Panther Prowl Fall 2011.indd - Elyria Catholic High School


Panther Prowl Fall 2011.indd - Elyria Catholic High School
Elyria Catholic High School Est. 1948
As you begin to read this message, the chances are very good that the technological device (once called a
telephone) that you use on a daily basis has been updated by a newer version. It is certainly no secret that
technology is changing nearly every aspect of how we live.
Some things, however, remain the same. We s ll enjoy family, seek meaning to our lives, reach out to others in
need, love, laugh, pray, and hopefully, con nuously nurture our rela onship with God through the ac ons of our
daily lives.
Here at Elyria Catholic, many changes have also taken place. Going to a wireless school network has helped our
students to employ new resources that will enable them to con nue to become equipped with the convic on,
self-confidence and skills needed to make a difference in the world. New courses like Robo cs, Computer Assisted
Design, Film, ACT Prep, and AP offerings are constantly do ng the landscape.
The addi on of 110 new computers in labs and classrooms, 60 laptops and 30 IPads on moveable labs, along with a new student internet café,
have enabled one of every three students at any given moment of the day to explore and envision changes for the world in which they live. Our
faculty and staff have worked diligently in their pursuit to apply and incorporate the new technology to expand the educa onal opportuni es for
our students.
Once again, however, there are those things that me cannot change. They are those “sacred stones” upon which the mission of Elyria Catholic
has been built. They are the core values of Excellence, Compassion, Faith, Tradi on, and Community. They are the stones made sacred through
a curriculum designed to teach dynamic Catholic orthodoxy that is augmented by life giving opportuni es for vibrant spirituality.
Perhaps Fr. Joe Callahan ‘75 summed it up best when complimen ng our student body on their enthusiasm and par cipa on at our all school
Spanish liturgy back in October, “I have offered mass in a number of other high schools throughout our diocese, and I say to you now that I have
never been more proud to be an Elyria Catholic alumnus than I am today.”
Administra on
Mr. Andrew Krakowiak
Mrs. Amy Butler ‘80
Mr. Michael Wisnor
Assistant Principal/AD
Mrs. Michelle Wisnor
Advancement Coordinator
Mr. Michael Polevacik
Director of Admissions
Mrs. Karen Moser
Director of Guidance
Mrs. Jill Anglin
Endowment Board
Ms. Margaret Lyons
Mr. Wayne Uehlein
Assistant Superintendent
Mr. Andrew Krakowiak
Mr. Michael Basinski ‘92
Endowment President
Mr. Robert Dlugosz
Vice President
Mr. Michael Essenmacher ‘94
Mr. John “Pi ” Gorske ‘76
Mr. Daniel Metelsky
Thanks to everyone listed in this edi on of the “Prowl.” Your hands have been absolutely cri cal
in keeping the “stones” of the Elyria Catholic mission sacred through your gi s of generosity and
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Andrew G. Krakowiak
$3,009,329 $3,118,261
$4,541,763 $4,629,727
$1,757,516 $1,903,424
$1,104,405 $1,125,496
$4,702,462 $4,795,827
In Service to Others
The theme for the 2010-2011 school year was “You’ve got the whole world in your hands, what will you do?” In conjunc on with our theme, we
implemented a monthly focus on a different not-for-profit organiza on. The program turned out to be a huge success. A representa ve from the
following organiza ons came to our monthly Mass and gave a presenta on on the mission of their organiza on, how they provide for the people
in Lorain County and what our students could do to assist them.
September - Angels for Kids
October - Respect for Life
November - Food banks for St. Jude and St. Mary parishes
December - Blessing House and Christmas on Campus, scarves, hats and mi ens for our Christmas tree
January - Family Promise-Homeless Shelter in Elyria
February - St. Joseph Center
March - Corner Stone Among Women
April - Genesis House
We were extremely proud of our students for raising more than $7,500, which was equally distributed to each organiza on! It was a concentrated
and organized effort to target these local agencies so our school community could realize they made a difference in the lives of many. We will once
again be con nuing the program for the 2011-2012 school year.
In addi on to our monthly service to local organiza ons, Elyria Catholic High School partnered with Na onal Relief Network to offer students in
grades 10-12, the opportunity to par cipate in an Alterna ve Spring Break program, similar to programs offered by many colleges. A total of 53
students and eight chaperones, boarded a bus on Monday, April 25, 2011 (the day a er Easter) for Polaski, Virginia to assist with disaster relief
efforts for the week.
Mr. Mike Wisnor, Assistant Principal, was pleased to be able to offer EC students this unique opportunity. “Very few high school students in the
country have the opportunity to par cipate in an Alterna ve Spring Break program,” says Wisnor. “I know this was a life-changing event for the
students as well as the faculty chaperones.”
Farewell & Best wishes Class of 2011...
On Sunday, May 29, 2011, the Elyria Conor Voreis was awarded the coveted Ashley Schuster, daughter of Linda
Catholic community matriculated “Lou Rotunda” Award
Zemanek Schuster ’77, received the
139 students. The Class of 2011 was
Gilgenbach Award.
awarded $6,072,700 in scholarship
Welcome Class of 2015...
On Friday, August 24, 2011, we
welcomed 106 new students into
the Elyria Catholic family. Freshman
orienta on provided an opportunity
for the students to meet one anotherr
and get acclimated to their new
As is tradi on at EC, our newest panther
were warmly welcomed by the rest off
he EC community at the opening scho
liturgy in September.
Homecoming Court 2011
EC Opens New Spirit Shoppe
“New Department
t St
Store C
Comes TTo El
i !” (sort
The opening of the new school year was also accompanied by the unveiling of the
newest addi on to our campus, the “EC Spirit Shoppe.” Upon entering the front
doors off the plaza, the new 405 square foot spirit shoppe can be easily accessed
only feet from the main office through the beau ful oak entry door between the
trophy cases.
Thanks to the benevolence of the Ely Trust Founda on and its trustees, Mr. David
George and Mr. Frank Boyson, students, families, alumni, and savvy shoppers alike
now have a great opportunity to seek an array of EC products like never before.
Due to the tremendous increase in space, many new products have expanded
the previous inventory from the small room off of the cafeteria to an absolute
“showcase environment” where actual shopping can now take place.
The space that occupied the old
bookstore has been transformed into
an internet café. Through the support
of the Elyria Sunrise Rotary Club that
resulted from EC’s partnership in
suppor ng the Rotary Club’s Pizza
Challenge, the café now houses six
computer worksta ons for student
access during study halls throughout
the day.
Things Are Looking Brighter At EC
This past year, EC has literally “shed some light” on a few areas throughout the
school. As a result of a FirstEnergy commercial energy efficiency program, and some
very generous benefactors, new ligh ng has been installed in the Coliseum, Knights
of Columbus Stadium and the school auditorium. EC saved nearly $91,000 from the
incen ves, not including the future savings from the lower electricity costs due to the
high efficiency ligh ng.
Shown: Mila & Dan Resar ‘78, Ron Zidek ‘63, Andrew
Krakowiak - Pres., Kim & Jim Tweardy & Louis Elbert ‘81.
The benefactors of the stadium lights were recognized at an opening
game ceremony with a permanent plaque displayed on the home side
“Thank you” from the en re EC community to Jim and Kim Tweardy
& family, Jim’s Electric Inc., Elyria Catholic Dad’s Booster Club, Lorne
Elbert & family, Dan ’78 and Mila Reaser & family, Ma Wilhelm ’99,
Wayne & Jeri Diederich and members of the 60’s football family, and
Jack Ma a ’75.
Thanks also to Jim’s Electric and Carmine Izzo & Amotec Inc. for the
new ligh ng in the Coliseum. The coliseum looks be er and brighter than ever!
The Purpose of Life is to discover your Life’s Purpose…
Our new school year theme allows us to ponder our very existence with each decision we make. It is the culmina on
of these decisions that lead us to discover our purpose in life. Our students can feel as though their lives are just a
random chain of events, however, if they recognize the immense power of making decisions on a daily basis, focused
on following God, then purpose will follow. At any age, we can con nue to find purpose in our lives, and that is our
focus this school year.
As alumni, we are well aware of how our Elyria Catholic High School experience has influenced decisions we have made
in our lives. I know this because of the many stories that alumni share with me or others when they return to their
alma mater. Whether they just stop by to get reacquainted with what is going on at the school, a end a play, spor ng event or a class reunion,
the reminiscing of their own personal experiences add to the fabric of what was and is Elyria Catholic High School. To define our purpose as a
school community is an integral part of moving forward in the mission and vision of those who established this Catholic educa onal experience
for us and for many to come.
I personally invite you to reconnect with our school’s purpose by stopping by and sharing your stories. It is through these accounts that we
con nue to grow and develop the spiritual and educa onal
richness of discovering the Purpose of Life…
Amy Vajen c Butler '80
The Purpose of Life…is to Discover Your Liffe’s Purpose….the
footprints in the sand represent that when we follow God, He
will always be with us and carry us when mes are difficult….
He will not leave us alone..
Christmas on Campus
December 3, 9 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Christmas Concert
December 14, 7:00 p.m.
Placement Exam
January 7, 8:30 a.m.- Noon
Freshman Registra on
March 3, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Mid-Winter Concert
March 7, 7:00 p.m.
