O肝ICIAL MINUTES BEししE PLAINE TOWNSHIP MONTHLY MEETING March 3, 2016 B乱しE PLAINE TOWNSHIP HALL 25130 HICKORY BLVD., BELしE PLAINE, MN Present: Douglas Kapse「-Supervisor/Chairman Robert Koenig-Supervisor Gary Schmitz - Supervisor Myron Bratsch - T「easurer Kristy Bieder - CIerk Greg Felt-Township Engineer Others Present: Chris & Vicki Zwant and Doug」ohnson 1.) CaIl to Order: The meeting was c訓ed to order by Doug Kasper at 7:00 p.m. fo=owed bythe Pledge ofA=egiance. Approval ofthe Februe「γ 2016 Board Meeting minutes were presented′ On a mOtion by Bob Koenig, SeCOnded by Gary Schmitz, a旧n favor, mOtion ca面ed. Approval ofthe Audit & Budget Meeting minutes were presented, On a mOtion by Bob Koenig, SeCOnded by Doug Kasper,訓 in favor, mOtion carried. ApprovaI of Treasurer/s report as presented′ On a mOtion by Bob Koenig′ SeCOnded GarY Schmitz訓in favor, mOtjon carried, With the fo=owing Feb田ary 2016 baiances: Checking ; 1,079.1与 MM/State Bank BP 305,255.2O 丁o掲i: S306,334.事5 Receipts for February 2016: ;54.O26.63 2.) Agenda Requests &WaIk ln Items Missing Sign - Chris & VIcki Zwant were presentto Ietthe board members know thatthe「e is a Ieft curve sign missing on Kittson/Homestead comer by the Zwant, Vo看ek & ZelIman residences. The sjngle g「een sign post is st帖n the ground. Gary W川makethe ca旧ogeta newsign put up. 旦ust Coating - Chris & Vicki Zwant also wanted to ensure thatthe same amount ofdust ∞ating w用be done as last year. Doug Kasper let them know that atthis time the amountto be p!aced w用be the same as last year, Doug aIso informed them that the board w紺be discussing Dust Coating atthe Apr= 5th Board Meeting. 3.) Road Report/lssues: Future Snow PIow Contracts - Board members determined we need to add a section regarding Damage by Contractors to the contract stating that the Township is not responsible for damage or injuries caused by independent contractors Performing snow or ice controI operations forthe Township. Any cIaims ofdamage must be made directlyto the COntraCtOr. Road Work Solicitation -CIe「k, Krjsty Biederwiil send out Ietters to past bidde「s and aiso put a IegaI notice in the Be帖 Plaine Herald soliciting quotes. 亀 Annual Road Review-The Road Review has been setforSaturday, Apr旧6th at 8:00 a.m. Dust Controi -We w川tryto get an appiication date around May 27th to have dust ∞ating compIeted. Scott Countv Overiav Program - Township Engineer, Greg Felt discussed how the price to do overIay is nearIy halfthe price the price as Iastyear. Atthis time it is ;40-!48 a ton which is the cheapest it’s been since 20O5. The Township has decided since this is such a sign楯cant cost difference we wiIl moveforwa「d with doing an overlay on Murphy Lane. Murphy Lane w紺cost approximateIy ;11,000. The Board Members of BeiIe Plaine Township w紺ask John Murphv to repay the Township within a 3 yeartime frame and the鉦st payment by Novembe「 lSt, 2O16. This overIay shouid have been ∞mPleted as agreed in the Develope了s Ag「eement dated 」uIy 23′ 2003 and again in the Township Ag「eement dated March 31′ 2014. Gary Schmitz w冊speak with the County to get this overIay project in progress. 273rd street- Bob Koenig w冊keep an eye on the basement being dug because as ofIastweek red rock had not been put down. 4.) O同er Business MATSpring Sho直Course - Bob Koenig may attend the Wednesday, March 16th session in Mankato, Sp血g CIean-Up Dav- Be=e Plaine Township w冊bejoining the City of BeIle Plaine forthe Spring Clean・Up Daywhich has been set fo「 Satu「day, Ap同30th. Appeai & Eaualization Meeting-The meeting has been set forThursday, Ap晶14th at 7:00 p.m. 5.) Review and Approva! of aaims for Payment: Motion by Gary Schmitz, SeCOnded by Bob Koenig to approve claims for payment, mOtion carried. Check Individual/Business Description Check Amt・ 4349 Art 」ohnson Trucking Snow PIowing $3,288.00 4350 Be=e Plaine Heraid LegaI Notice Publication 60.00 4351 Couri & Ruppe しegal Representation 13与・00 TOTAL CH ECKS: ;3,483.00 6.) BuiIding Permit Applications: The Board Members reviewed the Buiiding Permit Report from Scott County. 之
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