9 - Englewood Farms
9 - Englewood Farms
Consignors... AGRi-expOsuRe Harrodsburg, Kentucky 540.280.5388 TAYLOR GReen Crossville, Tennessee 931.200.3349 CmC CORpORATiOn mcdonough, Georgia 678.201.2287 HB fARms midway, Kentucky 859.338.9402 CiRCLe R RAnCH Jacksonville, Georgia 904.482.7197 COLe KAufmAn Harrodsburg, Kentucky 540.280.5388 enGLewOOd fARms Lancaster, Kentucky John ethington - manager 859.533.1301 John Tobe - Owner 859.621.4411 Twin OAKs fARm eubank, Kentucky 606.872.8072 Sale Day Phones... Schedule of Events... John Ethington............859.533.1301 Nathan Hicks ..............859.576.6738 Keith Kissee ................817.821.6263 Mark Smith .................515.229.5227 Bill Helton ..................256.962.0256 Thad Combs ...............615.406.5766 Scott Manley ..............417.860.5250 Sonny Booth ..............918.533.5587 FRIDAY, September 19th • Afternoon Cattle are available for viewing • Kentucky Junior Assoc. Silent Auction begins • 5:00 pm Kentucky Limousin Breeders Assoc. meeting SATURDAY, September 20th • 8:00 am Coffee & Pastries • Cattle available for viewing • 11:30 Complementary Lunch • 12:50 Kentucky Junior Assoc. Silent Auction closes • 1:00 pm Kentucky Limousin Breeders Sale Auctioneer... Accommodations... CK “sonny” Booth super 8, - 859.236.8881 3663 Hwy 150/127 Bypass, danville, KY sale Consultants... mark smith, Grassroots Genetics .........515.229.5227 Bill Helton, Circle H Ranch.................256.734.5819 Hampton inn - 859.236.6200 100 montgomery way, danville, KY sale management... Terms & Conditions... Announcements... Announcements at the sale by the owners, auctioneers or sale management will take precedence over statements in the sale catalog. insurance... Livestock mortality insurance will be available through Grassroots Genetics, mark smith. sale Order & supplemental information... e sale order and supplemental information will be posted at www.kkseedstock.com for your convenience when available. Guarantee... All cattle sell under the standard guarantee of the north American Limousin foundation. Terms of the sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made prior to the sale. A representative will be on hand sale day if your wishes are to insure your purchases. please note: e sale manager is only an agent for the seller and has no responsibility other than those involved in conducting the sale. All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. neither the sale manager nor englewood farms assume liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur sight unseen purchase Agreement... if you are unable to attend the sale and want to speak with any of the sale staff please don’t hesitate to call. ey will provide you with a complete satisfaction guarantee for the cattle purchased. if within two weeks from the date of the sale you are not satisfied with your purchases and how they were described to you, then the sellers will gladly give you a refund and take the animal back. Kentucky Junior Association silent Auction Auction Opens friday Afternoon and Closes saturday prior to start of sale. Louisville To englewood farm: sale Location... englewood farm • Take i-64 east • Take KY-151 (exit 48) to Graefenburg/Lawrenceburg • Bear RiGHT onto KY-151 • Go 6.6 miles to us-127 Byp • Continue to us-127 Byp to danville for 35 miles • Continue straight to us-150 (thru street light past Lowe’s on right) • Turn LefT on Gose pike • Go straight past street light onto 52 east to 590 south • Turn RiGHT (south) on 590 south • Turn LefT on first blacktop road (engleman Lane) • Turn LefT through stone pillars Lexington to englewood farm (follow Red Arrows): • Take nicholasville Road (us-27 south) to Lancaster. • Turn RiGHT at red light (52 west) • Turn LefT (south at 590 south) • Turn LefT on first blacktop road (engleman Lane) • Look for stone pillars on left danville super 8 to englewood farm: • Turn RiGHT onto us-150 Byp • Turn LefT on Gose pike • Go straight past street light onto 52 east to 590 south • Turn RiGHT (south on 590 south) • Turn LefT on first blacktop road (engleman Lane) • Turn LefT through stone pillars Lot 1 enGd perfect margarita englewood farms 1 enGd peRfeCT mARGARiTA LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 61 09/10/2011 • ENGD1104Y • LFF2006346 CONNEALY LEADTIME CONNEALY LEAD ON ELIGENCE PLUS OF CONANGA JCL LODESTAR 27L EXLR PERFECT MARGARITA MDPL PERFECT MARGARITA Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC CONNEALY DATELINE RUTHS RONA OF CONANGA T C DIVIDEND 963 EURA CAP OF CONANGA HUNTS HI-LITER 245G LOGAN'S CHEERLEADER 280G EXLR DAKOTA 353G MAGS HOLLYANNA sT dOC Cw 9 -0.2 53 106 35 6 0.5 17 pe 11-25-13 to 3-1-14 to mAGs Y-Axis 15 ReA YG mAR $mTi 45 -0.28 0.44 0.32 54 enGd perfect margarita is the most advanced version of the famed perfect margarita cow family that has made such an impact upon the englewood breeding program. e female is homozygous polled and homozygous black, and the source of some of the most exciting Lim-flex blood in the mation. Connealy Lead On has been proven as one of the greatest Angus sires in the breed. exLR perfect margarita was one of the top selling lots in last year's englewood mature Cow Herd dispersal, when she was purchased by steve Revell for his Circle R Ranch. 6 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs exLR perfect margarita - dam of Lot 1 exLR perfect margarita is a face card donor female in the Limousin industry. she has been one of the great breeding daughters of JCL Lodestar 27L, and her progeny have paced the breed and industry across the north American continent. Her son by exLR Review 7153R, RVdR e winner 934w, is working in the massey and milam programs as a featured herd sire. Other females are in the englewood replacement pen. e influence of the progeny from the great cow will be realized for many generations to come. AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 2 mAGs wallpaper Selling 1/2 Interest Cole Kaufman 2 mAGs wALLpApeR PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 76 • ww:941 • Yw: 1237 01/30/2009 • MAGS1791W • NPF1928948 BLACK DIAMOND QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP EXLR DAKOTA 353G MAGS JEWEL LKCC TOMAHAWKS TOUCHDOWN 2 155P YKCC TOP LINE 180X MK TANSY GPFF BLAQUE RULON MAGS SAVAGE MAGS MANDA COLE FIRST DOWN 46D MAGS GRETCHEN MAGS BENJI Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 5 3.2 60 96 23 5 due 11-18-14 to mAGs winston 0.7 sT dOC Cw 0 8 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.39 0.03 0.12 52 mAGs wallpaper has become a popular female as she has been campaigned across the country. she was the Grand Champion female at the 2010 west Virginia state fair, Reserve division Champion at the 2010 national Junior Heifer show and division Champion at the 2010 All American Limousin futurity. e female has become more impressive each and every day and she is now on her way to becoming one of the most significant young females in the seedstock industry. mAGs savage is the syndicated son of Gpff Blaque Rulon from mAGs manda. He is one of the very best sons of Gpff Blaque Rulon from the enormously popular mAGs manda family. e sons and daughters of mAGs savage are among the most popular and accomplished in the industry. e added body depth and front end ex- sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY daughter of Lot 2 tension are hallmarks of the mAGs savage progeny. it is so splendidly illustrated in the genetic design of mAGs wallpaper. mAGs Gretchen is the grand matron of the entire Gretchen cow family. Her sons and daughters are major suppliers of fresh and valuable genetics to the magness program. e daughter of COLe first down is one of the greatest achievers in the industry. mAGs wallpaper is destined to re-write breed history. Her 76 pound birth weight, 941 pound weaning weight and 1206 pound yearling weight qualifies her to be in an elite class of few. KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 7 Lot 3 TGBC swizzle 270w Lot 4 TGBC Jenny Lee 002Y Agri-exposure 3 TGBC swizzLe 270w PUREBRED • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 58 • ww: 640 10/02/2009 • TGBC270W • NPF1939682 HUNTS HI-LITER 245G JCL LODESTAR 27L LOGAN'S CHEERLEADER 280G CARROUSELS PURE POWER MAGS SWIZZLE MAGS MARQUEE Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 14 -0.8 46 90 18 9 due 9-27-14 to shillings Yannis WADDLES COBALT 3106 TNUH MISS C245 COLE FIRST DOWN 46D TTCC CONFIDENCE MAKER GPFF BLAQUE RULON TUBB FIRST CLASS 666F EXLR DAKOTA 353G MAGS JEWEL sT dOC Cw 0.7 25 13 47 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.49 0.07 0.05 45 TGBC swizzle 270w is one of the most exquisite daughters of JCL Lodestar 27L in the nALf herd book. she is balanced from end to end and she has the genetic tabulation to build upon a superior calving ease line of powerful purebred Limousin seedstock. she excels in the most basic of valuable traits for the breed - marbling and calving ease. e progeny and their progeny that share JCL Lodestar 27L as a common parent have become the benchmark for progress in the breed. for over three generations now, his genetic contribution has been noted and valued immeasurably in the industry. mAGs swizzle has now earned her reputation as a superior donor female. Her first natural daughter by Basin franchise was purchased by express Ranches through the 2009 Tubmill Creek Crossing sale for $28,000 for half interest. furthermore, her dam, mAGs marquee,is the full sister fo mAGs manda, the amazing donor matron in the breed. 