Kee April.QXD


Kee April.QXD
Hip No.
A. Abby Normal...............................105.
Above Limits ...............................106.
Acquire ........................................108.
Addy's Venture............................109.
Affability .......................................110.
Alden's Juana .............................111.
Aly's Adita ...................................112.
American River ...........................113.
American Royale ........................114.
Angel Again ................................115.
Annual Report.............................116.
Arbela ..........................................117.
Arresting ......................................118.
B. Balanced Action .........................119.
Belle South ..................................121.
Beyond Imagination ...................123.
Birchfrost .....................................124.
Blind Trust....................................125.
Blushing Peggy ..........................126.
Bolshoi Comedy .........................127.
Brittan Lee ...................................129.
C. Candid Moments ........................130.
Capote Miss................................131.
Cat Nap .......................................132.
Cerita ...........................................133.
Changing Ways ..........................134.
Channel Three ............................135.
Christina Czarina ........................136.
Classy Cathy...............................137.
Clever Actress.............................138.
Colony Bay..................................139.
Comedy Act ................................140.
Comforts of Home ......................141.
Coming Out Party.......................142.
Cool Comfort...............................143.
Costa ...........................................144.
Country Cruise............................145.
County Fair..................................146.
Cuando Puede............................147.
Currency Quest...........................148.
D. Dawn's Black Tie ........................149.
Debt .............................................150.
Declamation ................................151.
Delivery Day................................152.
De Puntillas (GB) ........................153.
Hip No.
Dial Tone......................................154.
Diane Suzanne ...........................155.
Dior's Angel.................................156.
Dixie Maintenance......................157.
Dollysister (FR)............................158.
Double Smooth ...........................159.
Draw Me......................................160.
E. E. Cherie......................................161.
Equity Loan .................................162.
Eubee (FR) ..................................163.
Evening Silk.................................164.
Exceptional Beauty.....................165.
Eye Witness (IRE) .......................166.
F. Fair Maid .....................................167.
Fair Settlement ............................168.
Fairy Dancer................................169.
Fantasy Angel .............................170.
Find Happiness ..........................172.
Flirty Frosty ..................................174.
Flora Spring.................................175.
Flowers for M'lady.......................176.
Franziska (IRE)............................177.
Full Retreat ..................................178.
G. Gail's Falcon ...............................179.
Gleeful .........................................180.
Go Kathy Go ...............................181.
Golden Spell ...............................182.
Green Heights.............................183.
Grey Gulch..................................184.
H. Halomatic ....................................185.
Halo River....................................186.
Hang Together ............................187.
Hello Moon ..................................188.
Hey Baba Lulu ............................189.
Hill Dance (GB)...........................190.
Hitch ............................................191.
Hold the Dream ..........................192.
Hollie Collie .................................193.
Honey Bee Gold .........................194.
Hong Kong Jade ........................195.
How So Oiseau...........................196.
I. Iddy Biddy Dollar........................197.
I'm No Pussycat..........................198.
Intimate Moments .......................199.
Hip No.
Irish Wisdom ...............................200.
J. Jackie's Gate ..............................201.
Jade Bird.....................................202.
Jasminola (FR) ............................203.
Joanie's Princess........................204.
Jovi San.......................................205.
Joyous Melody............................206.
K. Kelly Amber.................................208.
Knights Crozier ...........................209.
L. Lady Blockbuster........................210.
Lady in Silver...............................211.
Lady of Glamour.........................212.
Lemon Dove................................214.
List O'Gold ..................................215.
Lite Light......................................216.
Lochlin .........................................217.
Lonely Girl ...................................218.
Lovely Keri...................................219.
Love of Ireland ............................220.
Lt'l Miss D. S. ..............................221.
Luke's Drifter ...............................222.
Luna Rossa .................................223.
M. Madam President .......................224.
Magical Avie ...............................225.
Maid for Walking (GB)................226.
Malicious .....................................227.
Mane Desire................................228.
Mariamme ...................................230.
May Day Ninety ..........................231.
Midnight Rapture ........................233.
Mini Series...................................234.
Minster Abbey.............................235.
Misedge ......................................236.
Miss Evans ..................................237.
Moon View...................................238.
Mrs. Marcos ................................239.
Ms. Mostly ...................................240.
My Bubbling Belle ......................241.
My Fling.......................................242.
N. Nameseeker................................243.
Native Boat..................................244.
Native Satan................................245.
Hip No.
Nightlong (GB)............................246.
Noddy's Halo ..............................247.
North East Dancer......................248.
Northern Emerald .......................249.
O. Only Maisie......................................1.
On the Tree Top...............................2.
Our Sun Queen...............................3.
P. Penny's Growl .................................4.
Pharaoh's Pet ..................................5.
Pinpoint Control...............................6.
Pleasantly Quick .............................7.
Plentiful ............................................8.
Polish Queen...................................9.
Pracer ............................................10.
Pressed and Ready......................11.
Pretense d'Or ................................12.
Princess Pickle..............................13.
Prologue ........................................14.
R. Ra Hydee ......................................15.
Ransomed Captive.......................16.
Really Fancy..................................17.
Red Rain........................................19.
Regal Princess..............................20.
Regal Wonder ...............................21.
Reluctant Diva (GB)......................23.
Ridden in Thestars........................24.
Rita's Reatta ..................................25.
Rogue Girl .....................................26.
Rose Russe ...................................27.
Roses In The Snow (IRE) .............28.
Royal Brook...................................29.
Royal Fit.........................................30.
Royal Ziggy ...................................31.
Runaway Spy ................................32.
S. Safe At the Plate ...........................33.
Sandhill (BRZ) ...............................34.
Saratoga Girl .................................35.
Saucy Deb ....................................36.
Savoir Vivre....................................37.
Sea Halo........................................38.
Seattle Summer.............................39.
Sedona Berry ................................40.
Semilla Besada .............................41.
Sensational Eyes...........................42.
Shadow Music ..............................43.
Hip No.
Shahra Bay....................................44.
Sheepscot .....................................45.
Shocking Pleasure........................46.
Sick of Snow..................................47.
Sierra Madre..................................48.
Silk Chiffon.....................................49.
Slew Boyera ..................................51.
Slew of Pearls................................52.
Slew Princess................................53.
Slide ...............................................54.
Social Director...............................55.
Solohi .............................................56.
Song to Remember ......................57.
Southern Etiquette ........................58.
Sovereign Command ...................59.
Starlet Minister...............................61.
Star of My Eye...............................62.
Starr County ..................................63.
Stock Picker ..................................64.
Stormy Bend .................................66.
Stormy Blues.................................67.
Stream Colors ...............................68.
Stylish Star.....................................69.
Sunday Fast ..................................70.
Super Jamie ..................................71.
Super Snoopy ...............................72.
Surina Star.....................................73.
Swim ..............................................74.
T. Take Heart .....................................75.
Hip No.
Take Me Home..............................76.
Tapstress .......................................77.
Taste of Heaven ............................78.
Tell Margie .....................................79.
Terre des Hommes (IRE)..............80.
Three Secrets................................81.
Thunderlake ..................................82.
Timeless Twist ...............................83.
Too Cool to Fool ............................85.
Tremolos ........................................86.
Tremulous ......................................87.
Truth Above All..............................88.
Two Altazano.................................89.
U. Unacceptable ...............................90.
V. Vigorous Lady ...............................91.
W. Waltzing With Deb ........................93.
Water Sprite...................................94.
Wee Miss Bee...............................95.
Well Supported .............................96.
Wild Lady A...................................98.
Wild Royal .....................................99.
Wings Point .................................100.
Woodsy Meadow........................101.
World Glory .................................102.
Y. Yemanja.......................................103.
Yes Virginia..................................104.
Hip No.
A. Absentia ......................................105.
After School.................................162.
All A Lark (IRE)..............................78.
All Hallows...................................186.
Altivante (ARG) .............................84.
Amarande (FR) .............................68.
Amuse .........................................232.
April Edge ...................................236.
A Real Lulu..................................189.
Athena's Prize .............................247.
B. Baltic Sea ................................38, 94.
Baruna ...........................................19.
Battle Creek Girl..........................178.
Before Sundown .........................100.
Belle Epoque ..............................177.
Belle of Dodge Me .....................235.
Boat in a Moat.............................244.
Boyera (ARG)................................51.
Broadway Joan...........................155.
Brummel's Beauty ......................118.
C. Callaloo Carol..............................175.
Cassock of Pearls.........................52.
Casual .........................................246.
Cazeez ........................................243.
Chief Nefertari .................................5.
Chieftan's Command....................59.
Choral Group ................................43.
Christines Pixie............................136.
Chris' Venture..............................109.
Circular ..........................................97.
Claude France ............................130.
Coral Cream..................................91.
Countess Shorwind ......................13.
Crown the Queen .......................220.
Crystal Blaze...............................148.
Cuando Quiere ...........................147.
D. Dancing Slippers ........................239.
Dangerous Star.............................62.
Danshua ......................................248.
Darbyvail .......................................82.
Hip No.
Darlin Lindy .................................154.
David's Tobin...............................207.
Deauville Dove............................196.
Debonair Dancer ..........................93.
Deck Stewardess..........................75.
Desert Bluebell..............................28.
Devalois (FR)...............................158.
Dial Zero......................................101.
Disco Diane.................................108.
Dorothy Kay ................................217.
Draw In ........................................160.
Dunvegan Dancer ......................210.
Duty Dance .................................168.
E. Edies Double ..............................161.
Egalite (FR)....................................48.
Egyptian Rose...............................27.
Elegant Victress ..........................205.
Ellie Milove.....................................63.
Encorelle (FR)................................65.
Escrow Agent................................45.
F. Fairway Colors ............................167.
Fairway Star ................................184.
Fairy Bridge.................................169.
Fextal ...........................................163.
Fight On.......................................164.
Fleeing Partner............................106.
Flora Scent ..................................228.
Forbes Ahead .............................179.
French Farce...............................165.
Frosty Skater ...............................174.
Fruhlingstag (FR) ..........................80.
G. Galletto ........................................110.
Gay Matelda ...............................241.
Gelinotte (VEN) .............................66.
Glass Collector..............................35.
Gold Sun (ARG)..........................194.
Gravy Train ....................................58.
Gussie's Appeal............................67.
H. Harcoo...........................................30.
Hardly ..........................................227.
Health Farm...................................55.
Hear a Rhapsody .......................206.
Hip No.
Heartbreak ....................................70.
Hire a Brain .................................128.
I. Iceaway .........................................60.
Id Am Fac....................................197.
Imagining ....................................219.
Index's .........................................202.
Intimate Girl .................................199.
Intriguing Honor ............................44.
Irish Song (FR) ............................200.
Ivory Slippers ................................41.
J. Jasm ............................................203.
Jessie's Wonder............................21.
Jewell Ridge................................181.
Jongleuse (FR) .......................4, 119.
Julie the Flapper .........................242.
K. Kazadancoa (FR) .......................134.
Kings Peace................................212.
Knot .............................................191.
Korveya .......................................103.
L. Lady Clever Trick........................138.
Lady Susan ...................................86.
Le Clerc.......................................156.
Left Them Laughing ...................127.
Lillian Russell.................................53.
Linda Summers.............................39.
Little Bold Sphinx........................111.
Little V...........................................221.
Liz. Piet ........................................151.
Lorn Lady (GB)...........................211.
Love Sick.......................................47.
Lt. Snoopy .....................................72.
Luke's Girl ...................................222.
M. Mariakova....................................166.
May Day Eighty...........................231.
Miami Vacation..............................25.
Miss Demure (IRE)........................23.
Miss Kenton County .....................90.
Miss Storm Bird...........................145.
Miss Tusculum ............................230.
Misukaw ......................................131.
Mostly Misty ................................240.
Hip No.
N. Namaqua ....................................214.
Native Fancy .................................17.
Naughty Nile ...............................193.
Never Scheme ..............................29.
Nimble Deb ...................................36.
No More Ironing ............................11.
Northern Heiress.........................142.
Northern Style ...............................69.
O. Oceana........................................139.
Office Visit......................................26.
One and Only..................................1.
Only Queens ...............................102.
On Record...................................182.
Our Tina Marie ..............................85.
Overturned ..................................129.
P. Pamela Kay.................................208.
Plate Queen.....................................3.
Pleasantly Free............................157.
Pointedly ..........................................6.
Power Bidder ..............................144.
Prance .........................................180.
Pretty Driver...................................32.
Pretty Flame ................................223.
Printing Press ...............18, 152, 216.
Prodigious (FR) ...............................8.
Purita U..........................................89.
Q. Quajenn .........................................83.
Queen Alydar ..................................9.
Quick Honors ..................................7.
Quickshine ..................................124.
R. Rajab's Treasure .........................126.
Regal Ruth ..................................185.
River Way ....................................201.
Royal Advocator .........................114.
Royal Entrance............................112.
Royal Folly .....................................31.
Royal Setting .................................99.
Royal Shocker...............................46.
Ruby Green.................................183.
Ruby Slippers .............................195.
Rutledge Place ...........................113.
S. Safely Home ...........................33, 54.
Sal's High ......................................56.
Sand Dancer.................................34.
Hip No.
Sassy Ego ...................................149.
Satan Sez ....................................245.
Sea Wake ......................................64.
Secondtimearound .....................233.
Sharp Kitty...................................198.
Shelter Strait ..................................24.
Shivering Six..................................14.
Slewsbasque ..............................120.
Slew Song ...................................133.
Slippery Duchess .........................95.
Social Pro ......................................37.
Something Super ..........................71.
So Smooth...................................159.
Spirit of Florida ............................141.
Spring in Virginia...........................16.
Spunky Princess .........................204.
Star Game .....................................61.
Stinging Nettle.............................226.
Street Ballet .................................117.
Surera (ARG).................................49.
*Sure Thing II.................................22.
Swinging Lizzie ...........................187.
Hip No.
Tattle Tale.......................................79.
Ten Cents a Kiss ................116, 146.
Three Troikas (FR).........................81.
Timber Ribbon ..............................73.
Tipsy Girl .......................................76.
Toll o' Bells...................................123.
Too Daring...................................143.
Toque Rouge (IRE) .........................2.
Traffic Note ....................................88.
Trestle ..........................................137.
Triple Strike..................................213.
Tromphe de Naskra .............40, 249.
True Pretense ................................12.
Trusting ........................................125.
T. V. Bee.......................................135.
V. Varlet Crozier...............................209.
Very Very Happy.........................172.
Victorious Girl ................................92.
W. Wedding Reception......................57.
Windy's Daughter .........................96.
Worth Avenue .............................150.
Y. You Make Me Blue .............132, 171.
T. Tales of Long Ago.......................170.
Z. Zenith Star .....................................20.
Hip No.
A. Affirmed..........COLT 207. FILLY 238.
Anet.....................................COLT 56.
A.P. Indy .....................COLTS 45, 89.
Arch...................................FILLY 110.
Awesome Again ......COLTS 51, 198.
FILLIES 69, 101, 206, 240.
B. Banker's Gold........COLTS 160, 233.
Belong to Me ...........COLTS 44, 147,
159, 209. FILLIES 36, 227.
Boston Harbor.....COLTS 6, 35, 146.
FILLIES 2, 30, 48.
Boundary .................COLTS 22, 243.
C. Cape Town...................COLTS 1, 81.
Capote ..............................COLT 157.
Carson City ..............COLTS 86, 220.
Cherokee Run.........FILLIES 27, 135.
Clever Trick.......................COLT 239.
Confide..............................FILLY 228.
Coronado's Quest............COLT 191.
FILLIES 23, 170.
Cozzene...................COLTS 21, 183.
Crafty Prospector.............COLTS 14,
Cryptoclearance ..............COLT 187.
Hip No.
Formal Gold......................COLT 145.
Forty Niner ........................FILLY 102.
French Deputy ..............FILLIES 126,
G. Gentlemen (ARG) ............COLTS 80,
Gilded Time.......................FILLIES 5,
109, 148.
Gone West .........COLT 39. FILLY 52.
Grand Slam .........COLTS 25, 34, 55,
114, 130, 153, 169.
235. FILLIES 63, 92.
Grindstone........................COLT 116.
Gulch .................COLTS 10, 26, 234.
FILLIES 28, 189.
H. Hennessy.................COLTS 94, 150.
FILLY 154.
Holy Bull.................COLTS 131, 244.
FILLIES 16, 50, 66.
Honor Grades.....................COLT 82.
Honour and Glory............COLTS 11,
I. Indian Charlie ...................FILLY 123.
J. Jade Hunter......................COLT 195.
D. Defrere.................................FILLY 83.
Dehere .....................COLTS 17, 194.
FILLY 113.
Deputy Commander........COLTS 46,
93, 181. FILLY 208.
Deputy Minister ..................COLT 67.
FILLIES 212, 214.
Devil's Bag..........................COLT 15.
Dixieland Band........COLTS 53, 100.
Double Honor ...................FILLY 192.
Dynaformer............COLTS 3, 40, 95.
FILLY 247.
K. Kingmambo ......................FILLY 163.
King of Kings (IRE) ..........COLT 180.
FILLY 236.
Known Fact.........................COLT 74.
Kris ....................................COLT 166.
Kris S................COLTS 19, 149, 177.
E. El Prado (IRE)...................COLT 222.
FILLY 175.
End Sweep.......................COLT 104.
M. Maria's Mon....................COLTS 118,
141, 178.
Meadowlake.....................COLT 176.
FILLY 136.
Miesque's Son.........COLTS 18, 103.
Mister Baileys (GB) ............FILLY 43.
Miswaki ....................COLTS 78, 139.
Mr. Greeley .......................COLT 231.
Mr. Prospector..................COLT 137.
F. Favorite Trick..........COLTS 133, 167.
FILLIES 88, 106, 246.
Forest Wildcat ..............COLTS 9, 13,
59, 121, 162.
FILLIES 58, 165, 171.
L. Labeeb (GB) ....................COLT 119.
Langfuhr...........COLT 71. FILLY 151.
Louis Quatorze.................COLT 184.
Lure ...................................COLT 128.
Hip No.
Mt. Livermore.........COLTS 219, 249.
Mutakddim.......COLT 115. FILLY 62.
N. Notebook.............................FILLY 12.
O. Out of Place......................COLT 221.
P. Peaks and Valleys............COLT 179.
Phone Trick.......................COLT 230.
Pine Bluff ...........................FILLY 152.
Pleasant Colony.............COLTS 203,
218. FILLY 232.
Pleasant Tap.......................COLT 72.
Polish Numbers ..................FILLY 33.
Pulpit ......................COLTS 173, 226.
FILLIES 57, 107.
Q. Quiet American ..................COLT 54.
FILLIES 64, 108.
R. Rahy ...............COLT 242. FILLY 215.
Red Ransom.....................FILLY 129.
Royal Academy..................COLT 31.
S. Saint Ballado..............COLTS 42, 73.
FILLIES 29, 32, 84, 96,
99, 127, 138, 224.
Seattle Slew ...........COLTS 111, 134.
Silver Deputy .........COLTS 211, 229,
241. FILLY 216.
Siphon (BRZ) ..............FILLIES 7, 47,
201, 248.
Hip No.
Skip Away ..................COLTS 68, 91,
132, 158.
Smart Strike.......................FILLY 156.
Smoke Glacken.....COLTS 140, 185.
Southern Halo.....................FILLY 20.
Spinning World ........COLTS 75, 155,
200. FILLIES 8, 105.
Storm Boot.............COLTS 193, 245.
T. Tabasco Cat.....................COLTS 98,
117, 223.
Tale of the Cat..........COLTS 87, 142,
205, 237. FILLIES 120,
124, 143, 199.
Theatrical (IRE) ..............COLTS 144,
202. FILLY 186.
Thunder Gulch....................FILLY 70.
Tinners Way......................COLT 225.
Touch Gold ..........COLTS 49, 77, 79,
112, 174, 188,
196. FILLY 4.
Two Punch ...............COLTS 38, 204.
U. Unbridled ...................COLTS 65, 90.
FILLY 190.
Unbridled's Song.......COLTS 61, 97,
182, 210. FILLY 60.
W. Wild Again .............COLTS 168, 172.
Wild Rush ........COLTS 37, 161, 213.
Y. You and I.............................COLT 41.
New York
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 43
85 dk. b./br. f.
118 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 43
92 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 45
93 b. c.
189 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 45
88 dk. b./br. f.
246 gr/ro. f.
Barn 45
58 ch. f.
Barn 45
84 b. f.
Barn 45
90 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 45
214 b. f.
Barn 45
29 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 45
131 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 45
248 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 45
53 b. c.
69 b. f.
162 b. c.
Barn 43
ch. f.
dk. b./br. c.
ch. f.
b. f.
Barn 48
b. f.
ch. f.
b. c.
dk. b./br. f.
b. f.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by Asmussen Horse Center, Agent
unnamed, 2000
Texas Monarch, 2000
Kris S.
Maria's Mon
Too Cool to Fool
Consigned by Asmussen Horse Center, Agent for
Grunwald Racing LLC
unnamed, 2000
Grand Slam
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent I
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Waltzing With Deb
Hey Baba Lulu
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent II
True Favorite, 2000
Gray Trick, 2000
Favorite Trick
Favorite Trick
Truth Above All
Nightlong (GB)
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent III
unnamed, 2000
Forest Wildcat
Southern Etiquette
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent IV
Countess Ballado, 2000 Saint Ballado
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent V
unnamed, 2000
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent VI
unnamed, 2000
Deputy Minister
Lemon Dove
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent VII
Saint Brook, 2000
Saint Ballado
Royal Brook
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent VIII
Bull Market, 2000
Holy Bull
Capote Miss
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent IX
North East Star, 2000
Siphon (BRZ)
North East Dancer
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent for
Bailey-Ellenberg Select
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Dixieland Band
Awesome Again
Forest Wildcat
Slew Princess
Stylish Star
Equity Loan
Property of Bloodstock Management
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Gilded Time
Forest Wildcat
Pharaoh's Pet
Star of My Eye
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Touch Gold
Pleasant Tap
Cape Town
Indian Charlie
Penny's Growl
Pretense d'Or
Super Snoopy
Take Me Home
Beyond Imagination
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 48
dk. b./br. c.
ch. c.
b. f.
ch. c.
Barn 42
ch. c.
ch. c.
dk. b./br. c.
ch. f.
dk. b./br. c.
ch. c.
gr/ro. c.
dk. b./br. c.
ch. c.
b. c.
ch. f.
dk. b./br. c.
dk. b./br. f.
Barn 42
49 b. c.
120 b. f.
Barn 42
206 b. f.
Barn 42
14 ch. c.
134 b. c.
Barn 42
47 b. f.
87 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 42
60 gr/ro. f.
75 ch. c.
Barn 42
211 b. c.
216 ch. f.
237 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 42
28 gr/ro. f.
166 ch. c.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent Continued
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
May Day Warrior, 2000
Boston Harbor
Belong to Me
Mr. Greeley
County Fair
Knights Crozier
Mane Desire
May Day Ninety
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Grand Slam
Grand Slam
Saint Ballado
Carson City
Tabasco Cat
Belong to Me
Wild Rush
El Prado (IRE)
Pleasant Colony
Saint Ballado
Sandhill (BRZ)
Sedona Berry
Starr County
Surina Star
Wee Miss Bee
Double Smooth
E. Cherie
Flora Spring
Lonely Girl
Madam President
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent II
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Touch Gold
Tale of the Cat
Silk Chiffon
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent III
unnamed, 2000
Awesome Again
Joyous Melody
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent IV
Politic, 2000
Really Big Slew, 2000
Crafty Prospector
Seattle Slew
Changing Ways
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent V
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Siphon (BRZ)
Tale of the Cat
Sick of Snow
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent VI
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Unbridled's Song
Spinning World
Take Heart
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent for Foxfield
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Silver Deputy
Silver Deputy
Tale of the Cat
Lady in Silver
Lite Light
Miss Evans
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent for
Wycombe House Stud
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Roses In The
Snow (IRE)
Eye Witness (IRE)
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 45
35 dk. b./br. c.
174 b. c.
198 b. c.
213 ch. c.
219 ch. c.
Barn 48
41 b. c.
169 ch. c.
Barn 48
240 gr/ro. f.
Barn 48
77 b. c.
Barn 43
163 ch. f.
212 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 43
ch. c.
ch. c.
gr/ro. c.
b. c.
b. c.
b. c.
b. f.
b. c.
ch. f.
b. f.
b. c.
ch. c.
gr/ro. c.
dk. b./br. c.
ch. f.
b. f.
b. f.
ch. f.
dk. b./br. c.
Barn 46
223 ch. c.
Barn 45
8 ch. f.
125 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 42
30 ch. f.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Property of Bridlewood Farm
Saratoga Harbor, 2000
Flirt With Fortune, 2000
I'm an Awesome Cat,
Leagueofhisown, 2000
Mt. Imagination, 2000
Boston Harbor
Touch Gold
Saratoga Girl
Flirty Frosty
Awesome Again
Wild Rush
Mt. Livermore
I'm No Pussycat
Lovely Keri
Consigned by Cashel Stud, Agent
Eli's Comin', 2000
He's No Saint, 2000
You and I
Grand Slam
Semilla Besada
Fairy Dancer
Consigned by Cashel Stud, Agent I
Most Awesome, 2000
Awesome Again
Ms. Mostly
Consigned by Cashel Stud, Agent II
unnamed, 2000
Touch Gold
Consigned by Cashmark Farm, Agent
Webee, 2000
Glamour Gal, 2000
Deputy Minister
Eubee (FR)
Lady of Glamour
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Twice as Royal, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Market Guru, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Exit Laughing, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Can Belong, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Fantasy Quest, 2000
Mist On Moon Hill, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Fairly Valued, 2000
Forest Wildcat
Forest Wildcat
Royal Academy
Wild Rush
Gone West
Quiet American
Cape Town
French Deputy
Saint Ballado
Smoke Glacken
Tale of the Cat
Belong to Me
Favorite Trick
Coronado's Quest
Double Honor
Belong to Me
Clever Trick
Polish Queen
Princess Pickle
Regal Wonder
Royal Ziggy
Savoir Vivre
Seattle Summer
Stock Picker
Three Secrets
Blushing Peggy
Bolshoi Comedy
Comedy Act
Coming Out Party
Cuando Puede
Fair Maid
Fantasy Angel
Hold the Dream
Moon View
Mrs. Marcos
Property of Victor and Ramona DiVivo
Fellini, 2000
Tabasco Cat
Luna Rossa
Consigned by Gabriel Dixon, Agent
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Spinning World
Crafty Prospector
Blind Trust
Consigned by Grand Prix Inc., Agent for Amy
Enterprises (Ruben Sanchez)
unnamed, 2000
Boston Harbor
Royal Fit
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 42
109 ch. f.
Barn 47
dk. b./br. f.
b. c.
dk. b./br. c.
b. c.
217 b. f.
242 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 41
b. c.
ch. c.
gr/ro. c.
b. f.
gr/ro. c.
Barn 46
3 b. c.
17 dk. b./br. c.
67 dk. b./br. c.
230 b. c.
236 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 48
dk. b./br. c.
dk. b./br. c.
b. c.
gr/ro. c.
b. c.
Barn 46
dk. b./br. c.
b. c.
ch. f.
b. f.
b. c.
dk. b./br. c.
Barn 46
148 b. f.
156 ch. f.
Barn 43
151 b. f.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by Grand Prix Inc., Agent for Amy
Enterprises (Ruben Sanchez) - Continued
unnamed, 2000
Gilded Time
Addy's Venture
Consigned by William B. Harrigan, Agent
Lyrical Liquor, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Bannack, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Mister Baileys (GB)
A.P. Indy
Mr. Prospector
French Deputy
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Shadow Music
Two Altazano
Classy Cathy
Go Kathy Go
My Fling
Consigned by Robert Harris, Agent
unnamed, 2000
Red Hurricane, 2000
Two Halos, 2000
Southern Twist, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Honour and Glory
Kris S.
Two Punch
Louis Quatorze
Pressed and Ready
Red Rain
Sea Halo
Timeless Twist
Grey Gulch
Property of Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Kingstown, 2000
Our Sun Queen
Deputy Minister
Phone Trick
King of Kings (IRE)
Really Fancy
Stormy Blues
Consigned by Laura Helmbrecht, Agent
unnamed, 2000
E. P. Hillary, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Clearaway, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Belong to Me
Seattle Slew
Shahra Bay
Alden's Juana
Colony Bay
Hang Together
Honey Bee Gold
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent
for Montpelier Thoroughbreds Inc.
Ra Devil, 2000
Wildy Hot, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Devil's Bag
Tabasco Cat
Touch Gold
Grand Slam
Ra Hydee
Wild Lady A.
Dial Tone
Hill Dance (GB)
How So Oiseau
Minster Abbey
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent
for North Wales Farm LLC
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Gilded Time
Smart Strike
Currency Quest
Dior's Angel
Consigned by Mark Hubley, Agent for KatieRich
Stables/Chris Connors
Miss Language, 2000
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 45
106 dk. b./br. f.
143 ch. f.
Barn 47
201 b. f.
Barn 44
2 b. f.
207 ch. c.
Barn 44
82 b. c.
Barn 44
gr/ro. c.
gr/ro. c.
gr/ro. c.
gr/ro. c.
Barn 44
241 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 44
25 ch. c.
45 ch. c.
Barn 44
101 ch. f.
245 ch. c.
Barn 44
70 ch. f.
102 b. f.
Barn 44
115 ch. c.
128 b. c.
Barn 44
220 ch. c.
Barn 44
36 ch. f.
Barn 44
80 b. c.
133 dk. b./br. c.
158 b. c.
Barn 44
74 b. c.
107 dk. b./br. f.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by C. Bruce Hundley, Agent
Mile High Lover, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Favorite Trick
Tale of the Cat
Above Limits
Cool Comfort
Consigned by Brian Kalmar, Agent
unnamed, 2000
Siphon (BRZ)
Jackie's Gate
Consigned by Elise W. Kendall, Agent for Larry J. Craig
Anna K., 2000
Knijam, 2000
Boston Harbor
On the Tree Top
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent I
unnamed, 2000
Honor Grades
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent II
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Driftwood Lodge, 2000
Skip Away
Smoke Glacken
El Prado (IRE)
Vigorous Lady
Luke's Drifter
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent III
unnamed, 2000
Silver Deputy
My Bubbling Belle
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent IV
unnamed, 2000
Chief Pete, 2000
Grand Slam
A.P. Indy
Rita's Reatta
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent V
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Awesome Again
Storm Boot
Woodsy Meadow
Native Satan
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VI
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Thunder Gulch
Forty Niner
Sunday Fast
World Glory
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VII
Double Again, 2000
Lure the Chief, 2000
Angel Again
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VIII
unnamed, 2000
Carson City
Love of Ireland
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent IX
unnamed, 2000
Belong to Me
Saucy Deb
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent X
Elusive Gentleman,
Fredericksburg, 2000
Skamper, 2000
Gentlemen (ARG)
Favorite Trick
Skip Away
Terre des
Hommes (IRE)
Dollysister (FR)
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent for
Claiborne Farm
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Known Fact
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 44
108 b. f.
226 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 45
153 b. c.
Barn 44
ch. f.
dk. b./br. c.
b. c.
b. c.
Barn 43
94 b. c.
165 b. f.
Barn 42
138 dk. b./br. f.
232 dk. b./br. f.
244 gr/ro. c.
Barn 44
50 gr/ro. f.
145 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 41
186 ch. f.
203 b. c.
210 gr/ro. c.
Barn 41
46 b. c.
Barn 41
121 ch. c.
Barn 41
172 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 41
97 gr/ro. c.
150 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 41
191 b. c.
Barn 41
180 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 41
182 gr/ro. c.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent for
Claiborne Farm - Continued
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Quiet American
Maid for
Walking (GB)
Property of Mare Haven Farm
unnamed, 2000
Grand Slam
De Puntillas (GB)
Consigned by M. W. Miller, III, Agent
Fiery Red Temper, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Saint Ballado
Grand Slam
Wild Again
Runaway Spy
American Royale
Fair Settlement
Consigned by NoName Ranch, Agent
Code, 2000
Gottaluvme, 2000
Forest Wildcat
Water Sprite
Exceptional Beauty
Consigned by Terry Oliver, Agent
unnamed, 2000
Pleasant Kaye, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Saint Ballado
Pleasant Colony
Holy Bull
Clever Actress
Native Boat
Property of Rich Meadow Thoroughbreds
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Holy Bull
Formal Gold
Country Cruise
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent I
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Theatrical (IRE)
Pleasant Colony
Unbridled's Song
Halo River
Jasminola (FR)
Lady Blockbuster
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent III
unnamed, 2000
Shocking Pleasure
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent IV
unnamed, 2000
Forest Wildcat
Belle South
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent V
unnamed, 2000
Wild Again
Find Happiness
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent VI
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Unbridled's Song
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent VIII
unnamed, 2000
Coronado's Quest
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XI
unnamed, 2000
King of Kings (IRE)
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XII
unnamed, 2000
Unbridled's Song
Golden Spell
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 41
26 b. c.
234 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 41
129 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 41
103 b. c.
229 gr/ro. c.
Barn 41
100 b. c.
Barn 41
124 ch. f.
Barn 41
179 dk. b./br. c.
204 gr/ro. c.
Barn 41
59 dk. b./br. c.
79 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 41
51 b. c.
112 b. c.
155 ch. c.
Barn 46
18 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 46
71 b. c.
Barn 41
20 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 48
55 b. c.
141 gr/ro. c.
197 dk. b./br. c.
Barn 48
221 b. c.
Barn 48
247 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 45
6 dk. b./br. c.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XIII
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Rogue Girl
Mini Series
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XIV
unnamed, 2000
Red Ransom
Brittan Lee
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XVI
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Miesque's Son
Silver Deputy
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XVIII
unnamed, 2000
Dixieland Band
Wings Point
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XIX
Haughty Lady, 2000
Tale of the Cat
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XXIII
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Peaks and Valleys
Two Punch
Gail's Falcon
Joanie's Princess
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XXIV
Command the Best,
unnamed, 2000
Forest Wildcat
Touch Gold
Tell Margie
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent for
White Horse Stables
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Awesome Again
Touch Gold
Spinning World
Slew Boyera
Aly's Adita
Diane Suzanne
Consigned by Paul Sharp, Agent
unnamed, 2000
Miesque's Son
Consigned by Tommy C. Short Training Stables, Agent
Brightest Hour, 2000
Super Jamie
Consigned by E. J. Sipus, Jr., Agent
unnamed, 2000
Southern Halo
Regal Princess
Property of Murray Smith
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Grand Slam
Maria's Mon
Honour and Glory
Social Director
Comforts of Home
Iddy Biddy Dollar
Consigned by Murray Smith, Agent
unnamed, 2000
Out of Place
Lt'l Miss D. S.
Consigned by Stony Oak Farm, Agent
Dynasure, 2000
Noddy's Halo
Consigned by Jeff Thornbury, Agent
unnamed, 2000
Boston Harbor
Pinpoint Control
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 46
dk. b./br. c.
dk. b./br. c.
b. c.
ch. c.
Barn 46
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent I
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
243 ch. c.
American Boundary,
61 b. c.
215 ch. f.
Barn 46
104 b. c.
Barn 46
23 ch. f.
Barn 46
105 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 46
178 gr/ro. c.
Barn 46
52 ch. f.
Barn 46
225 b. c.
Barn 46
149 ch. c.
Barn 47
b. f.
gr/ro. f.
b. f.
b. f.
ch. f.
Only Maisie
Dixie Maintenance
Franziska (IRE)
Irish Wisdom
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent II
208 dk. b./br. f.
Barn 46
Cape Town
Kris S.
Spinning World
Kelly Amber
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent III
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Unbridled's Song
Starlet Minister
List O'Gold
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent XIII
unnamed, 2000
End Sweep
Yes Virginia
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent XV
unnamed, 2000
Coronado's Quest
Reluctant Diva (GB)
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent XVI
unnamed, 2000
Spinning World
Abby Normal
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
unnamed, 2000
Maria's Mon
Full Retreat
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent XXII
unnamed, 2000
Gone West
Slew of Pearls
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Ten Forty Easy, 2000
Tinners Way
Magical Avie
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne),
Agent XXVI
unnamed, 2000
Kris S.
Dawn's Black Tie
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Siphon (BRZ)
Holy Bull
Banker's Gold
Cherokee Run
Polish Numbers
Pleasantly Quick
Ransomed Captive
Ridden in Thestars
Rose Russe
Safe At the Plate
Hip Color &
No. Sex
Barn 47
dk. b./br. c.
b. c.
b. f.
gr/ro. f.
dk. b./br. c.
ch. c.
ch. f.
dk. b./br. f.
b. f.
b. c.
dk. b./br. c.
dk. b./br. c.
gr/ro. c.
ch. f.
ch. c.
dk. b./br. f.
b. c.
ch. c.
b. c.
gr/ro. c.
dk. b./br. c.
b. c.
ch. c.
b. f.
ch. c.
ch. c.
b. c.
dk. b./br. c.
Barn 45
b. f.
b. c.
dk. b./br. f.
b. f.
Name, Year Foaled Sire
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent - Continued
Saintly Look, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Mindful Music, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Costabundle, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Saint Ballado
Quiet American
Holy Bull
Skip Away
Saint Ballado
Labeeb (GB)
Grand Slam
Skip Away
Theatrical (IRE)
Pine Bluff
Banker's Gold
Gentlemen (ARG)
Touch Gold
Storm Boot
Jade Hunter
Tale of the Cat
Theatrical (IRE)
Tale of the Cat
Banker's Gold
Mt. Livermore
Sensational Eyes
Song to Remember
Stormy Bend
Stream Colors
Taste of Heaven
Well Supported
American River
Annual Report
Balanced Action
Candid Moments
Cat Nap
Christina Czarina
Delivery Day
Draw Me
Evening Silk
Flowers for M'lady
Green Heights
Hello Moon
Hollie Collie
Hong Kong Jade
Intimate Moments
Jade Bird
Jovi San
Midnight Rapture
Northern Emerald
Consigned by Donna M. Wormser Inc., Agent
Sherunstheharbor, 2000
unnamed, 2000
Savedbythelight, 2000
Newsontherun, 2000
Boston Harbor
Saint Ballado
Cherokee Run
Sierra Madre
Wild Royal
Channel Three
APR 16 Robert Harris
APR 16 Robert Harris
APR 16 Robert Harris
APR 16 Robert Harris
APR 16 Robert Harris
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 Robert N. Scanlon
APR 16 E. J. Sipus
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
Hip No. Sex Sire
11 C Honour and Glory
19 C Kris S.
38 C Two Punch
83 F Defrere
184 C Louis Quatorze
26 C Gulch
46 C Deputy Commander
51 C Awesome Again
59 C Forest Wildcat
79 C Touch Gold
97 C Unbridled's Song
100 C Dixieland Band
103 C Miesque's Son
112 C Touch Gold
121 C Forest Wildcat
124 F Tale of the Cat
129 F Red Ransom
150 C Hennessy
155 C Spinning World
172 C Wild Again
179 C Peaks and Valleys
180 C King of Kings (IRE)
182 C Unbridled's Song
186 F Theatrical (IRE)
191 C Coronado's Quest
203 C Pleasant Colony
204 C Two Punch
210 C Unbridled's Song
229 C Silver Deputy
234 C Gulch
20 F Southern Halo
14 C Crafty Prospector
22 C Boundary
28 F Gulch
34 C Grand Slam
40 C Dynaformer
47 F Siphon (BRZ)
49 C Touch Gold
60 F Unbridled's Song
63 F Grand Slam
73 C Saint Ballado
75 C Spinning World
86 C Carson City
87 C Tale of the Cat
95 C Dynaformer
117 C Tabasco Cat
120 F Tale of the Cat
134 C Seattle Slew
159 C Belong to Me
161 C Wild Rush
166 C Kris (GB)
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Niall Brennan
APR 16 Grand Prix Inc.
APR 16 Grand Prix Inc.
APR 16 Terry Oliver
APR 16 Terry Oliver
APR 16 Terry Oliver
APR 16 Asmussen Horse Center
APR 16 Asmussen Horse Center
APR 16 Asmussen Horse Center
APR 16 Bloodstock Management
APR 16 Bloodstock Management
APR 16 Bloodstock Management
APR 16 Bloodstock Management
APR 16 Cashmark Farm
APR 16 Cashmark Farm
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Nick de Meric
APR 16 Mark Hubley
APR 16 NoName Ranch
APR 16 NoName Ranch
APR 16 Elise W. Kendall
APR 16 Elise W. Kendall
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
Hip No. Sex Sire
175 F El Prado (IRE)
206 F Awesome Again
211 C Silver Deputy
216 F Silver Deputy
218 C Pleasant Colony
224 F Saint Ballado
237 C Tale of the Cat
30 F Boston Harbor
109 F Gilded Time
138 F Saint Ballado
232 F Pleasant Colony
244 C Holy Bull
85 F Kris S.
92 F Grand Slam
118 C Maria's Mon
5 F Gilded Time
56 C Anet
62 F Mutakddim
171 F Forest Wildcat
163 F Kingmambo
212 F Deputy Minister
9 C Forest Wildcat
13 C Forest Wildcat
21 C Cozzene
31 C Royal Academy
37 C Wild Rush
39 C Gone West
64 F Quiet American
81 C Cape Town
126 F French Deputy
127 F Saint Ballado
140 C Smoke Glacken
142 C Tale of the Cat
147 C Belong to Me
167 C Favorite Trick
170 F Coronado's Quest
192 F Double Honor
227 F Belong to Me
238 F Affirmed
239 C Clever Trick
151 F Langfuhr
94 C Hennessy
165 F Forest Wildcat
2 F Boston Harbor
207 C Affirmed
10 C Gulch
25 C Grand Slam
36 F Belong to Me
45 C A.P. Indy
70 F Thunder Gulch
74 C Known Fact
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 Kirkwood Stables
APR 16 M. W. Miller
APR 16 M. W. Miller
APR 16 M. W. Miller
APR 16 M. W. Miller
APR 16 Rich Meadow Thoroughbreds
APR 16 Rich Meadow Thoroughbreds
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Jerry Bailey Sales Agency
APR 16 Bridlewood Farm
APR 16 Bridlewood Farm
APR 16 Bridlewood Farm
APR 16 Bridlewood Farm
APR 16 Bridlewood Farm
APR 16 Gabriel Dixon
APR 16 Gabriel Dixon
APR 16 C. Bruce Hundley
APR 16 C. Bruce Hundley
APR 16 Mare Haven Farm
APR 16 Jeff Thornbury
APR 16 Donna M. Wormser Inc.
APR 16 Donna M. Wormser Inc.
APR 16 Donna M. Wormser Inc.
Hip No. Sex Sire
80 C Gentlemen (ARG)
82 C Honor Grades
91 C Skip Away
101 F Awesome Again
102 F Forty Niner
107 F Pulpit
108 F Quiet American
115 C Mutakddim
128 C Lure
133 C Favorite Trick
158 C Skip Away
185 C Smoke Glacken
220 C Carson City
222 C El Prado (IRE)
226 C Pulpit
241 C Silver Deputy
245 C Storm Boot
32 F Saint Ballado
114 C Grand Slam
168 C Wild Again
173 C Pulpit
50 F Holy Bull
145 C Formal Gold
29 F Saint Ballado
53 C Dixieland Band
58 F Forest Wildcat
69 F Awesome Again
84 F Saint Ballado
88 F Favorite Trick
90 C Unbridled
93 C Deputy Commander
131 C Holy Bull
162 C Forest Wildcat
189 F Gulch
214 F Deputy Minister
246 F Favorite Trick
248 F Siphon (BRZ)
35 C Boston Harbor
174 C Touch Gold
198 C Awesome Again
213 C Wild Rush
219 C Mt. Livermore
8 F Spinning World
125 C Crafty Prospector
106 F Favorite Trick
143 F Tale of the Cat
153 C Grand Slam
6 C Boston Harbor
48 F Boston Harbor
65 C Unbridled
99 F Saint Ballado
APR 16 Donna M. Wormser Inc.
APR 16 Victor and Ramona DiVivo
APR 16 Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
APR 16 Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
APR 16 Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
APR 16 Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
APR 16 Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 H. T. Stables Inc.
APR 16 Paul Sharp
APR 16 Tommy C. Short Training Stables
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 Wavertree Stables, Inc.
APR 16 William B. Harrigan
APR 16 William B. Harrigan
APR 16 William B. Harrigan
APR 16 William B. Harrigan
APR 16 William B. Harrigan
APR 16 William B. Harrigan
APR 16 Brian Kalmar
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
No. Sex Sire
135 F Cherokee Run
223 C Tabasco Cat
3 C Dynaformer
17 C Dehere
67 C Deputy Minister
230 C Phone Trick
236 F King of Kings (IRE)
15 C Devil's Bag
98 C Tabasco Cat
148 F Gilded Time
154 F Hennessy
156 F Smart Strike
190 F Unbridled
196 C Touch Gold
235 C Grand Slam
18 C Miesque's Son
71 C Langfuhr
1 C Cape Town
23 F Coronado's Quest
52 F Gone West
61 C Unbridled's Song
104 C End Sweep
105 F Spinning World
149 C Kris S.
157 C Capote
177 C Kris S.
178 C Maria's Mon
200 C Spinning World
208 F Deputy Commander
215 F Rahy
225 C Tinners Way
243 C Boundary
43 F Mister Baileys (GB)
89 C A.P. Indy
137 C Mr. Prospector
181 C Deputy Commander
217 F French Deputy
242 C Rahy
201 F Siphon (BRZ)
7 F Siphon (BRZ)
16 F Holy Bull
24 F Banker's Gold
27 F Cherokee Run
33 F Polish Numbers
42 C Saint Ballado
54 C Quiet American
57 F Pulpit
66 F Holy Bull
68 C Skip Away
78 C Miswaki
96 F Saint Ballado
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Eddie Woods
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd
APR 16 Cashel Stud
APR 16 Cashel Stud
APR 16 Cashel Stud
APR 16 Cashel Stud
APR 16 Laura Helmbrecht
APR 16 Laura Helmbrecht
APR 16 Laura Helmbrecht
APR 16 Laura Helmbrecht
APR 16 Laura Helmbrecht
APR 16 Murray Smith
APR 16 Murray Smith
APR 16 Murray Smith
APR 16 Murray Smith
APR 16 Stony Oak Farm
Hip No. Sex Sire
110 F Arch
113 F Dehere
116 C Grindstone
119 C Labeeb (GB)
130 C Grand Slam
132 C Skip Away
136 F Meadowlake
144 C Theatrical (IRE)
152 F Pine Bluff
160 C Banker's Gold
164 C Gentlemen (ARG)
176 C Meadowlake
183 C Cozzene
188 C Touch Gold
193 C Storm Boot
195 C Jade Hunter
199 F Tale of the Cat
202 C Theatrical (IRE)
205 C Tale of the Cat
233 C Banker's Gold
249 C Mt. Livermore
4 F Touch Gold
12 F Notebook
72 C Pleasant Tap
76 F Cape Town
123 F Indian Charlie
146 C Boston Harbor
209 C Belong to Me
228 F Confide
231 C Mr. Greeley
41 C You and I
77 C Touch Gold
169 C Grand Slam
240 F Awesome Again
44 C Belong to Me
111 C Seattle Slew
139 C Miswaki
187 C Cryptoclearance
194 C Dehere
55 C Grand Slam
141 C Maria's Mon
197 C Honour and Glory
221 C Out of Place
247 F Dynaformer
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled May 13, 2000
Seeking the Gold ..............
Cape Town ........................
Seaside Attraction.............
Only Maisie ......................
One and Only....................
Mr. Prospector
Con Game
Seattle Slew
Hoist the Flag
Yes Dear Maggy
Victor's Pride
June Too
By CAPE TOWN (1995). Stakes winner of 5 races at 2 and 3, $795,817, Florida Derby [G1], Brown and Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G3],
Holy Bull S. [G3], 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2]. Half-brother to champion Golden Attraction, and to stakes winners Cape Canaveral, Red Carnival. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Seeking
the Gold, among the leading sires, sire of 47 stakes winners, 4 champions, including Dubai Millennium [G1], Heavenly Prize [G1] ($1,825,940).
1st dam
ONLY MAISIE, by Stalwart. Placed at 2 and 3, $10,835. Dam of 6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including-COUNTRY ONLY (c. by Carson City). 4 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $334,780, Whirlaway S. [L] (AQU, $49,455), Count Fleet S. [L] (AQU, $49,005), 2nd Illinois Derby [G2].
SAUCY MAISIE (f. by Sauce Boat). 3 wins at 2, $74,336, American Beauty
Breeders' Cup S. (RD, $16,440), 2nd Indian Summer S. (KEE, $9,730),
3rd Gowell S. [L] (TP, $6,000), Belle Star S. [L] (DUE, $4,500). Dam of-Strey Lane (g. by Phone Trick). Winner at 2 and 3, $33,760, 3rd Jean
Lafitte Futurity (DED, $12,288).
Carmichael (c. by Carson City). Winner at 3, 2001, $43,165.
2nd dam
ONE AND ONLY, by Victor's Pride. 9 wins at 2 and 3, $91,706, Golden Boy
H., Chantilly S., Stockton Sorority S., Futurity Trial, Manitoba Buffalo S.-R,
La Verendrye S.-R, Damselle S.-R, etc. Dam of 7 winners, including-MISS WAUKESHA (f. by Miswaki). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $67,414, Plaza H.
(WDS, $16,215). Set ntr at Woodlands Park, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:04. Producer.
ONE GROOVY ONE (f. by Groovy). 4 wins in 7 starts at 2, $47,268, Kachina S.-R (RUI, $34,166), 2nd Petticoat S. (SFE, $8,832).
3rd dam
JUNE TOO, by Fleet Nasrullah. Winner at 2, $3,617. Half-sister to JUNE'S
BLAZER ($47,750, Bradbury S., sire). Dam of 5 winners, including-LIZ'S PRIDE. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $86,740, champion 2-year-old filly in Canada,
La Verendrye S., Winnipeg Futurity-R, etc. Producer. Granddam of Ky.
Princess ($68,119, 3rd My Dear S. [L] (WO, $10,479), etc.), Send It by
Fax (6 wins, $48,574, 3rd Manitoba Matron H. (ASD, $2,500), etc.).
ONE AND ONLY. Stakes winner, above.
Sleigh of Gold. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $46,712. Dam of 2 winners, including-Last Sled Down. 6 wins, 3 to 7, 2001, $64,440, 2nd Kenneth L. Graf Memorial H. (RKM, $5,000), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Elise W. Kendall, Agent for
Larry J. Craig
Bay Filly; foaled March 9, 2000
Capote ..............................
Boston Harbor ..................
Harbor Springs .................
Tasso ................................
On the Tree Top.................
Toque Rouge (IRE)............
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Vice Regent
Hobby (IRE)
By BOSTON HARBOR (1994). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of
$1,934,605, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-yearolds of 2002. Sire of 147 foals, 29 starters, 14 winners of 20 races and
earning $391,179 in N.A., including Boston Twist (at 2, 2001, $130,884,
Glorious Song S. [L] (WO, $65,940)), Boston Common (at 2, 2001, $58,250, 2nd Comet S. (MED, $10,000), etc.), Radcliffe Yard (at 2, 2001, $37,460), Chaos N Confusion (at 2, 2001, $31,920), Pitbull ($30,040).
1st dam
ON THE TREE TOP, by Tasso. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $262,234, Notches Trace S.-R
(LRL, $22,470). Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
TOQUE ROUGE (IRE), by Tarboosh. Unraced. Sister to JUST A GAME (IRE).
Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, including-ON THE TREE TOP (f. by Tasso). Stakes winner, above.
Fappies Cosy Miss (f. by Fappiano). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $304,885, 2nd Gardenia H. [G3], Fleur de Lis H. [G3], Linda Vista Breeders' Cup H. [G3],
River Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. [L] (RD, $31,900), Torrey
Pines S.-R (DMR, $15,000), 3rd Princess S. [G2], Gardenia H. [G3],
Oaklawn Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Pippin S. [L] (OP, $5,500).
Balote (g. by Fappiano). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $117,039, 3rd Spotlight H. [L]
(HOL, $11,250), Governor's Cup H. [L] (FPX, $6,000).
3rd dam
Hobby (IRE), by Falcon. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Ireland, 2nd Irish Chorus S., 3rd
Goffs Sales S. Dam of 9 other foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-JUST A GAME (IRE). 4 wins at 2 in Ireland, 2nd hwt. filly at 3 on Irish
Hand., Beresford S.-G2, 2nd Park S.-G3, Railway S.-G3; 10 wins in 15
starts, 4 to 6, $391,380, in N.A., champion grass mare, Flower Bowl H.G2, Diana H.-G2, Matchmaker S.-G2, Orchid H.-G3, La Prevoyante H.G3, New York H.-G3, Suwanee River H., 2nd Man o’ War S.-G1. Producer. Granddam of UNION ONE (5 wins in 9 starts to 4, 2001, $205,044, New York Stallion/Cormorant S.-R (AQU, $60,000), 3rd Cliff Hanger
H. [G3], Poker H. [G3]).
COURT PLAY. 12 wins, 4 to 7 in Ireland, Downshire Hurdle H., etc.
Accipiter. 5 wins at 4 in Ireland, 3rd Guinness Hurdle H.
4th dam
INVERMORE, by Anwar. Winner at 2 in Ireland. Half-sister to WILY TROUT
(Desmond S., etc., sire), Rusheen. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, incl.-Hobby (IRE). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
Hip No.
Foaled May 15, 2000
Roberto .............................
Dynaformer .......................
Andover Way.....................
Sultry Song.......................
Our Sun Queen .................
Plate Queen ......................
Hail to Reason
His Majesty
On the Trail
Cox's Ridge
Sultry Sun
Work Sheet
By DYNAFORMER (1985). Stakes winner of $671,207, Jersey Derby [G2],
etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 10 crops of racing age, 582 foals,
425 starters, 42 stakes winners, 319 winners of 1080 races and earning
$27,044,179 in N.A., including Blumin Affair ($867,065, San Diego H.
[G3], etc.), Critical Eye ($831,913, Hempstead H. [G1], etc.), Vergennes
($755,774, Early Times Hollywood Derby S. [G1], etc.), Baptize ($484,396, Arlington Classic S. [G2], etc.), Starrer [G2] (at 3, 2001, $433,033).
1st dam
OUR SUN QUEEN, by Sultry Song. Unraced. Dam of 1 other registered foal,
1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
PLATE QUEEN, by Pilgrim. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $279,139, Thoroughbred Club of
America S. [G3], Poinsettia S. [G3], Poinciana H. [L] (HIA, $30,000),
Miss Tropical H. (CRC, $27,870), 2nd Beaumont S. [L] (KEE, $16,440),
Arlington Heights H. [L] (AP, $16,190), Davona Dale Breeders' Cup S.
(GP, $10,880). Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-GADZOOK (c. by Meadowlake). 3 wins at 3, $168,271, Tampa Bay Derby
[L] (TAM, $90,000), Manila S. (AP, $28,800).
3rd dam
WORK SHEET, by Hard Work. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $60,738, Ak-Sar-Ben Princess
S. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-PLATE QUEEN. Stakes winner, above.
LEGAL PAD. 8 wins, $109,495, Grantville S. (PEN, $9,600), 2nd Chati S. [O].
Accipiter's Work. Placed at 3. Dam of 5 winners, including-Madame Sally. 6 wins at 4 and 6, $33,886, 3rd Heartland H. (RP, $5,173), Suthern Accent S. (LAD, $3,850). Producer.
4th dam
AJIJIC, by Royal Levee. 2 wins at 3, $6,680. Half-sister to Lord Birchfield
($112,742, 2nd Hurricane H.). Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including-STEVIE'S JOY. 13 wins, 2 to 9, $175,996, Illinois Owners H., Valley Forge
H., 2nd Boardwalk S.-G3, Timonium H.
AJIC JAY. 18 wins, 2 to 4, $92,272, Grand Island Elks H., Atokad Derby,
Van Berg S., Autumn S., Juvenile Miss S., etc. Dam of-Da's Mimi. 3 wins at 2, $46,160, 2nd Cameo S. [L] (LRL, $10,000).
WORK SHEET. Stakes winner, above.
Lake Chapala. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $22,271. Dam of 4 winners, including-BAIL FAST. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $180,769, Michigan Oaks-R (DET, $26,160),
Ann Arbor S.-R (DET, $19,710), Regret S.-R (DET, $19,440), 2nd
Queen Bee S. (DET, $8,880), Moonbeam H.-R (DET, $8,480), etc.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 1, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Strike Gold........................
Penny's Growl...................
Jongleuse (FR) .................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
Mr. Prospector
Newchance Lady
African Sky (GB)
Jail Bird
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
Penny's Growl, by Strike Gold. 8 wins, 2 to 7, $137,501, 2nd Tampa Bay
Juvenile S. (TAM, $5,650), American Beauty S. (RD, $4,580), 3rd Debutante S. (CD, $3,965), Drop Me a Note S. (MTH, $3,795), Surfside S.
(HIA, $2,728), 4th Poinsettia S. [G3]. Dam of 5 other registered foals, 5
of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including-DABNEY CARR (g. by Lost Code). 7 wins, 2 to 7, 2002, $142,201, Sam F.
Davis S. (TAM, $16,845).
Dont Fear the Heat (f. by Dawn Quixote). 2 wins at 2, $65,609, 3rd Busher S.
[G3], Dearly Precious S. [L] (AQU, $6,000), Marshua S. [L] (LRL, $5,927).
Tony Basich (g. by Tejano). 9 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $178,999.
2nd dam
JONGLEUSE (FR), by African Sky (GB). Placed at 3 in France; 4 wins at 4,
$52,540, in N.A. Half-sister to JUDOCA, Johannesburg. Dam of-MISS LEGALITY (f. by Skip Trial). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $396,950, Black-Eyed
Susan S. [G2], Gardenia S. [G3], Davona Dale S. [L] (GP, $30,000),
Brave Raj S.-R (GP, $30,000), Convenience S.-R (CRC, $30,000),
Somerset County S. (MED, $21,000), 2nd Sorority S. [G3], Poinsettia
S. [L] (HIA, $10,000), 3rd Post-Deb S. [G2], Prom S. (MED, $3,850).
Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-HAIR SPRAY (f. by Pentelicus). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $202,027, Safely Kept
S. [G3], Peach Blossom S. [L] (DEL, $30,000), Smart Halo S. (PIM,
$25,680), 3rd Miss Preakness S. [L] (PIM, $11,000), Miss Woodford S.
[L] (MTH, $5,500), Twixt S.-R (LRL, $11,000), Susan's Girl S. (DEL, $5,500), Dearly Precious S. (MTH, $4,800), Half Moon S. (MED, $4,400).
Penny's Growl (f. by Strike Gold). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Juggle the Books (g. by Sovereign Dancer). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $96,883, 2nd
Wiley Post H. (RP, $4,212). Set ntr at Remington Park.
Golden Toss. Winner at 3, $15,155. Producer. Granddam of TASSO'S
MAGIC ROO (f. by Tasso, 5 wins, $196,492, Suncoast S. (TAM, $25,335), Gasparilla S. (TAM, $17,175), Sandpiper S. (TAM, $16,650), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Bloodstock Management
Hip No.
Foaled May 5, 2000
Timeless Moment .............
Gilded Time ......................
Gilded Lilly .......................
Pharaoh's Pet....................
Chief Nefertari...................
Hour of Parting
What a Pleasure
Faberge II
One for All
Speedy Lady
By GILDED TIME (1990). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $975,980, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 536
foals, 315 starters, 25 stakes winners, 223 winners of 570 races and earning $14,277,751 in N.A., including Old Topper ($655,861, Pat O'Brien H.
[G3], etc.), Elaborate ($520,328, Triple Bend Breeders' Cup Invitational H.
[G2], etc.), Speaking of Time ($394,976, Piedra Foundation H.-R (DMR,
$45,570), etc.), Time Limit (5 wins, $379,130, Hutcheson S. [G2], etc.).
1st dam
PHARAOH'S PET, by *Giacometti. Winner at 3. Sister to Millie's Nina. Dam of
6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 6 to race, 6 winners, incl.-Priority View (f. by Distant View). Winner at 3, 2001, $7,206.
2nd dam
CHIEF NEFERTARI, by One for All. Unraced. Dam of 4 other winners, incl.-TECHNOLOGY (c. by Time for a Change). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $973,463, Florida
Derby [G1], Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Tropical Park Derby [G3], Broward H. [G3], Marathon H. [L] (CRC, $30,000), 2nd Ohio Derby [G2], 3rd
Thanksgiving Day H. [L] (CRC, $5,500), Dragoon Breeders' Cup S.
(PHA, $5,973). Sire.
LASS TRUMP (f. by Timeless Moment). 10 wins in 19 starts at 3 and 4,
$323,807, Ballerina S.-G2, Test S.-G2, A Gleam H.-L, Mint Julep S., Revidere S., 2nd Gazelle H.-G2, Somethingroyal H.-L, Thoroughbred Club of
America S.-L, 3rd Milady H.-G2. Producer.
Millie's Nina (f. by *Giacometti). Winner at 2 and 3, $27,856, 2nd Margarita H.
Neforrest. Placed at 3. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-TIMELY STITCH (c. by Time for a Change). 9 wins, 2 to 8, 2001, $327,545, Rainier Breeders' Cup H. [L] (EMD, $35,750)-etr, mi. in 1:34 4/5,
Jameson Irish Whiskey Ascot Graduation S. [L] (HST, $33,920), Juvenile S. (HST, $26,800), Klondike S. (HST, $20,870)-etr, New Westminster S. (HST, $20,450), 2nd British Columbia Derby [L] (HST, $35,460),
S. W. Randall Plate H. [L] (HST, $10,760), Inlet S. (HST, $9,120), etc.
Henry Express (c. by Time for a Change). Winner at 3 and 6, placed at
7, 2001, $18,340, 3rd Inaugural S.-R (HST, $3,820).
3rd dam
SPEEDY LADY, by Traffic Judge. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $40,445. Half-sister to Bully’s
Lady ($39,870, 2nd Durazna S., etc.). Dam of 4 winners, including-Chief Pronto. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $98,025, 2nd Thanksgiving Day H.-G3, etc. Sire.
Chief Howie. Dam of 2 foals, both winners, including-The Wali of Swat. Winner at 3 and 5, $37,550, 3rd [Q].
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jeff Thornbury, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 25, 2000
Capote ..............................
Boston Harbor ..................
Harbor Springs .................
Cryptoclearance ................
Pinpoint Control ...............
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Vice Regent
Naval Orange
Pencil Point (IRE)
By BOSTON HARBOR (1994). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of
$1,934,605, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-yearolds of 2002. Sire of 147 foals, 29 starters, 14 winners of 20 races and
earning $391,179 in N.A., including Boston Twist (at 2, 2001, $130,884,
Glorious Song S. [L] (WO, $65,940)), Boston Common (at 2, 2001, $58,250, 2nd Comet S. (MED, $10,000), etc.), Radcliffe Yard (at 2, 2001, $37,460), Chaos N Confusion (at 2, 2001, $31,920), Pitbull ($30,040).
1st dam
PINPOINT CONTROL, by Cryptoclearance. 9 wins at 2 and 4, $413,511, HBPA
H. [L] (ELP, $62,500), Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT, $60,000), Likely Exchange
S. [L] (TP, $40,918), American Beauty Breeders' Cup S. (RD, $24,000),
2nd Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT, $20,000), 3rd Bassinet S. [L] (RD, $15,000),
Belle Starr S. [L] (DUE, $5,000), Marigold S. (TP, $5,000), Peony S. (HOO,
$2,940). Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
Pointedly, by Pencil Point (IRE). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $110,870, 2nd Caliente Kindergarten S. (AC, $3,915). Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race-PINPOINT CONTROL (f. by Cryptoclearance). Stakes winner, above.
Flying Irishman. Placed at 4 and 5, $12,922.
3rd dam
CAUCASIA, by Caucasus. 2 wins at 3, $31,350. Sent to Mexico. Complete
produce and race records not available. Dam of 8 known foals, 6 to
race, all winners-OCEAN NATIVE (MEX). 12 wins, 2 to 9, $155,194, Saddleback S. (LA,
$19,970), 3rd Beau Brummel S. (FPX, $4,800), Apple Bite Farm S. (BM,
$4,500), Charlie's Notes H. (GG, $4,500), Fairplex Breeders' Cup S.
(FPX, $3,924).
Pointedly. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Bolgers Gold. 14 wins, 3 to 7, $100,010.
Vuela. 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Mexico.
Minerva De. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico.
Lanceta. Winner at 2 in Mexico.
4th dam
SERENE SURF, by Maribeau. Unraced. Dam of 1 other foal-Serene Touch. Winner at 4, $4,470.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 15, 2000
Siphon (BRZ) ....................
Pleasantly Quick ...............
Quick Honors....................
Apple Honey
Kublai Khan
Pleasant Colony
Last Bird
To the Quick
Nalees Honor Award
By SIPHON (BRZ) (1991). Stakes winner of $2,294,810, in N.A., Santa Anita
H. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 170 foals, 31
starters, 8 winners of 10 races and earning $960,936 in N.A., including
Siphonic (at 2, 2001, $733,978, Hollywood Futurity [G1], etc.), Ms Louisett
($48,800, 3rd Oak Leaf S. [G1]), Scifi Flick ($17,105, 2nd Kachina S. (RUI,
$15,137)), Siphina (at 2, 2001, $27,000), Fullup (at 2, 2001, $22,440),
Loyal Richard ($15,135), Cheechoo ($13,551), Brazilian Girl ($9,955).
1st dam
PLEASANTLY QUICK, by Roanoke. Winner at 2, $16,824. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
QUICK HONORS, by To the Quick. Winner at 3, $12,275. Dam of-FORCING BID (f. by Irish Open). 3 wins at 3, $298,998, Busher Breeders'
Cup S. [G3], National Jockey Club Oaks [L] (SPT, $90,000), 2nd John
A. Morris H. [G1], Go for Wand S. [G1], 3rd Michigan Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (DET, $11,358). Producer.
Flying Honors. Winner at 3, $32,320. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, incl.-MIL KILATES (f. by Gold Alert). Winner in 2 starts at 2 in Panama; 10
wins, 3 to 6, $630,098, in N.A., Pimlico Distaff H. [G3], Affectionately
H. [G3], Turnback the Alarm H. [L] (AQU, $48,330), 2nd Ladies H.
[G2], 3rd Ruffian H. [G1], Delta Air Lines Top Flight H. [G2], Oaklawn
Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (OP, $20,000).
3rd dam
NALEES HONOR AWARD, by Arts and Letters. Winner at 4, $8,219. Half-sister
to MENEVAL (sire), NALEES FOLLY, NALEES MAN, Nalees Knight,
Nalees Rialto, Nalee's Fantasy, Take Warning, Pretty Fancy. Dam of-Winfield Honor. 4 wins at 4, $51,591, 3rd Grassland H.-L. Producer.
Storm's Award. Winner at 3 and 4, $25,587. Dam of 3 winners, including-ORENSE. 15 wins, 3 to 7 in Peru, Premio Batalla de Tarapaca [G3], etc.
Stomata. Unraced. Sent to India. Dam of 4 known winners, including-RUNNING FLAME (IND). 10 wins at 3 and 4 in India, horse of the year,
Kingfisher Indian Oaks, Castrol Indian One Thousand Guineas, etc.
SHINING DANCER. 3 wins at 3 in India, Nilgiris Fillies' Trial S., etc.
Storm's Honor. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-INDIA BRAVA. 8 wins at 3 and 4 in Peru, champion grass mare, champion older mare, Premio Pamplona-Whisky President [G1], etc.
HAWKINSBROOK. 3 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 6, 2001, $51,742, Horizon S.-R (RD, $21,000).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Gabriel Dixon, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 12, 2000
Spinning World.................
Imperfect Circle ................
Lear Fan............................
Plentiful ............................
Prodigious (FR) ................
Northern Dancer
Aviance (IRE)
By SPINNING WORLD (1993). Hwt. in Europe, France and Ireland; stakes
winner of $772,000, in N.A., Breeders’ Cup Mile [G1]-ecr, etc. His first
foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 298 foals, 45 starters, 18 winners
of 20 races and earning $136,889 in N.A., including Quad's Melody (at 2,
2001, Prix d'Aumale [G3]), Chan Chan (at 2, 2001, Oppenheim-Rennen),
Tendulkar (at 2, 2001, 3rd Darley Dewhurst S. [G1]), Temple of Artemis
(2nd Killavullan S. [G3]), Spinnette (2nd E.B.F. Montrose Fillies S.).
1st dam
PLENTIFUL, by Lear Fan. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, no winners, including-Glenmara (f. by Known Fact). Placed at 3 in France.
2nd dam
PRODIGIOUS (FR), by Pharly. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in France. Dam of-PUBLIC PURSE (c. by Private Account). 5 wins, 3 to 5 in France, Prix
Maurice de Nieuil [G2], Prix Jean de Chaudenay-Grand Prix du Printemps [G2], La Coupe [G3], Prix Vulcain, 3rd Grand Prix de Deauville
[G2], Prix d’Hedouville [G3]; placed in Germany, 3rd Mercedes Benz126 Grosser Preis von Baden [G1]; winner at 5 and 6, $268,280, in N.A.,
San Marcos H. [G2], Carleton F. Burke H. [G3], 2nd Hollywood Turf Cup
S. [G1]; placed in United Arab Emirates, 3rd Dubai World Cup [G1].
SUPER STAFF (f. by Secretariat). Winner at 3 in England; 6 wins in 9 starts
at 4, $547,900, in N.A., Yellow Ribbon Invitational S. [G1], Las Palmas H.
[G2], Palomar H. [G2], 2nd Matriarch S. [G1].
MR. ADORABLE (c. by Blushing Groom (FR)). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $117,263, Miami Lakes S. [L] (HIA, $20,000), 2nd Christmas Day H. [G3], etc.
3rd dam
Vichy, by Restless Native. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $48,501, 3rd Schuylerville S., Astoria S. Dam of 11 other foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, including-SHEILA SHINE. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $47,682, Goldfinch H. (GS, $22,344),
Special Team S.-R (PHA, $11,520), etc. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-CHANCE TO DANCE. 4 wins to 3, $114,782, Martha Washington S. [L]
(OP, $35,340), Lady Sponsor’s Breeders’ Cup S. (AKS, $33,375), etc.
4th dam
BODA, by War Admiral. Placed at 2. Sister to BEYLERBEY. Dam of-Wingadal. 25 wins, $54,655, 2nd J. H. Logan Firm S., Darby Dan S., etc.
Vichy. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Fauchon. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of CHEROKEE FROLIC ($352,613).
Frolic and Fun. Unraced. Dam of SNAPPY CHATTER ($237,407), SMASHER.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 19, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Polish Navy ......................
Polish Queen ....................
Queen Alydar ....................
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Queen Louie
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
POLISH QUEEN, by Polish Navy. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3
of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Pleasant Mood (c. by Pleasant Colony). 2 wins at 3, 2001, $11,395.
Pleasant Queenie (f. by Pleasant Tap). Placed at 3 and 4, 2001, $15,395.
2nd dam
QUEEN ALYDAR, by Alydar. 2 wins at 4, $41,425. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-Songs of Praise (f. by Palace Music). Winner at 2 and 4, $22,294, 3rd Everget S. (DEL, $3,075). Producer.
3rd dam
QUEEN LOUIE, by Crimson Satan. 7 wins at 2 and 4, $73,158, champion 2year-old filly in Canada, Mimosa H., Princess Elizabeth S., etc. Sister to
BRILLIANT SANDY, half-sister to GENTLEMAN CONN ($183,966,
champion 2-year-old colt in Canada), BOLD AGENT, Artesia. Dam of-A STATUS SYMBOL. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $116,793, Edgemont H., 2nd Pinafore
S., Imp H., 3rd Thoroughbred Club of America S., etc. Dam of-Royal Weekend. Winner at 2 and 3, $71,450, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S.
[G2]. Dam of Oasis Hawk (2nd BMW Handler-Trophy [G3], etc.).
Skybox. Winner, $23,410, 2nd Jersey Jumper S. (MED, $7,000). Dam of
SAND RIDGE [L] (to 6, 2001, $388,299), DOOTSIE ($117,142).
GOLD MERIDIAN. 3 wins in 6 starts at 3 in Ireland, Shanbally House Stud
S., 2nd Royal Whip S. [G3]; winner at 4, $22,200, in N.A. Sire.
Careless Flirt. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $69,208, 3rd Adirondack S. [G2], etc.
Dazibao. 2 wins in France, 3rd Grand Prix de Marseille; 5 wins in Tunisia.
Queen's Bid. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $86,435. Dam of 13 foals, 11 winners, incl.-LADY HONEY JO. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $138,783, Poinciana H. [L] (HIA, $30,000), Burn's Return H. (CRC, $16,320), 2nd Jasmine S. (HIA, $8,000).
Queen's Code. 12 wins, $195,250, 3rd Scarlet Carnation H. (TDN, $3,000).
Manzanares. Winner at 2, $21,850. Dam of Regal Cameo ($155,911). Granddam of SMOKEY CIDER [L] ($380,492), Dakota Playboy ($99,560),
Cozzena (dam of MEGANS BLUFF [G2], $664,585), Avie’s Song (dam
of DOC CALLS HER KATE [L], $204,793; MY LADY AVIE, $113,220).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent II
Hip No.
Foaled March 11, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gulch ................................
Pracer ...............................
Shindy ..............................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Asbury Mary
Northern Dancer
Feet First
By GULCH (1984). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $3,095,521, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 631 foals, 455 starters, 45 stakes winners, 327 winners of 1064
races and earning $23,673,701 in N.A., including champion Thunder
Gulch ($2,915,086, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), and of Nayef (to 3, 2001,
hwt. colt at 3 in England, Dubai Champion S. [G1], etc.), Wallenda ($1,205,929, Super Derby [G1], etc.), Golden Gear [G2] (12 wins, $634,009).
1st dam
PRACER, by Lyphard. 3 wins at 3 in France; winner at 3 in Italy, Premio Lydia
Tesio [G2]; placed at 4, $57,875, in N.A., 2nd Santa Barbara H. [G1].
Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 1 winner-Happy Memories (c. by Woodman). 4 wins, 2 to 4, 2001 in Barbados.
Chris's Turn (c. by Gone West). Placed at 3, 2001, $6,770.
2nd dam
SHINDY, by Roberto. Winner at 3, $13,200. Dam of 10 foals, 7 winners, incl.-PRACER (f. by Lyphard). Stakes winner, above.
Comedy Class (f. by Avenue of Flags). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $137,650,
2nd Sardula S. [L] (SA, $18,430), Melair S.-R (HOL, $30,000), Boo La
Boo S.-R (SA, $21,620).
Meet Me Soon (f. by General Meeting). Winner at 3, $25,000, 2nd Solano
County Juvenile Filly S.-R (SOL, $6,000), etc. Producer.
Top Roberto. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $46,660. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, incl.-Truant (c. by Alleged). Winner in England, 3rd Washington Singer S.
3rd dam
FEET FIRST, by Native Dancer. Winner at 3, $6,030. Sister to GOOD MOVE
($123,620, Spinaway S., Selima S., etc.), Native Born (sire). Dam of-STEP TOGETHER. 6 wins, 3 to 7 in Ireland, Power Gold Cup Stp., etc. Sire.
Silver Spook. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $78,911, 2nd Pocahontas S., 3rd Golden Rod
S.-G3, My Dear S., etc. Dam of TWILIGHT SPOOK ($132,441, Star
Shoot S. (WO, $30,474), etc., dam of Mambo Heat). Granddam of LETS
BE ALERT ($245,486, Judy’s Red Shoes S. [L] (CRC, $60,000), etc.),
TAKE IT [LR] ($84,114), SICNEE (Prix du Haras de la Huderie, etc.),
Pound Sterling ($127,998), Kulshee Mashee, Prospective Prince.
Ladyfeet. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $40,599, 3rd HBPA H., Dahlia H., etc.
Current Laughter. Placed at 4, $4,460. Dam of NOW SHOWING ($231,000,
Pineapple Express S. [L] (SA, $33,300), etc.), Simply Silver ($65,525).
Alfambra. Placed at 3 in France. Dam of ANTARTIC SOUND. Granddam
of QUEL SENOR (FR) [G3] (4 wins to 6, 2001, $203,040, in N.A.).
Mover. Placed at 2 in France. Producer. Granddam of Sharply ($35,100).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert Harris, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 7, 2000
Honour and Glory .............
Fair to All..........................
Woodman .........................
Pressed and Ready ...........
No More Ironing ...............
In Reality
Foggy Note
Al Nasr (FR)
Mr. Prospector
Slew o' Gold
Gold Treasure
By HONOUR AND GLORY (1993). Stakes winner of $1,202,942, Metropolitan
H. [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 412 foals, 130 starters, 9 stakes
winners, 64 winners of 131 races and earning $3,935,144 in N.A., including champion Caressing (to 3, 2001, $881,410, Breeders' Cup Juvenile
Fillies [G1], etc.), and of Put It Back (at 3, 2001, $232,895, Riva Ridge S.
[G2], etc.), Discreet Hero ($209,214, Round Table S. [G3], etc.), Playing
'n Gold ($150,730, Ellis Park Debutante S. [L] (ELP, $40,625), etc.).
1st dam
PRESSED AND READY, by Woodman. Placed at 2, $4,760. Dam of 1 other
registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
NO MORE IRONING, by Slew o' Gold. Winner at 2, $11,432. Dam of-SNEAKY QUIET (f. by Seeking the Gold). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $290,857, Boca
Raton S. [L] (CRC, $60,000), Florida Oaks [L] (TAM, $60,000), 2nd Lady
Ladbroke H. (DET, $5,000), 3rd Kentucky Oaks [G1]. Producer.
IRONMAN DEHERE (c. by Dehere). 4 wins at 3, 2001, $99,540, Pleasanton S. (PLN, $23,200), Tempe H. (TUP, $21,000), 3rd Paradise Valley H.
(TUP, $3,000).
3rd dam
GOLD TREASURE, by Northern Dancer. 6 wins in 11 starts to 4, $108,787,
Sixty Sails H., Thoroughbred Club Dinner S., 3rd Four Winds H. Dam of-CROWN SILVER. 3 wins at 2, $107,045, Cameo S. (LRL, $28,535), 2nd
Selene S. [L] (WO, $19,210). Producer.
Golden Guinea. 2 wins at 3, $80,437, 3rd Mademoiselle S. (PHA, $4,367).
Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, both winners, including-BOP. 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $119,783, Punch Line S.-R (CNL, $24,000),
2nd Horatius S. [L] (LRL, $11,115), etc.
Isle of Spice. Winner in England; placed in United Arab Emirates. Dam of-ZANZIBAR. Winner at 3, 2001 in England; winner in 2 starts at 3, 2001
in Italy, Oaks d'Italia [G1].
4th dam
TREASURE CHEST, by Rough’n Tumble. 10 wins to 5, $75,872, Modesty H.ncr, etc. Sister to MY DEAR GIRL ($209,739, champion 2-year-old filly),
half-sister to MY OLD FLAME, Tiswar, Sutton Place Gal. Dam of-GOLD TREASURE. Stakes winner, above.
KANZ. 2 wins in England, Princess Elizabeth S.-G3, 2nd Yorkshire Oaks-G1.
DIOMEDIA. 7 wins, $101,678, Margate H.-G3, etc. Dam of MEDIA STARGUEST (IRE) [G3] ($105,000, in N.A.), DIRECT ANSWER ($94,960).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled January 16, 2000
Well Decorated..................
Notebook ..........................
Medaille d'Or ....................
Pretense d'Or ....................
True Pretense ....................
Raja Baba
Paris Breeze
Tom Rolfe
Cap and Bells
*True Grace
By NOTEBOOK (1985). Stakes winner of $584,630, Brown and Williamson
Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G2], etc. Sire of 10 crops of racing age, 469
foals, 320 starters, 32 stakes winners, 257 winners of 1153 races and
earning $21,765,470 in N.A., including Delaware Township ($996,950,
Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S. [G1], etc.), Three Ring ($773,440,
Acorn S. [G1], etc.), Take Note of Me ($650,789, National Jockey Club H.
[G3]-ntr, etc.), Unruled [L] ($623,277), Effectiveness [L] ($504,971).
1st dam
PRETENSE D'OR, by Medaille d'Or. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $104,848. Dam of 11 other
registered foals, 10 of racing age, 10 to race, 9 winners, including-D'OR RUCKUS (f. by Bold Ruckus). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $418,983, La Brea S. [G3],
Cascapedia H. [L] (SA, $29,025), Kenora S.-R (WO, $64,800), Shepperton
S.-R (WO, $64,800), 2nd Santa Monica H. [G1], Ontario Fashion H.-R
(WO, $21,340), Royal North Breeders' Cup H. (WO, $12,490). Producer.
DIANE'S BIRTHDAY (f. by With Approval). 4 wins at 3, $69,190, Born Famous H. (CRC, $23,700).
Wild Ruckus (g. by Bold Ruckus). 8 wins, 2 to 8, 2001, $64,136, 2nd Renaissance S. (DET, $5,000).
Goodbye Mr. Jones (c. by Jolie’s Halo). Winner at 2 and 4, 2001, $21,280.
Perfect Grades (c. by Honor Grades). Winner at 3, 2001, $6,030.
Image d'Or (f. by Halo's Image). Placed at 3, 2002, $4,770.
2nd dam
TRUE PRETENSE, by Pretense. Winner at 2, $9,237. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-Damar (c. by Tentam). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $48,492, 3rd Bold Venture H.
3rd dam
*TRUE GRACE, by *Arctic Prince. Placed at 3 in England. Half-sister to TRUE
CAVALIER, GADS HILL, Vrai, True Code. Sent to Argentina. Dam of-*GRACE BORN. 6 wins at 2 and 3 in Argentina, Premio Independencia,
etc.; 2 wins at 4, $83,797, in N.A., Stymie H., 2nd Manhattan H., etc.
Prayer. Winner at 2 and 3 in Argentina, 2nd Premio Comando y Direccion General de Remonta y Veterinaria, Premio Miguel Alfredo Martinez de Hoz.
Helen Jeter. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $24,815, 2nd Clasico Luis A. Rosario.
Intelectual. 5 wins, 2 to 4 in Argentina, 2nd Polla de Potrancas. Dam of-The Professor. 4 wins to 3 in Argentina, 2nd Premio Jockey Club, etc.
Princess Nanta. Winner at 2 and 3, $6,130. Dam of 5 winners, including-TINA TINA TOO. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $336,742, Ladies H.-G1, Firenze H.-G2,
Tempted S.-G3, etc. Producer. Granddam of Rank Her Alexis (3 wins
to 3, 2001, $81,963, 2nd Cincinnati Trophy S. (TP, $10,000), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled January 18, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Princess Pickle .................
Countess Shorwind ..........
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Olden Times
Teo Pepi
Dancing Count
Short Winded
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
Princess Pickle, by Hagley. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $120,955, 2nd Gala Lil S.-R (LRL,
$6,495). Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race-For My Pleasure (f. by Numerous). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $38,000.
Jenny's Princess (f. by Defrere). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2001, $5,680.
2nd dam
COUNTESS SHORWIND, by Dancing Count. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $9,000.
Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-ALGAR (g. by Horatius). 7 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 9, 2001, $573,117, Laurel
Turf Cup S. [G3], Maryland Million Classic S.-R (LRL, $110,000) twice,
Northern Dancer S.-R (LRL, $60,000), 2nd Laurel Turf Cup S. [G3], Native Dancer H. [L] (LRL, $15,735), Annapolis S. [L] (LRL, $15,000), Congressional H. [L] (LRL, $15,000), Hail Emperor S. [L] (LRL, $11,115), 3rd
Congressional H. [L] (LRL, $11,000), Hail Emperor S. [L] (LRL, $6,023),
Native Dancer H. [L] (LRL, $5,783), etc.
Princess Pickle (f. by Hagley). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
SHORT WINDED, by Harvest Singing. 9 wins, 4 to 6, $32,306. Dam of-SHORTLEY. 9 wins in 14 starts at 3 and 4, $127,778, First Flight H.-G3, etc.
Dam of Shortpoint (3 wins, $80,520), Meadow Flyer [L] ($25,439).
Breathless Wind. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $138,258, 2nd Pinafore H. (LRL, $8,780), etc.
Vodka Talking. 7 wins to 4, $65,885, 2nd Sadie Hawkins S., etc. Dam of-ROLLODKA. 29 wins, $559,669, Resolution H. [L] (LRL, $36,026), etc.
Chattin. 2 wins to 4, $35,412. Dam of GIN TALKING [G3] ($348,206).
Short Encounter. Winner at 4, $6,330. Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, incl.-ROMANO GUCCI. 8 wins, 2 to 8, 2001, $465,524, Gotham S. [G2], etc.
Salem Savior. 6 wins, $33,270. Dam of DARK TZARINA [LR] ($133,863),
dam of MOBILE LINK, Sir Ernest Lee Steere Classic [G3], etc.; PAPILLION, Roma Cup [G3], etc.; SOCIETY MISS, Sheila Gwynne S., etc.).
Whimsical Wind. 2 wins at 3, $12,905. Dam of HALLEY'S WIND ($23,005,
dam of Bar Breeze [L], to 3, 2001, $132,656).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent IV
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled February 15, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Crafty Prospector..............
Real Crafty Lady................
Theatrical (IRE) .................
Prologue ...........................
Shivering Six ....................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
In Reality
Princess Roycraft
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)
Saratoga Six
Shivering Gal
By CRAFTY PROSPECTOR (1979). Stakes-placed winner of $116,955, 2nd
Gulfstream Park H.-G1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 16 crops of
racing age, 833 foals, 656 starters, 74 stakes winners, 521 winners of
2442 races and earning $45,239,024 in N.A., including champions Don
Serafin ($140,521, Copa 4 de Julio, etc.), Sneaky Solicitor ($131,039,
Clasico Dia de Reyes, etc.), Agnes Digital (to 4, 2001, The Tenno Sho,
etc.), Royal C., Yecein, Millenium, and of Crafty Friend [G2] ($967,700).
1st dam
PROLOGUE, by Theatrical (IRE). Unraced. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
SHIVERING SIX, by Saratoga Six. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $67,606, Holly S.
(MED, $21,000), Prom S. (MED, $21,000), 2nd Jersey Jumper S. (MED,
$7,000). Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-SARATOGA SUMMER (c. by Time for a Change). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $219,025,
Buckeye H. [L] (TDN, $39,000), 3rd Indy Mile S. [L] (HOO, $8,701),
Kentucky Cup Starter H.-R (TP, $5,000).
Forty West. 13 wins, 3 to 8, 2002, $183,443.
3rd dam
Shivering Gal, by It's Freezing. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $85,631, 3rd Astoria S.
[G3], Prima Donna S. [L] (OP, $7,640), Debutante S. [L] (CD, $7,340),
4th Spinaway S. [G1]. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-SHIVERING SIX. Stakes winner, above.
Antahkarana. Winner at 2, $112,200, 2nd Oak Leaf S. [G1], Del Mar Debutante S. [G2].
Meaningful Fling. 2 wins at 3, $76,388.
The Count. Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $28,800.
4th dam
ACCEPT MY TOKEN, by Accipiter. Unraced. Half-sister to FASTER THAN
FAST-L ($153,104), Bobby Dodd ($113,913). Dam of 6 winners, incl.-REVERSE MULLIGAN. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $94,460, Bachelor S. [L] (OP,
$45,270). Sire.
Shivering Gal. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Special Token. Winner at 4, $4,036. Dam of 6 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-Gamboa Road Gang. 3 wins at 3 in Panama, 2nd Premio Union de
Token of Esteem. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners, incl.-Token of Gold. 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2001, $77,831, 3rd Fashion S. [L]
(BEL, $8,951).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
Montpelier Thoroughbreds Inc.
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled March 16, 2000
Halo ..................................
Devil's Bag........................
Ra Hydee ..........................
Youpickem ........................
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Blushing Groom (FR)
Glorious Song
Droll Role
By DEVIL'S BAG (1981). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $445,860, Champagne S.-G1, etc. Sire of 15 crops of racing age, 794 foals,
557 starters, 38 stakes winners, 383 winners of 1179 races and earning
$28,659,043 in N.A., including Japanese horse of the year Taiki Shuttle
(Prix du Haras de Fresnay-Le-Buffard-Jacques Le Marois [G1], etc.), and
of Quebrada (IRE) [G2] (hwt. twice in Germany), Devil His Due [G1]
($3,920,405), Twilight Agenda [G1] ($2,124,400, in N.A.), Region [G2].
1st dam
RA HYDEE, by Rahy. Winner at 3, $22,373. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
YOUPICKEM, by Droll Role. Winner at 3, $17,111. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-JONOWO (f. by Navajo). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $167,756, Regret S. [L] (CD,
$37,115), Rambling Rose S. (RD, $17,100), 2nd Sun and Snow H. [L]
(CD, $10,900), Azalea S. (TAM, $6,130), 3rd Valnor H. [L] (HAW, $5,750), Dogwood S. [L] (CD, $5,445). Sent to Philippines. Dam of-Beaux Arts Ball (f. by Black Tie Affair (IRE)). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $126,608,
2nd Ribbon S. (AP, $7,420), Zippy Do H. (CRC, $5,785), 3rd Miss
Jealski H. (CRC, $3,393), Lemhi Go H. (CRC, $3,351).
STOLIE (f. by Navajo). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $89,719, Bourbonette S. (TP,
$28,048), 2nd Regret S. [L] (CD, $11,110), Dogwood S. [L] (CD,
$11,030), Edgewood S. [L] (CD, $11,030), etc. Dam of-STOLEN GOLD (c. by Conquistador Cielo). 3 wins at 2, $284,270, Precisionist S.-R (HOL, $34,250), 2nd Hollywood Futurity [G1], 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], Sunny Slope S. [L] (SA, $9,000).
Something Light. 2 wins at 3, $37,761. Dam of Western Resolve (f. by
West by West, $63,553, 2nd Shady Well S.-R (WO, $29,349)).
Soar (g. by Flying Chevron). Winner at 2, $46,282, 3rd Swynford S. [G3].
3rd dam
ANALISA, by High Echelon. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3, $21,025. Dam of-TERRA INCOGNITA. 3 wins in 3 starts at 2, $120,066, Alcibiades S. [G2].
Producer. Granddam of Warjan (to 4, 2001 in France, 3rd Criterium du
Fonds Europeen de l'Elevage).
Simply Delicious. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, incl.-NOBLE RULER. 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2001, $203,704, LeComte H. [L] (FG, $60,000).
Anawac. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-Val's Jazz. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $145,378, 2nd Two Altazano S.-R (LS,
$10,000), Kingwood S.-R (HOU, $5,000), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: OBS Championship S., NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 22, 2000
Great Above ......................
Holy Bull...........................
Sharon Brown ...................
Mr. Leader.........................
Ransomed Captive............
Spring in Virginia .............
Minnesota Mac
Ta Wee
Al Hattab
Agathea's Dawn
Hail to Reason
Jolie Deja
Hava Nice Day
By HOLY BULL (1991). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $2,481,760, Travers S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 353 foals, 180 starters, 13
stakes winners, 104 winners of 223 races and earning $8,729,290 in N.A.,
including champion Macho Uno (to 3, 2001, $1,332,203, Breeders' Cup
Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Confessional ($827,638, Frizette S. [G1], etc.),
Turnofthecentury ($457,941, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H.
[G2], etc.), Crash Course [G3] ($401,275), Thunder Blitz [G3] ($304,450).
1st dam
RANSOMED CAPTIVE, by Mr. Leader. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $109,325, Princess
S. [G2], 4th Chula Vista H. [G2]. Dam of 9 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 6 to race, 3 winners, including-SHEPHERD'S FIELD (c. by Spectacular Bid). 2 wins at 2, $186,600, Norfolk S. [G2], 3rd San Rafael S. [G2]. Sire.
Tramp Harbor (g. by Capote). 3 wins at 3, $65,820.
2nd dam
SPRING IN VIRGINIA, by Flit-to. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $94,681. Dam of-RANSOMED CAPTIVE (f. by Mr. Leader). Stakes winner, above.
Bridgeport (g. by Sunny's Halo). 7 wins, 2 to 6, 2001, $290,753, 2nd PNE
Speed H. [L] (HST, $10,000), Gateway to Glory S. [L] (FPX, $8,500), 3rd
Christmas Futurity-R (TUP, $8,564).
Chris'theatrical (c. by Theatrical (IRE)). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $71,250, 3rd San
Matean H. [L] (BMF, $7,500).
3rd dam
Hava Nice Day, by Conestoga. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $26,852, 3rd Four Winds
H. Dam of 9 other foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-Vihava. Winner at 2 and 4, $30,554, 2nd Fair Queen H., Las Donas H.
Chorus Line Strut. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $22,402. Producer. Granddam of King
City (4 wins, $48,574, 2nd Punch Line S.-R (CNL, $8,000)).
4th dam
SOTTO VOCE, by Some Chance. 10 wins at 2 and 3, $61,925, Barbara
Frietchie H., Jasmine S., 2nd Correction H., Rosedale S. Half-sister to
ORATION ($83,049), Pompeian, Fog A. Bolia, Star Talk. Dam of-Owatonna. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $33,798, 2nd James H. Bright Memorial H.
Hava Nice Day. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Whispered Words. Winner at 3, $3,999. Dam of MANOS ARRIBA (Premio
Sociedad de Criadores-G1, etc.), NUMBER FIVE (sire), Principito, Native Tongue ($45,858). Granddam of LINEA MACHETE (champion
twice in Panama), SAFARANCHO [G3], RAISE HER VOICE ($42,353).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled May 18, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Dehere ..............................
Sister Dot..........................
In Reality...........................
Really Fancy .....................
Native Fancy .....................
Hip No.
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Sword Game
My Dear Girl
Our Native
Mary Stevens
By DEHERE (1991). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $723,712,
Champagne S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 691 foals, 378
starters, 31 stakes winners, 269 winners of 612 races and earning $11,712,832 in N.A., including champion Mi Amigo Guelo ($129,450, Clasico
Santiago Iglesias Pantin, etc.), and of Belle Du Jour (hwt. filly at 3 in Australia, Golden Slipper S. [G1], etc.), Graeme Hall (to 4, 2001, $1,047,441,
Arkansas Derby [G2], etc.), Miss Seffens [L] (to 4, 2001, $482,690).
1st dam
REALLY FANCY, by In Reality. 2 wins at 2, $81,900, Anoakia S. [G3]. Dam of
10 other registered foals, 10 of racing age, 10 to race, 9 winners, incl.-Stately Warrior (g. by Stately Don). 8 wins, 3 to 8, $373,391, 2nd Cardmania S. [L] (SA, $13,000), 3rd Cardmania S.-R (SA, $8,400).
Really Sovereign (g. by Leo Castelli). 7 wins, 3 to 8, 2001, $179,468.
Dixie Holiday (f. by Dixieland Band). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $101,781.
Really Solid (c. by Dixieland Band). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $88,475.
Real Special (c. by Mt. Livermore). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $78,575.
Stormy Playmate (f. by Sky Classic). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $55,120.
Really No Saint (c. by St. Jovite). Winner at 3, 2001, $19,515.
Saints Go Marching (c. by Dixieland Band). Winner in 1 start at 2, 2001,
2nd dam
NATIVE FANCY, by Our Native. 5 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3, $172,275,
Hollywood Lassie S.-G2, California Oaks, Sorrento S., 2nd Nursery S.,
3rd Del Mar Debutante S.-G2. Dam of 5 winners, including-BLUSHING HEIRESS (f. by Blushing John). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $356,540, Wilshire H. [G2], Palomar H. [G3], 2nd Straight Deal H. [L] (SA, $13,000),
Sorority S. [L] (GG, $10,000).
REALLY FANCY (f. by In Reality). Stakes winner, above.
Fancy n' Sharp. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Sharp Bandit (c. by Pancho Villa). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $231,125, 2nd Aprisa
H. (FPX, $8,500).
3rd dam
MARY STEVENS, by Lt. Stevens. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $87,599, Bicentennial '76
H., Inaugural H., Marica H., 3rd Ak-Sar-Ben Princess S. Dam of-NATIVE FANCY. Stakes winner, above.
4th dam
MARY LIVING, by Royal Living. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $11,553. Half-sister to
Loumer Lee ($92,142, 2nd Floridian H.-R). Dam of 3 winners, incl.-MARY STEVENS. Stakes winner, above.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Paul Sharp, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 11, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Miesque's Son..................
Dixieland Band .................
Printing Press ...................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Northern Dancer
Mississippi Mud
In Reality
Wealth of Nations
By MIESQUE'S SON (1992). Stakes winner in France, Prix de Ris-Orangis
[G3], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 158 foals, 45 starters, 23 winners
of 36 races and earning $996,344 in N.A., including Miesque's Approval
(at 2, 2001, $182,545, Pilgrim S. [L] (AQU, $50,085), etc.), Mr. Miesque
($124,661, Frank Arsenault Memorial Breeders' Cup S. [L] (HAW, $60,000), etc.), Boggs Eyes (at 3, 2001, $92,590, Winning Colors S. [L] (AP,
$38,400), etc.), stakes-placed Miesque's Encore [L] ($106,920), etc.
1st dam
REDEEMER, by Dixieland Band. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $55,067. Dam of 9 other
regstered foals, 9 of racing age, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-AMERICAN BOSS (c. by Kingmambo). 8 wins, 2 to 6, 2001 in Japan, The
Nakayama Kinen, The American Jockey Club Cup, The Epsom Cup twice,
2nd The Arima Kinen-46th The Grand Prix, The Nakayama Kinen, etc.
Alwaysgoodthanx (f. by Miswaki). Winner at 3 and 4, $74,390.
Andrew's Hurricane (g. by Rio Carmelo (FR)). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $65,020.
2nd dam
PRINTING PRESS, by In Reality. Placed at 3. Dam of 5 other winners, incl.-LITE LIGHT (f. by Majestic Light). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $1,231,596, Coaching
Club American Oaks [G1], Kentucky Oaks [G1], Santa Anita Oaks
[G1], Las Virgenes S. [G1], Fantasy S. [G2], Oak Leaf S. [G2], Sorrento S. [G3], 2nd Mother Goose S. [G1], Hollywood Starlet S. [G1], Del
Mar Debutante S. [G2], 3rd Chula Vista H. [G2], San Gorgonio H. [G2],
Landaluce S. [G3], Run for the Roses S. [L] (SA, $9,000). Dam of-SADDAD (c. by Gone West). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2001 in England,
Polypipe Flying Childers S. [G2].
GAILY EGRET (f. by Storm Cat). 8 wins, 3 to 6, 2001 in Japan, The Sakitama Hai, The Hyogo Gold Trophy, 2nd The Cluster Cup.
Gold Press (c. by Seeking the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 5, placed at 6, 2001,
$88,708, 3rd Sam Houston Sprint H. [L] (HOU, $5,500).
Delivery Day. Placed at 4, $7,935. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-Don't Ruffle Me (f. by Pine Bluff). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $68,523,
2nd Top Flight S. [L] (AP, $15,000).
3rd dam
WEALTH OF NATIONS, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Half-sister to GLOWING
TRIBUTE ($230,819), Senator Brady [Q] ($252,445), Rambling Rector [Q] ($143,620, sire), James Boswell. Dam of 4 winners, including-Ready Cash. 19 wins, 3 to 9, $140,582, 2nd Ventnor S. [OR], Longport S.
[OR], 3rd Bryan Field Memorial H.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Maryland.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert Harris, Agent
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled April 26, 2000
Roberto .............................
