Blob Manipulation
Blob Manipulation
Blob Manipulation Akira Wakita Akito Nakano Metamorphic Architecture Lab Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University 5322 Endo, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, 252-0882, JAPAN {wakita, akito} ABSTRACT This paper introduces Blob Manipulation, the interaction technique with fluidic soft matter. Most of the soft matters are substances between liquid and solid and possess viscoelasticity. We focus on this materiality and propose a novel interaction technique. A stirring rod is used as the input tool. When the system detects a user input such as touching, rubbing or tapping, the corresponding transformation will be executed. Six basic operations were designed to transform fluidic soft matter geometrically and topologically. Rheological user interface associated with metamorphose is expected to pioneer new possibilities for design, education and entertainment. Figure 1. Overview of Blob Manipulation. The user interacts with soft matters using the stirring rod. Author Keywords Blob, Soft Matter, Rheological Programmable Matter, Materiality User Interface, subjects in fluid engineering, and the actuation technique is also difficult to design. In this paper, we aim at organic shape creation and propose the input and output methods for shape control of fluidic soft matters. The research contributes to mainly the following two propositions: 1) input method and modeling language for fluid 2) application scenarios for architecture or interior design. Realizing interaction loops with highly fluidic soft matters is expected for new possibilities of HCI. ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous. General Terms Design, Human Factors, Languages, Theory. INTRODUCTION In recent years, soft matters become popular gradually as the materials used in the HCI field as well as hard matters. Soft materials such as flexible LED, fabric, or paper have a high affinity with human bodies and triggers natural operations with both hands. Due to such properties, the soft materials draw large attention as the materials for organic user interfaces (OUI) [4]. Among soft matters, macromolecules or colloids have a high fluidity to lose their shapes at ordinary temperatures, and few researches have been done for such materials. Since it is difficult to grasp such materials directly, tangible interfaces for them are not easy to design (e.g., we cannot hold milk in our hands, and it goes away through fingers). In addition, controlling fluid shapes or behaviors is one of the most technically difficult RELATED WORKS – RHEOLOGICAL USER INTERFACE A few researches have been done for approaches to fluidic materials such as water or colloids. Such materials are called rheological user interface (RUI) in this paper. One of the approaches using water, the most familiar fluid, is Submerging Technologies [2]. As approaches using ferrofluid, art works series of Kodama are well-known [7]. In entertainment computing, approaches of using ferrofluids as musical instruments by detecting direct touching to ferrofluids [6] are also proposed. This paper focuses attention on liquid materials and develops input and output methods for the RUI in order to create organic shapes. This research mainly contributes to construction of RUIs for versatile transformation by direct manipulation and development of the interaction style. Copyright © 2012 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from Permissions Dept, ACM Inc., fax +1 (212) 869-0481 or e-mail [email protected]. TEI 2012, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, February 19 – 22, 2012. © 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1174-8/12/0002 $10.00 BLOB MANIPULATION Blob Manipulation proposes the interaction style for shape operations of fluidic soft matters and the corresponding modeling language. We selected Programmable Blobs [9] as the platform for this approach. 299 Scratching a blob to split it into two halves separates it. Unify is the operation opposite to cut. Translate, stretch and shrink are geometric operations and cut and unify are topological ones. Every operation has its opposite operation. This means that all operations can be recorded and restored like inversion algorithm [8] of 3dimensional CAD systems. Stir is the operation to stir a blob for creating smaller blobs with various sizes at any location. The five operations described earlier are the basic commands for intentional shape creation, while stir generates unintentional and emergent shape modeling. SYSTEM DESIGN System Overview As Figure 3 shows, a blob is put in a rectangular water tank and the magnetic units are arranged at the bottom of the tank. The water tank has a section where a lump of blob is stored (source), from which the necessary amount of blob is moved to the center of the water tank (canvas). The blob shape and the movement of the stirring rod are detected by the camera set on the ceiling above the water tank and sent to the software. According to the detected blob shape and rod movement, the software determines an appropriate transformation operation and sends the corresponding control command to the electronic circuit of the magnetic units. The software saves contours of the blob at regular time intervals and creates data for a CAD system. Figure 2. Examples of blob manipulation. Shapes before change (left) and the ones after change (right). The red arrows indicate the path of the rod set by the user and the blue ones show the blob movement. Soft matters [3] such as macromolecule, liquid crystal or colloid have physical properties called viscoelasticity. Viscoelastic bodies behave elastically for inputs of fast change and fluidically for those of slow change. Blob Manipulation is the interaction style using these two characteristics. If you touch a blob (magnetic slime) with a stirring rod, its shape will change for a moment. Before the shape returns to the initial status, if the displacement of the blob is sensed and magnetic force is generated to extend the first displacement, the blob shape will be changed. If transformation progresses to some extent, the displacement will become definite. Viscosity progresses the transformation automatically and the blob shape will be fixed to the changed one. Figure 2 shows the overview of basic blob manipulations. Translate is one of the blob operations to move a blob to the next coordinate. When a blob exists at a coordinate point, tapping one of the eight adjacent points moves the blob to the specified point. Stretch elongates a blob. If you put a rod into a blob and scratch it to some direction, the blob will be stretched to the specified vector direction. Shrink degenerates a stretched blob, by putting a rod into a blob and moving the rod to a direction to be degenerated. Cut separates a blob into two pieces at the center. Figure 3. System