Yahoo Ad Exchange SOAP API Reference


Yahoo Ad Exchange SOAP API Reference
Yahoo Ad Exchange SOAP API Reference
version 1.37
Table of Contents
Adjustment Service..................................................................................................................................................1
AdvertiserDomain Service.......................................................................................................................................5
BuyingTerms Service.............................................................................................................................................10
Campaign Service.................................................................................................................................................13
Contact Service.....................................................................................................................................................20
Creative Service....................................................................................................................................................26
DemandBlocklist Service.......................................................................................................................................39
Dictionary Service..................................................................................................................................................42
Entity Service.........................................................................................................................................................54
InsertionOrder Service...........................................................................................................................................67
InventoryVisibilityControls Service.........................................................................................................................75
LineItem Service....................................................................................................................................................77
Linking Service......................................................................................................................................................86
Notification Service................................................................................................................................................92
Passback Service..................................................................................................................................................95
Pixel Service..........................................................................................................................................................97
PreferredTerms Service.......................................................................................................................................109
PublisherReservePrice Service...........................................................................................................................113
Quota Service......................................................................................................................................................115
Report Service.....................................................................................................................................................116
Rtbd Service........................................................................................................................................................119
Search Service....................................................................................................................................................121
Section Service....................................................................................................................................................123
SegmentDefinition Service..................................................................................................................................127
Segment Service.................................................................................................................................................130
Sitelist Service.....................................................................................................................................................133
Site Service..........................................................................................................................................................138
SupplyBlocklist Service........................................................................................................................................143
TargetProfile Service...........................................................................................................................................147
Data types..........................................................................................................................................................................187
Class Trees for Package soap_api-......................................................................................................................212
Table of Contents
Data types
Element index for package soap_api-..................................................................................................................254
YieldManager SOAP API Documentation.............................................................................................................296
Table of Contents
Data types
Table of Contents
Data types
Table of Contents
Data types
Adjustment Service
Adjustments allow you to change the data that the ad server recorded for a certain period of activity.
Review the Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for additional details on adjustments.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• finalizeMonths — Finalizes all the line item adjustments made for 1 line item during a given period (minimum
1 month).
• get — Returns the corresponding adjustment object.
• getAll — The getAll method returns line_item_adjustment records for the current entity and a specified date
• getAllByLineItem — Get all existing line_item_adjustment records for the given period and line item.
• getByBuyer — Use the getByBuyer method to return adjustment records from a given buyer.
• getCreatedByDates — Returns all adjustments made within a specified date range.
• getImpsByDates — Returns numbers as an array of class with fields 'date' and 'imps.'
• isMonthFinalized — Return true if month is finalized, false otherwise.
• reset — Reset adjustments to a line item.
• set — Makes adjustments to a line item.
• setDiscretionaryEcpm — Sets discretionary_cpm and ecpm_calculation_method fields in a line_item.
• submitCredit — Adds additional credit to a line item.
Use finalizeMonths to finalize all the line item adjustments made for 1 line item during a given period (minimum 1
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• date $period_start: Beginning of period you want to finalize.
• date $period_end: End of period you want to finalize.
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Given an adjustment ID, this method returns the corresponding adjustment object. Note: When retrieving credits on
line items with advertiser billing price, refer to Retrieving credits on line items that use an advertiser billing price article
for additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $adjustment_id: Use this to pass in an adjustment ID.
Output parameters:
• line_item_adjustment $adjustment: This returns an adjustment object.
getAll (read-only)
The getAll method returns line_item_adjustment records for the current entity and a specified date range. Use the
getAll method to return an array of existing line_item_adjustment objects for a specified time period. Note: When
retrieving credits on line items with advertiser billing price, refer to Retrieving credits on line items that use an
advertiser billing price article for additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• date $period_start: Defines the starting date for the adjustment period.
• date $period_end: Defines the end date for the adjustment period.
• enum_adjustments_type $type: Defines the type of adjustments to return: credit, discrepancy, and
linkedcredit. Discrepancy is default.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item_adjustment $line_item_adjustments: An array of line_item_adjustment objects.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getAllByLineItem (read-only)
Get all existing line_item_adjustment records for the given period and line item. Note: When retrieving credits on line
items with advertiser billing price, refer to Retrieving credits on line items that use an advertiser billing price article for
additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• date $period_start: Defines the starting date for the adjustment period.
• date $period_end: Defines the end date for the adjustment period.
• enum_adjustments_type $type: Defines the type of adjustments to return: credit, discrepancy, and
linkedcredit. Discrepancy is default.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item_adjustment $line_item_adjustments: An array of line_item_adjustment objects.
getByBuyer (read-only)
Return adjustment records from a given buyer. Note: The current entity ID will be used if $buyer_entity_id is null.
When retrieving credits on line items with advertiser billing price, refer to Retrieving credits on line items that use an
advertiser billing price article for additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $buyer_entity_id: The ID of the specified buyer.
• date $start_date: Defines the starting date for the adjustment period.
• date $end_date: Defines the end date for the adjustment period.
• enum_adjustments_type $type: Defines the type of adjustments to return: credit, discrepancy, and
linkedcredit. Discrepancy is default.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item_adjustment $line_item_adjustments: An array of line_item_adjustment objects.
getCreatedByDates (read-only)
Returns all adjustments made within a specified date range. Note: When retrieving credits on line items with advertiser
billing price, refer to Retrieving credits on line items that use an advertiser billing price article for additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• date $start_date: Defines the starting date for the adjustment period.
• date $end_date: Defines the end date for the adjustment period.
• enum_adjustments_type $type: Defines the type of adjustments to return: credit, discrepancy, and
linkedcredit. Discrepancy is default.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use this with $entries_on_page to determine which page should
hold n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item_adjustment $line_item_adjustments: An array of line_item_adjustment objects.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getImpsByDates (read-only)
Returns numbers as an array of class with fields 'date' and 'imps.' Note: When retrieving credits on line items with
advertiser billing price, refer to Retrieving credits on line items that use an advertiser billing price article for additional
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• date $range_start: Defines the starting date for the adjustment period.
• date $range_end: Defines the end date for the adjustment period.
Output parameters:
• array_of_date_imps $date_imps
isMonthFinalized (read-only)
Return true if month is finalized, false otherwise.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• date $date: This is the month to be checked. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd.
Output parameters:
• boolean $is_finalized
Reset adjustments with the status complete, delete_complete, or error_reset. See also Adjustments_Troubleshooting
for additional details on resetting adjustments.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• date $range_start: Defines the starting date for the adjustment period.
• date $range_end: Defines the end date for the adjustment period.
Output parameters:
Makes adjustments to a line item. The total adjustment value will be spread evenly across adjustments for each day if
any line_item_adjustment contains a date range of more than 1 day.
Use this method on line items that:
• Bill the buyer based on 3rd party numbers.
• Use discretionary pricing.
Review the following Exchange Knowledge Base articles for more information:
• Adjustments: Overview
• Discretionary adjustments: About
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• array_of_line_item_adjustment $line_item_adjustments: An array of line_item_adjustment objects.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $adjustment_ids: Returns the adjustment IDs.
Sets discretionary_cpm and ecpm_calculation_method fields in a line_item. Note: The ecpm_calculation_method is
read-only. It can be modified by this method only. Note: This method is accessible for line_items when the
pricing_type = 'Discretionary' only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• enum_calculation_method $calculation_method
Output parameters:
Used to add additional credit to a line item. See Credits_Overview for more details. Use the UI to approve credits
when $auto_approve = false. Note: When submitting credits on line items with advertiser billing price, refer to
Submitting credits on line items that use an advertiser billing price article for additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $line_item_id: The ID of the line_item to be adjusted.
• date $month: Month to be adjusted. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd.
• float $final_revenue: Total value of the month's revenue. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this
is in the currency specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• string $comment: Comment explaining the adjustment.
• boolean $auto_approve: Automatically approve the credit. Defaults to "true," but "true" will only be accepted
if the month is complete.
Output parameters:
• int $credit_request_id: The ID of the newly created credit request.
AdvertiserDomain Service
Advertiser Domain Service lets api users to manage advertiser domains and advertiser block lists.
Seller Networks upload the advertiser domains & this list will be available for blocking at supplier seat or its managed
publisher level. Buyer Network can download blocklist to identify which supplier are blocking which advertiser
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• add — Creates a one or more new advertiser domains
• delete — Deletes advertiser domains. The input object should be domain ids
• deleteByUrls — Deletes advertiser domains. The input object should be domain urls.
• downloadBlockList — Downloads the blocked advertiser domains set by publishers. This API is to used by
Advertising Networks.
• getAll — Retrieves all advertiser domains that were previously created.
• getAllSince — Return advertiser domains changed between start_date and end_date.
• getBlockList — Retrieves block list of advertiser domains that are currently set.
• getByDomainUrls — Retrieves all advertiser domains that were previously created.
• getByIds — Retrieves all advertiser domains that were previously created.
• getIndustryVerticals — Returns available list of industry verticals
• getParentBrands — Returns available list of advertiser domain parents
• listAllSince — Return advertiser domain IDs changed between start_date and end_date.
• search — Retrieves all advertiser domains matching search criteria.
• setBlockList — Sets the list of advertiser domains as the block list.
• update — Updates advertiser domains. The input object should contain either id or domain.
Creates a one or more new advertiser domains
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_advertiser_domain $advertiser_domains
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: result of bulk operation
Deletes advertiser domains. The input object should be domain ids
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_int $advertiser_domain_ids
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: result of bulk operation
Deletes advertiser domains. The input object should be domain urls.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_string $advertiser_domain_urls
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: result of bulk operation
downloadBlockList (read-only)
Downloads the blocked advertiser domains set by publishers. This API is to used by Advertising Networks.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $seller_entity_id: entity id of the seller seat or publisher
• int $buyer_entity_id: entity id of the buyer
• array_of_string $domain_urls: Optional domain list when set,retrieves blocklist for those specific domains.
If the list is empty all the domains that are blocked is retrieved.
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain_blocklist_download $blocklists
getAll (read-only)
Retrieves all advertiser domains that were previously created.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• enum_advertiser_domain_search_status $status: See valid types in Advertiser Domain Search Status
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain $advertiser_domains: Array of $advertiser_domains.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain $advertiser_domains: Array of $advertiser_domains.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getBlockList (read-only)
Retrieves block list of advertiser domains that are currently set.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $seller_entity_id: entity id of the seller seat or publisher (get by network on behalf of the publisher)
• int $buyer_entity_id: entity id of the buyer
Output parameters:
• array_of_domain_url_data $domain_urls
getByDomainUrls (read-only)
Retrieves all advertiser domains that were previously created.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_string $domain_urls: advertiser domain urls
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain $advertiser_domains: Array of $advertiser_domains.
getByIds (read-only)
Retrieves all advertiser domains that were previously created.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_int $ids: advertiser domain ids
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain $advertiser_domains: Array of $advertiser_domains.
getIndustryVerticals (read-only)
Returns available list of industry verticals
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain_industry_vertical $indusry_verticals: Array of industry vertical
getParentBrands (read-only)
Returns available list of advertiser domain parents
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain_parent $advertiser_domain_parents: Array of domain parent
listAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
search (read-only)
Retrieves all advertiser domains matching search criteria.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• advertiser_domain_search_options $search_options
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_domain $advertiser_domains: Array of $advertiser_domains.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
Sets the list of advertiser domains as the block list.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $seller_entity_id: entity id of the seller seat or publisher (set by network on behalf of the publisher)
• array_of_advertiser_domain_blocklist $blocklist: Array of buyer id and corresponding domains to be
blocked for that buyer. Buyer id=0 corresponds to global blocking. Example 0 => array('')
means '' is globally blocked for all buyers.
Output parameters:
Updates advertiser domains. The input object should contain either id or domain.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_advertiser_domain $advertiser_domains
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: result of bulk operation
BuyingTerms Service
This service lets you add/modify/delete/get buying terms.
Review the Buying terms section in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Add/Create business terms on inventory on behalf of managed demand.
• delete — Deletes business terms on inventory created on behalf of managed demand.
• getAllBuyingTerms — Returns an array of all business terms on inventory created on behalf of managed
demand that you are allowed to access.
• getAllSince — Return all buying terms changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getByObjectId — Returns the buying_terms data object for specified id.
• listAll — Returns buying_terms data object ids that you are allowed to access.
• listAllSince — Return buying terms IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• quickSearch — Returns an array of all buying terms you are allowed to access.
• update — Modify business terms on inventory on behalf of managed demand.
Add a new buying_terms.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• buying_terms $buying_terms: New buying_terms data object.
Output parameters:
• int $id: Id of buying terms.
Removes an existing buying_terms object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $buying_terms_id: Buying Terms ID.
Output parameters:
getAllBuyingTerms (read-only)
Returns an array of all business terms on inventory created on behalf of managed demand that you are allowed to
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• rule_search_options $buying_terms_search_options: Search options.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_rule_getall $buying_terms
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAllSince (read-only)
Return buying terms IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_buying_terms $buying_terms: An array of buying terms objects.
• int $total: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByObjectId (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $buying_terms_id: Id of buying_terms data object.
Output parameters:
• buying_terms $buying_terms
listAll (read-only)
Returns buying_terms data object ids that you are allowed to access.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $buying_terms_ids
listAllSince (read-only)
Return buying terms IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: An array of buying terms IDs.
quickSearch (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $pattern: search string.
• enum_active $active: search by status. By default will return 'all'.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_rule_getall $buying_terms
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Modify fields of buying_terms data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• buying_terms $buying_terms.: Modified buying_terms data object.
Output parameters:
Campaign Service
The CampaignService lets you add or modify a campaign and prepare it for trafficking.
The campaign starts trafficking only after all elements of the trafficking chain (creative, line item, insertion order, etc.)
are set active. See the Campiagn setup tutorial for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• add — This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead.
• addCreative — This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead.
• addCreatives — This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead.
• addLineItem — This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead.
• delCreative — Deletes a creative from a campaign.
• delete — Deletes a single campaign.
• deleteCampaigns — Deletes multiple campaigns.
• delLineItem — Removes the link between a line item and a campaign.
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified campaign.
• getAll — Gets the list of all campaign objects you are authorized to see.
• getAllSince — Returns campaigns changed between start_date and end_date.
• getByCreative — Returns an array of all campaign data objects for a creative.
• getByEntity — Get the list of campaign objects for the specified entity.
• getByLineItem — Returns an array of all campaign data objects for a give line item.
• listAll — Gets the list of all campaign IDs you are authorized to see.
• listAllDeletedSince — Returns campaign IDs deleted between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listAllSince — Returns the campaign IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listByCreative — Returns an array of all campaign data objects for a creative.
• listByEntity — Gets the list of campaign IDs for the specified entity.
• listByLineItem — Returns the array of campaign IDs associated with a line item.
• lookup — Returns a list of all campaign IDs for a given integration code.
• update — Used to modify a campaign.
Adds a new campaign.
This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead. Create a new campaign for the advertiser specified by
campaign::$advertiser_entity_id. Note: Set the $advertiser_entity_id property of the campaign object before passing it
to this method.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• campaign $campaign: campaign data object.
Output parameters:
• int $campaign_id: Campaign ID.
Adds a single creative to a campaign.
This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead. Adds a single creative to a campaign. Note: You must
have the creative ID and campaign ID already created to use this method. See the:
• CreativeService::add() method
• CampaignService::add() method
for additional details. Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $campaign_id: Campaign ID.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
Adds multiple creatives to a campaign.
This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead. Adds multiple creatives to a campaign. Note: You must
have the creative ID and campaign ID already created to use this method. See the:
• CreativeService::add() method
• @link CampaignService::add()} method
for additional details. Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $campaign_id: Campaign ID.
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Creative IDs.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results
Sets up a link between a line item and a campaign.
This api is no more supported. Use line_item service instead. Sets up a link between the line item and the campaign
specified by the line item ID and campaign ID. See LineItemService::add() and CampaignService::add().
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $campaign_id: campaign data object.
• int $line_item_id: line_item data object.
Output parameters:
Deletes a creative from the specified campaign.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $campaign_id: Campaign ID.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
Used to delete an existing (single) campaign. Note: Use with care. You can delete an active or inactive campaign with
this method. Deactivate your campaign first before deleting it.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $id: Campaign ID.
Output parameters:
Deletes multiple campaigns. Note: Use with care. You can delete active or inactive campaigns with this method.
Deactivate your campaigns first before deleting them.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_int $ids: Campaign IDs.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Returns a "successful/failed" confirmation for each campiagn.
Remove the link between the line item and the campaign specified by the line item ID and campaign ID.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $campaign_id: campaign data object.
• int $line_item_id: line_item data object.
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Returns the full campaign data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $id: Campaign ID.
Output parameters:
• campaign $campaign: campaign data object.
getAll (read-only)
Returns the array of campaign objects which you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_campaign $campaigns: An array of campaigns.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_campaign $campaigns: array of campaigns
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Returns an array of all campaign data objects for a creative. Use the CampaignService::addCreative() method to link
campaigns and creatives together.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_campaign $campaigns: An array of the entire campaign object for each campaign returned by this
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of campaign data objects that belong to the entity specified by entity_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_campaign $campaigns: An array of campaign objects.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Return an array of all campaign data objects for a line item. You can use CampaignService::addLineItem() to link
campaigns and line items together.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $li_id: Line item ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_campaign $campaigns: An array of the entire campaign object for each campaign returned by this
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
listAll (read-only)
Returns the array of campaign IDs which you are allowed to see. Use CampaignService::get() to get the whole
campaign data object by its ID.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $campaign_ids: An array of campaign IDs.
listAllDeletedSince (read-only)
Returns campaign IDs deleted between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
listAllSince (read-only)
Returns campaign IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
Return an array of all campaign data objects for a creative. Use the CampaignService::addCreative() method to link
campaigns and creatives together.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $campaigns: An array of the entire campaign object for each campaign returned by this
listByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of campaign IDs which belong to the entity specified by entity_id. Use CampaignService::get() to get
the whole campaign data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $campaign_ids: An array of campaign IDs.
Returns the array of campaign IDs associated with a line item. You can use CampaignService::addLineItem() to link
campaigns and line items together. You can use then CampaignService::get() to get the whole campaign data object
by its id.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $li_id: Line item ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $campaign_ids
Return the array of arrays of campaign IDs for a given integration code. You can use CampaignService::get() to get
the whole campaign data object by its id.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• array_of_string $codes: Campaign codes.
Output parameters:
• array_of_array_of_int $campaign_ids: Campaign IDs.
Update modifies the fields of a campaign data object. Notes: Some fields are system generated (e.g. campaign::$id)
and can't be changed by the client.
If you're updating cpc_target field, learning position for related line_item will be re-calculated
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• campaign $campaign: modified campaign data object
Output parameters:
Contact Service
This service allows you to manage entity contacts. Also it provides an API to get a session token required to access
other API calls.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — add a new contact
• changePassword — change contact password
• delete — delete a contact
• get — retrieve all contact information
• getActiveSessions — List existing sessions
• getAll — get all the contacts you are authorized to see
• getAllSince — Return contacts changed between start_date and end_date.
• getByEntity — get all the contacts you are authorized to see by entity id
• getSelf — retrieve all information about the current contact
• listAll — get all the contacts you are authorized to see
• listAllDeletedSince — Return contact IDs deleted between start_date and end_date.
• listAllSince — Return contact IDs changed between start_date and end_date.
• listByEntity — get all the contacts you are authorized to see by entity id
• login — create a session token
• logout — drop session token
• logoutAll — cancel all currently active sessions for the user
• setPassword — set contact password
• update — modify a contact
• validateCredentials — Validate Credentials
Create a new contact for the entity specified by contact::$entity_id
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• contact $contact: new contact data object
Output parameters:
• int $contact_id: contact identifier
Change the password on the contact.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• string $new_password: new contact password
• int $contact_id: contact id
Output parameters:
Remove an existing contact.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $id: contact identifier
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Return the full contact data object specified by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $id: contact identifier
Output parameters:
• contact $contact: contact data object
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $user: Yahoo Ad Exchange user name
• string $pass: Unencrypted Yahoo Ad Exchange password
Output parameters:
• array_of_session $sessions: array of session
getAll (read-only)
Return the array of contact' objects which you are allowed to see according to security model.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_contact $contacts: array of contacts
• int $total_count: total items count
getAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_contact $contacts: array of contacts
• int $total_count: total items count
getByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of contact' objects with the specified entity_id which you are allowed to see according to security
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_contact $contacts: array of contact
• int $total_count: total items count
getSelf (read-only)
Return the full contact data object about the current contact.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
Output parameters:
• contact $contact: contact data object
listAll (read-only)
Return the array of contact' id which you are allowed to see according to security model. Use ContactService::get() to
get whole contact data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $contact_ids: array of contact id
listAllDeletedSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
listAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
listByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of contact' id with the specified entity_id which you are allowed to see according to security model.
Use ContactService::get() to get whole contact data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $contact_ids: array of contact id
Return the session token required by all other API calls. Normally you need to login at the start of your API client
Accessible for all entity types
Accessible for restricted users:
• Creative Tester
Input parameters:
• string $user: Yahoo Ad Exchange user name
• string $pass: Unencrypted Yahoo Ad Exchange password
• login_options $login_options: Login options
Output parameters:
• string $token: session token for further requests
logout (read-only)
Reset session token if such exists
Accessible for all entity types
Accessible for restricted users:
• Creative Tester
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $user: Yahoo Ad Exchange user name
• string $pass: Unencrypted Yahoo Ad Exchange password
Output parameters:
Set the password on the contact. The user must use this new password next time they log in.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $id: contact identifier
• string $password: new contact password
Output parameters:
Change the fields of a contact data object. Keep in mind that some fields are generated behind API (e.g. contact::$id)
and cannot be changed by client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• contact $contact: modified contact data object
Output parameters:
validateCredentials (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• string $username: Username to be validated
• string $password: Password to be validated
• int $entity_id: Entity id for which credentials need to be validated
Output parameters:
• boolean $contact_valid: Returns 'true' if valid contact exists. Returns 'false' if contact is invalid.
Creative Service
The CreativeService lets you add/modify a creative and prepare it for trafficking.
Reivew the Creatives section in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for additonal details. Note: Creatives start serving
only after all elements of the trafficking chain (campaign, line item, insertion order, delivery rules, etc.) are completed
and made active.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• add — Adds a new creative.
• addAttach — Adds the new creative and attaches it to specified line item.
• addAttachCreatives — Adds the given creatives and attaches it to specified line items.
• addCreatives — Adds new creatives.
• addSupportingFiles — Used to upload a creative binary file and generate a filename for the creative.
• attachSegments — Attaches segment pixels to a creative.
• delete — Deletes a single creative.
• deleteCreatives — Deletes multiple creatives.
• deleteSupportingFiles — Deletes temporary creative files that were uploaded using addSupportingFiles() but
not associated with a creative_content object.
• detachSegments — Detach segments from creative
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified creative.
• getAll — Gets the list of all the creative objects you are allowed to see.
• getAllSince — Returns creatives changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getAttachedSegments — Returns a list of segment pixel objects attached to a creative.
• getByCampaign — Returns all the creative data types linked to the campaign.
• getByEntity — Returns all contact data objects by specified entity ID.
• getByIntCode — Retrieve all information about the specified creative with the code(externalCreativeId) and
• getByIntCodes — Retrieve all information about the specified creatives with the codes(externalCreativeId)
and advertiseId.
• getByLineItem — Returns an array of all creative objects linked to a given line_item (indirectly via
• getClassificationReport — Used to get the current status of misclassified creative.
• getCreativeBeacons — Used to get a list of Creative Beacons associated with a creative.
• getCreativeComments — Used to fetch creative review comments.
• getCreativeSpecs — Used to get a list of creative_specs objects for a creative.
• getCreativeTags — Used to get a list of Creative Tags associated with a creative.
• getFullCTStack — Used to retrieve full call stack of Creative Tester for non ssl creative.
• getMGSuggestedClassification — Used to retrieve creative misclassification suggested by the Media Guard.
• getNonSslUrls — Used to retrieve creative non secure urls checked by Creative Tester.
• getReviewStatus — Returns review status for the specified creativeID
• isAudited — Checks a given creative to see if it was audited by Media Guard.
• listAll — Gets the list of all creative IDs you are authorized to see.
• listAllDeletedSince — Returns creative IDs deleted between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listAllSince — Returns creative IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listAttachedSegments — Returns a list of segment pixel IDs attached to creative
• listByCampaign — Returns the array of creative IDs associated with a campaign.
• listByEntity — Returns all creative IDs by specified entity ID.
• listByLineItem — Returns an array of all creative IDs linked to a given line_item (indirectly via campaigns).
• lookup — Returns a list of creative IDs that correspond to the requested $code.
• lookupByDescription — Returns a list of creative IDs matching the given creative description.
• reportMisClassification — Used to reports creative misclassification by Suppliers.
• search — Returns the list of creative objects according to the given search rules.
• setCreativeTags — Used to associate one or more Creative Tags with a creative object.
• triggerCreativeTest — Used to trigger creative testing to Creative Tester.
• update — Used to modify a creative.
Create a new creative for an advertiser specified by creative::$advertiser_entity_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• creative $creative: Creative data object.
Output parameters:
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Adds the new creative and attaches it to specified line item.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• creative $creative: creative Creative data object.
• int $line_item_id: Line item ID.
Output parameters:
• multiple_data_result $result: $results.
Adds the given creatives and attaches it to specified line items.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_creative_attachment $creative_attachment: Array of creative_attachement.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_creative $creatives: Array of $creatives.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Used to upload a creative binary file and generate a filename for the creative on RM servers. This filename can later
be associated with a $creative_content object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_supporting_file $supporting_files: Supporting files.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $supporting_filenames: Array of $supporting_filenames.
See Segment pixels_About for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
• array_of_int $segment_ids: Array of $segment_ids.
• int $view_segment_id: creative_beacon_id. Segment pixel to which user is added on viewing
Output parameters:
Used to delete an existing (single) creative.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
Deletes multiple creatives.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $creatives: Array of $creatives.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Deletes temporary creative files that were uploaded using addSupportingFiles() but not associated with a
creative_content object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $creative_id: creative ID
• array_of_int $segment_ids: array of segment pixel IDs
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Return the full creative data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Accessible for restricted users:
• Creative Tester
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• creative $creative: Creative data object.
getAll (read-only)
Returns an array of creative objects you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives: Array of $creatives.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getAllSince (read-only)
Returns all creatives changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives: array of creatives
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getAttachedSegments (read-only)
See Segment pixels_About for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID
• int $pagenum: A pagination parameter. Use it with $perpage to determine which page should hold n number
of results.
• int $perpage: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a larger
report request into smaller chunks.
Output parameters:
• array_of_pixel $segments: Array of $segments.
• int $total: Total count of returned $segment objects.
Return the array of creative objects linked to the given campaign.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $campaign_id: campaign data object.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives: Array of creatives.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getByEntity returns an array of creative objects that belong to a given entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: The entity ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives: Array of creatives.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getByIntCode (read-only)
Retrieve all information about the specified creative with the code(externalCreativeId) and advertiseId.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $advertiser_id: Id of the advertiser the creative belongs to.
• string $code: creativeId on the Partner system.
Output parameters:
• creative $creative: creative data object.
getByIntCodes (read-only)
Retrieve all information about the specified creatives with the codes(externalCreativeId) and advertiseId.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $advertiser_id: Id of the advertiser the creative belongs to.
• array_of_string $codes: Array creativeIds on the Partner system.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives: Array of $creatives.
Returns an array of all creative objects linked to a given line_item (indirectly via campaigns).
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $line_item_id: line Line item ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives: Array of creatives.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
Used to get the current status of misclassified creative
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $supplier_id: Supplier entity ID(publisher or network) who reported misclassification.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative_classification_status $creative_classification_status: List of
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
Compare these Beacon ID(s) to DictionaryService::getCreativeBeaconList() obtain the associated creative beacon
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_beacon_list_ids: List of creative beacon identifiers.
getCreativeComments (read-only)
Used to fetch creative review comments.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $creatives_ids: This variable takes List of Creative IDs. A maximum of 10 creatives are
allowed in a single API call
• creative_comment_search_options $creative_comment_search: This variable represents a new
creative_comment_search_options data object.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative_publisher_comments $creative_publisher_comments: Array of creatives.
getCreativeSpecs (read-only)
Used to get a list of creative_specs objects a creative.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• creative_specs $creative_specs: $creative_specs objects.
Used to get a list of Creative Tags associated with a creative. Compare these tag ID(s) to
DictionaryService::getCreativeTagList() obtain the associated creative tag objects. See Creative Tagging and
Classification using API for more information on creative tags.
Accessible for all entity types
Accessible for restricted users:
• Creative Tester
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_tag_list_ids: List of creative tag identifiers.
getFullCTStack (read-only)
Used to retrieve full call stack of Creative Tester for non ssl creative
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• string $ct_stack: full ct call stack in json format.
getMGSuggestedClassification (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• int $offer_type_id: offer type suggested by media guard. offer_type offer_type enum. See Offer Type Enum
for more information.
• array_of_int $creative_tag_list_ids: List of creative tag identifiers. Creative Tags.
getNonSslUrls (read-only)
Used to retrieve creative non secure urls checked by Creative Tester.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $non_ssl_urls: List of non secure url checked by creative tester.
getReviewStatus (read-only)
Returns review status for the specified creativeID
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• enum_creative_status $creative_status: Creative status
• string $status_reason: Reason for creative review status. NULL if creative status 'reviewPassed'.
isAudited (read-only)
Checks a given creative to see if it was audited by Media Guard. Return boolean true if creative is currently marked as
audited, false otherwise.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• boolean $is_audited: Flag, can be 0 or 1.
Return the array of creative IDs which you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Array of $creative_ids.
listAllDeletedSince (read-only)
Returns creative IDs deleted between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of $ids.
listAllSince (read-only)
Returns creative IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of $ids.
listAttachedSegments (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $segment_ids: Array of $segment_ids.
Returns the array of creative IDs associated with a campaign.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $campaign_id: campaign data object.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Array of $creative_ids.
Returns an array of creative ID objects that belong to a given entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: The entity ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Array of $creative_ids.
Returns an array of all creative IDs linked to a given line_item (indirectly via campaigns linked to the line item).
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $line_item_id: Line item ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Array of $creative_ids.
Returns a list of creative IDs that correspond to the requested $code. You can pass in multiple codes in the $codes
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_string $codes: Array of $codes.
Output parameters:
• array_of_array_of_int $creative_ids: Array of $creative_ids.
Returns an array of creative IDs matching the creative description.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $description: Creative description.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Array of $creative_ids.
Used to reports creative misclassification by Suppliers.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $supplier_id: Supplier entity ID(publisher or network) who is reporting misclassification.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
• int $offer_type_id: Creative's offer type. See Offer Type table for additional information. See also Creative
offer types for details.
• array_of_int $creative_tag_list_ids: List of creative tag identifiers. Creative Tags
Output parameters:
Search allows a network or a publisher (managed or self managed) to see the list of creatives that get served at the
entity (network or publisher) level or the buyer line item level of the entity filtered by some rules. Note: Search
parameters must be specified in a creative_search_options object. Only creatives that are eligible to serve will be
returned via the search function.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• creative_search_options $search_options: The applied search options.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives: Array of $creatives.
• int $total_creatives_count: Total count of creatives returned.
Used to associate one or more Creative Tags with a creative object. See Creative Tagging and Classification using
API for more information on creative tags.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: Creative tag ID.
• array_of_int $creative_tag_list_ids: Array of $creative_tag_identifiers.
Output parameters:
triggerCreativeTest (read-only)
Used to trigger creative testing to Creative Tester, size of creative_ids is limited to 5, and the quota of this interface is
200 a day.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $creative_ids: list of Creative ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Update modifies the fields of a creative data object. Note: Some fields are system generated (e.g. campaign::$id) and
can't be changed by the client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• creative $creative: Creative data object.
Output parameters:
DemandBlocklist Service
This service lets you add/modify/delete/get demand blocklists.
Review the Demand blocklist section in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Add/Create blocklist for demand from accessing (a slice of) managed supply of the network.
• delete — Deletes a demand blocklist
• getAllBlocklists — Returns an array of all demand blocklist you are allowed to access.
• getAllSince — Return all demand blocklist changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getByObjectId — Returns the demand_blocklist data object for specified id.
• listAll — Returns demand_blocklist data object ids that you are allowed to access.
• listAllSince — Return demand blocklist IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• quickSearch — Returns an array of all demand blocklist you are allowed to access.
• reviewCreatives — Add/updates the creative_visibility (approved/ban).
• searchCreatives — Returns the list of creatives according to the given search rules.
• update — Modify a demand blocklist.
Add a new demand_blocklist.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• demand_blocklist $demand_blocklist: New demand_blocklist data object.
Output parameters:
• int $id: Id of demand blocklist.
Removes an existing demand_blocklist object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $demand_blocklist_id: Demand Blocklist ID.
Output parameters:
getAllBlocklists (read-only)
Returns an array of all demand blocklist you are allowed to access.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• blocklist_search_options $blocklist_search_options: Search options.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_blocklist_getall $demand_blocklists
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAllSince (read-only)
Return demand blocklist IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_demand_blocklist $demand_blocklist: An array of demand blocklist objects.
• int $total: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByObjectId (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $demand_blocklist_id: Id of demand blocklist data object.
Output parameters:
• demand_blocklist $demand_blocklist
listAll (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $blocklist_ids
listAllSince (read-only)
Return demand blocklist IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: An array of demand blocklist IDs.
quickSearch (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $pattern: search string.
• enum_active $active: search by status. By default will return 'all'.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_blocklist_getall $demand_blocklist
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Add/updates the creative_visibility (approved/ban).
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $rule_id: demand_blocklist_id
• array_of_int $creatives: Array of $creatives.
• boolean $include: Set "true" to include on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the existing profile.
Output parameters:
searchCreatives allows a network creatives that get served at the entity (network or publisher) Note: Search
parameters must be specified in a creative_search_params object. Only creatives that are eligible to serve will be
returned via the search function.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• creative_review_options $search_options: The applied search options.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative_custom_object $creative_custom_object: Array of $creative_custom_object.
• int $total_creatives_count: Total count of creative_custom_object returned.
Modify fields of demand_blocklist data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• demand_blocklist $demand_blocklist.: Modified demand_blocklist data object.
Output parameters:
Dictionary Service
This service provides operations that let you obtain data that may be required by other API calls.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• getBillingStatuses — Returns the array of $billing_status strings corresponding to the billing_status enum.
• getBrowsers — Returns the array of $browser objects corresponding to the browser enum.
• getChannels — Returns the array of $channel objects corresponding to the channel enum.
• getCountries — Returns the array of $country objects corresponding to the country enum.
• getCountryGroups — Returns the array of $country_group objects corresponding to the country_group enum.
• getCreativeBeaconList — Returns the array of $creative_beacon_list objects corresponding to the
creative_beacon_list enum.
• getCreativeMacro — Returns the array of $creative_macro objects corresponding to the creative_macro
• getCreativeTagList — Returns the array of $creative_tag_list objects corresponding to the creative_tag_list
• getCurrencies — Returns the array of $currency objects corresponding to the currency enum.
• getCurrencyConversionRate — Returns the $conversion_rate corresponding to the currency id and date
passed to the function.
• getDeliveryTypes — Returns the array of $delivery_type strings corresponding to the delivery_type enum.
• getEnumValues — Returns an array of strings for all available values for the given enum.
• getInventoryTypes — Returns the array of $inventory_type objectscorresponding to the inventory_type enum.
• getIsps — Returns the array of $isp objects corresponding to the isp enum.
• getIVCHiddenParameters — Returns array of hidden parameters available for a inventory visibility controls
• getLanguages — Returns the array of $language objects corresponding to the language enum.
• getLearnTypes — Returns the array of $learn_type objects corresponding to the learn_type enum.
• getLineItemInventoryMediaType — Returns array of Inventory Media Types.
• getMediaTypes — Returns the array of $media_type objects corresponding to the media_type enum.
• getMGLabelMappings — Returns the array of $mg_label_mappings corresponding to the
mg_label_mappings enum.
• getMobileCarriers — Returns all the available mobile carriers along with country information
• getMobileOSs — Returns all the available OS names
• getMsas — Returns the array of $msas objects corresponding to the msas enum.
• getNetspeeds — Returns the array of $netspeed objects corresponding to the netspeed enum.
• getOfferTypes — Returns the array of $offer_type objects corresponding to the offer_type enum.
• getPopTypes — Returns the array of $pop_type objects corresponding to the pop_type enum.
• getPostalCodes — Returns list of postal codes for given country iso & pattern
• getPricingTypes — Returns the array of $pricing_type objects corresponding to the pricing_type enum.
• getRatings — Returns the array of $rating objects corresponding to the rating enum.
• getRegions — Returns the array of $region objects corresponding to the region enum.
• getRoles — Returns the array of $role objects corresponding to the role enum.
• getSizes — Returns the array of $size objects corresponding to the size enum.
• getSupportedLocales — Returns the array of $supportedLocales objects
• getTechnoDimensions — Returns array of techno_data for top level dimensions.
• getTechnoIds — Returns array of techno_data which fall under the given $techno_parent_id and are at given
level below the parent.
• getVideoPlacementType — Returns array of Video Placement Types.
• getVideoVastType — Returns array of Video Vast Types.
• getVurlCategories — Returns the array of $vurl_category objects corresponding to the vurl_category enum.
• getVurlTags — Returns the array of $vurl_tag_list objects corresponding to the vurl_tag enum.
• getWoeidDetails — Returns details of given WOEID
• getWoeids — Returns list of WOEIds
• validateVurls — Returns validate vurls for given array of url.
getBillingStatuses (read-only)
Returns the array of $billing_status strings corresponding to the billing_status enum. See Billing Status Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $billing_statuses: Array of $billing_statuses.
getBrowsers (read-only)
Returns the array of browser objects corresponding to the browser enum. See Browser Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_browser $browsers: Array of $browsers.
getChannels (read-only)
Returns the array of channel objects corresponding to the channel enum. See Channel Enum and Channels: About for
more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_channel $channels: Array of $channels.
getCountries (read-only)
Returns the array of country objects corresponding to the country enum.. See Country Enum and Targeting by
Geography for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_country $countries: Array of $countries.
getCountryGroups (read-only)
Returns the array of country_group objects corresponding to the country_group enum. See Country Group Enum for
more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_country_group $country_groups: Array of $country_groups
getCreativeBeaconList (read-only)
Returns the array of creative_beacon_list_item objects corresponding to the creative_beacon_list enum.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• beacon_search_options $search_options: Search options.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger number of records request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative_beacon_list_item $creative_beacon_list: Array of $creative_beacon_list.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getCreativeMacro (read-only)
Returns the array of creative_macro objects corresponding to the creative_macro enum. See Creative Macro Enum
and Macros Syntax and Descriptions for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative_macro $creative_macros: Array of $creative_macros.
getCreativeTagList (read-only)
Returns the array of creative_tag_list_item objects corresponding to the creative_tag_list enum. See Creative Tag List
Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative_tag_list_item $creative_tag_list: Array of $creative_tag_list.
getCurrencies (read-only)
Returns the array of currency objects corresponding to the currencies enum. See Currency Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_currency $currencies: Array of $currencies.
getCurrencyConversionRate (read-only)
Returns the conversion rate in USD corresponding to the currency id and date passed to the function.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $currency_id: Currency id for which currency conversion rate is required.
• date $date: Date for which currency conversion rate is required.
Output parameters:
• float $conversion_rate
getDeliveryTypes (read-only)
Returns the array of $delivery_type strings corresponding to the delivery_type enum. See Delivery Type Enum and
Delivery Pacing and Budget Cap Options for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $delivery_types: Array of $delivery_types.
getEnumValues (read-only)
Returns an array of strings for all available values for the given enum.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $enum_name: Enum name.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $values: Array of $values.
getInventoryTypes (read-only)
Returns the array of inventory_type objects corresponding to the inventory_type enum. See Inventory Type Enum and
Inventory Types for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_inventory_type $inventory_types: Array of $inventory_types.
getIsps (read-only)
Returns the array of isp objects corresponding to the isp enum. See Isp Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_isp $isps: Array of $isps.
getIVCHiddenParameters (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_get_ivc_hidden_params $hidden_parameters: Array of objects having database name and
display name of available IVC hidden parameters for each control type.
getLanguages (read-only)
Returns the array of language objects corresponding to the language enum. See Language Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_language $languages: Array of $languages.
getLearnTypes (read-only)
Returns the array of learn_type objects corresponding to the learn type enum. See Learn Type Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_learn_type $learn_types: Array of learn $types.
getLineItemInventoryMediaType (read-only)
Returns array of Inventory Media Types. See Inventory Media Type Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_inventory_media_type $response: Array of $inventory_media_type
getMediaTypes (read-only)
Returns the array of media_type objects corresponding to the media type enum. See Media Type Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_media_type $media_types: Array of $media_types.
getMGLabelMappings (read-only)
Returns the array of Media Guard label mappings corresponding to the mg_label_mappings enum. See Media Guard:
About for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_mg_label_mapping $mg_label_mappings: Array of $mg_label_mappings.
getMobileCarriers (read-only)
Returns all the available mobile carriers along with country information
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_target_mobile_carrier_data $values: Array of [mobile_id,country,carrier]
getMobileOSs (read-only)
Returns all the available OS names
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_target_mobile_os_data $values: Array of [mobile_id,OS]
getMsas (read-only)
Returns the array of msa objects corresponding to the msas enum. See Msa Enum and Designated Marketing Areas
for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_msa $msas: Array of $msas.
getNetspeeds (read-only)
Returns the array of netspeed objects corresponding to the netspeed enum. See Netspeed Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_netspeed $netspeeds: Array of $netspeeds.
getOfferTypes (read-only)
Returns the array of offer_type objects corresponding to the offer_type enum. See Offer Type Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_offer_type $offer_types: Array of $offer_types.
getPopTypes (read-only)
Returns the array of pop_type objects corresponding to the pop_type enum. See Pop Types Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_pop_type $pop_types: Array of $pop_types.
getPostalCodes (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $country_iso: Country ISO to which postal codes belong
• string $begins_with: String for which match needs to be searched (Example- '100%' for postal codes of
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger number of records request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $postal_codes: Postal codes for the country iso provided
getPricingTypes (read-only)
Returns the array of $pricing_type objects corresponding to the pricing_type enum. See Pricing Type Enum and
Pricing Options for Line Items and Campaigns for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $pricing_types: Array of $pricing_types.
getRatings (read-only)
Returns the array of $rating objects corresponding to the rating enum. See Rating Enum and Section Ratings for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $ratings: Array of $ratings.
getRegions (read-only)
Returns the array of region objects corresponding to the region enum. See Region Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_region $regions: Array of $regions.
getRoles (read-only)
Returns the array of role objects corresponding to the role enum. See Role Enum and User Roles, Permissions, and
for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_role $roles: Array of $roles.
getSizes (read-only)
Returns the array of size objects corresponding to the size enum. See Size Enum and for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
• boolean $show_all_sizes: Return all existing sizes if true, otherwise only available ones. 'False' is default.
Output parameters:
• array_of_size $sizes: Array of $sizes.
getSupportedLocales (read-only)
Returns the array of $supportedLocales objects
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_supported_locale $supportedLocales: Array of $supportedLocales.
getTechnoDimensions (read-only)
Returns array of techno_data for top level dimensions.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_techno_data $response: Array of techno_data.
getTechnoIds (read-only)
Returns array of techno_data which fall under the given $techno_parent_id and are at given level below the parent.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $techno_parent_id: This variable represents parent techno id.
• int $level: This variable represents level of techo hierarchy, default value is 1.
Output parameters:
• array_of_techno_data $response: Array of techno_data.
getVideoPlacementType (read-only)
Returns array of Video Placement Types. See Video Placement Type Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_video_placement_type $response: Array of $video_placement_type
getVideoVastType (read-only)
Returns array of Video Vast Types. See Video Vast Type Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_video_vast_type $response: Array of $video_vast_type
getVurlCategories (read-only)
Returns the array of vurl_category objects corresponding to the vurl_category enum. See Vurl Category Enum for
more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_vurl_category $vurl_category: Array of $vurl_category.
getVurlTags (read-only)
Returns the array of vurl_tag_list objects corresponding to the vurl_tag enum. See Vurl Tag Enum for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_vurl_tag_list $vurl_tag_list: Array of $vurl_tag_list.
getWoeidDetails (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $woeid: WOEID
Output parameters:
• woeid $woeid_obj: WOEID object
getWoeids (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_place_type $place_type: Place type i.e. country, state, county, etc
• int $parent_woeid: Parent Woeid
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger number of records request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $woeids: Array of WOEIDs
validateVurls (read-only)
Returns validate vurls for given array of url.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_string $vurls: list of url. Max count is 2000.
Output parameters:
• vurl_data $vurl_data: object having information specified in data-type vurl_data
Entity Service
The EntityService lets you add, get, or modify settings for an entity. The Tutorial and Training Index contains additional
information about self-paced and instructor-led training on creating and managing entities.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• add — Creates a new entity.
• addEx — Creates a new entity, default site and section, an insertion order, and line item.
• addTargetProfile — Sets up a link between a target profile and an entity.
• delete — Deletes an entity.
• deleteAllPublisherControls — Deletes publisher controls for specified entity id and buyer_entity_ids.
• deleteEntities — Deletes multiple entities.
• deletePublisherControls — Deletes publisher mask controls See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API
for more information on managing publisher controls. (deprecated)
• delTargetProfile — Deletes the default target profile belonging to the entity.
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified entity.
• getAdvByName — This method allows to search (contains search) all advertisers with specified name and
Retrieves all information about searched entities.
• getAll — Returns the array of all entity objects you are allowed to see.
• getAllPublisherControls — Gets publisher mask controls for specified entity. (deprecated)
• getAllSalesRegions — Gets the sales regions for an entity.
• getAllSince — Return entities changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getByIds — Retrieves all information about specified entities.
• getByShellId — Not available. Reserved for future development.
• getCANStatus — Returns the Network's or Publisher's CAN status object.
• getEligiblePrivateMarketPlaces — Returns Eligible Private Marketplaces
• getLanguage — Returns the entity language ID.
• getLineItemMarketPlace — Gets the line item market place options
• getMapByShellIds — Not available. Reserved for future development.
• getNetByName — This method allows to search (contains search) all networks with specified name and
Retrieves all information about searched entities.
• getOfficialContacts — Gets arrays of contacts for the given entity organized by contact role.
• getPubAdTags — Gets a list of ad tags for the specified sections.
• getPubDefaultChannels — Gets the default channels for the given publisher.
• getPubDefaultInventoryType — Gets the default inventory type for the given publisher.
• getPublisherControls — Gets the publisher mask controls See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API
for more information on managing publisher controls. (deprecated)
• languageFlipFinished — Checks on the status of the process that converts creative language tags to a
different language.
• listAdvertiserEntityByBroker — Returns the array of advertizer id's assigned to given broker and managed by
cuurent entity ID.
• listAll — Returns the array of entity IDs that you are allowed to see.
• listAllSince — Returns entity IDs for entities changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• lookup — Returns a list of entity IDs for a given integration code.
• setAllPublisherControls — Sets publisher mask controls for specified advertisers. (deprecated)
• setCANStatus — Sets the CAN status for a Network or Publisher.
• setIntegrationCode — Sets the publisher's integration code.
• setLanguage — Sets the language for an entity.
• setLineItemMarketPlace — Sets the line item market place options
• setPubDefaultChannels — Sets the default channels for the given publisher.
• setPubDefaultInventoryType — Sets the default inventory type for the given publisher.
• setPublisherControls — Sets the publisher mask controls See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for
more information on managing publisher controls. (deprecated)
• update — Modifies an entity.
Use the add method to create a new entity. For providing age and gender information for targeting, see for more details.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Publisher
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• entity $entity: This variable represents the new entity data object.
• contact $contact: This variable represents the new contact data object for the entity's primary contact.
Output parameters:
• int $entity_id: Entity ID of the newly created entity.
addEx uses the values passed in to entity_data to create a new entity, site/section, insertion order and line item.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• entity_data $entity_data: New entity data object.
Output parameters:
• ex_entity_ids $ex_entity_id: Returns the IDs of the newly created data objects.
Creates a default target profile for an entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
• int $target_profile_id: Target profile ID.
Used to delete an existing (single) entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: id of the entity to be deleted.
Output parameters:
deleteAllPublisherControls (deprecated)
See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for more information on managing publisher controls.
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::delete()/deleteProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Specifies managed pub entity_id or seat id (default) foreach params are to be deleted.
• array_of_publisher_control_masks $publisher_control_masks: Array of objects having hidden params,
type, buyer_entity_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: Result of bulk operation
Used to delete multiple entities.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $entity_ids: entity ids that need to be deleted.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Returns a "successful/failed" confirmation for each entity.
deletePublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::delete()/deleteProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Specifies managed pub entity_id or seat id (default)
• enum_pub_control_type $type: Publisher control type. Values available for type are 'rtbd' and 'macro'.
Type value 'all' is not valid for this method.
• int $buyer_entity_id: Advertsiser entity id. Default value is 0. Value $buyer_entity_id=0 will delete publisher
control mask set at network level.
Output parameters:
Deletes a target profile and all linked targeting rules (see TargetProfileService) for the entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Return the full entity data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
• entity $entity: Entity data object.
getAdvByName (read-only)
Returns the list of entity_info data objects of all advertisers with specified name.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Network
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $entity_name_search_pattern: search string
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_entity_info $entity_info: Array of $entity_info. See entity_info for more information.
getAll (read-only)
Returns the array of entity objects you are allowed to see.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_ext_entity_type $entity_type: Entity type.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
• array_of_entity $entities: Array of $entities. See {@link::entity entity} data type for more information.
getAllPublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for more information on managing publisher controls.
