hagesher - Congregation Ner Tamid


hagesher - Congregation Ner Tamid
The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid
1250 Quintara Street, SF 94116 (415) 661-3383
[email protected]
Rabbi Moshe Levin, Cantor Rudy Hassid
Ba’al Koreh Zvi Kalinski
Administrator Adele Shafer
Bulletin Editor Pablo Libedinsky
ELUL 5776
by Rabbi Moshe Levin
ear Members and Friends of Congregation Ner Tamid,
Having served Congregation Ner Tamid for nearly fifteen years, and after being a pulpit rabbi for over 47 years, I have decided to retire as of
December 31st of this year. After the High Holy Days and the Sukkot
Festivals, I will begin a two-month sabbatical beginning November 1st, one day after my 75th birthday, to take stock of my long career in the rabbinate and give
thought to how I might devote my future efforts and activities. As most of you
know, I have been blessed with six children, and another daughter who has become like my own, and with three grandchildren so far, I consider it a great bless1971—Potomac, MD
lives, something my own father
did not live to do. And so, I plan to
formerly retire from the rabbinate
and strike a balance between new
interests and more time with my
expanding family.
tion that has been blessed with
many years of rabbinic leadership
over its 75-year history. Only upon
my successor's requests, I may be
present at the life cycle events of
members of the congregation
whose lives I have been so much a
Of course my beloved Barbara and
I will remain here in San Francisco, the city in which she was
born and raised, and the one I
have come to call home. I am
looking forward to welcoming and
supporting whomever is selected
as the rabbinic successor to my
pulpit, someone who will honor
and cherish the congregation that
has been my spiritual, religious,
and Torah family. I pray that my
successor will be warmly welcomed, treated with respect, and
highly regarded by the congrega-
I am very glad to have chosen to
spend my life as a rabbi. As a
military chaplain I served Jews on
the front during the war in Vietnam. I spent two years on the
Dutch island of Curacao with Ashkenazi Jews who arrived in the
1920's and Sephardi Jews whose
history went back centuries. I was
the first rabbi for Potomac's Congregation Har Shalom in Washington DC which quickly became
one of the country's most innovative and progressive congrega-
ing to be able to share in all their
tions. I spent ten years in Los Angeles, serving in a synagogue built
by movie moguls and tasting the
exciting flavor of the entertainment industry. In addition to my
pulpit work, I was named Rabbi
for the 1984 Summer Olympics,
and appointed as the first Jewish
Chaplain for the LAPD. In that
capacity, I entered the lives and
experiences of police officers and
the challenging process of law enforcement, which has been of major concern so recently all around
the country. In 1986 I became the
Senior Rabbi of Congregation
Beth El in La Jolla for an additional fifteen years, and while engaged in leading a full-service
congregation I helped found the
Interfaith Committee for Worker
(Continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 1)
Justice and helped lead the wider
community's battle for maintaining
the separation of church and state
in California.
Every human being is unique and
every one of us has experienced
events and people in ways that no
one else has. Few rabbis have gotten so close to survivors of the
Holocaust, and I have been privileged, more here at Ner Tamid
than anywhere else, to hear their
words and try to immortalize the
horror they were forced to witness.
What a privilege. And almost every
day of every year I have been able
to demonstrate my love for and
eternal connection to our incredible State of Israel and its People.
May others be so blessed.
for that Shabbat.
I am
for the
opportunity the
congregants of
gave me
these past
1995—Daughter Rachel’s wedding
We shared life cycle events with
each other. We learned to rediscover Shabbat and celebrate it with
such beautiful music and creative
programs as well as marvelous dinners. We studied together, attended lectures together, visited
My rela- museums, invited notable guests to
tionship our synagogue, participated in sowith Ner cial action projects, and particiTamid
pated as one in countless commuwas sup- nity activities. Our bi-monthly
posed to Hagesher includes submissions by
our own congregants and our
weekly Shabbat leaflet is unon Sep- matched with its artistic covers,
intense discussions, historical
11, 2001 notes, and even cartoons. For Rosh
when I
Hashanah we introduced a Book of
Blessings that further bound us
appeared at the unexpectedly detogether as a family, and a Yizkor
serted San Diego airport ready to
Memorial Booklet that inscribed
fly to San Francisco, to Ner Tamid. the names of our departed in the
That day turned out to change
hearts and minds of all those who
America forever and my life for the join us on those days of memory.
