DOLGEVilLE PRESENT: REGULAR MEETING VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAY 19, 2014 MAYOR: TRUSTEES: Bruce T. Lyon Robert L. Griffin-absent Brock Herringshaw Komel D. Martyniuk-absent Mary E. Puznowski ATTORNEY: Norman Mastromoro Tammy L. Chmielewski RECORDING SECRETARY: ATTENDED: Dave Jaquay, Erica Smith, Beverly Waleur, Marilyn Williams and Rob Juteau. Mayor Bruce T. Lyon at Village Hall called this Regular Meeting of the Dolgeville Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance recited. Approval of Meeting Minutes Budgetary Transfers Resolution # 62-2014 By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the meeting minutes of April 21, 2014. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. The following resolution was offered by Trustee Puznowski and sec. by Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. FROM: A03410.405 TO: A03410.409 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 FROM: A03410.406 TO: A03410.409 $ 29.48 FROM: A03410.400 TO: A03410.409 $ 66.75 FROM: A03410.408 TO: A03410.409 $ 419.75 FROM: F08330.414 TO: F08330.404 $ 300.00 FROM: F08330.414 TO: F08330A03 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 FROM: A05110.409 $ 949.19 $ 29.48 $ 66.75 $ 419.75 $ 300.00 A05110.411 TO: A05110.410 $ 92.86 $ 1,042.05 AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 Abstract of Audited Vouchers Resolution # 63-2014 The following resolution was offered by Trustee Puznowski and sec. by Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to sign the Abstract of Audited Vouchers from the following funds for the amount specified: GENERAL TRUST & AGENCY SEWER WATER $ 39,695.47 $ 1,401.48 $ 9,078.79 $ 12,531.24 AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 Appointments Playground C T. Male - I & I Upgrade By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve the following appointments: Charlene Wood - Bus Driver, Danielle DiCamillo Playground Assistant. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Chet Szymanski of C.T. Male came before the Board on the following: ALX project is near completion. There is a meeting tomorrow for final inspection and punch list items. Bill Blodgett, Ed Scharpou, C.T. Male and contractors. Trustee Puznowski asked about Spofford Ave. - Beth Roberts gully, tree, roots, etc. Mayor Lyon asked about South Main/Spofford Ave. manhole and dip in road. Stewart Street stockpile at the end of street needs to be hauled away if it is not needed and area put back to preconstruction phase. Village Attorney - address punch list, hold back amount for a period of time - retainage, and review warranty period. Ed added items to the project, a meeting is scheduled at the plant to see what items could be addressed. Please note EFC funding runs out the end of September 2014. A manhole replacement and additional scopes of work will be discussed including FEMA project. Meeting June 6th? D.O.H. - Water Line Van Buren Street Letter dated May 1, 2014 - 9 items addressed. Watershed Seminar FEMA holding a seminar at H.c.c.c. - East Canada Creek. Department Heads Water Plant Water Plant Operator Neal Winkler came before the Board on the following: Working on opening filters, sampling, leaks in and outside the village. Dzierznoski house on Second Street - low pressure. AWQR Report is complete quarterly billing. and ready for publication, missed Water Monthly Report By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the April 2014 water report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Unused Vacation Time Neal Winkler requested I week unused vacation - approved per contract. D.P.W. D.P.W. Superintendent John Houle came before the Board on the following: D.P. W. Monthly Report By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the 4117114 5113114 D.P.W. report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Barn Roof Quotes Amish - pull tin and replace - 10 yr. warranty - $ 8,000.00. Restoration - steam clean/sealer/paint - 12 yr. guarantee - $ 6,874.00, called for a third quote - no response. John recommends restoration quote. Encumber money from this year $ 1,800.00 and apply to new budget - $ 5,000.00 to cover cost. Village Hall Windows Village could only afford half the window last year and will complete the project of 15 more windows for $ 5,360.00, village budgeted $ 9,000.00, and this includes repairs to the Youth Center bathrooms. The Police department has two air compressor tanks removed and window area sealed. The additional cost for this is $ 925.00. Village to check procurement policy and bid specs for projects under $ 10,000.00. Watering Flowers D.P.W. employees doing watering village is wondering if they could weekend watering until the village hire someone. Check with county to see if they