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::get()/getProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Specifies managed pub entity_id or seat id (default) for which publisher control masks are to
be fetched.
Output parameters:
• array_of_publisher_control_masks $publisher_control_masks: Array of objects having hidden params,
type, buyer_entity_ids.
getAllSalesRegions (read-only)
Gets the sales regions for an entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_sales_region $sales_regions: Array of $sales_regions. See sales_region and Sales Regions for
more information.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAllSince (read-only)
Return entities changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_entity $entities: Array of $entities. See entities for more information.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByIds (read-only)
Return the entity_info data object.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Network
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $entity_ids: Entity IDs.
Output parameters:
• array_of_entity_info $entity_info: Array of $entity_info. See entity_info for more information.
getByShellId (read-only)
Not available. Reserved for future development.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $shell_id: entity::$shell_id.
Output parameters:
• entity $entity: Entity data object.
getCANStatus (read-only)
see for more details.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Publisher
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Publisher or Network for which CAN settings are to be retrieved.
Output parameters:
• can_status $can_status: CAN Status data object.
getEligiblePrivateMarketPlaces (read-only)
Returns Eligible Private Marketplaces
Accessible for all entity types
• available : Advertiser or Network entity level
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Defines the buyer entity id.
• string $pattern: search string.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_pvt_marketplace $pvt_marketplaces: Private Marketplaces.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getLanguage (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
• int $language_id: Language ID.
getLineItemMarketPlace (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• boolean $allow_marketplace_select: Indicates if the seat allows marketplace selection
• array_of_enum_marketplace $default_marketplace: Default marketplace for advetiser lines
getMapByShellIds (read-only)
Not available. Reserved for future development.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_string $shell_ids: Array of $shell_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_entity_shell $entity_shells: Array of data object.
getNetByName (read-only)
Returns the list of entity_info data objects of all networks with specified name.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Network
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $entity_name_search_pattern: search string
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_entity_info $entity_info: Array of $entity_info. See entity_info for more information.
getOfficialContacts (read-only)
Gets arrays of contacts for the given entity organized by contact role. See User Roles for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
• enum_contact_type $contact_type: Contact type.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_contact $contacts: Array of $contacts.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Return the list of strings representing separate tags, filtered by the ad_tag_options parameter and only for the
specified sections.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $section_ids: Active section IDs of active sites owned by the current entity.
• ad_tag_options $ad_tag_options: Tag options object.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $ad_tags: Array of $ad_tags.
Return the list of default channels IDs for the given publisher.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Publisher
• Advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $publisher_id: Publisher ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $channel_ids: Array of $channel_ids.
Returns the default inventory type for the given publisher.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Publisher
• Advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $publisher_id: Publisher ID.
Output parameters:
• enum_int_inventory_type $inventory_type: Inventory type.
getPublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::get()/getProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Specifies managed pub entity_id or seat id (default)
• enum_pub_control_type $type: Publisher control type. Values available for type are 'rtbd' and 'macro'.
Type value 'all' is not valid for this method.
• int $buyer_entity_id: Advertsiser entity id. Default value is 0. Value $buyer_entity_id=0 will get publisher
control mask set at network level.
Output parameters:
• publisher_control_data $publisher_control_data: object containing mask control details
languageFlipFinished (read-only)
Checks on the status of the process that converts creative language tags to a different language. See Classifying the
Language of Your Creatives for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
• boolean $in_process: Returns 'true' if complete. Returns 'false' if still in progress.
listAdvertiserEntityByBroker (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $broker_id: broker ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: List of entity ids assigned to given broker.
listAll (read-only)
Returns the array of entity IDs that you are allowed to see. Review the entity ID data type for more information.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_ext_entity_type $entity_type
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $entity_ids: Array of $entity_ids. See the entity data type ID parameter for more information.
listAllSince (read-only)
Returns entity IDs for entities changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of $ids.
Returns a list of entity IDs for a given integration code.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_string $entity_codes: Entity integration codes.
Output parameters:
• array_of_array_of_int $entity_ids: Array of $entity_IDs.
setAllPublisherControls (deprecated)
See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for more information on managing publisher controls.
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::add()/addProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Specifies managed pub entity_id or seat id (default) where the params are to be hidden.
• array_of_publisher_control_masks $publisher_control_masks: Array of objects having hidden params,
type, buyer_entity_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: Result of bulk operation
see for more details.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Publisher
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• can_status $can_status: This variable represent the new (@link can_status) data object.
Output parameters:
Sets the publisher's integration code. See Macros and Integration Codes for details. Note: Before you set an
integration code, at least one insertion order should be present.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
• string $code: Integration code.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
• enum_creative_tag_language $language_id: Language ID.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• boolean $allow_marketplace_select: Indicates if the seat allows marketplace selection
• array_of_enum_marketplace $default_marketplace: Default marketplace for advertiser lines.See
Marketplace Enum for valid values.
Output parameters:
Sets the default channels for the given publisher. See Channels: About for more information.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Publisher
• Advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $publisher_id: Publisher ID.
• array_of_int $channel_ids: Array of $channel_ids.
Output parameters:
Set the default inventory type for the given publisher.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Publisher
• Advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $publisher_id: Publisher ID.
• enum_int_inventory_type $inventory_type: Inventory type.
Output parameters:
setPublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::add()/addProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_enum_pub_control_param $hidden_params: Parameters to be masked
• int $entity_id: Specifies managed pub entity_id or seat id (default) where the params are to be hidden
• enum_pub_control_type $type: Publisher control type. Values available for type are 'rtbd' and 'macro'.
Type value 'all' is not valid for this method.
• int $buyer_entity_id: Advertsiser entity id. Default value is 0. This will set publisher control mask globally i.e.
at network level.
Output parameters:
Update modifies the fields of a entity data object. For providing age and gender information for targeting, see for more details. Note: Some fields are system generated (e.g.
entity::$id) and cannot be changed by the client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• entity $entity: The modified entity data object.
Output parameters:
InsertionOrder Service
The InsertionOrderService lets you add, delete, get, or list settings for an entity. See Insertion orders and line items
defined for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• add — Adds a new insertion order.
• convertFromUSD — Converts USD amount into non-USD currency.
• convertToUSD — Converts non-USD amount into USD.
• delete — Deletes an insertion order.
• deleteInsertionOrders — Deletes multiple insertion orders.
• dxrMigrationStatus — Checks for the status of IO migration process, responds with new IO id if migration is
• dxrRequestMigration — Requests migration of the specified (fixed exchange rate) insertion_order to create a
new (dynamic exchange rate) insertion_order. The new IO will get the specified description. The migration
process is asynchronous; use the dxrMigrationStatus() to poll for the new insertion_order's ID.
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified insertion order.
• getAll — Gets the list of all insertion order objects you are allowed to see.
• getAllSince — Returns insertion_order objects changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getByBuyer — Gets the list of all insertion order objects owned by the current entity and linked to the given
• getByBuyers — Gets the list of all insertion order objects owned by the current entity and linked to the given
• getBySeller — Gets the list of all insertion order objects owned by the current entity and linked to the given
• getBySellers — Gets the list of all insertion order objects owned by the current entity and linked to the given
• getInsertionOrderType — Returns insertion order type.
• getLinkedInfo — Get linked entity information.
• listAll — Gets the list of all insertion order IDs you are allowed to see.
• listAllDeletedSince — Returns IDs of insertion_orders deleted between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listAllSince — Returns IDs of insertion_orders changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listByBuyer — Gets the list of all insertion order IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyer.
• listBySeller — Gets the list of all insertion order IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given seller.
• update — Modifies an insertion order.
Adds insertion order.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Publisher
• Advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• insertion_order $insertion_order: The new insertion order data object.
Output parameters:
• int $insertion_order_id: Insertion order ID.
convertFromUSD (read-only)
Converts USD amount into non-USD currency. See Working with currencies in the Exchange API for assistance in
working with non-USD currency amounts.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Insertion order ID.
• float $usd_amount: USD amount
Output parameters:
• float $non_usd_amount: converted amount from USD
convertToUSD (read-only)
Converts non-USD amount into USD. See Working with currencies in the Exchange API for assistance in working with
non-USD currency amounts.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Insertion order ID.
• float $non_usd_amount: Non-USD amount
Output parameters:
• float $usd_amount: converted amount in USD
Removes an existing insertion_order object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: insertion order ID.
Output parameters:
Deletes multiple insertion orders.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $ids: Array of insertion order IDs.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result
dxrMigrationStatus (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Insertion order ID, specifying the fixed-rate insertion_order whose migration was requested via
Output parameters:
• dxr_migration_reports $migration_reports: This will be false until migration is complete and the new IO
has been created.
dxrRequestMigration (read-only)
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Insertion order ID, specifying the fixed-rate insertion_order that is to be migrated.
• string $new_description: Description for new DXR insertion_order
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Returns the full insertion_order data object.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Insertion order identifier.
Output parameters:
• insertion_order $insertion_order: The insertion_order data object.
getAll (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order IDs you are allowed to see.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_entity_position $entity_position: Determines the transaction role ('All', 'Buyer', 'Seller') to search for.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• int $total_count: total items count
• array_of_insertion_order $insertion_orders: Array of insertion order IDs.
getAllSince (read-only)
Returns insertion_orders changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_insertion_order $insertion_orders: Array of insertion orders.
• int $total_count: total items count
getByBuyer (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyer. Buyers may be either
networks or advertisers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $buyer_id: Buyer Network or advertiser ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• int $total_count: Total item count.
• array_of_insertion_order $insertion_orders: Array of insertion orders.
getByBuyers (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyers. Buyers may be either
networks or advertisers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $buyer_ids: Buyer Network or advertiser IDs.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_insertion_order $insertion_orders: Array of insertion orders.
getBySeller (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order objects owned by the current entity and linked to the given seller. Sellers may be
either networks or publishers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $seller_id: seller Network or publisher ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_insertion_order $insertion_orders: list of insertion orders
• int $total_count: total items count
getBySellers (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given sellers. sellers may be either
networks or publishers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $seller_ids: Buyer Network or publisher IDs.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_insertion_order $insertion_orders: Array of insertion orders.
getInsertionOrderType (read-only)
Returns insertion order type.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Insertion order id ID
Output parameters:
• enum_insertion_order_type $insertion_order_type: Insertion order type - Primary Linked: Linked IO
between networks, Managed: IO between a network and advertiser/publisher, Billing Linked: Brand Level
Billing IO
getLinkedInfo (read-only)
Return information about entities linked by this insertion order.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Insertion order ID.
Output parameters:
• linked_entities_info $linked_info: Linking details for linked entities.
listAll (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order IDs you are allowed to see.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_entity_position $entity_position: Determines the transaction role ('All', 'Buyer', 'Seller') to search for.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $insertion_order_ids: Array of insertion order IDs.
listAllDeletedSince (read-only)
Returns IDs of insertion_order deleted between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of $ids.
listAllSince (read-only)
Returns IDs of insertion_orders changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of $ids.
listByBuyer (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyer. Buyers may be either
networks or publishers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $buyer_id: Network or advertiser ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $insertion_order_ids: Array of insertion order IDs.
listBySeller (read-only)
Gets the list of all insertion order IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given seller. Sellers may be either
networks or publishers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $seller_id: Network or publisher ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $insertion_order_ids: Array of insertion order IDs.
Update modifies the fields of an insertion order data object. Note: Some fields are system generated (e.g.
campaign::$id) and can't be changed by the client.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Publisher
• Advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• insertion_order $insertion_order: Modified $insertion_order data object.
Output parameters:
InventoryVisibilityControls Service
This service lets you add/modify/delete/get Inventory Visibility Controls Profiles.
Review the Managing Publisher Controls Using the API in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Creates IVC profile for specified entity and buyer entity ids.
• addProfiles — Creates multiple IVC profiles for specified owner types and owner ids.
• delete — Deletes a IVC profile.
• deleteProfiles — Deletes multiple IVC profiles.
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified IVC profile id.
• getProfiles — Returns an array of all reserve price profiles you are allowed to see at network, publisher or
section level.
• update — Updates a IVC profile.
• updateProfiles — Updates multiple IVC profiles for specified profile ids and buyer entity ids.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• inventory_visibility_controls $ivc_profile: New IVC profile data object.
Output parameters:
• int $ivc_profile_id: Id of IVC profile.
Method for bulk add.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_inventory_visibility_controls $ivc_profiles: Array of IVC profile objects to be added.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Removes an existing ivc_profile object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $ivc_profile_id: Id of IVC profile to be deleted.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $ivc_profile_ids: Array of IVC profile ids to be deleted.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
get (read-only)
Returns the full IVC profile data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $ivc_profile_id: IVC profile ID.
Output parameters:
• inventory_visibility_controls $ivc_profile: IVC profile data object.
getProfiles (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_pub_control_owner_type $owner_type: Owner type of IVC profiles.
• int $owner_id: Id of IVC profile owner.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of resul ts per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_inventory_visibility_controls $ivc_profiles
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• inventory_visibility_controls $ivc_profile.: IVC profile data object to be updated.
Output parameters:
Method for bulk update.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_inventory_visibility_controls $ivc_profiles: Array of IVC profile objects to be updated.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
LineItem Service
The LineItemService lets you add, delete, or modify a line item and associated delivery rules. See Insertion orders and
line items defined for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• add — Adds a new line item.
• addCreative — Associates a creative with a line item.
• addCreatives — Associates creatives with line items.
• addSalesRegion — Adds a sales region to an entity.
• delCreative — Deletes a single creative from a line item.
• delete — Deletes a line item.
• deleteLineItems — Deletes multiple line items.
• duplicate — Duplicate existing line items
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified line item.
• getAll — Returns the list of all line items objects you are allowed to see.
• getAllSince — Returns the list of all line item data objects changed between a specified start_date and
• getByBuyer — Gets the list of all line item objects owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyer.
• getByCampaign — Returns the list of all line item data objects for the given campaign.
• getByCreative — Returns the array of all line item objects for a specified creative.
• getByInsertionOrder — Returns the array of all line item objects for the specified insertion order.
• getBySeller — Returns the list of all line item objects owned by the current entity and linked to the given
• getSalesRegion — Returns a sales region name for the given ID.
• getSalesRegionsByEntity — Returns the list of all sales region IDs for the specified entity.
• listAll — Gets the list of all line item IDs you are allowed to see.
• listAllDeletedSince — Returns the list of all line_item IDs deleted between a specified start_date and
• listAllSince — Returns the list of all line item IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listByBuyer — Gets the list of all line item IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyer.
• listByCampaign — Returns the array of line item IDs associated with a campaign.
• listByCreative — Returns the array of all line item IDs for the specified creative.
• listByInsertionOrder — Returns the array of all line item IDs associated with a specified insertion order.
• listBySeller — Gets the list of all line item IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given seller.
• setBillingStatus — Sets the billing status of line items for the specified month.
• update — Modifies a line item.
Use add to create a new line item. Note: When setting advertiser billing price, refer to Decouple bidding from billing:
About article for additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• line_item $line_item: New line item data object.
Output parameters:
• int $line_item_id: The line item ID.
Add a creative to a line item. To use this method, you need to have the IDs of an existing creative and line item.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $line_item_id: Line item ID.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
Add creatives to provided line items. To use this method, you need to have the IDs of an existing creatives and line
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_creative_lineitem $creative_lineitem: Array of creative_lineitem.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Adds a sales region to an entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $name: Sales region name.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
• int $sales_region_id: Sales region ID.
Used to delete an existing (single) creative from a line item.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $line_item_id: Line item ID.
• int $creative_id: Creative ID.
Output parameters:
Removes an existing line_item object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Line item ID.
Output parameters:
Deletes multiple line items.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $ids: Array of line item IDs.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Line item name have to be original
This method can assign new line item to different insertion order under the same Advertiser then original line item
assigned to. But $insertion_order_id is optional, if you don't pass it, insertion order from original line item will be
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $line_item_id: ID of line item to duplicate
• string $line_item_name: name for new line item
• int $insertion_order_id: optional
Output parameters:
• int $new_line_item_id: ID of new created line item
get (read-only)
Returns the full line item data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Line item ID.
Output parameters:
• line_item $line_item: The $line_item data object.
getAll (read-only)
Return the array of all line_item you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_entity_position $entity_position: Enum: All, Buyer, Seller.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_items: Array of $line_items.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAllSince (read-only)
Returns all the line item data objects changed beween a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets
the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_items: Array of $line_items.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Gets the list of all line item IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyer. Buyers may be either
networks or advertisers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $buyer_id: Buyer network or advertiser ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_item: Array of $line_item.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Returns the list of all line item data objects for the given campaign.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $campaign_id: Campaign ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_item: Array of $line_item.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByCreative (read-only)
Returns the array of all line_item objects for a specified creative.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: The creative ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_items: Array of $line_items.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByInsertionOrder (read-only)
Returns the array of all line_item objects for the specified insertion order.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $insertion_order_id: insertion_order_id.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_items: Array of $line_items.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Gets the list of all line item IDs owned by the current entity and linked to the given seller. Sellers may be either
networks or publishers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $seller_id: seller Seller network or publisher ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_item: Array of $line_item.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getSalesRegion (read-only)
Returns a sales region name for the given ID.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $sales_region_id: Sales region ID.
Output parameters:
• string $name: Sales region name.
getSalesRegionsByEntity (read-only)
Returns the lst of all sales region IDs for the specified entity.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_sales_region $sales_regions: Array of $sales_regions.
listAll (read-only)
Gets the list of all IDs you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_entity_position $entity_position: Enum: All, Buyer, Seller.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $line_item_ids: Array of $line_item_ids.
listAllDeletedSince (read-only)
Returns the array of all line item IDs deleted between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of $ids.
listAllSince (read-only)
Returns line item IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of $ids.
Gets the list of all line_items owned by the current entity and linked to the given buyer. Buyers may be either networks
or publishers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $buyer_id: Network or advertiser ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $li_ids: Array of $li_ids.
Returns the array of line_items associated with a campaign.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $campaign_id: Campaign campaign::$id.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $li_ids: Array of $li_ids.
listByCreative (read-only)
Returns the array of all line_item IDs for a specified creaative.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $creative_id: The creative ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $line_items: Array of $line_item_ids.
listByInsertionOrder (read-only)
Returns the array of all line item IDs associated with a specified insertion order. Use LineItemService::get() to get the
whole line item data object by its ID.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $insertion_order_id: Insertion order ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $line_item_ids: Array of $line_item IDs.
Gets the list of all line_items owned by the current entity and linked to the given seller. Sellers may be either networks
or publishers. The current entity is set by your session token.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $seller_id: Network or publisher ID.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $li_ids: Array of $li_ids.
Sets the billing status of line items for the specified month. See Month-end certification: About for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $line_item_ids: Array of line item IDs.
• enum_string_billing_status $billing_status: Billing status enum.
• string $ym: Specified in yyyy-mm format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_line_item $line_item: Array of $line_item.
Update modifies the fields of a line_item data object. Note: some fields are system generated (e.g. campaign::$id) and
can't be changed by the client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• line_item $line_item: Modified $line_item data object.
Output parameters:
Linking Service
One of the benefits of membership in the Yahoo Ad Exchange is the ability to link directly to other companies. Linking
helps increase your scale and reach by connecting you with potential business partners. Use the LinkingService to
manage your company profile and links.
See the Linking section in the Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for additional information, sample linking
agreements, best practices, and tips on creating your company profile.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• acceptLink — Used to accept a link request from a potential partner.
• addProfile — Creates a linking profile.
• cancelLink — Used to cancel a proposed linking request before it has been accepted.
• getAllLinks — Return the array of link data on all entities that have an active, pending or rejected link with
your entity.
• getAppliedLinks — Returns link_data object of all entities to whom your entity has sent linking requests.
• getLinkableEntityData — Return the array of link data on all entities that can be linked with your entity.
• getLinkData — Returns the link_data object for the specified network entity which is visible or has an active
linked IO.
• getLinkedEntityData — Returns the array of link_data objects of all entities that share one or more active
links with your entity.
• getNonlinkedEntityData — Returns the array of link data objects of all entities that do not share an active
insertion order with your entity.
• getProfile — Returns the linking profile for the specified entity.
• getProposedLinks — Returns the array of link_data objects of all entities that have sent linking requests to
• proposeLink — Sends a linking request.
• rejectLink — Used for rejecting a link request of a partner.
• setRating — Sets a rating for the specified entity.
• updateProfile — Updates the linking profile.
Used to accept a link request from a potential partner. By approving a linking request from a potential partner, you are
agreeing to work with them in the Yahoo Ad Exchange under the terms of any proposed insertion order. Only approve
a request after you have signed a contract with that company. If you do not want to work with them, reject the link. See
Approving and rejecting linking requests for additional details.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID of the entity requesting the link.
• boolean $is_seller: Set is_seller = 1 to sell inventory to the requesting entity. Set is_seller = 0 to buy
inventory from the requesting entity.Set is_seller = null to accept if there is one pending link.
• int $billing_entity_id: Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. Applicable when accepting
the billing links, otherwise zero. See Brand level billing for additional details.
Output parameters:
Use addProfile to create a linking profile for your organization. See Creating your company profile for additional
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• linking_profile $profile: A linking_profile object containing your company information.
Output parameters:
Used to cancel a proposed linking request before it has been accepted.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID of the target entity.
• boolean $is_seller: Set is_seller = 1 to sell inventory to the requesting entity. Set is_seller = 0 to buy
inventory from the requesting entity.Set is_seller = null to accept if there is one pending link.
• int $billing_entity_id: Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. Applicable when canceling
the billing links, otherwise zero. See Brand level billing for additional details.
Output parameters:
getAllLinks (read-only)
Return the array of link data on all entities that have an active, pending or rejected link with your entity.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Network
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_link_approval_status $link_approval_status: Determines the status ('all', 'active', 'rejected',
'pending_my_approval', 'pending_partner_approval') to search for. Default value: 'all'.
• string $entity_name_search_pattern: search string
• boolean $entity_name_sort_order: 0 : Ascending, 1 : Descending. Default value: 0.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_link_data $link_data: Array of $link_data.
Returns the array of link_data objects of all entities to whom your entity has sent linking requests.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
• array_of_link_data $proposed_links: Array of link_data objects for proposed links.
getLinkableEntityData (read-only)
Return the array of link data on all entities that can be linked with your entity.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Network
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $entity_name_search_pattern: search string
• boolean $entity_name_sort_order: 0 : Ascending, 1 : Descending
• enum_entity_position $entity_position: Determines the transaction role ('All', 'Buyer', 'Seller') to search for.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_link_data $link_data: Array of $link_data.
Returns the link_data object for the specified network entity which is visible or has an active linked IO.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID.
Output parameters:
• link_data $link_data: Link data object.
Return the array of link_data objects of all entities that share one or more active links with your entity.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
• array_of_link_data $link_data: Array of $link_data.
Returns the array of link_data objects of all entities that do not share an active insertion order with your entity.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
• array_of_link_data $link_data: Array of $link_data.
Returns the linking profile for the specified entity.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• linking_profile $profile: A linking_profile object containing the specified entity's profile.
Returns the array of link_data objects of all entities that have sent linking requests to you.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
• array_of_link_data $proposed_links: Array of $proposed_links.
Sends your potential linked partner a linking request. The link will not be created until the potential partner has
accepted your request. See Sending a linking request for additional details.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID of the entity you want to link with.
• boolean $is_seller: Set is_seller = 1 to sell inventory to the target entity. Set is_seller = 0 to buy inventory
from the target entity.
• int $billing_entity_id: Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. Applicable when sending
the billing links, otherwise zero. See Brand level billing for additional details.
Output parameters:
• int $insertion_order_id: The linking insertion order ID.
Used for rejecting a link request of a partner. See Approving and rejecting linking requests for additional details.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity ID of the entity requesting the link.
• boolean $is_seller: Set is_seller = 1 to sell inventory to the requesting entity. Set is_seller = 0 to buy
inventory from the requesting entity.Set is_seller = null to accept if there is one pending link.
• int $billing_entity_id: Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. Applicable when rejecting
the billing links, otherwise zero. See Brand level billing for additional details.
Output parameters:
Sets a rating for the specified entity.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• rating_options $rating_options: A rating_options object containing the target entity ID and a rating. Ratings
range from 1 (worst) to 5 (best).
Output parameters:
Updates the linking profile.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• linking_profile $profile: A linking_profile object containing your company information.
Output parameters:
Notification Service
The NotificationService allows you to manage traffic monitor alerts and get system status information. See also
Automatic alerts and notifications for more details.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• addTMAlert — Adds a new traf_monitor_alert.
• deleteTMAlert — Deletes the traf_monitor_alert object.
• getAllTMAlerts — Gets the list of the traf_monitor_alert objects you are allowed to see.
• getNotices — Returns information about current API issues.
• getSystemStatus — Returns system status information.
• getTMAlert — Returns the traf_monitor_alert object.
• listAllTMAlerts — Gets the list of all traf_monitor_alert IDs you are allowed to see.
• removeTMAlertEmail — Removes recipients from traffic monitor alert emails.
• updateTMAlert — Updates an existing traf_monitor_alert.
Adds a new traf_monitor_alert.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• traf_monitor_alert $tm_alert: A new traf_monitor_alert data object.
Output parameters:
• int $tm_alert_id: traf_monitor_alert identifier.
Deletes the traf_monitor_alert object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $alert_id: Alert ID.
Output parameters:
getAllTMAlerts (read-only)
Gets the list of the traf_monitor_alert objects you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_traf_monitor_alert $traf_monitor_alerts: Array of traf_monitor_alert objects.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getNotices (read-only)
Returns information about current issues that affect the API.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_notice $notices: Array of status notifications.
getSystemStatus (read-only)
Returns system status information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• string $system_status: System status.
getTMAlert (read-only)
Returns the traf_monitor_alert object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $alert_id: Alert ID.
Output parameters:
• traf_monitor_alert $tm_alert: traf_monitor_alert data object.
listAllTMAlerts (read-only)
Gets the list of all traf_monitor_alert IDs you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $alert_ids: Array of traf_monitor_alert IDs.
Removes recipients from traffic monitor alert emails.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $email_hash: Hash of $email_address.
Output parameters:
Updates an existing traf_monitor_alert.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• traf_monitor_alert $tm_alert: traf_monitor_alert data object.
Output parameters:
Passback Service
The Passback lets publisher add, delete, or modify a passback url associated one or multipe section. See for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• activatePassbacks — Activate a Passback.
• add — Add a new passback.
• deactivatePassbacks — Deactivate a Passback.
• deletePassbacks — Delete passbacks.
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified passback.
• getAll — Gets the list of all the passback objects for the logged in publisher.
• update — update a passback.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $passback_ids: Array of $passback_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Use to create a new passback.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• passback $passback: represents a new passback data object.
Output parameters:
• int $passback_id: The passback ID.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $passback_ids: Array of $passback_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $passback_ids: Array of $passback_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
get (read-only)
Returns the full passback data object.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Passback Id
Output parameters:
• passback $passback: The $passback data object.
getAll (read-only)
Returns an array of passback you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $seller_entity_id: Publisher entity id.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_passback $passback: Array of $passback.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
Use add to create a new passback.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• passback $passback: represents a new passback data object.
Output parameters:
• int $passback_id: The passback ID.
Pixel Service
This service lets you add/get/modify pixels.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Create a new pixel.
• addPiggybackPixel — Add a new piggyback pixel.
• addSegmentContributor — Creates a unique publisher tag that identifies the publisher segmenting a user.
• addSegmentShares — Create new segment shares and assign them to specified buyers.
• attachCreatives — Attach creatives to a segment pixel.
• delete — Delete a pixel.
• deletePiggybackPixel — Delete a piggyback pixel.
• deletePixels — Delete pixels.
• deleteSegmentContributor — Delete a specified segment contributor ID.
• detachCreatives — Detach previously attached creatives from a pixel.
• get — Retrieve all information about the specified pixel.
• getAll — Get all pixels which you are authorized to see.
• getAllBoughtSegments — Return an array of bought_segments that have been purchased by you.
• getAllPiggybackPixelsSince — Return piggyback pixels changed between start_date and end_date.
• getAllSince — Return pixels changed between start_date and end_date.
• getAttachedCreatives — Returns list of creative objects attached to a segment pixel.
• getAvailableContentCategoriesBuyers — Returns an array of available content buyer contacts.
• getAvailableSegmentBuyers — Returns an array of available data buyer contacts.
• getByEntity — Get the list of pixels for the specified entity.
• getByLineItem — Get the list of pixels for the specified line_item.
• getContentCategoryOwner — Get owner information for a given public segment id.
• getPiggybackPixels — Retrieve the list of piggyback pixels associated with the given pixel.
• getPixelTags — Return the list of pixel tags.
• getSegmentContributor — Returns the segment contributor object based on the segment contributor ID.
• getSegmentOwner — Get owner information for a given public segment id.
• getSegments — Return list of segment pixels that you own.
• getSegmentShares — Returns an array of segment shares that you own.
• getShareForSegments — Get segment shares for specified segments.
• listAll — Get all pixel ids you are authorized to see.
• listAllDeletedSince — Return pixel ids deleted between start_date and end_date.
• listAllPiggybackPixelsSince — Return piggyback pixel ids changed between start_date and end_date.
• listAllSegmentContributors — Returns all segment contributor IDs created by your network.
• listAllSince — Return pixel ids changed between start_date and end_date.
• listAttachedCreatives — Returns a list of creative ids attached to a segment pixel.
• listByEntity — Get the list of pixel ids for the specified entity.
• listByLineItem — Get the list of pixel ids for the specified line item.
• listSegments — Return a list of segment pixel ids that you own.
• lookup — Return the array of arrays of all pixel ids for each code.
• removeBoughtSegments — Remove previously bought segments.
• removeSegmentShares — Remove specified segment shares owned by you.
• syncSegmentShares — Creates and removes segment shares as specified by the input.
• update — Modify a pixel.
Create a new pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• pixel $pixel: New pixel data object.
Output parameters:
• int $pixel_id: Pixel id.
Bind the specified pixel by its pixel::$id to the given piggyback pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $pixel_id: pixel identifier
• piggyback_pixel $piggyback_pixel: piggyback pixel
Output parameters:
• int $piggyback_pixel_id: piggyback pixel identifier
Creates a unique publisher tag that identifies the publisher segmenting a user. Available to Audience Manager sellers
only. Contact API support to enable publisher tracking.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• segment_contributor $segment_contributor: segment contributor to be created.
Output parameters:
• int $id: segment contributor id.
Create new segment shares and assign them to specified buyers. Available to Audience Manager sellers and Content
Manager sellers. When adding share for segments that support a hierarchy(via parent relations) this method will throw
an exception if the parent segment of the segment in input is already shared with the same buyer.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_segment_share $segment_shares: Segment shares to be created.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Segment share ids.
Attach creatives to a segment pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $pixel_id: segment pixel id
• array_of_int $creative_ids: list of creative id
Output parameters:
Remove an existing pixel data object. Note: Deleting any segment pixel that you have shared via Audience Share will
also remove the corresponding segment shares, and thus will deactivate any line items -- except your own -- that are
targeting this pixel and notify their owners. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience marketplace for
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $id: pixel identifier
Output parameters:
Delete a piggyback pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $piggyback_pixel_id: piggyback pixel identifier
Output parameters:
Remove existing pixel data objects. Note: Deleting any segment pixel that you have shared via Audience Share will
also remove the corresponding segment shares, and thus will deactivate any line items -- except your own -- that are
targeting this pixel and notify their owners. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience marketplace for
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_int $ids: pixel identifiers
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results
Delete a specified segment contributor ID. Available to Audience Manager sellers only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $id: ID of segment contributor to be deleted.
Output parameters:
Detach previously attached creatives from a pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $segment_id: segment-pixel ID
• array_of_int $creative_ids: array of creative IDs
Output parameters:
Return the full pixel data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $id: Pixel id.
Output parameters:
• pixel $pixel: pixel data object.
getAll (read-only)
Return the array of pixel objects which you are allowed to see according to security model.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_pixel $pixel: list of pixels
• int $total_count: total items count
getAllBoughtSegments (read-only)
Return an array of bought_segments that have been purchased by you. Available to Audience Manager buyers and
Content Manager buyers only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_bought_segment $bought_segment: Bought segments.
getAllPiggybackPixelsSince (read-only)
Return piggyback pixels changed between start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Date from which list all updated piggyback pixel
• dateTime $end_date: Date till list all updated piggyback pixel
• int $entries_on_page: Number of piggyback pixels per page
• int $page_num: Page number
Output parameters:
• array_of_piggyback_pixel $piggyback_pixels: piggyback pixels
• int $total_count: total items count
getAllSince (read-only)
Return pixels changed between start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00
00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_pixel $pixels: array of pixels
• int $total_count: total items count
getAttachedCreatives (read-only)
Returns list of creative objects attached to a segment pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $segment_id: segment id
Output parameters:
• array_of_creative $creatives
getAvailableContentCategoriesBuyers (read-only)
Returns an array of available content buyer contacts. Available to Content Category sellers only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_content_buyer_contact $content_buyers: Array of potential content category buyer contacts.
getAvailableSegmentBuyers (read-only)
Returns an array of available data buyer contacts. Available to Audience Manager sellers only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_data_buyer_contact $data_buyers: Array of potential data buyer contacts.
getByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of pixel's data objects which belong to the entity specified by entity_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_pixel $pixel: array of pixel
• int $total_count: total items count
getByLineItem (read-only)
Return the array of pixel's data objects which belong to the line_item specified by line_item_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $line_item_id: line_item identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_pixel $pixel: array of pixel
• int $total_count: total items count
getContentCategoryOwner (read-only)
Get owner information for a given public segment id. Available to Content Manager buyers only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment id.
Output parameters:
• content_seller_contact $content_seller_contact: Content seller contact.
Retrieve the list of piggyback pixels associated with the given pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $id: pixel identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_piggyback_pixel $piggyback_pixels: piggyback pixels
• int $total_count: total items count
getPixelTags (read-only)
Return the list of pixel tags for pixels specified in $pixel_tag_params.conversion_ids. If
$pixel_tag_params.secure_pixel is true then '' is used for url domain.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• pixel_tag_params $pixel_tag_params: params for pixel tag generation
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $pixel_tags: generated pixel tags
getSegmentContributor (read-only)
Returns the segment contributor object based on the segment contributor ID. Available to Audience Manager sellers
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $id: ID of segment contributor.
Output parameters:
• segment_contributor $segment_contributor: Segment Contributor.
getSegmentOwner (read-only)
Get owner information for a given public segment id. Available to Audience Manager buyers only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment id.
Output parameters:
• data_seller_contact $data_seller_contact: Data seller contact.
getSegments (read-only)
Return list of segment pixels that you own.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: number of entities on page. Max entires per page will be 3000.
• int $page_num: number of page
• segment_search_options $segment_search_options: Segment search options for pixel segment name.
Leading and/or trailing wildcards (*) can be added to get results for pixel segment names matching the string
provided. Possible patterns are: 'pixel': Will match exact name 'pixel'
'*pixel': Will return results having name as 'pixel' or some words before pixel like 'New pixel'
'pixel*': Will return results having name as 'pixel' or some words after pixel like 'pixel segment'
'*pixel*': Will return results having name as 'pixel' or some words before pixel like 'New pixel' or some words
after pixel like 'pixel segment' or 'New pixel segment'
Output parameters:
• array_of_pixel $pixel
• int $count_of_pixels
getSegmentShares (read-only)
Returns an array of segment shares that you own. Available to Audience Manager sellers and Content Manager
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results
per pag. If n not provided then for large data, the memory exhaust error may come.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_segment_share $segment_shares: Segment shares that you own.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getShareForSegments (read-only)
Returns an array of segment shares of specified segments. Available to Audience Manager sellers and Content
Manager sellers.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_int $segments: Segment ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_response $responses: list of responses
• array_of_segment_share $segment_shares: list of Segment Shares
Return the array of pixel objects which you are allowed to see according to security model.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $pixel_ids: array of pixel id
listAllDeletedSince (read-only)
Return pixel ids deleted between start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00
00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
listAllPiggybackPixelsSince (read-only)
Return piggyback pixel ids changed between start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date =
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Date from which list all updated piggyback pixel
• dateTime $end_date: Date till list all updated piggyback pixel
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: Array of piggyback pixel ids
Returns all segment contributor IDs created by your network. Available to Audience Manager sellers only.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $segment_contributor_ids: array of segment contributor id
listAllSince (read-only)
Return pixel ids changed between start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00
00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
listAttachedCreatives (read-only)
Returns a list of creative ids attached to a segment pixel.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $segment_id: segment pixel id
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_ids
listByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of section ids which belong to the entity specified by entity_id. Use PixelService::get() to get the
whole pixel's data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $pixel_ids: array of pixel id
listByLineItem (read-only)
Return the array of ids which belong to the line item specified by line_item_id. Use PixelService::get() to get the whole
pixel's data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $line_item_id: line_item identifier
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $pixel_ids: array of pixel id
listSegments (read-only)
Return a list of segment pixel ids that you own.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $pixel
Return the array of arrays of all pixel ids for each code. You can use PixelService::get() to get the whole pixel data
object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Session token.
• array_of_string $codes: line_item codes.
Output parameters:
• array_of_array_of_int $pixel_ids
removeBoughtSegments (read-only)
Remove previously bought segments. Available to Audience Manager buyers only.
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_int $public_segment_ids: Public segment ids.
Output parameters:
Remove specified segment shares owned by you. Available to Audience Manager sellers and Content Manager
sellers. When removing share for segments that support a hierarchy(via parent relations) this method will throw an
exception if the parent segment of the segment in input is already shared with the same buyer. Note: The buyer(s) of
these segment shares will be notified. Any line items -- except your own -- that are targeting these segments will be
deactivated. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience
marketplace for details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_int $segment_share_ids: Segment share ids to be deleted.
Output parameters:
Creates and removes segment shares as specified by the input. Available to Audience Manager sellers and Content
Manager sellers. Please note that the segment share remove requests will be processed first followed by adds. In
case of syncing shares for segments that support a hierarchy(via parent relations) this method will deactivate line
items only in case where there is an actual removal of segment shares. In cases where the remove and add operation
leave a certain segment share untouched the line items will not be deactivated.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_segment_share $add_objs: List of new segment shares to add
• array_of_segment_share $del_objs: List of segment shares to remove
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: New segment share ids
Change the fields of pixel data object. Note: Some fields are generated by API (e.g. pixel::$id) and cannot be changed
by the client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• pixel $pixel: Modified pixel data object.
Output parameters:
PreferredTerms Service
This service lets you add/modify/delete/get preferred terms.
Review the Preferred Terms section in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Add/Create preferred terms for demand from accessing (a slice of) managed supply of the network.
• delete — Deletes a preferred terms
• getAllPreferredTerms — Returns an array of all preferred terms you are allowed to access.
• getAllSince — Return all preferred terms changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getByObjectId — Returns the preferred_terms data object for specified id.
• getVurls — Gets list of Vurls for specific rule id/pattern.
• listAll — Returns preferred_terms data object ids that you are allowed to access.
• listAllSince — Return preferred terms IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• quickSearch — Returns an array of all demand blocklist you are allowed to access.
• setVurls — Creates preferred terms for VURL.
• update — Modify a preferred terms.
Add a new preferred_terms.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• preferred_terms $preferred_terms: New preferred_terms data object.
Output parameters:
• int $id: Id of preferred terms.
Removes an existing preferred_terms object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $preferred_terms_id: Preferred Terms ID.
Output parameters:
getAllPreferredTerms (read-only)
Returns an array of all preferred terms you are allowed to access.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• preferred_terms_search_options $preferred_terms_search_options: Search options.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_preferred_terms_getall $preferred_terms
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAllSince (read-only)
Return preferred terms IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_preferred_terms $preferred_terms: An array of preferred terms objects.
• int $total: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByObjectId (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $preferred_terms_id: Id of preferred terms data object.
Output parameters:
• preferred_terms $preferred_terms
getVurls (read-only)
Gets list of Vurls for specific rule id/pattern.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $preferred_terms_id: Id of preferred terms data object.
• string $pattern: Pattern for vurl.
• boolean $is_universal_search: Set to false if search is for selected vurl against preferred_terms_id else
true. Default value is false.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_vurl_get_data $vurl_data
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
listAll (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $preferred_terms_ids
listAllSince (read-only)
Return preferred terms IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: An array of preferred terms IDs.
quickSearch (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $pattern: search string.
• enum_active $active: search by status. By default will return 'all'.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_preferred_terms_getall $preferred_terms
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Creates preferred terms for VURL.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $preferred_terms_id: Id of preferred terms data object.
• array_of_int $add_vurl_ids: VURL ids to be added.
• array_of_int $remove_vurl_ids: VURL ids to be removed.
• boolean $include: Set flag include to "true" to include or "false" to exclude the ids provided $add_vurl_ids.
By default value its true.
Output parameters:
Modify fields of preferred_terms data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• preferred_terms $preferred_terms.: Modified preferred_terms data object.
Output parameters:
PublisherReservePrice Service
This service lets you add/modify/delete/get Publisher Reserve Price Profile.
Review the Publisher Reserve Price section in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Create a new publisher reserve price profile.
• addProfiles — Method for bulk add.
• delete — Deletes a publisher reserve price profile.
• deleteProfiles — Deletes multiple publisher reserve price profiles.
• get — Retrieves all information about the specified publisher reserve price profile.
• getAll — Returns an array of all reserve price profiles you are allowed to see at network, publisher or section
• update — Modify a publisher reserve price profile.
• updateProfiles — Method for bulk update.
Add a new publisher_reserve_price_profile.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• publisher_reserve_price_profile $publisher_reserve_price_profile: New publisher_reserve_price_profile
data object.
Output parameters:
• int $rp_profile_id: Id of Publisher reserve price profile.
Method for bulk add.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_publisher_reserve_price_profile $publisher_reserve_price_profiles: array of
$publisher_reserve_price_profiles objects.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Removes an existing publisher_reserve_price_profile object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $reserve_price_profile_id: Publisher Reserve Price Profile ID.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_int $reserve_price_profile_ids: Array of Publisher Reserve Price Profile IDs.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
get (read-only)
Returns the full publisher reserve price profile data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $reserve_price_profile_id: publisher reserve price profile ID.
Output parameters:
• publisher_reserve_price_profile $publisher_reserve_price_profile: The $publisher_reserve_price_profile
data object.
getAll (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entity_id: Entity id (publisher, network). For publisher entity id, reserve price profiles with section ids will
also be returned.
• reserve_price_filter_options $rp_filter_options: Filter options to get specific reserve price profiles.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_publisher_reserve_price_profile $publisher_reserve_price_profiles
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Modify fields of publisher_reserve_price_profile data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• publisher_reserve_price_profile $publisher_reserve_price_profile.: Modified
publisher_reserve_price_profile data object.
Output parameters:
Method for bulk update.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_publisher_reserve_price_profile $publisher_reserve_price_profiles: array of
$publisher_reserve_price_profiles objects
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Quota Service
This service provides information about quota usage
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• getQuotaByCmdGroup — Retrieve information about daily quota assigned by command group.
• getQuotaByServiceByMethod — Retrieve information about quota usage for a given service and method.
getQuotaByCmdGroup (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $cmdgroup_name: service name
Output parameters:
• array_of_quota $quota: array of quota
getQuotaByServiceByMethod (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $service_name: service name
• string $service_method: service method
Output parameters:
• array_of_quota $quota: array of quota
Report Service
The ReportService class includes methods that allow you to request, retrieve, and work with reporting data.
Use these methods to run reports against the Exchange's databases and recover data for your account.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version.
• - test version.
Requests Summary
• addSegmentReportVisibility — Add the report visibility permissions for content category sellers. Only
accessible to content category buyers.
• getSegmentReportVisibility — Get the report visibility permissions for content category sellers. Only
accessible to content category buyers.
• isMonthCertified — Checks if the numbers for a given month have been certified.
• opportunityRequestViaXML — make a xml request to generate an Opportunity Report
• requestSavedReport — generate a report using a saved request
• requestViaXML — make a xml request to generate a report
• status — get a report URL if it has been generated successfully
• updateSegmentReportVisibility — Updates the report visibility permissions for content category sellers. Only
accessible to content category buyers.
This API adds report visibility permissions for content category sellers. The buyer_id is ignored. The seller ids should
be unique and this will be specified as the item_id in the return objects.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• array_of_segment_report_visibility $visibilities: The array of segment_report_visibility objects for different
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Status of each request
getSegmentReportVisibility (read-only)
This API get report visibility permissions for content category sellers.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• array_of_int $seller_ids: The array of seller_ids
Output parameters:
• array_of_segment_report_visibility $results: visibility permissions for each seller
isMonthCertified (read-only)
This method is a boolean datatype. It returns boolean true if numbers have been certified. It returns boolean false if
the numbers have not been certified.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• string $date: Use the format YYYY-MM.
Output parameters:
• boolean $is_certified: Flag.
The opportunityRequestViaXML method is intended specifically for requesting OpportunityReports.
This method is functionally identical to requestViaXML, but opportunityRequestViaXML has a more restrictive quota
You may use either method to submit Opportunity Report requests, but both will route such requests to this method,
and thus be subject to the more restrictive limit. You will probably find it most convenient to use requestViaXML for all
your report requests, but in that case be aware that, when submitting requests for Opportunity Reports, both the quota
feedback SOAP headers and the exception message if the quota limit is reached will be specific to
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• string $xml: xml Defines the rows, columns, and filters of your XML request.
Output parameters:
• string $report_token: Represents the report location.
Use this method to generate reports from previously saved requests.
Note: The API allows only one ReportService query at a time for a given user.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• int $report_id: The report ID.
Output parameters:
• string $report_token: Represents the report location.
Use the requestViaXML method to generate report data. The requestViaXML method makes code development
efficient because it allows you to form your report request in XML. Review the Reportware XML Syntax page or the
Yield Manager KB article "The requestViaXML method: About" for additional details.
Note: The API allows only one ReportService query at a time for a given user.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• string $xml: xml Defines the rows, columns, and filters of your XML request.
Output parameters:
• string $report_token: Represents the report location.
The status method monitors the file system to determine if your report is ready. Once it is, status returns a URL that
points to the XML block containing your report data. Review the Yield Manager article "The status method: About" for
additional details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• string $report_token: Represents the report location.
Output parameters:
• string $url_report: This is the URL of the finished report.
This API updates an existing report visibility permissions for content category sellers. The buyer_id is ignored. The
seller ids should be unique and this will be specified as the item_id in the return objects.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Represents your current API session token.
• array_of_segment_report_visibility $visibilities: The array of segment_report_visibility objects for different
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Status of each request
Rtbd Service
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• getBidURL — Return current BidURL setting for RTBD advertiser in specified region.
• getFailureReport — Get traffic failure metrics. There are multiple rows returned over the reporting period, and
there are multiple rows per period as well and per bid url?, having one row per distinct failure type (eg
timeout, connect error, etc).
• getQPS — Get current qps setting for the RTBD advertiser in specified region.
• getRecentTrafficReport — Report per region for this advertiser, the traffic and statistics observed over the
last 24 hours.
• getSuccessReport — Report traffic metrics to the advertiser including the aggregates relative to success.
There will be one row per time period (default 30 mins) per bid url?, listing the total number of bids, the
number of sucessful bid responses, and the measurement of the latency over the successful responses.
• setBidURL — Set bid_url, bid_api_version, transport format for this RTBD advertiser in specified region.
• setQPS — Set max qps for the RTBD advertiser in specified region.
Return current rtbdbidurl BidURL setting for RTBD advertiser in specified region.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $advertiserId: This variable represnts your Yahoo Ad Exchange entity(advertiser) id.
• enum_rtbd_region $EnumRtbdRegion: region qps setting region.
Output parameters:
• rtbdbidurl $GetRtbdBidURL: RtbdBidURL object.
Get traffic failure metrics. There are multiple rows returned over the reporting period, and there are multiple rows per
period as well and per bid url?, having one row per distinct failure type (eg timeout, connect error, etc).
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $advertiserId: This variable represnts your Yahoo Ad Exchange entity(advertiser) id.
Output parameters:
• rtbdfailurereport $RtbdFaliureReport
Get current getrtbdqpsresp QPS setting for the RTBD advertiser in specified region.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $advertiserId: This variable represnts your Yahoo Ad Exchange entity(advertiser) id.
• enum_rtbd_region $EnumRtbdRegion: region qps setting region.
Output parameters:
• getrtbdqpsresp $GetRtbdQpsResp: RtbdQPS object.
Report per region for this advertiser, the traffic and statistics observed over the last 24 hours.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $advertiserId: This variable represnts your Yahoo Ad Exchange entity(advertiser) id.
• enum_rtbd_region $EnumRtbdRegion: region qps setting region.
Output parameters:
• rtbdrecenttrafficreport $RtbdRecentTrafficReport: recent traffic.
Report traffic metrics to the advertiser including the aggregates relative to success. There will be one row per time
period (default 30 mins) per bid url?, listing the total number of bids, the number of sucessful bid responses, and the
measurement of the latency over the successful responses.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $advertiserId: This variable represnts your Yahoo Ad Exchange entity(advertiser) id.
Output parameters:
• rtbdsuccessreport $RtbdSuccessReport
Set bid_url, bid_api_version, transport format for this RTBD advertiser in specified region.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• rtbdbidurl $RtbdBidURL: rtbdbidurl A RtbdBidURL object.
Output parameters:
Set max qps for the RTBD advertiser in specified region.
Return none
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed advertiser
• Advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• rtbdqps $rtbdQPS: rtbdqps A RtbdQPS Object.