past fifteen years. When travel re- We launched a cooperative effort
sumed I came to assume the pulpit with three neighboring congregawhere Rabbi William Dalin, z”l,
tions and saw that effort evolve
had served so illustriously. He had into The Southside Jewish Collabobeen my lifeline to the National
rative that brings together four
Jewish Welfare Board when I becongregations for nearly every holigan my military chaplaincy back in day.
1971. In fact, as I was about to be
deployed overseas from Travis Air Yes, Ner Tamid has not only mainForce Base to Southeast Asia nearly tained itself during the years of
48 years ago, Rabbi Dalin brought challenges and dwindling demome to his home and to Ner Tamid
graphics – we remained relevant
and current in so many ways. None
of the above could have happened
without the talent, wisdom and
support of my fellow staff members
and devoted lay leaders. Rarely
can a rabbi boast of feeling more
than a partner with the Cantor,
marvel at the skill of the Torah
Reader, stand in awe of the abilities
of a woman who can do everything
from her place in our office. Our
lay leaders all have treated the
synagogue as an extension of their
own homes, giving of their time,
resources, and unsurpassed effort
to see Ner Tamid serve its membership and
We have not
been without our
The millennium generation
which succeeds us has
a different
1970– USAF
attitude toward synagogue affiliation and a
different style of being Jewish from
what we created years ago to meet
our own needs. Yet as hard as it
has been to hold our own, few realize that we have done remarkably
well. Had we not developed a
strong sense of community, had
our staff not been so talented and
able, had our lay leaders not given
so much of themselves over the
years, we would not be here today.
We are here today because we did
more than anyone expected fifteen
years ago to keep Ner Tamid alive
and relevant. And as we look forward to new beginnings, and hopefully find a spiritual leader who can
speak to both young and old, we
can be encouraged by knowing that
we have lived up to our namesake
– Ner Tamid, an Eternal Flame, an
(Continued on page 3)
President’s Message
ear Members and Friends,
confidence in our decisions and maintain a positive
attitude towards the future of Congregation Ner
Hope everyone has had a pleasant summer
and are starting to look forward to fall and
the High Holidays Days.
This year, I need your financial support as our membership has grown smaller through attrition and our
goal must be to bring in new members and our current membership needs to make sure their annual
dues are paid and try to increase their pledges when
called upon.
As you can see from his article on the first page
Rabbi Levin announced his retirement as of the end
of this calendar year. He will be serving on the pulpit
throughout the holidays after which he will go on
sabbatical for the last two months of the year. When
he returns we shall bestow upon him the title Rabbi
Emeritus in appreciation of his role and spiritual
leadership over a decade and a half.
The future stability and viability of our congregation
is of great importance and working together with
these goals in mind is how we can face any challenge
that may be ahead of us.
Ner Tamid is fortunate to have had Rabbi Levin serve
our congregation over the last fifteen years, teaching
us, offering pastoral care, performing life cycle events
and giving us the benefits of his long and rich career
in the rabbinate. I am fully aware that change is
never easy and it takes time to transition after fifteen
years of having our Rabbi lead the congregation, but
after such a long career in the rabbinate it is appropriate that Rabbi Levin devote himself to his family
and other endeavors. We all wish him a life full of
good health, much happiness, time to enjoy his children and their children and we thank him for his
years of service to our congregation.
Each and every one of you can join forces and help in
many ways by supporting events, attending services,
making contributions, sponsoring a Kiddush lunch
or a Shabbat Dinner and being an active part of your
As we approach the days of spiritual reflection and
repenting for our deeds, may we look forward to a
bright future filled with new expectations and commitment.
