Country Fair Booklet - Riverhead Country Fair
Country Fair Booklet - Riverhead Country Fair
RIVERHEAD TOWNSCAPE, INC. TOWN HALL, 200 HOWELL AVE. RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 30 Riverhead, NY Vendor Spaces, Competitions, and Public Service Rules 10:10 a.m. to 5 p.m. T SUNDAY, OCT. 10th, 2010 t RIVERHEAD COUNTRY FAIR For The 35th ANNUAL Entry Guide COUNTRY FAIR COUNTRY FAIR Everybody Loves . . . The Riverhead COUNTRY FAIR Sunday, October 10th, 2010 10:10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Peconic River Parking Field Rain Date: October 11, 2010 Featuring: Live Entertainment All Day • Farm Animals & Pony Rides Agriculture, Homemaking and Needlecraft Exhibits and Competitions • Manufactured goods will be limited, NO FLEA MARKET ITEMS • Read the existing rules and regulations carefully on page 4. • Applications will be reviewed by a panel of judges, whose decisions are final. Over 450 Vendors • Public Service Area Vegetable Decorating Contest • EXPO 2010 Carnival Rides & Midway • Great Food Folk Music & Arts • Garden Tractor Pulls Pedal Tractor Pulls for Spectators Detailed information is available at 2010 Riverhead Country Fair Sponsors Table of Contents Applications: Competition Entry Form . . . . . . . .13 EXPO 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Vendor Application . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Competition Information: Basket Weaving . . . . . . . . . . .24 Cake Decorating . . . . . . . . . . .22 Farm and Garden Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Farm Wagon/Truck Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Fruit & Vegetable Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 General Competition Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 General Farm Display . . . . . . .17 Homemaking . . . . . . . . . . .21-22 Home Brewing . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Largest Pumpkin . . . . . . . . . . .17 Needlework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Vegetable Decorating . . . . . . .17 Wood Carving . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Directions to Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Townscape Inc. EXPO 2010 Information . . . . . . . . .6 Riverhead Town Board Riverhead Recreation, Highway, Sanitation, Buildings & Grounds, Fair Coordinators’ Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Street Lighting Departments Riverhead Police Department Fairgrounds Map . . . . . . . . . . .14-15 Riverhead Fire Department Sales & Exhibition Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Loyal Order of Moose Riverhead Chamber of Commerce Message . . . . . . . . . .7 Riverhead Chamber of Commerce Riverhead Town Supervisor’s Message . . . . . . . . .9 Riverhead-Jamesport Homemakers Evening Unit East End Arts and Humanities Council Riverhead Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Vendor Information . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Long Island Antique Power Association, Inc. Riverhead Business Improvement District Riverhead Rotary Club Riverhead Central School District Riverhead Kiwanis Club 3 COUNTRY FAIR Booth Information Sales & Exhibition Space The Riverhead Country Fair is an Animal Friendly Activity. 1. All spaces measure 12’ wide by 10’ deep and will be assigned within appropriate areas at the discretion of the Fair Committee. Applications will be considered in order of date received. 1. NO ANIMALS OF ANY KIND MAY BE SOLD, GIVEN AWAY OR USED AS PART OF A GAME. 2. Please consider the size of the crowd and the weather in deciding to bring your pet to the fair. 2. All applicants must include a copy of their NYS SALES TAX CERTIFICATE. Applications will not be processed without a copy of certificate. 