St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio
St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio
St. Margaret of York Parish OUR PRAYER The Lord’s Day Masses Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00am & 5:30pm Weekday Masses Monday 7:00pm Tues. - Sat. 8:15am Holy Day Masses - 6:45am, 8:15am, & 7:00pm National Holiday Masses 9:00am WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS Reconciliation Saturdays, from 3:00 to 4:00pm. Morning Rosary Sunday Mornings at 10:30am in the Worship Space. Tuesday and Thursday before the 8:15am Mass in the Day Chapel. Every day, all day Come spend some time with the Lord in the Eucharistic Chapel. After hours devotion: The Eucharistic Chapel is available 24 hours a day. Access to the building is available via a key code. Each person is assigned a personal code for use. For a code, please contact our receptionist at 697-3109. Eucharistic Adoration Saturdays, beginning after the 8:15am Mass until 2:30pm in the Day Chapel. CONTACT INFORMATION St. Margaret of York Parish 9499 Columbia Road Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-3100 Emergency: (513) 520-7442 FAX: (513) 683-7101 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Welcome New Parishioners! Please register in the Parish Office during the week or at the Welcome Table in the Gathering Space on Snack Saturdays/ Donut Sundays: Oct. 25/26. Or call 6973108 for more information. Moving out? Please contact the Parish Office at 6973108. Loveland, Ohio HOLY MASS & INTENTIONS Saturday, October 25 - Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Eph 4:7-16 Ps 122:1-2,3-4ab,4cd-5 Lk 13:1-9 8:15am Mass Presider: Fr. James † David Charletta, req. by Denise Delrosso 4:30pm Mass Presider: Fr. Obermeyer † Anna Gardner, req. by the Senior Social & Service Ministry Sunday, October 26 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 22:20-26 Ps 18:2-3,3-4,47,51 1 Thes 1:5c-10 9:00am Mass † Ellen & Bill Balbach, req. by Women’s CRHP #14 11:00am Mass † Jerry Williams, req. by Bonnie & Dan Sheedy 5:30pm Mass For SMOY Parish Mt 22:34-40 Presider: Fr. Jan Presider: Fr. Jan Presider: Fr. James Monday, October 27 Eph 4:32-5:8 Ps 1:1-2,3,4 and 6 Lk 13:10-17 7:00pm Mass † Bobby Horvath, US Navy, req. by Pat Anderson Presider: Fr. James Tuesday, October 28 - Feast of Ss. Simon and Jude, Apostles Eph 2:19-22 Ps 19:2-3,4-5 8:15am Mass Intentions of the Presider Lk 6:12-16 Presider: Fr. Jan Wednesday, October 29 Eph 6:1-9 Ps 145:10-11,12-13ab,13cd-14 8:15am Mass Intentions of the Presider Lk 13:22-30 Presider: Fr. James Thursday, October 30 Eph 6:10-20 Ps 144:1b,2,9-10 Lk 13:31-35 8:15am Mass Intentions of the Presider Presider: Fr. James Friday, October 31 Phil 1:1-11 Ps 111:1-2,3-4,5-6 Lk 14:1-6 8:15am Mass Intentions of the Presider Presider: Fr. Jan Saturday, November 1 - Solemnity of All Saints Rev 7:2-4,9-14 Ps 24:1bc-2,3-4ab,5-6 1 Jn 3:1-3 Mt 5:1-12a 8:15am Mass Presider: Fr. James † Francisca Quitugua, req. by the SVdP members 4:30pm Mass Presider: Fr. Jan For SMOY Parish Sunday, November 2 - Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Wis 3:1-9 Ps 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6 Rom 5:5-11 Jn 6:37-40 9:00am Mass Presider: Fr. James Jason & Julie Brown and family, req. by those who love you 11:00am All Souls Day Mass Presider: Fr. Jan † Klaus Kempken, req. by Pete & Mary Wolf 5:30pm Mass Presider: Fr. James † Anna Gardner, req. by Bill & Mary Jo Bach Page 1 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 FROM OUR PASTOR PARISH STAFF Parish & School Dear Parishioners, 697-3100 Pastor Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Now, think of the word “stewardship.” What does it mean to you? What words could describe your inner feelings about stewardship? A dreaded obligation? A burdensome contribution of money? An odious duty of the baptized? Or a lovefilled sharing with all of God’s people? A blessedness granted to the poor in spirit? We want to feel the later about stewardship, but too often it is the former. The pace of our lives is so hectic. We have so many obligations and worries that finding the will to share time, treasure and talent is often more than we can cope with. When children are gone and settled in their own adult lives, we say, then we can be good stewards. When we are retired and free, then we will be the best stewards the church has ever had! When I get that promotion, then I will have the wherewithal to get serious about caring for God’s people and the world! But right now, our spirits are too anxious. We are too burdened even to think about stewardship. Stewardship as a way of life lifts the burden from our shoulders. It is a way of life that helps the Christian “let go” of the things of the world while still earning a living..making payments and mortgages…paying school tuition and insurance policies! It surely helps us to let go, especially with greater security. But it does so much more. It is a way to counteract