Commerce One Procurement 5.6 Help


Commerce One Procurement 5.6 Help
Commerce One
Version 6.0
September 2005
Commerce One, LLC
Corporate Headquarters
Bishop Ranch 3
2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 525
San Ramon, CA 94583
Commerce One Procurement™ Version 6.0 Help
Copyright © 2005 Commerce One, LLC. All rights reserved.
September 2005
Commerce One, LLC. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
This documentation and the software described constitute proprietary and confidential
information protected by copyright laws, trade secret, and other laws. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission of Commerce One, LLC.
Commerce One, Powering the Business Internet, Many Markets. One Source., Commerce One
Source, Commerce One Buy, Commerce One Procurement, Commerce One Collaborative
Platform, Commerce One Community Manager, Process Manager, Commerce One Web Services
Framework, Commerce One Auction, Transaction Manager, Commerce One Business Intelligence
Framework, XML Common Business Library, Global Trading Web, GTW, Commerce,
xCBL MailBox, MarketSite, eLink, Net Market Maker, XML Development Kit, xDK , XML
Commerce Connector, xCC , BuySite, xCBL, RoundTrip, Commerce Chain, Commerce One
Supplier Order Management, and SupplyOrder are registered marks, trademarks, or service marks
of Commerce One, LLC. All other company, product, and brand names are trademarks of their
respective owners.
Last updated: September 8, 2005 11:16 am
1. The Basics ................................................................................... 1
About the Procurement Application ....................................................................... 1
How to Get Help ................................................................................................ 2
Access Online Help ......................................................................................... 2
Navigate Online Help ...................................................................................... 4
Print Online Help ............................................................................................ 6
Other Ways to Get Help .................................................................................. 6
Terms and Conventions ...................................................................................... 6
2. Overview .................................................................................... 9
Online Procurement ........................................................................................... 9
Buyers ....................................................................................................... 10
e-Marketplace ............................................................................................. 11
Suppliers .................................................................................................... 11
User Roles ...................................................................................................... 12
Buyer Role .................................................................................................. 13
Approver Role ............................................................................................. 13
Reviewer Role ............................................................................................. 13
Administrator Role ....................................................................................... 13
Buying Organization ......................................................................................... 14
Catalog ...................................................................................................... 16
Inheritance ................................................................................................. 16
Procurement Administration .............................................................................. 16
Business Rules ............................................................................................ 17
Access Control ............................................................................................. 18
Key Concepts .............................................................................................. 18
Workflow ........................................................................................................ 19
Approval Requirements ................................................................................. 20
Approval Route ............................................................................................ 21
Approval Hierarchy ...................................................................................... 22
Re-approval ................................................................................................ 22
User Interface ................................................................................................. 23
Home Row .................................................................................................. 23
Header Area ................................................................................................ 24
Workspace .................................................................................................. 24
Navigation ...................................................................................................... 25
Navigate Pages ............................................................................................ 25
Navigate Lists ............................................................................................. 26
Make Selections ........................................................................................... 26
Free-form Text Entry ....................................................................................
Drop-down Menu .........................................................................................
Search Page ................................................................................................
Icons and Buttons ........................................................................................
3. Start the Procurement Application ............................................ 33
Start ..............................................................................................................
Log In ............................................................................................................
Home Page .....................................................................................................
Quit the Application ..........................................................................................
Time-out ........................................................................................................
4. Procurement Home Page .......................................................... 37
Banner ...........................................................................................................
Header Area ....................................................................................................
Organization Menu .......................................................................................
Services Menu .............................................................................................
Workspace ......................................................................................................
Shop Menu .....................................................................................................
Orders Menu ...................................................................................................
Manage Purchasing Menu ..................................................................................
Approve and Review Menu ................................................................................
Reports Menu ..................................................................................................
Application Administration Menu ........................................................................
Profiles Menu ..................................................................................................
Online Forms Menu ..........................................................................................
News and Information ......................................................................................
5. New Shopping Cart ................................................................... 43
The Shop Page ................................................................................................
Workspace ......................................................................................................
Search Catalog ............................................................................................
RoundTrip ...................................................................................................
Favorite Items .............................................................................................
Special Request ...........................................................................................
Shopping Cart .............................................................................................
Buying Tools ...................................................................................................
Browse Sequence ........................................................................................
Search Syntax .............................................................................................
Item Description ..........................................................................................
Tiered Prices ...............................................................................................
Show All Suppliers .......................................................................................
Procurement Help
Smart Form ................................................................................................. 55
Availability .................................................................................................. 55
Check Out ....................................................................................................... 58
6. Browse the Catalog ................................................................... 59
The Shop Page ................................................................................................ 59
Start to Browse ............................................................................................... 59
How to Browse ................................................................................................ 60
Restart the Browse ........................................................................................... 61
Browse Results ................................................................................................ 61
Results List ................................................................................................. 61
Refine Results .............................................................................................. 63
Item Description .............................................................................................. 65
Price .............................................................................................................. 65
Show All Suppliers ........................................................................................... 66
Add to Favorites .............................................................................................. 66
Add to Cart ..................................................................................................... 66
7. Search the Catalog .................................................................... 69
The Shop Page ................................................................................................ 69
Start to Search ................................................................................................ 70
Detail Search ................................................................................................... 70
Keyword Search ............................................................................................... 71
Search Syntax ................................................................................................. 71
Restart the Search ........................................................................................... 72
Search Results ................................................................................................. 72
Item Description .............................................................................................. 72
Price .............................................................................................................. 72
Show All Suppliers ........................................................................................... 73
Add to Favorites .............................................................................................. 73
Add to Cart ..................................................................................................... 73
8. RoundTrip ................................................................................. 75
The Shop Page ................................................................................................ 75
RoundTrip Shopping ......................................................................................... 75
Filter the List ................................................................................................... 76
Supplier Web Site ............................................................................................ 77
Shopping Cart ................................................................................................. 77
9. Special Request ......................................................................... 79
The Shop Page ................................................................................................ 79
Create Special Request ..................................................................................... 79
Edit Special Request ......................................................................................... 81
Cancel Special Request ..................................................................................... 82
10. Favorite Items ........................................................................ 83
The Shop Page ................................................................................................
Favorite Items List ...........................................................................................
Add to Cart .....................................................................................................
Add to Favorites ..............................................................................................
Delete from Favorites .......................................................................................
11. Templates ............................................................................... 87
Template List ..................................................................................................
Template Types ...............................................................................................
Create ............................................................................................................
Modify ............................................................................................................
Delete ............................................................................................................
Check Out .......................................................................................................
12. Open Shopping Cart ................................................................ 93
Modify Open Shopping Cart ...............................................................................
Open Shopping Cart List ...................................................................................
Select ............................................................................................................
Make a Change ................................................................................................
Check Out .......................................................................................................
13. Blanket Order Release ............................................................ 97
Blanket Order Release List ................................................................................ 97
Filter the List ................................................................................................... 99
Blanket Order Item List ...................................................................................100
Add to Cart ....................................................................................................101
Shop Page Differences .....................................................................................101
14. Check Out ............................................................................. 103
The Shop Page ...............................................................................................103
Shopping Cart Page ........................................................................................104
Change Items ................................................................................................106
Quantity ....................................................................................................106
Delete .......................................................................................................107
Item Requirements .....................................................................................107
Change Details ...............................................................................................107
Check Availability ...........................................................................................108
Tax ...............................................................................................................108
Procurement Help
Attachments ..................................................................................................109
Notes to Approver ...........................................................................................110
Approval Preview ............................................................................................111
Submit Shopping Cart .....................................................................................111
Save Shopping Cart ....................................................................................112
Order Confirmation .........................................................................................112
Confirmation ..............................................................................................112
Order Ship To Address .................................................................................114
Order Bill To Address ...................................................................................115
Order Payment Method ................................................................................115
15. Item Details .......................................................................... 117
Shopping Cart Page ........................................................................................117
Item Details Page ...........................................................................................118
Cart Details ....................................................................................................118
Ship Information ............................................................................................119
Ship To .....................................................................................................119
Ship Method ...............................................................................................120
Payment Method .........................................................................................120
Sales Tax Calculation ..................................................................................120
Ship Instructions ........................................................................................120
Bill Information ..............................................................................................120
Bill To .......................................................................................................121
Delivery .....................................................................................................122
Tax Basis ...................................................................................................122
Bill Instructions ..........................................................................................122
Cost Distribution .............................................................................................122
Default Method ...........................................................................................123
Flexible UI Method ......................................................................................124
Account Assignment ....................................................................................126
Attachments Page ...........................................................................................128
New Attachment .........................................................................................129
Modify Attachment ......................................................................................130
Edit Attached File ........................................................................................130
16. Shopping Cart Status ............................................................ 133
Workflow .......................................................................................................133
Check Status ..................................................................................................133
Shopping Carts List .........................................................................................134
Filter the List ..................................................................................................136
Process Map ...................................................................................................138
Add an Approver / Approval Group ................................................................139
Add a Reviewer ..........................................................................................140
History Log ....................................................................................................140
17. Order Status ......................................................................... 143
Order Status Page ..........................................................................................143
Orders List .....................................................................................................144
Filter the List ..................................................................................................146
Order Contents ...............................................................................................148
Status Codes ..................................................................................................149
Buyer Status ..............................................................................................149
Supplier Status ...........................................................................................150
Transmission Status ....................................................................................150
Order Shipping Information ..............................................................................151
Tracking Numbers List .....................................................................................152
Order History .................................................................................................153
Order Transaction History ................................................................................154
Order Detail ...................................................................................................155
18. Change Request .................................................................... 157
Create a Change Request .................................................................................157
View Pending Changes List ...............................................................................158
Filter the Change Request and Supplier Update List .........................................160
Edit a Change Request ....................................................................................161
Add Attachments ........................................................................................162
View or Delete Attachments .........................................................................162
Change Header Details ................................................................................163
Add an Approver .........................................................................................163
View Item Details/Item Attachments .............................................................164
Edit Cost Distribution ...................................................................................165
Account Assignment ....................................................................................168
View Estimated Tax Details ..........................................................................170
Edit Price ...................................................................................................171
Add Items to a Change Request ........................................................................172
Add a Special Request Item ..........................................................................173
Edit a Special Request Item ..........................................................................174
Cancel or Restore a Special Request Item ......................................................174
Delete a Change Request .................................................................................174
Internal Change Requests ................................................................................175
Send Change Request to Supplier .................................................................176
Respond to a Supplier Update ...........................................................................176
View Supplier Update Details ............................................................................178
Compare Documents .......................................................................................179
Cancel an Order .............................................................................................180
Procurement Help
19. Advance Ship Notice ............................................................. 181
Shipping Notification .......................................................................................181
View a List of Available ASNs ........................................................................182
View an ASN in Detail ..................................................................................182
ASN List ........................................................................................................183
Filter the List ..................................................................................................184
ASN Detail Pages ............................................................................................185
General .....................................................................................................186
Total .........................................................................................................186
Weights & Measures ....................................................................................187
Notes ........................................................................................................187
ASN Tracking Details .......................................................................................187
ASN Material Details ........................................................................................189
ASN Package Details .......................................................................................191
ASN Transport Details .....................................................................................193
Respond to ASN .............................................................................................195
20. Confirm Goods Received ....................................................... 197
Desktop Receiving ..........................................................................................197
Receiving List .................................................................................................198
Filter the List ..................................................................................................200
Receipt Entry .................................................................................................201
Order Information .......................................................................................202
Shipment Information .................................................................................202
Item Details ...............................................................................................202
Data Entry Form .........................................................................................203
Receipt History Log .........................................................................................203
Order Information .......................................................................................204
Receipt List ................................................................................................204
21. New Blanket Order ................................................................ 207
Catalog Views ................................................................................................207
Blanket Order .................................................................................................208
Catalog View ..............................................................................................209
Contract ....................................................................................................209
General Information ....................................................................................209
Date Ranges ..............................................................................................212
Currency Amounts ......................................................................................212
E-mail Notification ......................................................................................213
Notes ........................................................................................................214
Authorize Organizations ...................................................................................214
Basic Information .......................................................................................215
Add Authorization .......................................................................................215
Unauthorize ...............................................................................................216
Approval Preview ............................................................................................217
Manage Items ................................................................................................217
Search Catalog ...........................................................................................219
22. Existing Blanket Order .......................................................... 221
Blanket Order List ...........................................................................................221
Filter the List ..................................................................................................224
History ..........................................................................................................224
Release History ..............................................................................................225
23. Approval and Review ............................................................ 229
Approval Workflow ..........................................................................................229
Approval Preview ............................................................................................230
Approval Inbox ...............................................................................................231
Approval List ..................................................................................................231
Approve with Changes .....................................................................................234
Review List ....................................................................................................235
Workflow History ............................................................................................237
History Log ....................................................................................................239
View Differences .............................................................................................240
24. Online Forms ........................................................................ 243
Online Form Template .....................................................................................243
Complete the Form .........................................................................................244
Edit the Form .................................................................................................245
Preview Approval ............................................................................................245
Submit the Form ............................................................................................246
25. Online Form Status ............................................................... 247
Check Status ..................................................................................................247
Online Form List .............................................................................................248
Filter the List ..................................................................................................249
Process Map ...................................................................................................250
History Log ....................................................................................................251
26. Invoice Presentment ............................................................. 253
Invoice List Page ............................................................................................253
Sort or Filter Invoices ..................................................................................253
Control Buttons ..........................................................................................254
Buttons and Icons .......................................................................................254
Invoice Presentment Report .........................................................................254
Procurement Help
Invoice Details Page ........................................................................................255
Buttons and Icons .......................................................................................256
27. Timecards ............................................................................. 259
Create a New Timecard ...................................................................................260
Record Your Time ...........................................................................................260
Create an Expense Report ...............................................................................261
Add Attachments ........................................................................................262
Edit an Expense Report ....................................................................................262
Add Expense Items .....................................................................................263
Delete an Expense Item ...............................................................................263
View Attachments .......................................................................................264
Edit Attachments ........................................................................................264
Delete Attachments .....................................................................................265
Edit a Timecard ..............................................................................................265
Enter Comments .........................................................................................265
Skip a Timecard .............................................................................................266
Submit a Timecard ..........................................................................................266
Submit a New Timecard ...............................................................................266
Submit an Open Timecard ............................................................................267
Create a Timecard On Behalf Of a Worker ..........................................................268
Timecard Approval ..........................................................................................268
Escalation and Delegation of Approvers ..........................................................269
Approve a Timecard ....................................................................................269
View a Timecard .........................................................................................269
View the Approval Map ................................................................................270
Reject a Timecard .......................................................................................271
View the Status of a Timecard ..........................................................................271
View Timecard History .................................................................................272
View Workflow History .................................................................................272
Cancel a Timecard ..........................................................................................273
Print a Timecard .............................................................................................273
28. Reports ................................................................................. 275
Print Report ...................................................................................................275
Run Reports ...................................................................................................275
Predefined Reports ..........................................................................................276
Orders By Organization ................................................................................277
Orders By Commodity / Organization .............................................................278
Orders By Cost Center .................................................................................279
Shopping Carts By Status ............................................................................280
Shopping Cart Items By Requester ................................................................281
Receipts By Part / Supplier ...........................................................................282
Receipts By Supplier / Part ...........................................................................283
Commodities Ranking By Committed Amount .................................................284
Orders By Supplier - Summary .....................................................................285
Orders By Supplier - Detail ...........................................................................286
Privileges by Organization / User ..................................................................287
Add Custom Report .........................................................................................288
29. Services ................................................................................ 289
Select a Service ..............................................................................................289
30. User Profile ........................................................................... 291
View Profile ....................................................................................................291
General .........................................................................................................292
ID & Spending Limit ....................................................................................293
Contact Information ....................................................................................293
Credit Card Information ...............................................................................294
Delegation .....................................................................................................295
Delegate Approval ......................................................................................295
Disable Delegation ......................................................................................296
Preferences ....................................................................................................296
Change Password ...........................................................................................297
31. Advanced Administration ...................................................... 299
Administration Tools ........................................................................................299
Tree Menu .................................................................................................300
Add to Menu ..............................................................................................301
Remove from Menu .....................................................................................301
Home Organization .....................................................................................301
Codes ...........................................................................................................302
Commerce One Payment Type ......................................................................302
Document Type ..........................................................................................303
Blanket Order Type .....................................................................................304
Ship Method ...............................................................................................305
Tax Category .............................................................................................305
Status Codes ..............................................................................................306
Approval ....................................................................................................306
Change Request .........................................................................................307
Payment ....................................................................................................308
Order ........................................................................................................308
Receive .....................................................................................................309
Shopping Cart ............................................................................................310
Shipment ...................................................................................................311
Procurement Help
Setup ............................................................................................................311
Setup Addresses .............................................................................................313
View Address .............................................................................................313
Edit Address ...............................................................................................314
New Address ..............................................................................................314
Tax Edit .....................................................................................................315
Identifier Edit .............................................................................................316
Delete Address ...........................................................................................317
Setup Application Settings ...............................................................................317
View Application Settings .............................................................................318
Edit Application Settings ..............................................................................318
Setup Archive Status .......................................................................................319
Setup Bill To Addresses ...................................................................................319
View Bill To Addresses .................................................................................319
Edit Bill To Addresses ..................................................................................320
Add New Bill To Addresses ...........................................................................321
Delete Bill To Addresses ...............................................................................322
Setup Catalog Updates ....................................................................................322
Catalog Process Status ................................................................................322
Catalog Update Files ....................................................................................323
Use Application Settings ..............................................................................323
Setup Catalog Views .......................................................................................325
New Catalog View .......................................................................................326
Edit Catalog View ........................................................................................327
Add View to Menu .......................................................................................327
Remove View from Menu .............................................................................328
Add Buyer Accounts ....................................................................................328
Edit Buyer Accounts ....................................................................................329
Configure Commodity Filters ........................................................................330
Setup Contacts ...............................................................................................331
View Contact ..............................................................................................332
Add a New Contact .....................................................................................332
Edit Contact ...............................................................................................333
Delete Contact ...........................................................................................334
Setup Cost Centers .........................................................................................335
View Cost Center ........................................................................................335
Add a New Cost Center ................................................................................336
Edit Cost Center .........................................................................................337
Delete Cost Center ......................................................................................338
Ship To Cost Center ....................................................................................338
Setup Currency Exchanges ...............................................................................339
Add a New Group ........................................................................................339
Edit Group .................................................................................................340
Exchange Rates ..........................................................................................340
Setup MarketSite ............................................................................................341
New ..........................................................................................................342
Edit ...........................................................................................................343
Delete .......................................................................................................344
Setup Online Form ..........................................................................................345
New Form Template ....................................................................................345
Edit Template .............................................................................................346
Delete Template .........................................................................................347
Setup Order Tolerances ...................................................................................347
View Tolerances ..........................................................................................350
New Order Tolerance ...................................................................................350
Edit Tolerances ...........................................................................................353
Delete Tolerance .........................................................................................355
Setup Payments .............................................................................................355
Payment Term ............................................................................................355
Payment Type ............................................................................................357
Credit Card ................................................................................................359
Setup Reports ................................................................................................364
New Report Category ..................................................................................364
Edit Report Category ...................................................................................365
Delete Category ..........................................................................................365
New Report ................................................................................................365
Edit Report ................................................................................................366
Delete Report .............................................................................................367
Setup Ship To Addresses .................................................................................367
View Ship To Addresses ...............................................................................367
Edit Ship To Addresses ................................................................................368
New Ship To Addresses ................................................................................369
Delete Ship To Addresses .............................................................................370
Setup a Smart Form ........................................................................................371
New Smart Form ........................................................................................371
Edit Smart Form .........................................................................................372
Delete Smart Form .....................................................................................373
Associate Item ...........................................................................................373
Cancel Association ......................................................................................374
Setup Taxes ...................................................................................................374
New Tax Instance .......................................................................................375
Edit Tax Instance ........................................................................................376
New Tax Entity ...........................................................................................377
Edit Tax Entity ............................................................................................377
New Usage Code .........................................................................................378
Edit Usage Code .........................................................................................378
New Direct Pay Product Exemption ................................................................379
Edit Direct Pay Product Exemption ................................................................379
Procurement Help
Setup Units of Measure ....................................................................................380
Setup Feature Registration ...............................................................................381
Overview ...................................................................................................382
Enable a Feature .........................................................................................382
Authorize Organizations ...............................................................................383
Unauthorize Organizations ...........................................................................384
Setup Commodity Settings ...............................................................................386
Edit Commodity Settings ..............................................................................386
List or View Commodity Settings ...................................................................387
32. Administer Users .................................................................. 389
New User .......................................................................................................390
Search ..........................................................................................................390
Details ......................................................................................................391
Organizations .............................................................................................391
Roles ........................................................................................................392
Approval Assignments .................................................................................392
Approval Groups .........................................................................................392
33. Administer Organizations ..................................................... 393
New Organization ...........................................................................................393
Existing Organization ......................................................................................394
Attributes ..................................................................................................394
Child Organization ......................................................................................395
Edit Attributes ................................................................................................396
Home Users ...............................................................................................396
Users ........................................................................................................398
Bill To Addresses ........................................................................................400
Ship To Addresses ......................................................................................401
Cost Centers ..............................................................................................402
Restrict Visibility .............................................................................................403
Restrict Cost Center Visibility ........................................................................403
Restrict Address Visibility .............................................................................403
Restrict Contact Visibility .............................................................................404
Restrict Bill To Address Visibility ....................................................................404
Restrict Ship To Address Visibility ..................................................................404
Customize IDs ............................................................................................404
Organization Settings ..................................................................................407
Change Request Edit Fields ..........................................................................407
Workflow ...................................................................................................408
Catalog View ..............................................................................................409
Supplier Options .........................................................................................409
Commodity Tolerance ..................................................................................412
Currency Exchange Groups ..........................................................................412
Organization MarketSite ...............................................................................412
Organization DDIDs ....................................................................................415
Usage Code ................................................................................................415
Tax Entity ..................................................................................................416
Mass Change ..................................................................................................416
Workflow Services ..........................................................................................417
Shopping Cart Approval Template .................................................................418
Blanket Order Approval Template ..................................................................419
Blanket Order Release Approval Template ......................................................420
Check Request Approval Template ................................................................422
IT Request Approval Template ......................................................................423
Timecard Workflow Template ........................................................................424
Change Request Approval Template ..............................................................425
Shopping Cart Total Approver .......................................................................426
Blanket Order Approver ...............................................................................427
Special Request Approver ............................................................................427
Commodity Approver ...................................................................................428
Check Request Approver ..............................................................................429
IT Request Approver ...................................................................................431
Approval Group ..........................................................................................431
Set-up Approval Escalation ...........................................................................434
Settlement .....................................................................................................434
EBO Level ..................................................................................................435
Buying Organization Level ............................................................................435
34. Administer Roles ................................................................... 437
New Role .......................................................................................................437
Existing Role ..................................................................................................438
35. Administer Suppliers ............................................................. 441
New Supplier ..................................................................................................442
Existing Supplier .............................................................................................443
Information ................................................................................................443
Accounts ...................................................................................................444
Supplier Ship Method ..................................................................................444
Supplier Dispatch ........................................................................................445
Supplier Payment Type ................................................................................446
Supplier MarketSite .....................................................................................447
Supplier DDIDs ...........................................................................................449
Supplier RoundTrip .....................................................................................449
What is RoundTrip ......................................................................................449
Supplier Minimum Requirements ...................................................................450
Procurement Help
Tax Registration .........................................................................................456
Supplier Options .........................................................................................457
Edit Account ...................................................................................................457
New Account ..............................................................................................457
Edit Account ...............................................................................................457
Price Catalogs ............................................................................................458
Configure Settlement ......................................................................................458
Supplier Level ............................................................................................459
36. Administration Log ............................................................... 461
Logged Events ................................................................................................461
View Log .......................................................................................................461
37. Account Administration ......................................................... 463
Start Account Administration ............................................................................463
Credit Card Tab ..............................................................................................464
New Credit Card .........................................................................................466
Edit Credit Card ..........................................................................................467
Ship To Address Tab .......................................................................................468
New Ship To Address ...................................................................................469
Edit Ship To Address ...................................................................................470
Bill To Address Tab .........................................................................................472
New Bill To Address .....................................................................................473
Edit Bill To Address .....................................................................................474
Approval Tab ..................................................................................................475
38. Administer Contract Labor .................................................... 477
Contract Labor Overview ..................................................................................478
The Administration Process ..............................................................................479
Add Users to Contract Labor .............................................................................479
Set Up Usernames and Roles for Services ..........................................................480
Change User Passwords and Email Addresses .................................................480
Add Users to Buying Organizations ................................................................481
Contract Labor Privileges .................................................................................481
Privileges Rules and Guidelines .....................................................................481
Set Up and Administer Privileges ...................................................................483
Recommended Privilege Restrictions for the Worker .........................................485
Configure Automated Goods Receipt ..................................................................486
View Automated Goods Receipt List ...............................................................487
Enable a Supplier ........................................................................................488
Disable a Supplier .......................................................................................488
Configure Expense Categories ..........................................................................489
Create a New Expense Category ...................................................................489
Edit Expense Categories ..............................................................................490
Disable Expense Categories ..........................................................................490
Delete Expense Categories ...........................................................................490
Configure Expense Types .................................................................................491
Create a New Expense Type .........................................................................491
Edit Expense Types .....................................................................................491
Disable Expense Types ................................................................................492
Delete Expense Types .................................................................................492
Configure Time Categories ...............................................................................492
Create a New Time Category ........................................................................493
Edit Time Categories ...................................................................................493
Disable Time Categories ..............................................................................493
Delete Time Categories ................................................................................494
Configure Worker Classifications .......................................................................494
Create a New Worker Classification ...............................................................495
Edit a Worker Classification ..........................................................................495
Disable a Worker Classification .....................................................................495
Delete a Worker Classification ......................................................................495
Configure Worker Attributes .............................................................................496
Create a New Worker Attribute .....................................................................496
Edit Worker Attributes .................................................................................497
Delete Worker Attributes .............................................................................497
Configure Regions ...........................................................................................497
Create a New Region ...................................................................................498
Edit Regions ...............................................................................................498
Disable a Region .........................................................................................498
Delete a Region ..........................................................................................498
Configure Rules and Options ............................................................................499
Configure Rate Tables .....................................................................................500
Create New Rate Tables ...............................................................................501
Add Rates to Rate Tables .............................................................................502
View the Rate Table Summary ......................................................................503
Prevent Timecards from Using Rates from a Rate Table ....................................504
Print a Rate Table .......................................................................................504
Configure Workers ..........................................................................................504
Add a New Worker ......................................................................................506
Edit Worker Properties .................................................................................508
Disable Workers .........................................................................................508
View a Worker’s Summary ...........................................................................509
Configure Worker Approvers .............................................................................509
Add a New Worker Approver .........................................................................509
Delete a Worker Approver ............................................................................510
Set Up Approver Order Sequence ..................................................................510
Procurement Help
Configure Worker Comments ............................................................................511
Create and View Worker Comments ..............................................................511
Delete Worker Comments ............................................................................512
Configure Worker Timecard Proxies ...................................................................512
Create a New Timecard Proxy .......................................................................512
Delete a Proxy ............................................................................................513
Manage Projects .............................................................................................513
Create a New Project ...................................................................................515
Edit Project Details ......................................................................................515
Disable a Project .........................................................................................516
View a Project Summary ..............................................................................516
View Project Properties ................................................................................516
Project Administrators and Contacts ..............................................................517
Manage Assignments ...................................................................................518
Project Approvers .......................................................................................527
Assignment Rates .......................................................................................528
39. Special RoundTrip Configuration ........................................... 531
Intermediary Setup .........................................................................................531
Confirm Configuration .....................................................................................533
40. Workflow Primer ................................................................... 535
Workflow Service Overview ..............................................................................535
Approval Chains .........................................................................................536
Routing .....................................................................................................536
Workflow Business Rules ..............................................................................537
Enable and Disable Workflow ........................................................................539
Order Tolerance Service Overview .....................................................................539
Order Monitoring Service Overview ...................................................................540
Workflow Approval Process ..............................................................................540
Workflow Rules ...........................................................................................540
Change Request Workflow Rules ...................................................................543
Inheritance ................................................................................................546
Approval Process Blueprint ...........................................................................546
Configure Templates .......................................................................................547
Shopping Cart Approval Template .................................................................548
Blanket Order Approval Template ..................................................................548
Blanket Order Release Approval Template ......................................................549
Check Request Approval Template ................................................................549
IT Request Approval Template ......................................................................549
Timecard Workflow Template ........................................................................549
Change Request Approval Template ..............................................................549
Configure Approvers ........................................................................................550
Create Approval Roles .................................................................................551
Assign Approval Roles to Users .....................................................................551
Assign Cost Center Approvers/Approval Groups ..............................................551
Assign Shopping Cart Total Approvers ...........................................................551
Assign Blanket Order Approvers ....................................................................552
Assign Special Request Approvers .................................................................552
Configure Commodity Approvers ...................................................................552
Assign Supplier Approvers ............................................................................553
Assign Spending Limit Approvers/Approval Groups ..........................................553
Add Ad-hoc Approvers and Reviewers ............................................................553
Assign Delegates ........................................................................................554
Set-up Approval Escalation ...........................................................................554
41. Enterprise Backend Integration Administration .................... 557
Start EBI Administration ..................................................................................558
Icons and Meanings ........................................................................................559
Buying Organizations ......................................................................................560
Search for a Configuration ...........................................................................560
Edit a Configuration ....................................................................................561
Create a New Configuration ..........................................................................562
ERP Systems ..................................................................................................563
Search for an ERP System ............................................................................564
Edit an ERP System .....................................................................................565
Add a New ERP ...........................................................................................565
Create a New ERP Association .......................................................................566
Data Synchronization ......................................................................................567
Search for a Data Synchronization Item .........................................................568
Edit a Data Synchronization Item ..................................................................568
Create a New Data Synchronization Item .......................................................570
Job Schedules ................................................................................................571
Search for an Job ........................................................................................572
Edit a Scheduled Job ...................................................................................572
Create a New Scheduled Job ........................................................................573
Start and Stop Scheduler Jobs ......................................................................574
Create a New Data Sync Association ..............................................................575
View the Scheduler Job Log ..........................................................................575
Data Mapping .................................................................................................576
Search for a Data Mapping Item ...................................................................576
Edit a Data Mapping Item ............................................................................577
Create a New Data Mapping Item ..................................................................578
View Data Mapping Item Details ...................................................................579
Flexible User Interface .....................................................................................580
Rules for Flexible UI Configuration .................................................................581
Procurement Help
Search for a Flexible UI Item ........................................................................581
Edit a Flexible UI Item .................................................................................582
Create a New Flexible UI Item ......................................................................583
Cost Allocation ...............................................................................................585
Search for a Default Item .............................................................................585
Edit a Default Item ......................................................................................586
Create a Default Item ..................................................................................588
View Cost Allocation Default Item Details .......................................................589
Help with Search ............................................................................................590
42. Purchase Order Choreography .............................................. 591
Introduction ...............................................................................................591
Scope of Document .....................................................................................591
Reference Documents ..................................................................................592
Choreography Constructs .................................................................................592
Receiving Order Responses ..........................................................................592
Order Response xCBL Mapping .....................................................................592
Supplier Update Confirmation .......................................................................596
Order State Diagram ...................................................................................597
Supported Choreographies ...............................................................................598
Order ........................................................................................................598
Change Order .............................................................................................600
Business Scenarios .........................................................................................602
Order By Email/Fax/Print .............................................................................602
Order Accepted By Supplier ..........................................................................603
Order Accepted Again By Supplier .................................................................604
Order Rejected By Supplier ..........................................................................606
Order Accepted Then Rejected By Supplier .....................................................607
Cancel Order Before Response Accepted By Supplier ........................................609
Cancel Order Before Response Rejected By Supplier ........................................611
Cancel Order After Response Accepted By Supplier ..........................................613
Supplier Change Accepted By Buyer ..............................................................615
Supplier Change Failed Tolerance Accepted By Buyer .......................................618
Supplier Change Failed Tolerance Rejected By Buyer .......................................621
Supplier Change Failed Tolerance Canceled By Buyer .......................................624
Change Order Accepted By Supplier ..............................................................627
Change Order Rejected By Supplier ...............................................................629
Change Order Changed By Supplier ...............................................................631
43. Archiving .............................................................................. 637
Overview .......................................................................................................637
Prerequisites for Archiving Orders .....................................................................637
Adjust the Required Age for an Order ............................................................638
Close Orders to Enable Archiving ...................................................................638
Archive Database Records ................................................................................638
44. Index .................................................................................... 639
Procurement Help
The Basics
Welcome to Procurement 6.0 Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
About the Procurement Application
How to Get Help
Terms and Conventions
About the Procurement Application
Commerce One Procurement, Version 6.0
Copyright © 2005 Commerce One, LLC. All rights reserved.
Commerce One Procurement is a trademark of Commerce One, LLC
Bishop Ranch 3
2633 Camino Ramon, Suite 525
San Ramon CA 94583 (U.S.A.)
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies,
names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
This documentation and the software described constitute proprietary and
confidential information protected by copyright laws, trade secret, and other laws.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any
means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written
permission of Commerce One, LLC.
Commerce One, Powering the Business Internet, Many Markets. One Source.,
Commerce One Source, Commerce One Buy, Commerce One Procurement,
Commerce One Collaborative Platform, Commerce One Community Manager,
Process Manager, Commerce One Web Services Framework, Commerce One
The Basics
How to Get Help
Auction, Transaction Manager, Commerce One Business Intelligence Framework,
XML Common Business Library, Global Trading Web, GTW, Commerce,
xCBL MailBox, MarketSite, eLink, Net Market Maker, XML Development Kit,
xDK, XML Commerce Connector, xCC, BuySite, xCBL, RoundTrip, Commerce
Chain, Commerce One Supplier Order Management, and SupplyOrder are
registered marks, trademarks or service marks of Commerce One, LLC. All other
company, product, and brand names are trademarks of their respective owners.
How to Get Help
This topic explains the basics of how to:
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Access Online Help
After starting the Procurement application, click the Help icon on any page of the
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Procurement Help
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Search Tab
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Text Frame
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When you have selected a topic to view, in the Contents Tab, Index Tab or Search
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The Basics
How to Get Help
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The Table of Contents frame at the left side of the browser window enables you to
Access Online Help topics. Click on a topic title to display that topic in the Text
Frame (this area of the Help window).
Some topics displayed in the Text frame also include hyperlinks that allow you to
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Hyperlinks are normal text but they are displayed in green and underlined, like
This is a Hyperlink. Click on it to demonstrate how it works.
Some other hyperlinks are provided for you to connect, over the internet, to
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These internet hyperlinks are displayed in blue and underlined, like this link to
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Move Forward and Back
You can move forward and back through the Procurement application Help using:
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Procurement Help
How to Get Help
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Different browsers have differences in appearance or performance but in any of
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The Netscape Navigator Version 4.x browser does not fully support the CSS style
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Terms and Conventions
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You can keep the Help browser window open and refer to it any time you are using
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Note: In some versions of the Procurement application, this functionality is
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Other Ways to Get Help
Each Commerce One installation with a support contract has one or more persons
designated as your technical support. If you cannot resolve a problem by using the
Commerce One manuals or online help, you can log an incident at:
Alternatively, you can contact Technical Support via e-mail:
[email protected]
Updated documentation can also be accessed through the Customer Portal link at
Terms and Conventions
Certain terms used throughout this online help have special meanings:
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Procurement Help
Terms and Conventions
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Position the mouse pointer over a screen image and click the left mouse
Position the mouse pointer over a screen image and click the right mouse
The “System” and the “Browser”
The Procurement application communicates with you, with an
e-marketplace and, via the e-marketplace, with your suppliers. Database lookups and calculations take place at various places in this network of systems.
Where a particular process takes place can vary from system to system, and
from time to time.
For convenience in this document, we shall just refer to the system. For
example, when we write:
The Procurement application communicates with you, the user, through the
Procurement application browser interface. This is displayed in the window of
a normal Internet browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape
For convenience in this document, we shall just refer to the browser. For
example, when we write:
“...the browser displays a list of Favorite Items.”
what we mean is:
“...the Procurement application displays a list of Favorite Items in the display
window of your Internet browser.”
We hope that this will simplify your reading of this document.
That hyperlink brought you here. Now, click another hyperlink to return where
you came from, back to the Hyperlinks topic.
The Basics
Terms and Conventions
Procurement Help
In the Overview Help Module
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Online Procurement
User Roles
Buying Organization
Procurement Administration
User Interface
Online Procurement
The Procurement application is a browser-based application that uses a simple
web browser interface for communication between:
Business Buyers,
An e-Marketplace, and then on to
Their Suppliers
The application allows professional and casual corporate users to:
Access an online, multi-supplier catalog of products and services they need in
their work,
Search the Catalog for a specific item, or Browse the Catalog for categories of
purchasable items,
Make a RoundTrip to a suppliers web site to order specialized or customized
Compare alternative Suppliers for an item,
Quickly re-order recurring items using lists of Favorite Items, or Shopping
Online Procurement
Cart Templates,
Make online checks of item availability and current price from a number of
Check Out a Shopping Cart containing an assortment of needed items and
Submit the Shopping Cart to be processed according to the business rules of
their Buying Organization, and monitor the Shopping Cart Status,
Users with the Approver Role may also monitor Order Status, and issue
Change Requests to suppliers, and
View Advance Ship Notices from suppliers, and perform Desktop Receiving of
The Procurement application may also offer access to other Services, installed at
your site, such as:
Submitting and tracking Online Forms,
Bidding in Auctions,
Invoice Payment, and
Other Commerce One or third-party products and services.
Contact your Procurement application Administrator and the applicable
documentation for more information about the services available at your site.
The Procurement application is an easy-to-use application that helps you shop for
needed items and select the best supplier. The Procurement application then
automates the internal approval process using your organization’s business rules.
A simple browser interface is used to:
Shop for items, and add them to a Shopping Cart
Check Out the Shopping Cart and add billing and shipping instructions
Route Shopping Carts to authorized approvers for approval
Create Orders and send them to various suppliers for fulfillment
Manage Change Requests and other updates from suppliers
Receive advance notice of shipping and packaging details, and
Process items as they are received, and manage partial and back-ordered items
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
Procurement Help
Online Procurement
The Procurement application is part of a Commerce One Solution, business-tobusiness online procurement system. To use the Procurement application, you
should understand your own Buying Organization and how the Procurement
Creates Orders for the items in your Shopping Cart, and
Sends all Orders to an e-marketplace, which serves as the central exchange
coordinating all users and suppliers.
An e-marketplace is a portal using the Commerce One MarketSite software to
manage transactions and other communications between Procurement
application users and their suppliers. The e-marketplace manages all Orders from
every Buying Organization using the Procurement application (and other online
procurement applications), passes each of them to the appropriate registered
supplier and returns responses from suppliers to buyers.
The e-marketplace receives Orders from the Procurement application (and other
compatible procurement applications) and:
Evaluates each Order before forwarding it to the appropriate supplier,
Orders with pricing or availability problems (outside pre-approved tolerances)
may be returned to the Procurement application to be resolved by a user
designated to the Approver Role.
Automatically forwards valid Orders to Integrated Supplier for fulfillment.
Holds Orders for non-integrated, Hosted Supplier, who use a web application
to view and process Orders from the e-marketplace.
The Commerce One MarketSite software also handles other communications
between users and suppliers, such as updates of catalog content, item prices and
Some suppliers are fully integrated with an e-marketplace, allowing continuous,
two-way communication between the Procurement application and the Supplier.
This allows regular and accurate updating of product pricing and inventory.
Integrated Supplier
These suppliers use a software information system to communicate directly with
an e-marketplace. Using the Procurement application, a user can make real-time
checks of availability and receive an immediate response from an integrated
Orders received by an e-marketplace are transmitted immediately to an integrated
User Roles
Hosted Supplier
These suppliers are not integrated. They do not have real-time communication
with an e-marketplace. Orders for hosted suppliers are held at an e-marketplace.
From time to time, the supplier connects to the e-marketplace, using a web
application to view new Orders, update the status of those in progress, and upload
catalog and price updates to the e-marketplace.
For hosted suppliers, the most available pricing and availability data is from the
Procurement application's local database which is periodically updated via the emarketplace.
User Roles
The Procurement application recognizes a corporate purchasing Approval
Hierarchy. Depending on a user’s privilege and Buying Organization membership,
they are given access to:
View an Catalog incorporating products of commodities and suppliers suited
to their purchasing needs, and
View information and perform tasks necessary in their purchasing or
administration responsibilities.
Various user privileges allow for many levels of access to the Procurement
application functions. In practice, there are four important types of user role for
the Procurement application:
Buyer Role
Approver Role
Reviewer Role
Administrator Role
Your User Profile identifies you to the Procurement application when you Log In.
It also informs the Procurement application about:
Your most commonly used billing and shipping information, such as credit
card numbers, billing and shipping addresses, and cost centers for your
Your spending limit,
Procurement Help
If you are an approver, then you will also be assigned an approval limit, and
How to route your Shopping Carts for approval, through the Procurement
application Workflow.
User Roles
Buyer Role
This is the most common role in the Procurement application. Most of the people
who need to search for items, add and delete items in a Shopping Cart, and submit
the Shopping Cart for processing are buyers.
All buyers have access to the Shop pages, on which they may:
Browse the Catalog for a category of item,
Search the Catalog for a particular brand or model of item,
Select from a saved list of their Favorite Items,
Make a RoundTrip to shop at a supplier’s web site,
Order regular batches of items using Shopping Cart Templates.
Check Out their Shopping Cart and submit it for approval and ordering.
Approver Role
Approvers can perform all buyer tasks and approve items or amounts for other
Approvers may also be responsible for resolving problem Shopping Carts and
Orders routed to them by the Procurement application Workflow. This may
require changing quantities of items or selecting alternate items or suppliers.
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
An approval group is a set of users, any one of which can approve or reject a
Shopping Cart.
Reviewer Role
Reviewers are responsible for reviewing the Shopping Carts initiated by other
users or approvers.
Reviewers do not have the ability to approve Shopping Carts or Orders, only to
comment on them.
Reviewers are not permanently assigned in the workflow. They may be added
by a buyer voluntarily, as needed.
Reviewers may be added to the workflow on an ad hoc basis by users or
Administrator Role
The Procurement application administrator is responsible for managing the
application, and its:
Buying Organization
Approvers/Approval Groups, and Reviewers,
Buying Organizations,
Roles, and
Most of the Administrator’s tasks are performed using the Advanced
Administration application, to designate permanent buyer roles, logon names and
passwords to all users, add new suppliers, currencies, units of measure, and so on:
Administer Users
Administer Organizations
Administer Roles
Administer Suppliers
If the Procurement application is integrated with an Enterprise Resource
Planning application (also known as an ERP, or back office system), the
Administrator may also need to use the Integration Administration application to
setup or maintain links and correspondences between the Procurement and ERP
applications, such as:
Buying Organizations
ERP Systems
Data Synchronization
Job Schedules
Data Mapping
Flexible User Interface
Cost Allocation
Both of these administration applications are accessible from the Procurement
Home Page Application Administration Menu, but only to those users who have
logged on in the Administrator role.
Buying Organization
In the Procurement application, a Buying Organization is a group of users who
have similar business needs. A single enterprise may be divided into several
Buying Organizations based upon:
Different business units,
Regional divisions, or
Procurement Help
Buying Organization
Job function.
For example, there may be:
An organization for everyone who needs access to suppliers of plumbing
Another organization for buyers of automotive parts,
Another for office supplies
For the convenience of users in a large enterprise, with many different purchasing
needs and many suppliers, each user is assigned to one or more Buying
Each Buying Organization contains users who all need to select and purchase
from the same subset of the items and suppliers in the complete Procurement
application Catalog (that is, all of the items, in all of the suppliers’ catalogs.)
The contents of the entire Procurement application catalog, and every Buying
Organization catalog are grouped into a hierarchy of commodities, categories
and sub-categories, for example:
Entire Catalog > Cleaning Equipment and Supplies > Janitorial equipment >
Cleaning equipment > Cleaning pails or buckets > 6 GAL WASH TANK
and so on.
Each member of a Buying Organization has available to them a single,
consolidated Procurement application catalog containing only the
commodities and items, needed by the members of that Buying Organization,
available from all suppliers with which the Enterprise has a purchasing
Each member of a Buying Organization is governed by the same Workflow,
Approval Hierarchy, and so on.
In a large enterprise, there may be several levels of the Buying Organization
hierarchy, so that:
The enterprise is sub-divided into several Buying Organizations,
Each Buying Organization may be sub-divided into child Buying
Child Buying Organizations may be further sub-divided into another level of
child Buying Organizations,
By default, Inheritance applies to Buying Organization rules. After rules are
enabled for any Buying Organization, they also apply to the children of that
Buying Organization, and further children down the line.
However, the Administrator, using the Advanced Administration application, may
choose to override a rule that was enabled in the parent, by re-configuring the
approver assignments for the rule in child Buying Organizations.
Procurement Administration
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
For casual buyers, the most important information is that:
Different Buying Organizations may have access to different catalogs, and
A user with wide purchasing needs may be a member of several Buying
If you belong to more than one Buying Organization, you may use the
Organization drop-down menu, on the Procurement Home Page.
You should contact your Procurement application administrator with specific
questions about your own organization.
Each Buying Organization has its own unique catalog containing only items they
need to buy from all suppliers and manufacturers of such items.
The Administrator may use Setup Catalog Views, in the Advanced Administration
application, to modify the items, suppliers and manufacturers that can seen in a
Buying Organization catalog.
Rules can be inherited, and it is important to know how inheritance works within
various levels of the Buying Organization hierarchy. Since the Buying
Organization rules are inherited, after they are enabled, they also apply to the
child of that Buying Organization, and further children down the line.
However, an Administrator may override a rule that was enabled in the parent, by
re-configuring the approver assignments for a rule in a child Buying Organization.
Any approver or approval group assigned to a rule must be a member of the
Buying Organization for which the rule is being configured. If an approver isn’t
designated for a rule within a Buying Organization, the Buying Organization will
inherit approvers from its parent.
Procurement Administration
The Advanced Administration application enables you to configure Buying
Organizations, users, suppliers, and MarketSite information. Only individuals
with the necessary privilege may use the Application Administration Menu on the
Procurement Home Page.
The following sections describe steps you complete and important information
you should understand before you use Administration:
Define your Business Rules and obtain data supplied by Commerce One,
Understand important Procurement application rules and Key Concepts, and
Procurement Help
Procurement Administration
Establish Access Control and privileges.
Business Rules
The Procurement application operates on a variety of rules and concepts. Before
you manage system information in the Procurement application, it is important
that you understand the relationship between your business and the Procurement
How the system represents business structures.
How roles, scopes and privileges provide access control.
In the Procurement Advanced Administration application, you can represent a
complex business, with multiple organizations, within a single system. Before you
use the Advanced Administration application, we recommend that you determine
the structure of your business and how it corresponds to items in the Procurement
application. The following describes important system constructs:
1. You can administer the system as a host. A host is any entity that provides
procurement services to other companies.
2. You can create Enterprises, which represent individual, confidential entities.
An enterprise typically corresponds to a single company, or business.
Enterprises receive procurement services from hosts. An Enterprise can
contain one or more Buying Organizations.
3. You can create Buying Organizations, which represent units within an
enterprise which use procurement services. In the Procurement application, a
Buying Organization can represent a business unit, a division, or other
subdivision within a business:
You can define a hierarchy when you create one or more Buying
Organizations within an original Buying Organization.
Each Buying Organization can operate under different business rules, have
access to different suppliers, and so on.
Parent-child organizations exist in a hierarchy of Buying Organizations. For
example, Buying Organization A, which you define under Buying
Organization B, is considered a child of B and B is the parent.
In parent-child relationships, a child can inherit business rules and
configuration from their parent. That is, the child has its own rules and
configuration that are identical with the parent’s. In the Procurement
application, this is only true for certain approval rules.
In addition to your business rules, you must obtain data from Commerce One to
enter into the Advanced Administration application. This the Advanced
Administration application requires knowledge of certain key supplier
information for each of your suppliers. To obtain this information, please contact
your supplier or your marketplace operator.
Procurement Administration
Access Control
There are key access control constructs that enable you to manage data access and
functionality that is available to users:
Ability to perform an operation. For example, View Users is a privilege that
enables you to view user information.
Where an operation can cause an effect. For example, CorporateHQ scope
indicates that an operation can alter information for corporate headquarters.
In the Procurement application, there are the following types of scope:
Operate on their own information.
Buying Organization
Operates on:
Their own information, and
Information for users in their
Buying Organization.
Super-Buying Organization
can operate on:
Their own information,
Information for users in their
Buying Organization,
Information for users in childorganizations of their Buying
Users in children of those childorganizations,
And so on.
can operate on information for an
enterprise, and all items in an
A Role is a set of privilege and scope combinations. A role represents a set of
actions that a particular job or position requires. For example, the Branch
Administrator role may require the ability to review purchase orders for several
buying organizations.
Key Concepts
Additional Procurement application terms which are helpful are:
Procurement Help
Users represent people who use the system. In the Advanced Administration
application, you define users at the Enterprise level and they must be uniquely
identified at this level.
After you define users, you can then associate them with a Buying Organization.
Users must belong to a Buying Organization before you can assign them roles.
Home Organization
A particular Buying Organization to which a user belongs. By default, each user
must belong to a single Home Organization.
Home Organizations exist in the system to limit an administrator’s ability to view
and update organization information. Administrators can only view or update
organization information if they are granted the ability to view the particular
Home Organization.
Cost Center
Any part of an enterprise to which you expense items.
Smart Forms
Forms that enable users to send additional custom information to suppliers.
The Procurement application evaluates every submitted Shopping Cart against
the organization’s business rules and the user’s User Profile.
The Procurement application Approval Hierarchy proceeds like this:
1. When a user submits a Shopping Cart, the Procurement application checks it
for compliance with the organization’s business rules and Approval
Requirements, such as the Spending Limit in the user’s Procurement
application User Profile.
2. If the Shopping Cart is valid and does not exceed the user’s spending limit,
Orders are created and routed to the appropriate suppliers.
3. If the Shopping Cart is not valid, it follows the Approval Route to another user
to be adjusted or rejected.
4. If the Shopping Cart is valid but contains an item requiring Commodity
approval, the Shopping Cart is routed to the Approver named in the buyer’s
User Profile.
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
5. If the Shopping Cart is valid but exceeds the user’s spending limit, it is routed
to the Approver named in the user’s User Profile.
6. The Approver may reject the Shopping Cart, or resubmit it to the Procurement
application workflow.
7. The Procurement application evaluates the Shopping Cart again, including the
Approver’s actions.
8. If the dollar total in the resubmitted Shopping Cart also exceeds the Approver’s
Approval Limit, it is routed to the next higher level Approver who is named in
the lower level approver’s User Profile.
9. This process continues until the Shopping Cart is finally rejected or is
approved by a user with a high enough spending limit.
10. If a Shopping Cart is edited (its contents are changed) while it is in the
workflow, the cart may be re-routed back through previously completed
approval steps, for Re-approval.
In the Procurement application, the Approval workflow can be:
Previewed before Check Out in the Approval Preview page, and
Monitored, as it proceeds, in the Shopping Cart Status page.
Approval Requirements
Approval may be required if a Shopping Cart:
Has a total price exceeding the buyer’s Spending Limit, or
Contains an item the requires Commodity approval.
Spending Limit
Shopping Carts are routed through workflow based upon the buyer’s and
approver’s spending limits:
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
If the Shopping Cart total cost exceeds the user’s spending limit, it is routed to
the Approver named in the user’s User Profile.
If the Approver approves the Shopping Cart, but the Shopping Cart total cost
exceeds the Approver’s approval limit, it is routed to the next-level Approver
named in the Approver’ User Profile.
And so on.
Shopping Carts for certain commodities (such as those involving expensive
technology) are routed to a commodity approver or approval group for approval.
Commodity routing may be triggered by:
The presence of a particular commodity in a Shopping Cart. for example a
Cellular Phone, or
More than maximum quantity of a particular commodity in a Shopping Cart,
Procurement Help
for example more than 2 briefcases.
After the item is approved by the commodity approver or group, it is routed
according to normal business rules for hierarchical approval.
Approval Route
Shopping Carts may be routed through the approval chain in several ways: Serial
Approvals are sequential, following a route defined by the designated approvers,
spending and approval limits specified in the various buyers’ and approvers’ User
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
This pre-defined routing can be extended by the adding of ad-hoc approvers and
reviewers before or during the approval process.
Approvals associated with different rules (i.e., workflow triggers) are routed in
parallel. For example, a Shopping Cart for a commodity, and for an amount in
excess of the user’s spending limit, may require approval by both a commodity
manager and a supervisor. Instead of requiring approval first by the commodity
manager, and next by the supervisor, the parallel route enables both to occur at
the same time.
Approvals may be done by approvers who are added by users or other approvers
to the pre-defined serial routing that is created by the Procurement application:
Buyers can add approvers before the Shopping Cart is submitted to the
Approvers can add other approvers while Shopping Carts are in their in-boxes
awaiting approval, either in parallel with other approvers in the chain, or at the
end of the chain before the Shopping Cart becomes an Order.
Approvals that are stalled in the approval process because an approver has not
addressed them may be automatically escalated to the supervisor of that
approver after a certain number of days. The number of days in the period can
be configured through the Procurement application Administrator.
Multiple reviewers may be added on an ad hoc basis in the approval chain,
either by users or approvers while the Shopping Carts are awaiting approval.
Those who are included in the approval workflow as reviewers are not involved
in the process as an approver.
Approval Hierarchy
Every user’s User Profile includes, in addition to a Spending Limit, the name of an
Approver. This is another user with a higher spending limit (or approval limit) to
whom, over-limit Shopping Carts may be referred for approval.
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
For example:
Engineer $ 500
Manager $ 5,000
Director $ 10,000
Vice President $ 250,000
The approval workflow proceeds like this:
1. If the Engineer submits a Shopping Cart totaling less than $500, Orders are
created and sent to suppliers automatically.
2. If the Engineer submits a Shopping Cart totaling more than $500, it is routed
to the Manager for approval before Orders are created and sent to suppliers.
3. If the Engineer submits a Shopping Cart totaling more than $5,000, it is first
routed to the Manager for approval. If the Manager approves, then the
Shopping Cart is next routed to the Director who has a higher Spending Limit
before Orders are created and sent to suppliers.
4. And so on, up to the Vice President, and further, if necessary.
A buyer may edit the contents of a Shopping Cart any time prior to submitting it.
After submission, but before all workflow processes have been completed, the
buyer or any approver may make further changes to the Shopping Cart contents,
Changing quantities of items,
Selecting alternative items, or
Selecting an item from the catalog to meet a buyer’s Special Request.
When this happens, the workflow routing is automatically modified, so that:
New approval steps are added, and
Completed workflow steps are repeated for changed items or quantities.
For example:
1. A Requesters submits a Shopping Cart containing a special request item.
2. The Cost Center Approver approves the order.
Procurement Help
User Interface
3. The Commodity Approver approves the order.
4. The Special Request Approver selects an item to fulfil the special request, and
approves the Shopping Cart “with changes.”
The item selected by the Special Request Approver is one that requires
Commodity approval.
5. The workflow map is adjusted and the Shopping Cart is re-routed to the
Commodity Approver, who re-approves the changed Shopping Cart.
In the Procurement application, changes in the Approval workflow can be
monitored, in the workflow Process Map which can be viewed, for any Shopping
Cart, in the Shopping Cart Status page.
User Interface
The Procurement application is a very customizable product. The information,
images and options displayed in the browser interface are controlled by the
requirements of your Buying Organization, your local language and currency and
the products available from the suppliers with whom you deal.
Procurement application pages have different functions and features, but all share
certain common elements as follows:
The Home Row,
The Header Area, and
The Workspace.
This Online Help assumes that you are familiar with common Windows and web
browser terminology including use of the mouse. If not, contact your Procurement
application administrator for documentation and training.
Home Row
The Home Row, at the top of each Procurement application page, includes
hyperlinks for:
Return to the Procurement Home Page, to select another
User Interface
Open the Procurement application’s Online Help in a
secondary browser window.
Log off from the Procurement application and return to
your Organization Intranet site, or to your ERP system
(depending on how you accessed the Procurement
Below the Home Row, the Banner contains:
Your logon name
Your Buying Organization (if you belong to more than one, it shows the one
you selected when starting the Procurement application.)
The name of the Application area you are viewing: Shop or Admin.
For example:
User: BSmith
Organization: Sales
Header Area
The header area is displayed immediately below the banner, and indicates the
page title and a brief explanation of what you can do on the page, for example:
Search Catalog: Search the catalog to find items. Enter search criteria and click
Find, or select items from the list of categories.
If the page offers a number of optional forms or reports for you to use, Tabs are
displayed below the header area, for example:
Pending Changes
Click a tab, to access the information or input form shown on that tab. For
example, to select a different shopping method in the page header, illustrated
above, click on the Pending Changes, or Orders tab.
The workspace forms the body of each application page. In the workspace there
may be:
Procurement Help
A group of input fields used to set up a catalog or database search, or to filter
and sort the results of that search.You may be able to:
Enter letters, numbers, or Wild Card Characters into a Free-form Text
Entry box.
Select option from a Drop-down Menu, or
Search in a Search Page.
A table of results from a search, containing a table header, item rows, columns,
bottom bar, and other page elements, such as Action Icons indicating other
things you can do with the results in the table, such as print the table, or
expand a row to show more details.
A detail page, showing expanded information about an item selected from a
table of results.
In the Procurement application, you may want to:
Navigate Pages,
Navigate Lists, or
Make Selections from menus or lists, using:
Free-form Text Entry,
Selecting from a Drop-down Menu, and
Searching in a Search Page.
You may also move around or make selections by clicking on Icons and Buttons.
These include:
Display Icons
Action Icons
Navigate Pages
To move from page to page in the Procurement application:
Click one of the Tabs (or other controls and menus) on the Procurement
application pages.
Use your regular browser controls (such as Back and Forward).
In certain modules, when data has been changed but not saved, the Procurement
application displays a warning when you try to move to another page or to another
module without first saving the new data.
Navigate Lists
The Procurement application may sometimes return lists of items too long to be
viewed all at one time. If so, the browser displays Navigation Control buttons.
Navigation Controls
These buttons appear at the top and bottom of every page of a multi-page list:
Click to display the first page of the results table (clicking
this button does nothing if you are already on the first page
of the table)
Click to display the previous page of the results table
Click to display the next page of the results table
Click to display the last page of the results table (clicking
this button does nothing if you are already on the last page
of the table)
Beside the buttons, the browser displays the number of the current page and the
total number of pages in the report. For example when displaying the last page of
an eight page table:
Displaying: 71 - 80/80
Make Selections
In the Procurement application, there are three methods for making selections
and supplying information to the system:
Free-form Text Entry,
Selecting from a Drop-down Menu, and
Searching in a Search Page.
Free-form Text Entry
The Procurement application interface displays an empty, white text box, with an
insertion point. For example:
Supplier name:
Procurement Help
| ________
You can type any text or numbers you wish into the text box.
The Procurement application may impose a test on your input and reject it, if it
contains too many or invalid characters. For example, if you type a word where a
numerical quantity is required.
Drop-down Menu
The Procurement application interface displays a drop-down menu displaying a
default value and a menu button:
You may accept the default value, or:
Click to display a drop-down list of valid alternative values.
Click on any item in the list to select it, and it is displayed in
the text box.
You cannot type any new text into the text box or edit any of the drop-down menu
Search Page
When you need to select an item from a very long list, the browser displays an
empty text box and two icons:
Click to display a secondary Search page, or
Click to remove any existing text from text box.
This secondary Search Page pops up outside of the Procurement application main
window and remains visible as long as it is required. (When you have finished
searching, or if you navigate to another part of the Procurement application
without completing a search, the window automatically closes.)
The Search Page displays one or more labeled text box and two buttons. For
Manufacturer Name:
| ________
| ________
1. When searching, you must type, into one of the text boxes, a search string
consisting of:
An exact match for all or part of the needed information,
Wild Card Characters, represented by the asterisk (*) symbol,
A mixture of both.
When typing a search string into an Address field, type all or
part of the street address only. Do not include City, locality,
or postal codes.
2. Then click [Search].
The application displays a list of all matching items.
3. Click the Select Action icon, to the right of an item name, to select it.
Select Action icon
The Procurement application closes the Search Page, and returns you to the
browser window.
Search Tips
For a successful result, your search string should include as many letters and
symbols that you know are in the wanted resulted, but:
Procurement Help
If you supply too few characters, or too many wild card characters, the
Procurement application or Database server may retrieve too many results and
abandon the search (with an error message).
If you supply too many characters, or too much information, you may exclude
useful results that have variations in spelling.
You may type in a search string containing:
All, or just the first few characters, of an item name. For example:
National Paper Supply Co.
National Paper
Use an asterisk (∗) wild card character to represent unknown characters. For
The Procurement application displays all items:
That exactly match the characters in your search string
That begin with the characters in your search string, or
That match the characters in your search string and have other characters
where you used Wild Card Characters.
So that, in this example, N*P*Co* would return these matches:
National Paper Supply Co.
Natural Pepperoni Corp.
Nepalese Petroleum Consortium
Icons and Buttons
The Procurement application uses a number of images and symbols to provide
information about results in tables and indicate further actions you may take:
Display Icons - Colored free-form images providing additional information
about an item retrieved from a search.
Action Icons - Colored free-form images indicating an action that can be
performed on the item.
Buttons - Gray, lozenge-shaped images containing images or text explaining
what happens when you click them.
If you mouse-over an icon (move the mouse pointer over the image, but don’t click
either mouse button), the browser displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the function or meaning of the icon.
Note: If an Action is not available in any situation, its Action icon is not
Display Icons
Display icons are colored free-form images providing additional information
about an item displayed on the page or in a table retrieved from a search. For
Indicates the user’s name and Buying Organization.
No information was returned by this query.
This item has an attached file.
If you mouse-over an icon (move the mouse pointer over the image, but don’t click
either mouse button), the browser displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the function or meaning of the icon.
Action Icons
Action Icons are colored free-form images indicating an action that can be
performed on the item.
Go to the Procurement Home Page
Open the Online Help window
Procurement Help
Go to the Log Off page and exit the application
Show all suppliers for this item
Add the item to your Shopping Cart
Add the item to your Favorite Items List
Delete the selected item, Shopping Cart, and so on.
Print the displayed Shopping Cart
Edit the selected Shopping Cart
If you mouse-over an icon (move the mouse pointer over the image, but don’t click
either mouse button), the browser displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the function or meaning of the icon.
Note: If an Action is not available in any situation, its Action icon is not
Buttons are gray, lozenge-shaped images containing images or text explaining
what happens when you click them.
Click the button to initiate the action described in the button text:
In this document, when describing the use of this type of button, we use the
convention [Text].
For example:
“When you have finished editing, click [Submit].”
Procurement Help
Start the Procurement Application
In this Help Module
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Log In
Home Page
Quit the Application
The Procurement application may be:
Launched automatically from an ERP System when it is required by a Buyer to
shop for and select items from a catalog, or
Invoked from a menu, button or hyperlink on an Intranet web site.
Either of these methods may also be used by a user with the necessary
administrator privilege to invoke Advanced Administration of the Procurement
For more information on how these processes work on your system, view the
Online Help, or User Guide, for your organization’s Intranet or ERP System.
When the Procurement application is started, it displays the Log In page.
Log In
When the Procurement application is started, it displays the Log In page.
This page also contains:
Text boxes for you to type your assigned User Name and Password.
HOST NEWS, and items of information about your site.
Start the Procurement Application
Home Page
To Log In to the Procurement application:
1. Click in the User Name text box and type your user name.
2. Click in the Password text box and type your password.
3. Click [Login].
If you are not ready to begin shopping:
Click Help? to display the Online Help (this document) containing instructions
on using the application.
Contact your Procurement application Administrator to be assigned a user
name and password.
If the Procurement application recognizes your user name and password, it
displays the Procurement Home Page.
Your Procurement Home Page may vary in contents, depending on the
Procurement application, and additional applications installed at you site, and on
whether you have a Buyer Role, an Approver Role, or an Administrator Role in
your Buying Organization.
If the Procurement application does not recognize your user name or password, it
reports a log in failure and asks you to try again.
Home Page
After you Log In, the Procurement application displays the Procurement Home
Page. On this page you may select from a number of menus for:
Shopping activities,
Approval and adjustment tasks,
Fill-out and submit Online Forms,
Application administration task, or
Others products and services available at the site.
The Procurement Home Page contains customizable
menus used to access optional features and additional
applications. In your installation there may be only one, or
several menu options.
If you have applications, other than the Procurement
application, installed, you should view the Online Help, or
User Guides, of those applications to learn how to use
additional menus and options.
Procurement Help
Quit the Application
At any other time, you can re-display the Procurement Home Page by clicking the
home icon in the Home Row of any Procurement application page.
To begin using the Procurement application, you must make selections on the
Procurement Home Page.
Quit the Application
When you have finished with the Procurement application:
1. Click the log off icon in the Home Row, at the top of any Procurement
application page:
The Procurement application displays the Log Off page.
2. From the Log Off page, you can:
Return to your intranet or ERP,
Close the browser, and go on to some other task.
Click [Login], to return to the Log In page and restart the Procurement
If you pause while working in the Procurement application, and leave the browser
inactive for several minutes, you are automatically logged off the Procurement
application. This helps to conserve Procurement application resources.
Start the Procurement Application
Procurement Help
Procurement Home Page
In the Procurement Home Help Module
After you Log In, the Procurement application displays the Procurement Home
Page. On this page, the Banner and Header Area identify you and your default
Buying Organization.
In the Header Area, you may select from the Services Menu of additional services
and products installed at your site. This menu is visible only when your system
administrator has installed services or products.
In the Workspace below the Header Area, you may select Procurement
applications activities, available to your user role. Depending on the User Roles
that have been assigned to you, different Procurement Home Page menus are
accessible to you, and they may contain different options:
Shop Menu
Orders Menu
Manage Purchasing Menu
Approve and Review Menu
Reports Menu
Application Administration Menu
Profiles Menu
Online Forms Menu
Below the menus, there is News and Information about your site.
Procurement Home Page
The Procurement Home Page contains customizable
menus used to access optional features and additional
applications. In your installation there may be only one, or
several menu options.
If you have applications, other than the Procurement
application, installed, you should view the Online Help, or
User Guides, of those applications to learn how to use
additional menus and options.
At any other time, you can re-display the Procurement Home Page by clicking the
home icon in the Home Row of any Procurement application page.
The Home Row also contains icons to log off, or to get help with the Procurement
To begin using the Procurement application, you must make selections on the
Procurement Home Page.
When running the Procurement application, you can return to the Home Page at
any time to select program options and activities.
Below the Home Row, the Banner contains:
Your User Name, and
Today’s date.
Header Area
Below the Banner, the Procurement application displays the Header Area
The Organization Menu, and
The Services Menu (This menu is visible only when your system administrator
has installed services or products.)
Organization Menu
At the left-hand side of the Header Area, is a drop-down menu from which you
may choose which Buying Organization you wish access when shopping today.
Only those Buying Organizations to which you have been subscribed by your
Administrator are listed in this drop-down menu. Whichever Buying Organization
you choose:
Procurement Help
You can view only the items, manufacturers and suppliers in that
Organization’s catalog.
Your Shopping Cart will be governed by that Organization’s approval rules and
When the Procurement application is started, the Organization Menu shows your
default Buying Organization:
To select a different one, click in the Organization Menu, and click on your
selection in the displayed list of Buying Organizations, then click Go
If you are subscribed to only one Buying Organization, then you may ignore
this menu. The list contains only one item: your default Buying Organization.
Services Menu
At the right-hand side of the Header Area, is a drop-down Services menu, visible
only when your system administrator has installed services or products. In this
menu, if your Role and Buying Organization have the necessary privilege, you may
choose additional products and services available at your site.
These may include:
Other Services
The Procurement application allows the integration of other Commerce One
and third-party products and services, such as invoice payment, business
travel, and so on.
In the Procurement Home Page Workspace, a number of menus for activities that
may be performed by user having various User Roles.
Depending on the role, indicated by the User Name and Password with which you
logged in, you may select from some or all of the following menus.
Purchasing Activities
Shop Menu
Orders Menu
Manage Purchasing Menu
Approval Activities
Approve and Review Menu
Administration Activities
Reports Menu
Application Administration Menu
Procurement Home Page
Shop Menu
Profiles Menu
Online Forms Activities
Online Forms Menu
Shop Menu
Use the Shop Menu to find and compare items, determine price and availability,
fill and checkout a Shopping Cart.
If your Role and Buying Organization has the necessary privilege, you may select
Create a New Shopping Cart and begin shopping. You may:
Browse the Catalog,
Search the Catalog,
Make a RoundTrip to a supplier web site,
Pick from a list of Favorite Items,
Or make a Special Request by describing your requirements for an item
that you cannot find in the catalog.
View a list of pre-filled Shopping Cart Templates, select one and re-order a
routine batch of items,
View a Modify Open Shopping Cart showing all Shopping Carts that have been
started, but not yet checked out. Select one, add or change items and Check
Check a Shopping Cart Status to find out its progress in the approval workflow,
Fill a Shopping Cart with a quantity of items from a contracted Blanket Order,
by selecting from the Blanket Order Release List, and initiating a new Blanket
Order Release.
Orders Menu
If you have the appropriate privilege, you may use the Order Menu to monitor the
progress of items that have been checked out and ordered from suppliers. You
may select:
View the Order Status for orders created from a Shopping Cart, see any
responses or variances returned from the supplier, and request necessary
changes or cancellations,
Use Confirm Goods Received to compare ordered and received quantities of
items, and confirm satisfactory delivery.
View lists of planned and actual Advance Ship Notices for ordered items, with
Procurement Help
Manage Purchasing Menu
packaging and shipping details.
Manage Purchasing Menu
If you have the appropriate privilege, you may use the Manage Purchasing Menu
to establish Blanket Orders for bulk orders of items, and monitor the releases of
items to individual buyers. You may select:
To locate an item in the catalog, and establish a New Blanket Order for a large
quantity and price, to be released in smaller quantities later to individual
buyers in your Buying Organization,
View a list of the dates and quantities of items released from an Existing
Blanket Order and the buyers requesting the releases.
Approve and Review Menu
In the Approve and Review menu, you may select to view the:
Approval Inbox
If you have the Shopping Cart Approver role, you can see, comment upon or
reject, all Shopping Carts submitted by buyers for whom you are:
The designated approver,
A designated approver’s delegate, or
An ad hoc approver / approval group or reviewer, nominated by the buyer.
If you are a reviewer, you may only comment. You do not have authority to
approve or reject a Shopping Cart.
Approvers may also be assigned privilege to view and approve (or reject):
New Blanket Orders or changes to Existing Blanket Orders, and
New Blanket Order Releases.
Requests submitted on Online Forms.
Reports Menu
In the Reports menu, if your Role and Buying Organization has the necessary
privilege, you may select to:
Display a menu of available Reports, select parameters, such as output format
and date range, and send the report to an output file for printing distribution.
Application Administration Menu
If you are an Administrator, you can access the Procurement Advanced
Administration application, used to install, configure and administer the system.
Procurement Home Page
Profiles Menu
In the Administration Application Menu, you may select:
Advanced Administration of the Procurement application.
Depending upon you privileges, you may also have access to the administration
tools of other options and add-on applications, such as:
Integration Administration administers integration between the Procurement
application and an integrated ERP (or back office) system.
Account Administration administers the accounts of users of Order
Profiles Menu
If your Role and Buying Organization has the necessary privilege, select User
Profile to view your Procurement application User Profile and make changes to
some values, such as your preferred shipping, billing addresses and credit card.
You may also change your Password.
If you have Account Administration privilege, you may be able to view and modify
other buyer information, by clicking Account Administration, on the Home page
Application Administration Menu.
Other values, such as your Spending Limit or your User Name may only be
changed by your Administrator.
Online Forms Menu
In the Online Forms Menu, you may select:
View a list of available Online Forms templates, create a New Online Form, fill
it out and submit it for approval and action.
View a list of submitted Online Forms, Online Form Status and approval.
News and Information
The News and Information! text box contains useful information and updates
about your Procurement application site.
This information is supplied by your Administrator, it cannot be edited by other
Procurement Help
New Shopping Cart
In the New Shopping Cart Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
The Shop Page
Buying Tools
Check Out
The Shop Page
The Shop page is the location where most shopping activities take place.
The Shop page includes:
The Home Row with basic navigation icons. and the names of the buyer and
Buying Organization.
The Header Area containing the Shop page title and brief on-page help.
The Workspace is used to display lists of search results, Shopping Cart
contents, item descriptions.
You can click on Tabs at the top of the workspace to select different methods of
shopping and their results:
Search Catalog
Favorite Items
Blanket Order Item List
Special Request
Shopping Cart
New Shopping Cart
The tabs shown in the Shop page depend on the buying
activities undertaken.
In normal shopping, the Blanket Order Item List tab is not
When selecting from a Blanket Order there are Shop Page
Differences, for example:
The Favorite Items tab is not displayed,
The RoundTrip tab is displayed only if Allow RoundTrip
is enabled when the Blanket Order is created.
The Special Request tab is displayed only if Allow
Special Request is enabled when the Blanket Order is
You can click on Tabs at the top of the workspace to select different methods of
shopping and their results:
The remainder of the workspace is used to display lists of search results, Shopping
Cart contents, item descriptions.
Search Catalog
Click the Search Catalog tab to display the Shop page used for searching or
browsing the catalog.
Using this page you can use one of the following techniques:
Detail Search
Use this method to search the catalog and sort (or group) the results using
multiple criteria. Detail searches are particularly useful when you want to
make a progressive search, or to refine the results of a previous search or
Keyword Search
Use this method to search every item description, manufacturer’s and
supplier’s name and part number, in the catalog for specific phrase, word or
number. You can use parts of a word and Wild Card Characters to extend the
Browse the Catalog
If you know what type of item you need to buy, but you don’t know a product
name or part number, then you can browse the information in the catalog text.
Procurement Help
Use this method to search every item description, manufacturer’s and
supplier’s name and part number, in the catalog for a specific phrase, word or
number. You can use parts of a word and Wild Card Characters to extend the
Click the RoundTrip tab to visit a supplier’s web site, view item specification and
customization options, and make purchases.
On the supplier’s web site, you can obtain more information and use configuration
tools to specify exact details of the item you wish to purchase.
When you have finished shopping, you can click a button or icon on the supplier
web site to return to the Procurement application. In the Procurement
application, your purchase can be checked out and processed for approval and
ordering through the Procurement application workflow.
Favorite Items
Click the Favorite Items tab to view a list of your favorite or most commonly
purchased items.
When shopping, you can save time by selecting items from this list, instead of
searching for them in the catalog every time.
You can add an item to your list of favorites from any browsed or searched list of
catalog items.
Special Request
Click the Special Request tab to place a request for items that you cannot find in
the catalog.
The Procurement application provides you with a form in which you describe the
item you need, providing as much information as you have about the estimated
price, most likely supplier, manufacturer and so on.
Shopping Cart
Click the Shopping Cart tab to display all of the items and quantities that you have
selected. If necessary you can Change Items quantities or substitute alternative
On this page you can also:
Calculate your total Shopping Cart cost, estimated taxes and cost center
Adjust shipping, billing and payment details for the Shopping Cart or
individual Item Details.
New Shopping Cart
Buying Tools
When you have completed your Shopping Cart contents and details, you can:
Perform an Approval Preview and see the workflow steps needed for your
items to be approved and ordered, and
Submit your Shopping Cart for Check Out.
Buying Tools
Here are some important terms and concepts that occur throughout the
Procurement application. These provide the basis for the methods and tools used
in searching, browsing, comparing and specifying the details of items and
Shopping Carts.
Browse Sequence
Search Syntax
Item Description
Tiered Prices
Show All Suppliers
Smart Form
You will find these concepts referenced in many other modules of this Online
Browse Sequence
The browse sequence or browse path (sometimes called the cookie crumb trail)
shows the levels of the catalog, the categories and sub-categories of items, through
which you have passed to reach the desired item, like this:
Entire Catalog > Commodity > Category > Sub-category#1 >Sub-category#2 >
For example:
Entire Catalog > Cleaning Equipment and Supplies > Janitorial equipment >
Cleaning equipment > Cleaning pails or buckets > 6 GAL WASH TANK, etc.
All items in the lowermost (final) category, in the browse path, are displayed in a
Results table below.
By default (before you begin browsing) this Results table contains a list of all the
highest level commodities in your Buying Organization catalog.
Reset the Browse Sequence
If you make a mistake and want to restart your browse or search of the catalog,
you can:
Procurement Help
Buying Tools
Click on the name of any sub-category in the browse path to return to that step
in the browse sequence, or
Click [Reset] to return to the top-level category list.
Search Syntax
The Procurement application allows searches using combinations of words,
phrases and numbers. You may also use:
Boolean Operators,
Quotes, or
Wild Card Characters.
Boolean Operators
The AND operator has a higher precedence than OR.
Usage Examples
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing the word
“computer”, “Computer”, or “COMPUTER”. Searches may be Case-sensitive or
not Case-sensitive, depending on the database server installed for you system,
and the language in which you are searching.
computer monitor
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing the exact phrase
“computer monitor”.
computer AND monitor
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing both the words
“computer” and “monitor” (not necessarily adjacent), but not items containing
only the word “computer”, or only the word “monitor”.
computer OR monitor
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing either the word
“computer” or “monitor”, or both (not necessarily adjacent).
computer AND NOT monitor
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing the “computer”, if
they do not also contain the word “monitor”.
New Shopping Cart
Buying Tools
The AND operator has a higher precedence than OR.
For example, these first three queries yield the same result:
pen AND pencil OR deskset
Deskset OR Pencil AND Pen
deskset OR (pen AND pencil)
This next one does not:
(deskset OR pen) AND pencil
Expressions inside parentheses are evaluated before the rest of the query so that
you can use parentheses to nest AND, OR and NOT expressions within a query.
Noise Words include the definite and indefinite articles, “and”, “or”, other
common conjunctions, and so on.
If used in a phrase, inside double quotation marks (“), noise words are treated as
placeholders in queries and may be replaced with any other Noise Word.
Use double quotes (“) to indicate that “and”, “or” and “not” are not being used as
operator keywords and should be considered part of a search phrase. For
computer AND monitor
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing both the words
“computer” and “monitor” (not necessarily adjacent), but not items containing
only the word “computer”, or only the word “monitor”.
“computer and monitor“
The Procurement application retrieves only items containing a phrase
connecting “computer” and “monitor” with any Noise Word, such as:
“computer and monitor”, “computer for monitor”, “computer by monitor”, and
so on.
To search for a phrase containing a quotation, double the double quotes symbols
around the word or phrase you want to be quoted. For example:
““Computer”” monitor
The Procurement application retrieves items containing “Computer” monitor”
but not “computer monitor”.
Wild Card Characters
The only acceptable wild card characters is the asterisk (*) symbol. It may be used
to perform searches of these types:
Procurement Help
Auto-wild: search for words beginning with, or containing one or more
specified word fragment.
Buying Tools
For example: comp*
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing words beginning
with this fragment, such as: computer, complex, comparison, and so on (all of
which begin with “comp”.)
Or: com*er
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing the specified
fragments with other characters replacing the wild cards, such as: computer,
composer, commuter and so on (all of which begin with “com” and end with
“er”.) See Exceptions below for an important note about using embedded
wildcards to search Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Auto-stem: Search for words with a common stem.
For example: writ*
The Procurement application retrieves all items containing words with this
stem even when they are spelled differently, such as: writing, writer, written,
and so on, and also the word wrote, (which does not contain the word fragment
“writ” but has the same stem.)
Note: This type of search is not supported in all languages.
The search response to a wildcard character may vary:
Using Embedded Wildcards, for example, "com*uter" - This functionality only
works when searching Oracle databases. Microsoft SQL Server does not
support this type of search. When searching a Microsoft SQL Server database,
"com*" works, but "com*uter" does not.
When typing into most of the text boxes, you do not need to use wild card
characters. Just type all or part of the name.
For example, for the search phrases H P or Hewl Pack, the Procurement
application retrieves all items manufactured by Hewlett Packard.
Noise Words include the definite and indefinite articles, “and”, “or”, many
other common conjunctions, and so on. Noise words are usually ignored or
discarded in searches to optimize the valid recovery. If the positioning of wild
cards in a search phrase make it possible for noise words, or other common
words to be retrieved, the search is aborted and an error message displayed.
For example, a search phrase such as th* would retrieve all items with the, this,
that, and so on in the description. The Procurement application displays an
error that your search phrase is likely to retrieve a large number of common
words and suggests using a different phrase.
Do not use any search phrase beginning with a wild card, for example *ing.
This is not supported.
The search response to wildcard characters may vary with the database server
and configuration. Not every language is natively supported by all database
New Shopping Cart
Buying Tools
software. For some languages, auto-wild searches work, but auto-stem
searches do not. In others, only exact matches are recovered.
If a search using wild cards produces too many, too few or the wrong results,
modify your search phrase and try again.
Item Description
After searching or browsing the catalog, the Procurement application displays a
list of items showing short descriptions.
This is sufficient information to find a short list of possible items, but, before
making selection, you may need to view more details in the Item Description page.
Click any item’s description, which is a link, to see more details.
The Item Description page displays the following information:
Basic Information
Increment Quantity
Display drop-down menu
Basic Information
The Item Description page shows expanded information about a single catalog
item, along with the same basic information displayed in the Results list:
Item Description
Manufacturer (name)
Supplier (name)
Supplier Part Number (for the item)
Supplier Part Number Extension
Manufacturer Part Number
Increment Quantity
Click in the display drop-down menu to select additional sources of information
about the product, such as:
An image
An audio file
Tech Spec
A technical document or specification
Procurement Help
Buying Tools
Web Site
A URL where you can find product information. This
is a read-only web page, for information purposes. It is
not the URL used to make a RoundTrip.
Other files such as:
Multimedia or video files
Screen capture or animation files with
demonstrations of the product
The Item Description page displays the price for the item.
It also, when available, displays information about:
Price Tiers, and
Tiered Prices
Tiered pricing allows item prices to be progressively discounted on a basis of the
total quantity of the item ordered. So that, for each item, there is:
A Nominal Price, and
A series of progressively declining Price Tiers.
Nominal Price
When searching or browsing the catalog, or viewing the contents of a Shopping
Cart, a single, nominal item price is shown, expressed in the currency used by your
Buying Organization.
Price Tiers
When you view the Item Description page, the Procurement application also
Minimum Order Quantity
Order Price (Currency) expressed in the currency used by your Buying
Comparable Price (Currency) expressed in the currency used by your Buying
If there is no tiered pricing schedule for the item:
The Minimum Order Quantity shown is 1.
Only one Order Price (Currency) is shown.
Only one Order Price (Currency) and only one Comparable Price (Currency)
are shown, and they are the same.
If there is a tiered pricing schedule for the item, a table is displayed containing:
New Shopping Cart
Buying Tools
Various sizes of Minimum Order Quantity.
A different Order Price (Currency) for each Minimum Order Quantity.
For example:
Order Price
Price (USD)
The total price of your Shopping Cart or Order is automatically adjusted for the
tiered pricing schedule:
When you Check Out.
If an adjustment to the nominal price is received from the supplier.
When tiered pricing is established for an item, the supplier has the option (but is
not required) to set:
Minimum Order Quantity values, and
Maximum Order Quantity
The quantity ordered is checked against these values during Check Out. If you
order a quantity less than the minimum or greater than the maximum, or if you
order a quantity that is not a multiple of standard lot sizes, the Procurement
application will require an adjustment of price, quantity or both, before the
Shopping Cart can be submitted.
Show All Suppliers
Use the Show All Suppliers page to view and compare all of the suppliers from
whom an item can be obtained.
After selecting an item from the catalog, but before submitting your Shopping
Cart for processing, you can view more information about this and similar items.
Click the Show All Suppliers Action icon in any row to see if there are other
suppliers for the item:
Procurement Help
Buying Tools
Show All Suppliers
If the same item is available from different suppliers, you may want to select a
particular supplier because of price, availability or because of your organization’s
purchasing policy. If there are multiple suppliers for an item and you do not select
one, the Procurement application automatically selects the primary supplier of the
item specified by your administrator
The Procurement application displays the Show All Suppliers page, containing, for
each supplier:
Click in this box, and type the quantity of an
item you want to buy (whole numbers, using 0
through 9 only, no fractions or decimals. This
quantity is added to your Shopping Cart.
This short description is a hyperlink. Click on it
to view the Item Details page, where you can see
a longer description and other details such as
pictures, technical drawing, animations, web
page links, etc.
Order Price
The Order Price for your selected Quantity of the
item, expressed in the currency used by your
Buying Organization, for the unit of
measurement (UOM) for this item. (For
example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is each.
The Item Description includes an explanation of
how many of each item is contained in the Unit
of measurement.)
If the supplier offers price reductions, such as a
schedule of Tiered Prices and quantities, this
Order Price may be less than the supplier’s
Comparable Price.
New Shopping Cart
Buying Tools
Comparable Price
The supplier’s Comparable Price for the item,
expressed in the currency used by your Buying
Organization, for the unit of measurement
(UOM) for this item. (For example, PK is
package, CT is carton, EA is each. The Item
Description includes an explanation of how
many of each item is contained in the Unit of
The actual Order Price for your selected
Quantity may be less than this Comparable
Price, if the supplier offers price reductions,
such as a schedule of Tiered Prices and
quantities, or if the supplier uses a different
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any situation,
its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to add the item to your Shopping Cart.
(Remember to first type number into the
Quantity text box.)
The supplier’s name which may have appended
to it one or more icons indicating that:
this is a minority supplier
this is a preferred supplier
this is a small business supplier
Or other icons indicating other supplier
classifications used by your Buying Organization
or Enterprise.
Supplier Part
Supplier Part Number
Manufacturer name
Procurement Help
Buying Tools
If you select an item that is a product or service requiring extra information to
purchase it, the Procurement application displays a Smart Form requesting the
necessary additional information.
Smart Form
If the supplier of an item or service requires extra information from the buyer, a
Smart Form is created and added to the Procurement application. A Smart Form
allows you to supply additional, optional information to a Shopping Cart item for
such things as service requests and customized products.
When you select an item to add it to your Shopping Cart, the Procurement
application opens a secondary browser window containing a blank copy of the
necessary Smart Form.
The layout of each Smart Form varies with the quantity and type of information
required by the supplier. For example:
A Smart Form used to order a temporary receptionist may require: the number
of days required, the office opening and closing time, PBX experience, and
other clerical skills, etc.
A Smart Form for a personal computer may require: memory, disk and
monitor size, processor type, a choice of peripherals to be included, etc.
1. Enter as much (or as little) information into the form as is necessary to define
your purchase.
2. Click [Continue].
The Procurement application carries the captured information with the Shopping
Cart through the workflow process and transmits it to the supplier.
Items in a Shopping Cart, or Order, that include a Smart Form, display the Smart
Form icon:
Indicates that the item was ordered using a Smart Form. Click
the icon to re-open the Smart Form, view and edit its contents.