Spring Musical
March 28, 30 & 31, 7:30 p.m.
Pot O’ Gold
April 28, 6:00 p.m. - Midnight
Staying In Touch
Facebook is a website that needs no introduc on. Since
its release, the social media pla orm has grown beyond
expecta on. Join the Elyria Catholic conversa on
with daily and weekly news about students, alumni,
parents and friends of Elyria Catholic High School. New
pictures, videos and updates are posted regularly.
To get there, simply visit the school website at and click the social media
icons in the top right corner.
22nd Annual Golf Classic
Over 80 golfers enjoyed a beau ful day of golf and fellowship on Saturday August 27, 2011.
The weather cooperated this year with sunny skies. Congratula ons to the winning team: Paul
LaGro eria, Paul Lieux and Jeff Sears. A hear elt thank you to Tom Porter and Forest Hills Golf Club,
the golf commi ee, and our hole sponsors and prize donors. A very special thank you to our Panther
Pride sponsor: A.E. Cole Die and Engraving, Inc. and Roger Steedman, Class of 1978 and our Green
and White sponsors: Barnes & Wendling, CPA’s, Elliot Supers ‘87 & Elite Turfgrass Management,
Kaminski Roofing, Dr. and Mrs. Charles O’Shaughnessy and Schlather Insurance Agency, Inc. Save
the date for next year’s golf ou ng to be held on Saturday, August 25, 2012. Hope to see you there!
2011 Hall of Fame Banquet
Many Elyria Catholic alumni and friends gathered to honor and celebrate the accomplishments
of this year’s inductees into the 2011 Elyria Catholic Hall of Fame. The event was held on
Thursday May 12, 2011 at LCCC Spitzer Center. The evening was filled with laughter and
stories as each recipient recalled memories of their me spent at Elyria Catholic.
Congratula ons to the 2011 inductees: Dr. Michael Hoffman '79, Col. Brad Hoagland '86
and Mrs. Jill St. Marie Hoagland '86 in the Dis nguished Alumni Category; Mrs. Carolyn Fritz
for Outstanding Educator and Mr. Chuck Lynch '73 for his Outstanding Service to the EC
Nomina ons are accepted year round. Submit your nomina on electronically on the school
website,, by clicking the “Hall of Fame” link under the “Alumni” tab.
2011 Pot O’ Gold “Hollywood Nights”
The Pot O’ Gold was once again a huge success, raising more than $40,000 for the school! Kathy & Cliff Simmons were the lucky winners of free tui on from the
Leprechaun Raffle donated by Dan ’78 & Mila Reaser. As always, the Pot O’ Gold Commi ee worked relessly for nine months to make the event spectacular.
This year’s commi ee members were: David & Wendy Best ’87, Greg & Sallie Coolidge, Kathy Dempsey, Lorne Elbert, Jayne Eisbrenner ’71, Jenny Flowers, Debbie
Hoagland, Dan & Beth Hopkins, Sondra Hya , Chris Kish ’78, Sue Mabry ’72, Pat Nevins, Dean & Renee Robinson and Colleen Rosado ’78.
ANNUAL GIVING 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Clock Tower Society ($1000 or more)
Elyria Sunrise Rotary Club
Fidelity Founda on
Jack Ma a Chevrolet
Knights of Columbus
Liberty Auto Group
Nick Abraham Auto Mall
Pfizer Inc.
Ridge Tool Co.
Sco Holland Scholarship Fund
The Capital Group Co Charitable Fdn.
William A. Ely Trust
Mr. Thomas S. Baracskai '60
Mrs. Ellen Naughton Basinski '57
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker
Mr. and Mrs. David Bogner
Mrs. Karen Davis Carson '59
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Castele
Mr. David A. Charnes '65
Mrs. Helen Charnes-Schaefer
Dr. John C. County '74
Ms. Melissa Davis-Hartran '89
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Diederich
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Freeh
Mr. and Mrs. John '66 and Carrie Fritz
Mr. George B. Garton '55
Mrs. Mary Jane Riley Garton '58
Mrs. Dianne DeFazio Goold '57
Mr. John P. Gorske '76
Mr. John M. Guenin '58
Mr. Thomas Hesmond '99
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hromada
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Izzo
Dr. Richard J. Kovacs '72
Dr. and Mrs. Nick Ksenich
Mr. Jim Machock '72
Mrs. Kathleen Fuchs Machock '73
Mr. Ted Mahl '74
Mrs. Cynthia Rodak Majoras '76
Dr. Sean McNeeley and Dr. Mary Kay Shuba
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O'Dell
Dr. and Mrs. Charles O'Shaughnessy
Mr. Dennis M. Plato '65
Bishop A. J. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel '78 and Mila Reaser
Mrs. Joan Reidy
Ms. Peggy Schmidt '68
Mr. Robert Schlather '64
Mr. Ben Serio '99
EC Heritage Society ($500 - $999)
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #12
Robert Wood Johnson Founda on
St. Clarence Church
Spero-Smith Investment Advisers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Andre de la Porte
Mrs. Sharon Lauffer Blaszak ‘68
Mr. Theodore Blaszak
Mrs. Elaine Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Dillon
Mr. Gerard L. Kretschmann ‘71
Mr. Robert J. Kretschmann ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lutke Sr.
Mr. Bob Lytle ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Malbasa
Mr. David J. Malinas ‘92
Mrs. Mary Ann McCoy
Mr. David McCoy ‘92
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nardini
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nielsen
Mrs. Rosalie Rutkowski Nielsen '56
Mr. Paul Pustay '58
Mr. Rudolph J. Rehm '63
Mrs. Lana Durban Sco '90
Mr. and Mrs. James Scullin
Mrs. Amy McCoy Vegh '76
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wetzel
Dr. Glenn Whi ed & Dr. Katherine O’Shea
Dr. Douglas E. Yunker '75
Mrs. Jayne Muzick Zehngut '70
Our Lady of Grace Society ($250-$499)
AON Hewi Associates LLC
Emerson Electric Co.
Friends of EC Hockey
The Bank of New York Mellon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beeman
Mr. David and Mrs. Wendy McMahan Best '87
Mrs. Meganne O'Donnell Boyer '76
Mrs. Constance Conry Brent '55
Ms. Anita Brinkman '84
Father Frank Buck '61
Dr. and Mrs. James Carroccio
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cunningham
Mr. Jim Cyran '66
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doran
Mr. Brian Dunstan '92
Mr. Thomas S. Fedor '70
Mr. Joseph Frey '94
Mr. Thomas L. Fritz '65
Mr. James M. Fritz '63
Mr. Joel '79 & Mrs. Mary Gen le Fritz ‘79
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
Ms. Kathleen Gaetz '66
Mr. James N. Gaffney '86
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gross
Mr. James E. Harris '81
Mrs. Mary Pat Shepard Harris '81
Mr. David Hemminger '55
Mrs. Nancy Hemminger '55
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Hoagland ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hopkins
Mr. Richard J. Hysell ‘67
Mrs. Marianne O’Donnell Ivany ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koubek
Mr. Paul Kuebler ‘92
Mr. Christopher Lehman ‘87
Mr. Lynn L. Livelsberger ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lotko
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lutke
Mr. Brian P. McCoy ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Sco Morris
Dr. Sco P. Nagy ‘85
Mr. John J. O’Connor ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Pla en
Mr. Michael Polutnik ‘68
Mrs. Lisa Elbert Pulver ‘83
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Linda Smith Quayle ‘87
Ms. Chris ne Koebel Rademacher ‘86
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rink
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Rodriguez
Mr. Paul J. Schlather ‘70
Mrs. Karen Boron Schlather ‘70
Dr. Mark A. Straka ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Ellio F. Supers ‘78
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Szollosy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Whitacre
Ms. Patricia Weyhe Williamson ‘84
Green & White Club ($100-$249)
Anesthesia Associates of Northern Ohio Inc.
Bank of America
Elyria Catholic Faculty & Staff
Key Founda on
Nordson Corpora on
Parker Hannifin Corpora on
PNC Founda on
Ramsay Medical Inc.
