about paint shop pro 6
about paint shop pro 6
ABOUT PAINT SHOP PRO 6 Jasc’s Paint Shop Pro 6, powerful enough for the professional and friendly enough for the beginner, enables users to create, edit and retouch images. HELP WITH PAINT SHOP PRO Paint Shop Pro has several built-in sources which provide additional information and assistance. They are Tip of the Day, Help Topics and Jasc Software Online. TIP OF THE DAY 1. From the menu, select Help, Tip Of The Day. 2. A useful tip appears. 3. To have the tips appear every time you start Paint Shop Pro, check the Show Tips At Startup box. 4. For more tips, click the Next Tip button. 5. When finished with the Tip Of The Day, click OK. HELP TOPICS 1. From the menu, select Help, Help Topics. 2. The Help Topics window appears. 3. In the Contents tab, double click the book icon to see the topics in this category. 4. Click the Index tab to switch to the Help Index. Click in the first textbox and type the first few letters of the word for which you are looking. Click the Display button. OR, click the entry you want from box two and press the Display button. 5. Click the Find tab to begin the Find Setup Wizard. 6. When finished, click the Cancel button. JASC SOFTWARE ONLINE From the menu, select Help, Jasc Software Online and appropriate topic. University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 1 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 THE PAINT SHOP PRO SCREEN Title Menu Toolbar Color Palette Tool Palette Active Image Workspace Tool Options WORKING WITH TOOLBARS TOOLBAR TIPS • To create the most dynamic images possible with the greatest of ease, the Toolbar, Tool Palette, Color Palette, Tool Options and Status Bar should be open at all times. • If the toolbar is not open, from the menu, select View, Toolbars and select the toolbar to open. To hide the toolbar, click the X in the upper right hand corner of the toolbar. • The toolbars can be repositioned by pointing to the title bar, holding down the mouse button and dragging the toolbar to the desired location. University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 2 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 THE TOOLBAR The toolbar provides buttons that access some of the frequently-used commands in the menus. If a command is unavailable, its button appears greyed-out. Using a toolbar button is easy - just click it. TOOL PALETTE The Tool Palette contains the following image-editing tools: Arrow Zoom Vector Object Selector Preset Shapes Deform Draw Crop Text Mover Flood Fill Selection Airbrush Freehand Magic Wand Picture Tube Dropper Eraser Retouch Paint Brush Clone Brush Color Replacer Hint: When a tool is selected from the Tool Palette, the settings in the Control Palette adjust to the tool. TOOL OPTIONS PALLETE University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 3 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 Within the Tool Option palette is the Arrow tab and the Brush Tip tab. The Arrow tab contains the options for zooming in or out on the active Image window. The Brush Tip tab contains the controls for configuring brushes and the access to the custom brushes. It becomes available whenever you select a brush. At other times, it is greyed-out. Note: When a tool is selected from the Tool Palette, the settings in the Tool Option Palette adjust to the tool. COLOR PALETTE To select a color, 1. Move the mouse over the Select Color Panel. Notice that the mouse cursor turns into a dropper . 2. As you move the mouse, observe the Current Color Panel. When the mouse is positioned over a desired color, left click to select a foreground color or right click to select a background color. To switch the foreground color to the background color or visa versa, click in the lower left corner of the two arrows. The colors should switch. 3. Clicking on either of the boxes within the Active Colors Panel will bring up the Colors dialog box where you may define Custom Colors or have more control over selecting the desired color. THE STATUS BAR The Status bar, which appears along the bottom of the window, contains information about Paint Shop Pro tools and active images. When you point the cursor at an item or control, it displays a brief description. With an active image, it displays the size in pixels (Left Number is horizontal and Right Number is vertical) and memory (RAM) needed by the image, and the coordinates of the cursor. FIRST TIME STARTING PAINT SHOP PRO University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 4 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 The first time you start Paint Shop Pro, the File Associations box lets you assign file formats to Paint Shop Pro in the Windows registry so the computer will launch Paint Shop Pro whenever you seek to view or edit these types of files. Click Select All. Click OK. To edit the Associations later, from the menu, select File, Preferences, File Associations. You may also be prompted to choose a User’s Directory. If all your images will be stored in one location, choose that location. You will only be asked to choose a User’s Directory the very first time you start Paint Shop Pro. Once selected, files can be saved to any location. KEY TERMS 1. dpi (Dots per inch): number of dots per inch. 2. Pixel: the smallest image-forming unit of a video display (smallest piece of a picture). 