie No eyes ”Blind cheese” EASY-SET® FLORA™ C900 Few (Pin holes) Eye Formation - 14 - 14 Few-Medium Continental Cheese Cultures DVS® Flora Danica/CH-N These series consist of several different traditional LD cultures that are all multiple defined blends of mesophilic strains. The cultures are citrate fermenting heterofermentative and will form eyes of various sizes in the finished cheese. The many different strains in the blend ensure extra good protection against bacteriophage. This series - and especially Flora Danica - is known for its exceptional “full flavor” that it provides to the finished continental cheese, whereas CH-N-19 is known for a very phage robust performance. Lastly, this culture series has optimum performance at scalding temperatures between 35-38°C (95-100 °F). Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LD Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in various frozen and freeze-dried packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 15 - 15 Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form Cultures This series is availableContinental in various frozen Cheese and freeze-dried packaging sizes. Frozen DVS® DCC This series consists of defined mixes of several different mesophilic and termophilus strains. The DCC cultures are blends of LD, O, ST, LbH and LbP cultures. These blended cultures will increase the phage protection, enhance the rounded flavor and reduce the bitterness in the final cheese. The range is mainly used for scalding temperatures at 32-42°C. Storage: -45°C/-49°F Culture composition DVS® R This series is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic O culture strains, known particularly for their phageresistant properties. Within this most phage robust, O whereas R-07 and R-08 are known for good flavor formation. LbHR-04 are theLbP LD STseries, R-03 and It is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture Performance Culture composition Acidification speed: Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: Contribution to flavor: O Gas production: Gas production: Product Form both frozen and freeze-dried form in all standard This series is available in various frozen and freeze-dried packaging sizes. packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F DVS® R This series is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic O culture strains, known particularly for their phage- - 16 - resistant properties. Within this series, R-03 and R-04 are the most phage robust, whereas R-07 and R-08 are known for good flavor formation. It is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: O Gas production: Product Form This series is available in both frozen and freeze-dried form in all standard packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 16 - 16 Continental Cheese Cultures EASY-SET® FLORA™ C100 This EASY-SET® FLORA™ C100 series is a blend of O cultures known for its high activity, suitableness at scalding temperatures up to 38°C (100°F) and good flavor contribution. The culture solution is very phage robust and of carefully selected mesophilic O culture strains. The culture is homofermentative and will not contribute to eye formation in the finished cheese, but it provides mild to medium mature flavor profile. EASYSET® FLORA is a very phage robust series where only limited culture rotation is needed flowing the attitude “no rotation, but vacation/break”. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in frozen form. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F EASY-SET® FLORA™ C500 This EASY-SET® FLORA™ C500 series is a blend of traditional LD cultures known for providing an intense full flavor to the finished cheese. Within the continental range of cultures, this is considered a “slow to medium” speed culture, designed for cheese processes with five to six hours from culture addition to brine. Only pure mesophilic cultures are used in the C500 series and typical cheeses are Gouda, Edam, Maasdammer/ Leerdammer, St Paulin, Cantal, Tomme, Raclette, and local Swedish cheese types such as: Herrgårdsost, Grevéost, Prästost, Hushållost and local Danish types such as: Samsø, Havarti and Danbo. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LD Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in frozen form. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 17 - 17 Continental Cheese Cultures EASY-SET® FLORA™ C900 This EASY-SET® FLORA™ series is a primary choice for fast cultures to main continental market. This EASY-SET® series is a blend of carefully selected O and L cultures known for fast acidification and production of cheese where only a limited eye formation is required. The FLORA™ C900 is designed for cheese processes with four to six hours from culture addition to brine and cheese with mild flavor profile. Within the continental range of cultures, the FLORA C900 series is designed for Edam, Gouda, Tilsiter, Butterkäse, Manchego or Raclette types of cheeses with relative mild flavor profile and few eyes. Additionally, the FLORA™ C900 is also attractive for Maasdammr/Leerdammen, Wilstermarch (Germany), St Paulin, Cantal, Tomme, Golandskiy, Kostromskoy and Rossiyskiy (Russia and Eastern Europe). EASY-SET® FLORA™ is a very phage robust series where only limited culture rotation is needed flowing the attitude “no rotation, but vacation/break”. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O Contribution to flavor: L Gas production: Product Form This series is available in frozen form. Storage: -45°C/-49°F EASY-SET® FLORA™ C1000 This EASY-SET® FLORA™ C1000 series is a blend of carefully selected L, D and O cultures known for providing an intense, full flavor, many eyes and smooth texture to the finished cheese. Within the continental range of cultures, this is considered a “slow to medium” speed culture, designed for cheese processes with five to six hours from culture addition to brine. Only pure mesophilic cultures are used in the EASY-SET® FLORA™ C1000 series and typical cheeses are Gouda, Edam and Maasdammer. EASY-SET® FLORA™ is a very phage robust series where only limited culture rotation is needed flowing the attitude “no rotation, but vacation/break”. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O L D Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in frozen form. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 18 - 18 Cottage Cheese Cultures Introduction to Cottage Cheese Cultures The figure below provides an overview of the different culture series that belong to the Cottage cheese ‘”family”. The cultures mainly differ from each other in cheese yield, acidification speed and phage robustness. Fresco® cultures are especially designed to meet strong performance requirement of cultures in the cottage cheese industry. These cultures contain special strains of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, and Streptococcus thermophilus, selected for their phage robustness, fast acid production, and particularly for Fresco® 3000 with excellent yield. Acidification Speed Fast Medium Fresco® DVS® CC DVS® R Slow O O ST Culture Composition Acidification Speed Fast Fresco® 1000 Medium DVS® CC DVS® R Fresco® 3000 Slow Medium Cheese Yield - 19 - 19 High Cottage Cheese Cultures Fresco® 1000 Fresco® 1000 is a blend of mesophilic O culture strains and a thermophilic strain that is designed to meet requirements in the cottage cheese industry. Moreover, this series is known for very high phage robustness and fast acidification speed. The culture adds a nice clean fresh flavor to the cottage cheese with no bitterness. Lastly, it is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture Composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O ST Contribution to flavor: Product Form This series is available in frozen form in 1000 U packaging sizes. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F Fresco® 3000 This series is a blend of mesophilic O culture strains and a thermophilic strain that is designed to meet requirements in the cottage cheese industry. The series offers all the same advantages as the Fresco® 1000 like: Consistent set times and production procedures, increased plant throughput, and improved phage robustness. Innovation has taken Fresco® 3000 to the next level and now it also offers: A sophisticated way to increase cheese yield, and an improved curd identity and texture. Due to excellent water binding properties of some of the strains in the Fresco® 3000 range, a cottage cheese plant will typically see an improvement in cheese yield of 2-5%. This additional curd yield comes mostly from water that is bound in a sophisticated matrix, which ensures improvement of the curd quality and mouth feel. Lastly, it is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O ST Contribution to flavor: Product Form This series is available in frozen form in 1000 U packaging sizes. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 20 - 20 Continental Cheese Cultures Cottage Cheese Cultures DVS® Flora Danica/CH-N These series consist of several different traditional LD cultures that are all multiple defined blends of mesophilic strains. The cultures are DVS® CC citrate fermenting heterofermentative and will form eyes of various sizes in the finished cheese. The many different strains in the blend This series a traditional homofermentative cultureThis consisting of 100% mesophilic O culture strains,for known particularly forflavor” their that phage ensure extraisgood protection against bacteriophage. series - and especially Flora Danica - is known its exceptional “full it resistant properties. Thiscontinental series produces withCH-N-19 very little residual providing excellent drying properties of the whey. provides to the finished cheese,whey whereas is known for galactose, a very phage robust performance. Lastly, this culture series has Additionally, it is recommended totemperatures use this seriesbetween in a culture rotation system. optimum performance at scalding 35-38°C (95-100 °F). Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LDO Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in various frozen freeze-dried packagingsizes. sizes. frozen form in and standard 500 U packaging Frozen Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F Continental Cheese Cultures Flora Danica/CH-N DVS® R Theseofseries consist of several traditional cultures that are allsolutions. multiple The defined blends of mesophilic strains. The cultures are One the major reasons behinddifferent the success of Chr. LD Hansen is the R series R series includes a full range of cultures for various cheese productionsheterofermentative to fit the demands and of the cheese producer. Thisinmesophilic homofermentative culture rangestrains contains O strains citrate fermenting willmodern form eyes of various sizes the finished cheese. The many different in the blend ensure particularly extra good protection against bacteriophage. This serieswhich - andisespecially Floraby Danica - ismakers knownthrough for its exceptional that it known for rapid acidification and phage resistance acknowledge cheese many years“full andflavor” geographies. providesthe to series, the finished continental cheese, CH-N-19 is known very robust performance. Lastly,formation. this cultureLastly, series ithas Within 03 and 04 are the most whereas phage robust, whereas 07 for anda 08 arephage known for good savory flavor is optimum performance at scalding between 35-38°C (95-100 °F). recommended to use this series in temperatures a culture rotation system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LDO Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form various frozen freeze-dried packaging sizes. packaging sizes. This series is available in both frozen andand freeze-dried form in all standard Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 15 - 21 - 21 Pasta Filata Cheese Cultures Introduction to Pasta Filata Cheese Cultures The figure below provides an overview of the many different culture series that belong to the Pasta Filata cheese “family”. The cultures mainly differ from each other in acidification speed, flavor profile and phage robustness. Acidification Speed Fast DVS® STI Medium DVS® TCC DVS® TCC-20 Slow ST ST ST LbB LbH Culture Composition Moisture retention (Capsular polysaccharide production) High Medium DVS® STI DVS® TCC DVS® TCC-20 Traditional fresh lactic acid Mozzarella/ Pasta Filata flavor “Yoghurt-like flavor”, Mediterranean style “Sweet and nutty” flavor notes and very limited browning during baking Low Flavor profile / functionality - 22 - 22 Pasta Filata Cheese Cultures Pasta Filata Cheese Cultures DVS® STI DVS® TCC-20 This series is a complex blend of multiple-defined thermophilic strains that have been designed to provide the cheese plant with unique protection against bacteriophages, achieving a very consistant fast acidification. DVS® STI and builds on state-of-the-art compounding TCC-20 is not a series, but a uniquewhile product which consists of a blendand of Streptococcus thermophilus Lactobacillus helveticus strains. The technologylevel andinisthe known for mild flavour notes very fast acidification speed.makes Lastly,the it is recommended to use thisPasta series in atypes culture galactose finished cheese is quite lowand for athis particular culture, which culture ideal for producing filata of rotationwith system. cheese only limited browning during baking or heating. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: ST ST LbH Contribution to flavor: Product Form series is is available in in both frozen and freeze-dried form in in various packaging sizes. This product available both frozen and freeze-dried form various packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F DVS® TCC This series is a blend of thermophilic strains and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, providing the finished cheese with a traditional Mediterranean type of Pasta filata flavor. This culture should be used when yoghurt-like notes are desired in the finished Pasta filata cheese, and generally if increased flavor intensity is desired. Additionally, it is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: ST LbB Contribution to flavor: Product Form This series is available in freeze-dried form in some standard packaging sizes. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F - 23 23- 24 Pasta Filata Cheese Cultures DVS® TCC-20 TCC-20 is not a series, but a unique product which consists of a blend of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus strains. The galactose level in the finished cheese is quite low for this particular culture, which makes the culture ideal for producing Pasta filata types of cheese with only limited browning during baking or heating. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: ST LbH Contribution to flavor: Product Form This product is available in both frozen and freeze-dried form in various packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 24 - 24 Soft Cheese Cultures Introduction to Soft Cheese Cultures The figure below provides an overview of the different culture series that belong to the Soft cheese “family”. The cultures mainly differ from each other in acidification speed, flavor intensity, eye formation and water retention in the cheese. Acidification Speed Fast DVS® BA Medium DVS® CZ/ST-B/SSC Slow DVS® CH-N DVS® SDMB LD DVS® YF DVS® Mild O D ST O DVS® STELLA ST LbB Culture Composition Flavor Intensity High DVS® STELLA Medium DVS® Mild O Low DVS® Flora/CH-N DVS® SDMB DVS® ST- B/SSC/CZ/BA/YF No eyes ”Blind cheese” Few (Pin holes) Eye Formation - 25 - 25 Few-Medium Storage: -18°C/0°F Soft Cheese Cultures DVS® Mild O Flora/CH-N This is a are traditional homofermentative consisting 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based low Floraseries and CH-N unique set of solutions buildculture on extensive fieldofexperience and designed by combining many mesophilic strains. Thison makes proteolytic resulting very mildofflavor notes with no bitterness in the finished cheese. It allows for a cheesy flavor you able to strains, fully capitalize oninthe value consistency in cheese production. The cultures are heterofermentative andmesophilic will form eyes ofwithout various getting or floating curdsThe in the cheese vat. This culture widely usedensure for lactic curds like goatagainst cheeses,bacteriophage. and it can be used blends- with sizes in holes the finished cheese. many different strains in is the cultures good protection Thesein series and CH-N, D orFlora STI series. especially Tradi and Flora Fresh – are known for the exceptional “full flavor” that they provide to the finished Soft cheese. Additionally, these culture series has optimum performance at scalding temperatures below 37°C (99°F). Culture composition Culture Performance Culture composition Acidification speed: Culture Performance Phage robustness: Acidification speed: Contribution to flavor: Phage robustness: O LD Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form 500g frozen cartons and in a freeze-dried This series is available in various frozen and freeze-dried packagingform. sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 DVS® Mild O This series is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based on low proteolytic strains, resulting in very mild flavor notes with no bitterness in the finished cheese. It allows for a cheesy mesophilic flavor without getting holes or floating curds in the cheese vat. This culture is widely used for lactic curds like goat cheeses, and it can be used in blends with CH-N, D or STI series. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: O Product Form This series is available in 500g frozen cartons and in a freeze-dried form. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 - 26 Storage: -18°C/0°F Soft Cheese Cultures DVS® Mild SDMBO This series consists is a traditional homofermentative consisting 100%ofmesophilic complex O culture strains.diacetylactis. The culture The is based on low of several different culturesculture that are defined of blends Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis biovar cultures are proteolytic strains, resulting veryeyes mildinflavor notes with no bitterness in the finished cheese. It allowsthe forDa cultures cheesy mesophilic without homofermentative, but can in form the finished cheese by fermentation of citrate. Moreover, are knownflavor for flavoring getting holesbringing or floating the cheese Thisfinal culture is widely used for have lacticoptimum curds likeperformance goat cheeses,atand it can temperatures be used in blends with properties, freshcurds and in creamy notesvat. to the cheese. The cultures scalding between CH-N, D (95-100°F). or STI series.Additionally, the cultures are usually blended together with LD, O or ST series and are seldom used alone. 35-38°C Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: DO Gas production: Product Form cartons and in a freeze-dried form. This series is available in 500g frozen cartons. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 DVS® ST-B / SSC These series are based on thermophilic strains with a mild acidification. SSC-100, -102 and -103 are new robust cultures avoiding postacidification. They bring clean taste and smooth mouth feeling. SSC-17 is a specific culture that stabilizes at a high pH value (about pH 5.2). SSC and STB can be used alone or in combination with CHN/Flora, R series or SDMB cultures according to the characteristics of the final cheese. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: ST Gas production: Product Form This series is available in various frozen and freeze-dried packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 27 - 27 Storage: -18°C/0°F Soft Cheese Cultures DVS® Mild O DVS® CZ is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based on low This series proteolytic strains, in very mild flavor notes withacidification no bitterness in and the finished It allows forMoreover, a cheesy mesophilic flavor This series is basedresulting on thermophilic strains that initiate fast stabilize cheese. pH during storage. the cultures arewithout able to getting holes or floating curds the cheese This gives culture is widelymouth used for lactic curds like goatthe cheeses, andcan it can used in blends with generate polysaccharides thatinretain water,vat. which a smooth feeling. Additionally, cultures be be rotated and the main CH-N, D or STI series.Crescenza. application is Italian Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: ST O Gas production: Product Form 500g frozen cartons and in a freeze-dried form. This series is available in various frozen 500g cartons. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 DVS® BA This series is based on thermophilic strains and associate very fast acidification speed with high texturing properties. The cultures are able to generate polysaccharides that retain water, which gives a smooth mouth feeling. The main application is Argentinean Port Salut type of cheese. It is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: ST Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in frozen form of 250 U pack sizes. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 28 - 28 Storage: -18°C/0°F Soft Cheese Cultures DVS® Mild O DVS® YF is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based on low This series proteolytic mildLactobacillus flavor notes bulgaricus with no bitterness in the finished cheese. It allowsThe for amain cheesy mesophilic These seriesstrains, consistresulting of blendsinofvery ST and strains devoted to cheese acidification. applications areflavor blue without molded getting holes floating curds in thetocheese vat. This culture widely used for lacticBoth curdsseries like goat cheeses, it can be used in blends with cheeses with or specific requirements the cheese body, e.g. aisvery smooth texture. are known forand a very “rounded“ flavor profile. CH-N, D or STIthese series. Additionally, cultures can be applied in Gorgonzola and Vacherin types of cheeses. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: ST O LbB Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in 500g frozenfrozen form.cartons and in a freeze-dried form. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 DVS® STELLA This unique culture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus enables a deep acidification during drainage and a high contribution in ripening due to its rich enzyme content. It is devoted to blue cheeses, e.g. Gorgonzola types, and Soft cheeses with very smooth texture in mouth and no bitterness. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LbB ST Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in frozen form. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 29 - 29 Propionic Cheese Cultures Introduction to Propionic Cheese Cultures The figure below provides an overview of the different culture series that belong to the Propionic cheese “family”. The cultures mainly differ from each other in acidification speed, eye formation and flavor intensity. Fast DVS® STEM Acidification Speed Medium Slow DVS® DCC DVS® LH DVS® CH-N/ Flora Danica None DVS® PS LD ST LD LbH ST LbH LbP O Culture Composition Flavor Intensity High DVS® LH DVS® DCC/CH-N/ Flora Danica DVS® PS Medium Low DVS® STEM No eyes ”Blind cheese” Few (Pin holes) Eye Formation - 30 - 30 Many (very big) PAB Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F Propionic Cheese Cultures DVS® Flora Danica/CH-N Flora Danica and CH-N are unique set of solutions build on extensive field experience and designed by combining many mesophilic strains. This DVS® Mild makes you ableOto fully capitalize on the value of consistency in cheese production. The cultures are heterofermentative and will generate pin holesseries depending on the scalding temperatures.culture The many different strainsmesophilic in the blend ensureOgood protection bacteriophage. These This is a traditional homofermentative consisting of 100% complex culture strains.against The culture is based on low series - andstrains, especially the Flora Danica CH-N-19 - arenoknown for the exceptional “full flavor” thatfor they provide to the finished cheese. proteolytic resulting in very mild and flavor notes with bitterness in the finished cheese. It allows a cheesy mesophilic flavor without These culture hascurds optimum at culture scaldingis temperatures socheeses, the use and for itacidification to getting holes orseries floating in the performance cheese vat. This widely used forbelow lactic 37°C curds(99°F), like goat can be usedisinrestricted blends with Maasdam of cheese. CH-N, D ortype STI series. Culture composition LDO Culture Performance Culture Performance Acidification speed: Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form various frozen and freeze-dried packagingform. sizes. This series is available in 500g frozen cartons and in a freeze-dried Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F DVS® DCC - 26 - This series consists of several different cultures that are all multiple defined blends of many different mesophilic strains. The cultures are heterofermentative and will generate pin holes depending on the scalding temperatures. This group of cultures is recommended for Propionic cheeses, since they mainly consist of LD culture and carefully selected O culture strains added with ST, LbH, and LbP. The cultures are intended for production procedures with scalding temperatures between 37-42°C (99-108°F). The many different strains in the blend ensure good protection against bacteriophage. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LD ST LbH LbP O Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in various frozen and in a few freeze-dried packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 31 - 31 Storage: -18°C/0°F Propionic Cheese Cultures DVS® Mild O DVS® STEM This series is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based on low proteolytic strains, in very mild flavor notes with no bitterness in the finishedThe cheese. It allows cheesy mesophilic flavor without This series is basedresulting on thermophilic strains resistant to high scalding temperatures. series consistsforofa different ST cultures for rotation getting holes or floating Also, curdsSTEM-02 in the cheese culture widely used forwater. lactic curds like goat cheeses, and it can beinused in blends with devoted to Emmenthal. allowsvat. theThis cheese curdis to retain more It is recommended to use this series a culture rotation CH-N, D or STI series. system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: ST O Gas production: Product Form 500g frozen This series is available in frozen form.cartons and in a freeze-dried form. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 DVS® LH This series is based on Latobacillus helveticus. The cultures vary in intensity of proteolysis, extent of acidification, flavor as well as their resistance to scalding temperatures. This allows for stimulation of the growth of propionic acid cultures. Due to their natural resistance to bacteriophage, the cultures do not need any rotation. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LbH Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in various frozen and freeze-dried packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 32 - 32 Propionic Cheese Cultures DVS® PS This series is a single strain species of Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp freudenreichii or subsp shermanii. The cultures are not able to acidify, but will ferment lactate and produce propionate, acetate and carbon dioxide. Additionally, the cultures will provide the finished cheese with characteristic sweet notes and famous large holes. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: PAB Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in various frozen and freeze-dried packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F Difference in Flavor Intensity and Eye Formation Typical Rich Propionic DVS® PS-40 Flavor Intensity Medium/Rich DVS® PS-60 DVS® PS-2 Mild/Medium Mild DVS® PS-1 Few DVS® PS-80 Few-Medium Medium-Rich Eye Formation - 33 - 33 Rich/Multiple Grana Cheese Cultures Introduction to Grana Cheese Cultures The figure below provides an overview of the different culture series that belong to the Grana cheese “family”. The cultures mainly differ from each other in functionality and flavor intensity. Acidification Speed Fast Medium Slow DVS® Grana DVS® MLC-300 DVS® TCC-20 LbH LbL ST ST ST LbH LbB LbP LbP Culture Composition Flavor Intensity High DVS® Grana Medium DVS® TCC-20 DVS® MLC-300 Traditional Grana “hard cheese” taste and maturation Enhances the white color of the cheese due to high galactose consumption Low Functionality - 34 - 34 Storage: -18°C/0°F Grana Cheese Cultures DVS® Mild O This series is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based on low DVS® Grana proteolytic resulting very mild flavor notesinwith no bitterness finished It allows for a cheesy mesophilicbulgaricus flavor without This series strains, is composed ofinthermophilic strains combination within atheblend of cheese. Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus and getting holes or floating curds in the cheese vat. This culture is widely used for lactic curds like goat cheeses, and it can be used in blends with Lactobacillus paracasei. This culture series is used for long time ripening types of cheeses like Grana and Parmesan, where especially the CH-N, D or STIhelveticus series. contributes to the special flavor development during the ripening. Lastly, the complexity of the Grana culture blends Lactobacillus make them very robust against bateriophages. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed:Performance Culture Phage robustness: Acidification speed: Culture composition O LbH Contribution to flavor: Phage robustness: ST LbB LbP Contribution to flavor: Product Product Form Form This series frozenfrozen cartons and in size. a freeze-dried form. This series is is available available in in 500g a standard package Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 DVS® MLC-300 This series is suitable for Pecorino or similar types of cheese, where a white color of the cheese is desired. The culture contains Lactobacillus debruecki ssp lactis strains, which ensures high galactose consumption without development of the typical "hard cheese" taste, caused by Lactobacillus helveticus in other Grana cultures. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: ST LbL LbP Contribution to flavor: Product Form This series is available in freeze-dried form. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F - 35 - 35 Grana Cheese Cultures DVS® TCC-20 TCC-20 is a unique product which consists of a blend of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus strains. The culture can be used in production of Grana and Parmasan types of cheeses, where it gives flavor notes that are characteristic for the hard and low moisture cheese types. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: ST LbH Contribution to flavor: Product Form This product is available in all standard packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 36 - 36 White Brined Cheese Cultures Introduction to White Brined Cheese Cultures The figure below provides an overview of the different culture series that belong to the White brined cheese “family”. This culture group covers traditional Feta and similar White cheeses like Halloumi, Domiati, Telemea and Bjalo. The cultures mainly differ from each other in acidification speed and flavor intensity. Acidification Speed Fast DVS® FRC DVS® R Medium DVS® Mild O DVS® SafeIT Slow O O O ST ST LbB LbB LbH Culture Composition Flavor Intensity High Medium DVS® FRC/R Low DVS® Mild O Traditional process DVS® SafeIT Ultra filtration process Cheese process/technology - 37 - 37 White Brined Cheese Cultures DVS® FRC FRC is a traditional homofermentative blend of mesophilic O culture, thermophilic Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus strains. The cultures are known for good phage robustness, fast acidification speed and closed cheese texture, especially preferred in traditional white cheese made in the Balkan region. It is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. The recommended production temperature is 35°C (95°F). Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O ST LbB Lb B Contribution to flavor: Product Form This series is available in a freeze-dried form. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F DVS® R One of the major reasons behind the success of Chr. Hansen is the R series solutions. The R series includes a full range of cultures for various cheese productions to fit the demands of the modern cheese producer. This mesophilic homofermentative culture range contains O strains known particularly for rapid acidification and phage resistance which is acknowledge by cheese makers through many years and geographies. Within the series, 03 and 04 are the most phage robust, whereas 07 and 08 are known for good savory flavor formation. Lastly, it is recommended to use this series in a culture rotation system. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: O Product Form This series is available in both frozen and freeze-dried form in all standard packaging sizes. Frozen Freeze-ried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 38 - 38 White Brined Cheese Cultures Pasta Filata Cheese Cultures DVS® Mild O Part of white brined cheese production is made with 100% mesophilic O culture. The Mild O is 100% mesophilic culture strains, known DVS® TCC-20 particularly foratheir phage properties. Theconsists Mild O isofunique in of sense no post-acidification andand usedLactobacillus when a gentle acidification is The TCC-20 is not series, but aresistant unique product which a blend Streptococcus thermophilus helveticus strains. preferred to avoid bitterness galactose level in the finished. cheese is quite low for this particular culture, which makes the culture ideal for producing Pasta filata types of cheese with only limited browning during baking or heating. Culture composition Culture Performance Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O ST Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: LbH Contribution to flavor: Product Form Form Product product available both frozen and freeze-dried form various packaging sizes. This series is is available in in both frozen and freeze-dried form in in various packaging sizes. Frozen Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F DVS® SafeIT SafeIT is developed for the industrial UF white brined cheeses from the Middle East and Balkan regions. It is a blend of both mesophilic and thermophilic strains. SafeIT is designed to improve texture, flavor and bring more certainty to the production, in terms of speed of fermentation and bactoriophage robustness. The recommended composition of the retentate is: Fat: 15-17,5%; Protein: 14-15%; TS:35-40% and optimum fermentation temperatures at 34-35°C. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: O ST LbH LbB Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: Product Form This series is available in a freeze-dried form. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F - 39 - 39- 24 Ripening Cultures Overview of Ripening Cultures The cultures in the ripening range vary significantly with different species and many different applications. The figure below provides an overview of the different culture series that belong to the ripening “family”. The blue colored products are mainly used for surface ripened soft cheese types, and for some smeared continental type of cheeses. The black colored products are mainly used for special flavor developments in propionic, continental and cheddar type cheese. PC PC Penicillium candidum PR PR Penicillium roqueforti GEO GEO Geotrichum candidum LAF Yeast Debaryomyces kluyveromyces Culture Composition BL/BC Brevibacterium BL SALSA Staphylococcus xylosus SALSA PS Propionic bacteria PAB CR-200-300 Lactococcus O O LbH CR-500/Full Flavor Lactococcus and Lactobacillus and Pediococcus LbP Lb rh Lb cu Lb pl Lb jo P ac LH and EMFOUR Lactobacillus helveticus LbH Mold Yeast Type of Microorganism - 40 - 40 Bacteria Ripening Cultures SWING®: Ripening cultures for soft mold types of cheeses and smeared cheeses The cultures below are aerobic ripening cultures mainly recommended for soft cheeses; Camembert and Brie types as well as blue cheeses, mixed rinds (with red and white surface) and smeared cheeses. The cultures originate from traditional cheeses or brines, and they have been selected for their appearance and/or flavoring properties. Flavor Development Degree of Lipolysis PC Penicillium candidum PR Penicillium roqueforti High Medium Low LAF Yeast GEO Geotrichum Candidum SALSA Staphylococcus xylosus BL Brevibacterium BC Brevibacterium Low Medium Degree of Proteolysis - 41 - 41 High Ripening Cultures SWING® PC - Penicillium candidum This series is composed of Penicillium candidum selected for their bright white appearance and moderate metabolic activity. The cultures allow for a white and short homogenous rind. Moreover, PC-A1 is well known for contributing to a longer shelf life, which is due to the low proteolytic activity. Lastly, PC-A3 ensures protection against mucors. Culture composition Culture Performance Growth speed: Contribution to coating: PC Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in freeze-dried spores with packaging sizes of 10 and 50 units. Storage: -18°C/0°F SWING® PR/PRG - Penicillium roqueforti The PR series is composed with two sub-ranges of Penicillium roqueforti. The PR series is recommended for traditional blue cheeses, whereas the PRG cultures were selected for the mild color they bring to Gorgonzola. The cultures in both series differ in color as well as in proteolytic and lipolytic activity. Lastly, PR-1 is well known for its low proteolytic activity, and is recommended for small size cheeses and double cheeses (blue on the inside and white on the outside). Culture composition Culture Performance Growth speed: Contribution to coating: PR Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in freeze-dried spores with packaging sizes of 10 units. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F - 42 - 42 Ripening Cultures SWING® GEO - Geotrichum candidum This series is composed of strains from yeast. The cultures contribute to the cheese coating, forming a thin rind and bringing a typical flavor to the cheese, while decreasing bitterness. Lastly, some strains - e.g. GEO CB - are able to inhibit the growth of contaminant molds. Culture composition Culture Performance Growth speed: Coating quality: GEO Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in liquid arthrospores form in 10 units bottles. The product should be stored in a cool place at 2-4°C (36-39°F). SWING® LAF - Yeast This series consists of strains from various species selected for targeted purposes – both neutralizing and fermenting yeast. Neutralizing yeast is devoted to the consumption of lactate resulting in rise of pH, and they develop on the cheese rind. Fermenting yeast produces flavor in the cheese curd, and they grow preferably inside the cheese. The SWING® TRIO is a blend of carefully appointed yeasts, allowing bioprotection towards unwanted molds on the surface of soft cheese and continental cheese types. Culture composition Culture Performance Growth speed: Contribution to coating: LAF Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in freeze-dried packaging sizes of 10 units. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F - 43 - 43 Ripening Cultures SWING® BL/BC SALSA - Brevibacterium Staphylococcus xylosus The BL series consists of Brevibacterium linens, whereas the SALSA-1 BC seriesprovides is a strain Brevibacterium casei. BLcheese, gives angiving orange color ”farm to the house” cheese SALSA series is devoted to cheese flavoring. Especially a of typical aroma of raw milk certain rind a typical provides a high aminopeptidase activity of and plays a significant role inalso thegives cheese texture, resulting flavorwith notes to thesulphur cheese,flavor. due toBCthe culture’s contribution to catabolism amino-acids. The culture a yellowish color to in thea round cheesemouth rind. feeling, softness and reduction of bitterness. Culture composition Culture Performance Growth speed: Contribution to coating: BLSALSA Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in freeze-dried packaging sizes of 10 units. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F - 44 SWING® SALSA - Staphylococcus xylosus The SALSA series is devoted to cheese flavoring. Especially SALSA-1 provides a typical aroma of raw milk cheese, giving certain ”farm house” flavor notes to the cheese, due to the culture’s contribution to catabolism of amino-acids. The culture also gives a yellowish color to the cheese rind. Culture composition Culture Performance Growth speed: Contribution to coating: SALSA Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in freeze-dried packaging sizes of 10 units. Freeze-dried Storage: -18°C/0°F - 44 - 44 Ripening Cultures Ripening Cultures Flavor Control™: Ripening Cultures for propionic, continental and cheddar types of cheeses The cultures are anaerobic ripening cultures recommended for continental, cheddar propionic cheese. Flavorbelow Control™: Ripening Cultures for propionic, continental and and cheddar types of However, cheesesin some cases, it can also be used in soft cheeses and pasta filata. The cultures have been selected for their flavoring properties, such as proteolytic metabolism The cultures below are anaerobic ripening cultures recommended for continental, cheddar and propionic cheese. However, in some cases, it as well forbe their catabolise amino-acids. development according cheese environmental parameters has metabolism also been taken canasalso usedability in softtocheeses and pasta filata. TheTheir cultures have been selected for to their flavoring properties, such as proteolytic into consideration. as well as for their ability to catabolise amino-acids. Their development according to cheese environmental parameters has also been taken into consideration. PS & Flavor Control™ PS & Flavor Control™ PAB DVS® PS DVS® PS PAB DVS® LH/ LbH DVS® LH/ EMFOUR LbH EMFOUR Culture Composition Culture Composition DVS® DVS® O CR-200-300 CR-200-300 O O O LbHLbH LbPLbP O O LbHLbH LbLLbL DVS® DVS® DVS® DVS® CR-520 CR-520 CR-520 CR-520 CR-501 CR-501 CR-501 CR-501 DVS® DVS® CR-540 CR-540 DVS® O O O LbP CR-550 Lb cu Lb cu LbL O LbL O O O CR-550 Lb pl Lb pl O DVS® LbP DVS® CRMature01 DVS® CR- P ac P ac Mature01 DVS® CRBouquet01 Lb jo DVS® CRBouquet01 Lb jo Lb rh Lb rh DVS® CRButtery01 LbP LbP Sweet and lipolytic Sweet and lipolytic Sweet and nutty Debittering and mild Sweet and nutty and mild Flavor Profile Debittering Flavor Profile - 45 - - 45 - 45 Mature Mature Mature and Tutti fruity Mature and Tutti fruity DVS® CRButtery01 Buttery Buttery Storage: -18°C/0°F Ripening Cultures DVS® Mild O DVS® PS is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based on low This series proteolytic resulting in very of mild flavor notes withfreudenreichii no bitterness subsp. in the finished cheese.orItsubsp. allowsshermanii. for a cheesy mesophilic flavor This series isstrains, a single strain species Propionibacterium freudenreichii The cultures are notwithout able to getting or ferment floating curds the produce cheese vat. This culture is widely fordioxide. lactic curds like goat cheeses, andprovide it can bethe used in cheese blends with acidify, holes but will lactateinand propionate, acetate and used carbon Additionally, the cultures final CH-N, D or STIsweet series.notes and famous large holes. characteristic Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: PAB O Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in 500g frozen cartons and in a freeze-dried various frozen and freeze-dried packagingform. sizes. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 DVS® LH/EMFOUR* The LH series is based on Latobacillus helveticus. The cultures vary in intensity of proteolysis and flavor. They enhance cheese maturity and provide various flavor notes to the cheese, especially sweet and nutty. Moreover, LH cultures are galactose positive and contribute to reduce residual sugars in the cheese curd, avoiding secondary fermentation or browning by Maillard reactions. *EMFOUR use is restricted and cannot be used in Gouda/Edam cheeses. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: LbH Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in standard frozen form Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 46 - 46 Storage: -18°C/0°F Continental Cheese Cultures Ripening Cultures DVS® Flora Danica/CH-N DVS® Mild O These series consist of several different traditional LD cultures that are all multiple defined blends of mesophilic strains. The cultures are This series is a traditional homofermentative culture of 100% mesophilic complex O culture The culture is based low DVS® Flavor Control™ / CR-200-300 citrate fermenting heterofermentative and will form consisting eyes of various sizes in the finished cheese. The strains. many different strains in theonblend proteolytic strains, resulting in very mild flavor notes with no bitterness in the finished cheese. It allows for a cheesy mesophilic flavor without ensure extra good protection against bacteriophage. This seriesstrains - and especially Danica - is known its exceptional “fullbut flavor” it This series consists of homofermentative mesophilic O culture which are Flora lactose negative or slowfor lactose fermenting, with athat very getting holes or floating curds in thecultures cheese vat. This is widely used fora finished lactic curds like goat cheeses, andcheese it can be used in blends provides to the finished continental cheese,give whereas CH-N-19 isnotes known very phage robust Lastly, this culture serieswith has high aminopeptidase activity. The very culture mild flavor tofor the cheese andperformance. can remove bitterness. Lastly, the CH-N, D or STI series. cultures be used in at anyscalding type oftemperatures cheese, but they need to be used in combination with an acidifying culture. optimumcan performance between 35-38°C (95-100 °F). Culture Culture composition composition Culture Culture Performance Performance Culture Performance Acidification speed: Acidification speed: Acidification speed: Phage Phage robustness: robustness: Phage robustness: Contribution to flavor: flavor: to flavor: Contribution to Contribution LD OO Gas production: Gas production: Product Form Form Product This series series is is available available in in standard 500g frozen cartons and in sizes. a freeze-dried various frozen and freeze-dried packagingform. sizes. This frozen packaging Frozen Frozen Freeze-dried Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: Storage: -18°C/0°F -18°C/0°F Continental Cheese Cultures - 26 - DVS® Flora Danica/CH-N DVS® Flavor Control™ CR-500 / CR-Full These series consist of several different traditionalFlavor LD cultures that are all multiple defined blends of mesophilic strains. The cultures are These are made of ripening O culture strains various and strains of Lactobacilli. cultures are both to citrate series fermenting heterofermentative and will formblended eyes of with various sizes species in the finished cheese. The many The different strains in theable blend ensure extra goodand protection This series - ande.g. especially Flora Danica - is known forand its savory. exceptional “full flavor” thatto it reduce bitterness build upagainst intensebacteriophage. and complex cheese flavors, fruity, sweet, nutty, caramelized, All cultures are able increase maturity.continental Additionally, CR-500 cultures are particularly to phage low fatrobust cheeses but can alsoLastly, be used full fatseries cheeses, provides cheese to the finished cheese, whereas CH-N-19 is knowndevoted for a very performance. thisinculture has however, all cultures need to be used in combination with 35-38°C an acidifying culture. optimum performance at scalding temperatures between (95-100 °F). Culture composition Culture Performance Culture Performance Acidification speed: Acidification speed: Phage robustness: Phage robustness: LD O LbL LbP Contribution Contribution to flavor: to flavor: Gas production: Gas production: Product Form variousform frozen freeze-dried packaging sizes. This series is available in frozen in and cartons. Frozen Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: Storage: -45°C/-49°F -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F Lb rh - 15 - 47 - 47 Lb cu Lb pl Lb jo P ac Protective Cultures Introduction to Protective Cultures DVS® BioSafe™ is Chr. Hansen’s response to gram positive spoilages, e.g. Bacillus and Clostrium, for cheese manufacturers who want to go natural. BS-10 can improve bio-control during the process and provide more homogeneous products with improved quality of the final cheese. BS-10 has a controlled production of nisin that inhibits microbial growth. This culture should be used in combination with a DVS® acidifying starter culture. DVS® FreshQ® is Chr. Hansen’s way of utilizing the power of nature to inhibit growth of yeasts & molds that reduce shelf-life and negatively impact the quality of many dairy products. Sorbic acid and it’s calcium, sodium and potassium salts or natamycin are means to prevent unwanted yeast and mold – but it is not in line with consumer trends of natural and clean labels. effective in preventing unwanted yeast and mold - but it’s not in line with consumer trends of natural and clean labels. DVS® FreshQ® consists of natural microorganisms with the potential to inhibit unwanted contaminants like yeast and mold through fermentation. DVS® FreshQ® cultures add an additional hurdle to your quality assurance program and enhances the effectiveness of your sanitation program – with no negative flavor impact. Other effect preventing yeast and mold DVS® FreshQ® Special Properties Nisin production DVS® BS-10 O Culture Composition DVS® BS-10 This O culture ProtectIT/BS-10 produces nisin that inhibits microbial growth, and thereby extends shelf life for some products. More specifically the ProtectIT/BS-10 show antimicrobial activity against several Gram-positive bacteria, including spore-formers such as Clostridium and Bacillus subsp. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: O Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in frozen form. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 48 - 48 DVS® Mild O This series is a traditional homofermentative culture consisting of 100% mesophilic complex O culture strains. The culture is based on low Protective Cultures proteolytic strains, resulting in very mild flavor notes with no bitterness in the finished cheese. It allows for a cheesy mesophilic flavor without getting holes or floating curds in the cheese vat. This culture is widely used for lactic curds like goat cheeses, and it can be used in blends with CH-N, D or STI series. DVS® FreshQ® FreshQ®composition cultures are used in combination with the existing DVS® acidifying culture. It is a natural solution to prevent or delay the growth of Culture Culture Performance Acidification speed: yeast and molds over the shelf-life of cheese. The FreshQ® cultures are based on unique strains of lactic acid bacteria working in synergy with robustness: the starter culture during fermentation. They are developed toPhage give superior antifungal activity as well as low technological and sensory impact on the cheese. In fact, they often contribute positively to the freshness and creaminess. The efficiency of FreshQ® will depend on Contribution to flavor: O factors such as cheese type, make conditions, contamination level, cool-chain etc. Product Form product available various frozen andand freeze-dried packaging sizes. This series is is available in in 500g frozen