8 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs Agri-exposure 4 TGBC JennY Lee 002Y LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 68 • ww: 704 • Yw: 1022 02/01/2011 • TGBC002Y • LFF1985861 GPFF BLAQUE RULON TWIN EAGLES LADY 180K JCL LODESTAR 27L VERMILION LADY 1469 GPFF BLAQUE RULON CLLL BANANA CREAM PIE RADS BLACK PRODIGY MAGS JENNY LEE 809J MAGS REJUVENATOR C L BURBANK LH RADIANT 323R FWLY BIG TIME TGBC JENNY LEE 208W LESF 4913P Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 9 1.5 54 96 19 3 due 9-14-14 to TmCK Barley 0.5 sT dOC Cw 13 43 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.36 0.20 0.15 50 TGBC Jenny Lee 002Y is a perfect Lim-Flex female from the absolute tops of e Greenbrier breeding program. e female is perfectly designed and elegantly orchestrated. She is cut from the most unique genetic material, and this female is perfect from end to end. She is flawless in her movement coupled with her perfect profile and ample body depth. She is one of the significant individuals to sell this year. TGBC Jenny Lee 208W, her dam, raised this heifer as a two year old female. e first calf heifer did a super job of efficiently producing and raising this female to a heavy and competitive stage. AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 5 HB delightfull 161Y HB farms 5 HB deLiGHTfuLL 161Y LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 76 • ww: 564 • Yw: 953 09/08/2011 • HBBH161Y • LFF1997709 S A F CONNECTION SYDGEN C C & 7 SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 4087 SVF GDAR 216 LTD S A F ROYAL QUEEN 5084 SYDGEN 1407 CORONA 2016 CHAZ FIRST CHOICE 6004F TWCC DELIGHTFULL 856H SCF POLLED DELIGHT 862X COLE FIRST DOWN 46D CHAZ MISS ROXANNE 92C SCF MR COLORADO 385U HVRM 570T Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC sT dOC Cw 9 0.9 54 107 39 2 0.0 due 9-1-14 to mAGs Y so Tangled 11 ReA YG mAR $mTi 25 -0.39 0.37 0.33 55 Lot 6 nnCL Jenna 186Y HB delightfull 161Y is an extraordinary Lim-flex female from the HB program. she is sired by the trait-leading Angus sire, sydgen CC&7. e female is perfectly balanced genetically, and she is a pleasingly packaged female in her phenotype. Her strong performance figures with a 39 for milking ability and impressive marbling statistics make this one of the outstanding lots of the sale offering. many of the breed's best Limousin genetics are represented through the blood of the dam. she will calve before sale day to the former national western Grand Champion Bull, mAGs Y so Tangled. HB farms 6 nnCL JennA 186Y LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 82 • ww: 558 • Yw: 900 10/03/2011 • NNCL186Y • LFF1997734 HUNTS HI-LITER 245G JCL LODESTAR 27L LOGAN'S CHEERLEADER 280G BC 7022 RAVEN 7965 HB JENNA 884U EXLR JENNA 777L Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC WADDLES COBALT 3106 TNUH MISS C245 COLE FIRST DOWN 46D TTCC CONFIDENCE MAKER B C MARATHON 7022 O C C BLACKBIRD 796F EXLR POLLED RESOLVE 175G EXLR 817F sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 10 1.7 55 105 24 8 0.5 13 34 0.05 0.26 0.26 due 10-2-14 to 11-21-14 to enGd dollar General 902w 54 HB farms 7 HB pAT 119Y PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 78 • ww: 560 • Yw: 891 03/07/2011 • HBBH119YY • NPF1979448 JCL LODESTAR 27L KAJO RESPONDER 120R KAJO SHERYL SWOOPS 11H MOVL ROUSER HB PAT 4024S CARROUSELS PAT 4024P Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC HUNTS HI-LITER 245G LOGAN'S CHEERLEADER 280G HC POLLED I 102A KAJO FANCY 3F D&M CLASS ACT 563D D&M MISS EMPIRE 505D MAGS KABOOM CARROUSELS LUCILLE 1046L sT dOC Cw 9 2.7 54 104 26 5 0.9 20 14 due 9-1-14 to enGd Yard machine 1023Y 10-2-14 to 12-5-14 to wulf well suited w709 19 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.36 0.03 0.06 48 nnCL Jenna 186Y is an excellent daughter of JCL Lodestar 27L. she has a complete and powerful pedigree from the very best lines made popular in the HB program. Years and years of selective breeding have been contributed to the young Lim-flex female. for decades, the lineage represented here has been some of the most popular and proven in the entire industry. every line of her pedigree indicates quality and sound breeding decisions. HB pat 119Y is an outstanding daughter of KAJO Responder 120R. e purebred female represents just the next step of pedigree derivation from this fail safe family line well in place at HB farms. Tremendous growth and breeding efficiency is available through this excellent breeding line. purebred females such as this will continue to lead the breed in genetic improvement a breed expansion. e family line will be enhanced with enGd dollar General 902w. she will calve soon after sale time to the great breeding bull. some of the best genetics in the industry have been generated at HB farms, and this outstanding lot is one of the very best from this excellent program. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 9 Lot 8 wulfs xalexa 0134x Lot 9 AuTO Joni 262Y enGd unbridled 832u - sire of Lot 8 englewood farms 8 wuLfs xALexA 0134x PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • RED Bw: 72 • ww: 648 • Yw: 990 04/09/2010 • FI0134X • NPF1965171 ENGD POLLED LIBERTY 283R ENGD UNBRIDLED 832U LENAPE APHID WULFS RANSOM 3059R WULFS TISHA 7027T WULFS RAINE 5184R Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 10 0.6 59 97 17 4 0.4 pe 11-25-13 to 3-1-14 to mAGs Y-Axis LENAPE POLLED LIBERTY ANLC 10H LENAPE WASATCH QUAIL RUN LADYBUG WULFS NASA 1212N WULFS NOBILITY 3059N RGMA NIGHT RIDER 73N CANE RIDGE TEMPTRESS 432B sT dOC Cw 9 53 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.83 -0.11 0.04 50 wulfs xalexa 0134x is a unique and powerful purebred female from a well known and appreciated source of Limousin breeding. e impressive and massive brood cow has been one of the most prominent members of the englewood breeding program. exceptional performance and growth has been transmitted to her offspring through natural and eT matings. Her sire, enGd unbridled 832u, has been one of the greatest of all the fullblood breeding sires. His progeny have been some of the most noted offspring in the industry, and all have been met with great demand at auction. wulfs Tisha 7027T is a great daughter of wulfs Ransom 3059R. Together, the genetics represented here can and will prove to be a benchmark for the entire breed. 10 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs englewood farms 9 AuTO JOni 262Y PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • RED Bw: 74 • ww: 730 • Yw: 944 09/14/2011 • AUTO262Y • NPF2008363 AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J EXLR REVIEW 7153R EXLR 199H EXLR DAKOTA 353G EXLR MOLLY 7103K EXLR MOLLY 343G Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC EXLR DAKOTA 353G DFLC JET SET BPC 34Y WULFS FANFARE 4055F EXLR 558F WULF'S COUNT DOWN 9251C CANE RIDGE DAPHNE 011D CANE RIDGE POLLED WYATT JCL MOLLY sT dOC Cw 3 1.2 44 76 32 5 0.3 12 pe 11-25-13 to 3-1-14 to wulf Yellowhammer 19 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.25 0.02 -0.11 39 AuTO Joni 262Y is one of the good daughters of exLR Review 7153R in the cow herd at englewood. e polled and red purebred female is from one of the greatest of all the breeding lines in the industry. AuTO Joni 262Y is the perfected version of the entire exLR molly 343G cow family. some of the most accomplished genetics in the show ring and breeding pasture trace back to this great line of individuals. e daughters of exLR Review 7153R are among the most efficient and impressive at englewood farms. Years of selective mating and breeding has created this excellent breeding female. she will prove to be an outstanding investment for years and years to come. AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 10 AuTO Lacey 258Y englewood farms 10 AuTO LACeY 258Y LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 60 • ww: 743 • Yw: 1061 09/13/2011 • AUTO258Y • LFF2001766 BLACK DIAMOND QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP BLACK CAT DHAN 152G GPFF AMBER JO HUNTS HI-LITER 245G LOGAN'S CHEERLEADER 280G S A F FOCUS OF E R AMEN WENDYS LASS 246 GPFF BLAQUE RULON DHVO DEUCE 132R AMY JO DHAN 20L JCL LODESTAR 27L LEWIS SELENA 216S AMEN WENDYS LASS 380 Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 12 0.2 57 104 22 4 0.9 pe 11-25-13 to 3-1-14 to mAGs Y-Axis sT dOC Cw 22 54 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.21 0.29 0.16 51 Lot 11 RVf star Gazer 522x Auto Lacey 258Y is a perfectly conformed daughter of dHVO deuce 132R. e Lim-flex female has been a superior producer during her relatively short career at englewood. she is a direct daughter of one of the greatest of all the daughters of JCL Lodestar 27L. e foundation breeding female has served in the breeding herd of p Bar s Ranch for many years. AuTO Lacey 258Y can be a donor and breeding female for the most ambitious breeding program. she is offered in this sale line up as a sale highlight. many of today's most prestigious individuals trace back to the breeding lines established within the pedigree of this stellar breeding piece. englewood farms 11 RVf sTAR GAzeR 522x PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 70 • ww: 589 10/10/10 • JJKH522x • npf1975180 JCL LOdesTAR 27L win Vue LOdesTAR Hp 602 miss BwsG eLeAnOR 86e COsC pApeRBOY 478p JJKH pApeR GLORY 409T JJKH GLORiA 776G Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 8 2.4 50 90 24 4 0.5 pe 11-25-13 to 3-1-14 to mAGs Y-Axis HunTs Hi-LiTeR 245G LOGAn's CHeeRLeAdeR 280G JCL BLACK OuT miss BwsG 43Y COsC GRAnViLLe 447G miss wuLfeTTe 8038H sCf pOLLed ATHOs 318A dd sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 20 0.33 -0.03 0.04 47 is is a multiple generational breed leading female. she is richly bred from some of the most distinguished bloodlines in the industry. she has been a great breeding female while a member of the englewood breeding program. she has the bred in ability to catapult a breeding program to even a stronger position in the industry. she carries the service of one of the greatest breeding sires in the industry today. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY Twin Oaks farms 12 CJLm mOniCA 481u PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 77 05/13/2008 • CJLM481U • NPF1924253 LVLS FARMER 4G LVLS 408H AUTO HACKETT 702H WULFS HAPPINESS 8136H SLVL BLACK OXEN 190D SLVL VINTAGE COOKIE 142D CHAZ FIRST CHOICE 6004F JDPM MISS GENERAL 170B LVLS SECRET WEAPON 4408K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R AUTO KYRIA 232K DVFC MILLENIUM 236J JAPA MISS 166L DVFC MONICA 136H Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC sT dOC Cw 8 1.9 56 93 32 10 0.4 16 8 months safe to enGd Yard machine 15 24 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.32 0.04 0.09 50 CJLm monica 481u is an excellent addition to the sale offering from the Twin Oaks program. e daughter of AuTO dollar General 122R is from the dVfC monica 136H cow family that was made popular and well accepted by deer Valley farms. is top maternal female is a popular pedigreed cow and she sells way along safe to enGd Yard machine. KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 11 CmC Corporation 13 CmCC 203z LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 70 • ww: 693 09/30/2012 • CMCC203Z • LFF2031005 RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 70 S A V 707 RITO 9969 BR POLLY 8077-472 WULFS NASA 1212N CMCC919W CMCC 690P Ced Bw ww Yw mA 10 1.6 52 106 31 Ai 11-14-13 to CL Burbank Lot 13 CmCC 203z R R RITO 707 IDEAL 3407 OF 1418 076 PAPA EQUATOR 2928 VDAR POLLY 8077 WULFS FANFARE 4055F MISS WULFETTE 1212L LVLS SECRET WEAPON 4408K CMCC 562K Cem sC sT dOC Cw 6 ReA YG mAR $mTi -13 0.34 -0.23 -0.13 43 is is a remarkable female from the CmC program. she is steeped with the most respected genetic lines from both the Angus and Limousin breed. she is sired by sAV 707 RiTO 9969, one of the most exciting young bulls created in the schaff Angus Valley breeding program. Her dam, by wulfs nasa 1212n, is one of the top purebred females in the CmC program. is female is a breeding piece for the future. CmC Corporation 14 CmCC 215z LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK ww: 812 08/10/2012 • CMCC215Z • LFF2031008 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 SAV EMULOUS 8145 BOYD NEW DAY 8005 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V PIONEER 7301 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 JCL LODESTAR 27L KAJO SHERYL SWOOPS 11H MAGS JUMANJI MISS CMCC 429F KAJO RESPONDER 120R CMCC942X CMCC 661N Ced Bw ww Yw mA 11 0.3 53 107 30 Ai 1-20-14 to mAGs Y-Axis Lot 14 CmCC 215z Cem sC 3 0.6 sT dOC Cw 10 ReA YG mAR $mTi 46 -0.14 0.55 0.40 56 CmCC 215z is an outstanding daughter of sAV pioneer 7301, one of the most significant breeding bulls in the seedstock industry. e balanced performance traits with milk and marbling trait-leading epds make this an exciting young replacement female. Her dam is an excellent purebred female by KAJO Responder 120R. e genetic blending of the pedigree of this young female has resulted in a brilliant young Lim-flex female. CmC Corporation 15 CmCC 178z LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 72 • ww: 706 10/14/2012 • CMCC178Z • LFF2030994 S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 CARROUSELS PURE POWER CMCC 817S CMCC 643M Ced Bw ww Yw mA 9 0.4 55 101 31 Ai 12-15-13 to CL Burbank Lot 15 CmCC 178z 12 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs Cem sC 3 0.3 G A R GRID MAKER S A V ABIGALE 0451 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MAY 2420 GPFF BLAQUE RULON TUBB FIRST CLASS 666F AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J CMCC 562K sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 40 -0.01 0.43 0.26 52 CmCC 178z is a top addition to this sale line up from the CmC program. e progeny by sAV Brilliance 8077 have become some of the king pen genetics known throughout the globe. is Lim-flex female, sired by an Angus bull, and from a purebred Limousin cow, has yielded the optimum in beef cattle production. All down the line, this beautiful female is backed with a dynamite pedigree from start to finish. AssOCiATiOn sALe CmC Corporation 16 CmCC 209z LIM-FLEX(44) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 68 • ww: 767 10/01/2012 • CMCC209Z • LFF2031014 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V ABIGALE 0451 SAF 598 BANDO 5175 S A V PRIMROSE 0074 JCL LODESTAR 27L MAGS 13M EXLR RESOLUTION 129J MISS CMCC 555C S A V MANDAN 5664 S A V NORTH DAKOTA 7451 S A V PRIMROSE 4410 MAGS REMOTE CMCC924W CMCC 606L Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 11 0.9 59 103 31 Ai 12-5-13 to CL Burbank 3 0.5 sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 42 -0.21 0.50 0.30 54 e females by sAV north dakota 7451 have become increasingly appreciated throughout the seedstock industry. is female by the popular son of sAV mandan 5664, has a fresh and exciting pedigree from a sold female base. All economically important traits are in line with this female, and she is a stand out in most any aspect of production. Lot 16 CmCC 209z CmC Corporation 17 CmCC 197z LIM-FLEX(50 ) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 68 09/10/2012 • CMCC197Z • LFF2031001 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V ABIGALE 0451 SAF 598 BANDO 5175 S A V PRIMROSE 0074 GPFF BLAQUE RULON GPFF EXTRA SWEET ELITE EXLR DAKOTA 353G YKCC ALICEANN 443Y S A V MANDAN 5664 S A V NORTH DAKOTA 7451 S A V PRIMROSE 4410 LESF ASPHALT 9N CMCC 702R CMCC 637M Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 10 0.6 49 86 29 Ai 1-20-14 to CL Burbank 2 0.4 sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 27 -0.14 0.37 0.21 49 is daughter of sAV north dakota 7451 is from some of the oldest and most reliable cow families available to the seedstock industry. e high maternal and top marbling female is a mainstay genetic piece offered by the CmC program. she puts it all together in a pleasing and eye appealing package. females bred similarly to CmCC 197z are among the most problem free seedstock in north America. Lot 17 CmCC 197z CmC Corporation 18 CmCC 210z LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • BLACK 11/12/2012 • CMCC210Z • LFF2031009 TC GRIDIRON 258 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 S A V MADAME PRIDE 3249 CMCC 583K CMCC 676N CMCC 556J Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 7 2.9 57 106 28 Ai 11-14-13 to CL Burbank 4 Bw: 85 G A R GRID MAKER TC BLACKBIRD 7049 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MADAME