Let us walk together with a bond to make Ner Tamid
an important and vital part of the Jewish community
and grow and reach new heights as partners. I need
each one of you to work with me and only then will
we accomplish this goal.
I am glad that we will be hearing scholarly, informative and interactive sermons from our rabbi on the
High Holy Days as well as hearing our wonderful
Cantor Rudy chant the prayers. We all look forward
to meaningful and enjoyable services this year.
My husband and I wish each of you a healthy, happy
and sweet New Year.
The Board of Directors is working very hard with me
to make sure our transition will be smooth and you
will be provided with all of the services you expect.
The most important aspect of this is that you have
Shana Tova
Charlotte Hyman
wards. I am ready to pass the baton from one generation to another. L'dor Vador –let us be
proud of our synagogue's past accomplishments and be strengthI look forward to celebrating our
ened by the dreams of and hopes
New Year of 5777 with you and giv- for our future.
ing our love and support to those
who will stand at the helm after(Continued from page 2)
institution that remains alive and
burning, like the Jewish People itself.
Shalom Biv'rakha v'Ahava –
Peace, Joy, Love & Blessings,
for the New Year and all the
new chapters in our lives.
Your Rabbi,
Moshe Levin
as we usher in the High Holy Days
“Where Have We Been?
Where Are We Going?”
Saturday evening
7 :00pm
8 :00pm
8 :30pm
9 :30pm
24, 2016
Dessert Buffet sponsored by Beverlee Hassid
in memory of Sandy Goldbrener
Dedication of New Memorial Plaques
Cantorial Selections from the Selihot Service
No Charge but RSVPs Requested before September 16th
for Dessert Buffet Planning
Mark your calendar for 2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Symposium, October 4th!
This year’s panel of experts will discuss:
Congregation Ner Tamid, 1250 Quintara Street, SF, 415-661-3383
Gateways to the High Holy Days
Come and learn with the Rabbis of the Southside Jewish Collaborative for
the four Sunday evenings of the month of Elul/September.
9/4 - R. Mark Melamut at
B’nai Emunah:
"The Gateway of Belief"
9/11 - R. Danny Gottlieb at
"The Gateway of Repentance"
9/18 - R. Katie Mizrahi at
"The Gateway of Holiness"
9/25 - R. Moshe Levin at
Ner Tamid:
"The Gateway of Covenant"
4 Sessions: Sundays @ 7:00-8:30pm
Free and All Are Welcome!
Contact: Steve Spector
[email protected] (703) 201-6894
Our Synagogue’s Social Action Committee is a member of the Tikkun Olam committee of the Southside Jewish Collaborative.
The four synagogues that make up the collaborative are: Beth Israel Judea, B’nai Emunah, Or Shalom, and
Ner Tamid.
Our Next Call To Action
Lunch and Learn: Thursday, Sept.15
This is a monthly event at rotating temples and synagogues including a lecture by one of the rabbis
followed by sandwich making for the homeless.
(Call Steve Spector 703 216-0613 for details with time and location)
The First Annual Tikkun Olam Day: Sunday, Sept.18
This will be a day of multiple activities for service.
Beach Cleanup:
B’nai Emunah (3595 Taraval) down Taraval to Ocean Beach
Children are welcome
No need to bring supplies
Homeless Support: Blanket Making, Sandwich Making, Organizing Toiletries and Warm Coats
Sunday 1:00-3:00p.m.
B’nai Emunah (3595 Taraval)
Serving Mid-day Meal At St. Anthony’s: Friday, December 23
This is our 2nd annual pre-Christmas serving meals at St. Anthony’s dining room.
Our Past Activities
Sandwich making for the needy and homeless:
Thursday, May 16th at Ner Tamid we made 150 sandwiches following a Lunch and Learn program .
Let Steve know if you want to be on our contact list for future volunteer actions.
