IET Film Fesivtal Catalogue
IET Film Fesivtal Catalogue
I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m F e s t i v a l Fe s t i v a l I n t e r n a t i o n a l d e s E s p o i r s d u C i n é m a O F F I C I A L C ATA L O G - C ATA L O G U E O F F I C I E L To Our Guests: In 2003, a small seed was planted: to create a new and innovative platform that was dedicated to promoting and supporting new and emerging filmmakers from around the world. It took the dedication and effort of many people to bring the Festival to life in this, the inaugural edition of the International Emerging Talent Film Festival. Over the years, ideas have grown, changed, and have been molded into IETFF 2007, a platform dedicated to new and emerging filmmakers on an international scale, now focused on nurturing and promoting new filmmakers from the developing nations of the world. Through our Film Pro meetings, we offer these new cinema talents the opportunity to interact with some of the leaders of the international motion picture industry. We owe a special debt of gratitude to our sponsors, advertisers, donors and to our home, the Principality of Monaco. And we couldn’t be more pleased by the programs we offer here in the beautiful Grimaldi Forum. During the course of the Festival, we are presenting 25 short and feature films, including eleven Feature Films and eleven short films in our Official Competition. Amongst the feature films, there are two World Premieres, two International Premieres, four European Premieres and two French Premieres. In addition, we have three Special Screenings, six amazing conversations and panels and an extraordinary assemblage of filmmakers, VIP guests, film industry representatives and world press. The IETFF is an organization that will provide film education as a means of expression in developing nations through its Global Film Expression. And in 2008, the IETFF’s parent, the International Emerging Film Talent Association, will launch the Global Film Forum, an initiative dedicated to educating governments and businesses in developing regions of the world on the policies and practices required to attract commercial film productions to their homelands. This is both the beginning and the realization of a dream. Thank you for your presence and support. The journey begins here. Engage, enjoy and be challenged by IETFF 2007! Max Ryerson Marco Orsini Noriko Katayanagi-Bonafede Irina Peterson Founder Creative Director Founding Board Member Executive Director Founding Board Member IETFA President Founding Board Member IEFTA Secretary General FESTIVAL ORGANIZATION, STAFF AND SPECIAL THANKS International Emerging Film Talent Association (IEFTA) Founders: Noriko Bonafede, Marco Orsini, Irina Peterson, Max Ryerson President: Noriko Bonafede Secretary General: Irina Peterson Members: Marco Orsini, Max Ryerson Advisory Board Founding Members: Nigel Dick, Tricia Van Klaveren Members: Marc Brockbank, Effie Brown, Christopher Buckeridge, Bruce Cohen, Andria Litto, George Litto, Christophe Medecin, Ramona Ramtej IETFF Ambassadors Oliver de Rothschild Angela Van Wright Ikuro Takano Organization Founder & Creative Director: Max Ryerson Executive Director: Marco Orsini Festival Producer: Mitch Levine – The Film Festival Group Director of Administration: Saori Tanichi USA Representative: Andreas Cerdan Accountant: Stephane Garino Lawyer: Maitre Olivier Marquet Programming Selection Committee: Huguette Marquand-Ferreux, Marco Orsini, Max Ryerson Advisors: Shaz Bennett, Jennifer Perrott, Peter van Bueren, Bird Runningwater, Shari Frilot, Mitch Levine Publicity International: Gary Springer, Geraldine Kuster – Springer & Associates PR Local: Kristina Lynn – Kristina Lynn and Associates Public Relations Talent & Special Projects: Louie Jones Catalogue, Poster and Logo Design: Olivier Fredenucci, Federall Website Design: Alex Chierici, Process Strategy Liaison to the Diplomatic Corps and Guest Services Coordinator: Biljana Aleksik Travel Agent: Christopher Campbell Volunteer Coordinator: Saori Tanichi Special Events Coordinators: Jo-Ann Flohil, Antoaneta Iossifova Interns: Yann Allain, Irina Bliznashka, Natasa Filipovic, Jo-Ann Flohil, Antoaneta Iossifova, Vanessa Erbaggio Very Special Thanks H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco And... Mehdi Amar, Tracey Bing, Anny Bormans, Michel Bouquier, Mark Brockbank, Effie Brown, Madeleine Carpenter, Bruce Cohen, Shaela & Steven Cook, Rachael Leigh Cook, Alain Corneau, Carol Davis, Nathalie Delon, Georges Dick, Nigel Dick, Michael Donaldson, Richard Donner, Ava Dupre, Stephane Dray, Vanessa Erbaggio, Bernard Fautrier, Mina Fujita, Moira Griffin, Thomas Ethan Harris, Jean Henoschsberg, Amber Hess, Yvette Hutchinson, Kouji Ito, Louis Jones, Freda Katritzky, Ian Khan, Ken Kuroyanagi, Elizabeth Lahey, Andria Litto, George Litto, Sophie de Lorenzo, Huguette Marquand-Ferreux, Christophe Medecin, Hidetoshi Nakata, Susanne de Olivier-Hossie, Tony Poser-Adams, Alan Poul, Ramona Ramtej, Vitto Romeo, Bruce Ryerson, Lauren Shuler Donner, Strategies Monte-Carlo, Keiko Takahashi, Saburo Takahashi, Jennifer Tilly, Nadine Trintignant, Tricia Van Klaveren, Henk Van de Meens, Angela Van Wright, Rolland Vervaet, Stuart Watts, Billy Zane, Hans Zimmer, the staff of the Grimaldi Forum and all of our other many supporters and volunteers. 4 | Internationa l E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Welcome Letter Welcome Letter from the Board Organization | Staff | Special Thanks Partnership with NRDC Our Sponsors Festival Schedule Opening Night: 3 NEEDLES A Letter Concerning Africa Special Screening and Panel: INVISIBLE CHILDREN Global Film Expression | Global Film Forum Closing Night: The Wing Awards | SAND AND SORROW Conversations and Panels Feature Film Competition BUNNY CHOW DRIVING WITH MY WIFE’S LOVER ENTRY LEVEL MARTA QUE TAN LEJOS A TALE OF TWO GENERALS TIE A YELLOW RIBBON SATANÁS SHOONYA SOVIA TÉLÉ GUERRE New World/Old World Shorts Competition THE CAT AND CLAUDIA CRICKET HEAD DEWENTI DI KIBERA KID LOST MY HEAD LUCIA Y LAS COSAS MEANDER MY FRIEND ANA UMA VIDA E OUTRA YEARS OF SOLITUDE Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is pleased to join forces with the International Emerging Talent Film Festival in its commitment to cultivate environmental awareness by the general public and by professionals in the film industry. In the spirit of a Festival that celebrates the world-wide talents of rising filmmakers, the collaboration of NRDC with the IETFF in the greening of their event is a powerful means of merging each organization’s goals: Educating the world about critical ecological issues. In collaboration with NRDC, this international festival will work to minimize its environmental footprint by identifying environmentally friendly solutions, from waste management to recycling to the purchasing of carbon offsets. NRDC is pleased to support the IETFF’s efforts to spearhead a growing awareness of ecological issues for a sustainable future and a healthy, livable planet. NRDC and the IETFF will use the Festival’s forums and events to educate audiences, filmmakers, government leaders and studio executives on ecologically sound life practices and on environmentally responsible film production techniques. MISSION STATEMENT of the NRDC The Natural Resources Defense Council’s purpose is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends. We work to restore the integrity of the elements that sustain life -- air, land and water -- and to defend endangered natural places. We seek to establish sustainability and good stewardship of the Earth as central ethical imperatives of human society. NRDC affirms the integral place of human beings in the environment. We strive to protect nature in ways that advance the long-term welfare of present and future generations. We work to foster the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decisions