the materialism, consumerism, and individualism that are the antitheses of the culture of love that is to exist in the home, the Church and the community. Stewardship builds the civilization of love by hearing God’s word and putting it into practice. It insists that the Christian must do what is good and not be content with a faith that produces nothing. Stewardship recognizes that God is the one who gives us all these gifts, blesses them, and produces the increase that we experience when we place ourselves at the service of one another. If we are too burdened we may have forgotten that THIS moment may be the only moment we have? To be baptized means to live each moment as one of Christ’s moments. So today, this moment, can we not open our minds and hearts to let the Lord’s pure love overwhelm us? Can we look at stewardship not as a dreaded obligation, but rather, as a personal invitation to love and care and share with others? Our faith tells us that his overwhelming love will free our spirits from fear and apathy, enabling us to soar in his love! Let us soar in that love together as one faith community committed to Jesus Christ and to one another… Most Sincerely, Fr. Jan K. Schmidt [email protected] Emergency: 520-7442 697-3101 Priest in Residence Fr. James Brooks [email protected] 697-3102 Deacon Ray Kroger 677-2878 [email protected] Deacon Jeff Perkins 226-6665 [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Worship Andy Albritton [email protected] 697-3107 Coordinator of Worship & Pastoral Ministry Joe Schleicher [email protected] 697-3113 Pastoral Associate, Evangelization Deacon Thomas Wray [email protected] 697-3104 CRE, Children’s Formation Denise Dienger [email protected] 697-3106 Coordinator, Youth Evangelization Matt Reinkemeyer [email protected] 697-3105 Director, Administration & Finance Mike Ott [email protected] 697-3103 Secretary, Communications Andela Bischoff [email protected] 697-3110 Administrative Assistant Debbie Crawford [email protected] 697-3108 Receptionist Patti Lindsey [email protected] Calendar Scheduling 697-3109 697-3109 [email protected] School Principal Mr. Kevin Vance [email protected] 697-3123 School Assistant Principal Nancy Shula [email protected] 697-3124 School Advancement Director Lisa Galvin-Sang [email protected] 697-3125 School Office Manager Louann McNamara [email protected] 697-3122 School Administrative Assistant Stacy Brandel [email protected] Page 2 697-3121 St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio PARISH LIFE RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at SMOY: Interested in becoming Catholic? Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, we'd be honored to help you explore full communion with the Catholic Church. The R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which non-Catholic adults learn about the Catholic Church and gradually become full members. Every year adults from many backgrounds are welcomed into the Catholic Community through RCIA. It is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings you to Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Saviour. To learn more, call or email Thomas Wray - 513-697-3104 or [email protected]. Do you feel called to be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass? Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion training will be held on November 4 at 6:45pm, November 9 at 1:15pm and November 13 at 6:45 pm. You only need to attend 1 training session. Each session will be 2 – 2 ½ hours. This is open to anyone, 9th grade and up. Please register for this training by sending your name, phone number, Mass preference and the training session you will be attending to [email protected]. Any questions please call Don & Kathy Lincoln or email us at [email protected]. BAPTISM PREPARATION MINISTRY The Baptism Preparation Ministry is in need of couples to present the preparation class to small groups of expecting and new parents. The class itself requires just two hours of your time once or twice a year depending upon schedules and availability. If you are interested, please contact Sharon Voegele at 6770215 or [email protected]. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Ministers for November 1/2 Parish Religion Program (PRP): As you know, public schools are not permitted to teach Christian moral values. We are happy to help you in your role as your child’s “primary teacher” of the Catholic, Christian faith. Our Parish Religion Program (PRP) is designed to deepen your child’s faith in Jesus Christ in his Church. The program provides faith formation for children in grades 1-8 who do not attend the parish school. We also have a program, 3, 4, 5 Alive, for children ages 3 – 5. PRP includes session options during the summer (1st –8th grades) as well as September -- April on Sunday mornings. Registration packets for our 2014-2015 Sunday program are on the home page of our website at , in the Parish Office or information centers at exits. Reminder to families: We hope your children will learn about and grow in their Catholic faith every year. If your child misses a year, it must be made up before going on to the next grade level. 