Amelia Island Beach Management
Amelia Island Beach Management
AMELIA ISAND, FLORIDA BEACH MANAGEMENT PARTNERING AND PERSERVERENCE Erik Olsen, PE olsen associates, inc. KEYNOTE PRESENTATION FSBPA 2009 olsen IN ORDER TO ADDRESS SHORE PROTECTION TODAY LOCAL INTERESTS PARTNER WITH: • FDEP • FPS • BB&CS • Nassau County • US NAVY • USACOE Port Authority • F.I.N.D. olsen “LOCAL INTERESTS” ON AMELIA ISLAND • City of Fernandina Beach (Sponsor) • Nassau County • South Amelia Island Shore Stabilization Association Municipal S Service i Benefit B fit Unit U it (MSBU) olsen YOU ARE HERE REGIONAL SETTING olsen Big & Little Talbot Island State Parks (3,600 acres) National Seashore Fort Clinch Cli h State Park (1224 acres) Amelia Island State Park (230 acres) PUBLICLY OWNED LANDS olsen Fort Clinch ((1998)) CONSTRUCTED IN 19th CENTURY olsen FL et al. GA LIMITS OF NASSAU COUNTY SHOREFRONT olsen FL et al. GA FDEP DESIGNATED CRITICAL EROSION olsen Principal Sources of LongLong-Term Erosion--Navigation Impacts Erosion • Stabilization of St. St Mary Mary’s s Entrance (1800’s) • Stabilization of St. Johns River Ri (1800’s) (1800’ ) olsen St. St Mary’s Mary s Entrance • Work W k began b in i 1881 • N. Jetty (19,300 ft) • S. Jetty (11,200 ft) 50+ MCY olsen Amelia Island Nassau Sound Little Talbot Island 1857 Location St. Johns St J h River Entrance olsen Historical Shorelines 2001 Photo Amelia Island State Park - 1984 olsen Historical Shorelines Amelia Island Atlantic Ocean A.I.S.P. Nassau Sound 2001 Photo olsen Island-wide Pre IslandPre--Nourishment Historical Erosion Control Solutions Included: • Groins (1900’s) • Revetments (1965) • Geotubes • Dune D e Re Restoration to tio • Beach scraping (early 1970’s) • Beach disposal olsen • Fernandina Beach • American Beach Revetments constructed by Federal Government after Hurricane Dora (1964) olsen olsen Proactive Shore Stabilization Soln. Soln 1 St. Mary’s y Entrance Strategic Beach p at Disposal N. Amelia Island ((1974 – Present)) olsen St St. Mary’s Mary s Beach Disposal • Source – Federal Navigation Channel • • • • Maintenance Initiated in 1978, mol Has placed over 5 Mcy to date Disposal authorized islandisland-wide: onsho e and nearshore onshore nea sho e Primary drivingdriving-force today is the Kings Bay, GA Naval Submarine Base olsen Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) • U.S. Navy / USACOE / St State t off Florida Fl id • Beach Disposal of all compatible tibl material t i l on Amelia Island • N cost to State No S or Local Gov’t • Facilitated ili d routinely i l since 1986 • Further codified by Inlet Mgt Plan adopted in 1998 St. Mary’s Entrance Trident Class olsen Proactive Partnering – St. Mary’s Entrance • Protects Ft. Clinch (first priority) • Enhance E h F Fernandina di B Beach h Note: Island Island--wide disposal is authorized by both MOU and Permit. Principal funding source – U.S. U S Navy olsen Amelia Island Proactive Shore Stabilization Soln. 2 South Amelia Island Beach Restoration Program (No -Federal) (Non(Non Fede l) olsen olsen olsen olsen olsen The Plan to Save South Amelia Island • SAISSA, Inc. – formed to address a chronic erosion problem along the South Island shoreline. shoreline. • Nassau County established the SAISS--MSBU tto fund SAISS f d a project j t • 1994 – a 2.6Mcy, 18,000ft long beach restoration project was constructed. constructed. • All ffunding di was llocal. l olsen olsen olsen First Renourishment In 2002, SAISSA and the Florida Park Service partnered to include the AISP in the first scheduled maintenance of the beach restoration project and to construct several stabilizing structures beneficial to both the Park and the renourishment project. This allowed for some State cost sharing. olsen Damage to AISP Maritime Forest High Tide TUBE High Tide olsen Amelia Island State Park olsen South Amelia Island Beach Restoration • 1994 SAISSA Project: j 1.76 Mm3 R-60 to RR-78 ((5,600 , m)) Designed and permitted in 18 months • 2002 JOINT Project: 1 6 Mm3 1.6 R-60 to R R--79.5 A.I.S.P. 2001 Photo A.I.S.P. – Amelia Island State Park olsen Phase II Stabilization To introduce structural stabilization in order to reduce end losses from a 5 6 km (3.5 5.6 (3 5 miles) updrift beach restoration project … Nassau Sound Amelia Island A.I.S.P. Atlantic Ocean Beach Fill – Phase I (2002) 2001 Photo olsen Phase II Stabilization … to recapture State Park acreage lost to erosion … Nassau Sound Amelia Island A.I.S.P. Atlantic Ocean Beach Fill – Phase I (2002) 2001 Photo olsen Project j Goal …without adversely affecting the balance of sediment transport q to maintain the downdrift inlet required facing shoreline of the state park. Amelia Island Nassau Sound AISP A.I.S.P. Atlantic Ocean Terminal Structure? 