William & Flora Hewle Founda on
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Abraham '60
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Abrigo
Mr. Philip H. Allegre o '69
Mr. Bill Amato
Mr. Chris Ambrosio '83
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. John Aquilla
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Baker '74
Ms. Karen D. Baldoza '92
Ms. Barbara Yarsa Barnes '55
Mr. David A. Barson '73
Mr. David A. Basinski, Jr. '82
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beck
Dr. James J. Bedocs '58
Ms. Debra Belluomini
Mr. John P. Beno ‘63
Mr. Leroy R. Berthold ‘60
Mr. Emerson J. Biersbach ‘59
Mr. James Bingham
Mrs. Be y Yunker Blair ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bleich
Mr. Paul E. Blevins ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bopp
Mrs. Rita Bauer Bowen ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy V. Boylan ‘56
Ms. Barbara Stanko Bryan ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchs
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery Buckley
Mr. William W. Bulger ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Buterbaugh
Ms. Lisa M. Bycynski ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Sco Caco
Ms. Margaret J. Callahan ‘67
Mr. Richard P. Callahan ‘58
Father Joseph H. Callahan ‘75
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Carson
Mrs. Patricia Clark
Mr. David L. Coates ‘74
Mrs. Marion Froehlich Comella ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Concheck
Ms. Deborah Conner
Mr. Lawrence T. Conrad ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Mar n Conroy
Mr. Brian Cooksey
Mr. Andrew Coolidge ‘07
Mrs. Patricia Brizes Cooney ‘87
Mr. David Crowell ‘91
Mr. Richard A. Cur s ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. John D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dangelo
Ms. Kathleen Galik Decker ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. William Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Didion
Mr. and Mrs. James Diederich
ANNUAL GIVING 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Mr. Dale M. Diedrick ‘71
Mr. Thomas H. Diedrick ‘52
Mrs. Barbara Walsh Diedrick ‘52
Ms. Jackie Dillinger
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce DiVaccaro
Mr. William J. Dolan '57
Ms. Elizabeth Dolan '67
Ms. Lavonne Phillips Drager '57
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Duffin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dumski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ehlke
Mr. David Eischen '82
Mr. Jeffery J. Eischen '83
Ms. Patricia Rozga Elek '70
Mr. Gary J. Elek '70
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elwer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Emling
Mr. Michael S. Essenmacher ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Falasco
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Faraji
Mr. Vincent J. Feck ‘55
Mrs. Ann Laskin Feick ‘74
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fenik
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fentner
Mr. John Fitzpatrick ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Flowers ‘74
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Foster
Mr. Richard J. Franklin ‘72
Mr. Daniel P. Fritz ‘59
Mrs. Rae Hengesbaugh Fritz ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gandolfo ‘91
Mrs. Sharon Hart Ganslen ‘66
Ms. Julie Garcia
Mrs. Sheila Sprague Gardner ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gardner
Mr. Peter E. Gendics ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. David George
Dr. Patrick F. Glasow ‘66
Mr. Christopher J. Glasow ‘69
Mrs. Judith A. Glenn ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. John Gluvna
Mr. Daniel D. Golski ‘60
Mrs. Nancy Lysaght Gorney ‘70
Mr. Jon Gorney ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gorney
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Griffiths
Ms. Donna Grisa
Ms. Carol Grubb
Mrs. Margaret Rzetelny Hambrick ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hamp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harsar
Ms. Amy Hawks
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Herbert
Col. Bradley T. Hoagland ‘86
Mrs. Jill St. Marie Hoagland ‘86
Ms. Patricia Holian
Ms. Be y Holland
Ms. Stefanie Burns Holland ‘92
Ms. Kathleen Meanor Holmes ‘77
Mr. Robert C. Holtwick ‘54
Mr. Andrew Hoover ‘05
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Horansky
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Horvath
Mr. Daniel Hrnchar, Jr. ‘70
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Hya
Ms. Kathryn Burrer Hyer '73
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Janosik
Mr. Kevin J. Janowicz '76
Rev. Walter H. Jenne '61
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jerge
Ms. Amy E. Jones '86
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Joviak
Mr. Dennis Kaminski '87
Mrs. Carrie Webber Kaminski '87
Mr. James A. Kaminski '67
Ms. Linda A. Kerekes '75
Mr. John Kichan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kieltyka
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kilbane
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kilbane
Mr. and Mrs. Billy King
Mrs. Rita Ann Wazyniak Kissner '63
Ms. Darlene McCowan Knechtges '54
Mr. Benjamin Koch '96
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kocian
Mr. Brian Kohler '82
Mr. Steven J. Komives '65
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Konno
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kosin
Mr. Mark and Dr. Karen Koziel
Mr. Michael C. Kozma '79
Mrs. Cynthia Petrik Kozma '83
Dr. David M. Krol '86
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krugman
Mr. Joe Kuebler '88
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Kuebler, Jr.
Mr. Richard J. Kukucka '74
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kunakowsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuzemsky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Leibas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leshnak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert LoParo
Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacBride
Mrs. Mary Kirsch Machovina '79
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mahilo
Mr. Earl Mahl
Mrs. Mina Boyson Marciniak '64
Ms. Sheila McGuire Marshall '58
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarthy
Ms. Sandra J. McCarty '65
Mr. Edward W. McCoy '58
Mrs. Kris McGrath
Ms. Mary Hayes McPolin '56
Mrs. Mary Glasow McShane '64
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferey Medves
Mrs. Chris na Abraham Meecha '99
Mr. Mike Meecha '99
Mrs. Anne Callahan Meredith '73
Mr. and Mrs. James Michalski
Ms. Brenda Pasenow Miller '80
Ms. Kris Miller
Ms. Kimberly Relyea Milliren '88
Mr. Anup Misra
Ms. Caroline Schork Mitola ‘57
Mr. Jon J. Mitro ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Molnar
Mrs. Brenda Kerekes Mooney ‘77
Ms. Patrice M. Moore ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. John Moreno
Mr. Richard D. Morsher ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullee
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Myles
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Niemiec
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Orellano
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pacheco
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parkey
Mr. Michael G. Pataky '81
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pa on
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Peacock
Mr. Thomas L. Peck '73
Mrs. Susan Galka Peterson '77
Mr. Stanford Phelps
Mr. Dominic C. Piazza '85
Mr. Brian L. Pichola '87
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pierce
Mr. Herman J. Plas, Jr. '60
Dr. Kathleen C. Plato '66
Mr. Joseph S. Pliszka '69
Mr. James Pluta
Mr. Richard J. Poje '76
Mr. and Mrs. William Price
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prones '88
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Qua
Mrs. Margaret Wirscham Quinlan '59
Ms. Jean Raab
Mr. Mark U. Reichlin '69
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reighley '78
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Resar '83
Mr. Ronald J. Rick '81
Mr. Clifford A. Roe, Jr. '60
Mr. James A. Rokasy '79
Dr. Gerald T. Roling '53
Mr. James P. Ross '52
Mr. Stephen T. Ross '95
Mr. Donald J. Rothgery '56
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Rozmarynowycz
Mr. Ronald E. Rybarcyk '70
Mrs. Marcia Straka Sarringhaus '72
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saunders
Mr. Gary Schmidt '70
Mr. Kenneth F. Schneider '71
Mrs. Diane O'Neil Schramm '81
Father Anthony J. Schuerger '69
Mr. William J. Sco '62
Ms. Jaehwan Seo
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Serna