7 PM
Selihot Services
6 PM
Erev Rosh Hashanah
9 AM
1st Day Rosh Hashanah Services
9 AM
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah Services
9:30 AM
Shabbat Shuvah Services
6:30 PM
Kol Nidre Services
9 AM
Yom Kippur Services with Yizkor
9:30 AM
1st Day Sukkot Festival Services
9:30 AM
2nd Day Sukkot Festival Service
9:30 AM
Shemini Atzeret and Yizkor Services
6 PM
Simhat Torah Hakafot
9:30 AM
Simhat Torah Services
Women’s Group Report
We all wish Ilse Arons a very, very happy 97th birthday. Ilse was the mainstay
of the Women’s Group that began as the Sisterhood of Ner Tamid and
emerged as an institution of its own in our synagogue.
The Women’s Group, under Ilse, opened its doors to men as well as women,
enabled the entire congregation to celebrate Tu b’Shvat, launched a program
with the JNF to plant trees, expanded the Golden Book which raised significant funds for the Ner Tamid Treasury, brought to the speaker’s podium lecturers, enlightened us regarding the political issues important to our city
through the League of Women Voters, and entertain us with the Women’s
Group Monthly Movie Night. Ilse was the first one in for any of her programs
and the last to leave, even when she broke the barrier to her 90s. We look forward to another great year, thanks to the activities of our Women’s Group, our
staff, and the volunteers who carry it forward into 5777.
We wish everybody a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year!
L’Shanah Tova Tikatevu!
L’Shanah Tovah from
Rabbi Moshe Levin, Cantor Rudy Hassid, Ba’al Koreh Zvi Kalinski, President Charlotte Hyman, the
Board of Directors, Administrator Adele Shafer, and Bulletin Editor Pablo Libedinsky.
L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu
New Year’s Greetings from the following members and families of Congregation Ner Tamid to you
Ruth Abers
Ilse L. Arons
Pearl, Oscar, David, Todd, and Joshua Baltor
Moshe & Regina Blum, Paul A. Blum, David, Judy & Henry Blum
Margot Braun
Elsie Dab
Col. Charles Drucker USA (Ret) (and) children, Miriam Drucker and Mark Drucker; grandchildren
Adam, David, Samuel; great-grandchild Aurora Rose Lynn Drucker
Madelaine and Radzh Jacob Eaton
Shirley Edelson and Family
Arlene Finn, Ken and Brian Finn and their Families
Mary Fisher and Family
Eric Goldbrener & Jen Dash, Samara and Emma
Marlene Goldfarb
Beverlee Hassid
Rudy & Michele Hassid, Josh, Talia and Jake Hassid
Bianca & Warren Hirsch
Charlotte & Jerry Hyman; Michael, Audrey, Joshua, and Sydney Hyman; Jeff, Hillary and Sierra
Hyman; Michelle & Alex Hyman
Ellen Isaak and Family
Susie Julius and Family
Zvi, Yola and Shoshana Kalinski
Ari, Cynthia, Zachary and Gabriel Kalinski
Jonathan, Alison, Nolan and Serena Kalinski
Steve Lachman
Leon Levy, Cindy Levy, Melissa Levy, Paula Levy-Elrom, Elon Elrom, Yitzak Elrom, Yael Elrom
Pablo & Irena Libedinsky, Ronitte Libedinsky and Yael Libedinsky
Huguette Machbitz, Michele & David Klein; Marc & Lori Machbitz, Joseph & Lesley Machbitz, Eric &
Maureen Pasinkoff and Families
Bina & Neal Mitchell
Leon & Eva Rajninger
Miryam Raphael, Steven Raphael, Kerim Otus, Jeannette Otus, Mckenzie Otus, Mason Otus, Paige
Inge Schaffer and Family
Sue Scheiter
Henry Slamovich and Family
Gerald Spindel and Family
Nina Zentner, Lisa, Chris & Elsa, and John, Matteo & Maya
igoR Rants
It’s That Time
With Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) in
mind, it’s that time, ‘the season for
reason.’ There is an explanation,
based upon parallels between the
secular and religious new years.
scription of those with eyes that
cannot see and ears that cannot
hear (Psalm 115). Prospects may be
dim, but may they soon discover,
and heed, the edict, “Don’t
Hate” (Lo tisnah) in Leviticus
19:17, that is right before “Love
your neighbor” (ibid. 19:18).
but a misquote. While the origin is
unknown, the correct statement is
more like, “there, but for the grace
of G-d, go John Bradford.”
