Spring 2016 - Hospice Foundation


Spring 2016 - Hospice Foundation
For Friends of Hospice
32nd Annual
Helping Hands
Award Honorees
Bob Beutter
& Joe Kernan
f r o m
S P R I NG 2 0 1 6
w i t h i n
A Cautionary Tale
Our donors are an astute group of people. In the past month we have received phone calls
regarding a direct mail fundraising appeal that has hit mailboxes in our area. The Hospice
Support Fund letters ask for donations “for hospice in the area.” This unsavory organization
targets markets across the US where the primary hospice is a community-based non-for-profit
organization – like Center for Hospice Care. The letters don’t give the name of the local
hospice. Most importantly, Hospice Support Fund doesn’t forward any of the funds it raises to
Center for Hospice Care.
In fact, Hospice Support Fund, in very fine print, notes that, “Contributions made to The
Hospice Support Fund (HSF) a program of The New Hope Foundation, Inc, are used for
fundraising expenses, administrative costs, public education and program services. The
services of a paid professional fundraiser are used to professionally assist HSF in the solicitation
of funds. In the last fiscal year The Hospice Support Fund raised a total of $1,521,951. Its
expense distribution was 69.39% on fundraising, 10.22% on administration, 5.93% on program
services, and 14.46% on public education in conjunction with fundraising appeals. The cost
of this solicitation is charged partly to fundraising and partly to public education. Fundraising
costs include costs incurred in establishing a donor base. Public education costs include costs
incurred in disseminating information contained in solicitations.”
Veteran Themed
Helping Hands Award
Dinner Honors
Bob Beutter
& Joe Kernan
Letting the Burden of Grief Go
Walk for Hospice and
Heroes for Hospice Fun 5k
Road to Hope Travels the Film Festival Circuit
Compare those numbers to Center for Hospice Care’s 2015 expense distribution: 82.95%
of CHC’s expenses were for program services, 14.24% were for management and general
expenses while just 2.81% were for fundraising expenses.
Please know that the Hospice Foundation, the supporting foundation for Center for Hospice
Care, mails just two fundraising appeals a year: The Annual Appeal in November and Friends
of Hospice in May. These mailings proudly display the Hospice Foundation logo and specifically
state the proceeds will be used to support Center for Hospice Care. Neither the Hospice
Foundation nor Center for Hospice Care conduct telephone solicitations – nor do we engage
any paid fundraisers to make calls on our behalf.
We greatly appreciate the support of our many donors. We could not do what we do without
their generous gifts. Thus, we want to make sure we do everything possible to present our
fundraising efforts in a transparent manner. We are available to answer any questions donors
may have about our events, campaigns and appeals. Feel Free to call the Hospice Foundation
at 574.277.7204 with any questions or concerns.
Board of Directors
Corey Cressy, Chairman
Nora Crosen
Red Fisher
Caron Gleva
Denis Kidde
LollyMarie Photography
Cyndy Searfoss
Chris Taelman
Mike Wargo
Jim Wiskotoni
Amy Kuhar Mauro
Mary Newbold
Terry Rodino
Wendell Walsh
Mark Murray, President/CEO
Mike Wargo, VP/COO
Karl Holderman, VP/CFO
Donors and Supporters Review 2015
at the Circle of Caring Lunch
Camp Evergreen Helps Youth
and Teens Cope with Grief
Elkhart Gardens of Remembrance
and Renewal Memorial Dedication
Ride, Eat, Repeat! Exciting Updates
for the 8th Annual Bike Michiana for
Hospice On Tap
©2016 The Hospice Foundation
Making Tracks: Fueling the
Hospice Spirit Kicks Off
p16-17 Donor Profile:
St Joe Valley Street Rods
Planned Giving
Community Corner
p20-21 Circle of Caring
p22-39 In Memoriam
Michael J. Wargo
Chief Operating Officer
Honor Listing
stories and activities from the past quarter
Donors and Supporters Review 2015 at the
Circle of Caring Lunch
Center for Hospice Care and the Hospice
Foundation experienced another year of
growth in 2015 and we were pleased to
share many of the details at our annual
Circle of Caring Luncheon, which was
held on March 23rd in the Mishawaka
Campus Conference Center. More than
55 supporters attended the event.
Mark Murray, President/CEO of both
organizations and Mike Wargo, Hospice
Foundation Vice President/COO,
provided a snapshot of the organizations’
successes and challenges. Some of the
significant accomplishments noted by
Murray included that 2015 was the
second straight year in the center’s
history CHC cared for more than 2,000
patients. This was due largely to an average
daily census that grew to more than 400
patients a day for much of the year.
He noted that more than 50% of all the
patients served by CHC in the organization’s
35-year history have been seen in the
last eight years, while 20% have been
served in just the last three years.
Murray also shared that the Life
Transition Center had hosted its largest
Camp Evergreen in history, with a
total of 61 campers, 46 buddies and
20 activity volunteers. Since it began
23 years ago, the camp has been
helping participants learn to deal
effectively with grief, while providing a
fun camping experience for 836 youth
and teen campers.
Wargo thanked supporters for their
generosity, emphasizing that because of
their support, CHC/HF was able to raise
$1,757,043 to provide bereavement
support and offset charity care, write-offs,
and other adjustments. This figure was
a 6% increase from 2014. He also
indicated that although fundraising was
up in 2015, the value of unreimbursed
services grew 33% to $2,146,567.
Letting the Burden of Grief Go –
Healing Can be Found in Art
Like rushing water, grief carves its own paths, following
a process that’s at once natural and sometimes
overwhelming. Felicia Johnson O’Brien, grieving
the loss of her infant daughter, Issa, found that
working with Dave Labrum in the After Images art
counseling program allowed her to express her feelings
of profound loss and to discover herself more truly.
IIssa, O’Brien’s fourth child, was diagnosed with
Trisomy 18 in O’Brien’s early stages of pregnancy.
Issa was given a 50% chance of surviving until birth
and a 10% chance of living a week after birth; those
numbers were projected to be smaller and smaller
through one year. The O’Briens chose “to welcome
[her] into our hearts and family no matter how long
she might be with us,” O’Brien’s artist statement
notes. Issa Grace O’Brien was born in June 2013
with several heart complications. Surgery to correct
these complications would be an option only if
she was able to reach 10 pounds, a goal she never
reached. Despite around-the-clock care by her
family and pediatric hospice care from Center for
Hospice Care, Issa passed away in her sister’s arms
on March 24, 2014.
of that consisted of learning to trust herself and
the creative process and not worrying about the
outcome. “Dave creates a space where all that is
possible,” O’Brien said.
The first step was letting go of all her expectations
and then letting everything that was inside come
out. Eventually her fear and nervousness about the
process left – along with her expectations about
creating “art.” “I would start with a color, then
go from there. Often something beautiful would
happen,” she said.
She also learned that this time in the studio
was about her and that taking time for herself
was important. O’Brien used the word “raw”
to describe the hours in the studio – without
a computer, a phone or music – that she spent
expressing the feelings left in the wake of Issa’s
death. “I grew into the experience that there
was some sort of truth there, present during the
process. You don’t always need to have a name
for what you’re feeling,” she said. “What resonates
is the gift of art – and it deepens the meaning
of life.”
O’Brien came to realize that one of the greatest
gifts Issa left her was the charge to become truer to
herself. It’s a charge that O’Brien is “still growing
into. I need to trust and honor that, just as Issa
honored her life by truly being who she was in the
nine months she was here.”
And finally, O’Brien learned that healing – like
art – is also a process. “Healing occurs through
externalizing things. Regret, pain, unhappiness, all
weigh on you as you grieve. To turn the hardest,
ugliest feelings into color, texture, movement and
make them into something beautiful is cathartic.”
A collection of O’Brien’s art was featured in the
first-floor gallery outside the Life Transition Center
on the Mishawaka Campus during the fall of 2015.
O’Brien also shared her experiences in the After Images
program with Center for Hospice Care and Hospice
Foundation staff members at a talk in November.
In the fall of 2014, O’Brien realized her family
was struggling. Her then eight-year-old daughter,
who O’Brien describes as “essentially joyful,” in
particular was trying to cope with her sadness. She
and her husband made a pact with their daughter,
all agreeing to give art counseling a shot. “This was
a huge step for us to take. We really thought we were
doing ok. I had no idea how much we all needed this
space,” O’Brien noted.
It took her a while to get over her concept of
what she thought “art” was, she added. Much
Future Events and Hospice happenings
Walk for Hospice and Heroes for Hospice Fun 5K
Camp Evergreen Helps Youth and Teens Cope with Grief
What does every hero have in common?
Helping a great cause! Now in its 36th year
of caring for patients, Center for Hospice
Care has seen some phenomenal heroes, in
all shapes and sizes, of all ages. They’re the
family members, patient care staff and the
patients themselves, all of whom improve the
quality of living.
Now in its 23rd year, Camp Evergreen is
designed to provide a supportive, yet fun
environment for children and teens who have
lost a loved one. The camp is provided at
no charge, thanks in part to many generous
donors throughout the community. In
particular, the Hospice Foundation would like
to thank the Estate of John H. Lloyd III, which
provided a gift of $100,000 to establish a
permanent endowment for Camp Evergreen.
To honor these every day heroes, the Hospice
Foundation has added a new event to the
annual Walk for Hospice – the Heroes for
Hospice Fun 5K. Everyone is invited to be
part of the fun on Sunday, July 3 and visit
his or her favorite superheroes at Central
Park, sponsored by Hall of Heroes and the
Mishawaka Fire Department. Participants are
invited to dress as their favorite superhero
and be part of the celebration.
Registration, which will be held at CHC’s
Mishawaka Campus (next to Central Park),
begins at 9:30 am. The fun run will
start at 10:30 am and the walk will be at
11 am. There’s no charge for registration but
participants are encouraged to raise funds for
CHC. Funds raised at the event will be used
to help CHC keep its promise that nobody
eligible for hospice care will ever be turned
away, regardless of ability to pay.
Anyone who raises $35 or more will receive a
Heroes for Hospice t-shirt. To register online,
visit www.walkmichianaforhospice.org.
For more information, contact Red Fisher
at [email protected] or by phone at
Left: As part of the Heroes for Hospice theme, the Hall of
Heroes Superhero Museum will be on hand with several items
sure to bring excitement to the event, including a shield from the
filming of Captain America: The First Avenger, a full-sized Iron
Man suit and a car used in the filming of the Iron Man movie.
Right: Bagpiper Leonard Sailor will once again be on hand to
lead walkers at the beginning of the event.
The youth camp (ages 6-12) will take place on
Saturday, June 4 from 8:00 am until 7:30 pm.
The teen camp (ages 13-17) begins on Friday,
June 3 at 4:30 pm and concludes on Sunday,
June 5 at 12:00 pm. For younger campers, it’s
a day of swimming, horseback riding, fishing,
campfires and making memory boxes in
recognition of their loved ones. Older campers
take part in a challenge course, swimming,
campfires and other fun activities. As one
camper said, “What I liked best about camp is
how I could finally open up and find ways to
cope and express my feelings.”
Camp Evergreen is held at Bair Lake
Bible Camp in Jones, Michigan. Free
transportation to and from camp is provided
for both weekend and day campers from
local, designated pickup sites. The camp
is nonsectarian and welcomes participants
regardless of race or religion. The teens and
volunteers stay overnight in a secure and
comfortable lodge and a registered nurse will
be at camp at all times.
This camp experience is also made possible
through the dedication and assistance of
the volunteers who donate their time. Adult
buddies for each youth camper and for small
groups of teen campers provide support
throughout camp. Additional adult volunteers
assist with camp activities. All new volunteers
attend one 3-hour training session.
For more information on Camp Evergreen,
contact Nancy Patterson at 574.255.1064 or
[email protected].
Future Events and Hospice happenings
Elkhart Gardens of Remembrance and Renewal
Memorial Dedication
Ride, Eat, Repeat! Exciting Updates for the
8th Annual Bike Michiana for Hospice on Tap
Just outside Center for Hospice Care’s
Elkhart Hospice House the Gardens of
Remembrance and Renewal offer a quiet,
peaceful setting for patients and families
to visit or simply take in the beauty of the
campus. This space also offers the opportunity
for families to honor their loved ones through
memorial bricks, benches, flowering and
evergreen trees. The purchase of memorial
items helps assure that those who may be
eligible for hospice care in the future, but
without the means to pay for it, will receive
the compassionate care they need.
Following each event, the Bike Michiana for
Hospice committee surveys participants for
feedback on every aspect of the ride, from
registration through the post-ride party.
The 2016 version of the perennially popular
event is being tweaked to enhance an
already-stellar day.
On June 7th, the Elkhart Campus Memorial
Dedication ceremony will honor the memories
of loved ones as memorial items donated in
the past year are dedicated. The memorial
dedication is more than an unveiling of
donated memorial items; it is also a chance
for donors and families to gather and reflect
on the lives of those honored with those
gifts. The gathering will also allow donors to
see how each item adds to the beauty of the
Gardens of Remembrance and Renewal.
The ceremony will begin at 5:30 p.m. and
include brief remarks as well as the dedication
of memorial items. Light refreshments will be
served following the ceremony. Invitations will
be sent in May to those who have purchased
memorial items this year or in the past. The
event is also open to the public.
If you are interested in purchasing a
memorial item for placement in 2017,
you can do so online at
www.centerforhospice.org/elkhartgiving or by
contacting Cyndy Searfoss at 574.277.4203
or [email protected].
We received almost-unanimous thumbs up
on completion medals – those will be back!
Riders on the routes that go through New
Carlisle enjoyed the new Memorial Park SAG,
featuring Moser’s Austrian Café and Kate
O’Connor’s Irish Pub – they’re back too!
In addition, we’ve added a new 80-mile route
that includes our most popular SAG stops
along the way. To accommodate the shorter
October event date, we won’t be offering the
125-mile route this year although the 100mile ride will still be an option.
Proceeds from registration benefit two local
non-profit organizations that improve the
quality of living in our community – Center
for Hospice Care and the Bike Michiana
Coalition. In addition, cyclists can also raise
money for the Hospice Foundation by asking
family and friends to pledge their support.
Donors can donate a flat amount or pledge
an amount per mile, to an individual or to
a group of riders. And all donations are tax
deductible. To learn more, visit
Registration for the 2016 event is now open.
Early bird registration is open through May
15th and is just $40 for adults. Students with
a valid ID ride for just $20 and, as always,
children under 12 ride free. To register online,
visit www.bikemichianaforhospice.org.
2 Organizations
1 Mission
Improving the
Quality of Living
Future Events and Hospice happenings
Hospice Foundation
Calendar of Events
We look forward to your participation in and support of these important events. Please
check our web site, www.foundationforhospice.org, for more information and event dates
throughout the year.
May 2016
July 2016
• May 4
32nd Annual
Helping Hands Award Dinner
• July 3
Heroes for Hospice Fun 5K/Walk
for Hospice
November 2016
October 2016
• November 27
Annual Time of Remembrance
Memorial Service
June 2016
• June 3-5
Camp Evergreen
• June 6
Elkhart Gardens of
Remembrance and Renewal
• June 14
Annual Volunteer In-Service
• October 2
8th Annual Bike Michiana
for Hospice
Find us on:
Through its support of Center
for Hospice Care, Hospice
Foundation helps patients and
their loved ones experience the
best possible quality of living
regardless of healthcare insurance
or an ability to pay.
• Hospice
• Home Health
• Grief Counseling
• Community Education
Caring for patients in Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko,
LaGrange, LaPorte, Marshall, St. Joseph and Starke
Counties in northern Indiana.
To learn more or self-refer, call anytime. 1-800-HOSPICE or CFHCare.org
Hospice Partnerships Around the Globe
Road to Hope Travels the Film Festival Circuit
Making Tracks: Fuel the Hospice Spirit Kicks Off
When parents are stricken with life-limiting
illnesses in Sub-Saharan Africa, it’s their children
who often become their primary caregivers.
With no source of family income, they quit
school to earn whatever living can be found,
while still caring for the dying parent. But what
happens to these children once the parent dies?
Center for Hospice Care is pleased to
announce its participation in the Making
Tracks: Fuel the Hospice Spirit grassroots
fundraising campaign. This innovative
program, designed by a US hospice volunteer,
provides financial support to Center for
Hospice Care through the donation of gas
cards for our more than 500 volunteers.
With no one to care for and no one to care
for them, they have few options. If they’re
lucky, small children may be taken in by an
orphanage or absorbed into the village. For
others, fate may take them down a different
path. Teenage girls may be married off while
their brothers take to living on the streets,
begging and stealing in order to survive.
Whatever their ultimate fate, they all go
searching – searching for hope. Hoping they’ll
see the next meal and be able to walk the
next mile in search of that elusive chance for
a better life. Road to Hope documents the lives
of three such children and the unintentional
shepherds they meet along life’s journey.
LONDON, where it was an official selection
and nominated for awards in three categories:
Best Feature Documentary, Best Director
of a Feature Documentary and Scientific &
Educational Award.
The Hospice Foundation’s latest documentary,
Road to Hope, tells this story through the
eyes of three child caregivers. The 71-minute
documentary is currently garnering film
festival laurels as it makes its way around the
world on the film festival circuit. The first stop
was the Hollywood Florida Film Festival where
it won two awards: Best Documentary and
Grand Jury Award for Best Documentary.
It was then back to the US for a stop in the
Chicago suburb of Geneva for the 9th Annual
Geneva Film Festival. Road to Hope was named
Best Documentary Feature Film there on
March 12th. Director Mike Wargo was also on
hand for post-screening Q&A sessions and
participated in the Filmmaker Roundtable.
Road to Hope then made its European debut
on February 19th at the International
Filmmaker Festival of World Cinema
These cards will be collected and used to say
“thanks” to volunteers at training sessions,
our volunteer luncheon and large fundraising
events like Bike Michiana for Hospice and
Heroes for Hospice Walk/Run. In 2015 our
dedicated volunteers drove more than 43,900
miles as they provided important services
like patient care, community relations,
bereavement support, fundraising, office
work, veterans programming and board/
board committee service.
Our thanks go to Catherine L. Smith and
5PercentandBeyond.org, who developed
the Making Tracks campaign and is making
it available to Center for Hospice Care.
We greatly appreciate being included in
the program.
Gas cards of any denomination can be sent to:
Hospice Foundation
Cyndy Searfoss
501 Comfort Place
Mishawaka, IN 46545
The film’s California premiere took place
at the 22nd Annual San Luis Obispo Film
Festival on Friday, March 18th. Road to Hope
was nominated as an Official Selection in the
Documentary Features category.
Other festival nominations include the
Miami Independent Film Festival, Maryland
International Film Festival, Toronto Film
Week, the International Filmmaker Festival
of World Cinema NICE, the Moscow Film
Festival, the Blackbird Film Festival and The
African Film Festival.
Far Left: A display of children in need of sponsors on the Road
to Hope was set up at the 2015 Okuyamba Fest. Several attendees
became Road to Hope sponsors at the event.
Right: Children enrolled in the Road to Hope program attended
the Road to Hope Children’s Camp in May of 2015 in Kampala.
Veteran-themed Helping Hands
Award Dinner Honors Bob Beutter
and Joe Kernan
As veterans and community leaders,
Bob Beutter and Joe Kernan epitomize
the definition of “hero.” Joe served in
the Navy, Bob in the Army. Joe was
South Bend’s mayor. Bob was mayor
of Mishawaka. They served their
cities (and in Joe’s case, our state)
through an era of change and growth.
Both have strong ties to two of Indiana’s
top institutions of higher
Bob received his undergraduate
degree in business and
his Doctor of
Jurisprudence from Indiana University.
Joe received his bachelor’s degree
in government from the University
of Notre Dame where he was also a
member of the baseball team.
To honor their service to our country
– as representatives of the many
veterans of the United States Armed
Forces – Center for Hospice Care was
pleased to honor the 2016 Helping
Hands Award recipients at its 32nd
Annual Helping Hands Award Dinner,
which was held on Wednesday, May 4th
at the Hilton Garden Inn. The festivities
began at 6 pm with a cocktail reception,
followed by a delicious dinner in the
Fleur de Lis Ballroom.
The evening featured entertainment
by the Victory Belles, a vocal trio
associated with the National World
War II Museum in New Orleans.
The Victory Belles specialize in
World War II-era musical classics like
“Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,”
“Chattanooga Choo Choo” and “I’ll
Be Seeing You.” They performed music
from The Great American Songbook
during the cocktail reception and then
wowed the audience with their renditions
of WW II-era hits made popular by
artists like the Lennon Sisters.
As part of the evening’s veterancentric theme, honor tables, with
seating for veterans and active duty
members of the armed forces,
were provided by a number of
Hospice Foundation donors.
Proceeds from this year’s dinner
will be used to construct a veterans
memorial on the grounds of CHC’s
Mishawaka Campus. Construction is
scheduled to begin immediately after
Memorial Day with a formal dedication
ceremony to take place on or about
Veterans Day this fall.
A number of memorial and naming
opportunities are available as part of
the veterans memorial. Ranging from
memorial bricks and commemorative
trees to flagpoles and stone benches,
the naming opportunities are plentiful.
At the center of the monument will be
a life-size bronze sculpture. Named
“Poppies” by its artist, W. Stanley Proctor,
it is a fitting tribute to the many veterans
who have served our country.
The memorial is an outgrowth of Center
for Hospice Care’s involvement in
the “We Honor Veterans” program.
This program is a collaborative effort
between the Department of Veterans
Affairs and the National Hospice and
Palliative Care Organization. Its purpose
is to raise awareness among veterans
of the end-of-life services and benefits
available to them.
Navy Lieutenant Joe Kernan meets United States President Richard Nixon
following his time as a POW in Vietnam.
“More than a quarter of the people dying
in the United States today are veterans,”
noted Mark Murray, CHC President/
CEO. “Nationally, some 1,800 veterans
die each day, and our goal is to
address their end-of-life needs, to
serve them as they have served us.”
Center for Hospice Care has achieved
the highest designation, Level 4, in the
“We Honor Veterans” Partner program.
As a Level 4 partner, we integrate
veteran-specific content into our staff
and volunteer orientation and education.
Simple acts of gratitude at the end-oflife can go a long way toward making up
for a lack of appreciation or recognition
the veterans may have received during
their lifetime, especially for those who
were never properly welcomed home
or thanked for their service.
To learn more about the veterans
memorial, contact Cyndy Searfoss
at [email protected] or at
Army Captain, JAG Corps, Bob Beutter during his training days.
hospice Investment and donation information
Donor Profile: St Joe Valley Street Rods
Two of the most satisfying things in life
are a delicious pizza and doing something
good for others. The members of the St
Joseph Valley Street Rods have found a
way to combine these for the benefit of
Center for Hospice Care patients and
their families.
Since 2010 this group of street rod
enthusiasts has sold $10 Mishawaka
Barnaby’s pizza coupon to raise funds
for CHC. The first year the group netted
$2,250Each year the group has raised
significantly more money and have been
able to meet or exceed the previous
year’s total.
The group’s check presentation is a
newsworthy event unto itself – not just in
terms of the funds raised but also because
a number of the members drive their
street rods CHC’s Mishawaka Campus
for the presentation. Last July 15, colorful
cars filled the campus’ parking lot as their
owners took part in the presentation.
WNDU covered the event and spoke with
club representatives about their cars and
fundraising on behalf of CHC.
includes bereavement services, like
Camp Evergreen and our After Images
art counseling program, that we provide
at no charge to the community. Their
support goes a long way to making these
services possible.”
Third-party fundraising and events are
crucial to helping CHC keep its 36-year
promise that no one eligible for hospice
care will ever be turned away, regardless
of ability to pay.
The group stated, “The members of the
St Joe Valley Street Rods feel very
fortunate that in our spare time we
are able to partner with a business like
Barnaby’s Pizza to assist Center for
Hospice Care through our fund raising
efforts in their support of patients and
families throughout the community
during their time of need.”
“We can’t say thank you enough to this
group for their hard work and dedication.
The funds they raise are integral to our
fundraising efforts. Last year we provided
more than $2 million in charity care,
unreimbursed services and write-offs
for patients in need of our services,”
said Mike Wargo, vice president/COO
of the Hospice Foundation. “This
To learn more about how your group
or organization can raise funds to assist
Center for Hospice Care, contact Red
Fisher, Special Events Coordinator, at
[email protected] or at 574.243.3119.