3. BALLOONS: Helium filled balloons may not be sold or given away. They may be used for display purposes only. 3. A picture of your display is ESSENTIAL. 4. All tables and booths must be supplied by the exhibitor. Categories & Specifications 5. Electricity is available at $25 per space. Be sure to apply for electricity in advance. Exhibitor must supply heavy duty extension cord. BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHALL NO GENERATORS ARE ALLOWED . 1. ARTISTS AND CRAFTSPERSONS: For sellling original material only. NO MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS. Space donation – $120.00 6. CLOSING DATE FOR PAID APPLICATIONS is Friday, August 27, 2010. No applications will be accepted after this date. 2. RETAIL/COMMERCIAL SALES: A picture of your display showing the type and quality of your merchandise is required. Space donation – $140.00 7. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE will be mailed Wednesday, September 8, 2010. 3. FOOD CONCESSIONS: Hot dogs, hamburgers and beer will be sold exclusively by Riverhead Service Clubs. Space donation – $175.00 8. SET UP: The Fairgrounds will be open for set-up from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. No vehicle will be permitted on the Fairgrounds after 9 a.m. Unauthorized vehicles on the grounds after that time will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. Space for food vehicles is limited. There are very few spaces available for ice cream trucks. Applications for food booths MUST be received by August 27, 2010, and applicants must apply for Suffolk County Health Department approval. 9. CLOSING: The Fair will close at 5 p.m. From 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., pedestrians will leave the grounds. Vehicles will be permitted to enter the grounds after 5:30 p.m. 4. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS may apply for reduced rate booths in any category. Include NYS Tax Exempt Number. NOTE: The Fair Committee reserves the right to review all materials exhibited or sold and to rescind space for any material judged inappropriate to the family orientation of the Fair. 4 COUNTRY FAIR Application for Paid 2010 Vendor Space Donation Per Space Category # of Spaces Artists & Craftsman $120 __________ Manufactured Goods $140 __________ Antiques & Collectibles $125 __________ Food Booths $175 __________ Non-Profit Food $85 __________ Non-Profit Other $75 __________ Electricity (1 space) Maximum amps 20 $25 __________ Total Enclosed (No Checks, Please) Amount ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Make Money Orders payable to Riverhead Country Fair. Electric supply limited – please consider an alternative. (GENERATORS NOT PERMITTED). Please specify all merchandise or food to be sold. ONLY ITEMS LISTED MAY BE SOLD AT YOUR BOOTH! Include separate list of the items to be sold, if necessary. Name__________________________________Address_____________________________ Town_______________________State___________Zip____________Phone__________ Business or Organization______________________________________________________ If non-profit, Tax Exempt Number __________________NYS Sales Tax Number____________ All applications MUST include a large stamped, self-addressed envelope. Failure to include envelope will Limit your space selection. Send all entries to: Riverhead Country Fair, Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901 ✓Check List ❑ Money order enclosed (No checks) ❑ Every item for sale listed above ❑ Large self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed ❑ Picture of display enclosed ❑ Photocopy of NYS Sales Tax Certificate enclosed ❑ Have read instructions and information on page 4 For more information (631) 727-1215 5 COUNTRY FAIR 6 COUNTRY FAIR W elcome to Riverhead On behalf of the Riverhead Chamber of Commerce we re rolling out the red carpet for you and your family! It is my honor to be involved with this great community. Our annual Country Fair brings crowds of people here to discover our Main Street and our Riverfront. For some it is \RXU ÀUVW LQWURGXFWLRQ WR ZKDW 5LYHUKHDG KDV WR RIIHU +HUH DW WKH HQG RI WKH /RQJ ,VODQG ([SUHVVZD\ \RX·OO ÀQG WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI IDPLO\ IXQ 6XSHUE EHDFKHV UHQRZQ JROI FRXUVHV ZLGHO\ DFFODLPHG YLQH\DUGV DQG ZLQHULHV D ZRUOG FODVV $TXDULXP D WKULOO ÀOOHG ZDWHU WKHPH SDUN OHDGLQJ KRWHOV ,QQV DQG UHVWDXUDQWV DOO VHW DJDLQVW WKH EHDXWLIXO EDFNGURS RI WKH FRXQWU\VLGH RI HDVWHUQ /RQJ ,VODQG ´$QG WKH VKRSSLQJµ 5LYHUKHDG LV D VKRSSHU·V SDUDGLVH RI YDULHW\ FKRLFH DQG YDOXH )URP WKH UHVSHFWHG QDWLRQDO EUDQG QDPHV IRXQG DW RXU 7DQJHU 2XWOHW FHQWHU WR RXU GRZQWRZQ SXEV ELVWURV DQG LFH FUHDP VKRSV« IURP RXU IDUP VWDQGV DQG ´SLFN \RXU RZQµ IDUPV WR WKH VPDOO FXWH VKRSV DQG VHUYLFHV RI RXU KHULWDJH ÀOOHG 3ROLVK 7RZQ QHLJKERUKRRG \RX·OO GLVFRYHU ZK\ 5LYHUKHDG KDV EHHQ NQRZQ VLQFH LWV IRXQGLQJ LQ DV ´WKH PDUNHWSODFH RI HDVWHUQ /RQJ ,VODQGµ ,W LV P\ KRQRU WR VHUYH DV 3UHVLGHQW RI WKH &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH 2XU HQWLUH IRFXV LV WKH VXSSRUW RI WKLV marketplace. We started the year with a simple breakfast meeting we called Eggs & Issues. It has been swept XS E\ WKLV FRPPXQLW\ DV D PRQWKO\ IRUXP IRU DOO WKLQJV EXVLQHVV +HUH ZH VSUHDG WKH JRRG QHZV RQ JURZWK DQG WKHUH LV D EX]] :H DOVR SXW D WZLVW RQ OXQFK DQG FUHDWHG PLQL VHPLQDUV WKDW WHDFK DV ZHOO DV IHHG ZH FDOO WKHVH ´/XQFK /HDUQ PDNLQJ \RXU OXQFK ZRUN IRU \RX 2XU ÀUVW ZDV LQ SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK 6XIIRON &RXQW\ &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH·V &XOLQDU\ 6FKRRO ZKHUH ZH OHDUQHG DERXW WKH ´0HGLWWHUDQHDQ 'LHWµ DQG KHDUW KHDOWK:H DUH ZRUNLQJ FORVHO\ ZLWK WKH %XVLQHVV ,PSURYHPHQW 'LVWULFW DQG KDYH FUHDWHG WZR )UHH )DPLO\ &RQFHUWV RQ WKH ULYHUIURQW WKLV VXPPHU 2XU ´/HW·V 0DNH $ 'HDO 'D\µ WRRN QHWZRUNLQJ WR D QHZ OHYHO WRR DW RXU ÀUVW 'HDOPDNHUV &RQYHQWLRQ this March we paired companies together to collaborate on win/win partnerships in time to see them work for the summer tourist season. 2XU JRDO FRQWLQXHV WR EH EXVLQHVV :H VXSSRUW RXU PHPEHUV ZLWK PDUNHWLQJ DGYLFH WRROV DQG WKH DUHQDV LQ ZKLFK WR SURVSHU :H KDYH D YLEUDQW DQG DFWLYH )DFHERRN SDJH D 6RPHWKLQJ %XVLQHVV &RPPLWWHH D 0HHWXS 1HWZRUN D FRPPXQLW\ FDOHQGDU RQ RXU ZHEVLWH WKDW LV VXSSRUWHG E\ 5LYHUKHDG/RFDOFRP 2XU DZDUG ZLQQLQJ ORFDO SDSHU WKH 5LYHUKHDG 1HZV 5HYLHZ KDV SDUWQHUHG ZLWK XV RQ all of our events and is a source of wisdom and support. I invite you join our organization in any way. Stay in touch online RU FDOO RXU RIÀFHV :H DUH KHUH WR SURPRWH \RXU EXVLQHVV DQG NHHS Riverhead working. 6LQFHUHO\ 5REHUW /DQLHUL 3UHVLGHQW Riverhead Chamber of Commerce 7 COUNTRY FAIR 8 COUNTRY FAIR 9 COUNTRY FAIR WINE HORSES & SONG Our 78th Year JUST ANOTHER DAY AT THE FARM 136-138 West Main St. Riverhead BAITING HOLLOW FARM VINEYARD, MORE THAN JUST GREAT WINE 631-727-2805 Food | Live Music | Tastings | Tours | Wine Club Weddings & Events | Horse Rescue 2114 Sound Avenue, Baiting Hollow, New York 631-369-0100 | Welcome to the Country Fair! 10 COUNTRY FAIR The Riverhead Country Fair Sunday, October 10, 2010 Peconic River Parking Field (south of Main Street), Riverhead, NY Official Fair Hours: 