Media Kit - 90 Second Fitness


Media Kit - 90 Second Fitness
Fact Sheet
About 90 Second Fitness
Pete Cerqua’s revolutionary strength-training plan includes only
the most efficient exercises, which each last 90 seconds but
powerfully accelerate your metabolism. By doing these exercises
while following his sensible yet simple eating approach and lifestyle
advice, you will become stronger and leaner. And this will happen
quickly – so fast that you will shrink your body by a full dress size
in just eight weeks.
The power of this remarkable program is its simplicity. You can
exercise at home without changing into workout clothes. You eat
well without counting calories or carbs, and don’t even need a
complicated grocery list. You don’t have to spend a fortune on
equipment, gym memberships, supplements or meal replacement
Pete has created a truly manageable program for the busiest of women. Complete with more than thirty
delicious yet quick-and-easy recipes and backed by dozens of testimonials and hundreds of medical
studies, the 90 Second Fitness Solution is proven to work.
The 90 Second Fitness Solution was published by Simon and Shuster December 30, 2008 and became an bestseller very quickly. Additionally, The 90 Second Fitness Solution was the first Vook
published and is one of the best selling Vook titles to date.
In addition to the best selling book, 90-Second Fitness is helping people every day with back pain, bone
density and weight loss at it’s flagship studio on 55th Street in Manhattan.
About Pete Cerqua
Pete Cerqua is one of New York City’s most respected and in-­‐demand fitness trainers. He has been helping people lose weight since the 1980s, and he conFnues to increase his fan base through the four gyms he owns and runs in the New York City area. Pete is a frequent speaker on topics of health and fitness and has appeared on CBS News with Kate Sullivan and Maurice DuBois, NC Morning News with ScoM Fitzgerald, The Frankie Boyer Show, The John Carney Show , and in prominent magazines such as O Magazine, Self, and Health. Pete is currently working on his second book which will be published in 2011. In the Media
Pete can be reached to discuss media interviews
and speaking engagements at:
[email protected]
“ Tired of countless sets and
reps? Make "one and done"
your workout mantra. With this
get-lean routine you'll do each
move only once, which will
leave you twice as much time to
enjoy your sleek new physique.!
“ Pete is sought out by the national media as a weight
loss and physical fitness expert. He has appeared in
Amazing Wellness (Summer, 2010), Self Magazine
(December, 2009), O Magazine (October and March,
2009) and Health Magazine (March, 2009). Pete has
also appeared in numerous local, regional and
national newspapers, on websites and blogs across
the Internet, and in broadcast media including CBS
News with Kate Sullivan and Maurice DuBois, NC
Morning News with Scott Fitzgerald, The Frankie
Boyer Show, and The John Carney Show.
Self Magazine!
December, 2009!
“I amazed not only myself but my physicians as well. Doctors warned me that if I wanted to continue my morning
jaunts in Central Park I would have to exercise to walk. Three years later my knees are pain free and more
importantly my latest bone scan for osteoporosis has shown that I have not only maintained, but I have actually
increased bone density which the doctor says is very rare indeed. My hope is to come off of medication and rely
solely on strength training. My doctors believe that this is possible.”
- Sheila H.
“When I first met Pete I weighed almost 200 pounds and could barely press 100 pounds. Now, I am down to 186,
my waist size has gone from 36 to 33 and I can bench 300 pounds without a problem. I used to have terrible back
pain that has gone away completely. Best of all, my handicap has gone from 12 to 9 and I drive the ball at least 45
yards farther than I did before I started the 90-Second Fitness program.”
- Marc K.
“The perfect exercise program: Carefully supervised, personally tailored, 15-20 minutes once a week, and just a
few beads of perspiration! A woman of a certain age, I wanted a strength training program. Then an osteoporosis
diagnosis (spine) suggested I needed a strength training program. A friend described Pete Cerqua's unique
training approach, which sounded intriguing. I went for a free consultation, signed up intending to try it for just a
few months, and I've been going for over a year! Results are great: Bone density is dramatically improved (training
is combined with medication; no more osteoporosis!), all kinds of little aches and pains and twinges have
disappeared, and I just FEEL BETTER. Couldn't ask for more.”
- Pat P.
“I am 63 years old and I suffer from Fibromyalgia. I have been doing 90-Second Fitness with Pete for five years,
this technique has helped me immeasurably. I have more strength, look and feel better than I did at 45.”
- Karen M.
“So there I was - 40 something, 247lbs., 5', 5” tall. Something had to give. It did, my back! A chiropractor and
MRI's diagnosed a lumbosacral sprain, intervertabral disc syndrome and lumbar myofascitis. She recommended
some strengthening exercises and gave me a referral. That was 10 years and 85lbs. ago! The 90-Second Fitness
program is not about fluff. It separates fact from fiction and the women from the girls. This program in not for the
meek! I work harder and smarter in 15 minutes using 90-Second Fitness than I ever could in hours at the gym. If
you are serious about getting stronger and more fit - cancel your gym membership and check out the 90-Second
Fitness program. Oh, my back problems... I now work for a chiropractor, I just don't need to see one.”
- Veronica W.
“I'm 43, like to play golf (even though I stink at it), have a little back pain and have been successfully growing a
spare tire around my midsection for the past 6-8 years. Went to a big gym after work - too busy, didn't like it. Tried
SuperSlow - too rigid & cult-like, didn't like it. Tried the 90-Second Fitness program. After 3 months or so “my
spare tire” is smaller, back pain is gone and I can hit a drive like you wouldn't believe, except it goes waaaaay off
to the right all the time. If 90-Second Fitness could make me hit straight, I'd really be impressed.
Overall, very satisfied.”
- Sean R.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is 90-Second Fitness?
90-Second Fitness is an advanced strength training program that can give you maximum results in as little as one
workout per week. The program is supported by several fitness facilities in New York City and the best-selling book
The 90 Second Fitness Solution.
How does 90-Second Fitness work?
It is commonly agreed upon that increasing your strength has numerous benefits to your health. However,
increasing strength without adding bulk has been nearly impossible until recently. 90-Second Fitness increases the
intensity of your workout by using special techniques that are safe and effective. By using these 90-Second
techniques, you can obtain the benefits of a week’s worth of strength training in a single fifteen minute session.
What about those with medical conditions?
90-Second Fitness has proven to be beneficial in helping or reversing the following conditions: Osteopenia,
Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, Tension Headaches, and Low Back Pain. By working closely with your doctor or
therapist, your 90-Second Fitness Specialist will design a program specifically for your needs and adhere to the
strictest safety guidelines. Using 90-Second Fitness to strengthen your body when you are suffering from illness or
injury is the best thing you can do for yourself. By getting stronger you will have the strength to fight back!
Can 90-Second Fitness be used in conjunction with other exercise programs?
Yes. Think of 90-Second Fitness as an ESSENTIAL part of your exercise program. One that enhances all other
forms of exercise. All other forms of exercise will benefit greatly from being stronger.