that affect their environment. We seek to break down the pattern of disproportionate environmental burdens borne by people of color and others who face social or economic inequities. Ultimately, NRDC strives to help create a new way of life for humankind, one that can be sustained indefinitely without fouling or depleting the resources that support all life on Earth 6 | Internationa l E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 OUR PARTNERS & SPONSORS I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 7 The IEFTA would like to thank our angel Mark Brockbank for his unflailing dedication, commitment and support of our dreams for the IETFF. FESTIVAL SCHEDULE SUNDAY, MAY 13TH 2007 Salle PRINCE PIERRE Salle CAMILLE BLANC 10.15 - 12.15 DI (SGP) QUA TAN LEJOS (ECU) 12.00 - 14.00 THE CAT AND CLAUDIA (AUS) TIE A YELLOW RIBBON ( USA) 13.00 - 15.15 UMA VIDA E OUTRA (BRA) DRIVING WITH MY WIFE’S LOVER (KOR) 14.30 - 16.15 LOST MY HEAD (ISL) ENTRY LEVEL (USA) 15.45 - 18.00 DEWENETI (SEN) SHOONYA (IND) 16.45 - 18.45 MEANDER (BEL) SATANÀS (COL) 19.30 - 22.00 OPENING NIGHT FILM - THREE NEEDLES 10.00 - 11.30 NEW WORLD SHORTS Other Venues 13.30 - SALLE BOSIO Everything you wanted to know about films but were afraid to ask 15.30 - SALLE BOSIO NRDC CONVERSATION 22.00 - OPENING NIGHT SOIRÉE at Fashion TV Bar MONDAY, MAY 14TH 2007 10.00 - 12.00 INVISIBLE CHILDREN (USA/UGA) + PANEL 10.15 - 12.30 DEWENETI (SEN) SHOOONYA (IND) 12.30 - 14.15 KIBERA KID (KEN) MARTA (CZE) 13.00 - 14.30 LUCIA Y LAS COSAS (ARG) TÉLÉ GUERRE (BFA) 14.45 - 16.45 DI (SGP) QUE TAN LEJOS (ECU) 15.00 - 17.00 THE CAT AND CLAUDIA (AUS) YIE A YELLOW RIBBON (USA) 17.15 - 19.00 YEARS OF SOLITUDE (MKD) A TALE OF TWO GENERALS (LBN) 17.30 - 19.00 OLD WORLD SHORTS 20.00 - 22.00 MY FRIEND ANA (CAN) SOVIA (DEU) 19.30 - 21.15 CRICKET HEAD (USA) BUNNY CHOW (ZAF) 13.30 - SALLE BOSIO IETFF filmakers Roundtable: How i made a movie and found myself in Monaco TUESDAY, MAY 15TH 2007 10.00 - 11.45 LOST MY HEAD (ISL) ENTRY LEVEL (USA) 10.15 - 12.00 KIBERA KID (KEN) MARTA (CZE) 12.15 - 14.15 MY FRIEND ANA (CAN) SOVIA (DEU) 12.30 - 14.15 YEARS OF SOLITUDE (MKD) A TALE OF TWO GENERALS (LBN) 14.45 - 16.45 UMA VIDA E OUTRA DRIVING WITH MY WIFE’S LOVER (KOR) 14.45 - 17.00 MEANDER (BEL) SATANÀS (COL) 17.15 - 18.45 LUCIA Y LAS COSAS (ARG) TÉLÉ GUERRE (BFA) 17.30 - 19.30 CRICKET HEAD (USA) BUNNY CHOW (ZAF) 20.00 - 22.00 THE WING AWARDS + SAND AND SORROW 13.30 - SALLE BOSIO Financing films in the global marketplace 15.30 - SALLE BOSIO Panel - Crisis in Darfur: Cinema responds 22.00 - CLOSING NIGHT SOIRÉE - Venue TBA All times, programs and venues are subject to change. Check for updates. UFO provides an end to end, satellite-driven, digital cinema solution to exhibitors, distributors and film producers. More than 250.000 screenings have been completed to date. All the digital screenings at IETFF are powered by UFO Europe. Official Partner of IETFF digital cinema EUROPE 3 NEEDLES | THOM FITZGERALD | CANADA | OPENING NIGHT GALA As Thom Fitzgerald, the film’s director has said, 3 NEEDLES is really a prayer, the storytelling and characters inspired by questions to God, the film a meditation on finding answers to the unanswerable. Three tales of redemption create a mosaic portrait of the worldwide AIDS pandemic. In China, a smuggler sets up a blood clinic in a hillside farming village. In Canada, a waitress discovers her son is a notorious porn star. In South Africa, a novice missionary compromises her faith in order to sustain a family of orphans. The structure of the film rests on religious rituals, which are pieced together as a mosaic. We follow the stories of several characters who are not connected by personal interaction, but who are very much connected through the AIDS plague and through their individual spirituality. The movie flows like a book of short stories rather than a novel. Many of the supporting cast had never even seen a movie, so it required a great deal of faith and trust by the filmmakers to engage in this strange endeavour. The remarkable cast, including Lucy Liu, Chloë Sevigny, Stockard Channing, Shawn Ashmore, Olympia Dukakis, Sandra Oh and Sook-Yin Lee all brought their own ideas to their roles, breathing individuality into an incredibly broad spectrum of characters. A truly remarkable exploration of a powerful subject by a gifted filmmaker and his ensemble of players, 3 NEEDLES is filled with stunning cinematography and exception performances. We are very pleased to be presenting it as our Opening Night presentation. EUROPEAN PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, FEATURE YEAR : 2005 RUNNING TIME : 127 min. SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 19:30 PRODUCER : Thom FITZGERALD, Mark BENNETT SCREENPLAY : Thom FITZGERALD PHOTOGRAPHY : Tom HARTING MUSIC : Christophe BECK & Trevor MORRIS EDITING : Susan SHANKS CAST : Lucy LIU, Shawn ASHMORE, Stoackard CHANNING, Chloe SEVIGNY, Olympia DUKAKIS, Sandra OH, Sook-Yin LEE COMPANY : Bigfoot Entertainment ADDRESS : Los Angeles WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e - Carl o 2 007 | 1 1 A LETTER CONCERNING AFRICA... I spent the month of January shooting a documentary in Ethiopia. I was amazed at the size of the country, the richness of the culture and, at the same time, the degree of destitution. However, everywhere I went, I was greeted with wonderful hospitality. The people of Ethiopia are hungry for knowledge, friendship and opportunities from the world abroad. It is a perfect place to launch our Global Film Expression. This program uses film as a tool to motivate and eventually encourage future filmmakers – in a country that has been ravaged by civil war, famine, drought and AIDS. It could very well be the success story for the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia sits in the middle of mayhem and is struggling for its very own survival. We believe in Ethiopia and in its chance to succeed. Not so lucky are its neighbors; Somalia to the southeast, Sudan to the north and Uganda to the southwest. Each country has been gripped in a never-ending civil war. The effects have been disastrous. Two films highlight the plight of the people caught in this struggle. In 2004, three students from Southern California traveled to Africa for a trip of their lifetime. Their documentary, INVISIBLE CHILDREN, shows the plight of thousands of kids in Uganda kidnapped in the middle of the night and forced to fight. Some of these children are as young as five. More important than the film is what the filmmakers have done since. They have started a movement that has raised money and awareness – directly impacting the affected children and others throughout Uganda. Since 2004, schools have been built and fighting between the rebels and the government has decreased. We are honored to have these filmmakers with us to discuss their adventure as well as their commitment to their cause. We knew it would be a great film to share with the young people and residents of Monaco. Geocide. We continually say, «Never Again», but history demonstrates that it does happen again... and again... and again. It is happening now and there isn’t much being done about it. Genocide is a word we all know. The citizens of the Darfur region of Sudan know its meaning all too well. SAND AND SORROW is a film by Peabody Award winner Paul Freedman, produced and narrated by George Clooney. At our Closing Night, SAND AND SORROW will play before an international audience for the first time. This powerful piece takes a look at the slow destruction of an entire population by its own government, while the rest of the world stands by. During our Festival, we are hoping to create awareness of the plight of both countries. It also highlights why Ethiopia is so important in launching our initiative. In such a volatile area of the world, it is easy to see how you and I can make a difference for