PRIDE 8264 CHAZ FIRST CHOICE 6004F MISS CMCC 245E WULFS GUARDIAN 5074G MISS CMCC 455G sT dOC Cw 9 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.24 0.06 0.02 48 CmCC 210z is the only daughter of sAV iron mountain 8066 in the offering. e perfectly constructed female is complete and fulfills all criteria needed for a efficiently blended pedigree. Over time, females such as this will increase in value and genetic worth. no more advances status of Lim-flex cattle is available in the breed. Lot 18 CmCC 210z sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 13 CmC Corporation 19 CmCC 213z LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 70 • ww: 816 08/10/2012 • CMCC213Z • LFF2031011 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 JCL LODESTAR 27L LFL SANDRA 3065N JCL LODESTAR 27L KAJO SHERYL SWOOPS 11H EXLR EXCELLANTE 251L CMCC 577K S A V PIONEER 7301 TMCK BLUESTEM 11X MNWS SARA 802U KAJO RESPONDER 120R CMCC922W CMCC 839T Ced Bw ww Yw mA 10 0.9 54 104 26 Ai 11-23-14 to wulfs zane Lot 19 CmCC 213z Cem sC sT dOC Cw 4 0.7 33 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.03 0.31 0.21 51 CmCC 213z is sired by one of the senior herd sires in the CmC breeding program, TmCK Bluestem 11x. He, in turn, is one of the good breeding Lim-flex sires in the industry. His daughters are among the best milking young females in the CmC breeding program. His influence is obvious when appraising his excellent daughters. is Lim-flex female is from an outstanding daughter of KAJO Responder 120R. CmC Corporation 20 CmCC 212z LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HORNED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 70 • ww: 760 08/01/2012 • CMCC212Z • LFF2031010 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 JCL LODESTAR 27L LFL SANDRA 3065N GPFF BLAQUE RULON GPFF EXTRA SWEET ELITE URANUS CMCC 60Y S A V PIONEER 7301 TMCK BLUESTEM 11X MNWS SARA 802U LESF ASPHALT 9N CMCC 850T CMCC U OF CALIFORNIA Ced Bw ww Yw mA 10 0.0 41 80 29 Ai 12-2-13 to wulfs zane Lot 20 CmCC 212z Cem sC 3 0.3 sT dOC Cw 19 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.13 0.18 0.18 47 CmCC 850T is one of two excellent daughters of TmCK Bluestem 11x. she is from a top producing daughter of Lesf Asphalt 9n, and she is perfectly balance both genetically and through visual appraisal. is female along with her exciting herd mates make a remarkable impact on the quality and genetic diversity of the offering in this sale inventory. TmCK Bluestem 11x - sire of Lots 19 & 20 14 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs AssOCiATiOn sALe CmC Corporation 21 CmCC 217z PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 76 • ww: 669 9/21/12 • CmCC217z • NPF2031013 KAJO RESPONDER 120R AHCC WESTWIND W544 AHCC MISS WULF HUNT R544 MAGS REMOTE CMCC945X CMCC 702R Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 9 2.7 52 102 20 5 Ai 11-14-13 to sAV Brilliance JCL LODESTAR 27L KAJO SHERYL SWOOPS 11H COLE WULF HUNT AHCC MISS OUTCROSS N844 JCL LODESTAR 27L MAGS 13M LESF ASPHALT 9N CMCC 637M sT dOC Cw 0.7 14 40 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.26 0.12 0.04 46 CmCC 217z is a purebred female sired by AHCC westwind w544. she is from one of the principal family lines made even more powerful through the selective breeding in the CmC program. is high performing and thickly muscled female offers much consistency to breeding program needing more purebred Limousin influence. Lot 21 CmCC 217z CmC Corporation 22 CmCC 195z PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 75 • ww: 668 09/23/2012 • CMCC195Z • NPF2031616 KAJO RESPONDER 120R AHCC WESTWIND W544 AHCC MISS WULF HUNT R544 LESF ASPHALT 9N CMCC 838T CMCC 643M Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 7 2.8 50 98 23 Ai 12-4-13 to sAV Brilliance 3 JCL LODESTAR 27L KAJO SHERYL SWOOPS 11H COLE WULF HUNT AHCC MISS OUTCROSS N844 GPFF BLAQUE RULON GPFF EXTRA SWEET ELITE AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J CMCC 562K sT dOC Cw 0.5 30 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.34 0.03 -0.03 44 CmCC 195z is a purebred daughter of AHCC westwind w544 from a solid cow family line that has generated countless breed leaders. e high performing progeny of AHCC westwind w544 have had a big positive effect on rapid growth in the breed. CmCC 195z is a promising replacement female from the CmC program. Lot 22 CmCC 195z CmC Corporation 23 CmCC 186z PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 70 • ww: 751 09/24/2012 • CMCC186Z • NPF2030995 GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L BR MIDLAND EXLR 412J JCL LODESTAR 27L KAJO SHERYL SWOOPS 11H EXLR EXCELLANTE 251L MISS CMCC 434F DHVO DEUCE 132R TMCK BARLEY 801X BLEL CASUAL 646S KAJO RESPONDER 120R CMCC983X CMCC 834T Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 8 3.2 63 108 23 2 Ai 12-23-13 to sAV Brilliance 1.0 sT dOC Cw 17 38 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.41 0.06 0.08 51 CmCC 186z is a purebred female sired by the popular TmCK Barley 801x. she is from a purebred female sired by KAJO Responder 120R. e genetic lineage represented here is among the most coveted and appreciated at CmC Corporation. is is a great genetic package from one of the great breeding establishments in the land. Lot 23 CmCC 186z sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 15 CmC Corporation 24 CmCC 176z LIM-FLEX(44) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 68 • ww: 713 03/25/2012 • CMCC176Z • LFF2019783 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MAY 2410 S A V PEACEMAKER 3179 A C DUKE GIRL 57 JCL LODESTAR 27L LEWIS MISS ALEXIS 384D TYRE DEAN 17B SRSH SONJA 460S S A V NET WORTH 4200 S A V FIRST CLASS 0207 S A V DUKE GIRL 7348 LEWIS RILIAN 384R CMCC903W MISS CMCC 368E Ced Bw ww Yw mA 10 -0.1 48 93 40 Ai 12-7-13 to CL Burbank Lot 24 CmCC 176z Cem sC sT dOC Cw 4 15 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.00 0.11 0.05 45 CmCC 176z is the daughter of sAV first Class 0207. e female has one of the strongest maternal pedigrees in the entire breed, with a 40 for milking ability. is young breeding female is a donor female in the making. e genetic profile indicates only impeccable breeding and a bright future in store. e breed is in good hands with young females such as this. CmC Corporation 25 CmCC 166z PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 68 • ww: 711 02/12/2012 • CMCC166Z • NPF2026948 COLE FIRST DOWN 46D COLE CATALINA 3309C WULFS KORBYN 3561K WULF'S COOL BREEZE 3123C JCL LODESTAR 27L KAJO SHERYL SWOOPS 11H BASIN FRANCHISE P142 CMCC 604L COLE WULF HUNT WULFS SIRLOIN 3172S WULFS NEGOTIABLE 3172N KAJO RESPONDER 120R CMCC948X CMCC 860U Ced Bw ww Yw mA 9 0.8 56 103 29 Ai 11-14-13 to wulfs zane Lot 25 CmCC 166z sAV first Class 0207 - sire of Lot 24 16 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs Cem sC 5 sT dOC Cw 0.4 16 35 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.59 0.05 0.19 53 CmCC 166z is a powerful purebred daughter of wulfs sirloin. she traces back to a daughter of KAJO Responder 120R which adds even more predictability and consistency to the pedigree of this outstanding young female. nicely balanced in all traits, this is a valuable young breeding female. wulfs sirloin 3172s - sire of Lot 25 AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 26 enGd miss 1178Y Lot 27 enGd zenaida 2052z englewood farms englewood farms 26 enGd miss 1178Y LIM-FLEX(69) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK 10/14/2011 • ENGD1178Y • LFF2002177 AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J EXLR REVIEW 7153R EXLR 199H G A R PREDESTINED RVDR WILLA 523W DVFC STAR COOKIE 348P Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 9 0.4 47 89 30 5 0.4 pe 6-1-14 to 8-4-14 to mAGs Y-Axis Bw: 61 EXLR DAKOTA 353G DFLC JET SET BPC 34Y WULFS FANFARE 4055F EXLR 558F B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R EXT 4206 DVFC BONAFIDE 144K DVFC SUGAR COOKIE 434L sT dOC Cw 28 26A ReA YG 52 52 Yw mA 100 32 Cem sC 4 0.8 sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 31 0.18 0.21 0.24 OCC KIRBY 633K GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 O C C BONANZA 880B O C C BLACKBIRD 779A DHVO DEUCE 132R JCL PEPPERMINT SEDGEWOOD EXT H235 RVDR LESLEIGH MAE 408M1 Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 6 2.1 55 103 22 2 0.2 pe 5-15-14 to 8-4-14 to mAGs Y-Axis sT dOC Cw 8 ReA YG mAR $mTi 34 -0.06 0.40 0.35 27A 56 enGd 4052B LIM-FLEX(44) • MALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 88 04/12/2014 • enGd4052B • Lfm2048750 TC ABeRdeen 759 mAGs Y-Axis mAGs uAHuKA LIM-FLEX • MALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK 05/23/2014• ENGD4061Z • APPLIED TC ABeRdeen 759 mAGs Y-Axis mAGs uAHuKA 10 -0.3 LIM-FLEX(38) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 74 03/31/2012 • ENGD2052Z • LFF2016352 CFLX WILD CARD RVDR XTRA SMOOTH 027X EXG TIMELY 2752T RVDR enGd 4061B Ced Bw ww enGd zenAidA 2052z B C MARATHON 7022 BC 7022 RAVEN 7965 O C C BLACKBIRD 796F mAR $mTi 0.11 0.17 0.24 27 52 enGd miss 1178Y is one of the good daughters of exLR Review 7153R in the offering. e Lim-flex female is from a daughter of GAR predestined that traces on back to the eAfm Cookie family. is is a solid young female with an excellent spring-born calf at side. e homozygous polled female carries the service of mAGs Y-Axis for a spring calf. is is a great young pair from englewood farms. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY Ced Bw ww 8 0.9 55 Yw mA 107 28 Cem sC 2 0.7 sT dOC Cw 22 ReA YG mAR $mTi 34 0.11 0.35 0.30 55 enGd zenaida 2052z is an impressive daughter of BC 7022 Raven 7965 from a good producing daughter of CfLx wild Card. is low percentage Lim-flex female has strong performance, maternal and carcass epds. e homozygous polled female carries the service of mAGs Y-Axis for an early spring calf. she and her calf at side make another outstanding lot from the englewood program. KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 17 englewood farms 28 TmCK dORA 27z LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 81 • ww: 752 03/18/2012 • TMCK27Z • LFF2011099 S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BRAND NAME 9115 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5530 DHVO DEUCE 132R TMCK DORA 805X DVFC DORA 934S Ced Bw ww sAV Brand name 9115 - sire of Lot 28 Yw mA G A R GRID MAKER S A V ABIGALE 0451 B C C BUSHWACKER 41-93 S A V MAY 7238 GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L CARROUSELS NASDAQ DVFC 290H Cem sC sT dOC Cw 3 2.4 72 125 32 -3 0.5 pe 5-15-14 to 8-4-14 to mAGs Y-Axis 50 28A ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.12 0.38 0.19 56 enGd 4021B LIM-FLEX(50) • MALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 92 03/11/2014 • enGd4021B • Lfm2047468 TC ABeRdeen 759 mAGs Y-Axis mAGs uAHuKA Ced Bw ww 3 1.5 64 Yw mA 120 33 Cem sC -1 sT dOC Cw 0.9 RVdR xTRA smOOTH 027x LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 78 03/11/2010 • RVDR027X • LFF1974663 SEDGEWOOD EXT H235 EXG TIMELY 2752T RVDR RVDR LESLEIGH MAE 408M1 Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J JCL PEPPER N BAR EMULATION EXT SHERROD RITA 8067 SVL HARD ROCK 420J HBHP TBWI MISS LESLEIGH sT dOC Cw 3 3.4 60 103 24 1 0.5 13 pe 5-15-14 to 7-10-14 to wulf Yellowhammer mAR $mTi 55 englewood farms englewood farms DHVO DEUCE 132R CFLX WILD CARD JCL PEPPERMINT YG TmCK dora 27z is one of the most impressively numbered females not only in this offering, but the entire breed, as well. e Lim-flex female is sired by the popular sAV Brand name 9115, the son of sAV Bismarck 5682. e homozygous polled female is from an excellent daughter of dHVO deuce 132R. the entire family line traces back to some of the all time greats bred in the deer Valley program. she carries the service of mAGs Y-Axis, to add even more value to this great female lot. CfLx wild Card - sire of Lot 29 29 ReA 42 0.20 0.32 0.22 32 29A ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.20 0.18 0.10 50 enGd 4031B 30 enGd zdzisLAwA 2011z PUREBRED(88) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 80 02/26/2012 • ENGD2011Z • NPF2002793 WULFS RANSOM 3059R WULFS WELL SUITED W709 CWS TOE THE LINE 709T WULFS TITUS 2149T ENGD ANGEL 0206X EXLR GUARDIAN ANGEL 205S Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 7 3.3 55 98 23 3 0.5 pe 5-15-14 to 8-4-14 to mAGs Y-Axis WULFS NASA 1212N WULFS NOBILITY 3059N GLACIAL QUANTUM 3330 17K GFLI NADIA 331N WULFS REALTOR 1503R WULFS MEADOW GRASS 2149M LESF ASPHALT 9N TMF GUARDIAN ANGEL 31M sT dOC Cw 30 29 30A ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.42 0.02 -0.01 46 enGd 4052B PERCENTAGE(88) • MALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 82 03/14/2014 • ENGD4031B • NXM2047476 JLwm diRe sTRAYTs 4109p wuLfs upGRAde 0500u wuLfs KYAH 0500K LIM-FLEX(44) • MALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 88 04/12/2014 • ENGD4052B • LFM2048750 TC ABeRdeen 759 mAGs Y-Axis mAGs uAHuKA Ced Bw ww Ced Bw ww 6 2.4 50 Yw 89 mA Cem sC 21 5 0.9 sT dOC Cw 11 ReA YG mAR $mTi 22 0.27 0.10 0.04 46 is homozygous polled and homozygous black daughter of CfLx wild Card is impressively numbered across the board. she sells safe in calf to mAGs Y-Axis for some additional trait leading genetics for the future. is female comes from the heart of the englewood breeding program. 18 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 8 0.9 55 Yw mA 107 28 Cem sC 2 0.7 sT dOC Cw 22 ReA YG mAR $mTi 34 0.11 0.35 0.30 55 is daughter of wulfs well suited w709 is homozygous polled and is rich in top performance blood. she traces to some of the past successful genetic blending well known and appreciated in the industry. e female carries the service of wulfs Yellowhammer for a spring born calf. AssOCiATiOn sALe HB farms 31 HB LuCY 129Y LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 85 • ww: 531 • Yw: 849 03/19/2011 • HBBH129Y • LFF1979449 KRVN NASKAR 013N RPLF RAMBO 202R MEADO-WEST X202P AUTO CAPT SPRINGFIELD351P HBBH LUCY 606S HBBH LUCY 305M Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC GPFF BLAQUE RULON WL JU JU GAL 149J MEADO-WEST KENO 028 MEADO-WEST KISMET 009K AUTO AMERICAN IDOL 162L AUTO BARBARA ANN 277H WULFS QUARTERBACK 4222B E P LUCYS LASS 673 sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 3 3.2 47 84 28 4 0.4 9 17 0.22 0.15 0.15 48 Ai 6-2-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 6-12-14 to 8-7-14 to wulf well suited w709 HB Lucy 129Y is an excellent daughter of RpLf Rambo 202R. e Lim-flex female is from an old cow line that has contributed greatly over the years to the HB breeding progress. e female has an especially good maternal epd and the entire family group excels in maternal strength. Lot 31 HB Lucy 129Y HB farms 32 HB BLACKCAp 222z LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 74 • ww: 621 • Yw: 906 03/24/2012 • HBBH222Z • LFF2005491 AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R ENGD DOLLAR GENERAL 902W COLE MISS BLUEPRINT 767T RITO 6I6 OF 4B20 6807 M S U 6I6 BLACKCAP P902 M S U 205 BLACKCAP M903 Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC LVLS SECRET WEAPON 4408K AUTO KYRIA 232K TNUH BLUE PRINT 245H COLE 33R D H D TRAVELER 6807 RITA 4B20 OF OFB1 BAR EXT TRAVELER 205 J&J MISS BLACKCAP 120 sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 10 0.3 49 91 33 6 0.4 17 4 0.54 -0.18 -0.11 42 Ai 5-19-14 to mAGs zarah pe 6-12-14 to 8-7-14 to wulf well suited w09 HB Blackcap 222z is a daughter of enGd dollar General 902w, the high performing son of AuTO dollar General 122R. she is from an excellent Angus female sired by 6i6, one of the greatest of all the present day popular Angus sires. e female has a 33 for maternal and the homozygous polled female sells as a top flight female from the HB program. Lot 32 HB Blackcap 222z englewood farms 33 enGd x-CeLLeRATe 2512z LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 64 • ww: 724 02/09/2012 • ENGD2512Z • LFF2017612 COLE WULF HUNT WULFS SIRLOIN 3172S WULFS NEGOTIABLE 3172N S A V NET WORTH 4200 WULFS X-CELLERATE 0157X WULFS ROYALTY 5078R Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 8 0.3 60 114 30 7 0.3 pe 5-15-14 to 8-4-14 to mAGs Y-Axis COLE FIRST DOWN 46D COLE CATALINA 3309C WULFS KORBYN 3561K WULF'S COOL BREEZE 3123C S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MAY 2410 HUNT MR JOCK 44J WULFS MARIAH 2074M sT dOC Cw 24 43 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.61 0.12 0.16 53 is female lot is an exquisite breeding female from some of the breed's most celebrated genetics. e wulfs sirloin 3172s daughter is from one of the foundation Lim-flex cow families in place at englewood farms. e epd profile is impressive for both performance and maternal epd. she carries the service of the popular mAGs Y-Axis. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY Lot 33 enGd x-Cellerate 2512z KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 19 englewood farms 34 enGd ROCKCRess 2533z LIM-FLEX(47) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 82 • ww: 677 04/02/2012 • ENGD2533Z • LFF2017610 C A FUTURE DIRECTION 5321 BASIN CHLOE 812L EXLR NEW GENERATION 071M EXLR 199H BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 LEACHMAN EVERGREEN 8020 MAGS JUMANJI AUTO CITY NIGHTS 214H BASIN FRANCHISE P142 LH U HAUL 135U EXLR DUCHESS 7129R EXAR NEW DESIGN 2997 MAGS ROCKCRESS MAGS LARK Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC sT dOC Cw 8 0.8 63 118 39 3 0.4 pe 5-15-14 to 8-4-14 to mAGs Y-Axis 9 RVdR xTRA RAmBLeR 0246x PUREBRED • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 78 • ww: 548 11/10/2010 • RVDR0246X • NPF1983079 EXLR EXCELLANTE 251L RVDR TESSIE 3724 T EXG LOLA 009N RVDR Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J JCL PEPPER EXLR POLLED RESOLVE 175G EXLR 199H RADS BLACK PRODIGY EXLR LOLA 601L sT dOC Cw 7 2.8 56 95 26 0 0.7 20 pe 5-15-14 to 7-10-14 to wulfs Yellowhammer 30 mAR $mTi 66 englewood farms englewood farms DHVO DEUCE 132R CFLX WILD CARD JCL PEPPERMINT YG enGd Rockcress 2533z is an absolutely breed leading female. she has a trait-leading epd combination of curve bending numbers for weaning, yearling, milking ability, marbling and $mTi. e daughter of LH u Haul 135u from the family that traces on farther back to the great AuTO City nights 214H. e homozygous polled female is made available from the very top of the englewood breeding program. she carries the service of mAGs Y-Axis. mAGs Rockcress - dam of Lot 34 35 ReA 48 -0.36 0.55 0.60 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.52 -0.10 -0.03 46 is homozygous polled and homozygous black purebred female is sired by CfLx wild Card, the popular son of dHVO deuce 132R. she is from a top milking female that traces back to some of the old lines that have proven to be successful across breeding programs throughout the country. is is a solid performing daughter that is a top member of the englewood breeding program. 36 RVdR xTRA ROzY 0229x PERCENTAGE(81) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 73 • ww: 574 12/05/2010 • RVDR0229X • NXF1985424 AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J EXLR REVIEW 7153R EXLR 199H EXLR NEW GENERATION 071M EXG MS ROZY 125R RVDR BGRR MS KOZY Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC EXLR DAKOTA 353G DFLC JET SET BPC 34Y WULFS FANFARE 4055F EXLR 558F AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J EXLR LUVLY 084F HYLINE PIRATE 481 WHLA ELLA sT dOC Cw 6 1.6 47 86 32 4 0.2 pe 5-15-14 to 7-10-14 to wulfs Yellowhammer ReA YG mAR $mTi 15 -0.07 0.15 0.08 46 is is a top homozygous polled daughter of exLR Review 7153R. she carries the service of the popular wulfs Yellowhammer. englewood farms 37 Jeps 375z LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 72 03/27/2012 • JEPS375Z • LFF2009345 SCHILLING'S TALLADEGA CALO BRICKYARD 902W EXG E839 1407 M175 LS EF SMACK DOWN 764S BLCX SCOTCHCAP 875U EXLR SCOTCH CAP 501N Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 9 -0.8 31 71 31 2 0.2 pe 5-15-14 to 8-4-14 to mAGs Y-Axis Lot 37 Jeps 375z 20 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs KRVN NASKAR 013N RCSX RAINY DAY 80R BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 PAF 4019 6807 E839 EF MAIN STAY 541M M L PRUDENCE 427 RADS BLACK PRODIGY EXAR SCOTCH CAP 1548 sT dOC Cw 7 ReA YG mAR $mTi -9 -0.49 0.32 0.24 46 Jeps 375z is a great young daughter of the national Champion CALO Brickyard 902w. she is from a good milking daughter of ef smack down 764s. Top numbers for carcass values as well. is is an attractive female, and the homozygous polled female is from some of the popular Liim-flex genetics from the top cow families in the industry. AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 38 enGd 3018A Lot 39 enGd Ameerah 3520A englewood farms 38 enGd 3018A LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 75 • ww: 701 03/06/2013 • ENGD3018A • LFF2025058 JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK BLACK SILK C A FUTURE DIRECTION 5321 TOEBBEN FOREVER LADY 157H S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 G A R PRECISION 1639 WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD YARD MACHINE 1023Y JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U COOLEY BROOKS 163S17 TCF RITA W111 SANDPOINT RITA 5368 Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC sT dOC Cw 9 0.1 48 94 29 6 0.6 Ai 5-11-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 6-10-14 to 7-31-14 to HB Amtrak 313A -6 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.53 -0.22 -0.12 42 enGd 3018A is a Lim-flex female sired by the popular enGd Yard machine 1023Y. Her dam has been one of the top donor females in the englewood program. e HB farms female contribution to this sale is an excellent replacement female. e homozygous polled female is a top addition to the sale inventory. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY englewood farms 39 enGd AmeeRAH 3520A LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 77 • ww: 637 03/08/2013 • ENGD3520A • LFF2035897 WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD YARD MACHINE 1023Y JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U MYTTY IN FOCUS MCBN WAKI 951W MCBN SULTRY NIGHT 604S Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK BLACK SILK S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY COUNTESS 906 JCL LODESTAR 27L JCL COOL BREEZE sT dOC Cw 10 1.1 53 101 27 8 1.0 11 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z 30 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.14 0.24 0.23 52 enGd Ameerah 3520A is a breed leading breeding female from the englewood embryo transplant program e homozygous polled and homozygous black female is the result of merging two of the most prominent lines in the herd. Her sire is the former sale topper and record selling bull, enGd Yard machine. Her dam, mCBn waki 951w is now a member of the magness Land and Cattle Company program. e resulting individual that sell here as this lot is one of top and exclusive genetics made available from the englewood program. KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 21 Lot 41 enGd Aleka 3044A Lot 40 enGd Adalida 3519A englewood farms 40 enGd AdALidA 3519A LIM-FLEX(63) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 68 • ww: 560 03/08/2013 • ENGD3519A • LFF2035896 WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD YARD MACHINE 1023Y JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U BLACKJACKS MIDLAND 3017 MLFK 33R KRCO 33G Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK BLACK SILK BR MIDLAND BLACKJACKS QUEEN 1016 COLE FIRST DOWN 46D GAR 6807 TRAVELER 902 sT dOC Cw 9 -0.3 36 75 25 7 0.5 -1 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z ReA YG mAR $mTi 17 -0.13 0.26 0.36 52 enGd Adalida 3519A is another of the good daughters of enGd Yard machine 1023Y from the embryo transplant program at englewood. Her dam has been a major part of the growth and increase in quality at englewood over the years. females such as the one that sells here are from the very depths of the breeding program, and the future is shared with other breeders through this sale offering. 22 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs englewood farms 41 enGd ALeKA 3044A LIM-FLEX(63) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 68 • ww: 592 04/03/2013 • ENGD3044A • LFF2030289 S A V NET WORTH 4200 WULFS X SIGN HERE X578X WULFS ROYALTY 5078R KRVN RODESTER 278R RVDR XTRA EASY 005X MAGS SALT AND PEPPER Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MAY 2410 HUNT MR JOCK 44J WULFS MARIAH 2074M JCL LODESTAR 27L QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP BR MIDLAND ROYAL JUBILEE sT dOC Cw 7 0.9 44 93 21 5 0.5 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Appleseed 3041A pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z ReA YG mAR $mTi 23 -0.04 0.33 0.21 48 enGd Aleka 3044A is a bred heifer sired by the popular wulfs x sign Here x578x. Her dam is steeped in traditional performance and maternal lines that make this heifer all the more appealing to breeders. fault free genetics are abundant with the pedigree and genotype of this replacement female. AssOCiATiOn sALe englewood farms 42 enGd ALAndRA 3055A PUREBRED • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 68 04/12/2013 • ENGD3055A • NPF2030299 GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L HUNTS HI-LITER 245G LOGAN'S CHEERLEADER 280G JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K HARVEST OLYMPUS TEXS STAR GOLLY DHVO DEUCE 132R ENGLEWOOD'S X FACTOR 170X KRVN PETUNIA 168P WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD ACCENT 1068Y LAURA'S ACCENT Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC sT dOC Cw 7 2.2 51 89 23 3 1.0 16 Ai 5-15-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z 30 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.59 -0.10 -0.03 45 enGd Alandra 3055A is direct lineage from the great fullblood female, Laura's Accent. is has been one of the earliest lines developed at englewood. is is a real replacement female backed up with the breed's