4:30pm 9:00am 11:00am 5:30pm Presider: Fr. Jan Fr. James Fr. Jan Fr. James Readers: D. Ellerhorst B. Pitz J. Freson J. Barnes J. Tovinitti A. Burke L. Cusmano J. Berg Servers: M. Pacitti E. Klaber J. Klaber V. Levo M. Burns E. Carroll J. Klosterman S. LaMacchia J. Simpson M. Bibler A. Bowles A. Marek L. Muse A. Seibel A. Warman L. Willig Inspirational Catholic CD Talks For Sale Now Take advantage of a wonderful learning experience that literally comes to you, wherever you are. All you need is a CD player! A display stand offering new talks can be found in the Gathering Space. A $3.00 suggested donation per CD is a great way for you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn, live, and share your Catholic Faith. Why Go to Mass: The Blood of the New Covenant If you ever feel bored at Mass or think that you don't get much out of it, this talk is for you. Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland, provides theological and practical reasons why we need to come to a deeper understanding of the nature of the Mass. By understanding the Mass as a sacrifice and a sacred banquet, we can tap into the transforming power offered whenever we worship. Contact: Denise Dienger, Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) at 697-3106 or e-mail at [email protected]. Page 3 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTS & & FAITH FAITH LIFE LIFE Congratulations, you’re expecting a child! Don’t forget that an important part of getting ready for your growing family is preparing for Baptism. Preparation classes are offered monthly and we strongly encourage parents to attend prior to the birth. If you have already welcomed your child, please call us as soon as possible to register for a class. To sign up or ask questions please contact Doug & Sharon Voegele at 697-3109 or [email protected]. Banns of Marriage Please keep this couple in your prayers as they prepare for their marriage. Carrie Rouse and Kevin Davis November 8, 2014 Christina Engel and Kyle Borders November 8, 2014 Erin Hutchinson & David Patterson November 15, 2014 Congratulations! Let us pray for those in our parish who are sick ... Nick Folkens Jim Bruner Tristan LaFord Kathy Corrigan Kendall Millette Mackenzie Rohlfs Wyatt Pratt-Blahay Mike O’Brien Daniel Hughes Amber Peters Michael Zegarski Earl Wall Carol Paczkowski Lauren Freson Vicky Wires Paul Schimanski Molly Alexander Tom Taylor Michelle Listro Tripp Morris Jerry Young Mary Demmer Jeanne Wolfe Judy Long Pat Anderson Helene Backscheider Adkins & infant George Paul Hess Katie Hausfeld Rhea Harkin Divine Healer, God of Wholeness, we place these parishioners in your hands; we ask for healing, but also for acceptance of their illness and of your holy plan. Help them and us to embrace whatever you have in mind for them. Support them in their anxieties, fears, pains, and the frustrations of their illness. Support them with the strength of the Holy Spirit. We ask this in the name of Jesus, compassionate healer of those in need of health and hope. Amen. MARRIAGE MOMENTS & PARENT POINTERS "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Mt 22:39) This oft quoted phrase can be deceiving. It depends on an honest love of self and then transferring that attitude to your neighbor - and of course your closest neighbor is your spouse. Don't put yourself down today. "You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt. (Ex 22:20) Your child may be too young to understand the politics of the current immigration issue, but you can talk about what it means to be an outsider and different, i.e. an alien. Tell them the story of the Exodus. Welcome a stranger into your home for dinner. Local resettlement services (like Catholic Charities can offer ideas on how to reach out and help. Page 4 STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministers work alongside Fr. Jan to care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. If you are experiencing such a need, please call or email Joyce Misinec at [email protected]. CAREGIVER ASSISTANCE Caregiver Assistance Network call 929-4483 for information on helpful resources and support. This is a program of Catholic Social Services. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL We are a group of Saint Margaret of York parishioners inspired by the Gospel to offer person-to-person assistance for friends and neighbors who are suffering some sort of financial need. Please join us. We meet every first and third Thursday at the church and are always looking for someone who feels the need to help others. Contact: Cathy Johnson, president, (6975253) or one of our other officers through the Church Office or the Parish Directory. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The K of C social meeting is held the 4th Monday of each month in the church basement at 7:45pm. Men who are thinking about joining the K of C are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Keith Johnson at [email protected] or at 513-293-2553. FATHERS TEAM The Fathers Team meets every Friday at 6:03am in the Gathering Space. Fathers of all ages are invited to attend. Whether you are a new dad, an empty nester, or caring for your grandchildren, you are welcome to attend any and all meetings. Consider investing an hour with fellow S M SMOY fathers and become a better O Y man for the ones that love you. Fathers Team Leadership and contacts are: Paul Nagel - [email protected]; 937-672-2994 Joel Swisher - [email protected]; 513-673-8085 St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS PARISH Do you know a child in need of prayer? AFTER HOURS ADORATION Please submit his or her name or join us for the The Eucharistic Chapel is available 24 hours a day. Access to the building is available via a key code. Each person is assigned a personal code for use. To obtain your code, please contact our receptionist at 697-3109. Please remember it will take several days to receive the code. Abby Lyn Streszoff Memorial Prayer Service for Children in need of healing Thursday, November 6, 2014, 7:00pm St. Margaret of York Day Chapel We will be praying a rosary for children in our parish and community who are in need of healing prayer. If you would like to add a child’s name to be read aloud as an intention for our rosary that evening, please email his/her name and any other pertinent information to Kelly Nagel at: [email protected]. ELIZABETH MINISTRY SACRAMENTS For information about or scheduling of Baptisms or marriages, please contact Baptisms - [email protected] Marriage - [email protected] The Elizabeth Ministry is always looking for new volunteers. If you are an experienced mother or grandmother, and would like to help new mothers in our parish by making meals, running errands or being a home visitor please contact me at [email protected]. The time commitment is small and the rewards are priceless. MASS ATTENDANCE Attendance at Sunday and Holy Day Masses is a priority in our lives. Therefore, so that there is no conflict of interest, no sports events, practices or games, will be scheduled during those Mass times. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD HOMILIES REMINDER This is a guideline based on the discussions and message that is occurring. It is suggested that younger preschoolers be accompanied by an adult if they would like to attend. Sunday Homilies are now on the SMOY website! Weekend homilies will be uploaded on Monday afternoons. Simply go to, click on “Homilies” and then select the homily you want to hear again. The preschool program 345 Alive! also occurs at the school during the 9am Mass. Can you help with recording? If so, please call the Parish Office, 697-3100. The lessons and activities for Children’s Liturgy are geared for children in Kindergarten through 3rd/4th grade. MARRIAGE PROGRAMS THANKSGIVING BASKETS Marriage Encounter - Take your good marriage and make it GREAT with a Marriage Encounter Weekend! For details or reservations call: Dave & Jan Stockelman at 1-800-547-1251, Code 00, or go to St. Vincent de Paul members will be collecting Thanksgiving Food Baskets beginning the weekend of November 8/9 through the weekend of November 15/16. The shopping list will be included as a flyer in next weekend’s bulletin, November 1/2 and the weekend of November 8/9. Parish contact: Bob & Donna Klei [email protected] or 398-7018. We will be grateful for your help in providing a Thanksgiving Basket for those families needing assistance from St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you! Page 5 Retrouvaille - a program designed to help heal and renew marriages. For further information and registration call 513-398-3137 or 800-470-2230 or visit the website at Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 ALL SOULS DAY All Souls Day - November 2, 2014 - 11:00am Mass In Memory Of All Loved Ones Of Our Parishioners Who Have Died In The Past Year, Including … Buried from our Parish: Ron McDaniel, spouse of Dianne McDaniel Tom Anderson, spouse of Pat Anderson Michael Battista, son of Mark & Deb Battista Liam Carroll, son of Tom & Katie Carroll Andrew Finke, spouse of Kim Finke Anna Mae Gardner, mother of Rene Dahlheimer Brayden Thornbury, son of Ron & Jeanne Thornbury Elizabeth Bucalo, spouse of Joe Bucalo Mary Kenny, mother of Joe Ebbers Ruth Scholle, mother of Debbie Palmer Gisela Gonzalez, spouse of Leopoldo Gonzalez Janet Balmos, sister of Joanne LaFleur James Eaken, spouse of Linda Eaken Phyllis Schomaker, niece of Mary Kay Wagner Family Members of Parishioners: Bernice Brown, mother of Stephanie Ryan Joseph Hendricks, father of Shawna Reifel Carl Daquila, grandfather of Pam Jobert George Jutze, father of Connie Arozarena Bill & Ellen Balbach, parents of Bill Balbach Charlene Mukes, mother of Wendell Mukes Shirley