Output parameters:
Search Service
This service lets you run a search
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• quickSearch — Run a search for objects
• search
• searchWoeids — Returns all woe ids having their description that matches the search pattern provided by
API user
quickSearch (read-only)
Return found objects and found objects count.
Searches entries of search_clause : entity by name field value; contact by first_name and last_name fields value;
insertion order / line item / creative / pixel / site / section by description field value.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• string $search_clause: search string
• enum_quicksearch_object_type $object_type
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_quicksearch_result $result: array or empty array
• int $total_objects_found: count of found objects or 0
search (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• enum_search_object_type $object_type
• array_of_search_data $search_data_array: array of search_data
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $result: array or empty array
searchWoeids (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $search_pattern: Search pattern for woeid description. Leading and/or trailing wildcards (*) can be
added to get results for woeid de scriptions matching the string provided. Possible patterns are:
'mexico': Will match exact string 'mexico'
'*mexico': Will return results having description as 'mexico' or some words before mexico like 'New Mexico'
'mexico*': Will return results having description as 'mexico' or some words after mexico like 'Mexico City'
'*mexico*': Will return results having description as 'mexico' or some words before mexico like 'New Mexico'
or some words after mexico lik e 'Mexico city' or 'New Mexico city'
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_woeid_search_result $woeid_search_result: Array of woeids matching $search_pattern
provided by API user
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
Section Service
This service lets you add/modify a section.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — add a new section
• get — retrieve all information about the specified section
• getAll — get all sections you are authorized to see
• getAllSince — Return sections changed between start_date and end_date.
• getByEntity — get the list of sections for the specified entity
• getBySite — get the list of sections available for the specified site
• listAll — get the list of all section`s ids you are authorized to see
• listAllSince — Return section IDs changed between start_date and end_date.
• listBeaconPixels — retrieve the list of beacon pixels available
• listByEntity — get the list of section's ids for the specified entity
• listBySite — get the list of all sections available for the specified site
• lookup — return the list of list of all section' ids for each given code
• update — modify a section
Create a new section for the site, specified by section::$site_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• section $section: new section data object
Output parameters:
• int $section_id: section identifier
get (read-only)
Return the full section's data object.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $id: section identifier
Output parameters:
• section $section: section data object
getAll (read-only)
Return the array of all section's data objects which you are allowed to see according to security model
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_section $sections: array of sections
• int $total_count: total items count
getAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_section $sections: array of sections
• int $total_count: total items count
getByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of section's data objects which belong to the entity specified by entity_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_section $sections: array of sections
• int $total_count: total items count
getBySite (read-only)
Return the array of all section's data objects available for the site specified by site_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $site_id: site identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_section $sections: array of sections
• int $total_count: total items count
listAll (read-only)
Return the array of section's ids which you are allowed to see according to security model Use SectionService::get() to
get the whole section data object by its id or SectionService::getAll() to get the list of all data objects.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $section_ids: array of section identifiers
listAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
listBeaconPixels (read-only)
Return the list of available pixel's identifiers.
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
• RMX Direct
• Simplified SMP
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $pixel_ids: array of pixel identifiers
listByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of section's ids which belong to the entity specified by entity_id. Use SectionService::get() to get the
whole section's data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $section_ids: array of section identifiers
listBySite (read-only)
Return the array of section's ids available for the site specified by site_id. Use SectionService::get() to get the whole
section data object by its id or SectionService::getBySite() to get the list of all data objects.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $site_id: site identifier
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $section_ids: array of section identifiers
Return the array of arrays of section' ids for each code You can use SectionService::get() to get the whole section
data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• array_of_string $codes: line_item codes
Output parameters:
• array_of_array_of_int $section_ids
Change the fields of section's data object. Please keep in mind that some fields are generated behind API (e.g.
section::$id) and cannot be changed by the client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• section $section: modified section data object
Output parameters:
SegmentDefinition Service
Segment definition service allows users to request the creation of segments under a particular segment service
provider and manage these segment.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• add — Creates a targeting segment and shares it back to you.
• delete — Deletes the YAX segment pixel and associated segment share data from the segment service
provider entity's seat.
• get — Gets the segment attributes for a given public segment ID.
• srtKeywordsDelete — Delete keywords from a previously created segment.
• srtKeywordsGet — Get keywords from existing segment.
• srtKeywordsReport — Get a report about all keywords that comprise a previously created segment.
• srtKeywordsSet — Add keywords to a previously created segment.
• update — Update an existing segment and its attributes.
Creates a targeting segment under the requested target service provider and shares it back to you.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• string $segment_name: Short name of the segment you are creating.
• int $segment_type_id: Segment type ID. See valid types in Segment Type Enum.
• segment_attributes $segment_attributes: Segment attributes.
• int $segment_provider_entity_id: Entity id of the segment provider you are allowed to request service from.
• int $advertiser_entity_id: Only relevant if caller == $segment_provider_entity_id. In this case, this is
assumed (and enforced) to be a managed advertiser belonging to the caller. Everyone elase should either
skip this parameter, provide a value of 0, null or the same value as the $segment_provider_entity_id. Thease
are all equivalent.
Output parameters:
• pixel_pair $pixel_pair: Pixel pair object of private and public segment ids of the pixel. Private pixel id will not
be populated if you are not the service provider.
Deletes the YAX segment pixel and associated segment share data from the segment service provider entity's seat.
This method is available for segment managers and segment service providers.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment ID.
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Gets the segment attributes for a given public segment ID. This method is available for segment managers and
segment service providers.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment ID.
Output parameters:
• segment_attributes $segment_attributes: Segment attributes.
Delete keywords from a previously created segment. This method is available for segment managers and segment
service providers.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment ID.
• array_of_string $keywords: Keywords that will be deleted from segment.
Output parameters:
srtKeywordsGet (read-only)
Get keywords from existing segment. This method is available for segment managers and segment service providers.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment ID.
• string $keyword_status_filter: Optional filter to only get keywords of a certain status that populates this
segment. See valid types in Srt Keyword Status Enum.
Output parameters:
• array_of_srt_segment_status $srt_segment_status: Keywords and their corresponding status.
srtKeywordsReport (read-only)
Get a report about all keywords that comprise a previously created segment. This method is available for segment
managers and segment service providers.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment ID.
• string $date: Defines the date for which a report is being requested. Use the format yyyy-mm-dd.
Output parameters:
• array_of_srt_segment_report $srt_segment_report: Segment reports.
Add keywords to a previously created segment. This method is available for segment managers and segment service
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment ID.
• array_of_string $keywords: Keywords that will be added to the segment.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add keywords to existing keywords in this segment. Set "false" to overwrite
the existing keywords.
Output parameters:
Update an existing segment and its attributes. This method is available for segment managers and segment service
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents your current API session token.
• int $public_segment_id: Public segment ID.
• segment_attributes $segment_attributes: Segment attributes.
Output parameters:
Segment Service
This service lets you add/get/modify segments.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Create a new segment.
• delete — Delete a segment. (deprecated)
• get — Retrieve all information about the specified segment.
• getAll — Get all segments which you are authorized to see.
• getAncestorsInfo — Get all the ancestor list for all the segment ids (which you are authorized to view)
• getAncestorsPublicInfo — Get all the ancestor list for given public segment ids (which you are authorized to
• getChildSegments — Get all the child segments of a particular type, which you are authorized to see.
• getDescendantsPublicInfo — Get the descendant list for all the given public segment ids (which you are
authorized to view)
• syncSegments — Single bulk method for doing add and update
• update — Modify a segment.
Create a new segment. Additionally for segments that have specified a parent, the new segment will be automatically
be shared with any segment buyers with whom the parent is already shared. Currently this works for content
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• segment $segment: New segment data object.
Output parameters:
• int $segment_id: segment id.
delete (deprecated)
Remove an existing segment data object. Note: Deleting any segment that you have shared via Audience Share will
also remove the corresponding segment shares, and thus will deactivate any line items -- except your own -- that are
targeting this segment and notify their owners. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience marketplace for
Accessible for the following entity types:
• Self managed publisher
• Self managed advertiser
• Network
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $id: segment identifier
Output parameters:
Return the full segment data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $id: segment id.
Output parameters:
• segment $segment: segment data object.
getAll (read-only)
Return the array of segment objects which you are allowed to see according to security model.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_segment $segment: list of segments
• int $total_count: total items count
getAncestorsInfo (read-only)
Return the array of parent segment objects of given segment ids, which you are allowed to see according to security
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_int $segment_ids: Array of segment ids
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_response $responses: list of responses
• array_of_segment $segments: list of segments
getAncestorsPublicInfo (read-only)
Return the array of parent segment_public_info objects of given public segment ids, which you are allowed to see
according to security model.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_int $public_segment_ids: Array of public segment ids
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_response $responses: list of responses
• array_of_segment_public_info $segment_public_infos: list of segment public infos
getChildSegments (read-only)
Return the array of child segment objects of a particular type, which you are allowed to see according to security
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• int $parent_segment_id
• int $segment_type_id
Output parameters:
• array_of_segment $child_segments: list of child segments
getDescendantsPublicInfo (read-only)
Return the array of multiple_data_response objects and descendant segment_public_info objects of given public
segment ids, which you are allowed to see according to security model. Avaiable to content buyers only.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_int $public_segment_ids: Array of public segment ids
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_response $responses: list of responses
• array_of_segment_public_info $segment_public_infos: list of segment public infos
Single bulk method for doing add and update. Creates new segment if id is not present in segment object. Updates
the segment if id is present and is_deleted is not present.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• array_of_segment $segments: array of segment objects
Output parameters:
• array_of_sync_segment_response $response: array of sync_segment_response
Change the fields of segment data object. Additionally for segments that are modifying their parent(re-parenting), the
segment shares will be adjusted(sharing removed or added) to ensure that the segment is now shared based on the
new parent segments existing shares. In case any shares are removed as a result of this operation the corresponding
line items will be deactivated. Note: Some fields are generated by API (e.g. segment::$id) and cannot be changed by
the client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: Active session token.
• segment $segment: Modified segment data object.
Output parameters:
Sitelist Service
The sitelist service lets advertiser and publisher add Global Sitelist and advertiser site lists. See for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• addGTSections — Add sections to given GT ID.
• createASL — Add a array of new ASL from a list of global templates and sections ids.
• createASLs — Add a array of new ASL from a list of global templates and sections ids.
• createGT — Add a new global sitelist template.
• createGTs — Add a array of new global sitelist template.
• duplicateASL — Duplicate existing ASL
• duplicateGT — Duplicate existing GT
• getAllASL — Gets the list of all the advertiser section list object for the logged in User.
• getAllGT — Gets the list of all the Global template object for the logged in User.
• getASL — Retrieves all information about the specified advertiser section list.
• getGT — Retrieves all information about the specified global template.
• removeGTSections — Remove sections from given GT ID.
• updateASL — Update a advertiser section list.
• updateASLs — Update a array of advertiser section list.
• updateGT — Update a global sitelist template.
• updateGTs — Update a array of global sitelist template.
Add specified sections to given GT ID.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Global Template Id.
• array_of_int $section_ids: An array of Section Ids.
Output parameters:
Use to create a new advertiser_section_list.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• advertiser_section_list $advertiser_section_list: represents a new advertiser_section_list data object.
Output parameters:
• int $asl_id: . Unique Id for the ASL.
Use to create a array new advertiser_section_list.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_advertiser_section_list $advertiser_section_lists: Array of $advertiser_section_list.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Use to create a new section_custom_group.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• global_template $global_template: represents a new global_template data object.
Output parameters:
• int $gy_id: The Global template ID.
Use to create a array new section_custom_group.
Accessible for all entity types
• has_transaction_commit
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_global_template $global_templates: Array of $global_templates.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $asl_id: ID of Advertiser Section List to duplicate
Output parameters:
• int $new_asl_id: ID of new created Advertiser Section List.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $gt_id: ID of Global Template to duplicate
Output parameters:
• int $new_gt_id: ID of new created Global Template.
getAllASL (read-only)
Returns an array of advertiser_section_list you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_advertiser_section_list $advertiser_section_list: Array of $advertiser_section_list.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getAllGT (read-only)
Returns an array of section_custom_group you are allowed to see.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_global_template $GT: Array of $GTs.
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set. Use this with entries_on_page and
page_num to break up a report request into smaller chunks.
getASL (read-only)
Returns the full advertiser data object.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: advertiser section list id
Output parameters:
• advertiser_section_list $advertiser_section_list: The $advertiser_section_list data object.
getGT (read-only)
Returns the full section_custom_group data object.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Global Template id
Output parameters:
• global_template $global_template: The $global_template data object.
Remove specified sections from given GT ID.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $id: Global Template Id.
• array_of_int $section_ids: An array of Section Ids.
Output parameters:
Use to update a advertiser_section_list.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• advertiser_section_list $advertiser_section_list: represents a new advertiser_section_list data object.
Output parameters:
• int $asl_id: The Advertiser Section List ID.
Use to update a array advertiser_section_list.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_advertiser_section_list $advertiser_section_lists: Array of $advertiser_section_list.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Use to update a global_template.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• global_template $global_template: represents a new global_template data object.
Output parameters:
• int $gy_id: The Global template ID.
Use to update a array global_template.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_global_template $global_templates: Array of $global_template.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $results: Array of $results.
Site Service
This service lets you add/modify a site.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — add a new site
• deleteAllPublisherControls — Deletes publisher controls for specified site id and buyer_entity_ids.
• deletePublisherControls — Deletes publisher mask controls See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API
for more information on managing publisher controls. (deprecated)
• get — retrieve all information about the specified site
• getAll — get all the sites you are authorized to see
• getAllPublisherControls — Gets publisher mask controls for specified site. (deprecated)
• getAllSince — Return sites changed between start_date and end_date.
• getByEntity — get the list of sites for the specified entity
• getPublisherControls — Gets the publisher mask controls See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API
for more information on managing publisher controls. (deprecated)
• listAll — get the list of all site`s ids you are authorized to see
• listAllSince — Return site IDs changed between start_date and end_date.
• listByEntity — get the list of site's ids for the specified entity
• lookup — return the list of list of all site' ids for each given code
• setAllPublisherControls — Sets publisher mask controls for specified advertisers. (deprecated)
• setPublisherControls — Sets the publisher mask controls See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for
more information on managing publisher controls. (deprecated)
• update — modify a site
Create a new site for the publisher specified by site::$publisher_entity_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• site $site: new site data object
Output parameters:
• int $site_id: site identifier
deleteAllPublisherControls (deprecated)
See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for more information on managing publisher controls.
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::delete()/deleteProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $site_id: Specifies site id of managed pub entity_id or seat id (default) where the params are to be
• array_of_publisher_control_masks $publisher_control_masks: Array of objects having hidden params,
type, buyer_entity_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: Result of bulk operation
deletePublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::delete()/deleteProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $site_id: Specifies managed pub's site
• enum_pub_control_type $type: Publisher control type. Values available for type are 'rtbd' and 'macro'.
Type value 'all' is not valid for this method.
• int $buyer_entity_id: Advertiser entity id. Default value is 0. Value $buyer_entity_id=0 will delete publisher
control mask set at network level.
Output parameters:
get (read-only)
Return the full site data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $id: site identifier
Output parameters:
• site $site: site data object
getAll (read-only)
Return the array of site' objects which you are allowed to see according to security model.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_site $sites: array of sites
• int $total_count: total items count
getAllPublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for more information on managing publisher controls.
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::get()/getProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $site_id: Specifies site id of managed pub entity_id or seat id (default) for which publisher control masks
are to be fetched.
Output parameters:
• array_of_publisher_control_masks $publisher_control_masks: Array of objects having hidden params,
type, buyer_entity_ids.
getAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_site $sites: array of sites
• int $total_count: total items count
getByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of site's data objects which belong to the entity specified by entity_id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
• int $entries_on_page
• int $page_num
Output parameters:
• array_of_site $sites: array of site
• int $total_count: total items count
getPublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::get()/getProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $site_id: Specifies managed pub's site
• enum_pub_control_type $type: Publisher control type. Values available for type are 'rtbd' and 'macro'.
Type value 'all' is not valid for this method.
• int $buyer_entity_id: Advertiser entity id. Default value is 0. Value $buyer_entity_id=0 will get publisher
control mask set at network level.
Output parameters:
• publisher_control_data $publisher_control_data: object containing mask control details
listAll (read-only)
Return the array of site' id which you are allowed to see according to security model. Use SiteService::get() to get
whole site data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $site_ids: array of site id
listAllSince (read-only)
Note: This method sets the start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time
interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token
• dateTime $start_date
• dateTime $end_date
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids
listByEntity (read-only)
Return the array of site's ids which belong to the entity specified by entity_id. Use SiteService::get() to get the whole
site's data object by its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• int $entity_id: entity identifier
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $site_ids: array of site id
Return the array of arrays of site' ids for each code You can use SiteService::get() to get the whole site data object by
its id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• array_of_string $codes: line_item codes
Output parameters:
• array_of_array_of_int $site_ids
setAllPublisherControls (deprecated)
See Managing Publisher Controls Using the API for more information on managing publisher controls.
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::add()/addProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $site_id: Specifies site id of managed pub entity_id or seat id (default) where the params are to be
• array_of_publisher_control_masks $publisher_control_masks: Array of objects having hidden params,
type, buyer_entity_ids.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_data_result $result: Result of bulk operation
setPublisherControls (read-only) (deprecated)
This method is deprecated. Use InventoryVisibilityControls::add()/addProfiles()
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• array_of_enum_pub_control_param $hidden_params: Parameters to be masked
• int $site_id: Specifies managed pub's site where the params are to be hidden
• enum_pub_control_type $type: Publisher control type. Values available for type are 'rtbd' and 'macro'.
Type value 'all' is not valid for this method.
• int $buyer_entity_id: Advertiser entity id. Default value is 0. This will set publisher control mask globally i.e.
at network level.
Output parameters:
Change the fields of site data object. Please keep in mind that some fields are generated behind API (e.g. site::$id)
and cannot be changed by client.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• site $site: modified site data object
Output parameters:
SupplyBlocklist Service
This service lets you add/modify/delete/get supply blocklists.
Review the Supply blocklist section in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for additional details.
WSDL links for this service:
• - production version
• - test version
Requests Summary
• add — Add/Create blocklist for supply from accessing (a slice of) managed supply of the network.
• delete — Deletes a supply blocklist
• getAllBlocklists — Returns an array of all supply blocklist you are allowed to access.
• getAllSince — Return all supply blocklist changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getByObjectId — Returns the supply_blocklist data object for specified id.
• getVurls — Gets list of Vurls for specific rule id/pattern.
• listAll — Returns supply_blocklist data object ids that you are allowed to access.
• listAllSince — Return supply blocklist IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• quickSearch — Returns an array of all supply blocklist you are allowed to access.
• setVurls — Creates blocklist for VURL.
• update — Modify a supply blocklist.
Add a new supply_blocklist.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• supply_blocklist $supply_blocklist: New supply_blocklist data object.
Output parameters:
• int $id: Id of supply blocklist.
Removes an existing supply_blocklist object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $supply_blocklist_id: Supply Blocklist ID.
Output parameters:
getAllBlocklists (read-only)
Returns an array of all supply blocklist you are allowed to access.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• blocklist_search_options $blocklist_search_options: Search options.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_blocklist_getall $supply_blocklist
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAllSince (read-only)
Return supply blocklist IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_supply_blocklist $supply_blocklist: An array of supply blocklist objects.
• int $total: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getByObjectId (read-only)
Returns the supply_blocklist data object for specified id.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $supply_blocklist_id: Id of supply blocklist data object.
Output parameters:
• supply_blocklist $supply_blocklist
getVurls (read-only)
Gets list of Vurls for specific rule id/pattern.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $supply_blocklist_id: Id of supply blocklist data object.
• string $pattern: Pattern for vurl.
• boolean $is_universal_search: Set to false if search is for selected vurl against supply_blocklist_id else
true. Default value is false.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_vurl_get_data $vurl_data
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
listAll (read-only)
Returns supply_blocklist data object ids that you are allowed to access.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $blocklist_ids
listAllSince (read-only)
Return supply blocklist IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the
start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: An array of supply blocklist IDs.
quickSearch (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• string $pattern: search string.
• enum_active $active: search by status. By default will return 'all'.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_blocklist_getall $supply_blocklist
• int $total_count: The total number of records returned in the result set.
Creates blocklist for VURL.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $supply_blocklist_id: Id of supply blocklist data object.
• array_of_int $add_vurl_ids: VURL ids to be added.
• array_of_int $remove_vurl_ids: VURL ids to be removed.
• boolean $include: Set flag include to "true" to include or "false" to exclude the ids provided $add_vurl_ids.
By default value its true.
Output parameters:
Modify fields of supply_blocklist data object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• supply_blocklist $supply_blocklist.: Modified supply_blocklist data object.
Output parameters:
TargetProfile Service
The TargetProfileService lets you manage targeting rules for target profiles. Use targeting rules on buyer and seller
line items to control traffic, delivery, and ensure that users see appropriate ads on appropriate inventory. See
Targeting rules defined for more information.
WSDL links for this service:
Sandbox vs Production WSDLs: When to use.
Requests Summary
• addApprovedCreatives — Adds approved creatives.
• addBannedCreatives — Adds banned creatives to a given target profile.
• addCustomGeoArea — Adds a new Custom Geographic Area under current entity. Custom Geographic Area
is a grouping of postal codes (zip bundle) within a country for targeting usage
• addMUTP — Adds a secondary target profile.
• applyDefaultTargetProfile — Applies a default target profile to the specified object.
• copyTargetProfile — Copies a target profile.
• createDefaultTargetProfile — Creates a default target profile.
• deleteDefaultTargetProfile — Deletes a specified default target profile.
• deleteMUTP — Deletes a secondary target profile.
• deleteTargetClickUrls
• deleteTargetCreatives — Delete targeted creative IDs.
• flipCreativeDefault — Changes the default creative status.
• get — Retrieves all the target profile objects for the specified target profile ID.
• getAllCustomGeoAreas — Returns all Custom Geographic Area objects for current entity
• getAllSince — Return all target profiles changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• getAvailableTargetings — Returns an array of targeting types that apply to the given object.
• getByObject — Return target_profile and targetings objects by specified object.
• getCustomGeoArea — Returns Custom Geographic Area object for a given Custom Geographic Area id
• getDefaultTargetProfiles — Returns a list of default target profile IDs.
• getGeoTargetingVersion — Returns type of Geo targeting applied on owner
• getMUTP — Retrieve secondary target profiles
• getTargetAdvertisers — Returns an array of targeting rules by advertiser ID.
• getTargetAges — Returns an array of targeted ages.
• getTargetASLs — Returns an array of targeting ASLs.
• getTargetBrowsers — Returns an array of browser targeting IDs.
• getTargetBuyerLineItems — Returns an array of targeted advertiser line item IDs.
• getTargetBuyers — Returns an array of targeted advertiser IDs.
• getTargetChannels — Returns an array of included or excluded publisher channel IDs.
• getTargetClickUrls — Returns an array based on click URL targeting.
• getTargetClickUrlsV2 — Return an array of click URL targeting
• getTargetContentCategories — Returns an array of content categories
• getTargetCreativeBeacons — Returns an array of creative beacon IDs.
• getTargetCreatives — Returns an array of targeted creative IDs.
• getTargetCreativeSpecs — Returns an array of targeted creative specs. (deprecated)
• getTargetCreativeTags — Returns an array of creative tag IDs.
• getTargetCSL — Returns an array of targeting ASLs.
• getTargetDayparts — Returns an array of daypart targeting rules.
• getTargetDealProperties — Returns an array of targeting rules by deal properties.
• getTargetFrequency — Returns an array of frequency cap targeting settings: amount and time interval.
• getTargetGender — Returns an array of gender targeting.
• getTargetGeography — Returns an array of geographic targeting rules.
• getTargetGeographyV2 — Returns the list of targeted WOEIDs and CGA ids.
• getTargetInventoryTypes — Returns an array of targeting rules for the specified inventory type.
• getTargetIsps — Returns an array of commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) IDs.
• getTargetLanguages — Returns an array of language IDs targeted to a browser.
• getTargetNetspeeds — Returns an array of netspeed (Internet connection speed) IDs.
• getTargetOfferTypes — Returns an array of offer type IDs.
• getTargetPixels — Returns an array of pixel targeting information.
• getTargetPrivateMarketPlace — Returns targeting rule by included or excluded Private Marketplace IDs.
• getTargetPublishers — Returns an array of entity IDs for a particular publisher or group of publishers.
• getTargetQueryString — Returns an array of query string targeting information.
• getTargetRating — Returns a maximum allowed rating.
• getTargetSections — Returns an array of targeting rules by included or excluded section IDs.
• getTargetSellerLineItems — Returns an array of targeted publisher line item IDs.
• getTargetSizes — Returns an array of included or excluded creative size IDs.
• getTargetTechno — Returns current techno targeting for the target profile,which is an array of
segment_hierarchy_id which corresponds to Carrier/OS/Browser/Device segments.
• getTargetUrls — Returns an array based on URL targeting.
• getTargetValidatedUrls — Returns an array of targeting rules by validated URL (VURL).
• getTargetVurlTags — Returns an array of validated URL (VURLS) IDs.
• getTargetWifi — Returns true if Wifi is enabled for the target_profile. false otherwise.
• listAllSince — Return target profile IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date.
• listDefaultTargetProfiles — Returns all target profile IDs by specified entity ID.
• moveTargetClickUrls
• overwriteDefaultTargetProfile — Overwrites a default target profile.
• resetTargeting — Resets all targeting on the specified owner.
• searchTargetClickUrlsV2 — Return an array of click URL targeting
• searchVurls — Search for VURLs based on specified category, description, or other qualities.
• setTargetAdvertisers — Limits delivery to particular advertisers based on the specified advertiser ID.
• setTargetAges — Limits delivery to particular users based on age.
• setTargetASLs — Limits delivery to particular sections on publishers' sites based on the section IDs in the
• setTargetBrowsers — Limits delivery to particular web browsers.
• setTargetBuyerLineItems — Limits delivery by the specified advertiser line item IDs.
• setTargetBuyers — Limits delivery by advertiser ID.
• setTargetChannels — Limits delivery to particular publisher content channels.
• setTargetClickUrls — Limits delivery based on a particular click URL, groups of clickthrough URLs or click
URL patterns.
• setTargetClickUrlsV2 — Limits delivery based on a particular click URL, groups of clickthrough URLs or click
URL patterns.
• setTargetContentCategories — Limits delivery to supply matching the specified content categories.
• setTargetCreativeBeacons — Limits delivery of creatives by one or more beacons.
• setTargetCreatives — Limits delivery to creative IDs that the publisher has approved.
• setTargetCreativeSpecs — Limits delivery based on creative specs. (deprecated)
• setTargetCreativeTags — Limits delivery of creatives by one or more creative specs or themes
• setTargetCSL — Exclude delivery to particular sections on publishers' sites based on the section IDs in the
• setTargetDayparts — Limits delivery to particular days or parts of a day (daypart targeting).
• setTargetDealProperties — Limits delivery by deal properties.
• setTargetFrequency — Limits delivery frequency.
• setTargetGender — Limits delivery to particular users based on gender.
• setTargetGeography — Limits delivery based on particular geographic areas.
• setTargetGeographyV2 — Limits delivery to particular Placetypes (i.e, countries, states, counties, metros and
cities) represented by WOEID(Where On Earth ID) and/or to particular Custom Geographic Areas(CGAs).
• setTargetInventoryTypes — Limits delivery to a specified inventory type ID.
• setTargetIsps — Limits delivery to particular commercial Internet service providers (ISPs).
• setTargetLanguages — Limits delivery to specified languages.
• setTargetNetspeeds — Limits delivery to particular Internet connection speeds (netspeed).
• setTargetOfferTypes — Limits delivery by offer type.
• setTargetPixels — Limits delivery to users who have already triggered one or more specified pixels.
• setTargetPrivateMarketPlace — Limits delivery to particular private marketplace on the exchange.
• setTargetPublishers — Limits delivery to a particular publisher or group of publishers.
• setTargetQueryString — Limits delivery by publisher query string.
• setTargetRating — Limits delivery by MPAA (publisher section) ratings.
• setTargetSections — Limits delivery to particular sections on publishers' sites based on the section ID.
• setTargetSellerLineItems — Limits delivery by the specified publisher line item IDs.
• setTargetSizes — Control delivery by creative size.
• setTargetTechno — Associates techno_ids to the target profile. techno_ids corresponds to
Carrier/OS/Browser/Device segments.
• setTargetUrls — Limits delivery to a particular URL or group of URLs.
• setTargetValidatedUrls — Limits delivery to validated URLs (VURLs).
• setTargetVurlTags — Limits delivery to particular validated URLs (VURLs) IDs.
• setTargetWifi — Associates/Deassociates Wifi for the target_profile depending upon the input
• updateTargetProfile — Updates a given target profile object.
Adds approved creatives to a given target profile.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, creative, campaign, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $creative_ids: An array of creative IDs.
Output parameters:
Adds banned creatives to a given target profile.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, creative, campaign, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $creative_ids: An array of creative IDs.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• custom_geo_area $custom_geo_area: This variable represents new custom geo area data object.
Output parameters:
• int $custom_geo_area_id: ID of newly created custom geo area.
Adds secondary targeting to given target profile. See Multiple universal targeting profiles for more details. Note: You
must use Universal Targeting to set secondary target profiles. See Universal targeting: About for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token. See Using the target_profile_owner_type
and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• int $target_profile_id: The created target profile ID.
Applies a default target profile to the specified object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See Using
the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $default_tp_id: Default target profile ID.
Output parameters:
• int $id_target_profile: The created target profile ID.
Creates a copy of a given target profile and assigns it to another target profile.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See Using
the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $object_id_from: Target profile ID being copied.
• int $object_id_to: Target profile ID being overwritten.
Output parameters:
• int $id_target_profile: Newly copied target profile ID.
Copies a given target profile data to a new one, applies a given name to it, and creates a default target profile with the
copied data.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See Using
the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $object_id_from
• string $default_profile_name: Default target profile name.
Output parameters:
• int $default_target_profile_id: Default target profile ID.
Deletes a specified default target profile.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $target_profile_id: Target profile ID.
Output parameters:
Deletes a secondary target profile. See Multiple universal targeting profiles (MUTP) for more details. Note: You must
use Universal Targeting to set secondary target profiles. See Universal targeting: About for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $target_profile_id: Target profile ID.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• enum_demand_source $demand_source: This variable represents enum('all', 'hosted', 'rtbd')
• array_of_string $urls: An array of specified clickthrough URLs to be removed.
• boolean $delete_all: Default is "false" Setting "true" Will delete all entries from current target list, parameter
'urls' will be ignored.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_result $results: Array of $results.
Delete targeted creative IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, entity, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Creative ID array.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_result $results: Array of $results.
In Universal Targeting, used to change the default ban/approve status for creatives. See Creative Reviewer: Overview
for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See Using
the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
Retrieves all the target profile objects for the specified target profile ID.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $target_profile_id: Target profile ID.
Output parameters:
• target_profile $target_profile: Extended target profile object.
• targetings $targetings: Returns Returns the targeting fields described at array_of_targetings.
getAllCustomGeoAreas (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• boolean $return_postal_codes: Default value is "true". Setting it to "false" will exclude postal codes in
custom geographic area objects.
Output parameters:
• array_of_custom_geo_area $custom_geo_area: Custom geo area objects for current entity.
getAllSince (read-only)
Return target profile IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date
= '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• int $entries_on_page: A pagination parameter. Use this to get n number of results per page and break up a
larger report request into smaller chunks.
• int $page_num: A pagination parameter. Use it with $entries_on_page to determine which page should hold
n number of results.
Output parameters:
• array_of_target_profile $target_profiles: An array of target profile objects.
• int $total: The total number of records returned in the result set.
getAvailableTargetings (read-only)
Return an array of strings which represent the current targeting for the given object type and object ID. For example, if
this method was called as getAvailableTargetings(token_id, 'campaign', tp_id), it would return something like this:
array('channel', 'size', 'isp'), depending on what kind of targeting had been set.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• array_of_string $available_targetings: An array of available targeting types.
Return target_profile and targetings objects by specified entity, creative, campaign, or line_item.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_object_name $object_name: Object name.
• int $object_id: Object ID.
Output parameters:
• target_profile $target_profile: Extended target profile object.
• targetings $targetings: Returns Returns the targeting fields described at array_of_targetings.
getCustomGeoArea (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $custom_geo_area_id: This variable represents custom geo area id.
Output parameters:
• custom_geo_area $custom_geo_area: Custom geo area object.
Returns a list of default target profile IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_default_target_profile $default_target_profiles: An array of default target profile IDs.
getGeoTargetingVersion (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Target profile owner type.
• int $owner_id: Target profile owner identifier.
Output parameters:
• enum_geo_targeting_version $geo_targeting_version: Type of targeting applied on owner, Geo V1:
country/region targeting, Geo V2: woeid/cga targeting. If no targeting is applied, Geo V2 will be returned.
getMUTP (read-only)
Retrieve secondary target profiles See Multiple universal targeting profiles for more details. Note: You must use
Universal Targeting to set secondary target profiles. See Universal targeting: About for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• int $is_default_mutp: Returns default MUTP if this flag is set (1), and other MUTPs if not set (0)
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $mutp_id: The ids of the secondary target profiles.
getTargetAdvertisers (read-only)
Returns an array of targeting rules by advertiser ID.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $advertiser_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular advertiser IDs in the
$advertisers_ids array.
• array_of_int $advertiser_ids: An array of advertiser IDs.
getTargetAges (read-only)
Returns an array of targeted ages.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $age_default: default age Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular age IDs in the
$target_age array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $target_age: An array of targeted ages.
getTargetASLs (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $asl_id: An array of asl IDs.
getTargetBrowsers (read-only)
Returns an array of based on browser targeting. See Browser Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $browser_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular browser IDs in the
$browser_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $browser_ids: An array of browser IDs.
getTargetBuyerLineItems (read-only)
Returns an array of targeted advertiser line item IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $buyer_line_item_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular line item IDs in the
$line_items array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $line_items: An array of line item IDs.
getTargetBuyers (read-only)
Returns an array of targeted advertiser IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, entity, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: target Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $buyer_entity_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular advertiser IDs in the
$buyer_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $buyer_ids: An array of buyer IDs.
getTargetChannels (read-only)
Returns an array of included or excluded publisher channel IDs. Channels are categories that describe the content of
publisher inventory, such as Entertainment, Real Estate, Gaming, Search and Shopping.
If $channel_default is set to:
• True: Exclude the specified channels and include all others.
• False: Include the specified channels and exclude all others.
See Channel Enum for more information. Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, creative, campaign
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $channel_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular publisher channel IDs in the
arrays. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $include_channel_ids: An array of included channel IDs.
• array_of_int $exclude_channel_ids: An array of excluded channel IDs.
getTargetClickUrls (read-only)
Returns an array based on click URL targeting.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $click_url_default: Set to "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular click URLs in the $urls
array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_string $urls: An array of click URLs or click URL search patterns.
getTargetClickUrlsV2 (read-only)
Return an array of click URL targeting
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See
• enum_demand_source $demand_source: Defines value of the demand source
• int $entries_on_page: Defines the entries on page.
• int $page_num: Defines the page number. Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id
variables} for more details.
Output parameters:
• enum_click_url_default $click_url_default: Available values are 'Whitelist', 'Blocklist', 'NoTargeting' See
Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_string $urls: An array of click URLs or click URL search patterns.
• int $total_count: Defines the count of result set
getTargetContentCategories (read-only)
Returns an array of content categories. API signature is similar to TargetProfileService::getTargetPixels()
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $require_all: Passes in simple Boolean "and" "or" expressions to include or exclude pixel IDs in the
$target_pixels array.
• array_of_target_pixel $target_pixels: An array of targeted pixel objects.
• string $logical_expression: This variable represents complex Boolean operators used to include or exclude
pixel IDs in the $target_pixels array.
getTargetCreativeBeacons (read-only)
See Targeting Creative Beacons Using the API for more information on targeting creative beacons.
• Creative beacons targeting is available on owner_type 'entity' if the current entity is not enabled for Multiple
Universal target profile (STPs), and there are no default STP.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $creative_beacon_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular beacon IDs in the
$creative_beacons_id_list array.
• array_of_int $creative_beacons_id_list: An array of creative beacon IDs.
getTargetCreatives (read-only)
Returns an array of targeted creative IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, entity, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $creative_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular creative IDs in the
$creative_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Creative ID array.
getTargetCreativeSpecs (read-only) (deprecated)
Returns an array of targeted creative specs.
This method is deprecated. Use TargetProfileService::getTargetCreativeTags().
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• creative_specs $creative_specs: Returns creative specs IDs.
getTargetCreativeTags (read-only)
Returns an array of creative tag IDs that limit the delivery of creatives by one or more creative specs or themes. For
more details:
• Banning creatives using the API
• Creative specs
• Creative themes
• Creative tags targeting is available on owner_type 'entity' if the current entity is not enabled for Multiple
Universal target profile (STPs), and there are no STPs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $creative_tags_id_list: An array of creative tag IDs.
getTargetCSL (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $csl_id: An array of csl IDs.
getTargetDayparts (read-only)
Returns an array of daypart targeting rules.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• int $relative_time_region_id: ID of a region targeting is relative to (0 - relative to user's time, otherwise
relative to the region specified by this ID).
• array_of_daypart $dayparts: An array containing daypart targeting information.
getTargetDealProperties (read-only)
Returns an array of targeting rules by deal properties. A deal property is a type of pricing available for a campaign or
line item. Setting targeting by deal property will limit delivery of the targeted object to targets using the desired pricing.
For example, if you want to deliver to targets using CPC (cost-per-click) pricing, set the $allow_cpc property of
$deal_properties to true. See Pricing options for line items and campaigns for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• deal_properties $deal_properties: Defines the desired deal property targets.
getTargetFrequency (read-only)
Returns an array of frequency cap targeting settings: amount and time interval. See Frequency capping for line items
for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• int $frequency: Maximum count.
• int $period: The display time interval in seconds.
getTargetGender (read-only)
Returns an array of gender targeting.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• gender_target $gender_target: This variable defines the gender target.
Limits delivery to particular geographic areas (country, region, state, province, etc.) or from particular Designated
Marketing Area (DMA). Note: Selecting all DMAs is the same as targeting to the US only. See tutorial:
• Country Enum
• Region Enum
• Msa Enum
for more information.
This function is used only for any existing targeting profile with some old geo targeting already selected otherwise
setTargetGeographyV2 function will be used in all other cases which uses woeid and cga targeting. To shift from old
geo targeting to new woeid and cga targeting one just need to delete any existing old targeting and set the targeting
"show to all".
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, creative, campaign
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $country_ids: An array of country IDs.
• boolean $use_regions: Set "true" to target by entire countries, regions, or both. Set "false" to target by
DMA. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $region_ids: An array of region IDs.
• array_of_int $dma_ids: An array of DMA IDs.
Returns the list of targeted WOEIDs and CGA ids.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, creative, campaign
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $woeids: An array of WOEIDs.
• array_of_int $custom_geo_area_ids: An array of CGA IDs.
getTargetInventoryTypes (read-only)
Returns an array of targeting rules for the specified inventory type. See Inventory Type Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $inventory_type_default: Set to "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular inventory type IDs
in the $inventory_type_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $inventory_type_ids: Arry of inventory type IDs.
getTargetIsps (read-only)
Returns an array of commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) IDs. See Isp Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $isp_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular ISP IDs in the $isp_ids array. See
Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $isp_ids: An array of ISP IDs.
getTargetLanguages (read-only)
Returns an array of language IDs targeted to a browser. See Language Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $language_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular language IDs in the
$language_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $language_ids: An array of language IDs.
getTargetNetspeeds (read-only)
Returns an array of netspeed (Internet connection speed) IDs. See Netspeed Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $netspeed_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular netspeeds in the
$netspeed_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $netspeed_ids: An array of netspeed IDs.
getTargetOfferTypes (read-only)
Returns an array of offer type IDs.
• Offer type targeting is available on owner_type 'entity' if the current entity is not enabled for Multiple Universal
target profile (STPs), and there are no STPs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $offer_type_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular offer type IDs in the
$offery_type_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $offer_type_ids: An array of offer type IDs.
getTargetPixels (read-only)
Returns an array of pixel targeting information. Use the PixelService::setCreatives() function to bind a pixel to a group
of creatives. Note: This method uses Boolean expressions to determine the pixel combination included or excluded in
the $require_all variable. See Using logical expressions with select TargetProfileService methods for details. This call
can work in two modes: simple and advanced. The former mode requires only the first four parameters to be defined,
the latter - all but $query_string_option. $query_strings array defines strings to be used with either
$query_string_option (simple mode) or $query_string_logical_expression (advanced mode).
It is allowed to use the following logical operations in logical expressions:
• conjunction: *, &, and
• disjunction: +, |, or
• negation: /, ~, not
• exclusive disjunction: @, xor
• equality: =, equ
Since some combinations of AND, OR and NOT can lead to ambiguous cases, it is permitted to use parentheses to
clarify the order of operations.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $require_all: Passes in simple Boolean "and" "or" expressions to include or exclude pixel IDs in the
$target_pixels array.
• array_of_target_pixel $target_pixels: An array of targeted pixel objects.
• string $logical_expression: This variable represents complex Boolean operators used to include or exclude
pixel IDs in the $target_pixels array.
getTargetPrivateMarketPlace (read-only)
Returns targeting rule by included or excluded Private Marketplace IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : Advertiser line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_pvt_marketplace $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target
profile. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $pvt_marketplace_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular pvt_marketplace Id.
See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $pvt_marketplace_ids: An array of Private Marketplace IDs.
getTargetPublishers (read-only)
Returns an array of entity IDs for a particular publisher or group of publishers.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $publisher_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular publishers in the
$publisher_entity_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $publisher_entity_ids: An array of publisher entity IDs.
getTargetQueryString (read-only)
Return the query strings targeting information. $query_strings array defines strings to be used with either
$query_string_option (simple mode) or $query_string_logical_expression (advanced mode).
See Using logical expressions with select TargetProfileService methods for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: target profile owner type
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• enum_query_string_option $query_string_option: This variable represents simple Boolean "and" "or"
• array_of_string $query_strings: Defines strings to be used with either $query_string_option or
• string $query_string_logical_expression: This variable represents complex Boolean operators used to
include or exclude query string IDs.
getTargetRating (read-only)
Returns a maximum allowed rating. See Rating Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• string $rating: Most restrictive settings permitted by the target profile.
getTargetSections (read-only)
Returns an array of targeting rules by included or excluded section IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $section_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular section IDs in the
$section_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $section_ids: An array of section IDs.
getTargetSellerLineItems (read-only)
Returns an array of targeted publisher line item IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $seller_line_item_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular publisher line item
IDs in the $line_items array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $line_items: An array of of line item IDs.
getTargetSizes (read-only)
Returns an array of included or excluded creative size IDs. See Size Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $size_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular size IDs in the $size_ids array.
See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $size_ids: An array of size IDs.
getTargetTechno (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $included_techno_ids: techno_ids of segment_hierarchy_id which corresponds to
Carrier/OS/Browser/Device segments and are deonted as include in the targeting information.
• array_of_int $excluded_techno_ids: techno_ids of segment_hierarchy_id which corresponds to
Carrier/OS/Browser/Device segments and are deonted as excluded in the targeting information.
getTargetUrls (read-only)
Returns an array based on URL targeting.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $url_default: Set to "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular URLs in the $urls array. See
Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_string $urls: An array of URLs or URL search patterns.
getTargetValidatedUrls (read-only)
Returns an array of targeting rules by validated URL (VURL).
Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item, secondary_target_profile, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• vurl_options $options: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular VURL categories in the VURL
IDs array.
• array_of_int $vurl_ids: An array of VURL IDs.
getTargetVurlTags (read-only)
Returns an aray of validated URLs (VURLS) IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $vurl_tag_ids: Array of VURL tag IDs.
getTargetWifi (read-only)
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
• boolean $is_wifi: returns whether wifi targeting is set or not.
• boolean $is_excluded: returns if true wifi is excluded, returns false is wifi users are included.
listAllSince (read-only)
Return target profile IDs changed between a specified start_date and end_date. Note: This method sets the start_date
= '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and end_date = now by default. Restrict your date/time interval to 24 hours or less.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• dateTime $start_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• dateTime $end_date: Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $ids: An array of IDs.
Returns all target profile IDs by specified entity ID.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
Output parameters:
• array_of_int $tp_ids: An array of default target profile IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• enum_move_targeting $from_list: This variable represents enum('all', 'hosted-rtbd').
• enum_move_targeting $to_list: This variable represents enum('all', 'hosted-rtbd').
• enum_move_click_url_default $click_url_default: Available values are 'Whitelist', 'Blocklist', 'Default'.
Output parameters:
• boolean $result: True - Success. False - Failure
• Copies values from a given target profile to an existing default target profile.
• Sets the target profile name.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See Using
the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $object_id_from: Target profile ID being copied.
• int $default_tp_id_to,: Target profile ID being overwritten.
• string $default_profile_name,: The newly overwritten target profile name.
Output parameters:
Resets all targeting on the specified owner. Note: When the owner is a line item, this method can only be used to
delete target profiles on non-linked line items.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
Output parameters:
searchTargetClickUrlsV2 (read-only)
Return an array of click URL targeting
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See
• enum_demand_source $demand_source: Defines value of the demand source
• string $search_option: Defines search pattern for the url.
• int $entries_on_page: Defines the entries on page.
• int $page_num: Defines the page number. Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id
variables} for more details.
Output parameters:
• enum_click_url_default $click_url_default: Available values are 'Whitelist', 'Blocklist', 'NoTargeting' See
Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_string $urls: An array of click URLs or click URL search patterns.
• int $total_count: Defines the count of result set
searchVurls (read-only)
Returns a list of VURLs filtered by vurl search options. To use this method:
• Create a VURL search options object with the constraints of your search.
• Pass it to the searchVurls method.
Accessible for all entity types
• readonly
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• vurl_search_options $search_options: Search parameters.
Output parameters:
• array_of_vurl $vurls: An array of VURLs.
Limits delivery to particular advertisers based on the specified advertiser ID. Use setTargetAdvertisers to exclude any
advertiser in the Exchange that you never want to run through your inventory, such as a competing advertiser or an
advertiser that your company doesn't want to do business with.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $advertiser_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular advertiser IDs in the
$advertiser_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for more details.
• array_of_int $advertiser_ids: An array of advertiser IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular users based on age.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $age_default: default age Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular age IDs in the
$target_age array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $target_age: target ages An array of targeted ages.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item,
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $asl_ids: An array of ASL IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits to particular web browsers. See Browser Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $browser_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular browser IDs in your
targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $browser_ids: A list of browser IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery by the specified advertiser line item IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $buyer_line_item_default: Set to "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular line item IDs in
the $line_items array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $line_items: An array of line item IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery by advertiser ID.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, entity, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $buyer_entity_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular advertiser IDs in your
targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $buyer_ids: An array of advertiser IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular publisher content channels. Channels are categories that describe the content of publisher
inventory, such as Entertainment, Real Estate, Gaming, Search and Shopping.
If $channel_default is set to:
• True: Exclude the specified channels and include all others.
• False: Include the specified channels and exclude all others.
Specify channel default treatment and one or two channel ID arrays:
• An array of channel ids included in the default behavior.
• An array of channel ids that are excluded from the default behavior.
Option: Use the 2nd array to define exceptions to the default behavior set by $channel_default. For example, if
$channel_default is "false" channels specified in the 2nd array will always be excluded. Note: The that array always
overrides $channel_default treatment. See Channel Enum for more information. Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, creative, campaign
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $channel_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular channel IDs in your
targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $include_channels: An array of included channel IDs.
• array_of_int $exclude_channels: An array of excluded channel IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery based on a particular click URL, groups of clickthrough URLs or clickthrough URL patterns (e.g.,, "**").
• Setting $click_url_default = false restricts delivery to creatives using the specified clickthrough URL only (not
• Limit patterns to 50 characters (max) and do not include any slashes after the domain.
• Using * limits matching to "" and "", but not "".
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $click_url_default: Set to "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular clickthrough URLs in your
targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_string $urls: An array of specified clickthrough URLs or clickthrough URL patterns.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target clickthrough URL settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to
overwrite the existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery based on a particular click URL, groups of clickthrough URLs or clickthrough URL patterns (e.g.,, "**").
• Setting $click_url_default = false restricts delivery to creatives using the specified clickthrough URL only (not
• Setting $click_url_default = true restricts delivery to creatives except the specified clickthrough URL.
• Limit patterns to 50 characters (max) and do not include any slashes after the domain.
• Using * limits matching to "", "*cnn*" and "", but not "" and "".
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• enum_demand_source $demand_source: This variable represents enum('all', 'hosted', 'rtbd')
• enum_click_url_default $click_url_default: Available values are 'Whitelist', 'Blocklist', 'NoTargeting'. In
case of 'NoTargeting' $urls and $append flags will be ignored and current click url targeting for specified
$demand_source will get erased.
• array_of_string $urls: An array of specified clickthrough URLs or clickthrough URL patterns.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target clickthrough URL settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to
overwrite the existing profile.
Output parameters:
• array_of_multiple_result $results: Array of $results.
• boolean $status: Overall status.
Limits delivery to supply matching the specified content categories. API signature is similar to
TargetProfileService::setTargetPixels(), content categories have to be used like public_segment_ids.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $require_all: Passes in simple Boolean "and" "or" expressions to include or exclude pixels in the
$target_pixels array.
• array_of_target_pixel $target_pixels: An array of targeted pixel objects.