10:10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Rain Date: October 11, 2010) Entries accepted on Saturday, October 9th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Entries also accepted on Sunday, October 10th from 6:00 a.m. to 8 a.m. on the grounds behind East End Arts Council, 133 East Main Street,Riverhead. Prizes All categories will award prizes as follows in both adult and junior: First Prize: Blue Ribbon – $15 Second Prize: Red Ribbon – $10 Third Prize : White Ribbon – $5 Honorable Mention Yellow Ribbon: no cash value Agricultural • Homemaking • Needlecraft Rules 6. All items entered in any class must be clearly labeled, showing variety of food or description of items exhibited. Cards for this purpose will be furnished by the Fair Committee upon acknowledgment of entry. 1. Entries open to all. Please mail entry form early. ALL ENTRIES SHOULD BE PRE-REGISTERED BEFORE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th. 2. Prizes will be awarded only to exhibits which are worthy. If there is but one exhibitor in any class only one prize may be awarded – first, second or third at the discretion of the judges. 7. a. Food must be visible through wrapping–NO REFRIGERATOR ON PREMISES. Whole cake, pie, loaf of bread or cookies must be on plates with clear wrapping. 3. Each exhibitor may enter in as many classes as he/she wishes,but will be limited to one entry per class, per category, per family. All articles entered are under the control and subject to the order of Fair Officials and may not be removed or withdrawn without their permission. b. Needlecraft items must be presented without wrapping or with wrapping removed by judge. Names and initials cannot be visible. 4. Entries must have been prepared by the exhibitor. Alleged or suspected violations of this rule will be subjected to investigation and, if confirmed, the exhibits will be disqualified. Proven fraud, whether through deliberate misrepresentation, through shifting of entry or award cards or in other ways, will be penalized by disqualifying of all exhibits made by the guilty party and forfeiture of all ribbons. Decision in such cases shall rest with the Judges and Chairperson acting together. 8. The Fair Officials will stage all exhibits except where specified to be staged by the exhibitor. These latter classes required the presence of the exhibitor to arrange his/her display. 9. All exhibits must be in place at the fair grounds by 8 a.m. Exhibits must remain in place until 5 p.m. Exhibitors wishing exhibits returned may claim them at the CLOSING OF THE FAIR AT 5 p.m. All prizes will be forfeited if not picked up at that time. 5. Conditions of display are stated under the names of each section. 10. All judges will be highly qualified in the field they are judging. 11 COUNTRY FAIR 12 COUNTRY FAIR Entry Form All entries must be pre-registered by Tuesday, October 5th Send forms to: Riverhead Country Fair • 909 Osborne Avenue • Riverhead, NY 11901 or email to: [email protected] Name Mailing Address Telephone # CLASS # HOMEMAKING FARM & GARDEN CATEGORY Amateur Professional Junior (to age 10) Young Adult (to age 17) Junior (to age 17) Back Yard Commerical A B C Please use separate sheets of paper for additional entries. ALL EXHIBITS MUST BE IN PLACE AT THE FAIR GROUNDS BY 8 a.m. EXHIBITS MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL 5 p.m. ON THE DAY OF THE FAIR. The Riverhead Country Fair Committee will take reasonable security precautions, but will not be responsible for loss, damage or theft of any personal property including all exhibit items. JUDGES WILL DISQUALIFY REPEAT ENTRIES. 