Operational Requirements Document Plan


Operational Requirements Document Plan
Requirements Document Plan
Wireless Waterways
Waterways Project
Effective Date:
October 1, 2012
This document contains the Operational Requirements for the Port of Pittsburgh Commission’s
(PPC) Wireless Waterways Project. The activities described in this document are consistent with
the other project planning documents.
The Wireless Waterways Operational Requirement Document (ORD) outlines the operational
requirements and business processes necessary to design, build, manage, market, maintain and
deploy an expandable, scalable, interconnected, broadband Network System Infrastructure
(NSI) and Interoperability Test Bed (ITB) within the Port of Pittsburgh Commission Area of
Responsibility on the Allegheny, Ohio and Monongahela Rivers within the Commonwealth of
This ORD serves as the official basis for further development of the Wireless Waterways. The
ORD is designed to allow stakeholders, developers, users, and others to understand what the
Wireless Waterway should do and how it should work. The ORD defines the operational gaps
that Wireless Waterways must fill and provides key performance parameters to develop
solutions to meet the required capabilities.
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
Record of Changes
Brief Description of
Change to Project Plan
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... iii
General Description of Operational Capability ..................................................................... 1
Capability Gap ............................................................................................................... 1
Overall Mission Area Description.................................................................................. 2
Security.................................................................................................................. 2
Maritime Domain Awareness................................................................................ 2
Safety..................................................................................................................... 3
Economical ............................................................................................................ 3
Environmental ....................................................................................................... 4
System Description ....................................................................................................... 5
Supporting Analysis ....................................................................................................... 7
Mission the System Will Accomplish ............................................................................ 7
Operational and Support Concepts............................................................................... 9
Concept of Operations .......................................................................................... 9
Interoperability Test Bed Concept ...................................................................... 11
Support Concept ................................................................................................. 11
Threat .................................................................................................................................. 13
Security Threat ............................................................................................................ 13
Economic Threat.......................................................................................................... 14
Existing System Shortfalls ................................................................................................... 14
Communications Interoperability Shortfalls ............................................................... 14
Information Sharing Shortfalls .................................................................................... 15
Wireless Waterway Technology Transition Shortfall .................................................. 15
Capabilities Required .......................................................................................................... 15
Operational Performance Parameters ........................................................................ 15
Technical Approach ............................................................................................. 16
Design and Technology Considerations .............................................................. 16
System Architecture Requirements ............................................................................ 18
System Performance. .................................................................................................. 19
Mission Scenarios ................................................................................................ 19
Interoperability ................................................................................................... 19
Data Sharing Requirements ................................................................................ 20
Platform 1: Wireless-Hybrid Broadband System Requirements ........................ 20
Platform 2: Portal System Requirements ........................................................... 21
Water Transportation Management Requirements ........................................... 24
Cloud-Based Computing Platform (Platform 3) .................................................. 25
Managed Services Provider ................................................................................. 26
Server Virtualization ............................................................................................ 27
4.3.10 Data Center ......................................................................................................... 27
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
4.3.11 Disaster Recovery ................................................................................................ 27
Logistics and Readiness ............................................................................................... 28
Modeling and Simulation Requirements .................................................................... 28
ITB Synthetic Environment (ISE) Architecture..................................................... 28
Public Security Training Support Services ........................................................... 28
Benefits ............................................................................................................... 29
Security........................................................................................................................ 29
Criticality ............................................................................................................. 29
Network Resiliency .............................................................................................. 30
Continuous Operations ....................................................................................... 30
Reliability ............................................................................................................. 30
Quality of Service ........................................................................................................ 31
Local Support and Services: ................................................................................ 31
Continuity of Operations ..................................................................................... 31
System Support ........................................................................................................... 31
Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 31
Supply .................................................................................................................. 32
Support Equipment ............................................................................................. 32
Training................................................................................................................ 32
Transportation and Facilities....................................................................................... 32
Force Structure ................................................................................................................... 33
Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 33
System Affordability............................................................................................................ 35
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
1 General Description of Operational Capability
The Wireless Waterways Project will provide wireless broadband network design,
implementation, support, maintenance, network extension/expansion, technical services,
systems engineering, research and development, experimentation in support of the Port of
Pittsburgh Commission (“PPC”), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Committee on the Marine
Transportation System (CMTS), Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC), shippers, terminal
operators, the towing industry, barge carriers and other affiliated associations. In addition,
engineering analysis, design analysis, installation, operation and testing, concept of operations
(CONOPS) development, training, maintenance and repair of assets that support testing of
technologies, systems and solutions associated with waterway management, information
sharing and operations will also be performed.
A need exists to rapidly and cost-effectively transmit large amounts of digital data by industry,
government, non-profit, and for-profit stakeholders including, but not limited to, purposes of
port security, public safety, navigation safety and efficiency, and weather and environmental
monitoring. This requires a comprehensive wireless broadband network coupled with a mixture
of cloud computing and Ethernet-based technologies within a shared portal environment to
increase the overall efficiency to support inland water transportation, public safety, and
environmental compliance.
1.1 Capability Gap
Intermodal transportation stakeholders, including river ports, terminals, barge operators,
towers, waterway workers, drayage firms, vessel operators, shippers, railways, and trucking
companies, to improve waterway industry business operations require a comprehensive river
transportation information system. The absence of collaborative communication, situational
awareness displays, and decision support tools among these stakeholders has resulted in an
inefficient marine supply chain management environment to conduct business on the
The inland waterways of the continental U.S., including those under the purview of the Port of
Pittsburgh Commission, are archaic with most communications using 1970 based technologies.
Communications are currently done via cell phone or by VHF analog radios. The exchange of
supply chain data and river traffic management services is non-existent U.S. Inland Waterways.
As a result river transportation supply chain management is inefficient and less attractive to
move commerce than rail, truck or air. Significant enhancements to maritime domain
awareness, river transportation management, safe navigation, and security are required. In
parallel, there is a growing need to improve the environmental monitoring and data collection
capabilities of oversight agencies. In addition, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
the Committee on Marine Transportation Committee (CMTS) have a need for enhanced realtime or near real-time data to improve the inland waterway operations.
Overall Mission Area Description
1.2.1 Security
River Security is the compelling reason for this Wireless Waterways initiative. When
completed, the system will provide a wireless broadband backbone network to facilitate
seamless communication and intelligence-sharing between entities related to anti-terror
enforcement. It will allow the integration of existing surveillance cameras, sensors and security
equipment and management systems. It will enhance the capabilities of prevention, protection,
response, and recovery from potential or present terror risks in the areas to be covered. It will
allow these systems to inter-operate and allows agencies to respond quicker, anywhere within
the umbrella of the network. It will provide a robust foundation for the seamless exchange of
rich data, even including streaming video. It will also provide voluntary links for commercial
vessels to each other, to company headquarters, to USACE and CMTS, to First Responders and
to Law Enforcement, as appropriate.
1.2.2 Maritime Domain Awareness
The emphasis on Maritime Domain Awareness in the USA has been associated with sea ports
and maritime sea lanes in support of the International Ship Port Security (ISPS) Code mandates.
Unfortunately, the US Inland waterways have been a lower priority with US Coast Guard,
providing limited Vessel Traffic Management capability only as far north as Baton Rouge on the
Mississippi River. The U.S. inland waterways have to deal with outdated technology to
coordinate river operations and activities. As a result, there has been mounting frustration with
the lack river traffic synchronization resulting in routine traffic jams and dead spots at the locks,
terminals and other key locations along the river system and inefficient use of time and money
for all parties.
At this juncture, the Nationwide Automatic Identification System (NAIS) must serve as the
collision avoidance component and be the backbone of the service for navigational data. RIS
must be capable of informing and being informed by NAIS and other existing commercial
systems for tow tracking and scheduling. However, no system currently exists in the PPC area
of responsibility. The enforcement of the mandatory use of AIS for towing vessels is challenging
since the PPC currently has no method to display and share this information. Stakeholders
must constantly jump between various websites to gather appropriate river information. In
addition, the pedigree of this information varies greatly depending refresh rate of the specific
information resource owner.
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
1.2.3 Safety
Wireless communication capability is limited along the southern Pennsylvania inland river
transportation system. This presents challenges for vessels, locks, terminals, and merchants to
coordinate waterway business. According to the Carnegie Mellon Wireless Waterway Report, a
comprehensive, interoperable communications network is acutely needed to manage waterway
business operations both in routine mode, and during emergencies. At this juncture, public
safety agencies are assigned frequencies across 10 different bands of radio spectrum, from low
to high. Unfortunately, affordable technology does not exist to allow one radio to communicate
across all the frequencies. Hence, a Pittsburgh’s police department may be assigned one
frequency while the emergency medical services another.
