layang layang restaurant
layang layang restaurant
Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation Sanur Beach, Bali 5* Fairmont (Formerly Regent Bali ) China, Taiwan and Hong Kong Market (till 27Dec15) Hong Kong market (from 28Dec15) Room Type Fairmont Garden View Suite Fairmont Ocean View Suite Period of stay Twin Share Sanur 6,920 Till 14Jul15 7,570 15Jul-31Aug15 7,390 Till 14Jul15 7,990 15Jul-31Aug15 Except Europe and Russia market Fairmont Garden View Suite 座落於島上最迷人幽靜的沙努爾海灘,坐擁私 人沙灘和景觀壯麗的熱帶花園。95 間套房皆沿 Fairmont Ocean 用傳統的峇里島風格巧手打造,並附設寬敞舒 View Suite 適的客廳,亦備有 Spa 套房及兩臥室客房。 Till 14Jul15, 1Sep15-31Mar16 15Jul-31Aug15 Till 14Jul15, 1Sep15-31Mar16 15Jul-31Aug15 Adult Single Extra Bed Special Promotion 9,730 11,010 10,660 11,880 5,520 5,520 5,520 5,520 Child Extra Night (per room per night) Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed 4,570 2,010 2,010 500 2,440 2,440 500 2,320 2,320 500 2,730 2,730 500 4,570 4,570 4,570 7,570 11,010 5,520 4,570 2,490 2,490 500 7,980 11,830 5,520 4,570 2,760 2,760 500 2,780 2,780 500 3,040 3,040 500 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 28Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD1620, Single HKD1620 7,990 11,880 5,520 4,570 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 28Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD1620, Single HKD1620 8,390 12,680 5,520 Value Added for min. 2 nights stay: (till 27Dec15) 4,570 - 1 time dinner (3 course set menu) at Layang Layang Restaurant for 2 persons - 1 time 75 mins (60 mins massage / 15 mins rest) Signature Massage for 2 persons at Spa (advanced booking is required) - 1 time afternoon tea for 2 persons at the Lobby Lounge - Cannot combined with Honeymoon Offer Honeymoon Offer: (28Dec15-31Mar16) Value Added: (till 31Mar16) - Welcome drinks and Honeymoon cake - Flower Petal arrangements in Bath Tub - Complimentary Mini Bar (non alcoholic beverages) - Full housekeeping including nightly turndown service - Complete 24 hours on-call butler service - Complimentary scheduled shuttle within Sanur area - Wireless or cabled high-speed Internet connection Compulsory Gala Dinner on 31Dec15: HKD1560 / adult, HKD800 /child, min. 4 nights stay receive free Gala Dinner for max. 2 persons per room Min. 2 nights stay required during 28Dec15-5Jan16 No check out allowed on 31Dec15 Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa Bali 5* Except Australian & UK market Anantara Pool Access Suite Anantara Ocean Suite Anantara Pool Access Suite Anantara Ocean Suite 度假村豪華典雅,位於印尼最繁華的地區之 一,客房採用現代峇里島設計,配有進口大理 石、超大浴池、雨淋式花灑和特大雙人床。特 別備有 Pool Access Suite 給愛享受陽光又注重 私隱的客人。 Seminyak Till 15Jul15, 1Sep-31Oct15 6,940 7,190 9,650 10,190 5,280 5,280 Bonus Night Offer: (till 15Jul15, 1Sep-31Oct15) - Stay 3 pay 2, free night included breakfast - Extra bed cannot be applied Above Package rates already included stay 3 pay 2 offer 16Jul-31Aug15 16Jul-31Aug15 9,760 15,340 10,190 16,160 Honeymoon Offer: (till 31Oct15) 5,280 5,280 4,330 4,330 4,330 4,330 2,950 2,950 430 3,230 3,230 430 3,930 3,930 430 4,200 4,200 430 - Honeymoon set up in room - 1 bottle of sparkling wine - 30 mins Couples Massage - Honeymoon amenity in room upon arrival - Honeymoon gift upon departure - Copy of marriage certificate required upon check in Long Stay Offer: (till 31Oct15) - Min. 7 nights stay required - Receive 1 themed dinner for 2 persons in Wild Orchid Restaurant with 1 bottle of wine - "Tea Tails" Asian High Tea for 2 persons Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Page 1 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation Room Type Period of stay One-Bedroom Pool Villa (King) (Min. 2N)* Till 14Jul15, 