Kris S................................
Sharp Queen .....................
Red Rain ...........................
Baruna ..............................
Hail to Reason
Northern Dancer
Betty's Secret
*Grey Dawn II
By KRIS S. (1977). Stakes winner of $53,350, Bradbury S. Among the leading sires, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 784 foals, 613 starters, 60 stakes
winners, 456 winners of 1589 races and earning $39,855,904 in N.A., including champions Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf
[G1], etc.), and of Prized ($2,262,555, Breeders’ Cup Turf [G1], etc.),
Kissin Kris [G1] ($1,616,936), Brocco [G1] ($1,003,550), You and I [G1].
1st dam
RED RAIN, by Secreto. Placed at 2. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-BENT CREEK CITY (f. by Carson City). 2 wins at 2, $86,740, Cinderella S.
[L] (HOL, $40,600), 2nd Landaluce S. [G2], 3rd Sorrento S. [G2].
Red Press (c. by Press Card). 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 5, 2001, $115,365, 2nd Rumson S. [L] (MTH, $14,250).
Shelter Rain (c. by Shelter Half). Placed at 3, 2001, $16,942.
2nd dam
BARUNA, by *Grey Dawn II. Sister to Eleven Pelicans. Dam of-DIAMONDRUNA (f. by Diamond Sword). Winner at 2, $70,998, Sales S.-R
(HST, $61,540).
Dancer's Kolo (g. by Diamond Sword). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $145,923, 2nd
Golden Gate Derby [L] (GG, $40,000), 3rd Ascot Graduation S. [L] (HST,
$6,030), Juvenile Breeders' Cup S. [L] (HST, $4,740), etc.
3rd dam
SHORE, by Round Table. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $62,357, Bewitch S., etc. Sister to
CANAL, CABILDO, Moss, half-sister to DIKE, OKAVANGO. Dam of-Eleven Pelicans. 4 wins at 4, $68,845, 2nd Susan's Girl H. Producer.
Alligatrix. Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Hoover Fillies Mile S.-G3. Dam of
CROCO ROUGE (Prix d’Ispahan [G1], etc.), PERSIANALLI (IRE) ($66,475, in N.A.), ALIDIVA (dam of TAIPAN [G1], hwt. 3 times in Germany
and Italy; SLEEPYTIME [G1], hwt. filly at 3 on European Hand., 7 - 9 fur.;
ALI-ROYAL [G1], hwt. older horse at 4 on English Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur.,
sire), Lurina [G2] (at 3, 2001), Tom Waller. Granddam of GREAT DANE
[G2] (hwt. older horse at 4 on Irish Hand.), Witching Hour (in England).
Chicago Bid. Winner at 2 and 5 in England, 3rd Bonusprint Sirenia S.
Desolate Sands. Winner, $17,200. Dam of LONELY BEACH ($105,298, in N.A.,
dam of VICTORY MOUNT, MISS NORTH BEACH [L], $149,053; etc.).
Blaine. Placed at 3, $4,680. Dam of Baranja (3 wins in Italy).
Port Salon. Unraced. Dam of SEEK A HAVEN (Stalker & Hutchison H.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by E. J. Sipus, Jr., Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 10, 2000
Halo ..................................
Southern Halo...................
Northern Sea.....................
Royal and Regal................
Regal Princess..................
Zenith Star ........................
Hail to Reason
Northern Dancer
Sea Saga
*Vaguely Noble
Native Street
By SOUTHERN HALO (1983). Stakes-placed winner of $344,875, 2nd Super
Derby [G1], etc. Leading sire 4 times in Argentina, sire of 96 stakes winners, 10 champions, including Miss Linda (ARG) ($455,415, in N.A.,
Overbrook Spinster S. [G1], etc.), El Compinche (Carrera de las Estrellas
[G1] twice, etc.), Wally (Suipacha [G1], etc.), Team (Montevideo [G1],
etc.), Southern Spring (ARG) (Polla de Potrancas-Argentine One Thousand Guineas [G1], etc.), Serenita (ARG) (Saturnino J. Unzue [G1], etc.).
1st dam
REGAL PRINCESS, by Royal and Regal. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $245,677, Florida
Stallion/My Dear Girl S. [LR], Florida Stallion/Desert Vixen S. [LR], 2nd
Coral Gables H. (CRC, $8,680), 3rd Melaleuca S. [L], Egret H. (CRC,
$5,055), New Year H. (CRC, $4,978). Dam of 8 other registered foals, 8
of racing age, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-REGAL APPROVAL (f. by With Approval). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $93,965, Bal
Harbour S. (HIA, $18,600), 2nd Angelo Testa H. (HIA, $6,200).
With a Princess (f. by With Approval). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $117,475, 2nd
Powder Break H. [L] (CRC, $20,000), Frances A. Genter Breeders' Cup
H. [L] (CRC, $10,850). Producer.
Regal n Ready (f. by Copelan). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $24,935. Dam of-Royal Moro (c. by With Approval). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2002, $46,748, 3rd San Miguel S. [G3] (SA, $12,948).
Willing Consort (c. by With Approval). 7 wins to 5, placed at 6, 2002, $79,445.
Ready to Cope (g. by Copelan). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $70,406.
2nd dam
ZENITH STAR, by Vertex. Half-sister to PRIDES PROFILE ($308,611). Dam of-REGAL PRINCESS (f. by Royal and Regal). Stakes winner, above.
YU WIPI (c. by Dr. Fager). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $182,180, Longacres Mile H.-G3, etc.
Or Your Money Back (c. by Native Charger). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $43,611, 2nd
Barbizon Streak S.-R.
Bespangle. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including-GAY RIGHTS (c. by Hold Your Peace). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $272,035, Colin
S. [L] (BEL, $70,320), 3rd Dwyer S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], etc. Sire.
GUADERY (f. by Golden Act). 3 wins at 2, $124,860, Astarita S. [G2], 3rd
Frizette S. [G1]. Dam of MINORITY DATER (f. by Kris S., $212,415).
HELLO MOON (f. by Cozzene). 4 wins at 3, $44,826, Belle Isle S. (DET,
$16,125). Producer.
Dr. Secreto (c. by Secreto). Winner at 2, $77,143, 2nd Barretts Juvenile
S.-R (FPX, $25,500), Alameda County Futurity (PLN, $6,000), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 28, 2000
Caro (IRE) .........................
Cozzene ............................
Ride the Trails...................
Royal and Regal................
Regal Wonder ...................
Jessie's Wonder................
Fortino II
Prince John
*Vaguely Noble
Native Street
Proudest Roman
Jessies Girl
By COZZENE (1980). Champion grass horse, stakes winner of $978,152,
Breeders' Cup Mile [G1], etc. Leading sire, sire of 13 crops of racing age,
638 foals, 456 starters, 50 stakes winners, 336 winners of 1179 races and
earning $33,619,459 in N.A., including champions Cozzene's Prince (16
wins, $1,270,057, River City H. [L] (CD, $73,060), etc.), Santa Amelia (10
wins, $475,230, Bessarabian H. [L] (WO, $54,996), etc.), Hasten To Add
($294,981, in N.A., Laurel Turf Cup S. [G3], etc.), Admire Cozzene.
1st dam
REGAL WONDER, by Royal and Regal. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in France; winner
at 4 in Italy, Premio Royal Mares [G3]; 6 wins at 5 and 6, $192,731, in
N.A., Nassau S. [L] (WO, $40,545), Jenny Wiley S. [L] (KEE, $36,043),
Valnor H. [L] (HAW, $31,197), Sixty Sails H. (FG, $16,695), 2nd Week of
Fame Ladies H. [L] (FG, $20,000), Bayou H. (FG, $5,575). Dam of 5
other registered foals, 5 of racing age, 4 to race, 2 winners, including-CLASSIC WONDER (f. by Regal Classic). 4 wins at 3 and 5, $225,660,
Nassau S. [L] (WO, $54,780), Victoriana S.-R (WO, $50,235), 2nd Dance
Smartly H. [L] (WO, $16,755), 3rd Dance Smartly H. [L] (WO, $12,320),
River Memories H. [L] (WO, $6,166).
2nd dam
JESSIE'S WONDER, by Proudest Roman. Placed at 2. Dam of-REGAL WONDER (f. by Royal and Regal). Stakes winner, above.
WONDER MAR (f. by Fire Dancer). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $120,487, Little Silver H.L, Pukka Princess S.-R, 2nd Bristol H. [L], 3rd [Q]. Dam of-ZAKOPANE (f. by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 3, $85,920, Eternal Search
S. (FE, $23,247).
3rd dam
JESSIES GIRL, by Conestoga. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $44,880, Chagrin Valley Turf
S., Imp S., 2nd Blood Horse S., Randall Turf Special H., etc. Dam of-JESSICA BRIAR. 3 wins at 2 and 3, Bewitch Visitation S.-R. Producer.
Pruner's Edge. Winner at 3, 3rd Florida Breeders Futurity-R.
4th dam
SALAMIS, by Noble Hero. Sister to NOBLE SEL. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-JESSIES GIRL. Stakes winner, above.
Florida Royal. 14 wins, $73,702, 2nd SNARO H., etc. Etr at Arlington Park.
Adoric. 10 wins, 2 to 5, $34,242, 3rd Alligator H.
Major Upset. Placed at 3, $3,255. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including-Nixie Babe. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $46,431, 2nd Trevose S.-R, etc. Producer.
Time for Truth. Unplaced in 2 starts. Granddam of Castle Blaze [L] ($318,334).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled April 6, 2000
*Sure Thing II.......................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Ponte Vecchio
In Reality
Foggy Note
High Hat
Boat Race
By BOUNDARY (1990). Stakes winner of $217,777, A Phenomenon H. [G3],
etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 229 foals, 140 starters, 8 stakes winners, 94 winners of 238 races and earning $5,720,005 in N.A., including
Minardi (hwt. in England and Ireland, Middle Park S. [G1], etc.), Conserve
($533,852, Firecracker Breeders' Cup H. [G2], etc.), She's Classy ($274,889, Bustles and Bows S. [L] (FPX, $27,500), etc.), Solar Bound ($226,470, Edgewood S. [L] (CD, $71,176), etc.), Roxelana [G3] ($172,526).
1st dam
RELASURE, by Relaunch. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France, Prix du Chemin de
Fer du Nord [G3], 3rd Prix Edmond Blanc [G3], 4th Prix Gontaut-Biron
[G3]; placed at 4 in Italy, hwt. older mare at 4 on Italian Hand., 9 1/2 - 10
1/2 fur., 2nd Premio Emilio Turati [G1]; 2 wins at 5, $124,410, in N.A., 2nd
E. P. Taylor S. [G2], 4th Violet H. [G3]. Dam of 10 other registered foals,
9 of racing age, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Puerto Escondido (c. by Polish Navy). 7 wins, 2 to 5 in Italy, 2nd St. Leger
Italiano [G3], 3rd Coppa d'Oro di Milano, Premio Duca d'Aosta, Premio
Maundays Bay (f. by Forty Niner). 5 wins in 10 starts, 3 to 5, $117,750, 3rd
Steve Van Buren H. [L] (PHA, $8,250).
Quinton's Gold (c. by Carson City). 4 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2002,
$109,290, 2nd Foothill S. [L] (FPX, $8,500), Swift S. (TUP, $6,000).
Takkatamm (c. by Forty Niner). Winner at 2 in England; winner at 4 in United Arab Emirates, 2nd Nad Al Sheba Mile.
Sizzlin' Sara (f. by Saratoga Six). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $62,891. Producer.
2nd dam
*SURE THING II, by High Hat. Placed at 3 in Ireland; 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France,
Prix de Longchamp. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-RELASURE (f. by Relaunch). Stakes winner, above.
LIZZIE'S LIGHT (f. by Icecapade). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $127,530, Dearly Precious S. Dam of 4 winners, including-Akram (c. by Secretariat). 5 wins at 4 and 5, $63,710, 2nd Motor City H.
(DET, $5,375), 3rd Black Swan S. (RD, $2,915). Sire.
Flying Pretty. Dam of SECRE FLY (c. by Fly So Free, in Panama, Premio
Union de Preparadores), Fly Buddy Fly (c. by Fly So Free, 3 wins at
3, placed at 4, 2002, $26,951, 3rd Oregon Derby (PM, $4,035)).
TRIPLANE (c. by Triple Bend). 10 wins, 3 to 7, $108,646, Seattle Slew H.,
2nd Spokane H., 3rd Contra Costa S.
Daring Bet. 14 wins, $138,244. Set ntr at Aqueduct, 1 mi. 70 yds. in 1:40 1/5.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XV
Hip No.
Foaled February 4, 2000
Forty Niner........................
Coronado's Quest .............
Laughing Look..................
Sadler's Wells...................
Reluctant Diva (GB) ..........
Miss Demure (IRE) ...........
Mr. Prospector
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
Shy Groom
By CORONADO'S QUEST (1995). Stakes winner of 10 races in 17 starts to
3, $2,046,190, Travers S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Wood
Memorial S. [G2], Remsen S. [G2], Dwyer S. [G2], Riva Ridge S. [G2],
Cowdin S. [G2]-ntr, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:14 1/5, Nashua S. [G3], 2nd Fountain of
Youth S. [G2], Hutcheson S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winners Warning
Glance, Military Look. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of
champion Forty Niner, among the leading sires, sire of 42 stakes winners.
1st dam
RELUCTANT DIVA (GB), by Sadler's Wells. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 1
other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-After the Beep (f. by Phone Trick). 2 wins in 4 starts to 3, 2002, $13,512.
2nd dam
MISS DEMURE (IRE), by Shy Groom. Winner at 2 in England, "The Update"
Lowther S. [G2]; placed in 1 start at 2 in Ireland, 2nd Cartier Million S.
Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-ROYAL SHYNESS (GB) (f. by Royal Academy). Winner in England, 3rd
Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S. [G1]; 4 wins, $162,840, in N.A., Great
Lady M. H. [L] (HOL, $42,720), 3rd Safely Kept H. [L] (HOL, $8,400).
Missel (c. by Storm Bird). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Coventry S. [G3];
placed at 5 in United Arab Emirates.
3rd dam
LAROSTERNA, by Busted. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Sister to BLAKEY
RIDGE. Dam of 2 winners, including-MISS DEMURE (IRE). Stakes winner, above.
Bridal Suite. Placed at 2 in Ireland, 2nd Cherry Blossom S., etc.
Kelly's Vintage. Placed at 2 in England. Dam of 2 winners, including-Draft of Vintage. 7 wins, 3 to 7, placed at 8, 2001 in Ireland, 2nd Golden
Pages H.
4th dam
LOWNA, by Princely Gift. 2 wins in 3 starts at 2 in England, Molecomb S. Halfsister to SARKLESS KITTY, Safari (sire), May Beck. Dam of-GOSPILL HILL. Winner at 2 and 3 in England, Blue Riband Trial S.-G3, etc.
BLAKEY RIDGE. Winner at 3 and 4 in England; 14 wins, 5 to 10 in Netherlands, Haagse Ooievaar H., etc.; winner at 10 in Germany. Sire.
Amerella. Winner at 3 in England. Dam of NEVER SO SURE (hwt. twice in
Scandinavia, Verdexa Cup, etc.), HONEST WORD (Grand Prix de Rouen), Cragside (GB) (2nd Cornwallis-G3, Prix du Petit Couvert [G3], etc.).
Otterhill. Producer. Granddam of Lady Dominatrix (at 2, 2001).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 11, 2000
Forty Niner........................
Banker's Gold ...................
Banker's Lady ...................
Ridden in Thestars............
Shelter Strait .....................
Mr. Prospector
Nijinsky II
Impetuous Gal
His Majesty
Song Sparrow
Far North
By BANKER'S GOLD (1994). Stakes winner of 6 races at 3 and 4, $461,420,
Tom Fool H. [G2], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Metropolitan H. [G1], Carter H.
[G1], 3rd Dwyer S. [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of
champion Forty Niner, among the leading sires, sire of 42 stakes winners,
including Coronado's Quest ($2,046,190, Travers S. [G1], etc.), Editor's
Note ($1,601,394, Belmont S. [G1], etc.), Ecton Park (6 wins, $1,323,825,
in N.A., Super Derby [G1], etc.), Distorted Humor [G2] (8 wins $769,964).
1st dam
Ridden in Thestars, by Cormorant. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $178,998, 2nd Schenectady H.-R (BEL, $10,940), Susan B. Anthony H.-R (FL, $8,000). Dam of
1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
SHELTER STRAIT, by Far North. 2 wins, $11,995. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-PRO COVE (g. by Distinctive Pro). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $94,050, Aspirant S.-R
(FL, $30,000).
Ridden in Thestars (f. by Cormorant). Stakes-placed winner, above.
North Flag (g. by Personal Flag). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $33,978, 3rd Aspirant S.R (FL, $4,886).
3rd dam
ILLUSTRATIVE, by Cornish Prince. Unraced. Dam of 8 other winners, incl.-SUNSET STRAIT. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $67,898, Wayward Lass S. [O], 2nd
Le Petit Fleur S.-R. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, all winners, incl.-PLACID FUND. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $209,883, Toboggan H. [L] (AQU,
$51,480), 3rd Carter H. [G1], Paumonok H. [L] (AQU, $6,061). Sire.
Gold Coast Type. 8 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $102,802, 3rd Full of Drive S.
(HAW, $5,035). Set ntr at Sportsman's Park, 5 fur. in :59 3/5.
Unconsciousness. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $27,705, 2nd Jefferson Oaks.
Such a Nut. 2 wins to 3, $32,400. Dam of 12 foals, 11 winners, including-TRICKY RIVER. 4 wins, $75,084, Simply Majestic S. [L] (GG, $49,500),
3rd Nick Shuk Memorial S. (DEL, $4,197), Your Host S. (DEL, $4,197).
Little Irish Nut. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $148,792, 2nd Lady Sponsors' Breeders'
Cup S. (AKS, $5,760), Sunbelt S. (RP, $5,595), Heartland S. (AKS,
$5,570), 3rd Rochester S. (CBY, $3,113), Good Life S. (AKS, $3,030).
Blumnut. Winner at 2, $38,458, 2nd Meadow Lark S.-R (WDS, $5,635).
4th dam
MISS LOVE FIELD, by Jet Pilot. Placed at 3. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, incl.-Baby Now. 2 wins at 2. Dam of FOREVER GALLANT ($40,250, sire).
Tribute to Love. Unraced. Dam of Ceriph [OR] (5 wins, $62,428).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent IV
Hip No.
Foaled March 27, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Time for a Change ............
Rita's Reatta ......................
Miami Vacation.................
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Far North
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
RITA'S REATTA, by Time for a Change. Unraced. Dam of 4 other registered
foals, 3 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Rudy's Rita (f. by Demidoff). 11 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2002, $125,783,
2nd Clasico Roberto Clemente, Clasico Wiso G., 3rd Clasico Prensa
Hipica Jaime Andrada.
2nd dam
MIAMI VACATION, by Far North. 3 wins at 2, $70,525, Foster City Mile S. [L]
(BM, $31,250). Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-FREE VACATION (f. by Fly So Free). 7 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $710,157, champion grass mare in Canada, Breeders' S.-R (WO, $195,000), Flaming
Page H. [L] (WO, $60,600), Flaming Page H. [L] (WO, $60,240), Wonder
Where S.-R (WO, $115,873), 2nd Sky Classic H. [G2], Robert G. Dick
Memorial Breeders' Cup S. [L] (DEL, $23,250), Natalma S. [L] (WO,
$21,688), 3rd Canadian Oaks-R (WO, $38,500), Princess Elizabeth S.-R
(WO, $16,770), April Run S. (PIM, $5,500).
EXIT TO RIO (c. by Mining). Winner at 2 in England; 4 wins at 5 and 7,
2001, $71,306, in N.A., Hasta La Vista H. (TUP, $21,000), 3rd Wildcat H.
(TUP, $2,500).
3rd dam
DECISION, by Resound. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $117,387, Pucker Up S.-G3, Lyrique S.-L, Fairmount Juvenile S., 2nd Pocahontas S., 3rd Ashland S.-G2.
Dam of 4 winners, including-MIAMI VACATION. Stakes winner, above.
Miami Dancer. Winner at 2 and 3, $36,325, 3rd John Peri S.-R (STK, $4,500).
Majestic Sound. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $74,475. Producer.
4th dam
SCHOOL BOARD, by Reverse. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $25,840. Half-sister to Duke
of Marlboro, Puma. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, all winners, including-DECISION. Stakes winner, above.
SEMIPALATINSK. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy, Premio Bimbi, 2nd Premio Eupili.
SCAC. 12 wins, 2 to 6 in Italy, Premio Divino Amore.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XIII
Hip No.
Foaled April 2, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gulch ................................
Sham ................................
Rogue Girl ........................
Office Visit ........................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Asbury Mary
First Dawn
Breezing Home
By GULCH (1984). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $3,095,521, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 631 foals, 455 starters, 45 stakes winners, 327 winners of 1064
races and earning $23,673,701 in N.A., including champion Thunder
Gulch ($2,915,086, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), and of Nayef (to 3, 2001,
hwt. colt at 3 in England, Dubai Champion S. [G1], etc.), Wallenda ($1,205,929, Super Derby [G1], etc.), Golden Gear [G2] (12 wins, $634,009).
1st dam
ROGUE GIRL, by Sham. 10 wins, 4 to 6, $53,333. Dam of 3 other registered
foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Classic Ingrid (f. by Regal Classic). Winner at 3, 2001, $68,807, 2nd La
Prevoyante S.-R (WO, $25,875).
Road Romance (f. by Cahill Road). 6 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2001,
2nd dam
OFFICE VISIT, by First Dawn. 2 wins at 3, $20,036. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-ROGUES WALK (f. by Ends Well). 9 wins in 17 starts, 2 to 4, $386,285,
Reeve Schley, Jr. S. [G2], Honey Bee H. [G3], New York Stallion S.-R
(AQU, $45,000), Mount Vernon H.-R (BEL, $33,045), East View S.-R
(AQU, $32,700), Bouwerie S.-R (BEL, $32,490), 2nd Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup H. [G2], 3rd Alabama S. [G1].
V. J.'s Honor (g. by Apalachee). 2 wins to 3, $60,519, 3rd Saranac S. [G3].
3rd dam
BREEZING HOME, by Raise a Native. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-Dynamo Mac. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $20,457, 3rd Memorial Day H. Sire.
4th dam
SLAPTON SANDS, by First Landing. Winner at 3, $6,350. Half-sister to RICH
TRADITION ($122,749), HASTY DOLL ($112,159), SKY CLIPPER
($91,042, sire), MRS. PETERKIN, Life Jacket. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-RIBOBOY. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, Classic Trial S.-G3, Lanson Champagne S.; 4 wins at 4 in France, Prix Maurice de Nieuil-G2, etc. Sire.
SEA SANDS. 3 wins in France, Prix de l'Opera-G2, etc. Dam of FUTURE
STORM [G3] ($253,950, in N.A.), ROMANTICO ($59,482), Level
Sands [G3] ($107,048, in N.A.). Granddam of ROYAL CHARIOT [G1]
($659,177), EXPLORE THE GOLD ($141,655), JOHNNY MOUNTIAN.
SATANIA. 4 wins, $57,310, La Prevoyante S., etc. Dam of UNDERWORLD
(hwt. at 3 on Scandinavian Hand.). Granddam of APOLDA [G3] ($595,663), GANGES [G2] ($137,285, in N.A.), ABROJO [L] ($203,012).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 22, 2000
Runaway Groom ...............
Cherokee Run ...................
Cherokee Dame ................
Nijinsky II .........................
Rose Russe .......................
Egyptian Rose ...................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Silver Saber
Dame Francesca
Northern Dancer
Flaming Page
Sir Ivor
Rosetta Stone
By CHEROKEE RUN (1990). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $1,531,818, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 237
foals, 120 starters, 8 stakes winners, 85 winners of 189 races and earning $6,209,210 in N.A., including champion Chilukki (to 4, 2001, $1,201,828, Vinery Del Mar Debutante S. [G1], etc.), and of Yonaguska (to 3,
2001, $521,355, Hopeful S. [G1], etc.), Feathers ($388,106, Bessarabian
H. [G3], etc.), Dream Run [L] ($306,334), Dash for Daylight ($170,285).
1st dam
ROSE RUSSE, by Nijinsky II. Winner at 2 in France; winner at 3, $26,805, in
N.A. Set ncr at Keeneland. Dam of 9 other registered foals, 9 of racing
age, 9 to race, 6 winners, including-Reve Russe (f. by Red Ransom). Winner at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Ardilaun
House Hotel Oyster S., Sri Pekan Platinum S.; 2 wins at 4, 2001, $59,266,
in N.A., 2nd Fairlee Wild H. (CRC, $6,726).
Dancyville (f. by Seeking the Gold). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $61,921, 2nd A. C.
Kemp H. (ALB, $5,760).
Apple G (f. by Carson City). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $77,420.
Gamebuster (c. by Housebuster). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $76,875.
2nd dam
EGYPTIAN ROSE, by Sir Ivor. Unraced. Dam of 4 other winners, including-MAGICAL STRIKE (c. by Danzig). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in England, City of
York S., C. W. Heron S.; placed at 4, $6,775, in N.A. Sire.
Coxwold (f. by Cox's Ridge). Winner at 3 in France; 2 wins at 4, $82,080,
in N.A., 3rd Beldame S. [G1]. Producer.
Oregold Rose. Unraced. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of 4 known winners, incl.-Sha Flyer (f. by Velcro Fly). Placed at 2 and 3, 2001 in Venezuela, 2nd Premio Lanzarina, Premio Uniproca, 3rd Clasico Prensa Hipica Nacional.
3rd dam
ROSETTA STONE, by Round Table. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $21,445. Sister to
Around the Roses ($31,715), half-sister to *ROSALBA II (champion 2year-old filly in England). Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, including-DE LA ROSE. 11 wins to 3, $544,647, champion grass mare, Hollywood
Derby-G1, etc. Dam of CONQUISTAROSE [G1] ($487,055, sire), DE
LA DEVIL [G3] (3 wins, $180,564), Maratha (dam of UNCLE PUNK).
UPPER NILE. 6 wins at 2 and 4, $186,517, Suburban H.-G1-ntr, etc. Sire.
LIE LOW. 8 wins to 4, $181,883, Firenze H.-G2 twice, Open Fire S.-G3, etc.
Guelder Rose. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $42,668, 3rd Sausalito H. Granddam of
CRYSTAL BOUNTY [L] (5 wins, $199,600), Bounty Prince ($33,758).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent for
Wycombe House Stud
Foaled March 15, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gulch ................................
Be My Guest .....................
Roses In The Snow (IRE) ..
Desert Bluebell .................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Asbury Mary
Northern Dancer
What a Treat
Idle Waters
By GULCH (1984). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $3,095,521, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 631 foals, 455 starters, 45 stakes winners, 327 winners of 1064
races and earning $23,673,701 in N.A., including champion Thunder
Gulch ($2,915,086, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), and of Nayef (to 3, 2001,
hwt. colt at 3 in England, Dubai Champion S. [G1], etc.), Wallenda ($1,205,929, Super Derby [G1], etc.), Golden Gear [G2] (12 wins, $634,009).
1st dam
Roses In The Snow (IRE), by Be My Guest. Winner at 3 in England, 2nd
Northern Regional Assembly Unison Virginia Rated H.; 2 wins at 4, $38,248, in N.A. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race-Copernicus (c. by Spinning World). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2001, $3,080.
2nd dam
DESERT BLUEBELL, by Kalaglow. Placed at 3 in England. Sister to SHINING
WATER. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-DISTANT MIRAGE (IRE) (c. by Caerleon). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd
Chester Vase S. [G3]; 4 wins at 3 and 5, $184,099, in N.A., Old Ironside
S. (SUF, $15,000), 2nd Virginia Derby [L] (CNL, $50,000), 3rd New
Hampshire Sweepstakes H. [G3].
Roses In The Snow (IRE) (f. by Be My Guest). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
IDLE WATERS, by Mill Reef. 3 wins at 3 in England, Park Hill S.-G2, 2nd Cumberland Lodge S.-G3, Galtres S., 3rd Princess Royal S.-G3. Dam of-SHINING WATER. 3 wins at 2 in England, Glen International Solario S. [G3],
2nd Park Hill S. [G2], 3rd Hoover Mile [G2]. Dam of 10 winners, incl.-TENBY. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in England, hwt. at 3 on English Hand., 9 1/2
- 11 fur., Tote Dante S. [G2], Newmarket S., Washington Singer S.,
etc.; winner in 1 start at 2 in France, CIGA Grand Criterium [G1]. Sire.
BRISTOL CHANNEL (GB). 3 wins in 6 starts to 3 in England, Riggs
Bank Harvest S., etc.; placed at 3 in N.A., 3rd Long Island H. [G2].
River Usk (GB). 2 wins at 2 in England; 2 wins in United Arab Emirates,
2nd National Day Cup-ADNOC; placed to 7, 2001, $39,265, in N.A.
Bude. Winner in 2 starts at 2 in England, 3rd Racing Post Trophy S. [G1].
Bright Water. Winner at 2, 3 and 4 in England, 2nd Schroders Glorious H.
Water Quest. Unraced. Dam of Tantalus [G3] (in England).
Secret Waters. 3 wins in England, 2nd Tricity Bendix Series Six Chester S., etc.
Gleaming Water. Winner in England. Dam of Prince of Denial (2nd 103 IDEE
Hansa-Preis [G2], etc.), Faraway Waters (2nd R. L. Davison Pretty Polly S.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in England.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent VII
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled March 15, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Lomond ............................
Royal Brook ......................
Never Scheme...................
Hip No.
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Northern Dancer
My Charmer
Never Bend
Sweetly Scheming
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
ROYAL BROOK, by Lomond. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of
racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Buffalo Bob (c. by Summer Squall). 2 wins to 3, placed at 4, 2001, $89,498.
Rusty Rocket (c. by Thunder Gulch). Winner at 2, 2001, $10,970.
2nd dam
NEVER SCHEME, by Never Bend. Unraced. Half-sister to DOUBLE QUICK
[G3], HIGH SCHEMES, Sweet Tryst. Dam of 6 winners, including-VERY SUBTLE (f. by Hoist the Silver). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $1,608,360, Breeders'
Cup Sprint [G1], Hollywood Starlet S. [G1], Fantasy S. [G1], Test S. [G2],
Las Flores H. [G3], La Brea S. [G3], Railbird S. [G3], etc. Dam of-DIANEHILL (IRE) (f. by Danehill). 5 wins, 2 to 6, 2002, $362,393, Princess of Palms H. (TUP, $18,000), 2nd Railbird S. [G2], etc.
SCHEMATIC (f. by Upper Nile). 8 wins in 15 starts, 2 to 4, $204,242, Honorable Miss S. [L], Petrify H. [L], Miss Prosperity H. [L], etc. Dam of-REMEMBER IKE (f. by Gulch). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $334,840, Mesquite
Mile Breeders' Cup S. [L] (LS, $60,000), etc.
Scheme Away (f. by Saratoga Six). Winner at 2, $18,250, 3rd Somerset
County S. (MED, $3,850). Producer.
Katiba (f. by Gulch). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England; placed in 1 start at 3
in Ireland, 3rd Diamond S. Dam of Meadaaar (c. by Diesis (GB)), etc.
Constant Change (f. by High Echelon). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $82,102, 2nd
Ontario Debutante S.-L, Mazarine S.-L, etc. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-HIGHFALUTIN (f. by Silver Deputy). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $386,721, Cleveland
Oaks (TDN, $27,900), 2nd Sixty Sails H. [G3], Sabin H. [G3], etc.
A Wild Kitty. Winner at 3. Dam of GUS AGAIN (c. by Kyle’s Our Man).
Subtle Raise. Winner at 4, $3,729. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, incl.-BROAD DYNAMITE (f. by Broad Brush). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $157,210, Astarita S. [G2], Rancho Del Charro S. (BM, $19,600), etc.
Designatoree. Placed at 3, $7,650. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-VOICE OF DESTINY (c. by Mane Minister). 10 wins, 2 to 6, 2002, $310,208, Berkeley H. [G3], California Juvenile S. [G3], etc.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Grand Prix Inc., Agent for
Amy Enterprises (Ruben Sanchez)
Foaled May 5, 2000
Capote ..............................
Boston Harbor ..................
Harbor Springs .................
Native Royalty...................
Royal Fit ...........................
Harcoo ..............................
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Vice Regent
Raise a Native
Queen Nasra
Harvard Man
Cool Serenade
By BOSTON HARBOR (1994). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of
$1,934,605, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-yearolds of 2002. Sire of 147 foals, 29 starters, 14 winners of 20 races and
earning $391,179 in N.A., including Boston Twist (at 2, 2001, $130,884,
Glorious Song S. [L] (WO, $65,940)), Boston Common (at 2, 2001, $58,250, 2nd Comet S. (MED, $10,000), etc.), Radcliffe Yard (at 2, 2001, $37,460), Chaos N Confusion (at 2, 2001, $31,920), Pitbull ($30,040).
1st dam
ROYAL FIT, by Native Royalty. Winner at 2, $6,415. Dam of 9 other registered
foals, 8 of racing age, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-U CAN DO IT (f. by Gold Alert). 14 wins, 2 to 6, $738,642, Shirley Jones H.
[G3], First Lady H. [G3], Princess Rooney H. [L] (CRC, $150,000), Melaleuca S. [L] (CRC, $30,000), Florida Stallion/Desert Vixen S.-R (CRC,
$45,000), Kimscountrydiamond H. (CRC, $23,120), Born Famous H.
(CRC, $18,795), Love's Exchange H. (CRC, $18,750), Charon H. (CRC,
$15,000), 2nd Virginia H. [G3], First Lady H. [G3], Florida Stallion/
Susan's Girl S.-R (CRC, $25,000), Owners' Day Dash S. (DEL, $8,880),
My Juliet S. (PHA, $8,650), 3rd Ballerina H. [G1], Princess Rooney H.
[G3], Bed o' Roses Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Chaposa Springs H. [G3],
Maggie's Pistol H. (CRC, $3,380).
Hand Over Fist (g. by Premiership). 6 wins at 2 and 4, $56,835.
Ucandoittoo (f. by Honour and Glory). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $47,875.
2nd dam
HARCOO, by Harvard Man. Unraced. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 winners, incl.-Palpenny. 7 wins, 3 to 9, $93,002.
3rd dam
COOL SERENADE, by *Royal Serenade. Dam of 10 foals, 7 winners, incl.-ENDLESS MELODY. 10 wins, 3 to 5 in Peru, Premio Almirante du Petit
Thouars-G3, Premio Policia de Investigaciones del Peru-G3, Premio Pedro Ruiz Gallo, 2nd Premio Hipodromo de San Felipe-G3, etc.
LEECOO. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $277,443, Broadway H. [LR], 2nd Hyde Park H. [LR]
(BEL, $16,544), Caroling S., 3rd Top Flight H. [G1], Delaware H. [G1], East
View S.-LR, Iroquois S.-LR, Little Lady S., Priscilla S., La Bella S.-R, [Q].
Cathy's Tune. Winner at 3, $12,622. Dam of 5 winners, including-Tricky Tune. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $123,950, 2nd Mount Vernon S. [LR].
Endless Tune. Placed at 4. Dam of MIGHTY RAJ (3 wins, $65,223, Jonathan Dayton S. (MED, $24,000), etc.). Granddam of Twe Twa Two
(5 wins at 3, 2001, $62,778, 3rd Slight in the Rear S.-R (FP, $3,580)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled March 2, 2000
Nijinsky II .........................
Royal Academy .................
Crimson Saint...................
Danzig Connection ...........
Royal Ziggy.......................
Royal Folly........................
Northern Dancer
Flaming Page
Crimson Satan
Bolero Rose
Tom Fool
Golden Sari
By ROYAL ACADEMY (1987). Hwt. in Europe and Ireland; stakes winner of
$450,000, in N.A., Breeders' Cup Mile [G1]. Sire of 9 crops of racing age,
1233 foals, 751 starters, 64 stakes winners, 458 winners of 1233 races
and earning $4,415,577 in N.A., including Oscar Schindler (hwt. 6 times
in Europe and Ireland, Jefferson Smurfit Memorial Irish St. Leger [G1]
twice, etc.), Ali-Royal (hwt. older horse in England, Sussex S. [G1], etc.),
Sleepytime (hwt. in Europe, Pertemps One Thousand Guineas [G1], etc.).
1st dam
ROYAL ZIGGY, by Danzig Connection. Placed at 4, $3,142. Sister to POLSKI
BOY. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners, including-Listen to Me (f. by Now Listen). 9 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $92,208.
2nd dam
ROYAL FOLLY, by Tom Fool. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to SELARI. Dam of-MAJESTIC FOLLY (f. by Alydar). 6 wins in 12 starts at 3, $180,939, Constitution H. [L], Baton Twirler S. [LR], [Q], etc. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-MORELIA (f. by Deputy Minister). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $241,244, Victoria Lass
H. [L] (FG, $75,000), Pontalba S. (FG, $25,875), etc.
PRINCE VALIANT (c. by Stage Door Johnny). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $158,183,
Louisiana Derby-G2, 3rd Widener H.-G1. Sire.
POLSKI BOY (c. by Danzig Connection). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in France, Prix
du Palais-Royal [G3], Prix du Pont-Neuf, 3rd Prix de Cabourg [G3]. Sire.
Heartbreak. Winner at 3, $8,930. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, incl.-THIRTY SIX RED (c. by Slew o' Gold). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $1,094,310,
Wood Memorial Invitational S. [G1], Gotham S. [G2], etc. Sire.
CORRAZONA (f. by El Gran Senor). 3 wins to 3 in France, Prix des Reservoirs [G3], Prix Vanteaux [G3]; 4 wins at 4 and 5, $383,050, in N.A.,
Beverly Hills H. [G1], etc. Dam of SLOW DOWN (f. by Seattle Slew,
at 4, 2001, $93,440, in N.A., Hillsbourgh H. [L] (BM, $28,450), etc.).
Royal Revels. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $15,180. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-TROUNCE (c. by Gulch). 6 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $268,724, Oh Say S.-R
(DEL, $35,400), Great Falls S. (MED, $27,000), etc.
Labwa. Unraced. Dam of 4 winners, including-BAADERAH (IRE) (f. by Cadeaux Genereux). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, Hambro Group Charlotte S.; placed at 3 in Italy, 2nd Premio Regina Elena-Italian One Thousand Guineas [G2], etc. Producer.
Lamseh. 3 wins to 4 in Germany. Dam of Lam Dash (c. by Dashing
Blade, in Germany), Lam Shuffle (c. by Big Shuffle, to 3, 2001).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by M. W. Miller, III, Agent
Hip No.
Chestnut Filly; foaled January 16, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Mt. Livermore ...................
Runaway Spy ....................
Pretty Driver......................
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Blushing Groom (FR)
Flama Ardiente
Lt. Stevens
Reckless Driver
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
RUNAWAY SPY, by Mt. Livermore. Unraced. Dam of 2 other registered foals,
2 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Still Secret (f. by Hennessy). Winner at 3, 2001, $25,890.
2nd dam
PRETTY DRIVER, by Lt. Stevens. Placed at 2. Half-sister to GREENBRIAR
($63,012, Cloverleaf H., etc.). Dam of 11 foals, 10 winners, including-COLONEL HILL (g. by Temperence Hill). 9 wins, 2 to 9, $234,120, Devil's
Bag S. [LR] (LRL, $45,000), Dancing Count S. (LRL, $25,785), 2nd
Private Terms S. [L] (LRL, $10,990), Maryland Juvenile Championship S.
[LR] (LRL, $30,000).
PRETTY SHAM (f. by Sham). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $135,672, Schuylkill S. [L],
Barn Swallow S. [L] (AQU, $31,920), Bourbonette S. (LAT, $19,841),
Laughing Gull S. [O]. Producer.
Lt. Hill (g. by Temperence Hill). 9 wins, 2 to 8, $149,009, 2nd Rollicking S.R (LRL, $12,000).
Pretty Flame. Winner in 1 start at 3, $9,600. Dam of 3 winners-CLAMOROSA (f. by Seattle Dancer). 5 wins, $343,974, River Cities
Breeders' Cup S. [G3], Bourbonette S. [L] (TP, $65,000), Palisades S.
[L] (KEE, $45,458)-ncr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:46 4/5, 2nd Honeymoon H. [G3],
Isle of Capri Casino Marie P. DeBartolo Oaks [L] (LAD, $25,000), etc.
BENSONHURST BULL (c. by Geiger Counter). 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2001,
$71,479, Comet S. (MED, $24,000), etc.
Pretty Dutch (f. by Sky Classic). Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $46,880, 3rd
Rosenna S. [L] (DEL, $8,250).
Close the Book (g. by Trempolino). Placed, $53,890, 2nd Humphrey S.
Finney S.-R (LRL, $12,000), Continental Mile S. (MTH, $8,500).
Maganda. Winner at 3, $20,160. Sent to Philippines. Dam of-TOLANDA (f. by Tolomeo). 12 wins, 2 to 5 in Australia, Mannerism S.
[G3], Devon-Park Stud S. [G3], etc. Dam of TYTOLA [G1] (c. by Last
Tycoon (IRE), to 4, 2001, champion 2-year-old colt in South Africa).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 20, 2000
Polish Numbers................
Numbered Account ...........
Double Zeus .....................
Safe At the Plate................
Safely Home .....................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Spring Double
Kit's Play
Winning Hit
Arc Lamp
By POLISH NUMBERS (1987). Stakes-placed winner of $80,493, 2nd J. O.
Tobin S. (AQU, $10,978). Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 416 foals, 280
starters, 29 stakes winners, 214 winners of 713 races and earning $17,027,962 in N.A., including champion Eithan (De las Americas [G1], etc.),
and of Biogio's Rose ($797,959, Next Move H. [G3], etc.), Tenski ($524,710, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S. [G1], etc.), Slavic Light ($492,771), Foolish Pole ($445,850, Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $33,790), etc.).
1st dam
Safe At the Plate, by Double Zeus. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $114,923, 2nd Marshua S.
(LRL, $8,820), What a Summer S.-R (LRL, $8,610), Politely S.-R (LRL,
$8,580), Heavenly Cause S.-R (LRL, $8,550), etc. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 6 to race, 3 winners, including-Kettle Won (c. by Colonial Affair). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $113,606, 2nd Fort
Lauderdale H. [G3].
Glide Home (g. by Caveat). 22 wins, 2 to 9, $361,313.
2nd dam
SAFELY HOME, by Winning Hit. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $83,058. Dam of-SAFELY KEPT (f. by Horatius). 24 wins in 31 starts, 2 to 5, $2,194,206,
champion sprinter, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Test S. [G1], Genuine
Risk S. [G2] three times, Prioress S. [G2], Garden State Park Budweiser
Breeders' Cup H. [G3] three times-once etr, 6 fur. in 1:08 2/5, Meadowlands Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3] twice, Thoroughbred Club of
America S. [G3], Finger Lakes Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (FL,
$123,420), Chicago Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (AP, $93,060), Columbia S. [L] (PIM, $60,000), Playpen S. [L] (PIM, $35,636), etc.
PARTNER'S HERO (c. by Danzig). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $554,731, Kentucky Cup
Sprint S. [G2], Phoenix Breeders' Cup S. [L] (KEE, $100,533), Marfa S.
[L] (TP, $37,200), Rumson S. [L] (MTH, $30,000), Hansel S. (TP, $24,800)-etr, 6 fur. in 1:08 1/5, 2nd Iroquois S. [G3], Jersey Shore Breeders'
Cup S. [G3], Aristides H. [L] (CD, $21,780), 3rd Frank J. De Francis
Memorial Dash S. [G2], Commonwealth Breeders' Cup S. [G2], etc.
Safe At the Plate (f. by Double Zeus). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Safe Salute. Winner at 4, $9,739. Dam of 3 winners, including-Keep Me Safe (f. by Horatius). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $131,434, 2nd Wild Rose
H. (PRM, $10,000), 3rd Iowa Distaff S. [L] (PRM, $10,000), etc.
Slide. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Take Arms (c. by Honour and Glory). 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $112,862,
3rd Bashford Manor S. [G2], Ellis Park Juvenile S. [L] (ELP, $10,750).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Maryland Million, NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Maryland.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled March 29, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Baynoun (IRE)...................
Sandhill (BRZ) ..................
Sand Dancer .....................
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Sassafras (FR)
Green Dancer
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
SANDHILL (BRZ), by Baynoun (IRE). Winner at 3 in Brazil, Grande Premio
Joao Adhemar e Nelson de Almeida Prado [G3]. Sister to SANDPIT
(BRZ). Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
SAND DANCER, by Green Dancer. Unplaced in 1 start in France. Sister to
Shelley. Sent to Brazil. Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, including-SANDPIT (BRZ) (c. by Baynoun (IRE)). 5 wins at 3 and 4 in Brazil, champion 3-year-old, Grande Premio Cruzeiro do Sul [G1], Grande Premio
Francisco Eduardo de Paula Machado [G1], Copa ANPC-Classica
[G1], Grande Premio Linneo de Paula Machado [G1], etc.; 9 wins, 5 to
8, $3,147,973, in N.A., Caesars International H. [G1] twice, Hollywood
Turf H. [G1], Oak Tree Invitational S. [G1], San Luis Rey S. [G1], etc.;
placed at 8 in United Arab Emirates, 3rd Dubai World Cup. Sire.
SANDHILL (BRZ) (f. by Baynoun (IRE)). Stakes winner, above.
Sandbox (c. by Benefice). Winner at 3 in Brazil, 3rd Grande Premio Derby
Paulista-Votorantim-Brazilian Derby [G1].
Sunningdale. Winner at 3 in Brazil. Dam of 5 known foals, 3 winners, incl.-BRUNNHILDE (f. by Critique). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Brazil, Grande Premio
Diana-Brazilian Oaks [G1], Grande Premio Duque de Caxias [G2], etc.
3rd dam
Sinope, by Aureole. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France, 2nd La Coupe de MaisonsLaffitte-G3, Prix de Royallieu-G3, Prix de Reux, etc. Dam of-SO SNOB (FR). 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France, Derby de l'Ouest, etc.
Shelley. Winner at 4 in France, 2nd Derby de l'Ouest. Sire.
4th dam
SUFFISANTE, by Snob. Placed at 3 in France. Dam of 5 winners, including-Sinope. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Ste Nitouche. Winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Baggio, etc. Dam of SAINT SAMBA [G3] (granddam of SHIBUNI’S FALCON [G2], hwt. at 3 on Italian
Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur.), SAGITTARIUS (at 5, 2001), SAINT GEORGETTE.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Bridlewood Farm
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled May 22, 2000
Capote ..............................
Boston Harbor ..................
Harbor Springs .................
Saratoga Six .....................
Saratoga Girl.....................
Glass Collector .................
Hip No.
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Vice Regent
Priceless Fame
First Landing
Masked Kiss
By BOSTON HARBOR (1994). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of
$1,934,605, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-yearolds of 2002. Sire of 147 foals, 29 starters, 14 winners of 20 races and
earning $391,179 in N.A., including Boston Twist (at 2, 2001, $130,884,
Glorious Song S. [L] (WO, $65,940)), Boston Common (at 2, 2001, $58,250, 2nd Comet S. (MED, $10,000), etc.), Radcliffe Yard (at 2, 2001, $37,460), Chaos N Confusion (at 2, 2001, $31,920), Pitbull ($30,040).
1st dam
Saratoga Girl, by Saratoga Six. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $79,269, 2nd Prom S.
(MED, $8,000). Dam of 6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 5 to
race, 4 winners, including-SUPER NAKAYAMA (c. by Jolie's Halo). 5 wins, 2 to 4 in Japan, The Garnet S., 2nd The Yukan Fuji Sho Crystal Cup.
Saratoga Halo (g. by Jolie's Halo). 7 wins, 3 to 6, 2001, $71,939, 2nd
Ocean Hotel S. (MTH, $7,600).
2nd dam
GLASS COLLECTOR, by First Landing. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-GLASS HOUSE (f. by Halo). 9 wins at 3 and 4, $148,129, Honey Bee H., Lady
Baltimore H., Rumson H., Oranges S., 2nd Busher H., etc. Dam of-VICTORIOUS LIL (f. by Vice Regent). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $170,334,
La Prevoyante S.-R (WO, $64,800), 3rd Ontario Lassie S.-R (GRD,
$12,078), Fanfreluche S.-R (WO, $11,968), Lady Angela S.-R (GRD,
$11,693). Dam of VICTORY GALLOP (c. by Cryptoclearance, 9
wins, $3,005,895, in N.A., champion older horse, Belmont S. [G1],
Whitney H. [G1], Stephen Foster H. [G2]-ntr, Arkansas Derby [G2],
Rebel S. [G3], Chenery S. [L] (CNL, $60,000), New Kent S. [L] (CNL,
$32,790), 2nd Kentucky Derby [G1], Preakness S. [G1], etc.).
Glass Star (c. by *Giacometti). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $138,170, 2nd Old Hickory
S., 3rd Sugar Bowl H.
Saratoga Girl (f. by Saratoga Six). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Blind Faith. Winner at 3, $24,805. Dam of 5 winners, including-EASTOVER FAITH (c. by Eastover Court). 9 wins, 3 to 6, 2001, $223,156, Damascus H. [L] (LRL, $45,000), Taking Risks H.-R (TIM, $30,000), 3rd Keystone State Sprint H. (PHA, $4,620).
PRIVATE FAITH (g. by Private Terms). 8 wins, 2 to 7, $154,729, Goss L.
Stryker S.-R (LRL, $36,000), etc.
Glass Age. Unraced. Dam of Insane Marine (c. by Marine Brass, 6 wins
to 6, 2002, $113,660, 2nd Linkage S. (TIM, $8,000)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent IX
Hip No.
Foaled February 26, 2000
Belong to Me ....................
Belonging .........................
Mr. Leader.........................
Saucy Deb ........................
Nimble Deb.......................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Exclusive Native
Straight Deal
Hail to Reason
Jolie Deja
Lucky Debonair
Nimble Feet
By BELONG TO ME (1989). Stakes winner of $261,166, Boojum H. [G3], etc.
Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 498 foals, 240 starters, 18 stakes winners,
168 winners of 455 races and earning $12,763,807 in N.A., including
Jersey Girl ($571,136, Acorn S. [G1], etc.), Terreavigne ($433,313, Gaily
Gaily S. [L] (GP, $60,000), etc.), Belle Cherie ($426,861, Delta Air Lines
Top Flight H. [G2], etc.), Ewer All Wet ($384,073, Congressional H. [L]
(LRL, $60,000), etc.), Chasin' Wimmin ($337,038), Perlong ($303,719).
1st dam
SAUCY DEB, by Mr. Leader. 10 wins at 3 and 4, $223,505, My Charmer S.
(TP, $25,448), 2nd Gardenia H. [G3], Bowl of Flowers S. (RD, $7,120),
My Charmer S. (TP, $6,410), 3rd Holiday Inaugural H. (TP, $3,357),
Wishing Well S. (TP, $3,107). Dam of 9 other registered foals, 9 of racing
age, 7 to race, 4 winners, including-DEVIOUS COURSE (c. by Crafty Prospector). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $444,225, Cigar
Mile H. [G1], Nashua S. [G3], 2nd Swale S. [G3], 3rd Gotham S. [G2]. Sire.
Toyo Pector (c. by Crafty Prospector). 5 wins at 3 and 4 in Japan, 3rd The
Nagoya Daishoten.
Rumbo Al Este (c. by Eastern Echo). Winner at 3 in Panama; winner at 3
and 4, $79,130, in N.A.
2nd dam
NIMBLE DEB, by Lucky Debonair. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, incl.-SAUCY DEB (f. by Mr. Leader). Stakes winner, above.
TECORNO (c. by Tentam). Winner at 3 in England, Jersey S.-G3, 3rd Hungerford S.-G3. Sire.
Fun Til Dawn. Dam of 4 winners, including-DAUNTING ERA (g. by Exclusive Era). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $84,078, Fred
"Cappy" Capossela S. [L] (AQU, $32,700).
3rd dam
NIMBLE FEET, by Spy Song. 3 wins to 3, $9,245. Half-sister to MISS REQUEST ($202,730, champion 3-year-old filly). Dam of 4 winners, incl.-BIG TIM. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $92,466, Clang H., Spring Inaugural H.-etr, etc.
Rare Relish. Placed. Dam of MISS HUNTINGTON ($794,356, dam of HOLLYWOOD REPORTER [L], $320,000), BLACK SULPHUR ($188,537, in
N.A.), I'M IN BUSINESS ($177,505), Chas' Lady. Granddam of TORRISMONDO [G1] (hwt. colt at 2 on Italian Hand.), BY AND LARGE ($97,138), BUDE ($84,685), FRONT LINE READY, PRIMARILY [L] (broodmare of the year in Canada in 2000, dam of POETICALLY [L], $561,158,
champion 2-year-old filly in Canada; PRIMALY, $378,770, champion 2year-old filly in Canada; WHISKEY WISDOM [G3], 5 wins, $452,824).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 5, 2000
Wild Again ........................
Wild Rush .........................
Rose Park .........................
Sovereign Dancer .............
Savoir Vivre ......................
Social Pro .........................
Plugged Nickle
Northern Dancer
Bold Princess
Distinctive Pro
By WILD RUSH (1994). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 4, $1,386,302, Metropolitan H. [G1], Carter H. [G1], Illinois Derby [G2]-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:47 2/5,
Kentucky Cup Classic H. [G3], Remington Park Derby [L] (RP, $180,000)tr, 1 3/16 mi. in 1: 53 3/5, La Puente S.-R (SA, $48,280), 3rd Swaps S. [G2],
Clark H. [G2], Lazaro S. Barrera H. [G3]. His first foals are 2-year-olds
of 2002. Son of stakes winner Wild Again, among the leading sires, sire
of 69 stakes winners, 4 champions, including Wilderness Song [G1].
1st dam
SAVOIR VIVRE, by Sovereign Dancer. Winner at 4, $45,050. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
SOCIAL PRO, by Distinctive Pro. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $265,173, Shirley Jones H. [G3],
Blue Delight H. [L] (CD, $36,368), 2nd Garden State Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Forward Gal S. [G3], Poinciana H. [L] (HIA, $10,000),
Egret H. (CRC, $8,820), Chris Evert S. (HIA, $7,188), 3rd Thoroughbred
Club of America S. [G3], Poinsettia S. [G3], Burn’s Return H. [L] (CRC, $5,957), 4th Alcibiades S. [G2]. Sister to FUERZA, Golden Pro. Dam of-Hasta La Vista Pal (g. by Clever Trick). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $120,915, 2nd Mathis
Brothers Remington Futurity [L] (RP, $54,320), Arch Ward Breeders' Cup
S. (AP, $12,335).
3rd dam
SOLICITOUS, by Cutlass. Placed in 2 starts at 2. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-SOCIAL PRO. Stakes winner, above.
FUERZA. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $259,256, Sorority S. [G3], Candy Eclair H. [L] (GP,
$30,000), 2nd Queen Hopeful H. [L] (GP, $10,000), New Hope S.
(PHA, $5,500), 3rd Heather H. [L] (GP, $5,000), Miss Woodford
Breeders' Cup H. (MTH, $7,007), 4th Spinaway S. [G1]. Dam of-Pro Trader. 3 wins in Ireland, 2nd Leopardstown Two Thousand Guineas
Trial S.; 4 wins, $113,927, in N.A., 3rd Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $5,450).
Golden Pro. 12 wins to 10, $343,773, 2nd Fall Highweight H. [G2], Gravesend H. [G3], 3rd Hallandale H. [L] (GP, $5,500). Etr at Fair Grounds.
4th dam
ANOTHER NURSE, by Hasty Road. Placed to 3. Sister to RUN FOR NURSE
(sire), half-sister to GALLANT ROMEO, WOOZEM, DUTIFUL. Dam of-Dr. Kerlan. 3 wins at 4, $57,515, 3rd Manchester Claiming S., etc.
Painted Insane. 3 wins at 2, $25,422, 2nd Ruffian Visitation S., etc.
Audition. Unraced. Dam of Natural Flair ($90,644), Raise Money ($75,635).
Nurse Julie. Dam of Rebound Boy (12 wins to 9, 2001, $148,585).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert Harris, Agent
Hip No.
Gray or Roan Colt; foaled May 24, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Two Punch ........................
Heavenly Cause ................
Halo ..................................
Sea Halo ...........................
Baltic Sea..........................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
*Grey Dawn II
Lady Dulcinea
Hail to Reason
By TWO PUNCH (1983). Stakes winner of $89,795, Bachelor S. [L] (OP, $49,890), etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 629 foals, 463 starters, 39 stakes
winners, 363 winners of 1438 races and earning $25,969,229 in N.A.,
including champion Smoke Glacken ($759,560, Hopeful S. [G1], etc.),
and of Punch Line ($963,749, Forest Hills H. [G2], etc.), Taking Risks
($570,295, Philip H. Iselin H. [G1], etc.), Smolderin Heart ($467,686, Lone
Star Derby [L] (LS, $145,000), etc.), Ponche [L] (16 wins, $437,086).
1st dam
SEA HALO, by Halo. Placed at 3, $7,925. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3
of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Bookle Bo (c. by Tejano). 3 wins at 4 and 5, 2001, $41,854.
2nd dam
BALTIC SEA, by Danzig. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners, including-CALLER ONE (g. by Phone Trick). 8 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $784,500, in N.A.,
Kentucky Cup Sprint S. [G2], Lafayette S. [G3], Los Angeles H. [G3],
Carry Back S. [L] (CRC, $120,000), Lazaro Barrera Memorial S. [L]
(HOL, $60,960), Hansel S. [L] (TP, $37,500), 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Bing
Crosby Breeders' Cup H. [G2], 3rd Penske Auto Center Breeders' Cup
Sprint [G1], Vernon O. Underwood S. [G3]; winner in 1 start at 4, 2001
in United Arab Emirates, Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen [G3].
PROSPECT BAY (c. by Crafty Prospector). 4 wins in 7 starts at 3 and 4,
$185,000, A Phenomenon S. [G2], 2nd True North H. [G2], 3rd Frank J.
De Francis Memorial Dash S. [G2]. Sire.
Silver Dollar Kids (g. by Meadowlake). 11 wins, 2 to 7, $152,080, 2nd Warminster S. (PHA, $6,510), 3rd Private Terms S. [L] (LRL, $6,042).
3rd dam
RENOUNCE, by Buckpasser. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to INTREPID
HERO ($405,305, sire), PREDICTABLE ($191,937), PRIMED (sire),
Sovereign Dancer (sire), Brave Lady. Dam of 8 winners, including-WAITLIST. 18 wins, 3 to 9, $549,355, Creme de la Fete Claiming S. [L], etc.
Dowager Empress. 3 wins to 3 in England; 2 wins in Australia, 3rd Honda
Legend S. Dam of QUEEN ISOLT (Tibouchina S. [G3], etc.), GILLESPIE (to 4, 2001, Queen’s Cup [G3]). Granddam of Miss Goldie [G3].
Promiscuous Angel. Winner, $7,300. Dam of NO CURFEW [L] ($163,478).
Divorce Decree. Winner, $9,020. Dam of Hit Zoom ($66,496), Ozone Sand.
Arraign. Placed. Dam of COZZENE'S PRINCE [L] (16 wins, $1,270,057,
champion older horse in Canada, River City H. [L] (CD, $73,060), etc.).
Granddam of Something Wicked (4 wins to 4, 2001, $154,090).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 22, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gone West ........................
Secrettame ........................
Seattle Slew ......................
Seattle Summer ................
Linda Summers ................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
*Queenly Gift
By GONE WEST (1984). Stakes winner of $682,251, Dwyer S. [G1], etc.
Among the leading sires, sire of 12 crops of racing age, 710 foals, 485
starters, 63 stakes winners, 352 winners of 1068 races and earning $25,432,041 in N.A., including champions Zafonic (Two Thousand Guineas
[G1], etc.), Gone Prospecting, and of Royal Abjar (hwt. twice in Germany,
Mehl-Muelhens-Rennen-German Two Thousand Guineas [G2], etc.), Da
Hoss [G1] (12 wins, $1,931,558), Lassigny [G1] ($1,204,498, in N.A.).
1st dam
SEATTLE SUMMER, by Seattle Slew. Unraced. Dam of 8 other registered
foals, 7 of racing age, 5 to race, 5 winners, including-SURPRISING FACT (f. by Known Fact). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $190,516, Thoroughbred Club of America S. [G3], Dearly Precious S. (MTH, $27,000),
Lewis Morris S. (MED, $24,000), 3rd First Lady H. [G3], Poinciana
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (HIA, $11,000), Half Moon S. (MED, $4,800), Holly
S. (MED, $3,850). Producer.
U. S. DEPUTY (c. by French Deputy). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $64,654,
Golden Circle S. [L] (PRM, $30,000).
Modrik (c. by Dixieland Band). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2001 in England.
2nd dam
LINDA SUMMERS, by Crozier. 3 wins at 2 and 3, Santa Ysabel S. Half-sister
to PRINCELY AXE ($62,832, sire), Mercier [L], Noble Gift. Dam of-LOVLIER LINDA (f. by Vigors). 10 wins, 3 to 5, $676,945, Santa Margarita
Invitational H. [G1], National Sprint Championship H.-G3, El Encino S.G3, La Brea S.-G3, Santa Monica H. [G3], Somethingroyal H.-L, Convenience S., 2nd Milady H. [G2], Las Flores H. [G2], etc. Dam of-OLD TRIESTE (c. by A.P. Indy). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $847,944, Swaps S. [G2],
Californian S. [G2], Del Mar Breeders' Cup H. [G2], Affirmed H. [G3],
2nd Norfolk S. [G2], 3rd Goodwood Breeders’ Cup H. [G2], etc.
PERIGEE MOON (c. by Hennessy). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2 in Ireland, Killavullan S. [G3].
Proud Danzig (g. by Danzig). 14 wins, 3 to 7, $151,357, 3rd San Matean H. [L] (BMF, $7,550).
Pro for Sure (c. by Mr. Prospector). 3 wins at 3, $126,900, 2nd Oceanside S. [LR] (DMR, $12,000), 3rd Ascot H. [G3]. Sire.
SENSATIONAL GUY (g. by Bicker). 12 wins, 3 to 6, $392,055, Rolling
Green H.-G3, Citation Invitational H.-LR, Telly’s Pop Invitational H., etc.
SUMMER TIME GUY (c. by Gummo). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $279,900, San Diego
H., Triple Bend H., Hollywood Express H., 2nd San Diego H., etc. Sire.
Market Fever (c. by Bold Tactics). 8 wins, $70,685, 2nd Ak-Sar-Ben Speed H.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled February 16, 2000
Roberto .............................
Dynaformer .......................
Andover Way.....................
Strawberry Road (AUS).....
Sedona Berry ....................
Tromphe de Naskra...........
Hail to Reason
His Majesty
On the Trail
Whiskey Road
Giftisa (NZ)
Within Limits
By DYNAFORMER (1985). Stakes winner of $671,207, Jersey Derby [G2],
etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 10 crops of racing age, 582 foals,
425 starters, 42 stakes winners, 319 winners of 1080 races and earning
$27,044,179 in N.A., including Blumin Affair ($867,065, San Diego H.
[G3], etc.), Critical Eye ($831,913, Hempstead H. [G1], etc.), Vergennes
($755,774, Early Times Hollywood Derby S. [G1], etc.), Baptize ($484,396, Arlington Classic S. [G2], etc.), Starrer [G2] (at 3, 2001, $433,033).
1st dam
SEDONA BERRY, by Strawberry Road (AUS). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 3
other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
TROMPHE DE NASKRA, by Naskra. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $204,482, Alma North H.
(GS, $22,548), Camellia S.-R (PHA, $12,960), 2nd Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT,
$21,370), Signature S. [L], Mill Race H. (PHA, $7,810), Wayward Lass S.
[OR], 3rd Prioress S. [G3], Critical Miss S. [L], Gala Lil H. [L] (LRL, $5,740),
Primrose S.-R (GS, $2,442), Carnation S.-R (PHA, $2,354). Dam of-NORTHERN EMERALD (f. by Green Dancer). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $435,755,
Flower Bowl Invitational H. [G1], Vineland H. [G3], 2nd La Prevoyante H.
[G2], The Very One H. [G3], Palisades S. [L] (KEE, $11,125), 3rd Orchid
H. [G2] twice, Long Island H. [G2], Matchmaker S. [G2]. Dam of-Bowl of Emeralds (f. by A.P. Indy). 2 wins at 3, placed at 5, 2002, $108,470, 2nd Dowager S. [L] (KEE, $22,280).
3rd dam
WITHIN LIMITS, by Winged T. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-TROMPHE DE NASKRA. Stakes winner, above.
Don't Delay Babe. Unplaced in 2 starts. Producer. Granddam of QUE FACIL CORAZON (to 3, 2001, $42,999, Kent H. (EMD, $16,500), etc.),
Country Heart ($29,820, 3rd Hastings Park H. (EMD, $5,250)), Music to
My Heart (at 2, 2001, $17,263, 2nd Pierce County S.-R (EMD, $7,000)).
4th dam
CASE DISMISSED, by Traffic Judge. Unraced. Half-sister to Light 'n Lovely
(7 wins, $80,145). Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-D. B.'S DREAM. 10 wins, 2 to 9, $112,371, British Columbia Derby H., etc.
Release. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $54,754, 2nd Pioneer H. Producer.
Legal Measure. 2 wins in 3 starts to 3 in Ireland; placed in 2 starts at 2 in
England, 3rd Middle Park S.; 5 wins, $15,195, in N.A. Etr at Laurel Park.
Quiet Smile. 8 wins, $50,205. Dam of FULL OF SMILES [L] ($231,069).
Specially Sue. Unraced. Dam of CONGE ($198,353, set ncr at Fair Grounds).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Cashel Stud, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled February 21, 2000
Kris S................................
You and I ..........................
La Chaposa (PER).............
Semilla Besada .................
Ivory Slippers ...................
Sharp Queen
Never Bend
River Lady
Sir Ivor
Leap Lively
By YOU AND I (1991). Stakes winner of $701,235, Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.
Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 213 foals, 120 starters, 10 stakes winners,
75 winners of 174 races and earning $4,520,833 in N.A., including champion In the Woods (High Havens Empress S., etc.), and of You (at 2, 2001,
$540,440, Frizette S. [G1], etc.), Sweet Nanette (to 3, 2001, $205,565,
Bourbonette Breeders' Cup S. [L] (TP, $62,600), etc.), Miss Photogenic
($139,229, Dixie Miss S. (LAD, $24,000), etc.), Zeta [L] ($102,480).
1st dam
SEMILLA BESADA, by Riverman. Unraced. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
IVORY SLIPPERS, by Sir Ivor. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including-Unbridled Slippers. Winner at 3, $19,760.
3rd dam
LEAP LIVELY, by Nijinsky II. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, Hoover Fillies' MileG3, Johnnie Walker Oaks Trial S.-G3, 2nd Yorkshire Oaks-G1, 3rd Epsom Oaks-G1. Half-sister to WHATA BELLE ($113,475), Stop Quick
($65,874, 3rd [Q]), Salina Cookie [L] ($28,720). Dam of 3 winners-FOREST FLOWER. 4 wins in England, champion 2-year-old filly, Rokeby
Farms Mill Reef S. [G2], Pritchard Services Cherry Hinton S. [G3],
Queen Mary S. [G3], 4th Child S. [G2]; winner at 3 in Ireland, hwt. filly
at 3 on Irish Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., Goffs Irish One Thousand Guineas
[G1], 2nd Heinz 57 Phoenix S. [G1]. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, incl.-Hill of Dreams. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in England; placed at 4 in Belgium,
2nd Grand Handicap d'Ostende.
Hertford Castle. Dam of Safarando (IRE) (6 wins in England, 2nd Sovereign Bookmakers Easter S.; in N.A., 3rd Oceanside S.-R (DMR, $10,428)), Castilian (in Norway, 3rd Pilot Fineliner Cup).
SCOOP THE GOLD. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $114,527, Likely Exchange S. (TP,
$27,446), 2nd Marigold S. [L] (TP, $8,450). Dam of 2 winners, incl.-HIGH YIELD. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $1,170,196, Toyota Blue Grass S. [G1],
Fountain of Youth S. [G1], Hopeful S. [G1], 2nd Florida Derby [G1],
Hollywood Futurity [G1], Santa Catalina S. [G2], 3rd Breeders' Cup
Juvenile [G1], Champagne S. [G1], Hollywood Juvenile Championship S. [G3].
All Hallows. Winner at 2, $24,260. Sent to Japan. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-HALO RIVER. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $107,525, Appalachian S. [L] (KEE,
$45,096), Gold Digger S. [L] (HAW, $31,980), 2nd Lieutenant Governor S. [L] (ELP, $10,000).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: OBS Championship S., NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled March 21, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Roman Majesty.................
Sensational Eyes...............
Bickeree ............................
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
His Majesty
Southern Breeze
Bid Boldly
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
SENSATIONAL EYES, by Roman Majesty. 3 wins at 3, $126,475, Canvas
Specialty California Cup Matron H.-R (SA, $55,000), 2nd El Encino S.
[G2]. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
BICKEREE, by Bicker. Winner at 3 and 4, $15,725. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-SENSATIONAL EYES (f. by Roman Majesty). Stakes winner, above.
Material Eyes (g. by Stanstead). Winner at 2 and 5, $30,900, 2nd Foster
City Mile S. [L] (BM, $10,000).
Special Eyes. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $344,966.
3rd dam
BID BOLDLY, by Bold Bidder. Winner at 3, $19,035. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-Stunning Scarf. Winner at 3, $8,394. Producer.
4th dam
IYEARN, by Francis S. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to INDOCTRINATE
($66,627, sire), I RECALL ($27,424). Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, incl.-All Out. 3 wins at 3, $44,479. Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, incl.-ANKLES. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $314,469, Harham's Sizzler S. [LR] (BML,
$35,160), Demetri's Boy H. [LR] (HAW, $30,840), etc.
ALL SMARTS. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $245,987, New York Stallion S. [LR] (BEL,
$48,000), 2nd New York Stallion S. [LR] (AQU, $35,200), etc.
All Man. 19 wins, 3 to 8, $189,562, 3rd Topsider S. (SUF, $2,500).
Sueno Impossible. 6 wins at 3 and 4. Dam of Bicki ($15,326). Great-granddam of SONJA'S FAITH (IRE) ($535,679, Las Palmas H. [G2], etc.),
MACWARD (to 6, 2002, $399,054), MARVIN'S FAITH (IRE) ($313,369,
in N.A., Elkhorn S. [G2]-ncr, etc.), Try Jory (IRE) [L] (4 wins, $123,561).
Rule the World. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $11,556. Dam of Greenville's Pago.
Yu Turn. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, incl.-CHINOOK PASS. 16 wins in 25 starts to 4, $480,073, champion sprinter, Longacres Mile H.-G2, San Simeon H.-L, Sierra Madre H.-L, etc.
Lincoln Park. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $204,628, 2nd Oceanside S. [OR], etc. Sire.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by William B. Harrigan, Agent
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled February 27, 2000
Robellino ..........................
Mister Baileys (GB)...........
Thimblerigger ...................
Shadow Music ..................
Choral Group ....................
Hip No.
Sharpen Up (GB)
*Tender Annie
Nijinsky II
Lord Durham
Carol Singer
By MISTER BAILEYS (GB) (1991). Classic winner in England, Madagans
Two Thousand Guineas [G1], etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 166 foals,
76 starters, 38 winners of 78 races and earning $1,399,538 in N.A., including Cool Ashlee ($197,563, Critical Miss S. (PHA, $25,920), etc.),
Package Store (at 3, 2001, $107,030, 2nd Lexington S. [G3], etc.), Mister
Party (at 2, 2001, $26,372, 2nd ATBA Fall Sales S.-R (TUP, $10,812)), Peanut Gallery (3 wins, $144,468), Baileys Edge (at 4, 2001, $122,797).
1st dam
SHADOW MUSIC, by Shadeed. Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
CHORAL GROUP, by Lord Durham. 7 wins in 11 starts at 2 and 3, $147,699,
champion 2-year-old filly in Canada, Tempted S.-G2, Princess Elizabeth
S.-R, Yearling Sales S.-R, 3rd Fury S.-R. Dam of 7 winners, including-Balakirev (c. by Nijinsky II). Winner at 3 in England, 3rd Royal Lodge S.
[G2]; placed in 1 start at 3 in Ireland, 4th Windfields Farm Gallinule S.
[G2]; winner in 2 starts at 4, $9,760, in N.A. Sire.
Bay Symphony. Winner at 3, $4,575. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, including-Slewbythebay (f. by Slewacide). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2001, $23,519, 3rd Oklahoma Classic Lassie S.-R (RP, $5,940).
3rd dam
CAROL SINGER, by Mr. Music. Winner at 3. Half-sister to Johnny Domino
($61,347), Pete Pete. Dam of 13 foals, 12 to race, 10 winners, incl.-CHORAL GROUP. Champion, above.
Favorite Tune. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $39,751, 3rd Yearling Sales S.-R. Producer.
Naughty Nedra. 2 wins at 3, 2nd West Virginia Derby Prep H. Dam of-FONCIER. 29 wins, $323,515, Speed to Spare Championship S., etc.
Naughty Blade. Unraced. Dam of Naughty Nile ($23,315). Granddam of
MINOR WISDOM (to 5, 2001, $499,233, Hawthorne Derby [G3], etc.).
Singing Tribute. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $21,755. Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, incl.-VIRTUSOSO LADY. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $42,772, Moraine Lake H., etc.
Donna's Fancy. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $99,716, 2nd Ontario Colleen H., Canadian S., 3rd Nassau S.-L, etc. Dam of Gold Groovy ($135,863).
Song of the North. Winner at 3, $17,270. Dam of Western Melody (5
wins, $77,092, 3rd Southampton S. (PHA, $4,703)).
Disco Singer. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-Thatsa Cakewalk. 4 wins, $46,485, 2nd Locust S.-R (PHA, $5,440), etc.
Sing Song. Producer. Granddam of TRAVELLING SPIRIT ($74,726).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Laura Helmbrecht, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 29, 2000
Belong to Me ....................
Belonging .........................
Shahra Bay .......................
Intriguing Honor ...............
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Exclusive Native
Straight Deal
Nijinsky II
Shademah (IRE)
By BELONG TO ME (1989). Stakes winner of $261,166, Boojum H. [G3], etc.
Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 498 foals, 240 starters, 18 stakes winners,
168 winners of 455 races and earning $12,763,807 in N.A., including
Jersey Girl ($571,136, Acorn S. [G1], etc.), Terreavigne ($433,313, Gaily
Gaily S. [L] (GP, $60,000), etc.), Belle Cherie ($426,861, Delta Air Lines
Top Flight H. [G2], etc.), Ewer All Wet ($384,073, Congressional H. [L]
(LRL, $60,000), etc.), Chasin' Wimmin ($337,038), Perlong ($303,719).
1st dam
SHAHRA BAY, by Shahrastani. 6 wins to 3, $105,238, Tropical Park Oaks (CRC,
$21,000). Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 1 to race-Raboomdeeyea (f. by Lord Carson). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $35,555.
2nd dam
INTRIGUING HONOR, by Sham. 3 wins at 4, $42,813, Bowl of Flowers S.
Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-SHAHRA BAY (f. by Shahrastani). Stakes winner, above.
Lypheor's Honour (c. by Lypheor (GB)). 2 wins at 3 in England, 3rd Daniel
Prenn Royal Yorkshire S.
3rd dam
INVITING, by *My Babu. Winner at 2, $5,305. Half-sister to GOLD DIGGER,
NOORSAGA, HERMOD, Royal Consort. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-INTRIGUING HONOR. Stakes winner, above.
WITHOUT PEER. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $30,940, Breeze-a-Lea S., Eastern Wings
of Man S., etc. Producer. Great-granddam of Native Imp ($36,186).
Lovely to Look At. Winner at 3. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, incl.-TALL GRASS WALKER. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $171,670, Round Table H.-G2,
Spartacus S., Kentucky Special, 2nd Cradle S.-L. Ecr at River Downs.
Open Invitation. Placed at 4 in Ireland; winner at 5, $4,746, in N.A. Dam of-Winning Request. 13 wins, 2 to 7, 2001, $198,364, 2nd Speedboat S.
(GLD, $5,000). Set ntr at Great Lakes Downs.
Noresca. Placed at 3 in France; placed at 3 in Ireland. Granddam of Ocean
Indien (FR) [G3] ($77,203, in N.A.), Mirobolant (FR), Vaganova [G3].
Nutmeg Native. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-CLAXTON'S SLEW. 3 wins at 3 in Ireland, Persian Bold S., etc. Dam of
ESCENA ($2,962,639, champion older mare, Breeders’ Cup Distaff
[G1], Ramona H. [G1], etc.), HUMBEL (Blandford S. [G2], etc.).
MOTEE. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $72,357, Delta Miss S. (LAD, $21,000), etc.
Nutmeg Lady. Placed at 4. Dam of HE'S O K (10 wins, $125,029, Oklahoma Classics Day Starter H.-R (RP, $13,950), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent IV
Chestnut Colt; foaled February 20, 2000
Seattle Slew ......................
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise.............
Easy Goer .........................
Sheepscot .........................
Escrow Agent ....................
Hip No.
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Lassie Dear
El Gran Senor
Viva Sec
By A.P. INDY (1989). Horse of the year, classic winner of $2,979,815, Belmont
S. [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 7 crops of racing age, 460
foals, 249 starters, 32 stakes winners, 169 winners of 457 races and earning $25,353,309 in N.A., including Golden Missile ($2,194,510, Pimlico
Special H. [G1], etc.), Aptitude ($1,845,410, in N.A., Jockey Club Gold
Cup [G1], etc.), Lu Ravi ($1,819,781, Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup H.
[G2], etc.), Tomisue's Delight ($1,207,537, Personal Ensign H. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
SHEEPSCOT, by Easy Goer. 5 wins in 10 starts at 3 and 4, $153,446, Lady
Mannequin H. (TDN, $21,000), 2nd Indiana Oaks [L] (HOO, $21,480),
3rd Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT, $11,000), Holiday Inaugural S. [L] (TP, $6,000). Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
Escrow Agent, by El Gran Senor. Winner at 2 in Ireland; placed at 2 and 3,
$16,142, in N.A., 2nd Salem County S. (MED, $7,000), 3rd Forsythia S.R (GS, $2,596). Dam of 5 foals to race, all winners, including-VICAR (c. by Wild Again). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $835,142, Florida Derby [G1],
Fountain of Youth S. [G1], 2nd Brown and Williamson Kentucky Jockey
Club S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S. [G1], Phoenix
Breeders' Cup S. [L] (KEE, $26,900).
SHEEPSCOT (f. by Easy Goer). Stakes winner, above.
Mama Dean (f. by Woodman). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $260,190, 2nd Bed o' Roses
Breeders' Cup H. [G3], 3rd Vagrancy H. [G3].
Magic Caver (c. by Spend a Buck). Winner at 3, $31,320, 3rd Bahamas S.
[L] (HIA, $5,500).
Weston Field. Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $117,870.
3rd dam
VIVA SEC, by Secretariat. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $307,022, Dark Mirage S., Grey
Flight S., 2nd Correction H.-G3, Grey Flight H., Cicada S., 3rd Bed o'
Roses H.-G3, Imperatrice H.-L. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, incl.-K S Fury. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $148,024, 2nd Sportsman's Park Budweiser
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (SPT, $20,780), Glitterman H. (CRC, $5,400), etc.
Viva Deputy. 6 wins, $146,000, 2nd West Virginia Derby [L] (MNR, $20,000), Alysheba H. (LAD, $7,000), Thanksgiving H. (FG, $6,980), etc. Sire.
Delagating. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $73,794, 3rd Vineland H. [G3]. Dam of-JUST RULER. 6 wins, 3 to 6, 2001, $231,275, Ralph M. Hinds Pomona
Invitational H. [L] (FPX, $55,000), Harvest H. (FNO, $19,345).
K. C. Super Pet. 2 wins at 2, $35,342, 3rd Gold Digger S. (HAW, $4,620).
Escrow Agent. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent III
Hip No.
Foaled February 17, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Deputy Commander..........
Anka Germania (IRE).........
Maudlin ............................
Shocking Pleasure............
Royal Shocker...................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Affaire d'Amour
Foolish Pleasure
Diplomat Way
Miss Boynton Beach
By DEPUTY COMMANDER (1994). Stakes winner of 4 races at 3, $1,906,640, Travers S. [G1], Super Derby [G1], Affirmed H. [G3], 2nd Breeders'
Cup Classic [G1], Swaps S. [G2], Californian S. [G2], 3rd Crown Royal
American Turf S. [L] (CD, $11,580). His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind ($1,844,372, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.).
1st dam
Shocking Pleasure, by Maudlin. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $110,290, 2nd Patricia S.
[L] (HIA, $10,000), 3rd Nijana S. [G3]. Sent to Saudi Arabia. Dam of 3
other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race-Salty Pleasure (f. by Salt Lake). Placed at 2, $4,420.
2nd dam
ROYAL SHOCKER, by Diplomat Way. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 11 foals,
8 to race, 7 winners, including-Shocking Pleasure (f. by Maudlin). Stakes-placed winner, above.
She's a Shocker. 12 wins, 3 to 6, $130,044. Producer.
In a Schocking Way. 3 wins at 3, $62,263.
3rd dam
MISS BOYNTON BEACH, by Royal Pen. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-VERY LUCKY. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $53,903, Marica H., 3rd Colleen S.-G3.
Set ntr at Monmouth Park. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, including-SHOCKER T. 13 wins in 18 starts at 3 and 4, $510,900, Delaware H.
[G1], Black Helen H. [G2], John A. Morris H. [G2], Grassland H. [L],
Office Queen S. [L], Coral Gables H. [L], Meadowbrook Farm H.
(CRC, $27,560), My Charmer H. [O], Burn's Return H. [O], Sweet
Tooth H. [O], Gloxinia S. [OR], 2nd La Prevoyante Invitational H. [G3],
Joe Namath H. (GP, $9,895), 4th Ruffian H. [G1], Orchid H. [G2].
Dam of FAYGO (6 wins, $119,795, Broad Brush S. (MED, $24,000)),
Shock Me ($33,735, 3rd Aspidistra H. [L] (CRC, $5,500)).
Bigger Hammer. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $89,693, 3rd Hawthorne Juvenile S.-G3.
Mr. Excavator. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $42,405, 3rd Don Leon S.
Mr. Sims. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $62,347.
ROYAL DEBUT. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $23,461, Florida Beaux S., 2nd Ft. Lauderdale H., 3rd Juvenile Endurance H.
Happy Dividend. 3 wins at 2, $8,959. Set ntr at Calder Race Course. Dam of-Peaceful Journey. 2 wins at 4, $21,530, 2nd Seafair Queen S.-R.
I'm for Big Mama. Winner at 3 and 4, 2nd Miss Yakima S. Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent V
Hip No.
Foaled April 13, 2000
Siphon (BRZ) ....................
Far North ..........................
Sick of Snow.....................
Love Sick ..........................
Apple Honey
Kublai Khan
Northern Dancer
Raise a Native
By SIPHON (BRZ) (1991). Stakes winner of $2,294,810, in N.A., Santa Anita
H. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 170 foals, 31
starters, 8 winners of 10 races and earning $960,936 in N.A., including
Siphonic (at 2, 2001, $733,978, Hollywood Futurity [G1], etc.), Ms Louisett
($48,800, 3rd Oak Leaf S. [G1]), Scifi Flick ($17,105, 2nd Kachina S. (RUI,
$15,137)), Siphina (at 2, 2001, $27,000), Fullup (at 2, 2001, $22,440),
Loyal Richard ($15,135), Cheechoo ($13,551), Brazilian Girl ($9,955).
1st dam
SICK OF SNOW, by Far North. Unraced. Dam of 8 other registered foals, 7 of
racing age, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-So Special (f. by Big Pistol). 17 wins, 3 to 8, 2001, $213,169, 3rd Tellike H.
(EVD, $3,300).
Sick of Taxes (c. by Ghazi). Winner at 3, 2001, $50,930.
2nd dam
LOVE SICK, by Raise a Native. Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, including-TRAVELIN LOVER (c. by Pilgrim). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $34,452, Golden Boy S.
(ASD, $10,208).
Melt Your Heart. Winner at 3, $4,855. Dam of 2 winners, including-Melty (f. by North Prospect). Winner at 3, $16,109, 3rd Minnesota Stallion S.-R (CBY, $7,719).
3rd dam
CORAGGIOSO, by *Gallant Man. 19 wins, 2 to 5, $309,281, Ladies H.-G1,
Vagrancy H.-G3, Bryn Mawr S.-G3, Post-Deb S.-G3, etc. Sister to GALLATIA, half-sister to T. V. COMMERCIAL, ROYAL CLIPPER. Dam of-ENCOURAGE. 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $39,257, Novelty S., 2nd Juvenile S.
Runny Nose. 2 wins at 3, $22,310, 3rd Davona Dale S. Dam of-SHA RUNNER. Winner at 3 in Venezuela, Premio XIV Instituto Nacional
de Hipodromos, 2nd Premio Fuerza Aereas Venezolana, etc.
Baby Street. Placed at 2 in Venezuela, 2nd Premio Manuel Azpurua A.
Mostafa. Placed at 4 in Venezuela, 3rd Premio Gaceta Hipica.
Gesundheit. Placed at 3, $3,690. Dam of MISS DELIVERY (Premio Andres Bello, etc.), GRAN SILVANO (in Venezuela, Premio Klick, etc.).
Hoist the Banner. 2 wins at 2, $19,603. Dam of 10 winners, including-STORMY DEEP. 17 wins, 2 to 6, $565,672, Governor's Buckeye Cup
H.-R (RD, $60,000), Alumni Breeders' Cup H. (RD, $42,670), etc.
Steady Climb. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $192,013, 2nd Col. R. S. McLaughlin H.
[L] (WO, $15,810), 3rd Sir Barton S.-R (WO, $8,745), etc.
Quickner. 2 wins at 3, $29,596, 2nd Spring Bonnet S. (RD, $5,740).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Donna M. Wormser Inc., Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled May 12, 2000
Capote ..............................
Boston Harbor ..................
Harbor Springs .................
Mr. Prospector ..................
Sierra Madre.....................
Egalite (FR) .......................
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Vice Regent
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
El Mina
By BOSTON HARBOR (1994). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of
$1,934,605, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-yearolds of 2002. Sire of 147 foals, 29 starters, 14 winners of 20 races and
earning $391,179 in N.A., including Boston Twist (at 2, 2001, $130,884,
Glorious Song S. [L] (WO, $65,940)), Boston Common (at 2, 2001, $58,250, 2nd Comet S. (MED, $10,000), etc.), Radcliffe Yard (at 2, 2001, $37,460), Chaos N Confusion (at 2, 2001, $31,920), Pitbull ($30,040).
1st dam
SIERRA MADRE, by Mr. Prospector. Unraced. Dam of 8 other registered foals,
7 of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including-Sun Cat (c. by Tabasco Cat). 4 wins, 2 to 5, 2002, $205,955, 2nd Derby
Trial S. [G3], Lafayette S. [G3], 3rd Riva Ridge S. [G2], McConnell
Springs S.-R (KEE, $7,995).
Shivley (g. by Housebuster). 8 wins, 3 to 7, 2001, $69,381.
2nd dam
EGALITE (FR), by Luthier. 3 wins at 3 in France, Prix de la Porte de Passy, Prix
des Tourelles, 3rd Prix des Tuileries. Sister to ETERNITY (FR). Dam of-El Djidda (f. by Stop the Music). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, 3rd Prix Robert
de Cholet. Producer.
3rd dam
EL MINA, by Reliance II. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, Prix de Minerve-G3, Prix
des Belles Filles, 2nd Prix de Flore-G3, etc. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-EL FABULOUS (FR). 2 wins in France, Prix Cleopatre [G3], etc. Dam of
GALLERY GOD. Granddam of ST MAWES (Westminster S. [G3], etc.).
EGALITE (FR). Stakes winner, above.
ETERNITY (FR). 4 wins at 3 in France, Prix Belle de Nuit, etc. Dam of-ARTIC ENVOY. Winner in England, Warren S., etc.; winner in Italy, Premio Ellington [G3], 2nd Derby Italiano [G1], Gran Premio d’Italia [G1],
etc.; placed in Germany, 3rd Grosser Preis der Berliner Bank [G1].
Eversince. Winner at 2 and 3 in France, 3rd Prix de Compiegne. Dam
of CAITANO (hwt. in Germany and Italy, 41 Aral-Pokal [G1], etc.),
LADY LODGER (GB) ($298,154, in N.A., Miss America H. [G3], etc.).
Envol (FR). Winner at 2 in France, 2nd Prix des Chenes-G3, Prix Matchem,
3rd Prix de Courcelles; winner at 4, $10,800, in N.A.
Elmira (FR). Winner at 3 in France. Dam of EAUX CROISEES, Les
Animaux Nuages (3rd Burr S.). Granddam of BERRY'S DREAM (dam
of BEHAVIOUR (GB), $267,499, in N.A., Appleton H. [G3], etc.).
Elegie. Unraced. Producer. Great-granddam of Garita (to 3, 2001).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent II
Hip No.
Foaled January 29, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Raja Baba..........................
Silk Chiffon.......................
Surera (ARG) ....................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
Bold Ruler
Missy Baba
Sheet Anchor
Lady Kiss (ARG)
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
SILK CHIFFON, by Raja Baba. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $246,475, Belle Roberts H. [L]
(LGA, $83,050), Belle Roberts H. [L], 2nd Sacajawea H. [O], Alki H.
(LGA, $6,000), Mercer Girls H., 3rd Hazel K. H. (LGA, $3,750). Dam of
7 other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-LONGLINER (c. by Flying Paster). 4 wins at 3 and 8, $287,165, La Puente S.R (SA, $46,425), 2nd Ascot H. [G3], California Cup Mile H.-R (SA, $35,000),
3rd California Turf Championship Invitational H.-R (BM, $16,940), Khaled
S.-R (HOL, $9,804), C. B. Afflerbaugh S.-R (FPX, $9,000).
Pottery Design (f. by Golden Act). Winner at 2 and 3, $54,005, 3rd Floral
Fiesta S. (BMF, $6,050).
Silky Sand Sammy (f. by Desert Wine). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $60,600. Dam
of 2 foals, both winners, including-SPINELESSJELLYFISH (c. by Skywalker). 9 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $593,146, Khaled S.-R (HOL, $105,000) twice, Sensational Star H.-R (SA,
$67,680), California Turf Championship H.-R (BM, $37,500), 2nd California Cup Mile H.-R (SA, $35,000), Crystal Water H.-R (SA, $30,000),
3rd Wickerr H.-R (DMR, $11,862).
Brighton Way (f. by Devil's Bag). Winner at 3, 2001, $41,733.
2nd dam
SURERA (ARG), by Sheet Anchor. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Argentina, champion
3-year-old filly, Gran Premio Seleccion-Argentine Oaks-G1, Premio Eliseo
Ramirez-G2, 2nd Polla de Potrancas-Argentine One Thousand GuineasG1, 3rd Premio General Luis Maria Campos-G3, Premio Jorge AtuchaG3; 6 wins at 5 and 6, $231,775, in N.A., California Jockey Club H., San
Jose H., 2nd Santa Margarita Invitational H.-G1, California Jockey Club
H., 3rd Yerba Buena H.-G3, Yellow Ribbon S., La Merced S., Brentwood
S., South Bay H., San Jose H. Sister to STEIN (Grande Premio Presidente
da Republica-G1 twice, etc.), SANDUNGUERA (sire), SATURADO,
half-sister to VICTORY FLYER ($104,079). Dam of 3 winners, incl.-SILK CHIFFON (f. by Raja Baba). Stakes winner, above.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Canada.
KEE 4/02
Property of Rich Meadow Thoroughbreds
Hip No.
Foaled April 20, 2000
Great Above ......................
Holy Bull...........................
Sharon Brown ...................
Guadery ............................
Minnesota Mac
Ta Wee
Al Hattab
Agathea's Dawn
Mr. Prospector
Golden Act
By HOLY BULL (1991). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $2,481,760, Travers S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 353 foals, 180 starters, 13
stakes winners, 104 winners of 223 races and earning $8,729,290 in N.A.,
including champion Macho Uno (to 3, 2001, $1,332,203, Breeders' Cup
Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Confessional ($827,638, Frizette S. [G1], etc.),
Turnofthecentury ($457,941, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H.
[G2], etc.), Crash Course [G3] ($401,275), Thunder Blitz [G3] ($304,450).
1st dam
SKEP, by Fappiano. Placed at 2 and 3, $16,120. Dam of 6 other registered
foals, 6 of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-Battler (c. by Dehere). Winner at 2, 2001, $25,300.
Skeptical (c. by Kris S.). 2 wins at 4, 2001, $17,163.
2nd dam
GUADERY, by Golden Act. 3 wins at 2, $124,860, Astarita S. [G2], 3rd Frizette
S. [G1]. Dam of 10 other foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-MINORITY DATER (f. by Kris S.). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $212,415, Real Delight S. (AP,
$25,620), 2nd Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT, $13,000), Pontalba S. (FG, $6,450),
Tiffany Lass S. (FG, $6,405), 3rd Arlington-Washington Lassie S. [G2], Fair
Grounds Oaks [G3], Arlington Heights Oaks [G3], Arlington Matron H. [G3].
3rd dam
BESPANGLE, by Dr. Fager. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to YU WIPI. Dam of-GAY RIGHTS. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $272,035, Colin S. [L] (BEL, $70,320), 3rd Dwyer
S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 4th Jim Dandy S. [G2], King's Bishop S. [G3].
GUADERY. Stakes winner, above.
HELLO MOON. 4 wins at 3, $44,826, Belle Isle S. (DET, $16,125).
Dr. Secreto. Winner at 2, $77,143, 2nd Barretts Juvenile S.-R (FPX, $25,500),
Alameda County Futurity (PLN, $6,000), Redwood Empire S. (SR, $6,000).
4th dam
ZENITH STAR, by Vertex. Half-sister to PRIDES PROFILE ($308,611). Dam of-REGAL PRINCESS. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $245,677, Florida Stallion/My Dear
Girl S. [LR], etc. Dam of REGAL APPROVAL ($93,965, Bal Harbour S.
(HIA, $18,600), etc.), With a Princess [L] ($117,475). Granddam of
Royal Moro (at 2, 2001, $45,748, 3rd San Miguel S. [G3] (SA, $12,948)).
YU WIPI. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $182,180, Longacres Mile H.-G3, etc. Sire.
Or Your Money Back. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $43,611, 2nd Barbizon Streak S.-R.
Honors. 5 wins at 4, $33,882. Producer. Granddam of Ou Special ($79,276, dam of PESKY RASCAL, 11 wins to 6, 2001, $249,488, set ncr).
Great-granddam of LIMODREAMS ($70,280, Ribbon S. (AP, $19,260)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent for
White Horse Stables
Foaled February 27, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Awesome Again ................
Primal Force .....................
Seattle Slew ......................
Slew Boyera......................
Boyera (ARG)....................
Hip No.
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Blushing Groom (FR)
Prime Prospect
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
By AWESOME AGAIN (1994). Classic winner of 9 races in 12 starts, $4,374,590, Queen's Plate-R (WO, $255,420), Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Stephen Foster H. [G2], Saratoga Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Jim Dandy S. [G2], Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G3], 3rd Travers S. [G1].
Half-brother to champion Macho Uno. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind [G1].
1st dam
SLEW BOYERA, by Seattle Slew. Winner at 2 in France; placed at 4, $16,325,
in N.A. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-BORN TWICE (f. by Opening Verse). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $173,595, Waya S. [L]
(SAR, $35,970).
Jess M (g. by Strawberry Road (AUS)). 8 wins, 2 to 6, placed at 7, 2002,
$271,957, 2nd Kentucky Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CD, $22,220), Paterson
S. [L] (MED, $10,000), 3rd Hopeful S. [G1], West Virginia Derby [L]
(MNR, $20,000).
Blaky (c. by Opening Verse). Winner at 2 and 4, $59,201.
2nd dam
BOYERA (ARG), by Pastiche. Placed at 3 in Argentina. Sent to Peru. Broodmare of the year in Argentina in 1983. Dam of 6 winners, including-MAT-BOY (ARG) (c. by *Matun). 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Argentina, horse of
the year, Gran Premio International Republica Argentina-G1, Gran Premio Republica Argentina-G1, Gran Premo de Honor-G1, Premio Comparacion-G2, Premio Chacabuco-G2; 2 wins at 5, $181,650, in N.A.,
Widener H.-G1, Gulfstream Park H.-G1-ntr, 1 1/4 mi. in 1:59. Sire.
Mat Girl (ARG). Unraced. Sent to Peru. Dam of-Loco San (c. by Spend One Dolar). Placed at 3 in Peru, 2nd Premio Ricardo Ortiz de Zevallos [G1], 3rd Derby Nacional [G1].
3rd dam
BRAULIA, by Bonicate. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Argentina. Complete race records
not available. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 known to race-Filomena. Winner at 3 and 6 in Argentina.
4th dam
ELOISA, by Rustom Pasha. Winner at 3 in Argentina. Sister to LEONARDO
(sire), half-sister to LISETTE, LISSA. Dam of 5 winners, including-Toscana. Winner at 3 in Argentina. Dam of *COVINGTON II (sire), Overfall.
Eliola. Dam of ELI KAN. Granddam of CRETA (BRZ) (dam of TRECCIA
[G1], champion sprinter in Brazil; UN MILIONE [G3]), Papisano (ARG).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XXII
Hip No.
Foaled March 28, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gone West ........................
Secrettame ........................
Tsunami Slew....................
Slew of Pearls...................
Cassock of Pearls .............
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Seattle Slew
Barbs Compact
Precocious Lass
By GONE WEST (1984). Stakes winner of $682,251, Dwyer S. [G1], etc.
Among the leading sires, sire of 12 crops of racing age, 710 foals, 485
starters, 63 stakes winners, 352 winners of 1068 races and earning $25,432,041 in N.A., including champions Zafonic (Two Thousand Guineas
[G1], etc.), Gone Prospecting, and of Royal Abjar (hwt. twice in Germany,
Mehl-Muelhens-Rennen-German Two Thousand Guineas [G2], etc.), Da
Hoss [G1] (12 wins, $1,931,558), Lassigny [G1] ($1,204,498, in N.A.).
1st dam
SLEW OF PEARLS, by Tsunami Slew. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $411,051, Del Mar
Oaks [G3], Queen Empress S. [L] (PIM, $45,000), Songstress S. [L]
(GG, $31,950), Critical Miss S. (PHA, $23,820), 2nd California Oaks [L]
(GG, $30,000), Marie P. DeBartolo Memorial Oaks [L] (LAD, $25,000),
Natalma S. [L] (WO, $23,920), Montclair State College S. (MED, $7,000),
3rd Miss Grillo S. [G3], Honeymoon H. [G3], Pucker Up S. [G3], San
Clemente H. [L] (DMR, $11,250). Sister to Orbiting Slew, Prairie Pearl.
Dam of 5 other registered foals, 5 of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners-SUPERLATIVE (f. by Olympio). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $224,838, Maker's Mark S.
[L] (HOL, $60,000), Blue Norther S. [L] (SA, $43,400), 2nd Miesque S. [G3].
Royal Win (c. by Royal Academy). Winner at 2, 2001, $34,945.
Wild Market (c. by Valiant Nature). Winner at 4, 2002, $32,810.
2nd dam
Cassock of Pearls, by Czaravich. Placed at 3, 3rd Peach Blossom S. [OR].
Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, including-SLEW OF PEARLS (f. by Tsunami Slew). Stakes winner, above.
Orbiting Slew (f. by Tsunami Slew). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $99,486, 2nd Delicada S. (LAD, $7,000), 3rd Furl Sail H. (FG, $3,641). Producer.
Prairie Pearl (f. by Tsunami Slew). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $70,751, 3rd Heartland H. (RP, $3,053). Producer.
3rd dam
Precocious Lass, by Distinctive. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $34,792, 2nd Office
Queen S. Half-sister to Beldale Gunflint. Dam of 8 winners, including-Dawn o' the Dance. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $147,382, 3rd New Jersey Turf Classic [G3], 4th Rutgers H. [G2].
Lovely Sebeecha. 4 wins to 4, $93,885, 3rd Double Delta S. (AP, $4,818).
Cassock of Pearls. Stakes-placed, above.
Ruffles N Rubles. Winner at 3, $25,020. Dam of KLEOFUS [L] ($118,478),
TEQUILA GOLD ($42,063, Alameda County Futurity-R (PLN, $24,150)).
Prissy Penny. Unraced. Dam of TWO PENNY SLEW [L] (3 wins, $71,482).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent for
Bailey-Ellenberg Select
Foaled May 15, 2000
Northern Dancer ...............
Dixieland Band .................
Mississippi Mud...............
Seattle Slew ......................
Slew Princess ...................
Lillian Russell ...................
Delta Judge
Sand Buggy
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Prince John
Gold Digger
By DIXIELAND BAND (1980). Stakes winner of $441,320, Pennsylvania Derby-G2, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 15 crops of racing age, 911
foals, 664 starters, 86 stakes winners, 519 winners of 1795 races and
earning $42,662,347 in N.A., including champions Drum Taps (Gold Cup
[G1] twice, etc.), Cotton Carnival ($435,222, Martha Washington S. [G3],
etc.), and of Palace Piper (hwt. in Austria), Check the Band (hwt. in Ireland), Dixie Union (7 wins, $1,233,190, Haskell Invitational H. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
SLEW PRINCESS, by Seattle Slew. 2 wins in 3 starts at 4, $31,200. Dam of 7
other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 5 to race, 5 winners, including-IGOTRHYTHM (f. by Dixieland Band). 8 wins in 16 starts, 2 to 4, $415,666,
A Gleam H. [G2], Las Flores H. [G3], Soviet Problem Breeders' Cup
H. [L] (GG, $93,690), 2nd I Love New York First Flight H. [G2], 3rd Las
Cienegas H. [G3]. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, both winners, incl.-Native Rhythm (c. by Woodman). Winner at 2, $46,179, 3rd Bertram F.
Bongard S.-R (BEL, $9,059).
SLEW GIN FIZZ (c. by Relaunch). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $210,994, Sheridan
S. [G3], 2nd Hopeful S. [G1], Saratoga Special S. [G2], 3rd Tremont
Breeders' Cup S. [G3], Riva Ridge S. [G3]. Sire.
Sakura Smash (f. by Sakura Chitose O). Winner at 2, placed at 4, 2001 in
2nd dam
LILLIAN RUSSELL, by Prince John. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $144,567, Cleopatra
H., Mint Julep H., 2nd Rampart H., Busher H., Susan's Girl H., Kentucky
Cardinal H. Half-sister to GOLD STANDARD ($163,542, Cortez H., etc.),
MR. PROSPECTOR ($112,171, Gravesend H., etc., leading sire twice),
Search for Gold (sire). Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including-Kentucky Lill. Winner at 3 in France. Dam of 2 winners, including-LIL'S BOY (c. by Danzig). 5 wins, 2 to 5 in Ireland, Glencairn S., Leopardstown Two Thousand Guineas Trial S., Harp Lager Ruby S., 2nd
Bord Gais Killavullan S. [G3], Pat Doran Construction Solonaway S.,
3rd The Omni Racing Tetrarch S. [G3], Minstrel S. [G3], Bluebird
Platinum S., Doyle Berkeley Court Amethyst S.
Spend Spend Spend. Unraced. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of-Majestic Madge (f. by Simply Majestic). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $88,550, 2nd Nanaimo S. (HST, $7,180), Desert Trial H. (GG, $7,000).
The First Lady (f. by Cure the Blues). Placed at 4 in Venezuela, 3rd Copa Mario Mauriello.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 9, 2000
Quiet American .................
Demure .............................
Smarten ............................
Slide .................................
Safely Home .....................
Mr. Prospector
Dr. Fager
Quiet Charm
Winning Hit
Arc Lamp
By QUIET AMERICAN (1986). Stakes winner of $752,150, in N.A., NYRA Mile
H. [G1], etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 379 foals, 244 starters, 21
stakes winners, 167 winners of 553 races and earning $16,828,918 in
N.A., including champions Real Quiet ($3,271,802, Kentucky Derby [G1],
etc.), Hidden Lake ($947,489, Beldame S. [G1], etc.), and of Warrior
Queen (hwt. in England and Ireland), Cara Rafaela ($884,452, Hollywood
Starlet S. [G1], etc.), Irving's Baby ($711,302, Delaware H. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
SLIDE, by Smarten. Unraced. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age,
3 to race, 3 winners-Take Arms (c. by Honour and Glory). 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $112,862,
3rd Bashford Manor S. [G2], Ellis Park Juvenile S. [L] (ELP, $10,750).
Sallybrooke (f. by Dehere). Winner at 2 and 3, $86,283.
Out (g. by Capote). 3 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 6, 2002, $80,423.
2nd dam
SAFELY HOME, by Winning Hit. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $83,058. Dam of-SAFELY KEPT (f. by Horatius). 24 wins in 31 starts, 2 to 5, $2,194,206,
champion sprinter, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], Test S. [G1], Genuine
Risk S. [G2] three times, Prioress S. [G2], Garden State Park Budweiser
Breeders' Cup H. [G3] three times-once etr, 6 fur. in 1:08 2/5, Meadowlands Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3] twice, Thoroughbred Club of
America S. [G3], Finger Lakes Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (FL,
$123,420), Chicago Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (AP, $93,060), Columbia S. [L] (PIM, $60,000), Playpen S. [L] (PIM, $35,636), etc.
PARTNER'S HERO (c. by Danzig). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $554,731, Kentucky Cup
Sprint S. [G2], Phoenix Breeders' Cup S. [L] (KEE, $100,533), Marfa S.
[L] (TP, $37,200), Rumson S. [L] (MTH, $30,000), Hansel S. (TP, $24,800)-etr, 6 fur. in 1:08 1/5, 2nd Iroquois S. [G3], Jersey Shore Breeders'
Cup S. [G3], Aristides H. [L] (CD, $21,780), 3rd Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S. [G2], Commonwealth Breeders' Cup S. [G2], Tom Fool
H. [G2], DRC Breeders' Cup Sprint H. [L] (DET, $11,000), etc.
Safe At the Plate (f. by Double Zeus). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $114,923, 2nd Marshua S. (LRL, $8,820), etc. Dam of 3 winners, including-Kettle Won (c. by Colonial Affair). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $113,606, 2nd
Fort Lauderdale H. [G3].
Safe Salute. Winner at 4, $9,739. Dam of 3 winners, including-Keep Me Safe (f. by Horatius). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $131,434, 2nd Wild Rose
H. (PRM, $10,000), 3rd Iowa Distaff S. [L] (PRM, $10,000), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Murray Smith
Hip No.
Foaled February 23, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Deputy Minister ................
Social Director..................
Health Farm ......................
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Pleasant Colony
Lean Cuisine
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
SOCIAL DIRECTOR, by Deputy Minister. 4 wins in 7 starts at 3, $105,393,
Jammed Lovely S.-R (WO, $50,715). Dam of 1 other registered foal,
none of racing age.
2nd dam
HEALTH FARM, by Pleasant Colony. 5 wins at 3, $125,550, Tattling H. [L]
(GRD, $31,527). Dam of 2 foals to race, including-SOCIAL DIRECTOR (f. by Deputy Minister). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
LEAN CUISINE, by In Reality. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $70,285, Track Robbery S. [O],
3rd Tudor Queen S.-R. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-HEALTH FARM. Stakes winner, above.
Fit n Fappy. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $65,950, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S.
[G2]. Dam of 1 foal to race-BIENANDANZA. 3 wins at 4, $140,143, Manhattan Beach S. [L] (HOL,
Luv U. Jodi. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $55,272, 3rd W. L. McKnight Invitational H. [G2].
Lean Queen Cobra. Winner at 3 and 4, $40,179, 3rd Lady Mannequin H.
(TDN, $3,500).
4th dam
SUMMER LEGEND, by Raise a Native. 2 wins at 3, $19,445. Half-sister to
DESERT TRIAL ($106,385, Ramona H., etc.), KILTS N KAPERS ($86,051), MEMORY GARDEN, Secret Verdict. Dam of 10 winners, incl.-LEGARTO. 2 wins at 2, $138,040, champion 2-year-old filly in Canada,
Mazarine S. [G3], etc. Producer. Granddam of Dance Delight ($35,570).
NAFEES. 3 wins, $96,196, Rare Perfume S., etc. Dam of CAMILLA BLU
($55,250, in N.A.), SNOWY OWL, PERSISTENCE, Ground Force [G3].
LEAN CUISINE. Stakes winner, above.
Tamaral. 2 wins to 4, $13,200. Dam of DANC'N JAKE [G3] ($245,981), Deputy Slew [G3] ($100,472), Adventurous Di [L] ($63,630, dam of FRANC).
Summer Spectacular. Unraced. Dam of REAL DISPLAY ($127,462).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Coronation F., Cup and Saucer S., NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Canada.
KEE 4/02
Property of Bloodstock Management
Hip No.
Foaled March 22, 2000
Clever Trick.......................
Anet ..................................
Romantic Story .................
What a Pleasure................
Solohi ...............................
Sal's High .........................
Kankakee Miss
Pot of Gold
Bold Ruler
Grey Flight
Toms Sal
By ANET (1994). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 4, $1,189,873, Del Mar Derby
[G2], Lone Star Derby [L] (LS, $140,000)-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:40 4/5, USA
S. [L] (LS, $90,000), Rushaway S. [L] (TP, $37,200)-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:40
3/5, 2nd Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Buick Pegasus H. [G2], Illinois
Derby [G2], Ohio Derby [G2], Texas Mile S. [L] (LS, $45,000). His first
foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Clever Trick, sire of
56 stakes winners, including Tricky Creek [G2] (9 wins, $873,288).
1st dam
SOLOHI, by What a Pleasure. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $57,920. Dam of 8 other registered foals, 8 of racing age, 7 to race, 7 winners, including-Watermelon Crawl (f. by Dynaformer). 2 wins at 3, $36,046, 2nd Senorita
S. (LAD, $6,000).
Tuff It (f. by Tricky Creek). 5 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2001, $94,957.
Lake Chicot (g. by Storm Brewing). 4 wins at 3 and 7, 2001, $52,046.
Tech Two (c. by Technology). Winner at 3 and 5, 2002, $42,960.
2nd dam
SAL'S HIGH, by Poker. 6 wins in 12 starts at 3 and 4, $89,325, San Mateo Express H., 2nd Rancho Bernardo H. Dam of 9 other winners, incl.-Marvy Sal. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $109,450.
3rd dam
TOMS SAL, by Tompion. Unraced. Half-sister to TURN TO SAL (Mademoiselle
S.), Old Bag ($27,313, 3rd Kentucky Jockey Club S., etc.). Dam of -SAL'S HIGH. Stakes winner, above.
MILLION DOLLAR SAL. 3 wins, $34,152, Turquoise Futurity, etc. Dam of-BOLD RECITAL. 8 wins, 2 to 7, $62,049, Madison County S. [O]).
Fioroni. 3 wins, $45,786, 2nd Lost Code Breeders' Cup S. (SPT, $10,430).
GREY DAWN LADY. 3 wins at 2, Youthful Endurance S.
Hit the Grass. 12 wins, $75,304, 2nd Clasico Leandro Clemente Barcene.
Molly Bellah. 4 wins at 3, $22,585. Dam of Mystic Warrior (5 wins, $100,755,
2nd Grassland H., etc.; granddam of VON GROOVEY, $385,410, Great
Falls S. (MED, $24,000), etc.; Dance With Jean, $103,399). Granddam of
DIRTY MIKE (to 6, 2001, $301,722), Pawnee Patti (7 wins, $107,901).
Miss Erma. 4 wins at 3, $22,352. Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, including-Davie Dancer. 5 wins, $37,509, 3rd Claridge Boardwalk S.-R, etc. Sire.
Flower Bin. Unraced. Dam of J. D. Slew [L] (5 wins, $29,869).
Poke Salad. Dam of LADY TASSO [L] (5 wins, $188,290, dam of TOPAN [L],
5 wins, $115,640; Ticketless, $15,071), Falcon Dancer ($19,691, dam of
JOKERMAN, to 4, 2001, $206,380, in N.A., Generous S. [G3], etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled March 27, 2000
A.P. Indy............................
Pulpit ................................
Storm Cat .........................
Song to Remember ...........
Wedding Reception...........
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Mr. Prospector
Storm Bird
Round Table
Prodana Neviesta
By PULPIT (1994). Stakes winner of $728,200, Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], etc.
His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 107 foals, 23 starters, 10
winners of 14 races and earning $607,179 in N.A., including Essence of
Dubai (at 2, 2001, $193,200, Norfolk S. [G2], etc.), Bema (at 2, 2001,
$88,887, 3rd Tropical Park Oaks [L] (CRC, $11,000)), Nokoma (at 2, 2001,
$73,660, 2nd Remsen S. [G2]), Historic Speech (at 3, 2001, $44,840),
Robe (at 2, 2001, $40,800), Clergy (to 3, 2002, $37,200), Viva ($36,165).
1st dam
SONG TO REMEMBER, by Storm Cat. Placed at 2, $12,300. Dam of 1 other
registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
Wedding Reception, by Round Table. Winner at 3, $21,950, 3rd Sorrento S.
Sister to PROD ($99,941), half-sister to NIJANA, ZINGARI. Dam of-LECH (c. by Danzig). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $398,607, in N.A., Gallant Man S. [G3],
Lexington S. [G3], 2nd Saratoga Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3],
Lamplighter H. [G3], 3rd Hill Prince S. [G3], Poker S. [G3]; winner in 1
start at 4 in Italy, Premio Cascine; placed in 1 start at 4 in France, 2nd
Prix du Point du Jour.
CRIMSON GUARD (c. by Danzig). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $282,169, Transylvania
S. [L] (KEE, $42,259), 2nd Saranac S. [G3], 3rd Jersey Derby [G2], Fort
Marcy H. [G3].
SAVINA (f. by Nijinsky II). 2 wins at 2, $100,860, Miss Grillo S. [G3].
Progeny (c. by Nijinsky II). Winner at 2 in France, 2nd Coupe des Trois Ans;
winner at 4, $36,186, in N.A.
Adoramus (f. by Believe It). Winner at 3, $12,300, in N.A.; placed at 3 in
Ireland, 4th Tara Sires Desmond S. [G3]. Producer.
Erandel. 2 wins in 3 starts at 4, $46,340. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, incl.-RUNSPASTUM (c. by Woodman). 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $316,184,
Federico Tesio S. [L] (PIM, $90,000), 2nd Caesar Rodney H. [L] (DEL,
$30,000), Broad Brush S. [L] (MED, $20,000), etc.
Nei Nei. Unraced. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of 2 foals known to race-BEAKRIS (VEN) (f. by Sir Picture). 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Venezuela, Premio Blondy, 2nd Gran Premio Unicria, etc.; 3 wins at 3, $23,135, in N.A.
Samoli (c. by Sir Picture). Placed in Venezuela, 2nd Premio Cria Nacional.
Unita. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of-Kilmarnock (c. by Randy). Placed at 3 in Venezuela, 2nd Premio Catire
Bello, Premio Klick, 3rd Premio de los Sprinters, Premio Iraqui.
Danielisima (f. by York Minster). Placed at 2 in Venezuela, 3rd Premio
Ciudad de Caracas.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent III
Hip No.
Foaled March 31, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Southern Etiquette ............
Gravy Train........................
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Seattle Slew
Sauce Boat
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
SOUTHERN ETIQUETTE, by Slewacide. 10 wins, $259,459, Blue Ribbon
Classic Lassie Futurity [LR] (BRD, $34,104), Heritage Place Oaks-R (RP,
$29,647), Oklahoma Run Derby-R (RP, $25,160), 2nd AKsarben Oaks
[G3], Remington Park Oaks [L] (RP, $11,910), Misty Isle S. (AP, $8,856),
Lady's Secret H. (RP, $6,270), 3rd Oklahoma Classics Day Distaff S.-R
(RP, $5,940), Life's Magic H. (RP, $5,325), Lady's Secret H. (RP, $3,606).
Dam of 5 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-Cowboy Ettiquette (c. by Silver Deputy). 7 wins to 6, 2001, $171,133, 3rd
Lone Star Park Turf Sprint H. [L] (LS, $11,000), Silver Bullet Centennial H.
[L] (RP, $8,250), Remington Park Sprint Championship H. (RP, $3,000).
Redneck Etiquette (c. by Marquetry). Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $39,975.
2nd dam
GRAVY TRAIN, by Sauce Boat. Winner at 4, $8,181. Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race,
all winners-SOUTHERN ETIQUETTE (f. by Slewacide). Stakes winner, above.
WESTERN TRAIN (g. by Western Trick). 3 wins at 2 and 5, $59,585,
Oklahoma Classics Juvenile S.-R (RP, $28,350), 2nd Oklahoma Thoroughbred Association Futurity-R (RP, $12,747).
Talka Lotta Bull. Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $68,940.
Proper Decorum. Winner at 3, $6,105.
Mimi's Delight. Winner at 3, $5,950.
Birch Creek Belle. Winner at 4, $5,013.
3rd dam
Consort, by Prince John. 4 wins to 4, $58,830, 2nd Athenia H. Dam of-Sort It Out. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $57,570.
Conference Call. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $30,826.
4th dam
DANCE, by Native Dancer. Unraced. Sister to SENSE OF RHYTHM (sire),
half-sister to SOUND THINKING ($72,477), In Good Time. Dam of-Consort. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XXIV
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled March 1, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Sovereign Dancer .............
Sovereign Command ........
Chieftan's Command ........
Hip No.
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Northern Dancer
Bold Princess
Turn and Count
United Scholar
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
SOVEREIGN COMMAND, by Sovereign Dancer. Unraced. Sister to BARBARA'S NEMESIS. Dam of 9 other registered foals, 9 of racing age, 7
to race, 7 winners, including-Bermuda Bride (f. by Runaway Groom). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $76,032, 2nd
Southampton S. (PHA, $8,550).
Prime Commander (f. by The Prime Minister). Winner at 2 and 3, placed at
4, 2002, $82,490.
Donna C (f. by Fit to Fight). 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, 2001, $19,876.
2nd dam
CHIEFTAN'S COMMAND, by Turn and Count. 15 wins, 2 to 5, $363,219, Firenze H.-G2, Next Move H.-G3, Rare Treat H.-L twice, Ascot Graduation
S., Lassie S., Cinderella S., 2nd Fall Fashion S., 3rd Next Move H.-G3, British Columbia Oaks, Senorita S., Surrey S., Spring Fashion H. Dam of-BARBARA'S NEMESIS (f. by Sovereign Dancer). 3 wins at 2, $98,163,
Debutante S. [L] (CD, $36,693), Colleen S. (MTH, $27,240), 3rd Clipsetta S. [L] (TP, $8,265). Producer.
Secretly (f. by Secretariat). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $184,949, 2nd Monmouth
Oaks [G2], Edgewood S. [L] (CD, $11,120), Pippin S. [L] (OP, $11,000),
3rd Dogwood S. [L] (CD, $5,550). Producer.
Supreme Order. Winner at 3, $26,704. Dam of 3 foals, 1 to race-Premier Peak (f. by Mt. Livermore). 2 wins at 2, $69,652, 3rd Jeano S.
[L] (GP, $6,012).
3rd dam
UNITED SCHOLAR, by *Scholar Gypsy. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $43,451. Half-sister to
SEMINOLE GIRL, Unilateral, Lori Mac, Unification. Dam of-CHIEFTAN'S COMMAND. Stakes winner, above.
The Berkeley Man. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $175,575, 2nd San Simeon H. [G3].
Fulbright's Miss. Winner at 4, $7,806. Dam of 8 foals, 6 winners, incl.-MISS DISTINCTION. 11 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $122,519, Iowa State Fair S.
(PRM, $24,000), 2nd Al Swihart Memorial H. (FON, $5,600), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent VI
Hip No.
Foaled April 12, 2000
Unbridled's Song..............
Trolley Song......................
Star de Naskra ..................
Staraway ...........................
Iceaway .............................
Gana Facil
Caro (IRE)
Lucky Spell
Candle Star
By UNBRIDLED'S SONG (1993). Stakes winner of $1,311,800, Breeders'
Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 389 foals, 128 starters, 6 stakes winners, 58 winners of 108 races and earning $4,606,952 in
N.A., including Unbridled Elaine (to 3, 2001, $1,770,740, Breeders' Cup
Distaff [G1], etc.), Songandaprayer (to 3, 2001, $380,480, Fountain of
Youth S. [G1], etc.), Unbridled Time (to 3, 2001, $305,114, WHAS-11 S.
[L] (CD, $75,144), etc.), Extend [L] ($258,141), Griffinite [G3] ($229,847).
1st dam
STARAWAY, by Star de Naskra. 20 wins, 3 to 7, $464,935, City of Edmonton
Distaff H. [L] (NP, $31,500), Edmonton Distaff H. [L] (NP, $31,500), Sonoma H. [L] (NP, $31,500), Breeders' Cup Autumn Belle H. (STP, $26,854), M. R. Jenkins Memorial H. (STP, $18,459), Ken Pearson Memorial
H. (STP, $18,333), M. R. Jenkins Memorial H. (STP, $18,050), Rio Terrace
H. (NP, $18,018), Matron H. (ASD, $18,000), Duchess of York H. (STP,
$17,798), Duchess of York H. (STP, $17,766), Rio Terrace H. (NP, $17,420), etc. Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
ICEAWAY, by Icecapade. 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $20,780, Bustles and Bows
S. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-STARAWAY (f. by Star de Naskra). Stakes winner, above.
Forlaway (c. by Broadway Forli). Winner at 3 in Ireland, 2nd Coolmore Hello
Gorgeous S., Shanbally House Stud S., etc.; winner at 5, $26,020, in N.A.
Bojo Ro. 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $51,350. Dam of 2 foals, both winners-FUN IN EXCESS (f. by In Excess (IRE)). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $389,385, Run
for the Roses H. [L] (SA, $54,875), Pro Or Con H.-R (SA, $82,020),
California Cup Matron H.-R (SA, $75,000), 2nd Hawthorne H. [G2],
California Breeders' Championship S.-R (SA, $20,000), 3rd XTRA
Sports 690 AM California Cup Juvenile Fillies S.-R (SA, $12,000),
Fleet Treat S.-R (DMR, $10,200).
Winninginexcess (c. by In Excess (IRE)). Winner at 3, $59,640, 2nd
Zany Tactics S.-R (SA, $21,440).
3rd dam
Gayway, by Sir Gaylord. 2 wins at 3, 3rd Rosenna S. Half-sister to Over There
(5 wins, $37,060), Jeffaway, That Man, Chargeaway, Joust. Dam of-ROBALEA. 5 wins to 3, $123,292, Magnolia S., 2nd Alcibiades S.-G2, etc.
INTRODUCTIVO. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $107,128, Michigan Derby Trial, etc. Sire.
BID AND BELIEVE. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $28,878, Evangeline Mile S., etc.
ICEAWAY. Stakes winner, above.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent III
Hip No.
Foaled March 21, 2000
Unbridled's Song..............
Trolley Song......................
Deputy Minister ................
Starlet Minister .................
Star Game.........................
Gana Facil
Caro (IRE)
Lucky Spell
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Pia Star
La Queenie
By UNBRIDLED'S SONG (1993). Stakes winner of $1,311,800, Breeders'
Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 389 foals, 128 starters, 6 stakes winners, 58 winners of 108 races and earning $4,606,952 in
N.A., including Unbridled Elaine (to 3, 2001, $1,770,740, Breeders' Cup
Distaff [G1], etc.), Songandaprayer (to 3, 2001, $380,480, Fountain of
Youth S. [G1], etc.), Unbridled Time (to 3, 2001, $305,114, WHAS-11 S.
[L] (CD, $75,144), etc.), Extend [L] ($258,141), Griffinite [G3] ($229,847).
1st dam
STARLET MINISTER, by Deputy Minister. 2 wins at 3, $43,468. Dam of 3 other
registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-More Stars (c. by Mt. Livermore). 6 wins, 4 to 6, 2002, $74,855.
Moonlet Minister (f. by Chimes Band). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2002, $28,490.
2nd dam
STAR GAME, by Pia Star. Placed at 4. Half-sister to HYPERBOREAN ($260,720, sire), EMBRUJADA DIEZ, Highland Light (sire). Dam of-BOTH ENDS BURNING (c. by Nalees Man). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England,
3rd Extel H.; 7 wins at 4 and 5, $888,000, in N.A., Oak Tree InvitationalG1, Hollywood Invitational H. [G1], Tanforan H.-G3 twice, [Q]-ncr, 1 1/16
mi. in 1:41 1/5, 2nd Oak Tree Invitational [G1], Century H. [G1], 3rd
Hollywood Turf Cup-G1, Hollywood Invitational H. [G1], Bay Meadows
H.-G2, Eddie Read H. [G2], Premiere H. [L] (HOL, $11,250), etc. Set ncr.
Starlet Game (f. by The Minstrel). Placed at 2 in France, 2nd Criterium
d'Evry; winner at 3, $20,425, in N.A. Dam of True Phenomenon (c. by
Afternoon Deelites, to 3, 2002, 3rd Grand Criterium de Bordeaux).
Cloudy Day Sunny. Winner at 3, $23,446. Dam of 7 winners, including-SIEBE (c. by Dahar). 6 wins to 6, $351,443, Ascot H. [G3], Pirate Cove
S. [L] (SA, $29,425), 2nd Blue Eyed Davy S. [L] (SA, $10,000), etc.
PUZAR (c. by Herat). 9 wins, 2 to 7, $344,368, Golden Doc Ray Starter
H. [LR] (HOL, $36,660).
DHAKA (f. by Icecapade). 8 wins to 4, $186,866, Very Subtle Breeders'
Cup H. (LRL, $31,650), etc. Dam of DEODAR (c. by Woodman, 6
wins, $162,200), Bema [L] (f. by Pulpit, at 2, 2001, $88,887).
Candlestick. 4 wins at 3, $53,030. Dam of Early Echoes (g. by Eastern
Echo, 14 wins to 9, 2002, $319,757, 2nd R. R. M. Carpenter, Jr. Memorial
S. [L] (DEL, $10,000), etc.), Pine for Me [L] (f. by Pine Bluff, 3 wins to 3,
2001, $96,169), Kris' Pine Sticks [L] (f. by Pine Bluff, $60,000).
Stellar Blush. Unraced. Dam of Mrsknowitall (f. by Silver Deputy, 3 wins to
5, 2001, $129,341, 3rd Matron H. [L] (EVD, $5,500), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Bloodstock Management
Hip No.
Foaled April 5, 2000
Seeking the Gold ..............
Lucky North ......................
Star of My Eye ..................
Dangerous Star.................
Mr. Prospector
Con Game
Seattle Slew
Dance Number
Northern Dancer
Lucky Ole Me
Dark Star
*Dangerous Dame
By MUTAKDDIM (1991). Stakes winner in England, Firsteel Group John of
Gaunt S., etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 249 foals, 90 starters, 9 stakes
winners, 56 winners of 108 races and earning $2,288,299 in N.A., including Hattiesburg (to 3, 2001, $421,685, Azalea Breeders' Cup S. [G3],
etc.), Miss Noire (at 2, 2001, $201,711, Fanfreluche S.-R (WO, $88,857),
etc.), Chamul (at 3, 2001, $125,641, Star Shoot S. [L] (WO, $90,300),
etc.), Treasure Coast Gem ($96,524, Blue Hen S. [L] (DEL, $45,000)).
1st dam
STAR OF MY EYE, by Lucky North. 6 wins at 4, $86,975. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners, including-Starofmynight (c. by Numerous). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $14,856.
Williams Star (c. by Williamstown). Winner at 2, 2001, $5,467.
2nd dam
DANGEROUS STAR, by Dark Star. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to HEAVENLY
BODY, HIDDEN TALENT. Dam of 14 foals, 12 winners, including-ALEGRIA DE DEANNA (f. by A Gambler). 11 wins, 2 to 4, $112,551, Gala
Fete H., Marica H., Ann Rutledge S., Soft Touch S., Miss Maryville H.,
Illinois Matchmaker H., Miss Freeburg S., Inaugural S., Sardonyx S.,
2nd Springfield H., Miss St. Louis S., etc. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-Deanna's Special (f. by Storm Bird). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $47,875, 2nd
Moccasin S. [L] (HOL, $12,000). Dam of PATRICK (g. by Risen Star,
$185,725, Pepsi Autumn Classic H. (RP, $21,000), etc.), PIKEPASS
(c. by Forty Niner, $101,763, Diplomat Way H. [L] (FG, $45,000), 2nd
Governor's H. [L] (ELP, $15,000)). Granddam of Stone Cool Cat (c.
by Sultry Song, 3 wins, $98,787, 2nd Full of Drive S. (HAW, $9,155)).
Deanna's Bird. Unraced. Dam of CANNYANNA (f. by Canny Lad, VBBA
Summoned S., The Great Western, 2nd Arrowfield Tristarc S. [G3],
etc.). Granddam of KIM UMA (f. by Umatilla, Queens Plate, etc.),
Load and Lockett (g. by Serheed, 2nd WA Fruit Growers Dayana S.).
PERILOUS STAR (f. by Top Avenger). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $52,049, Laurel
Lane S.-R (LAD, $22,572), 3rd Victoria H.-R (LAD, $4,910), Fantasia S.R (LAD, $4,867). Producer.
Leia's Flight. Winner, $4,449. Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, incl.-TAKE A FLIGHT (g. by Take the Floor). 18 wins, 3 to 8, $298,865, Glass
House H. [L] (SPT, $32,370), Alysheba H. [L] (LAD, $30,000), Regional Race Three of Final Fourteen H. [LR] (LAD, $25,000), 2nd Diplomat
Way H. (FG, $5,335), Louisiana H. (FG, $4,285), Harry Allsman Memorial H.-R (FG, $6,375), Bienville H.-R (FG, $5,560), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled April 2, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Ogygian ............................
Starr County .....................
Ellie Milove.......................
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Dr. Fager
Barbs Dancer
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
STARR COUNTY, by Ogygian. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $15,900. Dam of 5 other
registered foals, 5 of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners-Gygistar (c. by Prospector's Music). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2001, $57,785,
2nd Kentucky Breeders' Cup S. [G3].
County Cat (c. by Tabasco Cat). 4 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2002, $95,825.
Pleasant County (f. by Pleasant Tap). Winner at 3 and 4, 2002, $53,200.
Ghost Starr (f. by Silver Ghost). Winner at 2, $21,271.
2nd dam
Ellie Milove, by Dr. Fager. 2 wins at 2, $34,063, 2nd Arlington-Washington Lassie
S.-G2. Dam of 9 other foals, 6 winners, including-WIND SHEAR (f. by Fappiano). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $120,160, Elie Destruel H.
(SR, $19,900), Duffel Farm H. (BM, $17,100), 2nd Charles H. Russell
H. [L] (BM, $10,000), Cypress West Farm H. (BM, $5,600), 3rd Camilla
Urso H. [L] (GG, $15,000), Orinda H. [L] (GG, $7,500), Haitanga H.
(GG, $4,500). Sent to Japan. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners, incl.-Debra C. (f. by Deputy Minister). 2 wins at 3, $40,739, 3rd Sweet Patootie H. (DET, $2,750).
My Lovely (f. by Graustark). Placed at 3, 2nd Tomboy S. (DET, $5,475).
Dam of 4 winners, including-O'Rey Fantasma (c. by Silver Ghost). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $139,818, 2nd
Hollywood Juvenile Championship S. [G3], 3rd Lazaro Barrera Memorial S. [L] (HOL, $9,132), Harry Henson S. [L] (HOL, $8,442).
Conduit Street (g. by Afleet). 9 wins, 2 to 6, $101,031, 2nd Derby Trial
Breeders' Cup S. (ASD, $8,554).
3rd dam
Barbs Dancer, by Northern Dancer. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $38,080, 2nd Mill Race
H. Half-sister to Gleaming Stone. Dam of 16 foals, 13 winners, including-EILLO. 12 wins in 17 starts at 3 and 4, $657,670, champion sprinter, Breeders’ Cup Sprint-G1, Hialeah Sprint Championship H.-L, etc. Set ntr.
RULER’S DANCER. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $125,80, Pinafore S., etc. Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Virginia.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled March 12, 2000
Quiet American .................
Demure .............................
Pleasant Colony................
Stock Picker......................
Sea Wake ..........................
Mr. Prospector
Dr. Fager
Quiet Charm
His Majesty
Sun Colony
By QUIET AMERICAN (1986). Stakes winner of $752,150, in N.A., NYRA Mile
H. [G1], etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 379 foals, 244 starters, 21
stakes winners, 167 winners of 553 races and earning $16,828,918 in
N.A., including champions Real Quiet ($3,271,802, Kentucky Derby [G1],
etc.), Hidden Lake ($947,489, Beldame S. [G1], etc.), and of Warrior
Queen (hwt. in England and Ireland), Cara Rafaela ($884,452, Hollywood
Starlet S. [G1], etc.), Irving's Baby ($711,302, Delaware H. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
STOCK PICKER, by Pleasant Colony. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
SEA WAKE, by Alydar. Placed at 3, $6,450. Sister to MISS OCEANA. Dam of-BAY EAGLE (c. by Secret Hello). 2 wins at 3, 2001, $179,923, Private
Terms S. [L] (PIM, $34,170), 2nd Virginia Derby [L] (CNL, $40,000), M.
Tyson Gilpin Memorial S.-R (CNL, $8,000), 3rd Coolmore Lexington S.
[G2], Leonard Richards S. [L] (DEL, $22,000), etc.
OCEAN PRINCESS (f. by Rahy). 4 wins in 7 starts at 3 and 4, $72,045,
Holly Beach S.-R (LRL, $26,265).
3rd dam
KITTIWAKE, by *Sea-Bird. 18 wins, 2 to 5, $338,086, Columbiana H.-G2,
Firenze H., Matron H., Margate H. twice, Parlo Turf H., Princeton H., etc.
Half-sister to OILFIELD, BEACONAIRE, All Forgotten. Dam of-MISS OCEANA. 11 wins in 19 starts at 2 and 3, $1,010,385, Acorn S.-G1,
Selima S.-G1, Arlington-Washington Lassie S.-G1, Maskette S.-G1, etc.
KITWOOD. 5 wins, 2 to 5 in France, Prix Jean Prat [G1], Prix Matchem,
etc.; placed at 3, $60,000, in N.A., 3rd Hollywood Derby [G1]. Sire.
LARIDA. 10 wins, $328,319, Orchid H.-G2, Hill Prince S.-G3, etc. Dam of
MAGIC OF LIFE (Coronation S. [G1], etc., dam of ENTHUSED, Peugeot
Lowther S. [G2], etc.; FROM BEYOND), BRAVE TENDER (in Japan).
Granddam of El Ballezano [G2] (to 4, 2001, $137,626), Thaghr (to 4,
2001). Great-granddam of SIBERIAN MEADOW (at 2, 2001 in Japan).
IVORY WINGS. 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix des Tuileries; placed at 3 in Italy,
3rd Premio Lydia Tesio-G1; winner at 4 and 5, $33,750, in N.A., Ruffian H.,
etc. Dam of WILD PLANET (Prix Coronation, etc.), Wings of Wishes
(2nd Prix Panacee, etc., dam of Grigorovich), Salatin (in England).
Rissa. Winner at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Hennessy H.; winner, $21,700, in N.A.
Producer. Granddam of PRINCE OF ANDROS (in England and Ireland,
Tattersalls Gold Cup [G2], Hoover Cumberland Lodge S. [G3], etc.).
Kittihawk Miss. Winner at 3, $10,470. Dam of Air Miss (5 wins, $128,620).
Goldie Hawn. Winner at 3, $49,625. Granddam of WARMING TRENDS.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in New York.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Donna M. Wormser Inc., Agent
Hip No.
Foaled January 24, 2000
Gana Facil.........................
Storm Cat .........................
Stormagain .......................
Encorelle (FR) ...................
Mr. Prospector
*Le Fabuleux
Storm Bird
Arctic Tern
By UNBRIDLED (1987). Champion 3-year-old colt, classic winner of $4,489,475, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 8 crops
of racing age, 457 foals, 255 starters, 27 stakes winners, 155 winners of
427 races and earning $22,037,246 in N.A., including champions Banshee Breeze ($2,784,798, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.),
Anees ($699,200, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Unbridled's
Song [G1] ($1,311,800), Manistique [G1] ($1,311,800), Grindstone [G1].
1st dam
Stormagain, by Storm Cat. Winner at 2 in France, 2nd Prix d'Arenberg [G3],
Prix du Calvados [G3], Prix de la Vallee d'Auge, 3rd Prix Eclipse [G3];
winner at 3, $62,300, in N.A., 2nd Miesque S. [L] (HOL, $22,500), 3rd
Matching H. [L] (SA, $8,250). Dam of 5 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Rumble Tumble (f. by Kris S.). Winner in 2 starts at 3, 2001, $3,000.
2nd dam
ENCORELLE (FR), by Arctic Tern. Unraced. Sister to ESCALINE (FR), halfsister to ESDALE (FR) (in Italy, Premio Cascine [G3], etc.). Dam of-ROYAL ABJAR (c. by Gone West). 6 wins in 9 starts, 3 to 5 in Germany,
hwt. at 3 on German Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., hwt. older horse at 4 on German Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., Mehl-Muelhens-Rennen-German Two Thousand Guineas [G2], 61 Oettingen-Rennen [G3], 2nd Berlin Brandenburg-Trophy der Landsbank Berlin [G2], Ostermann-Pokal [G3]; placed
in 1 start at 3 in France, 3rd Prix du Rond-Point Range Rover [G2].
ENCOREMOI (f. by Assert (IRE)). Winner at 2 and 3 in France, Prix des
Tourelles, 3rd Prix Rose de Mai; placed at 4, 5 and 6, $62,638, in N.A.,
2nd Queen to Conquer S.-R (HOL, $12,000).
Stormagain (f. by Storm Cat). Stakes-placed winner, above.
After the Sun (f. by Storm Bird). Winner at 2 and 3 in France, 2nd Prix des
Reservoirs [G3], 3rd Prix de Bagatelle. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-TOKIO EXCELLENT (g. by Golden Pheasant). 5 wins, 2 to 6 in Japan,
The TV Tokyo Hai Aoba Sho, 3rd The Diamond S.
Sunbeam Dance (c. by Gone West). Winner at 2 in England; winner at 4,
placed at 7, 2001 in United Arab Emirates, 2nd His Highness Sheikh
Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 3.
Encorevous. Winner at 2 in France. Dam of 2 winners, including-CITY FAIR (f. by Carson City). 6 wins, 2 to 4, 2002, $266,517, Correction
H. [L] (AQU, $49,665), 2nd Interborough H. [L] (AQU, $16,385), Holiday Inaugural S. [L] (TP, $10,000), Valdale S. [L] (TP, $10,000), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 27, 2000
Great Above ......................
Holy Bull...........................
Sharon Brown ...................
Storm Bird ........................
Stormy Bend .....................
Gelinotte (VEN).................
Minnesota Mac
Ta Wee
Al Hattab
Agathea's Dawn
Northern Dancer
South Ocean
Never Bend
By HOLY BULL (1991). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $2,481,760, Travers S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 353 foals, 180 starters, 13
stakes winners, 104 winners of 223 races and earning $8,729,290 in N.A.,
including champion Macho Uno (to 3, 2001, $1,332,203, Breeders' Cup
Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Confessional ($827,638, Frizette S. [G1], etc.),
Turnofthecentury ($457,941, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H.
[G2], etc.), Crash Course [G3] ($401,275), Thunder Blitz [G3] ($304,450).
1st dam
STORMY BEND, by Storm Bird. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2
of racing age, 1 to race-Chadera (f. by Affirmed). Placed at 3, 2001, $4,506.
2nd dam
GELINOTTE (VEN), by Never Bend. 14 wins at 2 and 3 in Venezuela, horse
of the year, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, Filly Triple Crown, Premio
Jose Antonio Paez-Venezuelan Two Thousand Guineas-G1, Premio
Ministerio de Agricultura y Cira-Venezuelan St. Leger-G1, Premio Hipodromo La Rinoconada-G1, Premio Prensa Nacional-G1, Premio General
Joaquin Crespo-G1, Premio Ciudad de Caracas-G1, Premio Edgar
Ganteaume-G2, Premio Gustavo J. Sanabria-G2, etc. Dam of-REAL FOREST (c. by In Reality). 6 wins at 2 and 4, $195,851, Hialeah
Sprint Championship H. (HIA, $44,771), City of Miami S. [O], 2nd Gulfstream Sprint Championship H. [L] (GP, $11,403), Needles S. (CRC, $8,960), 3rd Tropical Park Derby [G2], What a Pleasure S. [L], etc.
GELINE (f. by In Reality). 2 wins at 2, $39,965, Poinsettia S. (TAM, $11,190).
Willow Runner. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $65,080. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of-TRAIL CITY (c. by Red Ransom). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $658,794, Arlington
Classic [G2], Robert F. Carey Memorial H. [L] (HAW, $90,000), 2nd
Secretariat S. [G1], American Derby [G2], Keeneland Breeders' Cup
Mile S. [G3], Hawthorne Derby [G3], Maker's Mark Mile S. [G3],
Crown Royal American Turf S. [L] (CD, $23,500), 3rd Jefferson Cup
S. [L] (CD, $8,340).
3rd dam
MARIACHI, by *Princequillo. 2 wins at 2, $5,067. Sister to Principe ($41,345),
half-sister to GROUND CONTROL. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, incl.-GELINOTTE (VEN). Horse of the year, above.
Fall From Grace. Winner at 3, $10,134. Dam of Harpagon (in Venezuela,
3rd Premio Batalla de Carabobo). Granddam of Tinotta (in Venezuela).
Zanza. Winner at 3, $8,690. Granddam of Mister Byron (in Venezuela).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
Hip No.
Foaled April 6, 2000
Vice Regent.......................
Deputy Minister ................
Mint Copy.........................
Cure the Blues ..................
Stormy Blues ....................
Gussie's Appeal ................
Northern Dancer
Victoria Regina
Bunty's Flight
Stop the Music
Quick Cure
Valid Appeal
By DEPUTY MINISTER (1979). Canadian horse of the year, stakes winner of
$696,964, Young America S.-G1, etc. Leading sire twice, sire of 16 crops
of racing age, 873 foals, 579 starters, 69 stakes winners, 6 champions,
413 winners of 1397 races and earning $50,263,633 in N.A., including
Open Mind ($1,844,372, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American
Oaks [G1], etc.), Go for Wand ($1,373,338, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies
[G1], etc.), Dehere [G1] (6 wins, $723,712), Diva’s Debut [L] ($262,983).
1st dam
STORMY BLUES, by Cure the Blues. 4 wins at 2, $441,510, Matron S. [G1],
Sorority S. [G3], Selima S. [G3], 2nd Comely S. [G2], Cicada S. [L] (AQU,
$16,290), 3rd Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], Spinaway S. [G1].
Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Ben the Man (g. by Gulch). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $114,745, 2nd Count Fleet
S. [L] (AQU, $16,335).
2nd dam
GUSSIE'S APPEAL, by Valid Appeal. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $68,195, My Charmer S.
[O], Wayward Lass S., 2nd Flirtation S., 3rd Carteret S. Dam of-STORMY BLUES (f. by Cure the Blues). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
Gussie, by *Gustav. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $50,362, 3rd Orange Blossom H. Dam of-GUSSIE'S APPEAL. Stakes winner, above.
Take My Blues Away. 14 wins, $103,380, 2nd South Sioux H. Dam of-Lighten the Blues. Winner at 2 and 4, 2nd Fort Snelling S. (CBY, $3,000).
Fakin the Blues. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $49,555.
Whippoorwill. Winner at 3 and 4, 3rd Bowl of Flowers S. Dam of-Legend in Lace. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $88,208. Producer.
Foxy's Fancy. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-Corporate Runner. 11 wins, 2 to 6, 2001, $216,412, 3rd Anthony DeSpirito S. (SUF, $2,500), Floyd Duncan Memorial S. (RKM, $2,500).
4th dam
*LOLA MONTES III, by Birikil. 4 wins to 3 in Argentina, Premio Criadores,
Premio Miguel Angel y Tomas Juarez Celman, 2nd Premio Gilberto
Lerena, Premio Colombia, 3rd Premio Comparacion, etc.; winner at 4 in
Brazil, Grande Premio Organizacao Sul-Americana de Fomento ao Puro
Sangre de Corrida. Half-sister to OLIBRIUS. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-ACCLIMATIZATION. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, Grand Prix de Lys, etc.;
placed in 1 start at 3 in England, 3rd King George VI and Queen Elizabeth S.; 8 wins, 4 to 6, $195,251, in N.A., United Nations H.-ecr, etc.
Gussie. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 20, 2000
Skip Trial...........................
Skip Away .........................
Ingot Way..........................
True Colors .......................
Stream Colors...................
Amarande (FR)..................
Looks Promising
Diplomat Way
Hoist the Flag
Rose Bower
By SKIP AWAY (1993). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $9,616,360, Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup [G1] twice, Hollywood Gold
Cup [G1], Woodbine Million S. [G1], Pimlico Special H. [G1], Buick
Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Woodward S. [G1], Gulfstream Park H. [G1],
Donn H. [G1], Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], Philip H. Iselin H. [G2], Suburban H. [G2], Ohio Derby [G2], Massachusetts H. [G3] twice-once in ntr,
2nd Belmont S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
STREAM COLORS, by True Colors. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $228,067, Lochearn H. [L]
(PIM, $45,000), Convenience S. [LR] (CRC, $36,900), 2nd Susquehanna
H. [L] (PHA, $11,530), Union County S. (MED, $8,000), 3rd Miss Florida
H. [L] (CRC, $6,094), Florida Stallion/My Dear Girl S. [LR] (CRC, $24,750).
Dam of 6 other registered foals, 5 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-SKIP A STREAM (g. by Skip Trial). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $222,092, Forty Niner H. [L]
(GG, $51,525), Alamedan H. [L] (PLN, $27,550), Joseph T. Grace H. [L]
(SR, $27,550), 2nd William P. Kyne H. [G3], Alamedan H. (PLN, $8,050).
Aisle B Joe (c. by Beau Genius). Winner at 2 and 4, 2001, $12,057.
2nd dam
Amarande (FR), by Amarko. Winner at 2, 3, and 4 in France, 3rd Prix des
Champs-Elysees. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including-STREAM COLORS (f. by True Colors). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
MARTZA, by Marino. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in France. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-Aigle Blanc. 5 wins, 2 to 5 in France, 2nd Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte-G2.
Amarande (FR). Stakes-placed winner, above.
4th dam
ZITZA, by Djefou. 4 wins at 2 and 4 in France. Half-sister to ROLNITZ (Prix
des Haras Nationaux, etc.), ZENITH II (Prix de Longchamp). Dam of-Rose de Saron. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, 2nd Prix Morny, etc. Dam of-LUTH DE SARON (FR). 4 wins to 3 in France, Prix de Malleret-G2, etc.
Dam of TRAMPOLI [G2] ($581,840, in N.A.), ROI NORMAND [G1]
($348,200, in N.A., leading sire in Brazil), LUTH DANCER [G3].
Ziegfried. 4 wins, 3 to 7 in France, 2nd Prix de Plaisance.
Percussion (FR). Winner at 2 in France. Producer. Granddam of OMEGA
BIRTH [G1] (champion stayer in Brazil).
Lyre de Saron (FR). Placed, 2 to 4 in France. Dam of KEN DE SARON [G3]
($120,000, in N.A., dam ofTheatriken), LYRE DE CASTELLI ($63,820),
Lady de Saron (FR)-G3 (dam of NORTHWEST STORM, $158,963).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent for
Bailey-Ellenberg Select
Foaled March 9, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Awesome Again ................
Primal Force .....................
Our Native.........................
Stylish Star .......................
Northern Style...................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Blushing Groom (FR)
Prime Prospect
Exclusive Native
Our Jackie
Ack Ack
Northern Heiress
By AWESOME AGAIN (1994). Classic winner of 9 races in 12 starts, $4,374,590, Queen's Plate-R (WO, $255,420), Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Stephen Foster H. [G2], Saratoga Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Jim Dandy S. [G2], Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G3], 3rd Travers S. [G1].
Half-brother to champion Macho Uno. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind [G1].
1st dam
STYLISH STAR, by Our Native. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $481,250, Del Mar Oaks [G3],
Dahlia H. [G3], Autumn Days H. [L] (SA, $51,525), Las Cienegas H. [L]
(SA, $47,100), 2nd Gamely H. [G1], Palomar H. [G2], Dahlia H. [G2],
Typecast S. [L] (HOL, $12,000), 3rd Beverly Hills H. [G1], Louis R. Rowan H. [L] (SA, $15,000). Dam of 7 other registered foals, 6 of racing age,
4 to race, 3 winners-STATELY STAR (f. by Deputy Minister). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $146,010, Paseana
S. (OP, $24,000), Falling Leaves S. (HOO, $16,725)-ntr, mi. in 1:34.
Stylish Talent (f. by Forty Niner). Winner at 2, $46,940, 3rd Oak Leaf S. [G1].
Star of Mirador (g. by Gulch). 11 wins, 3 to 8, 2002, $148,600.
Hansel's Star (f. by Hansel). Placed at 3 and 4, 2002, $19,600.
2nd dam
NORTHERN STYLE, by Ack Ack. 3 wins at 3, $109,320, San Clemente S.,
2nd Providencia S., 3rd Linda Vista H.-G3, Turkish Trousers S. Sister to
ACK ACK HEIR. Dam of 13 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, including-STYLISH STAR (f. by Our Native). Stakes winner, above.
Stylish Society (f. by Forty Niner). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $129,700, 2nd Alameda County Fillies and Mares H. (PLN, $7,050), etc. Producer.
Western Style (f. by Gone West). 5 wins at 4 and 5, $116,462, 3rd Los Altos H.-R (BM, $6,000). Producer.
Stylish Lass (f. by Captain Nick (GB)). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $103,615, 3rd Arlington Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. [L] (AP, $17,105). Dam of-Pirate's Gulch (c. by Gulch). 4 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 9, 2001, $216,458, 2nd Big Sky II S.-R (SA, $11,000).
3rd dam
Northern Heiress, by Nearctic. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $80,896, 3rd Tuscarora H. Halfsister to ICE TECH [G3] (7 wins, $270,921), She Can Dance. Dam of-ACK ACK HEIR. 5 wins at 3 and 6, $145,837, Pomona Derby [L] (POM,
$54,400), 4th Affirmed H. [G3]. Sire.
NORTHERN STYLE. Stakes winner, above.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VI
Hip No.
Foaled May 20, 2000
Gulch ................................
Thunder Gulch ..................
Line of Thunder ................
Slew o' Gold .....................
Sunday Fast ......................
Mr. Prospector
Storm Bird
Shoot a Line (GB)
Seattle Slew
Stage Door Johnny
Royal Folly
By THUNDER GULCH (1992). Champion 3-year-old colt, classic winner of
$2,915,086, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc. Leading sire, sire of 4 crops of racing age, 565 foals, 258 starters, 21 stakes winners, 146 winners of 290
races and earning $12,434,174 in N.A., including champion Point Given
(to 3, 2001, $3,968,500, Belmont S. [G1], etc.), and of Spain ($2,995,040,
Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], etc.), Mystic Lady ($910,090, Cotillion H. [G2],
etc.), Tweedside ($357,756, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.).
1st dam
SUNDAY FAST, by Slew o' Gold. Winner at 3 in Japan. Sister to THIRTY SIX
RED. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, no winners, including-Success Pearl (f. by Forty Niner). Placed at 3 in Japan.
2nd dam
HEARTBREAK, by Stage Door Johnny. Winner at 3, $8,930. Sister to PRINCE
VALIANT. Dam of 11 other foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-THIRTY SIX RED (c. by Slew o' Gold). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $1,094,310,
Wood Memorial Invitational S. [G1], Gotham S. [G2], Churchill Downs H.
[L] (CD, $37,635), 2nd Belmont S. [G1], 3rd Breeders' Cup Classic [G1],
Swale S. [G3]. Sire.
CORRAZONA (f. by El Gran Senor). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, Prix des Reservoirs [G3], Prix Vanteaux [G3]; 4 wins at 4 and 5, $383,050, in N.A.,
Beverly Hills H. [G1], Santa Anita Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Run
for the Roses H. [L] (SA, $34,150). Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-SLOW DOWN (f. by Seattle Slew). Winner at 3 in France; 2 wins at 4,
2001, $93,440, in N.A., Hillsborough H. [L] (BM, $28,450), etc.
General Lil. Placed at 2, $4,620. Sent to Brazil. Dam of-She Drives (f. by Houston). 7 wins at 2 and 3 in Brazil, 2nd Premio Armando Rodrigues Carneiro.
Lee's Lost. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $104,000. Dam of LOST JUDGEMENT (f. by
Judge Smells, 10 wins to 5, 2001, $258,719, Glass Slipper S.-R (PHA,
$18,000), 2nd Blue Mountain Futurity-R (PEN, $14,415), etc.).
3rd dam
ROYAL FOLLY, by Tom Fool. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to SELARI. Dam of-MAJESTIC FOLLY. 6 wins in 12 starts at 3, $180,939, Constitution H. [L],
etc. Dam of MORELIA [L] ($241,244). Granddam of Maruhachi Strike.
PRINCE VALIANT. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $158,183, Louisiana Derby-G2, etc.
POLSKI BOY. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in France, Prix du Palais-Royal [G3], etc.
Royal Revels. Winner in 2 starts, $15,180. Dam of TROUNCE ($265,724).
Labwa. Unraced. Dam of BAADERAH (IRE). Granddam of Lam Dash, etc.
Engagements: NATC F.
Foaled in Japan.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tommy C. Short Training Stables, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled May 16, 2000
Langfuhr ...........................
Sweet Briar Too.................
Nijinsky II .........................
Super Jamie......................
Something Super ..............
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Prima Babu Gum
Northern Dancer
Flaming Page
Promised Land
Red Letter Day
By LANGFUHR (1992). Champion sprinter in Canada, stakes winner of
$698,574, Metropolitan H. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of
2002. Sire of 275 foals, 49 starters, 16 winners of 21 races and earning
$680,174 in N.A., including Imperial Gesture (at 2, 2001, $275,540, 2nd
Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.), Second Tuesday (at 2, 2001,
$22,160, 3rd Prairie Meadows Freshman S. [L] (PRM, $5,000)), White
Flame (3 wins to 3, 2002, $53,390), Fuzzy Star (at 2, 2001, $50,650).
1st dam
SUPER JAMIE, by Nijinsky II. Unraced. Dam of 14 other registered foals, 14
of racing age, 12 to race, 8 winners, including-NIJINSKY'S GOLD (g. by Lot o' Gold). 10 wins, 3 to 5, $494,153, in N.A.,
Kelso H. [G3], Oceanport H. [G3], Jaipur S. [G3]-ncr, 7 fur. in 1:20, Isaac
Murphy S. (AP, $27,168), Mister Gus S. (AP, $19,380), Spur H. (LAD,
$18,360), Harry Allsman Memorial H.-R (FG, $19,170), 2nd Louisiana
Champions Day Turf S.-R (FG, $20,000), Colonel E. R. Bradley H. (FG,
$8,700), Texas Open Futurity-R (LAD, $23,260), 3rd Canadian Turf H.
[G2], Sea O Erin H. [G3], Poker S. [G3], Fort Marcy H. [G3], Sport of
Kings Futurity [L] (LAD, $10,901), Royal Palm H. [L] (HIA, $5,500),
Louisiana Champions Day Turf S.-R (FG, $11,000); placed in 1 start at 5
in Hong Kong, 2nd Hong Kong International Bowl [G3].
SUPER FIRM (g. by Affirmed). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $212,609, Louisiana Champions Day Turf S.-R (FG, $60,000), 2nd Harry Allsman Memorial H.-R (FG,
$16,025), 3rd Louisiana Champions Day Classic S.-R (FG, $13,750), Harry
Allsman Memorial H.-R (FG, $6,600), Fort Worth Turf S. (LS, $5,500).
Ally's Buddy (c. by State Dinner). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $60,761.
2nd dam
SOMETHING SUPER, by Promised Land. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $123,470, Distaff H.G3, Poquessing H., 2nd Diana H.-G2, Bed o' Roses H.-G3, 3rd Top
Flight H.-G1, Grey Flight H. Sister to KEEP THE PROMISE ($143,296),
GALA OCCASION, half-sister to GALA PERFORMANCE ($143,855),
RING AROUND, Scarlet Letter. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-Thou Grand. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, including-GRAND THOUGHTS (g. by Private Thoughts). 15 wins, 2 to 8, $188,856, Frontier H.-R (DET, $27,000), Dowling S.-R (DET, $22,500), 2nd
Michigan Breeders' Governor's Cup H.-R (DET, $11,000), Mackinac
H.-R (DET, $7,500), 3rd Wolverine S.-R (DET, $4,400).
Topline Only. Unraced. Dam of FRONT LINE ONLY (f. by Ruthie's
Native, 10 wins, $140,973, Rainbow Miss S.-R (OP, $35,400), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 5, 2000
Pleasant Colony................
Pleasant Tap......................
Never Knock .....................
Cryptoclearance ................
Super Snoopy ...................
Lt. Snoopy ........................
His Majesty
Sun Colony
Stage Door Johnny
Never Hula
Naval Orange
Lt. Stevens
By PLEASANT TAP (1987). Champion older horse, stakes winner of $2,721,169, Jockey Club Gold Cup [G1], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 270
foals, 154 starters, 18 stakes winners, 110 winners of 327 races and earning $10,862,159 in N.A., including Pleasant Breeze ($1,076,440, Meadowlands Cup H. [G2], etc.), Tap to Music ($1,052,526, Gazelle H. [G1],
etc.), Buff ($646,168, Jefferson Cup S. [L] (CD, $175,770), etc.), Lager
[G3] ($546,907), Memory Tap [L] ($306,558), Tap Dance [G2] ($275,416).
1st dam
SUPER SNOOPY, by Cryptoclearance. Placed at 3, $11,824. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
LT. SNOOPY, by Lt. Stevens. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 winners, including-LT. LAO (f. by Laomedonte). 18 wins in 35 starts, 2 to 5, $613,688, Budweiser H. [G3]-etr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:40 4/5, Gardenia H. [G3]-ntr, 1 1/8 mi.
in 1:47 3/5, Fleur de Lis H. [G3], Fairway Fun S. [L] (TP, $38,773), Magic
City S. [L] (BIR, $36,963), Edgewood S. (CD, $26,384), Queen S. (TP,
$24,993), John Battaglia Memorial S. (TP, $22,084), Bowl of Flowers S.
(RD, $21,360), Dahlia S. (ELP, $19,510), Wintergreen S. (TP, $16,851),
Cincinnati Trophy S. (TP, $13,130), Winter Storm S. (TP, $12,480), 2nd
Locust Grove S. [L] (CD, $17,100), Mint Julep H. [L] (CD, $11,420), etc.
Snoopy's Last (f. by Kitwood). 3 wins at 4, $51,130, 3rd Seton Hall S.
(MED, $4,950).
Lt. Michelle. Winner at 3, $22,307. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, including-Lt. Red (g. by Thirty Six Red). 13 wins, 2 to 6, $172,884, 2nd Paoli Peaks
H.-R (HOO, $10,530).
3rd dam
CASCADILLA, by Handsome Boy. Placed at 2. Dam of 7 winners, including-MICHADILLA. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $181,019, Fall Festival Juvenile S.-L, 3rd
San Vicente S. [G3], Triple Bend H. [L] (HOL, $11,250), Determine S. [O].
HELEN'S BEAU. 2 wins at 2, $80,975, First Act S., 2nd De Anza S., 3rd
Hollywood Juvenile Championship S.-G2, San Miguel S.
4th dam
FULL COMPLIMENT, by Royal Coinage. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-Ask Gloria. Winner at 3 in France. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-RIGHT BANK (FR). 6 wins in Italy, champion 3-year-old, Oaks d'ItaliaG1, Premio Regina Elena-Italian One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.;
placed in France, 3rd Prix de la Nonette-G3; placed, $16,675, in N.A.
House Party (FR). Dam of Party Native (8 wins, $60,222).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled April 5, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Pleasant Colony................
Surina Star........................
Timber Ribbon ..................
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
His Majesty
Sun Colony
Cox's Ridge
Syndaar (FR)
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
Surina Star, by Pleasant Colony. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $179,721, 3rd Owners' Day
Dash S. (DEL, $4,884). Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
TIMBER RIBBON, by Cox's Ridge. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $194,287, Pippin S. [L] (OP,
$35,400), 2nd Oaklawn Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Magnolia S.
[L] (OP, $11,860). Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-Surina Star (f. by Pleasant Colony). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Timber Wolf. 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $103,791.
Mayapple. Winner at 3, 2001, $34,905.
3rd dam
SYNDAAR (FR), by Lyphard. Winner at 3, $12,270. Sister to LEAF FALL (FR).
Dam of 4 winners, including-TIMBER RIBBON. Stakes winner, above.
SMURFIUSA. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy, Premio Madonnina, etc. Dam of-USAIDIT. 5 wins at 4 in England, Schroders Glorious H., Winter Hill S.
Lanner. 4 wins in 7 starts at 3 in England; winner at 8 and 9, $29,733, in
N.A., 3rd Viking Spirit H.-R (GG, $4,500).
Catos Ridge. Placed in 2 starts at 2 in Ireland. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-Miss Kristin. 2 wins to 4 in Ireland, 3rd Go and Go E.B.F. Round Tower
S.; placed in England. Dam of HOH DEAR (IRE) (in England, High
Havens Empress S., etc.; $109,485, in N.A., Natalma S. [G3], etc.).
4th dam
SWEET AND LOVELY, by Tanerko. Winner at 2 and 3 in France. Half-sister to
*VALYA (Prix de Pomone, etc.), MOURNOR. Dam of 11 winners, incl.-SABBATHIEN. 3 wins to 5 in France, Prix du Perray, 2nd Prix des Gravilliers.
LEAF FALL (FR). 2 wins in France, Prix de Saint-Cyr. Dam of HOME ALONE.
Savora. Winner at 2 in France, 2nd Prix Yacowlef. Dam of SOLARO.
Super Dan. 7 wins, 2 to 4 in France, 3rd Prix des Reves d'Or.
Sweetly (FR). 3 wins at 3, $15,850. Dam of COMMON GROUNDS [G1]
(champion 2-year-old in France), ANGEL IN MY HEART (FR) [G3], etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent for
Claiborne Farm
Foaled February 27, 2000
In Reality...........................
Known Fact .......................
Tamerett ............................
Seattle Slew ......................
My Dear Girl
Tim Tam
*Mixed Marriage
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
By KNOWN FACT (1977). Champion miler in England, Two Thousand Guineas-G1, etc. Sire of 18 crops of racing age, 759 foals, 568 starters, 46
stakes winners, 409 winners of 1460 races and earning $18,504,605 in
N.A., including champion Warning (GB) (Swettenham Stud Sussex S.
[G1], etc.), and of Markofdistinction (hwt. in Europe, Queen Elizabeth II S.
[G1], etc.), Crab Grass ($543,291, Skipat S. [L] (PIM, $45,000), etc.), Glaring (13 wins, $444,775, Arapahoe Park H. [L] (ARP, $60,000)-ntr, etc.).
1st dam
SWIM, by Seattle Slew. Unraced. Sister to HAIL ATLANTIS. Dam of 1 other
registered foal, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
FLIPPERS, by Coastal. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $247,739, Golden Rod S.-L, Pleasant Hill S., Pocahontas S., 2nd Alcibiades S.-G2, Monmouth Oaks-G2.
Dam of 4 winners, including-HAIL ATLANTIS (f. by Seattle Slew). 3 wins at 3, $176,325, Santa Anita
Oaks [G1]. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners-STORMY ATLANTIC (c. by Storm Cat). 6 wins at 4, $148,126, Damitrius
S. [L] (DEL, $30,000), Havre de Grace S.-R (PIM, $22,785), 3rd Consent S. (DEL, $4,642).
MR. KATOWICE (c. by Katowice). 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $143,410, Dancing Count S. [L] (LRL, $32,040), 2nd Horatius S. [L] (LRL, $10,955),
Zwaanendael S. [L] (DEL, $10,800).
Divine Dixie (f. by Dixieland Band). 2 wins at 3, $62,220, 2nd Jersey
Blues S. [L] (MED, $11,780).
Helstra. Winner at 3, $25,784. Dam of Dr Arbatach (c. by Smart Strike,
6 wins to 3, 2002, $53,515, 2nd Clasico Princesa del Oro).
3rd dam
MOCCASIN, by Nantallah. 11 wins in 21 starts, 2 to 4, $388,075, horse of the
year, champion 2-year-old filly, Gardenia S., etc. Sister to RIDAN ($635,074, champion 2-year-old colt), LT. STEVENS ($240,949), Thong ($50,036), half-sister to GAMBETTA. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including-APALACHEE. Winner in 2 starts at 2 in England, champion 2-year-old, Observer Gold Cup-G1, 3rd Two Thousand Guineas-G1; 3 wins in 3 starts
at 2 and 3 in Ireland, champion 2-year-old, Gladness S. Sire.
BELTED EARL. Winner at 3 in England; 3 wins in 3 starts at 3 and 4 in
Ireland, chamion sprinter, Desmond S.-G3, Greenlands S.-G3. Sire.
FLIPPERS. Stakes winner, above.
Other stakes winners: SCUFF ($110,723, Kilijaro S. ,etc.), INDIAN (Eden
Park H., etc.), NANTEQUOS (Whitehall S.-G3, sire), BRAHMS (sire).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent VI
Hip No.
Foaled April 28, 2000
Spinning World.................
Imperfect Circle ................
Take Heart .........................
Deck Stewardess...............
Northern Dancer
Aviance (IRE)
Bold Ruler
Deck Hand
Champagne Woman
By SPINNING WORLD (1993). Hwt. in Europe, France and Ireland; stakes
winner of $772,000, in N.A., Breeders’ Cup Mile [G1]-ecr, etc. His first
foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 298 foals, 45 starters, 18 winners
of 20 races and earning $136,889 in N.A., including Quad's Melody (at 2,
2001, Prix d'Aumale [G3]), Chan Chan (at 2, 2001, Oppenheim-Rennen),
Tendulkar (at 2, 2001, 3rd Darley Dewhurst S. [G1]), Temple of Artemis
(2nd Killavullan S. [G3]), Spinnette (2nd E.B.F. Montrose Fillies S.).
1st dam
TAKE HEART, by Secretariat. 2 wins at 3, $10,276. Dam of 12 other registered
foals, 11 of racing age, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-SPINNING ROUND (f. by Dixieland Band). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $639,225, Ballerina S. [G1], Alcibiades S. [G2], Forward Gal Breeders' Cup S. [G2],
Vagrancy H. [G3], Valley View S. (KEE, $23,870)-ncr, 2nd Ashland S.
[G1], Bonnie Miss S. [G2], Genuine Risk S. [G2], Chicago Budweiser
Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Honorable Miss S. [L] (SAR, $17,848), Mrs.
Revere S. [L] (CD, $17,295), Sabin H. [L] (GP, $10,000), American
Beauty S. (RD, $6,960), 3rd Beaumont S. [G3], Columbiana H. [L]
(HIA, $5,500), Hialeah Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. (HIA, $8,622),
Coral Gables Breeders’ Cup H. (HIA, $6,328), etc. Dam of-DREAM SUPREME (f. by Seeking the Gold). 9 wins in 16 starts, 2 to 4,
2001, $1,007,680, Ballerina H. [G1], Test S. [G1], Distaff Breeders' Cup
H. [G2], Humana Distaff H. [G2], Princess Rooney H. [G3], Gallant
Bloom H. [G3], 2nd First Flight H. [G2], Vagrancy H. [G3], 3rd Ballerina
H. [G1], Shirley Jones H. [G3]. Etr at Saratoga, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:03 2/5.
Be Loyal (g. by Eternal Prince). 8 wins, 2 to 9, $143,792.
Jack to a King (c. by Dixieland Band). Winner at 3, 2001, $28,210.
2nd dam
DECK STEWARDESS, by Deck Hand. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to
EXCITABLE LADY, RAISE YOUR GLASS, Excitable Miss. Dam of-CHIEF STEWARD (c. by Chieftain). 11 wins, 3 to 7, $345,339, Mutual Savings Life Sprint Championship H. [L] (FG, $71,580), etc. Sire.
DERBY (c. by Mr. Prospector). 22 wins, $202,175, Speed Form H. [O], etc.
GUN STEWARD (c. by Gunflint). 9 wins, 3 to 7, $97,478, Hallandale H., etc.
Ever Wonder (f. by Distinctive). 2 wins at 3, 2nd Genuine Risk Visitation S.,
etc. Dam of WONDER WAJ (f. by Wajima, $87,149, First Lady H.-R
(BEU, $18,000), etc.), EVER IRISH (f. by Irish Escapade, $56,142, dam
of GOLDMART PRINCE, c. by Ten Gold Pots, to 6, 2001, $115,483; Irish
Line, f. by Ten Gold Pots, $52,305), O'Mulrion (g. by Afleet, $157,280).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled January 20, 2000
Seeking the Gold ..............
Cape Town ........................
Seaside Attraction.............
Take Me Home..................
Tipsy Girl ..........................
Mr. Prospector
Con Game
Seattle Slew
Mt. Livermore
Big Dreams
Raise a Cup
Astrology Miss
By CAPE TOWN (1995). Stakes winner of 5 races at 2 and 3, $795,817, Florida Derby [G1], Brown and Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G3],
Holy Bull S. [G3], 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2]. Half-brother to champion Golden Attraction, and to stakes winners Cape Canaveral, Red Carnival. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Seeking
the Gold, among the leading sires, sire of 47 stakes winners, 4 champions, including Dubai Millennium [G1], Heavenly Prize [G1] ($1,825,940).
1st dam
TAKE ME HOME, by Housebuster. Placed at 3, $3,130. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Fresh Tracks (f. by Silver Deputy). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2001, $27,180.
2nd dam
TIPSY GIRL, by Raise a Cup. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $285,817, Majorette H. [L] (LAD,
$60,000), Breeders' Cup Weekend Delight S. (TP, $28,587), 2nd Honey
Bee H. [G3], Heirloom S. (PHA, $7,710), Lewis Morris S. (MED, $6,000),
3rd Shirley Jones H. [G3], Brown and Williamson H. [G3], Richard Stockton S. (MED, $3,300). Dam of 4 other foals to race, all winners, incl.-Easy Action (f. by Crafty Prospector). 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2001,
$149,840, 3rd Hoosier Debutante S. [L] (HOO, $8,740).
Subito (f. by Crafty Prospector). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $52,560,
2nd Fashion S. [L] (BEL, $16,030).
3rd dam
ASTROLOGY MISS, by Cornish Prince. Half-sister to WILD CARD ($149,404,
Illinois H., etc.), CALL CARD ($63,570). Dam of 8 winners, including-TIPSY GIRL. Stakes winner, above.
Front Court. Winner at 4, $8,750. Granddam of Judge Smiles ($131,158).
Remarkably. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-LT. PEARLE. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $170,714, Magnolia S.-L, Martha Washington S.-L, 2nd Dixie Miss S., Las Donitas H., etc. Dam of LT. ROBERTS ($135,217, Kit Carson Breeders’ Cup H. (ALB, $15,960), etc.),
HALF HALO ($79,404, Albuquerque Derby (ALB, $12,870), etc.).
Tidemark. 6 wins, 2 to 4 in England; 2 wins at 7, $67,082, in N.A., 2nd
Tidal H. [G2], 3rd Laurel Turf Cup H. [G3].
Broadway Wonder. Winner at 2 and 3, $44,175, 2nd Olden Times S.
Luv That Native. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3, $39,258, 3rd Comely S. [G2].
Producer. Granddam of SEARCH FOR LUV (9 wins to 5, 2001,
$278,055, Legal Light S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), etc.), THE WORLD
OWES ME (3 wins at 2, 2001, $51,360, Snow White S. (CT, $25,080)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Cashel Stud, Agent II
Hip No.
Foaled March 17, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Desert Wine ......................
Ameridouble .....................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
Anne Campbell
Amerigo's Fancy
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
TAPSTRESS, by Desert Wine. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $152,210, Fleet Treat S.-R
(DMR, $36,300), 2nd Pio Pico S.-R (FPX, $8,500), 3rd Curious Clover H.
[L] (HOL, $7,500), Barretts Debutante S.-R (FPX, $12,300). Dam of 3
other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners-DISCREET HERO (c. by Honour and Glory). 4 wins at 3, 2001, $209,214,
Round Table S. [G3], Alydar S. [L] (AP, $32,250).
Purple Princess (f. by Carson City). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $91,225, 2nd Indian
Summer S. [L] (KEE, $16,125), Pontalba S. [L] (FG, $12,000).
Cajun Two Step (f. by Tabasco Cat). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2001, $83,970.
2nd dam
AMERIDOUBLE, by Nodouble. Unraced. Half-sister to TRILLIONAIRE (Princess Royal S.-G3), SOLAR CURRENT (sire). Dam of 7 winners, incl.-TRIPLE TIPPLE (f. by Raise a Cup). 6 wins at 3 in England, Strensall S.,
3rd Nassau S.-G2, Ladbrokes Nell Gwyn S.-G3; placed in France,
2nd Prix de Psyche-G3; 4 wins, $196,715, in N.A., Wilshire H.-G2,
Palomar H.-G3, Los Cerritos S., 2nd Gamely H.-G1, etc. Dam of-Triode (f. by Sharpen Up (GB)). 2 wins at 3 in England, 2nd Oak Tree
S.; placed at 3 in Italy, 3rd Premio Bagutta-Memorial Sergio Cumani
[G3]; placed in 2 starts at 4, $8,400, in N.A. Producer.
PALE PURPLE (f. by Verbatim). 7 wins at 4 and 5, $269,170, Countess
Fager H.-L, Matriarch S., Las Damas S. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-ZIN (c. by Desert Wine). 5 wins at 4 and 5, $146,386, San Matean H. [L]
(BMF, $27,500), Tiburon H.-R (GG, $31,900).
SHINKO'S LASS (f. by Desert Wine). 3 wins to 3, $142,615, CTBA Marian S. [LR] (FPX, $31,400), Very Subtle Sales S.-R (SA, $19,940), etc.
Pale Leaves. Unraced. Dam of Francie's Fancy (f. by Flying Paster,
$110,864, dam of Avalos [L], f. by Holy Bull, at 2, 2001, $37,020).
Gone Purple. Dam of Color Me Special (f. by River Special, 3 wins to 3,
2001, $138,460, 2nd Floral Fiesta S. (BMF, $8,100), etc.).
TAPSTRESS (f. by Desert Wine). Stakes winner, above.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 23, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Miswaki ............................
Sky Classic.......................
Taste of Heaven.................
All A Lark (IRE) .................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Rose Bower
Nijinsky II
No Class
General Assembly
By MISWAKI (1978). Stakes winner in France, Prix de la Salamandre-G1, etc.;
stakes winner of $111,793, in N.A. Among the leading sires in France and
N.A., sire of 18 crops of racing age, 1050 foals, 793 starters, 82 stakes
winners, 582 winners of 1866 races and earning $31,944,374 in N.A., including champions Black Tie Affair (IRE) ($3,370,694, Breeders' Cup
Classic [G1], etc.), Misil (Premio Parioli-Italian Two Thousand Guineas
[G1], etc.), Miswaki Tern (Premio Ribot [G2], etc.), and of Urban Sea [G1].
1st dam
TASTE OF HEAVEN, by Sky Classic. Placed at 2 and 3, $7,947. Dam of 1 other
registered foal, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
ALL A LARK (IRE), by General Assembly. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ireland. Dam of-BLACK TIE M. D. (f. by Black Tie Affair (IRE)). 3 wins at 3, $69,555, Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research H. (EMD, $19,250)-etr, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:16 3/5.
Pier Damiani (c. by Shareef Dancer). Winner at 3 in England, 3rd Parfetts
Anniversary July Trophy; 3 wins at 5 and 8 in Italy, 2nd Derby Italiano
[G1], Premio Roma Vecchia [G3].
3rd dam
SPARKALARK, by Cornish Prince. 2 wins at 2, $83,782, Sorority S., 2nd
Schuylerville S. Sister to NOSE FOR MONEY, Lizard Point. Dam of-MUSICAL LARK (IRE). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $219,230, Matron S. [G1], 2nd
Spinaway S. [G1], Astarita S. [G2], Schuylerville S. [G3], etc. Dam of
Roman Chorus ($316,426, 3rd Best Turn S. [G3]), Western Sharp.
SPARK OF LIFE. 6 wins at 4, $196,340, Ladies H.-G1, etc. Dam of-FIRE OF LIFE. Winner in England; 3 wins in Italy, St. Leger Italiano [G2],
Premio Roma [G1], 2nd Premio Viminale, 3rd Derby Italiano [G1], etc.
Spark of Love. 5 wins, $125,090, 2nd Roamer H. [L] (AQU, $16,390).
Eternally. Unraced. Dam of Carrielle ($40,640, 3rd Matron S. [G1]).
HARTEBEEST. 3 wins to 3 in France, Prix de la Grotte-G3, Prix La Camargo, 2nd Prix d'Astarte-G3, etc. Dam of SHY BRIDE ($91,900, [Q], dam
of Shy Minstrel [G3], $46,115; granddam of GREEN MINSTREL (FR),
Prix d’Aumale [G3]; Elusive, $181,181, 2nd De La Rose H. [G3], etc.;
Cinderella Story, 6 wins to 4, 2001, $111,620), IMPERIAL FRONTIER.
Never Better (IRE). 4 wins at 3, $54,353, 4th American Derby [G1].
Arts and Sparks. Winner at 3 in Ireland, 3rd BMW Nijinsky S.-G2; winner
at 4 in England.
Spark Of Fire (IRE). Dam of FLASH OF STEEL [G1] (in Ireland, sire). Granddam of FAHRIS (IRE) [G3] ($365,100, in N.A.), Taiki Flash (in Japan).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XXIV
Hip No.
Foaled February 17, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Talc ...................................
Tell Margie........................
Tattle Tale..........................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
Rock Talk
Heat Rash
Li'l Puss
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
TELL MARGIE, by Talc. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $209,884, Mill Race H. (PHA, $23,070), 3rd Phoenix S. (MED, $4,800), Nauvoo S. (MTH, $3,850), Sweet
and Sassy H. (DEL, $3,278). Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing
age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Champagne Tony (c. by Defrere). 3 wins to 4, placed at 5, 2002, $81,640.
2nd dam
TATTLE TALE, by Tell. Dam of 7 foals, all winners, including-TELL MARGIE (f. by Talc). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
Li'l Puss, by Noble Jay. 2 wins at 2, $26,105, 3rd Colleen S., Miss Florida H.
Half-sister to BRAZEN BROTHER ($138,807, Jim Dandy S., Dragoon
S., Select H., Mayflower S., etc.). Dam of 12 foals, 9 winners, incl.-PLENTY O'TOOLE. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $216,765, San Clemente S., Typecast S., Leucadia H., 2nd Los Cerritos S., 3rd Santa Barbara H.-G1,
Suwannee River H.-G3, Silver Belles H., Ruth Lily S. Dam of-DEVIL HIS DUE. 11 wins, 3 to 5, $3,920,405, Pimlico Special H. [G1], Gulfstream Park H. [G1], Wood Memorial Invitational S. [G1], Suburban H.
[G1] twice, Brooklyn H. [G2], Gotham S. [G2], Excelsior H. [G2], Broward
H. [G3], 2nd Woodward S. [G1] twice, Travers S. [G1], Jockey Club Gold
Cup [G1], Oaklawn H. [G1], Pimlico Special H. [G1] twice, Philip H. Iselin
H. [G1], Whitney H. [G1], NYRA Mile H. [G1], Westchester H. [G3], 3rd
Metropolitan H. [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Jim Dandy S. [G2]. Sire.
Believe It Shesdue. Placed at 2 and 3, 3rd Gasparilla S. (TAM, $2,500).
Copious. Winner at 3, $16,070. Dam of GRIFFINITE (to 3, 2001, $229,847,
Lafayette S. [G3], 2nd Coolmore Lexington S. [G2], 3rd Nashua S.
[G3]), Eishin Olean (in Japan, 3rd The Chunichi Sports Sho Yonsai S.).
Kazumina. Placed at 3, $24,120. Dam of O K TO DANCE (4 wins to 3,
2001, $194,845, Palisades S. [L] (KEE, $67,704), Gaily Gaily S. [L]
(GP, $41,430), 2nd Patricia S. [L] (HIA, $15,000), etc.).
Toys Are Fun. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $75,311, 3rd Mademoiselle H. Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent X
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled February 10, 2000
Robin des Bois .................
Gentlemen (ARG)..............
Elegant Glance ..................
Terre des Hommes (IRE) ...
Fruhlingstag (FR)..............
Rare Mint
Loose Cannon
Hidden Glance
Social Lesson
*Orsini II
By GENTLEMEN (ARG) (1992). Champion 3-year-old colt in Argentina, Gran
Premio Nacional-Argentine Derby [G1], Polla de Potrillos-Argentine Two
Thousand Guineas [G1], etc.; stakes winner of 9 races, $3,374,890, in
N.A., Pacific Classic [G1], Hollywood Gold Cup [G1], Pimlico Special H.
[G1], Citation H. [G2], San Antonio H. [G2] twice, Bay Meadows H. [G3],
Native Diver H. [G3]-ntr, 2nd Pacific Classic [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup
[G1], Woodward S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
TERRE DES HOMMES (IRE), by Exbourne. Dam of 1 other registered foal,
none of racing age.
2nd dam
Fruhlingstag (FR), by *Orsini II. Winner at 2 in France, 2nd Poule d'Essai des
Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas-G1, 3rd Prix de Saint Cyr.
Half-sister to OPALUS, CRYSTAL TEAR. Dam of 7 winners, including-RUNNING STAG (c. by Cozzene). Winner at 3 and 4 in England, 2nd Wulfrun S., Westminster Taxi Insurance Predominate S.; winner at 4 in
France, Prix Gontaut-Biron [G3], 2nd Prix du Lion d'Angers, 3rd La
Coupe [G3]; 4 wins at 5 and 6, $1,177,640, in N.A., Massachusetts H.
[G2], Brooklyn H. [G2], Saratoga Breeders' Cup H. [G2], 2nd Massachusetts H. [G2], 3rd Woodward S. [G1]; placed in 1 start at 5 in Hong
Kong, 2nd Hong Kong Cup [G1]; placed at 6 in United Arab Emirates.
BLACKWATER (g. by Irish River (FR)). 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix de
Pontarme, 3rd Prix Jean Prat [G1]; 6 wins at 6 and 7, $58,046, in N.A.
BERGENIA (f. by Irish River (FR)). 2 wins at 3 in France; winner at 4 in Sweden, Skandialopning; placed at 4 in Denmark, 2nd Sceptre S.
Fruhlingshochzeit (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)). Winner at 3 in France, 2nd
Grand Prix de Marseille, Prix Coronation, etc. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-Tiny Decision (f. by Ogygian). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $58,785, 3rd Walmac
International Lone Star Oaks S. [L] (LS, $16,500).
Blushing Ogygian (f. by Ogygian). 2 wins at 2, $48,300, 3rd Jersey
Jumper S. (MED, $4,800).
Fraulein Tobin. Winner at 3 in England. Dam of 11 foals, 8 winners, incl.-FABRIANO (c. by Shardari). 7 wins, 3 to 8 in Germany, Concord Uhren
Preis, Robert Pferdmenges-Rennen, etc.; placed at 5 and 6 in Sweden, 2nd IBM Stockholms Stora Pris, 3rd IMB Stockholms Stora Pris.
GERMANE (f. by Distant Relative). Winner at 2 in England, Tattersalls
Rockfel S. [G3], 2nd Oh So Sharp S., etc. Dam of Granted (f. by Cadeaux Genereux, 2nd Koelner Stuten Meile, 3rd Prix Solitude, etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 12, 2000
Seeking the Gold ..............
Cape Town ........................
Seaside Attraction.............
Three Secrets....................
Three Troikas (FR) ............
Mr. Prospector
Con Game
Seattle Slew
Bold Ruler
Three Roses (GB)
By CAPE TOWN (1995). Stakes winner of 5 races at 2 and 3, $795,817, Florida Derby [G1], Brown and Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G3],
Holy Bull S. [G3], 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2]. Half-brother to champion Golden Attraction, and to stakes winners Cape Canaveral, Red Carnival. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Seeking
the Gold, among the leading sires, sire of 47 stakes winners, 4 champions, including Dubai Millennium [G1], Heavenly Prize [G1] ($1,825,940).
1st dam
THREE SECRETS, by Secretariat. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 7 of racing
age, 7 to race, 3 winners, including-Sweetest Secret (f. by Woodman). 2 wins at 4, 2001, $54,530.
Twin Halo (c. by Halo). Winner at 4 and 5, $54,330.
Lorraine’s Secret (c. by Carson City). Placed at 4, 2002, $3,045.
Grinstone Pride (f. by Grindstone). Placed at 2, 2001.
2nd dam
THREE TROIKAS (FR), by Lyphard. 7 wins, 2 to 4 in France, horse of the year,
champion 3-year-old, champion older mare, Prix de l'Arc de TriompheG1, Poule d'Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas-G1,
Prix Vermeille-G1, Prix Saint-Alary-G1, Prix d’Harcourt-G2, Prix Vanteaux-G3, 2nd Prix de Diane de Revlon-French Oaks-G1, Prix GanayG1, Prix du Prince d’Orange-G3, 3rd Prix Dollar-G2. Dam of-THREE ANGELS (f. by Halo). Winner at 2 in France, Prix des Reservoirs
[G3], 2nd Prix Saint-Alary [G1], Prix de Conde [G3].
Oregon (c. by Halo). Winner at 2 and 3, $60,529, 2nd Nashua S. [G3]. Sire.
Three Terns. Winner in 2 starts at 3 in France. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-THAMES (c. by Fabulous Dancer). 9 wins, 3 to 9 in France, Prix de
Boulogne, 3rd Prix Noailles [G2], Prix Exbury [G3], Prix Lovelace.
Primitive Troikas. Sent to Australia. Dam of 3 winners, including-Calibre (g. by Lashkari). 2 wins at 4 in Singapore, 3rd Singapore Derby;
winner at 4 in Malaysia.
3rd dam
THREE ROSES (GB), by Dual. 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, Park S., 2nd Patriotic
Nursery H.; placed at 3 in France. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners-THREE TROIKAS (FR). Horse of the year, above.
Taifun. Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix des Epinettes, 3rd Prix du Lac.
4th dam
ALWAYS LOYAL, by King's Troop. Placed at 3 in Ireland. Dam of-THREE ROSES (GB). Stakes winner, above.
Northern Troika. Unraced. Dam of NORTHERN STAR (in India), Alternative.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled April 2, 2000
Honor Grades ...................
Weekend Surprise.............
Thunderlake ......................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Lassie Dear
Hold Your Peace
Suspicious Native
By HONOR GRADES (1988). Stakes-placed winner of $173,953, 2nd Derby
Trial S. [G3], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 499 foals, 291 starters, 16
stakes winners, 199 winners of 633 races and earning $11,073,002 in
N.A., including champion Dutchess of Honor, and of Honor Glide ($1,396,727, Secretariat S. [G1], etc.), Whata Brainstorm (to 4, 2001, $589,950, Pan American H. [G2], etc.), His Honor ($335,412, Florida Stallion/In
Reality S.-R (CRC, $216,000), etc.), Epic Honor [G3] (3 wins, $303,785).
1st dam
THUNDERLAKE, by Meadowlake. Winner at 2 and 4, $34,380. Dam of 2 other
registered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Making My Move (c. by Robin des Pins). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $55,405.
Tough Customer (c. by Honor Grades). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2001, $5,250.
2nd dam
DARBYVAIL, by Roberto. Winner at 2 and 3, $38,700. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-TURKISH TRYST (f. by Turkoman). 4 wins at 3 and 5, $84,362, April Run
S. (PIM, $20,520), 3rd Vinery Matchmaker S. [G2]. Dam of-Wild Current. 3 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2002, $140,562.
Darby Lake. Winner at 3, $33,997. Dam of 3 foals, 1 to race-Meiner Ehre (c. by Honour and Glory). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001 in Japan,
3rd The Hyogo Championship.
3rd dam
LUIANA, by *My Babu. Unraced. Half-sister to CHATEAUGAY (champion 3year-old colt, sire), PRIMONETTA (champion older mare). Dam of-LITTLE CURRENT. 4 wins, $354,704, champion 3-year-old colt, Belmont
S.-G1, Preakness S.-G1, Everglades S.-G2, 2nd Travers S.-G1, etc. Sire.
PRAYERS'N PROMISES. 4 wins to 3, $188,924, Matron S.-G1, Spinaway S.G1, 2nd Tempted S.-G3, 3rd Frizette S.-G1. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-ANJIZ. 3 wins in England, Bonusprint Champion Trophy; 4 wins, $264,820, in N.A., Phoenix Breeders' Cup S. [L] (KEE, $50,251)-ntr, etc. Sire.
NABEEL DANCER. Winner at 4 in England, 2nd Cork and Orrery S.
[G3], etc.; placed at 4 in Ireland, 3rd Keeneland E.B.F. Phoenix Sprint
S. [G3]; winner at 5 in France, Prix du Gros Chene [G2], etc. Sire.
Palm Dove. Dam of BUFFALO BERRY (IRE) [G3] ($84,120, in N.A.).
WATER DANCE. Winner at 3 in England; 5 wins at 3 and 4, $112,826, in
N.A., Twilight Tear H., etc. Dam of Sutter's Prospect [G3] ($73,956),
Veritas ($34,773). Granddam of Magic Storm [G1] (at 2, 2001, $63,100).
Fair Renown. Placed at 3, $3,060. Granddam of CUTTING BLADE [G3].
Luv Luiana. Unraced. Dam of ALMAZYOON (Emancipation S. [G3], etc.).
Winding Stream. Producer. Granddam of Marcy Road (4 wins, $77,235).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert Harris, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled April 27, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Defrere ..............................
Sister Dot..........................
Timeless Moment .............
Timeless Twist ..................
Quajenn ............................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Sword Game
Hour of Parting
Clever Trick
Twist Her
By DEFRERE (1992). Stakes-placed winner of $65,300, 3rd Bahamas S. [L]
(HIA, $5,500). Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 195 foals, 64 starters, 36 winners of 86 races and earning $1,722,667 in N.A., including Sister Fiona (3
wins, $142,997, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), President Butler (3 wins to 3, 2002,
$76,040, Dancing Count S. (LRL, $24,000), etc.), Energized ($72,845,
Smoke Glacken S. (MTH, $27,000)), Tabac (at 2, 2001, $25,670, Hialeah
Juvenile S. [L] (HIA, $16,440)), stakes-placed Tricky Di [L] ($69,003), etc.
1st dam
TIMELESS TWIST, by Timeless Moment. Winner at 3, $7,652. Dam of 1 other
registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
QUAJENN, by Clever Trick. 2 wins at 3, $10,254. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-KENTUCKY DUCHESS (f. by El Gran Senor). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Brazil,
Grande Premio Duque de Caxias [G2], 2nd Grande Premio Henrique
Possolo [G1].
Azurite Kid. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $53,646.
3rd dam
TWIST HER, by Nativo. 3 wins in 4 starts at 2, $161,465, Riley Allison Futurity.
Dam of 9 other foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-TWIST AFLEET. 13 wins in 18 starts, 2 to 5, $659,240, Test S. [G1], Top
Flight H. [G1], I Love New York First Flight H. [G2], First Flight H. [G2],
Vagrancy H. [G3], Columbia S. [G3], Honorable Miss S. [G3], Floral
Park H. [L] (BEL, $32,490), 3rd Ballerina H. [G1], Honorable Miss S.
[L] (SAR, $8,837). Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-A NEW TWIST. 2 wins in 4 starts to 3, 2002, $109,355, Old Hat S. [L]
(GP, $60,000), 2nd Valley Stream S. [G3].
PLUM TWIST. 7 wins, 5 to 7, $136,749, Best of the West H. (RP, $24,900), Norman H. (RP, $19,728), 2nd Centennial H. [L] (RP, $16,365), Centennial H.
[L] (RP, $11,940), Seminole H. (RP, $6,480), 3rd Seminole H. (RP, $3,223).
Houston Moon. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $71,730.
Ben Bolt. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $56,613.
4th dam
Sub Home, by *Noholme II. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $27,290, 3rd My Dear S. Halfsister to SUBPET ($207,499), Beau Sub. Dam of 3 winners, including-TWIST HER. Stakes winner, above.
Her Cane. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-Texas Typhoon. Placed at 2 and 4, $17,550, in N.A., 3rd Hoist the Flag
S. [G3]; winner at 7 in France.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent IV
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled May 7, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Sovereign Dancer .............
Altivante (ARG) .................
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Northern Dancer
Bold Princess
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
TITLEBOUND, by Sovereign Dancer. 3 wins at 4, $18,765. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Storybound (f. by Defrere). Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $63,575.
2nd dam
ALTIVANTE (ARG), by *Practicante. 6 wins, 2 to 4 in Argentina, Premio Sibila-G2,
Premio A.C.A., Premio Ante Diem, 2nd Premio Mil Guineas-G2, 3rd Gran
Premio Saturnino J. Unzue-G1, Premio Carlos P. Rodriguez-G2, Premio
Ricardo y Ezequiel Fernandez Guerrico-G3, Premio Condesa. Dam of-Gay Vixen. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $65,335. Producer.
Nuvant. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of 6 known foals, 5 winners, including-YERBAMORA (f. by Tilt the Stars). 5 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2001
in Venezuela, Premio Eduardo Larrazabal Eduardo, 2nd Premio Fuerza Aerea Venezolana, Premio Instituto Nacional de Hipodromos, Premio Gelinotte, Premio Trinycarol, Premio Stillwater, Premio Segula C.,
3rd Premio La Fusta, Premio Fetrahipica.
3rd dam
ALTAICA, by Resuello. 2 wins at 3 in Argentina. Complete race records not
available. Dam of 3 foals known to race, 2 winners-ALTIVANTE (ARG). Stakes winner, above.
Always Toss. 2 wins at 3 in Argentina, 4th Gran Premio Internacional de
las Americas-OSAF [G1].
4th dam
ALENTADA, by Richer. In Argentina. Unraced. Sister to ANADINO (Premio
Buenos Aires, etc.). Complete race records not available. Dam of-Alentosa. 5 wins at 3 and 5 in Argentina, 2nd Premio Carlos Gardel.
Aledana. Winner at 3 in Argentina. Dam of 3 known winners, including-DAINTINESS. 2 wins in Brazil, Premio Presidente Antonio T. de Assumpcao
Netto. Dam of Lark Luciana (2nd Grande Premio Jose Guathemozin
Nogueira [G1], dam of SOBERBO, champion 2-year-old colt in Brazil,
Grande Premio Joao Adhemar de Almeida Prado-Taca de Prata [G1], etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Asmussen Horse Center, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 6, 2000
Roberto .............................
Kris S................................
Sharp Queen .....................
Foolish Pleasure ...............
Too Cool to Fool...............
Our Tina Marie..................
Hail to Reason
What a Pleasure
Nijinsky II
Java Moon
By KRIS S. (1977). Stakes winner of $53,350, Bradbury S. Among the leading sires, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 784 foals, 613 starters, 60 stakes
winners, 456 winners of 1589 races and earning $39,855,904 in N.A., including champions Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf
[G1], etc.), and of Prized ($2,262,555, Breeders’ Cup Turf [G1], etc.),
Kissin Kris [G1] ($1,616,936), Brocco [G1] ($1,003,550), You and I [G1].
1st dam
TOO COOL TO FOOL, by Foolish Pleasure. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $183,502, Pago
Hop Breeders' Cup S. (FG, $31,695), 2nd Truly Bound S. (FG, $7,575),
3rd Office Wife S. (AP, $4,680). Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
OUR TINA MARIE, by Nijinsky II. Unraced. Sister to Loose Cannon, Thundering Force. Dam of 7 winners, including-TOO COOL TO FOOL (f. by Foolish Pleasure). Stakes winner, above.
MERIT WINGS (f. by Silver Hawk). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $163,809, Sands
Point H. [L] (BEL, $51,885), Suffolk County S. [L] (BEL, $33,330), 2nd
Palisades S. [L] (KEE, $14,664).
MISTY HOUR (f. by Miswaki). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $157,844, Glorious Song
S.-R (WO, $40,284), 2nd Fantasy S. [G2].
Roberto's Hope (f. by Roberto). 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $67,824, 3rd Long
Island H. [G2]. Producer.
Leigh Ali. Winner at 3, $30,970. Sent to Argentina. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-Potricielo (f. by Potrillazo). 3 wins at 4, placed at 5, 2001 in Argentina,
2nd Jockey Club de Rosario.
3rd dam
JAVA MOON, by Graustark. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $113,599, Comely S.-G3, 3rd
Interborough H.-G3. Sister to SYLVAN PLACE ($116,665), Autumn
Glory ($149,604), Outward Sunshine ($101,242), Kelley's Day, halfsister to GLEAMING LIGHT ($205,036), Meadow Stream. Dam of-Rio Rita. 4 wins to 3, $75,743, 3rd Miss Woodford S. Dam of BALARAT [L].
Loose Cannon. Winner at 2 and 3, $47,148, 2nd Nashua S.-G3. Sire.
Thundering Force. Winner at 2, $41,435, 3rd Breeders' Futurity [G2]. Sire.
All My Memories. Winner at 3, $23,860. Dam of MEMORIES OF SILVER
[G1] ($1,448,715), MEMORIES OF GOLD ($114,589), MEMORIES [G2]
($92,540, dam of RUSSIAN REVIVAL [G3]), Childhood Memories.
Lover’s Moon. Winner at 2, $13,380. Dam of NASKRA’S RETURN [G3], etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled February 26, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Carson City.......................
Blushing Promise .............
Vice Regent.......................
Lady Susan .......................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Blushing Groom (FR)
Summertime Promise
Northern Dancer
Victoria Regina
Lady Rosse
By CARSON CITY (1987). Stakes winner of $306,240, Sapling S. [G2], etc.
Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 651 foals, 426 starters, 51 stakes winners,
341 winners of 1179 races and earning $27,939,843 in N.A., including
champion Islam (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of City Zip (to 3, 2001,
$818,225, Hopeful S. [G1], etc.), Good and Tough ($809,341, Commonwealth Breeders' Cup S. [G2], etc.), Lord Carson ($654,742, Boojum H.
[G2], etc.), Ormsby ($611,593, Excelsior Breeders' Cup H. [G2], etc.).
1st dam
Tremolos, by Vice Regent. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $144,362, 3rd Rare Perfume S.
