Language of Landscape
Language of Landscape
But he "''35 really inco It. He was in this whole tunas}' ",-odd. And no one was Iookins at tum like he "'"as stran~. To me that was strange, but nobody else seemed ro~, or att. ~ Ah:hough~,the ideaof~mking in a place- md ~having a story come (0 you~ ~ fiuniliar phrases, used as ohm by landscape architectS articulating a design process as by the general public (0 descri~ the meaning or vatU(' of a landscape. These phrases, and their corollaries, belie a distioction berv.'een -space~ and "place,~ (0 borrow the words ofgeographer Vi Fu Tuan. One is purely physical, while the other has rel~-ance and connection co someone. It is this distinction that d~~ Cooperman (0 situate ~ film in Bryant Park wben she could have JUSt as easily woric:ed in East RiVet Park or Morningside Park. Brrant Park is mtegraJ to the scoC')'. Or, foraccuracy, perhaps it is better to say that her StOry is integraJ (0 Bryant Park. ~ is a loo5dy defined group ci dw:orist:s and pracmionets woo ~ lookil18 at this ~ ci meaning in bn<h<>p< '""'-'gh dr ""', _gh, .. Ian· guagt'. They fed---eJrhough there is difkrern in the details.----that landscapes are composed of signs thu, likeanaetuallan~,canbe -read.~ One only has (0 scud)' itS S}'Tuax, recogni~ itS vocabulary, and pracrice itS diction (0 learn the language oflandscape. Beyond itS a1literati\'e allure, "the language of landscape" has appeal in that it combines into a single, contained idea--01.'O very slippery and complex ones. Lmguage has baffied civilizarion ( since the first literate expressIOn (c. 15,000 B.C., the date ci the a.\~ paintings at A1wnira and Lasa.ux, seems as good a ~ as any). AIguably.landsape has lUrrov.-m brows for~"'CO longer. (Can we affix the due wtx-n H_1a(JtmI fust cupped ~ eyes and kloked OUt O\'er the savannah?) If the languageoflandscapevi'ere a lIlO\'UTlmt, Annr Whisron Spim, ASIA, v.'OlI.Id be itS leader. A. professor """""y cilandsa.pearchit(CtUte at the Uni\-m.ityofPennsyl\-ania, Spim has recently published a book on the subject tided, appropriately, TM Langllogt of LandJ(a~ (Yale University Press, 19(8). In it she codifies this language on twO I~'els, First there is the syncaaical 1~'CI, in ",'hich she compares the Strucrurt oflandscape t 82 I and the Stf\lC'tUfe of \~rbaI Ianguaae: features are like nouns. ~ like their intctaecions like- subJ«(S and predi- \-rms. a.tes inttrrWining. &neath the syntaCttallS the metaph;>rical I~~I where,like \~rballang!.Ja8e,acolYrent structUtt can b<'gin to take on meaning. Here Spiro's examples ~ abundant. She looks at the politically comentious landscape of Skamling Hill oonh of the Slesvig-Holstein region of Denmark. For dose to a LITERAL SIC:-:S m tIN landscape provide mark('rl and dues about a culture, such as Trenton, NewJerrey's proud dietumo/ mdustry': TRE.''TOl\' MAKES, TIiE WORLD TAKES, above. In a dfflgn for an 10W0I mt stop, fuR Conu.'O)' I'nd Mart)' Schulte-are urmg tM word "pwn«rr" to Ilruaurr tM rpaa, bdcN.. me aro was under Getman rul~ and the Danish-speaking populat:ion forbiddm to speak their Iang~; when finally Iiber~ in 1945. tbto landscape became ifl'UTlediatdy rrinscrilxd \l.. ith culrural ~ing by members c:J the Danish ~istaJn. Today dr p~ is rnaJ'k«i by a memorial, a Single to\\'ttc:J srones. HO\\~'tt, the entire region. allandsc:ape c:JSbmlingsb:mke has lxm invested with narionalistic symbolism-the landscape is no less than a rnt'Clphor for Dan· ish pride. Spirn comests [hat, like poetry, [he meeaphorica.l meamng of landscapes varies in amplitude. Some, lik~ Skamling ate OVert or Mpolentica.l.