16Sep-26Dec15 Karma Jimbaran 5* Hong Kong, china, Taiwan, Singapore & Malaysia market Twin Share Jimbaran 15Jul-15Sep15 7,740 8,770 *Cannot combined with Bonus Night offer One-Bedroom Pool Villa (King) Till 14Jul15, 16Sep15-31Mar16 15Jul-15Sep15 Adult Single Extra Bed Krazy Deal Offer 11,410 13,470 - Child Extra Night (per room per night) Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed - 2,590 2,590 - 3,290 3,290 - - 8,650 13,240 - - 3,210 3,210 - 9,940 15,810 - - 4,070 4,070 - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 23-27Mar16 Twin HKD880, Single HKD880 / 27Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD1350, Single HKD1350 Bonus Night offer: (till 26Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) - Stay 4 pay 3, free night included breakfast (till 14Jul15, 16Sep-26Dec15, 6Jan-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16) - Stay 7 pay 5, free night included breakfast (15Jul-15Sep15, 23-27Mar16) - No max. of free nights - Valid for Hong Kong market (till 14Jul15, 16Sep-26Dec15, 6Jan-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16) 位於僅數步之遙的金巴蘭灣的白色沙灘和峇里 島南部的寧靜水域。由一臥室別墅至六臥室別 墅一應俱全,所有別墅擁有頂級的線路設施, 包括最新的液晶顯示屏幕視聽系統,無線網絡 和開放式廚房。 Long Stay Offer: (till 26Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) - Min. 10 nights stay receive a 1 day Bali tour (8 hours) with chauffeur Honeymoon Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Flowers, Deluxe Fruit Basket and a Bottle of Sparkling Wine in villa on arrival - Wedding certificate must be present upon check in, max validity 6 months after the wedding Compulsory Xmas lunch on 25Dec15: HKD890 / adult, HKD390 /child, free of charge for child under 6 years old Compulsory Gala Dinner on 31Dec15: HKD1830 / adult, HKD420 /child, free of charge for child under 6 years old Min. 5 nights stay required during 27Dec15-5Jan16 Le Méridien Bali Jimbaran 5* Aqua Studio Suite - Lagoon Access 位於風景優美的金巴蘭地區,從峇里艾美金巴 蘭酒店可俯瞰峇里,鄰近金巴蘭海灘, 珍加拉 美術館, 加內薩美術館等景點。 Lagoon Access 可讓你數步便可進入清涼的潟 湖,更可在私人露台飽覽廣闊礁湖的壯麗美景。 Compulsory Gala Dinner on 31Dec15, prices TBA Min. 4 nights stay required during 28Dec15-5Jan16 No check out allowed on 31Dec15 Till 31Mar16 7,890 11,720 5,400 4,450 2,670 2,670 460 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 15Jul-31Aug15 Twin HKD340, Single HKD340 / 24Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD730, Single HKD730 Honeymoon Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Bathroom set up with rose petals, bed set up crystal rose petals, chocolate cake Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Page 2 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation Room Type Ayana Resort 5* Hong Kong market Period of stay Jimbaran Till 14Jul15, 16Sep15-31Mar16 One-bedroom Ocean View Cliff Pool Villa Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed 5,700 4,750 6,860 6,850 570 15,520 26,810 5,700 4,750 7,750 7,750 570 - Valid for Club Suite and all Villas categories - Min. 2 nights stay receive 1 Dinner at Padi Restaurant for 2 persons OR - Min. 3 nights stay receive 1 Dinner at Ah Yat for 2 persons Banyan Tree Ungasan 5* Pool Villa – Garden View Pool Villa Ocean View Till 14Jul15, 1Sep-4Dec15, 7-26Dec15, 6Jan-4Feb16, 12Feb-31Mar16 15Jul-31Aug15, 5-11Feb16 Till 14Jul15, 1Sep-4Dec15, 7-26Dec15, 6Jan-4Feb16, 12Feb-31Mar16 15Jul-31Aug15, 5-11Feb16 Uluwatu 8,980 13,780 7,390 6,440 4,970 4,970 1,130 9,990 15,810 7,390 6,440 5,990 5,990 1,130 11,710 19,240 7,390 6,440 7,700 7,700 1,130 12,690 21,190 7,390 6,440 8,690 8,690 1,130 Bonus Night Offer: (till 4Dec15, 7-26Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) Pool Villa – Garden View (Min. 2N) Pool Villa Ocean View (Min. 2N) Min. 3 nights required during 27Dec15-5Jan16 No check out allowed on 31Dec15 14,170 24,120 Extra Night (per room per night) Extra Bed Value Added: (till 27Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) 酒店位於離金巴蘭海灣 35 米高的懸崖之上,景 致優美、遠離塵囂,距離峇里島機場僅有 10 公 里路程。