[G2], Fairway Fun S. [L] (TP, $5,350). Dam of 6 other registered foals, 6
of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-SUMIJA (f. by Rahy). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $96,390, Safely Kept S. (MTH, $24,000),
3rd Blue Sparkler S. (MTH, $4,400), Klassy Briefcase S. (MTH, $4,400).
Above the Harbor (f. by Petionville). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $112,940, 3rd
Roamin Rachel S. (PHA, $5,500).
Dauphin (c. by Roy). Winner at 4, 2001, $19,200.
2nd dam
LADY SUSAN, by Graustark. Placed at 3, $4,500. Dam of 1 foal-Tremolos (f. by Vice Regent). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
LADY ROSSE, by Hail to Reason. Winner at 3, $4,836. Dam of 1 other foal-Prince Maj. 6 wins, 3 to 5 in England.
4th dam
LOBELIA, by Bold Ruler. 3 wins at 3, $13,920. Dam of 8 winners, including-PRINCE DANTAN. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $260,718, Santa Anita H.-G1, San Antonio
S.-G1, 2nd Excelsior H.-G2, 3rd Charles H. Strub S.-G1, Vosburgh H.-G2.
STAGE DOOR BETTY. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $132,066, Pageant H.-G3, Poinsettia H., Promise S., Vizcaya S., 2nd Acorn S.-G1, Jasmine S.-G3, Yo
Tambien H., Cypress H., 3rd Gazelle H.-G2, Test S.-G2. Producer.
Granddam of LEAVE'M INTHEDARK (6 wins, $182,263, Alydar S. (AP,
$25,170), 2nd Carry Back S. [L] (CRC, $20,000), Emerald Dunes H. [L]
(CRC, $20,000), 3rd Round Table S. [G3], Sea O Erin H. [G3], Spend a
Buck Breeders' Cup H. [L] (CRC, $8,973)), VAGUELY DOUBLE (7 wins,
$122,925, Christmas Day H. [G3], Hurricanes H. (CRC, $33,110)), Awol
Honey (8 wins to 5, 2001, $167,157, 3rd Pete Axthelm H. [L] (CRC, $11,000)), Realski (8 wins, $141,141, 3rd Linear H. (CRC, $3,047)).
Laurie Elaine. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-Mayor Frank D. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $94,645.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent V
Hip No.
Foaled May 4, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
*Shellshock ......................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Priddy Maid
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
Tremulous, by Gregorian. 2 wins at 3 in England, 3rd Park Hill S. [G2], Princess Royal S. [G3]; 2 wins in 4 starts at 4, $69,426, in N.A., 2nd Sheepshead Bay H. [G2]. Dam of 11 other registered foals, 10 of racing age, 8
to race, 6 winners, including-RINKA DAS (c. by Nureyev). 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, Cartier Million, 2nd
Leopardstown Two Thousand Guineas Trial; 4 wins, 3 to 5, $186,986, in
N.A., 2nd Cliff Hanger H. [G3], Tropical Turf H. [G3], Christmas Day H.
[G3], 3rd Red Bank H. [G3]. Set ncr at Keeneland, mi. in 1:34. Sire.
Shake Salt (c. by Salt Lake). 4 wins in 8 starts at 3 and 4, 2002, $101,685.
Doctor Ivan (c. by Marquetry). Winner at 4, 2001, $17,891.
2nd dam
*Shellshock, by Salvo. Winner at 2 and 3 in England, 2nd Ormonde S.-G3,
3rd One Thousand Guineas-G1, Westbury S.-G3; placed at 5 in N.A.
Half-sister to DIBIDALE (champion 3-year-old filly in England), CRACAVAL (IRE) (Chester Vase-G3, etc.). Dam of 9 winners, including-MISSIONARY RIDGE (GB) (c. by Caerleon). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England,
Abtrust Select S. [G3], 3rd Vodafone Horris Hill S. [G3], Dalham Chester
Vase [G3]; winner at 3 in Ireland, Windfields Farm E.B.F. Gallinule S.
[G2]; 4 wins at 4 and 5, $1,712,925, in N.A., Carleton F. Burke H. [G2],
Pacific Classic S. [L] (DMR, $550,000), San Jacinto H.-R (SA, $65,400),
San Jacinto H.-R (SA, $60,900), 2nd Pacific Classic S. [G1], Oak Tree
Invitational S. [G1], Californian S. [G1], Golden Gate H. [G2], etc. Sire.
SEISMIC WAVE (c. by Youth). Winner at 2 and 4 in England, Ormonde S.
[G3], 2nd Hardwicke S. [G2], etc.; placed at 4 in France, 2nd Grand Prix
de Saint-Cloud [G1]; placed at 5 in Italy, 2nd Gran Premio di Milano [G1].
Tremulous (f. by Gregorian). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Pearl Bay. Placed to 3 in England. Producer. Granddam of MAGUIRE (g.
by Casual Lies, to 5, 2001, Westbury Stud Auckland Cup [G1], etc.).
Flight of Fantasy. Unplaced in 2 starts in England. Dam of Ideal Virtue (g.
by Rory's Jester). Granddam of SUNDAY GOLD [G3] (g. by Scenic).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent II
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled February 23, 2000
Phone Trick.......................
Favorite Trick ....................
Evil Elaine .........................
Far North ..........................
Truth Above All .................
Traffic Note........................
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Medieval Man
Distinctive Elaine
Northern Dancer
Traffic Judge
Make Note
By FAVORITE TRICK (1995). Horse of the year, stakes winner of 12 races in
16 starts to 3, $1,726,793, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], Hopeful S. [G1],
Lane's End Breeders' Futurity [G2], Jim Dandy S. [G2], Keeneland Breeders' Cup Mile S. [G2], Saratoga Special S. [G2], Swale S. [G3], Bashford
Manor S. [G3], Kentucky Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CD, $68,882), Long
Branch Breeders' Cup S. [L] (MTH, $60,000), WHAS-11 S. [L] (CD, $76,116), 3rd Arkansas Derby [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
TRUTH ABOVE ALL, by Far North. Winner at 2, $6,355. Dam of 8 other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-TRACES OF GOLD (f. by Strike Gold). 12 wins, 2 to 6, $664,672, Brown
Bess H. [G3] three times, California Jockey Club H. [G3], Sonoma H.
(GG, $24,290), Lady Morvich H. (BMF, $23,150), San Luis Rey Downs
H. (BM, $19,530), Purcell S. (RP, $16,905), Calamity Jane S.-R (HOU,
$20,310), Ma Ferguson H.-R (TRM, $16,200), 2nd Buena Vista H. [G2],
Palomar H. [G3], Wilshire H. [G3], Alcatraz H. [L] (GG, $20,000), Run for
the Roses H. [L] (SA, $15,000), How Now H.-R (DMR, $14,000), etc.
Lots of Truth (c. by Numerous). Winner at 3, 2001, $32,460.
2nd dam
TRAFFIC NOTE, by Traffic Judge. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $17,095. Half-sister to REAL
NOTE, Run the Keys. Dam of 13 foals, 12 to race, 11 winners, incl.-QUAD'S DOUBLE (c. by Quadrangle). 17 wins, 2 to 5, $185,083, Memorial
Day H., Bostonian H., 2nd William Almy, Jr. H., 3rd Cape Cod H.
MOUSAM RIVER (f. by Cohoes). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $41,597, Young Ladies
H. Dam of SHANANIE (c. by In Reality, $175,955, Engine One S. [L],
etc.), REALLY SMILING (f. by In Reality, $24,940, Lucy S.). Granddam
of PENN FIFTY THREE [L] (g. by His Majesty, $370,206), DUCK TRAP
[L] (f. by Affirmed, $300,011), POORBOYCOMMITTEE (g. by Quadratic, $87,320), Dancer's Gate (f. by Gate Dancer, $238,234, 3rd Ladies
H. [G2]), Just Le Facts [L] (c. by Lac Ouimet, at 2, 2001, $80,530).
Tea for Thee (f. by Taylor's Falls). Winner at 2 and 3, $21,820, 2nd Priscilla
S. (SUF, $5,310), 3rd Faneuil Miss S. (RKM, $2,160). Dam of DANCE
FOR THEE (f. by Sword Dance (IRE), $614,704, Rampart H. [G2], etc.).
Golden Citation. Winner at 2 and 3, $8,637. Dam of CITATION ROAD [LR]
(c. by Darby Creek Road, $95,038), That'll Be Fun (f. by Buckfinder,
$29,515; granddam of Shoe Crazy [L], f. by Frankly Perfect, $266,022).
Coco Is Good. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $47,949. Dam of Keight B (f. by Kyle's
Our Man, 3 wins to 4, 2002, $40,010, 3rd Concord S. (RKM, $2,500)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by William B. Harrigan, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 30, 2000
Seattle Slew ......................
A.P. Indy............................
Weekend Surprise.............
Two Altazano.....................
Purita U. ...........................
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Lassie Dear
Nijinsky II
Mardi Gras Maid
By A.P. INDY (1989). Horse of the year, classic winner of $2,979,815, Belmont
S. [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 7 crops of racing age, 460
foals, 249 starters, 32 stakes winners, 169 winners of 457 races and earning $25,353,309 in N.A., including Golden Missile ($2,194,510, Pimlico
Special H. [G1], etc.), Aptitude ($1,845,410, in N.A., Jockey Club Gold
Cup [G1], etc.), Lu Ravi ($1,819,781, Molly Pitcher Breeders' Cup H.
[G2], etc.), Tomisue's Delight ($1,207,537, Personal Ensign H. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
TWO ALTAZANO, by Manzotti. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $709,725, Coaching Club
American Oaks [G1], Fantasy S. [G2], Monmouth Oaks [G2], Fair
Grounds Oaks [G3], Sam Houston Oaks [L] (HOU, $90,000), Marie P.
DeBartolo Memorial Oaks [L] (LAD, $60,000), 2nd Reeve Schley, Jr. S.
[G2], Davona Dale S. [L] (FG, $10,365). Dam of 3 other registered foals,
3 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Bubba's Colors (c. by A.P. Indy). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $67,565.
Fours and Tens (c. by Seeking the Gold). 2 wins at 4, 2001, $14,083.
2nd dam
PURITA U., by Topsider. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $106,290, Clasico Eduardo Cautino
Insua-G3. Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-TWO ALTAZANO (f. by Manzotti). Stakes winner, above.
Blackjack Miss. Winner at 2, $12,340. Dam of 4 winners, including-High Stepper (f. by Robyn Dancer). 7 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $123,454, 3rd
Davie S. (HIA, $2,954).
3rd dam
MARDI GRAS MAID, by *King of the Tudors. 10 wins to 5, $63,863, Penelope
S., 3rd Vanity S., Imp S., Miss East St. Louis S., Edgemont H. Dam of-MINE TONIGHT. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $254,844, Castle Forbes S. (MED, $23,580), Weber City Miss S. (MED, $23,220), etc. Dam of-POOSKA HILL. 7 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 7, 2002, $389,081, Hudson H.R (BEL, $75,000), 2nd Hudson H.-R (BEL, $25,000), etc.
MINETONIGHTSFIRST. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $91,225, New York Stallion/
Park Avenue S.-R (AQU, $39,000). Producer.
Mine'spro. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $159,109, 2nd Hudson H.-R (BEL, $25,000).
PURITA U. Stakes winner, above.
SYNASTRY'S MAID. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $69,932, Haitanga H. (GG, $19,460), etc.
Bayou Blurr. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $157,381, 2nd With Pleasure S. [L] (AQU, $11,770), 3rd Riva Ridge S. [G3]. Sire.
Bourbon St. Dancer. 5 wins, $43,821, 2nd ATBA Sales S.-R (TUP, $15,710).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent V
Hip No.
Foaled February 1, 2000
Gana Facil.........................
Irish Tower ........................
Unacceptable ....................
Miss Kenton County .........
Mr. Prospector
*Le Fabuleux
Irish Castle
Royal Loom
Northjet (IRE)
Princeton Pride
By UNBRIDLED (1987). Champion 3-year-old colt, classic winner of $4,489,475, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 8 crops
of racing age, 457 foals, 255 starters, 27 stakes winners, 155 winners of
427 races and earning $22,037,246 in N.A., including champions Banshee Breeze ($2,784,798, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.),
Anees ($699,200, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Unbridled's
Song [G1] ($1,311,800), Manistique [G1] ($1,311,800), Grindstone [G1].
1st dam
UNACCEPTABLE, by Irish Tower. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $140,421, Astoria Breeders' Cup S. [G3], 2nd Schuylerville S. [G2]. Dam of 4 other registered
foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Private Eyes (f. by Private Terms). 4 wins in 7 starts at 3, 2001, $36,384.
2nd dam
MISS KENTON COUNTY, by Northjet (IRE). Unraced. Sister to Polar Jet. Dam
of 9 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-UNACCEPTABLE (f. by Irish Tower). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
Princeton Pride, by Cornish Prince. Winner at 2 and 3, $22,895, 2nd Marigold S., La Scala H. Sister to Avilion. Dam of 6 winners, including-MURRTHEBLURR. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $255,110, Arizona Paradise Futurity,
Haggin S., Sir Francis Drake S., Joshua Green Cup, Seattle Slew H., El
Otono S., 2nd Debonair S., Alliance S., Aprisa H., Governor's Cup H.,
3rd Phoenix Futurity, Cabrillo S., First Act S., Ak-Sar-Ben Speed S. Sire.
Polar Jet. Winner at 2, $36,800, 2nd Balboa S. [G3], 4th Del Mar Futurity [G1].
North Astra. 2 wins at 2 in Ireland. Dam of 8 winners, including-Cool Blast. 24 wins, 3 to 10, $357,715, 2nd Livonia S.-R (DET, $5,400),
3rd Fair Play Breeders' Cup S. [L] (WO, $8,165).
Olympic Bid. Winner at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2001, $39,973, 3rd Silver
Deputy S. (WO, $5,473).
4th dam
STYLE AND GRACE, by Olympia. Unraced. Dam of 6 winners, including-NILE DELTA. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $136,216, Flintlock S.-G3-ntr, etc. Set ntr. Sire.
Avilion. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $95,964, 2nd Alcibiades S.-G2, etc. Dam of DIABLO (9 wins, $482,050, True North H. [G2], etc.), Sea to Shining Sea
($62,770). Granddam of FAIR APACHE (9 wins to 5, 2001, $261,864).
Mr. Titus. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $43,552, 3rd Freshman H.
Princeton Pride. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Touch of Fame. Winner at 3, $6,660. Dam of TOUCHY LADY ($88,960).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent II
Hip No.
Foaled January 27, 2000
Skip Trial...........................
Skip Away .........................
Ingot Way..........................
Vigors ...............................
Vigorous Lady ..................
Coral Cream .....................
Looks Promising
Diplomat Way
*Grey Dawn II
Creme dela Creme
Eager Em
By SKIP AWAY (1993). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $9,616,360, Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup [G1] twice, Hollywood Gold
Cup [G1], Woodbine Million S. [G1], Pimlico Special H. [G1], Buick
Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Woodward S. [G1], Gulfstream Park H. [G1],
Donn H. [G1], Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], Philip H. Iselin H. [G2], Suburban H. [G2], Ohio Derby [G2], Massachusetts H. [G3] twice-once in ntr,
2nd Belmont S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
VIGOROUS LADY, by Vigors. 17 wins, 3 to 7, $506,875, Suwannee River H.
[G3], Grassland H. [L] (CRC, $51,135), Joe Namath H. [L] (GP, $30,000), Politely S. (MTH, $21,000), My Fair Lady H. (SUF, $15,480), Mt.
Airy Queen S. (RKM, $12,000), 2nd Atlantic City Budweiser Breeders'
Cup H. [L] (ATL, $31,130), Black Helen H. [L] (HIA, $30,000), Rumson
Breeders’ Cup H. (MTH, $13,080), Princess Doreen H. (RKM, $7,000),
Florida Breeders’ Distaff S. (OTC, $7,000), etc. Dam of 4 other registered
foals, 4 of racing age, 3 to race, no winners, including-Blaise of Silver (f. by Silver Hawk). Placed at 3, 2001, $7,365.
2nd dam
Coral Cream, by Creme dela Creme. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $37,790, 2nd Windfall
H.-R. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-VIGOROUS LADY (f. by Vigors). Stakes winner, above.
Barbadian Reef (c. by Fluorescent Light). 15 wins, 2 to 7, $305,058, 3rd
Grey Lag H. [G3]. Sire.
Hilary Dawn. Placed at 3, $6,415. Sent to Thailand. Dam of-MORNING WHISPERS (f. by Secret Hello). 7 wins at 2 and 4, $112,804,
Somethingroyal S.-R (CNL, $18,000).
All My Promises. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-F J's Pace (g. by Gallant Prospector). 8 wins, 2 to 7, 2002, $324,966,
2nd Generous S. [G3], Aprisa H. [L] (FPX, $8,500), 3rd San Carlos H.
[L] (BM, $7,500).
3rd dam
EAGER EM, by Fleet Nasrullah. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners-Eager Native. 7 wins to 3, $58,664, 2nd E. Palmer Heagerty S., etc. Sire.
Coral Cream. Stakes-placed winner, above.
4th dam
EVILONE, by Tom Fool. Winner in 2 starts. Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, incl.-JEAN-PIERRE. 11 wins to 5, $308,589, Yankee Gold Cup H.-ncr, etc. Sire.
TONA. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $167,066, Alabama S., Vineland H., etc. Producer.
LESJO. 7 wins, $46,673, Congressional H., 3rd Walter Haight H. Set ncr.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Asmussen Horse Center, Agent for
Grunwald Racing LLC
Foaled March 17, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Cozzene ............................
Voluptuous .......................
Victorious Girl ..................
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Caro (IRE)
Ride the Trails
Raise a Man
Caroglen Jo
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
Voluptuous, by Cozzene. 2 wins at 2, $103,175, 2nd La Habra S. [L] (SA,
$15,000), 3rd Providencia S.-R (SA, $11,250). Dam of 4 other registered
foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-Look Out Point (c. by Mt. Livermore). Winner at 3 and 5, 2001, $38,261.
Cozy Meadow (c. by Meadowlake). Winner at 3, 2001, $28,180.
Voluptuous Lady (f. by Meadowlake). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2001, $3,360.
2nd dam
VICTORIOUS GIRL, by Raise a Man. Winner at 2, $19,250. Dam of-Voluptuous (f. by Cozzene). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Impassion (f. by Shadeed). Winner at 2, $36,865, 3rd Colleen S. [L] (MTH,
$5,500), Jersey Jumper S. (MED, $4,200), etc. Dam of-Arianna's Passion (f. by Unbridled's Song). 5 wins at 2 and 3, 2001,
$146,030, 2nd Half Moon S. [L] (MED, $20,000), Ready Jet Go S. [L]
(MED, $15,000), Holly S. (MED, $9,000).
Missadryannaatto (f. by Green Dancer). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2001, 2nd
Juvenile S.-R (WO, $12,776).
3rd dam
Caroglen Jo, by Victoria Park. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $61,423, 2nd Yearling Sales S., 3rd
Ontario Sire S., Bison City S.-R. Sister to SHERWOOD PARK. Dam of-STOLLER. Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Daniel Prenn Royal Yorkshire S.;
placed at 3 in Ireland, 2nd Platinum S.; 2 wins at 4, $132,300, in N.A.,
San Marino H.-R (SA, $46,200), 3rd San Bernardino H. [G2], etc.
AUTUMN MOOD. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $119,895, River Edge Farm H. (BM,
$16,800), 2nd Linda Vista Breeders' Cup H. [G3], etc. Producer.
Ardglen. Winner at 2 and 3 in Ireland, 3rd Budweiser Pretty Polly S. [G2],
Phoenix Oaks Trial; 3 wins at 4, $88,675, in N.A. Dam of-Streets of Rio. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $170,605, 2nd Everget S. (DEL, $5,820).
Cool Victoria. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $42,080. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-Z COOL. 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $179,846, Primer S. (LRL, $24,000), 2nd
OBS Sprint S.-R (OTC, $10,000), 3rd Count Turf S. [L] (DEL, $5,995).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled February 25, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Deputy Commander..........
Anka Germania (IRE).........
Robyn Dancer ...................
Waltzing With Deb ............
Debonair Dancer...............
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Affaire d'Amour
Crafty Prospector
Double Dancer
Staff Writer
In the Bag
By DEPUTY COMMANDER (1994). Stakes winner of 4 races at 3, $1,906,640, Travers S. [G1], Super Derby [G1], Affirmed H. [G3], 2nd Breeders'
Cup Classic [G1], Swaps S. [G2], Californian S. [G2], 3rd Crown Royal
American Turf S. [L] (CD, $11,580). His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind ($1,844,372, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.).
1st dam
WALTZING WITH DEB, by Robyn Dancer. Winner at 2 and 3, $48,365. Dam
of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
DEBONAIR DANCER, by Staff Writer. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $173,856, Flocarline H.,
2nd Heirloom S., Whitemarsh H., Villager S., 3rd Affectionately H.-G3,
Cotillion S.-G3, Imp S., Tosmah H. Dam of 5 other winners, including-SUAVE PROSPECT (c. by Fortunate Prospect). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $730,532,
What a Pleasure S. [G3], Preview S. [G3], 2nd Florida Derby [G1], Blue
Grass S. [G2], Fountain of Youth S. [G2], Autumn H. [L] (WO, $22,340),
William Donald Schaefer H. [L] (PIM, $20,000), Long Branch Breeders'
Cup S. [L] (MTH, $15,750), In Reality S.-R (CRC, $80,000), Foolish
Pleasure Breeders' Cup S. (CRC, $9,650). Sire.
PROUD TO REASON (g. by Proud Birdie). 30 wins, 3 to 11, $286,567,
Florida Stallion/Roman Brother S. [LR] (CRC, $34,500), 3rd Jerry ParksAmerican Livestock S. (OTC, $3,500).
SMILE ON MY FACE (f. by Key to the Mint). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $87,318,
Lady Remington Breeders' Cup H. (RP, $27,300), 2nd Martha Washington S. [L] (OP, $11,050), 3rd Dixie Belle S. [L] (OP, $5,925), etc.
Successful Dancer. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $96,817. Dam of 1 foal to race-SUCCESSFUL APPEAL (c. by Valid Appeal). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $654,681,
A. G. Vanderbilt H. [G2], Withers S. [G2], Kentucky Cup Sprint S.
[G2], Cowdin S. [G2], Amsterdam S. [G3], 2nd Nashua S. [G3], 3rd
King's Bishop S. [G1], Forego H. [G2], Dwyer S. [G2], Leonard Richards S. [L] (DEL, $22,000).
3rd dam
IN THE BAG, by Lucky Debonair. Winner at 3 and 4, $14,199. Dam of-DEBONAIR DANCER. Stakes winner, above.
Devious Dancer. Winner at 3, $17,480. Dam of SUNNY GO GO ($140,005).
Oriel. Dam of Flying Griffoni [G3] (8 wins to 5, 2001, $92,700).
Flower Bag. Producer. Granddam of AWESOME DAZE [L] ($652,435).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by NoName Ranch, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled April 29, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Hennessy ..........................
Island Kitty........................
Water Sprite ......................
Baltic Sea..........................
Storm Bird
T. C. Kitten
Bold Ruler
By HENNESSY (1993). Stakes winner of $580,400, Hopeful S. [G1], etc. Sire
of 3 crops of racing age, 517 foals, 192 starters, 11 stakes winners, 84
winners of 145 races and earning $3,727,462 in N.A., including champion Johannesburg (at 2, 2001, $520,000, in N.A., Bessemer Trust Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1]), and of Distilled (to 3, 2001, $373,470, Illinois
Derby [G2]), Keats ($312,478, in N.A., Coolmore Lexington S. [G2], etc.),
Handsome Hunk [L] (at 2, 2001, $140,634), Harmony Lodge ($116,220).
1st dam
WATER SPRITE, by Secretariat. Winner at 2, $15,620. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Paradisio (f. by Meadowlake). 2 wins at 3, $14,802.
2nd dam
BALTIC SEA, by Danzig. Unraced. Dam of 7 other winners, including-CALLER ONE (g. by Phone Trick). 8 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $784,500, in N.A.,
Kentucky Cup Sprint S. [G2], Lafayette S. [G3], Los Angeles H. [G3],
Carry Back S. [L] (CRC, $120,000), Lazaro Barrera Memorial S. [L]
(HOL, $60,960), Hansel S. [L] (TP, $37,500), 2nd Malibu S. [G1], Bing
Crosby Breeders' Cup H. [G2], 3rd Penske Auto Center Breeders' Cup
Sprint [G1], Vernon O. Underwood S. [G3]; winner in 1 start at 4, 2001
in United Arab Emirates, Gulf News Dubai Golden Shaheen [G3].
PROSPECT BAY (c. by Crafty Prospector). 4 wins in 7 starts at 3 and 4,
$185,000, A Phenomenon S. [G2], 2nd True North H. [G2], 3rd Frank J.
De Francis Memorial Dash S. [G2]. Sire.
Silver Dollar Kids (g. by Meadowlake). 11 wins, 2 to 7, $152,080, 2nd Warminster S. (PHA, $6,510), 3rd Private Terms S. [L] (LRL, $6,042).
3rd dam
RENOUNCE, by Buckpasser. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to INTREPID
HERO ($405,305, sire), PREDICTABLE ($191,937), PRIMED (sire),
Sovereign Dancer (sire), Brave Lady. Dam of 8 winners, including-WAITLIST. 18 wins, 3 to 9, $549,355, Creme de la Fete Claiming S. [LR], etc.
Dowager Empress. 3 wins to 3 in England; 2 wins in Australia, 3rd Honda
Legend S. Dam of QUEEN ISOLT (Tibouchina S. [G3], etc.), GILLESPIE (to 4, 2001, Queen’s Cup [G3]). Granddam of Miss Goldie [G3].
Promiscuous Angel. Winner, $7,300. Dam of NO CURFEW [L] ($163,478).
Divorce Decree. Winner, $9,020. Dam of Hit Zoom ($66,496), Ozone Sand.
Arraign. Placed at 3. Dam of COZZENE'S PRINCE (16 wins, $1,270,057,
champion older horse in Canada, River City H. [L] (CD, $73,060), etc.).
Granddam of Something Wicked (4 wins to 4, 2001, $154,090).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled February 13, 2000
Roberto .............................
Dynaformer .......................
Andover Way.....................
Shelter Half .......................
Wee Miss Bee...................
Slippery Duchess..............
Hail to Reason
His Majesty
On the Trail
Gay Matelda
By DYNAFORMER (1985). Stakes winner of $671,207, Jersey Derby [G2],
etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 10 crops of racing age, 582 foals,
425 starters, 42 stakes winners, 319 winners of 1080 races and earning
$27,044,179 in N.A., including Blumin Affair ($867,065, San Diego H.
[G3], etc.), Critical Eye ($831,913, Hempstead H. [G1], etc.), Vergennes
($755,774, Early Times Hollywood Derby S. [G1], etc.), Baptize ($484,396, Arlington Classic S. [G2], etc.), Starrer [G2] (at 3, 2001, $433,033).
1st dam
WEE MISS BEE, by Shelter Half. 13 wins, 3 to 7, $396,040, Petite Ile H. (GG,
$19,635), 2nd Petite Ile H. (GG, $7,000), Work the Crowd H.-R (GG, $7,000), 3rd Hillsborough H. [G3], Desert Trial H. (GG, $5,250), Ladyhawke
Ranch H. (BM, $5,250), Wearin O the Green H. (BM, $5,250). Dam of 1
other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Affray (c. by Affirmed). Winner at 2, 2001 in England.
2nd dam
Slippery Duchess, by Icecapade. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $32,935, 3rd California
Oaks. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-WEE MISS BEE (f. by Shelter Half). Stakes winner, above.
SLIP OF THE TONGUE (f. by Verbatim). 4 wins at 3, $40,254, Twixt H.-R.
Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-Tongue Tie (g. by Siyah Kalem). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $60,545, 3rd Westchester S. [L] (HOL, $7,800).
3rd dam
FILOUETTE, by Wallet Lifter. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $37,760. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-RESTLESS CON. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $605,350, Haskell Invitational H. [G1],
Gold Rush H. [L] (GG, $55,000), Leland Stanford S. [L] (BM, $31,000),
Au Revoir Invitational H.-R (GG, $70,300)-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:39 2/5, Simply Majestic S.-R (GG, $19,200), 2nd Ohio Derby [G2], San Francisco
H. [L] (BM, $20,000), 3rd Kensington H. [L] (GG, $15,000).
Slippery Duchess. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Don't Frisk Me Now. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3, $22,836, 3rd Burlingame S.
Frenchman's Honor. 8 wins at 4 and 5, $100,362.
4th dam
PARIS PICNIC, by County Delight. 13 wins, 2 to 4, $49,410. Dam of-Paris Lake. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $6,795.
Kitty Paree. Winner at 3. Dam of 13 foals, 12 to race, 11 winners, including-Right Bank. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $103,210.
Oho's Girl. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $89,580. Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 12, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Key to the Mint .................
Well Supported .................
Windy's Daughter .............
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Key Bridge
Windy Sea
Fleet Judy
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
WELL SUPPORTED, by Key to the Mint. Dam of 6 other registered foals, 6 of
racing age, 6 to race, 3 winners-SENSE OF HONOUR (f. by Be My Guest). Winner at 3 and 4 in Ireland,
Glencairn S.
Social Upheaval (f. by Twilight Agenda). 8 wins, 3 to 5 in Italy, 2nd Premio
Soragna H.
Mr. Baskets (c. by Lear Fan). 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $88,160.
Keiai Rambo (c. by Holy Bull). Placed at 2, 2001 in Japan.
Making a Break (f. by Phone Trick). Placed at 4, 2001 in Ireland.
2nd dam
WINDY'S DAUGHTER, by Windy Sea. 12 wins in 17 starts at 2 and 3, $304,682, Acorn S.-G1, Mother Goose S.-G1, Pasadena S.-G3, Prioress S.G3, Del Mar Debutante S., Hollywood Lassie S., Cinderella S., Cygnet
S., Junior League S., Sorrento S., 2nd Comely S.-G3, 3rd Santa Ynez S.G2. Sister to MISS LADY BUG. Dam of 8 winners, including-Little Bonnie B. (f. by Little Current). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $46,025, 2nd Rambling Rose H. Producer.
Big Shakeout (c. by Honest Pleasure). 6 wins, 5 to 7 in France, 3rd Prix de
Centrifolia. 2 wins in 2 starts at 3 in Ireland. Producer. Granddam of
MAHRYEBO (g. by Batonnier, $78,627, Atherton S. (BM, $24,600), 3rd
San Mateo Juvenile S.-R (BM, $7,500)), Thatchonnier (g. by Batonnier,
3 wins, $52,545, 3rd Round Table H. (BM, $6,000)). Great-granddam of
NINE NINE NINE (f. by Partner's Hope, 3 wins, $53,716, Sunland Park
Fall Thoroughbred Futurity-R (SUN, $14,157), etc.), Slew's Daughter (f.
by Slewvescent, to 3, 2001, $93,426, 3rd Courtship S. (BM, $7,500)).
3rd dam
FLEET JUDY, by Fleet Nasrullah. Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, including-WINDY'S DAUGHTER. Stakes winner, above.
MISS LADY BUG. 4 wins at 2, $117,254, Nursery S., Cinderella S., etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent VI
Hip No.
Foaled February 7, 2000
Unbridled's Song..............
Trolley Song......................
Miswaki ............................
Whatamiss ........................
Gana Facil
Caro (IRE)
Lucky Spell
Mr. Prospector
What a Pleasure
By UNBRIDLED'S SONG (1993). Stakes winner of $1,311,800, Breeders'
Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 389 foals, 128 starters, 6 stakes winners, 58 winners of 108 races and earning $4,606,952 in
N.A., including Unbridled Elaine (to 3, 2001, $1,770,740, Breeders' Cup
Distaff [G1], etc.), Songandaprayer (to 3, 2001, $380,480, Fountain of
Youth S. [G1], etc.), Unbridled Time (to 3, 2001, $305,114, WHAS-11 S.
[L] (CD, $75,144), etc.), Extend [L] ($258,141), Griffinite [G3] ($229,847).
1st dam
WHATAMISS, by Miswaki. Winner at 2, $13,070. Dam of 3 other registered
foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Generations (c. by Theatrical (IRE)). 3 wins at 3, $112,494.
Whatasaint (c. by Saint Ballado). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2001, $7,150.
2nd dam
CIRCULAR, by What a Pleasure. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $197,625, Anita Chiquita S.-R,
[Q], 2nd Foster City S., Ciencia S. [OR], [Q], 3rd Silver Spoon H. [L], Santa Lucia H. [LR], [Q]. Etr at Hollywood Park, 6 fur. in 1:09 2/5. Dam of-STAR OF THE CROP (c. by Relaunch). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $388,824, Malibu S.
[G2], Los Angeles H. [G3], Hollywood Prevue Breeders' Cup S. [G3],
Bedside Promise H. [L] (HOL, $31,450)-etr, 6 fur. in 1:08, 2nd Palos Verdes H. [G3], San Vicente Breeders' Cup S. [G3], 3rd Potrero Grande H.
[G3], Triple Bend H. [G3], Harry Henson S. [L] (HOL, $11,250), etc. Sire.
3rd dam
CONVENIENCE, by Fleet Nasrullah. 15 wins, 3 to 6, $648,933, Vanity H.-G1
twice, Santa Maria H.-G2, Hollywood Park Match Race, Santa Paula H.,
Wilshire H., Sequoia H., Vallejo S., etc. Half-sister to INDULTO, NIGHT
ALERT, PROLIFERATION, PUNTILLA, Quick Decision (sire). Dam of-CIRCULAR. Stakes winner, above.
Conveniently. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,825, 2nd Vanity H.-G1, etc. Dam of-CONCEPT WIN. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $621,498, Count Fleet Sprint H. [G3], etc.
MAJOR IMPACT. 3 wins, $518,138, Oceanside S.-R (DMR, $39,488), etc.
EARN YOUR STRIPES. 9 wins, 3 to 8, $395,058, Bay Meadows Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (BM, $84,700), etc. Sire.
COMPARABILITY. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $126,725, Terlingua S.-R (HOL,
$23,350), etc. Dam of EQUITY ($94,553, set ntr at Will Rogers Downs).
Supplier. Placed at 2. Dam of HIGH MARGIN [L] (to 4, 2001, $270,252),
Spot Tv ($101,065). Granddam of CAPITAL REQUEST [G3] ($295,934), BRICKS AND IVY ($140,550), Package Store [G3] ($107,030).
Good Picker. Placed in 2 starts at 3. Dam of SCATTER BUY ($130,732).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
Montpelier Thoroughbreds Inc.
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled February 14, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tabasco Cat ......................
Barbicue Sauce.................
Princely Pleasure..............
Wild Lady A. .....................
Jestamary .........................
Storm Bird
Sauce Boat
Lady Barbizon
What a Pleasure
Princess Tiki
Great Sun
Jest Mary Lou
By TABASCO CAT (1991). Classic winner of $2,347,671, Belmont S. [G1],
etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 280 foals, 144 starters, 11 stakes winners, 94 winners of 202 races and earning $6,194,963 in N.A., including
Perfect Cat (to 4, 2001, $493,113, William Donald Schaefer H. [G3], etc.),
Snow Ridge (to 4, 2002, $467,699, Palos Verdes H. [G2] (SA, $90,000),
etc.), Cat's At Home (to 4, 2001, $422,857, Excelsior Breeders' Cup H.
[G3], etc.), Habibti (3 wins, $393,000, Del Mar Debutante S. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
WILD LADY A., by Princely Pleasure. 15 wins, 2 to 7, $398,585, Blue Sparkler
S. (MTH, $24,000), Half Moon S. (MED, $21,000), Skipat S. (LRL, $21,000), My Juliet H. (PHA, $19,890), Cherry Blossom S. (PHA, $17,190),
Crocus S. (PHA, $16,440), 2nd Meadowlands Budweiser Breeders' Cup
H. [G3], Skipat S. [L] (LRL, $10,790), Monmouth Counth S. (MED, $6,400), Just Smashing S. (MED, $8,000), Southampton S. (PHA, $7,520),
Phoenix S. (MED, $6,650), etc. Dam of 1 other registered foal-High End (c. by Tabasco Cat). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $17,400.
2nd dam
JESTAMARY, by Great Sun. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $30,113. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-DAVID L.'S RIB (g. by Da' White Judge). 30 wins, 2 to 10, $595,454,
Slewpy S. (MED, $20,100), Rascal S. (RD, $17,370), 2nd King Cotton S.
[L] (OP, $12,210), Allegheny S. (PHA, $8,850), Forego S. (TP, $8,025),
Cannonade S. (CD, $4,545), 3rd In Memoriam S. [L] (TP, $10,000), Maxwell G. S. [L] (SPT, $5,912), Budweiser Columbus Classic H. (BEU, $4,418), Flintlock S. (PHA, $4,208), Broad Brush H. (TP, $2,580), 4th Miller
High Life Cradle S. [G3], Morven S. [G3].
WILD LADY A. (f. by Princely Pleasure). Stakes winner, above.
Bumper Ash (c. by Last Raise). 2 wins at 3, $50,160, 2nd Tampa Bay
Juvenile S. (TAM, $5,910).
3rd dam
JEST MARY LOU, by Jester. 17 wins, 2 to 7, $68,995. Dam of-Up At Dawn. Winner at 2 and 3, $6,650. Dam of 10 winners, including-LIKELY PROSPECT. 8 wins to 5, $190,639, Northern Lights Futurity [LR]
(CBY, $48,720), Victor S. Myers, Jr., Stallion S. [LR] (CBY, $46,327), etc.
EARLY ANSWER. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $105,539, Genuine Risk S. (CBY, $9,375), Mankato S.-R (CBY, $19,800), etc.
Sunrise Drive. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $60,503, 2nd MTA Auction Laddie S. (AP,
$6,000), 10,000 Lakes S.-R (CBY, $5,355), etc.
Drums At Dusk. Winner, 3rd MTA Stallion Auction S.-R (CBY, $4,079).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: OBS Championship S., NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Donna M. Wormser Inc., Agent
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled March 31, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Wild Again ........................
Wild Royal ........................
Royal Setting ....................
Hip No.
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Raise a Cup
Royal T
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
WILD ROYAL, by Wild Again. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $115,873, Ribbonwood Farm H.
(BM, $16,710). Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race-Southern Royal (c. by Southern Halo). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $28,710.
2nd dam
ROYAL SETTING, by Raise a Cup. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $47,000, Ribbon S.
Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-REFORMER RALLY (g. by Dynaformer). 5 wins at 2 and 4, $243,575,
Hopemont S. [L] (KEE, $44,780), 2nd Transylvania S. [L] (KEE, $14,768),
Kentucky Colonel S. [L] (ELP, $10,000), 3rd Saranac H. [G3].
WILD ROYAL (f. by Wild Again). Stakes winner, above.
Cryptoqueen. Placed at 2, $4,150. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-CLEARLY A QUEEN (f. by Lucky North). 6 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $338,321, Violet H. [G3], Columbiana H. [L] (HIA, $45,000), Miss Gibson
County S.-R (CRC, $30,000), 2nd Black Helen H. [G2], Seaquay S.
(CRC, $7,058), 3rd Calder Breeders' Cup H. [L] (CRC, $16,500),
Convenience S.-R (CRC, $5,500).
3rd dam
ROYAL T, by Winged T. Winner at 2. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, both winners-ROYAL SETTING. Stakes winner, above.
Indian O. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $100,594.
4th dam
CONSANGUINEOUS, by Connaught. 2 wins at 3, $5,281. Half-sister to
CARMELITA GIBBS ($63,067, Dogwood S., Regret S., etc.), MISTY
GEM ($58,559), SPIRAL ON. Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-Blade's Ruler. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $15,857, 3rd Sunland Park Fall Futurity.
Rita Menke. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $19,130. Dam of 4 winners, including-EMBEZZLEMENT. Winner at 2, $22,114, Latonia Prevue S. [O].
Resemble. Unraced. Dam of Sudden's Image (4 wins, $58,338, 3rd
Cincinnati Trophy S. [L] (TP, $5,207), dam of Phantasm, 3 wins, $53,836, 2nd Windmill S. (PRM, $5,000)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XVIII
Hip No.
Foaled May 14, 2000
Northern Dancer ...............
Dixieland Band .................
Mississippi Mud...............
Alydar ...............................
Wings Point ......................
Before Sundown ...............
Delta Judge
Sand Buggy
Raise a Native
Sweet Tooth
Conquistador Cielo
By DIXIELAND BAND (1980). Stakes winner of $441,320, Pennsylvania Derby-G2, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 15 crops of racing age, 911
foals, 664 starters, 86 stakes winners, 519 winners of 1795 races and
earning $42,662,347 in N.A., including champions Drum Taps (Gold Cup
[G1] twice, etc.), Cotton Carnival ($435,222, Martha Washington S. [G3],
etc.), and of Palace Piper (hwt. in Austria), Check the Band (hwt. in Ireland), Dixie Union (7 wins, $1,233,190, Haskell Invitational H. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
WINGS POINT, by Alydar. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $80,140. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Tsuyu (f. by Rahy). 3 wins in 6 starts at 3 and 4, 2002, $88,100.
Downbeat (c. by Dixieland Band). Winner at 4, 2001, $12,301.
2nd dam
Before Sundown, by Conquistador Cielo. Winner at 2, $26,760, 2nd Debutante S. [L] (CD, $16,480). Sent to Venezuela. Complete produce and
race records not available. Dam of 3 other known winners, including-VINATERO (c. by Oceanic Dancer). Winner at 3 in Venezuela, Premio
Copa Gradisco, 2nd Premio Jockey Club de Venezuela, Premio Nuestra
Senora de La Chiquinquira, 3rd Premio Copa de Oro Asoprorin.
3rd dam
MOONBEAM, by Tim Tam. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to GLEAMING ($469,245), A GLITTER ($196,370). Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 winners, incl.-BEFORE DAWN. 9 wins, $432,855, champion 2-year-old filly, Matron S.G1, Spinaway S.-G1, Astarita S.-G2, Fair Grounds Oaks-G3, Fashion
S., Jasmine S., Hibiscus S., 2nd Kentucky Oaks-G1, etc. Dam of-Beautiful Gold. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $185,932, 2nd Quick Reward Breeders'
Cup S. (HAW, $10,295), etc. Dam of BIG GOLD (to 4, 2002 in Japan).
Moranbon. Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix Occitanie, etc. Granddam of
MARANILLA (at 2, 2001, Criterium du Languedoc Prix Paul Guichou).
Blue Saddle. Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix Charles et Henry Rouher;
placed at 5 in Ireland.
Matins. Winner at 3, $9,080. Dam of PROWL (AUS) (Golden Slipper S.
[G1], etc.; $86,040, in N.A.), I ROCK MY WORLD [G2] (at 3, 2001).
Wee Small Hours. Winner at 2 and 3, $41,046, in N.A.; placed at 4 in
France. Dam of J. P. JET (2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $50,773).
Before Sundown. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Jolivar. 2 wins at 3, $30,840. Dam of JOLLY GROOM (Cena MPVz SSR).
Bright Moonlight. Unraced. Granddam of COURVOISIER (at 2, 2001).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in New York.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent V
Hip No.
Foaled April 30, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Awesome Again ................
Primal Force .....................
Woodsy Meadow ..............
Dial Zero ...........................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Blushing Groom (FR)
Prime Prospect
Hold Your Peace
Suspicious Native
I'm Lisa
By AWESOME AGAIN (1994). Classic winner of 9 races in 12 starts, $4,374,590, Queen's Plate-R (WO, $255,420), Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Stephen Foster H. [G2], Saratoga Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Jim Dandy S. [G2], Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G3], 3rd Travers S. [G1].
Half-brother to champion Macho Uno. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind [G1].
1st dam
WOODSY MEADOW, by Meadowlake. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $65,176. Sister to
Happy Michelle. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
DIAL ZERO, by Gummo. 2 wins at 3, $18,265. Dam of 9 other winners, incl.-BINARY LIGHT (c. by Bionic Light). 8 wins, 2 to 8, $469,059, Knickerbocker
H. [G3], Cliff Hanger H. [G3], Woodlawn S. [L] (PIM, $34,980), Citation S.
(HIA, $29,004), 2nd Tidal H. [G2], Fort McHenry H. [L] (LRL, $22,890),
Torsion S. [L] (BEL, $11,902), 3rd Early Times Dixie H. [G3], City of Miami
Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CRC, $6,138), Lord Avie S. [L] (GP, $5,500).
Crazy Horse Lil (f. by Medieval Man). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $116,739, 2nd Cherokee Frolic H. (CRC, $7,833), Spirit of Fighter H. (CRC, $7,462).
Happy Michelle (f. by Meadowlake). Winner at 2, 2001, $47,040, 2nd Hidden Light S.-R (SA, $10,340), Black Swan S. (FPX, $8,500).
3rd dam
I'M LISA, by Imbros. Winner at 3. Half-sister to IN REGARDS ($38,099, Tanforan Lassie S., etc.), Court Tower ($45,010). Dam of 9 winners, incl.-STRIKE THE ANVIL. 28 wins in 44 starts, 2 to 6, $141,501, Midwest Championship H., Springtime H.-ntr, Last Chance H., Coventry H., 2nd Ohio
Championship H., Flintstone S., 3rd Green and White H., etc. Sire.
MARONEE. 2 wins at 2, $27,270, Santa Clara S. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-I'M DRIVEN. 13 wins at 3 and 4, $195,162, Jeanne d'Arc S.-L, Delicada
S., Southland S., Chapel-Belle S., Lorelei S., 3rd Truly Bound S. twice,
Seneca S. Producer.
Bottega. Unraced. Dam of HURRICANE VIV (13 wins, $443,751, Coral
Gables H. [L] (CRC, $60,000), etc.), Elsabet (5 wins, $57,750).
Crafty Lisa. Winner at 3, $4,773. Dam of 10 winners, including-Perfect Vodka. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $123,938, 3rd Florida Stallion/Dr. Fager S.
[LR] (CRC, $5,500), Criterium Breeders' Cup S. (CRC, $6,496).
Timeforluck. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Bold Felix. 4 wins at 5 and 6, $72,419, 3rd Pioneer H.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VI
Hip No.
Foaled April 16, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Forty Niner........................
Theatrical (IRE) .................
World Glory ......................
Only Queens .....................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Tom Rolfe
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)
Queens Only
By FORTY NINER (1985). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $2,726,000, Travers S. [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of
racing age, 527 foals, 401 starters, 42 stakes winners, 286 winners of 851
races and earning $24,527,347 in N.A., including Coronado's Quest
($2,046,190, Travers S. [G1], etc.), Editor's Note ($1,601,394, Belmont S.
[G1], etc.), Ecton Park ($1,323,825, in N.A., Super Derby [G1], etc.),
Distorted Humor ($769,964, Commonwealth Breeders' Cup S. [G2], etc.).
1st dam
WORLD GLORY, by Theatrical (IRE). 2 wins at 3 in France. Sent to Japan.
Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 4 to race, 2 winners-Tokyo Gold (JPN) (c. by Forty Niner). Winner at 3, 2001, $22,971.
Mayano Voyager (c. by Generous). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2001 in Japan.
2nd dam
ONLY QUEENS, by Transworld. 2 wins at 2, $87,420, Demoiselle S.-G1, Tempted
S.-G2. Half-sister to CONTESTED BID (2nd Prix Lupin [G1], etc.; $146,775,
in N.A., Hoist the Flag S. [G3], etc., sire). Dam of 5 winners, including-TACTILE (f. by Slew o' Gold). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $380,768, Beldame S.
[G1], Gazelle H. [G1], Harbor Place S. [L] (LRL, $40,335), 3rd Cotillion H. [G2]. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-Touchy Feely. 2 wins at 4, $50,972.
Reina Terra. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3, $22,260. Dam of 5 winners, including-CLASH BY NIGHT (c. by Conquistador Cielo). 13 wins, 2 to 7, placed at
8, 2001, $624,194, Woodchopper S. [L] (FG, $30,000), Northern Dancer
S.-R (LRL, $60,000), Humphrey S. Finney S.-R (PIM, $36,000), Survivor
S. (PIM, $18,900), 2nd John B. Campbell H. [G3], Deputed Testamony
S.-R (PIM, $15,000), Challedon S.-R (LRL, $12,000), 3rd Ohio Derby
[G2], Pennsylvania Derby [G3], Whirlaway S. [L] (FG, $11,000), Annapolis S. [L] (LRL, $8,250), Long Branch S. [L] (MTH, $8,250).
BRUSHING GLOOM (f. by Broad Brush). 9 wins at 3 and 4, $476,600,
Fair Grounds Oaks [G3], Penn National Distaff H. [L] (PEN, $62,730),
Spicy Living Sweepstakes H. [L] (RKM, $60,000), Lady Baltimore S.
[L] (PIM, $33,075), All Brandy S.-R (LRL, $45,000), 2nd All Along S.
[G2], Violet H. [G3], Bayou Breeders' Cup H. [L] (FG, $30,625),
Rockingham Breeders' Cup H. [L] (RKM, $20,870), 3rd Gallorette H.
[G3], New Castle H. [L] (DEL, $11,000). Producer.
Blushing Broad (f. by Broad Brush). 3 wins at 3, $115,419, 2nd Twixt
S.-R (LRL, $20,000), 3rd Caesar's Wish S.-R (PIM, $8,250).
La Reinette (f. by Conquistador Cielo). Winner at 3, $47,620, 3rd Twixt
S.-R (LRL, $11,000).
Engagements: NATC F.
Foaled in Japan.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XVI
Hip No.
Foaled February 10, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Miesque's Son..................
Yemanja ............................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Hoist the Flag
Princess Pout
By MIESQUE'S SON (1992). Stakes winner in France, Prix de Ris-Orangis
[G3], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 158 foals, 45 starters, 23 winners
of 36 races and earning $996,344 in N.A., including Miesque's Approval
(at 2, 2001, $182,545, Pilgrim S. [L] (AQU, $50,085), etc.), Mr. Miesque
($124,661, Frank Arsenault Memorial Breeders' Cup S. [L] (HAW, $60,000), etc.), Boggs Eyes (at 3, 2001, $92,590, Winning Colors S. [L] (AP,
$38,400), etc.), stakes-placed Miesque's Encore [L] ($106,920), etc.
1st dam
YEMANJA, by Alleged. Dam of 6 other registered foals, 5 of racing age, 5 to
race, 2 winners, including-Robandela (c. by Kingmambo). 7 wins at 4, 2001 in England.
2nd dam
KORVEYA, by Riverman. 3 wins at 3 in France, Prix Chloe [G3], Prix des Lilas,
etc.; placed at 3 in Italy, 3rd Premio Bagutta [G3]. Sister to KEOS [G2]
(hwt. older horse at 5 on German Hand., 5 - 7 fur.), half-sister to
PROSKONA (champion 3-year-old filly in Italy), CARNET SOLAIRE [L],
Leo's Lucky Lady, Talon d'Aiguille [G3], Second Ring. Dam of-BOSRA SHAM (f. by Woodman). 7 wins in 10 starts to 4 in England, champion 3-year-old filly in Europe, hwt. filly at 3 on European Hand., 9 1/2 10 1/2 fur., hwt. at 3 on English Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., hwt. older mare at
4 on European Hand., 9 1/2 - 10 1/2 fur., hwt. older mare at 4 on English
Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Pertemps One Thousand Guineas [G1], Dubai
Champion S. [G1], Fillies' Mile S. [G1], Prince of Wales's S. [G2], etc.
HECTOR PROTECTOR (c. by Woodman). 9 wins at 2 and 3 in France,
hwt. at 2 on European and French Hand., Dubai Poule d'Essai des
Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas [G1], CIGA Grand Criterium
[G1], Prix Morny Agence Francaise [G1], Prix du Haras de Fresnay-LeBuffard Jacques Le Marois [G1], Prix de la Salamandre [G1], etc. Sire.
SHANGHAI (c. by Procida). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, Dubai Poule
d'Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas [G1], Prix Montenica, 2nd Prix du Muguet [G3], Prix Edmond Blanc [G3], etc. Sire.
Maria Isabella (f. by Kris). Winner at 3 in England, 2nd Dahlia S., etc.
Gioconda. Winner at 3 in France. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners, including-CIRO (c. by Woodman). Winner at 2 in Ireland, 3rd Budweiser Irish Derby [G1]; 2 wins to 3 in France, Grand Criterium [G1], etc.; 2 wins,
$357,000, in N.A., Secretariat S. [G1], Lawrence Realization H. [G3].
Woodyousmileforme (f. by Woodman). 2 wins at 2, $56,250, 3rd Revidere S. (MTH, $4,950).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XIII
Hip No.
Foaled April 7, 2000
Forty Niner........................
End Sweep ........................
Broom Dance....................
Yes Virginia ......................
Mr. Prospector
Dance Spell
Witching Hour
Pleasant Colony
Last Bird
Gaylord's Touch
By END SWEEP (1991). Stakes winner of $372,563, Jersey Shore Budweiser
Breeders' Cup S. [G3], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 504 foals, 239
starters, 20 stakes winners, 181 winners of 583 races and earning $14,374,324 in N.A., including Trippi ($666,220, Vosburgh S. [G1], etc.),
Swept Overboard (to 4, 2001, $642,442, Ancient Title Breeders' Cup H.
[G1], etc.), Nany's Sweep (6 wins, $499,213, Santa Monica H. [G1], etc.),
Sweeping Story [L] (5 wins, $352,762), Silky Sweep (7 wins, $296,590).
1st dam
YES VIRGINIA, by Roanoke. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $83,076. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Virginia Forum (f. by Open Forum). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $67,474.
2nd dam
PORTUGUESE, by Jacinto. Unraced. Dam of 5 other winners, including-PORT OF SILVER (f. by Silver Hawk). 2 wins at 2, $82,475, Queen Empress S. [L] (PIM, $34,815), Locust S.-R (PHA, $16,320), 3rd Miss
Grillo S. [G3]. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-Zaheemah (f. by El Prado (IRE)). Winner at 3, 2001 in England, 2nd
Shadwell Stud Nell Gwyn S. [G3].
City of Dreams (g. by Slew City Slew). 9 wins, $133,835, 2nd Old Ironsides
S. (SUF, $7,000), 3rd Sam McCracken Memorial H. (RKM, $2,500).
Far North Port. Placed at 2 and 3, $17,270. Dam of 4 winners, including-ROCKY NORTH (f. by Rocky Mountain). 4 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2001,
$97,448, Delta Lady H. (CRC, $25,224), etc.
3rd dam
Gaylord's Touch, by Sir Gaylord. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $33,630, 2nd Cleopatra
H., Misty Isle H. Half-sister to Chosun Victory ($56,581, sire). Dam of-ISLAND CHARM. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $388,286, Gallorette H.-G3, etc. Dam of
Top Draw [L] (to 9, 2001, $235,238), Sunbaked ($102,450, in N.A.).
Gathering Place. Winner at 3, $10,222. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, incl.-Kings Casino. 2 wins, $62,233, 2nd Vanlandingham S. [L] (LRL, $12,000).
Dorothy Gaylord. Unraced. Dam of PEAKS MILL [L] ($135,716), QUALIQUE ($91,818, Demoiselle S.-G1), Honolulu Honey ($145,955, 4th
Fair Grounds Oaks [G3], dam of NORTHFACE, $222,964; HONOLULU
GOLD, $216,995; granddam of Classic Case, at 2, 2001, $91,172).
Granddam of AUNTY JANE (Kyoto Sceptre S., etc.), Pana Brass.
Nita. Unraced. Dam of Lt. Bert (7 wins, $119,710, 2nd Keystone S., etc.).
Granddam of BISTRO GARDEN (Prix du Rond-Point [G2], etc.; $254,750, in N.A.). Great-granddam of HOUSE KEEPER (3 wins, $93,434).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Florida Stallion S., NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XVI
Hip No.
Foaled April 26, 2000
Spinning World.................
Imperfect Circle ................
Seattle Slew ......................
Abby Normal.....................
Northern Dancer
Aviance (IRE)
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Raise a Cup
By SPINNING WORLD (1993). Hwt. in Europe, France and Ireland; stakes
winner of $772,000, in N.A., Breeders’ Cup Mile [G1]-ecr, etc. His first
foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 298 foals, 45 starters, 18 winners
of 20 races and earning $136,889 in N.A., including Quad's Melody (at 2,
2001, Prix d'Aumale [G3]), Chan Chan (at 2, 2001, Oppenheim-Rennen),
Tendulkar (at 2, 2001, 3rd Darley Dewhurst S. [G1]), Temple of Artemis
(2nd Killavullan S. [G3]), Spinnette (2nd E.B.F. Montrose Fillies S.).
1st dam
ABBY NORMAL, by Seattle Slew. Placed at 2, $5,720. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
ABSENTIA, by Raise a Cup. Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix des Lilas, 3rd
Prix d'Astarte-G2, Prix Quincey-G3; 4 wins at 4 and 5, $170,965, in N.A.,
Beverly Hills H.-G2, Convenience S., 2nd Dahlia H.-L. Dam of-DANCING DISSIDENT (c. by Nureyev). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, Sears
Temple S. [G2], 2nd Coventry S. [G3], 3rd King Diadem S. [G3], Anglia
Television July S. [G3]. Sire.
Absent Russian (c. by Nijinsky II). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $52,423, 3rd Lago
Mar H. [L] (CRC, $11,000). Sire.
Nimphidia (f. by Nijinsky II). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3 in England, 2nd
Hackwood S.; placed in 1 start at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Phoenix Sprint S. [G3];
placed at 5 in United Arab Emirates.
Soviet State (c. by Nureyev). Winner at 2 and 3 in England, 2nd Ruinart
Champagne Hackwood S.; placed at 4 and 5, $8,964, in N.A.
3rd dam
CECELIA, by Royal Levee. Unraced. Half-sister to RIPON ($324,716), BALLYGORAN, Ladiga (sire), Ribblesdale (sire). Dam of 12 winners, incl.-ABSENTIA. Stakes winner, above.
JOHN BALLIOL. Winner at 3 in France, 3rd Prix La Force [G3], Prix du Lion
d'Angers; 3 wins at 4, $76,600, in N.A.; winner at 5 in United Arab Emirates; winner in 2 starts at 5 in England, Semi Chem Doonside Cup.
BLUE TIGER. 3 wins at 2 in England; winner at 3, $47,575, in N.A., Telly's
Pop H. (GG, $17,050).
Jok'n Joe. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $56,913, 2nd Primer S. Sire.
Inscrutable Lady. Winner at 4, $12,870. Dam of Enigmatic (in France).
Cecelia Tudor. Placed at 4. Dam of CLASSIC TIME (4 wins to 7, 2002,
$105,345, Count Fleet S. [L] (AQU, $32,040)).
Wish for Diamonds. Placed at 4. Dam of PRINCE POWHATAN (FR).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by C. Bruce Hundley, Agent
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled April 13, 2000
Phone Trick.......................
Favorite Trick ....................
Evil Elaine .........................
Great Above ......................
Above Limits.....................
Fleeing Partner .................
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Medieval Man
Distinctive Elaine
Minnesota Mac
Ta Wee
Fleet Nasrullah
Dinner Partner
By FAVORITE TRICK (1995). Horse of the year, stakes winner of 12 races in
16 starts to 3, $1,726,793, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], Hopeful S. [G1],
Lane's End Breeders' Futurity [G2], Jim Dandy S. [G2], Keeneland Breeders' Cup Mile S. [G2], Saratoga Special S. [G2], Swale S. [G3], Bashford
Manor S. [G3], Kentucky Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CD, $68,882), Long
Branch Breeders' Cup S. [L] (MTH, $60,000), WHAS-11 S. [L] (CD, $76,116), 3rd Arkansas Derby [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
ABOVE LIMITS, by Great Above. Winner at 4, $25,299. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race-High Thunder (c. by Thunder Gulch). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2001, $15,280.
2nd dam
FLEEING PARTNER, by Fleet Nasrullah. Winner at 2, $6,165. Dam of-VARICK (c. by Mr. Prospector). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $153,945, Oceanside S.
[OR], Windy Sands S.-R (DMR, $22,700), 4th Hollywood Derby [G1], Del
Mar Derby H. [G2]. Sire.
3rd dam
DINNER PARTNER, by Tom Fool. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $47,985, Misty Isle S.,
Cinderella S., 2nd Oaks Prep, 3rd Pucker Up S., Cleopatra S. Dam of-JIM FRENCH. 9 wins at 2 and 3, $394,701, Santa Anita Derby, etc. Sire.
BILL BONBRIGHT. 23 wins, 4 to 8, $260,800, Christmas Eve H., etc.
NATIVE PARTNER. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $138,636, Maskette H., Woodhaven
H., etc. Dam of AJDAL [G1] (champion sprinter in England, sire), FLYING PARTNER ($341,392), FORMIDABLE, FABULEUX JANE (dam of
$180,869; FABULEUX DANCER), Northerly Native ($30,080, in N.A.),
Bev Bev (dam of SPECTACULAR BEV [L], $167,257). Granddam of
KEY DANCER [G2] ($321,030), LAKESHORE ROAD [G3] ($317,526),
KEY FLYER [L] (3 wins, $161,606), SECRET PARTNER [L] ($149,624).
DON'T SULK. 3 wins at 3 in France, Prix de Royallieu-G3, etc. Dam of
CAESOUR [G2] ($317,530, in N.A., sire), GRACIOSO (Prix Lupin [G1],
etc.), PROFESSIONAL GIRL (dam of VITELLOZZI), Dragonada [G3].
TRIOMPHE. 3 wins in 4 starts to 4 in Ireland, 2nd Mooresbridge S.; winner
in 2 starts at 4 in England, Clive Graham S. Sire.
Appetite. Winner at 3 and 5, $41,660, 2nd Pomona Derby. Sire.
Dance Partner. Winner at 2, $34,410, 2nd Sorority S., Adirondack S. Dam
of Sunset Partner (IRE) (hwt. older mare at 4 on Irish Hand., 7 - 9 1/2
fur.), TRULY ($169,107), DANCING SUNSET [G3] (stakes producer).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent for
Claiborne Farm
Foaled March 29, 2000
A.P. Indy............................
Pulpit ................................
Hip No.
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Mr. Prospector
Mt. Livermore
Big Dreams
Dame Amour
By PULPIT (1994). Stakes winner of $728,200, Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], etc.
His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 107 foals, 23 starters, 10
winners of 14 races and earning $607,179 in N.A., including Essence of
Dubai (at 2, 2001, $193,200, Norfolk S. [G2], etc.), Bema (at 2, 2001,
$88,887, 3rd Tropical Park Oaks [L] (CRC, $11,000)), Nokoma (at 2, 2001,
$73,660, 2nd Remsen S. [G2]), Historic Speech (at 3, 2001, $44,840),
Robe (at 2, 2001, $40,800), Clergy (to 3, 2002, $37,200), Viva ($36,165).
1st dam
ACES, by Housebuster. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $102,608, Astoria S. [L] (BEL,
$32,730). Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
Sweetbreads, by Secretariat. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $54,319, 4th Matron S. [G1].
Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-ACES (f. by Housebuster). Stakes winner, above.
Linkatariat (c. by Linkage). 7 wins, 2 to 10, 2001, $201,840, 2nd Chief's
Crown S. [L] (AQU, $11,880), 3rd Remsen S. [G2].
3rd dam
Dame Amour, by Iron Ruler. 2 wins at 3, $23,411, 3rd Hibiscus S. Dam of 8
foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-LEARN BY HEART. 17 wins, 2 to 7, $312,103, Midwest Sprint H. [L] (TDN,
$30,000), Gasparilla Breeders' Cup S. (TAM, $31,710), Isi Newborn Memorial H. (TDN, $21,000), Miami S. (HIA, $17,000), Isi Newborn Memorial H. (TDN, $14,000), 2nd Melreese H. (CRC, $9,020), etc. Sire.
Fighting Affair. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $91,037, 2nd Saratoga Special S. [G2].
Sweetbreads. Stakes-placed winner, above.
4th dam
Bright Affair, by Clandestine. 2 wins, $26,400, 2nd Bewitch S. Half-sister to
OTH'BOARD (sire), FABULOUS PROSPECT, Sun Reality. Dam of-MATINEE MAMA. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $42,295, Athena S., Venus S., 2nd Marica
H., etc. Dam of POCKET BABY ($37,860, Pontalba S. (FG, $13,860)).
Dame Amour. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Finality. Winner at 2 and 3, $35,290. Dam of Wargod ($288,052), Oh Bye
Golly [L] ($139,449), Total Assets ($108,241, 3rd Razorback H. [G2]).
Reveal. Placed at 2, $4,200. Dam of BAY STREET STAR [G3] ($370,232).
Indian Maiden. Unraced. Dam of RUHLMANN ($1,819,190, in N.A., Santa
Anita H. [G1], etc.), CODY JONES (Premio Aringo, etc.), Chieftain's
Ridge ($92,854), Delicate Treasure (dam of Lee Azucar, $24,200).
Cally Bright. Unraced. Dam of THIS TUNE CAN HUM [L] ($179,896).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent for
Claiborne Farm
Foaled March 8, 2000
Quiet American .................
Demure .............................
Spectacular Bid.................
Acquire .............................
Disco Diane ......................
Mr. Prospector
Dr. Fager
Quiet Charm
Bold Bidder
Tom Rolfe
By QUIET AMERICAN (1986). Stakes winner of $752,150, in N.A., NYRA Mile
H. [G1], etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 379 foals, 244 starters, 21
stakes winners, 167 winners of 553 races and earning $16,828,918 in
N.A., including champions Real Quiet ($3,271,802, Kentucky Derby [G1],
etc.), Hidden Lake ($947,489, Beldame S. [G1], etc.), and of Warrior
Queen (hwt. in England and Ireland), Cara Rafaela ($884,452, Hollywood
Starlet S. [G1], etc.), Irving's Baby ($711,302, Delaware H. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
ACQUIRE, by Spectacular Bid. 8 wins at 4 and 5, $167,328, White Swan S.
(RD, $17,145), 2nd Mint Julep S. (CD, $8,076), Quick Reward H. (HAW,
$7,335), 3rd River Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. (RD, $10,091),
Pan Zareta H. (FG, $4,150). Sister to JIVE. Dam of 8 other registered
foals, 7 of racing age, 6 to race, 6 winners, including-BASIC TRAINEE (c. by Majestic Light). 10 wins to 7, 2002, $283,477, OBS
Championship S.-R (OTC, $60,000), HBPA Governor's Cup H. (CT, $21,855), Killeen S.-R (CT, $24,930), 3rd HBPA Kelly Kip S.-R (CT, $4,620).
Obtain (f. by Private Account). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $129,102, 3rd Locust
Grove H. [L] (CD, $10,900). Producer.
Demon Acquire (f. by Demons Begone). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3,
$73,600, 3rd Las Virgenes S. [G1].
Buy (f. by Proper Reality). 4 wins to 5, $38,610, 3rd Mesa H. (TUP, $2,500).
Hord (f. by Private Account). Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-Shes Got the Look (f. by Prospector's Music). 5 wins, $182,334, 2nd Boca Raton S. [L] (CRC, $20,000), 3rd Wishing Well S. [L] (TP, $5,000).
2nd dam
Disco Diane, by Tom Rolfe. Winner in 2 starts, 3rd La Troienne S. Dam of-ACQUIRE (f. by Spectacular Bid). Stakes winner, above.
JIVE (f. by Spectacular Bid). 3 wins at 3, $33,279, Audubon Oaks S.-R
(ELP, $12,496). Producer.
3rd dam
NIECE, by Drone. 3 wins in 3 starts at 3, Thelma S. Half-sister to GO GO ROGER ($206,000, sire), STACEY D'ETTE, EASTER ISLAND. Dam of-Disco Diane. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Kris Kris. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-LASER LANE. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $284,729, Knickerbocker H. [G3],
Engine One S. [L] (BEL, $35,460), Timely Writer H. [L] (SUF, $31,350),
2nd Long Branch S. [G3], Sea-Bird S. [L] (BEL, $13,024), etc. Sire.
STARFIELD. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $278,297, Chrysanthemum H. [L] (LRL,
$60,000), Sensational H. [L] (LRL, $34,080), etc.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Grand Prix Inc., Agent for
Amy Enterprises (Ruben Sanchez)
Foaled February 11, 2000
Timeless Moment .............
Gilded Time ......................
Gilded Lilly .......................
Al Hattab ...........................
Addy's Venture..................
Chris' Venture...................
Hip No.
Hour of Parting
What a Pleasure
The Axe II
*Abyssinia II
Lido Belle
By GILDED TIME (1990). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $975,980, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 536
foals, 315 starters, 25 stakes winners, 223 winners of 570 races and earning $14,277,751 in N.A., including Old Topper ($655,861, Pat O'Brien H.
[G3], etc.), Elaborate ($520,328, Triple Bend Breeders' Cup Invitational H.
[G2], etc.), Speaking of Time ($394,976, Piedra Foundation H.-R (DMR,
$45,570), etc.), Time Limit (5 wins, $379,130, Hutcheson S. [G2], etc.).
1st dam
ADDY'S VENTURE, by Al Hattab. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $48,039. Dam of 11 other
registered foals, 11 of racing age, 10 to race, 8 winners, including-ADDY'S APPEAL (f. by Proud Appeal). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $184,953, New
York Stallion S. [LR] (AQU, $60,000), 2nd Mohawk S. [LR] (BEL, $19,833).
WINNING MOVE (f. by Strike the Gold). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $84,340,
Heavenly Prize H.-R (GP, $31,140).
Darby's Venture (g. by Darby Creek Road). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $142,536.
Twilight Adventure (f. by Twilight Agenda). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2001,
2nd dam
Chris' Venture, by *Hawaii. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $96,185, 2nd Garden State Inaugural H. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 winners, including-Coconut Casserole (f. by Dewan). 9 wins, 3 to 5, $78,296, 3rd Venus S.
(RD, $2,365). Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-Coconut's Wish (g. by Leprechauns Wish). 10 wins, 2 to 8, $60,611,
3rd Green Carpet H.-R (RD, $3,000).
Brother Tom (c. by Top Command). Winner at 3 and 4, $34,582, 3rd New
Jersey Futurity-LR.
3rd dam
LIDO BELLE, by *Ribot. Unraced. Half-sister to Pontivy ($50,484). Dam of-Chris' Venture. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Belle Emperor. 2 wins at 3, $13,570. Producer. Granddam of OCALA
FLAME (18 wins, $470,349, Carry Back H. [L] (CRC, $33,180), etc.),
PAULA'S GIRL (4 wins, $170,283, Valley Stream S. [L] (AQU, $38,700),
etc.), PRINCESS BELLE ($135,196, Anoakia S. [L] (SA, $46,710), etc.).
Mahari's Apple. Unraced. Dam of 10 winners, including-BIG CHILL. 11 wins, $374,907, Tanforan H. [G3], Joseph T. Grace H. [L]
(SR, $27,500), Au Revoir H. [LR] (GG, $55,000), Point Reyes H. [LR]
(GG, $30,700), Old Town Derby (ALB, $24,840), 2nd CHBPA Invitational H. [LR] (BM, $10,000), Clyde Tingley H. (ALB, $4,390), etc. Sire.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 19, 2000
Kris S................................
Arch ..................................
Galletto .............................
Sharp Queen
Gana Facil
Nijinsky II
By ARCH (1995). Stakes winner of 5 races in 7 starts at 2 and 3, $480,969,
Super Derby [G1], Fayette S. [G3]-ntr, 1 3/16 mi. in 1:53 4/5. Half-brother
to stakes winners Festival of Light, Alisios. His first foals are 2-year-olds
of 2002. Son of stakes winner Kris S., among the leading sires, sire of 60
stakes winners, including champions Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160,
Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders'
Cup Filly & Mare Turf [G1], etc.), and of Prized [G1] (9 wins, $2,262,555).
1st dam
AFFABILITY, by Unbridled. Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
GALLETTO, by Nijinsky II. 2 wins in 4 starts to 3 in Ireland, 2nd Brownstown
S., Fasig-Tipton CTBA S.; winner in 1 start at 3 in England, Galtres S.
Dam of 5 winners, including-AUTHAAL (c. by Shergar). 4 wins in 6 starts at 3 in Ireland, Jefferson Smurfit Memorial Irish St. Leger [G1]; 3 wins at 5 and 6 in Australia, Queen
Elizabeth S. [G1], Underwood S. [G1], 3rd Foster's Caulfield Cup [G1],
4th Caulfield S. [G1]. Sire.
ARAS AN UACHTARAIN (IRE) (c. by Habitat). Winner at 2 and 3 in Ireland, Coolmore Godswalk S., 3rd Kilfrush What A Guest S., MacDonagh
and Boland Waterford Testimonial S., Orchardstown Stud S.; 2 wins at 5,
$93,500, in N.A., [Q], 2nd Monterey H. [L] (BM, $9,000), Citation Invitational H. [LR] (GG, $10,000), 3rd Albany H. [L] (GG, $7,500), [Q]. Sire.
In My Footsteps (c. by Blushing Groom (FR)). Winner at 2 and 3, $36,861,
3rd Hopemont S. (KEE, $4,410).
Gala Parade. Winner at 3 in France; placed at 3 in England. Dam of-Leonato (g. by Law Society). Winner in 2 starts at 3 in France; placed,
4 to 7 in England, 2nd Chester H., George Stubbs H.
Bill Gulch. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $74,652.
Votre Bien Devouee (IRE). Placed at 3 in N.A. Dam of 4 winners, including-PLAY BOTH ENDS (c. by Fast Play). 10 wins, 2 to 7, $213,909, Kelso
S. [L] (DEL, $30,000), Count Turf S. (DEL, $22,680), 2nd Bayard
Tuckerman, Jr. S. (SUF, $5,000), 3rd Mongo S. (DEL, $4,054).
Casual Rendezvous (f. by High Brite). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $93,857, 2nd
Doubledogdare S. (KEE, $8,640), 3rd Etobicoke H. [L] (WO, $7,465).
Dam of DEVIL VALENTINE (g. by Devil Begone, 5 wins to 3, 2001,
$393,690, Kingarvie S.-R (WO, $79,650), Sir Barton S.-R (WO, $78,829), Deputy Minister S.-R (WO, $65,160), 2nd Coronation Futurity-R
(WO, $50,000), Vice Regent S.-R (WO, $21,120)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Laura Helmbrecht, Agent
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled February 5, 2000
Bold Reasoning ................
Seattle Slew ......................
My Charmer......................
John Alden .......................
Alden's Juana ...................
Little Bold Sphinx .............
Hip No.
Reason to Earn
Fair Charmer
Speak John
Bold Ambition
Restless Sphinx
By SEATTLE SLEW (1974). Horse of the year, Triple Crown winner of $1,208,726, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Leading sire, sire of 21 crops of racing age,
1059 foals, 674 starters, 97 stakes winners, 7 champions, 456 winners of
1305 races and earning $53,407,292 in N.A., including Slew o' Gold ($3,533,534, Jockey Club Gold Cup-G1 twice, etc.), A.P. Indy ($2,979,815,
Belmont S. [G1], etc.), Surfside ($1,852,987, Frizette S. [G1], etc.), Swale
($1,583,660, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Capote [G1] (3 wins, $714,470).
1st dam
ALDEN'S JUANA, by John Alden. Sister to LITTLE BOLD JOHN. Dam of 4
other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-FUNONTHERUN (c. by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $300,750,
San Rafael S. [G2], Palos Verdes H. [G2], 3rd San Vicente S. [G3].
At the Altar (f. by Runaway Groom). Placed in 2 starts at 3, 2001, $4,525.
2nd dam
LITTLE BOLD SPHINX, by Bold Ambition. Unraced. Dam of 11 winners, incl.-LITTLE BOLD JOHN (g. by John Alden). 38 wins, 2 to 10, $1,956,406,
Donn H. [G2], John B. Campbell H. [G3], Baltimore Budweiser Breeders'
Cup H. [G3], Riggs H. [G3] twice, General George S. [L] (LRL, $120,000), Thistledown Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (TDN, $93,060), etc.
Run Equine Run (f. by Run Fool Run). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $50,342, 2nd Toddler
S.-R. Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-RUN ALDEN (g. by John Alden). 14 wins, 2 to 7, $395,075, Maryland
Juvenile Championship S.-R (LRL, $75,000), etc.
AMERI RUN (g. by Amerrico). 18 wins, 2 to 8, $205,592, Hirsch Jacobs
S. (PIM, $25,860), May Apple S.-R (PHA, $15,720).
RUN JOHN RUN (c. by John Alden). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $171,224, Taking Risks H.-R (TIM, $30,000), 3rd Polynesian S. [G3].
Run Nicoma Run. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $13,051. Dam of Ekundu [L] (c. by
Wolf Power (SAF), $112,852), Vicki's Vixen (f. by Wolf Power (SAF),
4 wins, $102,532), Salute and Run (f. by Salutely, 3 wins, $67,438).
North Sphinx (f. by North Tower). 3 wins at 3, $21,553, 2nd Suebee H. (CT,
$3,225). Producer.
Bold Juana. Winner at 2 and 3, $23,060. Dam of LITTLE BOLD BELLE (f.
by Silver Buck, $91,268, Gardenia Breeders' Cup S. (CRC, $22,932),
etc.). Granddam of Holy Bold (c. by Holy Mountain, at 2, 2001, $16,390).
Silent Sphinx. Winner at 2, $5,585. Dam of Silence Speaks (f. by John Alden, 10 wins, $111,549), Citisphinx (g. by Citidancer, 9 wins, $94,351).
Granddam of AMERI VALAY [G3] (c. by Carnivalay, $743,529, sire).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent for
White Horse Stables
Foaled April 2, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Alydar ...............................
Aly's Adita.........................
Royal Entrance ..................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
Raise a Native
Sweet Tooth
Tim Tam
Prince's Gate
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
ALY'S ADITA, by Alydar. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $150,212, Pippin S. [L] (OP, $33,600), 3rd Michigan Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (DET, $11,468). Dam
of 5 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Jag G (g. by Capote). 3 wins at 5 and 6, 2001, $60,120.
Southland Blues (c. by Dixieland Band). 2 wins at 3, placed at 5, 2001,
2nd dam
ROYAL ENTRANCE, by Tim Tam. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $55,610. Dam of-DAVONA DALE (f. by Best Turn). 11 wins, 2 to 4, $641,612, champion 3year-old filly, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American Oaks-G1,
Acorn S.-G1, Mother Goose S.-G1, Fantasy S.-G1, Kentucky Oaks-G1,
Black-Eyed Susan S.-G2, etc. Dam of Le Voyageur (c. by Seattle Slew,
$178,273, in N.A., 3rd Belmont S. [G1], sire), Macau (c. by Seattle Slew,
$91,874), Davona Gold (f. by Mr. Prospector, $35,306). Granddam of
JUST A CAT (c. by Storm Cat, $144,139, Cowdin S. [G2], etc., sire).
ALY'S ADITA (f. by Alydar). Stakes winner, above.
Palace Gate. Placed at 2, $10,780. Dam of PALACE REVOLT [L] (f. by
Fast Gold, $170,178), Palace Dancer (c. by Velcro Fly), Jamelao (c. by
Gem Master, 2nd 9 de Julio [G1], etc.), Foguino [G2] (c. by Gem
Master). Granddam of TURNING NORTH (f. by Obligato, $103,444).
No Blues. Placed. Granddam of AGINCOURT (c. by Capote, $338,483,
Futurity S. [G1], etc.), Scott's Dancer (f. by Sovereign Dancer, $48,904).
All Agleam. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-FLYING SNOWDROP (f. by Soy Numero Uno). 7 wins at 3 and 4 in
South Africa, Stuttafords Fillies Guineas-G1, 2nd South African Fillies
Guineas-G1, Majorca S.-G3, 3rd Revlon’s Charlie Fillies H.-G2.
MAGIC GLEAM (f. by Danzig). 2 wins in England, Child S. [G2], 2nd Coronation S. [G1], 3rd Trusthouse Forte Mile S. [G2], etc.; placed in France,
3rd Prix du Haras de Fresnay-Le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois [G1].
Royal Fuss. Dam of Tali Hai [L] (g. by Talinum, 12 wins, $215,070, set ncr).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 12, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Dehere ..............................
Sister Dot..........................
Forty Niner........................
American River .................
Rutledge Place ..................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Sword Game
Mr. Prospector
Caro (IRE)
Bold Place
By DEHERE (1991). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $723,712,
Champagne S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 691 foals, 378
starters, 31 stakes winners, 269 winners of 612 races and earning $11,712,832 in N.A., including champion Mi Amigo Guelo ($129,450, Clasico
Santiago Iglesias Pantin, etc.), and of Belle Du Jour (hwt. filly at 3 in Australia, Golden Slipper S. [G1], etc.), Graeme Hall (to 4, 2001, $1,047,441,
Arkansas Derby [G2], etc.), Miss Seffens [L] (to 4, 2001, $482,690).
1st dam
AMERICAN RIVER, by Forty Niner. Unraced. Dam of 1 other registered foal,
none of racing age.
2nd dam
RUTLEDGE PLACE, by Caro (IRE). Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-FIRM PLEDGE (g. by Affirmed). Winner at 2 and 3 in England, 3rd Dewhurst S. [G1]; 5 wins at 4 and 7, $194,395, in N.A., Tanforan H. [G3], 2nd
San Francisco H. [G3], 3rd Golden Eagle Farm H.-R (BM, $5,250).
Omnia (f. by Green Dancer). Winner at 3 in England, 3rd Golden Daffodil
S.; placed in 1 start at 3 in Italy, 2nd Premio Giovanni Falck. Producer.
Stellar Empress. 2 wins in 4 starts at 2 in Ireland. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-Welsh Queen (f. by Caerleon). Winner at 3 in Ireland, 2nd Derrinstown
Stud One Thousand Guineas Trial.
3rd dam
BOLD PLACE, by Bold Bidder. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $102,007, Pageant H., Mill Race
H., First Lady H., etc. Sister to CARD TABLE, Collect Call. Dam of-GEM DIAMOND. 6 wins, 3 to 5 in France, Prix du Gros-Chene-G3. Sire.
DANCING PLACE (FR). 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix des Lilas; placed at 4
in N.A., 2nd Country Queen S. [OR]. Dam of 4 winners, including-NO PLACE. 7 wins in Italy, Premio del Dado, 4th Gran Criterium [G1].
Urban Mayumi. Unraced. Dam of Unitaire (to 4, 2001, 3rd Prix Delahante).
Miss Krispy. Winner at 3 in France. Dam of 3 winners, including-Look and Like. Winner at 3 in Germany, 2nd Grosser Silicon Bavaria
Sprint Preis; 7 wins, 3 to 8 in France.
4th dam
EXTRA PLACE, by Round Table. 2 wins to 4, $13,890. Half-sister to Fair Exchange II (3rd Prix de Flore). Dam of 14 foals, 11 winners, including-BOLD PLACE. Stakes winner, above.
EXPERTIELLO. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Germany, Excelsior Hotel Ernst-Criterium, Robert Pferdmenges Rennen; 4 wins, 5 to 7, $41,855, in N.A.
Other stakes winners: OUT TO LUNCH (3 wins, $62,403), CARD TABLE.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by M. W. Miller, III, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 26, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
American Standard ...........
American Royale...............
Royal Advocator................
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
In Reality
Too Bald
Majestic Prince
Precious Elaine
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
AMERICAN ROYALE, by American Standard. 6 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 3,
$254,688, Adirondack S. [G2], Prioress S. [G2], Blue Norther S. [L]
(AQU, $32,340), Family Style S. [L] (AQU, $32,280), Colleen S. [L]
(MTH, $30,000)-ntr, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:02 4/5. Dam of 4 other registered foals,
3 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
ROYAL ADVOCATOR, by Majestic Prince. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-AMERICAN ROYALE (f. by American Standard). Stakes winner, above.
To the Hunt (f. by Relaunch). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $89,768, 2nd Next Move
H. [G3], 3rd Rare Treat H. [G3], My Charmer S. (TP, $3,415), Wintergreen S. (TP, $2,815). Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, including-STARRER (f. by Dynaformer). 3 wins at 3, 2001, $433,033, Bayakoa H.
[G2], Princess S. [G2], Santa Paula S. [L] (SA, $49,965), 2nd Overbrook Spinster S. [G1], Railbird S. [G2], 3rd Landaluce S. [G3].
Lady Caveat. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $71,530. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-THE CYNIC (g. by Leo Castelli). 3 wins at 2, $115,630, Gateway to Glory
S. [L] (FPX, $27,500), Precisionist S.-R (HOL, $44,950).
Beaufort (c. by Carson City). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $233,130, 2nd Independence
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (LAD, $20,000), Barksdale H. (LAD, $8,000).
3rd dam
Precious Elaine, by Advocator. Winner at 2 and 3, $33,094, 3rd Villager S.G3, Jamaica S. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-FIRST PHASE. 4 wins at 3 in England, Food Brokers Ltd. Trophy H., 2nd
Cecil Frail H.; 2 wins at 5, $55,878, in N.A., Santa Gertrudes H.-L.
Past Remembered. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $147,150, 2nd Las Madrinas H. [L]
(FPX, $17,000), Honey Fox H. [L] (DMR, $12,000), etc. Producer.
Hello Heart. 3 wins at 3, $30,450, 4th Anne Arundel H. [G3]. Dam of-AMICUS CURIAE. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $238,748, Birdcatcher S. [L] (NP,
$31,500), Western Canada H. (NP, $22,869), Count Lathum S. (NP,
$18,711), 2nd Kennedy Road S. [L] (WO, $16,710), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VII
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled March 1, 2000
Seeking the Gold ..............
Nodouble ..........................
Angel Again ......................
Mr. Prospector
Con Game
Seattle Slew
Dance Number
*Noholme II
Sociable Angel
By MUTAKDDIM (1991). Stakes winner in England, Firsteel Group John of
Gaunt S., etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 249 foals, 90 starters, 9 stakes
winners, 56 winners of 108 races and earning $2,288,299 in N.A., including Hattiesburg (to 3, 2001, $421,685, Azalea Breeders' Cup S. [G3],
etc.), Miss Noire (at 2, 2001, $201,711, Fanfreluche S.-R (WO, $88,857),
etc.), Chamul (at 3, 2001, $125,641, Star Shoot S. [L] (WO, $90,300),
etc.), Treasure Coast Gem ($96,524, Blue Hen S. [L] (DEL, $45,000)).
1st dam
ANGEL AGAIN, by Nodouble. 2 wins at 3, $24,580. Sister to Double Angel. Dam
of 7 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners, including-Remember the Roar (c. by Vigors). 12 wins, 2 to 6, $358,177, 3rd Pioneer
S. [L] (TP, $7,670), Dust Commander S. [L] (TP, $6,335), William Henry
Harrison H.-R (HOO, $5,924).
Miss Virginia (f. by Magic Prospect). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $163,490, 2nd Somethingroyal H.-R (CNL, $6,000).
2nd dam
CHERUBIM, by Stevward. Winner at 2 and 4, $32,319, Lady Luck H., 2nd Bon
Femme H. Sister to TRACK FIDDLER. Dam of 4 other winners, incl.-Double Angel (f. by Nodouble). 4 wins, $54,792, 2nd Cyclamen S.-R (PHA,
$4,320). Granddam of Space Time (c. by Warrshan, 2nd Darley Arabian S.).
3rd dam
Sociable Angel, by Social Climber. 2 wins at 2, 2nd Florida Breeders' Futurity,
3rd Oh Susannah S., etc. Half-sister to Tis an Angel. Dam of-DIAMOND PROSPECT. Winner at 2 and 3 in France, Prix Djebel, etc. Sire.
TRACK FIDDLER. 6 wins, 2 to 7, $47,933, Florida Breeders' Futurity-R.
CHERUBIM. Stakes winner, above.
Tampa Town. 6 wins to 5, $174,053, 3rd Creme de la Fete Claiming S. [LR].
Solly. 7 wins, 2 to 7, $68,610, 2nd Annapolis H. Sire.
Anchorwoman. 2 wins at 3, 3rd Noble Table Visitation S. Dam of-TEDDY'S TOP TEN. 10 wins, $433,167, Bayakoa S. (OP, $26,520), etc.
NORANC. 8 wins in 13 starts to 3, $251,416, Forward Gal S. [G3], etc.
Dam of POSITION OF POWER ($295,717), Do Declare ($66,605).
Betamillion Bock. Winner, $46,134, 3rd Miss Grillo S. [G3]. Producer.
Allaise. Winner, $30,865, 2nd Priscilla S. (SUF, $5,200). Stakes producer.
Buckarette. 3 wins to 3, $31,260. Dam of BUCQUESTOR ($169,439).
Southern Dash. Dam of DASHAROO (3 wins, $108,349).
Casual Aquaintance. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $25,701. Dam of CASUAL DANCER
($46,976), Fighting Forty ($146,850, 2nd Lilac S. (RKM, $7,000), etc.).
Society Angel. Winner, $9,940. Producer. Granddam of VARYA ($193,592).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 19, 2000
Grindstone ........................
Buzz My Bell.....................
Seattle Slew ......................
Annual Report ...................
Ten Cents a Kiss ...............
Gana Facil
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Key to the Mint
By GRINDSTONE (1993). Classic winner of $1,224,510, Kentucky Derby
[G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 167 foals, 51 starters, 30 winners
of 45 races and earning $1,212,083 in N.A., including Ommadon (to 3,
2001, $174,520, Nashua S. [G3], etc.), Emery Board (at 3, 2001, $113,890, Go for Wand S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), etc.), Tricky Elaine ($76,913, 3rd
Debutante S. [G3]), Doe Na Wane ($72,094, 3rd Bassinet S. [L] (RD,
$10,000)), Endear ($31,610, 2nd Manayunk S. [L] (PHA, $10,630)).
1st dam
ANNUAL REPORT, by Seattle Slew. 2 wins at 3, $44,028. Dam of 5 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners-Button Raise (c. by Crafty Prospector). 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4,
2001, $101,557, 3rd Whirlaway S. [L] (AQU, $9,067).
Short Note (f. by Editor's Note). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $73,194, 2nd Blue Hen
S. [L] (DEL, $15,000), 3rd Polly Drummond S. [L] (DEL, $11,000).
Slot Machine Sally (f. by Carson City). Winner in 2 starts at 3, 2001, $18,580.
2nd dam
TEN CENTS A KISS, by Key to the Mint. Winner at 3 and 4, $29,400. Half-sister to Passakiss, Noble Robert. Dam of 9 winners, including-CORPORATE REPORT (c. by Private Account). 3 wins at 3, $1,067,908,
Travers S. [G1], 2nd Preakness S. [G1], Haskell Invitational H. [G1],
Arkansas Derby [G2], Swaps S. [G2], Rebel S. [G3]. Sire.
DRACHMA (g. by Damascus). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $240,098, Gallant Man S.
[G3], 2nd Nashua S. [G2], Lamplighter H. [G2], 3rd Remsen S. [G1], 4th
Pilgrim S. [G3].
Swiss Affair (g. by Private Account). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Scottish
Equitable Gimcrack S. [G2].
Dance Hall Miss. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $67,632. Dam of 6 winners, including-D'S DANCING SOPHIE (f. by Metfield). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $107,292,
Minnesota Oaks-R (CBY, $29,892), etc.
DANCING PRIZE (f. by Prized). 3 wins in 5 starts at 3, $44,930, Minnesota Oaks-R (CBY, $31,320).
Dance Hall Prize (c. by Prized). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $33,750,
2nd Northern Lights Futurity-R (CBY, $10,490), etc.
Maybe a Kiss. Winner at 3, $18,675. Granddam of CIENTO (c. by Prospector Jones, to 3, 2001, $172,547, Viva El Paso H-R (SUN, $62,280), etc.).
County Fair. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-STEAMING HOME (f. by Salt Lake). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2001 in Ireland, Go and Go Round Tower S.; placed at 2, 2001 in England.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled March 8, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tabasco Cat ......................
Barbicue Sauce.................
Conquistador Cielo...........
Arbela ...............................
Street Ballet ......................
Storm Bird
Sauce Boat
Lady Barbizon
Mr. Prospector
K D Princess
Nijinsky II
Street Dancer
By TABASCO CAT (1991). Classic winner of $2,347,671, Belmont S. [G1],
etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 280 foals, 144 starters, 11 stakes winners, 94 winners of 202 races and earning $6,194,963 in N.A., including
Perfect Cat (to 4, 2001, $493,113, William Donald Schaefer H. [G3], etc.),
Snow Ridge (to 4, 2002, $467,699, Palos Verdes H. [G2] (SA, $90,000),
etc.), Cat's At Home (to 4, 2001, $422,857, Excelsior Breeders' Cup H.
[G3], etc.), Habibti (3 wins, $393,000, Del Mar Debutante S. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
ARBELA, by Conquistador Cielo. Unraced. Dam of 8 other registered foals, 7
of racing age, 5 to race, 5 winners, including-APELIA (f. by Cool Victor). 12 wins in 24 starts, 3 to 5, $621,708, champion sprinter in Canada, Genuine Risk S. [G2] twice, Garden State
Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Queen Breeders' Cup S. [L] (TP,
$43,615), Gallant Bloom S. [L] (SAR, $32,400), Ontario Fashion H.-R
(WO, $64,260), Toronto Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. (WO, $49,710),
Royal North Breeders' Cup H. (WO, $37,470), 2nd Garden State Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Thoroughbred Club of America S.
[G3], Royal North Breeders' Cup H. (WO, $12,448), etc. Dam of-SAOIRSE (f. by Cure the Blues). 8 wins at 3 and 4, $502,721, champion older mare in Canada, Chicago Breeders' Cup H. [G3], George
C. Hendrie H. [G3], Seaway S. [L] (WO, $90,060), La Voyageuse H.
[L] (WO, $46,560), 2nd Whimsical S. [L] (WO, $29,740), Jammed
Lovely S.-R (WO, $16,035), 3rd Ontario Fashion H. [L] (WO, $16,214).
CAMLAN (f. by Brave Shot (GB)). 9 wins, $301,751, Lady Canterbury
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (CBY, $90,000), 2nd Nassau S. [L] (WO, $16,350),
Bryan Station S. [L] (KEE, $10,280), 3rd Victoriana S.-R (WO, $9,210).
Karra Bai (g. by Cool Victor). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $147,118.
Rorybeg (g. by His Majesty). 9 wins, 4 to 7, $64,448.
2nd dam
STREET BALLET, by Nijinsky II. 6 wins, $174,708, La Centinela S., 2nd Santa Susana S.-G1, Santa Ynez S.-G3, etc. Sister to La Nijinska. Dam of-STREET REBEL (c. by Robellino). 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Ireland, Dunne Stores
Greenlands S. [G3], 2nd R. & H. Hall Waterford Testimonial S., Knockaire
S., 3rd John Roarty Memorial International S. [G2], etc.; placed at 5 and
6 in Germany; winner in 2 starts at 6 in France; placed at 6 in Italy, 3rd
Premio Chiusura [G3]; 8 wins, 7 to 9 in Switzerland, champion sprinter.
PONCHE (c. by Two Punch). 16 wins, 3 to 6, $437,086, Emerald Dunes H. [L]
(CRC, $60,000)-ntr, 7 fur. in 1:22, Glitterman H. (CRC, $22,008), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in California.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Asmussen Horse Center, Agent
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled March 20, 2000
Wavering Monarch............
Maria's Mon .....................
Carlotta Maria...................
Silver Deputy ....................
Arresting ...........................
Brummel's Beauty.............
Majestic Light
Caro (IRE)
Water Malone
Deputy Minister
Silver Valley
Beau Brummel
By MARIA'S MON (1993). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $507,140, Moet Champagne S. [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 205
foals, 97 starters, 8 stakes winners, 54 winners of 104 races and earning
$4,642,887 in N.A., including Monarchos (at 3, 2001, $1,720,830, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), Wander Mom (to 3, 2001, $209,295, Coconut
Grove S. (HIA, $15,960), etc.), Wedlock ($190,260, Vincent A. Moscarelli
Memorial S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), etc.), Silver Tornado [G3] ($133,075).
1st dam
ARRESTING, by Silver Deputy. Placed at 3. Dam of 1 other registered foal-Chance Arrest (f. by American Chance). Winner at 2, 2001, $5,695.
2nd dam
BRUMMEL'S BEAUTY, by Beau Brummel. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $31,597. Dam of-TEXAS TRIO (g. by Ginistrelli). 15 wins, 2 to 7, $160,323, Native Diver S.-R
(CBY, $9,175), 2nd Apple Valley H. (CBY, $3,000), Shakopee H. (CBY,
$3,000), 3rd Canterbury Juvenile S. [L] (CBY, $20,845), Lake Minnetonka
S. (CBY, $2,750), Shakopee H. (CBY, $2,750), St. Cloud H. (CBY, $2,750).
PARQUILL (f. by One for All). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $109,279, Natalma S. [G3],
3rd Mazarine S. [L]. Producer.
One for Beauty. Placed at 2 and 3. Dam of 6 winners, including-DAWN FLIES BY (g. by Fly Till Dawn). Winner at 2 and 4, placed at 5,
2001, $143,076, Chenery S. [L] (CNL, $45,000), 3rd Hopemont S. [L]
(KEE, $7,085).
3rd dam
PARANHA, by New Policy. 4 wins at 2, Santa Cruz S. Dam of-One for Fun. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $43,360, 3rd Clipsetta S. Dam of-CARR TECH. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $251,124, New York Derby-R (FL, $75,000),
Albany S.-R (SAR, $33,240), 2nd General Douglas MacArthur H.-R
(BEL, $10,930), 3rd Hollie Hughes H.-R (AQU, $6,094).
Textbook Method. 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $136,390.
Prelone. Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $120,920.
Fun City. 9 wins, 3 to 7, 2001, $110,987.
Wild Fun. 5 wins at 3 and 5, $81,673.
4th dam
LADY FISH, by Fisherman. Winner at 2. Half-sister to BLACK COYOTE
($21,162), Defilade, Fusilade. Dam of 10 foals, 7 winners, including-PARANHA. Stakes winner, above.
Ocean Harvest. Winner at 4, $4,480. Dam of 5 winners, including-Indian Harvest. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, 2nd Girdner Ranch H.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 23, 2000
Lear Fan............................
Labeeb (GB)......................
Lady Blackfoot (IRE) .........
Bet Big ..............................
Balanced Action ................
Jongleuse (FR) .................
Prince Tenderfoot
Indian Graduate
Majestic Hostess
African Sky (GB)
Jail Bird
By LABEEB (GB) (1992). Stakes-placed winner in France, 2nd Prix du Lion
d'Angers, etc.; stakes winner of 7 races, 3 to 6, $1,399,860, in N.A.,
Crown Royal Hollywood Derby [G1], Shoemaker Breeders' Cup Mile S.
[G2], El Rincon H. [G2], American H. [G2], San Simeon H. [G3], Woodbine Mile S. [L] (WO, $450,000), 2nd Early Times Turf Classic S. [G1], etc.
Brother to stakes winner Fanmore, half-brother to stakes winners Alrassaam (GB), Madame l’Enjoleur. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
BALANCED ACTION, by Bet Big. Winner at 3, $16,180. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Red Devils Due (c. by Devil His Due). Winner at 3, 2001, $4,176.
Triathlon (c. by Devil His Due). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2001 in Japan.
2nd dam
JONGLEUSE (FR), by African Sky (GB). Placed at 3 in France; 4 wins at 4,
$52,540, in N.A. Half-sister to JUDOCA, Johannesburg. Dam of-MISS LEGALITY (f. by Skip Trial). 7 wins, $396,950, Black-Eyed Susan S.