future generations in Africa. Marco A. Orsini Executive Director, IETFF INVISIBLE CHILDREN | JASON RUSSELL | USA | SPECIAL SCREENING Can a story change the world? In the spring of 2003, three young Americans traveled to Africa in search of such a story – and found a devastating one. What started out as a filmmaking adventure in Africa transformed into much more. What these three boys from Southern California found was a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them – a story where children are the weapons and the victims. INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE For the past 21 years, a war has been waged between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan government. Innocent civilians are vulnerable in this struggle between two sides that have lost sight of the people. The government of Uganda has failed to protect its citizens from a rebel militia that has abducted thousands of children, subjected them to torture or sexual violence, and forced them to fight as child soldiers. And while peace talks are currently underway to bring muchneeded resolution to this humanitarian crisis, the most devastating aspect of this war still exists: the Ugandan government forcibly evicted its Northern citizens from their homes—giving them 48 hours to relocate into camps that lack adequate security and insufficient provisions for survival. More than 1.5 million Northern Ugandans remain far from secure, suffering nearly 1.000 deaths per week due to the inhumane living conditions in the Internally Displaced Persons camps. YEAR : 2006 This wonderfully reckless documentary is fast-paced, with an MTV beat, and is truly unique. To see Africa through young eyes is humorous and heartbreaking, quick and informative – all in the same breath. And it is a deeply human – and humane – call to action that has ignited a movement around the world. The screening will be followed by a conversation with the filmmakers. This film program is strongly recommended for young people, students, and all those who care about improving our world. TYPE : DOCUMENTARY COUNTRY : USA / LEBANON / UGANDA SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 DIRECTORS : Carol MANSOUR, Laren POOLE, Jason RUSSELL SCREENPLAY : Carol MANSOUR PHOTOGRAPHY : Carol MANSOUR EDITING : Carol MANSOUR PRINT CONTACT : Carolyn SAMS COMPANY : Invisible Children, Inc. ADDRESS : 2705 Via Orange Way, Suite B, Spring Valley, CA 91978 - USA TEL : +1 619 562 2799 - FAX : +1 619 660 0576 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 1 3 GFE/GFF PROGRAMS This year, the IETFF announces two extraordinary initiatives, the Global Film Expression and the Global Film Forum. The work of the Global Film Expression has already begun; the first Global Film Forum will be held in conjunction with IETFF 2008: The IETFF Global Film Expression The Global Film Expression (GFE) will provide both opportunity and education to those who lack the resources for cinematic expression. Focusing on impoverished and oppressed regions of the world, the IETFF (in collaboration with other partners and NGO’s) will dispatch filmmakers and educators to conduct hands-on outreach, including: Develop educators that can teach cinema and filmmaking to the nation’s young people; Screen films for communities that have had only limited access, if any, to cinema; Educate young people about the craft of filmmaking, with an emphasis on the practical, expressive capabilities of moving pictures and about the employment opportunities available in local film and television for those with these skills Assist interested persons and groups in producing their own films, depicting the stories, events and ideas that inspire and inform them. At the annual IETFF in May, films produced as a result of the Global Film Expression will be screened and then made available to audiences worldwide. The IETFF Global Film Forum The Global Film Forum (GFF) is a place where government leaders, film commissioners and representatives of national film communities can meet filmmakers, producers, studio executives and other potential partners. The GFF seeks to provide delegates from the developing world the tools, incentives, procedures and infrastructure necessary to attract feature film production to their locales. Producers will offer “case studies,” and share their experiences of shooting in developing countries. Keynotes and panels will be conducted with established entertainment industry professionals on various themes, including Investment Opportunities, Financial Structures and Tax Laws; Production and Safety Issues; Financial Procedures, and developing a core of professionalism in local crews and vendors. SAND & SORROW | PAUL FREEDMAN | USA | WING AWARDS | CLOSING GALA Offered exclusive and unparalleled access to the situation inside Darfur, Peabody award-winning filmmaker Paul Freedman joins a contingent of African Union peacekeeping forces in Darfur while a tragic and disturbing chapter in human history unfolds. SAND AND SORROW leads us through burgeoning refugee camps along the Chad-Sudan border, past mass graves inside Darfur itself, and into offices of the United States Senate to plead on behalf of the innocents of Darfur. Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, U.S. Senators Barak Obama and Sam Brownback, rebel leader Minni Minawi, African Union peacekeeper Major Reuben Colince Ondoua and many others provide powerful and touching insight into the conflict. George Clooney was the Executive Producer of the film and provides its narration. As the film ventures deep inside Darfur, we come face to face with the collective sorrow of a people devastated by others’ shameful indifference. As many as 2.5 million displaced persons have had no choice but to settle inside squalid camps to wait and hope (an estimated four-hundred thousand civilians have perished so far). These people have joined the growing spectral chorus of others who waited for help in genocides past – help that we know may never come. It is an extraordinary documentary that you will never forget. A panel discussion, Crisis in Darfur: Cinema Responds, will be held prior to the screening at 15.30, featuring the film’s director, Paul Freedman, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times, the African Union’s Major Reuben Colince Ondoua, and author John Prendergast (who co-authored “Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond” with HOTEL RWANDA star Don Cheadle). INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE TYPE : DOCUMENTARY, FEATURE YEAR : 2007 RUNNING TIME : 93 min. FORMAT (original) : DIGITAL BETACAM SCREENING TIMES : Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 20:00 PRODUCER : Paul FREEDMAN, Brad KAPLAN SCREENPLAY : Paul FREEDMAN PHOTOGRAPHY : Alexandre NAUFEL MUSIC : Jamie DUNLAP EDITING : Paul FREEDMAN CAST : George CLOONEY (narr.); Ahmed ALI, Abdulrahman Al ZUMA, Hilary BENN, Oliver BERCAULT, Sabina BLAY. The evening begins with the presentation of the IETFF Wing Awards, recognizing Outstanding Achievement in the Festival’s competition and the Inspiration Award, presented to an internationally respected artist. Before the screening, a very special celebrity art project will be unveiled that will begin a worldwide effort in support of the people of Darfur. PRINT CONTACT : Natalie Lum FREEDMAN TEL : +1 323 356 9504 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 1 5 IETFF CONVERSATIONS AND PANELS Everything You Wanted to Know About Filmmaking But were Afraid to Ask Sunday, 13 May – 13.30 – Grimaldi Forum– Free How do projects come together? And once they do, how do they get from script to film (or video!) and then to a cinema near you? Have you ever wondered a Director, Producer, Agent and of those others listed in the film’s credits really? Then this is the panel for you! Industry insiders will offer a crash course on the process of making a movie. Come