坐落在崖邊的 Cliff Villa 達 500 平方 米,設有被蓮花池包圍的獨立專用大堂,能一 眼看到宏偉的印度洋和峇里島的西南海岸。 Min. 3 nights stay required during 30-31Dec15 位於峇里島最南部半島的懸崖峭壁上,海拔 70 米,與著名的烏魯瓦圖廟毗鄰,舒適和私密並 重。所有別墅均包含起居室和用餐區、大理石 浴室、私人花園和一座室外按摩池。 走出臥室,無論來到屬於您的無邊泳池或選擇 在私人涼亭內閒坐,都能讓您徹底放鬆身心。 Single Child Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 2-6May15, 24-27Dec15, 6-13Feb16 Twin HKD920, Single HKD920 / 28Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD3890, Single HKD3890 15Jul-15Sep15 Hong Kong market Twin Share Adult Pool Villa – Garden View Pool Villa Ocean View - Stay 3 pay 2, free night included breakfast - No max. of free nights - Extra bed cannot be applied Above Package rates already included stay 3 pay 2 offer Till 31Oct15 11,850 19,560 7,390 6,440 5,280 5,280 1,130 15,520 26,880 7,390 6,440 7,730 7,730 1,130 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 15Jul-31Aug15 Twin HKD920, Single HKD920 Till 31Oct15 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 15Jul-31Aug15 Twin HKD920, Single HKD920 Value Added: (till 31Oct15) - Complimentary 1 time 90 mins massage session (60 mins body massage + 30 mins refreshment & relaxation) at Banyan Tree Spa Ungasan - Complimentary departure gift from Banyan Tree Gallery OR 1 time afternoon tea at Ju-ma-na Restaurant (Closed on Monday, afternoon tea will served at Pool Bar) - All above for max. 2 persons per room only 27Dec15-5Jan16 27Dec15-5Jan16 13,650 23,070 17,740 31,260 7,390 7,390 6,440 6,440 6,450 6,450 1,130 9,180 9,180 1,130 Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Page 3 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation Room Type Karma Kandara 5* Hong Kong, china, Taiwan, Singapore & Malaysia market arma-kandara/ One-Bedroom Pool Villa (King) Period of stay Uluwatu Till 14Jul15, 16Sep-24Dec15 15Jul-15Sep15 Adult Twin Share 9,820 Single Extra Bed Special Promotion 15,530 11,130 18,150 Value Added: (till 24Dec15) - Child Extra Night (per room per night) Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed - 3,960 3,960 - 4,840 4,840 - - - Complimentary in villa fruit basket and bottles water (replenished daily) - Complimentary Wi-Fi Internet access throughout the resort - Complimentary access to the Three Monkeys Kids Club - Complimentary access to Karma Beach Bali and use of non-motorized water sport facilities i.e. snorkels, kayaks and body boards - Cannot combined with other promotion 坐落於懸崖上,可以俯瞰峇里島最美麗的海 灘,40 間別墅,形成了一座山,成為島嶼最高 的南端,地理位置優美,方便前往私人沙灘。 由一臥室別墅至五臥室別墅一應俱全,配備最 新的視聽系統,包括液晶電視, DVD 和環繞立 體聲音響。開放式的廚房都配備了最先進的設 備,陶器和餐具。 One-Bedroom Pool Villa (King) Till 14Jul15, 16Sep15-31Mar16 15Jul-15Sep15 11,280 18,390 - - 4,940 4,940 - 12,920 21,660 - - 6,040 6,040 - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 23-27Mar16 Twin HKD1120, Single HKD1120 / 27Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD2210, Single HKD2210 Bonus Night offer: (till 26Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) - Stay 4 pay 3, free night included breakfast (till 14Jul15, 16Sep-26Dec15, 6Jan-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16) - Stay 7 pay 5, free night included breakfast (15Jul-15Sep15, 23-27Mar16) - No max. of free nights - Valid for Hong Kong market (till 14Jul15, 16Sep-26Dec15, 6Jan-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16) Long Stay Offer: (till 26Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) - Min. 10 nights stay receive a 1 day Bali