Hooker, mother of Kim Gray Nick Starvaggi, father of Pat Starvaggi Jack Falck, father of Mark Falck Phil Pfeifer, father of Jacqueline Butler Francisca Quitugua, sister of Vicki Wires Arlene Holzman, mother of Lisa Goetz Jerry Williams, father of Tim Williams Father of Jeff Braun Sandy Neff, spouse of Jerry Neff Garland Crawford, father-in-law of Debbie Crawford Ginny Curry, mother of Debbie Horton & Diane Schings Margarethe Danielsons, mother of David Danielsons John Berg, father of Jim Berg Patricia Wood, mother of Tom Wood Nancy Deters, mother of Joe Deters Judy Morand, sister-in-law of Bill & Jane Morand Alfred Lampe, father of Randy Lampe Jerry McDowell, father of Lori Noelke Bessie Puleo, mother of Mary Kuenzig Mother of Mike Wolf Barbara Bush, mother of Liz Wey Elsie & Thomas Winship, parents of Linda Manning Paula Dorsen, mother of Lura Abbott Jerry McDonough, spouse of Mary Lou McDonough Born into Eternal Life November 1, 2013 – October 31, 2014 Page 6 St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio PARISH NEWS Two SMOY parishioners to be permanent acolytes On Saturday, November 1st, Archbishop Schnurr will celebrate the Feast of All Souls at SMOY’s 4:30pm Mass. During this liturgy, the archbishop will institute parishioners Fred Bauer and Don Lincoln as permanent acolytes — a role in the Church that dates back to the 2nd century, and was instituted to assist deacons with their duties related to the Eucharist. One of the primary benefits for our parish in adding these acolytes is their ability to “purify” the vessels used for the distribution of Holy Communion. After Communion, it is important that any remaining particles of the Body and Blood are properly consumed. During weekend Masses, sixteen vessels are used for the distribution of the Holy Communion. Purification typically takes place after Mass by one of our deacons, but when a deacon or permanent acolyte is not present, purification is left to the priest. This can be a time-consuming process, so having Fred and Don in these new roles will be a great help to Fr. Jan, Fr. James and all our sacristans. We are grateful for their service to our parish community. Join your fellow Catholics to celebrate the annual feast of Our Lady of Suyapa in Tegucigalpa, Honduras Thursday, Jan. 29 or Saturday, Jan. 31 to Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015 (as of Oct. 14, 2014, subject to changes) Organized & led by Dr. Mike Gable, Mission Office Director, and Karen Kane, Worship Office Director, of Archdiocese of Cincinnati For details and to apply: [email protected] or (513) 421-3131, Mike x. 2630, Karen x. 2670 HELP BRING CHRIST TO OTHERS ! Would you like to bring Christ to others? The ministry that assists at The Lodge is in need of more volunteers. At the Retirement Center building, individuals assist Fr. Harry at Mass at 1:00pm on Sundays and occasionally take Eucharist to a resident’s room. At the Care Center, individuals take Eucharist to the residents’ rooms on Sunday mornings. It is so important for the elderly to receive…their faith is extremely important to them. For information or to volunteer, contact Patti Hawkins at [email protected] or 505-9755. Thank you! SOCIAL ACTION Most generous God, who has blessed us with so many gifts, help us to share our gifts magnanimously. We want to be more like you and love unconditionally. We strive to be good stewards of all creation, especially during this season of Thanksgiving. Creation is not some possession that we can lord over for our own pleasure; nor, even less, is it the property of only some people, the few: creation is a gift, it is the marvelous gift that God has given us, so that we will take care of it and harness it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude. -- Pope Francis, General Audience, May 21, 2014 For all peoples of our world who are suffering during this season of bounty, may they be blessed by our compassionate hearts. Gracious God, bless us and grant us raised awareness, enable us to reach out to those in need, we pray to the Lord..... Page 7 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS SMOY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 2nd ANNUAL TEXAS HOLD ’EM FUNDRAISER TOURNAMENT Pre-register by October 31st to guarantee your spot – filling up fast!!! ********** Registration Available Online ********** Sign up online at Look under the “Activities” section EVENT DETAILS When: Saturday November 8th 6:00pm – midnight (Registration begins at 5:30pm) Where: SMOY MPR Entry Fee: $50 with re-buys and top off available (entry fee includes food and snacks) Pay out: Tiered payout to top finishers (determined by number of players) For more information please contact Doug Hornback (513) 258-1782 or [email protected]. All Souls Day Vespers will be held on Sunday, November 2 at 7:00pm in the Chapel of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. The service will be led by Fr. Seger. At the end of the service, a choral concert