~ Others are sulxIer, or what she ca.IJs deeper, such as me Great Plains c:J America, wIleR the metaphors c:J the landscape ate less rberorica.l. Spim teUs tbto stOty of coming upon a house in a great expanse c:J t~less plains somewhere ~t of llin\'er. Around the ~ ...."ere .§e'\m very large rrees planted dose to the structure to ptO\'lde shelter againsr rhe unrelenting sun and wind. Bur Spirn also understands this as a structured response, a dialogue, wirh the Menduring d~ep context of place. ~ She wmcs; Ct'flfW}' M M In this context, the language is not the lingual power structure of laws but the spatial power structure of the built envirornnent. Each !a,..h(JlIJt 'J rwmd uuh IrfCJ. tlx IRIgt oId6 tlWl di.""Jh'ng tIN b6MJtJ. oft"' hlilfgalou1 no .,,-r tho" -floor bigh: IrtItS arr planted OJ dlMtlS 1mf-t from the~, Jlraight t'tTtifal tnm/u'. Jharp lJmtrOJt 10 the broadbortZ/mtai JUffp. markillg tnrh a JjJ«iai piau. The farmhotlJtJ Jta11d agaimt tht skJ, ao/ated, txl."t/Jt ff)f'thtHtms. I tltufmklnd uly)' thtwtlmplamedtrfCJsodlJYtf>gtJhtr and nearlhe hNdt. a dttail f1IIt rolf IalCb (I1Ito. I dril't lJafi tou'af"li thtal)' and S« trm agai.: tht) ta1IW Jht IattdJcape. gn't 10 the tl/JDt1ltSl a 1fnJ. In thU exampl~, Spim's ability to discm1 the syntax rLlandscape--ttS fearures (nouns), procr:sses (\"t'tbs), and the principles their mteraction--ll.JJov.'S her to pettti""e how landsa.pecan ha\"e metaphorica.l or S)'mbolic sIgnificance, how it an stand for the mlaCity c:Jli~ on the Plains. Alrhough these musings have a lofty and t'SOtehc «X'Ie cothern. one c:JSpim's pnmary interestS is sociological: Iflandscape is langua~, what is the stateofliteracy? For the last twelve years Spim has worked wirh residents and studems in [he grirty western neighl::orOOods c:JPhiladdphia on landscape literacy proiern with the purpose c:J educating people about their ~vironmem,I'1aw it is shaped. by ~ and, ~ imporouuly, how residentS can use those forces to chan~ It. 1be idea. has Its roots in the phil050phy c:J the Gvil RightS MO\"m'leflt, mat lireracy equals empovovIn this contlCXl:, the Ianguag.e is nor: dr lingual pov.'tt strueture c:J laws and rights. bur the spatial povo"t'f stnJC£W'e c:J the built environment; and the illiteracy Spim has fOund is as much an ignorance of how land· scape is shaped as it is the misapprehension that it cannot be refonned in other ways, West Philadelphia, like a lot of poor urban areas, ....-as built in the floodplain. or bottomS, of a wat~, Although today Mill Creek is piped underground, during hard rains it makts appearances, &oding Streets, bascm~ms, and ~t lots, as it metlL A.'>r.\'E \'('H1S'I'O~ SPIR:', mils !Iln~ npmJl(IfI~JUdJ flS thIS tkbigb plainrofColcr~ord«p(1)ntt'%J,· u~ tk LmiJi4~o/!Il~bIJS • shmng. panic qw/.tl)' In tIN VIIlt cpuu~, thu IhOng p/mttmg p,fJf:idn ". tktml on~ am !IlJdJ onto, • grOf:~on o..v r«reates itS natunl 60w, rhe last th~ ).ea.tS, a. group c:J sinh, SC'''mth, aJXl. oghth graders at Su1zberger Middle School hav(' '\lo'llrled with Spim and herstudents in a Universityc:JPmnSyl\1U1ia design studio to study and map Mill Creek. They followed its perambulations from where it runs abo\"e ground, to where it descends, where it fioods sewffS, where it serdes in \'a. cant lotS, and where it connectS with and defines the neighborhood. uWle teach th~m how to read th~ landscape of the neighborhood, Msays Spiro. She also reaches them how to be fiu· em in 1andscape, how to ~write~ landscape; and as pan of their centur}' the area "'as under German ruI~ and the D.utish-sptaking populacion forbidden ro sprak chei.r lang~; whm finally lib«attd in 1945. the 1andscape b«ame im~ diacdy mnscribed with cultural meaning b)' mmlbersof the Danish ~ismn«-. Toda)' the place is marktd b). a memorial, a S1figJ~ rower ofscones. HO.....