Coolgardie Avenue Proposed Conservation Area
Coolgardie Avenue Proposed Conservation Area
Coolgardie Avenue Proposed Conservation Area April 1998 C OOLG ARDI E A VENU E AREA EAST LVL~LVERN INTRODUCTION tion wilb Di Foster, bistorian, in Tbis report has been prepare d by Br/ce Rawon h Pry Ltd in associa rdie and Melros e Avenues, and to order to investig ate the signific ance of the area centred on Coolga precinct. determi ne the appropriateness of urban conservation controls for the Melbou rne's [menva r Hous!ng The analysi s builds on the relevant findings of Seamus O'Ha.lllon, a), 1989. Suney, prepared on behalf of the National Trust of Australia (Victori SUMM AR¥ OF RECOMMENDATIONS ance as a fine and largely imact Tnis report finds that the Coolgardie Avenue area is of regional signific protected as an Urban Conservation interwa r suburban development. It is recommended that the area be ,'\rea under the Stonnin gton Planning Scheme and be nominated (0 the Registe r of the Nationa l Estate. EXTENT OF PROPOSED URBAN CONSERVATION AREA addresses in Alben Street, Melrose TI1e propose d Urban Conservation Area comprises the following: all 04 Malver n Road. Avenue and Coolgardie Avenue, and 361-417 Waverley Road and 1908-20 I 1 I I [ I f I I I I fllus crwi on 1 . ,4re::z. E.rrenc of proposc_,1 Can_cer/ullon 2 HISTORY The fIrst sales of Crown Land in we area Wat was to become We City of Malvern, lOok place on We lOill June 1840. The are:J. had been surveyed and divided into large alloanems suitable for market gardens and farms. Pastoralists had previously moved into ille area, but the flrst sales of land in the nonh west of the district, initiated ille beginnings of permanent settlement. Commercial Road, Higb S [[eet and oiller main roads illat were already established in lbe west, were extended east. Created as a govemmem road in 1854, Commercial Road, east of Cbapel S[[eet, was renamed Malvern Road in 1867 and east of Tooronga Road, it was narned Lower Malvern Road unLil 1928.[ Malvern Road continued east as far as Gardiners Creek, the parish boundary. When ille road reached .ille c~eek it turned sou ill-east and followed lbe creek along one of the old [racks to Dandenong. 2 Waverley Road, also created in 1854, was known as Scotcbman's Creek Road umil1872. As ille Crown allotments sold, purcbasers moved east and in 1857 alloanent 164 was sold [Q Rody 3 He ffernan. Heffeman's land was located at the intersection of Malvern and Waverley Roads. LOt 164 consisted of more illan 14 acres and in 1863 Heffernan sold lbe allotment to Robert Benson. Benson, founder of ille Me[[opoIitan Permanent Building Society4 and member of lbe Gardiner Road Board, lived at Belgrave on ille corner of Bensons (Belgrave) Road and Dandenong Road. The Gardiner Road Board bad been established in 1856 and Benson became Chairman in 1864. He served on ille Council for more than 25 years, serving several terms as Shire President. 5 6 Lot 164 was brought under the Transfer of Land Act in 1871. Crovm alloanent 163, to lbe west of Heffeman's land, was included in the subdi ' /ision of the Glen Iris Park Estate in 1890. 7 The allotment had been purchased by Edward CharsIey in 1858. Cbarsley, a solicitor, ovmed many acres of land in tbe Gardiner district. Charsley moved from Pine Hill near Glenferrie Road and settled at Hedgeley Dene Farm in 1874. 3 Despite tbe activities of tbese speculators, small farms, orchards and market gardens were establisbed 9 east of Glenferrie Road. The Woodmason family were successful market gardeners and dairy farmers, with substantial land holdings throughout tbe dis[[ict. From 1859 the family ovmed land at the corner [ 2 3 4 5 6 Rob Bower, Malvern. 1840- [989, A bistory of tbe subdivision, plan 11. Georgina WbitebeJd, Appendix A: 'A pbysical bistory, Malvern urban cbaracter study' Malvern, 1989, p.2. Rob Bower, Malvern, 1840-1989, A bistory of [be subdivision, plan [l. The Prahran Telegraph, September 8, 1888, p.5. Minutes of Gardiner Road Board and Malvern Sbire Council. 