township of chats\mortti
township of chats\mortti
TOWNSHIP OF CHATS\MORTTI 201t 316837 Hrvy 6, RR#l Chatsworlh, ON NOH 1G0 Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone 5L9-79+8282 Toll Êee 1{;77 ô&7773 COUNCIL: Mayor: Bob Pringle 519-794-2579 Cell 519-375-1157 [email protected] Deputy Mayor: Terry McKay 519-794-2837 Cell 519-372-5506 [email protected] Councillors: Scott Mackey 519-372-5456 s m a c kev@c h atswowrth. ca Brian Gamble 519-794-2952 bqa m ble@c hatswo rth. ca Cornelius Vlielander 519-794-3018 cvl iela n de r@c hatswo Roads: Bev Girdler 51 9-373-5008 Holland Shop 519-794-2313 2013 Residential Tax Rate is 1.127568% (a Tax Rate Decrease o1 1.414o/ol Sullivan Shop 51 9-794-3040 Wh€ro your Tax Dollårs Go basod on the Res¡dent¡al Tax Râtè 2012 Residential Tax Rate is 1.140619% Dolla¡s Raised through Taxation for Municipal Purposes 2012 2013 $3,198,729.99 $3,413,249.39 Taxes may be paid by pre-authorized payment, intemeVtelephone banking or in person, by cheque (post dated cheques are accepted), cash or debit at the Township office, deposited through the dropslot (beside the front door) or by mailing payment to the above address. BUITDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS Permits are required prior to the start of a project. Construction commenced prior to obtaining a permit may be subject to an administrative fee to a maximum of $1000. FIRE DEPARTMENT - OPEN AIR BURNS A controlled supervised fire up to 1 square meter in a safe location for warmth or cooking is permitted. Larger fires (Maximum 5 square meters) require authorization from the Fire Department 48 hours prior to the burn. Check with the Fire Department to see if conditions are safe for burning or if there are any fire restrictions in place. Contact the Fire Department at 519-794-3188. DOG TAGS It is the owners' responsibility to ensure their dogs have current tags. The fine for failing to license your dog(s) for the current year is $125.00 each. WETCOME WAGON Are you new to the community, a bride to be or expecting a baby?? Contact the Welcome Wagon local representative, Mary Anderson,519-794-3929 or email [email protected]. COMMUNITY COMING EVENTS Please watch our website for current listings of coming events and attractions in our area! May l7-October 1st Sat 11 3'¿Thur/mo & 29 1 10 14 27 July 28 August fune Iuly fuly fuly luly August 9 - 11 August 11 August 14 August 15 August 16 - 18 23 23-25 26 31 7 7 B 13-14 6-12 October 12 &L3 October 18 November 9 December 21 August August August August 30 & September 6 & September September September October Williamsford Farmers Market each Friday 3p.m.-7p.m., Joe 5L9-794-037t Walters Falls Lending Library, 9:3Oa.m.-11:30a.m., Rodney 519-538-5944 Berkeley Playground Fireworks by donation at dusk Desboro Strawberry Supper & Fireworks, 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m., Eleanor St9-794-3586 Williamsford 57th Annual Garden Party, 5:30-9:00p.m., Helen 51.9-794-3469 Desboro Picnic in the Park, 11:00 a.m., Audrey 519-363-6003 Household Hazardous Waste Day - Township Office 10a.m.-2p.m.,519-794-3232 Massie Fish Fry advance tickets only Ed 519-794-2503 Steak BBQ Chatsworth Legion,4:30-6:30 p.m., 519-794-3927 Walters Falls Ball Tournament JessS\9-377-65L4 Desboro Music in the Shed, Red Rascal Band, 7:00 p.m., Audrey 519-363-6003 Chatsworth Agricultural Society Fish Fry, 5:00-7:00p.m.,PatSL9-794-3559 Police Services Board, Annual Open House, Township Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Desboro Men's Fastball Tournament Laura 579-794-4259 Walter's Falls Outdoor Movie Night at dusk, by donation, Margie 579-794-2867 Walter's Falls Group of Artists 16th Annual, Show & Sale, 519-794-365 Desboro 58t¡ Variety Show, 8:00 p.m., Eleanor 5L9-794-3586 Desboro 155ttt Fall Fair, Eleanor 5L9-794-3586 Desboro Men's Slow Pitch Tournament, John 519-363-5104 Massie Hall Coffee House with Rick Fines @ 8p.m., Peter 519-794-3652 Williamsford hosts'The Fashion Show', PatSL9-794-0421 Chatsworth 153'¿ Fall Fair, Ronda 5L9-794-2523 or Pat 5t9-794-3559 Fire Prevention Week, Mike 519-794-3188 see Walter's Falls, Massie & Bognor Escarpment Studio Tour Chatsworth 4-H and Volunteer Appreciation Potluck Dinner Desboro Agricultural & 4-H Awards Supper, 7:30 p.m., Faith Lutheran Church Chatsworth Santa Claus Parade 10:30 a.m., @ Legion Meet Santa, Sharrie 5L9-794-2462 2014 COMING EVENTS LISTING (partial list, see for updates) January 18 February 8 February 22 4 &23 March March 7 & March 2L March March March 8 &22 28 29 29 April 18 & 19 April 26 May 10 May 77 May 77 &I8 fune 1 fune 1 fune 7 fune 21 Williamsford Curl-A-Thon, Hugh 579-794-3846 Chatsworth Arena, Stompin'Tom Connors Competition, Sharrie 579-794-2462 Williamsford Mixed Bonspiel, Hugh SL9-794-3846 Walters Falls Pancake Supper, Rodney 5L9-538-5944 Hard Rock Bonspiel, Hugh 519-794-3846 Men's Bonspiel, Hugh 5t9-794-3846 Williamsford Bonspiel & Steak Nighç Hugh 579-794-3846 Walter's Falls Maplefest, Rodney 519-538-5944 Williamsford Curl & Euchre Event Bruce 519-794-397t Chatsworth Arena, Township of Chatsworth Business Showcase, 519-794-3232 Chatsworth Arena, Annual Firefighters Garage Sale, Mike SL9-794-3788 Massie Annual Geranium Tea, Pat 579-794-2397 Desboro Lion's Club Pork BBQ Bruce 519-794-397t Walter's Falls Annual Plant & Yard Sale, Rodney 519-538-5944 Desboro Strawberry Supper, 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m., Eleanor 579-794-3586 Desboro, Dog Walk for Guide Dogs, Bruce St9-794-3971 Williamsford Rhubarb Festival & Pancake Breakfast, Hugh 519-794-3586 Keady BeefBBQ Donna 5t9-934-2098 COMMUNITY CENTRE CONTACTS Keadv Arena Chatsworth Arena Desboro Arena Williamsford Communitv Centre Walters Falls Gommunitv Centre 5'19-934-2241 519-794-2360 519-794-3232 519-794-3202 519-794-3712 519-794-3030 lan Henderson, 519-934-2568 Andrew Loucks, lce Rentals 519-7944805 -Hall& Ball Diamond Rentals ---- Al Mills, 519-794-0322 -- Hugh Robinson, Sl9-794-3846 --- Rodney Saunderc,519-538-59¿f4 --