m overall electrical wiring diagram
m overall electrical wiring diagram
FOREWORD This wiring diagram manual has been prepared to provide information on the electrical system of the 2007 SCION tC. Applicable models: ANT10 Series Refer to the following manuals for additional service specifications and repair procedures for these models: Manual Name D 2007 SCION tC Repair Manual D 2007 SCION tC New Car Features Pub. No. RM0300U NM0300U All information in this manual is based on the latest product information at the time of publication. However, specifications and procedures are subject to change without notice. NOTICE Always follow the directions given in the above repair manuals when handling supplemental restraint system components (such as removal, installation, inspection, etc.) in order to prevent accidents and supplemental restraint system malfunction. E2006 All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Toyota Motor Corporation. First Printing : May 29, 2006 01–060529–00 2007 tC ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM Section Code Page INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . 2 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B . . . . 3 TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . . . . 12 ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D . . . . 17 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS . . . . . E . . . . 18 RELAY LOCATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F . . . . 20 ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING . . . . . . . . . . . G . . . . 34 SYSTEM CIRCUITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H . . . . 45 GROUND POINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . 184 POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) . . . . . J . . . . 188 CONNECTOR LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K . . . . 194 PART NUMBER OF CONNECTORS . . . . . . . . . L . . . . 206 OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM . M . . . . 210 1 SCION tC (EM0300U) A INTRODUCTION This manual consists of the following 13 sections: No. Section Description INDEX Index of the contents of this manual. INTRODUCTION Brief explanation of each section. B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Instructions on how to use this manual. C TROUBLE– SHOOTING Describes the basic inspection procedures for electrical circuits. D ABBREVIATIONS Defines the abbreviations used in this manual. E GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS Defines the symbols and functions of major parts. F RELAY LOCATIONS Shows position of the Electronic Control Unit, Relays, Relay Block, etc. This section is closely related to the system circuit. G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING Describes position of Parts Connectors, Splice points, Ground points, etc. This section is closely related to the system circuit. INDEX Index of the system circuits. SYSTEM CIRCUITS Electrical circuits of each system are shown from the power supply through ground points. Wiring connections and their positions are shown and classified by code according to the connection method. (Refer to the section, ”How to use this manual”). The ”System Outline” and ”Service Hints” useful for troubleshooting are also contained in this section. I GROUND POINT Shows ground positions of all parts described in this manual. J POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) Describes power distribution from the power supply to various electrical loads. K CONNECTOR LIST Describes the form of the connectors for the parts appeared in this book. This section is closely related to the system circuit. L PART NUMBER OF CONNECTORS Indicates the part number of the connectors used in this manual. M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM Provides circuit diagrams showing the circuit connections. A H 2 SCION tC (EM0300U) HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL B This manual provides information on the electrical circuits installed on vehicles by dividing them into a circuit for each system. The actual wiring of each system circuit is shown from the point where the power source is received from the battery as far as each ground point. (All circuit diagrams are shown with the switches in the OFF position.) When troubleshooting any problem, first understand the operation of the circuit where the problem was detected (see System Circuit section), the power source supplying power to that circuit (see Power Source section), and the ground points (see Ground Point section). See the System Outline to understand the circuit operation. When the circuit operation is understood, begin troubleshooting of the problem circuit to isolate the cause. Use Relay Location and Electrical Wiring Routing sections to find each part, junction block and wiring harness connectors, wiring harness and wiring harness connectors and ground points of each system circuit. Internal wiring for each junction block is also provided for better understanding of connection within a junction block. Wiring related to each system is indicated in each system circuit by arrows (from__, to__). When overall connections are required, see the Overall Electrical Wiring Diagram at the end of this manual. 3 SCION tC (EM0300U) B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL * The system shown here is an EXAMPLE ONLY. It is different to the actual circuit shown in the SYSTEM CIRCUITS SECTION. [A] Stop Light (BAT) [N] (IG) 15A STOP 7.5A GAUGE 2 [B] 3 IB 4 IB L (S/D) W–R R–L 1 7 3C 2 [G] [C] S6 Stop Light SW 15 3C 14 IE1 8 L4 Light Failure Sensor 4 11 1 (Shielded) Stop 3 R6 Rear Combination Light LH R7 Rear Combination Light RH W–B [J] G–B [I] G–R G–R G–R 2 H17 High Mounted Stop Light [K] 1 6 W–B W–B 1 BV1 W–B W–B W–B 3 BO 50 Rear Lights [F] G–R [H] 1 BV1 13 Y–G L G–W (S/D) G–W 2 Stop [E] [L] BL [M] 4 SCION tC (EM0300U) C7 Combination Meter 4 15 IE1 7 4 R–L L (S/D) R G–W Skid Control ECU with Actuator [D] (W/G) 1 B [A] : System Title [H] : Indicates the wiring color. Wire colors are indicated by an alphabetical code. [B] : Indicates a Relay Block. No shading is used and only the Relay Block No. is shown to distinguish it from the J/B Example: Indicates Relay Block No.1 B = Black W = White BR = Brown L = Blue V SB = Sky Blue = Violet R = Red G = Green LG = Light Green [C] : ( ) is used to indicate different wiring and connector, etc. when the vehicle model, engine type, or specification is different. P Y GR = Gray [D] : Indicates related system. The first letter indicates the basic wire color and the second letter indicates the color of the stripe. = Pink = Yellow O = Orange [E] : Indicates the wiring harness and wiring harness connector. The wiring harness with male terminal is shown with arrows ( ). Outside numerals are pin numbers. Example: L–Y L (Blue) [I] Female Male ( ) Y (Yellow) : Indicates a wiring Splice Point Example: The first letter of the code for each wiring harness and wiring harness connector(s) indicates the component’s location, e.g, ”E” for the Engine Compartment, ”I” for the Instrument Panel and Surrounding area, and ”B” for the Body and Surrounding area. When more than one code has the first and second letters in common, followed by numbers (e.g, IH1, IH2), this indicates the same type of wiring harness and wiring harness connector. [F] : Represents a part (all parts are shown in sky blue). The code is the same as the code used in parts position. [G] : Junction Block (The number in the circle is the J/B No. and the connector code is shown beside it). Junction Blocks are shaded to clearly separate them from other parts. [J] : Indicates a shielded cable. [K] : Indicates the pin number of the connector. The numbering system is different for female and male connectors. Example: Numbered in order from upper left to lower right Numbered in order from upper right to lower left Example: 3C indicates that it is inside Junction Block No.3 Female Male [L] : Indicates a ground point. The first letter of the code for each ground point(s) indicates the component’s location, e.g, ”E” for the Engine Compartment, ”I” for the Instrument Panel and Surrounding area, and ”B” for the Body and Surrounding area. [M] : Page No. [N] : Indicates the ignition key position(s) when the power is supplied to the fuse(s). 5 SCION tC (EM0300U) B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL [O] System Outline Current is applied at all times through the STOP fuse to TERMINAL 2 of the stop light SW. When the ignition SW is turned on, current flows from the GAUGE fuse to TERMINAL 8 of the light failure sensor, and also flows through the rear lights warning light to TERMINAL 4 of the light failure sensor. Stop Light Disconnection Warning When the ignition SW is turned on and the brake pedal is pressed (Stop light SW on), if the stop light circuit is open, the current flowing from TERMINAL 7 of the light failure sensor to TERMINALS 1, 2 changes, so the light failure sensor detects the disconnection and the warning circuit of the light failure sensor is activated. As a result, the current flows from TERMINAL 4 of the light failure sensor to TERMINAL 11 to GROUND and turns the rear lights warning light on. By pressing the brake pedal, the current flowing to TERMINAL 8 of the light failure sensor keeps the warning circuit on and holds the warning light on until the ignition SW is turned off. [P] : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page C7 34 L4 36 R7 37 H17 36 R6 37 S6 35 [Q] : Relay Blocks Code 1 [R] See Page 18 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) R/B No.1 (Instrument Panel Brace LH) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 3C 22 Instrument Panel Wire and J/B No.3 (Instrument Panel Brace LH) IB 20 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) [S] : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IE1 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) BV1 50 Luggage Room Wire and Floor Wire (Luggage Room Left) [T] : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location BL 50 Under the Left Center Pillar BO 50 Back Panel Center 6 SCION tC (EM0300U) B [O] : Explains the system outline. [P] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of the parts in the system circuit. Example : Part ”L4” (Light Failure Sensor) is on page 36 of the manual. ∗ The letter in the code is from the first letter of the part, and the number indicates its order in parts starting with that letter. Example : L 4 Á Á Parts is 4th in order Light Failure Sensor [Q] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of Relay Block Connectors in the system circuit. Example : Connector ”1” is described on page 18 of this manual and is installed on the left side of the instrument panel. [R] : Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of J/B and Wire Harness in the system circuit. Example : Connector ”3C” connects the Instrument Panel Wire and J/B No.3. It is described on page 22 of this manual, and is installed on the instrument panel left side. [S] : Indicates the reference page describing the wiring harness and wiring harness connector (the female wiring harness is shown first, followed by the male wiring harness). Example : Connector ”IE1” connects the floor wire (female) and Instrument panel wire (male). It is described on page 42 of this manual, and is installed on the left side kick panel. [T] : Indicates the reference page showing the position of the ground points on the vehicle. Example : Ground point ”BO” is described on page 50 of this manual and is installed on the back panel center. 7 SCION tC (EM0300U) B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL The ground points circuit diagram shows the connections from all major parts to the respective ground points. When troubleshooting a faulty ground point, checking the system circuits which use a common ground may help you identify the problem ground quickly. The relationship between ground points ( EA , IB and IC shown below) can also be checked this way. I GROUND POINT W–B W–B FAN MAIN Relay 5 FAN MAIN Relay 5 A/C Control Assembly W–B 5 A/C Relay No.3 5 W–B A W–B A W–B Blower Motor O/D Main SW W–B A/C Relay No.2 W–B A Cigarette Lighter A W–B W–B Clock Blower SW A W–B W–B A Parking Brake SW J1 Junction Connector W–B Radiator Fan Motor 7 3B W–B Headlight Cleaner Relay W–B Combination Meter W–B W–B Headlight LH W–B W–B W–B W–B Front Fog Light LH 3 3F 13 3G W–B W–B W–B W–B Front Turn Signal Light LH Brake Fluid Level SW W–B W–B 5 3E W–B 6 3E Front Clearance Light LH W–B W–B Door Lock Control SW 2 IA1 W–B 1 3D W–B W–B Front Clearance Light RH W–B Front Fog Light RH W–B Front Turn Signal Light RH W–B Combination SW 7 3C W–B Headlight RH Cruise Control ECU Remote Control Mirror SW Turn Signal Flasher W–B W–B Defogger SW W–B Combination SW W–B W–B W–B W–B Door Lock Motor RH W–B W–B W–B Door Courtesy SW RH W–B Unlock Warning SW 10 EA2 15 W–B ID1 W–B W–B W–B Door Lock Control Relay W–B Power Window Master SW W–B EA W–B Idle–Up SW Door Courtesy SW LH 8 W–B IB1 Door Lock Control SW W–B W–B W–B A/C Amplifier W–B W–B W–B W–B W–B W–B Blower Resistor Power Window Control Relay Door Lock Motor LH W–B (4A–GZE) 4 Fuel Control SW 4 4 3 IC3 W–B W–B BR Radio and Player 4 W–B Woofer Speaker Amplifier BR W–B BR BR BR Combination Meter 4 BR Fuel Sender W–B 4 BR 5 BA1 W–B BR Auto Antenna Motor Combination Meter 4 HEATER Relay IB * IC The system shown here is an EXAMPLE ONLY. It is different to the actual circuit shown in the SYSTEM CIRCUITS SECTION. 8 SCION tC (EM0300U) B The ”Current Flow Chart” section, describes which parts each power source (fuses, fusible links, and circuit breakers) transmits current to. In the Power Source circuit diagram, the conditions when battery power is supplied to each system are explained. Since all System Circuit diagrams start from the power source, the power source system must be fully understood. J POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) The chart below shows the route by which current flows from the battery to each electrical source (Fusible Link, Circuit Breaker, Fues, etc.) and other parts 10A ECU–B 2 2 Short Pin 7.5A DOME 15A EFI Battery 2 30A AM2 6 Fusible Link Block 10A HAZARD 2 20A RADIO NO.1 S2 Starter 10A HORN 6 100A ALT 5 60A ABS Engine Room R/B (See Page 20) 20A 10A Fuse System Page STOP ABS ABS and Traction Control Cruise Control Electronically Controlled Transmission Multiplex Communication System 194 187 180 166 210 DOME Cigarette Lighter Combination Meter Headlight Interior Light Key Reminder and Seat Belt Warning Light Auto Turn Off System Theft Deterrent and Door Lock Control 214 230 112 122 Power Source B 1 BA1 W 1.25B FL MAIN Battery 50A MAIN B 2 1 7.5A DOME 2 2 W 7 EB1 W W 1 1 2 R 1 7.5A AM1 2 1 2 2 W–R 6 EB1 W–R W B 15A HAZ–RADIO 2 W 8 4 AM2 2 AM1 1 ST2 IG2 ST1 IG1 ACC I8 Ignition SW 2 20A DEFOG B–Y ∗ 1 1 2 1 W–R The system shown here is an EXAMPLE ONLY. It is different to the actual circuit shown in the SYSTEM CIRCUITS SECTION. 9 SCION tC (EM0300U) B HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL K CONNECTOR LIST [A] I14 I15 I16 Dark Gray Gray 1 2 3 4 J1 [C] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [D] [B] J4 K1 Black K2 L1 1 2 1 2 Dark Gray A A A A A A A A A B B DD A A B CC CDD 1 K CONNECTOR LIST BA1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Black BD2 [E] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 4 3 2 1 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Gray [F] 4 3 2 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 [A] : Indicates connector to be connected to a part. (The numeral indicates the pin No.) [B] : Junction Connector Indicates a connector which is connected to a short terminal. Junction Connector Junction connector in this manual include a short terminal which is connected to a number of wire harnesses. Always perform inspection with the short terminal installed. (When installing the wire harnesses, the harnesses can be connected to any position within the short terminal grouping. Accordingly, in other vehicles, the same position in the short terminal may be connected to a wire harness from a different part.) Wire harness sharing the same short terminal grouping have the same color. Same Color Short Terminal [C] : Parts Code The first letter of the code is taken from the first letter of part, and the numbers indicates its order in parts which start with the same letter. [D] : Connector Color Connectors not indicated are milky white in color. [E] : Indicates the connector shapes which are used to join wire harnesses. On Left : Female connector shapes On Right : Male connector shapes Numbers indicate pin numbers. [F] : Indicates connector colors. (Connectors with not indicated colors are white) 10 SCION tC (EM0300U) B L PART NUMBER OF CONNECTORS Part Name Code Part Number Code Part Name Part Number A1 A/C Ambient Temp. Sensor 90980–11070 D4 Diode (Courtesy) 90980–11608 A2 A/C Condenser Fan Motor 90980–11237 D5 Diode (Interior Light) 90980–10962 A3 A/C Condenser Fan Relay 90980–10940 D6 Diode (Moon Roof) 90980–11608 90980–10848 A4 A/C Condenser Fan Resistor 90980–10928 D7 Door Lock Control Relay A5 A/C Magnetic Clutch 90980–11271 D8 Door Lock Control SW LH A6 A/T Oil Temp. Sensor 90980–11413 D9 Door Lock Control SW RH A7 [A] ABS Actuator [B] 90980–11151 [C] D10 Door Courtesy SW LH A8 ABS Actuator 90980–11009 D11 Door Courtesy SW RH 90980–11148 90980–11097 A9 ABS Speed Sensor Front LH 90980–10941 D12 Door Courtesy SW Front LH A10 ABS Speed Sensor Front RH 90980–11002 D13 Door Courtesy SW Front RH A11 Airbag Sensor Front LH D14 Door Courtesy SW Rear LH A12 Airbag Sensor Front RH A13 Airbag Squib 90980–11156 90980–11856 D15 Door Courtesy SW Rear RH 90980–11194 D16 Door Key Lock and Unlock SW LH 90980–11070 D17 Door Key Lock and Unlock SW RH 90980–11170 [A] : Part Code [B] : Part Name [C] : Part Number Toyota Part Number are indicated. Not all of the above part numbers of the connector are established for the supply. 11 SCION tC (EM0300U) C TROUBLESHOOTING To Ignition SW IG Terminal (a) Establish conditions in which voltage is present at the check point. Example: [A] – Ignition SW on [B] – Ignition SW and SW 1 on [C] – Ignition SW, SW 1 and Relay on (SW 2 off) Fuse [A] SW 1 VOLTAGE CHECK Voltmeter [B] (b) Using a voltmeter, connect the negative lead to a good ground point or negative battery terminal, and the positive lead to the connector or component terminal. This check can be done with a test light instead of a voltmeter. Relay [C] Solenoid SW 2 CONTINUITY AND RESISTANCE CHECK (a) Disconnect the battery terminal or wire so there is no voltage between the check points. Ohmmeter (b) Contact the two leads of an ohmmeter to each of the check points. SW If the circuit has diodes, reverse the two leads and check again. When contacting the negative lead to the diode positive side and the positive lead to the negative side, there should be continuity. When contacting the two leads in reverse, there should be no continuity. Ohmmeter Diode Digital Type Analog Type (c) Use a volt/ohmmeter with high impedance (10 kΩ/V minimum) for troubleshooting of the electrical circuit. 12 SCION tC (EM0300U) C FINDING A SHORT CIRCUIT To Ignition SW IG Terminal (a) Remove the blown fuse and disconnect all loads of the fuse. (b) Connect a test light in place of the fuse. (c) Establish conditions in which the test light comes on. Test Light Fuse Case Example: [A] – Ignition SW on [B] – Ignition SW and SW 1 on [C] – Ignition SW, SW 1 and Relay on (Connect the Relay) and SW 2 off (or Disconnect SW 2) Short [A] SW 1 (d) Disconnect and reconnect the connectors while watching the test light. The short lies between the connector where the test light stays lit and the connector where the light goes out. Short [B] Disconnect Disconnect Light (e) Find the exact location of the short by lightly shaking the problem wire along the body. Relay CAUTION: Short [C] Disconnect SW 2 Solenoid (a) Do not open the cover or the case of the ECU unless absolutely necessary. (If the IC terminals are touched, the IC may be destroyed by static electricity.) (b) When replacing the internal mechanism (ECU part) of the digital meter, be careful that no part of your body or clothing comes in contact with the terminals of leads from the IC, etc. of the replacement part (spare part). DISCONNECTION OF MALE AND FEMALE CONNECTORS To pull apart the connectors, pull on the connector itself, not the wire harness. HINT : Check to see what kind of connector you are disconnecting before pulling apart. Pull Up Pull Up Press Down Press Down 13 SCION tC (EM0300U) C TROUBLESHOOTING HOW TO REPLACE TERMINAL (with terminal retainer or secondary locking device) Reference: 1. PREPARE THE SPECIAL TOOL 10 3 1 Example: (Case 1) 1 HINT : To remove the terminal from the connector, please construct and use the special tool or like object shown on the left. 2. DISCONNECT CONNECTOR 0.2 (mm) Up Tool 3. DISENGAGE THE SECONDARY LOCKING DEVICE OR TERMINAL RETAINER. (a) Locking device must be disengaged before the terminal locking clip can be released and the terminal removed from the connector. (b) Use a special tool or the terminal pick to unlock the secondary locking device or terminal retainer. NOTICE: Do not remove the terminal retainer from connector body. Terminal Retainer [A] Terminal Retainer For Non–Waterproof Type Connector HINT : The needle insertion position varies according to the connector’s shape (number of terminals etc.), so check the position before inserting it. ”Case 1” [Retainer at Full Lock Position] Raise the terminal retainer up to the temporary lock position. Stopper Terminal Retainer [Retainer at Temporary Lock Position] Example: (Case 2) Secondary Locking Device ”Case 2” Open the secondary locking device. 14 SCION tC (EM0300U) C Tool Tab Tab Example: (Case 1) [B] Terminal Retainer Tool [Male] Access Hole ( Mark) Tool For Waterproof Type Connector HINT : Terminal retainer color is different according to connector body. Example: Terminal Retainer Black or White Black or White Gray or White : Connector Body : Gray : Dark Gray : Black [Female] ”Case 1” Type where terminal retainer is pulled up to the temporary lock position (Pull Type). Insert the special tool into the terminal retainer access hole (YMark) and pull the terminal retainer up to the temporary lock position. Retainer at Full Lock Position HINT : The needle insertion position varies according to the connector’s shape (Number of terminals etc.), so check the position before inserting it. Retainer at Temporary Lock Position [Male] Example: (Case 2) [Female] ”Case 2” Type which cannot be pulled as far as Power Lock insert the tool straight into the access hole of terminal retainer as shown. Terminal Retainer Tool Tool [Male] Press Down Press Down [Female] 15 SCION tC (EM0300U) C TROUBLESHOOTING Push the terminal retainer down to the temporary lock position. Retainer at Full Lock Position Retainer at Temporary Lock Position [Male] [Female] (c) Release the locking lug from terminal and pull the terminal out from rear. Locking Lug Tool 4. INSTALL TERMINAL TO CONNECTOR (a) Insert the terminal. HINT: 1. Make sure the terminal is positioned correctly. 2. Insert the terminal until the locking lug locks firmly. 3. Insert the terminal with terminal retainer in the temporary lock position. (b) Push the secondary locking device or terminal retainer in to the full lock position. 5. CONNECT CONNECTOR 16 SCION tC (EM0300U) ABBREVIATIONS D ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used in this manual. A/C = Air Conditioning A/T = Automatic Transaxle ABS = Anti–Lock Brake System CAN = Controller Area Network DEF = Defogger ECU = Electronic Control Unit ESA = Electronic Spark Advance FL = Fusible Link IC = Integrated Circuit INT = Intermittent J/B = Junction Block LH = Left–Hand M/T = Manual Transaxle R/B = Relay Block RH = Right–Hand SFI = Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection SRS = Supplemental Restraint System SW = Switch TEMP. = Temperature TVIP = TOYOTA Vehicle Intrusion Protection VSV = Vacuum Switching Valve w/ = With w/o = Without ∗ The titles given inside the components are the names of the terminals (terminal codes) and are not treated as being abbreviations. 17 SCION tC (EM0300U) E GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS GROUND The point at which wiring attaches to the Body, thereby providing a return path for an electrical circuit; without a ground, current cannot flow. BATTERY Stores chemical energy and converts it into electrical energy. Provides DC current for the auto’s various electrical circuits. CAPACITOR (Condenser) A small holding unit for temporary storage of electrical voltage. CIGARETTE LIGHTER An electric resistance heating element. HEADLIGHTS Current flow causes a headlight 1. SINGLE FILAMENT filament to heat up and emit light. A headlight may have either a single (1) filament or a double (2) filament 2. DOUBLE FILAMENT CIRCUIT BREAKER Basically a reusable fuse, a circuit breaker will heat and open if too much current flows through it. Some units automatically reset when cool, others must be manually reset. HORN An electric device which sounds a loud audible signal. DIODE A semiconductor which allows current flow in only one direction. IGNITION COIL Converts low–voltage DC current into high–voltage ignition current for firing the spark plugs. DIODE, ZENER LIGHT Current flow through a filament causes the filament to heat up and emit light. A diode which allows current flow in one direction but blocks reverse flow only up to a specific voltage. Above that potential, it passes the excess voltage. This acts as a simple voltage regulator. PHOTODIODE The photodiode is a semiconductor which controls the current flow according to the amount of light. LED (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE) Upon current flow, these diodes emit light without producing the heat of a comparable light. DISTRIBUTOR, IIA Channels high–voltage current from the ignition coil to the individual spark plugs. METER, ANALOG Current flow activates a magnetic coil which causes a needle to move, thereby providing a relative display against a background calibration. FUSE METER, DIGITAL Current flow activates one or many LED’s, LCD’s, or fluorescent displays, which provide a relative or digital display. A thin metal strip which burns through when too much current flows through it, thereby stopping current flow and protecting a circuit from damage. FUEL FUSIBLE LINK (for Medium Current Fuse) (for High Current Fuse or Fusible Link) A heavy–gauge wire placed in high amperage circuits which burns through on overloads, thereby protecting the circuit. The numbers indicate the crosssection surface area of the wires. M 18 SCION tC (EM0300U) MOTOR A power unit which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, especially rotary motion. E SPEAKER An electromechanical device which creates sound waves from current flow. RELAY Basically, an electrically operated 1. NORMALLYswitch which may be normally CLOSED closed (1) or open (2). Current flow through a small coil creates a magnetic field which either opens or closes an attached switch. 2. NORMALLY OPEN SWITCH, MANUAL Opens and closes circuits, thereby 1. NORMALLY stopping (1) or OPEN allowing (2) current flow. RELAY, DOUBLE THROW A relay which passes current through one set of contacts or the other. 