Section 3


Section 3
1iL 1fOt lXu IiJ
placed in the grave dg for the re-interment of hu*an remains. toh
pieooa of original •3offins foun1 in graves shown on dia6ran ' C60
(red tint) may be left in th craveafter all human remaira are
rmo'ved 3
Following exhumation of human rains all tavee are to be irninediateli filled in and left in a neat and tidr oond.itt,n.
Caakets are to be of good workmanlike ciesoriptn of .uitble size
Re-interment of human iatna.
and to be aonatvuoted of I' wrought pine, painted black, with seams pitched
and lids to be proper1i screwed down. ?&Mont for caskets will be made
on the b4ais of the number used for the purpose of re-interment.
Caskets are to be rev,rentld ptaoui in graves so that the upper surface
of such easketa are not lees than four (4) fees from the natural surface of
the soil* following placement of cakatz in draves uL graves to be tmmediately filled in. ?ayaent for re-interment3 will be ma4e on the basis
of the number effeoted.
All surfoo atruotures are to be r erected in the form in b.oh they
are found at the time of coenenoament of or vith the exoeptios
emuserateô. in iteri2 ('3);
Any surraca stuuturee found to be badly 3nashed ixmnodiately prior
to oomenoement of work on a grave, and lying on or near auth grays
need not be repaire.i ni -ted, but ist 'be placed on the
appropriate site eeleoted for re-int,raent - aeo diajrams '3"
and 04*
xceptione to this v%ub-itevi to be noted in itom (8);
All boa4.z%ons
ootstenee to be Zix.ii in sockst, emd no brick
or stonework used in such sockets to appear zabove the ground;
All icerbing to be neatly and firmly get in the ground;
All tombs and monuments to be set on suitable founLations (
ana xality to
briok or stone) of sufficient lepth, tranti
support same and to prevent any eubaidonce or collapse of such
tombs or monuments;
Where a cement platform surrounds a monument to be removsd from
the raveo shown in diagram "C6 1 9 a new cement platform of a thickness of three inches is to be laiii follcawi re-orootion of such
monument 1
The heai and of all structures to be kept in striot aliiaent where
All hoaastnea to be placed at western end of grave with the insoriptiort on headetnes facin: the east, where poeaible.
3pecial a
The surface structures in respect of five of the grave areas mentioned
in item (2) are etack,d near to the terr bou mr.,es o' tbe Sites salucteck
for the re-erection of such strtiotures and/or re-intent of remains. The
follovint., work is to be oarriod out in reopect of these structures s(a) Swad.ling.
The marbleaU.atonc bearing the names
John Swadling, lsrtha .
r& r R1 Ot
Swadling and 3Lary Ann Swad1irns" to be ra-er.ote rin site 111,
diagrim "CY, and any repairs n.oeesax to enable its re-erection
to be carried out*
he site to be enclosed neatly ansi firmly with kerbing to be obtamed from an existing heap of IteIbing eituate alon'eld.e the
cyclone not fence on the northorn br 1 of the retin cemetery area. Kerbing used must not bear any numbers or letters.
(b) isrigg.
ee "ohn Thomas Brig and araL Brigif to be
Headstone b.arin
ni any repairs necessary
re-erected on site 112, diagram
to enable its re-erection to be carried out.
The site to be enclosed neatly ansi firmly with kerUina obtained
fro the source mentioned in "Swadling" and subject to the same
p.oautione regarding numbering or 1 etering.
This structure is in the form or a tomb. The "table top" or
"inscription 4" stone is broken in two piecs and theee piøoea
together with one other atone connected with the tomb are atacked
near the site for its re-erection, i.e. site 113, diagram "C3".
The balance of the stones oouprisiaj this tomb are situated on
the northern side of a p%hway about 20 yards nortb of the site
selected for re-erection of the tomb.
The tomb to be re-erected on the site stated and any repairs necessary to enthie its re-erection to be carried out. Note also the
provisions of itm (7) (a).
The headstone bearing names of "4ar4 iartiu and 1artna Porter"
to be re-erected on site 114s diagram 3". The aitea, 114 and
115, Liagram 'cf, to be enclosed neatly &nti firmly with kerbing
obtained from the source mentioned in "na1ixig" and siabjeot to
the same precautions regarding numberinf or lottaring.
and .Tuwo !all' which
The heacimtone bearing names "BiarjFs
aired, but the plea.*
is broken in three pisoes, is not to b
to be placed on site 115', diagram "03"4 ,
(e) Chandler.
.rbinth,, two footatones and one headstone bearing names "William
-rected on ow 105 and. 107, diagram
Sarah lv, hanalsr"to b
on site 107. The £otatone
"C3 0
bears the numbers and
or kerbic
letters '175E43,
The heaistone ("in !neory of children of 11liam and Sarah Chandler")
wh.toh Is broken in two pieces, is not to be reizire4, but the
pisoea to b laed on site
Only th beat qua1iy oitland emont is to b usecL for the cotUng
or repairing of kerbing, hod.stona, tombs, monuments etc, and also for
(7) (Z).
platforia aention. in it
(to) U1 nafuse, and nzbbih oaused by the crryin out o. -ork to be
pozoti of outaide the b nd.ari.a of the iemetury ant
eleaxd .uway and
(ii) The contractor shall repair and make good all dazaage wrought by him
within the bountarias of Caeperdoin Cetery and Carerdown Loaoril Reat
Park. 3peial oar hou Li be iakan not to ;hmta the entrance atea or
aaaooiated pillars in Church 3treet or the drivoway an the northern and
weatern bound.ariea of t. tephen's Church in the Cemetery.
All gravea ater re-interment of buwi remains n6/or re-erection of
surface et4ucture3 to be loft in a ueat ancl tid condition and all work to
be carried out in a 'rroxfkmanliko manner.
enderers imt eatisfy thamoelvee by peraonL inspection of the areas
an,i struoturee involved that they are capable of carrying out the work and
have the neosa rt.tipaent etc.
peeif1oation to provide that oontractor rmst be covered in respect
of PubUc Risk z'n orkor
nsati I uranos and any other tya of
inatirzce which is uu11y
itei upon by the Dapartment of 1'tthlio arke
in its spitiona in order that tho Crown is innnifid against a3l
actlino an. clins whih may ariac in the oarrying out of the work. (note
the royislonz of Saotsn 13 of the Act.)
(Is) TendaTs in ehvelopss sddresaed to the LJnLsr secretary for Lands,
rtad "Tender for r onstruotion work Camperclown Cemetery 71
to be .Leosit*d in Peni5.r Box in Parka 1ranch, Departmont of Lands, iridge
104, lat loor). b
(leave date an4 time b]nk).
(16) ork to be oosnoed within 14 days from einin of contract.