Pooled Trusts - Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Rochester
Pooled Trusts - Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Rochester
CCCS of Rochester/RethinkingDebt Headquarters: 1000 University Ave, Rochester, NY 14607 **Spring 2015** Pooled Trusts Inside this issue: Pooled Trusts 1 By: Stephanie Phillips, BalancedCare Budget Vacations 2 Ask CCCS 2 Credit Scores 3 Privacy 4 First Home Club 5 Career Start 5 Stay Connected 6 A pooled trust is a special account established and administered by a non-profit organization that manages peoples money so Medicaid doesn’t count it as income. This helps some people qualify for community services who would not normally be able to qualify. According to Federal and New York State laws, a person of any age with a disability can use a pooled trust to protect income or resources that would otherwise disqualify them for government benefits, such as Medicaid. There are 3 different types of trusts. A 1st Party Pooled Trust is funded with the income or resources of the person with a disability and can be a “spend down” or lump sum trust. A 3rd Party Pooled Trust is funded with a gift from family members, such as an inheritance, and can be placed in the trust during life, by Will, through life insurance or retirement funds. The trusts are set up with subaccounts for each beneficiary in the trust and the trust pools these accounts. The trust not only shelters resources and income to qualify the individual for benefits, but the money can then be turned around to pay certain expenses for the beneficiary. BalancedCare is a part of Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Rochester, Inc. and provides Medicaid application assistance. In the process of applying for Medicaid, a pooled trust may need to be established and BalancedCare can assist in the facilitation of the trust setup during this process. Future Care Planning Services and Center for Disability Rights are two local agencies that offer a Pooled Trust for New York State Residents. If you want to find out if a Pooled Trust may help you qualify for Medicaid services, call BalancedCare at 585-360-1854. Vacation on a Budget By: Jeana Breakingbury, Advisor It is hard to justify spending money on a vacation when things are tight financially. However, everyone needs a break whether it is just a few days or a week. Preplanning will make this getaway easier emotionally and financially. Here are a few things to think about when preplanning: • Set a budget. What can you afford without getting yourself behind in your regular expenses? Do not use credit cards to pay for your trip. Give yourself plenty of time to save the money so you can pay cash. Make sure that you are calculating the cost of gas or airfare, shelter, food and activities. Also, add to that miscellaneous cash for unplanned expenses or emergencies. If you have family or friends that you can stay with families because of school so if you have to travel during the peak times, remember you are going to pay a little more. When traveling during peak times, you will want to book hotels and air travel early to allow you to shop for the best price. All-inclusive and cruise vacations will usually include your stay, airfare, food and activities which could save you money. While on your vacation, monitor you’re spending. Go to a local grocery store and buy water, snacks and lunch items. • Where do you want to go? Take a look If you dine out and have left overs, use at the time of year you want to go. Will the hotel refrigerator and microwave to it be cheaper to go in the off season? warm up for lunch the following day. Usually hotels and airfare are cheaper When you arrive at your destination, ask during slower times. Traveling during for any discount brochures for dining out the off season can tend to be difficult for or activities. Have fun!! during your getaway, that will help cut the cost. Ask CCCS By: Lisa Hochlander, Director of Counseling and Client Support Question- How can I pay off my debt faster ? Answer- We encour age all our clients to make additional payments as often as they are able. Tax time, birthdays, holidays and graduations are times when you may have extra money to apply toward your debt. There are several ways to make extra payments on your account. If you would like to make a permanent increase to your monthly plan payment, please contact our Client Support Department to discuss the best options for paying down your debt. Our knowledgeable staff members are prepared to provide you with important account information that will help you decide where to apply your extra payments. You can make payments on our website at www.cccsofrochester.org by clicking on the “Make a Payment” option of the “Quick Links” section then selecting Debt Management Plan or you can make additional payments in the form of a bank check or money order by stopping in or mailing your payment to: CCCS of Rochester 1000 University Avenue, Suite 900 Rochester, NY 14607 Page 2 Tips to Increase Your Credit Score By: Stacey Walker, Advisor Most people don’t worry about credit until they need credit. When we are shopping around for a house, car or applying for credit cards or retail cards is when we get concerned about being turned down. When we are denied credit, it can be hard to swallow and can be