Community Corner
Planned Giving
Planned giving – exactly what is it?
And how does planned giving support
Center for Hospice Care and Hospice
and event sponsorships may be part of
an organization’s budget, but unlike a
planned gift, they are not mapped out 10,
15 or even 20 years in advance.
Planned giving, known by some as gift
planning, is a way that generous people
support non-profits and charities through
an estate plan or a bequest. These types
of gifts can be made during a donor’s
lifetime or upon death. Some planned
gifts are structured to provide life-long
income to the donor, while others use
estate and tax planning strategies to
benefit designated charities and heirs in
ways that optimize the gift and minimize
the impact of taxes on the donor’s estate.
A planned gift typically involves the
transfer of assets like stock, real estate
or life insurance to the Hospice
Foundation during a lifetime or upon
the donors passing. This typically occurs
through stipulations in a will or by other
written means.
Planned giving benefits Center for
Hospice Care and Hospice Foundation
every day. In 2015, planned gifts and
bequests to the Hospice Foundation
totaled almost $250,000. As we move
forward in determining ways to serve
increasing demand for our services, gifts
like this enable us to continue to meet
our commitment to care for anyone in
our eight northern Indiana county service
area, regardless of their ability to pay.
Planned gifts are different from other
types of charitable giving since they
are not discretionary. Annual giving
insurance policy beneficiary
designation or a retirement account are
exempt from estate tax.
• Donors establishing a life-income gift
have the ability to receive a tax
deduction for the full, fair market value
of the assets contributed, less the
present value of income interest
retained, and if they fund their gift
with appreciated property, they pay no
upfront capital gains tax on the transfer.
Many planned giving options offer
generous tax benefits. Tax legislation
enacted in the mid 1980s that increased
capital gains taxes significantly
encouraged donors and their financial
advisors to consider planning instruments
like the charitable remainder trust,
charitable lead trust and charitable
gift annuities. These are gifts that earn
income for the donor or a designate
during their lifetime.
• Donors contributing appreciated
property like securities or real estate
receive a charitable deduction for the
full market value of the asset. They do
not pay capital gains tax on the transfer.
Documenting any type of planned gift
with Center for Hospice Care and the
Hospice Foundation is encouraged. Here
are some tax benefits to consider:
Hospice Foundation (a dba for The
Foundation for the Center for Hospice
and Palliative Care, Inc.) is a 501(c)
(3) organization headquartered at 111
Sunnybrook Ct., South Bend, IN 46637.
To learn more about planned gifts contact
Chris Taelman at [email protected]
or 574.243.3713.
• Gifts to the Hospice Foundation to
benefit Center for Hospice Care upon
the donor’s death, like a bequest, life
To determine your needs and how best
to make a planned gift, we welcome the
opportunity to meet with you and your
attorney, accountant or financial planner
to discuss options available to you.
The Hospice Foundation is grateful for the generosity of the many groups that support its mission through their independent fundraising efforts,
grantsmanship and donations. Although we cannot recognize every effort, we are pleased to take this opportunity to recognize the following
and thank all those in the community who support our agency.
Knights of Columbus Bowling League
officers and captains chose to award $250
to Center for Hospice Care.
The Horton Group held a Casual for a
Cause fundraiser; $500 was raised and
donated to Center for Hospice Care.
Dec-O-Art and its employees donated $1,500
to Center for Hospice Care to allow us to
continue our service to the communities
we serve.
Club 15’s golf leagues, summer pool and
bowling league raised and donated
$1,500 to Center for Hospice Care to
support our cause.
Kappa Kappa Kappa gave $11 to Center
for Hospice Care.
Delta Theta Tau Sorority donated $400 to
Center for Hospice Care.
As a result of 10 years in business Arkos
Design collected dimes – 10 cents for 10
years – from colleagues, family, friends,
neighbors and partners; $525 was donated
to Center for Hospice Care.
Parishioners of Christ the King Church
collected and donated $887 to Center for
Hospice Care to help support the work we
Knights of Columbus Queen of All Saints
Council #6347 in Knox, Indiana held a
Tootsie Roll Drive and $225 was collected
and donated to Center for Hospice Care.
Trinity Health staff in South Bend
contributed to a Jeans Dollars fund for the
opportunity to wear jeans to work. A total
of $466 was collected and donated to
Center for Hospice Care.
J.S. Paluch and Steven Warner donated
$61.00 to Center for Hospice Care as a
result of the royalties associated with the
recording The Seven Signs.
Eck & Associates Inc. gave $150 to Center
for Hospice Care to support our work in
the community.
St Paul’s Lutheran Church held a euchre
event where $120 was raised and donated
to Center for Hospice Care.
Members of the American Legion Riders Post #357 present Hospice Foundation
Vice President/COO Mike Wargo with a check for $825.
American Legion Riders
Post #357
Last fall, the American Legion Riders of Post #357
held a motorcycle ride, with funds raised going to
Center for Hospice Care (CHC). The ride raised $825,
which will go towards building a Veterans Memorial
to be built on the grounds of the CHC Mishawaka
Campus. Learn more about the memorial in the cover
story of this magazine on pages 14-15.
This was the second year that the American Legion
Riders of Post #357 held a ride to benefit CHC. In the
two years, $1,225 has been donated to CHC.
Due to Internal Revenue Service tax regulations, we may only issue written acknowledgement for donations made payable to and/or processed directly by Center for Hospice Care or Hospice Foundation.
Donations made and/or processed via a third party may not be eligible for a charitable tax donation. If you have any questions regarding charitable contributions, contact Mike Wargo, Chief Operating
Officer, at 574.243.2059 or [email protected]. For specific tax advice, you should visit the IRS website at www.irs.gov or contact your tax advisor.
$25,000 and above
Community Foundation of St. Joseph
Mr. Arthur J. Decio
Robert J. Hiler Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hiler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. McKernan
Chairman Circle
$10,000 to $24,999
1st Source Bank - Private Banking
1st Source Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Nafe Alick, Sr.
Alick’s Home Medical
Beacon Health System
Mrs. Deanna L. Beall
The Cressy Foundation
The Foundation of Saint Joseph Health
Garatoni-Smith Family Foundation
Gurley-Leep Automotive Group
In Memory of Charles C. Hinds
Jordan H. Kapson Charitable Lead
Memorial Hospital and Health Systems
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Milligan
Mr. Mark M Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Newbold
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Rodino
Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Rosenberg
St Joe Valley Street Rods
Strefling Foundation Inc.
* Denotes in-kind gift
President’s Society
$5,000 to $9,999
Dr. Zoreen and Dr. Rafat Ansari
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Behre
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Brady
Burns Rent-Alls, Inc.*
DJ Construction Co
of Caring
Mr. and Mrs. Bipin Doshi
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Edmonds
Kristin and William Fenech Family
Foundation NE Fund
Gates Automotive, Inc.
Give with Liberty
Dr. and Mrs. Todd A. Graham
Mr. David P. Gratton
Ralph M. and Lucille M. Hass Fund
InServ Environmental Services
Interlogic Outsourcing Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Joines
Kash Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Brett E. LaMont
Logan Community Resources
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Ludwig
Ms. Kellie Lyons
Mr. Michael McCray
Evelyne Major Fund
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thad Naquin
National Hospice Foundation
Peoplelink Staffing Solutions
Mr. Timothy C. Portolese and
Dr. Bruce Newswanger
Quality Dining, Inc.
Recycled/New Pallets
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Schurz
Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Shein
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sims
South Bend Sod Busters Inc.
Mrs. Mary Jane Stanley
Studebaker National Museum, Inc.
Teachers Credit Union
The Inn at Saint Mary’s
The South Bend Clinic, LLP
Tibbo Sound*
TK Steel Inc.
University of Notre Dame Office of the
Exec Vice President
WNIT Public Television
WSBT Radio Group*
* Denotes in-kind gift
Helping Hands Society
$1,000 to $4,999
1st Source Bank
A Marcus Company
To further our mission to improve the quality of living for those we serve regardless of one’s ability to pay,
The Hospice Foundation implemented a donor giving program: Circle of Caring. Membership in the Circle
of Caring entitles donors to benefits based on the level of the donor’s cumulative annual support. CHC and
The Hospice Foundation express their appreciation and honor our members in the following societies:
Recognition in this issue covers gifts received from February 1, 2015, to March 31, 2016.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Abernethy
ABRO Industries, Inc.
AM General
Ancon Construction Co., Inc.
Angels in Red 42266
(6) Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Asleson
Mrs. Laverne M. Auger
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baker
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Beacon Cardiothoracic Surgery Group
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Bickel
Big C Lumber
Bill Deputy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Borntrager
Dr. and Mrs. Sam J. Borrelli
Burkhart Advertising, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Ann Butts
Camp Creek Church of Brethren
Chamber of Commerce of St. Joseph
Charles S. Hayes, Inc.
Dr. Vinod Chauhan and Dr. Ruta Gandhi
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Choitz
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Clark
Club 15
Ms. Donna Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Corey D. Cressy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Debelar
Dec-O-Art, Inc.
Mrs. Shirley A. DeCook
Mrs. Judith A. DeFries
Elkhart County Community Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Firth
Susan and Tom Fischbach
Flynn Family Foundation
Mr. Trevor Foley
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Fulnecky
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Gilbert
Ms. Tami L. Greenawalt
Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Habegger
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hammes
Mr. and Mrs. Al H. Harding, III
Mr. M. Bruce Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Heller
Helman Sechrist Architecture
Reverend and Mrs. William R. Hemmig
Mr. and Mrs. Hale S. Henderson, Jr.
Hensley Fabricating & Equipment Co Inc.
Mr. Donald F. Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hiler
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hiler
Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Holderman
Holy Cross College
Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Hopkins, IV
Mrs. Karen A. Hudson
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Hurwich
Mr. and Mrs. James Huwaldt
Indiana Michigan Power
Mr. Kurt Janowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Johnson
Mr. Stephen C. Johnson
Mr. James A. Kazmierczak
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kill
Mr. Andrew L. Klawitter
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Kosater
Dr. and Mrs. Jon B. Kubley
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Kuzmich
Ladue Curran & Kuehn, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Lake
Lake City Bank
Dr. Steven I. Lewallen
John H. Lloyd
Mrs. Barbara C. Lobdell
Mrs. Lyla S. Lockhart
Mr. Michael A. Long
Drs. Rita and Andrew Losiniecki
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Magor
Ms. Mary Ann Mahoney
Jessica and Paul Maich
Ms. Kathleen Malone Beeler and Mr.
Brian C. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin D. Marohn
Marshall County Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mauro
May Oberfell Lorber
Mr. James W. McCann
McDonald Physical Therapy, PC
McDonalds/KADA Partnership
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen T. McTigue, Jr.
Dr. Michael Method
Mr. David Mimran
Edward V. and Margaret A. Minczeski
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Monserez
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mudd
My Intent Project
NAIFA of North Central Indiana
Mr. Stephen P. Nani
Mr. Wallace W. Neumann
Night Wind Standard Poodles
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nolte
Notre Dame Federal Credit Union
Mr. John G. Pfeil
Praxair Distribution Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Reese
Ms. Barbara Resnik
Mrs. Lisa Rodriguez
Mr. Craig W. Rogers
Mrs. Janice Salmander
Cyndy and Steve Searfoss
Senior 1 Care
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Shephard
The Ronald Sherck Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sipocz
Mrs. Lisa Smith-Eck
South Bend Cubs
South Bend Medical Foundation
Roberta and Thomas Spencer
St Joseph County Parks Department
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steele
Ms. Pamela K. Stephenson
Ms. Shirley Stevens
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt H. Stiver
Dr. Richard W. Tarara
The Radiology Inc. Foundation
Ms. Lori Turner
United Way of Central Maryland
United Way of Elkhart County, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Vandall
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wade
Mr. Martin E. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell W. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wargo
Dr. and Mrs. Troy Weirick
Welch Packaging Group, Inc.
Dr. Catherine and Mr. W. Andrew Whitcroft
Mrs. Dorothy Wiekamp
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Wilson
Joseph D. Winer Rev Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Wynne
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ziolkowski
Heart of Hospice Club
$500 to $999
American Legion Riders Post #357
Arkos Design
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Jerry Berntsen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Beville
Mrs. Janet K. Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cafiero
Ms. Judy Cheatham
Christ the King Catholic Church
Mr. Christopher A. Cinal
Mr. Arlin Cochran
Corson Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coussens
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Craft
Cressy & Everett Real Estate
Mrs. Nora K. Crosen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen X. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Deane
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Deputy
Mrs. Barbara A. Dillon
Diocese of St Petersburg Catholic
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Dittrich
Diversified Realestate, LLC
Mr. Nicholas Dorochoff
Duley Press, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dunbar
Ms. Teresa Duncan
E. V. S. Ltd.
Mrs. Sharon K. Eberhard
Mrs. Katherine N. Eilers
Mr. and Mrs. Francis K. Ellert
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Faccenda, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Fairchild
Ms. Rebecca L. Fear
Foegley Landscape Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. George B. Friend
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gerber
Dr. Thomas J. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Giver
Ms. Vicki Gnoth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goeller
Mr. DeFoe L. Greenawalt
Mrs. Ruth M. Haag
Halbritter Funeral Home
Dr. Melvin F. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hanley
Mr. Leo J. Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hiler
Mrs. Anne M. Hillman
Mr. James W. Hillman
The History Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Holderman
The Horton Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Howell
Mr. Adam Humbarger
Ms. Jane E. Hunter
Dr. Anthony K. Hyder
Dr. Nancy L. Ickler
Indiana Trust & Investment
Management Co.
Indiana University South Bend
International Association of Asbestos
Workers, Local #75
Ivy Tech Community College
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Janssen
Mr. Daniel R. Johnson
Mr. T. Steven Jones
Mr. Robert L. Keck
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Kelley
Mr. J. Paul Kendle
Mr. and Mrs. Denis K. Kidde
Ms. Rebecca A. Kizer
Lt. Col. Renee M. Knippel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koepp
Koontz Lake Association, Inc.
Mrs. Jurate Z. Krabill
Lakota Corp
Ms. Shelli Lanfeare
Laven Insurance Agency
Ms. Terri J. Lawton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Leblang
Mrs. Jill C. Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Leliaert, Jr.
Mrs. Jill A. Lester
Mrs. Gunnel B. Lofgren
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Longcor
Lt. Col. Robert D. Martin, Sr.
Michiana Mustangs
Mr. Keith B. Miller
Ms. Marsha Miller
Mrs. Lynn E. Millikan
Mrs. Charlotte G. Mittler
Morgan Stanley
Mossberg & Co., Inc.
Motion Industries Inc.
Mr. David I. Myers
Mr. Joshua C. Neff
Mrs. Delores K. Newcomer
Mrs. Karen A. Nicholson
Northern Wood Products Inc.
Mr. Patrick D. Novitzki
Mrs. Sally A. Nusbaum
Outpost Sports
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Panzica
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pinnick
Pioneer Automobile Association
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Porsche
Quaco Family Trust
Mrs. Louise Rieth
Rollie Williams Paint Spot Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rousseve
Mr. Louis A. Ruder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schosker, Jr.
Select Health Network
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sheneman
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Shive
Mrs. Leah Silver
Simon Property Group Inc.
Mrs. Rebecca R. Stafford
State Employees’ Community
Mrs. Isabel A. Stickley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Q. Stifel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Strader
Dr. Gary M. Sunada
Sunnyside Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Swanstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Taelman
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Ms. Carolyn M. Tihen
Mrs. Amy E. Tribbett
UAW Local No. 9
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
Veldman’s Auto Parts Inc.
Mr. Ralph M. Vollmer
Mr. Douglas A. Wait
Mr. Robert J. Widdis
Mr. Mac Willingham
Dr. Douglas J. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wing
Mrs. Nancy K. Wuthrich
Caregiver’s Alliance
$250 to $499
Mr. Christopher Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Annis, Jr.
(6) Anonymous
AT&T Foundation
Mr. Richard E. A. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Bailey
Mr. Reginald F. Bain
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Balsley
Mr. and Mrs. John Bartley
Mr. Dennis J. Beadle
Belmont Beverage
Mr. Lester D. Berger
Mr. William H. Berkshire
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Biek
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Blazek
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Borger
Mrs. Rachel Boyd
Ms. Lori Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. William Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bycraft
Mr. John E. Calvert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Catanzarite
Mr. and Mrs. James R Chandler
Ms. Debbie J. Charleston
Clayton Dubilier & Rice LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Cook
Mr. Paul H. Corpe
Ms. Kathleen M. Crane
Patricia and Frank Criniti
Mrs. Marilyn J. Culp
Mr. Wendell D. Culp
Culver Tool & Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Marvin V. Curtis
Mr. Morris L. Dahl
Mr. Neil Davis
Mr. Scott Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Delahanty
Delta Theta Tau Sorority (Zeta Zeta)
Mr. Richard K. Deuitch
Dexter Axle Company
Gerry Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doering
Mr. Gary L. Dominy
Mr. Chris Donahue
Mrs. Dana Dyczko
Dynamic Mechanical Services, Inc.
Colonel and Mrs. Todd L. Eads
Mrs. Tamara R. Ennis
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Eppers
Mrs. Charlene S. Eslinger
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Feick
Ivan W. Fisher Charitable Fund
Mrs. Patricia A. Flowers
Mr. John Foegley
Ms. Constance J. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Fredman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Fricano
Ms. Marjorie E. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ganger
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gaylor
Ms. Jeannie Geissler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gerhold
Ms. Elizabeth Ruth Germano
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Gilsinger
Mr. Jerry Giolitto
Ms. Claire Gisel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Goeller
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Goepfrich
Goethals & Wells Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Goodale
Mr. Chad Gradowski
Ms. Heather Gradowski and Mr. Chris
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Gregory
GSSC, Inc.
Ms. Rachel Guerra
Mrs. Jeanette M. Hamel
Mr. Robert D. Hammon
Mr. Eric J. Hancz
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Hektor
Ms. Peggy J. Henderson
Mr. Andrew Hill
Ms. Priscilla B. Hoag
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hoffer
Mrs. Doris Holtzinger
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hoover
HRP Construction Inc.
Mr. Dennis L. Huff
Mr. Larry Huggett
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hughes
Mr. Roger D. Huneryager
Mrs. Mary S. Hurley
Mrs. Judith M. Hurst
INOVA Federal Credit Union
Inwood United Methodist Church
Mrs. Tina M. Jankowski
Ms. Francine L. Jaworski and Mr. Curt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Jellison
Mr. David Jessup
Mrs. Caroll A. Johnson
Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc South Bend
Associate Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keck
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin V. Keigley
Mr. Lewis D. Kimble
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. King
Ms. Amy Knapp
Knights of Columbus International
Bowling Association
Ms. Barbara Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kowalewski
Mr. Charles Kratz
Kruggel, Lawton & Company
Mr. John A. Kubinski
Ms. Judith A. Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. William Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Lemler
Mrs. Patricia Leslie
Ms. Samantha Lestinsky
Mr. Jeffrey P. Lindquist
Ms. Laura Lord
Ms. Joan Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Lovin
Ludwick Graphics Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Lumm
Mrs. Claire Louise Luther
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lutkus
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Majcher
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Mangus
Ms. Michalen Maternowski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Mathis
Ms. Margaret E. Maupin
Mr. Michael Mazor
Ms. Mary A. McClead
Mr. Kenneth A. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mellish
Ms. Denise Merrill
Mr. John A. Meuleman
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Meyer
Mr. Michael J. Michele, Jr.
Mr. Blake C. Miller
Mrs. Reva Marie Moody
Mrs. Margaret Moran
Professor and Mrs. Thomas J. Mueller
Newmark Grubb Cressy & Everett
Mr. Patrick L. Niezgodski
Ms. Cheryl Nix
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Norborg
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien
Dr. Roderick S. O’Brien
Ms. Janet E. Pagels
Mr. and Mrs. Ara R. Parseghian
Ms. Mary Perron
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Pletcher
Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Ward A. Poulos
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Powers
Precious Metal Refining Services Inc.
Pulmonary & Critical Care
Associates, PC
Tom and Jacki Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Lonn A. Reinhardt
Mrs. Joan M. Riffel
Mr. D. Michael Roark
Loanna and Dick Rockstroh
Mr. Gregory C. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Roule
Mr. Jordan M. Rowell
Reverend Daryl M. Rybicki
Sard Verbinnen & Company
Ms. Barbara A. Kubiak and Mr. Barry
L. Schleiger
Mrs. Cindy Schoenfeld
Mrs. Kelly Schroeder
Ms. Katherine M. Siupinski
Mrs. Jenelle Sloop
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sommese
The Source Company
Mrs. Opal P. Speicher
Mr. Thomas R. Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Stanley
Mrs. Donna M. Stewart
Mr. Dave Stichter
Mr. James R. Stoll
Ms. Pamela Stoner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Studer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Sulok
Mrs. Edna M. Swihart
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Swihart
Mrs. Amy P. Thomas
Thor Diesel Club
Trinity Health
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Troendle
United Way of Marshall Co., Inc.
University of Notre Dame/Accounts
Payable Office
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Urbanski
Ms. Helen Ursery
Mrs. Gladys J. VanDePutte
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vanderkam
Mrs. Geanine VanDyck
Mr. Ray D. VanVynckt
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Vargo
Mr. D. P. Venkatesh
Mrs. Cynthia J. Vince
Ms. Amy F. Scholl and Mr. Scott J.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waggoner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Watts
Charles L. Webber
Mrs. Carol L. Weber
Ms. Kathryn D. Weber
Mrs. Marie E. Weiss
Mrs. Frances B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Wilson
Mr. Jerry Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Winrotte
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Wolf
Womens Council of Realtors South
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Yoder, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Youngs
Mr. Nelson C. Zimmer
Mr. and Mrs. James R Zimmerman
Zion United Church of Christ
Planned Giving
Esther O. Craig
Maria and Robert W. Dockstader
Olga Fister
Louis E. Flora Trust
John H. Lloyd, III
Marilyn McGrane
Glenn V. Smallwood
Patricia L. Tollens
Jane J. Warner
If you are interested in joining the Circle of Caring, please contact Mike Wargo at 574.243.2059 or [email protected].
In Memory
The following gifts were made to the Hospice Foundation between 9/1/2015 and 3/31/2016. We are very grateful for these
gifts as they enable us to fulfill our mission to improve the quality of living.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If you wish to report an error or omission, please call our
Development Office at 800.413.9083. Any corrections will be in the next issue of CROSSROADS.