A highly reliable public communications system is critical for coordination of activities with
natural disasters and hazardous material incidents.
However, building a wide-area
communications network exclusively for public safety is currently cost-prohibitive. In addition,
most organizations would rather lease quality bandwidth at a reasonable cost by leveraging the
communications networks of other parties to share resources. The communications
architecture must be interoperable using non-proprietary standards, open protocols and be
accommodating to a wide variety of RF and cyber conditions that may prevalent on the
network. In addition, the communication network must separate and protect sensitive data on
a need to know basis among the various participants within the network.
1.2.4 Economical
Southwestern Pennsylvania is ecologically, economically and politically complex. Known
globally for industrial production prior to and during World War II, Pittsburgh has experienced a
correspondingly high level of pollution. After suffering a long and brutal economic downturn in
the 1980s, with the collapse of the steel industry and related manufacturing, the Pittsburgh
region is recovering economically. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Pittsburgh has lost
8.6% of the city’s population over the past ten years, with little over 20% of the population
living under the poverty level. Since the 1990s, the city has suffered a significant number of job
losses due to the Pittsburgh airport losing US Airways and the industrial economy shifting from
an industrial economy to an economy based on health care, research, hospitality and tourism.
The PPC has been working with industry and other governmental entities to improve
communication technologies. Digital communications along the waterways are spotty and
currently limited by high satellite connection costs or low bandwidth cell phones. The absence
of a collaborative communication, situational awareness displays, and decision support tools
among the various stakeholders has resulted in an inefficient marine supply chain management
environment to conduct business on the waterways. Tow–lock timing is often out of synch
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
which results in unnecessary operating costs to all parties. This also applies to commercial
operations associated with movement of cargo between the terminals and barges to optimize
waterfront operations and maximize cargo throughput. Related issues include inconsistent
and inaccurate of accounting of cargo loads and types on the boards so the respective
government agencies can collect the required fees and taxes. These funds often help defer
some of the operations and maintenance costs for the respective locks and dams.
1.2.5 Environmental
Concerns regarding environmental pollution and degradation have become increasingly more
important. The American Lung Association has given Pittsburgh and surrounding counties
(Allegheny, Armstrong, Washington, Westmoreland, Beaver and Lawrence) failing (or near
failing) grades for ozone and particle pollution into the atmosphere. These conditions
contribute to health problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cardiovascular
disease, and diabetes. Water pollution in and around the region is another alarming
environmental concern. The Clean Water report published by Penn Environment, a statewide,
citizen-based environmental organization claimed that in 2010, the Monongahela River was
ranked number nine on American’s Most Endangered Rivers, and in 2007, the Ohio River
ranked first in the nation for toxic discharges amongst more than 1,900 waterways. That same
year, the Ohio River had the greatest amount of cancer-causing chemical discharges and
reproductive toxicants in America.
The region is making strides with environmental remediation and preservation, including
addressing outdated sewer systems, and supporting green technology innovation. Policies
improving land-use planning and infrastructure, such as run-off mitigation with sewer system
enhancement, as well as enforcement of Federal Clean Water and Air Act and the Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA), are a few of the significant economic and
environmental challenges being overcome throughout the region. Technological innovation
through these projects will help the region become a leading green-building center in the
United States for decades to come. With respect to environmental data collection needs, the
rapid development of the Marcellus Shale resource has prompted interest in collecting and
documenting pre-drilling surface water quality and air pollution with the PPC area of
responsibility. On October 13, 2011 the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP), which oversees oil and gas drilling in the state, issued new guidelines for evaluating air
pollution sources from oil and gas operations, tightening controls over potential sources of air
pollution from drilling and related operations. The recently formed Marcellus Shale Research
Network will not only identify all entities collecting water data but will also create a sustainable
network among those groups. Coordination of these efforts could lead to more extensive
sampling and enhance development of long-term data records, both of which will aid in
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tracking environmental monitoring.
Currently environmental samples are either manually collected by individuals or by the
establishment of standalone localized sensor networks which must be visited by researchers to
download this information. Because of this, data across public and private organizations is
disconnected and incongruent. This approach is time consuming and inefficient use of scarce
research funding. While have a centralized managed database will help, there is an implied
need to rapidly collect both air and water quality sensor data on a large scale basis throughout
the PPC AOR on a real-time basis. The NSI would be an ideal transport communications path to
support such a highly scalable environment sensor network throughout the PPC AOR. The NSI
would then connect to the Marcellus Shale Research Network for analysis. To aid in decision
making, data and/or graphical representations could be distributed to State and local
government for policy makers to geospatially recognize the scale of the pollution. The analyzed
information could then be treated as a web service and displayed on the ITB Portal as
selectable GIS overlays for a portal user.
1.3 System Description
The Wireless Waterway Project will make it possible for subscribers to efficiently and costeffectively take advantage of rapidly evolving mobile broadband technologies, inter-networked
systems and associated software applications. The Contractor will provide technical services,
systems engineering, research and development experimentation, marketing, and business
development services in support of the PPC, USACE, (CMTS), shippers, terminal operators, the
towing industry, barge carriers and other affiliated associations. The Contractor will also
perform engineering analysis, design analysis, installation, operation and testing, marketing,
concept of operations (CONOPS) development, training, maintenance and repair of assets that
support testing of technologies, systems and solutions associated with waterway management,
information sharing and operations, including the strategic management of the security of the
The NSI will serve as a prototype infrastructure for a national "Wireless Waterway" to be an
interconnected network of physical network, devices, applications useful in river commerce and
security, including broadband Internet connection system, real-time navigation information,
cargo tracking, and operation of waterway sensors and other purposes. The ITB will explore the
integration of disparate sensors, communications, and information management systems to
develop innovative and more cost effective ways to improve operations within the US Inland
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
The network will be used as a test bed for platforms, programs and equipment to be evaluated
over a three-year period and will be operated and maintained by the Contractor on a fee-foruse, revenue generating basis for the PPC. This network infrastructure will make possible the
use of specialized applications to improve navigation and information exchange; increase
security and productivity; realize functional interoperability between public safety systems and
organizations by enhancing real-time situational awareness in support of the national common
operational picture; improve the collection of data by environmental agencies and other
stakeholders, and drive safe, secure and sustainable increases in commercial activity on the
inland waterway system. It is also expected to ultimately become a self-sustaining business
The project will be developed in two initiatives with the first initiative comprising four phases.
“Initiative One” is to design, build, operate, maintain, manage, and expand scalable, fixed and
mobile broadband network infrastructure that can be extended along the inland waterways.
The network will be operated on a revenue-generating basis, and will be used to provide
commercial broadband networking and other networked services to end users located
throughout its coverage footprint. Initiative One will have four phases:
Phase 1 - Design and build the physical infrastructure for a fixed and a mobile wireless
broadband coverage at and around the locks and dams at Emsworth, Braddock, and
Allegheny #2, securely and redundantly interconnected (as appropriate) to three onshore locations, including a downtown location (at the PPC Offices in the Regional
Enterprise Tower), USACE’s PEWARS on Neville Island and a third location to be mutually
agreed upon.
Phase 2 - Establish and validate a Baseline Testing and Evaluation Infrastructure, with
appropriate testing, benchmarking and certification of the wireless infrastructure’s
capabilities, reliability and resiliency. The Contractor will complete Phases 1 and 2,
provide a beta test site within four months, and complete Phases 1 and 2 within six
Phase 3 - Design network extensions, with cost estimates, for interconnected
continuous coverage for the lock and dam pools (on both sides of the dams) from
Montgomery and Dashields on the Ohio and to Elizabeth, Charleroi, Maxwell, Grey’s
Landing and Point Marion on the Monongahela and Locks #3 and #4 on the Allegheny.
(The potential expansion of the network will be pursued as sufficient funding can be
allocated either from project operations and/or from other sources to assist in capital
build out expenses for future expansions or special development projects.)
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Phase 4 – Seek continuous improvement of project performance and seek opportunities
to expand the project through cash-flow opportunities and grants in cooperation with
the PPC.
“Initiative Two” is directly inter-related with “Initiative One.” The Contractor will
simultaneously design, build, continuously operate, market, report on and seek to expand the
additional revenue-generating Interoperability Test Bed (ITB) System that will use the hybrid
wireless broadband infrastructure as a primary network platform to conduct interoperability
assurance Testing and Evaluations (T&E) and other assessments of networked systems, devices
and other equipment, improved software applications and new solutions and procedures that
address the needs of the Inland Waterways stakeholders.