In the Shopping Cart page, you can click the Smart Form icon to re-display the
Smart Form and view or edit the information contained in it.
Before submitting your Shopping Cart for approval, you Check Availability and
Supplier Price Changes.
If these are not satisfactory, you may:
Delete the item, or
New Shopping Cart
Buying Tools
Search Alternatives, for alternative items or suppliers.
After making any changes, remember to click [Update Total] to re-calculate the
Shopping Cart cost and estimated taxes.
Check Availability
Click [Check Availability], above the list of items, on the Shopping Cart page.
The Procurement application performs a check of availability at the selected
suppliers, for all items in the Shopping Cart, and re-displays the Shopping Cart
page, and:
The Available Quantity is shown as equal to the Quantity that you want to buy,
if a supplier has reported enough (or more than enough) items on hand to
meet your requirement.
The Available Quantity is reduced to an amount less than the Quantity that you
want to buy, if a supplier has reported having not enough items on hand to
meet your requirement.
“---” if a supplier failed to respond, or has supplied No Information on an item.
If the Available Quantity is not sufficient for your Shopping Cart, your can view
Alternatives and select a replacement item, or a different supplier.
Supplier Price Changes
If the check on availability reports that there has also been a change in the
supplier’s unit price for the item, the Supplier Price (Currency) is changed to show
this new price or “---” if a supplier failed to respond, or has supplied No
Information on an item.
If the Supplier Price (Currency) is not acceptable for your Shopping Cart, your can
view Alternatives and select a replacement item, or a different supplier.
However, this change is for information only. When the Shopping Cart is
submitted, the existing prices in the Unit Price (Currency) column is used to
calculate the total price of the Shopping Cart.
No Information
If the check on availability receives no availability or price information from the
supplier, then “---” is displayed in the Available Quantity and Supplier Price
(Currency) columns:
No information was returned by this query.
This may be because of a communications delay or because no information is
available from a Hosted Supplier or an offline Integrated Supplier.
Procurement Help
Buying Tools
You may wait and re-try your availability check later. If you don’t wait, but submit
your Shopping Cart immediately, any discrepancies (beyond the acceptable
tolerances defined in Setup Order Tolerances) will be reported to the Procurement
workflow and result in a Supplier Update being displayed in the Create a Change
If the reported availability for an item is not acceptable, you may:
Click the Show All Suppliers icon to view the current prices and availability of
the item from alternative suppliers.
Show All Suppliers of this same item, and compare their
prices. (If there are no alternative suppliers for the item,
then the icon is not displayed.)
(If there are no alternative suppliers for the item, then the icon is not
Click the Search Catalog tab, to Browse the Catalog, Search the Catalog or
some other method to find an alternative item.
1. Click the Delete icon next to an item description:
Remove the item from your Shopping Cart
The Procurement application displays a dialog box requesting confirmation
2. Click:
[OK] to confirm deletion,
[Cancel] if you change your mind.
3. Click [Update Total] to recalculate the Shopping Cart total cost and estimated
4. To delete all of the items from the Shopping Cart, click [Delete All].
Update Total
Click [Update Total] if you have:
Deleted any item
Changed the Quantity of any item
New Shopping Cart
Check Out
Selected an alternative item or supplier, or
Performed any other action that may change the total cost of the Shopping Cart
The Procurement application recalculates and re-displays the Subtotal, Estimated
tax, and Total amounts for the Shopping Cart.
This only applies to changes of items, supplier or quantity, it does not reflect
reported supplier unit price changes.
Check Out
When you have finished selecting items, you may click the Shopping Cart tab to
display the Shopping Cart page.
On this page, you can make further changes or additions and click [Submit] to
Check Out your Shopping Cart for approval.
To save the Shopping Cart without checking out:
Click in the Shopping Cart Name text box, in the status bar, and type any name
you wish, then
Click the Save icon, to save the Shopping Cart with your chosen name:
Click to save an Open (un-subm
your chosen name.
The Procurement application uses its own internal identifier for each Shopping
Cart. The name you choose to save it under is for your own convenience:
Procurement Help
When you submit a Shopping Cart, it is automatically
saved, but
When you save a Shopping Cart, it is not automatically
Browse the Catalog
In the Browse the Catalog Help Module
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
The Shop Page
Start to Browse
How to Browse
Restart the Browse
Browse Results
Item Description
Show All Suppliers
Add to Favorites
Add to Cart
The Shop Page
When you select New Shopping Cart in the Procurement Home Page Shop Menu,
the Procurement application displays the Shop page, with the Search Catalog tab
to the front. This is the page you need to begin browsing the catalog.
If the Procurement application is already open with some other tab (RoundTrip,
Favorite Items, Blanket Order Item List, Special Request or Shopping Cart) to the
front, click the Search Catalog tab to begin browsing the catalog.
When browsing, you can drill down through levels of commodities and subcategories of items in the catalog until you find what you need.
Start to Browse
Browsing through the catalog is often the best way to locate an item if you know
the type, but do not know the specific item, or the name of the item.
Browse the Catalog
How to Browse
If you know a product name or part number, then you can search directly for that
information in the catalog text.
Below the Tabs is a drop-down menu and text entry boxes used to set-up a catalog
search, sort and filter the results. When starting to browse, you do not need to set
any of these parameters.
After you have completed your browse, and have a list of items in the Browse
Catalog Results List, in the lower half of the screen, then you may want to sort or
group the list of items before making your final selection.
By default, when the Search Catalog page is opened, the Browse Catalog Results
List contains a list of all of the top level commodities in your catalog. For example:
Cleaning Supplies, Office Supplies, and so on.
To start browsing, click the name of a commodity likely to contain the item you
want to purchase.
For example, if you want a mop, click Cleaning Supplies.
How to Browse
After you select a top-level commodity, the Browse Catalog results list contains a
list of all the categories of items in that commodity. For example, in:
Cleaning Supplies: Mops, Buckets, Detergents and so on.
1. Use the browser scroll bar (on the right-hand side of the browser window) to
scroll down through the list of categories in the Browse Catalog results list.
2. Click a category name.
The Procurement application displays a new list containing all of the next-level
For each item in the list, the Procurement application displays:
The number of items in the category, and
The browse path (or cookie crumb trail) to the item:
Entire Catalog > Category > Sub-category > and so on....
For example:
Cleaning Supplies> Mops & Brooms > Floor Wax Applicators
3. Repeat these steps, and continue to browse toward the item you want.
For example:
When you reach the lowest level category, it is marked with a symbol
indicating that there are no further sub-categories below this point.
Like this:
Procurement Help
Restart the Browse
There are no further sub-categories, beyond this subcategory.
4. Click a final sub-category name.
The Procurement application displays a Sorted Results List, containing all
items in your final sub-category.
If there are enough items for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages when Navigate
You can also use the drop-down menu and text entry boxes, above the list, to
filter, sort or group the list, and find the items that interest you.
Restart the Browse
If the progressive steps of your browse, are not moving toward the type of item
you want, you may want to move back up the browse path (or cookie crumb trail)
and try a different branch:
Click on the name of any sub-category in the browse path to return to that step
in the browse sequence, or
Click [Reset] to return to the top-level category list.
Browse Results
When you have finished browsing, you can:
View a Results List of items
Select Search Criteria to Refine Results
You can use the same method whether you are Searching or Browsing.
Results List
Use the Procurement application Shop page to browse and search in your Buying
Organization’s catalog.
The Results List contains for each item:
Browse the Catalog
Browse Results
Click in this box, and type the quantity of an
item you want to buy (whole numbers, using
0 through 9 only, no fractions or decimals).
This quantity is added to your Shopping Cart.
Item Description
This short description is a hyperlink. Click on
it to view a longer Item Description, and other
information such as pictures, technical
drawings, animations, web page links, and so
Order Price
The Order Price for your selected Quantity of
the item, expressed in the currency used by
your Buying Organization, for the unit of
measurement (UOM) for this item. (For
example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is
each. The Item Description includes an
explanation of how many of each item is
contained in the Unit of measurement.)
If the supplier offers price reductions, such as
a schedule of Tiered Prices and quantities,
this Order Price may be less than the
supplier’s Comparable Price.
Comparable Price
The supplier’s Comparable Price for the item,
expressed in the currency used by your
Buying Organization, for the unit of
measurement (UOM) for this item. (For
example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is
each. The Item Description includes an
explanation of how many of each item is
contained in the Unit of measurement.)
The actual Order Price for your selected
Quantity may be less than this Comparable
Price, if the supplier offers price reductions,
such as a schedule of Tiered Prices and
quantities, or if the supplier uses a different
Procurement Help
Browse Results
Click an icon to perform various actions on
the selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any
situation, its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to add the item to your Shopping Cart. (in the
number of units that you typed into the
Quantity text box.)
to Show All Suppliers so that you can view all
of the suppliers of this same item, and
compare their prices.
to add the item to your list of commonly
ordered, or Favorite Items.
Supplier Part
Supplier Part Number
Refine Results
Use the Procurement application Shop page to browse and search in your Buying
Organization’s catalog.
At the top of the Shop page work area, there is a drop-down menu and text entry
boxes. You can use these to define Search Criteria either before or after the Sorted
Result List is returned.
Before you Search the Catalog, you can set-up a detail or keyword search, or
After you Search or Browse the Catalog, you can reduce or re-organize a list of
items recovered from a catalog search or from browsing.
1. To select a method of organization for a list of recovered items, click a radio
button to select:
group by, or
Browse the Catalog
Browse Results
sort by
When either one is selected, the other is automatically de-selected.
2. If you selected sort by, then click in the drop-down menu below, and select
Manufacturer Part Number
Supplier Part Number
3. Click [Find].
The results are re-displayed, sorted alpha-numerically according to the
selected criteria
4. If you selected group by, click in the drop-down menu below, and select from:
5. Click [Find].
The results are re-displayed, grouped according to the selected criteria.
For example:
a. If Price was selected, the items are grouped into price ranges, like this:
345 Items
$ 0.01 to $4.99
28 Items
$ 5.00 to $9.99
189 Items
$10.00 to $14.99
4 Items
$15.00 to $19.99
Click on a price range to view only those items that are in that range.
b. If Category was selected, the items are grouped by category and subcategory (as shown by the browse path) like this:
367 Items Communications, Computer... > Communications equipment >
58 Items Communications, Computer... > Computer components > Serial
Procurement Help
Item Description
819 Items Communications, Computer... > Network Hardware > Hubs
9 Items Communications, Computer... > Software > PBX
Many different types of items may include the same keywords in their
For example, the descriptions of communications software, desktop
hardware or network hardware products may all contain many similar
6. Compare the browse paths to decide which group of items interests you and
click on it to discard the others.
7. To continue to refine your search:
Repeat steps 1 through 5.
8. To re-widen the search:
Select the All Categories hyperlink, or
Click any sub-category (above the lowest) in the browse path.
9. To re-start the search from the top level:
Click [Reset], or
Click Entire Catalog in the browse path.
Item Description
After selecting an item from the catalog, but before submitting your Shopping
Cart for processing, you can view more information about this and similar items.
Click any underlined item’s short description in the Shop page, to see a long
description and other information.
The Procurement application displays the Item Description page containing more
information about the items, and tools you can use to find comparable items or
sources for this item.
You can use this page the same way, whether you are Searching or Browsing.
When you have finished viewing product details, click [Close].
The Procurement application re-displays your previous page.
The Item Description page displays the Order Price for the item.
This page can also display information about Tiered Prices, when it is available.
Browse the Catalog
Show All Suppliers
Show All Suppliers
Use the Show All Suppliers page to view and compare all of the suppliers from
whom an item can be obtained.
After selecting an item from the catalog, but before submitting your Shopping
Cart for processing, you can view more information about this and similar items:
Click to Show All Suppliers of this same item, and compare
their prices.
If the same item is available from different suppliers, you may want to select a
particular supplier because of price, availability or because of your organization’s
purchasing policy. If there are multiple suppliers for an item and you do not select
one, the Procurement application automatically selects the primary supplier of the
item specified by your administrator.
Add to Favorites
Click the Action icon in the Browse Results list, the Item Description page or the
Show All Suppliers page to add an item to your Favorite Items list:
Click to add the item to your Favorite Items List
Add to Cart
Click the Action icon in the Browse Results list, the Item Description page or the
Show All Suppliers page to add an item to your Shopping Cart:
Click to add the item to your Shopping Cart. (in the number
of units that you typed into the Quantity text box.)
When you have finished adding items, you may click the Shopping Cart tab to
display the Shopping Cart page. On this page, you can make further changes or
additions and Check Out your Shopping Cart for approval.
If you change your mind, you can change the quantity of an item or remove it from
your Shopping Cart:
Procurement Help
Add to Cart
Click in this box, and type the changed quantity of an
item you want to buy (whole numbers, using 0
through 9 only, no fractions or decimals). This
quantity is added to your Shopping Cart.
Click to remove a selected item from your Shopping
On this page, you can make further changes or additions and submit your
Shopping Cart for Check Out.
Browse the Catalog
Add to Cart
Procurement Help
Search the Catalog
In the Search the Catalog Help Module
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
The Shop Page
Start to Search
Detail Search
Keyword Search
Search Syntax
Restart the Search
Search Results
Item Description
Show All Suppliers
Add to Favorites
Add to Cart
The Shop Page
When you select New Shopping Cart in the Procurement Home Page Shop Menu,
the Procurement application displays the Shop page, with the Search Catalog tab
to the front. This is the page you need to begin searching the catalog.
If the Procurement application is already open with some other tab (RoundTrip,
Blanket Order Item List, Special Request or Shopping Cart) to the front, click the
Search Catalog tab to begin browsing the catalog.
If you know an identifying word or phrase from a catalog description, such as
product name or part number, then you can search directly for that information in
the catalog text.
Search the Catalog
Start to Search
If not, then it is better to Browse the Catalog, and drill down through the catalog’s
commodities, categories and sub-categories to locate an item.
Start to Search
The Procurement application provides two ways to search for items in the catalog.
Detail Search
Use this method to search the catalog and sort (or group) the results using
multiple criteria. Detail searches are particularly useful when you want to
make a progressive search, or to refine the results of a previous search or
Keyword Search
Use this method to search every item description, manufacturer’s and
supplier’s name and part number, in the catalog for specific phrase, word or
number. You can use parts of a word and Wild Card Characters to extend the
When doing a keyword search, the Procurement application searches the full
text of the Catalog Item Descriptions. Although this takes longer than
searching just the short item descriptions, it allows you to use more complex
keyword search syntax to refine your search and return a shorter list of items
that meet your exact requirements.
Detail Search
Detail searches enables you to search the Procurement application catalog by
various categories.
Detail searches are particularly useful when you want to search using multiple
criteria or to narrow the results of a previous search or browse.
1. Use the Search Criteria text entry boxes, to set-up a search.
You may type a value for one or more of:
part number
2. To perform a combined detail and Keyword Search of the catalog, type all or
part of search word (to be found in the catalog item description) in the
keyword text box.
3. Click [Find].
The Procurement application displays a list of all items meeting all of your
criteria in a Search Results table below.
Procurement Help
Keyword Search
4. If a long list is presented, use the Navigation Controls to Navigate Lists.
5. If too many items are retrieved, use the Search Criteria text entry boxes, dropdown menu and radio buttons to Refine Results and reduce the number of
Keyword Search
When doing a keyword search the Procurement application searches the full text
of the Procurement application catalog for a single keyword or using
combinations of keywords and more complex search syntax.
1. Click in the keyword text box, and type any word, part of a word, or logical
phrase you want to find in an item name or description.
The Procurement application allows complex keyword searches, using Wild
Card Characters and combinations.
For example: pen OR pencil
2. To perform a combined keyword and Detail Search of the catalog, also use the
Search Criteria text entry boxes, to add search criteria.
You may specify a value for one or more of:
part number
3. Click [Find].
The Procurement application displays a list of all items meeting all of your
criteria in a Search Results table below.
4. If a long list is presented, use the VCR-style controls to Navigate Lists.
5. If too many items are retrieved, use the Search Criteria text entry boxes, dropdown menu and radio button to Refine Results and reduce the number of
Search Syntax
The Procurement application allows searches using combinations of words,
phrases and numbers. You may also use:
Boolean Operators, like AND and OR
Parentheses and Quotes, to modify precedence, and
Wild Card Characters to represent absent characters.
Search the Catalog
Restart the Search
If your search word or phrase is not sufficiently selective, the Procurement
application will retrieve a list too large to be handled. Instead of continuing a time
wasting, useless retrieval, the Procurement application quits the search and
displays an error message.
In this happens, find a more discriminating search phrase and Restart the Search.
Restart the Search
If the retrieved list of products does not include the item you need, you may want
restart your search or to move back up the browse path (or cookie crumb trail) and
try a different branch:
Click on the name of any sub-category in the browse path to return to that step
in the browse sequence, or
Click [Reset] to return to the top-level category list.
Search Results
When you have completed, you can:
View a Results List of items
Select Search Criteria to Refine Results
You can use these same methods whether you Search the Catalog or Browse the
Item Description
After selecting an item from the catalog, but before submitting your Shopping
Cart for processing, you can view more information about this and similar items.
Click any underlined item’s short description in the Shop page, to see a more
detailed description.
The Procurement application displays the Item Description page containing more
information about the items, and tools you can use to find comparable items or
sources for this item.
You can use this page the same way, whether you Search the Catalog or Browse
the Catalog.
When you have finished viewing product details, click [Close].
The Procurement application re-displays your previous page.
The Item Description page displays the Order Price for the item.
Procurement Help
Show All Suppliers
The page also displays information about Tiered Prices, when available.
Show All Suppliers
Use the Show All Suppliers page to view and compare all of the suppliers from
whom an item can be obtained.
After selecting an item from the catalog, but before submitting your Shopping
Cart for processing, you can view more information about this and similar items:
Click to Show All Suppliers so that you can view all of the
suppliers of this same item, and compare their prices.
If the same item is available from different suppliers, you may want to select a
particular supplier because of price, availability or because of your organization’s
purchasing policy.
If there are multiple suppliers for an item and you do not select one, the
Procurement application automatically selects the primary supplier of the item
specified by your administrator.
Add to Favorites
Click the Action icon in the Search Results list, the Item Description page or the
Show All Suppliers page to add an item to your Favorite Items list:
Click to add the item to your Favorite Items List
Add to Cart
Click the Action icon in the Search Results list, the Item Description page or the
Show All Suppliers page to add an item to your Shopping Cart:
Add the item to your Shopping Cart. (in the number of
units that you typed into the Quantity text box.)
Search the Catalog
Add to Cart
When you have finished adding items, you may click the Shopping Cart tab to
display the Shopping Cart page. On this page, you can make further changes or
additions and Check Out your Shopping Cart for approval.
If you change your mind, you can change the quantity of an item or remove it from
your Shopping Cart:
Click in this box, and type the new quantity of an item
you want to buy (whole numbers, using 0 through 9
only, no fractions or decimals). This quantity is added
to your Shopping Cart.
Remove a selected item from your Shopping Cart
On this page, you can make further changes or additions and submit your
Shopping Cart for Check Out.
Procurement Help
In the RoundTrip Help Module
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
The Shop Page
RoundTrip Shopping
Filter the List
Supplier Web Site
Shopping Cart
The Shop Page
When you select New Shopping Cart in the Procurement Home Page Shop Menu,
the Procurement application displays the Shop page, with the Search Catalog tab
to the front.
Click the RoundTrip tab to visit a supplier’s web site, view item specification and
customization options, and make purchases:
Not all suppliers make RoundTrip shopping available.
If none of your Buying Organization’s supplier offer
RoundTrip shopping, the RoundTrip tab may not be
available on the Shop page.
RoundTrip Shopping
Click the RoundTrip tab, in the Shop page.
The Procurement application displays the RoundTrip page containing an
alphabetical list of all web sites that you may visit:
Filter the List
Some of the Supplier names listed on the RoundTrip page may be web sites
representing a single supplier.
Some of the Supplier names listed on the RoundTrip page may be web sites
representing several suppliers.
Some of the suppliers listed in your Buying Organization catalog may not be
available via RoundTrip shopping.
Following each web site name there is:
A brief description of the products and services available there, and
A Supplier Type:
Auction Service, or
Single Supplier Catalog, or
Multi-supplier Catalog
To shop at a supplier web site:
1. Use the Filter the List criteria to select a suitable supplier.
2. Click on a Supplier Name.
The Procurement application opens a secondary browser window displaying the
Supplier Web Site.
Purchase Orders generated from RoundTrip items have the following limitations:
Change Requests may not be sent on a sub-item
Advanced Ship Notice may not be on a sub-item
Blanket Orders may not be applied to RoundTrip items
Filter the List
If there is a large number of supplier RoundTrip web sites available, you can
simplify the task of selecting one by:
Using the Navigation Controls to move quickly through a multi-page list, or
Using the text box and drop-down menu, like this:
1. If you want a particular supplier, type all or part of the supplier’s name in the
supplier name text box.
2. If you want a particular type of supplier, click in the filter by supplier type
drop-down menu, and select from the list of available types.
3. Click [Go].
The Procurement application reduces the number of web sites and re-displays the
You may now select a RoundTrip supplier name from near the top of the new list.
Procurement Help
Supplier Web Site
Supplier Web Site
Click on the name of the supplier web site from which you want to make a
purchase. The Procurement application opens a secondary browser window and
displays the selected web site.
There are no rules for RoundTrip web site appearance or functionality. To
navigate and shop on the supplier's web site you must follow the procedures:
Supplied separately to you by that supplier, or
Available on the web site.
Procurement application functionality such as Item Description, Show All
Suppliers and Add to Favorites is not available while you are at the supplier’s web
site, but similar functions may be provided there.
When you've finished shopping, select a button which is labeled something like:
“back to Shopping Cart”,
“Logout”, or
“Return to the Procurement Application”.
or follow the instructions provided by the supplier.
The supplier web site window closes and you are returned to the RoundTrip page
in the original browser window. Any selections made at the supplier’s web site are
added to your Shopping Cart and carried with your Shopping Cart through the
system workflow according to the standard rules and your Procurement
Shopping Cart
When you've finished shopping on the Supplier Web Site, select a button which is
labeled something like:
“back to Shopping Cart”,
“Logout”, or
“Return to the Procurement Application”.
or follow the instructions provided by the supplier.
The supplier web site window closes and, back in the original browser window:
1. Click the Shopping Cart tab.
2. Confirm that the items you selected on the supplier’s web site have been added
to your Shopping Cart for Check Out.
Any selections made using RoundTrip, are carried with your Shopping Cart
through the system workflow according to the standard rules and your
Procurement application.
Shopping Cart
Procurement Help
Special Request
In the Special Request Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
The Shop Page
Create Special Request
Edit Special Request
Cancel Special Request
The Shop Page
When you select New Shopping Cart in the Procurement Home Page Shop Menu,
the Procurement application displays the Shop page, with the Search Catalog tab
to the front.
Click the Special Request tab if you cannot find an item you need in the
Procurement application catalog either by Searching or Browsing, and there is no
appropriate supplier RoundTrip web site available.
The Procurement application displays a Special Request form, in which you can
describe the item you need, providing as much information as you have about the
estimated price, most likely supplier, manufacturer and so on.
Create Special Request
To add a new Special Request item to your Shopping Cart:
1. Go to the Shop page.
2. Click the Special Request tab.
The Procurement application displays the Special Request form.
3. Click in the Quantity text box, and type the quantity of an item you want to
Use whole numbers, using 0 through 9 only.
Special Request
Create Special Request
Note: You may enter decimal or fractional amounts, and this information will
be used when resolving your special request into a specific item and quantity.
For example, to request a fractional Blanket Order Release.
4. Click in the Unit drop-down menu, and select from the list of available Units of
Measure (UOM).
5. Click in the Estimated Unit Price text box, and type your best estimate of the
unit price of the item
Use the currency you expect to use in payment. This is usually, but not
necessarily, the default currency used by your Buying Organization (see step
6. Click in the ISO Currency Code drop-down menu, and select the currency you
expect to use to pay for the item.
7. Click in the Supplier Part Number text box, and type a part number.
If you do not know the supplier part number, enter nothing here.
8. To select a supplier:
a. Click the Search icon to the right of the Supplier text box:
Click to search for the name of a likely supplier for your
special request item.
This icon is not displayed when supplier selection is not
available. For example, a Blanket Order Release.
b. In the Search Page, select the name of a likely supplier of the item you want
to buy.
You must enter the name of an authorized supplier for your Buying
Organization. The supplier name must be typed exactly as it is spelled by
the Procurement application or it will not be recognized (although it is not
If you do not enter the name of an authorized supplier, the system displays
an error message requesting a valid supplier name. Until that is supplied,
the Shopping Cart, containing the special request, is flagged as Pending
action. If submitted the pending Shopping Cart is not routed to your
approver until you select a supplier.
9. To select a manufacturer:
a. Click the Search icon to the right of the Manufacturer text box:
Procurement Help
Edit Special Request
Click to search for the names of a likely manufacturer for
your special request item.
This icon is not displayed when manufacturer selection is
not available. For example, a Blanket Order Release.
b. In the Search Page, select the name of a likely manufacturer of the item you
want to buy.
10. Click in the Commodity drop-down menu, and select the catalog category into
which the item is likely to be found, for example: Janitorial Supplies or
Computer Storage.
11. Click in the Item Description text box, and type a description, as detailed as
possible, of the item you want to buy.
12. When you have supplied all available information, click [Add].
The Procurement application adds the item to your Shopping Cart (or creates a
New Shopping Cart for you), with a Special Request icon appended:
Special Request icon
After completing the Special Request form, you can:
Click the Shopping Cart tab to display the Shopping Cart page where you can
Check Out the Special Request item, or
Click on another Shop page tab, and continue shopping by other methods.
After checkout, the Special Request item goes with your Shopping Cart, to your
designated Approver, who will select an appropriate product, or respond to you by
offering alternatives, or requesting more information.
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
Edit Special Request
To edit an existing Special Request item:
1. View a Shopping Cart, by:
Selecting the Shopping Cart tab in the Shop page, or
Selecting a Shopping Cart in the Modify Open Shopping Cart.
Special Request
Cancel Special Request
2. Click the Special Request icon next to an item:
Special Request icon
The Procurement application displays the Special Request form containing the
previously entered information
3. Edit the information that you supplied when you Create Special Requestd the
Special Request.
Cancel Special Request
If, while you are still on the Special Request page, you decide not to add your
Special Request to the Shopping Cart:
Click [Reset] to remove all the information you have entered and start again.
Click any other tab on the Shop page, to leave the Special Request page and
continue shopping.
Click any icon in the Home Row.
If you have already Create Special Requestd the Special Request item:
1. View a Shopping Cart, by:
Selecting the Shopping Cart tab in the Shop page, or
Selecting a Shopping Cart in the Modify Open Shopping Cart.
2. Click the Delete icon next to an item:
Delete icon
The Procurement application removes the Special Request item from your
Shopping Cart.
Procurement Help
Favorite Items
In the Favorite Items Help Module
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
The Shop Page
Favorite Items List
Add to Cart
Add to Favorites
Delete from Favorites
The Shop Page
When you select New Shopping Cart in the Procurement Home Page Shop Menu,
the Procurement application displays the Shop page, with the Search Catalog tab
to the front.
Click the Favorite Items tab to begin selecting from your list of favorite items and
adding them to your Shopping Cart.
When shopping, you can save time by selecting items from this Favorite Items
List, instead of searching for them in the catalog every time.
You can add an item to your list of favorites from any browsed or searched list of
catalog items.
Alternatively, if you have a favorite group of items, you can save all of the items
and their quantities as a Shopping Cart Template. When you want to buy all of the
items, click New Shopping Cart from Template and select a Template List from a
list of your favorites.
Favorite Items List
The Procurement application allows you to maintain a list of your favorite or most
commonly purchased items.
Favorite Items
Favorite Items List
When shopping, you can save time by selecting items from this list, instead of
searching for them in the catalog every time.
You can add an item to your list of favorites from any browsed or searched list of
catalog items.
To see your Favorite Items list:
1. Click the Favorite Items tab on the Shop page.
The Procurement application displays your Favorite Items page, containing,
each of your saved favorite items.
2. If there are enough items for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and back, page-by-page, or to jump to the first or last
The Favorite Items list contains, for each item:
Click in this box, and type the quantity of an
item you want to buy (whole numbers, using 0
through 9 only, no fractions or decimals). This
quantity is added to your Shopping Cart.
The unit of measurement (UOM) for this item.
For example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is
each. The Item Description includes an
explanation of how many of each item is
contained in the Unit of measurement.
Item Description
This short description is a hyperlink. Click on it
to view a longer description and other Item
Description such as pictures, technical drawing,
animations, web page links, and so on.
Manufacturer name
Unit Price
The unit price of the item expressed in the
currency used by your Buying Organization.
The actual price may vary from this if the
supplier uses a different currency or if you are
able to take advantage of tiered pricing.
Procurement Help
Add to Cart
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays
a tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Add the item to your Shopping Cart. (in the
number of units that you typed into the
Quantity text box.)
Remove a selected item from your Favorite
Items list.
Supplier Part
Supplier Part Number
Manufacturer Part
Manufacturer Part Number
Add to Cart
Click the Action icon in the Favorite Items List list to add an item to your
Shopping Cart:
Add the item to your Shopping Cart. (in the number of
units that you typed into the Quantity text box.)
When you have finished adding items, you may click the Shopping Cart tab to
display the Shopping Cart page.
Add to Favorites
To add a new item to your Favorite Items list:
1. Click the Search Catalog tab.
The Procurement application displays the Search Catalog page.
Favorite Items
Delete from Favorites
2. Browse the Catalog or Search the Catalog find a list of items.
3. In the Browse Results list, the Search Results list, the Item Description page or
the Show All Suppliers page, click an Action icon next to an item to add it to
your Favorite Items List:
Add the item to your Favorite Items List
Delete from Favorites
To delete an item from your Favorite Items List:
1. Click the Favorite Items tab on the Shop page.
The Procurement application displays your Favorite Items page, containing,
each of your saved favorite items.
2. Click the Delete Action icon, to delete the item from your Favorite Items List:
Delete a selected item from your Favorite Items list.
Procurement Help
In the Templates Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Template List
Template Types
Check Out
The Procurement application allows you to save a list of Shopping Carts, as
templates for regularly ordered batches of items.
When re-ordering regular batches of items, you can save time by selecting one of
these templates, instead of searching in the catalog and filling a Shopping Cart
every time.
If one of the items in a template no longer exists, or if the item does not satisfy the
filtering rules (Commodity, Supplier), this item will not be carried over. An Error
message indicates to the user that the line item could not be copied (reordered).
You can add a Shopping Cart, from your Shopping Cart List, to your list of
Alternatively, if you have favorite single items, you can add the items separately in
a Favorite Items List. When you want to add an individual item, click the Favorite
Items tab on the Shop page.
Template List
To select a template:
1. Go to the Procurement application Procurement Home Page.
2. Click New Shopping Cart from Template in the Shop Menu.
Template List
The Procurement application displays the Templates List containing a list of
all available templates.
Each template is a previously created Shopping Cart, with all of its items,
quantities and details.
3. If there are enough items for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
4. To reduce the number of templates displayed, click in the filter by template
type drop-down menu, and select from the available Template Types:
Personal & Shared Templates
Personal Templates
Shared Templates
5. Click the Open icon (to the left of template name), to expand the shopping cart
and view the quantities and items contained in the shopping cart:
Open icon
Close icon
6. Click the Close icon to close up the template again and hide its contents.
7. Choose a template that comes close to meeting your requirements.
Later you can make adjustments, such as changing quantities, adding or
removing items, before checking out.
8. Click the Create Shopping Cart From Template icon to select a template:
Create Shopping Cart From Template icon
The Procurement application makes a copy of the template, and displays it in
the Shopping Cart page.
9. Click the Delete icon next to a template to Delete it from the list:
Procurement Help
Template Types
Delete icon
10. To leave the Templates List without making a selection, click any icon in the
Home Row, and select a new option.
After the template is copied to the Shopping Cart page, you can:
Change the quantities of items, or delete them.
View Item Descriptions, check Availability, Show All Suppliers, locate
Add Attachments and Notes to Approver.
Click a different tab on The Shop Page, to continue shopping by different
Submit the Shopping Cart for Check Out and approval
and so on...
Template Types
There are different types of Shopping Cart templates:
Personal Templates are Shopping Carts that you saved
yourself during previous shopping sessions.
Every user who has a privilege to create a Shopping Cart
can create Personal templates, however Personal templates
are only available by the user that created them. Only
Shared templates can be viewed by users other than the
user that created them
Shared Templates are Shopping Carts saved by Approvers
and other advanced users, who are allowed to save
templates for the use of all members of your Buying
Note: The Save as Template icons are not displayed for a
Shopping Cart that was created for a Blanket Order
To add a template to your Templates List:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. In the Shop Menu, click Shopping Cart Status.
The Procurement application displays the Shopping Cart List.
3. Click the Open icon (to the left of Shopping Cart name), to expand the template
and view the quantities and items contained in the shopping cart:
Open icon
Close icon
4. Click the Close icon to close up the Shopping Cart again and hide its contents.
5. Choose a Shopping Cart that meets your requirements for a template.
6. Click an Action icon, to add the Shopping Cart to the Templates list:
Save the Shopping Cart as a Personal Templates for your
own use.
Every user who has a privilege to create a Shopping Cart
can create Personal templates, however Personal templates
are only available by the user that created them. Only
Shared templates can be viewed by users other than the
user that created them
Save the Shopping Cart as a Shared Templates for the use
of all members of your Buying Organization (only
Approvers and other advanced users are permitted to do
Note: The Save as Template icons are not displayed for a
Shopping Cart that was created for a Blanket Order
7. The next time you select New Shopping Cart from Template in the Shop Menu,
this new template will be shown in the Templates List.
You cannot modify a template directly but you can:
1. Template List,
Procurement Help
2. Make necessarily additions and deletions,
3. Save the Shopping Cart as a new template, and
4. Delete the original template.
You may only delete templates that you created yourself. You cannot delete
another user’s shared templates.
To remove a template from your Templates list:
1. Go to the Procurement application Procurement Home Page.
2. Click New Shopping Cart from Template in the Shop menu.
The Procurement application displays the Templates list page containing a list
of all available templates.
3. Click the Delete icon next to a template to remove it from the list:
Delete icon
Check Out
When you have finished selecting and adding to your template, you may click the
Shopping Cart tab to display the Shopping Cart page.
On this page, you can make further changes or additions and click [Submit] to
Check Out your Shopping Cart for approval.
To save the Shopping Cart without checking out:
Click in the Shopping Cart Name text box, in the status bar, and type any name
you wish, then
Click the Save icon, to save the Shopping Cart with your chosen name:
Click to save an Open (un-submitted) Shopping Cart with
your chosen name.
The Procurement application uses its own internal identifier for each Shopping
Cart. The name you choose to save it under is for your own convenience.
Check Out
Procurement Help
When you submit a Shopping Cart, it is automatically
saved, but
When you save a Shopping Cart, it is not automatically
Open Shopping Cart
In the Open Shopping Cart Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Modify Open Shopping Cart
Open Shopping Cart List
Make a Change
Check Out
Modify Open Shopping Cart
When starting the Procurement application, you can:
Start with an empty, New Shopping Cart, or
Select an existing Open Shopping Cart, to add or modify its contents.
An open Shopping cart is one that has:
Been created, and
Shopping items have been added to it, but
It has not yet been submitted for Check Out and approval.
To select an open Shopping Cart from the Open Shopping Cart List and continue
shopping at any time:
1. Go to the Procurement application Procurement Home Page.
2. In the Shop menu, click Modify Open Shopping Cart.
The Procurement application displays the Open Shopping Cart List, containing
a list of all open (un-submitted) carts available to you.
Open Shopping Cart
Open Shopping Cart List
Open Shopping Cart List
The Procurement application displays the Open Shopping Carts List page,
containing a list of all open (un-submitted) carts created by you.
If there are enough open Shopping Carts for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
For each Shopping Cart, the list displays:
Click this icon to expand the Shopping Cart and view
its contents, prices, and total cost (including tax.)
Click to close up the Shopping Cart again and hide its
Cart Name
This is a unique identifier automatically assigned to
the Shopping Cart when created by the Procurement
application (or a different name which has been
assigned by the buyer when saving the Open
Shopping Cart.)
This is the date on which the Shopping Cart was first
created for a new item, or from a template.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to select a Shopping Cart and display its contents in
the Shopping Cart page, in order to add new
shopping, make changes or submit it for approval.
to delete an open (un-submitted) Shopping Cart.
Procurement Help
You can view the contents of Open Shopping Carts in the Shopping Cart List but,
before you can add or change contents, you must select a Shopping Cart and
display it on the Shopping Cart Page:
Click this icon to expand the Shopping Cart and view its
contents, prices, and total cost (including tax.)
Click to close up the Shopping Cart again and hide its
Click this Action icon to select a Shopping Cart and display
its contents in the Shopping Cart page, in order to add new
shopping, make changes or submit it for approval.
Make a Change
Before submitting your Shopping Cart, you can make updates and revisions on the
Shopping Cart page:
Change the Quantity of an item,
Delete the item from your Shopping Cart,
Change Ship Information, Bill Information and Cost Distribution, or
Add Attachments Page or Notes to Approver.
Check Out
When you have displayed a Shopping Cart from the Open Shopping Cart List to
display the Shopping Cart page, you can make further changes or additions and
click [Submit] to Check Out your Shopping Cart for approval.
Open Shopping Cart
Check Out
Procurement Help
Blanket Order Release
In the Blanket Order Release Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Blanket Order Release List
Filter the List
Blanket Order Item List
Add to Cart
Shop Page Differences
Blanket Order Release List
A Blanket Order is a contract with a supplier, allowing members of your Buying
Organization to purchase specified release amounts from a list of items.
A Blanket Order may contain:
One or a small number of items from a supplier’s catalog, which you can select
and add to a Shopping Cart (in a similar manner to your Favorite Items List)
A reduced version of a supplier’s catalog, from which you can browse or search
in the usual way.
The ability to create Special Requests or make a RoundTrip to the supplier’s
web site.
Any member of the Buying Organization may view the list of items covered by
Blanket Orders and add a permitted release amount (up to a maximum release
amount specified in the Blanket Order contract) to their Shopping Cart.
After the Blanket Order Release has been selected, the Shopping Cart can be
submitted for Check Out and approval as normal.
To view a list of the Blanket Orders available to you:
1. Select New Release from Blanket Order on the Procurement Home Page Shop
Blanket Order Release
Blanket Order Release List
The Procurement application displays the Blanket Orders page containing a
list of all Blanket Orders for which your Buying Organization is authorized to
create releases.
2. If there are enough open Shopping Carts for the list to fill several pages, use the
controls above the list to Filter the List.
For each Blanket Order, the list displays:
Click this icon to expand the Blanket Order and
view, for each item:
Item Description
This short description is a hyperlink. Click on it
to view a longer Item Description, and other
information such as pictures, technical
drawings, animations, web page links, and so
The unit of measurement (UOM) for this item.
For example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is
each. The Item Description includes an
explanation of how many of each item is
contained in the Unit of measurement.
Unit Price
The unit price of the item expressed in the
currency used by your Buying Organization.
The actual price may vary from this if the
supplier uses a different currency or if you are
able to take advantage of tiered pricing.
Manufacturer name
Supplier Part
Supplier Part Number
Click to close up the Blanket Order again and
hide the items.
Blanket Order
Blanket Order Name
Blanket Order
Blanket Order Number
Blanket Order
Blanket Order Description
Supplier name
Contract Number
Contract Number
Procurement Help
Filter the List
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any situation,
its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to select a Blanket Order and display:
its items in the Blanket Order Item List
page, in order to make selections, add them
to a Shopping Cart, and submit it for
The Search Catalog page, and browse and
Search the Catalog in the usual manner but
with a limited choice of items.
Depending on how the New Blanket Order was
Filter the List
If there are enough Blanket Orders for the list to fill several pages:
Use the Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages
or the list,
In the Supplier text box, type all or part of a supplier name, or use Wild Card
Characters, and click [Go], to reduce the list to only Blanket Orders contracted
with that supplier,
In the Description text box, type all or part of a Blanket Order description, or
use Wild Card Characters, and click [Go], to find only Blanket Orders having
that text in their description, or
Click in the Sort By drop-down menu, and select to sort the list by:
BO Name,
BO Number,
BO Description,
Supplier, or
Contract Number.
Blanket Order Release
Blanket Order Item List
Blanket Order Item List
When you select New Release from Blanket Order in the Procurement Home Page
Shop Menu, and then select Create Release for a Blanket Order, the Procurement
application displays the Shop page, with the Search Catalog tab to the front.
Click the Blanket Order Item List tab to view:
Basic Information about the Blanket Order, such as Blanket Order Name,
Number, Contract Number and Supplier name, and
A list and descriptions of items in the selected Blanket Order.
If there are enough Blanket Order items for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages or the list.
The Blanket Order Item List contains for each item:
Click in this box, and type the quantity of an
item you want to buy (whole numbers, using 0
through 9 only, no fractions or decimals). This
quantity is added to your Shopping Cart.
If you do not type a value, a quantity of 1 is
added to the release in your Shopping Cart.
The unit of measurement (UOM) for this item.
For example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is
each. The Item Description includes an
explanation of how many of each item is
contained in the Unit of measurement.
Item Description
This short description is a hyperlink. Click on it
to view a longer description and other Item
Description such as pictures, technical
drawing, animations, web page links, and so
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any
situation, its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Procurement Help
Add to Cart
to add the item to your Shopping Cart. (in the
number of units that you typed into the
Quantity text box.)
Manufacturer name
Supplier Part
Supplier Part Number
Unit Price
The unit price of the item expressed in the
currency used by your Buying Organization.
The actual price may vary from this if the
supplier uses a different currency or if you are
able to take advantage of tiered pricing.
Add to Cart
Click the Action icon in the Blanket Order Item List to add an item to your
Shopping Cart:
To add the item, you must click in this box, and type
the quantity of an item you want to buy. (whole
numbers, using 0 through 9 only, no fractions or
decimals). This quantity is added to your Shopping
If you do not type a value, a quantity of 1 is added to
the release in your Shopping Cart
Click to add the specified quantity of the item to your
Shopping Cart. (in the number of units that you typed
into the Quantity text box.)
When you have finished adding items, you may click the Shopping Cart tab to
display the Shopping Cart Page page, where you can Check Out.
Shop Page Differences
When selecting from a Blanket Order there are differences in the Shop Page tabs:
Search Catalog
Favorite Items
Blanket Order Item List
Blanket Order Release
Shop Page Differences
Special Request
In normal shopping, the Blanket Order Item List tab is not displayed.
When selecting from a Blanket Order:
The Favorite Items tab is not displayed,
The RoundTrip tab is displayed only if Allow RoundTrip is enabled when the
Blanket Order is created.
The Special Request tab is displayed only if Allow Special Request is enabled
when the Blanket Order is created.
If Allow Catalog Search is enabled when the Blanket Order is created:
Procurement Help
Selecting a Blanket Order in the Blanket Order Release List causes the Shop
page to be displayed with Search Catalog tab to the front, but
The Blanket Order Item List tab is also available, and can be clicked to
bring it to the front.
Check Out
In the Check Out Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
The Shop Page
Shopping Cart Page
Change Items
Change Details
Check Availability
Notes to Approver
Approval Preview
Submit Shopping Cart
Order Confirmation
The Shop Page
When you select New Shopping Cart in the Procurement Home Page Shop Menu,
the Procurement application displays the Shop page, with the Search Catalog tab
to the front.
You can click on Tabs at the top of the workspace to select different methods of
shopping and their results:
Search the Catalog
Favorite Items
Blanket Order Release
Special Request
Check Out
Shopping Cart Page
There are Shop Page Differences. The tabs
shown in the Shop page depend on your buying
When you have completed shopping, click the Shopping Cart tab to view the
Shopping Cart Page. On this page, you can:
Change Items,
Change Details, such as Ship Information, Bill Information, and Cost
Check Availability,
Update Total cost and estimate Tax, and
Attachments or Notes to Approver.
If you decide not to submit the Shopping Cart, you may:
Save Shopping Cart without submitting, and
[Close] the Shopping Cart page.
Shopping Cart Page
When you have finished shopping, you need to review the contents of your
Shopping Cart, make any last minute changes and submit it for check out.
To do this, click the Shopping Cart tab on the Shop.
The Procurement application brings the Shopping Cart page to the front and
displays buttons and hyperlinks allowing you to:
View and add Attachments,
View and add Notes to Approver,
View an Approval Preview,
Check Availability of an item,
Update Total Cost and estimate taxes,
Delete the Shopping Cart and all items in it, and
Submit Shopping Cart the Shopping Cart for approval,
or, if you change your mind, you may:
Save Shopping Cart without submitting, and
[Close] the Shopping Cart page.
Procurement Help
Shopping Cart Page
Note: A similar page to this one is used, in Approval and Review, by an approver
who wants to edit a Shopping Cart before approving it. If you have the necessary
privilege to do this, you can use the Approve with Changes page in a similar
manner as the Shopping Cart page, except for these differences:
The [Submit] button is replaced by an [Approve with Changes] button,
An Enter Comments text box is added at the lower left of the page, and
The notes to approver hyperlink is not displayed on the page.
Below these buttons, there is a list of Shopping Cart contents with, for each item:
You can click in this box, and type a new
quantity of an item you want to buy (whole
numbers, using 0 through 9 only, no fractions or
decimals). This quantity is added to your
Shopping Cart when you Submit Shopping Cart
the Shopping Cart.
The unit of measurement (UOM) for this item.
For example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is
each. The Item Description includes an
explanation of how many of each item is
contained in the Unit of measurement.
Item Description
This short description is a hyperlink. Click on it
to view a longer description and other Item
Description such as pictures, technical drawing,
animations, web page links, and so on.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any situation,
its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to view the Item Details Page, containing
shipping, delivery, billing and payment
information for individual items and the whole
Shopping Cart.
to remove the item from your Shopping Cart.
Check Out
Change Items
to view and edit the Special Request form used
to describe details of this item.
to view and edit the Smart Form used to specify
purchase details of this item.
Manufacturer name
Supplier name
Supplier Part
Supplier Part Number
Unit Price
The unit price of the item expressed in the
currency used by your Buying Organization. The
actual price may vary from this if the supplier
uses a different currency or if you are able to
take advantage of tiered pricing.
Below the list, there are calculated and estimated costs and taxes for the Shopping
Subtotal (Currency)
If you remove an item or change the purchase quantity, click Update Total to
recalculate this and the other amounts.
Estimated Tax (Currency)
This is a hyperlink. Click on it to display a page containing other Tax
Total (Currency)
Change Items
Before submitting your Shopping Cart, you can make updates and revisions on the
Shopping Cart page:
Change the Quantity of an item, or
Delete the item from your Shopping Cart.
Edit Item Requirements
Order Confirmation allows you to view and modify the same information, but on
differently organized pages.
1. Click in the Quantity text box, and type a new quantity in whole numbers
(using 0 through 9) only, not text or fractions.
Procurement Help
Change Details
2. Click [Update Total] to recalculate the Shopping Cart total cost and estimated
1. Click the Delete icon next to an item description:
Remove the item from your Shopping Cart
The Procurement application displays a dialog box requesting confirmation
2. Click:
[OK] to confirm deletion,
[Cancel] if you change your mind.
3. Click [Update Total] to recalculate the Shopping Cart total cost and estimated
4. To delete all of the items from the Shopping Cart, click [Delete All].
Item Requirements
To change the information you entered into a Special Request description or a
Smart Form, click on the Action icon beside the form:
Click to edit a Special Request form.
Click to edit a Smart Form.
The Procurement application displays the appropriate form with all the
information you previously entered. You can change it and re-save the form.
Change Details
Click the Details Action icon beside an item:
Check Out
Check Availability
The Details Action icon
The Procurement application displays the Item Details page, on which you can
view and change, for the item:
Ship Information,
Bill Information,
Cost Distribution, and
Attachments Page
When you have changed the information for an item, you can click a check box to
make the item changes applicable to the Cart Details, which apply to all items in
the Shopping Cart.
If your Procurement application is configured to use Order
Confirmation, you can view and modify this information,
but on differently organized pages.
Check Availability
Before submitting your Shopping Cart for approval, you can make a final check, at
your selected supplier, of:
Availability and
Supplier Price Changes.
If these are not satisfactory, you may:
Delete the item, or
Search Alternatives, you can select a different supplier.
After making any changes, remember to click [Update Total] to re-calculate the
Shopping Cart cost and estimated taxes.
Click on Estimated Tax (Currency) on the Shopping Cart page to display the Tax
Details page.
For the Shopping Cart, this page displays:
Procurement Help
Tax Payment Method,
Tax Type,
Tax Jurisdiction,
Tax Category,
Tax Rate, and
Error codes or warnings created by the Tax Engine used to estimate the tax
This information is for your information only. It cannot be edited.
Order Confirmation allows you to view similar information, but on differently
organized pages.
If you believe that any of the jurisdictions or values shown are incorrect values,
you must contact your Procurement application Administrator to request
You may add an attachment to the Shopping Cart or to a single item in the
Shopping Cart.
An attachment is carried though the Procurement workflow and to subsequent
documents in the workflow, such as Orders or Change Requests, and may be
accessed from them. You may also direct an attachment to be forwarded to the
supplier, or (at your discretion) distributed to only internal approvers and
To add an attachment to the Shopping Cart:
1. Click on attachments on the Shopping Cart page to display the Shopping Cart
Attachments Page with a list of files currently attached to the document.
2. On this page you can:
Attach a New Attachment to the document, or
Modify Attachments by removing or replacing an attached file name or
To add an attachment to a single item in the Shopping Cart:
1. Click the Details Action icon beside an item:
The Details Action icon
Check Out
Notes to Approver
The Procurement application displays the Item Details page.
2. Click the Item Attachment tab.
The Procurement application displays the Item Attachments Page with:
Basic Information for the selected item, and
A list of files currently attached to the item.
3. On the Item Attachment page you can:
Attach a New Attachment to the item, or
Modify Attachments by removing or replacing an attached file name or
When you have finished viewing attachments, click [Close] to return the Shopping
Cart Page.
You must use an external application to Edit Attached File
contents. You cannot edit or view the contents of an
attached file unless you have the necessary editing software
or a viewer installed on your computer. Changes made
using the external viewer are not made to the attchment
itself. You must save your changes as a separate file and
reattach it.
Notes to Approver
Click on notes to approver on the Shopping Cart page to display the Notes to
Approver page.
On this page, you can type information and messages explaining or justifying
purchases to your designated Approver.
1. Click in the Type your business Notes to Approver here text box, and type any
information necessary for the Approver to understand your purchase.
2. Click:
[Save] to save the message, or
[Cancel] to delete, unsaved anything you have typed.
The Procurement application re-displays the Shopping Cart page
You cannot attach a note to a single item. Any note you write is attached to the
entire Shopping Cart.
If you click notes to approver a second time, your original note is displayed. You
may edit it, replace it or add additional information to it.
Procurement Help
Approval Preview
Approval Preview
Click on approval preview on the Shopping Cart page to display the Status page
containing the Process Map for your Shopping Cart.
This map shows each of the workflow steps through which your Shopping Cart
must pass in order to be approved so that Orders can be created to suppliers. This
information is for your information only. It cannot be edited.
The only action you can take on this page is to:
Add an Approver / Approval Group
Select an additional approver to assist the approval process.
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
Add a Reviewer
Add the name of a person who will not have authority to approve the Shopping
Cart, but who you want to know about, or to comment on your purchases.
When you have viewed the information, click [Close] to return to the Shopping
Cart page.
Submit Shopping Cart
When you have reviewed your purchases in the Shopping Cart page, and made any
necessary changes, you may check out:
1. Confirm that all necessary changes have been made to the shopping cart.
2. If you have changed the quantity of any item (or removed any), click [Update
3. Click [Submit].
If your system uses Order Confirmation, the Procurement application displays
the Confirmation page, where you may make further changes.
If not, the Procurement application sends your Shopping Cart to your
Procurement application for:
Clarification of Special Requests,
Validation against a Blanket Order,
And so on.
If you are not yet ready to submit the shopping cart, you may choose to continue
shopping or Save Shopping Cart as an Open Shopping Cart for later additions or
Check Out
Order Confirmation
Save Shopping Cart
To save the Shopping Cart without checking out:
Click in the Shopping Cart Name text box, in the status bar (at the bottom of
the browser window), and type any name you wish, then
Click the Save icon, to save the Shopping Cart with your chosen name:
Click to save an Open (un-submitted) Shopping Cart with
your chosen name.
The Procurement application uses its own internal identifier for each Shopping
Cart. The name you choose to save it under is for your own convenience.
When you submit a Shopping Cart, it is automatically
saved, but
When you save a Shopping Cart, it is not automatically
Order Confirmation
After you’ve viewed your Shopping Cart and made all necessary changes, click
Depending on how your Procurement application is configured, it may:
Display the Confirmation page where you may make other changes, such a
billing, shipping instructions, and payment method, or
Submit your Shopping Cart directly to the Procurement application workflow
for routing to the necessary Approval and Review processes, and creation of
After you’ve viewed your Shopping Cart and made all necessary changes, click
If you have the appropriate privilege, the Procurement application displays the
Confirmation page where you may make other changes, such a billing,
shipping instructions, and payment method.
If not, the application submits your Shopping Cart to the Procurement
application workflow for routing to the necessary Approval and Review
processes, and creation of Orders.
Procurement Help
Order Confirmation
In the Confirmation page, the Procurement application displays, for each item in
the Shopping Cart:
The quantity of an item you want to buy.
The unit of measurement (UOM) for this item.
For example, PK is package, CT is carton, EA is
each. The Item Description includes an
explanation of how many of each item is
contained in the Unit of measurement.
Item Description
This short description.
Supplier Part
Supplier Part Number
Unit Price
The unit price of the item, expressed in the
currency used by your Buying Organization. The
actual price may vary from this if the supplier
uses a different currency or if you are able to
take advantage of tiered pricing.
Total (Currency)
The extended price for the quantity ordered of
the item, expressed in the currency used by your
Buying Organization.
For the Shopping Cart, the page displays (expressed in the currency used by your
Buying Organization):
Estimated Tax
This is a hyperlink. Click on it to display a page containing other Tax
Order Total
These are the same figures displayed on the Shopping Cart Page.
Ship To Address
This is a hyperlink. Click on it to display a list of alternatives.
Ship To Contact
Bill To Address
This is a hyperlink. Click on it to display a list of alternatives.
Bill To Contact
Payment Method
This is a hyperlink. Click on it to display a display a list of alternatives.
You can make changes on this page:
Check Out
Order Confirmation
1. To change the Ship To Address or Ship To Contact, click the Order Ship To
Address hyperlink.
2. To change the Bill To Address or Bill To Contact, click the Order Bill To
Address hyperlink.
3. To change the Payment Method or to add a new credit card, click the Order
Payment Method hyperlink.
4. When you have made all necessary edits, click [Submit].
The Procurement application displays a message box confirming order
placement and re-displays the Procurement application Home page.
Order Ship To Address
1. To change the Ship To Address or Ship To Contact, click a Ship To Address
The Procurement application displays the Checkout > Change Ship To Address
page, containing a list of alternatives:
Company Name
Contact Name
2. To make your new selection the default for other orders from that supplier,
click the Apply Address selection to all orders check box so that a check mark is
3. To select a new Ship Address and Contact, click the Selection check mark icon
next to it:
Selection check mark icon
The Procurement application re-displays the Confirmation page, showing your
newly selected Ship To Address and Ship To Contact.
4. To leave the Checkout > Change Ship To Address page without making any
changes, click [Cancel].
Procurement Help
Order Confirmation
Order Bill To Address
1. To change the Bill To Address or Bill To Contact, click a Bill To Dress
The Procurement application displays the Checkout > Change Bill To Address
page, containing a list of alternatives:
Company Name
Contact Name
2. To make your new selection the default for other orders from that supplier,
click the Apply Address selection to all orders check box so that a check mark is
3. To select a new Bill Address and Contact, click the Selection check mark icon
next to it:
Selection check mark icon
The Procurement application re-displays the Confirmation page, showing your
newly selected Bill To Address and Bill To Contact.
4. To leave the Checkout > Change Bill To Address page without making any
changes, click [Cancel].
Order Payment Method
1. To change the Payment Method, click a Payment Method hyperlink.
The Procurement application displays the Checkout > Change Payment
Method page, containing a list of alternatives:
Credit Card Type, or Payment Type
Credit Card Description, or Payment Description
Name on Card
Card Number (part encrypted)
A Corporate Icon if this is a corporate credit card.
Check Out
Order Confirmation
Corporate Icon
2. To make your new selection the default for other orders from that supplier,
click the Apply selection to all Orders where the Supplier accepts the Payment
Method check box so that a check mark is displayed.
3. To update the order’s Bill To Address to match that on a selected credit card,
click the Update Orders associated Bill To Address when the selection is a
Credit Card check box so that a check mark is displayed.
4. To add a new Credit Card to the list, click [New Credit Card].
The Procurement application displays the New Credit Card page, with empty
text boxes for all the information required about the credit card.
5. To select a new Credit Card or other Payment method, click the Selection check
mark icon next to it:
Selection check mark icon
The Procurement application re-displays the Confirmation page, showing your
newly selected Payment Method.
6. To leave the Checkout > Change Payment Method page without making any
changes, click [Cancel].
Procurement Help
Item Details
In the Item Details Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Shopping Cart Page
Item Details Page
Cart Details
Ship Information
Bill Information
Cost Distribution
Attachments Page
Shopping Cart Page
Click the Details Action icon beside an item in the Shopping Cart page:
The Details Action icon
The Procurement application displays the Item Details page, on which you can
view and change, for the item:
Ship Information,
Bill Information,
Cost Distribution, and
Attachments Page
Item Details
Item Details Page
Item Details Page
Before submitting your Shopping Cart, you can view and edit procurement
information for each item in the cart or for the entire contents.
1. Find the item in the Shopping Cart page for which you want to change some
2. Click the Details icon beside that item:
View and edit procurement information on the
Item Details page.
The Procurement application displays the Item Details page containing:
Basic Information for the selected item, and
Current values of Ship Information, and Bill Information for that item.
If your Procurement application is configured to use Order
Confirmation, you can view and modify this information,
but on differently organized pages.
When you have finished adding or changing shipping and billing information:
Click [Save] to save the information for the item (or the Shopping Cart, if you
have selected Apply to all items.)
Click [Cancel] to restore the original values.
On the Item Details page, you may also click on tabs to view and edit:
Cost Distribution
Attachments Page
Cart Details
When you have changed the details for an item, in the Item Details Page, you can
click a check box to make the item changes applicable to more items in the
Shopping Cart.
You may click check boxes labeled:
Apply to all items, or
Apply to all items from the same supplier (where the details are specific to a
single supplier.)
Procurement Help
Ship Information
Ship Information
On the Item Details Page you can view and edit shipping information for any item
or the entire Shopping Cart contents:
Ship To
Ship Method
Payment Method
Click the Apply to all items check box, if you want to send these shipping
instructions to the suppliers of all items in the Shopping Cart.
Ship Instructions
Ship To
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click the Search icon, of the left side of the Ship to Address.
Search icon
The Procurement application displays a Search Page.
2. Search for and select a Ship to name.
For the selected name, the Procurement application updates:
Organization name
You must accept all values for the item.
You cannot change individual values.
The Procurement application also updates the Contact information, but you do
not need to accept the default value for this.
The Ship To Contact Use Default radio button is checked by default.
3. To change contact information, click the Ship to Contact Override radio
button, and type, in the text boxes below, new values for the contact’s:
E-mail address
Phone number
Fax number
Item Details
Bill Information
Mail Stop
4. Click the Apply to all items check box to use this Ship to Address information
for all items in this Shopping Cart.
Ship Method
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click in the Ship Via drop-down menu, and select a shipping method from the
displayed list of options.
This field is not editable, you must accept one of the items in the displayed list.
2. Click the Apply to all items from the same supplier check box to use this
shipping method for other items in this Shopping Cart.
Payment Method
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click in the Payment Method drop-down menu, and select a payment method
from the displayed list of options.
This field is not editable, you must accept one of the items in the displayed list.
2. Click the Apply to all items from the same supplier check box, if you want to
use this payment method information for other items in the Shopping Cart.
Sales Tax Calculation
The calculation of sales tax is based on the Taxable status of the Shopping Cart, or
the items in it. If you have changed the Taxable status, click [Update Total] in the
Shopping Cart Page.
The Procurement application recalculates and re-displays the Subtotal, Estimated
Tax, and Total amounts for the Shopping Cart.
Ship Instructions
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click in the Shipping Instructions text box, and type any special instructions
for shipping.
2. Click the Apply to all items check box, if you want to send these shipping
instructions to the suppliers of all items in the Shopping Cart.
Bill Information
On the Item Details Page you can view and edit billing information for any item or
the entire Shopping Cart contents:
Procurement Help
Bill Information
Bill To
Requested Delivery Date
Tax Basis
Bill Instructions
1. Find the item in the Shopping Cart for which you want to change some details.
2. Click beside that item.
The Procurement application displays current values of the Bill to (payment)
details and Ship to (delivery) details for that line item.
Bill To
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click the Search icon, of the left side of the Bill to Address:
Search icon
The Procurement application displays a Search Page.
2. Search for and select a Bill to name.
For the selected name, the Procurement application updates:
Organization name
You must accept all values for the item. You cannot change individual values.
The Procurement application also updates the Contact information, but you do
not need to accept the default value for this.
The Bill To Contact Use Default radio button is checked by default.
3. To change contact information, click the Bill to Contact Override radio button,
and type, in the text boxes below, new values for the contact’s:
E-mail address
Phone number
Fax number
Mail Stop
4. Click the Apply to all items check box to use this Bill to information for all
Item Details
Cost Distribution
items in this Shopping Cart.
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click in the Requested Delivery Date drop-down menus, and select (or type) a
Month, Day and Year on which you want delivery.
2. Click the Apply to all items check box, if you want to request this delivery date
for all items in the Shopping Cart.
Tax Basis
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click in one the Taxable radio buttons: Yes or No, to specify if the items is to be
subject to sales tax.
2. Click the Apply to all items check box, if you want to use this taxable status for
all items in the Shopping Cart.
3. Click in the Usage Code drop-down menu, and select a code from the displayed
list of options.
This code may be required when sales tax is calculated.
4. Click the Apply to all items check box, if you want to use this usage code for all
items in the Shopping Cart.
Bill Instructions
On the Item Details Page:
1. Click in the Special Instructions text box, and type any special instructions for
2. Click the Apply to all items check box, if you want to send these special
instructions to the suppliers of all items in the Shopping Cart.
Cost Distribution
By default, the Procurement application allocates the cost of all items in a
Shopping Cart to a single cost center selected by the Administrator.
Before submitting your Shopping Cart for approval, you can make updates and
revisions on the Item Details Page. Depending on the configuration of your
Procurement application, there are different ways of doing this:
The Default Method is used when the Procurement application is not
integrated with an ERP system, and
The Flexible UI Method is used when the Procurement application is
Procurement Help
Cost Distribution
integrated with an ERP system and sharing cost distribution information.
To begin assigning cost distribution for an item, or a Shopping Cart full of items
(see step 4):
1. Find an item in the Shopping Cart for which you want to adjust the cost
2. Click the Item Details icon next to that item.
3. On the Item Details Page, click the Item Cost Distribution tab.
The Procurement application displays the Item Cost Distribution page
Basic Information for the selected item
Total of all allocations between cost centers which must be 100%.
4. Select whether this cost distribution is to be applied to just this item or to all
the items in the Shopping Cart:
Click the Apply Percentage Distribution to All Items in the Shopping Cart
check box, if you want to apply this cost distribution to all items in the
Shopping Cart.
Leave the check box unchecked, if you want to apply this cost distribution
to just one item.
5. To adjust the cost distribution, follow the instructions in the appropriate
sections: Default Method or Flexible UI Method.
6. Click:
[Save] to save the new Cost Distribution and return to the Shopping Cart
Page, or
[Cancel] to discard the new Cost Distribution changes and return to the
Shopping Cart Page.
If the Total of all Allocations does not equal 100%, the Procurement
application adds a decimal value to the last input field to make 100%.
Default Method
The default method (used by the Procurement application standard
configuration) for selecting cost distribution is as follows:
1. Click the Search icon to the right of the Cost Center text box.
The Procurement application displays a Search Page.
2. Search for and select a Cost Center.
The Procurement application displays the selected cost center and updates the
Allocated Totals text box. The Unallocated Totals text box displays the
remaining values.
Item Details
Cost Distribution
3. Enter either the Percentage, Quantity, or Amount values.
When you enter the value in any one of these text boxes, the other text boxes
are automatically calculated.
4. You may choose to select the Distribute Evenly or Recalculate button:
Click [Distribute Evenly] to evenly distribute the values across all input cost
centers. You do not need to enter values into the Percentage, Quantity or
Amount text fields.
Click [Recalculate] to recalculate all the fields. You can also do this by
pressing the Tab key on your keyboard.
5. Verify the Allocated Totals equals 100%. If it does not equal 100% the values
are red.
6. You may click the Clear icon to clear an unnecessary Cost Center text box:
Clear the Cost Center text box
7. Click:
[Save] to save the new Cost Distribution and return to the Shopping Cart
Page, or
[Cancel] to discard the Cost Distribution changes and return to the
Shopping Cart Page.
If the Total of all allocations does not equal 100%, the Procurement application
displays an error message and continues to display the Cost Distribution page,
so that you can make the correct allocation changes.
Flexible UI Method
In this configuration, you assign cost allocation to a Shopping Cart and its
contents by:
1. Selecting an assigned account.
2. Allocating a percentage, quantity, or amount of the cost to that account.
3. Repeat steps 1. and 2. until the total of all allocated percentages equals 100%.
4. Save the cost allocation.
Before allocating cost distribution to a Shopping Cart, you must first perform Item
Cost Allocation for all accounts to be used in the allocation.
Item Cost Allocation
To assign cost allocation:
Procurement Help
Cost Distribution
1. Click the Item Cost Distribution tab.
The Procurement application displays the Item Cost Distribution page
showing item information, and:
Total of all distribution preferences made, which must equal 100% before
you may save the cost allocation and exit the page.
For each account currently assigned to the Buying Organization, you may:
Click to edit assigned account.
Click to delete the assigned account.
Click Add Account Assignment to add a new account to the
2. Enter either the Percentage (a whole number between 1 and 100, or a decimal),
Quantity, or Amount values and click [Enter].
When you enter the value in any one of these text boxes, the other text boxes
are automatically calculated. The application calculates the values in the
Allocated Totals text box.
3. You may choose to select the Distribute Evenly or Recalculate button:
Click [Distribute Evenly] to evenly distribute the values across all input cost
centers. You do not need to enter values into the Percentage, Quantity or
Amount text fields.
Click [Recalculate] to recalculate all the fields. You can also do this by
pressing the Tab key on your keyboard.
4. Click:
[Save] to save the new Cost Distribution and return to the Shopping Cart
page, or
[Cancel] to discard the Cost Distribution changes and return to the
Shopping Cart page.
If the Total allocation does not equal 100%, the Allocated Totals is in red and
an error message appears. The Cost Distribution page continues to be
displayed, so that you can make necessary allocation changes.
Item Details
Cost Distribution
Account Assignment
Before allocating cost distribution to a Shopping Cart, you must first perform
Account Assignment for all accounts to be used in the allocation. This may require
you to:
Create a New Account Assignment
Edit an Existing Account Assignment
Delete an Account Assignment
ERP Value Search Page
Create a New Account Assignment
1. In the Cost Distribution page, click Add Account Assignment:
Add Account Assignment
The Procurement application displays the Account Assignment page.
2. Click beside the Account Assignment drop-down menu, and:
Select an entry, or
Type a new entry.
3. Click the Search icon beside the Cost Center text box, and the Procurement
application displays a Search Page in which you can search for and select a
Cost Center.
4. Click the Next button to move to the next page:
The Procurement application displays your selected Account Assignment and
Cost Center, and text-entry fields for child values.
5. Click the Search icon beside the next child value text box, and the Procurement
application displays a Search Page in which you can search for and select
another child value.
6. Repeat these steps until you have added all necessary values.
7. When you are finished adding values, click:
Procurement Help
[Save] to save the new Account Assignment and return to the Cost
Cost Distribution
Distribution page, or
[Cancel] to discard the new Account Assignment and return to the Cost
Distribution page.
Edit an Existing Account Assignment
1. In the Cost Distribution page, click the Edit Account Assignment icon beside
the Account Assignment:
The Edit Account Assignment icon
The Procurement application displays the Account Assignment page,
displaying the selected Account Assignment, and associated values of Cost
Center, GLCode and GLCode2.
2. Edit the Account Assignment information using the data entry fields explained
in the Create a New Account Assignment Help page.
3. When you are finished editing values, click:
[Save] to save the new Account Assignment and return to the Cost
Distribution page, or
[Cancel] to discard the new Account Assignment and return to the Cost
Distribution page.
Delete an Account Assignment
In the Cost Distribution page, click the Delete icon beside the Account
The Delete icon
The Procurement application deletes the Account Assignment.
ERP Value Search Page
Use the ERP Search Value page to search for ERP values by ERP ID or by
1. Click beside the Search by text box, and select either ERP ID or Description.
2. Click in the Search <value> values text box, and type a criteria to search by.
This can be:
To search by ERP ID, you can type any number of text characters followed
Item Details
Attachments Page
by a wild card character. The Procurement application will search for any
value beginning with the entry.
For example: the entry 4-3* will return the values: 4-3, 4-3a, 4-300, 4-3000
and so on.
To search by Description, you can type any combination of text and Wild
Card Characters. The Procurement application will search for any value
containing the entry.
For example:
The entry 4-3* will return the values: 4-3, 4-3a, 4-300, 4-3000 and so on.
The entry 4*-3* will return the values: 4-3, 42-3a, 421-3, 44-3056 and so
3. When you are finished selecting criteria, click:
[Search] to search for values, or
[Cancel] to cancel the search and return to the Account Assignment page.
The Procurement application displays a Results table of all matching values.
4. Click beside the value you want to use.
The ERP Value Search page closes. The value you selected is displayed in the
Account Assignment page.
Attachments Page
You can attach any type of file to a document in the Procurement application. The
files can be in any format and can contain any additional or required information,
such as: purchase justification, mandatory certification, regulatory or licensing
information. You may add an attachment to a Shopping Cart or a single item in
the Shopping Cart.
An attachment is carried though the Procurement workflow and attached to
subsequent documents in the workflow, such as Orders or Change Requests, and
may be accessed from them. You may also direct an attachment to be forwarded to
the supplier, or (at your discretion) distributed to only internal approvers and
To access attachments to the Shopping Cart:
1. Click on attachments on the Shopping Cart (or Change Request) page to
display the Attachments page with a list of files currently attached to the
2. On this page you can:
Procurement Help
Attach a New Attachment to the document, or
Modify Attachments by removing or replacing an attached file name or
Attachments Page
To access attachments to a single item in the Shopping Cart:
1. Click the Details Action icon beside an item:
The Details Action icon
The Procurement application displays the Item Details page.
2. Click the Item Attachment tab.
The Procurement application displays the Item Attachments page with:
Basic Information for the selected item, and
A list of files currently attached to the item.
3. On the Item Attachment page you can:
Attach a New Attachment to the item, or
Modify Attachments by removing or replacing an attached file name or
You must use an external application if you want to Edit
Attached File contents. You cannot edit or view the
contents of an attached file unless you have the necessary
editing software or a viewer installed on your computer.
Changes made using the external viewer are not made to
the attchment itself. You must save your changes as a
separate file and reattach it.
4. When you have finished viewing attachments, click [Close] to return the
Shopping Cart Page or Create a Change Request.
New Attachment
In the Shopping Cart Attachments or Item Attachments page:
1. Click [New] to add a new attachment file.
2. Use the File Name file browser to select a file on your computer (or network) to
attach to the item
3. Click the Send to Supplier check box if you want to send a copy of the attached
file to the supplier.
Leave the check box unchecked, if you want to keep the attachment internal to
Item Details
Attachments Page
your organization.
4. Click in the Type your purpose here text box and type an explanation of why
the file is being attached.
5. Click:
[Save] to add the attachment to your Shopping Cart (or item.)
[Cancel] to exit without attaching a file
Modify Attachment
In the Shopping Cart Attachments or Item Attachments page:
1. Find the row containing the attachment you want to modify.
2. Click:
c. The Edit icon beside an attachment, to replace it with a different file or
change the purpose.
d. The Delete icon beside an attachment, to remove it:
Edit icon.
Delete icon.
3. Click:
[Save] to complete the change to your document (or item) attachment.
[Cancel] to exit without making a change.
Edit Attached File
If you want to edit an attached file, it must be edited externally and then reattached.
In order to view or edit an attached file you must have the necessary editing or
viewing software installed on your computer.
When creating or editing attachment files outside of the Procurement application,
there are limitations regarding:
Attachment File Names
Attachment File Sizes
Procurement Help
Attachments Page
When a Shopping Cart or item is deleted, the Procurement application also deletes
the attached files.
Attachment File Names
Attachments must have unique names. When preparing a file to be attached to a
Shopping Cart, save the file with a name using only lower case letters, numbers,
the underscore character (_) or hyphen (-).
Do not use include any spaces between characters in file names. Do not use other
special characters, such as the hash mark (#).
This ensures maximum compatibility across the most commonly used browser
Attachment File Sizes
The size of the attachment that can be uploaded from the client to the server is
controlled by a limit defined in the Advanced Administration Application.
If the size of the attachment is larger than the limit, the Procurement application
displays an error message. You can attach a different version of the file, or modify
the file and re-attach it.
Item Details
Attachments Page
Procurement Help
Shopping Cart Status
In the Shopping Cart Status Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Check Status
Shopping Carts List
Filter the List
Process Map
History Log
After you have submitted your Shopping Cart, it is routed through the
Procurement application workflow for approval and the creation of Orders to the
various suppliers of items in the Shopping Cart.
At any time, to view this approval workflow and your Shopping Cart’s progress
through it:
Before you check out, click Approval Preview in the Shopping Cart Page.
After Check Out, click Shopping Cart Status in the Shop Menu, on the
Procurement Home Page.
After Approval and Review, click Order Status in the Orders Menu, on the
Procurement Home Page.
Check Status
Click Shopping Cart Status in the Shop Menu, on the Procurement Home Page.
The Procurement application displays the Shopping Cart Status page, containing
the Shopping Carts List.
Shopping Cart Status
Shopping Carts List
This list contains all currently open and submitted Shopping Carts. Depending on
your Procurement application role, your may see Shopping Carts for one or more
buyers or Buying Organizations, or just your own.
In this list you can:
View the status of all current Shopping Carts,
View the contents of all current Shopping Carts,
View the workflow history of all current Shopping Carts,
Save a Shopping Cart as a template,
Copy a Shopping Cart and use it as a temporary template,
Select an un-submitted or un-approved Shopping Cart (with orders not yet
created) and edit its contents,
Print a Shopping Cart,
Delete an Open (un-submitted) Shopping Cart, and
Request cancellation of a submitted Shopping Cart.
Approvers/Approval Group and Reviewers can also view submitted Shopping
Carts awaiting approval, by clicking Approval and Review, in the Approve menu,
on the Procurement Home Page.
Shopping Carts List
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Shopping Cart Status in the Shop Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Shopping Cart Status page
A group of text boxes and menus, used to Filter the List of Shopping Carts,
A Shopping Carts List, containing information about all current Shopping
Carts, and actions you can perform on them.
The Shopping Carts List has columns, as follows:
Click this icon to expand the Shopping Cart and view its contents,
prices, and total cost (including tax.)
Click to close up the Shopping Cart again and hide its contents.
Procurement Help
Shopping Carts List
The Buying Organization to which the creator of this Shopping Cart
belongs. If that buyer belongs to more than one Buying
Organization, then this shows which Buying Organization the buyer
selected in the Choose your Organization drop-down menu before
starting this Shopping Cart.
This is the unique identifier assigned to the Shopping Cart when
created, unless the buyer chose to name the Shopping Cart.
Cart Name
This is the name of the buyer who created the Shopping Cart (the
real name not a logon ID. For example, Doris Smith, not User28, or
Creation Date
This is the date on which the Shopping Cart was first created for a
new item or from a template.
The current status of the Shopping Cart, which can be:
Open, if the buyer has not yet submitted the Shopping Cart.
Awaiting Approval, if the total cost exceeds the buyer’s Spending
Limit or the item requires Commodity approval.
Pending Action, if there are unresolved issues, such as a special
request, requiring action from an approver / approval group or
Order Created, if the Shopping Cart satisfies the Procurement
application workflow, is approved and Orders have been created.
Cancelled by the buyer
Rejected by the Approver or Approval Group
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a tool tip
containing a few words explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any situation, its Action icon is not
Actions include:
View and edit an un-submitted (Open) or un-approved (Awaiting
Approval) Shopping Cart in the Shopping Cart page.
Makes a duplicate of this Shopping Cart (with a new unique
identifier) which is displayed in the Shopping Cart page, for
submission as-is or after making changes to the items and
quantities. (This action creates a single copy; it does not create a
template from which multiple copies can be made.)
Shopping Cart Status
Filter the List
Prepares a version of the Shopping Cart and displays it for printing.
Cancels a submitted (Awaiting Approval or Pending Action)
Shopping Cart and removes it from the workflow.
Deletes an un-submitted (Open) Shopping Cart.
Displays the Shopping Cart History Log of workflow steps and
Displays the Shopping Cart Process Map, showing all the workflow
steps through which the Shopping Cart has passed with explanations
and comments.
Makes a duplicate of this Shopping Cart and saves it as a template
for your personal use.
Every user who has a privilege to create a Shopping Cart can create
Personal templates, however Personal templates are only available
by the user that created them. Only Shared templates can be viewed
by users other than the user that created them
Makes a duplicate of this Shopping Cart and saves it as a template
for the use of members of your Buying Organization (you must be
granted special permission to do this.)
Note: The Save as Template icons are not displayed for a Shopping
Cart that was created for a Blanket Order Release.
Filter the List
By default, the list is sorted by Creation Date, with the most recent Shopping Cart
at the top of the list.
If there are enough Shopping Carts for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Use the drop-down menus and text entry boxes, above the list, to reduce and reorder the list, to find the Shopping Cart that interests you:
1. Click in the sort by drop-down menu, and select from:
Procurement Help
Organization is the Buying Organization to which the creator of this
Shopping Cart belongs. If that buyer belongs to more than one Buying
Organization, then this shows which Buying Organization the buyer
Filter the List
selected in the Choose your Organization drop-down menu before starting
this Shopping Cart.
Shopping Cart Name is the unique identifier assigned to the Shopping Cart
when created, unless the buyer chose to name the Shopping Cart.
Requester is the name of the buyer who created the Shopping Cart (the real
name not a logon ID. For example, Doris Smith, not User28, or DSmth.)
Creation Date is established when the Shopping Cart is created.
Status of the Shopping Cart, which can be:
Open, if the buyer has not yet submitted the Shopping Cart
Awaiting Approval, if the total cost exceeds the buyer’s Spending Limit
Pending Action, if there are unresolved issues, such as a special request,
requiring action from an approver / approval group or administrator.
Order Created, if the Shopping Cart satisfies the Procurement application
workflow, is approved and Orders have been created
Cancelled by the buyer
Rejected by the Approver
2. Click in the filter by status drop-down menu, and select from:
Awaiting Approval
Pending Action
Order Created
3. Click in the filter by requester text box, and type the name of the user whose
Shopping Carts you want to see.
4. Click in the filter by organization text box, and type the name of a Buying
Organization (one of those shown in the Procurement Home Page
Organization Menu).
Remember that each buyer may be a member of one or more Buying
Organizations. In combination, these two filters allow great selectivity.
5. Click [Go].
The Procurement application selects all of the available Shopping Carts that
meet your filter selections and re-displays the Shopping Carts List.
Shopping Cart Status
Process Map
Process Map
The Process Map shows all steps a document has passed through, or needs to pass
through in order to be approved. The Process Map can be found on the Status
Click [Approval Preview] in the Shopping Cart or Online Form page, or
Click the View Approval Map Action icon in any row of the Shopping Carts
List or Online Form List:
Click to view the Procurement application Process Map,
showing all the workflow steps through which the Shopping
Cart has passed with explanations and comments.
The Status page displays:
Basic information identifying the document,
A Print icon, allowing you to print the Process Map,
The text of any Notes to Approver added to the Shopping Cart or Online Form.
A Process Map of Shopping Cart or Online Form approval with the status of
each workflow node and comments on any completed nodes.
If appropriate, there may also be [Buttons] you can click to:
Add an Approver / Approval Group,
Add a Reviewer, and
[Close] the page and return to your previous task.
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
The Process Map can be used to display:
A preview of the approval for an Open (un-submitted) Shopping Cart or Online
Form with the ability to add an ad hoc Approver / Approval Group or Reviewer
to improve the approval process.
A preview of the re-approval process required for an Open or Awaiting
Approval Shopping Cart that has been edited by the original submitter or an
The current status of a Shopping Cart in process with Pending, or Awaiting
Approval Status.
The complete history of a Shopping Cart that has been Approved or Rejected.
Each node shown in the Process Map contains:
Procurement Help
A brief explanation of its purpose.
Process Map
Click on any node, and the Procurement application displays more detailed
information in a text box above.
Color-coding and icons indicating the actual status of the approval process:
Node Color
Action Suspended
The designated Approver/ Approval Group
or Reviewer has not yet received the
Shopping Cart.
Add an Approver / Approval Group
1. Click [Add Approver / Approval Group]
The Procurement application displays the Add Approver / Approval Group
dialog box.
2. Use the Name Search Page to search for and select the name of the approver or
Approval Group you wish to add to the workflow.
3. Click a radio button to place the ad hoc Approver or Approval Group in the
workflow, before, after, or in parallel with your designated Approver or
Approval Group:
Parallel (not an option for ad-hoc approvers)
When one button is clicked, the other two are automatically cleared.
4. Click:
[Save] to save your selection, or
Shopping Cart Status
History Log
[Cancel] to discard the selection.
Add a Reviewer
1. Click [Add Reviewer]
The Procurement application displays the Add Reviewer dialog box.
2. Use the Name Search Page to search for and select the name of the approver or
approval group you wish to add to the workflow.
3. Click:
[Save] to save your selection, or
[Cancel] to discard the selection.
History Log
Click the History Action icon in any row of the Shopping Carts List:
to view the Shopping Cart History Log of workflow steps
and actions.
The Procurement application displays the Shopping Cart History Log, containing
a list of all actions taken on the Shopping Cart, with:
The buyer’s name,
The name of the buyer’s assigned Approver or Approval Group,
Ad hoc Approvers or Approval Group, and Reviewers who have been
nominated by the buyer or Approver / Approval Group,
Higher-level Approvers or Approval Group (if the designated Approver or
Approval Group’s Approval Limit was exceeded and approval escalated to a
higher level),
Automatic routing steps performed by the Procurement application.
This is an historical record, so:
You cannot change any of the actions recorded here.
You cannot cause or request any other actions to be taken on a Shopping Cart
Click [Close] to leave the log and return to the Shopping Cart List.
If, after reviewing a Shopping Cart History Log, you want to edit, cancel or initiate
some other action on a Shopping Cart, you must:
Procurement Help
Find the Shopping Cart in the Shopping Carts List or the Open Shopping Cart
History Log
Select the Shopping Cart
Click the appropriate Action icon.
Shopping Cart Status
History Log
Procurement Help
Order Status
In the Order Status Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Order Status Page
Orders List
Order Contents
Filter the List
Status Codes
Order Shipping Information
Tracking Numbers List
Order History
Order Transaction History
Order Detail
Order Status Page
Approvers/approval groups can click Order Status, in the Procurement Home
Page Orders Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Order Status page containing:
Tabs allowing you to view:
Orders List
Orders to suppliers (this page is to the front, by default)
Create a Change Request
Change Requests and Supplier Updates
A group of drop-down menus and text boxes, used to Filter the Lists:
A list of documents, information about them, and actions you can perform.
Order Status
Orders List
Depending on your system role, your may see documents relevant to one or more
Buying Organizations or users.
Orders List
The Orders tab is selected by default when you first open the Order Status Page. At
other times, you can click the Orders tab to:
Create a sorted and filtered list of Orders,
View the Order buyer, supplier, contents, status and other detail, and
Perform actions on an order, such as copy, print, check history or receive some
or all of its content.
Note: Approvers/Approval Groups and Reviewers can also view submitted
Shopping Carts awaiting approval, by clicking Approval and Review, in the
Procurement Home Page Orders Menu.
The Orders List has columns, as follows:
Click this icon to expand the Order and view its
contents, prices, and total cost (including tax.)
Click to close up the Order again and hide its
The Buying Organization to which the creator of
the Order (from which this Order was created)
A unique identifier assigned to the Order.
A combination of the Order's unique identifier
and the original Shopping Cart name.
The buyer's name.
Order Date
Date of the buyer's Shopping Cart was approved
and Orders created.
Total Cost (including taxes).
The name of the supplier
Procurement Help
Orders List
The Buyer, Supplier and Transmission Status
Codes for the Order.
If the status indicates that changes are pending,
click the Pending Changes tab to display the Click
the appropriate Action icon., with more
information and available actions.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Duplicates the contents of this Order and creates a
new Shopping Cart. This is displayed in the
Shopping Cart page. (This action creates a single
copy; it does not create a template from which
multiple copies can be made.)
Displays details of this Order: Billing and
Shipping Addresses, Payment Method, Cost
Distribution, and so on, taken from the Shopping
Cart and Item Details.
Display the Order History Log containing a log of
all actions performed on the Order.
Set-up a printed report on this Order.
Refresh the status information for this Order.
Cancel the selected Order.
Create a Change Request to adjust this Order.
Order Status
Filter the List
Use Receipt Entry to receive the items in this
Display the Receipt History Log for this Order,
showing items that have been received from this
Order and those that are outstanding.
Display the Order Shipping Information page,
containing a list of all Advance Ship Notices
(ASN) received for items in this Order. You may
filter and sort the list, and choose an ASN to view
in detail.
Manually close the Order.
Filter the List
The Orders List displays all available Orders. Depending on your system privilege,
your may see Orders for one or more Buying Organizations, or just those created
from your own Shopping Carts.
By default, the list is sorted by Order Date.
If there are enough Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Use the drop-down menus and text entry boxes, above the list, to reduce and reorder the list, to find the Order that interests you:
1. Click in the sort by drop-down menu, and select from:
Order Number
Order Name
Order Date
Order Status
2. Click in the filter by buyer status drop-down menu, and select from:
Procurement Help
Accepted By Supplier
Filter the List
Canceled By Buyer
Change Pending
Change Rejected
Closed By Buyer
Emailed to Supplier
Faxed to Supplier
Invalid Data
Order Printed
Pending Action
Rejected By Supplier
Supplier Process Failed
Supplier Update Received
Waiting for Response
3. Click in the filter by supplier status drop-down menu, and select from:
Accepted With Changes
New Order
No Status
Not Accepted
Prepayment Required
4. Click in the filter by transmission status drop-down menu, and select from:
Being Transmitted
Failed to E-mail
Failed to Fax
Failed to Print
Order Status
Order Contents
Failed at Supplier
Invalid Data
No Status
Ready to Send
Sent to E-mail
Sent to Fax
Sent to MarketSite
Sent to Printer
Sent to Supplier
5. Click in the filter by order number text box, and type the Order number you
want to see.