2. NORMALLY CLOSED RESISTOR An electrical component with a fixed resistance, placed in a circuit to reduce voltage to a specific value. SWITCH, DOUBLE THROW A switch which continuously passes current through one set of contacts or the other. RESISTOR, TAPPED A resistor which supplies two or more different non adjustable resistance values. SWITCH, IGNITION A key operated switch with several positions which allows various circuits, particularly the primary ignition circuit, to become operational. RESISTOR, VARIABLE or RHEOSTAT A controllable resistor with a variable rate of resistance. Also called a potentiometer or rheostat. (Reed Switch Type) SENSOR (Thermistor) A resistor which varies its resistance with temperature. SWITCH, WIPER PARK Automatically returns wipers to the stop position when the wiper switch is turned off. SENSOR, SPEED Uses magnetic impulses to open and close a switch to create a signal for activation of other components. TRANSISTOR A solidstate device typically used as an electronic relay; stops or passes current depending on the voltage applied at ”base”. SHORT PIN Used to provide an unbroken connection within a junction block. SOLENOID An electromagnetic coil which forms a magnetic field when current flows, to move a plunger, etc. WIRES Wires are always drawn as (1) NOT straight lines on wiring CONNECTED diagrams. Crossed wires (1) without a black dot at the junction are not joined; crossed wires (2) with a black dot or octagonal ( ) (2) SPLICED mark at the junction are spliced (joined) connections. 19 SCION tC (EM0300U) F RELAY LOCATIONS [Engine Compartment] Engine Room R/B No.2 Skid Control ECU with Actuator Engine Room R/B Engine Room J/B [Body] Sliding Roof Control ECU Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver Door Control Receiver Occupant Classification ECU 20 SCION tC (EM0300U) F [Instrument Panel] Transponder Junction Transponder Key ECU Connector (CAN) Key Amplifier Tire Pressure Warning ECU Integration Relay Engine Control Module Instrument Panel J/B A/C Control Assembly Power Point Socket Relay Airbag Sensor Assembly Center Shift Lock Control ECU 21 SCION tC (EM0300U) F RELAY LOCATIONS 2 : Engine Room R/B : Engine Room J/B Engine Compartment Left (See Page 20) * 1:H-LP RH LO * 2:H-LP LH LO * 3:H-LP RH HI * 4:H-LP LH HI FAN NO.1 Relay 2 2 3 5 2 10A *1 10A 2 1 1 *2 10A *3 10A *4 10A ECU-B 7.5A DOME 20A RAD NO.1 1 EFI Relay HORN Relay 50A ABS NO.1 (for High Current) H-LP Relay 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 3 2 1 3 5 1 2 4 1 2 3 5 1 2 1 2 3 5 1 3 5 1 1 3 2A 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20A EFI 10A OBD2 10A TURN-HAZ 10A HORN 15A IGN 10A ETCS 30A AM2 7.5A ALT-S 30A DCC 40A ABS NO.2 (for High Current) IG2 Relay 30A RDI (for High Current) 1 (from Engine Wire) 40A HTR (for High Current) FAN NO.2 Relay 30A CDS (for High Current) 5 2 FAN NO.3 Relay 1 2 40A MAIN (for High Current) 22 SCION tC (EM0300U) 120A ALT (for High Current) F 3 : Engine Room R/B No.2 2 2 MG / C Relay 1 3 5 Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box (See Page 20) ST 2 7.5A 1 1 5 3 ST Relay 23 SCION tC (EM0300U) F RELAY LOCATIONS : Instrument Panel J/B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 27 28 29 30 9 10 11 12 31 32 33 34 35 36 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 23 24 25 26 8 9 10 11 27 28 29 30 12 13 14 15 1413 12 1110 9 8 1615 1413 12 1110 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1B (from Instrument Panel Wire) (from Instrument Panel Wire) 1D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 8 9 10 11 23 24 25 26 9 10 11 12 27 28 29 30 12 13 14 15 27 28 29 30 13 14 15 16 17 18 31 32 33 34 35 36 (from Engine Room Main Wire) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Lower Finish Panel (See Page 21) 1A 1 3 4 5 2 6 1C 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1413 121110 9 8 (from Instrument Panel Wire) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1615 1413 121110 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 11 12 25 26 27 28 13 14 15 16 29 30 31 32 1E 2 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25 26 27 28 9 10 11 12 29 30 31 32 13 14 15 16 (from Instrument Panel Wire) 1 1 1 4 4 3 2 1 1J 3 1 4 5 6 2 (from Roof Wire) 1K 1 1 5 5 3 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 (from Instrument Panel Wire) 2 2 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 1H 2 (from Floor Wire) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30A POWER (for Middle Current) 1F 30A DEF (for High Current) 1 4 5 6 2 3 7 8 (from Instrument Panel Wire) 1L IG1 Relay 1 1G HTR Relay 1 FLASH Relay (from Engine Room Main Wire) (from Engine Room Main Wire) 24 SCION tC (EM0300U) F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Integration Relay 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 1M 10 1112 13 1415161718 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 1 2 3 4 5 1Q 13121110 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (from Instrument Panel Wire) (from Instrument Panel Wire) 1S 1P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 121314 15 16 17 18 (from Instrument Panel Wire) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (from Instrument Panel Wire) 25 SCION tC (EM0300U) 26 SCION tC (EM0300U) AM1 15A FR FOG 25A 20A DOOR 10A STOP 20A FL DOOR 15A IG2 10A MET IG2 7.5A RR DEF I/UP 15A ACC SOCKET 20A S/ROOF 15A CIG 7.5A ACC : Instrument Panel J/B 15A FR WSH 7.5A ECU-IG 10A GAUGE 30A FR WIP 10A TAIL 7.5A PANEL 10A A/C 20A FR DOOR F RELAY LOCATIONS Lower Finish Panel (See Page 21) Memo 27 SCION tC (EM0300U) F RELAY LOCATIONS [Instrument Panel J/B Inner Circuit] * 1:w/ Jam Protection * 2:w/o Jam Protection 2 1D 10 1A 6 1E 29 1A 13 1C 15 1B 30 1A T-LP Relay 10A TAIL 1 1G 33 1B 10 1E 15 1E 7.5A PANEL 6 1P 3 1E 2 1Q 9 1S 7 1P 13 1B 8 1Q 8 1S 8 1P 7 1C 9 1P 3 1P 6 1Q 4 1P 10 1P 5 1P 12 1B 9 1Q (*1) 5 1K PWR Relay (*2) (*2) 7 1Q 30A POWER (*2) 17 1A 18 1S (*2) 24 1E 2 1H (*2) 11 1H 20A FR DOOR (*1) 21 1B 10 1H 9 1A 12 1A 1 1A 25 1B 19 1A 4 1E 20A S/ROOF (*1) 12 1C 6 1K 3 1J 17 1B 7.5A RR DEF I/UP 11 1M DEF Relay 35 1B 1 2 2 1F 30A DEF 12 1Q 4 1Q 15A FR FOG 4 1M 23 1B 13 1Q 8 1E 20A DOOR 1 1H 13 1E 12 1D 2 1A (*2) (*2) 25A AM1 (Cont. Next Page) 28 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 1F F * 2:w/o Jam Protection (*2) (*2) (Cont'd) 10A STOP 18 1B 30 1E 5 1S 14 1E 20A FL DOOR 2 1M 17 1E 8 1M 28 1E 15A ACC SOCKET 6 1M 12 1E 7 1M 9 1M 1 1K 5 1M 15 1A 6 1D (*2) 1 1S 15 1S 1 1J 19 1B 4 7 1F 5 1Q 3 5 1 2 1 1L 10 1B HTR Relay 31 1B 16 1S 14 1B 2 28 1A 4 32 1B 5 11 1S 8 17 1S 5 1D LR IG +B LL EL ER EHW GND 1 13 1S 3 27 1A 6 12 1S 7 FLASH Relay 19 1E 11 1C 7 1S Noise Filter 1 1C 9 1C 5 3 2 1 7.5A ECU-IG 24 1B 3 1K 13 1A 3 1F IG1 Relay 36 1B 2 1C 10 1C 20 1E 30A FR WIP 2 1J 14 1S 11 1E 32 1E 15A FR WSH 1 1P 2 1P 10 1D (*2) 2 1B 10A GAUGE (Cont. Next Page) 29 SCION tC (EM0300U) F RELAY LOCATIONS [Instrument Panel J/B Inner Circuit] (Cont'd) 25 1A 11 1Q 10 1Q 1 1Q 29 1B 10 1S 10A A/C 10 1M 8 1F 18 1E 2 1E C/OPN Relay 11 1B 8 1A 5 1E 1 1D 9 1B 15 1C 21 1E 15A IG2 27 1B 4 1F 16 1E 10A MET IG2 1 1M 12 1M 5 1F 15A CIG 3 1Q 7.5A ACC 4 1S 6 1S 14 1D (Cont. Next Page) 30 SCION tC (EM0300U) F (Cont'd) 16 1C 34 1B 25 1 19 HAZ GND TRLY 16 1B 4 1J 4 5 ALTB SIG 20 PCTY 9 1E 4 1K DCTY KOF 26 UL1 5 1A 20 1A 7 ILL 2 1S 13 1H 4 1H 30 1B 12 L1 12 1H ECUB 3 1A 6 17 1H 8 1H ACT+ 28 1B Integration Relay 26 1E 8 1D 23 1E 11 SPD KSW 9 4 1D 4 1C 15 1H 22 1B 6 1H UL2 5 1C 16 9 1D 7 1A 3 1D 25 1E 2 8 1C 1 1E 21 1A 7 1D 10 2 1K 27 1E 24 1A 6 1C 13 14 1H 5 1H 14 1C 22 1A 18 1H 23 BCTY 9 1H ACT- 26 1B 3 7 1E 4 1A 18 1A 3 1S 16 1H L2 31 1E 14 7 1H 31 SCION tC (EM0300U) F RELAY LOCATIONS Junction Connector Behind of the Combination Meter (See Page 21) (CAN) J13 J14 2 2 1 1 J15 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 32 SCION tC (EM0300U) ST-Plug F [Junction Connector Inner Circuit] (CAN) J13(A), J14(B), J15(C) Junction Connector 2 A 2 B ST-Plug 3 1 A 2 1 1 C 1 B 33 SCION tC (EM0300U) G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING Position of Parts in Engine Compartment C2 F1 H5 F2 F3 F4 C1 A3 B2 C3 G2 B1 H4 H2 G1 H1 H3 A5 A A A A A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 A1 A6 H6 E3 E2 H7 A2 F F F F A/C Compressor A/C Condenser Fan Motor Air Fuel Ratio Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 1) Airbag Sensor (Front LH) Airbag Sensor (Front RH) Ambient Temp. Sensor 1 2 3 4 E1 A4 Fuel Injector (No.1) Fuel Injector (No.2) Fuel Injector (No.3) Fuel Injector (No.4) G 1 Generator G 2 Generator B 1 Back–Up Lamp SW B 2 Brake Fluid Level Warning SW C 1 Camshaft Position Sensor C 2 Camshaft Timing Oil Control Valve C 3 Crankshaft Position Sensor E 1 Electronically Controlled Transmission Solenoid E 2 Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor E 3 Engine Oil Pressure SW H H H H H H H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Headlamp (LH High) Headlamp (LH Low) Headlamp (RH High) Headlamp (RH Low) Heated Oxygen Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 2) Horn (Low) Horn (High) 34 SCION tC (EM0300U) G Position of Parts in Engine Compartment I2 I3 I4 T1 V1 W2 S3 I1 S2 P4 M1 S1 S5 P3 T3 W1 P2 T5 I I I I 1 2 3 4 Ignition Coil (No.1) Ignition Coil (No.2) Ignition Coil (No.3) Ignition Coil (No.4) P5 K1 N1 R1 T2 S4 P1 T4 Z1 S S S S S 1 2 3 4 5 Skid Control ECU with Actuator Speed Sensor (Front LH) Speed Sensor (Front RH) Starter Starter T T T T T 1 2 3 4 5 Throttle Body Assembly Transmission Revolution Sensor (Counter Gear) Transmission Revolution Sensor (Turbine) Turn Signal Lamp (Front LH) Turn Signal Lamp (Front RH) K 1 Knock Control Sensor (Bank 1) M 1 Mass Air Flow Meter N 1 Noise Filter (Ignition) P P P P P 1 2 3 4 5 Park/Neutral Position SW Parking Lamp (LH) Parking Lamp (RH) Power Steering Oil Pressure SW Pressure SW R 1 Radiator Fan Motor V 1 VSV (Purge) W 1 Windshield Washer Motor W 2 Windshield Wiper Motor Z 1 Option Connector (Front Fog Lamp) 35 SCION tC (EM0300U) G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING Position of Parts in Instrument Panel C6 C8 B4 D1 D3 A8 A14 A15 E4 E5 D5 E7 C9 E8 C5 B3 D4 A10 A 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 A 14 A 15 A 16 A 17 C7 A16 A17 A11 A/C Control Assembly A/C Thermistor No.1 A/T Shift Lever Illumination Accelerator Position Sensor Airbag Sensor Assembly Center Airbag Sensor Assembly Center Airbag Sensor Assembly Center Airbag Squib (Front Passenger’s Airbag Assembly) Airbag Squib (Front Passenger’s Airbag Assembly) Airbag Squib (Steering Wheel Pad) Antenna Amplifier A12 A13 C4 D2 A9 F5 A7 D D D D D 1 2 3 4 5 Damper Servo Motor (Air Inlet) Damper Servo Motor (Air Mix) Damper Servo Motor (Air Vent Mode) Data Link Connector 3 Diode (Fan) E E E E 4 5 7 8 Engine Control Module Engine Control Module Engine Control Module Engine Control Module F 5 Front Console Illumination B 3 Blower Motor B 4 Blower Motor Control C C C C C C 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cigarette Lighter Clutch Start SW Combination Meter Combination SW Combination SW Cruise Control Clutch SW 36 SCION tC (EM0300U) G Position of Parts in Instrument Panel T8 J6 J15 J14 J13 Z5 R9 T6 J7 J8 T11 J9 S8 J2 J1 I6 Z3 N2 J3 O1 Z2 P8 J4 J5 * 1:w/ Engine Immobiliser System * 2:w/o Engine Immobiliser System K2 I I I 5 Ignition SW 6 Integration Relay 7 Ignition Cylinder Lamp J 1 J 2 J 3 J 4 J 5 J 6 J 7 J 8 J 9 J 13 J 14 J 15 Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector Junction Connector U1 I5 S7 T7 I7 (*1) (*2) R2 R3 Z4 S6 P6 P7 S20 P 6 Parking Brake SW P 7 Power Point Socket P 8 Power Point Socket Relay R 2 Radio Receiver Assembly R 3 Radio Receiver Assembly R 9 Radio Receiver Assembly S 6 S 7 S 8 S 20 Shift Lock Control ECU Spiral Cable Stop Lamp SW Stereo Jack Adapter T 6 T 7 T 8 T 11 Tire Pressure Warning Reset SW Transponder Key Amplifier Transponder Key ECU Tire Pressure Warning ECU K 2 Knee Airbag Squib U 1 Unlock Warning SW N 2 Noise Filter (DOME) O 1 Outer Mirror SW Z Z Z Z 2 3 4 5 Option Connector (Front Fog Lamp SW) Option Connector (TVIP) Option Connector (IPOD Unit) Option Connector (Radio Receiver Assembly) 37 SCION tC (EM0300U) G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING Position of Parts in Body M3 M2 C11 (*3) (*4) D13 D14 C12 D12 D10 A19 C10 L3 D11 L2 D8 B5 D9 B6 N3 * 3:w/ Jam Protection * 4:w/o Jam Protection F6 F7 J10 F8 J11 J12 F F F F A 18 Airbag Sensor (Rear LH) A 19 Airbag Sensor (Rear RH) B 5 Back Door Lock Assembly B 6 Back Door Opener SW 6 7 8 9 D7 F9 L1 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver’s Side) Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver’s Side) Front Seat Inner Belt (Front Passenger’s Side) Fuel Suction Pump and Gage Assembly J 10 Junction Connector J 11 Junction Connector J 12 Junction Connector C10 Center Stop Lamp C 11 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (LH) C12 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (RH) D 7 D 8 D 9 D10 D 11 D12 D13 D14 A18 Diode (Room Lamp) Door Control Receiver Door Courtesy SW (Driver’s Side) Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger’s Side) Door Lock Assembly (Driver’s Side) Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger’s Side) Door Lock Control SW Door Lock Control SW L 1 Canister Pump Module L 2 License Plate Lamp (LH) L 3 License Plate Lamp (RH) M 2 Map Lamp M 3 Map Lamp N 3 Noise Filter (DEF and Stop) 38 SCION tC (EM0300U) G Position of Parts in Body S13 S15 O3 T10 R7 (*3) (*4) (*3) (*4) P11 P16 P12 P15 S10 R6 T12 S17 P14 * 3:w/ Jam Protection * 4:w/o Jam Protection O2 T9 P18 P10 (*2) (*1) S14 P9 P17 S19 (*1) R5 (*2) S9 S11 O O O O O O O O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P 9 P 10 P 11 P 12 P 13 P 14 P 15 P 16 P 17 P 18 S16 P13 O5 Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) Occupant Classification ECU Occupant Classification ECU Occupant Classification Sensor Front LH Occupant Classification Sensor Rear LH Occupant Classification Sensor Front RH Occupant Classification Sensor Rear RH Power Window Master SW Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) Power Window SW (Front Passenger’s Side) Pretensioner (LH) Pretensioner (RH) Power Window SW (Front Passenger’s Side) Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) Power Window Master SW Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) S18 O4 O6 S12 R R R R R 4 5 6 7 8 S 9 S 10 S 11 S 12 S 13 S 14 S 15 S 16 S 17 S 18 S 19 O7 O8 O9 R8 R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) Rear Combination Lamp (RH) Rear Window Defogger Room Lamp (Center) Room Lamp (Left Quarter) Side Airbag Sensor (LH) Side Airbag Sensor (RH) Side Airbag Squib (LH) Side Airbag Squib (RH) Sliding Roof Control ECU Speaker (Front Door LH) Speaker (Front Door RH) Speaker (Rear LH) Speaker (Rear RH) Speed Sensor (Rear LH) Speed Sensor (Rear RH) T 9 Tweeter (LH) T 10 Tweeter (RH) T 12 Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver 39 SCION tC (EM0300U) G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING : Location of Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness : Location of Ground Points Engine Wire Engine Room Main Wire EA EA1 EB EC ED EE 40 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 41 SCION tC (EM0300U) G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING : Location of Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Engine Room Main Wire IE3 IE4 Instrument Panel Wire Engine Wire Instrument Panel Wire Assembly Roof Wire IA1 Front Door RH Wire IE1 IE2 Sensor Wire Floor No.2 Wire IB1 Front Door LH Wire IC1 Floor Wire IC2 ID1 IB2 Floor Wire Console Box Wire Floor No.2 Wire : Location of Ground Points IH IF IG 42 SCION tC (EM0300U) G : Location of Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Engine Room Main Wire Instrument Panel Wire Engine Wire Instrument Panel Wire Assembly IG1 IH1 Roof Wire IH2 II1 IJ1 Front Door RH Wire Sensor Wire II2 IM1 IK1 Front Door LH Wire Floor No.2 Wire IF1 Floor Wire Floor Wire IL1 Console Box Wire Floor No.2 Wire 43 SCION tC (EM0300U) G ELECTRICAL WIRING ROUTING : Location of Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness : Location of Ground Points Roof Wire BA1 BA2 Instrument Panel Wire Front Door RH Wire Floor No.2 Wire Front Seat RH Wire BK Front Door LH Wire Floor Wire Back Door Wire BI BJ BB1 Floor No.3 Wire 44 SCION tC (EM0300U) SYSTEM CIRCUITS H 2007 tC ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM SYSTEM CIRCUITS ABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audio System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Door Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back–Up Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cigarette Lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combination Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cruise Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Door Lock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engine Immobiliser System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Wiper and Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Headlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interior Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Key Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiplex Communication System (CAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Window (w/o Jam Protection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radiator Fan and Condenser Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear Window Defogger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remote Control Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seat Belt Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sliding Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stop Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taillight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tire Pressure Warning System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wireless Door Lock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 136 178 166 114 90 54 154 170 130 104 124 56 66 92 72 152 52 82 78 158 160 70 156 46 96 102 176 164 94 162 122 118 145 50 88 86 142 74 108 45 SCION tC (EM0300U) Power Source B 2 2 1 2 W W 120A ALT 2 1 1 2 2 2 LG W 30A RDI 7. 5A ALT–S 2 1 1 2 2 R 2 L 30A CDS 10A ETCS 2 1 1 2 2 2 W B 50A ABS NO. 1 15A IGN 2 1 1 2 2 B 2 GR 40A ABS NO. 2 10A HORN 2 1 1 2 2 P 40A HTR 10A TURN–HAZ 1 L 2 1 2A 2 2 B 1 B G G2 Generator 10A OBD2 1 2 2 R R 30A AM2 1 2 2 V 1 2 20A EFI V 2 B 10A ECU–B 1 2 2 L 2 1 2 2 SB 7. 5A DOME 30A DCC FL MAIN 3. 0W 1 2 G L 2 20A RAD NO. 1 2 1 Battery 40A MAIN 2 B B B 2 2 3 5 1 2 H–LP Relay 46 SCION tC (EM0300U) G 2 2 GR 10A TAIL W 1 1G W 7. 5A PANEL T–LP Relay 30A POWER PWR Relay 2 AM1 1 1F ACC 3 GR 5 1F IG1 4 Y ST1 1 G IG2 6 L ST2 8 B 25A AM1 15A CIG 7. 5A ACC 4 1F 15A IG2 R 7 AM2 W 10A MET IG2 I5 Ignition SW 3 IE4 2 1 7 IH1 7. 5A RR DEF I/UP LG 30A DEF 3 20A FL DOOR DEF Relay 1 20A FR DOOR 7. 5A ST 20A DOOR R 2 15A FR FOG 7. 5A ECU–IG Y 3 Y 20A S/ROOF 30A FR WIP 10A STOP 15A FR WSH 1 2 2 15A ACC SOCKET R 10A GAUGE 5 3 2 1 10A H–LP LH LO G 2 1 10A A/C 2 2 GR 3 1F IG1 Relay 10A H–LP RH LO 1 2 2 Y Noise Filter 10A H–LP LH HI 1 2 2 P 17 1E 7 1M W–B 2 W–B G IH 10A H–LP RH HI IF 47 SCION tC (EM0300U) Power Source : Parts Location Code See Page G2 Code 34 I5 See Page Code 37 : Relay Blocks Code See Page Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) 2 22 Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 3 23 Engine Room R/B No.2 (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1E See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1G 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1M 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 2A 22 Engine Wire and Engine Room J/B (Engine Compartment Left) 1F : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IE4 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 48 SCION tC (EM0300U) See Page Memo 49 SCION tC (EM0300U) Starting LG ACC W 2 AM1 7 IH1 3 IG1 1 ST1 1 G 7. 5A ST R 7 AM2 IG2 ST2 8 2 B W 3 I5 Ignition SW Y B 3 IH1 P Y N (M/T) B R 25A AM1 Y P1 Park/Neutral Position SW 1 IE4 4 L (M/T) (A/T) 1 1F 5 B 1 EA1 6 IE1 L 3 IE4 B Y 1 1G (M/T) 3 (M/T) (A/T) 3 R W 1 5 C5 Clutch Start SW 1 ST Relay 2 2 2 B 3 2 3 120A ALT 3 4 IE1 30A AM2 B W–B 1 1 (M/T) 2 (M/T) 2 10 IH2 B BR–W A FL MAIN 3. 0W J9 Junction Connector A B–R 1 B M W–B 1 A Battery S 4(A), S 5(B) Starter IH 50 SCION tC (EM0300U) (M/T) 4 IH1 R B 2 : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page C5 36 J9 37 S4 A 35 I5 37 P1 35 S5 B 35 : Relay Blocks Code See Page Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) 2 22 Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 3 23 Engine Room R/B No.2 (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1F 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1G 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code EA1 IE1 IE4 IH1 IH2 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 40 Engine Wire and Engine Room Main Wire (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code IH See Page 42 Ground Points Location Cowl Brace RH 51 SCION tC (EM0300U) Ignition (IG) (BAT) 15A IGN 15A IG2 2 2 IGF 2 IGF 2 +B BR BR R IGT 3 I4 Ignition Coil (No. 4) IGT 3 1 V IGF 2 4 GND B IGT 3 +B BR R 1 I3 Ignition Coil (No. 3) 4 GND V +B BR R 1 BR 4 GND IGT IGF 3 2 V LG 2 P W–B 2 4 GND P 3 +B R V 2 1 R BR R I1 Ignition Coil (No. 1) 5 IG2 Relay 1 2 BR G 2 R BR I2 Ignition Coil (No. 2) B GR B GR 27 1B G P B LG V R 17 16 15 14 23 R R V V 3 EA1 N1 Noise Filter (Ignition) 1 IGT1 IGT2 IGT3 IGT4 IGF1 BR W–B E8 Engine Control Module EE EC 52 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page E8 36 I2 35 I4 35 I1 35 I3 35 N1 35 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code EA1 See Page 40 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Wire and Engine Room Main Wire (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EC 40 Front Left Fender EE 40 Left Side of the Cylinder Head 53 SCION tC (EM0300U) Charging B W (IG) (IG) 10A MET IG2 7. 5A ECU–IG 7 1S LG 1 1M B 4 Charge J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector B W C6 Combination Meter E8 Engine Control Module H A ALT 15 10 F B 2 Y 1 2A 2 B W 1 Y 1 Y 120A ALT 7. 5A ALT–S 2 2 IH2 5 EA1 2 W B 4 A 3 A 2 A 1 A 1 B L M IG S B P R B 1 IH1 FL MAIN 3. 0W Battery IC Regulator G 1(A), G 2(B) Generator 54 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page C6 36 G1 A 34 J1 A 37 E8 36 G2 B 34 J2 B 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1M 1S 2A See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 22 Engine Wire and Engine Room J/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code EA1 IH1 IH2 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 40 Engine Wire and Engine Room Main Wire (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) 55 SCION tC (EM0300U) Engine Control (IG) (BAT) (BAT) 20A EFI 15A IG2 (ST) 7. 5A ST 15A IGN 2 2 2 2 R 3 2 Y B V Y(A/T) V V W Y G B G Y P B 3 IH1 B 2 2 2 5 2 2 6 IE1 2 2 3 2 Y EFI Relay 3 2 Y (A/T) P Y P W–B W–B BR BR B 4 L P N 4 IE1 B P1 Park/Neutral Position SW 5 W–B 7 EA1 B M (M/T) 2 Fuel Pump F9 Fuel Suction Pump and Gage Assembly 4 1 (M/T) L BR 8 1A 11 1B B 5 1E Y 1 IG2 Relay 1 C5 Clutch Start SW C/OPN Relay 2 EA1 5 (M/T) 2 (M/T) V 2 1E 18 1E GR O O W GR G G 9 1B 21 1E 27 1B (M/T) P B (A/T) 4 IH1 Y Y W–B 5 15 1A 17 1E 7 1M 1 1S W–B W–B W–B B(M/T) B(A/T) L Y Y Y Y IH IF W–B W–B W–B W–B EC 56 SCION tC (EM0300U) R (BAT) 10A STOP ∗ 1 : Shielded ∗ 2 : w/ Engine Immobiliser System R 18 1B Y R BR V W W Y Y B B 3 2 4 1 G B F4 Fuel Injector (No. 4) B 2 C 1 C #2 #3 #4 GR 5 C #1 L W 6 C NSW L L Y 30 A 24 1E L F3 Fuel Injector (No. 3) B 3 A BATT 9 IH2 2 9 A IGSW +B2 12 1B 20 IE2 2 R 2 A +B 2 1 L 1 A MREL 2 1 Y O 8 A 7 IH2 1 V GR E B O E B 10 IE1 1 G 9 IE1 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector A A O F2 Fuel Injector (No. 2) F1 Fuel Injector (No. 1) B V P GR B B FAN NO. 2 Relay G S8 Stop Lamp SW G 16 A 4 B 14 A ST1– STP FANH E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module E1 2 4 Y Y B(A/T) R L A A A A Y Y J8 Junction Connector A W W–B W–B R BR R (∗2) A BR A BR Y W–B 6 IH1 (∗2) +B OX BR HT W B(M/T) L (∗1) B (∗1) L 3 EOM 29 A L AF– 4 1 3 D GR +B AF+ 25 D R HT E1 OX1B 2 D Y W 3 (∗1) O 1 HT1B (∗1) 31 D H5 Heated Oxygen Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 2) V1 VSV (Purge) A1A– 21 D 2 1 A1A+ 1 D G 2 8 IH2 HA1A A3 Air Fuel Ratio Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 1) R PRG 23 C L FC 25 A B STA 12 A ED 57 SCION tC (EM0300U) Engine Control W 21 IC2 LG BR Y R R 2 IH1 W R Y R R Y R R R 3 20 IC2 T1 Throttle Body Assembly 2 E2G THA 4 1 15 IH2 M 2 M+ M– VTA VTA2 VC 2 1 6 4 5 A A 20 D 19 D A V BR 5 D LG B 8 D W (∗1) R G L R W G VG 5 Y 1 E2 J7 Junction Connector +B Y 3 E2 Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor M1 Mass Air Flow Meter E2 28 C 30 C VG 29 C E2G 32 D THA 28 D THW E2 GE01 4 D M+ M– VTA1 VTA2 18 D VC E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module KNK1 26 D OC1+ EKNK 13 D 30 D OC1– 12 D PSW 32 C F/PS ALT 32 B 10 D G 29 D Y G2+ NE– 34 D Y NE+ 27 D 1 15 1E 1 K1 Knock Control Sensor (Bank 1) 2 P4 Power Steering Oil Pressure SW (∗1) (∗1) C3 Crankshaft Position Sensor 2 C1 Camshaft Position Sensor 2 1 (∗1) G 1 R Y 1 W G 2 C2 Camshaft Timing Oil Control Valve R (∗1) P L (∗1) G R (∗1) 3 1E 22 GSW2 A12 Airbag Sensor Assembly Center 3 M G1 Generator BR W (∗1) W–B W–B 58 SCION tC (EM0300U) ∗ 1 : Shielded ∗ 3 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 4 : w/o Cruise Control BR BR W BR 8 IC1 10 IC2 Y G 1 BB1 7 BB1 3 BB1 BR R W–B O G LG 4 2 9 6 1 8 3 P P 5 BB1 G W–B 8 BB1 LG W 2 BB1 18 IC2 22 IC2 11 IC2 Vent Valve BR 4 BB1 Y LG A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly M AC1 Leak Detection Pump 10 A (∗3) 10 B (∗4) 24 B ACT L1 Canister Pump Module L P 25 B Canister Pressure Sensor G LG 16 A 16 B LG ACT 31 A 5 A 6 A VPMP MPMP AC1 PPMP E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module SPD E02 B B 8 B B 1 1E B BR V BR V J7 Junction Connector V 6 D P E01 7 D B BR E03 4 C W–B ME01 3 C W–B E04 7 C V IGF1 23 D LG IGT4 14 D B IGT3 15 D P IGT2 16 D G IGT1 17 D 8 1C V P V B V LG V 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 IGT IGF IGT IGF IGT IGF IGT IGF C A C A C A J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector I4 Ignition Coil (No. 4) BR I3 Ignition Coil (No. 3) BR I2 Ignition Coil (No. 2) C B BR I1 Ignition Coil (No. 1) L BR G 5 IH1 L BR BR BR W–B W–B BR W–B BR W–B EE ED 59 SCION tC (EM0300U) Engine Control BR BR (BAT) (BAT) 30A DEF 120A ALT (IG) 10A GAUGE 2 2 W 2 1 1G VPA1 6 EP1 VCP2 3 5 VPA2 4 EP2 2 10A TAIL 7. 5A RR DEF I/UP VCP1 T–LP Relay A10 Accelerator Position Sensor 1 IF1 5 IF1 1 IF1 6 IF1 2 11 1M R W B G L 4 BR 10 1E DEF Relay IF1 3 IF1 L W BR P V R O B BR 26 A 18 A 20 A 27 A 19 A 21 A 3 B 15 A VCPA VPA EPA VCP2 VPA2 EPA2 ELS3 7 A +BM ELS1 E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module EFII B CANH 33 B W CANL 34 B W G TC 18 A B R TACH 1 B D B B B B B A D A G 7 W 30 B B 6 EFIO THWO 14 B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector O IMO 15 B GR IMI 16 B W G B T8 Transponder Key ECU G R L L BR BR BR BR BR BR W–B W–B 60 SCION tC (EM0300U) (BAT) BR (BAT) 10A ETCS (IG) 10A MET IG2 10A OBD2 2 (BAT) 10A ECU–B 2 2 2 1 1M 2 V L G 2 B W W B 5 IE1 30 1B LG 12 IE1 V BR 2 1S W–B Tachometer Speedometer 17 21 27 1 BR BR 8 1E L 4 R CG 5 Malfunction Indicator Lamp SG 9 C6 Combination Meter TAC 13 Power Circuit G 6 CANH B TC CANL 3 B W 14 BAT 12 1D B 16 G D4 Data Link Connector 3 BR P 4 25 O G W G 15 IE2 B O G R L BR BR BR W–B 61 SCION tC (EM0300U) Engine Control B W B B W W 2 A 1 A J13(A), J14(B), J15(C) Junction Connector ST Plug 2 1 2 B 1 B 1 C W B W–B 3 A J6 Junction Connector A W–B O S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator 26 FL+ FL– 9 8 31 30 11 12 33 34 W R P L LG G Y B SP1 FR+ FR– RL+ RL– RR+ RR– IF Speed Sensors 62 SCION tC (EM0300U) System Outline The engine control system utilizes a microcomputer and maintains overall control of the engine, transaxle etc. An outline of the engine control is given here. 1. Input Signals (1) Engine coolant temp. signal circuit The engine coolant temp. sensor detects the engine coolant temp. and has a built–in thermistor with a resistance, which varies according to the engine coolant temp.. The engine coolant temp. which is input into TERMINAL THW of the engine control module as a control signal. (2) Intake air temp. signal circuit The intake air temp. sensor is installed in the mass air flow meter and detects the intake air temp. which is input as a control signal to TERMINAL THA of the engine control module. (3) Oxygen density signal circuit The oxygen density in the exhaust emission is detected by the heated oxygen sensor and input as a control signal to TERMINAL OX1B of the engine control module. (4) RPM signal circuit Camshaft position and crankshaft position are detected by the camshaft position sensor and crankshaft position sensor. Camshaft position is input as a control signal to TERMINAL G2+ of the engine control module, and engine RPM is input into TERMINAL NE+. (5) Throttle position signal circuit The throttle body assembly detects the throttle valve opening angle as a control signal, which is input into TERMINALS VTA1 and VTA2 of the engine control module. (6) Vehicle speed circuit The vehicle speed sensor detects the vehicle speed and inputs a control signal to TERMINAL SPD of the engine control module. (7) Battery signal circuit Voltage is constantly applied to TERMINAL BATT of the engine control module. With the ignition SW turned on, the voltage for engine control module start–up power supply is applied to TERMINAL +B of the engine control module via the EFI relay. (8) Stop lamp SW signal circuit The stop lamp SW is used to detect whether the vehicle is braking or not and the signal is input into TERMINAL STP of the engine control module as a control signal. (9) Starter signal circuit To confirm whether the engine is cranking, the voltage is applied to the starter motor during cranking is detected and the signal is input into TERMINAL STA of the engine control module as a control signal. (10) Engine knock signal circuit Engine knocking is detected by knock control sensor and the signal is input into TERMINAL KNK1 as a control signal. (11) Air fuel ratio signal system The air fuel ratio is detected by air fuel ratio sensor and input as a control signal into TERMINAL A1A+ of the engine control module. 