The ITB’s Infrastructure System will be used to augment the ITB’s expanded efforts to validate
the performance, accessibility, reliability and security of Internet Protocol (IP) on other evolving
protocol-based networks, applications and systems. The technical goal for the ITB is to develop
the capabilities required to address the growing need to test data, voice and video services and
network capabilities from the wireless “Mobile Edge” to the “Internet’s Core” and to provide a
launch point for the production deployment of new and/or improved solutions and
Supporting Analysis
This ORD supports the analysis represented in the following documents:
The Wireless Waterway Project Final Report, [School of Computer Science, Carnegie
Mellon University] 2009
River-Net: Information System for Port of Pittsburgh Inland Waterway Transportations
[Institute of Software Research International, Carnegie Mellon University] 2006
SmartLock: Instrumented Locking System for Inland Waterway Navigation [Institute for
eCommerce, Carnegie Mellon University] 2003
Mission the System Will Accomplish
The missions that the Wireless Waterways will accomplish include, but are not limited to:
Security - The system will provide a common operational picture combining geospatial
technology, a browser-based Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (IENC) viewer, and AIS
to track real-time vessel positions and movement of Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC).
Authorized users will be able to centrally access security cameras. In addition, this
system has the capability to incorporate both USACE and CMTS Notice to Mariners.
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Public Safety – The RIS integrates with internal and external sources to provide a
centralized place for navigation notices, wind speed, incidents, lock delays, lock
approach path visibility, weather, ice conditions, outdrafts, lockage policies, tides and
river stages, and lock status, accidents, groundings, shoals, and operational regulations.
PPC stakeholders can improve waterway navigation through proactive traffic
management and identification of potential zones of river congestion.
Environment – Geo-referenced environmental data can be imported into a Geographic
Information System (GIS) and layered upon geospatial representations or satellite
imagery of an area and river systems to assist in identifying sources and magnitude of
air and water pollution. These maps can be portrayed in a variety of ways. Pollution
can be symbolized by point locations, graphically depicted by a color gradient from low
to high concentration, or by graphs or charts associated with different data collection
sites representing the amounts of several contaminants in one location.
Economics – The RIP improves waterway efficiencies by automating barge detail
collection, and generating reports in accordance with USACE formations (e.g. Barge
Operation Report, Tonnage and Barge Operation Report). Additionally, the TCDS
transmits towboat voyage, tonnage, and cargo details to Lockage Performance
Management System OMNI system (USACE) saving radio time and improving data
quality. Integrating real-time water soundings, the system will permit proactive
identification of forming shoals. PPC stakeholders can more effectually manage traffic
and schedule intermodal connections through new tools to calculate time to
Terminal Efficiencies - Terminal could provide real-time video feeds to vessel operators
and provide improved scheduling and management. As vessel operators approach
terminals, they could have the ability to preview their berth to ensure it is ready for
their arrival. If there are issues, these can be addressed to improve the efficiency at the
terminals. In addition, the ability to track vessels can assist terminal operators in their
preparations for receiving the barges and boats, as they will be able to have much
better information about the expected arrival time.
Towing Operations Efficiencies - Towboat operators will waste less time waiting at locks
and will have the ability to schedule their terminal/berths well ahead of arrival. Towing
operations can cost as much as $500/hour or more making reserving passage through
locks and guaranteed docking space a powerful incentive to gain access to the network
and tools that will expedite transit and avoid delays.
River Safety Efficiencies - This project envisions the data collection and mapping of river
bottom and providing real-time updates that can be used to assist river operators as
they navigate the river, as well as providing critical information to the Army Corp of
Engineers as they manage and maintain these inland resources. Where there are
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Wireless Waterways Operational Requirements Document
submerged obstructions, soundings from vessels on the waterways can be relayed
through a database to provide notification to other users of the obstructions thus
enabling them to navigate around them. These tools will help to make the waterways
safer and more navigable. For river boat operators, it will save time and money.
Operational and Support Concepts
1.6.1 Concept of Operations
With its charter to promote the commercial use and development of the inland waterway
transportation system, the PPC fosters the development and deployment of a communications
technology solution within its area of responsibility as shown in Figure 1. PPC envisions that
this can be accomplished through a public-private business partnership that affects the
integration of electronic navigation, shipboard systems and real time physical condition
information with communications and service planning. A primary outcome of this integration
will be to intricately link vessel operations, owners, shippers and navigation service providers
with multifunctional decision making tools and information displays.
The PPC desires the creation of a scalable,
infrastructure system so that businesses,
stakeholders may effectively and costefficiently take advantage of new broadband
technologies, new interconnected systems and
the innovative solutions they enable. The PPC
envisions deploying and expanding a scalable,
interconnected, broadband Network System
Infrastructure (NSI) and Interoperability Test
Bed (ITB) that will make it possible for
subscribers to efficiently and cost-effectively
take advantage of rapidly evolving mobile
broadband technologies and inter-networked
The envisioned technical solution is expected
to be robust as illustrated by the following list
of design requirements:
Figure 1: PPC Area of Responsibility
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The system must replace dedicated independent and unsynchronized models and single
function displays and reports with highly integrated, multi-function decision making tools
and information displays. In addition, the system must pull data from various existing
sources both Government and commercial and process and display that information in
customizable user friendly formats.
The system must reflect the existing standards for River Information Services (RIS) data
coding and classification such as the European Union’s RIS InSpire Directory.
The portal must use Electronic Navigation Charting and data to provide all partners with
the specific information they need to effectively and efficiently staff, operate and use the
Inland Navigation system. MDA-defined COP (Common Operating Picture) Virtual
Information Grid must is commercial off the shelf technology (COTS).
The system must protect sensitive and proprietary information of the commercial
Navigation partners.
The system must be capable of informing and being informed by other USACE systems
(Asset Management, OMBIL, CWMS, etc.) and other Partner systems (NWS, USGS, IRS,
Customs, etc.).
Navigation data (current, wind speed, lock condition, gauge readings, dam operating
data, etc.) provided via or by RIS must not expose PPC to any liability concerning the use
of that data.
PPC business approach foresees two, parallel, directly-related, revenue-generating initiatives to
create the broadband ITB and the NSI businesses. The initial infrastructure will initially at and
around the three locks and dams closest to Pittsburgh and it will be interconnected to three
shore-side facilities. The infrastructure will be then be expanded to the remaining locks/dams
of within the PPC AOR. This infrastructure is expected to generate sufficient revenues to be
self-sustaining. In addition, PPC is hopeful that this self-sustaining project can serve as the
demonstration segment for the future expansion of a Wireless Waterways System for a
significant portion of the US inland waterway transportation system.
The PPC wants to make the US Inland waterways safer, more operationally efficient, and a
progressively more desirable component of the US intermodal transportation system. That
said, realizing this operational concept is not without its challenges, including a suboptimal
economy and attendant uncertain market conditions for the services and efficiencies offered by
a wireless broadband network system infrastructure, and a current need for successive
evolutions and growth of this system be tied to some extent to incremental organic growth in
demand created by the system itself. The key to success will be the development technology
solutions, conduct of operations solutions, and a business solutions that are carefully thought
through, developed, and implemented in a top-down and fully integrated manner, with the
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requisite built-in scalability, flexibility, and adaptability to succeed in a complex and changing
business and technology environment.
1.6.2 Interoperability Test Bed Concept
The Interoperability Test Bed will provide test and evaluation services to technology companies
seeking evaluations for their products’ their viable to meeting Wireless Waterways
interoperability requirements. Operations will include: engineering analysis, design analysis,
installation, operational testing, training, maintenance and repair of assets that support testing
of technologies, systems and solutions associated with waterway management, information
sharing, and river operations.
The ITB business model is based upon the highly successful Center for Commercialization of
Advanced Technology (CCAT) at San Diego State University. The ITB will foster technology
commercialization and transition through a collaborative partnership of academia, industry,
and government agencies. The ITB focus will be on identifying technologies that address critical
water transportation and interoperability challenges and to accelerate their movement from
prototype to deployed systems for government customers and the commercial marketplace.
The primary objectives for the ITB are:
• To accelerate the fielding of cutting edge technology to the water transportation
industry and other PPC-defined requirements;
• To promote the multi-use development of technology for use business and public
applications; and
• To provide a competitive opportunity and comprehensive approach to fast-track the
commercialization technological advances from academia, industry, and government
that might not otherwise make it out of the laboratory.
The ITB will be driven by an open system approach to integrate technologies and its associated
communications networking segments within the Wireless Waterways.
This operational
prototype infrastructure of interconnected network of physical network, devices, and
applications useful in river commerce and security solutions includes a secure open architecture
broadband Internet connection system supporting real-time navigation information, cargo
tracking, and operation of waterway sensors. The ITB will explore the interoperability of
disparate sensors, communications, and information management systems to develop
innovative and cost-effective method to improve operations within the US Inland Waterways.