[G2], Gardenia S. [G3], Davona Dale S. [L] (GP, $30,000), Brave Raj
S.-R (GP, $30,000), Convenience S.-R (CRC, $30,000), Somerset
County S. (MED, $21,000), 2nd Sorority S. [G3], Poinsettia S. [L] (HIA,
$10,000), 3rd Post-Deb S. [G2], Prom S. (MED, $3,850). Dam of-HAIR SPRAY (f. by Pentelicus). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $202,027, Safely Kept
S. [G3], Peach Blossom S. [L] (DEL, $30,000), Smart Halo S. (PIM,
$25,680), 3rd Miss Preakness S. [L] (PIM, $11,000), Miss Woodford S.
[L] (MTH, $5,500), Twixt S.-R (LRL, $11,000), Susan's Girl S. (DEL, $5,500), Dearly Precious S. (MTH, $4,800), Half Moon S. (MED, $4,400).
Penny's Growl (f. by Strike Gold). 8 wins, 2 to 7, $137,501, 2nd Tampa Bay
Juvenile S. (TAM, $5,650), American Beauty S. (RD, $4,580), 3rd Debutante S. (CD, $3,965), Drop Me a Note S. (MTH, $3,795), Surfside S.
(HIA, $2,728), 4th Poinsettia S. [G3]. Dam of 4 winners, including-DABNEY CARR (g. by Lost Code). 7 wins, 2 to 7, 2002, $142,201, Sam
F. Davis S. (TAM, $16,845).
Dont Fear the Heat (f. by Dawn Quixote). 2 wins at 2, $65,609, 3rd
Busher S. [G3], Dearly Precious S. [L] (AQU, $6,000), etc. Producer.
Juggle the Books (g. by Sovereign Dancer). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $96,883, 2nd
Wiley Post H. (RP, $4,212). Set ntr at Remington Park.
Golden Toss. Winner at 3, $15,155. Producer. Granddam of TASSO'S
MAGIC ROO (f. by Tasso, 5 wins, $196,492, Suncoast S. (TAM, $25,335), Gasparilla S. (TAM, $17,175), Sandpiper S. (TAM, $16,650), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent II
Hip No.
Foaled March 27, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
Alydar ...............................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Raise a Native
Sweet Tooth
Seattle Slew
La Basque
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
BASKING, by Alydar. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age-SUNRAY SPIRIT (c. by Hennessy). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $111,058, Cowdin
S. [G3].
Dehere of the Dog (f. by Dehere). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $63,569, 3rd
Goldfinch S. [L] (PRM, $5,000).
Hen Party (f. by Hennessy). Winner at 3, 2001, $13,396.
2nd dam
Slewsbasque, by Seattle Slew. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $79,031, 3rd Busher H.
[L] (AQU, $8,004). Sister to Sea Basque. Sent to Japan. Dam of-Adorable Slew (f. by Dixieland Band). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $73,960, 2nd
Spring Fashion S. (HST, $7,020). Producer.
3rd dam
LA BASQUE, by Jean-Pierre. 3 wins at 3, $45,930. Half-sister to HEAVENLY
CAUSE ($622,481, champion 2-year-old filly), QUIXOTIC LADY ($554,239), JACQUES WHO (sire), Quixotic Man, My Lady Love. Dam of-BOUNDING BASQUE. 10 wins, 2 to 5, $1,256,258, Wood Memorial S.-G1,
Meadowlands Cup H. [G1]-etr, 1 1/4 mi. in 2:00 2/5, Brooklyn H. [G1],
Massachusetts H. [G2]-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:47 3/5, Jamaica H.-G3, etc.
EL BASCO. 6 wins to 5, $529,242, Withers S. [G2], 2nd Pennsylvania Derby
[G2], Bay Shore S. [G2], King’s Bishop S. [L], Hoist the Flag S.-L, etc. Sire.
MUHAYAA. 5 wins at 3 and 4 in England, Godolphin S., 2nd Schroders
Glorious H., etc.; placed in 1 start at 4 in France, 2nd Prix Ridgway. Sire.
Sea Basque. 2 wins, $98,770, 2nd Matron S. [G1], Astarita S. [G2]. Dam of-Riscay. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $90,570, 2nd April Run S. [L] (PIM, $11,380).
Slewsbasque. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Basquette. 4 wins in 7 starts at 2 and 3, $69,180. Dam of NO NO BASQUETTE (9 wins, $102,385, Rosenna S. [O], etc.). Granddam of Queen
of Wilshire (to 5, 2001, $171,495), Annual Guest (4 wins, $64,581).
End of Night. Winner at 2, $41,460. Dam of Sun Wash (3 wins, $43,920).
Bright Omen. Placed, $10,120. Dam of Jameelaty (in England and Ireland).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent IV
Hip No.
Foaled March 29, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Phone Trick.......................
Belle South .......................
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Saratoga Six
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
BELLE SOUTH, by Phone Trick. Unraced. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of
racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
AGOTARAS, by Saratoga Six. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $124,150, Pasadena S.
[L] (SA, $46,350), Bay Meadows Debutante S. [L] (BM, $33,700), 3rd
Santa Ynez S. [G3], Moccasin S. [L] (HOL, $12,600). Sister to RUSSIAN
BRIDE. Dam of 7 other foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-Ride the Wind (f. by Meadowlake). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $118,089, 2nd Dearly
Precious S. [L] (AQU, $10,670). Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, incl.-Ryejee's Dancer (f. by Salt Lake). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $61,720, 3rd
Barretts Debutante S.-R (FPX, $12,300).
Sixy Minister. Winner in 1 start at 3, $15,400. Dam of 3 winners, including-SIXY SAINT (f. by St. Jovite). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $239,917, Star Ball H.-R (SA,
$42,480), 2nd Beverly Hills H. [G1].
Six Below (c. by Seattle Sleet). 2 wins in 3 starts at 4, $66,000, 3rd San
Pasqual H. [G2].
3rd dam
Aurania, by Judger. Placed at 3, $15,985, 2nd Lyrique S.-L. Sister to EUPHROSYNE ($339,538, Long Island H.-G2, Knickerbocker H.-G3, etc.),
half-sister to KUJA HAPPA ($123,812, Eatontown H., etc.). Dam of-RISEN RAVEN. 6 wins at 2 and 3 in Germany, hwt. older mare at 3 on
German Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., Preis der Diana-Deutsches Stuten-DerbyGerman Oaks [G2], Grosser Preis von Dusseldorf-Preis der StadtSparkasse Dusseldorf [G2], Deutscher Buchmacher-Stutenpreis von
Neuss [G3], Stutenpreis der Berliner Bank, 2nd ARAG-Preis-German
One Thousand Guineas [G2], Preis von Koln. Producer.
RUSSIAN BRIDE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $162,851, Tanya S. [L] (BEL, $32,370),
2nd Comely S. [G2], Capital Holding Mile S. [L] (CD, $17,160), 3rd National Jockey Club Oaks [L] (SPT, $16,500). Producer.
AGOTARAS. Stakes winner, above.
Sunk At Sea. 6 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 8, 2002, $112,060.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 2, 2000
In Excess (IRE)..................
Indian Charlie ...................
Soviet Sojourn ..................
Sauce Boat........................
Beyond Imagination ..........
Toll o' Bells.......................
Siberian Express
Leo Castelli
Political Parfait
Key to the Mint
Missy Baba
One for All
By INDIAN CHARLIE (1995). Stakes winner of 4 races in 5 starts at 2 and 3,
$616,120, Santa Anita Derby [G1], 3rd Kentucky Derby [G1]. His first
foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner In Excess (IRE), sire
of 22 stakes winners, including Romanceishope ($529,410, Del Mar Derby [G2], etc.), Fun in Excess ($389,385, Run for the Roses H. [L] (SA,
$54,875), etc.), Gibson County ($353,245, California Breeders' Champion
S.-R (SA, $90,000), etc.), Censored ($329,518), Controlled ($325,248).
1st dam
BEYOND IMAGINATION, by Sauce Boat. Placed at 3. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Daddy's Star (c. by Star de Naskra). Winner at 3, $20,000.
Springs to Mind (g. by Wekiva Springs). Winner at 3, 2001, $7,756.
Miss Taylor's Deer (f. by Deerhound). Placed at 2, 2001, $6,865.
2nd dam
TOLL O' BELLS, by One for All. Dam of 8 winners, including-Hit the Bell (f. by Sir Wimborne). 4 wins, 2 to 8, $101,065, 3rd East View S. [LR].
Running On E (f. by *Grey Dawn II). 2 wins at 3, $92,574, 3rd Alluvial S.
[L] (AQU, $6,624).
Far Away Bell (c. by Distant View). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2002, $38,265,
3rd Old Hickory S. [L] (FG, $6,600).
Sundown. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $82,020. Dam of 3 winners, including-SUNUP SUNDOWN (g. by Sir Richard Lewis). 9 wins, 2 to 6, 2002,
$145,877, Louisiana Champions Day Starter H.-R (FG, $30,000).
Thega. Placed at 3 and 4, $14,600. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-Tiger Trap (c. by Kris S.). Placed in 1 start at 2 in Ireland; 2 wins at 3,
2001, $108,200, in N.A., 2nd Lawrence Realization H. [G3].
Wimbelle. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-Jacques Whim (f. by Jacques Who). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $72,409, 3rd Niagara S.-R (FL, $2,750).
3rd dam
ALDONZA, by Bold Bidder. Unraced. Half-sister to PRINCESS ARJUMAND
(Prix d’Astarte-G3, etc.). Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-PURPLE MOUNTAIN. 11 wins, $695,122, Fall Highweight H. [G2], etc. Sire.
RING O'BELLS. 7 wins, $134,520, Prioress S., etc. Dam of TING A LING
($79,987, dam of ATTIVO, $248,779; etc.), Ring Me Up, Crisp ‘n Clear.
Slewdonza. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $55,301, 2nd Hollywood H. [L] (CRC, $10,880).
Tilting. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of SEATTLE MORN [L] ($370,571), DAWN
QUIXOTE ($223,758, Palm Beach S. [G3], etc., sire), Basma [G1].
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XIX
Hip No.
Chestnut Filly; foaled January 25, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
Woodman .........................
Birchfrost ..........................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Mr. Prospector
The Minstrel
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
BIRCHFROST, by Woodman. Unraced. Sister to Amaretta. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
QUICKSHINE, by The Minstrel. Placed at 3 in Ireland. Sister to SEASONAL
PICKUP. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including-Amaretta (f. by Woodman). 3 wins to 3, 2001, $115,700, 2nd Regret S. [G3].
3rd dam
BUBINKA, by Nashua. Winner at 2 in France; winner at 3 in Italy, Premio
Buontalenta-G3; placed at 4, $4,650, in N.A. Sister to STOSHKA ($33,000, in N.A.), half-sister to Taufan (sire). Dam of 3 winners, including-SEASONAL PICKUP. 5 wins, 2 to 4 in Ireland, BBA Sprint S., Midsummer
Scurry Ext. H., Sean P. Graham Ballycorus S., Solomon Carna Fillies
S., 2nd Baroda Stud Phoenix Sprint S.-G3 twice, Mount Coote Stud
Athasi S.-G3, Orchardstown Stud S., etc.; placed in 2 starts at 5 in
N.A., 3rd Osunitas H.-R (DMR, $5,625). Dam of 4 winners, incl.-Smooth Performance. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ireland, 2nd E.B.F. Leopardstown S. [G3], E.B.F. Orby S., 3rd Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S.
[G3]; placed in 2 starts at 3, $44,000, in N.A., 2nd Dwyer S. [G2]. Sire.
Strong Commitment. Placed in 2 starts at 2 in Ireland; placed at 2 in Germany, 2nd Moet & Chandon Zukunfts-Rennen [G2]; placed at 3 in N.A.
Style of Life. 2 wins at 3 in Ireland. Dam of 5 winners, including-Central Lobby (IRE). Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix Daphnis [G3], 3rd
Prix du Lion d'Angers; 4 wins at 4 and 5, $190,600, in N.A.
Stylish Ways. 4 wins, 2 to 6 in England, 3rd Van Geest Criterion S. [G3].
Rustic (IRE). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Princess Margaret S. [G3].
Style for Life. 2 wins at 4 in France, 3rd Prix Panacee. Dam of NIGHT
STYLE (in Italy, Gran Criterium [G1]), Maid of Dawkins (at 3, 2001,
3rd Prix Petite Etoile, Prix de l'Asselco Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers).
Speciality Package. Unplaced in 1 start in Ireland. Dam of-Super Gift. 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, 2nd C. L. Weld Park S. [G3]. Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Gabriel Dixon, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 1, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Crafty Prospector..............
Real Crafty Lady................
Bold Ruckus .....................
Blind Trust ........................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
In Reality
Princess Roycraft
Raise a Ruckus
Cox's Ridge
By CRAFTY PROSPECTOR (1979). Stakes-placed winner of $116,955, 2nd
Gulfstream Park H.-G1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 16 crops of
racing age, 833 foals, 656 starters, 74 stakes winners, 521 winners of
2442 races and earning $45,239,024 in N.A., including champions Don
Serafin ($140,521, Copa 4 de Julio, etc.), Sneaky Solicitor ($131,039,
Clasico Dia de Reyes, etc.), Agnes Digital (to 4, 2001, The Tenno Sho,
etc.), Royal C., Yecein, Millenium, and of Crafty Friend [G2] ($967,700).
1st dam
Blind Trust, by Bold Ruckus. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $198,157, 2nd Manatee S. (TAM,
$5,575), Miss Indy Anna S. (SUF, $5,000), 3rd Williamsburg S. (CNL,
$3,484). Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
TRUSTING, by Cox's Ridge. Winner at 3, $33,269. Dam of 1 foal-Blind Trust (f. by Bold Ruckus). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
HELENOUCHKA, by Nijinsky II. Winner in France. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-HORTENSIA (FR). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, Prix de l'Opera-G2, Prix
Cleopatre-G3, 3rd Prix de Malleret-G2, Prix de la Seine. Dam of-GLACIAL STORM. Winner at 2 in England, Matchmaker Horris Hill S.
[G3], 2nd Ever Ready Epsom Derby [G1], General Accident Jockey
Club S. [G2], Guardian Classic Trial S. [G3], Bonusprint September
S. [G3], etc.; placed in 1 start at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Budweiser Irish Derby [G1]; winner at 5 in France, Prix de Barbeville [G3], 2nd Prix Rene
Bedel; placed at 5 in Germany, 3rd Oleander Rennen [G3]. Sire.
CHAUDENNAY. Winner at 3 in England, Cheshire Oaks; winner at 4,
$72,518, in N.A., 2nd Vineland H. [G3], etc. Dam of STONELEIGH (3
wins, $144,880, Boiling Springs H. [G3]), CHADAYED (Preis vom
Niederrhein, etc.), To Be a Lover (3rd Premio Pietro Bessero).
Kiska. Winner at 3 in England. Dam of CORBETTA (Premio Seregno).
HOT. 2 wins at 3 in Italy, Premio Niccolo dell'Arca, 2nd Premio Lazio-G3.
Heil. Placed at 3 in Italy, 2nd Premio Zanoletti di Rozzano, 3rd Premio Principe de Amedeo-G2. Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, incl.-EZRALOW. 10 wins, 2 to 9, placed at 10, 2001 in Italy, Premio Principe
Amedeo, 2nd Premio UNIRE, 3rd Coppa d'Oro di Milano.
EGESIA. 7 wins in Italy, Premio Buontalenta, 3rd Premio Carlo Chiesa.
Wild Stretch. Placed in 2 starts at 3 in N.A. Sent to Brazil. Dam of-Cuica Do Valao. Winner at 2 and 3 in Brazil, 2nd Grande Premio Henrique Possolo [G1].
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 14, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
French Deputy ..................
Mitterand ..........................
Blushing John ..................
Blushing Peggy ................
Rajab's Treasure................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Hold Your Peace
Laredo Lass
Blushing Groom (FR)
La Griffe
By FRENCH DEPUTY (1992). Stakes winner of $195,200, Jerome H. [G2].
Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 256 foals, 135 starters, 12 stakes winners,
90 winners of 193 races and earning $5,337,952 in N.A., including champion Kurofune (to 3, 2001, The Japan Cup Dirt, etc.), and of Left Bank (to
4, 2001, $776,660, Cigar Mile H. [G1], etc.), Queue (to 4, 2001, $388,260,
Long Island H. [G2], etc.), Latour ($246,425, Davona Dale S. [G2], etc.),
Bella Bellucci ($208,555, Astarita S. [G2], etc.), Cogburn ($136,580).
1st dam
BLUSHING PEGGY, by Blushing John. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 2 registered foals, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
RAJAB'S TREASURE, by Rajab. Unraced. Half-sister to Luminosity (4 wins,
$75,298, 2nd [Q]). Dam of 12 foals, 10 winners, including-MISS GIBSON COUNTY (f. by Winrightt). 11 wins in 22 starts, 2 to 4,
$545,873, Princess Rooney H. [L] (CRC, $60,000), Moraga Futurity
[L] (GG, $55,000), Prima Donna S. [L] (OP, $45,000), Gold Beauty H.
[L] (HIA, $30,000), Florida Stallion/Susan's Girl S.-R (CRC, $75,000),
Florida Stallion/Desert Vixen S.-R (CRC, $45,000), etc. Dam of-GIBSON COUNTY (c. by In Excess (IRE)). 5 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5,
2002, $353,245, California Breeders' Champion S.-R (SA, $90,000),
Answer Do S.-R (HOL, $45,015), Don B. S.-R (BM, $27,900), 2nd
Real Good Deal S.-R (DMR, $21,240), etc.
BIG JEWEL (c. by Winrightt). 24 wins, 2 to 8, $518,055, Coaltown Breeders' Cup S. [G3], Sporting Plate H. [L] (AQU, $53,100), Kingland S.
(MED, $21,000), 2nd Heritage S. [L] (PHA, $10,910), Militia S. (PHA, $7,780), Mendham S. (MED, $7,000), Hemlock H. (PHA, $5,590), etc.
CHARLIES PARADISE (f. by Winrightt). 6 wins to 4, $260,803, Moraga S.
[L] (GG, $55,000), Bustles and Bows S. (FPX, $27,500), Dominant
Dancer S. (BM, $25,250), Pepsi-Cola H. (EMD, $19,250)-ntr, Phoenix
Futurity-R (TUP, $50,000), 2nd Watch Wendy H. (GG, $7,000), 3rd
Soviet Problem Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (GG, $18,739), etc. Dam of-Tagano Charlies (f. by Saint Ballado). Winner at 2 and 3, 2002 in Japan,
3rd The Fairy S.
La Ronge (f. by Rahy). 4 wins at 4, 2001, $192,433, 2nd Palomar H. [G2],
Osunitas H.-R (DMR, $16,235).
Treasure Man (g. by Court Trial). 12 wins, 2 to 7, $125,316, 2nd Tremont
Breeders' Cup S. [G3].
Correoso (f. by Rahy). Winner at 2 and 3, $63,115, 3rd Gold Digger S. [L]
(HAW, $5,995).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled April 5, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Sovereign Dancer .............
Bolshoi Comedy ...............
Left Them Laughing..........
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Northern Dancer
Bold Princess
Shecky Greene
Hidden Trail
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
BOLSHOI COMEDY, by Sovereign Dancer. Winner at 3, $13,320. Dam of 7
other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners-LEAVEEMLAUGHING (f. by Dynaformer). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $149,382, Lieutenant Governor S. [L] (ELP, $30,500), 3rd Valley View S. [L] (KEE, $8,452).
Kela (c. by Numerous). 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, 2001, $79,800.
Comedy At the Met (f. by Metfield). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $74,462.
2nd dam
LEFT THEM LAUGHING, by Shecky Greene. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $120,481, Thoroughbred Club of America S., 3rd Thoroughbred Club of America S.
Dam of 5 other foals, 4 winners, including-Baba Haha (f. by Raja Baba). Winner at 2 and 3, $31,225, 3rd Washington
Oaks [L] (LGA, $7,500).
3rd dam
HIDDEN TRAIL, by Gleaming. Unraced. Dam of 13 foals, all winners, incl.-TUXEDO JUNCTION. 7 wins, 2 to 6, $439,231, Fairway Fun S. [L] (TP,
$46,950), Luisant H. (GG, $24,600), Miss California H. (GG, $23,415),
2nd Delaware H. [G3], Moment to Buy H. [L] (GG, $25,000), Applebite
Farms H. (BM, $7,000), 3rd Santa Maria H. [G1], Sixty Sails H. [G3],
Carmel H. [L] (BM, $15,000), Alcatraz H. [L] (GG, $12,000), etc.
LEFT THEM LAUGHING. Stakes winner, above.
FILL RON'S POCKETS. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $82,710, Mayflower S.-L, 2nd
Sanford S.-G2, 3rd Cape Cod S. Sire.
Oricao. 9 wins, 4 to 6, $155,127, 2nd Beef State S. (AKS, $5,275).
I Dreamed a Dream. Winner at 2 and 4, $25,208. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-AIR SHAKUR. 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2001 in Japan, champion
3-year-old colt, The Satsuki Sho-Japanese Two Thousand Guineas,
The Kikuka Sho-Japanese St. Leger, 2nd The Tokyo Yushun-Japanese Derby, The Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho, The Sankei Osaka Hai, etc.
AIR DEJA VU. Winner at 2 and 3 in Japan, The Jiji Press Hai Queen S., 2nd
The Yushun Himba-Japanese Oaks, The Daily Hai Queen Cup, etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VII
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled April 26, 2000
Lure ..................................
Chief's Crown ...................
Hire a Brain.......................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Six Crowns
Seattle Slew
By LURE (1989). Stakes winner of $2,515,289, Breeders' Cup Mile [G1]
twice-once in ncr, etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 103 foals, 64 starters,
42 winners of 77 races and earning $1,216,185 in N.A., including Orpen
(hwt. colt at 2 in Ireland, Prix Morny [G1], etc.), England's Legend (FR) (at
4, 2001, $757,480, in N.A., Beverly D. S. [G1], etc.), Ghost Dance (IRE)
(Prix de l'Asselco Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers), Misraah (to 4, 2001, Porcelanosa Sprint S., etc.), Angling (Dulcify Three-Year-Old Quality H., etc.).
1st dam
BRAINLESS, by Chief's Crown. 2 wins at 3, $27,210. Dam of 3 other registered
foals, 2 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
HIRE A BRAIN, by Seattle Slew. Winner at 3 in Ireland. Dam of-Political Fact (g. by Trempolino). 2 wins in 3 starts to 3 in Ireland, 3rd Juddmonte E.B.F. Two-Year-Old Beresford S. [G2]; 5 wins at 4, $90,839, in
N.A. Set ntr at Keeneland, 1 1/4 mi. in 2:02 1/5.
Sheer Quality (f. by Irish River (FR)). Winner at 3 and 4, $94,100, 2nd Luther Burbank H. (SR, $8,000), Camellia S.-R (SAC, $6,000), etc.
Major Inquiry (g. by The Minstrel). Winner at 2 and 3 in Ireland, 2nd Dawn
Milk Challenge S., 4th Juddmonte Beresford S. [G2]; 4 wins in England.
3rd dam
GRENZEN, by Grenfall. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $346,490, Santa Susana S.-G2, Santa
Monica H.-G2, Santa Maria H.-G2, Las Palmas H.-G3, Santa Ynez S.G3, Pasadena S., 2nd Kentucky Oaks-G1, etc. Etr at Santa Anita Park,
6 fur. in 1:07 4/5. Half-sister to BOLD WHO, Sonny Pelouse. Dam of-TWILIGHT AGENDA. 5 wins, 2 to 4 in Ireland, Windfields Minstrel S., Barronstown Stud E.B.F. Gold S., 2nd E.B.F. Platinum Hardwicke Cup; 8
wins at 5 and 6, $2,124,400, in N.A., Meadowlands Cup H. [G1], Del
Mar Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G2], Bel Air H. [G2], etc. Sire.
Market Slide. Winner at 2 and 3 in Ireland; 3 wins at 4, $91,657, in N.A.,
3rd First Lady H. [G3], Heather H. [L] (GP, $5,500). Dam of MEDIA PUZZLE (to 4, 2001 in Ireland, Ulster Harp Derby, 2nd Saval Beg S., etc.).
Irish Edition. Winner in Ireland. Dam of GO AND GO (IRE) (hwt. colt at 3 on
Irish Hand., 11 - 14 fur.; $681,850, in N.A., Belmont S. [G1], etc., sire),
Latest Release (IRE) ($234,926, 3rd Downs at Albuquerque H. (ALB,
$4,405)), Off'n'away (IRE) (3rd Sea World International S. [G2]). Granddam of SOCIAL HARMONY (Aon MacDonagh Boland S. [G3], etc.).
Growth Rate. Winner at 4, $12,730. Dam of MUNAAJI (hwt. at 3 on German
Hand., 5 - 7 fur., 124 Jacobs Goldene Peitsche [G2], etc.).
Clear Issue. Winner at 3 in Ireland. Dam of Force of Will [G1] (in Ireland).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XIV
Hip No.
Foaled April 4, 2000
Roberto .............................
Red Ransom .....................
Arabia ...............................
Forty Niner........................
Brittan Lee ........................
Overturned ........................
Hail to Reason
Christmas Wind
Mr. Prospector
Wavering Monarch
Turn n' See
By RED RANSOM (1987). Winner of $34,400. Sire of 9 crops of racing age,
761 foals, 458 starters, 36 stakes winners, 310 winners of 828 races and
earning $19,882,200 in N.A., including champions Perfect Sting ($2,202,042, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf [G1]-ecr, etc.), Pardon, and of
China Visit (to 4, 2001, hwt. at 3 in United Arab Emirates, Prix du Rond
Point Casino Barriere de la Rochelle [G2], etc.), Intikhab (hwt. in Europe
and England, Queen Anne S. [G2], etc.), Comic Strip [G3] ($965,474).
1st dam
BRITTAN LEE, by Forty Niner. Placed at 3. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3
of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners, including-Getadderit (f. by Cozzene). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $86,790.
2nd dam
OVERTURNED, by Wavering Monarch. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $237,737, Rare
Treat H. [G3], Arlington Oaks [G3], 2nd Next Move Breeders' Cup H.
[G3], Snow Goose H. [G3], Princessnesian S. (AQU, $11,550). Dam of-Capsized (c. by Summer Squall). 4 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 6, 2002, $222,358, 2nd Nassau H. [L] (BEL, $27,840), 3rd San Rafael S. [G2], Appleton H. [G2] (GP, $16,500).
3rd dam
TURN N' SEE, by Best Turn. 2 wins at 3, $15,050. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-OVERTURNED. Stakes winner, above.
SQUALL VALLEY. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $218,325, Kentuckiana S. [L] (ELP, $30,000), 2nd Aristides H. [G3].
IN FULL VIEW. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $143,337, Bassinet S. [L], Mademoiselle
S. [O], 2nd Ruffian H. [L] (SPT, $11,340), etc. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-NICE ASSAY. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $409,620, Linda Vista Breeders' Cup H.
[G3], La Habra S. [L] (SA, $50,350), June Darling H. [L] (DMR, $31,750), etc. Dam of A. P. ASSAY ($381,691, A Gleam H. [G2], Desert
Stormer H. [L] (HOL, $63,600), etc.), CAME HOME (at 2, 2001, $211,440, Hopeful S. [G1], Hollywood Juvenile Championship S. [G3]).
Seen and Silent. Winner at 3, 2nd Somethingroyal S. Dam of-WAVERING SCENE. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $96,214, Turf Paradise Derby (TUP,
$28,024), 3rd Turf Paradise H.-R (TUP, $3,000).
FLICKER QUEEN. 2 wins at 3, $75,838, Duchess S. [L] (WO, $48,510).
Dam of STEPHANOTIS ($843,294, Prince of Wales S.-R (FE, $121,620), Dominion Day H. [G3], Autumn H. [L] (WO, $67,020), etc.).
Stilbe. Placed at 3, $4,034. Dam of Time for Judith (5 wins to 5, 2001,
$147,625, 3rd Queenston S.-R (WO, $12,155)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 9, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Pirate's Bounty..................
Candid Moments ..............
Claude France...................
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Hoist the Flag
Bad Seed
Raja Baba
Bonnie Blue Flag
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
Candid Moments, by Pirate's Bounty. Winner at 2, $39,761, 2nd Barretts Debutante S.-R (FPX, $17,425). Sister to PIRATE AT FORTY. Dam of 2 other
registered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-CANDID GLEN (c. by El Gran Senor). 6 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2002,
$395,090, Connally Breeders' Cup Turf H. [L] (HOU, $131,400), Fair
Grounds Breeders' Cup H. [L] (FG, $98,610), 2nd Independence
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (LAD, $20,000), Col. E. R. Bradley H. [L] (FG, $15,000), Spur S. (LAD, $8,000), 3rd Fair Grounds Breeders' Cup H. [L] (FG,
$16,500), Bossier City H. (LAD, $4,400).
2nd dam
CLAUDE FRANCE, by Raja Baba. Winner, $25,780. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-PIRATE AT FORTY (c. by Pirate's Bounty). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $73,088,
Ladbroke Futurity [L] (GG, $55,000).
Candid Moments (f. by Pirate's Bounty). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
Bonnie Blue Flag, by Hoist the Flag. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $87,677, 2nd Parlo
H., 3rd Athenia H., Imperatrice H. Sister to MUTINEER, RED WHITE
AND BLUE. Dam of 3 other winners, including-Flag Trick. Winner at 3, $14,520.
Secretariat Flag. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-SERGEANT HAWK. 5 wins to 4, $149,745, Bossier City H. [L] (LAD,
$30,000), 2nd Bougainvillea H. [G3], Laurance Armour H. [G3].
4th dam
CASSIE BLUE, by Inside Tract. Winner, $4,045. Dam of 12 winners, incl.-CASSIE RED. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $126,885, Sun Beau H., Hutcheson S.,
Chicago H., Charles W. Bidwill Memorial S., 3rd Florida Dertby. Sire.
MUTINEER. 5 wins to 4, $111,864, Thomas D. Nash Memorial H., etc. Sire.
RED WHITE AND BLUE. 9 wins, 4 to 7, $58,120, Caliente Mile H., etc.
Bonnie Blue Flag. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Native Quick. Unraced. Dam of Quick to Draw (8 wins, $64,087).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent VIII
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled March 2, 2000
Great Above ......................
Holy Bull...........................
Sharon Brown ...................
Capote ..............................
Capote Miss .....................
Misukaw ...........................
Hip No.
Minnesota Mac
Ta Wee
Al Hattab
Agathea's Dawn
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Northern Dancer
By HOLY BULL (1991). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $2,481,760, Travers S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 353 foals, 180 starters, 13
stakes winners, 104 winners of 223 races and earning $8,729,290 in N.A.,
including champion Macho Uno (to 3, 2001, $1,332,203, Breeders' Cup
Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Confessional ($827,638, Frizette S. [G1], etc.),
Turnofthecentury ($457,941, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H.
[G2], etc.), Crash Course [G3] ($401,275), Thunder Blitz [G3] ($304,450).
1st dam
CAPOTE MISS, by Capote. Unraced. Dam of 1 other registered foal-TRU BULL (c. by Holy Bull). 3 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $129,289, Fort
Springs S. [L] (KEE, $50,427), 3rd North Miami Beach S. [L] (HIA, $2,937).
2nd dam
Misukaw, by Northern Dancer. 3 wins at 3, $31,597, 2nd Venus S. Half-sister
to Copper Luster. Dam of 16 foals, 14 to race, 11 winners, including-TOKATEE (c. by Seattle Slew). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $383,044, Razorback H.
[G2], Tsunami Slew S.-R (DMR, $35,300), 2nd La Jolla H. [G3], 3rd Col.
F. W. Koester H. [G2], Royal Owl H. [L] (SA, $9,000), Oceanside S. [LR]
(DMR, $9,000). Sire.
NORTHERN MAJESTY (c. by His Majesty). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $223,659,
Fairmount Derby, Buckeye H.-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:41 4/5, River City S.,
2nd Clark H.-G3, 3rd American Derby-G1, Hawthorne Derby-G3, etc.
SHARE THE FANTASY (f. by Exclusive Native). 3 wins at 2, $115,369,
Spinaway S.-G1, 2nd Matron S.-G1, Schuylerville S.-G3. Dam of-Wesaam (c. by Riverman). Winner at 2 and 3 in England, 2nd Bonusprint Sirenia S.; winner at 4 and 5, $143,204, in N.A., 2nd Laurel Turf
Cup S. [G3], 3rd Louisiana Downs H. [G3], etc.
Ruby Wedding (f. by Rubiano). Winner at 2, $32,600, 3rd Maker's Mark
S. [L] (HOL, $12,000).
Erimo Fantasy. Placed in France. Dam of ERIMO EXCEL (f. by Rodrigo
de Triano, in Japan, The Yushun Himba-Japanese Oaks, The Toyota
Sho Chukyo Kinen, etc.). Granddam of ERIMO BRIAN (c. by Brian's
Time, to 4, 2001 in Japan, The Sports Nippon Sho Stayers S., etc.).
Supreme Crown. Unraced. Dam of Tough Guy (IRE) (c. by Namaqualand, 2nd Polar Million Cup, Swedish Open Mile, etc.).
Garvin's Gal. Winner at 3, $16,799. Dam of-AGOL LACK (c. by Gulch). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in France, Prix GontautBiron [G3], La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte [G3], etc.; placed at 5,
2001, $73,527, in N.A., 3rd Steinlen H. [L] (HOL, $8,820).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 13, 2000
Skip Trial...........................
Skip Away .........................
Ingot Way..........................
Storm Cat .........................
Cat Nap.............................
You Make Me Blue ...........
Looks Promising
Diplomat Way
Storm Bird
Sir Ivor
Blue Rage
By SKIP AWAY (1993). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $9,616,360, Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup [G1] twice, Hollywood Gold
Cup [G1], Woodbine Million S. [G1], Pimlico Special H. [G1], Buick
Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Woodward S. [G1], Gulfstream Park H. [G1],
Donn H. [G1], Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], Philip H. Iselin H. [G2], Suburban H. [G2], Ohio Derby [G2], Massachusetts H. [G3] twice-once in ntr,
2nd Belmont S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
CAT NAP, by Storm Cat. Unraced. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing
age, none to race.
2nd dam
YOU MAKE ME BLUE, by Sir Ivor. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 winners, including-BLUE BUCKAROO (c. by Buckaroo). 13 wins, $864,338, Cornhusker H.
[G2], Midwest Championship H. [L] (TDN, $40,700), Midwest Championship H. [L] (TDN, $39,250), Glass House H. [L] (SPT, $32,460), Beulah
Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. (BEU, $46,800), Sportsman's ParkBudweiser Breeders' Cup H. (SPT, $46,290), 2nd Washington Park H.
[G2], Fayette H. [G2], Canterbury Cup H. [G3], National Jockey Club H.
[G3], Thistledown Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (TDN, $31,020), etc.
Sheba's Charmer. Placed at 3, $3,045. Dam of 3 winners, including-American Dot Com (c. by American Chance). 5 wins, 2 to 4, placed at
5, 2002, $155,058, 3rd Super S. [L] (TAM, $11,000).
Main Player (c. by Avenue of Flags). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $64,660, 2nd
Free House S.-R (HOL, $10,000).
3rd dam
BLUE RAGE, by *Blue Choir. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $70,998, Suwannee River H., Beverly
H., 2nd Monmouth Centennial H., etc. Half-sister to ALICIA. Dam of-WISE REQUEST. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $55,549, Caesar Rodney S., etc. Sire.
Raging Colors. 2 wins at 2, $21,846, 3rd Don Leon S.
Blue Baroness. 3 wins at 3, $14,660. Dam of 13 foals, 12 winners, incl.-HURRY UP BLUE. 9 wins, $404,062, Gulfstream Park H.-G1, etc. Sire.
Bright Baron. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $140,416, 3rd Breeders' Futurity-G2, etc.
Friendly Blue. 2 wins to 3, $40,275, 3rd Lafayette S. [L] (KEE, $5,530).
Wise Baroness. 4 wins, $36,670. Dam of Wise Sweep [L] ($206,541).
Why Be Blue. Winner at 3, $24019. Dam of Rey De Paz (in Venezuela).
Blue Charmer. 2 wins at 3, $28,635. Dam of Lady of Blue ($81,810, 2nd
Arlington Heights Oaks [G3]). Granddam of Spring Open ($201,018).
Blue Biddy. Dam of Bold R. E. ($146,031, 3rd Mr. Prospector H. [O]).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent X
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled March 31, 2000
Phone Trick.......................
Favorite Trick ....................
Evil Elaine .........................
Magesterial .......................
Cerita ................................
Slew Song ........................
Hip No.
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Medieval Man
Distinctive Elaine
Northern Dancer
Courting Days
Seattle Song
White Jasmine
By FAVORITE TRICK (1995). Horse of the year, stakes winner of 12 races in
16 starts to 3, $1,726,793, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], Hopeful S. [G1],
Lane's End Breeders' Futurity [G2], Jim Dandy S. [G2], Keeneland Breeders' Cup Mile S. [G2], Saratoga Special S. [G2], Swale S. [G3], Bashford
Manor S. [G3], Kentucky Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CD, $68,882), Long
Branch Breeders' Cup S. [L] (MTH, $60,000), WHAS-11 S. [L] (CD, $76,116), 3rd Arkansas Derby [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
Cerita, by Magesterial. 2 wins at 3, $88,871, 2nd Providencia S.-R (SA, $15,000), WTBA Lassie S. (EMD, $9,000), 3rd Fantasy S. (HST, $4,900).
Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
SLEW SONG, by Seattle Song. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to HOLD OLD
BLUE. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-Miss Marta (f. by Cure the Blues). 7 wins at 4 and 5, $166,674, 2nd Valnor
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (HAW, $20,610), Saylorville S. [L] (PRM, $10,000).
Cerita (f. by Magesterial). Stakes-placed winner, above.
You're the One (g. by Cure the Blues). Winner at 2 and 3, $77,391, 2nd
Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G3].
American Slew. Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $87,855
3rd dam
White Jasmine, by Whitesburg. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $25,376, 2nd Grosse
Pointe H., 3rd Flapper S. Sister to MISS TARPON WOODS. Dam of-TIL FORBID. 4 wins, $382,596, Arlington Oaks [G3], 2nd Alabama S. [G1],
Turfway Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. [G3], Fleur de Lis H. [G3], AkSar-Ben Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (AKS, $31,420), 3rd Spinster S. [G1], Kentucky Oaks [G1], Ashland S. [G1], etc. Dam of-SCOOP. 5 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $337,170, Indiana Breeders' Cup
Oaks [G3], National Jockey Club Oaks [L] (SPT, $90,000), Flawlessly
S. [L] (AP, $37,800), 3rd Singapore Plate S. [G3].
Kings Lynn. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $140,714, 3rd AKsarben Oaks [G3].
CINCH. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $364,961, The Minstrel S. [L] (KEE, $38,168), Mister
Gus S. (AP, $19,140), 2nd Breeders' Futurity [G2], Sea O Erin H. [G3].
HOLD OLD BLUE. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $226,528, Omaha Gold Cup S. [G3],
2nd Alabama Derby [L] (BIR, $18,000).
RED AND WHITE. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $193,408, Marfa H. (TP, $28,727), Forego S. (TP, $19,289), Daniel Boone Breeders' Cup H. (TP, $12,106), etc.
Coragil. 3 wins at 3, $120,514, 3rd Double Delta S. (AP, $3,580).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent IV
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled February 10, 2000
Bold Reasoning ................
Seattle Slew ......................
My Charmer......................
Time for a Change ............
Changing Ways.................
Kazadancoa (FR)...............
Reason to Earn
Fair Charmer
Green Dancer
By SEATTLE SLEW (1974). Horse of the year, Triple Crown winner of $1,208,726, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Leading sire, sire of 21 crops of racing age,
1059 foals, 674 starters, 97 stakes winners, 7 champions, 456 winners of
1305 races and earning $53,407,292 in N.A., including Slew o' Gold ($3,533,534, Jockey Club Gold Cup-G1 twice, etc.), A.P. Indy ($2,979,815,
Belmont S. [G1], etc.), Surfside ($1,852,987, Frizette S. [G1], etc.), Swale
($1,583,660, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc.), Capote [G1] (3 wins, $714,470).
1st dam
CHANGING WAYS, by Time for a Change. 2 wins at 2, $104,247, Schuylerville S. [G2], 2nd Adirondack S. [G2]. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2
of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Tireless (c. by Seeking the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $36,004.
2nd dam
KAZADANCOA (FR), by Green Dancer. Winner at 3 in France. Sister to THE
DANCER (in England, May Hill S., etc.). Dam of 6 winners, including-JACODRA'S DEVIL (f. by Devil's Bag). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $271,627, Santa
Anita Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], 2nd Buena Vista H. [G2], 3rd
Autumn Days H. [L] (SA, $15,000), Louis R. Rowan H. [L] (SA, $15,000),
Pasadena S. [L] (SA, $11,250), Irish O'Brien H. [L] (SA, $9,000), etc.
JACODRA (c. by Highland Park). 4 wins to 4, $173,675, Potrero Grande H.
[G3], 3rd Debonair S. [L] (HOL, $11,250). Set ntr at Hollywood Park. Sire.
CHANGING WAYS (f. by Time for a Change). Stakes winner, above.
Captain Arthur (c. by River Knight (FR)). 7 wins, $144,978, 3rd Sharannpour
S. (MED, $4,697), Cozzene S. (MTH, $3,795), Summing S. (MED, $3,751).
Afleet Francais. Winner at 3, $4,357. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-Bold Feat (f. by Capote). Winner at 2 and 4, 2001, $136,515, 3rd Moccasin S. [L] (HOL, $12,000), Anoakia S. [L] (SA, $9,420).
Royal Run. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-TEJANO RUN (c. by Tejano). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $1,166,842, Breeders' Futurity [G2], Widener H. [G3], Fort Harrod S. [G3], Kentucky Cup Juvenile S. [G3], Turfway Championship H. [G3], Pioneer S. [L] (TP,
$49,855), 2nd Kentucky Derby [G1], Jim Beam S. [G2], Miller High
Life Cradle S. [L] (RD, $40,000), Dust Commander S. [L] (TP, $12,670), 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile [G1], Oaklawn H. [G1], etc. Sire.
MORE ROYAL (c. by Mt. Livermore). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2 in England,
2nd Royal Lodge S. [G2], etc.; winner in 2 starts at 2 in France, Prix du
Haras de la Huderie; 2 wins at 3, $200,622, in N.A., Jersey Derby [G2],
Transylvania S. [L] (KEE, $43,202), 2nd Arlington Classic [G2], etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Donna M. Wormser Inc., Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled April 15, 2000
Runaway Groom ...............
Cherokee Run ...................
Cherokee Dame ................
Tri Jet................................
Channel Three ..................
T. V. Bee............................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Yonnie Girl
Silver Saber
Dame Francesca
T. V. Commercial
Bee for Me
By CHEROKEE RUN (1990). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $1,531,818, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 237
foals, 120 starters, 8 stakes winners, 85 winners of 189 races and earning $6,209,210 in N.A., including champion Chilukki (to 4, 2001, $1,201,828, Vinery Del Mar Debutante S. [G1], etc.), and of Yonaguska (to 3,
2001, $521,355, Hopeful S. [G1], etc.), Feathers ($388,106, Bessarabian
H. [G3], etc.), Dream Run [L] ($306,334), Dash for Daylight ($170,285).
1st dam
CHANNEL THREE, by Tri Jet. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $412,548, Distaff H. [G2], Astarita S.
[G2], Everget S. (DEL, $11,490), Race Street H.-R (PHA, $26,160), 2nd Adirondack S. [G2], Barbara Fritchie H. [G3], Chicago Budweiser Breeders'
Cup H. [L] (AP, $31,550), 3rd Gallorette H. [G3], My Juliet H. (LRL, $4,771),
Pistol Packer H.-R (PHA, $4,340), Euonymus S.-R (PHA, $2,618). Dam of 7
other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-Turkey Island (g. by Housebuster). Winner at 3, $23,740, 3rd Indian Nations Futurity Cup Consolation S. (SFE, $3,750).
Gorjeador (c. by Pleasant Tap). Winner at 2 and 3, $57,707.
2nd dam
T. V. BEE, by T. V. Commercial. Winner at 3, $9,990. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-CHANNEL THREE (f. by Tri Jet). Stakes winner, above.
FRETINA (f. by Star de Naskra). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $141,465, Pocahontas
S. [L] (CD, $55,478), 2nd Indian Summer S. (KEE, $8,700), 3rd Gallant Bloom S. [L] (SAR, $6,480). Dam of 3 winners, including-MISSION PARK (f. by Dixieland Band). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $139,011, Pocahontas S. [L] (CD, $70,432).
LAUGH TRACK (f. by Rollicking). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $92,829, Tinicum H. (PHA,
$11,760), 2nd Margate S. (ATL, $4,760), etc. Producer.
Cable News. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Cut to Commercial (f. by Hatchet Man). Winner at 3, $19,680, 2nd
Channel Three S.-R (PHA, $6,660).
3rd dam
BEE FOR ME, by Cyane. Unraced. Half-sister to LEAD ME ON. Dam of-NACACYTE. 12 wins, 2 to 5 in Italy, Premio Umbria [G2], etc. Sire.
Cheer Me On. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $37,902, 3rd Majorette H. Stakes producer.
Fantastic Phylly. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,580. Dam of BE SMART (8 wins,
$153,600). Granddam of APPEALING PHYLLY [G3] ($341,748).
B Double E. 2 wins, $7,242. Dam of AMERRICO DOUBLE [L] ($102,003), etc.
Tinchen. Unraced. Dam of TINCHEN'S PRINCE [LR] (14 wins, $953,463).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in New York.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 30, 2000
Hold Your Peace ...............
Suspicious Native.............
Czaravich ..........................
Christina Czarina ..............
Christines Pixie ................
Speak John
Blue Moon
Raise a Native
Be Suspicious
Nijinsky II
*Black Satin II
Mr. Prospector
Gray Pixie
By MEADOWLAKE (1983). Stakes winner of $308,580, Arlington-Washington
Futurity [G1]. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 678 foals, 453 starters, 41
stakes winners, 352 winners of 1181 races and earning $26,539,495 in
N.A., including champion Meadow Star ($1,445,740, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
and of Meafara ($838,595, Columbia S. [G3], etc.), Meadow Flight ($526,936, Pennsylvania Derby [G2], etc.), Meadow Monster [G2] (11 wins,
$496,916), Luftikus [G3] ($479,630), Greenwood Lake [G1] ($430,620).
1st dam
CHRISTINA CZARINA, by Czaravich. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $293,807, New Jersey
Futurity [LR] (MED, $44,173), Northfield H.-R (ATL, $17,070), 2nd First
Lady H. [L] (GP, $10,000), Dearly Precious S. (AQU, $9,680), Witches'
Brew S. (MED, $7,000), 3rd Queen of the Stage S. (AQU, $5,292). Dam
of 6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 6 to race, 4 winners-Binyamin (c. by Gilded Time). Winner at 2, 2001, $57,425, 2nd Bashford
Manor S. [G2].
Energo (f. by Affirmed). Winner at 2, $26,100, 2nd Junior Champion S.
(MTH, $8,000).
Passion Play (f. by Belong to Me). Winner at 2 and 3, $58,110.
Who'srunnintheshow (g. by Lil E. Tee). Winner at 2 and 4, placed at 5, 2001,
2nd dam
CHRISTINES PIXIE, by Mr. Prospector. Winner at 2 and 3, $25,076. Dam of-CHRISTINA CZARINA (f. by Czaravich). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
GRAY PIXIE, by Gray Phantom. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $30,965. Dam of-Pixies Windstorm. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $73,272. Dam of 5 winners, including-PIXINDEE. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $175,406, Edmonton Distaff H. [L] (NP, $31,500), Super Loto Classic S. [LR] (NP, $38,400), Rundle Heights H.
(NP, $12,600), Alberta Oaks-R (STP, $19,946), etc. Producer.
Pixies Halo. Winner at 3, $6,435. Dam of RICH R GOLD ($159,666, British
Columbia Cup Stallion H.-R (HST, $32,106), Ascot Sophomore S.-R
(HST, $22,512), etc.), PIXIES LASS ($97,232, Spring Fashion Breeders' Cup S. (HST, $19,620), etc.), Arctic Breeze (3rd Princess Margaret S. (NP, $2,500), etc., dam of BREEZY CREEK, $153,152, Herald
Gold Plate H. (STP, $25,200), Continental H. (NP, $18,302), etc.).
Michelles Pixie. Winner at 3, $4,455. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, including-MICHELLES DU NORD. 7 wins at 3, $56,021, Zoffany S.-R (ATL, $10,620), 2nd Anthony Imbesi H.-R (ATL, $6,070).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by William B. Harrigan, Agent
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled April 23, 2000
Raise a Native ...................
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gold Digger ......................
Private Account.................
Classy Cathy.....................
Trestle ...............................
Hip No.
Native Dancer
Raise You
Numbered Account
Tom Rolfe
Ponte Vecchio
By MR. PROSPECTOR (1970). Stakes winner of $112,171, Gravesend H.,
etc. Leading sire twice, sire of 25 crops of racing age, 1195 foals, 943
starters, 179 stakes winners, 15 champions, 714 winners of 2277 races
and earning $69,575,246 in N.A., including Gulch ($3,095,521, Breeders'
Cup Sprint [G1], etc.), Forty Niner ($2,726,000, Travers S. [G1], etc.),
Rhythm ($1,592,532, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.), Dancethruthedawn (to 3, 2001, $1,258,691, Queen's Plate-R (WO, $600,000), etc.).
1st dam
CLASSY CATHY, by Private Account. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $537,970, Alabama
S. [G1], Ashland S. [G1], Gazelle H. [G1], Beaumont S. [L] (KEE, $37,408), 2nd Test S. [G2], 3rd Beldame S. [G1], Regal Quillo S. (GP, $2,558), 4th Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], Kentucky Oaks [G1]. Sister to MS.
MARGI, TESTY TRESTLE. Dam of 9 other registered foals, 9 of racing
age, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-PLACERVILLE (c. by Mr. Prospector). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, Prince
of Wales's S. [G2], Feilden S., 2nd Thresher Classic Trial S. [G3].
Mimi's Golden Girl (f. by Seeking the Gold). 2 wins at 4, $95,570.
Metanoia (f. by Seeking the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $89,573.
Classicist (c. by Unbridled). Placed at 2, 2001, $9,000.
2nd dam
TRESTLE, by Tom Rolfe. Unraced. Half-sister to EDGE ($111,600). Dam of-SPORTS VIEW (c. by Cox's Ridge). 10 wins at 3 and 4, $915,952, Queens
County H. [G3], Ben Ali S. [G3], Discovery H. [G3], Aqueduct H. [G3],
Widener H. [L] (HIA, $120,000), Longacres Derby [L] (LGA, $102,100),
Final Fourteen H.-R (HAW, $125,000), 2nd Donn H. [G1], etc. Sire.
CLASSY CATHY (f. by Private Account). Stakes winner, above.
MS. MARGI (f. by Private Account). 6 wins to 4, $247,915, Oaklawn Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (OP, $94,890), 2nd Spinster S. [G1]. Dam of-Bare Outline (c. by Broad Brush). 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $241,437, 2nd
McConnell Springs S.-R (KEE, $15,990).
Carreras (c. by Seeking the Gold). 8 wins to 5, $223,540, 2nd Ellis Park
Juvenile S. [L] (ELP, $20,000), 3rd Great Falls S. [L] (MED, $7,200), etc.
TESTY TRESTLE (f. by Private Account). 9 wins in 11 starts at 3 and 4,
$199,620, Nany S. [L] (AQU, $31,560), Go for Wand H.-R (GP, $30,660).
TOP TRESTLE (f. by Nijinsky II). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $84,709, Misty Isle S.
(AP, $26,568), 3rd Double Delta S. (AP, $4,642). Dam of-HEJAZIAH (f. by Gone West). Winner at 2 in England; winner in 1 start
at 2 in Italy, Premio Gino Mantovani.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Terry Oliver, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 26, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Theatrical (IRE) .................
Clever Actress...................
Lady Clever Trick ..............
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)
Clever Trick
Echelon Lady
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
CLEVER ACTRESS, by Theatrical (IRE). Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to Clever
Actor. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
LADY CLEVER TRICK, by Clever Trick. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $184,906, Ardmore
H. (RP, $25,065)-ncr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:42 1/5, Honeymoon S. (LAD, $24,000) twice, Ardmore H. (RP, $17,352), 2nd Super Bowl H. (FG, $6,690),
Furl Sail H. (FG, $5,395), 3rd Old South H. [L] (LAD, $8,250). Set ncr at
Remington Park, 7 1/2 fur. in 1:29 1/5. Dam of 2 winners, including-Clever Actor (c. by Theatrical (IRE)). 5 wins, 3 to 6, 2001, $199,900, 2nd
Everglades S. [L] (HIA, $15,000), 3rd Forerunner S. [G3].
3rd dam
ECHELON LADY, by High Echelon. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $24,770. Half-sister to Illustrious Boat ($31,225, 2nd W. P. Burch S.-L). Dam of 6 winners, incl.-MARSHUA'S ECHELON. 9 wins in 13 starts at 2 and 3, $244,895, Fair
Grounds Oaks [G3], Thelma S. [O], Davona Dale S. [O], Master Derby
H. [O], Bayouland Sales Futurity, 2nd Rebel S., Bicker S. Dam of-RUN MAN RUN. 5 wins in 9 starts at 3, $252,280, Malibu S. [G1].
NORTH OF MARS. 7 wins, $78,114, White River S.-R (HOO, $31,140).
Echelon's Ice Man. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $161,205, 2nd Clark H. [G3], etc.
LADY CLEVER TRICK. Stakes winner, above.
Spring Itch. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $47,363, 2nd Hessian H. [L], Annapolis H.
Rosilla. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-IGOTNOTHINGTOLOSE. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $96,926, Pistol Packer H.-R
(PHA, $23,220), 2nd Gen. Charles B. Lyman H.-R (PHA, $6,680). Dam
of MALVERN ROSE (10 wins in 18 starts to 4, 2001, $199,515, Miss
Woodford S. [L] (MTH, $30,000), Foxy J. G. S.-R (PHA, $32,130), Mrs.
Penny S.-R (PHA, $31,830), Missy Good S.-R (PEN, $15,000), etc.).
Itchy Lady. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal-Pledged. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $193,034, 2nd National Jockey Club Oaks [L]
(SPT, $30,000), 3rd Bourbonette S. [L] (TP, $12,500).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Laura Helmbrecht, Agent
Foaled March 22, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Miswaki ............................
Pleasant Colony................
Colony Bay .......................
Hip No.
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Rose Bower
His Majesty
Sun Colony
Northern Dancer
South Ocean
By MISWAKI (1978). Stakes winner in France, Prix de la Salamandre-G1, etc.;
stakes winner of $111,793, in N.A. Among the leading sires in France and
N.A., sire of 18 crops of racing age, 1050 foals, 793 starters, 82 stakes
winners, 582 winners of 1866 races and earning $31,944,374 in N.A., including champions Black Tie Affair (IRE) ($3,370,694, Breeders' Cup
Classic [G1], etc.), Misil (Premio Parioli-Italian Two Thousand Guineas
[G1], etc.), Miswaki Tern (Premio Ribot [G2], etc.), and of Urban Sea [G1].
1st dam
COLONY BAY, by Pleasant Colony. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-LINDSAY JEAN (f. by Saint Ballado). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $127,040, Moment to Buy H. [L] (GG, $31,000).
Dixie Bay (f. by Dixieland Band). 2 wins at 3, $70,154.
2nd dam
OCEANA, by Northern Dancer. Unraced. Sister to NORTHERNETTE,
STORM BIRD, South Sea Dancer, Northern State. Dam of-Biwa Shinseiki. Winner at 3 and 4, 2002 in Japan.
3rd dam
SOUTH OCEAN, by New Providence. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $70,147, Canadian
Oaks, Yearling Sales S., 2nd Princess Elizabeth S., etc. Dam of-NORTHERNETTE. 13 wins, $404,914, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly in
Canada, Canadian Oaks-R, etc. Dam of GOLD CREST-G2 (2nd hwt. at
2 on Irish Hand.; $46,387, in N.A.), SCOOT [G1] ($153,940), Groomed
to Win [G3] ($71,850). Granddam of Eubee (FR) ($77,200, in N.A.), etc.
STORM BIRD. 4 wins at 2 in Ireland, champion 2-year-old, National S.-G2, etc.;
winner at 2 in England, champion 2-year-old, William Hill Dewhurst S.-G1.
OCEAN'S ANSWER. 3 wins at 2, $58,062, Natalma S., etc. Granddam of
PAS DE REPONSE (champion 2-year-old filly in Europe, Shadwell Stud
Cheverley Park S. [G1], etc.), GREEN TUNE [G1] (hwt. in Europe and
France), WARRIOR QUEEN (hwt. in England and Ireland), ECOUTE [L]
($181,355, in N.A.), DIDYME [G2] ($101,450, in N.A.), IGMAN, etc.
LET'S GO SOUTH. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $40,298, New Year's Day H., etc. Sire.
South Sea Dancer. Winner at 4 and 5, $62,200, 2nd Sacramento H.-R
(GG, $7,200), etc. Dam of SIGNAL TAP [G3] (7 wins, $429,108, sire).
Northern State. Winner at 2 in Ireland, 4th Panasonic Beresford S. [G2].
Stormette. Winner in 2 starts at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Shanbally House Stud S.
Dam of STORM TROOPER ($574,251, in N.A., Hollywood Turf H. [G1],
etc.), MARILLETTE (Tattersalls Musidora S. [G3], May Hill S. [G3]).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled June 1, 2000
Two Punch ........................
Smoke Glacken.................
Majesty's Crown ...............
Shecky Greene..................
Comedy Act ......................
Everglow ...........................
Mr. Prospector
Heavenly Cause
Queen's Crown
*Noholme II
Lester's Pride
Strike Oil
By SMOKE GLACKEN (1994). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $759,560, Hopeful S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of
130 foals, 49 starters, 22 winners of 36 races and earning $1,244,411 in
N.A., including Smok'n Frolic (at 2, 2001, $342,744, Demoiselle S. [G2],
etc.), Smoke Buster (at 2, 2001, $93,984, TTA Sales Futurity-R (LS, $88,464)), Smokieisabandit (at 2, 2001, $88,977, Aspirant S.-R (FL, $37,980),
etc.), Gotham Limited (to 3, 2002, $90,758), Smoked Em ($54,060).
1st dam
COMEDY ACT, by Shecky Greene. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $498,687, Santa Barbara
H.-G1, Countess Fager H.-L, B. Thoughtful S., 2nd Las Palmas H.-G2,
Wilshire H.-G2, 3rd Santa Barbara H.-G1, Beverly Hills H.-G2, San Gorgonio H. [G2]. Dam of 9 other registered foals, 9 of racing age, 8 to race,
5 winners, including-ZIGGY'S ACT (f. by Danzig). 4 wins in 6 starts at 3, $129,008, Pucker Up S.
[G3], Lakes and Flowers Breeders' Cup H. (GG, $28,958). Dam of-Cosmic Wing (f. by Halo). Winner at 2 and 3, $114,106, 3rd Pago Hop
S. [L] (FG, $11,000), Raven Run S. [L] (KEE, $6,955).
Comedy Verb (f. by Verbatim). 2 wins at 3, $12,454. Dam of-GAILY TOMAHAWK (c. by Sunny's Halo). 7 wins, 3 to 5, 2001 in Japan,
The Tanabata Sho, 2nd The Sankei Sho All Comers.
Broad Act (g. by Broad Brush). 3 wins at 2 and 5, $57,689.
2nd dam
EVERGLOW, by Jacinto. Unraced. Half-sister to PRESS NOTICE ($151,759),
OIL POWER, SPOUT. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-COMEDY ACT (f. by Shecky Greene). Stakes winner, above.
RED EMBER (f. by Crimson Satan). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $216,840, California
Oaks-L, [Q], 2nd Somethingroyal H. [LR], etc. Producer. Granddam of
In Sync [L] (c. by Gilded Time, to 4, 2001, $98,975), High Star (c. by
Private Terms, to 3, 2002, $71,100, 3rd Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G2]).
HOLDFAST (c. by Crewman). 3 wins at 2, $28,980, City of Miami H. Sire.
Empty Nest. Winner at 4, $12,330. Dam of 8 winners, including-KING'S NEST (c. by Rollicking). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $513,024, King's Bishop S. [G3], General George S. [L] (LRL, $120,000), etc. Sire.
MISTER S. M. (c. by Rollicking). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $400,098, Garden State
S. [G3], Budweiser Maryland Classic [LR] (LRL, $120,000)-ntr, etc.
Devi. Winner at 2, $3,880. Dam of 4 winners, including-Flying Natalie (f. by Flying Paster). Winner at 2 and 4, $64,542, 3rd Very
Subtle Sales S.-R (SA, $14,955). Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Murray Smith
Hip No.
Foaled February 12, 2000
Wavering Monarch............
Maria's Mon .....................
Carlotta Maria...................
Honest Moment ................
Comforts of Home ............
Spirit of Florida.................
Majestic Light
Caro (IRE)
Water Malone
What a Pleasure
Hill River
Princess Putnam
By MARIA'S MON (1993). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $507,140, Moet Champagne S. [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 205
foals, 97 starters, 8 stakes winners, 54 winners of 104 races and earning
$4,642,887 in N.A., including Monarchos (at 3, 2001, $1,720,830, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), Wander Mom (to 3, 2001, $209,295, Coconut
Grove S. (HIA, $15,960), etc.), Wedlock ($190,260, Vincent A. Moscarelli
Memorial S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), etc.), Silver Tornado [G3] ($133,075).
1st dam
COMFORTS OF HOME, by Honest Moment. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $154,764,
Colfax Maid S. [LR] (AP, $35,040), Illinois Oaks [LR] (HAW, $32,040), Illinois Fantasy H.-R (FP, $27,060), Forget Me Not S. [OR], etc. Dam of 7
other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-Prognosticator (g. by Smarten). 14 wins, 3 to 8, $187,311, 3rd My Trip S.R (AP, $3,663).
Comforts Abound (g. by Bounding Basque). 8 wins, 3 to 8, $121,282, 2nd
John D. Hertz S.-R (AP, $10,840).
Comfort a Belle (f. by Red Ransom). Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-PLATEL (f. by Hazaam). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, 2001, $163,246, Ontario
Debutante S. [L] (WO, $67,320), 2nd Glorious Song S. [L] (WO,
2nd dam
SPIRIT OF FLORIDA, by Currock. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $47,170. Dam of-COMFORTS OF HOME (f. by Honest Moment). Stakes winner, above.
Scent a Grade (g. by Foolish Pleasure). 29 wins, 3 to 9, 2001, $178,903,
2nd Evangeline Downs Sprint Championship H. (EVD, $6,000). Set ntr
at Great Lakes Downs.
Mondulick (c. by Vencedor). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $100,985, 2nd Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G3].
Storm Spirit (f. by Future Storm). Winner at 2 and 3, $74,425, 3rd Milpitas
S. (BM, $6,000).
3rd dam
PRINCESS PUTNAM, by Roman. Dam of 10 other foals, 8 winners, including-Putoquill. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,485.
4th dam
DEMURE, by *Mahmoud. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $18,875. Dam of-Miss Frio. 2 wins at 2, $8,190.
Lucky Symbol. Placed at 3. Dam of 7 foals, 6 winners, including-Rabbit's Foot. 20 wins, 3 to 8, $111,644, 3rd White Mountain H. Sire.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 24, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
Black Tie Affair (IRE).........
Coming Out Party .............
Northern Heiress...............
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Hat Tab Girl
*Yanina II
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
COMING OUT PARTY, by Black Tie Affair (IRE). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $97,798.
Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race-Hold the Lime (f. by Saint Ballado). Placed at 2, 2001, $8,370.
2nd dam
Northern Heiress, by Nearctic. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $80,896, 3rd Tuscarora H. Halfsister to ICE TECH ($270,921, Honey Bee H. [G3], etc.), She Can Dance
($31,452, 3rd Suwannee River H., etc.). Dam of 5 winners, including-ACK ACK HEIR (c. by Ack Ack). 5 wins at 3 and 6, $145,837, Pomona
Derby [L] (POM, $54,400), 4th Affirmed H. [G3].
NORTHERN STYLE (f. by Ack Ack). 3 wins at 3, $109,320, San Clemente
S., 2nd Providencia S., 3rd Linda Vista H.-G3, Turkish Trousers S.
Dam of 13 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, including-STYLISH STAR (f. by Our Native). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $481,250, Del Mar
Oaks [G3], Dahlia H. [G3], Autumn Days H. [L] (SA, $51,525), Las
Cienegas H. [L] (SA, $47,100), 2nd Gamely H. [G1], Palomar H. [G2],
Dahlia H. [G2], Typecast S. [L] (HOL, $12,000), 3rd Beverly Hills H.
[G1], Louis R. Rowan H. [L] (SA, $15,000). Dam of STATELY STAR
(f. by Deputy Minister, 6 wins, $146,010, Paseana S. (OP, $24,000),
Falling Leaves S. (HOO, $16,725)-ntr, mi. in 1:34), Stylish Talent (f.
by Forty Niner, $46,940, 3rd Oak Leaf S. [G1]).
Stylish Society (f. by Forty Niner). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $129,700, 2nd Alameda County Fillies and Mares H. (PLN, $7,050), Meagher Farm H.
(BM, $7,000), 3rd Golden State Lotto H. (GG, $4,800).
Western Style (f. by Gone West). 5 wins at 4 and 5, $116,462, 3rd Los
Altos H.-R (BM, $6,000).
Stylish Lass (f. by Captain Nick (GB)). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $103,615, 3rd
Arlington Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. [L] (AP, $17,105). Dam of Pirate's
Gulch (c. by Gulch, $216,458, 2nd Big Sky II S.-R (SA, $11,000)).
Native Dowry. Placed in 1 start at 3, $4,500. Dam of-For Good. 6 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2001, $91,755.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by C. Bruce Hundley, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 15, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
Honest Moment ................
Cool Comfort ....................
Too Daring ........................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
What a Pleasure
Hill River
Solo Landing
Regal Swoon
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
COOL COMFORT, by Honest Moment. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $189,300, Sunbelt H.
(RP, $17,310), Gulf Coast H. (FG, $16,410), Leonard Phillips Memorial
H. (LAD, $15,000), etc. Dam of 8 other registered foals, 8 of racing age,
8 to race, 6 winners, including-TORCH (f. by Risen Star). 15 wins, 2 to 6, $485,016, Susquehanna H.
(PHA, $26,010), 2nd Interborough H. [G3], 3rd Gallant Bloom H. [G3],
My Juliet S. (PHA, $4,757).
BOGGS EYES (f. by Miesque's Son). 3 wins at 3, 2001, $92,590, Winning
Colors S. [L] (AP, $38,400), 2nd Sam Houston Oaks (HOU, $5,000).
Northern Comfort (c. by Northern Flagship). 2 wins at 4, $66,450.
Styling (f. by Air Forbes Won). Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $30,584.
Cool and Sharp (f. by Grindstone). Placed in 1 start at 3, 2002.
2nd dam
TOO DARING, by Solo Landing. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $78,170. Dam of-COOL COMFORT (f. by Honest Moment). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
REGAL SWOON, by Swoon's Son. 2 wins at 2, $6,532. Half-sister to Regal
Hostess ($49,995), Debonnaire Host. Dam of 12 winners, including-HAPPY HOOLIGAN. 8 wins, $131,488, Playpen S.-R, 2nd Dover S., etc. Sire.
REGAL EVIE. 2 wins at 2, $34,088, Heavenly Cause S.-R (LRL, $27,788).
Dam of 2 foals, including-HIGH JUSTICE. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $216,996, Breeders' Cup Nick Shuk
Memorial H. (DEL, $26,850), 2nd Tri-State H. [L] (ELP, $10,000), etc.
Reggie F. 13 wins, 2 to 8, $106,055, 2nd Hallandale H., Sunny Isles H.
Touchy Subject. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $11,762. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-CIRCULATING TOUCH. 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $71,341, Manitoba S.-R
(ASD, $16,500), 2nd CTHS Sales S.-R (ASD, $5,000), etc.
Gala Icecapette. Winner at 2, $4,050. Producer. Granddam of SIXTEEN
COLONY (5 wins to 4, 2001, $103,906, Minstrel S. (LAD, $21,000), etc.),
One Tuff Oop ($254,346, 2nd Housebuster H. [L] (LRL, $10,910), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled April 28, 2000
Theatrical (IRE) .................
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)....
Mt. Livermore ...................
Costa ................................
Power Bidder ....................
Northern Dancer
Sassafras (FR)
Blushing Groom (FR)
Flama Ardiente
Lines of Power
Daring Bidder
By THEATRICAL (IRE) (1982). Champion grass horse, stakes winner of $2,840,500, in N.A., Breeders' Cup Turf [G1], etc. Sire of 12 crops of racing
age, 685 foals, 469 starters, 55 stakes winners, 311 winners of 934 races
and earning $23,692,714 in N.A., including champion Hishi Amazon (The
Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, etc.), and of Zagreb (hwt. at 3
in Ireland, Budweiser Irish Derby [G1]), Theoretically [G3] (hwt. filly at 3 in
Ireland), Geri ($1,707,980, Oaklawn H. [G1], etc.), Hap [G2] ($1,283,960).
1st dam
COSTA, by Mt. Livermore. Winner at 4, $30,000. Dam of 2 other registered
foals, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
POWER BIDDER, by Lines of Power. 5 wins in 7 starts at 3, $88,910, Spectacular H. [L] (BM, $31,250), Jam n Jellie H. (GG, $18,810). Dam of-Neki. 3 wins at 4 and 5, 2001, $99,265.
Treko. 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $85,770.
3rd dam
DARING BIDDER, by Bold Bidder. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-ELIZA. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $1,095,316, champion 2-year-old filly, Breeders'
Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], Santa Anita Oaks [G1], Arlington-Washington Lassie S. [G2], Alcibiades S. [G2], 2nd Kentucky Oaks [G1], Sorrento S. [G3], 3rd Santa Anita Derby [G1], June Darling H.-R (DMR,
$9,776). Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-Miss Doolittle. 2 wins at 2, $74,378, 3rd Schuylerville S. [G2].
DINARD. 4 wins in 8 starts, $590,250, Santa Anita Derby [G1], San Rafael
S. [G2], Los Feliz S.-R (SA, $49,350), 2nd Charles H. Strub S. [G1], San
Vicente Breeders' Cup S. [L] (SA, $20,000), 3rd San Fernando S. [G2].
POWER BIDDER. Stakes winner, above.
Ojai. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $160,885, 2nd Aristides Breeders' Cup H. [L] (CD,
$21,515), Crazy Kid S.-R (DMR, $13,034), 3rd Churchill Downs H. [G3].
Michael's Flyer. 4 wins to 6, $117,087, 2nd Berkeley H.-R (GG, $10,000).
4th dam
DARING STEP, by Prince Dare. 9 wins, $100,943, Tuscarora H., Conniver H.,
2nd Gallorette H., etc. Half-sister to NEVER WINK ($170,913), NORTH
CALL ($156,716), EVIL INTENTION, Its Possible, Evil Weevil. Dam of-WITH CAUTION. 10 wins, $168,423, Timonium H., Jolly Johu H., etc. Sire.
Movinglikeawinner. 7 wins to 5, $202,225, 3rd San Miguel S. [L] (SA, $11,250), Aprisa H. [L] (FPX, $6,000) twice, Foothill S. [L] (FPX, $6,000).
Other stakes-placed winners: Ionadi, Daring Groom [Q] ($74,340, sire).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Rich Meadow Thoroughbreds
Hip No.
Foaled April 12, 2000
Black Tie Affair (IRE).........
Formal Gold......................
Country Cruise .................
Miss Storm Bird ...............
Hat Tab Girl
Screen King
Dorothy Kay
Never Bend
River Lady
Storm Bird
Sun Lover
By FORMAL GOLD (1993). Stakes winner of 8 races in 16 starts at 3 and 4,
$1,413,600, Woodward S. [G1], Donn H. [G1], Philip H. Iselin H. [G2]-ntr,
1 1/16 mi. in 1:40 1/5, Brooklyn H. [G2], 2nd Buick Meadowlands Cup H.
[G1], Whitney H. [G1], Massachusetts H. [G3], Pennsylvania Derby [G3],
3rd Suburban H. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Maple Lake. His first
foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of horse of the year Black Tie Affair
(IRE), sire of 26 stakes winners, including champion My Tie [G2].
1st dam
COUNTRY CRUISE, by Riverman. Winner at 3, $19,670. Dam of 5 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 3 to race, 1 winner-MAGIC OF SUNRISE (f. by Woodman). 3 wins to 3, $65,280, Moment to
Buy H. (GG, $24,440), 2nd Bay Meadows Lassie S. (BM, $7,000).
Wisconsin River (c. by Numerous). Placed at 3, 2001, $8,797.
2nd dam
MISS STORM BIRD, by Storm Bird. Placed at 2 and 3 in England. Sister to
Sungull. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Selassie. Winner at 2, $47,486.
Golden Jewel Box. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, incl.-GOLDEN BALLET (f. by Moscow Ballet). 6 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3,
2001, $732,145, Santa Anita Oaks [G1], Las Virgenes S. [G1], Railbird S. [G2], Santa Ynez S. [G2], Nursery S. [L] (HOL, $57,915), Cinderella S. [L] (HOL, $57,730), 2nd Ashland S. [G1].
Box of Jewels (f. by Half a Year). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $109,480, 3rd Courtship
S. (BM, $6,300).
3rd dam
SUN LOVER, by Nasomo. 11 wins at 3 and 4, $87,535, Springtime S. Dam of-CHATI. 18 wins, 2 to 6, $389,049, Riggs H.-G3, Lamplighter H.-G3, Walter
Haight H., Preston M. Burch H., Sunrise H.-ecr, Ventnor S., etc. Sire.
HAWKIN'S SPECIAL. 6 wins to 5, $131,726, Los Angeles H.-G2, etc. Sire.
SUN LUCK. 3 wins, $64,441, Old Hat S. (GP, $14,000), etc. Dam of-TAHOE CITY. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $185,170, Bay Meadows Express H.
[L] (BM, $55,000), Royal Fols H. (GG, $23,765), etc. Sire.
Sungull. Winner in England, 2nd Bonusprint Sirenia S.; winner, $14,880, in N.A.
Landingham's Lover. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 5 winners, including-WAYNES CLASSY GIRL. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $170,655, Yellow Rose S.R (HOU, $30,000), Mockingbird S.-R (LS, $19,800), etc.
KAS I'M GOING TO. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $107,681, TTBA Sales FuturityR (HOU, $64,713).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled January 21, 2000
Capote ..............................
Boston Harbor ..................
Harbor Springs .................
Mr. Prospector ..................
County Fair .......................
Ten Cents a Kiss ...............
Seattle Slew
Too Bald
Vice Regent
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Key to the Mint
By BOSTON HARBOR (1994). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of
$1,934,605, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-yearolds of 2002. Sire of 147 foals, 29 starters, 14 winners of 20 races and
earning $391,179 in N.A., including Boston Twist (at 2, 2001, $130,884,
Glorious Song S. [L] (WO, $65,940)), Boston Common (at 2, 2001, $58,250, 2nd Comet S. (MED, $10,000), etc.), Radcliffe Yard (at 2, 2001, $37,460), Chaos N Confusion (at 2, 2001, $31,920), Pitbull ($30,040).
1st dam
COUNTY FAIR, by Mr. Prospector. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, 1 to race-STEAMING HOME (f. by Salt Lake). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2001 in Ireland,
Go and Go Round Tower S.; placed in 2 starts at 2, 2001 in England.
2nd dam
TEN CENTS A KISS, by Key to the Mint. Winner at 3 and 4, $29,400. Half-sister to Passakiss (3 wins, 3rd New Castle S.), Noble Robert. Dam of-CORPORATE REPORT (c. by Private Account). 3 wins at 3, $1,067,908,
Travers S. [G1], 2nd Preakness S. [G1], Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Arkansas Derby [G2], Swaps S. [G2], Rebel S. [G3]. Sire.
DRACHMA (g. by Damascus). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $240,098, Gallant Man S.
[G3], 2nd Nashua S. [G2], Lamplighter H. [G2], 3rd Remsen S. [G1], 4th
Pilgrim S. [G3].
Swiss Affair (g. by Private Account). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Scottish
Equitable Gimcrack S. [G2].
Dance Hall Miss. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $67,632. Dam of 6 winners, including-D'S DANCING SOPHIE (f. by Metfield). 5 wins to 3, $107,292, Minnesota
Oaks-R (CBY, $29,892), Minnesota Distaff Classic Championship S.-R
(CBY, $23,400), MTA Stallion Auction Lassie S.-R (CBY, $17,490), etc.
DANCING PRIZE (f. by Prized). 3 wins in 5 starts at 3, $44,930, Minnesota Oaks-R (CBY, $31,320).
Dance Hall Prize (c. by Prized). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $33,750,
2nd Northern Lights Futurity-R (CBY, $10,490), etc.
Annual Report. 2 wins at 3, $44,028. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-Button Raise (c. by Crafty Prospector). 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4,
2001, $101,557, 3rd Whirlaway S. [L] (AQU, $9,067).
Short Note (f. by Editor's Note). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $73,194, 2nd Blue
Hen S. [L] (DEL, $15,000), 3rd Polly Drummond S. [L] (DEL, $11,000).
Maybe a Kiss. Winner at 3, $18,675. Granddam of CIENTO (c. by Prospector Jones, to 3, 2001, $172,547, Viva El Paso H.-R (SUN, $62,280), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Gray or Roan Colt; foaled April 18, 2000
Belong to Me ....................
Belonging .........................
Lord At War (ARG)............
Cuando Puede ..................
Cuando Quiere..................
Hip No.
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Exclusive Native
Straight Deal
General (FR)
Luna de Miel
Quatre Saisons
By BELONG TO ME (1989). Stakes winner of $261,166, Boojum H. [G3], etc.
Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 498 foals, 240 starters, 18 stakes winners,
168 winners of 455 races and earning $12,763,807 in N.A., including
Jersey Girl ($571,136, Acorn S. [G1], etc.), Terreavigne ($433,313, Gaily
Gaily S. [L] (GP, $60,000), etc.), Belle Cherie ($426,861, Delta Air Lines
Top Flight H. [G2], etc.), Ewer All Wet ($384,073, Congressional H. [L]
(LRL, $60,000), etc.), Chasin' Wimmin ($337,038), Perlong ($303,719).
1st dam
CUANDO PUEDE, by Lord At War (ARG). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $199,973,
Arlington Heights Oaks [G3], 2nd T. V. Vixen S. (AP, $7,570). Sister to
CUANDO. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
CUANDO QUIERE, by Affirmed. Placed at 3, $4,160. Dam of 3 winners-CUANDO (f. by Lord At War (ARG)). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $329,967, New
Castle H. [L] (DEL, $60,000), Bayou Breeders' Cup H. [L] (FG, $52,620),
Sixty Sails H. [L] (FG, $30,000), 2nd Bewitch S. [G3], My Charmer H.
[G3], 3rd New York H. [G2], La Prevoyante H. [G2], Cardinal H. [G3],
Pago Hop S. [L] (FG, $5,500).
CUANDO PUEDE (f. by Lord At War (ARG)). Stakes winner, above.
Cuanto Es (f. by Exbourne). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $255,239, 2nd Ballston Spa
Breeders' Cup H. [G3], 3rd Bryan Station S. [L] (KEE, $7,560).
3rd dam
QUATRE SAISONS, by Court Recess. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $130,787, Endine H.,
2nd Egret H., Pucker Up H. Dam of 3 winners, including-Viewing. 15 wins, 3 to 8, $43,908.
4th dam
ALPINE PEAK, by Olympia. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $22,465. Half-sister to PRIZE SILVER ($132,056). Dam of 12 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-SUN AND SNOW. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $212,665, Kentucky Oaks-G2, Ashland
S.-G3, etc. Dam of SING AND SWING [L] ($228,941, dam of Got That
Swing, to 6, 2001, $128,858), WINDANSEA ($138,585, dam of TRUMAN C. [L], $101,335, sire; POWER TRAIN, $81,796). Granddam of IN
THE ZONE [L] ($375,054), CHILLY BILLY (GB) [G2] ($53,750, in N.A.),
Mister Approval [G3] ($67,752, in N.A.), Bring Sweets (in England).
SNOW PEAK. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $143,908, Tuscarora H., 3rd Ocean City H.,
Pocahontas S. Dam of White Birch ($60,908), Ural Miss ($19,101).
QUATRE SAISONS. Stakes winner, above.
Aspenglo. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of PENNY MARIE (6 wins to 5, 2001,
$280,660, Miss America H. [L] (GG, $60,000), etc.).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
North Wales Farm LLC
Hip No.
Foaled February 20, 2000
Timeless Moment .............
Gilded Time ......................
Gilded Lilly .......................
Cryptoclearance ................
Currency Quest.................
Crystal Blaze.....................
Hour of Parting
What a Pleasure
Naval Orange
Spectacular Bid
Stiff Breeze
By GILDED TIME (1990). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $975,980, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 536
foals, 315 starters, 25 stakes winners, 223 winners of 570 races and earning $14,277,751 in N.A., including Old Topper ($655,861, Pat O'Brien H.
[G3], etc.), Elaborate ($520,328, Triple Bend Breeders' Cup Invitational H.
[G2], etc.), Speaking of Time ($394,976, Piedra Foundation H.-R (DMR,
$45,570), etc.), Time Limit (5 wins, $379,130, Hutcheson S. [G2], etc.).
1st dam
CURRENCY QUEST, by Cryptoclearance. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $68,307, American Beauty Breeders' Cup S. (RD, $26,730). Dam of 1 other registered
foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
CRYSTAL BLAZE, by Spectacular Bid. Winner at 3 and 4, $32,726. Dam of-CURRENCY QUEST (f. by Cryptoclearance). Stakes winner, above.
Te Papa Crystal. 6 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $109,640.
3rd dam
STIFF BREEZE, by Never Bend. Winner at 3 and 4, $13,175. Sister to PREVAILING ($147,007). Dam of 15 foals, 13 to race, 12 winners, incl.-WINDS OF WINTER. 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, 2nd Larkspur S.-G3; 4 wins at
3 and 4, $107,077, in N.A., Oceanport H., 2nd Sussex H. Sire.
Sworn Statement. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $119,803, 2nd Fair Lady S.-R. Dam of-Sixth Sense. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $113,448, 3rd J. O. Tobin S. (AQU, $5,988).
Parasail. 2 wins at 2, $17,860, 3rd Virginia Belle S. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-PEDRO THE COOL. 5 wins at 3 and 5, $141,010, Week of Fame Derby
[L] (FG, $60,000), 3rd Early Times Turf Classic S. [G3], Fort Lauderdale H. [L] (GP, $10,000).
Wet Suit. 2 wins at 3, $48,166. Dam of Vertiginous (ARG) (in Argentina,
3rd Premio Guillermo Kemmis [G2]; $27,351, in N.A.).
Coastal Breeze. Winner at 2, $16,650. Dam of 11 foals, 10 winners, incl.-Windy Surf. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $196,652, 4th Test S. [G1]. Producer.
Coast of Mane. 3 wins at 4 and 5, placed at 7, 2001, $194,511, 3rd
Governor's H. [L] (ELP, $8,000).
Tidehaven. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $119,526, 2nd Middleground Maiden S.-R
(LS, $6,000).
Seattle Surf. 10 wins, 4 to 6, $85,860. Dam of RAIL TO SEATTLE (5 wins
to 3, 2001, $74,030, Fantasia S.-R (LAD, $26,520), etc.).
Russian Legend. 3 wins at 3, $74,930. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, incl.-Celeste Cielo. 3 wins to 3, $80,688, 3rd Astarita S. [G2]. Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XXVI
Hip No.
Foaled January 30, 2000
Roberto .............................
Kris S................................
Sharp Queen .....................
Black Tie Affair (IRE).........
Dawn's Black Tie...............
Sassy Ego .........................
Hail to Reason
Hat Tab Girl
Bold Ego
Red Chute
By KRIS S. (1977). Stakes winner of $53,350, Bradbury S. Among the leading sires, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 784 foals, 613 starters, 60 stakes
winners, 456 winners of 1589 races and earning $39,855,904 in N.A., including champions Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf
[G1], etc.), and of Prized ($2,262,555, Breeders’ Cup Turf [G1], etc.),
Kissin Kris [G1] ($1,616,936), Brocco [G1] ($1,003,550), You and I [G1].
1st dam
DAWN'S BLACK TIE, by Black Tie Affair (IRE). 4 wins at 3, $130,681, Colfax
Maid S.-R (AP, $33,600), 3rd Arlington Heights Oaks [G3], Quick Reward S. [L] (HAW, $6,094). Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
Sassy Ego, by Bold Ego. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $61,998, 3rd Miss St. Louis H. (FP,
$2,745), My Fair Lady H. (FP, $2,180). Dam of 2 winners-DAWN'S BLACK TIE (f. by Black Tie Affair (IRE)). Stakes winner, above.
Bold Niro. 2 wins at 4, 2001, $17,426.
Princess Forever. Placed in 1 start at 2, 2001.
3rd dam
Red Chute, by Hard Work. 3 wins at 3, $44,667, 3rd Mimosa S.-R, Sunshine
Miss S.-R. Dam of 3 foals, all winners-Sassy Ego. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Solar Show. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $14,033.
Clever Gold. Winner at 3, $5,245. Sire.
4th dam
OVER THE PHONE, by Finnegan. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-PHONE TRICK. 9 wins in 10 starts at 3 and 4, $395,112, San Carlos H.
[G2], Bold Ruler S. [G2], True North H. [G2], Palos Verdes H. [L], Debonair S. [L], [Q]-etr, 6 fur. in 1:08 4/5, 2nd Tom Fool S. [G2]. Etr at Hollywood Park, 6 fur. in 1:09 1/5. Sire.
Red Chute. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Duminas. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $79,042.
Pinhook. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $54,445. Sire.
Blue Phone. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $18,014. Producer.
El Phono. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $13,259.
Phone Fols. Unraced. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of 1 known foal-EPIC JUNIOR. 2 wins at 3 in Venezuela, Premio Inauguracion Francisco
de Miranda-G2, Premio Hylander, 3rd Premio Comparacion-G1. Sire.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent VI
Hip No.
Foaled January 27, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Hennessy ..........................
Island Kitty........................
Mr. Prospector ..................
Debt ..................................
Worth Avenue ...................
Storm Bird
T. C. Kitten
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Spend a Buck
Sweeping View
By HENNESSY (1993). Stakes winner of $580,400, Hopeful S. [G1], etc. Sire
of 3 crops of racing age, 517 foals, 192 starters, 11 stakes winners, 84
winners of 145 races and earning $3,727,462 in N.A., including champion Johannesburg (at 2, 2001, $520,000, in N.A., Bessemer Trust Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1]), and of Distilled (to 3, 2001, $373,470, Illinois
Derby [G2]), Keats ($312,478, in N.A., Coolmore Lexington S. [G2], etc.),
Handsome Hunk [L] (at 2, 2001, $140,634), Harmony Lodge ($116,220).
1st dam
DEBT, by Mr. Prospector. Unraced. Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
WORTH AVENUE, by Spend a Buck. 2 wins at 2, $105,624, Tempted S. [G3],
4th Demoiselle S. [G1]. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, including-Sloane Street. Winner at 4, $41,918. Producer.
3rd dam
Sweeping View, by Reviewer. Winner at 2, $28,926, 2nd Astoria S., 3rd Sorority S.-G1, Fashion S. Sister to VITE VIEW. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-WORTH AVENUE. Stakes winner, above.
COMMANDING VIEW. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $53,950, [Q]. Sire.
Galaxy Guide. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $136,368, 2nd Roamer H.-G3, Thomas A.
Edison H.-L. Sire.
Evening Sky. 2 wins at 2, $46,660. Dam of 7 foals, 6 winners, including-Monita'shistepper. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $57,255, 2nd Heritage Place
Oaks-R (RP, $9,475), 3rd Lady Luck S. (LAD, $3,047). Producer.
4th dam
MISS SWAPSCO, by Cohoes. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $106,229, Twilight Tear H., Ashland
S., etc. Half-sister to MEHMET ($718,015, sire), Lucky Lord. Dam of-VITE VIEW. 10 wins to 4, $168,561, Ak-Sar-Ben Queen's H., Quivira S., etc.
SECRETO'S GLORY. 2 wins, $126,618, Selene S. [L] (WO, $69,300), etc.
Sweeping View. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Jan Murray. Winner at 2 in Ireland, 3rd Goffs S.; winner at 4, $18,650, in N.A.
Ballade. Winner at 2 and 3, $12,670. Broodmare of the year in Canada in
1992. Dam of GLORIOUS SONG ($1,004,534, horse of the year in Canada, Spinster S.-G1, etc., dam of SINGSPIEL (IRE) [G1], $1,000,000, in
N.A., champion grass horse, sire; RAHY [G2], $288,050, in N.A., sire;
RAKEEN [G2], sire), DEVIL'S BAG ($445,860, champion 2-year-old
colt, sire), SAINT BALLADO [G2] (4 wins, $302,820, sire), THAIDAH.
Devil's Sister. Unraced. Dam of BLACKSBURG [G3] ($412,523), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Mark Hubley, Agent for
KatieRich Stables/Chris Connors
Bay Filly; foaled May 1, 2000
Langfuhr ...........................
Sweet Briar Too.................
Liz. Piet.............................
Hip No.
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Prima Babu Gum
Gallant Romeo
Strictly Speaking
*Miss Elizabeth
By LANGFUHR (1992). Champion sprinter in Canada, stakes winner of
$698,574, Metropolitan H. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of
2002. Sire of 275 foals, 49 starters, 16 winners of 21 races and earning
$680,174 in N.A., including Imperial Gesture (at 2, 2001, $275,540, 2nd
Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.), Second Tuesday (at 2, 2001,
$22,160, 3rd Prairie Meadows Freshman S. [L] (PRM, $5,000)), White
Flame (3 wins to 3, 2002, $53,390), Fuzzy Star (at 2, 2001, $50,650).
1st dam
DECLAMATION, by Elocutionist. Winner at 3, $4,541. Dam of 15 other registered foals, 14 of racing age, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-SOLDIER FIELD (c. by Dixie Brass). 9 wins in 18 starts at 2 and 3, $418,160, Hollywood Turf Express H. [G3], Lamplighter H. [G3], Nureyev S. [L]
(KEE, $44,780), Restoration S. [L] (MTH, $36,000), Mercer Raceabout S.
(MED, $24,000)-ecr, 5 fur. in :55 2/5, Ocean Hotel S. (MTH, $24,000), 2nd
Laurel Dash S. [G3], 3rd WHAS-11 S. [L] (CD, $12,180).
Easy Going Dixie (f. by Dixieland Heat). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $49,060,
3rd Everget S. [L] (DEL, $8,250).
Totana (g. by Water Bank). 4 wins at 3 and 7, placed at 8, 2001, $60,470.
2nd dam
Liz. Piet, by Piet. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $30,782, 3rd Jeanne d'Arc S. Dam of-FATHER HOGAN (c. by Dewan). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $310,460, Hobson H.-G2,
Jim Dandy S.-G3, 2nd Brooklyn H.-G1, Queens County H.-G3, Ak-SarBen Board of Governors' H.-G3, Meadowlands Cup, 3rd Marlboro Cup
H.-G1, Amory L. Haskell H.-G1, Whitney S.-G2, Thomas A. Edison H. Sire.
NORTHERN ADVENTURE (c. by Far North). 3 wins at 2 in England, Duke
of Edinburgh S.; winner at 5, $10,275, in N.A. Sire.
Dixmart (c. by Swoon's Son). 18 wins, 2 to 9, $175,371, 2nd Spy Song S., etc.
Watanga Miss. Winner at 3 and 4, $47,660. Dam of Give a Buck (c. by
Buckaroo, $237,570), Gate to Success (g. by Gate Dancer, $154,170),
Compton Lady (f. by Sovereign Dancer). Granddam of SHELDONS
JET [L] (f. by Gold Meridian, to 5, 2001, $299,455), ROWDY REGAL (c.
by Regal and Royal, $234,822), POLISH NATIVE (g. by Polish Patriot).
Ma Petite Fille. Placed at 3. Dam of CUTLASEE (f. by Cutlass, 8 wins,
$294,872, Martha Washington H. [L] (PIM, $37,229), etc.).
Hogan's Sister. Unraced. Dam of SALIERI (c. by Accipiter, Mill Reef S.-G2,
etc.), Tarsho (IRE) [G2] (c. by Lomond, $89,170, in N.A.), Gesualdo (c.
by Be My Guest). Granddam of ZEYA [G2] (f. by Marauding), HEADHUNTER (c. by Last Tycoon (IRE), to 6, 2001), BROADMARA [G3] (f.
by Thatching), Eightskateandonate (f. by L'Natural, $16,075).
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 1, 2000
Pine Bluff ..........................
Rowdy Angel.....................
Dayjur ...............................
Delivery Day .....................
Printing Press ...................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Gold Beauty
In Reality
Wealth of Nations
By PINE BLUFF (1989). Classic winner of $2,255,884, Preakness S. [G1],
etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 382 foals, 211 starters, 17 stakes winners, 148 winners of 418 races and earning $11,184,598 in N.A., including champion Chef Michelle, and of Middlesex Drive ($746,819, Kelso H.
[G2], etc.), Megans Bluff (to 4, 2001, $664,585, Mrs. Revere S. [G2], etc.),
Lil's Lad ($589,930, Fountain of Youth S. [G2], etc.), I Ain't Bluffing ($582,069, La Brea S. [G1], etc.), Pine Dance [G2] (3 wins, $405,948, in N.A.).
1st dam
DELIVERY DAY, by Dayjur. Placed at 4, $7,935. Dam of 1 other registered foal,
1 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Don't Ruffle Me (f. by Pine Bluff). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $68,523, 2nd
Top Flight S. [L] (AP, $15,000).
2nd dam
PRINTING PRESS, by In Reality. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 winners, including-LITE LIGHT (f. by Majestic Light). 8 wins at 2 and 3, $1,231,596, Coaching
Club American Oaks [G1], Kentucky Oaks [G1], Santa Anita Oaks
[G1], Las Virgenes S. [G1], Fantasy S. [G2], Oak Leaf S. [G2], Sorrento
S. [G3], 2nd Mother Goose S. [G1], Hollywood Starlet S. [G1], Del Mar
Debutante S. [G2], 3rd Chula Vista H. [G2], San Gorgonio H. [G2],
Landaluce S. [G3], Run for the Roses S. [L] (SA, $9,000). Dam of-SADDAD (c. by Gone West). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2001 in England,
Polypipe Flying Childers S. [G2].
GAILY EGRET (f. by Storm Cat). 8 wins, 3 to 6, 2001 in Japan, The Sakitama Hai, The Hyogo Gold Trophy, 2nd The Cluster Cup.
Gold Press (c. by Seeking the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 5, placed at 6, 2001,
$88,708, 3rd Sam Houston Sprint H. [L] (HOU, $5,500).
Redeemer. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $55,067. Dam of 4 winners, including-AMERICAN BOSS (c. by Kingmambo). 8 wins, 2 to 6, 2001 in Japan,
The Nakayama Kinen, The American Jockey Club Cup, The Epsom
Cup twice, 2nd The Arima Kinen-46th The Grand Prix, The Nakayama Kinen, The Niigata Daishoten.
3rd dam
WEALTH OF NATIONS, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Half-sister to GLOWING
TRIBUTE ($230,819), Senator Brady [Q] ($252,445), Rambling Rector [Q] ($143,620, sire), James Boswell. Dam of 4 winners, including-Ready Cash. 19 wins, 3 to 9, $140,582, 2nd Ventnor S. [OR], Longport S.
[OR], 3rd Bryan Field Memorial H.
Riche Danseur. 6 wins at 4 and 6, $50,328.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Mare Haven Farm
Hip No.
Foaled February 1, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Distant Relative.................
De Puntillas (GB)..............
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Royal Sister II
Come True
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
DE PUNTILLAS (GB), by Distant Relative. 7 wins, 2 to 4 in Italy, Premio European Breeders Fund, Premio Minerva, 2nd Premio Verziere, Premio
Archidamia, Premio Seregno, 3rd Premio Lydia Tesio [G2]; winner at 4,
5, and 6, $183,386, in N.A., Yerba Buena H. [G3], Southern Truce H.-R
(SA, $42,735), 3rd Wilshire H. [G2], Avigaition H. [L] (SA, $8,400). Dam
of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
ENOLA, by Ela-Mana-Mou. In England. Unraced. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-DE PUNTILLAS (GB) (f. by Distant Relative). Stakes winner, above.
Copa de Portiva (f. by Shavian). Winner at 2 in Italy, 2nd Premio Gino Mantovani. Producer.
3rd dam
COME TRUE, by Nasram. Winner at 3 in Ireland. Sister to Over There. Dam of-AH YA ZEIN (IRE). 2 wins at 3 in France, Grand Prix de Marseille. Dam of-Moutahddee. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in England, 3rd Petros Rose of Lancaster S. [G3]; placed at 4 and 5, 2001 in United Arab Emirates.
Apatride. 4 wins at 2 and 4 in France, 3rd Prix Caravelle Haras des
Spanish Dancer (IRE). 5 wins in 9 starts at 3 in England, 2nd Garrowby
H., 3rd Extel H.; placed at 6, $8,375, in N.A. Sire.
Cosmic Princess. 2 wins at 3 in England, 2nd Woods Edge Farm Radley
S.; winner at 4 in France.
Dream Image. Placed at 3 in England. Sent to Australia. Dam of-Mr Jazaway. Winner at 2 in Australia, 3rd Dermody S. [G3].
4th dam
PARISIAN, by *Ambiorix. Placed at 3 in France. Half-sister to BALDRIC (champion miler in England, Two Thousand Guineas, etc., sire), VILLAGE
SQUARE, CROSS CHANNEL, Gadabout. Sent to Japan. Dam of-Horsemen Wild. 11 wins, 3 to 7 in Japan, 3rd Takarazuka Kinen-G1, Kyoto
Over There. Placed at 3 in France, 3rd Prix Djebel.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
Montpelier Thoroughbreds Inc.
Hip No.
Foaled February 4, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Hennessy ..........................
Island Kitty........................
Phone Trick.......................
Dial Tone...........................
Darlin Lindy ......................
Storm Bird
T. C. Kitten
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Cox's Ridge
Smart Darlin
By HENNESSY (1993). Stakes winner of $580,400, Hopeful S. [G1], etc. Sire
of 3 crops of racing age, 517 foals, 192 starters, 11 stakes winners, 84
winners of 145 races and earning $3,727,462 in N.A., including champion Johannesburg (at 2, 2001, $520,000, in N.A., Bessemer Trust Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1]), and of Distilled (to 3, 2001, $373,470, Illinois
Derby [G2]), Keats ($312,478, in N.A., Coolmore Lexington S. [G2], etc.),
Handsome Hunk [L] (at 2, 2001, $140,634), Harmony Lodge ($116,220).
1st dam
DIAL TONE, by Phone Trick. Winner at 3, $7,585. Dam of 2 other registered
foals, 1 of racing age-Keep in Touch (f. by Belong to Me). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2002, $19,600.
2nd dam
Darlin Lindy, by Cox's Ridge. 6 wins at 3, $136,500, 2nd Constitution S.
(PHA, $8,090), 3rd Hibiscus S. [L] (HIA, $5,500), Twixt S. [LR] (LRL,
$8,250). Dam of 4 other foals, all winners, including-WAGON LIMIT (c. by Conquistador Cielo). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $992,660, Jockey
Club Gold Cup [G1], Westchester H. [G3], 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup [G1].
