Changes in Nitrate Accumulation and Growth of Endive Plants
Changes in Nitrate Accumulation and Growth of Endive Plants
JOURNAL OF PLANTNUTRTIlON, 20(10),1255-1266 (1997) Changes in Nitrate Accumulation and Growth of Endive Plants During Light Period as Affected by Nitrogen level and Formi P. Santamaria,. A. Elia,b and M. Gonnellab a/nst;tute 01 Agronomy and F;e/d Crops, Un;vers;ty 01 Bar;, Bar; 70/26, /ta/y b/nstitute olVegetab/e Cropslor Process;ng, CNR. Bar; 70126, /ta/y ABSTRACT Endive plants (C;choriumendivia L. varocrispum Hegi) were bydroponicatly grown in a growth chamber to asse55, 7 and 14 days after beginning of treatments (DAT), the variation ofleafnitrate (NO) accumulationand growth during the Iight period in relation to both nitrogen (N) availability (8 and 16 mM) and form percentage ratio [50:50 and O:100 ammonium (NH4):NO)]in the nutrient solution. 80th 7 and 14 DAT, fresh weight and leaf area linearly increased during the lig~t period without influence of N treatments. Dry matter (d.m.) percentage increased over the 12 hours of Iight. Leaf NO) concentration decreased during the Iight period more with 50:50 than with O:100 NH4:NO) ratio: 7 DAT NO) decreased by 25% with the former N treatment and only by 4% with the latter. After 7 days more, the difference between the two N form ratios was more evident: NO) decreased by 12% with the mixed N fonn, while increased by 10% with 100% NO)-N in the IThe work was carried out at tbe Institute ofVegetable Crops for Processing oftbe Italian National Research Council (CNR), Director Prof. Vito V. Bianco. 1255 1256 SANT AMARIA, EllA, AND GONNELLA nutrient solution. Nitrate leafconcentrationwashigherwith 16mM compared to 8 mM ofNO3-N (11.3 and 8.5 g/100 g ofd.m., respectively, 14 DAT). Total N leaf content was higher with 16 than with 8 mM of NO3-N in the nutrient solution and was not influencedby the two N form ratios. Chloride (Cl) leaf concentration was higher with 8 that with 16 mM of N and more with the 50:50 than 0:100 NH.:NO3ratio. INTRODUCTION Leafy vegetables accumulate nitrates especially when grown in high NO3-N availability and low radiation. Nitrates are compounds potentially toxic for human health (Walker, 1990). In plant tissues, NO3 concentration is not constant throughout the day; it increases during the night and decreases during the light period (Minotti and Stankey, 1973; Steingrover et al., 1986; Le Bot and Kirkby, 1992). .. Endive(CichoriumendiviaL. varocrispumHegi)is a leafyvegetable present on fresh produce markets ali year. Schonbeck et al. (1991) reported that endive plants harvested in March accumulate nitrates from 52 to 68% less than plants harvested in November. Some studies report relatively low levels ofnitrate in endive compared to other nitrate accumulating vegetables, such as lettuce, spinach, and celery (Roorda van Eysinga and Spaans, 1986; Vegter and Tanis, 1990). However, in experiments by Schonbeck et al. (1991) and Reinink et al. (1994) the level of nitrate in endive was similar to the levels found in lettuce cultivars. Reinink et al. (1994), that reported genetic variations in the nitrate content between cultivars of endive, found that there is only a low possibility of reducing the nitrate content of endive by cultivar choice. In our previous work in solution culture, by supplying endive plants with mixed form nitrogen, nitrogen yield efficiency increased while leaf nitrate content decreased as compared to nitrate-fed plants (Santamaria et al., 1995; Santamaria and Elia, 1997). The aim ofthe present work was to evaluate the influence oftwo levels of N, administered in mixed ammonium-nitrate or in nitrate form on the variation of nitrate accumulation and growth of endive plants during the light periodo MATERIALS AND METHODS Endive seedlings, grown in a cellular tray till5th true leaf stage, were transferred after rinsing of roots with tap water to rectangular prismatic plastic pots (60 cm long, 17 cm large, 13 cm wide) suitably covered to avoid evaporation of the nutrient solution. Plants were grown for two weeks in a Conviron Model PGW36 growth chamber under the following conditions: day temperature 20°C, night temperature 16°C, relative humidity 75%, photoperiod 12 h, iIIumination supplied by Sylvania (Canada) cool white high