Mr. Richard P. Seward ‘52
Mrs. Barbara Szlempa Sheller ‘70
Ms. Diane Petcavage Shupp ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sikorski
Mr. and Mrs. Cli on & Katherine Lantz ‘87 Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Mark & Patricia Crane Sleva ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Slezak
Mr. Bernard A. Smith ‘75
Mr. Frank H. Smith ‘52
Mr. Christopher F. Smith ‘80
Mrs. Dana Bearer Smullen ‘96
Mr. James R. Solet ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spaetzel
Mr. and Mrs. Ma St. Marie ‘83
Mrs. Cheri Stamper-Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stanziano
Ms. Catherine Dolan Stoughton ‘61
Ms. Janet Yonkof Sullinger
Mrs. Joanne Gallagher Sullivan ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Tanner ‘85
ANNUAL GIVING 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Mr. Richard T. Tarnowski '52
Ms. Ann Bommer Taylor '60
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor '79
Mr. James E. Terrell, II '67
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tony
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Trockley
Ms. Jeanne McCoy Tucker '55
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Turner
Mr. Michael T. Vajen c '88
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vajen c
Mr. and Mrs. David Vasil
Ms. Laura Vilagi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Vontorcik '81
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Voytko
Mrs. Nancy Bommer Wagner '73
Mrs. Marilyn Verhoff Wagner '73
Mr. Sco R. Wagner '73
Mr. Terry Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walter
Ms. Susan Walzer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wechter
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Weich
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis White
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams
Mr. Thomas C. Willoughby '59
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wryst
Mr. Kenneth A. Yunker '73
Mr. David L. Zacharias '61
Mrs. Dorothy Zahars
Dr. Tom F. Zeck '58
Mrs. Sharon McCallister Zeck '59
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Zidek '63
Mr. and Mrs. James Ziegelmeyer
Ms. Greta A. Ziegman '78
Mr. Paul P. Zvirblis ‘76
Dr. Michael D. Zvosec ‘73
Panther Pride Donors (Up to $99)
AT & T
Class of 1960
Ms. Rose Abel
Mrs. Pamela Klekota Albright ‘67
Mr. Kristopher G. Allegre o ‘92
Mrs. Darlene Zidek Anderson ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andulics
Mr. Charles H. Annable ‘81
Mr. Bernard J. Ashyk, Jr. ‘69
Ms. Julie J. Bajda ‘69
Ms. Bernadine Baker
Mr. Barry A. Balderson ‘75
Ms. Carol Ross Bamberry ‘60
Miss Alyssa Bap ste ‘08
Mr. John A. Becker ‘56
Ms. Nita M. Bedocs ‘70
Mr. James L. Beiter ‘60
Mrs. Shirley Fritz Beiter ‘60
Mr. Drew Bihary ‘10
Ms. Mary Zink Bird ‘70
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Birsic
Ms. Paula Hines Bishop ‘83
Mrs. Carol Webber Blackburn ‘52
The Blasius Family
Mrs. Clare Monschein Blevins ‘61
Mrs. Joanne Rink Bloomfield ‘84
Ms. Samantha Bogner ‘10
Mr. Joe Bolash
Ms. Jeane e Bonilla
Mrs. Donna Petcavage Booth ‘72
Mr. Daniel J. Boron ‘83
Mrs. Debbie Sinkinson Botos '73
Mr. Donald R. Bradley '67
Mr. Jonathan Bradlin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brailer
Mrs. Kathleen Poje Bramwell '72
Ms. Bri any Bramwell '02
Mrs. Margaret Lichman Brandstadt '65
Mr. Charles F. Branz '02
Mr. Mark A. Bra oli '74
Mrs. Kathryn Yunker Brewer '79
Ms. Chris ne Brown
Mrs. Rita Rauscher Bubna '70
Ms. Susan Bungard
Ms. Ka e Burns '10
Ms. Ann Butkowski
Mr. Grant Butler '10
Ms. Mary Morrison Butler '61
Mrs. Amy Vajen c Butler '80
Mrs. Judy Felgemaker Buzas '70
Mr. Thomas G. Callahan '78
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Capasso
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Capelety
Mr. and Mrs. William Carr
Mr. Nathaniel Carson ‘10
Mrs. Kathy Schubert Carter ‘88
Mr. Angelo Cataldo ‘10
Mrs. Deborah Thome Chappo ‘70
Ms. Antonia Chavez ‘10
Mr. Edward Chavez, Jr. ‘08
Mr. Nicholas Christensen ‘76
Ms. Marianne Clark ‘60
Mr. Jeffrey Cole ‘74
Mr. and Mrs. James Cole
Mr. James E. Cooksey ‘74
Mr. Mar n Coolidge ‘10
Mrs. Kathleen Chaplar Corona ‘63
Ms. Marsha Coultrip
Mrs. Theresa Daly Crayton ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crofoot
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cummins
Mr. R.A. Curley
Mr. Joseph H. Daly ‘65
Mrs. Danielle Poje Davidson ‘70
Ms. Mary Lou Forthofer Davis ‘70
Mr. Lair Decker ‘60
Mr. Patrick DeSouza ‘10
Ms. Martha J. Diederich ‘55
Mrs. Bonnie Plas Diedrick ‘58
Mr. John Diedrick ‘52
Ms. Bernadine Diedrick
Miss Cara Dlugosz ‘08
Mr. Brendan Doehr ‘10
Mrs. Mary Cay Gurchik Doherty ‘87
Miss Erin Doran ‘08
Ms. Nancy J. Dowdell ‘70
Ms. Mary Ann Dowdell ‘67
Ms. Marian Melcher Dugger ‘61
Mr. Richard E. Durack ‘61
Mr. Al Durkot
Ms. Elizabeth Eckels
Mrs. Colleen Smith Elbert ‘84
Ms. Mary Jane Diedrick Eldridge ‘60
Mr. James K. Elkins ‘60
Mr. Mar n Ellis ‘10
Dr. Peter Esch
Mrs. Barbara Ursem Evans '62
Ms. Lindsie Evere '09
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fabanich
Mr. Michael F. Farrell '69
Ms. Ann M. Farrell '76
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Farschman
Ms. Be e Peck Fesco '70
Mr. Ernest A. Fesco, II '70
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fetcko
Mr. Michael J. Firment '66
Mr. and Mrs. William Fitch
Mr. Robert J. Fitzpatrick ‘66
Mr. Andrew Flynn ‘05
Mr. Lawrence Foglyano ‘75
Mr. Miles Foisy ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. David Foisy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Foisy
Mr. Lane Forthofer ‘10
Mr. Seth Forthofer ‘99
Ms. Lauren Frangella ‘10
Ms. Kristen Frey ‘00
Mr. Eric Fritz ‘96
Mr. Robert J. Fritz ‘56
Mr. George E. Fuehrer ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Funk
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck & Hedy Fye
Ms. Anita Gaude e
Mr. and Mrs. John Gialamas
Mr. Ronald J. Gilgenbach ‘52
Mrs. Janet Horwedel Gilgenbach ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. David Giovannazzo
Ms. Cheryl Glenn
Mrs. Phyllis Glunt
Mrs. Janice Radyk Godbey ‘81
Ms. Tiffany Godfrey
Mrs. Mary Ann Cavagna Golski ‘62
Mr. John D. Golski ‘86
Ms. Stephanie Smith Golski ‘85
Mr. Ryan L. Gorney ‘99
Mr. Michael S. Gorske ‘79
Ms. Jacquelyn Gorske ‘05
Mr. Jayson Graham ‘08
Mr. Charles Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grega
Mrs. Marsha Knipp Greulich ‘68
Ms. Michele Griffin ‘10
Deborah Griffin
Mr. William R. Groomes ‘67
Ms. Morgan Gundlach ‘10
Sister M. Lucia Haas ‘58
Ms. Hambly
Mrs. Elaine Archer Hammond ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy
Mrs. Mary Ellen Sensback Ha ield ‘57
Mrs. Lenore Muko Hawkins ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hayes
Mr. John D. Hayes
Ms. Evann Heidersbach ‘09
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Heidersbach
Mr. Fred M. Helyes ‘60
Mr. Richard C. Henke ‘58
Ms. Sylvia Fritz Herman ‘52
Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Hermann
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hesmond
Mrs. Sally Skok Hildebrandt ‘57
ANNUAL GIVING 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Mr. Raymond Hildebrandt
Mr. Ryan Hill '04
The Hill Family
Mr. Patrick D. Hoagland '73
Mrs. Margaret Murray Hoagland '62
Mr. Randall A. Hoagland '80
The Holod Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Homola
Mr. Thomas Hoover '76
Mrs. Lee Ann Gorney Hoover '76
Ms. Ruth Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel & Barb Diedrick ‘74 Hornbeek
Mr. Kevin Houser '10
Mr. Jamie Hullman '92
Ms. Gwen Dyer Hullman '92
Mrs. Donna Diedrick Humphrey '71
Rev. Mr. Frank A. Humphrey '60
Rev. Mr. Patrick J. Humphrey '71
Mr. Robert J. Hutman '55
Mrs. Grace Ann Snahnican Hyla '73
Ms. Laura St. Marie Jackson '96
Ms. Stacey Jackson
Mrs. Lisa Horvath Jeffers '87
Mrs. Barbara Daly Jezewski '60
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Johnson
Mr. Paul E. Jordan '79
Ms. Rosemary Fritz Jordan '57
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Juguilon
Father Lawrence Jurcak '72
Mr. John P. Jurco '71
Mr. Christopher Kaczmarczyk '05
Ms. Sharon Kaczmarczyk
Miss Natalie Kaczmarczyk '08
Mr. David J. Kalis '68
Ms. Ruth Kaminski
Mr. Michael E. Kearns '70
Mr. Joseph M. Kelling '82
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kelling
Ms. Emily Kennard
Ms. Diane M. Kimmet '74
Mr. and Mrs. John Kinder
Mr. Adam Kirsch '10
Mr. Andrew Kirsch '07
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Kirsch '78
Ms. Patricia Kirsh '69
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirsh
Mrs. Chris ne Kaminski Kish '78
Mr. and Mrs. James Klingshirn '88
Ms. Madonna Morrison Knaus '65
Ms. Rita Wirscham Koberna '65
Mrs. Jean Schuster Kohls '78
Mr. Robert A. Kolopus '54
Mr. William J. Kovacs '57
Mr. Nicholas Ksenich '10