prepared with questions because... here you will find the answers. A Conversation with NRDC Sunday, 13 May – 15.30 – Grimaldi Forum – Free The Natural Resources Defense Council’s purpose is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends. It works to foster the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decisions that affect their environment. Ultimately, NRDC strives to help create a new way of life for humankind, one that can be sustained indefinitely without fouling or depleting the resources that support all life on Earth. The IETFF has created a special partnership with NRDC and is one of the world’s very first “green” festivals. Please join a special conversation with NRDC’s Senior Scientist, Allen Hershkowitz as he addresses the environmental issues facing our world today. Invisible Children: The Movie and the Movement Monday, 14 May – 10.00 – Grimaldi Forum Can a story change the world? In the spring of 2003, three young Americans traveled to Africa in search of such a story. What started out as a filmmaking adventure in Africa transformed into much more, when these three boys from Southern California found themselves stranded in Northern Uganda. What they found was a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them – a story where children are the weapons and the victims. They discovered children being abducted from their homes and forced to fight as child soldiers. And so they made a movie, and started a worldwide movement that has had a tremendous impact on the lives of these children. Join the filmmakers of INVISIBLE CHILDREN as they discuss the making of their film and what we can all do to help. This screening and conversation is particularly recommended for students and young people – as well as anyone else who cares about improving the lives of these children. IETFF Filmmaker Roundtable: How I Made a Movie and Found Myself in Monaco Monday, 14 May – 13.30 – Grimaldi Forum – Free Come and meet the filmmakers of the 1st Annual IETFF. Hear about their filmmaking journey, share their passion, discover what went right – and what went wrong – and cheer their triumphant films! Financing Films in the Global Marketplace Tuesday, 15 May – 13.30 – Grimaldi Forum – Free As Jerry McGuire once said, “Show me the money!” Key entertainment industry producers, distributors and agents will discuss the maze known as the “money trail,” including private investing, hedge funds, equity sources, foreign pre-sales, product placement and the ever mysterious, “negative pick up.” Understand the art of the distribution deal, how money comes in and how it goes out. The Crisis in Darfur: Cinema Responds Tuesday, 15 May – 15.30 – Grimaldi Forum – Free Before the Festival’s Closing Night special screening of SAND AND SORROW, producer George Clooney’s remarkable documentary on Darfur, we will explore the genocide and ongoing tragedy there with a remarkable panel, including the film’s director, Paul Freedman, Nicholas Kristof of the NY Times, the African Union’s Major Reuben Colince Ondoua, and author John Prendergast (who co-authored “Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond” with HOTEL RWANDA star Don Cheadle). Notre univers devient le vôtre. Patio Palace | 41 avenue Hector Otto | 98000 Principauté de Monaco T [377] 99 99 99 97 | F [377] 99 99 99 96 | [email protected] | the world of the authoritative voice of entertainment business news and information w w w. va r i e t y. co m www.contentagenda .com www.variet www.thest ylephile .com www.variet yasiaonline .com FEATURE FILM - OFFICIAL COMPETITION... This program is the result of a worldwide search for documentary and narrative feature films that entertain while exploring the human condition. Our Feature Films Official Competition has films from ten countries on fi ve continents. Each uses the language of cinema in compelling ways. We hope you enjoy. BUNNY CHOW | JOHN BARKER | SOUTH AFRICA Imagine a film that combines narrative storytelling with a bit of improvisation. That is exactly what BUNNY CHOW has done. A combination of the two forms has given the freedom to a group of actors to do what they do best...act! Set in South Africa, the story slowly sets up the main characters: comedians and their love interests. As the story develops, we become painfully aware of the different levels each comedian has attained in their career. It’s clear that some of these comedians should pursue other interests, but their tenacity and love for stand-up comedy keeps them going. It’s not until a road trip to a concert gathering that these four comedians’ professional lives collide with their personal ones. BUNNY CHOW is a contemporary and urban South African tale about young people and their journeys to self discovery, self destruction, self delusion and a good dose of selfishness. 20 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE FEATURE YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 95 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm / B&W SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Camille blanc, 19:30 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 17:30 PRODUCER : Kagiso LEDIGA SCREENPLAY : John BARKER & David KIBUUKA PHOTOGRAPHY : Zeno PETERSEN MUSIC : Joel ASSAIZKY EDITING : Saki BERGH CAST : David KIBUUKA, Kagiso LEDIGA, Joey (Yusuf) RASDIEN, Kim ENGELBRECHT PRINT CONTACT : Jeremy NATHAN COMPANY : DV8 Films ADDRESS : Suite 2B, 1st Floor - 8 Arnold Road Rosebank, 2196 - South Africa 2121 TEL : +27 11 880 0191 / +27 83 454 8997 FAX : +27 11 880 0192 EMAIL : [email protected] / [email protected] DRIVING WITH MY WIFE’S LOVER | TAI-SIK KIM | KOREA After realizing that his wife has been cheating on him, a mild-mannered stamp maker leaves the small Korean seaside town of Naksan, determined to track down his wife’s lover, a taxicab driver. Once found, the two embark on a long journey of revenge and frank discussions of the opposite sex. This dark comedy takes the audience on a beautiful journey through South Korea, mixing comedy with raw emotions. The ending explores themes that will confront anyone’s views on marriage, monogamy and friendship. Beautifully shot and well acted, DRIVING WITH MY WIFE’S LOVER is a wonderful tale, twisted in emotional deceit and internal growth. FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, FEATURE YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 92 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Camille Blanc, 13:00 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 14:45 PRODUCER : Hyo-jeong KIM SCREENPLAY : Jun-han KIM / Tai-sik KIM PHOTOGRAPHY : Sun-bong JANG MUSIC : Yong-jin JUNG EDITING : Sung-won HAM PRINT CONTACT : Jay LEE COMPANY : Mirovision Inc. ADDRESS : 4F Shinyoung Bldg., 1-128 Sinmunno 2-ga, jongno-gu, Seoul 110-062 - Korea TEL : +82 2 3443 2553 / +82 2 3443 2502 FAX : +82 2 3443 4842 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 21 ENTRY LEVEL | DOUGLAS HORN | USA Imagine being certain of your professional course all your life, and it not working out. This is exactly what happens in ENTRY LEVEL. After losing his restaurant, chef CLAY MAGUIRE must start his career all over – at the bottom. Pushing forty with no «corporate skill-set», Clay enters the strange world of the Unemployable Interviewees of America. He soon meets others who share his plight. Lacking experience of almost any kind, Clay is forced into the world of unemployment. He competes for the same positions as applicants almost half his age, possessing many more skills for today’s ENTRY LEVEL position. Without a knowledge of email, typing, texting or any other skills considered valuable in today’s workplace, Clay can’t get a job. His friends in the unemployment pool are closer to his age and also considered dinosaurs not worth hiring. Spurred along by the total lack of encouragement by his job counselor, the self-serving “wisdom” of a homeless friend, and the most bizarre series of job interviews imaginable, Clay and his fellow job-seekers strive for dignity, success, or at least a minimum-wage job taking customer-service calls from prison inmates. A hilarious, insightful look at job interviews, finding the courage to start all over, and life at the ENTRY LEVEL. 