T"7""-----~--------------------------- ·-·-„-- creb. 18, 1943.J TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. - --··- - - --- - -- - ' 187 FINANCIAT~ SECRE'fARY'S .OFFICE, RED HOUSE, I 13TII FEBRUARY, 1943. Seizure ot Currency Notes tound in Postal Pankets. / lT is notified fo~ general information that from time to time in the coprse of censorship. B.W.I. Curre11cy Notes to the total value of $8t.9.00, a United States $;3.00 Uurrency · Note and 11ix f: l ßritish · Postal Orders have been found in postal packets addrc&sed to pla.ces out:tiide the Colony, ancl that by order of His Exccllency the Governor under the provisioni; of the Defence (Finance) Regulations this money has been seized and confiscated. , . lt is hoped that the publication of tl1is informa.tion will act aa a further warning to the public ngainst atternpting to send money by auch means out of thc Colony. ERROL ;L . nos SAN'(OS, J:linaneia.l s~f>T'~i41'11· NOTICE . • OW?m:R.S OF MOTOR VEHICLES. • WnH refercnce to Notice dated 30th January, l9~3, Owners ot Motor Vehicles are uotified that the latest date for rendering R eturns of Motor Vehicles has been extendcd to 20TH FEBRUARY. Returns sbould, therefore, reach the Secretary, Control B9:.n d , NoT LATER 'f HAN 20TH F~nRUARY, 1943. L. SPENCE, Secretary, Control Board Control Board, 7, St. Vü1cent Street, Porto<>f-Spain. 12th February; 1943. RBTUJIN of a. issueu t o a. Solicitor for the year 1943, pursua..nt to t he Solicitors Onlinnncc, No. 88 of 1942, s. 34 (3). ' - ·· · ·-„- ·- - -·· ------ -~----· -· · · · ' Name. 1 1 R emarks. Address. - -- -- :-----------·------ -·--Lewis Llewellyn Roberts ·------·--· ·---- -· ······- ·---·- ·-· --·-· ··-··· . -·- -- ·- -:· 1 Date.of Issue of Certificatc. -·~-- ·-·----,--- ·- ·-------- 1---- i i •• 25, St. Vinccnt Street , Port-of-Spain „. i:Solicitor a.nd 1 Con veya.ncer ! ... „ . --- __ _ _ 113th Feb., 1943. „___ ____:_ NOEL P . BOWEN, 16th Februi.ry, 1943. D11puty.R11giatrar, [l\far. 18, HH3· J TRINIDAD AKD TOBAGO. No. 16 of 1943. [LS.] By His Exccllency Captain the Honourable Sir BEDE EDMl' ND H u GH ( Lff FORD , K. C .~r.G. , c.n., M. v .o ., Governo r and Commandcr-in-Chief i n and over the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, B. E. H. CLIFI'.'ORD, Governor. A PROCLANIATION . \V1rnREAS instructions havc been received by me that His Majesty the King will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in r espect of the following ürdinance :--- The Post Office (Amendmcnt) Ordinancc , 1942 (No . 29 of 1942.) Aml wiereas thc said Ordinancc commenced and Operation on the 24th clay of December, 1942: cam e into Now, therefore, I , BEoE E i;ML.XD H c GH CLI FFOi m, Gover nor as aforesaid, do hereby proclaim and make known to all and every the Inh:tbitants of the said C'Jlony thcit the said Ordinance has no t bet'n disallowed by His Majesty, and their Honours the Judges of the said C'.>lony and the sev~ral }11:,;-~strates th;rein and all o the rs concermd ar c to take notice and govern thcm, elves accordingly. Gi ven under my Hand and the Seal of t he Colony at Governmcnt House, St . Ann's, in the Island of Trinidad, this l lth day of March, 1943. By Command, J. F. NICOLL, Acting Colonial Secrelary. (M.P. 58579.) [M&.r. ·25, l 948.] TRINIDAD ROYA!J GAZETTE'. Post Otlice Savings Bank. COJ_ONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. 20TII ~lARCH, HH3. NOTI CE. u~JH;R the pro vis ious I)~· s r·ctinn 12 of th e . Petroleum Offü·c and l .:•m se ~·,·;1 ti?u Buard , BJWLAH l'A u L'. n Dc1iositor in thc Post. Office ::;a.v~s Ordwauc;:, Ch. 26. No. 1, Hi s bxcellency : B~rtk, havmg rrepor~~d ~he /o~s 0 1 her Sav~ngs the Governor has be1::n pllrn~cd t•i rc~a.ppoin t j Bunk .lass Book .N o. A.„94.41, Not1cc 1s here~y g1v~11 d , accordmgly, u.nd any person mto whose possession this A J Ru'I'LI\iEN ~·[URR 'Y }'1 . , • · -a a .'\. , ' 8<-tü !llE, au H. D. FLE'l'CHER, Es(lUIRE, to be membe rs c'•f the Petroleum Con5ervation Boanl during tlw Governor's pleasurc anu for fo rther p~riods not exceeding three yc:mi with dfoct trom the 6th March , 1943, a nd Ist Junc, l!H·:3: respccti,•e1,y. By Co mm and, ' Pai:;s Book 1nay come is requ.ested t o forwa.rd it to this Office. · If not produced within four wccks frow the clate hereof a new Pass Book will be issued to the Depositor. „ L F. NICOI,L: l~~-P. .~~/1929).-(No. 1_54_l_ A_c~11g Gulonial Seci·etary. COLONIAL SECRE'l'ARY' S OFFICE, . 231rn )!ARCH 1 194;{. . t he prov1s10ns ·· t' .· ·t f th e lS' DER , E l 1) sectwn H . · Or . L . W.SNOW, for Post•llSIH-General. l Bth I\fal'ch, 194ö. i Post Office Savings Bank. NOTICE. J , j, ALDw1:-· PRl!DDII!, a. Depositor in the Post; Ofl', ICC sa·vmgs · B 8.lln, ;, h avrng · report c d 'h ' • c Joss 01• h'l S Governmeut mp oyee~ . ousrng ~oans Savings Bank Pass Book No A3H91, !'l'otice fa hereby Ordinance, 1942, (No. 34 nf 1!Jt.'.2), His Exc_ellency given ·~ccordingly, and any p~rson into whose poss~· the Governor has been pleasc<l to appomt thc ; s1on ~h1s Pass B ook may come ;s requcsted to forward 1t und ermentioned persons to be mcmbel'S of thc 1 to ltfhis Otffice.d cl 'th' f k f th "-te · L B d j no pro ucc w1 ln our wee s rom e wo Government Employees Hu u;;mg · oa.ns oar , hercof, u. new Pass Book will be issued to the Depositor. during thc Govcrn,11"s pleasure aud for a perio<l \ . not exceeding two years with effect from the 12th ! L. W. SNOW, March, 1943. His Ex.celle ncy has also been 11 for Posttru1$1er-Getseral. pleased to appoint a Chairman a;1d Vice-Chairman . 221ul .'.lli\rch, 19411. from among thc members as follo ws :R. ß. SKINNER, EsQUIUK, ~1. B.E„ AccountantNOTICE. T[J ! 1--·-'------·„-- - - -- - ·- - · General, (Ghnirman). Assista.nt Crown 8olicitor, (Vice-Chairman). D . D. AS H , E sQUou-:, A.)t.I. C. K, Building Engineer, Pnblic Works Department THB HoNOu1trntE Gl<.!RALD WIGH T, C. T. W. E. WO RRELL, EsQurn~;, r.t .tt. J. BRROL BOUCAUD, • EsQU!RE, By Co mm a nd, J. F. NICOU~, Acting Colonial Secretary . (.M.P. 6()337)-(No. 156.) NOTICE. s~reta.ry. is hereby given that fo accordance with Sect ion I 1 (2) of th e J~ocal Loan Ordinance, 191.") (Cap. 220), formerly No. 2 of 1915, drawings for thc r edemptio n of d~bentures "ill take place at · th c office 1Jf thc Accountant- General, Port-of-Spain, at 2 p.m. un Fridav 2nd April, 1943, ' Holders of d ebentures i ssued un<l er thc abovc· mentioued Ordinance arc in vited to atten<l. N OTICE ERROL L. DOS SANTOS. f or A cting Colonial Se~rcta1·y. Colu•ia1 Sr.crctary's Office, . 'd d T.rm1 a ' 17th )forch, 1943.-{JI. P, 114:~/25.)