• string $logical_expression: Passes in complex Boolean operators to include or exclude pixel IDs in the
$target_pixels array. Logical Expressions may contain up to 28 unique pixel ids.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
See Targeting Creative Beacons Using the API for more information on targeting creative beacons.
• Creative beacons targeting is available on owner_type 'entity' if the current entity is not enabled for Multiple
Universal target profile (STPs), and there are no default STP.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $creative_beacon_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular beacon IDs in the
$creative_beacons_id_list array. As of now, only "true" is supported (only exclude targeting is supported) See
Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $creative_beacons_id_list: An array of creative beacon IDs. See
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the existing
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to creative IDs that the publisher has approved.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, entity, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $creative_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular creatives in the $creative_ids
array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $creative_ids: Creative ID array.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
setTargetCreativeSpecs (deprecated)
Limits by creative specs such as ActiveX, suggestive content, or third party tags.
This method is deprecated. Use TargetProfileService::setTargetCreativeTags().
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• creative_specs $creative_specs: The creative specs object.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery of creatives by one or more creative specs or themes. For more details:
• Banning creatives using the API
• Creative specs
• Creative themes
• Creative tags targeting is available on owner_type 'entity' if the current entity is not enabled for Multiple
Universal target profile (STPs), and there are no STPs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $creative_tags_id_list: An array of creative tag IDs corresponding to 'Creative Specs' and
'Creative Themes' used in targeting. See Creative Tag List Enum.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item,
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $section_ids: An array of section ids
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular days or parts of a day (daypart targeting). For example:
• An advertiser can daypart target to show ads only during the hours that its call center is open.
• A publisher can daypart target to set different pricing based on traffic patterns throughout the day, such as
morning, afternoon, and evening inventory.
Note: All daypart times are in the Eastern Time Zone (US), regardless of your network's default time zone. You will
need to convert the daypart time to EST to account for the difference. See Daypart targeting for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $relative_time_region_id: ID of a region targeting is relative to (0 - relative to user's time, otherwise
relative to the region specified by this ID)
• array_of_daypart $dayparts: An array containing daypart targeting information.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery by deal properties. A deal property is a type of pricing available for a campaign or line item. Setting
targeting by deal property will limit delivery of the targeted object to targets using the desired pricing. For example, if
you want to deliver to targets using CPC (cost-per-click) pricing, set the $allow_cpc property of $deal_properties to
true. See Pricing options for line items and campaigns for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• deal_properties $deal_properties: Defines the desired deal property targets.
Output parameters:
Limits frequency to x ads in y minutes/hours/12 hours/days per user. See Frequency capping for line items for more
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $frequency: Sets the maximum display amount.
• int $period: Sets the display time interval in seconds.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular users based on gender.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• gender_target $gender_target: This variable defines the gender target.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular geographic areas (country, region, state, province, etc.) or from particular Designated
Marketing Area (DMA). Note: Selecting all DMAs is the same as targeting to the US only. See tutorial:
• Country Enum
• Region Enum
• Msa Enum
for more information.
This function is used only for any existing targeting profile with some old geo targeting already selected otherwise
setTargetGeographyV2 function will be used in all other cases which uses woeid and cga targeting. To shift from old
geo targeting to new woeid and cga targeting one just need to delete any existing old targeting and set the targeting
"show to all".
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, creative, campaign
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $use_regions: Set "true" to target by entire countries, regions, or both. Set "false" to target by
DMA. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $country_ids: An array of country IDs.
• array_of_int $region_ids: An array of region IDs.
• array_of_int $dma_ids: An array of DMA IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular Placetypes (i.e, countries, states, counties, metros and cities) represented by
WOEID(Where On Earth ID) and/or to particular Custom Geographic Areas(CGAs).
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, creative, campaign
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $woeids: An array of WOEIDs.
• array_of_int $custom_geo_area_ids: An array of CGA IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to a specified inventory type ID. See Inventory Type Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $inventory_type_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular inventory type IDs in
your targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $inventory_type_ids: An array of inventory type IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular commercial Internet service providers (ISPs). See Isp Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $isp_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular ISP IDs in your targeting. See
Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $isp_ids: An array of ISP IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to specified languages. User browser settings determine the user's language. For example, to target
English speaking users in Germany, set targeting rules with Germany as the geographic target and English as the
language. See Language Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $language_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular language IDs in your
targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $language_ids: An array of language IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular Internet connection speeds (netspeed). See Netspeed Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $netspeed_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular netspeed IDs in your
targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $netspeed_ids: An array of netspeed IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery by offer types such as business, dating, giveaway, or shopping. Offer types describe the actual type of
offering that the advertised product or service represents. Offer types are distinct from and can be completely
unrelated to creative specs, which describe a creative's graphical content and details about its delivery. One or more
child offer types can be targeted. Targeting of parent offer type is not allowed. See Banning creatives using API for
more details.
• Offer type targeting is available on owner_type 'entity' if the current entity is not enabled for Multiple Universal
target profile (STPs), and there are no STPs.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : entity, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token:: session token
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $offer_type_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular offer type IDs in the
$offer_type_ids array. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $offer_type_ids: An array of offer type IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to users who have already triggered one or more specified pixels. Use the PixelService::setCreatives()
function to bind a pixel to a group of creatives. See also Targeting users by pixels for more details. Note: This method
uses Boolean expressions to determine the pixel combination included or excluded in the $require_all variable. See
Using logical expressions with select TargetProfileService methods for details. This call can work in two modes:
simple and advanced. The former mode requires only four first parameters to be defined, the latter - all but
$require_all parameter defines an operation which will be applied to all array_of_target_pixel elements in simple
• $require_all=true - AND
• $require_all=false - OR
Much more sophisticated cases can be built using advanced mode.
It is allowed to use the following logical operations:
• conjunction: *, &, and
• disjunction: +, |, or
• negation: /, ~, not
• exclusive disjunction: @, xor
• equality: =, equ
Logical operations serve to connect terms into expressions, where terms are defined in the following way:
id=pixel_idnN, where
• pixel_id - pixel id
• N - negation (0 or 1)
Since some combinations of AND, OR and NOT can lead to ambiguous cases, it is permitted to use parentheses to
clarify the order of operations.
Use id to denote the use of private segment id and pid for the use of public segment id.
Here is a couple of logical expression examples:
• (id=12n0 + pid=23n1) * (id=34n1 + id=21n0)
• (id=1n0 * pid=2n0 + id=1n0) * id=3n1
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, campaign, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $require_all: Passes in simple Boolean "and" "or" expressions to include or exclude pixels in the
$target_pixels array.
• array_of_target_pixel $target_pixels: An array of targeted pixel objects.
• string $logical_expression: Passes in complex Boolean operators to include or exclude pixel IDs in the
$target_pixels array. Logical Expressions may contain up to 28 unique pixel ids.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular private marketplace on the exchange
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_pvt_marketplace $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target
profile. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $pvt_marketplace_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular pvt_marketplace ID
in your targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $pvt_marketplace_ids: An array of Private Marketplave Ids.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to a particular publisher or group of publishers.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $publisher_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular publisher IDs in your
targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $publisher_entity_ids: An array of publisher entity IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Tailors delivery according to criteria that the publisher passes in through query strings. These can be values like
gender, age, or other user characteristics. See Targeting users by query strings and Using logical expressions with
select TargetProfileService methods for more details.
Sets a targeting rule to limit delivery by the array of query string values. This call uses two modes: simple and
advanced. Simple mode requires only the first 5 parameters to be defined. Advanced mode requires all parameters
except $query_string_option. $query_strings array defines strings to be used with either $query_string_option
operation (simple mode) or $query_string_logical_expression (advanced mode).
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• enum_query_string_option $query_string_option: This variable represents simple Boolean "and" "or"
• array_of_string $query_strings: Defines strings to be used with either $query_string_option or
• string $query_string_logical_expression: This variable represents complex Boolean operators used to
include or exclude query string IDs in the $query_strings array.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery by MPAA (publisher section) ratings. Section ratings describe the sensitivity of a publisher's content.
Specify maximum allowable $rating. See Rating Enum for more information.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• string $rating: Most restrictive settings permitted by the target profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular sections on publishers' sites based on the section ID.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, secondary_target_profile, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $section_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular section IDs in your
targeting.For owner_type = 'entity' only exclude is allowed. See Using Boolean method_name_default
variables for details.
• array_of_int $section_ids: An array of section IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery by the specified publisher line item IDs.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $seller_line_item_default: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular publisher line item
IDs in your targeting. See Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_int $line_items: An array of line item IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Set a targeting rule to limit delivery by creative size. $size_default flag let you specify how to treat the elements of
$size_ids array. If it is set to:
• true means: exclude the specified sizes, all others are included
• false means: include the specified sizes, all others are excluded
See Size Enum for more information. Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: target profile owner type
• int $owner_id: target profile owner identifier
• boolean $size_default: default treatment flag
• array_of_int $size_ids: list of creative size's ids
• boolean $append: Append flag, causes method to append existing data with provided if specified
Output parameters:
Logical expression from techno attribute will be -> OR with in the category, AND across the categories, exclude
means NEGATE.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $included_techno_ids: techno_ids of segment_hierarchy_id which corresponds to
Carrier/OS/Browser/Device segmentsand are deonted as include in the targeting information.
• array_of_int $excluded_techno_ids: techno_ids of segment_hierarchy_id which corresponds to
Carrier/OS/Browser/Device segments and are deonted as exclude in the targeting information.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular URL addresses, such as or, or URL patterns, such as "**".
For example, targeting to "**" will limit matches to "" and "", but not "".
Patterns cannot be longer than 50 characters and you should not include any slashes after the domain.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $url_default: Set to "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular URLs in your targeting. See
Using Boolean method_name_default variables for details.
• array_of_string $urls: An array of specified URLs or URL search strings.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target url settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to URLs verified and classified by the Yahoo Ad Exchange Media Guard program. Validated URLs can
belong to a category (e.g. 'Social Networking'), but only to one category. VURLs also have 4 other properties: 'is
adware', 'is click fraud','is in RMX Top 100', and 'is in RMX Top 250'. See for more details.
Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item, secondary_target_profile, entity
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• vurl_options $vurl_options: Set "true" to exclude or "false" to include particular VURL category IDs. in your
• array_of_int $vurl_ids: An array of VURL IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Limits delivery to particular validated URLs (VURLs) IDs. VURL targeting allows you to restrict the inventory where
your campaigns serve, based on their actual URLs or the content of their sites (as classified by the Exchange's Media
Guard program). Use VURL targeting in universal targeting to exclude VURLs across all your campaigns. You can
also include/exclude VURLs for individual campaigns in line item targeting. See VURL and URL targeting for more
Accessible for all entity types
• available : campaign, line_item, secondary_target_profile
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• array_of_int $vurl_tag_ids: An array of VURL tag IDs.
• boolean $append: Set "true" to add target size settings on an existing profile. Set "false" to overwrite the
existing profile.
Output parameters:
Accessible for all entity types
• available : line_item, creative
Input parameters:
• string $token: session token
• enum_target_profile_owner_type_ext $owner_type: Defines the object that owns the target profile. See
Using the target_profile_owner_type and target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• int $owner_id: Defines the owning object ID. See Using the target_profile_owner_type and
target_profile_owner_id variables for more details.
• boolean $is_wifi: if set true, wifi users are targeted.
• boolean $is_excluded: if set true, excludes wifi users. if set to false, wifi users are included. default is false.
Output parameters:
Updates a given target profile object.
Accessible for all entity types
Input parameters:
• string $token: This variable represents an active session token.
• target_profile $target_profile: The target profile object.
Output parameters:
Data types
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ getPubAdTags()
Fields Summary
• $tag_type — Ad tag type
• $banners_size_ids — Contains banners size IDs, see Size Table for additional information.
• $ban_flash_ads
• $do_not_bypass_blockers
• $pub_query_string
• $pub_redirect
• $pub_redirect_encoded — If this field is true then ad_tag_options::$pub_redirect field should be urlencoded.
• $click_url
• $click_url_encoded — If this field is true then ad_tag_options::$click_url field should be urlencoded.
• $pop_type — if pop creative then what type
• $pop_freq_times — frequency cap for pops only, pop x times over y span of z units (example, only show pop
5 times every 2 hours)
• $pop_freq_span — frequency cap for pops only, pop x times over y span of z units (example, only show pop
5 times every 2 hours)
• $pop_freq_unit — frequency cap for pops only, pop x times over y span of z units (example, only show pop 5
times every 2 hours)
• $pop_freq_suppress
• $ad_resize
• $ad_fixed
• $pre_width
• $pre_height
• $interstitial_logo
• $interstitial_title
• $interstitial_bgcolor
• $interstitial_textcolor
• $interstitial_linkcolor
• $interstitial_disappears
• $secure_ad — Set this to 1 if the Ad to be served, needs to be secured. A secure Ad is the one which uses
HTTPS protocol.
• $vast_tag — Complex data type to represent vast tag attributes.
enum_ad_tag_type $tag_type
Ad tag type
• nillable
array_of_int $banners_size_ids
Contains banners size IDs, see Size Table for additional information.
• nillable
boolean $ban_flash_ads
• nillable
boolean $do_not_bypass_blockers
• nillable
string $pub_query_string
• nillable
string $pub_redirect
• nillable
boolean $pub_redirect_encoded
If this field is true then ad_tag_options::$pub_redirect field should be urlencoded.
• nillable
string $click_url
• nillable
boolean $click_url_encoded
If this field is true then ad_tag_options::$click_url field should be urlencoded.
• nillable
enum_ad_pop_type $pop_type
if pop creative then what type
• nillable
int $pop_freq_times
Default value: '1'
frequency cap for pops only, pop x times over y span of z units (example, only show pop 5 times every 2 hours)
int $pop_freq_span
Default value: '1'
frequency cap for pops only, pop x times over y span of z units (example, only show pop 5 times every 2 hours)
enum_ad_pop_freq_unit $pop_freq_unit
Default value: 'day(s)'
frequency cap for pops only, pop x times over y span of z units (example, only show pop 5 times every 2 hours)
boolean $pop_freq_suppress
Default value: '0'
boolean $ad_resize
• nillable
boolean $ad_fixed
• nillable
int $pre_width
• nillable
int $pre_height
• nillable
string $interstitial_logo
• nillable
string $interstitial_title
• nillable
string $interstitial_bgcolor
Default value: 'white'
string $interstitial_textcolor
Default value: 'black'
string $interstitial_linkcolor
Default value: 'blue'
int $interstitial_disappears
Default value: '20'
boolean $secure_ad
Default value: '0'
Set this to 1 if the Ad to be served, needs to be secured. A secure Ad is the one which uses HTTPS protocol.
• nillable
vast_tag $vast_tag
Complex data type to represent vast tag attributes.
Vast tag options
advertiser_domain data type
Fields Summary
• $supplier_entity_id — network/publisher ID
• $buyer_entity_id — network/advertiser ID
• $adv_domain_id — Domain id
• $visibility — Set "true" for public. Set "false" for private.
• $lastupd
int $supplier_entity_id
network/publisher ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $buyer_entity_id
network/advertiser ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $adv_domain_id
Domain id
• size : 10
• primary
boolean $visibility
Default value: '0'
Set "true" for public. Set "false" for private.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ downloadBlockList()
Fields Summary
• $domain — domain
• $abids — list of ABIDs (Advertiser Blocklist IDs).
string $domain
array_of_string $abids
list of ABIDs (Advertiser Blocklist IDs).
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ setBlockList()
Fields Summary
• $buyer_entity_id — Buyer entity id
• $domain_urls — List of domain urls that are blocked for specific buyer.
• $append — Set "true" to append to existing blocklist. Set "false" to overwrite the existing blocklist.
int $buyer_entity_id
Buyer entity id
array_of_domain_url_data $domain_urls
List of domain urls that are blocked for specific buyer.
boolean $append
Set "true" to append to existing blocklist. Set "false" to overwrite the existing blocklist.
advertiser_domain data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ add()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByDomainUrls()
♦ getByIds()
♦ search()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $industry_vertical_name — Industry vertical name
• $adv_domain_parent_brand_name — advertiser domain parent brand name
• $id — advertiser domain ID
• $name — advertiser domain display name
• $domain_url — advertiser domain url
• $industry_vertical_id — Industry vertical id.
• $is_active — status of advertiser domain.
• $adv_domain_parent_brand_id — advertiser domain parent brand id.
• $lastupd — last updated time
string $industry_vertical_name
Industry vertical name
• nillable
string $adv_domain_parent_brand_name
advertiser domain parent brand name
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
advertiser domain ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
Default value: ''
advertiser domain display name
• size : 100
• nillable
string $domain_url
advertiser domain url
• size : 120
int $industry_vertical_id
Default value: '0'
Industry vertical id.
Industry vertical id. List of industry vertical ids can be obtained using AdvertiserDomainService::getIndustryVerticals().
To create a new industrial vertical name, send empty industry_vertical_id and industry_vertical_name that needs to be
created. In case both industry_vertical_id & industry_vertical_name are submitted, industry_vertical_name is ignored.
• size : 8
• nillable
boolean $is_active
Default value: '1'
status of advertiser domain.
status of advertiser domain (active or inactive).
int $adv_domain_parent_brand_id
Default value: '0'
advertiser domain parent brand id.
advertiser domain parent brand id. List of advertiser domain parent ids can be obtained using
AdvertiserDomainService::getParentBrands(). To create a new advertiser domain parent, send empty
adv_domain_parent_brand_id and adv_domain_parent_brand_name that needs to be created. In case both
adv_domain_parent_brand_id & adv_domain_parent_brand_name are submitted, adv_domain_parent_brand_name
is ignored.
• size : 8
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
last updated time
advertiser_domain_industry_vertical data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ getIndustryVerticals()
Fields Summary
• $id — id
• $name — name
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 8
• primary
string $name
• size : 100
advertiser_domain_parent data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ getParentBrands()
Fields Summary
• $id — id
• $name — name
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 8
• primary
string $name
• size : 100
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ search()
Fields Summary
• $name_pattern — name pattern
• $domain_url_pattern — domain url pattern
• $parent_brand_pattern — parent pattern
• $industry_vertical_pattern — industry_vericals
• $status — status.
string $name_pattern
name pattern
• nillable
string $domain_url_pattern
domain url pattern
• nillable
string $parent_brand_pattern
parent pattern
• nillable
string $industry_vertical_pattern
• nillable
enum_advertiser_domain_search_status $status
status can be one of ('active','inactive' or 'all'). See valid types in Advertiser Domain Search Status Enum
advertiser data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• buying_terms_managed_demand
♦ $managed_advertisers
• demand
♦ $advertisers
• managed_demand
♦ $managed_advertisers
• preferred_terms_demand
♦ $advertisers
Fields Summary
• $advertisers — Advertisers.
• $advertiser_custom_groups — Custom groups of advertisers.
• $include — Flag include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular publishers in the $publishers
and $advertiser_custom_groups arrays.
array_of_id_name $advertisers
array_of_id_name $advertiser_custom_groups
Custom groups of advertisers.
boolean $include
Flag include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular publishers in the $publishers and
$advertiser_custom_groups arrays.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SitelistService
♦ createASL()
♦ createASLs()
♦ getASL()
♦ getAllASL()
♦ updateASL()
♦ updateASLs()
Fields Summary
• $id — ID. Autoset on Sitelist creation.
• $name — Description of Sitelist.
• $owner_id — Sitelist owner id
• $gt_ids — array of global templates associated with the ASL
• $sections — array of sections
• $locked — locked status of the ASL
• $active — Sitelist active flag.
• $created_on — Sitelist creation time.
• $type — Sitelist owner type
• $notes — additional information
• $lastupd — Sitelist last updated time.
• $category — Sitelist category
• $remove_sections — array of sections to remove
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
ID. Autoset on Sitelist creation.
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
Description of Sitelist.
• size : 255
int $owner_id
Sitelist owner id
• size : 10
array_of_int $gt_ids
array of global templates associated with the ASL
array_of_int $sections
array of sections
boolean $locked
locked status of the ASL
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Sitelist active flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Sitelist creation time.
enum_sitelist_type $type
Ignored on update.
Sitelist owner type
string $notes
additional information
• size : 1000
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Sitelist last updated time.
enum_sitelist_category $category
Ignored on update.
Default value: 'display'
Sitelist category
array_of_int $remove_sections
array of sections to remove
adware_section_params data type.
Fields Summary
• $section_id
• $section_code
• $site_id
• $site_code
• $entity_id
• $entity_code
• $network_entity_id
int $section_id
string $section_code
int $site_id
string $site_code
int $entity_id
string $entity_code
int $network_entity_id
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getCreativeBeaconList()
Fields Summary
• $beacon_ids — Beacon ID array
• $vendor_name_pattern — Vendor name pattern
• $is_unresolved_domain — To filter unresolved vendor domains
• $starts_with_non_alphabetic — To filter vendor names starting with numeric/other
array_of_int $beacon_ids
Beacon ID array
Beacon ID array. Search for beacons by providing array of IDs.
• nillable
string $vendor_name_pattern
Vendor name pattern
Vendor name pattern - search pattern. Leading and/or trailing wild cards (*) can be added to get results for vendor
names matching the string provided. Possible patterns are:
'Adtegrity': matches exact vendor 'Adtegrity'
'Ad*': matches vendors starting with 'Ad'. Example - Adtegrity, !AdReactor, !AdReady, !AdBrite etc.
• nillable
boolean $is_unresolved_domain
To filter unresolved vendor domains
Filter vendor's based on resolution of the beacon domain.
'1': matches beacon vendors who domain is not resolved
'0': matches beacon vendors who domain is resolved
• nillable
boolean $starts_with_non_alphabetic
To filter vendor names starting with numeric/other
Filter vendor names starting with numeric or other special characters.
'1': matches beacon vendors who names start with numeric/special characters. Example - [x+1]
'0': matches beacon vendors who names does not start wit numeric/special characters.
• nillable
blocklist data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DemandBlocklistService
♦ getAllBlocklists()
♦ quickSearch()
• SupplyBlocklistService
♦ getAllBlocklists()
♦ quickSearch()
Fields Summary
• $id — Blocklist id.
• $name — Blocklist name.
• $description — Blocklist description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID
• $entity_name — Name of owner entity.
• $creative_control — creative_control 'block','block_till_review' or 'allow_till_review'. Available only for demand
blocklist service.
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created blocklist.
• $created_by_contact_name — Name of contact who created blocklist.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified blocklist.
• $modified_by_contact_name — Name of contact who modified blocklist.
• $active — Blocklist activity flag.
• $created_on — Blocklist created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Blocklist last updated date/time.
int $id
Blocklist id.
string $name
Blocklist name.
string $description
Blocklist description.
int $entity_id
Owner entity ID
string $entity_name
Name of owner entity.
enum_creative_control $creative_control
creative_control 'block','block_till_review' or 'allow_till_review'. Available only for demand blocklist service.
int $created_by_contact_id
Contact id who created blocklist.
string $created_by_contact_name
Name of contact who created blocklist.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Contact id who modified blocklist.
string $modified_by_contact_name
Name of contact who modified blocklist.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Blocklist activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Blocklist created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Blocklist last updated date/time.
blocklist data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DemandBlocklistService
♦ getAllBlocklists()
• SupplyBlocklistService
♦ getAllBlocklists()
Fields Summary
• $ids — Array of demand/supply blocklist ids.
• $names — Array of demand/supply blocklist names.
• $descriptions — Array of demand/supply blocklist descriptions.
• $creative_control — Parameter to search by creative_control 'block_till_review' or 'allow_till_review'.
Available only for demand blocklist service.
• $contact_ids — Array of contact ids.
• $advertiser_ids — Array of advertiser ids.
• $publisher_ids — Array of publisher ids.
• $is_active — Parameter to search by status.By default will return both 'active' and 'inactive'.
array_of_int $ids
Array of demand/supply blocklist ids.
array_of_string $names
Array of demand/supply blocklist names.
array_of_string $descriptions
Array of demand/supply blocklist descriptions.
enum_creative_control $creative_control
Parameter to search by creative_control 'block_till_review' or 'allow_till_review'. Available only for demand blocklist
array_of_int $contact_ids
Array of contact ids.
array_of_int $advertiser_ids
Array of advertiser ids.
array_of_int $publisher_ids
Array of publisher ids.
int $is_active
Parameter to search by status.By default will return both 'active' and 'inactive'.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getAllBoughtSegments()
Fields Summary
• $public_segment_id — Public segment id.
• $name — Name of the segment.
• $owner_id — Id of the entity sharing the segment.
• $owner_name — Name of the entity sharing the segment.
• $network_ids — List of network ids that segment share seller has chosen to limit targeting to. If empty, buyer
is allowed to target the segment share to any network.
int $public_segment_id
Public segment id.
string $name
Name of the segment.
int $owner_id
Id of the entity sharing the segment.
string $owner_name
Name of the entity sharing the segment.
array_of_int $network_ids
List of network ids that segment share seller has chosen to limit targeting to. If empty, buyer is allowed to target the
segment share to any network.
See Browser Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getBrowsers()
Fields Summary
• $id — browser ID
• $name — browser name
int $id
browser ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $name
browser name
• size : 50
buying_terms data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• BuyingTermsService
♦ add()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByObjectId()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $id — Buying terms ID.
• $name — Buying terms name.
• $description — Buying terms description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID.
• $buying_terms_managed_demand — Complex data type to represent managed advertiser attributes.
• $buying_terms_supply — Complex data type to represent supply attributes.
• $revenue_share — Revenue that the buyer seat is willing to pass to the seller.
• $bid_multiplier — Bid multiplier. It can have values between 0 and 2. Value 1 is invalid for this field. Fields
revenue_share and bid_multiplier are mutually exclusive.
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created buying terms.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified buying terms.
• $active — Buying terms activity flag.
• $created_on — Buying terms created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Buying terms last updated date/time.
int $id
Ignored on update.
Buying terms ID.
• primary
string $name
Buying terms name.
string $description
Buying terms description.
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Owner entity ID.
buying_terms_managed_demand $buying_terms_managed_demand
Complex data type to represent managed advertiser attributes.
buying_terms_supply $buying_terms_supply
Complex data type to represent supply attributes.
float $revenue_share
Revenue that the buyer seat is willing to pass to the seller.
float $bid_multiplier
Bid multiplier. It can have values between 0 and 2. Value 1 is invalid for this field. Fields revenue_share and
bid_multiplier are mutually exclusive.
int $created_by_contact_id
Contact id who created buying terms.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Contact id who modified buying terms.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Buying terms activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Buying terms created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Buying terms last updated date/time.
buying data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• buying_terms
♦ $buying_terms_managed_demand
Fields Summary
• $buying_technology — Array of buying technology RTBD, Hosted.
• $managed_advertisers — Managed advertisers.
• $line_items — Line items.
• $deal_properties — Deal properties.
• $creative_size_ids — Creative size ids.
array_of_enum_buying_technology $buying_technology
Array of buying technology RTBD, Hosted.
advertiser_list $managed_advertisers
Managed advertisers.
rule_attribute $line_items
Line items.
rule_deal_properties $deal_properties
Deal properties.
rule_attribute $creative_size_ids
Creative size ids.
buying data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• buying_terms
♦ $buying_terms_supply
Fields Summary
• $marketplace — Revenue share rule is applicable only on Trading pit marketplace. Bid multiplier rule can be
added on any combination of Trading Pit, Network of network, Intra Network(Managed).
• $selling_technology — Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBS','Hosted'. See Selling
Technology Enum for valid values.
• $publishers — Publishers.
• $woeids — Woeids.
• $cga_ids — Custom geo area ids.
• $channels — Channels.
• $private_marketplace — Private Marketplace.
• $sections — Managed publisher sections can be added on bid multiplier rule.
array_of_enum_buying_selling_marketplace $marketplace
Revenue share rule is applicable only on Trading pit marketplace. Bid multiplier rule can be added on any combination
of Trading Pit, Network of network, Intra Network(Managed).
array_of_enum_selling_technology $selling_technology
Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBS','Hosted'. See Selling Technology Enum for valid values.
publisher_list $publishers
rule_attribute $woeids
rule_attribute $cga_ids
Custom geo area ids.
rule_attribute $channels
rule_attribute $private_marketplace
Private Marketplace.
rule_attribute $sections
Managed publisher sections can be added on bid multiplier rule.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• campaign
♦ $campaign_goals
Fields Summary
• $conversion_id
• $goal_amount — Goal amount. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
int $conversion_id
• size : 8
• primary
float $goal_amount
Goal amount. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the owning entity's
• size : 15,4
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CampaignService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByCreative()
♦ getByEntity()
♦ getByLineItem()
♦ update()
• line_item
♦ $campaign
Fields Summary
• $id — Campaign ID. Autoset on campaign creation by CampaignService::add().
• $advertiser_entity_id — ID of advertiser, campaign belongs to.
• $target_profile_id — ID of target profile, attached to campaign. Can be set by
• $description — Client's description of campaign.
• $active — Campaign activity flag.
• $delivery_rules_id — Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new campaign.
• $exchange_rate
• $cpc_target — Goal towards an effective CPC or click-through rate.
• $campaign_goals — Note: If $cpc_target and $campaign_goals are null, $learn_budget is set to NULL.
• $learn_imps_per_creative_per_section
• $learn_actions_per_creative_per_section
• $learn_spend_per_creative_per_section
• $code — Code of campaign specified by client
• $click_url_override — Default click URL: this URL will only be used if creative is set to use default click URL
(i.e., by setting use_campaign_click_url)
• $priority — Campaign priority.
• $start_time — Start date and time (UTC) for campaign. If not set, current time is assumed.
• $end_time — End date and time (UTC) for line item, campaign or creative. If not set, object isn't trafficking.
• $budget — Budget by currency. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id. If not set, unlimited budget is assumed.
• $delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $delivery_cap — Max value for currency-capped delivery methods. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for
dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• $imp_budget — Budget by impressions
• $imp_delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $imp_delivery_cap — Max value for impression capped delivery methods
• $learn_budget
• $learn_delivery_type — The complete list of enum values you can see at learn_delivery_type enum page, at
run time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'learn_delivery_type').
• $learn_delivery_cap
• $smooth — When set to true, delivers budget/imps evenly over remainder of campaign or within caps
• $tz_to_show — Specifies the time zone to use for start and end flight dates. See Flight dates for more
• $first_ran_date
• $last_ran_date
• $lastupd
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Campaign ID. Autoset on campaign creation by CampaignService::add().
• size : 10
• primary
int $advertiser_entity_id
Ignored on update.
ID of advertiser, campaign belongs to.
• size : 10
int $target_profile_id
Ignored on add and update.
ID of target profile, attached to campaign. Can be set by CampaignService::addTargetProfile().
• size : 8
• nillable
string $description
Default value: 'default description'
Client's description of campaign.
• size : 255
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Campaign activity flag.
int $delivery_rules_id
Ignored on add and update.
Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new campaign.
• size : 10
• nillable
float $exchange_rate
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10,4
float $cpc_target
Goal towards an effective CPC or click-through rate.
Note: If $cpc_target and $campaign_goals are null, $learn_budget is set to NULL. See Pricing options for advertiser
line items and campaigns for details.
• size : 15,4
• nillable
array_of_campaign_goal $campaign_goals
Note: If $cpc_target and $campaign_goals are null, $learn_budget is set to NULL.
See Pricing options for advertiser line items and campaigns for details.
• nillable
int $learn_imps_per_creative_per_section
Default value: '2000'
• size : 10
float $learn_actions_per_creative_per_section
Default value: '5'
float $learn_spend_per_creative_per_section
Default value: '5'
string $code
Code of campaign specified by client
• size : 255
• nillable
string $click_url_override
Default click URL: this URL will only be used if creative is set to use default click URL (i.e., by setting
• size : 500
• nillable
enum_priority $priority
Default value: 'Normal'
Campaign priority.
dateTime $start_time
Start date and time (UTC) for campaign. If not set, current time is assumed.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
dateTime $end_time
End date and time (UTC) for line item, campaign or creative. If not set, object isn't trafficking.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
float $budget
Budget by currency. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the owning
entity's currency_id. If not set, unlimited budget is assumed.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at delivery_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'delivery_type').
• enum : delivery_type
• object : delivery_rules
float $delivery_cap
Max value for currency-capped delivery methods. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
int $imp_budget
Budget by impressions
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $imp_delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at imp_delivery_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'imp_delivery_type').
• enum : imp_delivery_type
• object : delivery_rules
float $imp_delivery_cap
Max value for impression capped delivery methods
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
int $learn_budget
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $learn_delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
The complete list of enum values you can see at learn_delivery_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'learn_delivery_type').
• enum : learn_delivery_type
• object : delivery_rules
float $learn_delivery_cap
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
boolean $smooth
Default value: '1'
When set to true, delivers budget/imps evenly over remainder of campaign or within caps (hourly/daily/weekly).
• object : delivery_rules
string $tz_to_show
Default value: 'America/New_York'
Specifies the time zone to use for start and end flight dates. See Flight dates for more details.
• object : delivery_rules
dateTime $first_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
dateTime $last_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ getCANStatus()
♦ setCANStatus()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — Network or Publisher id
• $can_status_flag — CAN status flag to set your CAN status here. Default is Opting out of CAN.
• $can_privacy_page_link — Link to the Network's Privacy Policy page. To be set only if can_status_flag is
opt_in__ngd_overlay_notice or opt_in__ngd_non_overlay_notice
• $can_text_id — Language ID for the CAN marker The complete list of enum values you can see at
can_text_id enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'can_text_id').
int $entity_id
Network or Publisher id
• size : 10
• primary
string $can_status_flag
CAN status flag to set your CAN status here. Default is Opting out of CAN.
The complete list of enum values you can see at can_status_flag enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'can_status_flag').
• enum : can_status_flag
string $can_privacy_page_link
Link to the Network's Privacy Policy page. To be set only if can_status_flag is opt_in__ngd_overlay_notice or
• size : 80
• nillable
int $can_text_id
Language ID for the CAN marker The complete list of enum values you can see at can_text_id enum page, at run time
you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'can_text_id').
• size : 5
• enum : can_text_id
Fields Summary
• $size_ids — show only creatives which sizes listed in the array
• $advertiser_ids — show only creatives which belongs to the advertisers listed in the array
• $region_ids — show only creatives with the following region IDs
• $creatives_visibility — show either 'all', 'approved' or 'banned' creatives.
• $recent_days_number — show only creatives which were added in the last few days
• $filtered_creative_ids — the list of creative IDs that are going to be removed from a search result
• $url_pattern — Show only creatives whose $media_url elements match $url_pattern.
• $offer_type_ids — show only creatives which offer_type_ids are listed in the array
• $creative_ids — the list of creative IDs that are going to be added to a search result
• $include_creative_options — all the creatives which do not match this creative specs will not be included in a
search result
• $exclude_creative_options — all the creatives which match this creative specs will not be included in a
search result
• $target_profile_id — current target profile id
• $entity_id — entity id (default is currently logged in entity) for which the list of creatives will be returned
• $line_item_id — line item id; instead of specifying an entity id you can fill this field and get the list of creatives
that are served at that corresponding level
• $is_reviewed — Show reviewed creatives
• $is_unreviewed — Show un-reviewed creatives
• $needs_further_review — Show creatives that require further review
• $reviewer_contact_ids — If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by
reviewer contact
• $review_start — Review start time
• $review_end — Review end time
• $media_types — Media type of content
• $third_party_types — Third paty type
• $include_tags — all the creatives which do not match these creative tags will not be included in a search
• $exclude_tags — all the creatives which match these creative tags will not be included in a search result
• $include_beacons — all the creatives which do not match these creative beacons will not be included in a
search result
• $exclude_beacons — all the creatives which match these creative beacons will not be included in a search
• $source_type — show either 'all', 'rtb' or 'non_rtb' creatives.
• $creative_codes — all the creatives which do not belong to any of these code strings will not be included in a
search result
• $create_date_start — Start date of creation date range
• $create_date_end — End date of creation date range
• $sort_order — Sort order by date specifying "ascending" or "descending".
array_of_int $size_ids
show only creatives which sizes listed in the array
• nillable
array_of_int $advertiser_ids
show only creatives which belongs to the advertisers listed in the array
• nillable
array_of_int $region_ids
show only creatives with the following region IDs
• nillable
enum_visibility_scope $creatives_visibility
Default value: 'all'
show either 'all', 'approved' or 'banned' creatives.
int $recent_days_number
show only creatives which were added in the last few days
• nillable
array_of_int $filtered_creative_ids
the list of creative IDs that are going to be removed from a search result
• nillable
string $url_pattern
Show only creatives whose $media_url elements match $url_pattern.
$url_pattern should be a valid URL of the form$path, where $path is what is actually
matched against the creative_content, specifically the $media_url. Note that $path is matched as a substring of
$media_url (i.e., the matching pattern is created by adding wildcards to the head and tail of $path). For example, the
$url_pattern '' would find all creatives whose $media_url matches
• nillable
array_of_int $offer_type_ids
show only creatives which offer_type_ids are listed in the array
• nillable
array_of_int $creative_ids
the list of creative IDs that are going to be added to a search result
• nillable
creative_options $include_creative_options
all the creatives which do not match this creative specs will not be included in a search result
• nillable
creative_options $exclude_creative_options
all the creatives which match this creative specs will not be included in a search result
• nillable
int $target_profile_id
current target profile id
• nillable
int $entity_id
entity id (default is currently logged in entity) for which the list of creatives will be returned
• nillable
int $line_item_id
line item id; instead of specifying an entity id you can fill this field and get the list of creatives that are served at that
corresponding level
• nillable
boolean $is_reviewed
Default value: '1'
Show reviewed creatives
boolean $is_unreviewed
Default value: '1'
Show un-reviewed creatives
boolean $needs_further_review
Default value: '1'
Show creatives that require further review
array_of_int $reviewer_contact_ids
If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by reviewer contact
• nillable
string $review_start
Review start time
If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by review datetime
• nillable
string $review_end
Review end time
If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by review datetime
• nillable
array_of_enum_creative_search_media_type $media_types
Media type of content
• nillable
array_of_enum_creative_search_third_party_type $third_party_types
Third paty type
• nillable
array_of_int $include_tags
all the creatives which do not match these creative tags will not be included in a search result
• nillable
array_of_int $exclude_tags
all the creatives which match these creative tags will not be included in a search result
• nillable
array_of_int $include_beacons
all the creatives which do not match these creative beacons will not be included in a search result
• nillable
array_of_int $exclude_beacons
all the creatives which match these creative beacons will not be included in a search result
• nillable
enum_creative_search_source_type $source_type
Default value: 'all'
show either 'all', 'rtb' or 'non_rtb' creatives.
array_of_string $creative_codes
all the creatives which do not belong to any of these code strings will not be included in a search result
• nillable
string $create_date_start
Start date of creation date range
• nillable
string $create_date_end
End date of creation date range
• nillable
string $sort_order
Sort order by date specifying "ascending" or "descending".
• nillable
See Channel Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getChannels()
Fields Summary
• $id — channel ID
• $name — channel name
• $long_description — channel description
• $media_guard_only
int $id
channel ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
channel name
• size : 255
string $long_description
channel description
• size : 255
boolean $media_guard_only
Class Trees for Package soap_apiRoot class richmedia_creative_attributes
• richmedia_creative_attributes
Fields Summary
• $id
• $tests_number
• $url
int $id
int $tests_number
string $url
Fields Summary
• $id — click_url ID. Autoset on click_url creation.
• $is_creative_click_url — is creative click url
• $is_tracker_url — is piggyback url
• $is_campaign_override_url — is campaign click url
• $is_banned — is banned
• $is_discovered — is discovered
• $domain — domain for the url
• $url_md5 — md5 of url
• $risk_score — risk score
• $review_state — Review state The complete list of enum values you can see at review_state enum page, at
run time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'review_state').
• $created_on — url creation time. Autoset
• $last_review_completed_on — last review completion time. Autoset
• $url — click url
• $lastupd
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
click_url ID. Autoset on click_url creation.
• size : 10
• primary
boolean $is_creative_click_url
Default value: '0'
is creative click url
boolean $is_tracker_url
Default value: '0'
is piggyback url
boolean $is_campaign_override_url
Default value: '0'
is campaign click url
boolean $is_banned
Default value: '0'
is banned
boolean $is_discovered
Default value: '0'
is discovered
string $domain
Ignored on update.
domain for the url
• size : 255
• nillable
string $url_md5
Ignored on update.
md5 of url
• nillable
int $risk_score
Default value: 0
risk score
• size : 10
string $review_state
Review state The complete list of enum values you can see at review_state enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'review_state').
• enum : review_state
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
url creation time. Autoset
dateTime $last_review_completed_on
Ignored on add and update.
last review completion time. Autoset
string $url
click url
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• creative_comments
♦ $comments
Fields Summary
• $comment — Comment.
• $created_on — Creative comment date specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
string $comment
string $created_on
Creative comment date specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ContactService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByEntity()
♦ getSelf()
♦ update()
• EntityService
♦ add()
♦ getOfficialContacts()
• entity_data
♦ $contact
• entity_official_contacts
♦ $account_managers
♦ $business_contacts
♦ $finance_contacts
♦ $operations_contacts
♦ $sales_persons
♦ $technical_contacts
♦ $trafficker_persons
• publisher_data
♦ $contact
Fields Summary
• $id — Contact ID.
• $prefix — Should be one of these values: Mr or Ms.
• $first_name — The first name for the account
• $last_name — The last name for the account
• $title — The title for the account
• $department — The name of the department, the account belongs to
• $company — The name of the company, the account belongs to
• $phone_main — The contact phone number
• $phone_mobile — The contact mobile phone number
• $fax — The contact fax number
• $address_id — Address ID
• $active — Contact activity flag
• $email_notifications — The email notification flag
• $email — The email of the company, the account belongs to
• $entity_id — The ID of the entity, the account belongs to
• $role_id — The role ID.
• $username — The username for the account
• $api_user — Defines whether a user has access to API.
• $is_support_contact
• $lastupd
• $can_manage_contacts — User able to edit contact info
• $relationship_type_id — For internal use only.
• $ycrm_contact_id — For internal use only.
• $locale_id — The locale ID.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Contact ID.
• size : 10
• primary
string $prefix
Ignored on add and update.
Should be one of these values: Mr or Ms.
• size : 50
string $first_name
The first name for the account
• size : 50
• nillable
string $last_name
The last name for the account
• size : 50
• nillable
string $title
The title for the account
• size : 50
string $department
The name of the department, the account belongs to
• size : 50
string $company
The name of the company, the account belongs to
• size : 100
string $phone_main
The contact phone number
• size : 20
string $phone_mobile
The contact mobile phone number
• size : 20
string $fax
The contact fax number
• size : 20
int $address_id
Ignored on add and update.
Address ID
• size : 10
int $active
Contact activity flag
• size : 1
int $email_notifications
Ignored on add and update.
The email notification flag
• size : 4
string $email
The email of the company, the account belongs to
• size : 255
int $entity_id
Ignored on update.
The ID of the entity, the account belongs to
• size : 10
int $role_id
The role ID.
The complete list of enum values you can see at role enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'role').
• size : 10
• enum : role
string $username
The username for the account
• size : 50
boolean $api_user
Default value: '1'
Defines whether a user has access to API.
This field can be altered only by trusted users.
boolean $is_support_contact
Default value: '0'
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
boolean $can_manage_contacts
User able to edit contact info
string $relationship_type_id
Default value: 1
For internal use only.
• size : 3
• nillable
string $ycrm_contact_id
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 15
• nillable
int $locale_id
The locale ID.
• size : 5
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getAvailableContentCategoriesBuyers()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — Entity id of content category buyer.
• $company_name — Company name of content category buyer.
• $company_website — Company website of content category buyer.
• $contact_email — Contact email of content category buyer.
int $entity_id
Entity id of content category buyer.
string $company_name
Company name of content category buyer.
string $company_website
Company website of content category buyer.
string $contact_email
Contact email of content category buyer.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getContentCategoryOwner()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — Content seller's entity id
• $company_name — Content seller's company name
• $contact_email — Content seller's contact email
• $content_category_name — Name of the segment
int $entity_id
Content seller's entity id
string $company_name
Content seller's company name
string $contact_email
Content seller's contact email
string $content_category_name
Name of the segment
Fields Summary
• $insertion_order — Contract history insertion order
• $line_items — Contract history line items corresponding to the insertion order
insertion_order $insertion_order
Ignored on add and update.
Contract history insertion order
The point of the contract history is to be able to see if a network rejects a publisher in the past.
array_of_line_item $line_items
Ignored on add and update.
Contract history line items corresponding to the insertion order
See Country Group Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getCountryGroups()
Fields Summary
• $id — country group ID
• $name — country group name
• $daily_volume — country daily volume
• $daily_revenue — country daily revenue, in USD
int $id
country group ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
country group name
• size : 50
int $daily_volume
country daily volume
• size : 20
float $daily_revenue
country daily revenue, in USD
See Country Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getCountries()
Fields Summary
• $id — country ID
• $name — country name
• $code — country code
• $continent_id — country continent ID
• $country_group_id — country group ID
int $id
country ID
• size : 5
• primary
string $name
country name
• size : 50
string $code
country code
• size : 2
int $continent_id
country continent ID
• size : 10
int $country_group_id
country group ID
• size : 10
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ addAttachCreatives()
Fields Summary
• $creative — Contains the creative object.
• $line_item_id — Line item ID.
creative $creative
Contains the creative object.
int $line_item_id
Line item ID.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getCreativeBeaconList()
Fields Summary
• $id — Creative beacon ID
• $vendor — Creative beacon vendor
• $description — Description
• $unresolved_beacon_domain — Unresolved beacon domain - Flag that indicates if the beacon's domain
resolved to a vendor
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Creative beacon ID
• size : 5
• primary
string $vendor
Creative beacon vendor
string $description
boolean $unresolved_beacon_domain
Default value: '0'
Unresolved beacon domain - Flag that indicates if the beacon's domain resolved to a vendor
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ getClassificationReport()
Fields Summary
• $creative_id — creative id.
• $classification_review_status — Creative classification review status.
int $creative_id
creative id.
string $classification_review_status
Creative classification review status.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ getCreativeComments()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — Entity ID of the Reviewer.
• $start_date — Creative review Start date specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• $end_date — Creative review End date Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format
int $entity_id
Entity ID of the Reviewer.
dateTime $start_date
Creative review Start date specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
dateTime $end_date
Creative review End date Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• creative_publisher_comments
♦ $all_comments
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — The Entity ID of the network who has provided the comment.
• $comments — The array of comments object containing each comment along with the timestamp sorted from
latest to oldest.
• $total_count — The total number of comments from the publisher against the given creative ID.
int $entity_id
The Entity ID of the network who has provided the comment.
array_of_comment $comments
Default value: NULL
The array of comments object containing each comment along with the timestamp sorted from latest to oldest.
int $total_count
Default value: 0
The total number of comments from the publisher against the given creative ID.
Macro-substituted contents of a creative.
Fields Summary
• $media_type_id — content media type.
• $expanded_content — creative expanded content
int $media_type_id
content media type.
• size : 10
• primary
string $expanded_content
creative expanded content
Content may be either written in content field or client may be redirected to media_url to get content.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• creative
♦ $contents
• placement_creative
♦ $contents
Fields Summary
• $media_type — content media type. See Media Type Enum for more information.
• $media_url — redirect URL to get the content
• $content — creative content
• $hash — the hash of the content
• $file_size — the size of the content
• $atom_id — the id of the atom
• $view_tracker
string $media_type
content media type. See Media Type Enum for more information.
The complete list of enum values you can see at media_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'media_type').
• enum : media_type
• primary
string $media_url
redirect URL to get the content
• size : 10000
string $content
creative content
string $hash
the hash of the content
int $file_size
the size of the content
• size : 10
• nillable
int $atom_id
Ignored on add and update.
the id of the atom
• size : 10
string $view_tracker
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DemandBlocklistService
♦ searchCreatives()
Fields Summary
• $id — Creative ID.
• $description — Creative Description.
• $advertisers — Advertiser Id and Name
• $beacons — Beacon id and Name
• $reviewer — Name of reviewer
• $created_date — Creative creation time.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Creative ID.
• primary
string $description
Creative Description.
id_name $advertisers
Advertiser Id and Name
array_of_id_name $beacons
Beacon id and Name
string $reviewer
Name of reviewer
dateTime $created_date
Ignored on add and update.
Creative creation time.
Fields Summary
• $creative_id — Creative_ID
• $contact_id — Entity ID
• $comment — Comments message
• $created_on — Created on Date
• $contact_name — Contact name of the Reviewer
• $comment_type — Comment type Advertiser/Internal
int $creative_id
Ignored on add and update.
int $contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
Entity ID
string $comment
Ignored on add and update.
Comments message
string $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Created on Date
string $contact_name
Ignored on add and update.
Contact name of the Reviewer
string $comment_type
Ignored on add and update.
Comment type Advertiser/Internal
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ add()
♦ addAttach()
♦ addCreatives()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByCampaign()
♦ getByEntity()
♦ getByIntCode()
♦ getByIntCodes()
♦ getByLineItem()
♦ search()
♦ update()
• PixelService
♦ getAttachedCreatives()
• ccp_creative_search_options
♦ $exclude_creative_options
♦ $include_creative_options
• creative_attachment
♦ $creative
• creative_publisher_comments
♦ $all_comments
• creative_search_options
♦ $exclude_creative_options
♦ $include_creative_options
• demand
♦ $creative_tags
• placement
♦ $creative
• placement_creative
♦ $contents
• preferred_terms_demand
♦ $creative_tags
• targetings
♦ $CreativeSpecs
Fields Summary
• $richmedia_creative_attribute — Rich media creative attributes. Special attributes for rich media creatives
like expandable, floating, polite download and others.