Darlin Echo (f. by Eastern Echo). 2 wins at 2, $71,332, 3rd Cinderella S.
[L] (HOL, $8,118), Nursery S. [L] (HOL, $8,070).
3rd dam
SMART DARLIN, by Alydar. Winner at 2, $22,732. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-Darlin Lindy. Stakes-placed winner, above.
4th dam
SMARTAIRE, by *Quibu. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $13,925. Sister to TEACHER'S ART,
half-sister to Teacher's Beau. Broodmare of the year in 1979. Dam of-SMART ANGLE. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $414,217, champion 2-year-old filly, Selima S.-G1, Matron S.-G1, Frizette S.-G1, Spinaway S.-G1, etc. Dam of-HOUSTON. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $240,632, Bay Shore S. [G2], etc. Sire.
Saratoga Classic. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $129,221, 2nd Mazarine S. [G3], etc.
Special Gift. 2 wins, $42,520. Granddam of ELABORATE [G2] (to 6,
2001, $520,328), UBIQUITY [G2] (to 4, 2001, $397,425), No Malo [L].
SMARTEN. 11 wins, $716,426, Ohio Derby-G2-ntr, American Derby-G2, etc.
QUADRATIC. 6 wins to 3, $233,941, Cowdin S.-G2, Everglades S., etc. Sire.
SMART HEIRESS. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $154,999, Garden City S., etc. Dam of-HOMEBUILDER. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $1,172,153, Fayette H. [G2], etc. Sire.
AZTEC EMPIRE. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $308,229, Queens County H. [G3], etc.
Sparkling Wit. 3 wins at 3, $73,671, 3rd Daryl’s Joy S. [G3].
Miss Cream Puff. 2 wins, $22,120. Dam of MIN ALLAH [G3], Pressure.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent for
White Horse Stables
Foaled February 11, 2000
Spinning World.................
Imperfect Circle ................
Diane Suzanne ..................
Broadway Joan .................
Hip No.
Northern Dancer
Aviance (IRE)
Northern Dancer
Sex Appeal
Bold Arian
Courtneys Doll
By SPINNING WORLD (1993). Hwt. in Europe, France and Ireland; stakes
winner of $772,000, in N.A., Breeders’ Cup Mile [G1]-ecr, etc. His first
foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 298 foals, 45 starters, 18 winners
of 20 races and earning $136,889 in N.A., including Quad's Melody (at 2,
2001, Prix d'Aumale [G3]), Chan Chan (at 2, 2001, Oppenheim-Rennen),
Tendulkar (at 2, 2001, 3rd Darley Dewhurst S. [G1]), Temple of Artemis
(2nd Killavullan S. [G3]), Spinnette (2nd E.B.F. Montrose Fillies S.).
1st dam
DIANE SUZANNE, by Compliance. Winner at 4 and 5, $133,405. Sister to
FOURSTARS ALLSTAR, FOURSTARDAVE. Dam of 7 other registered
foals, 6 of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners-MYSTIC LADY (f. by Thunder Gulch). 9 wins in 16 starts at 2 and 3, 2001,
$910,090, Cotillion H. [G2], Fantasy S. [G2], Honey Bee H. [G3], Herecomesthebride S. [G3], Jersey Derby [G3], Boiling Springs Breeders'
Cup H. [L] (MED, $120,000), Hollywood Wildcat S. [L] (CRC, $60,000),
2nd Fair Grounds Oaks [G2], Delaware Oaks [G3], Miss Grillo S. [G3],
3rd Lake Placid H. [G2].
ETHYL MAE (f. by Woodman). Winner at 2, $68,001, Staten Island S. [L]
(BEL, $50,760), 3rd Suffolk Downs Oaks [L] (SUF, $5,000). Producer.
Doc Martin (g. by Woodman). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $210,720, in N.A., 2nd
Queens County H. [G3], Garden City S. [L] (BEL, $16,635); 3 wins at 6,
placed at 7, 2002 in Saudi Arabia as Bajaad.
2nd dam
BROADWAY JOAN, by Bold Arian. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-FOURSTARDAVE (g. by Compliance). 21 wins, 2 to 9, $1,636,737, St. Paul
Derby [G2], Daryl's Joy S. [G3] twice-once in ncr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:38 4/5,
Poker S. [G3] twice, Jaipur S. [L] (BEL, $57,240), Albany S. [LR] (SAR,
$72,000), West Point H.-R (SAR, $71,760), West Point H. [LR] (SAR,
$71,520), Empire S. [LR] (SAR, $44,040), Neshaminy H. (PHA, $23,340),
Manila S. (MED, $21,000), Aspirant S.-R (FL, $33,278), etc.
FOURSTARS ALLSTAR (c. by Compliance). 13 wins, 2 to 7, $1,386,626,
in N.A., Elkhorn S. [G2], Bernard Baruch H. [G2] twice, New Hampshire
Sweepstakes H. [G3], Saratoga Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Pilgrim S. [G3], Fort Marcy H. [G3], Damon Runyon S. [LR] (AQU, $56,700), 2nd Caesars International H. [G1], Laurel Futurity [G3], Belmont
Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Early Times Dixie H. [G3], etc.; winner in Ireland, Airlie Coolmore Irish Two Thousand Guineas [G1]. Sire.
Astor Place (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells). Winner at 2 and 3 in England; placed
at 3 in France, 3rd Prix Maurice de Nieuil [G2]; winner at 4, $30,000, in N.A.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
North Wales Farm LLC
Hip No.
Foaled April 27, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Smart Strike......................
Classy 'n Smart ................
Fight Over .........................
Dior's Angel......................
Le Clerc ............................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
No Class
*Grey Dawn II
True Knight
By SMART STRIKE (1992). Stakes winner of $337,376, Philip H. Iselin H.
[G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 188 foals, 75 starters, 6 stakes
winners, 43 winners of 81 races and earning $2,417,095 in N.A., including Until Sundown (at 3, 2001, $276,600, Affirmed H. [G3], etc.), Caught
Out (to 3, 2001, $191,102, My Dear S. [L] (WO, $69,000), etc.), Strike It
Up (to 3, 2001, $179,675, Wide Country S. [L] (LRL, $32,550), etc.), Deputy Strike (3 wins at 3, 2001, $117,720, Rutgers S. [L] (MED, $45,000)).
1st dam
Dior's Angel, by Fight Over. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $276,296, 2nd Allez France H.-R
(HOL, $11,000), 3rd Gallorette H. [G3], Honey Bee H. [G3], Fort Nonsense S. (MED, $3,850), Searching S. (PIM, $3,850). Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Angel Dehere (f. by Dehere). 2 wins at 3, $72,400.
2nd dam
LE CLERC, by True Knight. Placed at 3. Dam of 7 winners, including-SUPERABUNDANCE (c. by Exuberant). 14 wins, 2 to 6, $143,383, William
“Bunny” Almy, Jr. Prep H. (SUF, $12,180), 2nd Patriot's Day H. (SUF, $4,070).
Dior's Angel (f. by Fight Over). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Spanish Dior (f. by Spanish Drums). 6 wins to 5, $145,670, 2nd Silver
Belles H. [G2], Gallorette H. [G3], 3rd Snow Goose H. [G3]. Producer.
Legion Etrangere. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, both winners, incl.-RARE FRIENDS (g. by Helmsman). 4 wins in 5 starts at 2, 2001, $247,365, champion 2-year-old colt in Canada, Swynford S. [L] (WO, $65,940), Vandal S.-R (WO, $89,505), Simcoe S.-R (WO, $61,680).
3rd dam
MIGRATORY, by *Sea-Bird. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-Eastern Counsel. 13 wins to 7, $77,638, 3rd John R. Macomber H. Set ntr.
Trossalba. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $11,626. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners, incl.-Nakiska. 18 wins, 2 to 11, $108,480, 3rd Western Express Classic S. [LR]
(NP, $4,800), Westerner H. (NP, $2,500), Teeworth Plate H. (STP, $2,000).
Trossalation. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $65,345, 2nd Speed to Spare S. [L] (NP,
$15,000), Herald Gold Plate H. [L] (STP, $10,000).
4th dam
YETIVE, by *Ribot. Unraced. Sister to HIS MAJESTY, GRAUSTARK, half-sister to BOWL OF FLOWERS ($398,504, champion twice). Dam of-High Larch. Winner at 3 in Ireland. Granddam of FULL SCREAM AHEAD.
Aunt Jenny. Unraced. Dam of COUSIN JEN [L] ($129,727), Doyoulikemenow ($119,192), Irish Last (3rd Premio Camara de Comercio-G3).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in New York.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled May 8, 2000
Seattle Slew ......................
Capote ..............................
Too Bald............................
Dixieland Band .................
Dixie Maintenance ............
Pleasantly Free .................
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Bald Eagle
Hidden Talent
Northern Dancer
Mississippi Mud
Pleasant Colony
Free Port
By CAPOTE (1984). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $714,470,
Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 12
crops of racing age, 670 foals, 490 starters, 39 stakes winners, 333 winners of 978 races and earning $23,915,401 in N.A., including champions
Boston Harbor ($1,934,605, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.), Surfing
Home (J & B Met [G1], etc.), and of Basim (hwt. colt in Ireland, E.B.F.
Anglesey S. [G3], etc.), Acceptable [G3] ($713,020), Capote Belle [G1].
1st dam
DIXIE MAINTENANCE, by Dixieland Band. 2 wins at 4, $36,150. Sister to DIXIE PEARL. Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
PLEASANTLY FREE, by Pleasant Colony. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $112,600, Key Largo
S. (HIA, $12,000), Iris S.-R (GS, $14,160), Poppy S.-R (PHA, $13,920), 2nd
Hilltop S. [L] (PIM, $13,690), Atlantic City Oaks (ATL, $5,000). Sister to Free
Colony. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-DIXIE PEARL (f. by Dixieland Band). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $408,021, Autumn
Days H. [L] (SA, $66,400), 2nd La Canada S. [G2], Bayakoa H. [L]
(DMR, $15,000), Santa Ysabel S.-R (SA, $15,000), 3rd Yellow Ribbon S.
[G1], Monrovia H. [G3], Louis R. Rowan H. [L] (SA, $12,000), Santa Lucia H.-R (SA, $9,000), Southern Truce H.-R (SA, $8,547).
CORNISH SNOW (c. by Storm Cat). 2 wins in 4 starts at 3 in England; 8
wins, 5 to 7 in United Arab Emirates, The National Day Cup, 2nd His
Highness The President's Cup; winner at 7 and 8, 2001, $178,937, in
N.A., Colonel E. R. Bradley H. [L] (FG, $45,000), 2nd Tom Fool H. [G2].
3rd dam
FREE PORT, by Thatch. Winner at 2, $6,600. Half-sister to LOAD THE CANNONS ($399,750, in N.A., San Juan Capistrano Invitational H.-G1, etc.),
HALESIA [G2], Dominant, Halutz. Dam of 5 winners, including-PLEASANTLY FREE. Stakes winner, above.
Free Colony. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $138,880, 3rd Seneca H. [G3]. Sire.
Golden Thatch. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-RAW GOLD. 9 wins to 4, $509,006, Landaluce S. [G2], Santa Ynez S.
[G3], Santa Paula S. [L] (SA, $64,200), Linda Card S. [L] (SA, $43,125), Arbor Vitae H. [L] (HOL, $35,000), Taisez Vous H. [L] (SA, $33,700), Althea S. [L] (HOL, $31,450), 2nd Great Lady M. H. [L] (HOL,
$13,000), Safely Kept H. [L] (HOL, $12,000), Linda Card H.-R (SA,
$13,330), Cascapedia S.-R (SA, $12,000), 3rd Railbird S. [G2], etc.
Arezzo. 3 wins at 2, $61,500, 3rd Leland Stanford S. [L] (BM, $7,500).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent X
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled March 21, 2000
Skip Trial...........................
Skip Away .........................
Ingot Way..........................
Alydar ...............................
Dollysister (FR).................
Devalois (FR)....................
Looks Promising
Diplomat Way
Raise a Native
Sweet Tooth
By SKIP AWAY (1993). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $9,616,360, Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup [G1] twice, Hollywood Gold
Cup [G1], Woodbine Million S. [G1], Pimlico Special H. [G1], Buick
Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Woodward S. [G1], Gulfstream Park H. [G1],
Donn H. [G1], Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], Philip H. Iselin H. [G2], Suburban H. [G2], Ohio Derby [G2], Massachusetts H. [G3] twice-once in ntr,
2nd Belmont S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
DOLLYSISTER (FR), by Alydar. Winner at 3 in France. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners, including-Daiwa Juliet (f. by Red Ransom). Winner at 3 in Japan.
2nd dam
DEVALOIS (FR), by Nureyev. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3 in France, Prix Cleopatre [G3], Prix Finlande, 2nd Prix de Malleret [G2], 3rd La Coupe de
Maisons-Laffitte [G3], etc.; 4 wins at 3 and 4, $310,875, in N.A., E. P. Taylor S. [G2], Bewitch S. [G3], 2nd Mutual Savings Life Ladies H. [L] (FG,
$22,000), 3rd Orchid H. [G2], Queen Charlotte H. [G2], etc. Dam of-BEAU SULTAN (c. by Bering (GB)). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3 in France,
Prix La Rochette [G3], Prix Ridgway, 2nd Prix Greffulhe [G2], 3rd CIGA
Grand Criterium [G1], Prix Hocquart [G2]; 2 wins in 4 starts to 6, $156,175, in N.A., 3rd Man o' War S. [G1]. Sire.
Divination (f. by Groom Dancer). Winner at 3 and 4 in France, 2nd Prix
Denisy, 3rd Prix du Cadran Casino Croisette Barriere [G1], etc.
Dissertation (f. by Sillery). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, 2nd Prix d'Aumale
[G3], 3rd Prix Eclipse [G3]. Producer.
Devolli (GB). Winner at 3 in France. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-Dorlean (c. by Irish River (FR)). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001 in France, 3rd
Prix Tantieme.
Darsonval. Placed at 3 in France. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-Dekobra (f. by Night Shift). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy, 2nd Criterium Varesino Memorial V. Curti.
3rd dam
DOURDAN, by Prudent. 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix Cleopatre. Half-sister to LE
POTELET (sire). Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, all winners, including-DUNPHY. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, 2nd hwt. at 2 on French Hand., Prix
des Chenes-G3, Prix Daphnis-G3, 2nd Prix Jean Prat-G2, etc. Sire.
DEVALOIS (FR). Stakes winner, above.
Doux Lord (FR). 3 wins at 3 in France, 2nd Prix de Menneval. Sire.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled May 7, 2000
Belong to Me ....................
Belonging .........................
Overskate ..........................
Double Smooth.................
So Smooth........................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Exclusive Native
Straight Deal
Third Martini
By BELONG TO ME (1989). Stakes winner of $261,166, Boojum H. [G3], etc.
Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 498 foals, 240 starters, 18 stakes winners,
168 winners of 455 races and earning $12,763,807 in N.A., including
Jersey Girl ($571,136, Acorn S. [G1], etc.), Terreavigne ($433,313, Gaily
Gaily S. [L] (GP, $60,000), etc.), Belle Cherie ($426,861, Delta Air Lines
Top Flight H. [G2], etc.), Ewer All Wet ($384,073, Congressional H. [L]
(LRL, $60,000), etc.), Chasin' Wimmin ($337,038), Perlong ($303,719).
1st dam
Double Smooth, by Overskate. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $157,192, 2nd Miss Grillo S.G3, 3rd Mantua S. [OR]. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 7 of racing age,
6 to race, 3 winners-KNOCKADOON (c. by Dixieland Band). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $357,018, Ben Ali
S. [G3], Risen Star S. [L] (FG, $31,882), 2nd Washington Park H. [G2],
New Orleans H. [G3], Ben Ali S. [G3], 3rd John B. Campbell H. [G3].
PLAY THE CORNERS (g. by Clever Trick). 5 wins at 3, $128,578, Elgin
Yearling Sales S.-R (WO, $66,600), Second Wind S.-R (RD, $17,370).
Smooth Deputy (g. by Silver Deputy). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $70,195, 2nd
Peteski H. (WO, $7,970).
2nd dam
SO SMOOTH, by Third Martini. Unraced. Half-sister to THEOLOGIST, TABLE
RUN, NOHOLME WAY, HELLO THEO. Dam of 9 winners, including-INTERACTIVE (f. by Slewpy). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $313,050, Splendid Girl
H. [L] (HOL, $32,250), Reminiscing H. [L] (HOL, $31,450), Torrey
Pines S.-R (DMR, $31,375), 2nd Rancho Bernardo Breeders' Cup H.
[G3], Street Dancer H. [L] (SA, $10,000), 3rd La Canada S. [G2],
Silver Belles H. [G2]. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, incl.-BELLA BELLA BELLA (f. by Soft Gold (BRZ)). 3 wins in 3 starts at 2
and 3, 2002, $117,350, Santa Ysabel S. [G3] (SA, $64,550), etc.
MUTARJJAM (c. by Stop the Music). Winner at 3 in Ireland; 5 wins, 3 to 5
in Germany, Toto/Lotto Sprint, 3rd Krefelder Sprint Cup.
Double Smooth (f. by Overskate). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Nur Jahan (f. by Raja Baba). Winner, $50,596, 2nd Mohawk S.-LR. Dam of-HUNDRA (g. by Arctic Tern). Winner at 3 in England, Dee S.
I'm Angelic. Unraced. Dam of PIEL ROJA (c. by Special Kinda Guy),
Emozione (f. by Le Voyageur, 3rd Premio Manuel Fonseca).
Onedayin L. A. Winner in 2 starts at 3. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, incl.-Lord Beshara (c. by Lord Avie). Winner at 3, 2001, 2nd Inaugural S.
(ARP, $5,440).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 9, 2000
Forty Niner........................
Banker's Gold ...................
Banker's Lady ...................
Cox's Ridge ......................
Draw Me ...........................
Draw In .............................
Mr. Prospector
Nijinsky II
Impetuous Gal
Best Turn
Our Martha
Target Practice
By BANKER'S GOLD (1994). Stakes winner of 6 races at 3 and 4, $461,420,
Tom Fool H. [G2], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Metropolitan H. [G1], Carter H.
[G1], 3rd Dwyer S. [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of
champion Forty Niner, among the leading sires, sire of 42 stakes winners,
including Coronado's Quest ($2,046,190, Travers S. [G1], etc.), Editor's
Note ($1,601,394, Belmont S. [G1], etc.), Ecton Park (6 wins, $1,323,825,
in N.A., Super Derby [G1], etc.), Distorted Humor [G2] (8 wins $769,964).
1st dam
DRAW ME, by Cox's Ridge. Winner at 4, $15,467. Dam of 1 other registered
foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
DRAW IN, by Flush. 21 wins, 3 to 6, $365,006, Coral Gables H., Grassland H.
twice, Miss Tropical H., Miss Dade H. twice, Meadowbrook Farm H.,
Orange Blossom H.-R, 2nd Coral Gables H. twice, Vizcaya H. twice,
Miss Tropical H., Suwannee River H. Dam of 6 other winners, incl.-QUEENS AND ACES (f. by Fappiano). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $73,780, Trevose
S. (PHA, $23,460). Producer.
Maxamount (f. by Turkoman). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $254,409, 2nd Betsy Ross H.
[G3], The Very One H. [L] (GP, $10,000), Tuscarora H. (PHA, $5,580).
3rd dam
TARGET PRACTICE, by Gunflint. Winner at 3, $11,232. Dam of-DRAW IN. Stakes winner, above.
ALWAYS A HIT. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $89,465, Amanda S. S., 2nd Coconut Grove
S. (HIA, $3,510), Orange Blossom H.-R (HIA, $4,875), 3rd Camellia S.,
Pio Pico S.-R (POM, $3,600).
Shoot It Out. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $57,989, 2nd Lilac City H. Dam of-STEP OUT DANCING. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $202,599, West Virginia Breeders
Classic S.-R (CT, $67,500), Robert G. Leavitt Memorial H. (CT, $17,290), West Virginia Futurity-R (CT, $16,737), 2nd Frank Gall Memorial
H.-R (CT, $5,350), Frank Gall Memorial H.-R (CT, $5,305), 3rd West
Virginia Breeders Classic S.-R (CT, $16,200).
TAKE AIM. 6 wins, 2 to 7, 2001, $197,042, West Virginia Breeders Classic S.-R (CT, $67,500), Harriman S. (PIM, $19,155), W. Meredith
Bailes Memorial S.-R (CNL, $18,000), etc.
GOTCHA CORNERED. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $139,965, Pro Bidder S. (LRL,
$19,305), 2nd West Virginia Breeders Classic S.-R (CT, $22,500).
Shoot U'm Up. Winner at 2, $17,735, 3rd West Virginia Triple Crown
Feed Breeders Classic S.-R (CT, $4,800).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled April 27, 2000
Wild Again ........................
Wild Rush .........................
Rose Park .........................
Go Step.............................
E. Cherie ...........................
Edies Double ....................
Plugged Nickle
Bold Reasoning
Miss Quickstep
Edie Jo
By WILD RUSH (1994). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 4, $1,386,302, Metropolitan H. [G1], Carter H. [G1], Illinois Derby [G2]-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:47 2/5,
Kentucky Cup Classic H. [G3], Remington Park Derby [L] (RP, $180,000)tr, 1 3/16 mi. in 1: 53 3/5, La Puente S.-R (SA, $48,280), 3rd Swaps S. [G2],
Clark H. [G2], Lazaro S. Barrera H. [G3]. His first foals are 2-year-olds
of 2002. Son of stakes winner Wild Again, among the leading sires, sire
of 69 stakes winners, 4 champions, including Wilderness Song [G1].
1st dam
E. CHERIE, by Go Step. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $64,663. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
EDIES DOUBLE, by Nodouble. 3 wins at 2, $11,283. Half-sister to EDIE'S
PRIZE ($142,128), MILLMAN, Senret. Dam of 5 winners, including-THREE LEADERS (f. by Noble Decree). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $127,940, Ballerina
S., Vanity H., Spring Fashion S., 2nd Brighouse Belles S. twice, Daffodil H.,
Daffodil S., Nanaimo S., 3rd Milady H., Senorita S., North Vancouver H.
My Inheritance (f. by Thatch). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $70,285, 2nd Ak-Sar-Ben
Oaks [G3], My Juliet S. [O], 3rd Falls City H. [G3], Kentucky Cardinal
S. [O], Bicker S. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, including-MI CIELO (c. by Conquistador Cielo). 7 wins at 2 and 3, $496,299, King's
Bishop S. [G2], Jamaica H. [G2], Clark H. [G3], 2nd Brown and Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G3], 3rd Jerome H. [G1], Saratoga
Special S. [G2], Rebel S. [G3], Ellis Park Juvenile S. [L] (ELP, $10,500),
Jefferson Cup S. [L] (CD, $5,470), Clarinet King S. (SAR, $5,916). Sire.
Art Edict (IRE) (c. by Artaius). Winner at 3 and 4 in England, 2nd Clive
Graham S., 3rd Jockey Club S. [G2]; placed at 4 in Sweden, 3rd Stockholm Cup International [G1]; placed at 6, $4,580, in N.A.
Endanger. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-ARTIC DANGER (c. by Son of Briartic). 10 wins, 3 to 8, $163,172, Western Lotto Classic H.-R (STP, $25,200), 2nd Herald Gold Plate H. [L]
(STP, $10,000), Alberta Breeders S.-R (NP, $4,000), 3rd Pick 3 Classic S. (STP, $4,000), Thanksgiving Day H. (STP, $3,025), Major Presto
H. (STP, $2,950), Count Lathum S. (NP, $2,000), Western Canada S.R (NP, $3,000).
Vagars (c. by Vigors). Winner at 3, $54,791, 2nd Canadian Derby-LR,
3rd Speed to Spare Championship S. [L].
Briar Bay (c. by Son of Briartic). 10 wins, 3 to 7, $47,951, 2nd Manitoba
Sales S.-R (ASD, $5,000).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent for
Bailey-Ellenberg Select
Hip No.
Foaled February 7, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Equity Loan.......................
After School ......................
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Hoist the Flag
Princess Pout
Arts and Letters
After Me
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
EQUITY LOAN, by Alleged. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age-Pride of Ownership (c. by Belong to Me). 2 wins at 3, 2001, $31,540.
2nd dam
AFTER SCHOOL, by Arts and Letters. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $53,160. Dam of-ITS ACEDEMIC (c. by Sauce Boat). 12 wins, 3 to 6, $931,228, Stuyvesant
H. [G2], Stymie H. [G3] twice, Assault H. [G3], Queens County H. [G3],
2nd Woodward H. [G1], Excelsior H. [G2], Westchester H. [G3], Aqueduct H. [G3], Grey Lag H. [G3], 3rd Carter H. [G1], 4th Metropolitan H.
[G1], Suburban H. [G1], Whitney H. [G1]. Sire.
French Degree. Producer. Granddam of DOUBLE DEGREE (f. by Parfaitement, $50,983, White Rose S.-R (PEN, $18,690), 3rd Channel Three S.R (PHA, $3,663)).
3rd dam
After Me, by Mongo. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $77,412, 2nd My Fair Lady S. Half-sister
to LUCKY OLE ME ($59,336), MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN, Leave Me Alone
($179,810), Show Me How. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners, incl.-After the Mint. Winner at 5, $16,899. Sent to Japan. Dam of 2 winners-LUCKY BABA. 17 wins, 3 to 8, $401,150, Governor's H. (LGA, $27,750),
Province S. (EP, $22,410), Victoria Day S. (EP, $21,220), PNE President's
Speed H. (EP, $21,150), PNE President's Speed H. (EP, $20,940),
Province S. (EP, $20,940), Warren G. Magnuson H. (LGA, $20,800),
Victoria Day H. (EP, $20,730), 2nd Oakland H. [L] (GG, $20,000), etc.
Foundry Rivlia. 6 wins, 2 to 8 in Japan, 3rd The Nikkei Shinshun Hai.
Native Fruit. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $51,480. Producer. Granddam of SCRAMBIES (18 wins, $141,852, Beacon Hill H.-R (SUF, $16,680), Great Mystery S.-R (SUF, $16,140), 2nd Timely Writer H. [L] (SUF, $10,740), etc.).
Dancing Heiress. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, incl.-LITE UP. 5 wins at 3, 2001, $145,873, Michigan Sire S.-R (GLD, $94,689), 3rd Spartan H.-R (GLD, $4,950). Set ntr at Great Lakes Downs.
Hellenic Pride. 3 wins to 4, $88,662, 3rd Busanda S. [L] (AQU, $5,962).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Cashmark Farm, Agent
Chestnut Filly; foaled February 20, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Kingmambo ......................
Common Grounds ............
Eubee (FR) ........................
Fextal ................................
Hip No.
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Sweetly (FR)
By KINGMAMBO (1990). Classic winner in France, Dubai Poule d'Essai des
Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas [G1], etc. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 378 foals, 212 starters, 29 stakes winners, 135 winners of 346
races and earning $10,539,598 in N.A., including champions Lemon
Drop Kid ($3,245,370, Belmont S. [G1], etc.), El Condor Pasa (Grand Prix
de Saint-Cloud [G1], etc.), and of Okawango (hwt. at 2 in France, Grand
Criterium [G1], etc.), King Cugat ($1,293,782, Jamaica H. [G2], etc.).
1st dam
Eubee (FR), by Common Grounds. 2 wins at 3 in France, 3rd Prix La Sorellina;
2 wins in 3 starts to 5, $77,200, in N.A. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
FEXTAL, by Alleged. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, including-Eubee (FR) (f. by Common Grounds). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Dynamism (c. by Caerleon). Winner at 3 in England, 3rd Magnolia S.; 4
wins at 5 and 6, 2001 in Sweden.
3rd dam
NORTHERNETTE, by Northern Dancer. 13 wins, 2 to 4, $404,914, champion
2- and 3-year-old filly in Canada, Canadian Oaks-R, Top Flight H.-G1,
Apple Blossom H.-G2, Chrysanthemum H.-G3, Selene S., Fury S., Mazarine S.-R, 2nd Queen's Plate-R, Spinster S.-G1, Black Helen H.-G2,
Firenze H.-G2, Test S.-G3, Princess Elizabeth S.-R, Bison City S.-R, Star
Shoot S.-R. Sister to STORM BIRD (champion in England and Ireland,
sire), South Sea Dancer, Northern State [G2] (sire), half-sister to
OCEAN'S ANSWER, LET'S GO SOUTH, Stormette. Dam of-GOLD CREST. 3 wins in 4 starts at 2 and 3 in Ireland, 2nd hwt. at 2 on Irish
Hand., Panasonic Beresford S.-G2, Barronstown Stud S., 2nd Gladness
S.; winner at 4, $46,387, in N.A. Sire.
SCOOT. 5 wins at 3, $153,940, Flower Bowl H. [G1], 2nd Sarsar S. [L]
(AQU, $11,726), 4th Las Palmas H. [G2], Suwannee River H. [G3].
Sent to Japan. Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, including-Sakiyah. 3 wins at 3, $71,640, 2nd Cooper's Ferry S. (MED, $7,000).
Broken Sky. Unraced. Dam of Arcaro (at 3, 2001 in India, 3rd Bettagere
Estate Mysore Two Thousand Guineas, Nanoli Stud Mysore Million).
Groomed to Win. 3 wins at 3, $71,850, 3rd Meadowlands Budweiser Turf
Classic S. [G3]. Sire.
Snowdonia. Winner at 3 in Ireland. Producer. Granddam of YA TA HAY (4
wins, $75,342, John D. Marsh S.-R (CNL, $18,000)), Falls Church
($21,332, 3rd Arizona Oaks (TUP, $3,500)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 10, 2000
Robin des Bois .................
Gentlemen (ARG)..............
Elegant Glance ..................
Damascus .........................
Evening Silk......................
Fight On............................
Rare Mint
Loose Cannon
Hidden Glance
Sword Dancer
Dark Star
Forward March
By GENTLEMEN (ARG) (1992). Champion 3-year-old colt in Argentina, Gran
Premio Nacional-Argentine Derby [G1], Polla de Potrillos-Argentine Two
Thousand Guineas [G1], etc.; stakes winner of 9 races, $3,374,890, in
N.A., Pacific Classic [G1], Hollywood Gold Cup [G1], Pimlico Special H.
[G1], Citation H. [G2], San Antonio H. [G2] twice, Bay Meadows H. [G3],
Native Diver H. [G3]-ntr, 2nd Pacific Classic [G1], Jockey Club Gold Cup
[G1], Woodward S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
EVENING SILK, by Damascus. Winner at 4, $7,365. Dam of 11 other registered foals, 10 of racing age, 7 to race, 2 winners-DIXIELAND HEAT (c. by Dixieland Band). 9 wins in 18 starts, 2 to 5, $426,749, Louisiana Derby [G3], Pelleteri H. [L] (FG, $62,430), LeComte H.
(FG, $19,995), Risen Star S. (FG, $16,080), 2nd Diplomat Way H. (FG,
$8,515), 3rd Blue Grass S. [G2], Whirlaway H. [L] (FG, $5,684). Sire.
Evening Jo (c. by St. Jovite). Winner at 3, 2001, $26,342.
2nd dam
FIGHT ON, by Dark Star. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $12,945. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-COJAK (c. by Cohoes). 13 wins to 4, $402,043, Malibu S.-G2, Tri-State Futurity, Chief Pennekeck H., Maryland Futurity, Senatorial S., Penn Treaty
S., 2nd Jersey Derby-G1, Ohio Derby-G2, Gotham S.-G2, etc. Sire.
TOTAL PLEASURE (c. by What a Pleasure). Winner at 2 and 3, $67,375,
Bradbury S., 2nd Breeders' Futurity-G2. Sire.
FIGHT FOR GOLD (f. by Search for Gold). Winner at 2, $57,010, Tri-State
Futurity-R. Dam of Buckeystown Pike (c. by Hold Your Peace, $16,974). Granddam of Savvy Runner [L] (c. by World Appeal, $88,458).
TRIANGLE D'OR (c. by Quadrangle). Winner in France, Prix de Saint-Firmin.
Doctor Po (c. by Big Pete). 10 wins, $50,380, 3rd Goss L. Stryker H., etc.
Largo Lady. 3 wins at 3, $17,552. Dam of Luckluster (c. by What Luck,
$52,252, sire). Granddam of Golden Bengal [G2] (c. by Gold Alert).
Fight On Bandy. Placed at 3. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, incl.-SETON'S ENCOUNTER (f. by Spring Double). 7 wins to 4, $93,382,
Contrary Rose S.-R, etc. Dam of FONZ'S (c. by Out of Place, 2 wins
in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $193,740, Hollywood Prevue S. [G3], 2nd Hollywood Futurity [G1], etc.), Kayleigh S. (f. by Brunswick, $54,415).
Fight On Jerthee (f. by For The Moment). 3 wins, $28,114, 3rd Cindy S.
(SUF, $2,035). Dam of Ohhh Livia (f. by Shananie, $202,660, 3rd
Judy’s Red Shoes S. [L] (CRC, $11,000)). Granddam of FREER (c.
by Sejm, $118,558, Sport of Kings Futurity (LAD, $40,080), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by NoName Ranch, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled January 12, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Green Forest .....................
Exceptional Beauty............
French Farce .....................
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Shecky Greene
Tell Meno Lies
Belle Gallante
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
EXCEPTIONAL BEAUTY, by Green Forest. Unraced. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners, including-Grace and Beauty (c. by Fit to Fight). 4 wins to 3, placed at 4, 2002, $42,035.
2nd dam
FRENCH FARCE, by L'Enjoleur. 2 wins at 3, $33,180. Dam of-WITH FLAIR (f. by Broad Brush). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $303,652, Maple Leaf S.
[G3], 2nd Ontario Debutante S.-R (WO, $16,785), 3rd Selene S. [G1],
Mazarine Breeders' Cup S. [L] (WO, $20,944).
SMARTENS PRIDE (g. by Smarten). 11 wins, 3 to 7, $100,450, Bloomington H. (CBY, $16,140), 2nd Great Plains H. (RP, $6,612).
Joker's Farce (c. by Smarten). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $343,349, 3rd Beulah Park
Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. (BEU, $7,900). Sire.
Paris Tango (f. by Cure the Blues). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $137,030, 3rd Star Shoot
S. [L] (WO, $8,446). Producer.
3rd dam
BELLE GALLANTE, by *Gallant Man. 2 wins in 4 starts at 4, $16,320. Half-sister to SILENT SCREEN ($514,388, champion 2-year-old colt), BELLADORA, PRAYER CAP, Sunday Meeting. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-BOOM AND BUST. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $107,522, Rose S. [L] (BEL, $32,100),
etc. Dam of LAND BOOM (to 7, 2001, $105,601). Granddam of LAGER
($546,907, Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H. [G3], etc.), GOOD GAME [G3]
(6 wins to 4, 2001, $339,117), GLOBAL VIEW [G3] (5 wins, $176,730).
Bellefella. Placed to 3 in England, 2nd P&OCL Richmond S. [G2], 3rd
General Accident Two Thousand Guineas [G1]; 3 wins, $40,662, in N.A.
Peaceful Wings. Winner at 2 and 3, $21,359. Dam of JADE GREEN (at 3,
2001, $50,550, Tacoma H. (EMD, $22,000), etc.).
Pencil Sharpener. Placed in England. Dam of JAWAAL (GB), Plume Magique.
Lyrical Prayer. Unraced. Dam of TAP DANCE (4 wins to 4, 2002, $275,416,
Bonnie Miss S. [G2], etc.), Lyrical Ghost (4 wins, $128,752).
Winter Tern. Unraced. Dam of ORANGE GROUSE (3 wins in Ireland).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent for
Wycombe House Stud
Foaled February 20, 2000
Sharpen Up (GB) ..............
Kris ...................................
Doubly Sure (GB) .............
Don't Forget Me................
Eye Witness (IRE) .............
Mariakova .........................
Reliance II
Soft Angels
African Doll
The Minstrel
Mofida (GB)
By KRIS (1976). Champion miler twice in England, Sussex S.-G1, etc. Sire of
19 crops of racing age, 788 foals, 585 starters, 70 stakes winners, 401
winners of 1252 races and earning $6,284,152 in N.A., including champions Oh So Sharp (IRE) (Gold Seal Epsom Oaks [G1], etc.), Unite (IRE)
(Gold Seal Epsom Oaks [G1], etc.), Kozana (GB) (Prix de Malleret [G2],
etc.), Common Grounds (Prix de la Salamandre [G1], etc.), All Gong (GB)
($328,758, in N.A.), and of Divine Danse (FR) [G2] (hwt. filly in Europe).
1st dam
EYE WITNESS (IRE), by Don't Forget Me. Placed at 3 in England. Sister to
WELL BEYOND. Dam of 5 other registered foals, 5 of racing age, 3 to
race, 1 winner-Hasanat (f. by Night Shift). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ireland, 2nd Coolmore Stud
Home of Champions Concorde S. [G3], 3rd Telecom Eireann Brownstown Stud S.
2nd dam
MARIAKOVA, by The Minstrel. Placed at 2 and 3 in England. Sister to ZAIZAFON. Dam of 4 winners, including-WELL BEYOND (f. by Don't Forget Me). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, October S. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-OUT OF REACH (GB) (f. by Warning (GB)). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and
3 in England, Philishave Atalanta S.; placed in 1 start at 3 in Ireland,
3rd Trusted Partner Matron S. [G3]; winner at 4, 2001, $74,032, in
N.A., Brown Bess H. [G3], 3rd Wilshire H. [G3].
Well Warned (f. by Warning (GB)). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Hillsdown
Cherry Hinton S. [G2], Dubai Duty Free Fred Darling S. [G3].
Society Ball. Winner at 3 and 5 in England. Dam of 2 winners, including-Keld (IRE) (f. by Lion Cavern). 2 wins at 3 in England, 2nd Fawley Stud
Golden Daffodil S., 3rd Dahlia S.; winner at 5, placed at 6, 2001, $59,058, in N.A., 3rd Brown Bess H. [G3].
Pigeon Blood (IRE). Unraced. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 winners, including-Prism (f. by Nomination). Winner at 2 in England, 2nd Winalot National S.
3rd dam
MOFIDA (GB), by Right Tack. 8 wins at 2 and 3 in England, William Hill Trophy,
2nd Ladbroke Nell Gwyn S.-G3, Duke of York S.-G3, etc.; placed at 2 in
Belgium, 2nd Grand Criterium International d’Ostende. Dam of-ZAIZAFON. 2 wins at 2 in England, Seaton Delaval S.-G3, etc. Dam of ZAFONIC (champion 2-year-old colt in Europe, Two Thousand Guineas [G1],
etc., sire), ZAMINDAR (Prix de Cabourg [G3], etc., sire), CHOICE SPIRIT.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., E.B.F.
Foaled in England.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 16, 2000
Phone Trick.......................
Favorite Trick ....................
Evil Elaine .........................
Bates Motel.......................
Fair Maid ..........................
Fairway Colors..................
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Medieval Man
Distinctive Elaine
Sir Ivor
Sunday Purchase
Fairway Phantom
Irish Colors
By FAVORITE TRICK (1995). Horse of the year, stakes winner of 12 races in
16 starts to 3, $1,726,793, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], Hopeful S. [G1],
Lane's End Breeders' Futurity [G2], Jim Dandy S. [G2], Keeneland Breeders' Cup Mile S. [G2], Saratoga Special S. [G2], Swale S. [G3], Bashford
Manor S. [G3], Kentucky Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CD, $68,882), Long
Branch Breeders' Cup S. [L] (MTH, $60,000), WHAS-11 S. [L] (CD, $76,116), 3rd Arkansas Derby [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
FAIR MAID, by Bates Motel. 5 wins to 3, $82,169, Lady Luck S. (LAD, $16,620), Mrs. Claus H. (TRM, $16,380), 3rd Magnolia S. [L] (OP, $5,425),
Pontalba S. (FG, $3,547), Ruffian H. (TRM, $2,750), Willow Park H. (TRM,
$2,750. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 1 to race-I Decide (g. by Caller I. D.). 2 wins at 4, 2001, $6,484.
2nd dam
FAIRWAY COLORS, by Fairway Phantom. Winner at 2, $20,660, American
Beauty S. (RD, $16,380). Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, incl.-FAIR MAID (f. by Bates Motel). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
IRISH COLORS, by Hoist the Flag. Winner at 3, $18,655. Dam of-IRISH CONQUEST. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $362,635, Deputy Minister H. [L] (GP,
$60,000), 2nd Gulfstream Park Breeders' Cup Sprint Championship H.
[G3], Kenny Noe, Jr. H. [L] (CRC, $20,000), 3rd Illinois Derby [G2], Lafayette S. [G3], Dancing Spree S. [L] (GP, $11,000).
FAIRWAY COLORS. Stakes winner, above.
Fairway Flag. Winner in 1 start at 2, $8,775. Dam of 7 winners, including-PHANTOM FLAG. 6 wins to 4 in Hong Kong as MICHAEL'S CHOICE,
The Stewards' Cup, 3rd Hong Kong International Bowl [G2].
Renaissance Fair. Winner at 3, 2001, $16,580, 2nd Canterbury Park
Oaks (CBY, $7,000).
Dublin Princess. Winner at 5, $18,459. Dam of 4 winners, including-Serrat. 2 wins at 3 in Peru, 3rd Premio Gustavo Prado Heudebert [G2], etc.
Dancing Dido. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-NORTH BY SOUTH. 3 wins at 3, $44,593, Siren S. (DET, $15,000), etc.
4th dam
*GREENGAGE II, by Primera. 5 wins in 6 starts to 3 in England, 2nd hwt. filly
at 3 on English Hand., Cherry Hinton S., Coronation S., etc. Dam of-GREEN ROOM. 11 wins, 4 to 6, $99,549, Green Valley H., 2nd Pan American H.-G2.
Plumfool. Unraced. Dam of Moment of Tear (2nd Princess S.).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by M. W. Miller, III, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 20, 2000
Wild Again ........................
Bushel-n-Peck ..................
Easy Goer .........................
Fair Settlement..................
Duty Dance .......................
*Dama II
Nijinsky II
By WILD AGAIN (1980). Stakes winner of $2,204,829, Breeders' Cup ClassicG1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 14 crops of racing age, 858
foals, 648 starters, 69 stakes winners, 503 winners of 1942 races and
earning $47,004,953 in N.A., including champions Wilderness Song ($1,482,033, Spinster S. [G1], etc.), Free At Last ($411,004, Summer S. [G3],
etc.), Super I. (Premio Francisco Arias Paredes, etc.), Blizzard, and of
Born Wild [L] (hwt. at 3 in Austria), Wild Rush [G1] (8 wins, $1,386,302).
1st dam
FAIR SETTLEMENT, by Easy Goer. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals,
2 of racing age, 1 to race-Easy Thunder (c. by Thunder Gulch). Placed at 3, 2001, $6,980.
2nd dam
DUTY DANCE, by Nijinsky II. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $439,114, Diana H. [G2],
Beaugay H. [G3], Martha Washington H. [L], 2nd Man o' War S. [G1],
Long Island H. [G2], Frillery S. [L], Hialeah Breeders' Cup H. (HIA, $33,912), My Charmer H. [O], 4th Flower Bowl H. [G1]. Dam of-PARTY MANNERS (c. by Private Account). 6 wins in 10 starts at 3 and 4,
$227,640, Widener H. [G3]. Sire.
Errant Escort (c. by Devil's Bag). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $175,040, in N.A., 3rd
Virginia Derby [L] (CNL, $27,500); winner in Saudi Arabi as Alqased.
Rapping. Winner at 3, $26,740. Sent to Japan. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-Cromwell (c. by A.P. Indy). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $137,283, 3rd Rushaway
S. [L] (TP, $7,500).
Bugaloo. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-Jeeves (c. by Capote). 2 wins at 3, 2001, $67,670, 3rd Rutgers S. [L]
(MED, $8,250).
3rd dam
DISCIPLINE, by *Princequillo. 10 wins, $158,511, Molly Pitcher H., Test S.,
Demoiselle S., etc. Half-sister to FULL OF HOPE ($146,892), DISCIPLINARIAN, IN HOT PURSUIT, Bold Example, Bold Sultan. Dam of-DUTY DANCE. Stakes winner, above.
SQUANDER. 3 wins, $129,855, Sorority S.-G1, etc. Dam of ALL GONE
($247,716), SERIOUS SPENDER [G3] ($220,222), RUSSIAN ROUBLES, Lost Opportunity [G3] ($145,910). Granddam of GOODBYE
HALO [G1] ($1,706,702), LIVING VICARIOUSLY [G2] ($356,846), etc.
Probation. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $53,765, 3rd Palomar H. Producer.
Call Me Madam. Winner at 3, $14,640. Dam of STUTTERING ($76,205).
Fiddlesticks. Unraced. Dam of VIVANO [G3] ($579,793), Nada Bid [LR].
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Cashel Stud, Agent
Chestnut Colt; foaled January 25, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Nijinsky II .........................
Fairy Dancer .....................
Fairy Bridge ......................
Hip No.
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Northern Dancer
Flaming Page
Bold Reason
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
Fairy Dancer, by Nijinsky II. Winner in 2 starts at 2 in Ireland, 3rd Pegasus
Stud One Thousand Guineas Trial. Dam of 10 other registered foals, 9 of
racing age, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-Monsajem (c. by Woodman). 7 wins, 2 to 5 in England, 3rd Caffrey's
Premium Ale Foundation S., James Seymour S., etc.
2nd dam
FAIRY BRIDGE, by Bold Reason. 2 wins in 2 starts at 2 in Ireland, hwt. filly at
2 on Irish Hand. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-SADLER'S WELLS (c. by Northern Dancer). 5 wins in Ireland, 2nd hwt. at
2 on Irish Hand., Airlie Coolmore Irish Two Thousand Guineas-G1,
Phoenix Champion S.-G1, Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S.-G2, etc.; winner at 3 in England, Coral-Eclipse S.-G1, etc.; placed in France, champion miler, 2nd hwt. at 3 on French Hand., 2nd Prix du Jockey ClubFrench Derby-G1. Leading sire 14 times in England, France and Ireland.
TATE GALLERY (c. by Northern Dancer). 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, 2nd hwt.
at 2 on Irish Hand., BBA Goffs National S. [G1], etc. Sire.
FAIRY GOLD (f. by Northern Dancer). 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, Oldtown Stud
Debutante S. [G3], 2nd Moyglare Stud S. [G1], Ballygowan Railway S.
[G3], 3rd Heinz 57 Phoenix S. [G1].
PUPPET DANCE (f. by Northern Dancer). 2 wins in France, Prix Soya, etc.
Fairy Dancer (f. by Nijinsky II). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
SPECIAL, by *Forli. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to THATCH (champion in
England and Ireland, sire), LISADELL, half-sister to KING PELLINORE
(sire), ESPADRILLE, Marinsky, Dusty Boots, Stratford. Dam of-NUREYEV. 2 wins to 3 in France, champion miler, 2nd hwt. at 2 on French
Hand., Prix Thomas Bryon-G3, Prix Djebel. Leading sire twice in France.
BOUND. 4 wins to 3, $339,744, Churchill Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup
H. [L] (CD, $103,253), 2nd Alcibiades S. [G2], etc. Stakes producer.
NUMBER. 8 wins to 4, $301,793, Hempstead H.-G2, Firenze H.-G2, etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Chestnut Filly; foaled February 3, 2000
Forty Niner........................
Coronado's Quest .............
Laughing Look..................
Saint Ballado ....................
Fantasy Angel ...................
Tales of Long Ago.............
Mr. Prospector
Raise a Cup
By CORONADO'S QUEST (1995). Stakes winner of 10 races in 17 starts to
3, $2,046,190, Travers S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Wood
Memorial S. [G2], Remsen S. [G2], Dwyer S. [G2], Riva Ridge S. [G2],
Cowdin S. [G2]-ntr, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:14 1/5, Nashua S. [G3], 2nd Fountain of
Youth S. [G2], Hutcheson S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winners Warning
Glance, Military Look. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of
champion Forty Niner, among the leading sires, sire of 42 stakes winners.
1st dam
FANTASY ANGEL, by Saint Ballado. 4 wins in 7 starts at 2 and 3, $150,640,
Comely S. [G3], Opa Locka S. (HIA, $15,960), 3rd Azalea Breeders'
Cup S. [G3]. Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
TALES OF LONG AGO, by Raise a Cup. Unraced. Dam of 12 winners, incl.-GRIS GRANDE (c. by Silver Buck). 5 wins, 2 to 5 in Panama, champion
imported 2-year-old, Premio Louis y Rosita Martinz, 2nd Premio Dia del
Trabajo, 3rd Premio Raul Arango y Raul “Baby” Arango G., etc.
ELLUSIVE TALES (f. by Lucy's Axe). 15 wins, 3 to 5, $183,296, Okra Festival H. (JND, $10,200), Driftwood H. (JND, $10,140), Victoria Lass H.
(JND, $10,080), Jefferson Oaks H. (JND, $9,840), 2nd Delta Downs
Budweiser Breeders' Fund S. (DED, $13,330).
FANTASY ANGEL (f. by Saint Ballado). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
ALBUM, by Never Bend. Winner at 2, $9,285. Half-sister to DON B. Dam of-DOUBLE THE CHARM. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $159,304, Burnsville H. (CBY, $12,000), 3rd White Swan S. (RD, $3,675). Dam of 4 winners, including-TEEWINOT. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $298,655, Dispute S.-R (GP, $30,240), 3rd
Louisville Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G2]. Producer.
CHARMES. 2 wins in 3 starts at 2 in England; winner at 2 in France,
Criterium du Fonds Europeen de l'Elevage.
Chalavana. Winner at 4, 3rd Poinciana H. Dam of 3 winners, including-Lepanto. 10 wins, 2 to 8, $174,284, 2nd Yakima/WTBA/Rainier Fall Futurity [LR] (YM, $12,543), 3rd Longacres Derby [L] (LGA, $22,500), etc.
Chaland. Unraced. Dam of SPEEDLAND (22 wins, $285,409, Yankee
Fashion S. (SUF, $15,540), Veteran’s day S. (SUF, $15,000), etc.), BEST
LANDING ($131,616, Scarlet Carnation S. (TDN, $21,000), etc.).
Beautiful Pet. Winner at 3 and 4, $52,660. Dam of 7 winners, including-MAGIC CODE. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $568,243, champion older mare in Canada, Ballerina Breeders' Cup H. [G3] three times, etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Bloodstock Management
Hip No.
Foaled February 2, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Forest Wildcat...................
Victoria Beauty..................
Slew City Slew..................
You Make Me Blue ...........
Storm Bird
Bold Native
Seattle Slew
Weber City Miss
Sir Ivor
Blue Rage
By FOREST WILDCAT (1991). Stakes winner of $478,862, Maryland Breeders' Cup H. [G3]-etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 209 foals, 91
starters, 10 stakes winners, 54 winners of 102 races and earning $3,875,008 in N.A., including Snow Dance (to 3, 2001, $456,400, Mrs. Revere S.
[G2], etc.), Forest Secrets (at 3, 2001, $400,035, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
Madame Red ($246,134, La Lorgnette S. [L] (WO, $67,320), etc.), Forest
Heiress ($230,787, Sorority S. [G3], etc.), Look of the Lynx [L] ($211,269).
1st dam
FANTAZSFULFILDHERE, by Slew City Slew. Unraced. Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
YOU MAKE ME BLUE, by Sir Ivor. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 winners, including-BLUE BUCKAROO (c. by Buckaroo). 13 wins, $864,338, Cornhusker H.
[G2], Midwest Championship H. [L] (TDN, $40,700), Midwest Championship H. [L] (TDN, $39,250), Glass House H. [L] (SPT, $32,460), Beulah
Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. (BEU, $46,800), Sportsman's ParkBudweiser Breeders' Cup H. (SPT, $46,290), 2nd Washington Park H.
[G2], Fayette H. [G2], Canterbury Cup H. [G3], National Jockey Club H.
[G3], Thistledown Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (TDN, $31,020), etc.
Sheba's Charmer. Placed at 3, $3,045. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, incl.-American Dot Com (c. by American Chance). 5 wins, 2 to 4, placed at
5, 2002, $155,058, 3rd Super S. [L] (TAM, $11,000).
Main Player (c. by Avenue of Flags). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $64,660, 2nd
Free House S.-R (HOL, $10,000).
3rd dam
BLUE RAGE, by *Blue Choir. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $70,998, Suwannee River H., Beverly
H., 2nd Monmouth Centennial H., etc. Half-sister to ALICIA. Dam of-WISE REQUEST. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $55,549, Caesar Rodney S., etc. Sire.
Raging Colors. 2 wins at 2, $21,846, 3rd Don Leon S.
Blue Baroness. 3 wins at 3, $14,660. Dam of 13 foals, 12 winners, incl.-HURRY UP BLUE. 9 wins, $404,062, Gulfstream Park H.-G1, etc. Sire.
Bright Baron. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $140,416, 3rd Breeders' Futurity-G2, etc.
Friendly Blue. 2 wins to 3, $40,275, 3rd Lafayette S. [L] (KEE, $5,530).
Wise Baroness. 4 wins, $36,670. Dam of Wise Sweep [L] ($206,541).
Why Be Blue. Winner at 3, $24019. Dam of Rey De Paz (in Venezuela).
Blue Charmer. 2 wins at 3, $28,635. Dam of Lady of Blue ($81,810, 2nd
Arlington Heights Oaks [G3]). Granddam of Spring Open ($201,018).
Blue Biddy. Dam of Bold R. E. ($146,031, 3rd Mr. Prospector H. [O]).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent V
Hip No.
Foaled April 2, 2000
Wild Again ........................
Bushel-n-Peck ..................
Find Happiness.................
Very Very Happy ...............
*Dama II
Dancing Count
By WILD AGAIN (1980). Stakes winner of $2,204,829, Breeders' Cup ClassicG1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 14 crops of racing age, 858
foals, 648 starters, 69 stakes winners, 503 winners of 1942 races and
earning $47,004,953 in N.A., including champions Wilderness Song ($1,482,033, Spinster S. [G1], etc.), Free At Last ($411,004, Summer S. [G3],
etc.), Super I. (Premio Francisco Arias Paredes, etc.), Blizzard, and of
Born Wild [L] (hwt. at 3 in Austria), Wild Rush [G1] (8 wins, $1,386,302).
1st dam
FIND HAPPINESS, by Buckfinder. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $197,608, Nicosia S. [L],
Susan's Girl S. (MED, $21,180), [Q], 2nd [Q], 4th Ballerina S. [G2]. Dam
of 9 other registered foals, 9 of racing age, 8 to race, 7 winners, incl.-LARKWHISTLE (f. by Silver Deputy). 2 wins at 2, $157,135, champion 2-yearold filly in Canada, Shady Well S.-R (WO, $48,195), 2nd Princess Elizabeth
S.-R (WO, $31,560), 3rd Adirondack S. [G2], My Dear S. [L] (WO, $8,960).
Gygiano (g. by Ogygian). 14 wins, 3 to 7, $245,308.
Crafty Jam (f. by Crafty Prospector). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $137,460.
Cache Creek (f. by Gulch). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $70,847.
2nd dam
VERY VERY HAPPY, by Dancing Count. Winner at 2, $8,700. Sister to COUNT
DISCO. Dam of 13 foals, 12 to race, 10 winners, including-FIND HAPPINESS (f. by Buckfinder). Stakes winner, above.
Call My Name (f. by Caller I. D.). 4 wins at 3, $108,402, 2nd Williamsburg
S. (CNL, $6,335).
Happy Princes (f. by Double Negative). 7 wins in 14 starts, 2 to 4, $94,101,
2nd Niagara S.-R (FL, $6,000), 3rd Lady Fingers S.-R (FL, $7,084).
3rd dam
RIMARK, by *Ribot. 2 wins at 3 in Ireland, Athasi S., Pretty Polly S.; winner at
3 and 4, $18,475, in N.A. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 winners, including-COUNT DISCO. 9 wins, $201,648, Jolly Johu H., All Maryland H.-R-ntr, 1 1/8
mi. in 1:49 1/5, Dancer H.-R, 2nd Woodlawn S.-G3, Warminster S., Fort
McHenry H., Rosemont S., Towson H., Federico Tesio S.-R, All Maryland
H.-R, 3rd Palisades H., J. Edgar Hoover H., Timonium H., etc. Sire.
4th dam
MARKER, by *Priam II. Unraced. Half-sister to TOP ROUND ($120,091),
Some Sunny Day (sire). Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, including-RIMARK. Stakes winner, above.
Rupiaj. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of MORADAZO (champion miler in
Peru, Premio Republica del Brasil, etc.), SENTIMIENTOS (in Peru).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by M. W. Miller, III, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 3, 2000
A.P. Indy............................
Pulpit ................................
Moccasin ..........................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Mr. Prospector
Majestic Prince
*Rough Shod II
By PULPIT (1994). Stakes winner of $728,200, Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], etc.
His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 107 foals, 23 starters, 10
winners of 14 races and earning $607,179 in N.A., including Essence of
Dubai (at 2, 2001, $193,200, Norfolk S. [G2], etc.), Bema (at 2, 2001,
$88,887, 3rd Tropical Park Oaks [L] (CRC, $11,000)), Nokoma (at 2, 2001,
$73,660, 2nd Remsen S. [G2]), Historic Speech (at 3, 2001, $44,840),
Robe (at 2, 2001, $40,800), Clergy (to 3, 2002, $37,200), Viva ($36,165).
1st dam
FLIPPERS, by Coastal. 5 wins to 3, $247,739, Golden Rod S.-L, Pleasant Hill
S., Pocahontas S., 2nd Alcibiades S.-G2, Monmouth Oaks-G2. Dam of
13 other registered foals, 13 of racing age, 7 to race, 4 winners, incl.-HAIL ATLANTIS (f. by Seattle Slew). 3 wins at 3, $176,325, Santa Anita
Oaks [G1]. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners-STORMY ATLANTIC (c. by Storm Cat). 6 wins at 4, $148,126, Damitrius
S. [L] (DEL, $30,000), Havre de Grace S.-R (PIM, $22,785), 3rd Consent S. (DEL, $4,642).
MR. KATOWICE (c. by Katowice). 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $143,410, Dancing Count S. [L] (LRL, $32,040), 2nd Horatius S. [L] (LRL, $10,955),
Zwaanendael S. [L] (DEL, $10,800).
Divine Dixie (f. by Dixieland Band). 2 wins at 3, $62,220, 2nd Jersey
Blues S. [L] (MED, $11,780).
Helstra. Winner at 3, $25,784. Dam of Dr Arbatach (c. by Smart Strike,
6 wins to 3, 2002, $53,515, 2nd Clasico Princesa del Oro).
Gills (c. by Secretariat). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $52,390. Sire.
2nd dam
MOCCASIN, by Nantallah. 11 wins in 21 starts, 2 to 4, $388,075, horse of the
year, champion 2-year-old filly, Gardenia S., etc. Sister to RIDAN ($635,074, champion 2-year-old colt), LT. STEVENS ($240,949), Thong ($50,036), half-sister to GAMBETTA. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including-APALACHEE (c. by Round Table). Winner at 2 in England, champion 2year-old, Observer Gold Cup-G1, 3rd Two Thousand Guineas-G1; 3
wins in 3 starts at 3 in Ireland, champion 2-year-old, Gladness S. Sire.
BELTED EARL (c. by Damascus). Winner at 3 in England; 3 wins to 4 in
Ireland, chamion sprinter, Desmond S.-G3, Greenlands S.-G3. Sire.
FLIPPERS (f. by Coastal). Stakes winner, above.
Other stakes winners: SCUFF (f. by *Forli, $110,723, Kilijaro S. ,etc.), INDIAN (c. by Round Table, Eden Park H., etc.), NANTEQUOS (c. by Tom
Rolfe, Whitehall S.-G3, sire), BRAHMS (c. by Round Table, sire).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Bridlewood Farm
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled April 19, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Pleasant Colony................
Flirty Frosty ......................
Frosty Skater.....................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
His Majesty
Sun Colony
Diplomat Way
Skate Back
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
FLIRTY FROSTY, by Pleasant Colony. 12 wins, 3 to 6, $300,595, Nastique S.
(DEL, $25,440), Betsy Ross H. (GS, $24,000), Princess Rooney S.
(MED, $24,000), Princess Rooney S. (MED, $21,000), 2nd Nastique S.
(DEL, $7,420), Marica S. (DEL, $7,360), Castle Forbes S. (MED, $7,000),
Princess Rooney S. (MED, $7,000), 3rd Davona Dale H. [L] (LRL, $5,836). Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
FROSTY SKATER, by Diplomat Way. 12 wins at 3 and 4, $202,862, Vagrancy
H.-G3, Shrewsbury H., Poinciana H., Lilac S., Native Street H., 2nd
Matron H.-G2, Molly Pitcher H.-G2, Eatontown H., Josephine Bonaparte
H., 3rd Mademoiselle S. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including-FROSTY THE SNOWMAN (c. by His Majesty). 9 wins to 4, $339,852, King
Edward Gold Cup H. [G3]-nwc, Swoon's Son S. [G3], Hollywood H.
(CRC, $30,750), 2nd Arlington H. [G1], Hialeah Turf Cup H. [G1], Capital
Holding Twin Spires S. [L] (CD, $11,300), 4th Derby Trial S. [G3]. Sire.
FLIRTY FROSTY (f. by Pleasant Colony). Stakes winner, above.
Cool and Game. 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, $13,490. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-Federal Court (c. by Skip Trial). 10 wins, 2 to 6, $132,971, 2nd What a
Pleasure S. [G3].
Frosty Feline. Unraced. Sent to Brazil. Dam of 5 known winners, incl.-Tricky Frosty (c. by Phone Trick). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $106,326, 3rd Lou
Smith Memorial H. (RKM, $2,500).
Fantastic Frosty. Unraced. Dam of Nicky Tiki (f. by Skip Trial, 6 wins,
$103,455, 2nd Blueberry Miss S. (GLD, $5,000), etc.).
3rd dam
SKATE BACK, by Carry Back. 4 wins, $20,820. Half-sister to FROSTY ADMIRAL (sire), Winter Art ($34,421). Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, incl.-FROSTY SKATER. Stakes winner, above.
I WANNA TALKTOPAPA. 7 wins, $105,473, Orange Blossom H.-R, etc.
Other stakes winners: SKALO (4 wins, $60,760), EKWANOK ($26,542).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled May 25, 2000
Sadler's Wells...................
El Prado (IRE) ...................
Lady Capulet.....................
Real Courage ....................
Flora Spring......................
Callaloo Carol...................
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
Sir Ivor
Cap and Bells
In Reality
Graceful Gal
Hold Your Peace
By EL PRADO (IRE) (1989). Champion 2-year-old in Ireland, National S. [G1],
etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 456 foals, 261 starters, 29 stakes winners, 195 winners of 636 races and earning $16,397,851 in N.A., including Nite Dreamer ($1,149,788, Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Breeders'
Cup H. [G3], etc.), The Happy Hopper ($801,017, Pocahontas S. [L] (CD,
$70,556), etc.), Chindi ($711,915, Count Fleet Sprint H. [G3], etc.), El
Cielo ($674,375, Hollywood Turf Express H. [G3], etc.), Shires Ende [G3].
1st dam
FLORA SPRING, by Real Courage. 4 wins at 3, $59,053, Dakota County S.
(CBY, $15,000), Lakeway S. (RET, $15,000), 2nd Frontier S. (HOU, $5,000), 3rd Heartland Oaks (PRM, $3,270). Dam of 2 other registered
foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Rockin' Ali (f. by Unaccounted For). Winner at 3, 2001, $7,360.
Springthegate (g. by Lit de Justice). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2001.
2nd dam
CALLALOO CAROL, by Hold Your Peace. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $20,472. Dam of-KOLUCTOO'S RUBY (f. by Koluctoo Bay). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $164,117, Hydrangea S. (MED, $23,400).
FLORA SPRING (f. by Real Courage). Stakes winner, above.
First Jorge (c. by Che Jorge (ARG)). 2 wins at 3, $21,199, 3rd Tornado S.R (PHA, $2,596).
3rd dam
PROJECTIONAL, by *Sensitivo. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $49,091. Dam of-Notoriety Reigns. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $46,380. Producer.
4th dam
PROGENITIVE, by Olympia. Unraced. Sister to Relative ($57,670). Dam of-Travel Tip. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $78,075, 2nd California Oaks. Producer.
Projay. Placed at 2. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, including-Prunay. 25 wins, 2 to 7, $235,819, 3rd Bensalem H.
Prozier. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $62,230. Dam of PROLANZIER (32 wins,
$485,459, Lou Smith Memorial H. (RKM, $15,000), Private Terms S.
(SUF, $15,000) twice, Rockingham Sprint H. (RKM, $15,000), Topsider S. (SUF, $15,000) twice, Waquoit H. (SUF, $15,000), Waquoit S.
(SUF, $15,000), 2nd William Almy, Jr. S. (SUF, $7,000), Manchester H.
(RKM, $5,000), etc.), Cozier (9 wins, $198,500, 2nd Manta H. [L] (SA,
$11,000)), Quality Jet ($114,795, 2nd Bulldog S. (FNO, $2,850)).
Compeer. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of DAISY (11 wins, $74,406, Saskatchewan Derby (MD, $15,750)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 29, 2000
Hold Your Peace ...............
Suspicious Native.............
Stage Door Johnny ...........
Flowers for M'lady ............
Speak John
Blue Moon
Raise a Native
Be Suspicious
Prince John
Peroxide Blonde
Olden Times
By MEADOWLAKE (1983). Stakes winner of $308,580, Arlington-Washington
Futurity [G1]. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 678 foals, 453 starters, 41
stakes winners, 352 winners of 1181 races and earning $26,539,495 in
N.A., including champion Meadow Star ($1,445,740, Acorn S. [G1], etc.),
and of Meafara ($838,595, Columbia S. [G3], etc.), Meadow Flight ($526,936, Pennsylvania Derby [G2], etc.), Meadow Monster [G2] (11 wins,
$496,916), Luftikus [G3] ($479,630), Greenwood Lake [G1] ($430,620).
1st dam
FLOWERS FOR M'LADY, by Stage Door Johnny. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 7
other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 5 to race, 5 winners, including-FIGHT FOR M'LADY (c. by Fit to Fight). 9 wins, 2 to 6, 2001, $268,222,
Laurel Futurity [G3], OBS Sprint S.-R (OTC, $30,000), 2nd Chenery S.
[L] (CNL, $20,000), 3rd Kentucky Cup Starter H.-R (TP, $5,000).
Little Bouquet (f. by Roanoke). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $102,048.
Pampered in Pink (f. by Bates Motel). 4 wins at 3 and 5, $62,215.
Jimmy Wants to Run (c. by The Name's Jimmy). Winner at 2, placed at 3,
2001, $35,626.
2nd dam
HOLLYHOCK, by Olden Times. Winner at 2, $3,850. Dam of 12 winners, incl.-DECEMBER SKY (f. by Drone). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $39,311, Sardonyx S.,
2nd Soft Touch S., 3rd Touch of Class H. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-Taiga Pete (g. by Peterhof). 10 wins, 3 to 6, $159,744, 2nd Thomas
Edison S. (MED, $7,000), 3rd Basil Hall S. [L] (PIM, $6,229).
Island Snow (f. by Verbatim). 3 wins, $58,003, 2nd Pontalba S. (FG, $5,000), Demoiselle S. (BML, $3,420), 3rd Tulip S. [L] (SPT, $5,918), etc.
Space Flower. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $172,457. Dam of 3 winners, including-SPACE WARNING (f. by Caveat). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $105,945, Owner's
Day Distaff Turf H.-R (DEL, $22,980), 3rd All Brandy S.-R (LRL, $8,250), April Run S. (PIM, $3,762). Dam of Lujien Lujien (f. by Cozzene, at 2, 2001, $71,940, 2nd Miss Grillo S. [L] (AQU, $17,340)).
Marley's Mint. Winner at 4, $15,040. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-Pillow Mint (f. by Stage Door Johnny). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $67,070, 2nd
Waya S. [L] (SAR, $12,188). Producer.
3rd dam
Nasturtium, by *Nasrullah. 2 wins at 2, $15,630, 3rd Princess Pat S. Sister to
BLUE RULER ($99,725), Homeplace ($64,350). Dam of 10 winners, incl.-DR. JARRELL. 9 wins, $110,508, Southwest Louisiana Futurity-R, etc. Sire.
RESOLUTELY. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $87,745, Las Palmas H., Oneonta H., etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled February 14, 2000
Roberto .............................
Kris S................................
Sharp Queen .....................
Sadler's Wells...................
Franziska (IRE)..................
Belle Epoque.....................
Hail to Reason
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
By KRIS S. (1977). Stakes winner of $53,350, Bradbury S. Among the leading sires, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 784 foals, 613 starters, 60 stakes
winners, 456 winners of 1589 races and earning $39,855,904 in N.A., including champions Hollywood Wildcat ($1,432,160, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], etc.), Soaring Softly ($1,270,433, Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf
[G1], etc.), and of Prized ($2,262,555, Breeders’ Cup Turf [G1], etc.),
Kissin Kris [G1] ($1,616,936), Brocco [G1] ($1,003,550), You and I [G1].
1st dam
FRANZISKA (IRE), by Sadler's Wells. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, no winners, including-T Rex Charlie (c. by Gulch). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2001 in N.A.
2nd dam
BELLE EPOQUE, by Habitat. Placed at 3 in Ireland; placed at 4 in England.
Sister to DOUBLE FORM. Dam of 3 winners, including-AMINATA (IRE) (f. by Glenstal). 3 wins at 2 in Ireland, Shernazar E.B.F.
Curragh S. [G3], Smurfit Italia E.B.F. S., etc. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-SWIFT GULLIVER (IRE) (c. by Gulch). 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ireland,
Ridgewood Pearl Desmond S. [G3], etc.; winner at 5, $23,010, in N.A.
Minatonic (f. by Zafonic). Winner at 2, 2001 in Ireland, 2nd Aga Khan
Studs Blenheim S.
3rd dam
*Fanghorn, by Crocket. 2 wins at 2 in England; placed at 3 in France, 3rd
Poule d'Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas. Dam of-DOUBLE FORM. 6 wins, 2 to 4 in England, King's Stand S.-G1, etc.; winner
at 4 in France, champion sprinter, Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp-G1, etc.
SMAOINEAMH. 4 wins in Ireland, Dawn Milk Challenge S., etc. Dam of
Aretha (hwt. filly at 3 on Irish Hand., 5 - 7 fur.), Dathuil (IRE) (3rd Boiling
Springs H. [G3], Debutante S.). Granddam of TUSHNA (in Ireland).
SCIMITARRA. 3 wins in England, Sheraton Park Tower Lupe S. Producer.
Galka. 2 wins at 2 in England, 3rd Molecomb S.-G3. Producer. Granddam
of EVA LUNA (hwt. filly at 2 on Irish Hand., Heinz 57 Phoenix S. [G1],
etc.), COIS NA TINE (IRE) (E.B.F. Futurity S. [G3], etc.; $25,175, in N.A.).
Angor. Winner at 3 in England. Dam of NORDIC SOPRANO (E.B.F. Orby
S., etc.), Nordican (IRE) ($80,475, in N.A.). Granddam of Spyro.
Gradiva. 3 wins in England. Dam of Nephrite. Granddam of DOLYDILLE
(hwt. twice in Ireland), LA MEILLEURE (dam of SHOLOKHOV, Gran
Criterium [G1], etc.; AFFIANCED (IRE), to 3, 2001; ZAVALETA). Mitra.
Societe Royale (IRE). Unraced. Dam of ROYALE, Banker's Delight.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XVIII
Hip No.
Foaled April 29, 2000
Wavering Monarch............
Maria's Mon .....................
Carlotta Maria...................
Full Out.............................
Full Retreat .......................
Battle Creek Girl................
Majestic Light
Caro (IRE)
Water Malone
Never Bend
Running Juliet
His Majesty
Far Beyond
By MARIA'S MON (1993). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $507,140, Moet Champagne S. [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 205
foals, 97 starters, 8 stakes winners, 54 winners of 104 races and earning
$4,642,887 in N.A., including Monarchos (at 3, 2001, $1,720,830, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), Wander Mom (to 3, 2001, $209,295, Coconut
Grove S. (HIA, $15,960), etc.), Wedlock ($190,260, Vincent A. Moscarelli
Memorial S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), etc.), Silver Tornado [G3] ($133,075).
1st dam
FULL RETREAT, by Full Out. 2 wins at 3, $18,905. Dam of 7 other registered
foals, 6 of racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-Nellish (f. by Fighting Fit). 5 wins, 3 to 6, $76,929.
2nd dam
Battle Creek Girl, by His Majesty. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $40,240, 3rd Polly
Drummond S. Half-sister to WINGS OF GRACE ($121,157). Dam of-WAVERING GIRL (f. by Wavering Monarch). 6 wins to 3, $314,084, champion 2-year-old filly in Canada, Natalma S. [L] (WO, $71,760), Victoria S.
[L] (WO, $40,104), etc. Set ntr at Woodbine. Dam of MILITARY (c. by
Danzig, $450,405, in N.A., Oak Tree Turf Championship [G1], etc.).
TRICKY CREEK (c. by Clever Trick). 9 wins, 2 to 4, $873,288, Nassau
County H. [G2], Brown and Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G2], etc.
PARADE GROUND (c. by Kingmambo). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $794,995, National
Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H. [G2], Lexington S. [G3], etc.
SPEED DIALER (f. by Phone Trick). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $384,656, ArlingtonWashington Lassie S. [G2], etc. Dam of STORM ALERT (f. by Storm
Cat, 3 wins, $91,126, Spinning World S. [L] (KEE, $43,230)).
EVERHOPE (f. by Danzig). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $310,234, Edgewood S. [L] (CD,
$54,503), 2nd Eatontown S. [G3], Dogwood S. [L] (CD, $16,485), etc.
PARADE LEADER (c. by Kingmambo). 6 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $257,504,
Princeton S. (MED, $27,000), 3rd Jamaica H. [G2], Nashua S. [G3], etc.
Swiss Asset (g. by Private Account). 14 wins, $331,022, 2nd Robert H. A.
Nixon Memorial H.-R (PHA, $8,610), Skipper Bill S.-R (DEL, $8,600), etc.
Matriarch (f. by Wavering Monarch). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $107,185, 3rd Ocean
City S. (ATL, $2,200). Dam of STAR OF VALOR (c. by Phone Trick, 6
wins, $293,517, Aqueduct H. [G3], etc.), FLEET WAHINE [L] (f. by
Afleet, $256,321), Green Star Bow (c. by Gone West, 3rd The Fuji S.).
Beribboned. Winner at 3, $10,860. Dam of HIPPOMENES (g. by Leo
Castelli, $199,710), CHALEE (f. by Storm Bird, Cadbury Roses S., etc.).
Will To. Dam of YOU BET (c. by Afleet, in Hong Kong, Kukri Trophy).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XXIII
Hip No.
Foaled April 14, 2000
Mt. Livermore ...................
Peaks and Valleys.............
Strike a Balance ................
Imperial Falcon .................
Gail's Falcon.....................
Forbes Ahead....................
Blushing Groom (FR)
Flama Ardiente
Green Dancer
Strike a Pose
Northern Dancer
Bold Forbes
Lead Me On
By PEAKS AND VALLEYS (1992). Canadian horse of the year, stakes winner of $1,589,270, Molson Export Million S. [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of
racing age, 215 foals, 95 starters, 47 winners of 85 races and earning
$2,442,335 in N.A., including Dollar Bill (to 3, 2001, $673,696, Brown and
Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G2], etc.), Parting Guest (to 3, 2001,
$59,225, Borderland Derby (SUN, $22,740)), stakes-placed Costly Crown
[L] (4 wins in 7 starts to 3, 2001, $109,275), Big Will [L] ($46,253).
1st dam
GAIL'S FALCON, by Imperial Falcon. 2 wins at 2, $41,625, Jersey Jumper S.
(MED, $21,000), 3rd Colleen S. [L] (MTH, $5,500). Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners, including-Big Prize (c. by Prized). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, 2001, $144,014.
Amy's Falcon (f. by Maria's Mon). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $71,688.
2nd dam
FORBES AHEAD, by Bold Forbes. Unraced. Dam of 2 winners, including-GAIL'S FALCON (f. by Imperial Falcon). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
LEAD ME ON, by Native Dancer. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $65,684, Monumental H., Conniver H., 3rd Jennings H. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, incl.-TELL ME ALL. 5 wins in 10 starts, $65,793, Comely S.-G3, 3rd Acorn S.G1. Granddam of Badarkehablar (3rd Clasico Sociedad de Criadores).
Follow the Flag. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of FLIGHT COMMAND (in
Venezuela, Premio Victoreado [G3], 2nd Premio Alberto Cipriani [G2]).
4th dam
TEMPTED, by *Half Crown. 18 wins, 2 to 5, $330,760, champion older mare, Ladies H.-nAr, Beldame H., etc. Half-sister to SMART ($365,244). Dam of-LEAD ME ON. Stakes winner, above.
Turn to Me. Placed. Dam of ADORABLE MICOL [G3] ($221,491, in N.A.,
dam of ADCAT [G3], $435,597; ADORYDAR, $231,425), COLUMBIA
GOLD ($162,732), BROKERETTE ($81,288), Love Is Blue ($115,710).
Bee for Me. Unraced. Dam of NACACYTE [G2] (sire), Cheer Me On. Granddam of TINCHEN'S PRINCE [LR] ($953,463), CHANNEL THREE [G2] (9
wins, $412,548), FRETINA [L] ($141,465), LAUGH TRACK ($92,829).
Near Me Now. Unraced. Dam of BISHOP'S CHOICE ($116,830), Middlesex [G3]. Granddam of POLYTAIN [G1], CHAMPAGNE ROUYAL [L]
($287,935), Rajahmundry ($64,305, in N.A.), Super Jeblar [G3] ($40,589, in N.A.), Rockaroller [L] ($49,245), Palavera. Great-granddam of
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XI
Hip No.
Foaled February 22, 2000
Sadler's Wells...................
King of Kings (IRE) ...........
Zummerudd (IRE) .............
Seeking the Gold ..............
Gleeful ..............................
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
Mr. Prospector
Con Game
Nijinsky II
By KING OF KINGS (IRE) (1995). Hwt. at 3 on Irish Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur.,
stakes winner of 4 races in 5 starts at 2 in Ireland, Aga Khan Studs National S. [G1], Arthur Guinness Railway S. [G3], Flame of Tara Tyros S., 2nd
Omni Racing Anglesey S. [G3]; classic winner in England, Sagitta Two
Thousand Guineas [G1]. Brother to stakes winner Amethyst (IRE), halfbrother to stakes winner General Monash. His first foals are 2-year-olds
of 2002. Sire of Diamond Head (winner in 1 start at 2, 2002 in Australia).
1st dam
GLEEFUL, by Seeking the Gold. Winner at 3, $32,530. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Saddler's Creek (c. by Sadler's Wells). Winner at 3, 2001 in Ireland.
2nd dam
PRANCE, by Nijinsky II. Unraced. Sister to CAERLEON, VISION, MERCE
CUNNINGHAM. Dam of 2 other winners, including-Unction. Winner at 3, $20,330.
3rd dam
Foreseer, by Round Table. 3 wins to 3, $30,260, 2nd Santa Ynez S., Santa Ysabel S. Sister to ROYAL GLINT ($1,004,816). Dam of 9 winners, incl.-CAERLEON. 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, 2nd hwt. at 2 on Irish Hand., 2nd hwt.
at 3 on Irish Hand., Ballsbridge-Tattersalls Anglesey S.-G3, Tyros S., 2nd
Irish Sweeps Derby-G1; winner in 2 starts in England, 2nd hwt. at 3 on
English Hand., Benson and Hedges Gold Cup-G1; winner in 1 start at 3
in France, champion 3-year-old, Prix du Jockey Club-French Derby-G1.
VISION. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $319,945, Secretariat S.-G1, Pilgrim S.-G3, etc.
MERCE CUNNINGHAM. 4 wins at 4 in England, Keeneland Fred Archer
S., Aston Park S.; winner in 1 start at 4 in France, Prix Maurice de Nieuil
[G2]; winner at 5, $26,390, in N.A. Sire.
PALMISTRY. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $134,100, Santa Ysabel S., etc. Dam of PALM
READER ($150,375, [Q], etc.), Nadeed (sire). Granddam of WICKED
MAMA [L] ($132,113). Great-granddam of BURLADERO (at 5, 2001).
Good Thyne. Winner at 3 and 4 in Ireland, 2nd Irish St. Leger-G1, Gallinule
S.-G2, etc.; winner at 3 in England, 2nd Queen's Vase-G3, etc. Sire.
Far. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $91,200, 3rd June Darling S. Dam of YONDER
($654,080, Jersey Derby [G2], etc.), AGO [L] ($257,918). Great-granddam of LORD PLATINUM (to 5, 2001, The Hakodate Kinen H., etc.).
Old Testament. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $63,696, 3rd Independence H. Sire.
Video. 2 wins at 3, $23,630. Dam of SCAN [G1] (5 wins, $727,680, sire),
Camcorder [L] ($102,865). Granddam of Port Eighty [L] ($59,284).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by William B. Harrigan, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 18, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Deputy Commander..........
Anka Germania (IRE).........
Sauce Boat........................
Go Kathy Go .....................
Jewell Ridge .....................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Affaire d'Amour
Key to the Mint
Missy Baba
Melyno (IRE)
Say What You Mean
By DEPUTY COMMANDER (1994). Stakes winner of 4 races at 3, $1,906,640, Travers S. [G1], Super Derby [G1], Affirmed H. [G3], 2nd Breeders'
Cup Classic [G1], Swaps S. [G2], Californian S. [G2], 3rd Crown Royal
American Turf S. [L] (CD, $11,580). His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind ($1,844,372, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.).
1st dam
GO KATHY GO, by Sauce Boat. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $20,358. Dam of 4 other
registered foals, 3 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
JEWELL RIDGE, by Melyno (IRE). Winner at 3. Dam of 5 winners, including-JEWEL PRINCESS (f. by Key to the Mint). 13 wins, 2 to 5, $1,904,060,
champion older mare, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1], Santa Margarita Invitational H. [G1], Vanity Invitational H. [G1], Santa Maria H. [G1], Louisville Breeders' Cup H. [G2], La Canada S. [G2], El Encino S. [G2], San
Clemente H. [G3], Linda Vista Breeders' Cup H. [G3], San Jose Breeders' Cup H. [L] (BM, $45,150), 2nd Apple Blossom H. [G1], Milady
Breeders' Cup H. [G1], Lady's Secret Breeders' Cup H. [G2], Hawthorne
H. [G2], 3rd Vanity H. [G1], Santa Margarita Invitational H. [G1], etc.
TOPAZ RUNNER (g. by Jeblar). 8 wins, 2 to 6, $157,820, Bill Braucher S.
[L] (CRC, $30,000), 2nd Calder Derby [G3], 3rd Pete Axthelm H. [L]
(CRC, $11,000).
Precious Jewell (f. by Fortunate Prospect). 4 wins at 3, $67,742, 3rd Sambacarioca H. (CRC, $2,942).
3rd dam
Say What You Mean, by Judger. Winner at 3, $20,520, 3rd Ruffian H. Half-sister
to Tumbler-L ($161,200), Fabulous Prince. Dam of 12 winners, incl.-GERRIE SINGER. 19 wins, 2 to 6, $360,211, Bewitch S. [G3], Game Heart
H. (HAW, $22,275), Truly Bound H. (FG, $19,500), Matchmaker H. [O], etc.
Sugar Hill Chick. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $125,930, 3rd Salem County S. (MED, $3,850), 4th Schuylerville S. [G2], Astoria S. [G3]. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-GLOBALIZE. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $623,650, Turfway Spiral S. [G2], California Juvenile S. [G3], Golden State Mile S. [L] (BM, $55,000), etc.
Summer Squeeze. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $123,245, 3rd Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S. [L] (TP, $10,000), Cleveland Oaks (TDN, $4,000).
A Mean Fit. Winner at 3. Dam of Tuff Chick [G3] (to 3, 2001, $127,579).
Spell It Right. Dam of Sunset Boy (3 wins to 5, 2001, $62,698).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XII
Hip No.
Foaled March 4, 2000
Unbridled's Song..............
Trolley Song......................
Private Account.................
Golden Spell .....................
On Record.........................
Gana Facil
Caro (IRE)
Lucky Spell
Numbered Account
Florida State
Three Tees
By UNBRIDLED'S SONG (1993). Stakes winner of $1,311,800, Breeders'
Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 389 foals, 128 starters, 6 stakes winners, 58 winners of 108 races and earning $4,606,952 in
N.A., including Unbridled Elaine (to 3, 2001, $1,770,740, Breeders' Cup
Distaff [G1], etc.), Songandaprayer (to 3, 2001, $380,480, Fountain of
Youth S. [G1], etc.), Unbridled Time (to 3, 2001, $305,114, WHAS-11 S.
[L] (CD, $75,144), etc.), Extend [L] ($258,141), Griffinite [G3] ($229,847).
1st dam
GOLDEN SPELL, by Private Account. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-SOUTHERN PLAYGIRL (f. by Western Playboy). 5 wins at 2, $407,638,
Alcibiades S. [G2], Arlington-Washington Lassie S. [G2], Miss Oceana
S. (AP, $20,070), 2nd Bonnie Miss S. [G2], Ellis Park Debutante S. [L]
(ELP, $20,000), 3rd Davona Dale S. [G3], Forward Gal S. [G3].
Kompressor (c. by Lord Carson). Winner at 3, 2001, $25,740.
2nd dam
ON RECORD, by Florida State. Winner at 3, $5,197. Sister to Official Record.
Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Record Stands. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $50,551. Dam of-Two Stefees (f. by Temperence Hill). Placed at 2, 3rd Lady Razorback
Futurity-R (LAD, $4,103).
3rd dam
THREE TEES, by Tim Tam. Winner at 2, $6,270. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-VERTEE. 6 wins, $179,519, Widener H.-G1, John B. Campbell H.-G2, etc. Sire.
TATIBAH (IRE). 2 wins at 2 in England, Cornwallis S.-G3; placed in 2 starts
at 3 in France, 3rd Prix de Saint-Georges-G3. Sire.
Official Record. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $37,055, 3rd Bachelor S.
Baby Diamonds (IRE). Winner at 3, $11,780. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-GEM MASTER. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $229,758, Sheridan S. [G2], etc. Sire.
MADAME ADOLPHE. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $214,347, Next Move H. [G3], etc.
Perfect Gem. 3 wins at 3, $77,550, 3rd Shy Dawn S. [L] (AQU, $6,432).
Benzine. Placed at 2 in Italy, 3rd Gran Criterium [G1]; placed at 3 in
England, 2nd Calor Derby Trial S. [G3], Warren S.
Dabbiana. Winner. Dam of PARTY SEASON (GB) [G3] ($410,122, in N.A.).
Tee Town Girl. Winner at 3, $5,910. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-WINNEBAGO SEVEN. 4 wins to 4, $92,008, Evesham S. [OR], etc.
Dam of KERATOID ($180,330), WARM WAYNE [G3] ($165,510).
Tee Town Lady. Placed, $6,775. Dam of TOWN CAPER ($220,943, sire).
Denderah (IRE). Unraced. Dam of Khedivale (3rd Criterium d'Evry).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 14, 2000
Caro (IRE) .........................
Cozzene ............................
Ride the Trails...................
Miswaki ............................
Green Heights...................
Ruby Green .......................
Fortino II
Prince John
Mr. Prospector
J. O. Tobin
By COZZENE (1980). Champion grass horse, stakes winner of $978,152,
Breeders' Cup Mile [G1], etc. Leading sire, sire of 13 crops of racing age,
638 foals, 456 starters, 50 stakes winners, 336 winners of 1179 races and
earning $33,619,459 in N.A., including champions Cozzene's Prince (16
wins, $1,270,057, River City H. [L] (CD, $73,060), etc.), Santa Amelia (10
wins, $475,230, Bessarabian H. [L] (WO, $54,996), etc.), Hasten To Add
($294,981, in N.A., Laurel Turf Cup S. [G3], etc.), Admire Cozzene.
1st dam
GREEN HEIGHTS, by Miswaki. Unraced. Sister to GERVAZY. Dam of 3 other
registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners, including-Franks Green Money (c. by With Approval). 11 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $51,312.
2nd dam
RUBY GREEN, by J. O. Tobin. Winner in 2 starts at 2 in France. Dam of 3 foals
to race, 2 winners-GERVAZY (c. by Miswaki). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $399,688, Gulfstream Park
Sprint Championship H. [L] (GP, $60,000), 2nd Nassau County H. [G2],
3rd Metropolitan H. [G1], Carter H. [G1]. Sire.
WESTERN BORDERS (c. by Gone West). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $263,300, Hialeah Sprint Championship H. [L] (HIA, $30,000), 2nd Deputy Minister
H. [L] (GP, $20,000), 3rd Carter H. [G1] twice.
3rd dam
UNCOMMITTED, by Buckpasser. Winner at 2 in France. Half-sister to DISCIPLINE ($158,511), FULL OF HOPE, DISCIPLINARIAN (sire), IN HOT
PURSUIT, Bold Example (sire), Bold Sultan. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-WAVERING MONARCH. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $466,773, Haskell Invitational
H.-G1, San Fernando S.-G1, Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup-G2, Jefferson Cup, 2nd Charles H. Strub S.-G1, 3rd Santa Anita H.-G1, Blue
Grass S.-G1, Malibu S.-G2. Sire.
Florenza. Winner at 3 in France, 3rd Prix de Sandringham-G3, Prix ChloeG3. Dam of ALL CANADIAN [L] (13 wins, $201,634). Granddam of
KAHYASIN (in Brazil, Grande Premio Derby Paranaense [G2], etc.).
Chellingoua. Placed at 3 in France; placed at 4, $3,640, in N.A. Dam of
OUT WEST (Ruinart Champagne Conqueror S., etc.), Auggies Here
($111,665, 2nd Sir Ivor S. [L] (PIM, $11,300), 3rd Choice H. [G3], etc.).
Pretty in Green. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-ANTRIM RD. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $437,888, Illinois Derby [G2], Fort Springs
S. (KEE, $28,203), 2nd Turfway Prevue S. [L] (TP, $12,000), etc.
Lady Not Bad. Winner at 3 in Brazil. Dam of Lord Byron (in Brazil).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert Harris, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 4, 2000
Sovereign Dancer .............
Louis Quatorze..................
On to Royalty ....................
Gulch ................................
Grey Gulch........................
Fairway Star......................
Northern Dancer
Bold Princess
On to Glory
Royal Ties
Mr. Prospector
Prince John
By LOUIS QUATORZE (1993). Classic winner of $2,054,434, Preakness S.
[G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 219 foals, 46
starters, 12 winners of 16 races and earning $742,536 in N.A., including
Repent (3 wins at 2, 2001, $415,660, Kentucky Jockey Club S. [G2], etc.),
Silent Fred (at 2, 2001, $49,720, 3rd Remsen S. [G2]), Papua (at 2, 2001,
$63,895), Aly Quatorze (at 3, 2002, $58,660), Under the Desk (at 2, 2001,
$22,165), Queen Louise ($16,250), Admirals Royalty ($13,624).
1st dam
GREY GULCH, by Gulch. Unraced. Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
FAIRWAY STAR, by Prince John. 2 wins at 3, $11,188. Half-sister to FAIRWAY
PHANTOM ($279,876, sire), PAR FLITE [G2] ($209,357, sire), SPECTACULARPHANTOM [L] ($167,072, sire), MARIAN Z. ($61,063), MUSCLE (5 wins, $53,130). Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, including-WALL STREET DANCER (c. by Sovereign Dancer). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $834,728,
Pan American H. [G2], Bowling Green H. [G2], Miller High Life Cradle S.
[G3], Rushaway S. (TP, $26,455)-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:41 2/5, Cradle Prelude
S. (RD, $21,000), 2nd Sword Dancer H. [G1], Breeders' Futurity [G2], Alysheba S. [G3], Jefferson Cup S. [L] (CD, $11,190), 3rd San Juan Capistrano Invitational H. [G1], John Battaglia Memorial S. [L] (TP, $6,000).
Starafar (f. by Mr. Prospector). Winner at 3 and 4, $30,749, 3rd Debutante
S. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-Malagot (c. by Wild Again). 3 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2001, $108,870,
2nd Angelo Testa S. (GP, $5,700), 3rd Carry Back S. [L] (CRC, $22,000).
Thinkinaboutyou. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of WILDABOUTYOUAGAIN
(f. by Risen Star, $44,000, Manayunk S. (PHA, $19,920)), Doc Davis (c.
by Groovy, $52,644, 2nd Norman S. (RP, $8,000), Ruidoso Thoroughbred Futurity-R (RUI, $15,412), 3rd Second Pleasure S. (OP, $4,000)).
Star of Fairway. 2 wins at 4, $26,157. Dam of 4 winners, including-NEW HAVEN (g. by Simply Majestic). 5 wins, 3 to 6, $50,194, Turf Distance Series Invitational S.-R (TUP, $20,910).
Really a Star. Unraced. Sent to South Africa. Dam of 6 winners, including-Raise The Pace (f. by Nijinsky's Secret). 5 wins at 4 in South Africa, 2nd
Gosforth Park Fillies & Mares S. [G3], 3rd Garden Province S. [G1].
Southern Star. Sent to Argentina. Race record not available. Dam of ERIDANUS (c. by El Basco, Organizacion Sudamericana de Fomento
del Pura Sangre de Carrera [G2], 2nd Antonio Cane [G3], etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent II
Hip No.
Foaled April 24, 2000
Two Punch ........................
Smoke Glacken.................
Majesty's Crown ...............
Halo ..................................
Regal Ruth ........................
Mr. Prospector
Heavenly Cause
Queen's Crown
Hail to Reason
Ruth Fogel
By SMOKE GLACKEN (1994). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $759,560, Hopeful S. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of
130 foals, 49 starters, 22 winners of 36 races and earning $1,244,411 in
N.A., including Smok'n Frolic (at 2, 2001, $342,744, Demoiselle S. [G2],
etc.), Smoke Buster (at 2, 2001, $93,984, TTA Sales Futurity-R (LS, $88,464)), Smokieisabandit (at 2, 2001, $88,977, Aspirant S.-R (FL, $37,980),
etc.), Gotham Limited (to 3, 2002, $90,758), Smoked Em ($54,060).
1st dam
HALOMATIC, by Halo. 2 wins at 3, $6,976. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 7
of racing age, 6 to race, 6 winners, including-Big Numbers (c. by Numerous). 3 wins at 2 and 4, 2001, $196,485, 2nd
Rebel S. [G3], 3rd Lone Star Park H. [G3], Lone Star Derby [L] (LS, $30,250), Southwest S. [L] (OP, $7,500), Great West S. [L] (RP, $6,600).
Ruff Halo (c. by Houston). 6 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2001, $149,332.
Lomatic (f. by Twining). 10 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $127,304.
Halo's Shadow (c. by Chimes Band). Winner at 3, 2001, $31,404.
2nd dam
REGAL RUTH, by Viceregal. Winner at 3. Dam of 6 other winners, including-CAPTAIN SUNBURST (c. by Rouge Sang). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $89,687,
Heresy S. Sire.
Misty Sunburst (f. by Dom Alaric (FR)). 3 wins to 3, $105,703, 2nd Ontario
Matron H. [LR], 3rd Duchess S.-L, Kingarvie S.-L, etc. Dam of-Faint Prospect (f. by Distinctive Pro). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $96,510, 2nd
Mohawk S.-R (BEL, $15,400). Dam of DEVON'S PROSPECT (c. by
Devon Lane, 3 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $77,095, Copper Top Futurity-R (SUN, $66,831)).
Thallene Mist. Winner at 3 and 4, $8,029. Dam of Silver and Green (c.
by Silver Music, at 3, 2001, 3rd Beacon Hill S.-R (SUF, $2,500)).
3rd dam
RUTH FOGEL, by Native Dancer. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $21,035. Dam of-COOL RUTH. 2 wins at 2, Boniface S. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, incl.-HIGH ROLLER. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $82,588, Display S., Cup and Saucer
S.-R, 2nd Toronto Cup H., 3rd Achievement H., Carleton S.-R, etc.
4th dam
*SHINE II, by Hyperion. Winner at 2 in England, Malton S. Sister to BATTLE
HYMN (sire), half-sister to MY SIN. Dam of 9 foals, 8 winners, incl.-Palm Tree. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $46,150, 2nd Dwyer S., 3rd East View S.
Wonderment. 5 wins at 3. Dam of Air Wonder ($45,900, 3rd Ohio Derby).
Shine Dancer. Winner at 2 in France. Dam of Shoeshiner (in France).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled January 23, 2000
Theatrical (IRE) .................
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)....
Irish River (FR) .................
Halo River .........................
All Hallows .......................
Northern Dancer
Sassafras (FR)
Irish Star
Leap Lively
By THEATRICAL (IRE) (1982). Champion grass horse, stakes winner of $2,840,500, in N.A., Breeders' Cup Turf [G1], etc. Sire of 12 crops of racing
age, 685 foals, 469 starters, 55 stakes winners, 311 winners of 934 races
and earning $23,692,714 in N.A., including champion Hishi Amazon (The
Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, etc.), and of Zagreb (hwt. at 3
in Ireland, Budweiser Irish Derby [G1]), Theoretically [G3] (hwt. filly at 3 in
Ireland), Geri ($1,707,980, Oaklawn H. [G1], etc.), Hap [G2] ($1,283,960).
1st dam
HALO RIVER, by Irish River (FR). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $107,525, Appalachian
S. [L] (KEE, $45,096), Gold Digger S. [L] (HAW, $31,980), 2nd Lieutenant Governor S. [L] (ELP, $10,000). Dam of 1 other registered foal, none
of racing age.
2nd dam
ALL HALLOWS, by Halo. Winner at 2, $24,260. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-HALO RIVER (f. by Irish River (FR)). Stakes winner, above.
Narita World. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Japan.
3rd dam
LEAP LIVELY, by Nijinsky II. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in England, Hoover Fillies' MileG3, Johnnie Walker Oaks Trial S.-G3, 2nd Yorkshire Oaks-G1, 3rd Epsom Oaks-G1. Half-sister to WHATA BELLE ($113,475), Stop Quick
($65,874, 3rd [Q]), Salina Cookie [L] ($28,720). Dam of 3 winners-FOREST FLOWER. 4 wins in England, champion 2-year-old filly, Rokeby
Farms Mill Reef S. [G2], Pritchard Services Cherry Hinton S. [G3],
Queen Mary S. [G3], 4th Child S. [G2]; winner at 3 in Ireland, hwt. filly
at 3 on Irish Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., Goffs Irish One Thousand Guineas
[G1], 2nd Heinz 57 Phoenix S. [G1]. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, incl.-Hill of Dreams. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in England; placed at 4 in Belgium,
2nd Grand Handicap d'Ostende.
Hertford Castle. Dam of Safarando (IRE) (6 wins in England, 2nd Sovereign Bookmakers Easter S.; in N.A., 3rd Oceanside S.-R (DMR, $10,428)), Castilian (in Norway, 3rd Pilot Fineliner Cup).
SCOOP THE GOLD. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $114,527, Likely Exchange S. (TP,
$27,446), 2nd Marigold S. [L] (TP, $8,450). Dam of 2 winners, incl.-HIGH YIELD. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $1,170,196, Toyota Blue Grass S. [G1],
Fountain of Youth S. [G1], Hopeful S. [G1], 2nd Florida Derby [G1],
Hollywood Futurity [G1], Santa Catalina S. [G2], 3rd Breeders' Cup
Juvenile [G1], Champagne S. [G1], Hollywood Juvenile Championship S. [G3].