can during the week and swap out time for the can get a volunteer or water flowers. Farmer's Market One tent is up and the village is recommending the farmer's market move to a new location possibly the pavilion or Ambulance Corp. area. Village will contact Rotary. Tree Complaint Complaint from 170 North Main Street regarding tree on Arnold Street alleyway. Village received a quote from Nick Miller of $ 500.00 and Rick Barnes of $ 750.00. Village will go with Miller. Village will also check tree complaint on East State Street. Portable Basketball Hoops Village to look into a local law to ensure they are not in the village right of way . Pergola Cost for rods to repair pergola canopy - $ 500.00. John to check local companies for a better price. Gazebo Ramp Request treads for ramp area. WWTP WWTP Operator Edward Scharpou was unavailable for the meeting but submitted the following: W»TP Monthly Report By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the April 2014 WWTP report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Unused Vacation Time William Boyer request approved per contract. Fire Department Fire Chief Randy Tennant came before the Board on the following: Aerial ladder purchase order should be $ 750.00. Unused fire controller bid request - $ 250.00, scrap or give to state museum. The pump used for cellars/pools is deteriorating. Vinny Smith can look at it and possibly rebuild kit for carbo Fire Department Monthly Report Police Department By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the April Fire Department report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Provisional Chief of Police Richard Congdon came before the Board on the following: Preparing for Violet Festival parade. Resignation Part time patrolman resignation. New Hire Village to hire Trained Part Time Patrolman Klock effective June 1, 2014. Police Monthly Report By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the April 2014 Police report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Officer Barry Vickers was unavailable for the meeting but submitted the following: Code Enforcement Monthly Report Planning Board Chicken Law Proposal Update Elon Humphrey submitted his Timothy By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the May 16, 2014 Code Enforcement report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Planning Board - Beverly Waleur came before the Board on the following: Permits issued after review, suggested a onetime fee of $ 15.00. Only homeowners can apply unless someone is renting a whole house, based on lot layout ex. 20 ft. from the house and 5 feet from a property line. Approved coop design, confined at night, only in back yard, fenced - 4 feet and according to fence regulations (Zoning), max. 8 chickens, no roosters. Sanitary conditions, no sales on site, feed contained, complaints - first violation on notice, second violation $ 50.00 fine, third violation permit revoked for up to 5 years and then you could re-apply and if violation is issued you will not be allowed to have chickens again. Permit will contain name, address and signed by Planning Board. SEQRA can be signed by Beverly Waleur and needs to be done before final approval of law. The Village Board will act as the Board the Health for any issues. Draft Local Law # 10f 2014 Permitting the Harboring And Personnel Use of Certain Female Chickens Resolution # 64-2014 By Trustee Puznowski Motion authorizing Village Attorney to draft Local Law # 1 of 2014 Permitting the Harboring and Personnel Use of Certain Female Chickens. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED -May 19, 2014 Complete Street Seminar Planning Board Meeting Minutes By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the Planning Board monthly report as presented. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Treasurer Michele Weakley was unavailable meeting but submitted the following: Treasurer Expenditures, Encumbrances, Appropriations Beverly Waleur attended the Complete Streets Seminar. for the and Balance Sheet By Trustee Puznowski Motion to place on file the Statement of Expenditures, Encumbrances, Appropriations for the period ending May 15, 2014. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. By Trustee Puznowski Motion to place on file the Balance Sheet for the period ending May 31, 2014. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Public Comment Youth Commission Marilyn Williams of the Youth Commission came before the Board on the following: What is the status of a no smoking ban for Violet Festival and the summer youth playground program? The village cannot enforce a no-smoking ban for the Violet Festival. No Smoking Ban Playground Program Resolution # 65-2014 By Trustee Puznowski Motion to enforce and put up signs for a no smoking ban for summer program for the period of July 1st - August 3rd during the hours of9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. only. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 134 North Main Street Erica Smith - 134 North Main Street is still interested in the village property next door. The property is assessed at $ 3,500.00. Erica will get back to the Board. Old Business FEMA - June 28, 2013 Repairs completed Violet Festival Parade Mayor and Village Trustees will participate Main Street-Repairs Village to write to Senators regarding repairs needed on Main Street. Bruce and Mary will call Senator Farley. Village continues to contact NYSDOT regarding Main Street. Van Buren Street/South Main Street Corner Parking Village will contact NYSDOT to extend no parking to the corner of Van Buren Street. Sign will cover end of Cottage Hotel driveway to corner of Van Buren. Fire trucks have issues in this area too. Village Attorney will write a letter. New Business Payroll Certification Resolution # 66-2014 The following resolution was offered by Trustee Puznowski and sec. by Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. WHEREAS, Michele Weakley does hereby submit for certification the following payroll period of 3/29/14 4/11114 in the amount of $ 29,015.62 be approved for payment from the appropriation authorized by the Village of Dolgeville Board of Trustees. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 Payroll Certification Resolution # 67-2014 The following resolution was offered by Trustee Puznowski and sec. by Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. WHEREAS, Michele Weakley does hereby submit for certification the following payroll period of 4112114 4/25114 in the amount of $ 24,358.88 be approved for payment from the appropriation authorized by the Village of Dolgeville Board of Trustees. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19,2014 Payroll Certification Resolution # 68-2014 The following resolution was offered by Trustee Puznowski and sec. by Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. WHEREAS, Michele Weakley does hereby submit for certification the following payroll period of 4/26114 5/9114 in the amount of $ 26,487.33 be approved for payment from the appropriation authorized by the Village of Dolgeville Board of Trustees. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 Check Reconciliation Resolution # 69-2014 By Trustee Puznowski Motion to place on file the check reconciliations as presented. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Sewer Savings Sewer Waste Hauling General Savings Water Fund Trust & Agency General Fund Water & Sewer Housing Rehabilitation E.D.R.L.F. Police Vehicle Fire Truck Reserve NYS Affordable Housing *792 *405 *482 *490 4/1114 4/1/14 411114411114- 4/30114 4/30114 4/30/14 4/30114 *807 411114 - 4/30/14 *315 *320 *299 *448 *500 *518 *598 4111144111144/1/14 411114 411114 411114411114 - 4/30114 4/30114 4/30114 4/30114 4/30114 4/30114 4/30114 AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 Water Re-levies to Village Taxes Resolution # 70-2014 By Trustee Puznowski Motion to submit water/sewer re-levies to Herkimer County to be place on Village taxes in the amount of $ 6,107.73. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 Tax Warrant - 2014-2015 Resolution # 71-2015 TAX WARRANT - 2014 - 2015 TAMMY L. CHMIELEWSKI, TAX COLLECTOR OF THE VILLAGE OF DOLGEVILLE You are hereby commanded to receive and collect from the several persons named in the assessment roll. Hereunto annexed, the several sums named in the last column thereof opposite their respective names, for the following purposes: For the General Fund For the 13-14 Unpaid Water Rents For the 13-14 Unpaid Sewer Rents Being for the Purposes a Total Amount of $ 998,690.00 $ 716.73 $ 5 39l.00 $1,004,797.73 Upon receipt of the roll and warrant by you, and on or before the first of June, you shall cause to be published in the official paper of the Village once a week for two consecutive weeks, a notice that such Tax roll and warrant have been left with you for the collection of taxes therein levied, and shall designate one or more convenient places in the Village where you will receive taxes from June first and including July 2nd from eight thirty 0' clock in the morning until four thirty o'clock in the afternoon, Monday - Thursday and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon except Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. For said period of time, you will receive all taxes paid to you without additional charge. On all such taxes remaining unpaid after July 2nd interest of five per centum shall be added for the month of July and an additional one per centum for each month and