13 Fairgrounds Map – Riverhead Country Fair 2010 14 15 COUNTRY FAIR Heller developing Leaders in supplying industrial, commercial and residential space for lease. The best locations available on east main street in riverhead and surrounding areas Sand and Salt Shed Auto or Boat Storage Storage [email protected]Žƌǁǁǁ͘ŚĞůůĞƌĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶƵƐĂ͘ĐŽŵ Heller construction since 1980. Innovators in the construction of PREFABRICATED AND FABRIC TENSION BUILDINGS. Ideal for many uses… Robert r. heller Jr. president Ph.631.875.4458 fax 631.722.4106 16 COUNTRY FAIR Farm and Garden Products LARGEST VEGETABLE AND FRUIT Entry must have been grown on Long Island. The size of each specimen will be determined by weight unless otherwise indicated. Only one cash prize will be awarded per class. In case of tie, other measurements will be used to award blue ribbon. This is an open class and includes all three categories (A, B, and C) judged as one. Information: 722-3879 100 101 102 103 104 Largest Squash (smooth grooved peduncle, flared at fruit attachment, tapered at a curved neck at both ends) Largest Zucchini Squash Largest Head of Cauliflower Largest Head of Cabbage Largest Potato – White 105 106 107 108 109 110 Largest Potato – Sweet Largest Carrot Largest Tomato Tallest Corn Stalk (in inches) Largest Head Sunflower Tallest Sunflower See General Competition Rules on page 12. For information on these competitions, call 727-7943. Pumpkin & Vegetable Decorating Contest Largest Pumpkin Farm Wagon Display Ages 4 to Adult One Entry Per Person – Entries Accepted Until 8 a.m. Bring all entries to the south end of the East End Arts Council property at 133 East Main Street. Entries must have been prepared by the exhibitor. Five angles peduncle, with little or no expansion at fruit attachment and flattened at both ends. Wagon or truck decorated with at least ten different items of vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. All produce used in display must be grown by exhibitor. Sponsored by: Riverhead-Jamesport Homemakers Evening Unit Information: 722-3873 Examples: Atlantic Giant, Prizewinner, Big Mac $100 premium Cash Prizes Information: 722-3879 Sponsored by: Reeve Farm and Greenhouses Information: 722-3879 General Farm Display At least ten different varieties of vegetables, fruits, flowers, hay or straw. All products used in display must be grown by exhibitor. $100 premium Information: 722-3879 BRIERMERE FARMS Sound Ave. @ Rte. 105 Riverhead, NY 17 Welcome to the 35th Annual Riverhead Country Fair! MESSAGE FROM THE CO-COORDINATORS We have written 27 of these “welcome to Riverhead” messages on behalf of the talented and dedicated committee which runs the Riverhead Country Fair. This is our twenty-eighth and final message as coordinators. We leave this job believing that our Fair Committee is strong and will continue to lead this vital community activity forward into the future. In 1976, as a way of Riverhead’s celebrating our nation’s bicentennial, a group of citizens decided to revive the old Riverhead Fair. That Fair was an annual attraction for people from all over Long Island until it ceased during the depression. The fair tradition was still strong, however, and the new Riverhead Country Fair began. Pat Stark and Lana Anker were the coordinators until 1983 when they turned the job over to us. This wonderful Fair will be in our hearts forever, and we will continue to cherish the friendships we have made because of it. We are, however, confident that Patrick Mulcahy, as the new coordinator, will lead the Fair into a successful future. Thanks to all the volunteers, professionals, vendors, competitors, performers, boaters, merchants