- tNo. l.i3.) - l'uBLIC No'flcE is hereby givcn that at au Extrnordinary l\I~eting of the· Dircctm·~ and Shi~rcholders of the YicLoria Bencfit Associatiou L td. (Hegis terecl Office l"o. ~l, Coffee Street, San F ernando) hcld on the 1 22nd Ma1·ch, 11148, thc fo!lowing resolution was pnssed : " Resolved that the Victodaßcnefit. AssociaUon Ltd„ be wound up voluntarily in accord· ance witb the Companies Ordinancc No. 43 of 1938, and tha.t ona or more liquidators be appcinted to liquida.te the Compa.ny." C. L. SMALlji1 . --- ·- „ . _. „.. ·· · · - ·-- „__ - „„ . .. RATES OF POSTAGB BY AIR MAIL . • . • h is notitied f1;r gcnera l i nfurmatio n tlu~t th e rate of Pos tage by Air ~fail fur corrcsp1;mlc ncc addressed to Antigua, Barbadus , (ircnada, St. Kit' t.~ and St. Lucia i s tivc c~nts p ei· half ounce. J>. ~l. FRAS~~R, l'ostmai;tcr- (:f/lierri l. General Post Office, Trinidad, 20th March, 19'1<{. (M.P. C. 885.) TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Ordinance, Ch. 31 . No. 18. PATENT. I S AllUll:L ALDRIC HUGGINs, Acting Registrar of Pa tent., ' Designs and Merks for the Colony of Trinid~!d an<l Tobago, do hereby certify tha.t on the 16th day of March, 1943, has been delivcred to me by ~oseph Francois of Port-of·S~ain, Writing c.lc_rk of thc film ,of Messrs. J. D . Sellier & Co„ Sohc1tors a.nd Convcyancers, a Decla.ration in writing ~igned by Rudolf Inc., a corporation 1 Koeni~ on behal~ ?f Inredeco, orgamzcd und existing under thc h\ws of thc R.epublic M Pan;1111a, of Avenida, Cubu, No. 11, in thc City of Panama, Republic of Panamu„ of a certtdn lLH"ention whcreof t.he l nrcdeco. foc., cla.ims to bc thc proprictor, heing an I nvention for " Proclucts, Process and Appamtus for the l\fanufacturc of Soluble Dry J•]xtracts " togcthcr with a. Spcciti cation clescribiila the natme of the said ln \·ention a ud thc nw.nuer in ~bich th c s>irne is to bc p<!r fo l'U1c d an d that the nawe of the said lm'edcco, Inc„ h a.s beeo entered iu thc H,e ... isl;er of Po.tcuts as thc proprietor 9f this lJatenL as No. r/'of 1943. 1 In witnllSE whereof [ havc hercunto put my ha.nd at j P~tt-oI·Spain, in thc .Island of Trinidad, this Twenty. tb1rd day of March, lll the year Onc Thousand Ninc 1 Hundrcd and rec. 1 1 SA}!UEL A. HUGGINS, A cti11:f ~iltra-r. • \ .GAZ~TTE [Ma.r. 30, 1948~]. · ,EXTRAORDliNARY. 5. (1) The owner or master of any ship _to·which these· R egulations · . .· . · apply shall(a) immediatcly after the commg mto force of these R egulations apply in writing to the Competent Authority for a number tp be assigned to such ship. and suc~ owner or mastet shall in such application give the name and description of the ship; (b) as soon as a number has been assigned by the Competent Authority under the provisions of sub-p aragraph (a) of this regnlation, cause the ship to be marked as prescribed by regulation 3 of these Regulations (if the ship is then in .the Colony) or as ·s.oon as it next arrives in the Colony. 6. lt shall bc lawful for the Competent Authority, or for any person authorised by him and acting on his behalf, to exempt any ship• from all or any of the requirements specified in regulation 3 of these Regulations . . Made b y the Govcrnor this 26th day of Mar ch, 1.943, and published by Command. J. F. NICOLL, Acting Colonial Secretary. , NOTICE. will be received at the Colonial Secretary' s Office up to noon' on T E~WERS Ft·iday . .:Wth April, 1943, for the erectio'n of aGovernment Post Office with Mail Sorting Room a nd Livin~ Quarters complete w.ith septic-tank installation, water-supply, electric lighting, &c., at Arouca , :!<'<"ording to Plans, terms a_n d Conditions of Contract, and Specifications (a copy of each of the plans, and one copy of the Specification may be lent for a period of sevcn days for a fee of$2.:'>0 if copies are available which will be ready for inspection at the Public Works Office, on and afo·r rhe 29th March, 1943. 'fhe Con~r1actor will be required to g ive security for th c due performance of his Contract in the am_ount of $900.00 (Nine hundred Dolhm). Tenders ar e to be made out on forms which can be obtained at the Public Works Office on· payment of a cleposit of $10.00 .(Ten Dollars). After a Contr:ict has been entered into those persona who may have submitted lxma .fide tenders will have their deposits refunded; but no· person or perso~li who m~y refuse to into a Contract when so called upon shall have the deposits made b~· them rcfu nded ancl thesc shall bc forfeited :ind paid into the 'freasury. The Tenders are to be addrcssed to the Colon"lal Secretary and marked on the outside of the envelope, " Tender for the erection of a Government P ost Office at Aro uca ." The <Jovernment does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender ; aubmitted on the prescribed form will be considered by .the Tender Board. and only Tendet'S· Ter.deu must be accompanied by a receipt fro,m th~ Chief Draughtsman, Public Works Department, sh~wing. that the Plans anJ Specification which were lent have been returned to th~ · Public \Vorks Department, in good <H"der, or a note shewing that none were borrowed. J, F. NICOLL, Acting Coloi1ial & c1·etary. Colonial Secretary's Office, 29th March, 1943. 1. / {M.P. 57~70. )--(No . l6H.) t ;,. :·· TRINIDAD AND ToBAGO. Parnn:o A N D PuBUSHED BY A. L. RHoDES, w.B. Jl., GoVERNKENT PRJNTBR. - - -- - ----•···---_"' ·~ .... . . .. , . 1· '.11.ltLNlD.A.D ROYAL GAZE'fTB. ··•••- -:--;--- •··- - •·----'--- - - . .• . _: ·:·• ----a--- - -- ---- • ; • ~ ~ • • .i • ·- ;.„·-·· . . . . .. . . . .... .; . · • „. . :.: ·.' B. E. H. Cl.IFFOaJ), ·:_ . - ~~- _. .- -- . . . -·, J~I Order JD&de bJ Ute Got11D01 ander Qa8 •Jtbodb ol Ul• - „ · Delence BelalatiODI. 1888. · · - IN exercise of th~ power.. conferred upon him by 28 • .tbe Deience Regulations, 1939, the Govemor bereby makea ~- ~ regulatlon Ordu :- 1. This Order may be - citod aa tbe Protected ·P1ias (CemwMip Order. 1943. · B~) 2. Each of the premises specified in the· Schedule· bereto ili Mrebydedared to be a. protecte~ place for the P\llJ>OMS of reg(ilation 28 ot tbe Defence Regulations, 193U. 3. No peiiOn shall eoter. remain in or be Oll any of- the ~ specified in the Schedule hereto except with permmioo ~-- by or eo behalf of the Chief C~. _ . 4. Jbe Protected Places (Cemolship ßniJdinp) Order, - tlM:l, . ia hereby revoked. (1) The wbo1e of tbe ~- ~tDU.- at No. 16. . . Port-of.:Spain.. • ioadc:m.SCnlt. . (2) The premises situate on the Reclaiined Harboor Lands oom• prising approximately 82,700 square feet and bounded ~ tbe North i}y London Street, on the East by a road forty feet wide known at present as Road No. IO, on tbe Soutb by a parcel of land to be leased to Gordon Grant and Coinpany Li.mited . and by a road 80 feet wide known · at ·present as Road No. t (being extension of Wrightson Road) and · OD tbe West by tbe said Road No. 1 and by a c®aete draiD. . known as di'ain N0&_ . -2 and 3. Made by tbe Governor thia 2.ltb d&y of Waa:lt. 1~ ~ .......... .. „. J. P. NICOU.:. ~ .Cvlr1i„~. (No. 17t>) - ,,,. 