intensity fluorescent lamps supplemented with 50 W incandescent lamps [irradianceat the leaf surface 300 flmoV(m2s)]. NITRA TE ACCUMULA TION AND GROWTH OF ENDIVE PLANTS TABLE I. Treatments NH,-N:NO)-N (mM) 4:4 0:8 8:8 O: 16 Composition of nutrient solutions for differenttreatments.' Compound and concentration (mM) Ca(NO])2 O 4 O 4 'The other micronutrients Amon 1257 NaNO] NH,NO) CaCI2 MgSO, K2HPO,. O O O 8 4 O 4 O 2 O 2 O l I l I O 2 O 2 were the SarTIe for ali treatments according K2SO, Ca(H2PO,)2 3 1 3 I 2 O 2 O lo Hoagland and (1950). Four N treatments were studied based on the combination of two N levels (8 and 16 mM) and two molar NH.:NO] percentage ratios (50:50 and 0:100) in a randomized complete block design with three replications (pots with 15 seedlings). Compounds used to create the different N-ratio and N-rate treatments are reported in Table I. Every day, in each pot distilled water was added to make up for the volume of solution, and NaOH (2N) or HzSO. (I N) were added to keep pH in the range of 56. The nutrient solution, replaced weekly, was continuously bubbled through pots to supply oxygen. Seven days after plants had been moved in the nutrient solution, starting from 7.00 (beginning of light peri od) to 19.00 (beginning of dark period), two plants from each pot were sampled at three hour intervals. The above procedure was repeated after one week, but only one plant per pot was sampled (an error in preparation of nutrient solution of the treatment with 16 mM of N in the 50:50 NH.:NO] ratio do not allow to discuss related results). Fresh weight and leaf area (measured by LI-3100 leaf area meter; LI-COR, Lincoln, NE) in both samplings were evaluated. The material was dried in a thermoventilated oven at 65°C until constant weight was reached. The material was then weighed, finely ground, and used for the quantitative chemical analyses of NO) and CI, determined by ion chromatography (Elia et al., 1996), and total Kjeldahl N (only in the last sampling) by Kjeltec Auto 1030 Analyzer. Data were subjected to SAS's (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C.) generallinear model procedure, considering separately the 1\'10sampling times (Tables 2 and 3). A "split-block" experimental scheme was adopted since the t\vo main factors (hours of sampling during the light period: "LlGHT' and "N") were in strips orthogonal bet\veen them. For the "LIGHT' factor the relation with the response variables was assessed by partitioning the sums of the squares into components that were associated with linear, quadratic, and residual terms (Steel and Torrie, 1980). 1258 SANTAMARIA, ELlA, AND GONNELLA TABLE 2. Analysls ofvariance for freshmatter (A), leaf area(B), dry matter (C), nitrate (D), and chloride(E) of endiveleaf atfiveday-lighttimes and grown withfourN treatments for one week. A Sourceof variation df LlGHT 4 B C' IY SignificanceofF test ... .. light (linear) light (quadratic) 1 I ns ns light(residua!) Errar l 2 ns ns 8 N 3 ns N rate 1 1 1 6 ns ns ns ns NH.:NOJratio N rate x NH.:NOJratio Errar2 LlGHTx N LIGHTx N RATE light (!iDear) x N rate light (quadratic) x N rate light (residua!) x N rate LlGHT x NH.:NO) RATIO light (linear) x NH.:NO) rado light (residua!) x NH.:NO) ratio LlGHT x N RATE x NH.:NO] RATIO Errar 3 12 4 1 1 2 4 1 3 4 24 ... ..... ... ... E" .. .. .. ns .. ns ns ns ... ns .. ... ns ns ns ns ... ns ns ns ns ns ns DS ns ns .. ns DS ns DS DS DS ns DS DS DS DS DS ns DS DS DS ns DS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns DS ns DS ns ns ns ns ... DS . ... ns aANOV A was performed on square root-transformed data. ns, " .', .. .Nonsignificant or significantat P<0.05,0.01, or 0.001, respectively. RESULTS Growth Both 7 and 14 days DAT, fresh weight and leaf area linearly increased during the light period (Figures 1 and 2). These pattems were not significantly affected by the N treatments (Tables2 and 3), even if 14DAT freshweight'increasedmore with 50:50 NH.:NO] ratio than with 100% ofNO3-N (P=O.0511). In the first sampling, the percentage of leaf dry matter (d.m.) progressively rose after the first three hoUÌ'Sof light and reached 7.4 glI00 g of fresh matter (f.m.). Instead 14 DAT, dry matter percentageincreased linearlyby 5% over tbe 12 hours of light (Figure 3). At botb samplings,higher