• $exclude_from_can — Clear Add Notice (CAN) Buyer (Advertiser) control at creative level. Only valid if the
creative type is 'file' This will exclude the creative from CAN, overriding the entity level setting. This is only
relevant if the entity has opted in for the CAN.
• $self_classification_tags — Creative Specs and Themes provided by advertiser.
• $id — Creative ID. Autoset on creative creation by CreativeService::add() or CreativeService::addCreatives().
• $code
• $advertiser_entity_id — ID of advertiser the creative belongs to.
• $active — Creative activity flag.
• $is_audited — Shows if object has been audited by Media Guard.
• $description — Client's description of creative.
• $adapt_media_hex
• $adapt_click_hex
• $pop_types — Type of pop, see Pop Types Enum for valid values.
• $size_id — ID of creative (width, length) pair, see Size Enum for valid values.
• $is_pending
• $created_on — Creative creation time. Autoset by CampaignService::addCreative().
• $height — Creative height, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
• $width — Creative width, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
• $beacon_conversion_id — ID of beacon switched by this creative. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge
Base for details.
• $original_tag
• $can_track_clicks — This is a Boolean that must be true in order for click tracking to function.
• $menubar — If TRUE, pop window for creative has title
• $resizable — If TRUE, pop window for creative is resizable
• $scrollbars — If TRUE, pop window for creative has scrollbars
• $status
• $toolbar — If TRUE, pop window for creative has toolbar
• $flash_loop — If TRUE, flash creative loops
• $flash_bgcolor — Background color for flash
• $flash_clicktag
• $is_third_party — If TRUE, the creative is treated as third party one
• $third_party_type — Third party tag type. value is set depending on creative_content.content value, checked
at insert & update
• $is_ssl — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_distracting — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_suggestive — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_violent — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_textlink — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $has_active_x — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $has_exit_pop — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $pop_window_title — Title of pop window for the creative.
• $banner_opens_pop — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $flash_has_embedded_url
• $offer_type_id — Creative's offer type. See Offer Type table for additional information. See also Creative
offer types for details.
• $click_url — Creative's click url. Creative must be clickable to use it. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge
Base for details.
• $has_video_or_rich_media — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $is_deceptive — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_political — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $audio_type — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $target_profile_id — ID of target profile, attached to creative. Can be set by
• $delivery_rules_id — Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new creative.
• $initiates_pop — If TRUE, YAX server initiates pop window at the client' side before pop creative delivery.
See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_web_site_pop — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $no_iframes — If TRUE, tag code doesn't create IFRAME
• $is_pre_audited
• $last_audited_by_contact_id
• $last_human_audit
• $last_automated_audit
• $creative_type — Creative type.
• $pop_expand_to_full_window
• $use_campaign_click_url
• $priority — Campaign priority.
• $contents
• $custom_settings
• $imp_budget — Budget by impressions
• $imp_delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $imp_delivery_cap — Max value for impression-capped delivery methods.
• $is_bcm_upload
• $view_tracker — Allows clients to run agency deals by trafficking image and flash creative directly along with
a 3rd-party impression-tracking (view tracker) pixel. We store the URL of the impression-tracking pixel in
view_tracker field.
• $first_ran_date
• $last_ran_date
• $needs_arbitration
• $addressbar — If TRUE, pop window for creative has address bar
• $ad_size_in_bytes
• $lastupd
• $language_id — Id of language creative_tag
• $ad_vendor_id — Ad vendor ID. For internal use only. Do not use.
• $is_rtb — For RTB creative
• $is_3pi
• $classification_review_status — Creative classification review status, see valid types in Creative
Classification Review Status Enum.
• $video_creative — Complex data type to represent video creative attributes.
richmedia_creative_attributes $richmedia_creative_attribute
Rich media creative attributes. Special attributes for rich media creatives like expandable, floating, polite download
and others.
This field is deprecated. Use Creative Tag IDs in creative::$self_classification_tags to associate rich media attributes.
• deprecated
boolean $exclude_from_can
Default value: '0'
Clear Add Notice (CAN) Buyer (Advertiser) control at creative level. Only valid if the creative type is 'file' This will
exclude the creative from CAN, overriding the entity level setting. This is only relevant if the entity has opted in for the
array_of_int $self_classification_tags
Creative Specs and Themes provided by advertiser.
• Creative specs describe the physical and behavioral aspects of the creative, such as audio, active x, or
• Creative theme is related to the content of a creative, such as political, religious, or violent.
Creative specs and themes are represented using Creative Tags.
Use self_classification_tags array to pass the list of Tag IDs to classify creative.
• Self Classification tags are the ones which have primary_category as 'Self Classification' and
secondary_category as 'Creative Specs' or 'Creative Themes'. For example, Tag 229 (Flashing images - 15
secs or less) is a self classification tag.
• A tertiary_category is a logical grouping of creative specs or themes, which along with 'enable_multiselect'
determine if one or more tags from the same group can be set.
See Creative Tagging and Classification using API for more information on creative tags.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Creative ID. Autoset on creative creation by CreativeService::add() or CreativeService::addCreatives().
• size : 10
• primary
string $code
• size : 100
• nillable
int $advertiser_entity_id
Ignored on update.
ID of advertiser the creative belongs to.
Can be set by CampaignService::addCreative() or CreativeService::update(). Please note that (advertiser_entity_id,
description) should be a unique tuple.
• size : 10
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Creative activity flag.
boolean $is_audited
Default value: '0'
Shows if object has been audited by Media Guard.
This field is deprecated. Media Guard will not audit creatives to associate creative specs/themes. Refer Creative
specs, Creative themes for more details
• deprecated
string $description
Client's description of creative.
Please note that (advertiser_entity_id, description) should be a unique tuple.
• size : 255
string $adapt_media_hex
• size : 255
• nillable
string $adapt_click_hex
• size : 255
• nillable
enum_pop_types $pop_types
Default value: '0'
Type of pop, see Pop Types Enum for valid values.
int $size_id
Default value: '0'
ID of creative (width, length) pair, see Size Enum for valid values.
Please note that size id provided in Linear Video creative will be ignored.
The complete list of enum values you can see at size enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'size').
• size : 10
• enum : size
boolean $is_pending
Ignored on add and update.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Creative creation time. Autoset by CampaignService::addCreative().
int $height
Creative height, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
int $width
Creative width, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
int $beacon_conversion_id
ID of beacon switched by this creative. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• size : 8
string $original_tag
boolean $can_track_clicks
Default value: '0'
This is a Boolean that must be true in order for click tracking to function.
When you use the My Yieldmanager UI to add clickable creatives, the UI asks you to manually test the creative to be
sure that click tracking is working properly. Once that testing has been completed successfully, the UI automatically
sets the $can_track_clicks on the creative. However, this testing mechanism is not available via the API, so you must
set this flag manually. Keep in mind that setting this flag will affect the way your ads are served; we strongly
recommend that, before setting $can_track_clicks, you have used the UI to test the clickability of a creative that is
representative of your creative object.
boolean $menubar
If TRUE, pop window for creative has title
boolean $resizable
If TRUE, pop window for creative is resizable
boolean $scrollbars
If TRUE, pop window for creative has scrollbars
boolean $status
boolean $toolbar
If TRUE, pop window for creative has toolbar
boolean $flash_loop
If TRUE, flash creative loops
string $flash_bgcolor
Background color for flash
• size : 10
string $flash_clicktag
• size : 30
boolean $is_third_party
If TRUE, the creative is treated as third party one
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'.
enum_creative_third_party_types $third_party_type
Ignored on add and update.
Third party tag type. value is set depending on creative_content.content value, checked at insert & update
• nillable
boolean $is_ssl
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
This flag is = 0 when creative is not CT tested or when it is non ssl.
boolean $is_distracting
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 229) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_suggestive
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 230) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_violent
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 231) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_textlink
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'.
• deprecated
boolean $has_active_x
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
• deprecated
boolean $has_exit_pop
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
• deprecated
string $pop_window_title
Title of pop window for the creative.
• size : 100
boolean $banner_opens_pop
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
boolean $flash_has_embedded_url
int $offer_type_id
Creative's offer type. See Offer Type table for additional information. See also Creative offer types for details.
The complete list of enum values you can see at offer_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'offer_type').
• size : 10
• enum : offer_type
string $click_url
Creative's click url. Creative must be clickable to use it. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• nillable
boolean $has_video_or_rich_media
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 233) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative specs for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_deceptive
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 234) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_political
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 235) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
string $audio_type
Default value: 'none'
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (IDs: 241, 242) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative specs for creative
The complete list of enum values you can see at audio_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'audio_type').
• deprecated
• enum : audio_type
int $target_profile_id
Ignored on add and update.
ID of target profile, attached to creative. Can be set by CreativeService::addTargetProfile().
• size : 8
• nillable
int $delivery_rules_id
Ignored on add and update.
Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new creative.
• size : 10
• nillable
boolean $initiates_pop
If TRUE, YAX server initiates pop window at the client' side before pop creative delivery. See Yahoo Ad Exchange
Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_web_site_pop
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
• deprecated
boolean $no_iframes
If TRUE, tag code doesn't create IFRAME
int $is_pre_audited
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 1
• nillable
int $last_audited_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
• nillable
dateTime $last_human_audit
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
dateTime $last_automated_audit
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
enum_creative_type $creative_type
Ignored on update.
Creative type.
int $pop_expand_to_full_window
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $use_campaign_click_url
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
enum_priority $priority
Default value: 'Normal'
Campaign priority.
array_of_creative_content $contents
custom_settings $custom_settings
• nillable
int $imp_budget
Budget by impressions
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $imp_delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at imp_delivery_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'imp_delivery_type').
• enum : imp_delivery_type
• object : delivery_rules
float $imp_delivery_cap
Max value for impression-capped delivery methods.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
int $is_bcm_upload
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
string $view_tracker
Allows clients to run agency deals by trafficking image and flash creative directly along with a 3rd-party
impression-tracking (view tracker) pixel. We store the URL of the impression-tracking pixel in view_tracker field.
• size : 255
• nillable
dateTime $first_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
dateTime $last_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
boolean $needs_arbitration
Ignored on add and update.
boolean $addressbar
If TRUE, pop window for creative has address bar
int $ad_size_in_bytes
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 11
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
int $language_id
Id of language creative_tag
The complete list of enum values you can see at creative_tag_language enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'creative_tag_language').
• enum : creative_tag_language
int $ad_vendor_id
Ad vendor ID. For internal use only. Do not use.
• field : ad_vendor_id
• object : db_creative_ad_vendor
• nillable
boolean $is_rtb
Default value: '0'
For RTB creative
boolean $is_3pi
Default value: '0'
string $classification_review_status
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: 'not-reviewed'
Creative classification review status, see valid types in Creative Classification Review Status Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at creative_classification_review_status enum page, at run time you
can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'creative_classification_review_status').
• nillable
• enum : creative_classification_review_status
video_creative $video_creative
Complex data type to represent video creative attributes.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• LineItemService
♦ addCreatives()
Fields Summary
• $creative_id — Creative ID.
• $line_item_id — Line item ID.
int $creative_id
Creative ID.
int $line_item_id
Line item ID.
See Creative Macro Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getCreativeMacro()
Fields Summary
• $id
• $macro
• $description
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
• primary
string $macro
• size : 100
string $description
• size : 255
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ccp_creative_search_options
♦ $exclude_creative_options
♦ $include_creative_options
• creative_search_options
♦ $exclude_creative_options
♦ $include_creative_options
Fields Summary
• $is_distracting — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $has_active_x — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_suggestive — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_violent — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_deceptive — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $has_video_or_rich_media — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_political — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $audio_type — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_web_site_pop — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_textlink — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $banner_opens_pop
• $has_exit_pop — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_distracting
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $has_active_x
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_suggestive
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_violent
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_deceptive
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $has_video_or_rich_media
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_political
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
string $audio_type
Default value: 'none'
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
The complete list of enum values you can see at audio_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'audio_type').
• enum : audio_type
boolean $is_web_site_pop
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_textlink
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $banner_opens_pop
boolean $has_exit_pop
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
Fields Summary
• $id
• $advertiser_entity_id
• $tests_number
• $is_rtb
int $id
int $advertiser_entity_id
int $tests_number
int $is_rtb
properties data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• demand
♦ $creative_tags
• preferred_terms_demand
♦ $creative_tags
Fields Summary
• $creative_specs — Creative specs.
• $creative_themes — Creative themes.
• $creative_languages — Creative languages.
• $creative_beacons — Creative beacons.
• $include — Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular segments specified in
$creative_specs, $creative_themes, $creative_beacons, $creative_languages arrays.
array_of_id_name $creative_specs
Creative specs.
array_of_id_name $creative_themes
Creative themes.
array_of_id_name $creative_languages
Creative languages.
array_of_id_name $creative_beacons
Creative beacons.
boolean $include
Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular segments specified in $creative_specs,
$creative_themes, $creative_beacons, $creative_languages arrays.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ getCreativeComments()
Fields Summary
• $creative_id — Creative ID for which the comments are fetched.
• $all_comments — Comments from each publisher for the queried creative ID
int $creative_id
Creative ID for which the comments are fetched.
array_of_creative_comments $all_comments
Comments from each publisher for the queried creative ID
Fields Summary
• $contact_id — Contact_ID
• $reviewer_name — Reviewer Name
int $contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
string $reviewer_name
Ignored on add and update.
Reviewer Name
This file defines creative_review_options data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DemandBlocklistService
♦ searchCreatives()
Fields Summary
• $demand_blocklist_id — Parameter to filter by demand blocklist id.
• $creative_ids — array of creative ids.
• $review_status — Parameter to filter by creative status 'unreviewed', 'review-further', 'approved', 'banned' .
• $start_date — Creative review Start date specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
• $end_date — Creative review End date Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format
int $demand_blocklist_id
Parameter to filter by demand blocklist id.
array_of_int $creative_ids
array of creative ids.
enum_review_status $review_status
Default value: 'unreviewed'
Parameter to filter by creative status 'unreviewed', 'review-further', 'approved', 'banned' .
dateTime $start_date
Creative review Start date specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format.
dateTime $end_date
Creative review End date Specified in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ search()
Fields Summary
• $size_ids — show only creatives which sizes listed in the array
• $advertiser_ids — show only creatives which belongs to the advertisers listed in the array
• $region_ids — show only creatives with the following region IDs
• $creatives_visibility — show either 'all', 'approved' or 'banned' creatives.
• $recent_days_number — show only creatives which were added in the last few days
• $filtered_creative_ids — the list of creative IDs that are going to be removed from a search result
• $url_pattern — Show only creatives whose $media_url elements match $url_pattern.
• $offer_type_ids — show only creatives which offer_type_ids are listed in the array
• $creative_ids — the list of creative IDs that are going to be added to a search result
• $include_creative_options — all the creatives which do not match this creative specs will not be included in a
search result
• $exclude_creative_options — all the creatives which match this creative specs will not be included in a
search result
• $target_profile_id — current target profile id
• $entity_id — entity id (default is currently logged in entity) for which the list of creatives will be returned
• $line_item_id — line item id; instead of specifying an entity id you can fill this field and get the list of creatives
that are served at that corresponding level
• $is_reviewed — Show reviewed creatives
• $is_unreviewed — Show un-reviewed creatives
• $needs_further_review — Show creatives that require further review
• $reviewer_contact_ids — If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by
reviewer contact
• $review_start — Review start time
• $review_end — Review end time
• $media_types — Media type of content
• $third_party_types — Third paty type
• $include_tags — all the creatives which do not match these creative tags will not be included in a search
• $exclude_tags — all the creatives which match these creative tags will not be included in a search result
• $include_beacons — all the creatives which do not match these creative beacons will not be included in a
search result
• $exclude_beacons — all the creatives which match these creative beacons will not be included in a search
• $source_type — show either 'all', 'rtb' or 'non_rtb' creatives.
• $creative_codes — all the creatives which do not belong to any of these code strings will not be included in a
search result
array_of_int $size_ids
show only creatives which sizes listed in the array
• nillable
array_of_int $advertiser_ids
show only creatives which belongs to the advertisers listed in the array
• nillable
array_of_int $region_ids
show only creatives with the following region IDs
• nillable
enum_visibility_scope $creatives_visibility
Default value: 'all'
show either 'all', 'approved' or 'banned' creatives.
int $recent_days_number
show only creatives which were added in the last few days
• nillable
array_of_int $filtered_creative_ids
the list of creative IDs that are going to be removed from a search result
• nillable
string $url_pattern
Show only creatives whose $media_url elements match $url_pattern.
$url_pattern should be a valid URL of the form$path, where $path is what is actually
matched against the creative_content, specifically the $media_url. Note that $path is matched as a substring of
$media_url (i.e., the matching pattern is created by adding wildcards to the head and tail of $path). For example, the
$url_pattern '' would find all creatives whose $media_url matches
• nillable
array_of_int $offer_type_ids
show only creatives which offer_type_ids are listed in the array
• nillable
array_of_int $creative_ids
the list of creative IDs that are going to be added to a search result
• nillable
creative_options $include_creative_options
all the creatives which do not match this creative specs will not be included in a search result
• nillable
creative_options $exclude_creative_options
all the creatives which match this creative specs will not be included in a search result
• nillable
int $target_profile_id
current target profile id
• nillable
int $entity_id
entity id (default is currently logged in entity) for which the list of creatives will be returned
• nillable
int $line_item_id
line item id; instead of specifying an entity id you can fill this field and get the list of creatives that are served at that
corresponding level
• nillable
boolean $is_reviewed
Default value: '1'
Show reviewed creatives
boolean $is_unreviewed
Default value: '1'
Show un-reviewed creatives
boolean $needs_further_review
Default value: '1'
Show creatives that require further review
array_of_int $reviewer_contact_ids
If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by reviewer contact
• nillable
string $review_start
Review start time
If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by review datetime
• nillable
string $review_end
Review end time
If searching creative is_reviewed and/or need_further_review then also filter by review datetime
• nillable
array_of_enum_creative_search_media_type $media_types
Media type of content
• nillable
array_of_enum_creative_search_third_party_type $third_party_types
Third paty type
• nillable
array_of_int $include_tags
all the creatives which do not match these creative tags will not be included in a search result
• nillable
array_of_int $exclude_tags
all the creatives which match these creative tags will not be included in a search result
• nillable
array_of_int $include_beacons
all the creatives which do not match these creative beacons will not be included in a search result
• nillable
array_of_int $exclude_beacons
all the creatives which match these creative beacons will not be included in a search result
• nillable
enum_creative_search_source_type $source_type
Default value: 'all'
show either 'all', 'rtb' or 'non_rtb' creatives.
array_of_string $creative_codes
all the creatives which do not belong to any of these code strings will not be included in a search result
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ getCreativeSpecs()
• TargetProfileService
♦ getTargetCreativeSpecs()
♦ setTargetCreativeSpecs()
• targetings
♦ $CreativeSpecs
Fields Summary
• $id — creative spec ID
• $allow_third_party_tags — third party tags flag
• $allow_distracting — distracting flag
• $allow_active_x — active x flag
• $allow_cpc — cpc flag
• $allow_cpa — cpa flag
• $allow_discretionary — discretionary flag
• $allow_third_party_numbers — third party numbers flag
• $max_days_since_adjustment — max days since adjustment flag
• $allow_suggestive — suggestive flag
• $allow_violent — violent flag
• $allow_cpm — cpm flag
• $allow_roi_target — roi target flag
• $allow_deceptive — deceptive flag
• $allow_video_and_rich_media — video and rich media flag
• $allow_political — political flag
• $allow_audio_type — audio type flag
• $allow_web_site_pop — web site pop flag
• $allow_textlink — textlink flag
• $allow_unaudited — unaudited flag
• $allow_banner_opens_pop — banner opens pop flag
• $allow_exit_pop — exit pop flag
• $allow_meets_msn_specs — meets msn specs flag
• $allow_meets_yahoo_specs — meets yahoo specs flag
int $id
creative spec ID
• size : 10
• primary
boolean $allow_third_party_tags
Default value: 1
third party tags flag
boolean $allow_distracting
Default value: 1
distracting flag
boolean $allow_active_x
Default value: 1
active x flag
boolean $allow_cpc
Default value: 1
cpc flag
boolean $allow_cpa
Default value: 1
cpa flag
boolean $allow_discretionary
Default value: 1
discretionary flag
boolean $allow_third_party_numbers
Default value: 1
third party numbers flag
int $max_days_since_adjustment
Default value: 7
max days since adjustment flag
• size : 11
int $allow_suggestive
Default value: 1
suggestive flag
• size : 4
int $allow_violent
Default value: 1
violent flag
• size : 4
boolean $allow_cpm
Default value: 1
cpm flag
boolean $allow_roi_target
Default value: 1
roi target flag
boolean $allow_deceptive
Default value: 1
deceptive flag
boolean $allow_video_and_rich_media
Default value: 1
video and rich media flag
boolean $allow_political
Default value: 1
political flag
string $allow_audio_type
Default value: 'any'
audio type flag
The complete list of enum values you can see at spec_audio_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'spec_audio_type').
• enum : spec_audio_type
boolean $allow_web_site_pop
Default value: 1
web site pop flag
boolean $allow_textlink
Default value: 1
textlink flag
boolean $allow_unaudited
Default value: 1
unaudited flag
boolean $allow_banner_opens_pop
Default value: 1
banner opens pop flag
boolean $allow_exit_pop
Default value: 1
exit pop flag
boolean $allow_meets_msn_specs
Default value: 1
meets msn specs flag
boolean $allow_meets_yahoo_specs
Default value: 1
meets yahoo specs flag
See Creative Tag List Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getCreativeTagList()
Fields Summary
• $id
• $primary_category — Primary category: This represents the source of the tag. Creative tags with
primary_category "Self Classification" are provided by advertiser on creative upload or edit, while "Creative
Tester" tags are assigned by automated 'Creative Tester'.
• $secondary_category — Secondary category: This designates a tag as a creative spec or theme. Creative
specs describe the physical and behavioral aspects of the creative, such as audio, active x, or popups.
Creative themes is related to the content of a creative such as political, religious or violent.
• $tertiary_category — Tertiary category: This is a logical grouping of creative specs or themes.
• $tag
• $entity_id
• $is_media_guard — For identification of the tag as internal or external. 1: external , 0 : internal use.
• $ui_order
• $is_enabled
• $expiration_age
• $description — tag description
• $enable_multiselect — 'enable_multiselect' determines if one or more tags can be set within the same
tertiary_category for creative self classification.
int $id
• size : 5
• primary
string $primary_category
Primary category: This represents the source of the tag. Creative tags with primary_category "Self Classification" are
provided by advertiser on creative upload or edit, while "Creative Tester" tags are assigned by automated 'Creative
• size : 100
string $secondary_category
Secondary category: This designates a tag as a creative spec or theme. Creative specs describe the physical and
behavioral aspects of the creative, such as audio, active x, or popups. Creative themes is related to the content of a
creative such as political, religious or violent.
• size : 255
string $tertiary_category
Tertiary category: This is a logical grouping of creative specs or themes.
• size : 100
string $tag
• size : 255
int $entity_id
• size : 10
• nillable
int $is_media_guard
For identification of the tag as internal or external. 1: external , 0 : internal use.
Note : Internal tags are not available for targeting.
• size : 1
float $ui_order
• deprecated
• nillable
boolean $is_enabled
int $expiration_age
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '0'
• size : 5
string $description
tag description
• nillable
int $enable_multiselect
Ignored on add and update.
'enable_multiselect' determines if one or more tags can be set within the same tertiary_category for creative self
• size : 3
Fields Summary
• $url
• $result
• $exception_detail
• $exception_text
• $item_id
string $url
boolean $result
exception_detail $exception_detail
string $exception_text
int $item_id
See Currency Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getCurrencies()
Fields Summary
• $id — Currency ID
• $name — Currency name
• $symbol — Currency symbol
• $abbreviation — Currency abbreviation
• $decimals — Currency decimals
• $current_exchange_rate — Current currency rate of exchange - latest exchange rate available
• $exchange_rate_as_of — Date and time from which currency exchange rate is set
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Currency ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $name
Ignored on add and update.
Currency name
• size : 50
string $symbol
Ignored on add and update.
Currency symbol
• size : 10
string $abbreviation
Ignored on add and update.
Currency abbreviation
• size : 3
int $decimals
Ignored on add and update.
Currency decimals
• size : 3
float $current_exchange_rate
Ignored on add and update.
Current currency rate of exchange - latest exchange rate available
• size : 10,4
dateTime $exchange_rate_as_of
Ignored on add and update.
Date and time from which currency exchange rate is set
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• custom_settings
♦ $custom_creative
Fields Summary
• $custom_creative_code — Custom creative type
enum_custom_creative_type $custom_creative_code
Custom creative type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ addCustomGeoArea()
♦ getAllCustomGeoAreas()
♦ getCustomGeoArea()
Fields Summary
• $postal_codes — Array of postal_code
• $id — Custom geo area ID
• $entity_id — Entity ID
• $name — Custom geo area name
• $active — Active flag
• $country_woeid — Country WOEID to which the CGA belongs
• $description — Custom geo area description
• $created_on
• $lastupd
array_of_string $postal_codes
Array of postal_code
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Custom geo area ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Entity ID
• size : 10
string $name
Custom geo area name
• size : 255
int $active
Ignored on add and update.
Active flag
• size : 3
int $country_woeid
Ignored on update.
Country WOEID to which the CGA belongs
• size : 10
string $description
Custom geo area description
• size : 255
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• creative
♦ $custom_settings
• placement_creative
♦ $custom_settings
Fields Summary
• $custom_creative
custom_creative $custom_creative
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getAvailableSegmentBuyers()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — Entity id of segment buyer.
• $company_name — Company name of segment buyer.
• $company_website — Company website of segment buyer.
• $contact_email — Contact email of segment buyer.
int $entity_id
Entity id of segment buyer.
string $company_name
Company name of segment buyer.
string $company_website
Company website of segment buyer.
string $contact_email
Contact email of segment buyer.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getSegmentOwner()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — Data seller's entity id
• $company_name — Data seller's company name
• $contact_email — Data seller's contact email
• $segment_name — Name of the segment
int $entity_id
Data seller's entity id
string $company_name
Data seller's company name
string $contact_email
Data seller's contact email
string $segment_name
Name of the segment
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdjustmentService
♦ getImpsByDates()
Fields Summary
• $date — Date
• $imps — Imps number
date $date
int $imps
Imps number
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ getTargetDayparts()
♦ TargetProfileService::getTargetDaypartsDepr()
♦ setTargetDayparts()
♦ TargetProfileService::setTargetDaypartsDepr()
• rule_dayparts
♦ $daypart_list
• target_daypart
♦ $dayparts
Fields Summary
• $day_id — Day number from 1 for Sunday till 7 for Saturday
• $start_time — Start time in hours (0..23) for targeting
• $end_time — End time in hours (0..23) for targeting
int $day_id
Day number from 1 for Sunday till 7 for Saturday
The complete list of enum values you can see at day enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'day').
• enum : day
int $start_time
Start time in hours (0..23) for targeting
int $end_time
End time in hours (0..23) for targeting
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ getTargetDealProperties()
♦ TargetProfileService::getTargetDealPropertiesDepr()
♦ setTargetDealProperties()
♦ TargetProfileService::setTargetDealPropertiesDepr()
• targetings
♦ $DealProperties
Fields Summary
• $allow_cpa — if true, CPA pricing is allowed
• $allow_cpc — if true, CPC pricing is allowed
• $allow_cpm — if true, CPM pricing is allowed
• $allow_discretionary — if true, discretionary pricing is allowed
• $allow_roi_target — if true, return on investment target is allowed
• $allow_third_party_numbers — if true, third party numbers are allowed
boolean $allow_cpa
if true, CPA pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_cpc
if true, CPC pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_cpm
if true, CPM pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_discretionary
if true, discretionary pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_roi_target
if true, return on investment target is allowed
boolean $allow_third_party_numbers
if true, third party numbers are allowed
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ getDefaultTargetProfiles()
Fields Summary
• $id — Target profile ID. Autoset on creation.
• $active — Target profile activity flag.
• $name — Name of the target profile
• $default_profile_name — Name of target profile if it is default
int $id
Target profile ID. Autoset on creation.
• primary
boolean $active
Default value: 1
Target profile activity flag.
string $name
Default value: 'No Name Set'
Name of the target profile
string $default_profile_name
Name of target profile if it is default
• nillable
blocklist data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DemandBlocklistService
♦ add()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByObjectId()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $id — Demand blocklist id.
• $name — Demand blocklist name.
• $description — Demand blocklist description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID
• $managed_supply — Complex data type to represent managed supply attributes.
• $block_demand — Complex data type to represent demand attributes.
• $creative_control — Creative_control 'block','block_till_review','allow_till_review'
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created demand blocklist.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified demand blocklist.
• $active — Demand blocklist activity flag.
• $created_on — Demand blocklist created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Demand blocklist last updated date/time.
int $id
Ignored on update.
Demand blocklist id.
• primary
string $name
Demand blocklist name.
string $description
Demand blocklist description.
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Owner entity ID
managed_supply $managed_supply
Complex data type to represent managed supply attributes.
demand $block_demand
Complex data type to represent demand attributes.
enum_creative_control $creative_control
Default value: 'block'
Creative_control 'block','block_till_review','allow_till_review'
int $created_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
Contact id who created demand blocklist.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
Contact id who modified demand blocklist.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Demand blocklist activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Demand blocklist created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Demand blocklist last updated date/time.
demand data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• demand_blocklist
♦ $block_demand
Fields Summary
• $marketplace — Demand rule applicable on Trading Pit, Netwrok of network, Intra Network(Managed
Advertiser) or any combination of these. See Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
• $buying_technology — Array of buying technology 'RTBD', 'Hosted'. See Buying Technology Enum for valid
• $advertisers — Advertiser ids.
• $deal_properties — Deal properties.
• $creative_tags — Creative tag ids for creative_specs, creative_themes, creative_languages,
• $click_urls — Click Urls.
• $offer_types — Offer types.
array_of_enum_buying_selling_marketplace $marketplace
Demand rule applicable on Trading Pit, Netwrok of network, Intra Network(Managed Advertiser) or any combination of
these. See Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
array_of_enum_buying_technology $buying_technology
Array of buying technology 'RTBD', 'Hosted'. See Buying Technology Enum for valid values.
advertiser_list $advertisers
Advertiser ids.
rule_deal_properties $deal_properties
Deal properties.
creative_properties $creative_tags
Creative tag ids for creative_specs, creative_themes, creative_languages, creative_beacons.
rule_attribute_names $click_urls
Click Urls.
rule_attribute $offer_types
Offer types.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ getBlockList()
• advertiser_domain_blocklist
♦ $domain_urls
Fields Summary
• $url — Value "NULL" selected as excluded domain url means that every demand needs to come with a valid
advertiser domain.
• $visibility — Set "true" for public. Set "false" for private.
string $url
Value "NULL" selected as excluded domain url means that every demand needs to come with a valid advertiser
• nillable
boolean $visibility
Default value: '0'
Set "true" for public. Set "false" for private.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• InsertionOrderService
♦ dxrMigrationStatus()
Fields Summary
• $new_io_id — Id of new insertion order copied from old one.
• $migration_map_url — URL to migration map report
• $targeting_map_url — URL to targeting map report
int $new_io_id
Id of new insertion order copied from old one.
string $migration_map_url
URL to migration map report
string $targeting_map_url
URL to targeting map report
Element index for package soap_api[e][i][p][r]
in file p149.php, variable richmedia_creative_attributes::$expandable_final_height
Expandable Final Height
in file p149.php, variable richmedia_creative_attributes::$expandable_final_width
Expandable Final Width
in file p149.php, variable richmedia_creative_attributes::$is_expandable
Is Expandable Creative
in file p149.php, variable richmedia_creative_attributes::$is_floating
Is Floating Creative
in file p149.php, variable richmedia_creative_attributes::$is_other
Does creative belong to any other rich media category?
in file p149.php, variable richmedia_creative_attributes::$is_polite_download
Is Polite Download
in file p149.php, variable richmedia_creative_attributes::$is_video
Is Flash Video
procedural page p149.php
in file p149.php, class richmedia_creative_attributes
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
◊ creative
⋅ $richmedia_creative_attribute
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ addEx()
Fields Summary
• $entity — contains the entity object
• $contact — contains the contact object
• $create_site_section — site and section creation flag
• $site — contains the site object
• $section — contains the section object
• $create_io_li — insertion order and line item creation flag
• $insertion_order — contains the insertion order object
• $line_item — contains the line item object
entity $entity
contains the entity object
contact $contact
contains the contact object
boolean $create_site_section
site and section creation flag
site $site
contains the site object
section $section
contains the section object
boolean $create_io_li
insertion order and line item creation flag
insertion_order $insertion_order
contains the insertion order object
line_item $line_item
contains the line item object
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByShellId()
♦ update()
• entity_data
♦ $entity
• link_data
♦ $entity
• publisher_data
♦ $entity
Fields Summary
• $id — entity ID
• $entity_type — entity type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
• $secondary_entity_type — secondary entity type.
• $business_type — business type
• $managing_entity_id — managing entity ID. For using network's serving domain publisher should set the
network as its managing entity.
• $name — entity name
• $active — activity flag
• $comment — additional information
• $currency_id — the currency ID the entity pay/get paid in. See Currency table for additional information.
• $exchange_rate — exchange rate of the currency (if not in dollars)
• $created_on — the entity creation time
• $created_by_contact_id — the entity creator contact id
• $referral_source_id
• $notes — additional information
• $no_imps_month
• $applied_on — applying time
• $default_site_id — default site ID
• $uses_site_codes — allows to use site codes
• $account_manager_id — account manager ID
• $trafficker_contact_id — trafficker contact ID
• $sales_region_id
• $serving_domain — default serving domain ad to be served from
• $simple_trafficking
• $uses_managed_entity_codes
• $default_managed_entity_id — default managed entity ID
• $managed_entity_code
• $time_zone — the entity time zone
• $timezone_id — the entity time zone id
• $sections_share_channels
• $pub_learn_percentage
• $serving_name
• $default_publisher_billing_code
• $adserver_profile_id
• $is_linkable
• $language_id — Language ID. See Language table for additional information.
• $target_profile_id — entity target profile ID
• $content_domain
• $log_predict_stats
• $network_only_linking
• $can_create_managed_pubs — can the entity create managed publishers
• $allow_rmxd
• $business_contact_id — business contact ID
• $operations_contact_id — operations contact ID
• $technical_contact_id — technical contact ID
• $lastupd
• $address1 — the first line of the publisher's address
• $address2 — the second line of the publisher's address
• $city — the entity city
• $region_id — The publisher region ID. See Region table for additional information.
• $zip — the publisher postal code
• $country_id — the publisher country ID. See Country table for additional information.
• $finance_office_currency_id
• $finance_office_billing_name
• $finance_contact_id
• $entity_metadata_notes
• $integration_code — integration code
• $use_all_delivery_priorities
• $allow_insert_objects_per_day
• $creative_tag_language_id — Language creative tag id
• $shell_id
• $joliet_id — For internal use only.
• $accepts_links — accepts links
• $can_see_reports — can see reports
• $age_querystring_key — age query string key
• $year_of_birth_querystring_key — year of birth query string key
• $gender_querystring_key — gender query string key
• $gender_male_querystring_val — gender male query string value
• $gender_female_querystring_val — gender female query string value
• $adx_buyer_visibility_default
• $content_buyer_visibility_default — Denote if Content Category buyer is by default visble to sellers.
• $is_rtbs — Can not be set for Advertiser
• $is_rtbd — Can not be set for Publisher
• $enable_rtbd — Can not be set for Advertiser
• $enable_rtbs — Can not be set for Publisher
• $default_seller_reserve_price — Default seller reserve price. Review Reserve Price and Setting reserve price
using API in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for details on Reserve Price.
• $allow_segment_selling — For internal use only
• $allow_segment_buying — For internal use only
• $allow_content_selling — For internal use only
• $allow_content_buying — For internal use only
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
entity ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $entity_type
Ignored on update.
entity type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
The complete list of enum values you can see at entity_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'entity_type').
• enum : entity_type
string $secondary_entity_type
Ignored on update.
secondary entity type.
The complete list of enum values you can see at secondary_entity_type enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'secondary_entity_type').
• enum : secondary_entity_type
string $business_type
business type
The complete list of enum values you can see at business_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'business_type').
• enum : business_type
int $managing_entity_id
Ignored on update.
managing entity ID. For using network's serving domain publisher should set the network as its managing entity.
• size : 10
string $name
entity name
• size : 100
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
activity flag
string $comment
additional information
• size : 255
int $currency_id
Ignored on update.
Default value: '1'
the currency ID the entity pay/get paid in. See Currency table for additional information.
The complete list of enum values you can see at currency enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'currency').
• size : 3
• enum : currency
float $exchange_rate
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '1.0'
exchange rate of the currency (if not in dollars)
• size : 10,4
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
the entity creation time
int $created_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
the entity creator contact id
• size : 10
int $referral_source_id
• size : 10
string $notes
additional information
int $no_imps_month
Ignored by: Advertiser
• size : 15
dateTime $applied_on
Ignored on add and update.
applying time
int $default_site_id
Ignored by: Advertiser
Default value: '0'
default site ID
• size : 10
boolean $uses_site_codes
Ignored by: Advertiser
allows to use site codes
int $account_manager_id
account manager ID
• size : 5
int $trafficker_contact_id
trafficker contact ID
• size : 10
int $sales_region_id
• size : 10
string $serving_domain
Ignored on add and update.
default serving domain ad to be served from
• size : 50
int $simple_trafficking
Ignored by: Publisher
• size : 3
boolean $uses_managed_entity_codes
Ignored by: Advertiser
int $default_managed_entity_id
default managed entity ID
• size : 10
string $managed_entity_code
• size : 50
string $time_zone
Ignored on add and update.
the entity time zone
• size : 255
int $timezone_id
Default value: '1'
the entity time zone id
• size : 3
int $sections_share_channels
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 1
int $pub_learn_percentage
Ignored by: Advertiser
Default value: '5'
• size : 6
string $serving_name
Ignored by: Publisher
Default value: 'Yahoo Ad Exchange'
• size : 255
string $default_publisher_billing_code
Ignored by: Publisher
• size : 255
int $adserver_profile_id
• size : 11
int $is_linkable
• size : 1
int $language_id
Language ID. See Language table for additional information.
The complete list of enum values you can see at language enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'language').
• size : 10
• enum : language
int $target_profile_id
entity target profile ID
• size : 8
string $content_domain
• size : 50
int $log_predict_stats
• size : 1
boolean $network_only_linking
boolean $can_create_managed_pubs
can the entity create managed publishers
boolean $allow_rmxd
int $business_contact_id
business contact ID
• size : 10
int $operations_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
operations contact ID
• size : 10
int $technical_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
technical contact ID
• size : 10
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
string $address1
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
the first line of the publisher's address
• object : db_address
string $address2
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
the second line of the publisher's address
• object : db_address
string $city
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
the entity city
• object : db_address
int $region_id
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
Default value: '52'
The publisher region ID. See Region table for additional information.
The complete list of enum values you can see at region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'region').
• object : db_address
• enum : region
string $zip
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
the publisher postal code
• object : db_address
int $country_id
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
Default value: '1'
the publisher country ID. See Country table for additional information.
The complete list of enum values you can see at country enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'country').
• object : db_address
• enum : country
int $finance_office_currency_id
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
Default value: '1'
• size : 3
• field : currency_id
• object : db_finance_office
string $finance_office_billing_name
Ignored by: Advertiser
Allowed to update by: Publisher
• size : 55
• field : billing_name
• object : db_finance_office
int $finance_contact_id
Allowed to update by: Advertiser
Default value: '0'
• field : finance_contact_id
• object : db_finance_office
string $entity_metadata_notes
• nillable
• field : notes
• object : db_entity_metadata
string $integration_code
Ignored on add and update.
integration code
Once integration code has been set it allows you to lookup up for advertisers with that code. Please keep in mind that
content of this field cannot be set by PublisherService::add() and PublisherService::update() calls. To that end use
int $use_all_delivery_priorities
• field : use_all_delivery_priorities
• object : db_entity_custom_settings
int $allow_insert_objects_per_day
Ignored on add and update.
• field : allow_insert_objects_per_day
• object : db_entity_custom_settings
int $creative_tag_language_id
Ignored on update.
Language creative tag id
The complete list of enum values you can see at creative_tag_language enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'creative_tag_language').
• size : 3
• nillable
• enum : creative_tag_language
string $shell_id
Default value: NULL
• size : 19,0
• nillable
string $joliet_id
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 15
• nillable
boolean $accepts_links
Default value: '1'
accepts links
boolean $can_see_reports
Default value: '1'
can see reports
string $age_querystring_key
Default value: NULL
age query string key
• size : 20
• nillable
string $year_of_birth_querystring_key
Default value: NULL
year of birth query string key
• size : 20
• nillable
string $gender_querystring_key
Default value: NULL
gender query string key
• size : 20
• nillable
string $gender_male_querystring_val
Default value: NULL
gender male query string value
• size : 10
• nillable
string $gender_female_querystring_val
Default value: NULL
gender female query string value
• size : 10
• nillable
int $adx_buyer_visibility_default
Default value: '1'
• size : 1
int $content_buyer_visibility_default
Default value: '1'
Denote if Content Category buyer is by default visble to sellers.
1. means buyer is visible and 0 means buyer is invisible
• size : 1
boolean $is_rtbs
Ignored on update.
Can not be set for Advertiser
boolean $is_rtbd
Ignored on update.
Can not be set for Publisher
boolean $enable_rtbd
Default value: '0'
Can not be set for Advertiser
boolean $enable_rtbs
Default value: '0'
Can not be set for Publisher
float $default_seller_reserve_price
Default value: NULL
Default seller reserve price. Review Reserve Price and Setting reserve price using API in the Yield Manager
Knowledge Base for details on Reserve Price.
• size : 17,5
• nillable
boolean $allow_segment_selling
Default value: '0'
For internal use only
• nillable
boolean $allow_segment_buying
Default value: '0'
For internal use only
• nillable
boolean $allow_content_selling
Default value: '0'
For internal use only
• nillable
boolean $allow_content_buying
Default value: '0'
For internal use only
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ getAdvByName()
♦ getByIds()
♦ getNetByName()
Fields Summary
• $id — Entity ID
• $name — Entity name
• $type — Entity Type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
int $id
Entity ID
string $name
Entity name
string $type
Entity Type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
Fields Summary
• $account_managers — Account Managers array
• $trafficker_persons — Trafficker Persons array
• $sales_persons — Sales Persons array
• $finance_contacts — Finance Contacts array
• $business_contacts — Business Contacts array
• $operations_contacts — Operations Contacts array
• $technical_contacts — Technical Contacts array
array_of_contact $account_managers
Account Managers array
array_of_contact $trafficker_persons
Trafficker Persons array
array_of_contact $sales_persons
Sales Persons array
array_of_contact $finance_contacts
Finance Contacts array
array_of_contact $business_contacts
Business Contacts array
array_of_contact $operations_contacts
Operations Contacts array
array_of_contact $technical_contacts
Technical Contacts array
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ getMapByShellIds()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — entity ID
• $shell_id — shell entity ID
int $entity_id
entity ID
string $shell_id
shell entity ID
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ct_report_result
♦ $exception_detail
• multiple_data_response
♦ $exception_detail
• multiple_data_result
♦ $exception_detail
• multiple_result
♦ $exception_detail
Fields Summary
• $code — data object code
• $field_names
• $solution
string $code
data object code
array_of_string $field_names
string $solution
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ addEx()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — entity ID
• $contact_id — contact ID
• $site_id — site ID
• $section_id — section ID
• $insertion_order_id — insertion order ID
• $line_item_id — line item ID
int $entity_id
entity ID
int $contact_id
contact ID
int $site_id
site ID
int $section_id
section ID
int $insertion_order_id
insertion order ID
int $line_item_id
line item ID
Fields Summary
• $is_high_risk
• $click_tags
• $click_urls
• $file_size
• $ad_height
• $ad_width
• $contains_audio
boolean $is_high_risk
array_of_string $click_tags
array_of_string $click_urls
int $file_size
int $ad_height
int $ad_width
boolean $contains_audio
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• managed_supply
♦ $gender
• preferred_terms_managed_supply
♦ $gender
• supply
♦ $gender
Fields Summary
• $include_male_gender — Male gender.
• $include_female_gender — Female gender.
• $include_unknown_gender — Gender information is not available.
boolean $include_male_gender
Male gender.
boolean $include_female_gender
Female gender.
boolean $include_unknown_gender
Gender information is not available.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ getTargetGender()
♦ TargetProfileService::getTargetGenderDepr()
♦ setTargetGender()
♦ TargetProfileService::setTargetGenderDepr()
Fields Summary
• $include_male_gender — show or not to show creatives to users of a male gender
• $include_female_gender — show or not to show creatives to users of a female gender
• $include_unknown_gender — show or not to show creatives to users when gender information is not
boolean $include_male_gender
show or not to show creatives to users of a male gender
boolean $include_female_gender
show or not to show creatives to users of a female gender
boolean $include_unknown_gender
show or not to show creatives to users when gender information is not available
This file defines ivc_hidden_params data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getIVCHiddenParameters()
Fields Summary
• $control_type — IVC profile control type.
• $description — Control type description
• $hidden_parameters — IVC hidden parameters for control types macro, rtbd, targeting.
string $control_type
IVC profile control type.
string $description
Control type description
array_of_ivc_hidden_params_details $hidden_parameters
IVC hidden parameters for control types macro, rtbd, targeting.
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $region — Region to which qps setting belongs to
• $currentTime — Current time as seen by the service
• $qps — Query Per Second (QPS) value
• $lastUpdateTime — Timestamp the object was last updated
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
string $region
Region to which qps setting belongs to
The complete list of enum values you can see at rtbd_region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'rtbd_region').
• enum : rtbd_region
• primary
dateTime $currentTime
Ignored on add and update.
Current time as seen by the service
• nillable
float $qps
Query Per Second (QPS) value
dateTime $lastUpdateTime
Ignored on add and update.
Timestamp the object was last updated
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• RtbdService
♦ getQPS()
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $region — Region to which qps setting belongs to
• $timeWindowLength — Number of minutes QPS setting will be valid, starting from now. Default is "-1", and it
means qps setting will be valid forever
• $lastUpdateTime — Timestamp the object was last updated
• $currentTime — Current time as seen by the service
• $qps — Query Per Second (QPS) value
• $windowExpirationTime — qps expiration time based on time_window_length value
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
string $region
Region to which qps setting belongs to
The complete list of enum values you can see at rtbd_region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'rtbd_region').
• enum : rtbd_region
• primary
int $timeWindowLength
Default value: '-1'
Number of minutes QPS setting will be valid, starting from now. Default is "-1", and it means qps setting will be valid
dateTime $lastUpdateTime
Ignored on add and update.
Timestamp the object was last updated
• nillable
dateTime $currentTime
Ignored on add and update.
Current time as seen by the service
• nillable
float $qps
Query Per Second (QPS) value
dateTime $windowExpirationTime
Ignored on add and update.
qps expiration time based on time_window_length value
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SitelistService
♦ createGT()
♦ createGTs()
♦ getAllGT()
♦ getGT()
♦ updateGT()
♦ updateGTs()
Fields Summary
• $id — ID. Autoset on Sitelist creation.
• $name — Description of Sitelist.
• $owner_id — Sitelist owner id
• $type — Sitelist owner type
• $active — Sitelist active flag.
• $locked — Sitelist locked flag.
• $created_on — Sitelist creation time.
• $sections — section_custom_group sections
• $notes — additional information
• $lastupd — Sitelist last updated time.
• $category — Sitelist category
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
ID. Autoset on Sitelist creation.
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
Description of Sitelist.
• size : 255
int $owner_id
Sitelist owner id
• size : 10
enum_sitelist_type $type
Ignored on update.
Sitelist owner type
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Sitelist active flag.
boolean $locked
Default value: '0'
Sitelist locked flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Sitelist creation time.
array_of_int $sections
section_custom_group sections
string $notes
additional information
• size : 1000
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Sitelist last updated time.
enum_sitelist_category $category
Ignored on update.
Default value: 'display'
Sitelist category
id data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• advertiser_list
♦ $advertiser_custom_groups
♦ $advertisers
• creative_custom_object
♦ $advertisers
♦ $beacons
• creative_properties
♦ $creative_beacons
♦ $creative_languages
♦ $creative_specs
♦ $creative_themes
• publisher_list
♦ $publisher_custom_groups
♦ $publishers
• rule_attribute
♦ $id_name_list
• trading_pit_creative_properties
♦ $creative_beacons
♦ $creative_languages
♦ $creative_policy_tags
♦ $creative_specs
♦ $creative_themes
Fields Summary
• $id — Object id.
• $name — Object name.
int $id
Object id.
string $name
Ignored on add and update.
Object name.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• InsertionOrderService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByBuyer()
♦ getByBuyers()
♦ getBySeller()
♦ getBySellers()
♦ update()
• contract_history_item
♦ $insertion_order
• entity_data
♦ $insertion_order
• publisher_data
♦ $insertion_order
Fields Summary
• $billing_entity_id — Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. See Brand level billing for
• $id — Insertion order ID. Autoset on creation.
• $description — Client's description of insertion order.
• $buyer_entity_id — ID of buyer (advertiser or network).
• $seller_entity_id — ID of seller (network or publisher).
• $bill_pricing_type — Bill pricing type
• $bill_amount — Bill amount
• $buyer_approved
• $seller_approved
• $buyer_auto_approval
• $seller_auto_approval
• $date_created — Autoset at the call of InsertionOrderService::add() function
• $date_approved
• $po
• $comment — Any type of comments
• $buyer_notes
• $seller_notes
• $seller_contact_id
• $buyer_contact_id
• $billing_contact_id
• $exchange_rate
• $payment_terms_days
• $buyer_trafficker_id
• $buyer_po_number
• $internal_io_number
• $invoice_remarks
• $buyer_billing_code
• $seller_billing_code
• $linking_status — Linking status.