63 SCION tC (EM0300U) Engine Control 2. Control System ∗ SFI system The SFI system monitors the engine condition through the signals input from each sensor to the engine control module. And the control signal is output to TERMINALS #1, #2, #3 and #4 of the engine control module to operate the fuel injector (Inject the fuel). The SFI system controls the fuel injection operation by the engine control module in response to the driving conditions. ∗ ESA system The ESA system monitors the engine condition through the signals input to the engine control module from each sensor. The best ignition timing is decided according to this data and the memorized data in the engine control module and the control signal is output to TERMINALS IGT1, IGT2, IGT3, IGT4. This signal controls the igniter (Ignition coil) to provide the best ignition timing for the driving conditions. ∗ Heated oxygen sensor heater control system The heated oxygen sensor heater control system turns the heater on when the intake air volume is low (Temp. of exhaust emissions is low), and warms up the heated oxygen sensor to improve detection performance of the sensor. The engine control module evaluates the signals from each sensor, and outputs current to TERMINAL HT1B to control the heater. 3. Diagnosis System With the diagnosis system, when there is a malfunction in the engine control module signal system, the malfunctioning system is recorded in the memory. The malfunctioning system can be found by reading the code displayed by the malfunction indicator lamp. 4. Fail–Safe System When a malfunction has occurred in any system, if there is a possibility of engine trouble being caused by continued control based on the signals from that system, the fail–safe system either controls the system by using data (Standard values) recorded in the engine control module memory or else stops the engine. : Parts Location Code See Page A3 34 Code E8 See Page D Code 36 See Page J7 37 A 36 F1 34 B 36 F2 34 J13 A 32, 37 A10 36 F3 34 J14 B 32, 37 A12 36 F4 34 J15 C 32, 37 C1 34 F9 38 K1 35 C2 34 G1 34 L1 38 C3 34 H5 34 M1 35 C5 36 I1 35 P1 35 C6 36 I2 35 P4 35 D4 36 I3 35 S1 35 E2 34 I4 35 S8 37 A7 J8 37 E4 A 36 J4 A 37 T1 35 E5 B 36 J5 B 37 T8 37 E7 C 36 37 V1 35 J6 : Relay Blocks Code See Page Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) 2 22 Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 3 23 Engine Room R/B No.2 (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) 64 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 1E 1G 1M 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code EA1 IC1 IC2 IE1 IE2 IF1 IH1 IH2 BB1 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 40 Engine Wire and Engine Room Main Wire (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) 43 Instrument Panel Wire and Sensor Wire (Instrument Panel Brace LH) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) 44 Floor Wire and Floor No.3 Wire (Center Floor Pan Center) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EC 40 Front Left Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head EE 40 Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 65 SCION tC (EM0300U) Engine Immobiliser System (BAT) (IG) 20A EFI 15A IG2 2 21 1E 15 1C G LG 2 V V 10 IE1 G EFI Relay V 2 5 1 9 IE1 O 2 O V O V LG 8 A 3 A 9 A MREL 2 BATT IGSW 3 2 E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module 2 15 B O GR IMO 16 B P IMI 6 D B E02 7 D BR E01 4 C W–B E03 3 C W–B ME01 7 C W–B E04 29 A L EOM 3 D O BR W–B E1 +B2 2 A GR +B E B E B B B 1 A A A B BR 18 1E J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 11 1B P L BR 6 IH1 A A BR BR W–B W–B A W–B BR J8 Junction Connector EC ED EE 66 SCION tC (EM0300U) ED J7 Junction Connector GR O ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control (BAT) 10A ECU–B D4 Data Link Connector 3 2 2 T7 Transponder Key Amplifier SIL 7 V Transponder Key Coil W LG 30 1B 3 1S ANT1 ANT2 CODE TXCT GND 5 7 12 1H 7 1E VC5 4 1 12 13 CODE TXCT AGND J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 11 VC5 L 8 A B W P 2 V LG D R E A Y D J3 Junction Connector W R 1 IG +B 9 D T8 Transponder Key ECU 3 14 O B BR–W GR KSW B 10 CTY 4 E B 23 1E 27 A (∗1) 27 B (∗2) 21 1A 1 A (A/T) 1 B (M/T) J6 Junction Connector A W–B W–B 1 D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) BR O A A IH 6 1C A J9 Junction Connector A 2 A (A/T) 2 B (M/T) BR B W–B GND 12 A (∗1) 12 B (∗2) 26 1E U 1(A), (B) Unlock Warning SW Security Indicator Lamp A A A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly SECU W–B O J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector IND 6 BR EFIO GR GND EFII 7 IF 67 SCION tC (EM0300U) Engine Immobiliser System : Parts Location Code A7 See Page Code See Page Code See Page A 36 E8 D 36 J7 37 B 36 J1 A 37 J8 37 D4 36 J2 B 37 J9 37 D9 38 37 T7 37 T8 J3 E4 A 36 J4 A 37 E5 B 36 J5 B 37 E7 C 36 J6 37 U1 37 A 37 B 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1E 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1H 1S 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IE1 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EC 40 Front Left Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head EE 40 Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 68 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 69 SCION tC (EM0300U) Multiplex Communication System – CAN 10 B CANH 9 W CANL 2 A 1 A ST Plug 2 1 1 B B CANL 6 CANH A J6 Junction Connector 14 1 C W–B 2 B W 3 J13(A), J14(B), J15(C) Junction Connector E5 Engine Control Module A W–B D4 Data Link Connector 3 IF 70 SCION tC (EM0300U) System Outline Multiplex communication system (CAN) uses a serial communication protocol and communicates with a differential voltage. In this network system, TERMINALS CANH and CANL are used for communication between the ECUs and sensors, and excellent data communication speed and communication error detecting facility are provided. : Parts Location Code See Page D4 36 E5 36 Code See Page J6 J13 A Code See Page 37 J14 B 32, 37 32, 37 J15 C 32, 37 : Ground Points Code IF See Page 42 Ground Points Location Cowl Brace LH 71 SCION tC (EM0300U) B B G Headlight 2 2 2 3 1 G H–LP Relay 1 1 10A H–LP LH HI G 1 2 1 10A H–LP RH HI 10A H–LP LH LO 10A H–LP RH LO 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 GR R 2 H4 Headlamp (RH Low) 1 H2 Headlamp (LH Low) 1 11 IE1 2 GR 2 P Y H3 Headlamp (RH High) B GR H1 Headlamp (LH High) P 2 1 2 40A MAIN 4 1J 16 1C O 12 1C W–B 34 1B W–B 16 1B Beam 4 1E C6 Combination Meter 25 1B B 2 R 30 B R 31 R 1 14 7 HU HL H T EL OFF Tail Head Low Flash 13 16 W–B V W–B High W–B Dimmer SW V Light Control SW HF HEAD 17 FL MAIN 3. 0W 8 HRLY C7 Combination SW I6 Integration Relay B 2 Battery 12 1E IF 17 1E W–B W–B W–B 7 1M IH 72 SCION tC (EM0300U) EC EB : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page C6 36 H2 34 C7 36 H3 34 H1 34 H4 34 Code I6 See Page 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1E 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1J 1M 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IE1 See Page 42 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EB 40 Front Right Fender EC 40 Front Left Fender IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 73 SCION tC (EM0300U) Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light (BAT) (IG) 10A GAUGE 10A TURN–HAZ 2 2 1 P IG FLASH Relay 32 1B LL 28 1A 13 1S 16 1S Y C B J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector G Y 32 33 E A 2 F A F A W–B J6 Junction Connector W–B D B C B 5 IH1 BR C A J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector BR W–B 1 20 IB2 J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector C6 Combination Meter Turn RH Side Turn Signal Lamp 6 Turn LH Y Turn 1 6 O2 Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) W–B E A Y G F A 12 IB2 W–B Turn R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) 1 F A 4 W–B 1 2 R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) 2 T5 Turn Signal Lamp (Front RH) T4 Turn Signal Lamp (Front LH) F A 4 A B BR Y G A A G G 27 1A LG 31 1B 2 J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector 14 1B LR 3 G +B 4 B A J7 Junction Connector B BR W–B A W–B W–B A J10 Junction Connector EC EB BI 74 SCION tC (EM0300U) ED ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control FLASH Relay 11 1S 12 1S 28 1E 17 1E 1 3 G Turn Signal SW O TL TB 7 7 1M W–B 17 1S W–B GND 6 W–B ER 5 BR EL 8 GR EHW TR LH RH G C7 Combination SW 25 A (∗1) 25 B (∗2) A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly II1 G 6 Side Turn Signal Lamp 1 2 HAZ Hazard SW GND 12 A (∗1) 12 B (∗2) W–B 2 W–B O3 Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) W–B II2 W–B 2 A A W–B A W–B J9 Junction Connector W–B W–B IH IF 75 SCION tC (EM0300U) Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light : Parts Location Code A7 See Page A 36 B Code J5 See Page B Code See Page 37 O2 39 36 J6 37 O3 39 C6 36 J7 37 R4 39 C7 36 J9 37 R5 39 J10 38 T4 35 T5 35 J1 A 37 J2 B 37 J11 A 38 J4 A 37 J12 B 38 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1E 24 1M 1S Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IB2 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) II1 II2 : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EB 40 Front Right Fender EC 40 Front Left Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH BI 44 Quarter Panel LH 76 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 77 SCION tC (EM0300U) Interior Light (IG) (BAT) 7. 5A ECU–IG 10A ECU–B V 2 3 2 1S Door V 30 1B C6 Combination Meter V 2 L 14 SIG LSDI RDA 7 A L1 PRG 6 A UL1 UL1 12 16 16 1H 7 1H L B O L 6 1H LG 5 1H B GR 4 1H R UL2 14 (∗5) 12 1H D 1 W–B GND 2 W–B W–B J6 Junction Connector J10 Junction Connector IF BI 78 SCION tC (EM0300U) A A W–B A A D12 Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger' s Side) II2 W–B 20 IB2 A (∗5) 8 W–B +B V Key Unlock Key Lock D11 Door Lock Assembly (Driver' s Side) Key Unlock 2 A (∗5) 3 B (∗6) 5 W–B PRG II1 6 W–B RDA 7 (∗5) LG 10 II1 (∗5) V 9 Key Lock Unlock 1 A (∗5) 5 B (∗6) 8 14 IB2 G 15 IB2 W–B 3 5 II1 7 2 D8 Door Control Receiver V 12 IC2 9 3 A 6 B D13(A), D14(B) Door Lock Control SW Lock 13 IC2 B 14 IC2 GR G D II1 B 10 L J3 Junction Connector L2 18 A 10 (∗5) 6 ECUB P ECUB I 6(A) Integration Relay 5 5 A IH J9 Junction Connector ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 2 5 6 : w/ Engine Immobiliser System : w/o Engine Immobiliser System : w/ Jam Protection : w/o Jam Protection B (∗2) I 6(A) Integration Relay DCTY PCTY BCTY 1 26 20 23 7 1M 21 1A 14 1C 7 1A ILL 7 1 1K 2 1K 27 1E O (∗1) L V W–B 2 1 I7 Ignition Cylinder Lamp 17 1E GND L O W–B W–B O V (∗2) O V IJ1 L 18 L 8 BA2 W–B LG (∗1) V Courtesy SW 1 B5 Back Door Lock Assembly D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) 1 D10 Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger' s Side) 2 W–B 1 IH IF BK 79 SCION tC (EM0300U) W–B W–B V (∗1) O L W–B D7 Diode (Room Lamp) 8 A 4 B 4 A (∗3) 3 B (∗4) 80 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 2 L LG 4 1P L O R R 5 1K N2 Noise Filter (DOME) 1 R8 Room Lamp (Left Quarter) OFF ON DOOR R B (∗1) SB 7. 5A DOME R 3 W–B OFF ON 2 L 6 M 2(A), M 3(B) Map Lamp DOOR 2 W–B R7 Room Lamp (Center) Ignition Key Cylinder Lamp 3 1P L (∗1) O T7 Transponder Key Amplifier Interior Light (BAT) ∗ 3 : w/ Sliding Roof ∗ 4 : w/o Sliding Roof 2 2 13 1B 5 1P (∗2) B 1 IC2 3 A (∗3) 1 B (∗4) 2 1 1 2 V A J6 Junction Connector A IF System Outline The interior light is controlled by the integration relay. This system has following features. Illuminated Entry System ∗ When a door is unlocked through a key operation or transmitter operation, or if a door is opened or closed, the illuminated entry system turns ON the room lamp (Center), map lamp and the ignition key cylinder lamp. ∗ If the ignition switch is turned to the ACC or ON position or if all doors are locked during the 15 seconds in which these lights are ON, they will immediately turn OFF. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page B5 38 D13 A 38 M2 A 38 C6 36 D14 B 38 M3 D7 38 I6 A 37 N2 B 38 37 D8 38 I7 37 R7 39 D9 38 J3 37 R8 39 D10 38 J6 37 T7 37 D11 38 J9 37 D12 38 J10 38 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Roof Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1E 1H 1K 1M 1P 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IB2 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IC2 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) BA2 44 Back Door No.1 Wire and Floor Wire (Back Window Upper Frame LH) II1 II2 : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH BI 44 Quarter Panel LH BK 44 Left Side of the Back Door Panel 81 SCION tC (EM0300U) Illumination (IG) 10A GAUGE 7. 5A PANEL T–LP Relay 19 1 1G 6 1D 9 1P 7 1P 8 1Q W LG I 6(A) Integration Relay TRLY TAIL 13 A H A 2 2 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector O (∗2) O (∗2) V (∗2) G (A/T) GR LG 120A ALT (∗1) BR F B 1 II1 Tail Head C7 Combination SW 4 16 FL MAIN 3. 0W 1 2 2 12 1E W–B W–B Battery A 17 1E A IF J9 Junction Connector W–B W–B W–B A IH A 7 1M IH 82 SCION tC (EM0300U) (A/T) (∗1) BR–Y W–B W–B II2 10 EAU 1 2 2 1 IL+2 Steering Pad SW OFF A9 A/T Shift Lever Illumination EL F5 Front Console Illumination H D13 Door Lock Control SW B Light Control SW T GR 14 2 S7 Spiral Cable 1 (IG) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 2 3 4 : w/ Front Console Illumination : w/ Audio Steering Pad SW : w/ Cruise Control : w/o Cruise Control (BAT) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 2 1 1M V 2 30 1B 2 1Q 6 1P 8 1P R LG V 2 1S 6 4 3 C6 Combination Meter SWG Illumination 10 A ILL ILL– Rheostat 5 B 1 BR 11 W F A C A BR B J7 Junction Connector 5 IH1 H B H B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector C B B BR BR ILL– 17 A (∗3) 17 B (∗4) 6 C Power Circuit W ILL+ R 2(A), R 3(B), R 9(C) Radio Receiver Assembly 19 A (∗3) 19 B (∗4) W A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly ODO/TRIP Illumination G O R (∗2) O (∗2) ED 83 SCION tC (EM0300U) Illumination : Parts Location Code A7 See Page A 36 B Code See Page F5 Code 36 R2 See Page A 37 36 I6 A 37 R3 B 37 A9 36 J4 A 37 R9 C 37 C6 36 J5 B 37 C7 36 J7 37 D13 38 J9 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B 1D 1E 1G See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1M 1P 1Q 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IH1 II1 II2 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 84 SCION tC (EM0300U) S7 37 Memo 85 SCION tC (EM0300U) J10 Junction Connector IH IF EC EB 86 SCION tC (EM0300U) D B F A BI F A A A W–B L2 License Plate Lamp (LH) F B 2 BJ 2 1 6 BA1 BK BR BR BR J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector BR BR BR F B L3 License Plate Lamp (RH) BR 6 Tail R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) Tail R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) 1 W–B Tail 2 D A W–B W–B 7 1M W–B 12 1E J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector 1 2 W–B OFF 2 P3 Parking Lamp (RH) 2 D A W–B 17 1E EL BR I 6(A) Integration Relay 15 1B W–B Battery H W–B 14 W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W 33 1B W–B C7 Combination SW W–B 2 P2 Parking Lamp (LH) BR W 19 W–B 2 W–B 1 Light Control SW 120A ALT T W–B W–B B W Taillight 1 1G T–LP Relay 10A TAIL TRLY 29 1A 13 A TAIL BR 6 BA2 6 Head 16 2 1 W–B : Parts Location Code See Page C7 I6 36 A J10 J11 A Code J12 See Page B Code See Page 38 P3 35 37 L2 38 R4 39 38 L3 38 R5 39 38 P2 35 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1E 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1G 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1M 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code BA1 BA2 See Page 44 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Back Door No.1 Wire and Floor Wire (Back Window Upper Frame LH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EB 40 Front Right Fender EC 40 Front Left Fender IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 44 Quarter Panel LH 44 Left Side of the Back Door Panel BI BJ BK 87 SCION tC (EM0300U) W–B F A A BI W–B D B C10 Center Stop Lamp W–B 6 L L J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector L L B A B A B B B B 5 1 6 2 F A J10 Junction Connector BK 88 SCION tC (EM0300U) L L L L L S8 Stop Lamp SW 2 N3 Noise Filter (DEF and Stop) Stop R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) Stop 5 W–B J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector W–B R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) BR Stop Light (BAT) 10A STOP 18 1B 1 12 1B 9 1A 7 BA2 2 : Parts Location Code See Page C10 38 J10 J11 A Code J12 See Page B Code See Page 38 R5 39 S8 37 38 N3 38 38 R4 39 : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code BA2 See Page 44 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Back Door No.1 Wire and Floor Wire (Back Window Upper Frame LH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location BI 44 Quarter Panel LH BK 44 Left Side of the Back Door Panel 89 SCION tC (EM0300U) 30 1A 3 90 SCION tC (EM0300U) 6 F A R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) 3 D B F A A BI J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector 2 1D P C A Back–Up P J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector (M/T) R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) A B W–B P C A P 1 IH2 Back–Up 1 B1 Back–Up Lamp SW P1 Park/Neutral Position SW 2 J10 Junction Connector W–B W–B P (A/T) 2 P P B (A/T) BR Back–Up Light (IG) 10A GAUGE 15 1S 11 IH2 (M/T) B 1 P 6 W–B : Parts Location Code See Page B1 34 J10 J11 A Code J12 See Page B 38 38 P1 35 38 R4 39 Code R5 See Page 39 : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page 1A 24 1D 24 1S 25 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IH2 See Page 43 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code BI See Page 44 Ground Points Location Quarter Panel LH 91 SCION tC (EM0300U) Front Wiper and Washer (IG) (IG) 30A FR WIP LG 2 1B EW Wiper Relay 2 1J 36 1B V C8 Combination SW L 15A FR WSH 1 WF M W1 Windshield Washer Motor WF 11 Y EW 2 W–B Off On 2 7 IE1 Y INT2 B1 Washer SW L +S 16 B 1 IE1 B +2 8 W 2 IE1 R +1 7 G 3 IE1 G W–B HI LO INT OFF MIST +B +1 V B R +2 +S INT1 +B 17 1 4 3 2 +1 +2 S B M Wiper SW 1 1J 17 1E W–B IF 92 SCION tC (EM0300U) IH 5 W–B 7 1M W–B E W2 Windshield Wiper Motor EB System Outline With the ignition SW turned on, the current flows to TERMINAL 17 of the wiper and washer SW and TERMINAL 2 of the windshield wiper motor through the FR WIP fuse. The current flows to TERMINAL 1 of the windshield washer motor through the FR WSH fuse. 1. Low Speed Position With the wiper and washer SW turned to LO position, the current flows from TERMINAL 17 of the wiper and washer SW to TERMINAL 7 to TERMINAL 1 of the windshield wiper motor to TERMINAL 5 to GROUND and causes the windshield wiper motor to run at low speed. 2. High Speed Position With the wiper and washer SW turned to HI position, the current flows from TERMINAL 17 of the wiper and washer SW to TERMINAL 8 to TERMINAL 4 of the windshield wiper motor to TERMINAL 5 to GROUND and causes the windshield wiper motor to run at high speed. 3. INT Position With the wiper and washer SW turned to INT position, the wiper relay operates and current flows from TERMINAL 17 of the wiper and washer SW to TERMINAL 2 to GROUND. This activates the intermittent circuit and the current flows from TERMINAL 17 of the wiper and washer SW to TERMINAL 7 to TERMINAL 1 of the windshield wiper motor to TERMINAL 5 to GROUND and the wiper operates. Intermittent operation is controlled by a condenser charge and discharge function in the relay. 4. Washer Continuous Operation With the wiper and washer SW pulled to WASHER position (Washer SW ON position), the current flows from the FR WSH fuse to TERMINAL 1 of the windshield washer motor to TERMINAL 2 to TERMINAL 11 of the wiper and washer SW to TERMINAL 2 to GROUND and causes the windshield washer motor to run and the window washer to spray. Simultaneously, current flows from the FR WIP fuse to TERMINAL 17 of the wiper and washer SW to TERMINAL 7 to TERMINAL 1 of the windshield wiper motor to TERMINAL 5 to GROUND, causing the wiper to function. : Parts Location Code See Page C8 36 Code W1 See Page 35 Code W2 See Page 35 : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B 1E 1J 1M See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IE1 See Page 42 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EB 40 Front Right Fender IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 93 SCION tC (EM0300U) W–B O O2 Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) 5 3 MH MV M M COM 4 5 II1 4 II1 3 5 MV MH M 3 G A II1 94 SCION tC (EM0300U) W–B G A J6 Junction Connector BR–Y Select SW VR R RH VL O LH HR L 3 V RH HL R 4 B Operation SW Right/ Down Left/ Up Down Up Right Left 8 BR J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 2 Y LH Y 5 LG MH R V B 7 IB2 L LG 6 IB2 O3 Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) LG L L Remote Control Mirror (ACC) 7. 5A ACC 4 1S O1 Outer Mirror SW B MV M+ E 6 7 A G B A 4 IB2 M COM 4 BR IF : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page J4 A 37 J6 37 O2 39 J5 B 37 O1 37 O3 39 : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1S See Page 25 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IB2 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) II1 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) : Ground Points Code IF See Page 42 Ground Points Location Cowl Brace LH 95 SCION tC (EM0300U) Power Window with Jam Protection 10A GAUGE 6 1D 1 IB2 20 IB2 W–B Y W–B 11 IB2 VC 19 PLS 5 PLS2 15 SGND 12 BR D 11 V U 1 B 2 O GND P 10 LG F B B IG 20 R H A J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector LG P 2 1M P9 Power Window Master SW W 20A FL DOOR (IG) P (BAT) 2 1 U 4 D 5 SSRB M W–B P10 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) A J6 Junction Connector W–B A IF 96 SCION tC (EM0300U) 3 PLS 6 PLS2 E (BAT) 20A FR DOOR P9 Power Window Master SW 10 1H MPX1 7 KOP 16 GR BR 16 IB2 17 IB2 13 IB2 O BR G B P PCT 6 1 II2 BR II2 4 II2 12 2 B 1 PLS PLS2 5 3 4 SGND 8 W–B Y VCC BR D 6 LG U 7 L GND P12 Power Window SW (Front Passenger' s Side) MPX1 R PCT G 11 O B P 3 2 1 U 5 SSRB 3 PLS 6 PLS2 E W–B II2 M A J9 Junction Connector A P11 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) W–B 2 4 D IH 97 SCION tC (EM0300U) Power Window with Jam Protection (BAT) (IG) (BAT) 7. 5A ECU–IG 20A DOOR 10A ECU–B 2 4 5 ALTB SIG V 2 PCTY GND 26 20 1 9 1E 21 1A 14 1C 7 1M O ECUB 6 W–B W–B W–B 17 1E W–B KOF L DCTY 13 BR Integration Relay 30 1B BR IJ1 1 D10 Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger' s Side) D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) L 18 1 IF IH 98 SCION tC (EM0300U) System Outline 1. Manual Up and Down Function This function operates the window to open or close while the power window switch is being pulled up or pushed down (Should be pulled up and down halfway for manual operation.). The window stops as soon as the switch is released. 2. One–Touch Auto Up and Down Function ”One–touch auto up and down function” enables the window of front doors to be fully opened or closed with a touch of the power window switch. 3. Jam Protection Function The jam protection function automatically stops the power window and moves it downward if a foreign object gets jammed in the course of the window during one–touch auto–up operation. 4. Remote Control Function The up and down operation of the front passenger door windows can be controlled by operating the power window master switch. 5. Key–Off Operation Function Within about 43 seconds when turn OFF the ignition SW or until the driver’s or passenger’s door is opened, this function enables the door window operation with the power window master switch and/or the manual operation at each passenger’s seat door. ∗ When the battery terminal or fuse is disconnected, the glass position of all door windows have to be reset to the initial positions, one by one, with the power window control switch by following the procedure below: A) Reconnect the battery terminal or fuse. B) Turn ON the ignition switch. C) Lower the window of each door halfway or more with the power window switch. D) Then close the window fully with the power window switch. Do not release the switch for at least 2 seconds after the window is fully closed. : Parts Location Code See Page D9 38 D10 Code See Page Code See Page J6 37 P11 39 P12 39 38 J9 37 J4 A 37 P9 39 J5 B 37 P10 39 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 1E 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1H 1M 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IB2 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) II2 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) 99 SCION tC (EM0300U) Power Window with Jam Protection : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 100 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 101 SCION tC (EM0300U) Power Window without Jam Protection (IG) (BAT) 10A GAUGE 120A ALT P17 Power Window Master SW 2 W 2 E W–B SU GR 5 SD 4 B D 6 1 IB1 P U G B 3 10 1 4 IB1 3 IB1 20 IB2 Y 1 1G 2 30A POWER W–B GR B G PWR Relay 1 M 8 II2 9 II2 2 5 SD SU W–B P G DOWN UP B D U 4 1 3 P W–B 2 1H P15 Power Window SW (Front Passenger' s Side) 11 1H GR 7 1M Y 17 1E W–B P18 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) J6 Junction Connector Y G A IH W–B W–B 1 M 2 W–B A P16 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) IF IF 102 SCION tC (EM0300U) System Outline 1. Manual Down or Up Operation When the power window master SW is pushed one stop, the motor rotates to open the window. When the power window master SW is pulled up one step, the motor rotates in the opposite direction, to close the window. All the other windows can be opened/closed as well, by the operation of the power window master SW or respective power window SW. When the window lock SW is pushed to the lock side, the ground circuit to the passenger’s window becomes open. As a result, even if Open/Close operation of the passenger’s window is attempted, the current from TERMINAL E of the power window master SW is not grounded and the motor does not rotate, to the passenger’s window can not be operated and window lock occurs. 