dry matter percentages with 100% of NO]-N than with the ammonium-nitratesolution were recorded (Table 4). A similar pattem was shown by the root dry matter (data not shown). NITRATEACCUMULATION AND GROWTHOF ENDIVEPLANTS 1259 TABLE 3. Analysis of variance for fresh matter (A), leaf area (B), dry matter (C), nitrate (D), and chloride (E) of endive leaf at fiveday-lighttimes and grown with three N treatments for two weeks. A Sourceofvariation LIGHT df 4 light(linear) light(quadratic) light(residual) l l l Error l 8 N 2 B C' D' E' SignificanceofF test . . .. ns. ils .. ns ns . ns ns ns ns . ns ns . ns . ns . ns .. ... N rate l ns ns ns NH.:NO) ratio l ns ns .. .. ... .* *** E"or 2 4 LIGlITx N 8 4 4 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns * * *. light x N rate light x NH.:NO) ratio l light (linear) x NH.:NO) ratio Error 3 16 ns *.* .** 'ANOVA was performed on square root-transformeddata. ns, *, .., ".Nonsignificant or significant at P<0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively. C .!!!20 ~ 16 ~ DAT j E Q') .a; 12 ~ -£i 8 (;j 4 ~ ~ cfç O - 1 3 Hours 7 --- 14 + L------ ì 6 9 12 of light (n.) FIGURE l. Leaffresh weight variation in endive plants during the light peri od 7 and 14 days after the beginning oftreatrnent (DA T). V erticallines indicate :!:SE. 1260 SANT AMARIA, EllA, AND GONNELLA 1::- 5001 CtI DAT - a. ::- 400 E 1 £. 7 H- 14 I i 300 --------- 1 1 CtI 2! 200 CtI (;j 100 QJ -J o o 369 12 Hours of light (n.) FIGURE 2. Leaf area variation in'endive plants during the light period 7 and 14 days after the beginning oftreatrnent.(DAT). Verticallines indicate:!:SE. ,. .5 DAT - 7 --- 14 018 o o ~7 E -ci 611-::: ,-=------ (;j Q) -Jet O 369 12 Hours of light (n.) FIGURE 3. Leaf dry matter (d. m.) variation [on fresh matter (f. m.) basis] in endive plants during the light period 7 and 14 days after the begiMing oftreatrnent (DAT). Vertical lines indicate :!:SE. Nitrate and Chloride Variation Leaf NO) concentration decreased during tbe light period more witb 50:50 tban witb 0:100 NH4:NO3 ratio. Seven DAT, NO) decreased by 24.6% witb tbe former N treatment and only by.4% witb tbe latter (Figure 4). After 7 days more tbe difference between tbe two.N treatments was more evident: NO) decreased by 11.5% with tbe mixed N form and increased by 10.1% witb 100% ofNO3-N in tbe nutrient solution (Figure 5). Tbe NO) leaf concentration was (on average) higher witb 16 compared to 8 mM ofN in tbe solution (Table 4). NITRATE ACCUMULATION AND GROWTH OF ENDIVE PLANTS 1261 TABLE 4. DI)' matter (d.m.), nitrates (NO), and chloride (Cl) leaf contents in endive plants 7 (A) and 14 (B) days after beginning ofN treatments (significances ofmean separation are reported in Tables 2 and 3). roM d.m. A B gllOOg f.m. NO) A B ---glI 4:4 0:8 8:8 O: 16 6.3 6.9 6.6 7.0 4.9 5.3 5.8 6.0 NH.-N:NO)"N 5.6 6.6 6.5 CI A B 00 g d.m.------- 6.0 8.5 3.6 2.0 2.9 1.5 11.3 3.2 0.8 0.6 The Clleaf concentration was higher with 8 than with 16 mM ofN and more with the 50:50 than O:100 NH4:NO)ratio (Table 4). Fourteen DAT and by supplying plants with 8 mM of N, leaf CI concentrationduring the light period decreasedwith 100% ofNO)-N and increasedwith 50:50NH4:NO)ratio (Figure 6). Total Nitrogen At the last sampling, significant differences were detected in total N leaf content produced by the two N levels (5.1 vs. 6. ì glI00 g of d.m. with 8 and 16 mM ofN, respectively), but not by the two N form ratios supplied to the nutrient solution (omitted table). NH. :NO, - 0:100 ... 50:50 ~7 'O O) 6~' 8 ~5 04 Z 01;:: O 369 12 Hours of light (n.) FIGURE 4. Leafnitrate concentration (d.m. basis) in endive plants during the light period as affected by N forro ratio in the nutrient solution, after 7 days of treatment. Verticallines indicate :f:SE. 1262 SANT AMARIA, EllA, AND GONNELLA NH.:NO, 0:100 ... 50:50 I ?9 -=i 801 - i 7 ~ ~ ---o 'I 1 . '_" 1 -" '~'--'-'- 1 05 z 1 0"( o 369 12 Hours of light (n.) FIGURE 5. Leafnitrate concentration (d.m. basis) in endive plants during the light period as affected by N form ratio in the nutrient solution, after 14 days of treatment. Vertical lines indicate :!:SE. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The interaction between NH~ and NOJ is complex. The presence ofNH~ in a nutrient solution may inhibit (Haynes and Goh, 1978; Sloom and Finazzo, 1986; Lee and Drew, 1989), have little effect (Marcus- Wyner, 1983) or slightly stimulate (Bloom and Finazzo, 1986) net NOJ uptake (defined as the difference between influx and effiux). Some authors have also reported interaction between N fonn and rates (Allen et al., 1985; Allen and Smith, 1986). NH.:NO, ,. I - 0:100 --- 50:50 --_.1 . -.' --..t. -' E 3 t. .' - - - . . . . -- - - - -. -=i .01 8 .t::. 01 2 -1 U o o 369 12 Hours of light (n.) FIGURE 6. Leaf chloride concentration (d.m. basis) in endive p1ants during the light period as affected by N form ratio in the nutrient solution, after 14 days of treatrnent. Verticallines indicate:!:SE. NITRA TE ACCUMULA nON AND GROWTH OF ENDIVE PLANTS 1263 In the present study, after 14 days of treatment, while no influence was produced both by the N leve I or by the N form ratio on plant growth, NO) concentration rose by 33% with increasing N level from 8 to 16 mM and by 42% when changing from the 50:50 to 0:100 NH.:NO) ratio (Table 4). Total N, instead, was not influenced by N form ratio, but was higher with the higher N leveL Therefore, reduced N (calculated as the residual component ofmean total N niinus NO)-N of the composite sample) was higher when N was supplied in mixed than in nitrate form (75 and 62% oftotal N, respectively). The lower nitrate concentrations in plants treated with 8 mM N would suggest that a great part ofNO) was assimilated in the metabolic pool, whereas little would have remained available to be accumulated in the reserve pool or in celI vacuoles as osmotic regulator. In plants grown with 16 mM ofN, instead, the higher NO) concentration in leaves indicates a greater part of NO) was accumulated in the reserve pool (Steingrover et aL, 1986; Izmailov et aL, 1992). With an increasing supply ofNO)-N, the capacity for NO) reduction in the roots becomes a limiting factor and an increasing proportion of the total N is translocated to the shoots in the form ofNO) (Marschner, 1996). When NH. and NO) were supplied together, NH. improved N yield efficiency, as we had observed in previous research when the yield increase per unit of N contained in endive heads was higher with the 50:50 than O:100 NH.:NO) ratio (Santamaria et al., 1995). However, the use of mixed N form reduced leaf dry matter percentage compared to the 0:100 NH.:NO) ratio (Table 4), suggesting that the effects ofthe two N forms on growth could partialIy originate from celi osmotic regulation and expansion, especialIy if NO) is absorbed in excess of assimilation needs. Leaf NO) concentration changed during the light period thus confmning that light has a crucial role in the regulation of the NO) accumulation, because it is involved in photosynthesis as welI as in uptake, translocation and reduction of NO) (Mengel and Viro, 1978; Merlo etaL, 1994). AlI theseprocesses are subjected to diurnal variations (Steingrover et al., 1986; Le Bot and Kirkby, 1992; Dellion et aL, 1995). However, only with the 50:50 NH.:NO) ratio, leafNO) concentration decreased linearly and markedly during light period (Figures 4 and 5). Therefore, NH. may be assumed to have stimulated NR activity, probably by favoring the new formation of cytoplasmatic NR ('superinduction' according to Mehrer and Mo~, 1989). The inductive effect of NH. on NR appearance was attributed quantitatively to the induction of specific isoforms ofNR by NH. (Schuster et aL, 1989). During the light period and with nitrate form, leafNO) concentration decreased slightly (7 DAT, Figure 4) or increased (14 DA T, Figure 5). In the latter case NO) uptake exceed the reduction. Some authors consider this to be a luxury consumption (Salsac et aL, 1987; Koch et aL, 1988). At both sampling times, a highly significant and inverse correlation emerged between CI and NO) (r=-0.74). NH. uptake increased CI absorption (Table 4 and 1264 SANT AMARIA, ELlA, AND GONNELLA Figure 6) to replaee organie anions and NO) and to allow the restoration of the anion leve l needed to keep the osmotie potenti al at optimal values for growth (Blom-Zandstra and Lampe, 1983; Soltani et al., 1989). Light also indueed the linear inerease of fresh weight, dry mass pereentage, and leaf area (Figures 1,2, and 3). 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