and everyone else who has joined each October to make our Fair the very best anywhere. ENJOY YOUR DAY IN OUR TOWN! Connie and Jim Lull, coordinators It is my pleasure to be a partner to both Jim and Connie have enjoyed coming to the fair and celebrating the town Lull and their generous contributions to the Annual for many years. Most recently we have assisted Jim and Riverhead Country Fair. Connie in various aspects of prep work to create an environment where people come from all over As Co-coordinator in the 35th year of Long Island to celebrate and welcome this celebration, I am proud to have autumn on the East End. learned from two incredibly dedicated and passionate people that have taken I appreciate and look forward to the great pride in the development of this opportunity of working with the many vol- tradition. I am honored to continue their unteers and Committee people to help traditions and vision of the “little town- achieve one of the important goals of our wide block party” well into the future. town, which includes the celebration of its people, and thank Jim and Connie for this great opportunity. My family moved to Riverhead Town in 1969, and I purchased my first home in the township in 1983. My family (Pam, Ryan, Kevin and Emily) 18 COUNTRY FAIR Fruit and Vegetable Display by Individuals All fruits and vegetables shown in this section must have been grown on Long island. Any recognized variety of the following vegetables will be accepted. Each entry shall show the name of variety and shall include the number of fruits and vegetables. Three Categories: A. Junior Gardener B. Back Yard Grower All entries will be judged on the following: Freedom from disease, injury, insects, sunburn, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30% Best market size and quality . . . . . . . . . . . .25% Trueness of variety shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15% C. Commercial Grower Uniformity of size, shape, color and maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15% Attractiveness, cleanliness, etc. . . . . . . . . . .15% After judging, the produce will be arranged in such a way as to make an appealing and effective display. At that time the exhibitor shall be permitted to place name and address on the exhibit shown. Entries accepted only for categories listed. Information 722-3879 Class – Best Vegetables 138 Tomatoes, Red (4) 139 Tomatoes,Yellow (4) 140 Plum Tomatoes (4) 141 Cherry/Grape Tomatoes, with Stems (1 pt) 142 Tomatoes, Any Other Variety (4) 143 Turnips (2) 144 Potatoes, Superior (3) 145 Potatoes, Russet (3) 146 Potatoes, Red (3) 147 Potatoes, Yellow Flesh (3) 148 Potatoes, Any Other Variety (3) 149 Sweet Potatoes (3) 150 Herbs, Potted Basil 151 Herbs, Potted, Any Other Variety 152 Herbs, Cut in Water, Mixed Bouquet 153 Herbs, Cut in Water, Basil 154 Herbs, Cut in Water, Any Other Variety Class – Best Vegetables 111 Most Unique Vegetable 112 Beans, Green (10 pods) 113 Beans, Lima (10 pods) 114 Beets (6 with tops on) 115 Cabbage (3 heads) 116 Carrots (5 with tops on) 117 Cauliflower (2 heads) 118 Purple Cauliflower (2 heads) 119 Onions (5) 120 Leeks (3 with tops on) 121 Garlic (5 bulbs with short stem) 122 Broccoli (2 heads) Class – Best Vegetables 123 Peppers, Green Bell (5) 124 Peppers, Other Bell (5) 125 Peppers, Tapered, Green, Yellow, Red, Sweet (5) 126 Peppers, Hot (5) 127 Winter Squash, Butternut (3) 128 Acorn Squash (3) 129 Other Winter Squash (2) 130 Halloween Pumpkins (2) 131 Ornamental Gourds (3) 132 Summer Squash, Zucchini, Yellow (3) 133 Zucchini Squash, Green (3) 134 Brussels Sprouts (1 qt) 135 Spinach (1 bunch) 136 