1863 - 1890 Bower, plan 11. I Glen Iris Park Estate, subdivision and sale, undated, c. 1890. State Library of Victoria Collection. 8 9 Charsley, family bistory file, Malvern Arcbives. Georgina White bead. Appendix A: 'A physical bistory, Malvern urban cbaracter study' Malvern, 1989, p.3. J of Glenferrie Road and Malvern Road, where William Woodmason cultivated a highly successful mar,cer garden. \0 Woodmason was Shire President and a long serving member of the Malvern Council. On his de:lC!1 in 1892, his son, WilIiam lames Woodmason, took over che dairy and his fac.her's prize winning jersey herd. Woodmason becline a breeder of pure breed jersey cactle 11 and c.he herd was noced as one of che best in Victoria. winning several championships at cbe Royal Melbourne Sbow. '2 \Vocdmason's Meirose Dairy was established at the corner of Glenferrie Road and :vfalvern Road. Jersey cows were also kept at Twickenham in Waverley Road, where WoccJmason had established a second Melrose Dairy. He used land at the corner of Malvern Road and Waverley Road to grow maize in order to feed his famous Meirose jersey herd. lJ Toe SLOry is that WoccJmason bad named this are3. Cocigardie, according to bis belief that lalld represented a fortune sound as gold. 14 William Jame~ Woodrnason bad occupied Coolgardie, known as Crown allounem 164, since the 1890s, when it appears he bad le3.sed the vacant iand from the executors of the previous owner, Robert Benson. l5 By tbe turn of tbe century, WoccJmason had become the owner of the land, and a weatherboard house of 4 rooms had been erected bcing Lower Malvern Road. 16 A succession of tenants, assumed to be managers of Woodmason's propeny, included Henry Mackney, .A..rchibald Campbell. George Sangster, Archibald Haddon, William Grover and William Doyle. 17 Tne 1916 Board of Works plan shows Woodmason' s triangle of land bounded by Albert Street, Malvern Road and Waverley Road, undeveloped except for the small house and outbuilding with a frontage LO Malvern Road..tVbert Street had been created in 1890 with the subdivision of the Glen Iris Park Estate,18 leaving the triangle of undeveloped land. Wocdmason may have acquired the allotments at the south end of Albert Street, part of ailotIDen[ 163, at this time. In 1922 Wocd.mason decided to release the Coolgardie land for subdivision. 19 The same year he also put up for sale a large area of grazing land east of Wanigal Road."o Wocdrnason retained a portion of cbis land where be built his new home, Green Gables, in Waverley Road. 21 The -following year Woodrnasons Ice Works were built in Glenferrie Road. 10 11 1'2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Victoria and its Merropolis, Vol. '2. 1888, (Melbourne) p.699. Who's Who, 19'27, p.891. Woodrnason, family history file, Malvern Arcbives Woodmason, family bistory file, Malvern Arcbives. Lynne Strahan, Private and public memory, a his(orj of Malvem, p.77 Malvern Rate Book, East Ward, 1895. Malvern Rate Book, East Ward, 1901. Sands and Mc Dougail direcrory, 1906-19'2l. Lodged Plan 2915, 10.7.1890. Bower, Vol 1, roads, plan 11, p. 85. W. Woodrnason, Malvern Park Estate. Sale notice and subdivision plan. 11 November, 192'2. Malvern Archives. Auction sale, subdivisional are:lS at East Malvern, 25 May, 1922. Malvern Archives 'Brick residence, Waverley Road, East Malvern for W. Woodrnason.' Malvern building plan, 1922. plan no. 3982. ding areas had been subdivi ded imo When me Coolga rdie land was released for sale, most of the surroun wiLh tbe improv ed econom y and [he housing allonne nrs. Followi ng [he end of tbe Erst World War, Tbe tram bad run [Q [he terminus at demand for new housing, building activity increased dramatically. East Malver n was a short waik from Darling Road since 1913 and [he propose d new railway swtion at Woodrn ason's new estate. land sale' 2:2 On Novem ber 11 Woodm ason advertis ed [he Malver n Park Eswt.e as 'Malver