February 12, 2016 City Manager`s Weekly Report
February 12, 2016 City Manager`s Weekly Report
City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Judson J. Rex, City Manager DATE: February 13, 2016 SUBJECT: City Manager’s Weekly Report Update on Projects and Priorities: Fire Chief Search. Both finalists for the Fire Chief position, Chris Christopoulos and Gregg Loyd, spent time in Denison this week. Their visit included a tour of the three fire stations, meeting with the department directors, and an evening reception with Fire Department staff. In addition to getting to know the candidates, the visits gave us an opportunity to sell Denison as a great place to live and work. I will be meeting with the Fire Department staff next week to get their feedback and then a decision will be made by February 19. CDBG Program Update. The CDBG steering committee met Friday, February 12 to review and approve some significant program changes. Changes include a focus on emergency only home repairs as well as infrastructure improvements in low to moderate income neighborhoods in the future. The committee's recommendation will come to the City Council for review and approval in March. Staff is planning to pursue a Section 108 loan of approximately $1.5 million for infrastructure upgrades beginning October 1, 2016, pending Council approval. Main Street National Recognition. The City of Denison’s Main Street Program received news this week as it was recognized as one of 58 nationally accredited main street programs in the state. The following release was sent to the press: 2016 NATIONALLY ACCREDITED TEXAS MAIN STREET PROGRAMS RECOGNIZED NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas—The Texas Historical Commission (THC) commended Denison, Texas for successful annual progress as a designated Main Street community, one of 58 to be recognized this year. City Manager’s Weekly Report February 13, 2016 The Texas Main Street Program (TMSP) began in 1981 as one of the first state coordinating programs in the country. 2016 marks TMSP’s 35th anniversary. Local Main Street programs focus on responsibly utilizing a community’s historic assets for economic benefit and to increase quality of life. During 2015, more than $216 million was reinvested into Texas’ 90 Main Street districts. Additionally, 327 small businesses and 1,710 jobs were created. Main Street programs in Texas are staffed, but rely on community volunteers to carry out the program. In 2015, Main Street volunteers reported more than 115,000 hours of work donated in support of the program. “For 35 years, the Texas Main Street effort has provided substantial return on investment to local communities across the state,” said Mark Wolfe, THC Executive Director. “Recognizing these individual local programs through an annual accreditation process proves that Main Pictured: (from left) Brad Patterson, Division Director, Community Heritage Development Division, Texas Historical Commission; Donna Dow, Denison Main Street Director; Dr. Matt Wagner, Vice President of Revitalization Services, National Main Street Center, Chicago, IL; Mark Wolfe, Executive Director, Texas Historical Commission; Debra Drescher, State Coordinator, Texas Main Street Program, Texas Historical Commission Street’s ambitious annual goals are being achieved.” The THC’s Texas Main Street Program (TMSP) made the announcement February 10 at the winter gathering of Texas Main Street managers in New Braunfels, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary as a Texas Main Street city. City Manager’s Weekly Report February 13, 2016 “The combination of effort by Main Street volunteers, staff and other local partners reaps great dividends. The state recognition and national accreditation recognizes these efforts,” said Debra Drescher, TMSP state coordinator. Accredited programs show above average performance in 10 categories on an annual report. Selection criteria focus on planning, partnerships, staffing, volunteer effort, preservation ethic, training, and program assessment through reporting. The state office also works with programs throughout the year by providing various services based upon local needs. For additional information about the national Main Street effort, visit the National Trust Main Street website at www.preservationnation.org/main-street. For more information on the THC’s Main Street program visit www.thc.state.tx.us/mainstreet. Weekly Reading File Monthly Department Reports January 2016 Development Services Update Planning and Zoning/Zoning Board of Adjustments _____________________________________ The Planning & Zoning Commission took the following actions on January 12th: --Approved a zone change request from Single Family 10 to Planned Development for an age restricted senior living development located at Park Avenue and Highland Park Drive. --Approved a final plat of 1.981 acres in the ETJ off of Dripping Springs Rd. --Approved final plats for the Fawn Meadows and Greenway Park subdivisions at Gateway Village. Zoning Board of Adjustments action included: --Variance approvals for metal accessory buildings at 1006 S FM 131 and the Grayson County Shelter at 331 W. Morton. --Approved front yard variance at 317 W. Munson. Year to Date Activity/Projects *8 single family permits were issued in January. 5 of these were affordable housing projects. Construction activity across the board continues to be strong. *Staff continues to work minimum property standards in the Loy Lake Rd. area. To date, about half of properties are now in compliance. Citations have been issued for failure to begin work after extensions were given for those properties still in violation. Initial notices were provided to homeowners in November 2015. *Staff has issued approximately $7,000 in citations for a mobile home park at Frank Circle. The property is not zoned to allow for mobile homes and the existing units are in very poor condition. The owner has been unresponsive thus far. *The owner of the Denison Hotel has been notified of multiple minimum property standards violations. Staff will work with the property owner to bring the building up to standard in the coming months. City of Denison's Building Inspections - Monthly Report Month of January, 2016 Permit Applications Permits Issued Total Inspections CO's Issued Total SF Total Value Total Fees Accessory Building - Residential 3 3 3 0 3,392.00 $118,720.00 $770.00 Carport 1 1 0 0 0.00 $2,000.00 $42.00 10 10 18 5 19,256.00 $0.00 $500.00 Clean and Show (Temp Electricity) 1 1 1 0 3,800.00 $340,480.00 $50.00 Commercial - Simple Add, Alt or Rep 1 1 0 0 1.00 $5,000.00 $78.00 Commercial Add, Alter or Repair 1 1 12 1 1.00 $4,260.00 $78.00 Commercial Building 0 0 15 1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Demolition - Commercial 0 0 1 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Demolition - Residential 2 2 0 0 2,633.00 $2,000.00 $50.00 Driveway Approach 6 6 0 0 600.00 $2,300.00 $300.00 Electric Panel/Service Change 4 4 4 0 0.00 $1,750.00 $168.00 Electrical - Commercial 3 3 1 0 1.00 $100.00 $150.00 Electrical - Residential 9 9 11 0 3.00 $16,580.00 $619.00 Fence - Commercial 1 1 2 0 0.00 $3,500.00 $42.00 Fence - Residential 7 7 4 0 978.00 $19,200.37 $294.00 Fire - Above Ground Fire Sprinkler 3 3 8 0 0.00 $0.00 $150.00 Fire - Kitchen Hood Permit 3 3 0 0 0.00 $0.00 $150.00 Fire - Underground Fire Line 1 1 4 0 0.00 $0.00 $50.00 Irrigation - Commercial 2 2 4 0 0.00 $4,200.00 $250.00 Irrigation - Residential 3 3 7 0 0.00 $3,000.00 $225.00 Mechanical - Com - HVAC Changeout 2 2 4 0 0.00 $0.00 $84.00 Mechanical - Commercial 2 2 2 0 1.00 $5,500.00 $128.00 10 10 6 0 3.00 $32,485.00 $420.00 Certificate of Occupancy Permit Mechanical - Res - HVAC Changeout MYGOV.US City of Denison | Building Inspections - Monthly Report | Printed 02/06/2016 at 07:30 AM Page 1 of 2 Multi-Family Building (New) 1 1 0 0 1.00 $75.08 Plumbing - Commercial 3 3 5 0 1.00 $7,500.00 $206.00 Plumbing - Commercial - Gas Test 2 2 3 0 0.00 $0.00 $84.00 10 10 16 0 4.00 $5,775.00 $544.00 Plumbing - Residential Gas Test 8 8 11 0 0.00 $0.00 $336.00 Plumbing Sewer Service (Yard Line) 0 0 1 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Propane - Residential 1 1 1 0 0.00 $2,800.00 $80.00 Residential -Single Family Dwelling 8 8 94 0 10,783.00 $714,570.00 $1,050.00 13 13 35 0 1,932.00 $294,120.00 $2,470.00 Plumbing - Residential Residential Remodel $43,200.00 Roof - Commercial 2 2 4 0 2,101.00 $36,280.00 $84.00 Roof - Residential 12 12 28 0 7,251.00 $51,639.00 $504.00 Sign - Banner 0 0 1 0 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sign - On Premise Double Sided 1 1 3 0 9.00 $0.00 $65.00 Sign - On Premise Single Sided 5 5 1 0 302.00 $10,873.13 $500.00 Swimming Pool - Res (In-Ground) 1 1 1 0 390.00 $40,000.00 $225.00 142 4 142 311 8 7 0 53,443.00 1,406.39 $1,724,707.58 $45,387.04 Totals Average MYGOV.US City of Denison | Building Inspections - Monthly Report | Printed 02/06/2016 at 07:30 AM $53,946.00 $1,419.63 Page 2 of 2 City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 MEMORANDUM TO: Judson Rex, City Manager FROM: Billy D. Ray, I-Fire Chief DATE: 02/11/2016 SUBJECT: RE: Monthly Report for January 2016 Personnel The following fire department personnel observed anniversaries in January: Levin Paddock Kevin Arrington Michael Allison Mark Hutchings Zakk Rudolf Zane Brazil Captain Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic 9 years 8 years 7 years 7 years 5 years 5 years Department staff personnel attended the following meetings during January: HSAC meeting Media luncheon Denison Directors meeting TMC Trauma/Cardiac and EMS Meeting North Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Committee Meeting Grayson County emergency management planning Monthly LEPC meeting at Grayson County Courthouse Monthly Grayson County Fire Chiefs Meeting Ecivis grant program HIPAA compliance. Planning and Procedures meeting Chest pain committee meeting at TMC Grayson County Health Department contagious disease readiness. City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Payroll processes with HR. Emergency management ARES (amateur radio), storm spotter coordination. Multiple station tours and public demonstrations during Fire Prevention Week. Economic development summit. Sherman Fire department mutual aid operations. Management Assistant • Developed a website with Red the Uniform Tailor to fully automate department uniform ordering process • Submitted Storm Ready Application on behalf of the city through the National Weather Service and received tentative approval. Award will follow a visit from NWS representative in the next month or so. • Completed FEMA Emergency Management Institute’s (EMI) Professional Development Series including: 1. IS-120.a Intro to Exercises 2. IS-230.d Fundamentals of Emergency Management 3. IS-235.c Emergency Planning 4. IS-240.b Leadership and Influence 5. IS-241.b Decision Making and Problem Solving 6. IS-242.b Effective Communication 7. IS-244.b Developing and Managing Volunteers • Started FEMA EMI Advanced Professional Development Series • Other training completed: 1. FEMA IS-42 Social Media in Emergency Management • Voted on behalf of the city at the Homeland Security Advisory Committee for a regional communications project • Attended pictometry training • Attended Ebola preparation meeting hosted by Health Department • Received first ACH payment for Debris Project from FEMA $59,449.83 • Additional projects awarded totaling $124,120.20 (payment anticipated within 60 days). Operations On-duty personnel Provided tours of the city’s Fire Stations Completed an EMS supply inventory 100’ Aerial platform truck demonstration. City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Completed an air quality test at station 2. Completed Pre-fire inspections Started 2 new fire recruits. Provided generated light trailer to Snowball softball tournament. Each Shift Cleaned each station every morning Cleaned department vehicles as needed Cleaned and completed assigned monthly PM on assigned vehicles Mowed yards at all stations on each Friday Training Department Each firefighter attended and/or completed the following training during January; Classroom and Field Training. Four (4) internet based classes 2010 AHA Guidelines adult cardiac arrest parts 1 and 2 Noise and hearing class Walking working surfaces class New hire orientation Pictometry On-Line Training Each firefighter completed two (2) on-line EMS CE courses Each firefighter completed two (2) on-line fire CE courses City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Fire Prevention The Fire Marshall remained very busy during the month of January The Fire Marshal’s office performed the following during January: Thirty Four (34) fire safety inspections 6 plans and reviews One (1) Fire investigation . FIRE RESPONSES – JANUARY 2016 City County Dwellings 1 0 Business 0 0 Apartment 0 0 Rescue/MVA 18 4 Smoke 2 1 Grass 2 1 Auto 1 1 Miscellaneous 29 2 Alarm 1 0 False/Cancelled 5 0 EMS 286 18 Total 345 27 City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 FIRE RESPONSES – Fiscal Year 2015/2016 City County 5 1 1 1 0 0 78 17 4 2 17 6 7 1 117 7 12 2 23 2 1014 75 1273 112 Dwellings Business Apartment Rescue/MVA Smoke Grass Auto Miscellaneous Alarm False/Cancelled EMS Total City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 EMS RUNS Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Total Runs Total Miles Total Time 1367 4843 50847 57 238 2316 1424 5081 53163 City County Yearly Total City Total Daily Responses Date of Service Medical Trauma Cardiac Arrest NPU Daily Daily Daily Mileage Total Scene Time Total Time 1/1/16 5 2 0 4 36.5 52 293 1/2/16 7 7 0 5 54.7 102 807 1/3/16 4 1 0 4 