2. Auto Down Operation (Driver’s Window) When the power window master SW is pushed two steps, the motor rotates to open the window automatically. 3. Stopping of Auto Down Operation (Driver’s Window) Auto operation can be stopped in mid–course with switching power window master SW one step upward during the down operation. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page J6 37 P16 39 P15 39 P17 39 Code P18 See Page 39 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1E 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1G 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1H 24 1M 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IB1 IB2 II2 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 103 SCION tC (EM0300U) Door Lock Control (BAT) (IG) 20A DOOR 7. 5A ECU–IG 4 5 ALTB SIG I 6(A) Integration Relay 17 1E 12 L1 7 1M 26 1E 13 1H UL1 UL3 10 14 1H 4 1H LSWD ACTD 18 A 20 A 2 A L 9 W KSW 1 P GND 5 1H W BR L 9 IB2 6 IB1 5 IB1 V W L P 9 10 8 4 1 W–B W–B D11 Door Lock Assembly (Driver' s Side) W–B W–B W–B W–B 20 IB2 A BR J6 Junction Connector A W–B W–B W–B A IH M 2 A (∗1) 3 B (∗2) 7 W–B Detection SW P 14 IB2 Key Unlock 1 A (∗1) 5 B (∗2) L 3 A 6 B 15 IB2 G B II1 Y 9 Unlock Unlock 2 A (∗1) 1 B (∗2) II1 D13(A), D14(B) Door Lock Control SW Lock P 14 A (∗1) 5 B (∗2) 4 A 2 B P 9(A), P17(B) Power Window Master SW Lock 1 A (A/T) 1 B (M/T) BR U 1(A), (B) Unlock Warning SW 2 A (A/T) 2 B (M/T) 10 Key Lock 18 IB2 B V 19 IB2 L GR BR R B W–B W–B L IF IF 104 SCION tC (EM0300U) ∗ 1 : w/ Jam Protection ∗ 2 : w/o Jam Protection (BAT) 10A ECU–B 2 V 2 30 1B 6 ECUB I 6(A) Integration Relay 16 1H 8 1H ACT+ ACT– DCTY PCTY 2 3 26 20 17 1H 9 1H 21 1A 14 1C UL2 16 7 1H 6 1H DBKL 21 A R L2 14 L J1 Junction Connector L O W R LG (∗1) O (∗1) C BR C 4 1 1 1 2 IC2 L M IJ1 L 18 II2 L 10 D10 Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger' s Side) Key Lock II2 D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) 5 Key Unlock 6 11 R V II1 W 7 (∗1) LG II1 (∗1) 8 2 W–B F7 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) D12 Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger' s Side) Buckle SW (∗1) W–B 8 W–B 1 W–B W–B II2 A J9 Junction Connector A A J10 Junction Connector W–B 2 BI IH 105 SCION tC (EM0300U) Door Lock Control System Outline The door lock control is a system controlled by various signals input into the integration relay. 1. Manual Unlock Operation When the door lock control SW of the driver’s or passenger’s side door is pushed to UNLOCK, the door unlocks. 2. Manual Lock Operation When the door lock control SW of the driver’s or passenger’s side door is pushed to LOCK, the door locks. 3. Door Key Unlock Operation ∗ Unlock operation from driver’s side door When the driver’s side door is unlocked once using the mechanical key, only the driver’s side door unlocks. If this operation is repeated within 3 seconds, all the other doors also unlock. 4. Ignition Key Reminder Operation Under condition that the ignition key remains inserted in the ignition key cylinder and driver’s side door is open, locking operation with door knob of driver’s door is not effective but automatically unlocks the door. When the door is locked with the manual door lock SW of driver’s door or door key SW of driver’s door, the door locks once but right after that, the door unlocks automatically. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page D9 38 F7 D10 38 D11 38 J1 37 D12 38 J6 37 I6 A Code P9 A 39 37 P17 B 39 A 37 B 37 D13 A 38 J9 37 D14 B 38 J10 38 U1 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1E 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1H 1M 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IB1 IB2 IC2 II1 II2 IJ1 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH BI 44 Quarter Panel LH See Page 38 106 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 107 SCION tC (EM0300U) Wireless Door Lock Control B W GR 2 2 5 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 5 2 2 19 G GR 2 G P 2 T–LP Relay H–LP Relay HORN Relay 1 1 1G B B GR TRLY I 6(A) Integration Relay 25 1B 28 1B 2 9 W J2 Junction Connector 2 B W GR B W 2 KSW 12 1C 25 1E D HORN 4 A B HRLY 14 A 26 1E 40A MAIN 120A ALT 1 W 2 10A HORN 2 B D 2 1 U 1(A), (B) Unlock Warning SW 1 B 2 2 A (A/T) 2 B (M/T) 1 A (A/T) 1 B (M/T) BR FL MAIN 3. 0W Battery BR 108 SCION tC (EM0300U) (BAT) (IG) 20A DOOR 7. 5A ECU–IG FLASH Relay EHW 8 25 HAZ 4 5 ALTB SIG ACT– DCTY PCTY BCTY 2 3 26 20 23 17 1H 9 1H 21 1A 14 1C 7 1A O W R 4 1 M 1 D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) D11 Door Lock Assembly (Driver' s Side) M L 18 II2 IJ1 8 BA2 1 2 Courtesy SW L 4 10 LG P 1 II2 B5 Back Door Lock Assembly W 8 11 L BR 6 IB1 D10 Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger' s Side) L 5 IB1 Detection SW W 9 IB2 D12 Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger' s Side) L 8 1H R 2 A V ACT+ ACTD 20 A W LSWD W I 6(A) Integration Relay 1 W–B 7 W–B 20 IB2 A W–B J6 Junction Connector A A W–B BR IF BK 109 SCION tC (EM0300U) Wireless Door Lock Control (BAT) 10A ECU–B 2 V 2 I 6(A) Integration Relay GND W–B 7 1M W–B 17 1E W–B 30 1B W–B 12 1H V 1 R 6 J3 Junction Connector GR ECUB PRG 6 A B RDA 7 A D B 2 3 RDA PRG GND 1 +B 12 IC2 V 13 IC2 D8 Door Control Receiver 14 IC2 GR G D 5 W–B V A J10 Junction Connector BI IH IF 110 SCION tC (EM0300U) System Outline Door lock control (Lock and unlock) and panic control (Theft alarm and flash) is performed by remote control, without the ignition key inserted in the door key cylinder, using low–power electrical waves emitted by a transmitter. 1. Normal Operation ∗ Lock operation When the lock SW on the transmitter is pressed, all the doors are locked. ∗ Unlock operation When the unlock SW on the transmitter is pressed once, only the driver door is unlocked. When the unlock SW is pressed again within 3 seconds, all the doors are unlocked. 2. Auto Lock Function When the door is not actually opened within 30 seconds after the door has been unlocked by the unlock SW on the transmitter, all the doors are automatically locked. If any of the following conditions are detected, the wireless door lock does not function. ∗ Any door is opened. ∗ The ignition key is inserted into the ignition SW. ∗ When the lock detection SW of the door is locked. 3. Wireless Door Lock Stop Function If any of the following conditions are detected, the wireless door lock does not function. Lock operation ∗ When any door is open (Door courtesy SW on) ∗ The ignition key is inserted into the ignition SW (Unlock warning SW on) ∗ Ignition SW is on Unlock operation ∗ Ignition SW is on 4. Visual Confirmation of Lock or Unlock During lock operation, when the integration relay receives a lock signal from the door lock detection SW, the turn signal lamp is flashed once. During unlock operation, when the integration relay receives an unlock signal from the door lock detection SW, the turn signal lamp is flashed twice. 5. Remote Panic Operation Panic will function when doors are locked or unlocked, open or closed. When the panic button (Transmitter) is pushed once, map lamp, room lamp (Center) and ignition key cylinder lamp light up, and theft alarm and horn sounds and turn signal lamp, headlamp and taillamp flash. Then, the panic, the lock or the unlock button (Transmitter) is pushed once more, map lamp, room lamp (Center) and ignition key cylinder lamp are turned off, sounding and flashing will stop. Panic will not function when ignition key is in ignition key cylinder. 6. Repeat Function If the lock detection signal in response to the output signal is not received after the integration relay has output the lock signal, the lock signal is output again. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page B5 38 D12 D8 38 D9 38 J2 37 D10 38 J3 37 D11 38 J6 37 I6 Code 38 A 37 See Page J10 U1 38 A 37 B 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 111 SCION tC (EM0300U) Wireless Door Lock Control : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1G 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1H 24 1M 25 1C 1E Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IB1 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IC2 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IB2 II2 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) BA2 44 Back Door No.1 Wire and Floor Wire (Back Window Upper Frame LH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH BI 44 Quarter Panel LH BK 44 Left Side of the Back Door Panel 112 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 113 SCION tC (EM0300U) Back Door Opener (BAT) (IG) 20A DOOR (BAT) 7. 5A ECU–IG (IG) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 2 1 1M V LG 2 ALTB SIG BACT BDSU GND 19 A 17 1E 7 1M 8 1C W–B L O 2 BA1 10 BA2 LG SPD 11 O 1 12 IC1 W 6 IC1 4 ECUB W–B 1 A 3 6 Speedometer 5 2 1S C6 Combination Meter 4 LG I 6(A) Integration Relay 30 1B V V Power Circuit 27 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector O L M B6 Back Door Opener SW L B5 Back Door Lock Assembly 4 C A 2 C B BR 1 5 IH1 BR J7 Junction Connector W–B W–B 3 B IH BR W–B W–B W–B B BK 25 BR 1 IF 114 SCION tC (EM0300U) ED O W R P L LG G Y B Speed Sensors 9 8 31 30 11 12 33 34 FL+ FL– FR+ FR– RL+ RL– RR+ RR– SP1 S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator O 26 O 15 IE2 O 115 SCION tC (EM0300U) Back Door Opener System Outline If the vehicle is stationary (Slower than 5 km/h), the back door opener motor activates with control of integration relay when back door opener SW is pushed. It results in releasing latch of back door to open back door. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page B5 38 I6 A 37 J7 37 B6 38 J4 A 37 S1 35 C6 36 J5 B 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B 1C 1E 1M 1S See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IC1 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IE2 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) 44 Back Door No.1 Wire and Floor Wire (Back Window Upper Frame LH) BA1 BA2 : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH BK 44 Left Side of the Back Door Panel 116 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 117 SCION tC (EM0300U) Sliding Roof (BAT) 20A S/ROOF O G O 6 1K 5 8 +B IG S13 Sliding Roof Control ECU CLOSE/DOWN E PWS 9 10 7 2 Y 2 OPEN CLOSE Sliding Roof Control SW M2 Map Lamp O M Y W B 1 7 IA1 W–B OPEN/UP 6 P SPD 5 G J1 Junction Connector W–B W–B O G O 118 SCION tC (EM0300U) (BAT) (IG) (BAT) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 7. 5A ECU–IG 20A DOOR 2 3 1K 5 SIG 2 Integration Relay DCTY PCTY GND 13 26 20 1 4 1K 21 1A 14 1C 1 1K ECUB 30 1B 6 7 1M 17 1E 2 1S W–B W–B 3 4 C6 Combination Meter Speedometer 18 W–B L Y O V KOF 1 1M LG 4 ALTB V O (IG) IJ1 1 27 25 1 C A Y 8 1C C B 15 IE2 O BR 8 1D J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector L O BR 1 D10 Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger' s Side) D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) L Power Circuit O S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator 26 5 IH1 FL– 8 31 30 11 12 33 34 P L LG G Y B FR+ FR– RL+ RR+ RR– B B BR O RL– J7 Junction Connector FL+ 9 R W–B W–B W–B W BR SP1 Speed Sensors IF IH ED 119 SCION tC (EM0300U) Sliding Roof System Outline Current is always applied from the S/ROOF fuse to TERMINAL 5 of the sliding roof control ECU. With the ignition SW turned on, the current from the ECU–IG fuse flows to TERMINAL 8 of the sliding roof control ECU. 1. Sliding Roof Open/Close Operation For sliding roof operation, there are sliding roof control switches: ”Slide open/tilt up”; and ”Slide close/tilt down.” When a switch is pressed and held down for a certain period of time, one touch automatic operation takes place in accordance with the function of the switch. 2. Key–Off Operation Roof remains operable – until about 43 seconds elapse after the ignition SW is turned from ON to OFF or until the driver’s or passenger’s door is opened, whichever first occurs. However, if an overload reverse operation was going on at that time, the key–off operation continues until it comes to an end. 3. Overload Reverse Operation The sliding roof control ECU detects jamming of the sliding roof by foreign material, if occurred, from abnormal motor speed signal and reverses the sliding roof operation. ∗ When the battery terminal or fuse is disconnected, the roof position has to be reset to its initial position by the sliding roof control SW in accordance with the following procedure: (1) Reconnect the battery terminal or fuse. (2) Turn ON the ignition switch. (3) Operate the sliding roof control SW to open the roof halfway or more. (4) Then operate the sliding roof control SW to fully close the roof. Do not release the switch for at least 2 seconds after the roof is fully closed. : Parts Location Code See Page Code C6 36 J4 J5 See Page Code See Page A 37 S1 35 B 37 S13 39 D9 38 D10 38 J7 37 J1 37 M2 38 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Roof Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 1E 1K 1M 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IA1 42 Roof Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Top Side Panel LH) IE2 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) 120 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 121 SCION tC (EM0300U) Shift Lock (IG) (ACC) 14 1D 10A STOP 18 1B BR 7 1S GR 7. 5A ACC B 7. 5A ECU–IG (BAT) 2 D A F B B B 1 L H A J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector S8 Stop Lamp SW 12 1B GR 1 6 7 ACC STP L B 18 1S IG S6 Shift Lock Control ECU Shift Lock Solenoid SLS+ SLS– KLS+ E 8 R 12 U 1(A) Unlock Warning SW W–B Key Interlock Solenoid 4 A W–B 3 A A J9 Junction Connector A J6 Junction Connector A IF W–B W–B A IH 122 SCION tC (EM0300U) System Outline When the ignition SW is turned to ACC position the current from the ACC fuse flows to TERMINAL 6 of the shift lock control ECU. When the ignition SW is turned to ON position, the current from the ECU–IG fuse flows to TERMINAL 1 of the shift lock control ECU. 1. Shift Lock Mechanism If the brake pedal is depressed with the ignition SW set at ON (The stop light SW is on), the shift lock control ECU is activated, allowing the driver to change the shift lever to a position other than the P position. 2. Key Interlock Mechanism With the ignition SW at ON or ACC position, when the shift lever is put in P position, the current flowing from TERMINAL 12 of the shift lock control ECU to key interlock solenoid is cut off. This causes the key interlock solenoid to turn off (Lock lever disengages from LOCK position) and the ignition key can be turned from ACC to LOCK position. : Parts Location Code J1 J2 See Page Code See Page A 37 J9 37 B 37 S6 37 37 S8 37 J6 Code U1 See Page A 37 : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page 1B 24 1D 24 1S 25 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 123 SCION tC (EM0300U) ECT and A/T Indicator (BAT) (ST) (IG) 20A EFI (BAT) 15A IG2 7. 5A ST 2 (BAT) 10A ETCS 10A STOP 2 21 1E 18 1B Y P1 Park/Neutral Position SW L T2 Transmission Revolution Sensor (Counter Gear) 4 B 2 S8 Stop Lamp SW Y V V 2 L 3 BR 2 G 2 1 P L N O V V O 5 9 IE1 10 IE1 12 1B 1 2 V B Y G L BR R G 8 A 3 A 12 A 30 A 9 A 4 B 7 A 34 C 26 C 2 5 MREL STA BATT EFI Relay 1 5 IE1 O 2 24 1E 7 IH2 NSW STP IGSW NC+ +BM NC– E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module VG 28 C E2G 30 C THA E2 THW 29 C 32 D GE01 28 D 8 D M+ 5 D M– 4 D VTA1 20 D VC VTA2 19 D 18 D M1 Mass Air Flow Meter 18 1E BR J7 Junction Connector V G 2 2 1 6 5 4 M+ M– VTA VC VTA2 2 1 R M 3 R E2 A A Y +B E2 Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor 7 EA1 LG THA W 1 E2G B 4 VG G 5 P A A L E B W O E B BR GR 2 BR W–B 2 +B2 2 A (Shielded) 1 A R +B 3 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector R 2 R Y 11 1B E2 R 3 T1 Throttle Body Assembly R R W–B R EC 124 SCION tC (EM0300U) ∗ 1 : w/ Engine Immobiliser System D4 Data Link Connector 3 TC G 13 A10 Accelerator Position Sensor 8 1E 2 P 1 D A 2 3 IF1 B B 35 C 27 C 26 A 18 A 20 A 27 A 19 A 21 A 17 B 11 B NT+ VCPA NT– VPA EPA VCP2 VPA2 EPA2 W P IF1 W 2 R IF1 V 6 P IF1 BR 1 W IF1 L 5 LG IF1 L 4 W J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 4 EP2 R 3 VPA2 G VCP2 W 5 G 6 EP1 BR 1 VPA1 B VCP1 L T3 Transmission Revolution Sensor (Turbine) 12 1D 21 B TC R D E04 ME01 W–B 3 C W–B 7 C (∗1) W–B L EOM 29 A W–B 3 S4 E1 3 D W–B G G Y 8 SLT– THO1 24 C 1 DSL THO O 7 SLT+ DSL 9 C R 2 SL2– S4 8 C G GR SLT– 13 C BR V 9 SL2+ SLT+ 12 C O B W 4 SL1– SL2– 15 C BR 10 SL1+ Y 5 SL2+ 14 C LG SL1– 10 C P B SL1+ 11 C V E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module BR A (∗1) A O L 6 IH1 6 R E1 Electronically Controlled Transmission Solenoid R J8 Junction Connector A BR E2 ED EE 125 SCION tC (EM0300U) ECT and A/T Indicator (IG) B 10A GAUGE P1 Park/Neutral Position SW 2 RB 6 IH2 20 IH2 17 IH2 1 IH2 18 IH2 P R B 16 IH2 W W 6 P PL 1 O RL 9 GR NL 7 L DL 3 P B 2L 8 P 11 IH2 LL O BR 15 1S P P R O P A J3 Junction Connector A LG P W W W 6 1E 2 1D A 5 1D 11 1C 2 1C 6 D 8 B 19 B BR V G B 3 7 D 2 P SPD E02 GR E01 L E03 4 C 20 40 39 38 37 B BR GR B B L P B J7 Junction Connector B B BR B G 18 19 ATD 3 R AT4 E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module 13 1C J3 Junction Connector LG LG L O 9 B 2 Y 10 B Transmission Control SW R 9 NSSD S6 Shift Lock Control ECU W 19 1E LG 20 1E 10 1C B 1 1E 5 IH1 P R N D 3 2 C6 Combination Meter 1 BR BR BR BR C A L C B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector BR L 8 1C L ED 126 SCION tC (EM0300U) (IG) (BAT) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 2 2 V LG 1 1M Speed Sensors R P L LG G Y B 2 1S W 30 1B 9 8 31 30 11 12 33 34 FL+ FL– FR+ FR– RL+ RL– RR+ RR– SP1 S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator O 26 V 4 3 O LG 15 IE2 Speedometer 25 Power Circuit 27 L C6 Combination Meter L 127 SCION tC (EM0300U) ECT and A/T Indicator System Outline Previous automatic transaxle have selected each gear shift using the mechanically controlled throttle hydraulic pressure, governor hydraulic pressure and lock–up hydraulic pressure. The electronically controlled transmission, however, electrically controls the line pressure and lock–up pressure etc., through the solenoid valve. Engine control module controls each solenoid valve based on the input signals from each sensor, which makes smooth driving possible by shift selection for each gear that is most appropriate to the driving conditions at that time. 1. Gear Shift Operation When driving, the engine warm up condition is input as a signal to TERMINAL THW of the engine control module from the engine coolant temp. sensor and the vehicle speed signal is input to TERMINAL SPD of the engine control module. At the same time, the throttle valve opening signal from throttle body assembly is input to TERMINALS VTA1 and VTA2 of the engine control module as throttle angle signal. Based on these signals, the engine control module selects the best shift position for the driving conditions and sends current to the electronically controlled transmission solenoid. 2. Lock–Up Operation When the engine control module judges from each signal that lock–up operation conditions have been met, current flows from TERMINAL S4 of the engine control module to TERMINAL 8 of the electronically controlled transmission solenoid to GROUND, causing continuity to the lock–up solenoid and causing lock–up operation. 3. Clutch Pressure Control The electronically controlled transmission solenoid is controlled by the current from TERMINAL SLT+ of the engine control module, and controls the accumulator hydraulic pressure. As a result, the clutch to hydraulic pressure is adjusted precisely, and allows stable shift change. 4. Line Pressure Control The engine control module adjusts the line hydraulic pressure to the optimal level by controlling TERMINAL SLT+ of the module according to the engine torque data. This realizes the smooth gear shifting. 5. Shifting Control in Uphill/Downhill Traveling This system determines whether the vehicle is traveling on an incline or decline from the throttle opening angle, vehicle acceleration condition and brake pedal operation, and controls the shift up to O/D to allow smooth driving. 6. Clutch to Clutch Control When shifting from the 1st gear to the 2nd gear and the 2nd gear to the 3rd gear, the current from the engine control module TERMINALS SL1+ and SL2+ control the electronically controlled transmission solenoid, to control the drain orifice hydraulic pressure (Switch orifice). The electronically controlled transmission solenoid is also controlled by the current from the engine control module TERMINALS SL1+ and SL2+, to adjust the hydraulic pressure precisely, which ensures smooth shifting. 7. Stop Lamp SW Circuit If the brake pedal is depressed (Stop lamp SW on) when driving in lock–up condition, a signal is input to TERMINAL STP of the engine control module, the engine control module operates and continuity to the lock–up solenoid is cut. : Parts Location Code See Page Code A10 36 C6 36 E8 D4 36 J4 E1 34 J5 E2 34 See Page D S1 35 37 S6 37 A 37 S8 37 B 37 T1 35 J7 37 T2 35 T3 35 A 36 J8 37 E5 B 36 M1 35 E7 C 36 P1 35 : Relay Blocks See Page See Page 36 J3 E4 Code Code Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) 2 22 Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 3 23 Engine Room R/B No.2 (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) 128 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 24 1E 1M 1S Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code EA1 IE1 IE2 IF1 IH1 IH2 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 40 Engine Wire and Engine Room Main Wire (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) 43 Instrument Panel Wire and Sensor Wire (Instrument Panel Brace LH) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EC 40 Front Left Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head EE 40 Left Side of the Cylinder Head 129 SCION tC (EM0300U) Cruise Control (BAT) (IG) 20A EFI (BAT) (IG) 15A IG2 (IG) 10A GAUGE 10A STOP 7. 5A ECU–IG 2 2 9 1B 18 1B 15 1S B Y D R GR (A/T) L (M/T) 2 1 L V O V 2 7 4 O 1 C9 Cruise Control Clutch SW 2 P1 Park/Neutral Position SW S8 Stop Lamp SW 3 (A/T) V 11 IH2 (M/T) BR G G BR V 24 1B (A/T) 21 1E 20 IH2 18 IE2 20 IE2 24 1E 2 L L V O G 5 1 A R J3 Junction Connector 2 W A EFI Relay (M/T) 10 IE1 W 9 IE1 (A/T) 12 1B (A/T) 8 A 9 A BATT 4 A 16 A 21 B STP ST1– IGSW 2 D Y 3 S4 1 DSL THO O O 8 SLT– THO1 24 C G DSL 9 C G 7 SLT+ S4 8 C R 2 SL2– G 9 SL2+ SLT– 13 C GR BR V 4 SL1– SLT+ 12 C O W P LG 10 SL1+ SL2– 15 C BR 5 SL2+ 14 C Y E B SL1– 10 C P O E B SL1+ 11 C B GR 18 1E ME01 3 C W–B 11 1B A A E04 7 C B +B2 2 A W–B +B 1 A V E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module BR W–B 2 3 A MREL 3 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 2 W–B W–B E2 E1 Electronically Controlled Transmission Solenoid 6 W–B R EC EE 130 SCION tC (EM0300U) (BAT) 10A ETCS 2 D4 Data Link Connector 3 S7 Spiral Cable 2 CANCEL TC G L Cruise Control SW – SET 13 + RES 12 1D ON–OFF 8 1E ECC G CCS J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector Spiral Cable D A 4 W–B W–B PI E1 4 C 7 D 6 D 8 B 18 B 3 D 6 IH1 19 IH2 BR BR W–B 29 A L Y 31 B B 7 A V BR 17 B BR R B B 5 5 IE1 A A +BM TC CCS EOM E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module M+ M– 4 D VTA1 20 D VTA2 VC 18 D 19 D E03 E01 SPD E02 B P B B B B BR BR 2 1 6 5 4 M+ M– VTA VC VTA2 J8 Junction Connector 1 1E A BR G A J7 Junction Connector BR A J7 Junction Connector LG W V 5 D B (Shielded) GE01 8 D R E2 28 D 5 IH1 M L BR 8 1C B E2 3 L T1 Throttle Body Assembly BR BR R R BR BR R ED ED 131 SCION tC (EM0300U) Cruise Control (IG) (BAT) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 2 1 1M V LG 2 30 1B V 4 3 CRUISE Speedometer LG 2 1S 15 IE2 O C A 25 O 27 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 1 L C6 Combination Meter B 34 BR Power Circuit S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator C B FL+ FL– 9 8 31 30 11 12 33 34 R P L LG G Y B B SP1 W BR 26 FR+ FR– RL+ L BR Speed Sensors 132 SCION tC (EM0300U) RL– RR+ RR– System Outline The cruise control system is a constant vehicle speed controller in which control of the switch on the steering wheel makes it possible to automatically adjust the opening of the engine throttle valve without depressing of the accel pedal. 1. Set Operation When the ON–OFF SW is turned on, the system starts preparations necessary for the cruise control and turns on the indicator light in the combination meter. 2. Set Speed Control When the SET/– SW is operated with the ON–OFF SW turned on during travelling, the constant vehicle speed is controlled. 3. Coast Control When the SET/– SW is kept turned on during cruise control travelling, the engine control module controls the throttle valve to decelerate the vehicle. Every time the SET/– SW is turned on momentarily, the vehicle speed is decelerated by approximately 1.6 km/h. However, in the case of tap–down operation to make more than a 5 km/h difference between the set speed and the actual vehicle speed, the device memories the speed when the switch was turned off and controls it at that speed constantly. 4. Accel Control When the RES/+ SW is kept turned on during cruise control travelling, the engine control module controls the throttle valve to accelerate the vehicle. Every time the RES/+ SW is turned on momentarily, the vehicle speed is accelerated by approximately 1.6 km/h. However, in the case of tap–up operation to make more than a 5 km/h difference between the set speed and the actual vehicle speed, the device does not change the set speed. (Tap–up operation is not available.) 5. Resume Control When the vehicle speed falls below the low speed limit and the cruise control is cancelled, the preset speed is retained in the memory. However, the resume control is available only when the vehicle speed exceeds the low speed limit. 6. Manual Cancel Mechanism If any of the following signals is input during cruise control travelling, the cruise control is cancelled. ∗ The stop lamp SW is turned on. (The brake pedal is depressed) ∗ The CANCEL SW is turned on. ∗ The ON–OFF SW is turned off. ∗ The cruise control clutch SW is turned off. (M/T) (The clutch pedal is depressed) ∗ Gear is shifted from position D or 3 to other positions. (A/T) 7. Auto Cancel Function If any of the following conditions is encountered, the cruise control is automatically cancelled. ∗ Disconnection and/or short in the stop light SW ∗ Malfunction in the vehicle speed signal ∗ Malfunction in the electronic throttle parts ∗ Malfunction in the stop lamp SW input circuit ∗ Malfunction in the cancel circuit ∗ The actual vehicle speed becomes slower than the minimum speed limit ∗ The actual vehicle speed becomes 16 km/h slower than the set speed 8. Overdrive Control Function The overdrive is sometimes cut off on hills during cruise control driving. When the end of a climbing hills is determined by the throttle opening degree information after the overdrive has been canceled, control is reset to the overdrive condition after the overdrive resetting timer operation. Also, when the overdrive is cut off during accelerator control and resuming control, control is reset to the overdrive condition when the accelerator control and resuming control is finished. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page C6 36 E7 C 36 J8 37 C9 36 E8 D 36 P1 35 D4 36 37 S1 35 E1 34 J4 A 37 S7 37 J5 B 37 S8 37 37 T1 35 E4 A 36 E5 B 36 J3 J7 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 133 SCION tC (EM0300U) Cruise Control : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 24 1E 1M 1S Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IE1 IE2 IH1 IH2 See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EC 40 Front Left Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head EE 40 Left Side of the Cylinder Head 134 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 135 SCION tC (EM0300U) ABS (BAT) W 2 S19 Speed Sensor (Rear RH) 2 W 2 2 S18 Speed Sensor (Rear LH) B 40A ABS NO. 2 50A ABS NO. 1 2 B 2 +BM Y IJ1 19 IJ1 5 IE2 4 IE2 1 +BS B 2 IE2 Y 3 IE2 G B 9 Y R 3 IC2 Y 4 IC2 BR W 1 LG 23 B W 1 B (BAT) 11 12 33 34 RL+ RL– RR+ RR– S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator GND2 FL+ FL– 9 8 FR+ 31 FR– PKB 30 18 16 IE2 W–B 1 EA 136 SCION tC (EM0300U) 2 1 P6 Parking Brake SW 2 S3 Speed Sensor (Front RH) S2 Speed Sensor (Front LH) B P R W W–B W–B LG 2 L GND1 24 1 (IG) (BAT) D4 Data Link Connector 3 10A STOP 7. 