n's greatest and fifty shop sites. To entice [he 1922, auction eers Coghill and Haugbt on offered for sale sixty villa homes with glowing descrip tions of purcbas er, [he sales brochur e fe:Hured pbotOs of Malver n's grander r..,.'1e rapidly growing East Ward. well serves a dual The subdivi sion of Mr W. Woodm ason's Malver n ParK Escate oj Malver n. It will Ciry the oj Ward East growing rapidly and rich purpos e in the highwa ys (along nr provid,! a great shoppin g centre at the juncrio n o/two imporra but the funher this. only llot d). projecte which Malver n's Tramwa y e_nensions are practic ally station a leave will Service Railway ELectric extensio n of the Glen Iris be left jar wd! today opposit e the Estate. So the big strides the East Ward records Ward East the can faster much behind {Qrn.Qrrow. Buyers will nor be visualising MW select very the of one secure to enough lud:y grow, but will wonder ij they will be great junction . Home Sites on lHalvem ParK Estate or one of the Shop Sites at this ent.a.l concret e, Coolga rdie Avenue Woodm ason mlllled the new streers, whicb were formed in experim propose d shop sites at the corner of and Melros e Avenue . Buildin g began a few years later and the estate include d the south east side Malver n and Waverley Roads were eventually reduced in number. Tile 13 1928 all the bouses had been built of Albert Street and this section was the first to be developed. By rs Reid and Pearson for Emest in this section except for number 16, designe d in 1936 by arcbitec Batten." 4 area was experie ncing the greatest Five years after the sale of the estate, the annual repoI1 noted that the extende d to Glen Waverl ey and building activity in the municipality.25 By 1929 the railway bad been designe d and built by builders with most of the houses had been built in Coolgardie Avenue. Most were 6 3, 13, 15 and 22." One of the [e'N loca.! builder David Arrnstf ong being respons ible for number s on the east corner of CooIgardie architec t designe d houses in the estate is number 371 Waverley Road Avenue , designed by Gawler & Orumm ond in 1925. 22 23 24 25 26 27 17 ion pl:m. 11 Novemb er. 1922. W. Woodm ason, Malvern Park Estate. Sale notice and subdivis Malvern Archive s. Sands & lYfcDougall DirectoryJ 1928 Malvern building plan, 16 Albert Street. Strahan , p.77 Malvern building plans. Nos. 9835, 9874, 10062. Malvern building plan no. 5463 6 fIrst house, number 11. was built by Melrose Avenue develop ed later man CooIgardie and almough me mree pairs of villa flats ( numbers 1930, building did not comme nce on me e:lSt side until 1939. Here. '2-4, 6-8. 10-1 '2) were designed and built by builders in me 1940s. 23 in Malver n Road at me corner of The Australian Home Beautif ul in 1932 illustrated newly built houses ed 'a block of good class residences Melrose Avenue. Toe journal recorded iliat lhis development complet the increas ing number of building in East Malver n' and in thal year 'Malver n [led] the suburbs in pennits issued between Novem ber and March. ' 29 building occurre d east of Belgrave The depression years slowed develop ment however, and very little around 1932 show a clear line of Road until the econom y improv ed. Aerial photogr aphs taken appears almost complete, with develop ment ending at Belgrav e Road. Building in Coolgardie Avenue built house on the corner of vacant land east of Melros e Avenue , with the exception of tbe newly 3o factory facing Malver n Road. Tills Malver n Road and Melrose Avenue, and a small saw-tootbed roof J1 d by a furnitur e manufacturer. factory, presently occupied by a dry cleaning company was first occupie DES CRIPT ION located west of the intersection of The Coolga rdie Avenue area compri ses a triangle of develop ment and Alben Street connec t tbe two Malver n and Waverl y Roads. Melros e Avenue, Coolgardie Avenue streets discour ages mrough traffic. larger thoroug hfares, but tbe curving layout of these narrow s on the perime ter of