Support Concept
As conceptualized in Figure 2, the ITB Operations Center is expected to be the focal point of the
ITB activities including situational awareness, and lock status alerts and data queries to PPC,
Locks and others as required. The ITB Operations Center will include a voice communications
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dispatch center to coordinate activities within the PPC AOR. From the ITB Operations Center,
one can monitor, administer and control the entire network with visual display of network
topology. In addition, the status of each radio can be monitored by the network administer and
the remote technical staff for preventative maintenance, as well investigate technical issues and
make the necessary repairs.
The system shall be maintainable either by the equipment provider or by personnel trained to
maintain the system.
The design of the system shall support easy installation by the equipment provider or other
trained personnel. Some knowledge of the (fixed or mobile) interfaces for ITB operation center
(such as radios, telephones and power), at locks/dams and other locations will be required in
order to plan and do the installation.
Maintenance requirements for the system shall be minimal. Each unit shall include basic selftest mechanisms to indicate proper operation. System design shall allow for easy replacement
of defective parts by a new unit with no need for user level repair maintenance. Defective parts
Figure 2: The ITB Operations Center provides situational awareness, various queries, overlays, decision
tools for operators to oversee river operations. In addition, the ITB Operations Center services as the
focal point to coordinate operational testing of new technology with the Wireless Waterways Infrastructure.
will be returned to the manufacturer for disposition.
Spare parts will be made available by the equipment provider if not available as a commercial
off the shelf (COTS) item.
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Training shall be provided by the equipment provider to either a system trainer (via a train-thetrainers session) or to the users and operators at the installed site at a time convenient to the
users and operators.
The equipment provider will provide personnel to support operations primarily remotely, but
must be prepared to deploy technicians locally on site to effect repairs, if required. To the
extent possible, parts should be properly configured with current software and delivered with
all proper seals, gaskets, pneumatic, and electronic interface connections installed so they may
be directly connected in accordance with the appropriate technical orders. The equipment
provider is responsible for shipping mission critical parts originating from the contractor facility
to any location supporting the Wireless Waterway operations. Required parameters for
deliveries: 12 hours (Threshold) from supply system requisition to delivery and installation
within 24 hours desired (Objective).
2.1 Security Threat
Pittsburgh will be the first major metropolitan area in the United States to have a fully
operational wireless waterway system to support the US inland water transportation market.
Current emergency operations and public safety command, control, communications, security,
and surveillance interoperability along the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela rivers in Western
Pennsylvania varies from county to county. Western Pennsylvania lacks an interoperable
wireless waterway broadband network to support users of those rivers. What is need are the
policies, software decision tools, and processes required to better coordinate with the local,
county, public utilities, NGOs, and businesses in time of a disaster. Of all assets and resources
needed for success of this endeavor - at core is the need for speedy, reliable, secure and
seamless communications between all physical and virtual players.
Since PPC’s area of responsibility covers most of Western Pennsylvania, these organizations and
businesses look to the PPC as a unifying catalyst to bridge the current interoperability shortfalls
through enhance wide area public safety and security communications, collaboration tool
applications, and access to remote sensor data in support of river operations. In addition, a
highly scalable FEMA compliant modeling and simulation capability will permit conducting of
regional disaster exercises with greater participation and encompass a larger area at a
significantly reduced cost. Currently this capability does not exist anywhere in Western
The system counters any threat potentially caused or exacerbated by first responders not being
able to communicate with one another. In critical situations, the inability of responders to be
able to communicate with one another or with command and control authorities could cause
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loss of life. The interoperability provided by this system will eliminate communications
breakdown or failure as a source of issues when dealing with the threat or situation.
2.2 Economic Threat
The inland shipping industry loses up to $200 million per year due as a result of accidents during
reduced visibility. The Wireless Waterway is expected to save about 1/3 of the total amount lost
to fog, allowing for biases of some pilots, extra high fog densities, and the number of towboats
with the system installed. Accidents are expensive for the obvious reason of damage done to
the lock and/or the tow. However, the rarity of accidents reduces the total cost of accident
damage to much less than the amount lost to fog. Additionally, accidents may close a lock for a
period of time. Currently, no statistics are maintained that were unable to estimate the actual
cost of delay resulting from accidents, so these savings would be added to the savings from
damage identified later.
The locking process can take from 45 minutes to more than two hours, depending on river
conditions, lock and tow sizes, and other variables. Speeding the average time to lock through
would increase productivity of the boats that transit locks as well as reduce inventory costs to
the shippers shipping their goods on the tow. The portion of the lockage most susceptible to
being sped up is the approach.
Existing System Shortfalls
Existing systems that provide interoperability have the following weaknesses:
Communications Interoperability Shortfalls
• The number of devices and nets supported is inadequate for all but the very
smallest of applications.
Tow boat pilots, barge lines, and terminal operators currently use mobile phones
and VHF radios to communicate. Voice traffic is spotty and unreliable in rural
Potential Public Safety and Security threats are exacerbated by the fact that first
responders are unable to communicate neither with one another nor with vessels
on rivers due to differences in types, protocols and frequencies of radios. In critical
situations, the inability to communicate with one another or with command and
control authorities could cause loss of life or major material damage. The
interoperability provided by this system would eliminate communications
breakdown or failure as a source of issues when dealing with the threat or
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Current communication solutions do not support cyber security of data and voice
communication among users to be limited need to know basis.
Human-Machine Interface (HMI) does not exist for voice, data, and sensors.
No wireless communications currently does not exists at any of the lock/dams
Information Sharing Shortfalls
No ability exists to share and display geospatial information
No ability exists to research, locate, identify, or track vessels
No ability exists to optimize movement of vessels, cargo and crew through locks
and rivers
Lack of IT infrastructure currently severely limits the river transportation
management by individual barge companies with coordination among themselves,
terminal, lock masters, and others
Wireless Waterway Technology Transition Shortfall
Currently no test bed capability exists in the US to assess, experiment, test,
evaluate, and commercialize emerging wireless waterways technologies to the
market place.
Capabilities Required
Operational Performance Parameters
The Wireless Waterways requires the design, development, and sustainment of a wireless
broadband network and the deployment of technologies and infrastructure to address security,
public safety, environmental and economic concerns along the inland waterways. A solution
based on interoperable technologies is required to ensure project success. Furthermore, these
technologies must not become barriers to adoption. PPC requires a solution that promotes
adoption through affordable, commodity products based on open standards. A flexible and
innovative solution must provide low-cost network subscriber access for stakeholders. The
Wireless Waterways must have a technical foundation of hardware, software and services for
future revenue generation and program sustainment opportunities.
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Technical Approach
The solution must address the Smart River and river net technology gaps currently contributing
to lost efficiencies and productivity along the inland waterways. The solution must be built
around an intertwining communications interoperability network architecture and river
information services model. The technical solution shall use the following core components of
the Trusted Network System (TNS):
Design and Technology Considerations
The Wireless Waterway must address situational awareness to improve public safety, security,
and communications. This applies to the total system as well as to each technology component
selected to be part of that system. With respect to individual components, aspects include
cost, functionality, known reliability, ease of use and operation, maintenance requirements and
cost, compatibility with other systems components, etc.
Following important design and technology requirements should be considered in the
incremental implementation phases:
Design and Technology Considerations
Interoperability-driven architecture. Use of standards-based, configurable technology
platforms will provide superior interoperability between devices, systems, sensors, and
Adaptable system architecture. A validated architecture based on proven technologies and
methods that will meet PPC’s scalability, configurability, ability to add numerous PPC users
and partners and other external data sources, accommodate change, mitigate high priority
technical risks, and support PPC’s long-term strategic vision for River Information Systems
(RIS), SmartLock, and River-Net.
Use of Commercial-off-the-Shelf components (COTS). The integration of widely available
technologies and COTS produce will speed deployment and reduce sustainment costs.
Promote subscriber adoption prices – Use of low-price commodity subscriber units,
software, and cloud services will promote technology and ITB adoption.
Sufficient bandwidth – Sufficient bandwidth to satisfy both present and future demands to
deliver rich digital traffic
Use of resilient technologies – Resilient technologies will improve the collection, distribution
and exchange of real-time and near real-time data and knowledge.
Network design based on strong security. The network architecture should be implemented
using advanced encryption, authentication, role-based authorization, network threat
detection and prevention, network segmentation, and firewalls to secure and protect
sensitive and proprietary information of commercial navigation partners.
Use of hybrid wireless technologies. A hybrid interoperable communication infrastructure
must allow multiple parties to exchange rich data beyond conventional radio
Repeatable, high available solutions – The must have the ability to cost-effectively transfer
the current interconnected solution to the entire inland waterway system will ultimately
increase maritime safety and security.