~"ef, the entire' lC'gion. a.J landscape ofSkamlingsbankt has b«n in\"fSted with nationalistic symbolism--(he landsca~ is no less than a metaphor for Dan· ish pride. Spirn com ens that, like poetry, the lTlffilphorical meaning of landscapes varies in amplitude. Some,likt Skamling ~ ",'en or ·polemical.- Othets ~ subtler. or what she caI1s -deqler.- suchas dleGmu PJainsof Ammca, whett the mecapbor.s of the landscape are less rhetorical. Spim tells the stOI1' of coming upon a ho~ in a grett expaIR of (f~less plains somewhere east of Denver. Around the ~ \\'n'C' 5e'\"t't'a.I \"el')' large tnoes plamtd close ro the Structure ro prCl\'ide shelter against the unrelenting sun and wind. But Spirn also understands this as a Structured reo spon~, a dialogu~. with the -enduring deep context of place.- She writes: In this context, the language is not the lingual power structure of laws but the spatial power structure of the built environment. the pwpasc oftducating people about their environment, how it is sbaptd by fom:s. and, more imponandy, how residents can ~ d105e forces w change it. 1be idea has its I'OlXS in the ~y of the cn'il Rights l\{O\'mlent, that litetaey equals etnp<)\\"ef' ment.ln thiscoocext, the language is flO( the lingual fJO\\"ef StnICf\1lC' of laws and righrs, but the $pltia! PO\'o'er st~ of the built ~nVHonment; and the illiteracy Spim has found is as much an ignorance of how land· sca~ is shaped as it is the misapprehension that it caruxJ( be reformed in ocher ways. West Philadelphia, like a lot of poor urban areas, was built m the floodplain. or bottoms. of a watercourse. A1mough weby Mill is piped underground, during hard rains it makes appearances, Rooding St~, basements, and vacant lon, as it ermc ,s , •! I ! i i i i Each lannhtulJt ,."Jurrhlrrttl, rhtlutgtWkr tnllS ditRlnishing tM hoI/HI. o/fttl Imtlgalou'S .., RttJn lhan Ottt floor high: lrtJlJ mr planlttl as dtMas 1mf«r fr-rhe~. Jlraight ,rrtical tnmks tlf sharp roRrraSllfJ the broadhor,zontal IUn:P. markitlg tach a sp«ial piau. The !armhfJlIltS sta1ld agaiwt tIN skj. isdattd. txapt fiw r~ lrtJlJ. luttdmrand ubJ lIN Mulm plaRrttl trm J(} dON tt;gtthtr ami nwr tIN!xJJm. a ddail (}nt COli larch (jIlr().. I drit"t ha<k tDuard tlNcil) a"J _1rrttI again: rlx) ranw tht latrdscapt. glt"t to tIN tifJmMU a /oaa. A.'':\'E \\"HISTON SPIR.'l aJJs lmr~ncprnJtom-sw:h as this gtOl..~on lkh,gh o/·tkrpQ)ntm," uYxre tIN Imrgw~of ItJII~bas. mrnng, fXN11€qua/iJy. In 1M uuJ ccptm~, Ibtl S170IJg p/Ilnlmg PlY)(-"dn •• tkwiJ on~ OI1IltJsth onto.· rec~tes its natur.l.I Sow. (),."ef the last th~ )-eaIS, a group of sixth, 5e'\'mth, and cighth graders at Sulxberger Middle School hav~ worled with Splm and herstudenrs in a}'ofPennSrh'aflia design studio to study and map Mill Crtd.:. They foI· lowed its perambulations from whett it NOS aJ:.oo,-e ground, to whett it descends, whett it floods sewers, whett it settles in va· cant 10000, and where it connecrs with and defines the neighbor. hood. "We teach them how to lead the landscape of the neighborhood,- says Spim. She also teaches them how to be flu· ent in landsca~, how to "write" landscape; and as part of their In this aampk. Splm's abilit}' to disam the S}Tltax cIland· sape--irs feacures (nouns), processts (\'nbs), and the principles p-eming chei.r imeraction---Wlo....'s her to perttiv~ how IandscapeCUl hav~ metaphocical orsymbollcsignificance, how it CUl stand