6. Click in the filter by requester text box, and type the name of any registered
7. Click in the filter by organization text box, and type the name of a Buying
Organization (one of those shown in the Home page Choose your Organization
drop-down menu).
Remember that each buyer may be a member of one or more Buying
Organizations. In combination, these two filters allow great selectivity.
8. Click [Go].
The system selects all of the available Orders that meet your filter selections
and re-displays a new list.
Order Contents
Click at the left-hand side of any row in the Orders List, to expand the Order and
view its contents:
Click this icon to expand the Order and view its contents,
prices, and total cost (including tax.)
Click to close up the Order again and hide its contents.
The displayed order contents are:
Procurement Help
Status Codes
Item Description
Catalog descriptions of the items in the Order.
Quantities ordered.
Unit of measurement used for ordering the
item, for example, PK is package, CT is carton,
EA is each. The item description indicates how
many of each item is contained in the unit of
Manufacturer of the item.
Part Number
The manufacturer's part number for the item.
Status Codes
In the Orders List, the Procurement application displays for each Order:
Buyer Status,
Supplier Status, and
Transmission Status
Some of these statuses, such as Accepted by Supplier, refer to purchasing
transactions, and can be used to track routine business items.
Others, such as Change Pending, refer to problems delivering ordered goods, and
can be used to locate and respond to Change Requests and updates from
Others, such as Failed to Send, indicate types of system and network problems
and should not be required by a normal user. These are normally only used by an
Administrator, when troubleshooting problems.
In addition to these statuses, the system also assigns a Payment Status and a
Receive Status to every Order, but these are not displayed in this list.
Buyer Status
Accepted by Supplier
Cancelled by Buyer
Change Pending
Failed to Send
Invalid Data
Order Status
Status Codes
Pending Action
Rejected by Supplier
Waiting for Response
Supplier Status
Accepted With Changes
New Order
No Status
Not Accepted
Prepayment Required
Transmission Status
Being Transmitted
Failed to E-mail
Failed to Fax
Failed to Print
Failed at Supplier
Invalid Data
Ready to Send
Sent to E-mail
Sent to Fax
Sent to MarketSite
Sent to Printer
Sent to Supplier
Procurement Help
Order Shipping Information
Order Shipping Information
On the Order Status Page page, click the Shipping Information Action icon next to
any displayed Order:
The Shipping Information Action icon.
The Procurement application displays the Order Shipping Information page,
Tabs to select the Order Shipping Information page (to the front, by default) or
the Tracking Numbers List.
A list of Advance Ship Notices (ASN), information about them, and actions you
can perform.
Depending on your system privilege, your may see ASNs for one or more Buying
The Order Shipping Information page has non-editable data text boxes and a
Results table listing all relevant ASNs, as follows:
Order Number
Order Date
Order Name
Latest Ship Notice Date
The Results table has non-editable columns:
Advance Ship Notice Number
Type - Planned or Actual
Issue Date
Ship Date
Term of Delivery
If there are enough tracking numbers for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Click at the left-hand side of any row in the Order Shipping Information page, to
expand the ASN and view its contents:
Order Status
Tracking Numbers List
Click this icon to expand the ASN and view its contents.
Click to close up the ASN again and hide its contents.
The displayed order contents are:
Item Description
Catalog descriptions of the items in the Order.
Manufacturer’s Part Number
Quantity Shipped
Total Quantity Shipped
Ship Unit of Measure
At the right-hand side of each row in the table, Action icons indicate other actions
you can perform on the selected ASN:
Click to display the ASN Detail Pages, containing a
summary of the information in the selected ASN.
Click to respond to the ASN.
When you have finished viewing ASNs, click [Close] to return to the Order Status
Tracking Numbers List
On the Order Status Page page, click the Tracking Numbers Action icon next to
any displayed Order:
The Shipping Information Action icon.
Procurement Help
Order History
The Procurement application displays the Order Shipping Information page,
Tabs to select the Order Shipping Information page (to the front, by default) or
the Tracking Numbers List.
A list of Advance Ship Notices (ASN), information about them, and actions you
can perform.
Depending on your system privilege, you may see ASNs for one or more Buying
Click the Tracking Numbers List tab to view the Order Tracking Numbers page.
This page has non-editable data fields and a Results table listing all relevant ASNs,
as follows:
Order Number
Order Date
Order Name
Latest Ship Notice Date
The Results table has non-editable columns:
Advance Ship Notice Number
Tracking Code
Tracking Number
Term of Delivery
If there are enough tracking numbers for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Order History
Click the Order History Action icon in any row of the Order Status page:
Display the Order History Log containing a log of all
actions performed on the Order.
Order Status
Order Transaction History
The Procurement application displays the Order History Log page. This page has
two tabs:
History Log
Transaction History
The History Log page displays a log of all actions that have been taken since
creation of the Order, and when they were taken by the approver / approval
group, administrator or supplier.
This is an historical record, so you cannot change any of the actions recorded here.
Click [Close] to leave the log and return to the Order Status Page.
You cannot cause or request any other actions to be taken on an Order. If, after
reviewing an Order History, you want to change, cancel or initiate some other
action on an Order, you must:
Find the Order in the Order Status Page,
Select the Order, and
Click the appropriate Action icon.
Order Transaction History
Click the Order History Action icon in any row of the Order Status page:
Display the Order History Log containing a log of all
actions performed on the Order.
The Procurement application displays the Order History Log page. This page has
two tabs:
History Log
Transaction History
The Transaction History page contains a list of all change documents affecting the
selected Order.
1. Click in a check box to select one or two text documents.
2. Click:
[View Selected Differences], to view the difference between two change
documents, or
[Compare Selection and Current Order], to view the difference between the
selected Order and a single change document.
3. Click [Close] to leave the Transaction History page.
Procurement Help
Order Detail
Order Detail
Click the Order Details Action Icon beside any Order on the Order Status Page:
The Details Action icon
The Procurement application displays the Order Details page, containing, for the
selected Order:
Basic Order and Shopping Cart information
Status Codes: Buyer, Supplier and Transmission
Description of the item, cost, quantity ordered and shipped
Supplier comments
This is an historical record, so:
You cannot change any of the actions recorded here, and
You cannot cause or request any other actions to be taken on an Order.
Click [Close] to leave the Order Details page and return to the Order Status page.
If, after reviewing Order Detail, you want to change, cancel or initiate some other
action on an Order, you must:
Find the Order in the Order Status Page page
Select the Order
Click the appropriate Action icon.
Order Status
Order Detail
Procurement Help
Change Request
In the Change Request Help
Change Orders, or Requests, are documents that contain changes to an Order that
is initiated by the buyer, while a Supplier Update contains changes to an Order
and is initiated by the supplier.
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Create a Change Request
View Pending Changes List
Edit a Change Request
Add Items to a Change Request
Delete a Change Request
Internal Change Requests
Respond to a Supplier Update
View Supplier Update Details
Compare Documents
Cancel an Order
Create a Change Request
To make a change to a currently pending Order:
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
The Order Status Page displays a list of all Orders to suppliers that are
accessible to you.
2. Sort or filter the list of Orders, if necessary, to find a specific Order.
3. Select the Request a Change icon from the Actions column.
Change Request
View Pending Changes List
Request a Change icon.
4. You can update the Order by changing the:
Quantity of an item, or
Price of an item (only if Services Procurement is enabled, or if the item is a
Special Request item)
An Order requesting a Service, rather than a catalog item, contains an
estimated price that may not reflect the actual cost, thereby requiring an
update to the final Service Order. See Edit Price to change the Expected
Unit Price.
5. Click the Update Total button to reflect any adjustments in price, or
click the View Differences button for a side-by-side comparison of the
current Order and your Change Request, and then click Close.
6. Click Submit to continue with the Change Request.
A pop-up messages confirms that your Change Request was sucessfully
7. Click OK.
You are returned to the Order Status page.
View Pending Changes List
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
2. Select the Pending Changes tab.
A list of currently pending Change Requests and Supplier Updates displays.
Depending on your Procurement application privilege, you may see documents
for one or more Buying Organizations.
The Change Request and Supplier Update List contains the following:
Table Column
Buying Organization name.
Procurement Help
View Pending Changes List
Document Type
Which may be:
Change Request - a change requested or
originated by the buyer
Cancel Request - a request for cancellation
requested or originated by the buyer
Supplier Update - a change requested or
originated by the supplier
Number of the Request or Update.
Associated Order
The identifier of the Order from which this
document originated.
Associated Order
The name of the Order from which this
document originated.
Associated Order
The buyer’s name.
Date of document creation.
Total cost (including taxes) of the Order after
proposed changes.
The supplier’s name.
Which may be:
Invalid Data
Pending Buyer response
Pending Supplier Response
Response Received
Supplier Process Failed
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation,
its Action icon is not displayed.
You can complete the following Actions by clicking on these icons from the
Change Request and Supplier Update List page:
Change Request
View Pending Changes List
Edit Change Request
Click this icon in a Pending Changes list to open
a current Change Request, view its contents, and
if necessary, edit the information.
Delete Change Request
View Approval Map
Use this icon to view the workflow approval
process set up for a Change Request or Supplier
Update document.
Use this icon to set up a printed report for this
Respond to Update
Use this icon to respond to a Supplier Update.
View Differences
Use this icon to compare this change document
with the original Order.
View Order History
Use this icon to display the Order History Log,
which contains a log of all actions performed on
the Order.
Filter the Change Request and Supplier Update List
The Change Request and Supplier Update List page displays all available change
documents. By default, the list is sorted by the date of the most recent Change
Request or Supplier Update.
If there are enough Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
To sort or filter the list and return a more refined list of pending changes:
1. From the Change Request and Supplier Update List page, use the drop-down
menus and text-entry fields above the list to:
a. Select values from the sort by, filter by change request status, or filter by
document type drop-down menus, or
b. Click in the: filter by associated order number, filter by reference number,
filter by associated order requester, filter by organization, and/or filter by
Procurement Help
Edit a Change Request
associated order name text boxes, and enter the appropriate filtering
Remember that each buyer may be a member of one or more Buying
Organizations. In combination, these two filters allow great selectivity.
2. Click Go.
Procurement selects all of the available change documents that meet your filter
selections and refreshes with a new list.
Edit a Change Request
You can edit a Change Request in the following ways:
Change the Quantity of an item
Add Comments
Add Attachments
View or Delete Attachments
Change Header Details
Add an Approver
View Item Details/Item Attachments
Edit Cost Distribution
Or, you can View Estimated Tax Details
If the Services Procurement feature is enabled (see Setup Feature Registration),
you may also:
Edit Price
Add Items to a Change Request
Choose whether or not to send the Change Request to the Supplier. See
Internal Change Requests for more information.
To edit an existing Change Request:
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
2. Select the Pending Changes tab.
The Change Request and Supplier Update page displays.
3. Sort or filter the Change Request and Supplier Update list, if necessary, to find
a specific Change Request.
4. For the desired Change Request, click the Edit Change Request icon in the
corresponding Actions column.
The Edit Change Request page displays.
Change Request
Edit a Change Request
5. Make any necessary edits.
6. Click Update Total to reflect any differences in quantity or price, if applicable.
7. Click Submit.
A pop-up messages confirms that your Change Request was sucessfully
8. Click OK.
You are returned to the Change Request and Supplier Update List page.
Add Attachments
Attachments may be used to assist approvers as the Change Request moves
through workflow, or in some cases, convey pertinent information to a supplier.
These attachments are at the header level. You can also attach documents to a
specific item in the View Item Details/Item Attachments section.
To attach a document to your Change Request:
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the attachments hyperlink.
The Attachments page displays.
2. Click New to add an attachment.
The New Attachment page opens.
3. Enter a file name or click Browse to access your files. Select the file you wish to
include with the Change Request.
4. Services Procurement Only - If you check the “Send to Supplier” checkbox, the
attachment will be sent to the supplier only if the Change Request is going to
be sent to the Supplier.
5. Type the purpose of the attachment in the text field.
6. Click Save to add the attachment or Cancel to return to the Attachments page.
View or Delete Attachments
To see a list of documents attached to a Change Request, or to remove an
attachment from a Change Request:
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the attachments hyperlink.
The Attachments page displays a list of any currently attached documents.
2. Click Delete All to remove all the attachments, or click the Delete icon for an
attachment to remove a specific attachment, from the Change Request.
A pop-up window opens to confirm your choice.
3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
4. Click Close to return to the Edit Change Request page.
Procurement Help
Edit a Change Request
Change Header Details
To change header details such as your billing or shipping address, contact details
or payment method:
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the header details hyperlink.
The Change Request Header Details page displays with the most recent
information for the Order or Change Request.
2. Make any necessary changes to:
Change Bill to Address or Ship to Address Information
Use the Search icon next to the Bill to Address or Ship to Address fields to
search for a company name, address, or contact.
A secondary window opens a Bill To Search page or the Ship To Search page
displays and you can search for and select a company to populate the Bill to
or Ship to Address fields.
Change the F.O.B. destination
Type the F.O.B. (Free On Board) destination for shipping charges in the
F.O.B. text box.
Change the Payment Method
Select a payment method from the Payment Method drop-down menu.
3. Click:
Save - to save your changes in the Change Request for submission to the
Cancel - to leave the Header Details page, without making any changes
Reset - to reset all of the details to their last-saved values.
Add an Approver
To add an additional approver to the Change Request:
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the approval preview hyperlink.
The Approval Preview page displays with details about the Change Order and
an Approval map.
2. Click Add an Approver.
A secondary window opens to search for an approval group or an individual
3. Enter a name, partial name, or an asterisk (*) to search for the approval group
or approver, and click Search.
4. Click the Select icon in the Actions column for the Approver you wish to add.
A pop-up window opens to confirm your choice.
Change Request
Edit a Change Request
5. Click OK to add the approver.
6. Click Close.
View Item Details/Item Attachments
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the Item Details icon next to the
appropriate item.
The Item Details page displays.
2. You can edit this page as follows:
Request a delivery date
Enter Comments
Enter Shipping Instructions
Select the Delivery Method
Enter any Special Instructions
Specify whether the item is taxable
and, Enter the tax percentage
For all fields, you can choose to apply these changes to all items in the Change
Request by checking the “Apply to All Items” checkbox. If left unchecked, the
change applies only to this item.
3. Click Save to save your changes, Reset to clear all fields, or Cancel to return to
the Edit Change Request page.
4. To view item attachments, select the Item Attachments tab.
The Item Attachments page lists any documents attached to an item.
5. To view Cost Distribution for the item, select the Item Cost Distribution tab.
Add an Item Attachment
1. From the Item Details page, select the Item Attachments tab.
The Item Attachments page lists any documents attached to an item.
2. Click New to open the New Item Attachments page.
3. Enter a file name or click Browse to access your files. Select the file you wish to
include with the Change Request.
4. Services Procurement Only - If you check the “Send to Supplier” checkbox, the
attachment will be sent to the supplier only if the Change Request is going to
be sent to the Supplier.
5. Click Save to add the attachment, or Cancel to return to the Item Attachments
Procurement Help
Edit a Change Request
Delete Item Attachments
1. From the Item Details page, select the Item Attachments tab.
The Item Attachments page displays.
2. Click Delete All to remove all the attachments, or click the Delete icon next to
an attachment to remove it from that item.
A pop-up window opens to confirm your choice.
3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
Edit Cost Distribution
By default, the cost center(s) for all items in a Change Request are the same as the
cost centers used by the Shopping Cart at the time the Order was created.
When adding new items to a Change Request (see Add Items to a Change
Request), the application defaults to a single cost center and you may need to edit
the cost distribution. There are no defaults if you are using the Flexible UI
You can change the cost centers for each item in a Change Request if Cost
Distribution is configured as editable in Procurement Administration for your
buying organization. If Cost Distribution is not editable for your organization, you
will not see the Item Cost Distribution tab when editing Item Details or Item
To assign cost distribution for an item on a Change Request with multiple items:
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the Item Details icon next to the
appropriate item.
The Item Details page displays.
2. Select the Item Cost Distribution tab.
The Item Cost Distribution tab displays the basic information for the selected
item and the Total of all allocations between cost centers, which must equal
3. Select whether this cost distribution will apply to this item only or to all items
in the Change Request:
Click the checkbox for “Apply Percentage Distribution to All Items in the
Change Request” if you want to apply this cost distribution to all items in
the Change Request.
Leave the check box unchecked if you want to apply this cost distribution to
just one item.
4. To adjust the cost distribution, follow the instructions in the appropriate
sections: Default Method or Flexible UI Method.
5. Click Save to save the new Cost Distribution or Cancel to return to the Edit
Change Request
Edit a Change Request
Change Request page without saving any changes.
If the Total of all allocations does not equal 100%, the Procurement application
displays an error message and continues to display the Cost Distribution page,
so that you can make the correct allocation changes.
Default Method
The default method (used by the Procurement application standard
configuration) for selecting cost distribution is as follows:
1. Click the Search icon to the right of the Cost Center text box.
The Cost Center Search page displays in a secondary window.
2. Search for a cost center, or enter an asterisk (*) to return a list of all available
cost centers. Click the Select Action icon to add the Cost Center.
The Procurement application displays the selected cost center and updates the
Allocated Totals field. The Unallocated Totals field displays the remaining
3. Enter either: Percentage, Quantity, or Amount values.
When you enter the value in any one of these text boxes, the other text boxes
are automatically calculated.
4. You may choose to select the Distribute Evenly or Recalculate button:
Click Distribute Evenly to evenly distribute the values across all input
cost centers. You do not need to enter values into the Percentage, Quantity
or Amount text fields.
Click Recalculate to recalculate all the fields. You can also do this by
pressing the Tab key on your keyboard.
5. Verify the Allocated Totals equals 100%. If it does not equal 100% the values
are red.
6. You may click the Clear icon to remove an unnecessary Cost Center from your
This icon removes the Cost Center from the Distribution
7. Click Save to save the new Cost Distribution or Cancel to return to the Edit
Change Request page without saving any changes.
If the Total of all allocations does not equal 100%, the Procurement application
displays an error message and continues to display the Cost Distribution page,
so that you can make the correct allocation changes.
Procurement Help
Edit a Change Request
Flexible UI Method
In this configuration, you assign cost allocation to a Change Request and its
contents by:
1. Selecting an assigned account (see Account Assignment).
2. Allocating a percentage, quantity, or amount of the cost to that account.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the total of all allocated percentages equals 100%.
4. Save the cost allocation.
Before allocating cost distribution to a Change Request, you must first perform
Item Cost Allocation for all accounts to be used in the allocation.
Item Cost Allocation
To assign cost allocation:
1. Click the Item Cost Distribution tab.
The Procurement application displays the Item Cost Distribution page
showing item information, and the Total of all distribution preferences made,
which must equal 100% before you may save the cost allocation and exit the
For each account currently assigned to the Buying Organization, you may:
Click to edit assigned account.
Click to delete the assigned account.
Click Add Account Assignment to add a new account to the
2. Enter either the Percentage (a whole number between 1 and 100, or a decimal),
Quantity, or Amount values and click Enter.
When you enter the value in any one of these text boxes, the other text boxes
are automatically calculated. The application calculates the values in the
Allocated Totals text box.
3. You may choose to select the Distribute Evenly or Recalculate button:
Click Distribute Evenly to evenly distribute the values across all input
cost centers. You do not need to enter values into the Percentage, Quantity
or Amount text fields.
Change Request
Edit a Change Request
Click Recalculate to recalculate all the fields. You can also do this by
pressing the Tab key on your keyboard.
4. Click Save to save the new Cost Distribution or Cancel to return to the Edit
Change Request page without saving any changes.
If the Total allocation does not equal 100%, the Allocated Totals is in red and
an error message appears. The Cost Distribution page continues to be
displayed, so that you can make necessary allocation changes.
Account Assignment
Before allocating cost distribution to a Change Request, you must first perform
Account Assignment for all accounts to be used in the allocation. This may require
you to:
Create a New Account Assignment
Edit an Existing Account Assignment
Delete an Account Assignment
Search for ERP Values
Create a New Account Assignment
1. In the Item Cost Distribution page, click Add Account Assignment:
Add Account Assignment
The Account Assignment page displays.
2. Click beside the Account Assignment drop-down menu, and:
Select an entry, or
Type a new entry.
3. Click the Search icon beside the Cost Center text box, and the Procurement
application displays a Cost Center Search page in which you can search for and
Select a Cost Center.
4. Click the Next button to move to the next page:
Procurement Help
Edit a Change Request
Your selected Account Assignment and Cost Center, as well as text-entry fields
for child values, are displayed.
5. Click the Search icon beside the next child value text box, and search for and
select another child value.
6. Repeat these steps until you have added all necessary values.
7. When you are finished adding values, click Save to save the new Account
Assignment or Cancel to discard the Account Assignment and return to the
Item Cost Distribution page.
Edit an Existing Account Assignment
1. In the Item Cost Distribution page, click the Edit Account Assignment icon
beside the Account Assignment:
Edit Account Assignment icon
The Account Assignment page displays the selected Account Assignment, and
associated values of Cost Center, GLCode, and GLCode2.
2. Edit the Account Assignment information using the data entry fields explained
in the Create a New Account Assignment Help page.
3. When you are finished editing values, click Save to save the new Account
Assignment or Cancel to discard the Account Assignment and return to the
Item Cost Distribution page.
Delete an Account Assignment
In the Item Cost Distribution page, click the Delete icon beside the Account
The Delete icon
The Procurement application deletes the Account Assignment.
Search for ERP Values
Use the ERP Search Value page to search for ERP values by ERP ID or by
1. Click beside the Search by text box, and select either ERP ID or Description.
2. Click in the Search <value> values text box, and type a criteria to search by.
Change Request
Edit a Change Request
This can be:
To search by ERP ID, you can type any number of text characters followed
by a wild card character. The Procurement application will search for any
value beginning with the entry.
For example: the entry 4-3* will return the values: 4-3, 4-3a, 4-300, 4-3000
and so on.
To search by Description, you can type any combination of text and Wild
Card Characters. The Procurement application will search for any value
containing the entry.
For example:
The entry 4-3* will return the values: 4-3, 4-3a, 4-300, 4-3000 and so on.
The entry 4*-3* will return the values: 4-3, 42-3a, 421-3, 44-3056 and so
3. When you are finished selecting criteria, click:
Search to search for values, or
Cancel to cancel the search and return to the Account Assignment page.
The Procurement application displays a Results table of all matching values.
4. Click beside the value you want to use.
5. The ERP Value Search page closes. The value you selected is displayed in the
Account Assignment page.
View Estimated Tax Details
For any Order or Change Request, the application lists:
Procurement Help
The total cost of all quantities of all items in the
Order, expressed in the currency used by your
Buying Organization. The actual price may vary
from this if the supplier uses a different currency
or if you are able to take advantage of tiered
Edit a Change Request
Estimated Tax
The estimated tax due on all items in the Order,
expressed in the currency used by your Buying
Click on Estimated Tax (Currency) link to display
tax details.
The amount due, expressed in the currency used by
your Buying Organization. This price may be
adjusted after submission, if you are able to take
advantage of tiered pricing.
If the total price changes, the Procurement
application compares the amount with your
Spending Limit and, if this is exceeded, the
Shopping Cart is routed to an Approver/Approval
To view the estimated tax details:
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the Estimated Tax link at the bottom
of your Change Request.
The Estimated Tax Details page displays.
You can view the:
Tax Payment Method
Tax Type
Tax Jurisdiction
Tax Category
Tax Rate
Estimated Tax Amount
Any error codes or warnings created by the Tax Engine used to estimate the
tax due
This is for your information only. If you need to change any of these values, you
must contact the Procurement Administrator.
2. Click Close.
Edit Price
This applies only to those organizations with the Services Procurement feature
enabled and authorized for use. In Services Procurement, you can change the
price of an item in a Change Request if you have the Change Request - Edit
Expected Unit Price privilege and if your buying organization is configured in
such a way that prices are editable.
Change Request
Add Items to a Change Request
To edit the price, the Expected Unit Price column must be an editable text field. To
its left, the Unit Price column contains the original catalog price so that you can
view any price differences.
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click in the Expected Unit Price
(Currency) field.
2. Enter the revised price.
3. Click the Update Total button to reflect new pricing totals.
4. Make any other edits and click Submit.
Add Items to a Change Request
This applies only to those organizations with the Services Procurement feature
enabled and authorized for use.
Use the Special Request tab on the Edit Change Request page to add an item to
your Change Request. Adding an item to a Change Request eventually adds the
item to the Order, after the Change Request is approved.
You may:
Add a Special Request Item,
Edit a Special Request Item or,
Cancel or Restore a Special Request Item
Click to search for the name of a likely manufacurer for
your special request item.
Use to view Item Details
Cancel Item icon - Cancels the item from the Change
Edit Special Request icon - Use to edit the details of the
Special Request item(s) on your Change Request
Restore Cancelled Item icon - Once you cancel an item
from the Change Request, you can restore it using this icon.
Procurement Help
Add Items to a Change Request
Add a Special Request Item
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
2. Select the Pending Changes tab.
The Change Request and Supplier Update page displays.
3. Sort or filter the Change Request and Supplier Update list, if necessary, to find
a specific Change Request.
4. For the desired Change Request, click the Edit Change Request icon in the
corresponding Actions column.
The Edit Change Request page displays.
5. Select the Special Request tab.
The Special Request form displays.
6. Enter the quantity of the item you want to purchase in the Quantity text box.
Use whole numbers, using 0 through 9 only.
Note: You may enter decimal or fractional amounts, and this information will
be used when resolving your special request into a specific item and quantity.
For example, to request a fractional Blanket Order Release.
7. Select a Unit of Measure (UOM) from the available UOMs in the drop-down
8. Type your best estimate of the unit price in the Unit Price text box using the
Change Request currency.
9. Type a part number in the Supplier Part Number box. If you do not know the
supplier part number, leave this field empty.
10. Select a Manufacturer:
a. Click the Search icon to the right of the Manufacturer field. The
Manufacturer Search page displays.
b. Search for the likely manufacturer of the item you want to buy and click
11. Select the Commodity type for the item in the Commodity drop-down menu.
12. Type a description of the item you want to buy in the Item Description text
box. You must enter a description, and it is helpful to be as detailed as possible.
13. Click Add to add the item, or Reset to cancel and clear the fields.
If you have entered all the correct information, the item is added to the Change
Request and is visible on the Change Request tab. After the Change Request is
routed through the approval process, the item will be added to the associated
Purchase or Service Order.
Change Request
Delete a Change Request
Edit a Special Request Item
To edit an existing Special Request item:
1. From the Edit Change Request page, click the Edit Special Request icon next to
the item you wish to edit.
The Special Request form containing the previously entered information
2. Edit the information as needed.
3. Click Save to save the changes or Cancel to return to the Edit Change Request
The Price can also be changed in the Expected Unit Price column on the
Change Request tab.
Cancel or Restore a Special Request Item
If, while you are still on the Edit Change Request page, you decide not to add your
item to the Change Request, you can:
1. Click the Cancel Item icon in the Actions column for the item you wish to
The application crosses out the Special Request item on your Change Request,
although it remains visible in the list of items. All icons are replaced with the
Restore Cancelled Item icon.
2. To undo the item cancellation, click the Restore Cancelled Item icon.
The page refreshes and the item is re-listed as before.
After either action, you may also click the Update Total button to update
pricing information.
3. Click Submit to submit your changes.
Delete a Change Request
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
2. Select the Pending Changes tab.
The Change Request and Supplier Update page displays.
3. Sort or filter the Change Request and Supplier Update list, if necessary, to find
a specific Change Request.
4. Select the Delete Change Request icon in the Actions column for the Change
Request you would like to cancel.
A pop-up message appears to confirm your choice.
5. Click OK or Cancel.
Procurement Help
Internal Change Requests
The Change Request is cancelled and removed from the Change Request and
Supplier Update list.
Internal Change Requests
This applies only to those organizations with the Services Procurement feature
enabled and authorized for use.
Internal Change Requests are Change Requests initiated by the buyer that will not
be sent to the supplier. This provides a way to immediately update an Order,
unless a Workflow is in place that first requires internal approvals. Without the
back-and-forth transaction with the supplier to confirm changes to an order, a
budget manager can be made aware of changes to a previously approved Order
much faster.
A Change Request becomes internal once a checkbox labeled “Submit to Supplier”
is unchecked on the Edit Change Request page. This checkbox is never visible to
users who are not using the Services Procurement functionality. The checkbox is
visible and/or editable to Services Procurement users as determined by the
configuration of their system, and their supplier’s system.
Internal Change Requests are allowed, or not allowed, depending upon the
following conditions:
Default is:
User has
to Create
User has
to Create
to be
to be
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
Yes or No
For example, if an Order has a status of “accepted by supplier”, and the user has
privileges to create both internal and external Change Requests, and the supplier
is configured to accept Change Requests, the “Send to Supplier” checkbox will be
checked by default, and the user must uncheck it to keep the change internal.
Change Request
Respond to a Supplier Update
Hoewever, if the system and users have all the correct flags and privileges, but the
supplier is not configured to accept Change Requests, the checkbox will appear
unchecked and read-only. In this scenario, the Change Request is automatically
internal because the user has the correct privileges to request a change, but the
request cannot be sent externally because the supplier cannot accept it.
Send Change Request to Supplier
If you are able to see and edit the “Send to Supplier” checkbox on the Edit Change
Request page, you can choose whether or not to send the Change Request to the
Checking the “Send to Supplier” checkbox means that the Change Request will
be sent to the Supplier, as well as to any internal Approvers.
Unchecking the “Send to Supplier” checkbox means that the Change Request
will only route internally, and your Order will be updated once the Change
Request is approved.
If you can see the checkbox, but are unable to edit it, the Change Request will be
sent to the Supplier if it is checked by default. See the matrix in Internal Change
Requests for reasons why the “Send to Supplier” checkbox may or may not default
to a certain behavior.
Respond to a Supplier Update
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
2. Select the Pending Changes tab.
The Change Request and Supplier Update page displays.
3. Sort or filter the Change Request and Supplier Update list, if necessary, to find
a specific Supplier Update.
4. For the desired Supplier Update, click the Respond to Update icon in the
Actions column.
Respond to Update icon
The Procurement application displays the Respond to Supplier Update page
Procurement Help
Non-editable Order and Shopping Cart information:
Order Name
Order Number
Respond to a Supplier Update
Order Date
Current Order Total
Supplier Update Status Details:
Order status
Payment status (if applicable)
Shipping status (if applicable)
Ship Date
Item Information:
Supplier Comments
Item Description -- Click the hyperlink to see more details about the item.
Order Quantity
Unit of measure
Manufacturer name
Part Number
Unit Price (currency)
Expected Unit Price (currency)
Cost Information:
Subtotal (currency)
Estimated Tax (currency)
Total (currency)
5. Based on the changes proposed by the Supplier, you may choose to:
Close - Click Close to leave the Respond to Supplier Update page and return to
the Create a Change Request, without taking any action.
Accept - Click Accept to accept the changes proposed by the supplier and
return to the Create a Change Request.
Reject - Click “Reject Update by Requesting a Change” to reject the proposed
change and propose alternative action on the Create a Change Request.
Cancel Order - Click Cancel Order to reject the proposed change and Cancel an
Compare Documents - Click View Difference to compare the difference
Change Request
View Supplier Update Details
between the Order and the terms proposed in the Supplier Update.
View Supplier Update Details
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
2. Select the Pending Changes tab.
The Change Request and Supplier Update page displays.
3. Sort or filter the Change Request and Supplier Update list, if necessary, to find
a specific Supplier Update.
4. For the desired Supplier Update, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
Details icon
The Supplier Update Details page displays, containing:
Procurement Help
Non-editable Order and Shopping Cart information:
Order Name
Order Number
Order Date
Current Order Total
Supplier Update Status Details:
Order status
Payment status (if applicable)
Shipping status (if applicable)
Ship Date
Item Information:
Supplier Comments
Item Description -- Click the hyperlink to see more details about the item.
Order Quantity
Unit of measure
Compare Documents
Manufacturer name
Part Number
Unit Price (currency)
Expected Unit Price (currency)
Cost Information:
Subtotal (currency)
Estimated Tax (currency)
Total (currency)
Based on the changes proposed by the supplier, you may choose to:
Close - Click Close to leave the Respond to Supplier Update page and return to
the Create a Change Request, without taking any action.
Accept - Click Accept to accept the changes proposed by the supplier and
return to the Create a Change Request.
Reject - Click “Reject Update by Requesting a Change” to reject the proposed
change and propose alternative action on the Create a Change Request.
Cancel Order - Click Cancel Order to reject the proposed change and Cancel an
Compare Documents - Click View Difference to compare the difference
between the Order and the terms proposed in the Supplier Update.
Compare Documents
Click the View Differences icon to compare Orders with Change Requests or
Supplier Updates:
View Differences icon
The Order Change Document Differences page shows the differences (in editable
fields only) between:
An Order and a change document, for example:
An Order and a Change Request
An Order and a Supplier Update
Two change documents, for example:
Change Request
Cancel an Order
A Supplier Update and a Change Request issued in response to it
A Change Request and a later Change request (both referring to the same
For each document, the Procurement application also displays:
The issuing party’s name
The issuing party’s action (to create the document)
Any Issuing Party’s comments
You cannot change any information on this page, or initiate any actions here.
After viewing the comparison, click Close to return to your original page.
Cancel an Order
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Order Status link.
The Order Status Page displays a list of all Orders to Suppliers that are
accessible to you.
2. Sort or filter the list of Orders, if necessary, to find a specific Order.
3. For the Order you wish to Cancel, select the Cancel icon from the Actions
The Cancel Action icon
The Cancel Order page displays with Order items and details crossed out,
indicating that they are to be cancelled.
4. Click in the Enter Comments text box and type any information or instructions
for the supplier.
5. Click Submit.
The Order is cancelled, along with any follow-up documents, such as Change
Requests and Supplier Updates.
To keep the order:
6. Click Close.
The page is closed without canceling the Order. Any comments you may have
typed are discarded.
Procurement Help
Advance Ship Notice
In the ASN Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Shipping Notification
ASN List
Filter the List
ASN Detail Pages
ASN Tracking Details
ASN Material Details
ASN Package Details
ASN Transport Details
Shipping Notification
The ASN is not used directly by the Procurement application workflow. It is a
transfer of helpful information between the supplier and buyer.
An ASN can contain:
The shipping date,
The quantity and description of goods in the shipment,
The number, type of packages, contents and identifiers, and
The carrier used and carrier-specific tracking identification.
The Supplier has the option to send:
An ASN containing planned shipment information, on receipt (and
acceptance) of an order
An ASN containing actual shipment information, when goods are actually
Advance Ship Notice
Shipping Notification
Both, or
The user can:
View a List of Available ASNs, and
Select to View an ASN in Detail.
You are not required to acknowledge receipt of an ASN. If you want to respond to
an ASN or request shipping changes, you may send a reply to the supplier by
Email (outside of the Procurement application.)
View a List of Available ASNs
1. Click Advance Ship Notice in the Procurement Home Page Orders Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Advance Ship Notice page
containing the ASN List of all current Advance Ship Notices. You may filter
and sort the list, and choose an Advance Ship Notice to view in detail.
2. On the Order Status List page, click the View Order Shipping Information icon.
The Procurement application displays the Order Shipping Information page,
containing a list of all Advance Ship Notices received for items in the selected
Order. You may filter and sort the list, and choose an Advance Ship Notice to
view in detail.
View an ASN in Detail
1. Click beside any Advance Ship Notice displayed in the list (on the Order
Shipping Information page or ASN List page.)
The Procurement application displays the Advance Ship Notice Detail page,
containing a summary of the information in the selected Advance Ship Notice.
By default, the ASN Detail Pages Summary page is displayed in front.
2. Click the tabs on the Detail page to see additional pages containing detailed
Procurement Help
ASN Tracking Details,
ASN Material Details,
ASN Package Details, and
ASN Transport Details.
ASN List
ASN List
The Advance Ship Notice List page displays all available Advance Ship Notices.
Depending on your Procurement application privilege, your may see Advance
Ship Notices for one or more Buying Organizations.
By default, the list is sorted by Issue Date.
If there are enough Advance Ship Notices for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Use the drop-down menus and text entry boxes, above the list, to Filter the List,
and find the Advance Ship Notice that interests you.
The Advance Ship Notice List has columns, as follows:
Which can be:
An Advance Ship Notice sent after shipment and
containing known information.
An Advance Ship Notice sent before shipment and
containing expected information.
Identification number
Ship Notice
Supplier name
Which can be:
An Advance Ship Notice for a shipment that has not
yet been received
An Advance Ship Notice containing items that have
already been received
Issue Date
Issue Date of the Advance Ship Notice
Ship Date
Actual or estimated
Freight carrier name
Terms of
Terms, such as COD (Cash on Delivery)
Advance Ship Notice
Filter the List
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the action
represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to view the ASN Detail Pages
Filter the List
By default, the ASN List is sorted by Issue Date.
Use the drop-down menus and text entry boxes, above the list, to reduce the list,
and find the Advance Ship Notice that interests you:
1. Click in the filter by type drop-down menu, and select from:
Display all Advance Ship Notices.
Display only Advance Ship Notices sent after shipment and containing
known information.
Display only Advance Ship Notices sent before shipment and containing
expected information.
2. Click in the filter by status drop-down menu, and select from:
Display Advance Ship Notices for shipments that have not yet been
Display Advance Ship Notices containing items that have already been
3. Click in the filter by carrier text box, and type the name of a carrier.
4. Click in the filter by supplier text box, and type the name of a supplier.
Procurement Help
ASN Detail Pages
5. Click to select a filter by radio button:
issue date
ship date
When one is selected, the other is automatically de-selected.
6. In the From menus, select (or type) an earliest date for Advance Ship Notices
to be displayed.
7. In the To menus, select (or type) a latest date for Advance Ship Notices to be
8. Click [Go].
The Procurement application selects all of the available Advance Ship Notices
that meet your filter selections and re-displays a new list.
ASN Detail Pages
The Advance Ship Notice Detail pages can display all of the data contained in an
Advance Ship Notice selected from the list of Advance Ship Notices on the
Advance Ship Notice List or Order Shipping Information page.
At the top of each page are tabs. By default, the Summary tab is displayed in front.
Click another tab to display a different Detail page:
Tracking - the ASN Tracking Details page
Material - the ASN Material Details page
Package - the ASN Package Details page
Transport - the ASN Transport Details page
Click Summary, to re-display the ASN Detail Pages Summary page.
When you have finished viewing Detail pages, click [Close] to return to the ASN
List page or the Order Shipping Information page.
The Advance Ship Notice Summary page, contains panels labeled:
Weights & Measures
Information in the Advance Ship Notice Detail pages is for your information only.
It cannot be edited or communicated back to the supplier. If you want to comment
or respond to any information in the Advance Ship Notice Detail pages, you must
contact the supplier, outside of the Procurement application, using E-mail or
Advance Ship Notice
ASN Detail Pages
The General panel has non-editable data fields, as follows:
Ship Notice
Which can be:
An Advance Ship Notice sent after shipment and
containing known information
An Advance Ship Notice sent before shipment and
containing expected information
Purpose Code
Which can be:
Which can be:
Issue Date
ASN issue date
Ship to
Your address (as specified in your Shopping Cart or
Supplier name
Ship Date
and Time
Shown in both the supplier’s and buyer’s time zones
Terms of
Ship from
Suppliers shipping address
The Total panel has non-editable data fields, as follows:
Shipping Cost
Miscellaneous Charges
Procurement Help
ASN Tracking Details
Tax Category
Tax Type
Tax Total
Weights & Measures
The Weights & Measures panel has six non-editable data fields, as follows:
Total Packages
number of packages
Total Gross Weight
of packaging and contents
Total Net Weight
of contents only
Net Weight
Tare Weight
Gross Volume
used for shipping cost calculation
The Notes panel has non-editable data fields, as follows:
General comments
Special Handling instructions acknowledgement
ASN Tracking Details
The Advance Ship Notice Detail pages can display all of the data contained in an
Advance Ship Notice selected from the list of Advance Ship Notices on the
Advance Ship Notice List or Order Shipping Information page.
At the top of each page are tabs. By default, the Summary tab is displayed in front.
Click another tab to display a different Detail page:
Material - the ASN Material Details page
Package - the ASN Package Details page
Transport - the ASN Transport Details page
Summary - the ASN Detail Pages Summary page
When you have finished viewing Detail pages, click [Close] to return to the ASN
List page or the Order Shipping Information page.
Advance Ship Notice
ASN Tracking Details
The Tracking Number Detail page has non-editable data text boxes and a results
table listing all carriers and their tracking numbers, as follows:
Ship Notice
Which can be:
An Advance Ship Notice sent after shipment and
containing known information
An Advance Ship Notice sent before shipment and
containing expected information
Purpose Code
Which can be:
Which can be:
Issue Date
ASN issue date
Ship to
Your address (as specified in your Shopping Cart or
Supplier name
Ship Date and
Shown in both the supplier’s and buyer’s time zones
The table has columns of non-editable data:
Order Number
Carrier name
Tracking Code document type
Tracking Number
If there are enough tracking numbers for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Procurement Help
ASN Material Details
ASN Material Details
The Advance Ship Notice Detail pages can display all of the data contained in an
Advance Ship Notice selected from the list of Advance Ship Notices on the
Advance Ship Notice List or Order Shipping Information page.
At the top of each page are tabs. By default, the Summary tab is displayed in front.
Click another tab to display a different Detail page:
Tracking - the ASN Tracking Details page
Package - the ASN Package Details page
Transport - the ASN Transport Details page
Summary - the ASN Detail Pages Summary page
When you have finished viewing Detail pages, click [Close] to return to the ASN
List page or the Order Shipping Information page.
The Material Detail page has non-editable data fields and a results table of
shipment contents, as follows:
Ship Notice
Which can be:
An Advance Ship Notice sent after shipment and
containing known information
An Advance Ship Notice sent before shipment and
containing expected information
Purpose Code
Which can be:
Which can be:
Issue Date
ASN issue date
Ship to
Your address (as specified in your Shopping Cart or
Advance Ship Notice
ASN Material Details
Supplier name
Ship Date
and Time
Shown in both the supplier’s and buyer’s time zones
The table has columns of non-editable data:
Order Number
Automatically sequenced identifier
Click this icon to expand the Order and view its
Item Description
Quantity Shipped
Total Quantity Shipped to Date
Hazard Code
Hazard Packaging Code
Package Description
Destination Location
Estimated Arrival Date
Actual Arrival Date
Click to close up the Order again and hide its
Order Name
Optionally customizable identifier
Order Date
Date of the order
Partial Order
which can be:
Procurement Help
ASN Package Details
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays
a tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Display the Order Shipping Information page,
containing a list of all Advance Ship Notices
(ASN) received for items in this Order. You may
filter and sort the list, and choose another ASN
to view in detail.
If there are enough Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
ASN Package Details
The Advance Ship Notice Detail pages can display all of the data contained in an
Advance Ship Notice selected from the list of Advance Ship Notices on the
Advance Ship Notice List or Order Shipping Information page.
At the top of each page are tabs. By default, the Summary tab is displayed in front.
Click another tab to display a different Detail page:
Tracking - the ASN Tracking Details page
Material - the ASN Material Details page
Transport - the ASN Transport Details page
Summary - the ASN Detail Pages Summary page
When you have finished viewing Detail pages, click [Close] to return to the ASN
List page or the Order Shipping Information page.
The Packaging Detail page has non-editable data fields and a results table listing
all packages included in the shipment, as follows:
Advance Ship Notice
ASN Package Details
Ship Notice
Which can be:
An Advance Ship Notice sent after shipment
and containing known information
An Advance Ship Notice sent before
shipment and containing expected
Purpose Code
Which can be:
Which can be:
Issue Date
ASN issue date
Ship to
Your address (as specified in your Shopping Cart or
Supplier date
Ship Date
and Time
Shown in both the supplier’s and buyer’s time zones.
The table has non-editable columns of non-editable data:
Click this icon to expand the Package
Description, and view:
Procurement Help
Document Category
Document Type
Document Title
ASN Transport Details
Click to close up the Package Description again
and hide its contents.
Container Count
Number of containers
Upper Level
Container Count
Number of container groups
Special Handling
Comments and explanations
Hazard Packaging
Safety and Hazard codes
Container Part
Identification number
If there are enough Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
ASN Transport Details
The Advance Ship Notice Detail pages can display all of the data contained in an
Advance Ship Notice selected from the list of Advance Ship Notices on the
Advance Ship Notice List or Order Shipping Information page.
At the top of each page are tabs. By default, the Summary tab is displayed in front.
Click another tab to display a different Detail page:
Tracking - the ASN Tracking Details page
Material - the ASN Material Details page
Package - the ASN Package Details page
Summary - the ASN Detail Pages Summary page
When you have finished viewing Detail pages, click [Close] to return to the ASN
List page or the Order Shipping Information page.
The Transport Detail page has non-editable data fields and a results table listing
all transportation modes and documents, as follows:
Advance Ship Notice
ASN Transport Details
Advance Ship
Notice Number
Which can be:
An Advance Ship Notice sent after
shipment and containing known
An Advance Ship Notice sent before
shipment and containing expected
Purpose Code
Which can be:
Which can be:
Issue Date
ASN issue date
Ship to
Your address (as specified in your Shopping Cart
or Order).
Supplier name
Ship Date and
Shown in both the supplier’s and buyer’s time
The table has non- editable columns of data:
Carrier Equipment ID
Equipment Notes
Seal Number
Seal Issuer
Seal Status which can be:
Other (with explanation)
Procurement Help
Respond to ASN
If there are enough Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Respond to ASN
Information in the Advance Ship Notice Detail pages is for your information only.
It cannot be edited or communicated back to the supplier.
If you want to comment or respond to any information in the Advance Ship Notice
Detail pages, you must contact the supplier, outside of the Procurement
application, using E-mail, Fax or telephone.
Advance Ship Notice
Respond to ASN
Procurement Help
Confirm Goods Received
In the Desktop Receiving Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Desktop Receiving
Receiving List
Filter the List
Receipt Entry
Receipt History Log
Desktop Receiving
In the Procurement application, you can use Desktop Receiving to acknowledge
receipt of goods after comparing the following:
Items in the shipment,
Contents of the Packing Slip accompanying the shipment
Contents of an Advance Ship Notice that preceded the shipment,
Contents of the Shopping Cart and Orders that originated the purchase.
Desktop Receiving assumes that shipments go directly to the buyer who ordered
the items, although receiving procedures may vary between organizations.
Receiving may involve a combination of:
Dock receiving,
Dock distribution, and
Desktop receiving.
The Procurement application handles only the desktop receiving version of this
process, in which shipments may pass through the dock, but are not actually
received at the dock.
Confirm Goods Received
Receiving List
Organizations that have existing dock receiving and dock distribution processes,
and receive products on the dock, may regard desktop receiving as optional.
If you are responsible for Desktop Receiving:
1. Click Confirm Goods Received in the Procurement Home Page Orders Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Receiving List page with a list of
Orders with items ready to be received. You can click on the Receive Action
icon to begin receiving:
Click this icon to Receive the items in this Order.
If an Order does not yet contain any receivable items:
It does not appear in the Receiving List.
It is displayed in the Order Status page, but does not have a Receive Action
icon beside it.
Note: You may also go directly to Desktop Receiving by clicking the Receive
Action icon in the Orders List page.
Note: Administrators can prevent overreceiving with the “PreventOverReceiving”
setting in Advanced Administration Organization Settings.
Overreceiving occurs when a user enters receipt quantities that are greater than
quantities listed on the Order. If this setting is enabled, the Procurement
application will display a message explaining that the quantity of items received
cannot exceed the expected quantity in the Order. The user must modify the Order
by creating a Change Request before receiving can be completed.
Receiving List
Click Confirm Goods Received in the Procurement Home Page Orders Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Receiving List page with a list of Orders
with items ready to be received.
Depending on your Procurement application role, you may see Orders for one or
more Buying Organizations.
By default, the list is sorted by Order Date, with the most recent Order at the top
of the list.
If there are enough Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Use the drop-down menus and text entry boxes, above the list, to Filter the List,
and find the Order that interests you.
Procurement Help
Receiving List
The Order List has columns, as follows:
Click this icon to expand the Order and view
its contents:
Supplier Part Number
Item Description
Manufacturer name
Order Quantity
Quantity Received so far and processed
through Desktop Receiving.
Click to close up the Order again and hide its
The Buying Organization to which the creator
of the Shopping Cart (from which this Order
was created) belongs.
Order Number
A unique identifier assigned to the Order.
The full name of the buyer who created the
Shopping Cart from which this order was
Order Date
Date on which the buyer’s Shopping Cart was
approved and Orders created.
The name of the supplier.
Order Status
The Buyer Status code for the Order.
Receiving Status
The Receiving status for items in the for the
Order which may be:
Confirm Goods Received
Filter the List
Icons indicating actions you can perform on
the Order.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any
situation, its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
View the Receipt Entry page, to receive items
from this order.
View this Order’s Receipt History Log page
containing a log of all items received, with
shipping details and dates.
Filter the List
By default, the list is sorted by Order Date.
Use the drop-down menus and text entry boxes, above the list, to reduce and reorder the list, to find the Order that interests you:
1. Click in the sort by drop-down menu, and select from:
Order Number
Order Date
Order Status
Receiving Status
2. Click in the filter by order number text box, and type the number of the order
you want to receive.
3. Click in the filter by Receiving status drop-down menu, and select from:
Procurement Help
Receipt Entry
4. Click in the filter by user text box, and type the name of any registered buyer.
5. Click in the filter by organization text box, and type the name of a Buying
Organization (one of those shown in the Procurement Home Page
Organization Menu).
Remember that each buyer may be a member of one or more Buying
Organizations. In combination, these two filters allow great selectivity.
6. Click [Go].
The Procurement application selects all of the available Orders that have items
to be received, and also meet your other filter selections, and re-displays a new
Receipt Entry
Click the Receive Action icon beside an order in:
The Receiving List, or
The Order Status page.
Click this icon to Receive the items in this Order.
Note: If an Order does not yet contain any receivable items:
It does not appear in the Receiving List.
It is displayed in the Order Status page, but does not have a Receive Action
icon beside it.
This read-only icon indicates that the item has been fully
received and this item is complete.
The Procurement application displays the Receipt Entry page, containing:
Basic Order Information
Shipment Information and data entry form
Confirm Goods Received
Receipt Entry
Quantity, Descriptions and other Item Details
A Data Entry Form for reporting date, quantities and condition of items
Order Information
For every order in the Receipt Entry, the Procurement application displays:
Order Number
Organization name
Supplier name
Delivery Attention contact
This information is not editable.
Shipment Information
Obtain the necessary information from the documentation that accompanied the
shipment and shipping documentation.
1. Click in the Date Received menus and select (or type) a month, day and year
receipt of the shipment.
2. Click in the Carrier text box, and type the name of the carrier who delivered the
3. Click in the Freight Bill # text box, and type the carrier’s waybill number.
4. Click in the Carton Count text box, and type the number of containers received
in the shipment.
5. Click in the Packing Slip # text box, and type the carrier’s packing slip number.
6. Click in the Comment text box, and type (at the insertion point, to a maximum
of 2000 characters and spaces) any comments relevant to the entire shipment
or Order.
Item Details
For each item in the Order, the Procurement application displays:
Quantity Ordered
Received to Date Quantity
Item Description
Supplier Part Number
This information is not editable.
Procurement Help
Receipt History Log
Data Entry Form
If this shipment contains all outstanding items for the Order, click [Receive All].
If all items in this shipment have already been received, a Complete icon is
displayed below the Status drop-down menu:
Receiving for this order is complete. No more items may be
Otherwise, if this is a partial shipment, and for each item received:
1. Click in the Received Quantity text box, and type the number of items in the
current shipment.
2. Click in the Packing Slip Quantity text box, and type the number of items
reported on the packing slip received with the shipment.
3. Click in the Status drop-down menu and select from:
Goods Damaged
Pkg Damaged
Poor Quality
Wrong Item
Substitute Item
Wrong Location
4. Click in the Comment text box, and type (at the insertion point, to a maximum
of 2000 characters and spaces) any comments relevant to this item.
5. Click [Submit] to save your information and leave the form.
Or, click [Cancel] to leave the page without making any changes.
Receipt History Log
Click beside any order in the:
Receiving List page, or
Order Status Page.
The Procurement application displays the Receipt History Log page, containing:
Confirm Goods Received
Receipt History Log
Basic Order Information
A Receipt List of every receipt of items in this Order
Order Information
The Procurement application displays:
Order Number
Organization Name
Supplier Name
Receiving Status, which can be:
After viewing the Receipt History Log page, click:
[Close] to close this page.
[Print] to set-up a printed report of the information on this page.
Receipt List
Each row in the Receipt List represents one receipt of items in the order. For each
receipt, the columns display:
Procurement Help
Receipt History Log
Click this icon to expand the Order and view its
Item Number
Ordered Quantity
Received Quantity in this shipment
Packing Slip Quantity reported for this
Status of the items in the shipment, which may
Goods Damaged
Pkg Damaged
Poor Quality
Wrong item
Substitute Item
Wrong Location
Comments relevant to this shipment
Click to close up the Order again and hide its
Receipt Number
The number of the receipt for the order (1 is the
first, 2 is the second, and so on.)
Date Received
The date of the receipt.
Received By
The full name of the user who reported the
Packing Slip
The identifying number of the supplier’s
packing slip.
The name of the carrier delivering the
Freight Bill #
The identifying number of the carrier’s packing
Carton Count
The number of cartons or containers received.
Any comments relevant to this receipt.
Confirm Goods Received
Receipt History Log
This is historic information. It cannot be edited.
After viewing the Receipt History Log page, click:
[Close] to close this page.
[Print] to set-up a printed report of the information on this page.
Procurement Help
New Blanket Order
In the New Blanket Order Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Catalog Views
Blanket Order
Authorize Organizations
Approval Preview
Manage Items
Catalog Views
1. Go to the Procurement application Procurement Home Page.
2. Click New Blanket Order in the Procurement Home Page Manage Purchasing
The Procurement application displays the New Blanket Order page containing
a list of all Suppliers’ Catalog Views from which you may create a new Blanket
Each Catalog View is a limited version of a single supplier’s Procurement
application catalog, containing only the limited number of products for which
your Buying Organization has a Blanket Order purchasing contract with the
Supplier. For each Catalog View, the Procurement application displays:
You cannot modify or rename a Catalog View.
View Name
Catalog View
The description supplied by the administrator
who created the Catalog View.
The name of the Supplier supporting this catalog
New Blanket Order
Blanket Order
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Click to select the Catalog View from which you
want to create a Blanket Order. The Procurement
application displays the Blanket Order page for
the selected Catalog View.
3. If there are enough items for the list to fill several pages, use the Navigation
Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
4. To reduce the number of templates displayed, click in one the text boxes, above
the list, and type all or part of (with Wild Card Characters) a preferred:
catalog view name
catalog view description (a maximum of 255 characters)
supplier name
Blanket Order
When you are creating a New Blanket Order, you may click the Select Action icon,
in the Catalog Views list:
Click to select the Catalog View from which you want to
create a Blanket Order.
When you are editing an Existing Blanket Order, you may click the Edit Action
icon, in the Blanket Order List page:
Click to edit the Blanket Order.
Procurement Help
Blanket Order
In either case, the Procurement application displays the Blanket Order page for
the Blanket Order.
This page is divided into data display and entry panels for:
Catalog View,
General Information
Date Ranges
Currency Amounts
E-mail Notification, and
It also contains hyperlinks and buttons to:
View the Authorize Organizations page (this link is only displayed when
creating a New Blanket Order, not editing),
View an Approval Preview,
Add items from the catalog to the Manage Items,
[Save] your new Blanket Order for later additions, and return to the Catalog
Views page,
[Submit] your new Blanket Order for Approval and Review, and return to the
Catalog Views page.
Catalog View
This panel contains the non-editable information for the selected:
Catalog View Name
Catalog View Description
Supplier name
This panel contains only the Number Free-form Text Entry box. You must enter
the supplier contract number, under which the Blanket Order is to be made.
Click in the Number text box, and type a contract identifier (up to 35 characters of
text and numbers).
General Information
Click in the Free-form Text Entry boxes and Drop-down Menus, and specify,
select or edit conditions for your new Blanket Order:
New Blanket Order
Blanket Order
For a New Blanket Order, click in this text box,
and type a unique identifying name for the
Blanket Order.
For a New Blanket Order, click in this text box,
and type a unique identifying number for the
Blanket Order.
See the documentation for your organization
regarding Blanket Order naming and numbering
For an Existing Blanket Order, the Blanket Order
Name and Number are displayed for your
information only. You cannot change them.
Click in the drop-down menu and select from the
list of available Blanket Order Types. By default,
these are:
No Receipt Required
Receipt Required
Blanket Order Type names may be modified in
the Advanced Administration application’s Codes
Click in this text box, and type a few words (up to
100 characters) of description for the Blanket
Allow Catalog
Click in this check box to indicate that the buyer
can Search the Catalog and add items to a
Blanket Order Release.
If this is checked, the Catalog Search tab is
displayed in the Shop page when creating a
Blanket Order Release.
Procurement Help
Blanket Order
Allow Special
Click in this check box to indicate that the buyer
can add a Special Request to a Blanket Order
If this is checked, the Special Request tab is
displayed in the Shop page when creating a
Blanket Order Release.
Allow Round Trip
Click in this check box to indicate that the buyer
can make a RoundTrip and add items to a
Blanket Order Release.
If this is checked, the RoundTrip tab is displayed
in the Shop page when creating a Blanket Order
New Blanket Order
Blanket Order
Date Ranges
Begin Date
For a New Blanket Order, click in the drop-down
menus and select a date for the Blanket Order to
begin operation. This must not be a date earlier
than today (it can be today’s date or a date in the
For an Existing Blanket Order, this box contains
the original Begin Date. If that date is in the
future, you may use the drop-down menus to
change it to a different future date. If the Begin
Date is already passed, the text box cannot be
End Date and
End Date
Click in the drop-down menus and select a date
for the Blanket Order to expire. This must be a
date in the future and later than the Begin Date.
The creator of the Blanket Order can specify this
End Date threshold. From the End Date
Enforcement drop-down box, choose one of the
following thresholds:
High - Deny All Activities Beyond End Date If selected, no release activities beyond End
Date is allowed.
Medium - Only Allow Change Requests and
Order Responses Beyond End Date - If
selected, only Change Request and Order
Responses are allowed beyond End Date.
None- Allow All Release Activities Beyond
End Date - All release activities are allowed
beyond End Date.
Currency Amounts
Currency Code
Click in the drop-down menus and select a
currency code to be associated with the Blanket
Amount per
Enter the total maximum monetary amount that
can be released in each Blanket Order Release.
The creator of the Blanket Order can specify this
threshold. By default, a 0 (zero) is in this field,
which signifies that there is no Maximum
Release Amount placed on each Release.
Procurement Help
Blanket Order
Amount Per
From the drop-down box, choose one of the
following thresholds:
High - Deny All Activities Beyond Limit - If
selected, no release activities may be above
the specified Maximum Amount per Release.
Medium - Only Allow Change Requests and
Order Responses Beyond Limit - If selected,
only Change Request and Order Responses
may exceed the specified Maximum Amount
per Release.
None- Allow All Release Activities Beyond
Limit - All releases, Orders, Change Requests,
and Order Responses may exceed the
specified Maximum Amount per Release.
Blanket Order
Total Amount
Enter a Total Amount for the Blanket Order not
to exceed. The creator of the Blanket Order can
specify this Total Amount threshold. By default, a
0 (zero) is in this field, which signifies that there
is no amount placed on each Release.
Total Blanket
Order Amount
From the drop-down box, choose one of the
following thresholds:
High - Deny All Activities Beyond Limit - If
selected, no release activities may cause the
specified Total Amount to be exceeded.
Medium - Only Allow Change Requests and
Order Responses Beyond Limit - If selected,
only Change Request and Order Responses
may cause the specified Total Amount to be
None- Allow All Release Activities Beyond
Limit - All releases, Orders, Change Requests,
and Order Responses may cause the specified
Total Amount to be exceeded.
E-mail Notification
Click in the text boxes and menu to setup the method for notification of Blanket
Order activity:
New Blanket Order
Authorize Organizations
User Name
Click the Search icon and use the Search Page to
locate the name of a user to receive notifications.
Alternatively, you may click the Clear icon to clear
the User Name and enter a new one.
If left blank, no E-mail notifications, of any kind,
are sent.
Notify For
Releases Beyond
End Date
When User Name is specified and this box is
checked, an email notification is sent for every
release submitted beyond this end date. This
applies only to submissions of releases.
Notify When
Amount Per
Release is
When User Name is specified and this box is
checked, an email notification is sent for releases
and Change Requests that cause this release
amount threshold to be exceeded.
Notify When
Total Blanket
Order Amount is
When User Name is specified and this box is
checked, an email notification is sent for releases
and Change Requests that cause this release
amount threshold to be exceeded.
Notify Prior to
Blanket Order
End Date
When Number of Days to prior Blanket Order end
date are specified, an E-mail notification is sent.
Number of Days
Click in this text box, and type the number of days
prior to Blanket Order expiration that an E-mail
notification should be sent.
If left blank, no notification of expiration is sent.
You may click in this text box, and type any optional notes or comments.
Authorize Organizations
Use this page to specify which Buying Organizations have access to the Blanket
Order. The user must select each specific Buying Organization which may have
access to the Blanket Order.
The Authorize Organizations page displays:
„ Basic Information about the Blanket Order,
Buttons and icons to Add Authorization:
Procurement Help
To An Organization, and
Authorize Organizations
To All Child Organizations of that Organization
Buttons and icons to Unauthorize:
An Organization,
All Child Organizations of that Organization, or
All Organizations
A list of Buying Organizations currently authorized to access the Blanket
If the list of organizations has several pages, use the Navigation Controls to
move forward and back.
When you have completed authorizing Buying Organizations, click [Close] to save
the authorization and return to the Blanket Order page.
Basic Information
This panel displays:
The Blanket Order Name,
The Blanket Order Number,
The Contract Number, and
The Supplier name.
This is for information only. It cannot be edited.
Add Authorization
To add authorization:
To An Organization
To add authorization for a single Buying Organization:
1. Click [Authorize Organization], above the list of Authorized Organizations.
The Procurement application displays the Organization Search Page.
2. Click in the Organization Name text box, and type all or part of a Buying
Organization name, or Wild Card Characters, and click [Search].
The Procurement application displays a list of matching Buying Organizations.
3. Click the Authorize Action icon beside an Organization Name:
Authorize the Buying Organization to access the Blanket
New Blanket Order
Authorize Organizations
The Procurement application re-displays the Authorize Organizations page,
with your selected Buying Organization added to the list.
To All Child Organizations
To add authorization for all of the child organizations of an authorized Buying
1. Find the appropriate parent Buying Organization in the Authorized
Organizations list.
2. Click the Authorize all child Organizations Action icon to the right of the
parent Buying organization:
Add all of the Child Organizations of this Buying
Organization to the Authorized Organization list.
The Procurement application adds all child organizations of the selected
organization to the list of authorized organizations and displays a confirmation
message box.
To unauthorize:
An Organization
To remove authorization for a single Buying Organization:
1. Find the appropriate Buying Organization in the Authorized Organizations list.
2. Click the Delete Action icon to the right of the Buying organization:
Remove this Buying Organization from the Authorized
Organization list.
The Procurement application removes the Buying Organization from the
Authorized Organizations list and displays a confirmation message box.
All Child Organizations
To remove authorization from all of the child organizations of an authorized
Buying Organization:
1. Find the appropriate parent Buying Organization in the Authorized
Organizations list.
2. Click the Unauthorize all child Organizations Action icon to the right of the
Procurement Help
Approval Preview
parent Buying organization:
Unauthorize all the child organizations of this Buying
Organization from the Authorized Organization list.
The Procurement application removes all child organizations of the selected
organization from the list of authorized organizations and displays a
confirmation message box.
All Organizations
To remove all Buying Organization from the Authorized Organizations list, click
[Unauthorize All Organizations], above the list of Authorized Organizations.
The Procurement application displays a confirmation message box and removes
all Buying Organizations from the list.
Approval Preview
Click [Approval Preview] to see the Procurement application workflow needed to
approve your Blanket Order.
The Procurement application displays the Blanket Order Preview Map containing:
An Approval List showing workflow nodes, responsible approvers/approval
groups, and other comments,
Buttons to Add an Approver / Approval Group or Add a Reviewer.
Note: Approvers may be an individual approver or a member of an approval
Manage Items
Click [Manage Items] in the Blanket Order page to view the Blanket Order Item
List page.
On this page you can:
Create a list of items that are available for purchase in a New Blanket Order, or
Edit the list of items that are available for purchase in an Existing Blanket
The page has tabs for:
The Item List page (which by default is to the front), and
The Search Catalog page.
The Item List page displays:
New Blanket Order
Manage Items
Basic Information about the Blanket Order,
A [Delete All] button, to remove all items from the Item List,
A [Close] button, to save any changes and return to the Blanket Order page,
A list of all items that have been specified to be available in the Blanket Order:
The unit of measurement (UOM) for this
item. For example, PK is package, CT is
carton, EA is each. The Item Description
includes an explanation of how many of each
item is contained in the Unit of measurement.
Item Description
This short description is a hyperlink. Click on
it to view a longer Item Description, and other
information such as pictures, technical
drawings, animations, web page links, and so
Click an icon to perform various actions on
the selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the
If an Action is not available in any
situation, its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Remove a selected item from your Blanket
Manufacturer name
Supplier Part
Supplier part number
Unit Price
The unit price of the item expressed in the
currency used by your Buying Organization.
The actual price may vary from this if the
supplier uses a different currency or if you are
able to take advantage of tiered pricing.
If the list of items has several pages, use the Navigation Controls to move forward
and back.
Procurement Help
Manage Items
Search Catalog
Click the Search Catalog tab to display a page on which you can:
Search the Catalog, or
Browse the Catalog
This page functions in the same manner as Search Catalog on The Shop Page with
some small differences:
Searching or browsing is limited to supplier specified in the Blanket Order
The Quantity column is not displayed.
The only Action icon displayed is:
Add the item to the Blanket Order Item List.
New Blanket Order
Manage Items
Procurement Help
Existing Blanket Order
In the Existing Blanket Order Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Blanket Order List
Filter the List
Release History
Blanket Order List
1. Go to the Procurement application Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Existing Blanket Order in the Procurement Home Page Manage
Purchasing Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Existing Blanket Order page
containing a Blanket Order List of all current Blanket Orders and available
3. Use the text boxes and drop-down menus above the Blanket Order List to sort
and Filter the List.
4. If there are enough Blanket Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
For each Blanket Order, the list displays:
Existing Blanket Order
Blanket Order List
Click this icon to expand the Blanket Order and
view its contents:
For the Blanket Order:
Amount Used (Currency)
Number of Releases
Last Release Date
Begin Date
End Date
and for each item in the Blanket Order:
Item Description
Unit of Measure
Unit Price (Currency)
Supplier Part Number
Click to close up the Blanket Order again and
hide its contents.
Blanket Order
Blanket Order Number
Blanket Order
Blanket Order Name
Requester name
Blanket Order
Blanket Order Description
Contract Number
Supplier name
Which can be:
Awaiting approval
Procurement Help
Blanket Order List
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
To select a Blanket Order and display its details
in the Blanket Order page, in order to view or
edit the details or Manage Items of the Blanket
To delete a Blanket Order, if its Begin Date is
later than today’s date. The Blanket Order will
not become active.
To cancel a Blanket Order, if its Begin Date has
already passed. The Blanket Order is deactivated and permanently removed from the
Procurement application.
To de-activate a Blanket Order and make it
temporarily unavailable in the Procurement
To re-activate a Blanket Order and make it
available to users of the Procurement
To display the Authorize Organizations page
where you can add or remove authorization for a
Buying Organization to access the Blanket Order.
To make a copy of the Blanket Order that you can
use as a template to create a new Blanket Order.
To view the Blanket Order History and Release
History pages.
Existing Blanket Order
Filter the List
Filter the List
At the top of the Blanket Orders page work area, there are drop-down menus and
text entry boxes. You can use these to define, sort, and filter the list:
1. To filter by status, click in the status drop-down menu and select from:
Awaiting approval
2. To filter by the Blanket Order creator’s user name, click in the filter by creator
text box, and type the user name of a Procurement application user.
3. To display only Blanket Orders created for a single supplier, click in the filter
by supplier text box, and type the name of a supplier recognized by the
Procurement application.
4. To sort the filtered list of Blanket Orders, click in the sort by drop-down menu
and select from:
Blanket Order Name
Blanket Order Number
Contract Number
5. Click [Go].
The results are re-displayed, filtered and sorted alpha-numerically according
to the selected criteria.
Click the View History Action icon on the Blanket Order List page to view the
Blanket Order History page:
Procurement Help
Release History
To view the Blanket Order History and Release History
The page has tabs for:
The History page (which by default is to the front), and
The Release History page.
The History page displays:
Basic Information about the Blanket Order,
A log of all activities involving the Blanket Order since creation and the names
of users involved,
The types of activities logged include:
Awaiting Approval
This is for information only. You cannot edit or query the log, and
A [Close] button, to return to the Blanket Order List page.
Release History
1. Click the View History Action icon on the Blanket Order List page to view the
Blanket Order History page:
To view the Blanket Order History and Release History
2. Click the Release History tab.
The Procurement application displays the Release History page, containing:
Existing Blanket Order
Release History
Basic Information about the Blanket Order,
A list of all releases against the selected Blanket Order, and
A [Close] button, to return to the Blanket Order List page.
If there are enough Blanket Orders for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
The list contains, for each release:
Click this icon to expand the Blanket Order
and view its contents:
For each item in the Blanket Order:
Item Description
Release Quantity
Unit of measure
Unit Price (Currency)
Supplier Part Number
Click to close up the Blanket Order again and
hide its contents.
Release Number
Sequence number of releases from the Blanket
Order Number
Issue number of the order sent to the supplier.
Order Name
Identifier given to of the order sent to the
User name of the buyer requesting the Blanket
Order Release.
Order Date
Date on which the Release was approved and
an order created for the supplier.
Cost (Currency)
Total cost for the release.
Procurement Help
Release History
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
To make a copy of the Blanket Order Release
that you can use as a template to create a new
Blanket Order Release.
To set-up a printable copy of the Release.
Use Receipt Entry to receive the items in this
Display the Receipt History Log for this Order,
showing items that have been received from
this Order and those that are outstanding.
Existing Blanket Order
Release History
Procurement Help
Approval and Review
In the Approval and Review Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Approval Workflow
Approval Preview
Approval Inbox
Approval List
Approve with Changes
Review List
Workflow History
History Log
View Differences
Approval Workflow
The Procurement application automatically checks submitted Shopping Carts,
Blanket Orders, Blanket Order Releases and Online Forms, using:
The buyer’s User Profile,
The rules of the buyer’s Buying Organization,
The Blanket Order Details and authorizations, or
The workflow rules and approval responsibilities for the Online Form.
It then:
Creates Orders for valid Shopping Carts, and dispatches them to the selected
suppliers, and
Routes Shopping Carts that require attention to an Approver page for
resolution, or
Approval and Review
Approval Preview
Routes the Online Form to the appropriate Approver / Approval Group and
internal department for the requested action.
The most common reasons that Shopping Carts are routed to an Approver are:
A Non-sourced Special Request item for which no supplier (or a nonauthorized supplier) is specified is included in the Shopping Cart,
The dollar total for the Shopping Cart exceeds the Spending Limit for the
submitting user, or
An Approval-flagged Commodity is included which requires approval
regardless of the buyer’s Spending Limit.
The submitting user is not authorized to create an Order (i.e. has a Spending
Limit of zero.)
After submission, but before all workflow processes have been completed, the
buyer or any approver may make further changes to the Shopping Cart contents,
Changing quantities of items,
Selecting alternative items, or
Selecting an item from the catalog to meet a buyer’s Special Request.
When this happens, an new version of the workflow routing is automatically
created, so that:
New approval steps are added, and
Completed workflow steps can be repeated for changed items or quantities.
Approval Preview
Before Check Out, a buyer can click on approval preview on the Shopping Cart
Page to display the Status page containing the Process Map for their Shopping
Cart or Blanket Order Release.
This map shows each of the workflow steps through which the document must
pass in order to be approved so that Orders can be created to suppliers. This
information is for information only. It cannot be edited.
The only action the buyer can take on this page is to:
Add an Approver / Approval Group
Select an additional approver or approval group to assist the approval process.
Add a Reviewer
Add the name of a person who will not have authority to approve the
document, but who needs to know about, or may be able to comment on the
proposed purchases.
Procurement Help
Approval Inbox
When the buyer has viewed the information, they can click [Close] to return to the
page they accessed it from.
Approval Inbox
To begin approval:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. In the Approve and Review Menu, click Approval Inbox.
The Procurement application displays the Approval Inbox with the Approval
List tab to the front, containing a list of all documents awaiting approval.
You may click the Review List tab, to display a list of documents awaiting
Approval List
1. Click the Approval List tab, in the Approval Inbox page.
The Procurement application displays the Approval Inbox page with the
Approval List to the front, containing a list of documents awaiting approval,
which may be:
Shopping Cart,
Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release,
Online Form
and so on.
2. Use the drop-down menus, above the list, in the Approval Inbox, to sort and
filter the list and the Navigation Controls to navigate the list.
3. Click [Go].
The Procurement application re-displays the Approval List containing your
selected types of document, appropriately sorted.
4. Find the row containing the document that interests you.
5. Use the Contents icons to expand and examine the contents of the document
and the Action icons to view the reason why the document was referred for
approval, and take other actions.
For every document, the list shows:
Approval and Review
Approval List
Click this icon to expand the document and
Unit prices,
Total cost (including tax),
and so on (depending on the document type).
Click to close up the document again and hide its
Selecting the topmost checkbox allows the user
to choose all selections to be approved or
rejected. Choosing this box will override all
other checkbox selections. Alternatively, the
user may individually click each checkbox next
to each item to be approved or rejected.
The Buying Organization to which the creator of
this document belongs.
If any approver is a member of multiple
organizations, all documents for all
organizations appear in the Approval Inbox/List
regardless of which organization the user is
logged into.
Document Type
Which may be:
Shopping Cart,
Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release,
Online Form,
and so on.
Document Name
This is the unique identifier assigned to the
document when created, unless the buyer chose
to re-name the document.
This is the name of the user who originated the
document (the real name not a logon ID. For
example, Doris Smith, not User28, or DSmth.)
Procurement Help
Approval List
This is the name of the user who submitted the
document to the Procurement application
workflow, resulting in this required approval
(for example, an Approver / Approval Group
who approved a Shopping Cart that exceeded
the Approval Limit, causing it to be routed to a
higher level Approver / Approval Group).
Submit Date
This is the date of the most recent submission of
the document to the Procurement application
Date Received
This is the date that the document was received
in the current Approver’s Approval Inbox.
Workflow Rule
The reason why the document was referred for
approval, that can be:
Spending Limit
Special Request
Blanket Order Release over maximum
New Blanket Order
and so on (depending on the document type).
Approval Group
Name of the approval group to which the
approver belongs, if any. An approval group is a
set of approvers, any one of which can approve
or reject.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays
a tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Click to prepare a printable report on the
document and display it for printing.
Click to view the Approval Process Map,
showing all the workflow steps through which
the document has passed with explanations and
Approval and Review
Approve with Changes
If you have the necessary privilege, you may
change the contents of a Shopping Cart, or edit
the information on an Online Form, before
approving it with changes. (see Approve with
View a read-only version of the Item Details
Page, containing shipping, delivery, billing and
payment information for individual items and
the whole Shopping Cart.
View the Workflow History of the document: the
users and workflow nodes it has passed between,
and the actions taken.
Notes to Approver
Notes of explanation provided by the buyer for
your assistance.
Enter Comments
Click in this box, and type (at the insertion
point) any comments:
On rejection, for the Requester.
On approval, if the Shopping Cart is to be routed
to a higher-level Approver.
Click this button to approve the document and
return it to the Procurement application
workflow. If necessary, the document is routed
to the next higher-level Approver’s Approval
Inbox. A secondary window opens allowing the
user to enter comments if desired. Click in this
box, and type (at the insertion point) any
comments. Click the Accept button to continue
with approval or the Cancel button to cancel
Click this button to reject the document. A
secondary window opens allowing the user to
enter comments. Comments are required if
rejecting . Click in this box, and type (at the
insertion point) comments. Click the Reject
button to continue with rejection or the Cancel
button to cancel rejection.
Approve with Changes
If you want to make changes to a Shopping Cart before approving it (and you have
the necessary privilege to do so):
1. Click the Edit Shopping Cart icon, beside a Shopping Cart, in the Approval
Procurement Help
Review List
Change the contents of a Shopping Cart, or edit
the information on an Online Form, before
approving it with changes.
The Procurement application displays a Shopping Cart Page, similar to the one
used for Check Out, with these differences:
The [Submit] button is replaced by an [Approve with Changes] button,
An Enter Comments text box is added at the lower left of the page, and
The notes to approver hyperlink is not displayed on this page.
2. Make any necessary changes to the Shopping Cart and its contents (as you
would before Check Out.)
3. Click in the Enter Comments text box and type (at the insertion point) any
necessary comments or explanation for your changes.
4. When you are satisfied with your actions, click [Approve with Changes].
The document is returned it to the Procurement application workflow for
creation of orders (or higher-level approval). The new status is shown beside
the Shopping Cart in the Shopping Cart Status page.
Review List
1. Click the Review List tab, in the Approval Inbox page.
The Procurement application displays the Approval Inbox page with the
Review List to the front, containing a list of documents awaiting approval,
which may be:
Shopping Cart,
Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release,
Online Form,
and so on.
2. Use the drop-down menus, above the list, in the Approval Inbox, to sort and
filter the list and the Navigation Controls to navigate the list.
3. Click [Go].
The Procurement application re-displays the Review List containing your
selected types of document, appropriately sorted.
4. Find the row containing the document that interests you.
5. Use the Contents icons to expand and examine the contents of the document
Approval and Review
Review List
and the Action icons to take other actions.
For every document, the list shows:
Click this icon to expand the document and
Unit prices,
Total cost (including tax),
and so on (depending on the document type).
Click to close up the document again and hide
its contents.
The Buying Organization to which the creator
of this document belongs.
If that user belongs to more than one Buying
Organization, then this shows which Buying
Organization the buyer selected in the
Organization drop-down menu when starting
the Procurement application.
Document Type
Which may be:
Shopping Cart,
Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release,
Online Form,
and so on.
Document Name
This is the unique identifier assigned to the
document when created, unless the buyer
chose to re-name the document.
This is the name of the user who originated
the document (the real name not a logon ID.
For example, Doris Smith, not User28, or
Create Date
This is the date on which the document was
first created as a new or duplicate document.
This is the name of the user who submitted
the document to the Procurement application
workflow, resulting in this required review.
Procurement Help
Workflow History
Submit Date
This is the date of the most recent submission
of the document to the Procurement
application workflow.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Click to prepare a printable report on the
document and display it for printing.
View a read-only version of the Item Details
Page, containing shipping, delivery, billing
and payment information for individual items
and the whole Shopping Cart.
Notes to Approver
Notes of explanation provided by the buyer
for your assistance.
Enter Comments
Click in this box, and type (at the insertion
point) any comments.
[Add Comments]
Click in this box to add your review comments
to the document.
Workflow History
To view the Workflow History page:
1. Click the Workflow History Action icon beside a Shopping Cart in the Approval
List page.
View the Workflow History page.
The Procurement application displays the Workflow History page, containing:
The History tab which you can click to display the Shopping Cart History Log
page, and
Approval and Review
Workflow History
The Workflow History tab to the front by default, containing list of steps in the
workflow history:
Shopping Cart Name:
Shopping Cart Number:
Basic Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart Date:
Click in this check box (so that
check mark is displayed) to
select a Shopping Cart for
comparison in the View
Differences page.
The originator of the Shopping
Comment and comments.
The action taken at each stage of
the workflow history: Start,
Approved, Approved with
Changes and so on.
The version of the Shopping
Original - as created
Revision 1 - as modified by the
originator or an approver, after
the approval process has begun.
And so on.
Procurement Help
Date of the workflow step
History Log
Click an icon to perform various
actions on the selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the
browser displays a tool tip
containing a few words
explaining the action
represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in
any situation, its Action icon is
not displayed.
Actions include:
Click to prepare a printable
report on the document and
display it for printing.
2. To compare different versions of the Shopping Cart workflow:
a. Click the Select check boxes beside the versions.
b. Click [View Selected Differences].
The Procurement application displays the View Differences page.
3. When you have completed viewing the Workflow History page, click [Close] to
return to the Approval List page.
History Log
To view the Shopping Cart History Log page:
1. Click the Workflow History Action icon beside a Shopping Cart in the Approval
List page.
View the Workflow History page.
The Procurement application displays the Workflow History page, with the
Workflow History tab to the front by default.
2. Click the History tab.
The Procurement application displays the Shopping Cart History Log page,
Approval and Review
View Differences
Shopping Cart Name:
Shopping Cart Number:
Basic Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart Date:
Date of action
Action taken
For each step in the Shopping
Cart History.
Person who took the action
3. When you have completed viewing the Shopping Cart History Log page, click
[Close] to return to the Approval List page.
View Differences
To compare different versions of the Shopping Cart workflow:
1. Click the Select check boxes beside the versions.
2. Click [View Selected Differences].
The Procurement application displays the Shopping Cart Differences page,
containing for each compared version:
Shopping Cart Name:
Shopping Cart Number:
Shopping Cart Date:
Basic information from the
original version of the Shopping
The version of the Shopping Cart:
Original - as created
Revision 1 - as modified by the
originator or an approver, after
the approval process has begun.
And so on.
Date of creation of the version.
Shopping Cart Name
Name of the Shopping Cart
Procurement Help
View Differences
The status of the versions at the
stage of comparison.
Name of the commodity of each of
the items contained in the
Shopping Cart.
3. When you have completed viewing the Shopping Cart Differences page, click
[Close] to return to the Approval List page.
Approval and Review
View Differences
Procurement Help
Online Forms
In the Online Forms Help
Online Forms provide the capability to generate specific types of internal request
or information documents.
Online Forms are routed by the Procurement application workflow, but they do
not use the Shopping Cart-Order process. An Online Forms document does not
result in the creation of a purchase order and does not travel outside the
Examples of Online Forms are:
Check Request
IT Request
This help module explains how to:
Online Form Template
Complete the Form
Preview Approval
Submit the Form
Online Form Template
Online Forms templates enable you to set up and use various Online Forms
configuration processes to create Form types, such as a check request or vacation
request form type.
To select an Online Form template:
1. Go to the Procurement application Procurement Home Page.
2. Click New Online Form in the Online Forms Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Online Forms Type List containing,
for each Online Form Template:
Online Forms
Complete the Form
Form Type
The name of the form, such as Check Request, or
Time Sheet.
A brief description of how the form type is used.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to create a blank copy of the form to be filled-out
and submitted.
3. If there are enough form templates for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
4. Click the Create Form icon for the template you want to fill-out.
The Procurement application displays a blank form of the selected type. You
may now Complete the Form.
Complete the Form
You may enter:
New information into a blank Online Form, or
Edit information in an existing, but not yet submitted, Online Form.
1. Select an Online Form Template.
The Procurement application displays a form of the selected type.
2. Enter or select information in all of the required fields in the form.
3. Click:
[Save] to save the completed (or partially completed) form.
The form is saved under a unique name, and re-displayed.
Procurement Help
[Cancel] to abandon the form.
Edit the Form
4. After saving the form, you can click:
[Approve Preview] to submit the form for Preview Approval.
[Submit] to Submit the Form to the Procurement application workflow and
your Approver, for approval and action.
[Save] to re-save the un-submitted form with additional or modified
[Delete] to abandon the form and delete the saved copy.
[Cancel] to abandon the form without making any changes to the saved
Edit the Form
Online forms, that have not yet been submitted to the Procurement application
workflow, can be edited:
After you Complete the Form and save it, you can continue to enter additional
information into the Online Form.
Select a saved, but un-submitted online form in the Online Form List, re-open
the form and edit it.
When the Procurement application displays the form and the information you
have previously entered into it, click:
[Approve Preview] to submit the form for Preview Approval.
[Submit] to Submit the Form to the Procurement application workflow and
your Approver, for approval and action.
[Save] to re-save the un-submitted form with additional or modified
[Delete] to abandon the form and delete the saved copy.
[Cancel] to abandon the form without making any changes to the saved copy.
Preview Approval
You also preview the approval chain before submitting an online form.
1. Display your online form, by:
Selecting an Online Form Template, Complete the Form and save it, or
Select a saved, but un-submitted online form in the Online Form List.
2. Click [Approve Preview] to submit the form for Preview Approval.
The Procurement application displays the Process Map for your online form.
This map shows each of the workflow steps through which your online form
Online Forms
Submit the Form
must pass in order to be approved so that requested action can be taken. This
information is for your information only.
It cannot be edited.
3. When you have viewed the information, click [Close] to return to the Online
Forms page.
Submit the Form
When you have reviewed the information entered into the Online Form page, and
made any necessary changes, you may submit it:
1. Confirm that all necessary changes have been made to the information.
2. Click [Submit].
The Procurement application sends your online form to the Procurement
application for:
Review, and
Dispatch for necessary action by internal departments.
If you are not yet ready to submit the online form, you may save it and select it
later from theOnline Form List for later additions or changes before submitting it.
After you submit a form, the workflow engine uses the Form Type Rule Template
to generate the approval process for that form.
You may check on the progress of your form by viewing the Online Form Status.
Procurement Help
Online Form Status
In the Online Form Status Help
After you have submitted your Online Form, it is routed through the Procurement
application workflow for approval. You can track the progress of your online form
on the Online Form Status page:
Check Status
Online Form List
Filter the List
Process Map
History Log
Check Status
Click Online Form Status in the Procurement Home Page Online Forms Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Online Forms Status page, containing
the Online Form List.
This list contains all currently open (un-submitted) and submitted Online Forms.
Depending on your Procurement application role, your may see Online Forms for
one or more buyers or Buying Organizations, or just your own.
In this list you can:
View the status of all current Online Forms,
View and edit the contents of all current Online Forms,
View the workflow history of all current Online Forms,
Select an un-submitted Online Form and edit its contents,
Delete an Open (un-submitted) Online Form, and
Request cancellation of a submitted Online Form.
Online Form Status
Online Form List
Approvers and Reviewers can also view submitted Online Forms awaiting
approval, by clicking Approval and Review, in the Approve menu, on the
Procurement Home Page.
Online Form List
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Online Form Status in the Online Forms Menu, on the Procurement
Home Page.
The Procurement application displays the Online Form Status page,
containing the Online Form List.
This list contains:
A group of text boxes and menus, used to Filter the List of Online Forms,
All currently open and submitted Online Forms. Depending on your
Procurement application role, your may see Online Forms for one or more
buyers or Buying Organizations, or just your own.
The Online Forms List has columns, as follows:
Form name
The name of this Online Form copy.