featuring the Requiem by Maurice Duruflé will be sung by the Athenaeum Chorale. The public is invited to at- Purity in a Digital Age Presented by Catholic psychologist Dr. Andrew Sodergren,M.T.S., Psy D. Thursday, November 13, 7:00pm The Good Shepherd Catholic Montessori (4460 Berwick Street, Cincinnati, OH 45227) Today's technology allows us to stay connected with friends and family and gives us access to endless information right at our fingertips. However, with great power comes great responsibility. In this talk Dr. Sodergren will discuss the dangers of digital pornography, how to protect yourself and your kids, and how to free yourself from it. Childcare will be available (donations accepted). Please RSVP by Monday, November 10th to [email protected] or (513) 271-4171 to reserve childcare. For more information, please contact Ann Marie King at (513) 236-1917. Page 8 October 26, 2014 MINISTRIES Altar Server Ministry Mike & Carrie Muse 508-5823 Art and Environment Lisa Fagin 683-7733 Baptism Preparation Doug & Sharon Voegele 697-3109 Boy Scouts Dick Cooman 583-1915 Challenge for Girls Patty Steele 218-8028 Children’s Choir Coordinator Judy Cossentino 683-8547 Christ Renews His Parish Parish Office 697-3104 Education Commission Theresa Monti [email protected] Elizabeth Ministry Amy Konrad 583-0279 Eucharistic Ministers Don & Kathy Lincoln 444-4164 Eucharist for the Home Bound Lisa Bennett 697-6206 Faith Formation Ryan McKenna 677-1794 Familia Kiernan Faulhaber 697-7576 Giving Tree Stephanie Kemplin 325-8756 Finance Commission Dave Brandel 677-8963 Lodge Communion Patti Hawkins 683-8741 Natural Family Planning Tom & Colleen O’Rourke 398-3116 Pastoral Council Chris Chalifoux 583-2292 PLUS Mary Kuenzig 300-1537 Prison Ministry Dean Backscheider 310-5124 John Brandenburg [email protected] Respect Life Erin Flege 774-7147 Sacristans/Altar Set-Up Barb Bonifas 677-9536 Marge Parks 754-1856 Seniors' Social & Service Ministry Eileen Meeres 899-4017 Social Action Commission Dave Doel 683-7886 St. Vincent de Paul Cathy Johnson 697-5253 Stewardship Commission Leisa Ainslinger 317-407-9546 Twinning Donna & Paul Drzewiecki 398-4681 Ushers Frank Slattery 683-1399 Veteran's & Patriot’s Ministry Bill Gates 383-8815 Vocations Ken Klaber 774-8138 Welcome New Parishioners Leanne Matthews 697-1184 Worship Commission Andy Albritton 697-3107 WOW Mary Kay Hendy 583-5621 Complete list of ministries is in the Parish Directory, or contact the Parish Office. St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio YOUTH NEWS 30+ CATHOLIC SINGLES 30+ Catholic Singles Dance, featuring "The Remains" October 31, 8 - Midnight , $15 Light snacks & soft drinks included Beer & wine available for purchase Dance will be held at: Immaculate Heart of Mary (7820 Beechmont Ave., 45255) GRIEF SUPPORT A Journey from Grief to Healing This program is a structured way for adults to work through the “tasks of grief” when mourning the death of a loved one from any cause. Each program is made up of nine grief support sessions. Program 1: Mondays, November 3 through December 29, 7 to 9pm Program 2: Thursdays, January 8 through March 5, 7pm to 9pm At Good Shepherd Parish (8815 E. Kemper Rd., 45242) For more information - Kathy Teipen at 489-7489 or 474-6907 Page 9 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 PARISH & YOUTH NEWS CHILD PROTECTION Sunday, Oct. 26th: Hunger Games Revisited HS: Join us for a special youth group movie night with the Hunger Game movies! We'll watch clips from the movies, eat food and popcorn, and discuss the first two epic movies in the series before "Mockingjay" comes out in November! Saturday, Nov. 1st: Peer Ministry Training Day HS: Interested in taking on a bigger role in youth ministry? Want to help prepare our 8th graders for Confirmation on their retreat? Then join us for a day of fun, community building, leadership skills, and peer ministry training on All Saints Day, Saturday, Nov. 1 from 10am to 4pm. Lunch is included and there is no cost, but you do need to RSVP by emailing Matt. LOOKING AHEAD for HS YOUTH: Sunday, Nov 9: "Universal" Sunday, Nov 16: "Commissioned & Sent" Sunday, Oct. 26th: 78 Night 7th and 8th graders are invited! Come for Mass at 5:30 until 9pm. Stay for dinner, social/games time, prayer and worship. Contact Joe for more info! LOOKING AHEAD for 78 YOUTH: Saturday, Nov. 8: CHOSEN - JH Youth Rally Did you get your copy of the HS and 78 calendars? If not check out the website at or pick one up in the parish office! Matt Reinkemeyer Joe Schleicher Coordinator of Youth Evangelization Coordinator of Worship & Pastoral Ministry [email protected] [email protected] All people who intend to work or volunteer in any of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishes, schools, or institutions, must attend a VIRTUS® Child Awareness Session and complete a background check before they are approved to work with children. Effective June 18, 2012, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati substantially changed the way it conducts training for its Decree on Child Protection. All training sessions on the Decree will now be known as VIRTUS® Child Awareness Sessions. Each Session will last approx. 