In Memory of Thomas J. Abberger
Ms. Sally Harrison
Michiana Eye Center
In Memory of Anne O. Abernethy
Spike Abernethy
In Memory of Leonardo (Leo) C. Abriam
Mr. and Mrs. Loy W. Fishburn
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Read
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schmit
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Winrotte
In Memory of Ray K. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Adams
Mrs. Carol A. Brown
Larry K. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Mace A. Companion
Ms. Lana J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Marty J. Juel
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lien
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Linn
Ms. Diana McDowell
Shannon and Trent McDowell
Trudy R. McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Darin J. Miller
Steve Papandrea, Sr
Elaine and Jack Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. John VanHuystee
Terrie and Robert Williamson
In Memory of Robert (Bob) Chandler
Adams, II
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Davis
East Side Youth Baseball Softball Association
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Norborg
Linda and Erik Waelchi
In Memory of Mary Adamski
Mr. Christopher A. Cinal
In Memory of Joanne Aldridge
Mr. and Mrs. James Cummings
Ms. Evelyn F. Durocher
In Memory of Alice M. Alferio
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Najdek
In Memory of Roberta June Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Jackson
Mr. Don Zimmerman
In Memory of David (Bob) R. Anderson
Bendix Dept. 854 Honeywell Coffee Club
Center Management Corporation
Jerry R. Gould
Bill Heimann and Mary Toll
Cindi Kawka
Marilyn Melkey
Mr. Arthur Newhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rossow
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Williams
Barbara D. Woods
In Memory of Steve W. Anderson, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Foley
In Memory of Ira Noah Anes
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Anella
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Harding
Betty Signer
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wind
In Memory of Warren Eldon Anglemyer
Mrs. Elva Anglemyer
Jody and Ian Kettering
Roxann and Mike Stouder
In Memory of Ruth Juanita Anglin
Sharon and Thomas Craven
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dover
Chris Fox
Susan and Ed Herr
Mr. Eric J. Loughman
In Memory of Donald (Don)
Irwin Ansbaugh
Betty and David Baim and Family
Doris Kingsafer
Linda S. Kingsafer
Ronni and Steve Redman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz
Beverly and William Stitt
Janice Weller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wood
In Memory of Guy E. Alfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Yoder
In Memory of Roberta M. Arbuckle
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. James L. McGee
In Memory of All Cancer Victims
Mrs. Dolores Pesut
In Memory of Albert (Al) L. Arko
Mrs. Catherine A. Arko
In Memory of Veronica J. Allen
Stacy L. Allen
In Memory of Jane Ann Armentrout
Ms. Alice M. Wiand
In Memory of Joan M. Arrowsmith
Catherine Vroman
In Memory of Steven L. Artusi
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Artusi
DeAmicis Club
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Huntley
Carol and Mike Young
In Memory of Clare Asher
Mrs. Lisette L. Ackerberg
Gini and Gene Bamber
Mr. Donald A. Siberell
Mr. Christopher Witham
In Memory of Grace J. Augustine
Bruce, Margaret and Richard Hakes
Ms. Marjorie K. Wright
In Memory of Josephine (Jane) A. Baert
Nita and Ray Bickel
The Bodle Family
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Danny S. Graber
Mrs. Ann M. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hoppers
Betty and Rusty Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Mestach
Irene F. Mestach
Roberta Bokhart
Mary and Paul Pignone
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Rieff
Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Slott
In Memory of Paula (Taz) Kay
Bahrke Anderson
Ms. Cheri I. Bahrke
Cindy and Fred Scott
In Memory of Lawrence Jerry Balestri
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gray
In Memory of Margaret Rose Balogh
Gregory Balogh
In Memory of Marvin Balogh
Gregory Balogh
In Memory of Frank F. Banicki
Elizabeth Bujak and Ralph C. Ballard
Ms. Cynthia A. Bodle
Mr. Russel T. Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Edwards
Mr. Michael J. Kruk
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ksiezopolski
Buster and Vicki Lee
Becky and Pete Mayfield, Mandie Cybulski
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Michalski
Mary Ann Moran, Laura Moran Walton
Shirley Perry
Mrs. Violette R. Rydzynski
David E. Smith, Jr
Janine and Quinto Squadroni and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ullery
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Wind
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Winnicki
Ms. Dorothy L. Zurawski
In Memory of Dorothy Jean Baron
Mark Baron
In Memory of John (Johnny Bee)
P. Basker
National Assoc. of Letter Carriers, Branch 820
In Memory of Betty J. Bauch
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Hayes
In Memory of Bernard (Bernie) F. Bauer
Mrs. Lois M. Hurtle
In Memory of Debra (Debbie)
Regina Bauters
Mr. Donald Bauters
In Memory of Richard (Dick) A. Beall
Deanna Beall and the entire Beall Family
In Memory of Edward (Ed) L. Bechtel
Ms. Melba Bechtel
Julie and Bob Bechtel
Kim and Scott Bechtel
Tina and Harley Bontrager
Eleanor Brighter
Joyce I. Dittfield
Cathy and Bill Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Huber
Richard Longcor
Martin Bros. Contracting, Inc.
Jean Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Roth
Carol Selman
Jean and Roger Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Steede
In Memory of Roy Lee Beck, Sr
Teresa and Sam Jermano
Mrs. Miriam M. Nolan
Mrs. Elizabeth Welch
In Memory of Devon (Bunny) H. Beehler
Mrs. Patricia A. Beehler
In Memory of Kevin D. Beers
Phyllis and Lyle Augsburger
Lina and Mike Fritschi
In Memory of Michael (Micky) T. Bell
Mr. Barry Adler
Ms. Alice M. Holland
Ms. Kathleen R. Secor
Ms. Marlene Wright
Christine and Don Yoder
In Memory of Evelyn Ruth Bellman
Betty Miller
Pam and Tom Missman
In Memory of Emily Ann Benko
Susan L. Penn, Stephen, Sueann, Samantha
In Memory of Steve Benko
Susan L. Penn, Stephen, Sueann, Samantha
In Memory of Mitsuko (Michi)
Mr. Walter L. Benninghoff
In Memory of Donald Harold Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Powers
In Memory of Mary Jane Berger
Mr. Lester D. Berger
In Memory of Margaret G. Berges
Clayton Dubilier & Rice, LLC
Lucy Kaplachinski
In Memory of Ann Berntsen
Mr. Jerry Berntsen
In Memory of Irene Lucy Bessler Scheffer
Sharon Eberhard
In Memory of Herman (Herm) E. Beutel
Mr. and Mrs. Garry F. Fisher
In Memory of Mary Margaret Bickel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Bickel
In Memory of Loretta Jean Biek
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Biek
In Memory of Roy Biek
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Biek
In Memory of Laraleen Bikowski
Deeanne M. Locsi
In Memory of Raymond (Ray) C. Bilinski
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Angelos
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Bella
Ms. Carol Bilinski
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Colalillo
Ruth and Paul Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Petrie
Patty and Lexie Wolf
In Memory of Robert (Bobby)
George Binder
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Avrett
Mr. Kevin Bargielski
Mrs. Gail M. Bondo
Diversified Realestate, LLC
Mr. Robert E. Dunbar, Sr
Ms. Gaylynn Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Pitcock
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Whittaker
In Memory of Mary Katherine Birk
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Adams
American Electric Power
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Anthony
Berrien County Trophy Toms
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Birk
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Burch
Rose and Steve Ciszczon
Kevin, Ann, Mary and William Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Csakany
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Davidhizar
Debra K. Degucz
Mrs. Catherine M. DeVreese
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dull
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Foos
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Howard
Ms. Karen Jasper
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rabe
Debbie L. Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Shoff
Mrs. Doris D. Wozny
Mr. and Mrs. Lane A. Wright
Don Zutter
In Memory of Johanna
(Hanna) Birutschenko
Mr. David M. Lewallen
Joseph O’Brien
Mary and Ed Rummel
Millie and Danny Shaw
In Memory of Forrest Glenn Black
In Memory of Virginia M. Bland
Mary Ellen Derucki
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Derucki
Janet Kruszewski
Stan Machowiak
Patricia Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Olson
Rich Overholser
Susan and Donald Sheets
In Memory of Carol A. Bleck
Mr. Jerome D. Bleck
In Memory of Larry Dean Bleiler
Ms. Alice W. Chan
In Memory of Diane M. Boehnlein
Elizabeth (Betty) Grzadziela
In Memory of Janet (Jan) Kay Bogaert
Mrs. Bonnie A. Fladeland
In Memory of James (Jim) Bognar
Mr. Donald L. Jun
In Memory of Thomas (Tom)
Anthony Bogucki
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Acrey
Mrs. Betty Bogucki
Mrs. Cheryl J. Burcenski Champoux
Club 15
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Florkowski
Ms. Judith G. Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ives
Ann Marie Kruk
Mishawaka Women’s Golf Association
Mrs. Ashley Mundy
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Pietraszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Teske
Ms. Laura Veldman
In Memory of Mary True Bonin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonin
In Memory of Donovan (Don) E.
Mrs. Roberta Anderson
Anne and Fred Benner
Jan Berger
Mrs. Jeanne M. Boomershine
Ms. Joella J. Carll
Mr. Howard M. Cox
Denise and Don Ecker
Ms. Rosemary N. Gillen
Laurie and Joe Glaub and Family
Mrs. Jenny L. Greenlee
Mr. Thomas Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long
Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Lowry
Ms. Norma Nitz
Oliver Ford Lincoln Mercury
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Powell
Ms. Linda Rulapaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Sikorski
Somerset CPAs
Mrs. Teresa L. Weesner Creger
Linda and Stefanie Wilcox
In Memory of John P. Borlick
Isabelle Stachowiak
Mary and Ken Staszewski
Ann and Robert Wasowski
In Memory of Richard (Dick) A. Born
Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Bigler
Bourbon High School Class of 1959
Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Eich
Ms. Betty K. Eley
Jerri Gephart
Mr. Larry Roahrig
Ms. Barbara Shidler
Mrs. Lee Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson
Carolyn and Michael Utter
Dale Wallskog and Terry Scarborough
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wanemacher
In Memory of Rita A. Borntrager
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Amaral
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Borntrager
Diversified Realestate, LLC
Mary Anne and Harvey Hurst
Mrs. Lyn Urgonski
In Memory of Kathleen (Kathy) S. Borsare
Mr. Michael J. Borsare
In Memory of John Botich, Sr
MaryLou Botich
In Memory of Dolores (Dolly) D. Bowling
Ms. Linda Hagan
In Memory of Darlene Ann Boyer
Ms. Elizabeth G. Kuntz
Phyllis Mize and Diana Mize
Nyloncraft, Inc.
John Singleton
Linda Singleton
Lisa Singleton
Curt Stienbarger
Laura Stienbarger
In Memory of Paul W. Bradley
The Best Family
Mrs. Mary K. Bradley
Pam S. Gentle
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Jablonski
Gail and Gary Olinger
Rita and Tim Porsche
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Rains
Carol and Ken Tice
Jane and Ed Williams
Marilyn Williams, Rachelle Williams
Mike Wyland
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ziarko
In Memory of Willis (Pop) Condon
Bradshaw, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fisher
Mr. Robert L. Keck
In Memory of Paul Ervin Branson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Zinsmeister
In Memory of Donald E. Brennan
The Johnson Family
The Kamm Family
In Memory of Joyce Breveard-Butts
Kerri A. Breveard
In Memory of Eugene (Doc) W. Brickner
Akron General Medical Center, Medical Staff
Linda and Kevin Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Gaug
Paulette and Frank Horton
In Memory of Mahlon Dale Brindley
Sharen Cackowski
Mrs. Mary A. Fahey
The Garberick Family
Rose and Ron Garberick
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Harms
Ms. Marla J. Krogh
Delores Ort
Kelly and Dean Rentfrow
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Youngs
In Memory of Barbara A. Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Britton
In Memory of Thomas (Jerry) Gerald
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Britton
Kathryn Criss
Ms. Phyllis J. Crofoot
Elkhart County Planning and Development
Sandra Johnson
Ms. Dorothy A. Kissel
Sue and John Little
Patti and Eric McElroy
Gloria and Greg McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. William E. McLaughlin
Ms. Janet L. Mull
Mr. and Mrs. Don Scharrer
Mrs. Anna B. Swinehart
Mr. and Mrs. James G. VanDyck
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Widmeyer
Pamela Wilhelmy
In Memory of James (Jim) R. Brotherson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Deputy
Rita and Tim Porsche
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tychonievich
In Memory of Carol R. Brow
Mrs. Kathryn J. Hutchings
In Memory of Duane Frank Brown
Ms. Pamela J. Mabry
Mrs. Martha A. Schaefer
In Memory of Elizabeth Jane Brown
Ms. Heather L. Brown
In Memory of Frieda Brown
Ms. Patricia B. Dees
In Memory of Margaret S. Brown
Ms. Byra R. Warner
In Memory of Nancy Diane Brown
North Woods Village
Tania J. Shaum
In Memory of Billie (Bill) J. Burgess
Mrs. Eileen M. Burgess
Ms. Rae Cleveland
Lynne and Eric Kallstrand and Kids
Ms. Debra L. Rhodes
In Memory of Dorothea W. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Bowman
Frances, Mary, Debbie, Wendy, John, Judy
Ms. Jan Crawford
Ms. Kathy Elliot
Marguerite S. Gray
Sally Hamburg
Barbara J. Lenczowski
Joyce Lenczowski
Ms. Lynda E. Mallory
Brad Niedbalski
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Nixon
Mrs. Marcella Pearman
Ms. Nancy Jo Pinney
Ms. Kathy Roberts
Fran Schmanski
Mary Schmanski
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Tafelski
Ms. Peggy J. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wilborn
In Memory of Keith E. Burget
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Parmley
In Memory of Wayne H. Burgoon
Mrs. Nadine E. Burgoon
In Memory of Philip (Phil) Joel Burner
Ms. Helen R. Arvesen
Mrs. Marilyn J. Bolinger
Mrs. Kathryn S. Burner
Canterbury Woods Homeowners Assoc.
Mrs. Joan E. Fitt
Mr. and Mrs. Rodrick R. Rolston
Mr. and Mrs. John Spychalski
Mr. and Mrs. August J. VanWanzeele
Ms. Donna Zentmire
In Memory of Marjorie A. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Goeller
In Memory of Jennifer Butchko
Amy S. Lotsbaich
In Memory of Richard F. Brown
Ms. Nancy B. Brown
In Memory of James Patrick Butler
Geyer Construction Co.
In Memory of James O. Brugh
Irene and James Jones
Julie and Russ Jones
In Memory of Lyman M. Butler, Jr
Mrs. Shirley J. Morrow
In Memory of Eldon D. Buell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ruszkowski
In Memory of Emma L. Buell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ruszkowski
In Memory of Mary Opal Bullinger
The Country Line Club
Tami Ennis
In Memory of Donald R. Burger
Robert E. Bevilhymer
In Memory of Phyllis Joanne Buzalski
Ms. Doris J. Buzalski
In Memory of Patricia A. Bykowski
Mr. Joseph J. Bykowski
In Memory of Yenellia (Bird Lady) Lea
Laura Calvert
John E. Calvert
In Memory of Tom A. Campbell
Bob Rockstroh
Loanna and Dick Rockstroh
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of Dean Kenneth Carbiener
Dawn and Brent Amor
Peggy Amor
Amber, Travis, Shelly and Troy Amor
Jim Anderson
Brenda and Dave Bickel
Jill Booth and Family
The Breathless Group
Ray Carbiener
Val and Millard Clauss
Crane Industrial Service Co., Inc.
Linda DeLay
Jody and John Dreyer
Carolyn and Louis Frick
Frick Services, Inc.
Carol and Kris Fuller
Paul Georgen
Patty and Harold Geyer
Phyllis and Phil Grove
Janet and Garry Hall
Sheila and Mike Haluda
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Haslanger
Kay and Ron Holmes
Verdene and Harold Huhnke
John W. Hummer
Janet and Darrell Johnson
Diane and Gerald Kaufman
Sue and Tom Kemble
Madeline Kirchheimer
Angela and Rex Klotz
Rhonda and Kurt Laidig
Lake City Heat Treating Corp.
Ms. Peggy L. Magers
Sharon and Gerald Matysak
Wanda Miller
Jill and Paul Owston
Cecelia and Gary Pugh
Roger Riddle
Pauline and Tom Ridgway
The Brad Robinson Family
Brad Robinson, Jr. and Family
Rev. Carl Robinson and Family
Eugene Robinson and Family
Mary (Carbiener) Robinson
Sharon and Greg Sanders
Sharry and Kent Sanders
Ms. Mildred H. Sanders
Arlene Schafer
Olivia and Wanda Schmeltz
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schweisberger
Beth and Chuck Smiecinski
Debbie and Ken Szczechowski
Judith C. Umbaugh and Thomas A. Umbaugh
Sharon Vance
Joyce and Tony Waller and Family
In Memory of Patsy (Pat) E. Carbiener
Ms. Ruth D. Engel
Franklin Savings Bank
Dwight Handschu
Katherine M. Howell
In Memory of Edward (Ed) L. Carlson, Jr
Mrs. Phyllis M. Carlson
In Memory of John H. Carlson
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Carlson
In Memory of Charles C. Carter
Mrs. Constance M. Carter
In Memory of Virginia Carver
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Elizabeth (Betty) Cary
Maxine and James Cary
Kathy and Tim Cary
Ms. Helen R. Domnanovich
Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Kolber
Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Kolber
Traci and Jim Limes
Ms. Marcia A. Vargo
J. Bruce Wagner
In Memory of Betty Lou Catanzarite
Mrs. Jean L. Adair
Paulette Gerhold
Mr. and Mrs. David Wesolowski
In Memory of Thomas (Tom)
Gerard Chamberlin
Brenda Banelnice
Lisa and Wade Berger
Mrs. Marilyn J. Biggs
Darlene Brundige
Ms. Phyllis N. Burris
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Chamberlain
Jeff, Mitch and Matt Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Clauss
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clough
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Cripe
Culver Tool & Engineering, Inc.
Elaine and Don Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Douglass
Betty Kay Eley
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Gordon
Jenny Greenlee and Family
Karly, Sue and Mike Gruett
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Hoeffler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lyons
Marshall County Auditors
Marshall County Council on Aging
Marshall County Sheriff Merit Board
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Morris
Kris Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lee Neidlinger
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pabst
Mrs. Jayne Pesch
The Piazza Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Price
William M. Record, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Riddle
Mrs. Gail D. Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Scheetz
Mike Scheetz and Family
Mr. Harold J. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schmit
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Shively
Mrs. Joan C. Short
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Slemp
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie P. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thieling
Gary, Ajean and Budd Treat
Mrs. Julia A. Umbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. VanVactor
Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wallace
Ms. Rita M. Walz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weissert
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Weybright
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wilson
Bonnie and Dave Winrotte
Mandy and Matt Winrotte
Wyland, Humphrey, Wagner, & Clevenger, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Leland D. Zumbaugh
In Memory of Dale Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Chapman
In Memory of Helen Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Chapman
In Memory of Anne Marie B. Chikar
Mrs. Betty J. Chikar
In Memory of Richard (Rick) Allen
Chilton, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gunterman
In Memory of Rosemary J. Chlebowski
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Machowiak
Mr. Lynn A. Schram
South Bend Equipment Service Facility, Central
Services Division Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas
In Memory of Harry J. Chodzinski
Louis Koloszar
Debbie and Gary Machowiak
Joan and Max Pehlke
Elaine Robinson
Mrs. Harriet J. Flowers
Patricia A. McCollough Flowers
Granger Missionary Church
Kim Grantham
The Jank Family
Mrs. Dorothy M. Kalmar
Mrs. Zanette Kostin
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ksiezopolski
Dewayne Moss
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rex Northcutt
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sipocz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Szajko
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Vida
Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon D. Yoder
Linda and Ray Carris
Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis C. Comer
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Dembinski
Carol and Jack Freshour
Bonnie and Ron Freshour
Drew L. Johnson
Bobbie and Chuck Lewallen
Lozier Store Fixtures, Accounting Dept.
Gail D. McKee
Lora E. Minichillo
Debbie and Bob Rosenfeld
Linda and Jim Sellers
Maxine Stump
Loyce and Dick Wenzel
Betty Wiseman
In Memory of Evelyn Ciula
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Ciula
In Memory of Willard Leroy Comer
Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis C. Comer
Virginia C. Comer
In Memory of Peter Ciula
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Ciula
In Memory of James Gray Cobb
Mrs. Barbara Boss
Ms. Barbara K. Brenneman
Ms. Cheryl Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Dubois
Mr. Sherman W. Hansen
Ms. Charlene A. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Jacobs
Frank Jankowski
Mrs. Claire Louise Luther
Rosanne and Mike Misener
Ms. Colleen C. Montesi
Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Putnam
Mr. Jordan M. Rowell
Mrs. Merle Stickel
Mrs. Barbara L. Stickler
Ms. Linda L. Unger
In Memory of Cecilia M. Christman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Christman, Jr
In Memory of James (Jack) J. Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Blenke
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Borum
Mr. Randall Brogdon
Jerry Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Leininger
Betty and Rusty Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Miller
In Memory of James (Jim) A. Chrzan
Mrs. Rosemary DePastine
In Memory of Virginia Lou Cole
Mr. Mark D. Cole
In Memory of Ted Chwalek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stefaniak
In Memory of Jean Evelyn Collings
Tami (Collings) Ennis
In Memory of Rose Ciesielski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Ciesielski
In Memory of Elizabeth (Betty) Colt
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Colt
Linda and Richard Kiekbusch
In Memory of Craig E. Chrispyn
Mrs. Amy E. Tribbett
In Memory of Stanley Ciesielski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Ciesielski
In Memory of Donna M. Cionek
Ms. Marjorie Bundy
Chiphone Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Damian Cionek
Linda DeLay
Douglas Crossing Homeowners Association
In Memory of Terry M. Colt
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Colt
Linda and Richard Kiekbusch
In Memory of Virginia C. Comer
Terri and Terry Adams
Michelle and Jeff Beard
Betty Bower
In Memory of Sally Elayne Conrad
Phyllis and Phil Grove
In Memory of Rebecca (Becky) A. Cooper
Ms. Laverne M. Barczykowski
Ms. Patricia Barry
Andrew, Laurie and David Belove
Denise and Jim Blose
Mr. and Mrs. Billy C. Budny
Mr. Richard W. Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Michael Coon
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cooper
Judy and Bob Devereaux, Verneda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Evans
Ms. Sherry A. Francis
The Garwick Family
Mr. Paul Hargreaves
Mr. and Mrs. Bradie Hendrix
Mr. Allen Higginbotham
Mr. Karl Higginbotham
Ray C. Hullinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Huston
Ms. Verneda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Kasza
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kellehan
Mr. and Mrs. Darwin R. Kelver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lesher
Jim Lindsey Family—Deb, Doug, Cindy, Nancy,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Long
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Lovitt
Ms. Gayle E. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Mayo
Ms. Joan A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Elden Motts
Mrs. Norma Neuliep
Mr. and Mrs. Randy K. Noland
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Paprocki
Cmdr. and Mrs. Roland Petrie
Ms. Kathy Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robertson
State Farm Insurance
Kathy Stroup, Jim, Mary and Tom
Mr. and Mrs. James Szmanda
LuAnne and Doug Thompson
Mrs. Patricia A. Turk
Ms. Karen VanDale
Mrs. Dorthey M. VanDusen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Yuhasz, III
In Memory of Debra Ann Copeland
Kandy and Pat Ashton
In Memory of James Sam Coplen
Mrs. Lena M. Coplen
In Memory of Donna J. Copsey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hiar
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ward J. Merchant
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Seyller
Mrs. Patricia A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Snyder
In Memory of Karen A. Corpe
Mr. Paul H. Corpe
In Memory of Mary L. Correll
The Ancilla Domini Sisters
In Memory of Dorothy V. Corson
Katie Smith
In Memory of Patricia Joan Cortas
Mrs. Miriam M. Nolan
In Memory of Bette Cossman
Ms. Elaine Cossman
In Memory of Daniel Paul Coussens
AG Team of Saint Joseph County
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coussens
Mary Mize
In Memory of Jeanlea Cowsert
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman
In Memory of Lorraine Cox
The Ancilla Domini Sisters
In Memory of Helen M. Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Sowell
In Memory of Sarah Jo Crane
Ms. Kathleen M. Crane
In Memory of Robert (Bob) D. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Parmley
In Memory of Hazel Crawford Whitinger
Nancy and Donald Crawford
In Memory of Michael Dean Cripe
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Krill
Trudy McDowell and Family
In Memory of Julianne F. Crist
Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. BeMiller
Pam Clouse
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Crist
Mr. and Mrs. John DeWilde
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher
Ms. Elizabeth Hershberger
Ms. Lee Little
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Mater
Ms. Cynthia R. Pletcher
Lisa Rink
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Schuler
Beverly Stegelmann
In Memory of Rex (Buddy)
Charles Critchlow
The Haimbaugh Family
In Memory of Eugene (Gene) F. Crook
Ms. Janis K. Crook
In Memory of Joan Crook
Ms. Janis K. Crook
In Memory of Betty Lou Crosen
Donna and Kevin Crosen
Larry Crosen
Nora “Kathy” K. Crosen
Tonya and John Potter
Ashley Potter
Dr. Earl J. Savage
In Memory of Babette A. Crowe
Mrs. Jeanette A. Crowe
Mr. Kevin M. Crowe
Michael J. Crowe
In Memory of Leo M. Cullmann
Alice Toth
In Memory of Shirley Ann Cullmann
Alice Toth
In Memory of Harold Grey Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Ogasian
In Memory of Martha (Marty) Louise Culp
Mr. Wendell D. Culp
In Memory of Ruth Ellen Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Ogasian
In Memory of Beatrice (Bea) A. Daggett
Carla J. Brossman and John McAtee, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palumbo
In Memory of Erma Elizabeth Dahl
Mr. Morris L. Dahl
In Memory of Grace Marie
D’Argenio O’Connor
Jeanne and Oliver Rockwell
In Memory of Myrna R. Daube
Sue and Al Allsop
Farm Fertilizers & Seeds, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Hite
Paula and Alan Limerick
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Shepherd
The Snell Family
Carolyn Mills Utter
Rene D. Williams
In Memory of Marie E. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kreiser
In Memory of James (Jim) A. Dickey
Gerry Dickey
In Memory of Marilyn A. Davis
Pat and Ron Jones
Dorothy Kropf
Bonnie and Ron Thiele
Mrs. Barbara Watkins
Janis and Ray Yoder
In Memory of Lazurn M. Diedrich
Tami Ennis
In Memory of William (Bill) G. Davis
McClanahan Family—Leona, Jerry, Cindy, Tim,
Juanita, Jim
Red Hats - South Bend Mad Hatters
Karen and Dale Rieder
In Memory of Patricia M. Deafenbaugh
Amanda N. Gard
In Memory of William Harvey Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Delinski
In Memory of Leon Alan Dean
Ms. Carolyn Horvath
In Memory of Patricia A. Dean
Mr. Charles P. Dean
In Memory of Iris Jane Dearing
Mr. George L. Dearing
Paula and Alan Limerick
In Memory of James (Jim)
Edward DeC raene
Fisher Investments
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Norborg
In Memory of Dawnine Caroline DeFauw
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. VanOsdal
In Memory of Lynn R. DeFries
Mrs. Judith A. DeFries
In Memory of Julius (Jay) H. DeLanghe
Ms. Lorraine J. Wisner
In Memory of Kristine (Kristy) A. DeLee
Jennifer K. Micinski
In Memory of Robert (Bob) L. DeMain
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Carter
Ms. Linda Dedenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Elliott
Evelyn Hamilton
Mr. Douglas L. Kellar
In Memory of Vivian Anna Dene
Susan and Carl Bossung
In Memory of Esther G. DeRyckere
Michele Fullmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sellenberg
In Memory of Christa Felizitas Davis
The Frye Family
In Memory of Joseph J. DeRyckere
Michele Fullmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sellenberg
In Memory of Darwin Davis
In Memory of Patricia J. Deuitch
Rich Deuitch and Jim Pauley
In Memory of Deborah A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robinson
In Memory of Gayle Ellen D’Haenens
Angela Magrames
In Memory of Josephine Janet Davis
Mr. Scott Davis
In Memory of Mary (Dee) D. Dickerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gunterman
In Memory of Dorothea Leona DiGirolamo
Kris and Tim Chapman
Rosemary DePastine
Lucy Kaplachinski
Kara Mitchell
In Memory of James E. Dinehart
Beta Lambda Sisters in Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Crane
Betty Crowgey
Tracy and Bill DeShone
Chris and Jeff Dinehart
Mr. and Mrs. John Dinehart
Co-Workers of Martin Dinehart
Mr. Stephen Dinehart
Vera Eby
Deborah and Dennis Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Horkavi
Mrs. Gloria Kennedy
LaSalle Bristol Corp.