configuration. Hardware We developed the hardware that could supply magnetic force to blobs for long hours. We obtained a clue to this hardware from the mechanism of lead screw used in haptic displays such as FEELEX [5]. The power supplied from the RCA terminal rotates the DC motor and the screw inserted in the polyoxymethylene (POM) stick moves up and down. The aluminum pipe has a groove for the screw to move. A 300 neodymium magnet is embedded in the top of a POM stick. When the DC motor is rotated normally, the magnet moves up to give magnetic force to a blob. When the motor is reversely rotated, the motor moves down and magnetic force to a blob becomes weak. Drawing of Primitive Elements Skeleton Approach – Additive Method The most basic approach to concrete shape creation is to draw a line by combining two or more blobs. An example where two blobs are used is shown here. First, move a blob (b0) from source to canvas by repeating translate operations (Figure 5). Apply a stretch operation to b0 to draw a line. Move another blob (b1) to canvas. Apply a stretch operation to b1 and unite b1 with b0. Repeating the same operations to blobs draws various shapes. In this approach, a stretched blob is united with another sequentially to construct a shape like a skeleton, which can be regarded as an additive method. Figure 5. Skeleton creation and parameter adjustment. A circle represents a point where the magnetic units are valid and a cross is a point where the unit is set down. The circle size is proportion to the cylinder height in a magnetic unit. Volume Approach - Subtractive Method The volume approach is a subtractive method, where a certain amount of blob is stretched to create a shape like clay modeling. As shown in Figure 6, unify operation is repeated to create a certain amount of blob (volume), and appropriate parts of the blob are stretched to create a shape. Figure 4. Magnetic unit. Software The height of a magnetic unit is controlled by the program described in Arduino IDE. As Figure 4 shows, up(int value) moves up the cylinder and down(int value) moves down it. value is a voltage given to the DC motor in a magnetic unit. Blob condition is always detected by the camera set on the ceiling. Using BlobDetection [1], a general-purpose motion detection library, the number of blobs and their shapes are obtained. The tip of the stirring rod is colored for easy detection. The software judges the location of the tip and the overlap with blobs and determines the target blobs. The software saves blob shapes at regular time intervals. Since a blob can be described as a closed polyline (coordinate values of two continuous vertices and their indices), the data can be easily saved. The data is converted to OBJ or DXF formats to be used in CAD systems. MODELING PROCEDURE Figure 6. Volume creation. A certain amount of blob is created, and it is stretched to create a shape. We sought a modeling language suitable for blob display as we referenced Sketchpad, the first computer-aided modeling system developed by Ivan E. Sutherland. We judged that the following features of Sketchpad could be applied to our system: 1) drawing of primitive elements, 2) adjustment of coordinate values for vertices and 3) conversion of drawing results to objects. Coordinate Adjustment and Weighting Changing the cylinder height in a magnetic unit varies the degree of attractive force acting on a blob. This means that weighting on coordinates for skeletons or volumes is controllable. This is analogous to a general technique in form finding. 301 mechanism to adaptively subdivide resolution of the actuator is newly required. One of practical solutions is to set small neodymium magnets and move each magnet up and down by link mechanism. This enables representation with higher resolution and moving adjacent magnets together can vary resolution. Conversion of Drawing Results to Objects Recording operation histories and reproducing them might enable objective drawing. For example, if a square is drawn with a skeleton approach and it is recorded as an object, the square would be used as a primitive shape in later operations. In volume approach, if the operation to create the first volume (repeating unify N times) is treated as an object, upper operation languages might be defined. FUTURE DIRECTION Our future work is to apply our study to digital fabrication process. If our system is enhanced, it might fix blob shapes and work as a 3D printer. For example, if blobs can be fixed with some methods like light curing resin used in stereo lithography, the system can be constructed in which designed blobs will become materials as they are. In the future, in order to construct the system where such design and manufacturing are integrated, we want to seek a new method for creating blobs with controlling their hardness. APPLICATION - ORGANIC SHAPE DESIGN When we focus on architecture in recent years, Zaha Hadid, Frank Gehry or other radical architects have designed a lot of works with organic shapes. The examples shown here are the works for which our technique was applied to form finding for buildings with organic shapes (Blobitecture) or interior designs (Blobject)[10]. As shown in Figure 7, an organic shape is created first using volume approach. The parameters are controlled and other blobs are added to the created shape to vary it. The contour data saved through the operations are imported to a CAD system and combined by skinning operation, so that the outline structure can be created. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We respectfully express our gratitude to Antoni Gaudi and Randy Rhoads, who always give us great inspirations. REFERENCES 1. BlobDetection, 2. Dietz, P. H., Westhues, J., Barnwell, J., Han, J. Y., Yerazunis, W. Submerging technologies. 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For example, the operation to select two or more blobs by lasso selection might be required. If such idiomatic operation languages are defined, we will be allowed to draw a landscape with a lot of blobs, existing beyond a single shape design. 7. Kodama, S. Dynamic ferrofluid sculpture: organic shape-changing art forms. Commun. ACM vol.51, no.6 (Jun. 2008), 79-81. 8. Mäntylä, M. An Inversion Algorithm for Geometric Models, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol. 16, No.3, In Proc. SIGGRAPH 82, pp.51-59, 1982. Scalability In our system, a shape is created as a blob is stretched for one or more magnetic units. This is analogous to drawing a parametric surface (or curve) using control points in magnetic unit coordinates. Since our system cannot operate directly the section locating between two magnetic units, a 9. Wakita, A., Nakano, A., Kobayashi, N. Programmable blobs: a rheologic interface for organic shape design. In Proc. TEI '11, pp.273-276, 2010. 10. Waters, J. 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