Are decadal-scale climate predictions possible? Large scale air-sea interaction modeling and process studies Jacek Piskozub Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot, Poland COST Conference, Sopot, 7-8 April 2014 Global warming is marching on Temperature anomalies (global GISS data series) of decades (the last one ends on February 2014) vs. base period 1961-1990 with uncertainty (2 σ) shown. Piskozub 2014 (unpublished) What causes the multidecadal variability of global temperature? On top of the global warming trend, the instrumental temperature records show significant multidecadal variability. To better learn the actual climate sensitivity to greenhouse gases, we need to understand how much of it is caused by changing forcing (natural and anthropogenic) and how much by natural variability? And what this variability actually is? The Copenhagen Diagnosis 2009 The trend is easily attributable to CO2. But what about the “wiggles”? Using only the transitional climate sensitivity (2 K) and the fact that radiative forcing depends logarithmically on atmospheric CO2 concentration, it is easy to reconstruct the general shape of instrumental global temperature data series. The residuum is dominated by ENSO on 2-7 year time scales and a 70 year oscillation around the CO2 predicted temperature. Piskozub 2012 (unpublished) No 65 year cycle in the solar activity spectrum from tree ring C14 Solar activity from tree ring 14C shows many cycles but the shorter important one is 88 year long. It is difficult to explain any multiannual or multidecadal variability of a shorter period by sun only. We also know of no other external decadal periodical forcings. Dean 2000 (USGS) Modern view of thermohaline circulation Deep waters return to the ocean surface thanks to turbulent mixing (especially on ocean ridges) and upwelling driven by Ekman transport around the Antarctic (pushing surface waters north, that is leftwards from the wind direction – Southern Hemisphere!) Rahmstorf 2006 Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Atlantic Multidecadal oscillation is a periodical (60-70 years) warming and cooling of North Atlantic. The temperature anomaly of North Atlantic (top) is used as the AMO index. Sutton, Hodson 2005 (Science) Attribution of global temperature anomalies: now with AMO Attribution of 20th century global temperature variability to particulate natural and anthropogenic forcings (including AMO, added as an additional forcing) from multiple regression analysis. Piskozub & Gutowska 2011 (EGU 2011) Anthropogenic and AMO related component of decadal temperature trends Comparison of anthropogenic and AMO contributions to temperature change between subsequent decades. It is obvious that AMO may increase or decrease decadal trends by up to 1/3 of their values and that the next change will be rather down than up (assuming the 70 year period will continue) Piskozub & Gutowska 2011 (EGU 2011) The map show only regions of statistically significant correlation. Piskozub & Gutowska 2013 The map show only regions of statistically significant correlation. Piskozub & Gutowska 2013 Atlantic surface circulation North Atlantic surface circulation is controlled by two large gyres: the anticyclonical Subtropical Gyre and cyclonic Subpoolar Gyre. The wind forced Gulf Stream and its (supposed) continuation, the North Atlantic Drift (or Current) divide the two gyres of different water properties (the Subpolar Gyre is much colder and less salty. Tomczak & Godfrey 2002 (a book chapter) Anticorrelated changes of T and S in the two gyres 1980-2000 minus 1950-1970 Temperature and salinity changes in the Subtropical and Subpolar Gyres are anticorrelated on multidecadal time scales. In 1950 – 2000 overturning circulation decreased by -1.5 ± 1 Sv in the former and increased by +0.8 ± 0.5 Lozier et al. 2010 (Nature Geoscience) Sv in the latter. AMOC exchanges heat between ocean and the atmosphere on decadal scales The temperature of subsurface tropical North Atlantic and surface waters are anticorrelated on decadal scales showing that AMOC exchanges heat not only between the hemispheres but also between the ocean and the atmosphere with an AMO-like timescale Zhang 2007 (GRL) Zmienność Wanner et al. 2001 Wintertime NAO values since 1950 Wintertime has similar values on decadal scales. In fact it look almost like a cycle of... about 65 years. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/pna/season.JFM.nao.gif Linear temperature trends (a) The linear trend in areaaveraged global land surface temperature (°C per 5 years) determined from CRUTEM3 for five different periods: 1979–2010 (dark red), 1987– 2010 (light blue), 1993–2010 (green), 1999–2010 (orange), and 2005–2010 (pink). Filled bars represent trends that are significant at the 95% significance level. (b) As in Figure 1a but only for the NH (20°N– 90°N). (c) As in Figure 1a but for the tropics (20°N–20°S). (d) As in Figure 1a but for the Southern Hemisphere (SH; 20°S–90°S). Cohen et al 2012 (GRL) Seasonal trends and patterns Surface temperature anomalies and trends (poleward of 20 N) and spatial patterns for four seasons. Cohen et al 2012 (GRL) Can we predict NAO values? Correlations of summer ocean SST with NAO index of the following winter (Rodwell et al. 1999) British Met Office has a hindcasting 2/3 successful prediction of winter NAO sign from North Atlantic SST of the previous summer. Rodwell, Rowell & Folland 1999 (Nature) & www.metoffice.gov.uk NAO leads AMO by 10 years! NAO index (shaded) seems to lead North Atlantic temperature (a simple measure of THC volume) by 10 years (thick line is a 11-year running mean). The mechanism explaining the phenomenon is supposed to be the NAO effect on Labrador Sea deep convection (top is Labrador Sea Water thickness in meters). Latif et al. 2006 (Journal of Climate) This is how two sine functions with a phase difference cross-correlate The result of cross-correlation of the sine functions of 64 year period and a 15 year phase difference with no white noise added. Piskozub 2013 (IAPSO) Same sine functions with some noise added The result of cross-correlation of the sine functions of 64 year period and a 15 year phase difference with some white noise added. Piskozub 2013 (IAPASO) This is NAO cross-correlated with AMO NAO index seems to lead AMO by about 15 years while AMO leads NAO 9with inverted sign) by another ca. 15 years. It looks almost exactly as if the two indices were the same approximately 60 year cycle but with different phases. Piskozub 2013 (IAPSO) Do we have a warming “hiatus”? The graph shows the global mean surface temperature relative to the 1961–90 mean, based on the HadCRUT4.2.0.0 data set. The inset shows the 1993–2012 time span, with green denoting La Niña years and red, El Niño years; the size of the symbol indicates the strength of La Niña/El Niño (the Niño index for year N is computed by averaging from October of year N−1 to September of year N). Held 2013 (Nature) Two phases of ENSO La Niña El Niño Global temperature and ENSO Comparison of global surface temperature (NOAA series) and NINO3.4 index of Central Tropical Pacific SST. Trenberth & Fasullo 2013 (Earth's Future) Global temperature: data and modelling Annual mean time series based on observations, HIST and POGA-H (model runs with historical forcings and in the latter case forced historical SST od tropical eastern Pacific. Bars on the right show the ranges of ensemble spreads of the 2002–2012 averages Kosaka & Xie 2013 (Nature) Ocean heat content OHC integrated from 0 to 300 m (grey), 700 m (blue), and total depth (violet) from ORAS4 ocean reanalysis, as represented by its 5 ensemble members Ballmaseda Trenberth Callen 2013 (GRL) PDO and NAO Comparison of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and low pass filtered Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Trenberth & Fasullo 2013 (Earth's Future) ENSO is in phase with NAO! The Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) correlates with NAO with only a 1-2 year lag (NAO is lagged behind MEI) and anticorrelates for lags > 20 yrs which suggests both are cycles almost in phase with each other. Piskozub & Gutowska 2014 (EGO) If you attend EGU 2014, please do not skip my talk about the processes driving “teleconnections” between ENSO, AMO, NAO and PDO. Conclusions The Earth climate seems react to cyclical variability with a prriod of approximately 65 years ●Understanding this variability is crucial for constraining climate sensitivity to forcings (greenhouse gases) and useful for making decadal scale climate predictions. ●Variability with this time scale needs to be externally forced (no evidence for that) or ocean related ●Different ocean basins show variability of similar period but different phases ●All the cycles of different phases may be symptoms of the same planetary scale variability involving at minimum Meridional Overturning Circulation and NH atmospheric circulation ●Models still lack the capability to represents this variability (though some show its elements) ● Why sea ice NH & SH trends are so different? Sea ice in Northern Hemisphere has a consistent decreasing trend. However the Southern Hemisphere sea ice has a weak increasing trend in the whole satellite era. IPCC Report 2007 (technical_summary) The pattern of Antractic sea ice trends Trends of sea ice cover fraction per decade in 1979 – 2012. Black line delineates areas of statistically significant trends. King 2014 (Nature) Is Atlantic responsible for sea-ice trends around the Antarctic? North Atlantic temperatures (with the satellite era marked by the box) (top) and (a) SLP (contours indicate), SAT (land-area color) and SIC (ocean-area color – inverted colors!), individually regressed against the normalized tropical Atlantic SST, (b) difference of values for 'high” (1996-2012) and “low” (1979-1995) AMO periods, (c) modeling results. Li et al 2014 (Nature) Thanks for attention Anthony Casay, 1994
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