3 hours. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed in the sessions. The new dates for VIRTUS sessions being offered at SMOY Wednesday, Nov. 5th, 6:00-9:00pm Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 9:30am-12:30pm Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, 6:00-9:00pm For a complete list of dates for the Sessions being offered at SMOY or nearby, please go to to register. For volunteers, the Archdiocese no longer does background checks via fingerprinting. Instead, you will be asked to complete your background check as part of your online registration in VIRTUS. There is a onetime cost of $25 to have this background check run that we ask volunteers to cover. However, this replaces the hassle and additional expense of periodic fingerprinting. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Reinkemeyer - [email protected]. SCHEDULES/DEADLINES HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES Mount Notre Dame Open House - November 2, 1 to 4 pm Come take a tour of MND’s campus, experience “hands-on” demonstrations of the Tablet PC and visit with MND students. At Open House you will learn about our excellent academic program, along with the nearly 50 extra-curricular opportunities to get involved in. Plus, Two lucky 8th graders in attendance who enroll in MND’s Class of 2019 will win a Tablet PC Mount Notre Dame is located at 711 E. Columbia Ave., 45215. For more information, visit USE of SMOY FACILITIES: If you need to schedule an activity at SMOY, please contact the Parish Office at 697-3109, or e-mail [email protected]. Be sure to request a “Facilities Scheduling Request” form if you need any special room set-up arrangements, supplies or equipment. MINISTRY SCHEDULING: Changes to the Minister Schedule can be made by going directly to http://www.ministry BULLETIN DEADLINES: all items must be submitted no later than Friday, one week before they are to appear in the bulletin. St. Xavier Open House - November 16, 1 to 4pm This open house is for parents and their sons. The entrance exam will be on November 22, from 8:30am to noon at St. X. The $30 non-refundable testing fee is payable that day. To pre-register or for more information, please go to Page 10 Have there been changes in your contact information - new email address, new phone numbers, new home address? If so, please let us know at [email protected]. St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio THIS WEEK AT SMOY October 25 - November 2 Saturday, October 8:15am 9:00am 4:30pm SMOY$hopper 25 - Men’s CRHP Weekend Mass Church Small Group gathering Fr. Tom Room Mass Church Sunday, October 9:00am 11:00am 5:30pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 26 - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Church Mass Church Mass Church “7 and 8 Night” JrHi Group Gathering Space HS Youth Group Gathering Space Monday, October 9:00am 12:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:45pm 7:45pm 27 Familia AA meeting Mass K of C meeting Faith Formation meeting Women’s CRHP “Change how you pay, not where you shop.” With over 700 retailers to choose from you are sure to find exactly what you’re looking for at Did you know?... Fr. Tom Room York Room Day Chapel Knights Hall Fr. Tom Room Gathering Space Tuesday, October 28 8:15am Mass Church 3:30pm Parent/Teacher conferences School 7:30pm RCIA Day Chapel Wednesday, October 29 8:15am Mass 9:00am WOW 3:20pm Pre-school and K choir 4:00pm 1st - 3rd grade choir 6:30pm Choir instrumental 7:00pm WOW 7:30pm Adult Choir Day Chapel Gathering Space Choir Room Choir Room Choir Room York Room Choir Room Thursday, October 30 8:15am Mass 3:00pm 7/8 grade pre-choir 3:30pm Parent/Teacher conferences 4:00pm 4th - 8th grade choir Church Hospitality Room School Choir Room Friday, October 31 - No School 8:15am Mass Church Saturday, November 1 - All Saints Day 8:15am Mass 9:00am Small Group gathering 9:00am Youth Group Peer training 9:30am True Devotion to Mary 4:30pm Mass Church Fr. Tom Room Knights Hall Gathering Space Church Sunday, November 2 - All Souls Day 9:00am Mass 11:00am All Souls Mass 5:30pm Mass 6:45pm HS Youth Group Church Church Church Gathering Space You can pay your Kohl’s charge bill with our Kohl’s gift cards and still get the benefits of the Kohl’s charge card. The amount rebated to SMOY for your purchases can be reported as a donation to SMOY on your federal tax return. Before making large purchases at big national merchants, such as Amazon, Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart/Sam’s, GFS, Sears, J.C. Penney and others, you can get e-certificates in the amount of your purchase (in $10 increments) at the Parish Office. SMOY benefits from this and you get the rebate as a deduction. Getting started is EASY and CONVENIENT. All