most proven blood. Lot 42 enGd Alandra 3055A englewood farms 43 enGd ALexA 3045A LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • BLACK 04/04/2013 • ENGD3045A • LFF2030290 S A V NET WORTH 4200 WULFS X SIGN HERE X578X WULFS ROYALTY 5078R EAFF POLLED PUGILIST 633R ENGD ACCENT 010X LAURA'S ACCENT Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC Bw: 72 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MAY 2410 HUNT MR JOCK 44J WULFS MARIAH 2074M DENISON POLLED PUB BEMS MISS MEDALIST HARVEST OLYMPUS TEXS STAR GOLLY sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 4 2.2 46 85 28 1 0.1 18 26 0.35 0.11 0.07 45 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z enGd Alexa 3045A and her full three quarter sister, enGd Alandra 3055A, are powerful individuals. Years and years of masterful breeding and selection has been invested in genetics such as these. Lot 43 enGd Alexa 3045A englewood farms 44 enGd AdOniA 3030A LIM-FLEX(38) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 64 • ww: 575 03/22/2013 • ENGD3030A • LFF2030276 TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS Y-AXIS MAGS UAHUKA S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 ENGD MISS OBJECTIVE 709Y LOGAN'S 903R Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 DHVO DEUCE 132R CARROUSELS PINA COLADA SS TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 EXLR NEW GENERATION 071M EXAR BLACKBIRD 8364 sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 10 -1.7 48 102 27 3 0.7 20 22 -0.25 0.44 0.40 56 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Appleseed 3041A pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z enGd Adonia 3030A is a homozygous polled and homozygous black female by mAGs Y-Axis. she is from one of the top numbered females at englewood, and the female traces one more generation to the legendary Logan's 903R. is is a stellar female from a remarkable genetic background and genetic profile. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY Lot 44 enGd Adonia 3030A KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 23 Lot 47 enGd Adra 3515A englewood farms 45 enGd AnnABeLLe 3517A LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 66 • ww: 591 03/07/2013 • ENGD3517A • LFF2035285 JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK BLACK SILK S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY COUNTESS 906 JCL LODESTAR 27L JCL COOL BREEZE WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD YARD MACHINE 1023Y JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U MYTTY IN FOCUS MCBN WAKI 951W MCBN SULTRY NIGHT 604S Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC sT dOC Cw 10 -0.1 50 96 27 8 0.9 18 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 6-24-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z 30 ReA YG Lot 45 enGd Annabelle 3517A enGd Annabelle 3517A is from the great mCBn waki 951w donor female by the exciting enGd Yard machine 1023Y. e homozygous polled female has a great career in store at the next firm that purchases her. mAR $mTi 0.14 0.24 0.23 51 englewood farms englewood farms 46 enGd AmARA 3516A LIM-FLEX(63) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 70 • ww: 624 03/07/2013 • ENGD3516A • LFF2035284 WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD YARD MACHINE 1023Y JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U BLACKJACKS MIDLAND 3017 MLFK 33R KRCO 33G Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK BLACK SILK BR MIDLAND BLACKJACKS QUEEN 1016 COLE FIRST DOWN 46D GAR 6807 TRAVELER 902 sT dOC Cw 9 0.2 41 81 25 7 0.6 7 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-114 to enGd zz Top 2606z ReA YG mAR $mTi 17 -0.13 0.26 0.36 53 enGd Amara 3516A is the homozygous polled female from the mLfK 33R donor female that has made such a grand impact on the englewood program. e daughter of enGd Yard machine 1023Y is one of the stand outs. 24 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 47 enGd AdRA 3515A LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • BLACK Bw: 74 • ww: 662 03/07/2013 • ENGD3515A • LFF2035283 WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD YARD MACHINE 1023Y JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U MYTTY IN FOCUS MCBN WAKI 951W MCBN SULTRY NIGHT 604S Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK BLACK SILK S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY COUNTESS 906 JCL LODESTAR 27L JCL COOL BREEZE sT dOC Cw 10 0.8 54 102 27 8 1.0 18 Ai 5-31-14 to mAGs Y-Axis pe 6-5-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z 30 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.14 0.24 0.23 53 enGd Adra 3515A is yet another full sister from this magical mating in the embryo transplant program at englewood. excellent lineage is available from top to bottom. AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 49 Candy Crush Lot 48 enGd Allandra 3026A englewood farms 48 enGd ALLAndRA 3026A LIM-FLEX(59) • FEMALE • DOUBLE POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 62 • ww: 508 03/19/2013 • ENGD3026A • LFF2029980 vEF SMACK DOWN 764S RVDR WAGONNEER 307W SSTO STARLA 6803S EXLR EXCELLANTE 251L EBFL REBECCA 297W EXLR REBECA 1003P Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC EF MAIN STAY 541M M L PRUDENCE 427 JCL LODESTAR 27L C R C C DIXIE ERICA 2621M EXLR POLLED RESOLVE 175G EXLR 199H BR MIDLAND EXLR REBECA 614H sT dOC Cw 8 0.1 46 87 27 3 0.6 9 Ai 5-14-14 to mAGs Appleseed 3041A pe 5-29-14 to 8-4-14 to enGd zz Top 2606z ReA YG mAR $mTi 38 -0.09 0.35 0.20 48 enGd Allandra 3026A is a replacement female sired by RVdR wagonneer 307w. she is a descendent of the Rebeca family line that has made a powerful impact on the industry. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY Taylor Green 49 CAndY CRusH PUREBRED • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw: 73 11/28/2013 • TAYS167A • NPF2048955 JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P ROMN JUSTICE CORL TEMPTEST 52G WULFS UPGRADE 0500U WULFS GUARDIAN 5074G WULFS KYAH 0500K MISS WULFETTE 8112H GPFF BLAQUE RULON KRVN PABLO 011P EXLR MISS HERITAGE 7384L TAYS SUGAR PLUM EF MAIN STAY 541M RVHL SUGAR 429S MISS KAYS BLACK MAGIC 25G Ced Bw ww Yw mA 6 3.1 sells Open 82 18 46 Cem sC 6 0.6 sT dOC Cw 15 5 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.36 -0.04 -0.08 41 Candy Crush is an eye catching show heifer prospect from the Green family. e daughter of wulfs upgrade has much to experience as a competitive show heifer for the coming year. she is bred to have a great show look, and this heifer calf can deliver. e Green family has long been a supporter of the breed, and they have built and excellent breeding program. is open heifer is a great contribution to the sale line up at this Kentucky Association sale. KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 25 Lot 50 sRwR Ally Circle R Ranch 50 sRwR ALLY LIM-FLEX(50) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • RED 07/26/2013 • SRWR0069A • LFF2057024 KYLD DAYTONA 730T ENGD DAYTONA 072X WULFS TELLER 7187T OAK BOWERY ALLIANCE 723 WEHH OBA 513 U BAXTERETTE 02N Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 10 -0.7 sells Open 102 37 50 3 Bw: 88 KRVN NASKAR 013N EXLR BLACKBIRD 7182R WULFS NOBEL PRIZE 3861N ANLC MARDI GRAS 2215M SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 OAK BOWERY BLACKBIRD 294 JCL BAXTER WCF APRIL SECRET sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAGs Y-Axis - sire of Lots 50 - 53 sRwR Ally is a beautifully designed daughter of enGd daytona 072x. she has great numbers from start to finish with a 37 for milking ability. is is one of the top drawer pieces of genetics from the Circle R program. mAR $mTi 0.8 Circle R Ranch 51 sRwR LAdY LIM-FLEX(70) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 85 11/12/2013 • SRWR0045A • LFF2057028 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 DHVO DEUCE 132R CARROUSELS PINA COLADA HUNTS HI-LITER 245G LOGAN'S CHEERLEADER 280G DVFC LUCKY 7 220P DVFC SPECIAL LADY 061L TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS Y-AXIS MAGS UAHUKA JCL LODESTAR 27L CEPB LADY LOADSTAR 41U DVFC LUCKY LADY 914S Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 10 0.5 sells Open 105 29 54 6 0.8 sT dOC Cw 34 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.29 0.19 0.17 51 sRwR Lady is from the good breeding program in place at the Circle R Ranch. e daughter of mAGs Y-Axis has impressive numbers with a 29 for milking ability. 