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Design and Technology Considerations
Improve waterway safety. PPC stakeholder will benefit from the application of technology
to quickly report and discriminate information concerning shoals, collisions/allisions /
groundings, maritime notices, and river conditions (e.g. ice, current).
Emphasis on technology adoption. A customer-focused approach of rapidly delivering
incremental and frequent functionality to stakeholders for review and feedback will enhance
the final user experience and promotes technology adoption by ensuring that the right
product is built.
Web services shall be easy for third party developers to use and understand. This will keep
the cost of bringing on a new Service Provider to a minimum, by reducing the requirement
to use proprietary development tools, and speeding the ability to develop new ITB
capabilities (i.e. new solutions to improve navigation and information exchange)
Technology to improve situational awareness. PPC stakeholders will benefit from mature
geospatial technology to visualize vessel tracking and location of CDCs; incident reporting,
and waterway navigation; and improve traffic management and lock scheduling.
Technologies used to provide web services should able to keep track of resource use and
allocation on a per subscriber basis. Such metrics could be stored in the database and would
also be used for revenue generation and debugging the application.
Architecture based on open security technology. The solution shall rely on open security
technology to authenticate Service Providers. A combination of digital signatures and
domain name origination (or IP address) would be used to authenticate a service Provider.
HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) will be used to hide traffic.
Use of RESTful web services. The solution should provide RESTful web services built around
the notion of a resource. This will provide a uniform interface to PPC resources. A
taxonomy can be provided to third party Providers to assist in understanding the resources
Use of server virtualization technology. PPC should expect reduce server deployment and
provisioning cost and timelines, simplify backups, and support high availability through use
of virtualization software (e.g. VMware).
Scale as you grow cloud-based infrastructure. PPC will benefit from the cloud-computing
strategy that minimizes initial capital expenditures, ensures high availability, and can scale to
address future PPC needs.
Table 1: Design and Technology Considerations and their Expected Benefits by Phase
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System Architecture Requirements
Figure 3: High Level System Architecture
Error! Reference source not found. illustrates the envisioned architecture that combines a
multi-layer wireless infrastructure, a collaborative private portal environment, and cloud
computing framework to create an integrated trusted and private network for PPC. This
solution must be driven at its core to be interoperable with a multitude of disparate
communication technologies. This is especially important in considering the ITB will be used as
a test bed for research and development of river information services technologies. The
network architecture must be prepared to quickly assimilate with other communications
technologies so to best leverage networks of mutual business benefits. For example,
accommodating Public Safety communication with the Region 13 Task Force with a 4.9 GHz
Public Safety licensed wireless backhaul with P-25 Land Mobile Radio (LMR) on the edge with
very beneficial to provide public safety interoperability in Southwest Pennsylvania.
Key performance parameters of the network architecture include:
• High Capacity Public Safety Grade Licensed Radios with Speeds at least up To 200 Mbps;
bandwidth can be dynamically or statically allocated by link or application demand (802.1q).
Additional bandwidth can be added to the backhaul over time.
• Flexible network architecture to support multiple interoperable wired and wireless
networks to meet demand and take advantage of new FCC Spectrum Releases like White
Spaces and Part 101 Microwave.
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Two high-speed 1Gbps fully dedicated fiber circuits. One from the PPC to a local Pittsburgh
Data Center and a second from a TDB location to the data center.
PPC negotiated use of T1s located at locks and dams as redundant (backup) links to the PPC
Very high communications system reliability in excess of 250,000 hours
Network reliability in excess of 99.99% based on the core wireless infrastructure and
strategic use of secondary T1 links located at locks/dams.
Ability to relocate and stage PPC Operations Center from any node within the network or
off-site public/private Internet portal.
Ability to securely separate and aggregate essential and non-essential traffic to enhance
Quality of Service (QoS) services for P25, video, sensors, GPS, and AIS data.
Quickly adjust and adapt new wireless and network technology with minimum impact on
ongoing and evolving operations.
System Performance.
4.3.1 Mission Scenarios
Wireless Waterway nodes will be will be located at fixed area or mobile communications sites
throughout the lock/dams within the PPC area of responsibility, PPC Office, at USACE site and
CMTS Site as other sites for the situational awareness, river commerce operations, and
handling of emergencies. In addition the Wireless Waterways infrastructure will support ITB
operations for new wireless waterway technology assessment, experimentation, testing and
4.3.2 Interoperability
a. The Wireless Waterway will be able to interface to all radios, wireless systems, and
integrated voice terminals, telephones, PBXs, VoIP Switches, PA systems, recording
devices and other communications media that utilize industry standard interfaces.
b. Software used with the Portal and associated sub-systems will employ open standards
and use service oriented architecture (SOA) wherever feasible.
c. Mapping the communications architecture between towboats, company headquarters
and government agencies, especially the USACE
d. Manage external technologies, such as Automated Identification System (AIS), Vessel
Tracking System (VTS), Electronic Chart and Display Information System (ECDIS), and
Voyage Data Recorder (VDR).
e. The system must be capable of informing and being informed by other USACE systems
(Asset Management, OMBIL, CWMS, etc.) and other Partner systems (NWS, CMTS,
AMSC, IRS, Customs, etc.).
f. Pull data from various existing sources both Government and commercial and process
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and display that information in customizable user friendly formats.
g. The system must have the ability to support video streaming and recording.
4.3.3 Data Sharing Requirements
a. Must provide data on demand via an Application Program Interface (API) through the
b. Must collect and archive data collected from operating the NSI and ITB and sell
information to customers.
c. Will generate email alerts to notify subscribers of new information as it becomes
available based upon their selected areas of interest.
d. Data decoded and transmitted to vessels
e. Market products to read data
f. Facilitate numerous interfaces such as intermodal information data sharing,
standardized data sharing schema, established data conversions layers, report
preparation, access to policy information, supply chain management support, website
accessibility, Personal Data Assistant (PDA) and e-mail availability, shippers, customers,
policy makers, rail and road integration, and drayage information.
g. The system must replace dedicated independent and unsynchronized models and single
function displays and reports with highly integrated, multi-function decision making
tools and information displays.
h. Eliminate duplication of data entry and ensure seamless transfer between USACE
systems and Navigation and Government partners.
Replace dedicated independent and unsynchronized models and single function displays
and reports with highly integrated, multi-function decision making tools and information
4.3.4 Platform 1: Wireless-Hybrid Broadband System Requirements
The Wireless-Hybrid Broadband System combines a licensed 4.9 GHz backhaul, Automatic
Identification System, cognitive White Space radios, and long-range Wi-Fi (at locks) to produce
a secure, high-availability, interoperable network. This network provides foundational
infrastructure to catapult inland waterway communication to a higher level of sophistication to
help generate innovative and streamlined business processes for the water transportation
industry. The wireless platform is connected to the wired networks and linked to a local data
center over two fiber connections. The Wireless-Hybrid Broadband System will increase
network reliability through redundant links.
The Wireless-Hybrid Broadband System must provide a cost-effective network infrastructure to
address current communications gaps and develop an Interoperability Test Bed (ITB).
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a. Network Architecture and Management – Must provide obsolescence proofing by
providing an interoperable, scalable and extensible architecture to integrate new
networking technologies as they become available. The services supported by this
component enable the ITB to deliver mobile applications, security, governance, and
reporting capabilities.
b. Wireless Broadband Backhaul – Must provide a high capacity point-to-point 4.9 GHz
licensed radios (PPC public safety spectrum) operating at a minimum aggregate rate of
80 Mbps with optimum rate of 300 mps using moderately priced, but efficient, highcapacity radio link commodity components.
c. Wireless Edge Network – Must provide a hybrid wireless mobile edge solution using
White Space spectrum and 2.4 GHz WiFi (802.11b/g/n) to maximize waterway coverage
and data throughput considering the challenging topography of southwestern
d. Maritime Automatic Identification System – Shall integrate with AIS transceivers
configured to receive NMEA messages consisting of ship location and other operational
data that will provide input to a vessel tracking system and ultimately improve
situational awareness.
e. GPS vessel Locators – Will integrate with GPS vessel locators dependent upon their
f. White Space Radios - White Space radios will be deployed along the inland waterways
as wireless gateway to wireless edge devices on vessels and other sites. The white
space radios will be connected to Wireless Broadband Backhaul.
g. P25 Voice over IP Networking – Must have the ability to add next generation APCO P25
Land Mobile Radio (LMR) encrypted network to provide local lock communication, lockto-lock, and lock-to-central dispatch communications via the dispatch console at each
h. All Weather Ruggedized Enclosure – Use of sheltered, environmentally-controlled
indoor/outdoor enclosure for wireless node system components is strongly desired.