Template name
The name of the Online Form template type used
to create the form.
Creator name
This is the name of the user who created the
Online Form (the real name not a logon ID. For
example, Doris Smith, not User28, or DSmth.)
Create date
This is the date on which the Online Form was
first created.
Submit date
This is the date on which the Online Form was
submitted for its current workflow process.
The current status of the Online Form, which can
Open, if the user has not yet submitted the Online
Awaiting Approval, if the Online Form is on hold
for an Approver.
Complete, if the Online Form satisfies the
Procurement application workflow, is approved
and has been routed for action.
Cancelled by the user.
Rejected by the Approver.
Procurement Help
Filter the List
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to view and edit an un-submitted (Open) Online
in the Online Forms page.
to view the contents of a submitted Online Form,
which cannot be edited.
to cancel a submitted (Awaiting Approval or
Pending Action) Online Form and remove it from
the workflow.
to delete an un-submitted (Open) Online Form.
to view the Online Form History Log of workflow
steps and actions.
to view the Online Process Map, showing all the
workflow steps through which the Online Form
has passed with explanations and comments.
Filter the List
By default, the list is sorted by Creation Date, with the most recent Online Form at
the top of the list.
If there are enough Online Forms for the list to fill several pages, use the
Navigation Controls to move forward and backward through the pages.
Online Form Status
Process Map
Use the drop-down menus and text entry boxes, above the list, to reduce and reorder the list, to find the Online Form that interests you:
1. Click in the sort by drop-down menu, and select from:
Form name
Template name
Creator name
Create date
Submit date
(These terms are defined in the Online Form List Help.)
2. Click in the filter by Status drop-down menu, and select from:
Open, if the user has not yet submitted the Online Form.
Complete, if the Online Form satisfies the Procurement application
workflow, is approved and has been routed for action.
Awaiting Approval, if the Online Form is on hold for an Approver.
Cancelled by the user.
Rejected by the Approver.
All Form Status(es).
3. Click in the filter by form name text box, and type the name of the form you
want to see.
4. Click [Go].
The Procurement application selects all of the available Online Forms that
meet your filter selections and re-displays the Online Form List.
Process Map
Click the View Approval Map Action icon in any row of the Online Form List:
Click to view the Online Form Process Map, showing all the
workflow steps through which the Online Form has passed
with explanations and comments.
The Status page displays:
Basic information identifying the Online Form,
A Print icon, allowing you to print the Process Map,
Procurement Help
History Log
A Process Map of Online Form approval with the status of each workflow node
and comments on any completed nodes.
You may click to [Close] the page and return to your previous task.
The Process Map can be used to display:
A preview of the approval for an Open (un-submitted) Online Form.
The current status of a Online Form in process with Pending, or Waiting.
The complete history of a Online Form that has been Completed or Rejected.
Each node shown in the Process Map contains:
A brief explanation of its purpose.
Click on any node, and the Procurement application displays more detailed
information in a text box above.
Color-coding and icons indicating the actual status of the approval process:
Node Color
History Log
Click the History Action icon in any row of the Online Form List:
to view the Online Form History Log of workflow steps and
Online Form Status
History Log
The Procurement application displays the Online Form History Log, containing:
Basic data for the Online Form:
Form Type,
Create Date
Submit Date
Current Status
A list of all actions taken on the Online Form, with:
This is an historical record, so:
You cannot change any of the actions recorded here.
You cannot cause or request any other actions to be taken on a Online Form
Click [Close] to leave the log and return to the Online Form List.
If, after reviewing a Online Form History Log, you want to edit, cancel or initiate
some other action on a Online Form, you must:
Find the Online Form in the Online Form List,
Select the Online Form
Click the appropriate Action icon.
Procurement Help
Invoice Presentment
In the Invoice Presentment Help
A buyer sends an Order to a supplier to purchase goods. The supplier fills the
Order and sends an Invoice back to the buyer. Invoice Presentment enables you to
receive, store, view, and report xCBL Invoice documents.
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Invoice List Page
Invoice Details Page
Click the Close button to return to the Invoice List page from the Invoice
Details page.
Invoice List Page
The Invoice List page lists all invoices accessible to you for viewing.
All records display if search criteria filters are left blank.
Sort or Filter Invoices
Control Buttons
Buttons and Icons
Click the Close button to return to the Invoice List page from the Invoice
Details page.
Sort or Filter Invoices
Use the sort or filter menus to refine and sort the list. When using filters, you can
specify partial information or use the wildcard ‘*’ asterisk.
Sort by - sorts the list according to Due Date, Currency, Invoice Date, Invoice
Number, Invoice Status, Status Date, or Supplier. Due Date is the default
Filter by Status - Enter a status and click Go. All invoices of this specified
Invoice Presentment
Invoice List Page
status will display. The filter status choice is Received.
Filter by Due Date (range) - Specify date ranges and click Go. All invoices that
fall into this due date range will display.
Filter by Invoice Number - Enter a specific invoice number and click Go. A
matching invoice will display or, if you used an ‘*’ asterisk following an
incomplete number, the closest matches will display.
Filter by Supplier - Enter a Supplier and click Go. The invoice with this
Supplier will display. Wildcard searches with an ‘*’ asterisk are accepted in this
Control Buttons
Go — Use the Go button after entering search criteria in the Sort By Field or
Filter By Field menus to return a list of invoices that fall within the specified
Reset — Use the Reset button to erase all values and start over.
Buttons and Icons
Expand/Collapse Icon, Drop-down − Expands or collapses the list to show
more details about an invoice.
Navigation Buttons − Point to the First, Previous, Next, Last record in the list.
There are two sets of buttons.
Actions shown by the Action icons − View Details Icon.
Invoice Presentment Report
Creates a report that includes an Invoice Summary, which is sorted by Invoice
Date and Supplier.
To create a report for Invoice Presentment:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Under the Invoice Presentment tab, click View Invoice.
The Invoice List page opens.
3. Click the Reports tab.
The Report List page opens.
4. Click on the report name to select it.
Invoice Summary Report
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
Procurement Help
Invoice Details Page
From Invoice Date
The beginning date for the invoice period.
To Invoice Date
The ending date for the period covered by
the invoice.
Name of Supplier.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Invoice Date
Date the invoice was created.
Supplier Name
Name of supplier as registered in the
Procurement database.
Invoice Number
Number that identifies the invoice,
generated by the application.
Invoice Received On
The date when the Procurement system
received the electronic invoice.
Payment Due Date
The date the invoice is due for payment.
Invoice Amount
Total amount to be paid.
Specifies the monetary currency code of the
total amount to be paid.
Control Buttons
Submit — Click to run the report.
Reset — Click to reset all values.
Close — Click to return to the Report List page from the Report Parameter
Invoice Details Page
You can access further details for an invoice by using the Action icons on the
Invoice List page. To see further details for a specific invoice, select the drop-down
Expand/Collapse icon. Or, from the Invoice List page, click the “View Details”
Action icon linking to the Invoice Details page.
Buttons and Icons
Invoice Presentment
Invoice Details Page
Buttons and Icons
Expand/Collapse Icon, Drop-down
This icon expands or collapses the list to show or hide further details about an
invoice. This includes:
Order Number
Supplier Part Number
Item Description
Unit Price
Sub Total
View Details Action Icon
Select the “View Details” Action icon on the Invoice List page to view the Invoice
Details page. This display includes:
Invoice Number
Due Date
Supplier Name
Supplier Address: Includes up to two address lines, as well as the City,
State, Zip/Postal Code, Country
Supplier Contact Name
Supplier email
Supplier phone
Invoice Reference:
Procurement Help
payment term
Bill To:
Contact Name
Address: City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Country
Ship To:
Contact Name
Address: City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Country
Order Number
Invoice Details Page
Item Description
Supplier Part Number
Unit Price
Sub Total
Invoice Total
Allowance and Charge:
Service Code
Close Button
Click the Close button to return to the Invoice List page from the Invoice Details
Invoice Presentment
Invoice Details Page
Procurement Help
In the Timecards Help
A Timecard contains both a Timesheet and an Expense Report. When it is time to
submit a Timecard, click the Create New Timecard link on the Procurement home
page. The New Timecard page displays and lists available reporting periods to
choose from. Each Worker should select the earliest period available, as indicated
by the icons available in the Actions column.
A Timecard can be updated and saved throughout a reporting period until you are
ready to submit the Timecard for a supervisor’s approval.
Note: The user needs to be a Worker or Worker Proxy in order to create a new
Timecard or to edit an open Timecard.
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Create a New Timecard
Record Your Time
Create an Expense Report
Edit an Expense Report
Edit a Timecard
Skip a Timecard
Submit a Timecard
Create a Timecard On Behalf Of a Worker
Timecard Approval
View the Status of a Timecard
Cancel a Timecard
Print a Timecard
Create a New Timecard
Create a New Timecard
1. From the Procurement Home page, click the Create New Timecard link.
The New Timecard page displays a list of available Reporting Periods for which
you have not already submitted or skipped a Timecard.
2. Click the New Timecard icon in the Actions column for the applicable
reporting period.
The Timecard Summary page opens with four tabs: Summary, Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments.
At this point, your Timecard has been created and you can either continue
filling it out, or save to return to at a later date.
To continue filling it out:
3. Select the Timesheet tab to enter your hours and click Calculate Totals, and
then Save.
4. Select the Expense Report tab to enter your receipts/expenses and click Save.
5. Select the Comments tab if you want to add any explanation for time or
expenses and click Save.
6. Click the Summary tab to return to the Timecard Summary page and review
the information you entered.
If you click the Pre-Validate button, the system checks your Timecard for any
errors that might prevent it from being submitted and returns errors, warning
messages, or validation that the Timecard is okay to submit.
If you click the Approval Preview button, the system maps the workflow
steps required for this Timecard. From the Approval Preview page, you may
View Timecard Report - Displays a Timecard Report in a new browser
View History Log - Details the Workflow and Timecard history.
Click Close when finished viewing the Approval Preview page.
7. On the Timecard Summary page, click Close to save the Timecard for later
access, or Submit if you are finished making changes for this reporting period.
See Submit a New Timecard for more information.
Record Your Time
The Timesheet allows you to record hours for each available Time Category (for
example: Regular Time, Overtime, Holidays). In some cases, a Worker may need
to report hours, and will not have any expenses.
1. From the Procurement Home page, select the Create New Timecard link or the
Edit Open Timecard link.
Procurement Help
Create an Expense Report
2. Click the New Timecard or Edit icon in the Actions column for the applicable
reporting period.
The Timecard Summary page appears.
3. Select the Timesheet tab.
4. Enter the number of hours worked, according to the type of time you are
reporting, for each day.
5. Click Calculate Totals. This summarizes the total hours reported for each type
of entry and cumulatively over the week.
6. Click Save to save your hours or Cancel if need to make modifications.
You may also enter Comments by using the Comments tab if you need to
explain any hours. See Edit a Timecard for more information.
Note: You can save the new card without submitting, and still be able to edit
and add to your Timecard. However, after submitting, you will no longer be
able to edit your timesheet. See Submit a Timecard for more details.
Create an Expense Report
The Expense Report allows you to record your expenses for each available
Expense Category (for example: Meals or Travel) within a designated reporting
1. From the Procurement Home page, select the Create New Timecard link or the
Edit Open Timecard link.
2. Click the New Timecard or Edit icon in the Actions column for the applicable
reporting period.
3. Select the Expense Report tab.
4. Choose the appropriate category from the Assignment Expense Category dropdown menu.
For example: Meals
5. Enter a description of the expense, such as the name of a restuarant or a detail
that easily identifies the specific expense.
6. Specify the month, day, and year of the transaction using the drop-down Date
7. Choose the applicable expense type from the Type drop-down menu.
For example: Lunch
8. Enter the amount spent. Negative values are not allowed.
9. Click Save.
The expense now appears at the bottom of the page. You can continue entering
and saving expenses, to form a list. Three icons also become available for each
Edit an Expense Report
expense: Edit, Attachments, and Delete.
With these icons you can:
Edit an Expense Report
Add Attachments
Delete an Expense Item
Add Attachments
Attachments are used to assist the approver when approving an Expense Report.
An approver views the content of the Attachment by clicking on the link.
Attachments can be added after saving your expense item.
1. On the Expense Report page, click the Attachments icon next to the line item
you wish to add an attachment to.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the file name or click Browse to access your files. Select the file you wish
to include with your report.
4. Check the Send to Supplier checkbox to send this attachment to the Supplier. If
you do not want this attachment to be sent to the supplier, uncheck this box.
5. Enter a description of the attachment.
6. Click Save to save the attachment or Cancel and return to the Expense
Attachment List page.
7. Click Close.
Edit an Expense Report
You can edit an Open Timecard that has been created and saved, but not yet
submitted. When editing an expense report, you may accomplish the following
Add Expense Items
Delete an Expense Item
View Attachments
Edit Attachments
Delete Attachments
To edit existing expense items:
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecards.
The list of available Timecards displays.
2. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the applicable Timecard.
Procurement Help
Edit an Expense Report
The Timecard Summary page displays, giving you access to the Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments tabs.
3. Select the Expense Report tab, and click the Edit icon next to the expense item
you wish to alter.
4. Make necessary edits.
5. Click Save.
Add Expense Items
You can add additional expense items to an Open Timecard that has been created
and saved, but not yet submitted.
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecards.
The list of available Timecards displays.
2. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the applicable Timecard.
The Timecard Summary page displays, giving you access to the Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments tabs.
3. Select the Expense Report tab.
4. Add new expense items by:
a. Choose the appropriate category from the Assignment Expense Category
drop-down menu.
b. Enter a description of the expense, such as the name of a restuarant or a
detail that easily identifies the specific expense.
c. Specify the month, day, and year of the transaction using the drop-down
Date menus.
d. Choose the applicable expense type from the Type drop-down menu.
e. Enter the amount spent. Negative values are not allowed.
5. Click Save.
The new expense item will be added to the end of your Saved Expenses list at
the bottom of the screen.
Delete an Expense Item
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecards (or View
Timecard Status).
The list of available Timecards displays.
2. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the applicable Timecard.
The Timecard Summary page displays, giving you access to the Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments tabs.
Edit an Expense Report
3. Select the Expense Report tab
4. Click the Delete icon next to the expense item you wish to delete.
A pop-up window appears to confirm your choice.
Click OK to confirm the deletion.
View Attachments
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecards (or View
Timecard Status).
The list of available Timecards displays.
2. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the applicable Timecard.
The Timecard Summary page displays, giving you access to the Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments tabs.
3. Select the Expense Report tab, and click the Attachments icon for a particular
expense item.
The Expense Attachment List page opens, containing a list of all attached
documents, with hyperlinks to view the attachments.
4. You can add or delete attachments, or click Close to return to the Expense
Report tab on your Timecard.
Edit Attachments
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecards (or View
Timecard Status).
The list of available Timecards displays.
2. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the applicable Timecard.
The Timecard Summary page displays, giving you access to the Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments tabs.
3. Select the Expense Report tab, and click the Attachments icon for a particular
expense item.
The Expense Attachment List page opens.
4. Click the Edit icon for the appropriate attachment.
5. Then:
a. To view the attachment, select the filename link.
b. Check or uncheck the “Send to Supplier” checkbox, as desired, if you would
like the supplier to see this particular attachment.
c. Change your description of the attachment.
6. Click Save to save your edits or Cancel to return to the Expense Attachment
Procurement Help
Edit a Timecard
List page.
7. Click Close to return to the Expense Report tab on your Timecard.
Delete Attachments
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecards (or View
Timecard Status).
The list of available Timecards displays.
2. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the applicable Timecard.
The Timecard Summary page displays, giving you access to the Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments tabs.
3. Select the Expense Report tab, and click the Attachments icon for a particular
expense item.
The Expense Attachment List page opens.
4. Click Delete All to remove all attachments, or click the Delete icon for an
attachment to remove a specific attachment.
A pop-up message appears to confirm your choice.
5. Click OK to delete the attachment.
Edit a Timecard
You can edit an Open Timecard that has been created and saved, but not yet
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecards.
The list of available Timecards displays.
2. Click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the applicable Timecard.
The Timecard Summary page displays, giving you access to the Timesheet,
Expense Report, and Comments tabs (see Enter Comments).
3. Make necessary edits within the pages, saving your work as appropriate.
4. After you are done making edits, select the Summary tab to verify the new
summary totals.
5. Click Close to save the Timecard for later access, or Submit if you are finished
making changes for this reporting period. See Submit an Open Timecard.
Enter Comments
Comments may be entered for your Timecard to provide an explanation as to why
a certain number of hours or expense amounts have been reported. These
explanations are especially helpful during the approval process.
Skip a Timecard
To add a comment:
1. From the Timecard Summary page, select the Comments tab.
2. Enter your comments in the Comments field.
3. Click Save.
The comments display for this Timecard. For security reasons, it is not possible to
edit an existing comment, although you may delete an existing comment and add
one in its place. The Save button is accessible only to the Worker or Worker Proxy
filling out the Timecard.
Skip a Timecard
If you do not want to submit a Timecard for a specific reporting period, you can
skip the associated Timecard by clicking the Skip Timecard icon in the Actions
column for that Timecard. This icon is only available if your Contract Labor
Administrator has enabled the “May Skip Timecard” option for you.
A Timecard might be skipped for a period during which you did not or will not
work. Once a Timecard has been skipped, it cannot be recovered.
To skip a Timecard:
1. From the Procurement Home page, select the Create New Timecard link to
return a list of available Timecards and reporting periods.
2. Click the Skip Timecard icon in the Actions column for the desired Timecard.
A pop-up window opens to confirm your choice. The action of skipping a
Timecard is irreversible.
3. Click OK or Cancel.
Submit a Timecard
Both New Timecards and Open Timecards can be submitted for approval once all
hours and expenses have been entered for a reporting period. You can create a
New Timecard and save your progress, so that it becomes an Open Timecard that
can be edited and submitted at a later date.
Submit a New Timecard
Submit an Open Timecard
Submit a New Timecard
To submit a New Timecard, you must first create the new Timecard and complete
all relevant timesheet and expense sections. See Create a New Timecard if you
have not yet done this. Then:
1. Select the Summary tab to review the information you entered on your
Procurement Help
Submit a Timecard
Timesheet, Expense Report, and Comments tabs. The Timecard Summary
page allows several options before submitting your timecard:
If you click the Pre-Validate button, the system checks your Timecard for
any errors that might prevent it from being submitted and returns errors,
warning messages, or validation that the Timecard is okay to submit.
If you click the Approval Preview button, the system maps the workflow
steps required for this Timecard. From the Approval Preview page, you may
View Timecard Report - Displays a Timecard Report in a new browser
View History Log - Details the Workflow and Timecard history.
Click Close when finished viewing the Approval Preview page.
2. Click Submit.
A pop-up message appears to confirm that the Timecard was successfully
submitted. You will also receive an email confirming that your Timecard has
begun the workflow process, and has been sent to your designated approver(s).
Submit an Open Timecard
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Edit Open Timecard.
The list of open Timecards, not yet submitted, displays.
2. Click the Edit icon next to the Timecard you wish to update or submit. Edit the
hours or expenses, if necessary.
3. Select the Summary tab to review the information you entered on your
Timesheet, Expense Report, and Comments tabs. The Timecard Summary
page allows several options before submitting your timecard:
If you click the Pre-Validate button, the system checks your Timecard for
any errors that might prevent it from being submitted and returns errors,
warning messages, or validation that the Timecard is okay to submit.
If you click the Approval Preview button, the system maps the workflow
steps required for this Timecard. From the Approval Preview page, you may
View Timecard Report - Displays a Timecard Report in a new browser
View History Log - Details the Workflow and Timecard history.
Click Close when finished viewing the Approval Preview page.
4. Click Submit.
A message appears to confirm that the Timecard was successfully submitted.
You will also receive an email confirming that your Timecard has begun the
Create a Timecard On Behalf Of a Worker
workflow process, and has been sent to your designated approver(s).
Create a Timecard On Behalf Of a Worker
A user who is defined as a Proxy on behalf of other Workers has a choice of
Workers for which to create and edit Timecards. The list of Workers displayed
contains all the Workers the user is defined as a Proxy for.
Note: If a user that is defined as a Proxy is also a Contract Labor Worker, a
checkbox for “Proxy on behalf of” is visible. The user can uncheck the box if they
want to fill out a Timecard for themselves. If the user is not a Contract Labor
Worker, this check-box is not visible.
To choose a Worker to create or edit a Timecard for, the Proxy should:
1. From the Procurement Home page, select the Create New Timecard link.
The New Timecard page displays, with a list of Workers to select.
2. Check the “Proxy on Behalf of” checkbox.
3. Select the Worker from the drop-down list, and click Go.
This brings up the available reporting periods for the Worker.
As Proxy, you are able to access and edit the Open Timecards for the Worker in
the same manner. Simply select the Edit Open Timecard link on the
Procurement Home page and choose the Worker from the Proxy On Behalf of
Timecard Approval
A Timecard is submitted to Workflow Approval if a user has Project or Worker
Approvers assigned to approve a Worker’s time or expenses on a designated
Project. Workflow Approval only occurs if the Timecard Workflow Template is
configured and enabled in Procurement by an Administrator.
A Worker cannot edit a Timecard while it is in workflow. The Worker can,
however, cancel the Timecard. This returns control of the Timecard back to the
Worker. The Worker can then edit the Timecard and resubmit it. Any time a
Timecard is resubmitted, either because it was cancelled by the Worker or rejected
by an approver, the Timecard starts at the beginning of the workflow, even if an
Approver has previously approved it. This is to ensure all Approvers have visibility
to any changes to the Timecard.
Note: Only users who are either Project or Worker Approvers can access pending
Timecards for review and approval.
Procurement Help
Timecard Approval
Escalation and Delegation of Approvers
If a Project Approval or Worker Approval is ignored, the approval is escalated to
the Spending Limit Approver of the Project or Worker Approver. These
escalations continue through the remainder of the Approvers within the buying
organization. See Set-up Approval Escalation for more details.
Project and Worker Approvers can be delegated. See Delegation or Assign
Delegates for more information.
Approve a Timecard
Each Approver in the approval chain can approve a Timecard outright, or approve
with comments that are visible to other approvers in the chain and the Worker.
To approve a Timecard:
1. From the Procurement Home page, select Approval Inbox.
The Approval Inbox page displays the Timecards that are awaiting your
2. Use the Sort by or Filter by Document type to search for a Timecard and click
For each Timecard submitted, the Timecard Approval List displays the
Organization, Document Type, Document Name, Requestor, Submitter,
Submit Date, Workflow Rule, Approval Group, and Actions.
You now have several options to choose from:
View a Timecard
View the Approval Map
Reject a Timecard
3. If you are ready to approve the Timecard, check the checkbox next to the
Timecard you wish to approve, or the checkbox marked All at the top of the list
to approve everything in your queue.
4. Enter comments and click Approve, or Cancel to cancel the approval.
View a Timecard
1. From the Approval Inbox, choose the Timecard to be reviewed and click the
View Timecard icon.
The Timecard Summary page opens with four tabs to choose from: Summary,
Timesheet, Expense Report, and Comments. These allow you to view a
Timecard in greater detail.
Timecard Approval
2. Click the Timesheet tab to view the hours recorded by the Worker.
3. Click the Expense Report tab to view the expenses reported for that period. If
there are attachments, you can select the Attachments icon to view them.
4. Click the Comments tab to review any comments written by the Worker.
5. You can also choose to view the Timesheet Line Item Cost Distribution by
selecting the Line Item Cost Distribution icon.
A secondary window opens displaying the cost distribution. Click Close when
6. Click Close to return to the Approval Inbox.
View the Line or Expense Item Cost Distribution
A user can view the time or expense line item distribution for the cost center and
percent allocation that a Timesheet report is linked to if the user has the Manage
Timecards privilege.
To view the Line or Expense Item Cost Distribution:
1. From the Approval Inbox, choose a Timecard and click the View Timecard
The Timecard Summary page opens.
2. Click the Timesheet Line Item Cost Distribution icon or the Expense Report
Line Item Cost Distribution icon from the appropriate Cost Distribution
A secondary window displays the percent of the amount that is allocated to a
specific Cost Center.
3. Click Close to collapse the window.
View the Approval Map
To review the approval process:
1. From the Approval Inbox, choose the Timecard you wish to review, and click
the View Approval Map icon.
On the Approval Map page, colored boxes display the routing of approval
workflow through the various Approvers in the approval process for this
The colors of the boxes displaying the submitter and approvers within the
Approval Map are significant:
Procurement Help
Yellow boxes indicate approvers whose actions are pending within the
approval chain process.
Gray boxes indicate approvers who have not yet taken action within the
View the Status of a Timecard
Green boxes indicate that the approver successfully approved the
If a Timecard is rejected, the Approver who rejected it is shown in red.
If a Timecard is rejected, its remaining pending approvers are shown in
The approval process begins with the Worker who submitted the Timecard,
and is followed by each Approver in the approval chain. Each box indicates the
Approver type, such as Project Approver or Worker Approver. If both Workers
and Project Approvers are set up, approvals are displayed based on Timecard
Workflow Template configuration.
A red flag indicates a current item that is awaiting your review.
2. If desired, you can enter comments and approve or reject a Timecard from this
page by selecting the appropriate Approve or Reject button.
If the Timecard is rejected, it is returned to the Worker for changes or updates.
The Timecard does not continue in the approval process and must be edited
and resubmitted.
3. To view the Timecard report, select the View Timecard Report icon.
4. To view the history of the Timecard, select the View History Log icon. Select
Close when finished.
5. When finished with the Approval Map page, click Close to return to the
Approval Inbox.
Reject a Timecard
Each Approver in the approval chain can reject the Timecard.
As soon as one Approver rejects a Timecard, the Timecard returns to the Worker.
The Worker can then edit the Timecard and resubmit it. In addition, the Worker
can view the history of the Timecard to see any comments made by Approvers.
As soon as a Timecard is rejected, it is removed from the queues of all Approvers.
To reject a Timecard:
1. From the Approval inbox, check the checkbox next to the Timecard you wish to
2. Enter comments and click Reject, or click Cancel to cancel the rejection.
View the Status of a Timecard
To view the Timecard status and history:
1. From the Procurement home page, click View Timecard Status.
2. Use the filter and sort menus to search for the Timecard and click Go.
View the Status of a Timecard
When your Timecard displays, you may have several items to choose from,
depending upon the status of the Timecard:
View Approval Map — Displays the approval process.
View History Log — Here you can:
View Timecard History
View Workflow History
View Timecard — Displays the Timecard Summary, which includes the
Timesheet, Expense Report, and Comments.
When your Timecard has completed the approval process, you will receive an
email notification similar to the following:
Your Timecard has completed the approval process. A Shopping Cart will
be created by the TC2Req service later on.
The email provides a summary of Timecard and Approval details, and includes
any comments entered by an Approver. No further action is necessary.
View Timecard History
To view the history of a specific Timecard:
1. From the Timecard Status page, click the View History Log icon in the Actions
column for the appropriate Timecard.
The Timecard History page displays a log of any actions taken on a particular
Timecard, such as the dates when this Timecard was created, updated,
submitted, and/or approved.
This information is not editable.
2. Click Close to return to the Timecard Status page, or select the Workflow
History tab to View Workflow History.
View Workflow History
To view the Workflow history of a specific Timecard:
1. From the Timecard Status page, click the View History Log icon in the Actions
column for the appropriate Timecard.
The Timecard History page opens.
2. Select the Workflow History tab.
A table displays a log of any Workflow-specific actions taken on a particular
Timecard, such as the date the Timecard began routing for approval. The log
also includes any approver comments.
3. Click Close to return to the Timecard Status page.
Procurement Help
Cancel a Timecard
Cancel a Timecard
If the Timecard is still within workflow and awaiting approval (i.e., it is neither
approved nor rejected), the Worker can cancel the Timecard. Cancelling the
Timecard gives control back to the Worker, and the Worker can then edit the
Timecard and resubmit it. If a Timecard is canceled, the hours and expense
amounts associated with the Timecard are deducted from the consumed amounts
of the respective Assignment Time and Expense Categories.
To cancel a Timecard:
1. From the Procurement Home page, click View Timecard Status.
2. Use the filter and sort menus to search for the Timecard and click Go.
3. Next to the Timecard you wish to cancel, click the Cancel icon in the Actions
4. Click OK.
Print a Timecard
You can print a Timecard from the Timecard Summary page of any new or open
Timecard by clicking the Print icon or button, as well as from the Timecard Status
To print an open or submitted Timecard:
1. From the Procurement Home page, select the View Timecard Status link.
The Timecard Status page displays a list of open or previously submitted
timecards, in order of the most recent reporting period.
You may also sort or filter your list by using the drop-down menus and search
fields, and click Go to narrow your results.
2. You can either:
a. Click the Print icon in the Actions column, or
b. Click the View Timecard or Edit icon in the Actions column, and then select
the Print button.
A Timecard Report is created in a separate window that can be printed by
choosing File | Print from the browser toolbar.
Print a Timecard
Procurement Help
In the Reports Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Print Report
Run Reports
Predefined Reports
Add Custom Report
Print Report
You can create a printable report from any of the Procurement application pages
containing the Print Action icon:
Print the selected document: Shopping Cart, Order,
Blanket Order, and so on.
The Procurement application opens a secondary browser window, and displays a
formatted document containing information from the selected document.
In this window, you may also view attachments to the selected document, if any.
Click [Print], to send the formatted report to a local or networked printer.
Run Reports
1. Go to the Procurement application Home Page.
2. Under the Administration tab, click Run Reports:
The Procurement application displays the Run Reports page, containing a list
of all the Report Categories of Reports that are available in the Procurement
application at your site.
Predefined Reports
3. Click the Expand icon beside a category name:
Expand the selected category and display a list of reports.
The Procurement applications displays a list of reports available in that
category with a brief description of each.
4. Click on the name of a report to select it.
The Report Parameters page opens and displays a form requesting set up
information for the report: start date, end date, and so on.
5. Supply any requested information or make selections to set up the report.
6. In the displayed text boxes and drop-down menus, type and select the
necessary parameters. These are discussed in Predefined Reports.
7. Click the [Submit] button.
The Procurement application displays the report as a formatted document in a
secondary browser window.
8. Click [Print], to send the formatted report to a local or networked printer.
It is possible to Add Custom Reports and Report Categories to the Procurement
application so that you can select, generate and print them from the Reports
Predefined Reports
This section provides details for the predefined reports delivered with the
Procurement application.
The predefined reports are divided into the following report categories:
Orders By Organization
Orders By Commodity / Organization
Orders By Cost Center
Shopping Carts
Shopping Carts By Status
Shopping Cart Items By Requester
Procurement Help
Receipts By Part / Supplier
Predefined Reports
Receipts By Supplier / Part
Commodities Ranking By Committed Amount
Orders By Supplier - Summary
Orders By Supplier - Detail
Other Reports
Privileges by Organization / User
Orders By Organization
Creates a report that consists of Orders for a given Organization(s), created within
the time period selected, grouped by organization and submitter, and sorted by
create date.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Currency To Convert
The currency into which all Order amounts
will be converted, for the Converted Amount
column of the report.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Date Created
Date when the Order was created.
Order Number
The number assigned to the Order.
Name of Order’s supplier.
Predefined Reports
Actual Amount
The amount of the Order, expressed in the
original currency of the Order.
Converted Amount
The amount of the Order, converted into the
currency the user selected on the report's
parameters page.
Orders By Commodity / Organization
Creates a report that consists of Orders for a given Organization(s), for a given
commodity, created within the time period selected, grouped by Organization,
commodity and submitter, and sorted by create date.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Currency To Convert
The currency into which all Order amounts
will be converted, for the Actual Price and
Extended columns of the report.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
One or more commodities from a list
comprised of the top-level commodities used
by all outstanding Orders.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Date Created
When the Order was created.
Order Number
The number assigned to the Order.
Name of Order’s supplier.
Part Number
Number assigned by the buyer to the part
being ordered.
Procurement Help
Predefined Reports
Part Description
Name of the part being ordered (buyer's
Number of parts being ordered.
Converted Price
The unit price for the item, converted into
the currency the user selected on the report's
parameters page.
Extended Price
The Converted Price multiplied by the
Orders By Cost Center
Creates a report that consists of Orders by a given Organization(s) and Cost
Center(s), created within the time period selected, grouped by Cost Center, and
sorted by Order Number.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
Cost Center
Using the Search icon, users can search for
one or more specific Cost Centers (wildcards
(*) are allowed), out of a list of all available
Cost Centers.
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Currency To Convert
The currency into which all Order amounts
will be converted, for the Converted Amount
column of the report.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Predefined Reports
Order Number
The number assigned to the Order.
Date Created
Date when the Order was created.
Name of the Order’s supplier.
The code of the currency used in the Order.
Order Amount
The amount of the Order, expressed in the
original currency of the Order.
Amount Applied to
Cost Center
How much out the Order amount is applied
to the specific Cost Center, expressed in the
original currency of the Order.
Converted Amount
The amount applied to the Cost Center,
converted into the currency the user selected
on the report's parameters page.
The column Converted Amount is totaled for
each organization and cost center.
Shopping Carts By Status
Creates a report that consists of Shopping Carts by a given organization(s), with a
given current status, created within the time period selected, grouped by
organization, status and requester, and sorted by status date and create date.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
Requisition Status
One or more statuses from a list of all
possible Shopping Cart statuses.
Procurement Help
Predefined Reports
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Status Date
When this particular status came into effect
for this Shopping Cart.
Date Created
The date Shopping Cart created.
Date Submitted
The date the Shopping Cart was submitted.
Shopping Cart
The number assigned to the Shopping Cart.
Shopping Cart Name
Name given to the Shopping Cart.
Shopping Cart Items By Requester
Creates a report that consists of Shopping Carts by a given organization(s) created
within the time period selected, grouped by organization and requester, and
sorted by submission date.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Currency To Convert
The currency into which amounts will be
converted on the Unit Price and Converted
Price columns of the report.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Predefined Reports
Date Submitted
Date the Shopping Cart was submitted.
Shopping Cart
The number assigned to the Shopping Cart.
Name of the supplier of the item.
Part Number
Number assigned by the buyer to the part
being ordered.
Buyer’s description of the part being
The unit of measure used for this part. For
example, each or case.
Number of parts being ordered.
Unit Price
Cost of each unit, expressed in its original
Converted Price
The price of the part, converted into the
currency the user selected on the report's
parameters page.
Receipts By Part / Supplier
Creates a report that consists of a list of all items received by a given organization
(or organizations), from a given supplier (or suppliers), within the time period
selected, grouped by organization, part number and supplier, and sorted by Order
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Procurement Help
Predefined Reports
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
One or more suppliers from a list of all
available suppliers.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Order Number
The number assigned to the Order.
Order Name
Name given to the Order.
Quantity Ordered
The number of parts ordered.
Quantity Received
The number of parts received.
Date Ordered
Date Order was placed.
Date Received
Date Order was received.
Number of Days
Number of days between the Date Ordered
and the Date Received.
Receipts By Supplier / Part
Creates a report that consists of a list of all items received by a given
organization(s), from a given supplier(s), within the time period selected, grouped
by organization, supplier and part number, and sorted by Order number.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Predefined Reports
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
One or more suppliers from a list of all
available suppliers.
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Order Number
The number assigned to the Order.
Order Name
Name given to the Order.
Quantity Ordered
The number of parts ordered.
Quantity Received
The number of parts received.
Date Ordered
Date Order was placed.
Date Received
Date Order was received.
Number of Days
Number of days between the Date Ordered
and the Date Received.
Commodities Ranking By Committed Amount
Creates a report that consists of Commodities ordered ranked by amount, in
descending order (largest amount first).
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
Procurement Help
Predefined Reports
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Currency To Convert
The currency into which amounts will be
converted on the Committed Amount
column of the report.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
The name of the commodity being ranked.
Number of Orders
The number of Orders made for this
Committed Amount
The aggregate amounts ordered for this
commodity, converted into the currency the
user selected on the report's parameters
Orders By Supplier - Summary
Creates a report that consists of a summary list of Orders placed with a
supplier(s), by a given organization(s), within the time period selected, grouped
by organization, supplier and currency.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
Predefined Reports
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Currency To Convert
The currency into which amounts will be
converted on the Converted Price column of
the report.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
One or more suppliers from a list of all
available suppliers.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Name of the Order’s supplier.
The code of the currency used in the Order.
Number of Orders
Number of Orders created.
Actual Amount
The summation of the Orders’ amounts,
expressed in the Orders’ currency.
Converted Amount
The Orders’ amounts sum, converted into
the currency the user selected on the report's
parameters page.
Orders By Supplier - Detail
Creates a report that consists of a list of Orders placed with a supplier(s), by a
given organization(s), within the time period selected, grouped by organization,
supplier and currency. Optionally, the user can limit the scope of the report to a
single Order.
The following table lists the parameters that can be set to create a report:
Procurement Help
Predefined Reports
One or more organizations from a list
comprised of the session organization and
its children organizations, if any.
Currency To Convert
The currency into which amounts will be
converted on the Converted Amount column
of the report.
Create Date - From
The beginning date for the report's period.
Create Date - To
The ending date for the period covered by
the report.
One or more suppliers, from a list of
available suppliers.
Order Number
The number assigned to the Order.
This is used if the user prefers to restrict the
listing to a particular Order.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Name of supplier.
Order Number
The number assigned to the Order.
Date Created
Date the Order was created.
The code of the currency of the Order.
Actual Amount
The Order amount, expressed in the Order's
Converted Amount
The Order amount, converted into the
currency the user selected on the report's
parameters page.
Privileges by Organization / User
Creates a report that consists of a list of privileges held by users within a given
organization(s) grouped by organization and user.
The following is the parameter that can be set to create a report:
Add Custom Report
Organization - One or more organizations from a list comprised of the session
organization and its children organizations, if any.
Column Description
The following table lists the column names and descriptions of the report:
Name of the role under which this privilege
is held.
The scope under which the privilege is
Name of the privilege.
Add Custom Report
The Procurement application does not include any standard reports, but it
possible to create and add site-specific reports to the application.
See your Administrator for more information about the custom reports available
to you, and how to use them.
Contact Commerce One Professional Services for more information and training
programs on creating custom reports.
Procurement Help
In the Services Help
The Procurement application can integrate with other Commerce One Services,
such as Auctions, and third-party services. Depending on the available services,
and your system privilege, you can use these service to access other buying, selling
and collaboration applications. The Services menu is only visible if your system
administrator has added additional services or products to your system.
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Select a Service
Select a Service
On the Procurement Home Page, the Services Menu contains all the additional
services available in from your Procurement application installation.
1. Click in the Services drop-down menu, and select any available Commerce One
or third-party service, such as Auctions.
The Procurement application may display information in the main window, or
open a secondary browser window displaying the Log On or Start page for the
selected service.
2. Using the separately-supplied logon information and operating instructions,
you can use this service to set-up and participate in auctions, reverse-auctions
(RFPs), and so on.
3. Help for add-on and third-party services is not available here. To get help for a
service, click the help icon in the service’s browser window, or see the user
guide for the service.
Refer to your the Procurement application Administrator for the necessary
information and authorization to use available add-on and third-party
Select a Service
Procurement Help
User Profile
In the User Profile Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
View Profile
Change Password
If you have the Account Administration privilege, you may
be able to view and modify other information for your
Buying Organization, by clicking Account Administration,
on the Procurement Home Page Application
Administration Menu.
View Profile
Your User Profile identifies you to the Procurement application when you Log In.
It also informs the Procurement application about:
Your system privileges, such as whether you are allowed to approve other
buyer’s Shopping Carts, create Blanket Orders, request order changes from
Suppliers, administer Users, Buying Organizations or suppliers, and so on.
Your most commonly used payment and shipping information, such as credit
card numbers, billing and shipping addresses, and cost centers for your
Which Buying Organizations you belong to.
Your spending limit, and approval limit (if you have the approval privilege).
User Profile
How to route your Shopping Carts for approval, through the Procurement
application workflow.
Some of this information can only be viewed and edited by your Procurement
application administrator. Other information is available to you:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click User Profile, in the Profiles Menu.
The Procurement application displays the User Profile page with the General
tab to the front.
If you have Account Administration privilege, you may be
able to view and modify other information for your Buying
Organization, by clicking Account Administration, on the
Procurement Home Page Application Administration
3. Click a tab to view and edit various pages of information from your User
Preferences, or
Change Password.
4. When you have finished viewing or editing information on each of these pages,
[Save] to save the new information in your User Profile.
[Reset] to cancel any changes you have made and re-display the original
values from your User Profile.
A different tab, to abandon making changes and view a different type of
information, or
home, to abandon viewing and editing your User Profile and select a new
activity in the Procurement Home Page menus.
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click User Profile, in the Profiles Menu.
The Procurement application displays the User Profile page with the General
Procurement Help
tab to the front.
The General page contains:
Non-editable ID & Spending Limit information,
Editable Contact Information, and
Editable Credit Card Information.
ID & Spending Limit
This is for your information only. It cannot be edited:
User Login ID
An abbreviated version of your name that the
Procurement application uses to recognize
your access to the system.
Spending Limit
The maximum total dollar amount for which
your Shopping Carts receive automatic
approval. Any Shopping Cart that exceeds this
amount is routed for approval.
Approval Limit
If you have the Approval privilege, this is the
maximum total dollar amount for which you
may approve a Shopping Cart. If you approve a
Shopping Cart that exceeds this amount, the
cart is routed to a higher level approver /
approval group.
Spending Limit
The name of a more senior member of your
Buying Organization who can approve
Shopping Carts that exceed your Spending
Contact Information
This information is displayed in editable text boxes. Click in any text box to
Phone Number
Your office area code, phone number and
Fax Number
Your fax machine area code, phone number and
Mail Stop
Your office mail stop or office number.
E-mail Address
Your business E-mail address.
User Profile
Click this button to save the changes to your User
Click this button to abandon the changes and redisplay the existing values from your User Profile.
Credit Card Information
Below your contact information, there is a table showing information for each
credit or charge card you use for purchasing:
Credit Card
An informal name used when selecting the card, e.g.
Bob Smith’s Favorite VISA Card.
The type of card: VISA, Mastercard or MC,
American Express or AMEX, etc.
Your preference for the order of use of the card, 1=
use first, and so on.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
to edit a credit card’s information.
You cannot add a new card. That must be done by an Administrator.
To edit a credit card information:
1. Select the credit card you want to edit, and click the Edit Action icon next to it.
The Procurement application displays the Credit Card page.
2. Select a date using the Credit Card Expiration drop-down menus.
3. Select a priority number from the Priority drop-down menu.
4. Click [Save] (or [Cancel] to cancel the operation.)
The Procurement application re-displays the User Profile General page.
Procurement Help
5. Click [Save] to save your contact and credit card information (or [Cancel] to
cancel the operation.)
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click User Profile, in the Profiles Menu.
The Procurement application displays the User Profile page with the General
tab to the front.
3. Click the Delegation tab to display the Approval Delegation page.
On this page, you can:
Delegate Approval responsibility for a period you plan to be out of the office.
Temporarily Disable Delegation, and take back your Approval responsibility
for a short time.
Delegate Approval
To prevent workflow stoppages, an approver or approval group member may
delegate their responsibility while they are out of the office or unavailable.
Note: If an approval group member delegates approval to another approver,
that approver becomes a member of the approval group for the duration of the
delegation period.
To delegate your approval responsibility to another user:
1. Select Profile in the General menu on the Procurement Home Page.
The Procurement application displays your User Profile.
2. Click the Delegation tab.
The Procurement application displays the Delegation page.
3. Click the Search icon, next to the Delegate’s Name text box, and use the Search
Page to select the name of your delegate from the list:
Click to search a list of user for a suitable delegate.
4. Select the Start Date and End Date of the delegation period, from the dropdown menus.
5. Click [Save] (or [Reset] to cancel the operation.)
For the period of delegation, all Shopping Carts routed for your approval, go to
User Profile
your delegate instead. Your Approval Limit is also assigned to the delegate (if
theirs is lower) for this period.
Disable Delegation
To temporarily turn-off delegation for a short period:
1. Select User Profile in the Profiles Menu menu on the Procurement Home Page.
The Procurement application displays your User Profile.
2. Click the Delegation tab.
The Procurement application displays the Delegation page.
3. Click in the Disable Delegation check box.
4. Click [Save] (or [Reset] to cancel the operation.)
5. When you are ready to re-enable delegation, click again in the Disable
Delegation check box.
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click User Profile, in the Profiles Menu.
The Procurement application displays the User Profile page with the General
tab to the front.
3. Click the Preferences tab to display the Buying Preferences page.
On this page, you can select various payment and shipping information to be
used as defaults when shopping.
The values selected here are used as defaults on all Shopping Carts you create.
You may change the information used on any single item or Shopping Cart on
the Item Details page.
You may select values from lists of available choices. You cannot add a new
value or change any of the existing ones. This must be done by an
To view and edit your preferences:
1. Click the Search icon, next to the Bill to Address text box, and use the Search
Page to select your default billing address from the list:
Procurement Help
Change Password
Click to search for a Bill To Address, by company name,
address or contact name.
Note: When typing a search string into the Address field,
type all or part of the street address only. Do not include
City, locality, or postal codes.
The Procurement application updates all of the Bill to information.
2. Click the Search icon, next to the Ship to Address text box, and use the Search
Page to select your default shipping address from the list:
Click to search for a Ship To Addresses, by company name,
address or contact name.
Note: When typing a search string into an Address field,
type all or part of the street address only. Do not include
City, locality, or postal codes.
The Procurement application updates all of the Ship to information.
3. Click the Search icon, next to the Cost Center text box, and use the Search Page
to select your default cost center from the list:
Click to search a list of cost centers.
The Procurement application updates the Cost Center to which your purchases
are to be billed by default.
4. Select your default locale (a combination of geographical location and
language zone) from the Locale drop-down menu.
5. Select your default time zone from the Time zone drop-down menu.
6. Click [Save] (or [Reset] to cancel the operation.)
Change Password
Before changing your password, contact your Administrator to find out your
organization’s rules about creating or issuing passwords, the minimum number of
characters it must include, and so on.
You cannot change your Logon name.
User Profile
Change Password
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click User Profile, in the Profiles Menu.
The Procurement application displays the User Profile page with the General
tab to the front.
3. Click the Change Password tab.
Three text boxes are displayed. You may type into these text boxes, but your
entries are shown in an encoded form (as asterisks, like this *****.)
4. Click in the Old Password text box and type the password you used to Log In to
this session.
5. Click in the New Password text box and type the password you want to use in
6. For confirmation, click in the Re-Type New Password text box and type the
password you want to use in future, again.
7. Click [Save] (or [Reset] to cancel the operation.)
If you typed the same new password both times, the Procurement application
permanently changes your password and displays confirmation.
If the two new password entries do not agree, Procurement application reports
an error. Return to step 4, and try again.
Procurement Help
Advanced Administration
In the Advanced Administration Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Administration Tools
Administer Users
Administer Organizations
Administer Roles
Administer Suppliers
Administer Contract Labor
Administration Log
Administration Tools
If you have Administrator privilege, to access the Advanced Administration
Application, you must:
1. Start the Procurement application.
2. Log In using a Log In name that has Administrator privilege.
3. Click Advanced Administration, on the Procurement Home Page Application
Administration Menu.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Advanced
Administration Home page, containing:
The Tree Menu on the left-hand side, in which you can select a Setup
action, enter or edit configuration information.
You can Add to Menu regularly configured objects such as Users,
Organizations, Suppliers or Roles, or Remove from Menu objects no longer
Advanced Administration
Administration Tools
To avoid clutter, you can also remove unwanted, rarely used objects from
the menu.
The Configuration Forms, which are displayed on the right-hand side of the
These forms include text-entry fields, drop-down menus and check lists you
use to configure users, suppliers and other aspects of the Procurement
Note: You can simplify Administrator access to Buying Organizations by
assigning a Home Organization to each Advanced Administration Application
Tree Menu
The left-hand side of the Advanced Administration Application page contains a
menu that you can expand or collapse.
Menu items may be:
Configuration actions the Advanced Administration Application can perform,
The names of users, user groups, roles, suppliers, and so on, that can be
configured by the configuration tools.
Some menu items are nested, and can be expanded to show other lower-level
items, like this:
Click this icon to expand the menu and show the lowerlevel items.
Click this icon to close up the document again and hide its
When you click on a menu item, the Advanced Administration Application
displays information in the Configuration Form, on the right-hand side of the
Administrative tasks that you can perform appear in red or blue text in the
expanded Tree Menu:
Actions that enable you to add or create new items appear in red text.
Other actions appear in blue text.
Procurement Help
Administration Tools
Add to Menu
Some sections of the menu may have a large list of objects, many of which are not
necessary. For example, a list of users in an enterprise is usually large.
To eliminate long lists from appearing in the left-hand frame of the browser
window, you can customize the expanded Tree Menu by adding only those items
that you need to access regularly:
1. Click on a Tree Menu item that contains a long list.
2. Click Add <Item Name> to Menu.
3. Find and click that item’s name in the displayed check list.
4. Click Add to Menu.
Remove from Menu
Some sections of the menu may have a large list of objects, many of which are not
necessary. For example, a list of users in an enterprise is usually large.
To eliminate an item that you do not need in the expanded Tree Menu:
1. Click on an item that contains a long list.
The Advanced Administration Application displays a checklist of items.
2. Click on a Tree Menu item that contains a long list.
3. Click Remove <Item Name> to Menu.
4. The Advanced Administration Application displays a list of items currently in
the menu.
5. Find and click that item’s name in the displayed check list.
6. Click Remove from Menu.
Home Organization
Certain Advanced Administration tasks allow you to assign a Home Organization
to the task, so that:
Users can view information for only those organizations for which they have
View Organization privilege naming the assigned home organization.
Users do not see restricted information for any organizations for which they do
not have View Organization privilege to that organization.
You can assign a Home Organization to the following Advanced Administration
Setup Addresses
Setup Archive Status
Setup Ship To Addresses
Advanced Administration
Setup Contacts
Setup Cost Centers
Administer Suppliers
The codes that you administer in Commerce One Procurement application serve
two different purposes:
Some codes only appear within the Commerce One Procurement application to
encapsulate information about a Shopping Cart.
Other codes translate information in Commerce One Procurement application
into information that the Commerce One MarketSite software (running at an
e-Marketplace) can process.
Most of the codes are predefined in the seed data that is part of the Procurement
application installation, such as:
Commerce One Payment Type
Document Type
Blanket Order Type
Ship Method
Tax Category
Status Codes
Each code consists of:
A Short Description used in the Procurement application, and
A Long Description, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
You do not need to add codes or delete them. However, you can access the codes
and make changes to the code’s Short Description or Long Description.
Commerce One Payment Type
Payment Type codes correspond to valid methods of payment in MarketSite. To
use these in Commerce One Procurement application, you need to create an
Commerce One Procurement application payment type which corresponds to a
Commerce One Payment Type.
To View and Edit these codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Commerce One Payment Type.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Commerce One
Procurement Help
Payment Type form, containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Commerce One
Payment Type form.
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Commerce One Payment
Type form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Commerce One Payment Type form without
making any changes.
Document Type
The Document Type code identifies the types of document that Procurement
application can process.
To View and Edit these codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Document Type.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Document Type form,
containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
Advanced Administration
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Document Type
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Document Type form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Document Type form without making any
Blanket Order Type
The Blanket Order Type code identifies the types of blanket order documents that
the Procurement application can process.
To View and Edit these codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Blanket Order Type.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Blanket Order Type
form, containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Blanket Order
Type form.
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
Procurement Help
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Blanket Order Type form,
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Blanket Order Type form without making any
Ship Method
The Ship Method codes for the Procurement application and MarketSite is a set of
numeric codes indicating each of the valid methods for shipping used by
To View and Edit these codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Ship Method.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Code form, containing
a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Ship Method
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Ship Method form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Ship Method form without making any changes.
Tax Category
Tax Category codes indicate the categories of taxes to be assigned to purchases.
To View and Edit these codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Tax Category.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Tax Category form,
Advanced Administration
containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Tax Category
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Tax Category form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Tax Category form without making any changes.
Status Codes
Status Codes identify types of:
Change Request
Shopping Cart
To View and Edit these status codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Status Codes | Approval.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Approval Status form,
containing a table of:
Procurement Help
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Approval Status
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Approval Status form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Approval Status form without making any
Change Request
To View and Edit these codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Status Codes | Change Request.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Change Request Status
form, containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
Advanced Administration displays the Edit: Change Request form.
Advanced Administration
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Change Request Status
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Change Request Status form without making any
To View and Edit these status codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Status Codes | Payment.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Payment Status form,
containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Payment Status
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Payment Status form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Payment Status form without making any
To View and Edit these status codes:
Procurement Help
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Status Codes | Order.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Order Status form,
containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Order Status
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Order Status form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Order Status form without making any changes.
To View and Edit these status codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Status Codes | Receive.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Receive Status form,
containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
Advanced Administration
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Receive Status
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Receive Status form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Receive Status form without making any
Shopping Cart
To View and Edit these status codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Status Codes | Shopping Cart.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Shopping Cart Status
form, containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Shopping Cart
Status form.
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
Procurement Help
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Shopping Cart Status
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Shopping Cart Status form without making any
To View and Edit these status codes:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Codes | Status Codes | Shipment.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Shipment Status form,
containing a table of:
Underlined (hyperlink) Short Descriptions used in the Procurement
application, and
Long Descriptions, explaining the full meaning of the code (maximum 255
2. If there are too many codes to be viewed in a single page, click the Short
Description hyperlink to view the next batch of codes.
3. When you reach the end of the list, click the Short Description hyperlink again,
to go back to the top of the list.
1. Click Edit to the left of the code you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Shipment Status
2. Click in either the Short Description or Long Description text box and type any
new text you want (maximum 255 characters).
3. Click:
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Shipment Status form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Shipment Status form without making any
Use the Setup menu to view and make changes to many of the Procurement
application operating parameters, such as:
Setup Addresses
Setup Application Settings
Setup Archive Status
Setup Bill To Addresses
Setup Catalog Updates
Setup Catalog Views
Setup Contacts
Advanced Administration
Setup Cost Centers
Setup Currency Exchanges
Setup MarketSite
Setup Online Form
Setup Order Tolerances
Setup Payments
Setup Reports
Setup Ship To Addresses
Setup a Smart Form
Setup Taxes
Setup Units of Measure
Setup Feature Registration
Setup Commodity Settings
The information collected when you defined your business rules can be configured
and entered under the Setup menu. Because there are dependencies across data
values, you must configure this data in the following order:
1. Addresses
2. Contacts
3. Bill To Addresses
4. Ship To Addresses
5. Cost centers
6. Currency exchange
7. Credit Cards
8. Payment terms
9. Payment types
10. Order Tolerance
There are other items that appear under the Setup menu, but do not require
configuration in any particular order. This includes:
Catalog Update, see Setup Catalog Updates
Catalog Views, see Setup Catalog Views
Reports, see Setup Reports
Smart Forms, see Setup a Smart Form
Units of measure codes, see Setup Units of Measure
Procurement Help
Setup Addresses
Application Setting, which initializes the system application and defines
system behaviors. See Setup Application Settings
Taxes, this includes Tax Instance, Tax Entity, Usage Codes and Direct Pay
Product Exemptions. See Setup Taxes
Setup Addresses
The Procurement application requires address information in order to:
Setup Archive Status,
Setup Ship To Addresses, and
Administer Suppliers’ addresses.
In Setup Addresses, you can:
View Address
Edit Address
New Address
Delete Address
After using Setup Addresses, you can assign the addresses as Ship To, Bill To or
Supplier addresses.
You can also Setup Contacts for communications at each of the addresses.
View Address
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address form.
2. Click in either the Company Name 1 text box and type all or part of a company
name or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search].
The Advanced Administration Application displays a list of all company names
and addresses matching your search criteria.
4. If there are too many addresses to be viewed in a single page, click the
Company Name 1 hyperlink to view the next batch of addresses.
5. When you reach the end of the list, clicking the Company Name 1 hyperlink
again takes you back to the top of the list.
6. Click Edit beside any company name to Edit Address.
7. Click Delete beside any company name to Delete Address.
Advanced Administration
Setup Addresses
Edit Address
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address form.
2. Click in either the Company Name 1 text box and type all or part of a company
name or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search].
The Advanced Administration Application displays a list of all company names
and addresses matching your search criteria.
4. Click Edit to the left of the Name and Address you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit: Address form,
Company Name (1, 2, and 3) text boxes
Address (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) text boxes
City text box
State text box
Zip text box
Locale drop-down menu
Country drop-down menu
Home Organization drop-down menu
5. Click in any of the text boxes and type any new or changed text you want.
6. Click in the Locale and Country drop-down menus and select an appropriate
location, nationality or language group for the address.
7. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
8. Click in the Comment text box and type any optional comments or
9. Click
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Address form without making any changes.
New Address
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address form.
Procurement Help
Setup Addresses
2. Click [New Address].
The Advanced Administration Application displays a blank New Address form,
Company Name (1, 2, and 3) text boxes
Address (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) text boxes
City text box
State text box
Zip text box
Locale drop-down menu
Country drop-down menu
Home Organization drop-down menu
3. Click in any of the text boxes and type any new or changed text you want.
4. Click in the Locale and Country drop-down menus and select an appropriate
location, nationality or language group for the address.
5. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but
rather accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain
seed data. In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying
Organizations, see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the
Home Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
6. Click in the Comment text box and type any optional comments or
7. Click
[Save] to save the description and leave the Edit: Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit: Address form without making any changes.
Tax Edit
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address form.
2. Click in either the Company Name 1 text box and type all or part of a company
name or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search].
The Advanced Administration Application displays a list of all company names
Advanced Administration
Setup Addresses
and addresses matching your search criteria.
4. Click Tax Edit to the left of the Name and Address you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address Geocodes
form, containing:
Company Name (1, 2, and 3)
Address (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
None of this information is editable.
5. Click in any of the Taxware Geocode text box, and type the value required by
the Taxware Tax Engine for this location.
6. Click
[Save] to save the description and leave the New Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Address form without making adding an address.
Identifier Edit
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address form.
2. Click in either the Company Name 1 text box and type all or part of a company
name or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search].
The Advanced Administration Application displays a list of all company names
and addresses matching your search criteria.
4. Click Tax Edit to the left of the Name and Address you wish to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address Geocodes
form, containing:
Procurement Help
Company Name (1, 2, and 3)
Address (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Setup Application Settings
None of this information is editable.
5. Click in any of the Identifier text box, and type an identifier to be used for the
contact at this company location.
6. Click
[Save] to save the description and leave the New Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Address form without making adding an address.
Delete Address
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Address form.
2. Click in either the Company Name 1 text box and type all or part of a company
name or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search].
The Advanced Administration Application displays a list of all company names
and addresses matching your search criteria.
4. Click Delete to the left of the Name and Address you wish to delete.
If the address is associated with other system items, such as a Bill To address,
the system does not remove the address, and produces an error message.
To remove the address, you must first modify the item that uses it. Select
another address for the Bill To address, Ship To address, or supplier address,
then delete the address.
Setup Application Settings
The Application Settings are global settings used to control the Procurement
application. These settings initialize a system application and define the system
The Application Settings can help you to:
Manage and log database changes when you perform a catalog update. For
more information, see Use Application Settings in the Setup Catalog Updates
Modify parameters which define Workflow Service behavior. For more
information, see the Procurement Installation Guide.
Advanced Administration
Setup Application Settings
Modify parameters defining RoundTrip behavior. For more information, see
Supplier RoundTrip.
You can modify parameters to adjust aspects of Procurement operation and
performance, but this is not recommended without the assistance of Commerce
One Professional Services.
Setup Application Settings allows you to:
View Application Settings
Edit Application Settings
It is not possible to add or remove Application Settings.
View Application Settings
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Application Settings.
The Application Settings page displays a list of all Application Settings,
Section - The section of the application for which the setting applies.
Name - The name of the setting.
Value - The current value of the setting (either the default value or a
replacement value entered by you) in the appropriate units or text format.
Description - A description of the setting, including such information as the
default value, acceptable formats and options for values, and so on.
Scroll down the list to view all Application Settings, or to find a specific
Application Setting.
2. There is not need to Close or Cancel out of the screen. Simply use the tree
menu in the left-hand frame to navigate to another part of the application.
Edit Application Settings
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Application Settings.
The Application Settings page displays a list of all Application Settings,
Procurement Help
Section - The section of the application for which the setting applies. This
value cannot be modified.
Name - The name of the setting. This value cannot be modified.
Value - The current value of the setting (either the default value or a
replacement value entered by you) in the appropriate units or text format
(to a maximum of 255 characters).
Description - A description of the setting, including such information as the
default value, acceptable formats and options for values, and so on (to a
Setup Archive Status
maximum of 255 characters).
2. Click Edit to the left of the setting you wish to modify.
3. Enter a new value or description in the appropriate text box.
4. Click Save to save the new setting and return to the Application Settings page,
or Cancel to return to the Application Settings page without making any
Setup Archive Status
Archive Status allows you to view the status of a currently-running Archive
process (see Archive Database Records for more information). If you have never
archived your database records, there will be no archive status information to
display. This page retains data from the most recent archive, and empties at the
beginning of each new archive process.
To view the status of your archive:
1. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
2. From the tree menu, click on Setup | Archive Status.
3. Click Refresh to see the most current information.
Setup Bill To Addresses
Bill To Addresses describes where a supplier can send bills for purchases. You can
create or modify this information.
Before you can create a new Bill To Address, use:
Setup Addresses to add some addresses to the Procurement application
database, and
Setup Contacts to assign contact names at those addresses.
In Setup Bill To Addresses, you can:
View Bill To Addresses
Edit Bill To Addresses
Add New Bill To Addresses
Delete Bill To Addresses
View Bill To Addresses
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Bill To Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Bill To Address Search
Advanced Administration
Setup Bill To Addresses
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Company Name1 text box, and type
all or part of the name of a company, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
4. Click:
The Contact Name hyperlink to sort the list in Contact Name order, or
The Company Name 1 hyperlink to sort the list in Company Name order
5. If there are too many contacts to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
6. Click:
Edit to change address information
Delete to remove the Bill To address from the database.
Edit Bill To Addresses
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Bill To Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Bill To Address Search
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Company Name1 text box, and type
all or part of the name of a company, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
4. Click Edit beside the Bill To Address you want to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Bill To Address
5. Click [Select Contact] to select from a list of alternative contacts available at
this Bill To Address.
6. Click [Select Address] to select from a list of alternative mailing addresses for
this company.
7. Click in the Notes text box and type any optional comments or explanation (to
a maximum of 255 characters).
8. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but
rather accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain
seed data. In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying
Procurement Help
Setup Bill To Addresses
Organizations, see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the
Home Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
9. Click:
[Save] to save the changed Bill To Address information and leave the Edit
Bill To Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Bill To Address form without making any
Add New Bill To Addresses
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Bill To Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Bill To Address Search
2. Click [New Bill To Address].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Bill To Address
3. Click [Select Contact] to select from a list of alternative contacts available at
this Bill To Address.
4. Click [Select Address] to select from a list of alternative mailing addresses for
this company.
5. Click in the Notes text box and type any optional comments or explanation (to
a maximum of 255 characters).
6. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but
rather accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain
seed data. In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying
Organizations, see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the
Home Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
7. Click:
[Save] to save the new Bill To Address information and leave the Edit Bill
To Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Bill To Address form without adding a Bill To
If the contact/address combination already exists as a Bill To address, the
system produces an error message. Otherwise, the system adds the new Bill To
address into the system.
Advanced Administration
Setup Catalog Updates
Delete Bill To Addresses
Before removing a Bill To address, you must first remove its associations. If the
Bill To address is associated with a Buying Organization, the system cannot
remove the Bill To address, and the Advanced Administration Application
displays an error message.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Bill To Addresses.
The Bill To Address Search form displays.
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Company Name1 text box, and type
all or part of the name of a company, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
4. Click [Delete] beside the Bill To Address you want to delete.
If the address is associated with other system items, such as a Bill To address,
the system does not remove the address, and produces an error message.
To remove the address, you must first modify the item that uses it. Select
another address for the Bill To address, then delete the address.
Setup Catalog Updates
You can use the Advanced Administration application to monitor and manage
your catalog update process for one or more of the two different methods for
updating the Procurement application catalog (see your site specifications or
administration documentation to confirm which one, or both, of these is available
at your site).
Use the Catalog Process Status option to monitor the status of processing and
database changes that occur during catalog update of Catalog Update
Use the Catalog Update Files option to view available update packages and
browse the contents of Catalog Update Packages.
Catalog Update Packages are stored in the folder specified in the Application
Setting table, see Setup Application Settings for information on how to view
and navigate through these folder and to Use Application Settings.
In order to view the Catalog Update Files link you must have the Setup privilege
and the View Organization privilege at Enterprise scope. The Setup privilege is
located under Admin Setup category. The Enterprise scope is located under
Admin Organization | View Organization.
Catalog Process Status
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Setup | Catalog Update | Catalog Process
Procurement Help
Setup Catalog Updates
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Catalog Process Status
log of each step in the process that updates catalog information:
Out Text of status messages
Start Time
2. Click [Refresh] as the update continues, to view additional results and
Catalog Update Files
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Setup | Catalog Update | Catalog Update
The Advanced Administration Application displays the root directory for
Catalog Update (CUP) files.
2. Click on a folder to expand it and show the available file names, dates and
3. Click on a file name, to view the file details and browse its contents.
Note: You can only view the contents of the CUP files. You cannot edit the
contents of a CUP file in this application.
Use Application Settings
You can configure some aspects of the CUP process through Administration.
Items that you can modify in the Catalog section:
Advanced Administration
Setup Catalog Updates
Directory for Catalog Update
Packages. The directory must be
readable by your web server.
There are two formats for specifying
the UpdatePackageDir setting:
Use a folder that is local to the web
server machine. For example, you
may use the format
“C:\Cup\Data”. You can use this
format without setting up the
Windows file sharing on the
Specify the folder in UNC format
to reference a folder on a different
machine. For example, you could
use “\\MyHost\Cup\Data”. In this
case, you must configure the
folder on the MyHost machine to
allow the web server to share data.
Maximum errors to display on
completion, 0= All.
This entry is reserved for future use.
Altering this value currently has no
effect on the catalog update/load
Procurement Help
Setup Catalog Views
Recreate CUP indexes to reduce CUP
load time. To do this, you must be the
database owner.
In order to improve loading
performance, CUP creates certain
indexes on the CUP tables and drops
them when they are no longer
necessary. However, when the CUP
process is executed as a user other
than the database owner, this is not
possible. If you execute the CUP
process as a non-database owner user,
then set this value to False, and
execute the stored procedure,
Do not process valid rows in CUP if
any rows fail validation.
The CUP process validates individual
parts in the CUP tables. Any parts that
cannot be validated will be flagged. If
the StopAfterError option is set to
True, and any parts are flagged with
an error, then the CUP process will
not continue. Set this value to False if
it is desirable to process valid parts,
ignoring any parts that produce
1. In the tree menu, select Setup | Application Setting.
The system displays a list of variables that you can modify.
2. Click Edit next to the variable you wish to modify.
3. Edit information in the Value or Description fields.
4. Click Save.
Setup Catalog Views
Catalog Views are essentially a view of the contents of catalogs. These could be a
buying organization’s purchase items that are available to the users of that
particular buying organization. You will be able to create and modify these Catalog
Views. In addition, Buyer Accounts must be created for Catalog Views and
Commodity Filters specified.
Views into a catalog are defined at the organizational level. You can:
New Catalog View and assign a Home Organization to it,
Edit Catalog View,
Advanced Administration
Setup Catalog Views
Add Buyer Accounts or Edit Buyer Accounts that associate a supplier account
with an organization, and
Configure Commodity Filters to restrict access to certain commodities for a
particular supplier or for all supplier catalogs.
For later convenience when accessing the Catalog View, you can:
Add View to Menu, and
Remove View from Menu.
New Catalog View
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Setup | Catalog Views | New Catalog View.
The Advanced Administration Application displays a blank New Catalog View
form, displaying:
Name text box
Description text box
Home Organization drop-down menu
2. Click in the Name text box, and type a name for the new catalog view.
3. Click in the Description text box, and type a description for the new catalog
view (maximum 255 characters).
4. If you want to assign a Home Organization to this Catalog View, click in the
Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of available
Buying Organizations.
Note: You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but
rather accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain
seed data. In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying
Organizations, see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the
Home Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
5. If the Catalog View must access only a single, specified supplier (for example, if
it is to be used for Blanket Orders), click [Change].
The default selection is <Multiple Suppliers>.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Set Supplier form.
6. Click in the Supplier Name text box, and type all or part of the name of a
supplier company, or use Wild Card Characters.
7. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all suppliers matching your
Procurement Help
Setup Catalog Views
8. Click a supplier name and click [Select].
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the New Catalog View
form, with the selected supplier’s name added.
9. Click [Save] to save the new Catalog View and leave the New Catalog View
Edit Catalog View
You can edit the name and description of a Catalog View (but not its home
organization or supplier) of an existing catalog view
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Setup | Catalog Views | Catalog View Name.
The Advanced Administration Application displays an Edit Catalog View form,
already containing, for the Catalog View:
Home Organization
2. Click in the Name text box, and type a new name for the catalog view.
3. Click in the Description text box, and type a new description for the catalog
view (maximum 255 characters).
You may not edit the Home Organization or Supplier fields.
4. Click:
[Save] to save the edited Catalog View and leave the Edit Catalog View
form, or
[Delete] to remove the Catalog View from the installation.
Add View to Menu
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Setup | Catalog Views | Add Catalog View
To Menu.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Add Catalog View To
Menu form.
2. Type all or part of an existing catalog view name into the Catalog View text box,
or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays a list of all catalog views
matching your search text.
4. Click on a Catalog View name and click [Add To Menu].
Advanced Administration
Setup Catalog Views
The Advanced Administration Application adds the catalog view name to the
Tree Menu under Catalog Views.
Remove View from Menu
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Setup | Catalog Views | Remove Catalog
View From Menu
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Remove Catalog View
From Menu form containing a list of all catalog views in the Tree Menu.
2. Click on a Catalog View name and click [Remove From Menu].
The Advanced Administration Application removes the catalog view name
from the Tree Menu under Catalog Views.
Add Buyer Accounts
You use buyer accounts to define the relationship between a Catalog View and a
supplier. You create a buyer account when you associate a supplier account with a
Catalog View.
After you create a buyer account, you can specify what commodities are visible in
the Catalog View. See Configure Commodity Filters.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Setup | Catalog Views | Catalog View Name
| Buyer Accounts | Buyer Account Name | Add Buyer Account.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Buyer Account
form, containing:
Supplier Account name
Buyer TPID (Trading Partner ID)
Sub-Account Number
2. To select a Supplier Account, click Change to the right of the empty Supplier
Account field.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Set Supplier Account
3. Click in the Supplier Name text box, and type:
All or part of the Supplier Name, or
Wild Card Characters
4. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Suppliers matching
your query.
5. In the Results list, click Select next to the Supplier you want to associate with
Procurement Help
Setup Catalog Views
the catalog view.
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the New Buyer Account
form with the selected supplier account and the associated Buyer TPID.
6. Type a unique name or number for the new account in the Sub-Account
Number text box.
7. Type a description of the account in the Description text box (to a maximum of
255 characters).
8. Click [Save] to save the new buyer account and leave the New Buyer Account
Edit Buyer Accounts
You can edit existing buyer account information (but not the account name or
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Setup | Catalog Views | Catalog View Name
| Buyer Accounts | Buyer Account Name.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Buyer Account Edit
form, containing:
Supplier name
Supplier Account name
Buyer TPID (Trading Partner ID)
Buyer Catalog name
Sub-Account Number
2. To select a different Supplier Account, click Change to the right of the empty
Supplier Account field.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Set Supplier Account
3. Click in the Supplier Name text box, and type:
All or part of the Supplier Name, or
Wild Card Characters
4. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Supplier Accounts
matching your query.
5. In the Results list, click Select next to the Supplier Account you want to
associate with the catalog view.
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the Buyer Account form
Advanced Administration
Setup Catalog Views
with the selected supplier account and the associated Buyer TPID.
6. Select a new catalog from the Buyer Catalog drop-down menu.
7. Type a new identifying name or number for the account in the Sub-Account
Number text box.
8. Change or add to the description of the account in the Description text box (to
a maximum of 255 characters).
9. Click [Save] to save the modified buyer account and leave the Buyer Account
Edit form.
Configure Commodity Filters
For each organization, you can restrict access to certain commodities. This
restriction can be for a particular supplier or for all supplier catalogs.
Select Setup | Catalog Views | Catalog View Name | Commodity Filters from the
tree menu to edit the name and description of an existing commodity filter.
The Advanced Administration application displays the Commodities form on
which you may:
List Commodity Filters and,
Edit Commodity Filters
List Commodity Filters
1. Click the List Commodity Filter hyperlink, to view a list of all currently selected
2. Click [Delete All Commodity Filters] to delete the displayed list.
The Advanced Administration application requests confirmation before
Edit Commodity Filters
1. Click the Edit Commodity Filter hyperlink, to display a form used to select
2. Enable the View All Commodities check box to display all commodities
recognized by the Procurement application.
3. Disable the View All Commodities check box again to display only
commodities in the Catalog View’s buyer accounts.
4. If you want to specify a particular supplier’s commodities, click Change and
select a supplier from the search form.
5. In the Results list, click the name of the supplier you want to display or All
6. Click the expand icon next to Commodities to expand the commodity tree.
Procurement Help
Setup Contacts
7. At the top commodity level select, in the Include Setting drop-down menu:
Exclude this and all below, which excludes that commodity level and all its
Include this and all below, which includes that commodity level and all its
Note: The highest commodity level in the commodity tree contains only
two settings in the drop-down box: Include this and all below, and Exclude
this and all below.
8. Click [Save] for the top commodity level.
9. For each lower commodity level that you wish to configure, select the
commodity level.
10. In the Include Setting drop-down menu, select one of the following:
Exclude, which excludes just that commodity level.
Exclude this and all below, which excludes that commodity level and all its
Include, which includes just that commodity level.
Include this and all below, which includes that commodity level and all its
No Settings selected, which indicates that the commodity inherits the filter
of its parent.
11. Click [Save] for that commodity level.
12. Continue, until you have configured all necessary commodities and levels.
13. You can click the List Commodity Filters hyperlink at any time to review a list
of all your selections.
14. Click [Regenerate Runtime Table] to update the runtime table with the
modified filters.
15. Click [Test Catalog Configuration] to test the filter configuration for errors.
Setup Contacts
Contacts identify the names and locations of people responsible for
communications between buyers and suppliers.
You can nominate a contact at each:
Supplier’s location
Buying Organization’s Ship To Address
Buying Organization’s Bill To Address
Advanced Administration
Setup Contacts
In Setup Contacts you can:
View Contact
Edit Contact
Add a New Contact
Delete Contact
View Contact
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Contacts.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Contact form.
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Contact Location text box, and type
all or part of the name of a contact, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
query and their contact information.
4. Click:
The Contact Name hyperlink to sort the list in Contact Name order, or
The Mail Stop hyperlink to sort the list in location order
5. If there are too many contacts to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
6. To view all of the information for a contact, use the browser scroll bar, at the
bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
7. Click:
Edit to change contact information, or
Delete to remove the Contact from the database.
Add a New Contact
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Contacts.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Contact form.
2. Click [New Contact].
The Advanced Administration Application displays a blank New Contact form.
3. Click in each of the text boxes, and type the necessary contact information:
Procurement Help
Contact Name
Mail Stop
Setup Contacts
4. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: Do not try to assign a Home organization until you have created your
Buying Organizations. Only after you have done this will the Home
Organization drop-down menu be populated with a list of available
organizations. If necessary, you can return later and assign a Home
You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but rather
accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain seed data.
In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying Organizations,
see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the Home
Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
5. Click:
[Save] to save the new contact and leave the New Contact form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Contact form without adding a contact.
Edit Contact
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Contacts.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Contact form.
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Contact Location text box, and type
all or part of the name of a contact or location, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
query and their contact information.
4. Click:
The Contact Name hyperlink to sort the list in Contact Name order, or
The Mail Stop hyperlink to sort the list in location order
5. If there are too many contacts to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
6. To view all of the information for a contact, use the browser scroll bar, at the
bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
7. Click Edit to the left of the Contact you want to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Contact form
containing the information for:
Advanced Administration
Setup Contacts
Contact Name
Mail Stop
8. Click in each of the text boxes, and type any necessary changes to the contact
9. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: Do not try to assign a Home organization until you have created your
Buying Organizations. Only after you have done this will the Home
Organization drop-down menu be populated with a list of available
organizations. If necessary, you can return later and assign a Home
You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but rather
accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain seed data.
In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying Organizations,
see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the Home
Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
10. Click:
[Save] to save the changes to the contact information and leave the Edit
Contact form, or
[Cancel] to leave the edit Contact form without modifying the contact.
Delete Contact
Before removing a Contact, you must first remove its associations. If the Contact is
associated with a supplier or Buying Organization, the Advanced Administration
Application displays an error message if you try to delete it.
Select a replacement Contact for the supplier or Buying Organizations use. After
that, you can delete the Contact.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Contacts.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Contact form.
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Mail Stop text box, and type all or
part of the name of a contact or location, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
query and their contact information.
Procurement Help
Setup Cost Centers
4. Click:
The Contact Name hyperlink to sort the list in Contact Name order, or
The Mail Stop hyperlink to sort the list in location order
5. If there are too many contacts to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
6. To view all of the information for a contact, use the browser scroll bar, at the
bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
7. Click Delete to the left of the Contact you want to remove.
Setup Cost Centers
The Procurement application uses cost centers to identify parts of an Enterprise to
which expense are accounted. When checking out, buyers can assign the cost of a
purchased item to a cost center, or distribute the cost between several cost
In Setup Cost Centers you can:
View Cost Center
Add a New Cost Center
Edit Cost Center
Delete Cost Center
After you add a new Cost Center in Commerce One Procurement application, you
can add the Cost Center to an existing Buying Organization.
View Cost Center
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Cost Centers.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Cost Center form.
2. Click in the Contact Center Name text box, and type all or part of a Cost Center
name, or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Cost Centers matching
your query and their information.
4. If there are too many Cost Centers to be viewed in a single page, use the
browser scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and
5. To view all of the information for a Cost Centers, use the browser scroll bar, at
the bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
6. Click:
Advanced Administration
Setup Cost Centers
Edit to change Cost Center information
Delete to remove the Cost Center from the database.
Add a New Cost Center
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Cost Centers.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Cost Center form.
2. Click [New Cost Center].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Cost Center form.
3. Click in the Cost Center ID text box and type an integer that uniquely identifies
a Cost Center to the Procurement application.
The Cost Center ID must be an integer that uniquely identifies a cost center in
the system. If you enter a value other than an integer, Administration produces
an error message.
4. Click in the ERP Cost Center ID text box and type the value that identifies this
same Cost Center to your Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP or “back
office”) software.
ERP CostCenter ID identifies this cost center in your enterprise resources
planning software.
5. Click in the Cost Center Name text box and type the name you want the
Procurement application to use to identify this Cost Center to users (maximum
255 characters).
6. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: Do not try to assign a Home organization until you have created your
Buying Organizations. Only after you have done this will the Home
Organization drop-down menu be populated with a list of available
organizations. If necessary, you can return later and assign a Home
You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but rather
accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain seed data.
In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying Organizations,
see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the Home
Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
7. Click:
Procurement Help
[Save] to save the new Cost Center and leave the New Cost Center form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Cost Center form without adding a Cost Center.
Setup Cost Centers
Edit Cost Center
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Cost Centers.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Cost Center form.
2. Click in the Contact Center Name text box, and type all or part of a Cost Center
name, or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Cost Centers matching
your query and their information.
4. If there are too many Cost Centers to be viewed in a single page, use the
browser scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and
5. To view all of the information for a Cost Centers, use the browser scroll bar, at
the bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
6. Click Edit to the left of the Cost Center you want to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Cost Center form
Cost Center ID non-editable field
ERP Cost Center ID editable text box (maximum 255 characters)
Cost Center Name editable text box (maximum 255 characters)
Home Organization drop-down menu
7. Click in the ERP Cost Center ID text box and type the value that identifies this
same Cost Center to your Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP or “back
office”) software.
8. Click in the Cost Center Name text box and type the name you want the
Procurement application to use to identify this Cost Center to users.
9. If you want to assign a Home Organization to this Cost Center, click in the
Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of available
Buying Organizations.
Note: Do not try to assign a Home organization until you have created your
Buying Organizations. Only after you have done this will the Home
Organization drop-down menu be populated with a list of available
organizations. If necessary, you can return later and assign a Home
You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but rather
accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain seed data.
In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying Organizations,
see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the Home
Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
Advanced Administration
Setup Cost Centers
[Save] to save the changed Cost Center and leave the Edit Cost Center form,
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Cost Center form without making any changes.
Delete Cost Center
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Cost Centers.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Cost Center form.
2. Click in the Contact Center Name text box, and type all or part of a Cost Center
name, or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Cost Centers matching
your query and their information.
4. If there are too many Cost Centers to be viewed in a single page, use the
browser scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and
5. To view all of the information for a Cost Centers, use the browser scroll bar, at
the bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
6. Click Delete to remove the Cost Center from the database.
Ship To Cost Center
Before removing a Cost Center, you must first remove its associations. If the Cost
Center is associated with a Buying Organization, the Advanced Administration
Application cannot remove the Cost Center, and displays an error message.
First select a replacement Cost Center for the Buying Organization use. After that,
can you delete the Cost Center.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Cost Centers.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Cost Center form.
2. Click in the Contact Center Name text box, and type all or part of a Cost Center
name, or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Cost Centers matching
your query and their information.
4. If there are too many Cost Centers to be viewed in a single page, use the
browser scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and
5. To view all of the information for a Cost Centers, use the browser scroll bar, at
Procurement Help
Setup Currency Exchanges
the bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
6. Click Delete to the left of Cost Center you want to delete from the database.
Setup Currency Exchanges
Currency Exchange Groups enable buyers and suppliers to conduct transactions
with different international currencies.
To establish currency exchange, you must:
Create a Currency Exchange Group, which contains rules for currency
Add a New Group, or
Edit Group
Establish or modify currency transaction rules for that group.
Exchange Rates
Assign the Currency Exchange group to one or more Buying Organizations.
Add a New Group
To create a new Currency Exchange Group:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Currency Exchange.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Currency
Exchange Group form.
2. Click New Currency Exchange Group.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Currency
Exchange Group form.
3. Click in the Description text box and type the name you want the Procurement
application to use to identify this Currency Exchange group to users.
4. Click:
[Save] to save the new Currency Exchange Group and leave the New
Currency Exchange Group form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Currency Exchange Group form without adding a
Currency Exchange Group.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Currency Exchange
Group: Group Name Modify form.
After you create the Currency Group, you must establish currency Exchange
Rates for the group. This is done with the Edit Group procedure.
You can do this now or, if necessary, return later to set or change these rules.
Advanced Administration
Setup Currency Exchanges
5. After setting rules for the Currency Exchange Group, click [Save] again.
Edit Group
After you create the Currency Group, you must establish currency transaction
rules for the group. For example:
The currencies to be converted,
The conversion rate, and
The effective date of the conversion rate.
You must do this when you create the new group (Add a New Group) and, when
necessary, later to set or change these rules.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Currency Exchange.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Currency Exchange
2. Click in the Description text box, and type all or part of a Currency Exchange
Group name, or Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Currency Exchange
Groups matching your query and their information.
4. Click [Edit] to the left of the group that you want to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Currency Exchange
Group: Group Name Modify form.
5. Use this form to add Exchange Rates for the Group.
6. After setting rules for the Currency Exchange Group, click [Save] again.
Exchange Rates
After you create a Currency Exchange Group, you must set currency transaction
rules for the group:
Identify the currencies to be converted from and to
Specify the exchange rate
Specify the date and time at which that rate become effective
Later, you may return and modify the Currency Exchange Group rules. In the
Currency Exchange Group: Group Name Modify form:
1. Click [New] next to the group that you want to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays any rules and information
for that currency group.
2. If necessary, change the Group Description.
Procurement Help
Setup MarketSite
3. Click:
Disabled to disable the group, or
Click again to de-activate Disabled and re-enable this group.
4. Click [New].
5. Click in the drop-down menu, and select the name of the currency which the
Buying Organization will convert from.
6. Click in the drop-down menu, and select the name of the currency which the
Buying Organization will convert into.
7. Edit the date when the conversion rate becomes effective.
Note: the Advanced Administration Application uses a Java filter in this text
box which allows spaces before the date, but not after the date.
8. Click in the Conversion Rate text box, and type the conversion rate between the
9. Click in the Create Reciprocal Currency Exchange check box, to create
exchange rates for both forward and backward conversion.
10. Click [Save].
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the Currency Exchange
Group: Group Name Modify form, with the new exchanges rate (or rates)
added to the list.
11. Click [Insert] to the left of any rate, to add an additional exchange rate between
the same 2 currencies.
Repeat steps 7, 8, 9 and 10.
12. Click [Save] to save the group.
Note: European Monetary Union law forbids direct conversion between
EMU country currencies. They must be converted via the common currency
the Euro.
In the Procurement application, you must establish one Currency Exchange
Group to convert the from currency to Euro, and another to convert from
Euro to the to currency.
For example, to convert from Lira to Euro, and then from Euro to Francs.
The Procurement application automatically manages the implied Lira to
Franc conversion.
Setup MarketSite
When you register with your e-marketplace, you receive certain information that
you must provide to the Procurement application to allow it to perform operations
such as configuring the Dispatcher to the e-marketplace address.
Advanced Administration
Setup MarketSite
The following defines the information required by Administration that you receive
when you register with MarketSite:
Document Destination identification
Name of Document Destination
MarketSite ID
The organization’s MarketSite
identification number
MarketSite Name
The standard length name assigned to
MarketSite Short
Short name assigned to MarketSite
MarketSite TPID
Trading partner identification number for
the organization
MarketSite URL
This is how the actual transfer of the
document is conducted. Currently we
support https and SonicMQ. Https is the
MS Queue Inbound
This is the MarketSite queue to which all
documents are sent.
MSB Service ID
This ID gets the information on the
Trading Partner from MarketSite
TP Short Name
Trading Partner Short Name
TP Name
Trading Partner Name
Organization ID
MarketSite user name
Buyer Password
MarketSite password
You can:
New information for a new e-marketplace
Edit the information for an existing e-marketplace
Delete an existing e-marketplace
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | MarketSite.
Procurement Help
Setup MarketSite
The Advanced Administration Application displays the MarketSite List form
containing all of the currently stored MarketSite software configuration
information (if any).
2. Click [New].
3. Click in each of the text boxes and type in the values you received with your emarketplace registration for:
MarketSite ID
The organization’s e-marketplace identification number
MarketSite Name
The standard length name assigned to the e-marketplace (a maximum of
100 characters).
MarketSite Short Name
Short name assigned to the e-marketplace
MarketSite TPID
Trading partner identification number for the organization
MSB Service ID
The e-marketplace URL (a maximum of 100 characters).
Click in the drop-down menu and select from a list of available
communication protocols.