cartons in a freeze-dried form. Frozen Freeze-dried Storage: -45°C/-49°F Storage: -18°C/0°F - 26 - DVS® Butter - D-series Butter is produced by a traditional churning process or a continuous process. Both processes are adjusted according to seasonal variances in milk composition. In order to get the acidification and the aroma production the preferred direct inoculation cultures are the DVS® CHN-22 to get a higher acidification speed and inoculation using 2000 to 4000 Units per 10 tons of cream. In addition to these DVS® cultures it is needed also to add an aromatic culture like DVS® CHD-1 or DVS® CHD-2 to increase the diacetyl flavor. The culture F-DVS® CHD-2 is inoculated in an amount of 500 Units per 2.000 liters of milk. This DVS® series consists of defined Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis diacetylactis. The cultures are homofermentative and known for flavoring properties, bring fresh, creamy and buttery notes to the butter or spread product. Culture composition Culture Performance Acidification speed: Phage robustness: D Contribution to flavor: Gas production: Product Form This series is available in 500g frozen cartons. Frozen Storage: -45°C/-49°F - 49 - 49 Kosher For Passover Introduction to KFP™ All Chr. Hansen cheese cultures are Kosher certified, however, several other cultures are also certified special Kosher for Passover (KFP™). The figure below provides an overview of the different cultures in the Chr. Hansen KFP™ series that all have been certified Kosher for Passover. All these cultures have similar performance as the regular versions. The specific product KFP™ CHEESE is similar to that of the Fresco® series, and therefore, KFP™ CHEESE can be used as an alternative to Fresco® cultures, when Kosher for Passover is required. Special Characteristic Kosher for Passover certificate available KFP™ CH-N-19 LD KFP™ R-604 KFP™ R-608 KFP™ CHEESE O O KFP™ LH-17 LbH KFP™ PS-1 PAB KFP™ STC-7 ST ST Culture Composition The KFP™ cultures are available in standard 500 U frozen packaging sizes, except from the KFP™ CHEESE which is available in 1000 U bag. - 50 - 50 Our OurProduct ProductRange Range&&How Howto touse useitit The Thenames namesofofallallour ourcultures culturesininour ourrange rangeare arelisted listedininthe thecoming comingpages. pages.Besides Besidesfrom fromthe thename namethere thereisis also alsoinformation informationabout aboutCulture CultureType, Type,Culture CulturePerformance, Performance,Product ProductForm Formand andthe theItem ItemNumber Numberthat thatisis used usedwhen whenordering orderingthe theculture. culture. Culture Culture Name Name AllAll our cultures have individual names. Usually, there are several individual cultures our cultures have individual names. Usually, there are several individual cultures e.g. R-603, R-604, R-607, etc. within a certain culture series e.g. the R-600 series. e.g. R-603, R-604, R-607, etc. within a certain culture series e.g. the R-600 series. Ideally, the user will frequently switch between the individual cultures within aa Ideally, the user will frequently switch between the individual cultures within series; this will enhance the plant’s protection against costly phage attacks. Before series; this will enhance the plant’s protection against costly phage attacks. Before setting upup a culture rotation scheme, always consult your local Chr. Hansen Sales setting a culture rotation scheme, always consult your local Chr. Hansen Sales Representative. Representative. Culture Culture Type Type The The main main microorganism microorganism present present in in the the culture culture is is indicated indicated under under the the Culture Culture Type Type part ofof the table. For more information about the different components and the part the table. For more information about the different components and the actual species name behind the abbreviations O,O, L, L, LDLD etc., gogo toto page 4-5. actual species name behind the abbreviations etc., page 4-5. Culture Culture Performance Performance Cultures in in this catalogue are classified byby their performance and functionality for: Cultures this catalogue are classified their performance and functionality for: Acidification Speed, Phage Robustness, Flavor Contribution and when relevant also Acidification Speed, Phage Robustness, Flavor Contribution and when relevant also Gas Production. The scale a 5-level scale from 1 (low) 5 (high). Gas Production. The scale is is a 5-level scale from 1 (low) toto 5 (high). Product Product Form Form and and Item Item Number Number Many ofof our products are produced both in in a freeze dried and a frozen version and Many our products are produced both a freeze dried and a frozen version and sometimes in in many different packaging formats e.g. 50,50, 200, and 500 Units. sometimes many different packaging formats e.g. 200, and 500 Units. ToTo find the right product format forfor your application look forfor the material number find the right product format your application look the material number that is is listed in in the column with the format you desire. Use the Item Number and that listed the column with the format you desire. Use the Item Number and Culture Name when ordering products. Culture Name when ordering products. New New && improved improved packaging packaging format format forfor frozen frozen DVS® DVS® cultures cultures Chr. Hansen will gradually start toto change the packaging format ofof frozen cultures Chr. Hansen will gradually start change the packaging format frozen cultures from 500 gram carton toto 500 unit bags in in box. The new item numbers in in concern from 500 gram carton 500 unit bags box. The new item numbers concern are easily located in in the column marked red. are easily located the column marked red. - 51 - 51- - 51 Standard Range ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ RST RST-‐225 RST-‐245 RST-‐255 RST-‐290 RST-‐630 RST-‐631 RST-‐632 RST-‐633 RST-‐634 RST-‐635 RST-‐643 RST-‐676 RST-‐743 RST-‐744 RST-‐776 O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST Culture Type R-‐600/R-‐700 R-‐603 R-‐604 R-‐607 R-‐608 R-‐703 R-‐704 R-‐707 R-‐708 Culture Name L D LbH LbB LD 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 100239 100095 100096 100097 100098 100242 100410 701877 100122 100123 100124 100125 25 x 200 U pouch 100409 100247 100156 100157 100158 100159 20 x 500 U pouch 10 x 50 U pouch Flavor Contribu8on Acidifica8on Speed Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS Culture Performance 710303 10 x 50 U bag Frozen DVS 704666 704667 704668 704669 704643 704644 704648 704649 704655 704654 704637 704638 704633 704634 704635 704636 10 x 500 U bag Standard Range ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Mild O™ MO-‐1 MO-‐2 MO-‐3 MO-‐10 MO-‐20 MO-‐30 O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST Culture Type RSF RSF-‐80 (YY-‐80) RSF-‐105 (YY-‐105) RSF-‐621 RSF-‐636 RSF-‐637 RSF-‐638 RSF-‐639 RSF-‐640 RSF-‐641 RSF-‐651 RSF-‐653 RSF-‐736 RSF-‐742 Culture Name L D ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LbH LbB ■ LD 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 706425 706426 706427 703081 703061 706428 706429 706430 703082 703063 20 x 500 U pouch 10 x 50 U pouch Flavor Contribu8on Acidifica8on Speed Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS Culture Performance 704904 704930 704706 704639 704640 704641 704645 704646 704647 704652 704651 704653 705251 705254 10 x 500 U bag Frozen DVS Standard Range ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Fresco-‐1000 Fresco 1000-‐11 Fresco 1000-‐21 Fresco 1000-‐50 Fresco 1000-‐70 Fresco 1000-‐81 Fresco-‐3000 Fresco 3000-‐10 Fresco 3000-‐20 Fresco 3000-‐30 Fresco 3000-‐40 Fresco 3000-‐50 O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST Culture Type CC CC-‐02 CC-‐04 CC-‐06 CC-‐08 Culture Name L D LbH LbB LD 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 697941 697942 697943 697944 697945 702775 702406 674511 683732 702412 704710 704711 704712 704713 10 x 500 U bag 6 x 1000 U bag Flavor Contribu8on Acidifica8on Speed Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Frozen DVS Culture Performance TCC TCC-‐3 TCC-‐4 TCC-‐5 TCC-‐6 TCC-‐20 Culture Name Standard Range STI STI-‐06 STI-‐07 STI-‐08 STI-‐09 STI-‐12 STI-‐13 STI-‐14 Culture Name Standard Range ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST Culture Type O Culture Type L L D D ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LbH LbB LbH LbB LD LD 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Phage Robustness 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 100145 100137 100142 100197 25 x 200 U pouch 100140 100144 601695 601697 