2012 Donor Form - SCI Detroit Chapter
2012 Donor Form - SCI Detroit Chapter
SAFARI CLUB INTERNATIONAL DETROIT CHAPTER FUNDRAISER FEBRUARY 26th & 27th, 2016 WEBSITE: www.scidetroit.com Outfitter Name: H U N T D O N A T I O N Company Name: City : Street Address: State/Province: Country: Fax# : Number of Hunters for Donation : Phone #: Phone #: Hunters per guide: E-Mail Address : Location of Hunt: Website : Dates / Year hunt can be taken : Other : Can hunt be taken in an alternative year? YES NO If trophies are taken early are hunters required to leave? YES Can hunt be upgraded? YES NO Species to be Hunted: NO Game that can be added : Cost of upgrade: Cost of Extra Hunter(s) : Cost of Non-Hunter: Transportation during the hunt is Is trophy prep included ? YES Zip: Foot ATV Horse Boat Air Vehicle NO Is transportation of trophy to shipper included? YES Days of Hunting : NIghts of Accommodation : Field Prep Skinning: YES NO NO License or Permit Fees Required: Trophy Fees that are included: Chance of Success: Trophy Fees that are not included: Is there a permit drawing / lottery needed: If Yes, deadline date: Chance of Success: W E A P O N S T R A V E L Hunt Arrival / Departure Point: Are there any special transportation charters NOT included in the hunt that are required ? YES Type: NO Cost $ : Type of accomodations included : Accomodations NOT included : Cost $ : Before Hunt ? : Cost $ : After Hunt ? : Cost $ : Hunt Weapon options: Rifle Handgun Bow Crossbow Muzzleloader Other Weapons Provided by Outfitter: Ammo Needed : Weapon / Ammo Restrictions : Weapon permits required ? : YES NO Does Donation Provide Permit ? : YES NO Value of Donation $ : HUNT DONOR SIGNATURE : SPECIAL NOTES : Cost $ : This is a 100% Donation ? : YES NO Donation % Date : I N F O R M A T I O N BOOTH INFORMATION Standard booth size is 10'x10'. You can begin setting up your booth at noon on Friday. Booth must be completely taken down as of auction end Saturday Night. Please complete the following information if you would like a booth. Would you like a display booth ? YES NO Will you require electricity ? YES NO Will you require a backboard ? YES NO B O O T H Special Needs: Please mail, email or fax signed donor form to one of the following donation committee members. Ray Hollingsworth, SCI Detroit Treasurer 31468 Armada Ridge Road Richmond, Michigan 48062 Cell Phone : 586.543.1125 Fax : 586.979.0430 E-mail : [email protected] Jeremy Meldrum, SCI Detroit 6813 Monticello Washington, Michigan 48095 Cell Phone : 586.484.3011 Fax : 586.281.3261 E-mail : [email protected] Scott O'Farrell, SCI Detroit President 42542 Dotson Ct. Sterling Heights, Michigan 48313 Cell Phone : 586.258.8715 Fax: 586.932.2758 Email : [email protected] Submit Donation Please note: This is a fillable PDF form. It works best if you use Outlook as your email program. Fill out the form completely, then click on the "Submit Donation" button at the bottom of the form. It will automatically open your email in Outlook and attach the completed form. Click on "Send" to send the email. If you don’t use Outlook, print the form to a PDF using a utility such as CutePDF, then send it as an attachment in your email program to the email addresses listed on the form (for Ray, Jeremy and Scott). It is also a good idea to print yourself a copy of this form to a PDF so that you'll have a copy of the completed form for your files. You may also print this form to paper and send it via postal mail. Click on the link above and then use the printer button on the window which opens. The preferred method to submit your donation is electronically! SCI DETROIT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PLACE THIS DONATION IN WHATEVER WAY DEEMED MOST BENEFICIAL TO THE CHAPTER BY THE AUCTION COMMITTEE 40TH ANNIVERSARY FUNDRAISER 1976-2016 An organization dedicated to conserving our wildlife, woods and water, and preserving our great American heritage: "The Right To Hunt" www.scidetroit.com