Design for success (w.IPS)
Design for success (w.IPS)
Design for success (w.IPS) Jon Wingren Volvo Penta Sales Engineering IPS – Inboard Performance System IPS 1 Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 2 2012 IPS 2 IPS 3 IPS nomenclature Engine Pod Product Engine Pod D4-260 IPS1 IPS350 D11-600* IPS2 IPS800 D4-300 IPS1 IPS400 D11-700 IPS2 IPS900 D6-300* IPS1 IPS400MC D6-330* IPS1 IPS450 Engine Pod Product D6-370 IPS1 IPS500 D13-800* IPS3 IPS1050 D6-435 IPS1 IPS600 D13-900 IPS1200 IPS3 The name indicates the equivalent inboard shaft installed power at about 30-40 knots * - rating 4 (commercial planing craft) Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 3 2012 Product Sales Engineering - Application support Sales Engineering Marine (HQ) Regional application (4 regions) Customer - Ship yard -Central application/installation support -Project owner in own market - Design company -Continuous contact with OEM and shipyards - Other involved parties -Evaluates all IPS multiples, IPS800-1200, Catamarans, Semi-planing, Yachts and Marine commercial projects -Responsible for application/installation concepts and methods Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 4 2012 -Local application and installation support VP IPS boat database The database currently contains 541 brands/yards and many more models 16mroundbilge 1700Powerplay 19_9TFerry GradossurYachts AbacusMarine Absolute ACM Activa Adaboatyard Adv.Con.Unl. Africat Aguti AironMarine Albin AlDhaen AlenYacht AlHarebMarineboat Alice Allaisrossignol Allegro AlnMaritec Alruban Altair AltamarYachts AlteraRepower-Altera Alusafe AM AmericasCupCats Applause ApreaMare Aqualum Aramis Arazur ArcadiaYachts Arcticblue35 AresaGroup Argohydrofoil Aria Arista Arkona Armada Armada Armortechniques Arpaspilotboat AskeladdenmedZeus ASTILLEROMARVO AstillerosdeAlicante Astinor Astondoa Atlantis ATMyacht Aurora AustraliaYachts AvaYacht Azimut Baia Balticworkboats BandD Bantum BarracudaYachtDesign BasileQuad Bavaria BelizeMotoryachts Bella Beneteau Bestway BladeBoats BlueReef BluMartin BMTNigelGee Bohus”IPS400 BoksaMarineDesign BordoGroup Borghegndesign Breedendam BrodernaAA C&H CantiereNautico Carbrasmar CardellMYXC CarenaSerapo Carribean Carver Cat11 Cat13 Catamaran-Austria CatamaranSouth CatamaranTecnao Cayman CBMYachts CCE Ceelen&Bekker CH Chapparal Choisi ChrisCraft Cimitarra Cleopatra Clintsboat CMS CoastalCraft Conam ConcordiaYachting CoqueBlue CoriFisher CorisandeSWW Cranchi CrestaMotorYachts Crucerotwin CruiseLineYachtBuilders Cruiser Cruisers Cumberland CustomYachts Dafeiyang DamenShipyard DanishYachts Daytona DeBirs DeepVee Delta DennisGarretCostaRica Design-big DHS DickeyBoats DonSenior Doral Douamartini DP(DallaPiet…Yachts) Dragon DubaiMarine DutchYachting DynaCraft Dynasty EAC Egawa Egemar Elan Elite Endeavour EngelDesign EnterpriseMarine ErsinDenizcilik ETOU-DY Evolutionyacht ExtremeRibs Faeton Fairline Fast Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 5 2012 FastCatamaran Ferretti Fiart NordicSky FINCAT FinnishQuad Fisherysurveillancev. Fishingvessel Fjellstrand Fjord FjordMolde FlagMarine Formula Fountain FountainPajot FourWinns FPBoatsBluIce FranchiniYachts Freedom FrenchCAT FribergsElektriska FuzhouAllegro FW76 GA40 Gagliotta Galeon GalileoYacht GCGmarine Genesis GeorgNissen GinoGandino GlobalYachtBuilder(GYB) GobbiAtlantis Grand GrandBanks GrandHarbour Greenline GreklandIPS2 GSMarineProduksjon GulfCraftInc GustoYachtsGriffin GuyCoachPilot HadramiMarine HaiShengShipBuilding Haliocat Hamaishi-zosensyo HamptonYachts HangLik Hanko-PolarDiesel Hanse-Fjord Hansheng Hargrave HarmanYachts HebeBeatriz Helg”yprins HershineMcKinna HFMarine Hinckley HoekDesign30m Hood Horizon&Vision Houseboat HSB HudsonYachts HullforMPDrewMcCay Humphree Hunt Huntdesign Icon IdaiFinland Imax Incheon INI Innovationcatamarans IntechBoating Intermarine IslandPilot Isonaval JadeYachts Japan3xIPS Javelin J-craft Jeanneau JeffersonYachts Johnssonyachts Joyce JSCPrimorets JVC Kamamarine KBMSARH01 KBV KelseyLee KhaShing Kiwifantastic KLASEA Kockums Kone Koreannavyboat KrogenExpress KSS Kumamoto KustbevakningCobra LagoonRoyal LakeTiticaca LargecatforIPS2 LazzaraYachts Leisurecat LeonDengboat LevefortIcomaLTDA Linssen Loha Loisyachts LongIsland Luck LuthomYachts Lynx M14 M56-Hungary Magnum MainShip Manawaki Manavi Mangusta MarcoPolo Mareoro MarineAlutech Mariner Maritimo MarlowYachts Marquis Marumana MasterMarine MaverickSFY MaviYachts