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Laura Helmbrecht, Agent
Gray or Roan Colt; foaled April 6, 2000
Cryptoclearance ................
Naval Orange ....................
*Grey Dawn II ...................
Hang Together...................
Swinging Lizzie.................
Hip No.
Mr. Prospector
Hoist the Flag
Mock Orange
The Axe II
By CRYPTOCLEARANCE (1984). Stakes winner of $3,376,327, Florida Derby [G1], etc. Sire of 10 crops of racing age, 728 foals, 520 starters, 29
stakes winners, 358 winners of 1236 races and earning $24,879,393 in
N.A., including champions Victory Gallop ($3,005,895, in N.A., Belmont
S. [G1], etc.), Cryptocloser ($368,302, Prince of Wales S.-R (FE, $117,660), etc.), Little Emely, and of Millennium Wind ($769,920, Toyota Blue
Grass S. [G1], etc.), Crypto Star ($730,090, Arkansas Derby [G2], etc.).
1st dam
HANG TOGETHER, by *Grey Dawn II. Winner at 3, $8,415. Sister to SWING
TILL DAWN. Dam of 14 other registered foals, 13 of racing age, 9 to
race, 6 winners, including-SWING TOGETHER (f. by Mamaison). 2 wins at 2, $38,312, Gloucester
County S. (MED, $21,000). Producer.
Matthews Keep (c. by Summing). 9 wins at 3 and 4, $356,271, 3rd Grey
Lag H. [G3], Bold Reason H. [G3], John B. Campbell H. [G3], Salvator
Mile H. [G3], 4th Baltimore Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3]. Sire.
Ballistic (c. by Thorn Dance). 5 wins at 3 and 5, 2001, $133,109.
She's So Bold (f. by Bold Tropic (SAF)). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $52,095. Producer.
2nd dam
SWINGING LIZZIE, by The Axe II. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $129,484, Cameo S., Concord S., 2nd Politely S., 3rd Senatorial S., First Lady H. Half-sister to Corsicana ($46,042). Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-LIVELY ONE (c. by Halo). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $1,544,100, Swaps S. [G1], Goodwood H. [G2], Cabrillo H. [G3], San Diego H. [G3], Kensington H. [L]
(GG, $55,000), Santa Catalina S. [LR] (SA, $48,650), 2nd Santa Anita
Derby [G1], San Bernardino H. [G2], San Pasqual H. [G2], Native Diver
H. [G3], Goodwood H. [G3], Del Mar Budweiser Breeeders’ Cup H. [L]
(DMR, $30,000), 3rd Mervyn LeRoy H. [G1], Super Derby [G1], etc. Sire.
SWING TILL DAWN (c. by *Grey Dawn II). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $353,125, Charles
H. Strub S.-G1, Widener H.-G1, 3rd San Bernardino H.-G2, Oceanside S.
Swing On a Star. Winner at 3, $14,220. Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, incl.-Algenib (f. by Bailjumper). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $103,115, 2nd Virginia H. (CRC,
$8,690). Dam of AMERICAN GIPSY (c. by Septieme Ciel, champion
miler in Brazil, Grande Premio Presidente da Republica [G1] twice, etc.).
Swizzle. Unraced. Dam of Swizzling Dixie (f. by Nostrum, $40,722, 3rd
Athena S. [O]), This One's Mine (f. by One for All, 2nd Athena S., etc.).
Granddam of HIDE ME TIL XMAS (f. by Three Martinis, $201,717, Fair
Lady S.-R (EP, $20,730), etc.), Stop Check (g. by Three Martinis, $61,904).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 29, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Cozzene ............................
Hello Moon.......................
Bespangle .........................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
Caro (IRE)
Ride the Trails
Dr. Fager
Zenith Star
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
HELLO MOON, by Cozzene. 4 wins at 3, $44,826, Belle Isle S. (DET, $16,125). Dam of 7 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 6 to race, 6 winners, including-Moon Lake (g. by Meadowlake). 2 wins at 3, $69,666.
Shimmering Night (f. by Meadowlake). Winner at 2, $60,594.
Wilzada (f. by Meadowlake). Winner in 1 start at 3, 2002, $24,600.
2nd dam
BESPANGLE, by Dr. Fager. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to YU WIPI. Dam of-GAY RIGHTS (c. by Hold Your Peace). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $272,035, Colin S.
[L] (BEL, $70,320), 3rd Dwyer S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 4th Jim Dandy
S. [G2], King's Bishop S. [G3]. Sire.
GUADERY (f. by Golden Act). 3 wins at 2, $124,860, Astarita S. [G2], 3rd
Frizette S. [G1]. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, including-MINORITY DATER (f. by Kris S.). 5 wins, $212,415, Real Delight S. (AP,
$25,620), 2nd Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT, $13,000), Pontalba S. (FG, $6,450), Tiffany Lass S. (FG, $6,405), 3rd Arlington-Washington Lassie
S. [G2], Fair Grounds Oaks [G3], Arlington Heights Oaks [G3], etc.
HELLO MOON (f. by Cozzene). Stakes winner, above.
Dr. Secreto (c. by Secreto). Winner at 2, $77,143, 2nd Barretts Juvenile S.R (FPX, $25,500), Alameda County Futurity (PLN, $6,000), etc. Sire.
3rd dam
ZENITH STAR, by Vertex. Half-sister to PRIDES PROFILE ($308,611). Dam of-REGAL PRINCESS. 8 wins to 3, $245,677, Florida Stallion/My Dear Girl S.
[LR], etc. Dam of REGAL APPROVAL ($93,965), With a Princess [L]
($117,475). Granddam of Royal Moro [G3] (at 2, 2001, $45,748).
YU WIPI. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $182,180, Longacres Mile H.-G3, etc. Sire.
Or Your Money Back. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $43,611, 2nd Barbizon Streak S.-R.
Honors. 5 wins at 4, $33,882. Producer. Granddam of Ou Special ($79,276, dam of PESKY RASCAL, 11 wins to 6, 2001, $249,488, set ncr).
Great-granddam of LIMODREAMS ($70,280, Ribbon S. (AP, $19,260)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled June 2, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gulch ................................
Silent Screen ....................
Hey Baba Lulu ..................
A Real Lulu .......................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Asbury Mary
Prince John
Prayer Bell
Mr. Leader
Bonnie Empress
By GULCH (1984). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $3,095,521, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 631 foals, 455 starters, 45 stakes winners, 327 winners of 1064
races and earning $23,673,701 in N.A., including champion Thunder
Gulch ($2,915,086, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), and of Nayef (to 3, 2001,
hwt. colt at 3 in England, Dubai Champion S. [G1], etc.), Wallenda ($1,205,929, Super Derby [G1], etc.), Golden Gear [G2] (12 wins, $634,009).
1st dam
HEY BABA LULU, by Silent Screen. 13 wins, 3 to 5, $615,219, Rare Treat H.
[G3], Ticonderoga H.-R (AQU, $74,880), Ticonderoga H.-R (AQU, $52,830), Broadway H.-R (AQU, $39,840), Princess Rooney S. (MED, $24,000), 2nd Konica Long Look H. [G2], Affectionately H. [G3], Rare Treat
H. [G3], Woodhaven H. [L] (AQU, $11,880), Bouwerie S.-R (AQU, $21,219), Montauk H.-R (AQU, $11,935), Susan B. Anthony H.-R (FL, $11,000), 3rd Schenectady H.-R (AQU, $11,394), Broadway H.-R (AQU,
$10,512), Iroquois S.-R (AQU, $8,244). Dam of 4 other registered foals,
4 of racing age, 4 to race, 1 winner-Hey Miss Lulu (f. by Seattle Slew). Winner at 3 in Japan.
2nd dam
A Real Lulu, by Mr. Leader. 3 wins at 3, $83,103, 2nd Fairview S.-R (GS, $3,920),
3rd Cherry Blossom H. [L] (GS, $8,273). Sister to A Real Leader. Dam of-HEY BABA LULU (f. by Silent Screen). Stakes winner, above.
Chariot Chaser (g. by His Majesty). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $87,291, 2nd Canadian
Derby [L] (NP, $20,000), Burnaby S. (HST, $6,820), 3rd Tacoma H.
(EMD, $4,500).
3rd dam
Bonnie Empress, by *Young Emperor. Winner at 2 and 3, $33,625, 2nd Adirondack S.-G3. Half-sister to ZUPPARDO'S LOVE ($338,197, Chieftain
H. [L] (HAW, $31,590), etc., sire), PETROL DEL ($34,372). Dam of-Knocknock. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $139,966, 3rd Nijana S. [G3], Boiling
Springs H. [G3]. Dam of 2 foals, including-Knock Again. 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $255,050, 2nd Salvator Mile H. [G3].
A Real Leader. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $105,937, 2nd Hill Prince S.-G3, 3rd Saranac S.-G2.
A Real Lulu. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Bonnie Princess. Winner at 3, $7,080. Producer. Granddam of That Belongs to Me (6 wins at 3, 2001, $103,780, 3rd New York Oaks-R (FL,
$6,600), Jack Betta Be Rite S.-R (FL, $3,300)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
Montpelier Thoroughbreds Inc.
Hip No.
Foaled February 16, 2000
Gana Facil.........................
Danehill ............................
Hill Dance (GB).................
Mr. Prospector
*Le Fabuleux
Dancing Brave
Sarah Siddons
By UNBRIDLED (1987). Champion 3-year-old colt, classic winner of $4,489,475, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 8 crops
of racing age, 457 foals, 255 starters, 27 stakes winners, 155 winners of
427 races and earning $22,037,246 in N.A., including champions Banshee Breeze ($2,784,798, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.),
Anees ($699,200, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Unbridled's
Song [G1] ($1,311,800), Manistique [G1] ($1,311,800), Grindstone [G1].
1st dam
HILL DANCE (GB), by Danehill. Unraced. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
DANSARA, by Dancing Brave. In England. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-SELF DEFENSE (c. by Warning (GB)). 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2001 in
France, Prix Vulcain, 2nd Prix du Lion d'Angers, Prix Denisy, etc.
3rd dam
SARAH SIDDONS, by Le Levanstell. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ireland, Irish One
Thousand Guineas-G1, 2nd Irish Guinness Oaks-G1, Athasi S.-G3, 3rd
Gladness S.-G3; winner in 2 starts at 3 in England, 2nd hwt. filly at 3 on
English Hand., Yorkshire Oaks-G1; placed at 3 in France, 2nd Prix
Vermeille-G1. Half-sister to MARY ARDEN (GB) (in Ireland). Dam of-PRINCESS PATI. 4 wins at 3 in Ireland, Gilltown Stud Irish Oaks-G1, Pretty
Polly S.-G2, Ardoon Stud April S., etc. Dam of 6 winners, including-Parthian Springs. 3 wins at 4 in England, 2nd Yorkshire Cup S. [G2].
SEYMOUR HICKS (FR). 5 wins at 3 in England, Great Voltigeur S.-G2, etc.
SIDARA. 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France, Prix Belle de Nuit, etc. Dam of-ANCARA. 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix de Liancourt, etc. Producer.
Simouna. Unraced. Dam of ATHLUMNEY LADY (3 wins in Ireland, Bord
Gais Killavullan S. [G3]).
Cantanta. Winner at 3 in England. Dam of 5 foals, 4 winners, including-CANTILEVER. 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix de Royaumont [G3], etc.
TAILFEATHER. 2 wins at 3, 2001 in France, Coupe des Trois Ans, etc.
Gertrude Lawrence. Unraced. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-LADY AMBASSADOR. 4 wins at 3 in Ireland, Fasig-Tipton S., etc. Dam
of LEGGERA (IRE) (hwt. 3 times in Europe and England, Prix
Vermeille [G1], etc.), LUCIDO [G3] (to 5, 2001), LUCA, Lea (GER).
Komombo. Winner at 3 in England; placed at 4 in Czechoslovakia, 2nd
Velka Cena Slovenska.
Miss Siddons. Unplaced in 2 starts in England. Producer. Granddam of
Spirited Effort (in India, 2nd Nanoli Stud Pune Derby).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent VIII
Hip No.
Foaled March 28, 2000
Forty Niner........................
Coronado's Quest .............
Laughing Look..................
Cox's Ridge ......................
Hitch .................................
Knot ..................................
Mr. Prospector
Best Turn
Our Martha
Majestic Light
By CORONADO'S QUEST (1995). Stakes winner of 10 races in 17 starts to
3, $2,046,190, Travers S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Wood
Memorial S. [G2], Remsen S. [G2], Dwyer S. [G2], Riva Ridge S. [G2],
Cowdin S. [G2]-ntr, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:14 1/5, Nashua S. [G3], 2nd Fountain of
Youth S. [G2], Hutcheson S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winners Warning
Glance, Military Look. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of
champion Forty Niner, among the leading sires, sire of 42 stakes winners.
1st dam
HITCH, by Cox's Ridge. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $425,561, HBPA H. [L] (ELP, $62,500),
Clipsetta S. [L] (TP, $52,228), Dogwood S. [L] (CD, $36,075), 2nd Audubon Oaks [L] (ELP, $20,000), HBPA H. [L] (ELP, $10,000), 3rd Budweiser
Breeders' Cup S. [G2], Louisville Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Gardenia H. [G3], Fleur de Lis H. [G3], Edgewood S. [L] (CD, $5,560).
Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Stint (f. by Wild Again). 3 wins to 3, $120,450, 3rd Thelma S. [L] (FG, $5,500).
Clasp (c. by A.P. Indy). 6 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $61,569.
2nd dam
KNOT, by Majestic Light. 2 wins at 2, $36,218, Debutante S. Dam of-HITCH (f. by Cox's Ridge). Stakes winner, above.
THREAD (f. by Topsider). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $242,133, Palisades S. [L]
(KEE, $34,922), Audubon Oaks [L] (ELP, $30,000), 2nd Regret S. [L]
(CD, $16,785), 3rd Locust Grove H. [L] (CD, $11,040), Valley View
Breeders' Cup S. [L] (KEE, $8,185). Producer.
Braid. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-Lord West (c. by West by West). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $35,850, 3rd Summit
Silver Cup H.-R (TDN, $3,500).
3rd dam
LOOP, by Round Table. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $28,588, Athena H. Sister to DUEL,
MONITOR, ELAINE. Dam of 11 foals to race, 8 winners, including-KNOT. Stakes winner, above.
4th dam
Lea Moon, by *Nasrullah. 6 wins to 3, $29,625, 2nd Miss Woodford S., etc.
Sister to LEALLAH ($152,784, champion 2-year-old filly), LEA LANE
($76,207), half-sister to Shama, Pasco. Dam of 10 winners, including-DUEL. 9 wins, $216,505, Charles H. Strub S., Saratoga Special, etc. Sire.
MONITOR. 10 wins, 2 to 5, $121,859, Arkansas Derby-ntr, etc. Sire.
SCYTHE. 17 wins, 2 to 9, $88,387, Toboggan H.
Other stakes winners: ELAINE ($34,708, Pageant H., etc.), LOOP (above).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Bay Filly; foaled April 8, 2000
Gone West ........................
Double Honor ...................
Holiday Snow ...................
Hold Your Peace ...............
Hold the Dream.................
Thundering .......................
Mr. Prospector
Storm Bird
Speak John
Blue Moon
Native Charger
Big Stakes
By DOUBLE HONOR (1995). Stakes winner of 2 races at 2, $251,612, Sapling S. [G3], 2nd Sanford S. [G3], Bashford Manor S. [G3], 3rd Norfolk S.
[G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Gone
West, among the leading sires, sire of 63 stakes winners, including champions Zafonic (Two Thousand Guineas [G1], etc.), Gone Prospecting,
and of Royal Abjar (hwt. twice in Germany, Mehl-Muelhens-Rennen-German Two Thousand Guineas [G2], etc.), Da Hoss [G1] ($1,931,558).
1st dam
HOLD THE DREAM, by Hold Your Peace. Winner at 4, $8,040. Dam of 8 other
registered foals, 8 of racing age, 7 to race, 7 winners, including-CAPTAIN VIDEO (g. by Stalwart). 4 wins at 3, $179,835, Budweiser Oregon Derby [L] (PM, $33,300), James F. Lyttle Memorial H. (SR, $24,150),
Pleasanton H. (PLN, $19,150), 2nd Governor's H. [L] (SAC, $10,050),
Alamedan H. (PLN, $7,050), 3rd Golden State Derby [L] (BM, $22,500),
Auburn Breeders' Cup H. [L] (EMD, $9,960), Round of Pleasure H. (GG,
$5,250), Vallejo Day H. (SOL, $4,550).
A PENNY SAVED (f. by Pentelicus). 3 wins at 2, $129,294, Masao Moriya
S. [L] (CRC, $30,000), Florida Stallion/Desert Vixen S.-R (CRC, $45,000),
2nd Florida Stallion/Susan's Girl S.-R (CRC, $25,000), 3rd Copano H.
(CRC, $3,014).
Dream Me (f. by Mecke). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $117,575, 2nd OBS Sprint
S.-R (OTC, $10,000), 3rd Florida Stallion/Susan's Girl S.-R (CRC, $13,750).
Buckaroo's Dream (f. by Buckaroo). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $63,107, 3rd Juvenile
S.-R (WO, $6,600).
2nd dam
THUNDERING, by Native Charger. Winner at 3, $4,740. Dam of-RAISIN THUNDER (c. by Crozier). 5 wins at 2 and 4, $121,019, Florida Turf
Cup H., San Bruno S., 2nd Alligator H., 3rd Golden Bear S. Sire.
Storm Scope (c. by Upper Case). 2 wins, $22,303, 2nd Bashford Manor S.
3rd dam
BIG STAKES, by Swoon's Son. Unraced. Dam of 1 other foal-Summit Conference. 10 wins, 3 to 8, $21,675.
4th dam
RAISE YOU, by Case Ace. 5 wins to 4, $37,220, Colleen S., etc. Sister to MR.
ACE ($64,547), Lady’s Ace. Dam of 14 foals, 11 winners, including-RAISE A NATIVE. 4 wins in 4 starts at 2, $45,955, champion 2-year-old
colt, Juvenile S.-etr, 5 fur. in :57 4/5, Great American S.-ntr. Sire.
KINGMAKER. 13 wins, 3 to 6, $243,205, New Orleans H., Grey Lag H.-ntr,
Whitney S., Kent S., Royal Palm H., Excelsior H., 2nd Jersey S., etc.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 1, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Storm Boot .......................
Hollie Collie......................
Naughty Nile .....................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Pleasant Colony
Last Bird
Upper Nile
Naughty Blade
By STORM BOOT (1989). Stakes-placed winner of $70,510, 2nd Broad
Street S.-R (PHA, $6,400). Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 279 foals, 167
starters, 17 stakes winners, 121 winners of 366 races and earning $8,369,193 in N.A., including Bourbon Belle ($1,152,223, Honorable Miss H.
[G3] twice, etc.), Hurricane Bertie ($940,041, Prioress S. [G2], etc.), Lil
Bobbie Too (to 4, 2001, $366,871, Illinois Breeders Debutante S.-R (HAW,
$70,920), etc.), American Spirit (5 wins, $344,772, Baldwin S. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
HOLLIE COLLIE, by Roanoke. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of
racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Me and Thee (c. by You and I). 3 wins at 3, 2001, $140,260.
2nd dam
Naughty Nile, by Upper Nile. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $23,315, 3rd Vandale S. (TP,
$2,480), Cincinnati Trophy S. (TP, $2,430). Dam of 6 winners, incl.-LOWER EGYPT (c. by Silver Hawk). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in England, Strensall
S., 2nd Abtrust Select S. [G3]; placed at 5 in United Arab Emirates;
placed at 5, $33,380, in N.A.
Naughty Pam (f. by Irish Open). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $108,840, 2nd Lady Sponsors' Breeders' Cup S. (AKS, $10,495). Producer.
3rd dam
NAUGHTY BLADE, by Blade. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, incl.-Naughty Nile. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Alberta Johnson. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $101,169. Dam of 2 winners-MINOR WISDOM. 7 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $499,233, Hawthorne Derby
[G3], Kentucky Cup Mile H. [L] (KD, $124,000), Cardinal H.-R (AP,
$45,000), 2nd Kentucky Cup Mile H. [L] (KD, $40,000), Sea O Erin
Breeders’ Cup Mile H. [L] (AP, $6,050), Overage S. (HAW, $9,050),
3rd John Henry S. [L] (AP, $7,513), Bowl Game S. [L] (AP, $6,050),
John Bullit H. (CBT, $4,800). Set 2 ncrs at Hawthorne.
SABATHANI. 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $97,105, Canterbury Park Oaks
(CBY, $15,000).
4th dam
Naughty Nedra, by Bagdad. 2 wins at 3, 2nd West Virginia Derby Prep H. Halfsister to CHORAL GROUP ($147,699, champion 2-year-old filly in Canada), Favorite Tune. Dam of 15 foals, 13 to race, 10 winners, including-FONCIER. 29 wins, 2 to 9, $323,515, Speed to Spare Championship S.,
Lac des Arcs H., Harvest Gold Plate H. twice, Klondike H. twice, etc.
Cindy Way. 3 wins at 3. Granddam of Laurens Quest [L] ($192,615).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Laura Helmbrecht, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 7, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Dehere ..............................
Sister Dot..........................
Honey Bee Gold................
Gold Sun (ARG)................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Sword Game
Sir Gaylord
Cap and Bells
Jungle Queen
By DEHERE (1991). Champion 2-year-old colt, stakes winner of $723,712,
Champagne S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 691 foals, 378
starters, 31 stakes winners, 269 winners of 612 races and earning $11,712,832 in N.A., including champion Mi Amigo Guelo ($129,450, Clasico
Santiago Iglesias Pantin, etc.), and of Belle Du Jour (hwt. filly at 3 in Australia, Golden Slipper S. [G1], etc.), Graeme Hall (to 4, 2001, $1,047,441,
Arkansas Derby [G2], etc.), Miss Seffens [L] (to 4, 2001, $482,690).
1st dam
HONEY BEE GOLD, by Drone. Placed at 3 and 4, $12,800. Dam of 5 other
registered foals, 5 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-Gold Fitz (f. by Fitzcarraldo). Winner at 3 and 4, 2001 in Argentina, 3rd
Juan Shaw [G2].
2nd dam
GOLD SUN (ARG), by Solazo. 11 wins, 2 to 4 in Argentina, Gran Premio
Internacional Ciudad de Buenos Aires-G1, Premio Guillermo Paats-G3,
Premio Estados Unidos de America-G3, Premio Francia-G3, etc.; 3 wins
at 5 and 6, $87,805, in N.A. Sister to *SUNNY DAY III, SUNNY SUMMER, half-sister to *JUNGLE DUCHESS (champion 2-year-old filly in
Argentina), MATRERO, Jungle Mythologic. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-JUNGLE GOLD (f. by Master Willie (GB)). 5 wins in 8 starts to 3 in England,
2nd May Hill E.B.F. S. [G3]; placed in 1 start at 3 in Ireland, 3rd Goffs
Irish One Thousand Guineas [G1]; winner at 4, $85,975, in N.A., Locust Grove H. [L] (CD, $53,381), 3rd Del Mar Oaks [G3]. Dam of-TREE LINE (c. by Hansel). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $33,061, ATBA Sales S.R (TUP, $27,669).
Seattle Sunrise (c. by Seattle Slew). 2 wins at 3, $47,927, 3rd Fappiano H.
(BIR, $2,700). Sire.
Fiji Gold. Winner at 4, $34,365. Dam of Jungle Sun (f. by Private Terms,
$48,631, 2nd San Antonio Oaks (RET, $7,000)).
Solar Slew. Placed at 3, $5,856. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners, incl.-CIGAR (c. by Palace Music). 18 wins in 32 starts, 3 to 6, $7,599,815, in
N.A., horse of the year twice, champion older horse twice, Breeders'
Cup Classic [G1], Hollywood Gold Cup H. [G1], Jockey Club Gold
Cup [G1], Oaklawn H. [G1], Pimlico Special H. [G1], Woodward S.
[G1] twice, etc.; winner in United Arab Emirates, hwt. older horse at
6 on United Arab Emirates Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Dubai World Cup.
MULCA (f. by Raised Socially). 18 wins to 4, $228,360, champion imported 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Roberto Clemente, etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 1, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Jade Hunter ......................
Jadana (IRE) .....................
Alysheba ...........................
Hong Kong Jade ...............
Ruby Slippers ...................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Bel Sheba
Nijinsky II
Moon Glitter
By JADE HUNTER (1984). Stakes winner of $407,260, Gulfstream Park H.
[G1], etc. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 700 foals, 412 starters, 30 stakes
winners, 272 winners of 964 races and earning $17,638,558 in N.A.,
including Yagli ($1,702,121, Manhattan H. [G1], etc.), Stuka ($916,175,
Santa Anita H. [G1], etc.), Halory Hunter ($713,120, Toyota Blue Grass S.
[G2], etc.), Diazo ($581,400, Strub S. [G1], etc.), Jade Flush ($481,518,
Rare Perfume H. [G2], etc.), Pratella ($459,622, Cardinal H. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
HONG KONG JADE, by Alysheba. Winner at 3, $16,817. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 4 to race, 2 winners-Peninsula (c. by Meadowlake). Winner at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2001, $96,908, 3rd LeComte H. [L] (FG, $11,000).
Gilded Beauty (f. by Gilded Time). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $52,960.
2nd dam
RUBY SLIPPERS, by Nijinsky II. 5 wins at 3, $83,760, [Q], 3rd [Q]. Dam of-RUBIANO (c. by Fappiano). 13 wins, 3 to 5, $1,252,817, champion sprinter, NYRA Mile H. [G1], Carter H. [G1], Vosburgh S. [G1], Tom Fool S.
[G2], Forego H. [G2], Westchester H. [G3] twice, 2nd Metropolitan H.
[G1], Tom Fool S. [G2], Jamaica H. [G2], 3rd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1].
TAP YOUR HEELS (f. by Unbridled). Winner at 2, $47,275, Hildene S.-R
(CNL, $18,000).
High Cascade (c. by Woodman). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $92,937,
2nd Golden Gate Derby [G3], 3rd Rushaway S. [L] (TP, $10,000).
Wichitoz. 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2001, $69,862.
3rd dam
MOON GLITTER, by In Reality. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $88,510, Martha Washington H., Rampart H. Sister to RELAUNCH ($278,100), half-sister to BELLE
O' REASON, BATTLE CALL, Warm Front. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-GLITTERMAN. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $473,914, Philadelphia Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Louisiana Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (LAD,
$95,520), Miami Beach H. [L] (CRC, $32,970), Tamarac H. [L] (CRC, $32,580), Banyan H. (CRC, $26,400), 2nd Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash
[L] (PIM, $70,000), Plantation H. [L] (CRC, $10,950), Plantation H. [L] (CRC,
$10,930), Coral Springs H. (CRC, $8,810), Banyan H. (CRC, $8,700), 3rd
Vosburgh S. [G1]. Set nwc at Hialeah Park, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:01 3/5. Sire.
RUBY SLIPPERS. Stakes winner, above.
Moon Critter. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $223,160. Sire.
Marine Brass. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $110,440. Sire.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
Montpelier Thoroughbreds Inc.
Hip No.
Foaled March 30, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Touch Gold .......................
Passing Mood ..................
Saratoga Six .....................
How So Oiseau .................
Deauville Dove..................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Cool Mood
Priceless Fame
No Robbery
Miss Summons
By TOUCH GOLD (1994). Classic winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $1,679,907, Belmont S. [G1], Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Lexington S. [G2], 2nd
Fayette S. [G3], Swynford S. [L] (WO, $22,580), 3rd Grey Breeders' Cup
S. [G3]. Brother to stakes winner Daijin, half-brother to Canadian horse of
the year With Approval, and to stakes winners Bar U Mood, Sweeping
Change. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of Canadian horse
of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire twice, sire of 69 stakes winners.
1st dam
HOW SO OISEAU, by Saratoga Six. 2 wins at 2, $125,450, Sorrento S. [G2],
2nd Del Mar Debutante S. [G2]. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Flight Talk (c. by Phone Trick). Winner at 3, 2002, $16,705.
Lakesixso (c. by Salt Lake). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $6,438.
2nd dam
Deauville Dove, by No Robbery. Winner at 2 and 3 in France; placed at 4 in
N.A., 3rd James Wiggins S. Sister to LARCENY KID. Dam of-WILD HARMONY (c. by Wild Again). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $395,932, Hollywood Turf Express H. [L] (HOL, $110,000), Hollywood Park Budweiser
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (HOL, $86,200), 2nd Clarinet King S. [L] (SAR,
$11,682), 3rd Los Angeles H. [G3], San Simeon H. [G3]. Sire.
HOW SO OISEAU (f. by Saratoga Six). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
MISS SUMMONS, by Helioscope. Winner at 2, $5,800. Half-sister to CLOVER
LEAF, Seven Corners. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, incl.-FREON. 20 wins, 3 to 10, $334,680, Poker S.
LARCENY KID. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $165,489, Round Table H., Brandywine
Turf H., Bernard Baruch H., Long Island H., 2nd Seneca H., etc.
SUMTEX. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $63,843, Jersey Belle H., etc. Dam of Kinsman Bold (3rd Debonair S.). Granddam of Natural Isle ($68,021).
Deauville Dove. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Coming Mother. Unraced. Dam of NICKEL BACK (4 wins, $119,679, North
Star S.-R, etc.), Pretty Neat Gal ($132,573, dam of Mountain Kitten, at
3, 2001, $56,520). Granddam of Satank (3rd Flying Childers S. [G2]).
Police Lady. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of WOODLAND LAD (8 wins,
$203,100, El Monte S., etc., sire). Great-granddam of NIDARI (6 wins to
5, 2001, $148,385, Minnesota Distaff Sprint Championship S.-R (CBY,
$23,130), etc.), TEZ TARAK (to 4, 2001, $86,353), Chateau Bell (10
wins, $86,251, 3rd Chris Evert H. (TUP, $2,530), etc.), Shitala ($80,037).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Murray Smith
Hip No.
Foaled May 25, 2000
Honour and Glory .............
Fair to All..........................
Spend a Buck....................
Iddy Biddy Dollar..............
Id Am Fac .........................
In Reality
Foggy Note
Al Nasr (FR)
Belle de Jour
For the Occasion
By HONOUR AND GLORY (1993). Stakes winner of $1,202,942, Metropolitan
H. [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 412 foals, 130 starters, 9 stakes
winners, 64 winners of 131 races and earning $3,935,144 in N.A., including champion Caressing (to 3, 2001, $881,410, Breeders' Cup Juvenile
Fillies [G1], etc.), and of Put It Back (at 3, 2001, $232,895, Riva Ridge S.
[G2], etc.), Discreet Hero ($209,214, Round Table S. [G3], etc.), Playing
'n Gold ($150,730, Ellis Park Debutante S. [L] (ELP, $40,625), etc.).
1st dam
IDDY BIDDY DOLLAR, by Spend a Buck. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $337,987. Sister to
Micky Wonder. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to
race, 1 winner-Toyo Summer (c. by Summer Squall). Winner at 2 and 3 in Japan.
2nd dam
ID AM FAC, by Nodouble. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $141,517, Seven Valleys H.-R (PHA,
$13,920), Seven Valley S. [OR], 2nd The Very One S. [O], Key Largo S. [O],
My Charmer H., Chris Evert H. [OR], 3rd Bal Harbour S. [O]. Dam of-Blonde Princess (f. by Slew Prince). 7 wins, 2 to 4, 2001 in Venezuela, 2nd
Premio Julian Abdala, 3rd Premio Lanzarina.
Micky Wonder (f. by Spend a Buck). 3 wins at 3 in Italy, 3rd Premio Vittorio
3rd dam
FOR THE OCCASION, by Dr. Fager. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, all winners-ID AM FAC. Stakes winner, above.
Solgne. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $75,177, 4th Jamaica H. [G3].
Relevant. Winner at 2, $10,190. Dam of 6 winners, including-Reply Paid. 3 wins to 3, $67,181, 3rd Dade Turf Classic S. (ELP, $5,400).
4th dam
FAZENDA (ARG), by Dancing Moss. 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Argentina, Premio
Enrique Acebal-G3, Premio Dia de la Armada, 3rd Premio Criadores-G2,
Premio Miguel Angel y Tomas Juarez Celman-G3; winner at 5, $23,300,
in N.A. Sister to FARMER (champion older horse in Argentina, sire),
FAIRLY (ARG), FACT (ARG), FAR (sire), FALLOWED (sire), half-sister
to *FIZZ (champion older mare in Argentina), *FARM (champion twice in
Argentina), FACTORY, Feat (sire), *Factible. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-Simply Tops. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $35,328, 3rd Barely Even S. [O].
Passing Faze. Winner at 3, $5,700. Dam of FABULOSO CHAMP (General
Jose de San Martin [G3], etc.), PASSING CHAMP (in Argentina).
Spinning Reel. Unraced. Dam of Ganchengue [G2] (3 wins to 5, 2001).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Bridlewood Farm
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled March 8, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Awesome Again ................
Primal Force .....................
Valdez ...............................
I'm No Pussycat................
Sharp Kitty ........................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Blushing Groom (FR)
Prime Prospect
Exclusive Native
*Sally Stark
T. C. Kitten
By AWESOME AGAIN (1994). Classic winner of 9 races in 12 starts, $4,374,590, Queen's Plate-R (WO, $255,420), Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Stephen Foster H. [G2], Saratoga Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Jim Dandy S. [G2], Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G3], 3rd Travers S. [G1].
Half-brother to champion Macho Uno. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind [G1].
1st dam
I'M NO PUSSYCAT, by Valdez. Dam of 9 other registered foals, 8 of racing
age, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-SOVEREIGN KITTY (f. by Sovereign Dancer). 6 wins, $458,704, Cotillion
H. [G2], Tempted S. [G3], 2nd Demoiselle S. [G2], Cicada S. [L] (AQU,
$17,738), 3rd Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], Acorn S. [G1], Alabama S. [G1], Gazelle H. [G1], Matron S. [G1], Joe Namath H. [G3].
Fast Cat (g. by Afleet). 18 wins, 3 to 10, 2002, $234,093.
Kato Kitty (c. by Katowice). 8 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $74,770.
Run Like Martha (f. by Jolie's Halo). 4 wins at 4, 2001, $62,340.
2nd dam
SHARP KITTY, by Blade. Unraced. Half-sister to FIELD CAT, SPRINGING
LEOPARD [G2], BEWARE OF THE CAT [LR], Island Kitty. Dam of-FAMILY STYLE (f. by State Dinner). 10 wins, $1,537,118, champion 2-yearold filly, Arlington-Washington Lassie S. [G1], Frizette S. [G1], Spinaway S. [G1], La Canada S. [G1], Black-Eyed Susan S. [G2], Silver
Belles H. [G2], Arlington Matron H. [G2], La Brea S. [G3], Cleopatra
S. [L] (AP, $32,610), 2nd Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], Apple
Blossom H. [G1], Demoiselle S. [G1], Matron S. [G1], Adirondack S.
[G2], Queen's H. [G3], Jersey Belle S. [L] (GS, $35,900), Ak-Sar-Ben
Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. (AKS, $26,690), 3rd Mother Goose S.
[G1], Arkansas Derby [G1], Kentucky Oaks [G1], etc. Dam of-POLISH STYLE (f. by Danzig). 2 wins to 3 in France, Prix Hampton, etc.;
placed at 3 in Italy, 3rd Premio Royal Mares [G3]. Dam of Polish
Panache (c. by Gone West, 3rd King of Kings E.B.F. Futurity S. [G3]).
LOST KITTY (f. by Magesterial). 5 wins to 3, $625,273, Del Mar Futurity [G1],
Del Mar Debutante S. [G2], Honeybee S. [L] (OP, $53,100), Colleen S.
(MTH, $36,435), 2nd Oak Leaf S. [G1], Sorrento S. [G3], Canterbury Debutante S. [L] (CBY, $31,370), Anne Arundel H. [L] (LRL, $20,725), etc.
Sharp Kitty's Cat (c. by Saratoga Six). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $82,796, 3rd Patriot
S. (PHA, $2,888), Boulevard S.-R (PHA, $2,948).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 9, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
Benefice ............................
Intimate Moments.............
Intimate Girl ......................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Medaille d'Or
Hot Food
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
INTIMATE MOMENTS, by Benefice. Placed at 3. Dam of 3 other registered
foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Kris and Jack (c. by Kris S.). Winner at 4, 2001, $31,125.
Red Wildcat (f. by Forest Wildcat). Placed at 3, 2001, $21,019.
2nd dam
INTIMATE GIRL, by Medaille d'Or. Placed at 4, $3,170. Dam of-AFTERNOON DEELITES (c. by Private Terms). 7 wins in 12 starts, 2 to 4,
$1,061,193, Hollywood Futurity [G1], Malibu S. [G1], Commonwealth
Breeders' Cup S. [G2], San Felipe S. [G2], San Vicente Breeders' Cup
S. [G3], Hollywood Prevue Breeders' Cup S. [G3], 2nd Santa Anita Derby [G1], Strub S. [G1], Metropolitan H. [G1]. Sire.
Intimate Kid (g. by T. V. Commercial). 12 wins, 2 to 6, $108,600, 2nd Golden Bear S. [L] (GG, $20,000).
3rd dam
HOT FOOD, by Ack Ack. Dam of 12 other foals, all winners, including-Hot Mocha. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $84,618, 2nd Park Heights S. [L] (LRL, $8,000), West Virginia President's Cup H. (MNR, $5,640).
4th dam
Loyal Ruler, by *Gallant Man. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $38,300, 2nd Black-Eyed Susan S. Half-sister to YORKVILLE ($202,469). Dam of 5 winners, incl.-CRUMBS. 6 wins, $152,980, Merry Christmas Claiming S., El Cajon S., etc.
Biava. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $38,743, 3rd Children's Hospital S. Dam of MEDIA GIRL ($54,613, Rhododendron H., etc., dam of Zg Media, 6 wins,
$121,136; Hot Story, $68,040), AS HE PLEASED ($39,250, [Q]).
Overrulled. Winner at 3, $7,340. Dam of HOUSE OF RULES ($188,950).
Icantell. Unraced. Dam of HEARTLIGHT NO. ONE ($322,880, champion
3-year-old filly, Ruffian H.-G1, etc.). Granddam of SOUL OF THE MATTER [G1] ($1,502,818, in N.A., sire), RAGLAN ROAD [L] ($133,998),
Venturi Effect [L] (to 5, 2001, $61,360), Surprise Girl [L] ($48,250).
Northern Czarina. Unraced. Dam of Czarina Katarina (8 wins, $88,992).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Virginia.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled May 9, 2000
Spinning World.................
Imperfect Circle ................
Irish Wisdom ....................
Irish Song (FR) .................
Northern Dancer
Aviance (IRE)
Taba (ARG)
Dapper Dan
Irish Star
By SPINNING WORLD (1993). Hwt. in Europe, France and Ireland; stakes
winner of $772,000, in N.A., Breeders’ Cup Mile [G1]-ecr, etc. His first
foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 298 foals, 45 starters, 18 winners
of 20 races and earning $136,889 in N.A., including Quad's Melody (at 2,
2001, Prix d'Aumale [G3]), Chan Chan (at 2, 2001, Oppenheim-Rennen),
Tendulkar (at 2, 2001, 3rd Darley Dewhurst S. [G1]), Temple of Artemis
(2nd Killavullan S. [G3]), Spinnette (2nd E.B.F. Montrose Fillies S.).
1st dam
IRISH WISDOM, by Turkoman. Winner at 3, $6,400. Dam of 7 other registered
foals, 7 of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including-CACHET NOIR (c. by Theatrical (IRE)). 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix du Lys
[G3], 2nd Prix de Suresnes, 3rd Prix Hubert de Chaudenay [G2].
Canplay (f. by Latin American). 2 wins to 4, placed at 5, 2002, $68,089.
Ballybunion (f. by Grindstone). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $42,575.
2nd dam
IRISH SONG (FR), by Dapper Dan. Placed at 3 in France. Dam of-DUKE OF SILVER (FR) (g. by Son of Silver). 5 wins at 2 and 3 in France,
Prix du Rond-Point-G3, Prix des Foals, Prix de Courcelles, 2nd Prix
Thomas Bryon-G3; winner at 7, $8,455, in N.A.
Scent of Clover. Winner at 3, $41,654. Dam of 3 foals, all winners, incl.-Aylesbury (f. by Chief's Crown). 4 wins to 4 in India, 3rd Byerly Turk S.
Ramapo River. Unplaced in 2 starts in N.A. Sent to Australia. Dam of-Rockin' Ramapo (g. by Bureaucracy). 9 wins at 4 and 5, placed at 6,
2001 in Australia, 3rd Tattersalls Quality Plate.
3rd dam
Irish Star, by *Klairon. 3 wins at 3 in France, 2nd Prix de Flore. Sister to
KALIOPI (in France). Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-IRISH RIVER (FR). 10 wins in France, champion 2-year-old, champion miler,
Poule d'Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas-G1, Grand
Criterium-G1, Prix d'Ispahan-G1, Prix Jacques Le Marois-G1, etc. Sire.
Liska (FR). 2 wins at 3 in France. Dam of 14 foals, 11 winners, including-L'ORANGERIE. 4 wins to 3 in France, Prix de Pontarme, etc. Dam of
CARDMANIA (6 wins, $1,258,333, in N.A., champion sprinter, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], San Carlos H. [G2], etc.), KEIWAN VIKING.
LISKA'S DANCE. 3 wins in 6 starts at 3 in France, Prix Coronation, etc.
Star River (FR). 2 wins at 3 in France. Dam of Man of Power (in Italy).
Granddam of SARAFAN (at 4, 2001, $116,512, in N.A.), SAGAR PRIDE
(IRE) [L] ($100,655, in N.A.), HAGWAH (ROA Foundation S., etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Brian Kalmar, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 15, 2000
Siphon (BRZ) ....................
Gate Dancer ......................
Jackie's Gate.....................
River Way..........................
Apple Honey
Kublai Khan
Sovereign Dancer
Sun Gate
Diplomat Way
Lotta Miss
By SIPHON (BRZ) (1991). Stakes winner of $2,294,810, in N.A., Santa Anita
H. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 170 foals, 31
starters, 8 winners of 10 races and earning $960,936 in N.A., including
Siphonic (at 2, 2001, $733,978, Hollywood Futurity [G1], etc.), Ms Louisett
($48,800, 3rd Oak Leaf S. [G1]), Scifi Flick ($17,105, 2nd Kachina S. (RUI,
$15,137)), Siphina (at 2, 2001, $27,000), Fullup (at 2, 2001, $22,440),
Loyal Richard ($15,135), Cheechoo ($13,551), Brazilian Girl ($9,955).
1st dam
JACKIE'S GATE, by Gate Dancer. Winner at 2, $21,900. Dam of 6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 6 to race, 3 winners-BUNKER HILL ROAD (c. by Cahill Road). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $214,639, Crabapple S. (OP, $24,000), 3rd Rebel S. [G3], Southwest S. [G3], Governor's H. [L] (ELP, $10,500).
Bessette (f. by Quest for Fame (GB)). 5 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $82,871.
Portal (c. by Cahill Road). 2 wins at 3, $82,479.
2nd dam
RIVER WAY, by Diplomat Way. 4 wins, 2 to 4. Dam of 11 winners, including-GREEK WAY (f. by Greek Answer). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $119,934, Joe Jaffe H.
[OR], Honorable Miss H.-R, 2nd Linda H. Producer.
Thames (g. by Sovereign Dancer). 13 wins, 2 to 7, $140,548, 2nd Sam F.
Davis Breeders' Cup S. (TAM, $11,250), 3rd Smile H. [L] (CRC, $5,863),
Inaugural S. (TAM, $2,335).
Medieval Eve (f. by Medieval Man). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $117,892, 3rd Bird of
Paradise H. (CRC, $2,439), Tannehill S. (BIR, $1,608), etc. Producer.
Frozen Brook (f. by Polar Palace). 2 wins at 2, $18,301, 3rd Hibiscus H.
Practical Way. Winner at 2, $15,158. Dam of 8 winners, including-Zigway (f. by Zignew). 10 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $108,539, 3rd Iowa Breeders' Oaks-R (PRM, $7,248).
Omen Way (c. by Olympio). 10 wins, 2 to 6, 2001, $107,603, 3rd Ambernash S. [L] (LRL, $8,250), Matt Scudder S. (MED, $4,800).
Tales of the River. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $35,734. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, incl.-Northbound River (f. by Niosk). 5 wins at 3 and 5, $21,316, 3rd Minnesota Auction Lassie Stallion S.-R (AP, $3,850).
3rd dam
Lotta Miss, by Beau Busher. 2 wins at 2, 2nd Bewitch S., etc. Half-sister to
GLENARY ($82,449, Yo Tambien H., etc.). Dam of 10 winners, incl.-SEEN ALOT. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $26,636, Lafayette S.
Stakes-placed winners: Segregationist (26 wins, $92,395), Miss Agitate.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 2, 2000
Theatrical (IRE) .................
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)....
Jade Hunter ......................
Jade Bird ..........................
Index's ..............................
Northern Dancer
Sassafras (FR)
Mr. Prospector
Jadana (IRE)
Storm Bird
Table of Contents
By THEATRICAL (IRE) (1982). Champion grass horse, stakes winner of $2,840,500, in N.A., Breeders' Cup Turf [G1], etc. Sire of 12 crops of racing
age, 685 foals, 469 starters, 55 stakes winners, 311 winners of 934 races
and earning $23,692,714 in N.A., including champion Hishi Amazon (The
Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, etc.), and of Zagreb (hwt. at 3
in Ireland, Budweiser Irish Derby [G1]), Theoretically [G3] (hwt. filly at 3 in
Ireland), Geri ($1,707,980, Oaklawn H. [G1], etc.), Hap [G2] ($1,283,960).
1st dam
JADE BIRD, by Jade Hunter. 2 wins at 3, $55,840. Dam of 3 other registered
foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-Bird's Verse (f. by Opening Verse). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $35,221, 3rd HBPA
Dr. W. E. Trussell H. (CT, $2,915).
Madeleine's Jade (c. by Theatrical (IRE)). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $82,155.
2nd dam
INDEX'S, by Storm Bird. Winner at 2 in Ireland, Cherry Blossom S. Dam of-ZEDE (c. by Strawberry Road (AUS)). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $232,111, Tampa Bay
Derby [L] (TAM, $90,000), 2nd Peter Pan S. [G2].
Nostra (c. by Greinton (GB)). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $183,601, 2nd Lexington
S. [G3], Palm Beach S. [G3], Crown Royal American Turf S. [L] (CD,
$23,600), Lord Avie S. [L] (GP, $10,000), 3rd National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S. [G2], Transylvania S. [L] (KEE, $6,816).
Kravis. 9 wins, 4 to 8, 2001, $280,890.
3rd dam
TABLE OF CONTENTS, by Round Table. Unraced. Half-sister to PRINCESSNESIAN ($332,035), BOLDNESIAN (sire), JACKAL, Flush. Dam of-INDEX'S. Stakes winner, above.
Taruma. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, including-MISS DOMINIQUE. 6 wins at 4 and 5, $385,678, Vieille Vigne H. [L]
(DMR, $36,770), Run for the Roses H. [L] (SA, $35,200), etc.
SAGASIOUS. 3 wins at 3, $115,122, Reeve Schley, Jr. S. [G2], etc.
Rime in Realty. Unraced. Dam of Real Windy (champion 3-year-old filly
in Trinidad and Tobago).
Glass Goblet. Sent to India. Dam of 4 known winners, including-OPPENHEIMER. 9 wins, 2 to 5 in India, Alcock Barb S., etc.
I'm Content. Unplaced in 2 starts in Australia. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-Bluegrit. Winner at 2 and 3 in Australia, 3rd Todman Slipper Trial [G2].
Presidential Table. Unplaced in 1 start in Australia. Dam of-Presidential Rule. Winner at 2 in Australia, 3rd Coca-Cola Classic S. [G3].
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled April 17, 2000
His Majesty.......................
Pleasant Colony................
Sun Colony.......................
Seattle Dancer...................
Jasminola (FR) .................
Jasm .................................
Flower Bowl
Sunrise Flight
Nijinsky II
My Charmer
Fire Water
By PLEASANT COLONY (1978). Champion 3-year-old colt, classic winner of
$965,383, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Among the leading sires in England,
Ireland and N.A., sire of 18 crops of racing age, 640 foals, 443 starters,
64 stakes winners, 4 champions, 320 winners of 1439 races and earning
$41,950,810 in N.A., including Pleasant Tap (9 wins, $2,721,169, Jockey
Club Gold Cup [G1], etc.), St. Jovite (Budweiser Irish Derby [G1], etc.),
Pleasant Stage ($844,272, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.).
1st dam
Jasminola (FR), by Seattle Dancer. Winner at 3 in France, 3rd Grand Criterium
de Bordeaux. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race-Esteemed Master (c. by Mark of Esteem). Winner at 2, 2001 in England.
2nd dam
JASM, by Secretariat. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, incl.-Jazzix (g. by Linamix). 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy, 3rd Premio Carlo Porta.
Jasminola (FR) (f. by Seattle Dancer). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
FIRE WATER, by Tom Rolfe. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $50,326, Scarlet Carnation S., 3rd
Vivacious H. Half-sister to ISSUES N' ANSWERS ($70,040). Dam of-LIFE'S MAGIC. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $2,255,218, champion 3-year-old filly, champion older mare, Mother Goose S.-G1, Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1],
Beldame S.-G1, Alabama S.-G1, Oak Leaf S.-G1, Monmouth OaksG2, Shuvee H. [G2], 2nd Coaching Club American Oaks-G1, Acorn
S.-G1, Breeders’ Cup Distaff-G1, etc. Dam of 5 winners, including-Alfaari. Placed at 3 in England; 3 wins at 5, $99,675, in N.A., 2nd Vallejo
Day H. (SOL, $6,000). Sire.
Magic Prospect. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $72,000, 2nd Ernest Finley H. [L]
(SR, $10,000). Sire.
Herb Water. 6 wins to 4, $200,454, 2nd Forego H., 3rd Woodward S.-G1,
Paterson H.-G2, Jim Dandy S.-G3, Nassau County H.-G3, etc. Sire.
Tommy's Folly. 2 wins at 3, $51,925. Producer. Granddam of SPECTACULAR TIDE (6 wins, $521,412, Sword Dancer H. [G1], etc.), CHECK
RIDE (3 wins, $145,233, John McSorley S. (MTH, $21,000), etc.).
Linden Walk. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-Remodeling. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $85,697, 3rd Opa Locka S. (HIA, $2,926).
Flume. 2 wins at 2, $64,787, 3rd Busher S. [G3]. Producer.
Thessalon. Unraced. Dam of-Pro Bowler. Winner at 2, $31,450, 3rd Fleet Nasrullah S.-LR.
Luvahummer. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of Wild Away (9 wins, $321,993,
3rd Westchester H. [G3], etc.), High Hummer (3 wins, $27,624).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XXIII
Hip No.
Foaled February 28, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Two Punch ........................
Heavenly Cause ................
Joanie's Chief ...................
Joanie's Princess..............
Spunky Princess...............
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
*Grey Dawn II
Lady Dulcinea
Ack Ack
Merry Madeleine
Cornish Prince
Bid Hasty
By TWO PUNCH (1983). Stakes winner of $89,795, Bachelor S. [L] (OP, $49,890), etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 629 foals, 463 starters, 39 stakes
winners, 363 winners of 1438 races and earning $25,969,229 in N.A.,
including champion Smoke Glacken ($759,560, Hopeful S. [G1], etc.),
and of Punch Line ($963,749, Forest Hills H. [G2], etc.), Taking Risks
($570,295, Philip H. Iselin H. [G1], etc.), Smolderin Heart ($467,686, Lone
Star Derby [L] (LS, $145,000), etc.), Ponche [L] (16 wins, $437,086).
1st dam
Joanie's Princess, by Joanie's Chief. 9 wins at 3 and 4, $150,507, 3rd Waltz
Song S. (DEL, $1,887). Dam of 8 other registered foals, 8 of racing age,
6 to race, 4 winners, including-K. O. PUNCH (c. by Two Punch). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $212,870, Hollywood
Juvenile Championship S. [G3], Haggin S. [L] (HOL, $39,850), 2nd Hopeful S. [G1], Futurity S. [G1], 3rd Saratoga Special S. [G2]. Sire.
The Devil's Wonder (g. by Devil's Bag). 4 wins at 4, $125,238.
Construction (g. by Carnivalay). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $87,430.
Pulpit Power (c. by Pulpit). Placed at 2, 2001, $8,200.
2nd dam
SPUNKY PRINCESS, by Cornish Prince. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $99,140. Dam of-MOONUMMOM (f. by Proudest Roman). 9 wins, 3 to 6, $121,996, Merry
Widow S. Producer.
Joanie's Princess (f. by Joanie's Chief). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Betsy Mack (f. by Mr. Redoy). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $129,865, 3rd Cleome S.-R
(PHA, $2,464). Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Sydney's Olympics (c. by Olympio). 5 wins at 3, $128,368, 3rd Turf
Paradise Derby [L] (TUP, $10,000).
Princess Redoy (f. by Mr. Redoy). 15 wins, 2 to 9, $82,392, 3rd Miss Spokane H. Set ntr at Canterbury Park. Producer.
3rd dam
BID HASTY, by Hill Prince. Unraced. Half-sister to Espino's Image. Dam of-Vets Pet. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $11,914.
Some Bid. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-Cathy's Lady. Winner at 3, 2nd Cincinnati Trophy S. Producer.
Fearless Bid. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $14,892. Dam of TIGER'S FINEST (18
wins, $311,704, Daniel Boone S. (TP, $18,899), Midwest Sprint Budweiser H. (BEU, $16,830), 2nd Daniel Boone Breeders' Cup H. (TP,
$3,725), 3rd Jack R. Johnston Memorial S. [L] (SPT, $5,858), Holiday
Cheer H. (TP, $4,035), Forego H. (TP, $3,050), sire).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Maryland Million, NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Maryland.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 21, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
St. Jovite...........................
Jovi San............................
Elegant Victress ................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Pleasant Colony
Northern Sunset (IRE)
Sir Ivor
Victorian Heiress
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
JOVI SAN, by St. Jovite. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age-Turnapage (c. by Thunder Gulch). Placed at 3, 2002, $4,510.
2nd dam
ELEGANT VICTRESS, by Sir Ivor. 3 wins at 3, $35,475. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-VYING VICTOR (c. by Flying Paster). Winner at 2 in England; 4 wins at 3
and 4, $531,242, in N.A., Remington Park Derby [L] (RP, $150,000)-ntr,
Col. R. S. McLaughlin H. [L] (WO, $38,772), Santa Catalina S.-R (SA,
$51,000), Sir Winston Churchill H. (EP, $28,620), 2nd Jim Beam S. [G2],
Longacres Park Derby [L] (LGA, $30,000), Most Host H. [L] (SA, $11,000), 3rd Molson Export Million S. [G2]. Sire.
EXPLICIT (c. by Distant View). 3 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2002, $230,190, Ridan S.-R (GP, $60,000), 2nd Potrero Grande Breeders' Cup H.
[G2], El Conejo H. [G3] (SA, $21,900), 3rd True North H. [G2].
FLYING VICTOR (c. by Flying Paster). 2 wins at 2, $185,025, California Juvenile
S. [G3], 2nd San Rafael S. [G2], 4th Breeders' Cup Juvenile S. [G1]. Sire.
SHARP VICTOR (c. by Sharpen Up (GB)). Winner at 2 in England; 3 wins
at 4 and 5, $87,750, in N.A., Dandelion H.-R (GG, $26,200). Sire.
Desert Victress. Winner at 3, $18,540. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, incl.-DESERT DIGGER (f. by Mining). Winner at 2, $156,538, Sorrento S.
[G2], 2nd Del Mar Debutante S. [G2], 3rd Princess S. [G2].
Sharply Elegant. 2 wins, $27,858. Granddam of ELEGANT FELLOW (c. by
Memo (CHI), $197,900, Zany Tactics S.-R (SA, $65,460)), Memoranda
(f. by Memo (CHI), $187,097, 2nd CTBA S.-R (DMR, $26,920), etc.).
3rd dam
VICTORIAN HEIRESS, by Northern Dancer. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $20,590. Halfsister to VICTORIA PARK ($250,076, horse of the year in Canada, sire),
NORTHERN QUEEN ($64,640, champion 3-year-old filly in Canada),
BULL VIC ($46,440, sire), VICTORIA REGINA ($45,480). Dam of-NORTHERN BLOSSOM. 7 wins to 4, $270,714, champion 3-year-old filly
in Canada, Nassau S.-L, Wonder Where S.-LR, Bison City S.-LR, etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent III
Hip No.
Foaled March 3, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Awesome Again ................
Primal Force .....................
Phone Trick.......................
Joyous Melody .................
Hear a Rhapsody...............
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Blushing Groom (FR)
Prime Prospect
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Raja Baba
Carmelita Gibbs
By AWESOME AGAIN (1994). Classic winner of 9 races in 12 starts, $4,374,590, Queen's Plate-R (WO, $255,420), Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Stephen Foster H. [G2], Saratoga Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Jim Dandy S. [G2], Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G3], 3rd Travers S. [G1].
Half-brother to champion Macho Uno. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind [G1].
1st dam
JOYOUS MELODY, by Phone Trick. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $266,394, Fairway Fun S.
[L] (TP, $39,000), Queen Bee S. (DET, $15,000), 2nd Michigan's Breeders' Cup H. [L] (DET, $20,700), Wintergreen S. [L] (TP, $10,555), Magnolia Breeders' Cup S. (ELP, $10,620), 3rd Sixty Sails H. [G3], Clipsetta
S. [L] (TP, $8,245), American Beauty Breeders' Cup S. (RD, $3,850).
Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-Milan's Melody (f. by Thunder Gulch). Winner at 4, 2001, $24,959.
Reserve Bid (f. by Pine Bluff). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2002, $11,430.
2nd dam
HEAR A RHAPSODY, by Raja Baba. Placed at 2 in Ireland; 4 wins at 3 and 4,
$64,495, in N.A., Milady H., 2nd Moonbeam S., 3rd Seashore S. Dam of-JOYOUS MELODY (f. by Phone Trick). Stakes winner, above.
SECRET RHAPSODY (f. by Secreto). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $143,895, International Turf Cup H. [L] (FE, $35,610), Ontario Colleen S. [LR] (FE, $44,408),
Fort Erie Breeders' Cup S. (FE, $22,944). Dam of 3 winners, including-RHAPSODIST (c. by Affirmed). Winner at 2 and 3 in England, Chesham
S., Hamlet Cigars Steventon S., 2nd Weatherbys Superlative S.;
placed in 1 start at 2 in France, 3rd Prix La Rochette [G3]; winner at
5, 2001, $33,580, in N.A., 2nd Foster City H. [L] (BM, $10,000).
3rd dam
CARMELITA GIBBS, by Minnesota Mac. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $63,067, Dogwood S., Regret S., 3rd Kentucky Oaks-G2, Clipsetta S. Half-sister to
MISTY GEM ($58,559), SPIRAL ON. Dam of 6 winners, including-HEAR A RHAPSODY. Stakes winner, above.
Tall Poppy. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $116,466, 2nd Dogwood S. [L] (CD, $16,480),
3rd Spinster S. [G1], etc. Dam of Ten Feet Tall (7 wins, $81,817).
Chief Daughter. 2 wins, $30,795, 3rd Fleet Diver S. Producer. Granddam of
MISS HUFF N' PUFF ($171,260, Miss Grillo S. [G3], etc.), BELA CIFRA.
Hattie Gibbs. Placed at 2 and 3, $15,817. Dam of RARLEY GREY (6 wins,
$75,542), RIO ANNA ($68,085, Mission Trail S.-R (RET, $16,500)).
Run Woodee Run. Dam of Temple Bay (in India).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Elise W. Kendall, Agent for
Larry J. Craig
Chestnut Colt; foaled April 24, 2000
Exclusive Native................
Affirmed ............................
Won't Tell You...................
Judaea ..............................
David's Tobin....................
Hip No.
Raise a Native
Crafty Admiral
Scarlet Ribbon
In Reality
Foggy Note
*Tobin Bronze
Restless Love
By AFFIRMED (1975). Horse of the year twice, Triple Crown winner of $2,393,818, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Sire of 20 crops of racing age, 833
foals, 614 starters, 75 stakes winners, 9 champions, 444 winners of 1516
races and earning $37,905,366 in N.A., including Flawlessly ($2,572,536,
Beverly D. S. [G1], etc.), Quiet Resolve ($2,063,121, Atto Mile S. [G1],
etc.), Peteski ($1,287,866, Canadian Triple Crown, Queen's Plate-R (WO,
$218,600), etc.), Charlie Barley ($922,943, Dominion Day H. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
JUDAEA, by Relaunch. Unplaced in 1 start. Sister to TURBO LAUNCH. Dam
of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-South City Missy (f. by Meadowlake). 6 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3, $74,370.
2nd dam
DAVID'S TOBIN, by *Tobin Bronze. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $56,050. Sister to MAGNIFICENT DON ($156,119, Golden Link H., etc.). Dam of 7 winners, incl.-DIGNITAS (c. by In Reality). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $620,738, Illinois Derby [G2],
Michigan Mile H. [G2], Rushaway S. [L] (TP, $34,857), 3rd Stephen
Foster H. [G3], Derby Trial S. [G3]. Sire.
EXPLOSIVE GIRL (f. by Explodent). 15 wins, 2 to 5, $467,592, Ak-Sar-Ben
Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (AKS, $92,310), Winona H. [L] (CBY,
$37,450), Ak-Sar-Ben Budweiser Breeders’ Cup S. (AKS, $80,070),
Sunbelt H. (TP, $17,310), Quivira H. (AKS, $16,320), etc. Dam of-Grass Eiko O (c. by French Deputy). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001 in Japan,
2nd The NHK Mile Cup, 3rd The Yukan Fuji Sho Crystal Cup.
TURBO LAUNCH (f. by Relaunch). 4 wins in 8 starts at 2 and 4, $126,325,
Canterbury Debutante S. [L] (CBY, $94,110), etc. Dam of-U R UNFORGETABLE (f. by Affirmed). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $260,050, Hialeah
Breeders' Cup H. [L] (HIA, $60,000), 2nd Just a Game Breeders’ Cup
H. [G3], Beaugay H. [G3], 3rd Vinery Matchmaker S. [G3].
TURKO'S TURN (f. by Turkoman). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $117,850, Juan
Gonzalez Memorial S. (PLN, $18,450), etc. Dam of POINT GIVEN (c.
by Thunder Gulch, 9 wins to 3, 2001, $3,968,500, champion 3-yearold colt, Preakness S. [G1], Belmont S. [G1], Haskell Invitational H.
[G1], Travers S. [G1], Santa Anita Derby [G1], Hollywood Futurity
[G1], San Felipe S. [G2], etc.), Deher's Turn (c. by Dehere, at 4,
2001, $50,331), Point Gained (f. by Hennessy, at 2, 2001, $21,200).
Celtic Bronze. Dam of Nelva Nicole (f. by Dr. Blum, $111,940, 2nd Hannah
Dustin S. (SUF, $5,000)). Granddam of MY FUNNY HORSE (c. by Voyageur, at 3, 2001), Chain Blue (f. by In Case, at 2, 2001, $58,671).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent II
Hip No.
Foaled April 30, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Deputy Commander..........
Anka Germania (IRE).........
Highland Park ...................
Kelly Amber ......................
Pamela Kay.......................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Affaire d'Amour
Raise a Native
Old Goat
Hold Your Peace
Proven Right
By DEPUTY COMMANDER (1994). Stakes winner of 4 races at 3, $1,906,640, Travers S. [G1], Super Derby [G1], Affirmed H. [G3], 2nd Breeders'
Cup Classic [G1], Swaps S. [G2], Californian S. [G2], 3rd Crown Royal
American Turf S. [L] (CD, $11,580). His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind ($1,844,372, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], etc.).
1st dam
KELLY AMBER, by Highland Park. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $233,159, Bassinet S.
[L] (RD, $90,000), Dixie Miss S. (LAD, $21,000), 2nd Martha Washington
S. [L] (OP, $11,780), Cain-Tuck-Ee S. (ELP, $6,880). Dam of 6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including-WILCREST (g. by Houston). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $120,175, Jean Lafitte Futurity (DED, $51,200).
Grindstone Lassie (f. by Grindstone). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $57,130.
2nd dam
PAMELA KAY, by Hold Your Peace. 2 wins at 2, $83,881, Lady Sponsors' S.
[L], 3rd Arlington-Washington Lassie S. [G1]. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-KELLY AMBER (f. by Highland Park). Stakes winner, above.
Tricki Mae. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $93,290. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-LAKESIDE CUP (f. by Salt Lake). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $151,445, Ellis Park
Debutante S. [L] (ELP, $40,625), 2nd Schuylerville S. [G2], Debutante
S. [G3], Pepsi Bassinet S. [L] (RD, $20,000), 3rd Kentucky Breeders'
Cup S. [G3].
3rd dam
PROVEN RIGHT, by Prove Out. Winner in 1 start at 3, $6,600. Dam of-PAMELA KAY. Stakes winner, above.
Beyond a Doubt. Winner at 3, $14,300. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, incl.-BEYOND BRILLIANT. 7 wins in 13 starts at 2 and 3, 2001, $319,290,
San Pedro S. [L] (SA, $47,790), Dover S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), Legal
Light S. [L] (DEL, $45,000), Golden Bear S. [L] (GG, $28,250), Atherton S. [L] (BM, $27,900), 2nd Carry Back S. [L] (CRC, $50,000), etc.
4th dam
PRIVILEGED, by Flying Fury. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $105,998, Sequoia H., 2nd Arlington-Washington Lassie S., 3rd Barbara Fritchie H., Fashion S. Half-sister
to BATTLE JOINED ($106,371, sire). Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, incl.-Privileged Class. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $59,427, 2nd Lilac S.
Privileged Lass. 5 wins to 4, $53,844, 3rd Four Winds H., etc. Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 16, 2000
Belong to Me ....................
Belonging .........................
Knights Choice .................
Knights Crozier .................
Varlet Crozier ....................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Exclusive Native
Straight Deal
Drum Fire
By BELONG TO ME (1989). Stakes winner of $261,166, Boojum H. [G3], etc.
Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 498 foals, 240 starters, 18 stakes winners,
168 winners of 455 races and earning $12,763,807 in N.A., including
Jersey Girl ($571,136, Acorn S. [G1], etc.), Terreavigne ($433,313, Gaily
Gaily S. [L] (GP, $60,000), etc.), Belle Cherie ($426,861, Delta Air Lines
Top Flight H. [G2], etc.), Ewer All Wet ($384,073, Congressional H. [L]
(LRL, $60,000), etc.), Chasin' Wimmin ($337,038), Perlong ($303,719).
1st dam
KNIGHTS CROZIER, by Knights Choice. Placed at 2 and 3, $7,685. Dam of
10 other registered foals, 9 of racing age, 5 to race, 2 winners-DANCING CROZIER (g. by Sir Dancer). 24 wins, 3 to 10, $388,880,
George Warwick H.-R (BM, $30,700), Iron John Claiming S. (GG, $16,860), Curragh Stock Farm H.-R (BM, $14,000), 2nd Ormondale H. (BMF,
$8,000), Seattle H. (EMD, $7,000), Rio Vista Rancho H. (BM, $6,000),
Vinehill Ranch H. (BM, $5,000), Bull Dog S.-R (FNO, $7,000), Bull Dog
S.-R (FNO, $6,000), 3rd Ernest Finley H. (SR, $6,000), Rancho del Charro H. (BM, $5,250).
KNIGHT PROSPECTOR (f. by Native Prospector). 8 wins at 3 and 4,
$236,825, Rancho Bernardo Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Porterhouse H.-R
(HOL, $31,650)-ntr, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:02 1/5, 2nd Fantastic Girl H. [L] (DMR,
$11,000), 3rd Cascapedia H. [L] (SA, $15,000), Charles H. Russell H.
[L] (BM, $7,500), Fleet Treat S.-R (DMR, $9,000). Producer.
2nd dam
VARLET CROZIER, by Crozier. Unraced. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 winners, incl.-La Danseuse. 4 wins, 3 to 6, $30,017. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, incl.-Ballroom Barley. 12 wins, 2 to 8, 2001, $116,471.
3rd dam
ESSAYONS, by Education. Winner at 2 and 3, $8,337. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-Greek Static. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $41,212, 3rd Arch Ward S., Will Rogers S.,
To Market S.
4th dam
LITTLE LEA, by Bull Lea. Half-sister to LITTLE REQUEST ($51,275, Haggin
S., etc.), LITTLETOWN (Joliet S., etc.). Dam of 6 winners, including-GRIDIRON. 12 wins, 3 to 6, $37,622, Broad Hollow Stp. H., Harbor Hill Stp. H.,
Fair Hill Stp., 2nd Tom Roby Stp. S., Fair Hill Stp. H., 3rd Noel Laing Stp. H.
Edie Lea. Winner at 2, $3,780. Producer. Great-granddam of SEZABELL
($28,920, Bill Veeck S.-R (SUF, $15,420), 3rd Tampa Bay Juvenile S.
(TAM, $2,825), Faneuil Miss S. (RKM, $1,665)), Alabama Indian ($22,710, 2nd Bayouland Sales S. (EVD, $17,800)).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled March 4, 2000
Unbridled's Song..............
Trolley Song......................
Silent Screen ....................
Lady Blockbuster ..............
Dunvegan Dancer .............
Gana Facil
Caro (IRE)
Lucky Spell
Prince John
Prayer Bell
Lt. Stevens
By UNBRIDLED'S SONG (1993). Stakes winner of $1,311,800, Breeders'
Cup Juvenile [G1], etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 389 foals, 128 starters, 6 stakes winners, 58 winners of 108 races and earning $4,606,952 in
N.A., including Unbridled Elaine (to 3, 2001, $1,770,740, Breeders' Cup
Distaff [G1], etc.), Songandaprayer (to 3, 2001, $380,480, Fountain of
Youth S. [G1], etc.), Unbridled Time (to 3, 2001, $305,114, WHAS-11 S.
[L] (CD, $75,144), etc.), Extend [L] ($258,141), Griffinite [G3] ($229,847).
1st dam
LADY BLOCKBUSTER, by Silent Screen. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $83,854, Thelma S. (FG,
$19,620), 3rd Fair Grounds Oaks [G3], Davona Dale S. (FG, $3,495). Dam
of 6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-MELLOW FELLOW (g. by Belek). 8 wins, 3 to 7, 2002, $256,863, Montclair
H. (GG, $31,000), 2nd Los Angeles H. [G3], El Conejo H. [L] (SA, $21,400), Royal Fols H. [L] (GG, $10,000).
2nd dam
DUNVEGAN DANCER, by Lt. Stevens. Placed at 4. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-LADY BLOCKBUSTER (f. by Silent Screen). Stakes winner, above.
To Geaux (f. by Zuppardo's Prince). Winner at 2, 3rd Silver Spur Maiden
S.-R (LS, $3,300).
3rd dam
MANYA, by Reneged. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $35,265, Nellie Morse H. Dam of-Marlish. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $80,170, 2nd Am Capable S. [O]. Producer.
Hemi Demi. 2 wins at 3, $9,103. Dam of 7 winners, including-FIREY CHALLENGE. 5 wins at 3, $173,003, Prioress S. [G3], 3rd My
Dear Girl S.-R (HIA, $3,869).
DEMIS SILENT LOVE. 6 wins to 3, $147,396, H. J. Hardenbrook Memorial H. [LR] (BML, $34,260), Illinois Oaks [LR] (HAW, $30,675), etc.
MONTCLAIR MIMI. 2 wins at 3, Bowl of Flowers Visitation S., 2nd Genuine
Risk Visitation S.-R. Producer. Granddam of Island Storm (7 wins,
$139,859, 2nd Evangeline Downs Sprint Championship (EVD, $6,000)).
Duel of Kings. 7 wins, $30,555, 3rd Flagship Farm S.-R (BM, $4,500).
4th dam
DARK COMPLEXION, by Summer Tan. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to Persian Spy ($34,500, Sanford S.). Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-LEGION. 13 wins to 7, $285,220, Hialeah Turf Cup H.-G2, Donn H.-G2, etc.
MANYA. Stakes winner, above.
Romatan. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $36,506, 2nd Curtains Up H.
Miss Bumiputra. 2 wins in France. Dam of MISS KEAT (ARG) (mare of the
year in Argentina), ANH DUONG [G1] ($151,320), BUMI BAY [G2].
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent for
Foaled April 20, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Silver Deputy ....................
Silver Valley......................
Silver Hawk.......................
Lady in Silver....................
Lorn Lady (GB) .................
Hip No.
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Mr. Prospector
Seven Valleys
Gris Vitesse
By SILVER DEPUTY (1985). Stakes winner of $41,820, Swynford S. [L] (WO,
$32,100). Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 577
foals, 372 starters, 41 stakes winners, 7 champions, 290 winners of 1062
races and earning $28,030,018 in N.A., including Silverbulletday ($3,093,207, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.), Deputy Inxs ($790,559, Durham Cup H. [G3], etc.), Archers Bay (4 wins, $666,200, Queen's
Plate-R (WO, $300,000), etc.), Deputy Jane West [L] (9 wins, $593,410).
1st dam
LADY IN SILVER, by Silver Hawk. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France, hwt. filly at 3
on European Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Prix de Diane Hermes-French Oaks
[G1], Prix Finlande, 2nd Prix des Reservoirs [G3], 3rd Prix Saint-Alary
[G1]; 3 wins at 4, $321,396, in N.A., Cardinal H. [L] (CD, $38,789), 2nd
Arlington Million [G1]. Dam of 6 other registered foals, 6 of racing age,
4 to race, 3 winners, including-Silver Chest (c. by Forty Niner). Winner at 2, $27,530.
2nd dam
LORN LADY (GB), by *Lorenzaccio. Winner at 3 in Ireland. Dam of-LADY IN SILVER (f. by Silver Hawk). Stakes winner, above.
Bright Ivor (c. by Sir Ivor). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $65,975, 2nd Fort Lauderdale
H. [L], Miami Springs S. [O]. Sire.
Gracious Girl. Winner at 2 in France. Producer. Granddam of New Revolution (g. by Lord Bud (IRE), in India, 2nd F. D. Wadia Trophy).
Sherkova. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of NOBEL PRIZE (c. by Lode,
in Argentina, Asociacion Argentina de Fomento Equino, etc.).
Lady Reem. Unplaced in 2 starts in England. Dam of 3 winners, including-IPPON (g. by Pursuit of Love). 11 wins, 2 to 6, 2001 in France, Prix Zeddaan, Prix Djebel.
3rd dam
RENOUNCE, by Big Game. Winner at 3 in England. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-RIVERSIDE (GB). 4 wins at 3 in France, Prix de Royallieu, etc. Dam of
RIVERQUEEN (FR) (2nd hwt. filly at 3 on French Hand., dam of RIVIERE DOREE; Reve de Reine; Minya [G3]), RIVER RIVER (sire),
RIVERKING (sire), Kentucky River. Granddam of RACHMANINOV
[G2], MALAKIM [G3], REINE WELLS (IRE), Madaiyn [G3], Malkhatoun, Teofilio. Great-granddam of FANTASTIC FILLY (FR) [G3], etc.
*DOUBLE-U-JAY. 4 wins in England, Northern Goldsmiths H. S., etc. Sire.
Gay Surrender (GB). Winner in England. Granddam of STEADY RISE (11
wins, $278,685, Grey S. [G3], 2nd Bull Page S.-R (WO, $22,000), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Cashmark Farm, Agent
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled April 17, 2000
Vice Regent.......................
Deputy Minister ................
Mint Copy.........................
Bates Motel.......................
Lady of Glamour ...............
Kings Peace ......................
Northern Dancer
Victoria Regina
Bunty's Flight
Sir Ivor
Sunday Purchase
Olden Times
Honours List
By DEPUTY MINISTER (1979). Canadian horse of the year, stakes winner of
$696,964, Young America S.-G1, etc. Leading sire twice, sire of 16 crops
of racing age, 873 foals, 579 starters, 69 stakes winners, 6 champions,
413 winners of 1397 races and earning $50,263,633 in N.A., including
Open Mind ($1,844,372, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American
Oaks [G1], etc.), Go for Wand ($1,373,338, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies
[G1], etc.), Dehere [G1] (6 wins, $723,712), Diva’s Debut [L] ($262,983).
1st dam
LADY OF GLAMOUR, by Bates Motel. Dam of 7 other registered foals, 6 of
racing age, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-STATESMANSHIP (c. by Silver Deputy). 8 wins at 3 and 4, $498,354, Withers S. [G2], New Hampshire Sweepstakes H. [G3], Fort Lauderdale H.
[G3], Lamplighter H. [G3], Red Bank H. [G3], Flying Pidgeon H. [L]
(CRC, $60,000), 2nd Pete Axthelm H. [L] (CRC, $20,000).
Pemina (f. by Pembroke). 2 wins at 3, 2001, $27,800.
2nd dam
KINGS PEACE, by Olden Times. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $25,830. Dam of-FOURDRINIER (f. by Cyane). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $126,290, Marlboro Nursery S., 2nd Beldame S.-G1, Athenia H., 3rd Gazelle H.-G2.
Queens Club. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, including-Aspiring Actress (f. by Al Hattab). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $32,810, 2nd Holly S.
Snooze You Lose. Winner, $38,200. Dam of OKSANA'S DREAM (f. by Rare
Performer, $36,483, Lady Sponsor Breeders' Cup S. (AKS, $16,665)).
Six Hearts. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $26,912. Dam of Tricky Hearts (g. by Tricky
Creek, to 4, 2001, $104,278, 3rd Kenora S.-R (WO, $11,220)).
Queen's Robe. Unraced. Dam of DUTCH DAULTON (g. by Foligno, 11
wins, $267,722, Sportin' Life S. (DEL, $25,680), etc.).
Court One. Unraced. Dam of Won in Court (f. by Guilty Conscience,
$66,320, 2nd Marion H. Van Berg Memorial S. [L] (SPT, $10,800), etc.).
Gallic Fable. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of Is Sveikatas (c. by L'Enjoleur, $194,686, 2nd Wood Memorial S. [G2], 3rd Ohio Derby [G2]).
3rd dam
Honours List, by Round Table. Winner at 2, $9,446, 2nd National Stallion S.
Half-sister to Faithful Leader ($48,400), Mrs. Diamond C. Dam of-Honorable Guest. Winner at 3, $37,370, 2nd Lucky Draw S.
Kick Up a Strom. Unraced. Dam of FLEETCRAFT [O] ($56,712, dam of
TROPHY EDITION TOO, at 2, 2001, $24,455; Trophy Edition, $15,671).
Kings Trumpet. Unraced. Granddam of Lusive ($45,603), Galla Trump.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Bridlewood Farm
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled March 18, 2000
Wild Again ........................
Wild Rush .........................
Rose Park .........................
Seattle Slew ......................
Triple Strike.......................
Plugged Nickle
Bold Reasoning
My Charmer
Seeker's Gold
By WILD RUSH (1994). Stakes winner of 8 races, 2 to 4, $1,386,302, Metropolitan H. [G1], Carter H. [G1], Illinois Derby [G2]-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:47 2/5,
Kentucky Cup Classic H. [G3], Remington Park Derby [L] (RP, $180,000)tr, 1 3/16 mi. in 1: 53 3/5, La Puente S.-R (SA, $48,280), 3rd Swaps S. [G2],
Clark H. [G2], Lazaro S. Barrera H. [G3]. His first foals are 2-year-olds
of 2002. Son of stakes winner Wild Again, among the leading sires, sire
of 69 stakes winners, 4 champions, including Wilderness Song [G1].
1st dam
LEAGUEOFHEROWN, by Seattle Slew. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 3 other
registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners, including-Regimental Flag (c. by Personal Flag). 13 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $73,552.
Just Priceless (f. by Lit de Justice). Winner at 2, 2001, $16,860.
2nd dam
Triple Strike, by Secretariat. 3 wins in 4 starts at 3, $61,992, 3rd Acorn S.
[G1]. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-SWING AND MISS (c. by Housebuster). 4 wins, 2 to 4, $163,678, Jersey
Shore Breeders' Cup S. [G3], Great Navigator S. (MTH, $24,000), 2nd
Valid Space H. (CRC, $4,988).
3rd dam
SEEKER'S GOLD, by Mr. Prospector. 4 wins at 4 and 6 in Australia, EED
White Lightning H.-G3, Liverpool City Cup-G3, 2nd City Tattersalls Lightning S., 3rd Civic H., Winter H. Dam of 6 foals to race, 4 winners, incl.-Triple Strike. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Proper Form. Placed in 1 start at 2, $5,500. Dam of 2 winners, including-MOUNTAIN RANGE. 8 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $422,994, Miller Genuine
Draft Cradle S. [L] (RD, $120,000), 2nd Forty Niner S. [L] (MTH,
$14,000), Warfield S.-R (KEE, $16,440), 3rd Holy Bull S. [G3].
Golden Bough. Unraced. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-Snowtown (IRE). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Fillies' Mile [G1], Harvest
S.; placed in 1 start at 3 in Italy, 2nd Premio Carlo Porta [G3].
4th dam
I UNDERSTAND, by Dr. Fager. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $20,165. Half-sister to
ROYAL AND REGAL, REGAL AND ROYAL, Native Admiral. Dam of-AYMAN. Winner at 2 and 3 in England, 3rd Windsor Castle S.; 4 wins at 4
and 5, $233,309, in N.A., Canadian Turf H.-G3-ncr, Ocala H.-R, etc. Sire.
COGNIZANT. 9 wins, 4 to 6, $199,023, A Phenomenon S. [L] , etc. Sire.
SEEKER’S GOLD. Stakes winner, above.
Other stakes winners: ALQUOZ [G2] (sire), UZI [O] ($34,878, sire).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent VI
Hip No.
Foaled February 23, 2000
Vice Regent.......................
Deputy Minister ................
Mint Copy.........................
Forty Niner........................
Lemon Dove .....................
Northern Dancer
Victoria Regina
Bunty's Flight
Mr. Prospector
Storm Bird
Courtly Dee
By DEPUTY MINISTER (1979). Canadian horse of the year, stakes winner of
$696,964, Young America S.-G1, etc. Leading sire twice, sire of 16 crops
of racing age, 873 foals, 579 starters, 69 stakes winners, 6 champions,
413 winners of 1397 races and earning $50,263,633 in N.A., including
Open Mind ($1,844,372, Filly Triple Crown, Coaching Club American
Oaks [G1], etc.), Go for Wand ($1,373,338, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies
[G1], etc.), Dehere [G1] (6 wins, $723,712), Diva’s Debut [L] ($262,983).
1st dam
Lemon Dove, by Forty Niner. 2 wins at 2, $58,140, 3rd Winning Colors S. (TIM,
$3,300). Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.
2nd dam
NAMAQUA, by Storm Bird. Winner at 3, $9,373. Dam of 6 winners, including-NAMAQUALAND (c. by Mr. Prospector). Winner at 2 in France, 3rd Prix de
Cabourg [G3]; 3 wins at 3 and 4, $137,021, in N.A., Lamplighter H. [G3],
2nd Daryl's Joy H. [G3]. Sire.
Lemon Dove (f. by Forty Niner). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
COURTLY DEE, by Never Bend. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $19,426. Half-sister to TOM
TULLE ($210,299), AUHSAN ($23,429), Our Special Jet. Broodmare
of the year in 1983. Dam of 18 foals, 17 to race, 15 winners, including-ALTHEA. 8 wins, $1,275,255, champion 2-year-old filly, Arkansas DerbyG1-etr, etc. Dam of YAMANIN PARADISE (champion 2-year-old filly in
Japan), AURORA [L] ($285,236, dam of ARCH [G1], $480,969; ALISIOS [L], $265,432; FESTIVAL OF LIGHT [G3]), ALYSSUM [L] ($190,655), DESTINY DANCE [G3] ($73,680, in N.A., dam of DEARLY [G3]).
NATIVE COURIER. 14 wins, $522,635, Seneca H.-G3, etc. Ecr at Saratoga.
AQUILEGIA. 8 wins, $446,081, New York H. [G2], etc. Dam of BERTOLINI (TNT International Aviation July S. [G3], etc.), AMELIA [L] ($176,086).
TWINING. 5 wins, $238,140, Peter Pan S. [G2], Withers S. [G2], etc. Sire.
ALI OOP. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $174,020, Sapling S.-G1, Dragoon S., etc. Sire.
KETOH. 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $173,550, Cowdin S. [G1], etc.
AISHAH. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $169,340, Rare Perfume S. [G2], etc. Dam of
ATELIER [G3] (8 wins to 4, 2001, $504,774), ALDIZA [G1] ($496,394).
PRINCESS OOLA. 5 wins, $108,291, Whitemarsh H., etc. Dam of AZZAAM [G1], BALWA. Granddam of BET TWICE PRINCESS ($205,485).
Press Card. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $206,500, 2nd Pegasus H. [G1], etc. Sire.
Embellished. Winner at 3, $13,340. Dam of SEATTLE DAWN [G2] ($276,250, dam of GOLD SUNRISE [G3]), TRUCKEE [L], ISLAND OF SILVER.
Foreign Courier. Unraced. Dam of GREEN DESERT [G1], YOUSEFIA [L].
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent III
Hip No.
Foaled March 14, 2000
Blushing Groom (FR)........
Glorious Song ..................
Slew o' Gold .....................
List O'Gold........................
Red God
Runaway Bride (GB)
Seattle Slew
Night Light
By RAHY (1985). Stakes winner of $288,050, in N.A., Bel Air H. [G2], etc.
Among the leading sires, sire of 10 crops of racing age, 606 foals, 410
starters, 49 stakes winners, 283 winners of 1010 races and earning $29,045,555 in N.A., including champions Fantastic Light ($2,507,400, in
N.A., Breeders' Cup Turf [G1]-ncr, etc.), Serena's Song ($3,283,388, Haskell Invitational H. [G1], etc.), and of Noverre [G1] (to 3, 2001, hwt. colt at
3 in England), Tranquility Lake ($1,662,390, Yellow Ribbon S. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
LIST O'GOLD, by Slew o' Gold. Unraced. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3
of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-Lea Larkspur (f. by Leo Castelli). 6 wins at 4 and 5, 2001, $54,562.
So Much More (f. by Chimes Band). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2002, $32,815.
2nd dam
PLAYLIST, by Miswaki. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $547,496, Canadian Oaks [LR] (WO,
$120,915), Spicy Living S. [L] (RKM, $87,990), Lady Mannequin H. [L]
(TDN, $37,350), Etobicoke H. [L] (WO, $33,360), Belle Mahone S. [LR]
(WO, $64,440), Bison City S. [LR] (WO, $45,570), Star Shoot S. (WO,
$30,114), 2nd Woodbine Budweiser Breeders' Cup S. [L] (WO, $31,030), Belle Mahone S. [LR] (WO, $21,220), etc. Dam of-Hawkeye Bay (g. by Silver Hawk). 3 wins at 4, $144,007, 3rd Louisville H.
[L] (CD, $11,040), Sycamore S. [L] (KEE, $6,800).
3rd dam
NIGHT LIGHT, by Northern Dancer. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to Upper
Shelf ($26,491, 2nd Plate Trial S.). Dam of 7 winners, including-CANDLE BRIGHT. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $169,852, champion 2-year-old filly
in Canada, Nandi S., Ontario Debutante S.-R, Shady Well S.-R, etc.
PLAYLIST. Stakes winner, above.
On Her Merit. 4 wins at 4, $26,420. Dam of 11 foals, 8 winners, including-WISH FOR CANDI. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $98,361, Autumn Belle S. (STP, $18,302), Debutante S. (STP, $17,735), etc.
HOIST ANCHOR. 6 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 6, 2001, $93,924, Northlands Oaks (NP, $17,672), etc.
WISHES THREE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $68,215, Duchess of York H. (STP, $18,711), 2nd Sonoma H. [L] (NP, $10,000), etc.
Moonsilver. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 5 winners, including-BERRY MOONOLOW. 17 wins, $288,584, Vigil H. [L] (WO, $46,578)etr, 7 fur. in 1:21 4/5, 3rd International Turf Cup H. [L] (FE, $6,512).
Two Silver. 3 wins at 3, 2001, $101,785, 3rd Simcoe S.-R (WO, $11,644).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent for
Foaled May 7, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Silver Deputy ....................
Silver Valley......................
Majestic Light ...................
Lite Light ..........................
Printing Press ...................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Mr. Prospector
Seven Valleys
Majestic Prince
In Reality
Wealth of Nations
By SILVER DEPUTY (1985). Stakes winner of $41,820, Swynford S. [L] (WO,
$32,100). Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 577
foals, 372 starters, 41 stakes winners, 7 champions, 290 winners of 1062
races and earning $28,030,018 in N.A., including Silverbulletday ($3,093,207, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.), Deputy Inxs ($790,559, Durham Cup H. [G3], etc.), Archers Bay (4 wins, $666,200, Queen's
Plate-R (WO, $300,000), etc.), Deputy Jane West [L] (9 wins, $593,410).
1st dam
LITE LIGHT, by Majestic Light. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $1,231,596, Coaching Club
American Oaks [G1], Kentucky Oaks [G1], Santa Anita Oaks [G1], Las
Virgenes S. [G1], Fantasy S. [G2], Oak Leaf S. [G2], Sorrento S. [G3],
2nd Mother Goose S. [G1], Hollywood Starlet S. [G1], Del Mar Debutante S. [G2], 3rd Chula Vista H. [G2], San Gorgonio H. [G2], Landaluce
S. [G3], Run for the Roses S. [L] (SA, $9,000). Dam of 6 other registered
foals, 5 of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners-SADDAD (c. by Gone West). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, 2001 in England, Polypipe Flying Childers S. [G2].
GAILY EGRET (f. by Storm Cat). 8 wins, 3 to 6, 2001 in Japan, The Sakitama Hai, The Hyogo Gold Trophy, 2nd The Cluster Cup.
Nurey's Thunder (c. by Nureyev). Winner at 3, 2001, $34,510.
2nd dam
PRINTING PRESS, by In Reality. Placed at 3. Dam of 6 winners, including-LITE LIGHT (f. by Majestic Light). Stakes winner, above.
Gold Press (c. by Seeking the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 5, placed at 6, 2001,
$88,708, 3rd Sam Houston Sprint H. [L] (HOU, $5,500).
Redeemer. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $55,067. Dam of 4 winners, including-AMERICAN BOSS (c. by Kingmambo). 8 wins, 2 to 6, 2001 in Japan,
The Nakayama Kinen, The American Jockey Club Cup, The Epsom
Cup twice, 2nd The Arima Kinen-46th The Grand Prix, etc.
Delivery Day. Placed at 4, $7,935. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-Don't Ruffle Me (f. by Pine Bluff). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2001, $68,523,
2nd Top Flight S. [L] (AP, $15,000).
3rd dam
WEALTH OF NATIONS, by Key to the Mint. Unraced. Half-sister to GLOWING
TRIBUTE ($230,819), Senator Brady [Q] ($252,445), Rambling Rector [Q] ($143,620, sire), James Boswell. Dam of 4 winners, including-Ready Cash. 19 wins, 3 to 9, $140,582, 2nd Ventnor S. [OR], Longport S.
[OR], 3rd Bryan Field Memorial H.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by William B. Harrigan, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 3, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
French Deputy ..................
Mitterand ..........................
Screen King ......................
Dorothy Kay ......................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Hold Your Peace
Laredo Lass
Silent Screen
Indian Queen
Irish Castle
La Eva
By FRENCH DEPUTY (1992). Stakes winner of $195,200, Jerome H. [G2].
Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 256 foals, 135 starters, 12 stakes winners,
90 winners of 193 races and earning $5,337,952 in N.A., including champion Kurofune (to 3, 2001, The Japan Cup Dirt, etc.), and of Left Bank (to
4, 2001, $776,660, Cigar Mile H. [G1], etc.), Queue (to 4, 2001, $388,260,
Long Island H. [G2], etc.), Latour ($246,425, Davona Dale S. [G2], etc.),
Bella Bellucci ($208,555, Astarita S. [G2], etc.), Cogburn ($136,580).
1st dam
Lochlin, by Screen King. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $100,758, 3rd Mazarine S. [G3]. Dam
of 7 other registered foals, 6 of racing age, 3 to race, 3 winners, including-WILD JAZZ (c. by Wild Again). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $91,600, Migrating Moon
S. (CRC, $15,810), 3rd Play the King H. [L] (WO, $9,199).
Stephentown (c. by Wild Again). Winner at 2 and 3, 2002, $50,465.
2nd dam
DOROTHY KAY, by Irish Castle. Unraced. Dam of 4 winners, including-Lochlin (f. by Screen King). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Ingoldsby. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $12,960. Dam of 5 winners, including-FORMAL GOLD (c. by Black Tie Affair (IRE)). 8 wins in 16 starts at 3
and 4, $1,413,600, Woodward S. [G1], Donn H. [G1], Philip H. Iselin
H. [G2]-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:40 1/5, Brooklyn H. [G2], 2nd Buick Meadowlands Cup H. [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Massachusetts H. [G3],
Pennsylvania Derby [G3], 3rd Suburban H. [G2].
MAPLE LAKE (f. by Varick). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $296,528, Shady Well S.-R
(WO, $65,820), 2nd Jammed Lovely S.-R (GRD, $22,200), Nandi S.R (WO, $21,800), 3rd My Dear S. [L] (WO, $8,909), Ontario Debutante S.-R (FE, $11,847).
3rd dam
LA EVA, by Barbizon. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $17,271. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-Sweet Bernice. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $203,202, 2nd Shuvee H., 3rd Firenze H.G2, Next Move H.-G3. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, incl.-Now Your Teapottin. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $156,975, 2nd Anne Arundel H.
[G3], etc. Dam of ASHTABULA [L] (8 wins, $321,748, dam of Even
the Score [L], at 3, 2001, $103,629), Royal Bloomer [L] ($95,188).
Bucksweet. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $47,430. Dam of Hurrysweet (2nd Grande
Premio Independencia [G3], Classico Presidente Julio Mesquita).
Two Days Too Soon. Unraced. Dam of Too Smart Too Late (4 wins,
$78,969, 2nd Moccasin S. [L] (LRL, $11,120), etc.).
Marzipan. Sent to Panama. Dam of 4 known foals, 3 winners, including-Marzippa. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $37,066, 3rd Helena S. (SUF, $2,593), etc.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled March 17, 2000
His Majesty.......................
Pleasant Colony................
Sun Colony.......................
Lonely Girl ........................
Flower Bowl
Sunrise Flight
In Reality
Foggy Note
Betty Sherrill
By PLEASANT COLONY (1978). Champion 3-year-old colt, classic winner of
$965,383, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Among the leading sires in England,
Ireland and N.A., sire of 18 crops of racing age, 640 foals, 443 starters,
64 stakes winners, 4 champions, 320 winners of 1439 races and earning
$41,950,810 in N.A., including Pleasant Tap (9 wins, $2,721,169, Jockey
Club Gold Cup [G1], etc.), St. Jovite (Budweiser Irish Derby [G1], etc.),
Pleasant Stage ($844,272, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.).
1st dam
LONELY GIRL, by Relaunch. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $178,863, San Clemente H.
[L] (DMR, $50,300), Marica S. [L] (HAW, $31,560), 2nd Fantasy S. [G2],
Emerald Isle S. (AP, $9,160), etc. Sister to ONE DREAMER. Dam of 6
other registered foals, 5 of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including-FOUR PLUS FOUR (f. by Major Impact). 4 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $134,620,
Carmel H. (BM, $22,480), 2nd Hidden Light S.-R (SA, $10,210).
Power Wing (g. by Sovereign Dancer). 3 wins to 7, placed at 8, 2002, $171,890.
Too Costly (c. by Repriced). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $114,260.
2nd dam
CREATIVELY, by Pretense. 3 wins at 2 and 5, $41,325. Dam of-ONE DREAMER (f. by Relaunch). 12 wins, 4 to 6, $1,266,067, Breeders'
Cup Distaff [G1], Louisville Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G2], Rachel
Jackson S. [L] (DUE, $99,000), Aqueduct Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.
[L] (AQU, $94,440), Arlington Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (AP, $93,750), Arlington Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (AP, $92,760), Office
Wife S. (AP, $19,350), 2nd Churchill Downs Budweiser Breeders' Cup H.
[G2], Modesty H. [G3], 3rd Rachel Jackson S. [L] (DUE, $18,000).
LONELY GIRL (f. by Relaunch). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
BETTY SHERRILL, by Bagdad. Unraced. Dam of 2 other winners, including-Daleclavo. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $17,010.
4th dam
LEAD TIME, by The Axe II. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $24,750. Half-sister to Sweet
Laura ($36,707, 3rd Pan Zareta H.). Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race-HOT OIL. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $129,125, San Jacinto H., Irvine H., etc. Sire.
Mystique Traveller. Unraced. Dam of GROUP PROCESS (13 wins, $153,935, Affirmed S. (RKM, $13,200), etc.). Granddam of Candice Akemi
(champion twice in Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic Triple
Crown), HOUSE ACCOUNT [L] ($318,663), EXECUTIVE ROW [L]
($68,550, dam of AUTHORIZED STAFF, $74,740; Bill Back, $83,401).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Property of Bridlewood Farm
Chestnut Colt; foaled January 26, 2000
Blushing Groom (FR)........
Mt. Livermore ...................
Flama Ardiente..................
Eastern Echo .....................
Lovely Keri........................
Hip No.
Red God
Runaway Bride (GB)
Crimson Satan
Royal Rafale
Wild Applause
Image Intensifier
By MT. LIVERMORE (1981). Stakes winner of $610,644, Carter H. [G2], etc.
Among the leading sires, sire of 14 crops of racing age, 762 foals, 564
starters, 51 stakes winners, 426 winners of 1566 races and earning $37,042,114 in N.A., including champions Peaks and Valleys ($1,589,270,
Molson Export Million S. [G1], etc.), Mt. Sassafras ($1,382,985, Gulfstream Park H. [G1], etc.), Housebuster ($1,229,696, Carter H. [G1], etc.),
Eliza [G1] ($1,095,316), Mountain Angel [L] (to 4, 2001, $418,977).
1st dam
LOVELY KERI, by Eastern Echo. Unraced. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
IMAGINING, by Northfields. 2 wins at 4, $55,250. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-SERENA'S SONG (f. by Rahy). 18 wins, 2 to 4, $3,283,388, champion 3year-old filly, Mother Goose S. [G1], Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Beldame S. [G1], Hollywood Starlet S. [G1], Santa Anita Oaks [G1],
Hempstead H. [G1], Oak Leaf S. [G1], Santa Monica H. [G1], Santa
Maria H. [G1], Las Virgenes S. [G1], Gazelle H. [G1], Jim Beam S.
[G2], Black-Eyed Susan S. [G2], Landaluce S. [G2], Pimlico Distaff H.
[G3], Fleur de Lis H. [G3], Santa Ynez Breeders' Cup S. [G3], 2nd
Coaching Club American Oaks [G1], Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1],
Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], Beldame S. [G1], Whitney H.
[G1], Vanity Invitational H. [G1], Ruffian H. [G1], Churchill Downs Distaff H. [G2], Louisville Breeders’ Cup H. [G2], etc. Dam of-SERENA'S TUNE (f. by Mr. Prospector). 6 wins in 12 starts at 2 and 3, 2001,
$257,760, La Habra S. [L] (SA, $69,060), Phoenix S. [L] (MED, $60,000).
Sophisticat (f. by Storm Cat). Winner at 2, 2001 in Ireland, 2nd Eircell
Silver Flash S., 3rd Moyglare Stud S. [G1]; placed at 2, 2001 in England, 2nd Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S. [G1], Peugeot Lowther S.