41.6 47 345 1/4/16 8 4 0 3 56.9 80 586 1/5/16 2 0 0 2 12.5 31 133 1/6/16 5 0 0 0 25.9 35 280 1/7/16 6 1 0 4 31.9 77 389 1/8/16 6 2 0 2 41.7 67 449 1/9/16 3 0 0 2 18.6 27 167 1/10/16 3 3 0 2 21.5 38 256 1/11/16 7 1 2 3 45.6 54 456 1/12/16 3 0 0 1 15.8 31 190 1/13/16 14 5 1 7 65.6 121 781 1/14/16 6 3 0 2 58.7 68 397 1/15/16 10 4 2 3 87.3 90 677 1/16/16 4 5 0 3 40.1 62 474 1/17/16 8 4 0 2 66.5 78 632 1/18/16 4 1 0 2 25.03 55 279 1/19/16 2 2 0 1 18.6 18 176 1/20/16 5 3 1 4 21.4 38 390 1/21/16 9 5 0 1 71.1 86 636 1/22/16 4 2 0 4 32.5 63 332 1/23/16 6 0 1 1 32.96 34 270 1/24/16 9 5 0 1 78.6 77 763 1/25/16 9 1 1 4 30.2 60 409 1/26/16 5 3 0 5 45.2 66 373 1/27/16 7 1 0 0 43.3 46 369 1/28/16 5 0 0 2 24.2 52 233 1/29/16 11 0 0 2 70.7 58 599 1/30/16 7 3 0 4 43.03 59 444 1/31/16 5 3 0 3 30.3 66 392 189 71 8 83 1,288.52 1,838 12,977 Sum: County Total Daily Responses Date of Service Medical Trauma Cardiac Arrest NPU Daily Daily Daily Mileage Total Scene Time Total Time 1/5/16 0 0 0 1 0 8 15 1/6/16 1 0 0 0 13.9 17 67 1/9/16 0 0 0 1 0 11 11 1/11/16 0 0 0 2 0 21 50 1/14/16 0 1 0 0 11.6 12 113 1/19/16 1 0 0 0 4.9 8 51 1/21/16 1 0 0 0 7.4 8 57 1/22/16 1 0 1 1 0 8 53 1/27/16 1 1 0 0 16 20 105 1/30/16 1 0 0 0 19.4 12 78 6 2 1 5 73.2 125 600 Sum: TO: Judson Rex, City Manager FROM: Renee Waggoner, Director of Finance SUBJECT: January 2016 Financial Reports DATE: February 12, 2016 I have attached January 2016 Financial Reports. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Renee’ SERVICE TEAMWORK ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITMENT INTEGRITY 500 W. Chestnut ★ Denison, TX 75020 ★ www.cityofdenison.com ★ (903) 465-2720 ★ Fax (903) 464-4499 CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL OVERVIEW FY 2016 YTD REVENUES REPORT 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Property Taxes Sales & Use Tax Refuse Franchise Fees FY 2016 Licenses & Permits FY 2015 Fines/Criminal Fees Ambulance Billing Other Taxes All Other Total Revenue FY 2016 Budgeted Property Taxes Sales & Use Tax Refuse Franchise Fees Licenses & Permits Fines/Criminal Fees Ambulance Billing Other Taxes All Other Total Revenue $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,510,536 4,500,000 4,800,000 1,945,203 192,000 500,000 1,225,000 468,000 2,668,139 22,808,878 Revenues for Month $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,381,718 325,909 264,864 900,072 39,938 40,223 92,977 (1,919) 196,295 4,240,077 FY 2016 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,173,469 1,453,019 1,636,356 1,004,548 78,207 135,879 460,636 143,545 460,539 9,546,197 FY 2016 % Used 64% 32% 34% 52% 41% 27% 38% 31% 17% 42% FY 2015 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,768,174 1,433,443 1,556,299 982,870 60,073 130,188 459,899 127,962 389,293 9,908,203 ***Property tax is down for January because the Grayson County Tax Office is behind on posting January payments. The payments they are behind on posting will be reflected in February. FY 2015 % Used 77% 35% 33% 57% 30% 23% 38% 28% 16% 46% CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR WATER/SEWER FUND FINANCIAL OVERVIEW FY 2016 YTD REVENUES REPORT 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Water Service Sewer Charges Connection Fees FY 2016 Penalties FY 2015 Lab Fees All Other Total Revenue FY 2016 Budgeted Water Service Sewer Charges Connection Fees Penalties Lab Fees All Other Total Revenue Revenues for Month $ 6,849,000 $ $ 4,010,058 $ $ 140,000 $ $ 210,000 $ $ 88,000 $ $ 182,967 $ $ 11,480,025 $ 313,616 220,310 11,400 17,424 13,699 19,759 596,208 FY 2016 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,079,786 1,262,677 51,795 70,921 45,427 49,220 3,559,826 FY 2016 % Used 30% 31% 37% 34% 52% 27% 31% FY 2015 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,980,312 1,245,305 41,916 70,090 57,237 21,088 3,415,947 FY 2015 % Used 30% 35% 30% 33% 72% 22% 32% CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL OVERVIEW FY 2016 YTD EXPENDITURES REPORT 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Administration Public Safety Public Works Community Services FY 2016 FY 2015 Parks & Recreation Development Services Internal Services Total Expenses FY 2016 Budgeted Administration Public Safety Public Works Community Services Parks & Recreation Development Services Internal Services Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,684,388 10,345,977 3,864,381 1,404,711 1,733,055 701,208 1,549,522 22,283,242 Expenses for Month $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 164,374 793,092 408,676 211,149 125,271 51,599 92,139 1,846,299 FY 2016 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 952,956 3,333,523 1,208,215 507,016 508,618 202,264 551,564 7,264,155 FY 2016 % Used 35% 32% 31% 36% 29% 29% 36% 33% FY 2015 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 867,598 3,345,572 1,245,132 422,891 515,885 241,844 613,549 7,252,471 FY 2015 % Used 32% 33% 32% 32% 31% 35% 37% 33% CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR WATER/SEWER FUND FINANCIAL OVERVIEW FY 2016 YTD EXPENDITURES REPORT 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Water Treat./Distr. Lab Sewer Coll./Mnt. Waste Water Treat. FY 2016 FY 2015 Admin/Billing Transfers/Contracts Storm Water Oper. Total Expenses FY 2016 Budgeted Water Treat./Distr. Lab Sewer Coll./Mnt. Waste Water Treat. Admin/Billing Transfers/Contracts Storm Water Oper. Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,933,459 177,025 773,507 1,539,608 918,944 4,542,843 183,858 11,069,244 Expenses for Month $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 181,347 11,706 78,603 111,099 73,121 231,847 5,040 692,762 FY 2016 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 918,221 53,326 235,509 514,372 277,597 1,050,415 44,123 3,093,562 FY 2016 % Used 31% 30% 30% 33% 30% 23% 24% 28% FY 2015 YTD Actual $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 967,917 62,775 219,996 511,659 381,179 792,538 54,667 2,990,733 FY 2015 % Used 31% 36% 28% 33% 38% 20% 24% 27% CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR TOP EXPENDITURES FINANCIAL OVERVIEW FY 2016 YTD TOP EXPENDITURES REPORT 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Electricity Overtime FY 2016 FY 2015 Fuel FY 2016 Budgeted Expenses for Month FY 2016 YTD Actual FY 2016 % Used FY 2015 YTD Actual FY 2015 % Used Electricity Overtime Fuel $ $ $ 1,334,329 $ 584,350 $ 590,000 $ 98,839 $ 54,099 $ 15,834 $ 416,518 198,093 100,221 31% 34% 17% $ $ $ 406,493 231,648 157,869 28% 37% 22% Total Top Expenses $ 2,508,679 $ 168,773 $ 714,832 28% $ 796,011 28% CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR WATERLOO POOL ANALYSIS WATERLOO POOL-GENERAL FUND REVENUES & EXPENDITURES Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep FY 2015 Revenues $ 8,892 $ 7,423 $ 7,602 $ 8,304 $ 9,854 $ 13,758 $ 17,762 $ 15,050 $ 34,332 $ 21,380 $ 12,473 $ 11,757 $ 168,586 FY 2015 Expenses $ 36,454 $ 25,800 $ 27,419 $ 33,676 $ 26,911 $ 32,097 $ 29,377 $ 27,571 $ 54,272 $ 57,044 $ 30,508 $ 46,157 $ 427,285 Difference $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (27,563) (18,377) (19,818) (25,372) (17,057) (18,339) (11,615) (12,520) (19,940) (35,664) (18,035) (34,400) (258,700) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep FY 2016 Revenues $ 11,170 $ 7,830 $ 7,202 $ 10,076 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,277 FY 2016 Expenses $ 37,413 $ 26,870 $ 38,287 $ 28,570 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 131,140 Difference $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (26,242) (19,041) (31,085) (18,494) (94,862) $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 FY 2015 Expenses FY 2016 Expenses $30,000 FY 2015 Revenues FY 2016 Revenues $20,000 $10,000 $Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR WATERLOO POOL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW MAIN ACTIVITY FY 2016 YTD 1,067 569 1,994 134 89 997 1,153 730 1,775 Paid Admissions - Resident Paid Admissions - Non Res Adm with Passes Passes Sold - Resident Passes Sold- Non Res Fitness Admissions Swim Team - Denison Dolphins Swim Team - DISD Pool Rentals 0 500 FY 2015 YTD 908 536 2,106 120 121 1,113 989 814 1,254 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Paid Admissions - Resident Waterloo Pool Main Activity Paid Admissions - Non Res Adm with Passes FY 2016 YTD Passes Sold - Resident FY 2015 YTD Passes Sold- Non Res Fitness Admissions Swim Team - Denison Dolphins Swim Team - DISD Pool Rentals TOTAL MONTHLY ADMISSIONS Oct Nov Dec FY16 2,515 2,079 2,371 FY15 2,570 2,205 1,811 Jan 2,498 2,217 Feb 0 1,811 Mar 0 4,391 Apr 0 3,286 May 0 3,591 Jun 0 9,686 Jul 0 8,633 Aug 0 1,631 Sep 0 2,701 12,000 10,000 Total Admissions 8,000 6,000 FY16 4,000 FY15 2,000 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR PARK FEE REVENUE FINANCIAL OVERVIEW FY 2016 PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE FEES $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 YTD Totals Park Maint Fees FY 2016 Aquatic Fund Fees FY 2015 Waterloo Park Fees FY 2016 Revenues for Month $9,652 $22,611 $6,441 $38,705 Park Maint Fees Aquatic Fund Fees Waterloo Park Fees Total Fees Collected Total # Participants Park Maint Fees Aquatic Fund Fees Waterloo Park Fees FY 2015 Revenues for Month $9,601 $22,281 $6,319 $38,201 FY 2016 YTD Actual $38,508 $90,177 $25,690 $154,375 FY 2015 YTD Actual $38,482 $89,211 $25,258 $152,951 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 4,782 4,443 4,193 4,801 4,482 4,249 4,788 4,452 4,203 4,811 4,475 4,231 4,805 4,472 4,233 4,816 4,491 4,253 4,822 4,510 4,275 4,817 4,507 4,278 4,804 4,498 4,270 4,807 4,503 4,275 4,817 4,512 4,287 4,826 4,522 4,294 Percentage of Fee Participants 12-Month History 50% 48% 46% 44% 42% 40% 38% Park Maintenance Fees Aquatic Fund Fees Waterloo Park Fees CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR LIBRARY OVERVIEW FY 2016 LIBRARY ACTIVITY 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Library Visits FY 2016 YTD Lending FY 2015 YTD Computer Use 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Requests FY 2016 YTD New Acquisitions FY 2015 YTD Meeting Room Usage FY 2016 YTD Library Visits Lending Computer Use Requests New Acquisitions Meeting Room Usage 33,190 33,170 9,175 990 2,013 224 FY 2015 YTD 33,944 35,492 10,022 1,137 1,321 224 CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR COURT OVERVIEW FY 2016 COURT ACTIVITY Fines/Fees Collected Retained by City Remitted to State FY 2016 YTD Total Collected FY 2015 YTD - 50,000 100,000 Number of Dispositions FY 2016 YTD 1,691 FY 2015 YTD 2,645 Dispositions FY 2016 YTD FY 2015 YTD 0 2,000 Violations Uncontested Cases Compliance Dismissals All Other Dispositions 62.0% 21.5% 4,000 Online Payments 10.7% Online Payments Traffic Violations 78.5% Non-Traffic Violations FY 2016 YTD Traffic Violations 1,327 Non-Traffic Violations 364 FY 2016 YTD Uncontested Cases 1,050 Compliance Dismissals 422 All Other Dispositions 219 250,000 Number of Dispositions 15.3% 13.0% * 200,000 FY 2016 YTD FY 2015 YTD $ 212,891 $ 224,340 $ 76,561 $ 86,727 $ 136,330 $ 137,612 Total Collected Remitted to State Retained by City 25.0% 150,000 74.0% Direct Payments Collection Agency FY 2016 YTD Online Payments $22,714 Direct Payments $157,643 Collection Agency $32,534 Dismissals based on driver safety course, deferred disposition, teen court, tobacco awareness course, chemical dependency treatment, * proof of financial responsibility, or other transportation code dismissals. Collection Agency Activity Remitted to City Retained by MVBA - 5,000 Retained by MVBA $ Remitted to City $ Total Collected $ 10,000 FY2016 YTD 4,872 21,624 26,496 15,000 Percentage 18.4% 81.6% 20,000 25,000 CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR CODE ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY CODE ENFORCEMENT NEW CASES 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Animal Violations Buildings-No Water Buildings-Poor Structures Buildings-All Other Illegal Dumping / SPU Sep-15 Minimum Property Stds Oct-15 Swimming Pool Violations Nov-15 Illegal Parking Dec-15 Veh. Junked/Not Moved Jan-16 Litter & Debris All Other Yard Violations Zoning Violation Signs CDBG High Grass & Weeds 300 200 100 0 Sep-15 Animal Violations Buildings-No Water Buildings-Poor Structures Buildings-All Other Illegal Dumping / SPU Minimum Property Stds Swimming Pool Violations Illegal Parking Veh. Junked/Not Moved Litter & Debris All Other Yard Violations Zoning Violation Signs CDBG High Grass & Weeds Total New Cases Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 2 5 4 1 27 20 1 12 13 24 32 15 0 0 128 1 5 1 2 23 1 0 23 23 33 49 16 2 0 274 0 2 1 1 15 21 0 11 18 13 17 8 0 5 49 2 6 0 1 14 6 0 3 9 20 14 6 0 0 1 0 3 2 3 16 4 0 19 10 25 31 3 0 0 2 284 453 161 82 118 CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR MONTHLY LANDFILL ANALYSIS LANDFILL TONNAGE CITY OF DENISON - TASWA TONNAGE Feb Mar Apr FY15 & FY16 1,734 1,748 2,220 FY14 & FY15 1,584 2,079 2,237 FY13 & FY14 1,502 1,630 2,217 May 1,692 1,965 1,939 June 1,710 2,492 1,646 July 1,846 2,092 1,809 Aug 1,480 2,103 1,888 Sep 2,325 2,302 1,448 Oct 2,272 1,676 1,636 Nov 1,745 1,269 1,445 Dec 2,063 1,665 1,375 Jan 2,143 1,683 1,718 3,000 2,500 2,000 FY15 & FY16 1,500 FY14 & FY15 1,000 FY13 & FY14 500 0 Feb Mar Apr May ALL CITIES - TASWA TONNAGE Feb Mar Apr FY15 & FY16 9,087 10,254 11,385 FY14 & FY15 8,167 10,167 11,126 FY13 & FY14 8,177 9,147 11,042 June May 10,191 10,412 10,586 July Aug June 11,144 11,036 9,348 Sep July 11,230 10,835 10,007 Oct Aug 9,651 10,802 9,615 Nov Sep 11,704 10,593 8,826 Dec Jan Oct 11,256 10,037 9,709 Nov 10,358 8,204 8,625 Dec 11,586 9,655 8,230 Jan 10,558 9,297 9,388 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 FY15 & FY16 6,000 FY14 & FY15 4,000 FY13 & FY14 2,000 0 Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug DENISON / ALL CITIES COMPARISON Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 DEN 1,734 1,748 2,220 1,692 1,710 ALL 9,087 10,254 11,385 10,191 11,144 Sep Oct Nov Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 1,846 1,480 2,325 11,230 9,651 11,704 Dec Jan Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 2,272 1,745 2,063 11,256 10,358 11,586 Jan-16 2,143 10,558 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 ALL 6,000 DEN 4,000 2,000 0 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR MONTHLY RECYCLE ANALYSIS RECYCLE WEIGHTS IN TONS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 101.8 85.1 121.7 131.5 105.8 143.6 140.0 114.3 111.9 118.5 120.2 164.2 117.8 Recycle Tonnage 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan The City of Denison Recycle Program began in February 2013. The program is operated through Progressive Waste Solutions of TX, Inc. The cost of this program is $2.95 per household. Of this cost, $2.00 is charged to the customers, and $.95 is paid by the City. The citizens can request an extra recycle bin at $1.69 per month which is added on their water bill. We hope this program will encourage our citizens to consider the environmental impact of their daily living. CITY OF DENISON MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 33% THROUGH FISCAL YEAR DENISON SALES TAX REVENUE FINANCIAL OVERVIEW SALES TAX REVENUE 3 Year Monthly Comparison $700,000 $600,000 FY 2014 YTD TOP EXPENDITURES REPORT $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 Jan Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Feb Mar Apr 2014 $350,293 $552,828 $397,380 $396,677 $569,814 $436,093 $441,613 $557,828 $444,018 $439,859 $547,895 $510,302 May 2014 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jun 2015 Jul Aug 2016 2015 $414,534 $652,586 $401,703 $400,341 $598,766 $450,953 $444,153 $592,581 $437,634 $450,320 $580,434 $472,060 Sep Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Oct Nov Dec 2016 $434,545 10 Year Comparison $6,000,000 $5,500,000 $5,000,000 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 2006 2007 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 $4,831,687 $5,011,984 $5,042,176 $5,266,238 $4,942,486 2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 $5,044,023 $5,425,218 $5,617,332 $5,644,601 $5,896,065 * One-fourth of the sales tax received by the City of Denison is allocated for Economic Development and therefore is distributed to the Denison Development Alliance (DDA). City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Judson Rex, City Manager Amy Lay, Human Resource Director January Monthly Summary The following is a summary of Human Resources Department related projects and information for January 2016: Personnel In January we experienced three retirements and one resignation of full-time employees which include: Alvin Bailey-Library Director, 33 years Arthur Denton-Foreman, Water/Sewer Distribution/Collection, 30 years Laura Haworth –Associate Library Director, 33 years Chelsea Schock- Public Safety Dispatcher Three retirement receptions were hosted. We on-boarded nine new full-time employees: Andrew Geisler-Firefighter Recruit Colby Hogenson-Police Officer Anastasia Kuhn-Public Safety Dispatcher Dennis Marshall-Police Officer Rodger McBride- Building Inspector Tana Pirtle-Police Officer Recruit Che Renteria-Firefighter Recruit Jae Ricketts-Police Officer Recruit Ashley Willis-Public Safety Dispatcher Three Part-time Employees were hired: Elizabeth Crawford- Lifeguard Sarah Henderson-Lifeguard Interviews were held for the vacant Fire Chief Position. Payroll & Compensation Employee w-2s were produced and distributed during the month of January. City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 An RFP was advertised for a Compensation and Classification study to assess the current salaries and pay plan for our staff. The deadline for bids is February 2, 2016. Much HR staff time was spent updating the following in the payroll software: -Tax Tables -Health, Dental, and Vision Deductions -Optional Life Deductions -STD, and Specialty Care Deduction -Boot and Uniform Deductions Benefits Through Brinson Benefits, we rolled out two new Health Insurance plans through TML for our employees for 2016. Both are less expensive plans than we currently offer and the savings of the City will be utilized to help buy-down the employees’ deductible, should they meet them. The employees are excited about this Health Reimbursement Arrangement and the break in dependent premiums. Our ancillary lines are with the following: Life, STD, and LTD-Cigna Dental and Vision-TML Optional Accident, Hospitalization, Cancer, etc.-AFLAC Much of our month was spent enrolling our employees through TML’s online enrollment system and updating our deduction settings in the payroll software. We also have been focused on meeting the requirements for Affordable Care Act reporting of minimum essential coverage for our employees. Through TML, we have partnered with Greatland who will be distributing 1095s on our behalf. We are responsible to collect the necessary data and documentation from our employees and uploading it into Greatland’s portal. Although the federal deadline has been extended, we are working rapidly to complete this reporting requirement. Civil Service We accepted applications for the Police Entry-Level examination this month. The test date is set for February 6, 2016. The Civil Service Commission has approved the use of a new entry level examination. The new test is the POST offered through Stanard and Associates. We hope this will increase interest and the pass ratio for our applicants. City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Ongoing HR Activities Paperless leave process (ESS) will continue for all divisions towards the goal of full participation. New Wellness Program options are being considered for the 2016 calendar year. Brinson Benefits is working on a local partnership with TMC to meet this required preventative care. Due to new Affordable Care Act mandatory reporting, affidavits have been issued to all those employed by the City of Denison in 2015 and tracking requirements will be on-going. The employee newsletter was produced and distributed to all staff. Five vacant full-time positions and Police testing were advertised. City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 465-4828 TO: JUD REX, CITY MANAGER FROM: JONI ST. CLAIR, TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY, 2016 SUBJECT: DEPT 009-IT JANUARY MONTHLY REPORT Operations: Managed Assets Devices/Peripherals COMM BREAKDOWN 372 62 Mobile Phones Communication Equipment 190 41 Tablets Servers Managed 24 63 Radios Work Orders Opened Closed 4+ Hours to Resolve Performance Measures