fOr the tenacity cIlife on the Plains. Although these musings ha\'t'a lofty and esoreric ronetorhem, one ofSpim's primary interestS is sociological: Iflandscape is lan· guage, what is the stateofliteracy? For the last tweh·e rears Spim has worktd with residentS and students in the gritty western neighlxxhoods ofPhiladelphia on landscape lireracy projects with " The postmodem debunking of the validity of texts needs to be work £he srudefUS have' also generartd. ideas for new landscapes, including a design for a minigolf puk that karum the creek as part airs program. According toSpim, dlt'~'s gro-...·jng support for the idra, arxl it looks as dIough Mill Cr«:k Mini-Golf might actually be built. ~h's te.aching the kids to OQ( only know the place they li\~ in, but [o~vision ~and kam how roidfcet chan~ ... how ro be df«tivecirizms. Spim says that \\-uKing on landscape literacy is important in places like West Philadelphia, where pcwt'rty and abandonmem have broken down the community in ways d1at laws and rights M alone are simply pov.mess to deal with. Landscape archi[~, she says, is opportundy positioned to mah piaces that can -create' kJo,'!' and COlllleCtKJn within a rommuniry fora~. h is exciting [0 think about the Iandsca~ that R:Sidenu ofWcst Ptubddphia might create "'-ere thqempov."t'rM mOOso. What vocabulary ",-ou..Id dle}' ~? How would they StructUre their Iandsc:ape phrases? What stories v,.'ould they tdP As much as West Philadelphia begs ans.....~ to these questions. rne Lttino rlC'ighborhoods of Los Angeles literally bubble forth with them. In a current exhibition of photographs tided M El Nuevo Mundo, the sociologist and photographer Camillo Jose Vergara explores the rapidly changing neighborhoods of east and south Los Angeles. What Vergara found in Los Angeles was nol the palm-lined boulevards of film and telt"'ision but rh(- duSty front yards, murals, and urban gardens of a Tijuana or a Mexico City. Rather than living within the imitation McditenaneaJl a&heric olaIlBlo Los Angdes, Winos, ~Iy from Mexico, have ~reaced the I.andscape with a vocabulary and ~o~ .\1\' STREET f:f.~~ " is J1"tty MIlCh m ~Y)n~ Jy.'s businm, ~ UJs F.IItn4 WllWms, • studmt Ilt SU~" Muidk SdJooi In W<!'ft PhtLuk/ph1tl For W,J1U1ms, h" block o/Union Str«t, leEr:, is Il L:mtfsa,~ 0/douhk Dutch and Olb" gfJmn, noS] neigbbors, and tb~ ronllfJnl struggk wltb speeding cars. Anotlxr home L:mdsmpe, Stonington Harbor, Conn«llCUt, above, protJrd~s fJ ronnectlon with the pilst and Il bulu.vJr!e against nrCTOtJdJlng romm~lism -I -' carefully weighed against two millennia of moral philosophy. palette that is rJl()le familiar fO them. Murals of die Virgin of Guadelupe prtdorninat(' Vergara's images, ohm rombinrd with mutal-likt: ad~isemenlS lOr 10cal bosinesse5---Q mnmon practice in Mairo--writtm completdy in Spanish. ResKJential gar4 dens also rdlect a conscious desire ro recreatC'a homesoum of chr botdn within the Los Angdes comot. Take. fOr instanCe, a man known simply as Vincente who Vergaro. encountered in his froot yard where he had covered the din wirh a neat matrix of concrete. When presS«l, Vincente explains that he has several grmdchildren and a dog, and that rather than have rodeal wjth a muddy yard after rain he's converted to hardscape. A garden ofseveral dozen gam. -(BUt winos in Los Angeles] ~ sum'ming lhis Wasp parad~ of gtem grass and lemon treeS. ~ During his work on EI NtJeYO Mundo, Vergara cravded roMex· teo and brought along some of his phocographs to show poopk. When he pasemod a phorograt:h ofa home that- had been adorned with murals and larm of coI01fu1, plXtod plana to a restaurant owner in Tijuana, the restaurateur rmurked, 01bey do this 50 as rxx ro feel nosr:algia for their counuy, their rowns, their friends. 