1 , .... . „ . . ·..: . : ; . ...... .!J „,~ ~· -~ --.:i ~ ~;„.: i 4 •_; / , ....., .": '- „ .- ~, . ! :_;~ ,...-:;, -=. ~!"' ·/(~ ·- - • J 4ll4:'· GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. TRINIDAD AND [April 10;:1943.) TOBAGO. B. E. H. CLIFFORD, Governor. Defence Regulations made by the Governor under the authority of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940, as applied to the Oolony by the Emergency Powere (Colonial Defence) Order in Councii, 1939, and the Emergency Powere (Colonial Detence) (Amendment) Order in Oouncil, 1940. 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Price of Goods (Amendment No. 9) Regulations, 1943. 2. Paragraph (2) of regulation 5 of the Price of Goods Regulations, 1943, is hereby amended by(a) substituting the words "such latter person or subsiequent seller'' for the words ''the seller'' occurring in the penultimate line of subparagraph (b) of the said paragraph (2) between the word "if" and the. word "had" ; (b) substituting the following for subparagraph (d) of the said paragraph (2): " (d) the preceding provisions. o( this paragraph (2), in so far as they relate to sales of goods by persons who did not themselves import the goods., shall · not apply in any case where the goods' have been sold by the importer before the 1st of J anuary, 1943. . In any such case as aforesaid, the maximum wholes.aJe and retail prices $hall be the highest prices at which the seller is entitled to sell by wholesale or by retail, as the case may be, identical goods acquired by him after the commencement of these regulations, or, if there be no such goods in his possession, the prices fixed by order of the Competent Authority ; and in any case in which the prices fall to be fixed by the Competent Authority as aforesaid, the goods shall not be sold until the prices are so fixed. In the case of goods included in Part II of the Schedule hereto after the commencement of these regulations, references to the 1st of J anuary, 1.943, shall be construed as references to the date on which the goods are so included." Made by the Governor on the 9th day of April, 1943, and published By Command, J. F. NICOLL, Acting Colonial Secrettuy. (No. 191.) ßates of Postage by Air Mailtor Certain Countries in Africa. IT is notified for general information that the Postage by Air Mail for correspondence addressed to : Angola, Belgian C?ngo, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nyasaland, Rhodes1a (Northern and Southern), Tanganyika, Uganda, Union of South Africa and Zanzibar is sixty cents per half ounce. (Sgd.) D. M. FRASER, Postmaster-General. General .Post Office, Port-of-Spain, ~5th MarcP., 1943.-(M.f. 56547.) •• t ,----- - ! 464 [April 15, 1943.]... rrRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, COLOt\IAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, 9TH APRIL, l!J43. l2TH APRIL, 1943. ·IT is notified for info rmation :that a ComExdELLENCY THE GovER:soR has been mission as a J of the Peace for the pleased to accept t.lrn reoignation of County of St. Patrick, dated th e 11 th March, Mr. A. J.JEWis INNISS from tl1e Drugs A<lvisory Sub-Committee of the Control Board and to 1943, has he'm issued to ERROL ASH'ION apprn\e of the appointment of MR. S. l\L L. CL \IR MONTE HUNTE, ESQUlRE, ht Chiss Cl~rk, l\fagistra<'y, St. Patrick. INNISS in his stc~d. HIS By Command, 2. Gazette No. 466 of the lOth Septem her, is hereby rnried accor<lingly. J. F NICO.LL, Acting Coloniul Serertary. 1:\1.1'. 56634 )-(No. 197 . ) By Commancl, - J. F. NICOLL, - - - -··· - - --··--·-- - COLONIAT, SEüRETARY'S OFFICE,,ing Colonial Secretary. 15TH APRIL, 1943. (C, 1096/2}- (No. 193.} T is notified for information that a Commissi on a.s Justice of the Peace for the ; l 3TH APRIL ,._,~ County of St. George dated the 18th March, 1943, 19 ' ' ' '· i has been issued to ANTHONY GABRIEL is Exc:ELLENeY- THg GovERNOR has been ,. CARMICHAEI.J~ E sQUIRE, Assistant Clerk of pleas':ld to approve nf the prnm0tion of the t>eace (Mag1stracy St. George East). SuB-LIEUTENANT C. B. GF..OFROY, T.R.N.Y.R, 1 By Cornmaud, to the rank of Lieut~nant wi th efff'ct from thc 22nd October, HJ42.· J. F. NICOLL, (M.P. 5726,J- (No. 194.) Acting Oolonial Sticrdtary. By Command, COI,ONlA L SECHETARY'S OFFJCE, 1 I H J. F. NICOLL, Acting Colonial COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. s~cretary, 15TH A PRIL, 1943. (No. HIS.) THE SECRETARY OF SrATE FOR THE CoLONIE~ has been pleased to approve of tbe second· ment of Mk. A. NEWARK, Airport Manager, Singapore, to the post of Director of Civi l Aviat ion COLONIAL SECRE'PARY'S OFFICR, 13TH APRIL, HJ4·:i. and Aerodrome Superintendent in 'frinidad. )fr. Newark imived in the Colony and intituled "An Ordinance tu amend the Arima ass11mC'd his appointr!lent on the lOth )farch, 1943, Corporation Ordinance, Ch. :i9. No. l 1," which By Command, it is prup(•sed to introduce into the Legislative J, F. NICOLL, Council. 'fhe draft of the Bill is published as a A cting Colonial Secretary. Supplement ro this R011at Gazette aud · copies (P.F. 2659.)-{:'\o. 200.) ma y be purchased from the Go,·crnment Printer, - - - - - -- --··· - - - H has <lirected · the publication of the clraft of a Bill 1s ExcEI.LENCY THE Govr:RNOlt An expression of the view$ of pcrsons interestcd in the obj ec-ts of the Hill is hereby invited. By Command, J. F. NICOLL, NOTICE. Stamp Duty Ordinance, Ch. 33. No. 4. l• N o T: c E is hereby given that tbe Stamp Dealer•' L1cen ce granted to AMMON E. ROW ANS in Acting Colonial Secretar·y. (No.198.) respect of the premises at Balmain Vill11ge, Couva, h'ls been cancelled as from this date. A C01.0NIA1~ SECRETARY'S OF'FICE, lOrn Ar1rn., Hl4·a. ND~;n Sth April, 1943. the provisions of section 13 ( ;) ) of !: e U Public Health ürdiu3nce, Ch. 1:.t. No. 4, His Excellency the Govcrn11r has pleased ' VBRTEUIL, Acting Commissioner of Inland R evenue. DE t Post Office Notice. beim to re-appoint CAPTAIN H. E. HAPSEY, );l.B E., to be a membcr 1,f the Local Heal th Amhorit v for the St. Ann's-Tacarigua Rural Sanitar}· District for a further pniod not e>.cel:'ding two years with effect trom the 18th Uctober, W42 By Comll and, J . .F. NICOLL, \l\'l.P. 31371) .-(No.192) Acting Oolonial Secrd11r!f. Postal Agency, Balmain (Üouva). IT is notificd fo r general information that a Post&! Agency ifor the saleof stnmps, collection aad deliverv of correspondenc~, registered pa.ckets a.nd parcels) wa8 opened 11t .Balmam (Couva) on t he lst·April, 1943. (vgd.) D. M. FRM!ER, .. Poatmaster-Gen6r1il. . General l'ost ,Office, Port·of·, 6th April. 194B.-(;\f.P. 60251) • • _- - - -- -- -- - - - ------------------------- -- -- -- - ----···-··-- - ... . 569 TlUNIDA.D ROYAL GAZErrTE. [May 20, 1943.] ---· ·---·- -· --- ···· -· --- ~ - - · --- ·----- TRINIDAD Oompanies Ordinance, Cap. 31. No. 1. Section 99. - N PATENT. By Ordel' of the Boatd, ARTHlJR E!