Facility Rentals - City of Burlington


Facility Rentals - City of Burlington
City Update
Agenda items:
• Variance to sign bylaw to permit a ground
sign at 3325 Harvester Rd.
• Variance to sign bylaw to permit a ground
sign at 1250 Brant St.
• Removal of four trees at 452-454 Locust St.
• Installation of a generator at City Hall
• 2016 Business Plan for the Hydro Group of
• Memo from Councillor Dennison regarding
Nelson Stadium Revitalization Project
Jan. 12, 2016Development and Infrastructure Committee
1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers,
second floor, City Hall
Agenda items:
• Halton Area Planning Partnership (HAPP)
Joint Submission regarding proposed changes
to the Provincial Aggregate Resources Policy
• Official Plan Review - revised comprehensive
work plan and schedule
• On-Street Residential Pay Parking Permit
Program. (6:30 p.m.)
• Statutory public meeting and report
recommending approval of a zoning bylaw
amendment for 3505 Dundas St.
• Statutory public meeting and report
recommending approval of a zoning bylaw
amendment for 2026 and 2036 Plains Rd. E.
(6:30 p.m.)
• Statutory public meeting and report providing
information regarding a proposed zoning
bylaw amendment for 1350 Waterdown Rd.
(6:30 p.m.)
Community Liaisons Meeting
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016
7 p.m.
Salvation Army Hall, 2090 Prospect St.
Residents are the eyes and ears of our communities; you
know your neighbours and are often the first to learn of
issues or opportunities in your area. I’d like to stay in the
loop on activities in each neighbourhood in my Ward, so I’m
working on creating a Community Liaison committee. The
ward has been divided into 15 distinct communities and I’m
looking for volunteers for each. For more information, visit
ward2news.ca and search “community liaison”. If interested,
contact Georgie Gartside (see below).
The Saxony Public Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016
7 p.m.
City Hall, 426 Brant St. 2nd Floor, Room 247
Landform Development Group has submitted a site plan
application for the redevelopment of the corners of Locust
St., Elgin St. and Blathwayte Lane. The proposal includes a
4-storey mixed use building containing 37 residential units
and 500 square metres of office and commercial space at
grade. City planning staff and representatives from Landform
Development Group Inc will be in attendance.
For details, contact [email protected] or 905-335-7600,
ext. 7698.
Follow us on Twitter
Website: www.burlington.ca
Join Councillor Jack Dennison and the city’s Finance team to
learn more about the city’s 2016 Operating Budget.
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Location:Cedar Springs Health, Racquet and
Sportsclub, 960 Cumberland Ave.
Bring your comments, concerns and questions.
Hope to see you there!
All are welcome.
For more information, please contact Francine Grimshire
at 905-335-7600, ext. 7512
or email: [email protected].
Facility Rentals
For more information, contact Georgie Gartside at
905-335-7600, ext. 7368, [email protected].
Did you know that you can rent gymnasiums,
community rooms, sports fields, arenas and pools
from the City of Burlington?
Note: Additional items may be added to the agenda.
To speak to agenda items, register online at
Ward 4 Open House
City’s 2016 Operating Budget
Upcoming Meetings with
Ward 2 Councillor
Marianne Meed Ward
Calendar for the Week of Jan. 7-13, 2016
Jan. 11, 2016Community and Corporate Services
6:30 p.m. Council Chambers, second floor,
City Hall
news about your community
Learn more about
living with coyotes.
E-mail: [email protected]
If you’d like to request a seasonal or multi-use
rental, just fill out the online rental form at
The deadline for the 2016/17 fall, winter, spring
season is season is Friday, Feb. 6, 2016.
Contact us
[email protected]
Telephone: 905-335-7600
Toll Free: 1-877-213-3609
City Update
Hidden Valley Road Bridge Replacement – Notice of Public Information Centre
The City of Burlington is undertaking a design study to look at options for replacing the Hidden Valley Road bridge over
Grindstone Creek. This structure was built in the early 1950s and a recent structure condition survey indicates the bridge is in
need of replacement.
There are a number of reconstruction options that can be considered. The options vary in terms of length of construction, capital
cost, and the impact on the environment and vehicular traffic.
news about your community
Advertise in the summer
2016 Live & Play guide
by Jan. 12, 2016
Before construction takes place, consultation with the public is a key component of the design process.
A Public Information Centre will be held for the public and interested stakeholders (land owners and regulatory agencies) to
review and discuss issues related to the study.
Date:Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016
Time:6:30 to 8 p.m.