2001 Photo olsen Phase II Stabilization Design Precepts • Reduce end losses from the beach fill project, • Recapture eroded State Park lands,, • Protect endangered unique maritime iti forest, f t and d • Re Re--establish endangered species habitat. olsen Regional Environmental Protection Requirements* Requirements* • No impact to downdrift (inlet facing) shoreline * By Permit olsen Atlantic Ocean Nassau Sound olsen Regional Environmental Protection Requirements* Requirements* • No impact to downdrift (inlet facing) shoreline, shoreline • No impact p to Nassau Sound sediment budget, * By Permit olsen Regional Environmental Protection Requirements* Requirements* • No impact to downdrift (inlet facing) shoreline, shoreline • No impact to Nassau Sound sediment budget, • No impact to Bird Bi d Island Shoal Complex. * By Permit olsen Amelia Island Bird Island Shoals olsen Alternative Solutions A.) Beach fill alone – not acceptable, acceptable, B.) Radial Groin Field(s), C.) Terminal structure(s), D.) Breakwater(s), olsen Selected Plan • 465 meter long “leaky” terminal structure, • 93 meter long detached breakwater, breakwater • Strategic g updrift p placement of p advance beach fill to maximize impoundment effects. olsen “Hinge Point” Detached breakwater Concept 6 A.I.S.P. Leaky Terminal Structure Nassau Sound Atlantic Ocean Little Talbot Island 2001 olsen Concept Plan (Pre--Beach Fill) (Pre Amelia Island State Park P Potential i l Acreage A to be Recaptured Privately Owned Lands 2001 Photo olsen 2,253,000 R-74 +10.0 +9.0 +6.0 AP-22 2 252 000 2,252,000 MHW (+3.2) 0.0 MLW (-2.1) R-75 Atlantic Ocean Predicted Pl f Planform AP-23 2,251,000 R-76 South Amelia Island November 2002 Northing (ft, NAD2 27) 2,250,000 R-82 Salient at Hinge Point AP-25 R-77 R-77.5 10 R-81 2,249,000 Impounded Sh Shoreline li R-78 9 R-80 R-79.5 R-7 78.5 R-79 6 2,248,000 3.2 -2.1 6 3.2 -2.1 2,247,000 Spit 2,246,000 GRAPHIC SCALE Nassau Sound 359,000 360,000 0 361,000 362,000 363,000 Easting (ft, NAD27) 364,000 500 1,000 FT 365,000 olsen Anticipated p Shoreline Response p without Detached Breakwater AISP Anticipated Shoreline Response Existing Terminal Groin Detached Breakwater olsen Anticipated Shoreline Response without Detached Breakwater & with Groin Extension AISP Existing Terminal Groin 750± 750 ± ft Anticipated Shoreline Response 1,600 FT Detached Breakwater olsen Sept. 2004 olsen Evolving Spit Oct. 2004 Permeable and Low Low Leaky Terminal Structure olsen * Hinge Point Salient Updrift detached breakwater (93 m) required to resolve historical “hinge” point in shoreline configuration. Low Tide Condition olsen COMPARISON July 2005 olsen Breakwater “Leaky” y Groin (buried) HISTORICAL SHORELINES Spit Formation August 2006 olsen Amelia Island Proactive Shore Stabilization Soln. 3 Nassau County Shore Protection Project (Fernandina ( Beach)) olsen (National Seashore) Shore Protection Project Location - State Park olsen Nassau County Shore P t ti Protection Project P j t • Federally Authorized • Contractor – Weeks Marine • Constructed d– July to Sept, 2008 • 1.7M cubic yards • $15 million; mol olsen City of Fernandina Beach “The Poster Poster--Child of Perserverence Perserverence”” • • • • • • • 1946 – Beach h Erosion i Board d Study d 1960 – Study by Sav Sav.. District, C.O.E. 1973 – Recon Study by Jax C.O.E. * 1977 – Feasibility Study by Jax C.O.E. (with Favorable Section 11-11 Findings) 1984 – Feasibility Study w/ E.I.S. 1999 – GRR (Revised 2004 & 2006) 2008 – Construction at 62 YEARS LATER! * 9 years after Hurricane Dora (1964) olsen Cumberland Island St. Marys Entrance Amelia Island The Nassau County Shore Protection Project j is i one off a Relatively Small Number of Projects Nationally with a Section 11-11 Component olsen olsen Section 1 1--11 Mitigation g • First 50% of Project cost @ 100% Federal • Second 50% of Project j cost @ 58% Federal • Result – Total Federal Cost Average is 79% olsen P j t Project completed in early Oct. O t 2008 by Jacksonville District, USACOEolsen Amelia Island Proactive Shore Stabilization Soln. Soln 4 Strategic Beach Disposal • North Amelia Island St. Mary’s Entrance Navigation Project • South Amelia Island Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) Sponsor – F.I.N.D. olsen AIWW Dredging Amelia Island AISP A.I.S.P. Atlantic Ocean Oceanfront Beach Di Disposal l Site Nassau Sound 2001 Photo olsen THE END As it could have been… olsen THE END As it is… olsen Q QUESTIONS? olsen