0' In anothercase, Vergara showed a picture he'd taken ofa tire shop in South Unual Los Angeles toa Mexican. (ComimmJon Pagt 90) hanging potS surrounds his porch, adding color to {he lively and warm landscape. ~People are used (0 seeing California in a urtain way, ~ says VetFOR SPlRN, 1M lil"gua~ 0/ bl1/dsaJ~ iJ most n:iJe"J in dmgnd uorks, ~. tIS wtJh tJ /ina, u,'1OUght ~ 1M Iaym 0{ 17fN/fing ~ ~ Juai1ra and tkvdcptJ. Sk potnls to Richtzrd Haag's BIoftki ~ ~ IlfUi FotnI Cmtn"y m SrockhoIm, below. 4I t'XJlmpln 0/tinlflls thtu /rom ~ou&t wm'tonaivtJ tl1 produasO/ A/t6 mJdmg tiN{.a 0/Goat RsxJe, mowtlllm dmtbm tm tmlJN 10 ltmg,.,~. ~-o/&>ktI'a.,. ...... 1851 Language of Landscape (Cmlimm /rwt Page 65) The exterior of me Rnv fOR OUrDOOR 5eAflNu, ON [He ~NOURINu QUAlIfle5 OF 50110 [eAK. Immediate shipment m'Di/able • Call for our catalog • 4151455·4500 Bellches • Tables • Chairs • Plallfers • Parasols. Chaise Loungers CR::I.£ '12 ON READER SERVICE CARD ~ _ PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE PROGRAM Keller-Lowry A5 LA Insurance. Inc. Your clients count on you to be protected.., can you count on your insurance program? • The only ASLA endorsed liability insurance program. • Designed by an ASLA member for landscape architects. • Underwritten by The Hartford Insurance Company • General Liability, Property, Work Camp, Computer, Business Income, Building, Auto coverage and more. Designed Solely/or landscape arcllitects, this program was pioneered by Troy Sibe!ills, a past ASLA Chapter Presidellt, and ean,ed tIJe ASLA endorsement based all his experimce as a lalldscape arcllitect and licensed inSllrance broker. All size desigplfinlls art! eligible witll ASLA member discoullts available. New velltrtres alld established practices are we/come, some state restrictiolls may apply. For more information or to receive a quote, please contact Troy Sibelius, ASlA at Keller-lowry Insurance, Inc. ~ CIRClE 0lS0 OH AEIoOER SERVICE CAAD ASlA Member Since 1991 '-uJSClp~Ar(b,IUllirt I 90 I ~IAY L'99 building was covered in muralsadvenising the shop's services. '"This is a hardworking person, someone with imagi- nation,~ he responded, easily reading the Mexicanized landscape of Los Angeles. In Spim's words, Vergara's photographs show how the immigrants of"lDi Angeles are using thegrammar and synrax of their native land [0 remake the Manhew Poneiger wishes we would talk about stOries ramer than language per se. In their book, Landscape Na"'alit~ (john \~Iey & Sons, 1998) Poneiger, a professor of landscape architecture at the Snue University of New York-Syracuse, and his coauthor, Jamie Purinton, write about the variety of stories that are communicated by the landscape. Like Spim, Poneiger and Purinton write about both the structure of landscape and the human meaning ascribed to it as literate Structures, or Stories. P(){teiger says that in researching the book he interviewed dozens of people and posed the simple request: ~Tell me the Story of this place." The conversation that ensued might cover history, a story about something that happened here; or maybe the person would talk abom how the landscape changes over the season, what she notices about thedimate and the wildlife, or even something as nebulous as the shifting panems of light; or maybe the conversation would veer into myth or spirituality, a belief that the landscape is dear to one's hean or that it possesses a soul. Potteiger's