John Bradford was a clergyman in
old England. Born in 1510, he was
burned at the stake in 1555. This
tragic end suggests his teachings
The period encompassing Rosh
were not consistent with prevailing
Their similarities and differences
Hashanah and Yom Kippur is
thought of the time. For me, his
represent our natural inclination
known as The Days of Awe (Yomim words reveal the heart of compastoward pairs or two’s. People cope Norai’im). The awe is based on ap- sion.
better with pairs than more numer- pearing before our Maker, but conous choices. This tendency may
fronting ourselves can be similarly In times like these, where cruelty,
start with anatomy, e.g., eyes, ears, awe-ful, if not more so. The chutz- brutality, and meanness are all too
nostrils, lips, etc., but there is
pah of seeking more life despite
prevalent, as I witness the horrors
fault(s) is mitigated by the hope to suffered by people of different
find within ability to make more of faiths, races, and ethnicities, the
When faced with 31 flavors of ice
tomorrow than we have of days
words that probably started with
cream, how does one choose? Inpast.
John Bradford tug at my being.
stinctively, we reduce that number
Nothing is more humbling than
to two and then decide. The prefer- One of my favorite quotations is
realizing, “That could be me.”
ence for pairs is evident in many
“with all your getting, get underdichotomies we take for granted,
standing.” Along with the obvious, Now you know why I see this as
such as yes-no, day-night, goodit is a reminder that spiritual needs ‘the season for reason.’ It is a time
bad, etc.
deserve as much attention as mate- to take account and accept acrial ones. I first saw it as a 10-year countability, but never inevitabilNew years have material (physical) old in the upper right hand corner ity. It is another chance to replace
and intangible (spiritual) parallels. of the ‘Fact and Opinion’ page of
the doubts and fears of yesterday
Both mark the advent of another
Forbes magazine where it has apwith determination to make tomoryear, but, while the secular is a
peared for decades, but without
row better. Despite a terrible track
time of frivolity, the religious is one attribution. The source is the Book record, it only increases my reof solemnity. The secular new year of Proverbs (Mishle) 4:7.
is an end, the culmination of ‘the
holiday season.’ In contrast, the
This background explains why I
So, this year, like in those gone by,
religious new year is a beginning as will welcome the advent of 2017 as as we exchange the traditional
we pray for further opportunity to ‘the season for reason’… a time to
greeting, “May you be inenjoy the fullness of life as we also attend the tangible, but, more imscribed…” (tikateivu), no one is
face its frailty.
portantly, a time to attend what
more cognizant than I of the harsh
matters most, i.e., one’s essence.
truth that we cannot control the
If a ‘season for reason’ were ever
The three words from Micah which pen. Yet, that does not mean we are
necessary, now may be its moment. express the Almighty’s standard …. unable to influence the direction in
Under the guise of political rhetojustice, kindness, and humility …
which it travels.
ric, often ill-advised, those who ap- reflect a challenge which remains
peal to our worst have found cover unmet, but is no less deserving of
Amidst reflecting, praying, and
to spew their venom. They fail to
pleading, I will be seeking to guide
feed the fertile human capacity for
the inscription that is mine in the
goodness, but opt instead to rile
There is another quote that fortifies right direction. Suspecting your
those easily led astray. Such malice my humility. It is, “there, but for
motives are similar, may they, and
cannot stand reason’s revelation(s). the grace of G-d, go I.” The magic
we, succeed.