The use of the all-weather enclosure is expected to speed deployment because it
removes the requirement for special site preparation or environmental studies
statements resulting in both cost and time savings.
4.3.5 Platform 2: Portal System Requirements
The Portal will be a secure web application deployed on the Cloud-Based Computing Platform.
The Portal must leverage a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) infrastructure. This middleware infrastructure hosts services consumed by the Portal and future systems. The Portal will
provide a common operational picture of the inland waterway transportation system for
southern Pennsylvania waterways. It will increase situational awareness through online realUse or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this document.
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time vessel tracking using AIS, identification of accidents, shoals, and incidents, and tracking of
Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC). The Private Portal will provide greater visibility into lock and
river congestion, promote safe navigation, and enable regional environmental monitoring.
Barge lines will be able to better schedule transportation and intermodal connectivity through
technology by predicting lock delays and estimated time to lock.
The portal solution shall include GIS management interface that will allow for a Common
Operational Picture (COP) and a Consistent Tactical Picture (CTP) of the Port Facility, all
networked locks, and select portions of the inland waterway. The Maritime Situational
Awareness Portal (MSAP) will provide a distributed data processing model for the real-time
aggregation and accumulation of AIS data (and vessel locator information as available), as a
minimum, with a software architecture that can provide future support for sensor data, video,
user data, and other forms of decision support information into a centralized management and
display interface. The web portal will provision for specialized waterway services for
commercial sale. Requirements follow:
a. The Subcontractor shall develop the MSAP to include a Map Viewer that is Geospatial
Information Systems (GIS) based using Inland Electronic Navigational Charts (IENC). The
accuracy of the GIS data should be on the order of a COTS map servers (e.g., Google
Earth or ArcView). Note: The Map Viewer will not be designed for navigation purposes.
b. Shall develop prototype MSAP Human Machine Interface (HMI) based on best
commercial practices. Shall use recognized standards where available (e.g. OGC®, ISO,
c. The MSAP shall accommodate additional data feeds from external sources (e.g.
Weather, video, or news).
d. Shall display stored AIS data from database
e. The MSAP shall be able to display as a minimum vessels and other river objects (e.g.
including locks, terminals, webcams, and sensors as available) for authorized users. The
vessel information (from the AIS Tracking Service), the lock location, and terminal
location shall be displayed as a minimum on the MSAP.
f. The MSAP shall display and maintain supplemental vessel information (based upon
MMSI key) available from a third source (e.g. CMTS or FCC) for AIS enabled vessels or via
other sources (e.g., GPS). Supplemental vessel information may include: name of vessel,
call sign, picture of vessel (if available), description of vessel, port of call, destination,
category of vessel, dimensions of vessel (length, draft, beam), and owner of vessel.
g. The MSAP shall be able to display vessel track history information for the previous 72
hour period.
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h. The MSAP software architecture framework shall support future Wireless Waterways
Network phases to accommodate the maintaining and displaying of navigation
information, cargo tracking, passenger terminals, and waterway sensors (air and water)
as well as the opportunity to offer storage capability for the private sector.
i. The MSAP shall use icons to represent the last known vessel position on the map
j. The MSAP shall represent vessels in the map viewer as directional icons. It is desired
that the directional icons leverage standard Vessel Traffic System (VTS) display icons.
k. The MSAP shall have a desirable vessel AIS refresh rate of 1 second controllable by the
l. Shall maintain a database of IENC files modified for use on the Wireless Waterway
m. Shall maintain an Object Database that can contain static and dynamic lock status.
Static Lock Information (SLI) stored in the database shall include: lock name, lock mile
marker, gate type, lock dimensions; all static info except for status. Dynamic Lock
Information (DLI) stored in the database shall include: time stamp, lock state - opened,
opening, closed, and closing. DLI shall only be stored if available from the USACE.
n. Shall display information about Lock objects on a map view. Available information for
display shall be the SLI and DLI stored in the Object Database. When graphically
selected, by hovering the mouse over the Lock object, the SLI shall be displayed in a
pop-up. When selected by left clicking, icons representing the current state of the Lock
shall be displayed in a pop-up. Dynamic Lock status shall only be displayable if status of
the Lock was available from the USACE and stored in the Object Database.
o. Shall display current vessel positions on the map view using MMSI as unique vessel
p. Shall represent vessels as directional icons or some other simplified variation of AIS
target display that would appear familiar to users experienced with VTS display
q. Shall color code directional icons to distinguish vessels with only AIS data from vessels
with both AIS and vessel information (stored in vessel information database)
r. In the event that AIS Position Service (AISPS) stops receiving vessel AIS data:
(1) AISPS shall indicate tracking lock on the vessel was lost and map view icon shall
flash for 30 seconds before disappearing or lock is re-established
(2) Map view shall not attempt to predict (dead-reckon) vessel location
s. Shall allow operator to update vessel AIS refresh rate (minimum 5 second)
t. The AISPS shall subscribe to AIS data feeds published on Wireless Waterways network.
u. The AISPS shall track vessels whose AIS data is transmitted on Wireless Waterways
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v. In the event that the Wireless Waterways network stops publishing vessel AIS data it
shall set an indicator that the vessel is no longer published on Wireless Waterways
w. In the event the vessel is not published for 30 minutes The AISTS shall indicate the
vessel is no longer active.
x. The AISPS shall be capable of tracking a minimum of 30 moving vessels receiving AIS
update at least every 2 seconds.
y. The AISPS shall decode AIS data messages, process, store, and maintain available vessel
AIS data for a 72-hour period. AIS data may include: MMSI (key), navigation status, rate
of turn, speed over ground (SOG), position accuracy, longitude, latitude, course over
ground (COG), true heading, and time stamp.
z. The AISPS shall interact with the MSAP.
4.3.6 Water Transportation Management Requirements
The solution should improve waterway efficiencies by automating barge detail collection, and
generating reports in accordance with USACE formations (e.g. Barge Operation Report,
Tonnage and Barge Operation Report). Additionally, the solutions should be able to transmit
towboat voyage, tonnage, and cargo details to Lockage Performance Management System
OMNI system (USACE) saving radio time and improving data quality. By integrating real-time
water soundings, the solution could permit proactive identification of forming shoals. PPC
stakeholders can more effectually manage traffic and schedule intermodal connections through
new tools to calculate time to destination.
a. Fairway Information Services - Provide information about the use and status of the
inland waterway infrastructure including support of strategic navigation decisionmaking (plan and monitor a trip).
b. Traffic Information and Management Services – Includes strategic/tactical traffic
information Waterway administration for safe navigation, Vessel Traffic Service (VTS)
and Accidents prevention by means of shore based monitoring as well as Lock and
bridge planning by reducing waiting time and smoothing of the traffic flow
c. Statistics and Customs Services - Improves and facilitates the collection of inland
waterway statistical data on US Inland Waterways
d. Calamity Abatement Service - Register vessels at the beginning of each trip and update
data during the voyage. In case of accident, immediate and expedited measures to
rescue the vessels thanks to the data
e. Port and Terminal Management – ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) information of
approaching vessels supports the overall terminal utilization and smooth passage of
vessels and reduction for transshipment time. In case of insufficient terminal capacities,
the terminal operator informs his Requested Time of Arrival (RTA).
f. Cargo and Fleet Management – Detailed Information on the cargo transported by
vessels and the barge fleet
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g. Waterway Infrastructure Charges and Harbor Dues - Use of voyage data to automatically
calculate charge and initiate invoicing procedures
h. Modify or replace existing USACE Lock Management Systems to achieve a single
integrated system that will inform and be informed by the other management systems
already in use by our navigation partners.
i. Real time or near real time information Lock approach paths
(1) Lock approach paths in low visibility
(2) Lock queuing
(3) Lock outdrafts
(4) Aids to Navigation locations
(5) Aids to Navigation dislocations
(6) Currents in vicinity of locks
j. Real time or near real time
(1) Automated data reporting (RIS)
(2) CDC Tracking (CMTS-AIS)
(3) Data Standardization for USACE, CMTS, AMSC, IRS, etc. (FILS)Locations
(4) Commodities
(5) Predictive lock staffing
k. Provide optimized scheduling to find optimal paths over all modes, eliminate empty
barges, and brokering return trips.
4.3.7 Cloud-Based Computing Platform (Platform 3)
A high-availability platform comprising shared computing hardware and storage, virtualization
software (VMware), and management services must be deployed within a local Pittsburgh data
center. PPC and PPC partner systems and services should be hosted on the redundant CloudBased Computing Platforms. The solution shall be a best-value approach based on PPC’s current
and future growth needs while still ensuring high reliability from the start. The cloud services
should combine a virtualized infrastructure with services. These services should include server
and application monitoring, backup and recovery of data and servers, provisioning of virtual
machines, hardware maintenance and support, etc. CONXX proposes the creation of a PPC
cloud using redundant hardware, virtualization software, and cloud services. Virtualization will
allow for multiple host operating systems (aka virtual machines) to reside on the same physical
hardware while sharing physical resources such as memory, processers, and storage. Virtual
machines (VM) are expected to be easily migrated either manually or automatically to permit
hardware maintenance or free up hardware resources because of sudden demand.