tour (8 hours) with chauffeur Honeymoon Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Flowers, Deluxe Fruit Basket and a Bottle of Sparkling Wine in villa on arrival - Wedding certificate must be present upon check in, max validity 6 months after the wedding Compulsory Xmas lunch on 25Dec15: HKD1200 / adult, HKD500 /child, free of charge for child under 6 years old Compulsory Gala Dinner on 31Dec15: HKD2370 / adult, HKD660 /child, free of charge for child under 6 years old Min. 5 nights stay required during 27Dec15-5Jan16 Alila Villas Uluwatu 5* One-Bedroom Pool Villa Till 31Mar16 12,310 20,490 6,450 5,500 5,590 5,590 820 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 16Jul-15Sep15 Twin HKD610, Single HKD610 / 20Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD840, Single HKD840 Guest benefits: (till 31Mar16) - Wifi access in the villas and all public area - Complimentary lifestyle experience based on a weekly schedule of yoga Added benefits for min. 2 nights stay (choose 1 only): (till 31Mar16) 矗立於高原之上,石灰岩的懸崖斷壁,湛藍的 海水,宛如人間仙境。別墅內有私人泳池和涼 亭,設計新穎現代化,採用木材、水源、石塊 和藤條都散發出大自然和傳統峇里的氣息。同 時採用開放式的設計,海風可自由出入別墅, 為您帶來清涼的居住環境。 - Private Dining on the Edge for 2 pax per stay OR - Celebrate Your Love at Spa Alila for 2 pax per stay (90-minute Spa Treatment at Spa Alila) Bonus Night Offer: (till 15Jul15, 16Sep-19Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) - Stay 4 pay 3, free night included breakfast - Max. 2 free nights - Extra bed cannot be applied Added benefits & Bonus Night Offer cannot be combined Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Page 4 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation Bulgari Hotels & Resorts 5* Asia market rt/overview Room Type Ocean View Villa Ocean Cliff Villa Ocean View Villa Ocean Cliff Villa 建於海岸旁 150 公尺高的懸崖頂,將印度洋的 壯闊美景盡收眼底,設計風格融合峇里島傳統 藝術和義大利頂級品味,精緻清雅。配合無微 不至的尊寵服務,是世界排行數一數二的精品 級奢華旅館。別墅進入後是一個熱帶庭園和寬 敞的開放式起居空間,室內以峇裏島古董藝術 品裝飾,並裝設 Bang & Olufsen 影音系統。 Min. 3 nights stay required during 27Dec15-5Jan16 No departure allow on 31Dec15 Period of stay Till 31Jul15 Till 31Mar16 Adult Twin Share Uluwatu Single Extra Bed Special Promotion 11,080 18,030 15,780 27,390 12,890 21,660 - Child Extra Night (per room per night) Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed - 4,780 4,780 - 7,920 7,920 - - 5,980 5,980 - - 8,740 8,740 - - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 1-31Aug15, 6-11Feb16 Twin HKD800, Single HKD800 / 27Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD2360, Single HKD2360 Till 31Mar16 16,990 29,850 - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 1-31Aug15, 6-11Feb16 Twin HKD800, Single HKD800 / 27Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD2360, Single HKD2360 Honeymoon Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Complimentary flower bath and honeymoon pastry upon arrival (set up at turndown on the first night of arrival) Value Added: (till 26Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) - Min. 3 nights stay receive 1 time 3 course dinner at Sangkar International specialties Restaurant for 2 persons Guest Benefits: (till 31Mar16) - "Herbojito" cocktail upon arrival (non-alcohol) and cold towels - Welcome amenity (Balinese sweets/cake) - Daily serving of exotic Indonesia fruits - Daily evening turn-down amenity - 24 hours butler service - Packing and unpacking service - Bulgari bathroom amenities (hand-soap, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion) - 1 beach bag set - 2 pairs of slippers - Complimentary Internet access throughout the resort - Complimentary pool amenities (items are vary from non alcoholic tropical drinks to canapes, served intermittently