3. GIF vs JPEG The most common image formats in use on the web today are the .gif (Graphic Interchange Format) and .jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group) formats. The GIF format is the most commonly used web format. GIF images have a maximum of 256 colors per image. This faster load time and support by all browsers currently available make it the format of choice for most small images, such as icons, reduced color images, and drawings. The JPEG format is primarily used for web-based photographs, due to its relatively high display quality. JPEG image can contain thousands or millions of colors. Its main disadvantage is that its load time is longer on average than equivalent GIF images. UNDO/REDO 1. To undo an action, from the menu, select Edit, Undo or from the Toolbar, click the Undo 2. To redo an action, from the menu, select Edit, Redo. button. CREATING A NEW IMAGE To create a new Paint Shop Pro image, University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 5 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 1. From the menu, choose File, New, or from toolbar, click on the New box opens. 2. button. The New Image dialog Type a Width and Height for the image. You can configure the size in inches, centimeters or pixels. As you change the units of measurement, the width and height automatically update. Pixels is the default setting. When creating web graphics, define the dimensions in pixels. Notes: If the Image type is set to 256 colors, many of the features of Paint Shop Pro will be grayed out and not available. 3. Select a Resolution for the image. The maximum screen resolution is 72 pixels per inch. Using a higher resolution not only will cause your image file size to be large, but your web page will also load slower. 4. Select a Background color. The background color can be the current foreground or background color (displayed in the Color palette), white, black, red, green, blue or transparent. (Transparent is available only for grey scale and 24-bit images. 5. Select the bits per pixel from the Image type box. A 24-bit image can display over 16 million colors, while 1-bit image can display only 2 colors. In Paint Shop Pro, many of the editing commands are available only for grey scale or 24-bit images. 6. Notice the Memory Required of the image. 7. Click OK. The new image file appears in the Paint Shop Pro workspace. SAVING AN IMAGE TO SAVE AN IMAGE 1. From the menu, select File, Save, or from the toolbar, click the Save 2. Navigate to where you wish to save the image. 3. Type the name for the file in the File Name box. button. Hint: Leave the File Type set to Paint Shop Pro image ".psp." Paint Shop Pro format supports layers, alpha channels, and other features you can use to create image. You will find it University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 6 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 convenient to save images in this format and then, when necessary, convert them after you have finished. 4. To save the image file in a format other than ".Paint Shop Pro," scroll through the Save as Type box and select the new format. 5. Click Save. SAVING A COPY OF AN IMAGE When you save an image using the Save Copy As command, you are copying the original file, not saving it. Use this command to save a version of a file without affecting it. Paint Shop Pro saves the copy to the same directory and in the same format that was last used with the Save Copy As command (not the Save As command). 1. From the menu, select File, Save Copy As. 2. Enter the file name and Save As type. Click Save. Hint: Use the Save Copy As command to save images in the .gif, .jpeg or other desired format. PRINTING AN IMAGE From the menu, select File, Print, or, from the toolbar, click the Print click OK. button. Select the printer and To preview the image before printing, from the menu, select File, Print Preview. CLOSING AN IMAGE/PAINT SHOP PRO CLOSE AN IMAGE From the menu, choose File, Close. CLOSE PAINT SHOP PRO From the menu, choose File, Exit. OPENING AN IMAGE 1. From the menu, choose File, Open or from the toolbar, click the Open 2. In the Open box, check the Show Preview button. Locate the file and click Open. University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 7 of 19 button. Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 CHANGING THE ZOOM LEVEL The zoom level is the magnification level of the image. Standard magnification is 1:1. At 4:1, the image is four times the standard size. As you edit, vary the zoom level. To change the zoom level, 1. From the menu, select View, Zoom In or Zoom Out. 2. To return to the standard view, from the menu, select View, Normal Viewing (1:1) OR 1. 