Kennie and Mike Parker
Carla and Jeff Parsons
Ms. Debbie Seibel
Ms. Martha R. Shorter
Mike Strong
Karen Myers, Sandy Lienhart and Family
The Dave Perigo Family
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Troup
Mr. and Mrs. John Wachs
In Memory of Kathy Jo Drudge
Ann and Robert Wasowski
In Memory of Sheryl D. Drutis
Inez “Allyn” Binder
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Drutis
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Drutis
Mr. Michael Englebert
Furrion, LLC—The Moyer/Fair Families
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gaugler
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gilpin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Moyer
Dr. and Mrs. Braden C. Riley
Dan Scali and Sarah Ross
Ms. Gail E Schmidt
Ms. Lynn F. Scott
Stanz Foodservice, Inc.
In Memory of Jeanette Marie Dryden
Mr. Dennis Dryden
In Memory of Dolores (JoAnn) J. DuBois
Jan and Paul Janssen
In Memory of James E. DuBois
Jan and Paul Janssen
In Memory of Leroy (Bud) Dale Dipert
Mrs. Deena M. Dipert
In Memory of Mary Rita DuBois
Mr. Kevin J. and Dr. Mary Sexton
In Memory of Mary Dixon
Mrs. Carol L. Weber
In Memory of John (Kenneth) K. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Northcutt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Skantz
Ms. Anis D. Stenger
In Memory of Clayton Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Dobbs
In Memory of Julia V. Dobrzykowski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bloss
In Memory of Rolland H. Dominy
Mr. Gary L. Dominy
In Memory of Willella (Willie) J. Dominy
Mr. Gary L. Dominy
In Memory of Edna L. Downey
Tami Ennis
In Memory of Thomas (Tom) O. Drinkall
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Abel
Mrs. Dorothy J. Anderson
AT&T Telecom Pioneers South Bend
Mrs. Janice L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Burkett
Mrs. Lois T. Clark
Mr. Stephen R. Douglas
Mrs. Shirley A. Drinkall
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fogle
Friends and Neighbors
Mr. and Mrs. Max Haag
Mr. John W. Jorgensen
Mrs. Mary K. McArt
Morgan Stanley, Emerging Markets Equity
In Memory of Rosalia J. Dunn
Sheila and Mike Boone
Paula and Tim Earley
In Memory of John W. Dunning
Ad Valorem Solutions, LLC
Val and Millard Clauss
Mrs. Joyce E. Gibbons
Marshall County Building Employees
Mr. Edward C. Moritz
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lee Neidlinger
Peggy and Jim Newbold and Family
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Record
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shanks
Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. VanVactor
Mrs. Bonnie Yeazel
In Memory of Brooke Eades
Ms. Pamela K. Eades
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kraiger
In Memory of Margaret Jean Eagles
Anna Balcerzak
Norma and Don Wagley
In Memory of Ronald O. Eberhard
Sharon Eberhard
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of Donald (Don) Jay Eberly
Ms. Georgia Barrow
Babush, Neiman, Kornman & Johnson, LLP
Tela and Dan Hektor
Janet and Charles Houser
Marjorie Kronk
Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Department
Dr. Janet B. Page
Susan and Jeff Peterson and Family
Pauline and Tom Ridgway
Kathie J. Sheneman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stachowski and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stewart
In Memory of Denis (Denny) D. Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Olds
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Smith
Mrs. Mary Lou Smith
In Memory of Doris Ellen Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kartman
In Memory of Jeffrey Wayne Eggleston
Jane Rapp
Lisa and Don Squibb, Jr
Anthony Templeton
In Memory of Gladys (Wanda)
Edwanda Eliason
Ms. Anita K. Culp
In Memory of Mary Ellis
Mrs. Jean L. Adair
In Memory of Dale E. Ely
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Robert (Amish) D. Emmert
Mr. and Mrs. Kent G. Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Blanda
Griffen P&H, Inc.
Lucy Kaplachinski
Ms. Jennifer L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jon G. Smith
In Memory of Arvid M. Erlandson
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Petrass
In Memory of Steven C. Estep
Mr. Donald O. Maylath
In Memory of Jacqueline (Jacki) Jeanne
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollett
Sommers Square East Homeowners
In Memory of Judith (Judy) Marie Everett
Wendy Andrick and Scott Andrick
Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott Sondles
Terry and Ted Turnock and Family
In Memory of Francis (Frank) C. Fahey
Patricia L. Brindley
Mary and Mahlon Brindley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Brindley
Sharen Cackowski
Paul Duda and Lorraine Notteboom
Mr. Jeffery J. Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Futa, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester G. Gerschoffer
Jesse, Judith and Rodney Harms
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Huff
Mrs. Tina M. Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jannasch
John F. Nuner Elementary School
Mrs. Renata M. Kazmierczak
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Kopczynski
Ms. Rhonda Polite
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Rieff
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheneman
Mr. Benny Stopczynski
Mrs. Geraldine T. Tobolski
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Youngs
In Memory of Joseph and Ursula
Fallon Family
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Rogers
In Memory of John M. Famularo
Marilyn and Don Dennig
In Memory of Sandra A. Farkas
J. Bruce Wagner
In Memory of David (Dave) E. Farnham
Jean and Steve Lynn
In Memory of Mary (Kay) Katherine Farver
Mrs. Anne Benington
In Memory of Richard (Dick) Dale Farver, Sr
Mrs. Anne Benington
In Memory of Lois Irene Faunce
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herring
Linda and Tom King
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell A. King
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. King
In Memory of George Fedorchak, Jr
Sharon and Gerald Matysak
In Memory of Laura Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Ron Benjamin
Kristin Brittain
Anne M. Ducomb
Duane Hamilton
Holy Cross College
Mary Lou Jones
Geri Lam
Eleanor (Helen) Logue
Christine Murdock
Pat and Dave Myers
Mr. Paul Raven
Shirley Smith
Mike VanTubbergen
Melissa Zink
In Memory of Melvin J. Fitzgerald
The Richard Anderson Family
Mrs. Kathy L. DeMyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Figg
Mr. John L. Glosson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hiler, Jr
Diane and Gene Knowlton
Mrs. Sharon L. Mull
The Don Nixon Family
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Smythe
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Vandall
Deb and Bill Yergler
In Memory of Michael (Mike)
James Fitzmaurice
Mr. and Mrs. David Andrysiak
Mr. James J. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Bailey
Wendy Fredericks and David A. Schmitt
Mrs. Ruth P. Hess
The Lyle LaVine Family
The Terry Manges Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Parcell
In Memory of Richard (Dick) S. Feingold
Cathy and Ed Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Baranowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brayton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Doherty
Mrs. Melissa A. Hamby
Ms. Nancy P. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Payne
Mrs. Helen S. Retek
Debbie Shearer and Bob Rosenfeld
Ms. Sally G. Schreiber
John, Heather, Corinne, Megan, John, Judy,
Fred Sulok
Aloysius Zmyslo
Mrs. Rose Zmyslo
In Memory of Ellen F. Flint
Thomas Flint
In Memory of Richard (Dick) Charles
Mrs. Helen L. Fields
In Memory of Isabel Rebecca Folk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stoneburner
In Memory of Ruth Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lerman
In Memory of Larry H. Fisher
Mrs. Patricia C. Fisher
In Memory of Paul L. Flint
Thomas Flint
In Memory of Guy D. Flosenzier
Teresa and Dick Johnson, Diane, Scott, Jacob
Mrs. Judi Masterson
Ms. Betty Nickel
Dave Maher and Family
June Maher
Mike Maher and Family
Rick Maher, Jr. and Family
Northern Wood Products, Inc.
In Memory of Patricia Sue Foreman
Donna and John Botich, Jr
MaryLou Botich
Judy Doyle
Cindy Dozois
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Foos
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Jayme Price
Gwen and Dennis Johnson
Mrs. Sandra B. Kryder
Marion Radecki
Stacy Custom Homes – Kim and Steve Stacy
Roseann and Sam Vittorie
Myra and Dennis Wilson
In Memory of Yvonne L. Foresman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunbar
Mrs. Beverly J. Hartley
Mr. Jim Six
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Worns
In Memory of Betty Rose Foster
Connie R. Tomkiewicz
In Memory of Ruth Ann Foster
Mr. William Berkshire
Ann and Jim Checkley
Mary and Elfie Dorsett
Bobbe and John Erickson
Jan Farron
Pat and Chuck Foster
Betty Huneryager
Edith and Walter Luebke
Carolyn Foster Queener
Candi Troyer
In Memory of Irma Rose Fox
Professor and Mrs. David Alonso
Ms. Gretchen L. Anderson
Bayer Healthcare, LLC – McQuality Friends
Mrs. Betty Bendit
Ms. Sheila Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. George Conley
Ellen and Dave Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Deardorff
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Dome
Ms. Constance J. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Fox
Mr. Robert W. Fox
Mrs. Gladys Gray
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Gray
Indiana University South Bend, Dept. of
Janis and Jeff Lindquist
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Nazaroff
Dena Phillips
Ms. Mariflor Royeca
Nancy Saunders
June and Elden Schalliol and Family
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Sneddon
Mrs. Ann Sondergard
Mrs. Amy P. Thomas
Ms. Margaret J. Thorson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wallace
Ms. Kathleen A. Winkel
In Memory of Jane O. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Lawson
In Memory of Robert (Bob) Lynn Fraine, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Anglemyer
Samantha, Dawn and Aaron Budny
Huggett Bretten Corporation
Joshua Kling
Julie Kling
Angie and Rob Kling
Mr. and Mrs. Errol Lerch
Ms. Louise S. Lidy
Ms. Ann Maurer
Ms. Kristy Reuille
Linda and Mike Setnor
Bonnie and Harold Small
In Memory of Audrey Waive Franklin
Tami Ennis
Marjorie Kronk
Tom Ridgway
Donnetta and Larry Robinson
Kristy and Rob Wilsey
In Memory of Joseph (Joe)
Edward Gardner
Mrs. Monica R. Kennedy
Shreiner & Sons, Inc.
In Memory of Frances Irene Garman
Mr. and Mrs. Lynne E. Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Lumm
Sue Penn, Steve, Sueann, Samantha
Mr. and Mrs. Ron C. Selle
Ms. Karen M. Smith
In Memory of Lila Franklin
Shirley and Charles Eaton
In Memory of Lucille M. Gasko
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Albright
Jean A. Conner
Jean Dodds
Jan Hershberger
Mrs. Marilynn Maternowski
Mr. Paul Maternowski
In Memory of Bernice Ann Fraser
Tonah Mason
In Memory of Mary Ellen Gee
Inez “Allyn” Binder
In Memory of Joseph (Joe) W. Fraser, Jr
Tonah Mason
In Memory of Kristopher Gerbasich
Ms. Darlene Celmer
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chapman, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stuart
In Memory of Paul J. Freed
Mr. Stephen W. Freed
In Memory of George Harry Frey
Mrs. Frances L. Brown
Joyce Carver
Scott Patterson’s Work Team
Jan Pletcher
Dr. and Mrs. Dale R. South, Jr
Phyllis Warrick
In Memory of Lester Frick
Karl King
In Memory of Joan Lee Frieling
Mr. Leo J. Hawk
Mr. D. Gilmore MacNeill
Walter & Keenan Financial Consulting Co.
In Memory of Patricia Frontczak
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Chapman
In Memory of Chester L. Gadacz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stefaniak
In Memory of Barbara J. Gaedtke
Elmer Gaedtke
In Memory of Edward (Ed) S. Ganczak
Mr. Joseph A. Mayberry
In Memory of Charlotte L. Ganser
Amy and Bobby Acrey
Louanne and John Bilancio
Leona Brandt
Joan and Ken Clayborn
Robin and Carroll Doll
Diana and Wayne England
Jonathan Housand
Jim Niespodziany
Marie and Mike Tetzlaff and Family
Kathy and Lon VanPaemel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Voss
In Memory of Rocco Germano
Rosemary and Marquis Anderson
Mrs. Gerry J. Barnes
Joyce Davis (Weeks)
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dittenburger
Garau/Germano, PC
Anita Gendler
Ms. Patricia L. Geoffroy
Mrs. Lucille Gering
Nancy Germano
Emily and Ken Goethals
Carol Hoffman
Jean Jewell
Matthew Koscielski, MD
James Kruyer
Teresa Marcy
Tonah Mason
Jenny and Steve McNeil
John A. Miller
Elizabeth Mittiga
Shirley Muldoon
Frances and Angelo Oliva
Catherine and Anthony Oliva
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Oliva
George Opperman
Mary Schimizzi
Ned V. Schimizzi
Ms. Mary V. Soales
Mrs. Gertrude B. Strantz
Barbara and Doug Teubert
Richard Threet
Andrew D. Ujdak
Linda Vaerewyck
Dolores Wilson
In Memory of Loren Roger Geyer
Geyer Construction Co.
In Memory of Leonora (Ann)
Eliseanna Gibbons
Mrs. Joyce E. Gibbons
Mrs. Doris Kepler
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. William E. McLaughlin
Ms. Bonnie L. Smith
In Memory of Arthur (Sonny) H. Giesler
International Union of Operating Engineers
Local 150
Stacy and Brad King
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Rife
Ed Schwinkendorf
In Memory of Dorothy G. Gillen
Flynn Family Foundation
In Memory of Rosemary (Cookie) A. Gilpin
Norma B. LaFree
Janice Lawrence
In Memory of Ruth Glass
Susan K. Glass
In Memory of Angeline R. Goeller
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Goeller
In Memory of Millicent (Mitzi) Goethals
Ms. Barbara L. Baldoni
Marcy Butz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Deethardt
Mr. and Mrs. Dick DeLor
The DelPrete Children
Ms. Ann Dylewski
Ms. Jean Gleissner
Ms. Susie Haywood
Pam Long
Mr. and Mrs. George Samarzija
Cindi and Randy Stoner
Patti and Tom Stoner
Teddi and Dave Tepe
Mrs. Mary Trefun
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Vaerewyck
Ms. Barbara VanDeGenahte
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Vargo
Mr. John K. Webster
Fran and Larry Zieke
In Memory of Betty Lou Goetz
Sue and Frank Hadary
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Jaronik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kahlmorgan
Loretta Maike
Mary and Brian Rotruck
Beth and Chuck Smiecinski
Betty and Gary Wiley
In Memory of Lottie Antoinette Golba
Mr. Len D. Buszkiewicz
Louie, Rosalie, Kay and Mary Kaye Gulyas
Becky and John Miller
Brenda Ornat
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Szajko
Mr. William Szajko
Carolyn and Tom Szumski
Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Wadzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wadzinski
Ms. Janice M. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Zielinski
In Memory of Donna L. Goldstone
Ms. Roxie Cox
Debbie and Gary Machowiak
In Memory of Lillian Marie Gonsoroski
Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Rosenberg
In Memory of Kim Alan Goodreau
Joe Beason
Toni and Greg Brayton
Ruth and Ray Daughenbach
Nick Dorochoff
Stephanie Gomez
Mrs. Alexia M. Goodreau
Karen and Harry Konschake
Sage and Eric Mueller
Sommers Square East Homeowners Association
In Memory of Harold (Hal) Goodwin, Jr
Joan and Gerald Gerard
In Memory of Albert S. Gostola
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lies
In Memory of Joseph A. Gosztola
Paul B. Glass, DDS, PC
In Memory of Grandma
Stacy M. Stoner
In Memory of Grandmother
Connie R. Tomkiewicz
In Memory of Dorothy Jean Granitz
Dr. and Mrs. G. Beach Gattman
In Memory of Angela (Angie) Sue Gratton
Ms. Tamara Appenzeller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Eidson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Gratton
Mr. David P. Gratton
Mr. and Mrs. John Gratton
Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Gratton
Hallatt Electric Service – Rodney L. Green, Staff
and Technicians
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Hobson
Ms. Joy D. Kellner
Ms. Kristen Leathers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McManman
Mr. Blake C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Repperger
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Al Strukel
In Memory of William (Blackie) A. Grauel
Mrs. Donna E. Grauel
In Memory of Thora Mae Graybeal
Derrick Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hillebrandt
Ms. Judy Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Rajski
Mrs. Theresa G. Sikorski
In Memory of Mary Jane Greenawalt
Kathleen Allen
Nancy Pasman Bikowski
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Cassady
Ann Greenawalt
DeFoe Greenawalt
Mr. Richard R. Harro
Ms. Mary Beth Janik
Irene and Anthony Panzica
Sue and Phil Panzica
William A. Panzica
Mr. Gregory C. Rogers
Paula and Bobby Wachs
In Memory of Robert Keith Greene
Ms. Susannah Horrom
In Memory of Leslie J. Griffee
Valerie Guljas
In Memory of Robert (Bud) W. Griggs
Mrs. Mabel I. Griggs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Harrell
Leliaert Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mrs. Benita Sorgenfrei
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sorgenfrei
In Memory of Fred Raymond Grigsby
Amanda Grigsby
In Memory of Carl J. Griman
Julie Barany
In Memory of Kimberly J. Griman
Mr. Ronald E. Griman
In Memory of Margaret F. Griman
Julie Barany
In Memory of Henry S. Gromski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gorny, Jr
Carol Gromski
In Memory of Walter (Walt) J. Gromski
Ann and Mike Black
Marcy Butz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cyman
Paul Duda
Carol Gromski
Florence Gromski
Tina and Nick Gromski
Karen and Mike Kurtis
Larry Mudron
Mrs. Norma Neuliep
Joan and Dick Rosback
Florence and Robert Ryll
Abigail Stowe
Marsha Stowe
Nathan Stowe
Michelle and Bob Widawski
Theresa Widawski and Family
In Memory of The Grontkowski Family
Ms. Jennifer L. Grontkowski
In Memory of Charlotte Gruener
Pat and Dave Myers
In Memory of Harry Gruener
Pat and Dave Myers
In Memory of Edward (Ed) G. Grunawalt, Sr
Spike Abernethy
Dr. and Mrs. A.J. Backs
Cathy and Ed Baer
Paulette Gerhold
Mrs. Helen L. Hibbs
Jane Horning
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jank
Karl Weis Auto Body Shop, Inc.
Homer Kovacs
Carol and Art Midili
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Niespodziany
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reinke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Robison
Mary Short
Sherry and Dennis Sill
Dolores and Sonny Tepe
Ann Ullman
In Memory of Al Grzadziela
Elizabeth (Betty) Grzadziela
In Memory of Elizabeth (Betty) K. Grzadziela
Sue Kruszynski
In Memory of Raymond (Ray) H. Gunder
Mary E. Renshaw
In Memory of June Gurbick
Thomas Gurbick
In Memory of Laura M. Gurtner
Andy Cawthorn
Ryan, Rebecca, Riley, Brycen, Joe, Lara
Camille and Scotty Cawthon
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A Contat
Jo Ann and James Overmyer
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Pecsi
Mrs. Carol Singleton
In Memory of Charles W. Gushwa
Tonya and David Adamson
Barbara Coddens
Nancy Gushwa and Family
The Kutschbach Family
Cathy and Stan Nolting
Rowena and Jim Troup
In Memory of Renee Gustin
Mrs. Christine Garver
In Memory of Arthur (Art) L. Guzowski
Mrs. Beryl Guzowski
In Memory of Kim S. Guzowski
Mrs. Beryl Guzowski
In Memory of Floyd (Shorty) O. Haag
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. George Cope
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Engelhardt
Ms. Cindy Eppley
Dee and Tom Fox and Family
Frick Services, Inc.
