GRAL By virtue of the provisions of the Camperdown Cemetery Act
GRAL By virtue of the provisions of the Camperdown Cemetery Act
-1- x LIST OF LTrEas FOR INCIflSZON 119SPfCI?ICPI0N. GRAL By virtue of the provisions of the Camperdown Cemetery Act, 1948-195w, the Department of Lands is rectuired to arrange, in this item of work, for the transfer of huwn romaine, together with all associated surface struetures, from a total of 65 grave areas (of varying eizes), 10 of which are situated. in Camperdown Memorial test Park and the remaining 55 situated on a site in Qanp,rdowrt Cemetery on which a Parish flail will subsequently be erected. by Church of iAgland '.uthorities. Also included in the work is the removal of all surface atruoturee over two graves in Camperdown bremoriel Røst Park and their subsequent re-erection. Cmaperdown Cemetery adjoins Camperdown Memorial Reet Part, both areas being situated in Iewtawn and their prods locations are shown on diagrai ) The re-interment of human remains and/or re-erection of all associated surface structures are to be effected in parts of Camperdown Cemetery whioh have been retained to oonstittle a cemetery area. In the 65 graves mentioned, 116 interments were made during the period 1849 to 1905, and records indicate that 109 intermenta were affected 76 to 105 years ago, whilst the remaining 7 took place 50 to 75 years ago. Fifty seven graves average 2'6" x 6 1 6" 9 two average 5' x 6 1 6" and the remaining six average 7 11 6" x 6 1 6". It cannot be foreoast with any degree of accuracy whether, and in what form, any human remains from the 65 grave will be found. The type of soil, climatic conditions and the typo of coffin used at the time of interment are biat a few of the factors which influence the possibility of discovery of human remains. A large Moreton Bay Pig tree is situated on the southern boundary of the site which will be used for the erection of the Parish flail and advice has been had that the roots of this tree Will be fonnd to infest the area on which 55 of the graves involved in this work are situated.. All "uiusarkad. grave areas (I.e, graves over which no surface structures are erected) and sites for the re-interment of human remains andjor re-erection of surface structures will be pegged on the ground immediately prior to commonoement of work on such graves. It is proposed that photographe will be taken of all grave structures prIcr to removal and snob photographs will be mad.e available to assist the contractor when re-erection is being undertaken. Representatives of 0overzent Departments o Police Force, Church of ngiand, medical profession, representatives of persons interred in the graves, and other interested parties will be present from time to time to witneee the work being carried out. (1) !w'' remains together with all aesociatea headstones, grave enclosures and other surface structures from the 55 grave areas shown by heavy and broken black odgings on diagram "C2' to be collected with due care, removed to the a.propriate ipositions as shown on diagram 03', and such human remains enclosures to be there reyereztly re-interred and such headstones, grave and other surface structures to bc re-erected.. Particulars, so far as records disclose, of all burials made in these 55 graves are shown on diagram 'C2 7t. /?ox, -2- I4SP OF KATTRAS FOR I1CLWI0N IN SPCIFICAl0r. For the position regarctinç badly these graves see item (1) (a). smashed surface structures associatec with Human remains together with all associated haadatonea, grave enclosures (2) anil other surface structures from the 10 grave areas ihown by red tint on diagram ?$C6n to be collected With due care, removed to the appropriate positions as shown on diagrs "73" and t4" ((arruthere) and such human remaine to be there reverently r-inerred and such heaistones, grave enclosures and other surface structures to be re-erected. Particulars of all burials made in these 10 graves are shown on schedule '/". For tne position raarding badly smashed surface structures aaaoeiated with these graves note the provisions of item (7) (b) and the special attention required in respect of structures enumerated in item (8). Surface structures onl erected over the 1&tlford and Challenger grave (3) areas as shown by green tint diagram 'c6" to be removed to the appropriate xhumation of those positions shown on diagram "4' and there re-ereoteao graves not required. xhuaat ion of human remains from graves. (4) (a) A. member of the Police Force must be in attendance at all times whilst exhumations and re-interaenis are being carried. out. The contractor inut give at least three clear day's notice to the Officer-in-Charge of Police, iewtown of the date and time of commencement of the work. The contractor must also advise, at the end of each day's work, either the member of the Police Force on duty in the Cemetery or the Officer-in-Charge of Police, Newtown, of the time and date be proposes to carry out Au,ther exhuatione and re-iuterments required in this work; (a) fleisian screens 6' in height aad appropriate width, afixed to a firm framework, must be erected around the gravushilat exhumation takes place and the human remains must be revpntly placed in oaekets and the lids screwed down behind such screen before caskets are removed for re-interment; (o) t diligent search for human remains to be undertaken to a depth of six feet (6 1 in all grave areas requiring exhumation but if human remains are exposed at that level, exhumation must continue until such remains are removable; ) (ii) No exhumation and/or re-interment to be l.ft incomplete at the •nd of each day's work; (a) Where jewellery or other items of value are found in a grave together with human remains, such jewellery and other items of value are to be placed in tho casket together with bu*an remains. There jewellery or other items of yalue are found in a grave but human remains are not located, such jewellery or other items of value are to be banded to the member of the Police Force present and his receipt obtained; (r) AIX workmen should wear protective glove, whilst involved in the work of exhumation of human remains, (g) Human remains found In ny eroded leaden casket are not to be removed from any grave in which such a oseket is found; (h) Bmm= remains securely encased in lead may be removed and re-interred Without being pisoed in a casket; (i) If pieces of the original coffins are found in graves to be exbnaect on the Parish Hall site, diagram Ae2, they are to be removed. and /plaosd