26 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs Circle R Ranch 52 sRwR TRixie LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK 02/05/2014 • SRWR0011B • LFF2057023 TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS Y-AXIS MAGS UAHUKA WULFS RENO 2522R WULFS WILLAMETTE 9179W WULFS SHANESSA 6106S Ced Bw ww Yw mA 9 1.7 sells Open 105 32 55 Cem sC 2 Bw: 83 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 DHVO DEUCE 132R CARROUSELS PINA COLADA WULFS NASA 1212N WULFS METROPOLITAN 2522M WULFS NOBEL PRIZE 3861N MISS WULFETTE 3517N 0.9 sT dOC Cw 24 43 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.51 0.12 0.09 49 sRwR Trixie is one of the top daughters of mAGs Y-Axis in the offering, and the female has a strong 32 milking ability epd. she is one of the top females from the Circle R program. AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 54 sRwR diamond Girl Circle R Ranch 53 sRwR seCReT GiRL LIM-FLEX(75) • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw:86 12/30/2013 • SRWR0021A • LFF2057012 TC ABERDEEN 759 MAGS Y-AXIS MAGS UAHUKA AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R MISS BLACK GENERAL MIST JCL EBONY MIST Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 10 0.2 sells Open 100 36 50 5 0.9 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 TC BLACKBIRD 4034 DHVO DEUCE 132R CARROUSELS PINA COLADA LVLS SECRET WEAPON 4408K AUTO KYRIA 232K JCL BLACK OUT LL MISS KNOLL sT dOC Cw 26 24 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.23 0.14 0.15 wulfs warbonnet 6254w - sire of Lots 54 & 55 sRwR secret Girl is another one of the great daughters of mAGs Y-Axis in the offering from the Circle R Ranch. e homozygous polled and homozygous black female is from a daughter of AuTO dollar General that has an impressive 36 for milking ability. she is a trait-leading genetic piece. 50 Circle R Ranch Circle R Ranch 54 sRwR diAmOnd GiRL PUREBRED • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK Bw:83 06/29/2013 • SRWR0014A • NPF2055108 WULFS NOBEL PRIZE 3861N WULFS WARBONNET 6254W WULFS SPIRAL 6254S WULFS SHOP TALK 2332S JLWM WORKEN GIRL 9146W JLWM LA RITA ROUGE 4101P Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 10 1.4 sells Open 89 30 50 4 0.4 COLE WULF HUNT WULF'S CASUAL 3161C JCL LODESTAR 27L MISS WULFETTE 1264L CARROUSELS PURE POWER WULFS MYRLENE 2332M AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J EXLR 402J sT dOC Cw 20 38 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.79 -0.08 -0.07 43 sRwR diamond Girl is a homozygous polled daughter of wulf's warbonnet 6254w. A 30 for milking ability makes this heifer yet another trait-leading female offered by the Circle R program. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY 55 sRwR wORKinG GiRL PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK 01/09/2014 • SRWR0007B • NPF2057017 WULFS NOBEL PRIZE 3861N WULFS WARBONNET 6254W WULFS SPIRAL 6254S DHVO TREY 133R LFL X TRAORDINARY 0049 X LFL 085K Ced Bw ww Yw mA 8 2.6 sells Open 80 24 46 Cem sC 2 0.4 Bw:93 COLE WULF HUNT WULF'S CASUAL 3161C JCL LODESTAR 27L MISS WULFETTE 1264L GPFF BLAQUE RULON AMY JO DHAN 20L TRAK FAIRFAX LFL 46F sT dOC Cw 18 26 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.63 -0.05 -0.07 42 sRwR working Girl is a good daughter of wulfs warbonnet 6254w. she is from a daughter of dHVO Trey, and she has the lines of a beautiful future brood cow. KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 27 Lot 56 sRwR Kerry Lot 57 sRwR 049AA Circle R Ranch 56 sRwR KeRRY PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • HOMO BLACK 06/15/2013 • SRWR0023A • NPF2057026 Bw: 82 BLACK DIAMOND GPFF BLAQUE RULON QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP DHVO DEUCE 132R BLACK CAT DHAN 152G AMY JO DHAN 20L GPFF AMBER JO LVLS SECRET WEAPON 4408K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R AUTO KYRIA 232K WEHH DOLLAR TWINKIE 31 W MAGS PATHS OF GLORY MAGS TWINKIE MAGS RC COLA Ced Bw ww Yw mA Cem sC 10 1.9 sells Open 109 27 66 4 1.1 sT dOC Cw 23 56 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.76 0.05 -0.02 48 sRwR Kerry is an impressive daughter of dHVO deuce 132R. e homozygous black female has a good set of epds across the board, and she is a real eye pleaser when analyzing her phenotype. 28 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs Circle R Ranch 57 sRwR 049AA PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK 10/01/2013 • SRWR049AA • NPF2057011 GPFF BLAQUE RULON DHVO DEUCE 132R AMY JO DHAN 20L WULFS SIRLOIN 3172S MAGS YAHWEH MAGS PHYLLO Ced Bw ww Yw mA 9 1.0 sells Open 101 23 57 Cem sC 2 Bw:89 BLACK DIAMOND QUAIL RUN RAMONA BP BLACK CAT DHAN 152G GPFF AMBER JO COLE WULF HUNT WULFS NEGOTIABLE 3172N BR MIDLAND MISS WULFETTE 6230F 0.8 sT dOC Cw 21 49 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.72 0.01 0.08 50 sRwR 049AA is one of the top young daughters of dHVO deuce 132R. she traces back to the solid producing female of mAGs phyllo. is is yet another one of the top females from the Circle R program. AssOCiATiOn sALe Lot 58 sRwR fancy Girl Lot 59 sRwR Hershey Circle R Ranch Circle R Ranch 58 sRwR fAnCY GiRL PUREBRED • FEMALE • HOMO POLLED • HOMO BLACK Bw: 75 07/13/2013 • SRWR0003A • NPF2055104 JCL BLACK OKIE WBBK CROSS LEADER 8011U ANLC TRUE LOVE 1126L AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R HB HP MISS DOLLAR GENERAL MISS LODESTAR 220R Ced Bw ww 7 1.1 sells Open 52 Yw 93 mA Cem sC 27 7 AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J JCL MAYBERRY KRMC OUTCROSS 192G DVFC TRUE LOVE 920H LVLS SECRET WEAPON 4408K AUTO KYRIA 232K JCL LODESTAR 27L BAXTERETTE 03N sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.4 sRwR fancy Girl is a daughter of wBBK Cross Leader 8011u. e Homozygous polled and homozygous black female is making a leading replacement female. she was bred in the highly acclaimed Circle R Ranch. sepTemBeR 20, 2014 - LAnCAsTeR, KenTuCKY 59 sRwR HeRsHeY PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • RED 09/28/2013 • SRWR0027A • NPF2057025 KRVN NASKAR 013N EXLR BLACKBIRD 7182R WULFS NOBEL PRIZE 3861N ANLC MARDI GRAS 2215M KRVN NASKAR 013N MAGS NETQUOTE WULFS EXPLOSION 0184E WULF'S CANDY LAND 3512C KYLD DAYTONA 730T ENGD DAYTONA 072X WULFS TELLER 7187T MAGS REDO QUOTE BLSN X-CANDYLAND MISS WULFETTE 0316K Ced Bw ww Yw mA 7 2.3 sells Open 86 20 50 Cem sC 4 Bw: 93 0.3 sT dOC Cw ReA YG mAR $mTi 12 sRwR Hershey is a daughter of enGd daytona 072x from the great cowherd at Circle R Ranch. she is but one female that is a part of a great group of females that are offered in this sale. KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs 29 Circle R Ranch 60 sRwR sHeLLeY PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • BLACK 11/22/2013 • SRWR0033A • NPF2057018 AHCC WESTWIND W544 TGBC WESTWIND 221Y LH RADIANT 323R EXLR NEW GENERATION 071M TASF SERENITY 99S CORL DREAM OF ME 158H Ced Bw ww Yw mA 8 3.0 sells Open 106 25 56 Cem sC Bw:113 KAJO RESPONDER 120R AHCC MISS WULF HUNT R544 JCL LODESTAR 27L VERMILION LADY 1469 AUTO BLACK DAKOTA 129J EXLR LUVLY 084F CANE RIDGE POLLED WYATT CANE RIDGE DREAM GIRL 928 sT dOC Cw 6 36 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.16 0.16 0.14 51 sRwR shelly is an exceptional daughter of TGBC westwind 221Y from the dream Girl family line. Lot 60 sRwR shelley Circle R Ranch 61 sRwR sHeLLiKA PUREBRED • FEMALE • POLLED • DOUBLE BLACK 04/29/2013 • SRWR0002A • NPF2057027 Bw: 84 GPFF BLAQUE RULON DHVO DEUCE 132R AMY JO DHAN 20L MAGS XYLOID EXLR NEW GENERATION 071M BOHI RHONDA 314R DAVIS ROSETTA 9514 WULFS QUARTERBACK 4222B LKCC TOMAHAWKS TOUCHDOWN MISS WOLFETTE 4221S WULFS PICNIC BASKET 4230P POLLED SILVERSTONE 7089Y WULFS JOVIAL 9284J MISS WOLFETTE 0049Y Ced Bw ww Yw mA 7 2.6 sells Open 82 26 45 Cem sC 3 0.1 sT dOC Cw 26 30 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.50 -0.02 0.02 44 sRwR shellika is a fancy and stylish daughter of the popular mAGs xyloid. she is from the aggressive breeding program at Circle R Ranch. Lot 61 sRwR shellika Twin Oaks farms 62 JJpA RedBuLL 6080A PUREBRED • MALE • DOUBLE POLLED • RED Bw: 94 • ww: 627 02/16/2013 • JJPA6080A • NPM2047239 JLWM DIRE STRAYTS 4109P WULFS KYAH 0500K AUTO DOLLAR GENERAL 122R JONK BLACK SILK JLWM BLACK DRIFTER 6238S LESF ASPHALT 9N WILLOWS MOON DANCE 114L JJPA MOOLATTE 6080X ANDERS JAG BNLM MOCHA 6080M SFKL POLLED SPARK WULFS UPGRADE 0500U ENGD YARD MACHINE 1023Y JONK POLL UNIQUE 70U Ced Bw ww 5 3.9 49 Yw mA 87 24 Cem sC 5 0.7 sT dOC Cw 6 18 ReA YG mAR $mTi 0.44 -0.02 0.02 46 JJpA Red Bull 6080A is a rugged made son of enGd Yard machine. He is a top consignment from the Twin Oaks program, and the powerful herd sire is ready to go to work at sale time. His balanced epds and pedigree blend make him an excellent bull for this year's offering. enGd Yard machine 1023Y - sire of Lot 62 30 KenTuCKY LimOusin BReedeRs AssOCiATiOn sALe
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