MaxiDolphin Maximum MBLSupply McKinna MDYacht Med MediacoYachts Meilan Mel”ytind Menorquin MikelsonYacht Millenium MoaTecnica Montebello Morgan MoulderBellagioVripak MSSZ Muscat Mustang MYBertha Nasyonel NautaYachts Navaldesign_ConsultingSRL NavalDynamicsAS NavaltisEngineeringLtd Navetta NavyPakistan NavyPeru Navytwin Nekuton NestekM_Y NewFolder NewOceanyachts NewTuna NicolasCasas Nimbus NISIyachts Noah76 NoosaCat Nordhavn NordWest Norseman(HaiShengS.B.) NorskAmbulansb†t NorskCat NOSProvider NT411 Numarine O2-marine Ocean5 OceanAlexander Oceania Oceanmarine Oceantouring OckeMannefeldt OktaShipyard OlaL-O Oliver Olympia OrientalBoats Orsis Oru‡ogluSistem OSK-ShiptechAS Osprey Otam Ovation Oxta Oyster Pacificat PalmBeach PalmMarine PassengerPeru PassengercatTahiti patrol PaulJany PC4605 Penta PermareYachts peterlowedesign Peter'scatamaran(HYSU) PiartYacht Pikilos16 PilotboatsUSA PioneerMotorYacht PionerBoatSwift PLASCOA PolyMarine PortofinoMarine Powercat Powerplay Predator President PrevezaYachts PrimatistbyBrunoAbbate PrimaYachts Primorets Princess Prinz PrivateerYachts Project316 ProShip QuattroMarine RafaelMSN Raidco RalfCat Realpowerboats Rebelmarine ReconBoats ReconCat Revival Riostar Riva Riviera RivieraYachts(Arg) Rivolta RKyachts RobertoHolzhacker Robsonasymetric Rockharbour Rodman RogerHillYachtDesignLtd Romano RoyalDenship RoyalTeam RubiCat RupertMarin Rybovich SAFEHAVENMARINE Saga Sailfish Sailor Sakurazima Salthouse SanJuanYachts SanLorenzo SANTANA Santarpia SaracakisBrothersSA Saratov ScandicPolikraft Schaefer SciroccoSHUTTLE Sculley Scully SeaCraftLLCFerry SealifeDesign Sealine Seamaster Seascout Seatrials-NZIPSBoats SeaVee SEGUEYACHTS SeiglaCat Seigur SemiplanninginAustria Senatorboats SESEuropeAS SessaMarine SevenSeas SFM25mWPC ShannonElder48 Sharafyachts SharkPupayat Sibirilpilotboat Silkline SirenaYachts Skils” Skorgenes SL650 SmelneYachtcenter SOGICA SogicaOpenbridge Solare Solemar Somi SouthBoats SoutherlyDesigns SoyaslanMarine Spainprojects2011-08 Spencer Spencer SpencerYachts SpiritYachts SSF(ShingShengFa) StarFisher StBarth StealthYachts Stella Storebro Stormforce StPetersburgCityGov. Strandcraft Styrs”bolagetKat Sunbird Sunnav Sunquest Sunseeker SwedeShip SwedishShipMarine TaChou TansalMarine Targa Tecnomar Tenderboat Tiara TransWorld Trefjar Tresco Tresfjord Tricon_SEENISI Trident Tristan TulioAbbatte Tunafishboat Typhoon ™vrigt UFO Ukraine Ukrainianboat UKtriptoOlesinski Ullman-Runnacraft Unathi Unidelta Uniesse UPAYachtsW.L.LTD USDDC Wake Valk VallingShipSurvey Wallypower VanderValk Wayacht Wesmac Wester VGYacht WhiteSpirit VicemYachts VictallRomay Viking VikingMarin Windcat Windy Winfair Vismara WoodenyachtIndia Voyager VPtriple XIAMENHANSHENGYT. XingYang Xsea Yamaha YasudaShipyard Youanna YukayYachts Yy”vene Zahra ZeelanderYachts Zenit Why do we get involved? + = • Volvo Penta has introduced a “state of the art” propulsion system that is fundamentally different from traditional configurations which means that the market lacks experience. • Volvo Penta has been involved in many development projects at key OEM’s and has tested a large number of boats. • Volvo Penta’s experience can help take some of the guess work out of the seemingly simple equation. • No propulsion system is better than the vessel it is fitted to. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 6 2012 ? Potential The potential advantage for IPS can only be fully realized if the hull design and load cases are well matched to the propulsion 0.75 IPS 0.70 EtaNet 0.65 0.60 Traditional 0.55 Fixed Pitch Prop 0.50 25 30 35 Boat Speed [knots] Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 7 2012 40 45 Planing/semiplaning hull shapes and speed potential Design speed Q1 Q2 to Q7 IPS1050 IPS1200 (D13-800) 26 kn 28-41 kn (D13-900) N/A 27-40 kn Design speed PS4 to PS5 P1 to P7 IPS800 (D11-600) 19 - 21 kn 23-37 kn IPS900 (D11-700) N/A 27-40 kn IPS350 Design speed (D4-260) TS3-TS6 18 - 23 kn T2 to T10 25 - 44 kn Red = preliminary IPS400MC IPS450 IPS500 IPS600 (D6-300) 19 - 26 kn 28 -48 kn (D6-330) 19 - 25 kn 27 - 47 kn (D6-370) 17 - 24 kn 26 - 45 kn (D6-435) 19 - 26 kn 28 - 49 kn Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 8 2012 Only for low speed Volvo Penta can NOT deliver outside this range. Speed is indicating nominal max rpm on the engine New General Arrangement for suitable LCG Bow down High drag Bow up Low drag Horizontal thrust Horizontal thrust angle + Low appendage drag + LCG further aft = Higher trim which can mean higher drag A change in trim can be compensated for with suitable GA (engines, tanks, equipment, driver position, etc.) Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 9 2012 Deadrise distribution for higher speed hulls Monohedron Warped IPS is most common in planing type hull shapes: • Hull drag is affected by the distribution of deadrise. A large change in deadrise over the lifting surface increases drag in comparison to a straighter running surface for fully planing hulls. • However, given a specific load case, warp can be used to aid the running attitude for best performance. • Highest efficiency so far has been achieved with monohedron hulls. The hull is monohedron if buttocks are parallel The hull is warped if buttocks converge Sketches are exaggerated for illustration purposes Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 10 2012 Deadrise distribution for lower speed hulls Preferred The traditional rising buttock hull has been judged and in to be well suited towards IPS given the right relative speed, geometry and load balance. However the IPS units have so far (tested examples) been fitted on close to a horizontal line which will help both in thrust direction but also give some added dynamic pressure/lift. Sketches are exaggerated for illustration purposes Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 11 2012 Roll factor “During the time the IPS system has been on the market, Volvo Penta has gathered a large amount of experience around hull design and boat behavior. Due to some geometrical aspects of the propulsion system boats equipped with IPS tend to heel more than boats with conventional inboard systems, this is true both when turning as well as when running straight with side wind. An experience database has been developed where the proneness to heel is estimated. The indicator is a property Volvo Penta calls Roll Factor and the range is approximately from 2 to 5 where a high number indicates more stability than a lower number. Because of this experience it is possible to find a range of Roll Factors where warnings are issued and if the number becomes too extreme the recommendation has to be that VP declines to fit the IPS system altogether. A number below 2.60 will generate a warning and a number below 2.20 should be avoided without radical geometrical modifications.” • Volvo Penta has developed a method to judge the proneness to roll in turns by means of an empirical formula. The basis for this formula is tests run with a number of boats measuring the behavior. • Input for this formula is: Bp, β, VCG, Lwl and the geometry of the chine area. • Applies to boats up to abt. 45 ft but is being developed for larger boats (pending statistical material) Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 12 2012 Chine design for less heel Chine width: Standard hull: 5% of chine beam High Vcg: minimum 5% of chine beam Allow proportional width to at least Lwl/2 Chine design: Standard hull: neg 5° High Vcg: minimum neg 5° Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 13 2012 Moderate bottom loading and window of operation 6< Ap 23 ∇ Example: LH=40ft, Bpt=3.2 Bottom loading = 6.0 → Δ = 10400kg • Avoid loading the bottom too hard. A highly loaded bottom limits the window of operation. • LCG should be placed so that the bow can be lifted when running in following seas. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 14 2012 Low trim angles • Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 15 2012 Low trim angles should be avoided, low in the sense of wetting the forward curved buttocks. A boat with IPS is more dependant on the hulls inherent properties for dynamic stability compared with a traditional inboard boat. Many planing hulls generate slight instabilities at low trim angles. This can not be corrected by the IPS system. There is no general limit, the risk is estimated on a case by case basis. Longitudinal position of IPS unit and easily yawing hulls + Conceptual sketch of planing condition Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 16 2012 • The boat turns due to a longitudinally unbalanced distribution of force that makes the hull yaw. If the distribution is longitudinally balanced (by moving the IPS units forward) the hull will sway and not yaw. Therefore the IPS units should remain as far aft as possible without protruding beyond the transom. • Turning performance can be improved by designing the hull to yaw more easily, features such as a tapered chine beam and a keel line pad will help. = Position with margin to chine Increasing C-C distance between IPS units will improve handling both at high speed but more significant at low speed and in joystick mode. However there is a risk of ventilation and overload in the control system if the props ventilate. The rule is to follow the standard instructions but in some cases such as low power density boats stretch the C-C distance. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 17 2012 • IPS1: Ø T2 518mm, steering angle 26 deg • IPS2: Ø PS4 668mm, steering angle 28 deg • IPS3: Ø QS5 774mm, steering angle 28 deg Center unit for a triple configuration The center unit may be placed on a pad or in a tunnel. Note that the width of either need to have the capacity for full articulation of the IPS unit and good structural connection. VP recommends a low depth tunnel and gentle ramp-in. The center unit articulates in joystick mode but does not shift into gear. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 18 2012 What to avoid • Convex section shapes in both the hull surface and the top sides in combination with small chine flats can cause the hull to resist a turn induced by the IPS units. The result may become a straight line course but with heel. • Convex and Concave hull shape in the rear will make the IPS placement compromised and may increase roll angles. • Keels increase resistance and can make the hull unstable and give unpredictable behavior. The is speed dependent but tests have shown poor cooperation in IPS powered boats. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 19 2012 What to avoid . . . Cont. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 20 2012 • Ventilation steps are normally designed to improve lift/drag ratio by multiplying the stagnation lines. This is possible by introducing air at certain points. This air is at high risk of interfering with the propellers and reducing their efficiency and also increase oscillating steering forces. • Trim tab pockets have in many cases the unfortunate affect to allow air to be sucked from the transom under the hull into the propeller area with the same reduction of efficiency and steering problems as above. • Avoid flow disturbing geometric anomalies in line for the propeller system (abt. 3-4m). Very few boats in this relative speed benefit from full length strakes. IPS2 and IPS3 use separate water intakes to be placed forward of engines and offline with IPS-unit. IPS integration process and involvement from Volvo Penta Sales Engineering BOAT DESIGN STAGE • Input: 3D hull + accurate load data (from OEM/MU), VP can arrange for scale weighing of current model if needed • Processing: speed, trim, performance liabilities, geometric aspects, GA considerations (by SEM for all IPS boats except twin IPS350-600 if MU-engineer is qualified) • Result: IPS prospect review report (to OEM/MU) • …secondary reviews based modified data. CUSTOMER/DESIGNER/YARD CHOOSES IPS… BOAT BUILDING STAGE • Structural process advice, installation advice, adaptation and interpretation of rules and guidelines (by MU and/or SEM). BOAT VERIFICATION AND/OR ADAPTATION STAGE • Follow-up: sea-trial with scale weighing (up to 110 mT) and behavior test (speed, trim, heel, acceleration, consumption) + report (MU and/or SEM). • Hull and load adaptation/modifications based on test data. • Re-verification. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 21 2012 OEM = Boat builder, MU = Volvo Penta Market Unit, SEM = Volvo Penta Sales Engineering Marine Summing up the result – Scale Weight To quantify results accurately Volvo Penta offers the possibility to scale weigh boat before and/or in connection to sea trial. – Scale weight from 3 to 11 points, up to at least 110 m.ton. Available in a cooperative use with Volvo Penta, usually at no cost to the yard except lifting arrangements. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 22 2012 Summing up the result – Sea Trial To quantify results accurately Volvo Penta offers the possibility to behavior log the vessel at sea trial. – High frequency GPS behavior logging in 6 DOF. – Engine and pod data Available as a cooperative use with Volvo Penta, usually at no cost to the yard, except running cost. Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 23 2012 Questions ? Volvo Penta IPS Seminar CB75200, Jon Wingren 24 2012