• $target_profile_id — Target profile ID.
• $lastupd
• $payment_method_id — Payment method id
• $force_use_third_party_numbers — Force billing on Third Party Numbers.
• $budget — Budget amount in currency. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id. If not set, unlimited budget is supposed.
• $delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $delivery_cap — Max value for currency-capped delivery methods. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for
dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• $imp_budget — Budget by impressions
• $imp_delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Imp Delivery Type Enum.
• $imp_delivery_cap — Max value for impression-capped delivery methods
• $smooth — When set to true, delivers budget/imps evenly or within caps (hourly/daily/weekly).
• $booking_country_id — For internal use only.
• $use_ruby_billing — For internal use only.
• $advertiser_name — For internal use only.
• $ycrm_io_id — For internal use only.
• $advertiser_joliet_id — For internal use only.
• $discount_code — For internal use only.
• $buyer_sales_region_id — For internal use only.
• $seller_sales_region_id — For internal use only.
• $default_enable_rtbd
• $default_enable_rtbs
• $sfdc_comment
int $billing_entity_id
Ignored on update.
Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. See Brand level billing for details.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Insertion order ID. Autoset on creation.
• size : 10
• primary
string $description
Default value: 'default description'
Client's description of insertion order.
• size : 255
int $buyer_entity_id
Ignored on update.
ID of buyer (advertiser or network).
• size : 10
int $seller_entity_id
Ignored on update.
ID of seller (network or publisher).
• size : 10
string $bill_pricing_type
Default value: NULL
Bill pricing type
The complete list of enum values you can see at bill_pricing_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'bill_pricing_type').
• nillable
• enum : bill_pricing_type
float $bill_amount
Default value: '0'
Bill amount
• size : 17,5
• nillable
boolean $buyer_approved
Default value: '0'
boolean $seller_approved
Default value: '0'
boolean $buyer_auto_approval
Default value: '0'
boolean $seller_auto_approval
Default value: '0'
dateTime $date_created
Ignored on add and update.
Autoset at the call of InsertionOrderService::add() function
• nillable
dateTime $date_approved
• nillable
string $po
• size : 20
• nillable
string $comment
Any type of comments
• nillable
string $buyer_notes
• nillable
string $seller_notes
• nillable
int $seller_contact_id
• size : 10
• nillable
int $buyer_contact_id
• size : 10
• nillable
int $billing_contact_id
• size : 10
• nillable
float $exchange_rate
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '1'
• size : 10,4
int $payment_terms_days
Default value: '45'
• size : 4
int $buyer_trafficker_id
• size : 11
• nillable
string $buyer_po_number
• size : 255
• nillable
string $internal_io_number
• size : 255
• nillable
string $invoice_remarks
• nillable
string $buyer_billing_code
• size : 255
string $seller_billing_code
• size : 255
string $linking_status
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: ''
Linking status.
The complete list of enum values you can see at linking_status enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'linking_status').
• enum : linking_status
int $target_profile_id
Ignored on add and update.
Target profile ID.
• size : 8
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
int $payment_method_id
Default value: '1'
Payment method id
• size : 2
boolean $force_use_third_party_numbers
Default value: '0'
Force billing on Third Party Numbers.
Defaults to false. Available on all managed advertiser IOs.
float $budget
Budget amount in currency. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the
owning entity's currency_id. If not set, unlimited budget is supposed.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
enum_delivery_type $delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• object : delivery_rules
float $delivery_cap
Max value for currency-capped delivery methods. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
int $imp_budget
Budget by impressions
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
enum_imp_delivery_type $imp_delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Imp Delivery Type
• object : delivery_rules
float $imp_delivery_cap
Max value for impression-capped delivery methods
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
boolean $smooth
When set to true, delivers budget/imps evenly or within caps (hourly/daily/weekly).
• object : delivery_rules
int $booking_country_id
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 11
• nillable
int $use_ruby_billing
Default value: 0
For internal use only.
• size : 1
string $advertiser_name
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 100
• nillable
string $ycrm_io_id
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 30
• nillable
string $advertiser_joliet_id
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 15
• nillable
float $discount_code
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• nillable
int $buyer_sales_region_id
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 5
• nillable
int $seller_sales_region_id
Default value: NULL
For internal use only.
• size : 5
• nillable
int $default_enable_rtbd
Default value: 0
• size : 1
int $default_enable_rtbs
Default value: 0
• size : 1
string $sfdc_comment
• object : insertion_order_ext
See Inventory Media Type Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getLineItemInventoryMediaType()
Fields Summary
• $id — Inventory media type id
• $inventory_media_type — Inventory media type
int $id
Inventory media type id
• size : 3
• primary
string $inventory_media_type
Inventory media type
• size : 255
See Inventory Type Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getInventoryTypes()
Fields Summary
• $id — inventory type ID
• $name — inventory type name
int $id
inventory type ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
inventory type name
• size : 50
This file defines inventory_visibility_controls data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• InventoryVisibilityControlsService
♦ add()
♦ addProfiles()
♦ get()
♦ getProfiles()
♦ update()
♦ updateProfiles()
Fields Summary
• $description — IVC profile description
• $buyer_entity_ids — Advertiser entity ids on which publisher control mask is set. Value 0 in this array will set
publisher control mask globally i.e. at network level.
• $hidden_params — Parameters to be masked.
• $top_level_domains — Top level domains.
• $profile_id — IVC profile id
• $owner_type — Owner type
• $owner_id — Owner Id
• $created_on — Pub control mask creation time
• $lastupd — Pub control mask last update time
string $description
IVC profile description
• nillable
array_of_int $buyer_entity_ids
Advertiser entity ids on which publisher control mask is set. Value 0 in this array will set publisher control mask
globally i.e. at network level.
ivc_hidden_params $hidden_params
Parameters to be masked.
• nillable
array_of_string $top_level_domains
Top level domains.
int $profile_id
Ignored on add and update.
IVC profile id
• size : 10
• primary
string $owner_type
Ignored on update.
Default value: 'entity'
Owner type
The complete list of enum values you can see at pub_control_owner_type enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'pub_control_owner_type').
• enum : pub_control_owner_type
• primary
int $owner_id
Ignored on update.
Owner Id
• size : 10
• primary
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Pub control mask creation time
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Pub control mask last update time
See Isp Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getIsps()
Fields Summary
• $id — isp ID
• $name — isp name
int $id
isp ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
isp name
• size : 50
This file defines ivc_hidden_params data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• get_ivc_hidden_params
♦ $hidden_parameters
Fields Summary
• $parameter — IVC hidden parameter name in database.
• $display_name — Display name of IVC hidden parameter.
string $parameter
IVC hidden parameter name in database.
string $display_name
Display name of IVC hidden parameter.
The complete list of enum values you can see at 4_enum_pub_control_param .pkg, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'pub_control_param ').
• enum : pub_control_param
This file defines ivc_hidden_params data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• get_ivc_hidden_params
♦ $hidden_parameters
• inventory_visibility_controls
♦ $hidden_params
Fields Summary
• $macro_hidden_params — IVC hidden parameter for control type 'macro'
• $rtbd_hidden_params — IVC hidden parameter for control type 'rtbd'
• $targeting_hidden_params — IVC hidden parameter for control type 'targeting'
macro_hidden_params $macro_hidden_params
IVC hidden parameter for control type 'macro'
• nillable
rtbd_hidden_params $rtbd_hidden_params
IVC hidden parameter for control type 'rtbd'
• nillable
targeting_hidden_params $targeting_hidden_params
IVC hidden parameter for control type 'targeting'
• nillable
See Language Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getLanguages()
Fields Summary
• $id — language ID
• $name — language name
• $iso_code — language ISO code
int $id
language ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
language name
• size : 50
string $iso_code
language ISO code
• size : 2
See Learn Type Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getLearnTypes()
Fields Summary
• $id — learn type ID
• $name — learn type name
int $id
learn type ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
learn type name
• size : 50
This file defines line_item_adjustment data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdjustmentService
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllByLineItem()
♦ getByBuyer()
♦ getCreatedByDates()
♦ set()
Fields Summary
• $id — Adjusted period's id
• $line_item_id — Line item id
• $ymd_start — Start date of adjusted period
• $ymd_end — End date of adjusted period
• $value — Value of adjusted period
• $units — Units of adjusted period
• $adjustor_msg — Adjustment message
• $status — Adjustment's status
• $credit_comments — Credit request, reason for credit comments
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Adjusted period's id
• size : 10
• primary
int $line_item_id
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: 0
Line item id
• size : 10
date $ymd_start
Default value: 0000-00-00
Start date of adjusted period
date $ymd_end
Default value: 0000-00-00
End date of adjusted period
float $value
Default value: 0
Value of adjusted period
string $units
Default value: 'revenue'
Units of adjusted period
The complete list of enum values you can see at adjustments_units enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'adjustments_units').
• nillable
• enum : adjustments_units
string $adjustor_msg
Adjustment message
string $status
Default value: 'new'
Adjustment's status
The complete list of enum values you can see at adjustments_status enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'adjustments_status').
• enum : adjustments_status
string $credit_comments
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: null
Credit request, reason for credit comments
• nillable
Fields Summary
• $conversion_id
• $goal_amount — Goal amount. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
int $conversion_id
• size : 8
• primary
float $goal_amount
Goal amount. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the owning entity's
• size : 15,4
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• LineItemService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByBuyer()
♦ getByCampaign()
♦ getByCreative()
♦ getByInsertionOrder()
♦ LineItemService::getByOrderDepr()
♦ getBySeller()
♦ setBillingStatus()
♦ update()
• contract_history_item
♦ $line_items
• entity_data
♦ $line_item
• placement
♦ $line_item
• publisher_data
♦ $line_item
Fields Summary
• $learning_slider — Learning slider for line items with dynamic pricing and CPC or CPA target. Use learnin
slider to set learning preferences: Value ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 = least learning, 100 = most learning
Learn more for higher accuracy and delivery at a higher cost.
• $delivery_clicks — delivery clicks, can be set with only CPC pricing, with delivery type hourly/daily/monthly.
Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $marketplace — Parameters that need to select line item marketplace('trading_pit','network_of_network').
Available only for managed advertiser Line item.
• $campaign — Line item's campaign.
• $id — Line item ID. Autoset on creation.
• $description — Client's description of line item.
• $comment — Any type of comment
• $insertion_order_id — ID of insertion order, attached to campaign. Can be set by LineItemService::add()
• $pricing_type — Pricing type, see valid types in Pricing Type Enum.
• $amount — Amount in currency for the pricing type. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in
the currency specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• $bill_pricing_type — Bill pricing type, see valid types in Bill Pricing Type Enum.
• $bill_amount — Bill amount in currency for the pricing type. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate,
this is in the currency specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• $active — Line item activity flag.
• $seller_approved — seller approval flag
• $buyer_approved — buyer approval flag
• $target_profile_id — Target profile ID.
• $delivery_rules_id — Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new line item.
• $delivery_adjustment — Used only for discretionary pricing type and if use_third_party_numbers set to TRUE
to optimize and deliver effectively (fill in percentage). See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $use_third_party_numbers — Used only for discretionary pricing type and if use_third_party_numbers set to
TRUE to optimize and deliver effectively. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $show_advertisers
• $show_creatives
• $show_offer_types
• $show_creative_specs
• $show_deal_properties
• $conversion_id — For CPA line items only.
• $do_price_reduction — For dynamic and second price CPC line items only. Default value of this field for
dynamic line items is 1. For second price CPC line items default value is 0.See Using the line_item data type
to set up dynamic pricing options for details.
• $always_bid_the_maximum — Specify 'true' for Dynamic Pricing Option "Win at all costs". For more
information refer to KB Article:
• $is_hard_target — Set to TRUE for CPC or CPA targeted line items. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge
Base for details.
• $buyer_sales_region_id
• $created_on
• $seller_sales_region_id
• $minimum_ecpm
• $using_minimum_seller_ecpm
• $buyer_minimum_profit_ecpm
• $seller_maximum_adjustment_percentage
• $buyer_maximum_discrepancy_percentage
• $buyer_code
• $buyer_code2
• $seller_code
• $priority — Line item priority.
• $allow_size_promotion
• $start_time — Start date and time (UTC) for line item, campaign or creative. If not set, current time is
• $end_time — Line item end date and time (UTC).
• $budget — Budget by currency. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id. If not set, unlimited budget is assumed. If set then it has to be
• $delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $delivery_cap — Max value for currency-capped delivery methods. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for
dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• $imp_budget — Budget by impressions
• $imp_delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $imp_delivery_cap — Max value for impression capped delivery methods
• $tz_to_show — Specifies the time zone to use for start and end flight dates. See Flight dates for more
• $smooth — When set to true, delivers budget/imps evenly over remainder of campaign or within caps
• $convert_cpx_to_dcpm — Convert CPX to dCPM pricing
• $allow_convert_cpx_to_dcpm — Allow convert CPX to dCPM pricing
• $first_ran_date
• $last_ran_date
• $roi_modifier — Line Item ROI modifier
• $broker_fee_type — Broker fee type
• $broker_fee_amount — Broker fee amount
• $discretionary_cpm — Discretionary cpm
• $ecpm_calculation_method — Ecpm calculation method
• $ym_numbers_difference — Ym numbers difference, field value NOT returned.
• $effective_price — Effective price
• $lastupd
• $line_item_goals — Line item's goals
• $show_to_linked_sellers — Flag to select one of showing mode
• $enable_rtbd
• $enable_rtbs
• $seller_reserve_price — Seller reserve price. Review Reserve Price and Setting reserve price using API in
the Yield Manager Knowledge Base for details on Reserve Price.
• $exempt_from_io_freq_cap — If set to 1, the insertion_order frequency cap target constraint will not be
applicable to this line_item.
• $type_id — Line Item type id for Display or Video see Media Type Table for additional information.
float $learning_slider
Learning slider for line items with dynamic pricing and CPC or CPA target. Use learnin slider to set learning
preferences: Value ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 = least learning, 100 = most learning Learn more for higher
accuracy and delivery at a higher cost.
Learn less to spend less, but with lower accuracy and delivery.
• nillable
int $delivery_clicks
delivery clicks, can be set with only CPC pricing, with delivery type hourly/daily/monthly. Valid types are listed in
Delivery Type Enum.
• nillable
array_of_enum_marketplace $marketplace
Parameters that need to select line item marketplace('trading_pit','network_of_network'). Available only for managed
advertiser Line item.
campaign $campaign
Line item's campaign.
Campaign object associated with line item, it can be used in add/update operation to update the value of campaign.
• object : campaign
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Line item ID. Autoset on creation.
• size : 10
• primary
string $description
Default value: 'default description'
Client's description of line item.
• size : 255
string $comment
Any type of comment
• size : 1000
• nillable
int $insertion_order_id
Ignored on update.
ID of insertion order, attached to campaign. Can be set by LineItemService::add() function.
• size : 10
string $pricing_type
Default value: 'CPM'
Pricing type, see valid types in Pricing Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at pricing_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'pricing_type').
• enum : pricing_type
float $amount
Default value: '0'
Amount in currency for the pricing type. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified
by the owning entity's currency_id.
• size : 17,5
string $bill_pricing_type
Default value: NULL
Bill pricing type, see valid types in Bill Pricing Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at bill_pricing_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'bill_pricing_type').
• enum : bill_pricing_type
float $bill_amount
Default value: '0'
Bill amount in currency for the pricing type. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• size : 17,5
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Line item activity flag.
boolean $seller_approved
Default value: '0'
seller approval flag
boolean $buyer_approved
Default value: '0'
buyer approval flag
int $target_profile_id
Ignored on add and update.
Target profile ID.
• size : 8
• nillable
int $delivery_rules_id
Ignored on add and update.
Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new line item.
• size : 10
• nillable
int $delivery_adjustment
Used only for discretionary pricing type and if use_third_party_numbers set to TRUE to optimize and deliver effectively
(fill in percentage). See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
Please take into account that this field is connected to 'higher/lower than YM values' field in UI, the next logic is
followed: if you enter 40% and pick 'lower than YM numbers' the number save in delivery_adjustment is 100% - 40% =
60%, if you enter 150% and pick 'higher than YM numbers' the number save in delivery_adjustment is 100% + 150% =
250% (value 100 is 100%)
• size : 10,5
• nillable
boolean $use_third_party_numbers
Default value: '0'
Used only for discretionary pricing type and if use_third_party_numbers set to TRUE to optimize and deliver
effectively. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $show_advertisers
Default value: '0'
boolean $show_creatives
Default value: '0'
boolean $show_offer_types
Default value: '0'
boolean $show_creative_specs
Default value: '0'
boolean $show_deal_properties
Default value: '0'
int $conversion_id
Default value: '0'
For CPA line items only.
• size : 8
boolean $do_price_reduction
Default value: '1'
For dynamic and second price CPC line items only. Default value of this field for dynamic line items is 1. For second
price CPC line items default value is 0.See Using the line_item data type to set up dynamic pricing options for details.
boolean $always_bid_the_maximum
Default value: '0'
Specify 'true' for Dynamic Pricing Option "Win at all costs". For more information refer to KB Article:
boolean $is_hard_target
Default value: '1'
Set to TRUE for CPC or CPA targeted line items. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
int $buyer_sales_region_id
• size : 5
• nillable
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on update.
• nillable
int $seller_sales_region_id
• size : 5
• nillable
float $minimum_ecpm
Default value: 0
boolean $using_minimum_seller_ecpm
Default value: '0'
float $buyer_minimum_profit_ecpm
Default value: NULL
float $seller_maximum_adjustment_percentage
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10,5
float $buyer_maximum_discrepancy_percentage
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10,5
string $buyer_code
• size : 16
• nillable
string $buyer_code2
• size : 16
• nillable
string $seller_code
• size : 16
• nillable
enum_priority $priority
Default value: 'Normal' Please see Delivery priority options for assistance with setting priority correctly for your line
Line item priority.
boolean $allow_size_promotion
Default value: '1'
dateTime $start_time
Start date and time (UTC) for line item, campaign or creative. If not set, current time is assumed.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
dateTime $end_time
Line item end date and time (UTC).
If you leave this field unset or set it to null, it is equal to "never" value in UI. If you want to prevent a line item from
being trafficked, this field should be set to today and active to 0.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
float $budget
Budget by currency. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency specified by the owning
entity's currency_id. If not set, unlimited budget is assumed. If set then it has to be non-zero.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at delivery_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'delivery_type').
• enum : delivery_type
• object : delivery_rules
float $delivery_cap
Max value for currency-capped delivery methods. For fixed-rate, this is in USD; for dynamic-rate, this is in the currency
specified by the owning entity's currency_id.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
int $imp_budget
Budget by impressions
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $imp_delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at imp_delivery_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'imp_delivery_type').
• enum : imp_delivery_type
• object : delivery_rules
float $imp_delivery_cap
Max value for impression capped delivery methods
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $tz_to_show
Default value: 'America/New_York'
Specifies the time zone to use for start and end flight dates. See Flight dates for more details.
• object : delivery_rules
boolean $smooth
Default value: '1'
When set to true, delivers budget/imps evenly over remainder of campaign or within caps (hourly/daily/weekly).
• object : delivery_rules
boolean $convert_cpx_to_dcpm
Default value: '0'
Convert CPX to dCPM pricing
boolean $allow_convert_cpx_to_dcpm
Default value: '0'
Allow convert CPX to dCPM pricing
dateTime $first_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
dateTime $last_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
float $roi_modifier
Default value: '100'
Line Item ROI modifier
string $broker_fee_type
Default value: 'Percent'
Broker fee type
The complete list of enum values you can see at fee_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'fee_type').
• field : fee_type
• enum : fee_type
• object : line_item_broker
float $broker_fee_amount
Broker fee amount
• size : 17,5
• nillable
• field : amount
• object : line_item_broker
float $discretionary_cpm
Default value: null
Discretionary cpm
• size : 17,5
• nillable
string $ecpm_calculation_method
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '3-day'
Ecpm calculation method
enum_ym_numbers_difference $ym_numbers_difference
Default value: NULL
Ym numbers difference, field value NOT returned.
Setting lower/higher modifies the value of delivery_adjustment (please check delivery_adjustment field docs)
• nillable
float $effective_price
Ignored on add and update.
Effective price
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
array_of_line_item_goal $line_item_goals
Line item's goals
• nillable
• field : campaign_goals
• object : campaign
string $show_to_linked_sellers
Default value: 'All Publishers'
Flag to select one of showing mode
The complete list of enum values you can see at line_item_show_to_linked_sellers enum page, at run time you can
get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'line_item_show_to_linked_sellers').
• size : 1
• enum : line_item_show_to_linked_sellers
boolean $enable_rtbd
Default value: 0
boolean $enable_rtbs
Default value: 0
float $seller_reserve_price
Default value: NULL
Seller reserve price. Review Reserve Price and Setting reserve price using API in the Yield Manager Knowledge Base
for details on Reserve Price.
• size : 17,5
boolean $exempt_from_io_freq_cap
Default value: NULL
If set to 1, the insertion_order frequency cap target constraint will not be applicable to this line_item.
int $type_id
Default value: 1
Line Item type id for Display or Video see Media Type Table for additional information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• LinkingService
♦ getAllLinks()
♦ getAppliedLinks()
♦ getLinkData()
♦ getLinkableEntityData()
♦ getLinkedEntityData()
♦ getNonlinkedEntityData()
♦ getProposedLinks()
Fields Summary
• $id — link data object ID
• $entity — contains the entity object
• $linking_profile — contains the linking profile
• $ratings — contains the average rating values
• $user_ratings — contains the average rating values made by requester if there is an approved link
• $sections — contains the array of sections
• $billing_entity_id — Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. Applicable when sending the
billing links, otherwise zero. See Brand level billing for additional details.
• $link_status — Status of the link
• $insertion_order_id — Insertion order ID.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
link data object ID
entity $entity
Ignored on add and update.
contains the entity object
linking_profile $linking_profile
Ignored on add and update.
contains the linking profile
linking_rating $ratings
Ignored on add and update.
contains the average rating values
linking_rating $user_ratings
Ignored on add and update.
contains the average rating values made by requester if there is an approved link
array_of_string $sections
Ignored on add and update.
contains the array of sections
int $billing_entity_id
Ignored on update.
Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. Applicable when sending the billing links, otherwise zero.
See Brand level billing for additional details.
string $link_status
Ignored on add and update.
Status of the link
int $insertion_order_id
Ignored on add and update.
Insertion order ID.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• InsertionOrderService
♦ getLinkedInfo()
Fields Summary
• $buyer_entity_id — Entity ID of buyer (advertiser or network).
• $buyer_name — Name of buyer (advertiser or network).
• $seller_entity_id — Entity ID of seller (network or publisher).
• $seller_name — Name of seller (network or publisher).
• $seller_integration_code
• $buyer_integration_code
• $billing_entity_id — Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. See Brand level billing for
int $buyer_entity_id
Entity ID of buyer (advertiser or network).
string $buyer_name
Name of buyer (advertiser or network).
int $seller_entity_id
Entity ID of seller (network or publisher).
string $seller_name
Name of seller (network or publisher).
string $seller_integration_code
string $buyer_integration_code
int $billing_entity_id
Entity ID of the managed advertiser under the buyer seat. See Brand level billing for details.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• LinkingService
♦ addProfile()
♦ getProfile()
♦ updateProfile()
• link_data
♦ $linking_profile
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — entity ID
• $company_name — the company name
• $description — additional information
• $iso_adv — advertiser Independent Sales Organization
• $iso_pub — publisher Independent Sales Organization
• $logo_url
• $avg_rating — the average rating value
• $status
• $adv_contact_id — the advertiser contact ID
• $pub_contact_id — the publisher contact ID
• $date_created — the creation date
• $revenue_share — the amount of revenue share
• $minimum_payout — the minimum payout
• $company_website — the company website
• $pub_contact_email_address
• $payment_terms
• $payment_methods
• $rmxd_pub_contact_email
int $entity_id
entity ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $company_name
the company name
• size : 100
string $description
additional information
string $iso_adv
advertiser Independent Sales Organization
• nillable
string $iso_pub
publisher Independent Sales Organization
• nillable
string $logo_url
• size : 127
• nillable
float $avg_rating
Default value: '0'
the average rating value
boolean $status
Default value: '1'
int $adv_contact_id
the advertiser contact ID
• size : 10
• nillable
int $pub_contact_id
the publisher contact ID
• size : 10
• nillable
dateTime $date_created
Ignored on add and update.
the creation date
float $revenue_share
Default value: '0'
the amount of revenue share
float $minimum_payout
Default value: '0'
the minimum payout
string $company_website
the company website
• size : 255
• nillable
string $pub_contact_email_address
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
int $payment_terms
• size : 6
• nillable
array_of_payment_method $payment_methods
• nillable
string $rmxd_pub_contact_email
• size : 50
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• link_data
♦ $ratings
♦ $user_ratings
Fields Summary
• $overall — the average value of common rating
• $trust — the average value of trust rating
• $cpm — the average value of cpm rating
• $timely_payout — the average value of timely payout rating
• $support — the average value of support rating
float $overall
Ignored on add and update.
the average value of common rating
float $trust
the average value of trust rating
float $cpm
the average value of cpm rating
float $timely_payout
the average value of timely payout rating
float $support
the average value of support rating
YieldManager SOAP API Documentation
Welcome to soap_api-!
This documentation was generated by phpDocumentor v1.3.0RC6
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ContactService
♦ login()
Fields Summary
• $errors_level — errors level
• $use_master_db — use master db for reads (always)
• $language_code — The complete list of enum values you can see at language_iso_code enum page, at run
time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'language_iso_code').
• $multiple_sessions — This flag is relevant only when this login would cause the entity's limit on maximum
concurrent sessions to be exceeded. Specifically, it controls login's behavior with respect to other currently
active API user sessions.
enum_errors_level $errors_level
Default value: 'throw_errors'
errors level
boolean $use_master_db
Default value: false
use master db for reads (always)
Enabling master db usage is allowed only for trusted api users
string $language_code
Default value: 'en'
The complete list of enum values you can see at language_iso_code enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'language_iso_code').
• enum : language_iso_code
boolean $multiple_sessions
Default value: false if entity is limited to 1 concurrent session, else true
This flag is relevant only when this login would cause the entity's limit on maximum concurrent sessions to be
exceeded. Specifically, it controls login's behavior with respect to other currently active API user sessions.
If false, and this login would cause the entity's limit on maximum concurrent sessions to be exceeded, then login will
first logout all (and only) API sessions belonging to the same contact, and then will create a new session. All the
sessions owned by other contacts of the same entity will remain untouched and other contacts may continue to use
If true, and this login would cause the entity's limit on maximum concurrent sessions to be exceeded, then login will
fail. For this reason, it is important that customers using this flag be sure to call logout to close all sessions that were
created by their API client program. Otherwise, currently open sessions will remain active and count towards your
entity's limit on maximum concurrent sessions, thus blocking other API client programs that run under your entity.
Contact API Support at [email protected] if you need to increase your entity's limit on maximum concurrent
This file defines ivc_hidden_params data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ivc_hidden_params
♦ $macro_hidden_params
Fields Summary
• $channels — IVC hidden parameter for channels.
• $url — IVC hidden parameter for URL.
• $publisher_id — IVC hidden parameter for publisher ID.
• $section_id — IVC hidden parameter for section ID.
• $section_code — IVC hidden parameter for section code.
• $site_id — IVC hidden parameter for site ID.
• $age — IVC hidden parameter for age.
• $gender — IVC hidden parameter for gender.
• $ip — IVC hidden parameter for IP.
• $content_segments — IVC hidden parameter for content segments.
boolean $channels
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for channels.
boolean $url
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for URL.
boolean $publisher_id
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for publisher ID.
boolean $section_id
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for section ID.
boolean $section_code
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for section code.
boolean $site_id
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for site ID.
boolean $age
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for age.
boolean $gender
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for gender.
boolean $ip
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for IP.
boolean $content_segments
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for content segments.
managed data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• supply_blocklist
♦ $managed_demand
Fields Summary
• $buying_technology — Array of buying technology RTBD, Hosted.
• $managed_advertisers — Managed advertisers.
• $deal_properties — Deal properties.
array_of_enum_buying_technology $buying_technology
Array of buying technology RTBD, Hosted.
advertiser_list $managed_advertisers
Managed advertisers.
rule_deal_properties $deal_properties
Deal properties.
managed data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• demand_blocklist
♦ $managed_supply
Fields Summary
• $managed_publishers — Managed publishers.
• $sections — Sections.
• $sizes — Sizes.
• $woeids — Woeids.
• $cga_ids — Custom geo area ids.
• $devices — Devices.
• $browsers — Browsers.
• $operating_systems — Operating systems.
• $carrier_isp — Carrier ISP.
• $channels — Channels.
• $selling_technology — Array of selling technology RTBS, Hosted
• $gender — Gender - Male, female, unknown.
• $ages — Ages to included or excluded.
publisher_list $managed_publishers
Managed publishers.
rule_attribute $sections
rule_attribute $sizes
rule_attribute $woeids
rule_attribute $cga_ids
Custom geo area ids.
rule_attribute $devices
rule_attribute $browsers
rule_attribute $operating_systems
Operating systems.
rule_attribute $carrier_isp
Carrier ISP.
rule_attribute $channels
array_of_enum_selling_technology $selling_technology
Array of selling technology RTBS, Hosted
gender $gender
Gender - Male, female, unknown.
rule_attribute_ids $ages
Ages to included or excluded.
managing_entity_ids data type.
Fields Summary
• $entity_id
• $managing_entity_name
• $managing_entity_id
int $entity_id
string $managing_entity_name
• nillable
int $managing_entity_id
• nillable
Fields Summary
• $trading_pit_buyer — Indicates if the seat is in Trading pit as buyer
• $trading_pit_seller — Indicates if the seat is in Trading pit as seller
• $network_of_network — Indicates if the seat is NoN (ie, linked) marketplace
• $trading_pit_rev_cap — Trading pit Max supply limits. Unlimited if null.
• $trading_pit_spend_cap — Trading pit Max demand limits. Unlimited if null.
• $trading_pit_active — Indicates if the seat is active for transactions on Trading pit
• $buyer_tpbe_prefs — Buyer TPBE preferences
• $seller_tpbe_prefs — Seller TPBE preferences
• $entity_id — Entity ID of the seat
• $trading_pit_supply_fee_amount — Trading pit supply fee - rev share or flat ecpm. Rev share supported as
of now.
• $trading_pit_demand_fee_amount — Trading pit demand fee - rev share or flat ecpm. Rev share supported
as of now.
boolean $trading_pit_buyer
Default value: '0'
Indicates if the seat is in Trading pit as buyer
boolean $trading_pit_seller
Default value: '0'
Indicates if the seat is in Trading pit as seller
boolean $network_of_network
Default value: '0'
Indicates if the seat is NoN (ie, linked) marketplace
float $trading_pit_rev_cap
Trading pit Max supply limits. Unlimited if null.
• nillable
float $trading_pit_spend_cap
Trading pit Max demand limits. Unlimited if null.
• nillable
boolean $trading_pit_active
Default value: '0'
Indicates if the seat is active for transactions on Trading pit
array_of_tp_billing_entity_preferences $buyer_tpbe_prefs
Buyer TPBE preferences
array_of_tp_billing_entity_preferences $seller_tpbe_prefs
Seller TPBE preferences
int $entity_id
Ignored on update.
Entity ID of the seat
• size : 10
• primary
float $trading_pit_supply_fee_amount
Default value: 0.0
Trading pit supply fee - rev share or flat ecpm. Rev share supported as of now.
• size : 7,4
float $trading_pit_demand_fee_amount
Default value: 0.0
Trading pit demand fee - rev share or flat ecpm. Rev share supported as of now.
• size : 7,4
See Media Type Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getMediaTypes()
Fields Summary
• $id — media type ID
• $description — media type description
int $id
media type ID
• size : 5
• primary
string $description
media type description
• size : 50
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getMGLabelMappings()
Fields Summary
• $creative_tag_id
• $adult_or_suggestive
• $distracting_or_flashing
• $deceptive
• $drugs_or_alcohol
• $gambling
• $profanity_or_violence
• $crude
• $opencat
• $always_banned
int $creative_tag_id
• size : 5
• primary
boolean $adult_or_suggestive
boolean $distracting_or_flashing
boolean $deceptive
boolean $drugs_or_alcohol
boolean $gambling
boolean $profanity_or_violence
int $crude
• size : 1
boolean $opencat
boolean $always_banned
See 4_enum_video_mime_type.pkg for more information.
Fields Summary
• $id — Mime type ID
• $mime_type — mime type name
• $video_type — video type name
int $id
Mime type ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $mime_type
mime type name
• size : 30
string $video_type
video type name
• size : 100
See Msa Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getMsas()
Fields Summary
• $id — msa ID
• $name — msa name
• $country_id — msa country ID
• $region_ids — The list of regions attached to the MSA.
int $id
msa ID
• size : 5
• primary
string $name
msa name
• size : 50
int $country_id
msa country ID
• size : 5
array_of_int $region_ids
The list of regions attached to the MSA.
multiple_data_response data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getShareForSegments()
• SegmentService
♦ getAncestorsInfo()
♦ getAncestorsPublicInfo()
♦ getDescendantsPublicInfo()
Fields Summary
• $resultIDs — array of identifiers to specific response objects
• $result
• $exception_detail
• $exception_text
• $item_id
array_of_int $resultIDs
array of identifiers to specific response objects
boolean $result
exception_detail $exception_detail
string $exception_text
int $item_id
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• AdvertiserDomainService
♦ add()
♦ delete()
♦ deleteByUrls()
♦ update()
• CampaignService
♦ addCreatives()
♦ deleteCampaigns()
• CreativeService
♦ addAttach()
♦ addAttachCreatives()
♦ addCreatives()
♦ deleteCreatives()
♦ triggerCreativeTest()
• EntityService
♦ deleteAllPublisherControls()
♦ deleteEntities()
♦ setAllPublisherControls()
• InsertionOrderService
♦ deleteInsertionOrders()
• InventoryVisibilityControlsService
♦ addProfiles()
♦ deleteProfiles()
♦ updateProfiles()
• LineItemService
♦ addCreatives()
♦ deleteLineItems()
• NotificationService
♦ NotificationService::validateTMReport()
• PassbackService
♦ activatePassbacks()
♦ deactivatePassbacks()
♦ deletePassbacks()
• PixelService
♦ deletePixels()
• PublisherReservePriceService
♦ addProfiles()
♦ deleteProfiles()
♦ updateProfiles()
• ReportService
♦ addSegmentReportVisibility()
♦ updateSegmentReportVisibility()
• SiteService
♦ deleteAllPublisherControls()
♦ setAllPublisherControls()
• SitelistService
♦ createASLs()
♦ createGTs()
♦ updateASLs()
♦ updateGTs()
Fields Summary
• $result
• $exception_detail
• $exception_text
• $item_id
boolean $result
exception_detail $exception_detail
string $exception_text
int $item_id
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ deleteTargetClickUrls()
♦ deleteTargetCreatives()
♦ setTargetClickUrlsV2()
Fields Summary
• $result
• $exception_detail
• $exception_text
• $item
int $result
exception_detail $exception_detail
string $exception_text
string $item
See Netspeed Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getNetspeeds()
Fields Summary
• $id — netspeed ID
• $name — netspeed name
int $id
netspeed ID
• size : 5
• primary
string $name
netspeed name
• size : 50
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• NotificationService
♦ getNotices()
Fields Summary
• $id — The id of the notification message
• $head — The head of the notification message
• $body — The text of the notification message
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
The id of the notification message
string $head
Ignored on add and update.
The head of the notification message
string $body
Ignored on add and update.
The text of the notification message
See Offer Type Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getOfferTypes()
Fields Summary
• $id — offer type ID
• $parent_id — Parent offer type ID. Offer types are organized in 2 level hierarchy. This field indicates the
parent offer type id.
• $description — offer type description
• $long_description — offer type long description
int $id
offer type ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $parent_id
Default value: NULL
Parent offer type ID. Offer types are organized in 2 level hierarchy. This field indicates the parent offer type id.
The value is null if the offer type is first level, and non-null for 2nd level offer type.
• size : 10
string $description
offer type description
• size : 255
string $long_description
offer type long description
• size : 255
See Browser Enum for more information.
Fields Summary
• $bucketId — optimization_config object bucketId
• $paraNameId — optimization_config object paraNameId
• $bucketStart — optimization_config object bucket start time
• $bucketEnd — optimization_config object bucket end time
• $paraValue — optimization_config object para value
int $bucketId
Ignored on add and update.
optimization_config object bucketId
• size : 10
• primary
int $paraNameId
Ignored on add and update.
optimization_config object paraNameId
• size : 4
• primary
dateTime $bucketStart
Ignored on add and update.
optimization_config object bucket start time
• primary
dateTime $bucketEnd
Ignored on add and update.
optimization_config object bucket end time
• primary
string $paraValue
optimization_config object para value
• size : 64
See Browser Enum for more information.
Fields Summary
• $id — optimization_para_name ID
• $paraName — optimization_para_name object paraName
• $description — optimization_para_name object description
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
optimization_para_name ID
• size : 4
• primary
string $paraName
Default value: 'paraname'
optimization_para_name object paraName
• size : 32
string $description
Default value: 'default description'
optimization_para_name object description
• size : 64
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PassbackService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $id — ID. Autoset on passback creation.
• $owner_type — Passback owner type
• $passback_type — Passback type
• $owner_id — Passback owner id
• $size_id — Passback size id
• $is_secure — Passback secure
• $content — Passback content
• $description — Description of passback.
• $media_type — content media type. See Media Type Enum for more information.
• $media_url — redirect URL to get the content
• $active — Passback active flag.
• $entity_id — entity id associated with the passback.
• $created_on — Passback creation time.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
ID. Autoset on passback creation.
• size : 10
• primary
enum_passback_creative_owner_type $owner_type
Ignored on update.
Passback owner type
enum_passback_creative_type $passback_type
Passback type
array_of_int $owner_id
Passback owner id
int $size_id
Passback size id
boolean $is_secure
Passback secure
string $content
Passback content
string $description
Description of passback.
string $media_type
content media type. See Media Type Enum for more information.
The complete list of enum values you can see at media_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'media_type').
• enum : media_type
string $media_url
redirect URL to get the content
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Passback active flag.
int $entity_id
Ignored on update.
entity id associated with the passback.
• size : 10
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Passback creation time.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• linking_profile
♦ $payment_methods
Fields Summary
• $id — payment method ID
• $description — payment method description
int $id
payment method ID
• size : 2
• primary
string $description
payment method description
• size : 100
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ addPiggybackPixel()
♦ getAllPiggybackPixelsSince()
♦ getPiggybackPixels()
Fields Summary
• $id
• $entity_id — The entity ID the pixel is bound to.
• $pixel_redirect_url — URL which will be used when a conversion is triggered
• $pixel_type — type of the pixel.
• $lastupd
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
• primary
int $entity_id
Ignored on update.
The entity ID the pixel is bound to.
Setting $entity_id to 0 will display the pixel to all publishers.
• size : 10
• nillable
string $pixel_redirect_url
URL which will be used when a conversion is triggered
• size : 255
string $pixel_type
type of the pixel.
The complete list of enum values you can see at pixel_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'pixel_type').
• enum : pixel_type
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ getAttachedSegments()
• PixelService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByEntity()
♦ getByLineItem()
♦ getSegments()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $is_network_wide — Set to 1 if pixel is network-wide
• $id — pixel ID
• $public_segment_id — public segment ID
• $name — pixel name
• $integration_code — integration code - once an integration code has been set it allows you to lookup up for
pixels with that code
• $active — Active flag. Deactivating any segment pixel that you have shared via Audience Share will remove
the corresponding segment shares, and thus will deactivate any line items -- except your own -- that are
targeting this pixel and notify their owners. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience marketplace
for details.
• $repeat_ignore_interval — repeat ignore interval
• $post_click_interval — post click interval
• $post_view_interval — post view interval
• $segment_duration — Segment duration
• $include_by_default — included by default flag
• $advertiser_entity_id — advertiser entity id the pixel is bound to
• $exchange_rate — exchange rate of the currency (if not in dollars)
• $pixel_type — Pixel type
• $created_on — Conversion creation time. Autoset by API.
• $lastupd
• $hybrid_trigger_type — Indicate what kind of hybrid pixel current pixel is
• $property_flags — Indicate Property flags. ('no_frequency_data','no_recency_data','adcall_ingest_allowed')
This field should be set only for Y!'s BTRE segments.
• $segment_type_id — Segment type id. See valid types in Segment Type Enum. Applicable only when
$pixel_type = 'Segment'.
• $segment_manager_entity_id — Segment manager entity id. Applicable only when $pixel_type = 'Segment'.
int $is_network_wide
Ignored on add and update.
Set to 1 if pixel is network-wide
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
pixel ID
• size : 8
• primary
int $public_segment_id
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: null
public segment ID
• size : 8
• nillable
string $name
pixel name
• size : 255
string $integration_code
integration code - once an integration code has been set it allows you to lookup up for pixels with that code
boolean $active
Active flag. Deactivating any segment pixel that you have shared via Audience Share will remove the corresponding
segment shares, and thus will deactivate any line items -- except your own -- that are targeting this pixel and notify
their owners. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience marketplace for details.
int $repeat_ignore_interval
Default value: '0'
repeat ignore interval
• size : 10
int $post_click_interval
post click interval
The following rules are followed to determine the UI trigger type:
1. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Segment"
2. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval > 0 or NULL then trigger type is "Post-view"
3. if post_click_interval > 0 or NULL and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Post-click"
4. else trigger type is "Post-view and/or Post-click"
• size : 11
• nillable
int $post_view_interval
post view interval
The following rules are followed to determine the UI trigger type:
1. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Segment"
2. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval > 0 or NULL then trigger type is "Post-view"
3. if post_click_interval > 0 or NULL and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Post-click"
4. else trigger type is "Post-view and/or Post-click"
• size : 11
• nillable
int $segment_duration
Default value: 0
Segment duration
This field's purpose - pixel expiration/duration period if pixel type is segment. It can be set for segment pixels only.
Pixel treated as as segment when post_click_interval = 0 and post_view_interval = 0. Valid range is 0..2 years (value
is stored in seconds, so the valid range is 0..63072000)
• size : 8
• nillable
boolean $include_by_default
included by default flag
int $advertiser_entity_id
Ignored on update.
advertiser entity id the pixel is bound to
• size : 10
float $exchange_rate
Ignored on update.
Default value: '1'
exchange rate of the currency (if not in dollars)
• size : 10,4
enum_trigger_pixel_type $pixel_type
Default value: NULL
Pixel type
List of possible values: "Segment" is equal to post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval is 0 "Post-view" is equal
to post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval > 0 or NULL "Post-click" is equal to post_click_interval > 0 or NULL
and post_view_interval is 0 "Post-view and/or Post-click" in other cases
• nillable
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on update.
Conversion creation time. Autoset by API.
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
string $hybrid_trigger_type
Default value: 'none'
Indicate what kind of hybrid pixel current pixel is
The complete list of enum values you can see at hybrid_trigger_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'hybrid_trigger_type').
• enum : hybrid_trigger_type
string $property_flags
Default value: null
Indicate Property flags. ('no_frequency_data','no_recency_data','adcall_ingest_allowed') This field should be set only
for Y!'s BTRE segments.
int $segment_type_id
Ignored on update.
Default value: NULL
Segment type id. See valid types in Segment Type Enum. Applicable only when $pixel_type = 'Segment'.
The complete list of enum values you can see at 4_enum_segment_type, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'segment_type ').
• size : 3
• enum : segment_type
• nillable
int $segment_manager_entity_id
Ignored on update.
Default value: NULL
Segment manager entity id. Applicable only when $pixel_type = 'Segment'.
• size : 10
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SegmentDefinitionService
♦ add()
Fields Summary
• $private_segment_id — Private segment id.
• $public_segment_id — Public segment id. Available to both Audience Manager buyers/sellers. Should be
used in buyer/seller communications.
int $private_segment_id
Private segment id.
• nillable
int $public_segment_id
Public segment id. Available to both Audience Manager buyers/sellers. Should be used in buyer/seller
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getPixelTags()
Fields Summary
• $advertiser_id
• $conversion_ids
• $conversion_tag_type
• $secure_pixel
int $advertiser_id
array_of_int $conversion_ids
enum_conversion_tag_type $conversion_tag_type
Default value: 'img'
boolean $secure_pixel
Default value: '0'
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PlacementService
♦ PlacementService::addCreative()
Fields Summary
• $tag
• $media_type
• $pop_types
• $menubar
• $resizable
• $scrollbars
• $status
• $toolbar
• $addressbar
• $pop_expand_to_full_window
• $pop_height
• $pop_width
• $pop_window_title
• $is_third_party
• $creative_type
• $clickthrough_url
• $id — Creative ID. Autoset on creative creation by CreativeService::add() or CreativeService::addCreatives().
• $code
• $advertiser_entity_id — ID of advertiser the creative belongs to.
• $active — Creative activity flag.
• $is_audited — Shows if object has been audited by Media Guard.
• $description — Client's description of creative.
• $adapt_media_hex
• $adapt_click_hex
• $size_id — ID of creative (width, length) pair, see Size Enum for valid values.
• $is_pending
• $created_on — Creative creation time. Autoset by CampaignService::addCreative().
• $height — Creative height, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
• $width — Creative width, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
• $beacon_conversion_id — ID of beacon switched by this creative. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge
Base for details.
• $original_tag
• $can_track_clicks — This is a Boolean that must be true in order for click tracking to function.
• $flash_loop — If TRUE, flash creative loops
• $flash_bgcolor — Background color for flash
• $flash_clicktag
• $third_party_type — Third party tag type. value is set depending on creative_content.content value, checked
at insert & update
• $is_ssl — Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_distracting — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_suggestive — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_violent — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_textlink — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $has_active_x — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $has_exit_pop — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $banner_opens_pop — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $flash_has_embedded_url
• $offer_type_id — Creative's offer type. See Offer Type table for additional information. See also Creative
offer types for details.
• $click_url — Creative's click url. Creative must be clickable to use it. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge
Base for details.
• $has_video_or_rich_media — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $is_deceptive — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $is_political — Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
• $audio_type — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $target_profile_id — ID of target profile, attached to creative. Can be set by
• $delivery_rules_id — Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new creative.
• $initiates_pop — If TRUE, YAX server initiates pop window at the client' side before pop creative delivery.
See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• $is_web_site_pop — Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
• $no_iframes — If TRUE, tag code doesn't create IFRAME
• $is_pre_audited
• $last_audited_by_contact_id
• $last_human_audit
• $last_automated_audit
• $use_campaign_click_url
• $priority — Campaign priority.
• $contents
• $custom_settings
• $imp_budget — Budget by impressions
• $imp_delivery_type — Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are
listed in Delivery Type Enum.
• $imp_delivery_cap — Max value for impression-capped delivery methods.
• $is_bcm_upload
• $view_tracker — Allows clients to run agency deals by trafficking image and flash creative directly along with
a 3rd-party impression-tracking (view tracker) pixel. We store the URL of the impression-tracking pixel in
view_tracker field.
• $first_ran_date
• $last_ran_date
• $needs_arbitration
• $ad_size_in_bytes
• $lastupd
• $language_id — Id of language creative_tag
• $ad_vendor_id — Ad vendor ID. For internal use only. Do not use.
• $is_rtb — For RTB creative
• $is_3pi
• $classification_review_status — Creative classification review status, see valid types in Creative
Classification Review Status Enum.
• $video_creative — Complex data type to represent video creative attributes.
string $tag
• nillable
string $media_type
• nillable
int $pop_types
• size : 11
• nillable
int $menubar
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $resizable
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $scrollbars
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $status
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $toolbar
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $addressbar
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $pop_expand_to_full_window
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
int $pop_height
• size : 11
• nillable
int $pop_width
• size : 11
• nillable
string $pop_window_title
• size : 100
• nillable
int $is_third_party
Default value: '0'
• size : 4
string $creative_type
• nillable
string $clickthrough_url
Default value: '0'
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Creative ID. Autoset on creative creation by CreativeService::add() or CreativeService::addCreatives().
• size : 10
• primary
string $code
• size : 100
• nillable
int $advertiser_entity_id
Ignored on update.
ID of advertiser the creative belongs to.
Can be set by CampaignService::addCreative() or CreativeService::update(). Please note that (advertiser_entity_id,
description) should be a unique tuple.
• size : 10
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Creative activity flag.
boolean $is_audited
Default value: '0'
Shows if object has been audited by Media Guard.
This field is deprecated. Media Guard will not audit creatives to associate creative specs/themes. Refer Creative
specs, Creative themes for more details
• deprecated
string $description
Client's description of creative.
Please note that (advertiser_entity_id, description) should be a unique tuple.
• size : 255
string $adapt_media_hex
• size : 255
• nillable
string $adapt_click_hex
• size : 255
• nillable
int $size_id
Default value: '0'
ID of creative (width, length) pair, see Size Enum for valid values.
Please note that size id provided in Linear Video creative will be ignored.
The complete list of enum values you can see at size enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'size').
• size : 10
• enum : size
boolean $is_pending
Ignored on add and update.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Creative creation time. Autoset by CampaignService::addCreative().
int $height
Creative height, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
int $width
Creative width, required for pop (size_id = 0); must be > 0 and <= 10000.
int $beacon_conversion_id
ID of beacon switched by this creative. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• size : 8
string $original_tag
boolean $can_track_clicks
Default value: '0'
This is a Boolean that must be true in order for click tracking to function.