22 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 WORLD PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, FEATURE YEAR : 2007 RUNNING TIME : 85 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 14:30 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 PRODUCER : Reuben LIM, Mark E. LEE, Ben BUFFANDEAU & Douglas HORN SCREENPLAY : Douglas HORN PHOTOGRAPHY : Aasulv WOLF AUSTAD, fnf MUSIC : Brandon ROBERTS EDITING : Paco FARIAS CAST : D.B. SWEENEY, Missi PYLE, Kurtwood SMITH, Cedric YARBROUGH PRINT CONTACT : Reuben LIM & Mark E. LEE COMPANY : Entry Level Films, LLC ADDRESS : 13727 Valerio Street- Van Nuys, CA 91405 - USA TEL : +1 310 490 9926 / +1 310 883 8480 FAX : +1 310 388 3080 EMAIL : [email protected] / [email protected] WEBSITE : MARTA | MARTA NOVAKOVA | CZECH REPUBLIC Far away, in war-torn country, there is a secret. A female soldier on the run is determined to keep that secret until... she is caught in a trap, literally. Marek, a fur trapper, is caught by surprise when he finds Marta unconscious and close to death. He quickly bundles her up and takes her home to recover. Marek lives deep in the forest with his handicapped father, who relies on his son to survive. As Marta begins to recover, the three form a tense relationship. Each will betray the other. But when soldiers come looking for Marta, the three bond to protect one another. Unfortunately, the bond is short lived as distrust and isolation lead all three down a dark road. Wonderfully shot in a snowy wonderland, MARTA is a story of mental and physical survival. The ending will be sure to challenge the viewer’s ideas of humanity. FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, FEATURE YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 77 min. FORMAT (original) : MINI DV SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 12:30 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 10:15 Ex. PRODUCER : Eva POSPÍŠILOVÁ SCREENPLAY : Jan COUFAL, Marta NOVAKOVA PHOTOGRAPHY : Matej CIBULKA MUSIC : Dorota BAROVA EDITING : Simon SPIDLA CAST : Petra SPALKOVA, Jan NOVOTNY, Vojtech STEPANEK PRINT CONTACT : [email protected] COMPANY : Fresh Films ADDRESS : Kubelikova 27, Prague 3 - Czech Republic TEL : +420 296 330 940 - FAX : +420 296 330 951 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 23 QUE TAN LEJOS | TANIA HERMIDA | ECUADOR A college girl scorned by love, a young Spanish woman on a journey and a man returning his dead relative’s ashes all have one thing in common. They are affected by the strikes of the indigenous people deep in the hills of Ecuador. Esperanza (Hope) and Tristeza (Sadness) meet on a bus, which stops its journey because of a roadblock. The two embark by foot to reach their destination, meeting fellow travelers on the way. As the story unfolds, so do the motives of their journey . The two girls become fast friends, offering each other advice, although it is usually not asked for. In this compelling work, no one dies, nothing blows up and no crimes are committed. The pacing of the film draws you into the beauty of the landscape and the self-discoveries of these two young women. QUE TAN LEJOS is a truly elegant film. 24 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 TYPE : NARRATIVE, FEATURE FILM YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 93 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Camille Blanc, 10:15 Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 14:45 PRODUCER : Paula PARRINI SCREENPLAY : Tania HERMIDA PHOTOGRAPHY : Armando SALAZAR MUSIC : Nelson GARCIA EDITING : Ivan MORA CAST : Cecilia VALLEJO, Tania MARTINEZ PRINT CONTACT : Estrella ARAIZA COMPANY : Latinofusion ADDRESS : Parque de las Estrellas 2755 - col. Jardines del Bosque Guadalajara, Jalisco - 44510 Mexico TEL : +52 333 647 3705 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : A TALE OF TWO GENERALS | LORNE THYSSEN | LEBANON The continuing conflict in Lebanon is almost impossible to comprehend. There are more parties to the struggle than can be counted. It is a web of intrigue and self-interest that has continually defied solution. A TALE OF TWO GENERALS takes place in Lebanon during its lengthy civil war, which brought in Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Americans, French, Israelis, Iranians, and many, many others. Clarifying such a complex struggle is an overwhelming task, but Lorne Thyssen does just this in his first narrative feature. With impressive war battles, a love story, documentary footage and actors from several countries, A TALE OF TWO GENERALS is an epic undertaking. One might try and lay blame on who or what is the culprit, but the film manages to balance the players like a game of chess. Assassinations, snipers, bombings and alliances of many kinds are the fabric of this massive work. We are confronted by the players’ seeming inability to wage peace in this beautiful nation, constantly confronted by struggle. EUROPEAN PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 86 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 17:15 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 12:30 PRODUCER : Lorne THYSSEN SCREENPLAY : Lorne THYSSEN PHOTOGRAPHY : Enio GARNIERI MUSIC : Geoffroy BURGON EDITING : Jean-Luc DARMON CAST : Charles DANCE, Nabila KHASHOGGI, Jean-Marie WINLING, Ivan KAYE, Nidal ASHKAR PRINT CONTACT : Tim LEWISTON COMPANY : Movietrack LTD ADDRESS : 66-68 Vanderbilt Road - London SW183BQ - UK TEL : +447798750666 - FAX : EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 25 TIE A YELLOW RIBBON | JOY DIETRICH | USA Jenny Mason is a twenty-something Korean adoptee who carries around intense hurt and anger from her experiences with her adoptive, Caucasian family. Walking around in despair and uninterested in connecting with others, Jenny ends up moving in with Bea, who embodies a type of sweet, wide-eyed naïveté that preying men find endearing. Sandy is a skittish, shy girl who lives across the hall from them. Dubbed a “mouse,” she can’t seem to find her own voice enough to be respected and noticed. The three girls have one thing in common; they are three females of Asian descent living in America. Their similarities end here. They each represent a different Asian culture and a completely different take on life. Jenny will sleep with anyone because of her damaged past. But she refuses to kiss anyone because she feels this is too intimate. Bea follows the strict wishes of her family, pursuing the “professions” even though she wants to be a poet. Sandy cleans the hallways and empties the trash of their building while in nursing school to keep her rent low. Men circle them like hawks, and all are damaged by past or current relations. As relationships among the three women unfold, each woman must decide how to deal with the obstacles that appear before them. Who will survive and who will not? Who will ultimately take the first step to connect? One of the first feature films to address the abnormally high rates of suicide and depression among Asian-American women, this is a truly groundbreaking work. 26 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 EUROPEAN PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE YEAR : 2007 RUNNING TIME : 87 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 12:00 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille blanc, 15:00 PRODUCER : Joy DIETRICH, Thomas YONG SCREENPLAY : Joy DIETRICH PHOTOGRAPHY : Lars BONDE MUSIC : John SCHMERSAL EDITING : Ramus HOGDALL, Stephen T. MAING CAST : Kim JIANG, Jane KIM, Patrick HEUSINGER, Ian WEN, Theresa NGO, Gregory WALLER PRINT CONTACT : Joy DIETRICH COMPANY : Tie a Yellow Ribbon, Inc. ADDRESS : 55 Newel Street #3R - Brooklyn, NY 11222, USA TEL : +1 718 383 0484 FAX : +1 718 383 0484 EMAIL : [email protected] SATANÁS | ANDRES BAIZ | COLUMBIA/MEXICO In every soul lies good and evil, fighting one another for dominance. In each of its characters, SATANÁS blurs the border between the two, with its characters causing pain, death and destruction along the way. Trailing the lives of three different characters, the story quickly unfolds with a triple murder by a mother who claims to be possessed by evil. A priest trying to do good, a female hustler and an English school teacher feel the presence of evil and do what they can to fight it. Powerful and graphic from start to finish, SATANÁS is a riveting study of cause and effect that tackles the themes of love, sex, money, power, and revenge. In the end, their insecurities and selfish ways give in to the dark side. As they attempt to they do escape evil’s grip, dirty work is done by all. SATANAS will leave you looking deep inside yourself, and challenge your confidence in the balance good and evil. EUROPEAN PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, FEATURE YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 95 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 16:45 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 14:45 PRODUCER : Rodrigo GUERRERO SCREENPLAY : Andres BAIZ PHOTOGRAPHY : Mauricio VIDAL MUSIC : Angelo MILLI EDITING : Alberto DE TORO CAST : Damian ALCAZAR, Blas JARAMILLO, Marcela MAR PRINT CONTACT : Rodrigo GUERRERO COMPANY : Dynamo ADDRESS : Calle 80 #8-44 - Bogota, Cundinamarca, 00000, Columbia TEL : +57 311 208 3311 - FAX : +57 1 345 2278 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : / I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 27 SHOONYA | ARINDAM MITRA | INDIA A modern-day interpretation of T.S.Eliot’s, «Murder in the Cathedral», Shoonya explores the guilt, honor and paranoia of a life in the public domain. Cricket is virtually a religion in India. When the captain of the cricket team is brought up on charges of match fixing, his instinctive reaction is to accept the charges and be punished. But people around him won’t let that happen. The film centers on the complex web of forces that try to violently draw the captain away from confession. He fights these forces – and demons within himself – in order to face the accusations and his punishment alone. Shoonya is a dream-like journey into the soul of a tarnished champion. 28 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 TYPE : NARRATIVE, FEATURE YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 100 min. SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Camille Blanc, 15:45 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 10:15 PRODUCER : Shahnaab ALAM SCREENPLAY : Arindam MITRA PHOTOGRAPHY : Abhik MUKHOPADHYAY MUSIC : Indian Ocean EDITING : Debalay BHATTACHARYA CAST : Sohrab ARDESHIR, Seema BISWAS, Tulip JOSHI, Ninad KAMAT, Satish KAUSHIK, Kay Kay MENON COMPANY : Mirror Films ADDRESS : Flat No. 14, 9th Floor, Everest Bldg. 156 Tardeo Road, Tardeo - Mumbai 4000 034 - India TEL : +91 22 2352 8521 - FAX : +91 22 2351 2222 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : SOVIA | ROBERT C. FRANKE | GERMANY A psychological horror, this film explores the journey of a dead woman seeking revenge in a bizarre fashion. It seems strangers who only had brief contact with her are dying, one by one, for no good reason. The police investigating the deaths have no clue. A love story involving them turns to tragedy. But why? Who is this dead woman? And why does she want to kill? First-time director Franke masters style with good performances to deliver a captivating, visually interesting and intriguing film which feels like pages out of a horror version of Vogue magazine – that will leave chills down your spine anytime you are alone in the dark. WORLD PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE YEAR : 2007 RUNNING TIME : 90 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 20:00 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 12:15 PRODUCER : Nicholas GRAEBERT, Christian MUELLER, Robert C. FRANKE SCREENPLAY : Raimund V. TABOR PHOTOGRAPHY : Christian MUELLER MUSIC : Jens van MEYER, Christoph CLEMENS EDITING : The YCR CAST : Diana RADNAI, Thomas HARBORT, Vera HUEBNER, Bernardus MANDERS, Sascha KUDELLA, Andrea GERHARDT, Carsten CLEMENS, Bernhard THOMANY PRINT CONTACT : Nicholas GRAEBERT COMPANY : Cmate Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG ADDRESS : Am Neuen Garten 1a - Potsdam Brandenburg 14469 - Germany TEL : +49.177.8927029 - FAX : +49.30.89690312 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 29 TÉLÉ GUERRE | LUC DAMIBA, ABDOULAYE DIALLO, GIDEON VINK | BURKINA FASO TÉLÉ GUERRE traces the story of Télévision Notre Patrie, a television channel operated by rebels in the north of the Côte d’Ivoire. At the same time, the film tells the story of the rebellion that has divided Ivory Coast for over four years. It shows how the media in a war plays as important a role as the physical battles during an armed conflict. But what happens when the war is over? What happens to a TV channel whose sole purpose was to serve the rebellion? And what will become of the reporters who joined the rebellion to wage war with their cameras? TÉLÉ GUERRE is a film about the thin line between information and propaganda, about the gap between the glamorous image that the rebels create of themselves and the reality of a region suffering under the ravages of civil war. It not only explores issues faced by any nation immersed in civil war, but questions what happens to people who join causes whose values they believe in, only to end up facing unexpected consequences when they are not recognized in the same manner as their machine-gun carrying peers. 30 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : DOCUMENTARY YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 55 min. FORMAT (original) : DV CAM SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 13:00 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 17:15 PRODUCER : Association SEMFILMS Burkina SCREENPLAY : Luc DAMIBA PHOTOGRAPHY : Serge HÉBERT ILBOUDO, Gideon VINK MUSIC : Issa BAGAYOKO ao. EDITING : Gideon VINK, Théodore SOMDA PRINT CONTACT : Abdoulaye DIALLO COMPANY : SEMFILMS Burkina ADDRESS : 09 BP 1308 - Ouagadougou 09 - Burkina Faso TEL : +226 70 258508 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : M A G A Z I N E Boom Magazine is a proud supporter of ★ The International Emerging Talent Film Festival Boom Magazine – 3a Lower James Street Soho London W1F 9EH | [email protected] | The IEFTA would like to express our gratitude to Yvette Hutchinson for supporting her son’s dream and ours. THE NEW WORLD...THE OLD WORLD Short Film Competition In addition to their individual placement before each of our feature film scr eening, the short fi lms in the competition can be seen in two programs: NEW WORLD SHORTS SUNDAY MAY, 13 – 10.00 – Prince Pierre THE CAT AND CLAUDIA (AUS) MY FRIEND ANA (CAN) CRICKET HEAD (USA) LUCIA Y LAS COSAS (ARG) UMA VIDA E OUTRA (BRA) OLD WORLD SHORTS MONDAY MAY 14 – 17.30 – Camille Blanc LOST MY HEAD (ISL) MEANDER (BEL) YEARS OF SOLITUDE (MKD) DI (LITTLE BROTHER) SGP) DEWENETI (SEN) KIBERA KID (KEN) We thought the best way of dividing this year’s short program would be a look at the differences between the “New World” and the “Old World.” Our “New World” short fi lms come from the Americas and Australia. Our “Old W orld” shorts are from Europe, Asia and Africa. As one of the founding board members, I am the only one representative of the new world, therefore, I felt compelled to write about the five incredible shorts coming from the new world – or a former colony of the old. – Marco Orsini For me, the “Old World” calls to mind explorers in search of vast adventures far and wide. Our “Old World” short films program strives to achieve such a sense of exploration and a thematic diversity. At the same time, these powerfully told stories offer a different style and cultural perspective from their “New World” siblings. – Max Ryerson THE CAT AND CLAUDIA | LILY COATES | AUSTRALIA One might describe this film as quite dark. Claudia is stuck in a world between life and death, in her apartment – not able to escape, or use the phone. No one acknowledges her existence except a cat, that is hungry...for her. How she finds herself in this predicament is odd enough. But her acceptance of her situation brings the film to a wonderful climax. Not so much for Claudia, but for her friend and of course, her cat. The wonderful storytelling in THE CAT AND CLAUDIA leaves the audience comfortable with the subject of death. We also feel comfortable with the main character being nude for her entire time on screen. Deliberately paced, eerie at times, THE CAT AND CLAUDIA is the beginning of a long career for a very talented director. 