me area are Conseq uemly. tbe noise and fumes associa ted with high traffic volume not a feature of the streets witbin. e and Coolga rdie avenues have Roads in tbe area are typically paved in bitumen . However. Melros crossov ers are of modem concret e retaine d tbeir origina l concret e road surface s. Footpaths and willi lawn and trees which constru ction. All the streets in the area have nature strips planted comple ment the well maintained domestic gardens. and bungal ows. bm the general The bousing stock tbrougb out the area consists of imerwa r villas charact er of the built fabric varies from street to street. bungalo ws behind low fences of Alben Street is lightly planted wim a selection of modest villas and rim ber and rendered brick. 28 29 30 3l Archive s. Malvern building plans. 2-4. 6-8, 10-12 Melrose Avenue. Malvern 1932. 2, May l. Beauriju Home an T'ne Ausrrali to show the new East Malvern Golf A set of six photos were taken of Malvern around 1932 s. Archive Course. Collecti on in Malvern Melrose Avenue and Waverley Sands &: McDoug all Direcrory. 1934, Lower Malvern Road. between Road, T.B. Farrar, furn. manager . 7 above tbe stree~ It contain s more CooIga rdie Ave~ue is beavily planted and mature trees create a c:JllOpy especia lly notewo rthy for a number of houses and greater proport ion of villas. Tne street is decorJ.tive devices realised in re nde" residenc es wbich draw inspiration from Spanish Revival sources witb bungalo ws (Nos 5 & 7). Some early (Nos 11, 13 and 14). It also concains a small number of larger fences in rendered brick survive. illustrat ion 3 Typical villa. stock is more eclectic man otber Melros e Avenue also enjoys a canopy of marure trees altbougb bousing heavily on Tudor and Old Englisb streets in the area. Red brick predom inates and bouses draw more g. Timber fences predom inate. Reviva l sources with steep roof pitcbes and balf timbering occunin ive villas, wbicb are general ly situated The housing stoc:.;: on tbe major roads tends [awards more impress deterior ates towards tbe intersec tion of on larger allotme nts. Tne integrir y and conditio n of this group Malver n Road and Waverl ey Road. e deveJop rnems. Some fust floor :md The area is general ly in good, origina l conditio n witb few intrusiv been modifie d to provide off-stre et car garage addition s have occurre d, fronc gardens bave frequently have not signific antly altered cbe early parking and few origina l fences remain. However, these cbanges charact er of tbis interwa r suburba n develop ment. 8 ANAL YSIS e of an interwa r garden estate The Coolga rdie Avenue area is a mature, fine and largely in(;}ct ex::unpl tional or traditio nal manner than develop ed for a middle- class clientele. Develo ped in a more conven St Kilda., the Walter Bur!ey Griffin innovat ive garden suburb estates such as Lempri ere Grove, and Heidelb erg, the Coolgardie es(;}tes at Heidelberg, or the later A. V. Jennings es(;}tes at Murrur nbeena nt of Melbou rne's suburbs. Each and Melros e Avenue area broadly follows the traditional grid alignme a few architectS contrib uting designs. allotme nt was develop ed separately, with a range of builders and as a distinct emity rather than a u..TJit Despite their similarities in detail and form, each house is present ed ntative of conven tional suburba n within a larger designe d environ ment. In this they are represe of accomm odation more substantial residen tial develop ment in the 1920s, albeit providing a standar d LCJan much to be found in neighbo uring streetS. porary War Service Homes ESwte Direct comparison in this regard can be made with the nearby, contem suburba n estates directly south of of Villers and Bretonn eux Squares and other small conting ent of smaller timber villas, interspersed Coolga rdie and Melros e Avenues. These feature a predom inance of the streets in these es(;}tes with masonr y villas and set on shallow allotments. Wherea s a number Coolga rdie and Melrose , the overall feature esc.ablished trees and gardens not dissimilar to those found at house and allotme nt size. charact er of the streets is dr::unatically different due to the impact of sions featurin g a bend or cune (0 The develop ment also illustrates the contemporary vogue for subdivi suburba n grid. While this bend also the road, and thus avoidin g too strong a sense of the traditional nt a regular line along the rear of seems to have served a practical purpose, allowing a drainage easeme area. While the device is not to be propert ies fronting Malver n Road, it is not a common feature in the as those prepar~ by Walter Burley compar ed with slightly earlier, notably curvilinear subdivisions such estate, Ivanhoe, which display a Griffin, most notably the Glenard Esc.ate, Ivarilioe , or the Mont Eagle nt use of curving streets and culs-detrue. commit ment to the eradication of straight streets and a consiste and gardens , giving a sense of sac, it allows north facing vistas along the street to close on trees culs-de-sac. enclosure and protection similar to that experienced in contemporary associa ted with a small number of The use of concret e to pave the roads is also a feature wbicb is Heathe rleigb Place, East Malvern, interwa r subdivi sions, sucb as the Golf Links Estate, Camber well, Glen Alvie Estate, Mount Waverley, Linden Court, Armadale, and Jessamine Avenue, Armadale, and the it accentu ates the interwa r cbaracter but remains rare within Melbourne's suburbs generally. As a result of the streets within which it is found. 9 The housing stock is of a high quality, and though no individual houses are exceptional, the consistency of tbeir period of construction, scale, setbacks and integrity to an original appearance has become increasingly rare in Melbourne's inner suburbs. Tne houses, ranging in style from Spanish Mission to bungalow and Old English Revival, demonstrate the eclectic approach to design and applied ornament typical of the building profession at this time; the associated emphasis on distinctive and individu2.1 house design for each allotment ensures diversity within what otberwise presents as a coherent and unified environment. Tneir use of masonry rather than timber is notable for the late 1920s, and anticipates the emphasis upon brick (and sometimes concrete) construction in builder-developer estates of the mid- to late 1930s. Tne level of integrity of tbe bousing to its original design and construction is generally high. While numerous streets witbin Melbourne contain houses of similar materials, stylistic expression and scale, few streets ha¥e retained their housing stock with so few cbanges. Lempriere Avenue, East St Kilda, is similar in scale and housing type, but several of its houses have been altered. The very large Reid e5Ulte, Balwyn, contains a mixture of houses of comparable size and more substantial houses, but lacks the overall sense of unity and integrity of Tb~Highw3X' The Golf Links Estate, Camberwell, is similar In its integrity, but is also a much larger estate with differing characteristics in terms of layOut and street features. In summary, tbe Coolgardie Avenue area is a fine and representative example of a mature interwar garden estate. It retains a relatively high proportion of its early housing stock, albeit with some alterations to individual houses, and through the use of a range of devices typical of the interwar era., such as the regular rhythm of detached villas, the bend in the street, the use of concrete roads, and lbe incorporation of substantial street trees, establishes a strong interwar character which remains largely intact. It stands out in the broader realm of East Malvern as a distinctive and valued precinct, and compares well in integrity, character and significance with a small number of contemporarj subdivisions across the greater metropolitan area. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The Coolgardie area is of regional significance as a fine and substantially intact example of an intenvar estate subdivision, and for the quality and consistency of its housing stock. The land upon which the subdivision is set has historical significance due to its association with notable local identities, Robert Benson and William Woodmason, its former owners and, in the of the latter, developer. Tile triangle of development was one of the last area.s in East Malvern to be developed prior to tbe Depression, with quality brick family homes, mainly built by local builders. The substantial mature street trees and from gardens and the use of concrete as tbe major road surface are also of note, and are key contributory elements with respect to the areas distinctive interwar character. 10 REFERENCES Bower. Rob. Malvern. 1840-1989. A history of the subdivision. plan 11, unpublished manuscripl Malvern .A.rchives. Charsley, family history file, Malvern .A.rchives. East Malvern phmos c. 1932, collection in Malvern Archives. Nigel Lewis Richard AitIcen Pty Lld, City of Malvern Heritage SlUdy (June 1992). Malvern building plans. Malvern Rate Books. East Ward, 1895, 1901. Minutes of Gardiner Road Board and Malvern Shire Council. 1863-1890. Sands and Mc Dougall Direcrories. 1906-1934. StJahan. Lynne. Private arui public meTl11Jry, a hisrorJ a/Malvern. MelbDurne. 1989. Subdivision plan and sale notice, Malvern Park Estate. 1922. Malvern Archives. Subdivision plan and sale notice, East Malvern. 1922. Malvern Archives The Australian Home Beautiful, May 2, 1932. me Prahran Telegraph, September 8, 1888. Victoria and its Metropolis, Vol. 2. 1888, (Melbourne). Whitehead, Georgina. Appendix A: 'A physical history, Malvern urban character study', Malvern. 1989. Who's Who, 1927. Woodmason, family histOry file, Malvern Archives. 11 APPEN DIX 1 SCHED ULE OF BUILD INGS, DESC RIPTI ONS AND RECO MMEN DED GRAD INGS 12 A LE ER T STREE T Street No. Gradin g West Side B Single storey inlerwa r villa. lA B Single storey inlerwa r villa. 3 B Double slOrey inlerwar bungalo w willi visible addition s. 5 B Interwa r bungalo w willi visible altic slOrey addition s. 9 B s. Double storey inlerwa r bungalo w willi visible flist floor addition 11 B s. Double slorey inlerwa r bungalo w willi visible flist floor addition 13 B Single storey interwa r villa. 15 B Single storey inlerwar villa. 17 B Single slOrey interwa r villa. 19 B Double storey interwa r bungalow. 21 B Single storey interwa r bungalow. B Interwa r bungalo w with altic stOrey. 2S B Single storey inlerwa r villa. 27 B Single storey interwa r bungalo w. 29 B Interwa r bungalo w willi visible attic storey addition s. 31 B Single storey interwa r bungalo w. 33 B Interwa r bungalo w willi attic storey. 3S B Single storey interwa r villa. 37 B Interwa r bungalo w with attic storey. 39 B single storey interwa r villa. 41 B Interwa r bungalo w with attic storey. 43 B Single storey interwa r villa. Olive Street 13 ALBE RT STREE T Street No. Gradin g East Side 2 B Single stOrey interwa r villa. 4 B Double storey viHa wilb visible addir..ions. c. 1960 6 B Single stOrey interwa r villa. 8 B Single stOrey interwa r villa. 10 B Double stOrey interwa r villa. 12 B Single storey interwa r bungalow. 14 B Single stOrey interwa r villa. 16 B Interwa r villa wilb attic storey. 18 B Single storey interwar villa. 20 B Single stOrey interwa r villa. 22 B Single stOrey interwa r villa. 24 B Double storey interNa r villa wilb visible addition s. 26 B Single starey interwa r villa. 28 B Single storey interwa r villa 30 B Double storey interwa r villa wilb visible addition s. 32 B Single storey interwar villa. 34 B Double storey interwa r bungalow wilb visible addition s. 36 B Single storey interwa r villa. 38 B Double storey interwa r bungalow wilb visible addition s. 40 B Single storey interwar bungalow. 14 COOL GARD IE AVEN UE Street No. Gradin g North Side B Single storey interNar villa. .J B Single storey interwar villa. 5 B Single storey interwa r villa. 