2. From the Tool Palette, click the Zoom tool button. The cursor changes to a magnifying glass. To zoom in, left-click the image. To zoom out, right-click the image. 3. To return to Normal viewing, click the Normal Viewing button on the toolbar. CREATING BUTTONS SAMPLE BUTTON TO BE CREATED CREATING A BASIC BUTTON 1. Set the foreground color to gold and the background color to black. a. In the Colors toolbar on the right side of the screen, double-click on the foreground color, shown here as black University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 8 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 b. Since we will define the gold used throughout the UNCP pages, click on one of the white cells in Custom Colors. In the HTML Code text box, enter #FFCCOO, or enter the values of Red 255, Green 204, Blue 0, as shown. Click on the Add Custom button to add the gold to the Custom Colors and save it for later use. c. Click OK. d. In the Colors toolbar on the right side of the screen, double-click on the background color shown here as white . e. In the Basic Colors, click on black in the upper right hand corner. f. Click OK. 2. The foreground color should now be gold and the background color black. 3. In the toolbar, click on the New 4. Enter the following values: icon, or from the menu, select File, New. IMAGE DIMENSIONS Width: 100 Height: 40 IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS Background Color: Foreground Color Click OK. 5. From the menu, select Image, Effects, Buttonize. 6. Enter the following values. Play with the various options to see what effect they have on the button. When you’re satisfied with it’s look, click on the OK button. University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 9 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 HEIGHT and WIDTH define the size of the shadowing around the edge of your button. The higher the number the taller the edge. Height: 6 Width: 6 OPACITY selects the darkness or lightness of the shadow around the edge of your button. The smaller the number, the lighter the shadow. Opacity: 50 SOLID EDGE will give the edges of your button a more angular appearance. TRANSPARENT EDGE will give a smoother curve to the edges of your button. Click Transparent Edge AUTO PROOF allows you to see the effect on the image. 6. Now we have a basic button with which to work. 7. 8. In the toolbar, click on the Save icon (or from the menu, select File, Save). Under Save as type, select Paint Shop Pro Image (*.psp). Note: 9. Using the .psp format will keep the original copy of your button with maximum image qualities. However, web pages only display GIF (CompuServe Graphics Interchange) and JPG (JPEG) formats. Because the GIF format reduces colors to 256 and repeated saves of JPG format reduces the image quality, always work with your image in *.psp format until you have achieved the look you want. When you have achieved the look you want, save a copy of the image as either GIF or JPG format. Enter button as the filename and choose location in which to save file. Click on the Save button. Note: Images designed for use with web pages should be stored in folder where web page is located. ADDING TEXT TO THE BUTTON University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 10 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 1. In the Colors toolbar , click in the lower left corner on the two arrows. Your foreground color should now be black and your background color should now be gold. 2. In the toolbar, click on the Text 3. The button we created was 100 by 40 and we want to place our text in the center of the button. Move the mouse cursor around the center of the button while you watch in the lower left hand corner of the screen at the coordinates. When you have the mouse positioned at approximately (50,20), which is the exact center of the 100 by 40 image, click the left mouse button to display the Add Text dialog box. Set the following values: icon. FONT ATTRIBUTES Name: Arial Black Style: Regular Size: 18 TEXT AFFECTS Make sure Antialias is checked. Antialiasing produces a smooth-edged selection by partially filling in pixels along the edge, making them semi-transparent. ALIGNMENT: Center. If your button were to contain more than one line of text, the alignment options allow you to select whether the lines of text will be left, center, or right justified. Make sure FLOATING is selected. A floating selection temporarily rests above an image or layer. You can move or modify it without changing the original image, so selecting this option assures that you will be able to move the text on your button around until it is in the desired location. ENTER TEXT HERE: Email Click the OK button. 