throughout the day from 1200-1700 - Daily complimentary Italian and Indonesian canapes (aperitivo) during sunset at The Bar - Complimentary use of the gym - Complimentary breakfast for children up to 5 years old - Complimentary Resort Guests Activities (Demonstration of Balinese Cultures - e.g. Flower Offering, Rindik Players, Pisang Goreng) Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Page 5 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation The Bale Nusa Dua 5* Child under 16 years old are not allowed to stay in this resort Room Type Period of stay Single Pavilion Till 31May15, 1Oct-23Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16 Deluxe Single Pavilion Adult Child Extra Night (per room per night) Twin Share Single Extra Bed Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed 7,880 11,680 - - 3,910 3,910 - 5,090 5,090 - 3,920 3,920 - Nusa Dua 9,040 14,020 - - Bonus Night Offer: (till 31May15, 1Oct-23Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16) - Stay 3 pay 2, free night included breakfast - No max. of free nights - Cannot combined with Value Added Above Package rates already included stay 3 pay 2 offer Single Pavilion Till 31Mar16 9,770 15,460 - - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 24Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD410, Single HKD410 世界頂級小型豪華酒店 The Small Luxury Hotels of the World 的成員之一,位於峇里時 尚地區 Nusa Dua 的山腰,俯瞰印度洋。建築 以簡約的白色為主,大方得體。每棟別墅的房 間皆寬敞無比,獨立且私密的別墅更有自成一 國的風格。 Deluxe Single Pavilion Till 31Mar16 11,520 18,970 - - 5,090 5,090 - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 24Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD220, Single HKD220 Value Added for min. 2 nights stay: (till 31Mar16) - One Romantic Dinner at Faces Restaurant for 2 persons Bonus Night Offer: (1Jun-30Sep15, 24Dec15-5Jan16) Honeymoon Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Stay 4 pay 3, free night included breakfast (1Jun-30Sep15) - Stay 6 pay 5, free night included breakfast (24Dec15-5Jan16) - No max. of free nights - Cannot combined with min. 2 nights value added except during 24Dec15-5Jan16 - Hand bouquet upon arrival - Romantic bath set up - Gift upon departure Compulsory Gala Dinner on 31Dec15, prices TBA Min. 3 nights stay required during 25Dec15-5Jan16 No departure allowed on 31Dec15 Conrad Bali 5* Deluxe Lagoon 位於努沙杜瓦 Tanjung Benoa 的海岸上,提供 寬敞的客房。Deluxe Lagoon 位於地下,被鬱 鬱蔥蔥的花園包圍。寬敞的 45 平方米房間有一 張特大床或兩張單人床,客房擁有當代裝飾和 地道的峇里島風情,穿過私人庭院可直接進入 度假村的 24 小時潟湖游泳池。 Compulsory Gala Dinner on 31Dec15, prices TBA Min. 3 nights stay required during 25Dec14-5Jan16 No departure allowed on 31Dec15 Till 31Mar16 8,380 12,540 - - 2,990 2,990 - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 15Jul-15Sep15 Twin HKD410, Single HKD410 / 25Dec15-10Jan16 Twin HKD650, Single HKD650 Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Page 6 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation Room Type Period of stay Hong Kong market Pool Villa, One-Bedroom Single Nusa Dua Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Beach Resort 5* Adult Twin Share Extra Bed Child Extra Night (per room per night) Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed Early Bird Offer Till 16Jul15, 1Sep-29Dec15, 4Jan-31Mar16 12,490 20,850 5,980 5,030 5,740 5,740 660 17Jul-31Aug15 12,860 21,590 5,980 5,030 5,980 5,980 660 6,360 660 Early Bird Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Booking must be made 30 days in advance (till 16Jul15, 1Sep-29Dec15, 4Jan-31Mar16) - Booking must be made 45 days in advance (17Jul-31Aug15) 酒店於 2013 年 12 月 20 日開幕,無論是商務, Pool Villa, 休閒或家庭旅遊都也適合。泳池別墅面積為 88 平方米,位置安靜,配備平面電視、起居室、 One-Bedroom 會客區、免費無線網路。 