Wormsloe Historic Site scavenger hunt form


Wormsloe Historic Site scavenger hunt form
Wormsloe Historic Site Scavenger Hunt
1. Who’s cottage is to the right as you enter Wormsloe Historic Site?
2. What is the tree by the entrance of the museum according to the interpretive sign?
3. According to the sign in the museum what did the well become after 1770?
4. What is the medical tool labeled “14” in the museum?
5. How many Native American huts are there in the encampment along the trail?
6. Go into the house, name one crop growing outside the window?
7. According to the sign how many rooms where in Noble Jones’ tabby home?
8. What is the date on the Shell Midden sign that relates to the Native Americans.
9. What is the tree with the twisted roots on the trail that the birds use the bark for nest
10. Find the shell midden, look at the sign what is the dates listed?