Phyllis and Phil Grove
The Ruth Haag Family
Sheila and Mike Haluda
Ms. Connie Hart
Kay and Ron Holmes
Karen and Cathy Miller
Ms. Sharon Miller
Kay Schermier
Mrs. Carol Singleton
Ms. Claudia Wraight
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of Marjorie Ruth Haase
Mrs. Grayce N. Walker
In Memory of Todd C. Hatfield
Ms. Byra R. Warner
In Memory of William (Bill) B. Haidler
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Grodey
In Memory of Donald Earl Hawk
Tami Ennis
In Memory of Janet Hales
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Neal
In Memory of Mary Dolores Hawk
Tami Ennis
In Memory of Stephanie M. Hammon
Mr. Robert D. Hammon
In Memory of Donald (Don) E. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meuninck
In Memory of Marian F. Haney
Mrs. Lisa Outten
In Memory of Lucille (LuAnne) A. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meuninck
In Memory of Mary Ann Hansen
Erma Salay and John Paul Salay
In Memory of Steven J. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meuninck
In Memory of Margie Har
The Degroot Family and Grandkids
In Memory of Susan Kay Hawkins
Delta Dental of Michigan
In Memory of Marianne K. Hardies
Ms. Annie Laurie Hardie
Ms. Carolyn Havey
Mrs. Susan M. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Seplak
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ulmer
In Memory of Milton C. Hayden, Sr
Earl Carter
Carol Grannan
Jennifer L. Grannan
In Memory of Sandra (Sandy) S. Harding
Sharon and Richard Barnes
In Memory of Juanita (J.J.) Jean Harlan
Mr. M. Bruce Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Stanley
In Memory of Robert (Bob) Glen Harney
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Goodzey
In Memory of Ida Marie Harreld
Ms. Darlene Harreld
Mrs. Barbara K. Neidig
In Memory of Jeannie Ann Harringer
Ms. Cynthia A. Bodle
In Memory of Carrol Dean Harris
Ms. Elois B. Thiel
In Memory of Rebecca Ann Harris
Becky Kizer
Mrs. Amy E. Tribbett
In Memory of Ronald Lee Harris
The Porter Family
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Rast
In Memory of Leonard J. Hartman
Darlene Brundige
Ethel and Walter Coplen
The Debbie Michael Cortner Family
Carol and Dave Fehrer
Ruth and Ken Fox
Laurie and Joe Glaub
Ellen Hummel
Judy (McCollough) and Ed Keil
Shirley Klinedinst
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Martin
Judy and Dale McCollough
Dale Neidlinger and Mary Neidlinger
Connie (Brundige) and Cecil Ottow
Nadine and Loren Rensberger
Janet Warren
In Memory of Rachel Anne Hazelwood
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gruszynski
In Memory of Catherine (Kitty) L. Heckber
Mrs. Christine N. Cancelmo
In Memory of Beverly G. Heckman
John Coury
In Memory of Dorothy (Dottie) Ann Heflick
Ms. Bernita M. Amm
Gloria Budney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gerrard
Ms. Diane M. Gram
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lemanski
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Meersman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nabbs
Mrs. Marceleen A. Nunemaker
Linda Radecki
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Sponseller
Catherine Switzer
Ms. Zita E. Szilagyi
The Utz Family
Ms. Jeanette G. Wobith
In Memory of Edith Heilman
Beth A. Singleton
In Memory of Ardith (Art) G. Heller
Megan and Eric Heller
In Memory of Virginia (Ginny) Heller
Megan and Eric Heller
In Memory of Bill G. Helsel, Sr
Mrs. Betty W. Helsel
In Memory of Rev. Charles O. Henderson
Diane McClain-Weber
In Memory of Bonnie J. Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Day
Ms. Judy A. Godfrey
Nanochem Technologies, LLC
Tyner Rebekah Lodge 865
Linda Verhaeghe
Sandra Wallace
In Memory of Roger Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Day
Evelyn Gardner
Ms. Judy A. Godfrey
Betty Hostetler
Linda Verhaeghe
Sandra Wallace
Mrs. Elizabeth Nova
Susan and Paula Wallace
In Memory of Patricia (Pat) A. Heynssens
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Albright
Marilyn and Tom Block
Ms. Sharyn Harmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Swartz
Mrs. Irene B. Ziolkowski
In Memory of Eugene E. Henke
Gloria and Bud Henke
Mr. Andrew Hill
In Memory of Scott E. Hickman
Tami and Demi Ennis
Mr. and Mrs. Lorence E. Howe, Jr
Carol and Fred Ulbricht
In Memory of Billy W. Henley
Mrs. Melba J. Henley
In Memory of Gail A. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Gerencer
In Memory of Marilyn Ruth Hennon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Goshert
In Memory of Harold E. Hobbs
Eloise and Kerry Hobbs and Family
Hobbs Robinson Family
In Memory of Marybelle (Belle) Henry
Plymouth Duplicate Bridge Club
In Memory of Paul Hensley
Hensley Fabricating & Equipment Co.
In Memory of Richard (Dick) Hepler
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Lemler
In Memory of John Richard Heritz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Clark
Gary Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Brent B. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Dobecki
Ms. Sharon L. Foster
Mr. Thomas L. Frederick
Gordon Food Service
Denise and Russ Graves
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoover
Sandra Jennings and David Spychalski
Ralph Komasinski and Katie Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ksiezopolski
Ms. Judy Ladd
Mariann Martin and Mark Stephens
Mike Otolski
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Nye
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Otolski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Robinson
Mr. Steven M. Rospopo
Ms. Judith J. Strychalski
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Tyler
Mrs. Helen M. VanGundy
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Wiseman
In Memory of Kirk Douglas Herrmann
Mr. Clarence Hancock
In Memory of Leona G. Hochstetler
Dee and Dale Hochstetler
Sharon and Raymond Hochstetler
Ms. Karen J. Pulka
In Memory of Helen H. Hoffer
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hoffer
In Memory of Kathleen (Kathy) Ann Hoffer
Frances Mlynarchek
In Memory of Cloa J. Holaway
Family and Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harris
Martin’s Supermarket #25
In Memory of Hoy N. Holcomb
Mrs. Tina M. Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Youngs
In Memory of Ruth H. Holcomb
Mrs. Tina M. Jankowski
Ms. Theodora A. Kolettis
St. Evans, Inc. – Kim, Ron and Redstar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Wilson
Mr. Terry Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Youngs
In Memory of James (Tom) T. Holland
Mrs. W. Celeste Holland
In Memory of Tommy L. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Creed
In Memory of Kurt M. Hesch
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Andrews
Linda Arch and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Johanson
In Memory of Hugo Holm
Ray Carbiener
Mrs. Mary Holm
Ms. Phyllis Johansen
Mary A. Schopper
Phyllis Scott
Deb and Bob Wise
In Memory of Winifred M. Hewitt
Rosemary and Marquis Anderson
Anne and Pat Burley
Joan and Lyndal Fox
Julie Harris
In Memory of Martha G. Holston
Linda Furda
Mr. and Mrs. Rick D. Reeder
Karen Vogler
Thelma and John Vogt
In Memory of Paul F. Holtzinger
Mr. Kevin Bridgewater
Ms. Lana J. Davis
Ms. Carolyn S. Dimos
Ms. Dina Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Vyrl Hayford
Mrs. Doris Holtzinger
Randy Holtzinger
Mrs. Eileen A. Misener
Mrs. Miriam M. Nolan
In Memory of Esther A. Hooley
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hooley
In Memory of Alexander (Alex) R. Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight A. Zimmerman
In Memory of Maylou Ann Hossfeld
Mr. David C. Hossfeld
In Memory of Patrick J. Houk
Mr. and Mrs. James Houk
In Memory of Richard J. Houk
Mr. and Mrs. James Houk
In Memory of Harold I. Housewerth
Ms. Janet D. Housewerth
In Memory of Ronald (Lefty) N. Howell
The Janice Allsop Family
Mrs. Norma J. Bennett
Mrs. Katherine Butts
Cindy and Steve Chmiel
Patsy J. Doyle
Ruth and Tim Doyle
Mr. Larry Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fair
Patty and Harold Geyer
Mr. David K. Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Holmgren
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Howell
Deb and Denis Hurley
Lake City Heat Treating Corp.
Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Department
Amy and David Mauro
Ms. Dixie L. McMichael
Mr. and Mrs. Rick R. Meece
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Nuner
Ms. Betty Peddycord
Ms. Pamela T. Pickett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prentkowski
Mr. Scott Schmok
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Taylor
Carol and Wilmot Tisdale and Jim
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tordi
Tuesley Hall Konopa, LLP
Mr. Frederick A. Ulbricht, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Weddle
In Memory of G. Ruth Howie
Mrs. Elsie M. Benefield
Rosemary and Paul Bouchard
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hanley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Howie
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic R. Smith, Jr
In Memory of Jean Marie Hradilek
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Uebelhoer, Sr
In Memory of Ronald H. Hurley
Mrs. Mary S. Hurley
In Memory of Joseph B. Hrutkay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Fitzpatrick
In Memory of James Hushower
Mary Jane Preston
In Memory of Paul Joseph Hrutkay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Hrutkay
In Memory of Mary Jo Irvine
Ms. Cynthia M. Tippman
In Memory of Paul C. Hubbard
The Cleary Family—William, Mary, Kevin,
Ann, Mary
In Memory of Judy R. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Butler
Ms. Cheryl L. Cappelletti
Mr. Dennis L. Huff
Michaele D. McIntosh
Connie Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Scherer
Judy’s Sisters
Mr. and Mrs. John Susil
In Memory of Edna Joanne Hughes
Mrs. Ruth A. Baker
Ms. Carol A. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Koselak
In Memory of Ray C. Hullinger, Jr
Mrs. Laverne M. Auger
Dean Cooper
In Memory of Jack D. Hummer
Dwight Handschu
In Memory of John (Jack) Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Berta
Del Lupa Promotion Services
Mrs. Dana Dyczko
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Emery
English Dept., Doug Miller, Julie Chismer
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester G. Gerschoffer
Dr. Jeremy B. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Julius A. Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Humphrey
Nancy and Larry Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Klee, Jr
Mastercare, Inc. – Dianne and Bob Humphrey
Eileen and Bill O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien
Dr. Roderick S. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Penick
Saint Joseph High School
Ms. Kathleen M. Scarbeck
Ms. Jerolyn M. Smith
University of Notre Dame
Ms. Susan M. Ushela
In Memory of Crystal J. Huneryager
Mr. Roger D. Huneryager
In Memory of Irene M. Hunt
Sommers Square East Homeowners
In Memory of Ruth E. Hunter
Ms. Jane E. Hunter
In Memory of Martha Jane Ives
Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cihak
Ms. Barbara Donnelly
Janet and Al Dunkelberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Hurford
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Leland
Wade E. Logan
Lawrence Miller, Carmen Gretter Dickson
Ms. Tracy S. Pocock
Ms. Lee Ann Pollock
Webb’s Family Pharmacy
In Memory of Lorraine J. Jackowiak
American Legion Auxiliary Post 357
Ms. Judith A. Bajorek
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kusmiez
Mrs. Janice K. Solkey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Vanderheyden
Mr. and Mrs. John C. VanOosterum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wasowski
In Memory of Elizabeth (Betty)
L. Jankowski
Mr. Frank E. Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Y. Scudder, Jr
Dave Waikel
Weible’s Paint & Wallpaper
In Memory of Charlene Ann Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edmundson
Elkhart General Hospital Friends and CoWorkers—Mary Albright, Sally Brubaker,
Ron Bass, Renee Keck, Sheila Kish, Cheryl
Lint, Souk Luck, Jann Moore, Samantha
Pratt, Terri Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Martone
Mr. and Mrs. Flawn L. Sailor
Mrs. Marietta D. Wilkerson
In Memory of Daryl Johnson
Mrs. Nora K. Crosen
In Memory of Doris L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Savage, Sr
In Memory of Elizabeth (Betsy)
A. Johnson
Mr. Jay E. Johnson
Debbie Kruyer and Sally Cornwall
In Memory of Evelyn M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Johnson
In Memory of Harold W. Johnson, Jr
Mrs. Nora K. Crosen
In Memory of Richard C. Janowiak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stefaniak
In Memory of Harold W. Johnson, Sr
Brandon Blair
Deb Blair
Mrs. Nora K. Crosen
Mrs. Terri Ely
Frank Gleva
Judy and John Gleva
Pat and Bob Goeller
Becky Kizer
Mrs. Amy E. Tribbett
In Memory of Richard John Jaworski
Francine Jaworski and Curt Paluzzi
In Memory of Leonard E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Johnson
In Memory of Michael (Mike) J. Jay
Mrs. Carol A. Jay
In Memory of Lowell (Ken) Kenneth
Mrs. Norma L. Meehan
In Memory of Saranne Johnson
Mr. Daniel R. Johnson
In Memory of Esther B. Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffman
In Memory of Louise E. Janowiak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stefaniak
In Memory of David (Dave) E. Jenkins
Ms. Kathleen M. Crane
In Memory of Eugene (Jocko) S. Joachim
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Grontkowski
In Memory of Robert A. Joachim, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hauguel, Sr
In Memory of Betty M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bunker
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Janowiak
Dr. and Mrs. Dean Speicher
Doris Speicher
Marie and Mike Tetzlaff and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Tetzlaff
In Memory of Brian F. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Adams
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Colby
Eberhard & Weimer, PC
Linda and Fouad Halaby
Ms. Jennifer Hammond
In Memory of Helen Fay Jones
Ione Humes
In Memory of Zella Aline Jones Ivie
Mrs. Mary Weinzetl
In Memory of Virgil Dean Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Strader
In Memory of Donna Gail Joseph
Robert Roofer
Rotational Molding Technologies
The Ed Roy Family
Carolyn Wilkinson
Patsy Young
In Memory of The Jozwiak Family
Ms. Jennifer L. Grontkowski
In Memory of Henrietta (Hank) Jurgonski
Mr. and Ms. James Bajdek
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bluhm
Mrs. Mary Lou Brummel
Sandra Quiggle Clark; Jeff, Alaina, Jodi Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold D. Dukes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faltynski
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Karasiak
Michelle and Jerry Lamb
Judi Masterson
Mrs. Betty M. Rzepka
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Wagner
In Memory of Carlyle Kavadas
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Shephard
In Memory of Rose L. Kaczmarczyk
Paul B. Glass, DDS, PC
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lekarczyk
Ms. Cynthia A. Lockhart
In Memory of Phyllis J. Kelsey
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Beedy
Ms. Susan C. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Delp, Sr
Mrs. Joyce E. Gibbons
Ms. Connie D. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Gudeman
Ms. Toni L. Hutchings
David Kelsey
Susan Newman
Ms. Elizabeth Smith
Spectrum Day Spa
Ms. Betsy L. Story
Helen Damaris Story
Mr. and Mrs. David R. VanVactor
In Memory of Nick (Nicky)
Joseph Kaczmarek
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Cinal
Mr. Thaddeus C. Cinal, Jr
Mrs. Marcia M. Eakins
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Heironimus
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Kruk
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Kruk
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kwiatkowski
The Madou Family—Nicole, Kristin, Jake,
Joni, Kevin
Barbara Matuszak
Kathie and Kevin Matuszak
Ms. Lauren Pavesic
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Pettine, Sr
Beth and Steve Staszewski
In Memory of Ann M. Kagel
Mr. John R. Kagel, Jr
In Memory of John R. Kagel
Mr. John R. Kagel, Jr
In Memory of Georgeanna Kalman
Ms. Ann M. Kalman
In Memory of Leonard (Lennie)
C. Kapalczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McCloskey
Sommers Square East Homeowners
In Memory of Helen Karaszewski
Kathleen and Bill Hojnacki
Angela Magrames
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Manos
Monica and David Sage
Mrs. Irene A. Stevens
In Memory of Barbara A. Kazmierczak
Mr. Jerome A. Kazmierczak
In Memory of Bert J. Kazmierczak
Mr. James A. Kazmierczak
In Memory of Sophie L. Kazmierczak
Mr. James A. Kazmierczak
In Memory of Kellie S. Keel
Mrs. Carla A. Penrod
In Memory of George E. Kendall
Marilyn and Don Dennig
In Memory of Hoffman George Lealiifano
Kennach Crichton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Fricano
In Memory of Elmer Kilmer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Kilmer
In Memory of Leona K. Kilmer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Kilmer
In Memory of Eldonna I. Kimble
Mr. Lewis D. Kimble
In Memory of Sharon Lee Kindt
Shirley and Walt Carter
Ms. Beverly J. Kelver
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Marroni, Sr
Joan and Max Pehlke
Mrs. Irma J. Schultheis
In Memory of Carl Steven Kasa
Ms. Marilynn S. Manning
In Memory of Charles A. King
Bonnie Craig
Sharon and Ed DeMont
Mr. LeRoy Heckaman
Mr. Roscoe Heckaman
Joyce Overmyer
Jeanie Roahrig
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Utter
In Memory of Deborah Collene Kauffman
Mr. and Mrs. Barney E. Bell
Mrs. Rebecca S. Bender
Connie and Tony Clouse
Mr. Daniel G. Nichols
Terry and Dale Pace
Marie and Bob Schrock
In Memory of Harriet E. King
Mr. Pierre Briglio
Mr. and Mrs. Don Croy
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred C. Hebden
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. King
Mr. Rickey L. Link
Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Witters
In Memory of Lloyd DeWayne Karnes
Norma and Don Wagley
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of James J. Kiska
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kiska
In Memory of Natalie Kopinski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waggoner
In Memory of Kerry (Kathleen) Klawitter
Flynn Family Foundation
Mr. Francis Montgomery
In Memory of Jean M. Kopke
Mrs. Dorothy J. Istenes
In Memory of Larry Kenneth Klemmer
Doris Goldy and Family
Serim Research Corp.
In Memory of Richard A. Klingensmith
Lucy Kaplachinski
In Memory of Arthur Klingerman
Judith Kleiner
In Memory of Shirley M. Klosinski
Mr. Thaddeus F. Jusczak
In Memory of Angela (Angie) Kloski
Mr. Frank Kloski
In Memory of Joann E. Kloski
Mrs. Patsy A. Forgue
In Memory of Susan A. Knapp
Mr. James T. Knapp
In Memory of Iva Elizabeth Knight
Yvonne Prusinski
In Memory of Wana Vay Knight
Chris and Tom Bryant
Mary Burnside
Joan and Fred Buttery
DW National Standard Niles, LLC
The Ken Hullinger Family
Cecile Shultz and Sue Laughton
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Szakaly
Maria and Scott VanAucker Family
In Memory of Daniel (Dan) R. Kocsis, Jr
Ms. Christine A. Paszkiet
Mrs. Mary E. Paszkiet
In Memory of Mary T. Kocsis
Mrs. Eugenia L. Bucholtz
Paulette Gerhold
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Horvath
Rebecca and Eric Jerzak
Gloria, Brian, Sean and Daryl Johnson
Mrs. Kathleen A. Klosinski
Shirley and Lenny Klosinski
Owen, Olivia, Gracyn, Rachael, Brad Kutemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Kuzmicz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mesaros
Richard P. Morrison
Rosemarie and Richard Morrison
Ms. Peggy Niedbalski
Mr. Theodore E. Poledor
Mrs. Helen E. Smogor
Kathy Szklarek
Mrs. Alice Szymczak
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wesolowski
Diane and Tom Zmyslo
In Memory of Anne F. Kovas
Caruso Family—Joe, Nancy, Lori, Nick, Pidge,
Sal, Sally, Ann
Mary Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Crowley
Sandy and Nick DeCicco
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. DeCola, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. DeCola
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Farthing
G & J Ranwood, Inc.
Ms. Dianna M. Jackson
Mr. Joseph S. Panzica
Mr. Dominic Papandria
Rick Freeman, PC
Joan Shafer and Cheryl Gridley
Teachers Credit Union, Mortgage Dept.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R. Teis, Jr
Lynn and Mike Verhaeghe
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wiwi
In Memory of Jane L. Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. David Short
In Memory of Lois A. Krillenberger
Ms. Sharon E. Gregor
In Memory of Andrew (Andy) J. Krizman
Spike Abernethy
Rose and Steve Ciszczon
Lois and Allen Hill
Mrs. Connie A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jasinski
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Koepfle
Ms. Barbara J. Krizman
Mrs. Eleanor L. Krizman
Paul Krizman’s Thursday Night Golf Group
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lutkus
Mrs. Shirley J. Massing
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Nemeth, Jr
Debbie and Bob Rosenfeld
In Memory of Wanda B. Krol
Mr. Brian E. Torzewski
In Memory of Doris F. Kronewitter
Ms. Sally A. Smous
In Memory of JoAnn Krych
Mr. Eugene C. Krych
In Memory of Clement A. Kubiak
Lisa Cherrone
Mr. Andrew J. Pacely
Barbara Kubiak and Barry Schleiger
In Memory of Guy Henry Kubiak
Beverly Steele
In Memory of Stanley J. Kubica
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bazzell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Benko, Jr
Mr. Greg Chiames
Mrs. Mary Ann Clark
Cheri Cuevas
Ms. Kathy Fledderman
Cindy Harnish
Patti Hicks
Jim Himschoot
Vanessa Jondle
Lawson Fisher Associates, PC
Judy Lehner
Kathy and Mike Lekarczyk
Kara Long
Ms. Dianne D. Miller
Samantha D. T. Miller
Betty Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Santangelo
Valerie Sauer
Mrs. Helen E. Smogor
June Troxel
In Memory of Phyllis Kugler
Branda J. Johnson
In Memory of Colleen J. Kunkel
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Cook
In Memory of Robert (Bob) M. Kunkel
Bonnie and Brent Willem
In Memory of Helen Kwasnieski
Joseph Kwasnieski
In Memory of Robert (Bob)
S. Kwiatkowski
Sue and Frank Hadary
Dorothy and Joseph Kazmierczak
Lori and Jeff Plank and Dean Kizer
Judith Rupert
Marsha and Dave Ruszkowski
Phyllis Skwarcan
Carolyn and Tom Szumski
Carol and Dave Wozniak
In Memory of Richard C. Kwieran
The Janice Allsop Family
Ms. Jean Cashman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Deneen
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gentry
Mrs. Joan P. Kopczynski
Marjorie Kronk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lesher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rybicki
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swihart
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard VanOverberghe
In Memory of Joseph (Joe) B. Kolo
Mr. Frederick A. Binder, Jr
Loanna and Dick Rockstroh
In Memory of Marguerite E. Kubiak
Lisa Cherrone
Mr. Andrew J. Pacely
Barbara Kubiak and Barry Schleiger
In Memory of Gloria Lacy
Mrs. Marilyn S. Brokaw
Mrs. Joan K. Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Kayser
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Keeley
Ms. Judith A. Lacy
In Memory of Benedict (Ben) L. Kopinski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waggoner
In Memory of Mary Ellen Kubiak
Mrs. Mary Jo Kubiak
In Memory of Ralph C. Lacy
Ms. Judith A. Lacy
In Memory of Helen L. LaDow
Maxine and James Cary
Kathy and Tim Cary
In Memory of Sherman (Pat) P. Laffoon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DeWitt
Mrs. Linda A. Erdelyi
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Gendron
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goheen
Rosemary Goheen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kohley, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Nealon
Ms. Jerri L. Thews
Ms. Josephine Stevens Wolfinger
In Memory of Ralph Conroy Lamborn
Holly L. Irwin
In Memory of Alvin Wilson Lancaster
Ms. Marcia A. Vargo
In Memory of Jack Christian Lane
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Jacqueline (Jackie) E. Lane
Mr. H. Douglas Lane
In Memory of Robert E. Lant
Becky Kizer
In Memory of William (Bill) E. Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Lantz
In Memory of Gail M. Lapkiewicz
Ms. Susan K. Lapkiewicz
In Memory of John (Jack) E. Larkin, Jr
Mrs. Mary Jo Kubiak
Mrs. Sharon E. Nyberg
In Memory of Lorraine E. Lekarczyk
Mrs. Marlene Bejma and Family
Janis Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Henthorn
Kathy and Mike Lekarczyk
Nancy and Greg Miller
Barbara and Thomas Osowski
Pat Otolski
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Otolski
Mrs. Shelly Otwinowski
Mrs. Mary Ann Rafalski
Mr. and Mrs. James Wituski
In Memory of Donna M. Leniski
Mr. Matthew Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gerard
Ms. Miriam I. Johnson
Kruggel, Lawton & Company
Mrs. Katherine Leniski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nyers
Patti Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Shail
In Memory of Belinda J. Leonard-Morris
Sally G. Leonard
In Memory of Basil Tyler Leslie
Mrs. Patricia Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Parker, Jr
In Memory of Ronald L. Lester
Mrs. Jill A. Lester
In Memory of Evelyn Leszczynski
Mr. Gerald S. Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leszczynski
In Memory of Eugene Lasocha
The Lowell Hurford Family
Mr. John Wallis
In Memory of Frank C. Leszczynski
Mr. Gerald S. Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leszczynski
In Memory of Joseph S. Lawecki
Mrs. Kathleen L. Lawecki
In Memory of James (Jim) S. Leszczynski
Rita Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stefaniak
In Memory of Samuel E. Leake
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Brown, Jr
In Memory of Norma L. LeCount
Amy Hunter
In Memory of Howard L. Leets, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gradeless
Mr. Lewis J. Leets
In Memory of Mary Leffler
Shirley and Charles Eaton
In Memory of Richard E. Leib
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Dierckes
Dr. and Mrs. G. Beach Gattman
Barb and Del Herr
Mr. and Mrs. James A Kuhlenschmidt
Mr. George McMeekan
Lynnette McMeekan
Kristi and Jay Mohamed
Katherine Thornton
Mrs. Annette E. White
Kiley Wood
Sharon and Bill Wuthrich
Mary and Norm Yoder
In Memory of John R. Leszczynski
Mr. Daniel Bonek
Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Ely
Mrs. Judith Garstecki
Paul B. Glass, DDS, PC
Joan and Dale Hans
The Betty Hechlinski Family
Mr. Gerald S. Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Leszczynski
Rita Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leszczysnki
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Niedbalski
Pat and Rich Rozmarynowski
South Bend Police Department
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Stanley
Mr. Tom Stefaniak
Rita Tarr and Family
Mrs. Loretta J. Wieczorek
In Memory of Helen E. Levitz
Sara and Gary Levitz
In Memory of Helen Marie Lewis O’Neill
Greta and Jay Lewis
In Memory of Yolanda Libertowski
Ms. Andrea J. Bednarek
Ms. Laurie J. Bednarek
Beta Gamma Chapter of Beta Chi Sorority
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Buckner
Mrs. Geraldine L. Cyman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DesJean
Ms. Susan E. Gilmore
Maria Jasinski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Magor
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Micinski
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Morton
Sophie Navalance
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Payne
Mrs. Helen S. Retek
Riverview Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Rodino
Helen Slaby
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. VanWynsberghe
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Zielinski
In Memory of Mary B. Lisowski
Mr. Paul C. Lisowski
In Memory of John (Jack) H. Lloyd, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Anella
The Anthony Family
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Bartels, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Biek
Jack Bycraft
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Cassady
Rose and Steve Ciszczon
Ms. Bridget Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill C. Crull
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Deahl
Sherry DeGenaro Guy, Maureen Miller
(Harbour Bridge Advisors)
The Deputy Family
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Faccenda, Jr
Theresa and Ken Fry
Genuine Parts Company
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Germano
Ms. Susan R. Hammes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hardig
Mrs. Deirdre M. Hatfield
Ms. Leisa M. Heintzelman
Mrs. Tina M. Jankowski
Mr. Samuel T. Johnston
K D Legal Company
Kruggel, Lawton & Company
Ms. Nora M. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Maginn
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Marohn
Ms. Karen E. McMahon
Colonel and Mrs. Thomas E. McPherron
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Moore
Motion Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pries
The Radiology Inc. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Reust
Ms. Kathy Roberts
Ms. Mary Catherine Roemer
Sard Verbinnen & Company
Mrs. Catherine L. Smogor
Mrs. Helen E. Smogor
Mrs. Jennifer Staud
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Steinmetz
Jacquelyn Stephens and Phil Krause
Ms. Lori Szweda
Mrs. Barbara S. Thomas
Ms. Lisa A. Torres
Ms. Georgina L. Trentman
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Troeger
Tuesley Hall Konopa, LLP
Woodcox Building Contractor – Cheryl and
Ken Little and all Woodcox Employees
In Memory of Linda Bergin Lloyd
Mrs. Catherine L. Smogor
In Memory of Felicia (Phyllis) Lochmondy
Ms. Jean C. Fore
Mr. Gene A. Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Lammers
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lochmondy
Kathy and Lonnie Micinski
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Wayne
In Memory of Clementine (Clemie)
A. Locsi
Deeanne M. Locsi
In Memory of Becky S. Long
Argos Volunteer Fire Dept.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Baugher
Camp Creek Church of Brethren, Women’s
Mrs. Amy A. Feldman
Bonnie Feldman and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Feldman
Jerri Gephart
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gochenour
Mrs. Marilyn Gochenour
Stacy and Joe Halterman
Krista Hixson and Family
Rita and Jack
Marilyn King and Dennis Long
The Long Family
Mrs. Angela B. Martin
Middaugh Family—Ben, Amy, Dustin, Dawn,
Rachel, Justin, Jill, Carl
Mrs. Shirley Morris
Stacy Scheetz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Schori
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sharkey
Mr. and Mrs. G. Steven Shirey
Chris Smart and Leslie Whinnery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wanemacher
Steve and PJ Watkins
Janee and Mick Wisel
Karen and Mike Worsham
Alissa and Tom Worsham and Family
In Memory of Judd Byron Lowenhar
1st Source Bank
Myra Anthony
Ms. Ivye J. Benson
Ms. Leslie Choitz
Ms. Carolyn E. Cook
Duley Press Employees
Mrs. Antoinette P. Harding
Mr. James T. Knapp
Bonnie and Jim Kovatch
Kruggel, Lawton & Company
Ms. Sheryl A. Lowenhar
The Daniel Luck Family
Master Care, Inc.