4. Notice that the text we just added has a moving outline around it: University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 11 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 By moving the mouse cursor over the outlined text and clicking and holding the left mouse button, you can move the newly added text around on your button if it's not placed exactly where you want it. If you accidentally set the text in place and there is no moving outline, go to Edit, Undo Defloat in the menu. 6. When you have the text positioned where you want it, click the right mouse button once on the text to set it in place or, from the menu, select Selections, Select None. 7. Save the button. Then, from the menu, select File, Save Copy As and select CompuServe Graphics Interchange (*.gif) for Save as type. 8. Click OK. Paint Shop Pro will prompt you saying: Because of limited specifications of the file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer and a maximum of 256 colors. Would you like to continue? Click Yes. 9. Now we have our completed button to use on a web page. CREATING GRAPHIC TEXT WITH A DROP SHADOW SAMPLE BUTTON TO BE CREATED 1. Set the foreground color to black and the background color to white. University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 12 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 a. In the Colors toolbar on the right side of the screen, double-click on the foreground color shown here as black . b. Under Basic Colors, click in the black square. c. Click on the OK button. d. In the Colors toolbar on the right side of the screen, double-click on the background color shown here as white . e. In the Basic Colors, click on white. f. Click on the OK button. 2. Click on the New 3. In the New Image dialog box, enter the following values: icon in the Toolbar (or from the menu, select File, New). IMAGE DIMENSIONS Width: 275 Height: 100 Resolution: 72 pixels/inch IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS Background Color: Background Color Image Type: 16.7 Million Colors Click on the OK button. 4. In the Tool Palette, click on the Text 5. Move the mouse cursor around the center of our new image while watching the coordinates in the lower left corner of the screen. The center should be at (137, 50). When the mouse is at those coordinates, University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke icon. Page 13 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 click the left mouse button to bring up the Add Text dialog box. Set the following values: FONT ATTRIBUTES Name: Arial Black Style: Regular Size: 18 TEXT AFFECTS Make sure Antialias is checked Alignment: Center Make sure Floating is selected Enter text here: Web Page Graphics with Paint Shop Pro (Enter text as show in image) Click the OK button. 6. Notice that the text we just added has a moving outline around it. By clicking the left mouse button and holding it, you can move the newly added text around on your button if it's not placed exactly where you want it. If you accidentally set the text in place and there is no moving outline, go to Edit, Undo Defloat in the menu. 7. From the menu, select Image, Effects, Drop Shadow to display the Drop Shadow dialog box. Set the following values: University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 14 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 ATTRIBUTES Color: Foreground Color. Opacity: 50 As the opacity is decreased, the drop shadow fades. As it is increased, the drop shadow becomes darker. Blur: 5 As the blur level increases, the appearance of the shadow softens. As it decreases, the appearance of the shadow hardens. OFFSET Vertical: 3 Moving the Vertical slider to the right moves the shadow toward the bottom of the image and to the left moves it toward the top. Horizontal: -4 Moving the Horizontal slider to the right moves the shadow toward the right and to the left to moves it toward the left. Click on the OK button. 8. By moving the mouse cursor over the outlined text and clicking and holding the left mouse button, you can move the text around if it's not placed exactly where you want it. If you accidentally set the text in place and there is no moving outline, from the menu, go to Edit, Undo Defloat. When you have the text positioned where you want it, click the right mouse button once on the text or from the menu, choose Selections, Select None to set it in place. 10. In the toolbar, click on the Save icon (or from the menu, select File, Save). Set the Save As Type to CompuServe Graphics Interchange (*.gif). 11. Click OK. Paint Shop Pro will prompt you saying: Because of limited specifications of the file format, the saved file will be limited to a single layer and a maximum of 256 colors. Would you like to continue? Click Yes. University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 15 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 12. Now we have our completed button to use on a web page. DRAWING A LINE OR SHAPE DRAW LINE OR SHAPE 1. Set the foreground and background colors, and open the image or create a new image. The color of the line or shape will be the foreground color. 