MarketSite Queue Inbound
A maximum of 100 characters.
4. Click [Save].
5. Use Administer Organizations to assign your Buying Organizations to the
correct e-marketplace.
6. Use Administer Suppliers to assign your suppliers to the correct emarketplace.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | MarketSite.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the MarketSite List form
containing all of the currently stored MarketSite software configuration
information (if any).
2. Click [Edit] beside a name in the list.
Advanced Administration
Setup MarketSite
The Advanced Administration Application displays the MarketSite Edit form
MarketSite ID
The organization’s e-marketplace identification number. This is not
MarketSite Name
The standard length name assigned to the e-marketplace (a maximum of
100 characters).
MarketSite Short Name
Short name assigned to the e-marketplace
MarketSite TPID
Trading partner identification number for the organization
MSB Service ID
The e-marketplace URL (a maximum of 100 characters).
Click in the drop-down menu and select from a list of available
communication protocols.
MarketSite Queue Inbound
A maximum of 100 characters.
3. Click in each of the editable fields and type, or select new values.
4. Click:
[Save] to save your changes.
[Cancel] to leave the form without making any changes.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | MarketSite.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the MarketSite List form
containing all of the currently stored MarketSite software configuration
information (if any).
2. Click [Delete] beside a name in the list.
The Advanced Administration Application requests confirmation, and then
removes the name and associated information from the system.
Procurement Help
Setup Online Form
Setup Online Form
Online Forms are used to gather information and submit to an approver in order
to support a special request such as issuance of a check, equipment maintenance
or repair.
When the Online Form has been completed, the information that has been
collected, goes to the assigned Approver for approval, and sent the appropriate
internal department to initiate the requested action. Online Forms do not lead to
the creation of Orders and are not dispatched outside the Enterprise.
Online form templates describe the structure of the online form. You can create
new Online Form Templates externally using a text editor. You then use the
Advanced Administration Application to add or change the information included
about the new Online Form Template to the Online Forms menu in the
Procurement application:
New Form Template
Edit Template
Delete Template
New Form Template
1. Create the new Online Form Template JSP file using an external editor.
You can get more information and training in custom Online Form Template
creation from Commerce One Professional Services or Educational Services.
2. Copy the JSP file to the Web Server .. \WEBROOT\Online_Forms\
3. Select Advanced Administration from the Procurement home page.
4. In Tree Menu, select Setup | Online Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Online Form form
containing a list of all available Online Form Templates.
5. Click [New Online Form].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Online Form
6. Click in the Online Form Name text box and type a name for the Online Form
7. Click the Active check box to make the Online Form Template available to
8. Click in the JSP Name text box and type the name of the file for the Online
Form Template.
You do not need to supply a path to the file, because Online Form Template
files must always be stored in the Web Server ..\WEBROOT\Online_Forms\
Advanced Administration
Setup Online Form
9. Click in the XML File Path text box and type the pathname of the XML file for
the Online Form Template.
10. Click in the Description text box and type a brief explanation of the Online
Form Template, for other administrators (a maximum of 2000 characters).
11. Click in the Protection Domain text box and type the name of the domain for
the Online Form Template.
12. If necessary, click in the Symbolic Class Name text box and type the class of the
file. For Online Forms, the class is OLFDocument by default.
13. If necessary, click in the DocType text box and type the type identifier of the
file. For Online Forms, the type is 10 by default.
14. Click:
[Save] to save the new Online Form Template information and leave the
New Online Form form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Online Form form without adding new Online
Form information.
Edit Template
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Online Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Online Form form
containing a list of all Online Form Templates in the Procurement application,
and information about them.
2. Click [Edit] beside a Online Form Template name.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Online Form form.
3. Click in any of the text boxes, and type in similar information to that you
supplied to New Form Template to the Online Forms menu:
Online Form Name
JSP Name
Creation Date
4. Click in the Active check box (to add a check mark).
The Online Form Template is now active, and is visible to users.
5. Click a second time in the Active check box (to remove the check mark).
The Online Form Template is now inactive. The Online Form Template JSP file
remains in place, and the Online Form information remains in the database,
but the Online Form is not visible to users.
This is an alternative to Delete Template.
Procurement Help
Setup Order Tolerances
6. Click:
[Save] to save the modified Online Form Template information and leave
the Edit Online Form form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Online Form form without changing Online Form
Template information.
Delete Template
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Online Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Online Form form
containing a list of all Online Form Templates in the Procurement application,
and information about them.
2. Click [Delete] beside an Online Form Template.
Setup Order Tolerances
Using the Advanced Administration Application, you can:
View Tolerances
New Order Tolerance
Edit Tolerances
Delete Tolerance
Order Tolerances allow automatic order processing to continue even when there
are minor price discrepancies, for example:
1. A user adds two boxes of an item, costing $5.55/box, to their Shopping Cart,
2. The Procurement application creates an Order, adds this and other items, and
sends it to a supplier, via an e-marketplace,
3. The supplier checks the item’s price and finds it to be $5.57/box,
4. The supplier checks availability and finds that only one box is available for
immediate shipment.
Without tolerances, a supplier must cancel the entire order, delaying to purchase
of this and other items in the Order. With order tolerances:
5. The Commerce One Procurement software compares the difference in price
between current order amd Supplier Update with the tolerances you have
If the differences are more than the permitted tolerance, the Supplier
Update has a pending buyer response. The buyer can accept or reject by
creating a Change Request or cancelling the request.
If the differences are less than the permitted tolerance, the order proceeds
and the item is shipped,
Advanced Administration
Setup Order Tolerances
6. One box of the item can be shipped at an adjusted price,
7. A second box is back-ordered for later shipment.
Tolerances can be set as:
Currency amounts, such as plus/minus $0.50
Percentages of the item price, such as plus/minus 5.0%
Quantities, such as plus/minus 5 boxes (or the appropriate UOM of the item)
Percentage of the ordered quantity, such as plus/minus 5.0%
Zero tolerance
No limit
Tolerances can be associated with a Buying Organization for each commodity.
Enter the Order Tolerance name and enter the following in the appropriate fields:
Name for the tolerance.
Unit Price
Tolerance types include:
Procurement Help
No Limits — The system processes all orders
regardless of any price discrepancies.
Percentage Tolerance — The system accepts
discrepancy within a designated percentage
range, for example ±5. If you choose this type
see note below.
Relative Tolerance — The system accepts a
price discrepancy within a designated number
of units, for example ±$5. 00. If you choose
this type see note below.
Zero Tolerance — The system rejects orders
with any price discrepancies.
Setup Order Tolerances
Quantity Type
Tolerance for discrepancies between quantity
ordered and the quantity the supplier can deliver.
Tolerance types include:
Back Order
Quantity Type
Shipping Days
No Limits — The system processes all orders
regardless of any quantity discrepancies.
Percentage Tolerance — The system accepts
quantity discrepancy within a designated
percentage range, for example ±5. If you
choose this type see note below.
Relative Tolerance — The system accepts
discrepancy within a designated number of
units, for example ±5. If you choose this type
see note below.
Zero Tolerance — The system rejects orders
with any discrepancies.
Tolerance for discrepancies between quantity
ordered and the quantity on back order.
Tolerance types include:
No Limits — The system processes all orders
regardless of any quantity discrepancies.
Percentage Tolerance — The system accepts a
quantity discrepancy within a designated
percentage range, for example ±5. If you
choose this type see note below.
Relative Tolerance — The system accepts a
quantity discrepancy within a designated unit
amount, for example ±5. If you choose this
type see note below.
Zero Tolerance — The system rejects orders
with any quantity discrepancy.
No Limits — The system processes all orders
regardless of the shipping date.
Relative Tolerance — The system accepts an
order provided the shipment transit time is
within a specified number of days, for
example 5≤ shipping days ≤10. If you choose
this type see note below.
Note: If you have chosen Relative or Percentage Tolerance you will see additional
options to be filled in:
Advanced Administration
Setup Order Tolerances
Description of Percentage and Relative
Tolerance Options
Unit Price
Unit Price Below and Above — This is the amount
(percentage or absolute) that the final unit price can
differ from the price at the time the order
Order Quantity Above and Below —This is the
amount the quantity can differ from the quantity at
the time the order originated.
Back Order
Back Order Quantity Max — This is the maximum
units of the object ordered that can be placed on
back order.
Days Type
Shipping Days Max and Min — Indicates the
number of days the order can be in transit from
supplier to buyer. As long as the supplier ships the
order within a range of days prior to the
DeliverByDate, the order is acceptable.
View Tolerances
1. Select Advanced Administration from the Procurement home page.
2. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Tolerances.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Order Tolerance form
showing all currently assigned order tolerances:
Order Tolerance Name
Unit Price Type
Order Quantity Type
Back Order Quantity Type
Shipping Days Type
3. Click:
Edit to change Order Tolerances, or
Delete to remove Order Tolerances from the database.
New Order Tolerance
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Tolerances.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Order Tolerance form.
2. Click [New Order Tolerance].
Procurement Help
Setup Order Tolerances
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Order Tolerance
3. Click in the Order Tolerance Name text box and type the name to be used for
this item.
4. Click in the Unit Price Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance for price
No Limits
The Procurement application processes all Orders regardless of price
discrepancies. This is the default.
Percentage Tolerance
You must designate a percentage (a number between 1 and 100).
The Advanced Administration Application processes the Order if the price
is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated percentage.
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a currency amount.
The Advanced Administration Application processes the Order if the price
is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated amount.
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects Orders with any price discrepancy
5. Click in the Order Quantity Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance for
variations in the quantity of items available:
No Limits
The Procurement application processes all Orders regardless of availability
discrepancies. This is the default.
Percentage Tolerance
You must designate a percentage (a number between 1 and 100).
The Procurement application processes the Order if the back-ordered
quantity is less than the designated percentage of the ordered quantity.
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a number (of Units of Measure) of the item. The
Procurement application processes the order if the back-ordered quantity is
less than the designated amount.
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects orders with any availability
6. Click in the Back Order Quantity Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance
Advanced Administration
Setup Order Tolerances
for variations in the number of items available only on back-order:
No Limits
The Procurement application processes all orders regardless of availability
Percentage Tolerance
You must designate a percentage (a number between 1 and 100).
The Procurement application processes the order if the quantity available
on back-order is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a number (of Units of Measure) of the item.
The Procurement application processes the order if the quantity available
on back-order is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects orders with any availability
discrepancy. This is the default.
7. Click in the Shipping Days Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance for
the number of days before items can be shipped:
No Limits
The Procurement application processes all orders regardless of shipping
delays. This is the default.
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a minimum and maximum number of days before the
deliver by date.
The Procurement application processes the order if the supplier can ship
within the days range defined by the minimum and maximum number of
days, after acceptance of the order.
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects orders if immediate shipment is not
8. Click:
Procurement Help
[Save] to save the new Order Tolerance and leave the New Order Tolerance
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the form without adding a Tolerance.
Setup Order Tolerances
Edit Tolerances
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Tolerances.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Order Tolerance form
showing all currently assigned order tolerances.
2. Click Edit to the left of any Tolerance.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Order Tolerance
3. Click in the Unit Price Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance for price
No Limits
The Procurement application processes all Orders regardless of price
Percentage Tolerance
You must designate a percentage (a number between 1 and 100).
The Advanced Administration Application processes the Order if the price
is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated percentage.
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a currency amount.
The Advanced Administration Application processes the Order if the price
is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated amount.
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects Orders with any price discrepancy.
4. Click in the Order Quantity Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance for
variations in the quantity of items available:
No Limits
T he Procurement application processes all Orders regardless of availability
Percentage Tolerance
You must designate a percentage (a number between 1 and 100).
The Procurement application processes the Order if the back-ordered
quantity is less than the designated percentage of the ordered quantity.
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a number (of Units of Measure) of the item.
The Procurement application processes the order if the back-ordered
quantity is less than the designated amount.
Advanced Administration
Setup Order Tolerances
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects orders with any availability
5. Click in the Back Order Quantity Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance
for variations in the number of items available only on back-order:
No Limits
The Procurement application processes all orders regardless of availability
Percentage Tolerance
You must designate a percentage (a number between 1 and 100).
The Procurement application processes the order if the quantity available
on back-order is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a number (of Units of Measure) of the item.
The Procurement application processes the order if the quantity available
on back-order is within the range defined by plus and minus the designated
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects orders with any availability
6. Click in the Shipping Days Type drop-down menu, and select a tolerance for
the number of days before items can be shipped:
No Limits
The Procurement application processes all orders regardless of shipping
Relative Tolerance
You must designate a minimum and maximum number of days before the
deliver by date.
The Procurement application processes the order if the supplier can ship
within the days range defined by the deliver by date minus the minimum
and maximum number of days, after acceptance of the order.
Zero Tolerance
The Procurement application rejects orders if immediate shipment is not
If you make no selection, the Advanced Administration Application
defaults to No Limits.
Procurement Help
Setup Payments
7. Click:
[Save] to save the modified Order Tolerance and leave the Edit Order
Tolerance form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Order Tolerance form without making any
Delete Tolerance
Before removing an Order Tolerance, you must first remove its associations. If the
Order Tolerance is associated with a Buying Organization or a commodity, the
Advanced Administration Application cannot remove the Order Tolerance, and
displays an error message.
First, select a replacement Order Tolerance for the Buying Organization or
commodity use. After that, you can you delete the Order Tolerance.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Tolerances.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Order Tolerance form
showing all currently assigned order tolerances.
2. Click Delete to the left of a Tolerance to remove it from the database.
Setup Payments
In the Advanced Administration Application, you can view and modify:
Payment Terms which describe the due date for payments, discounts available
and so on.
Payment Types which describe the methods, recognized by Commerce One
Procurement application and the Commerce One MarketSite software. that
users can use to pay for a purchase.
Credit Card names, numbers and other information.
Payment Term
Payment Terms describe the due date for payments, discounts available and so on.
You can New, Delete, or Edit a Payment Term.
If you add a new payment term to the Procurement application, it must be one
recognized by the Commerce One MarketSite software.
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Payments | Payment Terms.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Payment Terms form
displaying all current Payment Terms with their Short and Long Descriptions.
2. Click [New Payment Term].
Advanced Administration
Setup Payments
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Payment Term
3. Click in each of the text boxes, and type (at the insertion point):
Short Description of the payment terms
Long Description to be viewed by the user (maximum 255 characters)
Commerce One Code, an identifier recognized by the Commerce One
MarketSite software
Commerce One Description, a standard brief description recognized by the
Commerce One MarketSite software (a maximum of 255 characters)
Discount Percent to be given, if payment is received within a specified
period of time
Discount Days Due number days in which payment must be received, in
order to qualify for a discount
Discount Time Reference allowed number of days
Discount Due Date (mm/dd/yyyy) due date for discount
Net Days Due to receive payment
Net Time Reference for Net Days Due
4. Click:
[Save] to save the new payment term and leave the New Payment Term
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Payment Term form without adding a new
payment term.
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Payments | Payment Terms.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Payment Terms form
displaying all current Payment Terms with their Short and Long Descriptions.
2. Click the Short Description hyperlink to sort the list in Short Description
3. Click Delete beside a Payment Term to remove it from the database.
The Advanced Administration Application requests confirmation before
removing the Payment Term.
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Payments | Payment Terms.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Payment Terms form
displaying all current Payment Terms with their Short and Long Descriptions.
2. Click the Short Description hyperlink to sort the list in Short Description
Procurement Help
Setup Payments
3. Click:
Delete beside a Payment Term to Delete it from the database or
Edit beside a Payment Term to change it.
If you selected Edit, The Advanced Administration Application displays the
Edit Payment Term form.
4. Enter (or change) the same information you entered to New a Payment Term.
5. Click:
[Save] to save the modified payment term and leave the Edit Payment Term
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Payment Term form without making any changes.
Payment Type
Payment types describe the methods, recognized by Commerce One Procurement
application and the Commerce One MarketSite software, that users can use to pay
for a purchase. If you add a new payment type to Commerce One Procurement
application, it must be one recognized by the Commerce One MarketSite software.
You may New, Delete or Edit a Payment Type.
After you add or modify a payment type, you can specify it as a payment method
for any supplier.
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Payments | Payment Type.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Payment Type form
displaying all current Payment Terms with their Short Descriptions and
Commerce One Payment Type identifiers.
2. Click [New Payment Type].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Payment Type
3. Click in each of the text boxes, and type the following information and click
Short Description of the payment type
Long Description to be viewed by the user (maximum 255 characters)
Commerce One Code, a standard identifier recognized by the Commerce
One MarketSite software
Commerce One Description, a standard brief description recognized by the
Commerce One MarketSite software (a maximum of 255 characters)
Advanced Administration
Setup Payments
4. Click in the Is Credit Card? check box if this is so.
5. Click in the Commerce One Payment type drop-down menu, and select from
the list of payment types recognized by the Commerce One MarketSite
6. Click:
[Save] to save the new payment type and leave the New Payment Type
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Payment Type form without adding a new
payment type.
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Payments | Payment Type.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Payment Type form
displaying all current Payment Types with their Short and Long Descriptions.
2. Click:
The Short Description hyperlink to sort the list in Short Description order,
The Commerce One Payment Type hyperlink to sort the list in standard
payment type order.
3. Click Delete beside a Payment Type to Delete it from the database.
Note: Before removing a Payment Type, you must first remove its
associations. If the Payment Type is associated with a Supplier, the Advanced
Administration Application cannot remove the Payment Type, and displays an
error message. Select a replacement Payment Type for the supplier’s use. Only
then, can you delete the Payment Type.
The Advanced Administration Application requests confirmation before
removing the Payment Type.
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Payments | Payment Type.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Payment Type form
displaying all current Payment Types with their Short and Long Descriptions.
2. Click:
The Short Description hyperlink to sort the list in Short Description order,
The Commerce One Payment Type hyperlink to sort the list in standard
payment type order.
3. Click:
Procurement Help
Delete beside a Payment Type to Delete it from the database or
Setup Payments
Before removing a Payment Type, you must first remove its associations. If
the Payment Type is associated with a Supplier, the Advanced
Administration Application cannot remove the Payment Type, and displays
an error message. Select a replacement Payment Type for the supplier’s use.
Only then, can you delete the Payment Type.
Edit beside a Payment Type to change it.
If you selected Edit, The Advanced Administration Application displays the
Edit Payment Type form.
4. Enter (or change) the same information you entered to New a Payment Type.
5. Click:
[Save] to save the modified payment type and leave the Edit Payment Type
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Payment Type form without making any changes.
Credit Card
In the Advanced Administration application you can add, modify or delete credit
card information.
You may New, Delete, or Edit a Credit Card.
To add a new credit card, you must first add the credit card names, numbers
and other information.
Buyers can use their assigned credit card to make purchases.
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Payments | Credit Card
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Credit Card form.
2. Click [New Credit Card].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Credit Card form.
3. Click in each of the text boxes or drop-down menus, and type or select:
Payment Type
Name on Card
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Credit Card Limit
Description a brief description of the card and its purpose (maximum 255
Advanced Administration
Setup Payments
Card Authorization Code if required for use
Card Reference Number
4. Click [Select Bill to Address].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Select Bill to Address
5. Click in the Search for Name text box, and type all or part of the name of a
recognized Procurement application address, or use Wild Card Characters.
6. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all addresses matching
your query.
7. In the Results text box, click the appropriate address, and click [Select].
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the Credit Card form
showing the selected billing address.
8. Click in the Corporate Card check box, to add a check mark, to indicate that
this is a Corporate Credit Card.
9. Uncheck the check box if this a Personal Credit Card. If this is a personal card,
you must select the name of the user.
Click [Select User] to assign a user to the card.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Enterprise User form.
10. Click in the User Name text box, and type all or part of the name of a
recognized Procurement application user, or use Wild Card Characters.
11. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all user names matching
your query.
12. In the Results text box, click the Name of the appropriate user, and click
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the Credit Card form
showing the selected user name.
13. Click:
[Save] to save the new credit card and leave the New Credit Card form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Credit Card form without adding a new credit
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Payments | Credit Cards.
2. Click in the Name on Card text box, and type all or part of the name appearing
on the card, or use Wild Card Characters.
Procurement Help
Setup Payments
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays the information for all
Credit Cards matching your query.
4. Click Delete to the left of a Credit Card to remove it from the database.
The Advanced Administration application request confirmation before
deleting the credit card.
Note: Before removing a Credit Card, you must first remove its associations. If
the Credit Card is associated with a supplier as a Payment Type, the Advanced
Administration Application cannot remove the Credit Card, and displays an
error message. First, New a replacement Payment Type for the supplier. After
that, can you delete the Credit Card.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Payments | Credit Cards.
2. Click in the Name on Card text box, and type all or part of the name appearing
on the card, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays the information for all
Credit Cards matching your query.
4. Click:
Delete to the left of a Credit Card to Delete it from the database.
Edit the left of a Credit Card you want to modify.
If you selected Edit, the Advanced Administration Application displays the
Edit Credit Card form.
5. Click in each of the text boxes or drop-down menus, and type or select new
values for:
Payment Type
Name on Card
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Credit Card Limit
Description a brief description of the card and its purpose (maximum 255
Card Authorization Code if required for use
Card Reference Number
6. Click [Select Bill to Address].
Advanced Administration
Setup Payments
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Select Bill to Address
7. Click in the Search for Name text box, and type all or part of the name of a
recognized Procurement application address, or use Wild Card Characters.
8. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all addresses matching
your query.
9. In the Results text box, click the appropriate address, and click [Select].
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the Credit Card form
showing the selected billing address.
10. Click in the Corporate Card check box, to add a check mark, to indicate that
this is a Corporate Credit Card.
11. Uncheck the check box if this a Personal Credit Card. If this is a personal card,
you must select the name of the user.
Click [Select User] to assign a user to the card.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Enterprise User form.
12. Click in the User Name text box, and type all or part of the name of a
recognized Procurement application user, or use Wild Card Characters.
13. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all user names matching
your query.
14. In the Results text box, click the Name of the appropriate user, and click
The Advanced Administration Application re-displays the Credit Card form
showing the selected user name.
15. Click:
[Save] to save the new credit card and leave the New Credit Card form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Credit Card form without adding a new credit
Personal Credit Card
1. In the New Credit Card form:
Uncheck the Corporate Card check box, and
Click [Select User].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Enterprise User Search
2. Click in the User Name text box, and type all or part of the name of a
Procurement Help
Setup Payments
recognized Procurement application user, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all user names matching
your query.
4. In the Results text box, click the Name of the appropriate user.
5. Click [Select].
6. In the Priority text box, enter an integer value.
This Priority allows a user with more than one credit card assigned to choose a
preference for a card when they pay for a purchase. A priority level of zero (0)
means that the credit card is the first one presented when a user pays for the
7. Click:
[Save] to save the credit card user name, or
[Cancel] to exit without making any changes.
Corporate Credit Card
1. In the New Credit Card form:
Uncheck the Corporate Card check box, and
Click [Select Organization].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Organization Search
2. Click in the Search for Name text box, and type all or part of the name of a
Buying Organization, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all Buying Organization
names matching your query.
4. In the Results text box, click the Name of the appropriate organization.
5. Click [Select].
6. In the Priority text box, enter an integer value.
This Priority allows a user with more than one credit cards assigned to choose
a preference for a card when they pay for a purchase. A priority level of zero (0)
means that the credit card is the first one presented when a user pays for the
7. Click:
[Save] to save the credit card Buying Organization name, or
[Cancel] to exit without making any changes.
Advanced Administration
Setup Reports
Setup Reports
Commerce One Procurement application is able to manage externally created
reports through the Reports menu. This menu, organized by Report Category,
displays all Report formats available at your site.
The reports listed in the Reports menu may be standard formats supplied by
Commerce One, and new or modified report formats created by or for your site.
You can create additional reports using any third-party reporting tool that is able
to create reports viewable in a web browser. When you have created a new report,
you can:
Update the Report menu by adding the new report name to an existing report
category (or creating a new Report Category), and
Supply the URL of the page containing the report.
In the Advanced Administration application, there are tools to:
New Report Category
Edit Report Category
Delete Category
New Report
Edit Report
Delete Report
New Report Category
In the Commerce One Procurement application Reports menu, reports are
organized by report category.
When you add a new custom report to the menu, you must assign it to an existing
category. If no suitable category exists, then you must create one before adding
the new report.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Reports | New Report Category.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Report Category
2. Click in the Report Category Name text box and type the name for the category
that will be displayed in the Reports menu.
3. Enter the Name Resource ID. This is used to obtain translated text for other
4. Click in the Report Category Description text box and type any additional
information needed to administer the category (this information will not be
seen by users).
5. Click in the Privilege Code drop-down menu, and select the minimum privilege
Procurement Help
Setup Reports
level required by a user to access this category of reports.
6. Click [Save] to save the new category and leave the New Report Category form.
Edit Report Category
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Reports | Report Category Name
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Report Category
form, containing the information for the named category.
2. Click [Delete] to remove the category and all contained reports.
3. Enter the Report Category Name.
4. Enter the Name Resource ID. This is used to obtain translated text for other
5. Enter the Report Category Description in the text boxes.
6. Click the Privilege Code drop-down menu, and select a new the minimum
privilege level required by a user to access this category of reports.
7. Click [Save] to save the modified category and leave the Edit Report Category
Delete Category
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Reports | Report Category Name
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Report Category
form, containing the information for the named category.
2. Click [Delete] to remove the category and all contained reports.
New Report
1. Create the new report using a third-party reporting tool.
You can get more information and training in custom report creation from
Commerce One Professional Services or Educational Services.
2. Select Advanced Administration from the Procurement home page.
3. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Reports | Category Name | New Report.
(where Category Name is the menu category into which you want to put the
new report. If there is no suitable category, you must first add a New Report
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Report form, with
the Category Name shown.
4. Click in the Report Name text box and type the title of your new report (to a
maximum of 50 characters).
Advanced Administration
Setup Reports
5. Enter the Name Resource ID. This is used to obtain translated text for other
6. Click in the Page Name text box and type the full URL of the HTML page
containing the report (to a maximum of 255 characters).
7. Click in the Report Description text box and type a description of the report.
This description will be displayed next to the report name in the Reports menu
(to a maximum of 255 characters).
8. Enter the Description Resource ID. This is used to obtain translated text for
other languages.
9. Click in the Privilege Code drop-down menu, and select the minimum privilege
level required by a user to access this report.
10. Click [Save] to save the new report and leave the New Report form.
Edit Report
You cannot edit a report inside Commerce One Procurement application. You
must modify the report externally using a HTML (or text) editor. After doing this,
you can change the URL, name or descriptive text about the report format.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Reports | Report Category Name | Report
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Report form,
containing the information stored for the report named Report Category Name
| Report Name.
2. Click [Delete] to remove the report completely (see Delete Report), or
3. Click in the Report Name or the Report Description text boxes and type a new
report title or descriptive information for the Run Reports.
4. Enter the Name Resource ID. This is used to obtain translated text for other
5. Click in the Page Name text box and type a new pathname to the location and
file name of the report HTML page.
6. Enter the Description Resource ID. This is used to obtain translated text for
other languages.
7. Click in the Privilege Code drop-down menu, and select a privilege level for
access to the report.
8. Click [Save] to save the modified report description and leave the Edit Report
Procurement Help
Setup Ship To Addresses
Delete Report
You cannot edit a report inside Commerce One Procurement application. You
must modify the report externally using a HTML (or text) editor. After doing this,
you can change the URL, name or descriptive text about the report format.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Reports | Report Category Name | Report
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Report form,
containing the information stored for the report named Report Category Name
| Report Name.
2. Click [Delete] to remove the Report from the Reports menu.
Setup Ship To Addresses
Ship To Addresses describe where a supplier can send purchased items. You can
create or modify this information.
Before you can create a new Ship To Address, use:
Setup Addresses to add some addresses to the Procurement application
database, and
Setup Contacts to assign contact names at those addresses.
In Setup Ship To Addresses, you can:
View Ship To Addresses
Edit Ship To Addresses
New Ship To Addresses
Delete Ship To Addresses
View Ship To Addresses
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Ship To Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Ship To Address
Search form.
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Company Name1 text box, and type
all or part of the name of a company, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
4. Click:
The Contact Name hyperlink to sort the list in Contact Name order, or
The Company Name 1 hyperlink to sort the list in Company Name order
Advanced Administration
Setup Ship To Addresses
5. If there are too many contacts to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
6. Click:
Edit to change the Ship To address information
Delete to remove the Ship To address from the database.
Edit Ship To Addresses
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Ship To Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Ship To Address
Search form.
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Company Name1 text box, and type
all or part of the name of a company, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
4. Click Edit beside the Ship To Address you want to modify.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Ship To Address
5. Click [Select Contact] to select from a list of alternative contacts available at
this Ship To Address.
6. Click [Select Address] to select from a list of alternative mailing addresses for
this company.
7. Enable the Taxable check box to indicate that shipments to this is address are
subject to sales tax.
8. If the Taxable text box is checked, click in the Tax Rate Percentage text box and
type a percentage rate (between 0.0 and 100 percent) for sales tax.
9. If the Taxable text box is checked, enable the Direct Pay check box to indicate
that this is a direct pay tax situation.
10. Click in the FOB text box and type the FOB location.
11. Click in the Shipping text box and type shipping information.
12. Click in the Notes text box and type any necessary additional notes or
instructions (to a maximum of 255 characters).
13. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: Do not try to assign a Home organization until you have created your
Buying Organizations. Only after you have done this will the Home
Organization drop-down menu be populated with a list of available
Procurement Help
Setup Ship To Addresses
organizations. If necessary, you can return later and assign a Home
You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but rather
accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain seed data.
In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying Organizations,
see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the Home
Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
14. Click:
[Save] to save the changed Ship To Address information and leave the Edit
Ship To Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Ship To Address form without making any
New Ship To Addresses
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Ship To Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Ship To Address
Search form.
2. Click [New Ship To Address].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Ship To Address
3. Click [Select Contact] to select from a list of alternative contacts available at
this Ship To Address.
4. Click [Select Address] to select from a list of alternative mailing addresses for
this company.
5. Enable the Taxable check box to indicate that shipments to this is address are
subject to sales tax.
The Taxable check box indicates if all items sent to this address are subject to a
tax. Check this box if all the items sent to this shipping address are taxable.
6. If the Taxable text box is checked, click in the Tax Rate Percentage text box and
type a percentage rate (between 0.0 and 100 percent) for sales tax.
Tax Rate Percentage represents the percent sales tax, if a sales tax is
7. If the Taxable text box is checked, enable the Direct Pay check box to indicate
that this is a direct pay tax situation.
Select the Direct Pay box if you would like taxes to be paid directly to the tax
authority rather than to the supplier for items shipped to this address.
8. Click in the FOB text box and type the FOB location.
Advanced Administration
Setup Ship To Addresses
The FOB field indicates the Freight On Board location, if any.
9. Click in the Shipping text box and type shipping information.
10. Click in the Notes text box and type any necessary additional notes or
instructions (to a maximum of 255 characters).
11. Click in the Home Organization drop-down menu and select from the list of
available Buying Organizations.
Note: Do not try to assign a Home organization until you have created your
Buying Organizations. Only after you have done this will the Home
Organization drop-down menu be populated with a list of available
organizations. If necessary, you can return later and assign a Home
You may not be able to assign a Home Organization at this point, but rather
accept the default setting. This is because this field may only contain seed data.
In order to populate this field, you must first create your Buying Organizations,
see New Organization. Once you set up your organizations, the Home
Organization box populates with available organizations. See Restrict
Visibility. For more information on Home Organizations, see Key Concepts.
12. Click:
[Save] to save the new Ship To Address information and leave the Edit Ship
To Address form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Ship To Address form without adding a Ship To
Delete Ship To Addresses
Before removing a Ship To address, you must first remove its associations. If the
Ship To address is associated with a Buying Organization, the system cannot
remove the Ship To address, and the Advanced Administration Application
displays an error message.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Ship To Addresses.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Ship To Address
Search form.
2. Click in the Contact Name text box, or the Company Name1 text box, and type
all or part of the name of a company, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all contacts matching your
4. Click Delete beside the Ship To Address you want to delete.
Procurement Help
Setup a Smart Form
Setup a Smart Form
Smart Forms are used to gather information about products and services that
require configuration options, choices, customization or other special
When the Smart Form has been completed, the information that has been
collected, travels with the Shopping Cart for approval, and is sent with the
resulting Order to the supplier.
Many products or services require different information, and so different Smart
Forms must be created and saved for each type item in the catalog. Smart Forms
are stored in Java Server Page (JSP) files and are stored on the same machine as
the Web Server and the Web Application Server.
You can create new Smart Forms externally using a text editor. You then use the
Advanced Administration Application to add the new Smart Form to the
Procurement application. To do this, you must select a name for the Smart Form,
associate it with a catalog item and supplier, and activate it:
New Smart Form
Edit Smart Form
Delete Smart Form
Associate Item
Cancel Association
New Smart Form
1. Create the new Smart Form JSP file using an external editor.
You can get more information and training in custom Smart Form creation
from Commerce One Professional Services or Educational Services.
2. Copy the JSP file to the Web Server.. \WEBROOT\Smart Forms\ directory.
3. Select Advanced Administration from the Procurement home page.
4. In Tree Menu, select Setup | Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Smart Form form
containing a list of all available Smart Forms:
Smart Form Name
Active status
JSP Name
XML File Path
Creation Date
5. Click [New Smart Form].
Advanced Administration
Setup a Smart Form
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Smart Form form.
6. Click in the Smart Form Name text box and type a name for the Smart Form.
7. Click the Active check box to make the Smart Form available to users.
8. Click in the JSP Name text box and type the name of the JSP file for the Smart
You do not need to supply a path to the file, because Smart Form JSP files must
always be stored in the Web Server.. \WEBROOT\Smart Forms\ directory.
9. Click in the XML File Path text box and type the pathname of the XML file for
the Smart Form.
10. Click in the Description text box and type a brief explanation of the Smart
Form, for other administrators.
11. Click:
[Save] to save the new Smart Form information and leave the New Smart
Form form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Smart Form form without adding new Smart
Form information.
12. Before your users are able to use the Smart Form, you must Associate Item it
with a catalog item.
Edit Smart Form
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Smart Form form
containing a list of all Smart Forms in the Procurement application, and
information about them.
2. Click [Edit] beside a Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Smart Form
Smart Form Name
Active status
JSP Name
XML File Path
Creation Date
3. Click in the Smart Form Name text box and type a new name for the Smart
4. Click the Active check box:
Procurement Help
to remove a check mark and make an inactive Smart Form available to
Setup a Smart Form
to add a check mark and make an active Smart Form unavailable to users.
This is an alternative to Delete Smart Form.
5. Click in the JSP Name text box and type the name of a different JSP file for the
Smart Form.
You do not need to supply a path to the file, because Smart Form JSP files must
always be stored in the Web Server.. \WEBROOT\Smart Forms\ directory.
6. Click in the XML File Path text box and type a new pathname of the XML file
for the Smart Form.
7. Click in the Description text box and type a new explanation of the Smart
Form, for other administrators.
8. Click:
[Save] to save the modified Smart Form information and leave the New
Smart Form form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Smart Form form without modifying Smart Form
Delete Smart Form
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Smart Form form
containing a list of all Smart Forms in the Procurement application, and
information about them.
2. Click [Delete] beside a Smart Form.
Associate Item
To use a Smart Form in Commerce One Procurement application, it must be
associated with at least one catalog item. If a user chooses that catalog item, the
Procurement application displays the appropriate Smart Form.
1. Select Setup | Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Smart Form form
containing a list of all Smart Forms in the Procurement application, and
information about them.
2. Click Association, beside a Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Smart Form
Association form containing a list of the names, part numbers and UOM of all
catalog items that use this Smart Form.
3. Click [New Association].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Association form.
Advanced Administration
Setup Taxes
4. Click in the Supplier Name drop-down menu, and select the name of a supplier
in the Buying Organization catalog.
5. Click in the Supplier Part Number text box and type the supplier’s (not the
manufacturer’s) part number for this item.
6. Click in the Supplier Part Number Ext text box and type any extension to the
supplier’s part number for this item.
7. Click in the Unit of Measure drop-down menu, and select the name of a unit of
measure (UOM) for purchasing this item.
8. Click:
[Save] to save the Smart Form association and leave the New Association
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Association form without adding the Smart Form
9. View the Smart Form information and, if necessary, use Edit Smart Form, to
make the Smart Form Active.
Cancel Association
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Smart Form form
containing a list of all Smart Forms in the Procurement application, and
information about them.
2. Click Association, beside a Smart Form.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Smart Form
Association form containing a list of the names, part numbers and UOM of all
catalog items that use this Smart Form.
3. Click [Delete] beside an item.
The association between the item and the Smart Form is now cancelled.
The Smart Form is still in the Procurement application and can be associated
with other items. The item is still in the catalog but, when it is selected by a
user, this Smart Form is no longer displayed.
Setup Taxes
Only specially privileged administrators have access to the tax administration
Procurement Help
Tax Instance Setup defines a method of tax calculation used for a Tax Entity:
New Tax Instance
Edit Tax Instance
Setup Taxes
Tax Entity Setup defines a part of an Enterprise that has its own, unique tax
treatment. Each Buying Organization must be assigned to one or more Tax
New Tax Entity
Edit Tax Entity
Tax Usage Code Setup define exemptions to tax rules based on the intended
use of a purchased item:
New Usage Code
Edit Usage Code
Direct Pay Product Exemptions Setup defines catalog items that are exempt
from direct payment of tax to state tax authorities:
New Direct Pay Product Exemption
Edit Direct Pay Product Exemption
New Tax Instance
Once named and described each Tax Entity must be associated with a Tax
Instance, which define the actual, installed tax engines that contain the physical
implementation of an entity's rules.
You must first create a Tax Instance before you create a Tax Entity, by defining the
Tax Engine and Enterprise. Only after doing this, can you associate each Tax
Entity with an appropriate Tax Instance:
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Tax Instance.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Tax Instance List form.
2. Click [New Tax Instance].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the New Tax Instance
3. Click in the Description text box and type a brief description of the tax
4. Click in the Tax Engine drop-down menu, and select the name of an available
Tax Engine, for example TaxWare.
If no other tax engine is selected, Commerce One Simple Tax is used by default.
Depending on the tax engine selected, other data entry text boxes may be
added to the page.
5. Click in the Tax Type drop-down menu, and select the type of tax to be
calculated, for example VAT (value added tax) or SUT (sales/use tax).
6. Click in the Host Machine Name text box and type name of the network
machine on which the selected tax engine is running.
Advanced Administration
Setup Taxes
7. Click in the Company ID text box and type the company’s tax identification.
8. Click in the Location ID text box and type the company location identification.
9. Click in the Product Code Conversion text box and type the code value.
10. Click:
[Save] to save the tax instance and leave the New Tax Instance form, or
[Cancel] to leave the New Tax Instance form without adding the Smart
Form association.
Edit Tax Instance
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Tax Instance.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Tax Instance List form.
2. Click in the Description text box, and type all or part of the text appearing in an
instance description, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all tax instances matching
your query and their information.
4. To sort the list by columns, click:
The Tax Type hyperlink, or
The Tax Engine hyperlink
5. If there are too many instances to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
6. To view all of the information for an instance, use the browser scroll bar, at the
bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
7. Click [Delete] beside a Tax Instance to remove it from the database, or
8. Click [Edit] beside a Tax Instance.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Edit Tax Instance form.
9. Click in the displayed text boxes and drop-down menus, and make similar
selections to those the New Tax Instance form.
10. Click:
Procurement Help
[Save] to save the modified tax instance and leave the Edit Tax Instance
form, or
[Cancel] to leave the Edit Tax Instance form without making any changes.
Setup Taxes
New Tax Entity
Most larger companies can be viewed as a collection of organizational entities that
each have their own distinct set of tax rules. Whether the distinction between
these different parts of the company is geographical or functional, they will have
special tax treatments that are not universal. In Administration, we call these
different parts of a company Tax Entities.
After creating your Tax Instances, you can create Tax Entities and assign them to
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Tax Entity.
The Tax Entity List form displays.
2. Click New Tax Entity.
The New Tax Entity form displays.
3. Click in the Name text box and type a brief name to identify the tax entity
4. Click in the Description text box and type a brief description of the tax entity.
5. Click in each of the Tax Instances drop-down menus, and select the name of a
Tax Instance for each tax type.
A drop-down menu in displayed for every Tax Type entry in the database, for
SUT (sales/use tax),
VAT (value added tax) or
Goods and Service Tax.
Each drop-down menu has an option for every Tax Instance of that type in the
database, for example: TaxWare, or Commerce One Simple Tax. If no other tax
instance is selected, an instance using Commerce One Simple Tax is used by
6. Click Save to save the new tax entity and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the
form without making any changes.
Edit Tax Entity
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Tax Entity.
The Tax Entity List form displays.
2. Click in the Name text box, and type all or part of an entity name, or use Wild
Card Characters.
3. Click Search.
All tax entities matching your query and their information display.
4. To sort the list by columns, click:
Advanced Administration
Setup Taxes
The Name hyperlink, or
The Description hyperlink, or
5. If there are too many entities to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
6. To view all of the information for an entity, use the browser scroll bar, at the
bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
7. Click Delete beside a Tax Entity to remove it from the database, or
8. Click Edit beside a Tax Entity.
The Edit Tax Entity form displays.
9. Click in the displayed text boxes and drop-down menus, and make similar
selections to those the New Tax Entity form.
10. Click Save to save the modified tax entity and leave the form, or Cancel to leave
the form without making any changes.
New Usage Code
Usage Codes are used to define purchasing categories. Usage Codes will also be
associated with line items in Shopping Carts and Orders.
To manage exemptions to tax rules based on the intended use of a purchased item,
you must set up codes defining different types of usage:
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Usage Codes.
The Usage Code form displays.
2. Click New Usage Code.
The New Usage Code form displays.
3. Click in the Usage Code text box and type a brief name to identify the usage
4. Click in the Description text box and type a brief description of the type of item
usage defined by the code.
5. Click Save to save the new usage code and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the
form without making any changes.
Edit Usage Code
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Usage Code.
The Usage Code form displays.
2. Click Delete beside a Usage Code to remove it from the database, or
3. Click Edit beside a Usage Code.
Procurement Help
Setup Taxes
The Edit Usage Code form displays.
4. Click in either the Usage Code text box or the Description text box, and type
new information similar to that you supplied in the New Usage Code form.
5. Click Save to save the modified usage code and leave the form, or Cancel to
leave the form without making any changes.
New Direct Pay Product Exemption
The Direct Pay location remits all sales tax directly to the tax authority rather than
sending the tax to the supplier. By creating a Direct Pay Product Exemption,
products are exempt from the Direct Pay tax payment method. Therefore, the
taxes must be sent to the supplier regardless of any Direct Pay status of the
To manage exemptions to direct tax payment based on types of item:
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Direct Pay Product Exemption.
The Direct Pay Product Exemptions form displays.
2. Click New Exemption.
The New Direct Pay Product Exemption form displays.
3. In the State text box, click on a code, representing a state, group of states or
nations for which an exemption should apply.
Note: The application comes pre-populated with a number of common states
and provinces. If your locale has additional jurisdictions, please have your
database administrator add those jurisdictions to the "Tax_State_Province"
4. Click in the UNSPSC Code text box and type an UNSPSC code representing the
type of item that is to be exempt from direct payment of tax.
5. Click Save to save the new exemption and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the
form without making any changes.
Edit Direct Pay Product Exemption
1. In the Tree Menu, click Setup | Taxes | Direct Pay Product Exemption.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Direct Pay Product
Exemption form.
2. Click in the State text box or UNSPSC Code text box, and type all or part of
state name, abbreviation or UNSPC code, or use Wild Card Characters.
Note: The application comes pre-populated with a number of common states
and provinces. If your locale has additional jurisdictions, please have your
database administrator add those jurisdictions to the "Tax_State_Province"
Advanced Administration
Setup Units of Measure
3. Click Search.
All Exemptions matching your query and their information display.
4. To sort the list by columns, click:
The State hyperlink, or
The UNSSPSC Code hyperlink, or
5. If there are too many Exemptions to be viewed in a single page, use the
browser scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and
6. To view all of the information for an Exemptions, use the browser scroll bar, at
the bottom of the window, to move the display left and right.
7. Click Delete beside an Exemption to remove it from the database, or
8. Click Edit beside an Exemption.
The Edit Direct Pay Product Exemption form displays.
9. In the State text box, click on a different code, representing a state, group of
states or nations for which an exemption should apply, or
10. Click in the UNSPSC Code text box and type a different UNSPSC code
representing the type of item that is to be exempt from direct payment of tax.
11. Click Save to save the modified exemption and leave the form, or Cancel to
leave the form without making any changes.
Setup Units of Measure
Commerce One provides many standardized (ISO) Units of Measure (UOM) with
the Procurement application.
You can modify any of these standard units to suit the needs of your system.
To add new units of measure, consult with Commerce One Professional Services.
To modify a unit of measure:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Units of Measure.
The Unit of Measure form displays with a list of Procurement application UOM
Short and Long Descriptions.
2. Click Edit beside a UOM.
The Edit UOM form displays.
3. Click in the Short Description text box and type a short name for the UOM to
be used internally.
4. Click in the Long Description text box and type a more descriptive name for
the UOM (maximum 255 characters). This is the description seen by users.
Procurement Help
Setup Feature Registration
5. Click the Active check box to make the UOM available to users.
6. Click Save to save the modified UOM and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the
form without making any changes.
Setup Feature Registration
Services Procurement and Contract Labor are additional features that are enabled
in Commerce One Procurement with separate security keys. Registration
Information and keys are provided by Commerce One after purchase of one or
both of these features.
You will need your Registration Key and Registration Information before enabling
either feature.
Feature Registration allows you to:
Enable a Feature
Authorize Organizations
You can use the following icons on the Feature Registration page:
Authorize Organizations
Click this icon to authorize organizations in Procurement
to use Services Procurement or Contract Labor.
Click this icon to register Services Procurement or Contract
Labor on the Feature Registration page.
Click this icon to authorize a single organization from the
Authorize Organizations page.
Authorize All Child Organizations
Click this icon to Authorize all Child Organizations within
an organization.
Unauthorize All Child Organizations
Click this icon to unauthorize all child organizations within
an organization.
Click this to delete an organization from your list of
authorized organizations.
Advanced Administration
Setup Feature Registration
Services Procurement
Services Procurement is a feature of the Procurement application that allows you
to shop for services provided by a supplier. This functionality extends your ability
to manage and control spending beyond goods and supplies, and includes but is
not limited to purchasing repairs, rentals, consulting, catering, travel, and/or
construction services.
Contract Labor
Contract Labor works with Commerce One Procurement to allow you to
administer, create, and track time and expenses for your company's contractors.
With Contract Labor, you can assign contractors to Projects, and report their
hours and expenses. Procurement Shopping Carts are generated for Timecards.
This functionality helps the user control expenses by enforcing limits on hour and
expense values that are reported.
Enable a Feature
To enable Services Procurement or Contract Labor:
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Setup | Feature Registration.
4. Select the Register icon in the Actions column for the feature you wish to
5. Register your security key by entering:
Registration Key - This is a system-generated key provided by
Commerce One. Copy and paste, or type it exactly as it appears, into the
field. Save this key for future reference.
Registration Information - This is a name assigned by Commerce One
to identify your company.
For example: Commerce One LLC
6. Click Save.
You are returned to the Feature Registration page. The Enabled column now
reads “Yes” for the feature you registered.
Expiration dates are only visible if your Registration Key is temporary.
Temporary access to Services Procurement or Contract Labor will expire on
this date.
7. Continue by selecting the Authorize Organizations icon from the Actions
column for the desired feature. See Authorize Organizations for more
Procurement Help
Setup Feature Registration
Note: Once a feature is registered and authorized for use within an
organization, the administrator has access to all privileges associated with each
feature. The administrator must then create a new role for the feature with one
or more of these new privileges selected, and then assign the role to a user. At
this stage, the feature becomes visible and available for further configuration
and use.
Authorize Organizations
After enabling Services Procurement or Contract Labor, you must authorize the
organizations that will use these features. Organizations are created in
Procurement Administration. See New Organization to add organizations.
Once you have authorized organizations for Services Procurement or Contract
Labor, the feature appears in the left-hand tree menu of Advanced Administration
and is available for configuration.
The appearance and functionality of various screens throughout the Procurement
application also change once a feature is authorized for use within an
organization. For example, employees of an organization using Contract Labor
may see links on the Procurement Home page allowing them to create, edit, or
view their Timecard(s). Or, organizations using Services Procurement find new
options for editing Change Requests.
To authorize an organization to use the feature you just enabled:
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Setup | Feature Registration.
4. From the Actions column for the feature you enabled, select the Authorize
Organizations icon.
The Authorize Organizations page displays. Then, you can:
Authorize All Organizations
Authorize Individual Organizations
Authorize Child Organizations
Authorize All Organizations
By authorizing all organizations in Services Procurement or Contract Labor, you
authorize all organizations at all levels, both parent and children organizations.
To do so:
1. Click the Authorize All Organizations button.
2. A pop-up message appears to confirm your choice.
The Close button returns you to the Feature Registration page.
Advanced Administration
Setup Feature Registration
Authorize Individual Organizations
Individual organizations can only be authorized one at a time. As you authorize
organizations, you can then choose to authorize each organization’s child
In this scenario, you may have one organization whose child organizations are
unauthorized and another whose child organizations are authorized. For more
details, see Authorize Child Organizations.
1. Click the Authorize Organization button.
An Organization Search window opens.
2. Enter an organization’s name, or partial name, for a list of possible matches.
You can also enter an asterisk (*) to return a list of all available organizations.
3. Click the Authorize icon for the organization you wish to authorize.
You are returned to the Authorize Organizations page. Repeat steps 1 - 3 to add
additional organizations.
When you are finished adding organizations, the Close button returns you to
the Feature Registration page.
Authorize Child Organizations
You can always search for a specific organization to authorize, but in general,
authorization occurs at a high-level and often applies to the organizations below.
You can authorize all child organizations for a buying organization at once:
1. From the Actions column, click the Authorize All Child Organizations icon that
corresponds with the organization whose child organizations you wish to
2. A pop-up message appears to confirm your choice.
3. You may continue authorizing child organizations for other organizations from
this page, or can click Close to return to the Feature Registration page. Clicking
the Authorize Organization button allows you to search for another parent
organization to authorize.
Unauthorize Organizations
To stop an organization from using a feature such as Services Procurement or
Contract Labor, you must unauthorize them.
To do so:
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Setup | Feature Registration.
4. From the Actions column for the feature you enabled, select the Authorize
Organizations icon.
Procurement Help
Setup Feature Registration
The Authorize Organizations page displays. The Authorize Organizations page
displays. Then, you can:
Unauthorize All Organizations
Unauthorize Individual Organizations
Unauthorize Child Organizations
Unauthorize All Organizations
No users will be able to use Services Procurement or Contract Labor unless their
organization is authorized. Organizations can be unauthorized and later reauthorized, if needed.
To unauthorize all organizations:
1. Click the Unauthorize All Organizations button.
2. A pop-up message appears to confirm your choice.
The Close button returns you to the Feature Registration page.
Unauthorize Individual Organizations
Deleting one or more organizations does not permanently remove them from your
list of available organizations. It simply unauthorizes them.
To do so:
1. From the Actions column, click the Delete icon to delete all organizations or an
individual organization from your list of authorized organizations.
Note: If you delete an organization that previously had all child organizations
authorized, you are deleting only the parent organization and the child
organizations will remain authorized. If you want to unauthorize an
organization and all organizations below it, make sure to Unauthorize Child
Organizations first, then delete the parent organization as instructed here.
2. A pop-up message appears to confirm your choice.
3. You may continue unauthorizing organizations or can click Close to return to
the Feature Registration page.
Unauthorize Child Organizations
You can always search for a specific organization to authorize or unauthorize, but
in general, authorization occurs at a high-level and often applies to the
organizations below.
To delete all child organizations:
1. From the Actions column, click the Unauthorize All Child Organizations icon
to delete all child organizations for an organization.
The parent organization remains authorized.
2. A pop-up message appears to confirm your choice.
Advanced Administration
Setup Commodity Settings
3. You may continue unauthorizing child organizations for other organizations,
or can click Close to return to the Feature Registration page.
Setup Commodity Settings
If Services Procurement is enabled (see Setup Feature Registration), a Commodity
Settings page is accessible through the Advanced Administration | Setup tree
The Commodity Settings page allows you to view all commodities recognized by
your organization, and to edit each commodity or sub-commodity so that
Procurement will recognize it as a Service item, rather than goods or supplies.
To navigate to this page:
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Setup | Commodity Settings.
The Commodity Settings page displays.
4. Click the expand icon next to Commodities to display the commodity tree.
The page returns all top-level commodities, but you can continue expanding
each commodity to view the sub-commodities within.
You may:
Edit Commodity Settings, or
List or View Commodity Settings
Edit Commodity Settings
Each commodity can be edited so that Services Procurement will recognize that
commodity, or any sub-level within it, as a Service. By default, all commodities are
considered goods, purchased using a standard Purchase Order. Editing the
commodity settings allows Procurement to automatically create a Service Order
To label a commodity as a Service:
1. From the Commodity Settings page, you can edit a top-level commodity or any
sub-commodity below it, by clicking directly on the link.
The Edit Commodity Settings page displays.
2. In the Services Commodity drop-down menu, select one of the following:
Procurement Help
Exclude - Excludes just that commodity level. This assumes that a parent
commodity has been identified as a Service.
Exclude this and all below - Excludes that commodity level and all its sublevels. This assumes that a parent commodity has been identified as a
Setup Commodity Settings
Service, but a grouping of sub-commodities should be excluded from the
same classification.
Include - Includes just that commodity level as a Service, but not the
commodities below.
Include this and all below - Includes that commodity level and all its sublevels as Services.
No Setting selected - Indicates that the commodity inherits the setting of its
parent commodity.
3. Click Save.
You are returned to the Commodity Settings page. Continue, until you have
configured all necessary commodities.
4. Click the Regenerate Runtime Table button to update the runtime table with
the modified settings.
List or View Commodity Settings
1. From the Commodity Settings page, click the List Settings button.
The application returns a list of all commodities labeled as Services.
2. You may Delete All Commodity Settings at once from here, or click Close to
return to the Commodity Settings page.
To adjust or delete specific commodity settings, use the Edit Commodity
Settings instructions. To remove/delete a commodity setting, simply select
“No Settings selected”.
Advanced Administration
Setup Commodity Settings
Procurement Help
Administer Users
In the Administer Users Help
Users include everyone allowed to log on to the Procurement applications. By
being assigned privileges, roles and membership of buying Organizations, users
can take on different buying approval and administration activities.
To administer users, go to the Advanced Administration Application Tree Menu,
and click:
The Expand icon beside Users to expand the menu and display a list of
available actions.
Search to display information about a selected user and make changes to:
Approval Assignments
Approval Groups
New User to add a new user to the system and enter basic user Details.
You must configure users in the following order:
1. Define users within the Enterprise
All users that you create in the Enterprise must have unique Login IDs.
2. Assign new users to a default organization
You must assign each new user a default organization, called the Home
3. Assign new users to Buying Organizations
You can then assign them to zero, one or more Buying Organizations.
4. Assign roles to the user
You can now assign Roles to the user.
Administer Users
New User
New User
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Users | New User.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Enterprise User: Add
1. Click in the text boxes, and type values for:
Login ID (unique for each EBO)
Confirmation password
Mail Stop
Phone number
Fax number
From Date (dd-mmmm-yyyy hh:mm AM or PM)
To Date (dd-mmmm-yyyy hh:mm AM or PM)
2. Click in the drop-down menus, and pick from lists of available:
Home Organization
Time Zone
3. Click the Account never expires check box, so that a check mark is displayed, if
you do not want the account to require periodic renewal.
4. Click [Save] to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Users | Search.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Enterprise User Search
2. Click in the User Name text box, and type:
All or part of the first line of a user name, or
Wild Card Characters.
3. Click [Search]
The Advanced Administration Application displays all user names matching
your query.
Procurement Help
4. If there are too many addresses to be viewed in a single page, use the browser
scroll bar, at the right of the window, to move the display up and down.
5. Click a user name and then click Select.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Enterprise User form
and displays your selected User Name.
6. In the Tree Menu, select Users | Login ID (User Name).
If there are many users in an organization, the Tree Menu does not display all
the users’ names.
Instead, you must click Select Users | Search to locate and select a user.
7. Edit information for the user.
8. Click the expand icons to view your choice of user information.
9. Click [Save] to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. Click [Delete] to delete the user form the Procurement application.
2. Click [Set New Password] to set and confirm a new user log on password.Click
in the text boxes, and type values for:
Mail Stop
Phone number
Fax number
3. Click in the drop-down menus, and pick from lists of available:
Home Organization
Time Zone
4. Click the Account never expires check box, so that a check mark is displayed, if
you do not want the account to require periodic renewal.
5. Click [Save] to save the entered data and leave the form.
6. Click the expand icons to view other user information.
This page displays a list of all the Buying Organizations to which the user belongs.
This information is not editable. To assign users to Buying Organizations, or to
un-assign them, use Administer Organizations.
Administer Users
Click the expand icons to view your other user information.
This page displays a list of all the Roles to which the user belongs.
This information is not editable. To assign users to Roles, or to un-assign them,
use Administer Organizations.
Click the expand icons to view your other user information.
Approval Assignments
This page displays a list of all the Approval types and which, if any, are assigned to
the user.
This information is not editable. To assign approval responsibilities to users, or to
un-assign them, use Administer Organizations.
Click the expand icons to view your other user information.
Approval Groups
This page displays a list of all the Approval Groups and to which, if any, the user
This information is not editable. To assign users to approval groups, see Approval
Procurement Help
Administer Organizations
In the Administer Organizations Help
Buying Organizations represent units within an Enterprise. Buyers must be
members of organizations in order to view catalogs or blanket orders, and to
purchase items.
After you create new organizations, you can specify an association with several
defined properties. To do this, you must select each Buying Organization
individually and add these properties to the organization.
To administer Buying Organizations, click the Advanced Administration link, and
then select from the Tree Menu one of the following:
The Expand icon beside Organizations to expand the menu and display a list of
available actions and existing Organizations.
An Existing Organization by name, to edit its:
Child Organization
New Organization to add a new Buying Organization to the system and enter
basic information.
Workflow to define workflow approval rules and assign approvers for an
organization. This is explained in more detail in the Workflow Primer.
Mass Change to move large numbers of users between Buying Organizations.
Settlement, at the Enterprise Buying Organization and Buying Organization
levels, if you are using the Reconciliation and Settlement applications.
New Organization
1. From the tree menu, select Organizations | New Organization.
2. In the Name text box, enter the name of the new Buying Organization.
3. If this is a Child Organization, select the Parent Organization.
Administer Organizations
Existing Organization
4. Select the Currency type.
5. Select the Location and language in the Locale drop-down box.
6. Select a Default User Role from the drop-down list.
Choose a default role that all users in this organization have.
7. Select an Order Tolerance from the drop-down list.
8. Enter information for News.
Enter any information that you want to appear on the Procurement Home
Page that is displayed after a user signs into the Procurement application (to a
maximum of 255 characters).
9. Enter information for Default Member Spending Limit.
Enter the maximum amount that a user can spend, without approval.
The amount that you enter is for the currency assigned to this organization.
This spending amount applies to all members of the organization. If you wish
to specify an individual spending for each member, see Users.
10. Select the following:
Default Bill To address
Default Ship To address
Default Cost Center
11. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Specify Additional Organization Attributes
After you create new organizations, you can specify an association with several
defined properties.
To do this, you must select each Buying Organization individually and add these
properties to the organization.
Existing Organization
To further configure Buying Organizations:
1. From the tree menu, select Organizations | Organization Name.
2. Click to expand Attributes to find and edit the attributes of the Buying
3. Click to expand Child Organization Name | Attributes, to find and edit the
additional attributes of the Child Buying.
From the expanded Tree Menu, click:
Procurement Help
Existing Organization
Home Users
Bill To Addresses
Ship To Addresses
Cost Centers
Customize IDs
Organization Settings
Change Request Edit Fields
Catalog View
Supplier Options
Commodity Tolerance
Currency Exchange Groups
Organization MarketSite
Organization DDIDs
Usage Code
Tax Entity
Child Organization
Workflow approval rules and approvers can be inherited, after they are enabled,
by the children of a Buying Organization, and further children down the line. It is
important to know how Inheritance works within various levels of the Buying
Organization hierarchy.
For example, any approver assigned to a rule must be a member of the Buying
Organization for which the rule is being configured. If an approver isn’t
designated for a rule within a Buying Organization, the Buying Organization will
inherit approvers from its parent.
However, an Administrator may override a configuration:
Some configurations offer the “Propagate to all Child Organizations” checkbox
as an option to share configurations with child organizations.
A child Buying Organization can be re-configured to override configurations
inherited from a parent Buying Organization.
To configure a child Buying Organization independent of its parent:
1. From the tree menu, select Organization | Parent Buying Organization Name
| Child Buying Organization Name.
Administer Organizations
Edit Attributes
2. Select Attributes to view and edit the attributes of the Child Buying
An organization must have child organizations in order to have the “Propagate to
All Child Organizations” option. Also, only administrators with the Enterprise or
SuperBorg Scope privilege have the “Propagate to All Child Organizations”
checkbox available. See Users for information.
Edit Attributes
To edit attribute, in the expanded Tree Menu, go to Organizations | Organization
Name | Attributes.
From the expanded Tree Menu, click:
Home Users
Bill To Addresses
Ship To Addresses
Cost Centers
Customize IDs
Organization Settings
Change Request Edit Fields
Catalog View
Supplier Options
Commodity Tolerance
Currency Exchange Groups
Organization MarketSite
Organization DDIDs
Usage Code
Tax Entity
Home Users
You can access the users who are members of a Buying Organization in two ways:
Select Organizations | Organization Name | Attributes | Home Users to search
for a list of all members of the Buying Organization.
Or, click on the name of a user from under Organizations | Organization
Name | Attributes | Users to select a member of the Buying Organization you
Procurement Help
Edit Attributes
have already added to the Tree Menu.
Use the Home Users menu item to search for users who are members of this
Buying Organization, but whose names have not been added to the Tree Menu.
1. From the Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name | Attributes |
Home Users.
The Search form displays.
2. Click in the User Name text box, and type all or part of a user name, or use
Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Search.
Advanced Administration displays a Results list of Users matching your query
who are members of this Buying Organization.
4. In the Results list, click a user name.
5. Click Select.
The Enterprise User form displays with the following hyperlinks for the
selected user:
Approval Assignments
Click the Details hyperlink to display, or edit (if the Account is not locked.)
User’s Login ID
User’s Name
User’s Home Organization
User’s Mail Stop
User’s Phone Number
User’s Fax Number
User’s Email address
User’s term of validity:
From Date and time
To Date and time
User’s Locale
User’s Time Zone
Account Locked (if checked the information is not editable)
Administer Organizations
Edit Attributes
Account never expires (if checked, User’s term of validity From Date and To
Date are not required.)
1. Click Set New Password to change the user’s log on password.
You are required to type a new password and repeat it as confirmation.
2. Click Save to save any changes you have made to the user’s information.
Click the Organizations hyperlink to display a list of the Buying Organizations to
which the user belongs.
Click the Roles hyperlink to display a list of all the Roles to which the user has
been assigned, and in which Organizations.
Approval Assignments
Click the Approval Assignments hyperlink to display a list of Approval Types and
the buyer’s approval responsibilities.
You can access the users who are members of a Buying Organization in two ways:
Select Organizations | Organization Name | Attributes | Home Users to search
a list of all members of the Buying Organization.
Or, click on the name of a user from under Organizations | Organization
Name | Attributes | Users to select a member of the Buying Organization you
have already added to the Tree Menu.
After you create a user in an enterprise, you can then assign the user to a Buying
Organization. When you assign them to an organization, you can set up spending
limit approval rules (spending limits, spending limit approvers, and approval
Note: By default, you already assign each new user in the system to a Home
Organization when you create the user. In this section, you assign the user to one
or more organizations besides this one. For more information about Home
Organizations, see Key Concepts.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Users.
2. For any user, click on the User Name.
Advanced Administration displays the Enterprise User form, containing:
a. the following non-editable information:
Procurement Help
The Buying Organization Name
The User Name
Edit Attributes
b. and the following editable fields:
The User’s Spending Limit - an editable text field
The User’s Default Bill To Address - a drop-down list
The User’s Default Ship To Address - a drop-down list
The User’s Default Cost Center - click Change to search for and select a new
The User’s Spending Limit Approver - click Change to search for and select
a new value
The User’s Approval Limit - an editable text field, if the user has Approval
3. Click Delete to remove the user from the organization.
Advanced Administration asks you for confirmation before deleting.
4. Click Save to save any changes you have made to the user’s information.
5. Click the pointer to the left of the user’s name (in the expanded Tree menu) to
expand the menu and display new options:
the names of all the User’s Role
Add Role
6. Click on a Role name, to display a page containing:
User Name
Role Name
Remove button- click to remove Role assignment from the user (and the
Role name from the User’s name menu.)
Note: If the roles of the associated user are changed through Administration
so that the user no longer has all privileges, the Service User may not execute
normally for the Enterprise Buying Organization.
7. Click Privileges to view a list of the user’s privileges.
This information is not editable.
8. Click Add Role to:
Search for and display a list of available Roles.
Click on one and the click Select to add it to the User.
9. Click Add User to Organization to:
Search for and display a list of users not yet assigned to this Buying
Administer Organizations
Edit Attributes
Click on a user name and then click Select to add it to the Buying
10. Click Add User to Menu to:
Search for and display a list of users already assigned to this Buying
Click on a user name and click Add to Menu to add the name to the tree
11. Click Remove User from Menu to:
Display a list of users currently in the Buying Organization menu.
Click on a user name and then click Remove from Menu to remove the
name from the tree menu.
Bill To Addresses
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, go to Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Bill To Addresses.
2. Click on a Bill to Address.
Advanced Administration displays the Bill To Addresses form.
This information is not editable. To add to or change this information, use
Setup Bill To Addresses.
3. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box to share this
information with all of this organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or SuperBorg Scope privilege.
4. Click Delete to remove this billing address from the Buying Organization.
Note: The Delete button is not available if this is the default Bill To Address
for the Buying organization.
Add Bill To Address
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, go to Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Bill To Addresses.
2. Click on Add Bill To address.
Advanced Administration displays the Bill To Addresses Search form.
3. Click in the Company Name 1 text box, and type all or part of a company name,
or use Wild Card Characters.
4. Click Search.
5. Advanced Administration displays a Results list of Company Names matching
Procurement Help
Edit Attributes
your query.
6. In the Results list, click a company name.
7. Click Add.
Advanced Administration associates the Bill To Address information with the
Buying Organization and adds the Bill To Address to the Tree Menu.
Ship To Addresses
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, go to Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Ship To Addresses.
2. Click on a Company Name.
Advanced Administration displays the Ship To Addresses form.
This information is not editable. To add to or change this information, use
Setup Ship To Addresses.
3. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box to share this
information with all of this organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or SuperBorg Scope privilege.
4. Click Delete to remove this shipping address from the Buying Organization.
Note: The Delete button is not available if this is the default Ship To Address
for the Buying organization.
Add Ship To Address
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, go to Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Ship To Addresses.
2. Click on Add Ship To address.
Advanced Administration displays the Ship To Addresses Search form.
3. Click in the Company Name 1 text box, and type all or part of a company name,
or use Wild Card Characters.
4. Click Search.
Advanced Administration displays a Results list of Company Names matching
your query.
5. In the Results list, click a company name.
6. Click Add.
Advanced Administration associates the Ship To Address information with the
Buying Organization and adds the Company Name to the Tree Menu.
Administer Organizations
Edit Attributes
Cost Centers
After you specify a Buying Organization’s cost center, you can establish an
approver for the cost center.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Cost Centers | Search.
Advanced Administration displays the Cost Center Search form.
2. Click in the Cost Center Name text box and type all or part of a Cost Center
name, or use Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Search.
Advanced Administration displays a Results list of Cost Centers matching your
4. In the Results list, click a Cost Center name.
5. Click Select.
The Cost Center information form displays.
6. You can select a new Cost Center Approver from the drop-down list and click
All other information is not editable. To add to or change other Cost Center
information, use Setup Cost Centers.
7. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box to share this
information with all of this organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or SuperBorg Scope privilege.
8. Click Delete to remove this Cost Center from the Buying Organization.
Note: The Delete button is not available if this is the default Cost Center
Approver for the Buying organization.
Add Cost Center
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, go to Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Cost Centers.
2. Click on Please add a Cost Center.
The Cost Center Search form displays.
3. Click in the Cost Center Name text box, and type all or part of a Cost Center
name, or use Wild Card Characters.
4. Click Search.
Procurement Help
Restrict Visibility
Advanced Administration displays a Results list of Cost Centers matching your
5. In the Results list, click a Cost Center name.
6. Click Add.
Advanced Administration associates the Cost Center with the Buying
Restrict Visibility
By assigning a Home Organization to each task, Administrators with the View
Organization privilege for that Home Organization have access to the restricted
information. If an Administrator does not have the View Organization privilege,
then the pages containing the restricted information do not display on the screen.
Restrict Cost Center Visibility
To assign a Home Organization to Cost Centers:
1. In the tree menu, select Setup | Cost Centers.
The Cost Center search screen appears.
2. In the Cost Center Name text field, enter a name of a Cost Center or an asterisk
(*) for a list of all Cost Centers. Click Search.
3. For each Cost Center you wish to assign a Home Organization:
a. Click Edit next to the Cost Center name.
b. Select a Home Organization in the drop-down box.
c. Click Save.
Restrict Address Visibility
To assign a Home Organization to a Company address:
1. In the tree menu, select Setup | Addresses.
2. In the Company Name1 text field, enter a company name or an asterisk (*) for
a list of all companies. Click Search.
3. For each Company you wish to assign a Home Organization:
a. Click Edit next to the Company name.
b. Select a Home Organization in the drop-down box.
c. Click Save.
Administer Organizations
Restrict Visibility
Restrict Contact Visibility
1. In the tree menu, select Setup | Contacts.
The Contact search page appears.
2. Enter a Contact name or location in the text field, or enter an asterisk (*) in
either text field for a list of all Contacts. Click Search.
3. For each Contact you wish to assign a Home Organization:
a. Click Edit next to the Contact.
4. Select a Home Organization in the drop-down box.
5. Click Save.
Restrict Bill To Address Visibility
1. In the tree menu, select Setup | Bill To Addresses.
The Bill To search page appears.
2. Enter a Contact or Company name in the text field, or enter an asterisk (*) in
either text field for a list of all Bill To addresses. Click Search.
3. For each Bill To entry:
a. Click Edit next to the Bill To Address.
b. Select a Home Organization in the drop-down box.
c. Click Save.
Restrict Ship To Address Visibility
1. In the tree menu, select Setup | Ship To Addresses.
The Ship To search page appears.
2. Enter a Contact or Company name in the text field, or enter an asterisk (*) in
either text fields for a list of all Ship To addresses. Click search.
3. For each Ship To entry:
a. Click Edit next to the Ship To Address.
b. Select a Home Organization in the drop-down box.
c. Click Save.
Customize IDs
The Procurement application automatically names and numbers objects, such as
Shopping Carts. The rules used by the Procurement application to generate these
numbers can be customized to conform with your organization’s standard
Procurement Help
Restrict Visibility
Object numbers, for which customized numbering rules can be created, include:
Change Request Number
Order Number
Shopping Cart Number
Blanket Order Number
Blanket Order Release Number
The customized numbering rules allow each object number to include:
An optional fixed prefix
A variable sequence number
An optional fixed suffix
These three components can be formatted using a method selected from a number
of options.
Change Request Number
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Customize Change Request Number.
The Customize Change Request Number form displays.
2. Click in the Change Request Prefix text box, and type a fixed text or number
string to precede the variable portion of every Change Request number.
3. Click in the Change Request Suffix text box, and type a fixed text or number
string to follow the variable sequence number of every Change Request
4. Select a rule for formatting Change Request numbers from the Change Request
Rule drop-down menu.
5. Click Save to save the entered data.
Order Number
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Customize Order Number.
The Customize Order Number form displays.
2. Click in the Order Prefix text box, and type a fixed text or number string to
precede the variable portion of every Order number.
3. Click in the Order Suffix text box, and type a fixed text or number string to
follow the variable sequence number of every Order number.
4. Select a rule for formatting Order numbers from the Order Rule drop-down
5. Click Save to save the entered data.
Administer Organizations
Restrict Visibility
Shopping Cart Number
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Customize Shopping Cart Number.
The Customize Shopping Cart Number form displays.
2. Click in the Shopping Cart Prefix text box, and type a fixed text or number
string to precede the variable portion of every Shopping Cart number.
3. Click in the Shopping Cart Suffix text box, and type a fixed text or number
string to follow the variable sequence number of every Shopping Cart number.
4. Select a rule for formatting Shopping Cart numbers from the Shopping Cart
Rule drop-down list.
5. Select a rule for formatting Shopping Cart names from the Shopping Cart
Name Rule drop-down list.
6. Click Save to save the entered data.
Blanket Order Number
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Customize Blanket Order Number.
The Customize Blanket Order Number form displays.
2. Click in the Blanket Order Prefix text box, and type a fixed text or number
string to precede the variable portion of every Blanket Order number.
3. Click in the Blanket Order Suffix text box, and type a fixed text or number
string to follow the variable sequence number of every Blanket Order number.
4. Select a rule for formatting Blanket Order numbers from the Blanket Order
Rule drop-down list.
5. Click Save to save the entered data.
Blanket Order Release Number
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Customize Blanket Order Release Number.
The Customize Blanket Order Release Number form displays.
2. Click in the Blanket Order Release Prefix text box, and type a fixed text or
number string to precede the variable portion of every Blanket Order Release
3. Click in the Blanket Order Release Suffix text box, and type a fixed text or
number string to follow the variable sequence number of every Blanket Order
Release number.
4. Select a rule for formatting Blanket Order Release numbers from the Blanket
Order Rule drop-down list.
Procurement Help
Restrict Visibility
5. Click Save to save the entered data.
Organization Settings
You may configure certain application settings specific to each Buying
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Organization Settings.
Advanced Administration displays a table of settings for that Organization that
Section - The section of the application for which the setting applies. This
value cannot be modified.
Name - The name of the setting. This value cannot be modified.
Value - The current value of the setting (either the default value or a
replacement value entered by you) in the appropriate units or text format
(to a maximum of 255 characters).
Description - A description of the setting, including such information as the
default value, acceptable formats and options for values, and so on (to a
maximum of 255 characters).
2. Click Edit to the left of the setting you wish to modify.
3. Enter a new value or description in the appropriate text box.
4. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box if you would like to
share this information with all of that organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or Super Org. Scope privilege.
5. Click Save to save the new setting and return to the Organization Settings page,
or Cancel to return to the Organization Settings page without saving any
Change Request Edit Fields
This feature allows the user to specify whether various attributes may be edited.
To customize a Change request Edit Field:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Customize Change Request Edit Fields.
A list of all Order header and line item detail fields displays.
To the right of each Field Description is a check box indicating whether the
Administer Organizations
Restrict Visibility
field is Editable (checked) by users, or not (unchecked).
2. Click a check box, so that a check mark is added, to make it editable by the
3. Click a check box, so that the check mark is removed, to make it non-editable
by the user.
4. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box if you would like to
share this information with all of that organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or Super Org. Scope privilege.
5. Click Save to save the entered data.
This section explains the Advanced Administration tools used to manage
Workflow Services.
Workflow Services are discussed in the next section.
If you need a more detailed introduction to Workflow Administration, you should
first read the Workflow Primer that is included with this Help document.
The Advanced Administration tools are used to configure and assign:
Shopping Cart Approval Template
Blanket Order Approval Template
Blanket Order Release Approval Template
Check Request Approval Template
IT Request Approval Template
Timecard Workflow Template
Change Request Approval Template
Shopping Cart Total Approver
Blanket Order Approver
Special Request Approver
Commodity Approver
Check Request Approver
IT Request Approver
Procurement Help
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Approval Groups
Approval Group
Catalog View
A single Catalog View needs to be assigned to each organization in order to
associate catalogs and commodity filtering within the buying organization.
To specify the catalog view for an organization:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Catalog View.
The Organization Catalog View form displays.
2. Click Change.
The Set Catalog View form displays.
3. Click in the Catalog View Name text box, and type all or part of a catalog view
name, or use Wild Card Characters.
4. Click Search.
All Catalog Views matching your query display.
5. Click Select next to the Catalog View you want to use.
6. The Organization Catalog View form displays your selected Organization
Catalog View form.
7. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box if you would like to
share this information with all of that organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or Super Org. Scope privilege.
8. Click Save to save the entered data.
Supplier Options
Us this attribute to set up the agreed business relationships between a supplier
and your Buying Organization.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Supplier Options | New Supplier Options.
The Organization New Supplier Options form displays.
2. Click Change.
The Supplier Search form displays, allowing you to select a supplier name, and
Administer Organizations
Restrict Visibility
return to the Organization New Supplier Options form.
3. Select an option from the Supplier Dispatch drop-down list.
4. Select an option from the Order Tolerance drop-down list.
5. Click in the check boxes to enable or disable:
Allow Back Order
Allow Partial Shipment
Preferred Supplier
Change Request Notification by E-mail
6. Click in the Alternative E-mail for Notification, and type an optional
alternative E-mail address for notification.
7. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box if you would like to
share this information with all of that organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or Super Org. Scope privilege.
8. Click Save to save the entered data.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Supplier Options |Supplier Option Name.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Organization New
Supplier Options form containing the information saved for that supplier
Procurement Help
Supplier (non-editable label)
Supplier Dispatch (drop-down menu)
Order Tolerance (drop-down menu)
Allow Back Order (check box)
Allow Partial Shipment (check box)
Preferred Supplier (check box)
Change Request Notification by E-mail (check box)
Alternative E-mail for Notification (editable text box)
Supplier Approver (click [Change] to change)
Default Approver (yes or no)
Propagate to All Child Organizations (check box)
Restrict Visibility
2. Select a new option from the Supplier Dispatch drop-down menu.
3. Select a new option from the Order Tolerance drop-down menu.
4. Click in the check boxes to enable or disable:
Allow Back Order
Allow Partial Shipment
Preferred Supplier
Change Request Notification by E-mail
5. Click in the Alternative E-mail for Notification, and type a new alternative Email address for notification.
6. Click [Change] to change the Supplier Approver selection.
Note: After a Supplier Approver has been selected, the Default Approver field
is not displayed.
7. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box if you would like to
share this information with all of that organization’s child organizations.
This option is not available if:
The organization has no child organizations, or
You do not have Enterprise or Super Org. Scope privilege.
Note: When the Propagate to All Child Organizations check box is checked,
the Supplier Approver and Default Approver fields are not displayed.
8. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Delete to remove the supplier
option from the organization.
Add to Menu
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Supplier Options | Add Supplier Options To Menu.
The Add Supplier Options to Menu form displays.
2. Click in the Supplier Name text box, and type all or part of a Supplier Name, or
Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Search.
All Supplier names matching your query display.
4. Click on a Supplier Options name and then click Add To Menu.
The Supplier Name is added to the Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Supplier Options menu.
Remove from Menu
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Supplier Options | Remove Supplier From Menu.
Administer Organizations
Restrict Visibility
The Remove Supplier Options From Menu form displays containing a list of all
supplier options in the Tree Menu.
2. Click Delete to remove the supplier option from the menu.
The supplier options name is removed from under Supplier Options, in the
Tree Menu.
Commodity Tolerance
For each organization, you can assign a tolerance level to a commodity level. This
enables you to automatically process an Order if there is a price discrepancies for
that commodity level that falls within the tolerance level.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Commodity Tolerance
2. Enable the View All Commodities check box to display all commodities
recognized by the Procurement application.
3. Click the View All Commodities check box again (so that the check mark is
removed) to display only commodities available to the organization.
4. Click the arrow next to Commodities to expand the commodity tree.
5. For each commodity level to which you want to assign a tolerance:
Select the commodity level.
In the Tolerance drop-down menu, select the tolerance name.
Click Save for that commodity level.
Currency Exchange Groups
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Currency Exchange Groups.
2. Click New.
3. Select an option from the Currency Group drop-down menu.
4. Click in the Start Date (dd-mmmm-yyyy hh:mm AM or PM) text box, and type
an effective date for the Currency Exchange Group.
5. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Organization MarketSite
The Procurement application uses the MarketSite software information to
communicate with a supplier via an e-marketplace.
The following defines the information required by Administration that you receive
when you register with MarketSite:
Procurement Help
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Document Destination identification
Name of Document Destination
MarketSite ID
The organization’s MarketSite
identification number
MarketSite Name
The standard length name assigned to
MarketSite Short
Short name assigned to MarketSite
MarketSite TPID
Trading partner identification number for
the organization
MarketSite URL
This is how the actual transfer of the
document is conducted. Currently we
support https and SonicMQ. Https is the
MS Queue Inbound
This is the MarketSite queue to which all
documents are sent.
MSB Service ID
This ID gets the information on the
Trading Partner from MarketSite
TP Short Name
Trading Partner Short Name
TP Name
Trading Partner Name
Organization ID
MarketSite user name
Buyer Password
MarketSite password
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Organization MarketSite.
The Organization MarketSite: Edit form displays.
2. Click in the Organization MarketSite drop-down list, and select a name from
the available list.
3. Click a radio button to determine how you will select a TPID:
Click the Enter TPID radio button, and type a value into the Buyer TPID
text box, or
Administer Organizations
Restrict Visibility
Click the Select from Pending TPID radio button, and type a value from the
Buyer TPID drop-down list.
4. Click in the TP Short Name text box, and type a brief trading partner name.
5. Click in the TP Name text box, and type the full trading partner name.
6. Click in the Organization ID text box, and type a value.
7. Click in the Organization Password text box, and type a value (it is displayed in
an encrypted form.)
8. Click in the Confirmation Password text box, and type the same password
again, for confirmation (it is displayed in an encrypted form.)
9. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Organization MarketSite.
The Organization MarketSite: Edit form displays, containing:
Organization MarketSite
Buyer TPID
TP Short Name
TP Name
Organization ID
2. Select a new option from the Organization MarketSite drop-down menu.
3. Click a radio button to determine how you will select a TPID:
Click the Enter TPID radio button, and type a value into the Buyer TPID
text box, or
Click the Select from Pending TPID radio button, and type a value from the
Buyer TPID drop-down list.
4. Click in the TP Short Name text box, and type a new or modified value.
5. Click in the TP Name text box, and type a new or modified value.
6. Click in the Organization ID text box, and type a ne or modified value.
7. Click Set New Password to enter a new organization password and
8. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Organization MarketSite.
The Organization MarketSite: Edit form displays.
Procurement Help
Restrict Visibility
2. Click [Delete] to remove the information from the organization.
The Organization MarketSite: Edit form displays, allowing you to enter new
Organization DDIDs
Supplier DDID’s and Organization DDID’s are Document Destination
Identification names, which are used to correctly route documents to a supplier or
buying organization.
Note: You must define your Organization MarketSite before defining
Organization DDID.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Organization DDIDs.
Any existing Document Destination Identifiers for the Organization display.
2. Click New to enter a new DDID and DDName (maximum 100 characters).
3. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the form
without saving.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Organization DDIDs.
Any existing Document Destination Identifiers for the Organization display.
2. Click Edit beside any DDID.
3. Add or change the DDID or DDName.
4. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the form
without saving.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Organization DDIDs.
Any existing Document Destination Identifiers for the Organization display.
2. Click Delete beside any DDID to remove it from the organization.
Usage Code
To assign a Usage Code:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Usage Code.
The Select Allowable Usage Codes form displays with a list of all defined Usage
Administer Organizations
Mass Change
2. For each Usage Code, click:
the Allow check box, if the Usage Code is to be available to this Buying
the Default radio button, for the Usage Code that is to be the default for this
Buying Organization, or
3. Click the No Default Usage Code radio button if users are to be required to
select a Usage Code for every Shopping cart item.
4. If you want this selection to also be assign to child organizations, click the
check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box.
5. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Tax Entity
To assign a Tax Entity:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Tax Entity.
The Edit Tax Entity form displays.
2. In the Tax Entity drop-down list, select the name of a Tax Entity to assign to
this Buying Organization.
3. If you want this Tax Entity to also be assign to child organizations, click the
check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” check box.
4. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Delete to remove the tax
entity from the organization.
Mass Change
Use Mass Change to copy or move multiple users and roles from one Buying
Organization to another one.
Before you do a Mass Change, the Buying Organization that you want to add users
to should exist. Either verify that it exists, or create it.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Organizations | Mass Change.
2. Select a Source Organization in the drop-down menu. This is the Buying
Organization from which you will move users and roles.
3. Click Load Source User List.
4. Select a Target Organization in the drop-down menu. This is the Buying
Organization to which you add users.
5. Check the names of the users you want to add to the target organization.
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
6. Check Copy Roles if you want to add the users and their roles. By default, Mass
Change only add the users only.
7. Click:
Copy to keep the users in the source organization, and add the users to the
target organization.
Move to remove the users from the source organization, and add them to
the target organization.
Workflow Services
The planning and organization for Procurement workflow and approval are
explained in detail in the Workflow Primer that is included with this Help
After you create Buying Organizations, you must configure the approval processes
for the organization:
1. Configure approval templates to enable the Procurement application
Workflow Service.
Shopping Cart Approval Template
Blanket Order Approval Template
Blanket Order Release Approval Template
Check Request Approval Template
IT Request Approval Template
Timecard Workflow Template
Change Request Approval Template
2. Select Approvers in the Buying Organization to implement the Approval
Shopping Cart Total Approver
Blanket Order Approver
Special Request Approver
Commodity Approver
Check Request Approver
IT Request Approver
3. Add, edit, or delete approval groups and members of approval groups:
Approval Group
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
Shopping Cart Approval Template
After you create a Buying Organization, you can configure a Shopping Cart
Approval Template to manage Shopping Carts through the workflow approval
process. For more information, see the Workflow Primer.
Consider this system behavior when you configure approval templates:
If you create a Buying Organization that is at the highest level in a hierarchy of
organizations, you must configure an Approval Template to enable Workflow
By default, the workflow business rules you establish for an organization will
apply to Shopping Carts submitted for approval in the organization. If the rule
is not established for a child organization, Workflow Service will search the
parent Buying Organization for the rule.
Therefore, you only need to configure the template for a Buying Organization at
the highest level in a hierarchy. For more information about parent and child
organizations, see Inheritance and Business Rules in the Overview Help.
You may:
Edit, or
a Shopping Cart Approval Template.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Shopping Cart Approval Template.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the editable Shopping Cart
Approval Template form for the following Approval Rules:
Spending Limit
Cost Center
Special Request
Shopping Cart Total
2. Click Create.
The Advanced Administration Application creates the default template and
displays the editable Shopping Cart Approval Template form.
3. For each Approval Rule:
Procurement Help
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Workflow Services
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
Click in the Rule Order text box, and type an integer number for order to
process the rule (1 for first, 2 for second, and so on.)
Select a rule for re-approving edited Shopping Carts in the Re-Approval
Rules drop-down list.
