Next Meeting –Wednesday March 10 at Sanel Auto Parts in
Next Meeting –Wednesday March 10 at Sanel Auto Parts in
March 2010 Next Meeting –Wednesday March 10 at Sanel Auto Parts in Raymond, NH Maintain! Celebrating 30 Years MAGS Officers Gene Trevena - President East Coast Utilities Construction 603-566-9544 Eric Quinlan, Vice President Charles George Trucking 603-231-4167 Kevin Quigley, Secretary Myra Distributors, Inc. 603-534-5972 Wayne Peasley - Treasurer Peasley Safety Consulting, LLC 603-428-6180 MAGS Directors Jack Fredericks Brookline Machine 978-689-0750 Jim Boyd N.E. Truck Maintenance & Repair 603-234-4448 Bruce Gilbert Gilbert Driveline 603-623-3061 Bob Merrill Camerota Truck Parts 603-228-9343 Craig Sykes Town of Raymond 603-234-2216 The Official Newsletter of the Maintenance Association of the Granite State (MAGS) Next Meeting! - Air Brake Troubleshooting MAGS is please to present Roland Lemoine from Sanel Auto Parts to be our feature presenter for the March 2010 meeting. Roland will discuss air system troubleshooting and why it is important in today’s repair shops and fleets. Roland has been actively involved in the New Hampshire Heavy Duty industry throughout his 40 plus year career. As a young man Roland started working in his father’s repair shop. He also repaired the fleet at Hertz Rental Trucks and was a firefighter mechanic for the City of Concord, NH for many years. As his career progressed he had the opportunity to work for Casella Waste Systems repairing their fleet throughout New England. Sanel Auto Parts has benefited from Roland’s hard work for many years. Roland had been the mechanic fixing all of Sanel’s equipment, including on highway and off highway. He has also been the Heavy Duty Manager at the Concord, NH location and currently holds the position of Trainer in the Heavy Duty division of Sanel Auto Parts. Roland is proud to be a founding member of MAGS and a past president. We look forward to his presentation. MEAL RESERVATIONS The social hour will be from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The meal starts at 7:00 PM with the presentation starting between 7:45 PM and 8:00 PM. The cost of the meal will be $20. Please make your reservations by calling 1-877-525-3581 or e-mail to [email protected] before 5 PM Wednesday March 3, 2010 Purchase of a meal is not required to attend the meeting. Guests of members are always welcomed. **Return calls for meal reservations cannot be accommodated! Wayne M. LaMalva 774-287-7114 Mike Dragon Capital Well Co. 603-774-6155 Richard L. Fournier, Sr. Loomis 603-881-9560 Terri Rich Sanel’s Auto Parts 603 895-4000 In this issue MAGS Membership Application. . . . . .2 MAGS Advertisements……..…. . . . . . .3 MAGS Coming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 MAGS is GROWING- It was a packed house for the February meeting at Camerota Truck Pars in Bow, NH. Brian Beaulieu from Cummings Northeast presented SCR vs. EGR engine emissions. President Gene Trevena doles out the loot for the 50/50 raffle. 2 Maintenance Association of the Granite State P.O. Box 282 Concord, NH 03302-0282 Application for Membership Fill in your information below, check the type of membership and mail with your check to MAGS. NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE & ZIP: TELEPHONE: (√) Check One EMAIL: Description 2010 Corporate Membership Dues Amount Due $50.00 2010 Individual Membership Dues $20.00 Industry News…………….Industry News………….Industry News……………. Upcoming Seminars and Webinars— Peasley Safety Consulting will be conducting the following seminars and webinars: 1) How to survive a DOT audit and Roadside Inspection 2) Basic Hazmat Materials for Hazmat Employees 3) Reasonable Suspicion Drug and Alcohol Training for Driver Supervisors 4) Auditing Driver’s Logs and Timecards 5) Mandatory Training for Entry-Level CDL Drivers 6) How to complete a vehicle pre-trip inspections and post-trip reports. 7) Defensive Driving, backing, extreme weather, speed and space management, and hazard perception. 8) Commercial vehicle driver orientation training. For dates, times and more information go to or email [email protected] If you have news on your company or industry please email it to [email protected] MAGS News…………..MAGS News…………...MAGS News………………… Welcome to our new member: Foley Marine Engines from Worcester, MA As a reminder, the invoices for dues will be in the mail soon. Corporate members are $50 and Individual members are $20 Should a meeting be cancelled or postponed due to weather please visit our web site for information. We will also send out an email if you have an email address on file. A note of thanks to the Camerota family for graciously providing the meal, tables and chairs for the February meeting. The nominating committee is in the process of preparing it’s nominations for the upcoming elections. If you are interested in helping the organization please see Gene Trevena or Bob Merrill for more information. It only takes about an hour a month. 3 Target your prospects and customers by advertising in the newsletter. The top decision makers in the NH trucking industry receive this publication on a monthly basis. Advertising in this publication is a great investment!!! The cost of a full page ad is $150 per issue. A half page is $75 and a quarter page is $50 per issue. Smaller ads are $25 per column inch. For more information contact Wayne LaMalva at 774-287-7114. This advertising space could be yours. Our membership has a very strong buying power. When a member is looking for goods or services they look to current members FIRST to get the quality, service and excellent prices they are looking for. The cost for this section is $25 per column inch per issue. For more information contact Wayne LaMalva at 774-287-7114. Advertising says to people, 'Here's what we've got. Here's what it will do for you. Here's how to get it.'” Leo Burnett This location could be making you money. For more information please contact Wayne LaMalva at 774-287-7114. MAGS P.O. Box 282 Concord, NH 03302-0282 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Celebrating 30 Years M 6P : ice h 10 t rc rts No a g M Pa tin ay o e H Me nesd Aut d, N n d el We San aymo at in R Proposed Meeting Schedule The following schedule is subject to change and is only a tentative schedule. If you have suggestions for future meetings, please contact a MAGS officer or a member of the Board of Directors with your suggestions. * indicates a tentative topic that is in the process of being confirmed. Date March 3, 2010 Group Board of Directors Location Presenter Red Apple, Concord, NH March 10, 2010 General Membership Sanel Auto Parts, Raymond, NH Roland Lemoine April 7, 2010 Board of Directors Red Apple, Concord, NH April 14, 2010 General Membership Gilbert Driveline, Manchester NH May 5, 2010 Board of Directors Red Apple Concord, NH May 12, 2010 General Membership Fleet Pride, Londonderry June 2, 2010 Board of Directors Red Apple Concord, NH June 9, 2010 General Membership Fleet Ready, Hudson, NH Board of Directors Red Apple, Concord, NH General Membership TBA September 1, 2010 September 8, 2010 Topic October 6, 2010 Board of Directors Red Apple, Concord, NH October 13, 2010 General Membership TBA Air Brake Clinic Jeff Jeffers-Arvin Meritor Drive shafts TBD* A/C Topics: Tricks & Traps Lt. Kathleen Murray* DOT Regulations & You TBA TBA TBA TBA