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. LaGro eria ‘78
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LaMoreaux
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Latek
Mr. and Mrs. James Laws
Mr. Andrew Leachko ‘10
Ms. Cynthia C. Leano-Sellers ‘76
Mr. James P. Leek ‘81
Mr. Frank Leon
Mr. John F. Lescher ‘66
Mrs. Susan Mar n Lescher ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. David Lesiecki
Mrs. Sara Forthofer Linnell ‘00
Ms. Marilyn Kozel Lisicky ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liston
Ms. Martha Logan-Bieler '73
Mr. Kevin Loos '06
Ms. Courtney Lutke '10
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lynch
Mr. Charles L. Lynch '73
Mrs. Donna Glunt Lynch '53
Mrs. Susan Taylor Mabry '72
Mr. Andrew Machovina '10
Mrs. Jenefer Sasse Machovina '92
Mr. Bryan Machovina '94
Mr. William F. Machovina, Jr. '67
Mr. Gregory J. Machovina '76
Mrs. Diane Myers Mackin '70
Mr. Jonathon Mahilo '10
Ms. Tracy Mahl '90
Mr. John F. Maiher '59
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Majoras & Daughter
Mr. Charles A. Manzo '60
Ms. Kathleen Hayes Markee '56
Mr. Michael May
Ms. Kathleen Young McCarthy '73
Mr. Edward J. McCarty '69
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. McGuire '72
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. McHugh '69
Mrs. Mary Glowaski McHugh '82
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McKinney
Ms. Bri any McLaughlin '08
Mr. and Mrs. Briant J. McLaughlin '77
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNair
Mr. and Mrs. Kent McNickle
Mr. Jordan McNickle '10
Mr. James Medves '10
Mrs. Dorothy Birkbeck Meek '51
Ms. Megan Miehls '10
Mr. Harold F. Minnich '53
Mr. Daniel H. Minnich '80
Mr. and Mrs. William Moore
Mr. Dillon Morris '10
Ms. Erin Murphy '10
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Murphy
Mr. Richard J. Nardecchia '68
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Nedrich
Mr. Jeff Nedwick
Mrs. Jean Rybarcyk Nejman ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Newman
Mrs. Brooke Cuevas Novak ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. James Nu all
Mr. and Mrs. David & Teresa Hoagland ‘77 Oakes
Mr. John O’Donnell ‘82
Mrs. Peggy Moir Ollerhead ‘69
Mrs. Barbara Ruppelt O’Malley ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Neal O’Malley
Ms. Jennifer O’Shaughnessy ‘10
Mrs. Sandra Deimling Oswald ‘68
The Ozello Family
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palcisko
Mr. Ronald E. Peloquin, Sr. ‘55
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Peltz
Mr. Greg Perusek ‘82
Mr. Pat Perusek ‘82
Mr. Ma hew Pierce ‘10
Ms. Laura Pierce ‘08
Mr. Michael A. Pileski ‘70
Mrs. Kathleen St. Marie Pinter ‘88
Ms. Pamela Mahl Plagens ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poje
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Polutnik '68
Mrs. Ann Porath
The Powers Family
Ms. Andrea Price '10
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pritchard
Ms. Rachael Purta '08
Mr. Joseph Purta '10
Mr. Thomas M. Radican '60
Mr. and Mrs. W. Pat Raible
Ms. Kathleen M. Ray '85
Ms. Jessica Reichlin '10
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reichlin
Mrs. Donna Lydon Rennick '60
Mr. Jerome Rodak
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rodriguez
Mr. Richard H. Rodriguez '52
Mr. Daniel Roemer '10
Mr. David Romano '10
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Romano
Ms. Alyssa Rosado '09
Ms. Colleen Callahan Rosado '78
Mr. John W. Ross '58
Ms. Amelia Rothgery '10
Mr. Kenneth P. Rothgery '53
Mr. Lou Rotunda
Mrs. Elaine Mi ler Rotz '62
Mr. Spencer Roule '10
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ruessman
Mr. and Mrs. Eufemio Mario Ruiz
Ms. Kris Runser
Ms. Marla Rupena
Mr. Joshua Russ ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ruth
Mr. Robert A. Sabo ‘78
Mrs. Susan Straka Sanders ‘66
Ms. Lauren Sarringhaus ‘99
Ms. Meredith Sarringhaus ‘07
Ms. Marisa Sarringhaus ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Savoy
Ms. Rebekka Schlather ‘00
Mrs. Rebecca Lorensky Schlather ‘68
Ms. Mary Agnes Schlather ‘79
Mr. William G. Schlather ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Schmidt
Mr. Brian Schneider ‘84
Ms. Julia Schneider ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schock
Ms. J. Marie Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward & Linda Zemanek ‘77 Schuster
Ms. Tyra Gwinner Sco ‘86
Ms. Judy Minnich Selee ‘69
Dr. Rebecca Charnes Serazin ‘70
Mr. William R. Sexton ‘83
Mrs. Barbara Hoagland Sheil ‘69
Ms. Gail Shinsky
Mr. Thomas B. Shirkey ‘70
Mrs. Agnes Hartman Simonson ‘60
Mr. James Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. Gary & Mary Prones ‘74 Siwierka
Ms. Samantha Sleva ‘07
Mr. James F. Smith ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Smith ‘74
Mr. Timothy R. Smith ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith
Mr. Gerald N. Spierings ‘68
Mr. Thomas A. St. Marie ‘64
ANNUAL GIVING 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Mr. John D. Stanko '58
Ms. Kayla Stanziano '10
Ms. Rachael Stawicki '10
Mrs. Charlene Knipper Stetson '69
Mr. Mark R. Stewart '70
Mr. Richard J. S llwell, Sr. '60
Ms. Sylvia Strnad
Ms. Maria Stursa '09
Ms. Michelle Stursa '09
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stursa
Mrs. Ursula Terrion Szabados '81
Mr. Carl D. Ternes '60
Mr. and Mrs. Kennan & Sharon Shook Thome ‘80
Mrs. Madeline Fuchs Thompson '77
Ms. Elizabeth Thuning '85
Mrs. Cecile Fritz Tomasek '54
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Tracey ‘53
Mrs. Marilyn McAllister Trupo '54
Mr. Stanley J. Trupo ‘54
Ms. Ka e Uehlein ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Uehlein
Mr. David R. Ursem ‘55
Ms. Barbara Denes Valen k ‘70
Mr. Daniel J. Van Amburgh ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vargyas
Ms. Chris ne Vasitas
Dr. Raymond H. Vecchio ‘65
Mr. Tyler Velasquez ‘10
Mrs. Colleen Vincent ‘98
Mr. Sco Volchko ‘00
Ms. Bridget Walsh ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. William Washington
Mrs. Carolyn Wazyniak-Fenik Webber ‘60
Mr. Joseph J. Webber ‘59
Ms. Karen Yunker Weber ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weber
Mrs. Richele Tomasek Welburn ‘81
Mr. Michael Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wiehe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wisnor
Ms. Breanna Wisnor ‘10
Mrs. Rosemary Ziegman Woconish ‘53
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Woodside
Mr. Connor Zagrans ‘10
Mr. Peter A. Zakrzewski ‘75
Mr. James Zambo ‘10
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zvosec
Mrs. Rita Manzo Zydonis ‘53
ALUMNI ANNUAL FUND 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Class of 1951
2% (1 of 34) gave
Dorothy Birkbeck Meek
Class of 1952
21% (12 of 58) gave $1,125.00
Carol Webber Blackburn
Barbara Walsh Diedrick
Thomas Diedrick
John Diedrick
Rae Hengesbaugh Fritz
Janet Horwedel Gilgenbach
Ronald Gilgenbach
Richard Rodriguez
James Ross
Richard Seward
Frank Smith
Richard Tarnowski
Class of 1953
15% (10 of 66) gave $497.00
Marilyn Kozel Lisicky
Donna Glunt Lynch
Harold Minnich
Gerald Roling
Kenneth Rothgery
James Smith
Estelle Lesko St. Claire
David Tracey
Rosemary Ziegman Woconish
Rita Manzo Zydonis
Class of 1954
8% (6 of 78) gave $470.00
Robert Holtwick
Darlene McCowan Knechtges
Robert Kolopus
Cecile Fritz Tomasek
Marilyn McAllister Trupo
Stanley Trupo
Class of 1955
14% (11 of 77) gave $2,208.00
Barbara Yarsa Barnes
Constance Conry Brent
Martha Diederich
Vincent Feck
George Garton
David Hemminger
Nancy Young Hemminger
Robert Hutman
Ronald Peloquin
Jeanne McCoy Tucker
David Ursem
Class of 1956
10% (8 of 84) gave $1,125
John Becker
Be y Yunker Blair
Timothy Boylan
Barbara Stanko Bryan
Kathleen Hayes Markee
Mary Hayes McPolin
Rosalie Rutkowski Nielsen
Donald Rothgery
Class of 1957
10% (10 of 101) gave $6,978.00
Ellen Naughton Basinski
William Dolan
Lavonne Phillips Drager
Dianne Defazio Goold
Mary Ellen Sensback Ha ield
Sally Skok Hildebrandt
William Kovacs
Norman Mazurowski
Caroline Schork Mitola
John O' Connor
Class of 1958
14% (13 of 93) gave $4,448
James Bedocs
Richard Callahan
Bonnie Plas Diedrick
Mary Jane Riley Garton
John Guenin
M. Lucia Haas
Richard Henke
Sheila McGuire Marshall
Edward McCoy
Paul Pustay
John Ross
John Stanko
Tom Zeck
Class of 1959
8% (9 of 106) gave $5,595
Emerson Biersbach
William Bulger
Karen Davis Carson
Daniel Fritz
John Maiher
Margaret Wirscham Quinlan
Joseph Webber
Thomas Willoughby
Sharon McAllister Zeck
Class of 1960
22% (29 of 128) gave $2,602.50
Nicholas Abraham
Carol Ross Bamberry
Thomas Baracskai
James Beiter
Shirley Fritz Beiter
Leroy Berthold
Marianne Clark
Marion Froehlich Comella
Lair Decker
Mary Jane Diedrick Eldridge
James Elkins
Thank You
Class of 1960 (cont.)