\ILYN, I 8A:11UEL ALDRIC H uGGil\S, Acting Registrnr of _ ' Patents, Designsand T.1·ade ilfo rks fo t• tue Colony of T rinid!l<l a nd Tobago, d o h ereby certify that on the . 13th day of l\fay, 1943, 110.s becn dcli vered to me by ' Tet·cncc Milnc, of, Articled Clerk of the firm of '.\Iessrs. J . D. Sellie1· & Co., 801icito1·s a nd - - - - - - -·--- ·--- - ------ ---„- - - --·-· ____ - Con vcy1mcers, a Dcclaratioll in \Hiting i.igned b_y Weslcy Meredith Bohrens o n behalf of Universal Oil I-n the Matter .o f ' Prodncts Company, a corporation dul v orgfmized under th e laws of t he State of D elaware, of 3).Q South l\Iichigan The Tropical Life Associa tion, Limited, Avenue, Chicago, Statc of Illinois, U nited States of and America, a rcsea.rch, devolopment and licensing Compatl,Y In the Matter of the Com panies Ordina nce. in t he fi eld of h ydrocarbon p rocessing of a certain invention whereof th c said Universal Ci l l't·oducts AT an extraordinary Genornl :\kcting of thc above Compuny claims to bc. the proprieto~-, be.i ng au In vention d 1 d d l ld t th for Proces~ for P roducrng Lthyl Dcr1vat1vcs of Aromaho d c nRaii:ete doOmffipan y { t lu Y conve~e „, m1 _ Qio ~ . ' tc H vdrocarbons togcther with a Specification ·dcscribing eg1s rc ce o 10 0 ornpany, ,,o. 7u, uecn v•t·ee • h. f th , · l 1 _ · d tl , - ·J · h · th fft f p t f s · th 13tl1 0 f :\I l!J • t e nature o e ,;8.H m·entJOH an 10 m ,11111er m w He · ay,. 43 'i the same is tobe pcrforrncd and t hat the of the m e l ·~ 0 or.-o · parn, on e . has• boc entered the followrng Special resolut10ns were duly passed, v 1z : - ·. sa.1·a U n1versa J · , 11 , 1 0 1.1. p roc1nc t s (', ompo.' n"·' (1) "That the Company be wound up volunt.arily." ! in t hc Register o ( p,,t;c 1it!; as t hc proprict orof this patent (2} " That A. E . J ames, Esquirc, of thc Trinidad ! a.s No. l;; of 194-3. Co-operative Hs.nk Buildioga, Port-of-Spain , bc and is hereby appointed Liquidator to ! In witness whcreof I h ave hereunto put my band at conduct thc winding up." ! Port-of-Spain, in the l Hland of Trinida.d, this scventeenth day of May , in the year one thousand n ineDa.ted the 19th day of May, 1943. hundrcd a.nd forty-threo. Swrelar!I• 6 & B, GeOl'ge Strcet, Port·of-Spain, 19th Ma.y, 1943. . : TOBAGO. The Patents, Designs aud Trade Marks Ordinance, Oh. 31. No. 18. o r r c E is hereby gi ven that the Transfer Books and Registers of Members oi ANGOSTURA BITTERS (Dr. J . G. B. Siegert & Sons) LUIITED will be closed fr om the 19th to thc 29th May. 1943, both da.ys inclusive. ...... AND 1 i R. L . DOOKIE, Chairman. ~, -. SAMUEL A. HUGGINS, A cting Regi8tmr. " :i · • [ POST OFFICE NOTICE . Monday the 24th :May (EMPIRE DAY), W r.dnesday the 2nd June (KING'S BIRTHDAY), Monday the 14th June (WHIT-MONDAY), and Thursday the 24th Jnne (CORPUS CHR ISTI), being Public Holidays, the General Post Office will lw opC'n from 7 a .m. to 8 :i _m, and from 4 p.m. to 5 p .m. and Distrirt P ost Offices from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m . No busi ness will be transactcd at a ny Post Office sa ve the delivery of ordinary lettcrs and sale of postage stamps ancl only during thc hours mentioned above. There will be one delivery by Postmcn at 7 a.m. . D. l\L FRASER, Postmaster-General. 18th May, 1943.-(C.S.O. M.P. 59757 .) 'I'RINTDAll.-Print<1cl 11ncl pnhli ~he<l by A. L . H.1101> ]·:~ , l'L'inting Ottice N n. ''. V ietoriii Av„nuc , l'nrt-nf- ~p: 1i11 • • .... ~1 . H, t:., ( :„\'nn1111·111 Pri11t.1-r, l'\'t:ry Thurscln~- at, thc Oover111ucnt 658 [June io, 1943.] 'l1R1NIDAD HOY.Ai_J G.AZE 'l 'f l.1.i. coioNIAi-sECRE'J'ARY'S-ÖFFICi; - --· -II 4TH JUNE, 1943. HIS ExCELLENCY Gov1m~ OR THIJ: A.NH . C~r.nIAN DER-rn~?mE~, . hn.s uccep~ecl th~ 111 res1gnat.10:: of thc llomcrussw n h~ld . , .,, t h u 'l'rini<lud ~ome ~uard, by2ND L1EUTEN A.~I E. B. DAVIS, w1tl:- effect from 20th ~Iay, 1943. - „ ·- - GOJ~NI~i~-SE~RETARY'S OFFICE, 4TH JUNE, 1943. A the Wth of May, of N:tt Ul'alization No. 103 da.ted l ~)43, has been granted to CERTIFl(;A.'fl<: .FRANCIS D'ABREU known GOMES. A. B. WRIGH'f, _____ ._ Oolonia.l Seoretar y. Colonial Secretfl,..11· (M.P. 59102.)-(No . 299.) _ _ COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, 4TH JUN'E, Hl43. H IS ExcELU;NCY THE .F~ANCIS · By Command, By Command, A. B. WRIGHT, (No . 300.) as POST GovE~N~R ha.s been Comm1ss1on l~ the pleased to issue a Trinidad Home Guard, t\) the undel'ment1oned, 1vith effect from the :31 s ~ May, 1943 :- _ „ _ _ _ _ _ __ OFI<~ICE _ _ NOTIOE. RATES OF POSTAGB BY AIR MAIL. IT is notified for g ene1·.'\l informa.tion that the rate of Postage by Air Mail for correspondence EVANS HiLARION PATIENCE, S~; RG EAN T. addressed to St. Vincen t is five cents per half By Command, ozmce. D. M. FRASER, A. B. WRIGH'l', (So. 301 ), - - - -- - --·- -- -- Postmaster-General. Oolo11ial tifC?·eta.ry. -- -- - - - - COLONIAL SECRE'rARY'S OFFICE, 7TH JuNE, IH43 r s ExcELLE~CY THE GovERNOR AND ·CoMMANDER·IN-CHIEF, has approved of thc transft.r to the Resene of Officers uf 2Nl> faEUT. General Post Office, 'frinida.d, 1th June, 194·3. H „-- ·--·-·-- ·---- -- - - - - - - - - NOTICE. JOHN ELTON N EWBOLD, with effect from 2nd June, 1943. ao:.." ) (No. By Command, A. B. WRiGHT, IS of Debentures i ssued under ~he San . Fernund u Improvement Loan Ordinanoo, 1921, H Cap. 234:, al'c he reby notified t hat the following OLDERS . Colonilll Setit-elary. COLONIAL SECRE'rARY'S OFFICE, 7TH J ONE, ) :J4a. H San Fernando Debentures. EXCELLEN<.JY THE GOVERNOR A ND CoMMANDBR·IN-CHIEF, has accepted the resignation of the Commission in the Trinidad Horne Guard, held b y LnrnT. K. H. Lt: SEUER, with effect from 3lst May, 1943. By Command, Debentun's were drawn on Monday the 8th day of l\Iarcb, 194:3, and ure redeemable ~t parat the office of' the T own Clerk, Si>n Fernando, on the 30th day of June , 1943, a.fter wh ich date all interest on th e Dehentures so drn.wn will cease : ±:100 :-Kos. 131, 405, 164, 2!5, 329, 465, 156, 54, 263, 33, 289, 21, 359, 403, 207, 308, Jl20 :-Nos. 26A, 54A, 7A.. A. B. WRIGHT, R. M. SCOTT, Town Clerk. Oolonial SeortJtary. (No. 303.) ·- -„· - - ---- - - -- - ·--·-·-··-- -- · -- - -- -- COLONIAL SECRE'rARY'S OFFICE, 7w H a Ju~rn, 1943. rs ExcELLENCY rHE GovEitNOR AND Co~J Town Hall, San Farna.ndo, 12tb March, 1943•-(4 i1:11.) -- ·· -·- · -- - ·„-- -„ . „„„--------~ NOTIOE. MANDER-IN-CHIEF, has bcen pleased to issue Commission in the 'rrinidau Horne Guard, to Borough of Arima. the undermentioned, with effect from 2n<l June, 1943 : Completion of House Rate Book for the yea.r from lst January to 31st December, 1943. HEHBER'l ' AYLMER '!'HORNE, Es~u urn. By Command, A. B. WRIGHT, (No. 804.) ·- ------ Col<mial 8 eo1·ctary. COLONIAL SECRE'l'ARY'S OFFIC.E, 7TH Ju~n:, 1943. H I S . EXGELLr.:~CY THE Ü OVERNOR AND CO~l.