7 B Single storey interwar bungalow. 9 B Single storey interwar villa. 11 B Single storey interNar villa. 1• ~ .J B Single storey interwar villa. 15 B Single storey interwa r villa. 17 B Interwa r villa with attic storey. 21 B Single storey interwar villa. ?~ _.J B Single storey intenva r villa. 25 B Single storey interwa r bungalow. 2 B Single storey interwa r villa. 4 B Single storey intenva r villa. 6 C Single storey villa. c. 1970. 8 B Double storey interwa r villa. 10 B Single storey interwar villa. 12 B Single storey interwar villa. 14 B Single stOrey interwar villa. 16 B Single storey interwar villa. 18 B Single storey interwa r villa. 20 B Single storey interwar villa. 22 B Double storey interwar villa witb visible additions. South Side 15 MAL VERN ROAD Street No. Gradin g West Side B Single storey interwar villa. 1912 B Single storey interwar villa. 1916 B Single storey interwar villa. 19'20/1924 B Pair of single storey interwar vilbs. Semi detache d. 1928 B Single storey interwar villa. 1932 B Single storey interwar villa. 1936 B Single storey intenva r villa. 1940 B Single storey interwar villa. 1908 Albert Street Coolga rdie Avenue 1944 B Single storey intenva r villa. 1946 B Single storey interwar villa. 1948 B Single storey interwar villa. 1950 B Single storey interwar villa. 1952 B Single storey interwar villa. 1954 B Single storey interwar villa. 1956 B Double storey interwar villa witb. visible addition s. 1958 B Single storey interwar villa. 1960 B Single storey interwar villa. 1962 B Single storey interwar villa. 1964 B Single storey interwar villa. 1970 B Single storey interwar shop. 1976/1978 B Single storey interwar pair. Semi detached. 198011982 B Single storey interwar pair. Semi detached. 1984 B Single storey villa. c. 1955. Melros e Avenue 16 MALV ERN ROAD Street No. Gradin g West Side (contin ued) 1988/19 90 B Single srorey interwar pair. Semi detached. 1992 B Nerrigundab. Single storey interwar villa. 2004 B Single storey interwar shop. MELR OSE AVEN UE Street No. Gradin g South Side2A B Double storey villa with visible additions. c.1970. 2/4 B Single storey interwar pair. Semi detached. 6/8 B Single storey interwar pair. Semi detached. 10/12 B Single storey interwar units. Semi detached. 3 B Double storey inter"'/ar villa with visible fIrst floor additions. 5 B Single storey interwar villa. 7 B Interwar villa with attic storey. 9 B Double storey interwar villa with visible fIrst floor additions. 11 B Single storey inter.var villa. 13 B Single storey interwar villa with visible fIrst floor additions. North Side 17 WAVE RLEY ROAD Street No. Geldin g North Side Albert Street 361 B Double stOrey interwar villa wilh visible addition s. 363 B Single storey interwar villa. 365 B Single storey interwar villa. 367 B Single storey interwar villa. 369 B Single storey interwar villa. Coolgardie Avenue 3/1 B Interwar bungalow with attic storey. 373 B Single storey interwar villa. 375 B Single storey interwar villa. 377 B Single storey interwar villa. 379 B Single storey interwar villa. 381 B Single storey interwar villa. 383 B Double storey villa. c. 1990 385/38 7 B Single storey interwar pair. Semi-detacbed. 397/399 B Single storey interwar pair. Semi-detached. 401 B Double storey interwar shop. 403 B Single storey shop. c. 1970. 405/407 B Pair of double storey D.,terwar shops. Semi detache d. 409 B Double storey interwar shop. 411 B Double storey interwar shop. 413-415 B Pair of single storey interwar shops. 417 B Single storey shop. c. 1970. Melrose Avenue 18 STONNINGTON PLANNING SCHEtvlE I_OCAl SECTION AM::NOM::NT 1_39 "I ,I '" _=+__ < -' ~ ;-1 :J!~'.-:;-----'--=-+---' -:...S"'.,-+-_ _ , !i .,-----f'--,---J , ' ~-""""I "I n\ ~ Q \ I !t I..'~ -'-"'i! \~F"\ I / I' .. :;-:, -~__,_--' ----;;-;.;;~: ~ <) .. ; - - - - - - _ . .,.. ... ~, :-:1 :2: REF::R PL.P.NNING SCHEME MAP NO. 9UC SC,J.\l= 1:5000 LEGEND: : UC1 i URBAN CO(\JSERVA.TION AFiEA This Map forms part of Amendment L39 exhibited on 21 May 1998.