Libby Montana Vermiculite Mine
Libby Montana Vermiculite Mine
Libby Montana Vermiculite Mine W.R. Grace Maps and geologic information from: Boettcher, A.L., 1966, The Rainy Creek alkaline-ultramafic igneous complex near Libby Montana Libby, Montana, JJ. Geology Geology, vv. 75 75, p p. 526-553 526 553. Location of Facilities Libby Vermiculite Mine Rainy Creek Pluton Rainy Creek Pluton Definitions – rock names • Fenite – narrow hydrothermally altered zone off Na-metasomatism, N t ti hydrolysis, h d l i and d oxidation, with increased sodium, hydrous silicates ili t and dh hematite tit • Biotitite – rock composed almost entirely of biotite • Syenite y –p plutonic rock w/ low Quartz, 10<P/A+P<35 Minerals • Biotite – K(Mg,Fe2+)3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2 • Hydrobiotite – formula about halfway in between Bt and Vermiculite, considered to be a high T alteration product of Biotite ((Boettcher,, 1966)) p • Vermiculite – 3+ (Mg,Ca)0.3 0 3(Mg,Fe ,Al)3(Al,Si)4O10(OH)4 - 8H2O originated by leaching of biotite by ground waters ((removal of alkalis and oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ Boettcher, 1966) y (from ( hydrothermal y • Amphiboles – useless byproduct alteration of pyroxene), more later W R Grace wanted the vermiculite W.R. • Mostly in Biotitite • Amphibole asbestos is intimately associated with vermiculite vermiculite, but is useless Rainy Creek Pluton Sheet silicate structures Vermiculite Structure Expansion Process - vermiculite i lit was shipped hi d allll over th the US for processing • Vermiculite is heated for a few seconds to 1100oC • Water present in vermiculite structure vaporizes to steam and forces layers of sheet silicate apart • This creates the usable product Unexpanded p and Expanded p Vermiculite Location of Facilities Uses of Expanded Vermiculite • • • • • • • Insulation Fireproofing B lki agents Bulking t Absorbents Soil amendments Industrial fillers Packing material Libby A hib l Amphibole analyses – note t Fe F 3+ and Fe2+ From Gunter, et al., 2003, Composition … of amphiboles from Libby, y, MT,, American Mineralogist, v. 88, p. 19701978. Naming Amphiboles • Why should we care? • Only reibeckite, grunerite, anthophyllite, actinolite and tremolite amphiboles are regulated as asbestos by the US EPA • Non Non-mineralogists mineralogists call Libby amphiboles tremolite; are they, really? • No, they are other amphiboles called winchite or richterite • Other amphibole asbestos minerals are just as bad, but are not regulated! Naming Amphiboles • How is it done? • Follow specific rules for assigning elements in chemical analysis of an amphibole to different sites in the formula • Leake, L k ett al., l 1997 1997, N Nomenclature l t off amphiboles…, American Mineralogist, 82, 1019 1037 1019-1037. Amphibole Formula AB2C5T8O22(OH)2 (Na,K) (Na K)0-1(Ca,Na,Fe,Mg) (Ca Na Fe Mg)2(Mg,Fe,Al) (Mg Fe Al)5(Si,Al) (Si Al)8O22(OH,F) (OH F)2 large medium small tetrahedral Libby Amphiboles • (Na.14K.13) (Ca1.25Na.73) (Mg4.24Fe3+.41Fe2+.30)Si8.0O22(OH,F) • (Na.32K.19) (Ca1.12Na.85) (Mg4.43Fe3+.34Fe2+.18)Si8.0O22(OH1.63F.37) Naming sodicsodic calcic amphiboles per Leake, L k ett al., l 1997 Mineralogist’s Names for Libby A hib l Amphiboles • They are sodic-calcic amphiboles • Some classify as richterite • Some classify as winchite • They are not even in the same group as tremolite (a calcic amphibole), which is the name used in the media Selections from Libby, Montana video id • Big Sky Pictures • Produced, Produced directed and edited by Drury Gunn Carr & Doug Hawes-Davis Libby, Montana Asbestos Cleanup Reaches Major Milestone With Mountaintop Park In this April 28, 2011 photo, D.C. Orr, a city councilman in Libby, Mont., stands in th middle the iddl off a storage t area, where h b bark k and d wood d chips hi contaminated t i t d with ith undetermined levels of lethal asbestos were stored. Test results from huge piles of woodchips that were being sold from a Montana Superfund site for use in landscaping p g show they y contain minimal levels of asbestos,, according g to a report p Friday Jan. 13, 2012.The findings appear to offer a rare bit of relief for this town of Libby, where wide
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