Mrs. Norma L. Meehan
Mr. Keith Niezgodski
Ms. Marylyn Oppenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Osthimer
Mrs. Patsy R. Peck
Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Pippenger
Priests of Holy Cross, Indiana Province, Inc.
Mrs. Cynthia A. Silberman
Ms. Lisa Stockberger
Ms. Charna J. Swedarsky
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Sikorski
Snider Family—Russell, Shelly, RJ, Caleb,
Johanna, Mar, Dan
South Bend Medical Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stewart
In Memory of Henry R. Machalski
Ms. Joan M. Beesley
In Memory of Margaret R. Machalski
Ms. Joan M. Beesley
In Memory of Joseph A. MacQuivey
Lois Streed
In Memory of Enedina L. Martinez
Katherine Lodyga
Steven Kronberger
In Memory of Patsy Ruth Martz
Mr. Virgil W. Martz
In Memory of Molly A. Mastagh
Hunt Suedhoff Kalamaros, LLP
Ms. Ellen Needham Imbur
Martha Walorski and Family
In Memory of Paul Allen Maehler
Mrs. Doris E. Maehler
In Memory of Cecelia (Cece) Irene Matthews
Ms. Jean P. Miller
Rosemary Moore and Alan Kearney
Mrs. Kristine M. Tucker
In Memory of Constance J. Maher
Ms. Molly A. Maher
In Memory of David (Dave) P. Mattingly
Ms. Annie Mattingly
In Memory of Gerald (Jerry) P. Maher
Ms. Molly A. Maher
In Memory of Jane E. Mattingly
Ms. Annie Mattingly
In Memory of Richard Roy Maher, Sr
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rodriguez
In Memory of Loretta V. Maure
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Grontkowski
In Memory of William (Billy) Edward Maich
Jessica and Paul Maich
In Memory of Anthony (Tony) C. Mauro
Heidi Walker
In Memory of Clement J. Makely
Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Jones
In Memory of Gizella T. Mauro
Heidi Walker
In Memory of A. Jean Ludwig
Betty and Rusty Ludwig
In Memory of Dorothy A. Makely
Mr. and Mrs. Morris S. Jones
In Memory of Dolores (Dee) McCann
Mr. James W. McCann
In Memory of Lorene M. Lundy
Ms. Louise Duffey
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans
Ms. Marilouise Hagenberg
Mrs. Diana Kingsley
Ms. Diane Liska
Ms. Marty L. Martin
The Miller Family
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Noecker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pellow
Mrs. Betty Schoetzow
Kayleen Schultz
Ms. Susan L. Searight
Mrs. Marian Shemick
Ms. Susan Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance J. Wruble
In Memory of Brigitte M. Malling
Mr. Lance D. Malling
In Memory of Dale L. McCollough
Ginger and Brian Bell
Esther F. Berger
June Ganshorn
Inwood United Methodist Church
Judy (McCollough) and Ed Keil
Jody and Doug Motz
Jean Riddle
Linda Verhaeghe
Sandra Wallace
Janet Warren
In Memory of Lora Mae Lowery
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Barden
In Memory of Larry (Peanuts) R. Lowry
Class of 1952
In Memory of James D. Luczkowski
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Karason
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Milliken
In Memory of William Chace Luther
Mrs. Claire Louise Luther
In Memory of Ann T. Lyons
Ms. Kellie Lyons
In Memory of William (Bill) Maccani
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Ralph J. Macey
The Ancilla Domini Sisters
Ms. Beth Chamblin
The Tom Christiansen Family
Mr. Randall D. Clark
Sharon and Ed DeMont
Mrs. Judith D. Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Marion D. Lowry
Mr. John R. MacLennan
Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Read
In Memory of John Short Mappes
Mr. Francis J. Callahan
Edwardsburg Primary School
Ms. Eleanore L. Norden
June E. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Short
In Memory of Donald E. Marietta
Ms. Patricia J. Adams
In Memory of Carol A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Rex E. Canfield
Mrs. Lisa K. Cowles
Ms. Jacqueline M. Hardman
Karen Kiemnec
Ethel Kiemnec
Ms. Beverly Kuemin
Joe Merrick and Anne Laker
Jerry Levin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Neblung
Ms. Gail L. Schroeder
St. Joseph Church Shawl Ministry
Mrs. Lyn Urgonski
Mrs. Carole H. Walton
Stephanie and Lee Wroblewski
In Memory of Carolyn (Carole) M. Martin
Lt. Col. Robert D. Martin, Sr
In Memory of Velma E. McCollough
Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Anglemyer
Patricia A. McCollough Flowers
Ms. Anna Christine Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Kline
Judy and Dale McCollough
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFarland
Phyllis and Norman McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell G. Singrey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Singrey
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Snyder
Young Farms—Linda, Neal, Deborah, Steve,
Nichole, Jim
In Memory of Richard McConahay
Marian McConahay
In Memory of Mary A. Martin
The Ellert Family
In Memory of Frederick (Rick) Ryan
Ms. Antoinette Peterson
In Memory of Terrance (Terry) D. Martin
Ms. Beverly Kuemin
In Memory of Phyllis McCormick
Branda J. Johnson
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of Donna Marie McCullough
AT&T Telecom Pioneers South Bend
Barbara Coddens
In Memory of Lois Mae McDaniel
Patti and Mike Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Culp
Carolyn Fry
Betty and Rusty Ludwig
In Memory of Armeda L. McDonald
Becky Kizer
University of Notre Dame, Office of the Exec
Vice President
In Memory of William Lee McDonald
Music Service Specialties
In Memory of Wilbur (Mac) McDougal
Ms. Judith A. Streitmatter
In Memory of Pauline D. McFarland
Edith and Walter Luebke
In Memory of Carol L. McGarrity
Nancy and Bob Murphy
In Memory of Helen B. McGettrick
Mrs. Barbara M. Turpin
In Memory of Darlene Elaine McGlothlen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bevilhymer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Foldesi
In Memory of Susan Reed McGonigal
Chelsea R. McGonigal
In Memory of Betty Jane McKelvey
Mr. and Mrs. David M. McKelvey
In Memory of Jack McKelvey
Mr. and Mrs. David M. McKelvey
In Memory of Ed T. McKie
Marilyn and Don Dennig
In Memory of Edward (Ed) James
McNamara, Jr
Tom Gorski
Karen and Tom Quarandillo
Ms. Anita Schwarz
Ann Schwarz
In Memory of Mina Ethel McPheeters
E Newcomer & Son—Brad Newcomer and
Family, Barb Buss, Carla Klotz and Family,
Lynn and Tim LeCont, Jenn VanVoorst and
In Memory of John A. Mechling
Tom and Jacki Quigley
In Memory of John Thomas Meehan, Sr
Carolyn Meehan
In Memory of John H. Meek
Kathy and Tim Jaworski
Marianna Klaver
Mr. Dennis Melton
Sam, Anne and Tom Moran
Mr. James Schumaker
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wein
In Memory of Eugene (Gene)
Thomas Meert
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Coddens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Coddens
Mrs. Joan A. DeBaets
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert I. Gapczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Kaczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meert
Mrs. Helen M. VanGundy
In Memory of Ronald (Ron) D. Meert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meert
In Memory of Loretta Mae Megyesi
Ms. Diana M. Fozo
Ms. Constance G. Harris
South Bend Medical Foundation
Ms. Marilyn J. Zemlyak
In Memory of Robert (Bob) Thomas
Meixel, Sr
Marilyn and Don Dennig
In Memory of Terry Meland
Vivien and Daniel Allen
Mrs. Barbara J. Cooper
Derek, Carly, Sharon and Bob Cooper
Foley & Lardner, LLP
Peggy Hanil
Barb and Sid Hoffman
Randi and Michael Mathis and Fellow Bus
Ms. Ellani J. Maurides
Ms. Carole J. Meland
Doris and Gilbert Meland
Ms. Norma Rudel
Penelope M. Sachs
Sally Shriner
Ms. Nancy Stratman
Mr. and Mrs. Kent R. Wolkenhauer
In Memory of Lou Ann Miles
Louise and Ken Freeman
Joy and Jonas Kramer
Diana and Steve Lemme
In Memory of Bernice L. Miller
The Jim Hostetter Family
Mr. and Mrs. Dan G. Roberts
Don Zutter
In Memory of Callix (Cal) E. Miller, Jr
Theresa Miller and all of The Callix Miller
In Memory of Connie Lou Miller
The Franklin Berkey Family
Haley, Hunter, Cindy and Bill Hopkins
Ms. Connie L. Kline
Char and Larry Mascho
Susan and Mark Sandock
Cheryl Mast Shearer
J. A. Stauffer, CPA, PC
Mrs. Betty J. Steele
Lisa and Jim Steele
Sandy Walker and George Hendrichs
Mr. and Mrs. Larry O. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Witters
In Memory of Garl (Ed) Edward Miller
Mrs. Kay Hagenbush
Mrs. Linda L. McCarthy
Barbara Milligan
Alice S. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Stull
In Memory of L. B. Miller
Joan Skinner
In Memory of Amy Irene Mestach
Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Mestach
In Memory of Laura (Ann) Miller
Mr. Harry F. Eby
Deb and Craig Gaal
Mrs. Marilyn J. Hodgson
Sue and Stu Kraft
Alice Miller
Lisa and Chuck Miller
Lindsey, Debra and Larry Nicolai
The Toby Family
In Memory of Irene F. Mestach
Carol Ditsch
In Memory of Roy A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Creed
In Memory of Ron Metzler
Mary Ann Spence
In Memory of Ruth E. Miller
Linda and Greg Dowsett
Betty Myers
Marilyn Myers
Tom Stutsman and Family
In Memory of Bernadette H. Merluzzi
Mr. Thomas V. Merluzzi
In Memory of Georgine M. Meuninck
Spike Abernethy
Shirley and Art Bokhart
Mr. Don DeVreese
Wanda and John Gorham
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Jessup
Mary Anne and Carl Lehner
Shari and Terry Rettig
In Memory of Mary A. Michalak
Ms. Brenda E. Knowles
In Memory of Jeri Rae Mickelson
AT&T Telecom Pioneers South Bend
In Memory of Zenobia E. Migas
Mr. John Migas
In Memory of Jack M. Milliken
The Lorraine Lips Family
In Memory of Jack D. Mitchel
Pam and Dallis Lindley
In Memory of Richard E. Mochel
The Dorothy Anthony Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Atwood
Mrs. Doris Barr
Mr. Lester D. Berger
Mrs. Zuella Beutter
Mrs. Jane Carroll
Ms. Sharon K. DeSantis
Dr. and Mrs. Winston C. Gerig
Phyllis and Phil Grove
Sheila and Mike Haluda
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hasse
Kay and Ron Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil D. Mochel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Moore
Kathie J. Sheneman
In Memory of Darlene (Mama Moe)
R. Mohacsek
Ms. Clara M. Stalvey
Mrs. Carol S. Zehner
In Memory of Agnes V. Monhaut
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Bauer
Priscilla and Roger Beaver
Kay and Jim Collins
William Doba
Susie and Frank Gombos
Carol Grott
Linda and Ben Karasiak
Pat Koers and Deb Snodgrass
The Kramer Family
Peter J. Lombardo
Sandy and Jim Machowiak
Judy Marquardt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Monhaut
Mary and Ray Platz
Yvonne Prusinski
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schwelnus
Jan Wodrich
Sandy and Jeff Wodrich
Sherry and Scott Wodrich
Jane and Tom Wodrich
Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Yeoman
In Memory of Annie L. Moody
Mrs. Reva Marie Moody
In Memory of Rebecca (Becky)
Joan Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Cripe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Newcomer
Thompson Lengacher & Yoder Funeral Home –
Linda and Larry Thompson
In Memory of Roberta E. Moore
Amy L. Moore
In Memory of Rosemary A. Moorman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bauters
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Bock
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Burnstine
Sandy and Nick DeCicco
Ms. Lynn Dunfee Watson
Mr. and Mrs. David Faulkner
Brenda R. Gilsinger
Mr. Gene A. Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gowen
Greenmark Equipment
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Heiser
Mrs. Joanne K. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kovach
Mrs. Annette Linson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Macri
Joan McLane
Mishawaka Penn Harris Public Library Staff
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Monserez
Mr. and Mrs. Clement B. Moorman
Mr. John A. Moorman
Mr. Randall S. Moorman
Mr. Thomas E. Moorman
Mrs. Lynn E. Przygoda
Donna Fonseca Roggeman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Vervaet
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Watson
Ms. Rita L. Weisweaver
River Isle Condominium Association
Ms. Carol J. Sommerfield
Ms. Connie Sult
In Memory of Rose B. Nagy
Sommers Square East Homeowners
In Memory of Rena Carol Murphy
Jeanne and Oliver Rockwell
In Memory of Ann Naylor
Mr. Lewis M. Naylor
In Memory of William K. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Berger
In Memory of Sara Nehring
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lappin
In Memory of Marshall Murray
Mr. Mark M Murray
In Memory of Curtis (Curt) D. Neiswender
Sommers Square East Homeowners
In Memory of Martha N. Murray
Mr. Mark M Murray
In Memory of Ruby L. Mutti
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Auten
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond R. Barr
The Buss Family
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Dutoi
Phyllis and Phil Grove
Ruth Haag and Mike Haag
Diane and Gerald Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Norman
In Memory of Elizabeth M. Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Farmer
Ms. Erma M. Kalmar
Ms. Marie M. Kangas
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Metz
Ms. Patricia A. Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Radecki
Penny Russick
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Turner, Jr
In Memory of Angela Kay Myers
Mr. David I. Myers
In Memory of George Nemeth
Mr. William Nemeth
In Memory of Betty L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beam
In Memory of Judith Waneta Myers
Mr. David I. Myers
In Memory of Carol Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beam
In Memory of A. Shari Myszak
Christine Clark
Debra Holland
Arlene Kaehr
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Lubelski
Pauline and John Myszak
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Myszak, Jr
Joan Shafer
Diane and Allen Sikorski
Sommers Square East Homeowners
Joyce Wisemiller
Delores Yates
In Memory of Marjorie M. Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Duwaine E. Baughman
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chartier
Mrs. Gail S. Kimble
Mr. and Mrs. Dean McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Violette
In Memory of Carolyn Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchell
Ms. Joan Moran
In Memory of Gerald (Jerry) R. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchell
Ms. Joan Moran
Mrs. Margaret Moran
In Memory of Michele L. Morgan DuFour
Demaree Noneman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Noneman
In Memory of Gary Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beam
In Memory of James (Jim) B. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beam
In Memory of Janet L. Morris
Julia Ann Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Morris
Barbara D. Woods
In Memory of Richard E. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beam
In Memory of George (Terry) T. Moser
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Kaczynski
In Memory of Brandon Mowery
Carmen Mowery
In Memory of Kyle Patrick Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Moyer
In Memory of Billie Murphy
Loretta Caldwell
In Memory of Patrick (Pat)
William Murphy
Mrs. Mary S. Hurley
In Memory of Randall (Randy)
Jay Murphy
The Boepple Family
Connie Chaplin
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. George S. McDowell
Ruth Ann Murphy and Family
Red Hat Rebel Rousers
In Memory of Joseph A. Myszak
Mr. and Mrs. Duwaine E. Baughman
Ann Black
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Butler
Marcy Butz
Kristen, Kasey and Kogan Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. DeBuysser
Sharon DeCraene and Family
Paul Duda
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Grontkowski
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Hertz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Klingerman
Mrs. Sharon M. Kovach
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Leda
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Nemeth
Ms. Elizabeth Polak
Loanna and Dick Rockstroh
Mrs. Jane Szyniszewski
Amber, Mary Sue and Greg Violette
Theresa Widawski and Family
In Memory of Judith A. Nagy
Lisa A. Cherrone
In Memory of Samuel Nettro
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Jones
In Memory of Jeannine Neumann
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Neumann
In Memory of Donnabelle Newberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Babcock
Dr. Patricia L. Bates and Dr. Danny J. Bates
Mrs. Glenna D. Borggren
Delta Theta Tau Sorority (Zeta Zeta)
Mrs. Joyce E. Gibbons
Ms. Debbie Haeck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hissong
Mrs. Alice Huff
Joan Hunt
Mr. Daniel R. Johnson
The Floyd (Bud) H. Johnson Family
Katie Knutson and Larry Weiss
Mrs. Jody Kriscunas
Ms. Janet R. Lundblad
Sally McKee
Vicki L. Miller
Ms. Janet Newberg
Ms. Judith A. Newberg
Ms. Cheryl Nixon
Mrs. Mary A. Schmidt
Ms. Marymae Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Stockberger
Marilyn S. Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. David R. VanVactor
Mrs. Lois Jean Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Whitmer
Mrs. Virginia Worman
Mrs. Bonnie Yeazel
In Memory of Tracy Newcomer
Mrs. Delores K. Newcomer
In Memory of Phan T. Nguyen
Huong T. Mai
In Memory of Evelyn (Guppie)
Irene Nicholas
Mr. John K. Abell
Judy and Roger Kenna
Carol and Bob Majewski
In Memory of Lawrence (Larry)
Alwyn Nicholas
Marjorie Kronk
In Memory of James F. Nickerson
Susan Gombos
Jim Lindsey and Family
Pat Redding
Tom Redding
Sandy Weber
In Memory of Virginia (Birry) M. Nicolini
Mr. Timothy Nicolini
In Memory of Bernice C. Niezgodski
Esther Cyr
Mary Ann Grembowicz
Sue and Frank Hadary
Ms. Debra Hudgens
Dolores Liwosz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Niezgodski
Mary Niezgodski Family—Terri, Keith, Kelly,
Patrick Niezgodski
Co-Workers at Synergy
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing
North America
In Memory of John L. Nisely
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Amones
In Memory of Robert Walter Nowacki
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Violette
In Memory of Thomas (Tom) J. Nowacki
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Violette
In Memory of Dorothy A. Nowostawski
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Berscheit
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Pareja
In Memory of Gordon K. Nusbaum
Mr. Frank R. Booth, II
Concord Township Trustee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fisher
Mrs. Nancy E. Groff
Mrs. Sally A. Nusbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Mike O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Yoder
In Memory of Thomas (Tom) E. Nusbaum
Mrs. Jean Borneman
In Memory of Valery Nyari
The Barany Family
In Memory of David (Dave) A. Nyberg
Mrs. Mary Jo Kubiak
Mrs. Sharon E. Nyberg
In Memory of Frank E. Nyikos
Anita Bedford
Mrs. Helen S. Retek
Ms. Nancy J. Sulok
In Memory of Kenneth James Oakley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Copp
In Memory of Martha Jean Oakley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Copp
In Memory of Norma Oberly Pearce
Lori and Barry Vanslager
In Memory of Cynthia (Cindy) S. O’Brien
Mr. John O’Brien
In Memory of Robert E. Ogorek
Marianne Dimos
In Memory of Molly Jo Ogren
Mrs. Patricia A. Ash
Ms. Louanne K. Bennett
Jan Bostic
Kate Connelly
Friends at EMU
Mr. and Mrs. Martin T. Flanigan
Kris and John Jenkins
KH Real Estate—Tim, Kathleen, Jack and
Shannon Hanlon
Doris and Rex McCombs
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Ogren
Mr. Travis Smith
Mrs. Reta Swingler
Mr. Robert W. Taylor
Mrs. Marilou VanderGriend
In Memory of Annette O’Hara
Mrs. Patricia C. Fisher
In Memory of Richard (Dick) H. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Faith
Jane and Lonn Hanson
Oliver Ford Lincoln Mercury
In Memory of Warren Calvin O’Neal, Jr
Mrs. Barbara J. Kovach
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Winkel
In Memory of John M. Orr
Angela Magrames
In Memory of Ramona R. Osowski
Mrs. Patricia C. Fisher
In Memory of Richard M. Osowski
Mrs. Patricia C. Fisher
In Memory of Marcia Ann Osterbur
Universal Bearings, LLC
In Memory of Delores Flora Padgett
Janet and Kevin Maggert
Morris D. Mathews
In Memory of Rocco (Rocky) P. Papandria, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Papandria
In Memory of My Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Quandt
In Memory of Harry Benjamin Parkhurst
Mrs. Stephanie Pasman
In Memory of John Raymond Paschal
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Richardson
In Memory of Barbara Ellen Pauley
Ms. Mary Ann Mahoney
Jim Pauley and Rich Deuitch
In Memory of LaVeda Evelyn Pauley
Ms. Sheila M. Dibley
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Durr
Eastview Estates Homeowners Association
Kristina and Steve Feick Family
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lucchese
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Lucchese
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Rodino
Mr. and Mrs. Neil K. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Damon D. Swoape
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Thursby
In Memory of Alice Virginia Pauszek
Jeanne and Oliver Rockwell
In Memory of Barbara Ann Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Peacock
In Memory of Lyle E. Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Peacock
In Memory of Sean Pearman
Mary Ann Spence
In Memory of Jack D. Pearson
J. L. Amones
Argos Community Schools Bus Drivers
Carol J. Leed
Sandy Wallace and John Thomas
In Memory of Kathy Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Berger
In Memory of Shirley Pease
Mrs. Mary C. Leda Rice
Morris Entertainment, Inc.