\l:ANDER-IN-CHIEF, has been pleased to issue a Commission in the Trinidad Hom e Guard, to the undermcntioned, with effect from 2nd Junc, 1943 : . JOHN ELTON NEWBOLD, Et>QUIRE . By Command, A. B. WRIGH'f, (No. 30ii. Golonial!J is hereby gi ven, pursuant to the provieions of . N orrcM the A.rima Corpora.tion Ordine.nce, tha.t the House Rate Book for the year from · lst J e.nue.ry to 3l st Dccember, 1943, is now completed, and deposited in the office of the Town Clerk a.nd will be open during the oflice hours .t heroat to the inspection of all raC;epayers without payment of any fee from this date until the 25th da,y of June, 1943. N.B.-Any owncr who ha~ not been lserved with an Assessment Notice may, at a.ny time. not; la.ter than 14 days next after the first vublice.tion of this Notice, send in to thc Council an objection . in writing to the annual l'll,teable value at which bis premises are •assessed in the House Rate Book. . - -'·i'Ji Town Hall, Arima, Da.ted 7th June, 1943. SALAMAT AL!, Town Cl'~rk T.11.rnmAD.-Printe~. n.nd.pnblished by A. L. RH.ODF.S, M.B. i.:. , Üo\·ernment Print~r. e\'ery 'rhursday at the Govarnment Printmg Office . No. 2, '11ctomi. A\'11nue, Port ·Of·Spa10. ' . .[JUJ.)0 12, 1943.j GAZETTE EXTRAORD.INARY. ,. '' L· Oontrol Board, NOTICE. Gift Parcels .. WITH reference to Notice d:.ited 12th May, 194-2, it is hereby notified that exp )rt licences are req uired, under the Imports ·a nd Exports Control Regulations, 194 l, for the exportation of all articles to all destinations outside of the Colony, except : - (a) Gift parcds containing articlea wholly produced or manu· fäctured in the Colony ( the exportation of whieh ie ·not prohibited)i sen t to pcrsons serving with His .~sty's Forees, provided that •the gross weight of the parceLdoea not exceed 15 lb. and that the parcel is clearly addressed and marked '' <lift ''; and (b) Gift parcels containing articles wholly p1·oduced or manufactured in the Colony (the exportation of wbich ie not prohibited), not exceeding $19.00 in value, eent by post to the British West Indian Islands, British Guiana, Bermuda., Hritish Honduras and Canada, provided that such parcels Rrc clearly marked "Gift". L. SPENCE, Secretary, Control Board Control Board, 7, St. Vincent Street, Port-of~Spain. 11 th June, 1943. NOTIOE. TlNNED MILK. ßy virtue of the powers conferred on me by Regulation 15 of the Price of Goods Regulations, J 943, and in Heu of written individual authorizations provided for therein, I hereby declare that it shall not be an offence under the said Re~lations during _the months of June and July, 1943, for a vendor to tender to a purcbaser equal quantitics of sweetened and unsweetened condens.ed milk, or to refuse to sell to a more than one half his normal requirements of sweetened· q:indensed milk. · ERIC M. LEGGE, Competent .tfuthority. Custom House, Port-of-Spain, Jlth June, 1843~ r------ t 1, GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. [.lune lt>, HJ43 ] The following tablc g1ves a percentagc comparison of the level of retail prices at Ist June, 1943, and 1935 : - j . Average perce9tage increase or decrease at Ist June, 1943, as compared with 1935. 1 ARTICLES. --·-•-----------··- ) -~ !--Port-of-Spain~- -~~---.~--- Other Places. -G-e-ne_ral_A_Vi_era-g-e.· _____: ______. Beef Fish Flour Rice Sugar Butter Lard .... 1 „„11 .. „1 .„. Per cent. 155 167 50 83 25 ·: 53 70 1 ------------=!------- All above artic~es of food (wcighted percentagc increase) „ „ Percent. Per cent. 131 214 190 50 83 . 50 83 66 17 35 57 63 89 88 143 45 J „ ..• 88 1 Rent: There has been no change in level of working-class rents since lst May, 1943. As compared with 1935, the combined average increase is estimated at about 14 per cent. Clothing : Information collected from tetailers. in the principal towns and districts throughout the Colony indicaks that at 1st J une, 1943, the retail prices of clothing of the kinds generally bought by working-clao-s families averaged about 104 per cent. higher than at 1935 as cornpared with 99 per ccnt. at Ist May, 1943. Increases were recorded in the average level of retail prices of materials for women's, outer garments and underclothing, and of boots and shoes. Fuel, Light and Washing: The a verage level of rctail prices of all the art icles taken into account in this group as a _wholc at Ist Junc, 1943, was 1 point higher than at 1st l\fay, 1943, and 59 points higher than at 1935. An increas.e was recorded in the average lcvol of rctail prices of soap. llousehold Equipment and Tools;, The average level of retail prices of all the art icles takcn into account in this group as a whole at lst-June, 1943, was the same as at Ist May, 1943, and about 115 per cent. above tbe Ievel of 1935. All [iP-ms : Jf the average changes in 1\ith their relative importance average increase at Ist June, compared with 80 per cent. at the cost of all t he foregiong items are cornbined in accordancc in the 1935 work ing~dass family expenditure, the resultant general 1943, was approximately 81 per cent. higher than at 1935, as Ist May, 1943. 'Jontrol Board, NOTICE. Gift Parcels. NOTl~:E dated l 1 th Junr, HH3, is he1eby amendecl by thc addition of the followi11g paragraph : · (c) Gift p1nccls c·ont:tining articles wlwllv produced nr manu- f:1mured in the Colorry (thc exporta1ion of which is not JI' ohibited 1, nut exc~ eding $10.00 in value and 5 lb. gl'<lss Wl'i,Q11t, ancl not. containing more than 2 lb. of any one footlst nff, sent by post to the U nited Kingdom, pro\'ided that ~u('h parccls :HP clearly marke<l H Gift". · L. SPENCE, Secretary, Control Board. fontrol Bn:tnl, 7, Sr. Vincent St reet. P"rt-of-"p:iin. 15th Juue, mm. 1943. [July 15, 1943.) 767 TRINIDAD HOY.A.L GAZETTE. LAND ACQUISITION ORDINANCE, 1941. '( Notice r~quird by Sectiott 41 (3)). NoncE is hereby giveu in acoordance with s~ction 41 (3) ot tbe Land Acquisition Or<linance, 1941, that the work of providing a Se,vage Dispcsal Be<l for the H~alth Centre, Couva, in 1·espcct of which certain land in the "\Yard of Couva, County of C'tLttJni, was acquired hy notifi<iation publishcd on page 460 in the Royal Ga;ietle of the 15th <lay of April, 194-3„ h111 been complcted. CHARLES J. SELLIER1 Jot Directcr oj Works a1td Tremspo11. 30th June, 1~H3-( i\I.P. ;)1.'..? 