Eggplant (3) 137 Kale (1) Best 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 19 Fruits Apples, Red Delicious (3) Apples, Jonathan Gold (3) Apples, Matsu (3) Apples, Cortland (3) Apples, MacIntosh (3) Apples, Northern Red Spy (3) Apples, Rome Beauty (3) Apples, Any Other Variety (3) Pears (4) Raspberries (1 pt) Watermelon (1) Canteloupe/Muskmelon (2) Open, any category fruit or vegetable ©2010 SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PHOTOGRAPHY BY MICHAEL O’NEILL COUNTRY FAIR Small town in a GOOD WAY. The Suffolk County National Bank is proud to have its roots in Riverhead, and to support the Riverhead Country Fair. 29 branch locations throughout Suffolk County. 1201 Ostrander Avenue Riverhead 727.6800 6 West Second Street Riverhead 208-2350 Member FDIC 20 COUNTRY FAIR Homemaking CANNED GOODS (JAMS, JELLIES, PRESERVES, MARMALADES, ETC.) A broad category to include the more plentiful fruits and vegetables of Long island. Entries to be displayed in Ball, Mason or Kerr canning jars, with band and lid cap, and clearly labeled. All entries must be processed in boiling water bath. No wax or paraffin seals. Information: 727-4199 Three Categories: Class – Canned Goods – Preserves Plus 424 Beach Plum Preserve 425 Blueberry Preserve 426 Combination Preserve 427 Most Unique Preserve 428 Open Category Preserve 429 Fruit Marmalade 430 All Natural 431 Fruit Butters 432 Conserves 433 Chutneys 434 Applesauce 470 Honey, Most Popular 471 Honey, Most Unique Amateur Professional Junior Class – Canned Goods – Jams 400 Strawberry Jam 401 Blueberry Jam 402 Raspberry Jam 403 Blackberry Jam 404 Gooseberry Jam 405 Cherry Jam 406 Grape Jam (skin or seedless) 407 Peach Jam 408 Rhubarb Jam 409 Tomato Jam 410 Combination Jam 411 Most Unique Jam 412 Open Category Jam Class – Canned Pickled Cucumbers or Relish 500 Bread & Butter Pickles 501 Dill Pickles 502 Dill Pickled Vegetables 503 Sweet Pickled Vegetables 504 Sweet Pickled Fruit 505 Minced Vegetable Relish 506 Chow-Chow (partially whole & minced) 507 Chili Sauce 508 Tomato Catsup 509 BBQ Sauce 510 Salsa 511 Sour Pickled Vegetables 512 Vinegars 513 Corn Relish 514 Sauerkraut 515 Open Class – Canned Goods – Jellies 413 Strawberry Jelly 414 Raspberry Jelly 415 Cherry Jelly 416 Grape Jelly 417 Currant Jelly 418 Quince Jelly 419 Crabapple Jelly 420 Peach Jelly 421 Combination Jelly 422 Most Unique Jelly 423 Open Category Jelly BAKED GOODS Our own baked specialities. This may include old favorites or new and unique recipes. Not responsible for bakeware/serving plates. Information: 591-3937 Four Categories: Amateur Class – Baked Goods – Breads 600 Apple Bread 601 Banana Bread 602 Ethnic Bread (identify) 603 Herb Bread Professional 604 605 606 607 608 Junior Nut Bread (identify) Pumpkin Bread Raisin Bread White Bread Whole Wheat Bread 21 Young Adult 609 610 611 Zucchini Bread Scones Open COUNTRY FAIR Homemaking Class – Baked Goods – Cakes & Cookies Information:369-5276 629 Frosted Cake 630 Glazed Cake 631 Plain Cake, any flavor, no frosting or filling 632 Cake with baked-in topping 633 Cheese Cake, Plain 634 Cheese Cake, Flavored 635 Muffins 636 Drop Cookies (12) 637 Rolled Cookies (12) 638 Brownies, traditional (12) 639 Fancy Cookies, molded, pressed, cutouts(12) 640 Bars/Squares 641 Open Category Class – Baked Goods – Pies & Tarts 620 Apple Pie 621 Blueberry/Huckleberry Pie 622 Peach Pie 623 Pumpkin Pie 624 Mixed Fruit Pies 625 Cream Pies 626 Crisps/Cobblers 627 Tarts 628 Open Category – Pies NO REFRIGERATED CAKES ACCEPTED UNTIL MORNING OF THE FAIR Cake Decorating Entries in this division are open for “beginners to professional”. Dummies may be used. Explanations