Location:St. Matthew on-the-Plains Anglican Church, 126 Plains Rd. E., Burlington, Ont, L7T 2C3
(The meeting room is wheelchair-accessible)
A presentation will take place between 7 and 7:30 p.m.
We Want to Hear From You
We welcome any comments or input you may have about this bridge replacement project.
If you need further information, would like to be added to the study mailing list, or have comments related to this study,
please contact:
Frank Vuk
Project Coordinator
City of Burlington
426 Brant St., P.O Box 5013
Burlington, Ont., L7R 3Z6
Tel: 905-335-7600, ext. 7773
Email: [email protected]
Stephen Keen, P. Eng
Project Director
Consultant – CIMA Canada Inc.
3027 Harvester Rd., Suite 400
Burlington, Ont., L7N 3G7
Tel: 289-288-0287
Email: [email protected]
Burlington’s guide to
recreation, sport and culture
Benefits of advertising with us:
• Our online guide reached over 501,117 views in the
Summer 2015 edition
• Access your ad anywhere, anytime and any day
• Your ad can link directly to your website, email address
and social media
• Receive a FREE community contact listing
• 5,000 printed guides available at City Hall, recreation
centres, pools, arenas, Burlington Public Library
branches and other community facilities.
The summer guide will be
available online April 28, 2016.
[email protected]
905-335-7600, ext. 7447
Website: www.burlington.ca
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 905-335-7600
Toll Free: 1-877-213-3609
City Update
news about your community
Parking in winter • What to know when it snows
• During snowfalls and winter storms, move your
vehicle from the road to clear the way for snowplows
and sanders.
• Vehicles parked on the street during a snow storm or
before snow removal is complete will be subject to
enforcement (e.g. $100 parking ticket and/or tow).
• On-street parking permits are not in effect during
a snow storm or before snow removal is complete.
This includes streets with a Neighbourhood On-Street
Parking program designation.
For more information, visit www.burlington.ca/snow
or www.burlington.ca/parking.
Parking in winter
What to know when it snows Burlington Tobogganing Parks
• Duringsnowfallsandwinterstorms,move
Public Meeting
for the
2016 Budget
• Vehiclesparkedonthestreetduringasnow
Get outdoors and play this winter.
The City of Burlington has designated
six locations within the city that allow
tobogganing. For locations and information,
visit burlington.ca/tobogganing
• On-streetparkingpermitsarenotineffect
residents and business owners are
the City of Burlington’s 2016
Budget meeting to learn more about the proposed
2016 budget.
Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016
7 to 9 p.m.
Tansley Woods Community Centre
1996 Itabashi Way
If you cannot make the meeting but still wish
to learn about the proposed budget, a copy of
the draft budget can be found at
For more information, visit burlington.ca/budget
or call the Finance Department at 905-335-7653.
Like us on Facebook
City of Burlington
Website: www.burlington.ca
By-law 35-1976 has been amended to prohibit tobogganing at all park locations, unless otherwise designated. The City of Burlington
tobogganing areas are not supervised. Residents toboggan at their own risk and need to be aware of other users. The City of Burlington is not
responsible for any injuries, deaths, damages or loss of property for any reason, including its negligence.
us on Twitter
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 905-335-7600
Toll Free: 1-877-213-3609
Strategic Plan 2015 – 2040
City Update
news about your community
Toonie Days
Burlington’s 2015-40 Strategic Plan is almost ready. Thank you for your input over
the past year of public engagement. Please join us for one of four open houses:
• No contracts
• No enrollment fees
• No initiation fees
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016
7 – 9 p.m.
Robert Bateman High School
5151 New St.
Monday, Jan. 18, 2016
7 - 9 p.m.
LaSalle Park Pavilion
50 North Shore Blvd. E.
Main Hall (upper level)
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016
7 – 9 p.m.
Burlington Seniors’ Centre
2285 New St.
Multi-purpose Room
Monday, Jan. 18, 2016
7 - 9 p.m.
Mountainside Recreation Centre
2205 Mount Forest Dr.
Community Room 2
E-mail: [email protected]
For information on
applicable classes and
schedules: see page 35
of Live & Play Guide.
Burlington Parks & Rec
Terms and Conditions: Offer valid for the month of January. Offer valid for Landfit or
Aquafit drop-in single class pass only. Does not include other drop-in programs. For
full listing of applicable programs see page 35 of the Fall/Winter Live & Play Guide.
Can’t make it, or want more information?
Visit www.burlington.ca/strategicplan.
Website: www.burlington.ca
Drop into fitness for only
$2/class this January included)
Telephone: 905-335-7600
Toll Free: 1-877-213-3609