embarrassing when someone tells you that you were not approved. Checking your credit report every year and staying on top of your credit is very important. When looking at your credit report, make sure everything on the report is correct; i.e. debts that you have, cars, mortgages, credit cards, student loans etc. Identity theft is very common and you do not want to be a victim of it. Checking your credit report is a great way to catch any suspicious items that may be identity theft. Always use www.annualcreditreport.com to review your credit report as other reporting sources do not always give you the full report or might make you pay for the report. More and more types of people are checking your credit report. Apartment complexes, utility companies, employers and insurance companies- just to name a few- check your report to see if you are credit worthy or to see if you pay your bills on time. Page 3 • 15% of your score is Length of Credit History Accounts open for a long time have a positive impact on your score. • 10% of your score is Recent Inquires Do you know what makes up your credit score? The list below gives you an example of what is used to calculate your score. • 35% of your credit score is Payment History Paying your bills on time will help out tremendously. Delinquent payments and collection accounts report negatively and affect your score. Apply for and open new credit accounts only as needed. Do not open an account just because of a retail promotion. Also, every time you attempt to apply for credit cards 5 points will be taken away from your score. Keep new accounts to a minimum. • 10% of your score is Types of Credit Try to have at least 3 different typescredit card, car payment, personal loan, student loan or mortgage. It’s never too late to clean up your credit and improve your credit score. Keep in • 30% of your score is Outstanding mind this debt did not happen overnight, Debt so it will take some time and patience to Having too many open lines of credit can establish good credit again. When increasing your credit score you are relower your score. building your credit history. There is no quick fix for a bad score, so please be Keep balances low on credit cards and suspicious of any deals that offer you a other revolving credit. If you have a fast easy solution. CCCS of Rochester/ $1000 credit limit, you only want to RethinkingDebt can help you understand spend $300 on that card. Do not use the your credit report and also get some of whole line. those pesky debts paid off so you can High outstanding debt lowers your score. increase your score for the future. Your Privacy By: Anthony DiLuglio, Advisor Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Rochester is a non-profit agency that has been doing business in the Rochester, NY area for over 40 years. In recent years, CCCS of Rochester has expanded to other areas of New York State as RethinkingDebt. We, as an organization, take seriously the trust you give to us when it comes to protecting your personal information. Everything you say to us during your counseling session is kept WRITTEN REQUEST, or when our private and confidential. staff has been served by a valid subpoeTo protect your personal information na. from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with The following PRIVACY PRACTICES detail circumstances under which we federal and state law. will release your information to a third Our agency is committed to assuring the party: privacy of individuals and/or families who have contacted us for assistance. •We do not disclose any nonpublic perWe assure you that all information sonal information about our customers shared both orally and in writing will be or former customers to anyone, except as managed within legal and ethical consid- permitted by law. erations. Your personal financial infor•We may compile data and aggregate mation, such as your total debt inforinformation that you give us, but this mation, income, living expenses and information may not be disclosed in a information concerning your financial manner that would personally identify circumstances, will be provided to crediyou in any way. tors and possibly others only with your specific authorization. •We may disclose some or all of the information that we collect, as described We may also use aggregated case file below, to creditors, or third parties that information for the purpose of evaluatyou have authorized who need this inforing our services, gathering valuable remation in order for us to assist you after search information and designing future a counseling session. programs. Your anonymity will be maintained through the use of your client •We may disclose all of the information number or by using aggregate data in all that we collect, as described below, to circumstances. creditors and related financial institutions that need this information in order In all other situations, your information to put you on a debt management promay be released to appropriate individugram (DMP). als or agencies ONLY UPON YOUR Page 4 •We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. •We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: -Information we received from you on our applications or other forms you provide -Information about your transactions with your creditors, others, or