may be asked of participants. Real cakes will win in case of a tie. Entries must be in the proper selection. Information: 369-5276 Point System: Total 40 Points Originality: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-10 Points Neatness & Smoothness . . . . . . . . . . . .1-10 Points Beginner Cake Decorating Open to beginners with one year or less in cake decorating, self-taught or lessons. Class 650 Any decorated cake of your choice. Presentation of Idea or Technique . . . . . .1-10 Points Use of Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-10 Points Cake Decorating Junior Division Open to juniors sixth grade and under, self-taught. Class 651 Any decorated cake of your choice. Cake Decorating 652 Young Adult 653 Professional Please note: Specify age group as follows: 1. Amateur 2. Professional 22 3. Junior to Age 10 4. Young Adult 11-17 COUNTRY FAIR Needlework Entries will be accepted only on Saturday, October 9th, from 1 to 4 p.m. Entries will also be accepted on Sunday, October 10th from 6 to 8:00 a.m. All entries must be designated “Amateur” or “Professional”. If there is only one entry in a category, it will not necessarily receive first prize. Information: 727-7943 Class – Needlework – quilts and wall hangings 700 Quilts – All Hand Done 701 Quilts – Machine Pieced Hand Quilted 702 Quilts – All Machine Done 703 Child/Infant Quilt 704 Appliqued (design is entirely appliqué & quilting) 705 Appliqued and Pieced (may include embroidery) 706 Quilted Accessories for the Home (except wall hangings) – All Hand Done 707 Quilted Accessories – All Machine 708 Wearable Quilted Items 709 Miniature Quilts (largest dimension 20”) a. All Hand Done b. Machine Done 710 Small Wall Hanging (largest dimension 36”) a. All Hand Done b. Machine Done 711 Large Wall Hanging (largest dimension 60”) a. All Hand Done b. Machine Done 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 Class – Needlework – Needlepoint and Crewel 712 Needlepoint 713 Needlepoint – Holiday 714 Crewel 715 Counted Cross Stitch 716 Cross Stitched – Stamped 717 Embroidery 718 Ribbon Embroidery 719 Candlewicking Class – Needlework – Hand Knit and Crochet 720 Hand Knitted Sweater 721 Hand Knitted Small Items 722 Hand Knitted Sets (two or more pieces) 723 Hand Knitted Large Items 724 Hand Knitted Afghan 725 Hand Knitted Holiday 726 Hand Knitted Open (not specified above) 727 Crochet Small Items 23 Crochet Large Items Crochet Afghan Crochet Holiday Crochet Open Folk Art Painting a. Wearable b. Decorative Painting c. Holiday Stenciling Handmade Dolls a. Soft b. Porcelain Handmade Bears Rug Hooking Hand Sewing Open Category COUNTRY FAIR Home Brewing All entries must be designated either “under 500 gal/year” or “microbrewery.” Information: 727-7943 800 801 802 803 Beers Meads Cordials Wines a. Red b. White Basket Weaving Information: 727-7472 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 Reed Natural (vines, grasses, bark) Traditional (ash, oak) Nantucket Miniature (4” or less) Juniors (this is open to all ages to 18) New Weavers (weaving less than 2 years) Open Floral Competition All entries must be designated “amateur” or “professional.” Information: 727-7472 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 Wood Carving Wreaths Dried/Herb Wreaths Silk Centerpieces Dried/Herb Centerpieces Silk Swag Holiday Fresh Flowers – Arranged Open Category Information: 727-7943 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 24 Animal Fish Abstract Chip Carve Caricature Christmas Tree ornaments Wild Fowl Relief Group Scene Real Mini – 3” or smaller Whittled Utility Woodburning COUNTRY FAIR COUNTRY FAIR COUNTRY FAIR COUNTRY FAIR