we need is YOU! If you have any questions about this program, please ask! Stop at the table in the Gathering Space after Masses or contact Elmer Wahl at [email protected] or call him at 513-492-7048. BABYSITTING SCHEDULE Did you know that every Sunday SMOY provides babysitting during 11:00am Masses in the basement of the church? We are in need of individuals to help with this important ministry! You don’t have to have a child in the babysitting room to help out. If you would be willing to volunteer twice every 12-weeks in the nursery, we would love to have you join our ministry. See the Child Protection section of the bulletin for babysitter requirements. Want to Have the July of Your Life? For more information about volunteering, please contact Melissa Capella at 488-9056 or at [email protected]. Currently in 8th, 9th or 10th grade? Welcome a teen from Northern Ireland next summer! Ulster Project Cincinnati brings youth from Northern Ireland to Cincinnati homes in July 2015. Northern Irish teens and their American teen hosts participate in an action-packed, fourweek program designed to encourage leadership and build relationships between those of different faith and cultural backgrounds. October 26 - 11:00am - A. Lapp, D. Lapp, C. Trzybinski November 2 - 11:00am - M. Capella, M. Carr, L. Steller Visit for more information, or attend our information session for teens and families on November 3, 2014, 7:00pm at the Symmes Township Branch Library, 11850 Enyart Rd, Loveland, OH 45140 Page 11 St. Francis de Sales “Deck the Halls” Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 8, 10am to 4pm Call 932-2601 or visit for more information. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 STEWARDSHIP PARISH & COMMUNITY ITEMS STEWARDSHIP MOMENT Financial Stewardship Sunday and Holy Day Offerings Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time There is one word or command that summarizes today’s Gospel - love. For Jesus there is no distinction between these two commands of loving God and neighbor. One naturally flows from the other. In fact, for Jesus, these commands constitute a way of life for Christian stewards; a unique approach to life and to their relationship with others. Our neighbors include everyone with whom we come into contact: family members, friends, people we don’t like, strangers and particularly those most in need of our love and compassion. Love is always for doing well and helping others grow closer to the Lord. What are ways in which we might do better at following Christ’s love command? (October 2014) October 5 Includes EFT of $ 25,092 $ 46,538 October 12 $ 15,090 October 19 Includes EFT of $ 26,719 $ 45,233 October 26 $ - Total current month to date $ 106,861 Sunday and Holy Day offerings (YTD) July 2014 - June 2015 Actual Budget Difference SAVE THE DATE $ $ $ 461,801 521,000 (50,199) Attention Polish Parishioners and lovers of Polish food! In honor of Polish Independence, you are invited to celebrate with prayer, food, laughter, fellowship and more food! Save the date Saturday, November 15, 2014, after Mass. What famous Polish loved kremówka papieska (kreh-MOOV-kah pah-PYESS-kah)? Contact Stacy with ?’s at [email protected] or 513-336-0866. 2014 Catholic Men’s Advent Retreat The annual Catholic Men's Advent Retreat, sponsored by the St. Gertrude Men's Fellowship, will be Friday (12/5 Evening) and Saturday (12/6) at the Holy Spirit Center, in Norwood, with space available on a "1st Come -- 1st Served" basis. Father Giles Dimock, O.P. will be our Retreat Master. Fr. Giles will challenge men to “GO TO JOSEPH” as they consider their family relationships through the eyes of St. Joseph, Jesus’ earthly Father. Fr. Giles is in residence at St. Gertrude Parish in Cincinnati and has many years of experience as a Retreat Leader, Speaker and Writer. He has been on the faculty of Franciscan University, the Josephinum and the Dominican House of Studies. Fr. Dimock has been published by Paulist Press, Catholic Digest & New Oxford Review among others. Checks should be made out to St. Gertrude Church (note "Men's Retreat" in the Memo section). Send your full $75.00 payment to: Stan Lloyd, 10489 Hopewell Hills Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45249 (513-289-5268). The full $75.00 amount includes the Friday night sleeping room and three meals ("Day-Trippers" charge is $45.00 & includes all meals) and must be paid by Dec. 1st to facilitate meal planning (no refunds for guaranteed meals Page 12 Special and Designated Offering October 2014 Debt Reduction (Close the Gap) St. Vincent de Paul Respect Life Day Chapel Renovation Mission Sunday $ 92,023 $ 35 $ 1,126 $ 1,076 $ 490 Total for Current Month $ 94,750 Mortgage Indebtedness Principal balance on mortgage Number of Months left until Payoff Amount of last payment $ 4,871,517. 199 $ 36,562 Note: SMOY fiscal year runs July 1 to June 30 BULLETIN SPONSORS Please support our bulletin sponsors. They help make this bulletin possible.