Daniel Golski
Michael Gula
Elaine Archer Hammond
Fred Helyes
Frank Humphrey
Barbara Daly Jezewski
Charles Manzo
Jon Mitro
Herman Plas
Thomas Radican
Donna Lydon Rennick
Clifford Roe
Agnes Hartman Simonson
James Solet
Richard S llwell
Ann Bommer Taylor
Carl Ternes
Carolyn Wazyniak-Fenik Webber
Class of 1961
8% (9 of 121) gave $845
Clare Monschein Blevins
Fr. Franklin Buck
Mary Morrison Butler
Midge O'Connor Carmon
Marian Melcher Dugger
Richard Durack
Fr. Walter Jenne
Catherine Dolan Stoughton
David Zacharias
Class of 1962
6% (5 of 90) gave $257.50
Barbara Ursem Evans
Mary Ann Cavagna Golski
Margaret Murray Hoagland
Elaine Mi ler Rotz
William Sco
ALUMNI ANNUAL FUND 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Class of 1963
6% (7 of 117) gave $1,300.00
John Beno
Kathleen Chaplar Corona
Richard Cur s
James Fritz
Rita Ann Wazyniak Kissner
Rudolph Rehm
Ronald Zidek
Class of 1964
5% (7 of 121) gave $2,190.00
Charlene Kalo Logsdon
Mina Boyson Marciniak
Mary Glasow McShane
Robert Schlather
Thomas Schneider
Thomas St. Marie
Joanne Gallagher Sullivan
Class of 1965
8% (13 of 153) gave $3,125.00
Marilyn Becker
Margaret Lichman Brandstadt
David Charnes
Joseph Daly
Thomas Fritz
Lenore Muko Hawkins
Madonna Morrison Knaus
Rita Wirscham Koberna
Steven Komives
Lynn Livelsberger
Sandra McCarty
Dennis Plato
Raymond Vecchio
Class of 1966
7% (11 of 152) gave $2,210.00
Jim Cyran
Michael Firment
Robert Fitzpatrick
John Fritz
Kathleen Gaetz
Sharon Hart Ganslen
Patrick Glasow
Margaret Rzetelny Hambrick
Kathleen Plato
Susan Straka Sanders
Timothy Smith
Class of 1967
7% (11 of 149) gave $1,430.00
Pamela Klekota Albright
Donald Bradley
Margaret Callahan
Elizabeth Dolan
Mary Ann Dowdell
William Groomes
Richard Hysell
James Kaminski
Bob Lytle
William Machovina
James Terrell
Class of 1968
5% (11 of 223) gave $4,618.00
Sharon Lauffer Blaszak
Marsha Knipp Greulich
David Kalis
Patrice Moore
Richard Nardecchia
Sandra Deimling Oswald
Michael Polutnik
William Schlather
Rebecca Lorensky Schlather
Peggy Schmidt
Gerald Spierings
Class of 1969
8% (16 of 206) gave $1,082.50
Philip Allegre o
Bernard Ashyk
Julie Bajda
Michael Farrell
Sheila Sprague Gardner
Christopher Glasow
Patricia Kirsh
Edward McCarty
Gerard McHugh
Peggy Moir Ollerhead
Joseph Pliszka
Mark Reichlin
Anthony Schuerger
Judy Minnich Selee
Diane Petcavage Shupp
Charlene Knipper Stetson
Class of 1970
16% (33 of 202) gave $4,565
Nita Bedocs
Mary Zink Bird
Rita Bauer Bowen
Rita Rauscher Bubna
Judy Felgemaker Buzas
Deborah Thome Chappo
Danielle Poje Davidson
Mary Lou Forthofer Davis
Nancy Dowdell
Patricia Rozga Elek
Gary Elek
Thomas Fedor
Ernest Fesco
Be e Peck Fesco
Nancy Lysaght Gorney
Daniel Hrnchar
Marianne O’Donnell Ivany
Michael Kearns
Robert Kretschmann
Diane Myers Mackin
Richard Morsher
Michael Pileki
Ronald Rybarcyk
Paul Schlater
Karen Boron Schlather
Gary Schmidt
Rebecca Charnes Serazin
Barbara Szlempa Sheller
Thomas Shirkey
Mark Stewart
Mark Straka
Barbara Denes Valen k
Jayne Muzick Zehngut
Class of 1971
4% (7 of 157) $900.00
Dale Diedrick
Patrick Humphrey
Donna Diedrick Humphrey
John Jurco
Gerard Kretschmann
Karen Schneider
Karen Yunker Weber
Class of 1972
5% (8 of 155) gave $3,160.00
Donna Petcavage Booth
Kathleen Poje Bramwell
Richard Franklin
Lawrence Jurcak
Richard Kovacs
Susan Taylor Mabry
Jim Machock
Marcia Straka Sarringhaus
Class of 1973
9% (16 of 179) gave $1,240.00
David Barson
Debbie Sinkinson Botos
Kathryn Burrer Hyer
Grace Ann Snahnican Hyla
Martha Logan-Bieler
Charles Lynch
Kathleen Fuchs Machock
Kathleen Young McCarthy
Anne Callahan Meredith
Jean Rybarcyk Nejman
Thomas Peck
Marilyn Verhoff Wagner
Sco Wagner
Nancy Bommer Wagner
Kenneth Yunker
Michael Zvosec
Class of 1974
7% (12 of 167) gave $5,480.00
Brian Baker
Mark Bra oli
David Coates
Jeffrey Cole
James Cooksey
John County
Ann Laskin Feick
Timothy Flowers
Diane Kimmet
Richard Kukucka
Theodore Mahl
Marvin Smith
Class of 1975
5% (7 of 130) gave $960
Barry Balderson
Joseph Callahan
Lawrence Foglyano
Linda Kerekes
Bernard Smith
Douglas Yunker
Peter Zakrzewski
Class of 1976
9% (13 of 146) gave $5,331.00
Meganne O'Donnell Boyer
Nicholas Christensen
Ann Farrell
John Gorske
Lee Ann Gorney Hoover
Thomas Hoover
Kevin Janowicz
Cynthia Leano-Sellers
Gregory Machovina
Cynthia Rodak Majoras
Richard Poje
Amy McCoy Vegh
Paul Zvirblis
Class of 1977
4% (7 of 167) gave $600.00
Kathleen Meanor Holmes
James Machovina
Briant McLaughlin
Brenda Kerekes Mooney
Barbara Ruppelt O’Malley
Susan Galka Peterson
Madeline Fuchs Thompson
Class of 1978
5% (9 of 154) gave $6,130.00
Thomas Callahan
Kevin Kirsch
Paul LaGro eria
Brian McCoy
Daniel Reaser
Tom Reighley
Colleen Callahan Rosado
Ellio Supers
Greta Ziegman
Class of 1979
5% (9 of 172) gave $990.00
Kathryn Yunker Brewer
Joel Fritz
Michael Gorske
Paul Jordan
Michael Kozma
Mary Kirsch Machovina
James Rokasy
Mary Agnes Schlather
Thomas Taylor
Class of 1980
3% (6 of 177) gave $490.00
Amy Vajen c Butler
Peter Gendics
Brenda Pasenow Miller
Daniel Minnich
Pamela Mahl Plagens
Christopher Smith
ALUMNI ANNUAL FUND 2010-2011 • Giving from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Class of 1981
8% (13 of 171) gave $995.00
Charles Annable
Lisa Bycynski
Theresa Daly Crayton
Janice Radyk Godbey
James Harris
Mary Pat Shepard Harris
James Leek
Michael Pataky
Ronald Rick
Diane O'Neil Schramm
Ursula Terrion Szabados
Joseph Vontorcik
Richele Tomasek Welburn
Class of 1982
4% (8 of 168) gave $452.50
David Basinski
David Eischen
Joseph Kelling
Brian Kohler
Mary Glowaski McHugh
John O’Donnell
Greg Perusek
Pat Perusek
Class of 1983
5% (10 of 183) gave $1,250.00
Chris Ambrosio
Paula Hines Bishop
Daniel Boron
Jeffery Eischen
Brian Hoagland
Cynthia Petrik Kozma
Lisa Elbert Pulver
Robert Resar
William Sexton
Ma hew St. Marie
Class of 1984
4% (8 of 168) gave $1,130.00
Paul Blevins
Joanne Rink Bloomfield
Anita Brinkman
Lawrence Conrad
Colleen Smith Elbert
Judith Glenn
Brian Schneider
Patricia Weyhe Williamson
Class of 1985
3% (6 of 177) gave $650.00
Stephanie Smith Golski
Sco Nagy
Dominic Piazza
Kathleen Ray
Mark Tanner
Elizabeth Thuning
Class of 1986
4% (7 of 168) gave $950.00
James Gaffney
John Golski
Bradley Hoagland
Jill St. Marie Hoagland
Amy Jones
David Krol
Class of 1986 Cont.