Month Q1 Q1 387 389 2 Q2 417 14 933 52 417 14 Unplanned Outage (Public Safety), 10m+ 0 0 eGov Transactions 1827 5286 $202,578 $612,378 CRM Requests AVG Days to CLOSE CRM eGov Payment Amounts Month 137 128 1 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q4 FYTD 524 517 3 FYTD 1350 16.5 0 1827 Projects: Communications Center Project Firewall Upgrades/Work Continued Randell Water Treatment Plant – new S/W & H/W implmentations Annual strategy planning; budget preparations Research and beginning configuration of MDM implementation Researching end-user training platform Bank of American Building IT needs research and estimated costs Scan to folder research for implementation Tyler INCODE Upgrade preparations Tyler INCODE for library funds/GL cost proposal Notes of Interest: Q2 137 128 1 24 Mobile Hotspots/Other 7113 $814,956 City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 MEMORANDUM TO: Judson Rex, City Manager FROM: Carrie Jones, Interim Library Director DATE: 2/12/2016 SUBJECT: Monthly Report January left us with two departures of Alvin Bailey, Director, and Laura Haworth, Associate Director. Steve McGowen has been promoted to Associate Director. He has been with the Library for 18 years and has earned a Master’s in Library Science from the University of North Texas. Staff has started planning for the Parent Child Workshops with the Family Place Library Program. We are reaching out to the necessary professionals to conduct the workshops. We are expecting a site visit from the State in March to review collection development, space design, implementation, coalition building and staff development. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to learn and raise awareness of the Family Place Library programs. Attached are the activities report raw data which is organized and collected according to State Library requirements. MEMORANDUM TO: Jud Rex, City Manager FROM: Sunny Mackey, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: Monthly Report Summary for January 2016 Recreation Activities The 33rd Annual Snowball Classic was held on Jan. 29-31 with 60 teams participating. Teams from Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri came out. Other players also traveled from California, Louisiana, Georgia and Florida. Great weather all weekend and we had new champions in both divisions. Soldados from McKinney won the Men’s division and BTA from Durant won the Co-ed. Kicked off registrations for the Battle of Waterloo with a first day kick off discount and about 15 people took advantage. Began a Monday and Wednesday Workout Program for City Staff to participate in during lunch hours. Completed Parks and Rec publication and distributed to different businesses On January 9th hosted the Howard Caylor Adult Trout Derby; Despite the rainy, windy and cold conditions we had a great turnout of 56 anglers. Waterloo Pool Ended the month with increase over Jan 2015 by $2,081.31 bring YTD increase over last year $3,953.83 and 281 impressions over Jan 2015 bringing YTD increase over last year of 660. Swim Team went to Winter Games of Texas in Frisco. We took 33 swimmers to the event of 754 swimmers from across the state. Came home with 8 Gold Metals, 7 Silver Metals, 7 Bronze Metals, and 9 4th place finishes. Our Party Reservations are ever increasing, In January we hosted 10 private parties, 3 of which were Mermaid parties. (2 mermaid parties are already scheduled for Feb) With the assistance from Parks Maintenance, we installed the new Large Slide and the New 4’ tall, open slide that is in the shallow end. Customers like both new slides very much and the inflatable is not being used very much. SERVICE 531 W. Chestnut TEAMWORK Denison, TX 75020 ACCOUNTABILITY www.cityofdenison.com COMMITMENT (903) 465-2720 INTEGRITY Fax (903) 465-1676 Fitness classes are going wild, they are in the middle of the second annual Mermaid Makeover Challenge and our customers are loving it. SOSU has closed their swimming pool. We are getting some of their swimmers to come here and have started radio ads on 3 Durant Radio stations with the following 30 second spot. Parks Maintenance Completed the makeover at Morton Street Mini Park Added distance markers around the perimeter of Katy Soccer Fields for citizens to walk. The material for the signs was donated by John Munson and Nautilus Fitness Center. Painted post and cable feature at Katy Soccer Fields at Crawford Street Maintenance at Ray Park -Removed leaves -Repaired benches and table -Trimmed trees Maintenance at Hopkins Park -Removed leaves -Removed broken playground equipment -Trimmed trees Assisted at Waterloo Pool with installing two (2) new slides Prepared T-Bar Fields for Snowball Tournament Reorganizing maintenance building at Smith Practice for operations SERVICE 531 W. Chestnut TEAMWORK Denison, TX 75020 ACCOUNTABILITY www.cityofdenison.com COMMITMENT (903) 465-2720 INTEGRITY Fax (903) 465-1676 City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 MEMORANDUM TO: Judson Rex, City Manager FROM: Jay Burch, Chief of Police DATE: February 9, 2016 SUBJECT: Monthly Report Monthly Report for the Police Department January 2016 Operations: Citations: Warnings: Arrests: Juvenile: Misdemeanor: Felony: Calls for service: Investigators - cases filed: Offense reports taken: Accidents reported: Jail revenue (PD only): January 495 415 Previous Month 304 302 4 114 41 1137 54 206 77 2 80 35 1236 76 209 86 $4,461 (Fiscal year total to General Fund: $16,697) Alarm Information: False alarms for the month (PD): 38 (Previous month: 36) 0 citation(s) and 0 warning(s) were issued reference false alarms or failing to obtain permit. Narcotics Unit report: The Denison Narcotics Division conducted the following investigations during the month: 37 local investigations and 1 Joint Investigation. As a result of these investigations 25 arrests were made in Denison. Narcotics Division state seizures this month were $6,066.00. (Denison PD may receive up to 75% of the forfeited amount if awarded by the court.) One search warrant was executed at the following location: 420 East Morton Street. Approximately 4 pounds of marijuana, 1 gram of Methamphetamine and 1.5 grams of Cocaine were located. One (1) adult was arrested and $3,347.00 was seized as a result of this investigation. Service Teamwork Accountability Commitment Integrity City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Use of Force incidents: Note: A use of force incident is one classified as force used above the “routine” or “ordinary” to take an individual into custody. Usually this means the subject officers are detaining/arresting is aggressively resisting officers and a stronger measure of force is needed to get the person into custody. Policy requires these incidents be documented and reviewed by administration. There were 2 reported Use of Force incidents this month