The PPC fully understands that building a corporate private cloud properly can be expensive
capital investment for small organizations. Redundant hardware (switches, firewalls, servers,
wiring, power), connections (e.g. Internet, fiber), storage appliances, virtualization software,
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disaster recovery, remote KVM, remote power management, back-up and recovery services,
system monitoring software, and rental of data center space are just the beginning if one is to
develop a reliable infrastructure. Initial estimates to build a reliable, basic and fully dedicated
private cloud infrastructure to supply a minimum set of initial PPC services can be costprohibitive. While a much cheaper infrastructure could be purchased, it would lack most of the
features typically attributed to cloud-based solutions. In addition, scalability would suffer in an
effort to keep costs down. CONXX does not propose this approach for PPC at this point
considering the anticipated availability requirements for PPC hosted applications and services.
As a result, the PPC envisions a Cloud-based Computing Platform with the following
infrastructure and services:
Managed Services Provider- An incremental approach to obtaining transparent cloudbased services for PPC and its stakeholders using an established secure data center and
a reputable Managed Services Provider (MSP).
Server Virtualization – Use of VMware virtualization technology to improve server and
cloud reliability and availability.
Data Center – Enterprise-grade facility located locally in Pittsburgh that will host the
Cloud-Based Computing Platform.
Disaster Recovery (DR) - A remote data center located in Cleveland, OH will be the DR
site for the cloud services.
4.3.8 Managed Services Provider
A Managed Services Providers (MSP) approach will keep costs to a minimum until PPC has
developed sufficient mass to justify the dedicated hardware, software, and sustainment
services costs of an entirely private infrastructure. The use of a MSP lowers operational costs
while still providing 24/7 infrastructure support as expenses are spread across multiple MSP
customers. Wireless Waterway software and services would ride an existing cloud
infrastructure; data would be backed-up to a remote location; systems would be monitored;
network traffic would be partitioned and secure, and servers will be provisioned in a just-intime fashion. In other words, PPC will have all the benefits of a private cloud infrastructure
without all the upfront capital costs; PPC would pay a monthly fee for its cloud services.
The Cloud-Based Computing Platform must be absolutely scale to PPC’s current and future
needs. Furthermore, should PPC desire to eventually move to fully dedicated (albeit more
costly solution) hardware, the migration path is entirely feasible. A summary of the managed
services for the Cloud-Based Computing Platform include:
a. 99.9% uptime guarantee
b. Management of remote backups including verification
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VPN creation, monitoring, maintenance
Firewall maintenance
Patch and update management
Remediation of critical events
Account and policy maintenance
Configuration management on all devices
Proactive performance and security modifications
Validated alerting
4.3.9 Server Virtualization
For the virtualization technology, VMware (or similar product) will provide rapid provisioning of
servers and services, fault tolerance, high availability, real-time migration of virtual servers,
storage migration, and many others.
4.3.10 Data Center
The data center houses the physical server infrastructure that will host the virtualized servers
and cloud services. The Cloud-Based Computing Platform should be deployed in an enterprisegrade facility that is strategically located in a risk-adverse region in Pittsburgh area. Data
Center requirements follow:
a. Shall be SAS 70 Type II certified facility
b. Shall beh performance, dedicated, redundant telecommunications backbones, power
and HVAC systems with a N+1 configuration
c. Shall be hardened facility using secured cabinets and cages
d. Shall be multiple data centers connected via 10 Gbps long haul fiber optic rings
e. Shall be a Cisco powered back bone is in place with redundant routers and switches
which eliminates single points of failure and provides uninterrupted data flow across the
f. Shall be high availability network, including firewalls and load balancers
g. Shall be multi-Layered integrated approach to physical security; man-trap with key-card
and bio-metric hand-scanner; single point of entry and exit
h. Shall be monitored with multiple CCTV Security Cameras recorded to DVR and stored for
90 days
i. Shall be have redundant UPS, 500 tons of HVAC via 25 units
j. Shall be have VESDA fire detection system
k. Shall have backup electric generator producing 2 Megawatts of power, with backup fuel
l. Shall have an out of region disaster recovery site
4.3.11 Disaster Recovery
The purpose of Disaster Recovery is to enable the sustained execution of mission critical
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application process in the event of an extraordinary event that causes systems to fail minimum
production standards. The system shall have a minimum of a 99.9% uptime for the Pittsburgh
data center. All servers are backed up offsite location. In the event of a disaster, virtual
machines are brought back on line in the remote data center located in Cleveland. Traffic is
rerouted from the Pittsburgh point-of-presence (POP) to the remote POP.
4.4 Logistics and Readiness
The system is required to be operational for several days of continuous operation without
interruption. No user level maintenance or spare part replacement is required. Spare parts
should be available in case replacement is required.
• Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) shall be 1,800 hours
• System Availability (Ai) requirement shall be 0.999995 (based on the following formula:
Ai =
4.5 Modeling and Simulation Requirements
The ITB Synthetic Environment must provide the framework to integrate live, constructive, and
virtual (LCV) components within an operational experiment and field testing as a cost effective
means to complement live assets with synthetic assets to stress candidate technologies for
scalability and interoperability.
4.5.1 ITB Synthetic Environment (ISE) Architecture
Wherever possible the solution must integrate Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) with the
ITB. As illustrated in Figure 4, a LVC Gateway will permit to ITB to integrate a wide variety of
simulations with models of varied fidelity. In addition the LCV Gateway will be able to
accommodate simulation via high performance computing environments as well.
4.5.2 Public Security Training Support Services
ISE is envisioned to be used in Public Security exercises to supplement “live play” exercise with
virtual and constructive events. This provides a robust opposition and reality with minimum
commitment of live public security resources (first responders, police, etc.). The ISE will do this
through FEMA’s Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Tool Kit which is
national standard for exercise design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement
planning. Integrated with HSEEP the ISE will provide the ITB and NSI to play critical roles in the
planning, execution and evaluation of regional size public security exercise in Southwestern
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Figure 4: The ITB Synthetic Environment permits the ITB to be used for both Wireless Waterway
Interoperability Testing and to augment large scale Public Security Exercises with a “virtual world”
incident response structure to challenge decision making in complex public security command and
control environments
4.5.3 Benefits
Using the ITB Portal and Cloud Services, the ISE incorporated Incorporate geographically
distributed players through the situational awareness environment via the ITB Portal and Cloud
Services. The ISE supports free-play with minimum possible pre-scripting that pushes decisionmakers for multiple decision paths to include follow through penalties for miss-steps. Whether
a public security exercise or a operational experiment to wring out an innovative Wireless
Waterway Concept of Operations, the ISE provides an opportunity for horizontal interaction
between public and private sectors; as well vertical interaction with multiple command levels.
The ISE create “breaking points” in response system for determining future technical,
operational, and process improvements. Most importantly, the ISE optimize financials and
human resources for experiment/exercise planning, coordination, and execution.
4.6 Security
The solution shall have multi-layer cyber security approach to protect the network. The
wireless backhaul will use a minimum of AES-128 encryption with WPA2 a RADIUS server for
edge devices. SSL will be used for internet access with user identification and password. We
intend to establish virtual LANs to segment and protect data as required. A cyber security plan
will be developed using NIST 800 series as guide for security implementation and security
accreditation testing in Initiative One Phase 2. If necessary to connect to US Army networks,
the DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) will be followed.
4.6.1 Criticality
The solution must have real-time network management system that captures network traffic
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data for further analysis. System alarms must have the ability to be pre-set in the network
management system to trigger administrative or maintenance alerts to maintain the criticality
of the network. Additional cable, ADSL and fiber gateways will be deployed at the lock/dams
and network operational centers as points of network redundancy.
4.6.2 Network Resiliency
The wireless network shall be specifically designed to be a fault-tolerant high reliable backhaul
network. If a wireless network node or RF link is lost or degraded, data is automatically
rerouted around the blockage to restore and maintain service.
The optimum path must either pre-chosen by the network administrator or performed
automatically. If a network node or RF link is lost, traffic must be rerouted via the next optimal
path. If subsequent faults occur, the system shall attempt to reroute via existing links. Triggers
for rerouting shall be configured by the user, e.g. a failed radio link, a failed gateway, high
interference or low packet throughput. The system’s network management must shift to
another NOC or network node in the situation where the main NOC co-located with the PPC is
evacuated for during the emergency.