10.1 ' NOTICE. StamJ Duty Ordiwmce. Ch. 83. Ho. 4. NoTICE is hereby given that the licences to deal in stamps on all of the boats for wbich Messrs. Alston & Company, Limited , Royal Netherlands Steamship Company, Geo. F. Huggins and Company, Limited, Trinida<l Leaseholds, Limited, Royal Mail Lines , Limited, Archer Coal Depot Company, Incorporated1 and S. Haug, Limited, are agents, issued under Section 8 (1) of Ch. 33. No. 4, have been cancelled as from this date, with the intcntion of rc-issuing thc> ~aid licenccs under the Defence (Sale of Stamps by Ships' Agents) Regulations, 194:~. T. MALCOLM MILNE, Com111-issioner of J.nla fld Rei:e,wue. IOth July, 1943. NOTICE. Stamp Duty Ordinance. Ch. 33. No. 4. Defence (Sale of Stamps by Ships' Agents) Regulations, 1943. NoncE is hereby given that licences to deal in stamps on certain oeean going ships of which they have been appointed to act as agents for the owners or masters, have been issued to the under· ' mentioned Corporations. These licences are issued un<ler the Defence (Sale of Stamps by Ships' Agents) Reg)Jlations, 1943, and authorise the sale of adhesive stamps whilst the said ships are at anchor in any of thc established 'harbours of the Colony, to passengers, officers and members of the crcw only of such ships. Name vf Corporation. Alston & Company, Limited Royal Netherlands Steamship Company Geo. F . Huggins, & Company, Limited TrinidaJ Leaseholds, Limited Royal Mail Lines, Limited ... Archer Coal Depot Company, lnc. S. Haug, Limited ... Place of Business. 69, Marine Square, Port-of-Spain. 66, South Quay, Port-of-Spain. 72, South Quay, Port-of-Spain. .Pointe-a-Pierre. 78, Marine Square, Port-of-Spain. 78, South Quay, Port-of-Spain. 6, RichrMnd Strect Port-of-Spain. T. toth July, 1943. ~1ALCOUI MILNE, of Inland Revenue.. Conlmissicnt~ [Aug. 12, 1943.J - ·-·-·- ··--·--...--····· ___ ..:... ·- -.. THE POST OFFICE ORDINANCE. ' ·· In exercise of the powers conferrecl upon the Postmast er-General by section 14A of the Post Office Ordinance as enacted by the P ost Office (Amendment) Ordinance, 1942, and of all other powers him enabling, the following regulations are hereby made : 1. These regulations may be cited as the Postal Packets (Rail Deliver y) Regulations, 1943. 2. Subject to these regulations, the sending, conveying, collecting and delivering of .letters and other postal packets by the Trinidad Government Railway are hereby authorised. 3 . A letter or postal packet intended for transmission by rail (hereinafter called a railway letter) shall not exceed one pound in weight. 4. Each railway letter shall be taken to a railway station and therc <lclivered, ä uring such hours as the railway station is open t o the public. tu the station master. ' 5. Postage at the on.linary ratesof pm;tage fixecl by the Governor in Council shall be prepaid by means of stamps affixcd to the railway lctter, and such stamps shall be cancelled by thc station master. In adclitioil to such postage, there shall be paid to the station master on each railway lctter a fee of eight cent~. 6. The sen<lcr of t he railway letter, and not the statiun master, shall be responsible for the correct prepayment of the rates of postage ancl fees hereinabove specified ; and in the event of any insufficient prepayrnent thcreof, a charge of double the amount of the deficiency shall be payable by and collected from the addressee before delivery. 7. (1) A railway lctter may either be addressed as follows :Example 1. John Brown, Station Master's Office, (* St. Joseph) Railway Station, To be called for. ( *..„ ..„ „„„..) Insert name of Railway Station. ot lixample 2. ' John Brown, • t 253, Abercromby Street, St. Joseph. (! St . Joseph) Railway Station. (To be posted on arrival). full postal address. (t„.„„ „. „ „ „ ) Insert name of railway station. t Insert .- (2) A railway lctter addressed as in Example 1 will be retained at the railway station of address for a periud not exceeding seven days from the date of arrival, and if not called for will thereafter be handed over to the nearest Post Office for disposal as if it were an ordinary letter not called for at a post office. TRIN IDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. 840 (Aug. 121 1943.) at (3) A railway letter addressed as in Example 2 will be posted the Post Office letter box nearest to the railway station of address for delivery in due course of post. · 8. In order to obtain delivery of a railway letter from the railway station of address, the addressee or his duly authorised agent shall apply therefor to the station master thereof during such hours as the said station is open to the public. 9. lt shall be lawful for a station master to refuse to deliver a railway letter whenever he is not satisfied as to the identity of the person claiming the same, or as to the authority of the person purporting to be the agent of the addressee. 10. Any railway letter which is to be called for and which is not plainly addressed to a railway station will be transferred to a Post Office or .Post Office Ietter box. 11. (1) No registered letter shall be transmitted or accepted for transmission under these i:egulations. (2) No railway letter containing any thing which if sent by orclinary post would be subject to registration by the Post Office shall be transmitted under these regulations. · (3) No railway letter shall contain any matter or thing which may not be transmitted by inland l~tter post. · Made this 13th day of July, 1943. D. M. FRASER. Postmaster· General. Approved by the Governor in Council this 20th day of July, 1943. W.]. BOOS, 1.M.P. 58579.) Clerk of thi: Exuitlive Council. GA~FJ'IHI1E. TRINIDAD ROYAL - -- --------· ---- - [Aug. 19, 1943.J.1 - - - · ·- - - ··-· -- -- LEGISLATIVE OOUNCIL OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. ÜOUNCIL ÜHAMBER, l&rn AuGusT, 1943. NOTICE OF ASSENT TO ORDINANCES. THE followi!lg Ordinances enacted by ~is ~xcellenc:r the Acting Governor with the adv1ce and consent of the Legrnlative Oounml, have been assented to by His Excellency in the name and on behalf of His Majesty the King, and are published as Supplements to this Royal Gazette :· - - - -- - - - - - - - ------ ~ u~be~o~Ordin~nceJ - ·-- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - ------ - Short title of Ordinance. 1 27-194a „ . . The 28-1948 „. Control of Li ce n ~ed PrcrnisP!l 1•rempor ary Provisions) Ordinance Land Acquisition (Amendment) 0rdine.nce, 1943 ... Date of comm enae· ment of Ordinanoe, 19th August, 1948. 1943 19th August, 1943. W. J. BOOS, Clerk, Legislative CounCa. Return of Auc~ion eers' Licences issued during the month ended 3L:;t July, 1943. p J„co or Jlnsincs>;. Name. Hugb Harcla.1· Webste r ... . .. . .. 2911, Prin ce o f \V'.1.h ·s 8tred , San F oen mndo·. . .. 40, ~t. Vincent 8 1.r»et , P or t-of.8pai11. _„ 6. ::iackvi lic :)trer.t, do. ... 1Cor. Lord anu Cuffee Hts .. Ban Fcrn t>rnlo . H on. Ca pt. Arthur Andrcw Cipr inni .. . . .. ... J ohn Charles Rov Joseph N athan :r;'fontiqur. - · . ·-- - . - ·- --- - -- -----~ • - - - -- -· _ __ _ _ _ „ _ __ - •••• - - - - - It. B. S KINNER, Accountant-General. 