that were reviewed by the police chief and/or a review board of supervisors per department policy. Personnel: Jan. 4 – Police recruits Tana Pirtle and James “Jae” Ricketts started at the Denton Police Academy and are progressing on schedule. Jan. 4 – Probationary Officers Ray Marshall and Colby Hogenson started in the Field Training Program. Marshall is already in Phase 2 (of 4) in his training. Hogenson is soon to complete the first phase. Both are progressing well. Jan. 4 – Ana Kuhn started training as a public safety dispatcher. Jan. 19 – Ashley Willis started training as a public safety dispatcher. Jan. 26 – Dispatcher Krystal Camp was promoted to Assistant Communications Supervisor. Probationary Officer Kristijan Jakovac continues in Phase 2 (of 4) of his Field Training Program. He is progressing as expected although the phase will be continued 2 weeks to clear up some issues. An officer is still on a Performance Improvement Plan and is progressing well. Service Anniversaries: Jan.1 - Sergeant Bill Hayth, 33 years and Officer William Deering, 6 years. Jan. 22 – Dispatcher Joyce Sturgess, 3 years. Community Service: Jan. 11 - Lt. Mike Eppler conducted a Public Service Contact at the Lucky Stop District Office about criminal mischief at one of their stores. Jan. 12 – Lt. Eppler gave the media a tour of the newly remodeled PD facility. Jan. 15 – Asst. Chief Joe Clapp and Lt. Eppler attended the monthly media luncheon at Tracks Restaurant. Jan. 19 – Lt. Eppler, Lt. Paul Neumann, and Officer Jeff Hill attended at Google Safety Program with Congressman Ratcliff at Scott Middle School. Jan. 27 – Detective Kyle Mackay participated in handing out toys to children at the Children’s Advocacy Center. Victim Services Team Activity: Jan. 2 – VST members helped secure a residence at 2631 W. Walker after a vehicle ran through the house. Service Teamwork Accountability Commitment Integrity City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 K-9 Activity: Due to personnel shortage in patrol, Officer Deering and Ivar spent the majority of the month working a regular patrol shift. Ivar was deployed a total of eleven (11) times with nine (9) of those deployments initiated by Officer Deering. Ivar was deployed six (6) times for open air sniffs (building/ vehicle), one (1) barricaded person, one (1) area search, two (2) fleeing suspects, and one (1) felony warrant service. During the open air sniffs 3.2 grams of methamphetamine was located along with 1.36 grams of marijuana. He also had three (3) apprehensions with no contact from Ivar. Officer Deering and Ivar trained for approximately 14 hours this month and trained on the following: narcotic sniffs (both vehicle and building), deployment into a smoking car, apprehension over a fence and throwing canines over a fence for apprehension, deployment out of vehicle for apprehension, building searches, tracking, bite work, and obedience. He trained with Sherman PD, Texas Game Wardens, Lewisville PD, Frisco PD, Flower Mound PD, Little Elm PD, and Denton County SO. Officer Deering had the following stats: 10 34 7 44 45 Citations Warnings Arrests Calls Answered Backups Public Relations Contacts: (The purpose of the Public Relations contact is to determine from a citizen or business owner if there are any issues they have with the police department or City in general. We then try to reconcile those issues if possible.) Public relations contacts this month: 151 (Businesses 64) (Residents 87) (Last month total: 120) Notes of Interest: Jan. 6 – DPD Dive Team members Officer Chris Kuhn and Officer Sean Noel responded to Lighthouse Marina at Lake Texoma reference a search for a possible drowning. Missing person was not located at that time. Jan. 8 – Chief Burch attended the Denison Economic Summit at the Hilton Garden Conference Center. Jan. 11 – Chief Burch held a media event highlighting the PD building remodel. Television and newspaper media were present and all reporters were given a tour of the building. Jan. 26 – the Kiwanis Club held a luncheon for the DPD officers that participated in the Shop with a Cop Christmas event this past December. Jan. 28 – state officials conducted the annual TCIC/NCIC audit of the Public Safety Communications Unit. The department passed with flying colors and the state auditor gave the department kudos for having some of the “best reporting documentation” she had ever seen. Service Teamwork Accountability Commitment Integrity City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Awards – Honors – Special Training: Jan. 20 – DPD Honor Guard conducted training working on ceremonial drills, facing movements, and posting of colors. All Public Safety Dispatchers received training in the topic, Open Carry Law Update. Public Safety Dispatcher Krystal Camp completed training in Basic Dispatcher. Certifications/Achievements: Public Safety Dispatchers Krystal Camp and Haley Sanders received their Telecommunicator License from the state. Volunteer Activities: Volunteers worked 70 hours for the police department this month. Coming Events: Testing for final 2 police officer open positions on February 6. Chief’s Summary: January saw strong results from our recruiting efforts. We had more quality applicants from the latest test than any other test we’ve given in the 4+ years I have been here. As a result, we hired 4 persons off the test list and 2 of those are certified, meaning we were able to immediately put them in field training instead of having to send them to academy as we did with the other 2 hires. Hiring certified officers when we can helps to get them on the street sooner since they don’t have to attend an academy. By the way, 3 of the 4 we hired have Bachelor’s degrees so we are hiring a more educated staff as well. Speaking of academy training, we are trying somewhat of an experiment with the 2 recruits that started January 4. For the first time in our history, we are sending recruits to the Denton Police Academy. I and the assistant chiefs made an on-site visit in December and met with the academy director as well. We were all impressed with the program and the state of the art training facility. The reason for trying a different academy is that we have not been satisfied with the training from the two academies we have used in the past – Texoma Regional Police Academy and the Collin County Regional Academy. They are good institutions but we have to go much deeper in teaching police fundamentals once the recruit is out of the academy than we should so we decided to make the change to see if Denton will give us a more fundamentally sound recruit and we believe they will. Denton is “old school” police fundamentals using modern police methodologies. This doesn’t mean we will never use the other academies again as much of the decision on where to send recruits turns on the next available class