2. From the Tool Palette, click the Draw 3. IF A LINE, from the Tool Options Palette, click the Draw tab. Set the Line Type, Style, Width and Antialias. 4. IF A SHAPE, from the Tool Options Palette, click the Preset Shapes tab. Set the Shape Type, Style, Line Width and Antialias. 5. Move the mouse pointer of the New Image box. 6. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw the line or shape. or Preset Shapes button. FILL THE SHAPE WITH A COLOR 1. Set the foreground color. 2. From the Tool Palette, click the Flood Fill button 3. Select options from Control Palette and left click inside the shape. 4. The shape is filled with the color. . CROP AN IMAGE 1. Create or open the image. 2. From the Tool Palette, click the Crop 3. Move the pointer over the image. University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke button. Page 16 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 4. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw a box around the image. Move the pointer . Hold down the left mouse button and drag over the edge of the box. The pointer changes to mouse to adjust the crop area. 5. Double-click on the crop area to crop the image. CAPTURE AN IMAGE To configure capture, 1. From the menu, select Capture, Setup. The Capture Setup box opens. 2. Set selections and click Ok or Capture Now. To capture an image, 1. From the menu, select Capture, Start. The Paint Shop Pro window minimizes. 2. Right click on the image to be captured. 3. The pointer changes to a “plus.” Click the left mouse button and drag the mouse to select the area. 4. Release the left mouse button. The Paint Shop Pro windows opens with captured image as a new image. Note: Use to capture an image created outside of Paint Shop Pro. USING THE AIR BRUSH 1. Set the foreground and background colors. 2. From the Tool Palette, select the Air Brush 3. Set options in the Tool Options Palette. Left click and drag to use the foreground color. Right click and drag to use the background color. . USING THE PAINT BRUSH 1. From the Tool Palette, choose the Paint Brush . 2. Set options in the Tool Options Palette. Left click and drag to use the foreground color. Right click and drag to use the background color. USING DEFORM University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 17 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 1. Select the image. 2. From the Tool Palette, choose the Deformation around the image 3. . Click and drag a handle, around the edge of the image, to deform the image. The mouse pointer changes to 4. button. A box with square handles appears . When complete, double click the image with the left mouse button. Paint Shop Pro prompts you to apply deformation. Click Yes. USING SELECTION 1. From The Tool Palette, choose the Selection button. 2. Set options in the Tool Options Palette. Click with the left mouse button and drag the mouse to select the area. 3. The selected area appears within a dashed box USING FREEHAND 1. From the Tool Palette, choose the Freehand button. 2. Set options in the Tool Options Palette. Click with the left mouse button and drag the mouse to select the area. 3. The selected area appears within a dashed box. USING RETOUCH 1. From the Tool Palette, choose the Retouch button. 2. Set options in the Tool Options Palette. Click with the left mouse button and drag the pointer over the desired area. USING THE ERASER 1. Set foreground and background colors (color to be left by eraser). University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 18 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001 2. 3. From the Tool Palette, choose the Eraser button. Set options in the Tool Options Palette. Click and drag left mouse button to erase area with background color. Click and drag right mouse button to erase with the foreground color. USING THE MAGIC WAND 1. 2. From the Tool Palette, choose the Magic Wand button. Set options in the Tool Options Palette. Click the image with the left mouse button to select the desired area. USING THE CLONE BRUSH Clone Brush only works with 16.7 million colors (24 bit) images. 1. Open the image from which information is to be cloned. Open the new image. 2. From the Tool Palette, choose the Clone Brush 3. Set options in the Control Palette. Right click on the image from which information is to be cloned. 4. Left click on the new image. Drag mouse pointer over selected image to clone information. button. WEB SITES OF INTEREST Paint Shop Pro Tips and Tutorials www.jasc.com/tutorials.html Faculty and Staff Computing Services www.uncp.edu/ucis/facultyandstaff Paint Shop Pro Users Group www.pspusersgroup.com Online Guides www.uncp.edu/ucis/guide University Computing and Information Services UNC Pembroke Page 19 of 19 Paint Shop Pro 6 Revised February 2001