Makaha Valley Towers - Makaha Cultural Learning Center


Makaha Valley Towers - Makaha Cultural Learning Center
Waianae coast
Weekly Bulletin
2012 – 2013
Waianae Rotary Club
[email protected]
Chartered April 22, 1969
President…. Frances Ah-Nee
Vice Pres.… Rocky Naeole
Pres. Elect…Frances Ah-Nee
Secretary……..…Joett Colgan
Treasurer …..Bob Sullivan
Rose Restrivera
Fred Weick
Joanna Miranda
Joseph Lapilio
----------------------------------------Sgt. of Arms……… D.J. DeTomaso
Program Chair… Nalani Flinn
Club Bulletin... Joanna Miranda
President Frances Ah-Nee
This bulletin will be e-mailed
and distributed at our weekly
Aloha fellow
A message from President
Frances Ah-Nee
Aloha Waianae Coast
I hope that all is well with
you. This week the club went
on an excursion to the Makaha
Cultural Learning Center and
the Historic Makaha Riding
Stables which was coordinated
by Joanna. We met Blake
Kolona and his staff, who
shared with us the story of
how they started and how they
are currently serving the
Westside community. It was
informative and one hour was
not enough time to visit. At
the end of the visit members
were saying that they would
like to have another gathering
where the members and their
families can spend more time
learning and enjoying this
special place.
I would like to congratulate
the club in achieving the
Premier club status in the
district for the Ignite
Membership program. Our
No.338 - 10/05/12
club was recognized in the
DG’s monthly newsletter.
Rocky who is our membership
chair, has been diligently
tracking the activities of the
members which will in the
long run hopefully increase
membership for the club and
the district. If you would like
to learn more about what
activities can help the club
increase membership, please
feel free to see Rocky or any
board member.
October is busy for the club.
On the 6th, the district training
at Sacred Hearts Academy, on
the 10th, we have the
Christmas Parade meeting at
Rest Camp 5:30pm; on the
11th, we have our Photo
contest reception at 6:00pm at
the Waianae Park Recreation
Center. Please show your
support of the club activities
by attending these functions.
Mahalo for all that you do for
Have a Great weekend,
Excursion and Meeting
at the Historic Makaha
Riding Stables and the
Makaha Learning
We were very fortunate to
have been able to visit the
Historic Makaha Riding
Stables and the Makaha
Cultural Learning Center on
Tuesday October 2nd.
The hospitality was
outstanding and it was truly
amazing to see what was
taking place right in our own
back yard. Blake and Carol
Kolona have dedicated their
life towards helping our
community. Below are
pictures of our members
enjoying a remarkable
learning experience.
Blake Kolona
Inga and John posing for the camera
Ranch Manager and Al and Rocky
Joe and Lu posing for the camera
Below is a little history about
the Makaha Cultural Learning
Center and the Historic
Makaha Stables.
Ranch trainer
Rotary Members listening to the presentation
by Blake Kolona
Fred and Joe amazed at the planting process
Rotary Members viewing the sunfish tanks
Joyce, Rock and Al enjoying the day
Owned and operated by Blake
and Carol Kolona, the Historic
Makaha Valley Riding Stables
(MVRS) is a Limited Liability
Company formed to provide
both visitors and locals an
opportunity to share is the
beauty of our Hawaii home,
and an opportunity to see
historic treasures otherwise
lost to time. The Kolona’s
own the seven-acre property in
Makaha valley where the
riding stables are housed, and
have special permission to
access the valley by horseback
enabling us to share our home
and history with you.
Significant portions of the
proceeds from Historic
Makaha Valley Riding Stables
are used to fund the Makaha
Cultural Learning Center
(MCLC) – a non-profit charity
organization founded by the
Kolona family. Makaha
Cultural Learning Center
provides an opportunity for
children and adults alike to
learn about sustainable
farming, Hawaiian history and
culture, and to provide visitors
with an entertaining and
enriching experience. Look
around at the Kolona family
ranch and you’ll see that
Makaha Cultural Learning
Center has developed a
selection of sustainable plants
including an aquaponic system
incorporating fish and
hydroponic vegetables, petting
animals, a luau facility, and
other activities all designed to
give back to the community
and provide for an opportunity
to share in the majesty of the
Makaha valley.
Recognizing the demand for
such an experience by visitors
and locals, Historic Makaha
Valley Riding Stables was
created so that income may be
generated to further the
mission of the Makaha
Cultural Learning Center, and
further enable the Kolona
family to give back to the
community they love. “It’s
important to give back to our
community”, says Blake
Kolona. “We are thankful for
our blessings and apply our
success to helping and
educating others.”
Did you know that
October is Vocational
Service Month…?
Vocational Service Month
promotes business integrity,
professional development
Through the Avenue of
Vocational Service, Rotarians
contribute their professional
expertise and skills to address
societal problems and needs,
promote high ethical standards
in the workplace, support
career planning and other
vocational activities, and
represent the dignity and value
of their profession.
Information taken from Rotary International’s
Information taken from Historic Makaha
Riding Stables and Cultural Learning center.
Our Three Year
Strategic Plan
10/9/12 – Speaker Henry
DeButts – D5000 Webmaster
Joe Lapilio is still working
hard on our three year
strategic plan.
10/6/12- Membership,
Vocational and Foundation
training at Sacred Hearts
Academy from 8:30 am to
Mahalo Joe for all your hard
Service Above Self
10/10/12 – Christmas Parade
meeting Army Rec. Center
(Army Rest Camp) Sunset
Café 5:00PM
11/15/12 Social Networking
meeting will be held at the
Army Rest Camp. Theme for
the evening will be The
International Aspect of
12/15/12 – Rotary sponsored
Community Annual Christmas
2013 District Conference
May 17, 2013 12:00 PM to
May 19, 2013 03:00 PM
There are no Birthdays or
Anniversaries to celebrate this
week. Is it the truth?
96792 PRIDE
Photo Contest-2012
The photo contest calendar
project is on schedule. The
calendars are at the printers.
Thought of the
The road to a friend's house is
never long.
There will be a Christmas
Parade meeting on Wednesday
at 5:00PM at the Army
Recreation Center (ARMY
Applications and flyers are
available. Please help to
spread the word by posting the
flyers at Businesses in
Waianae. Flyers are available
at the information table at our
weekly meetings, and
applications are available on
our website.
The Christmas Parade theme
this year will be “Give Peace
a Chance”.
If you are a visiting Rotarian
or guest and you participate,
and are lucky enough to win,
you will win half (1/2) the
money that we collect for the
day. So join the fun and
donate to a good cause.
Danish Proverb
The lucky pot fund raiser
continues to grow every week,
so far no one has pulled the
lucky Ace of hearts. We have
$ 7083 in the pot.
The Lucky Card is the:
Of the things we think, say
or do:
1. Is it the Truth?
He ‘oia ‘i’o kēia?
2. Is it Fair to all
He kūpono iā kākoku?
Ace of Heart
So remember you may be the
next lucky winner, you just
never know. So the next time
you join us for lunch, buy
those tickets, $3.00 each or 4
for $10.00. You might just be
the lucky one!!!
Remember, if you are a
winner …Half (1/2) the
money will go to the WCRC
Community Foundation and
the Waianae Coast Rotary
Club Scholarship Foundation.
3. Will it Build Good
Will and Better
He kūkului ka lokomaikai’i a
me ka pilialoha ma waiena
o kākou?
4. Will it be Beneficial
to all Concerned?
He pōno ia kākou?
Hope you have a great long