36 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 13 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 12:00 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 15:00 PRODUCER : Victorian College of Arts SCREENPLAY : Lily Coates PHOTOGRAPHY : Matt WOOD MUSIC : Jarrod FACTOR, Paul GILLETT & Tom ROUCH EDITING : Lily COATES CAST : Clare REDENBACH, The Colonel PRINT CONTACT : Lily COATES ADDRESS : 170 Spensley Street, Clifton Hill Melbourne, VIC 3068 - Australia TEL : +61 3 0486 5451 /+61 417 302 397 EMAIL : [email protected] CRICKET HEAD | GRANT GREENBERG | USA / SOUTH AFRICA Poor Miss Head, or “just call me Cricket,” which is what she tells people upon first meeting. After being warned by her parole officer not to go near a high school student she had an affair with (and went to jail for), the first thing Cricket does after being released is to visit him. Shame means nothing for Cricket, who resembles any likeable teacher in your local high school. Soon however, Cricket Head goes after someone she claims is her soulmate, her love, no matter who or what stands in the way. This dark comedy will leave you wondering who the victim really is. CRICKET HEAD takes a taboo subject and turns it around. The main character truly is crazy. One can’t help but laugh at her dysfunctional situation – and how really beyond help she is. TYPE : NARRATIVE, SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 19 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 19:30 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 17:30 PRODUCER : Justin NOWELL SCREENPLAY : Tommy NOWELL & Justin NOWELL PHOTOGRAPHY : Danny VECCHIONE MUSIC : Nico MUHLY EDITING : Grant GREENBERG CAST : Cathy CURTIN, Aquiles CONDE, Robert WALDEN PRINT CONTACT : Grant GREENBERG ADDRESS : 135 Hicks Street, Apt. 2B - Brooklyn, NY 11201 - USA TEL : +1 646 331 9098 / +1 718 797 9098 FAX : +1 718 797 9098 EMAIL : [email protected] I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 37 DEWENTI | DYANA GAYE | SENEGAL / FRANCE DEWENETI is the story of Ousmane, a 7 year-old boy who begs on the streets of Dakar, Senegal. The film is a wonderful lesson about educating children to realize what is good and what is bad. Ousmane is filled guilt by his teacher because he is constantly conning people into giving him money. His guilt leads him to seek forgiveness by writing to «Santa Claus». It is a well produced and colorful film, with great performances. DEWENETI may make you feel as if you were right there in Senegal, watching this boy with your own eyes. 38 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 TYPE : NARRATIVE SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 15 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm COLOR SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Camille Blanc, 15:45 Monday, May 14, Camille Blanc, 10:15 Monday, May 14, Camille Blanc, 17:30 PRODUCER : ANDOLFI SCREENPLAY : Remi MAZET PHOTOGRAPHY : Remi MAZET MUSIC : Baptiste BOUQUIN EDITING : Gwen MALLAURAN CAST : Abbasse BA, Oumar SECK, Nianga DIOP PRINT CONTACT : Nadiege CARRIERE COMPANY : ANDOLFI ADDRESS : 10, passage Beslay - 75011 Paris - France TEL : +33 8 7171 8546 - FAX : +33 8 7171 8546 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : DI | LEONG-HUAT KAM | SINGAPORE DI is an extraordinarily pleasing film with an exceptional color palette, embodying the simplicity of the behavior of young siblings when left alone. The film opens and engulfs the audience in the atmosphere of toy airplane adventures and leads you into the “home alone” world of two young brothers. In a matter of minutes the younger brother manages to annoy his older brother, who decides to seek revenge by confiscating his younger brother’s pleasures. The situation escalates to the point where the brothers fight, only to be caught by their mother as she returns from her errands. This is a story about much more than sibling rivalry that we may all relate to, and it is a story about being just and forgiving to each other. FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 7 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Camille Blanc, 10:15 Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 14:45 PRODUCER : Sharon PHUAH SCREENPLAY : Leong-Huat KAM PHOTOGRAPHY : Amandi WONG MUSIC : Reuben KEE EDITING : Sam YAP CAST : Brendan PERNG, Banjamin PERNG PRINT CONTACT : Leong-Huat KAM COMPANY : Kampong Pictures ADDRESS : 85 cashew road, #05-04 Cashew Heights 679656 Singapore TEL : +65-9763-0074 - FAX : +65-6460-6494 EMAIL : [email protected] I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 39 KIBERA KID | NATHAN COLLETT | KENYA A powerful and well executed short film that presents a glimpse of poverty and its effect on a group in the heart of Kibera, the largest slum in Africa. KIBERA KID is a film about of Otieno, a twelve-year old orphan living with the Razors, a gang of petty thieves. After a theft gone bad, he is forced to choose between saving an innocent man’s life and the gang, the only family he knows. Ultimately, the film delivers a message of hope to young people faced with extremely difficult lives in harsh environments, and which transcends their circumstance in a universally understandable message. All of the actors from the film are from the Kibera slum where the film is set, and KIBERA KID won the «Best Short Film» award at the first-ever Kenya International Film Festival. 40 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 TYPE : SHORT, FICTION YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 12 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 12:30 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 17:30 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 10:15 PRODUCER : Nathan COLLETT, Leslie KHADONDI SCREENPLAY : Nathan COLLETT PHOTOGRAPHY : Collin BRINK MUSIC : Jermaine STEGALL EDITING : Jesse ELLIS CAST : Ignatius JUMA, Godfrey OJIAMBO PRINT CONTACT : Nathan COLLETT COMPANY : Hot Sun Films LTD ADDRESS : P.O. Box 34849 - Nairobi - GPO 00100 - Kenya TEL : +254 722 850 128 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE :, LOST MY HEAD | BJARGEY OLAFSDOTTIR | ICELAND An esthetically engaging film, LOST MY HEAD is a poetic and metaphorical psychological observation of a relationship. The actors’ sublime performances compel us to care for their characters and what is at stake between them, but each traces subtle yet beautiful changes in mood and costume toward the story’s conclusion. This is the story of a woman who gets what she always hoped for, but finds herself missing what she had before. FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 7 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 14:30 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 17:30 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 PRODUCER : Hronn KRISTINSDOTTIR