13th August, 1943. NOTICE. Stamp Duty Ordinance, Ch. 33. No. 4. D afence (Sale o f Stamps b!V Ships' Agents • Re1rnlations, 1943. NoTICE is hercby ~iven that Licences to deal in stamps on ce 1·ta :n ocean going ships of which they have been appointed to act as agents for the owners or rnasters, have becn i ssu~d to the undcrm e 11t.ioned Corporations. These licences arc issued ·under the Defence (Sa.le oJ Starn ps by Ships' Ag ents; Hegulations, 194·3, a.nd authorise the sa.le of adhesive sta.mps whilst thc ships are at anchor in any of the establitihcd harbours of thc Colnn y, to passE:'11gers, officers ancl nw " t>ers „f thl! crcw only of such . ship8. Name of Corporati01i r tace of lfasi1wss Wm. H. Kennedy & Co., Alcoa Steaw ship Co„ I nc ., 38, Marine Square, PorL·of. S pain _ ß4, South Quny, r1o . T. 16th August, 1943. ~.l ALCOLM MILNE, Commi.!sioner oj It1l.a11d R evenue. 906 TRINIDAD ROYATJ GAZETTE. [Aug. 26, 19113.J NOTICE. Starnp Duty Ordinance. Ch. 33. No. 4, NoTICE is hereby given that the St'amp Dealers' Licences grant ed t o the undermentionad persons in re&pect of certain premises, the situation of which appears opposite their names, have beeu <;a,ncelle<l as from this date. Situation of premises Name Alex. N, John .. 6, Prince Street, Port-of-Spain. A. A. Ritchie .. .. 5A, X. E. Boland . . 6, Henry Street, Port-of-Spain . A. H. Joseph . , .. Cor. Queen and Henry Streets, Port-of·Spain. Rodriguez & Co. .. Cor. Frederick & Oxford Streets, Port-of-Spain. Secretary, Southem Seif Help .. 23, High Street, San Fernando. L. C. Wharton . .43, Usuff Ali . . Tull Village, St. Joseph. C. S. Collier .. Curepe, St. Joseph. J. C. Chang .. Sangre Grande. E. Cooper-Scott .. Trinidad Leaseholds L td., Guayaguayare. F. M. Atwell .. .. Standard Drug Store, Tunapuna. Matilda Mills .. .. 49, Quarry Strcet, Port-of-Spain. T. Roodal . . 51/53 Sutton-Street, San Fernando. Agnes de Freitas .. T'dad. Govt. Railway Lunch Room, Port-of-Spain. J ules Bernard . . Petit Trou Village, Toco . Pointe-a-Pierre R d„ San Fernando. do. do . & .. A. B. <le Lima . . 23A, Frederick Street , Port-of-Spain. R. C. Horne .. St. James Main and Mucurapo Roads, Port-of-Spain. M. H. Hull .. Paramount Hotel, San Fernando. AmyCox .. 18, Tragatete Road, Port-of-Spain. Lillian Mendes .. Bacolet Guest House, To bago . Grace \V. Burke . . Macqueripe Beach Hotel, Macqueripe. Armour Maillie, Sec., Soldiers' & Sailors' Club 2, Queen's Park West, Port-of-Spain. { No. 1 Transit Shed, Deep Water Wharfage, P . 0. S. Lt. Co!. C. C. Pearce .. No. 2 Section, T'd. Volunteers Camp, Pointe-a-Pierre. Reginald Wm. Boon, Manager, Canning & Co„ San Fdo. Blanche E. Lotmore Rccreation room of the New Project at Trinidad Leascholds, Pointe-a-Pierre . . . 128, Western Main Road, Port-of-Spain. T. MALCOLM MILNE, HHh August, 1943, Cornviissioner of Inland Revenue~. \ (Sept. 23, 1948.] TRINIDAD Rül;AI~ 10Ö1 GAZE'I''l1 E. ,· Cci:\'TROL BoRAD. ,· Xi\fAS GIFT PARCELS FOR THE AR~IED FORCE S IT is hereby notificd that during the months of October and Xovcmher, 1943, E xpor t Licences will be granted for gift parcels addresscd to persons serving in_ His l\lajesty's Armed F nr ces, a n d containing articlcs other.than those wholly produced in the Colony, not cxcecding $ 10.00 i_n val ue. Parcels must be clearly rnarked "GIFT" and addressed to persons serving in His .Majesty's Forccs, giving Rank, Name of Addrcssee and designation of unit. · L. SPENCE, Secretary, Cont~ol Board. 22nd September, 1943._ CUSTOMS NOTICE. Revocation of appointment of Private Warehouses. IT is hereby notified tha_t His Excellcncy thc Acting Governor has apprnvcd thc rcvocatio n of thc following notices : (1) The notice dated 6th February, 1941 (No. 202) published in the Royal Gazette of 13th F~bruary, 1941, appointing thc Northern portion of the building known as thc Trinidad Oilfields Operating Co's. Warehousc on Wrightson Road t o bc a private warehouse for the warehousing of Aviation Spirit without paym ent of duty thereon. , . (2) The notice dated 13th September, 1941, published in the Gazette E xtraordinary of 20th September, 1941, appointing that portion of thc ground floor of i\o. 16, London Strcet comprising two adjoining rooms to be a private warehouse for the storagc of tyres, tubc.;;, rubber hose and paint without payment of duty thereon by the imp or tcr ancl warehouse kcepcr, Messrs. J. :N. Harriman & Co. Ltd. · ·p) The first part of the notice No. 341 published in the Royal Gazette o f 9th July, 1942, appointing the lower floor of premises situate at ~o. 20, Abercromby St reet tobe a private warehousc for thc storage of general merchandise o ther than goocls required to hc depositecl in a King's Warehouse importcd by :Nfessrs. J. N'. Harrim an & Co. , Ltd. without payment of duty thcrcon. By Commancl , J. F . XICOLL, Govermnent Buildings, Port-of-Spain, · 17th September, 1948. (M.P. 54533).-(No. 482.) t147) Acting Colo11i(d Secrdary. 1002 TRINIDAD HOYAI..1 GAZETT.K - - - -- - - - -- · · - -- - - - -· - . - · - -- -- - [Sept. 23,· 1943.J - - - - -·· · - • . -„ • • _ „ - ·- - - -- - - IAND ACQUISITION ORDINANCE, 1941. ( Notice required 7JY Section 41 (3)). NoTICE is hcreby given in accordance with . sPction 41 (3) of the L and Acquisition Ordinance, 1941, that ' the work of widening tho Eastern Main Road between Oentenary and Ba.silon Streets, 'l'unapUt1a, in respcct of wh.ich certain land in the \Vard of Tacarigua, County of St. George, was acquired by notification published on page 561 in the Royal Gazette of t he ith day of May, 1942. has been completed. Dated ·this 2üth day of September, 1943, at Government Buil<lings, in the City of Port-of-Spai.n, in the Island of 'frinidad. C. G. FANNIN, S nli-Inten danl. (M.P . 4i82:>/42.) NOTICE. ' Stamp Duty Ordinance, Ch, 33. No. 4. NoTICE is hereby given that Licences to:deal i n Stamps·~ at the p1·cmises appeariug opp;)site their names h ave this day bcen issucd to the fol!owing persrms under Sectiou 8 (1) of Chapter 33, No 4, :-Pre11J;iaes. N ame. RITCHIE'S DRUGSTORE RODRIGUE Z & Co. MATILDA J\ULLS WALTER '.\!ENDES 53, Poin ~e · a- Pie rre Road, San Fernando 132, Fredel'ick Strcct , Port.of-Spa in 89, Qu arr.v Street,'Port-of-Spain B;~colet Guest House, Tobago 14, Traga rete Hoad, Pl)rf..-of- Spa in AMV COX 'l'. :\lAIJCOLM i\llLNE. 20th September, 1943. Commissioner oj Inland Revenw :. ./ RETUllN of a Ccrtificatc issuecl to a Solicitm Cor the ye1w 19,W, pursuant t.o t hc fio licitors Onlinancc, Cb . 7. No. 4, ~. ~·l <Bi. Stcadma.n Victor Pa rk R Addrnss. ••. \l9, Queen Street, :Port-of-Spain - -- - --·-·-- ·-- - - -- -'-22nd September, l9•H\, --·- -·· D ate of Issnc of Certificatc . Hcmarks. .. __ .,... ..•lsolicitor and 1 Gonvcyancer _...... _ ____________ ,_.1 1 :.!ht Sept., 1\143. _ __ ,. NOEL P . BOWEN, D6'/ntty-Registrar, 1012 [Sept. 25, .11148.] GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. ·-·--- --- - -·- ---··--- - -·-·--·- --··--·-··--- ------ -- ···· --·-·· -·---- --·--·--·· · -------· (c) by ins<·rting undcr the item· "Breatl '' the fullowing sub·itcm :-'Wa:oLESALE. PRICES. ARTICLE. .' .t ··. Bread- (h) Who~e Wheat .