5A ECU–IG TC 13 3 1S 12 1D 26 1B 23 1B 2 18 1B 24 1B S8 Stop Lamp SW BR G R SIL 7 W TS 12 Y L 1 12 1B 21 1B L 25 TC 10 IG1 STP S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator WA SP1 PN 6 B 13 IE2 15 IE2 18 IE2 B 17 IE2 (A/T) O 26 O 13 (A/T) BRL 32 SB 16 D/G W P 14 TS V W 15 V L 12 IE2 B(A/T) O W V 137 SCION tC (EM0300U) ABS (IG) (IG) (BAT) B (A/T) 10A GAUGE NL 10A ECU–B 10A MET IG2 2 RB PL P1 Park/Neutral Position SW 2 P N W O 2 V LG 6 (A/T) 9 1 1M (A/T) (A/T) BR 15 1S 30 1B 11 IH2 17 IH2 18 IH2 B 39 37 4 3 25 13 W B (A/T) 16 O Speedometer Power Circuit C6 Combination Meter ABS V B (A/T) R 2 1S (A/T) (A/T) B(A/T) O W V V 138 SCION tC (EM0300U) 5 IH1 B ED 1 B2 Brake Fluid Level Warning SW R C B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector B BR 1 W–B BR C A J7 Junction Connector BR 10 BR V BRAKE C6 Combination Meter 12 5 1C 22 1B V 2 B EB 139 SCION tC (EM0300U) ABS System Outline ∗ ABS system This system controls the respective brake fluid pressures acting on the disc brake cylinders of the right front wheel, left front wheel and rear wheels when the brakes are applied in a panic stop so that the wheels do not lock. This results in improved directional stability and steerability during panic braking. 1. Input Signals (1) Speed sensor signal The speed of the wheels is detected and input to TERMINALS 9, 11, 31 and 33 of the skid control ECU with actuator. (2) Stop light SW signal A signal is input to TERMINAL 10 of the skid control ECU with actuator when the brake pedal is depressed. 2. System Operation During sudden braking the skid control ECU with actuator has signals input from each sensor, which controls the current to the solenoid inside the actuator and lets the hydraulic pressure acting on each wheel cylinder escape to the reservoir. The pump inside the actuator is also operating at this time and it returns the brake fluid from the reservoir to the master cylinder, thus preventing locking of the vehicle wheels. If the skid control ECU with actuator judges that the hydraulic pressure acting on the wheel cylinder is insufficient, the current on the solenoid is controlled and the hydraulic pressure is increased. Holding of the hydraulic pressure is also controlled by the skid control ECU with actuator, by the same method as above. Pressure reduction, holding and increase are repeated to maintain vehicle stability and to improve steerability during sudden braking. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page B2 34 J7 37 S3 35 C6 36 P1 35 S8 37 D4 36 P6 37 S18 39 S19 39 J4 A 37 S1 35 J5 B 37 S2 35 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B 1C 1D 1M 1S See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IC2 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IE2 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IH1 IH2 IJ1 : Ground Points Code EA EB ED See Page Ground Points Location 40 Front Right Fender 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head 140 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 141 SCION tC (EM0300U) Tire Pressure Warning System (IG) 7. 5A ECU–IG D4 Data Link Connector 3 7 1S TC SIL 13 W 12 1D 3 1S 8 1E 7 1E W D A E A R F B P A B J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector G B B H A J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector G Y G 7 3 10 7 TC SIL IG 11 9 1 BR W–B GR C B 2 IJ1 15 IJ1 V BR 5 1 4 +5V RDA GND SPD IND 2 5 L G B J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector 1 BR O C B T6 Tire Pressure Warning Reset SW 14 CLSW J 5(B) Junction Connector IJ1 RDA LG GND 12 V RF5V 13 GND2 6 O T11 Tire Pressure Warning ECU G A W–B 5 IH1 O LG BR B ED A J9 Junction Connector B A W–B T12 Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver J7 Junction Connector BR O IH 142 SCION tC (EM0300U) (BAT) (IG) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 11 1M V 2 LG 30 1B V 2 1S 1 BR 25 O 27 L LG 36 Tire Pressure C6 Combination Meter 3 Speedometer 4 Speed Sensors (Rear LH, RH) 8 1C Y B 11 12 33 34 SP1 RL+ RL– RR+ RR– FL– 8 31 30 R P L FR+ FR– W 5 IH1 BR LG FL+ 9 S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator G 26 BR C B LG O C A O 8 1D J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector BR 15 IE2 B Speed Sensors (Front LH, RH) BR B J7 Junction Connector O ED 143 SCION tC (EM0300U) Tire Pressure Warning System System Outline The tire pressure warning valve and transmitter installed in the tire wheel detects the tire air pressure and transmits signals to the vehicle side receiver. When the detected tire air pressure is below a specified level, the warning light in the combination meter comes on to inform the driver. Press the tire pressure warning reset SW for 3 seconds with the ignition SW at ON position after the tire pressure is adjusted to the specified value. It will lead the tire pressure warning ECU to warn the pressure according to the specified value. Warnings when the tire pressure is low ∗ When the tire air pressure is below a specified level, the warning light in the combination meter comes on. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page Code See Page C6 36 J4 A 37 S1 35 D4 36 J5 B 37 T6 37 J1 A 37 J7 37 T11 37 J2 B 37 J9 37 T12 39 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 24 1E 1M 1S Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IE2 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 144 SCION tC (EM0300U) SRS NOTICE: When inspecting or repairing the SRS, perform service in accordance with the following precautionary instructions and the procedure, and precautions in the Repair Manual applicable for the model year. D Malfunction symptoms of the SRS are difficult to confirm, so the DTCs become the most important source of information when troubleshooting. When troubleshooting the SRS, always inspect the DTCs before disconnecting the battery. D Work must be started more than 90 seconds after the ignition SW is turned to the ”LOCK” position and the negative (–) terminal cable is disconnected from the battery. (The SRS is equipped with a back–up power source so that if work is started within 90 seconds from disconnecting the negative (–) terminal cable of the battery, the SRS may deploy.) D When the negative (–) terminal cable is disconnected from the battery, the memory of the clock and audio system will be cleared. So before starting work, make a record of the contents in the audio memory system. When work is finished, reset the audio systems as they were before and adjust the clock. Some vehicles have power tilt steering, power telescopic steering, power seat and power outside rear view mirror which are all equipped with memory function. However, it is not possible to make a record of these memory contents. So when the work is finished, it will be necessary to explain it to your customer, and ask the customer to adjust the features and reset the memory. To avoid erasing the memory in each system, never use a back–up power supply from outside the vehicle. D Before repair, remove the airbag sensor if shocks are likely to be applied to the sensor during repair. D Do not expose the following parts directly to hot air or flame; D Even in cases of a minor collision where the SRS does not deploy, the following parts should be inspected; D Never use SRS parts from another vehicle. When replacing parts, replace with new parts. D For the purpose of reuse, never disassemble and repair the following parts. D If the following parts have been dropped, or have cracks, dents and other defects in their case, bracket, and connector, replace with new one. D Use a volt/ohmmeter with high impedance (10 kΩ/V minimum) for troubleshooting electrical circuits of the system. D Information labels are attached to the periphery of the SRS components. Follow the instructions of the notice. D After work on the SRS is completed, check the SRS warning light. D If the vehicle is equipped with a mobile communication system, refer to the precaution in the IN section of the Repair Manual. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Steering wheel pad Front passenger airbag assembly Side airbag assembly Curtain shield airbag assembly Knee airbag assembly Seat belt pretensioner Center airbag sensor assembly Front airbag sensor assembly Side airbag sensor assembly Rear airbag sensor assembly 145 SCION tC (EM0300U) SRS (IG) (IG) D4 Data Link Connector 3 E5 Engine Control Module 10A MET IG2 15A IG2 TC 1 1M 13 SIL F/PS 7 16 1E 32 1 1D W Y 12 1D 3 1S 3 1E 13 1E 31 1E 15 1E B LG G LG P W G SRS 15 B 16 B 22 B TC SIL 21 B GSW2 IG2 A11(A), A12(B), A13(C) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center D– D2+ D2– 6 B 8 B 7 B Y–G O D+ 5 B Y–R O LA 14 B Y 13 B Y–B 22 P+ P– 4 B 3 B P2+ 1 B P2– 2 B Y–B Y Y–R Y–G 1 IM1 1 IG1 2 IG1 3 IG1 4 IG1 4 3 Y–G 2 Y–R 1 Y 14 1S 2 A 1 A 2 B 1 B Spiral Cable BR C B 32 1E Y–B C A J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector O 29 R PBEW 1 BR C6 Combination Meter 4 5 IH1 BR A16 Airbag Squib (Steering Wheel Pad) B J7 Junction Connector BR B ED 146 SCION tC (EM0300U) A14(A), A15(B) Airbag Squib (Front Passenger' s Airbag Assembly) ∗ 1 : w/ Side Airbag LG LG W 21 A 22 C ESD VUPP A18 Airbag Sensor (Rear LH) 2 1 VUCL ESCL 2 1 VUCR 2 ESCR 1 B (∗1) W (∗1) B (∗1) W (∗1) (∗1) Y–B Y (∗1) (∗1) Y–B Y (∗1) B 1 A19 Airbag Sensor (Rear RH) (∗1) 2 1 IK1 B W (∗1) (∗1) 2 IK1 (∗1) 20 C 4 A ESP 3 A ICD+ ICD– 5 C ICP+ 6 C ICP– 20 A 22 A VUCD ESCD 21 C VUCP 19 C ESCP A11(A), A12(B), A13(C) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center –SR B 1 IE3 2 IE3 B W 4 IE3 W 3 IE3 R R 27 B 2 1 2 1 +SL –SL +SR –SR A4 Airbag Sensor (Front LH) A5 Airbag Sensor (Front RH) PD+ PD– PP+ PP– 5 A 6 A 4 C 3 C Y +SR 29 B Y–B –SL 28 B Y +SL 30 B Y–B B 1 ID1 C12 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (RH) ESR 1 G VUPD 2 G 19 A VUPR (∗1) W (∗1) 2 ID1 B 1 W ESL 2 (∗1) VUPL C11 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (LH) S10 Side Airbag Sensor (RH) (∗1) S9 Side Airbag Sensor (LH) 1 2 1 2 P13 Pretensioner (LH) P14 Pretensioner (RH) 147 SCION tC (EM0300U) SRS ∗ 1 : w/ Side Airbag ∗ 2 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 3 : w/o Cruise Control (IG) 10A GAUGE 1 1P LG LG P R L F6 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) 20 A (∗2) 20 B (∗3) Buckle SW Airbag ON/OFF Indicator A/BON BR 2 IM1 3 IM1 B Y BR R L 4 W 2 R 3 G 1 A/BOFF 36 A (∗2) 36 B (∗3) Y 35 A 35 B A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly IG+ Seat Position Airbag Sensor 10 A 18 A 9 A 17 A 23 B 17 B 24 C 16 C DBE+ DBE– DSP+ PAON DSP– P–AB FSP– A11(A), A12(B), A13(C) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center BR 2 E2 26 B 14 1E 30 1E 7 1M 17 1E W–B 1 E1 25 B W–B S12 Side Airbag Squib (RH) Y–G Y (∗1) 2 DK– 10 B W–B S11 Side Airbag Squib (LH) 1 DK+ 9 B Y–R 2 SFP– 7 C (∗1) Y SFP+ 8 C (∗1) (∗1) Y–B 1 SFD– 2 A Y–B SFD+ 1 A K2 Knee Airbag Squib IF 148 SCION tC (EM0300U) IH FSP+ (BAT) 10A ECU–B 2 G 2 LG 30 1B R L D O6 Occupant Classification Sensor Front LH O8 Occupant Classification Sensor Front RH BR D J3 Junction Connector LG R 12 1H 1 2 3 1 2 3 G R SB G W L O IJ1 LG 3 R IJ1 L 4 8 A 4 A 7 A 1 A 11 B 7 B 1 B 12 B 8 B 2 B FSR+ FSR– IG +B SVC1 SIG1 SGD1 SVC2 SIG2 SGD2 O 4(A), O 5(B) Occupant Classification ECU BR SGD4 4 B R SIG4 10 B V SVC4 6 B W 1 SGD3 3 B Y 2 SIG3 9 B GR 5 SVC3 5 B 1 2 3 1 2 3 IJ1 W–B E A A 7 1E F8 Front Seat Inner Belt (Front Passenger' s Side) A O7 Occupant Classification Sensor Rear LH O9 Occupant Classification Sensor Rear RH W 3 1S W–B 7 SIL D4 Data Link Connector 3 J9 Junction Connector W E A J 4(A) Junction Connector R IJ1 BGND 5 A GR W–B 6 BSW 9 A B DIA 2 A W GND 3 A IH 149 SCION tC (EM0300U) SRS System Outline ∗ The system reaches an ignition judgment to deploy the following device based on the signals received from the front airbag sensor and deceleration sensor. – Driver Airbag – Front Passenger Airbag – Knee Airbag – Seat Belt Pretensioner ∗ The system reaches an ignition judgment to deploy the following device based on the signals received from the side airbag sensors. – Side Airbags – Curtain Shield Airbags ∗ The dual–stage SRS airbag system has been used for the driver and front passenger airbags. This system controls the optimal airbag inflation by judging the extent of impact, seat position (driver seat) and whether or not the seat belt is fastened (driver seat) and information from the Front Passenger Occupant Classification System. ∗ The front passenger occupant classification system judges whether the front passenger seat is occupied by an adult or child (with child seat) or is unoccupied, according to the load applied to the front passenger seat and whether the seat belt is buckled. Based on the results, it restricts the deployment of the front passenger airbag, front passenger side airbag, and front passenger seat belt pretensioner. In addition, the system informs the driver of the result of the judgment through the use of the AIRBAG ON/OFF indicator lights. ∗ The airbag sensor assembly transmits a signal to the Engine Control Module in order to stop the fuel pump. : Parts Location Code See Page A4 A5 Code See Page 34 C11 38 Code O5 See Page B 39 34 C12 38 O6 39 A 36 D4 36 O7 39 B 36 E5 36 O8 39 A11 A 36 F6 38 O9 39 A12 B 36 F8 38 P13 39 A13 C 36 J3 37 P14 39 A14 A 36 J4 A 37 S9 39 A15 B 36 J5 B 37 S10 39 A7 A16 36 J7 37 S11 39 A18 38 J9 37 S12 39 A19 38 K2 37 C6 36 O4 A 39 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1D 1E 24 1H Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1M 1P 25 1S 150 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) ID1 42 Front Door LH Wire and Floor Wire (Left Kick Panel) IE3 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) IG1 43 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel Wire Assembly (Behind of the Glove Box) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IK1 43 Front Door RH Wire and Floor No.2 Wire (Right Kick Panel) IM1 43 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 151 SCION tC (EM0300U) Horn (BAT) 10A HORN 2 GR 2 GR 2 1 2 5 HORN Relay 2 3 2 P 2 28 1B D B G G W B A J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector W 25 1E 6 1 1 S7 Spiral Cable Horn SW H7 Horn (High) 152 SCION tC (EM0300U) H6 Horn (Low) : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page H6 34 J1 A 37 H7 34 J2 B 37 Code S7 See Page 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1E 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 153 SCION tC (EM0300U) Cigarette Lighter (ACC) 15A CIG B 3 1Q 2 C4 Cigarette Lighter W–B 1 A J9 Junction Connector W–B A IH 154 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Parts Location Code See Page C4 Code 36 J9 See Page Code See Page 37 : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1Q See Page 25 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Ground Points Code IH See Page 42 Ground Points Location Cowl Brace RH 155 SCION tC (EM0300U) Power Outlet (BAT) 15A ACC SOCKET (ACC) 6 1M 14 1D R GR 7. 5A ACC D J1 Junction Connector R GR D 5 1 P8 Power Point Socket Relay 2 O W–B 3 1 +ACC E P7 Power Point Socket W–B W–B 2 A J6 Junction Connector A W–B A IF 156 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page J1 37 P7 37 J6 37 P8 37 Code See Page : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page 1D 24 1M 25 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Ground Points Code IF See Page 42 Ground Points Location Cowl Brace LH 157 SCION tC (EM0300U) Key Reminder (IG) (BAT) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 2 2 V 1 1M LG 30 1B V 2 1S C6 Combination Meter 3 Buzzer 4 Power Circuit 1 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector A C A Y J1 Junction Connector BR 7 BR 8 A BR BR C B 6 1C 4 1C 21 1A 26 1E B BR 2 A (A/T) 2 B (M/T) 1 A (A/T) 1 B (M/T) A J7 Junction Connector B W–B A B IF 158 SCION tC (EM0300U) BR J6 Junction Connector BR 1 U 1(A), (B) Unlock Warning SW D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) O 5 IH1 ED System Outline Current is always applied from the ECU–B fuse to TERMINAL 3 of the combination meter. When the ignition SW is turned to ON position, the current from the MET IG2 fuse flows to TERMINAL 4 of the combination meter. Key Reminder System When the driver door is opened with the ignition SW off and ignition key remaining in the key cylinder (Unlock warning SW on), a signal is input from the unlock warning SW to TERMINAL 7 of the combination meter, and from the door courtesy SW (Driver’s side) to TERMINAL 8 of the combination meter. As a result, the buzzer in the combination meter goes on and warns the driver that the key is remaining in the key cylinder. : Parts Location Code See Page Code C6 36 J4 D9 38 J5 J1 37 J6 See Page A 37 B 37 37 Code See Page J7 U1 37 A 37 B 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1E 1M 1S 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IH1 See Page 43 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH 159 SCION tC (EM0300U) Light Reminder (IG) W (BAT) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 1 1G 2 2 1 1M V T–LP Relay LG 30 1B 2 1S V 7. 5A PANEL 3 19 4 6 1P Buzzer R TAIL 8 Y BR J1 Junction Connector 2 14 T 120A ALT BR BR Tail 4 1C 6 1C 26 1E 21 1A Head 16 W–B W–B IH A IF 160 SCION tC (EM0300U) B B A W–B BR O 1 A (A/T) 1 B (M/T) J6 Junction Connector BR 7 1M BR 17 1E 1 J7 Junction Connector 12 1E 2 A (A/T) 2 B (M/T) D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) U 1(A), (B) Unlock Warning SW B W–B 5 IH1 FL MAIN 3. 0W Battery C A C B OFF C7 Combination SW B EL A Light Control SW 2 H A 1 BR 7 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 6 R C6 Combination Meter W 2 1 Power Circuit 13 A BR I 6(A) Integration Relay TRLY ED System Outline The current is applied at all times to TERMINAL 3 of the combination meter through the ECU–B fuse. When the ignition SW is turned to ON position, the current flows to TERMINAL 4 of the combination meter through the MET IG2 fuse. When the light control SW is turned to TAIL or HEAD position, current is applied to TERMINAL 6 of the combination meter through the PANEL fuse. Light Reminder System When the light control SW is in TAIL or HEAD position, the ignition SW turned to OFF from ON position, ignition key is not in the key cylinder and the driver’s door opened (Door courtesy SW on), the current flows to TERMINAL 4 of the combination meter stops. As a result, the combination meter is activated and current flows from TERMINAL 3 of the combination meter, the buzzer in the combination meter goes on to remind the light is lighting up. : Parts Location Code See Page Code See Page C6 36 C7 36 J4 A 37 D9 38 J5 B 37 I6 A J1 37 J6 Code 37 See Page J7 U1 37 A 37 B 37 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1E 1G 1M 1P 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code IH1 See Page 43 Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 161 SCION tC (EM0300U) A BI BR FSP– 6 1 16 C FSP+ 4 8 FSR– FSR+ BSW 3 9 5 2 1 A A IH 162 SCION tC (EM0300U) BGND C B B B ED J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector C A J7 Junction Connector 2 IC2 24 C BR C O4 Occupant Classification ECU PBEW F8 Front Seat Inner Belt (Front Passenger' s Side) BR 13 B A12(B), A13(C) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center C 22 BR 2 GND GR Power Circuit L 5 L 3 B Passenger' s Seat Belt Warning Lamp Driver' s Seat Belt V V 1 1M R SEAT 38 A (∗1) 38 B (∗2) Buzzer 10A MET IG2 W–B 24 L 4 W–B L 20 A (∗1) 20 B (∗2) Buckle SW L J1 Junction Connector 10A GAUGE J9 Junction Connector W–B F7 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) (IG) W–B J10 Junction Connector 1 1P LG P (IG) P P A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly Seat Belt Warning ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control (BAT) 10A ECU–B 2 2 30 1B 2 1S C6 Combination Meter IG 1 5 IH1 IJ1 System Outline Current is always applied from the ECU–B fuse to TERMINAL 3 of the combination meter. When the ignition SW is turned to ON position, the current from the MET IG2 fuse flows to TERMINAL 4 of the combination meter. Seat Belt Warning System When the ignition SW turned on, a signal is input to the combination meter. To determine whether the driver has fastened the seat belt, a signal is input from the front seat inner belt (Driver’s side) to TERMINAL 5 of the combination meter. When the seat belt is not fastened, the seat belt warning light in the combination meter blinks, and emits a warning sound. In addition, the front passenger is recognized by a sensor (Occupant detection sensor) is installed in the front passenger seat, and determines whether the seat belt is fastened. When not fastened, the signals from the front seat inner belt (Front passenger’s side) is input to TERMINAL 22 of the combination meter, and the passenger’s seat belt warning lamp blinks. : Parts Location Code A7 See Page Code See Page A 36 F7 38 Code See Page J7 37 B 36 F8 38 J9 37 A12 B 36 J1 37 J10 38 A13 C 36 J4 A 37 O4 39 36 J5 B 37 C6 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1M 1P 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IC2 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IH 42 Cowl Brace RH BI 44 Quarter Panel LH 163 SCION tC (EM0300U) Rear Window Defogger ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control (IG) (BAT) 10A GAUGE 30A DEF 2 DEF Relay 2 1F P B 12 1Q 7 IC1 B 5 A (∗1) 5 B (∗2) Rear Window Defogger SW 1 BA1 B GND 12 A (∗1) 12 B (∗2) B W–B W–B A B A R6 Rear Window Defogger J9 Junction Connector 1 N3 Noise Filter (DEF and Stop) B W–B A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly RrDEF IH 164 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 : Parts Location Code A7 See Page Code See Page A 36 J9 37 B 36 N3 38 Code R6 See Page 39 : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page 1F 24 1Q 25 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IC1 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) BA1 44 Back Door No.1 Wire and Floor Wire (Back Window Upper Frame LH) : Ground Points Code IH See Page 42 Ground Points Location Cowl Brace RH 165 SCION tC (EM0300U) Audio System (ACC) (BAT) 20A RAD NO. 1 7. 5A ACC Volume– 2 Volume+ 2 Steering Pad SW 6 1S L Seek– Seek+ 4 2 1 3 1 2 S14 Speaker (Front Door LH) G SW2 RR+ RR– 1 B 3 B W 10 IC1 BR (∗1) O RL– 6 B 9 IC1 8 C SWG IJ1 11 L 1 1 2 S15 Speaker (Front Door RH) IG 166 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 S16 Speaker (Rear LH) 2 IJ1 W 2 RL+ 2 B Y II2 L 12 LG II2 T10 Tweeter (RH) P 1 BR 7 LG V 3 FR– 5 A V P P 7 IB1 T9 Tweeter (LH) BR 2 IB1 4 FR+ 1 A Y FL– 6 A BR FL+ 2 A 6 C SW1 V GND 7 A 7 C ANT L +B LG ACC R 2(A), R 3(B), R 9(C) Radio Receiver Assembly AU2 11 R 8 A EAU 10 P 4 A AU1 12 (∗1) O 3 A L 1 R A17 Antenna Amplifier (∗1) S7 Spiral Cable GR 8 IE1 MODE 1 2 S17 Speaker (Rear RH) ∗ 1 : w/ Audio Steering Pad SW (IG) (BAT) 10A MET IG2 10A ECU–B 2 1 1M V 2 S20 Stereo Jack Adaptor 30 1B ARO 1 2 ASGN AUXO 3 LG ALO 4 4 17 C 15 C 16 C 19 C ALI ARI ASGN V 4 IL1 3 Speedometer IL1 W 3 BR IL1 R 2 W R L IL1 L AUXI Power Circuit R 2(A), R 3(B), R 9(C) Radio Receiver Assembly SPD J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector Y 3 C C6 Combination Meter G B 1 BR Speed Sensors (Rear LH, RH) C A C B O LG G Y B BR 15 IE2 26 11 12 33 34 8 1C SP1 RL– RR+ RR– FL+ FL– 9 8 31 30 B R P L S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator W J7 Junction Connector 5 IH1 RL+ BR 8 1D J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector O G A 25 O 27 L FR+ FR– B Speed Sensors (Front LH, RH) BR 1 BR 2 1S ED 167 SCION tC (EM0300U) Audio System : Parts Location Code See Page A17 C6 Code 36 R2 See Page Code See Page A 37 S16 39 36 R3 B 37 S17 39 J1 A 37 R9 C 37 S20 37 J2 B 37 S1 35 T9 39 J4 A 37 S7 37 T10 39 J5 B 37 S14 39 37 S15 39 J7 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B 1C 1D 1M 1S See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IB1 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IC1 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) IH1 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IE1 IE2 II2 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IL1 43 Console Box Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Under the Console Box) : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IG 42 Instrument Panel Brace LH 168 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 169 SCION tC (EM0300U) Combination Meter (BAT) (IG) 10A MET IG2 120A ALT ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control (BAT) 10A ECU–B 2 2 2 1 1M W 2 V 1 1G 30 1B 7. 5A PANEL T–LP Relay 2 1S C6 Combination Meter Tachometer Fuel 27 25 26 23 O B V 3 Speedometer LG 4 L R 6 Illumination ODO/TRIP Illumination 6 1P Power Circuit Rheostat 2 SB O W O G 11 1 1C G A 8 1D 8 1C 11 2 SPD SPD SPD 18 A (∗1) 18 B (∗2) SPD T11 Tire Pressure Warning ECU A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly V L 3 O Y 6 R9 Radio Receiver Assembly P S13 Sliding Roof Control ECU SPD 8 SPD Integration Relay E5 Engine Control Module 170 SCION tC (EM0300U) R 1 1E 2 3 Fuel Sender G B V G B 13 1A F9 Fuel Suction Pump and Gage Assembly G B Engine Control Module 9 IC2 Skid Control ECU with Actuator 7 IA1 J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector Illuminations G A SCION tC (EM0300U) Integration Relay Front Seat Inner Belt (Front Passenger' s Side) 5 22 14 L L L 29 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center 24 R P 36 A/C Control Assembly Tire Pressure Warning ECU Door Illumination Driver' s Seat Belt SRS Fuel Tire Pressure Buzzer LG 7 Y ODO/TRIP Unlock Warning SW 8 BR R 21 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) Engine Control Module Temp. C6 Combination Meter 171 1 2 1 EB 172 SCION tC (EM0300U) G CRUISE GR H–LP Relay B 1 3 2 5 2 15 B Charge Malfunction Indicator Lamp Oil Pressure ABS BRAKE 2 Engine Control Module Generator 17 Y 9 W 13 Engine Control Module 22 1B B 5 1C W B 12 Skid Control ECU with Actuator R 10 E3 Engine Oil Pressure SW W–B B2 Brake Fluid Level Warning SW Skid Control ECU with Actuator V B B Combination Meter (BAT) G 40A MAIN B 2 2 2 2 G C6 Combination Meter 34 13 IH2 C6 Combination Meter 5 IH1 B SCION tC (EM0300U) Beam 37 16 R 38 P 39 R N 40 Combination SW 1 20 D L GR (A/T) B (A/T) P (A/T) R (A/T) LG (A/T) Y (A/T) GR (A/T) G 19 3 2 L Turn RH 18 (A/T) B BR 33 Skid Control ECU with Actuator BR Y 32 BR J7 Junction Connector BR J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector Turn LH P Park/Neutral Position SW Transmission Control SW Park/Neutral Position SW FLASH Relay G G 2 1 10A H–LP RH HI 2 2 11 IE1 30 31 C A C B B ED 173 Combination Meter : Parts Location Code A7 See Page A 36 B 36 Code See Page E5 36 F9 Code J5 See Page B 37 38 J7 37 B2 34 J1 A 37 R9 37 C6 36 J2 B 37 S13 39 E3 34 J4 A 37 T11 37 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 1A 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1B 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 1E 1G 1M 1P 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IA1 42 Roof Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Top Side Panel LH) IC2 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IE1 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IH1 IH2 : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EB 40 Front Right Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head 174 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 175 SCION tC (EM0300U) Radiator Fan and Condenser Fan ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control (BAT) (IG) 30A RDI (BAT) 30A CDS 7. 