The system should include transportable communication enclosures so the wireless backhaul
network nodes can be quickly repositioned to reconfigure the network topology of the wireless
infrastructure to better support public safety emergency operations.
4.6.3 Continuous Operations
In the event prime AC power fails, each network node can be configured to operate from either
12VDC or 24VDC using alternate power sources such as solar, portable generators and wind.
Equipment racks at each site have built in intelligence for key components to go into hot standby fail-safe scenarios. For example, if the temperature in an equipment enclosure exceeds a
certain threshold, the unit will go to an alternate configuration in order to continue operating.
Uninterrupted Power Supplies are also included at each NOC, network node and network relay
location of a controlled shut down of equipment in case of an abrupt power failure.
4.6.4 Reliability
Each Wireless network node shall have an intelligent wireless network controller to ensure a
consistently high level of reliability. These wireless network controllers must proactively query
its counterparts on network nodes in the wireless network infrastructure to check network
health. If degradation in network performance is detected, this intelligent controller must
make the necessary adjustment (e.g., change RF channels) to maintain a high level of reliability.
Ideally the solution will have addition protection against packet loss especially most beneficial
in high interference areas supporting “last mile” end users regardless of bandwidth limitations.
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4.7 Quality of Service
Service level agreements shall provide 99.9999 % network uptime. The network shall have the
capability of being monitored and diagnosis remotely to pin hardware and software problems at
edge devices. This approach minimizes the need and cost for in field troubling shooting. The
responses for physical network problems requiring on-site technical assistance follows:
Type of Problem
Major (Service affecting, critical)
Within 2 hours
Non weekday,
weekends, holidays
Within 4 hours
Minor (Non-service affecting, non-critical)
Within 1 Day
Next Business Day
4.7.1 Local Support and Services:
In order to optimize the support and expansion of the network, our Operational Support
System (OSS) will include support services to provide the most comprehensive support services.
These services include:
• Local Support Center – A local support team is available to provide monitoring,
installation, and troubleshooting services. We recommend the opportunity to share
facilities with the partners for this project to reduce the operational expenses of the
network. The USACE facility would be a prime candidate for this location sharing.
• Call Center Support – Telephone support services can support the network 24x7 to ensure
the highest level of customer support.
• Remote Support – The OSS includes the capabilities to ensure vendor and software
services are handled when issues are escalated. Remote monitoring of the network will
ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the network is always addressed.
4.7.2 Continuity of Operations
The use of a cloud based architecture for software applications and storage will provide a high
level assurance to protect precious information associated with the ITB and its partners. By
not being resident at ITB, information is accessible through the web by users with the proper
security credentials. This distributed Command and Control approach permits a wide variety of
options to establish an alternate location for the ITB Operations Center as dictated by the
emergency situation at the time. This includes establishment of an out of area remote location
sufficiently away from the disaster area so operations can me managed at a safe location.
System Support
4.8.1 Maintenance
The system shall be designed for unattended operation. Routine, scheduled maintenance will be
performed on-line, except for specified infrequent unscheduled maintenance.
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Scheduled maintenance checks shall not be required more than once every 24 hours. Scheduled
maintenance may include, but not be limited to the components of the wireless network
infrastructure, portal and cloud computing services. The total 24-hour normal maintenance
burden for an operating system, scheduled and unscheduled, shall not average more than two
man-hours (T) / one man-hour (O).
4.8.2 Supply
User Manuals will be provided to the operators and maintenance technicians by the equipment
provider (vendor) and will include operator procedures, diagnostic testing, and replacement
procedures. Minimal special tools or diagnostic equipment will be required for equipment
4.8.3 Support Equipment
Standard support equipment will handle system diagnostic testing. No special test equipment
will be required to maintain or operate the system. The vendor will provide software upgrades
as needed/required and will provide software development services to the PPC for new
features as requested.
4.8.4 Training
Training will be provided by the equipment provider to a system trainer (via a train-the-trainers
session) and to the users and operators at the installed site at a time convenient to the users
and operators. The training curriculum will be designed to ensure users understand and are
fully capable of operating and using all features of the system. Knowledgeable staff members of
the equipment provider will also be made available by phone (via a Help Desk type
arrangement) should a user or operator need assistance with any part of the system.
Transportation and Facilities
The network nodes will most often be used in a fixed station. However, the system must
anticipate use of ruggedized environmentally controlled transportable wireless nodes that can
readily moved to a new location via truck or van within 30 minutes. This enclosure will be able
to be lifted by two or fewer personnel. Any training needed in the field can be provided as on
the job training with no special facilities needed.
This ruggedized communications enclosure must be install with customizable all-weather
preconfigured rack for all network node locations. This ruggedized enclosure shall be designed
to allow COTS components to be safely operated in a wide range of indoor and outdoor
environments. This enclosure must provide a sheltered, controlled environment against
extreme environmental conditions, indoor and outdoor for transportability and configuration
flexibility. This transportable communications enclosure must remove the requirement for
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special site preparation or environmental studies statements for both cost and time savings.
Operational parameters of this communications enclosure follows:
Shall be rugged, transportable environmentally controlled shelter
Reflects 90% of the sun’s heat
Mounted internal frame must support up to 200 lbs. of user equipment
Must have easily replaceable filters for dust, mildew and bacteriological removal
Must have dual handles and built in wheels allow easy movement by one or two
Must support multiple power sources such as AC generator, solar, wind, and mobile
DC power supplies including 12 VDC or 24 VDC for DC backup.
Force Structure
The system shall be made available to the PPC, USACE, CMTS, shippers, terminal operators, the
towing industry, barge carriers and other affiliated associations. Wireless Waterway nodes shall
be located at the following locations:
a. Each lock/dam within the PPC area of responsibility
b. PPC office currently located at the Regional Enterprise Tower
d. Various remote site accessible via Internet
e. Communication Relay station
f. Other sites depending upon availability and connectivity
a. Initiative One Phase 1 and Phase 2 – to be completed within 6 month of contract
b. Initiative Two – the initial infrastructure for the ITB will be done concurrently with
Initiative One Phase 1 and Phase 2 and completed as funding becomes available
c. Initiative One Phase 3 – to be completed as funding become available. The Phase 3
network expansion provides a significant opportunity to implement resource
optimization tools within the portal in help portal users conduct “what if” analysis and
collect and analyze data to identify specific trends and issues to improve the transport
of goods and vessel traffic on the rivers. Based upon preliminary analysis, the following
table illustrates the enhancements expected to be implemented during Phase 3.
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View/mark vessels transporting/towing hazardous materials (red flag
Consume AIS vessel positioning and view Inland Electronic Navigation
Charts with dynamic vessel tracking
View weather information from National Weather Service (current and
Calculate vessel estimated arrival times
View/update current average delay and queue length at lock
View/mark river accidents, incidents, groundings, shoals on IENC map
View general lock information (name, location, width, outflow, date built,
pool info rise/decline)
Illustrate (on ENC maps) estimated traffic volume at certain locks based on
information collected at the locks.
View projected lock traffic over time
View river currents/outdrafts at lock with sensors (e.g. main, upstream,
View wind speed and direction at lock
View lock approach path visibility
Send Waterborne Commerce Data to USACE WCS according to format
requirements monthly. WCS data normally comes from Barge Lines
Generate/view monthly reports in accordance with USACE format
requirements (e.g. Tonnage & Barge Operation Report)
Generate/view annual reports in accordance with USACE format
requirements (e.g. Barge Operation Report)
View/post navigation notices
View projected lock closure end
View lockage policy
View previous lockage info (scheduling)
View port security cameras
View vessel assists in effect at the lock
View operational regulations
View unavailability of lock chambers
View hydrologic conditions on river (e.g. flooding, quality)
View lock ice conditions (e.g. thickness) and water temperatures
View gauge readings at lock
View tides and river stages at lock
Estimate barge draft based on cargo stowage
Enter towboat voyage, cargo details, barge information
View towboat voyage, cargo details, barge information
Update towboat data configuration (name, vessel number, type, and size)
and preferences (type of lockage and cut)
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View towboat data configuration
Transmit towboat voyage, tonnage, and cargo details to Lockage
Performance Management System OMNI system (USACE) when the
towboat enters the wireless internet area
Make transit request when arriving at lock
System Affordability
This is not a research and development effort. The PPC expects the solution to be an
integration of proven and stable technologies and products to reduce project risks in order to
achieve the PPC’s vision of the Wireless Waterways, SmartLock and River-Net. These
capabilities are expected to create a technical foundation for the Network System
Infrastructure (NSI) and serve as an Interoperable Test Bed (ITB) for sustainable revenue
generation capabilities.
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