of the internet has allowed me to
These pernicious peddlers of dislearn this is actually not a quote,
igoR Rogi
cord personify the Psalmist’s de7
Todah Rabbah
For your donations…from a Grateful Congregation
[The following donations were received between June 16, 2016 and August 22, 2016]
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of Katolin Szanto
Agi Szanto
Bianca & Warren Hirsch’s
Jerry & Charlotte Hyman
Susie Julius
Sue Scheiter
Toby Sherwood
Henry Slamovich
Charlotte & Jerry Hyman
Susie Julius
Barbara Krause
Barbara Lewis’s 80th
Sandra Osheroff & Family
Inge Schaffer’s 90th
Moshe & Regina Blum
Adele Shafer’s 50th
Arlene Finn
Susie Julius
Leon & Eva Rajninger
Cookbook Donation
Jerry & Charlotte Hyman
Barbara Krause
Adele Shafer
Discover Shabbat Dinner
In Memory of George Julius
Susie Julius
Celebrating Spector and
Libedinsky Anniversaries
Pablo & Irena Libedinsky
Stephen & Annette Spector
General Donation
Joseph Artillaga
Jesse (Yishai) Fakalava
Adrienne Jonas
Susie Julius
Barbara Krause
Alan Whiteside
Get Well Soon
Regina Blum
Henry Slamovich
Yael Lachman
Susie Julius
In Honor Of
Pearl & Oscar Baltor
Sponsoring Discover Shabbat
Henry Slamovich
Sarah Davis
Mazel Tov on Birth of new
Moshe & Regina Blum
Beverlee Hassid & Steve
Thank You!
Susie Julius
Jonathan & Allison Kalinski
Mazel Tov on Birth of new
Baby Girl!
Moshe & Regina Blum
Zvi & Yola Kalinski
Mazel Tov on Birth of new
Moshe & Regina Blum
Fran & Herb Kurlan
Mazel Tov on Birth of new
Moshe & Regina Blum
Kiddush “Kitty”
Susie Julius
Kiddush Sponsors
In Memory of Kazue Drucker
Charles Drucker
In Memory of Albert Hassid
Beverlee Hassid
Celebration of their 68th Anniversary
Bianca & Warren Hirsch
Celebrating the Birth of Alice
Fran & Herb Kurlan
Celebration of Inge Schaffer’s
90th Birthday
Judy & David Shore and Family
Lunch n’ Learn Sponsors
Charles Drucker
Henry Slamovich
Samuel & Jeanne Sonnenblick
In Memory Of
Goldie Abers
Ruth Abers
Irving Abers
Rochelle Miller
Barbara Adamson
Rudy Rosenthal
Helen Agid
Gwen Agid
Irving Alter
Howard & Diane Alter
Herbert Benger
Susie Julius
Aaron Blau
Laura Blau
Steven & Stephanie Blau
Simcha Blum
Moshe & Regina Blum
Sidney N. Calander
Stephen & Loretta Calander
Esther Coren
Pearl Vapnek
Margaret Dab
Elsie Dab
Dr. Harold Davis
Adele Davis
Ruth Davis
John & Susan Dean
Miriam Drejer
Henry Drejer
Herta Drimmer
Leon & Eva Rajninger
Ethel (sister of Charles
Jerry & Charlotte Hyman
Sue Scheiter
Kazue Drucker
Moshe & Regina Blum
Fanny Feibusch
Salomon Feibusch
Margot Braun
Clara Fishel
Maurice & Emily Weinger
Henry Fox
Henry Slamovich
Inge Frankenstein
Susan & John Dean
Henne Fredkin
Susie Julius
Jacob O. Goldfarb
Marlene Goldfarb
Sylvia Mary Hamrol
Jerry & Charlotte Hyman
Victor Hassid
Eric & Laurel Hassid
Huguette Machbitz
Frank Herman
Helen Clawson
Sam Holzman
Marcella Holzman
Joseph Hyman
Jerry & Charlotte Hyman
Clara Julius
Susie Julius
George Julius
Jerry & Margie Isaak
Susan Julius
Jack Kalinski
Zvi & Yola Kalinski
Helen Klein
Bee Shtulman Cherkas
Josef Koppl
Zdenka Koppl
Sue Scheiter
Helen Lewison
Helen Lewison Trust
Oscar Machbitz
Oscar & Pearl Baltor
Jerry & Charlotte Hyman
Susie Julius
Barbara Krause
Gadi & Marlene Maier
Leon & Eva Rajninger
Bruce & Yen Steir
Nina Zentner
Doreen Jovita Martinez
Moshe & Regina Blum
Jerry & Charlotte Hyman
Susie Julius
Barbara Krause
Rudy Rosenthal
Toby Sherwood
Lieselott Namm
Hilda Namm
Matvey Pochtar
Sofia Baldina
Sinai Polkowski
Hilda Namm
Irma Reich
Rudolf Reich
Irene Novak
(Continued on page 9)
Todah Rabbah...