5A ECU–IG 2 2 24 1B E2 Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor 2 Y 2 Y R L Y Y Y LG Y 1 2 1 FAN NO. 1 Relay 3 4 FAN NO. 2 Relay 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 L W–B W W W L 32 D 28 D FAN NO. 3 Relay 5 2 5 R 1 2 2 2 2 G 5 2 E 4(A), E 8(D) Engine Control Module 2 THW E2 FANH 14 A 2 MGC 6 A (∗1) 6 B (∗2) M GR A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly O A2 A/C Condenser Fan Motor B 8 EA1 W–B W L GR L 9 IH2 GR BR 1 3 IH2 W–B 2 W–B W–B W–B EC 176 SCION tC (EM0300U) G 6 EA1 1 3 R 1 W M D5 Diode (Fan) P5 Pressure SW 2 R 3 2 W–B R1 Radiator Fan Motor W L System Outline Fan Motor Operation With the ignition SW turned on, the current through the ECU–IG fuse flows to the FAN NO.1 relay (Coil side), FAN NO.2 relay (Coil side) and FAN NO.3 relay (Coil side). 1. Low Speed Operation Only when the A/C system is activated, the A/C condenser fan motor and the radiator fan motor rotates at low speed. When the A/C system is activated, the current from ECU–IG fuse flows to the FAN NO.3 relay (Coil side) to TERMINAL 2 of the diode (Fan) to TERMINAL 3 to TERMINAL (B) 2 of the engine control module causing the FAN NO.3 relay to turn on. As a result, the current through the CDS fuse flows to TERMINAL 5 of the FAN NO.3 relay to TERMINAL 3 to TERMINAL 2 of the A/C condenser fan motor to TERMINAL 1 to TERMINAL 3 of the FAN NO.2 relay to TERMINAL 4 to TERMINAL 2 of the radiator fan motor to TERMINAL 1 to GROUND. As this flowing in series for the motors, the motors rotate at low speed. 2. High Speed Operation With the pressure SW is turned on and/or the engine control module activated, the A/C condenser fan motor and the radiator fan motor rotate at high speed. When the pressure SW is turned on, the current through the ECU–IG fuse flows to the FAN NO.1 and NO.2 relay (Coil side) to TERMINAL 3 of the pressure SW to TERMINAL 2 to GROUND, and the current through the ECU–IG fuse flows to the FAN NO.3 relay (Coil side) to TERMINAL 2 of the diode (Fan) to TERMINAL 1 to TERMINAL 3 of the pressure SW to TERMINAL 2 to GROUND. As a result, FAN NO.1, NO.2. and NO.3 relay is turned on. At the same time, the current from the RDI fuse flows to FAN NO.1 relay (Point side) to TERMINAL 2 of the radiator fan motor to TERMINAL 1 to GROUND, and the current from the CDS fuse flows to FAN NO.3 relay (Point side) to TERMINAL 2 of the A/C condenser fan motor to TERMINAL 1 to TERMINAL 3 of the FAN NO.2 relay to TERMINAL 5 to GROUND. As the current flowing in parallel for motors as above, the motors rotate at high speed. When the engine control module activated, the current through the ECU–IG fuse flows to the FAN NO.1 and NO.2 relay (Coil side) to TERMINAL (E) 14 of the engine control module, and the current through the ECU–IG fuse flows to the FAN NO.3 relay (Coil side) to TERMINAL 2 of the diode (Fan) to TERMINAL 1 to TERMINAL (E) 14 of the engine control module. As a result, FAN NO.1, NO.2 and NO.3 relay is turned on. At the same time, the current from the RDI fuse flows to FAN NO.1 relay (Point side) to TERMINAL 2 of the radiator fan motor to TERMINAL 1 to GROUND, and the current from the CDS fuse flows to FAN NO.3 relay (Point side) to TERMINAL 2 of the A/C condenser fan motor to TERMINAL 1 to TERMINAL 3 of the FAN NO.2 relay to TERMINAL 5 to GROUND. As the current flowing in parallel for motors as above, the motors rotate at high speed. : Parts Location Code See Page A2 A7 Code 34 A 36 B 36 See Page D5 36 E2 E4 A Code E8 See Page D 36 34 P5 35 36 R1 35 : Relay Blocks Code 2 See Page 22 Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page 24 Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) EA1 40 Engine Wire and Engine Room Main Wire (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) IH2 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) : Ground Points Code EC See Page 40 Ground Points Location Front Left Fender 177 SCION tC (EM0300U) Air Conditioning (BAT) (IG) 40A HTR 10A GAUGE 2 2 1P O 2 M 1 1L FRS 2 4 HTR Relay 3 REC 1 LG 7 1F R 17 1E L 7 1M 2 P 1 1 20 A 20 B 3 A 3 B 4 A 4 B 24 A 24 B B 5 D1 Damper Servo Motor (Air Inlet) 3 A8 A/C Thermistor No. 1 1 1P P L 2 5 1Q IG REC FRS 32 A (∗1) 32 B (∗2) TE SG–TE GND PRS 37 A (∗1) 37 B (∗2) BLC 12 A 12 B G W–B 9 A 9 B L FrHR 11 A 11 B BR BR L W–B W–B A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly B4 Blower Motor Control 2 14 IE2 L VM GND 4 1 A A B +B 3 J9 Junction Connector V SI 1 4 L 1 W–B B3 Blower Motor W–B M P5 Pressure SW 2 W–B L W–B IF IH 178 SCION tC (EM0300U) EC ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control (BAT) 10A ECU–B 2 V 2 2 A6 Ambient Temp. Sensor V 30 1B V 2 1S 1 SB G BR E5 Engine Control Module 3 1D 19 IE2 O AC1 B LG P V BR 24 P 25 23 A 23 B 31 A 31 B 16 A 16 B 10 A 10 B 40 A 40 B 6 A 6 B TAM SG–TAM ACT AC1 +B O 9 IE2 ACT 18 A (∗1) 18 B (∗2) MGC SPD SG–TP TP 13 A (∗1) 13 B (∗2) A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly 4 FACE 2 DEF M D3 Damper Servo Motor (Air Vent Mode) 1 VZ 5 Pl S5–TP 4 MAXHOT 30 A 30 B Y 14 A 14 B 1 MAXCOOL B AMC 21 A 21 B GR 3 GND AMH 22 A 22 B V TPM 33 A 33 B G SG–TPM 29 A 29 B L LG W 5 S5–TPM 34 A 34 B V AOD 2 A 2 B G AOF 1 A 1 B 2 VZ 3 GND Tl M D2 Damper Servo Motor (Air Mix) 179 SCION tC (EM0300U) Air Conditioning (IG) (IG) 10A A/C 7. 5A ECU–IG 7 1S V H A 4 EA1 F B O R BR B BR J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector B O 29 1B 2 IH2 3 5 3 1 MG/C Relay 2 3 3 G 1 3 IH2 BR A1 A/C Compressor W 3 V O 180 SCION tC (EM0300U) (IG) 10A MET IG2 LG 1 1M R P L LG G Y B 4 W LG 3 Speedometer V Speed Sensors 9 8 31 30 11 12 33 34 FL+ FL– FR– RL+ RL– RR+ RR– SP1 26 S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator Power Circuit O C6 Combination Meter FR+ 15 IE2 27 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector O L C A 8 1C 25 BR 1 O C B O BR 8 1D J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector 5 IH1 BR G A O B B BR V J7 Junction Connector O G B ED 181 SCION tC (EM0300U) Air Conditioning System Outline 1. Heater Blower Operation When the blower speed is set to a certain level using the blower control SW, the A/C control assembly sends the signals to the blower control to control the blower motor speed. 2. Damper Servo Motor (Air Inlet) Control When the FRESH/RECIRC select SW is set to RECIRC, the motor in the damper servo motor (Air inlet) starts rotating to move the damper toward the RECIRC side. Since the damper position is detected by the TERMINAL REC of the A/C control assembly, the motor is continuously rotated until the damper reaches its stop position.When the FRESH/RECIRC select SW is set to FRESH, the motor in the air inlet control servo motor starts rotating to move the damper toward the FRESH side. Since the damper position is detected by the TERMINAL FRS of the A/C control assembly, the motor is continuously rotated until the damper reaches its stop position. 3. Damper Servo Motor (Air Vent Mode) Control When the mode select SW is pushed, the ECU in the A/C control assembly activates the damper servo motor (Air vent mode). This causes the servo motor to rotate to the position (FACE, BI–LEVEL, FOOT, FOOT/DEF, DEF) selected using the mode select SW, and moves the damper. 4. Damper Servo Motor (Air Mix) Control When the temperature control SW is pressed, the ECU in the A/C control assembly sends a signal to the damper servo motor (Air mix). This signal drives the motor to reach the temperature set by the temperature control SW, and moves the damper. 5. Air Conditioning Operation The A/C control assembly receives various signals, I.E., the engine RPM from the engine control module, out side air temperature signal from the ambient temp. sensor and coolant temperature from the engine control module, etc. When the engine is started and the A/C SW (A/C control assembly) is on, a signal is input to the engine control module. As a result, the ground circuit in engine control module is closed and current flows from ECU–IG fuse to TERMINAL 1 of the MG/C relay to TERMINAL 2 to TERMINAL ACMG of the engine control module, turning the MG/C relay on, so that the magnetic clutch is on and the A/C compressor operates. At the same time, the A/C control assembly detects the magnetic clutch is on and the A/C compressor operates. If the A/C control assembly detects the following conditions, it stops the air conditioning: ∗ Evaporator outlet air is too low. ∗ There is a marked difference between the compressor speed and the engine speed. ∗ The refrigerant pressure is abnormally high or abnormally low. ∗ The engine speed is too low. ∗ Rapid acceleration occurs. 6. DEF Synchronized Control Function When the blower SW is on and the air vent mode control SW turned to DEF or FOOT DEF position, if causes A/C to run whether A/C SW is on or not. : Parts Location Code See Page A1 A6 A7 Code See Page Code 34 C6 36 J4 J5 See Page A 37 B 37 34 D1 36 A 36 D2 36 J7 37 B 36 D3 36 J9 37 A8 36 36 P5 35 B3 36 J1 E5 A 37 S1 35 B4 36 J2 B 37 : Relay Blocks Code See Page Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) 2 22 Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 3 23 Engine Room R/B No.2 (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) 182 SCION tC (EM0300U) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1B See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 1C 1D 1E 1F 1L 1M 1P 1Q 1S : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) EA1 40 Engine Wire and Engine Room Main Wire (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) IE2 42 Engine Room Main Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Behind of the Combination Meter) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IH1 IH2 : Ground Points Code See Page Ground Points Location EC 40 Front Left Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 183 SCION tC (EM0300U) I GROUND POINT 10 IC2 BR (SG) Combination Meter C B W–B BR C A C B BR BR C A 5 IH1 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector BR Ignition Coil (No. 2) BR Ignition Coil (No. 3) BR Ignition Coil (No. 4) BR BR B B B P Tire Pressure Warning ECU (E01) (E02) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ BR Engine Control Module 6 IH1 BR (∗1) A 1 2 3 4 : w/ Engine Immobiliser System : w/ Cruise Control : w/ Sliding Roof : w/ Jam Protection W–B (∗1) L A A (EOM) (E1) BR Engine Control Module (E03) BR Engine Control Module B W–B (E04) Canister Pump Module J7 Junction Connector B BR Ignition Coil (No. 1) W–B W–B J8 Junction Connector Data Link Connector 3 C A 5 BB1 W–B BR W–B (ME01) (∗2) EE 19 IH2 W–B (∗2) Spiral Cable ED W–B Headlamp (LH Low) W–B W–B Windshield Wiper Motor W–B W–B Turn Signal Lamp (Front RH) W–B (–S) W–B W–B Parking Lamp (LH) W–B Turn Signal Lamp (Front LH) Parking Lamp (RH) Pressure SW FAN NO. 2 Relay 2 EFI Relay 2 W–B W–B Headlamp (RH Low) Brake Fluid Level Warning SW W–B W–B W–B W–B W–B 2 W–B W–B IG2 Relay W–B W–B Radiator Fan Motor W–B W–B (CUT–) W–B EC W–B EB 184 SCION tC (EM0300U) EA (GND1) (GND2) Skid Control ECU with Actuator I Noise Filter Integration Relay IG1 Relay HTR Relay FLASH Relay 28 1E W–B W–B 12 1E W–B W–B 14 1E W–B (E) Combination SW (EL) (E1) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center (E2) Fuel Suction Pump and Gage Assembly (∗3) (E) Map Lamp 1 1K W–B W–B W–B (∗3) BR 30 1E W–B 15 1A 1 1S W–B 7 1M 1 1J W–B W–B (E) Sliding Roof Control ECU Room Lamp (Center) (CG) Data Link Connector 3 (EW) Combination SW 17 1E W–B Junction Connector 10 IH2 BR–W A W–B ST Relay 3 A BR–W A A W–B BR–Y A A BR–Y W–B A A BR–W Power Point Socket Relay W–B A A W–B A/T Shift Lever Illumination Noise Filter (DOME) W–B A A W–B Shift Lock Control ECU W–B A A W–B A A W–B Transponder Key ECU Outer Mirror SW Power Point Socket (KLS–) Power Window Master SW W–B Door Lock Assembly (Driver' s Side) W–B W–B W–B BR (UN–) A Engine Control Module A/C Control Assembly 6 IJ1 W–B Tire Pressure Warning SW W–B (∗4) W–B W–B W–B W–B J9 Junction Connector J6 Junction Connector W–B 2 20 IB2 A W–B A Door Lock Control SW Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) W–B Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger' s Side) W–B W–B W–B W–B BR IG Power Window SW (Front Passenger' s Side) W–B II2 W–B Occupant Classification ECU A A Radio Receiver Assembly Front Console Illumination (A/T) Unlock Warning SW Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) Cigarette Lighter IF Blower Motor Control IH 185 SCION tC (EM0300U) I GROUND POINT Rear Combination Lamp (LH) W–B W–B W–B W–B D B F A W–B F A W–B W–B J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector Door Control Receiver W–B W–B A A A W–B W–B J10 Junction Connector W–B A W–B BK W–B BI W–B (E) License Plate Lamp (RH) Back Door Opener SW W–B Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) Back Door Lock Assembly W–B Rear Combination Lamp (RH) (ACT–) W–B 6 BA1 BJ 186 SCION tC (EM0300U) Center Stop Lamp License Plate Lamp (LH) I : Parts Location Code J4 J5 See Page Code See Page Code See Page A 37 J7 37 B 37 J8 37 J11 A 38 37 J9 37 J12 B 38 J6 J10 38 : Relay Blocks Code See Page Relay Blocks (Relay Block Location) 2 22 Engine Room R/B (Engine Compartment Left) 3 23 Engine Room R/B No.2 (Inside of the Engine Room R/B Box) : Junction Block and Wire Harness Connector Code 1A 1E 1J 1K 1M 1S See Page Junction Block and Wire Harness (Connector Location) 24 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 24 Roof Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) 25 Instrument Panel Wire and Instrument Panel J/B (Lower Finish Panel) : Connector Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness Code See Page Joining Wire Harness and Wire Harness (Connector Location) IB2 42 Front Door LH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) IC2 42 Floor Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Left Kick Panel) 43 Engine Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Cowl Side Panel RH) IH1 IH2 II2 43 Front Door RH Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) IJ1 43 Floor No.2 Wire and Instrument Panel Wire (Right Kick Panel) BA1 44 Back Door No.1 Wire and Floor Wire (Back Window Upper Frame LH) BB1 44 Floor Wire and Floor No.3 Wire (Center Floor Pan Center) : Ground Points Code EA See Page Ground Points Location 40 Front Right Fender EC 40 Front Left Fender ED 40 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head EE 40 Left Side of the Cylinder Head IF 42 Cowl Brace LH IG 42 Instrument Panel Brace LH IH 42 Cowl Brace RH 44 Quarter Panel LH 44 Left Side of the Back Door Panel EB BI BJ BK 187 SCION tC (EM0300U) J POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) The chart below shows the route by which current flows from the battery to each electrical source (Fusible Link, Circuit Breaker, Fuse, etc.) and other Parts. 7.5A ALT-S 30A RDI 10A-ETCS 30A CDS 15A IGN 50A ABS NO.1 10A HORN 2 10A OBD2 20A EFI FL MAIN 3.0W 120A ALT 40A ABS NO.2 40A HTR 10A TURN-HAZ Battery 2 2 PWR Relay (Point Side) 1 T-LP Relay (Point Side) 1 25A AM1 1 30A DEF 1 IG1 Relay (Point Side) 1 10A ECU-B 30A DCC 2 7.5A DOME 2 20A RAD NO.1 40A MAIN 2 H-LP Relay (Point Side) 2 30A AM2 2 Ignition SW (AM2) I5 [LOCATION] 1 : Instrument Panel J/B (See Page 24) 2 : Engine Room R/B and Engine Room J/B (See Page 22) 3 : Engine Room R/B No.2 (See Page 23) 188 SCION tC (EM0300U) J Example 20A FL DOOR Starter 20A FR DOOR S1 Parts Code or Location 20A DOOR 15A FR FOG 1 7.5A DRL 4 20A S/ROOF Location 10A STOP Electrical Source 15A ACC SOCKET 30A POWER 1 10A TAIL 15A CIG 1 7.5A PANEL 1 7.5A ACC Ignition SW (AM1) I5 7.5A ST 3 DEF Relay (Point Side) 1 7.5A RR DEF I/UP 1 7.5A ECU-IG 30A FR WIP 15A FR WSH 1 10A GAUGE 10A A/C 10A H-LP LH LO 10A H-LP RH LO 2 10A H-LP LH HI 10A H-LP RH HI 15A IG2 1 10A MET IG2 189 SCION tC (EM0300U) J POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) Instrument Panel J/B (See Page 24) Fuse System Page ACC Audio System Power Outlet Remote Control Mirror Shift Lock 166 156 94 122 ECU–IG ABS Air Conditioning Back Door Opener Charging Cruise Control Door Lock Control Interior Light Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) Radiator Fan and Condenser Fan Shift Lock Sliding Roof Tire Pressure Warning System Wireless Door Lock Control 136 178 114 54 130 104 78 96 176 122 118 142 108 7.5A PANEL Combination Meter Illumination Light Reminder 170 82 160 7.5A RR DEF I/UP Engine Control 56 10A A/C Air Conditioning 178 GAUGE ABS Air Conditioning Back–Up Light Cruise Control Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator Engine Control Illumination Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) Rear Window Defogger Seat Belt Warning SRS Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light 136 178 90 130 124 56 82 96 164 162 145 74 MET IG2 ABS Air Conditioning Audio System Back Door Opener Charging Combination Meter Cruise Control Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator 136 178 166 114 54 170 130 124 7.5A 7.5A 10A 10A ∗ These are the page numbers of the first page on which the related system is shown. 190 SCION tC (EM0300U) J Fuse System Page MET IG2 Engine Control Illumination Key Reminder Light Reminder Seat Belt Warning Sliding Roof SRS Tire Pressure Warning System 56 82 158 160 162 118 145 142 10A STOP ABS Cruise Control Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator Engine Control Shift Lock Stop Light 136 130 124 56 122 88 10A TAIL Engine Control Taillight 56 86 15A ACC SOCKET Power Outlet 156 15A CIG Cigarette Lighter 154 15A FR WSH Front Wiper and Washer 92 IG2 Cruise Control Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator Engine Control Engine Immobiliser System Ignition SRS 130 124 56 66 52 145 20A DOOR Back Door Opener Door Lock Control Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) Sliding Roof Wireless Door Lock Control 114 104 96 118 108 20A FL DOOR Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) 96 20A FR DOOR Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) 96 20A S/ROOF Sliding Roof 118 25A AM1 Starting 50 30A DEF Engine Control Rear Window Defogger 56 164 30A FR WIP Front Wiper and Washer 92 30A POWER Power Window (w/o Jam Protection) 102 10A 15A Engine Room R/B and Engine Room J/B (See Page 22) Fuse 7.5A ALT–S System Charging Page 54 ∗ These are the page numbers of the first page on which the related system is shown. 191 SCION tC (EM0300U) J POWER SOURCE (Current Flow Chart) Fuse System Page DOME Interior Light Wireless Door Lock Control 78 108 ECU–B ABS Air Conditioning Audio System Back Door Opener Combination Meter Cruise Control Door Lock Control Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator Engine Control Engine Immobiliser System Illumination Interior Light Key Reminder Light Reminder Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) Seat Belt Warning Sliding Roof SRS Tire Pressure Warning System Wireless Door Lock Control 136 178 166 114 170 130 104 124 56 66 82 78 158 160 96 162 118 145 142 108 10A ETCS Cruise Control Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator Engine Control 130 124 56 10A H–LP LH HI Headlight 72 10A H–LP LH LO Headlight 72 10A H–LP RH HI Combination Meter Headlight 170 72 10A H–LP RH LO Headlight 72 10A HORN Horn Wireless Door Lock Control 152 108 10A OBD2 Engine Control 56 10A TURN–HAZ Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light 74 15A IGN Engine Control Ignition 56 52 20A EFI Cruise Control Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator Engine Control Engine Immobiliser System 130 124 56 66 20A RAD NO.1 Audio System 166 30A AM2 Starting 50 30A CDS Radiator Fan and Condenser Fan 176 7.5A 10A ∗ These are the page numbers of the first page on which the related system is shown. 192 SCION tC (EM0300U) J Fuse System Page 30A RDI Radiator Fan and Condenser Fan 176 40A ABS NO.2 ABS 136 40A HTR Air Conditioning 178 40A MAIN Combination Meter Headlight Wireless Door Lock Control 170 72 108 50A ABS NO.1 ABS 136 ALT Charging Combination Meter Engine Control Illumination Light Reminder Starting Taillight Wireless Door Lock Control 54 170 56 82 160 50 86 108 120A Engine Room R/B No.2 (See Page 23) Fuse 7.5A ST System Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator Engine Control Starting Page 124 56 50 ∗ These are the page numbers of the first page on which the related system is shown. 193 SCION tC (EM0300U) K CONNECTOR LIST *1 : w/ Cruise Control *2 : w/o Cruise Control A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Gray Black Dark Gray Yellow Yellow Black 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 2 2 A7 A7 (*1) (*2) Black 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A8 A9 A11 Black Yellow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 12 A10 1 4 2 5 3 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A12 A13 A14 A15 Yellow Yellow Orange Black 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 A16 A17 Yellow A18 A19 B1 Yellow Yellow Gray 1 1 1 2 3 4 B2 B3 B4 2 1 B5 2 1 B6 C1 Black Gray 2 Black 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 194 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 2 2 1 K C2 C3 Black Gray C4 C5 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 C6 C7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 C8 C9 1 2 3 C10 Black 12 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112131415 16 17 C11 C12 Black Black 1 2 1 2 D1 1 2 3 10 11 12 131415 16 17 18 D2 D3 Black Black D4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 D5 D7 Black 1 2 3 1 2 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D8 D9 D10 Black Black 1 1 D11 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 D14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E1 E2 E3 Gray Black Gray 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 D13 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 D12 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 1 5 195 SCION tC (EM0300U) K CONNECTOR LIST E4 1 2 3 4 E5 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 3 E7 4 5 1 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 30 31 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 28 29 E8 1 2 3 4 5 6 31 32 33 34 35 F1 F2 F3 F4 Brown Brown Brown Brown 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 G1 Gray Black 12 G2 1 12 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 4 3 5 H1 H2 H3 H4 Black Brown Black Brown 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 H5 H6 H7 I1 I2 Dark Gray Black Black Black Black 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 3 1 2 4 I3 I4 Black Black 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 196 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 2 3 4 K I6 I7 J1 Black 1 2 A A B B C C C D D E E 1 2 3 10 11 12 F F F F G G G H H H H 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 J3 J2 J4 A B B A A B B C C C D D E E C C A A B B C C C D D E E A A B D D D C C F F F F G G G H H H H F F F F G G G H H H H J6 J5 J7 J8 Dark Gray A A A A A B B C C C D D E E Black A A A A A A A A A A A J10 A A A A A A A A A A A A B B B F F F F G G G H H H H J9 A A A B J11 J12 J13 A A B B C C A A B B C C 1 D D E E F F D D E E F F 2 Dark Gray A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A J14 J15 A A A A K1 K2 L1 L2 Black Yellow Black Gray 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 L3 M1 Gray Black 1 M2 M3 N1 Gray Gray 1 2 3 4 1 2 N2 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 197 SCION tC (EM0300U) K CONNECTOR LIST N3 O1 O2 O3 O4 Black 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 Gray Black Gray Gray Black 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Gray Gray Gray Black Dark Gray 1 1 5 6 2 7 P6 3 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 3 8 9 P7 P8 P9 P10 Black 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 Black Blue Yellow Yellow Blue 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 P16 P17 P18 R1 R2 Gray 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 198 SCION tC (EM0300U) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 K R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Black Gray 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 3 4 5 6 5 6 1 R8 2 3 1 R9 1 2 S1 S2 Black Gray 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 23 24 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 S3 S4 Gray Black 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 S5 S6 S7 Black 1 1 2 1 S8 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 S9 S10 S11 S12 Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 S13 1 2 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S20 T1 T2 T3 T4 Gray Black Black Black Gray 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 199 SCION tC (EM0300U) K CONNECTOR LIST T5 T6 T7 Gray Blue Black 1 1 2 2 1 T8 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 T9 T10 1 2 3 4 T11 T12 U1 Gray (A/T) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U1 V1 W1 W2 Z1 (M/T) Blue Black Black Gray 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 5 Z2 1 Z3 2 3 4 5 6 7 Z4 Z5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 200 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Memo 201 SCION tC (EM0300U) K CONNECTOR LIST EA1 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 IB1 1 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 1918171615141312 11 IC2 Gray 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516171819 20 1 7 6 5 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 2 IB2 2 IC1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gray 2 ID1 IA1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 7 6 5 4 3 Blue 12 11 10 9 8 IE1 Yellow Black 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 12 11 10 9 8 IE2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516171819 20 IE3 Yellow 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 1918171615141312 11 1 2 3 4 202 SCION tC (EM0300U) 4 3 K IE4 1 2 3 IF1 3 2 IG1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Black 3 6 3 2 1 4 IH1 Yellow 4 2 5 Gray 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 IH2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516171819 20 II2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 20 1918171615141312 11 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 IJ1 Gray 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 1 7 6 5 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213141516171819 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 1918171615141312 11 12 11 10 9 8 203 SCION tC (EM0300U) K CONNECTOR LIST IK1 IL1 Yellow IM1 Blue 4 3 2 1 2 1 4 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 BA1 1 2 2 1 3 4 BA2 Black BB1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 3 4 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 6 Yellow 6 5 204 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gray 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 Memo 205 SCION tC (EM0300U) L PART NUMBER OF CONNECTORS Code Part Number Code A1 A/C Compressor Part Name 90980–11271 D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver’s Side) A2 A/C Condenser Fan Motor 90980–11410 D10 A3 Air Fuel Ratio Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 1) 90980–11178 Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger’s Side) A4 Airbag Sensor (Front LH) D11 Door Lock Assembly (Driver’s Side) D12 Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger’s Side) D13 Door Lock Control SW 90980–11950 D14 Door Lock Control SW 90980–12344 E1 Electronically Controlled Transmission Solenoid 90980–11658 90980–10735 90980–11856 Part Name A5 Airbag Sensor (Front RH) A6 Ambient Temp. Sensor 90980–11070 A7 A/C Control Assembly 90980–12169 A8 A/C Thermistor No.1 90980–11918 A9 A/T Shift Lever Illumination 90980–12063 A10 Accelerator Position Sensor 90980–11144 E2 Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor Part Number 90980–12340 90980–12226 A11 Airbag Sensor Assembly Center 90980–12392 E3 Engine Oil Pressure SW 90980–11363 A12 Airbag Sensor Assembly Center 90980–12391 E4 Engine Control Module 90980–12142 A13 Airbag Sensor Assembly Center 90980–12390 E5 Engine Control Module 90980–12146 A14 Airbag Squib (Front Passenger’s Airbag Assembly) E7 Engine Control Module 90980–12145 E8 Engine Control Module 90980–12144 A15 Airbag Squib (Front Passenger’s Airbag Assembly) F1 Fuel Injector (No.1) F2 Fuel Injector (No.2) F3 Fuel Injector (No.3) F4 Fuel Injector (No.4) F5 Front Console Illumination 90980–10355 F6 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver’s Side) 90980–10942 F7 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver’s Side) 90980–11918 F8 Front Seat Inner Belt (Front Passenger’s Side) 90980–11156 F9 Fuel Suction Pump and Gage Assembly 90980–11077 G1 Generator 90980–11964 G2 Generator 90980–09213 H1 Headlamp (LH High) 90980–11659 H2 Headlamp (LH Low) 90980–11096 H3 Headlamp (RH High) 90980–11659 H4 Headlamp (RH Low) 90980–11096 H5 Heated Oxygen Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 2) 90980–11930 H6 Horn (Low) H7 Horn (High) I1 Ignition Coil (No.1) I2 Ignition Coil (No.2) I3 Ignition Coil (No.3) I4 Ignition Coil (No.4) I5 Ignition SW 90980–11615 I6 Integration Relay 90980–12203 90980–11148 90980–12219 A16 Airbag Squib (Steering Wheel Pad) 90980–12160 A17 Antenna Amplifier 90980–10870 A18 Airbag Sensor (Rear LH) A19 Airbag Sensor (Rear RH) B1 Back–Up Lamp SW 90980–12241 90980–11250 B2 Brake Fluid Level Warning SW 90980–11207 B3 Blower Motor 90980–10214 B4 Blower Motor Control 90980–11676 B5 Back Door Lock Assembly 90980–12334 B6 Back Door Opener SW 90980–11967 C1 Camshaft Position Sensor 90980–10947 C2 Camshaft Timing Oil Control Valve 90980–11162 C3 Crankshaft Position Sensor 90980–10947 C4 Cigarette Lighter 90980–10760 C5 Clutch Start SW 90980–12341 C6 Combination Meter 90980–12169 C7 Combination SW 90980–11672 C8 Combination SW 90980–11594 C9 Cruise Control Clutch SW 90980–12341 C10 Center Stop Lamp 90980–11918 C11 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (LH) C12 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (RH) D1 Damper Servo Motor (Air Inlet) D2 Damper Servo Motor (Air Mix) D3 Damper Servo Motor (Air Vent Mode) D4 Data Link Connector 3 90980–11978 D5 Diode (Fan) 90980–11251 D7 Diode (Room Lamp) 90980–10962 D8 Door Control Receiver 90980–12366 90980–12219 90980–11987 90980–11909 I7 Ignition Cylinder Lamp J1 Junction Connector J2 Junction Connector J3 Junction Connector Note: Not all of the above part numbers of the connector are established for the supply. 