SCREENPLAY : Bjargey OLAFSDOTTIR PHOTOGRAPHY : Tuomo HUTRI MUSIC : Johann JOHANNSSON EDITING : Steinthor BIRGISSON CAST : Kristjan FRANKLIN, Thrudur VILHJALMSDOTTIR PRINT CONTACT : Hronn KRISTINSDOTTIR COMPANY : TC Films TEL : +354 899 2210 EMAIL : [email protected] I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 41 LUCIA Y LAS COSAS | PAULA ABRAMOVICH GULLCO, ANDRÉS RIVA | ARGENTINA LUCIA Y LAS COSAS deals with the “redistribution” of babies during Argentina’s dark years of military rule. Who is Lucia? We don’t know, since our main character is Ana, but Ana is obsessed with Lucia. She constantly worries about her. Ana’s obsession leads her to become disconnected from her family, her school and her boyfriend. What is this obsession with someone she may or may not know? Through the film’s clever narration, we slowly put the pieces together, using over a half dozen shards of poetry within this fascinating short film. The extraordinary storytelling offers the sense that something is missing from Ana’s life, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. The chilling end reveals all. 42 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 EUROPEAN PREMIERE TYPE : SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 15 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 13:00 Tuesday; May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 17:15 PRODUCER : Maria Inés JIMÉNEZ SCREENPLAY : Paula ABRAMOVICH GULLCO PHOTOGRAPHY : Frederico GRAF, Paula ABRAMOVICH GULLCO MUSIC : Pablo IRRAZABAI EDITING : Lautaro COLACE CAST : Mariana PUNTA, Virginia LOMBARDO, Francisco Garcia FAURE PRINT CONTACT : Mario E. LEVIT COMPANY : Cruz del Sur CINE Srl ADDRESS : Aguirre 950 PB ‘E’ - Capital Federal Buenos Aires 1414 - Argentina TEL : +54 11 47789507 - FAX : +54 11 47789507 EMAIL : [email protected] MEANDER | JOKE LIBERGE | BELGIUM MEANDER is a beautifully shot film without dialogue from Belgium, it will take you back to those lazy summer days of childhood when competition was friendly and girls... were not all that interesting. TYPE : SHORT It is a touching slice of life about youth who spend a day near the river, teasing each other and challenging each other with the sole purpose of just enjoying life. It’s full of the kind of childhood innocence we can all relate to and either experienced or always dreamed of experiencing. But it also explores the fragility of childhood and the exploration of one’s limits. And the disruption of an apparently calm day. RUNNING TIME : 13 min. 22 sec. YEAR : 2006 FORMAT (original) : 35 mm SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 16:45 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 14:45 PRODUCER : Els VOORSPOELS SCREENPLAY : Joke LIBERGE PHOTOGRAPHY : Nicolas KARAKATSANIS MUSIC : Dagobert SONDERVAN EDITING : Els VOORSPOELS CAST : Guus TIJSSEN, Dirk GERRITS, Maaike VAN DEN BOSCH, Tahnee VAN LAERE, Tom MAASSEN PRINT CONTACT : Joke LIBERGE ADDRESS : Rue de Flandre 183-3 - 1000 Brussels Belgium EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 43 MY FRIEND ANA | LAURA TUREK | CANADA At 14, Sophie’s life is suddenly turned upside-down. She finds herself in a surreal work camp with no sentries and where the gates are wide open. In the camp, Sophie meets Ana, who offers to become her friend and guide her through this very bizarre place. But just as Sophie seems to be able to free herself, Ana begs her to stay. Will Sophie choose to stay with her friend? Not many films have portrayed the inner torment of a young girl – who rates her self-worth according to pictures in a magazine, on television or on the Internet. Sophie is not a loser or a freak, but a normal, average young girl who is trapped by her own mind. It is no wonder that MY FRIEND ANA has screened so well on the international festival circuit. 44 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v a l | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 FRENCH PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE, SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 11 min. FORMAT (original) : DIGIBETA (NTSC) SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 20:00 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 12:15 PRODUCER : Laura TUREK SCREENPLAY : Laura TUREK PHOTOGRAPHY : Claudine SAUVE MUSIC : Aras BUKAUSKAS EDITING : Annie ILKOW CAST : Nasuna STUART-ULIN, Jessica MALKA PRINT CONTACT : Elisabeth KLEIN COMPANY : Productions Multi-Monde ADDRESS : 4067 St. Laurent # 201 - Montreal Quebec, H2W 1Y7 - Canada TEL : +1 514 842 4047 - FAX : +1 514 842 9858 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : UMA VIDA E OUTRA | DANIEL ARAGAO | BRAZIL Nara is pregnant. They say that she’s not going to be a good mother. But everything in life is a question of choice. UMA VIDA E OUTRA (ONE LIFE AND ANOTHER) is a narrative film that was made in a documentary sort of way in a place (Recife, Brazil) where there is no such a thing as an industry or school of cinema. The film’s protagonist, Nara, is a seventeen year-old girl from the Brazilian middle-class. She finds herself in an extreme situation that involves her sexuality, her body, her future – and how society looks at her when she does a «wrong thing». The film is an insightful examination of Ana’s plight and the way a particular society responds to her “condition.” TYPE : SHORT, DOCUMENTARY YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 18 min. FORMAT (original) : 35 mm, B&W SCREENING TIMES : Sunday, May 13, Salle Prince Pierre, 10:00 Sunday, May 13, Salle Camille Blanc, 13:00 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Prince Pierre, 14:45 PRODUCER : Daniel ARAGAO & Juliano DORNELLES SCREENPLAY : Daniel ARAGAO & Luiz OTAVIO PEREIRA PHOTOGRAPHY : Daniel ARAGAO MUSIC : Tomaz ALVES SOUZA EDITING : Daniel ARAGAO CAST : Sarah VASCONCELOS, Rodrigo RISZLA PRINT CONTACT : Daniel ARAGAO COMPANY : Rec Produtores ADDRESS : Rua Joao Ivo da Silva 249 Recife, Pe 50720100 - Brazil TEL : +55 81 9242 6220 - FAX : +55 81 3301 2667 EMAIL : [email protected] I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m e r g i n g Ta l e n t F i l m Fe st i v a l | M o n t e -Carl o 2 007 | 45 YEARS OF SOLITUDE | FILIP KONDOVSKi | MACEDONIA In the mountains of Macedonia, a couple live peacefully together. He ploughs the fields; she takes care of the household. They are truly happy and in love, expecting their first child. The beauty, tranquility, and happiness of this family is shattered one day when a jeep comes over the hill and tears away the expectant father to go fight for his country. As years go by the son, now a grown man with his own family and his own child, is also visited by a jeep and taken to fight. It is a never-ending cycle, a story about patriotic duty, about war, and how both affect and destroy families. It is a sumptuously beautiful film, astoundingly shot, with great performances, that will have you long reflecting on the sadness of its story. 46 | International E m erg i ng Tal ent F i l m Fes ti v al | M o n t e -Ca r lo 20 0 7 WORLD, FRENCH & EUROPEAN PREMIERE TYPE : NARRATIVE SHORT YEAR : 2006 RUNNING TIME : 11 min. FORMAT (original) : HD VIDEO SCREENING TIMES : Monday, May 14, Salle Prince Pierre, 17:15 Monday, May 14, Salle Camille Blanc, 17:30 Tuesday, May 15, Salle Camille Blanc, 12:30 PRODUCER : Ognen ANTOV SCREENPLAY : Filip KONDOVSKI PHOTOGRAPHY : Aleksandar KRSTEVSKI MUSIC : Aleksandar PEJOVSKI EDITING : Filip GRCEVSKI PRINT CONTACT : Ognen ANTOV COMPANY : Dream Factory Macedonia ADDRESS : lul. Kuzman Josifovski Pitu 34/1 Skopje 1000 - Macedonia TEL : +38 923 211 788 / + 38 975 414 555 FAX : +38 923 211 660 EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : / +33 4 89 73 04 60 R é s i d en ce M eu bl é e avec Ser vi ces - Cour ts, Moyens & Longs S é jours Les Jardins d’Elisa Beausoleil 8, Avenue de Verdun - 06240 Beausoleil Tél. : 33 (0) 4 93 78 20 18 - Fax : 33 (0) 4 93 78 92 30