methodology of soliciting "s[Qries~ abom landscape should be familiar to any landscape architect who has been involved in a public charrene process, ror what inevitably comes to light in these processes are the stories that the residents of a panicular place tell abom that place. A haJlmark of the profession's enlightenment has been the emphasis on nO{ only gathering these stories but designing with them. Potteiger applauds this development, which he says helps to create better designs, ones that provide a strong and valid "relationship between users and a plac~. You hear designers complain '\~11 people get it?· ... 1 think the real question is 'Can we get it?'" A popuJar trend nowadays is to attempt to tell these stories ofa community literally, by using acruaJ text in landscapes. A short !ist of projens that have appeared in Lands<npt Arrhiunurt over the last several years ,,"'OUld include the Walker and Ma· cy S[Ory Garden in Portland (which graces the cover of Landscnpt NnrTalitltS): George Hargreaves's design for Lbrary SqI.laTe at the University ofCincinnari, which culminates in a phrase from Oliver Wendell Holmes; Halprin's FOR /lltml.Jria/: and the corporate landscape of rhe Fannie Mae Corporation. This list should also indude a new rest area along Interstate 80 in Iowa, which has been designed by the Iowa firm Conway+Shulte. In their work, Conway+Shulte uses text both as a strucruring device and as an element in the landscape. The Iowa rest area (which will be consuucroo this summer) contains playful phrases etched into the hardscape that tel1 A popular trend nowaclays VectorWorks- A Better Way To Design One of the worlds most popular CAD programs JUSt gOt better! MiniCAD VectorWorks lets you create everything from derailed site plans to 3D terrain moods and autOmated plant lists. Import into your designs, pictures &om digital C2JTleras, scanners or even Ihe Inlerner, Impro\'ed Digital Terrain Modeler is ~'c:n easier to use. And, with RenderWorks, Ve<:rorWorks' new photo-realistic rendering:: plug-in, you can bring your designs to life with textures, shadows and dramatic lighting effects. a:! Special Offer to Readers of Landscape Architecture VecrorWorks with rendering dire<:t fur 5820 or VecrorWorks alone 5595. Includes FREE T e<:h Support and a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Diehl Graphsollinc is to attempt to tell these s.&-bT_,""""'-'" stones ofa community literally, by using actual text In landscapes. the Story of the state for passersby (See Riprap, February 1998). Each ofthe textS describe some famous pioneers from Iowa history; however, the word "pioneer" writ large also forms the underlying structure ofthe sight. Ifone were [0 Ay over the rest area, he would be able [0 literally read the word as a series of plantings, landfurms. and architecture. On the ground, this legibility is lost; yet Bill Conway, one of the designers, says there's "not a danger in this, but a welcoming. \V/e're not looking for a kind of always-evident designer's imprint. You go [0 Englishgardens or other designed landscapes, and over time you don't say, 'Oh, I can see the first move; or you don't ask for that kind of legibility from the first instance of the designer's thought to the last instance ofexperience. \Y/e always expected our structuring device of the word "pioneers" to gently give over to becoming a landscape. The Strucrure meltS away. In ran there is no place at rhe rest Stop where you can read the word 'pioneer,' because you're in it." Both Potteiger and Spiro lament the proliferation of verba1language in current landscape architecrure--it "has become a CIFlClE 010 ON READER SERVICE CARO Language of Landscape Vixen Hill Gazebos & Pavilions' Main Street· Elyerson' Pennsylvania' 19520 800-423-2766 fax: 610·286·2099 web: ClRCI.