fraction thereof thereafter until October 31 st. After the 2nd day of July, you shall proceed to collect the remaining unpaid with interest as herein provided, but without any other fee or charge, and for that purpose you are possessed of all powers of a Town tax collector. All interest collected shall belong to the Village. You are to make a return of this warrant on or before the first day of November after the delivery thereof to you, showing the total amount of taxes paid and each tax unpaid with the receipt of the Village Collector for all taxes paid to her, and shall file the roll and warrant in the office of the Village Clerk. And for doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Trustees of said Village of Dolgeville has caused these present to be signed by its Mayor and the Village Clerk of the said Village the seal of the village is hereunto affixed. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19,2014 Use of Village Premises th Robert K. Pierce is requesting use of Plowe Park June 7 , from 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. for a community concert and the softball field for parking. Board is requesting port-a-potty, block Cramer Lane, clean area when done, and police protection if needed at a rate of $ 25. OO/hr.per officer. By Trustee Puznowski Motion granting permission to use Plowe Park for concert and field for parking with above conditions. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Use of Village Premises Dolgeville Class of 1992 is requesting use of the Plowe Park for a class reunion from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. A gas grill will be used for hamburgs/hot dogs. Grill cannot be used in/near the Gazebo. By Trustee Puznowski Motion granting permission to use Plowe Park for a class reunion with the above conditions. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Use of Village Premises Boy Scout Troop 18 is requesting use of fireman's pavilion for Chicken Barbecue June 14th, By Trustee Puznowski Motion granting permission to use Fireman's/Village pavilion for a chicken barbecue on June 14th. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Fire Dept. Insurance Resolution # 72-2014 Village Logo/Flag Employee Badges By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve fire department insurance proposal from Mang Agency effective June 1, 2014. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. Trustee Herringshaw would like to see if the school art students could design a village logo for vehicles and a flag design for next year. Village will contact Mrs. Reynolds. The Village will ask the school if they could make I.D. badges for village employees. Memorial Day Parade By Trustee Puznowski Motion granting permission to hold a Memorial Day parade on May 26. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. End of Year Meeting End of fiscal year meeting May 28th @ 5:30 p.m. Communication th H. C C O.M Dinner Dinner May 29 @ Ilion Elks Lodge. PERMA Renewals Cost Increases affect the following classifications: Street Maintenance - up 17.4% Street Cleaning - up 1l.3% Municipal Employees - up 37.6% Attorney Beaver Brook Dam D.E. C Consent Order Resolution # 73-2014 Village Attorney Norman Mastromoro Board on the following: came before the By Trustee Puznowski Motion that NYSDEC proposed Consent Order CO 6-20140325-2 be approved, that the Mayor execute the consent on behalf of the Village of Dolgeville, and that the Village Treasurer remit a $ 2,000.00 certified check to NYSDEC to the address stated in the Consent Order in full satisfaction of the required penalty. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 NYSDEC Certification Of Completion 107 South Main Street Resolution # 74-2014 By Trustee Puznowski Motion that the Village Attorney records the NYSDEC Notice of Completion for site No. BOOl17, State Assistance Contract C304068, with the Herkimer County Clerk and the Village Treasurer immediately issue a check in the amount of $ 55.00, payable to the Herkimer County Clerk to satisfy the costs of such recording. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Puznowski and Mayor Lyon NAYS: None ADOPTED - May 19, 2014 Village will contact the county regarding 104/1 07 South Main Street to discuss relinquishing taxes. UPSEU Contract Negotiations Village to contact UPSEU to schedule meeting. 19 West State Street Taxes owed on property, property stilled condemned, Village Attorney and Codes in contact with owner to gain access and evaluate. Future Meetings Regular Meeting June 16th @ 6:00 p.m. - Village Hall. Adjournment By Trustee Puznowski Motion to adjourn regular meeting at 9:50 p.m. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all. __________________________ _____________ ~Mayor Village Clerk