When you use the My Yieldmanager UI to add clickable creatives, the UI asks you to manually test the creative to be
sure that click tracking is working properly. Once that testing has been completed successfully, the UI automatically
sets the $can_track_clicks on the creative. However, this testing mechanism is not available via the API, so you must
set this flag manually. Keep in mind that setting this flag will affect the way your ads are served; we strongly
recommend that, before setting $can_track_clicks, you have used the UI to test the clickability of a creative that is
representative of your creative object.
boolean $flash_loop
If TRUE, flash creative loops
string $flash_bgcolor
Background color for flash
• size : 10
string $flash_clicktag
• size : 30
enum_creative_third_party_types $third_party_type
Ignored on add and update.
Third party tag type. value is set depending on creative_content.content value, checked at insert & update
• nillable
boolean $is_ssl
Creative spec. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
This flag is = 0 when creative is not CT tested or when it is non ssl.
boolean $is_distracting
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 229) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_suggestive
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 230) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_violent
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 231) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_textlink
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'.
• deprecated
boolean $has_active_x
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
• deprecated
boolean $has_exit_pop
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
• deprecated
boolean $banner_opens_pop
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
boolean $flash_has_embedded_url
int $offer_type_id
Creative's offer type. See Offer Type table for additional information. See also Creative offer types for details.
The complete list of enum values you can see at offer_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'offer_type').
• size : 10
• enum : offer_type
string $click_url
Creative's click url. Creative must be clickable to use it. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• nillable
boolean $has_video_or_rich_media
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 233) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative specs for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_deceptive
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 234) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
boolean $is_political
Creative theme. See Creative themes for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (ID: 235) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative themes for creative
• deprecated
string $audio_type
Default value: 'none'
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is deprecated. Use corresponding Creative Tag ID (IDs: 241, 242) in creative::$self_classification_tags to
associate creative specs for creative
The complete list of enum values you can see at audio_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'audio_type').
• deprecated
• enum : audio_type
int $target_profile_id
Ignored on add and update.
ID of target profile, attached to creative. Can be set by CreativeService::addTargetProfile().
• size : 8
• nillable
int $delivery_rules_id
Ignored on add and update.
Delivery rules ID. Autoset by the server when creating a new creative.
• size : 10
• nillable
boolean $initiates_pop
If TRUE, YAX server initiates pop window at the client' side before pop creative delivery. See Yahoo Ad Exchange
Knowledge Base for details.
boolean $is_web_site_pop
Creative spec. See Creative specs for details.
This field is readonly to the API user, updated by Creative Tester. Use CreativeService::getCreativeTags() to get all
the tags associated with creative by 'Creative Tester' and 'Self classification'
• deprecated
boolean $no_iframes
If TRUE, tag code doesn't create IFRAME
int $is_pre_audited
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 1
• nillable
int $last_audited_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
• nillable
dateTime $last_human_audit
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
dateTime $last_automated_audit
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
int $use_campaign_click_url
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
enum_priority $priority
Default value: 'Normal'
Campaign priority.
array_of_creative_content $contents
custom_settings $custom_settings
• nillable
int $imp_budget
Budget by impressions
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
string $imp_delivery_type
Default value: 'ASAP'
Delivery method, may be set to ASAP, Even, hourly/daily/monthly cap. Valid types are listed in Delivery Type Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at imp_delivery_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'imp_delivery_type').
• enum : imp_delivery_type
• object : delivery_rules
float $imp_delivery_cap
Max value for impression-capped delivery methods.
• nillable
• object : delivery_rules
int $is_bcm_upload
Default value: '0'
• size : 1
string $view_tracker
Allows clients to run agency deals by trafficking image and flash creative directly along with a 3rd-party
impression-tracking (view tracker) pixel. We store the URL of the impression-tracking pixel in view_tracker field.
• size : 255
• nillable
dateTime $first_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
dateTime $last_ran_date
Ignored on add and update.
boolean $needs_arbitration
Ignored on add and update.
int $ad_size_in_bytes
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 11
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
int $language_id
Id of language creative_tag
The complete list of enum values you can see at creative_tag_language enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'creative_tag_language').
• enum : creative_tag_language
int $ad_vendor_id
Ad vendor ID. For internal use only. Do not use.
• field : ad_vendor_id
• object : db_creative_ad_vendor
• nillable
boolean $is_rtb
Default value: '0'
For RTB creative
boolean $is_3pi
Default value: '0'
string $classification_review_status
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: 'not-reviewed'
Creative classification review status, see valid types in Creative Classification Review Status Enum.
The complete list of enum values you can see at creative_classification_review_status enum page, at run time you
can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'creative_classification_review_status').
• nillable
• enum : creative_classification_review_status
video_creative $video_creative
Complex data type to represent video creative attributes.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PlacementService
♦ PlacementService::get()
♦ PlacementService::getByInsertionOrder()
Fields Summary
• $id — placement ID
• $name — placement line item description
• $price — placement line item amount, in USD
• $size_id — placement creative size ID
• $tag — placement creative content
• $geo_target — placement geography target information
• $section_target — placement section target information
• $frequency_target — placement frequency target information
• $enabled — placement line item activity flag
• $line_item — placement line item
• $creative — placement creative
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
placement ID
• primary
string $name
placement line item description
float $price
placement line item amount, in USD
int $size_id
placement creative size ID
string $tag
placement creative content
target_geography $geo_target
placement geography target information
target_section $section_target
placement section target information
target_frequency $frequency_target
placement frequency target information
boolean $enabled
placement line item activity flag
line_item $line_item
placement line item
creative $creative
placement creative
See Pop Types Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getPopTypes()
Fields Summary
• $id — pop type ID
• $name — pop type name
int $id
pop type ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $name
pop type name
• size : 50
Fields Summary
• $woeid — WOEID
• $postal_code — Postal code
• $iso — Country ISO
int $woeid
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
• primary
string $postal_code
Postal code
• size : 10
string $iso
Country ISO
• size : 2
preferred_terms_demand data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• preferred_terms
♦ $preferred_terms_demand
Fields Summary
• $marketplace — Demand rule applicable on Trading Pit, Netwrok of network, Intra Network(Managed
Advertiser) or any combination of these. See Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
• $buying_technology — Array of buying technology 'RTBD', 'Hosted'. See Buying Technology Enum for valid
• $advertisers — Advertiser ids.
• $deal_properties — Deal properties.
• $creative_tags — Creative tag ids for creative_specs, creative_themes, creative_languages,
• $click_urls — Click Urls.
• $offer_types — Offer types.
array_of_enum_buying_selling_marketplace $marketplace
Demand rule applicable on Trading Pit, Netwrok of network, Intra Network(Managed Advertiser) or any combination of
these. See Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
array_of_enum_buying_technology $buying_technology
Array of buying technology 'RTBD', 'Hosted'. See Buying Technology Enum for valid values.
advertiser_list $advertisers
Advertiser ids.
rule_deal_properties $deal_properties
Deal properties.
creative_properties $creative_tags
Creative tag ids for creative_specs, creative_themes, creative_languages, creative_beacons.
rule_attribute_names $click_urls
Click Urls.
rule_attribute $offer_types
Offer types.
preferred data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PreferredTermsService
♦ getAllPreferredTerms()
♦ quickSearch()
Fields Summary
• $id — Preferred terms id.
• $name — Preferred terms name.
• $description — Preferred terms description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID
• $entity_name — Name of owner entity.
• $pvt_marketplace_id — Private Marketplace id.
• $is_pvt_marketplace — Is Private Marketplace.
• $markup — Field markup introduces bias on bids for certain slices of demand.
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created Preferred terms.
• $created_by_contact_name — Name of contact who created Preferred terms.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified Preferred terms.
• $modified_by_contact_name — Name of contact who modified Preferred terms.
• $active — Preferred terms activity flag.
• $created_on — Preferred terms created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Preferred terms last updated date/time.
int $id
Preferred terms id.
string $name
Preferred terms name.
string $description
Preferred terms description.
int $entity_id
Owner entity ID
string $entity_name
Name of owner entity.
int $pvt_marketplace_id
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '0'
Private Marketplace id.
boolean $is_pvt_marketplace
Default value: '0'
Is Private Marketplace.
float $markup
Default value: '0.000'
Field markup introduces bias on bids for certain slices of demand.
int $created_by_contact_id
Contact id who created Preferred terms.
string $created_by_contact_name
Name of contact who created Preferred terms.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Contact id who modified Preferred terms.
string $modified_by_contact_name
Name of contact who modified Preferred terms.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Preferred terms activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Preferred terms created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Preferred terms last updated date/time.
preferred_terms data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PreferredTermsService
♦ add()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByObjectId()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $id — Preferred Terms id.
• $name — Preferred Terms name.
• $description — Preferred Terms description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID
• $preferred_terms_managed_supply — Complex data type to represent managed supply attributes.
• $preferred_terms_demand — Complex data type to represent demand attributes.
• $priority — Preferred Terms priority.
• $reserve_price — Reserve price. It should be greater than 0.
• $forex_currency_id — Forex Currency Id
• $is_pvt_marketplace — Is Private Marketplace.
• $pvt_marketplace_controls — Complex data type to represent deal controls.
• $pvt_marketplace_id — Private Marketplace id.
• $markup — Field markup introduces bias on bids for certain slices of demand.
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created Preferred Terms.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified Preferred Terms.
• $active — Preferred Terms activity flag.
• $created_on — Preferred Terms created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Preferred Terms last updated date/time.
int $id
Ignored on update.
Preferred Terms id.
• primary
string $name
Preferred Terms name.
string $description
Preferred Terms description.
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Owner entity ID
preferred_terms_managed_supply $preferred_terms_managed_supply
Complex data type to represent managed supply attributes.
preferred_terms_demand $preferred_terms_demand
Complex data type to represent demand attributes.
enum_preferred_terms_priority $priority
Default value: 'Normal' Please see the Exchange Knowledge base article on preferred terms priority options for more
Preferred Terms priority.
float $reserve_price
Reserve price. It should be greater than 0.
int $forex_currency_id
Ignored on add and update.
Forex Currency Id
boolean $is_pvt_marketplace
Default value: '0'
Is Private Marketplace.
private_marketplace_controls $pvt_marketplace_controls
Complex data type to represent deal controls.
int $pvt_marketplace_id
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '0'
Private Marketplace id.
• primary
float $markup
Default value: '0.000'
Field markup introduces bias on bids for certain slices of demand.
int $created_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
Contact id who created Preferred Terms.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
Contact id who modified Preferred Terms.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Preferred Terms activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Preferred Terms created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Preferred Terms last updated date/time.
preferred_terms_managed_supply data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• preferred_terms
♦ $preferred_terms_managed_supply
Fields Summary
• $managed_publishers — Managed publishers.
• $sections — Sections.
• $seller_line_items — Publisher LineItems.
• $channels — Channels.
• $urls — URLs.
• $inventory_types — Section inventory type. See valid types in Inventory Type Enum
• $sizes — Sizes.
• $woeids — Woeids.
• $cga_ids — Custom geo area ids.
• $dayparts — Dayparts
• $devices — Devices.
• $browsers — Browsers.
• $operating_systems — Operating systems.
• $carrier_isp — Carrier ISP.
• $selling_technology — Array of selling technology RTBS, Hosted
• $gender — Gender - Male, female, unknown.
• $ages — Ages to included or excluded.
• $vurls — Vurls.
• $segment_ids — Segments.
publisher_list $managed_publishers
Managed publishers.
rule_attribute $sections
rule_attribute $seller_line_items
Publisher LineItems.
rule_attribute $channels
rule_attribute_names $urls
rule_attribute $inventory_types
Section inventory type. See valid types in Inventory Type Enum
rule_attribute $sizes
rule_attribute $woeids
rule_attribute $cga_ids
Custom geo area ids.
rule_dayparts $dayparts
rule_attribute $devices
rule_attribute $browsers
rule_attribute $operating_systems
Operating systems.
rule_attribute $carrier_isp
Carrier ISP.
array_of_enum_selling_technology $selling_technology
Array of selling technology RTBS, Hosted
gender $gender
Gender - Male, female, unknown.
rule_attribute_ids $ages
Ages to included or excluded.
rule_vurl_data $vurls
rule_attribute $segment_ids
preferred data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PreferredTermsService
♦ getAllPreferredTerms()
Fields Summary
• $ids — Array of preferred terms ids.
• $names — Array of preferred terms names.
• $descriptions — Array of preferred terms descriptions.
• $contact_ids — Array of contact ids.
• $advertiser_ids — Array of advertiser ids.
• $publisher_ids — Array of publisher ids.
• $is_active — Parameter to search by status.By default will return both 'active' and 'inactive'.
array_of_int $ids
Array of preferred terms ids.
array_of_string $names
Array of preferred terms names.
array_of_string $descriptions
Array of preferred terms descriptions.
array_of_int $contact_ids
Array of contact ids.
array_of_int $advertiser_ids
Array of advertiser ids.
array_of_int $publisher_ids
Array of publisher ids.
int $is_active
Parameter to search by status.By default will return both 'active' and 'inactive'.
private_marketplace_controls data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• preferred_terms
♦ $pvt_marketplace_controls
Fields Summary
• $share_through_rtb_bids — Flag to send DealId as part of the RTB request.
• $share_reserve_price — Flag to send ReservePrice as part of the RTB request.
• $allow_bid_in_open_auction — Flag to allow if the bidder can bid outside the deal.
boolean $share_through_rtb_bids
Default value: '0'
Flag to send DealId as part of the RTB request.
boolean $share_reserve_price
Default value: '0'
Flag to send ReservePrice as part of the RTB request.
boolean $allow_bid_in_open_auction
Default value: '0'
Flag to allow if the bidder can bid outside the deal.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• preferred_terms
♦ $pvt_marketplace_controls
Fields Summary
• $id — Private Marketplace ID.
• $name — Private Marketplace name.
• $description — Private Marketplace description.
• $selling_rule_id — Selling Rule ID.
• $active — Active / inactive flag. Only active profiles will be taken by cache gen.
• $lastupd — Private Marketplace last updated date/time.
• $is_deleted — Shows if object is deleted.
• $share_through_rtb_bids — Flag to send DealId as part of the RTB request.
• $share_reserve_price — Flag to send ReservePrice as part of the RTB request.
• $allows_double_dipping — Flag to allow if the bidder can bid outside the deal.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Private Marketplace ID.
• size : 8
• primary
string $name
Private Marketplace name.
• size : 50
string $description
Private Marketplace description.
• size : 255
int $selling_rule_id
Selling Rule ID.
• size : 8
boolean $active
Active / inactive flag. Only active profiles will be taken by cache gen.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Private Marketplace last updated date/time.
boolean $is_deleted
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '0'
Shows if object is deleted.
boolean $share_through_rtb_bids
Default value: '0'
Flag to send DealId as part of the RTB request.
boolean $share_reserve_price
Default value: '0'
Flag to send ReservePrice as part of the RTB request.
boolean $allows_double_dipping
Default value: '0'
Flag to allow if the bidder can bid outside the deal.
This file defines publisher_control_data data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ getPublisherControls()
• SiteService
♦ getPublisherControls()
Fields Summary
• $type — control type (macro, rtbd)
• $hidden_params — parameters that need to hide(channels, url, publisher_id, section_id, section_code,
• $owner_type — Owner type
• $owner_id — Owner Id
• $buyer_entity_id — Buyer entity id
• $created_on — Pub control mask creation time
• $lastupd — Pub control mask last update time
string $type
Default value: 'rtbd'
control type (macro, rtbd)
The complete list of enum values you can see at 4_enum_pub_control_type .pkg, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'pub_control_type ').
• enum : pub_control_type
array_of_enum_pub_control_param $hidden_params
parameters that need to hide(channels, url, publisher_id, section_id, section_code, site_id)
• nillable
string $owner_type
Default value: 'entity'
Owner type
The complete list of enum values you can see at pub_control_owner_type enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'pub_control_owner_type').
• enum : pub_control_owner_type
• primary
int $owner_id
Owner Id
• size : 10
• primary
int $buyer_entity_id
Default value: 0
Buyer entity id
• size : 10
• primary
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Pub control mask creation time
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Pub control mask last update time
This file defines publisher_control_masks data type that is used in bulk operations
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ deleteAllPublisherControls()
♦ getAllPublisherControls()
♦ setAllPublisherControls()
• SiteService
♦ deleteAllPublisherControls()
♦ getAllPublisherControls()
♦ setAllPublisherControls()
Fields Summary
• $type — control type (all, macro, rtbd)
• $hidden_params — parameters that need to hide(channels, url, publisher_id, section_id, section_code,
site_id, age, gender, ip)
• $buyer_entity_ids — Array of advertisers to which publisher control masks will be applied
string $type
Default value: 'all'
control type (all, macro, rtbd)
The complete list of enum values you can see at 4_enum_pub_control_type .pkg, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'pub_control_type ').
• enum : pub_control_type
array_of_enum_pub_control_param $hidden_params
parameters that need to hide(channels, url, publisher_id, section_id, section_code, site_id, age, gender, ip)
• nillable
array_of_int $buyer_entity_ids
Array of advertisers to which publisher control masks will be applied
Fields Summary
• $publisher — contains the publisher object
• $entity — contains the entity object
• $contact — contains the contact object
• $create_site_section — site and section creation flag
• $site — contains the site object
• $section — contains the section object
• $create_io_li — insertion order and line item creation flag
• $insertion_order — contains the insertion order object
• $line_item — contains the line item object
publisher $publisher
Ignored on add and update.
contains the publisher object
• deprecated
entity $entity
contains the entity object
contact $contact
contains the contact object
boolean $create_site_section
site and section creation flag
site $site
contains the site object
section $section
contains the section object
boolean $create_io_li
insertion order and line item creation flag
insertion_order $insertion_order
contains the insertion order object
line_item $line_item
contains the line item object
publisher data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• buying_terms_supply
♦ $publishers
• managed_supply
♦ $managed_publishers
• preferred_terms_managed_supply
♦ $managed_publishers
• supply
♦ $publishers
Fields Summary
• $publishers — Publishers.
• $publisher_custom_groups — Custom groups of publishers.
• $include — Flag include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular publishers in the $publishers
and $publisher_custom_groups arrays.
array_of_id_name $publishers
array_of_id_name $publisher_custom_groups
Custom groups of publishers.
boolean $include
Flag include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular publishers in the $publishers and
$publisher_custom_groups arrays.
This file defines publisher reserve price profile data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PublisherReservePriceService
♦ add()
♦ addProfiles()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ update()
♦ updateProfiles()
Fields Summary
• $section_ids — Array of section ids belonging to same publisher entity id. Reserve price applicable on given
section ids. Not allowed for network level entity.
• $demand_types — Demand types.If demand_type is passed as empty it will apply to all types of
demands.See Demand Type Enum for valid values.
• $buyer_entity_ids — Array of buyer entity ids.
• $segment_ids — Array of segment ids.
• $woeids — Array of WOEIDs.
• $cga_ids — Array of custom geographic area ids.
• $size_ids — Array of size ids.
• $creative_tag_ids — Array of creative tag ids. Currently richmedia tags are available(Tag ids : 233, 281, 283,
• $device_ids — Array of device ids. Available devices are 'PC' and 'Mobile'.
• $id — Reserve price profile id.
• $description — Reserve price description. If it is not provided by user, default description will be added as
'Reserve price for entity $entity_id'. Description should not be greater than 50 characters.
• $entity_id — Entity id. Reserve price applicable on given entity id. Should be 'Publisher' or 'Network' entity id.
• $price — Seller reserve price. Reserve price should be greater than 0.
• $forex_currency_id — Forex currency id.
• $mark_up — Mark up [Not operational].
• $active — Flag indicates if reserve price profile is active.
• $lastupd
array_of_int $section_ids
Array of section ids belonging to same publisher entity id. Reserve price applicable on given section ids. Not allowed
for network level entity.
array_of_enum_demand_type $demand_types
Default value: ''
Demand types.If demand_type is passed as empty it will apply to all types of demands.See Demand Type Enum for
valid values.
array_of_int $buyer_entity_ids
Array of buyer entity ids.
array_of_int $segment_ids
Array of segment ids.
array_of_int $woeids
Array of WOEIDs.
array_of_int $cga_ids
Array of custom geographic area ids.
array_of_int $size_ids
Array of size ids.
array_of_int $creative_tag_ids
Array of creative tag ids. Currently richmedia tags are available(Tag ids : 233, 281, 283, 297).
array_of_int $device_ids
Array of device ids. Available devices are 'PC' and 'Mobile'.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Reserve price profile id.
• size : 8
• primary
string $description
Reserve price description. If it is not provided by user, default description will be added as 'Reserve price for entity
$entity_id'. Description should not be greater than 50 characters.
• size : 255
int $entity_id
Ignored on update.
Entity id. Reserve price applicable on given entity id. Should be 'Publisher' or 'Network' entity id.
• size : 8
float $price
Seller reserve price. Reserve price should be greater than 0.
int $forex_currency_id
Ignored on add and update.
Forex currency id.
• size : 3
float $mark_up
Ignored on add and update.
Mark up [Not operational].
• size : 17,5
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Flag indicates if reserve price profile is active.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Fields Summary
• $section_id — Section id
• $time_offset
int $section_id
Section id
dateTime $time_offset
private_marketplace data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ getEligiblePrivateMarketPlaces()
Fields Summary
• $id — Private Marketplace id.
• $name — Private Marketplace name.
• $active — Private Marketplace active status.
• $seller_entity_id — Owner entity ID
• $seller_entity_name — Owner entity name
• $reserve_price — Reserve Price
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Private Marketplace id.
• primary
string $name
Ignored on add and update.
Private Marketplace name.
boolean $active
Ignored on add and update.
Private Marketplace active status.
int $seller_entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Owner entity ID
string $seller_entity_name
Ignored on add and update.
Owner entity name
float $reserve_price
Ignored on add and update.
Reserve Price
This file contains quicksearch_result data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SearchService
♦ quickSearch()
Fields Summary
• $owner_entity_id
• $owner_entity_name
• $owner_entity_type — entity type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
• $object_type — object type
• $object_id
• $object_name
• $owner_additional_type — owned additional entity type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
int $owner_entity_id
string $owner_entity_name
string $owner_entity_type
entity type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
The complete list of enum values you can see at entity_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'entity_type').
• enum : entity_type
string $object_type
object type
The complete list of enum values you can see at quicksearch_object_type enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'quicksearch_object_type').
• enum : quicksearch_object_type
int $object_id
string $object_name
string $owner_additional_type
owned additional entity type (Publisher, Advertiser, Network)
The complete list of enum values you can see at entity_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'entity_type').
• enum : entity_type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• QuotaService
♦ getQuotaByCmdGroup()
♦ getQuotaByServiceByMethod()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — Entity ID for which quota limit is set. For internal use only.
• $service — Service name for which quota limit is set. Included in
QuotaService::getQuotaByServiceByMethod() output only.
• $method — Service method for which quota limit is set. Included in
QuotaService::getQuotaByServiceByMethod() output only.
• $limit — Allocated limit.
• $used — Quota used so far. Included in QuotaService::getQuotaByServiceByMethod() output only.
• $cmdgroup_name — Name of the command group.
• $time_zone — Time zone that a given entity is configured with. For internal use only.
• $type — Quota type
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Entity ID for which quota limit is set. For internal use only.
string $service
Ignored on add and update.
Service name for which quota limit is set. Included in QuotaService::getQuotaByServiceByMethod() output only.
string $method
Ignored on add and update.
Service method for which quota limit is set. Included in QuotaService::getQuotaByServiceByMethod() output
int $limit
Ignored on add and update.
Allocated limit.
int $used
Ignored on add and update.
Quota used so far. Included in QuotaService::getQuotaByServiceByMethod() output only.
string $cmdgroup_name
Ignored on add and update.
Name of the command group.
string $time_zone
Ignored on add and update.
Time zone that a given entity is configured with. For internal use only.
string $type
Ignored on add and update.
Quota type
The complete list of enum values you can see at quota_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'quota_type').
• enum : quota_type
See Rating Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• LinkingService
♦ setRating()
Fields Summary
• $entity_id — ID of the entity this ratings belongs to
• $overall — overall rating (1..5)
• $trust — trust rating (1..5)
• $cpm — cpm rating (1..5)
• $timely_payout — timely payout rating (1..5)
• $support — support rating (1..5)
• $comment — additional information
int $entity_id
ID of the entity this ratings belongs to
int $overall
overall rating (1..5)
int $trust
trust rating (1..5)
int $cpm
cpm rating (1..5)
int $timely_payout
timely payout rating (1..5)
int $support
support rating (1..5)
string $comment
additional information
See Region Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getRegions()
Fields Summary
• $id — region ID
• $name — region name
• $code — region code
• $country_id — region country ID
• $has_tz — region time zone flag
• $std_offset — daylight save time offset
• $timezone — region time zone
• $msa_ids — The list of MSA attached to the region.
int $id
region ID
• size : 5
• primary
string $name
region name
• size : 50
string $code
region code
• size : 2
int $country_id
region country ID
• size : 5
int $has_tz
region time zone flag
• size : 4
int $std_offset
daylight save time offset
• size : 11
string $timezone
region time zone
• size : 100
array_of_int $msa_ids
The list of MSA attached to the region.
Fields Summary
• $reserve_price_profile_id — Reserve price profile id.
• $buyer_entity_id — Buyer entity id.
• $demand_type — Demand types.If demand_type is passed as empty it will apply to all types of demands.See
Demand Type Enum for valid values.
int $reserve_price_profile_id
Reserve price profile id.
• size : 8
• primary
int $buyer_entity_id
Buyer entity id.
• size : 10
• primary
enum_demand_type $demand_type
Default value: ''
Demand types.If demand_type is passed as empty it will apply to all types of demands.See Demand Type Enum for
valid values.
• primary
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PublisherReservePriceService
♦ getAll()
Fields Summary Fields
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• creative
♦ $richmedia_creative_attribute
Fields Summary
• $is_expandable — Is Expandable Creative
• $is_floating — Is Floating Creative
• $is_polite_download — Is Polite Download
• $is_video — Is Flash Video
• $is_other — Does creative belong to any other rich media category?
• $expandable_final_width — Expandable Final Width
• $expandable_final_height — Expandable Final Height
boolean $is_expandable
Default value: '0'
Is Expandable Creative
boolean $is_floating
Default value: '0'
Is Floating Creative
boolean $is_polite_download
Default value: '0'
Is Polite Download
boolean $is_video
Default value: '0'
Is Flash Video
boolean $is_other
Default value: '0'
Does creative belong to any other rich media category?
int $expandable_final_width
Expandable Final Width
• size : 10
• nillable
int $expandable_final_height
Expandable Final Height
• size : 10
• nillable
See Role Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getRoles()
Fields Summary
• $id
• $description
int $id
• size : 10
• primary
string $description
• size : 255
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $region — Region to which qps setting belongs to
• $qps — Query Per Second (QPS) value
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
string $region
Region to which qps setting belongs to
The complete list of enum values you can see at rtbd_region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'rtbd_region').
• enum : rtbd_region
• primary
float $qps
Query Per Second (QPS) value
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• RtbdService
♦ getBidURL()
♦ setBidURL()
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $region — Region to which BidUrl setting belongs to
• $bidUrl — Url where bid is to be sent at the time of Ad call
• $bidApiVersion — The API version used The complete list of enum values you can see at bid_api_version
enum page, at run time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token,
• $bidTransportFormat — Format in which bid is to be sent The complete list of enum values you can see at
bid_transport_format enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'bid_transport_format').
• $bidTransferEncoding — Encoding in which bid is to be sent The complete list of enum values you can see at
bid_transfer_encoding enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'bid_transfer_encoding').
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
string $region
Region to which BidUrl setting belongs to
The complete list of enum values you can see at rtbd_region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'rtbd_region').
• enum : rtbd_region
• primary
string $bidUrl
Url where bid is to be sent at the time of Ad call
int $bidApiVersion
The API version used The complete list of enum values you can see at bid_api_version enum page, at run time you
can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'bid_api_version').
• nillable
• enum : bid_api_version
string $bidTransportFormat
Default value: 'xml'
Format in which bid is to be sent The complete list of enum values you can see at bid_transport_format enum page, at
run time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'bid_transport_format').
• enum : bid_transport_format
string $bidTransferEncoding
Default value: 'uncompressed'
Encoding in which bid is to be sent The complete list of enum values you can see at bid_transfer_encoding enum
page, at run time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token,
• enum : bid_transfer_encoding
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• RtbdService
♦ getFailureReport()
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $beginTime — The start time for the reporting item, eg. 2011-10-31 00:00
• $endTime — The end time for the reporting item, ie. 2011-10-31 00:30
• $bidUrl — URL where the bid request send to
• $bidErrorType — The failure error code
• $bidErrorName — The failure error string
• $numOfFailedRequests — The number of failed requests.
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
dateTime $beginTime
Ignored on add and update.
The start time for the reporting item, eg. 2011-10-31 00:00
• nillable
dateTime $endTime
Ignored on add and update.
The end time for the reporting item, ie. 2011-10-31 00:30
• nillable
string $bidUrl
URL where the bid request send to
string $bidErrorType
The failure error code
string $bidErrorName
The failure error string
int $numOfFailedRequests
The number of failed requests.
This file defines ivc_hidden_params data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ivc_hidden_params
♦ $rtbd_hidden_params
Fields Summary
• $channels — IVC hidden parameter for channels
• $url — IVC hidden parameter for URL
• $publisher_id — IVC hidden parameter for publisher ID
• $section_id — IVC hidden parameter for section ID
• $section_code — IVC hidden parameter for section code
• $site_id — IVC hidden parameter for site ID
• $age — IVC hidden parameter for age
• $gender — IVC hidden parameter for gender
• $ip — IVC hidden parameter for IP Address
• $content_segments — IVC hidden parameter for content segments
• $ip_based_location — IVC hidden parameter for IP-based location
• $lat_long_based_location — IVC hidden parameter for Lat/Long-based location
• $sub_domain — IVC hidden parameter for Sub domain.
• $puburl_hash — IVC hidden parameter for Pub Url Hash.
• $appid_appname — IVC hidden parameter for appId/appName.
• $device_id — IVC hidden parameter for Device Id.
• $inventory_type — IVC hidden parameter for Inventory Type.
boolean $channels
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for channels
boolean $url
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for URL
boolean $publisher_id
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for publisher ID
boolean $section_id
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for section ID
boolean $section_code
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for section code
boolean $site_id
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for site ID
boolean $age
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for age
boolean $gender
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for gender
boolean $ip
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for IP Address
boolean $content_segments
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for content segments
boolean $ip_based_location
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for IP-based location
boolean $lat_long_based_location
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for Lat/Long-based location
boolean $sub_domain
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for Sub domain.
boolean $puburl_hash
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for Pub Url Hash.
boolean $appid_appname
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for appId/appName.
boolean $device_id
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for Device Id.
boolean $inventory_type
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for Inventory Type.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• RtbdService
♦ setQPS()
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $region — Region to which qps setting belongs to
• $timeWindowLength — Number of minutes QPS setting will be valid, starting from now. Default is "-1", and it
means qps setting will be valid forever
• $qps — Query Per Second (QPS) value
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
string $region
Region to which qps setting belongs to
The complete list of enum values you can see at rtbd_region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'rtbd_region').
• enum : rtbd_region
• primary
int $timeWindowLength
Default value: '-1'
Number of minutes QPS setting will be valid, starting from now. Default is "-1", and it means qps setting will be valid
float $qps
Query Per Second (QPS) value
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• RtbdService
♦ getRecentTrafficReport()
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $region — Region to which qps setting belongs to
• $beginTime — The start time for the reporting item, eg. 2011-10-31 00:00
• $endTime — The end time for the reporting item, ie. 2011-10-31 00:30
• $averageQPS — Sliding window aggregate to estimate QPS to advertiser observed over time window
(end_time - begin_time).
• $requestsSent — The total number of requests sent to this advertiser over time window.
• $requestsSuccessful — The total number of successful requests sent to this advertiser over time window.
• $requestsSuccessfulLatency — The measured latency between requests successfully sent and responses
received from the advertiser.
• $requestsTimedOut — Number of requests that were sent to this advertiser but were discarded because a
response was not received in the allocated time.
• $requestsWithError — Number of requests that were not successfully processed due to an error condition
(eg. network failure, advertiser server 404, etc.)
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
string $region
Region to which qps setting belongs to
The complete list of enum values you can see at rtbd_region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'rtbd_region').
• enum : rtbd_region
• primary
dateTime $beginTime
Ignored on add and update.
The start time for the reporting item, eg. 2011-10-31 00:00
• nillable
dateTime $endTime
Ignored on add and update.
The end time for the reporting item, ie. 2011-10-31 00:30
• nillable
float $averageQPS
Sliding window aggregate to estimate QPS to advertiser observed over time window (end_time - begin_time).
int $requestsSent
The total number of requests sent to this advertiser over time window.
int $requestsSuccessful
The total number of successful requests sent to this advertiser over time window.
float $requestsSuccessfulLatency
The measured latency between requests successfully sent and responses received from the advertiser.
int $requestsTimedOut
Number of requests that were sent to this advertiser but were discarded because a response was not received in the
allocated time.
int $requestsWithError
Number of requests that were not successfully processed due to an error condition (eg. network failure, advertiser
server 404, etc.)
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• RtbdService
♦ getSuccessReport()
Fields Summary
• $advertiserId — Advertiser entity id
• $beginTime — The start time for the reporting item, eg. 2011-10-31 00:00
• $endTime — The end time for the reporting item, ie. 2011-10-31 00:30
• $bidUrl — URL where the bid request send to
• $totalBidRequests — total number of requests sent to the advertiser.
• $numOfSuccessfulRequests — The total number of requests with response received from advertiser.
• $measuredLatency — The measured latency between requests successfully sent and responses received
from the advertiser.
int $advertiserId
Ignored on add and update.
Advertiser entity id
• primary
dateTime $beginTime
Ignored on add and update.
The start time for the reporting item, eg. 2011-10-31 00:00
• nillable
dateTime $endTime
Ignored on add and update.
The end time for the reporting item, ie. 2011-10-31 00:30
• nillable
string $bidUrl
URL where the bid request send to
int $totalBidRequests
total number of requests sent to the advertiser.
int $numOfSuccessfulRequests
The total number of requests with response received from advertiser.
float $measuredLatency
The measured latency between requests successfully sent and responses received from the advertiser.
rule data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• buying_terms_managed_demand
♦ $creative_size_ids
♦ $line_items
• buying_terms_supply
♦ $cga_ids
♦ $channels
♦ $private_marketplace
♦ $sections
♦ $woeids
• demand
♦ $click_urls
♦ $offer_types
• managed_supply
♦ $ages
♦ $browsers
♦ $carrier_isp
♦ $cga_ids
♦ $channels
♦ $devices
♦ $operating_systems
♦ $sections
♦ $sizes
♦ $woeids
• preferred_terms_demand
♦ $click_urls
♦ $offer_types
• preferred_terms_managed_supply
♦ $ages
♦ $browsers
♦ $carrier_isp
♦ $cga_ids
♦ $channels
♦ $devices
♦ $inventory_types
♦ $operating_systems
♦ $sections
♦ $segment_ids
♦ $seller_line_items
♦ $sizes
♦ $urls
♦ $woeids
• supply
♦ $ages
♦ $cga_ids
♦ $channels
♦ $sections
♦ $urls
♦ $woeids
• trading_pit_demand
♦ $click_urls
♦ $offer_types
• trading_pit_supply
♦ $ages
♦ $urls
♦ $woeids
Fields Summary
• $id_name_list — Array of ids, names of different attributes.
• $include — Set flag include to "true" to include or "false" to exclude the ids provided in $id_name_list.
array_of_id_name $id_name_list
Array of ids, names of different attributes.
boolean $include
Set flag include to "true" to include or "false" to exclude the ids provided in $id_name_list.
rule data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• managed_supply
♦ $ages
• preferred_terms_managed_supply
♦ $ages
• supply
♦ $ages
• trading_pit_supply
♦ $ages
Fields Summary
• $ids — Array of integers.
• $include — Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular data specified in $ids array.
array_of_int $ids
Array of integers.
boolean $include
Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular data specified in $ids array.
rule data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• demand
♦ $click_urls
• preferred_terms_demand
♦ $click_urls
• preferred_terms_managed_supply
♦ $urls
• supply
♦ $urls
• trading_pit_demand
♦ $click_urls
• trading_pit_supply
♦ $urls
Fields Summary
• $names — Array of strings.
• $include — Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular data specified in $names array.
array_of_string $names
Array of strings.
boolean $include
Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular data specified in $names array.
rule data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• preferred_terms_managed_supply
♦ $dayparts
Fields Summary
• $relative_time_region_id — ID of a region targeting is relative to (0 - relative to user's time, otherwise relative
to the region specified by this ID)
• $daypart_list — Array of daypart targeting.
int $relative_time_region_id
ID of a region targeting is relative to (0 - relative to user's time, otherwise relative to the region specified by this ID)
array_of_daypart $daypart_list
Array of daypart targeting.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• buying_terms_managed_demand
♦ $deal_properties
• demand
♦ $deal_properties
• managed_demand
♦ $deal_properties
• preferred_terms_demand
♦ $deal_properties
Fields Summary
• $allow_cpa — if true, CPA pricing is allowed
• $allow_cpc — if true, CPC pricing is allowed
• $allow_cpm — if true, CPM pricing is allowed
• $allow_discretionary — if true, discretionary pricing is allowed
• $allow_third_party_numbers — if true, third party numbers are allowed
boolean $allow_cpa
if true, CPA pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_cpc
if true, CPC pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_cpm
if true, CPM pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_discretionary
if true, discretionary pricing is allowed
boolean $allow_third_party_numbers
if true, third party numbers are allowed
rule data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• BuyingTermsService
♦ getAllBuyingTerms()
♦ quickSearch()
Fields Summary
• $id — ID.
• $name — Name.
• $description — Description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID
• $entity_name — Name of owner entity.
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created rule.
• $created_by_contact_name — Name of contact who created rule.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified rule.
• $modified_by_contact_name — Name of contact who modified rule.
• $bid_multiplier — Bid multiplier.
• $active — Rule activity flag.
• $created_on — Rule created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Rule last updated date/time.
int $id
string $name
string $description
int $entity_id
Owner entity ID
string $entity_name
Name of owner entity.
int $created_by_contact_id
Contact id who created rule.
string $created_by_contact_name
Name of contact who created rule.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Contact id who modified rule.
string $modified_by_contact_name
Name of contact who modified rule.
float $bid_multiplier
Bid multiplier.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Rule activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Rule created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Rule last updated date/time.
rule data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• BuyingTermsService
♦ getAllBuyingTerms()
Fields Summary
• $ids — Array of ids.
• $names — Array of names.
• $descriptions — Array of descriptions.
• $contact_ids — Array of contact ids.
• $advertiser_ids — Array of advertiser ids.
• $publisher_ids — Array of publisher ids.
• $is_active — Parameter to search by status.By default will return both 'active' and 'inactive'.
array_of_int $ids
Array of ids.
array_of_string $names
Array of names.
array_of_string $descriptions
Array of descriptions.
array_of_int $contact_ids
Array of contact ids.
array_of_int $advertiser_ids
Array of advertiser ids.
array_of_int $publisher_ids
Array of publisher ids.
int $is_active
Parameter to search by status.By default will return both 'active' and 'inactive'.
rule_vurl_data data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• preferred_terms_managed_supply
♦ $vurls
• supply
♦ $vurls
• trading_pit_supply
♦ $vurls
Fields Summary
• $vurl_count — Returns total count of VURLs for rule are included or excluded.
• $include — Indicate if VURL is included or excluded. Set to "true" for include and "false" for exclude.
int $vurl_count
Ignored on add and update.
Returns total count of VURLs for rule are included or excluded.
boolean $include
Ignored on add and update.
Indicate if VURL is included or excluded. Set to "true" for include and "false" for exclude.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• EntityService
♦ getAllSalesRegions()
• LineItemService
♦ getSalesRegionsByEntity()
Fields Summary
• $id — sales region ID
• $entity_id — entity ID
• $name — sales region name
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
sales region ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $entity_id
entity ID
• size : 10
string $name
sales region name
• size : 255
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SearchService
♦ search()
Fields Summary
• $field_name
• $field_value
• $exact_match
string $field_name
string $field_value
boolean $exact_match
Default value: '1'
Fields Summary
• $id — ID. Autoset on Sitelist creation.
• $name — Description of Sitelist.
• $owner_id — Sitelist owner id
• $type — Sitelist owner type
• $active — Sitelist active flag.
• $locked — Sitelist locked flag.
• $created_on — Sitelist creation time.
• $notes — additional information
• $lastupd — Sitelist last updated time.
• $category — Sitelist category
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
ID. Autoset on Sitelist creation.
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
Description of Sitelist.
• size : 255
int $owner_id
Sitelist owner id
• size : 10
enum_sitelist_type $type
Ignored on update.
Sitelist owner type
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Sitelist active flag.
boolean $locked
Default value: '0'
Sitelist locked flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Sitelist creation time.
string $notes
additional information
• size : 1000
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Sitelist last updated time.
enum_sitelist_category $category
Ignored on update.
Default value: 'display'
Sitelist category
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SectionService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByEntity()
♦ getBySite()
♦ update()
• entity_data
♦ $section
• publisher_data
♦ $section
Fields Summary
• $is_kids_directed — Flag that indicates 'Under-13 Kids Directed'.
• $accept_stream_ads — Flag that indicates 'accept stream ads'.
• $id — Site ID. Autoset on creation by SectionService::add()
• $description — Section description
• $site_id — ID of site, the section belongs to. Set by SiteService::addSection()
• $active — Section activity flag.
• $code — Section code. May be used if site::$uses_section_codes set to TRUE
• $mpaa_rating — Section MPAA rating. See valid ratings in Rating Enum
• $inventory_type_id — Section inventory type. See valid types in Inventory Type Enum
• $url — Section URL.
• $beacon_conversion_id — ID of beacon switched by this section. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base
for details.
• $channels — The list of channel IDs of the section.
• $is_click_fraud — Clickfraud activity flag.
• $lastupd
• $policy_violation — Policy violation flag Only 'Policy violation detector' user can change this field
• $vurl_id
boolean $is_kids_directed
Default value: 0
Flag that indicates 'Under-13 Kids Directed'.
boolean $accept_stream_ads
Default value: 0
Flag that indicates 'accept stream ads'.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Site ID. Autoset on creation by SectionService::add()
• size : 10
• primary
string $description
Default value: 'default description'
Section description
• size : 50
int $site_id
Ignored on update.
ID of site, the section belongs to. Set by SiteService::addSection()
• size : 10
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Section activity flag.
string $code
Section code. May be used if site::$uses_section_codes set to TRUE
• size : 32
• nillable
string $mpaa_rating
Default value: 'Unknown'
Section MPAA rating. See valid ratings in Rating Enum
The complete list of enum values you can see at rating enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'rating').
• enum : rating
int $inventory_type_id
Section inventory type. See valid types in Inventory Type Enum
The complete list of enum values you can see at inventory_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'inventory_type').
• size : 10
• enum : inventory_type
string $url
Section URL.
• size : 255
int $beacon_conversion_id
ID of beacon switched by this section. See Yahoo Ad Exchange Knowledge Base for details.
• size : 8
• nillable
array_of_int $channels
The list of channel IDs of the section.
The complete list of channels you can see at Channel Enum page.
NOTE: The IASH categories have been made available on the Exchange for purposes of convenience. Individual
IASH networks are solely responsible for managing and categorizing their inventory according to and complying with
IASH code of conduct.
boolean $is_click_fraud
Ignored on add and update.
Clickfraud activity flag.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
boolean $policy_violation
Default value: 0
Policy violation flag Only 'Policy violation detector' user can change this field
• private
string $vurl_id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• NotificationService
♦ NotificationService::setAdwareSections()
♦ NotificationService::setPolicyViolationSections()
Fields Summary
• $section_id — Section id
• $section_urls — URLs corresponding to section id
int $section_id
Section id
array_of_string $section_urls
URLs corresponding to section id
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SegmentDefinitionService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $srt_segment_attributes — SRT segment attributes
srt_segment_attributes $srt_segment_attributes
SRT segment attributes
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ addSegmentContributor()
♦ getSegmentContributor()
Fields Summary
• $id — Segment Contributor ID
• $entity_id — Entity ID
• $pub_value — Unique ID that you specify to identify a publisher. Must be unique for the specified $entity_id.
Must be alphanumeric.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Segment Contributor ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $entity_id
Entity ID
string $pub_value
Unique ID that you specify to identify a publisher. Must be unique for the specified $entity_id. Must be alphanumeric.
• size : 100
segment data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SegmentService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAncestorsInfo()
♦ getChildSegments()
♦ syncSegments()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $id — Segment ID
• $public_segment_id — public segment ID
• $name — Segment name
• $integration_code — integration code - once an integration code has been set it allows you to lookup up for
segment with that code
• $active — Active flag. Deactivating any segment pixel that you have shared via Audience Share will remove
the corresponding segment shares, and thus will deactivate any line items -- except your own -- that are
targeting this pixel and notify their owners. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience marketplace
for details.
• $repeat_ignore_interval — repeat ignore interval
• $post_click_interval — post click interval
• $post_view_interval — post view interval
• $segment_duration — Segment duration
• $include_by_default — included by default flag
• $advertiser_entity_id — advertiser entity id the pixel is bound to
• $exchange_rate — exchange rate of the currency (if not in dollars)
• $is_deleted — shows if object is deleted
• $created_on — Conversion creation time. Autoset by API.
• $lastupd
• $hybrid_trigger_type — Indicate what kind of hybrid pixel current pixel is
• $property_flags — Indicate Property flags. ('no_frequency_data','no_recency_data') This field should be set
only for Y!'s BTRE segments.
• $segment_type_id — Segment type id. See valid types in Segment Type Enum. Applicable only when
$pixel_type = 'Segment'.
• $segment_manager_entity_id — Segment manager entity id. Applicable only when $pixel_type = 'Segment'.
• $parent_external_segment_id — This field can be used to denote the hierarchy in case of heirarchy
maintained externally.
• $parent_segment_id — If parent_segment_id is set parent_external_segment_id is ignored..
• $no_of_children — Segment No Of children
• $external_segment_id — API users needs to set this if the hierarchy is maintained externally.
• $segment_dimension — Represents root of the tree in case particular segment has multiple sub trees. For
eg: device,os,browser in case tts v2 segments
• $display_name — Represents the last part of the segment name i.e. without the hierarchy
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Segment ID
• primary
int $public_segment_id
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: null
public segment ID
• nillable
string $name
Segment name
string $integration_code
integration code - once an integration code has been set it allows you to lookup up for segment with that code
boolean $active
Active flag. Deactivating any segment pixel that you have shared via Audience Share will remove the corresponding
segment shares, and thus will deactivate any line items -- except your own -- that are targeting this pixel and notify
their owners. See Sharing or unsharing segments in the Audience marketplace for details.
int $repeat_ignore_interval
Default value: '0'
repeat ignore interval
int $post_click_interval
post click interval
The following rules are followed to determine the UI trigger type:
1. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Segment"
2. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval > 0 or NULL then trigger type is "Post-view"
3. if post_click_interval > 0 or NULL and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Post-click"
4. else trigger type is "Post-view and/or Post-click"
• nillable
int $post_view_interval
post view interval
The following rules are followed to determine the UI trigger type:
1. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Segment"
2. if post_click_interval is 0 and post_view_interval > 0 or NULL then trigger type is "Post-view"
3. if post_click_interval > 0 or NULL and post_view_interval is 0 then trigger type is "Post-click"
4. else trigger type is "Post-view and/or Post-click"
• nillable
int $segment_duration
Default value: 0
Segment duration
This field's purpose - pixel expiration/duration period if pixel type is segment. It can be set for segment pixels only.
Pixel treated as as segment when post_click_interval = 0 and post_view_interval = 0. Valid range is 0..2 years (value
is stored in seconds, so the valid range is 0..63072000)
• nillable
boolean $include_by_default
included by default flag
int $advertiser_entity_id
Ignored on update.
advertiser entity id the pixel is bound to
float $exchange_rate
Ignored on update.
Default value: '1'
exchange rate of the currency (if not in dollars)
boolean $is_deleted
Default value: '0'
shows if object is deleted
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on update.
Conversion creation time. Autoset by API.
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
string $hybrid_trigger_type
Default value: 'none'
Indicate what kind of hybrid pixel current pixel is
The complete list of enum values you can see at hybrid_trigger_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'hybrid_trigger_type').
• enum : hybrid_trigger_type
string $property_flags
Default value: null
Indicate Property flags. ('no_frequency_data','no_recency_data') This field should be set only for Y!'s BTRE segments.
int $segment_type_id
Ignored on update.
Default value: NULL
Segment type id. See valid types in Segment Type Enum. Applicable only when $pixel_type = 'Segment'.
The complete list of enum values you can see at 4_enum_segment_type, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'segment_type ').
• enum : segment_type
• nillable
int $segment_manager_entity_id
Ignored on update.
Default value: NULL
Segment manager entity id. Applicable only when $pixel_type = 'Segment'.
• nillable
int $parent_external_segment_id
Default value: NULL
This field can be used to denote the hierarchy in case of heirarchy maintained externally.
• nillable
int $parent_segment_id
Default value: NULL
If parent_segment_id is set parent_external_segment_id is ignored..
• nillable
int $no_of_children
Segment No Of children
int $external_segment_id
API users needs to set this if the hierarchy is maintained externally.
• size : 8
string $segment_dimension
Represents root of the tree in case particular segment has multiple sub trees. For eg: device,os,browser in case tts v2
The complete list of enum values you can see at segment_dimension enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'segment_dimension').