date. None of the academies have the same start dates so it falls on when we hire the recruits in determining which academy we use. However, if we get the results we think we will from Denton, we’ll use them as much as possible. January also saw the start of the Open Carry law in Texas and our officers have been trained accordingly. Interestingly, we have had no incidents of even seeing a person wearing a gun holstered on their belt or shoulder so it doesn’t seem to be an issue for the public so far. Service Teamwork Accountability Commitment Integrity City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 We continue to wait with baited breath on the outcome of the bids for the dispatch center. Once council approves a bidder, we are prepared to move forward as soon as possible since much of the background work has been completed or planned. When completed, I strongly believe we will have a significant increase in service and satisfaction from the public in regard to public safety. We continue moving forward on our journey to greatness! Chief Burch Service Teamwork Accountability Commitment Integrity City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 MEMORANDUM TO: Judson Rex, City Manager FROM: David Howerton, Public Works Director DATE: February 11, 2016 SUBJECT: Public Works Report for January 2016 The following is a listing of activities for January 2016. Items are bulleted by Division with brief comments. Cemetery Division 08 Fairview Cemetery American FH Fisher FH Magnolia Cemetery Cravens FH 1 1 1 ($425.00) ($500.00) $900.00 1 $1,150.00 Total Income 4 (2 PPOC @ $925.00) [January 2015 Total Income 10 $2,050.00 $6,675.00] Monthly Lot Sales & Prepaid Openings/Closings January 2016 [January 2015 Concrete Boxes Foundation Settings Lot Sales Prepaid Opening & Closing Lot Sales 6 [Prepaid Opening & Closing 2 -0- -0-0$5,815.00] $ 775.00] $ 950.00 City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Customer Service Requests Received and completed 2 Trimmed trees at Fairview Poured 4 foundations No foundations set in January No graves filled in Fairview in January Sympathy Letters and bookmarkers sent to the families at end of each month. Sanitation Division 44 Dumpster needs for the new Dollar General and O’Reilly projects wound down during month. Hauled 19 loads of blast sand from City’s Parkdale Ground Storage Tank repainting project. Homeowners have been really busy with 32 dumpsters hauled from the Residential Collection Station. January was only normally busy with special curbside pickups. PTF Insulation’s business has been steadily picking up, with their compactor needing to be hauled three times per week. Affordable Housing projects are keeping drivers busy hauling dumpsters, too. Streets/Signs Divisions 55 & 57 Sign Technician installed more than 40 new signs during month. He also began assisting with bag delivery the last week of January. Fifty-seven tons of hot mix and 12 tons of cold mix asphalt were placed in potholes and utility cuts when weather allowed. Crews hauled and placed a large amount of asphalt millings for drives and parking at the T-Bar Complex in time for the annual Snowball Tournament. Crew started cutting and shaping of replacement roadway section for the Randell Water Plant. Crews cleaned curbs and gutters when cold and wet winter weather prevented other projects. Demolitions/Mowing Division 58 Crew finished one prominent demolition job at the corner of Morton Street and US 69/Austin Avenue. The demo/mowing crew was a big help to the Distribution/Collection Division with equipment for the embankment repair at Morningside Circle. Crew hauled off two more previously downed houses that had been two wet to get to earlier. Crew assisted with crack seal machine training. City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Fleet Maintenance Division 60 Final portion of new roof project and warranty inspection took place in January. Initial City Shop remodel estimate from consultants came in too high, so staff went back and changed plan concepts to reduce costs. Shop crew handled 268 work orders for the month of January. Water Treatment 80 and Water Laboratory 82 Crew removed 4-inch pressure relief valve from NTRA pump station, and then cleaned and repaired it. Staff continued remodeling efforts on original plant building for Environmental Services offices. Maintenance crew drained water from clarifier gear boxes and refilled same with oil. Changed oil in large air compressors, replaced drive belts, and performed other maintenance items. Crew installed and calibrated a new caustic soda feed pump, and rebuilt caustic recirculation pump with new bearings in motor. Contractor for Lake Randell spillway project began moving in equipment before the end of January. Staff assisted surveyor in setting permanent brass monuments in spillway. Instrument Technician assisted Water Distribution Division by modifying auto read boxes for several large meters in the system. Total rainfall for 2015 at the Randell Water Plant was 86 inches! Water Distribution 84 & Wastewater Collection 86 Crews replaced 240 feet of failed 6-inch sewer main at 1831 S. Crockett. Big effort to clean bush and debris from aerial sewer crossings on 24-inch sewer west of US 75 over to FM 131. Crews installed new water and sewer taps for four new Affordable Housing projects in January. A new manhole was installed on a line near the entrance to the Paw Paw Wastewater Plant. Another section of 21-inch sewer line east of US 69 near Duck Creek collapsed and had to be replaced. Distribution/Collection crew assisted a large bank stabilization project near the cul-de-sac for Morningside Circle. Several small water leaks during the month, but no big ones. As usual, crews performed routine line locates, dead end water main flushing and routine sewer line inspections. City of Denison 500 West Chestnut Street | PO Box 347 Denison, TX 75021-0347 (903) 465-2720 | Fax (903) 464-4499 Paw Paw Wastewater Treatment 88 and NTRA WWTP 97 Maintenance crew rebuilt and replaced clarifier scum are assembly and skimmer on Primary Clarifier No. 1. Two new ultraviolet board modules and wiring were purchased and installed. Two new swing arm check valves were purchased and installed on sludge return pumps. New capital items, polyblend mixer machine and two primary sludge pumps, were received in January. TCEQ Order for pretreatment program was heard in Austin and was placed into effect. Superintendent had second public notice published in newspaper for new Paw Paw Plant permit on 1/31/16. Environmental Services issued new discharge permit for HHI Spectrum Brands/Kwikset. Crew ordered and received new 15 hp 600 gpm recirculation pump for Waterloo Pool, to be installed in February. Total rainfall at the Paw Paw Plant for 2015 was 87 inches! Please let me know if there are any questions. -DEH