Martin Ron
Susan Gonzales
Ann Ron
Ben & Ellen Ron
Herbert G. Samuel
Nina Zentner
Eva Scheiter
Sue Scheiter
Alexander Schlocker
Zelda Holland
Sadye S. Schubb
Janet Duckart
Gregory Seerke
Bella Seerke
Betty Simons
Martin Samuel
Nina Zentner
Daniel Smigel
Adele Shafer
Norma Shafer
Frances Winchell
Katalin Szanto
Agi Szanto
Tuba Tokman
Sofia Baldina
Cecelia Zowe
Leon & Eva Rajninger
Memorial Plaques
Rose Goldkind
Leonard Goldkind
Doreen Jovita Martinez
Alan Whiteside
Bella Fox Slamovich
Henry Slamovich
Shalach Manos Project
Mary Fisher
Torah Sparks Sponsor
Susie Julius
Letter from Tiffany Marshall
Please forgive the delay in my reply to the card I received with everyone’s signature. It was so nice to see all the friends my mother had
there - all your condolences are greatly appreciated.
I am enclosing a memorial card of my mothers.
Beverlee Hassid
Shirley Edelson
Ira Poretsky
Shirley Edelson
Eva Rajninger
Shirley Edelson
Inge Schaffer
Shirley Edelson
Regina Blum
Inge Schaffer
Regina & Moshe Blum
Shirley Edelson
Irena & Pablo Libedinsky
Shirley Edelson
Jeanne & Samuel Sonnenblick
Shirley Edelson
Rabbi Levin,
Thank you for the card and I enjoyed the Ner Tamid Newsletter – especially the remembrance of my mother. She would be pleased. She so
loved all the time she spent with you and others at the Shul, it meant
the world to her. Including all your teachings on Judaism, Torah, etc. I
learned a lot from her and I’m glad for the knowledge. Thank you for
all you did for her by just letting her be a part of your congregation
and being so good to her- she genuinely appreciated and enjoyed all of
it and all of you.
Sincerely Tiffany Marshall (Doreens Daughter)
Margot E. Braun
Shirley Edelson
Please join us as Barbara Bobo Lewis will be hosting the Kiddush Luncheon after Services on Saturday, September 10th. Barbara’s three children who have very deep roots in Ner Tamid will be in
town to celebrate their Mother’s 80th birthday. Debbie Bobo Cady, with two sons, Branden and Michael from San Diego; Sherry Barkowski with her daughter and son-in-law Nicole and Dan, plus her
two grandsons, Lucas and Logan, from Oklahoma; and Michael Alan Bobo, from Israel, with his five
teenagers: Yehudah, Uriel, Ayala, twins Yonit and Tamar, will be here.
The family would like all who have known the children to come
and greet and reunite old
Charlotte Hyman
Vice Presidents
Leon Levy
Pablo Libedinsky
Jerome Hyman
Nina Zentner
Immediate Past Presidents
Beverlee Hassid
Gerald Spindel
Board of Directors
Chuck Amital
Al Bernzweig
Michael Bernzweig
Moshe Blum
John Dean
Shirley Edelson
Susan Julius
Marvin Kasoff
Mark Shelub
Stephen Spector
Aaron Straus
Past Presidents
Ira Poretsky
Ner Tamid
Phone (415) 661-3383
1250 Quintara Street
San Francisco CA 94116
We’re a 1st class Congregation