[G2], Queen Mary S. [G3].
VIVID IMAGINATION (f. by Raise a Man). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $194,237, Golden
Rod S. [G3], Martha Washington S. [L] (OP, $34,050), 3rd Cottonwood S.
[L] (ELP, $10,500), etc. Producer. Granddam of WANDER MOM (f. by
Maria's Mon, to 3, 2001, $209,295, Coconut Grove S. (HIA, $15,960), etc.).
3rd dam
IMAGE INTENSIFIER, by Dancer's Image. Winner at 3 in Ireland. Half-sister to
CABRINI GREEN ($239,040), GAELIC DANCER, JETS PAT. Dam of-ALABAMA NANA (IRE). 11 wins, 2 to 5, $427,989, First Flight H. [G3], Genuine Risk S. [L], Leixable S. [L], [Q], 2nd [Q], 3rd Ladies H. [G1], etc.
TOOOVERPRIME (IRE). 4 wins in 7 starts at 2 and 4, $53,850, Juaneno S.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent VIII
Hip No.
Foaled March 5, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Carson City.......................
Blushing Promise .............
Irish River (FR) .................
Love of Ireland..................
Crown the Queen ..............
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Blushing Groom (FR)
Summertime Promise
Irish Star
Village Beauty
By CARSON CITY (1987). Stakes winner of $306,240, Sapling S. [G2], etc.
Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 651 foals, 426 starters, 51 stakes winners,
341 winners of 1179 races and earning $27,939,843 in N.A., including
champion Islam (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of City Zip (to 3, 2001,
$818,225, Hopeful S. [G1], etc.), Good and Tough ($809,341, Commonwealth Breeders' Cup S. [G2], etc.), Lord Carson ($654,742, Boojum H.
[G2], etc.), Ormsby ($611,593, Excelsior Breeders' Cup H. [G2], etc.).
1st dam
LOVE OF IRELAND, by Irish River (FR). Winner at 4, $24,700. Dam of 9 other
registered foals, 9 of racing age, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-ROBIN DE NEST (c. by Robin des Pins). 8 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $334,337, F. W. Gaudin Memorial H. [L] (FG, $45,000), 2nd Phoenix Breeders'
Cup S. [G3], Thanksgiving H. [L] (FG, $15,000), 3rd Arlington Sprint H.
[L] (AP, $11,000).
Da Bounboun (f. by Sunshine Forever). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $125,795, 2nd
Omnibus S. (MTH, $9,000). Producer.
Joy of Ireland (f. by His Majesty). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $120,086, 2nd April Run
S. (PIM, $6,870).
Mr Freckles (c. by Meadowlake). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $107,811, 3rd
Norfolk S. [G2].
Miss Dyna Chris (f. by Dynaformer). Placed at 2, 2001, $9,804.
2nd dam
CROWN THE QUEEN, by Swaps. 3 wins to 3, Miss Collinsville S., etc. Half-sister to SILENT BEAUTY ($118,807, Kentucky Oaks, etc.), VILLAGE
SASS [O], SQUABBLE, First Amendment, Beauty's Prince. Dam of-HUGGLE DUGGLE (f. by Never Bend). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $133,253, Gallorette
H.-G3, Eatontown H., Opal S., 2nd Priscilla S., etc. Dam of-AL MUNDHIR (c. by Seattle Slew). 4 wins at 3 and 4 in England; winner
at 4 in Germany, Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen [G3]; placed
at 4 in Italy, 3rd Coppa d'Oro di Milano [G3]. Sire.
Wife for Life (f. by Dynaformer). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $90,954, 2nd Old South
H. (LAD, $7,000).
Huddle Up (c. by Sir Ivor). 3 wins, $87,017, 2nd Debonair S. [L], etc.
Hug a Slew. Winner at 2 and 3, $47,455. Dam of HONEY FITZ (f. by Fitzcarraldo, to 4, 2001 in Argentina, Orbit).
Raise a Dynasty. Winner at 3, $7,585. Dam of Echo Echo (g. by Eastern
Echo, 5 wins, $125,798, 2nd Linkage S. (TIM, $6,000)), Mean Imogene (f. by Silver Deputy, $61,780, 3rd Santa Ynez S. [G2]).
Slew's Royalty (c. by Seattle Slew). 4 wins, $67,675, 3rd San Diego H.-G3.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Murray Smith, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled February 18, 2000
Cox's Ridge ......................
Out of Place ......................
Arabian Dancer .................
Hiromi the Great ...............
Lt'l Miss D. S....................
Little V...............................
Best Turn
Our Martha
Ten Cents a Dance
Mary Mitsu (IRE)
By OUT OF PLACE (1987). Stakes winner of $733,450, Clark H. [G3], etc.
Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 295 foals, 187 starters, 14 stakes winners,
136 winners of 386 races and earning $8,515,531 in N.A., including
champion Kristin's Place, and of Certain ($527,142, Arkansas Derby
[G2], etc.), Orville N Wilbur's ($327,008, San Rafael S. [G2], etc.), Meetyouathebrig ($233,594, Iroquois S. [G3], etc.), Fonz's (at 2, 2001, $193,740, Hollywood Prevue S. [G3], etc.), Premier Property [G3] ($174,000).
1st dam
LT'L MISS D. S., by Hiromi the Great. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $220,064, Massachusetts
Thoroughbred Breeders' Lottery H.-R (SUF, $15,540), Mystery Jet S.-R
(SUF, $15,540), Sunset Gun H.-R (SUF, $15,463), First Episode H.-R
(SUF, $15,420), Isadorable S.-R (SUF, $15,420), Massachusetts Thoroughbred Breeders' S.-R (SUF, $15,420), First Episode S.-R (SUF, $15,360), 2nd Massachusetts Distaff Championship H.-R (SUF, $7,220), Massachusetts Oaks-R (SUF, $7,180), African Prince S.-R (SUF, $5,140), My
Fair Lady S.-R (SUF, $5,000), etc. Sister to Mr Joey V. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Little Miss Echo (f. by Eastern Echo). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $52,880, 3rd J
J'sdream S. [L] (CRC, $11,000).
2nd dam
LITTLE V., by Buckfinder. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 6 winners, including-LT'L MISS D. S. (f. by Hiromi the Great). Stakes winner, above.
BIG MISS (f. by Chief Honcho). 11 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $206,670, Louise
Kimball Distaff Championship S.-R (SUF, $15,000), Sunset Gun S.-R
(SUF, $15,000), 2nd Kenneth L. Graf Memorial H. (RKM, $5,000), First
Episode S.-R (SUF, $5,000), Isadorable S.-R (SUF, $5,000), etc.
LT'L MANDY A (f. by Blushing Stage). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $138,346, Mystery
Jet S.-R (SUF, $15,600), Sunset Gun S.-R (SUF, $15,600), African Prince
S.-R (SUF, $15,480), Sunset Gun S.-R (SUF, $15,000), etc.
Bobbie Cass (f. by Blushing Stage). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $76,217, 2nd Mystery
Jet S.-R (SUF, $5,260), 3rd Dragnet S.-R (SUF, $2,610), etc.
Mr Joey V (g. by Hiromi the Great). Placed at 2 and 3, 3rd Norman Hall S.R (SUF, $2,610).
3rd dam
MARY MITSU (IRE), by Tarboosh. Winner at 2 and 3 in Ireland, Gilltown Stud
S.-G3; placed at 2 and 3 in England, 2nd Princess Elizabeth S.-G3,
Windsor Castle S. Half-sister to Taj El Arab (in France). Dam of-Wild Warrior. Winner at 3 in Switzerland.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent II
Hip No.
Gray or Roan Colt; foaled March 1, 2000
Sadler's Wells...................
El Prado (IRE) ...................
Lady Capulet.....................
Luke's Drifter ....................
Luke's Girl ........................
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
Sir Ivor
Cap and Bells
Bold Bidder
Queen Sucree
Emma Dreux
By EL PRADO (IRE) (1989). Champion 2-year-old in Ireland, National S. [G1],
etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 456 foals, 261 starters, 29 stakes winners, 195 winners of 636 races and earning $16,397,851 in N.A., including Nite Dreamer ($1,149,788, Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Breeders'
Cup H. [G3], etc.), The Happy Hopper ($801,017, Pocahontas S. [L] (CD,
$70,556), etc.), Chindi ($711,915, Count Fleet Sprint H. [G3], etc.), El
Cielo ($674,375, Hollywood Turf Express H. [G3], etc.), Shires Ende [G3].
1st dam
Luke's Drifter, by Cannonade. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $101,430, 2nd Old South H. [L]
(LAD, $10,000), Chapel Belle S. (LAD, $8,000). Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race-Lit de Danseur (c. by Lit de Justice). Placed at 2 and 3, 2001, $5,985.
2nd dam
LUKE'S GIRL, by Bailjumper. 7 wins to 4, $138,612, [Q], 3rd [Q]. Dam of-LUKEN BOCK (g. by Buckfinder). 14 wins, 3 to 8, $331,303, Barbizon
Streak S. (OP, $24,000), Ouachita S. (OP, $24,000), Evangeline Downs
Sprint Championship H. (EVD, $18,000), Trinity Derby (TRM, $17,130),
Spindletop H. (HOU, $15,000), 2nd J. R. Straus Memorial S. [L] (RET,
$10,000), Kings Court S. (LAD, $8,000), Folklore H. (LAD, $7,000), Sam
Houston Sprint Championship H. (HOU, $7,000), Temperence Hill H.
(LAD, $7,000), 3rd King Cotton S. [L] (OP, $5,975), etc.
Luke's Drifter (f. by Cannonade). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Jay's Gina (f. by Silver Ghost). Winner at 3, 3rd Purcell S. (RP, $3,428).
3rd dam
EMMA DREUX, by Best Turn. Placed at 3 and 4, $5,625. Dam of-LUKE'S GIRL. Stakes winner, above.
4th dam
GO ON AND ON, by On-and-On. 4 wins to 4, $14,100. Half-sister to CROSS
HIS HEART ($106,699), RISING HARRIET, Better Look. Dam of-Forever Cup. Winner, $10,887. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, incl.-ALCOVY. 14 wins, 3 to 6, $897,590, Sixty Sails H. [G3], Falls City H.
[G3], My Charmer S. [L] (TP, $32,500), Maryland Million Distaff H.-R
(LRL, $55,000), Educated Risk S.-R (GP, $30,270), Dade Turf Classic
S. (ELP, $24,000), 2nd Churchill Downs Budweiser Breeders’ Cup H.
[G2], Delaware H. [G3], Falls City H. [G3], 3rd Rampart H. [G2], etc.
Amicalola. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $98,790, 3rd Grey Beret S. [L] (DEL, $8,250).
Clifford. 4 wins, 3 to 7, $87,685, 3rd Manila S. (MED, $3,850).
Musical Cup. Unraced. Dam of Brass Cup ($25,202, 2nd ATBA Sales
S.-R (TUP, $12,463)).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Victor and Ramona DiVivo
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled May 19, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tabasco Cat ......................
Barbicue Sauce.................
Apalachee .........................
Luna Rossa .......................
Pretty Flame......................
Storm Bird
Sauce Boat
Lady Barbizon
Round Table
Mt. Livermore
Pretty Driver
By TABASCO CAT (1991). Classic winner of $2,347,671, Belmont S. [G1],
etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 280 foals, 144 starters, 11 stakes winners, 94 winners of 202 races and earning $6,194,963 in N.A., including
Perfect Cat (to 4, 2001, $493,113, William Donald Schaefer H. [G3], etc.),
Snow Ridge (to 4, 2002, $467,699, Palos Verdes H. [G2] (SA, $90,000),
etc.), Cat's At Home (to 4, 2001, $422,857, Excelsior Breeders' Cup H.
[G3], etc.), Habibti (3 wins, $393,000, Del Mar Debutante S. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
LUNA ROSSA, by Apalachee. Unraced. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 2 of
racing age, none to race.
2nd dam
PRETTY FLAME, by Mt. Livermore. Winner in 1 start at 3, $9,600. Dam of-CLAMOROSA (f. by Seattle Dancer). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $343,974, River Cities
Breeders' Cup S. [G3], Bourbonette S. [L] (TP, $65,000), Palisades S. [L]
(KEE, $45,458)-ncr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:46 4/5, 2nd Honeymoon H. [G3], Isle of
Capri Casino Marie P. DeBartolo Oaks [L] (LAD, $25,000), Lake George S.
[L] (SAR, $11,260), Twixt S.-R (PIM, $20,000), 3rd Pucker Up S. [G2].
BENSONHURST BULL (c. by Geiger Counter). 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $71,479,
Comet S. (MED, $24,000), 2nd Jonathan Dayton S. (MED, $8,000).
Pretty Dutch (f. by Sky Classic). Winner at 3 and 4, 2001, $46,880, 3rd Rosenna S. [L] (DEL, $8,250).
Close the Book (g. by Trempolino). Placed, 2 to 5, $53,890, 2nd Humphrey
S. Finney S.-R (LRL, $12,000), Continental Mile S. (MTH, $8,550).
3rd dam
PRETTY DRIVER, by Lt. Stevens. Placed at 2. Half-sister to GREENBRIAR
($63,012, Cloverleaf H., etc.). Dam of 11 foals, 10 winners, including-COLONEL HILL. 9 wins, 2 to 9, $234,120, Devil's Bag S. [LR] (LRL, $45,000), Dancing Count S. (LRL, $25,785), 2nd Private Terms S. [L] (LRL,
$10,990), Maryland Juvenile Championship S. [LR] (LRL, $30,000).
PRETTY SHAM. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $135,672, Schuylkill S. [L], Barn Swallow
S. [L] (AQU, $31,920), Bourbonette S. (LAT, $19,841), Laughing Gull S. [O].
Lt. Hill. 9 wins, 2 to 8, $149,009, 2nd Rollicking S.-R (LRL, $12,000).
Maganda. Winner at 3, $20,160. Sent to Philippines. Dam of-TOLANDA. 12 wins, 2 to 5 in Australia, Mannerism S. [G3], Devon-Park
Stud S. [G3], VBBA Summoned S., Hardy Brothers Prelude, Perri Cutten Let's Elope S., 2nd Nissan S. [G1], W. W. Cockram S., etc. Dam
of TYTOLA (to 4, 2001, champion 2-year-old colt in South Africa,
Premier's Champion S. [G1], Java H., 2nd Gold Circle Derby [G2]).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent I
Hip No.
Foaled February 29, 2000
Halo ..................................
Saint Ballado ....................
Mr. Leader.........................
Madam President..............
Hail to Reason
Miss Swapsco
Hail to Reason
Jolie Deja
Hasty Jude
By SAINT BALLADO (1989). Stakes winner of $302,820, Arlington Classic
[G2], etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 457 foals, 239 starters, 29 stakes
winners, 154 winners of 456 races and earning $13,147,905 in N.A., including champion Domingo (Premio OSAF [G1], etc.), and of Captain
Bodgit ($1,014,849, Florida Derby [G1], etc.), Yankee Victor ($833,806,
Metropolitan H. [G1], etc.), Sister Act ($579,394, Hempstead H. [G1],
etc.), Flame Thrower (4 wins, $458,200, Del Mar Futurity [G2], etc.).
1st dam
MADAM PRESIDENT, by Mr. Leader. 15 wins, 2 to 7, $294,643, Grecian
Flight S. (MED, $24,000), Castle Forbes S. (MED, $21,000) twice, 2nd
Konica Long Look H. [G2], Spruce Fir H.-R (MTH, $6,000), 3rd Grecian
Flight S. (MED, $3,850). Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age,
2 to race, 2 winners-Combo Nation (c. by French Deputy). 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $105,113.
Pied Piper (c. by Unbridled's Song). Winner at 3, 2001, $7,596.
2nd dam
JUDAIRE, by Explodent. 10 wins at 3 and 4, $186,798, Rumson H. [O], Egret
S. [O], Tiger Heart S. [O], Moonbeam S.-R, Miss New Jersey H.-R, 2nd
Glassboro H. [LR] (MED, $10,800), Herecomesthebride S.-R, 3rd Ambassador of Luck H. [O]. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, all winners, incl.-MADAM PRESIDENT (f. by Mr. Leader). Stakes winner, above.
FRESH AIRE (f. by Time for a Change). 2 wins at 2, $114,690, Junior Champion S. (MTH, $27,000), 2nd Captive Miss S. [L] (MTH, $9,500), etc.
3rd dam
HASTY JUDE, by Hasty Road. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $75,304, Blue Hen S., 2nd Jersey Belle H., Seashore S., Bonnie Miss S., Pageant H. Dam of-JUDAIRE. Stakes winner, above.
Earlham. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $90,986, 2nd Eatontown H., Cape May H.-R. Producer. Granddam of Danzig for Kisses ($245,647, 3rd Blue Mountain
Futurity-R (PEN, $8,536), Ambassador of Luck H.-R (PHA, $4,202)).
4th dam
LACE FLOWER, by Unbreakable. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 9 winners, incl.-HASTY JUDE. Stakes winner, above.
Prim Flower. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $29,130, 2nd Suwannee River H., 3rd Cleopatra H. Producer. Granddam of SMIRKEN ($28,625), D. AMINOIL.
Vi's Flower. 3 wins, $16,065, 3rd Misty Isle H. Dam of FLOWER MOUND
($51,550; granddam of Sunnys Buddy, $26,845), Monter ($54,093).
Kwiatuczek. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $22,016. Dam of Tavio (4 wins, $52,277).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XXIII
Hip No.
Bay Colt; foaled February 21, 2000
Tinners Way......................
Devon Diva .......................
Lord Avie ..........................
Magical Avie .....................
Bold Ruler
The Minstrel
Devon Ditty (GB)
Lord Gaylord
Coral Sunrise
By TINNERS WAY (1990). Stakes winner of $1,783,030, in N.A., Pacific Classic S. [G1] twice-once etr, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 106 foals, 35
starters, 19 winners of 40 races and earning $409,421 in N.A., including
Millennium Two (3 wins at 3, 2001, $56,398), Road Closed (at 3, 2001,
$34,310), Coles Choice (4 wins at 3, 2001, $32,855), Lady J Secret (3
wins to 3, 2001, $32,000), Inn My Way (to 4, 2002, $31,790), Mongeon's
Thief (3 wins to 3, 2001, $29,613), Fleet Queen (to 4, 2002, $26,260).
1st dam
Magical Avie, by Lord Avie. 2 wins at 3, $117,427, 2nd Senorita Breeders'
Cup S. [G3]. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race,
2 winners-C. Mo (c. by Marquetry). 3 wins at 3, 2001, $102,755.
Overload (f. by Forest Wildcat). Winner at 2, 2001 in England.
2nd dam
CORALBURY, by Doonesbury. Winner, $10,550. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-Magical Avie (f. by Lord Avie). Stakes-placed winner, above.
3rd dam
CORAL SUNRISE, by Sunrise Flight. Winner at 3 and 4, $10,158. Half-sister to
GREY CORAL ($79,476). Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, incl.-REEF SEARCHER. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $357,720, Aqueduct H., Rumson H.,
Yankee H., Patriot S., Keystone S., 2nd Oaklawn H.-G2, etc. Sire.
Coral Dawn. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $67,580, 3rd Geisha H.-R. Dam of-Castle Lass. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $111,627, 2nd Don Riley H. [L] (CBY, $10,000).
Turn to Wilma. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $46,798, 2nd La Troienne S. [O], etc.
Quickening Dawn. Winner at 3 in England, 3rd Houghton S. Dam of
LAZY LUKE (15 wins, $449,526, Swift S. [L] (AQU, $50,040), etc.),
DAWNS CLEVER TRICK ($117,118, Midwest City S. (RP, $18,870),
etc.). Granddam of BIBLICAL (at 3, 2001, $49,460, Alliance H. (LAD,
$15,000)), Secret Acquisition [L] ($73,204), Sun Ballet (in Ireland).
Quick Sunrise. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, both winners-FOXY BEAR. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $166,421, American Beauty S. [L] (OP,
$39,540), 2nd Prima Donna S. [L] (OP, $11,680), etc.
Sunrise Sermon. 10 wins, $85,011, 3rd La Puente S. [LR] (SA, $11,250).
Sylvester Sunrise. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, incl.-SILKEN MAGIC. 2 wins at 2, $100,550, Bustles and Bows S. (FPX,
$27,500), 2nd Sorrento S. [G2], Santa Paula S. [L] (SA, $20,000), etc.
Sunset Dream. 2 wins at 2, $33,122, 2nd Breeders' Cup Minstrel S.
(LAD, $11,000). Producer.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Utah.
KEE 4/02
Hip No.
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent for
Claiborne Farm
Foaled April 22, 2000
A.P. Indy............................
Pulpit ................................
Prince Sabo ......................
Maid for Walking (GB)......
Stinging Nettle ..................
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Mr. Prospector
Young Generation
Jubilee Song
Sharpen Up (GB)
By PULPIT (1994). Stakes winner of $728,200, Toyota Blue Grass S. [G2], etc.
His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 107 foals, 23 starters, 10
winners of 14 races and earning $607,179 in N.A., including Essence of
Dubai (at 2, 2001, $193,200, Norfolk S. [G2], etc.), Bema (at 2, 2001,
$88,887, 3rd Tropical Park Oaks [L] (CRC, $11,000)), Nokoma (at 2, 2001,
$73,660, 2nd Remsen S. [G2]), Historic Speech (at 3, 2001, $44,840),
Robe (at 2, 2001, $40,800), Clergy (to 3, 2002, $37,200), Viva ($36,165).
1st dam
Maid for Walking (GB), by Prince Sabo. 3 wins at 2 in England, 2nd Princess
Margaret S. [G3]. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to
race, 2 winners, including-Hike (c. by Devil's Bag). 2 wins at 3, 2001, $50,425.
Patrol (c. by Lear Fan). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2001 in N.A.
2nd dam
STINGING NETTLE, by Sharpen Up (GB). Winner at 2 in England, Duke of
Edinburgh S. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-MAID FOR THE HILLS (f. by Indian Ridge). 2 wins at 2 in England, Ewar
Stud Empress S. Producer.
Maid for Walking (GB) (f. by Prince Sabo). Stakes-placed winner, above.
High Savannah. Placed, 2 to 4 in England. Dam of 4 winners, including-LADY IN WAITING (f. by Kylian). 6 wins, 2 to 4 in England, Sun Chariot
S. [G2], Grosvenor Casinos Middleton S., etc.; placed in 2 starts at 4
in Ireland, 2nd Independent Newspapers Pretty Polly S. [G2].
Savannah Bay (c. by In the Wings). Winner at 2, 2001 in England, 3rd
Somerville Tattersall S. [G3].
3rd dam
NETTLEBED, by Hethersett. Winner in England. Half-sister to *DAY COURT
($206,649, Hawthorne Gold Cup H., etc., sire), The Caliph. Dam of-GAIRLOCH. 3 wins at 2 in England, Royal Lodge S.-G2, etc.; 2 wins in
France, Prix Gontaut-Biron-G3, Prix de la Cote Normande-G3, etc. Sire.
BRIGADE SPECIALE (GB). 2 wins at 4 in France, Handicap de la Tamise,
etc.; placed at 5 in N.A., 2nd Palo Alto H. [L] (BM, $9,000). Dam of Septieme Brigade, Kate Marie (dam of Fibonacci (IRE), $71,904, in N.A.;
etc.). Granddam of First Lieutenant [G2] (to 4, 2001, $229,297), etc.
STINGING NETTLE. Stakes winner, above.
Glasgow Central. 8 wins, 3 to 6 in England, 2nd Coral Autumn Cup H.
Whistlefield. 4 wins at 2 and 5 in England, 3rd Ladbroke Craven S.-G3.
Ardmay. Placed at 3 in England. Dam of IRGAIM [G3], Missile Magic.
Merrimoles. Dam of Edmondo. Granddam of Edgecliff (stakes producer).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 14, 2000
Belong to Me ....................
Belonging .........................
Risen Star .........................
Hardly ...............................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Exclusive Native
Straight Deal
Rock Talk
By BELONG TO ME (1989). Stakes winner of $261,166, Boojum H. [G3], etc.
Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 498 foals, 240 starters, 18 stakes winners,
168 winners of 455 races and earning $12,763,807 in N.A., including
Jersey Girl ($571,136, Acorn S. [G1], etc.), Terreavigne ($433,313, Gaily
Gaily S. [L] (GP, $60,000), etc.), Belle Cherie ($426,861, Delta Air Lines
Top Flight H. [G2], etc.), Ewer All Wet ($384,073, Congressional H. [L]
(LRL, $60,000), etc.), Chasin' Wimmin ($337,038), Perlong ($303,719).
1st dam
MALICIOUS, by Risen Star. Winner at 3, $27,210. Dam of 4 other registered
foals, 4 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-Sykes Alive (c. by Silver Deputy). Winner at 2, 3, and 5, 2002, $125,446,
3rd Spend a Buck S. (MTH, $4,950).
Corruption (c. by Silver Deputy). Winner at 3, 2001, $17,720.
2nd dam
Hardly, by Rock Talk. Winner at 3, $31,049, 2nd Cameo S.-R, 3rd Politely S.R. Sister to ROCK SOFTLY ($346,925, Escondido H., etc.), half-sister to
Afleet Fatale ($88,863), The Quiet Don. Dam of 8 winners, including-FORESTA (f. by Alydar). 11 wins, 3 to 5, $639,430, All Along S. [G2], New
York H. [G2], Diana H. [G2], Capital Holding Mile S. [L] (CD, $38,870)-ncr,
mi. in 1:36 1/5, Jenny Wiley S. [L] (KEE, $37,115), Capital Holding Mile S.
[L] (CD, $36,205), Atlantic County S. (MED, $21,000), 2nd Flower Bowl H.
[G1], Aqueduct Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [L] (AQU, $34,430), 3rd
Golden Harvest H. [G3]. Set ncr at Belmont Park, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:39 3/5.
WISING UP (f. by Smarten). 6 wins at 2 and 3, $347,358, Santa Ynez S.
[G3], Pasadena S. [L], Revidere S. [OR], [Q], 2nd Rare Perfume S.
[G3], Imperial Hill S. [L], 3rd Hollywood Starlet S.-G1, Santa Susana
S. [G1], Las Virgenes S. [G3], La Centinela S.-LR. Dam of-WISED UP (c. by Dixieland Band). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $233,537, Fort
Marcy H. [G3], 3rd Kelso H. [G2], Belmont Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Poker H. [G3], Fort Marcy H. [G3].
SMART WISE (c. by Silver Hawk). Winner at 4 in France, 2nd Prix Noailles
[G2]; winner at 4, $46,425, in N.A., Warden S.-R (DMR, $30,775).
Wise Bride. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of GOULASH (f. by Mari's Book,
6 wins in 12 starts, $162,975, Las Ninas S.-R (FPX, $27,500), 2nd Linda Vista H. [G3], 3rd Moment to Buy H. [L] (GG, $15,000), Bangles
and Beads S. (FPX, $6,000)).
So Easily. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, including-LUNAR BOUNTY (c. by Migrating Moon). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $119,225,
Bashford Manor S. [G2], 2nd Spectacular Bid S. [L] (AP, $15,000).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 7, 2000
Phone Trick.......................
Confide .............................
Bag of Tricks.....................
Mane Minister ..................
Mane Desire .....................
Flora Scent .......................
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Devil's Bag
Quixotic Lady
Deputy Minister
Fluorescent Light
Native Nan
By CONFIDE (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races at 2 and 3, $230,766, Swale
S. [G3], Spectacular Bid S. [G3], 2nd Danka Hutcheson S. [G2], Huntington S. [L] (AQU, $10,980), Consent S. (DEL, $8,440), Bimelech S. (LRL,
$6,395). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner
Phone Trick, sire of 43 stakes winners, including champions Favorite Trick
($1,726,793, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], etc.), Phone Chatter ($838,742, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.), and of Semoran [G3].
1st dam
MANE DESIRE, by Mane Minister. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $45,225. Dam of 2 other
registered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners-My Kind of Town (c. by Mr. Greeley). 4 wins, 2 to 4, 2002, $91,090.
Auntie Mane (f. by Golden Gear). Winner at 2, 2001, $44,610.
2nd dam
FLORA SCENT, by Fluorescent Light. Placed, 2 to 4, $45,440. Dam of-UNFORBESGETTABLE (c. by Air Forbes Won). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $112,013, Lost Code Breeders' Cup H. [L] (SPT, $37,995), 2nd Hawthorne
Juvenile S. [L] (HAW, $20,000).
Won Scent (f. by Air Forbes Won). 11 wins, 3 to 7, $303,110, 3rd Next
Move Breeders' Cup H. [G3]. Producer.
Florescent Halo. 3 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 6, 2001, $151,470.
3rd dam
NATIVE NAN, by Raise a Native. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-Pewter. 5 wins, 3 to 6, $128,750, 2nd Count Fleet Sprint H. [G2].
Rising Faith. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of SECRETARIADA (to 4, 2001,
$131,709, Clasico Camarero, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico).
4th dam
FAREST NAN, by Warfare. 3 wins at 3, $54,661, Black-Eyed Susan S., Pageant
H., 2nd Suwannee River H., etc. Half-sister to Nadino. Dam of-FAREST PLAY. 7 wins, $113,914, Blue Mountain Futurity-R (PEN, $32,565),
etc. Dam of CRACK THE CODE ($264,353), Greyhound ($86,450).
SPORTS EDITOR. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $97,074, Royal Palm H.-G3, etc.
Phoenix Flame. Winner at 3, $10,550. Dam of CLINT ESSENTIAL (11 wins,
$260,173, Key Largo S. (HIA, $17,700), 2nd Palm Beach S. [G3], etc.).
Nan's Gone Native. Unraced. Dam of REGAL NAN ($129,075, Canadian
S., etc., dam of North Gate Thirty, $38,428), Prussian Pride ($21,323,
2nd Tri-State H., etc.). Granddam of Unanswerable (3 wins, $37,874).
Dearest Nan. Dam of MEMORIES OF DIXIE [L] (9 wins, $181,345, dam of
BAD NEWS BLUES, 6 wins, $144,569, set ncr; Lemon Drop, $254,785).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: OBS Championship S., NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XVI
Hip No.
Foaled April 24, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Silver Deputy ....................
Silver Valley......................
Marfa ................................
Sirona ...............................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Mr. Prospector
Seven Valleys
Foolish Pleasure
Gray Matter
Irish Stronghold
Sweet Road
By SILVER DEPUTY (1985). Stakes winner of $41,820, Swynford S. [L] (WO,
$32,100). Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 577
foals, 372 starters, 41 stakes winners, 7 champions, 290 winners of 1062
races and earning $28,030,018 in N.A., including Silverbulletday ($3,093,207, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.), Deputy Inxs ($790,559, Durham Cup H. [G3], etc.), Archers Bay (4 wins, $666,200, Queen's
Plate-R (WO, $300,000), etc.), Deputy Jane West [L] (9 wins, $593,410).
1st dam
MARFIETTA, by Marfa. Winner at 3, $14,304. Dam of 6 other registered foals,
6 of racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-MARVELLOUS SILVER (f. by Silver Deputy). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $100,239,
Zadracarta H. [L] (WO, $31,050), 2nd Natalma S. [L] (WO, $16,777).
2nd dam
SIRONA, by Irish Stronghold. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $56,207, Ontario Damsel S.R-ecr, 6 1/2 fur. in 1:16. Dam of 7 other winners, including-BLITZER (c. by Ziggy's Boy). 11 wins, 2 to 6, $772,503, Breeders' S.-R
(WO, $180,000), Eclipse H. [G3], Heresy Breeders' Cup S. [L] (WO, $67,098), Kennedy Road Breeders' Cup H. [L] (WO, $47,460), Autumn H. [L]
(GRD, $34,350), Achievement S.-R (GRD, $65,040), Kennedy Road
Breeders' Cup H. (WO, $37,890), 2nd Toronto Cup S. [L] (WO, $17,370),
Vigil H. [L] (WO, $16,800), Vigil H. [L] (WO, $15,526), Holiday Cheer S.
[L] (TP, $10,000), Canadian Maturity S.-R (WO, $23,086), Jacques
Cartier S.-R (WO, $13,296), 3rd Dominion Day H. [G3], Nearctic H. [L]
(WO, $15,441), Fair Play Breeders’ Cup S. [L] (WO, $11,600), etc.
DIAMONDS GALORE (g. by Diamond Shoal (GB)). 14 wins, 3 to 7, $313,073, in N.A., Ocean Hotel S. [L] (MTH, $21,000), Wolf Hill S. (MTH, $21,000), Helioscope S. (MTH, $14,000); placed in 1 start at 7 in England,
3rd Keeneland Nunthorpe S. [G1]; winner at 8 in Ireland.
COZY STAR (f. by Cozzene). Winner at 2, $31,440, Junior Champion S.
(MTH, $27,000).
Do It Fast (f. by Bounding Basque). Winner at 2 and 3, $67,468, 2nd Mazarine S. [L] (WO, $22,240).
3rd dam
SWEET ROAD, by Nearctic. Winner at 3, $3,130. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-SIRONA. Stakes winner, above.
Newmarket Flyer. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $80,865, 2nd Vigil H., Friar Rock S., etc.
Spruce Trail. Placed at 3 and 4, $8,808. Granddam of Indian Winter ($34,008, 2nd Hoofprint On My Heart H. (STP, $5,990), etc.).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Property of Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
Hip No.
Foaled March 13, 2000
Clever Trick.......................
Phone Trick.......................
Over the Phone .................
Verbatim ...........................
Miss Tusculum .................
Kankakee Miss
Speak John
Well Kept
Sailor Town
By PHONE TRICK (1982). Stakes winner of $395,112, San Carlos H. [G2],
etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age, 902 foals, 658 starters, 43 stakes winners, 476 winners of 1500 races and earning $30,848,107 in N.A., including champions Favorite Trick ($1,726,793, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1],
etc.), Phone Chatter ($838,742, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.),
and of Semoran ($860,035, Kentucky Cup Classic H. [G3], etc.), Caller
One [G2] (8 wins, $784,500, in N.A.), etc.), Bella Chiarra [G2] ($636,088).
1st dam
MARIAMME, by Verbatim. Placed at 3 in Ireland; 2 wins at 3, $21,725, in N.A.
Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 3 to race, 1 winner-Cushina (f. by Holy Bull). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2001, $80,265.
Riverqueen Gambler (f. by Meadowlake). Placed at 3, 2001, $3,685.
Cozy Maria (f. by Cozzene). Placed at 2, 2001 in England.
2nd dam
MISS TUSCULUM, by Boldnesian. Unraced. Half-sister to BORICUA ($77,764), FIRST IMPRESSION ($54,114), Twin Cities ($43,752). Dam of-MISS ALLEGED (f. by Alleged). 3 wins at 3 in France, hwt. older mare at
4 on European Hand., 11 - 14 fur., hwt. older mare at 4 on French
Hand., 11 - 14 fur., Prix de Malleret [G2], Prix de Royaumont [G3],
etc.; 2 wins at 4, $1,532,500, in N.A., champion grass mare, Breeders' Cup Turf [G1], Hollywood Turf Cup S. [G1], 2nd San Juan Capistrano Invitational H. [G1], Santa Barbara H. [G1], etc. Dam of-ZGHORTA (f. by Gone West). 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, 2001 in France, Prix
de Thiberville, 3rd Prix Cleopatre [G3].
BOLD JOSH (c. by Tentam). 16 wins, 2 to 6, $303,000, Navesink H., Fort
McHenry H., Jennings H.-R, Constellation H.-R, 2nd Resolution H., etc.
NANCY'S CHAMPION (c. by Northern Jove). 9 wins, $223,053, Heresy S.,
Autumn H., Bold Venture H., Friar Rock S., 2nd Gold Rush S., etc. Sire.
Tusculum Dancer (g. by Green Dancer). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $61,540, 2nd Neshaminy H. (PHA, $8,130). Set ncr at Monmouth Park, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:47 1/5.
Heaven Knows (f. by Quadrangle). 4 wins, $36,682, 3rd My Juliet H. Dam of
CARR HEAVEN (g. by Carr de Naskra, $154,138), HEAVEN KNOWS WHY
(f. by Star de Naskra, $133,720, dam of Eighty Two, c. by Theatrical (IRE)).
It's Alleged (g. by Alleged). 2 wins at 3, $23,065, 2nd Caesar Rodney S.
(DEL, $4,830).
Fateful Decision. Unraced. Granddam of Fatal Song (f. by Seattle Song).
Arctic Deb. Dam of CAPTAIN VALID (c. by Valid Appeal, 5 wins, $220,334,
Hollywood Juvenile Championship [G2], etc., sire), FINAL CONNECTION
(g. by Alleged, $67,050), Turkstand [G1] (f. by Turkoman, $56,325).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Tony Bowling and Bobby Dodd, Agent
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled May 23, 2000
Gone West ........................
Mr. Greeley .......................
Long Legend.....................
Alydar ...............................
May Day Ninety ................
May Day Eighty.................
Mr. Prospector
Raise a Native
Sweet Tooth
Hoist the Flag
By MR. GREELEY (1992). Stakes winner of $474,452, Swale S. [G3], etc. Sire
of 4 crops of racing age, 368 foals, 178 starters, 8 stakes winners, 110
winners of 247 races and earning $6,284,982 in N.A., including El Corredor (to 4, 2001, $727,920, Cigar Mile H. [G1], etc.), Fan Club's Mister
$369,890, American Derby [G2], etc.), Lucky Livi ($275,591, Miss Preakness S. [L] (PIM, $60,000), etc.), Dr. Lewis ($212,329, Crescent S. [L] (LS,
$60,000)), Princess Belle [L] ($135,196), Golly Greeley [L] ($107,040).
1st dam
MAY DAY NINETY, by Alydar. Unraced. Dam of 5 other registered foals, 5 of
racing age, 4 to race, 3 winners-ROZA ROBATA (f. by Fire Maker). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $732,780, Pimlico Distaff
H. [G3], Honeybee S. [G3], Fairway Fun S. [L] (TP, $31,000), Miss Houston S. (HOU, $15,000), 2nd Churchill Downs Distaff H. [G2], Louisville
Breeders' Cup H. [G2], Gardenia H. [G3] twice, Sabin H. [G3], Doubledogdare S. [L] (KEE, $21,540), Martha Washington S. [L] (OP, $10,950),
Topaz S. (HOU, $5,000), 3rd Three Chimneys Spinster S. [G1], Go for
Wand H. [G1], Hempstead H. [G1], Fleur de Lis H. [G3].
BURGER DAY (c. by Vicksburg). 11 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $257,467, Galimore
H. (CRC, $23,802), 2nd Endless Surprise S. [L] (LRL, $15,000), Expedite Plus S. (FE, $6,200), 3rd Jacques Cartier S. [L] (WO, $12,210), Arlington Sprint H. [L] (AP, $11,000).
Go Underground (c. by Skip Trial). Winner at 3, 2001, $28,800.
2nd dam
MAY DAY EIGHTY, by Hoist the Flag. 8 wins in 12 starts at 3 and 4, $217,788,
Delaware H.-G1, Matron H.-G2, Cicada S., 3rd Shuvee H.-G2. Dam of-RISKY BUY (c. by Well Decorated). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $186,634, Huntington S. [L] (AQU, $33,810), 2nd Whirlaway S. [L] (AQU, $13,140), Count
Fleet S. [L] (AQU, $10,680), OBS Championship S.-R (OTC, $20,000),
Passaic County S. (MED, $8,000).
3rd dam
JEFFO, by Ridan. 3 wins at 3, $45,300, Bryn Mawr S.-G3. Sister to SKOOKUM,
half-sister to HOIST THE SILVER (sire), EDITOR'S CHOICE. Dam of-MAY DAY EIGHTY. Stakes winner, above.
JEFFOREE. 3 wins at 3, $169,890, Nijana S. [G3], 2nd Hollywood Oaks
[G1], 3rd Monmouth Oaks [G2]. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-ISHINO SUNDAY. 6 wins in Japan, The Satsuki Sho-Japanese Two Thousand Guineas, The Sports Nippon Sho Kyoto Kim Pai, 2nd The Kyoto
Kinen, The Radio Tampa Hai Sansai S., 3rd The Sankei Osaka Hai, etc.
Royal Endeavor. Placed in Japan, 2nd The Zen Nippon Sansai Yushun.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Terry Oliver, Agent
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled May 23, 2000
His Majesty.......................
Pleasant Colony................
Sun Colony.......................
Ends Well..........................
Flower Bowl
Sunrise Flight
Late Bloomer
Hasty Dancer
By PLEASANT COLONY (1978). Champion 3-year-old colt, classic winner of
$965,383, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Among the leading sires in England,
Ireland and N.A., sire of 18 crops of racing age, 640 foals, 443 starters,
64 stakes winners, 4 champions, 320 winners of 1439 races and earning
$41,950,810 in N.A., including Pleasant Tap (9 wins, $2,721,169, Jockey
Club Gold Cup [G1], etc.), St. Jovite (Budweiser Irish Derby [G1], etc.),
Pleasant Stage ($844,272, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.).
1st dam
MCKAYMACKENNA, by Ends Well. 15 wins, 3 to 5, $581,322, Beaugay H.
[G3], Noble Damsel S. [G3], Mrs. Revere S. [L] (CD, $56,209), New
Castle H. [L] (DEL, $32,940), Light Hearted S. [L] (BEL, $32,460), Mount
Vernon S.-R (BEL, $42,960), Rumson S. (MTH, $21,000), 2nd Gallorette
H. [G3], Yaddo S.-R (SAR, $20,680). Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3
of racing age, 3 to race, no winners, including-Starship Admiral (c. by Mr. Prospector). Placed at 4, 2002, $3,298.
2nd dam
AMUSE, by Secretariat. 3 wins at 3, $26,061. Dam of 7 winners, including-MCKAYMACKENNA (f. by Ends Well). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
Hasty Dancer, by Native Dancer. 2 wins at 2, 3rd Durazna S. Half-sister to
*BLUE CHOIR, Blue Bill. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, incl.-LOUD. 12 wins, $527,779, Travers S.-ntr, 1 1/4 mi. in 2:01, Governor S., etc.
Avid. 7 wins, 2 to 7, $91,359, 3rd George E. Brandeis Memorial H.
Wonder Dancer. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $35,432, 3rd Ak-Sar-Ben 4-H H.
Persuade. 2 wins at 2, $9,205. Dam of Gary's Star ($53,118, 3rd Spur S.).
Fiddling. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $33,420. Producer. Granddam of Bussara
(champion imported 3-year-old filly in Ecuador), AMAZING STAR (16
wins, $190,846). Great-granddam of Coronado Katy (4 wins, $57,311).
Ritmo. Winner at 2. Producer. Granddam of PRE OP SCRUB (18 wins,
$193,863, Bienville H.-R (FG, $15,917), etc.), O SOLE MIO (Premio A.
H. Cipriani-G2, etc.), Vagal Tricks ($131,077), Whopper ($41,832),
Fenouil, Sheckles. Great-granddam of Big Sweet Moon ($76,849).
Cheerleader. Unraced. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-CLEVER LEADER. 3 wins, $85,735, Norgor Futurity (RUI, $44,004), etc.
Church Honor. 2 wins at 2, $30,336, 3rd Sunbelt S. (RP, $2,923).
Ocean Motion. 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 2001, $25,627, 3rd Kachina S.
(RUI, $6,901), El Paso Times H. (SUN, $3,760).
Kahala Dancer. Winner at 2, 3rd Margarita S. (CRC, $2,390). Dam of
Take Me Too ($21,753, 3rd Canadian Juvenile S. [L] (NP, $5,000)).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled March 16, 2000
Forty Niner........................
Banker's Gold ...................
Banker's Lady ...................
Giboulee ...........................
Midnight Rapture ..............
Mr. Prospector
Nijinsky II
Impetuous Gal
Northern Dancer
Victory Chant
Double Jay
By BANKER'S GOLD (1994). Stakes winner of 6 races at 3 and 4, $461,420,
Tom Fool H. [G2], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Metropolitan H. [G1], Carter H.
[G1], 3rd Dwyer S. [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of
champion Forty Niner, among the leading sires, sire of 42 stakes winners,
including Coronado's Quest ($2,046,190, Travers S. [G1], etc.), Editor's
Note ($1,601,394, Belmont S. [G1], etc.), Ecton Park (6 wins, $1,323,825,
in N.A., Super Derby [G1], etc.), Distorted Humor [G2] (8 wins $769,964).
1st dam
Midnight Rapture, by Giboulee. Winner at 2, $42,237, 2nd Adirondack S.-G3,
3rd Spinaway S.-G1. Dam of 11 other registered foals, 11 of racing age,
9 to race, 9 winners, including-LEMHI GO (f. by Lemhi Gold). 12 wins, 3 to 5, $330,805, La Prevoyante
Invitational H. [G2], Arlington Matron H. [G3], Sabin H. [L] (GP, $45,000),
Coral Gables H. [L] (CRC, $30,000), 2nd Buckram Oak H. [G3], Real
Delight S. (AP, $6,850), 3rd Miss St. Louis Breeders' Cup H. (FP, $3,710).
Rare Beauty (f. by Quiet American). Winner at 2, $133,457, 2nd Walmac
International Alcibiades S. [G2].
Morgan Springs (f. by Java Gold). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $71,203, 3rd Rosenna S.
[L] (DEL, $5,500). Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, both winners, incl.-Kinston (g. by Private Terms). Winner at 2 and 3, 2001, $75,170, 2nd
Foothill S. [L] (FPX, $8,500).
Regrets Only (f. by Black Tie Affair (IRE)). Winner at 2, $74,490.
Code of Love (f. by Cryptoclearance). 2 wins at 3, $57,180. Producer.
Hooked (f. by Known Fact). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $52,715. Producer.
2nd dam
Secondtimearound, by Double Jay. Winner at 3, $15,079, 3rd Tri-State H.
Half-sister to SHADAI DANCER (in Japan). Dam of 8 winners, incl.-MINE INSPECTOR (g. by Mining). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $163,560, Kentucky Cup
Starter H.-R (TP, $32,500), 3rd Indiana Derby [L] (HOO, $12,265), etc.
REFINISH (f. by Round Table). 4 wins at 3, $118,809, Boiling Springs S.G3, 2nd Lamb Chop H., 3rd San Gorgonio H. Producer.
Distaff Magic (f. by Fluorescent Light). 3 wins to 3, $127,863, 2nd Boiling
Springs H.-G3, Little Silver H.-L, Lady Pitt S., 3rd [Q], etc. Dam of-PISCES (c. by Prized). 5 wins to 5, 2002, $188,105, Appleton H. [G2]
(GP, $90,000), 3rd Miami Mile Breeders’ Cup H. [L] (CRC, $16,500).
Sword Devil (c. by Blade). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $94,373, 2nd Airline S., etc. Sire.
Twoballsidepocket (c. by Full Pocket). 6 wins, $64,843, 3rd Swift S.-G3, etc.
Midnight Rapture (f. by Giboulee). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Robert N. Scanlon, Agent XIII
Hip No.
Foaled March 17, 2000
Mr. Prospector ..................
Gulch ................................
Theatrical (IRE) .................
Mini Series .......................
Execution ..........................
Raise a Native
Gold Digger
Asbury Mary
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)
The Axe II
House of Cards
By GULCH (1984). Champion sprinter, stakes winner of $3,095,521, Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1], etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 631 foals, 455 starters, 45 stakes winners, 327 winners of 1064
races and earning $23,673,701 in N.A., including champion Thunder
Gulch ($2,915,086, Kentucky Derby [G1], etc.), and of Nayef (to 3, 2001,
hwt. colt at 3 in England, Dubai Champion S. [G1], etc.), Wallenda ($1,205,929, Super Derby [G1], etc.), Golden Gear [G2] (12 wins, $634,009).
1st dam
MINI SERIES, by Theatrical (IRE). Unraced. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1
of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner-Winning Series (c. by Diablo). Winner at 3, 2001, $12,000.
2nd dam
EXECUTION, by The Axe II. Unraced. Half-sister to JACKSBORO [G3]
($467,283), Jimmy's Trick. Dam of 12 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, incl.-POSSIBLE MATE (f. by King's Bishop). 14 wins, $675,999, Sheepshead
Bay H. [G2], New York H. [G2], etc. Dam of FAIRY GARDEN (f. by Lyphard, $507,795, in N.A., Orchid H. [G2], etc.), A. O. L. HAYES [L] (f. by
A.P. Indy, to 4, 2001, $251,217), KING'S MATE (f. by Kris S., $111,258).
CHINESE EMPRESS (f. by Nijinsky II). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $163,814, Sweetest
Chant S. [L] (GP, $30,000), 3rd Beaugay H. [G3]. Producer.
SHY PROPOSAL (f. by Blushing Groom (FR)). 2 wins at 3, $97,488, Ontario Colleen H. [LR] (FE, $71,343). Producer.
Ajaad (c. by Nureyev). 3 wins in England, 3rd Fairey Group Spring Trophy S.
Dancing Mahmoud. Winner, $11,670. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, incl.-GUIDED TOUR (g. by Hansel). 12 wins to 5, 2001, $1,964,253, Stephen
Foster H. [G2], Washington Park H. [G2], San Antonio H. [G2], etc.
Open Sesame (c. by Phone Trick). 6 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $266,578,
2nd Annapolis S. [L] (LRL, $20,000), 3rd Discovery H. [G3].
Hansel's Girl (f. by Hansel). 5 wins, $237,980, 2nd Comely S. [G3], etc.
Homewrecker. Placed, $14,960. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 winners, incl.-HONOR THE HERO (g. by Hero's Honor). 25 wins, 3 to 7, $688,037,
Churchill Downs H. [G3], Phoenix Gold Cup S. [G3]-ewr, etc.
PRENUP (c. by Smarten). 10 wins, $428,142, Jerome H. [G1], etc. Sire.
CAT'S AT HOME (c. by Tabasco Cat). 7 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $422,857, Excelsior Breeders’ Cup H. [G3], Westchester H. [G3], etc.
CAPITALIMPROVEMENT (c. by Dixieland Band). 6 wins to 5, $185,081, Old Rosebud S. (OP, $22,920), 2nd Lafayette S. [G3], etc. Sire.
Marital Spook. Placed. Dam of YONAGUSKA [G1] (c. by Cherokee
Run, to 3, 2001, $521,355), CALL IT OFF (c. by Metfield, $250,560).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by H. T. Stables Inc. (Allen Jenkins), Agent for
Montpelier Thoroughbreds Inc.
Foaled February 8, 2000
Gone West ........................
Grand Slam.......................
Bright Candles ..................
Dehere ..............................
Minster Abbey ..................
Belle of Dodge Me ............
Mr. Prospector
El Gran Senor
Christmas Bonus
Deputy Minister
Sister Dot
Creme dela Creme
Dodge Me
By GRAND SLAM (1995). Stakes winner of $971,292, Moet Champagne S.
[G1], Futurity S. [G1], Peter Pan S. [G2], 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1],
Swaps S. [G2], Jerome H. [G2], Seattle Slew S. [L] (KEE, $14,170), 3rd
Buick Haskell Invitational H. [G1], Coolmore Lexington S. [G2]. Half-brother to stakes winner Leestown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
Son of stakes winner Gone West, among the leading sires, sire of 63
stakes winners, including champions Zafonic [G1], Gone Prospecting.
1st dam
MINSTER ABBEY, by Dehere. Unraced. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
BELLE OF DODGE ME, by Creme dela Creme. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $118,619,
Rosie O'Grady S., Cicada H., 2nd Indian Maid H.-G3, Yo Tambien H.,
Martha Washington H., etc. Sister to BARELY EVEN. Dam of-GALLANT ARCHER (c. by Nijinsky II). Winner at 2 in England, 3rd Guardian Classic Trial [G3]; 4 wins at 4 and 5, $288,865, in N.A., Louisiana
Downs H. [G3], Henry P. Russell H. [LR] (SA, $50,900), 4th Oak Tree
Invitational S. [G1].
Belgran (c. by El Gran Senor). 2 wins at 3 in England, 2nd Queen's Vase [G3].
Cora Pearl. Unplaced in 1 start. Sent to India. Dam of-Lead Cora (f. by Lead On Time). 5 wins at 2 in France, 2nd Prix Delahante. Dam of Leadflor (f. by Poliglote (GB), at 2, 2001 in France, 2nd
Grand Criterium de Bordeaux).
3rd dam
DODGE ME, by The Doge. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $44,782, Princess Pat S., 2nd Blue
Hen S., Debutante S. Half-sister to JEANENES LARK (sire). Dam of-BARELY EVEN. 17 wins, $300,604, Golden Rod S., etc. Dam of ONE OF
A KLEIN [G1] ($267,865, dam of Wooden Ticket [G2], $150,905; Yamanin Xanadu), BARE MINIMUM [L] ($195,333, in N.A.), SULEMEIF
($87,110, in N.A., dam of WITHALLPROBABILITY [G2], $643,438; KADRMAS, $257,239; Kyowa Alysheba; Slaymaker, $127,725; Tomisue’s Gold, $98,465; etc.), GOLDEN HIGHLIGHTS (dam of FARIEDAH, $61,380, in N.A.). Granddam of GLICK [L] (to 5, 2001, $236,541),
CRIMSON ROAD [L] ($223,976), Meadowtime [G3] ($129,423), etc.
BARELY ONCE. 24 wins, 2 to 6, $239,674, St. Louis Derby, etc.
POOL COURT. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $134,080, New Orleans H.-G3, etc. Sire.
BELLE OF DODGE ME. Stakes winner, above.
Bridal Wave. Winner at 2. Dam of Fascinadora ($103,788, dam of Mighty
Reddy, etc.), Double Quack ($68,340), Lady Mandarin ($56,562).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Property of Hartley/De Renzo Thoroughbreds LLC
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled March 8, 2000
Sadler's Wells...................
King of Kings (IRE) ...........
Zummerudd (IRE) .............
Miswaki ............................
April Edge .........................
Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
Mr. Prospector
The Axe II
*April Bloom II
By KING OF KINGS (IRE) (1995). Hwt. at 3 on Irish Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur.,
stakes winner of 4 races in 5 starts at 2 in Ireland, Aga Khan Studs National S. [G1], Arthur Guinness Railway S. [G3], Flame of Tara Tyros S., 2nd
Omni Racing Anglesey S. [G3]; classic winner in England, Sagitta Two
Thousand Guineas [G1]. Brother to stakes winner Amethyst (IRE), halfbrother to stakes winner General Monash. His first foals are 2-year-olds
of 2002. Sire of Diamond Head (winner in 1 start at 2, 2002 in Australia).
1st dam
MISEDGE, by Miswaki. Unraced. Sister to MISIL. Dam of 2 other registered
foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Thunder Dillon (c. by Thunder Gulch). Winner at 2, $9,055.
2nd dam
APRIL EDGE, by The Axe II. 2 wins, $23,558. Sister to APRIL AXE. Dam of-MISIL (c. by Miswaki). 12 wins in 20 starts, 2 to 5 in Italy, champion miler,
hwt. older horse at 4 on Italian Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., Premio Parioli-Italian
Two Thousand Guineas [G1], Gran Premio del Jockey Club [G1], Premio Roma [G1], Premio Emilio Turati [G2] twice, Premio Ribot [G2], Premio Federico Tesio [G3], 2nd Premio Vittorio di Capua [G1], Premio
Chiusura [G3], Premio Primi Passi [G3], Premio Eupili, 3rd Premio Vittorio di Capua [G1], Gran Criterium [G1]; placed at 5 in France, 2nd Prix
d'Ispahan [G1], 3rd Prix Ganay [G1]; placed at 5 in England, 2nd CoralEclipse S. [G1]; 2 wins at 7, $264,585, in N.A., Gulfstream Park Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G2], Super Bowl H. [L] (GP, $30,000)-ncr, 1
3/8 mi. in 2:11 1/5, 2nd Pan American H. [G2], John Henry H. [G2]. Sire.
Headed North. Winner at 3 and 4, $37,425. Dam of 5 winners, including-Seaside Deli (f. by Sea Hero). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $137,933, 2nd Penn
National Distaff H. [L] (PEN, $10,000).
Cool Down (g. by Seattle Dancer). 2 wins at 3, $91,419, 2nd Seattle
Slew S. [L] (KEE, $13,900).
Showers. Winner at 4, $3,169. Dam of 3 winners, including-Justalittleshower (g. by Gold Stage). 4 wins at 3, $108,110, 2nd Private
Terms S. [L] (PIM, $10,740), Northern Dancer S.-R (LRL, $20,000), etc.
Clever Edge. Winner at 3 and 4, $85,350. Dam of 3 winners, including-Simil (f. by Apalachee). 2 wins in Italy, 3rd Premio Zanoletti di Rozzano.
3rd dam
*APRIL BLOOM II, by Bold Lad. 2 wins at 2 in Ireland, 2nd hwt. filly at 2 on
Irish Hand., Marble Hill S., 2nd Gladness S.-G3; placed at 2 and 3 in
England, 2nd Queen Mary S., etc. Half-sister to RARE GOLD. Dam of-APRIL AXE. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $181,672, Will Rogers H.-G2, etc. Set ncr. Sire.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup, E.B.F.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Niall Brennan, Agent for
Foaled April 26, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Tale of the Cat...................
Yarn ..................................
Nijinsky II .........................
Miss Evans .......................
Hip No.
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Northern Dancer
Flaming Page
Book of Verse
By TALE OF THE CAT (1994). Stakes winner of 5 races in 9 starts at 3 and 4,
$360,900, King's Bishop S. [G2], 2nd Whitney H. [G1], 3rd Vosburgh S.
[G1] twice. Half-brother to stakes winners Minardi, Spunoutacontrol. His
first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002. Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire of 91 stakes winners, including champions Giant's
Causeway (Esat Digifone Irish Champion S. [G1], etc.), Aljabr (Champagne Lanson Sussex S. [G1], etc.), Silken Cat [L] (3 wins, $102,120).
1st dam
Miss Evans, by Nijinsky II. Winner at 3 and 4 in France, 2nd Prix Charles
Laffitte, 3rd Prix de Compiegne, Prix de la Porte de Passy. Dam of 9
other registered foals, 8 of racing age, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-Si Seductor (c. by Diesis (GB)). Winner at 3 and 4 in France, 2nd La
Coupe [G3], Prix Gontaut-Biron [G3], Grand Prix de Compiegne, 3rd
Prix d'Hedouville [G3], Prix de Boulogne, Prix Vulcain; winner at 5, 6,
and 7, $138,055, in N.A., 2nd Wearin O the Green H. (BM, $9,000).
Secretamente (f. by Secreto). 2 wins at 4, $42,873, 3rd Forty Nine Sunsets
H. (CRC, $4,308).
Corsican Sunset (f. by Thunder Gulch). Winner at 3, 2001 in England;
placed at 3, 2001 in Italy, 2nd Premio FIA European Breeders' Fund, 3rd
Premio Mario Incisa [G3], Premio Merano.
Si Noble (g. by Affirmed). Winner at 3 and 4, $55,894.
Alegrare (f. by Alleged). 2 wins at 3, $26,535.
2nd dam
TARGA, by Cannonade. 6 wins at 4 and 5, $334,271, Santa Maria H.-G2, Sixty Sails S., Ak-Sar-Ben Queen's H., Matinee H., 3rd Silver Belles H., San
Gorgonio H., Busch S. Half-sister to OBEAH (11 wins, $387,299, Delaware H. twice, etc.). Dam of 10 foals to race, 8 winners, including-MAMSELLE BEBETTE (f. by Copelan). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $427,082, La Brea
S. [G3], Monrovia H. [G3], Las Flores Breeders' Cup H. [G3], Las Cienegas Breeders' Cup H. [G3], 2nd Apple Blossom H. [G1], Harold C.
Ramser, Sr. H. [L] (SA, $15,000), Jersey Lilly S. (MTH, $7,000), 3rd Santa
Monica H. [G1]. Producer.
Brown Eyed Lass (f. by Known Fact). 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2001, $107,951,
3rd Frances A. Genter H. [L] (CRC, $8,250), Courtlin S. (CRC, $3,061).
Miss Evans (f. by Nijinsky II). Stakes-placed winner, above.
Scalawag. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $95,459.
Try Harder. Unraced. Granddam of SHIVAREEN SKY (f. by Skywalker, 4
wins, $135,285, Merial California Cup Distaff Starter H.-R (SA, $30,000)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled April 30, 2000
Exclusive Native................
Affirmed ............................
Won't Tell You...................
Pine Bluff ..........................
Moon View .......................
Raise a Native
Crafty Admiral
Scarlet Ribbon
Rowdy Angel
Persian Delight
By AFFIRMED (1975). Horse of the year twice, Triple Crown winner of $2,393,818, Kentucky Derby-G1, etc. Sire of 20 crops of racing age, 833
foals, 614 starters, 75 stakes winners, 9 champions, 444 winners of 1516
races and earning $37,905,366 in N.A., including Flawlessly ($2,572,536,
Beverly D. S. [G1], etc.), Quiet Resolve ($2,063,121, Atto Mile S. [G1],
etc.), Peteski ($1,287,866, Canadian Triple Crown, Queen's Plate-R (WO,
$218,600), etc.), Charlie Barley ($922,943, Dominion Day H. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
MOON VIEW, by Pine Bluff. Unraced. Dam of 1 registered foal, above.
2nd dam
SHAHRIZA, by Cyane. Placed at 2 and 3, $9,780. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-ZALIPOUR (c. by Rexson). 7 wins at 3, $242,194, Manalapan H. [L] (CRC,
$48,510), Delray H. [L] (CRC, $34,320), Hollywood H. [L] (CRC, $32,580), 2nd Tropical Park H. [L] (CRC, $16,620), Marathon H. [L] (CRC,
$11,010), Pembroke Pines Breeders' Cup H. (CRC, $12,090), Hurricanes H. (CRC, $9,390), 3rd Roman Brother S. [LR] (CRC, $6,325),
Palm Beach H. (CRC, $4,818). Sire.
SERELA (f. by Holy Bull). 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2001, $118,660, Sham Say S.-R
(PIM, $24,000).
THE ADMINISTRATOR (f. by Afleet). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $114,721, Singing
Beauty S.-R (LRL, $19,395), 2nd Colleen S. [L] (MTH, $9,500), etc.
Shahpour (c. by Fountain of Gold). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $130,145, 2nd Bonaventure S. [L] (CRC, $16,710), City of Miami Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CRC,
$15,160), Hollywood H. [L] (CRC, $10,000), etc. Sire.
Miniriza (f. by Minneapple). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $95,073, 2nd Tappiano S.
[L] (GP, $10,000), 3rd Begonia H. [L] (CRC, $9,273), etc. Dam of-RAPONERA (f. by Zafarrancho (ARG)). 5 wins, 2 to 5, 2001, $188,376,
Jack Smallwood S. [L] (CRC, $45,000), Powder Break H. [L] (CRC,
$30,736), Georgia Peaches H.-R (CRC, $30,000), 3rd Doubledippindebbie H. (CRC, $3,743), Fairlee Wild H. (CRC, $3,700), etc.
Shahtakee (f. by Villamor). 3 wins at 3, $40,365, 3rd Perrine S. (HIA, $3,080).
Shahvana. Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-Sign of Fire (c. by Groomstick). 2 wins at 2, $118,187, 2nd Emerald
Downs Derby [L] (EMD, $20,000), 3rd British Columbia Derby [G2].
3rd dam
PERSIAN DELIGHT, by Damascus. Winner at 3, $5,880. Half-sister to HASTY
HITTER, Cornish Genie. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, incl.-Valiant Flag. 4 wins at 3 and 6, $68,380, 3rd Goldenrod S. (AKS, $2,995), etc.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Nick de Meric, Agent
Dark Bay or Brown Colt; foaled April 27, 2000
Clever Trick.......................
Kankakee Miss..................
Private Account.................
Mrs. Marcos .....................
Dancing Slippers ..............
Hip No.
Better Bee
Golden Beach
Numbered Account
Nijinsky II
By CLEVER TRICK (1976). Stakes winner of $419,787, Bachelor S., etc. Sire
of 19 crops of racing age, 973 foals, 753 starters, 56 stakes winners, 562
winners of 2304 races and earning $34,095,204 in N.A., including Anet
($1,189,873, Del Mar Derby [G2], etc.), Tricky Creek ($873,288, Discovery H. [G2], etc.), Wire Me Collect ($626,452, Lafayette S. [G3], etc.),
Clever Song ($586,097, American H. [G2]-ecr, etc.), Victorious Trick
($477,407, Selene S. [L] (WO, $57,630), etc.), Prankster [L] ($469,404).
1st dam
MRS. MARCOS, by Private Account. 2 wins at 4, $64,860. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 3 to race, 2 winners-ZOFTIG (f. by Cozzene). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $401,024, Selene S. [G1], 2nd
Ashland S. [G1], Pucker Up S. [G3], 3rd Fair Grounds Oaks [G3].
Fast Fox Trot (g. by Geiger Counter). 9 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $132,208.
2nd dam
DANCING SLIPPERS, by Nijinsky II. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $115,490, Bayou H.
[L] (FG, $53,145), 2nd Chrysanthemum H. [G3], 4th Ladies H. [G1],
Bewitch S. [G3]. Dam of 4 other winners, including-Royal Fandango (f. by Slew o' Gold). Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix Charles
Laffitte; placed at 4, $19,500, in N.A.; placed at 4 in United Arab Emirates.
West Memphis (c. by Gone West). Placed in 2 starts at 2 in France, 2nd
Prix Yacowlef.
3rd dam
CHAIN, by *Herbager. Winner at 2, $11,410. Sister to YAMANIN, LIST, PERPETUAL, half-sister to TUERTA, FILE. Dam of 6 winners, including-CHAIN BRACELET. 9 wins in 18 starts at 3 and 4, $289,580, Top Flight H.G1, Shuvee H.-G2, Bed o' Roses H.-G3, 2nd Hempstead H.-G2, Twilight Tear S., 3rd First Flight H., High Voltage S. Dam of-Brace Blu. Winner at 2 in Italy, 3rd Premio Guido Berardelli [G2]. Sire.
Veriga. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3 in England. Dam of Known Accomplice
(11 wins, $252,920, 2nd Woodchopper S. [L] (FG, $10,000)).
Elvia. Winner at 4, $29,885. Dam of Elkhart [G3] ($121,861, in N.A.).
DANCING SLIPPERS. Stakes winner, above.
Mousaiha. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-ELANAAKA (GB). Placed at 2 in England; 2 wins in 4 starts in France,
Prix La Sorellina, 3rd Prix de la Nonette [G3], Prix de Saint-Cyr.
Grand Ogygia. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, including-GRAND DEED. 3 wins at 2, $234,215, Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S.
[L] (TP, $62,600), Bassinet S. [L] (RD, $60,000), etc.
Candeed. Producer. Granddam of Busy Little Beaver ($339,920).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Cashel Stud, Agent I
Hip No.
Gray or Roan Filly; foaled January 21, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Awesome Again ................
Primal Force .....................
Copelan ............................
Ms. Mostly .......................
Mostly Misty.....................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Blushing Groom (FR)
Prime Prospect
Tri Jet
Susan's Girl
*Grey Dawn II
By AWESOME AGAIN (1994). Classic winner of 9 races in 12 starts, $4,374,590, Queen's Plate-R (WO, $255,420), Breeders' Cup Classic [G1], Whitney H. [G1], Stephen Foster H. [G2], Saratoga Breeders' Cup H. [G2],
Jim Dandy S. [G2], Hawthorne Gold Cup H. [G3], 3rd Travers S. [G1].
Half-brother to champion Macho Uno. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
2002. Son of Canadian horse of the year Deputy Minister, leading sire
twice, sire of 69 stakes winners, 6 champions, including Open Mind [G1].
1st dam
MS. MOSTLY, by Copelan. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $276,525, Pucker Up S. [G2], 2nd
Homeland H. (CRC, $5,159), 3rd Powder Break H. [L] (CRC, $16,500), My
Charmer H. [L] (CRC, $11,000), Audubon Oaks [L] (ELP, $5,500), Sweetest
Chant S. [L] (GP, $5,500), Tropical Park Oaks [L] (CRC, $5,500), City of Hialeah S. (HIA, $3,355). Dam of 1 other registered foal, none of racing age.
2nd dam
MOSTLY MISTY, by *Grey Dawn II. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of-MS. MOSTLY (f. by Copelan). Stakes winner, above.
Fog At Sea. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-Sea Bag (f. by Bag). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $46,482, 3rd Silver Spur S. [L]
(LS, $11,000).
3rd dam
TAPPAHANNOCK, by Chieftain. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $101,960, Pucker Up S.-G3,
2nd Marica H., 3rd Fleur de Lis H. Dam of 4 other foals, 2 winners, incl.-Peppermint Day. Winner at 3, $8,538. Dam of 4 winners, including-DUC D'SLIGOVIL. 5 wins, 2 to 6, $306,447, Fountain of Youth S. [G2],
2nd Tropical Park Derby [G3], Turnberry Isle S. [L] (CRC, $10,000),
3rd Foolish Pleasure Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CRC, $5,995).
4th dam
Princess Ribot, by *Ribot. Winner at 2 in Ireland, 3rd Athasi S.; placed in France.
Half-sister to PALAULI, HILLBILLY II, Princess Mistletoe. Dam of-CASCAPEDIA. 10 wins, $324,921, champion older mare, Vanity H.-G1, etc.
($225,050), In Hopes (dam of BIG JAG [G2], hwt older horse at 7 on
United Arab Emirates Hand.; $1,132,171, in N.A.; WESTFOLD VALE).
TAPPAHANNOCK. Stakes winner, above.
EAST ROYALTY. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $83,023, Inner Harbor S. [L] (LRL, $39,330).
CHIEFTAINS PRINCE. 3 wins, $49,503, Perry Woodall Memorial H. Sire.
Captivating Gal. Unraced. Dam of CAPTIVE MISS [G1] ($386,693).
La Belle Fleur. Unraced. Dam of CHASE THE DREAM [LR] ($208,118).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent III
Hip No.
Foaled April 30, 2000
Deputy Minister ................
Silver Deputy ....................
Silver Valley......................
Tsunami Slew....................
My Bubbling Belle ............
Gay Matelda......................
Vice Regent
Mint Copy
Mr. Prospector
Seven Valleys
Seattle Slew
Barbs Compact
Sir Gaylord
Hasty Matelda
By SILVER DEPUTY (1985). Stakes winner of $41,820, Swynford S. [L] (WO,
$32,100). Among the leading sires, sire of 11 crops of racing age, 577
foals, 372 starters, 41 stakes winners, 7 champions, 290 winners of 1062
races and earning $28,030,018 in N.A., including Silverbulletday ($3,093,207, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], etc.), Deputy Inxs ($790,559, Durham Cup H. [G3], etc.), Archers Bay (4 wins, $666,200, Queen's
Plate-R (WO, $300,000), etc.), Deputy Jane West [L] (9 wins, $593,410).
1st dam
MY BUBBLING BELLE, by Tsunami Slew. 2 wins at 4, $34,480. Dam of 5 other
registered foals, 5 of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including-FIFTY STARS (c. by Quiet American). 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2001, $676,210,
Louisiana Derby [G2], Sam Houston Texan Juvenille S. [L] (HOU, $90,000), 2nd Lone Star Derby [L] (LS, $92,500).
2nd dam
GAY MATELDA, by Sir Gaylord. 9 wins to 4, $409,945, Gardenia S., Alabama
S., Princeton H., National Stallion S., Jersey Belle H., 2nd Coaching Club
American Oaks, Frizette S., Selima S., Matron S., Black Helen H.,
Gazelle H., Astoria S., Polly Drummond S., Fashion S., 3rd Acorn S., Sorority S., Spinaway S., etc. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-REINE MATHILDE (f. by *Vaguely Noble). 4 wins in 7 starts to 3 in France,
2nd hwt. filly at 3 on French Hand., Prix de l'Opera-G2, Prix de MalleretG2, Prix Finlande, 2nd Prix Chloe-G3; winner at 3, $245,440, in N.A., E.
P. Taylor S.-G2, 2nd Matriarch S.-G1, 3rd Hollywood Derby-G1, 4th Santa Barbara H. [G1], Gamely H. [G1], Wilshire H. [G2]. Dam of Reine des
Iles (f. by Nureyev, 2nd Prix Casimir Delamarre, Prix de Saint-Cyr, etc.).
SHELTER HALF (c. by Tentam). 14 wins, 2 to 4, $236,337, Phoenix H.,
Gravesend H., Hirsch Jacobs S., Select H., Neshaminy H., Sentinel S.,
2nd Swift S.-G3, 3rd Gotham S.-G2, Patriot S.-G3, etc. Sire.
River Mystery. 2 wins at 3 in Ireland; winner at 4, $14,906, in N.A. Dam of
CURITIBA [G2] (f. by Sheikh Albadou (GB), $111,786, in N.A.).
Gaite. 3 wins at 3, $23,345. Dam of NOUGAYORK (g. by Palace Music,
Prix Henri Cabassu, etc.), GOLD CARAT (c. by Mr. Prospector, Windfields Minstrel S.), Gold Exchanged (c. by Blushing Groom (FR), sire).
Hatton's Rose. 4 wins, $54,870. Producer. Granddam of LOTUS POOL (c.
by Spectacular Bid, 9 wins, $515,761, in N.A., Sea O Erin H. [G3]-ecr,
etc.), TAIKI SHERLOCK (c. by Jade Robbery), Golden Larch [G3] (g.
by Slew o' Gold, $604,633), Heliport (c. by Super Concorde, $123,400),
Tru Story (c. by Capote, $122,563), Honour a Bull [G3] (f. by Holy Bull,
$92,390). Great-granddam of LEAR SPEAR [G2] (c. by Lear Fan).
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by William B. Harrigan, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled January 24, 2000
Blushing Groom (FR)........
Glorious Song ..................
My Fling ...........................
Julie the Flapper ...............
Red God
Runaway Bride (GB)
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Princess Juliet
By RAHY (1985). Stakes winner of $288,050, in N.A., Bel Air H. [G2], etc.
Among the leading sires, sire of 10 crops of racing age, 606 foals, 410
starters, 49 stakes winners, 283 winners of 1010 races and earning $29,045,555 in N.A., including champions Fantastic Light ($2,507,400, in
N.A., Breeders' Cup Turf [G1]-ncr, etc.), Serena's Song ($3,283,388, Haskell Invitational H. [G1], etc.), and of Noverre [G1] (to 3, 2001, hwt. colt at
3 in England), Tranquility Lake ($1,662,390, Yellow Ribbon S. [G1], etc.).
1st dam
MY FLING, by Danzig. 2 wins at 3, $63,758. Dam of 4 other registered foals,
4 of racing age, 2 to race.
2nd dam
JULIE THE FLAPPER, by Fappiano. 6 wins in 12 starts at 2 and 3, $214,275,
Louisiana Downs Oaks [L] (LAD, $73,500), Rancho Bernardo H. [L] (DMR,
$33,200), Torrey Pines S. [LR] (DMR, $32,750), 2nd Linda Vista H. [G3],
Somethingroyal H. [L] (HOL, $20,000). Sister to Romiano. Dam of-Bellewood (f. by Alydar). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $72,810, 3rd La Troienne S. [L]
(CD, $5,850). Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, including-Mt. Bellewood (c. by Mt. Livermore). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, 2001, $84,351, 3rd Everglades S. [G3].
Danzig's Juliette. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-MISS RITZ (f. by Spend a Buck). 3 wins at 2, 2001, $138,773, Silver
Spur S. [L] (LS, $60,000), Friendship S.-R (LAD, $39,460), 2nd Bara
Lass S.-R (HOU, $10,000).
3rd dam
PRINCESS JULIET, by Gallant Romeo. Unraced. Sister to MY JULIET ($548,859, champion sprinter, Michigan Mile and One Eighth H.-G2, etc.), halfsister to LYPHARD'S SPECIAL (September S.-G3, etc., sire), New
Trends, Embarrassed, My Potters. Dam of 8 winners, including-JULIANNUS. 20 wins, 4 to 10, $448,480, Razorback H. [G2], 3rd Essex H.
[G3]. Established track record at Hawthorne.
JULIE THE FLAPPER. Stakes winner, above.
Romiano. 2 wins at 3, $40,310, 2nd Lafayette S. [G3]. Sire.
Miswaki's Princess. Winner at 3, $33,025. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-ROCK. 4 wins in 8 starts at 3, 2001, $97,650, Sidney Baer Memorial H.
[L] (DEL, $34,860), 2nd Anderson Fowler S. [L] (MTH, $10,000), 3rd
Matt Scudder S. [L] (MED, $5,000).
Important Princess. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-Improper Princess. 5 wins in 9 starts at 3 and 4, $76,163, 3rd Liberation
H. (PHA, $3,146). Producer.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Florida.
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent II
Hip No.
Chestnut Colt; foaled March 29, 2000
Boundary ..........................
Run the Gantlet .................
Nameseeker ......................
Northern Dancer
Pas de Nom
Ponte Vecchio
Tom Rolfe
First Feather
By BOUNDARY (1990). Stakes winner of $217,777, A Phenomenon H. [G3],
etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 229 foals, 140 starters, 8 stakes winners, 94 winners of 238 races and earning $5,720,005 in N.A., including
Minardi (hwt. in England and Ireland, Middle Park S. [G1], etc.), Conserve
($533,852, Firecracker Breeders' Cup H. [G2], etc.), She's Classy ($274,889, Bustles and Bows S. [L] (FPX, $27,500), etc.), Solar Bound ($226,470, Edgewood S. [L] (CD, $71,176), etc.), Roxelana [G3] ($172,526).
1st dam
NAMESEEKER, by Run the Gantlet. Unraced. Dam of 8 other registered foals,
8 of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners, including-LIL SNEEKER (g. by Lil Tyler). 10 wins, 3 to 8, $463,073, Albany H. [L] (GG,
$31,850), Court Clown H. (GG, $19,635), Seattle H. (EMD, $19,250)-ntr,
6 fur. in 1:09 4/5, 2nd Bay Meadows Express H. [L] (BM, $20,000), Oakland H. [L] (GG, $20,000) three times, Sam J. Whiting Memorial H. (PLN,
$8,050), 3rd Montclair H.-R (GG, $7,500), Montclair S.-R (GG, $7,500),
Montclair H.-R (GG, $6,000), West 12 Ranch H. (BM, $5,250).
2nd dam
CAZEEZ, by Cannonade. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-Zeezaroo. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $129,782.
3rd dam
AZEEZ, by Nashua. Winner at 2. Sister to GUILLAUME TELL (sire), Buck's
Nashua, half-sister to JUNGLE ROAD. Dam of 9 winners, including-OBRAZTSOVY. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in England, Hardwicke S.-G2, St. Simon
S.-G3, Jockey Club S.-G3, 2nd Yorkshire Cup-G2, 3rd King Edward VII
S.-G2, John Porter S.-G2, etc.; placed at 4 in Germany, 2nd Grosser
Preis von Berlin-G1; 6 wins to 6, $279,150, in N.A., San Juan Capistrano
Invitational H.-G1, 2nd San Luis Rey S.-G1, 3rd Sunset H.-G1. Sire.
EMPEROR REX. 7 wins, $153,245, Saul Silberman H.-G3, Round Table
H.-G3, Henry P. Russell H., 2nd Stars and Stripes H.-G2, etc. Set ntr.
AZIRAE. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $113,865, Orange County H., etc. Sire.
Zeeza. Placed at 3 in England, 3rd Sir Charles Clore Memorial S. Dam of
Slew Per Signal (in South Africa, 2nd Arc-en-Ciel Paddock S. [G1],
etc.), Refuse to Retreat. Granddam of AMERICAN JUSTICE (5 wins,
$215,225, Premier’s H. [G3], etc.), BALI BEAUTY [L] ($164,485).
Erica's Fault. Winner at 3, $12,513. Dam of Sopran All (in Italy).
Attract. Unraced. Dam of NORTHERN CONDUCT (in Japan).
Delacazee. Unraced. Dam of Pannekoeken (6 wins, $44,674, 3rd Frances
A. Genter S.-R (CBY, $2,926), dam of Real Smart Cookie, $33,479).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Terry Oliver, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 11, 2000
Great Above ......................
Holy Bull...........................
Sharon Brown ...................
Native Royalty...................
Native Boat .......................
Boat in a Moat ..................
Minnesota Mac
Ta Wee
Al Hattab
Agathea's Dawn
Raise a Native
Queen Nasra
Sauce Boat
Castle Ridge
By HOLY BULL (1991). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $2,481,760, Travers S. [G1], etc. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 353 foals, 180 starters, 13
stakes winners, 104 winners of 223 races and earning $8,729,290 in N.A.,
including champion Macho Uno (to 3, 2001, $1,332,203, Breeders' Cup
Juvenile [G1], etc.), and of Confessional ($827,638, Frizette S. [G1], etc.),
Turnofthecentury ($457,941, National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame H.
[G2], etc.), Crash Course [G3] ($401,275), Thunder Blitz [G3] ($304,450).
1st dam
NATIVE BOAT, by Native Royalty. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $191,913, Marigold S. [L] (TP,
$33,865), Dahlia S. (ELP, $30,500), 2nd Likely Exchange S. (TP, $10,560),
etc. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Rocktheboat (f. by Summer Squall). 2 wins at 3, $40,096.
2nd dam
BOAT IN A MOAT, by Sauce Boat. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, incl.-NATIVE BOAT (f. by Native Royalty). Stakes winner, above.
DOUBLE DEVILS FOOD (f. by Devil His Due). 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2001,
$170,677, Misty Isle S. (AP, $28,080), 3rd Flawlessly S. [L] (AP, $5,632).
Diamond Affair (f. by Black Tie Affair (IRE)). 6 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6,
2002, $104,079, 3rd Mountaineer HBPA H.-R (MNR, $6,308).
Bradford Bay (f. by Prowess Prince). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $85,589, 3rd Wilma C.
Kennedy S. (ELP, $3,503).
3rd dam
CASTLE RIDGE, by Riva Ridge. Winner at 2 and 3, $21,960. Dam of-SECRETARIDGE. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $120,234, Illinois Oaks [LR] (HAW,
$30,990), 3rd Inverness H. (AP, $5,313). Dam of 3 winners, including-CHICAGO SIX. 16 wins, 3 to 6, 2001, $697,991, National Jockey Club
H. [G3]-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:48 1/5, Sportsman's Park Breeders' Cup H.
[L] (SPT, $62,100), Prairie Meadows H. [L] (PRM, $60,000), Illinois
Coronet H.-R (HAW, $45,000), etc. Set ntr at Sportsman's Park.
4th dam
STYLE, by Traffic Judge. Winner at 3, $4,225. Sister to TRAFFIC (leading sire
in France), half-sister to Made in America, Nature, Naive. Dam of-GAY STYLE. 4 wins, 2 to 4 in France, Prix d'Astarte-G3, etc.; 6 wins to 6,
$175,275, in N.A., Santa Barbara H.-G1, etc. Dam of Ladanum [G1].
Ivory Hunter. 4 wins, 2 to 4 in France; winner at 6, $172,788, in N.A., 2nd
Kelso H., 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup-G1, Hialeah Turf Cup H.-G2, etc.
Coiffure. Winner at 2 in France, 2nd Prix Chloe-G3. Dam of SPIT CURL
($255,639), DIVER ($158,210, sire). Granddam of GOLDEN INDIGO.
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Kirkwood Stables, Agent V
Hip No.
Foaled January 21, 2000
Storm Cat .........................
Storm Boot .......................
Our Native.........................
Native Satan......................
Satan Sez ..........................
Storm Bird
Mr. Prospector
Exclusive Native
Our Jackie
Crimson Satan
East Wind
By STORM BOOT (1989). Stakes-placed winner of $70,510, 2nd Broad
Street S.-R (PHA, $6,400). Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 279 foals, 167
starters, 17 stakes winners, 121 winners of 366 races and earning $8,369,193 in N.A., including Bourbon Belle ($1,152,223, Honorable Miss H.
[G3] twice, etc.), Hurricane Bertie ($940,041, Prioress S. [G2], etc.), Lil
Bobbie Too (to 4, 2001, $366,871, Illinois Breeders Debutante S.-R (HAW,
$70,920), etc.), American Spirit (5 wins, $344,772, Baldwin S. [G3], etc.).
1st dam
NATIVE SATAN, by Our Native. 18 wins, 3 to 7, $504,797, Canterbury Queen
H. [L] (CBY, $38,950), Old South H. [L], Sooner H. [L], Southland S.-L,
Quivira H. [L], Cornucopia S.-L, Ribbon S. (LAD, $24,000), Honeymoon
S. (LAD, $21,066), Goldenrod S. [O], Princess S., 2nd Queen's H. [G3],
Ak-Sar-Ben Oaks-L, Old South H. [L] (LAD, $11,650), Lorelei S.-L, Sooner S., 3rd Pippin H. [L], Sangue H. [L], Sangue H. (LAD, $3,850), Lyrique
S. Sister to UP POPS THE DEVIL. Dam of 9 other registered foals, 8 of
racing age, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-CODE SATAN (f. by Lost Code). 10 wins, 2 to 5, $227,390, Chapel Belle
S. (LAD, $21,000), 2nd Bayakoa S. (OP, $8,000), Majorette H. (LAD, $7,000), 3rd Matron H. [L] (EVD, $5,500), Margarita Breeders' Cup H. (RET,
$5,500), Temperence Hill H. (LAD, $3,300).
King and Hart (g. by Lost Code). 29 wins, 2 to 10, 2002, $312,997, 2nd
Alliance S. (LAD, $5,000), 3rd Blue Skies H. (LAD, $3,850).
Flaming Satan (f. by Java Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $76,143. Dam of-ASHBECCA (f. by Sandpit (BRZ)). 2 wins at 2, 2001, $46,731, Barbara
Shinpoch S. [L] (EMD, $29,948).
Greek Star (c. by Sky Classic). Winner at 3 and 4, 2002, $54,100.
2nd dam
SATAN SEZ, by Crimson Satan. 2 wins at 2, $20,965. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-NATIVE SATAN (f. by Our Native). Stakes winner, above.
UP POPS THE DEVIL (g. by Our Native). 27 wins, 2 to 9, $265,568, Feasterville S.-R (PHA, $12,720).
Peaceful Kingdom. Winner at 3, $6,506. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winnes, incl.-IVARS BIG PEACEFUL (c. by Williamstown). 7 wins to 4, 2001, $205,045,
Restoration S. [L] (MTH, $42,000), John Bullit H. (CBY, $24,000), etc.
Aware and Beware. Unraced. Dam of Ontou (c. by El Prado (IRE), 4 wins,
$101,516, 2nd Sequoia S. (ELP, $10,000)).
Kiss the Witch. Dam of Forget About It (g. by Turkoman, 14 wins, $110,644, 2nd Ontario County S.-R (FL, $6,000)).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent II
Hip No.
Gray or Roan Filly; foaled April 4, 2000
Phone Trick.......................
Favorite Trick ....................
Evil Elaine .........................
Night Shift ........................
Nightlong (GB) .................
Clever Trick
Over the Phone
Medieval Man
Distinctive Elaine
Northern Dancer
Caro (IRE)
New Chant
By FAVORITE TRICK (1995). Horse of the year, stakes winner of 12 races in
16 starts to 3, $1,726,793, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1], Hopeful S. [G1],
Lane's End Breeders' Futurity [G2], Jim Dandy S. [G2], Keeneland Breeders' Cup Mile S. [G2], Saratoga Special S. [G2], Swale S. [G3], Bashford
Manor S. [G3], Kentucky Breeders' Cup S. [L] (CD, $68,882), Long
Branch Breeders' Cup S. [L] (MTH, $60,000), WHAS-11 S. [L] (CD, $76,116), 3rd Arkansas Derby [G2]. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2002.
1st dam
NIGHTLONG (GB), by Night Shift. Winner at 2 and 3, $27,135. Dam of 9 other
registered foals, 7 of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners-QUICK BLUE (f. by Cure the Blues). 2 wins at 3, 2001, $263,730, Bison
City S.-R (FE, $159,750), 3rd Labatt Woodbine Oaks-R (WO, $55,000).
YUKON PETE (g. by Peteski). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $65,366, Presidents S. (TP, $24,800), 3rd John Battaglia Memorial S. [L] (TP, $8,000).
Stroller (g. by Sutter's Prospect). 11 wins, 2 to 5, $225,688.
2nd dam
Casual, by Caro (IRE). 5 wins to 4, $84,547, 2nd Gala Lil S., Somethingroyal
S., 3rd Alcibiades S.-G2. Dam of 7 other foals, all winners, including-DAWSON PLACE (c. by Green Desert). Winner at 3 in England, 2nd Jersey S. [G3]; 5 wins, 4 to 6 in Germany, Preis der Spielbank Bad Neuenahar, 2nd Gestut Olympia Sprint Cup, Toto Lotto-Sprint-Preis, etc.
Pamela Peach (GB). Placed in England; winner, $15,560, in N.A. Dam of-ROWAASI (f. by Green Desert). Winner at 2 in England, National S., 2nd
Queen Mary S. [G3].
Davoski (g. by Niniski). 10 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 8, 2002 in England,
3rd Washington Singer S.
3rd dam
NEW CHANT, by New Providence. Winner at 2, $5,585. Half-sister to GIBOULEE ($358,578, champion older horse in Canada, sire), VICTORIOUS ANSWER ($57,763), PROLIFERATE (sire), Malvado (sire), Vee
Vee Vee, Theme Song. Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, incl.-SIERRA STAR (GB). Winner at 3 in Italy, St. Leger Italiano [G3]; placed in
2 starts at 3 in England.
Casual. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Miller's Creek. Placed in England. Dam of Fast Eddy (2nd SBJ Group July
S. [G3], etc.), Stone Mill (GB). Granddam of SHFOUG (in England).
South Cove (GB). Unraced. Dam of JET FREIGHTER [L] (11 wins, $537,210, set 2 ncrs, ecr at Woodbine), Copan's Cove [L] ($109,311).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Stony Oak Farm, Agent
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled January 29, 2000
Roberto .............................
Dynaformer .......................
Andover Way.....................
Halo ..................................
Noddy's Halo ....................
Athena's Prize ...................
Hip No.
Hail to Reason
His Majesty
On the Trail
Hail to Reason
Golden Fleece
By DYNAFORMER (1985). Stakes winner of $671,207, Jersey Derby [G2],
etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 10 crops of racing age, 582 foals,
425 starters, 42 stakes winners, 319 winners of 1080 races and earning
$27,044,179 in N.A., including Blumin Affair ($867,065, San Diego H.
[G3], etc.), Critical Eye ($831,913, Hempstead H. [G1], etc.), Vergennes
($755,774, Early Times Hollywood Derby S. [G1], etc.), Baptize ($484,396, Arlington Classic S. [G2], etc.), Starrer [G2] (at 3, 2001, $433,033).
1st dam
NODDY'S HALO, by Halo. Winner at 4 and 5, $79,762. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-P. C. Plod (g. by Pleasant Tap). 8 wins, 3 to 5, 2001, $199,117.
2nd dam
ATHENA'S PRIZE, by Golden Fleece. Unraced. Dam of 5 other winners, incl.-Mondelo (c. by Eastern Echo). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $103,459, 3rd Evangeline
Downs Sprint Championship (EVD, $3,300).
Skylaunch. 13 wins, 2 to 8, $432,256.
3rd dam
FONDRE, by Key to the Mint. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $227,340, Golden Poppy H.,
Monrovia H., Hillsborough H., Miss America H., Ready Wit Invitational H
Jan, 2nd Silver Spoon H., Spectacular Invitational H., 3rd Milady H.-G2.
Dam of 6 other foals, 5 winners, including-PARADISE FOUND. 3 wins at 3, $128,722, Minuteman S. (PHA, $23,190),
3rd Peter Pan S. [G2], Jim Dandy S. [G2], Colin S. [G3]. Sire.
Fondly Remembered. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $358,060, 2nd Yellow Ribbon Invitational S. [G1], 3rd Santa Anita Budweiser Breeders' Cup H. [G3], California Oaks [L] (GG, $15,000), Louis R. Rowan H. [L] (SA, $11,250), Melvin Durslag S. [L] (HOL, $11,250), Matching S. [L] (DMR, $9,776), etc.
Fond Princess. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 10 foals, 7 winners, including-PARKWAY DRIVE. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $140,780, Rushing Man S. (MED,
$24,000), 3rd Rutgers H. [G3], Bet Twice S. (MTH, $4,800), etc.
Forever Fond. 11 wins at 3 and 4, $169,249, 2nd Gardenia H. [G3].
4th dam
MISS MANALAPAN, by *Gallant Man. Winner at 3, $6,925. Sister to BREVET
($44,206), half-sister to BAST ($33,348). Dam of 8 winners, including-FONDRE. Stakes winner, above.
Trail Ride. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $22,840. Dam of SCOTCH HEATHER [G3]
($382,572). Granddam of GEORGIA'S JOEY (to 5, 2001, $132,121).
Always and Always. Winner, $6,600. Dam of SAYCASEYSRIBS ($111,040).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Jerry Bailey Sales Agency, Agent IX
Hip No.
Dark Bay or Brown Filly; foaled April 27, 2000
Siphon (BRZ) ....................
Far North ..........................
North East Dancer.............
Apple Honey
Kublai Khan
Northern Dancer
Marshua's Dancer
By SIPHON (BRZ) (1991). Stakes winner of $2,294,810, in N.A., Santa Anita
H. [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2002. Sire of 170 foals, 31
starters, 8 winners of 10 races and earning $960,936 in N.A., including
Siphonic (at 2, 2001, $733,978, Hollywood Futurity [G1], etc.), Ms Louisett
($48,800, 3rd Oak Leaf S. [G1]), Scifi Flick ($17,105, 2nd Kachina S. (RUI,
$15,137)), Siphina (at 2, 2001, $27,000), Fullup (at 2, 2001, $22,440),
Loyal Richard ($15,135), Cheechoo ($13,551), Brazilian Girl ($9,955).
1st dam
NORTH EAST DANCER, by Far North. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 5 other
registered foals, 5 of racing age, 5 to race, 2 winners-NORTH EAST BOUND (g. by D'Accord). 11 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 6, 2002,
$1,255,708, Meadowlands Cup H. [G2], Maker's Mark Mile S. [G2], Kent
Breeders' Cup S. [G3], Cliff Hanger H. [G3], Oceanport H. [G3], Battlefield S. [L] (MTH, $42,000), Choice S. [L] (MTH, $36,000), The Vid S. [L]
(GP, $32,730), Charlie Eckman Mile S. (PIM, $24,000)-ncr, mi. in 1:33 2/5,
2nd Breeders' Cup Mile [G1], Appleton H. [G2] (GP, $30,000), Oceanport H. [G3], Ft. Lauderdale H. [G3] (GP, $20,000), Spend a Buck S.
(MTH, $9,000), 3rd Virginia Derby [L] (CNL, $22,000), etc.
North East Academy (g. by Academy Award). 10 wins, 3 to 8, 2001, $102,060.
Trae Genius (c. by Beau Genius). Placed at 3, 2001, $21,920.
2nd dam
DANSHUA, by Marshua's Dancer. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $19,723. Sister to RAISE
A HOLME. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-Every Passing Day. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $105,750.
Near Holme. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-WAJIMEGO (f. by Wajima). 4 wins at 2, $63,930, Winnipeg Futurity [L]
(ASD, $45,000).
3rd dam
NOLENE, by *Noholme II. Half-sister to NILENE WONDER. Dam of-RAISE A HOLME. 7 wins to 5, $174,192, Countess Fager H., etc. Dam of-DEPUTY DANCER. 6 wins, $147,732, Princeton H.-R (GS, $26,106), etc.
Lapuma. 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2001, $123,815, 2nd Pleasant Temper S.
(KD, $9,000).
Garfield Holme. 3 wins, $40,319. Damam of Speedy Spender ($140,113,
2nd Southwest Jeep Eagle Quick Reward S. [L] (HAW, $10,345)).
Nolene's Pet. Unraced. Dam of SIR MOUNTABLE (Canberra Cup).
Nasrene. Producer. Granddam of Lucky Lady Susita ($64,607), Base
Camp ($15,311). Great-granddam of MY BABY (to 4, 2001, $177,072).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
Consigned by Eddie Woods, Agent
Hip No.
Foaled May 16, 2000
Blushing Groom (FR)........
Mt. Livermore ...................
Flama Ardiente..................
Green Dancer....................
Northern Emerald..............
Tromphe de Naskra...........
Red God
Runaway Bride (GB)
Crimson Satan
Royal Rafale
Nijinsky II
*Green Valley II
Within Limits
By MT. LIVERMORE (1981). Stakes winner of $610,644, Carter H. [G2], etc.
Among the leading sires, sire of 14 crops of racing age, 762 foals, 564
starters, 51 stakes winners, 426 winners of 1566 races and earning $37,042,114 in N.A., including champions Peaks and Valleys ($1,589,270,
Molson Export Million S. [G1], etc.), Mt. Sassafras ($1,382,985, Gulfstream Park H. [G1], etc.), Housebuster ($1,229,696, Carter H. [G1], etc.),
Eliza [G1] ($1,095,316), Mountain Angel [L] (to 4, 2001, $418,977).
1st dam
NORTHERN EMERALD, by Green Dancer. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $435,755, Flower
Bowl Invitational H. [G1], Vineland H. [G3], 2nd La Prevoyante H. [G2],
The Very One H. [G3], Palisades S. [L] (KEE, $11,125), 3rd Orchid H.
[G2] twice, Long Island H. [G2], Matchmaker S. [G2]. Dam of 3 other
registered foals, 3 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner-Bowl of Emeralds (f. by A.P. Indy). 2 wins at 3, placed at 5, 2002, $108,470, 2nd Dowager S. [L] (KEE, $22,280).
2nd dam
TROMPHE DE NASKRA, by Naskra. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $204,482, Alma North H.
(GS, $22,548), Camellia S.-R (PHA, $12,960), 2nd Lady Hallie H. [L] (SPT,
$21,370), Signature S. [L], Mill Race H. (PHA, $7,810), Wayward Lass S.
[OR], 3rd Prioress S. [G3], Critical Miss S. [L], Gala Lil H. [L] (LRL, $5,740),
Primrose S.-R (GS, $2,442), Carnation S.-R (PHA, $2,354). Dam of-NORTHERN EMERALD (f. by Green Dancer). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
WITHIN LIMITS, by Winged T. Unraced. Dam of 9 winners, including-TROMPHE DE NASKRA. Stakes winner, above.
Don't Delay Babe. Unplaced in 2 starts. Producer. Granddam of QUE FACIL CORAZON (to 3, 2001, $42,999, Kent H. (EMD, $16,500), etc.),
Country Heart ($29,820, 3rd Hastings Park H. (EMD, $5,250)), Music to
My Heart (at 2, 2001, $17,263, 2nd Pierce County S.-R (EMD, $7,000)).
4th dam
CASE DISMISSED, by Traffic Judge. Unraced. Half-sister to Light 'n Lovely
(7 wins, $80,145). Dam of 11 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-D. B.'S DREAM. 10 wins, 2 to 9, $112,371, British Columbia Derby H., etc.
Release. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $54,754, 2nd Pioneer H. Producer.
Legal Measure. 2 wins in 3 starts to 3 in Ireland; placed in 2 starts at 2 in
England, 3rd Middle Park S.; 5 wins, $15,195, in N.A. Etr at Laurel Park.
Quiet Smile. 8 wins, $50,205. Dam of FULL OF SMILES [L] ($231,069).
Specially Sue. Unraced. Dam of CONGE ($198,353, set ncr at Fair Grounds).
Vaccinated for influenza.
Engagements: NATC F., Breeders' Cup.
Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).
KEE 4/02
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