Chris ne Koebel Rademacher
Class of 1987
6% (9 of 145) gave $1,305.00
Wendy McMahan Best
Patricia Brizes Cooney
Mary Cay Gurchik Doherty
John Fitzpatrick
Carrie Webber Kaminski
Dennis Kaminski
Christopher Lehman
Brian Pichola
Linda Smith Quayle
Class of 1988
4% ( 7 of 157) gave $605.00
Kathy Schubert Carter
James Klingshirn
Joe Kuebler
Kimberly Relyea Milliren
Kathleen St. Marie Pinter
Joseph Prones
Michael Vajen c
Class of 1989
1% (2 of 165) gave $1,100.00
Melissa Davis Hartrna
John Kichan
Class of 1990
2% (2 of 99) gave $540.00
Tracy Mahl
Lana Durban Sco
Class of 1991
2% (2 of 94) gave $200.00
David Crowell
Michael Gandolfo
Class of 1992
8% (10 of 118) gave $2,275
Kristopher Allegre o
Karen Baldoza
Brian Dunstan
Stefanie Burns Holland
Gwen Dyer Hullman
Jamie Hullman
Paul Kuebler
Jenefer Sasse Machovina
David Malinas
David McCoy
Class of 1993
1% (1 of 99) gave
Daniel Van Amburgh
Class of 1994
3% (3 of 107) gave $375.00
Michael Essenmacher
Joseph Frey
Bryan Machovina
Class of 1995
1% (1 of 101) gave
Stephen Ross
Class of 1996
4% (3 of 82) gave $275.00
Eric Fritz
Benjamin Koch
Dana Bearer Smullen
Class of 1998
2% (2 of 122) gave $70.00
Margaret Flanagan Hollway
Colleen Vincent
Class of 1999
5% (7 of 134) gave $3,350.00
Seth Forthofer
Ryan Gorney
Thomas Hesmond
Mike Meecha
Chris na Abraham Meecha
Lauren Sarringhaus
Ben Serio
Class of 2000
4% (6 of 140) gave $170.00
Darlene Zidek Anderson
Kristen Frey
Sara Forthofer Linnell
Rebekka Schlather
Ka e Uehlein
Sco Volchko
Class of 2001
.5% (1 of 132) gave
Joesph LaGro eria
Class of 2002
2% (3 of 126) gave $100
Bri any Bramwell
Charles Branz
Marisa Sarringhaus
Class of 2004
.8% (1 of 121) gave
Ryan Hill
Class of 2005
3% (4 of 127)$162.00
Andrew Flynn
Jacquelyn Gorske
Andrew Hoover
Christopher Kaczmarczyk
Class of 2006
.8% (1 of 134) gave
Kevin Loos
Class of 2007
3% (4 of 131) gave $145.00
Andrew Coolidge
Andrew Kirsch
Meredith Sarringhaus
Samantha Sleva
Class of 2008
9% (9 of 104) gave $95.00
Alyssa Bap ste
Edward Chavez
Cara Dlugosz
Erin Doran
Jayson Graham
Natalie Kaczmarczyk
Bri any McLaughlin
Laura Pierce
Rachael Purta
Class of 2009
4% (5 of 119) gave $65.00
Lindsie Evere
Evann Heidersbach
Alyssa Rosado
Maria Stursa
Michelle Stursa
Class of 2010
31% (46 of 150) gave $415
Drew Bihary
Samantha Bogner
Ka e Burns
Grant Butler
Nathaniel Carson
Angelo Cataldo
Antonia Chavez
Mar n Coolidge
Patrick DeSouza
Brendan Doehr
Miles Foisy
Lane Forthofer
Lauren Frangella
Michele Griffin
Morgan Gundlach
Kevin Houser
Adam Kirsch
Nicholas Ksenich
Andrew Leachko
Courtney Lutke
Andrew Machovina
Jonathon Mahilo
Jordan McNickle
James Medves
Megan Miehls
Dillon Morris
Erin Murphy
Jennifer O’Shaughnessy
Ma hew Pierce
Andrea Price
Joseph Purta
Jessica Reichlin
Daniel Roemer
David Romano
Amelia Rothgery
Spencer Roule
Joshua Russ
Julia Schneider
Kayla Stanziano
Rachael Stawicki
Tyler Velasquez
Bridget Walsh
Breanna Wisnor
Connor Zagrans
James Zambo
MEMORIAL - Memorial Donations from July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
In Memory of Theresa Alten
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Janet Gilgenbach '52
Mr. Lou Rotunda
In Memory of Regis Poyle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Edward Apel
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
In Memory of Mary Neidhardt Has ngs '58
Mr. Ronald E. Peloquin, Sr.
In Memory of Linda Aus n '80
Mr. and Mrs. Kennan Thome
In Memory of Chuck Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gorney
In Memory of Bonnie Beiter
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fritz
In Memory of William Hricovec
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Jackie Flood Berg '60
Mr. James L. Beiter
In Memory of Chuck Blair
Mr. William J. Sco
In Memory of Dan Humphrey '65
Mrs. Ellen N. Basinski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoover
Ms. Cynthia C. Leano-Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Turk
In Memory of Greg Boyson '69
Mrs. Dorothy Zahars
In Memory of Frank Janowicz
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
In Memory of Gordon Bramwell
Ms. Rose Abel
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Abrigo
Dr. James J. Bedocs
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Blaszak
Ms. Beverly Dickinson
Mr. Al Durkot
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Farschman
Mr. Lawrence Foglyano
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fye
Ms. Tiffany Godfrey
Mr. Charles Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grega
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Heidersbach
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Juguilon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Latek
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lutke
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palcisko
Mrs. Marguerite Poje
Mr. Richard J. Poje
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poje
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rodriguez
Ms. Marla Rupena
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schock
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schultz
Ms. Gail Shinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vargyas
Dr. Raymond H. Vecchio
In Memory of Vivian Kapucinski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Gail Dyer Raith '69
Mrs. Pamela Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andulics
Ms. Bernadine Baker
Mr. David A. Barson
Ms. Debra Belluomini
The Blasius Family
R.A. Curley
Ms. Bernadine Diedrick
Ms. Elizabeth Eckels
Ms. Anita Gaude e
Ms. Cheryl Glenn
Ms. Carol Grubb
Ms. Hambly
The Hill Family
The Holod Family
Ms. Stacey Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John Kinder
Ms. Patricia Kirsh
Mr. Richard J. Kukucka
Michael May
The Ozello Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Peltz
Mr. Stanford Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Polutnik
The Powers Family
Mr. Mark U. Reichlin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Romano
Mr. James Sinclair
Mr. Daniel J. Van Amburgh
Ms. Susan Walzer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zvosec
Dr. Michael D. Zvosec
In Memory of Larry Cohagan
Mr. Seth Forthofer
In Memory of Donald Kohls
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
In Memory of John McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Shari Meecha '88
Mrs. Kathy Carter
Ms. Ruth Hopkins
Mr. Joseph LaGro eria
Mr. Mark U. Reichlin
Ms. J. Marie Schubert
In Memory of Dr. Pacifico Mercado
Dr. and Mrs. Francisco Leano
Ms. Cynthia C. Leano-Sellers
Ms. Virginia Mercado
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Marge Reyes ‘72
Ms. Marsha Coultrip
In Memory of Tim Mitchell ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Ed & Jayne Eisbrenner
In Memory of Lou Rotunda
The Class of 1978
Dads’ Booster Club
Midway Trophies
Ms. Suzanne J. Camp
Mrs. Catherine Cavagna
Ms. Barbra M. Churchill
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard DeFilippo
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. D’Orazio
Ms. Judy Emmerich
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fritz
Ms. Mary Lou Gallam
Mr. Ronald J. Gilgenbach
Mr. Daniel D. Golski
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gorney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grega
Mr. and Mrs. James Harris
Mrs. Margaret Hoagland
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Hoagland
Mr. Henry A. Janowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Januzzi
In Memory of Eugene Myers
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
In Memory of Corinne Neff ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Giovannazzo
In Memory of Erica Dellisan
In Memory of Virginia Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Sue Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Sue Schneider
In Memory of Robert DeLoyd
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Dominic DiLuciano
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Stella Firment
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
In Memory of Mary Lou George
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
In Memory of Carl and Eileen Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. James & Kathy Machock
In Memory of Ron Peloquin Sr. ‘55
Ms. Barbara Barnes
Mrs. Constance D. Brent
Mrs. Barbara A. Evans
Mrs. Phyllis Glunt
Mr. and Mrs. Tom & Deborah Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Hermann
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Johnson
Mrs. Cynthia Majoras
Mr. Kenneth P. Rothgery
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Savoy
Mr. David R. Ursem
In Memory of Ma Rokasy ‘05
Mrs. Susan Mabry
In Memory of Lou Rotunda Cont.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Juguilon
Mrs. Chris ne Kish
Ms. Barbara Klein
Mr. and Mrs. John Kovacs
Dr. and Mrs. Nick Ksenich
Mrs. Joan LaGro eria
Mr. Randall C. Lauer
Mr. Robert M. Leshnak
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lewis
Mr. William F. Machovina, Jr.
Mr. Brian Mauk
Mrs. Mary Ann McCoy
Mr. Arnold Miller
Mr. Harold F. Minnich
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Niemiec
Mr. John Plas
Mr. Mark U. Reichlin
Ms. Marilyn Rigg
Ms. Nadine Rotunda
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. James Scherger
Ms. Karen J. Schrader
Mr. Richard P. Seward
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stewart
Mrs. Marilyn K. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Zidek
In Memory of Clifford Scheidler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Dorothy Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of John Francis Shank, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Arthur “Dick” Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Seward
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Richard Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Giovannazzo
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Sue Schneider
In Memory of Ed Talarek
Mr. Eugene L. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of James Urig
Mr. Harold F. Minnich
In Memory of Jerry Vencel ‘59
Mr. Seth Forthofer
In Memory of Walt Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weber
In Memory of Don Yunker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
In Memory of Dominic Ziegman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ziegman
A Life Dedicated to the Mission
Mr. Lou Rotunda who was given the tle “Mr. EC” passed away on Sunday, August 14, 2011.
It would not be a far reach to assume that the greater por on of EC graduates throughout our school’s
storied history would have had some interac on or at least awareness of Mr. Rotunda and what he
meant to EC.