206 SCION tC (EM0300U) 90980–11875 90980–10619 90980–11885 90980–11915 90980–12346 L Code Part Name Part Number J4 Junction Connector J5 Junction Connector J6 Junction Connector 90980–12346 J7 Junction Connector 90980–12336 J8 Junction Connector J9 Junction Connector J10 Junction Connector J11 Junction Connector J12 Junction Connector J13 Junction Connector 90980–11915 90980–12346 90980–10976 90980–11661 90980–12355 J14 Junction Connector J15 Junction Connector 90980–12340 K1 Knock Control Sensor (Bank 1) 90980–11875 K2 Knee Airbag Squib 90980–12253 L1 Canister Pump Module 90980–12380 L2 License Plate Lamp (LH) L3 License Plate Lamp (RH) M1 Mass Air Flow Meter 90980–11148 90980–12292 M2 Map Lamp 90980–12221 M3 Map Lamp 82824–21030 N1 Noise Filter (Ignition) N2 Noise Filter (DOME) N3 Noise Filter (DEF and Stop) O1 Outer Mirror SW O2 Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) 90980–10843 90980–12341 90980–11657 90980–11909 O3 Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) O4 Occupant Classification ECU 90980–12356 O5 Occupant Classification ECU 90980–12357 O6 Occupant Classification Sensor Front LH 90980–12353 O7 Occupant Classification Sensor Rear LH O8 90980–12354 Occupant Classification Sensor Front RH O9 Occupant Classification Sensor Rear RH 90980–12353 P1 Park/Neutral Position SW 90980–12362 P2 Parking Lamp (LH) P3 Parking Lamp (RH) P4 Power Steering Oil Pressure SW 90980–11019 90980–11428 P5 Pressure SW 90980–10943 P6 Parking Brake SW 90980–12340 P7 Power Point Socket 90980–10859 P8 Power Point Socket Relay 82660–20340 P9 Power Window Master SW 90980–12166 P10 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) P11 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) P12 Power Window SW (Front Passenger’s Side) 90980–12344 90980–11947 Code Part Name Part Number P13 Pretensioner (LH) P14 Pretensioner (RH) P15 Power Window SW (Front Passenger’s Side) 90980–10789 P16 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) 90980–12344 P17 Power Window Master SW 90980–12540 P18 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) 90980–12344 R1 Radiator Fan Motor 90980–10928 R2 Radio Receiver Assembly 90980–12540 R3 Radio Receiver Assembly 90980–12539 R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) R6 Rear Window Defogger 90980–12340 R7 Room Lamp (Center) 81366–68010 R8 Room Lamp (Left Quarter) 90980–12342 R9 Radio Receiver Assembly 90980–12259 S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator 90980–12020 S2 Speed Sensor (Front LH) S3 Speed Sensor (Front RH) S4 Starter 90980–11400 S5 Starter 90980–09506 S6 Shift Lock Control ECU S7 Spiral Cable S8 Stop Lamp SW S9 Side Airbag Sensor (LH) S10 Side Airbag Sensor (RH) S11 Side Airbag Squib (LH) S12 Side Airbag Squib (RH) S13 Sliding Roof Control ECU S14 Speaker (Front Door LH) S15 Speaker (Front Door RH) S16 Speaker (Rear LH) S17 Speaker (Rear RH) S18 Speed Sensor (Rear LH) S19 Speed Sensor (Rear RH) S20 Stereo Jack Adapter 82824–21030 T1 Throttle Body Assembly 90980–11858 T2 Transmission Revolution Sensor (Counter Gear) 90980–12634 T3 Transmission Revolution Sensor (Turbine) T4 Turn Signal Lamp (Front LH) T5 Turn Signal Lamp (Front RH) T6 Tire Pressure Warning Reset SW 90980–10906 T7 Transponder Key Amplifier 90980–12092 T8 Transponder Key ECU 90980–11911 90980–12253 90980–11011 90980–11003 90980–12183 90980–11118 90980–11856 90980–11864 90980–10801 90980–12343 90980–11060 90980–11019 207 SCION tC (EM0300U) L PART NUMBER OF CONNECTORS Code Part Name Part Number T9 Tweeter (LH) T10 Tweeter (RH) T11 Tire Pressure Warning ECU T12 Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver 90980–12366 Unlock Warning SW (A/T) 90980–12334 Unlock Warning SW (M/T) 90980–12342 VSV (Purge) 90980–12634 U1 V1 90980–12304 90980–12183 Code Part Name Part Number W1 Windshield Washer Motor 90980–11019 W2 Windshield Wiper Motor 90980–11599 Z1 Option Connector (Front Fog Lamp) 90980–11007 Z2 Option Connector (Front Fog Lamp SW) 90980–12336 Z3 Option Connector (TVIP) 90980–10870 Z4 Option Connector (IPOD Unit) 90980–12155 Z5 Option Connector (Radio Receiver Assembly) 90980–12423 Note: Not all of the above part numbers of the connector are established for the supply. 208 SCION tC (EM0300U) Memo 209 SCION tC (EM0300U) [A] Power Source Starting 1 Engine Control 2 4 3 R [L] B-R B-R 15A EFI [H] 12 EA1 R-Y R-Y 7 EA3 [E] 1 3 Knock Sensor 1 B B BR BR 3 B B 1 GR GR 4 B-W 4 EFI MAIN Relay B-R B-W 1 H11 Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 Y-R [G] 1 15 3C R-G W-B B-W (2L-T) (2L-T) 4 6 1 R-W 5 BO2 Y-R 3 BR-W BR-W 6 G G 5 G-R G-R 4 Y-R 7 L-Y BR 2 1 FP +B T1 D1 Data Link Connector 1 E1 8 Y-R 6 G-Y G-Y 9 GR-B GR-B W-R W-R BR Fender Apron LH EA BR W-B W-B Fender Apron LH N O 21 EA3 B BR W-R VF 4 3 [K] EA L M Y-R R-G BR W-B W-R W-R Fuel Pump 1 F37 M OX1 17 EA3 R-G 2 1 W-R W-R W-R W-R I12 1 4 EA3 R-G 2 Injector No.4 1 I10 Injector No.2 I11 1 2 L-Y W-R Battery K 16 BS1 B-R 2 Injector No.3 I9 S38 (A), S39 (B) Starter B-R B-R B-R Injector No.1 B-W 2 1 A Y-R Y-R R-G B-R 30A AM2 40A AM1 100A ALT (2L-T) 1 B J Air Flow Meter W-B [D] B-W B Y-R A5 6 EA4 2 [J] Y-R 2 B Circuit Opening Relay R-G 2 A C19 Y-R S40 (A), S41 (B) Starter Relay (Shielded) [C] 2 1 B F G I 3 [F] 7 3C Emission ECU <9-8> 2 2 Y-R B-W W-R W [B] E H B-W (22R-E) 1 A 2 Y-R Y-R W-B B-W (22R-E) B-L (2L-T) B-W(22R-E) D 2 1 1 (2L-T) R SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 (22R-E) (2L-T) [I] C K2 B-L R-Y B-L W B W-R B-R B-R 2 A 7. 5A IGN B-W ST2 7. 5A ST B-W 5 8 AM2 A B 7 IG2 B B-W (22R-E) W-R W W-R 1 4 B A B-W ST1 B-W W 1 4 AM1 A B B-L ACC I 6 (A),(B) Ignition SW IG1 A ID Left Kick Panel BR EC Intake Manifold RH P Q R S M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 210 * The system shown here is an EXAMPLE ONLY. It is different to the actual circuit shown in the wiring diagram section. HOW TO READ THIS SECTION [A] : System Title [B] : Indicates the wiring color. Wire colors are indicated by an alphabetical code. B = Black W = White BR = Brown L = Blue V SB = Sky Blue = Violet R = Red G = Green LG = Light Green P Y GR = Gray = Pink = Yellow [F] : Junction Block (The number in the circle is the J/B No. and the connector code is shown beside it). Junction Blocks are shaded to clearly separate them from other parts. Example: 3C indicates that it is inside Junction Block No.3 O = Orange The first letter indicates the basic wire color and the second letter indicates the color of the stripe. Example: L–Y [G] : Indicates related system. SCION tC (EM0300U) L (Blue) [H] : Indicates the wiring harness and wiring harness connector. The wiring harness with male terminal is shown with arrows ( ). Outside numerals are pin numbers. Y (Yellow) [C] : The position of the parts is the same as shown in the wiring diagram and wire routing. [D] : Indicates the pin number of the connector. The numbering system is different for female and male connectors. Example : Numbered in order from upper left to lower right Numbered in order from upper right to lower left Female [I] Male ( ) : ( ) is used to indicate different wiring and connector, etc. when the vehicle model, engine type, or specification is different. [J] : Indicates a shielded cable. Female Male The numbering system for the overall wiring diagram is the same as above [E] : Indicates a Relay Block. No shading is used and only the Relay Block No. is shown to distinguish it from the J/B. Example : [K] : Indicates and located on ground point. [L] : The same code occuring on the next page indicates that the wire harness is continuous. Indicates Relay Block No.1 M 211 SYSTEMS LOCATION SYSTEMS LOCATION SCION tC (EM0300U) ABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16–2 Multiplex Communication System (CAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–15 Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25–2 Option Connector (Front Fog Light) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–4 Audio System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–3 Option Connector (TVIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–7 Back Door Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–6 Power Outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–2 Back–Up Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11–3 Power Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~25–1 Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3 Power Window (w/ Jam Protection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13–2 Cigarette Lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21–4 Power Window (w/o Jam Protection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–2 Combination Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23–2 Radiator Fan and Condenser Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24–3 Cruise Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–2 Rear Window Defogger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21–2 Door Lock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–2 Remote Control Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21–3 Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator . . . . . . . . . 4–2 Seat Belt Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19–2 Engine Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5 Shift Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–2 Engine Immobiliser System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–2 Sliding Roof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–4 Front Wiper and Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–2 SRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18–2 Headlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–2 Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–4 Stop Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11–4 Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3 Taillight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–2 Illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–2 Tire Pressue Warning System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17–3 Interior Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–2 Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–2 Key Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19–4 Wireless Door Lock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–8 Light Reminder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19–4 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 212 SYSTEM INDEX 1 tC P o w e r S o u rc e S ta rtin g Ig n itio n 1 4 3 2 B L ACC 2 AM1 IG1 ST1 1 7 IH1 LG L G W 3 7 AM2 4 1F IG2 6 1 ST2 8 7. 5A ST 1 1F R 15A IG2 R R B R I5 Ignition SW BR BR 2 4 +B GND IGT IGF 3 2 I4 Ignition Coil (No. 4) 1 BR BR IGF 2 I3 Ignition Coil (No. 3) IGT 3 R BR R V LG V B V V 2 2 Engine Control Module< 3–9> 3 EA1 R R BR R 4 IH1 1 N1 Noise Filter (Ignition) J9 Junction Connector W–B IH GND 3 A A 4 +B B (M/T) BR–W 1 B S 4(A), S 5(B) Starter Battery 1 A V 4 IE1 10 IH2 R B–R 2 W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W IGF 2 I2 Ignition Coil (No. 2) W–B IGT 3 1 IG2 Relay B (M/T) 3 B (M/T) B 3 2 GND 5 P 2 C5 Clutch Start SW 3 Engine Control Module< 3–10> ST Relay BR 1 2 4 +B P 3 1 IGF 2 R 5 IGT 3 1 V Engine Control Module< 3–10> 3 1 1 6 IE1 Y (M/T) 1 B 30A AM2 120A ALT 15A IGN 1 B (M/T) 2 2 G 2 Y L 2 2 V B (A/T) 2 Y (M/T) 2 GND I1 Ignition Coil (No. 1) 7 IH2 5 2 BR 3 IH1 4 +B B GR R W N 1 Y Y (M/T) P1 Park/Neutral Position SW B B P 1 EA1 R 25A AM1 27 1B Y (A/T) 4 L 1 1G B SCION tC (EM0300U) 3 1 IE4 3 IE4 Cowl Brace RH EC Front Left Fender EE M 213 Left Side of the Cylinder Head W W Y L Integration Relay< 15–7> Charge W W J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector W B Y B Engine Control Module< 3–10> J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector 2 2 G G W H6 Horn (Low) 1 Horn SW H7 Horn (High) 1 S7 Spiral Cable W P Y R W–B W–B 1 28 1B C6 Combination Meter B 7. 5A ECU–IG B 1 G 1(A), G 2(B) Generator S A P 25A AM1 30A AM2 120A ALT Battery B A GR LG R W B 7. 5A ALT–S Cowl Brace LH B B 4 M L A IG 3 A 2 A D B D B 15 2 2 W 10A HORN 2 25 1E IG1 Relay HORN Relay 3 IE4 5 1 1 1M I5 Ignition SW GR R 4 GR 3 1 F B 7 1M 17 1E IF IH Cowl Brace RH 4 1F ST1 3 2 7 1S 1 1G 1 1F 3 1F 5 EA1 1 IH1 2 IH2 6 FL MAIN 3. 0W L ACC W ST2 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2A 2 2 10A MET IG2 IG2 6 7 AM2 IG1 4 2 AM1 4 3 2 1 H o rn C h a rg in g P o w e r S o u rc e H A M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 214 2 tC Memo SCION tC (EM0300U) 215 P o w e r S o u rc e ∗ 4 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 5 : w/o Cruise Control E n g in e Im m o b ilis e r S y s te m 1 4 3 2 G A W B L R B V 7 AM2 2 IG2 6 ST2 P R 2 EA1 3 IE4 2 2 2 D 2 1 9 12 13 CODE TXCT AGND 14 10 7 EFIO CTY 6 4 BR O GR B W BR–W B J9 Junction Connector A W–B 1 1S J6 Junction Connector W–B A Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) < 10–2> Unlock Warning SW< 15–3> A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly 12 B (∗5) A O GR L Y W–B W–B W–B Battery 11 VC5 SECU Security Indicator Lamp GND 12 A (∗4) W–B Y 7 1M 7 27 B (∗5) A 17 1E GND 5 4 V IND W–B W–B W–B B 15 1A FL MAIN 3. 0W ANT2 TXCT 8 27 A (∗4) 7 EA1 W W–B IH IF Cowl Brace LH EC Front Left Fender IH W–B Cowl Brace RH W–B W–B W–B Cowl Brace RH K ANT1 T8 Transponder Key ECU D GND KSW EFII 3 J CODE R 2 GR Y 2 BR F9 Fuel Suction Pump and Gage Assembly Fuel Pump 5 +B 3 11 1B BR B L 30A AM2 20A EFI 15A IGN 30A DCC 10A ETCS 2 M 1 IG E B L 2 4 1 P 2 2 LG 2 8 1A IG2 Relay 2 2 1 5 EFI Relay 3 5 1E 1 O Transponder Key Coil VC5 P 5 C/OPN Relay 15A IG2 2 1 10A MET IG2 2 2 2 1 R 2 2 1 V 2 V B L L 10A OBD2 1 1 T7 Transponder Key Amplifier 18 1E 2 2 J3 Junction Connector B B GR 2 1E O 9 IB V 27 1B P W 15 1C G 21 1E 1 1M GR LG G LG 4 1F A A E B F H J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector D L R 10A ECU–B I5 Ignition SW 1 G SCION tC (EM0300U) 2 2 E O G G LG G I 30 1B 2 D V 12 1H 2 C IF Cowl Brace LH L M N O P Q M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 216 (Cont. next page) 3 tC 3 tC (Cont' d) (Cont. next page) ∗ 1 : Malfunction Indicator Lamp ∗ 2 : Shielded ∗ 3 : w/ Engine Immobiliser System E n g in e C o n tro l 5 A C G R B 8 7 6 R G W LG C B R R R Y L B B T1 Throttle Body Assembly 3 LG E2 1 2 10 IE1 2 +B E2 VG E2G THA 5 4 1 1 E2 Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor 2 F4 Fuel Injector (No. 4) 9 IE1 2 3 1 F3 Fuel Injector (No. 3) V O (∗1) 2 5 IE1 MREL 3 A BATT 6 C 5 C 2 C 1 C #1 #2 #3 #4 28 C 7 A +BM 30 C VG E2G 29 C 32 D THA 28 D THW E2 8 D GE01 5 D 4 D M+ 20 D M– VC 5 G D BR 8 A W VTA2 4 LG B 30 B IGSW VTA 6 W G L W R BR W Y R L 9 A V O +B2 M– 1 G 2 A G +B O GR Y R 1 A M+ 2 (∗2) 17 M R SCION tC (EM0300U) 2 1 F2 Fuel Injector (No. 2) GR 1 M1 Mass Air Flow Meter 4 O F1 Fuel Injector (No. 1) K 2 IH1 R V O G G LG G I C6 Combination Meter J B B H B B F B R R E B L R D A W 19 D VTA1 VTA2 E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module IMI 16 B IMO 15 B FC 25 A PRG HA1A 23 C 1 D A1A+ 21 D A1A– HT1B 31 D 2 D E1 OX1B 3 D 25 D EOM OC1– 12 D W Y (∗2) P L 1 C2 Camshaft Timing Oil Control Valve C1 Camshaft Position Sensor 2 1 2 BR A (∗2) A K1 Knock Control Sensor (Bank 1) 1 (∗2) A C3 Crankshaft Position Sensor A W BR (∗1) L GR Y R R A (∗2) G 6 IH1 A 13 D 26 D G 2 (∗2) E1 4 OC1+ G2+ NE– 34 D R G 1 2 (∗2) +B 2 27 D (∗2) OX R 3 HT NE+ EKNK 30 D W–B (∗1) L 1 29 D (∗2) B AF– 4 L (∗2) +B H5 Heated Oxygen Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 2) AF+ 2 W 3 HT (∗2) BR L Y Y Y J8 Junction Connector A BR Y R Q O P GR 1 Y O Y N A3 Air Fuel Ratio Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 1) V1 VSV (Purge) M 1 O G R L GR O L 2 KNK1 29 A W G W W–B W–B G BR R E F ED M 217 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head (Cont. next page) E n g in e C o n tro l 9 12 11 10 G A G W B W BR BR B 21 IC2 LG C W 8 IC1 BR W W–B P 2 BB1 8 BB1 5 BB1 1 BB1 P 8 22 IC2 3 11 IC2 VCP1 6 VCP2 19 A VPA2 21 A 33 B EPA2 CANH W 27 A EPA B 20 A 3 IF1 R VPA R 18 A V VCPA W 26 A EP2 1 2 IF1 P STP B 4 B VPA2 2 6 IF1 BR ELS1 BR 15 A ELS3 VCP2 4 1 IF1 W MPMP 5 IF1 L 6 A VPMP L 3 B 5 A B PPMP O 31 A VC L 18 D G LG V L1 Canister Pump Module EP1 3 G 4 IF1 Canister Pressure Sensor VPA1 5 L A Stop Lamp SW < 11–4> Leak Detection Pump J7 Junction Connector G A D RR DEF I/UP Fuse< 21–2> TAIL Fuse < 8–4> Vent Valve Y M A 34 B CANL E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module PSW IGF1 32 C 23 D IGT1 17 D IGT2 16 D IGT3 15 D IGT4 14 D ALT 10 D STA 12 A NSW 30 A ST1– SPD 8 B E04 16 A 7 C E01 7 D F/PS E02 32 B 6 D THWO 14 B ACT AC1 24 B 25 B TC 17 B TACH 1 B B R LG P R A/C Control Assembly< 25–4> C A Combination Meter< 23–3> C A BR BR BR W–B W–B Stop Light System < 11–4> FAN NO. 2 Relay < 24–3> 2 GR J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 3 GR BR ST Relay< 1–2> C B Airbag Sensor Assembly Center< 18–3> 5 IH1 1 FANH 14 A 9 IH2 BR B J7 Junction Connector B BR B Y P B BR B L 4 S8 Stop Lamp SW Combination Meter< 23–2> ST Fuse< 1–2> B G Generator< 2–3> F Ignition Coils < 1–3> < 1–4> P4 Power Steering Oil Pressure SW E G W E03 4 C 20 IE2 8 IH2 1 ME01 3 C W–B W–B L V Y B Y LG B P G V R SCION tC (EM0300U) 15 IH2 D Accelerator Position Sensor G 1 18 IC2 G 6 LG 9 3 BB1 G 2 O W–B Y 4 R Y BR 20 IC2 B C A10 7 BB1 LG Y 4 BB1 10 IC2 A B R BR W W–B W–B BR BR Left Side of the Cylinder Head EE ED Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head E F G H I J M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 218 3 tC (Cont' d) 3 tC (Cont' d) M u ltip le x C o m m u n ic a tio n S y s te m (C A N ) E n g in e C o n tro l 13 A B C D 16 15 14 G BR B W B W 1 A J13(A). J14(B), J15(C) Junction Connector 2 A ST Plug 2 2 B B B A B B B 9 TC 26 1B 8 1E 3 1S 23 1B 6 A CG SG 7 4 5 J6 Junction Connector TS 12 A W–B R BR W–B W Skid Control ECU with Actuator< 16–3> Skid Control ECU with Actuator< 16–3> I J BAT SIL P W G H Skid Control ECU with Actuator< 16–3> G Tire Pressure Warning ECU < 17–3> F B CANH 14 16 TAC D4 Data Link Connector 3 W R G P W B E CANL 13 1E W–B D A B A B E A W 31 1E P 12 1D B G 7 1E J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector E A 1 C P W G W G G R W B B BR D B B A 1 B 12 IE1 13 B A 3 G Occupant Classification ECU< 18–7> Combination Meter< 23–3> SCION tC (EM0300U) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center < 18–2> 1 R BR W W–B BR IF Cowl Brace LH M 219 P o w e r S o u rc e E le c tro n ic a lly C o n tro lle d T ra n s m is s io n a n d A /T In d ic a to r 1 4 3 2 BR L ACC 4 1F Y ST1 9 IE1 V O BR W Y W R LG L G +B 2 1 A BATT 7 A 9 A 34 C +BM IGSW 26 C NC+ 35 C NC– 27 C NT+ NT– +B2 SL1+ 2 A 11 C SL1– SL2+ 10 C 14 C SL2– 15 C SLT+ 12 C SLT– 13 C S4 8 C DSL 9 C THO1 24 C E2 28 D O GR E B R G Y V GR BR V LG P B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector E B 30A AM2 120A ALT 1 3 A 3 A A 1 2 E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module 2 20A EFI 10A ETCS 1 2 2 7 1M W R 2 MREL BR 2 17 1E 8 A 3 W–B 1 1F BR 5 2 2 2 1 2 EFI Relay IG1 Relay 25A AM1 R W V V 1 10A GAUGE 5 1 G 15 1S 1 2 V O 1 1G 3 IE4 L SCION tC (EM0300U) I5 Ignition SW 2 2 5 IE1 10 IE1 21 1E 3 1F 2 L L ST2 2 15A IG2 V O IG2 6 7 AM2 T3 Transmission Revolution Sensor (Turbine) IG1 4 T2 Transmission Revolution Sensor (Counter Gear) 2 AM1 1 P 5 2 10 4 9 2 7 8 SL2– SLT+ SLT– S4 DSL THO E2 B Y BR O G R G O O W–B E1 Electronically Controlled Transmission Solenoid Cowl Brace RH IH IF Cowl Brace LH EC Front Left Fender 6 SL2+ BR Battery 1 SL1– 11 1B FL MAIN 3. 0W 3 SL1+ W W–B B W–B 18 1E A M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 220 (Cont. next page) 4 tC 4 tC (Cont' d) (Cont. next page) E le c tro n ic a lly C o n tro lle d T ra n s m is s io n a n d A /T In d ic a to r A 5 BR 8 7 6 BR A ∗ 1 : w/ Engine Immobiliser System Engine Control System < 3–7> < 3–8> < 3–9> < 3–10> < 3–11> < 3–12> STP 30 A 12 A NSW STA 8 B SPD 32 D THW 8 D GE01 5 D 4 D M+ 20 D M– VTA1 19 D VTA2 18 D VC 17 B TC 26 A 18 B VCPA VPA 20 A EPA 27 A VCP2 19 A VPA2 21 A EPA2 E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module VG 28 C E2G 30 C THA 29 C E04 7 C ME01 3 C EOM E1 29 A E03 3 D 4 C E02 6 D E01 7 D R D 3 2 L 11 B 21 B 19 B 10 B 9 B LG R B P SCION tC (EM0300U) 4 B G B B J7 Junction Connector B Engine Control System < 3–7> P B D E F BR BR BR L W–B (∗1) W–B W–B 6 IH1 W B C 5 IH1 BR BR (∗1) C B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector A J8 Junction Connector A A C A BR BR BR EE Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head ED Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head ED G M 221 Left Side of the Cylinder Head E le c tro n ic a lly C o n tro lle d T ra n s m is s io n a n d A /T In d ic a to r A BR 9 10 12 11 B 2 RB P1 Park/Neutral Position SW LL 2L DL NL RL PL 8 3 7 9 1 6 18 IH2 B P R 2 1D A W 11 1C 1 IH2 J3 Junction Connector 19 1E W 2 1C 17 IH2 W P O 5 1D A 20 1E 6 1E 13 1C 9 2 B G G W P ATD LG R P Transmission Control SW AT4 3 LG J3 Junction Connector F NSSD O E S6 Shift Lock Control ECU D GR C R B L LG SCION tC (EM0300U) A 10 1C W 20 IH2 P 6 IH2 O 16 IH2 BR GR L P B 11 IH2 B B P 39 38 B 40 P 20 R LG 19 Y GR L 18 37 C6 Combination Meter BR P BR R N D 3 2 L 1 G 16 B Skid Control ECU with Actuator< 16–4> M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 222 4 tC (Cont' d) Memo SCION tC (EM0300U) 223 P o w e r S o u rc e S y s te m C ru is e C o n tro l 1 2 4 3 L 4 1F 1 2 AM1 IG1 4 Y ST1 2 V O Y (M/T) W Y 9 IE1 1 A 7 A 21 B D +BM BATT Stop Light System < 11–4> 16 A 9 A IGSW ST1– SL1+ +B2 11 C 2 A SL1– 10 C SL2+ 14 C SL2– 15 C SLT+ 12 C SLT– 13 C S4 8 C W–B W–B B 18 1E FL MAIN 3. 0W 11 1B BR W–B Battery EC Front Left Fender E B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector P 2 Cowl Brace LH O GR BR A A IF 1 L L +B 2 1 IH 4 E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module E B Cowl Brace RH 2 3 W–B 1 3 A 7 1M 30A AM2 120A ALT 1 G 17 1E 2 20A EFI 10A ETCS 1 2 2 (A/T) 2 MREL W 2 BR 1 1F 8 A 3 2 2 V O IG1 Relay 25A AM1 R W V V 1 LG 3 2 5 EFI Relay 5 7. 5A ECU–IG 2 2 20 IE2 18 IE2 R (M/T) W R 1 3 IE4 2 5 IE1 24 1B 1 1G 2 2 10 IE1 I5 Ignition SW 3 1F L SCION tC (EM0300U) ST2 L S8 Stop Lamp SW R (M/T) L 1 1M 9 1B 21 1E G L IG2 6 V O 7 AM2 Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator System< 4–7> C9 Cruise Control Clutch SW ACC 10A MET IG2 15A IG2 Y (M/T) Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator System< 4–3> < 4–4> DSL 9 C THO1 24 C E2 28 D A M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 224 (Cont. next page) 5 tC 5 tC (Cont' d) C ru is e C o n tro l 5 8 7 6 LG A LG 4 Engine Control System < 3–8> < 3–9> < 3–10> < 3–11> < 3–12> C6 Combination Meter CRUISE GE01 5 D 4 D M+ 20 D M– 19 D VTA1 18 D VTA2 17 B VC 4 B TC STP 8 B SPD E 4(A), E 5(B), E 7(C), E 8(D) Engine Control Module E04 7 C ME01 3 C CCS EOM 31 B 29 A E1 E03 3 D 4 C E02 6 D 1 BR B B B W–B J7 Junction Connector B B BR BR BR L W–B W–B C A 19 IH2 6 IH1 C B BR BR A J8 Junction Connector – SET J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 5 IH1 BR BR Cruise Control SW + RES ECC S7 Spiral Cable W–B W–B ON–OFF A A BR ED Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head ED Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head M 225 Left Side of the Cylinder Head 34 4 CANCEL EE 18 B B B 5 CCS PI E01 7 D P Y SCION tC (EM0300U) 8 D P o w e r S o u rc e O p tio n C o n n e c to r (F ro n t F o g L ig h t) H e a d lig h t 1 4 3 2 B B 2 2 1 2 1 1G 2 1 3 1 1 1 10A H–LP RH HI 10A H–LP LH LO 10A H–LP RH LO 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 7 1Q 4 1M HL H T EL OFF L 2 IF Cowl Brace LH Front Left Fender EC EB Front Right Fender 11 IE2 P W–B P W–B W–B IH 7 1M W–B W–B Cowl Brace RH 5 Z1 Option Connector (Front Fog Lamp) W–B 17 1E ILL– Combination Meter < 9–3> Flash 16 LFG 6 B O Low 13 1 ILL+ 31 R High V 7 +S L Tail Head O HU 3 LG HF GR 7 12 1E Battery Z2 Option Connector (Front Fog Lamp SW) Dimmer SW V B FL MAIN 3. 0W 17 8 C7 Combination SW 17 A 2 Light Control SW HEAD 1 IE2 W–B HRLY C6 Combination Meter L I 6(A) Integration Relay 1 Beam O B 16 1C 2 1 34 1B 4 1J R 40A MAIN W–B 30 16 1B 2 120A ALT 15A FR FOG GR O 12 1C 14 A 1 7. 5A PANEL B R 25 1B 4 1E 2 H4 Headlamp (RH Low) 11 IE1 GR 2 H2 Headlamp (LH Low) 1 GR R 2 H3 Headlamp (RH High) P 1 H1 Headlamp (LH High) Y 2 GR B W SCION tC (EM0300U) P 2 T–LP Relay 2 2 2 Taillight System < 8–2> 10A H–LP LH HI G G H–LP Relay 2 W G G 1 B M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 226 6 tC 7 tC P o w e r S o u rc e ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control T u rn S ig n a l a n d H a z a rd W a rn in g L ig h t 1 P W Y 4 3 2 ACC 2 AM1 IG1 4 3 1F 1 1G 2 5 32 1B 1 ST1 I5 Ignition SW 1 W +B 10A GAUGE IG1 Relay 25A AM1 4 IG FLASH Relay LL LR 3 3 27 1A ER GND 6 7 W–B W–B W–B W–B O A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly W–B 12 B (∗2) W–B W–B W–B II2 W–B B A Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head W–B A W–B ED J9 Junction Connector Cowl Brace LH GND 12 A (∗1) A BR IF BR Turn Signal SW G 2 J7 Junction Connector Quarter Panel LH Hazard SW 2 BR BI 2 5 IH1 BR A W–B IH W–B Cowl Brace RH Cowl Brace LH IF M 227 Front Right Fender HAZ B J6 Junction Connector EB J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector W–B W–B W–B W–B EC C B TR 25 A (∗1) 1 Side Turn Signal Lamp BR W–B C A TB II1 O3 Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) A J10 Junction Connector Front Left Fender C6 Combination Meter Turn RH 1 O2 Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) A Battery 6 25 B (∗2) 2 7 1M RH C7 Combination SW 33 Turn LH Y 1 17 1E LH E A G Y 32 20 IB2 FL MAIN 3. 