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Shopping Cart Approval Template.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the read-only Shopping
Cart Approval Template form for the following Approval Rules:
Spending Limit
Cost Center
Special Request
Shopping Cart Total
2. For each Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
Click in the Rule Order text box, and type an integer number for order to
process the rule (1 for first, 2 for second, and so on.)
Select a rule for re-approving edited Shopping Carts in the Re-Approval
Rules drop-down list.
3. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Shopping Cart Approval Template.
The Shopping Cart Approval Template form displays.
2. Click Delete to delete the template from the organization.
Blanket Order Approval Template
To configure a Blanket Order Approval Template for each organization:
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Blanket Order Approval Template.
The Blanket Order Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rules:
Blanket Order Approval
2. Click Create.
The default template is created and displays the editable Blanket Order
Approval Template form.
3. For the Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
You do not need to enter the Rule Order text box, because there is only one
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Blanket Order Approval Template.
The Blanket Order Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rules:
Blanket Order Approval
2. For the Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
You do not need to change the Rule Order text box, because there is only
one rule.
3. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Blanket Order Approval Template.
The Blanket Order Approval Template form displays.
2. Click Delete to delete the template from the organization.
Blanket Order Release Approval Template
To configure a Blanket Order Release Approval Template for each organization:
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Blanket Order Release Approval
The Blanket Order Release Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rules:
Spending Limit
Cost Center
Special Request
Shopping Cart Total
2. Click Create.
The default template is created and displays the Blanket Order Release
Approval Template form.
3. For each Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
Click in the Rule Order text box, and type an integer number for order to
process the rule (1 for first, 2 for second, and so on.)
Select a rule for re-approving edited Blanket Order Releases in the ReApproval Rules drop-down list.
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Blanket Order Release Approval
The Blanket Order Release Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rules:
Spending Limit
Cost Center
Special Request
Shopping Cart Total
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
2. For each Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
Click in the Rule Order text box, and type an integer number for order to
process the rule (1 for first, 2 for second, and so on.)
Select a rule for re-approving edited Blanket Order Releases in the ReApproval Rules drop-down list.
3. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Blanket Order Release Approval
The Blanket Order Release Approval Template form displays.
2. Click Delete to delete the template from the organization.
Check Request Approval Template
To configure a Check Request Approval Template for each organization:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Check Request Approval Template.
The Check Request Release Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rule:
Check Request Approval
2. Click Create.
The default template is created and displays the editable Check Request
Release Approval Template form.
3. For the Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
You do not need to enter the Rule Order text box, because there is only one
4. Click Save to save the entered data.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Check Request Approval Template.
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
The Check Request Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rule:
Check Request Approval
2. For the Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box, to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button, to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
You do not need to change the Rule Order text box, because there is only
one rule.
3. Click Save to save the entered data.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Check Request Approval Template.
The Check Request Approval Template form displays.
2. Click Delete to delete the template from the organization.
IT Request Approval Template
To configure a IT Request Approval Template for each organization:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | IT Request Approval Template.
The IT Request Approval Template form displays for the following Approval
IT Request Approval
2. Click Create.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the editable IT Request
Approval Template form.
3. For the Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
You do not need to enter the Rule Order text box, because there is only one
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | IT Request Approval Template.
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
The IT Request Approval Template form displays for the following Approval
IT Request Approval
2. For the Approval Rule:
Click in the Enabled check box to enable or disable the rule.
Click an Approval Steps radio button to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
You do not need to change the Rule Order text box, because there is only
one rule.
3. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | IT Request Approval Template.
The IT Request Approval Template form displays.
2. Click Delete to delete the template from the organization.
Timecard Workflow Template
When using the Procurement Workflow engine, Contract Labor approval can
utilize automatic approval routing, escalation, email notification, and clean up
1. In the expanded tree menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Timecard Workflow Template.
2. Click Create.
The Timecard Workflow Template form displays for the following Approval
Project Approver
Worker Approver
3. For each Approval Rule:
a. Click in the Enabled check box to enable or disable the rule.
b. Click an Approval Steps radio button to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
c. Type an integer number in the Rule Order text box to specify the order to
process the rule (1 for first, 2 for second, and so on).
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded tree menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Timecard Workflow Template.
The Timecard Workflow Template form displays for the following Approval
Project Approver
Worker Approver
2. In these fields you can change the order, enable or disable a rule, and
determine the approval steps.
3. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded tree menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Timecard Workflow Template.
The Timecard Workflow Template form displays.
2. Click Delete to delete the template from the organization.
Change Request Approval Template
To configure a Change Request Approval Template for each organization:
1. In the expanded tree menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Change Request Approval Template.
2. Click Create.
The Change Request Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rules:
User Spend Per Cart
Commodity Quantity
Cost Center
User Spend Per Cart (Changes Only)
Commodity Quantity (Changes Only)
Cost Center (Changes Only)
3. For each Approval Rule:
a. Click in the Enabled check box to enable or disable the rule.
b. Click an Approval Steps radio button to specify Parallel or Serial approval.
c. Type an integer number in the Rule Order text box to specify the order to
process the rule (1 for first, 2 for second, and so on).
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
1. In the expanded tree menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Change Request Approval Template.
The Change Request Approval Template form displays for the following
Approval Rules:
User Spend Per Cart
Commodity Quantity
Cost Center
User Spend Per Cart (Changes Only)
Commodity Quantity (Changes Only)
Cost Center (Changes Only)
2. In these fields you can change the order, enable or disable a rule, and
determine the approval steps.
3. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. In the expanded tree menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates | Change Request Approval Template.
The Change Request Approval Template form displays.
2. Click Delete to delete the template from the organization.
Shopping Cart Total Approver
To specify a Shopping Cart Total Approver:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Shopping Cart Total Approvers.
The Shopping Cart Total Limit form displays.
2. Click Change.
The Change Approver form displays.
3. Select an Approver Type, either Individual Approver or Approval Group.
4. Click in the Approver text box, and type all or part of a user or Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Search.
A Results list of all qualified users or Approval Groups that match your query
6. Click on a user’s or Approval Group’s name and click Select.
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
The Approver form re-displays with the selected approver or Approval Group’s
7. Click in the Shopping Cart Total Limit text box, and type the maximum
currency amount for approval.
8. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Delete to remove the
shopping cart approval responsibility from this approver.
Blanket Order Approver
To specify a Blanket Order total approver.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Blanket Order Approvers.
The Blanket Order Total Limit form displays.
2. Click Change.
The Change Approver form displays.
3. Select an Approver Type, either Individual Approver or Approval Group.
4. Click in the Approver text box, and type all or part of a user or Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Search.
A Results list of all qualified users or Approval Groups that match your query
6. Click on a user’s or Approval Group’s name and click Select.
The Approver form re-displays with the selected approver or Approval Group’s
7. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Delete to remove the blanket
order approval responsibility from this approver.
Special Request Approver
To specify a Special Request approver.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Special Request Approver.
The Special Request Approver form displays.
2. Click Change.
The Change Approver form displays.
3. Select an Approver Type, either Individual Approver or Approval Group.
4. Click in the Approver text box, and type all or part of a user or Approval
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Search.
A Results list of all qualified users or Approval Groups that match your query
6. Click on a user’s or Approval Group’s name and click Select.
The Approver form re-displays with the selected approver or Approval Group’s
7. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Delete to remove the special
request approval responsibility from this approver.
Commodity Approver
To assign an approver to a commodity level.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Commodity Approver.
The Commodity Approver form displays.
2. Click Commodity Approver to display the list of commodities, or, click
Commodity Approver List to display a list of commodities, approvers,
approver type (individual or group), and order quantity.
3. Enable the View All Commodities check box to display all commodities
recognized by the Procurement application.
4. Disable the View All Commodities check box to display only commodities
available to the organization.
5. Click the expand icon next to Commodities to expand the commodity tree.
6. For each commodity level that you wish to assign an approver, select the
commodity level.
The Change Approver form displays.
7. In the Approval Type drop-down menu, select the approver or approval group
for the commodity.
The list of users and approval groups that appear in the Approver drop-down
menu have the Approval Workflow privilege assigned to them.
For more information, see Administer Roles.
8. In the Order Quantity text box, enter the maximum approval quantity.
9. Click Save for that commodity level.
10. Repeat for other commodity levels.
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
Check Request Approver
To specify a Check Request approver:
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Check Request Approvers.
The Check Request Approvers form displays with, for each existing approver:
Approval Order
Approver Name
Approval Limit
2. Click New Approver.
The Check Request Limit Approver Modify Approver form displays,
Approval Order - non-editable label
Approver Name - click Change to select an approver
Approval Limit - editable text box
3. Click Change.
The Change Approver form opens.
4. Select an Approver Type, either Individual Approver or Approval Group.
5. Click in the Approver text box, and type all or part of a user or Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
6. Click Search.
A Results list of all qualified users or Approval Groups that match your query
7. Click on a user’s or Approval Group’s name and click Select.
The Approver form re-displays with the selected approver or Approval Group’s
8. Click in the Approval Limit text box, and type a numeric value in the currency
used by the Buying Organization.
9. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the form
without adding a new approver.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Check Request Approvers.
The Check Request Approvers form displays with, for each existing approver:
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
Approval Order
Approver Name
Approval Limit
2. Click Edit beside an approver’s name.
The Advanced Administration application displays the Check Request Limit
Approver Modify Approver form, containing:
Approval Order - non-editable label
Approver Name - click Change to select an approver
Approval Limit - editable text box
3. Click Change.
The Change Approver form opens.
4. Select an Approver Type, either Individual Approver or Approval Group.
5. Click in the Approver text box, and type all or part of a user or Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
6. Click Search.
A Results list of all qualified users or Approval Groups that match your query
7. Click on a user’s or Approval Group’s name and click Select.
The Approver form re-displays with the selected approver or Approval Group’s
8. Click in the Approval Limit text box, and type a numeric value in the currency
used by the Buying Organization.
9. Click Save to save the data and leave the form, or Cancel to leave the form
without adding a new approver.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Check Request Approvers.
The Check Request Approvers form displays with, for each existing approver:
Approval Order
Approver Name
Approval Limit
2. Click Delete beside an approver’s name to remove that approver.
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
A pop-up confirmation window appears.
3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
IT Request Approver
To specify a IT Request approver.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Organization | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | IT Request Approvers.
The IT Request Approver form displays.
2. Click Change.
The Change Approver form opens.
3. Select an Approver Type, either Individual Approver or Approval Group.
4. Click in the Approver text box, and type all or part of a user or Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Search.
A Results list of all qualified users or Approval Groups that match your query is
6. Click on a user’s or Approval Group’s name and click Select.
The Approver form re-displays with the selected approver or Approval Group’s
7. Click Save to save the data, or Delete to remove the IT Request approval
responsibility from this approver.
Approval Group
An Approval Group is a set of individual approvers, any one of which can approve
or reject a document.
Approval Groups are created within buying organizations. The individual
approvers assigned to Approval Groups must be users that have the Workflow
Approval privilege within the buying organization or users with the SuperBORG
scope Workflow Approval privilege in parent organizations. Child organizations
inherit Approval Groups defined in parent organizations.
Within an Approval Group, approvers with buying organization scope may only
approve documents created in their own buying organization. Approvers with
SuperBORG scope may approve documents created in their own and all child
buying organizations.
For each Approval Group, the administrator can define an approval spending
limit and an over-limit approver or Approval Group. The Approval Group’s
spending limit overrides the individual’s approval limit.
Administer Organizations
Workflow Services
Workflow Rules
An Approval Group can be assigned to a Workflow Rule in the same manner as an
individual approver. Each Workflow Rule can define its own escalation approver
or an Approval Group. For predefined Workflow Rules, default escalation works
as follows:
If the work item is for an individual approver, it is escalated to the approver’s
spending limit approver.
If the work item is for an Approval Group, it is escalated to the group’s
spending limit approver or Approval Group.
Approval Inbox
In the Approval Inbox, all members of the Approval Group receive the notification
to approve or reject the document. Once any member of the group approves or
rejects the document, the notification is removed from the Approval Inbox.
When an approver within an Approval Group delegates to another approver, the
delagatee acts as part of the original approver’s Approval Group for the duration
of the delegation period.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name | Workflow |
Attributes | Approval Groups.
2. Click Create New.
The Create Approval Group page appears.
3. Enter a unique name for the Approval Group.
4. Enter an Approval Limit north current organization’s currency.
5. Specify an Over Limit Approver or Approval Group by clicking Change and
selecting from the list.
6. Click in the Approvers Filter text box, and type all or part of a user or, or use
Wild Card Characters.
7. Click Search.
A list of approvers appears that meet your search criteria and have either the
Workflow Approval privilege in the current buying organization or have the
SuperBORG scope Workflow Approval privilege in the parent organization.
8. Select users from the Approvers list (on the left) and click Add to add them to
the Approvers in Group list (on the right).
If necessary, you can also remove users from the Approvers in Group list by
selecting the user and clicking Remove.
9. Click Save to save the data, or Cancel to discard your changes.
Procurement Help
Workflow Services
1. In the Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name | Workflow |
Attributes | Approval Groups.
2. Click in the Approval Group text box, and type all or part of an Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
A list of Approval Groups appears. Those Approval Groups marked by an
asterisk (*) belong to a parent organization and cannot be edited here.
3. Select an Approval Group and click Edit.
The Edit Approval Groups page appears.
4. Edit the Approval Limit in the current organization’s currency.
5. Click in the Approvers Filter text box, and type all or part of a user or, or use
Wild Card Characters.
6. Click Search.
A list of approvers appears that meet your search criteria and have either the
Workflow Approval privilege in the current buying organization or have the
SuperBORG scope Workflow Approval privilege in the parent organization.
7. Select users from the Approvers list (on the left) and click Add to add them to
the Approvers in Group list (on the right) or select user from the Approvers in
Group list and click Remove.
8. When finished, click Save to save the data, or Cancel to discard your changes.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name | Workflow |
Attributes | Approval Groups.
2. Click in the Approval Group text box, and type all or part of an Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
A list of Approval Groups appears.
3. Select an Approval Group and click Copy.
The Create Approval Group page appears, populated with data from the
Approval Group you are copying.
4. Enter a uniques name for the Approval Group.
5. Edit the Approval Limit in the current organization’s currency.
6. Click in the Approvers Filter text box, and type all or part of a user or, or use
Wild Card Characters.
7. Click Search.
A list of approvers appears that meet your search criteria and have either the
Workflow Approval privilege in the current buying organization or have the
SuperBORG scope Workflow Approval privilege in the parent organization.
Administer Organizations
8. Select users from the Approvers list (on the left) and click Add to add them to
the Approvers in Group list (on the right) or select user from the Approvers in
Group list and click Remove.
9. When finished, click Save to save the data, or Cancel to discard your changes.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Organizations | Organization Name | Workflow |
Attributes | Approval Groups.
2. Click in the Approval Group text box, and type all or part of an Approval
Group’s name, or use Wild Card Characters.
A list of Approval Groups appears.
3. Select an Approval Group and click Delete.
You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the selected Approval
4. Confirm that you want to delete the Approval Group.
The Approval Group is deleted and the list of Approval Groups is refreshed.
Note: The deleted Approval Group will not be used in any future approval
Workflow process. If this Approval Group is currently in use in a running
approval process, the work items for the Approval Group are escalated.
Set-up Approval Escalation
Escalation parameters are configured at the highest Organization level to keep
Shopping Carts on track once they are in the approval process. This ensures that if
a certain length of time passes before a particular approval has been made, the
system will identify the missing step and send notification to the appropriate
approver or Approval Group.
To Set-up Approval Escalation, see the Workflow Primer.
This configuration step is only required if you have installed the Reconciliation
Integration Pack and registered the Reconciliation and Settlement application
modules on MarketSite.
The following configuration tasks must be performed to implement Settlement:
at the Enterprise Buying Organization or EBO Level,
at the Buying Organization Level, and
at the Supplier Level.
You also need to set Connect to Settlement for the supplier, in the supplier’s
Supplier Options.
Procurement Help
EBO Level
1. In the Tree Menu, select Setup | Application Settings.
2. Click Edit on ConnectToSettlement.
3. Set the value to 1 to enable Settlement.
4. Click Edit on DDID for EIPP.
5. Enter the DDID specified for the Reconciliation module after it has been
registered on MarketSite.
Buying Organization Level
By default, enabling Settlement at the EBO level does not enable it at the buying
organization level.
You must enable each top level buying organization individually.
1. In the Tree Menu, select Organizations | Attributes | Organization Settings.
2. Click Edit on ConnectToSettlement.
3. Set the value to 1 to enable Settlement.
4. Check the “Propagate to All Child Organizations” box to share this information
with child organizations. Leave the checkbox unchecked if this information
islimited to the parent organization.
Administer Organizations
Procurement Help
Administer Roles
In the Administer Roles Help
In the Procurement application, a Role is a set of user privileges used to manage
user access and, if necessary, modify data.
To administer Roles, go to the Advanced Administration Application Tree Menu,
and click:
The Expand icon beside Roles to expand the menu and display a list of
available actions and existing Roles.
An Existing Role by name, to edit its name and privileges.
New Role to add a new Role to the system, name it and enable privileges.
To assign roles to a user, you must:
Establish the role you want to assign.
Create the user at the Enterprise level.
Associate the user with at least one Buying Organization.
Assign the role to users.
New Role
To create a new role:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Roles | New Role.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Role: Details form,
with a Role Name text box, and a list of privileges containing, for each
Enable (check box)
Administer Roles
Existing Role
Only the Enable check box can be changed, all or the other fields are not
2. Click in the Role Name text box, and type a name for the role.
3. Click an Enable check box, so that a check mark is displayed, to enable a
privilege for this Role.
4. Click an Enable check box a second time, so that the check mark disappears, to
disable a privilege for this Role.
5. Click [Save] to save the entered data and leave the form.
The Advanced Administration Application adds the new role to the Tree Menu.
6. To assign users to the Role, use Administer Users.
Existing Role
To edit an existing role:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Roles | Role Name.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Role: Details form,
with a Role Name text box and Expand icons for lists of privileges and users.
When one list is expanded, the other is automatically collapsed.
2. Click in the Role Name text box, and type a new name for the role.
3. Click the Users Expand icon.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Users list containing,
for each available user:
4. To assign different users to the Role, use Administer Organizations.
5. Click the Privileges Expand icon.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Privileges list
containing, for each available privilege:
Procurement Help
Enable check box
Existing Role
6. Click an Enable check box, so that a check mark is displayed, to enable a
privilege for this Role.
7. Click an Enable check box a second time, so that the check mark disappears, to
disable a privilege for this Role.
8. Click:
[Save] to save the entered data and leave the form, or
[Delete] to delete the role.
Administer Roles
Existing Role
Procurement Help
Administer Suppliers
In the Administer Suppliers Help
To administer suppliers, use the Advanced Administration Tree Menu, and click:
The Expand icon beside Suppliers to expand the menu and display a list of
available actions and existing Suppliers.
An Existing Supplier by name, to edit its information and account.
New Supplier to add a new Supplier to the system and enter basic information.
To assist with regularly accessed Suppliers, you may also perform these actions:
Add to Menu, to add a regularly accessed Supplier’s name to the Tree Menu.
Remove from Menu, to remove a Supplier’s name from the Tree Menu when it
is no longer needed.
You may also use this menu to Configure Settlement at the Supplier level, if you
are using the Reconciliation and Settlement applications.
There are many dependencies between data values, therefore, you must configure
this data in the following order:
1. Create or edit your suppliers
2. Configure dispatch methods for suppliers
3. Configure supplier account information
4. Add or modify price catalogs for supplier accounts
There are other administration tasks that you perform for suppliers. The order in
which you perform these tasks does not depend upon other supplier
Configure payment types that a supplier accepts
Configure supplier ship methods
Configure MarketSite information for a supplier, see Supplier MarketSite.
Configure RoundTrip information for a supplier, see Supplier RoundTrip.
Administer Suppliers
New Supplier
To create a new supplier:
1. From the tree menu, select Suppliers | New Supplier.
2. Enter supplier information into the appropriate fields:
Supplier Name
Name of the supplier.
An address which is already in Administration.
For more information, see Setup Addresses.
Ship Method
Default method by which supplier sends
Additional supplier information.
Contact information which is already in
Administration. For more information, see Setup
Specifies that the supplier is a minority business.
Small Business
Specifies that the supplier is a small business.
Supplier Type
Drop-down box which specifies the values of
Single Supplier Catalog, Multiple Supplier
Catalog, or Auction Supplier.
Specifies that the supplier accepts Order Change
Requests from the buyer.
3. Click Save.
New Supplier
Use supplier information to identify and describe the location of suppliers.
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Suppliers | New Supplier.
2. Enter a Supplier Name and Description to identify the new supplier.
3. Click in the drop-down menus and click from lists of available:
Ship Method
Supplier Type
Note: You can only click from the lists in these menus. To add new menu
options, you must add them using Setup.
4. Use the Select buttons to set the following information:
Procurement Help
Existing Supplier
5. Enable the check boxes for all items that apply to the new supplier:
Small Business
Supports Change Requests
6. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Existing Supplier
The expanded Tree Menu contains, under Suppliers, a list of available actions and
commonly accessed suppliers.
Click the name of a Supplier to edit that Supplier’s Information, or for each
Supplier, you can click:
Supplier Ship Method
Supplier Dispatch
Supplier Payment Type
Supplier MarketSite
Supplier DDIDs
Supplier RoundTrip
Tax Registration
Supplier Options
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Suppliers | Supplier Name.
2. Enter a new Supplier Name or Description to identify the supplier.
3. Click in the drop-down menus and click from lists of available:
Ship Method
Supplier Type
Note: You can only click from the lists in these menus. To add new menu
options, you must add them using Setup.
4. Use the Select buttons to set the following information:
Administer Suppliers
Existing Supplier
5. Enable the check boxes for all items that apply to the supplier:
Small Business
Supports Change Requests
6. Click Save to save the changes and leave the form, or Delete to remove access
to the supplier.
Supplier accounts represent one or more sets of prices and products that a
supplier can offer.
Supplier accounts contain one or more price catalogs to specify these prices and
From the tree menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Accounts, and then click:
New Account to add a new Supplier Account,
Account Name to edit an existing Supplier Account.
Account Name | Price Catalogs to remove a price catalog from an existing
Supplier Account, or
Account Name | Add Price Catalog to add a new price catalog to an existing
Supplier Account.
Supplier Ship Method
Shipping information describes methods used by suppliers to send purchased
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, click Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier Ship
The Supplier Ship Method form displays, containing all available Ship
If the supplier already has ship methods assigned, it displays as:
A checked checkbox for all ship methods that are enabled, and
A turned-on radio button beside the default ship method.
2. To change the default, click another default ship method.
3. To change enabled ship methods, uncheck or check the desired checkboxes.
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Procurement Help
Existing Supplier
Supplier Dispatch
1. In the expanded Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier
The Supplier Dispatch List form displays.
2. Click Delete to remove any dispatch method from the list.
3. Click Edit to modify any dispatch method.
The Supplier Dispatch Edit form displays, in which you can:
Enter a different Dispatch Name, Description, or Priority
Click Save to save your changes and close the form, or Cancel to return to
the Supplier Dispatch List form without making any changes.
4. Click the New button to add a new dispatch method.
The Supplier Dispatch New form displays.
5. Enter a Dispatch Name, Description, and Priority, and then choose a dispatch
method, as detailed below:
Name for your dispatch method.
Description for this method.
Dispatch Type
Method by which the system sends an Order.
Select a method from the drop-down list.
Priority (where
number 1 is the
Specifies your preference for this method of
dispatch. If this method is your first choice, enter
one (1), and so on.
Select a Dispatch Type, such as:
a. MarketSite - Dispatches an Order to a Supplier via MarketSite.
b. E-Mail - Dispatches an Order to a Supplier via e-mail, for viewing only.
c. E-Mail With Response - Dispatches an Order to a Supplier via e-mail and
allows the Supplier to view and respond to the Order with a provided URL
that links the Supplier to the Commerce One Supplier E-Mail Response
d. FAX - Dispatches an Order to a Supplier by fax.
e. PRINTER - Dispatches an Order to a Supplier’s printer.
Note: Any dispatch type configured here can be overridden at the Supplier
Options level.
Administer Suppliers
Existing Supplier
6. Click Save to save your changes and close the form or Cancel to return to the
Supplier Dispatch List form without making any changes.
Configure E-Mail With Response Dispatch Type
The Enterprise Buying Organization Administrator must configure some
additional application settings if the E-Mail With Response dispatch type is
To find these settings, from the Procurement Home page:
1. Select Advanced Administration | Setup | Application Settings.
2. Here you can:
a. Set the domain portion of the URL address using the POEmailReponse
HostIdentifer setting.
b. Register the Web Service-related information using the POEmailReponse
ServiceTimeout setting.
c. Set the polling interval for receiving Purchase Order responses using the
POEmailReponse URL setting. The URL for the server containing the
responses should appear similar to this:
Configure Number of Days to Respond to Purchase
You can set the number of a days a Supplier has to respond to a Purchase Order
sent via the E-Mail with Response dispatch type to determine the “Respond by”
date that is automatically generated and included in the Purchase Order e-mail.
To configure this setting, from the Procurement Home page:
1. Select Advanced Administration | Organizations | Organization Name |
Organization Settings.
2. Specify the number of days a Supplier has to respond to a Purchase Order
using the POEmailResponse DaysToRespond setting.
Note: This number must be a whole number equal to 1 or greater.
Supplier Payment Type
Payment types are the methods of payment accepted by a supplier accepts.
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier Payment
The Supplier Payment Type form displays, containing:
Procurement Help
Payment Type
Priority (where number 1 is the default)
Payment Term
Existing Supplier
Payment Type
Select a payment type which appears in the
drop-down list. These are default types that are
provided in the system.
To modify payment types which appear in this
drop-down list, see Payment Type.
Preference for this payment type. Enter a
number in this field, for example, enter zero (0)
for the first choice.
Payment Term
Select a payment term which appears in the
drop-down list. These are default terms which
are provided in the system.
To modify descriptions which appear in this
drop-down list, see Payment Term.
2. Click Delete to the left of any payment type, to remove it from the list.
3. Click Edit to the left of any payment type, to modify it.
The Edit Supplier Payment Type form displays.
4. You can:
a. Type a different Priority
b. Select a Payment Term
5. Click Save to save your changes and close the form, or Cancel to close the form.
Then, click Add Supplier Payment Type to add a new method.
The Add Supplier Payment Type form allows you to:
Select a Payment Type from a drop-down menu,
Type a Priority,
Select a Payment Term and
Click Save to add the new payment type to the Supplier Payment Type form,
or Cancel to return to the Supplier Payment Type form without making any
Supplier MarketSite
The Procurement application uses the MarketSite software information to
communicate with a supplier via an e-marketplace.
When a supplier registers with an e-marketplace, they obtain this information
which they can pass on to you.
Administer Suppliers
Existing Supplier
The following defines the information required by Administration that you receive
when you register with MarketSite:
Document Destination identification
Name of Document Destination
MarketSite ID
The organization’s MarketSite
identification number
MarketSite Name
The standard length name assigned to
MarketSite Short
Short name assigned to MarketSite
MarketSite TPID
Trading partner identification number for
the organization
MarketSite URL
This is how the actual transfer of the
document is conducted. Currently we
support https and SonicMQ. Https is the
MS Queue Inbound
This is the MarketSite queue to which all
documents are sent.
MSB Service ID
This ID gets the information on the
Trading Partner from MarketSite
TP Short Name
Trading Partner Short Name
TP Name
Trading Partner Name
Organization ID
MarketSite user name
Buyer Password
MarketSite password
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier MarketSite.
The Supplier MarketSite Edit form displays, containing text boxes for:
Procurement Help
TPID - Enter the partner ID for this supplier used by the Commerce One
MarketSite software.
TP Short Name - Enter the Trading Partner short name for this supplier.
TP Name - Enter the Trading Partner name for this supplier.
Existing Supplier
2. Click Delete to clear all of the text boxes.
3. Then enter the necessary information.
4. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Supplier DDIDs
Supplier DDID’s and Organization DDID’s are Document Destination
Identification names, which are used to correctly route documents to a supplier or
buying organization.
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier DDIDs.
The Supplier DDID List form displays, containing any existing Document
Destination Identifiers for the Supplier with both:
2. Click New to enter and save a new DDID and DDName.
3. Click Edit beside any DDID to change and re-save the DDID or DDName.
4. Click Delete beside any DDID to delete it.
Supplier RoundTrip
RoundTrip enables a user to access a supplier’s own web site, view merchandise,
make selections, add them to a Commerce One Procurement application
Shopping Cart and submit it to the Commerce One Procurement application
workflow. See What is RoundTrip and Supplier Minimum Requirements for a
review of the requirements to establish a RoundTrip web site and connection.
If a supplier has implemented the RoundTrip OCI (Open Catalog Interface), then
the Procurement application must be supplied with the URL (web address) and
other information needed to make the connection to the supplier’s web site.
A similar user interface, with small differences, is used to:
Set up a New RoundTrip configuration, or
Edit an existing RoundTrip configuration.
What is RoundTrip
RoundTrip is a feature within Commerce One’s Procurement application.
RoundTrip enables buyers to browse a supplier’s web site, access a supplier’s
complete web based catalog, make product selections, create a shopping cart at a
remote site, and have it imported back into the buying application.
Administer Suppliers
Existing Supplier
The RoundTrip protocol is based on the SAP Open Catalog Interface (OCI).
Commerce One's RoundTrip implementation is described in the Commerce One
Addendum to the OCI 3.0. In order for the RoundTrip feature to work, suppliers
are required to make modifications to their transactable web site in accordance
with the specifications mentioned.
How Does RoundTrip Work
When using Enterprise Desktop Edition, a RoundTrip transaction flows as
The buyer logs into the Procurement application via a web browser and selects
Create | Create New Shopping Cart to begin the e-procurement process. From the
Shopping Cart screen, the buyer selects the RoundTrip Service and views a list of
RoundTrip-enabled suppliers.
When the buyer selects a specific supplier to RoundTrip, a HTTP request is sent to
the supplier’s web site to inform the supplier that a buyer would like to access
their OCI/RoundTrip services. Once the proper buyer authentication takes place,
the supplier service’s home page is displayed in a new window that is fully
dedicated to the supplier web site.
The buyer searches, selects, and configures products directly on the supplier’s web
site.When the buyer is ready to order the items from the supplier, the buyer clicks
on the Complete Order or Checkout button at the supplier’s web site. The order
request, or shopping cart, information is sent back to the buying application.
The Procurement application uses the Shopping Cart information to populate or
update a Shopping Cart. The Shopping Cart is then routed through the
appropriate approval workflow in the Procurement application before being
converted into purchase orders. The Purchase Order is then sent to a Commerce
One-powered e-marketplace. The transaction platform forwards the Purchase
Order to the supplier to complete the RoundTrip process.
Supplier Minimum Requirements
The supplier will need to modify their web site to enable it to send and receive
Open Catalog Interface (OCI) requests for Buyer authentication, session
initiation, and shopping cart transmission back to the buyer’s e-procurement
The supplier must be a registered trading partner and be configured within the
buying application, see Supplier MarketSite.
The Supplier web site must contain the following elements:
Ability to process outbound messages initiated from the Procurement
Ability to return shopping cart information in the inbound message to the
Procurement Application.
Procurement Help
Existing Supplier
Note: Modification typically requires JAVA and XML programming, and the
length of time required is dependant on the web site architecture.
Configuring OCI RoundTrip Information
To configure RoundTrip, you must do the following:
1. Create roles that allow appropriate users access to the RoundTrip screens. See
New Role, and choose the RoundTrip Catalog Access privilege.
2. Assign the new roles to the appropriate users. RoundTrip privileges include:
RoundTrip Privilege, Auction Privilege, and On Demand Privilege. See Roles,
give access to the appropriate administrators.
3. Configure your supplier information to enable RoundTrip. See the following
Creating New Suppliers
To create a new supplier:
1. In the tree menu, select Suppliers | New Supplier.
2. Enter supplier information into the appropriate fields:
Supplier Name
Name of the supplier.
An address which is already in Administration.
For more information, see Setup Addresses.
Ship Method
Default method by which supplier sends
Additional supplier information.
Contact information which is already in
Administration. For more information, see Setup
Specifies that the supplier is a minority business.
Small Business
Specifies that the supplier is a small business.
Administer Suppliers
Existing Supplier
Supplier Type
Single Supplier Catalog Type: Locally hosted
(managed) catalog suppliers or RoundTrip
suppliers that wish to receive orders for the goods
offered on their site. (most suppliers fall into this
Multiple Supplier Catalog Type: RoundTrip
suppliers that offer goods from a variety of
suppliers. For example: eMPC. These suppliers or
aggregators (also called intermediaries) do not
receive orders. Orders will be sent directly to the
supplier of the items.
Auction Supplier Catalog Type: RoundTrip
suppliers that offer goods from a variety of
suppliers through an auction setting. For
example: Commerce One Auctions. These
suppliers or aggregators (also called
intermediaries) will not receive orders. Orders
will be sent directly to the supplier of the items.
Very similar to a multiple supplier catalog
however, the distinction is made so that Auction
suppliers can be differentiated and access to these
types limited with the Auction Privilege.
Specifies that the supplier accepts Order Change
Requests from the buyer.
3. Click Save.
Configuring RoundTrip Suppliers
For each supplier:
1. To access supplier information, you must display the supplier name in the tree
Select Supplier | Add Supplier To Menu. The Supplier Search page appears.
Enter the name of the supplier or enter an asterisk (*) for a list of all
Choose the supplier you wish to configure for RoundTrip and click Add To
2. From the tree menu, select Supplier | Supplier Name | Supplier RoundTrip.
3. In the Supplier RoundTrip screen, enter the following information:
Procurement Help
Existing Supplier
RoundTrip Name
Name of RoundTrip.
Description for the catalog.
Login ID
The login ID to the supplier web site.
Associated password to Login ID (optionally
encrypted, see the Procurement application
Reenter password. After the first time you
create a password the Password field and the
Confirmation Password field are replaced by
a Set New Password button once the
information has been initially saved.
Catalog URL
URL of the RoundTrip Supplier web site.
An optional set of name value pairs (in HTTP
GET request format) sent to the catalog upon
the start of the RoundTrip session with the
catalog provider. An example might be:
OCI Version 2.0b HTML cart format:
Says that the supplier has implemented
OCI version 2.0b and will deliver the
shopping cart in HTML
OCI Version 2.0b XML cart format:
Says that the supplier has implemented
OCI version 2.0b and will deliver the
shopping cart in XML
OCI Version 3.0 HTML cart format:
Says that the supplier has implemented
OCI version 3.0 and will deliver the
shopping cart in HTML
OCI Version 3.0 XML cart format:
Support HTTP
Says that the supplier has implemented
OCI version 3.0 and will deliver the
shopping cart in XML
Specifies if the supplier is capable of
receiving the RoundTrip start message via an
HTTP POST rather than HTTP GET.
Note: RoundTrip URL, Username, Password, Catalog Parameters, Document
Protocol and HTTP Post support will be provided by the supplier.
Administer Suppliers
Existing Supplier
4. Click Save.
NOTE: The rest of the supplier information must also be configured. Even
though Multiple Supplier Catalog type suppliers will not be filling orders directly,
the Supplier MarketSite section must be completed with unique ‘dummy’
A supplier account must also be created and associated with a Catalog View and
in turn to an Organization in order for the supplier to appear in the RoundTrip
supplier list. See Setup Catalog Views, Edit Account and Add Buyer Accounts for
more information.
Using Application Settings
You can configure some aspects of the RoundTrip process through the Setup
Application Settings page. From Advanced Administration, select Setup |
Application Settings and scroll down to find the following:
The system session timeout
extension, in minutes. In other
words, how much extra time users
are granted before a session times
out when a RoundTrip session has
been initiated.
Supplier Defaults Table
When performing a RoundTrip with intermediaries, occasionally an item will be
returned with the Shopping Cart the supplier of which is not registered with the
buying application. In this case, if the user has the On Demand supplier
registration privilege, an attempt is made to acquire default supplier information
from the marketplace trading partner directory and register that supplier at the
buying application. Because the Trading Partner Directory (TPD) does not have
the complete set of information required by the Procurement application for
supplier registration, some information must be defaulted. These defaults are
found in the table, Supplier_Default. This information must be configured in each
enterprise database for each Buying organization.
To do this you will need to use your database configuration tools and edit the
table, as there is no interface in Administration. The following fields on this table
are required (with the default value provided):
Note: Once a supplier is added through this On Demand process, further
administration will be required to set the specific buyer and supplier account
information prior to order submittal.
BorgID (your Buying Organization ID)
Minority (0)
Procurement Help
Existing Supplier
SmallBusiness (0)
ContactID (0)
ShipMethodID (0)
DispatchName (MarketSite)
DispatchDescription (MS)
DispatchTypeID (1)
PriorityLevel (0)
Priority (1)
PaymentTermsID (0)
PaymentTypeID (1)
Currently the table is shipped with default basic values for EBO 0 and 1; these
should be edited to include MarketSiteID, TPID, etc. and then customized for your
default value.
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier RoundTrip.
The Supplier RoundTrip Edit form displays, containing:
RoundTrip Name - The name for this supplier to be displayed in the
RoundTrip menu.
RoundTrip Description - A brief description of the supplier products and
services to be displayed in the RoundTrip menu.
Login ID
Confirmation Password - The identification to be used by the Buying
Organization when logging into the supplier web site.
Catalog URL - The URL of the suppliers web site.
Catalog Parameters - Arguments required with the URL when connecting
to the web site
Document Protocol - A drop-down menu with available communications
Support HTTP Post - A check box (checked for yes)
2. Enter all necessary information into the text fields.
3. Select a Document Protocol.
4. Check or uncheck the Support HTTP Post check box, as desired.
5. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Administer Suppliers
Existing Supplier
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier RoundTrip.
The Supplier RoundTrip Edit form displays, containing:
RoundTrip Name - The name for this supplier to be displayed in the
RoundTrip menu.
RoundTrip Description - A brief description of the supplier products and
services to be displayed in the RoundTrip menu.
Login ID
Password - The identification to be used by the Buying Organization when
logging into the supplier web site.
Confirmation Password
Catalog URL - The URL of the suppliers web site.
Catalog Parameters - Arguments required with the URL when connecting
to the web site
Document Protocol - A drop-down menu with available communications
Support HTTP Post - A check box (checked for yes)
2. Enter all necessary information into the text fields.
3. Select a Document Protocol.
4. Check or uncheck the Support HTTP Post check box, as desired..
5. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier RoundTrip.
The Supplier RoundTrip Edit form displays.
2. Click Delete to remove the Supplier RoundTrip setup.
Tax Registration
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Tax Registration.
The Supplier Tax Registration form displays, containing a checkbox for all
available Registered States for tax purposes.
If the supplier has already been configured, one or more of the checkboxes is
2. Check or uncheck one or more Registered States checkboxes.
3. Click Save to save the entered data and leave the form.
Procurement Help
Edit Account
Supplier Options
This form allows input or selection of other supplier options such as:
Connect to Settlement - Click in this check box, if you have installed the
Reconciliation and Settlement application modules. See the Configure Settlement
section for more information.
Edit Account
From the Advanced Administration Tree Menu, you can:
Create New Account,
Edit Account,
Delete Price Catalogs, and
Add Price Catalog.
New Account
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Accounts | New
The New Supplier Account form displays.
2. Enter the following information:
Authorizing Organization - Click the name of a Buying Organization which
can originate orders with this supplier.
Account Code - Specify an identifier to represent this supplier.
Description - Enter a description for the account.
Active - Check the checkbox to activate or de-activate the account.
3. Click Save.
Edit Account
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Accounts | Account
The Edit Supplier Account form displays.
2. Click Delete to remove a supplier account.
3. Edit the following information, as necessary:
Authorizing Organization - Click the name of a Buying Organization which
can originate orders with this supplier.
Account Code - Specify an identifier to represent this supplier.
Description - Enter a description for the account.
Administer Suppliers
Configure Settlement
Active - Check the checkbox to activate or de-activate the account.
4. Click Save.
Price Catalogs
Payment types describe the method of payments that a supplier accepts. Before
you assign or configure a payment type for a supplier, it must already exist in the
system. See Payment Type.
The Catalog Update Package (CUP) may contain information that allows the
catalog load process to automatically add a price catalog to a supplier account.
You do not need to manually add the price catalog to the supplier account if the
Catalog Update Package contains supplier account information.
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Accounts | Account
Name | Price Catalog Name.
The Current Price Catalog form displays.
2. Click Delete to remove the catalog.
The Catalog Update Package (CUP) may contain information that allows the
catalog load process to automatically remove a price catalog from a supplier
account. You do not need to manually remove the price catalog from the supplier
account if the Catalog Update Package contains information to delete the price
Add Price Catalog
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Accounts | Account
Name | Add Price Catalog.
2. Search for a price catalog.
3. Click the price catalog from the Results List.
4. Click Select.
Configure Settlement
This configuration step is only required if you have installed the Reconciliation
Integration Pack and registered the Reconciliation and Settlement application
modules on MarketSite.
The following configuration tasks must be performed to implement Settlement:
at the Enterprise Buying Organization, or EBO Level,
at the Buying Organization Level, and
at the Supplier Level.
Procurement Help
Configure Settlement
Supplier Level
Each buying organization can have multiple suppliers. It is unlikely that all
suppliers could support the EIPP solution. You can disable Settlement for selected
Only the EBO administrator may change this setting for the supplier. Settlement
functionality is enabled for a specific order only if both the supplier and the
buying organization of the order are enabled for Settlement.
1. From the Tree Menu, select Suppliers | Supplier Name | Supplier Options.
2. Check the “Connect To Settlement” checkbox to enable Settlement, or uncheck
to disable Settlement.
Administer Suppliers
Configure Settlement
Procurement Help
Administration Log
In the Administration Log Help
The Administration Log is a record of all events occurring when administering the
Procurement application:
Logged Events
View Log
Logged Events
Use the Administration Log to view changes to Procurement application
databases. For example, you can:
View all new contacts that you added to an Enterprise
View changes for a particular database object
View changes made under a particular Administrator ID
View changes that occurred over a certain time period
Sort changes, according to object, Administrator ID, or date.
View Log
To view the Administration Log:
1. In the Tree Menu, select Admin Log.
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Admin Log form.
By default, the Advanced Administration Application displays database
changes that occurred under your Administrator ID and only during your own
2. Select particular changes:
View changes for a database object by selecting the Object name
Administration Log
View Log
User Name (Login ID)
View changes made under a particular Administrator ID by selecting the
Login ID
From Date (the format depends on your locale)
To Date
View changes that occurred over a certain time period by entering a start
and end date for that period.
Note: In this field, the Advanced Administration Application uses a Java
filter that allows spaces before the date, but not after.
3. Select a sorting methods in the Order By drop-down menus:
User Name
Change Date
4. Click [Search].
The Advanced Administration Application displays the Administration Log.
Procurement Help
Account Administration
In the Account Administration Module
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Start Account Administration
Credit Card Tab
Ship To Address Tab
Bill To Address Tab
Approval Tab
Start Account Administration
If you have the Account Administration privilege, you can use Account
Administration to select and store default values of information commonly used
by your Buying Organization, such as:
The most commonly used credit card numbers, billing and shipping addresses.
How to route Shopping Carts for approval, through the Procurement
application workflow: what is the spending limit and who is the default
Depending on your privilege, you may be able:
To view and modify some of this information, or
Only view the information.
If you do not have Account Administration privilege, you
cannot access the Account Administration application.
Depending on your privilege, you may be able to view and
modify other buyer information, by clicking User Profile,
on the Procurement Home Page Profiles Menu.
Account Administration
Credit Card Tab
Some of this information can only be viewed and edited by your Procurement
application administrator.
To start the Account Administration application:
Other information is available to you:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Account Administration, in the Procurement Home Page Application
Administration Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Account Administration page with
the Credit Card Tab to the front.
If you do not have Account Administration privilege, you
cannot access the Account Administration application.
Depending on your privilege, you may be able to view and
modify other buyer information, by clicking User Profile,
on the Procurement Home Page Profiles Menu.
3. Click a tab to view and edit various pages of information:
Ship To Address Tab,
Bill To Address Tab,
Approval Tab, or
click to return to the Credit Card Tab.
To change other information about yourself, you must contact your
Procurement application Administrator.
Credit Card Tab
To view and edit your list of available Credit Cards and your preferred card:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Account Administration, in the Procurement Home Page Application
Administration Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Account Administration page with
the Credit Card tab to the front.
3. If you are already running the Account Administration application, click the
Credit Card tab to bring it to the front.
On the Credit Card page, the Account Administration application displays for
each credit card you are approved to use for purchases:
Procurement Help
Credit Card Tab
User Name
The authorized user's name (or nothing if this is a
corporate card).
Name on Card
The name, exactly as imprinted (or information
imprinted in the Name space of a corporate card)
on the card.
Card Type
The brand of credit card or charge card.
Card Number
The number of the card, of which only the last
four digits are shown; the remainder of the
number is encrypted and shown as asterisks
A description to be used when selecting from a list
of cards, for example, Bill's Personal Visa Card, or
Betty's Corporate MC Card.
Corporate Icon
Indicates that this is a corporate card.
Action Icons
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation,
its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
To Edit Credit Card information in that row of the
To delete the Credit Card information in that row
of the list.
Above the list, there is a [New Credit Card] button that (if you have been
granted the appropriate privilege) you can click to add a New Credit Card to
Account Administration
Credit Card Tab
the list.
4. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing Credit Cards, click home.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
New Credit Card
To add a new Credit Card, and its associated information:
1. On the Credit Card page, click [New Credit Card] above the Credit Card list.
The Account Administration application displays the Credit Card > New page,
with empty text boxes for all the information required about the credit card.
2. Click in each of the empty text boxes and type, or select from drop-down
menus, values for:
Exact Name on Credit Card - the authorized user's name (or company
designation if this is a corporate card).
Credit Card Type - the brand of credit card or charge card.
Card Number - the number of the card.
Card Expiration - date
Card Description - a description to be used when selecting from a list of
cards, for example, Bill's Personal Visa Card, or Betty's Favorite Corporate
Corporate Credit Card - click to add a check mark if this is so.
Bill to Address - click the Search icon to display a Search Page in which you
can search for and select an appropriate name and billing address for the
Click this icon to search a list of names and associated Bill
to Addresses for the new credit card.
Note: You can only select from the list of approved addresses. You cannot add
a new address in this application. To add a new address to be used for any
purpose in the Procurement application, you must use Setup Addresses in the
Advanced Administration application, or contact someone who has the
privilege to do so.
3. When you have finished adding information:
Procurement Help
Click [Save] to confirm addition of the new card, or
Click [Cancel] to leave the page without adding a new card.
Credit Card Tab
The Account Administration application re-displays the Credit Card page.
4. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing Credit Cards, click home.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
Edit Credit Card
To add a edit the information stored for a Credit Card, and its associated
1. On the Credit Card page, click the Edit action icon beside any credit card in the
Credit Card list.
Edit the credit card information.
The Account Administration application displays the Credit Card > Edit page,
with text boxes containing all of the editable information for the credit card.
2. Click in any of the text boxes, to be edited, and type, or select from drop-down
menus, values for:
Exact Name on Credit Card - the authorized user's name (or company
designation if this is a corporate card).
Card Expiration - date
Card Description - a description to be used when selecting from a list of
cards, for example, Bill's Personal Visa Card, or Betty's Favorite Corporate
Corporate Credit Card - click to add a check mark if this is so.
Bill to Address - click the Search icon to display a Search Page in which you
can search for and select an appropriate name and billing address for the
Click this icon to search a list of names and associated Bill
to Addresses for the new credit card.
NOTE: You can only select from the list of approved addresses. You cannot add
a new address in this application. To add a new address to be used for any
purpose in the Procurement application, you must use Setup Addresses in the
Advanced Administration application, or contact someone who has the
Account Administration
Ship To Address Tab
privilege to do so.
3. When you have finished changing information:
Click [Save] to confirm the changes to the credit card, or
Click [Cancel] to leave the page without changing anything.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Credit Card page.
4. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing Credit Cards, click home.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
Ship To Address Tab
To view and edit your list of available Ship To Addresses and your preferred card:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Account Administration, in the Procurement Home Page Application
Administration Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Account Administration page with
the Credit Card tab to the front.
3. Click the Ship To Address tab to bring it to the front.
On the Ship To Address page, the Account Administration application displays
for each shipping address you are approved to use for purchases:
Company Name
The name of the company and division.
The address for deliveries.
Contact Name
The name of someone who can be contacted to
discuss shipping problems.
The e-mail
The business telephone number of the contact
The business FAX number of the contact person.
Procurement Help
address of the contact person.
Ship To Address Tab
Default Icon
Indicates that
this is your preferred Bill To
address to be used as the default on all of
your Shopping Carts (you can change
this address for any shopping cart or any
item before Check Out).
Action Icons
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation,
its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
To Edit Ship To Address information in that row
of the list.
To delete the Ship To Address information in that
row of the list.
Above the list, there is a [New Address] button that (if you have been granted
the appropriate privilege) you can click to add a New Ship To Address to the
4. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing shipping addresses, click
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
New Ship To Address
To add a new Ship To Address, and its associated information:
1. On the Ship To Address page, click [New Address] above the Address list.
The Account Administration application displays the Ship To Address > New
Account Administration
Ship To Address Tab
page, with empty text boxes for all the information required about the shipping
2. Click in each of the empty text boxes and type values for:
Company Name - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
Address - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
State - or locality
Postal Code
3. Click in each of the empty text boxes and select from drop-down menus, values
Country - you can only select from the list of available countries. You
cannot add a new Country name.
Contact - you can only select from the list of recognized contacts at the
address. You cannot add a new contact in this application. To add a new
contact to be used for any purpose in the Procurement application, you
must use Setup Contacts in the Advanced Administration application, or
contact someone who has the privilege to do so.
4. Click in the Default Address check box, to add a check mark, if this is to be your
default shipping address.
Note: You can have only one default shipping address. If you select a new one
on the Ship To Address > New page, your previous selection is cancelled.
5. When you have finished adding information:
Click [Save] to confirm addition of the new shipping address, or
Click [Cancel] to leave the page without adding a new shipping address.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Ship To Address page.
6. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing shipping addresses, click
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
Edit Ship To Address
To edit a Ship To Address, and its associated information:
1. On the Ship To Address page, click the Edit action icon beside any shipping
address in the Address list.
Procurement Help
Ship To Address Tab
Edit the Ship To Address information.
The Account Administration application displays the Ship To Address > Edit
page, with text boxes containing all of the editable information for the shipping
2. Click in any of the text boxes, to be edited, and type values for:
Company Name - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
Address - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
State - or locality
Postal Code
3. Click in any of the text boxes, to be edited, and select from drop-down menus,
values for:
Country - you can only select from the list of available countries. You
cannot add a new Country name.
Contact - you can only select from the list of recognized contacts at the
address. You cannot add a new contact in this application. To add a new
contact to be used for any purpose in the Procurement application, you
must use Setup Contacts in the Advanced Administration application, or
contact someone who has the privilege to do so.
4. Click in the Default Address check box, to add a check mark, if this is to be your
default shipping address.
NOTE: You can have only one default shipping address. If you select a new one
on the Ship To Address > Edit page, your previous selection is cancelled.
5. When you have finished changing information:
Click [Save] to confirm your changes to the shipping address, or
Click [Cancel] to leave the page without making any changes.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Ship To Address page.
6. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing shipping addresses, click
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
Account Administration
Bill To Address Tab
Bill To Address Tab
To view and edit your list of available Bill To Addresses and your preferred card:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Account Administration, in the Procurement Home Page Application
Administration Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Account Administration page with
the Credit Card tab to the front.
3. Click the Bill To Address tab to bring it to the front.
On the Bill To Address page, the Account Administration application displays
for each billing address you are approved to use for purchases:
Company Name
The name of the company and division.
The address for deliveries.
Contact Name
The name of someone who can be contact to
discuss billing problems.
The e-mail
The business telephone number of the contact
The business FAX number of the contact person.
address of the contact person.
Default Icon
Indicates that
this is your preferred Bill To
address to be used as the default on all of
your Shopping Carts (you can change
this address for any shopping cart or any
item before Check Out).
Procurement Help
Bill To Address Tab
Action Icons
Click an icon to perform various actions on the
selected item.
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser
displays a tool tip containing a few words
explaining the action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation,
its Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
To Edit Bill To Address information in that row of
the list.
To delete the Bill To Address information in that
row of the list.
Above the list, there is a [New Address] button that (if you have been granted the
appropriate privilege) you can click to add a New Bill To Address to the list.
4. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing billing addresses, click
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
New Bill To Address
To add a new Bill To Address, and its associated information:
1. On the Bill To Address page, click [New Address] above the Address list.
The Account Administration application displays the Bill To Address > New
page, with empty text boxes for all the information required about the billing
2. Click in each of the empty text boxes and type values for:
Company Name - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
Address - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
State - or locality
Postal Code
3. Click in each of the empty text boxes and select from drop-down menus, values
Account Administration
Bill To Address Tab
Country - you can only select from the list of available countries. You
cannot add a new Country name.
Contact - you can only select from the list of recognized contacts at the
address. You cannot add a new contact in this application. To add a new
contact to be used for any purpose in the Procurement application, you
must use Setup Contacts in the Advanced Administration application, or
contact someone who has the privilege to do so.
4. Click in the Default Address check box, to add a check mark, if this is to be your
default billing address.
NOTE: You can have only one default billing address. If you select a new one
on the Bill To Address > New page, your previous selection is cancelled.
5. When you have finished adding information:
Click [Save] to confirm addition of the new billing address, or
Click [Cancel] to leave the page without adding a new billing address.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Bill To Address page.
6. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing billing addresses, click
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
Edit Bill To Address
To edit a Bill To Address, and its associated information:
1. On the Bill To Address page, click the Edit action icon beside any billing
address in the Address list.
Edit the Bill To Address information.
The Account Administration application displays the Bill To Address > Edit
page, with text boxes containing all of the editable information for the billing
2. Click in any of the text boxes, to be edited, and type values for:
Procurement Help
Company Name - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
Address - three separate lines of text and numbers are allowed
Approval Tab
State - or locality
Postal Code
3. Click in any of the text boxes, to be edited, and select from drop-down menus,
values for:
Country - you can only select from the list of available countries. You
cannot add a new Country name.
Contact - you can only select from the list of recognized contacts at the
address. You cannot add a new contact in this application. To add a new
contact to be used for any purpose in the Procurement application, you
must use Setup Contacts in the Advanced Administration application, or
contact someone who has the privilege to do so.
4. Click in the Default Address check box, to add a check mark, if this is to be your
default billing address.
NOTE: You can have only one default billing address. If you select a new one
on the Bill To Address > Edit page, your previous selection is cancelled.
5. When you have finished changing information:
Click [Save] to confirm your changes to the billing address, or
Click [Cancel] to leave the page without making any changes.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Bill To Address page.
6. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing billing addresses, click
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
Approval Tab
To view and edit your Shopping Cart Approval details:
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. Click Account Administration, in the Procurement Home Page Application
Administration Menu.
The Procurement application displays the Account Administration page with
the Credit Card tab to the front.
3. Click the Approval tab to bring it to the front.
On the Approval page, the Account Administration application displays your
Shopping Cart Approval information.
Account Administration
Approval Tab
On the Approval page, there are three radio buttons used to select an optional
method for Shopping Cart Approval. The option selected is applied to the
approval of all Shopping Carts submitted by members of your Buying
Organization before Orders are created.
4. If you have been granted the appropriate privilege, you can select an option by
clicking a radio button to select the method of approval:
No order approval required.
Orders are approved by < Approver >.
Orders are approved by < Approver > totaling more than < Spending Limit
When one radio button is clicked: it is shown as selected, and the other two
buttons are automatically de-selected.
5. If you selected Orders are approved by < Approver >, then you must select a
name, from the drop-down menu, including all members of your Organization.
6. If you selected Orders are approved by < Approver > totaling more than <
Spending Limit >, then you must:
select a name, from the drop-down menu, including all members of your
Organization, and
click next to the totaling more than text box and type a spending limit (in
the currency used by your Buying Organization) above which, shopping
carts must be approved before Orders are created.
7. When you have finished changing information:
Click [Save] to confirm your changes, or
Click [Reset] to dismiss your changes and restore the original values to the
8. When you have finished viewing, adding and editing Shopping Cart Approval
information, click home.
The Account Administration application re-displays the Procurement Home
Procurement Help
Administer Contract Labor
In the Contract Labor Administration Help
To view help, click a help topic title in the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Contract Labor Overview
The Administration Process
Add Users to Contract Labor
Set Up Usernames and Roles for Services
Contract Labor Privileges
Configure Automated Goods Receipt
Configure Expense Categories
Configure Expense Types
Configure Time Categories
Configure Worker Classifications
Configure Worker Attributes
Configure Regions
Configure Rules and Options
Configure Rate Tables
Configure Workers
Configure Worker Approvers
Configure Worker Comments
Configure Worker Timecard Proxies
Manage Projects
Administer Contract Labor
Contract Labor Overview
Contract Labor Overview
In Contract Labor, the user assigns contractors to their Projects, and reports their
hours and expenses. Contract Labor records and tracks all of these entries. It also
helps the user control expenses by enforcing limits on hour and expense values
that are reported. Procurement Shopping Carts are generated for Timecards. The
system will automatically create Orders from the Timecard-based Shopping Carts
if Enterprise Back End Integration is turned off. Otherwise, the Timecard-based
Shopping Cart is handled by the same rules configured by Enterprise Back End
To this end, Contract Labor provides a set of rules that are assigned to determine
how Projects and Workers are set up. Various privileges and roles are then
assigned to each user, and a workflow is configured to route time and expense
reports through an approval process.
What tasks do contractors have to perform?
Contractors simply track their hours and expenses using Timecards. Then, they
submit their Timecards when completing a specified work period.
What are the various Contract Labor privileges?
Using Contract Labor Administration, privileges can be assigned to Contract
Labor users. See Privileges Rules and Guidelines for descriptions of each Contract
Labor privilege.
What are some examples of sample Contract Labor
You, as the Contract Labor administrator, assign privileges within Contract Labor
administration in order to set up various roles, such as Project Administrator,
Manage Projects, and others, to manage the Contract Labor functionality.
Organizations set up the roles they specifically require to handle their individual
time and expense reporting requirements.
What does Contract Labor administration involve?
Contract Labor administration encompasses several design and configuration
processes to determine how your Contract Labor system creates and handles time
and expense reporting. See The Administration Process for a list of tasks and the
recommended order in which to complete each step.
Who manages the Contract Labor Projects and
Only a user with the assigned role of Contract Labor Administrator is allowed to
configure the Contract Labor system.
Procurement Help
The Administration Process
How do time and expense reports become Orders?
Once Projects are set up, Workers are associated with these Projects through
Assignments. The Workers submit time and expense reports, otherwise known as
Timecards. These Timecards go through the Contract Labor workflow approval
process which include the Project Approver and/or Worker Approver. After the
Timecard completes this process, a Shopping Cart and an Order are created.
The Administration Process
Administrator privileges allow you to set up and configure Contract Labor. As
administrator, you can create and view the Project summaries and Project
properties of existing Projects and Workers, including Administrators,
Assignments, and Approvers.
Various Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems make use of the term
project, and each has its own definition of the term. Contract Labor’s use of this
term has no specific correlation to the ERP use of the term project.
Because there are dependencies in setting up Contract Labor, we recommend that
you configure the system as follows:
1. Enable Contract Labor with your Registration Key and authorize organizations
to use it. See Setup Feature Registration to complete this task.
2. Create an administrator role with all Contract Labor privileges. Then, assign
this role to the Contract Labor administrator.
3. Configure Automated Goods Receipt
4. Configure Expense Categories
5. Configure Expense Types
6. Configure Time Categories
7. Configure Worker Classifications
8. Configure Worker Attributes
9. Configure Regions
10. Configure Rules/Options
11. Configure Rate Table
12. Configure Workers
13. Configure Projects
14. Manage Assignments (Assignments are managed within Projects)
Add Users to Contract Labor
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
Administer Contract Labor
Set Up Usernames and Roles for Services
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Setup | Users.
4. If necessary, create new users for Contract Labor Administration (see New
User). This user will be assigned the Contract Labor Administrator role created
in Step 6.
5. If necessary, create additional users. For example, you need users who will be
Workers, Proxies, and Approvers.
6. Create a new Contract Labor Administrator role (see New Role) that has all
Contract Labor privileges selected. For more information about privileges see
Contract Labor Privileges and their Scope(s). Assign this role to the Contract
Labor Administrator.
Set Up Usernames and Roles for Services
The system automatically creates two userids that are used by the TC2Req Service
and PO2Receipt Service, respectively.
TC2Req is required to run Contract Labor. It is automatically added to the
Enterprise Admin Organization and given the TC2Req Service Role during
installation. If you want the service to automatically create Orders for other
buying organizations, you must add this user to those buying organizations
and the role assigned to them.
PO2Receipt allows Automated Goods Receipt (AGR) to run in the
background. It is automatically added to the Enterprise Admin
Organization and given the PO2Receipt Service Role during installation. If
you are not using AGR, no further configuration of this userid is necessary.
You will need to:
Change User Passwords and Email Addresses, and
Add Users to Buying Organizations
Change User Passwords and Email Addresses
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click Users | Search.
a. Search for TC2Req and PO2Receipt users.
b. Highlight them and click Select.
c. Set a new password and set the email address for each user.
d. Click Save.
Procurement Help
Contract Labor Privileges
Add Users to Buying Organizations
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click Organizations | Buying Organization Name |
Attributes | Users | Add User to Organization.
a. Search for TC2Req User and PO2Receipt User. Highlight both users and
click Select.
b. From the tree menu, click on TC2Req User | Add Role.
c. Highlight TC2Req Service Role and click Select.
d. From the tree menu, click on PO2Receipt User | Add Role.
e. Highlight PO2Receipt Service Role and click Select.
4. From the tree menu, select Roles.
5. If necessary, create additional roles and assign privileges for other Contract
Labor users.
Contract Labor Privileges
Contract Labor and Procurement administrators assign privileges based on an
organization’s role requirements for processing Contract Labor Projects. By
assigning specific privileges, you enable various degrees of access, use, and
management abilities for users, which in turn provides greater capability, scope
and control over Projects and Assignments within Contract Labor.
Additionally, users who are allowed to create new Projects may also assign specific
privileges for the user in the role of Project Administrator.
This section explains:
Privileges Rules and Guidelines
and how to Set Up and Administer Privileges
Privileges Rules and Guidelines
Contract Labor privileges allow flexibility for the administrator to administer user
data regardless of where the user is logged in. This feature is needed to support
the Project Administration section of Contract Labor. Privileges for administering
data in the Contract Labor application are made more flexible, and therefore
easier, for the Contract Labor administrator, by implementing the privileges rules.
These rules are only being implemented at the administration level and not at the
Contract Labor Timecard creation and submission level.
Administer Contract Labor
Contract Labor Privileges
To access and use Contract Labor, a user must be a designated user of
Procurement, and the user must be assigned a role with the Contract Labor
privileges. Each role has specific privileges and scope. Using the Procurement
Admin tool, these privileges can be set in the Contract Labor category of a role.
The Contract Labor category, provides these privileges:
Contract Labor Privileges and their Scope(s)
Some Contract Labor privileges can be set to have the scope of Organization
(Buying Organization), Super-Buying Organization (Super Org), or Enterprise.
The Automated Goods Receipt privileges can be set to have a scope of Super Org
or Enterprise.
With Organization scope you can operate on the following:
Anything you have created
Anything tied to the Buying Organization that you are logged into
With Super-Buying Organization scope you can operate on the following:
Anything you have created
Anything tied to the Buying Organization that you are logged into
Anything tied to the hierarchical children Buying Organizations of the Buying
Organization you are logged into
With Enterprise scope you can operate on the following:
Anything you have created
Anything tied to any Buying Organization
Other Contract Labor privileges are not dependant on scope.
The following is a chart showing Contract Labor privileges and their scope(s).
Create Projects
Required to create Projects.
Super Org
Create Worker
Required to create a comment for a Worker.
Delete Worker
Required to delete comments for a Worker.
Manage Contract
Labor Settings
Required to manage reporting periods,
validation rules and Worker Attributes.
Manage Expense
Categories and
Expense Types
Required to manage Expense Categories (for
example, Meals) and Expense Types (for
example, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner).
Procurement Help
Contract Labor Privileges
Manage Projects
Required to manage Projects (unless user is a
Project Administrator).
Manage Rate
Required to modify Rate Tables.
Manage Regions
Required to manage Regions (for example:
West, East).
Manage Time
Required to manage time categories (for
example: Standard Time).
Required to view Timecard Status Page.
Note: All Workers can view their own status
without this privilege. This is required to view
the status of other Workers’ Timecards.
Super Org
Manage Worker
Required to manage Worker Classifications
(for example: Developer I, Administrator II).
Manage Workers
Required to create Workers from Buying
Organization users.
View Worker
Required to view comments about Workers.
Supplier Auto
Goods Receipt
Manages suppliers that participate in the
Auto Goods Receipt service.
Super Org
View Goods
Receipt List
Able to view list of receipts created by the
Auto Goods Receipts service.
Super Org
Super Org
Super Org
Set Up and Administer Privileges
The Contract Labor administrator sets up the following privileges, using the
Procurement Administration tool. Please see Recommended Privilege
Restrictions for the Worker.
Manage Projects Privilege
The Manage Projects privilege allows the user to see a list of Projects in the
Buying Organization where the user has this privilege set up. The user can edit the
Project properties, and manage Project Administrators, Project Approvers, and
Create Projects Privilege
The Create Projects privilege allows the user to create a Project within a buying
organization as determined by the scope. When selecting the organization for the
new project, the list of available buying organizations are limited to the scope that
is set up in the role.
Administer Contract Labor
Contract Labor Privileges
Manage Workers Privilege
A user who has Manage Workers privilege can create and maintain Workers. The
list of users that they are able to maintain is limited to the scope which was
specified when the Manage Workers privilege was selected.
Users with the Manage Workers privilege can modify an existing Worker at any
time. The following attributes of a Worker can be edited:
The supplier of the Worker can be changed. Changing the supplier of a Worker
will not change the supplier used on previous Timecards.
Supplier Part Number
The supplier part number of the Worker can be changed. Changing the
supplier part number of a Worker does not change the supplier part number
used on previous Timecards.
Currency Code
The currency code of the Worker can be changed as long as the user has not
submitted any Timecards. Once there is a submitted Timecard, the Worker
currency code cannot be changed. The only currency code that can be chosen is
the one specified in the Application Settings of Enterprise Buyer. This can be
found under Timecard, EBO_CurrencyCode where the default is set to USD.
May Submit Timecard
The May Submit Timecard attribute controls a Worker's ability to submit a
Timecard. This property can be manipulated at any time. Manipulating this
property only affects Timecards that have not yet been submitted by the
Worker. This property must be enabled to allow a Worker to submit a
Timecard. The Worker will be able to create and save Timecards with this
property disabled. However, the Worker will not be able to submit the
Timecard. By default, a Worker is allowed to submit a Timecard. By editing a
Worker, an administrator can prevent a Worker from submitting a Timecard.
In addition, the system enables you to keep track of changes made to
Workers by providing a set of comments. This set of comments is not
intended to be a repository of Worker performance or history.
Users with the Create Worker Comments privilege can add comments.
However, in order to delete the comments, the user must have the Delete
Worker Comments privilege.
May Join Project
This property can be manipulated at any time. When this property is disabled,
the Worker does not appear on the list of available Workers when the
Assignments are created. The Worker remains active on any existing
Assignments. By default, a Worker’s May Join Project property is enabled. By
editing a Worker, an administrator can prevent a Worker from being chosen
for new Assignments.
Procurement Help
Contract Labor Privileges
Payment Method
An alternate payment method can be selected at any time. A change of
payment method does not affect the processing of any Timecards that have
already been created.
Bill To Address and Ship To Address
Alternate addresses can be selected at any time. A change of address does not
affect the processing of any Timecards that have already been submitted.
Delete Worker Comments Privilege
In order to delete comments, the user must have the Delete Worker Comments
privilege as well as the Manage Workers privilege.
Create Worker Comments Privilege
In order to create Worker comments the user must have the Create Worker
Comments privilege as well as the Manage Workers privilege.
View Worker Comments Privilege
In order to view Worker comments the user must have the View Worker
Comments privilege as well as the Manage Workers privilege.
Recommended Privilege Restrictions for the Worker
Contract Labor recommends that only certain privileges be assigned to a Worker.
Errors may occur within the data if the Worker has these privileges and makes
Contract Labor is not designed to synchronize changes made to Shopping Carts
that are created for submitted Timecards. It is strongly recommended that the
Worker should not have privileges to create a Change Request to the Order that is
created for the Timecard they submitted. By not assigning the Worker any
Procurement privileges that give the Worker access to the Orders Status page, this
restricts the Worker from modifying the Shopping Carts.
The following table includes the privileges that need to be excluded from the
Workers so they do not have access to the Orders Status page.
Change Request — Create/Edit/Delete
Change Request — Print
Change Request — Submit/Cancel
Change Request — View
The following table includes the privileges that need to be excluded from the
Workers so they do not have access to the Orders List page.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Automated Goods Receipt
Order — Create
Order — Cancel
Order — Reorder
Order — Receiving
Order — Print
A Worker should not be allowed to have access to the Shopping Cart list and
perform Shopping Cart related actions. This can be done by not assigning the
Worker any Procurement privileges that gives them access to the Shopping Cart
Status page.
The following table includes the privileges that need to be excluded from the
Workers so they do not have access to the Shopping Cart Status page:
Shopping Cart — Create
Shopping Cart — Delete
Shopping Cart — Edit
Shopping Cart — Shared Templates
Shopping Cart — Cancel
Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart — Special Request
Shopping Cart — Submit
Shopping Cart — Copy
Shopping Cart — Print
Configure Automated Goods Receipt
The Automated Goods Receipt (AGR) feature makes it possible to automate the
process of reviewing Orders and creating Receipts. The AGR feature is optional;
Contract Labor does not require AGR to be activated. The privileges required to
Procurement Help
Configure Automated Goods Receipt
use AGR are Supplier Auto Goods Receipt and View Goods Receipt List, both of
which are in the Auto Goods Receipt Category. The first, Supplier Auto Goods
Receipt, gives you the ability to enable a supplier for AGR. The second is for
viewing Orders that have been auto received.
Automated Goods Receipt allows you to:
View Automated Goods Receipt List to view a list of AGR-enabled suppliers
View a list of automatically received Orders
Enable a Supplier to automatically receive Orders,
or Disable a Supplier
Receipts are automatically created after a Purchase Order generated for a
submitted Timecard is accepted by the Supplier. There is a service that runs in the
background to perform the Automated Goods Receipt process. The period of this
service is configurable by the Procurement administrator and by default, is set to
run every 24 hours.
View Automated Goods Receipt List
The Automated Goods Receipt List displays a list of all AGR-enabled suppliers
and Orders that have automatically been received.
To view the Automated Goods Receipt Admin List:
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Contract Labor | Automated Goods Receipt.
4. Select Auto Goods Receipt List.
The Automated Goods Receipt List page displays a list of all Orders that have
been received.
Sort Automated Goods Receipt List
1. From the Automated Goods Receipt List page, you can sort by:
Order Name
Order Number
2. Click Go.
Filter Automated Goods Receipt List
1. From the Automated Goods Receipt List page, you can filter by:
Order Name
Order Number
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Automated Goods Receipt
2. Enter the name or number of an order or supplier in the appropriate field, and
click Go.
The list returns only those orders with the order name, number, or supplier
you specified.
Enable a Supplier
Auto Goods Receipt allows suppliers to be enabled to automatically receive
Orders. To enable a supplier:
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Contract Labor | Automated Goods Receipt.
4. Select Auto Goods Receipt Administration.
The Automated Goods Receipt Supplier List page displays.
5. Sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
Sort by - Allows you to sort by supplier name, or by those suppliers who are
Filter by automated goods receipt enabled - Returns only those suppliers
who are enabled if you specify Yes, or those who are not enabled if you
specify No.
Filter by supplier - Allows you to locate and enable a specific supplier by
entering the supplier’s name or partial name. Typing an asterisk (*) returns
a list of all available suppliers.
6. Next to the Supplier you wish to enable, click the Edit icon in the Actions
The Automated Goods Receipt Supplier Properties page displays.
7. Check the Automated Goods Receipt Enabled checkbox to enable this
8. Click Save.
Disable a Supplier
To remove a supplier from your list of suppliers who are able to automatically
receive Orders:
1. Log into Procurement as the Procurement Administrator.
2. Under Administration, select Advanced Administration.
3. From the tree menu, click on Contract Labor | Automated Goods Receipt.
Procurement Help
Configure Expense Categories
4. Select Auto Goods Receipt Administration.
The Automated Goods Receipt Supplier List page displays.
5. Sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
You can enter a supplier’s name, partial name, or an asterisk (*) to return a list
of available suppliers.
6. Next to the Supplier you wish to enable, click the Edit icon in the Actions
The Automated Goods Receipt Supplier Properties page displays.
7. Uncheck the Automated Goods Receipt Enabled checkbox to disable the
8. Click Save.
Configure Expense Categories
Expense Categories are used to identify the type of expenses that are being
reported (such as Meals, Airfare, and Lodging). Expense Categories are used as
part of Projects and Assignments.
To manage expense categories a Contract Labor administrator must have the
Manage Expense Categories and Expense Types privilege.
To navigate to the Expense Category List page:
1. From the Commerce One Procurement home page, click the Advanced
Administration link.
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Expense Categories.
The Expense Category List page displays.
Expense Categories are configured at the Enterprise level, meaning that once an
Expense Category is created, it is available to all Contract Labor administrators
when defining Projects and Assignments.
You can:
Create a New Expense Category
Edit Expense Categories
Disable Expense Categories
Delete Expense Categories
Create a New Expense Category
Whenever needed, you can create your own additional Expense Categories.
To create a new Expense Category:
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Expense Categories
1. On the Expense Category List page, click the New button.
2. Enter an Expense Category Name.
The name must be unique.
3. Enter an Expense Category Abbreviation.
The abbreviation must be unique.
4. Verify the Expense Category Enabled checkbox is checked.
By default this feature is enabled. Expense Categories must be enabled in order
to be used by Projects.
5. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your entry and
return to the Expense Category List page.
Edit Expense Categories
To edit an Expense Category:
1. On the Expense Category List page, next to a category, click the Edit icon in the
Actions column.
The Expense Category Properties page opens.
2. Edit the Expense Category Name and/or Category Abbreviation.
3. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your edits and return
to the Expense Category List page.
Disable Expense Categories
Disabling an Expense Category renders it unavailable to other entities.
To disable an Expense Category:
1. On the Expense Category List page, next to a category, click the Edit icon in the
Actions column.
The Expense Category Properties page opens.
2. Click the Enabled checkbox to uncheck the box.
3. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your edits and return
to the Expense Category List page.
Delete Expense Categories
To delete an Expense Category:
1. On the Expense Category List page, next to the category you want to delete,
click the Delete icon in the Actions column.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
Procurement Help
Configure Expense Types
2. Click OK to delete.
Note: If a Project, Timecard, or anything else has already used the category, it
cannot be deleted and an appropriate message appears.
Configure Expense Types
Contract Labor Expense Types allow an Enterprise Buying Organization to further
define Worker expenses. Examples of Expense Types include: Dinner, Breakfast,
or Hotel. Expense Types are not tied to Expense Categories; they can be used
Expense Types are configured at the Enterprise level and are managed by
administrators who have the Manage Expense Categories and Expense Types
To navigate to the Expense Type List page:
1. From the Commerce One Procurement home page, click the Advanced
Administration link.
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Expense Types.
The Expense Type List page displays.
You can:
Create a New Expense Type
Edit Expense Types
Disable Expense Types
Delete Expense Types
Create a New Expense Type
To create additional new Expense Types:
1. On the Expense Types List page, click the New button.
2. Enter an Expense Type Name.
This name must be unique.
3. Verify the Expense Type Enabled checkbox is checked.
By default this feature is enabled. Expense Types must be enabled in order to
be used by Timecards.
4. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your entry and
return to the Expense Type List page.
Edit Expense Types
To edit an Expense Type:
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Time Categories
1. On the Expense Type List page, click the Edit icon in the Actions column of the
Expense Type you wish to edit.
The Expense Type Properties page opens.
2. Edit the Expense Type name.
3. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your edits and return
to the Expense Type List page.
Disable Expense Types
Disabling an Expense Type renders it unavailable to other entities.
To disable an Expense Type:
1. On the Expense Type List page, next to a category, click the Edit icon in the
Actions column of the Expense Type you wish to disable.
The Expense Type Properties page opens.
2. Click the Enabled checkbox to uncheck the box.
3. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your edits and return
to the Expense Type List page.
Delete Expense Types
To Delete an Expense Type:
1. On the Expense Type List page, click the Delete icon in the Actions column of
the Expense Type you wish to delete.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
2. Click OK to delete.
Note: If a Project, Rate Table, Timecard, or anything else has already used the
category, it cannot be deleted and an appropriate message appears.
Configure Time Categories
Time categories are used to identify the type of hours that are being entered (such
as Regular, Overtime, Sick, and Vacation). Time categories are used as part of
Rate Tables, Projects, and Assignments.
To manage time categories a Contract Labor administrator must have the Manage
Time Categories privilege.
To navigate to the Time Category List page:
1. From the Commerce One Procurement home page, click the Advanced
Administration link.
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Time Categories.
Procurement Help
Configure Time Categories
The Time Category List page displays.
Time Categories are configured at the Enterprise level, meaning that once a Time
Category is created, it is available to all Contract Labor administrators to use when
defining Rate Tables, Projects, and Assignments.
You can:
Create a New Time Category
Edit Time Categories
Disable Time Categories
Delete Time Categories
Create a New Time Category
Whenever needed, you can create your own additional Time Categories.
To create a new Time Category:
1. On the Time Category List page, click New.
2. Enter a Time Category Name.
The name must be unique.
3. Enter a Time Category Abbreviation.
The abbreviation must be unique.
4. Verify the Time Category Enabled checkbox is checked.
By default this feature is enabled. Time Categories must be enabled in order for
them to be selected by Projects and Rate Tables.
5. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your entry and
return to the Time Category List page.
Edit Time Categories
To edit a Time Category:
1. On the Time Category List page, next to the category, click the Edit icon in the
Actions column.
The Time Category Properties page opens.
2. Edit the Time Category Name and/or Time Category Abbreviation.
3. Click the Save button to save your edits, or click the Cancel button to cancel
your entry and return to the Time Category List page.
Disable Time Categories
Disabling a Time Category renders it unavailable to other entities.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Worker Classifications
To disable a Time Category:
1. On the Time Category List page, next to the category, click the Edit icon in the
Actions column.
The Time Category Properties page opens.
2. Click the Enabled checkbox to uncheck the box.
3. Click the Save button to save your edits, or click the Cancel button to cancel
your entry and return to the Time Category List page.
Delete Time Categories
To delete a Time category:
1. On the Time Category List page, next to the category you want to delete, click
the Delete icon in the Actions column.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
2. Click OK to delete.
Note: If a Project, Rate Table, Timecard, or anything else has already used the
category, it cannot be deleted and an appropriate message appears.
Configure Worker Classifications
Worker Classifications provide a way to categorize Workers based on job roles.
The Worker Classification essentially describes the job title. When Worker
Classifications are coupled with Regions and Time Categories, they also provide a
way to allocate different Rates. Examples of Worker Classification include:
Engineer I or Admin II.
Worker Classifications are configured at the Enterprise Buying Organization level
and are managed by Administrators with the Manage Worker Classifications
privilege. Administrators must access the Worker Classification List page in order
to configure Worker Classifications. The Worker Classification List page displays
the Classification Name, Description, and whether the classification is Enabled or
To navigate to the Worker Classification List page:
1. From the Commerce One Procurement home page, click the Advanced
Administration link.
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Worker Classifications.
The Worker Classification List page displays.
You can:
Create a New Worker Classification
Edit a Worker Classification
Procurement Help
Configure Worker Classifications
Disable a Worker Classification
Delete a Worker Classification
Create a New Worker Classification
To create a new Worker Classification:
1. On the Worker Classification List page, click the New button.
2. Enter the Worker Classification Name and Description.
This name must be unique.
3. Verify the Enabled checkbox is checked.
By default this feature is enabled. Only Enabled classifications are available to
new Assignments or Rate Tables.
4. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your entry and
return to the Worker Classification List page.
Edit a Worker Classification
To edit Worker Classifications:
1. On the Worker Classification List page, click the Edit icon in the Actions
column of the Worker Classification you wish to edit.
The Worker Classification Properties page opens.
2. Edit the Name and/or Description.
3. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your edits and return
to the Worker Classification List page.
Disable a Worker Classification
Disabling a Worker Classification renders it unavailable to other entities.
To disable a Worker Classification:
1. From the Worker Classification List page, click the Edit icon in the Actions
column of the Worker Classification you wish to disable.
The Worker Classification Properties page opens.
2. Click the Enabled checkbox to uncheck the box.
3. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your edits and return
to the Worker Classification List page.
Delete a Worker Classification
To delete a Worker Classification:
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Worker Attributes
1. From the Worker Classification List page, click the Delete icon in the Actions
column of the Worker Classification you wish to delete.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
2. Click OK to delete.
Note: If a Project, Rate Table, Timecard, Assignment or anything else has already
used the category, it cannot be deleted and an appropriate message appears.
Configure Worker Attributes
Worker Attributes capture additional Worker information. Each enterprise can
define a set of Worker Attributes. Examples of Worker Attributes include: Badge
Number, Cubicle Location, or Building Number. It is recommended that you
create all your Worker Attributes before you create your Workers. That way as
new Workers are being setup, the attributes can be assigned to them.
Worker Attributes are configured at the Enterprise Buying Organization level and
are managed by Administrators with the Manage Contract Labor Settings
There is no option to disable Worker Attributes, only to create new attributes, and
to edit or delete existing ones.
To navigate to the Worker Attribute List page:
1. From the Commerce One Procurement home page, click the Advanced
Administration link.
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Worker Attributes.
The Worker Attribute List page displays.
You can:
Create a New Worker Attribute
Edit Worker Attributes
Delete Worker Attributes
Create a New Worker Attribute
To create a new Worker Attribute:
1. On the Worker Attribute List page, click the New button.
The Worker Attribute Properties page opens.
2. Enter the Worker Attribute Name.
This name must be unique.
3. Enter a Description.
4. Click the Save button, or click Cancel to cancel your entries and return to the
Procurement Help
Configure Regions
Worker Attribute List page.
Edit Worker Attributes
To edit Worker Attributes:
1. On the Worker Attribute List page, click the Edit icon in the Actions column of
the Worker Attribute that you would like to edit.
2. Edit the Worker Attribute Name or Description.
3. Click the Save button, or click Cancel to cancel your edits and return to the
Worker Attribute List page.
Delete Worker Attributes
To delete a Worker Attribute:
1. On the Worker Attribute List page, click the Delete icon in the Actions column
of the Worker Attribute you wish to delete.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
2. Click OK to delete.
Configure Regions
Regions provide a way to apply different Rates for the same Worker Classification
across geographic areas. Regions are used to group Worker Classifications with
different Rates. Examples of Regions include: North, South, East or West.
Regions are configured at the Enterprise Buying Organization level and are
managed by Administrators who have the Manage Regions privilege.
To navigate to the Region List page:
1. From the Commerce One Procurement home page, click the Advanced
Administration link.
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Regions.
The Region List page displays.
Note: In order to set up the Rate Table, it is necessary to have at least one Region
set up. Therefore, companies that do not use the Region feature should first begin
by setting up a Region, such as Default Region, to use only for the purpose of
setting up Rates.
You can:
Create a New Region
Edit Regions
Disable a Region
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Regions
Delete a Region
Create a New Region
Whenever needed, you can create your own additional Regions.
To create a new Region:
1. On the Region List page, click the New button.
The Region List page opens.
2. Enter the Region Name and Description.
This name must be unique.
3. Verify the Enabled checkbox is checked.
By default this feature is enabled. Only Enabled regions are available to new
Assignments or Rate Tables.
4. Click the Save button, or click Cancel to return to the Regions List page.
Edit Regions
To edit a Region:
1. On the Region List page, click the Edit icon in the Actions column of the
Region you wish to edit.
The Region Properties page opens.
2. Edit the Region Name and/or Description.
3. Click the Save button, or click Cancel to return to the Region List page.
Disable a Region
Disabling a Region renders it unavailable to other entities.
To disable a Region:
1. On the Region List page, click the Edit icon in the Actions column of the
Region you wish to disable.
The Region Properties page opens.
2. Uncheck the Enabled checkbox if you want this Region to be disabled.
3. Click the Save button, or click Cancel to return to the Region List page.
Delete a Region
To delete a Region:
1. On the Region List page, click the Delete icon in the Actions column of the
Region you wish to delete.
Procurement Help
Configure Rules and Options
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
2. Click OK to delete.
Configure Rules and Options
The Rules and Options page allows you to choose the Time Reporting Period, and
to enable specific Time Validation Rules and/or Expense Validation Rules. Out of
the box functionality includes three Time Reporting Periods, one Time Validation
Rule, and one Expense Validation Rule. It is possible to customize the system and
create new business objects that implement new rules. The names of the business
objects for each rule are displayed as components (Time Reporting Period
Component, Time Validation Component, and Expense Validation Component).
You can also enable or disable the “Timecard Can Be Skipped” option.
To configure rules and options:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Rules/Options.
The Rules/Options page opens.
2. Select the Time Reporting Period you wish to use:
The Time Reporting Period defines the number of days that appear on the
individual Timecards.
Weekly Reporting Period - Sunday to Saturday
Semi-Monthly Reporting - 15th and end of month
Weekly Reporting Period - Monday to Sunday
3. Verify that the Time Validation Rules are enabled:
By default this feature is enabled. When enabled it validates a maximum of 24
hours per day. Uncheck to disable this feature. Regardless of whether or not
the Time Validation rule is enabled, the system always verifies that no more
than 100 hours in a day are reported.
4. Verify that the Expense Validation Rules are disabled.
This feature is only valid if your payment facilities are configured.
The “Limit to max payment line items” checkbox limits the number of
expense items that can be created per Timecard to a default maximum of 80.
Some payment providers limit the number of line items that can be submitted
in a payment request. If you are not generating payments directly from
Timecards, or if your payment provider does not have such a restriction, this
option can remain disabled.
5. Under General Options, verify that the Timecard Can Be Skipped checkbox is
By default this feature is enabled. When this checkbox is turned on, the Worker
is allowed to click on the Skip Timecard icon in the New Timecard page to have
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Rate Tables
their Timecard skipped. This can be used, for example, when a Worker is on
vacation for a month and the company does not pay during the vacation. This
way, the Worker can keep an empty Timecard as an audit trail.
Additional information regarding the skip functionality:
A Timecard cannot be submitted if no hours or expense items are
associated with it. A reason you may want to enable this feature.
Once a Timecard is skipped, it can never be recovered. A reason you may
not want to enable this feature.