It goes without saying that he was a true friend of Elyria Catholic High School whose life was sewn
into the very fabric that defines the school’s mission. The countless lives he touched in the roles he
accepted over so many years at EC embody the legacy of a truly remarkable man.
Whenever the words, “loyalty that never dies,” were spoken, it was the person of Mr. Lou Rotunda who
always came to mind.
Whether “Mr. Rotunda,” “Mr. EC,” “Coach,” or simply “Lou,” the tles all referred to a man who loved EC and appreciated great high school
contests like no other.
Although he will be deeply missed, his impact and “presence” will always be a part of the future of Elyria Catholic High School.
“Coach,” may you rest in peace.
Landing Dedicated to EC Maintenance Worker
This past summer, EC lost Mr. Gordon Bramwell, a popular member of our maintenance staff, to
his ba le with cancer. Mr. Bramwell worked at the school for nine years taking care of general
maintenance repairs and was especially commi ed to keeping the grounds neat and a rac ve.
He is survived by his wife Kathy ‘72, and their daughter Bri any ‘02.
Friends and family directed memorial gi s to EC for a project that “didn’t require much
maintenance.” The school dedicated the east landing to Mr. Bramwell by installing a beau ful
new 8’ by 8’ window overlooking the football stadium. The window increased energy efficiency
and added great ligh ng to the en re second floor.
The area has been dedicated “Gordon’s Landing” depicted by a beau ful plaque commemora ng
Mr. Bramwell’s years of service and friendship to EC. “Thank you” Gordon and may you rest in
In Memoriam
The following Elyria Catholic alumni have passed away between October 2010 and September 2011. They will be remembered at masses and
in daily prayers throughout the year.
If an EC alumi in your family passes away, please let us know by contac ng Elyria Catholic High School at (440) 365-1821 ext 34. If you would
like to remember your loved one through dona ons to Elyria Catholic High School, please consult your funeral director for informa on.
Linda Austin ’80
Jacqueline Flood Berg ’60
Mary Jean Henderson Bias ’78
Kevin Calhoun ’79
Janet Horwedel Gilgenbach ’52
Devin Gutowski ’01
Daniel Humphrey ’65
John Kristoff ‘60
Timothy Mitchell ‘72
Corinne Godzwon Neff ‘68
Charles O’ Connor ‘65
Ronald Peloquin ‘55
Ronald Roling ‘51
Barbara Enyedy Schultz ‘56
Leonard Kaszubinski ’52
Joseph Wade ‘78
Frank Klena ’69
Kathryn Moorman West ‘74
Thomas Koviak ’57
Mary Jo Kuterovich Wilson ‘69
Reunions Celebrated
1956 - The Class of 1956 celebrated the occasion of their 55th reunion over the July 29, 2011
weekend beginning with a picnic at the home of Lorne & Lorene Elbert on Friday evening. Saturday
dining was at the New York Train Sta on in downtown Elyria. A memorial mass at St. Mary Church
in Elyria on Sunday, followed by a con nental brunch at the home of Be y Blair concluded the
weekend ac vi es.
1961 - The Class of 1961 celebrated their 50th year
reunion on September 9th and 10th. The class tailgated at the EC/EHS football game on Friday evening.
On Saturday, the class a ended mass at St. Jude Church. Concelebrants were two class members,
Father Walt Jenne and Father Frank Buck. A dinner was held at DeLuca’s following mass and a great
me was had by all.
1971 - The Class of 1971 held their 40th reunion on Saturday August 6, 2011 at Spring Valley Country
Club. They enjoyed a wonderful evening of reminiscing about their me spent at Elyria Catholic.
1976 - Elyria Catholic’s Class of 1976 celebrated their 35th reunion the weekend of August 26-27, 2011. The class tailgated on Friday at the EC vs.
Clearview football game. On Saturday evening a get together was held at Moss’ Prime Rib & Spaghe House.
1981 - The Class of 1981 celebrated their class reunion the weekend of July 8-10, 2011. The fes vi es began on Friday at Mr. Ed’s Bar and Grill
in Port Clinton, Ohio. On Saturday they enjoyed a beach party followed by an evening cookout at Dock’s on the Beach. A family picnic was held
Sunday at Elyria Catholic including a tour of the school.
1991 - The Class of 1991 held their reunion October 14-15, 2011. The class tailgated at the EC Homecoming football game on Friday night.
Postgame ac vi es were held at Wolfey’s Bistro & Pub. Fes vi es con nued on Saturday, where dinner and dancing was enjoyed at the 100th
Bomb Group.
Panther Cub...
Darlene Zidek Anderson ’00
welcomed her son Benjamin
David Anderson on June 8, 2011.
He weighed 8 lbs. 7oz and had a
whole head of hair.
Panther Prowlings
Robert Dahl ’57 shared this photo of his visit to Mt. Hamilton in San Jose, California this February with
his sister Patricia Dahl Sexton ’60.
Michelle Ferancy Kearsey ’77 and her husband Nick celebrated their 5 year anniversary by moving back to Lorain County. They recently purchased
a new home in the Meadow Lakes Community in North Ridgeville. Michelle is employed as a pa ent account rep with Independent Physician
Solu ons and Nick is employed by CIC, a microwave telecommunica ons company. They welcomed their granddaughter, Eliza Margaret Payne, on
November 12, 2010.
Jim Longano ’78 and his wife Christy are living in the Cincinna area with their three children ages 13, 15 and 18. Their oldest began classes at the
University of Cincinna in September. Jim is employed by the University of Cincinna and Christy is employed by University Hospital. Jim gets back
to Northeast Ohio a few mes each year and enjoys visi ng with his friends from the class of 1978.
Christopher ’85 and Renee Dean Wade ’85 along with their six children had the unique opportunity to
minister in Tel Aviv this past year. Their family did well adap ng to new cultures. Hebrew was a struggle for
the couple, but the children quickly made friends with the na onals and were able to absorb the language.
They experienced many of the na onal holidays and tradi ons as well as invi ng the neighbors to experience
theirs. They worked with a women’s shelter in the heart of the Red Light District where human trafficking is
a huge problem. Their goal was to get these women off the streets and give them hope while showing the
love of Christ.
David Wagner ’91 graduated from Bowling Green State University earning an Ed. D. in Leadership Studies. He is currently living in Terre Haute, IN
and working at Indiana State University in the Networks Professional Development Program.
David Malinas ’92 and his family moved to Tokyo, Japan and are adjus ng to the new environment. It is a fantas c learning experience. His two
year old daughter, Sofia, is already learning the language.
Nicole Loudin ‘02 has been promoted to head so ball coach at Fredonia State University.
Joseph Janosik ’04 graduated from Dayton in 2008 and celebrated his first profession of vows with the Society of Mary on May 21, 2011. The
Eucharist was held at Queen of Apostles Chapel at Mount St. John in Dayton, Ohio. Joseph will be the director of the Marianist urban Students
Program at Purcell Marian High School in Cincinna working with disadvantaged youth as a mentor and tutor.
Evann Heidersbach ’09 was appointed as the undergraduate student trustee by Governor Kasich for a two-year term beginning
June 1, 2011. From her earliest days at Ohio State University, Evann has sought opportuni es to immerse herself in the total
“Buckeye Experience” as a student, athlete, and involved member of the campus community. She has par cipated in the
Commi ee of 88, John Glenn Civic Leadership Council, Leadership Ohio State, NEW Leadership Ohio, LeaderShape, and the
Execu ve Board of the Leadership Council. As a member of the OSU Women’s Swim Team, Evann has demonstrated her
commitment to athle cs and academics by earning the OSU Scholar-Athlete dis nc on.
Most recently, Evann was inducted into the 104th Class of Bucket & Dipper (junior class honorary), selected for the inaugural class of the Buckeye
Leadership Fellows program, and is conduc ng undergraduate community-based research with the Women’s Fund of Central Ohio.
Josh Russ ‘10 made the dean’s list at the University of Cincinna . Josh wrote “this is all possible because of the great people at Elyria Catholic
who not only prepared me for college educa onally, but as a young man. Being organized, self disciplined and mo vated will get you a long way
in this world. I know this first hand because not only am I a college student, but also a student athlete. EC is the best thing that happened to me.
I am where I am today because of Elyria Catholic and the great people that did what they had to do to get me where I am now. I am a redshirt
freshman in the football world and I’m hoping to earn some special teams me this year. Hopefully I can make a few plays and represent Elyria
Catholic the best I can.”
“The First Time Really Is A Charm”
The girls’ basketball team made history this year when they made it down to the Final Four in Columbus. It started with a
victory over Gilmour Academy in the regional-semi game. The first half of the game was not looking too good for the girls.
However, they pulled through with a game-winning shot by Ashley Schuster. In the regional final game, the Lady Panthers
played Youngstown, Ursuline. The game was ed at half me but the girls slowly started to pull away and won the game
51-40. This game was significant because it was the first girls’ basketball team to go to state; and only the third team from
Lorain County. On Friday, March 18 they played the number one seeded team in the state, Oak Hill at Value City Arena.
Unfortunately, the Lady Panthers did not come out with the win but had a great experience playing in Columbus. The girls
ended the season 24-3 with 8 gradua ng seniors.
Congratulations Lady Panthers!!
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