0W E A 28 1E 3 TL O F A Y F A J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector B F A G F A 12 IB2 Side Turn Signal Lamp W–B D B 2 R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) W–B 1 6 1 A B G F A G 6 12 1S GR J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector 1 4 Turn 1 4 Turn 120A ALT 10A TURN–HAZ 2 2 R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) 2 T5 Turn Signal Lamp (Front RH) T4 Turn Signal Lamp (Front LH) 2 Integration Relay < 15–8> 11 1S LG G C B 1 5 17 1S 16 1S 13 1S 28 1A Y G Y W P SCION tC (EM0300U) 31 1B A A 2 EL 8 1 1F 14 1B 2 EHW 2 P o w e r S o u rc e M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 228 8 tC T a illig h t 1 4 3 2 T–LP Relay 10A TAIL 29 1A 15 1B 33 1B 10 1E TRLY BR O BR I 6(A) Integration Relay TAIL D A 13 A D A Engine Control Module < 3–11> J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector BR BR BR W F B F B BR 14 2 6 6 BR 1 2 Tail 1 Tail 16 2 J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector W–B W–B 12 1E FL MAIN 3. 0W F A 17 1E 1 F A Cowl Brace LH EC Front Left Fender EB Front Right Fender Quarter Panel LH A A BI W–B W–B BJ 6 BA1 Quarter Panel LH W–B IF W–B W–B IH J10 Junction Connector Cowl Brace RH 1 W–B 7 1M W–B W–B Battery 2 L3 License Plate Lamp (RH) BR B 2 D B L2 License Plate Lamp (LH) BR W–B W–B W–B P3 Parking Lamp (RH) C7 Combination SW 1 2 6 BA2 R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) 2 2 R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) Tail Head BR EL OFF P2 Parking Lamp (LH) 120A ALT H BR T 2 Light Control SW SCION tC (EM0300U) 19 1 1G W–B BK Left Side of the Back Door Panel 9 tC P o w e r S o u rc e ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Illu m in a tio n 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 : w/ Front Console Illumination : w/ Audio Steering Pad SW : w/ Cruise Control : w/o Cruise Control V L Steering Pad SW IG1 4 4 1F 30 1B W W L Y ST1 7 AM2 S7 Spiral Cable W ACC 2 AM1 IG2 6 IL+2 EAU 1 10 10A MET IG2 R ST2 Audio System < 22–5> V (∗2) R V 2 3 1F 1 1G 1 1F 7 1P 1 1M 9 1P 5 8 1P Illumination ODO/TRIP Illumination G R G (A/T) 4 Power Circuit ILL ILL– 5 B 17 B (∗4) Rheostat Option Connector (Front Fog Lamp SW) < 6–4> ILL– 17 A (∗3) 10 A W 11 1 BR W O BR W–B A F A F A C A A B 5 IH1 J9 Junction Connector H B H B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector C B BR B BR W–B W J7 Junction Connector A A Battery 2 II2 LG Taillight System < 8–2> W–B W–B F B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector FL MAIN 3. 0W 2 ILL+ W B 2 H A W–B 2 LG TAIL 13 A I 6(A) Integration Relay TRLY 2 6 1D 19 B (∗4) 1 R 2(A), R 3(B) Radio Receiver Assembly 19 1 A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly A9 A/T Shift Lever Illumination W–B (A/T) 7 1M 19 A (∗3) F5 Front Console Illumination BR–Y (∗1) 1 17 1E GR (∗1) D13 Door Lock Control SW 10A GAUGE 30A AM2 120A ALT 1 2 1Q II1 2 30A DCC 1 1 GR 2 8 1Q 3 3 2 2 2 T–LP Relay IG1 Relay R W L 1 2 LG 7. 5A PANEL 2 2 4 C6 Combination Meter 25A AM1 1 V LG R 6 3 IE4 2 1S 6 1P 2 10A ECU–B SCION tC (EM0300U) I5 Ignition SW W Cowl Brace RH IH IF Cowl Brace LH IH Cowl Brace RH ED M 229 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head V L LG R R T7 Transponder Key Amplifier O O (∗1) R8 Room Lamp (Left Quarter) M 2(A), M 3(B) Map Lamp ON OFF DOOR ON OFF R7 Room Lamp (Center) DOOR L R N2 Noise Filter (DOME) L 2 V BR BR L W–B D7 Diode (Room Lamp) W–B L W–B 1 W L V W–B J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector O W–B W–B 120A ALT 30A DCC J6 Junction Connector LG L BR BR A B 2 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM R B (∗1) Ignition Key Cylinder Lamp 1 W–B B5 Back Door Lock Assembly Courtesy SW W–B D10 Door Courtesy SW (Front Passenger' s Side) Combination Meter < 19–4> Transponder Key ECU< 3–4> D9 Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) W–B W–B IF Cowl Brace LH Left Side of the Back Door Panel BK Cowl Brace LH 1 V V 3 B (∗4) 1 4 A (∗3) 4 B A FL MAIN 3. 0W 1 1 8 BA2 18 IJ1 E B I7 Ignition Cylinder Lamp L IG1 Relay 25A AM1 10A ECU–B 2 A A A A C6 Combination Meter V 7 2 1K 1 1K 7 1A 14 1C 6 1C 21 1A 7 1M Door V ILL 23 7. 5A ECU–IG BCTY 20 3 IF IH Cowl Brace RH PCTY 26 1 7. 5A DOME L W 1 B (∗4) SCION tC (EM0300U) Battery W Y W V SB 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 DCTY 1 3 8 A 2 2 I 6(A) 3 A (∗3) 5 1P 4 1P 5 1K 3 1P 2 GND 5 1 17 1E 1 1F 27 1E LSDI ECUB SIG 2 1 3 1 Integration Relay 5 A 6 5 6 2 1S 30 1B 1 1G 3 1F 2 13 1B SB 1 IC2 ST1 O (∗2) 2 2 1 I5 Ignition SW B (∗2) ACC 2 IG1 4 2 AM1 14 2 2 In te rio r L ig h t P o w e r S o u rc e 4 3 2 1 : w/ Engine Immobiliser System : w/o Engine Immobiliser System : w/ Sliding Roof : w/o Sliding Roof 1 2 3 4 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 230 10 tC 11 tC BR ACC W 2 IG1 4 2 AM1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator< 16–3> S8 Stop Lamp SW L L L P (A/T) B1 Back–Up Lamp SW P1 Park/Neutral Position SW BR P L L 10A GAUGE 10A STOP J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector L L L Shift Lock Control ECU< 20–3> J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector P W–B W–B P P L 5 L L W–B W–B W–B W–B N3 Noise Filter (DEF and Stop) J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector C10 Center Stop Lamp R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) Stop R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) Stop R5 Rear Combination Lamp (RH) Back–Up Back–Up R4 Rear Combination Lamp (LH) B J11(A), J12(B) Junction Connector W–B W–B W–B W–B W–B 2 W–B W–B Junction Connector M 231 Left Side of the Back Door Panel BK BI Quarter Panel LH J10 A J10 Junction Connector A F A F A F A F A BI Quarter Panel LH Cowl Brace LH IF IH Cowl Brace RH BR IG1 Relay 25A AM1 120A ALT Battery 1 6 18 1S 2 D B D B 7 BA2 A B 6 6 6 FL MAIN 3. 0W C A C A 5 3 3 B B 7 1M 17 1E L W 2 B B 2 B A P B A 30 1A 2 9 1A 2 1D SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 3 1 W Y W 1 21 1B 5 2 2 12 1B 24 1E 1 IH2 2 1 P (M/T) 15 1S 1 1G 18 1B 3 1F 1 1F 1 Engine Control Module < 3–11> B (A/T) R I5 Ignition SW B (M/T) ST1 4 3 2 1 S to p L ig h t B a c k – U p L ig h t P o w e r S o u rc e BR 11 IH2 P o w e r S o u rc e F ro n t W ip e r a n d W a s h e r 1 W ACC 2 AM1 4 3 2 +B IG1 4 +1 +2 +S INT1 INT2 B1 MIST OFF INT EW WF LG I5 Ignition SW Washer SW Wiper SW ST1 Off On LO M Wiper Relay 17 +1 7 2 IE1 1 IE1 B 2 1 4 3 B +1 +2 S 1 1J M W–B W–B W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W E W2 5 Windshield Wiper Motor Battery W–B W–B W–B W–B Cowl Brace RH IH IF Cowl Brace LH 7 IE1 Y R B 7 1M 2 Y 3 IE1 2 17 1E WF 11 2 W–B B W 1 EW C8 Combination SW 16 G 3 36 1B V 1 +S 8 G L 5 IG1 Relay 2 2 1J 2 1B 30A FR WIP 2 25A AM1 1 1G 15A FR WSH 2 3 1F +2 V L 1 1F 120A ALT SCION tC (EM0300U) LG W Y W W +B EB Front Right Fender W1 Windshield Washer Motor Y 1 HI M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 232 12 tC 13 tC P o w e r W in d o w (w / J a m P ro te c tio n ) P o w e r S o u rc e 1 4 3 2 R P9 Power Window Master SW 20 IG ACC 2 AM1 11 IB2 IG1 4 LG ST1 W SGND PCT 12 6 GND KOP 7 2 16 BR GR B BR V O W 17 IB2 20 IB2 13 IB2 3 PLS 6 PLS2 P E 1 II2 120A ALT 10 1H P10 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) 2 1M 4 II2 11 B Integration Relay < 15–6> O 12 7 1M II2 P M 3 B 3 W–B 5 SSRB BR D O 4 1 G P 2 2 17 1E MPX1 16 IB2 20A FL DOOR IG1 Relay 1 PLS2 15 1 IB2 20A FR DOOR 5 25A AM1 2 PLS 5 6 1D 10A GAUGE 2 19 P 1 1G Y B LG W 3 1F VC 11 U W P12 Power Window SW (Front Passenger' s Side) 2 PCT MPX1 P P W–B 1 W–B SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 1F D 1 10 W–B W Y H A U B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector F B I5 Ignition SW 2 B GND U 7 D 6 1 4 5 SSRB 3 PLS BR 4 D 8 LG 1 U SGND 6 PLS2 E W–B W–B Battery PLS2 3 L II2 PLS 5 R 2 2 VCC G Y W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W A A IH IF Cowl Brace LH Cowl Brace RH IH A W–B W–B Cowl Brace RH J6 Junction Connector J9 Junction Connector W–B W–B A M P11 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) Cowl Brace LH IF M 233 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 234 14 tC P o w e r W in d o w (w /o J a m P ro te c tio n ) P o w e r S o u rc e 1 4 3 2 P17 Power Window Master SW ACC 2 AM1 IG1 4 ST1 W U B I5 Ignition SW D 5 3 SD 6 8 W–B II2 II2 9 II2 GR Y P 4 2 5 B SD SU 2 1H DOWN UP W–B W–B P 2 P15 Power Window SW (Front Passenger' s Side) 11 1H W–B P GR P18 Power Window Regulator Motor (Front LH) B G 120A ALT 7 1M 20 IB2 3 IB1 1 3 G 1 M 6 2 17 1E 1 GR B P Y G 30A POWER PWR Relay IG1 Relay 10A GAUGE 5 1 4 IB1 2 1 1G 25A AM1 2 E 10 W Y W 3 1F 2 W SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 IB1 1 1F SU 4 B D U 1 3 FL MAIN 3. 0W Y G 1 M 2 P16 Battery W–B Power Window Regulator Motor (Front RH) A J6 Junction Connector W–B W–B A W–B Cowl Brace RH IH IF Cowl Brace LH Cowl Brace LH IF Memo SCION tC (EM0300U) 235 P o w e r S o u rc e ∗ 1 : w/ Jam Protection ∗ 2 : w/o Jam Protection D o o r L o c k C o n tro l 1 4 3 2 V W V IG1 4 ALTB SIG GND KSW ST1 4 5 1 9 UL1 UL3 LSWD 18 A 10 14 1H 4 1H L 13 1H 2 A W 4 1C ACTD 20 A 5 1H L Y 1 1G 23 1E B 3 1F 26 1E B 10A ECU–B BR 14 IB2 9 IB2 6 IB1 B C L 15 IB2 II1 BR 9 W II1 P 10 L B 18 IB2 5 IB1 P L W V G B Y P R Transponder Key ECU< 3–4> W 2 19 IB2 L 3 V 1 IG1 Relay 2 GR 5 Combination Meter < 19–4> 2 25A AM1 1 L 2 2 2 14 A (∗1) 3 A 1 A (∗1) 2 B 7 B (∗2) 6 B 5 B (∗2) 8 4 Detection SW Key Unlock 7 W–B W–B BR W–B 2 2 A (∗1) 3 B (∗2) 10 Key Lock 2 A (∗1) 1 B (∗2) Unlock 1 B (M/T) Lock Unlock 1 A (A/T) 9 D13(A), D14(B) Door Lock Control SW 4 A 2 B (M/T) P 9(A), P17(B) Power Window Master SW 2 A (A/T) Lock W–B 1 U 1(A), (B) Unlock Warning SW 7 1M W–B 1 17 1E 120A ALT 30A DCC SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 1F L1 12 P 2 7. 5A ECU–IG 20A DOOR W Y W I5 Ignition SW 2 I 6(A) Integration Relay ACC 2 AM1 A B W–B W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W 20 IB2 W–B Battery A W–B W–B J6 Junction Connector BR A A W–B Cowl Brace RH IF Cowl Brace LH M D11 Door Lock Assembly (Driver' s Side) W–B IH 1 IF Cowl Brace LH D M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 236 (Cont. next page) 15 tC 15 tC (Cont' d) D o o r L o c k C o n tro l 5 A O p tio n C o n n e c to r (T V IP ) B ack D oor O pener W ire le s s D o o r L o c k C o n tro l 8 7 6 V ∗ 1 : w/ Jam Protection ∗ 2 : w/ Sliding Roof I 6(A) Integration Relay L2 UL2 KOF TRLY ILL DCTY PCTY BCTY 19 7 26 20 23 HAZ 25 RDA PRG 7 A V G 13 IC2 3 PRG GND +B 1 5 V W–B W–B (∗1) 3 V B 2 RDA 12 IC2 D8 Door Control Receiver GR Z3 Option Connector (TVIP) B6 Back Door Opener SW 1 1 IRSG 30 1B J3 Junction Connector D O B5 Back Door Lock Assembly M 2 6 D 14 IC2 4 ECUB 6 A 12 1H Interior Light System < 10–2> < 10–3> HORN Relay < 2–4> Headlight System < 6–1> 10 BA2 Y O 2 BA1 M D12 Door Lock Assembly (Front Passenger' s Side) 12 IC1 L 1 6 IC1 W Key Unlock Key Lock 8 R 4 5 II2 W V (∗1) LG (∗1) 6 10 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side)< 19–3> II2 Power Window Master SW < 13–4> 11 Sliding Roof Control ECU< 20–4> II1 W 7 R LG (∗1) II1 BR (∗1) Y (∗2) BR 8 W–B W–B W–B D 9 1E L HORN 4 A R 4 1K HRLY 14 A B 9 1H TVSS 9 A GR 17 1H O (∗1) SCION tC (EM0300U) B C 8 1H SPD 11 FLASH Relay < 7–4> 16 1H BDSU 19 A Interior Light System < 10–3> 6 1H BACT 1 A Taillight System < 8–2> 7 1H DBKL 21 A W 13 Combination Meter < 23–2> 3 O 2 LG ACT– 16 R ACT+ 14 W–B 2 II2 W–B W–B J9 Junction Connector A W–B A A W–B IH J10 Junction Connector Cowl Brace RH BK BI Quarter Panel LH M 237 Left Side of the Back Door Panel P o w e r S o u rc e C6 Combination Meter ABS Combination Meter < 23–5> Combination Meter < 23–2> Stop Lamp SW < 11–4> W V O R W R W Y R W B SB V O L P W L W B Y BR L B (A/T) LG B Y G LG W–B W–B BR W R P L BR Y Y B B (A/T) 30A AM2 120A ALT B BR J7 Junction Connector BR W B S3 Speed Sensor (Front RH) W S18 Speed Sensor (Rear LH) B P6 Parking Brake SW B S19 Speed Sensor (Rear RH) Combination Meter < 4–12> B Y R W B B J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 7. 5A ECU–IG IG1 Relay 25A AM1 40A ABS NO. 2 50A ABS NO. 1 S2 Speed Sensor (Front LH) W–B W–B W–B Battery ED Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head Front Right Fender EA Cowl Brace LH IF IH Cowl Brace RH 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 IH1 19 IJ1 9 IJ1 3 IC2 4 IC2 2 18 IE2 16 IE2 4 IE2 5 IE2 2 IE2 3 IE2 1 2 2 FL MAIN 3. 0W 7 1M 17 1E 1 1F Data Link Connector 3 < 3–14> < 3–15> 1 1M C A FL– 8 3 1 13 32 SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 1 W PN PKB RR– 6 18 34 33 12 RR+ RL– RL+ FR– FL+ 9 FR+ 11 30 31 GND1 2 24 GND2 WA BRL SP1 STP TC 26 10 16 14 15 23 D/G TS +BM +BS IG1 13 IE2 17 IE2 15 IE2 12 IE2 3 IE4 1 13 ST2 C B 2 2 10A MET IG2 ST1 1 25 5 W 1 1 4 1F ACC 4 3 2 1 S1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator 2 2 LG I5 Ignition SW 24 1B 2 2 2 L IG2 6 7 AM2 1 1G 2 IG1 4 2 AM1 3 1F 2 ABS LG 4 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 238 16 tC 17 tC P o w e r S o u rc e T ire P re s s u re W a rn in g S y s te m 1 4 3 2 L 4 1F IG1 4 7 AM2 IG2 6 10A MET IG2 2 AM1 L 1 1M LG W Y W R I5 Ignition SW 4 1 1G 7 1S F B 2 3 SPD TC 10 BR IG 1 LG 7 P 17 1E G 1 1F L 3 36 R 2 7. 5A ECU–IG 1 IG1 Relay 5 25A AM1 30A AM2 120A ALT 2 C6 Combination Meter 3 1F Tire Pressure 2 J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector H A 2 Date Link Connector 3 < 3–13> Combination Meter< 23–2> Y R W SCION tC (EM0300U) 3 IG4 5 SIL IND T11 Tire Pressure Warning ECU 7 1M 1 GND2 6 11 RDA 12 GND 9 W–B V BR C B C B BR 2 13 IJ1 15 IJ1 14 IJ1 5 IH1 BR V 5 4 1 +5V GND RDA 1 W–B BR O T6 Tire Pressure Warning SW W–B W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W O GR W RF5V Battery A J9 Junction Connector A IH IF Cowl Brace LH Cowl Brace RH IH B J7 Junction Connector B T12 Tire Pressure Warning Antenna and Receiver BR W–B Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head ED M 239 Cowl Brace RH J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector B C A CLSW P o w e r S o u rc e SRS 1 ∗ 1 : w/ Side Airbag 4 3 2 R R LG 7 AM2 IG2 6 Engine Control Module< 3–11> 12 1H ST2 LG L 30 1B I5 Ignition SW R G 4 1F ESL 2 1 2 ESR A18 Airbag Sensor (Rear LH) VUCL 1 2 1 2 1 2 ESCL 1 Y–B (∗1) 3 A 5 C 6 C B (∗1) Y (∗1) 4 A 1 IK1 W (∗1) Y–B (∗1) 2 IK1 C12 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (RH) Y (∗1) 1 ID1 C11 Curtain Shield Airbag Squib (LH) B (∗1) W (∗1) 2 ID1 VUPR B (∗1) 15 1E VUPL W (∗1) 3 1E 16 1E 1 1M 1 S10 Side Airbag Sensor (RH) Y 10A ECU–B R B (∗1) W (∗1) B (∗1) W (∗1) G W P B LG 2 L 4 C6 Combination Meter 2 2 SRS 2 2 30A AM2 16 B TC 22 B SIL 19 A 21 A VUPD GSW2 22 C ESD VUPP 20 C ESP ICD+ ICD– ICP+ ICP– 20 A VUCD 22 A ESCD A11(A), A12(B), A13(C) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center LA D+ D– 14 B 5 B 6 B D2+ 8 B D2– 7 B P+ P– 4 B 3 B 1 IE3 PD+ 5 A PD– 6 A 2 IE3 Y 4 IE3 –SR 27 B Y–B 3 IE3 +SR 29 B B 4 IG1 –SL 28 B W 3 IG1 30 B R 2 IG1 +SL P2– 2 B G 1 IG1 Y–R Y–G Y–R 32 1E Y R BR Y–B 1 P2+ 1 B Y Y–B 29 IG2 O 1 1 15 B 21 B Y–G 30A DCC SCION tC (EM0300U) 3 IE4 Data Link Connector 3 < 3–14> 2 15A IG2 10A MET IG2 2 1 1D S9 Side Airbag Sensor (LH) 2 5 IH1 BR Battery A16 Airbag Squib (Steering Wheel Pad) B J7 Junction Connector B BR ED Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head B 1 B W 2 B R 1 A G 2 A Y–G C B 3 Y–R 4 Spiral Cable Y 2 Y–B 1 14 1S BR J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector B FL MAIN 3. 0W C A 2 1 2 1 +SL –SL +SR –SR A14(A), A15(B) A4 Airbag Squib (Front Passenger' s Airbag Assembly) Airbag Sensor (Front LH) A5 Airbag Sensor (Front RH) 1 2 P13 Pretensioner (LH) A B M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 240 (Cont. next page) 18 tC 18 tC (Cont' d) ∗ 1 : w/ Side Airbag ∗ 2 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 3 : w/o Cruise Control SRS 5 A B 8 7 6 R LG R J3 Junction Connector D A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly Combination Meter< 19–3> F6 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) A19 VUCR ESCR A/BOFF 36 A (∗2) 35 B 36 B (∗3) 4 IJ1 2 IM1 O 3 2 1 3 3 IM1 O L W G SB R G LG R L 2 L 3 O8 Occupant Classification Sensor Front RH 2 1 R B (∗1) W (∗1) 4 BR Y 1 IM1 B W R G O 21 C VUCP 10 A 19 C 18 A DBE+ ESCP 9 A DBE– 17 A DSP+ 13 B DSP– 23 B PBEW 17 B PAON P–AB 24 C 16 C FSP– FSP+ 8 A FSR+ 4 A FSR– 7 A 1 A IG +B PP+ PP– SFD+ SFD– SFP+ SFP– 7 B SIG1 DK+ 1 B SGD1 DK– 12 B SVC2 E1 E2 25 B 26 B GND DIA 3 A 2 A BSW 9 A BGND 5 A SVC3 5 B SIG3 9 B SGD3 3 B SVC4 6 B 8 B SIG2 SIG4 10 B 2 B SGD2 SGD4 4 B BR R V W W Y (∗1) 10 B Y Y–B (∗1) 9 B GR 7 C SVC1 GR 8 C B 2 A W–B 1 A Y (∗1) 3 C Y–B (∗1) 4 C 11 B O 4(A), O 5(B) Occupant Classification ECU A11(A), A12(B), A13(C) Airbag Sensor Assembly Center BR W–B Y–G Y–R Y Y–B SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 O6 Occupant Classification Sensor Front LH 3 IJ1 BR 1 A/BON Y 2 35 A BR Seat Position Airbag Sensor Buckle SW D Airbag ON/OFF Indicator LG Airbag Sensor (Rear RH) 6 IJ1 5 IJ1 2 1 R 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 W–B 14 1E S11 Side Airbag Squib (LH) S12 K2 Side Airbag Squib (RH) Knee Airbag Squib 30 1E A IF W–B IH A W–B W–B Cowl Brace RH 7 1M J9 Junction Connector 17 1E Cowl Brace LH Data Link Connector 3< 3–13> P14 Pretensioner (RH) F8 Front Seat Inner Belt (Front Passenger' s Side) O7 Occupant Classification Sensor Rear LH O9 Occupant Classification Sensor Rear RH IH M 241 P o w e r S o u rc e K e y R e m in d e r a n d L ig h t R e m in d e r S e a t B e lt W a rn in g 1 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 242 19 tC 4 3 2 ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control V L V 2 AM1 30 1B 4 1F ACC IG1 4 ST1 7 AM2 10A MET IG2 IG2 6 2 L Illumination System < 9–4> ST2 2 1S 1 1M V P 4 1 1F 1 3 1F 1 1G C6 Combination Meter 3 2 5 2 2 17 1E 2 IG Passenger' s Seat Belt Warning Lamp SEAT 38 A (∗1) 7 1M Power Circuit Buzzer 38 B (∗2) 2 2 24 1 5 22 Cowl Brace LH Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head ED Unlock Warning SW < 15–3> IF 2 IC2 L A J10 Junction Connector BR IH Y W–B J7 Junction Connector B L F7 Front Seat Inner Belt (Driver' s Side) Buckle SW BR 1 B Battery Door Courtesy SW (Driver' s Side) < 10–3> C L BR W–B W–B B FL MAIN 3. 0W BR C 2 5 IH1 7 C R BI Quarter Panel LH SRS System< 18–6> C B J1 Junction Connector 2 J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 1 L Integration Relay< 15–6> C A Cowl Brace RH 8 BR P L 30A AM2 120A ALT 30A DCC 1 3 20 B (∗2) A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly 1 10A GAUGE 25A AM1 R W IG1 Relay Driver' s Seat Belt 20 A (∗1) 2 6 1 1P 2 1 LG I5 Ignition SW 3 IE4 L SCION tC (EM0300U) 10A ECU–B W Y W R 2 20 tC P o w e r S o u rc e S h ift L o c k 1 S lid in g R o o f 4 3 2 GR ACC 3 2 AM1 GR 5 1F IG1 4 W 7. 5A ACC ST1 I5 Ignition SW D A F B B B P IG Y G O 8 1 2 6 PWS SPD L GR IG1 Relay J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector 3 H A B 1 7 1S Combination Meter< 23–2> GR B 5 3 1K 7. 5A ECU–IG 2 6 1K 20A S/ROOF 1 1G 25A AM1 3 1F Stop Lamp SW < 11–4> B O G W Y W W 6 7 ACC STP 5 IG +B 2 S13 Sliding Roof Control ECU SLS+ Shift Lock Solenoid 2 120A ALT 17 1E S6 Shift Lock Control ECU 1 1K W–B U 1(A) Unlock Warning SW J9 Junction Connector A W–B W–B W–B W–B IF M2 Map Lamp W–B W–B W–B A Cowl Brace LH CLOSE OPEN Key Interlock Solenoid A J6 Junction Connector W–B W–B IF 2 Sliding Roof Control SW 5 A IH W B R W–B B 1 3 A Battery E 7 8 4 A Cowl Brace RH 10 E 12 FL MAIN 3. 0W CLOSE/DOWN 9 SLS– KLS+ 2 OPEN/UP M W–B 1 7 1M W–B W–B SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 1F Integration Relay < 15–6> 14 1D Cowl Brace LH IH Cowl Brace RH M 243 P o w e r S o u rc e R e a r W in d o w D e fo g g e r 1 GR IG1 4 Y 4 3 2 ACC 3 C ig a re tte L ig h te r GR 2 AM1 R e m o te C o n tro l M irro r ST1 5 1F W W Y 3 1F 1 1G 2 5 15A CIG 1 1F 7. 5A ACC I5 Ignition SW 1 8 B 2 2 1F RH LH HL HR VL RH 11 1M 2 2 VR M+ E 6 7 3 4 L V B Y LG P 5 B Rear Window Defogger SW 1 BA1 A A J6 Junction Connector A W–B R R Y II1 3 II1 4 IB2 5 MH M M 4 BR W–B COM 4 W–B COM O BR M 3 MV O3 Outer Rear View Mirror (RH) M R Cowl Brace RH 4 L IH V IF 3 MV O Cowl Brace LH 5 MH O2 Outer Rear View Mirror (LH) IH II1 LG W–B Cowl Brace RH W–B J9 Junction Connector A 5 7 IB2 L B Battery A J9 Junction Connector 1 R6 Rear Window Defogger W–B W–B W–B N3 Noise Filter (DEF and Stop) 6 IB2 1 A B B B 12 FL MAIN 3. 0W G B LG GND 1 W–B 2 B A7 A/C Control Assembly RrDEF G A J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector 1 G A Engine Control Module < 3–11> 7 IC1 BR–Y B B 120A ALT 5 C4 Cigarette Lighter W–B 12 1Q MV LH 2 Select SW 7 1M Operation SW 17 1E Right /Down MH 2 Left /Up Down Up DEF Relay Right 7. 5A RR DEF I/UP Left 10A GAUGE B O1 Outer Mirror SW 3 3 1Q L 1 30A DEF W SCION tC (EM0300U) 25A AM1 4 1S IG1 Relay IF Cowl Brace LH IH Cowl Brace RH M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 244 21 tC Memo SCION tC (EM0300U) 245 P o w e r S o u rc e P o w e r O u tle t 1 A u d io S y s te m ACC 3 2 AM1 GR IG1 5 1F Combination Meter< 23–2> 25A AM1 15A ACC SOCKET J1 Junction Connector A17 Antenna Amplifier 8 IE1 1 6 1S 1 2 3 2 2 2 GND 7 A 8 A +B FL+ 3 C SPD ANT FL– 2 A FR+ 6 A FR– 1 A RL+ 5 A RL– 2 B 6 B RR+ RR– 1 B 3 B W R Y BR L LG V P BR W–B O 120A ALT 30A DCC 1 4 A ACC Y W 2 3 A R 2(A), R 3(B), R 9(C) Radio Receiver Assembly Z 5(D) Option Connector (Radio Receiver Assembly) O 1 L P8 Power Point Socket Relay 1 1G 5 GR GR R 2 L 1 1 +ACC 2 Instrument Panel Brace LH 11 IJ1 1 W IG S14 Speaker (Front Door LH) 1 IJ1 R 3 Y 2 BR BR W–B Cowl Brace LH 2 10 IC1 L 1 IF 4 LG V A 9 IC1 T10 Tweeter (RH) 1 II2 L 3 12 LG 2 P J6 Junction Connector Battery II2 T9 Tweeter (LH) A A 7 V 4 W–B W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W 7 IB1 P B E 2 2 IB1 P7 Power Point Socket SCION tC (EM0300U) 20A RAD NO. 1 7. 5A ACC D D L GR 14 1D GR W R L I5 Ignition SW 1 1F 6 1M 2 GR ST1 2 4 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 S15 S16 S17 Speaker (Front Door RH) Speaker (Rear LH) Speaker (Rear RH) M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 246 (Cont. next page) 22 tC 22 tC (Cont' d) A u d io S y s te m 5 8 7 6 ∗ 1 : w/ Audio Steering Pad SW Z4 Option Connector (IPOD Unit) FWGD ACID 1 FWPW 3 4 ACPW 6 ACDT DGND SGND 10 14 16 DOTX 8 DORX 9 DOGD 7 AUDL AUDR AGND 11 12 13 GR LG 8 D 9 D 7 D DOTX DORX DOGD 17 C ARI 15 C AUDR ASGN 16 C 2 IL1 13 D AGND AUXI 19 C 3 IL1 W 1 IL1 12 D BR AU2 ALI R 2(A), R 3(B), R 9(C) Radio Receiver Assembly Z 5(D) Option Connector (Radio Receiver Assembly) AUDL R G (∗1) 11 EAU 11 D (Shielded) SGND W 16 D B O (∗1) 10 4 IL1 L R BR W Steering Pad SW Seek– DGND L P (∗1) 12 Seek+ 14 D (Shielded) 8 C 6 C AU1 ACDT SW2 SWG 7 C 10 D R ACPW L 6 D FWPW V SW1 4 D BR ACID P 3 D FWGD Y L G R SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 D 1 2 ALO ARO ASGN AUXO 3 4 MODE S20 Stereo Jack Adaptor Volume+ Volume– S7 Spiral Cable M 247 P o w e r S o u rc e V R 2 MAINT REQD Driver' s Seat Belt SRS Fuel Tire Pressure Temp. G R SB B O 9 IC2 Seat Belt Warning System< 19–3> SRS System< 18–2> Seat Belt Warning System< 19–2> Tire Pressure Warning System < 17–4> Key Reminder System< 19–4> Light Reminder System< 19–4> Key Reminder System< 19–4> Light Reminder System< 19–4> Engine Control Module< 3–11> R P J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector Fuel Sender Sliding Roof Control ECU < 20–4> Radio Receiver Assembly < 22–4> A/C Control Assembly < 25–6> Tire Pressure Warning ECU < 17–3> Engine Control Module< 3–10> Integration Relay < 15–6> F9 Fuel Suction Pump and Gage Assembly Y O L V Skid Control ECU with Actuator< 16–3> Engine Control Module< 3–13> V 3 22 5 29 24 36 7 8 21 2 23 26 2 Illumination System< 9–4> Battery Fuel Tachometer L B 1 1E G B G B G B Speedometer SCION tC (EM0300U) 13 1A 7 IA1 O O 25 27 11 8 1C 8 1D G A G A FL MAIN 3. 0W V LG Illumination ODO/TRIP Illumination 30A AM2 30A DCC Buzzer R Rheostat 2 2 3 4 6 ODO/TRIP Power Circuit L 2 2 10A MET IG2 ST2 C6 Combination Meter 10A ECU–B 30 1B 4 1F 4 3 2 1 2 1S 1 1M Illumination System< 9–4> 2 L IG2 6 7 AM2 V I5 Ignition SW 2 C o m b in a tio n M e te r 2 1 1C M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 248 3 IE4 1 1 1 (Cont. next page) 23 tC 23 tC (Cont' d) C o m b in a tio n M e te r Headlight System< 6–3> Beam P R N D 3 2 L Turn RH Turn LH CRUISE Charge BR W Headlight System< 6–3> BR BR BR Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator System< 4–11> J 4(A), J 5(B) Junction Connector Engine Control System< 3–5> B ABS System < 16–4> B2 Brake Fluid Level Warning SW R W–B E3 Engine Oil Pressure SW Charging System< 2–3> Cruise Control System< 5–7> B 1 Skid Control ECU with Actuator< 16–3> Interior Light System< 10–3> 2 Malfunction Indicator Lamp B V J7 Junction Connector 1 Oil Pressure ABS BRAKE Door SCION tC (EM0300U) 13 IH2 Front Left Side of the Cylinder Head ED EB M 249 Front Right Fender 5 IH1 B C B 22 1B C A 5 1C 30 37 38 39 40 31 16 1 34 15 17 9 13 12 10 14 Electronically Controlled Transmission and A/T Indicator System< 4–10> < 4–11> Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light System< 7–3> 20 19 18 33 32 C6 Combination Meter 8 7 6 5 P o w e r S o u rc e R a d ia to r F a n a n d C o n d e n s e r F a n 1 Y Y W Y 2 FAN NO. 3 Relay 3 2 2 2 L 30A RDI L IG1 Relay 25A AM1 1 7. 5A ECU–IG 30A CDS W–B 3 2 W–B 1 1 W W 5 5 W 2 5 4 2 2 24 1B W 1 1G L 3 1F FAN NO. 2 Relay FAN NO. 1 Relay 1 1F 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Y W Y W W LG R 2 Engine Control Module< 3–11> O B GR L 120A ALT SCION tC (EM0300U) 1 R 2 1 3 2 L 2 5 2 Y IG1 4 I5 Ignition SW 2 Y Y LG ACC ST1 2 4 3 2 2 AM1 M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 250 24 tC 8 EA1 1 17 1E 7 1M 2 W W–B W–B B 3 1 3 R W L D5 Diode (Fan) 2 A2 A/C Condenser Fan Motor M 1 W–B R1 Radiator Fan Motor M 1 2 2 P5 Pressure SW 2 FL MAIN 3. 0W W–B Battery W–B W–B W–B Cowl Brace RH IH IF Cowl Brace LH EC Front Left Fender W–B MG/C Relay < 25–3> W–B W–B Memo SCION tC (EM0300U) 251 P o w e r S o u rc e ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control A ir C o n d itio n in g 1 4 3 2 V O 3 1D B W BR ACC 3 IG1 4 O B P O L W W Y V F B FRS B I5 Ignition SW 2 M 3 1F 1 1G 1 1F 2 1P 1 1L 1 1P 29 1B 7 1S REC 2 IH2 1 IG1 Relay 2 2 4 HTR Relay 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 16 A 10 A (∗1) 40 B 16 B 10 B (∗2) REC FRS 11 A 6 A MGC BLC 9 A (∗1) 11 B 6 B 9 B (∗2) +B ACT AC1 A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly L BR 7 1F 40 A 4 B BR 1 G 7 1M G W 120A ALT 40A HTR 30A DCC 17 1E 5 1Q 3 IH2 1 4 A 3 B FrHR 1 3 2 3 A 20 B MG/C Relay 2 1 20 A IG 2 P 5 LG 5 V L L W 2 R 3 1 L 3 2 5 2 P R BR 10A A/C 1 7. 5A ECU–IG 10A GAUGE 25A AM1 10A ECU–B SCION tC (EM0300U) 2 Engine Control Module< 3–12> ST1 J 1(A), J 2(B) Junction Connector H A 4 EA1 D1 Damper Servo Motor (Air Inlet) 2 AM1 30 1B 6 EA1 R +B 3 VM GND 4 1 B L BR L W–B W–B B Diode (Fan) < 24–4> A1 A/C Compressor 2 SI BR 1 B4 Blower Motor Control 2 1 2 B3 M Blower Motor 1 W–B FL MAIN 3. 0W L L L W–B Battery Cowl Brace RH IH IF Cowl Brace LH Cowl Brace RH IH A M OVERALL ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAM 252 (Cont. next page) 25 tC 25 tC (Cont' d) ∗ 1 : w/ Cruise Control ∗ 2 : w/o Cruise Control A ir C o n d itio n in g 5 8 7 6 2 Seat Belt Warning System < 19–2> 2 SCION tC (EM0300U) A8 A/C Thermistor No. 1 LG Rear Window Defogger System< 21–2> 19 IE2 Engine Immobiliser System< 3–4> SB G 9 IE2 SRS System< 18–6> Combination Meter < 23–2> 1 Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Light System< 7–4> A6 Ambient Temp. Sensor 1 O B P B 23 A 31 A (∗1) 23 B 31 B (∗2) TAM A 7(A), (B) A/C Control Assembly 18 A 35 A 36 A 25 A 27 A 5 A 38 A 24 A 32 A (∗1) 18 B 35 B 36 B 25 B 27 B 5 B 38 B 24 B 32 B (∗2) SG–TAM GND SPD AOF AOD A/BON A/BOFF S5–TPM SG–TPM 29 A 33 A 22 A 21 A 14 A 30 A 13 A PRS 37 A (∗1) 12 B 1 B 2 B 34 B 29 B 33 B 22 B 21 B 14 B 30 B 13 B 37 B (∗2) 2 VZ 3 GND G 1 MAXCOOL B 4 MAXHOT TP Y 5 Pl V G 3 GND GR 1 VZ V G L LG W W–B 2 SG–TP SG–TE 34 A DEF S5–TP TE 2 A 4 AMC SEAT 1 A FACE AMH RrDEF 12 A 5 TPM SECU HAZ 14 IE2 Pl V 1 M D3 Damper Servo Motor (Air Vent Mode) D2 Damper Servo Motor (Air Mix) P5 Pressure SW M A J9 Junction Connector A W–B 4 W–B A W–B EC Front Left Fender M 253
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