6. Click Save to save the settings.
Configure Rate Tables
A Rate is the amount of payment that a Worker is paid per one hour of work. Rates
vary by type of job (Classification), geographic location (Region), and Time
Category (e.g. Regular). The Rates assigned to different Classifications, Regions,
and Time Categories for a time period are kept in Rate Tables. Because Rate
Tables link Worker Classifications, Regions, and Time categories to Rates, the
Contract Labor Administrator should setup Rate Tables only after Worker
Classifications, Regions, and Time Categories have been configured. To access the
Rate Table link of Contract Labor Admin, a user needs the Manage Rate Tables
Each Rate Table defines Rates that are valid from the Rate Table's Start Date
through the day before the Start Date of the next Rate Table. There is no
configurable end date in a Rate Table. A Rate Table’s end date is effectively the
day before the next Rate Table’s Start Date. For the last Rate Table, the end date is
defined by Contract Labor as 12/31/3997.
Each Rate in the list of Rates in a Rate Table represents the amount of money paid
to a Worker for an hour of work in a given Time Category for a given job in a given
Region. This combination of Classification /Region/Time Category is called an
Association. So, every entry in a Contract Labor Rate Table is a Rate assigned to
an Association. For example, let's say you set up various Classifications and use
them differently:
You create 10 Classifications, 5 Regions, and 3 Time Categories.
Then, you use 2 of the Classifications in all Regions and for all Time
The other 8 Classifications are used in just 2 of the 5 Regions.
It is possible to override a Rate in a Rate Table by specifying an Assignment Rate
to a Worker's Assignment. For more information, see Assignment Rates. For
example, if the Rate for Software Engineer II is $50 an hour in the Rate Table, the
administrator can override this Rate by assigning another Rate within the
The basic steps for defining a Rate Table are, in order:
Procurement Help
Configure Rate Tables
1. Set the Start Date
2. Add Associations
3. Assign Rates to the Associations
The procedures you follow to complete these steps vary depending on whether or
not the Rate Table is the first to be created and whether you are building a list of
Rates from scratch or just slightly modifying the contents of an existing table to
copy into a empty one.
Rate Tables are created and managed from the Rate Table List page. To navigate
to the Rate Table List page:
1. From the Procurement home page, click Advanced Administration.
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Rate Tables.
The Rate Table List page displays.
Here, you can:
Create New Rate Tables
Add Rates to Rate Tables
View the Rate Table Summary
Prevent Timecards from Using Rates from a Rate Table
Print a Rate Table
Create New Rate Tables
Before any Rate Tables have been defined, a New button is available and No Rate
Tables are defined appears on the data section of the page. To create the first Rate
1. Click the New button.
The first row in the Rate Table List appears with three select boxes that you use
to select the month, day, and year of the Start Date.
2. Select a Start Date for the new Rate Table and click Save.
You now have an empty Rate Table. The steps for adding Rates to Rate Tables
are discussed below in the Add Rates to Rate Tables section.
Once the Rate Table List page has at least one Rate Table on it, the New button
is no longer displayed. At this point, new tables are created by using the Insert
Rate Table Below icons. These appear in the Actions column of Rate Tables
against which Timecards submitted do not exceed the Rate Table’s end date.
They also appear in the Actions columns of the last Rate Table to have a
Timecard submitted to it.
3. Click the Insert Rate Table Below icon in the Actions column, which launches
the Insert New Rate Table page.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Rate Tables
On this page a new Rate Table appears below the Rate Table of the icon you
clicked. The new Rate Table has a default Start Date one day later than the
table above it.
4. Modify the Start Date of the new Rate Table to suit your needs.
5. Click Save to save the new Rate Table, or Cancel cancel it. Both buttons return
you to the Rate Table List page.
Add Rates to Rate Tables
Adding Rates Manually
When a Rate Table is first created, it is empty. Before the Rate Table can be used,
Associations must be added to it, and then Rates must be assigned to those
To add or remove Associations:
1. From the Rate Table List page, click the Edit Associations icon in the Actions
column of the Rate Table for which you want to add Associations.
The Rate Table Association page opens.
2. Select the desired combinations of Classifications, Regions, and Time
Categories that you want in the Rate Table and click the Add Association
You may also select multiple choices from each list by using the Control or
Shift keys on your keyboard. Once you have made you selections, all of the
combinations that were created are displayed.
At this point, you may either add more Associations or delete any of these
Note: You cannot edit an Association. The only way to make changes is to first
delete it, then add a new Association with the changes. It is important to
uncheck “May Submit Timecard” on the Rate Table List page and click Save
prior to modifying a Rate Table's Associations. This prevents Timecards from
being submitted while changes are taking place. Be careful to remember to
enable the “May Submit Timecard” feature once changes are completed.
3. Click Cancel to return to the Rate Table List page.
To assign or edit Rates:
Once Associations have been added to a Rate Table, Rates can be assigned from
the Rate Table Rates page. Remember to uncheck “May Submit Timecard” on the
Rate Table List page and click Save prior to modifying Rates.
To assign Rates with a Rate Table:
1. From the Rate Table List page click the Edit Rates icon in the Actions column
of the Rate Table for which you wish to assign Rates.
Procurement Help
Configure Rate Tables
This launches the Rate Table Rates page which has sort and filter elements to
help you find Associations.
2. Enter the Rates for each unique combination that you wish to define.
Negative Rates are not allowed.
3. Click Save and then Close to return to the Rate Table List page.
Limits on When a Rate Table can be edited
„ Once a Timecard has been submitted during a specified time period, edits to
Rates or Associations for that Rate Table may not be made.
Copy Rates from One Table to Another
The Associations and Rates for the first Rate Table have to be added manually. If
you have many Associations, this can be very time consuming. However, if your
Rate Tables are large and have only minor differences between them, the Copy
From feature will be a time-saver. With Copy From you can copy Rates from one
table into another table.
For example, if you have a Rate Table for 1/1/2000 through 12/31/2000 that
includes 10,000 lines of Rates, and you plan to use nearly identical Rates the
following year, it is easier to use the Copy From feature to copy these Rates into a
new Rate Table than to create a new table from scratch.
To copy Rates from one table to another:
1. From the Rate Table List page, click the “Copy from existing rate table” icon in
the Actions column of the empty Rate Table you wish to populate. The “Copy
from existing rate table” icon is only visible for empty Rate Tables.
The Copy Rate Table page displays.
2. Select the source Rate Table whose information you wish to copy and click the
Select icon in the Actions column.
Only Rate Tables that have Associations are displayed. A message box appears
confirming the Rate Table is to be copied.
3. Click OK.
The Rates and Associations will be copied from your source Rate Table to your
destination Rate Table.
View the Rate Table Summary
From the Rate Table List page you can view the details of a Rate Table. To view a
summary of the Rate Table:
1. Choose a specific Rate Table and click the corresponding Details icon in the
Actions column.
The Rate Table Summary page opens.
2. Sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Workers
All the details of the Rate Table are displayed. For the Rate Tables that are still
editable, there are two tabs available from this page, Rate Table Associations
and Rate Table Rates. Just like the Edit Associations and Edit Rates icons, the
tabs launch the Rate Table Associations and Rate Table Rates pages,
3. Click Close when finished viewing.
Prevent Timecards from Using Rates from a Rate
If for any reason you have an error or need to make changes in your Rate Table,
you need to prevent all Workers from submitting a Timecard against a particular
time period. To do this you must disable the Rate Table for that period. In order
for any Worker to submit a Timecard that contains a Rate from the given time
period, the May Submit Timecard must be enabled. If this option is not enabled,
Workers will not be able to submit their Timecards against this Rate Table.
To disable the Rate Table:
1. From the Rate Table List page, uncheck the checkbox in the May Submit
Timecard column of the Rate Table that you wish to disable.
2. Click Save.
Print a Rate Table
To print a Rate Table click the Print icon in the Action column of the Rate Table
you wish to print. A new browser window opens to display the Rate Table,
formatted for printing. Use the browser controls to print the page.
Configure Workers
Workers are Procurement users who can be assigned to Projects. Workers are
managed by administrators who have the Manage Workers privilege. It is
recommended that you create all your Worker Attributes before you create your
Workers. That way as new Workers are being setup, the Attributes can be assigned
to them. See Configure Worker Attributes for more details.
Administrators must access the Worker List page in order to configure Workers.
This page gives you access to the Worker List that provides icons for accessing all
of the additional admin pages for managing Workers.
On the Worker List page, administrators can add a new Worker, edit Worker
properties, disable a Worker from being available for a new Assignment, or view a
Worker’s summary.
To navigate to the Worker List page:
1. From the Commerce One Procurement home page, click the Advanced
Administration link.
Procurement Help
Configure Workers
2. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Workers.
The Worker List page displays.
Here, you can:
Add a New Worker
Edit Worker Properties
Disable Workers
View a Worker’s Summary
The following table lists the properties and their descriptions that are associated
with Workers.
The user name of the underlying Procurement user
who is defined as a Worker.
Note: This attribute cannot be changed once the
Worker has been saved.
The Buyer Organization the Worker is linked to.
Note: This attribute cannot be changed once the
Worker has been saved.
The Supplier the Worker is linked to.
May Submit Timecard
Allow or prevent a Worker from submitting
Timecards. By default this option is enabled.
May Join Project
Allows or prevents the creation of new Assignments
for the Worker. If the May Join Project property is
turned off, the Worker is not allowed to join Projects,
and the Workers name does not appear in the Worker
Selection List when a new Assignment is being created.
However, this does not affect any existing Projects the
Worker already belongs to. By default this option is
Currency Code
In order to process a Timecard correctly, Procurement
needs to have a currency code in which the Worker's
Supplier expects payment, for example, USD. Contract
Labor is single currency. The list of currencies shown
is based in the AppIni settings of Timecard,
Note: This attribute cannot be changed once the
Worker has submitted a Timecard.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Workers
Supplier Worker Number
In order to process a Timecard correctly, Procurement
needs to have an identification number for the
Worker. A supplier part number can be explicitly
defined (such as TimJones11123). This is often an
identification number provided by the Worker's
staffing firm. This number may allow the staffing firm
to better identify the Worker when the Order is sent to
the staffing firm.
Bill-To Address
These are the valid Bill-To Addresses for the Buying
Organization the Worker is linked to. Procurement
needs the address to be used as the Bill-To address to
satisfy the field requirements of the Shopping Cart that
is created from the Timecard.
Ship-To Address
These are the valid Ship-To Addresses for the Buying
Organization the Worker is linked to. Procurement
needs the address to be used as the Ship-To address to
satisfy the field requirements of the Shopping Cart that
is created from the Timecard. This address is pulled
from the list of existing Ship-To addresses for the same
Buying Organization as the Project.
Note: The Shopping Cart often has an estimated tax
that is derived in part by the Ship-To Address.
Payment Method
This is the Payment Method the Buyer uses to pay the
Worker’s Supplier. Each Worker is tied to exactly one
Payment Method. The Payment Method defines how
all hours and expenses associated with this Worker are
Procurement contains different payment types (for
example: Invoice, COD, Check, Credit Card). These
payment types are set up at the Enterprise Buying
Organization (EBO) level. Each Supplier is then linked
to the payment types accepted by that specific
Supplier. The payment methods available to be linked
to the Worker are the payment types that are accepted
by the Supplier the Worker is linked to.
Worker Attributes
Any attributes defined for the Worker. For example:
Badge Number, Cubicle Location, or Building
Number. For more details see, Configure Worker
Add a New Worker
Before a person can become a Worker, they must first be a Procurement user and
belong to a Buying Organization.
Adding a new Worker requires configuration of the following details:
Procurement Help
Select a User
Configure Workers
Select a Supplier
Set Additional Worker Properties
Select a User
To select a new user:
1. From the Worker List page, click the New button.
The User Selection page opens.
2. To find a name, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
3. Select the name of a Procurement User you want to designate as a Worker.
When you identify the Worker you want to add, click the Add icon in the
Actions column.
When you click the Add icon, the selected user’s Worker Properties page opens
to configure the Worker’s properties.
Select a Supplier
The Worker is linked to exactly one Supplier, typically the staffing firm that
represents the Worker. The Supplier is required because it determines the
destination of the Order generated from the Worker’s Timecard. The Supplier
must be properly set up in Procurement using conventional processes. The list of
available Suppliers is limited to the Suppliers that are set up with Buyer accounts
for the Catalog View assigned to the Buying Organization in which this Worker is
being created.
To select a Supplier to link to the Worker:
1. Click the Search icon to open the Supplier Selection page for a selected
2. To find the Supplier name, enter the Supplier Name or the Description in the
fields, and click Go.
3. Next to the Supplier, click the Add icon in the Actions column, for the Supplier
you wish to associate this Worker with. The system returns you to the Worker
Properties page. Alternatively, you may click the Cancel button to cancel your
entries and return to the Worker Properties page.
Set Additional Worker Properties
Enter the remaining properties:
1. Verify the May Submit Timecard property is enabled.
By default this option is enabled. When enabled, this allows a Worker to
submit Timecards.
2. Verify the May Join Project property is enabled.
By default this option is enabled. When enabled, this allows the Worker to join
a Project.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Workers
3. Enter the Currency Code that the Supplier of the Worker expects Payment in.
4. Enter the Supplier Worker Number.
5. From the drop-down box, choose the valid Bill-To Address for the Buyer
Organization the Worker is linked to.
6. From the drop-down box, choose the valid Ship-To Address for the Buyer
Organization the Worker is linked to.
Note: The Shopping Cart often has an estimated tax and the Ship-To Address
often has an associated tax affiliated with it.
7. From the drop-down box, choose the Payment Method the Buyer uses to pay
the Worker’s Supplier.
If you see the message No Payment Method Defined here, contact your
Procurement Admin about setting up Payment information.
8. Enter any pre-configured Worker Attributes.
For more information, see Configure Worker Attributes.
9. Click the Save button or, click the Cancel button to cancel your entries and
return to the Worker List page.
Edit Worker Properties
To edit Worker Properties:
1. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
2. Next to the Worker’s name, click the Edit icon in the Actions column.
The Worker Properties page opens.
3. On the Worker Properties page, edit the appropriate fields.
For property definitions, see the properties table in Configure Workers.
4. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your entries and
return to the Worker List page.
Disable Workers
Once the Worker has been saved, it cannot be deleted. To achieve the same effect,
a Worker’s May Join Project property should be disabled to prevent the Worker
from being available when creating new Assignments. In addition, the May
Submit Timecard property should be disabled to prevent the Worker from
submitting Timecards.
To disable a Worker:
1. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
2. Next to the Worker’s name, click the Edit icon in the Action column.
Procurement Help
Configure Worker Approvers
The Worker Properties page opens.
3. Uncheck the May Submit Timecard checkbox.
4. Uncheck the May Join Project checkbox.
5. Click the Save button, or click the Cancel button to cancel your entries and
return to the Worker List page.
View a Worker’s Summary
The Worker Summary page provides a broad overview of a Worker’s properties.
You can see the Worker’s Properties, Attributes, Timecard Approvers, Projects,
and Timecard Proxies. In addition, you can select tabs to view or edit Worker
Properties, Approvers, Comments, and Timecard Proxies.
To view a Worker’s Summary:
1. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
2. Next to a Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column to view a
Worker’s summary.
3. The Worker Summary page opens.
The Worker’s details appear.
4. Click Close to return to the Worker List page.
Configure Worker Approvers
Worker Approvers are Procurement users who are configured to approve any
Timecard a Worker submits, regardless of what Project the Timecard charges time
and expenses against. Worker Approvers are managed by Administrators with the
Manage Workers privilege.
Administrators can add or delete a Worker Approver, or set up an Approver
Sequence Order. Worker Approvers are optional, however. It is not neccessary to
define a Worker Approver for every Worker.
You can:
Add a New Worker Approver
Delete a Worker Approver
Set Up Approver Order Sequence
Add a New Worker Approver
Worker Approvers are designated users who review and approve the Timecards
submitted by Workers. Worker Approvers must belong to the same Buying
Organization as the Worker.
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Workers.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Worker Approvers
2. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
3. Next to the Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
4. On the Worker Summary page, click the Approvers tab.
The Worker Approver List page opens. Worker approvers who will review and
approve the Timecards for Workers can be defined here.
5. Click the New button to add a new approver.
6. On the User page, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
7. Next to the email of the new approver you wish to add for the Worker, click the
Add icon in the Actions column.
The Approver is now added to the list.
8. Click Close to return to Worker Summary page.
Delete a Worker Approver
To delete an Approver:
1. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
2. Next to the Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Worker Summary page opens.
3. Click the Approvers tab.
The Worker Approver List page opens.
4. Click the Delete icon next to the name of the Approver that you would like to
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
5. Click OK to delete.
6. Click Close to return to the Worker Summary page.
Set Up Approver Order Sequence
An administrator sets up the Worker Approvers and the sequence order for the
Approvers to review and approve the Timecards for a Worker. During the
approval process, the Approval Map displays the sequence of Approvers.
Note: The Approving Order Sequence setup for Project and Worker Approvers
occurs when defining Workflow Templates in Procurement. The settings in
Contract Labor are dependent on the settings in the workflow.
To set up the Approver Order Sequence:
1. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
2. Next to the Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
Procurement Help
Configure Worker Comments
The Worker Summary page opens.
3. Click the Approvers tab.
The Worker Approver List page opens.
4. Click the Approver Sequence tab.
5. Assign the Sequence order by designating a number, such as 1, 2, 3, in the
Sequence column. This sequence is only valid when the workflow rule in
Procurement is set to serial, not parallel. See Timecard Workflow Template to
change the workflow rule.
These numbers do not have to match the order that approvers are listed on this
page. For example, you can enter a sequence of 3, 1, 2. The Approvers are
shown in the order you specified when they are viewed in the Approval Map.
6. Click Save to save changes and return to the Worker Approver List page.
Note: If the same person is designated as both Project and Worker Approver,
they only need to approve the Timecard for the Worker once.
Configure Worker Comments
Worker Comments allow Administrators to track comments regarding Workers.
Worker Comments are managed by administrators who have the Manage
Workers privilege as well as one of the following privileges: Delete Worker
Comments, Create Worker Comments, or View Worker Comments.
Administrators must access the Worker Comments page in order to configure
Worker Comments. On this page, administrators can view Worker comments, and
create or delete them.
You can:
Create and View Worker Comments
Delete Worker Comments
Create and View Worker Comments
In addition to the Manage Workers privilege, Administrators also need the View
Worker Comments privilege in order to view and the Create Worker Comments
privilege to create comments for a Worker.
To view Worker Comments:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Workers.
2. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
3. Next to the Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Worker Summary page opens.
4. Select the Comments tab to view or create comments.
Administer Contract Labor
Configure Worker Timecard Proxies
5. Enter comments in field.
6. Click Save to save the comments, and then click Cancel to return to the Worker
Summary page.
Note: For security reasons, once a Comment is saved, it cannot be modified.
Comments can only be deleted.
Delete Worker Comments
In addition to the Manage Workers privilege, Administrators also need the Delete
Worker Comments privilege in order to delete comments for a Worker.
To delete Worker Comments:
1. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
2. Next to the Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Worker Summary page opens.
3. Select the Comments tab to delete comments.
4. Click the Delete icon in the Actions column to delete displayed comments.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
5. Click OK to delete.
6. Click Cancel to return to the Worker Summary page.
Configure Worker Timecard Proxies
At times, a Worker requires someone else to fill out and submit a Timecard for
them, by proxy. In this case, their administrator has the capability to set up a
proxy or proxies for the Worker, and to enable the proxies to submit a Timecard
on their behalf. The proxy is not required to be a Worker, only another
Procurement user. If this proxy is a Worker, they are able to submit Timecards for
both themselves and the Worker.
Administrators can either:
Create a New Timecard Proxy, or
Delete a Proxy for a Worker.
Create a New Timecard Proxy
To create a new proxy:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Workers.
2. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
3. Next to a Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
4. Click the Timecard Proxies tab.
5. Click the New button.
6. To find a name, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
7. Choose the name of a Procurement User you want to designate as a Timecard
Proxy. When you identify the user you want to add, click the Add icon to add
the selected user to the list of Timecard Proxies of the Worker.
8. Once the Proxy is chosen, this user is now able to submit Timecards on behalf
of the Worker.
Delete a Proxy
To delete a proxy:
1. On the Worker List page, sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
2. Next to a Worker’s name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
3. Click the Timecard Proxies tab.
4. Next to the name of the proxy that you would like to delete, click the Delete
icon in the Actions column.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
5. Click OK to delete.
6. Click Close to return to the Worker Summary page.
Manage Projects
A Project represents a planned undertaking, the execution of which results in one
or more Workers performing assignments that result in billed hours and
expenses. Workers are assigned to a Project through Assignments; see Manage
Assignments for more details. Any Procurement user with the Create Projects
privilege is able to create new Projects. Once the Procurement user has created the
new Project, that user automatically becomes a Project Administrator for the new
Project. The user can then create and define other Project Administrators and
Project Contacts.
Setting up a Project requires configuring details on the various Project pages,
1. Create a new Project and assign properties such as:
May Submit Timecard
Time and Expense Categories
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
2. Set up a Project Administrator.
3. Set up a Project Contact.
4. Set up a Project Approver.
With the Manage Projects or Create Projects privileges or as a Project
Administrator, on the Project List page, you can:
Create a New Project
Edit Project Details
Disable a Project
View a Project Summary
View Project Properties
Set up and manage Project Administrators and Contacts
Manage Assignments
Set up and manage Project Approvers
Manage Assignment Rates
The following table lists Project properties and their descriptions.
A Buying Organization is a Procurement term used to designate
a group of users. When a user is created in Procurement, they
are linked to one or many Buying Organizations. In addition,
accounting attributes, such as cost centers and others, are
linked to one or many Buying Organizations. This Buying
Organization defines those accounting codes, suppliers, and
other options, that the Project is enabled to use.
Note: Once a Project has been saved, the Buying Organization
for the Project cannot be changed.
Project Name
A Project is given a name that reflects the general description of
the Project to be accomplished. For example: Rewire Building
120 Server Room.
May Submit Timecard
By manipulating the May Submit Timecard property, a Project
Administrator can enable or prevent Workers from submitting
Timecards against the Project. The property must be enabled to
allow Workers to submit Timecards against the Project.
Otherwise, if the property is disabled, Workers will not be able
to submit future Timecards that are linked to the Project.
Note: Manipulating this property affects all of the Workers
assigned to the Project.
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
Time Categories
Time Categories are used to differentiate between the various
types of hours that are reported by Workers. Examples include:
Straight Time, Regular Overtime, and Holiday Overtime.
Expense Categories
Expense Categories are used to differentiate between the
various types of expenses that are reported by Workers.
Examples include: Travel, Meals, or Entertainment.
Create a New Project
To create a new Project:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Projects.
2. From the Project List page, click the New button.
The Project Properties page opens.
3. To select the Organization that the Project belongs to, click the Search icon.
Note: This icon is only available when creating a new Project, once the Project
is created the Organization cannot be changed.
The Organization Selection page displays.
a. To filter by Organization name, on the Organization Selection page enter
the name and click Go.
b. Next to the Organization name, click the Add icon in the Actions column to
select this organization.
The Project Properties page appears.
4. Enter a Project Name.
5. Verify the May Submit Timecard property is enabled.
By default the May Submit Timecard property is enabled. If you want to
prevent a specific Worker from submitting a Timecard, uncheck the box to
turn off the option for that Worker. See Disable Workers.
6. Select the Time Categories to be used for this Project.
7. Select the Expense Categories to be used for this Project.
8. Click the Save button to save your entries, or click the Cancel button to cancel
your entry and return to the Project List page.
Edit Project Details
In order to modify Project properties, Administrators must have the Manage
Project privilege or must be a Project Administrator of the Project. See Project
Administrators and Contacts.
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
To edit Project details:
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
2. Next to the Project name, click the Edit icon in the Actions column.
The Project Properties page opens.
3. Edit the appropriate Project Properties information.
4. Click the Save button to save your entries, or click the Cancel button to cancel
your entries and return to the Project Summary page.
Disable a Project
Once a Project has been saved, it cannot be deleted. To achieve the same effect, the
Project’s May Submit Timecard property should be disabled to prevent Workers
from submitting Timecards against the Project.
To disable a Project:
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
2. Next to the Project name, click the Edit icon in the Actions column.
The Project Properties page opens.
3. Uncheck the May Submit Timecard property.
4. Click the Save button to save your entries, or click the Cancel button to cancel
your entries and return to the Project Summary page.
View a Project Summary
On the Project Summary page, you can view the details including Summary,
Project Administrators, Time Categories, Expense Categories, Timesheet
Approvers, and Expense Report Approvers.
To view details for Contract Labor Projects:
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
2. Next to the Project name, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
3. Click the Close button to return to the Project Summary page.
View Project Properties
A Project’s properties are established at the time a Project is created. You can view
the Project Properties page by editing a Project (see Edit Project Details) or by
clicking the Details icon on the Project List page. To navigate to the Project List
1. From the Advanced Administration tree menu, select Contract Labor |
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
The Project List page displays.
2. Search for a specific project or click Go to return a list of all available projects.
3. Click the Details icon.
4. Select the Properties tab.
The Project Properties page displays.
Project Administrators and Contacts
A Project Administrator is a Procurement user who is allowed to manage a
Project. A Project Administrator can change the properties of a Project (for
example, name and time categories), add or remove other Project Administrators,
create and modify Assignments, and define or remove Project Approvers.
A Project must always contain at least one Project Administrator. Any Project
Administrator can add or remove themselves or other Project Administrators.
However, the Delete icon is not available when only one Project Administrator
exists. In other words, if a Project only had one Project Administrator, then that
person cannot be removed until one more Administrator has been added.
Only one Project Administrator can be the Project Contact and each Project must
always have exactly one Project Contact. Since a Project must always have a
Project Contact, the current Project Contact cannot be deleted from the list of
Project Administrators until another Project Contact has been selected.
The creator of the Project automatically becomes the first Project Administrator.
Add a Project Administrator
To add a Project Administrator:
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
2. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Project Summary page opens.
3. Select the Administrators tab.
4. From the Project Administrator List page, click the New button.
The User Selection page opens.
5. Sort or filter by desired values, and click Go.
6. Select a new Administrator by clicking the Add icon next to their name.
Delete Project Administrators
To delete a Project Administrator:
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
2. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Project Summary page opens.
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
3. Select the Administrators tab.
4. From the Project Administrator List page, next to the name that you want to
delete, click the Delete icon in the Actions column.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
5. Click OK to delete.
Note: You can only delete a Project Administrator if there is more than one
Administrator on the list.
Designate a Project Contact
To designate a Project Contact:
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
2. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Project Summary page opens.
3. Select the Administrators tab.
The Project Administrator List page opens. The Project creator is the default
Project Administrator and Project Contact.
4. To change the Project Contact, first add the new administrator to the list by
clicking the New button.
When you have added a new Administrator, a Contact icon appears next to the
new name. You must have more than one name on the list for the Contact icon
to appear.
5. Click the Contact icon to create a new Project Contact.
By clicking the Contact icon, the new Project Contact immediately displays on
the Project Administrators List page in the Project Contact field. The current
Project Contact does not have a Contact icon by their name on the Project
Administrator List page.
Note: A Project Administrator can only be deleted if he is not the Project
Contact. If the Project Administrator you wish to delete is the Project Contact,
designate another Project Administrator as the contact. You will then be able
to delete the Project Administrator.
Manage Assignments
An Assignment links a Worker to a Project, defining the number of hours a
Worker is allowed to work on a Project, as well as the amount of expenses a
Worker can charge to a Project. An Assignment is tied to only one Project. Since a
Project is tied to one Buying Organization, a work Assignment is therefore also
tied to only one Buying Organization.
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
Assignments are managed by Project Administrators or administrators who have
the Manage Project privilege. Administrators must access the Assignments List
page in order to configure, add, edit or view Assignments.
The following table lists the properties and their descriptions that are associated
with Assignments.
Only one Worker is tied to a work Assignment. In order to be
eligible to be tied to the work Assignment, a user must be a
Contract Labor Worker who belongs to the same Buying
Organization as the Project. In addition, the Worker's May Join
Project property must be enabled. If this property is not
enabled, the Worker will not be available for linking to the work
Note: Once a Worker has been linked to an Assignment during
Assignment creation, the Worker cannot be changed.
This is the Region in which the Project is setup, or from which
the Worker originates (depending on your business rules). The
list of available Regions is based on the existing Regions that
are enabled.
Note: Once a Timecard has been submitted for this Assignment,
the Region cannot be changed.
This is the position the Worker is filling for this specific Project.
The list of available Classifications is based on the defined
Worker Classifications that are enabled.
Note: Once a Timecard has been submitted for this Assignment,
the Classification cannot be changed.
May Submit
This property must be enabled to allow new Timecards to be
submitted against it. If the property is disabled, the Worker
assigned to the Assignment will not be allowed to submit a
Timecard against it. Manipulating this property affects only the
Worker assigned to it.
Start Date
Date when a Worker can begin referencing the Assignment.
End Date
Date when a Worker can no longer reference the Assignment.
The Assignment Description is an optional field. If this is
entered on the Assignment, it will display on the Worker’s
Time Category
Each of the Time Categories defined for the Project is available
to allocate hours to. For example, if the Time Categories of
Straight Time and Regular Overtime were selected for the
Project, the two categories would be available for the
Assignment to allocate hours to.
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
Allocated Hours
A limit can be set for the number of hours the Worker is allowed
to charge against each Time Category for the Assignment. If no
limit is set, the Worker is able to charge against the Assignment
until the May Submit Timecard property is disabled on either
the Worker, Project, or Assignment.
Allow Limit to be
If a limit is specified, then different behaviors can be chosen for
how the system handles a Timecard that results in Assignment
limits being exceeded. Below is a list of settings that can be
chosen for this behavior:
Cost Center
Once Only — The Worker's Timecard is allowed to be
submitted. However, no further Timecards are allowed to be
submitted against this work Assignment Time Category
until either the existing work Assignment Time Category
has been adjusted with a greater allocation of hours, or a
new work Assignment Time Category has been created. In
summary, a Worker can submit a Timecard that results in
the work Assignment Time Category being negative, but he
can do it only once. This is often chosen if it is expected that
the hours submitted in the final Timecard may result in the
consumed hours slightly exceeding the allocated hours.
Always — The Worker's Timecard is allowed to be
submitted. In addition, the Worker is allowed to create
additional Timecards against this Work Assignment Time
Category, even though they result in even greater negative
Never — Once the limit is exceeded, the Worker's Timecard
is not allowed to be submitted.
This is the cost center the charges for this Expense Category
should be charged against. The cost centers available to the
work Assignment are those cost centers that are linked to the
Buying Organization of the underlying Project. Up to 10 cost
centers can be chosen (this is configurable in the Application
Settings), with different percentages chosen for each.
If EBI is enabled for this Organization, the number of cost
centers are not limited.
Expense Category
Each of the Expense Categories defined for the Project is
available to allocate amounts to. For example, if the Expense
Categories of Travel and Tools were selected for the Project, the
two categories would be available for the Assignment to allocate
amounts to.
Allocated Amount
A limit can be set for the amount the Worker is allowed to
charge against each Expense Category for the Assignment. If no
limit is set, the Worker is able to charge against the Assignment
until the May Submit Timecard property is disabled on either
the Worker, Project, or Assignment.
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
Add a New Assignment
Any Project Administrator for the Project can create a new Assignment. All Time
and Expense Categories for Assignments appear on a Worker's Timecard. As long
as a Worker has not submitted the current Timecard, new Assignments will
appear on the Timecard. If an Assignment is created after a Worker has submitted
a Timecard, the Assignment categories will not appear until the next Timecard.
Note: Assignments cannot be deleted, only disabled. To do this, see Disable an
Adding a new Assignment requires configuring the following details:
Selecting a Worker for an Assignment
Entering Additional Assignment Properties
Setting Up Time Categories
Allocating Expenses
To add a new Assignment:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Projects.
2. Sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
3. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Project Summary page opens.
4. Select the Assignments tab.
The Project Assignment List page opens.
5. Click New.
The Assignment Properties page opens. Here, you can create an Assignment by
entering the Assignment details.
Select a Worker for an Assignment
When creating a new Assignment, designate the Worker for this Assignment.
To select a Worker:
1. From the Assignment Properties page, click the Search icon next to the Worker
The Worker Selection page opens.
2. To find a name, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
3. Choose the name of the Worker for the Assignment and click the Add icon to
add the Worker to the Assignment.
When you click the Add icon, the Assignment Properties page opens and you
can begin to configure the additional Assignment properties.
Note: Once a Worker has been linked to an Assignment during Assignment
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
creation, the Worker cannot be changed. If one Worker is removed from a
Project and replaced by another, the original Assignment should be closed out.
The May Submit Timecard property should be disabled, and the allocated
hours and amounts should be adjusted so there are zero remaining hours and
amounts. Also, a new Assignment for the replacement Worker should be
4. Click Save.
View Project Assignments
To view Assignments that have already been created for a given Project:
1. From the Advanced Administration tree menu, select Contract Labor |
The Project List page displays.
2. Search for a specific project or click Go to return a list of all available projects.
3. Click the Details icon.
4. Select the Assignments tab.
The Project Assignment List page displays.
5. Search for a specific Worker assigned to the Project or click Go to return a list
of all Workers assigned to the Project.
Note: To generate a report of an Assignment, in the Action column, click the
Print icon.
Set Additional Assignment Properties
To configure the additional properties:
1. On the Assignment Properties page, from the drop-down menu select the
Region where the Worker will perform work.
2. From the drop-down menu, select the Classification which describes the
position the Worker is filling for a specific Project.
3. Verify that the May Submit Timecard checkbox is enabled.
By default this property is enabled and allows new Timecards to be submitted
against it. If this property is disabled, the Worker assigned to the Assignment
will not be able to submit time or expenses against the Assignment.
4. Select the Assignment Start Date and End Date from the drop-down boxes.
5. Enter the Assignment Description.
This field is optional. In the event that a Worker has two active Assignments
for the same Project, the Time Category text will be exactly the same on the
Timesheet and Expense Report. If the Assignment Description has been
provided, it is appended to the Time Category on the Timesheet and Expense
Report, thus differentiating them.
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Manage Projects
6. Click Save.
Set Up the Time Categories
Once associated, the specifics about the different Time Categories can be defined
in the Assignment. Each Time Category defined for the Project is available to be
defined for the Assignment.
Each of the Time Categories defined for the Project is available to allocate hours
to. For example, if the Time Categories of Straight Time and Regular Overtime
were selected for the Project, the two categories would be available for the
Assignment to allocate hours to.
To assign Time Category Attributes:
1. Next to Time Categories, click the Edit button.
2. Choose the Categories, highlight, and click Add.
3. To return to the Assignment Properties page, click Cancel.
4. Enter the number of Allocated Hours for each Time Category for the Worker
on the Project.
By default the Allocated Hours are limited to 0 hours. You must set the
number of hours or uncheck the checkbox so that the number of Worker’s
hours per Time Category are unlimited. If there are no limits, the Worker will
be able to charge against the Assignment until the May Submit Timecard
property is set to Disabled on either the Worker, Project, or Assignment, or
until the Assignment expires (End Date).
5. In the Allow Limit to be Exceeded drop-down box choose one of the available
If limits are set in the Allocated Hours column, you can also specify how often
these limits may be exceeded:
Once Only
Timecards with these exceptions are handled differently. See the table in
Manage Assignments for more details.
Assign Time Cost Centers
To select a Cost Center:
1. From the Assignment Properties page, in the Actions column, click the Cost
Center icon.
The Cost Center Allocation secondary page opens. This page displays the
existing cost centers and percentage of allocation for each cost center.
2. To add an additional cost center, click the Search icon.
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
The Cost Center Search page opens.
3. Search for the Cost Center by typing in the name or entering an asterisk (*) and
click Search.
4. Choose the Cost Center and click the Select icon.
5. Enter the percent of allocation that must go to the cost center.
Enterprise Back End Integration (EBI) Flexible UI
EBI Flexible UI is a method for Contract Labor to use EBI's cost center
functionality. The Flexible UI allows the user to configure the cost allocation to a
Shopping Cart and its contents. However, if a buying organization is configured
through EBI Administration to use Flexible UI, then Contract Labor switches to
use EBI's cost center (Flexible UI) only for the buying organization that was
Set Up the Expense Categories
Specifics about the different Expense Categories can be defined in the
Assignment. Each Expense Category defined for the Project is available to be
defined for the Assignment.
Each of the Expense Categories defined for the Project is available to allocate
amounts to. For example, if the Expense Categories of Travel and Meals were
selected for the Project, the two categories would be available for the Assignment
to allocate amounts to.
1. Next to Expense Categories, click the Edit button.
2. Choose the Categories, highlight, and click Add.
3. To return to the Assignment Properties page, click Cancel.
4. Enter the Allocated Amount for each Expense Category.
By default the Allocated Amount is limited to 0 dollars. You must set a
maximum amount or clear the checkbox so that the amount of money reported
per Expense Category is unlimited. If there are no limits, the Worker will be
able to charge against the Assignment until the May Submit Timecard property
is set to Disabled on either the Worker, Project, or Assignment, or until the
Assignment expires (End Date).
5. In the Allow Limit to be Exceeded drop-down box choose one of the available
If limits are set in the Allocated Amount column, you can also specify how
often these limits may be exceeded:
Once Only
Timecards with these exceptions are handled differently. See the table in
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
Manage Assignments for more details.
Expense Cost Centers
These steps are the same as the section Assign Time Cost Centers.
Edit an Assignment
Any Project Administrator for the Project can modify the work Assignment at any
Note: It is important to remember that a Timecard is validated against all
assignment constraints (for example: hours allocated), at time of submission. If
assignment-related settings are changed after a Timecard is submitted, they will
not apply to the Timecard, even if the Timecard has not yet been approved. They
will, however, apply to next period's Timecard.
To edit an Assignment:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Projects.
2. Sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
3. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Project Summary Page opens.
4. Select the Assignments tab.
The Project Assignment List page opens.
5. Sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
6. For the selected Assignment, click the Edit icon in the Actions column.
7. Edit the necessary information.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Cancel to return to the Project Assignment List page.
Delete Time or Expense Categories
To delete a Time or Expense Category in an Assignment:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Projects.
2. Sort or filter by chosen value and select Go.
3. Click the Edit icon next to the Project.
The Project Summary Page opens.
4. Select the Assignments tab.
The Project Assignment List page opens.
5. Sort or filter by desired values and select Go.
6. On the Project Assignment List page, click the Edit icon.
The Assignment Properties page opens.
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
7. Under Time or Expense Categories, select the Edit button.
The Assignment Category Selection page opens.
8. Click the Delete icon next to the Time or Expense Category Name you wish to
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
9. Click OK to delete.
Disable an Assignment
Once an Assignment is created, it cannot be deleted. Instead, the May Submit
Timecard property should be turned off, and the associated Worker will not be
able to charge time or expenses against it in the future.
To disable an Assignment:
1. On the Project Assignment List page, sort or filter by desired values and select
2. For the selected Assignment, click the Edit icon in the Actions column.
The Assignment Properties page opens.
3. Uncheck the May Submit Timecard checkbox.
4. Click the Save button to save your entry and return to the Assignment List page
or click the Cancel button to cancel your entry and return to the Assignment
List page.
To disable Time or Expense Categories under an Assignment:
1. On the Project Assignments List page, sort or filter by desired values and select
2. For the selected Assignment, click the Edit icon in the Actions column.
The Assignment Properties page opens.
3. Next to each Time and Expense Category:
Ensure the Limited to checkbox is enabled
Set the Allocated Hours (for Time Categories) or Amount (for Expense
Categories) = 0
Allow Limit to be Exceeded = Never
4. Click the Save button to save your entry and return to the Assignment List page
or click the Cancel button to Cancel your entry and return to the Assignment
List page.
Print an Assignment
To print an Assignment:
1. On the Project Assignments List page, sort or filter by desired values and click
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
2. For the selected Assignment, click the Print icon in the Actions column.
The Assignment Report page opens in a separate browser window.
3. In the taskbar menu, click File | Print.
Project Approvers
When setting up a Contract Labor Project, you can set up Project Approvers to
review and approve the Project’s time and expenses. Any Procurement user in the
same Buying Organization as the Project can be a Timesheet and Expense Report
Project Approver. All charges against Time and Expense Reports for this Project
are routed to Project Approvers.
An Administrator sets up the Project Approvers and the sequence order for the
Approvers to review and approve the Timesheet and Expense Reports for all
Timecards submitted against the Project. During the approval process, the
Approval Map displays the sequence of approvers. Project Approvers are optional.
It is not necessary to define Project Approvers for every Project.
Note: Setting the sequence is not enough to define the order of approval, it also
depends on how the Workflow Template has been set up in Procurement
Administration. For more information see the Timecard Workflow Template
Create a New Approver
To create Approvers for individual Projects:
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
2. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
The Project Summary page opens.
3. Select the Approvers tab.
The Project Approver List page opens.
The information for each Approver that approves all of the Timecards that
charge time or expenses against the Project is displayed.
4. To add a new Approver, click the New button.
5. To select an Approver, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
6. Next to the Approver you wish to add, click the Add icon in the Actions
Set Up the Approver Sequence
An Administrator sets up the Project Approvers and the sequence order for the
Approvers to review and approve a Project’s Timecards. During the approval
process, the approval map displays the sequence of Approvers.
To set up the Approver Order Sequence:
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
1. From the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
2. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
3. Select the Approvers tab.
The Project Approver List page opens.
4. Click the Approver Sequence tab.
The Project Approver Sequence page opens.
5. Assign the Sequence order by designating a number, such as 1, 2, 3 in the
Sequence column.
These numbers do not have to be in sequence. For example, 2, 7, 15 is fine to
use. Also, this sequence is only valid when the workflow in Procurement is set
to serial, not parallel.
The Approvers are shown in this order when they are viewed in the Approval
6. Click Save to save your entries and return to the Project Approver List page.
Note: If the same person is designated as both Project and Worker Approver,
they approve the same Timecard for the same Worker only once.
Delete an Approver
To delete a Project Approver:
1. On the Project List page, sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
2. Next to the Project, click the Details icon in the Actions column.
3. Select the Approvers tab.
4. From the Project Approver List page, next to the name that you want to delete,
click the Delete icon in the Actions column.
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
5. Click OK to delete.
6. Click Close to return to the Project Summary page.
Assignment Rates
Assignments associate Workers with Projects and allow Workers to charge time
and expenses against a Project. When required, or if necessary, Assignmentspecific Rates may be set up in advance. Upon submission of the Timecard by the
Worker or Proxy, the system checks to validate whether any Assignment-specific
Rates exist. If any exist, these Rates are used in the creation of the Order. They
override any existing Rate Table Rates for the same period. If no Assignmentspecific Rates exist, the Rate Table Rate is used instead.
Assignment Rates are managed by:
Procurement Help
Manage Projects
Administrators with the Manage Project privilege
or by Project Administrators for an existing Project
Administrators must access the Assignment Rates page in order to configure,
create, edit, or delete Assignment Rates.
Please also note:
Assignment-specific Rates are meant to manage exceptions to the Rate Table.
In general, the preferred method to manage Rates is through the Rate Table.
Some companies do not require the use of a Rate Table. In this case, an
Assignment-specific Rate can be set up.
Another reason to create an assignment-specific Rate is when a Worker on an
Assignment exceeds the qualifications specified in the Rate Table and requires
higher pay than another Worker of the same title, but with fewer
Create an Assignment Rate
To set up an Assignment-specific Rate:
1. From the tree menu, select Contract Labor | Projects.
2. Sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
3. Next to the Project that is to be assigned a Rate, click the Details icon in the
Actions column.
The Project Summary page appears.
4. Click the Assignments tab.
The Project Assignment List page appears.
5. Sort or filter by desired values and click Go.
6. For the selected Assignment, click the Edit icon in the Actions column.
The Assignment Properties page opens.
7. Click the Assignment Rates tab.
The Assignment Rates page opens.
8. Click the New button.
9. Choose a Time Category from the drop-down box.
10. Choose Start and End Dates for this Rate from the drop-down boxes.
11. Enter a Rate and any Comments.
12. Click Save.
Administer Contract Labor
Manage Projects
Edit an Assignment Rate
The Assignment Rate can only be edited if there have been no Timecards
submitted for that time period. To edit an Assignment Rate:
1. On the Assignment Properties page, click the Assignment Rates tab.
The Assignment Rates page opens.
2. Choose the Time Category to be edited and click the Edit icon in the Actions
An Assignment Rate can only be edited for periods for which no Timecards
have been submitted yet.
3. Make necessary edits.
Negative Rates are not allowed.
4. Click Save.
Delete an Assignment Rate
The Assignment Rate can only be deleted if there have been no Timecards
submitted for that time period. To delete an Assignment Rate:
1. On the Assignment Properties page, click the Assignment Rates tab.
The Assignment Rates page opens.
2. Choose the Time Category to be edited and click the Delete icon in the Actions
A pop-up message opens to confirm your selection.
3. Click OK to delete.
Procurement Help
Special RoundTrip Configuration
To configure a RoundTrip intermediary:
Intermediary Setup
Confirm Configuration
Intermediary Setup
When conducting a RoundTrip with an intermediary, it is possible that an item
will be returned in the shopping cart from a supplier that is not registered with the
procurement application.
Note: The term intermediary is used to describe a category of RoundTrip
supplier that returns shopping carts with items from a variety of suppliers. Two
examples of intermediaries are the Commerce One Auction application and
Commerce One Content Engine application.
In this case, if the user has the On Demand supplier registration privilege, an
attempt is made to acquire default supplier information from the marketplace
trading partner directory and register that supplier at the procurement
application. Because the Trading Partner Directory (TPD) does not have the
complete set of information required for supplier registration, some information
must be defaulted. These defaults are found in the database table,
Supplier_Default. This information must be configured in each enterprise
database for each Buying organization (by ID) that wishes to use the On Demand
Supplier Registration feature.
To do this you must use your database configuration tools and edit the table. The
table cannot be accessed in the Advanced Administration application.
The following fields on this table are required (with the default value provided):
Your Buying Organization ID
Special RoundTrip Configuration
Intermediary Setup
These fall into the following categories:
Authorizing organization
New for this release, this field
stores the Buying
Organization ID of the
authorizing organization for
the new supplier account.
General information
Small Business
This data will be added in the
Supplier Table
Ship Method ID
Ship Method is an identity
into ShipMethod Table.
This data is added to the
SupplierDispatch Table.
Type- Priority
Dispatch type is an identity
into DispatchType table.
This data is added to the
SupplierPaymentType table.
Order dispatch
Procurement Help
Type is an identity into the
PaymentType table.- Terms is
an identity into the
PaymentTerms table.
Confirm Configuration
Currently the table is shipped with default basic values for BORG 0 and BORG 1.
To configure a RoundTrip intermediary:
1. Add a New Supplier
If your supplier does not already exist, see New Supplier in the Administer
Suppliers Help.
Be sure to set the Supplier Type to either Multiple Supplier Catalog or Auction
which ever best describes the intermediary.
2. Specify Supplier Ship Method
See Supplier Ship Method
3. Create New Supplier Dispatch Information
See Supplier Dispatch
4. Add Supplier Payment Type
See Supplier Payment Type
5. Configure Supplier MarketSite Information
See Supplier MarketSite. MarketSite (A value is required for this field however
it can be a dummy value as long as it is unique among the registered suppliers.)
Confirm Configuration
To verify that the Procurement setup to the intermediary was successful you may
do the following:
1. Log into the Procurement application as someone who can purchase from a
supplier account setup for the intermediary. The user must have the On
Demand and Round Trip Access privileges.
2. Select New Shopping Cart and the Round Trip tab. Confirm that you can see
the supplier you added in the Supplier Name field.
3. Click on this Supplier Name.
4. Confirm that you can navigate through the intermediary web site.
5. Select a part from a supplier not currently registered at the Procurement
6. Check out of the intermediary web site.
7. Verify that the item is added to the Procurement application shopping cart and
that the supplier name is the name of the actual supplier (not the intermediary
8. Go into Advanced Administration and verify the supplier is now registered.
Special RoundTrip Configuration
Confirm Configuration
Note: Once a supplier is added through this On Demand process, further
administration will be required to set the specific buyer and supplier account
information prior to order submittal.
Procurement Help
Workflow Primer
In the Workflow Primer
This document provides instructions on how to configure workflow information.
Workflow Service manages the approval process for Shopping Carts, Blanket
Order Releases, and Change Requests.
First we provide an overview of Procurement services:
Workflow Service Overview
Order Tolerance Service Overview
Order Monitoring Service Overview
The final sections describe how to configure Workflow in detail using the tools in
the Procurement Advanced Administration | Administer Organizations.
Workflow Approval Process
Configure Templates
Configure Approvers
For additional information on Workflow, see the Commerce One Procurement
Installation Guide.
Workflow Service Overview
Workflow Service manages the approval process for all Shopping Carts, Blanket
Orders, Blanket Order Releases, and in some cases, Change Requests. There are
three services that make up Workflow Service:
Workflow Re-notification Service - Sends e-mail to re-notify an approver/
approval group if a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order, Blanket Order Release, or
Change Request is not approved within a specified time period.
Workflow Escalation Service - Escalates a hopping Cart, Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release, or Change Request if an approver/approval group does
not address it after a predefined number of notifications.
Workflow Admin Cleanup Service - Cleans up Workflow approver assignments
Workflow Primer
Workflow Service Overview
and pending approvals that are no longer valid. This occurs in cases where
approval privileges are changed or removed from an approver or role.
This section describes important concepts you should understand about
Workflow Service:
Approval Chains
Workflow Business Rules
Enable and Disable Workflow
Approval Chains
In Commerce One Procurement, you can specify a list of people that need to
approve a Shopping Cart before it becomes an Order. The sequence of approvers/
approval groups that must provide approval is called an approval chain.
The following describes where approval chains appear in the process, and how
users can modify them:
The Procurement application Administrator builds the approval chain before a
user submits their Shopping Cart, Blanket Order, Blanket Order Release, or
Change Request for approval. A user creates a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release, or Change Request and then clicks Approval Preview to
see the sequence of users who need to approve it.
At this time, the requester can add additional approvers/approval groups into
the chain (also known as Ad-Hoc approval).
After a user submits a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order, Blanket Order Release, or
Change Request, Workflow Service sends the document through the approval
You can use the following Workflow routing methods:
Parallel Approval - Allows users to send a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release, or Change Request to multiple approvers/approval
groups at the same time. If the document is associated with more than one
business rule, the Procurement application simultaneously sends it for
approval to all those specified in the business rule. For example, suppose a
Shopping Cart must have approval by a commodity manager and a spending
limit approver. Rather than receiving approval by the commodity manager
first and then the spending limit approver second, parallel approvals enables
both approvers to approve the Shopping Cart at the same time.
Serial Approval - Requires users to send a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order,
Blanket Order Release, or Change Request to approvers/approval groups in a
specified order. For example, if the document must be approved by a spending
Procurement Help
Workflow Service Overview
limit approver and a commodity manager, it might go to the spending limit
approver first, and then continue onto the commodity manager once it is
approved. If a Serial approval is set up, the order of approvers can also be
Ad-Hoc Approval - Allows a user or approver/approval group to add another
approver/approval group to the approval chain:
Users can view the approval chain, then add an approver/approval group
before they submit their Shopping Cart, Blanket Order, Blanket Order
Release, or Change Request. Users can also add approvers/approval groups
at the beginning of the approval chain, parallel to other approvers/approval
groups in the chain, or at the end of the approval chain (before the
Shopping Cart, etc. becomes an Order).
An approver/approval group can add additional approvers/approval
groups while Shopping Carts, Blanket Orders, or Blanket Order Releases
are in their in-box awaiting approval. Approvers/approval groups can also
add additional approvers or approval groups before or after themselves in
the chain.
Approval Escalation - Allows a user to manage requisitions that are “stuck” in
the approval process.
Requisitions become stuck when an approver or approval group does not
address a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order, Blanket Order Release, or Change
Request within a certain time period. You can configure the number of days
that must expire before a Shopping Cart or Blanket Order becomes “stuck”.
If a requisition becomes “stuck”, Workflow Service escalates the approval
by sending the Shopping Cart, Blanket Order, Blanket Order Release, or
Change Request to the next approver/approval group in the approval chain.
Users and approvers can send carbon copies of a Shopping Cart, Blanket
Order, or Blanket Order Release to individuals for review. Reviewers receive email notification about the Shopping Cart and can view the Shopping Cart, but
Procurement does not require a reviewer to approve the Shopping Cart or
Blanket Order.
Workflow Business Rules
As an administrator, you can modify certain business rules which define
Workflow Service.
System Behavior
Consider this important system behavior when you configure workflow:
If you create a Buying Organization that is at the highest level in a hierarchy of
organizations, you must configure an Approval Template to enable Workflow
When you first create a Buying Organization that is at the highest level in a
Workflow Primer
Workflow Service Overview
hierarchy of organizations, workflow rules for the organization are disabled.
To enable them, simply create an approval template and enable the
appropriate rules for your organization. Approval templates can be found by
clicking the Advanced Administration link, and selecting Organization |
Organization Name | Attributes | Workflow | Templates.
Once the top-level organization in the hierarchy has an approval template
established, all child organizations will automatically inherit that template.
If one of the child organizations wishes to override the inherited template, they
can do so by creating another approval template following the same steps
above. In other words, you either configure approval templates for a Buying
Organization, or the organization inherits an approval template from its parent
By default, the workflow business rule you establish for an organization will
apply to Shopping Carts submitted within that organization.
If the rule is not explicitly established at that hierarchy level with an approval
template, Workflow Service searches the parent organization for an inherited
Configure Rules
Business rules are configured after an Organization has set up an approval
template. The following rules are configurable for each Organization:
Approval Limits
You can assign a dollar limit that users can spend or approve. For example, you
can configure a user with a $500.00 spending limit and a $1000.00 approval
limit. In this case, the user can spend up to $500 on their own Shopping Cart,
Blanket Order, Blanket Order Release, or Change Request and can approve up
to $1000 for another user’s Shopping Cart.
Commodity Routing
You can require a commodity manager to approve a Shopping Cart or Blanket
Order Release only if the document contains more than a certain number of
items or more than an allotted monetary value for that commodity. For Change
Requests, you can require a commodity manager to approve the documents
only if it contains more than a certain number of items.
Cost Center/ GL Account Requirements
You can require approval by a cost center or GL account owner if a user
submits a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order Release, or Change Request that
specifies that center or account.
Supplier-specific Rules
You can require that the system routes Shopping Carts or Blanket Order
Releases for a particular supplier to a specific person, such as a supplier
manager or requester.
Procurement Help
Order Tolerance Service Overview
Special Requests
You can require that the system routes all special request orders to a certain
Shopping Cart Total Amount Rules
You can require that the system routes all Shopping Carts and Blanket Order
Releases with a value greater than a specified amount to be approved by a
certain person. For example, this person may be a project or company
Enable and Disable Workflow
When you disable or enable Workflow Service, via the Application Settings in
Advanced Administration, consider these implications:
Workflow Service Disabled
The system will still determine if a user is submitting a Shopping Cart or Blanket
Order Release that exceeds that user’s spending limit. If so, the application
displays a message and will not allow the Shopping Cart or Blanket Order Release
to be submitted until either:
The user reduces the cost of the Shopping Cart, or
The user is granted a higher spending limit.
Workflow Service Enabled
When Workflow Service is enabled, but workflow business rules are disabled, the
system automatically converts a Shopping Cart or Blanket Order Release into an
Order even if the documents do not conform with business rules.
When Workflow Service and workflow business rules are all enabled, the system
places a Shopping Cart, Blanket Order, or Blanket Order Release in open status,
for further review by approvers/approval groups, if the documents do not
conform with business rules.
Order Tolerance Service Overview
Tolerances allow and automatically process items with minor price discrepancies.
Without tolerances, an e-marketplace must cancel the entire Order.
With Order Tolerances:
The system compares the difference in price with the tolerances you specify.
If the differences are less than the permitted tolerance, the order proceeds and
the item is shipped.
You can set tolerance for:
Currency amount, e.g. within $0.50
Workflow Primer
Order Monitoring Service Overview
Item price percentages, e.g. within 5.0%
Quantity, e.g. within 5 boxes
Percentage of the order quantity, e.g. within 5.0%
Zero tolerance
No limit
To set tolerances, or for additional information, see Setup Order Tolerances.
Order Monitoring Service Overview
Order Monitoring Service, also known as Stuck PO Service, monitors the status of
Orders. It sends e-mail notification that reads something similar to “failed to send
to supplier” if an Order is not approved within a specified time, or in other words,
is “stuck”.
Workflow Approval Process
The Procurement Advanced Administration allows you to determine how your
Workflow Approval system will route and handle Shopping Carts before they
become Orders. This involves setting-up Organizations to facilitate the approval
chain. To do this, you need to understand:
Workflow Rules
Change Request Workflow Rules
With this understanding, you can create an Approval Process Blueprint.
Workflow Rules
Workflow approval rules determine the types of approvals that any given
Shopping Cart needs to be processed. As an administrator, you enable or disable
Workflow approval rules at the Buying Organization level, which also enables the
same rules for child Buying Organizations. For every rule enabled, there must be
an approver/approval group assigned to it. Once this is done, the Shopping Cart
will be automatically routed to each assigned approver/approval group. In the
case of an approval group, the Shopping Cart is routed to all members of the
The Workflow Approval Rules govern:
Spending and Approval Limit
Commodity Routing
Cost Center & General Ledger Account
Supplier Approval
Procurement Help
Workflow Approval Process
Shopping Cart Total Amount
Special Request
Custom Rules
Spending and Approval Limit
You assign a spending limit and an approval limit to each user.You can also assign
a spending limit to a commodity. For example, you may wish to limit the quarterly
spending on computers to $5,000 per quarter, regardless of which user in the
organization makes the purchase.
A user’s spending and approval limits can be different. For example, you can
configure a user to have a $500 Spending Limit on Shopping Carts they submit,
and a $1000 Approval Limit when they are approving Shopping Carts.
The approval limit is per shopping cart and is established by an entry in the
specific user’s configuration screen (select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Users | user name option from the Advanced Administration menu).
The user and commodity spending limits can be per shopping cart, month,
quarter, or year. The following table describes how to establish the various types
of spending limits:
Spending Limit Type
How Established
User spending limit per
shopping cart
configuration page
To establish by entry in specific user’s configuration
Select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Users | user name option from the
Advanced Administration menu
Enter a per shopping cart spending limit value and
click the associated radio button
Workflow rule
To establish by workflow rule:
Configure a spending rule
Select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Spending Rules option from the
Advanced Administration menu and create the
desired per shopping cart spending rule
Assign the spending rule to a user
Select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Users | user name option from the
Advanced Administration menu, select the
spending rule from the Spending Rule list, and
click the associated radio button
Workflow Primer
Workflow Approval Process
Spending Limit Type
How Established
User spending limit per
month, quarter, or year
Workflow rule
To establish by workflow rule:
Configure a spending rule
Assign the spending rule to a user
Commodity spending
limit per shopping cart,
month, quarter, or year
Workflow rule
Select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Spending Rules option from the
Advanced Administration menu and create the
desired per month, quarter, or year spending
Select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Users | user name option from the
Advanced Administration menu, select the
spending rule from the Spending Rule list, and
click the associated radio button
To establish:
Configure a spending rule
Select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Spending Rules option from the
Advanced Administration menu and create the
desired per shopping cart, month, quarter, or
year spending rule
Assign the spending rule to a commodity
Select the Organizations | organization name |
Attributes | Workflow | Approvers | Commodity
Approver option from the Advanced
Administration menu
Expand the commodity hierarchy by clicking the
“Expand Commodity” file folder icon
Select a commodity from the hierarchy
Use the Change Approver button to select an
approver if an approver is not listed on the
Click the Enable Spending Rule check box, then
select the spending rule from the Spending Rule
Click Save
Commodity Routing
If you set a limit on the number or type of items that can be ordered, Shopping
Carts with item quantities exceeding that limit will require approval from a
manager. If you restrict certain commodities, such as computers, from being
ordered, Shopping Carts containing an item within that commodity will also
require approval.
Procurement Help
Workflow Approval Process
Cost Center & General Ledger Account
Enabling this rule will require a cost center or general ledger (GL) account owner
to approve a Shopping Cart if their cost center or GL account is specified on the
Shopping Cart.
Supplier Approval
Enabling this rule will require that Shopping Carts specifying a particular supplier
be routed for approval by a specified individual, such as a supplier manager or
particular buyer.
Shopping Cart Total Amount
Enabling this rule requires Shopping Carts with a value equal or greater than a
certain configurable amount be routed for approval to a specified individual, such
as a project manager or company controller.
Special Request
Enabling this rule requires Shopping Carts with special requests to be routed to a
specific individual within the Buying Organization, or the Buying Organization
hierarchy, for approval.
Custom Rules
The Procurement application supports customized Workflow rules implemented
by your organization. If you create and install a custom rule, you will find it listed
below the “out-of-the-box” rules in the Approval Template screen, and you must
assign an approver or approval group per rule, as with any standardized Workflow
Change Request Workflow Rules
Workflow rules can also be configured for Change Requests. Workflow is triggered
for a Change Request when a value, such as the order total or order quantity is
changed, or when a line item is changed or added. Change Request Workflow
rules rely on the same approver configurations as were used at the time a
Shopping Cart or Blanket Order Release was first created and processed.
Change Request Workflow rules are enabled or disabled at the Buying
Organization level, which also enables the same rules for child Buying
Change Request Workflow rules govern:
User Spend Per Change Request
Commodity Quantity
Cost Center
User Spend Per Change Request (Changes Only)
Commodity Quantity (Changes Only)
Cost Center (Changes Only)
Workflow Primer
Workflow Approval Process
When enabling Change Request Workflow rules, there are two versions of each
rule. You can select only one or the other, as follows:
User Spend Per Change Request, or
User Spend Per Change Request (Changes Only)
The difference between a rule and the (Changes Only) version of that rule is such
that the Changes Only version will only consider changes to a Change Request
when the system decides which approvers to include in the approval chain.
User Spend Per Change Request
Similar to the Spending and Approval Limit rule defined for Shopping Carts, the
User Spend Per Change Request rule triggers when a spending or approval limitrelated value is changed on a Change Request. For example, this rule applies when
the Order Total is changed.
A user’s spending and approval limits for Change Requests can be different. For
example, you can configure a user to have a $500 Spending Limit on Change
Requests they submit, and a $1000 Approval Limit when they are approving
Change Requests.
The approval limit is the amount the user can approve per Change Request, and is
defined in the specific user’s configuration screen (in Advanced Administration,
select Organizations | Organization Name | Attributes | Users | User Name).
Commodity Quantity
Similar to the Commodity Routing rule defined for Shopping Carts, the
Commodity Quantity rule triggers when a commodity-related value is changed.
For example, this rule applies when a line item commodity is changed, or when a
new item is added to the Change Request.
Cost Center
Similar to the Cost Center & General Ledger Account rule defined for Shopping
Carts, the Cost Center rule applies when the Order value for a particular cost
center changes, or if a cost center is added or removed from a Change Request.
User Spend Per Change Request (Changes Only)
This rule is the same as the User Spend Per Change Request rule above except that
Workflow will only consider changes to the Change Request when deciding which
approvers to include in the approval process.
Under this rule, the amount of the change to the Spending Limit is what will be
used to choose approvers. For example, if the Order Total is increased by $50,
Change Request Workflow will only look at approvers who have approval values of
at least $50.
Procurement Help
Workflow Approval Process
Commodity Quantity (Changes Only)
This rule is the same as the Commodity Quantity rule above except that Workflow
will only consider changes to a Change Request when deciding which approvers to
include in the approval process.
Under this rule, the only commodities considered by the Workflow engine will be
ones that are new to the Order, such as when a new item is added or when an item
commodity is changed. This rule also applies when the order quantity for an item
is altered, thus increasing the commodity quantity.
Cost Center (Changes Only)
This rule is the same as the Cost Center rule above except that Workflow will only
consider changes to the Change Request when deciding which approvers to
include in the approval process.
Under this rule, the only cost centers considered by the Workflow engine will be
cost centers for which the total order value for that cost center was changed or
new cost centers were added. Cost centers removed from the Change Request will
not be considered.
To configure Change Request Workflow rules, you can:
Create Change Request Workflow Rules
Edit Change Request Workflow Rules
Disable Change Request Workflow Rules
Create Change Request Workflow Rules
1. In the Advanced Administration, select: Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates.
2. Click on Change Request Approval Template.
3. Click Create.
4. For each rule, you can:
Enable or Disable the rule,
Choose a serial or parallel approval process, and/or
Assign the rule order
5. Click Save to save the Rules, or Delete to cancel your selections.
Edit Change Request Workflow Rules
1. In the Advanced Administration, select: Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates.
2. Click on Change Request Approval Template.
3. For each rule, you can:
Enable or Disable the rule,
Workflow Primer
Workflow Approval Process
Choose a serial or parallel approval process, and/or
Edit or assign the rule order
4. Click Save to save your edits, or Delete to cancel your changes.
Disable Change Request Workflow Rules
You cannot delete one of the six pre-defined Change Request workflow rules, but
you can disable a rule.
To do so:
1. In the Advanced Administration, select: Organizations | Organization Name |
Attributes | Workflow | Templates.
2. Click on Change Request Approval Template.
The Change
Request Approval Template Edit screen appears.
3. Uncheck the Enable checkbox next to any rule you wish to disable.
4. Click Save.
Workflow rules are inherited throughout the approval process. It is important
then, to understand how inheritance works within the various levels of a Buying
Organization hierarchy. Very simply, rules enabled for a parent Buying
Organization are also enabled for each child Buying Organization in the hierarchy.
Within each child Buying Organization, however, any rules that are not applicable
to that child can be disabled. Or, you can override rule configuration by assigning
different approvers/approval groups for a child Buying Organization. Once you
have disabled or overridden a rule within a child Buying Organization, all children
below that child Buying Organization inherit the change as well.
In other words, when you set up Buying Organization 1, you enable the approval
rules that your business design requires. Then, for each child, you either allow a
child to inherit enabled rules, or disable rules specifically for that child. At every
Buying Organization level you can enable or disable any rule, depending on what
is enabled/disabled for the Buying Organization directly above it.
It is also important to consider that when reassigning approvers, an approver or
approval group with Buying Organization scope is limited to approving Shopping
Carts or Change Requests only within their own Buying Organization, while an
approver or approval group with Super Org. Scope can approve any Shopping Cart
or Change Request within its own Buying Organization and any child
Approval Process Blueprint
As a Workflow Approval administrator, you may be setting up the hierarchy of
Buying Organizations. Or, you may work in conjunction with another system
administrator who creates the structure. Before you begin configuring your
Procurement Help
Configure Templates
Workflow Approval system, it is helpful to draw a Buying Organization hierarchy
chart showing all parent and child organizations. Check off the rules for each
Buying Organization, plan the approval steps, and select approvers for each
Buying Organization on each level as follows:
1. Identify each Buying Organization required within your approval hierarchy.
Starting with your Buying Organization 1 level, consider the hierarchy that a
Shopping Cart or Change Request will need to travel down.
2. For each Buying Organization, consider which rules will be enabled or
disabled. Mark each rule next to its Buying Organization as either enabled or
3. For each rule enabled, consider whether approval steps should be parallel or
serial. Identify these steps by drawing them side-by-side for serial approval
steps, or list independent parallel approvers vertically.
4. Fill in the specific name of each approver for every rule at every level until your
chart has been completely filled in. Also note the scope of each approver/
approval group. Use (B) for approvers/approval groups with Buying
Organization scope or (SB) for approvers/approval groups with Super Org.
Scope. For more information on Scope see Access Control.
5. Consider whether or not the approvers/approval groups will approve child
Buying Organizations, or if another approver/approval group should be
assigned at a lower level.
Once your chart is complete, configuring your Workflow Process in the
Procurement application will be a simple matter of implementing your design.
Configure Templates
After you create an Approval Process Blueprint, you can configure approval
templates to manage Shopping Carts, Blanket Orders, Timecards, and so on,
through the workflow approval process:
Shopping Cart Approval Template
Blanket Order Approval Template
Blanket Order Release Approval Template
Check Request Approval Template
IT Request Approval Template
Timecard Workflow Template
Change Request Approval Template
See Workflow Services for more detailed configuration steps for each of the above
Workflow Primer
Configure Templates
Shopping Cart Approval Template
After you create a Buying Organization, you can configure a Shopping Cart
Approval Template to manage Shopping Carts through the workflow approval
process. For more information on workflow, see the Procurement Installation
Consider this system behavior when you configure approval templates:
If you create a Buying Organization that is at the highest level in a hierarchy of
organizations, you must configure an Approval Template to enable Workflow
By default, the workflow business rules you establish for an organization will
apply to Shopping Carts submitted in the organization. If the rule is not
established for a child organization, Workflow Service will search the parent
Buying Organization for the rule.
Therefore, you only need to configure the template for a Buying Organization
at the highest level in a hierarchy. For more information about parent and
child organizations, see Business Rules.
To create or edit a Shopping Cart Approval Template for each organization, see
Shopping Cart Approval Template.
The order of workflow approval tasks can be controlled in two different ways:
Parallel/Serial setting:
This setting controls the order of tasks for a particular rule. For example, if
multiple commodity approvers are required for a Shopping Cart and the radio
button is set to “parallel”, the commodity approvers will appear in parallel.
Rule Order setting:
This setting controls the order in which different types of workflow rules are
processed. For example, if the Spending Limit rule is “1” and Commodity
Approvers is “2”, all Spending Limit tasks will process before all Commodity
tasks. This is independent of whether each rule is configured as “serial” or
Note: Certain combinations of these two types of settings are not supported, and
the application will not allow the administrator to save such combinations.
Blanket Order Approval Template
To create or edit a Blanket Order Approval Template for each organization, see
Blanket Order Approval Template.
Procurement Help
Configure Templates
Blanket Order Release Approval Template
After you create a Buying Organization, you can configure a Blanket Order Release
Approval Template to manage Blanket Orders through the workflow approval
process. The administrator uses the Blanket Order Release Template to configure
the workflow associated with the Blanket Order release process.
To create or edit a Blanket Order Release Approval Template for each
organization, see Blanket Order Release Approval Template.
Check Request Approval Template
To create or edit a Check Request Approval Template for each organization, see
Check Request Approval Template.
IT Request Approval Template
To create or edit an IT Request Approval Template for each organization, see IT
Request Approval Template.
Timecard Workflow Template
If Contract Labor is enabled and authorized for use within an organization (see
Setup Feature Registration for more information), the Procurement administrator
may configure a workflow approval chain for Timecards. The Timecard Workflow
Approval template allows the adminstrator to enable the option to assign Worker
Approvers and/or Project Approvers.
Worker Approvers approve a specific user’s timesheet and/or expense
report. This is typically a manager or supervisor.
Project Approvers approve all Timecards created for users working on a
specified Project.
To create or edit a Timecard Workflow Template for each organization, see
Timecard Workflow Template.
Change Request Approval Template
If Services Procurement is enabled and authorized for use within an organization
(see Setup Feature Registration for more information), the Procurement
administrator may configure a workflow approval chain for Change Requests.
This workflow process may include different, though similar, workflow rules to
the rules configured for Shopping Carts and Blanket Orders. See Change Request
Workflow Rules for descriptions of each Change Request workflow rule.
To create or edit a Change Request Approval Template for each organization, see
Change Request Approval Template.
Workflow Primer
Configure Approvers
Configure Approvers
After you set up an Organization’s approval template, you can set up several
different approval types for that organization. You can specify individual
approvers or approval groups:
Approval Type
User Spending and
Approval Limits
Assigns a dollar limit that users can spend
or approve. See Users.
Commodity Approvers
Requires a commodity manager to
approve a Shopping Cart only if it orders
more than a certain number of items or
more than a monetary value for that
Cost Centers
Requires approval by a cost center or GL
account owner if a user submits a
Shopping Cart that specifies that center or
account. See Cost Centers.
Requires that the system routes Shopping
Carts for a particular supplier to a specific
person, such as supplier manager. See
Supplier Options.
Special Requests
Requires that the system route all special
request orders to a certain person. See
Special Request Approver.
Shopping Cart Total
Requires that the system route all
Shopping Carts with a value greater than
the specified amount to a certain person.
See Shopping Cart Total Approver.
Blanket Order
Permits Blanket Orders to be assigned to
the buying organization.
Requires that the system route all Blanket
Orders to a specific person for approval.
Configuring approvers includes:
Create Approval Roles
Assign Approval Roles to Users
Assign Cost Center Approvers/Approval Groups
Assign Shopping Cart Total Approvers
Assign Blanket Order Approvers
Assign Special Request Approvers
Procurement Help
Configure Approvers
Configure Commodity Approvers
Assign Supplier Approvers
Assign Spending Limit Approvers/Approval Groups
Add Ad-hoc Approvers and Reviewers
Assign Delegates
Set-up Approval Escalation
Create Approval Roles
In order to assign users approval capabilities, you must first create a role
containing approval privileges. Verify that the appropriate roles are created with
the Approve Shopping Cart privilege enabled. For more information, see
Administer Roles.
Assign Approval Roles to Users
Once you create the appropriate approval roles, you can assign the roles to users
for each organization. For more information, see Users.
Assign Cost Center Approvers/Approval Groups
The total cost of all items included on a Shopping Cart is defaulted to a single cost
center. The user can, however, allocate portions of the Shopping Cart to other cost
centers, or change the default cost center for the entire purchase.
Cost Center Approvers/Approval Groups, or a general ledger account owner,
approve Shopping Carts based on line items associated with a designated cost
center. The line items are flagged for each approver/approval group.
To assign cost center approvers to organizations, see Cost Centers.
Assign Shopping Cart Total Approvers
If you would like to specify an approver/approval group within a buying
organization to approve all Shopping Carts exceeding a certain cost, you can
assign a Shopping Cart Total Approver. This may be desirable for very costly
Shopping Carts (for example, a project or company controller), even if the
Shopping Cart is also routed to other approvers.
To specify a Shopping Cart total approver/approval group, see Shopping Cart
Total Approver.
Workflow Primer
Configure Approvers
Assign Blanket Order Approvers
Blanket Order Releases may follow a different and possibly shorter approval path
than a normal Shopping Cart. Therefore, any Blanket Orders created are approved
first by the appropriate person or people prior to allowing Blanket Order Releases
to be created against the Blanket Order.
To assign a Blanket Order Approver/Approval Group, see Blanket Order
Assign Special Request Approvers
Users are able to add special requests to a Shopping Cart, enabling them to order
certain off-catalog items including:
Items that a user can describe, but cannot find through browsing or a search.
Newly advertised items for which the user knows the supplier’s part number,
but cannot find in the Procurement catalog.
Items from an authorized supplier whom the user is not authorized to
purchase from.
After a special request is submitted, the Shopping Cart must be routed to a Special
Request Approver/Approval Group. This approver will be approving flagged line
items with special requests.
To assign an approver/approval groups for special requests, see Special Request
Configure Commodity Approvers
The approval process is based on a hierarchical system and is structured around
the commodity tree. When you assign an approver/approval group to a
commodity level, that approver becomes responsible for approving that
commodity level and all its sub-levels. This is true unless a new approver/
approval group is assigned to a sub-level, in which case the new approver becomes
responsible for that level and all the levels below the sub-level.
For example, if an approver/approval group is assigned to the Apparel, Luggage,
and Personal Toiletry Products commodity level, that approver is responsible for
the following levels:
Apparel, Luggage, and Personal Toiletry Products
Clothing and its sub-commodities
Luggage, handbags, packs and cases and its sub-commodities
If a second approver is assigned to the Clothing commodity level, the second
approver is responsible for that commodity level and all its sub-levels.
Procurement Help
Configure Approvers
In addition to assigning an approver, you can assign the maximum quantity
amount the approver can accept. If a Shopping Cart contains a quantity amount
that is over the maximum amount for that approver, the approver only approves
their assigned amount. The amount above their maximum amount is then routed
to the next approver in the commodity approver tree for approval.
For each organization, to assign an approver to a commodity level, see Commodity
Assign Supplier Approvers
Supplier approvers are those who approve Shopping Carts for a particular
supplier. To assign a supplier approver, see Supplier Options.
Assign Spending Limit Approvers/Approval Groups
All users will have both a spending limit and a spending limit approver / approval
group. Any user or group assigned as a spending limit approver / approval group
must also have an approval limit configured. This approval limit indicates how
much the approver is allowed to approve without subsequent approvals by other
spending limit approvers/approval groups.
For instance, if a user submits a Shopping Cart totaling $100, but has a spending
limit of $50, their spending limit approver will receive an approval request. If
their limit is not large enough, the system will continue searching to find a
spending limit approver with an approval limit above the Shopping Cart total cost.
If the system cannot find such a person, it will prevent the Shopping Cart from
being submitted (as long as this rule is enabled).
To assign a spending limit, see Users.
If a user does not have a spending limit approver / approval group assigned, the
approval becomes “stuck” and requires the intervention of an administrator. See
Set-up Approval Escalation for information on how to assign an administrator
who will be notified in the event that there are problems with escalation.
Add Ad-hoc Approvers and Reviewers
Ad-hoc Approvers/Approval Groups and Ad-hoc Reviewers are added to the
approval chain by existing buyers and approvers after you have set up approval
routes and specified approvers for all rules enabled at the Buying Organization
Ad-hoc Approvers
When an approver assigns an ad-hoc approver / approval group, they must decide
whether the additional approval will occur before or after their own approval. If
an approver assigns an ad-hoc approver into the chain before themselves, they
relinquish control of the approval. Otherwise, the original approver / approval
group retains control and the Shopping Cart continues its path to the ad-hoc
approver only after the original approver has approved it.
Workflow Primer
Configure Approvers
E-mail notification is sent to an approver or approval group while the approval
step is pending. This feature can be turned on or off by selecting Setup |
Application Settings, scrolling down the Name column to find Approver Notify
and selecting Edit.
Ad-hoc Reviewers
Buyers and approvers/approval groups may add multiple reviewers, provided the
reviewer’s role contains the “Approve Shopping Cart” privilege. An approver may
add a reviewer while the approval is pending in the approver’s in-box. The ad-hoc
reviewer can then view and comment on the Shopping Cart at any time during the
approval process, but may not approve anything.
E-mail notification is sent to a reviewer when they have been added during the
approval process, or if they are already a reviewer, once the Shopping Cart is
submitted. This feature can be turned on or off by selecting Setup | Application
Settings, scrolling down the Name column to find Approver Notify and selecting
Assign Delegates
An approver may delegate another approver, within the first approver’s spending
limit, to approve Shopping Carts in their place. Delegations are assigned to occur
during specified time periods and delegates are notified by e-mail when their
delegation option has been turned on or off.
If a member of an approval group delegates to a user outside of the approval
group, the delegatee becomes an acting member of the approval group for the
delegation period.
Note the following:
Delegation is configured by the individual user in the User Profile
A user must turn off the delegation function before returning to their own
approval in-box
When assigning a delegation, you may only delegate your approval to an
individual of your own scope or higher, within your own Buying Organization.
Once delegation has been set up, any work assigned to the delegator can be
performed by the delegate. This allows the delegate access to all approvals the
delegator would have seen and gives the delegate a larger view.
Set-up Approval Escalation
Escalation parameters are configured at the highest Buying Organization level to
keep Shopping Carts on track once they are in the approval process. This ensures
that if a certain length of time passes before a particular approval has been made,
the system will identify the missing step and send notification to the appropriate
approver. After a number of reminder notifications have been sent, the approvalin-question will be escalated to the approver’s manager for approval. When
Procurement Help
Configure Approvers
configuring your template, you can set the exact number of re-notifications and
the amount of time that can lapse before escalating an approval. To Setup
Application Settings for approval escalation:
1. In the tree menu, select Setup | Application Settings.
2. Scroll down the page to find the following Workflow settings and select Edit.
Determines if escalation should be turned “on”
or “off” for the EBO.
Determines how many times an approver
should be notified about a pending approval
before escalation should occur.
Determines how many minutes should lapse
between each re-notification.
Determines how many minutes should elapse
between the last re-notification and the actual
escalation of an approval to that person’s
spending limit approver.
The Login ID of an administrator who should
receive notification if there are any problems
with escalation.
Workflow Primer
Configure Approvers
Procurement Help
Enterprise Backend Integration
In the Administration Module
To view help on Enterprise Backend Integration (EBI), click a help topic title in
the list in the left-hand frame, or click:
Start EBI Administration
Icons and Meanings
Buying Organizations
ERP Systems
Data Synchronization
Job Schedules
Data Mapping
Flexible User Interface
Cost Allocation
Help with Search
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Start EBI Administration
Start EBI Administration
If you have Administrator privilege, to use the Integration Administration
1. Go to the Procurement Home Page.
2. In the Application Administration Menu menu, select Integration
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
This page contains two frames:
On the left-hand side of the page, a list of available administration parameters
is displayed:
Buying Organizations Configuration Data
ERP Systems (Enterprise Resource Planning applications) in the Current
EBO (Enterprise Buying Organization)
Data Synchronization (Data Sync) Items
Job Schedules configuration
Data Mapping Items
Flexible User Interface (Flex UI) Items
Cost Allocation Default Items
On the right-hand side of the page is some helpful start-up information.
When you select an administration parameter on the left-hand side menu, the
browser will display, on the right-hand side of the page, the Configuration Forms
used for that parameter.
3. Click on a data type to display, in the right-hand side, the Configuration Form,
containing forms, text-entry fields and selection menus you use to view, add or
modify administration parameters.
4. Click New to create a new parameter value.
5. Click Help with Search to view a list a current parameter values and, if
necessary, edit them.
6. Click Help to view instructions for using the Configuration Form you are
currently viewing.
7. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
8. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Procurement Help
Icons and Meanings
Icons and Meanings
This table lists all the icons and their meanings for Enterprise Backend
Associate a Buying Organization with this ERP system.
Start a job running.
Halt a job running.
Log. to View the Scheduler Job Log.
Details. to View Data Mapping Item Details.
Select button
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Buying Organizations
Buying Organizations
You can create and modify configuration parameters for an integrated Buying
Search for a Configuration
Edit a Configuration
Create a New Configuration
If you have Administrator privilege, Start EBI Administration:
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
1. Click Buying Organization Configuration Data.
The browser displays an empty Buying Organization Data Configuration Form on
the right-hand side of the page.
2. Click New to create a new configuration.
3. Click Search to view a list of parameters, their current values and, if necessary,
edit them.
4. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Search for a Configuration
To locate a configuration to be viewed, edited or deleted:
1. Click Search, on the left-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
The browser displays the Search BORGs form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
2. Click in the Enter partial borg Names text box, and type your search criteria,
which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all
Buying Organizations matching your search criteria:
Procurement Help
Buying Organizations
Name of the Buying Organization
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a tool
tip containing a few words explaining the action
represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its Action
icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Edit a Configuration
To edit the configuration for a Buying Organization displayed in the table:
1. Click, to the right of any Buying Organization name in the table.
The browser displays the Set Configuration Parameters for Buying
Organizations form on the right-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
2. This form includes a list containing several screens-full of configuration
parameters: prompts followed by check boxes or text boxes with the current
value displayed.
For each item in the list, a detailed prompt explains the meaning of the
information displayed.
Use the scroll bar, on the right-hand edge of the browser window, to view the
entire list.
3. To change a check box value:
Click in a check box to set the item (a check mark is displayed in the box).
Click in a check box a second time to clear the item (the check mark is
removed from the box).
4. To change a text or numeric value, click in the text box, and type new or
replacements text or numbers.
5. When you have made all necessary changes, use the scroll bar, on the righthand edge of the browser window, to move to the bottom of the page.
Below the list of configuration parameters, there is a list of available Buying
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Buying Organizations
6. In the Select Buying Organizations to which this configuration should be
applied list box:
Click on one or more Buying Organization names. Selected Buying
Organizations are highlighted.
Click Select All Buying Organizations. All Buying Organizations in the list
are highlighted.
Click Unselect All Buying Organizations. Highlighting is removed from any
highlighted Buying Organizations.
7. Click [Save] to apply the edited configuration parameters to the selected
Buying Organizations.
8. When you have completed editing:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Buying Organization Data Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Create a New Configuration
To create a new configuration:
1. Click [New], in the left-hand frame of the browser window.
The browser displays the Set Configuration Parameters for Buying
Organizations form on the right-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
2. This form includes a list containing several screens-full of configuration
For each item in the list, a detailed prompt explains the meaning of the
information required.
Use the scroll bar, on the right-hand edge of the browser window, to view
the entire list.
3. To set or clear a check box value:
Click in a check box to set the item (a check mark is displayed in the box).
Click in a check box a second time to clear the item (the check mark is
removed from the box).
4. To add or change a text or numeric value:
Procurement Help
Click in the text box, and type new text or numbers.
ERP Systems
Type the [Delete] or [Backspace] keys to remove any unnecessary
5. When you have made all necessary additions, use the scroll bar, on the righthand edge of the browser window, to move to the bottom of the page.
Below the list of configuration parameters, there is a list of available Buying
6. In the Select Buying Organizations to which this configuration should be
applied list box:
Click on one or more Buying Organization names. Selected Buying
Organizations are highlighted.
Click Select All Buying Organizations. All Buying Organizations in the list
are highlighted.
Click Unselect All Buying Organizations. Highlighting is removed from any
highlighted Buying Organizations.
7. Click [Save] to apply the edited configuration parameters to the selected
Buying Organizations.
8. When you have completed creating the new configuration:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Buying Organization Data Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
ERP Systems
You can create and modify configuration parameters for an integrated ERP
Search for an ERP System
Edit an ERP System
Add a New ERP
Create a New ERP Association
If you have Administrator privilege, Start EBI Administration:
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
1. Click ERPs used in the current EBO.
The browser displays the ERP Configuration Form on the right-hand side of
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
ERP Systems
the page.
2. Click New to add a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
3. Click Search to view a list of parameters, their current values and, if necessary,
edit them.
4. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Search for an ERP System
To locate an ERP system to be viewed, edited or deleted:
1. Click Search, on the left-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
The browser displays the Search ERPs form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
2. Click in the Enter partial ERP Names text box, and type your search criteria,
which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all ERP
systems matching your search criteria:
Name of the Enterprise Resource Planning application
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a tool
tip containing a few words explaining the action
represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its Action
icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Procurement Help
Delete. Before deleting an ERP system, you must first
delete all data items associated with the ERP system.
Associate a Buying Organization with this ERP
ERP Systems
Edit an ERP System
To edit an ERP system in the displayed table:
1. Click the edit icon, to the right of any ERP system name in the table.
The browser displays the Edit ERP form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
This form includes, for the selected ERP system, a list of configuration
information prompts followed by text boxes with the current value displayed:
Name of the ERP product
Vendor of the ERP product
Version number of the ERP product
2. To change a value, click in the text box and type new or replacements text or
3. Click [Save] to apply the edited configuration parameters to the selected ERP
4. When you have completed editing:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the ERP Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to
theProcurement Home Page.
The ERP Name is used as a prefix to all automatically
generated data for the ERP, but changing the ERP Name
does not cause the automatically generated data names, for
Data Sync Items, Data Mapping, and so on, to also be
To prevent confusion between similar products, we
recommend that:
You create an ERP Name by concatenation of the
vendor name and version number.
You do not change the ERP Name. Instead, you should
delete the ERP from the Procurement application, and
create a new ERP with the new name.