• enum : segment_dimension
string $display_name
Represents the last part of the segment name i.e. without the hierarchy
• size : 50
segment_public_info data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SegmentService
♦ getAncestorsPublicInfo()
♦ getDescendantsPublicInfo()
Fields Summary
• $public_segment_id — public segment ID
• $name — Segment name
• $is_deleted — shows if object is deleted
• $active — Active flag.
• $parent_public_segment_id — parent public segment ID
int $public_segment_id
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: null
public segment ID
• nillable
string $name
Segment name
boolean $is_deleted
Default value: '0'
shows if object is deleted
boolean $active
Active flag.
int $parent_public_segment_id
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: null
parent public segment ID
• nillable
This file contains segment report visibility data type that will be used as part of segment visiblity control
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ReportService
♦ addSegmentReportVisibility()
♦ getSegmentReportVisibility()
♦ updateSegmentReportVisibility()
Fields Summary
• $buyer_id — identifiers of the buyer
• $seller_id — identifiers of the seller
• $show_impressions — Denotes if buyer can see the impressions related reports
• $show_conversions — Denotes if buyer can see the conversions related reports
• $show_clicks — Denotes if buyer can see the clicks related reports
• $show_revenue — Denotes if buyer can see the revenue related reports
• $show_click_through_rate — Denotes if buyer can see the CTR related reports
• $show_conversion_rate — Denotes if buyer can see the conversion rate related reports
• $lastupd
int $buyer_id
identifiers of the buyer
• primary
int $seller_id
identifiers of the seller
• primary
boolean $show_impressions
Default value: true
Denotes if buyer can see the impressions related reports
boolean $show_conversions
Default value: true
Denotes if buyer can see the conversions related reports
boolean $show_clicks
Default value: true
Denotes if buyer can see the clicks related reports
boolean $show_revenue
Default value: true
Denotes if buyer can see the revenue related reports
boolean $show_click_through_rate
Default value: true
Denotes if buyer can see the CTR related reports
boolean $show_conversion_rate
Default value: true
Denotes if buyer can see the conversion rate related reports
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
• private
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ getSegments()
Fields Summary
• $pixel_ids — Pixel ids
• $pixel_name_pattern — Pixel name pattern
array_of_int $pixel_ids
Pixel ids
• nillable
string $pixel_name_pattern
Pixel name pattern
Pixel name pattern - search pattern. Leading and/or trailing wild cards (*) can be added to get results for Pixel names
matching the string provided.
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PixelService
♦ addSegmentShares()
♦ getSegmentShares()
♦ getShareForSegments()
♦ syncSegmentShares()
Fields Summary
• $public_segment_id — Public segment id. Available to both Audience Manager buyers/sellers. Should be
used in buyer/seller communications.
• $network_ids — Seller entity ids to which this segment's targeting is restricted. I.e., this segment may only be
targeted to these sellers. If not set, buyer can target this segment share on any network. Note: Current
implementation allows segment owner to restrict only to their own network.
• $targeted_line_items — Array of line items that are currently targeting this segment.
• $id — Segment share id.
• $private_segment_id — Actual segment id, private to segment's owner. Only available to Audience Manager
• $buyer_entity_id — Data buyer entity id.
int $public_segment_id
Ignored on add and update.
Public segment id. Available to both Audience Manager buyers/sellers. Should be used in buyer/seller
• nillable
array_of_int $network_ids
Seller entity ids to which this segment's targeting is restricted. I.e., this segment may only be targeted to these sellers.
If not set, buyer can target this segment share on any network. Note: Current implementation allows segment owner to
restrict only to their own network.
array_of_int $targeted_line_items
Ignored on add and update.
Array of line items that are currently targeting this segment.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Segment share id.
• size : 8
• primary
int $private_segment_id
Default value: '0'
Actual segment id, private to segment's owner. Only available to Audience Manager sellers.
• size : 8
• field : conversion_id
• object : segment_share
int $buyer_entity_id
Default value: '0'
Data buyer entity id.
• size : 10
• field : adx_buyer_entity_id
• object : segment_share
segment_share_info data type
Fields Summary
• $buyer_id — identifiers of the buyer
• $segment_id — identifiers of the segment
• $public_segment_id — public identifiers of the segment
• $segment_name — name of the segment
• $buyer_name — name of the buyer
int $buyer_id
identifiers of the buyer
int $segment_id
identifiers of the segment
int $public_segment_id
public identifiers of the segment
string $segment_name
name of the segment
string $buyer_name
name of the buyer
Fields Summary
• $domain_url — domain url
• $network_entity_id — network_entity_id
• $publisher_entity_id — publisher_entity_id
string $domain_url
domain url
int $network_entity_id
int $publisher_entity_id
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ContactService
♦ getActiveSessions()
Fields Summary
• $token — session token
• $creation_time — Creation time
• $modification_time — Modification time
• $ip_address — Numeric network address in network byte order. Use a standard inet_ntoa function to convert
to the dotted-quad representation of the address as a string.
• $contact_id — contact id
string $token
session token
dateTime $creation_time
Creation time
dateTime $modification_time
Modification time
string $ip_address
Numeric network address in network byte order. Use a standard inet_ntoa function to convert to the dotted-quad
representation of the address as a string.
int $contact_id
contact id
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SiteService
♦ add()
♦ get()
♦ getAll()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByEntity()
♦ SiteService::getByPublisherDepr()
♦ update()
• entity_data
♦ $site
• publisher_data
♦ $site
Fields Summary
• $id — Site ID. Autoset on creation by SiteService::add()
• $description — Site description
• $publisher_entity_id — ID of publisher, the site belongs to. Set by PublisherService::addSite()
• $active — Site activity flag.
• $default_section_id — ID of site default section
• $uses_section_codes — If TRUE, section code may be used in a tag if $default_section_id is specified.
• $site_url
• $code — Site code. May be used if publisher::$uses_site_codes set to TRUE
• $sections_share_channels
• $vurl_id
• $lastupd
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Site ID. Autoset on creation by SiteService::add()
• size : 10
• primary
string $description
Default value: 'default description'
Site description
• size : 50
int $publisher_entity_id
Ignored on update.
ID of publisher, the site belongs to. Set by PublisherService::addSite()
• size : 10
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Site activity flag.
int $default_section_id
Default value: '0'
ID of site default section
• size : 10
boolean $uses_section_codes
Default value: '0'
If TRUE, section code may be used in a tag if $default_section_id is specified.
string $site_url
• size : 255
string $code
Site code. May be used if publisher::$uses_site_codes set to TRUE
• size : 32
• nillable
int $sections_share_channels
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: '1'
• size : 1
string $vurl_id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
This file defines size_data data type
Fields Summary
• $serial_no — external serial number
• $width — size width
• $height — size height
• $network_learn_price — size network_learn_price
• $size_code — size size_code
• $daily_volume — size daily_volume
• $daily_revenue — size daily_revenue
• $description — size description
int $serial_no
external serial number
int $width
size width
int $height
size height
float $network_learn_price
size network_learn_price
string $size_code
size size_code
int $daily_volume
size daily_volume
float $daily_revenue
size daily_revenue
string $description
size description
See Size Enum for more information on the Size enum.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getSizes()
Fields Summary
• $id — size ID
• $width — size width
• $height — size height
• $network_learn_price — network learn price, in USD
• $daily_volume — size daily volume
• $daily_revenue — size daily revenue, in USD
• $description — size description
int $id
size ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $width
size width
• size : 8
int $height
size height
• size : 8
float $network_learn_price
network learn price, in USD
int $daily_volume
size daily volume
• size : 20
float $daily_revenue
size daily revenue, in USD
string $description
size description
• size : 255
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• segment_attributes
♦ $srt_segment_attributes
Fields Summary
• $linguistic_market — Linguistic market. See valid types in Srt Linguistic Markets Enum. Once
$linguistic_market has been set for a segment. It cannot be changed.
• $match_type — Match type. See valid types in Srt Match Type Enum
• $recency_in_days — Recency in days. See valid types in Srt Recency In Days Enum
enum_srt_linguistic_markets $linguistic_market
Linguistic market. See valid types in Srt Linguistic Markets Enum. Once $linguistic_market has been set for a
segment. It cannot be changed.
enum_srt_match_type $match_type
Match type. See valid types in Srt Match Type Enum
enum_srt_recency_in_days $recency_in_days
Recency in days. See valid types in Srt Recency In Days Enum
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SegmentDefinitionService
♦ srtKeywordsReport()
Fields Summary
• $keyword — SRT keyword
• $match_type — Match type for keyword 'exact' or 'broad'. Notes: empty string in the case of unattributed
impressions, clicks, and conversions where keyword will be listed as 'unattributed'. Broad match contribution
to the segment performance will be listed as a single row with match_type of 'broad' and empty keyword
• $impressions — The number of impressions.
• $clicks — The number of clicks.
• $conversions — The number of conversions.
string $keyword
SRT keyword
string $match_type
Match type for keyword 'exact' or 'broad'. Notes: empty string in the case of unattributed impressions, clicks, and
conversions where keyword will be listed as 'unattributed'. Broad match contribution to the segment performance will
be listed as a single row with match_type of 'broad' and empty keyword string.
int $impressions
The number of impressions.
int $clicks
The number of clicks.
int $conversions
The number of conversions.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SegmentDefinitionService
♦ srtKeywordsGet()
Fields Summary
• $keyword — SRT keyword
• $status — Keyword status
string $keyword
SRT keyword
enum_srt_keyword_status $status
Keyword status
attributes data type
Fields Summary
• $marketplace — Supply rule applicable on Trading Pit, Network of network, Intra Network(Managed) or any
combination of these. See Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
• $selling_technology — Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBD','Hosted'. See Buying
Technology Enum for valid values.
• $publishers — Publishers.
• $custom_groups — Custom groups of managed advertiser ids.
• $content_segments — Content segments.
• $woeids — Woeids.
• $cga_ids — Custom geo area ids.
array_of_enum_buying_selling_marketplace $marketplace
Supply rule applicable on Trading Pit, Network of network, Intra Network(Managed) or any combination of these. See
Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
array_of_enum_selling_technology $selling_technology
Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBD','Hosted'. See Buying Technology Enum for valid values.
blocklist_attribute $publishers
blocklist_attribute $custom_groups
Custom groups of managed advertiser ids.
blocklist_attribute $content_segments
Content segments.
blocklist_attribute $woeids
blocklist_attribute $cga_ids
Custom geo area ids.
supply_blocklist data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SupplyBlocklistService
♦ add()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByObjectId()
♦ update()
Fields Summary
• $id — Supply blocklist ID.
• $name — Supply block list name.
• $description — Supply block list description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID.
• $managed_demand — Complex data type to represent managed advertiser attributes.
• $block_supply — Complex data type to represent supply attributes.
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created supply blocklist.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified supply blocklist.
• $active — Supply blocklist activity flag.
• $created_on — Supply blocklist created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Supply blocklist last updated date/time.
int $id
Ignored on update.
Supply blocklist ID.
• primary
string $name
Supply block list name.
string $description
Supply block list description.
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Owner entity ID.
managed_demand $managed_demand
Complex data type to represent managed advertiser attributes.
supply $block_supply
Complex data type to represent supply attributes.
int $created_by_contact_id
Contact id who created supply blocklist.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Contact id who modified supply blocklist.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Supply blocklist activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Supply blocklist created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Supply blocklist last updated date/time.
supply data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• supply_blocklist
♦ $block_supply
Fields Summary
• $marketplace — Supply rule applicable on Trading Pit, Network of network, Intra Network(Managed) or any
combination of these. See Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
• $selling_technology — Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBS','Hosted'. See Selling
Technology Enum for valid values.
• $publishers — Publishers.
• $woeids — Woeids.
• $cga_ids — Custom geo area ids.
• $sections — Sections.
• $channels — Channels.
• $urls — URLs.
• $ages — Ages.
• $gender — Gender.
• $vurls — Vurls.
array_of_enum_buying_selling_marketplace $marketplace
Supply rule applicable on Trading Pit, Network of network, Intra Network(Managed) or any combination of these. See
Buying Selling Marketplace Enum for valid values.
array_of_enum_selling_technology $selling_technology
Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBS','Hosted'. See Selling Technology Enum for valid values.
publisher_list $publishers
rule_attribute $woeids
rule_attribute $cga_ids
Custom geo area ids.
rule_attribute $sections
rule_attribute $channels
rule_attribute_names $urls
rule_attribute_ids $ages
gender $gender
rule_vurl_data $vurls
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getSupportedLocales()
Fields Summary
• $id — Locale ID
• $locale — Locale name
• $description — Locale description
int $id
Locale ID
• size : 5
• primary
string $locale
Locale name
• size : 100
string $description
Locale description
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• CreativeService
♦ addSupportingFiles()
• PlacementService
♦ PlacementService::addCreative()
Fields Summary
• $filename — the file name of the ad to be uploaded
• $data — the actual binary data of the ad to be uploaded
string $filename
the file name of the ad to be uploaded
binary $data
the actual binary data of the ad to be uploaded
sync_segment_response data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SegmentService
♦ syncSegments()
Fields Summary
• $result — status of the operation
• $sync_result — enum of (created/updated/deleted/unchanged) to be used incase of $result is true
• $external_segment_id — for mapping to the input request
• $segment_id — id of segment thats created/modified
• $error_message — to be used in case result is false
boolean $result
status of the operation
string $sync_result
enum of (created/updated/deleted/unchanged) to be used incase of $result is true
The complete list of enum values you can see at sync_result enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'sync_result').
• enum : sync_result
int $external_segment_id
for mapping to the input request
int $segment_id
id of segment thats created/modified
string $error_message
to be used in case result is false
Fields Summary
• $tag_id
• $emails
int $tag_id
array_of_string $emails
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Advertisers
Fields Summary
• $advertiser_default
• $advertiser_ids
boolean $advertiser_default
array_of_int $advertiser_ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Ages
Fields Summary
• $age_default — Default age
• $target_age — Target ages
boolean $age_default
Default age
array_of_int $target_age
Target ages
Fields Summary
• $section_group_ids — section group id list
array_of_int $section_group_ids
section group id list
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Browsers
Fields Summary
• $browser_default
• $browser_ids — List of browser's ids
boolean $browser_default
array_of_int $browser_ids
List of browser's ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Buyers
Fields Summary
• $buyer_entity_default
• $buyer_ids — List of buyer entity ids
boolean $buyer_entity_default
array_of_int $buyer_ids
List of buyer entity ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $BuyerLineItems
Fields Summary
• $buyer_line_item_default — Default treatment flag
• $line_items — Array if line item ids
boolean $buyer_line_item_default
Default treatment flag
array_of_int $line_items
Array if line item ids
Fields Summary
• $target_cga — Target CGA
• $cga_ids — List of cgas
boolean $target_cga
Target CGA
array_of_int $cga_ids
List of cgas
NOTE: Inventory classified with one of the IASH categories does not automatically imply that the inventory is in fact
IASH compliant or that Yahoo Ad Exchange is making any representations or warranties about the IASH status of
such inventory. The IASH categories have been made available on the Exchange for purposes of convenience.
Individual IASH networks are solely responsible for managing and categorizing their inventory according to and
complying with IASH code of conduct. Targeting to both an IASH channel and a non-IASH channel may result in only
the non-IASH channel being targeted.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Channels
Fields Summary
• $channel_default — Default treatment flag
• $include_channel_ids — List of included channel ids
• $exclude_channel_ids — List of excluded channel ids
boolean $channel_default
Default treatment flag
array_of_int $include_channel_ids
List of included channel ids
array_of_int $exclude_channel_ids
List of excluded channel ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $ClickUrls
Fields Summary
• $click_url_default
• $urls — List of URL patterns in effect
boolean $click_url_default
array_of_string $urls
List of URL patterns in effect
Fields Summary
• $click_url_default
• $urls — List of URL patterns in effect
• $total_count
string $click_url_default
array_of_string $urls
List of URL patterns in effect
int $total_count
Fields Summary
• $click_url_default
• $urls — List of URL patterns in effect
• $total_count
boolean $click_url_default
array_of_string $urls
List of URL patterns in effect
int $total_count
Fields Summary
• $country_include — Country include
• $country_id — List of countries id
boolean $country_include
Country include
array_of_int $country_id
List of countries id
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $CreativeBeacons
Fields Summary
• $creative_beacon_default
• $creative_beacon_id — Creative beacons list
boolean $creative_beacon_default
array_of_int $creative_beacon_id
Creative beacons list
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $CreativeBeacons
♦ $CreativeTags
♦ $Creatives
Fields Summary
• $creative_default — Creative default
• $creative_ids — Creative id list
boolean $creative_default
Creative default
array_of_int $creative_ids
Creative id list
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $CreativeTags
Fields Summary
• $creative_tag_id — Creative tags list
array_of_int $creative_tag_id
Creative tags list
Fields Summary
• $section_ids — section group id list
array_of_int $section_ids
section group id list
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Dayparts
Fields Summary
• $relative_time_region_id — ID of a region targeting is relative to (0 - relative to user's time, otherwise relative
to the region specified by this ID)
• $dayparts — List of dayparts when creative may be shown
int $relative_time_region_id
ID of a region targeting is relative to (0 - relative to user's time, otherwise relative to the region specified by this ID)
array_of_daypart $dayparts
List of dayparts when creative may be shown
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• placement
♦ $frequency_target
• targetings
♦ $Frequency
Fields Summary
• $frequency
• $period
int $frequency
• nillable
int $period
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Gender
Fields Summary
• $include_male_gender — show or not to show creatives to users of a male gender
• $include_female_gender — show or not to show creatives to users of a female gender
• $include_unknown_gender — show or not to show creatives to users when gender information is not
boolean $include_male_gender
show or not to show creatives to users of a male gender
boolean $include_female_gender
show or not to show creatives to users of a female gender
boolean $include_unknown_gender
show or not to show creatives to users when gender information is not available
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• placement
♦ $geo_target
• targetings
♦ $Geography
Fields Summary
• $use_regions — Switch between country & region or DMA usage
• $country_ids — List of country ids
• $region_ids — List of region ids
• $dma_ids — List of DMA ids
boolean $use_regions
Switch between country & region or DMA usage
array_of_int $country_ids
List of country ids
array_of_int $region_ids
List of region ids
array_of_int $dma_ids
List of DMA ids
This file defines ivc_hidden_params data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ivc_hidden_params
♦ $targeting_hidden_params
Fields Summary
• $url — IVC hidden parameter for URL
• $content_segments — IVC hidden parameter for content segments
• $sub_domain — IVC hidden parameter for Sub domain.
boolean $url
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for URL
boolean $content_segments
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for content segments
boolean $sub_domain
Default value: '0'
IVC hidden parameter for Sub domain.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ get()
♦ getByObject()
Fields Summary
• $Sizes — List of creative sizes
• $Sections — List of sections
• $Languages — List of languags
• $Netspeeds — list of netspeeds
• $InventoryTypes — List of inventory types
• $Publishers — List of publisher entitys
• $Urls — List of URL patterns in effect
• $ClickUrls — List of click URL patterns in effect
• $Browsers — List of browsers
• $Isps — List of ISPs
• $Channels — List of excluded channels
• $Rating — Target rating
• $Frequency — Target Frequency
• $Geography — Targeting rules on region, country and msa
• $GeographyV2 — Targeting rules on woeid and cga
• $Gender — Object of target_gender
• $Dayparts — List of dayparts when creative may be shown
• $Pixels — Objects of target_pixel
• $QueryString — Query string
• $VurlTags — List of validated url tags
• $ValidatedUrls — List of validated urls
• $Advertisers — List of entity ids
• $DealProperties — Object of deal properties
• $Ages — List of target ages
• $CreativeTags — Creative tags list
• $CreativeBeacons — Creative beacon list
• $CreativeSpecs — Creative specs object
• $Creatives — Creatives list
• $BuyerLineItems — Array of buyer line items
• $SellerLineItems — Array of seller line items
• $OfferTypes — List of offer types
• $Buyers — List of buyer entities
target_size $Sizes
List of creative sizes
• nillable
target_section $Sections
List of sections
• nillable
target_language $Languages
List of languags
• nillable
target_netspeed $Netspeeds
list of netspeeds
• nillable
target_inventory_type $InventoryTypes
List of inventory types
• nillable
target_publisher_entity $Publishers
List of publisher entitys
• nillable
target_url $Urls
List of URL patterns in effect
• nillable
target_click_url $ClickUrls
List of click URL patterns in effect
• nillable
target_browser $Browsers
List of browsers
• nillable
target_isp $Isps
List of ISPs
• nillable
target_channel $Channels
List of excluded channels
• nillable
target_rating $Rating
Target rating
target_frequency $Frequency
Target Frequency
target_geography $Geography
Targeting rules on region, country and msa
• nillable
target_woeid_cga $GeographyV2
Targeting rules on woeid and cga
• nillable
target_gender $Gender
Object of target_gender
• nillable
target_daypart $Dayparts
List of dayparts when creative may be shown
• nillable
target_pixels $Pixels
Objects of target_pixel
• from : conversion
• nillable
target_querystring $QueryString
Query string
• nillable
target_vurl_tag $VurlTags
List of validated url tags
• nillable
target_vurl $ValidatedUrls
List of validated urls
• nillable
target_advertiser_entity $Advertisers
List of entity ids
• nillable
deal_properties $DealProperties
Object of deal properties
• nillable
target_age $Ages
List of target ages
• nillable
target_creative_tag $CreativeTags
Creative tags list
• nillable
target_creative_beacon $CreativeBeacons
Creative beacon list
• nillable
creative_specs $CreativeSpecs
Creative specs object
• nillable
target_creative $Creatives
Creatives list
• nillable
target_buyer_line_item $BuyerLineItems
Array of buyer line items
• nillable
target_seller_line_item $SellerLineItems
Array of seller line items
• nillable
target_offer_type $OfferTypes
List of offer types
• nillable
target_buyer_entity $Buyers
List of buyer entities
• nillable
Fields Summary
• $inventory_media_type_default
• $inventory_media_type_ids — List of inventory media type's ids
boolean $inventory_media_type_default
array_of_int $inventory_media_type_ids
List of inventory media type's ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $InventoryTypes
Fields Summary
• $inventory_type_default
• $inventory_type_ids — List of inventory type's ids
boolean $inventory_type_default
array_of_int $inventory_type_ids
List of inventory type's ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Isps
Fields Summary
• $isp_default
• $isp_ids — List of ISP's ids
boolean $isp_default
array_of_int $isp_ids
List of ISP's ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Languages
Fields Summary
• $language_default
• $language_ids — List of language ids
boolean $language_default
array_of_int $language_ids
List of language ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getMobileCarriers()
Fields Summary
• $mobile_id — mobile id
• $country — country
• $carrier — carrier
int $mobile_id
mobile id
• nillable
string $country
• nillable
string $carrier
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getMobileOSs()
Fields Summary
• $mobile_id — mobile id
• $os — os
int $mobile_id
mobile id
• nillable
string $os
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Netspeeds
Fields Summary
• $netspeed_default
• $netspeed_ids — List of netspeed ids
boolean $netspeed_default
array_of_int $netspeed_ids
List of netspeed ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $OfferTypes
Fields Summary
• $offer_type_default — Default treatment flag
• $offer_type_ids — List of creative size's ids
boolean $offer_type_default
Default treatment flag
array_of_int $offer_type_ids
List of creative size's ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ getTargetContentCategories()
♦ getTargetPixels()
♦ setTargetContentCategories()
♦ setTargetPixels()
• target_pixels
♦ $target_pixels
• targetings
♦ $Pixels
Fields Summary
• $conversion_id — Conversion ID. Should be empty if this segment does not belong to you.
• $public_segment_id — Public segment ID
• $negated — If true, limits delivery to users who have not seen the pixel. Otherwise, to users who have seen
the pixel.
• $seconds_since_conversion — If given, limits delivery to users who have seen/not seen the pixel (depending
on $negated) within this time interval (in seconds).
• $frequency_min — If given, limits delivery to users who have seen/not seen the pixel (depending on
$negated) at least this number of times (Min: 0, Max: 255).
int $conversion_id
Conversion ID. Should be empty if this segment does not belong to you.
• nillable
int $public_segment_id
Public segment ID
boolean $negated
Default value: '0'
If true, limits delivery to users who have not seen the pixel. Otherwise, to users who have seen the pixel.
int $seconds_since_conversion
If given, limits delivery to users who have seen/not seen the pixel (depending on $negated) within this time interval (in
• nillable
int $frequency_min
If given, limits delivery to users who have seen/not seen the pixel (depending on $negated) at least this number of
times (Min: 0, Max: 255).
• nillable
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Pixels
Fields Summary
• $require_all — if true - limiting delivery only to those who have seen the pixel, false - otherwise
• $target_pixels
• $logical_expression — Logical expression
boolean $require_all
if true - limiting delivery only to those who have seen the pixel, false - otherwise
• var : require all pixels
array_of_target_pixel $target_pixels
string $logical_expression
Logical expression
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ get()
♦ getAllSince()
♦ getByObject()
♦ updateTargetProfile()
Fields Summary
• $creative_beacon_default
• $id
• $name
• $entity_id
• $time_relative_to — The complete list of enum values you can see at time_relative_to enum page, at run
time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'time_relative_to').
• $relative_time_region_id — The complete list of enum values you can see at region enum page, at run time
you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'region').
• $time_include
• $country_include
• $section_default
• $gmt_offset
• $target_msa
• $target_woeid
• $target_cga
• $show_to_unknown
• $age_default
• $netspeed_default
• $seller_entity_default
• $browser_default
• $size_default
• $active
• $created_on
• $lastupd
• $language_default
• $channel_default
• $inventory_type_default
• $offer_type_default
• $max_mpaa_rating — The complete list of enum values you can see at max_rating enum page, at run time
you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'max_rating').
• $creative_specs_id
• $buyer_entity_default
• $creative_default
• $frequency_period
• $frequency_exposures
• $isp_default
• $url_default
• $click_url_default
• $click_url_rtbd_default
• $click_url_hosted_default
• $line_item_default
• $buyer_line_item_default
• $seller_line_item_default
• $site_default
• $querystring_default
• $require_all_querystrings
• $querystring_logic_expression
• $require_all_conversions
• $pixel_logic_expression
• $vurl_default
• $vurl_category_default
• $require_audited_vurl
• $no_adware
• $no_click_fraud — For configuring VURL targets.Set to 0 will serve to the URLs of sites with suspicious
• $rmx_100_only
• $rmx_250_only
• $advertiser_default
• $include_male_gender
• $include_female_gender
• $include_unknown_gender
• $no_foreign_language_vurls
• $approved_vurls_only
• $active_vurls_only
• $is_default
• $default_profile_name — Name of target profile if it is default
• $creative_tag_default
• $pvt_marketplace_default
• $inventory_media_type_default
boolean $creative_beacon_default
Default value: 1
int $id
• size : 8
• primary
string $name
Default value: 'No Name Set'
• size : 255
int $entity_id
• size : 10
string $time_relative_to
Default value: 'User'
The complete list of enum values you can see at time_relative_to enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'time_relative_to').
• enum : time_relative_to
int $relative_time_region_id
Default value: 34
The complete list of enum values you can see at region enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'region').
• size : 5
• enum : region
boolean $time_include
Default value: 0
boolean $country_include
Default value: 0
boolean $section_default
Default value: 1
int $gmt_offset
Default value: 0
• size : 9
boolean $target_msa
Default value: 0
boolean $target_woeid
Default value: 0
boolean $target_cga
Default value: 0
boolean $show_to_unknown
Default value: 1
boolean $age_default
Default value: 1
boolean $netspeed_default
Default value: 1
boolean $seller_entity_default
Default value: 1
boolean $browser_default
Default value: 1
boolean $size_default
Default value: 1
boolean $active
Default value: 1
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on update.
• nillable
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
• nillable
boolean $language_default
Default value: 1
boolean $channel_default
Default value: 1
boolean $inventory_type_default
Default value: 1
boolean $offer_type_default
Default value: 1
string $max_mpaa_rating
Default value: 'Any'
The complete list of enum values you can see at max_rating enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'max_rating').
• enum : max_rating
int $creative_specs_id
Default value: NULL
• size : 10
• nillable
boolean $buyer_entity_default
Default value: 1
boolean $creative_default
Default value: 1
int $frequency_period
Default value: 0
• size : 11
• nillable
int $frequency_exposures
Default value: 0
• size : 9
• nillable
boolean $isp_default
Default value: 1
boolean $url_default
Default value: 1
boolean $click_url_default
Default value: 1
boolean $click_url_rtbd_default
Default value: 1
boolean $click_url_hosted_default
Default value: 1
boolean $line_item_default
Default value: 1
boolean $buyer_line_item_default
Default value: 1
boolean $seller_line_item_default
Default value: 1
boolean $site_default
Default value: 1
boolean $querystring_default
Default value: 1
boolean $require_all_querystrings
Default value: 0
string $querystring_logic_expression
Default value: NULL
• size : 1024
boolean $require_all_conversions
Default value: 1
string $pixel_logic_expression
Default value: NULL
• size : 1024
boolean $vurl_default
Default value: 1
boolean $vurl_category_default
Default value: 1
boolean $require_audited_vurl
Default value: 0
boolean $no_adware
Default value: 0
boolean $no_click_fraud
Default value: 0
For configuring VURL targets.Set to 0 will serve to the URLs of sites with suspicious traffic.
Set to 1 will not serve to URLs of sites with suspicious traffic
boolean $rmx_100_only
Default value: 0
boolean $rmx_250_only
Default value: 0
boolean $advertiser_default
Default value: 1
boolean $include_male_gender
Default value: 1
boolean $include_female_gender
Default value: 1
boolean $include_unknown_gender
Default value: 1
boolean $no_foreign_language_vurls
Default value: 0
boolean $approved_vurls_only
Default value: 0
boolean $active_vurls_only
Default value: 0
int $is_default
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 1
• nillable
string $default_profile_name
Name of target profile if it is default
• size : 127
• nillable
boolean $creative_tag_default
Ignored on add and update.
Default value: 1
boolean $pvt_marketplace_default
Default value: 1
boolean $inventory_media_type_default
Default value: 2
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Publishers
Fields Summary
• $seller_entity_default
• $publisher_entity_ids — List of publisher entity ids
boolean $seller_entity_default
array_of_int $publisher_entity_ids
List of publisher entity ids
Fields Summary
• $pvt_marketplace_default — Default
• $pvt_marketplace_ids — Target Private Markeplaces
boolean $pvt_marketplace_default
array_of_int $pvt_marketplace_ids
Target Private Markeplaces
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $QueryString
Fields Summary
• $query_string_option — Query string option
• $query_strings
• $query_string_logical_expression
enum_query_string_option $query_string_option
Query string option
array_of_string $query_strings
string $query_string_logical_expression
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Rating
Fields Summary
• $max_mpaa_rating — Maximum allowed rating
string $max_mpaa_rating
Maximum allowed rating
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• placement
♦ $section_target
• targetings
♦ $Sections
Fields Summary
• $section_default — this flag let you specify how to treat the elements of section_ids array. If it is set to true not listed sections are allowed, false - not listed sections are forbidden.
• $section_ids — the array of section IDs
boolean $section_default
this flag let you specify how to treat the elements of section_ids array. If it is set to true - not listed sections are
allowed, false - not listed sections are forbidden.
array_of_int $section_ids
the array of section IDs
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $SellerLineItems
Fields Summary
• $seller_line_item_default — Default treatment flag
• $line_items — Array if line item ids
boolean $seller_line_item_default
Default treatment flag
array_of_int $line_items
Array if line item ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Sizes
Fields Summary
• $size_default — Target profile size_default
• $size_ids — List of creative size's ids
boolean $size_default
Target profile size_default
array_of_int $size_ids
List of creative size's ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $Urls
Fields Summary
• $url_default
• $urls — List of URL patterns in effect
boolean $url_default
array_of_string $urls
List of URL patterns in effect
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $ValidatedUrls
♦ $VurlTags
Fields Summary
• $options
• $vurl_ids
vurl_options $options
array_of_int $vurl_ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $VurlTags
Fields Summary
• $vurl_tag_ids
array_of_int $vurl_tag_ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $GeographyV2
Fields Summary
• $woeids — List of woeids
• $cga_ids — List of cga ids
array_of_int $woeids
List of woeids
array_of_int $cga_ids
List of cga ids
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• targetings
♦ $GeographyV2
Fields Summary
• $target_woeid — Target Woeid
• $woeids — List of woeids
boolean $target_woeid
Target Woeid
array_of_int $woeids
List of woeids
techno_data data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getTechnoDimensions()
♦ getTechnoIds()
Fields Summary
• $techno_id — Techno id
• $parent_techno_id — This field can be used to denote the hierarchy.
• $name — Techo name
• $display_name — Techno display name
int $techno_id
Techno id
int $parent_techno_id
This field can be used to denote the hierarchy.
string $name
Techo name
string $display_name
Techno display name
id data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• marketplace_settings
♦ $buyer_tpbe_prefs
♦ $seller_tpbe_prefs
Fields Summary
• $tpbe_id — TPBE ID.
• $preference_order — Preferences order - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1 - highest. 5 - lowest.
• $forex_currency_id — Forex currency id - preferred currency of business with TPBE
• $active — Active flag
int $tpbe_id
• size : 2
• primary
int $preference_order
Default value: '1'
Preferences order - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1 - highest. 5 - lowest.
• size : 1
int $forex_currency_id
Default value: '153'
Forex currency id - preferred currency of business with TPBE
• size : 3
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Active flag
trading data type
Fields Summary
• $id — Exchange wide blocklist id for trading pit.
• $name — Trading pit blocklist name.
• $description — Trading pit blocklist description.
• $entity_id — Owner entity ID
• $supply — Complex data type to represent supply attributes.
• $demand — Complex data type to represent demand attributes.
• $created_by_contact_id — Contact id who created trading pit blocklist.
• $modified_by_contact_id — Contact id who modified trading pit blocklist.
• $active — Trading pit blocklist activity flag.
• $created_on — Trading pit blocklist created on date/time.
• $lastupd — Trading pit blocklist last updated date/time.
int $id
Ignored on update.
Exchange wide blocklist id for trading pit.
• primary
string $name
Trading pit blocklist name.
string $description
Trading pit blocklist description.
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
Owner entity ID
trading_pit_supply $supply
Complex data type to represent supply attributes.
trading_pit_demand $demand
Complex data type to represent demand attributes.
int $created_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
Contact id who created trading pit blocklist.
int $modified_by_contact_id
Ignored on add and update.
Contact id who modified trading pit blocklist.
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
Trading pit blocklist activity flag.
dateTime $created_on
Ignored on add and update.
Trading pit blocklist created on date/time.
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Trading pit blocklist last updated date/time.
trading data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• trading_pit_demand
♦ $creative_tags
Fields Summary
• $creative_policy_tags — Creative policy tags.
• $creative_specs — Creative specs.
• $creative_themes — Creative themes.
• $creative_languages — Creative languages.
• $creative_beacons — Creative beacons.
• $include — Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular segments specified in
$creative_specs, $creative_themes, $creative_beacons, $creative_languages arrays.
array_of_id_name $creative_policy_tags
Creative policy tags.
array_of_id_name $creative_specs
Creative specs.
array_of_id_name $creative_themes
Creative themes.
array_of_id_name $creative_languages
Creative languages.
array_of_id_name $creative_beacons
Creative beacons.
boolean $include
Include is set "true" to include or "false" to exclude particular segments specified in $creative_specs,
$creative_themes, $creative_beacons, $creative_languages arrays.
trading data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• trading_pit_blocklist
♦ $demand
Fields Summary
• $buying_technology — Array of buying technology 'RTBD', 'Hosted'. See Buying Technology Enum for valid
• $creative_tags — Creative tag ids for creative_specs, creative_themes, creative_languages,
• $click_urls — Click Urls.
• $offer_types — Offer types.
array_of_enum_buying_technology $buying_technology
Array of buying technology 'RTBD', 'Hosted'. See Buying Technology Enum for valid values.
trading_pit_creative_properties $creative_tags
Creative tag ids for creative_specs, creative_themes, creative_languages, creative_beacons.
rule_attribute_names $click_urls
Click Urls.
rule_attribute $offer_types
Offer types.
trading data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• trading_pit_blocklist
♦ $supply
Fields Summary
• $selling_technology — Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBS','Hosted'. See Selling
Technology Enum for valid values.
• $woeids — Woeids.
• $urls — URLs.
• $ages — Ages.
• $vurls — Vurls.
array_of_enum_selling_technology $selling_technology
Array of selling technology. Allowed values are 'RTBS','Hosted'. See Selling Technology Enum for valid values.
rule_attribute $woeids
rule_attribute_names $urls
rule_attribute_ids $ages
rule_vurl_data $vurls
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• NotificationService
♦ addTMAlert()
♦ getAllTMAlerts()
♦ getTMAlert()
♦ updateTMAlert()
Fields Summary
• $id — Alert ID
• $name — Alert name
• $description — Alert description
• $entity_id — Entity ID, the alert belong to.
• $contact_id — Contact ID
• $active — Activity flag
• $domain — Domain
• $use_all_objects — Use all objects
• $use_all_objects_secondary — Use all objects (secondary) should be used only in case of arbitrage
• $min_imps — Minimum imps
• $max_imps — Maximum imps
• $min_volume — Minimum volume
• $max_volume — Maximum volume
• $pct_decrease — PCT decrease
• $pct_increase — PCT increase
• $min_losses_pct — min_losses_pct
• $sigma_multiplier — Sigma multiplier
• $metric_type — Metric type
• $is_daily — Daily alert
• $is_hourly — Hourly alert
• $min_metric_value — Minimum metric value
• $max_metric_value — Maximum metric value
• $version — Version
• $analysis_scheme — Analysis Scheme
• $selected_entity_ids — Selected Entities IDs should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_entity table
• $selected_entity_ids_secondary — Selected Entities IDs Secondary will be filled only in case of arbitrage
should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_entity table
• $emails — Emails should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_email table
• $tm_environment — TM Environment (Q/A, Production, Test), Could be set only by traffic monitor
• $selected_line_item_ids — Line Items IDs should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_line_item table
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Alert ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
Alert name
• size : 50
string $description
Alert description
• size : 255
• nillable
int $entity_id
Ignored on update.
Entity ID, the alert belong to.
• size : 10
int $contact_id
Ignored on update.
Contact ID
• size : 10
boolean $active
Default value: '1'
Activity flag
string $domain
The complete list of enum values you can see at tma_domain enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'tma_domain').
• enum : tma_domain
boolean $use_all_objects
Default value: '0'
Use all objects
boolean $use_all_objects_secondary
Default value: '0'
Use all objects (secondary) should be used only in case of arbitrage
int $min_imps
Default value: '0'
Minimum imps
• size : 10
int $max_imps
Default value: '0'
Maximum imps
• size : 10
float $min_volume
Minimum volume
• nillable
float $max_volume
Maximum volume
• nillable
float $pct_decrease
PCT decrease
• nillable
float $pct_increase
PCT increase
• nillable
float $min_losses_pct
Default value: NULL
• nillable
float $sigma_multiplier
Sigma multiplier
• nillable
string $metric_type
Metric type
The complete list of enum values you can see at tma_metric_type enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'tma_metric_type').
• enum : tma_metric_type
boolean $is_daily
Default value: '0'
Daily alert
boolean $is_hourly
Default value: '0'
Hourly alert
float $min_metric_value
Minimum metric value
• nillable
float $max_metric_value
Maximum metric value
• nillable
int $version
Default value: '1'
• size : 6
int $analysis_scheme
Default value: '1'
Analysis Scheme
• size : 6
• nillable
array_of_int $selected_entity_ids
Selected Entities IDs should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_entity table
array_of_int $selected_entity_ids_secondary
Selected Entities IDs Secondary will be filled only in case of arbitrage should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_entity
array_of_string $emails
Emails should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_email table
string $tm_environment
TM Environment (Q/A, Production, Test), Could be set only by traffic monitor
The complete list of enum values you can see at tma_tm_environment enum page, at run time you can get all of them
using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'tma_tm_environment').
• enum : tma_tm_environment
array_of_int $selected_line_item_ids
Line Items IDs should be set/get from traf_monitor_alert_line_item table
valid_vurl data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• vurl_data
♦ $valid_urls_data
Fields Summary
• $id — Vurl id.
• $url — Vurl.
int $id
Vurl id.
string $url
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• ad_tag_options
♦ $vast_tag
Fields Summary
• $vast_verstion — VAST version number "2" or "3"
• $vast_type_id — VAST Type Id see VAST Type Table for additional information.
• $vast_placement_type_id — Placement type ID see Placement Type Table for additional information.
• $min_duration — Minimum duration of the video
• $max_duration — Maximum duration of the video
int $vast_verstion
VAST version number "2" or "3"
int $vast_type_id
VAST Type Id see VAST Type Table for additional information.
int $vast_placement_type_id
Placement type ID see Placement Type Table for additional information.
int $min_duration
Minimum duration of the video
int $max_duration
Maximum duration of the video
See Video Api Framework Type Enum for more information.
Fields Summary
• $id — Video api frameworke ID
• $video_api_framework — Video api framework type
int $id
Video api frameworke ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $video_api_framework
Video api framework type
• size : 30
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• creative
♦ $video_creative
• placement_creative
♦ $video_creative
Fields Summary
• $vast_ad_tag_uri — Identifying vast tag from a secondary ad server for wrapper Ad
• $video_vast_type_id — Video vast type ID see VAST Type Table for additional information.
• $duration — Media duration in seconds
• $version
• $video_placement_type_id — Placement type ID see Placement Type Table for additional information.
string $vast_ad_tag_uri
Identifying vast tag from a secondary ad server for wrapper Ad
• size : 10000
int $video_vast_type_id
Video vast type ID see VAST Type Table for additional information.
• size : 3
int $duration
Media duration in seconds
• size : 10
string $version
• size : 5,3
int $video_placement_type_id
Placement type ID see Placement Type Table for additional information.
• size : 3
See Video Delivery Type Enum for more information.
Fields Summary
• $id — Video delivery ID
• $video_delivery — Video delivery type
int $id
Video delivery ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $video_delivery
Video delivery type
• size : 100
See Video Placement Type Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getVideoPlacementType()
Fields Summary
• $id — Video placement ID
• $placement_type — Video Placement Type
int $id
Video placement ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $placement_type
Video Placement Type
• size : 100
See Video Vast Type Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getVideoVastType()
Fields Summary
• $id — Video vast type ID
• $video_vast_type — video vast type
int $id
Video vast type ID
• size : 3
• primary
string $video_vast_type
video vast type
• size : 100
See Vurl Category Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getVurlCategories()
• TargetProfileService
♦ TargetProfileService::getVurlCategoriesDepr()
Fields Summary
• $id — category ID
• $name — category name
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
category ID
• size : 10
• primary
string $name
category name
• size : 64
vurl_data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ validateVurls()
Fields Summary
• $valid_urls_data — Valid url data.
• $invalid_urls — Invalid url.
array_of_valid_vurl $valid_urls_data
Valid url data.
array_of_string $invalid_urls
Invalid url.
vurl_get_data data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• PreferredTermsService
♦ getVurls()
• SupplyBlocklistService
♦ getVurls()
Fields Summary
• $id — Vurl ID.
• $vurl — Vurl.
• $is_selected — Is select valid url.
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
Vurl ID.
string $vurl
boolean $is_selected
Is select valid url.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ searchVurls()
• target_vurl
♦ $options
Fields Summary
• $id — validated URL ID
• $active — activity flag
• $url — URL string
• $vurl_category_id — category ID this vurl object belongs to
• $is_rmx_100 — rmx top 100 property
• $is_rmx_250 — rmx top 250 property
• $is_adware — adware property
• $is_click_fraud — click fraud property
• $is_audited — audited property
• $description — vurl object description
• $vurl_parent_id — parent ID
• $foreign_lang — foreign language property
• $minimum_brandsafe_level — minimum brandsafe level
• $created_by — Created by The complete list of enum values you can see at created_by enum page, at run
time you can get all of them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'created_by').
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
validated URL ID
• size : 10
• primary
boolean $active
Default value: '0'
activity flag
string $url
Default value: ''
URL string
• size : 160
int $vurl_category_id
Default value: '0'
category ID this vurl object belongs to
• size : 10
boolean $is_rmx_100
Default value: '0'
rmx top 100 property
boolean $is_rmx_250
Default value: '0'
rmx top 250 property
boolean $is_adware
Default value: '0'
adware property
boolean $is_click_fraud
Default value: '0'
click fraud property
boolean $is_audited
Default value: '0'
audited property
string $description
Default value: ''
vurl object description
• size : 128
int $vurl_parent_id
Default value: '0'
parent ID
• size : 10
boolean $foreign_lang
Default value: '0'
foreign language property
enum_minimum_brandsafe_level $minimum_brandsafe_level
Default value: '0'
minimum brandsafe level
string $created_by
Created by The complete list of enum values you can see at created_by enum page, at run time you can get all of
them using DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'created_by').
• enum : created_by
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ getTargetValidatedUrls()
♦ TargetProfileService::getTargetValidatedUrlsDepr()
♦ setTargetValidatedUrls()
• target_vurl
♦ $options
Fields Summary
• $vurl_default — this flag let you specify how to treat the elements of $vurl_ids array for the
setTargetValidatedUrls and getTargetValidatedUrls calls.
• $vurl_category_default — default category
• $require_audited_vurl — is audited vurl required
• $rmx_100_only — rmx top 100 property
• $rmx_250_only — rmx top 250 property
• $no_adware — adware property
• $no_click_fraud — click fraud property
• $no_foreign_language — foreign language property
• $no_banned — banned property
• $no_inactive — inactive property
• $banned_vurl_categories — the list of banned vurl categories
boolean $vurl_default
Default value: '1'
this flag let you specify how to treat the elements of $vurl_ids array for the setTargetValidatedUrls and
getTargetValidatedUrls calls.
boolean $vurl_category_default
Default value: '1'
default category
boolean $require_audited_vurl
Default value: '0'
is audited vurl required
boolean $rmx_100_only
Default value: '0'
rmx top 100 property
boolean $rmx_250_only
Default value: '0'
rmx top 250 property
boolean $no_adware
Default value: '0'
adware property
boolean $no_click_fraud
Default value: '0'
click fraud property
boolean $no_foreign_language
foreign language property
boolean $no_banned
banned property
boolean $no_inactive
inactive property
array_of_int $banned_vurl_categories
the list of banned vurl categories
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• TargetProfileService
♦ searchVurls()
Fields Summary
• $ids — seek only with given ids
• $pattern — search pattern
• $description — search description pattern
• $parent
• $category_ids — seek only among the following categories
• $rmx_100_only — seek only with rmx top 100 property
• $rmx_250_only — seek only with rmx top 250 property
• $is_adware — seek only with adware property
• $is_click_fraud — seek only with click fraud property
• $is_audited — seek only with audited property
• $is_foreign_language — seek only with foreign language property
• $is_active — seek only among active objects
• $minimum_brandsafe_levels — seek only with minimum_brandsafe_level in
array_of_int $ids
seek only with given ids
• nillable
string $pattern
Default value: 'a*'
search pattern
• nillable
string $description
search description pattern
• nillable
string $parent
• nillable
array_of_int $category_ids
seek only among the following categories
• nillable
boolean $rmx_100_only
seek only with rmx top 100 property
• nillable
boolean $rmx_250_only
seek only with rmx top 250 property
• nillable
boolean $is_adware
seek only with adware property
• nillable
boolean $is_click_fraud
seek only with click fraud property
• nillable
boolean $is_audited
seek only with audited property
• nillable
boolean $is_foreign_language
seek only with foreign language property
• nillable
boolean $is_active
seek only among active objects
• nillable
array_of_enum_minimum_brandsafe_level $minimum_brandsafe_levels
seek only with minimum_brandsafe_level in
• nillable
See Vurl Tag Enum for more information.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getVurlTags()
Fields Summary
• $id
• $primary_category
• $secondary_category
• $tertiary_category
• $tag
• $entity_id
• $is_media_guard
• $ui_order
• $is_enabled
• $brandsafe_level
• $lastupd
int $id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
• primary
string $primary_category
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 100
string $secondary_category
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 100
string $tertiary_category
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 100
string $tag
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 255
int $entity_id
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 10
int $is_media_guard
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 1
float $ui_order
Ignored on add and update.
int $is_enabled
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 1
int $brandsafe_level
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 6
dateTime $lastupd
Ignored on add and update.
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• DictionaryService
♦ getWoeidDetails()
Fields Summary
• $woeid — Woe ID
• $level — Level
• $parent_woeid — Parent WOEID
• $parent_woeid2 — Parent WOEID2
• $description — Description
• $iso — Country ISO
• $display_name — Display name
• $exposed — Flag to indicate if the woeid id exposed for targeting
• $legacy — Determines if it is a legacy geo entity
• $breadcrumb — Breadcrumb
int $woeid
Ignored on add and update.
Woe ID
• size : 10
• primary
int $level
Ignored on add and update.
The complete list of enum values you can see at woeid_level enum page, at run time you can get all of them using
DictionaryService.getEnumValues(token, 'woeid_level').
• enum : woeid_level
int $parent_woeid
Ignored on add and update.
Parent WOEID
• size : 10
int $parent_woeid2
Ignored on add and update.
Parent WOEID2
• size : 10
string $description
Ignored on add and update.
• size : 255
string $iso
Ignored on add and update.
Country ISO
• size : 2
string $display_name
Ignored on add and update.
Display name
• size : 100
int $exposed
Ignored on add and update.
Flag to indicate if the woeid id exposed for targeting
• size : 3
int $legacy
Ignored on add and update.
Determines if it is a legacy geo entity
• size : 3
string $breadcrumb
Ignored on add and update.
This file contains woeid_search_result data type
Used by the following call(s) and/or data type(s):
• SearchService
♦ searchWoeids()
Fields Summary
• $woeid
• $description
int $woeid
string $description