Sommers Square East Homeowners
Ms. Evelyn G. Walker
In Memory of June Kathryn Peat
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Moon
In Memory of Daniel L Ostrander
Ms. Gloria J. Ostrander
In Memory of Janis Kay Penick
Nita and Ray Bickel
In Memory of Lessie C. Outland
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mellish
In Memory of Richard (Rick) Lee Penn
Susan L. Penn, Stephen, Sueann, Samantha
In Memory of Lance A. Overmyer
Mrs. Lynn Overmyer
In Memory of Patricia (Patti) A. Pentelow
Mrs. Nadine M. Zahm Rensberger
In Memory of Robert C. Overpeck
Ms. Karma S. Williams
In Memory of Michael D. Penzenik
The Kamm Family
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of Beverly J. Pepple
Mr. and Mrs. Larry I. Merkel
In Memory of Richard Lee Personette
American Legion Auxiliary Post 68
Charlene and Mike Miller
In Memory of Peter (Gene) Eugene Pesch
Mr. and Mrs. William Langdon
In Memory of Mary L. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Evans
In Memory of Robert (Bob) O. Peterson
Mrs. Dorothy Peterson
In Memory of Ruth E. Peterson
Paul B. Glass, DDS, PC
In Memory of Robert J. Pfaff, Jr
Brock Grain Systems
Frankfort High School
Lela and Art Hoffman
Mrs. Lisa Rivers
Senior Life
In Memory of Robert A. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Biek
In Memory of Laura Louise Praklet
Ms. JoAnn Cummins
Carol Dingler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hahn
Mitsch Design
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Praklet
Mary Jane Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Seidner, Jr
Mr. Charles A. Weir, Jr
Mr. Ronald Wertenberger
In Memory of Hazel A. Pickrell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Pickrell
In Memory of Fatima (Fay) B. Pratt
Wally Pratt
In Memory of Eugene (Gene) T. Piechocki
Patricia and Dale Piechocki
Rose Marie and Gordon Reif
In Memory of Willie C. Prescott, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Johnson
In Memory of Virginia M. Phelps
Sharon and Ed DeMont
In Memory of Daniel (Baker) E. Piekarski
Inez “Allyn” Binder
In Memory of Jeanne J. Pietrzak
The Friday Friends
Kathleen Higgins
Pat Johnson
Mary Beth Rosheck
Mark Zeyen
In Memory of Marion (Mary Ann)
June Plummer
Ms. Ethel Deka
Jan and Terry Kulczar
Mrs. Caroline J. Pierson
Sandie and Dan Plummer
Milissa Richards and Randy Plummer
The Plummer Family
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Schafer
Carolyn and Bill Slates
In Memory of Nancy R. Popham
Brenda and Skip Brady
Randy and Luana Rogers
Mr. and Ms. James Starnes
Mrs. Elouise Swain
In Memory of Dorothy L. Portolese
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Adamovsky
Ms. Heidi M. Adamovsky
Ms. Evelyn M. Bowers
Linda DeLay
Jackie (Schimizzi) and Richard T. Ehlert, Jr
Nancy Germano
Teresa and Sam Jermano
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wyatt Mick, Jr
Betty, Lois and Sonny Mittiga
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Moore
Mr. John A. Musary
Mrs. Judith A. Oliva
Mrs. Victoria F. Owens
Ms. Elizabeth M. Portolese
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Portolese
Timothy Portolese and R. Bruce Newswanger
Ms. Maureen Schimizzi
Ned V. Schimizzi
Janine and Quinto Squadroni and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Murray G. Winn
Mr. Robert E. Woodward
Mrs. Linda Wootton
In Memory of Deborah E. Presley
Sandra Appleby and Diana L. Cook
Ms. Colleen D. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Darr
Ms. Sherri K. Green
Ms. Amber List
In Memory of Raymond (Ray) E. Preston
Marcia Wadsten
Melanie Wroblewski
In Memory of Robert (Bob) Proteau
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon D. Barnes
Ms. Nancy R. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Burling
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Emmert
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Field
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hauflaire
Ms. Leta Janisch
Mr. Bruce J. Juntgen
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Marien
Michiana Family Medicine, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Rex J. Miltenberger
Ms. Susan A. Mundy
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross Orlando
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pilarski
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Pletcher
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Postle
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff T. Proteau
Norma J. Proteau
Connie and Donald Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ray
Ms. Donna Redding
Penny Schill
Nancy and Ronald Soos
Kevin, Debra and Court Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Williamson
Dan Zelmer
In Memory of Richard (Dick) H. Purvis
Mrs. Kathleen L. Purvis
In Memory of Giacomo (James) Puzzello
Mrs. Ann B. Puzzello
In Memory of Phillip Paul Pynaert, Jr
Mr. Jim Six
In Memory of Adell Cecilia Radecki
Mr. and Mrs. David Bainbridge
Ms. Lenore Gentner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Himsel, Jr
Mr. Thomas J. Hudak
IMA Conservation Lab
Mr. and Mrs. David Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Klockow
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Oswald
Larry Sniadecki and Family
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stephenson
In Memory of Dennis G. Radican, Sr
Mrs. Angela Radican
In Memory of Helen Rafferty
Carol Ditsch
In Memory of Mary Jane Raholin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Borowski
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Law
Ms. Sherry R. Mason
Ms. Daniele F. Paston
Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Rodino
Jerry Trolz
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Troyer
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Troyer
In Memory of Rex J. Rakow
Mrs. Linda S. Rakow
In Memory of Albert S. Rakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carter
Joyce Stebbins
Marna and Les Stebbins, Pam, Mat, Leann,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Stebbins
In Memory of Kay Ellen Rans
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nine
Betty Sahlhoff and Family
In Memory of Anita Ransberger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sisti
In Memory of Everett J. Ransberger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sisti
In Memory of John (Jack) Lewis Rapp
Ms. Merry Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kime
Mr. and Mrs. Von Kime
Medallion Plastics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Swartzendrober
In Memory of Connie Eve Ray
Shari and Bob Baker
Mr. William A. Gillin
Cinde and Ken Heston
Lippert Components, Inc., Plant 260
Ms. Susan A. Mundy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pilarski
Norma J. Proteau
Velma and Les Rassi
Ms. Sharon F. Regina
Mrs. April Rogers
Ms. Sally A. Smous
Nancy and Ronald Soos
Diane and Jim Szulczyk
In Memory of Marcella M. Rea
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Herman
Paula and Alan Limerick
Ms. Patricia A. Vingsness
In Memory of Marian F. Ream
Mr. and Mrs. Saverio Giarrusso
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Warrick
In Memory of Marcella J. Reaves
Mr. James G. Reaves
In Memory of Barbara M. Reed
Mary Ann and Timothy Abeska
Barrington Estates Homeowners Assoc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Buhrman
Coleen Galat
Betty and Lisa Germano
Mrs. Kelly L. Kominowski
Mary McClead
Ms. Barbara B. McGee
Nancy and Dr. Robert Sriver and Family
In Memory of Herman Reed
Mrs. Dixie D. Reed
In Memory of Mineko G. Reed
Ms. Helen Rolf
In Memory of Yvonne M. Reidenbach
Ken Reidenbach
In Memory of Therese Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Milani
In Memory of Ruth G. Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Correll
Pam and Roger Davis and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nate
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Lonn A. Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rieffel
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard K. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Russell K. Shaw
In Memory of Daniel (Dan) A. Rensberger
LaVille High School Class of 1970
Cyndi and Paul Raven
Loren Rensberger and Nadine Zahm
Roland Young and Marla McManama
In Memory of Bonnie Isabelle Ressler
Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Blosser
Mrs. Jo Ann Clem
Coffee Break Small Group
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Cripe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fervida
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl D. Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. Brett E. LaMont
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Nafziger
New Paris High School Class of 1945
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wisler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Yoder
In Memory of James Edward Rhoton, Jr
Creative Foam Corp.
Becky Mahl and Russell Brown
In Memory of Paul Leon Richardson
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Katherine (Kay) Riester
Dan Adams
Ade Employees
Ms. Kitty Davis
Electric Power Supply Association
Mr. Daniel McNeal
Joni Mihalick
Jeanette Molengraft
Mr. Anthony Sisti
Cindy and Jeff Stoneburner
In Memory of Albert (Bud) R. Rieth, Jr
Mrs. Louise Rieth
In Memory of Kenneth (Ken) W. Riffel, Jr
Vi Albright
Sandy Barritt
Mary Bowerman
Charlotte Leatherman
Mr. John F. Lederer
Sharon and George Lybarger
Mrs. Joan M. Riffel
Doris Speicher
In Memory of Joyce Ann Riley
Amercian Electric Power
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coates
Sue Daiber
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Diltz
Mr. Robert Glowacki
Ms. Laura L. Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCauslin
Lillie M. Savel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Sheer
Ms. Christina Strickler
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne R. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Widerquist
In Memory of Sharon Kay Rinaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Estep
Mr. Daniel Mabie
In Memory of Eric Brent Ringer
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Badders
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bushen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Caurro
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cohee
Fenimore Families—Terry, Rose, Ann, Jeff,
Connie, Karen
Dave Hathaway and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lakner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Lemert, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Ringer
Ms. Diana L. Ringer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Ringer
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ringer
Ms. Ruth E. Ringer
Ms. Barbara Schafer
In Memory of Margaret (Marge)
Ann Ringer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Oswald
In Memory of Jeffrey David Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lucas
In Memory of Reta J. Robertson
Mary Jo Acrey
The Barth Family
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Bruegel
Tonda and Robert Canfield
Ellie and Bob Clark
Connie and Steve Clauson
Communication Company of South Bend
Connie Coyner
Sandy and Nick DeCicco
Elkhart Memorial High School Faculty (The
Charger Family)
Marilyn and Tom Emerick
Marianne Fain
Lauretta Huguenard
Just Hair Girls
Luma Audio & Video
Kathy and Lonnie Micinski
Donna and Bill Niemann
Sandy and Bob Pattillo
LuAnn Robertson
Mary Beth Rosheck and Barb Sherrill
Liean and Joshua Schenck
The Stuller Family
Betty and Fred Stump
Ms. Alma Taulbee
Dan Zelmer
In Memory of Donald (Dutch) Rodick
Mr. Daniel W. Allin
Mrs. Therese M. Banicki
Bendix Dept 854 Honeywell Coffee Club
Nancy Pasman Bikowski
Mrs. Harriet J. Flowers
Sue Hammes and Courtney Kruggel
Judith and Hubert Kuzmich
Mrs. Janet M. Pfeil
In Memory of Jacinto (Jess) Rodriguez
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Michael (Mike) Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Artusi
Mrs. Lisa Rodriguez
In Memory of Geraldine (Gerrie)
M. Rogalski
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Giel
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks J. Grainger
Laura and Mark Leblang
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Stalmack
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Steinhofer
Wilco Distributing
In Memory of Donna M. Rogers
Mr. Craig W. Rogers
In Memory of Doris Jean Rogers
Linda R. Ruggles and Major Michael J. Motes
In Memory of Edward B. and Celia
Rogers Family
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Rogers
In Memory of Donald Leo Rohan
Donna and Joseph Cramer
In Memory of Therese Clare Rohan
Donna and Joseph Cramer
Betsy and Xavier Creary
Jane and Bernard Doering
Rosemary Goheen
Anne and Charlie Gruenig
The Sally L. Hendricks Family
Dianne Hoist
Mary Katherine Ivory
Kris and John Jenkins
Margaret Kenney
Teresa Marcy
Amy and David Mauro
Mrs. Birdie M. McElroy
Susan M. Miller, CPA
Adele Paskin
Dayle Brown and David Piser
Pat and Ron Weber and Family
Carin and Harvey Weingarten
In Memory of Raymond (Ray) J. Rospopo
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hancz
In Memory of Herbert Niel Rosselit
Paul B. Glass, DDS, PC
In Memory of Louis Jack Rothe
Cheryl Bonn
Judy Hanley and Jim Hull
Deborah and Timothy Szalai
In Memory of Richard (Dick) D. Roush
Mr. William E. Roush
In Memory of Ruth L. Roush
Mr. William E. Roush
In Memory of Helen E. Routson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Routson
In Memory of Jeffrey Dana Rowe
Ms. Beverly Bednar
Ms. Gretchen Nulty
Linda Regelean
Mr. Gregory C. Rogers
Steel Warehouse Company—The Lerman
In Memory of Jerry Ivan Roy
Tami Ennis
In Memory of Norma Kay Ruder
Loanna and Dick Rockstroh
In Memory of Robert (Bob) A. Ruff
Rica and Randy Holtzinger
In Memory of Ronald J. Ruiz
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Caroline J. Runnion
Assessor’s Office
Mary and Dennis Borowski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Borowski
Ellie and Bob Clark
Mary Ann Grabowski
Stacy and Orville Kronewitter
Janis Leach
Nancy and Bob Lute
Marcy Mangus
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Michalski
PFA District VI, Legion of Honor
Ms. Judith L. Phillips
In Memory of Dorothy Ruszkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Artusi
In Memory of Evelyn M. Ruszkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Artusi
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Ruszkowski
Mr. Richard S. Ruszkowski
In Memory of Harry Ruszkowski, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Artusi
In Memory of Sufrona L. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Ryan
In Memory of Eileen Hildegarde Rybicki
Reverend Daryl M. Rybicki
In Memory of Quinlen Rybicki
Reverend Daryl M. Rybicki
In Memory of James (Jim) D. Saboski
Ms. Kathleen M. Borlik
Ms. Sandra K. Dobrucki
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ferris
Jo Ann Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Franko
Ms. Carol A. Ginter
Penny and Rich Joo
Pete Morris and Sharon Gregor
Ms. Judith A. Newberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sosinski
Alison Taplin
Mrs. Shelly Wagoner
Mary Ann and Lonnie Whitlock
In Memory of Weldon (Sal) R. Salmander
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Eggleston
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nelson
Ms. Arlene R. Peterson
Janice and Brenda Salmander
Mrs. Wendy K. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wozniak
In Memory of William (Bill) J. Salyer
Mr. Lester D. Berger
In Memory of John (Tommy)
Thomas Sandlin
Ginger and John Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Beddingfield
Mr. Joseph Checchio
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey K. Church
Carol and Jack Freshour
Bonnie and Ron Freshour
Ms. Donna J. Gildea
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Goodale
Ms. Jane Iavagnilio
Donald Richard Martin
Pat and Mike McAllister and Family
Carolyn and Pete McAllister
The McClintic Family
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKee
George W. Noyes
McKenna, Brett, Monica and Hollis Powers
Kate Taylor
In Memory of Robert (Bob) D. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Key
Barbara Kubiak and Barry Schleiger
Mr. John W. Swantz
In Memory of Dorothy A. Sapusek
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Bonnie Jo Seese
Amy Seese
In Memory of Pauline Elizabeth
Ms. Sally G. Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sokal
In Memory of Francis M. Sellers
Mrs. Marcile S. Sellers
In Memory of Louis F. Schaefer, Jr
Mrs. Judith A. DeFries
Ms. Pamela J. Mabry
Mrs. Martha A. Schaefer
In Memory of Marion C. Sharpe
George D. Badgero
Mrs. Emmy L. Cokewood
Creekwood Villas Association, Friends and
Ms. Elizabeth E. Dirst
Mrs. Sharon K. Gargis
Indiana Football Coaches Assoc. Region 2
Linda and Ben Karasiak
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Meyer
Ms. Toni Neely
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nichol
Ms. Marcia A. Nichol
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Scholtes
Carolyn Scholz and Henrietta Scholz
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Skidmore
Jacquelyn Stephens and Phil Krause
Phil Teegarden
In Memory of Clara Virginia Schantz
Ms. Laura L. Cleary
In Memory of Elizabeth
Anne Schleiger
Lisa Cherrone
Mr. Andrew J. Pacely
Barbara Kubiak and Barry Schleiger
In Memory of L. (Fred)
Frederick Schleiger
Lisa Cherrone
Mr. Andrew J. Pacely
Barbara Kubiak and Barry Schleiger
In Memory of Paul Francis Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. James Harmening
In Memory of Charlotte
Josephine Schnaible
National Assoc. of Letter Carriers,
Branch 820
In Memory of Howard William Schrager
Mr. Russel T. Dailey
In Memory of Thomas (Tom) Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Schrock
In Memory of Thomas (Tom) Schuelke
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Hoeppner
In Memory of Richard (Dick) G.
Sommers Square East Homeowners
In Memory of Darvin (Scutch)
Scutchfield, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coffman
In Memory of Priscilla Scutchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coffman
In Memory of Stephen (Harry) H. Seall
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Seall
In Memory of Robert G. Seals
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Clifford L. Searfoss
Cyndy and Steve Searfoss and Boys
In Memory of Maxine F. Senesac
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Magor
In Memory of Nancy I. Sheaks
Tami Ennis
In Memory of Patricia J. Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Fetters
Ms. Debbie E. Fray
Ms. Alice R. Gieber
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kelm
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon L. Miller
Barbara Otte and Bruce Shelley
Ms. Susan J. Outman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Wittenberg
In Memory of Charles (Fred) Fredrick
Niles Haunted House Scream Park
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sheneman
In Memory of Barbara Parker Shephard
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Shephard
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of James (Jim) A. Shimp
Frank Agostino
Sandy and Greg Bahrey
Laura and Wilson Brinley
Mary Ann Cain
Marilyn and Don Eberhardt
Alice Farrington
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Farrington
Ms. Elizabeth Gilmore
William M. Gorbitz
Alice and Chuck Graack
Dolores Hawkins
Joyce Jannasch
Mr. Bryan Klepinger
A. Marcus Company—Sara and Abe Marcus
Mary Feeser Elementary School
Ms. Joanne Mielke
Jayne and Bob Rozewicz
Kimm and Brian Santa
Elizabeth Shimp
Kay and Ray VanPatten
Susanne and George Walters
In Memory of Katherine (Katie) Signorino
Esther Cyr
Mary and Tom Lord
Cookie and Jerry Speckman
Mary R. VanOoteghem
Elizabeth and Richard VanOoteghem
Lora and Oliver Wade
In Memory of Hugh W. Silberman
The Anastasio Family
Dolores Andrysiak
Dr. Richard Buck
Diamond Island Association, Friends and
Diamond Island Land Corporation
Ms. Carol M. Hardman
Lela and Art Hoffman
Johnson Family Siblings—Socorro and Phil
Johnson, Tina and Steve Johnson, Candy
(Johnson) and Mick Hayes
Laura and Mark Leblang
Brett Nelson
Mr. John C. Orr
Claudette Ouellette
Rolande and Roger Parent
Stephanie Scalise
Donna Taylor
In Memory of James (Jim) E. Sili
Ms. Kathianne Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bella
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bonk
Tonda and Robert Canfield
Doral Village Homeowners Association
Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. Huffine
Charles F. Nelson
Mr. Fred Obren
Clarence M. Righetti
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Vance
In Memory of Neil Silver
Rose and Steve Ciszczon
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Holderman
May Oberfell Lorber
Carole Silver and John O’Hare
Mrs. Leah Silver
In Memory of Erma N. Simmen
Mr. and Mrs. James Huwaldt
In Memory of Jacqueline (Jacquie)
Ann Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Singleton
In Memory of Joseph Julius Siri, III
Inez “Allyn” Binder
In Memory of Geraldine (Gerry)
M. Skevington
Rita and Terry Christman
Julie and David Crager
Marcia and Bob Janiszewski
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Weiss
Lois White
In Memory of Robert (Bob) E. Skodinski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. McManus
In Memory of Lois M. Slabaugh
Ms. Tiffany L. Egendoerfer
In Memory of Peter (Pete) C. Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Breedlove
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewinski
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Slater
In Memory of Suzanne (Sue)
Morrow Slater
Amy and Jesse Berger
Michelle Blough
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breske
Ginger Calhoun
Mrs. Carolyn R. Chrzan
Dianne and Dennis Debelar
District Council 1-F Retired
Karon and Ciro Haraguchi
Jan Hayes
Mary Anne and Harvey Hurst
Louise and Richard Jones
Rebecca Lehman
Julia and John Mahon
Rose Marie Metzler
Patricia and Donald Miller
Barbara Moore
Nappanee Rotary Club
Shirley Ross
Bob Stover
Denny and Janet Templeton
Bobbie and Will Wilson
In Memory of Karen A. Sloma
Lori and Mike Kerr
In Memory of Charles (Charlie) H. Slomski
George Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brien
Mr. Len D. Buszkiewicz
Olive Collier
Marilyn and Don Dennig
Barb and Bill Dennis
Mr. Charles F. Dietsch
Kay and Roy Ellgass
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hammond
Maggie and Jim Husa
Bonnie and Jim Kovatch
Judith and Hubert Kuzmich
Judy and John Lehner
Dolores Liwosz
Shirley and Jack Mesaros
Kathy (Spitz) Petitjean
Sharon and Bill Przybysz
Ann Marie and Ralph Szymanski
Lorraine Vargo
Catherine Vroman
Patty Warren
Mrs. Mary Weinzetl
Julianne Wohlfert
Eileen Wroblewski
In Memory of Betty Louise Smith
Patti Lawson
In Memory of Helen Smith
Julie Rodgers
In Memory of Joseph E. Smith
NAIFA of North Central Indiana
In Memory of Phillip James Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Pynaert
In Memory of Richard E. Smith
Julie Rodgers
In Memory of Carol (Joan) Snider
Karen Geisler
In Memory of James Robert Snodgrass, Sr
COPS Radiology Family
Mr. and Mrs. Bob R. Flippo
In Memory of Irene F. Snowden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Crofutt
Ms. Dorothy Hartman
Mr. Mark Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hartman
Ms. Florena Massengale
Mr. and Mrs. James Snowden
Mr. and Mrs. Miller Stayrock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Truex
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff W. VanderReyden
Mr. and Mrs. David Weinland
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Yoder
Mrs. Joan M. Zehr
In Memory of Gerald L. Snyder
Beatrice and Donald Ansbaugh
Mr. Glenn Davis
Mrs. Diane Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Jordanich
Ms. Mary F. Lash
Washington Clay High School Class of 1950
Janice Weller
In Memory of Juanita F. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Collier
Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Riddle, Sr
Toni Riehm
In Memory of Angela Sobecki
Diane and John Straughn
In Memory of Donald E. Sobieck, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Crainer
In Memory of Dixie Lee Soice
Deb and Dale Miller
In Memory of Clement (Clem) R. Solmos
Mrs. Adeline J. Solmos
Ms. Jody L. Solmos
Mrs. Karen Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ron V. Stack
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Stacker
Abbie, Derek, Laurie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. West
Annette Wisler and Bill Lehman
In Memory of Betty J. Stafford
Thomas Stafford
In Memory of Jeanne Hattie Sommers
Mr. Edward J. Sommers
In Memory of Henry (Ray) Raymond
Stafford, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Oblenis
In Memory of William (Bill) Thomas
Scott Southwick
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Hall
Ms. Marianne V. Parker
In Memory of Jacqueline J. Stahl
Debbie and Randy Beehler
Pat Johnson
Erin Miller
In Memory of Jo Spangenberg
Mrs. Melinda Spangenberg
In Memory of Jerome Stajkowski
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Abram
Nancy and John Banks
Patricia P. Brotherson
Pat and Ray Demski
Larry Huneryager
Jane and Bruce Klonowski
Sandy and Ray Krol
Judy and Robert Lytle
Betty Meszaros Geiger
Janet Monroe and Family
Barb and Dick Orosz
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Ramsey
Dr. and Mrs. Dale R. South, Jr
Nancy Stajkowski
Angela and Mark Thatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Ulery
Virginia and Hank Werwas
Jane and Ed Wiercioch
Marilynn Wilson Werner
Barbara and Phillip Zwickl