All suites and Villas can enjoy Club Millesime benefits Till 16Jul15, 1Sep15-31Mar16 13,440 22,710 5,980 5,030 6,360 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 30Dec15-3Jan16 Twin HKD530, Single HKD530 17Jul-31Aug15 13,850 23,530 5,980 5,030 6,630 6,630 660 Value Added for min. 2 nights stay: (till 16Jul15, 1Sep-31Oct15) - Receive signature cocktail at L'oh Pool Bar and buffet dinner at Kwee Zeen for 2 persons Club Millesime benefits: (till 31Mar16) - Private check in and check out in the Club Millesime - Breakfast, afternoon snacks, French high tea and evening cocktail in Club Millesime - 2 pieces of pressing per stay - Butler service Value Added for min. 4 nights stay: (till 16Jul15, 1Sep-31Oct15) Honeymoon Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Receive signature cocktail at L'oh Pool Bar, 4 courses set menu at CCC and 30 mins facial oxygen skin spa at Vietura Bali for 2 persons. - For Suite and Villa guests will receive additional 1 time 60 mins traditional Balinese massage at So Spa for 2 persons *Min. 2 nights stay and min. 4 nights offer cannot be combined each other - Min. 2 nights stay required - Applicable for max. 1 year after the stated wedding date, document must be provide - Received honeymoon cocktail for 2 persons at Le Bar and Honeymoon cake upon arrival (Subject to availability) Family Offer: (till 31Mar16) - Complimentary daily entrance fee to the kids club for the first 2 hours, min. 2 nights stay will receive complimentary kids amenities upon arrival - Complimentary breakfast and 1 extra bed for max. 2 children under 12 years old when sharing room with parents Min. 3 nights stay required during 30-31Dec15 Alila Villas Soori 5* Tanah Lot Mountain Pool Villa Ocean Pool Villa Till 31Mar16 9,490 14,880 - - 3,720 3,720 - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 16Jul-15Sep15 Twin HKD380, Single HKD380 / 20Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD570, Single HKD570 Till 31Mar16 11,040 17,920 - - 4,740 4,740 - Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 16Jul-15Sep15 Twin HKD490, Single HKD490 / 20Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD730, Single HKD730 Guest benefits: (till 31Mar16) - Wifi access in the villas and all public area - Complimentary lifestyle experience based on a weekly schedule of yoga Added benefits for min. 2 nights stay (choose 1 only): (till 31Mar16) 位於峇里島西南海岸,豪華的濱海度假村臨近 島上享譽盛名的海神廟。坐落於鬱鬱蔥蔥的稻 米田與印度海邊閃亮耀眼的黑色火山沙之間。 別墅裝潢豪華,另有私人泳池,中間以美麗的 花園和庭園相連,是遠離城市喧囂生活的絕佳 去處。 - Celebrate Your Love at Spa Alila for 2 pax per stay (90-minute Spa Treatment at Spa Alila) OR - Romantic Private Dining by the Beach for 2 pax per stay Added benefits for min. 4 nights stay: (till 31Mar16) - Celebrate Your Love at Spa Alila for 2 pax per stay (90-minute Spa Treatment at Spa Alila) - Romantic Private Dining by the Beach for 2 pax per stay Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Page 7 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Accommodation Room Type Alila Ubud 5* Valley Villa Pool Villa Period of stay Till 31Mar16 Adult Child Extra Night (per room per night) Twin Share Single Extra Bed Extra Bed Twin Single Extra Bed 7,890 11,600 5,280 4,330 2,660 2,660 430 8,590 13,000 5,280 4,330 3,130 3,130 430 Ubud Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 16Jul-15Sep15 Twin HKD570, Single HKD570 / 20Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD800, Single HKD800 Till 31Mar16 Hotel Surcharge (per room per night): 16Jul-15Sep15 Twin HKD650, Single HKD650 / 20Dec15-5Jan16 Twin HKD920, Single HKD920 Guest benefits: (till 31Mar16) 坐落於傳統的峇里帕洋安村和峇里島中部山麓 中鬱鬱蔥蔥的愛詠河谷的邊緣之上,曲徑通 幽,清新靜謐。Valley Villa 面積為 75 平方米, 建於山谷之上,從寬敞露台散步時可同時俯瞰 翠綠繁茂的雨林。 - Free shuttle service based on hotel schedule to Ubud town - Daily afternoon tea from 16:00-17:00 - Complimentary lifestyle experience based on a weekly schedule of tai chi and yoga, local community Balinese dance classes - Complimentary use of mountain bike - Internet connection in all rooms and public area Added benefits for min. 2 nights stay (choose 1 only): (till 31Mar16) - One time Authentic Balinese Tasting Dinner for two person at Plantation Restaurant OR - One time 60-minute Alila Signature Massage for two person at Spa Alila Bonus Night Offer: (till 30Apr15, 1Nov-19Dec15, 6Jan-31Mar16 - Stay 4 pay 3, free night incl. breakfast - Extra bed cannot be applied - Max. 3 free nights Added benefits & Bonus Night Offer cannot be combined Compulsory gala dinner and min. stay policy maybe applied during high season period. Optional Transfer (per car per way) Private transfer between Hotel and Airport Car for max.4 pax Car for Max. 10 pax Hotels in Kuta / Sanur / Nusa Dua / Jimbaran / Seminyak area HKD280 HKD380 Hotels in Ubud / Uluwatu / Tanah Lot area HKD370 HKD520 Page 8 of 9 Ref: CX_KA-DPS-02OCT15/AC200/EN100/3160 Date Please state "CX/KA GV2 fare IN (date) OUT (date) at (hotel name)" at OSI field in PNR. Air Fare Surcharge for High Season 2Oct-18Dec15 (Ticket must be issued on or before 6Oct15) 2Oct-18Dec15, 27Dec15-3Feb16, 12Feb-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16 3Oct-18Dec15, 27Dec15-3Feb16, 12Feb-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16 19-26Dec15, 23-27Mar16 25-26Sep15, 30Sep-2Oct15 4-11Feb16 2Oct-18Dec15, 27Dec15-3Feb16, 12Feb-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16 2Oct-18Dec15, 27Dec15-3Feb16, 12Feb-22Mar16, 28-31Mar16 19-26Dec15, 4-11Feb16, 23-27Mar16 Applicable Flight HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 AND DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 OR DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 AND DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 OR DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 Valid on any CX/KA operating flights HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 AND DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 OR DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 Valid on any CX/KA operating flights Class N S Validity 3-7 days 3-7 days (extended to 14 days surcharge HKD500 per person) Valid on any CX/KA operating flights Business Class Air Fare Surcharge HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 AND DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 HKG/DPS valid on KA360/CX5360 OR DPS/HKG valid on KA361/CX5361 Valid on any CX/KA operating flights Valid on any CX/KA operating flights #Upselling to E-class (Premium Economy) is permitted at ADDITIONAL HKD500 per CX sector 以上價格包括: 以上價格包括: -國泰航空/港龍航空來回香港至峇里經濟客位機票 (電子機票) -3 晚住宿於自選酒店 -每天酒店早餐 -飛行保險港幣 1,000,000 元 (最多 14 天) -香港機場保安稅 -0.15% 旅遊業議會印花稅 3-7 Days I 3-7 Days (extended to 14 days surcharge HKD500 per person) Adult Child LESS 1,400# LESS 1,050# LESS 700# LESS 520# LESS 1200# LESS 900# LESS 600# LESS 450# NIL# NIL# LESS 810# LESS 600# LESS 210# LESS 150# 390# 2,870# 600# 3,000# 300# 2,160# 450# 2,250# 900 680 1,500 1,130 2,100 1,580 4,240 6,290 3,180 4,720 備註: 備註: -訂位代號/機票有效期:(請參閱上列附加費表) -適用於 CX/KA 營運航班/累積飛行哩數之訂位代號請瀏覽 -酒店住宿必須於 16 年 3 月 31 日或之前完成。(特別註明除外) -最少兩人(支付成人價錢)同行﹐所有同行客人之行程﹑航班必須相同 (於同一電腦代號(PNR)內訂位)﹐並必須於去程及回程時一同辦理登機手續。 -以上價錢於旺季及交易會期間或需繳付附加費。 -如只預訂房間或作不連續住宿,酒店價目及條款或會有所調整及變動。 -傳單上所列明的交通訊息或時間(例:航班/車次)如有任何更改﹐ 均以官方資訊為準﹐恕不另行通知。 -旅遊套餐不得更改航班 / 日期 / 行程及不可退款。 -以上價格不包括所有有關稅項及附加費。價格如有任何變更恕不另行通知。 Page 9 of 9
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