£ 131 ON READER S£RVlCE CARD cliche," says Spiro. But Conway believes verbal language, if used rightly, can be a useful device in design because rather than explaining, language creates ambiguity, complexity, and hence wonder. "If we recite a poem twice we get a different meaning," says Conway... tr has to do with wonder. We're looking for the possibilities in language, and in that sense we're looking for the possibilities in landscape." Conway's view of language reAects a postmodemist interest in subjectivity and the relativity of meaning, qualities that are embodied in the theory of poststructuralism. A literary theory birthed in French linguistics, poscstrucruralism holds that language is an artificial Structure applied [0 the world tather than derived from it, that words and the things they signifY are not "narutally" connected, In LandJca~ Narratlt'tS, Potreiget and Purineon refer (0 an example from Ferdinand de Saussure, in which he demonStrated how there is nothing inherently "tree-like" in the word ttee. This simple idea has grown and expanded over the ninety years from when it was first uttered, and in its wake it has spawned countless "deconstruCtionist" works, mosdy (0 the effect of making us uncertain ofwhat we're reading. As interpreted and transmuted by Roland Banhes, Jacques Derrida, Julia Krisceva, and countless other academicians, poststruc· tutalism has pervaded almost every discipline, going beyond the boundaries of literary theory to ha\'e a profound effect on the social sciences. The connections with the language of landscape are obvious, for there may be no more subjective experience than that of landscape. Like language, each person may read different types and levels ofmeaning intodifferem land="". The question that has plagued poststructuralism is the question of universalism: Is the text that I read the same as the text you read? \'Qimout universalism, who is [0 say there is any text at all? There are only readers and their subjective readings. The same problem existS in landscape, which people seem to view in different \\faYS. The question is flO{ whether people ha\'(" different experiences of1andscape-it is assumed they do--but whether they read those landscape experiences in a way that might construe a common language? CIRClE 118 ON READER SERVICE CARD Thr best answer to chis question depends whether a Story is panicu.lar or genera.l. A panicular Story might go lik~ this. AJ~ Pcanoo is a groIogisc in San Francisrowhospendsa lot of time rock climbing In NortMrn California_ Onr ofMr fa\'Orit~ spots is a plac~ called Goat Rock located in Bod~ga Bay, a coupl~ hours north of tM city. Goat Rock is Dot a challenging plac~ to climb, but Pemon likes it b«ause as a reward at the end of th~ climbshe is treated [0 a magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean. When she describes this 1andsc.1pe, she talks about the small bits of shiny-m:!. garnet schist that cover che rock and that tdl a story about cheex~ metarnClrphic processes that formed the Sto~. To unckrstand tM SfO!)'