us. -Information we receive from a credit reporting agency. •We may disclose the following kinds of nonpublic information about you: -Information we receive from you on applications or other forms, such as your name, address, social security number, assets and income. -Information about your transactions with us, your creditors, or others, such as your account balance, payment history, parties to transactions and credit card usage -Information we receive from a credit reporting agency, such as your credit history. First Home Club By: Robert Jacob, Advisor Many New Yorkers dream of home ownership, but also struggle with being able to put aside the money for a down payment and closing costs. The First Home Club, a program established in 1995 by the Federal Home Loan Bank, is designed to help eligible first time home buyers achieve this dream. a completed application from the partner bank, 2 years of federal tax returns with W2’s and a month of paystubs. At CCCS of Rochester/RethinkingDebt, we assist with this process by meeting with and providing each potential homebuyer with a budget consisting of monthly income as well as expenses. At The program is a grant of up to $7,500 that appointment, we also provide a debased on a 4:1 match of money saved in tailed analysis of their credit report to a club savings account at a partner bank locate any potential issues and, then, which offers the First Home Club. Dureducate the client on what needs to be ing a period of 10 to 24 months, the bor- homes. done in order meet the requirements of rower will make monthly deposits into the program and make the dream of this account. The grant along with the How can you determine if you qualify? home ownership a reality. We also offer funds that have been saved can total as There are a few ways to qualify but inthe workshop needed to close on your much as $9,400. The money is then used come limits are $55,600 or less for 1-2 home. This workshop includes topics toward the down payment and/ or clos- person households and less than $63,940 such as inspections, insurance, and ing costs of a home anywhere in the for households of 3 and more. Potential working with a realtor. state of New York, New Jersey, Puerto first homebuyers must have a credit Call CCCS of Rochester/RethinkingDebt Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. Eligible score of about 650 and full time work and we can help determine if you qualiproperty types consist of 1-4 family history for the past two years. The rehomes, co-ops, condos and mobile quired documentation usually consists of fy for this program. Guest Essay: Career Start By: Kendall Jones Career Start is a private, locally owned full-service employment firm. From our start in 2007, we’ve focused our efforts on being a leading community resource to employers, community and government agencies, and job applicants. We’ve built strong employer relationships by offering a full range of employment services, including entrylevel recruitment and staffing; midlevel management and executive recruitment; daily flex workforce staffing; recruitment for direct hires; and payrolling for contracted agencies and employers. Through this collective, we are able to offer community members case management services, job placement and education and training in one of eight vocational tracks: Assembly & Manufacturing, Automotive Technology, Building Maintenance, Carpentry, Certified Nursing Assistant, Culinary, Customer Service, and Printing & Promotions. Career Start provides job readiness workshops, resume writing, soft skill building, one-on-one job search, and placement and retention assistance. Career Start has a proven track record The Rochester Workforce Consortium of successfully executing several placeis a collaborative partnership with the ment and retention programs. Our team Rochester City School District’s Office of professionals has built relationships of Adult Career and Education Serwith countless government and nonvices, Catholic Family Center, and Career Start. profit agencies, and employers to better serve the needs of our community. We focus on a results-driven approach to providing services to our partners and clients. Career Start has consistently met or exceeded program outcomes for deliverables on externally funded contracts, and is always striving to provide an effective and efficient allocation of resources. We are always accepting new clients and welcoming new community partnerships. To learn more about our agency, please visit our website at www.careerstartny.com or call 585-360 -2620. Page 5 Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Rochester, NY Permit NO. 986 Stay Connected with CCCS/RethinkingDebt Facebook LinkedIn Twitter - www.facebook.com/RethinkingDebt www.linkedin.com/company/1929041 www.twitter.com/RethinkingDebt Toll Free Phone: 1-888-724-2227 Email: [email protected] This newsletter is a publication of CCCS of Rochester/ RethinkingDebt.org, a Not-for-Profit agency. It is a source of information for clients, sponsors, representatives of the credit industry, and the service networks supportive of our mission and vision. Headquarters: 1000 University Ave., Suite 900 Rochester, NY 14607 Phone: (585) 546-3440 Fax: (585) 546-5693 Toll Free- (888) 724-2227
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