In Memory of John Wesley Spencer, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Barnes
Mary Bowerman
Donna Dippert
Eaton Law Department
Mr. and Mrs. Jed Eide
Dr. and Mrs. Gary B. Fromm
Mr. David Garrard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Gilman
Edward E. Gnott, Jr
Eric Gnott
Sally Gnott
Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Huff
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Keckley
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Korensky
Mr. Christopher Krafchek
Mrs. Katie Krepel
Mr. and Mrs. David Kretschmar
Mrs. Janet M. Miller
Sommers Square East Homeowners
Mrs. Isabel A. Stickley
Pam Toner
In Memory of Clarice M. Spindler
Laurie and Dave Stults
Irene and Mike Taylor
In Memory of Roswell (Ross) Reo Spore
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Reed
In Memory of Mary E. Stanfield
Mr. and Mrs. Hale S. Henderson, Jr
In Memory of Keith Stanley
Jennifer Stanley
Jonathan Stanley
In Memory of William (Bill) P. Stanley
Becky Kizer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Rosenberg
In Memory of Frank Joseph Spromberg, Jr
Susan and John Hirschler
Kathy and Glen James and Family
Dorthy and Bob Nellans
In Memory of Robert (Bob) Stebbins
Joyce Stebbins
In Memory of Diana L. Stabnik Parisi
Teresa and Sam Jermano
Susan and Mark Sandock
In Memory of Lois A. Steinke
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Cybulski
In Memory of Carl J. Stack
Sherry Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Borger, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bozzuto
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Cassady
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kilmer
Ms. Carol A. Lepic
In Memory of Priscilla J. Steif
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonin
In Memory of Irma A. Stoffelen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hauguel, Sr
In Memory of Ann M. Stoll
Mr. James R. Stoll
In Memory of Laura Storbaugh
Ms. Bernadette Micinski
In Memory of Emma May Stroes
Mrs. Betty J. Makielski
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Makielski
Meijer Store #120 Employees
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Reed
In Memory of Mitchell C. Strope
Mrs. Shirley J. Strope
In Memory of Kay E. Stroud
Ms. Cheryl L. Ashbaugh
Ms. Jill A. Guentert
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Konecny
Mr. Michael B. Milliken
Mrs. Betty J. Zemialkowski
In Memory of Roger L. Suddarth, Sr
Naydean Beck and Family
Mrs. Anna Mae Coryell
In Memory of Edward (Ed) Sullivan
Rosemary and Marquis Anderson
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Barrett
Mrs. C. Diane Boehnlein
Mr. Brian E. Casey
Cloud One
Mr. Barry R. Cronin
Sandy and Nick DeCicco
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Eisele
Harry Englehart
Gina, Luca and Chris Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gonderman, Sr
Ms. Frances E. Hickman
Mr. Michael S. Hortatsos
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Jordanich
Karl Weis Auto Body Shop—Gary, Dorothy,
Dennis, Sharon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Knight
Mrs. Catherine M. Koscielski
Avanti, Julie, Sheila, Kenny, Kusumand Bob
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Maginn
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Neidhart
Mr. Gary O’Brien
Ara R. Parseghian
Jon Pilarski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pozsgai, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph R. Rompola
Ned V. Schimizzi
Mr. Louis Somogyi, Jr
South Bend Community School Corp, Board
and Superintendent’s Office
Mr. Mark E. Thees
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zappia
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Zirille
In Memory of Roger A. Sullivan
Ms. Joan Troyer
In Memory of Douglas J. Sumpter
In Memory of Helen D. Sumpter
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Franz and Family
Amy Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Kinney
Arlene Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Butters
Jean and Preston Butters
Jody, Lucy, Ben, Nicole Davis
Mr. James M. Donovan
Mr. James L. George
John Grady
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Krake
Carie Morgan
Mr. Brad C. Rhodes
Mr. Christopher A. Ruppert
The Slagle Family
Ms. Nancy J. Sulok
Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Sulok
The Swank Family
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Talboom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Urbanski
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry VanDriessche
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Walker
In Memory of Blanche Truax
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Clark
The Blanche Truax Family
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Small
South Bend Medical Foundation
In Memory of Aranka Talos
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Lumm
In Memory of Mildred T. Tatich
Marcy Mangus
In Memory of Michael (Mike) D. Utter
Ms. Connie D. Green
Georgia Harley
Stefanie and Butch Mills
Jennifer and Anthony Moreno
Kelly Reinholt
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Shepherd
Helen Damaris Story
Rita and Roger Thayer
Jan Wagoner
In Memory of James R. Sweitzer
Mrs. Nancy L. Sweitzer
In Memory of Orra Eugene Taylor
Mrs. Helen M. VanGundy
In Memory of Anne G. Valdez
Gloria and Reno Fimbianti
In Memory of Kathleen V. Sweitzer
Linda and Dennis Hockney
In Memory of Claudia M. Thibideau
Ellen Krzyzanski
In Memory of Merl Dean Swihart
Ms. Janis G. Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Davis
Mrs. Edna M. Swihart
In Memory of Charlotte Elizabeth Thoma
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Parmley
In Memory of Cyril (Cy)
A. VanDenDriessche
Mrs. Mary E. VanDenDriessche
Rhonda Schafer
Ryan Schafer and Family
Carol Sumpter
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sumpter
Matt Sumpter
Mike Sumpter
Ron Sumpter
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Uelujka
In Memory of Hilton J. Swain
Ms. Marie C. Joseberger
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Taelman
In Memory of Susan (Susie) A. Swain
Ms. Marie C. Joseberger
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Taelman
In Memory of Jonathan (Jon) Swallow
Town of Bristol
In Memory of Richard D. Swartz
Suzanne Locke
Mrs. Isabel A. Stickley
Mary Jo and John Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Winkel
In Memory of William (Bill) H. Swartz, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Borkowski
Family and Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Inks
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. O’Boyle
In Memory of David (Dave) Alfred Switzer
Mrs. Shelley Jean Switzer
In Memory of Genevieve (Gene) Swizek
Mary Ann and Richard Ross
In Memory of Julius J. Szalay, Jr
Heidi Walker
In Memory of Michael (Andy) A. Szalay
Heidi Walker
In Memory of Rita Szocinski
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Parmley
In Memory of Sallie Joan Szymanski
Amy and Hill
Dale Meadim Bor
Diane and John
Bob Jones
Amber and Pat
Laura and Tom
The Tomlison Family
Donna and Bill Wagoner
Jim, Dee, Scott Wagoner
In Memory of Helen Joan Tarr
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Pletcher
In Memory of George Tatich
Marcy Mangus
In Memory of Marie W. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rice
In Memory of Rosella Ann Tomkiewicz
Tonah Mason
In Memory of Anastasia Touvoutoglou
Isis Quinteros
In Memory of Marie M. Trammell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Bella
Ms. Marcy Etemadi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Grontkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Jasinski
Kathy Lodyga and Steve Kronberger
Ms. Mary Ann Peterson
Ms. Angela Reinoehl
In Memory of Wesley Martin Talbert
Mr. and Mrs. Scott G. Talbert
In Memory of Floyd H. Trosper, Sr
Ms. Tammie Blevins
Chimney Swift Chimney Sweep—Barb and
Ron Colborn
Dot and Tom Corson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lambright, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Porter
Stephanie, Rob, Andrea and Steve Reich
Ms. Linda Rhodes
In Memory of Matthew Alan Talboom
In Memory of Marlene B. Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Suher, Jr
In Memory of Arline M. Tryner
Mrs. Gloria M. Walkowiak
In Memory of Reuben W. Tune
The Brent Lea Family
Marilyn Melkey
In Memory of Kathryn (Katie) S. Turner
William F. Turner
In Memory of Chieko Kajiwara Underwood
Sandra Hiler
In Memory of Richard (Dick) F. Urbanski
Katherine M. Howell
In Memory of Suzanne Mary VanGoey
Helen Smogor and Marian Graduates—
Amanda, Samantha, Daniel, James Smogor
University of Notre Dame, Office of the Exec
Vice President
Horizon Elementary School
Judy Petrasovits
Sharon Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wills
In Memory of Denise A. Vargo
Lorraine Vargo
In Memory of The Vascil Family
Ms. Jennifer L. Grontkowski
In Memory of Albert F. Verduin
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Eberhard
In Memory of Theresa (Teri) A. Vermillion
Mrs. Lois L. Markley
In Memory of Elmo V. Vernasco
Jean Vernasco
In Memory of Charles E. Voelkel
Mrs. Joan M. Voelkel
In Memory of Barbara Joan Vollmer
Mr. Kenneth K. Donnelly
Debbi and Bart Fore
Kristi and Greg Noble
Rene Reshkus
Mr. Ralph M. Vollmer
In Memory of Robert N. Vuckovich
Ms. Vera Vuckovich
In Memory of Floyd Wachowiak
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McQueen
In Memory of Mary Stella Wachowiak
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McQueen
In Memory of Monte L. Wade
Susan L. Penn and Family
In Memory of Wyn Craig Wade
Susan L. Penn and Family
In Memory of Victoria J. Wagner
Regina Baldwin
In Memory of Reva L. VanHarlingen
Mrs. Reva Marie Moody
In Memory of Thomas Walenga
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Walenga
In Memory of Zano Vannoni
Jean Vernasco
In Memory of Shannon Elizabeth Walker
The Olivia Kalicki Family
In Memory of Donna M. VanOoteghem
Elaine Hahaj
Lisa, Lynn and Alex Knappenberger
Mrs. Rose M. Rydzinski
Sue Sommer
Jamie Taradash
In Memory of Mary L. VanVlasselaer
Ms. Margery A. Baumgardner
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Frierott
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio J. Gizzi
Ms. Susan M. Hays
Mrs. Theresa Healey
In Memory of Elinor Rose VanVynckt
AT&T Telecom Pioneers South Bend
Mr. Ray D. VanVynckt
In Memory of Dorothy V. Varga
Nancy Banks
Sharon Brock and Pearl Bottorff
Mrs. Cheryl K. Clarke
Kathleen A. Hoffer
In Memory of Ella Walker Harrison
Katie Turner
In Memory of Judith (Judy) L. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abbott
Anne and Fred Benner
Valerie and Craig Cultice
Culver Elementary School
Grunawalt Baer Financial
Ms. Priscilla B. Hoag
Joan Hunt
Beth and Tom Kollars
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ledman
Ed “ Pete” Martin
Adrienne Murphy
Amy and Rich Paton Family
Gina and Bill Probst
Schermer Sales, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Schermer
Nanci Snyder
Carrie and Charles Tharp
In Memory (continued)
In Memory of Judith M. Walsh
Beech Grove Middle School
Mary and Mike Bramlett
Carol and Jeff Buszkiewicz
Mr. Len D. Buszkiewicz
Ms. Kathleen L. Clark
The Delahanty Family
Susan Deranek
Denise and Russ Graves
Catherine S. Hiler
Becky Kizer
Mr. Michael Ladewski
Mr. Mark M Murray
B. J. Rupel
Theresa and Timothy Scott
Rosalie and Edmond Smith
The William H. Smith Family
Truck Accessories Group
Eileen Wroblewski
In Memory of Dorothy Elaine Walters
1st Source Bank, Friends and Colleagues
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Barkley
Ms. Debra A. Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brazo
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Crothers
Mrs. Hazel C. Horvath
Norma B. LaFree
Mr. and Mrs. James T. LeBlanc
Mrs. Marlene A. McGrath
Shirley and Jack Mesaros
Mrs. Joyce K. Pittman
Mrs. Helen S. Retek
Mrs. Kay Schmok
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Totten
In Memory of Robert (Bob) E. Waltz, Jr
Mrs. Diane M. Waltz
In Memory of Norma Jean Ward
Jeanne and Rich Durkin
Karrol and Dave Greiwe
JoAnn and Clarence Hein
Sue and Mickey Noonan
Karen and Damien Sullivan
Laura and Jay Walker
In Memory of Ralph Z. Ward
Mrs. Joan L. Ward
In Memory of Benny Marvin Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dorbin
Rick Heck
Roxanne and John Pallo
In Memory of Virda (Esther) Warren
Jean and Jeff Boocher
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dorbin
Ms. Jody L. Froelich
Rick Heck
Roxanne and John Pallo
Sandra and David Reno
Janette Velting Scroggs and Douglas Scroggs
Sharon and Ken Wagner
In Memory of Welcome (Tater) D. Warren
Barbara Shearer
Thomas Family Reunion
In Memory of William (Bill) A. Warrick
Colonel and Mrs. Todd L. Eads
DeVon Franklin, Jr
Mrs. DeVon Franklin, Sr. (Nita)
In Memory of Thomas (Tom) S. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman
In Memory of Tommie Marie Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Quenton D. Watson
In Memory of Genevieve Ann Wawrzynski
Mr. Raymond F. Wawrzynski
In Memory of Dale E. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Coffel
Mr. and Mrs. Ura M. Gingerich
In Memory of Lavene (Shorty) E. Weaver
Cathy Braddock and Cleo Yonkers
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brumbaugh
Sue and Julie Campbell
Mrs. Joyce M. Carmien
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Fried
Mr. and Mrs. Elden L. Gall
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jessup
Jim Stones Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Martin
Ms. Sherry R. Mason
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Miklich
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Mockler
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Moore
Christy and Roger Niccum
Ms. Faye I. Oesch
Stacey and Brian Paynter
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Reber
Cookie and Jerry Speckman
Shirley E. Stone
Friends from TCB
Jerry Trolz
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Troyer
Mrs. Faye V. Weiss
In Memory of Charles (Charlie) L. Webber
George D. Badgero
Ms. Ruth E. Braden
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert E. Bragg
Mr. and Mrs. Emery F. Chrobot
Ms. Ruth A. Couch
Ms. Monica A. Cundiff
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil R. Felhauer
Franciscan Alliance, Sisters and Co-Workers
Ms. Fran Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hammond, Jr
Ms. Janee N. Kile
Mr. and Mrs. Kip M. Klute
Carol and Jamie McDonald
Eva L. Novitske
Mrs. Linda S. Rakow
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Rudy
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schmuhl, Jr
Jody Siebert
Skelton Taintor & Abbott, Attorneys-at-Law
Mrs. Rita M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Tacia
Mr. George G. Thomas
Mrs. Lyn Urgonski
Mr. Michael E. Webber
Mrs. Katherine Worthman
Ms. Christine M. Zawlocki
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Zeese
Dan Zelmer
In Memory of Richard J. Wesolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Stanley
In Memory of Rita M. Willingham
Mac Willingham
In Memory of Irvin L. Wood
Mrs. Wanda J. Wood
In Memory of Nettie Cleo Whetstone
Steven Richard
In Memory of Joseph A. Willis, Sr
G W Berkheimer Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Golubski, Sr
Mr. and Mrs. William R. LaVelle
Donna and Dennis Weaver
In Memory of Daniel (Dan) J. Woolley
The Alberta Wilcockson Family
In Memory of Joan Marie Webber
Mr. Michael E. Webber
Ms. Christine M. Zawlocki
In Memory of Robert (Bob) K. Widdis
Mr. Robert J. Widdis
In Memory of Frank Weil
Mrs. Donna E. Grauel
In Memory of Helen E. Weil
Mrs. Donna E. Grauel
In Memory of Ronald (Ron) C. Weist
Susan Newman
Kim and David Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Rossi
Kay and Dave Schulenburg
Cindy Weist
Mrs. Ruth E. Weist
Linda and Tom Wruble
In Memory of Phyllis A. Welch
Spike Abernethy
Mr. Wendell D. Culp
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Gattman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gattman
Dr. and Mrs. G. Beach Gattman
Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell Hurd
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Salin
In Memory of Elinor (June) J. Weldy
Kim and Dennis Bilinski
Carol Boyer
Mrs. Faydene Dumph
Kathy Galloway
The Ruth Haag Family
The Klapp Family—Eric, Melissa, Elaine, Steve
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Leeper
Janet and Mike Levy
Lisa and Mark Matejka
Annette and Steve Myers
Penny and Glenn Pike
Mary and Steve Reidenbach
The Straub Family
Mr. J. Gregory Strom
Town of Bremen Employees
Goldie Weldy
Beth and Rick Weldy
In Memory of Paul Andrew Welker
Mrs. Tammy S. Holland
In Memory of Rena Maxine Welker
Mrs. Tammy S. Holland
In Memory of Dorothy Mae Wenger
Mrs. Lorraine Strohbehn
Mr. and Mrs. J. Olen Yoder
In Memory of Zita J. Went
Zita and Dennis Pontius
In Memory of Margaret Whipkey
Mrs. Carol A. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Brown
Life Treatment Centers, Inc.
In Memory of Max A. Wiese
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Swihart
In Memory of Orville (Junior) Wilcox, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Aric Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kahlmorgan
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kahlmorgan
Mr. and Mrs. John Michalski
Bruce Ostertag. Mary, Todd and Katie
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Roeder, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. John Sekendy
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stone
Ellen and Mike Upp
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wagnerowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whitesel
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wilcox
Mary Yarbrough
Mike Yarbrough
In Memory of Doris I. Wildrick
Edith J. Becker
Laurene Davis
Debi Jorn
Jennie Krumery
Gunnel B. Lofgren
Howard Mansfield
Laura Sorg
Glenn Stroup
Jerry Stroup
Todd Viscik
Ms. Marilyn A. Wallace
Esther Zapalski
In Memory of Helen Wilfing
Mary and Bill Cleary, Kevin, Ann, Mary
In Memory of Frank P. Wilk, III
Ms. Sharon E. Gregor
In Memory of Beverly Ann Wilkins
Ms. Carol J. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Grimske
Tom Murphy and Family
In Memory of Duane (Whitey) Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Byers
Mariann Kocsis Martin
Sommers Square East Homeowners
Andrew D. Ujdak
Rex Williams Family—Joan, Cindy, Gregg,
Jon, Andy
In Memory of Betty J. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Eberhard
In Memory of Cynthia (Jill) J. Wilson
Mr. Willie L. Jones
In Memory of John E. Wilson
Mrs. Judi Wilson
In Memory of Rita Wilson
Mrs. Velshonna Luckey
In Memory of Don L. Windsor
Mrs. Janet M. Pfeil
In Memory of Gertrude
Mary K. Bowers
In Memory of Michael (Mike) J. Wishing
Barbara and Reginald Grimm
Katrina McGovern and Tina Grimm
Dorothy L. Powers
Kim Powers
Barb and Bill Reasor
Marjorie Spencer
L. Jane and David J. Underly
Judy Zehendner
In Memory of Sara S. Witt
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Avrett
Bea Coleman
Mrs. Jeannette L. Kapalczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Nickelson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nycz
Mrs. Juanita Searfoss
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Weisman
In Memory of Lorraine Rose Witter
Patti and Mike Cowan
Luana S. Kajzer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Kajzer
Mrs. Phoebe J. Lykowski
Mr. Josef J. Oshinski
Ms. Patricia M. Sloan
In Memory of August S. Wozniak, Jr
Verna Jean Wozniak
In Memory of Harlan J. Wuthrich
Mrs. Nancy K. Wuthrich
In Memory of Jaime Leah Wynn
Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Rosenberg
In Memory of Victor Wynn
Ms. Kathleen M. Crane
In Memory of Carl E. Yoder
Becky Kizer
In Memory of Jane Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Call
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caufield
Dot and Tom Corson
Edd’s Supplies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Eigsti
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gingerich
Ms. Janet W. Harshberger
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harshberger
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff James
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Sylvester
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vail
Ms. Dorene A. Welch
In Memory of Vivian Sue Yoder
Mr. Charles E. Yoder
In Memory of Robert R. Yonkers
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Roher
In Memory of Mary Rose Young
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schini
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shawgo
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Young
Ruth Young and Roy Young
In Memory of Hildegarde Zakrzewski
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Hayes
In Memory of Richard E. Zawlocki
Mrs. Georgianna M. Zawlocki
In Memory of Wayne (Sperry) D. Zehner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Flosenzier
Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Read
Violet Spaid
In Memory of Patricia Ann Zeiler
Carol and Arden Daugherty
In Memory of Donald (Dick) R. Zellers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Bottom
Mrs. Carol Hawbaker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Neirynck
Mrs. Marjorie E. Niemann
In Memory of Alexander (Al) Zielinski, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman
In Memory of John R. Zellers
Mr. and Mrs. Everett E. Finney
Mrs. Joan E. Fitt
Ms. Sandra J. Gastian
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gudorf
Becky Kizer
Ms. Mary A. Lloyd
Ms. Lori L. Patton
Southfield Condominium
Homeowners Assoc.
Mrs. Isabel A. Stickley
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tagliaferri
Ms. Charlotte D. Vinson
Mrs. Virginia Zellers
In Memory of HoneyLou Ziemendorf
Mr. Brent Watson
In Memory of Judy M. Zetzsche
Mrs. Maxine Beck
In Memory of Aloysius (Al) Zmyslo
Evelyn J. Shilts
In Memory of Alfred (John) J. Zubler
Estate of Alfred J. Zubler
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Kenney
Mei McCormack
Mr. Terrence P. Zubler
In Memory of Charles A. Zulas
Mrs. Margaret K. Beres
Sommers Square East Homeowners
Honor Listing
In Honor of Lester (Les)
D. Berger
St. John United Church of Christ
In Honor of Patricia
(Pat) Beutel
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Beutel
In Honor of Charbel F.
Maskiny, MD
Pulmonary & Critical Care
Associates, PC
In Honor of Charlie Hayes of
Charles S. Hayes, Inc.
LL Geans Construction Co.
In Honor of Trent Mireles of
Colbert Packaging, Inc.
LL Geans Construction Co.
In Honor of Harold Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lerman
In Honor of Amy Mauro
Mr. Patrick D. Novitzki
In Honor of Mary Jane
Tami Greenawalt
In Honor of George McMeekan
Kristi Mohamed
In Honor of Allen and Dave
Hill of Hill Truck Sales, Inc.
and their Contributions to the
Community and the Lives of
their Employees over the Past
54 Years
Michele and Milton John Hopkins
In Honor of Georgine
M. Meuninck
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meuninck
In Honor of Steve Stokley of
Noble Americas
LL Geans Construction Co.
In Honor of Ice Box Skating Rink
DJ Construction Co.
In Honor of Chris Reinking of
Panzica Building Corporation
LL Geans Construction Co.
In Honor of Ismail Al Ani, MD
Pulmonary & Critical Care
Associates, PC
In Honor of Paul J. Guentert, MD
Pulmonary & Critical Care
Associates, PC
In Honor of Wynona S. Jones
Dixie Moye
In Honor of Jeffery Putz
Valerie Guljas
In Memory of Eugene (Gene) John
Ms. Joan M. Koehler
Deborah Sue Wizieck and Alex
In Honor of The Richard O.
Davis Family
The Frye Family
In Memory of Melvin (Wayne) Wolf
Mishawaka Utilities
In Honor of Valorie and
Todd Eads
Cheri and Dan Stanton
In Honor of Carl Thomas of
K & M Machine
LL Geans Construction Co.
In Honor of Margaret and
Joel Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Jordanich
In Honor of Nicholas (Nick)
J. Eufemi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollett
In Honor of Matthew
Koscielski, MD
Pulmonary & Critical Care
Associates, PC
In Honor of Mike Coyne of
South Bend Parking Co.
LL Geans Construction Co.
In Memory of Robert Allen Wolfe
Randy Brown
Nancy and David Derhake
Mr. Ross A. Heller
Ms. Linda J. Martin
Judith Mynark
Mr. and Mrs. Ward A. Poulos
In Memory of Carl H. Zimmerle
The Family of Eldon Zimmerle
In Honor of Roberta and
Thomas Spencer
Charles Kratz and William Varady
In Honor of Christopher (Chris)
J. Taelman
Northern Indiana Public Service
In Honor of Brian Davis of
Titan Contracting & Leasing Co.
LL Geans Construction Co.
In Honor of Michael (Mike)
J. Wargo
Mrs. Nora K. Crosen
Mr. Robert L. Fisher
Mrs. Caron Gleva
Mr. Denis K. Kidde
Mrs. Cyndy Searfoss
Mr. Christopher J. Taelman
Mr. James Wiskotoni
In Honor of Clara and
George White
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Parisey
In Honor of Ken Little of
Woodcox Building
Contractor, Inc.
LL Geans Construction Co.
Supporting Center for Hospice Care
South Bend • Plymouth • Elkhart
501 Comfort Place
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Veterans Memorial
As a Level 4 We Honor Veterans Partner, Center for Hospice Care has made an effort to give veterans care that fits their unique needs.
As part of this commitment, we will be constructing a Veterans Memorial at our Mishawaka Campus. Construction is scheduled
to begin in late May, with completion in early November. Dedication of the memorial will take place around Veterans Day. To learn more about
how you or your organization can support this effort, contact Mike Wargo at [email protected] or 574.243.2059.