. one n«ds panicular knowled~ofgeology00 FREE FENCING LESSONS Learn the latest ideas in Brick Fencing. Innovative new designs for Entranceways and Fences that will save you time. money and effort .. G£N!:RALSHAl.EBR1CK~~~ ~ ~~ " .........' There may be no more subjective experience than that ofumdscape. Uke language, each person may read different types and leveLs ofmeaning into different landscopes. to unckrsmnd ",-hat garnet schisc is. to unhow m~tamorphic geology occurs. and fO perhaps ('l'm ha\'~ a merlOll ima~ of what these things look like, As a sci~ntist, Pearson can dissolv~ her d~ scription into parricular signs that are shared among a group-sciemists, Landscape architects do this all the time when they design to a particular context and attempe to tell Stories that perhaps only I~ cals will truly understand. A~ story might go like this. My father li\'es in che prttty lutk cwstal~"I1of Stonington, Connecticut. E\'~ty day he dri~ duuugh dr hilly woodlands 00 his way to work and he IlO{Keli dr details of d~tst;;l.nd !lI~~~£~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~. THE INTELLIGENT CHOICE FOR YOUR PLANTING HEEDS. 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The botdtr cL this OlilSis is fOrm«! by rwo\'isibletdges.: a high....-ayand acommm:iall)'mned atCl. BUt in- si<k of thlS demarcation. my father kels Insulattd and prott'l"ttd from thto ~1"C8Ch ing neon. ~ Maybt this is naive, but I ftd like \\'e.~ in a link romet.~ He imagines putting acompm poim down in rown and swinging a radius se·..eral miles in length that would CUt JUSt inside ci a few garish commen::ial districts, including d~ casino. "'You swing cllaI: circle? "Thar'sa lin:le ha,'ro. Ic's an oosis ofbeaucifullandscape:' Although he uses specificdetails to tell ie, the main (hrusrs of his 1andscape narrative at{' irs themes ofbeaury,oosis,and rnecomron c:A history. As such, it is a mom! suxy thar nnphasizes valurs. On one I('\'d. such values are sub,ecriYe-; bm on anomer they at{' also uni~. This is tricky ground, a pIacc w~ the pownodr:m argument debunking the ,'31idity ci text needs to be language. And IandsClJpe architects use it.· amully "'-eighed against (91,'0 millennia of moaI philosophy. The larter might indeed argue, '"Yescertain ~~good,~ Clin 1ando;capes ~ uue. M To say that landscape is a language inevitably oJ'('ns the Aoodgaees for thest' rypes of questions about landscape knowledge, landscaJ'(' J'('rceprion, and LandscaJ'(' value. Perhaps this is language is so contentious. Ifthere is one thing the posesrrucruralist5 have succeeded at in rhe last fifty years, if is making us quesrion our assumptions about the power and tnnhfulness of language. But how far can this questioning pro-ceed? Is it applicable not onl)' to thc rnetaphoricallC\-d oflanguage, but (0 the syntactical as weill Do we ",,'Onder about the realiry of nouns, \'efbs. and sentence structure) Anne' Whiston Spim raisrs this question o:plicidy in her book. al£hough it S«ffiS laden in most e\-ef}' landscape design that attcmpt'S to be good and beautiful in general terms, to appeal to morc than just a single ~rson Ot group. Lke Conway, Spim sees the language of 1andscaJ'(' as an ocpansi,~ forcc, ont' that conJlt'Ct'S and IOtl"lTeWes in surprising ways, MLanguagc is what links West Philadelphia to SOffit' of the grel.f 1andscaJ'(' proj«ts of the world-Forest Cemetery in Stockholm, or the Bloedc:l Rrsen~,M saysSpim. MI eheword 'Ianguagt· deliberately. \'<'hen \\~ shaJ'(' IandscaJ'(' we express meaning. LandscaJ'(' is nOf JUSt 'Iikc language; it is a language. And landscape' architects ie. LA M This 111111n/6, 1\lauhtu.' POlltig" u.;11 curaft an exhibition wltd Storied Land: LandscapcJ Nar!aU\·c.lArt at Iht Slone Qua..,., Hill An Park. CazmtJl1a. Ntu. York (315655-3196J. EI Nuevo Mundo u.;11 br 011 r-im'Jl(lIt 29-Srplt",kr 5. 1999 i" Ntu Yri CiI) ill ,htCooptr Hm.,n National CNJigrt AIMJOlll (212-860-6890). .....-;............iiiiiiiiii