•.,·, -) . ~„ Made by Elsewhere ollier than To}J11go'. P ort-ofSpai11. -~ ...... „... \ . -c ·. ~. • .: . RBTA IL PRICE S. Unit. SPecial DistricJs. per loaf of 10 OZ, Sc. Else- wher1• Sc. - thc Actiri.i qöY~·f:no'r: on. t:ile ·24.~~f-~y ;{jf Se ptember, 194-a. t""'•· \ . ·· · ~„·· · ;~ · .. ;~ ····· ·- ..... . . · ~ ··· · · „ ..... By Command', )llil51V: -~ ": ~- .. J, F. NICOLL, A cti1tg Colonial Secretary. Co~TRor. BoAno FUEL BURNING LAMPS AND. LANTERNS. . ~ The Control Board has been advised that hurricane and pressure t ype lamps a re not available export from the United Kingdom. Other types of lamps can1 be supplied from the United Kingdom in limited quantitics for essential purposes. Importers shduld therefore procure from the United States of America their full requirements as stated in quotas allotted to thern. The Control Board has been advised that orders should be placed with the least possible delay. Pressure type lamps are in short supply also from the ünited States of America and are at present being released only for Military use. If, however, the 0.Jlony's needs can be justified on such grounds as use in semi-open Jmildings remo,·ed from the clectricity supply, every effort will be rnade t Qget those needs recognized by the United States Authorities and release authorized. lt can only be hoped however, that limited quantitics of this type of lamp will be arnilable. . L. SPENCE, Secrelary, Control Board. 22nd September, 194~~ - Co:sTROL BoAI!I>. ·-- ~ X MAS GIFT PAlKELS FOH. THE ARl\lED FORCES. W l'fll l'eferencc to Kotice dated 22n<l September, Ü'43. it is hercby notified tha.t Impo rtLiccnces will not be gran ted tor pa:·ceh contain ing boots and shoes or imported foodstuffs. L. SPENCE, Secretary, Control Board. 23rd September, Hl4~~- THE following has been issucd : Price-~ c. CouNcu, P Al'to:R FOR 1943-:No. 49-Rules Committec- Minntcs of a rnceting of the Ruies Committee of the Legislative Council held on Tuesday the 8th June. 1943 •.. ••• •.. 2 • [Qct;··2s„i943.J ~ GAZETTE . EXTRAöR.DlNAR.Y.. i l35 ' ·;~. '· · Conditions under which letters may be sent to relatives or ·friends in Enemy Countries or Enemy-occupied Territory. . T l" t~ ri·1:1orie.; in,lnded r:n tlwie a 1'ran;;cme11l.~ are: !Jelgiwn, JJulgaria, CzechJslovakia, Dan zig, Den.wirk, E•to„ia, larul , .F'ranr:e (z< me l<l ft un0<m1 p ic<J by the eru"" lf in 1940}, Germany , Gre&oo, (Jlainland ), Oreek blawf.s awl Orcie, lloll<iit.'1, ll1m~1«r.11,lt1i l1.1 arvt l talian Possess iort8 not occupiert biJ th~ Uniterl Natim 1~. f, ~cv ia, Lirhw~nia , L u.~emhuitrg, Nvcwati, Pola11d, Roumania aw:l Y ugoslavia. 1. Com munications mu st he clearly w ritten or typed on" Plain, unwatermarked 1tationery, an d ~ hou ld not excee<l two sicles of a uormal-sized sh eet oi n ote pap er. O'nly on e lctt cr m ay bc plac..:d in cach en velopc. E rasures , corr ections, mutilated s.ta·t ioner y or additions by o t he r p eop lc a r e not per m itt cd . 2. Let ters a nd e u velopes m ust omit the sen<ler 's ad<lrcss . They m ay he in E nglis h o r in thc language of t he .:ountry for wh ich they ar c inten ded . They mu st refe r onl y tu maltcrs of pcr.;onat infrre.>t antl must KOT refer t o m atters relat ing t o m oney, business or otber p ropcrty, whcrcver situatc<l. (See pw·agrf!Ph 6.) {a) No rck'tence may b e m ad e to any t own (other than Lisbon ), village, locality, sh ip, joun1ey, Ccnsorsh ip, ~ervicc.: matkrs, rcsults of enem y a.ction or any o the r phasc o f thc wa r, or to Thos. Cook & Son, Ltd., or a u y of tb eir officcs„ or to the m eans b y wh ich thc lcttcr is sen t. No cnclosu rcs are pcrmit t ed . No iDclicatiOD' may be be gi ven that the writer is M t in P ortugal. (b) meiltion of a letter or p ostcard received from, or written to, enemy or enem:v· occupied territory is not permitted. lt is suggcstcd that the word "news" or „ message " bc used inst ead, but the dat e of such message must not be given . Mentio n of a "Red Cross M ~ssagc" is not pcrmitted. 3. E ach Iettcr must Lc p laced in an open unstam pecl cnvclo p c (without watermark, brand mark or maker's name) fully inscl'i bed to thc addr essee, who sh ou ld b e askccl to acldr css any reply. t o your full name, car e o f Post Box 5 06, LI SB ON, Portugal. P oste R estantc addresses are n ot acceptcd . The u se o f titles or N aval, Military o r Air Force r an k i s 1or bicl<len . The L isbon Post B ox ni11st not be men · · tione d on the em:clopc. 4 . Th c op cn envelope coutain ing t he letter shoulcl be placed in an o uter sta mped en vclope and sent to THOS. CüOK & SON, LTD„ BERKELE Y STREET, P I CCADIL LY, LO!\DüN, W .1, together w ith a m cmorandum , plainly wr itten , contai ning i n BLOCK L ETTE H S thc name (Ch r istian nam c fir st) and full a<ldress of t hesen<le r. A married wom an shoulcl givc her o wn as well as her husband's in it ials . 5. The communication to T hos. Cook & Son, Ltd., must enclose P ostal Order value 2 s. (stamps or I ntematio11al Co11pons ca1111ot bc accepted), which lce will cover thc postage o f one envelope contain ing onc commu nication t o the n e u t ral count ry, a ud fro m the ne ut ra l country to t h e add ressee, also of a r cply (ifany) {rom t he ueutr~I country to Mcssn; . Cook's H ead Office in l .ondon , and f:rom that o ffi cc to the intendc<l reci i)ient. 'fhe ke does not in cludc t he cost o f postage of the rcp ly from cnem y t crri tory to th e neutral co untry . Fo r an extra fec of 6d. each, ktt ers c•m Lt: scnt by Air Mail between Lon d on and Lisbon. Envciopcs must 1101 be cndo1'scd "A ir Aiail." Thos. Cook & So~,'Ltcl ., undcrtah this tra11sactiou at the solc r isk in all respect~ of thc party r equ1nng tlrnir servi ccs, a11d on thc expre~ s u rn.Jerstanding that no , ,. act ion will lieagainst thcm by r cason ofan y a ct or <ldault an their p artoron .tlw .p art of a ny persun or ageu t emp loy ed b y th cm . letters a m! lc!-~e rs ii;ig..dircdioJJ ~ al"out ptopo ty or tnc;ncy mnttel'l! mu st not Lc sent to Ibos. Cook & San , Ltd ., but shou l<l l.Jc submitt cd by the scndcr to t h c T rad ing with t hc Encm y Dcp artmcut of t hc T rcasury a nd Eoa rd of Tradl'• 24 Kin gsway, Lontlon, W .C.2. (j. · !Jusinc:;ti 7 . Com11nu1ications for l 'rison crs of \\'ar, i.c. Brifo,h and Allied Naval, Milita n · a nd Air F m cc prisoncrs aml Ci\·i!ian inicruccs, can not bc scn t Ulldcr t h e fore~ going a rnrngemcnt!'.(. T hcy should bc postet! in accordance with n ·sulat ions of which p articul•trs mily bc obt aincd at any P ost Office. P arcei> camwt bc dealt with 1111dcr tlw Joregoi11g schi'11tt: . X. - Unless these directions are followed EXACTLY, delay and extra expen1e will result. These notes convey ALL inform· ation availa ble. X