100227 20 x 500 U pouch 10 x 50 U pouch Flavor Contribu8on 705353 705355 705357 Acidifica8on Speed 697993 697994 698000 Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS 697990 698004 697997 20 x 500 U pouch Culture Performance 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 x 200 U pouch 10 x 50 U pouch Acidifica8on Speed Flavor Contribu8on Culture Performance Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS 704873 10 x 500 U bag Frozen DVS 690180 705900 708499 708500 500 g carton Frozen DVS 704889 705901 707752 707753 10 x 500 U bag Standard Range L-‐Series CAF Ln. BLUE D-‐cultures CHD-‐1 CHD-‐2 SDMB-‐4 SDMB-‐5 SDMB-‐6 SDMB-‐7 LD-‐Series CHN-‐11 CHN-‐12 CHN-‐13 CHN-‐14 CHN-‐15 CHN-‐19 CHN-‐22 CHN-‐120 FLORA DANICA FLORA TRADI FLORA FRESH FMD-‐0046 FMD-‐0114 Culture Name O ST LbH Culture Type ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LD LbP ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D ■ ■ L 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Gas Produc8on 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 100126 100127 100129 100099 100100 100103 25 x 200 U pouch 100163 100161 100160 20 x 500 U pouch 10 x 50 U pouch Flavor Contribu8on Acidifica8on Speed Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS Culture Performance 708281 250 g carton Frozen DVS 619221 619629 705026 201176 617507 617875 608171 683166 684987 620457 620669 501594 200116 200117 200118 200119 500 g carton 704780 704918 705412 704913 704915 704916 704914 704679 704697 704787 704905 704906 704681 704794 704680 704685 704707 704925 704919 704920 10 x 500 U bag Culture Type DCC-‐Series Group 1 DCC-‐230 DCC-‐232 DCC-‐240 Group 2 DCC-‐250 DCC-‐260 DCC-‐265 DCC-‐275 DCC-‐290 YY-‐88 Culture Name Standard Range FLORA™ C501 FLORA™ C502 FLORA™ C503 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LD D L LbH Culture Type ■ ■ ■ LD O EASY-‐SET® FLORA™ ConDnental FLORA™ C150 ■ FLORA™ C160 ■ FLORA™ C950 ■ FLORA™ C960 ■ FLORA™ C1050 ■ FLORA™ C1060 ■ Culture Name Standard Range ■ ■ ■ ■ LbP ST ■ D L LbH LbB 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 3 4 3 710342 708597 708599 692798 692780 703153 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 Phage Robustness 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 615458 702933 668195 20 x 350 U pouch 707701 707702 350 g carton 25 x 200 U pouch Gas Produc8on 3 3 3 Acidifica8on Speed Flavor Contribu8on 4 4 4 708649 708650 708651 708653 708655 708657 Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS Frozen DVS 4 4 4 5 5 5 710588 710589 708652 708654 708656 708658 7 x 750 U bag Culture Performance 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 x 750 U bag 10 x 500 U bag Gas produc8on Acidifica8on Speed Flavor Contribu8on Culture Performance Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Frozen DVS 704687 706620 706621 10 x 350 U bag 704754 704683 704690 704682 10 x 500 U bag Standard Range STEM-‐02 STEM-‐03 PS-‐1 PS-‐2 PS-‐4 PS-‐40 PS-‐60 PS-‐80 LH-‐B01 LH-‐B02 LH-‐B03 LH-‐32 Culture Name ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST L L D LbH PAB ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Culture Type SafeIT-‐Series SafeIT 1 SafeIT 2 SafeIT 3 Standard Range ■ ■ ■ FRC-‐60 FRC-‐65 FRC-‐70 FRC-‐75 ST ■ ■ ■ ■ Culture Type O ■ ■ ■ ■ Culture Name 4 4 4 4 Flavor Contribu8on 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Flavor Contribu8on 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 704553 704555 704556 0 0 2 3 4 4 5 5 0 0 0 0 Acidifica8on Speed 5 5 4 4 2 2 100116 100121 100118 100185 25 x 200 U pouch 704898 708144 20 x 500 U bag 10 x 5 U / 10 x 50 U pouch Phage Robustness 5 5 5 100094 100232 615639 615640 Gas Produc8on 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 x 50 U pouch Phage Robustness Acidifica8on Speed Product Form and Item number Frozen DVS Freeze-‐dried DVS ■ ■ ■ LD Culture Performance ■ ■ ■ LbH LbB ■ ■ ■ ■ Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS Culture Performance 704806 704894 16 x 250 U / 20 x 250 U bag 704803 704804 705257 704891 704892 704893 704896 704898 10 x 500 U bag 674715 674716 250 U carton 704757 704758 10 x 250 U bag Standard Range 0 0 0 0 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ YF-‐221 GK-‐01 Y-‐CH1 YF-‐3331 Lb. STELLA ■ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Phage Robustness 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Flavor Contribu8on 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 4 2 5 5 5 3 5 4 4 3 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100113 100183 25 x 200 U pouch 699117 699131 699132 250 g carton 10 x 50 U pouch Acidifica8on Speed Gas Produc8on ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D BA-‐201 BA-‐202 BA-‐203 GZ-‐01 GZ-‐02 CZ-‐03 CZ-‐100 LbB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS Frozen DVS Culture Performance ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST Culture Type SSC SSC-‐17 SSC-‐100 SSC-‐101 SSC-‐102 SSC-‐103 ST-‐B01 ST-‐B05 Culture Name 677500 706665 501692 200146 201132 699475 703372 500 g carton 704901 704902 704903 20 x 250 U bag 704965 704924 704936 704969 709943 709944 709945 704922 704912 704927 704931 708622 708621 704900 704908 10 x 500 U bag CR-‐213 CR-‐312 CR-‐319 CR-‐520 CR-‐540 CR-‐550 CR-‐501 CR-‐Bu`ery01 CR-‐Mature01 CR-‐Bouquet01 TEXT-‐01 Culture Name Standard Range MLC-‐300 GRANA-‐102 GRANA-‐103 GRANA-‐105 GRANA-‐106 Culture Name Standard Range ■ ST ■ ■ ■ ■ O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST Culture Type O Culture Type L L D D ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LbH LbP LbL ■ LbH LbB LbP ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Phage Robustness 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 704714 704718 704719 704721 10 x 475 U bag 711064 710314 710315 710317 710755 704716 704717 10 x 500 U bag 10 x 200 U bag 681239 Acidifica8on Speed Flavor Contribu8on 4 Culture Performance 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 Product Form and Item number Frozen DVS 4 3 3 3 3 25 x 200 U pouch Acidifica8on Speed Flavor Contribu8on Culture Performance Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried DVS 706675 6 x 1000 U bag 704798 704799 710781 710782 10 x 500 U bag Frozen DVS Kosher For Passover KFP CHEESE 01 KFP CHEESE 03 KFP CHEESE 04 KFP CHEESE 05 KFP R-‐604 KFP R-‐608 KFP CHN-‐19 KFP PS-‐1 KFP STC-‐7 KFP LH-‐17 Culture Name Standard Range EMFOUR ENZOBACT BS-‐10 Culture Name Standard Range ST ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ST Culture Type ■ O Culture Type L L D D ■ ■ LbH PAB ■ LD LbH LbP LbD ■ ■ 5 5 4 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 0 3 2 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 5 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 4 1 5 697228 699643 699646 703376 704659 704657 704694 704899 704881 704807 10 x 500 U bag 6 x 1000 U bag Flavor Contribu8on Acidifica8on Speed Phage Robustness Culture Performance 704642 704802 704805 Product Form and Item number Frozen DVS 1 1 1 10 x 500 U bag 10 x 65 U bag Acidifica8on Speed Flavor Contribu8on Culture Performance Phage Robustness Product Form and Item number Frozen DVS Standard Range BL/BC-‐Series SWING B. CASEI BC SWING B. LINENS BL-‐1 SWING B. LINENS BL-‐2 SWING MIC SALSA-‐1 SWING MIC SALSA-‐2 LAF-‐Series SWING YEAST LAF-‐3 SWING YEAST LAF-‐4 SWING YEAST LAF-‐5 SWING YEAST LAF-‐7 SWING YEAST LAF TRIO GEO-‐Series SWING FD GEO CH SWING GEO CA SWING GEO CB SWING GEO CD-‐1 PR-‐Series SWING P.R. PR-‐1 SWING P.R. PR-‐3 SWING P.R. PR-‐4 SWING P.R. PRG-‐3 SWING® PC-‐Series SWING FD PCA-‐1 SWING FD PCA-‐3 SWING PC TT-‐033 Culture Name ■ ■ ■ PC ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PR GEO MIC LAF Culture Type ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BL ■ BC 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 5 4 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 5 5 2 1 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 5 200702 200699 200701 201026 200941 200865 201016 610590 201189 683643 200691 200692 200693 200680 200681 200977 600740 660413 660450 670630 674033 674035 674029 674032 674031 40 U pouch 660416 660451 50 U pouch 10 U pouch Color Degree of lipolysis Degree of proteolysis Product Form and Item number Freeze-‐dried powder Culture Performance DVS® Benefits • • • • • ield Plus™ Y Risk Minus™ Growth Multiply™ Process Convenience Chr. Hansen Expertise & Competencies DVS® Benefits • • • • • ield Plus™ Y Risk Minus™ Growth Multiply™ Process Convenience Chr. Hansen Expertise & Competencies For further information, visit Chr. Hansen A/S -10-12 Boege Allé DK-2970 Hoersholm, Denmark Phone: +45 45 74 74 74
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