Add a New ERP
To add a new ERP system (or version) to the table:
1. Click [New], in the left-hand frame of the browser window.
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
ERP Systems
The browser displays the Edit ERP form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
This form includes a list of configuration information, prompts followed by
empty text boxes:
Name of the ERP product
Vendor of the ERP product
Version number of the ERP product
2. To add values, click in the text box and type new text or numbers.
3. Click [Save] to apply the configuration parameters for the ERP system.
4. When you have completed adding ERP systems:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the ERP Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Create a New ERP Association
To create a new association between a Buying Organization and an available ERP
1. Click the Associate BORG icon, to the right of any ERP system name in the
The browser displays the Associate Buying Organizations for < ERP System
Name > form on the right-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
This form displays a list box containing all available Buying Organizations.
2. In the Associate Buying Organizations for < ERP System Name > form list box:
Click on one or more Buying Organization names. Selected Buying
Organizations are highlighted.
Click Select All Buying Organizations. All Buying Organizations in the list
are highlighted.
Click Unselect All Buying Organizations. Highlighting is removed from any
highlighted Buying Organizations.
3. Click [Save] to confirm the association of the selected ERP system with the
selected Buying Organizations.
4. When you have completed assigning ERP systems:
Procurement Help
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
Data Synchronization
other actions using the Buying Organization Data Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Data Synchronization
You can create and modify data synchronization parameters for an integrated
ERP system:
Search for a Data Synchronization Item
Edit a Data Synchronization Item
Create a New Data Synchronization Item
The Procurement application stores some of the ERP data locally. This data
Accounting information used in creating shopping carts, and
Unit of Measurement (UOM) information used to map from the application’s
UOM codes to the UOM Codes of the selected ERP application.
The Integration Administration application allows you to setup the Data
Synchronization elements such as Cost Centers, Vendors, UOM, Company Code,
and so on, and group them according to Buying Organizations.
A single Data Synchronization Item may be associated with one or more Buying
If you have Administrator privilege, Start EBI Administration:
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
1. Click Data Sync Items.
The browser displays the Data Synchronization Configuration Form on the
right-hand side of the page.
2. Click New to create a new parameter value.
3. Click Search to view a list of parameters, their current values and, if necessary,
edit them.
4. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Data Synchronization
Search for a Data Synchronization Item
To locate an item to be viewed, edited or deleted:
1. Click Search, on the left-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
The browser displays the Search Data Sync Items form on the right-hand side
of the Integration Administration application page.
2. Click in the Enter partial Data Sync Item Names text box, and type your search
criteria, which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all Data
Synchronization Items matching your search criteria:
Name of the Data Synchronization item.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a tool
tip containing a few words explaining the action
represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its Action
icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Edit a Data Synchronization Item
To edit a Data Synchronization item from the displayed table:
1. Click the Edit icon, to the right of any item name in the table.
The browser displays the Edit Data Sync object form on the right-hand side of
the Integration Administration application page.
This form includes, for the selected item, a list of configuration information
prompts followed by text boxes with the current value displayed:
Procurement Help
Name of the Data Synchronization item. It is recommended that you create
a unique name using the same naming convention used for creating ERP
Systems names to be used in automatically generated item names, for
example: SAP45_DataSync2.
Data Synchronization
ERP ID Field Name in the ERP table you are synchronizing. Blank values
are not permitted.
ERP Description Field Name in the ERP table you are synchronizing.
ERP Other Field List of the extra ERP field names in the ERP table you are
synchronizing. This is an optional comma-separated list.
ERP Table Name you are synchronizing. This field is used by the connector
to retrieve all information associated with the Table Name.
Optional Filter Clause string used by the connector to filter the ERP Table
Name information.
Associate ERP with this item, the name of ERP system with which the item
is to be associated.
2. These fields are required (and shown with a bold prompt):
Rep. ID Field Name
ERP Description Field Name
ERP Table Name
3. To change a value:
Click in the text box, and type new or replacements text or numbers.
4. These fields are optional (and shown with a light prompt):
ERP Other Field List
Optional Filter Clause
5. To change a value, click in the text box, and type new or replacements text or
6. The Associate ERP with this item field is also required.
To change this value, click un the drop-down menu, and select from a list of
available ERP systems to be associated with this Data Synchronization item.
7. Click [Save] to apply the edited configuration parameters to the selected Data
Synchronization item.
8. When you have completed editing:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Data Synchronization Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Data Synchronization
Create a New Data Synchronization Item
To create a new Data Synchronization item:
1. Click New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window.
The browser displays the Edit Data Sync object form on the right-hand side of
the Integration Administration application page.
This is form includes a list of configuration information prompts followed by
empty text boxes:
Name of the Data Synchronization item. It is recommended that you create
a unique name using the same naming convention used for creating ERP
Systems names to be used in automatically generated item names, for
example: SAP45_DataSync2.
ERP ID Field Name in the Erp table you are synchronizing. Blank values
are not permitted.
ERP Description Field Name in the Erp table you are synchronizing.
ERP Other Field List of the extra ERP field names in the Rep. table you are
synchronizing. This is an optional comma-separated list.
ERP Table Name you are synchronizing. This field is used by the connector
to retrieve all information associated with the Table Name.
Optional Filter Clause string used by the connector to filter the ERP Table
Name information.
Associate ERP with this item, the name of ERP system with which the item
is to be associated.
2. These fields are required (and shown with a bold prompt):
Erp ID Field Name
ERP Description Field Name
ERP Table Name
3. To add a required value to these fields:
Click in the text box, and type text or numbers.
4. These fields are optional (and shown with a light prompt):
ERP Other Field List
Optional Filter Clause
5. To add an optional value to these fields:
Click in the text box, and type text or numbers.
6. The Associate ERP with this item field is also required.
Procurement Help
Job Schedules
To select this value, click in the drop-down menu, and select from a list of
available ERP systems to be associated with this Data Synchronization item.
7. Click [Save] to apply the configuration parameters to the new Data
Synchronization item.
8. When you have completed creating Data Synchronization items:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Data Synchronization Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Job Schedules
The Integration Administration application allows you to setup Scheduled Tasks
for the Data Sync Items you have created. You can setup a schedule for Daily,
Weekly, Monthly Update:
Search for an Job
Edit a Scheduled Job
Create a New Scheduled Job
Start and Stop Scheduler Jobs
View the Scheduler Job Log
At the scheduled time, the application fetches the Data from the ERP system and
updates the local tables maintained in the Procurement application’s database.
If you have Administrator privilege, Start EBI Administration:
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
1. Click Scheduler Jobs.
The browser displays the Scheduler Job Configuration Form on the right-hand
side of the page.
2. Click New to create a new parameter value.
3. Click Search to view a list of parameters, their current values and, if necessary,
edit them.
4. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Job Schedules
Search for an Job
To locate an item to be viewed, edited or deleted:
1. Click Search, on the left-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
The browser displays the Search Scheduled Jobs form on the right-hand side of
the Integration Administration application page.
2. Click in the Enter partial Scheduled Job Names text box, and type your search
criteria, which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The system searches and displays a table containing all Scheduled Jobs
matching your search criteria:
Name of the Scheduled Job.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the action
represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Start a job running
Halt a job running
View the Scheduler Job log
Edit a Scheduled Job
Create a new Data Sync Association with this job
Delete a job
Edit a Scheduled Job
To edit the parameters for a Scheduled Job displayed in the table:
1. Click the Edit icon, to the right of any Scheduled Job name in the table.
The browser displays the Edit Scheduler Job form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
2. This form includes a list of configuration parameter prompts followed by text
boxes with the current value displayed.
Procurement Help
Job Schedules
3. To change the Name value, click in the text box, and type text or numbers to
create a unique name for the job.
4. To change the Next Launch Date/Time (GMT) value, click in the drop-down
menus, and select values for:
Hour (24-hour clock, GMT)
5. To change the Frequency value:
Click in the text box, and type a whole number for the time interval at which
the job should run.
Click to the right of the drop-down menu, and select the applicable time
unit, for example: hours or minutes.
6. To change the Recovery Priority value:
Click in a check box to set the item (a check mark is displayed in the box).
If this is checked and a job is missed because of Procurement application
downtime, the job is run immediately after the Procurement application has
been restarted, click in a check box a second time to clear the item (the check
mark is removed from the box
7. Click [Save] to apply the edited parameters to the selected Scheduled Job.
8. When you have completed editing:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Scheduler Job Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Create a New Scheduled Job
To create a new Scheduled Job:
1. Click New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window.
The browser displays the Edit Scheduler Job form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
2. This form includes a list of configuration parameter prompts followed by
empty text boxes.
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Job Schedules
3. To add a Name value, click in the text box, and type text or numbers to create a
unique name for the job.
4. To add a Next Launch Date/Time (GMT), click to the right of the drop-down
menus, and select values for:
Hour (24-hour clock, GMT)
5. To add a Frequency value:
Click in the text box, and type a whole number for the time interval at which
the job should run.
Click in the drop-down menu, and select the applicable time unit, for
example: hours or minutes.
6. To add a Recovery Priority value:
Click in a check box to set the item (a check mark is displayed in the box).
If this is checked and a job is missed because of Procurement application
downtime, the job is run immediately after the Procurement application has
been restarted.
Click in a check box a second time to clear the item (the check mark is
removed from the box.)
7. Click [Save] to apply the parameters to the new Scheduled Job.
8. When you have completed creating Scheduled Jobs:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Scheduler Job Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Start and Stop Scheduler Jobs
Click the Start or Halt job icons.
Procurement Help
Job Schedules
Create a New Data Sync Association
To create a new association between a Data Synchronization item and a scheduled
1. Click the Associate icon, to the right of any Scheduled Job name in the table.
The browser displays the Associate Data Syncs for < Scheduled Job Name >
form on the right-hand side of the Integration Administration application
This form displays a list box containing all available Data Synchronization
2. In the Associate Data Syncs for < Scheduled Job Name > form list box:
Click on one or more Data Synchronization item names. Selected Data
Synchronization item names are highlighted.
Click Select All Data Syncs. All Data Synchronization item names in the list
are highlighted.
Click Unselect All Data Syncs. Highlighting is removed from any
highlighted Data Synchronization item names.
3. Click [Save] to confirm the association of the selected Data Synchronization
items with the selected Scheduled Job.
4. When you have completed assigning Scheduled Jobs systems:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Scheduler Job Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
View the Scheduler Job Log
To view a record of Scheduled Job performance:
1. Click the Log icon, to the right of any item in the table.
The browser displays a table of:
Date and time of Scheduled Job run.
Description of the Scheduled Job and completion success.
2. Click [Close] when you have finished viewing the log.
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Data Mapping
Data Mapping
You use Data Mapping Items to create additional fields not standardly available in
the Procurement application, but required by the Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system:
Search for a Data Mapping Item
Edit a Data Mapping Item
Create a New Data Mapping Item
View Data Mapping Item Details
The Integration Administration application allows you to visually set up a Data
Mapping element and configure Buying Organization parameters.
If you have Administrator privilege, Start EBI Administration:
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
1. Click Data Mapping items.
The browser displays the Data Mapping Configuration Form on the right-hand
side of the page.
2. Click New to create a new parameter value.
3. Click Search to view a list of parameters, their current values and, if necessary,
edit them.
4. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Search for a Data Mapping Item
To locate an item to be viewed, edited or deleted:
1. Click Search, on the left-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
The browser displays the Search Mapping Items form on the right-hand side of
the Integration Administration application page.
2. Click in the Enter partial mapping items names text box, and type your search
criteria, which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all Data
Mapping Items matching your search criteria:
Procurement Help
Data Mapping
Name of the Data Mapping Item.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Edit a Data Mapping item
Delete an item
View details
Edit a Data Mapping Item
To edit a Data Mapping item from the displayed table:
1. Click the Edit icon, to the right of any item name in the table.
The browser displays the Edit Mapping form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
This form includes, for the selected item, a list of configuration information
prompts followed by text boxes with the current value displayed.
2. To change the Name value, click in the text box, and type text or numbers to
create a unique name for the Data Mapping item.
3. To change the Select Procurement Table value, click in the drop-down menu,
and select a table name from the Procurement application, to be mapped to the
ERP system.
4. Click [Get Fields] to populate the Select Key Field and Select the Description
field drop-down menus from your selected Procurement Table.
5. To change the Select Key Field value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a
field name that needs to be mapped to the ERP system.
NOTE: This should generally be the Primary Key of the table. For example, you
would select UOMID for UOM, or SupplierID if the Procurement application
table is Supplier.
6. To change the Select the description field value, click to the right of the drop-
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Data Mapping
down menu, and select a field name description.
This helps in setting up the mappings because many values in the Key Field are
numeric (being primary key) and do not give much information about the
contained data. For example, for UOM you may select BuyerDesc, or for
Supplier you may select Name.
7. To change the optional Alias for the key field value, click in the text box, and
type an alias for the value in the Select Key Field.
8. To change the Mapped Field Name value, click in the text box, and type the
name of the ERP Field to be mapped to the Procurement application.
9. The Associate ERP with this item field is required.
To change this value, click in the drop-down menu, and select from a list of
available ERP systems to be associated with this Data Mapping item.
10. Click [Save] to apply the edited configuration parameters to the selected Data
Mapping item.
11. When you have completed editing:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Data Mapping Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Create a New Data Mapping Item
To create a new Data Mapping item:
1. Click New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window.
The browser displays the Edit Mapping form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
This form includes, for the selected item, a list of configuration information
prompts followed by text boxes with the current value displayed.
2. To add a Name value, click in the text box, and type text or numbers to create a
unique name for the Data Mapping item.
3. To add a Select EBD Table value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a
table name from the Procurement application, to be mapped to the ERP
4. Click [Get Fields] to populate the Select Key Field and Select the description
field drop-down menus from your selected EBD Table.
5. To add a Select Key Field value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a field
name that needs to be mapped to the ERP system.
Procurement Help
Data Mapping
This should generally be the Primary Key of the table. For example, you would
select UOMID for UOM, or SupplierID if the Procurement application table is
6. To add a Select the description field value, click to the right of the drop-down
menu, and select a field name description.
This helps in setting up the mappings because many values in the Key Field are
numeric (being primary key) and do not give much information about the
contained data. For example, for UOM you may select BuyerDesc, or for
Supplier you may select Name.
7. To add an optional Alias for the key field value, click in the text box, and type
an alias for the value in the Select Key Field.
8. To add a Mapped Field Name value, click in the text box, and type the name of
the ERP Field to be mapped to the Procurement application.
9. The Associate ERP with this item field is required.
To add this value, click in the drop-down menu, and select from a list of
available ERP systems to be associated with this Data Mapping item.
10. Click [Save] to apply the configuration parameters to the new Data Mapping
11. When you have completed creating new Data Mapping Items:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Data Mapping Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
View Data Mapping Item Details
To view and edit details of a Data Mapping Item:
1. Click the Details icon, to the right of any item name in the table.
The browser displays the Search Mapping Details < Data Mapping Item Name
> form containing a list
2. Click in the Enter partial values for BORGNAME text box, and type your
search criteria, which may be all or part of a name, withWild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all
matching Procurement application EBD Key Values and EBD Description
Fields with blank text boxes for mapped ERP values.
4. To select a row in the table to be mapped:
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Flexible User Interface
Click in a check box (at the left-hand side of the row) to set the item (a
check mark is displayed in the box).
Click in a check box a second time to clear the item (the check mark is
removed from the box).
Click in the check box at the left-hand side of the top-most title row to select
all rows.
5. Type an ERP Value in the text box at the top of the table, or click the Search
icon to search for one.
6. Click the Select check mark button to add the ERP Value to all selected rows.
7. When you have completed adding new Data Mapping Item details:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Data Mapping Configuration Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Flexible User Interface
Using the Integration Administration application, you have some control over the
order, look, and feel of the Procurement application Cost Allocation page. You can
customize the screen according to the business Rules for Flexible UI
Configuration and your requirements:
Search for a Flexible UI Item
Edit a Flexible UI Item
Create a New Flexible UI Item
If you have Administrator privilege, Start EBI Administration:
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
1. Click Flexible UI Items.
The browser displays the Flexible User Interface Configuration Form on the
right-hand side of the page.
2. Click New to create a new parameter value.
3. Click Search to view a list of parameters, their current values and, if necessary,
edit them.
4. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Procurement Help
Flexible User Interface
Rules for Flexible UI Configuration
Initially, there is only one element in the Procurement application, called the root
element. The first element to appear in the cost allocation screen should be setup
as a child of the root. If there is a second element that must be displayed on the
same page, becoming a sibling of the first element, it should have the same parent
(or root). The elements in the next page are children of any of the elements above.
The type of user interface elements supported are:
text box
combo box, and
data element (as an option or entry in a combo box)
Each UI element name must match an ERP table name (if not, validation fails)
Each UI element may have only one parent node.
A combo or list box:
May have a text box or a list box entry (character data) as its parent.
May only have character data as its child.
List box entries (character data) may have another list box or text box as a
A text box:
May have another text box and a combo or list box as its child.
May have a text box or a list box entry as its parent.
The text box entries are validated against an ERP ID
The text box name is validated against an ERP table name.
Search for a Flexible UI Item
To locate an item to be viewed, edited or deleted:
1. Click Search, on the left-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
The browser displays the Search Flexible UI Items form on the right-hand side
of the Integration Administration application page.
2. Click in the Enter partial Flexible UI Item Names text box, and type your
search criteria, which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all
Flexible User Interface Items matching your search criteria:
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Flexible User Interface
Name of the Flexible UI item.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the action
represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Edit a Flexible UI item
Delete the item
Edit a Flexible UI Item
To edit a Flexible User Interface item from the displayed table:
1. Click the Edit icon, to the right of any Flexible UI item name in the table.
The browser displays the Edit Flexible UI Item form on the right-hand side of
the Integration Administration application page.
2. This form includes a list of configuration parameter prompts followed by text
boxes with the current value displayed:
Name - A descriptive name for the UI Item that will appear on the Flex UI
Attribute - An optional field name to be sent to the ERP system with the
accounting information. Values are driven by the ERP values, so that you
may only enter values accepted by the ERP adapter. Refer to the adapter
documentation for acceptable values.
Type - The type of User Interface item, which may be:
Start Node
Textbox, or
If the parent is ROOT Node, then the Item Type should be Start Node.
Procurement Help
Associate ERP with this item - Select form a list of available ERP systems.
Associate Data Sync Item for Validation - Select the Data Synchronization
Flexible User Interface
item used to validate the values entered in this UI Item.
Associate Default Item - Select the Cost Allocation Default Item to associate
to the UI element.
Select Parent - Select from a list of all the existing User Interface items to be
parent of the new item.
3. To change the Name value, click in the text box, and type text or numbers to
create a unique name for the item.
4. To change the optional Attribute value, click in the text box, and type text or
numbers to create a unique attribute name.
5. To change the Type value, click in the drop-down menu, and select value the
type of User Interface item.
6. To change the Associate ERP with this item field, click in the drop-down menu,
and select from a list of available ERP systems to be associated with this Data
Synchronization item.
7. To change the Associate Data Sync Item for Validation value, click in the dropdown menu, and select a new value.
8. To change the Associate Default Item value, click in the drop-down menus, and
select a new value.
9. To change the Select Parent value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a
new parent for the User Interface item.
10. Click [Save] to apply the edited parameters to the selected User Interface item.
11. When you have completed editing:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Flexible UI Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Create a New Flexible UI Item
To create a new Flexible User Interface item:
1. Click New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window.
The browser displays the Edit Flexible UI Item form on the right-hand side of
the Integration Administration application page.
2. This form includes a list of configuration parameter prompts followed by
empty text boxes:
Name - A descriptive name for the UI Item that will appear on the Flex UI
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Flexible User Interface
Attribute - An optional field name to be sent to the ERP system with the
accounting information. Values are driven by the ERP values, so that you
may only enter values accepted by the ERP adapter. Refer to the adapter
documentation for acceptable values.
Type - The type of User Interface item, which may be:
Start Node
Textbox, or
If the parent is ROOT Node, then the Item Type should be Start Node.
Associate ERP with this item - Select from a list of available ERP systems.
Associate Data Sync Item for Validation - Select the Data Synchronization
item used to validate the values entered in this UI Item.
Associate Default Item - Select the Cost Allocation Default Item to associate
to the UI element.
Select Parent - Select from a list of all the existing User Interface items to be
parent of the new item.
3. To add a Name value, click in the text box, and type text or numbers to create a
unique name for the item.
4. To add an optional Attribute value, click in the text box, and type text or
numbers to create a unique attribute name.
5. To add a Type value, click in the drop-down menu, and select value the type of
User Interface item.
6. To add an Associate ERP with this item field, click in the drop-down menu,
and select from a list of available ERP systems to be associated with this Data
Synchronization item.
7. To add an Associate Data Sync Item for Validation value, click in the dropdown menu, and select a new value.
8. To add an Associate Default Item value, click in the drop-down menus, and
select a new value.
9. To add a Select Parent value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a new
parent for the User Interface item.
10. Click [Save] to apply the parameters to the new User Interface item.
11. When you have completed creating new Flexible User Interface items:
Procurement Help
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Flexible UI Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Cost Allocation
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Cost Allocation
Using the Integration Administration application, you have some control over the
methods and permitted cost centers used in the Procurement application Cost
Allocation page:
Search for a Default Item
Edit a Default Item
Create a Default Item
View Cost Allocation Default Item Details
If you have Administrator privilege, Start EBI Administration:
The browser displays the Integration Administration application page.
1. Click Cost Allocation Default Items.
The browser displays the Cost Allocation Default Configuration Form on the righthand side of the page.
2. Click New to create a new parameter value.
3. Click Search to view a list of parameters, their current values and, if necessary,
edit them.
4. Click Help with Search to view more information about setting up search
criteria and using Wild Card Characters.
5. Click Home to re-display the Procurement Home Page.
Search for a Default Item
To locate an item to be viewed, edited or deleted:
1. Click Search, on the left-hand side of the Integration Administration
application page.
The browser displays the Search Default Items form on the right-hand side of
the Integration Administration application page.
2. Click in the Enter partial Default Item Names text box, and type your search
criteria, which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all Cost
Allocation Default Items matching your search criteria:
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Cost Allocation
Name of the Cost Allocation Default item.
Click an icon to perform various actions on the selected
If you mouse-over an icon, the browser displays a
tool tip containing a few words explaining the
action represented by the icon.
If an Action is not available in any situation, its
Action icon is not displayed.
Actions include:
Edit a Default item
Delete the item
View details
Edit a Default Item
To edit a Default item from the displayed table:
1. Click the Edit icon, to the right of any Default item name in the table.
The browser displays the Edit Default form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
2. This form includes a list of configuration parameter prompts followed by text
boxes with the current value displayed.
3. To change the Name value, click in the text box, and type text or numbers to
create a unique name for the item.
4. To change the Select EBD Table value, click in the drop-down menu, and select
a table name from the Procurement application, to be mapped to the ERP
5. Click [Get Fields] to populate the Select Key Field and Select the description
field drop-down menus from your selected EBD Table.
6. To change the Select Key Field value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a
field name that needs to be mapped to the ERP system.
This should generally be the Primary Key of the table. For example, you would
select UOMID for UOM, or SupplierID if the Procurement application table is
7. To change the Select the description field value, click in the drop-down menu,
and select a field name description.
Procurement Help
Cost Allocation
This helps in setting up the mappings because many values in the Key Field are
numeric (being primary key) and do not give much information about the
contained data. For example, for UOM you may select BuyerDesc, or for
Supplier you may select Name.
8. To change the optional Alias for the key field value:
Click in the text box, and type an alias for the value in the Select Key Field.
9. To change the Default Class Handler Name value, click in the drop-down
menu, and select a value from:
Borg Defaulting
- This method is used for defaulting based on Buying Organization
- It allows you to set defaults for parent Buying Organizations, or anywhere
else in the hierarchy.
- The defaults you set are imposed on all children, unless a child is explicitly
defaulted itself.
Commodity Defaulting
- This method is used for defaulting based on Commodity hierarchy.
- It allows you to set defaults for parent Commodities, or anywhere else in
the hierarchy.
- The defaults you set are imposed on all children, unless a child is explicitly
defaulted itself.
Standard Defaulting
- This method is used for standard defaulting situations when hierarchy is
not used in the default lookup.
- If a Procurement application Table value is not assigned a default, a
lookup will not return a default value.
10. To change the Associate ERP with this item field, click in the drop-down
menu, and select from a list of available ERP systems to be associated with this
Cost Allocation Default item.
11. Click [Save] to apply the edited parameters to the selected Cost Allocation
Default item.
12. When you have completed editing:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Default Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Cost Allocation
Create a Default Item
To create a new Cost Allocation Default item:
1. Click New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window.
The browser displays the Edit Default form on the right-hand side of the
Integration Administration application page.
2. This form includes a list of configuration parameter prompts followed by
empty text boxes.
3. To add a Name value:
Click in the text box, and type text or numbers to create a unique name for
the item.
4. To add a Select EBD Table value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a
table name from the Procurement application, to be mapped to the ERP
5. Click [Get Fields] to populate the Select Key Field and Select the description
field drop-down menus from your selected EBD Table.
6. To add a Select Key Field value, click in the drop-down menu, and select a field
name that needs to be mapped to the ERP system.
This should generally be the Primary Key of the table. For example, you would
select UOMID for UOM, or SupplierID | if the Procurement application table is
7. To add a Select the description field value, click in the drop-down menu, and
select a field name description.
This helps in setting up the mappings because many values in the Key Field are
numeric (being primary key) and do not give much information about the
contained data. For example, for UOM you may select BuyerDesc, or for
Supplier you may select Name.
8. To add an optional Alias for the key field value:
Click in the text box, and type an alias for the value in the Select Key Field.
9. To add a Default Class Handler Name value, click to the right of the drop-down
menu, and select a value from:
Borg Defaulting
- This method is used for defaulting based on Buying Organization
- It allows you to set defaults for parent Buying Organizations, or anywhere
else in the hierarchy.
- The defaults you set are imposed on all children, unless a child is explicitly
defaulted itself.
Procurement Help
Commodity Defaulting
Cost Allocation
- This method is used for defaulting based on Commodity hierarchy.
- It allows you to set defaults for parent Commodities, or anywhere else in
the hierarchy.
- The defaults you set are imposed on all children, unless a child is explicitly
defaulted itself.
Standard Defaulting
- This method is used for standard defaulting situations when hierarchy is
not used in the default lookup.
- If a Procurement application Table value is not assigned a default, a
lookup will not return a default value.To add an Associate ERP with this
item value, click to the right of the drop-down menu, and select from a list
of available ERP systems to be associated with this Cost Allocation Default
10. Click [Save] to apply the parameters to the new Cost Allocation Default item.
11. When you have completed creating Default items:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Default Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
View Cost Allocation Default Item Details
To view and edit details of a Cost Allocation Default Item:
1. Click the Details icon, to the right of any item name in the table.
The browser displays the Search Mapping Details < Cost Allocation Default
Item Name > form containing a list
2. Click in the Enter partial values for BorgName text box, and type your search
criteria, which may be all or part of a name, with Wild Card Characters.
3. Click Go.
The Procurement application searches and displays a table containing all
matching Procurement application EBD Key Values and EBD Description
Fields with blank text boxes for mapped ERP values.
4. To select a row in the table to be mapped:
Click in a check box (at the left-hand side of the row) to set the item (a
check mark is displayed in the box).
Click in a check box a second time to clear the item (the check mark is
removed from the box).
Enterprise Backend Integration Administration
Help with Search
Click in the check box at the left-hand side of the top-most title row to select
all rows.
5. Type an ERP Value in the text box at the top of the table, or click the Search
icon to search for one.
6. Click the Select check mark button to add the ERP Value to all selected rows.
7. When you have completed adding new Cost Allocation Default Item details:
Click Search or New, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to take
other actions using the Edit Default Form.
Click the name of a parameter in the left-hand side menu, to take other
Integration Administration actions.
Click Home, in the left-hand frame of the browser window, to return to the
Procurement Home Page.
Help with Search
On any page of the Integration Administration application, you can use Search to
view a list of available values of the item to be configured.
To perform a search:
1. Click in the Enter partial < search item > Names by text box, and type any you
can type any combination of text, numeric characters and Wild Card
The Procurement application searches for any value beginning with the entry.
For example:
The entries 4-3 and 4-3* will both return the values: 4-3, 4-3a, 4-300, 43000 and so on.
The entry 4*-3 will return the values: 4-3, 4123-3, 4A-3 and so on.
The Procurement application displays a Results table of all matching values
with icons indicating what actions you can perform on the item.
2. Click an Action icon beside the value you want to edit, delete, start, schedule,
and so on.
Procurement Help
Purchase Order Choreography
This document discusses in detail the choreography of various purchase order use
The purpose of this document is to describe the Purchase Order choreography
supported in Procurement. The choreography described is between the buyer and
the supplier. The buyer would be using Procurement and the supplier may be
using Supply Order or any other xCBL based Order Management system (i.e
integrated supplier).
In general, there are several interactions a buyer may have with a supplier
regarding the exchange of Purchase Order information. These interactions
include the buyer sending an order and the supplier sending an order response.
In fact, the supplier can send several responses to the same order. Also, the buyer
may cancel the order and the supplier either accepts or rejects the cancel. In
addition, either party may initiate a change to the order. Although this isn’t the
complete list of interactions, it does highlight the many possibilities.
Because of the large variety of business scenarios surrounding the exchange of
order information it is important to detail which scenarios are supported by
Procurement. Also, this document does touch on how Procurement supports
these business scenarios. By knowing the basics of how a scenario is supported it
will be easier to estimate the effort required should additional scenarios be
requested or existing ones either modified or taken away.
Scope of Document
This document is limited to Purchase Orders, including Change Orders. It does
not attempt to describe ASN, Invoice or any other Supplier Relationship
Management choreography. In addition, this document does not include optional
EBI events intermingled within Order and Change Order.
The choreography supported in Procurement and documented here is based on
Procurement 5.6 Service Pack 2.
Purchase Order Choreography
Choreography Constructs
Reference Documents
EBD Change Order Technical Design Specification, Kam-Hon Ng, Aron
Clymer, 4/2001
Procurement 5.x Supplier Update Confirmation, Kam-Hon Ng, 12/2002
Choreography Constructs
A few pieces of information regarding how order responses from the supplier are
handled by Procurement will help us better understand the business scenarios
that are supported and provide some insight into how the information exchange
Receiving Order Responses
When a response to an order is sent from the supplier to the Procurement based
buyer, it is in the form of an xCBL Order Response document. The buyer’s XPC
service receives the xCBL Order Response and hands it off to Procurement for
processing. However, if the Order Response received by XPC is not in the
expected version of xCBL, XPC’s version library will be invoked by XPC to
transform the document to the expected version.
Procurement expects xCBL documents delivered by XPC be in the xCBL 3.5
version. Therefore, the order response processing code in Procurement is based,
specifically, on the xCBL 3.5 Order Response document.
For more information on xCBL, please go to
Order Response xCBL Mapping
Response Type Code
In the xCBL 3.5 Order Response document sent back by the supplier, the header
level Response Type Code element is required. The value provided by the supplier
is checked against the following table to determine the appropriate supplier action
to use for Procurement’s processing of the order response. If the value of “Other”
is used for the Response Type Code then the description for “Other” will be used in
the lookup.
There are a few cases when Procurement is unable to process the order response
as a result of the specified Response Type Code value. Specifically, if the value is
“Other” and the description for other is missing, if the value is not found in the
following table or, finally, if the Supplier Action maps to Unsupported. In each
one of these cases an XPC error document will be sent to the supplier.
Response Type Code
Supplier Action
Order Status
Accepted As Is
Procurement Help
Choreography Constructs
Accepted With Changes
Accepted With Changes
Accepted With Changes
Accepted With Changes
Accepted With Changes
Accepted As Is
Accepted As Is
Accepted With Changes
No Status
Accepted With Changes
No Status
No Status
No Status
Accepted As Is
Accepted As Is
Accepted With Changes
Accepted As Is
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
Accepted With Changes
No Status
No Status
Accepted With Changes
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
Purchase Order Choreography
Choreography Constructs
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
Accepted With Changes
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
No Status
No Status
Procurement Help
Choreography Constructs
No Status
Not Accepted
Not Accepted
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
No Status
Order Status
In the xCBL 3.5 Order Response document sent back by the supplier, the header
level Order Status element is optional. However, Procurement does require an
order to have an Order (Supplier) Status, as can be seen on the Order Status
screen and elsewhere. Therefore, even if the supplier does not specify one in the
Order Response document, Procurement will ensure an order has an order status.
The logic Procurement uses to determine an order’s status is as follows. When an
order is first created the status is set to No Status. After a supplier sends a
response to the order the order status will be whatever the supplier provides.
However, if the optional Order Status element is not present, then the status will
be looked-up in the Response Type Code table above using the Response Type
Code value in the search.
For instance, if the supplier does not provide an order status and the Response
Type Code is AcceptedWithoutAmendment then the order status will be Accepted.
Purpose Code
In analyzing the order choreography between xCBL based buyers and suppliers
one could expect the required Purpose element in the xCBL 3.5 Order Response
document to have a part to play. In fact, for Procurement it does not and is
mentioned here specifically to avoid ambiguity.
The Purpose element is not used by Procurement. Because it is a required
element suppliers will typically put Original for the purpose code. However,
regardless of what the supplier enters here it is ignored by Procurement.
Change Order Support
The buyer and supplier trading partners, before doing business, should decide
whether or not Change Order is supported. If either party initiates a change order
and the other party does not support change order then a negative impact to the
business may result.
Once the agreement is made between trading partners, the Procurement
Administrator should configure the Supports Change Requests option for the
supplier, accordingly. With Change Order disabled for the supplier, the buyer
may not request a change or cancel the order.
Purchase Order Choreography
Choreography Constructs
Procurement users may also be restricted from issuing change requests or cancel
orders based on the application privileges assigned to the users. Procurement
users are assigned to Administrator defined roles. Roles are simply a set of
predefined privileges. Furthermore, Create Change Order and Cancel Order are
two Order related privileges that may be added to a role. Therefore, a user will
only be able to take the Create Change Request or Cancel Order actions if the user
is assigned to a role that has these privileges.
Supplier Update Confirmation
In some cases, as seen below in the Business Scenario section, the Procurement
application will automatically send a change order to the supplier. This section
will detail when that happens and how it is decided that a change order should be
automatically issued.
The only time Procurement will consider automatically issuing a change order to
the supplier is when the supplier initiates a change request. The supplier initiates
a change request via an order response that has changes to the order. In this case,
Procurement may send a confirmation of the accepted changes to the supplier.
The confirmation is a change order with the supplier changes applied to the latest
accepted order.
Three conditions must be met before Procurement will automatically issue a
change order in response to a supplier update. First, the buyer must accept the
changes either via the Order Tolerance service or manually via Procurement’s
order screens. Secondly, the order status for the order response is either
“AcceptedWithChanges” or “ChangeOrder”. Lastly, the ConfirmChange EBO
application setting must be enabled (which is by default).
Procurement Help
Choreography Constructs
Order State Diagram
T:Ready to Send
O:No Status
S:No Status
P:No Status
R:No Status
O:No Status
S:No Status
P:No Status
R:No Status
B = POStatus (Buyer)
T = Transmit Status
O = Order Status (Supplier)
S = Shipment Status (Supplier)
P = Payment Status (Supplier)
R = Receive Status (Buyer)
B:Emailed/Faxed To
Supplier or Order Printed
T:Sent To Email/Fax/Printer
O:No Status
S:No Status
P:No Status
R:No Status
B:Waiting for Response
T:Send to MarketSite
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
Cancel PO
B:Invalid Data
T:Invalid Data
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
B:Cancelled By Buyer
T:Failed to Supplier
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
B:(No change)
T:(No change)
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:Fully Received
B:Supplier Process Failed
T:Failed to Supplier
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
Order Response **
B:Supplier Update Received
T:Send to Supplier
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
B:Rejected By Supplier (for PO)
B:Change Rejected (for CO)
T:Send to Supplier
O:Whatever provided by supplier*
S:Whatever provided by supplier*
P:Whatever provided by supplier*
R:No Status
Not Accepted
Accepted As Is,
B:Accepted By Supplier
T:Send to Supplier
O:Whatever provided by supplier
S:Whatever provided by supplier
P:Whatever provided by supplier
R:No Status
Cancel PO
B:Pending Action
T:Send to Supplier
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
Change Order
B:Change Pending
T:Send to Supplier
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
Cancel PO
Reject by
Request a Change
B:Change Pending
T:Send to Supplier
O:(No change)
S:(No change)
P:(No change)
R:No Status
* No change of
O,S,P status for
Supplier Not Accepted Change/Cancel
the Cancel Request
Supplier Accepted
the Cancel Request
B:Cancelled By Buyer
T:Send to Supplier
O:Whatever provided by supplier
S:Whatever provided by supplier
P:Whatever provided by supplier
R:No Status
** The supplier may send multiple Order Responses for the same order.
Purchase Order Choreography
Supported Choreographies
This Order state diagram gives an in-depth look at the state transitions that take
place within Procurement in response to Order choreography events. It all starts
when a Shopping Cart is submitted (or passed final approval if approval is
required) and one or more orders, as determined by the Shopping Cart split rules,
are created. Each order begins with a Buyer Status of Approved, Supplier Status
of No Status and a Transmission Status of Ready To Send.
After an order is created it is dispatched to a supplier contact via email, an internal
contact via email, to FAX or to MarketSite. The dispatch method is configurable
for each supplier at the buying organization level. Once the order is dispatched, it
may take several different paths depending on the subsequent buyer and supplier
actions. The Supported Choreographies and Business Scenarios sections of this
document are dedicated to describing the valid state transitions.
Supported Choreographies
The choreographies supported by Procurement can be broken down into two
categories. Namely, Order and Change Order. This section details the supported
choreographies within each of these two categories.
A comment on the documentation convention: M = Mandatory; MC =
Conditionally Mandatory and O = Optional.
Order No Response
Order (M)
Order is implicit ly accept ed by the
Supplier. This is the case for orders
dispatched via email, fax or print.
Procurement Help
Supported Choreographies
This choreography allows for a buyer to send an order message to the supplier
with no order response message returned by the supplier. The supplier implicitly
accepts the order. This choreography is used for orders dispatched via email, fax
or print.
Order Multiple Responses
Order (M)
If the Order is dispatched via
MarketSite, then Procurement
expects at least one Order
Response from the Supplier.
Order Response (M)
The supplier may send
1..n Order Responses.
This choreography allows for a buyer to send an order message to the supplier and
the supplier returns at least one order response message. The supplier can send
additional order response messages if needed to update information regarding the
Purchase Order Choreography
Supported Choreographies
Change Order
Order (M)
An optional cancel order
request in the form of a
Change Order message.
Change Order (O)
The supplier must respond
to a change order.
Change OR (MC)
Order Response (MC)
Either a change to the
order, a cancel order
request or a confirmation
to the supplier's changes.
This may be a repeating
sequence of messages
until the order is fully
received by the buyer,
rejected by the supplier
or canceled by the
buyer with an accept
from the supplier.
The supplier may accept
as is, reject or accept
with changes.
Additional responses may
be sent as long as the
previous one was accept
as is and the buyer has
not sent a change order.
Change Order (O, MC)
Change OR (MC)
Order Response (O)
The supplier may accept as
is, reject or accept with
An accept with changes
requires a buyer change
Additional responses may
be sent as long as the
previous one was accept as
is and the buyer has not
sent a change order.
This choreography allows for a buyer to send an order and for the order to later be
canceled or changed. Once the buyer has sent the order to the supplier, the buyer
may cancel the order. The supplier must respond once and only once to this
optional cancel request. If the supplier accepts the cancel then the order has
reached a final state. However, if the supplier rejects the cancel or the buyer did
not send a cancel request, then the supplier must send at least one response the
original order.
Procurement Help
Supported Choreographies
At this point, the supplier may send multiple responses to the order. The
conditions to be met for the supplier to send a second or more order response are
first, the previous order response must have had a buyer mapped response type
code of accepted as is and secondly, the buyer has not sent a change order. The
supplier may not send a response to the order when a response to a change order
is pending. If the supplier rejects the order then the order has reached a final
The buyer may initiate a change order only after a positive response is received
from the supplier. In addition, the buyer submitting a change request is optional.
However, if the supplier’s latest order response was a change to the order then the
buyer is required to send a change order. This conditionally mandatory change
order on the part of the buyer is necessary in order to accept, reject or modify the
supplier’s changes. Furthermore, the supplier may not issue another order
response until the buyer responds to the supplier’s changes.
Instead of being a change to the order, the buyer initiated change order may
actually be a cancel request in the form of a change order message. In either case,
if a change order is sent to the supplier then the supplier is required to send an
order response to the change. The order is still valid if the supplier rejects a
change or cancel.
At this point, the supplier may again send multiple responses to the order. The
same conditions are true as before, namely, the last order response must have had
a buyer-mapped response type code of accepted as is and the buyer has not sent a
change order. In addition, the supplier may not send a response to the order
when a response to a change order is pending.
A change order by the buyer or additional order responses from the supplier is
possible until the order is fully received by the buyer, rejected by the supplier or
canceled by the buyer with an accept from the supplier. Once the order reaches
one of these final states the buyer will ignore additional order responses sent by
the supplier.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Business Scenarios
Order By Email/Fax/Print
Purchas er
Order is implicitly accepted by the
Supplier. This is the case for orders
dispatched via email, fax or print.
Creat e Order
Description: An order is created by the Purchaser and sent to the supplier. In
this case, the order could have been dispatched to the supplier via email, fax or
print. Print is actually an email sent to an internal contact as apposed to a
supplier contact.
1. SMTP service is working, print and supplier contacts are valid and fax server is
2. Dispatch method is not MarketSite.
1. Buyer Status in Procurement is Emailed/Faxed to Supplier or Order Printed.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is No Status.
3. The next available action for the order is to receive goods.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is dispatched via email, fax or print by Procurement.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
3. Supplier receives the order.
Order Accepted By Supplier
Create Order
Order Response
Supplier accepts
the order as is.
Description: The supplier accepts an order sent by the buyer and sends back
an order response. Additional actions may be taken on the order after the
response is received by Procurement. If the Supplier supports change requests
then the buyer may request a change, cancel the order or receive goods.
Otherwise, the buyer may just receive goods. Likewise, the supplier may send
additional order responses to inform the buyer of a status change, to reject the
order or even to change the order. In this scenario, however, both buyer and
supplier leave the order as Accepted.
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
1. Buyer Status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
The order is sent to the supplier.
Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
Order Accepted Again By Supplier
Create Order
Order Response
The response type code
maps to Accepted As Is
again, however, this time the
order status is Accpeted.
Procurement Help
Order Response
Supplier accepts the
order but puts the order
status to Processing.
Business Scenarios
Description: Often times a supplier sends back multiple order responses to
the same order. In this scenario, the supplier sends back an order response with a
response type code that maps to Accepted As Is and an order status of Processing.
Then, later on, the supplier sends back a second order response with a response
type code that again maps to Accepted As Is. However, this time the order status
is Accepted. So, the supplier used the second order response to essentially inform
the buyer of a status change while the order itself (part, quantity, price, etc) was
not changed by the supplier.
This scenario could have just as well been a case where the supplier sets the
response type code and order status to Accepted for both order responses. In the
second order response, the shipping status could have changed from Not Yet
Shipped to Delivered.
The point to be made here is that the supplier may keep sending order responses
with a response type code that maps to Accepted As Is and Procurement will keep
processing these responses with a buyer status of Accepted By Supplier. The order
(Supplier) status for the order in Procurement is simply whatever status the
supplier provides.
After Procurement process each response with a response type code that maps to
Accepted As Is, the same set of available actions will be accessible to the buyer as
are in the scenario Accepted By Supplier above.
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
1. Buyer Status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response with an order
status of Processing.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
4. Supplier sends back a second order response with a response type code that
maps to Accepted As Is and an order status of Accepted.
Order Rejected By Supplier
Create Order
Order Respons e
Supplier rejects
the order.
Description: The supplier rejects an Order sent by the buyer and sends back an
Order Response. The buyer is not allowed to take any further action on a supplierrejected order. Furthermore, Procurement will ignore any subsequent supplier
updates (i.e. order responses) to this order.
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Rejected By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
3. The buyer may not take additional action on the order.
4. The buyer will ignore any subsequent supplier updates to this order.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier rejects the order and sends back an order response.
Order Accepted Then Rejected By Supplier
Create Order
Order Response
Supplier accepts
the order as is.
Order Response
Supplier rejects
the order.
Description: The supplier accepts an order sent by the buyer and sends back
an order response. Later, the supplier rejects the order and sends back another
order response. The buyer is not allowed to take any further action on a supplierrejected order. Furthermore, Procurement will ignore any subsequent supplier
updates (i.e. order responses) to this order.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Although this scenario is not likely it is shown here because it is possible.
However, the second order response that rejects the order will only be processed
by Procurement if the order is not fully received by the buyer. If the receive status
is Fully Received then Procurement will ignore the order response.
As is the case for the Order Rejected By Supplier scenario above, the buyer is not
allowed to take any further action once a supplier rejects the order.
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Rejected By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
3. The buyer may not take additional action on the order.
4. The buyer will ignore any subsequent supplier updates to this order.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
4. Supplier sends back a second order response with a response type code that
maps to Not Accepted.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Cancel Order Before Response Accepted By Supplier
Create Order
Cancel Order
Change Order
Buyer sends a cancel order
in the form of an xCBL
Change Order document.
Change OR
Supplier accepts
the cancel order.
Description: The buyer sends an order to the supplier. Before the supplier
responds, the buyer cancels the order and Procurement sends the cancel request
in a Change Order document. The supplier then accepts the cancel order request
and sends back a change order response.
Once the buyer cancels an order and the supplier accepts, no further action on the
order is allowed.
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Canceled By Buyer.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
3. The buyer may not take additional action on the order.
4. The buyer will ignore any subsequent supplier updates to this order.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. The Purchaser cancels the order.
4. A cancel request in the form of an xCBL Change Order document is sent to the
5. The supplier accepts the cancel request and sends back a change order
response to the buyer.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Cancel Order Before Response Rejected By Supplier
Create Order
Cancel Order
Change Order
Buyer sends a cancel order
in the form of an xCBL
Change Order document.
Supplier rejects
the cancel order.
Change OR
Supplier must
send a response.
Order Response
Supplier accepts
the order.
Description: The buyer sends an order to the supplier. Before the supplier
responds, the buyer cancels the order and Procurement sends the cancel request
in a Change Order document. The supplier then rejects the cancel order request.
Therefore, the supplier must still respond to the original order. So, in this case,
the supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
After the cancel request is rejected and the order is accepted, the buyer may then
take the same actions as in the Order Accepted By Supplier case above. In this
scenario, however, both buyer and supplier leave the order as Accepted.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. The Purchaser cancels the order.
4. A cancel request in the form of an xCBL Change Order document is sent to the
5. Supplier rejects the cancel request and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
6. Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Cancel Order After Response Accepted By Supplier
Creat e Order
Order Response
Supplier accepts
the order.
Cancel Order
Change Order
Buyer sends a cancel order
in the form of an xCBL
Change Order document.
Change OR
Supplier accepts
the cancel order.
Description: The supplier accepts an order sent by the buyer and sends back
an order response. Then the buyer cancels the order and Procurement sends the
cancel request in a change order document to the supplier. The supplier accepts
the cancel request and sends back a change order response to the buyer.
Once the buyer cancels an order and the supplier accepts, no further action on the
order is allowed.
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Canceled By Buyer.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
3. The buyer may not take additional action on the order.
4. The buyer will ignore any subsequent supplier updates to this order.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
4. Purchaser cancels the order
5. A cancel request in the form of an xCBL Change Order document is sent to the
6. Supplier accepts the cancel request and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Supplier Change Accepted By Buyer
Order Tolerance
Create Order
Supplier acc epts
with changes.
Order Response
Order Response
Accept Change
Change Order
A CO is automatically sent by
Procurement if the supplier update
passes tolerence checking or
tolerance checking is not enabled
for the buying organziation.
Change OR
Supplier accepts
the change order.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Description: An order is created by the Purchaser and sent to the supplier.
The supplier makes changes to the order (ex. price change to one of the items) and
sends back an order response with a response type code that maps to Changed and
an order status of Accepted With Changes.
Shortly after Procurement receives the response to the change order, the Order
Tolerance service processes the response. The service checks the supplier changes
against the tolerance rules setup for the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level. In this case, the changes were within the tolerance levels of
the system. Therefore, the order is updated with the supplier changes.
At this point, after accepting the supplier’s update to the order, if the
ConfirmChange EBO application setting is on (which it is by default),
Procurement will automatically send a change order to the supplier. The change
order is simply a copy of the latest accepted order for the purpose of confirming
the buyer’s acceptance of the supplier’s update.
Finally, the supplier accepts the buyer issued change order. So, the order status
for the buyer is Accepted By Supplier. Therefore, the buyer and supplier may each
take the same actions as in the Order Accepted By Supplier case above. In this
scenario, however, both buyer and supplier leave the order as Accepted.
1. Purchaser
2. Order Tolerance Service
3. Procurement
4. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
3. Tolerance rules are assigned to the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is Accepted.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
3. Supplier makes changes to the order, accepts with changes and sends back an
order response.
4. Procurement sends the order response through the Order Tolerance service to
check the changes.
5. The order response passes the tolerance rules set at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
6. Procurement updates the order with the supplier changes.
7. Procurement sends a change order back to the supplier to confirm the
supplier-initiated changes.
8. Supplier accepts the change order and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Supplier Change Failed Tolerance Accepted By Buyer
Order Tolerance
Create Order
Supplier acc epts
with changes.
Order Response
The supplier changes
failed tolerance checking.
Order Response
Pending Response
Accept Changes
Change Order
Purchaser reviews and
accepts the supplier changes.
Change OR
Supplier accepts
t he change order.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Description: An order is created by the Purchaser and sent to the supplier.
The supplier makes changes to the order (ex. price change to one of the items) and
sends back an order response with a response type code that maps to Changed and
an order status of Accepted With Changes.Shortly after Procurement receives the
response to the change order, the Order Tolerance service processes the response.
The service checks the supplier changes against the tolerance rules setup for the
supplier at the buying organization’s supplier option level. In this case, the
changes were not within the tolerance levels of the system.
At this point, the Purchaser needs to review the supplier changes. The Purchaser
is presented with three options, either accept the changes, reject the changes with
a change to the supplier changes or cancel the order. In this case, the Purchaser
decides to accept the supplier changes. Therefore, the order is updated with the
supplier changes.
After manually accepting the supplier’s update to the order, if the ConfirmChange
EBO application setting is on (which it is by default), Procurement will send a
change order to the supplier. The change order is simply a copy of the latest
accepted order for the purpose of confirming the buyer’s acceptance of the
supplier’s update.
Finally, the supplier accepts the buyer issued change order. So, the order status
for the buyer is Accepted By Supplier. Therefore, the buyer and supplier may each
take the same actions as in the Order Accepted By Supplier case above. In this
scenario, however, both buyer and supplier leave the order as Accepted.
1. Purchaser
2. Order Tolerance Service
3. Procurement
4. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
3. Tolerance rules are assigned to the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is Accepted.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier makes changes to the order, accepts with changes and sends back an
order response.
4. Procurement sends the order response through the Order Tolerance service to
check the changes.
5. The order response fails the tolerance rules set at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
6. Purchaser reviews the supplier changes and accepts them as is.
7. Procurement updates the order with the supplier changes.
8. Procurement sends a change order back to the supplier to confirm the
supplier-initiated changes.
9. Supplier accepts the change order and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Supplier Change Failed Tolerance Rejected By Buyer
Order Tolerance
Create Order
Supplier acc epts
with changes.
The supplier changes
failed tolerance checking.
Order Response
Order Response
Pending Response
Reject Changes
Change Order
Purchaser reviews and rejects
the supplier changes.
Change OR
Supplier accepts
t he change order.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Description: An order is created by the Purchaser and sent to the supplier.
The supplier makes changes to the order (ex. price change to one of the items) and
sends back an order response with a response type code that maps to Changed and
an order status of Accepted With Changes.
Shortly after Procurement receives the response to the change order, the Order
Tolerance service processes the response. The service checks the supplier changes
against the tolerance rules setup for the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level. In this case, the changes were not within the tolerance levels
of the system.
At this point, the Purchaser needs to review the supplier changes. The Purchaser
is presented with three options, either accept the changes, reject the changes with
a change to the supplier changes or cancel the order. In this case, the Purchaser
decides to reject the changes by requesting a change. Procurement will then send
a change order to the supplier.
After the supplier accepts the change order and sends a change order response
back to the buyer, Procurement updates the order with the changes. At this point
the buyer status is Accepted By Supplier. Therefore, the buyer and supplier may
each take the same actions as in the Order Accepted By Supplier case above. In
this scenario, however, both buyer and supplier leave the order as Accepted.
1. Purchaser
2. Order Tolerance Service
3. Procurement
4. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
3. Tolerance rules are assigned to the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is Accepted.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
3. Supplier makes changes to the order, accepts with changes and sends back an
order response.
4. Procurement sends the order response through the Order Tolerance service to
check the changes.
5. The Order Response fails the tolerance rules set at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
6. Purchaser reviews the supplier changes and rejects the changes by requesting a
7. Procurement sends a change order back to the supplier.
8. Supplier accepts the change order and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Supplier Change Failed Tolerance Canceled By Buyer
Order Tolerance
Create Order
Supplier acc epts
with changes.
The supplier changes
failed tolerance checking.
Order Response
Order Response
Pending Response
Reject Changes
Change Order
Purchaser reviews the
supplier changes and
cancels the order.
Change OR
Supplier accepts
t he change order.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Description: An order is created by the Purchaser and sent to the supplier.
The supplier makes changes to the order (ex. price change to one of the items) and
sends back an order response with a response type code that maps to Changed and
an order status of Accepted With Changes.
Shortly after Procurement receives the order response, the Order Tolerance
service processes the response. The service checks the supplier changes against
the tolerance rules setup for the supplier at the buying organization’s supplier
option level. In this case, the changes were not within the tolerance levels of the
At this point, the Purchaser needs to review the supplier changes. The Purchaser
is presented with three options, either accept the changes, reject the changes with
a change to the supplier changes or cancel the order. In this case, the Purchaser
decides to cancel the order. Procurement will then send the cancel request in the
form of a change order document to the supplier.
Once the buyer cancels an order and the supplier accepts, no further action on the
order is allowed.
1. Purchaser
2. Order Tolerance Service
3. Procurement
4. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
3. Tolerance rules are assigned to the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Canceled By Buyer.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided.
3. The buyer may not take additional action on the order.
4. The buyer will ignore any subsequent supplier updates to this order.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier makes changes to the order, accepts with changes and sends back an
order response.
4. Procurement sends the order response through the Order Tolerance service to
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
check the changes.
5. The order response fails the tolerance rules set at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
6. Purchaser reviews the supplier changes and cancels the order.
7. Procurement sends a cancel request in the form of a change order document to
the supplier.
8. Supplier accepts the change order and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Change Order Accepted By Supplier
Create Order
Order Respons e
Supplier accepts
the order.
Change Order
Change Order
Change OR
Supplier accepts
the change order.
Description: The supplier accepts an order sent by the buyer and sends back
an order response. Then the buyer changes the order and Procurement sends the
change order to the supplier. The supplier accepts the change order and sends
back a change order response to the buyer
After the supplier accepts the change order, Procurement updates the order with
the changes. At this point the buyer status is Accepted By Supplier. Therefore, the
buyer and supplier may each take the same actions as in the Order Accepted By
Supplier case above. In this scenario, however, both buyer and supplier leave the
order as Accepted.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is Accepted.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
4. Purchaser creates a change request.
5. The change order is sent to the supplier.
6. Supplier accepts the change request and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
7. Procurement updates the order with the change order information.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Change Order Rejected By Supplier
Create Order
Order Respons e
Supplier accepts
the order.
Change Order
Change Order
Change OR
Supplier rejects
the change order.
Description: The supplier accepts an order sent by the buyer and sends back
an order response. Then the buyer changes the order and Procurement sends the
change order to the supplier. The supplier rejects the change order and sends
back a change order response to the buyer
Because the supplier rejected the change request, not the order itself, the original
order still stands as accepted by the supplier. Therefore, the buyer and supplier
may each take the same actions as in the Order Accepted By Supplier case above.
In this scenario, however, both buyer and supplier leave the order as Accepted.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
1. Purchaser
2. Procurement
3. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Change Rejected.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is whatever status the supplier provided in the
order response (not COR).
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
3. Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
4. Purchaser creates a change request.
5. The change order is sent to the Supplier.
6. Supplier rejects the change request and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Change Order Changed By Supplier
Order Tolerance
Create Order
Order Response
Supplier accepts
the order.
Change Request
Change Order
Supplier accepts
with change.
Change OR
Order Response
Accept Change
Change Order
A CO is automatically sent by
Procurement if the supplier update
passes tolerence checking or
tolerance checking is not enabled
for the buying organziation.
Change OR
Supplier accepts
the change order.
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Description: The supplier accepts an order sent by the buyer and sends back
an order response. Then the buyer changes the order and Procurement sends the
change order to the supplier. The supplier makes changes to the change order and
sends back a change order response with a response type code that maps to
Changed and an order status of Accepted With Changes.
Shortly after Procurement receives the response to the change order, the Order
Tolerance service processes the response. The service checks the supplier changes
against the tolerance rules setup for the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level. In this case, the changes were within the tolerance levels of
the system. Therefore, the order is updated with the change order information.
The update includes the buyer changes on the outgoing change order and the
supplier changes on the response to the change order.
At this point, after accepting the supplier’s update to the change order, if the
ConfirmChange EBO application setting is on (which it is by default),
Procurement will automatically send a change order to the supplier. The change
order is simply a copy of the latest accepted order for the purpose of confirming
the buyer’s acceptance of the supplier’s update.
Finally, the supplier accepts the change order and sends a change order response
back to the buyer.
1. Purchaser
2. Order Tolerance Service
3. Procurement
4. Supplier
1. Supplier dispatch method is MarketSite.
2. The supplier supports change requests.
3. Tolerance rules are assigned to the supplier at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
1. Buyer status in Procurement is Accepted By Supplier.
2. Supplier Status in Procurement is Accepted.
3. The next available buyer actions are: Request a Change, Cancel Order or
4. The next available supplier actions are: Accept, Reject or Change.
Process Steps:
1. Purchaser creates the order.
2. The order is sent to the supplier.
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
3. Supplier accepts the order and sends back an order response.
4. Purchaser creates a change request.
5. The change order is sent to the Supplier.
6. Supplier makes changes to the change order, accepts with changes and sends
back a change order response.
7. Procurement sends the order response through the Order Tolerance service to
check the changes.
8. The order response passes the tolerance rules set at the buying organization’s
supplier option level.
9. Procurement updates the order with the buyer and supplier changes to the
10. Procurement sends a change order back to the supplier to confirm the
11. Supplier accepts the change order and sends back a change order response to
the buyer.
Appendix A – Order Response Ignored
The following listing is an abbreviated version of the EBO database’s POStatus
table. The purpose of the information shown is to specify the order statuses in
which the buyer ignores an order response sent by the supplier.
Procurement will ignore order responses from the supplier for orders in a state
that has the Can_Ignore_Response flag equal to one. However, the Order History
and Transaction History screens will indicate that the buyer ignored the supplier
Canceled By Buyer
No Order Status
Invalid Data
Supplier Process Failed
Waiting for Response
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Supplier Update Received
Pending Action
Rejected By Supplier
Accepted By Supplier
Change Pending
Change Rejected
Confirm Locked (ERP)
Confirm Pending (ERP)
Confirm Submitted (ERP)
Confirm Rejected (ERP)
Send Locked (ERP)
Send Pending (ERP)
Send Submitted (ERP)
Send Rejected (ERP)
Change Locked (ERP)
Change Pending (ERP)
Change Submitted (ERP)
Change Rejected (ERP)
Cancel Locked (ERP)
Cancel Pending (ERP)
Cancel Submitted (ERP)
Cancel Rejected (ERP)
ReConfirm Locked (ERP)
ReConfirm Pending (ERP)
ReConfirm Submitted (ERP)
ReConfirm Rejected (ERP)
Supp Cancel Locked (ERP)
Supp Cancel Pending (ERP)
Supp Cancel Sent (ERP)
Supp Cancel Rejected (ERP)
Procurement Help
Business Scenarios
Emailed to Supplier
Faxed to Supplier
Order Printed
Purchase Order Choreography
Business Scenarios
Procurement Help
In the Archiving Help
The following topics are discussed in this chapter:
Prerequisites for Archiving Orders
Archive Database Records
The purpose of the archiving functionality is to reduce the number of rows in the
Procurement tables which hold the “transactional” data such as Orders and
Shopping Carts. This improves the performance of some screens and reduces the
size of the production or active database. The archiving procedures allow database
administrators to partition the data into one “active” database schema, and one or
more “archive” database schemas, with the guarantee that any particular piece of
transactional data exists only in one of the databases.
The root of the removal logic is the PO table, which holds the Orders. For Orders
which are being removed, all other transactional data (such as Shopping Carts,
Advanced Ship Notices, and Change Requests) associated with those orders will
also be removed.
Prerequisites for Archiving Orders
Procurement only selects an Order for archiving that meets all of the following
The Order has an Order Status of “Closed”
The Create Date of the Order is at least 13 months in the past. The value of
13 months is a minimum, and the Procurement Administrator can set that
value to anything higher than 13 months by changing the appropriate code
in Procurement Admin
The Order was not created from a Blanket Order
Archive Database Records
All other Orders created from the original Shopping Cart meet the previous
three rules
Adjust the Required Age for an Order
To adjust the required “age” of an Order, in Administation’s Application Settings
area, change the “Closed Order” entry in the “Archiving” section.
Close Orders to Enable Archiving
Since Procurement only archives Orders if they are in the “Closed” status,
there is a utility stored procedure, PO_Close_Bulk, which closes Orders if
they meet all of the following rules:
The Order Status is one of the ones where the Can_Receive flag is set to “1”
The Receive Status is set to “Complete”
The most recent Receipt against the Order is older than the number of days
entered in Application Settings, in the entry for “Order Receipt Days” in the
“Closing” section
Archive Database Records
Do not perform archiving while Procurment is processing transactions.
To archive database records:
1. (Optional step) Execute the PO_Close_Bulk stored procedure, using either
SQL Plus or Query Analyzer. The procedure should execute without any errors
or warning messages.
2. Back up the active (current) EBO database.
3. Restore the backup to a new database, thereby creating an archive EBO. Make
certain that this restore happened correctly and that the database is usable and
contains the same data which is in the active EBO database.
4. In the active database, using either SQL Plus or Query Analyzer, run the
Archive_Remove_Old stored procedure. This procedure removes the closed
Orders and other records described in the sections above.
5. In the archive EBO, run the Archive_Remove_New stored procedure. This
procedure removes those Orders (and associated data) which were not
removed from the active EBO by the Archive_Remove_Old stored procedure.
Procurement Help
About the Procurement Application 1
Access Control 18
Access Online Help 2
Account Administration 463
Account Administration Module, In the
Account Administration, Start 463
Account Assignment 126, 168
Account Assignment, Create a New 126,
Account Assignment, Delete 127, 169
Account Assignment, Delete an 127, 169
Account Assignment, Edit an Existing 127,
Account Assignment, Edit Existing 127, 169
Account, Cost Center 544
Account, Cost Center & General Ledger 545
Account, Edit 457
Account, General Ledger 543
Account, New 457
Account, New Supplier 457
Account, Supplier 444
Accounts 444
Accounts, Add Buyer 328
Accounts, Edit Buyer 329
Accounts, Specify Buyer 328
Acrobat Online Document 6
Acrobat Reader 6
Action Icon, View Details 256, 271
Action Icons 30
Add a New Assignment 521
Add a New Contact 332
Add a New Cost Center 336
Add a New ERP 565
Add a New Group 339
Add a New Worker 506
Add a New Worker Approver 509
Add a Project Administrator 517
Add a Reviewer 140
Add a Special Request Item 173
Add Ad-hoc Approvers and Reviewers 553
Add an Approver 163
Add an Approver / Approval Group 139
Add an Item Attachment 164
Add Attachments 162, 262
Add Authorization 215
Add Bill To Address 400
Add Buyer Accounts 328
Add Cost Center 402
Add Custom Report 288
Add Expense Items 263
Add Items to a Change Request 172
Add New Bill To Addresses 321
Add Price Catalog 458
Add Rates to Rate Tables 502
Add Ship To Address 401
Add to Cart 66, 73, 85, 101
Add to Cart, from Blanket Order Release
Add to Favorites 66, 73, 85
Add to Menu 301, 411
Add Users to Buying Organizations 481
Add Users to Contract Labor 479
Add View to Menu 327
Adding Custom Reports 288
Adding Rates Manually 502
Address Tab, Bill To 472
Address Tab, Ship To 468
Address Visibility, Restricting 403
Address Visibility, Restricting Bill To 404
Address Visibility, Restricting Ship To 404
Address, Add Bill To 400
Address, Add Ship To 401
Address, Delete 317
Address, Edit 314
Address, Edit Bill To 474
Address, Edit Ship To 470
Address, New 314
Address, New Bill To 473
Address, New Ship To 469
Address, Order Bill To 115
Address, Order Ship To 114
Address, View 313
Addresses Setup, Bill To 319
Addresses Setup, Shipto 367
Addresses, Add New Bill To 321
Addresses, Bill To 400
Addresses, Change User Passwords and
Email 480
Addresses, Delete Bill To 322
Addresses, Delete Ship To 370
Addresses, Edit Bill To 320
Addresses, Edit Ship To 368
Addresses, New Ship To 369
Addresses, Organization Bill To 400
Addresses, Organization Ship To 401
Addresses, Setup 313
Addresses, Setup Bill To 319
Addresses, Setup Billto 319
Addresses, Setup Ship To 367
Addresses, Setup Shipto 367
Addresses, Ship To 401
Addresses, View Bill To 319
Addresses, View Ship To 367
Ad-Hoc 21
Ad-Hoc Approval 21
Ad-hoc Approvers 553
Ad-hoc Approvers and Reviewers, Add 553
Ad-hoc Reviewers 554
Adjust the Required Age for an Order 638
Administer Home Organization 301
Administer Organizations 393
Administer Organizations Help, In the 393
Administer Roles 437
Administer Roles Help, In the 437
Administer Suppliers 441
Administer Suppliers Help, In the 441
Administer Users 389, 393, 437, 441
Administer Users Help, In the 389
Administration Application 299
Administration Help, In the Advanced 299
Administration Help, In the Contract
Labor 477
Administration Log 461
Administration Log Help, In the 461
Administration Menu, Application 41
Administration Module, In the 557
Administration Module, In the Account
Administration of Privileges, Set Up and
Administration Process, The 479
Administration Tools 299, 478
Administration, Account 463
Administration, Advanced 259, 299, 477
Administration, Application 299
Administration, Enterprise 16
Administration, Enterprise Backend
Integration 557
Administration, Integration 557
Administration, Procurement 16
Administration, Start Account 463
Administration, Start EBI 558
Administration, Start Integration 558
Administrator Role 13
Administrator, Add a Project 517
Administrators and Contacts, Project 517
Administrators, Delete Project 517
Advance Ship Notice 181
Advance Ship Notice List 183
Advanced Administration 259, 299, 477
Advanced Administration Help, In the 299
Age for an Order, Adjust the Required 638
Allocation Default Item Details, View Cost
Allocation Default Items, Cost 585
Allocation, Cost 585
Allocation, ERP Cost 585
Allocation, Item Cost 124, 167
Allow Back Order 410
Allow Partial Shipment 410
Alternative Items 57
Amount, Commodities Ranking By
Committed 284
Amount, Shopping Cart Total 543
Amounts, Currency 212
Application Administration 299
Application Administration Menu 41
Application Settings Setup 317
Application Settings, Edit 318
Application Settings, Modify 318
Application Settings, Setup 317
Application Settings, Use 323
Application Settings, Using 454
Application Settings, View 318
Application, Administration 299
Application, Quit the 35
Application, Start the 33
Application, Start the Procurement 33, 37
Approval 20, 306
Approval , Delegate 295
Approval and Review 229
Approval and Review Help, In the 229
Approval and Review Menu 41
Approval Assignments 392, 398
Approval Assignments, User’s 392
Approval Chains 536
Approval Delegation 295
Approval Escalation 434
Approval Escalation, Set-up 434, 554
Approval Group 431
Approval Group, Add an Approver / 139
Index : 640
Approval Groups 392, 409
Approval Groups, Assign Cost Center
Approvers / 551
Approval Groups, Assign Spending Limit
Approvers / 553
Approval Hierarchy 22
Approval Inbox 231, 432
Approval Limit 541
Approval Limit, Spending and 541, 544
Approval Limits 538
Approval List 231
Approval Map, View the 270
Approval Preview 111, 217, 230
Approval Process Blueprint 546
Approval Process, Plan 546
Approval Process, Workflow 540
Approval Requirements 20
Approval Roles 551
Approval Roles to Users, Assign 551
Approval Roles, Create 551
Approval Route 21
Approval Status Code 306
Approval Tab 475
Approval Template, Blanket Order 419,
Approval Template, Blanket Order Release
420, 549
Approval Template, Change Request 425,
Approval Template, Check Request 422,
Approval Template, IT Request 423, 549
Approval Template, Navigation 423
Approval Template, Shopping Cart 418,
Approval Templates 408, 417
Approval Workflow 229
Approval, Account Administration 475
Approval, Ad-Hoc 21
Approval, Blanket Order 217
Approval, Cost Center 538
Approval, Delegate 295
Approval, GL 538
Approval, Online Form Preview 245
Approval, Parallel 21
Approval, Preview 245
Approval, Supplier Limit 543
Approval, Timecard 268
Approve a Timecard 269
Approve and Review Menu 41
Approve Edited Shopping Cart 234
Approve Shopping Cart 231
Approve with Changes 234
Approver 426
Approver / Approval Group, Add an 139
Approver Order Sequence, Set Up 510
Approver Role 13
Approver Sequence, Set Up the 527
Approver, Add a New Worker 509
Approver, Add an 163
Approver, Assign Blanket Order 552
Approver, Assign Special Request 552
Approver, Assign Spending Limit 553
Approver, Assign Supplier 553
Approver, Blanket Order 427
Approver, Check Request 429
Approver, Commodity 428, 550
Approver, Configure Commodity 552
Approver, Cost Center 550
Approver, Create a New 527
Approver, Delete a Worker 510
Approver, Delete an 528
Approver, IT Request 431
Approver, Navigation 431
Approver, Notes to 110
Approver, Shopping Cart 426
Approver, Shopping Cart Total 426
Approver, Special Request 427, 539
Approver, Supplier- specific 538
Approvers 408, 417, 553
Approvers / Approval Groups, Assign Cost
Center 551
Approvers / Approval Groups, Assign
Spending Limit 553
Approvers and Reviewers, Add Ad-hoc 553
Approvers, Ad-hoc 553
Approvers, Assign Blanket Order 552
Approvers, Assign Cost Center 551
Approvers, Assign Shopping Cart Total 551
Approvers, Assign Special Request 552
Approvers, Assign Supplier 553
Approvers, Configure 550
Approvers, Configure Commodity 552
Approvers, Configure Worker 509
Approvers, Escalation and Delegation of
Approvers, Project 527
Approvers/Approval Groups, Assign Cost
Center 551
Approvers/Approval Groups, Assign
Spending Limit 553
Archive Database Records 638
Archive Status, Setup 319
Archiving Help, In the 637
Index : 641
Archiving Orders, Prerequisites for 637
Archiving, Close Orders to Enable 638
ASN 181
ASN Detail 185
ASN Detail Pages 185
ASN Help, In the 181
ASN in Detail, View an 182
ASN List 183
ASN List, Filter the 184
ASN Material Details 189
ASN Package Details 191
ASN Tracking Details 187
ASN Transport Details 193
ASN, Respond to 195
ASNs, View a List of Available 182
Assign Approval Roles to Users 551
Assign Blanket Order Approver 552
Assign Blanket Order Approvers 552
Assign Cost Center Approvers 551
Assign Cost Center Approvers / Approval
Groups 551
Assign Cost Center Approvers/Approval
Groups 551
Assign Delegate 554
Assign Delegates 554
Assign Roles 392
Assign Shopping Cart Total Approvers 551
Assign Special Request Approver 552
Assign Special Request Approvers 552
Assign Spending Limit Approver 553
Assign Spending Limit Approvers /
Approval Groups 553
Assign Spending Limit Approvers/
Approval Groups 553
Assign Supplier Approver 553
Assign Supplier Approvers 553
Assignment , Account 126, 168
Assignment Rate, Create an 529
Assignment Rate, Delete an 530
Assignment Rate, Edit an 530
Assignment Rates 528
Assignment, Account 126, 168
Assignment, Add a New 521
Assignment, Disable an 526
Assignment, Edit an 525
Assignment, Print an 526
Assignments, Approval 392, 398
Assignments, Manage 518
Assignments, User’s Approval 392
Associate Item 373
Association, Cancel 374
Association, Create a New Data Sync 575
Association, Create a New ERP 566
Attached File, Edit 130
Attached File, Edit an 130
Attachment File Names 131
Attachment File Sizes 131
Attachment, Add an Item 164
Attachment, Modify 109, 110, 128, 129, 130
Attachment, New 109, 110, 128, 129
Attachments 109, 128
Attachments Page 128
Attachments, Add 162, 262
Attachments, Change Request 128
Attachments, Delete Item 165
Attachments, Line Item 128
Attachments, Shopping Cart 128
Attachments, View Item Details/Item 164
Attachments, View or Delete 162
Attribute, Create a New Worker 496
Attributes 394
Attributes, Configure Worker 496
Attributes, Delete Worker 497
Attributes, Edit 396
Attributes, Edit Worker 497
Attributes, Organization 394
Attributes, Specify Additional Organization
Authorization, Add 215
Authorize All Organizations 383
Authorize Child Organizations 384
Authorize Individual Organizations 384
Authorize Organizations 214, 383
Automated Goods Receipt List, Filter 487
Automated Goods Receipt List, Sort 487
Automated Goods Receipt List, View 487
Automated Goods Receipt, Configure 486
Availability 55
Availability Check 56
Availability, Check 56, 108
Back Order, Allow 410
Backend Integration Administration,
Enterprise 557
Basic Information 50, 215
Basics, Help 1
Basics, The 1
Basis, Tax 122
Behalf Of a Worker, Create a Timecard On
Behavior, System 537
Bill Information 120
Bill Instructions 122
Index : 642
Bill To 121
Bill To Address Tab 472
Bill To Address Visibility, Restricting 404
Bill To Address, Account Administration
Bill To Address, Add 400
Bill To Address, Default 296
Bill To Address, Edit 474
Bill To Address, New 473
Bill To Address, Order 115
Bill To Addresses 400
Bill To Addresses Setup 319
Bill To Addresses, Add New 321
Bill To Addresses, Delete 322
Bill To Addresses, Edit 320
Bill To Addresses, Organization 400
Bill To Addresses, Setup 319
Bill To Addresses, View 319
Bill To Details, Edit 120
Bill To, Delete 322
Bill To, Edit 320
Bill To, New 321
Bill To, View 319
Billing Information 120
Billing Instructions 122
Billto Addresses, Setup 319
Blanket Order 208
Blanket Order Approval 217
Blanket Order Approval Template 419, 548
Blanket Order Approver 427
Blanket Order Approver, Assign 552
Blanket Order Approvers, Assign 552
Blanket Order Details 208
Blanket Order Help, In the Existing 221
Blanket Order Help, In the New 207
Blanket Order History 224
Blanket Order Item List 100, 217
Blanket Order List 221
Blanket Order Number 406
Blanket Order Release 97
Blanket Order Release Approval Template
420, 549
Blanket Order Release Help, In the 97
Blanket Order Release History 225
Blanket Order Release List 97
Blanket Order Release Number 406
Blanket Order Release, New 97
Blanket Order Release, Shopping Cart 102
Blanket Order Release, Special Request 101
Blanket Order Release, Special Request
Edit 102
Blanket Order Type 304
Blanket Order Type Code 304
Blanket Order, Allow Catalog Search 210
Blanket Order, Allow Round Trip 211
Blanket Order, Allow Special Request 211
Blanket Order, Edit 221
Blanket Order, Existing 221
Blanket Order, New 207
Blueprint, Approval Process 546
Boolean Operators 47
Browse 59, 60, 83
Browse Path 46
Browse Results 61
Browse Results List 61
Browse Results, Organizing 61
Browse Results, Refine 63
Browse Sequence 46
Browse Sequence, Reset the 46
Browse the Catalog 59
Browse the Catalog Help Module, In the 59
Browse, How to 60
Browse, Restart 61
Browse, Restart the 61
Browse, Start 59
Browse, Start to 59
Browser Menus 4
Browser Tool Bar 4
Business Rules 17, 537
Business Rules, Workflow 537
Business Scenarios 602
Button, Close 257
Buttons 29, 31
Buttons and Icons 254, 256, 265, 268
Buttons, Control 254, 255, 260, 261, 266
Buttons, Icons and 29
Buyer 10
Buyer Accounts, Add 328
Buyer Accounts, Edit 329
Buyer Accounts, Specify 328
Buyer Role 13
Buyer Status 149
Buyer, Supplier Change Accepted By 615
Buyer, Supplier Change Failed Tolerance
Accepted By 618
Buyer, Supplier Change Failed Tolerance
Canceled By 624
Buyer, Supplier Change Failed Tolerance
Rejected By 621
Buyers 10
Buying Organization 14
Buying Organization Configuration 560
Buying Organization Level 435
Index : 643
Buying Organizations 560
Buying Organizations, Add Users to 481
Buying Tools 46
Calculation, Sales Tax 120
Cancel a Timecard 273
Cancel an Order 180
Cancel Association 374
Cancel or Restore a Special Request Item
Cancel Order After Response Accepted By
Supplier 613
Cancel Order Before Response Accepted By
Supplier 609
Cancel Order Before Response Rejected By
Supplier 611
Cancel Special Request 82, 174
Canceled By Buyer, Supplier Change Failed
Tolerance 624
Card Characters, Wild 48
Card, Credit 359
Cards, Wild 48
Cart Details 118
Cart Help, In the New Shopping 43
Cart Help, In the Open Shopping 93
Cart, Add to 66, 73, 85, 101
Cart, Approve Edited Shopping 234
Cart, Approve Shopping 231
Cart, Change Items in a Shopping 95
Cart, Modify Open Shopping 93
Cart, New Shopping 43
Cart, Open Shopping 93
Cart, Review Shopping 235
Cart, Save Shopping 112
Cart, Select Open Shopping 95
Cart, Shopping 45, 77, 310
Cart, Submit Shopping 111
Carts By Status Report, Shopping 280
Carts By Status, Shopping 280
Carts List, Open Shopping 94
Carts List, Shopping 134
Catalog 16
Catalog Help Module, In the Browse the 59
Catalog Help Module, In the Search the 69
Catalog Process Status 322
Catalog Update Files 323
Catalog Updates 322
Catalog Updates, Setup 322
Catalog View 209, 325, 409
Catalog View from Menu, Remove 328
Catalog View, Edit 327
Catalog View, New 326
Catalog Views 207
Catalog Views Setup 325
Catalog Views, Setup 325
Catalog, Add Price 458
Catalog, Browse 59
Catalog, Browse the 59
Catalog, Multi-supplier 76
Catalog, Search 44, 69, 219
Catalog, Search the 69, 70
Catalog, Single Supplier 76
Catalogs, Price 458
Categories, Configure Expense 489
Categories, Configure Time 492
Categories, Delete Expense 490
Categories, Delete Time 494
Categories, Delete Time or Expense 525
Categories, Disable Expense 490
Categories, Disable Time 493
Categories, Edit Expense 490
Categories, Edit Time 493
Category Code, Tax 305
Category, Create a New Expense 489
Category, Create a New Time 493
Category, Delete 365
Category, Edit Report 365
Category, New Report 364
Category, Tax 305
Center , Cost 19
Center, Cost 19
Centers, Cost 402
Chains, Approval 536
Change Accepted By Buyer, Supplier 615
Change Details 107
Change Failed Tolerance Accepted By
Buyer, Supplier 618
Change Failed Tolerance Canceled By
Buyer, Supplier 624
Change Failed Tolerance Rejected By
Buyer, Supplier 621
Change Header Details 163
Change Items 106
Change Items in a Shopping Cart 95
Change Order 600
Change Order Accepted By Supplier 627
Change Order Changed By Supplier 631
Change Order Rejected By Supplier 629
Change Order Support 595
Change Password 297
Change Quantity 106
Change Request 157, 307
Change Request / Supplier Update List,
Index : 644
Filter the 160
Change Request and Supplier Update List,
Filter the 160
Change Request Approval Template 425,
Change Request Attachments 128
Change Request Edit Fields 407
Change Request Help, In the 157
Change Request List, Filter 160
Change Request Number 405
Change Request Page 157
Change Request Status Code 307
Change Request to Supplier, Send 176
Change Request Workflow Rules 543
Change Request Workflow Rules, Create
Change Request Workflow Rules, Disable
Change Request Workflow Rules, Edit 545
Change Request, Add Items to a 172
Change Request, Create a 157
Change Request, Delete a 174
Change Request, Edit 161
Change Request, Edit a 161
Change Requests, Internal 175
Change User Passwords and Email
Addresses 480
Change Your Password 297
Change, Make a 95
Change, Mass 416
Changed By Supplier, Change Order 631
Changes List, Pending 157
Changes List, View Pending 158
Changes, Approve with 234
Changes, Price 56
Changes, Supplier Price 56
Characters, Wild Card 48
Check Availability 56, 108
Check Out 58, 91, 95, 103
Check Out Help, In the 103
Check Out Template 91
Check Request Approval Template 422,
Check Request Approver 429
Check Status 133, 247
Check, Availability 56
Child Organization 395
Child Organizations 395
Child Organizations, All 216
Child Organizations, Authorize 384
Child Organizations, To All 216
Child Organizations, Unauthorize 385
Choreographies, Supported 598
Choreography Constructs 592
Choreography, Purchase Order 591
Classification, Create a New Worker 495
Classification, Delete a Worker 495
Classification, Disable a Worker 495
Classification, Edit a Worker 495
Classifications, Configure Worker 494
Close Button 257
Close Orders to Enable Archiving 638
Code, Approval Status 306
Code, Blanket Order Type 304
Code, Change Request Status 307
Code, Commerce One Payment Type 302
Code, Document Type 303
Code, Edit Usage 378
Code, New Usage 378
Code, Order Status 309
Code, Payment Status 308
Code, Purpose 595
Code, Response Type 592
Code, Ship Method 305
Code, Shipment Status 311
Code, Shopping Cart Status 310
Code, Tax Category 305
Code, Usage 415
Codes 302
Codes, Advanced Administration 302
Codes, Status 149, 306
Column Description 255, 277, 278, 279,
281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288
Comments, Enter 265
Commerce One Payment Type 302
Commerce One Payment Type Code 302
Commodities Ranking By Committed
Amount 284
Commodity 20
Commodity / Organization Report, Orders
By 278
Commodity / Organization, Orders By 278
Commodity Approver 428, 550
Commodity Approver, Configure 552
Commodity Approvers, Configure 552
Commodity Filters, Configure 330
Commodity Filters, Edit 330
Commodity Filters, List 330
Commodity Routing 538, 542, 544, 545
Commodity Settings, Edit 386
Commodity Settings, List or View 387
Commodity Settings, Setup 386
Commodity Tolerance 412
Compare Documents 179
Index : 645
Compare Orders 179
Complete the Form 244
Configuration, Buying Organization 560
Configuration, Confirm 533
Configuration, Create a New 562
Configuration, Edit a 561
Configuration, Rules for Flexible UI 581
Configuration, Search for a 560
Configuration, Special RoundTrip 531
Configure Approvers 550
Configure Automated Goods Receipt 486
Configure Commodity Approver 552
Configure Commodity Approvers 552
Configure Commodity Filters 330
Configure E-Mail With Response Dispatch
Type 446
Configure Expense Categories 489
Configure Expense Types 491
Configure Number of Days to Respond to
Purchase Order 446
Configure Rate Tables 500
Configure Regions 497
Configure Rules 538
Configure Rules and Options 499
Configure Settlement 458
Configure Templates 547
Configure Time Categories 492
Configure Worker Approvers 509
Configure Worker Attributes 496
Configure Worker Classifications 494
Configure Worker Comments 511
Configure Worker Timecard Proxies 512
Configure Workers 504
Configuring OCI RoundTrip Information
Configuring RoundTrip Suppliers 452
Confirm Configuration 533
Confirm Goods Received 197, 198
Confirmation 112
Confirmation, Order 112
Confirmation, Supplier Update 596
Constructs, Choreography 592
Contact Information 293
Contact Visibility, Restricting 404
Contact, Add a New 332
Contact, Delete 334
Contact, Designate a Project 518
Contact, Edit 333
Contact, New 332
Contact, View 332
Contacts Setup 331
Contacts, Project Administrators and 517
Contacts, Setup 331
Contents Tab 2
Contents, Order 148
Contract 209
Contract Labor 382
Contract Labor Administration Help, In
the 477
Contract Labor Overview 478
Contract Labor Privileges 481
Contract Labor Privileges and their
Scope(s) 482
Contract Labor, Add Users to 479
Control Buttons 254, 255, 260, 261, 266
Conventions 6
Conventions, Terms and 6
Cookie Crumb Trail 46
Copy Multiple Users 416
Copy Rates from One Table to Another 503
Corporate Credit Card 363
Cost Allocation 585
Cost Allocation Default Item Details, View
Cost Allocation Default Items 585
Cost Allocation, ERP 585
Cost Allocation, Item 124, 167
Cost Center 19
Cost Center & General Ledger Account 543,
544, 545
Cost Center Account 543, 544, 545
Cost Center Approval 538
Cost Center Approver 550
Cost Center Approvers / Approval Groups,
Assign 551
Cost Center Approvers, Assign 551
Cost Center Approvers/Approval Groups,
Assign 551
Cost Center Report, Orders By 279
Cost Center Visibility, Restricting 403
Cost Center, Add 402
Cost Center, Add a New 336
Cost Center, Default 297
Cost Center, Delete 338
Cost Center, Edit 337
Cost Center, New 336
Cost Center, Orders By 279
Cost Center, Ship To 338
Cost Center, View 335
Cost Centers 402
Cost Centers Setup 335
Cost Centers, Organization 402
Cost Centers, Setup 335
Cost Distribution 122
Index : 646
Cost Distribution, Edit 165
Cost Distribution, Flexible UI Method 124,
Cost Distribution, View the Line or
Expense Item 270
Create a Change Request 157
Create a Default Item 588
Create a New Account Assignment 126, 168
Create a New Approver 527
Create a New Configuration 562
Create a New Data Mapping Item 578
Create a New Data Sync Association 575
Create a New Data Synchronization Item
Create a New ERP Association 566
Create a New Expense Category 489
Create a New Expense Type 491
Create a New Flexible UI Item 583
Create a New Project 515
Create a New Region 498
Create a New Scheduled Job 573
Create a New Time Category 493
Create a New Timecard